thread_id,id,body,unix_timestamp,timestamp 7598443,3594417574,

Jeff Sessions is acting like John Q Public..He has no interest in any of this.Sessions is like the invisible man. Step down JS and let someone with a passion for the job have a go at it

,1509498899,01/11/2017 01:14 7602073,3594497915,

Sure thing Q Daddy.

,1509504028,01/11/2017 02:40 7602073,3594508842,"

We paid for it to closed....lone gunman.

John Q. Public

",1509504832,01/11/2017 02:53 7603924,3595046410,"

Oh well, you just asked what he was doing about China and terrorism. Let me give you the ENTIRE list...


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121

",1509544147,01/11/2017 13:49 7601746,3595323042,"

These RINO' and DINO'S called the ESTABLISHMENT , are finally seeing the light as to who long they will be able to called themselves members of Congress>////////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER is finally seeing the light in these people and are rebelling with tossing these people out of Congress.//////////////////////

",1509554431,01/11/2017 16:40 7607527,3596063003,"

The book name begins with a K, right?
Or a Q, possibly?
I heard the same.

",1509585575,02/11/2017 01:19 7608388,3596125459,"

""...there used to be a time..."" -- Answer to your 1st Q.
Actually he is ""former"" president Bush -- thank goodness he is no longer in charge or relevant.

Judgmental much (on both: gender / pursuit)?

",1509589358,02/11/2017 02:22 7538573,3596533957,"

Amy Schumer is related to Chuck Schumer? Well that explains a lot. Both LOSERS.

The only one I am even remotely aware of is Kushner, who has steadfast been behind the scenes of the awareness of human trafficking.The rest are a bunch of do as I say do not as I do advocates. Clooney,Roberts,Oprah,Schumer, all feel they KNOW so much more than John Q. Public and can STFU. I am not surprised at Affleck, and the lot. They are has beens after all of this and the mouthing off to tell everyone what they should be thinking.

",1509623597,02/11/2017 11:53 7602841,3596902789,"

I am sick of the terms used to describe these MUSLIMS on JIHAD- they are not extremist, nor radical, or any kind of -ists.. these are the MUSLIMS who practice islam as written, fundamentalists. Thye do exactly what the Koran REQUIRES of them.

We are fortunate that many Muslims in USA are not observant of their religion, or better came here to escape the fundamentalists, or became apostates, but ISIS, Al Q and other groups that live under sharia laws are the real islam.

",1509637471,02/11/2017 15:44 7611577,3597253742,

Be very careful of what you falsely portray on T.V. or we can Q.E.D. this in reality.. In spades....

,1509650189,02/11/2017 19:16 7611187,3597512590,"

Steve Bannon is apparently not taking Breitbart into cable tv. Interesting. I can only think that Bannon-Solov-Mercer are looking at streaming down the road, and think it will eventually crush cable tv, so why bother with cable tv? This won't happen overnight, but it appears that most Americans will someday have 60"" or larger HDTV screens mounted on their walls that are controlled by their PCs and smart phones. Content will stream directly into the PCs and smart phones over the internet, and be transferred to the big screens.

The only Q I have about Breitbart personnel: Will Mr. Bannon bring back the Valkyries? Julia Hahn, Katie McHugh, & Alex Swoyer.

",1509660818,02/11/2017 22:13 7613647,3597733977,

Rhetoric Q?

,1509670786,03/11/2017 00:59 7601452,3598794545,"

Good afternoon to you, Carol.

I’m not going onto a liberal news site anymore than you would go into a conservative one so I’m disregarding that.

Carol, are we not commenting right now on one of the most Conservative (right-wing) sites in our country? I do read right-wing sites at times, because I wish to see how they are presenting current events.

I have read that the justification for sinking taxpayer funds into sports arenas is the money they bring to the communities. I have never been interested enough to research the pros/cons of that.

Leave it to a bunch of filthy rich football players to disrespect the very country that made them that way. It’s disrespectful and wrong and oh so hypocritical.

I blame John Q. Public for creating these egotistical icons. Isn't it ironic that Collin Kapernick had been doing that for almost one full year and no one really noticed/cared until Trump pointed it out in his Tweet? Now its a national debate?
For what--he (Trump) has only succeeded in creating MORE DIVISION in our country.

I sincerely believe this is all about the NFL and his hotels. If they starting booking at the SoHo and others again, Trump would think them the greatest thing since 'apple pie'--even if they were still 'taking the knee'.

Have a great weekend, Carol.

",1509730709,03/11/2017 17:38 7616950,3598966064,

We won VA by 6 points last year. The last Q Poll had us wining by 7. I'd say its pretty accurate.

,1509737325,03/11/2017 19:28 7608406,3599020066,

Too bad the Q is not part of your IQ!

,1509739558,03/11/2017 20:05 7617226,3599049619,"

Use $ for S...and Q for ck, for example; Olbermann is a dique wad and piece of $hlt.

",1509740859,03/11/2017 20:27 7619008,3599149932,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office

",1509745518,03/11/2017 21:45 7617058,3599161198,"

They go out and eat, buy cars, planes, houses and a ton of other goods and services, and who benefits from all that spending? John Q and even Jamie Moron, that's who.

",1509746084,03/11/2017 21:54 7619008,3599258608,

Q Clearance Patriot or Alice & Wonderland?

,1509751453,03/11/2017 23:24 7621648,3600613006,"

On the scale from one to ten, this Q has zero sense.

",1509840518,05/11/2017 00:08 7611535,3600725508,"

Ever since I watched the Justice Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing I have asked this Q, if something that bad happened why didn't you report it then? These bleeding heart liberals are just looking for their share of the fame and fortune and so they shut their pie-hole's, NOW they are jumping on the band wagon and yelling me too, me too! In the mean time how many people (guess it was men/women) had to go through the horrors? Charge them with accessory's to all the crimes they allowed to continue......................................!

",1509847888,05/11/2017 02:11 7623034,3601123432,"

POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening???

",1509884668,05/11/2017 12:24 7622800,3601309460,

Prob is Suze Q the kweers have taken over the media

,1509894252,05/11/2017 15:04 7624324,3601697497,"

According to a reliable inside source on 4 Chan who claims to have Q clearance and has been right before step A clean house in Saudi Arabia the $ source of much of the worlds corruption, step B arrests or forced retirements for significant parts of corrupt US political/media/finance/deep state establishment, step C same thing in Asia, step D same thing in EU. The populist anti corruption forces led by Trump and allies in Military Intelligence etc. are fighting a quiet civil war against the corrupt establishment/deep state

",1509910829,05/11/2017 19:40 7624165,3601779221,"

OFF TOPIC BUT RELATED: MSM not reporting that Tony Podesta turned himself in last night and are awaiting John Podesta both were indicted along with HUMA and HRC who will turn themselves in Monday. Trump out of country to protect him, CIA hacked his Twitter account. Military Intel/NSA taking over to insure the country is safe. I read this on other sites. Something is definitely happening also in Saudi Arabia where 8 officials were on a helicopter hats or white hats??? Stay tuned.

",1509914031,05/11/2017 20:33 7624888,3601905969,"

This is the ""false flag"" that was called for on 4 CHAN by someone with a ""Q-level"" clearance...MSM not reporting that Tony Podesta turned himself in and waiting on John Podesta. Monday Huma turns herself in...Trump out of country to protect him. Military Intel teamed up with NSA to protect the country.

",1509919408,05/11/2017 22:03 7624888,3601914475,

If you've been following the Bread Crumbs left by anon Q on /pol 4chan then this could be retaliation by HRC and company because Trump admin is closing in on them all. Their Saudi partners have been arrested in a deal made between the Saudi king and Trump. Rumor has it Tony Podesta has been indicted and turned himself into the US Marshal and there's 12 more indictments to come. The criminals in our country are being taken down.

,1509919794,05/11/2017 22:09 7624888,3601920089,"

False flag predicted on 4 Chan by someone with a ""Q-level"" clearance. Military Intl/NSA working to keep things stable. Trump out of the country to keep him safe.
tony Podesta turned himself in MSM not reporting John...dead? Huma indicted and false flag this weekend...this Baptist church! Stay tuned.

",1509920055,05/11/2017 22:14 7624888,3601949549,"

False Flag and more as reported on 4 Chan...

",1509921418,05/11/2017 22:36 7624888,3601972305,"

Highly recommend everyone read this info by alleged Anon Intel (FBI?) explaining what has been happening, why Pres. Trump left on the trip now, much info.

",1509922473,05/11/2017 22:54 7624888,3602051025,"

Photos of the shooter have NO EARS...false flag BS composite photo! Wake up people. 4Chan predicted false flag a few days ago...Military Intel/NSA fighting Deep State! Trump out of the country for PROTECTION.

",1509926205,05/11/2017 23:56 7624888,3602088572,"

",1509928096,06/11/2017 00:28 7624888,3602103317,"

Highly suggest this to read - much info on why and what is happening - why Trump left for this trip now, Donna Brazille, Podestas, etc., etc. by alleged Insider Intel ""white hats""

Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance (Updated)

",1509928859,06/11/2017 00:40 7624888,3602143055,"

if you believe Patriot Anon Q, Vegas was a CIA gun buy that went horribly wrong.

",1509930962,06/11/2017 01:16 7624021,3602283667,"

Pha Q, Miss Linza.

Stop ordering the President around, just because SC voters elected you during a Mass Brain Cramp!

",1509939666,06/11/2017 03:41 7624888,3603182200,"

So if so many people saw Jesus rise from the dead, why is there so little written about him at the time.

The earliest Gospel was written decades after his death, with the others coming later, with ever expanding details added.

He completed prophesies? According to whom? Four novellas?

The Synoptic Gospels and John do not even line up chronologically. He goes to Jerusalem once in the Synoptic Gospels and four times in John.

Oh , I know. They were written from different perspectives. The Synoptic Gospels are believed to be derived from a common source, Q, with additions tacked on for a specific audience, such as Matthew being known as the Gospel to the Jews.

And speaking of changing thought, why is their a Heaven and Hell? Early Christian thought did not include these concepts, as they thought the world was ending. That is the only way living like Jesus makes sense.

Do you worry about retirement? Do you save? Why? The flowers in the field and the birds do not.

We’ve been in the End Times for around 2000 years now. How much longer are you going to hold out believing in something when the story keeps changing?

",1509989005,06/11/2017 17:23 7625857,3603623595,

Keep it going baby. All the way....

,1510003558,06/11/2017 21:25 7625989,3603672806,"

Is this YOU, Mueller??? You're a corrupt lying qbastard (the Q is silent). F U & the Clinton crime family!!!

",1510005397,06/11/2017 21:56 7624888,3604143754,"


A 20-by-30 foot American flag that flew high above a car dealership in Tucson, Arizona was taken down and totally torched early Friday morning. An eyewitness who called police also informed the dealership that he had seen two teens around 4:30 a.m. standing by a fire at the flagpole at Quebedeaux Mitsubishi. The dealership has prominently flown a large American flag for decades. The flag has become such an icon in the community that planes at air shows reportedly dip their wings in respect.

Terry Hatton with Q Mitsubishi spoke with Tucson radio host James T. Harris on KQTH-FM on Monday about the flag burning. He said the dealership has a replacement flag and is hoping to have the pole repaired and flag raised by Veterans Day this Saturday.

",1510035532,07/11/2017 06:18 7618024,3604283438,

Alarming! True. When will John Q Taxpayer wake up and demand the lunacy stop?!?

,1510048828,07/11/2017 10:00 7629466,3604375394,

UNIPARTY scum. From no new taxes lying gropin 1/2 dead senior globalist to this sawed off Texan wanna be to low energy act of love 78 IQ taco truck scum !JEB!! Wish they woulda just copped a feel instead of 50 years of crimes against the country who made them wealthy as Q E 91 fossil!!!!!!! Jeesh was those mutts did to we the people!!!!!

,1510054684,07/11/2017 11:38 7630522,3604399981,"

Interesting stuff for those who think ""it's happening"" wheres hillary, wheres huma, wheres podest

/POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening???

Tracy Beanz
Published on Nov 3, 2017

Given the specific and serious nature of what is being dropped on /pol/, I decided it was important to at least mark it with a video. Wether it is the most MASSIVE LARP in the history of man, or legitimate, remains to be seen. I decided that it shouldn't be ignored.

GodSpeed.. And love.

",1510056095,07/11/2017 12:01 7630522,3604416266,

(4Chan) Bread Crumbs – Q Clearance Patriot (10/31/17 (Tue) 20:00:15)
(Q clearance is the highest level of clearance anyone in can have in our government)

(1st Post) “SCI[F]
Military Intelligence.
What is ‘State Secrets’ and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn’s background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn’t corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn’t the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller’s background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?

,1510056980,07/11/2017 12:16 7631527,3604673988,"

It's a well known fact that the famous Italian economic statistician, Antonio Q. Pinocchio goes over all the federal numbers before release to the public.

",1510067235,07/11/2017 15:07 7633042,3604937219,

Lemon's audience no longer has an IQ rating...they had to shorten it to just Q !

,1510076616,07/11/2017 17:43 7635256,3605282278,"

Check this out:

Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening???""

",1510089393,07/11/2017 21:16 7635319,3605397431,"

Bannon holds all the cards. Establishment RINOs are falling left and right. They're literally crawling to Bannon waiving the white flag, although they'd never admit it.

I don't mind Bannon letting them know we can work together to get things done and that we're not at war, but these RINOs better get in lock-step with what John Q. Public wants pretty damn quick if they're to survive this.

",1510095103,07/11/2017 22:51 7636204,3605594296,"

If you appreciate this, PLEASE upvote so more people see

A patriot with Q security clearance (level 4) is posting on 4chan and this video (first of 3 so far) helps break down the posts:

",1510105178,08/11/2017 01:39 7636204,3605607519,"

4chan posts by a patriot with lvl 4 clearance (Q).
List of Posts https://qanon.000webhostapp...
Video Breakdown

Nobody is upvoting. Too complex? No interest?

",1510105901,08/11/2017 01:51 7636204,3605608253,

These Q clearance posts are very interesting.

,1510105945,08/11/2017 01:52 7636204,3605653990,"

Awesome Assange tweet today:
Is there a word for what has happened to the United States? Where the Puppet takes over the hand?

If you know about this Q person posting on /pol, this is his post two days prior:

November 5, 2017 6:40 pm
UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148143472
US assets.
Who was arrested in SA?
Who was killed in SA?
Who fired?
Who really fired?
Why would we fire?
Follow the money.
Who pulls the strings?
Strings detached.
Open season on puppets.
Who are the puppets?
Where are the puppets?
Secret agents.
A. Cooper family background?
Why is this relevant?

",1510108553,08/11/2017 02:35 7636204,3605673112,"

Amazing wins behind the scenes. A few key patriots within.

Here is a sample of the linked text posted by somebody with lvl 4 clearance on /pol:

November 5, 2017 11:34 pm
UserID: L8quGPI9 PostNo: 148183670
Important Context:
What have you learned about HUMA?
What organization is HUMA?
Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?
Why is this relevant?
What year(s) did this occur?
Who funded on behalf this President?
Why is this relevant?
What year(s) did this occur?
What just happened in SA?
Who was arrested?
Funds frozen.
Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?
Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?
Why is the relevance?
Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?
Fast forward.
Why are the events in SA so important?
Why was JK in SA recently?
Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?
Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?
Refocus again.
Who was arrested in SA?
Any ownership stakes in US co's?
Why is this relevant?
Las Vegas.
Recent events.
Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?
What year(s) did this occur?
What faith does HUMA represent?
What faith does the MB represent?
What faith does Huma represent?
Who are the bad actors?
Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?
Is this possible?
Is the US political / election system corrupt?
Who owns poll machines?
Why is this relevant?
They never thought she would lose.
They never thought she would lose.
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
POTUS is our savior.
Operators are active.
We are at war.
Goodnight BO.
Snow White.
Godfather III.


",1510109812,08/11/2017 02:56 7629316,3605724004,"

Um, I'm gunna pass on that offer. I'm trying not to purposely put disturbing images in my head. At least the Avatar has a comical quality to it. It's troubling enough to think that a dirty Q tip on his head could actually improve his look.

",1510113571,08/11/2017 03:59 7636204,3605755341,"

Apparently the people of Virginia are okay with their Governor for running an outrageous and offensive Truck ad. I’m not sure what the average I. Q. Is in Virginia, but it must’ve pretty low. I think the state motto is : Dude, Check this out!

",1510116214,08/11/2017 04:43 7633042,3605867513,"

""I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. I’ll say that again. I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. I grew up with hunters, family members, friends, all around me. Louisiana it’s all about hunting.""

""I also think responsible adults should be able to protect their homes, their property and themselves. But think about this. How many guns and of what caliber does one person need? Does a civilian really need an arsenal? Does a civilian really need body armor?""
-- Don Lemon

The Second Amendment was written when John Q Public had the same exact arms and armaments as the US military. Private citizens owned canons. You can still see some of them at historical homes in the south.
The point and purpose of the Second was to ensure the ability of the private citizens to be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical, out of control government. Why? Because government is comprised of PEOPLE. Human Beings. And people can and do become corrupted by power.

""Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."" - Lord John Acton

",1510127012,08/11/2017 07:43 7634050,3605880005,"

It's underway now.

/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART I - III

",1510128161,08/11/2017 08:02 7633576,3606605546,"

She put her arm around Q Elizabeth's waist, which created an embarrassment for the Queen, who had to accomodate her faux paux. I'm rural working class American and even I knew better than that, with no anticipation of ever meeting the queen.

",1510160416,08/11/2017 17:00 7636204,3607013734,"

serious Q, why do you think northam won? Hint: it wasn't because of any of his policies. Its just mass immigration. having people who mindlessly vote for one candidate and probably without half of them even knowing his name is going lead to a great country.

",1510172183,08/11/2017 20:16 7639504,3607125190,

3 Q of >3% GDP growth...barry couldn't get above 1% in 8 years

,1510176545,08/11/2017 21:29 7639504,3607854980,

I could see Shirley Q. Liquor in office now....

,1510228169,09/11/2017 11:49 7639048,3607925094,

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Some of you are not getting your minds right and that can only lead you to unpleasantness. I know you ''Bubba Q. Redneck'' you just want to punch 'em out! Yea..that'll learn 'em.

,1510231736,09/11/2017 12:48 7635319,3608205600,"

Take a look at Bannon's own words my friend. If you don't think they match code pink's talking points, Cindy Shehan's foul mouth devouring of her own son's service, well, then you aren't paying very close attention.

No, W was not worse than Obama or Slick Willy.

Is there plenty of room to slam W? Absosmurfly.

Is going into Afghanistan, exposing A Q Kahn's and Pakistan's duplicity regarding Nukes and proliferation, calling out Iran and DPRK specifically, along with Saddam and his international terrorism, and yes even his funding of terrorists from the west bank, gaza, and even Zawahiri himself, things a president worse than Barry, worse than BJ Clinton, heck worst of all time does?

Some people may not call Bannon out when he goes over the cliff, but I will. And I will point to his own words when I do so as well - both the ones that are the jumping off AND the holding feet to the fire he said We The People HAVE to do if we are to get our nation back on track.

If you want to pretend these very real points mean nothing, go ahead. If you want to pretend that isn't code pink's core message well, OK. FOr those of us paying attention prior to the 8 years of Obama that code pink went so quiet, we remember. See it ain't just 9-11, that day, that is pointed to when folks say Never Forget.

Bush is to be hammered for things, and I will be the first to start with his ""democracy"" talk and the foolishness of ""religion of peace"" too. Guess what, Trump is setting himself up for those exact same criticisms. Throw in some amnesties here and there as ""deals"" along with a few other things and using the parameters Bannon set forth with that W rant, Trump is on the cusp of being the worst president in history.

Yeah, maybe a little reworking of that bit is in order, wouldn't ya say?

",1510243145,09/11/2017 15:59 7644418,3608289960,"

Trying to pay attention? We have a patriot from the inside posting on 4chan (I dislke the site but he seems legit).

* He has Q security clearance which is about as high as it goes.
* He is anonymous but you can find him by searching Bing/Google for ""Q Anon"".
* Started posting October 31st.
* ""Tracy Beanz"" on Youtube has a great breakdown.
* Her ""Part III"" Video has a link to all his posts in the description.

",1510246311,09/11/2017 16:51 7644418,3608403857,"

As the guy says in the video, the thing they most fear is John Q having the knowledge about what is going on. They can control armies/government/Presidents, but while a semblance of democracy/freedom remains, the people en masse can disrupt them significantly. It is not easy, because the have all the media/schools/universities as propaganda/indoctrination tools, so I believe in the long run, they will succeed, unless there is a world wide ""reckoning"". I wouldn't fear for the next generations, they will be programmed to believing it is all perfectly normal.

",1510250452,09/11/2017 18:00 7645417,3608556899,"

Progressive democrats are like a desperate low stack poker player with pocket twos trying to bluff the entire table when the flop shows A K Q.

They have nothing, this is a desperation move backed up by a blatantly dishonest media outlet hiding behind PC virtue signaling.

",1510255669,09/11/2017 19:27 7641556,3608691167,"

We, JOHN Q. SERVICE MEMBER, can't tell the difference between good and bad over there, why not just blow billy heal our of the whole area and be done with it.///////////////

",1510260743,09/11/2017 20:52 7645417,3609045212,"

The problem is that so many women have falsely cried rape in the last 30 years that nobody truly listens to the accusations any more. Whenever a woman (or ten) come out with their claims that they were raaaaaped, John Q. Public rolls his eyes and shrugs.

Women did this to themselves, and as a result, I expect nothing to come of these accusations, true or otherwise.

",1510276263,10/11/2017 01:11 7645417,3609139685,"

That’s unfair, women are raped, that’s a fact. To claim that John Q. Public rolls their eyes is to assume everyone thinks like you. Now, when a woman falsely accuses a man of rape it is a despicable thing to do to a man. It is a cloud of undeserved scrutiny hanging over the poor guy. It is a truly cruel and cowardly action by the woman. It makes people think most accusations of rape are false, rather than judging it on the merits of the case.When women come out in groups to proclaim rape, I find it dubious. Having said that, not all women who have been raped have a spontaneous outcry. It’s the nature of the crime. I’m just saying that sex crimes and accusations thereof are complex matters.


",1510282290,10/11/2017 02:51 7646599,3609472195,"

Would it surprise you if the Saudis bankrolled Obama pre-political years?
The /pol dump that ""Q"" is giving us almost daily is amazing. Find his dumps by searching ""Q Anon"" (as in anonymous). He is called Q because that is his security clearance.

",1510311208,10/11/2017 10:53 7646599,3609475052,

Of course he came from nowhere. That doesn't support your conclusion.

Edit: OHHH! Obama. Thought you meant Q :)

,1510311412,10/11/2017 10:56 7645030,3609849807,

Follow Q on 4chan.....

,1510328554,10/11/2017 15:42 7651135,3610283346,

Is the Q for queer??

,1510345095,10/11/2017 20:18 7651135,3610356806,

Go on YouTube and search.... Q anon....

Supposed to be an big insider

,1510348215,10/11/2017 21:10 7649716,3610470450,

Oh oh oh! We are the victims here.. Those trashy little white and Sikh girls overwhelm us and jump on our penis's...We try so hard to stop this.. said a Paki ---NEVER.
Here's a crude joke about mussie's
Q. What is the hardest thing for mussie honour killing his daughter?
A. Suppressing his erection

,1510354031,10/11/2017 22:47 7651135,3610732018,"

Geez Q, where you getting all of those “facts”? I seemed to have missed that article in the WaPo or on CNN. You are right about one thing, he should have been in jail years ago except the accusers didn’t accuse him then. They waited until one month before a huge election in Alabama. Hmmmm, the ladies must have been paid a bunch of money by somebody or somebodies. The Judge’s attorney ought to subpoena their bank records and then watch them pucker.

",1510372961,11/11/2017 04:02 7645807,3610766339,

and 30% Q...what ever Q is??

,1510376554,11/11/2017 05:02 7650007,3611142165,"

Go to You Tube, Tracy Beanz. Pull up the Q articles. VERY, VERY INTERESTING!!!!

",1510409835,11/11/2017 14:17 7652878,3611152156,"

I'd bet asians cringe whenever this guy gets press. Imagine having your entire race associated with such a low-I Q person. But then, I am constantly embarassed with how stupid so many whites are. Eugenics is the human races only chance.

",1510410272,11/11/2017 14:24 7654102,3611531230,"

Isn’t it time for ya to jack off to my pic?

So there’s your Q, tard.

",1510427727,11/11/2017 19:15 7654102,3611605685,

At this point I wouldn't doubt that much. Depends who you listen to because everybody bases it on different information. Heard recently from somebody with supposedly Q clearance on /pol that he got funding from SA prior to political days. Might be true.

,1510431614,11/11/2017 20:20 7654102,3611638265,"

Conspiracy Analyst? Have lots of posts like this from somebody claiming to have Q clearance. Want more, then ask.

November 6, 2017 4:52 pm
UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287473
Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?
What US assets are in place in/near SA?
What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?
Who shot down the missile from Yemen?
POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5
Was it really from Yemen?
How do we know?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppets?
Who are the puppet masters?
Who pulls the strings?
What provides power?
What if US elections can be rigged?
How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?
Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?
What if it was bought and paid for?
How would this be possible?
Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?
Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)
Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)
Why is open border important?
What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?
What did BO encourage?
Was this illegal?
Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?
Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?
Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?
God save us.

",1510433342,11/11/2017 20:49 7654102,3611641889,"

Posts: https://qanon.000webhostapp...
Best analyst found:

",1510433540,11/11/2017 20:52 7654102,3611657105,"

Conspiracy Analyst? Have lots of posts like this from somebody claiming to have Q clearance. Want more, then ask.

November 6, 2017 4:52 pm
UserID: KKIreCTB PostNo: 148287473
Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?
What US assets are in place in/near SA?
What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?
Who shot down the missile from Yemen?
POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5
Was it really from Yemen?
How do we know?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppets?
Who are the puppet masters?
Who pulls the strings?
What provides power?
What if US elections can be rigged?
How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?
Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?
What if it was bought and paid for?
How would this be possible?
Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?
Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)
Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)
Why is open border important?
What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?
What did BO encourage?
Was this illegal?
Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?
Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?
Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?
God save us.

",1510434371,11/11/2017 21:06 7654102,3611663968,"

Posts: https://qanon.000webhostapp...
Best analyst found:

",1510434756,11/11/2017 21:12 7654102,3611821806,"

Q Anon claims to have Q clearance and is posting things on /pol.
He poses the right questions for us to research at key times.
Often they reveal corruption.
If interested, I recommend Tracy Beanz on YouTube as the best analyst.
Makes the info easier to digest.
Globalism is the enemy
Jesus is Lord
^ Just in case you are wondering about my alliances :P

",1510443546,11/11/2017 23:39 7654102,3611827405,

I've been following that.....some say Q is Kushner..?

,1510443932,11/11/2017 23:45 7650385,3611865788,"

Fact is US and KSA and Israel are allies and built ISIS. NOW THAT IRAN, AND PUTIN!! destroyed Isis, the bad alliance needs a win as Yemen was a disaster, too and now they target poor Lebanon. Hell! another Balkanization starts. US gave the OK to the KSA via Kushner and Israel works with the Sunnies. Disaster really. the Lebanese PM was kidnapped by KSA he has his own media co. but talked in KSA channel well he read all off, watch Al Jazeera they show you to the other side of the KSA and Q. who bough financed ISIS now are enemies so Q. al Jazeera now invited Iranians and others to speak.

",1510446582,12/11/2017 00:29 7654918,3611954304,

Or we could dissolve the CIA if they won't stop.. follow the white rabbit.... #CBTS #QANON

,1510452899,12/11/2017 02:14 7654918,3611955694,"

That doesn't sound like a job for the police. That sounds like martial law and that crowd of saw 100,000 would be faced with the full force of the military. Id saw umm go ahead and try? #cbts #qanon

",1510453008,12/11/2017 02:16 7655500,3612220591,

Has anybody seen any new posts from Q? He's been silent since a caller named Zachary called in to Infowars talking about Saudi Arabia and Israel's new middle east war/ connection to LV massacre and got arrested.

,1510480793,12/11/2017 09:59 7655500,3612271713,

I'm more concerned about the disappearance of Q than I am Trump making fun of some short and fat z1pper-h34d.

,1510485750,12/11/2017 11:22 7643143,3612281305,"

I wish I had the time to read more of the church fathers. But I would test what they say by the Bible. I am not sure about this but didn’t even Augustine in his debate with Pelagius argue for perseverance of the saints? (I do have to read more about this) Don’t get me wrong, I believe the doctrine is taught in the Bible extensively.
I any case Concupiscence by Luther? Never read that in Luther. The Bible is clear on how sinful we are, I mean Rom 3 leaves no doubt (read it carefully)—we are dead in a permanent state of sin. I mean Eph 2 leaves no doubt “You were DEAD in transposases and sins”. These are not verses ripped out of context like RCC apologists claim. There’s a strong, consistent case in the Bible for this. Jeremiah 17:9
I do believe in total depravity which means every aspect of man has been tarnished by sin so that he now has no desire at all for God. Everything he desires is sinful. The only way we can do anything good for God is if the HS works through us. Does that mean we don’t have free will? To me real free will comes after salvation when the HS gives us the ability to live above sin and obey God—because after all what God really wants from us is obedience. To me a sign of a real Christian is if he’s growing in desire for God, and decreasing is wanting to sin.
If this is the case we sin continually. Sure if I see a pretty girl and look at her beauty without lust, I didn’t sin. But what of the greatest commandments in the whole Bible? Don’t we break those continually? If we could see ourselves in light of the glory of God like Isaiah did in chpt 6. We would realize that confession cannot be the way to real forgiveness of sins. I mean I don’t deny the experience you fell after confession. Confessing sins to the clergy does make one feel better, no doubt. But has the guilt also been removed by confession? Or has it already been removed once and for all at the moment of real conversion as the quotes I cited say?
Again if God justifies, who is to condemn? Answer to obvious rhetorical Q is NOBODY
GOD was NOT COUNTING our trespasses against us 2 cor 5
Rom 4 blessed is the man against whom the Lord WILL NOT COUNT his sin.

13 And you, who were DEAD in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, GOD [[NOT OURSELVES]] made alive together with him, HAVING FORGIVEN US ALL OUR TRESPASSES, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.

I agree about the constitution, I am conservative. Sure if Madison was a key player in writing the constitution, you can read the Federalist and get some insight into what the original writers meant . But the Bible was written by the HS and only men moved by the HS can understand it. If a church father interprets the Bible in a way that is consistent with the whole Bible, I can use that to help me better understand. But in my opinion all they can do is enlighten what it is in the Bible already. I would really love to get into the CF, but the Bible itself keeps me busy enough. I spent months in Romans and haven’t even scratched the surface.
God Bless

",1510486571,12/11/2017 11:36 7655500,3612286658,

Far Q Trump

,1510487030,12/11/2017 11:43 7655722,3612552752,

#Breadcrumbs #QAnon #FollowtheWhiteRabbit
Something may be happening soon. Saudi purge plays a big role. Podesta Group shutting down.

,1510502215,12/11/2017 15:56 7653112,3612628696,

Democrats desperate to move away from this scandal. Unfortunately for them it gets worse. So says Q!

,1510505774,12/11/2017 16:56 7657213,3613073398,"

Thomas should've answered every Q. with
""I didn't kill a girl""

",1510527519,12/11/2017 22:58 7657450,3613093405,"

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸‏
Nov 11

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸Retweeted Swamp Drainer +++
Redpill time.

Best gift I can give...Take the hour to learn the WHY's.

Watch this....50 yr old recording with current event updates.

Many answers to questions Q (alleged Anon/Intel) is asking (to know the truth what's going on)

Now you know.

You're welcome.


Set to start re America - first half explains beginnings

",1510528749,12/11/2017 23:19 7654513,3613111066,"

I have been reading Q clearence on 4chan. I think Corker, Obama and others took a plane load of ""Iran"" money. SHUT your stupid deflecting PIE HOLE you little Garden GNOME. They are coming for you!!! Andy Ogles for TN Senate!!!

",1510529872,12/11/2017 23:37 7653439,3613117351,

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?

Russia is what?
What did the Russia reset really provide?
Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?
Why is the Canadian PM so important?
Follow Sen Grassley. What is different effective this week?
What do you notice?
Why does Sen Grassley (one example) have a higher than normal amount of security detail?
Why is Grassley and others held in a secure location?
When did this start?
What has been different this week?
U1 FBI informant.
Have secret sessions been underway?
How could this be discovered?
What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'?
How did NK obtain Uranium?
How did Iran obtain Uranium?
Why the cash component?
Was the hostage component a cover?
For what?
could any of the cash component be handed off to other people
How many planes carried the cash into Iran.
Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?
Did all land in Iran? Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Why is this important?
What does this have to do w/ NK?
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
Where is BO TODAY?

Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?
Did all land in Iran? Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Why is this important?
What does this have to do w/ NK?
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
Where is BO TODAY?
Where is Valarie Jarret?
Review BO's financial disclosure when he submitted pre-D election campaign. What is the annual salary of a sitting US president?
What home(s) were just purchased by BO?
How does it reconcile?
What is the net worth of Pelosi?
How doe sit reconcile?
What is the John M Institute?
Notice any patterns relating to the CF?
Where did John M obtain his surgery?
Why is that relevant?
What surgery did he supposedly have?
How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm?
What is John M's net worth?
How does it reconcile?
What is Maxine Waters net worth?
How does it reconcile?
What does swamp refer to?
What does money buy?

,1510530283,12/11/2017 23:44 7657789,3613202994,"

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸‏
Nov 11

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸Retweeted Swamp Drainer +++
Redpill time.

Best gift I can give...Take the hour to learn the WHY's.

Watch this....50 yr old recording with current event updates.

Many answers to questions Q (alleged Anon/Intel) is asking (to know the truth what's going on)

Now you know.

You're welcome.


Set to start re America - first half explains beginnings

",1510536057,13/11/2017 01:20 7657789,3613245263,"

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸‏
Nov 11

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7 🇺🇸Retweeted Swamp Drainer +++

Redpill time.

Best gift I can give...Take the hour to learn the WHY's.

Watch this....50 yr old recording with current event updates.

Many answers to questions Q (alleged Anon/Intel) is asking (to know the truth what's going on)

Now you know.

You're welcome.


Set to start re America - first half explains beginnings

",1510538869,13/11/2017 02:07 7657717,3613588872,"

Exibit Q Bill Clinton is his hero. Bill said all those women are liars and he did not rape them, he persuaded them, right Bill!

",1510570903,13/11/2017 11:01 7660138,3614360577,

Anyone keeping up with QAnon?

,1510600078,13/11/2017 19:07 7650007,3614618610,

Thank you so much for the info and the link. I hope what Q is saying is true! I want President Trump takes them all down!!!! Q said it might take a week or so for us to be informed of what Trump has done. (As much as they can tell us)! I am anxiously waiting for the next breadcrumbs.

,1510608961,13/11/2017 21:36 7661443,3614762093,"

And that time on Geffens yacht with the boys.....Ol' bathouse Barry, putting the Q into Queen.

",1510615067,13/11/2017 23:17 7660627,3614882991,

The Q Continuum spammed you ole Georgie boy

,1510620818,14/11/2017 00:53 7658170,3614888651,"

In One subject Bannon is wrong!! Trump didnt erase ISIS it was Assad with Putins and Irans help. USA and Israel Q KSA Turkey sponsored helped ISIS, now every idiot know this by now.

",1510621099,14/11/2017 00:58 7659259,3615013250,

G Q who?

,1510627510,14/11/2017 02:45 7658764,3615048203,

I would support only Shirley Q. Liquor for this program. She is freakin' hilarious and very un-PC

,1510629641,14/11/2017 03:20 7661719,3615059995,"

The best I can make of it is that this Q who is releasing intel info about major NWO indictments linking HRC, BO, SA, Podesta to ""i'm not sure what. The 3 sides of the triangle are being taken out. SA=6 trillion $'s, Soros=4 t, and Rothchild=1 T. I think Soros is next to be taken down. They're hinting that this Q person is TRUMP. I'm in part VI now dated Nov. 11. It's scary.

",1510630473,14/11/2017 03:34 7659772,3615060562,"

Wow, Harmy! You just can't resist my veracious Siren's Song...can you? All of Trump Tzu's chessmen are perfectly positioning themselves into their predetermined WINNING place and pattern...

Get ready for The Happenings, Pumpkin--just as Q presciently predicted!

",1510630514,14/11/2017 03:35 7660288,3615262154,"

Max Hill Q.C. is a total idiot. How come a ""Conservative"" government keeps taking on morons like this as advisors?

",1510648397,14/11/2017 08:33 7662220,3615299309,

Look into the Q Clearance thing on 4chan and youtube.

The dynasty is toast.

,1510651685,14/11/2017 09:28 7662220,3615300092,"

""It's all connected""


",1510651749,14/11/2017 09:29 7658170,3615417879,"

Genesis Chapter 12
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

It might well be that Trumpm is a Bible believer. How about you, John Q?

",1510659881,14/11/2017 11:44 7662130,3615495500,"

There's no ""weighing"" this (unlike as the headline reads); this is already a done deal. Contrary to what we've been led to believe, Jeff Sessions has been busy. Super busy. The DoJ has secretly filed 874-894 sealed indictments all across the US since 10/30/2017. That is an astronomically high number of indictments filed in U.S. Federal Courts---and those are only the ones that we know about!

The Manafort filing was low-hanging fruit; a distraction from the *real* targets of the investigation.


",1510663575,14/11/2017 12:46 7660192,3615543412,"

The real Q is, ""Why does anyone watch ESPN?""

",1510665648,14/11/2017 13:20 7661449,3615710684,"

Susie Q. So it must be true, right. She must be an authority. She made that statement as an authority.

",1510672039,14/11/2017 15:07 7662145,3615793716,

Please Gay Q tell me how to think and dress...

,1510674986,14/11/2017 15:56 7663471,3615841932,"

Looked into the Q thing, huh.

I can tell you that whoever Q is, those clues show they know things I was studying, on mimeographs, after I was rudely awakened in 1984.

",1510676654,14/11/2017 16:24 7663471,3616124353,"

If q-anon is correct, a counter coup has been underway for well over a week. Look into it, and keep your powder dry.

+++ is complete. We are ++

",1510686762,14/11/2017 19:12 7659772,3616277013,"

Yeah, I just finished watching the old Bond movies, and a lot of stuff was available from Q in the yearly 1960s that's still not available today. The point is, the cars didn't have those locks. Sorry, I go with Rush Limbaugh on that, not you.

",1510692318,14/11/2017 20:45 7664707,3616350826,"

G Q, hit a ditch a long time ago !
Politically Speaking, Adolescent Behavior ?

",1510695259,14/11/2017 21:34 7666411,3616362119,"

You don't get it but you talk a lot, obviously your nick is well earned. Q. What profession is considered lower than used-car salesmen> A. Lawyers.

We did not elect Trump because we thought he would fit in with the Swamp in DC, we elected him to fit them and change that culture so we would not have to activate civil militias and clean out the swamp with fire. We want it done peacefully but we insist it be done. So don't get in the way.

",1510695751,14/11/2017 21:42 7665958,3616372511,"

""Kayla Moore, Roy Moore’s wife, shared a post on Facebook last night that declared, “The Roy Moore story is fake!” The reason? Beverly Young Nelson says she used to work at a restaurant called Olde Hickory House on East Meighan Boulevard in Gadsden, Ala., where she says Moore, a regular customer, sexually assaulted her in the parking lot in 1977. She even produced a signature from her high-school yearbook — Love, Roy Moore d.a. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House — to prove it. But, the post proclaims, the only restaurant in Gadsden on that street with that name opened in 2001. Q.E.D. Listings for a restaurant called Old Hickory House Bar B Que — no fake-archaic “e” — show an address at 1715 U.S. 431 (which, in Gadsden, is identical to East Meighan Blvd.) and say it was established in 2001. The phone number for the restaurant has been disconnected, and it’s unclear if it is still open. But it turns out that Gadsden has had more than one restaurant with that name over the years. William Thornton, a reporter for, dug up a city directory of Gadsden from 1978, which lists a restaurant called . . . Olde Hickory House, address 305 East Meighan Blvd: ""

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.c...

",1510696214,14/11/2017 21:50 7666156,3616475327,"

And you know that to be true how? Btw, Q, would you have your attorney do anything different if you were in the same situation as PRESIDENT TRUMP?

",1510701264,14/11/2017 23:14 7665532,3616580119,"

Your questions Q/comments C and my responses R: (1) Q - ""Why do people who over and over again vote for sharia law in their home countries, where sharia is not compatible with our way of life?"" R - They choose it, in their own country, because that's the culture, the environment, way of life, and what they are taught to believe is right. BTW - if you are a Christian (your business), why are you and why do you worship Jesus Christ? Maybe for the same reasons......your culture, your environment, your way of life, and what YOU were taught to believe is right. (2) C - ""once they reach a particular % of the population, they ALWAYS insist that WE change our native customs for THEM."" R - Yes, they do and it makes me want to puke (3) C - ""To make matters worse, they are barely off the boat, and they have a list of grievances and demands."" R - Yes, they do and it makes me want to puke (4) C - ""If you love diversity so much, then move to France, where the muslim immigrants have turned France , Germany, Italy, and Sweden into 3rd-world hell holes."" R - YOU need to learn how to properly read and comprehend. Only because I respect and believe in the Constitution and laws of this great country, and choose to abide by them, you condemn me? I NEVER said I love this diversity of this hateful group of people! If you want change, you'd better be careful because that change could possibly boomerang and kick you right in the a$$, pal!

",1510706758,15/11/2017 00:45 7666156,3616705286,"

Geez Q, I missed that segment on CNN when they announced that they have rock solid proof that he committed those 18 assaults. You are quite a well-read and plugged-in kinda lib. Of course, with libs, if you say it or even just think it, it is true. Good for you!

",1510713853,15/11/2017 02:44 7667461,3617003584,"


",1510740251,15/11/2017 10:04 7668880,3617148607,

McTurtle has been raping John Q. Public for 20 + years.

,1510749375,15/11/2017 12:36 7668880,3617277069,"

Everybody who knows about Q Anon is trying to spread the word. On live political YouTube chats you see people bringing it up continually. If you want to be on the cutting edge, please look it up! ""Q Anon"" is the search term. Tracy Beanz has great video breakdowns. Too complex a topic to summarize it for you here or I would.

",1510754766,15/11/2017 14:06 7668880,3617286753,

Alex Jones gives you about one nugget daily. Q Anon delivers the goods.

In the past 16 minutes this is my 4th Q Anon post. Nobody interacted in all 3 prior. Nobody knows! You are anti-globalists but are you under a rock? Geez!

,1510755144,15/11/2017 14:12 7668880,3617294208,"

I've been following Q anon, what's the news today?

",1510755434,15/11/2017 14:17 7668271,3617749491,

Trump was not accused he is guilty. You must have missed the video evidence. Or Trump on Epstein’s plane full of underage young girls. Get the facts straight. Your comments are evidence of a moron with a two-digit I. Q.

,1510771555,15/11/2017 18:45 7670692,3617768246,"

4Chan Q anon is posting some very interesting questions/details on these indictments. READ READ READ.

",1510772237,15/11/2017 18:57 7643143,3618025611,"

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper,[a] to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be[b] in you.

Yes the HS is the guide of the church as I already quoted 1 John. The Q is who has the HS! You think God will give his HS to somebody because they are in a church? He will give it to whomever asks sincerely

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

The only condition is asking. Asking the Father, not the Pope or a priest.

You see if you have the HS you have salvation, Jesus is in you

",1510782261,15/11/2017 21:44 7670758,3618153206,"

He wants Sessions out of the DOJ, as Sessions is closing in on him. Hard to believe Sessions is doing anything, I know - but the Q Anon messages look very bad for Mitch & Co.

",1510788629,15/11/2017 23:30 7671364,3618176662,

Oh where can I find that? The MSM would be jumping all over that and have headlines screaming it. I'm afraid your wrong on that Q.

,1510789946,15/11/2017 23:52 7670305,3618204203,

I have a feeling Trump may already be considering serious punishment for these traitors. Check out the Q messages.

,1510791453,16/11/2017 00:17 7670884,3618329186,

All Dems are low I Q. It’s a pre requisite.

,1510798386,16/11/2017 02:13 7671016,3618856168,"

Another poorly written and misleading financial article, Breitbart. You're attacking ""Wallstreet"" for the sake of attacking ""Wallstreet"". The truth is this practice is not costly or difficult to calculate. It's basic math and done very easily. This practice can often save Joe Q Public on their taxes. Instead of turnining people against things they don't know or understand you should be educating them!
If someone wants to take a loss on shares and save money on taxes they should know they have this option.

",1510837598,16/11/2017 13:06 7671478,3619058836,

What can’t the government F up?
Have you been through the exchanges? Have you been to the license bureau? The IRS... big league F’d up.
My big Q is WHY don’t our elected officials live under the “act”???
What’s your solution??

,1510845533,16/11/2017 15:18 7676014,3619121685,

Moore exonerated. Franken confirmed sex abuser. McConnell set standard for ejection from Senate. Q.E.D.

,1510847679,16/11/2017 15:54 7676014,3619498707,"

MUCH info on videos to check out about sealed indictments/arrests that really sounds like there is an on-going round up going on (with MSM blackout) and has been going on after Trump left on his trip (for his protection). Those in Congress who have announced their not running for re-election are some guilty that have agreed to leave and are in ""submission"" to their orders. Impeachment will NOT happen.
Encouraging for a change. Must see!

",1510860478,16/11/2017 19:27 7676602,3619520590,"

Speaking of calls for removals - don't think Mitch will have much say - encouraging news ---
MUCH info on videos to check out about sealed indictments/arrests that really sounds like there is an on-going round up going on (with MSM blackout) and has been going on after Trump left on his trip (for his protection).
Those in Congress who have announced their not running for re-election are some guilty that have agreed to leave and are in ""submission"" to their orders. Impeachment will NOT happen.
Must see!

",1510861282,16/11/2017 19:41 7676056,3619520942,"

I always hear the phrase""Don't Mess With Texas"" just another wimp elected by wimps.
Texas is NO different. Road side strip searches, ""Voluntary"" roadside DNA swabbing, asset forfeiture at record rates. Faa Q Texas

",1510861295,16/11/2017 19:41 7678237,3619750146,

Time to conclude that many from the movies are allegedly rotten people so let's turn to the east and find out what all this Q stuff really is. Or at least keep one eye on it. If we can handle it.

,1510870646,16/11/2017 22:17 7677919,3619753428,"

That was weird and I've seen weird stuff here. Just not that stuff. Here's what I just had shared with me, maybe you'd like to see it and let me know later your thoughts.

",1510870800,16/11/2017 22:20 7678237,3619809851,"

Strange that's going on at the same time as this ---
MUCH info on videos to check out about sealed indictments/arrests that really sounds like there is an on-going round up going on (with MSM blackout) and has been going on after Trump left on his trip (for his protection). Those in Congress who have announced their not running for re-election are some guilty that have agreed to leave and are in ""submission"" to their orders. Impeachment will NOT happen.
Encouraging for a change. Must see!

",1510873403,16/11/2017 23:03 7681312,3620922209,"

Like I said, there is NO evidence. Just a he said/she said. That could be anything. She could have invited him, she may not have. You don't know and neither do I so innocent until PROVEN guilty. Q.E.D.

",1510939096,17/11/2017 17:18 7681822,3621048125,

Thanks....did not know about this one. My new favorite Biff are the shiznit.

,1510943815,17/11/2017 18:36 7681234,3621299692,"

Lord Jacob Rothschild and four other people are feared dead after a plane and helicopter crashed in mid-air over the Rothschild estate in Buckinghamshire ..

For those interested/unaware - there has been a poster named ""Q"" at 4 Chan that many think is from closest Insider Trump team to let us know what's going on. Much is in code, rhetorical questions. But now with Saudi arrests, etc. seems that they are the ""real deal"", including Trump himself for many credible reasons. Most recent were about finally taking down the NWO players.....biggies being Rothschilds, Soros, Saudis

Videos explain and breaks down code - numbers 4, 10, 20 (I have delivered your enemies into your hands) that Q used sometimes
Numbers for today's date means ""I'm coming after you""

(1) Previous post that he was downloading when he heard the news of crash

(2) More

(3) Brief reaction to news

",1510954299,17/11/2017 21:31 7683016,3621334052,"

No, no, by and large the last Q is still ""queer"" (it's a reclaiming thing, like the n-word). People realized the LGBTQIA and such was getting a little unwieldy, so the more or less official acronym just has Q at the end as a catch-all for ant identity not covered in the ""big four"".

",1510955962,17/11/2017 21:59 7684453,3621512053,

another Q Clearance prediction comes true

,1510966243,18/11/2017 00:50 7684339,3621649143,"

It was in the Q report, her and McCain.

",1510977081,18/11/2017 03:51 7684339,3621650972,"

What is the Q report, something from ST the Next Gen?

",1510977260,18/11/2017 03:54 7683016,3621712771,"

"" Q U E E R ""

",1510983922,18/11/2017 05:45 7683016,3622045204,

Tranny F A G Q U E E R

,1511013866,18/11/2017 14:04 7681111,3622173842,

No one is answering the question. Who is Qanon?

,1511020026,18/11/2017 15:47 7681111,3622295134,

I'm more interested in Roseanne Bar's Twitter getting deleted for mentioning Q in it than I am about these false allegations on Judge Moore.

,1511025494,18/11/2017 17:18 7685482,3622299148,"

See Ben Afflecks face rash after he left the Stephen Colbert interview? And it wasnt even hardly the interrogation that was deserved, just a simple scripted Q and A---Ben is toast...funny too, in addition to this crew (Ben, Matt, Casey Affleck, and Clooney) all being friends with Harvey, they were also friends with Al Franken...forever scarred, and glad of it. Frauds and Freaks, predators and enablers the whole lot of them.

",1511025677,18/11/2017 17:21 7680967,3622299640,


,1511025699,18/11/2017 17:21 7683910,3622343780,"

VP is so overrated it is pathetic....he is UGLY AS SIN, DUMB AS ROCKS and has the IQ of a SHOE!! No one cares about this NY Liberal Hack and his Diaper Moment....WE OWE YOU NOTHING YOU BALD Q Ball....and when ESPN is out of business it will be with JOY when they kick your Liberal _SS to the curb! ESPN is a Liberal Pile of Crap and it is failing miserably and this CRY BABIES RANT proves the numbers are devastating.

These Arrogant Losers can ask their LIBERAL LORDS to pay their salaries. American Loving Citizens are done with ESPN.....CUT THE CORD!

",1511027809,18/11/2017 17:56 7683223,3622371492,

You should pay attention to Q on 4chan. Interesting times.

,1511029134,18/11/2017 18:18 7683223,3622374539,

You see Rosanne lost her twit account for asking who is Q?
They gave it back.

,1511029281,18/11/2017 18:21 7683223,3622396388,"

She asked who Q is? Then down her account went. She has it back and said she will explain what happened later.

From reddit:

Roseanne had been talking about Q mostly all day and asking him to contact her, now ...
I am viewing this as vindication.
((edit: Roseann'e account is back up
edit #2: For those asking who Q is, he/she has been explaining everything that has been happening since Oct 6. (technically ever since Trump was asked to run)
If you are not used to 4chan, this can be overwhelming, but look here:
NOTE: Only posts from tripcode ""!ITPb.qbhqo"" are Q, if it does not have that, not Q, just some jerk misleading people. ))

",1511030331,18/11/2017 18:38 7683223,3622436450,"

What about Roseanne Barr having her entire Twitter account removed AND her website taken down after she tweeted about Q anon? I don't know what's going on...but something is rotten in Denmark.

I heard she tweeted about this video:

",1511032227,18/11/2017 19:10 7685866,3622475000,


,1511034030,18/11/2017 19:40 7683223,3622518231,

Gee and I though Q was an omnipotent being in the Star Trek Universe:).

,1511036274,18/11/2017 20:17 7684252,3622741410,"

They also made a mistake by doing the hit job with so much time left on the clock. Political hit jobs should come very late in the 4th Q. Doing this over one month in advance has enabled Judge Moore's lawyers time to investigate and strike back. And there are still 23 days left before Tues., Dec. 12, when the folks vote. (I ""voted"" with a financial contribution even though I don't live in Alabama. I hope it helps.)

",1511049075,18/11/2017 23:51 7686613,3622856958,"

I've seen some of the qanon stuff, honestly though I hadn't paid much attention to it. I wish I had now. I go there to read sometimes. These guys are good at ferreting out information and condensing it.

When I click on it to zoom even with Ctr+mouse scroll when it gets to where i could see it, it becomes a blurred mess. I'm not sure what to make of it. I trust your opinion...What do you think?

",1511056376,19/11/2017 01:52 7686613,3622882231,"

Nope. According to Q Annon, he visited with Trump before he started and may actually be working with Trump. That's the one thing I wonder about though. Supposedly, the indictments had nothing to do with Mueller though.

",1511057865,19/11/2017 02:17 7686613,3622911962,

the Patriot Q Clearance thread

,1511060154,19/11/2017 02:55 7686736,3622987858,"

Who is Q?
Why is Hillary wearing a foot cast?
Why is John M wearing a foot cast?
Why are two front row members of whitehouse press core wearing foot casts?
Why are there 1400 sealed indictments across the US, piled up over the last 10 days?
Why did Soros dump 18 billion into his Open Society projects?
Why did Soros just dump all his stocks in Apple, Snap, Facebook, Twitter?

",1511067820,19/11/2017 05:03 7682002,3623021888,"

After #QAnon destroys the NWO and Deep State, there are deals to set up massive refugee camps in Saudia Arabia. With no more war in Syria the refugees can return to the ME and re-assimilate into their countries. Easy to export if you 1.) Stop all benefits, 2.) Really want to export. Just ask ISIS. #FollowTheWhiteRabbit. The marines are now at Andrews Air Force base and there are over 1800 sealed indictments. Dat's rite. #MAGAmode

",1511071947,19/11/2017 06:12 7681111,3623051414,"

I see you're choosing to take the red pill. What you're going to find in the cover stories are a series of lies that don't match the evidence you see. Literally everything they've taught you in school growing up to every piece of ""information"" you've seen or heard has been lies.

Go look up who Q is and more importantly why Roseanne Bar was banned from Twitter for asking him to DM her.

",1511075893,19/11/2017 07:18 7687306,3623188709,

Why isn't BB covering the fact that Roseanne Bar got her Twitter account deleted just for asking that Q DM her?

,1511091063,19/11/2017 11:31 7687306,3623196385,"

It was back quickly, don’t think it had anything to do with Q anon.

",1511091701,19/11/2017 11:41 7687306,3623298670,"

According to Q, that was the plan in Nevada that went awry. But POTUS is way ahead of them.

",1511098518,19/11/2017 13:35 7687306,3623321243,"

If you believe the Q story, Sessions do-nothing stance may very well be part of an act while bigger things are going on in the background. Regardless, there is a reason why Trump still has him in that position.

",1511099793,19/11/2017 13:56 7687306,3623382973,"

To hell it wasn't. In WW2, bombers didn't even need maps to know where the targets were. When they saw flak, they knew they were on target (if I may borrow from Lionel). Twitter wouldn't have done this to her had she not posted this about Q. Twitter would not have done a similar thing to Trump if they were not feeling like their plan was being threatened

",1511102923,19/11/2017 14:48 7687357,3623468072,"

Glad Obama is gone...this is a nation that was established by white Europeans ... ""diversity"" leads to racial strife ... we are different ...

""It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the State [instead of colonizing them]? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites, ten thousand recollections by the blacks of the injuries they have sustained, new provocations, the real distinctions which nature has made, and many other circumstances will divide us into parties and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.""
--Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XIV, 1782. ME 2:192

",1511107084,19/11/2017 15:58 7688614,3623603580,"

Here's the Q Anon Q&A sheet, if you haven't read it yet. There are big things happening under the radar.

",1511112991,19/11/2017 17:36 7688407,3623758626,"

its obvious billionaire Trump could buy what he wanted and didnt need to coerce and trick women

contract sex is what progressives and feminists alike desperately WANT anyway, so I wonder what your problem is are not serving your paymaster Soros very well

low Q troll

",1511120027,19/11/2017 19:33 7687513,3623815867,"

John Q redirects, gaslights and shames people who corrects him (see below where he thought that Hitler was elected rather than appointed). A little more sophisticated than the average troll, but still a troll.

",1511122611,19/11/2017 20:16 7686736,3623951501,"

A negative I. Q. is NOT a requirement to work at MSLSD, but it DOES enhance the resume.

",1511128775,19/11/2017 21:59 7689331,3624115004,"

People are continuing to wake up. Use the internet and research. Look up ""Q-Anon"". Reject MSM, as you will only turn your brain to mush.

",1511137756,20/11/2017 00:29 7689451,3624150009,"

Thank you sir.
enjoying a better Q.O.L. out here than I would if I was still on Long Island.
It's home, but I'll never live there again.
plus, there are about 200 MS-13 member that law enforcement must contend with now.

",1511139799,20/11/2017 01:03 7689691,3624202579,

She's been back and is now doing Q jokes.
(She was asking who QAnon was and got suspended from twit for it).

,1511142957,20/11/2017 01:55 7678468,3624437308,

So a murderer/thief/prison rapist died... Good!

Did anybody else see Roseanne Bar's tweet that Q is Bill Hicks?

,1511162103,20/11/2017 07:15 7678468,3624470157,"

Yes.... There is a conspiracy theory out there that he is Alex Jones from Infowars (you've probably heard Hillary Clinton whine about him costing her the election... In fact she even said so in her book).

Now aside from the fact that they look identical, both worked with producer Kevin Booth, I always tried to put it in the back of my head. But then about a couple months or so ago Dr. Steve Pieceznik (the CIA operative that helped Tom Clancy write his novels) said that Alex was a former comedian turned reporter. That immediately made me think again Bill Hicks the comedian.

There are tons of articles comparing them. Here's one:

And now Roseanne Barr is saying 4chan's infamous Q is none other than Bill Hicks. Now who is rumored to be Bill Hick's alter ego? Alex Jones.

Even in Kevin Booth's book he says as he was leaving Bill Hick's funeral he was greeted in his truck by none other than Bill Hicks.

Now look at Alex Jones. Does he look like a man who is 43? Or does he look like a man in his mid 50's who's had plastic surgery?

",1511165464,20/11/2017 08:11 7690336,3624525247,"

There's over 1300+ sealed indictments all over the country.

FBI directors have statutory limit of 10 years they can serve. Question: Why did Mueller meet with Trump, auditioning to become the new FBI director, when he was statutorily prevented from serving again as FBI director?

Mueller flipped. Trump had stuff on him, gave him a chance to be a hero.

Who is Q Anon? #followthewhiterabbit

",1511170742,20/11/2017 09:39 7688383,3624757528,"

The left claims their opponents use hate and fear mongering yet they're the ones who always resort to that crap. Their policies are trash so they go the emotional route to pander to the lowest common denominator.

""Voting for John Doe is a vote for misogyny and racism! A vote for Susie Q is a vote for nazism and killing immigrants!!""

",1511184099,20/11/2017 13:21 7690945,3624838604,

You actually believe things Trump says.... God do you have to have an I Q in double digits to come to this site? You people have lost it... You are defending pedophilia.

,1511186874,20/11/2017 14:07 7687873,3624934636,"

Suzy Q you need a lesson in the constitution and civics, if you are that stupid (and I think you are) about how in this country one is presumed innocent until proven guilty and NOT the other way around as you suggest.

",1511189915,20/11/2017 14:58 7691875,3625015992,

I really hope Q Anon is legit 'cause I'm really sick of this regressive circus act.

,1511192985,20/11/2017 15:49 7691875,3625026202,"

Nov 8th photo of Trump on AF1, when you connect the thumbs up everyone is doing you get the letter ""Q"".

The paper in front of Trump has the new king of Saudi Arabia on it.

Now look at the file name of this photo.


/POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART II

One of the questions Q posted on 4chan was ""what does it say it godfather 3""

Answer?Michael Corleone:
The only wealth in this world is children. More than all the money, power on the earth.

What do children have to do with the storm that has already started?

",1511193348,20/11/2017 15:55 7691875,3625030048,

I see you have not been following the Q clearance posts on 4chan

,1511193483,20/11/2017 15:58 7694272,3625730779,

Q-Anon follower?

,1511221138,20/11/2017 23:38 7694272,3625884209,

Q-anon predicted revolution appears to be unfolding before our eyes. I wonder if we will see any of it spill into the public consciousness? Or is this to be a hidden war from start to finish...

,1511229579,21/11/2017 01:59 7693738,3626065399,

Follow the breadcrumbs Q has been dropping.

,1511243701,21/11/2017 05:55 7695622,3626188373,

you left out the Q. Oh wait they're the ones that are here

,1511255923,21/11/2017 09:18 7695262,3626252304,

And let's not leave out all paid for by John Q Sucker

,1511261300,21/11/2017 10:48 7696381,3626354907,

Maybe the Gs and Ts. Maybe that's what the Q is for.

,1511267501,21/11/2017 12:31 7695262,3626448268,"

They have put a name to the Soft Coup and it's QANON. I read Scary Moochy is going to reappear , It started to turn when he ran off Rience Prevus with that classic ball buster mob bit. I wonder if any of the swamp rats ever had anything do with the NYC mob. How about it Crying Chucking, made Muller think twice about taxes

",1511271741,21/11/2017 13:42 7694866,3626497378,

Does this mean that Q Anon is there to make the base think that real changes are coming?

,1511273783,21/11/2017 14:16 7694866,3626500018,

Don't like the smell of this. Does this mean that Q Anon leaks at 4chan were posted to make the base think that real changes are coming? I hope not.

,1511273890,21/11/2017 14:18 7696714,3626519611,

#qanon #NWO

,1511274679,21/11/2017 14:31 7692652,3626543891,

4Chan predicted almost all of the black leaders were going down last week. I guess Q is real.

,1511275646,21/11/2017 14:47 7693738,3626623595,

I wonder how McMaster's I Q stacks up against Trump's?

,1511278239,21/11/2017 15:30 7689763,3626746619,

The NFL needs to step up to the GOAL LINE and decide weather or not to KEEP AMERICA STRONG or dissolve the LEAGUE . //////////////////////////
The HIGH PAID CRY BABY BRATS need to realize they are being paid by JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN not the TEAM owner. ///////////////////////////////

,1511282602,21/11/2017 16:43 7697131,3626966862,

That Q person on 4chan says a recently deposed Saudi prince hired the Las Vegas shooters for a false flag operation.

,1511290848,21/11/2017 19:00 7697131,3627002762,

Prince Alaweed bin Talal owns the Four Seasons with Bill Gates. The Four Seasons is IN the Mandalay in Las Vegas. A hotel within a hotel. They occupy floors 35 through 39. Paddock was on Floor 32. The prince was just arrested in Saudi Arabia. Q makes sense on this.

,1511292223,21/11/2017 19:23 7698745,3627202502,"

If you want more winning like this, vote for more Moore:


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS

",1511298879,21/11/2017 21:14 7695049,3627605942,"

The Q is for Queer and Questioning and the 2 stands for 'two spirited', a Native term for gay.

",1511321673,22/11/2017 03:34 7700344,3627688053,

I always loved Trump because of what he wants to accomplish for our wonderful fantastic nation. I want America back. Frig progressive. We were doing it right then we got hijacked by the Federal Reserve. Q today reference the Titanic and had several questions.
Answers were year it sank. 1912. Year Feds took over banking 1913. Remember the rich man who got off the boat.(movie) connect the dots. hymmmm
John Jacob Astor the richest man alive. Then comes Jekyll Island. We became their slaves.

,1511329681,22/11/2017 05:48 7695049,3627728018,

Okay ... the Q is for questionable ... what's the 2 for ... maybe dual personalities.

,1511333944,22/11/2017 06:59 7695049,3627953945,"

LGBTQ2???? Geezus Christ, just 2 or 3 years ago it was simply LGBT, then they added the Q, now the 2. Within 10 years it will include letters for pedophilia, necrophilia, and whatever other deviant form of sex is out there.

",1511351646,22/11/2017 11:54 7695049,3628029746,"

Considering the cultural marxist sensitivity to offense, this clearly shows Canada values fruity natives over plain confused people (the second Q being ""questioning"", in their endless acronym). It's actually consistent with their ""values"" as those Q's are most likely loathsome white (said with a snear) people.

",1511355498,22/11/2017 12:58 7695049,3628034832,"

""Yes, we laud you of the LGBTQIA community, for your regal contributions to humanity, AIDS, various and sundry forms of anti-biotic resistant STDs like Hep A, B, C, Q, I, A and now a new form of resistant syphilis that causes blindness, in addition, due to your contributions to public schooling, every kinder child now accepts that Tommy has 2 daddys and knows how to properly affix a condom to a banana, but, who can forget how you've gallantly helped us to HATE our HATE and embrace sodomy, reject our Christian heritage and embrace gay marriage, indeed, you've bettered us and we are forever appreciative"". (sarc)

",1511355735,22/11/2017 13:02 7693723,3628058857,"

This isn't a lame duck......


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years

",1511356726,22/11/2017 13:18 7695049,3628110104,

M I C K E Y L G B T Q.

,1511358948,22/11/2017 13:55 7696897,3628111788,

Google; Qanon and 4chan on pol. This will all come to light. Saudi Arabia didn’t happen in a vacuum.

,1511359019,22/11/2017 13:56 7693723,3628185174,

I'm betting on Q clearance myself. Tick Tock.

,1511362069,22/11/2017 14:47 7695049,3628262955,

Prime Minister Justin Q. As in QUISLING. Justin Quisling. He is a quisling. See who Mr. Quisling was and please draw a parallel. I did. And it works wonderfully. Grrrrr!!!

,1511365052,22/11/2017 15:37 7699576,3628308547,"





",1511366139,22/11/2017 15:55 7702237,3628437400,

Is there anything new from Q since last weekend?

,1511368651,22/11/2017 16:37 7702237,3628498614,"

I see that, are those from Q?

I have always been grateful that Trump was aware & concerned about the things I was aware & concerned about, that fact alone gives me hope for the future.

",1511369887,22/11/2017 16:58 7692226,3628647220,"

Come on people, Ois for Ostrich, P is for Pig, Q is for Quota, how hard is it to understand.

",1511373900,22/11/2017 18:05 7703797,3628792715,

scientology is the cult Q is talking about

,1511376878,22/11/2017 18:54 7658095,3628862612,"

The New York Times Daily Porno-Pervert LGBT and Q propaganda article are promoted by their what The Blaze calls ""their gay mafia.""

Pre Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, in a 2004, public editor column Daniel Okrent said “it’s disappointing to see The New York Times present the social and cultural aspects of same-sex marriage in a tone that approaches cheerleading.”

""Every one of these articles was perfectly legitimate [?]. Cumulatively, though, they would make a very effective ad campaign for the gay marriage cause.

""The San Francisco Chronicle runs an uninflected article about Congressional testimony from a Stanford scholar making the case that gay marriage in the Netherlands has had a deleterious effect on heterosexual marriage. The Boston Globe explores the potential impact of same-sex marriage on tax revenues, and the paucity of reliable research on child-rearing in gay families. But in The Times, I have learned next to nothing about these issues, nor about partner abuse in the gay community…""

Sorry Mr. Okrent.

The NY Times gay staff has been leading them into bankruptcy by forcing decent, normal, readers to leave the Times in droves with these kind of LGBT, and Q-oriented, article every day.

The Blaze reported on August 15th, 2010 that a gay man–Richard Berke–is now the national editor and part of a so-called ""gay mafia""–which includes Ben Brantley, Frank Bruni, Stuart Elliot, Adam Nagourney, and Eric Wilson–hold key positions at the paper.

These (note) men rule over what goes into the NY Times. At least a daily dose of gay propaganda (sometimes more than one article) and many unsavory articles about deviant sex and paraphilia.

In 2016 NY Times columnist Charles Blow confessed in one of his columns that he is also bisexual.

What have these gays done to pollute the filthy cesspool they have created called the NY Times Porno-Pervert Daily?

A small sampling of the NY Times LGBT and Q propaganda and promotion of articles on sexual perversion, titillation, and paraphilia—often two or more a day—include:

• His [a 10-year-old boy's] Eye Makeup is Way Better Than Yours

• When Eve and Eve Bit The Apple

• Rites of Passage: My Vagina is Terrific.

• The First Time I Ever Tried a Tampon

• Phallus Art Brings Luck in Bhutan

• My Wife is Done With Sex. Can I Turn Elsewhere?

• I’m a Lesbian Who Hates Cats. I’m Going to Die Alone.

• Twitter Has a Transgender Problem

•The Feminist Pioneers Making Provocative Art About Sex

• When a Student Says, ‘I’m Not a Boy or a Girl’

• Modern Love: Who’s Allowed to Hold Hands? (about lesbians)

• When Transgender Trumps Treachery

• The Women Disrupting the Sex Toy

• Why Frankenstein’s Monster Haunts Queer Art

• Republican gay freakout

• The Gay Architects of Classic Rock

• Transgender Inmate Accuses Suffolk County of Unfair Medical Treatment

• A Condom-Maker’s Discovery: Size Matters

• Amateur college prostitute who sold silicone molds of her vagina (!).

• Brazil erotic sex park.

• Comment on transgender bathrooms by Caitlyn Jenner (who still has his male genitalia).

• Child molester Dennis Hastert.

• Wane of gay dance clubs.

• Epic nudes in spas and bath houses.

• Mapplethorpe gay photos (even gays say are perverted).

• Women of Sex Tech, Unite (Vibrators, Masturbation Workshops, etc.)

• ''Cross-Dressers Gladly Pay to Get in Touch with Their Feminine Side.''

• Looking at gay movies before Stonewall.

• Gay son brings boyfriend home.

• ''For Children of Gays, Marriage Brings Joy'' Two Fathers,

With One Happy to Stay at Home

• Transgender Gigi Gorgeous next top model.

• Transgender bathroom hysteria.

• Transgender tells about her plastic surgery.

• Honoring Her Transgender Uncle.

• Reality show ""Naked and Afraid.""

• Building a Better Father (without a mother).

• Gay U.S. ambassador on gay prejudice in Dominican Republic.

• Gay Latino partner at Goldman's.

• Between Playboys Pages.

• Caitlyn Jenner playing golf.

• Sext and the Single Girl.

• Field Guide to Male Intimacy.

• Dreaming of Gay Rights in Delhi.

• What Americans Get Wrong About Porn.

• A wearable vibrator for couples.

• How to Save Your Sperm.

• Voters love Lesbians.

• Etc., etc., etc.

The NY Times is no longer known as ""The Old Gray Lady"" but ""The Old Gay Lady.""

Even gays say the NY Times has replaced ""The Advocate, the gay propaganda rag that promotes the LGBT and Q perversion agenda.

How many other covert pro-LGBT biased people are there on staff?

This not journalism.

This is NY Times, Russian Pravda-style, propaganda and brainwashing for its readers to accept these perversions as normal.

They are not.

",1511378198,22/11/2017 19:16 7703008,3628925600,

She’s fighting for her life right now.

Nowhere to ‘flyEAGLESfly’

,1511379365,22/11/2017 19:36 7699711,3628979530,"

You can't fix stupid. What's always been amazing to me is how people don't bother to read instructions. Butterball does provide good instructions. Then, there's the Internet.

I've shopped at Wayfair where products all have fairly detailed descriptions and specifications. Scroll down to the Q & A section and find questions to the things already explained. And the Wayfair reps answer the questions. DUH!!

",1511380865,22/11/2017 20:01 7703797,3629126404,

Is pajama boy the Executive Director of GQ. BTW what does the G stand for? I know what the Q stands for.

,1511387473,22/11/2017 21:51 7698745,3629134416,"

Focus Q.....the evidence is already documented against that rotten hag Hillary. America is waiting for the arrest and trials. But the problem is that there are too many Obama hold overs trying to protect her lyingAss. (Like Comey) Don't play that foolish game with me. The left has used these gimmicks all along, and this one that is being used against Moore is falling apart as we speak. Focus Q. Your base is throwing theirShit on the wall and they are coming up with any excuse they can to see if it sticks. Anybody with an IQ of 0.5 can read what's going on with common sense and insight.

",1511387878,22/11/2017 21:57 7702810,3629201844,

It's a classic Q & A. I've loved ever since I first heard it.

,1511391613,22/11/2017 23:00 7703797,3629341779,

TRASH and UNSUBSCRIBE from G Q!!! R. Stratton!

,1511400428,23/11/2017 01:27 7703797,3629381922,"

and all PARENTS , Aunts and UNCLES

CHANGE your will .... delete all of the G. Q. OBAMA Hillary terrorists

",1511403311,23/11/2017 02:15 7703797,3629386346,"

the day for all Trump suppoting Parents, Aunts , Uncles ::: announce that you have Changed your will...
Deleted every snowflake, Antifa Terrorist, G. Q. supporter .. OBAMA Hillary supporter, and BLM cop killing supporter.

PASS it on and PASS it on :::

",1511403641,23/11/2017 02:20 7706569,3629895663,"

Thank you, POTUS, for all you have done for us....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000

",1511443648,23/11/2017 13:27 7703797,3629946337,

Nothing gentlemanly about GQ .. what does the Q stand for? Quarterly? Queer? Quagmire? Guixotic? Quitting? Quickie? Quaffying? Quackery?

,1511446350,23/11/2017 14:12 7706569,3629957827,"

Here, give them this list, then.....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000

",1511446951,23/11/2017 14:22 7703797,3630190868,

Aren't these the idiots who made anti American Kapernck man of the year?

Anyone w/ an I Q wouldn't listen to them.

,1511458512,23/11/2017 17:35 7705012,3630469744,"

It isn't gay when Muslims do it, as the Sunnah of Muhammad provides a double standard for everything.

condemning Homosexuality we have such fare as:

Quran (4:16) -
""If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent
and amend, Leave them alone""

Abu Dawud (4462) - The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ""Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.""

however, there is always a way around this.

Speaking about the things to be enjoyed in the Muslim idea of the afterlife we see:

Quran 76:19 There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.

So gay pedophilia is a reward for the obedient Muslim, just like 72 virgins rivers of wine and a permanent erection.

Moreover the Islamic injunctions against adultery don't apply to ""Captives of the Right Hand"" (sex slaves) as per Q 4:24. This convenient double standard leads to a great deal of rule skirting in Islamic countries, since the Muslim culture is based on a legalistic paradigm.

So does Islam permit homosexuality?

Does Islam condemn Homosexuality?

Yes. Both are simultaneously true and valid.

",1511475661,23/11/2017 22:21 7708492,3630611434,

sorry for your low Q problem. just take the meds dorque.

,1511487737,24/11/2017 01:42 7708489,3630682993,

This kind of spoils the entire QANON game.

,1511494429,24/11/2017 03:33 7708045,3630722074,

is this a q-anon question?

,1511498628,24/11/2017 04:43 7708153,3630724006,"

Elon Musk is getting that in your head, because that's what the elites are going to do someday. Some technology will kill everyone and Musk will say ""Oops, remember I told you that? It was that nasty AI ...""

Elon Musk took 4.9 billion from Obama and used it to build rockets for North Korea. It'll all come out soon. Search twitter for info on 4chan's ""Q"", hashtag #qanon, #followthewhiterabbit for more info.

",1511498866,24/11/2017 04:47 7708153,3630818331,


All that NASA money and Musk can only imagine a hostile AI? Telling.

,1511509420,24/11/2017 07:43 7706665,3631050661,"

Thanks B.B. I no longer feel alone.
This the morning after, i’m the only soul awake and wondering where I went wrong😪

Not only did I have to Defend my President, I had to Defend myself‼️

I asked the stepson if he heard about Q on 4chan and he start telling me how President Trump is a Criminal because his hotel and Other Business make money and it’s a crime😳 and how they are going to IMPEACH....then it was “ The only thing I worry about is NorthKorea.” Stepmother says,” are you following the Uranium One scandal”.... Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein???? All while he sat watching NFL😡

Next....Oldest daughter (Attorney just engaged) lives in DC tells me they are doing a simple civil ceremony and then big party....but she wants her friends to bring gift😳
She then say “ he” doesn’t want gifts....mother advices “ it may be embarrassing because “ he’s done this twice already”...... she says.... wait are you ready..... “why should I not get to have gifts because he’s been married before”😒 She makes 250,000 dollars a year..... but I’m the uneducated one they say🐸

Stay strong fellow Deplorable’s and Thanks for listening👍

",1511528058,24/11/2017 12:54 7708489,3631115800,"

Something is different here on Brietbart... The ""fake news"" choir seems to have died down, as if you guys get that this is real--that Flynn really was seriously compromised and that his presence on the campaign and in Trump's administration puts Trump in real jeopardy.

You should know, in the interest of playing fair, we liberals don't really know what happened either. It looks pretty bad, but there's no certainty outside of the Trump bubble. I'm not agnostic about whether or not Trump colluded--the fact that he still hasn't implemented the sanctions package against Russia that Congress passed back in August speaks volumes to me--but I'm perfectly willing to just let the investigation go wherever it leads, and accept the results of it.

Whenever you guys are ready to be big boys again, stop your little tantrum and rejoin reality based America, we'll be willing to take you back. Because one thing we all know is this: John Q Iowa didn't collude with Russia. Peace

",1511531648,24/11/2017 13:54 7709110,3631117941,"

To quantify the concept, compare and contrast the French and American revolutions to where the results are today. France declared God is dead. America asked for God’s blessings. Q. E. D.

",1511531754,24/11/2017 13:55 7707718,3631138334,

‘They never thought she would lose.’

,1511532819,24/11/2017 14:13 7707841,3631238489,"

Game on Teach...yeah, let's explore the full truth and see where the chips fall... including how Columbus was desperately driven to get away from a tyrannical progressive govt circa Qn Isabella. Will your feelings be able to take the full truth though? Or, will you again try to project your delusional feelings onto kids?

",1511537985,24/11/2017 15:39 7703083,3631349093,"

It is about time some of these ** SENATORTS ** get their heads out of their tail ends and see the light of what this ****** PEICE OF CRAP LEGISLATION entitled OBOOOOOOOMA - CARE ****** is actually doing to JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN in reference to the cost of HEALTH CARE . ////////////////////
COSTS for HEALTH CARE have risen so much, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIAEN has to decide weather to buy FOOD, a HOME or pay the price for individual HEALTH CARE POLICIES for them selves and their families. ////////////////////////////////
JUCK THE WHOLE OBOOOOOOOOMA - CARE plan.////////////////////////////////////////

",1511543261,24/11/2017 17:07 7708489,3631394241,"

The other interesting possibility - as suggested by Q Anon on 4Chan - is that Mueller is ex-Marines, and is actually co-operating with the Presidency to bring down the Dems. There are now something like 1200 sealed indictments waiting.
Note that Pelosi recently announced she now wanted a ""new prosecutor"". Interesting...

",1511545422,24/11/2017 17:43 7708489,3631414944,"

I don't believe Q. Everyone's getting carried away with the 4chan ""revelations"" convinced he's a white hat because he seems to know what's going on at the black heart of the Meuller investigation. Might anyone else be intimate with the details of Meuller's work? Like deep state black hats for example?

I think it's more likely

",1511546455,24/11/2017 18:00 7708489,3631418327,"

There is evidence - such as photographic - that Q is within the President's entourage. There are also many predictions Q made that occurred just a few days later; events that did not help the Black Hats in any way. Why would the Black Hats intentionally screw themselves up to make Q look legit? Losing all those corrupt Saudi princes wasn't something they found convenient, I'm sure. No, I disagree with you on this one.

",1511546627,24/11/2017 18:03 7710493,3631535199,"



",1511552722,24/11/2017 19:45 7709794,3631612192,"

Hidden within this article is the reason that the so called Follow the White Rabbit a.k.a. Q Clearance Patriot/Anon reveal on 4chan's /pol/ thread is, most unfortunately, a 'larp' (live action role play), and not a real insider giving approved leaks from the President: Mueller and Rosenstein are both deeply implicated in the Uranium One scandal. This, regardless of Mueller's alleged disdain for the corruption all around him back then, regardless of his allegedly quitting his Directorship because of said corruption, regardless of his past in the Marines... his patriotism. This article is a reality check for folks like me that thought, what if...Mueller, Sessions and the supposed 1,000 sealed indictments... meant the world's biggest takedown of political corruption was about to take place? Well, folks, sadly it just ain't.

",1511556726,24/11/2017 20:52 7710958,3631709475,

The Q character is so right. The CIA is in full spin mode now with the fake media narratives.

,1511562918,24/11/2017 22:35 7709794,3631809692,

All of this is explained away is the Q Anon theories are right. I have no idea IF they are and do not know if I even dare to hope that they are.

,1511570427,25/11/2017 00:40 7709794,3631848751,"

i am doing alot of liz crokin & april lajune these days. imo both are excellent. crokin names the names & makes the connections. lajune is into Qanon. some fascinating stuff & very believable. both women maintained that number would grow substantially, good to see it. crokin maintains if average Americans has any idea of the depth & depravity they would not be able to handle it. I think awhole lot of peoples' worlds' are going to be rocked & not too long from now.

",1511573481,25/11/2017 01:31 7709794,3631853627,"

i got that from lajune, she maintains qanon very high up in intelliegence

",1511573866,25/11/2017 01:37 7710751,3632039274,

I'll sing your praises if this is true.
Are you Q Patriot? ;-)
How can you know all this is happening?
It seems a pipe dream to me but I find myself reading it with a glimmer of hope.

,1511593556,25/11/2017 07:05 7710337,3632266949,"

""our biggest tools are the Prophet’s practices and Saudi Arabia before 1979.”

Those tools are all listed in the psychopathic and self-declared phony prophet's Last Will & Testament in Q Chapt 9 - and all peace verses were canceled out. It is amazing how MBS tries to pick and choose from a buffet which the psychopath himself said ALL mandates must be obeyed - before 1979.

MBS is going to be the one to lose his head since he is plainly going against sharia.

",1511615615,25/11/2017 13:13 7712155,3632394499,"

Hey, you!!! Look what I've done to your list....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season

",1511622022,25/11/2017 15:00 7712824,3632641459,"

I've been following the posts of a ""leaker"" on 4chan calling himself the Q Clearance Patriot. if he is to be believed Trump interviewed mueller for this exact purpose

",1511634382,25/11/2017 18:26 7712824,3632684113,"

It was reported on FOX and

April lajune
Liz Crokin
4 Chan Q-ANON
Watch for people wearing Boots. Hillary broke her toe, but you don't wear a Boot for a broken toe. McCain said he pulled a Ligament and was wearing a boot on his right foot and then it was shown on his left foot. The Indictments were kept quiet until that showed up.

",1511636546,25/11/2017 19:02 7713103,3632739578,

Go back to the Huff&PuffPost Q. You got lost on the Internet Libtard.

,1511639603,25/11/2017 19:53 7709794,3632754450,"

Come on people. Trump has this under control. He knows what he's doing. We'll have to wait until the indictments are unsealed. According to Q they are NOT for the Trump administration. New WaPo article out ""Mueller might be the one draining the swamp. LOL

",1511640453,25/11/2017 20:07 7709794,3632805543,"

Okay, I believe you. So, regardless of his proximity to the U1 events, and reported friendship with Comey, Mueller could be clean. Also, he might not be the one who prepared the reportedly now 1,800 sealed indictments. Sessions did refuse to answer whether U1 was being investigated. Recently there are reports of a MEU force landing at and occupying CIA Langley. My initial conclusion was ill-founded. I only have one more question. Is that you, Q?

",1511643414,25/11/2017 20:56 7712950,3633073022,

I love Q too.

,1511661879,26/11/2017 02:04 7712950,3633124572,"

Sarge had to be sure you could hear, Q.

",1511666403,26/11/2017 03:20 7713754,3633151567,

That's kinda funny I guess but isn't there anything more important than this guy's one eye issue that could fill this slot? Q maybe?

,1511669044,26/11/2017 04:04 7710481,3633396443,

As though any group into which we’re constantly being divided by leftists approves of child sex abuse. L? G? B? T? Q? 2? Look how divided the libs make even That group.

,1511696887,26/11/2017 11:48 7712581,3633653506,"

You missed out another T and an A, and another Q. HA!

",1511711752,26/11/2017 15:55 7713451,3633837258,

YouTube: QAnon ...the takedown is underway

,1511720584,26/11/2017 18:23 7678099,3633838964,

YouTube: QAnon (Tracy Beanz) ...the takedown is underway

,1511720665,26/11/2017 18:24 7715170,3633842982,

YouTube: QAnon 4Chan ...the takedown is underway

,1511720858,26/11/2017 18:27 7715413,3633850578,

YouTube: QAnon ...the takedown is underway.. RINOS and Dems in U1 and more

,1511721226,26/11/2017 18:33 7715497,3633853774,

YouTube: QAnon ...the takedown is underway... Dems and Rinos in U1. Saudi Interrogations happening now

,1511721378,26/11/2017 18:36 7713265,3633857967,

YouTube: QAnon ...the dem and rino takedown is underway...

,1511721573,26/11/2017 18:39 7715983,3634125363,"

Lighter fluid on a Q tip was my grandma's method. No fire, just the dab of fluid.

",1511735119,26/11/2017 22:25 7716505,3634454529,"

November Patreon Q & A
With Jordan B Peterson and Kermit/Hitler
Posted 12 hours ago. Love BB and I love listening to Jordan Peterson while I read these articles. Reasons to celebrate, folks. Disagree, please, have a cookie.

",1511760159,27/11/2017 05:22 7716634,3634472333,"

The 3 you gave me and here are some others

Steve Motley –


11-25-2017-Mix -Retired Marine - ""Winter Is Coming"" - QAnon Tells Patriots to Prepare for Marshal Law!

The year 4chan won the internet.


",1511762200,27/11/2017 05:56 7717171,3634613462,"

I suspect Crown Prince MbS is King now - but Saudi isnt ready to announce it yet. Very interesting he was setup as the Crown Prince instead of the crook - in June - right after Pres Trump visited Arabia. POTUS DJT is by FAR greater than Americans realize - and his Asia trip was by far deeper than y'all know.

Is Jacob Rothchild dead? Nov 17?
Did FBI, CIA, NSA HQ get raided by Marines Nov 18?
Are there 4,000 sealed indictments in courts across USA?
Who is Q Anon?

",1511776585,27/11/2017 09:56 7716634,3634701378,

Any Q anon news or new discoveries in the past day or so?

Trying to stay on top of that.

,1511783355,27/11/2017 11:49 7716634,3634727192,

Liberals panicking as Pizzagate has been reopened.

Thanks Q!!!

,1511784848,27/11/2017 12:14 7716634,3634730194,"

Trump retweeted a link the other day that linked to the Q anon news.

Thank you Trump for helping to get the word out!!!


",1511785022,27/11/2017 12:17 7716634,3634736809,

Leftists are screaming at the sky this morning because Q anon blew the doors of Pizzagate wide open again last week. Their panic brigade has begun.

,1511785370,27/11/2017 12:22 7716634,3634738197,

What did Qanon say?

,1511785425,27/11/2017 12:23 7716634,3634740620,"

This Thanksgiving, I was thankful for Q anon.

",1511785559,27/11/2017 12:25 7716634,3634748278,"

I have been reading the stuff on 4chan, some of the clues seem to make it like Trump is Q or people he works with.

",1511785984,27/11/2017 12:33 7714732,3634770501,

John Q citizen would have spent years in jail. Absolutely!

,1511786896,27/11/2017 12:48 7715983,3634778965,

Note to GS Potter from a woman who was raped at knife point in her own home:

FUH Q!!!!!

,1511787334,27/11/2017 12:55 7717321,3634827686,

The throne of England is filled and surrounded by PEDOPHILES. The history of Q. Eliz and Philip in Canada after their marriage. What did they do in Canada? What happened to the kids?

,1511789660,27/11/2017 13:34 7716634,3634870863,

And what about their creep brother Alex Podesta?

Follow the white rabbit.

Thanks Q!

,1511791604,27/11/2017 14:06 7716871,3634986654,

Abuse by banks...every nation sets its own banking laws. Makes one wonder if John Q. Public has ever had anyone or any institution looking out for them

,1511796465,27/11/2017 15:27 7716634,3634992932,

Much love to my boy Q for bringing more allegations to the pizza gate table

,1511796721,27/11/2017 15:32 7717699,3635226317,

This is MSM responding to Q anon - they're scrambling for allies before the big pizzagate resurgence

,1511805692,27/11/2017 18:01 7717699,3635328081,

They're responding to Q.

This is their way of securing support before the Pizzagate bombs.

they need to normalize this to make a case for all of those implicated.

,1511809655,27/11/2017 19:07 7718776,3635328745,"

So...thats what S.J.L. looks like after 3 rounds with Michael Berry and Shirley Q Liquor. Damnit now!!! That face took a beating...what, they haven't been in the ring yet? Oops!! My bad

",1511809680,27/11/2017 19:08 7713961,3635437454,

I'm more interested in the upcoming resurgence of Pizzagate tbh.

Thanks Q!

,1511813697,27/11/2017 20:14 7719118,3635526674,

How do we know they’re gay? Maybe they’re bi. Or Q. Or T. Or 2. Pretty sure they’re not L.

,1511817408,27/11/2017 21:16 7714732,3635721762,"

How wonderful the moral crusaders at the NY Times Porno-Pervert Daily LGBT and Q propaganda rag have become!

Excuse me!

All the media—especially sniveling executives and editorial cowards, columnists, and writers at The New York Times sided with the men who harassed or even raped—or murdered women—(like football celebrity O.J. Simpson) need a front page, black-bordered, Mea Culpa.

The main guilty parties to all this past and present sexual harassment are the newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cable, etc.—all the media across the country.

Who gave Democrats like Bill Clinton Carte Blanche an easy time with his disgusting Monica ""sexcapade"" that set the example of men getting away—not only with Trump's foul ""locker language""—but Clinton's serial rapes?

And let's not forget the leniency of the media with womanizing democrats like Lyndon Johnson and JFK's not-so-innocent dalliances.

The NY Times should have condemned male predators like Hugh Hefner of Playboy infamy who they praised as a ""sexual progressive"" decades ago—including Democrat president womanizers like Lyndon Johnson, JFK and Bill Clinton.

Instead The New York Tiemes hushed and covered up any inquiry into their sexual misbehavior—and in Clinton's case serial rapes.

All the media are no ""innocents"" for the blame of the continuing sexual harassment of women by their deafening silence and callous reusal to believe women's ""tales of sexual horror.""

A shortlist of Bill' serial rapes from when he first became governor of Alabama were known as his coerced ""fan club:""

Juanita Broadrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Gracen, Sally Perdue, Monica Lewinsky, etc.

The Clintons paid Paula Jones $850,000 to settle her rape court case.

Hillary participated in denigrating the women who were raped.

Hillary cast doubt on the women using words like “floozy,” “bimbo” and “stalker.""

Monica was called a ""narccisstic looney tune.""

A name now more appropriate to Hillary.

Many other sexual harassment cases against Bill were settled out of court as well—probably from the Clinton Foundation—since Hillary claimed they had no money.

Why have liberals become suddenly strict moral crusaders when it comes to Republicans?

There are plenty of rotten eggs under the Democrats rug still to be fumigated.

What The Blaze called the LGBT and Q ""gay mafia"" editors and writers who now run the NY Times won't be the ones to do because it will reflect on their own perverse immoral behavior and sexual paraphilia practices.

",1511826981,27/11/2017 23:56 7719862,3635822614,

I think Mr. Bannon has a reason this article is on Breitbart. Q? MAGA!!!

,1511832258,28/11/2017 01:24 7718470,3635828244,"

Ha ha ha, NYT & WaPo, you've fallen for the ruse; hook, line & sinker. Q! MAGA!!!

",1511832559,28/11/2017 01:29 7720099,3635868409,"

Completely incorrect on the fines, that is pure nonsense. If you were capable of reading a WFC Q or K maybe you could do the digging for yourself instead of Googling and cutting and pasting the nonsense the agency posts as a PR stunt.

Are you denying that increased regulation doesn't benefit the big banks (or any companies) at the behest of the little guys? Let's take a look at FDIC stats. In 1995 there was a bit under 10,000 FDIC-insured institutions. That has been cut in half as of 3/31/17 to barely above 5,000. Over this time, bank regulation has increased dramatically. Oh, and what's happened to the market share of the largest banks (even using pre-bailout figures) - it has grown astronomically. I bet the bulge bracket writes Lizzie a Christmas card every year.

Keep bringing up Donny the Clown as if I care, I'm an AnCap and Donald is irrelevant to our discussions on Warren the joke.

",1511834769,28/11/2017 02:06 7721575,3635886370,"

Some I figured out myself, other from a couple of sites. Try these for now.

",1511835826,28/11/2017 02:23 7721575,3635918026,

I'm beginning to wonder if the Q character on 4Chan is real. He/she predicted that many more of these people on both sides would announce that they are not seeking re-election. It appears that they were visited by law enforcement and told that they must either quit or be indicted on corruption charges.

,1511837730,28/11/2017 02:55 7721575,3635918174,

The indictments aren't really related to Q. It's either fact or not fact.

,1511837740,28/11/2017 02:55 7721575,3635918753,

I can't link you to 4Chan you have to go there. You never heard of Q?

,1511837780,28/11/2017 02:56 7721575,3635919749,"

Well, go on you tube and type it in the search box. The whole internet has been afire about Q for the past 2 weeks.

",1511837846,28/11/2017 02:57 7721575,3635920877,

Deals are being made. Q mentioned Pelosi and Maxine W as well. I believe that they will bow out too.

,1511837921,28/11/2017 02:58 7721575,3635922838,

I really hope this Q thing is for real.

,1511838051,28/11/2017 03:00 7721575,3635923201,"

Shills out the wazoo on chan, had to move to another venue.
Anyhow, can't say if Q is the real deal, however, I have been following for a few weeks, and most of what has been revealed has come to pass.
Search and ye will find.

",1511838076,28/11/2017 03:01 7719106,3635950477,

At least now we - JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN - can say ******* MERRY CHRISTMAS *****
TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS WE WANT. /////////////////////////////////////
semper parats

,1511840043,28/11/2017 03:34 7721575,3635983603,"

Pay attention to Qanon on 4chan. They're given the option of bowing out instead of prosecution, order to win the war. Believe me,...the ones that bowed out gave lots and lots of info on bigger fish. Their careers and possibly lives are over. That's a fact. Charlie Rose, Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein are only the crust of the cake. The center if full of satanic blood ritual cannibalism, pedophilia (child rape),...and who knows what else. Blackmail is the way to control people. Watch for players to go down like John McCain, Hillary Clinton (not Bill because I think he's ratting out his wife to save his rear), Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Lindsay Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, Barney Frank (even though he's out of office),.and more. Mueller may very be the one after all these criminals. Why did Sessions recuse himself regarding the Russian probe? Sounds wild, but read what Qanon is saying,....great time to be alive. I believe it's all real and happening now. God is great and God (via President Trump is saving our country and the rest of the globe from these evil Illuminati satanic bastards.

",1511842686,28/11/2017 04:18 7721575,3635985491,"

For those of you following the more bizarre rabbit holes from Q, I give you the following link.

A supposed list of the intel the Marines got when the stormed Langley......if that actually happened lol

",1511842846,28/11/2017 04:20 7721575,3636022874,

WAs it Q anon who said watch out for senators/congressmen not seeking reelection? The list seems to be growing every day. Very interesting....I'm with Q.

,1511846227,28/11/2017 05:17 7721575,3636027850,

My wishes when Mueller was hired to do his probing were that he would start with Trump and follow the bread crumbs to the real criminals. Looks like that may be the case. What a chess move by Trump and Co. if this all plays out like Qanon says.

,1511846717,28/11/2017 05:25 7721575,3636043662,

My nickname is Q.

,1511848278,28/11/2017 05:51 7717438,3636047880,"

Ahhh Breitbart morons are out in force in the comments section!! Q. Why have the 'chosen' been thrown out of almost every country? A. Awareness! Roger Waters is a legend and doesn't need to prove anything to anybody! However, antisemitism is a disease; you catch it from the 'chosen'.

",1511848694,28/11/2017 05:58 7721575,3636245602,"

Q-anon is right, some will be prosecuted, others will be forced to resign. With over 2000 sealed indictments, things are about to get real interesting! Merry Christmas to America!

",1511866691,28/11/2017 10:58 7718584,3636299280,"

Like children, they're only clinging to the protest now BECAUSE it pi$$e$ people off. In their minds, it's more about attention than anything else, good or bad, it's attention they crave. Downside for them is they have no critical thinking skills that would make them aware they're shooting themselves in both feet as John Q. Public is abandoning them in droves.

",1511870198,28/11/2017 11:56 7721575,3636506804,"

None of this is happening in a vacuum, but few on Fox let alone MSM will connect the dots. Out of the blue the establishment shill just said. POTUS is the only boss I know that is willing to do the dirty work. He sets them up and they knock them down. Soft coup rolls on. QANON?????????

",1511879514,28/11/2017 14:31 7721395,3636524577,"

My own party? I don't have one. I am registered Independent. But to answer your Q - There is a substantial preponderance of evidence that Moore chased - and caught - girls much younger than him, and it's highly likely he sexually assaulted a 14 YO. Faced with the decision to vote for him or not, I would choose the latter. If I was a Republican I would say it's likely that the seat would be regained in 2 years and we need to put basic decency ahead of short term politics, or we risk losing the moral high ground (that ironically Moore claims)

",1511880222,28/11/2017 14:43 7720003,3636584956,"

I didn't realize until now, all of Trump's top advisors were Marines, this is significant. Q Anon said, Trump surrounded himself with loyal generals to ward off a coup attempt & the generals being Marines is significant, because that's the only branch of the service than answers directly to him & he can call them up anytime it wishes.

",1511882117,28/11/2017 15:15 7722820,3636595341,"

FYI If unaware, there's many now that conclude that ""Q"" posts are the ""real deal"" and trying to get the truth out to us, by-passing MSM. Growing evidence that Mueller has been turned (""or else"") to helping Trump and is a ruse to nail others:

""The Special Counsel is not corrupt. .. is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s (Mueller) doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed..
Many high level officials will soon be arrested to actually ‘Drain the Swamp‘ beyond what anyone thought was possible. Once the corruption and the 'type of corruption' is revealed to the American people, it will trigger ‘The Awakening’. This event will be something unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite behind Trump and his administration for cleaning house.
‘Stay strong, have Faith and Pray. The Patriots are in control now.’""

",1511882510,28/11/2017 15:21 7722004,3636602019,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season

",1511882767,28/11/2017 15:26 7718245,3636935630,"

""Obama was born outside the United States?""
Well, YES... now that THE STORM IS COMING, the forensic evidence has been released. When the storm is over, the people of the world will be AWOKE.

This trickle of information is important as QANON , has stated.
Already AWOKE.

",1511895111,28/11/2017 18:51 7723474,3636985148,"

This man became filthy rich to pedal the smoke screens. Run if you want, but we can even ""hear you breathing"" says QANON.

",1511897022,28/11/2017 19:23 7723690,3637051796,"

I think Pres. Trump wants to show McConnel and the rest of the swamp bilge that the patriots are a force to be reckoned wilth even without his leading the charge. ""Deplorables"" know how to read our MAGA /COVFEFE Pres. we are on the same page - but sometimes the message is subtle and between the lines - like consider this:

",1511899538,28/11/2017 20:05 7725853,3637110162,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season

",1511901817,28/11/2017 20:43 7725970,3637163757,"

Per Q anon posts, N.K. is the cia.

",1511904043,28/11/2017 21:20 7725970,3637256501,

Pffffffft these people aren't paid. My sister in law is a paid troll. She's doing damage control after Q anon this week. These people aren't half as deep in actual issues as they would need to be to get a check from anyone. Novices.

,1511908532,28/11/2017 22:35 7725970,3637258462,

The paid trolls are still doing Q anon damage control. These desperate little fraggles aren't steeped enough to earn a check with their weak sauce troll brigade

,1511908616,28/11/2017 22:36 7725970,3637319963,

What did Q Anon say?

,1511911895,28/11/2017 23:31 7722988,3637449892,

another one to add to the Q Anon list of scumbags

,1511918947,29/11/2017 01:29 7725853,3637485796,

Did you see that ?--- he used the Q word. Definitely not a liberal.

,1511920902,29/11/2017 02:01 7725352,3637704377,"

Conservatives need to realize that the Democratic Party will do anything to remain the party of power....including having people run as Republicans....and then always vote with the democrats....

We all need to seriously vet every candidate before we vote...We must go to Q & A's and ask important questions of the candidates....going all the way back to when they were in college.

We HAVE to stop voting for career politico's....People who enter politics when they are in college....Graduate with law degrees, and immediately run for state office upon graduation... Career politicians who went to law school...all think alike, regardless which party they claim to they all went to the same colleges and were taught by the same liberal professors.

",1511932382,29/11/2017 05:13 7727425,3638096658,

Take heart. We are not losing. #qanon #thestorm #followthewhiterabbit

,1511961574,29/11/2017 13:19 7728607,3638109142,

I wonder how much this purge ties in with Q Clearance?

,1511962055,29/11/2017 13:27 7728607,3638149437,

In all fairness the L G B T Q nation should also be concerned as they proliferate in Hollywood and news networks. If those twisted sisters suggest or touch someone

call them out for inappropriate behavior or whatever. The closet door swings both ways !

,1511963553,29/11/2017 13:52 7728607,3638288782,"

Is there anything new from Q, since Thanksgiving?

",1511968531,29/11/2017 15:15 7728607,3638304306,"

There's also MagaAnon who came before Q.

",1511969083,29/11/2017 15:24 7725190,3638310840,"

Moore should convert to Islam. Then, everything he is accused of doing would not only be justified, but actually commanded in the Q.

",1511969310,29/11/2017 15:28 5226002,3638327076,"

I'm gunna take a rough guess @ his political affiliation: dem? left? PROMOTOR & PARTAKER IN RAPE (RAPE,RAPE,RAPE,RAPE,RAPE) CULTURE & SEXUAL ASSAULT OF WOMEN.

Quiet down now folks....... Madona & Judd are about to speak! (crickets, goddam crickets)! their response is so voluminous I hear nothing else they say.

ssssh! come over here honey! can you hear it? No daddy, what am I listening for? oh Suzzie Q, its the voice of your protectors! oh daddy, I still can't hear them! can I see them? Oh honey, sure you can, just look for the perverts of today! you'll know them by the F'n DUCT TAPE OVER THEIR MOUTH.

",1511969871,29/11/2017 15:37 7728607,3638328305,"

Good reading. Do you have the Q Anon listing?

",1511969914,29/11/2017 15:38 7725550,3638437921,

Change 3 to annex Q of Chapter 12.

,1511973810,29/11/2017 16:43 7724344,3638477853,"

This A-hole took America to the brink, and Trump is fighting to right the ship.
He was/is the bagman for the NWO. The Deep State/CIA are in full blown panick mode at what Trump is doing. There is a new sheriff in town in the Arab Emirates who is sympathetic to Trump's Agenda. A complete contrast to the money grubbing/laundering Clinton criminal/slush fund foundation that the previous nefarious AE top dogs like Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal used to throw money into. Surely it was to feed starving children in Africa. Yeah...right. Don't pee on my shoe and tell me it's raining.

Side Issue: Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal and Bill Gates own the top five floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in LV. Do with that what you will.
In the last 48 hours Q-Anon's cryptic info on 4chan has been validated as being legitimate, due to DeepState CIA daubing his info with swastikas and Heil Hitlers. People are supposed to think Q is just another Alt Right crazy. Well that was the plan. All they succeeded in achieving was the validating of the information. Where people may have had doubts before, they don't now.

Side issue: Q Anon also mentioned there are in excess of 4000 sealed indictments currently held, and not to be concerned about the Mueller investigation. It's going ok. You may have noticed the MSM coming out and attacking Mueller recently. I hope you understand the MSM gets their orders from the CIA on what to print on things political. (That's been going on since JFK. The JFK document release just confirmed it.)

Obama visiting Chinese, French and Indian leaders when he should be in jail for Treason against the US. Is he going to those countries to tell them not to panick. That the NWO is still moving forwards. His mate, little Macron (The X Rothschild Banker). Yes, the little man who's hand was crushed by Trump at the EU summit. Chinese leader Xi Jinping being told he's doing a good job stringing Trump along over North Korea (or should I say CIA the puppet masters).

With the redistribution of wealth from the US to China via the Man Made Global Warming hoax being put on the back burner, China has had to re adjust its economic thinking. All that, and their credit rating being downgraded. India's Modi would do well to give Obama the cold shoulder. India has invested heavily in the US in recent times. To protect and grow that relationship, you would not want to pee on Trump's shoe.

Exciting times ahead for patriots. #MAGA

",1511975207,29/11/2017 17:06 7720039,3638515225,

Are you following #QAnon on twitter?
There's a huge resistance and it's growing every day!


,1511976545,29/11/2017 17:29 7729003,3638603909,

It is true Obama had Q GDP numbers which exceeded three percent. So the orange buffoon is continuing a trend Obama started....

,1511979694,29/11/2017 18:21 7729036,3638644897,"

Seriously, evidence that’s all I ask.... I’m not running interference or trying to take away from anything I am simply John Q. Public asking for proof . Just like I would for anyone I’m not treating you differently than I would anyone else. If you don’t want to provide proof, fine get back under your shell, what I am asking for is not unreasonable and that burden is on you as you are the one making the assertions. The anger in your response as evidenced by your berating me tells me you can’t even back up your own assertions.

So prove me wrong, if you can’t, shut up. Proof adds to the conversation allegations don’t.

Btw I say the same thing to liberal turds whom set forth allegations without proof too.

Just prove it or don’t bother asserting it.

",1511981146,29/11/2017 18:45 7726231,3638651159,"

‘our country needs a good shutdown,’

Dear GEOTUS, Thank you. We are not worthy.

J. Q. Public

",1511981372,29/11/2017 18:49 7727926,3638727760,"

What happens when little Suzie Q. decides that hot date we had back in '73 was a mistake because she was blasted on shrooms? Do I get charged with rape now? These people are literally crazy..insane, neurotic, stupid, morons...........

",1511984169,29/11/2017 19:36 7730104,3638790828,"

Just how long does it take for John Q Public to quit spending ANY money on sports - no watching, no going, no buying, no gambling, NOTHING.

",1511986441,29/11/2017 20:14 7729342,3638803155,"

Why is everyone special except me, John Q.Citizen?
I work, pay taxes, get lied to by people I vote into office.......and still........the illegal guy thinks he is special.

",1511986890,29/11/2017 20:21 7727278,3639043862,"

This is the best I can do without writing a novel.

Kevin Shipp

Q appears to have connections at the highest levels and has posted many things that seem to verify that he/she is the real deal. The information that Q has revealed is mostly in the form of a Question leading you to fill in the blanks.

I’m going to give you my feeble attempt at the cliff notes version of an ‘intro’ into some of what is going on and expand on it a little.

QAnon: Down the Rabbit Hole

The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1400 sealed indictments at last glance.

",1511997866,29/11/2017 23:24 7731850,3639105850,"

I'd like to think that the first part of ""draining the swamp"" removing corrupt media who skew the news. Once they're taken are the ""political swamp creature""...which is happening concurrently (Barton, Franken, Conyers). Trump is executing his plan flawlessly......see ""Q-Anon"" on 4 chan....over 4000 sealed Federal Indictments!!!! The swamp creatures are scrambling.

",1512001410,30/11/2017 00:23 7731850,3639120192,

Ur the 2nd Q .... Questioning

,1512002225,30/11/2017 00:37 7731850,3639156619,"

Whatever it is, it’s huge. There’s been a guy on 4chan called QAnon who’s been revealing all this. He correctly predicted the date of the Vegas massacre 3 weeks prior and was warning people to stay away. He’s been claiming that military tribunals are coming and this is what trump was talking about when he said “calm before the storm”.

",1512004344,30/11/2017 01:12 7727425,3639169258,"

Why should anyone in a free country have to ""defend"" their notes, with no consequences to ANYONE trying to inhibit him? Indefensible. That woman had NO RIGHT to even get on stage. Write a letter to the editor, confront him if there was a Q and A, but he has every American right to speak. You can challenge him with ideas, not thievery.

",1512005076,30/11/2017 01:24 7731115,3639191733,

NY Times is unhinged. I e-mailed Ways and Means Committee a serious professional tax Q. about tax bill before the House passed it. An answer has never arrived.

,1512006470,30/11/2017 01:47 7729291,3639242975,

Guess you have not been following Q Patriot Anon on 4Chan or You Tube. Q is a proven high level source of information and has been suggesting that N.K. is being run by the C.I.A. . It wasn't China that gave Kimmy the technology and money to advance their rocket program by over a decade.
Peace Y

,1512009746,30/11/2017 02:42 7729831,3639662906,

Your response proves my point. Q. E. D.

,1512042372,30/11/2017 11:46 7731436,3639738343,"

What a LOSER, and why the Q on the end, every single one of them is a Q.

",1512046214,30/11/2017 12:50 7731436,3639759846,

The third Q is queer.

,1512047182,30/11/2017 13:06 7731436,3639820541,

I remember when it was just LGBT. Then they added the Q which seemed redundant. Now they've added a 2? Political Correctness is fascism and insanity.

,1512049360,30/11/2017 13:42 7731436,3639832012,

Maybe they mean Q squared. I still don't understand though.

,1512049827,30/11/2017 13:50 7731850,3639837923,"

Lauer is just the beginning. Scarborough will go soon, as will a whole lot of others, at both CNN and MSNBC. Trump has begun the take-down of the Deep State. It began in Saudi Arabia and will continue here.

There's information out there on this. Google ""4 chan Q anon"" for the details. The most comprehensive analysis of Q anon's cryptic messages that I have found is on youtube and consists of a number of videos created by a young lady who calls herself ""deceptionbytes"". There are other much shorter analyses out there, but ""deceptionbytes"" analyses the messages point by point.

",1512050068,30/11/2017 13:54 7734235,3640051093,


,1512058117,30/11/2017 16:08 7731436,3640051144,"

I know what the LGBT is, what's the 2 and the Q???

",1512058119,30/11/2017 16:08 7734787,3640070967,"

It is. You need to look into the Q anon thing.

Their panic is real, and justified.

",1512058870,30/11/2017 16:21 7733362,3640112797,"

Patience. It will happen. Take some time and look up: ""The Storm"", ""The Awakening"", ""QAnon"". It's entertaining and will give you hope.

",1512060391,30/11/2017 16:46 7734715,3640171054,"

Gee, Trump attacks, joe attacks who won? Look either get out of usa now or live DECENTLY. Qanon can hear you breathing.

",1512062552,30/11/2017 17:22 7729342,3640223167,

Time to shove these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS out of the US of A. ////////////////////
More jobs for those who have lost their UNEMPLOYMENT and other ENTITLEMENT Programs . //////////////////////////////
More room for JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN average person to go to college. ////////////
Less votes for the DEMON - RATS. //////////////////////////////////

,1512064452,30/11/2017 17:54 7734235,3640254139,"

That nasty old Q over there has one foot in the grave and her royal son & grandson, Ichabod Crane & Ichabod Crane Jr., are disgraceful pathetic pushovers.

Princess Diana was the only sane & humane one in the bunch and that is why she was killed. Princess Diana would not have signed off on genocide of her people by route of the satanic ""Globalism"".

",1512065420,30/11/2017 18:10 7731436,3640291057,"

""2?""I thought with it being: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans that ""Queer"" was the like the miscellaneous file.

There's a party with L,G,B and T, then Q shows up and L asks who's that and G says ""No one is sure we just call them a queer.""

",1512066635,30/11/2017 18:30 7733398,3640361137,"

Time for ""the establishment"" to accept the fact that John Q Public is totally fed up with their antics and want things to change NOW.....prayers for Moore.....

",1512069342,30/11/2017 19:15 7734787,3640419550,

wow!you are an unqualified idiot with the I Q of a turnip.back to mommies basement you pillow biting cretin.

,1512071603,30/11/2017 19:53 7720003,3640641518,"

I don't even know what you're trying to say but he does NOT have an I Q of 156 any BB reader could try to ""research "" that , not sure where you're from but as a lifetime New Yorker I am definitely knowledgeable about where he attended college, and that he wasn't a great student.

",1512081211,30/11/2017 22:33 7737820,3640798366,"

No Justice was carried out today. Zarate walks, and a family is left without recompense at the murder of their daughter. Believe that if Zarate had been a white, blue-collar worker , conservative, and family man and had taken the same defense, he'd've been sent to San Q. for life...

",1512089559,01/12/2017 00:52 7738003,3640888650,"

This is a sad verdict for Kate Steinle's family, but it certainly will NOT sway public opinion in favor of illegals.

This just cements what anyone who comes into contact with these savage greaseballs has known all along. Illegals don't get equal treatment, they get PREFERENTIAL treatment. Yet another ""legal"" verdict to push John Q Public over the edge.

Deport, deport, deport. And build the wall. Oh, and a double tap for all the murderers, like this POS.

",1512094262,01/12/2017 02:11 7735345,3640894335,"

Botoxic or lypopolosic? Btw, Conyers pajama size is a bit less than his I Q if anyone wants to give him a going away gift.

",1512094558,01/12/2017 02:15 7737820,3641167000,"

Obama released 5 al Q terrorists for a traitor. Gave billions to the enemy. Abused
the immigration system. Lied about his education and citizenship. .Rorted the public purse for his family.
Why can't Trump use EOs
to jettison corrupt judges, lawyers and politicians?

",1512118211,01/12/2017 08:50 7740055,3641615654,

Anything new from Q? We're still waiting for that hammer drop but starting to think Q is just fluff?

,1512140713,01/12/2017 15:05 7740055,3641659223,"

Mueller was flipped early on made a deal to exonerate himself from U1 involvement, biggest sting in US history happening now. Flynn has the pedo rings lists. YouTube search QAnon. Saudi Arabia arrests yielding massive intel on US traitors.. Hefner had goods on Hollywood and likely Media sex abusers, why they are drop drop dropping every day.

",1512141939,01/12/2017 15:25 7740055,3641764968,"

""he's targeting the president. but those idiot trump supporters will say he's targeting the president"".
looks like QAnon was a LARP :(

",1512145141,01/12/2017 16:19 7739977,3641849236,

I wonder what Trump/Sessions have on Mueller. Are one of the 3000 sealed indictments Q Anon has referenced on 4Chan intended for Mueller himself?

,1512147541,01/12/2017 16:59 7741456,3641991367,

Who is Q?

,1512152524,01/12/2017 18:22 7740055,3642253707,"

Hillary PAID the Russians to manufacture slop, to blackmail Trump, she PAID the RUSSIANS, $13 million to the RUSSIANS......please forward this message, to the special one, Robert Q. Mueller.....thank you

",1512162253,01/12/2017 21:04 7742122,3642441241,"

Yes, Obama met with Trump in November and warned him about Flynn. I also belive Sally Yates also warned Trump

than a week into the Trump administration, Sally Q. Yates, the acting attorney general, hurried to the White House with an urgent concern. The president’s national security adviser, she said, had lied to the vice president about his Russian contacts and was vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.

“We wanted to tell the White House as quickly as possible,” Ms. Yates told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Monday. “To state the obvious: You don’t want your national security adviser compromised with the Russians.”

President Barack Obama warned Donald J. Trump against hiring Michael T.Flynn to be part of his national security team when Mr. Obama met with
his successor in the Oval Office two days after the November election, two former Obama administration officials said on Monday.

Mr.Obama, who had fired Mr. Flynn as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Mr. Trump that he would have profound concerns about Mr. Flynn becoming a top national security aide, said the administration officials, who were briefed on the Oval Office conversation. Mr. Trump later ignored the advice, naming Mr. Flynn to be his national security adviser.""

Trump was waned twice, and ignored the advice. And now look where we are...

",1512171009,01/12/2017 23:30 7743190,3642496343,

Mike human Q tip pence is now being investigated by Mueller for lying about Flynn activities with Russia...

,1512174118,02/12/2017 00:21 7742002,3642780447,"

Rush Limbaugh called them the LGBTQQWFTs one day and I almost hit a parked car while laughing when driving! Q now stands for Quaint?

No body is born the opposite sex !!! EVER!!!

",1512188211,02/12/2017 04:16 7741693,3642947493,

Biggest sting in history in the works.
Saudi Arabia was the slush fund. Down.
Flynn has the DC pedo network list.
Tony Podesta down. Podesta group dissolving. Trump creating worldwide Alliance against out of control deep state
YouTube search QAnon posts

,1512205744,02/12/2017 09:09 7740673,3643071886,"

If that were to happen,we would return to the Obama years,where ammunition was very scarce and hard for John Q citizen to obtain. Roll yer' own.

",1512216570,02/12/2017 12:09 7734988,3643279027,"

Yeah, increasing the standard deduction, and at the same time killing the $4,050 per family member personal exemption deduction is a real win for John Q. Public.

",1512227473,02/12/2017 15:11 7741870,3643566518,"

This Flynn indictment is just to keep the libs at bay until Sessions and Mueller arrest and unseal over 2,000 indictments against all the corrupt dems.

Rest easy and be patient.

#TheStormHasArrived #TheStormIsUponUs #PedoGate #QAnon #QClearance

",1512240478,02/12/2017 18:47 7744933,3643805909,"

There is no storm coming, QAnon lied to you folks.

",1512252997,02/12/2017 22:16 7742422,3643850730,"

oh, I am scared. BTW, weirdo, what the hell do you thingk the Q in LGBTIAQ stands for???

",1512255607,02/12/2017 23:00 7744492,3643971152,

He was repeatedly informed. Face to face. The Q is why he backed Flynn when he shouldn’t have. Trump wanted Flynn’s eastern euro connections. Why? It opened money laundering channels.

,1512263118,03/12/2017 01:05 7745194,3644014373,"

Paul Cuckman: Trump will bring global recession

‘The Awakening’


",1512265819,03/12/2017 01:50 7746004,3644025562,"

What does Flynn know? 4D Chess See pg. 5 #8 cooperation.


QAnon: Down the Rabbit Hole

The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1400 sealed indictments at last glance.

Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria for invoking this privilege is when:

'there is a reasonable danger' that disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged.’ The invocation must come from “the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration of that office.

",1512266550,03/12/2017 02:02 7745053,3644063390,

She thinks IQ is what you use to play billiards. Where's my I Q ?

,1512269124,03/12/2017 02:45 7745194,3644165362,"

And, the 3.9% rate could, and probably will, go lower. Since when have you seen sustained levels of ANY gdp? They roll with the tide.

If you are saying that ""forecasting"" is all smoke an mirrors, well, it is the same smoke and mirrors used for every Q regardless of who is in the oval office. It is just the formula of measuring they have settled on. And to that end is a consistent measuring of the data.

(too late in the night to change to a discussion of CPI, but I will agree that there are differing measures of CPI and disingenuous people will try and mix them to make some point that is bogus if for no other reason than not being truthful with the numbers)

",1512277795,03/12/2017 05:09 7745194,3644172516,"

Measuring GDP has been around for a long time, and is used by everyone in the financial world as a tool. As long as the formula remains consistent, and nobody is fudging them, then the results will be consistently good, accurate, or inaccurate as they me be from Q to Q. It's just a measurement that is, as you point to, the broadest in terms of measurements.

And agree, trying to use it to inflate or degrade a President by attributing it's month to month gyrations to him, is pretty useless. Unless the president did something really big, like start a war, or something that would have huge impact on the economy.

Right now, consumer confidence, and corporate confidence (in the possibility of tax rates going down) is most likely what is juicing the numbers more than anything.

",1512278602,03/12/2017 05:23 7746004,3644203418,"

You misunderstand me. Look into the Q Anon thing... the coup against the Deep State is ongoing, and well documented.

MAGA is happening... did you expect the MSM to inform you?

",1512282397,03/12/2017 06:26 7746253,3644206090,

Was Q right?

,1512282751,03/12/2017 06:32 7746004,3644381425,"


",1512301454,03/12/2017 11:44 7746145,3644486695,"

True..but I don't believe for a second that 'John and Jane Q. Public'' have the fortitude to keep up the vigilance as they are easily distracted by shiny objects and gadgets and the sexual doings of celebrities and politicians. Fickle is one word, Salacious the other.
Ultimately the Globalists will win, we have so many in our midst that have power to facilitate the Deep State.
We are no longer a nation bound by the Law except using it on the common citizen unable to afford the costs of arbitration and old hippies are Judges and Lawyers that re-write the law for personal agendas.
Dreams of MAGA are just that..dreams. I will do what I am able to do but I am not going to 'bank' on ever seeing it occur in my lifetime.

",1512308116,03/12/2017 13:35 7746253,3644620437,

The bigger Q here is:

Where the He!! is Sessions? I am beginning to believe he is just another swamp creature!

,1512313725,03/12/2017 15:08 7746247,3644692514,

You forgot the Q.

,1512317183,03/12/2017 16:06 7747576,3644853948,

You hear of Qanon? It might be total BS but interesting- the claim being made is Mulller is actually a good guy and he's using his vast investigative powers to look at corruption all over the federal government.

,1512324622,03/12/2017 18:10 7747576,3644858920,"

Anyone else read this Qanon stuff? 4chan is a crazy place. The claim being made is that Mueller is actually a good guy and this entire ""Russia investigation"" has been an elaborate setup by Trump and his allies to hunt out and investiage federal corruption under the guise of investigating Trump.

",1512324849,03/12/2017 18:14 7747576,3644861425,'s on my right side. I cleaned that ear out with a Q tip.....maybe I just went too far

,1512324962,03/12/2017 18:16 7747576,3644862968,

Folks saying Qanon is Bannon...

,1512325034,03/12/2017 18:17 7747576,3644869185,

I think it's a Q tip thing

,1512325322,03/12/2017 18:22 7746295,3644965965,


,1512329719,03/12/2017 19:35 7744429,3645062418,"

Oh, justice is going to flow down. Q Anon Patriot says++""Waiting for the green light"".++++++ Maybe by then the Emperor will realize he is NAKED. These arrogant fools believe their own BS lies. New Sheriff in the occult town.

",1512334408,03/12/2017 20:53 7747939,3645261074,"

I always known, that these politically correct liberals -- Often used the Q word, when they thought no one was looking. Such hypocrites-- so sad

",1512345505,03/12/2017 23:58 7747927,3645386426,"

Not true about low taxes alone; businesses still won't invest if they don't have the customers, even if corporate profits are higher than ever and they're sitting on the largest piles of cash they've ever had...which is the case right now.

Same thing too, cutting taxes on people who don't pay, don't have jobs, don't make hardly anything, etc. doesn't do much for them. Neither in some ways does puffing Wall Street, cause there's almost 50 million people fewer who own stocks in 2017 vs. 2007, not even 1/6th US employers still offer a 401k(though it is indeed the giant corporations who do), while the Top 1/5th of the country is who owns nearly 93% of the stock market, the 1% itself owning 40% of the shares, while 2/3rds of Americans have less than $10,000 in retirement savings!

Further, even the most Right-wing-biased ""dynamic scored"" estimates show there's no way this tax cut grows the economy enough that it doesn't add to the National Debt. But then, the same was true of even the Reagan Tax Cuts; they indeed boosted the economy back then, but the National Debt tripled under his administration. Its like an alcohol/drug binge; ""Good times today; Stupor and Hell to Pay Tomorrow!""

As even Alan Greenspan has said, ""tax cuts don't pay for themselves."" -You can boost the economy a bit, but its coming right from Uncle Sam's credit card with high interest. And we're already in territory where Wall Street gets so much as the sniffles, they run sca-reaming to Washington to f |_(k over John Q. Taxpayer...or maybe its just John Q. Public now as the People, indeed per ""National Review"" GOPe arguments, are becoming less and less taxpayers, but then better remember, it was SLAVES who didn't pay taxes!!! -Cause they had NO wealth and NO power; they were the human livestock property of their plantation-owing masters!

",1512353557,04/12/2017 02:12 7747927,3645410355,"

Gotta follow some of your arguments to their logical conclusions there though.

Cause 1) It was peasants who paid almost nothing, and slaves who didn't pay any taxes at all!, and 2) If its only the wealthy who pay taxes (similar to robber baron days), ""who""/what are the tax cuts really for? Then there's 3)How does giving a few hundred bucks to a little person help them compete against say a billionaire like Trump that we're giving another billion to, directly withdrawn on cash advance from Uncle Sam's credit card!?!? That that ""John Q. Peasant"" is also on the hook for?!?!

",1512355192,04/12/2017 02:39 7746487,3645523017,"

Hey Boo! I've been listening to Videos for awhile. I haven't seen an update from Q for a couple of days.

I found out that Session did sign off on the Indictment for Clinton, but it is still Sealed. I don't know how many more he signed off on. Also heard that the Sealed Indictments are close to 5,000.
We had a train load of Military and Equipment that left last week from our area.

This was posted earlier, but I don't have Twitter.
Joy Gallaher • 2 minutes ago
Col. Roy Potter just announced on yt that military on 72 hr. alert ya'll!!!

",1512365420,04/12/2017 05:30 7748425,3645653157,

LBGTQ..... left out the Q in this report. There it is folks..... Hollywood romanticizing gay relationships. As if young people aren’t already confused by life’s challenges we have Hollywood feeding our youth this crap for a few bucks.

,1512379399,04/12/2017 09:23 7737019,3645697408,"

I watched Henry Bolton on Q. Time and he was quite moderate given the situation at hand. But he was treated very badly, shouted down and ridiculed.
DT may as well be Hitler and Satan combined as far as the questioners and panel are concerned - but it shows what the BBC has become.

",1512383448,04/12/2017 10:30 7746610,3645822639,"

Looks like no one here has heard of QAnon.
Haha! Boy, do you have some enlightening ahead of you!

",1512391501,04/12/2017 12:45 7749352,3645873392,"

Mueller is a Marine. He just might be on the right side. Comey? He was a yes man. I’m sure he will be given a pass when he testifies:)

",1512393880,04/12/2017 13:24 7749352,3646008013,


Twitter would ban you for saying Q Anon ;)

,1512399537,04/12/2017 14:58 7748062,3646176122,"

San Diego Chargers sold out the Q..a stadium that holds 70,000 almost every Sunday for about 20 years

and now they can't even fill up a 30,000 seat High School stadium in LOS ANGELES

",1512405340,04/12/2017 16:35 7750180,3646216263,"

I don't think Q was a larp, given that trump rt'd a link that had the Q story at the top. clearly he was drawing attention to it. i think it lends some validity to the claim that it's real.

",1512406796,04/12/2017 16:59 7750165,3646315367,

Rush is about three days slow these days.
You ever heard of QAnon??

,1512410369,04/12/2017 17:59 7750180,3646359111,"

If you want to see more accomplishments like this, VOTE MOORE!!


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent

",1512411843,04/12/2017 18:24 7750822,3646528492,"

I stand here as legal John Q Citizen and want to know ,who among us does the responsibility lie to hold the hypocritical FBI enforcement of the law one way for the elite and another way for the rest . Surely some one bears the burden .

",1512418171,04/12/2017 20:09 7752748,3646722651,

F’N awesome. Q the libtard explosion

,1512426296,04/12/2017 22:24 7752748,3646830885,

No I don't. But you can find info on these Twitter hashtags:


,1512430911,04/12/2017 23:41 7753162,3646990669,

#QAnon :-)

,1512439099,05/12/2017 01:58 7753639,3646999644,"

Patriots. What Political YouTube Channels do You Like?

You don't have to provide links or take much time.
Mentioning mine too, but limiting it to 6.

RIghtSide of course (chooses stories on the right, but injects no opinion)

~~~ Christian Antiglobalists ~~~
Tracy Beanz (a total gem. Does Q Anon Videos.)
Dr. Turley (a good find, but 6.5k subscribers)

~~~ Agnostic Anti-Globlaists ~~~
Lionel (means well, but big ego)

~~~ Allies on the Surface, but Skeptical of Goals ~~~
Steve Pieczenik (CIA person who admits to creating psy-ops)
Styxhexenhammer666 (Occultist with libertarian views)

",1512439586,05/12/2017 02:06 7750822,3647067840,"

Thanks--right on Q. I fully understand that in BB world, a ""troll"" is anyone who doesn't echo.

",1512443683,05/12/2017 03:14 7752961,3647171964,"

Mitt pretty much caved with his presidential bid even before it was revealed he had binders full of women (another drummed up leftwing alleged wrong doing). If Mitt had tried any harder to be president it would have been better if he let someone else from the right (that wouldn't have included most of the republican candidates the ran against Trump) run who was really interested in being president. Now Mitt want's Moore to do the same thing, cave to the democraps like he did. Mitt is the liberal's idea of a presidential candidate's loosing candidate. Someone who'll fall for the lefts baloney every time paving the way for the opposition on the left to win. I think Hillary may have taken a Q. from Mitt. Trying to outdo Mitt, her campaign was even less stellar than Mitt's. The only thing better than Mitt's campaign was the fireworks show Hillary presented when she blew a gasket right after she found out she'd lost.

",1512452316,05/12/2017 05:38 7754077,3647388946,"

Do some research first. The originator of this info goes by the name QAnon claiming to be a NSA or other intel whistleblower posting on 4Chan and has correctly predicted over 90% of happenings thus far, including warning people to stay away from Vegas exact to the day of the mandalay massacre...weeks before it happened. Something is happening behind the scenes. There are signs of desperation from the left.

",1512471162,05/12/2017 10:52 7755325,3647524879,

A fellow named Q ....
Was leaking to the independent media. Supposed to be close to trump maybe in the energy sector with a security clearance of Q.

,1512478794,05/12/2017 12:59 7755325,3647525764,

What is a Q clearance?

,1512478835,05/12/2017 13:00 7755325,3647527512,"

We also have seen the president drop hints in his speeches recently, about Q.

And citizens with cellphones DO see the Ospreys overhead

Remember the calm before the storm

",1512478915,05/12/2017 13:01 7754383,3647673637,"

I tend to agree with you Susie Q..but, the two things I (and apparently BB) have learned over years of dealing with sheeple, is that #1: their attention spans are very limited, and #2; they're very lazy...and though, at first glance it does tend to kinda ""trivialize"" what SHOULD be separate, and important stories, it also brings three very important stories together, in one place...I just hope that folks limited attention span doesn't get in the way..
on second thought Suzie, your point just may be very valid! 😱😉

",1512484741,05/12/2017 14:39 7756444,3648011464,

Per Q anon and Retired Marine.. Relax Mueller is a Double Agent for Trump! Fake News? Probably

,1512495708,05/12/2017 17:41 7752979,3648290535,

Go deeper. Look into the Q-anon posts on 4chan. It's available on pdf. Read it. Our politicians and media are bought by the ultra rich. They tell them what to say. Trump is on to them and their methods. They are being outed. Not everything is obvious. Purposely done to hide the game plan. Mueller may not be the baddie we think he is. Notice the Trump stuff is mild. No collusion found. Meanwhile others are being rounded up.

,1512505054,05/12/2017 20:17 7752979,3648296634,

Read the Q-anon posts and you'll see who's behind the left. Saudi Arabia recently had a purge. A big clue. Did you ever hear of something like that there? Nothing comes close. It's like a revolution. Interesting stuff.

,1512505269,05/12/2017 20:21 7752979,3648380158,"

That is what really scares me. If you've read any of the Q anon post that even BB seems oblivious to, the past few weeks give it credibility. And if it is credible, when that hammer comes down, it's going to be like nothing we've ever seen.

",1512508303,05/12/2017 21:11 7754383,3648385220,"

Hey Johnny boy...I feel compelled to chime in after reading your ""back, and forth"" with Susie Q (and you ain't getting the credit on the nickname 😛)!
We started out with just a mild observation about your article, and both agreed about the lack of an attention span, and general laziness of the populace at large. We did not degrade you, or your words, and actually agreed with them...and really we didn't actually ""degrade"" anyone, other than to state the obvious fact that lots of folks do indeed possess those two traits (or flaws) (lack of attention span, and laziness)!
And it seems that for someone who can tie three articles of such importance together, and present us with the thousands of articles you do..which by your own ""Barry nose tilt"" (the definition of which SHOULD BE fairly obvious to someone with your self professed intellect, and apparent superiority) SHOULD BE self explanatory (heck, I got it), you seem to fly off in directions, and make asinine observations, and critical assumptions of people that originally agreed with you, but just questioned the wisdom of linking three separate very important articles together in one!
Though I can understand, and appreciate where your coming from with the thought that perhaps readers here can indeed tend to have a better attention span, and aren't as lazy as those on the left, it seems that you yourself may be lacking some more positive character traits!
Now, ya' see, I said all that without really trying too hard to be ""insulting""!!
Keep up the good work on the articles, but you may wanna try a little more objectivity, and perhaps humility when dealing with folks that quite honestly started out agreeing with you!!

",1512508493,05/12/2017 21:14 7758280,3648528192,"

LOL....a three year work permit for DACA illegals and ""tax reform"" where John Q. Public gets screwed out of deductions. Still winning boys and girls?

",1512514472,05/12/2017 22:54 7755400,3648519691,

I know what you mean but he's coolly impressive and the best hope there is. Made the Q.Time panel look like children.

,1512514638,05/12/2017 22:57 7755400,3648519906,

I used the 'should' word as a precaution.
He was on BBC's Q.Time this week in Scarborough and gave a good account of himself - THEY obviously don't think he's on the same page.
Looked like the only sane man in the room.
Loaded panel and questions as per usual.
The Greek guy was particularly creepy.

,1512514643,05/12/2017 22:57 7758280,3648527224,"

LOL....a three year work permit for DACA illegals and ""tax reform"" where John Q. Public gets screwed out of deductions. Still winning boys and girls?

",1512514767,05/12/2017 22:59 7758280,3648531608,"

So when did you people first realize that Trump is screwing you over? Was it a three year work permit for DACA illegals or ""tax reform"" where John Q. Public gets screwed out of deductions. Still winning boys and girls?

",1512514921,05/12/2017 23:02 7758280,3648535712,

What deductions did John Q get screwed out of?

,1512515148,05/12/2017 23:05 7761373,3649439903,"

""Normal""? Raised in wealth and privilege, private schools, three marriages and much publicized adultery, constant self-promotion and a reality TV ""star"" hardly seems like John Q. Public.

",1512572813,06/12/2017 15:06 7759906,3649591802,"

If we were, you'd be dead. Q.E.D. You're delusional.

",1512578304,06/12/2017 16:38 7761322,3649799402,"

To all the Wild West quoters on here, here's my favorite: I'll always remember my pappy's last words ""Son, you know that gun's loaded don't ye?"" (Joy Behar-de-har-har....). Isn't it rich coming from this towel-head goat molester whose brutal regime refuses to even ACKNOWLEDGE the right of Israel to p*ssed about us ,moving our embassy in a land they wish to annihilate? Oh, the irony.....Go count your pallet of unmarked Great Satan American cash from your butt-buddy FroBama, Rouhani-Rama-Jama..... Q. Why is it impossible to circumcise an Iranian? A. There's just no END to those pr*cks......

",1512585421,06/12/2017 18:37 7762660,3650438718,

Qanon says #FLYSIDFLY#

Sid Bumenthal?

,1512613284,07/12/2017 02:21 7765354,3650506224,

Yesterday Q posted: #FLYALFLY#. Today news broke that Al Franken may resign.

Today Q posted: #FLYSIDFLY#

Sid Blumenthal?

,1512618030,07/12/2017 03:40 7765954,3650537523,"

I received a Q clearance in 1983 to work at the Department of Energy and when I interviewed for the job I was asked repeatedly about my political activities and if any hint of socialism or communism came up in my background report, sayonara baby! No job! AND, I most likely would have an FBI file started on my ass!

",1512620656,07/12/2017 04:24 7765354,3650550278,

Who is Q?

,1512621776,07/12/2017 04:42 7762216,3650572665,"

Anyone who has followed the intelligence drops by Q-anon on 4chan/8chan knows exactly who is running North Korea. The more the CIA takes hits here from military intelligence and the NSA the more threatening North Korea becomes. Remember also, the MSM is controlled by the CIA and some of the talking heads are CIA trained, including Joe Scarborough and Anderson Cooper. Draining the swamp is revealing just how deep the deep state war against us is and also very, very dangerous.

",1512623867,07/12/2017 05:17 7759558,3650581075,"

No. You are creating a further False Dichotomy.

I shall let you use your brain and tell me what other options exist, which you have signally failed to mention.

To the point, he could not possibly have witnessed Jesus saying these words as he would have been born between 10 and 40 years after Jesus died, His gospel was written some time after that of Mark, upon which some of his writings are based but also relies on at least two other sources: M and Q, the latter of which can presently only be hypothecated.

",1512624732,07/12/2017 05:32 7765354,3650582184,


Newest post by Q-Anon details an event. HRC recently asked for a plea deal with the DOJ. The reply?



,1512624847,07/12/2017 05:34 7765354,3650583180,

Q-Anon has become popular of late. I discovered it a week or so ago. Interesting

,1512624952,07/12/2017 05:35 7765354,3650589239,"

I sure hope Q-Anon knows what they're talking about.

I hate having my hopes dashed,

",1512625575,07/12/2017 05:46 7764214,3650734824,"

I keep thinking of the scene from that James Bond movie where Q retired and was being replaced by John Cleese. Cleese was being a smart ass, until Q shut him up by saying, ""You're not here to think, you're here to do what I tell you.""

",1512639854,07/12/2017 09:44 7762660,3651204436,"

John Q. Israel keeps coming home from work to find his crazy neighbor Pete Palestine has busted the windows out of his house, and the rest of the neighborhood expects Mr Israel to just quit complaining.

What's to not understand?

(In my neighborhood, it would be a serious case of ""whuppazz""...)

",1512662523,07/12/2017 16:02 7762660,3651221392,"

Good analogy. You missed out the bit, though, where John Q. Israel built his house on Pete Palestinian's front lawn, knocking down half his house to do so.

",1512663089,07/12/2017 16:11 7764817,3651233089,

Well when it compromises classified information you should be charged. I knew guys in the military who had their careers destroyed because they left a sheet of paper on their desk in the middle of the Pentagon that was only listed as Secret. Some of the stuff on Hillary's unsecured server was listed as Q level security and some of it was found on Huma's personal laptop. If anything she should have served a couple years for that breach in security.

,1512663481,07/12/2017 16:18 7768129,3651438379,"

that would be the end of the UN as it is today. I can not foresee too many countries that would support the UN in a armed conflict with a European country... Q. who supplies troops to the UN? can't see India, Norway, or Holland getting involved.. Q. what muslim countries supply troops to the UN?

",1512670373,07/12/2017 18:12 7767976,3651757497,"

Don't care about a proven bogus poll. Q University polls have zero credibility, snowflake.

",1512682210,07/12/2017 21:30 7766056,3651796144,

Being from WA state I look forward to all the bbq brisket joints when I'm in TX. Good Q up here is rare and really expensive.

,1512683856,07/12/2017 21:57 7767976,3651799758,"

Yesterday Q typed: #FLYSIDFLY#

Today: Sidley Austin Chair To Step Down

",1512684012,07/12/2017 22:00 7766731,3651978716,

It is rather amazing that Vonn retains the name of her former husband. How much you want to bet that her managers were concerned how much Q rating and money she would lose if it was back to Kildow? I hope her ex gets a cut of the earnings.

,1512693026,08/12/2017 00:30 7769794,3651993857,"

FBI is obstructing the House investigation. Today, Jim Jordan HAS CRUSHED the FBI wuss Wray for not answering any Q.

",1512693887,08/12/2017 00:44 7767772,3652106017,

It's a gotcha Q for those who have no idea.You have no idea. I am a CPA. Continue swearing. That really helps you to make no point.

,1512700569,08/12/2017 02:36 7770724,3652177342,"

Moron has advanced degree, super billionaire, genius I Q. Can't spell inbred. I think just another little beta male with tiny weenie

",1512705253,08/12/2017 03:54 7771396,3652179111,

Q-Anon was right again. It has begun.

,1512705382,08/12/2017 03:56 7768882,3652524012," MAGA PILL Q speaks.

",1512734713,08/12/2017 12:05 7771759,3652638514,

Hah! Hopefully she does have an ankle bracelet. Who's Q by the way?

,1512740128,08/12/2017 13:35 7771213,3652765405,"

Exactly! Because the mentality for Congressionals for decades has been that John Q Citizen doesn't really know much about politics and most of them will never seriously do their homework to find the Skeletons in the closets.....and then along came Social Media...and WHAM....suddenly everyone has an Axe to grind, a Score to settle, etc., etc. Took the Old Boy Network in Congress by surprise!!!

",1512744970,08/12/2017 14:56 7771360,3652804252,

And thank you Q!!!

,1512746383,08/12/2017 15:19 7772629,3652952170,"

She was asking questions about Q Anon and from what I can see, it's something to it. I don't even think the so called conspiracy news sites are touching this and that tells me there is something big happening.

",1512751822,08/12/2017 16:50 7767778,3652970539,"

What a ""pathetic"" little girl! I Q and bust size numbers are the same.

",1512752471,08/12/2017 17:01 7772629,3653201926,

Remember when twitter shut down Roseanne Barr's twitter account right after she mentioned #Qanon?

Then they reopened it some time later.

,1512761270,08/12/2017 19:27 7773545,3653406505,"

Well, it's even easier than that. We all knew they were lying because they are Democrats. Q.E.D.

",1512769770,08/12/2017 21:49 7773867,3653472044,"

""Ora et labora"". Pray and work as Martin Luther said.
This happened a fortnight ago.
Their's video everywhere now. You have to know the sites to go to.
Look to Q ~ Q is the highest clearance the American gov't gives to those who deal in uranium and anything else connected to nuclear energy/war.

Qanon used to post on 4chan. He/She now posts on achan but there are many conduits out there.
However, this has been know for at least a week by me and I don't even live in your country!
Google it. Marines/Langley/huge intel
or Marines Afghanistan CIA/poppy fields/prcessing plants bombed, etc.

God has been known to use shepherds to declare the truth!!
How apposite that this is what is happening now.
Some people need to be antischooled.
The tiniest website is more powerful than the Democrat machine!

Sorry, I'm busy with Chrismas things!
Merry, Merry my friend!
It's going to be a very Happy Christmas!

",1512773118,08/12/2017 22:45 7773545,3653488302,

I believe 100% the brace Hillary is wearing and the one McCain is wearing are high tech GPS trackers.

Wiener was wearing a leg brace before he went to prison.

#Qanon stated Hillary asked for a plea agreement and they said no.

,1512774029,08/12/2017 23:00 7773545,3653492989,"

I'm following Q as well..and the only thing on this, is that those ankle bracelets aren't that big- it would be easy to hide. So why the boot?

",1512774297,08/12/2017 23:04 7773403,3653569015,

Formerly known as Suzy Q.

,1512777671,09/12/2017 00:01 7774157,3653654916,"

Replying to @CBSNews
MORE: The September email to Donald Trump Jr. highlighted information that was already public

Let me help you... CORRECTION: now proceed
3:30 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 5 5 Retweets 49 49 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Erik Foreman
LMAO @ ""more"". How is this ""more"" and not a correction? It's like you do it to yourselves
4:11 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 4 4 Retweets 4 4 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Laurence Watkins
This isn't ""MORE"", it should be ""CORRECTION"". @DonaldJTrumpJr#FakeNews
3:59 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 1 1 Retweet likes
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CBS News

Replying to @CBSNews
MORE: The September email to Donald Trump Jr. highlighted information that was already public

So this is a CORRECTION!
3:34 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 3 3 Retweets 21 21 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Yeah, “correction” is a few more letters than “more” but maybe nobody told CBS News about Twitter’s new 280 characters thing.

Ed Morrissey

Another correction. Great job, media professionals.
3:24 PM - Dec 8, 2017
13 13 Replies 53 53 Retweets 97 97 likes
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Dan K
This is how @CBSNews retracts a ""fake news"" story? Disgusting lying media will stop at nothing to take down @DonaldJTrumpJr just to get to @POTUS
3:48 PM - Dec 8, 2017
1 1 Reply 9 9 Retweets 3 3 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy

CBS News

Replying to @CBSNews
MORE: The September email to Donald Trump Jr. highlighted information that was already public

John Q Public
You mean you lied & didnt retract the story ....
3:46 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 8 8 Retweets 41 41 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy

CBS News

Replying to @CBSNews
MORE: The September email to Donald Trump Jr. highlighted information that was already public

Rancid Ray
How’s that crow taste, Fake News? @DonaldJTrumpJr
3:52 PM - Dec 8, 2017
Replies 3 3 Retweets 7 7 likes

",1512781920,09/12/2017 01:12 7775237,3653698389,"

Has anyone heard about this Q-Anon stuff that's going around? I'm not sure what to make of the info. Curious, thanks.

",1512784771,09/12/2017 01:59 7775237,3653699933,

Q Clearance Patriot? Makes interesting declarations. But some of his predictions with firm dates have not come true. So . . .

,1512784881,09/12/2017 02:01 7775237,3653703385,"

Listen to Roy Potter on youtube - roypotterqa. He is great, very credible, a retired Army Lt. Col. He does a lot of summarizing of Q and other important issues. April Lajune is also very good. Roy also likes Scott Anthony and Tracy Beanz. Tracy is excellent.

",1512785127,09/12/2017 02:05 7759558,3653777238,"

I am schooled in both M and Q sources and the documentary hypothesis they present, which has nothing to do with the dating of Jesus life and those of his disciples.

All the gospels were written before 100 A.D. (or C.E., as you may prefer, which I like to call Christian Era, and not Common Era).

Jesus was born in 33 or 34 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar), which makes Jesus' ministry begin between 63 and 65 A.D., and by extension, covered at the latest, 65 - 68 A.D. This is three years before the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.

This puts all the disciples as contemporaries of Jesus.

You are woefully ignorant on the dating of the Gospels, Christ's contemporaries, and biblical exegesis.

I suggest you quit talking out of your field.

",1512790537,09/12/2017 03:35 7774098,3654562894,"

Obama is another matter, let’s focus on Hillary for the moment, she was caught “red handed” destroying classified emails, servers and phones so let’s just clear that up, everything in the state department is restricted whether it’s Q clearance/eyes only right on down to “for internal use only” or peer to peer memos, as in president Trump and former director Comey and the ONLY reason Hillary escaped prosecution is by direct interference from AG Lynch and James Comey and the “matter” is not finished so to compare THAT to a 40 yr old accusation from women with a huge political bias whose timing is very suspect, well, your just not looking at this correctly, time to rethink it.

",1512842402,09/12/2017 18:00 7778652,3654758381,

Anyone following Q? there was a drop a little bit ago..

,1512849571,09/12/2017 19:59 7778652,3654770548,"

Without Liberty, Law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without Law, Liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness. James Q. Wilson
Read more at:

",1512850205,09/12/2017 20:10 7780662,3655526114,

the only problem with the discussions on breitbart is the lack of liberal cry babies.

you know Q from foxnews discussions? where is that guy?

,1512910857,10/12/2017 13:00 7781102,3655626689,"

The military is the only un-corrupt group, MI is helping Trump and per Q Patriot it's in motion, we have thousands of sealed indictments but if the DOJ is corrupt as we have seen it's going to take some time or like the illegal in Cali these people will just walk, I think they are building cases, they have been putting in a lot of judges. I believe it's coming.

",1512916380,10/12/2017 14:33 7782512,3655728220,

Her hate eats at her soul. She's selfishly focusing on herself and thinks her opinions rank higher than those of John or Jane Q. Public. These haters are blind and it is all consuming to them. So much so they can't concentrate or think straight. Maybe a new boyfriend will help!

Lock Her Up! Build The Wall!

,1512921109,10/12/2017 15:51 7782042,3655742112,

as first amendment ? and this Q goes for norman too

,1512921744,10/12/2017 16:02 7783042,3656073316,

Q Clearance anon
reporting the Marines did swarm Langley last Saturday and confiscated computers and data

,1512936100,10/12/2017 20:01 7783042,3656118608,"

The mysterious Q said Hillary tried to cut a deal on 6 Dec and was told ""NO!"".

",1512938160,10/12/2017 20:36 7767433,3656497943,"

11) DEFLATIONARY ADJUSTMENTS: Everybody knows that the
big box retailers (Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot Lowes, Best Buy,
Staples, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.) and the ""pure"" internet
retailers (Amazon, Alibaba, Ebay, etc.) have muted inflationary pressures. Everybody knows that new energy technologies
such as fracking and LNG have muted inflationary pressures through low energy
prices. But the law of diminishing
returns is also at work. If the price of
a basket of goods at Walmart is stable each year, then each year its dampening
effect on composite inflation will have a diminishing impact. Why?
Because the inflationary impact of many big ticket items growing well
above composite inflation will have an increasingly greater impact on composite
inflation. Of course, this can only be measured
if the official inflation models are properly constructed and valid data inputs
are used. Various adjustments, such as
hedonic adjustments, allow the Government and FED to rig the numbers with a
straight face.

""Numerous price increases that consumer feel painfully don’t make it
into the index for logical-sounding statistical reasons. When a product in the
basket that makes up the index disappears from the market, it is replaced with
a similar product. So when a new model
of a car comes out, and it has better safety items, more gadgets, heated seats,
and is of higher quality in other ways, and thus costs more than the prior
model, statisticians take that into account. By their definition, this isn’t
inflation (currency loses value), but product improvements (product gains
value). And so they make adjustments to prevent these often sharp price
increases from entering into the inflation index. Every statistics agency that figures
inflation makes these “hedonic adjustments.” They’re estimates, designed to
lower the official inflation number. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics makes no secret of it. For statisticians, it makes sense. But for
consumers, things just get more and more expensive, even for Japanese consumers
who’ve been told for two decades that they’re suffering from “deflation,”
and that the Bank of Japan has to conduct outlandish and risky
wealth-redistribution shenanigans to create inflation. But ultimately, underreporting price
increases, and therefore underreporting the rise in the cost of living, is very
convenient for over-indebted governments and companies.""


EXAMPLE): One of the reasons official inflation metrics appear so
tame is because of the way many big ticket items (e.g. cars, air conditioners,
heating equipment, refrigerators, TVs, computers, etc.) are treated by the inflation
models. Due to engineering and
technology improvements, new models are almost always more efficient (use less energy). Many of these improvements are mandated by
environmental rules and regulations, such as CAFE standards. New cars, whether they use traditional,
hybrid, or electric motors, use less energy per mile. However, these improvements come at a cost -
better engines cost more money.
Inflation also adds to the price tag.
Governments and Central Banks eliminate most or all of the total price
increase using Hedonic and other adjustments.
Since these adjustments are arbitrary, more expensive new cars can even
be deflationary, at least according to official inflation models. This is just one of the many ways that
Governments and Central Bankers rig the inflation metrics.

""Oh good! You see, my neighbor, John Q., thought that prices were
going up and was about to riot in the streets because he couldn’t buy anything
now. How relieved he was to live next to an economist and mathematician; I merely
explained that even though he couldn’t afford the new TV (or anything else) it
was actually less expensive once quality was taken into account. Boy was
his face red. He went home and explained it to his wife and kids and they
laughed and laughed about their mistake.""


",1512960844,11/12/2017 02:54 7784982,3656499450,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.

",1512960968,11/12/2017 02:56 7752979,3656562931,"

4chan, Qanon posts, the calm before the storm.
But there is in depth analysis all over twitter.

",1512966181,11/12/2017 04:23 7787222,3656846518,

Perhaps he did as John Q. Private-Citizen. Clinton assaulted ALL his victims on the taxpayers time and dime.

,1512991561,11/12/2017 11:26 7783732,3657100823,

I was in Qanon's Twitter feed for hours yesterday and there was A Lot about what this is all about...

,1513002810,11/12/2017 14:33 7789657,3657404733,

Yesterdays Qanon post began:

Blunt & Direct Time. (BDT)

BDT is the abbreviation for Bangladesh's currency. This is getting crazy.

,1513013642,11/12/2017 17:34 7789007,3657598535,"

I happened to be in Qanon's Twitter feed for a good part of yesterday..I can't get over the amount of stuff out there that is actually KNOWN..there are speeches where he says that he was born in Kenya, there's his gold ring that says ""There is no God but Allah""..there's his neighbors and good friends who look EXACTLY like his ""kids""'s stunning...That Presidency was the greatest Fraud ever unleashed on America.

",1513020291,11/12/2017 19:24 7789007,3657963641,"

Look into the Q Anon thing. It's happening, but Corporate Media isn't going to clue you in.

",1513036100,11/12/2017 23:48 7789007,3657974022,

What is Q Anon thing? Is this another attempt to direct web traffic to a Alex Jone's like Russia paid for BS propaganda site?

,1513036660,11/12/2017 23:57 7794072,3658069666,

named in latest Q anon post as a Traitor

,1513041660,12/12/2017 01:21 7789172,3658276047,"

I remember reading that at the frozen Chosin how the Chinese army...I mean football team, went in a three reciever set and their Q.B. ran a naked bootleg to the left for eight yards and a first down! What a maroon!

",1513055862,12/12/2017 05:17 7794617,3658307660,

I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. What's the Q then?

,1513059023,12/12/2017 06:10 7789132,3658532722,"

Freshly arrived, Q.E.D.

",1513078717,12/12/2017 11:38 7794727,3658583181,"

That is a start. My hope is that Q anon is legitimate and when Sessions comes out from under his desk, the mass arrest and indictments begin. I don't think many people really understand this global, covert war that is underway, nor do they comprehend the consequences of it's possible outcomes.

",1513081124,12/12/2017 12:18 7796802,3658607963,"

Yes, based on Q breadcrums, this year will have ""fireworks""

",1513082277,12/12/2017 12:37 7795152,3658665023,"


",1513084855,12/12/2017 13:20 7796527,3658682116,"

Yesterday QANON posted,
""We have a special place picked out for GS.
Really Special.
Hopefully George Soros is finally going down.

",1513085595,12/12/2017 13:33 7796527,3658695414,"

Just in case anyone is following QANON, I decided to repost this from a poster on Y/T:
""Q started posting on 4chan on 10/28. 4chan was hacked and the CBTS thread was shut down on 11/25. At that point Q started posting on 8ch. The anons believe that Q is telling us 8ch might be attacked and shutdown. They already have a backup plan in place. They will move to voat if they have to. See 8ch for details.""

",1513086147,12/12/2017 13:42 7796527,3658719431,"

Here, lying moonbat. Here's some real facts, not moonbat facts....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.

",1513087145,12/12/2017 13:59 7790567,3658821936,"

...and Hollywood rumor has they are all planning a new series...called ""Designing Alabama""...about a bunch of sold out Hustlers that get their asshats handed to them from a bunch of hayseeds? Hush Hush...of the record...and as always on the Q.T.

",1513091116,12/12/2017 15:05 7797127,3658836929,

LGBT or Q?

,1513091676,12/12/2017 15:14 7797437,3659025785,"

Q on 4chan posted a while ago

Red 1....Red 2....H.A.M

Q also posted ""follow the wives""

Now it makes sense.

Red 1 and Red 2 and so on were code names for the HAM radios they were using to escape normal means of communication.

Wife of DOJ Deputy Was Fusion GPS Employee, CIA Research Aid, and Applied for HAM Radio License Month After Contracting MI6 Agent Christopher Steele

HAM is actually an acronym
A = Armstrong
M = Marconi


",1513098340,12/12/2017 17:05 7797437,3659037164,"

Yesterday QANON posted,
""We have a special place picked out for GS.
Really Special.
Hopefully George Soros is finally going down.

",1513098736,12/12/2017 17:12 7797437,3659041959,"

I decided to repost this from a poster on Y/T:
""Q started posting on 4chan on 10/28. 4chan was hacked and the CBTS thread was shut down on 11/25. At that point Q started posting on 8ch. The anons believe that Q is telling us 8ch might be attacked and shutdown. They already have a backup plan in place. They will move to voat if they have to. See 8ch for details.""

",1513098901,12/12/2017 17:15 7797132,3659435487,"

Sources say that piece of schiff was just nailed in a Trump sting operation giving schiff the false info that DJTJ was in contact with wikileaks prior to the election which schiff then leaked to FNN, they ran with it and looked stupid in retrospect. Leaking is a crime. It has also been revealed there is a Melissa(?) schiff that is married to a Roger(?)Soros and that Soros backed groups have financed schiff in every way. QANON says ""I hope the $7.8mm was worth it"". This turd is being flushed

",1513113294,12/12/2017 21:14 7795997,3659603095,"

Doing a good job on economy. Already 2 Q of 3% + growth. When tax reform hits, it will over 4%. More good jobs, rising wages, opportunity for upward mobility.

",1513121138,12/12/2017 23:25 7802657,3660093206,

Don't worry. QANON says this is all part of the plan to expose George Soros as the election fraudster of the century.

,1513149776,13/12/2017 07:22 7804117,3660093959,"

The pedo charges and the other women the DNC / soros used did not make Roy Moore lose, that was created to give a reason for his loss.

The actual reason he lost was massive voter fraud.

#Qanon posted about this and that this election will expose all their methods.

This is why Trump tweeted ""republicans will have another chance soon.

#Qanon they have a special place for GS all prepared. (george soros)

more recently

#Qanon: special

",1513149845,13/12/2017 07:24 7804117,3660123012,"

Origami Meme‏
Follow Follow @OrigamiMeme

#Qanon active on Dec. 12 following #ALSenate results. This is wild! If I am reading this right, Q is implying that #Soros messed with the voting machines. Bold claim. ...yet, as I tweeted earlier, the big D counties didn't release tallies until the very end.

Why do the big cities always report last? or D counties

Because the demz / soros bunch need to see how many votes they need to ad to win.

I notice this all the time. Make them report first from now on.

",1513152595,13/12/2017 08:09 7802657,3660129562,

I bet you dollar to donuts Q didn't predict Moore's loss.

,1513153209,13/12/2017 08:20 7797137,3660221787,"

I love when guys who a. Don't need health insurance and b. Their portion of income that goes to taxes to pay for this broken piece of shilt system is miniscule relative to their income tell John Q Sucker what do do with his scarce and getting scarcer disposable income. Has zero to do with his son by the way. What a squhmbhag . Kimmel is a low rent poor man's Carson no even who is obviously trying to pave the way for a political career, which probably will work on the trained seals in CA

",1513160986,13/12/2017 10:29 7797137,3660251471,"

Limousine liberals always advocate for fairness when the same payment is a drop in the bucket for them but for most of John Q Sucker it's a really impact full life changer.

They know this as they crow about fairness. If my cost of food clothing and shelter was 5% of my income I'd be crowing about how fair it is too, like Krimmenel.

But for most of us Suckers, it's more like 80 to 150%

",1513163140,13/12/2017 11:05 7805547,3660486402,"

Ahhh! I get it! Been reading QAnon. You see, the clever strategy is to let all the globalists into power and let them pass their agenda. THEN! We'll catch them cheating and be like, ""GOTCHA""!! At THAT point, we take all the evidence to a lesbian judge and she dismisses the case. Brilliant!!

",1513174150,13/12/2017 14:09 7806092,3660707461,"

Here's what happened:

1. Moore poisoned the well over the years with too much 10 commandments hi-jinks. Getting kicked off the AL Sup. Court twice damaged his reputation. That was stunt - and one time is enough for stunt.

2. The allegation about the ""14 year old"" was fatal unless handled correctly - and he did not handle it correctly. The only way to rebut that would have been a sit-down ad with himself and his wife saying this:

""When I was a younger man, I did show interest in younger woman because 40 years ago in Alabama, many, young men who wanted families were often encouraged to marry younger women. Ultimately, I did marry a woman 14 years younger than me - and we have been together for many years.""

Cue to wife: ""I love Roy and I've been with him for many years. I know he has a good heart and I know he tells the truth. Roy and I have discussed these allegations and I am confident that Roy is telling the truth.""

Back to Roy: ""These allegations are obviously a carefully constructed political hit job. What the Democrats are doing is they are taking some true facts - like the fact that I am 14 years older than my wife, and the fact that when I was a young I did seek to marry a younger woman. But in addition to those true facts, they have added some misleading facts and some false allegations to wrongly suggest that as a younger man I took impure advantage of teenage girls. But let me tell you this: I have never molested any woman, teenager or girl in my life. I have never sexually assaulted anyone. And I did not undress Ms. Suzy Q. when she was 14 years old. I know in my heart that this is true and I know for sure that Ms. Suzy Q. has got her facts wrong. I love Alabama, I love my fellow citizens and what I want is to help make our country great again for everyone. God bless our state and thank you for listening.""

Pan out with them holding hands, looking at camera, AL and USA flags in background...

3) All future questions about accusations should have been referred to that video reply.

",1513182452,13/12/2017 16:27 7809147,3660987477,

Google search Q Anon

,1513192553,13/12/2017 19:15 7809147,3661012959,"

By the way, Q Anon is wrong about who own the election machines....It's not Soros...It's an American businessman named Michael McCarthy.

",1513193451,13/12/2017 19:30 7808792,3661091497,"

1h1 hour ago
#QANON #TheStormIsUponUs

",1513196387,13/12/2017 20:19 7807227,3661117553,

Doug Jones did not win evil one. Q Anon says that they were expecting the massive voter fraud and that they were waiting for them to document how the left steals elections. The Hillary CIA and FBI are not the only kids in intelligence these days. With this information we may even find out how they stole 5 states from President Trump on election night. This could be really really good. Stay tuned.

,1513197418,13/12/2017 20:36 7799812,3661296815,

Let's hope Q is right and GS is put in a special place.

,1513204679,13/12/2017 22:37 7811337,3661633821,"

Doug Jones is not the senator elect of Alabama!!!
Q-anon today states that Soros rigged Alabama senate race!!!! The Alabama Supreme Court is complicit by ordering the destruction of voting materials.

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/""Asteroid""=ET CRAFT

Look up the underlined title on YouTube!
Doug Jones is not the senator elect of Alabama!!!

Right now I believe this news will break a lot sooner than later. The tax bill is ready and the wheels of justice will take out the mechanizations of the weasels of Alabama and George Soros.

Everything the democrats and Soros did is recorded and witnessed and Judge Roy Moore will be seated as Alabama's newest senator.


EDIT: For those not interested in looking further, this STING was allowed to ensnare Soros and put him away. It was planned and closely monitored. Look at the vote totals going into the 2nd hour to 3rd hour. That is when the weasels went to work with the rigging. The dramatic ""democratic districts haven't been counted yet...""

",1513222072,14/12/2017 03:27 7805067,3662024832,"

The LG BT grinches that attacked this doughnut shop over its ties with the Salvation Army are actually setting themselves up for probably the greatest takedown yet. The very things that they use against businesses and organizations that they find offensive to their lifestyle and sexual orientation, are going to backfire.
History Has shown that any group or collection of individuals that decides to protest against a business or a movement, wind up becoming the targets themselves. Call it karma call that what goes around comes around etc., always seems to result when a group like the LG BT takes on an organization or business that does not just roll over, but fights back and fights back very hard.
We are losing our right to free speech and to carry on our businesses in a manner that we believe respects our values and our beliefs. These kinds of protests and boycotting of businesses would never happen 20, 30, 40 years ago.
Frank Newport, has a great article in Gallup news that reveals that the American public often overestimates the number of people that are LG BT. Americans tend to think that 23% of the population is gay or lesbian but in fact, the estimates that are given are that 3.8% of the adult population identify themselves as lesbian gay bisexual transgender. That is a far cry smaller than what Americans believe. And that is the power that the LG BT Q community exploits. But more and more as time goes on Americans will see the truth behind this and recognize that the LG BT Q community is a miniscule portion of the adult population. Yet they act like a bully against businesses that they deem don't follow their beliefs and lifestyles. The truth is these businesses or organizations by their existence, are deemed a threat to them. Since the Supreme Court ruling sanctioning gay marriage, they have attempted to enforce this all the way down through every aspect of American society and culture. That is not going to happen. There are millions of Christians and others such as Muslims and Jews, that hold opposing viewpoints about alternative sexual lifestyles. You would think that the LG BT Q community would just sit back and relax realizing that they would never have any such freedoms if they were in a another country say Pakistan or Afghanistan. Isis would celebrate their beliefs and values by throwing alleged gays off of buildings.
This kind of tactic is appalling and inhuman. It has no place in society whatsoever. That said, the LG BT Q community has no business forcing their values and beliefs down our throats. Unless of course they want to away with the First Amendment and fourth amendment to the Constitution.

",1513255135,14/12/2017 12:38 7813312,3662153686,"

I'm connecting dots. Q keeps saying that Propaganda Is Warfare. Take a look at what is going on and how people are now taking their lives- people are being accused of out of thin air such as Roy Moore- and look at the effect. Some of these claims are legitimate, but many are not. Look at Roy Moore and General Flynn who is financially wiped out..Look at Bill O'Reilly. If your job,your money,your good name-your friends and family have left you, or worse they haven't but there is that distrust, everything you have-is wiped out..Your life has in fact, been essentially taken from you. Young men are now not dating and hardly even communicating with women because they are living in fear of being accused. Men business owners are now not hiring women. Women are being used as useful idiots and piling on, some being paid. This is rotting from within, Democrats and Republicans can't stand eachother, Men and Women are now even struggling to exist together peacefully out in the workplace. Their will be no procreation if people can't even talk to each other and maybe flirt a little! How is this not a war? It's a war from within being created and fueled by the Media. Cutting the Cord and starving these people out is about a lot more than not watching your TV shows, get off of what you can to not let these people have this power.

",1513260480,14/12/2017 14:08 7814757,3662409186,"

More detailed article, including Mitch's ties to the Chinese

",1513270155,14/12/2017 16:49 7814707,3662451688,"

'Call me Dave', the greenest Prime Minister ever, insists on providing further evidence of his lack of sound judgement, while demonstrating support for the criminal global mastermind 'Opto-Cushy'. The Con man Dave showed time and time again, when in power, that his word was not his 'Bond'. While immigrants continue to Q on their way to claim British benefits and overthrow the very civilization that generations have fought for and built over centuries.

",1513271735,14/12/2017 17:15 7806092,3662549299,"

Rat Bastard and It's full of mice are obviously working out of the same troll factory.

The attempt is two fold:

1. Convince everyone that Americans really have shifted to authoritarianism.

2. Convince armed Patriots that martial law under this government is necessary and should not be resisted.

That's what the Q Anon baloney was also about.

Rats and mice indeed. They're scrambling visibly now that the ship is obviously going down.

The Constitution.
And a unwavering North Star of Individualism.

Those are the true compass points of an American Patriot.

Not a vapid whine about fairness.
Not social agendas, of either side.
Not Israel first.
Not global hegemony.
Not the majority over the Individual.
Not government enforcer worship.
Not any of our worthless feelings.

And definitely not the Southern Cross of collectivism.

You misleading the Patriots, you are seen. Patriots, look harder. Many of you are decided and are unaware.

The first hint: Those voices leading you, do they put ANY interest on the same level of above American interests? Do they argue that those non American interests ARE American interests? Do they couch that argument in emotion or religion or your fear?

Wake up.

A storm is rapidly approaching. A great reckoning is upon us. You don't have much time before you end up killing those who are trying to set you free, trying to alert you to your birthrights of Liberty and Dignity.

",1513275173,14/12/2017 18:12 7817327,3662661731,"

Agreed Suzy Q....Rokit summed it up with the line about ""poisoning the atmosphere, transforming even the most harmless flirtation into an egregious sexual assault""!
You'll soon have to wear sunglasses constantly, and make certain to not even accidentally bump into, or brush past not only the opposite sex, but the same...that is of course until the leftist loon, SJW's find a way to officially eliminate any differences between the two!

",1513279379,14/12/2017 19:22 7817577,3662675445,"

The elevator to hell is filling up fast. What's the tally on RINO, Dimm quitters to date? If you are a Q Anon follower, remember he, [she, they] said to keep track of who was leaving Congress. The list is growing. So is the list of sealed indictments.

",1513279899,14/12/2017 19:31 7818072,3662747282,

Why isn't BB reporting on Q anon? It seems the guy has some serious information that's being leaked to the public intentionally from the top.

,1513282700,14/12/2017 20:18 7818072,3662800827,"

Oh the horror, Sex Hamster might get throttled!

I say good. If something doesn't slow you down those chronic Indian burns you gays are giving yourselves are going to gangrenous, and somehow John Q Taxpayer is going to have to pay for it.

I say throttle them down to 5 tugs per minute and we'll check back in a month.

",1513285043,14/12/2017 20:57 7816137,3662866094,

You still crying about Winning?
News Flash Roy Moore Election Major voter fraud caught all of them setup a sting! Busted! Q.

,1513287824,14/12/2017 21:43 7818327,3662979551,"

I do not believe it- Ryan was a democrat and hated Trump and did all he could to thwart him, I'm sure Trump wasn't fond of him either-
What happened was that Ryan, like the rest are getting caught at their dirty dealings and are told to resign- This is Mueller (and Sessions) draining the swamp- they have done so quietly and under the noses of Democrats and GOPe...just as Q has been saying.

",1513293483,14/12/2017 23:18 7818327,3662986284,

You don't know that. Q is far from vetted as a certified Trump insider.

,1513293865,14/12/2017 23:24 7818327,3662990698,"

oh I do- by simply watching what has been going on- and at no time has Mueller done anything to the Trump Team- he did get Tony Podesta and John Podesta is a basket case- read all the leaks- I can't understand why so few are seeing what's going's a plain as day- and with the Q info- it is following- not exactly but pretty closely. Hannity knows, even nasty O'Reilly knows what is going on...and Trump is being very quiet on all attacks because he doesn't want to interfere with what is going to happen. Hannity said from now till New Year- and Q said all these events are all connected- don't you wonder why swam-things are quitting....they were made to.

",1513294114,14/12/2017 23:28 7818327,3662991523,

and Q could never be vetted...he wouldn't be able to reveal what he has if he were.

,1513294159,14/12/2017 23:29 7820162,3663684888,

Mass shootings and terrorist actions are false flags. Im not even a truther but with Q telling the future and throwing breadcrumbs about these gives no man any excuse to spout the ridiculous crap coming out of your face right now. Either you are paid troll or a complete moron. MAGA sucker.

,1513344426,15/12/2017 13:27 7810487,3663701980,"

How much longer do we have to listen to these lying ""public servants?"" I hope that Q Anon is for real and there is light at the end of this sewer pipe.

",1513345158,15/12/2017 13:39 7820162,3663718922,

Do I have to spell it out for you imbeciles? NSA subverted some of these like the recent NYC... but Q predicted it accurately. There are many agencies involved in a struggle between good and evil right now. Let me guess which side your sorry sack is? MAGA you bitter little snakeshill.

,1513345879,15/12/2017 13:51 7804182,3663744072,"

It's not over or declared yet. I agree that a picture of a bus isn't really anything to point at. As far as the young guy and his statements, the reporter failed to follow on and press for information from him, so that probably won't go anywhere. Then again... You know how the federal authorities can easily find people who confess to crimes and maybe go to their home and ask questions about why he would say that in front of a camera.

What I'm waiting for is a shoe drop about the Alabama Supreme Court denying the preservation of voting materials after the Moore campaign asked for them to be held. That was odd, don't you think?

The Trump administration had Home Land Security in many areas to monitor the vote. If there were any shenanigans I'm sure it would be brought forward. It was certainly a wild race.

I did hear in the ""grapevine"" (you can't go on hearsay nowadays) that a sting had been set up in Alabama to catch George Soros tampering with the election; however, I think that was probably from that Q-Anon fellow or fellows on 4Chan or 8Chan. Too early to tell.

Trapping democrats tampering with a federal election is a conspiracy theory anyway.

",1513346939,15/12/2017 14:08 7820162,3663817076,"

Over 4200 sealed indictments in little over three months this year prove plenty of investigation has been taking place. You make this too easy. Picked the wrong fight today. You are beaten... but are still falling for the ""theatre"" Love to see you don't even know it. Q was correct. They really are stupid.

",1513349889,15/12/2017 14:58 7823627,3664092980,"

Rest assured that foreign governments including allies do not have any desire for the US to succeed. I have lived overseas among John Q public. The amity from WWII has all but died off. The antipathy is thick in the air, and their decline precedes our issues. They have leveraged us in promoting their social programs under our economic and defense protection with little or no quid pro quo. Trump will end this destructive cycle and it may force them to re-prioritize, if not too late.

",1513360503,15/12/2017 17:55 7825282,3664141060,

I was watching German TV do Q & A with some of Angie's new post doctoral students in the Neukölln neighborhood of Berlin. The anti-semitic answers to every question were all the same from each one of them interviewed. If their German and accents weren't so bad one would easily think it was an interview from Berlin in 1942.

,1513362439,15/12/2017 18:27 7822282,3664462831,"

As I have posted prior, good reports being posted of Bolton and various branch meetings Q /As
Considering what the party has been through from the hate / smear etc campaign I do believe we are doing well to bring the party back on its pro English / GB line of travel, it is sorely needed.

",1513376004,15/12/2017 22:13 7827322,3664554505,

a little disconcerting how often people become headlines after Q Anon mentions them

,1513381272,15/12/2017 23:41 7827322,3664599884,

I heard he is going down! QAnon says he is a traitor to our country.

,1513384236,16/12/2017 00:30 7827252,3664612715,"

or Q Anon was right, the bad apples are leaving before the SHTF

",1513385082,16/12/2017 00:44 7827252,3664614236,

According to Qanon Adam Schiff will be seeing a jail cell. Something with the BDT and him taking 7.8 million

,1513385185,16/12/2017 00:46 7827322,3664705643,"

Maybe QAnon is legit. He/She reported a few days back that ""Adam Schiff is a Traitor and Leaker, Going Down"" ... .... Also said that “Election Fraud Sting Prediction” in Alabama by QAnon on chan"" ... ... I'm good with my tax dollars going towards exposing voter fraud (I welcome that), but I'm tired of my money going towards impeaching a duly elected president, whom I voted for. Spend the money on protecting us citizens & BUILD THAT WALL instead of the this witch hunt.

",1513391851,16/12/2017 02:37 7819707,3664762459,

Lol.. I've been reading Q...

,1513396896,16/12/2017 04:01 7827322,3664854864,

I almost told him he thinks he's bulletproof on Twitter...Then I had to change that to above the law wouldn't want people coming to my house acting like I was threatening to shoot the treasonous scumbag.

He knew something about the most recent NYC bomber or something. As he received 7.8 million$ in BDT apparently. QAnon is someone in the Trump administration very high up. Could be Trump himself but he knows a lot and has to talk in codes.

,1513407492,16/12/2017 06:58 7822232,3664978609,"

Interesting Q. Bear. These things are quite personal but a belief in/recognition of Jesus Christ the son of God who made the ultimate sacrifice through love is probably the starting point. There is no 'making' one believe that though. It's not forced, it doesn't pass through the mother's line and isn't delivered by prostration and prayer 5 times a day (that I'm aware of).

",1513421124,16/12/2017 10:45 7650871,3665017404,"

Here is a video of the busses coming into Alabama to bring out of state voters in.

#QAnon : These people are stupid!.

this twitter has the video.

",1513424502,16/12/2017 11:41 7826042,3665094193,

They have nerve. I'm assuming they r all narcissistic. Most ppl in high ranking positions of power are. Power breeds it. I think you're right..... she must know the shoe is getting ready to drop. Q anon is claiming that bill is wanting a deal. Using the past president card.

,1513430063,16/12/2017 13:14 7826847,3665288423,"

To think, a simple shot of penicillin could have saved a brain if only this Q tip wasn't so afraid of needles. Syphilis is eating any intelligence he once might have had.

",1513440570,16/12/2017 16:09 7829927,3665292372,"

No gunner,
the question was ""the last branch meeting Q /As session with Henry Bolton you attended"" what was YOUR take on it ?
By the by a large number of lab voters have also colluded with the tory party tactically voting to keep the UKIP candidate OUT.

",1513440760,16/12/2017 16:12 7829927,3665302283,

Then truly how can you form an opinion if you have not even been to a current Q / As session from which are coming very good positive reports.

,1513441246,16/12/2017 16:20 7831112,3665375204,

gave up his Alabama seat to sting the deems and Soros for voter fraud. DT is Q-Anon

,1513444822,16/12/2017 17:20 7831112,3665377214,

Q-Anon is DT

,1513444920,16/12/2017 17:22 7831112,3665379853,

!!!###*** Sessions and Trump have a sting operation going. As you can see it is working. Trump is smarter than y'all give him credit for. The deep state is about to go down and the criminals have fell for the sting. As well for the Alabama election fraud! DT is Q-Anon

,1513445053,16/12/2017 17:24 7831112,3665415215,"

It is part of Trumps sting on the deep state, Noone here believes, they think we are loosing when we are winning. Thanks for the link. By the way DT is Q-Anon or a surrogate of DT

",1513446826,16/12/2017 17:53 7827252,3665436423,"

""Numerous price
increases that consumer feel painfully don’t make it into the index for
logical-sounding statistical reasons. When a product in the basket that makes
up the index disappears from the market, it is replaced with a similar product. So when a new model of a car comes out, and
it has better safety items, more gadgets, heated seats, and is of higher
quality in other ways, and thus costs more than the prior model, statisticians
take that into account. By their definition, this isn’t inflation (currency
loses value), but product improvements (product gains value). And so they make
adjustments to prevent these often sharp price increases from entering into the
inflation index. Every statistics agency
that figures inflation makes these “hedonic adjustments.” They’re estimates,
designed to lower the official inflation number. The US Bureau of Labor
Statistics makes no secret of it.
For statisticians, it makes sense. But for consumers, things just get
more and more expensive, even for Japanese consumers who’ve been told for
two decades that they’re suffering from “deflation,” and that the Bank of Japan
has to conduct outlandish and risky wealth-redistribution shenanigans to
create inflation. But ultimately,
underreporting price increases, and therefore underreporting the rise in the
cost of living, is very convenient for over-indebted governments and


INFLATION RIGGING IN ACTION (ONE EXAMPLE): One of the reasons official inflation metrics appear so
tame is because of the way many big ticket items (e.g. cars, air conditioners,
heating equipment, refrigerators, TVs, computers, etc.) are treated by the
inflation models. Due to engineering and
technology improvements, new models are almost always more efficient (use less energy). Many of these improvements are mandated by
environmental rules and regulations, such as CAFE standards. New cars, whether they use traditional,
hybrid, or electric motors, use less energy per mile. However, these improvements come at a cost -
better engines cost more money.
Inflation also adds to the price tag.
Governments and Central Banks eliminate most or all of the total price
increase using Hedonic and other adjustments.
Since these adjustments are arbitrary, more expensive new cars can even
be deflationary, at least according to official inflation models. This is just one of the many ways that
Governments and Central Bankers rig the inflation metrics.

""Oh good! You see, my
neighbor, John Q., thought that prices were going up and was about to riot in
the streets because he couldn’t buy anything now. How relieved he was to live
next to an economist and mathematician; I merely explained that even though
he couldn’t afford the new TV (or anything else) it was actually less expensive
once quality was taken into account. Boy was his face red. He went home and
explained it to his wife and kids and they laughed and laughed about their


",1513447835,16/12/2017 18:10 7831112,3665475562,

I gotta agree with your thinking on that possibility about working on things behind the scenes. I have thought about that on more than one occasion. By any chance are you keeping up with the QANON events?

,1513449779,16/12/2017 18:42 7650871,3665507880,"

Illegal immigration levels soaring
By Rick Moran - December 16, 2017


The latest data from Homeland Security show that there has been a sharp increase in the number of illegal aliens crossing the southwest border of the U.S.

Almost 40,000 illegals were caught trying to cross the border last month, up 12% since October and more than twice the number from last March.

Washington Times:

Homeland Security said overall things are still an improvement over the worst years of President Obama.

""Under President Trump, illegal immigration has declined dramatically over the last year,"" said spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton.

But he said more needs to be done, and said action needs to come from Capitol Hill.

""The administration is working tirelessly to secure the border, enhance interior enforcement and establish a merit-based immigration system. But we need Congress to act immediately to close immigration loopholes, fund the border wall, terminate outdated visa programs and provide the necessary tools for DHS officials to carry out their mission,"" Mr. Houlton said.

The 39,006 people caught in November included 29,086 caught by the Border Patrol, and 9,920 who tried to come through official ports of entry without permission. The total is still less than 2015 or 2016, but is more than 2012, 2013 or 2014, signaling a return to Obama-era levels of illegal immigration on the border.

",1513451444,16/12/2017 19:10 7831112,3665613434,

Do you QAnon?

,1513457136,16/12/2017 20:45 7832322,3665722951,"

Hungary.....God speed.
If you need anything just ask, otherwise we will be here minding our own business.
John Q. Public
American Citizen

",1513463733,16/12/2017 22:35 7830632,3665736654,

Who. Or maybe I should ask if he has molested or raped anyone? I am sure his show size is larger than his I Q.

,1513464621,16/12/2017 22:50 7826717,3665819138,

Also Q Anon posting on 4chan /pol/ and 8chan has layed out lots of cryptic hints.

,1513470231,17/12/2017 00:23 7826717,3665855662,"

Nope. I’m not nuts. I follow Q Anon and people doing synopses of his posts.

",1513472928,17/12/2017 01:08 7831112,3665946667,

Hey Suzie Q GFY.

,1513479771,17/12/2017 03:02 7832892,3665962976,"

First, let's just stop pretending this election was legit & that Jones really won. It's an insult to intelligence. The establishment, dems, RINOs, media, & deep state may not have prevented Trump from winning with 50 states involved, but it sure in the heck could control the election of just one state. This is Alabama we're talking about here... the Bible-belt of the world. Flipping it blue is like flipping California red... it AIN'T.. EVER, EVER going to happen... NOT LEGITIMATELY.

The evidence of voter fraud is pouring out of Alabama: https://fellowshipofthemind...

Rumors are it will be exposed around Christmas: “Election Fraud Sting Prediction” in Alabama by QAnon on chan"" ... ...

",1513481224,17/12/2017 03:27 7827322,3666393501,"

How much did Georgi give this globalist sociopath to run and beat out a decent Conservative in So Cal?
As Q asked, ""Was it worth it?"" ....cuz the Big Guns are slowly turning your way,
ya' shiftless loser.

",1513521279,17/12/2017 14:34 7833187,3666532132,"

Patriot info:
Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening Part XII (12/16)

",1513527882,17/12/2017 16:24 7834517,3666783347,"

Trump is working behind the scenes to take down black hats of the deep state. Sources: Qanon/ pol, Tracy Beanz,Ben Fulford, Robert Steele

",1513539790,17/12/2017 19:43 7834517,3666786681,"

Trump, Mattis, marines and white hats of NSA are taking down deep state. Sources: Qanon/ pol, Ben Fulford, Tracy Beanz, Robert Steele, Pieczenik, Liz Crokin

",1513539941,17/12/2017 19:45 7834517,3666791813,"

Trump is doing a lot behind the scenes with the military and NSA white hats. Sources; Qanon/pol, Liz Crokin, Robert Steele, Tracy Beanz

",1513540169,17/12/2017 19:49 7834517,3666837808,"


The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1400 sealed indictments at last glance.

Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria for invoking this privilege is when:

'there is a reasonable danger' that disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged.’ The invocation must come from “the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration of that office.

Admiral Rogers, Director of the NSA, Head of all 16 Intelligence Agencies, the man who briefs the President every morning, is an interesting figure in all of this.

",1513542253,17/12/2017 20:24 7836082,3667119715,


HAHAHAHAHA somebody's woke!

#qanon #followthewhiterabbit

,1513558146,18/12/2017 00:49 7834517,3667167483,"

All I see is the bright yellow tape cordoning off the multiple democrat crime scenes in Washington, D.C. Can't walk a block without having to detour.

These people are STOOPID. (Q-Anon)

",1513561109,18/12/2017 01:38 7834517,3667281189,

You need to read up on Q anon.

,1513569412,18/12/2017 03:56 7834517,3667298036,"

If you really care, read up on Q anon.

If you're just begging for Soros nickels, carry on. As he is +, you better hurry... he won't last long.

",1513571055,18/12/2017 04:24 7834517,3667306023,

Look into Q anon... it's happening.

,1513571850,18/12/2017 04:37 7834517,3667314080,

You vastly overstate your case. Look into Q anon... educate yourself.

,1513572647,18/12/2017 04:50 7834717,3667341548,

You asked a Q?

,1513575717,18/12/2017 05:41 7836772,3667584452,

You ever hear of E Q????

,1513598417,18/12/2017 12:00 7832032,3667634754,"

Hilliary's campaign got the word out, all be it on the Q.T, that Hilliary was inevitable, it was HER turn, that SHE was ""owed"" the presidency, etc.

",1513601172,18/12/2017 12:46 7835072,3667720062,"

You are lying, Mary Whinehouse.

""They need us more than we need them"", a lie also. I mean, you can carry on whining as much as you like, it's still your lie, otherwise we wouldn't be paying them, they would be paying us. Lying will get you nowhere, you are nowhere, Q.E.D.

",1513605180,18/12/2017 13:53 7834517,3667808399,"

Mueller is ""dirty"". Every one with an I Q higher than room temperature can see that !

",1513608910,18/12/2017 14:55 7840632,3668019861,

President Trump and the White Hats are going to these people and letting them know they are releasing information and that they have damning evidence of evil and corruption on these people. Q-Anon has said to watch for people to resign by not running next year in congress. Look at the Big Pharma guy who is dead. Can't get more Deep State than Big Pharma. It is happening. With the major law suits coming will there be a Big Pharma left.?????

,1513617357,18/12/2017 17:15 7838497,3668175734,

Q. Andrea MITCHELL are YOU 'Man ENOUGH' to come before the AMERICAN PEOPLE and Apologize to Juanita Broaddrick and the AMERICAN WOMEN who you have deceived for Decades. A Q. and A. Session should follow ! America wants to know !

,1513623412,18/12/2017 18:56 7841457,3668393896,

One guess on what the Q. middle initial stands for.

,1513632460,18/12/2017 21:27 7843417,3668465422,

Has Rush said anything about Q-anon and his breadcrumbs?

,1513636040,18/12/2017 22:27 7841457,3668468968,

Matthew Q. Joy.... of great concern... is most likely considered one of the top students at the school.

If this is a sign of the results of higher education.... we may be in more trouble than originally thought.

,1513636224,18/12/2017 22:30 7839462,3668518700,"

Several people asked you for a reliable source confirming the existence of those ""4200 sealed indictments"" can you provide one?

And not the Q anonymous waffler please

",1513638877,18/12/2017 23:14 7841457,3668550886,

Matthew Q. Joy gives a new definition to the term snowflake.

,1513640696,18/12/2017 23:44 7843417,3668582652,"

Wait Kelly...just will all come out. Qanon/ pol, Liz Crokin, Robert Steele, Doug Hagmann, Ben Fulford.

",1513642533,19/12/2017 00:15 7840482,3668668720,"

If you follow QANON, he has hinted that Schiff is in deep shyte.

",1513647237,19/12/2017 01:33 7840482,3668680330,"

I'm not sure if Q ""hinted"" as much as he came right out and said he was a traitor who sold out is country for $7.8M

Anyway, Schiff is more or less a known leaker, and he's in deep trouble. It seems confirmed that he walked out of DJT Jr.'s hearing before the HIC, and then blabbed to CNN about what was going on.

",1513647625,19/12/2017 01:40 7840482,3668681841,

You are correct about Q coming out and saying it. The Q postings have been really good.

,1513647717,19/12/2017 01:41 7840482,3668710605,

she is big on Q-anon

,1513649234,19/12/2017 02:07 7844522,3668712864,"

Sarsour was just following pedo Mohamed's sunnah of treating women w/ 'utmost respect' like this verse says: ""Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will."" Q 2:223

I have NO sympathy for the accuser here - she's a muslim and she knows full well the degeneracy of the 'religion of pieces', as well as the kind of despicable creature sarsour is. When you run w/ creatures like her and islam, be prepared for terrible thins to happen. #BanIslam #SnakePoem

",1513649359,19/12/2017 02:09 7844172,3668721102,"

Oh, good for you, Suzy Q. Guess it's true that even a blind horse can find an acorn once in while.

",1513649794,19/12/2017 02:16 7835752,3668778800,

You take the Q out of queer

,1513653461,19/12/2017 03:17 7845882,3668832574,

Qanon is posting again. Claims Amtrak crash was retaliation for the capture of a cult bishop in Atl.

So that's the dark web rumor mill

,1513657737,19/12/2017 04:28 7845882,3668847691,

Qanon says there will be a future classified operation at IAD (Dulles Intl) in the future?

,1513659042,19/12/2017 04:50 7841637,3668867280,

According to Q (good guy) it was in retaliation for the successful extraction event that took place at the ATL yesterday. These guys are evil.

,1513660884,19/12/2017 05:21 7841457,3668879959,

Matthew Q. Joy is surely gearing up his career as a privileged McDonalds burger flipper.

,1513662078,19/12/2017 05:41 7841457,3668892395,

Matthew Q. Joy Mat kill Joy >>>> LOL

,1513663363,19/12/2017 06:02 7845997,3668910389,"

Trump is wearing soros purple revolution color in his tie.

Qanon is telling us something.

Micky Watts‏
Follow Follow @MickWatts6

Is it me, or is Q telling us they captured Soros in the Atlanta blackout?


9:54 PM - 18 Dec 2017

4chan figured out that one plane did leave the atlanta airport during the blackout.
while trump was at camp david.

Very interesting.

",1513665228,19/12/2017 06:33 7845997,3668912370,"

A business jet left the atlanta airport during the blackout.

Soros captured and under arrest?

1h1 hour ago
Replying to @MickWatts6
Remember...when all incoming/outgoing flights were grounded, ONE flight managed to set sail. Note the destination. #QANON #Soros

why is trump wearing the soros purple revolution color tie in the above picture?

he never wears purple, hillary does so did many of the fbi guys that testified before congress to show solidarity to the resistance

",1513665436,19/12/2017 06:37 7845997,3668921876,

if that is what you believe fine.

Remember Q sometimes posts things and then 7 minutes later Trump will tweet something with the same thing in it.

,1513666445,19/12/2017 06:54 7844952,3669084329,"

I don't remember exactly what I wrote but this is what I believe is really happening (go to YouTube & watch the following channels; Anti-School, Steve Motley & Robert David Steele).
Mueller met with President Trump in May at Trump Tower. The media portrayed it as an interview for the vacant FBI Director position but Mueller wasn't eligible since he had already served as Director. The day after that meeting, Deputy AG Rosenstein appointed him Special Counsel. The appointment letter stipulated that he would investigate possible Russian interference with the 2016 election, but more importantly, 'any other crimes that arise from his investigation'. Robert Mueller is a former Marine & currently President Trump is surrounded by Marines, Gen. Kelly & Gen. Mattis.
I believe the investigation was ALWAYS about investigating the 'deep state' but using the ruse of investigating President Trump. Watch the body language of people around President Trump, they're loose, smiling & happy, they know they're not under investigation, they know what really is happening.
Since October 30th, there have been thousands of Federal 'sealed' indictments filed. The # confirmed is 4,289 but more recent estimates are around 9,000. You would have to set up an account but that can be verified at
I believe the following people were purposefully included in Mueller's investigation to keep tabs on them & document any further illegal activity (keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer); Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weismann & Bruce Ohr. It is not possible their activities were not known in May when Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.
On a public message board, 4Chan then 8Chan an anonymous poster going by 'Q' has been posting cryptic messages that days later become true. 'Q' is referred to as the highest level of intelligence clearance. On 4Chan/8Chan 'Q' is referred to as 'Q Anon' (Google Q Anon). It is confirmed that 'Q' is someone or a group that has direct access to the White House, might even be President Trump himself.
'Q Anon' is where you need to go to find what is really happening. Uranium One & the Imran Awan IT scandal is most likely going to lead to approximately 1/3 of Congress being indicted. Some will be allowed to retire/not run for re-election (notice how many members of Congress have already done that?) others will face Treason charges.
There is even more disturbing information to come out about pedophilia, human trafficking sex rings of which the Clinton's, Podesta's & even papa Bush is involved with.

",1513681590,19/12/2017 11:06 7841457,3669290710,"

So, Snow Flake, Matthew Q. Joy, what are you going to do about it? Nothing. We have had enough, Libtards Come tell ME/US how we can act,, talk and live, to our faces, Pal. Dare ya.

",1513692088,19/12/2017 14:01 7841457,3669390778,"

""Bet the idiot is White too""
The page linked in the article has a picture of the uninformed, bigoted idiot.
He looks to be of mixed race(s). It is disconcerting the extreme slant the snowflakes exhibit on a daily basis. I wonder who's paying his tuition.
""Guest column by Matthew Q. Joy, sophomore political science major""

",1513694887,19/12/2017 14:48 7844952,3669499073,

What did Q predict that came true?

,1513698767,19/12/2017 15:52 7845882,3669555797,

He couldn't have passed a Q Clearance. I think all Pres. candidates should have to be vetted with it.

,1513701000,19/12/2017 16:30 7843547,3669639908,"

From what I've heard through the Q Anon channels, Halliburton built opium refineries in Afghanistan and Trump has summarily bombed them into dust. Expensive dust. You're absolutely right, though; the heads of this snake are wielding power in DC and NYC.

",1513703067,19/12/2017 17:04 7848922,3669808195,"

There's nothing economic about that prediction. That 6 trillion in value is just as non-existent as the previous 6 trillion. It has one purpose only: draw the muppets in for the kill.

Most of the institutional investors have already headed for the exits, while John Q. Public is going all in. It's going to be a bloodbath!

",1513707554,19/12/2017 18:19 7849012,3669832093,"

There is a code in the way he is holding the water, don't know who it is for or what it means, but it must have meaning to the person who sees it.

he always has 2 fingers on one side and 4 fingers on the other, both times he does this.


What does it mean? As #Qanon said ""there are no coincidences""

",1513708460,19/12/2017 18:34 7849837,3669924145,"

Jordan falls for the magic trick. It was NEVER to keep Trump from being President. It's to keep John Q. Public's attention off of the utter criminality of the Clinton Foundation. By NOT recognizing the REAL reason for this obfuscation, Jordan does the Clinton's dirty work for them, by reassuring the American people - wrongly - that this was about Trump. This was NEVER about Trump. While Government resources are being spent chasing after a ghost, what they're NOT being spent on is chasing after clear evidence of tyranny and obfuscation of the law by the Clinton Criminal Cabal.

When they show you the left hand in such a way, it's in your best interest to ask what's in the other hand.

",1513711994,19/12/2017 19:33 7844952,3670098808,"

I was hoping you would have posted one or two examples here instead of your smarmy ""what didn't he"" like what? the return of Elvis in Vegas? Did he miss one other thing maybe? When Niburu will slam into DC?

Seriously though, there's nothing Q has predicted that fingers him / her / them for a Trump insider. Q could be anyone on the dark side surveilling Trump's team and his plans and posing as our friend.

Name one prediction from ""Q"" that could not possibly be that

",1513718948,19/12/2017 21:29 7844952,3670147132,"

Your reading comprehension is very poor champ.

""...Name one prediction from ""Q"" that could not possibly be that""

And what's ""that"" ?

"".... Q could be anyone on the dark side surveilling Trump's team and his plans and posing as our friend....""

See now you made me repeat myself because you did not answer the question. Well?

",1513721259,19/12/2017 22:07 7840012,3670158953,

I have been enjoying spelling is as L Q T B G



Commie Core Must Burn!

,1513721865,19/12/2017 22:17 7849837,3670191157,

I think they are trying to make Sessions look like he has no skin in this game so he will not seem impartial. Sources: Qanon/pol

,1513723587,19/12/2017 22:46 7849837,3670192725,

The purge is slowly happening. Source; Qanon/pol

,1513723669,19/12/2017 22:47 7850817,3670214321,"

The jobs that obama created weren't real jobs that benefited John Q. Public. The jobs were low paying entry level bureaucratic jobs which mainly focused on minorities. He just had the economists juggle employment figures to make it look like accomplished something. Yep, the ""great black hoax"" struck again.

",1513724878,19/12/2017 23:07 7849837,3670328414,

Don't fret my little sheep Q has it all in hand?

,1513731118,20/12/2017 00:51 7849837,3670337927,

You have no evidence for that only the chump Q who could be anyone on the dark side

,1513731628,20/12/2017 01:00 7849837,3670342525,

you're really high.... Q is a deep state chump

,1513731872,20/12/2017 01:04 7849837,3670351871,

8chan Q is. 4chan Q was legit.

,1513732392,20/12/2017 01:13 7849837,3670363839,"

This was a link on Trump’s twitter for a few minutes before it was taken down.

Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria for invoking this privilege is when:

'there is a reasonable danger' that disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged.’ The invocation must come from “the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration of that office.

Admiral Rogers, Director of the NSA, Head of all 16 Intelligence Agencies, the man who briefs the President every morning, is an interesting figure in all of this.

",1513733067,20/12/2017 01:24 7852372,3670370431,

So there is a Q code on the poster.. what does it link to?

,1513733432,20/12/2017 01:30 7853462,3670380824,"

We're going to be getting these breadcrumbs for a while; John Q Public has to be warmed up to the idea that the upper levels of the FBI & DOJ were essentially committing treason.

My worthless theory? Mueller is working for Trump. The ""Russian Collusion"" sideshow was cooked up to draw these cooked FBI agents involved in the ""Dossier"" into a chance to *really get* Trump, and they took the bait. Now these agents, under Mueller's control, are a) out of the FBI loop and b) under surveillance. It's the only reasonable explanation as to why Mueller, a 12-year FBI director, took that bum job.

",1513734029,20/12/2017 01:40 7851202,3670405322,

when I get the chance I am listening to liz crokin & april lajune. not even listening to limbaugh anymore. both women are excellent investigative reporters & crokin does a great job connecting the dots. lajune is big into Q-anon.

,1513735507,20/12/2017 02:05 7849837,3670405806,"

Thank you! At first, Gowdy seemed like he was the guy! Time passes.......Nothing but grandstanding and TV spots. Now Jim Jordon is the man and Gowdy somehow doesn't seem to agree? Jordon makes the rounds! Do you get the feeling we're being dramatized to death? The circle doesn't get wider it just gets deeper! There must be someone out here without some agenda.So, for the time being, I'm looking at the whole Q thing. It beats a blank and gives me hope.
Thanks for the link, it tells the whole story of real history.

",1513735537,20/12/2017 02:05 7851202,3670410973,

Yeah. I've listened and I have read all the Q stuff on 4chan. I never did see however any evidence that Marines landed and did anything at Quantico. Doesn't mean it didn't happen I suppose but...

,1513735859,20/12/2017 02:10 7849837,3670422271,

Search for Q and you'll find that which you seek

,1513736592,20/12/2017 02:23 7851202,3670432684,"

Q ANON. Still care? Update video for you. CBTS reached out to TracyBeanz and they did a video together about Q today.

",1513737277,20/12/2017 02:34 7851202,3670443193,"

Q ANON. Still care? Update video for you. CBTS reached out to TracyBeanz and they did a video together about Q today.

",1513737988,20/12/2017 02:46 7851202,3670456577,"

I am familiar with both chans and I haven't really read much of the qanon stuff, most of it seems to be a larp. Not exactly positive on this but some of this seems purely coincidental.

As for being a part of inf chan I've never seen any of the chans be overly welcoming to reddit refugees.

",1513738936,20/12/2017 03:02 7851202,3670458295,

Who is your Q source?

,1513739061,20/12/2017 03:04 7851202,3670467218,

is Q amongst us now? hmmmm

,1513739714,20/12/2017 03:15 7849727,3670562245,"

You are really DUMB. As Q-Anon has said frequently about the democrats, ""These people are really STUPID"" and ""These people are really SICK.""

So the liberals who run most of the universities (""higher learning"") refuse to allow people with another view to come on campus and debate issues. The students are hidden in ""safe places"" where they neither engage in meaningful conversation (triggered) or allow others with opposing to challenge them.

That is not an education, its indoctrination. See Adolf Hitler and other such.

",1513747929,20/12/2017 05:32 7854382,3670665194,"

Go back to Marxist Troll Training School.

All dividends of corporations have already been taxed once, and then you and Bernie Sanders tax Joe Q Public again when he receives them.

",1513758073,20/12/2017 08:21 6719086,3670830453,

Uggghhhly. Is this related to Maxine or old Sheila lee?? This just proves we need an I Q test to vote.

,1513770585,20/12/2017 11:49 7852487,3670831871,

They are trying to shut Q and all his supporters up and anything that could oppose the NWO

,1513770666,20/12/2017 11:51 7854382,3670922211,

I wonder what Q was talking about when he brought up Anderson Cooper.

I wonder if that's why David Seaman got banned from Twitter.

,1513775320,20/12/2017 13:08 7845002,3670923323,

Have you asked why Mueller met w/ President Trump the day before he was appointed as Special Counsel?? Is it possible he made his own deal to stay out of prison??

Have you asked what this investigation IS really about??

What was the REAL Collusion during the election? Where did it take place?
Why do you assume Sessions needs to be in the middle of this one when there are others fully capable of handling it? All the while an OIG investigation is taking place..

Followthewhiterabbit...or do a search on qanon...

,1513775370,20/12/2017 13:09 7853207,3670955987,"

That's the right question. Search for Q, expand your thinking

",1513776803,20/12/2017 13:33 7853207,3670966823,"

Search for Q, follow the breadcrumbs

",1513777263,20/12/2017 13:41 7853207,3671007088,"

Would be the best Christmas gift! Also, how do I search for Q???? Lol

",1513778915,20/12/2017 14:08 7849837,3671027918,"

No, QANON, stated recently to ""trust Sessions."" Don't worry as our President has a plan to get the members of the coup against him. Unless the traitors kill Trump, he will get these scumbags!

",1513779746,20/12/2017 14:22 7853357,3671241759,"

I think a more reasonable Q might be ""why isn't she at -50?"" She's so unlikable at this point she should be able to pull off statistical impossibilities!

",1513787901,20/12/2017 16:38 7857172,3671332473,"

Qanon posted awhile back that they have a SPECIAL PLACE ready for GS. (GS = george soros}

later In another post Qanon posted SPECIAL PLACE

Atlanta airport loses power, one business plane leaves during the power outage.

Qanon said the future will prove the past, a posting by Qanon predicted this outage.

Qanon said the ""bishop (cult) was extracted)

When Trump was going to camp david he said it is a very SPECIAL PLACE

Soros was brought to camp david which is military base.

After Trump gets back from camp david.

Two hands on cup to drink and purple tie, symbolism exposed

Soros started the color revolution, everyone from bill, hillary and obama were wearing purple, it is a revered color for members of the satanic cult of elites.

Trump never wears purple, he wore a purple tie as symbolism to the cult members to the rothschilds and others he has captured their flag in the battle.

People in the occult use the same symbolism you will find in old holy texts that are not evil but they pervert it, the illuminati and freemasons are all about symbolism.

The two open hands holding the cup signify that their cult has been delivered into his hands and when he SWALLOWS from the cup it means they have been destroyed.

just like other time he made it big deal looking for the water and taking a big swallow it was a symbol only to those who understand symbolism, the cultist would know what it meant, it meant he was going to destroy them.

3 to destroy something completely, or to make it disappear
The whole building was swallowed up by the flames.

",1513791289,20/12/2017 17:34 7858372,3671451062,

Castmyhay....This one is heading for the Titanic! The Only thing that could make this over visited subject worse would be if it co starred Meryl Sleep! the Record...and as always on the Q.T.

,1513795683,20/12/2017 18:48 7854617,3671470789,"

Good morning. Well, the post really was for those who've been following along. Here''s the recap. For the past month a poster ID'd as QAnon has been posting on 4Ch & 8Ch. Go to YT - enter ""QAnon"" -- try to get the 12/18 post. Q is said to be a high-level patriot who's part of the counter-coup ops going on right now. He predicted Saudi would explode -- one week later SA arrested 19 princes. He predicted the Rothchild chopper crash -- that happened. One of his posts ended with ... +++ ... which then showed up on one of Trump's tweets a day later. So on and so forth. He talks in extreme codes which we have to dig for -- news / govt. records, etc., and put it all together. Because of his predictions then happening a few days later, we tend to believe it when he wrote ... ""ATL extraction of Bishop complete."" But who's the Bishop? Obama / Soros / Rothchild / Podesta? We don't know yet. Hope you can find his posts on YT. Extremely interesting. Merry Christmas.

",1513796415,20/12/2017 19:00 7860172,3671627172,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.

",1513801721,20/12/2017 20:28 7860172,3671657259,"



As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.

",1513802348,20/12/2017 20:39 7860172,3671698232,

Last night Q said: Divert-ATT_CAP_H


,1513803899,20/12/2017 21:04 7856552,3671716608,

Time was when the Democratic Party would be thrilled at the prospect of a tax cut for the average John Q. How times have changed.

,1513804628,20/12/2017 21:17 7860837,3671754093,"

Year one, against all odds, enemies foreign and domestic, the MAGA train is picking up steam and winning. F - Hitlery and the bloodsucking cabal..#qanon

",1513805750,20/12/2017 21:35 7860837,3671760610,"

You betcha! According to Q, lots of panic going on behind the scenes. Everybody trying to cut deals. Some were told NO. Those are the ones who are suddenly announcing that they will not be seeking re-election. They were told to walk away quietly as a condition for not going to prison.

",1513806036,20/12/2017 21:40 7860837,3671770476,"

Sure, lying moonbat, whatever you say, lying moonbat....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.
*Wells Fargo has just announced they will be increasing wages following the announcement of the GOP Tax Bill becoming law.

",1513806476,20/12/2017 21:47 7860837,3671783409,

Seems to me that that whole acronym could be shortened to just Q.

,1513807066,20/12/2017 21:57 7851842,3671870286,

Why are leftist women so dumb and leftist men such pigs? That is a rhetorical Q.

,1513811605,20/12/2017 23:13 7860357,3671931572,"

Boeing to build replacement for F-35 with more powerful ,faster advanced F- 18 strike fighter and Q 47 and new vtol .

",1513815071,21/12/2017 00:11 7860837,3672013334,

We had two hurricanes in the 3rd Q. It makes sense that FEMA would be depleted after that.

,1513819960,21/12/2017 01:32 7860332,3672024952,

Pho Q hollyweird idiots.

,1513820664,21/12/2017 01:44 7853147,3672062587,

Q-Anon . McCabe already fired a week ago . Now in process of ratting out fellow FBI rats . The hearings are big smoke screens. Indictments forthcoming if not already issued.

,1513823132,21/12/2017 02:25 7858702,3672230511,"

That saved me $4000 in penalties for not having health insurance the last two years. I was never going to pay it anyhow. Penalize me for staying healthy? F### that. I'm glad Trump took care of business like he promised. I absolutely love that man. He has truly saved our country from ruin. Most likely, the rest of the world too. The nwo evil cabal almost had a death grip on the world...only if Hillary had gotten in. Think about that for a lifetime. We are so lucky Trump stepped up to the plate. No one else in the world could have done what that he has done,.... essentially liberate the world from evil. The fight is still on, but we will prevail. I heard George Soros has been arrested and is at camp David currently. Hope it's true. Came from Q anon.

",1513837808,21/12/2017 06:30 7861357,3672388061,

He is. Look into the Q anon thing... you are in for a complex but pleasant surprise.

Happy digging!

,1513852256,21/12/2017 10:30 7864417,3672580768,

Have you been keeping up with Q?

,1513863139,21/12/2017 13:32 7863212,3672601629,

I'm hoping that Q Anon is right about Sessions

,1513864054,21/12/2017 13:47 7864417,3672660274,

Want some really good conspiracy theories? Duckduckgo (not google) Reddit QANON)
The Storm is here.

,1513866452,21/12/2017 14:27 7864417,3672671054,

Look up Q Anon.

,1513866868,21/12/2017 14:34 7864417,3672688947,

Q clearance has been interesting to say the least.

,1513867570,21/12/2017 14:46 7864417,3672697365,"

yes we do, now go learn what Q is and enjoy !!

",1513867864,21/12/2017 14:51 7864417,3672707037,

I believe Q is credible. I certainly hope so anyway.

,1513868242,21/12/2017 14:57 7864417,3672720290,

According to Q Anon

,1513868759,21/12/2017 15:05 7864417,3672832241,"

""Trust Sessions"" -- Q Anon

",1513872050,21/12/2017 16:00 7864417,3672835532,

DOJ is being gutted as we type this. TRUST SESSIONS. Q. Where do you think all this dam[N]ing leaked information about Mueller'[S] corrupt investigators c[A]me from? Paradise papers? Uranium One? This is war. POTUS is 100% insulated.

,1513872106,21/12/2017 16:01 7852982,3672873745,"

The unanswered Q. for me has been, for quite some time - WHY are we allowing 100s of 1000s of people into countries other than their own - en masse. It has NEVER before in history been seen as viable, and the only time it happened was during conquering invasions. WHY is it racist/fascist/xenophobic to use common sense and say it is lunacy to let this happen? Why are the media and many politicians acceding to this? What is in it for them? Sure as shootin' there will be nothing to be gained for the indigenous populations who will have to stand in even longer queues for services, and accept often unacceptable standards of behaviour. I remember when they made the film Tarzan and the issue was that having lived in the jungle since birth, he could not easily assimilate into an industrialised sophisticated society. How is it to be managed on such a grand scale - not just one person, but literally millions. Savagery, superstition and cruelty is often at the heart of many other societies. After all, this is the reason they give for leaving.

",1513872831,21/12/2017 16:13 7857202,3673061253,"

Yes it is a felony. She has it in writing. If John Q Citizen did this, they'd be in some horrible dark dingy jail awaiting her fate.

",1513876284,21/12/2017 17:11 7864417,3673099462,"

Also look into the Flynn pedogate connection, those inside have a axe to grind with him on what he knows, Flynn a intel guru with Q NSA connections.

",1513876982,21/12/2017 17:23 7853207,3673593529,"

Notice POTUS used ""SHUTDOWN"" in all caps in his twitter feed today as per Q?

",1513892462,21/12/2017 21:41 7853207,3673699742,"

Trump is now dealing with the traitors in and out of government -
#12DaysOfMAGA Q wants Trump supporters to retweet this lovely photo of Melania Trump - Thank you.

",1513897621,21/12/2017 23:07 7869362,3673909525,"

...there are quite a few hopefuls around who insist Trump, Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions are fighting on the same Team against the swamp.

I believe it is a psy-op to entice Patriots to stand down in the event the swamp goes full coup and martial law against us

Beware Q...

",1513910696,22/12/2017 02:44 7869362,3673917105,"

""...Those planes will be fully fueled and ready to transport those individuals to GITMO...""

Or to international resorts if Q is a psy-op, which I suspect.

",1513911105,22/12/2017 02:51 7869362,3673949162,"

He's talking about the Q-anon psy-op which claims Trump, Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions are fighting on the same Team against the swamp.

I believe it is a psy-op to entice Patriots to stand down in the event the swamp goes full coup and martial law against us

Beware Q

",1513913456,22/12/2017 03:30 7869307,3673955494,"

For those who follow QAnon on 8 chan...he is talking.

Track CEO resignations.


– AspenPointe CEO Pattinson abruptly resigns

– Dr. J. Mario Molina has resigned from the board of the health insurer his father founded

– Randall Stephenson, chairman and CEO of AT&T, resigns

– Papa John’s founder out as CEO weeks after NFL comments

– chief executive had resigned on Tuesday. CEO Markus Jooste resigned
with immediate effect after the discovery of new information

Eric Schmidt from Google/Alphabet steps down; Wells Fargo CEO resigns and more...


",1513913939,22/12/2017 03:38 7869087,3674004277,"

Yes I thought that the globalist turned him via blackmail. Perhaps as Q said ""trusr in Sessions"". Maybe he is involved in a classic double cross? If so, you have to admire him for walking that incredibly dangerous line. Especially knowing that the Clinton Body count is most likely well over 100.

",1513917843,22/12/2017 04:44 7865077,3674057304,

Whatever happened to Q?

,1513923066,22/12/2017 06:11 7873207,3674725460,

Yep says Rep. Gaetz. He says reform is coming once the report is finished in 1 Q 2018....

,1513963850,22/12/2017 17:30 7873207,3674785159,"


Trump attacks international human rights abuse by going after the money

The highly secretive intelligence operative known as “QAnon” set off an Internet firestorm on Friday by posting a cryptic message on 8chan suggesting it was no coincidence that Eric Schmidt resigned as the executive chairman of Google’s parent company.

The executive order allows the Treasury Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to confiscate the U.S. assets of anyone materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support to those engaged in human rights abuses and/or corruption.

More on:

",1513966462,22/12/2017 18:14 7876147,3674865676,"

Just anyone isn't following QANON here's yesterday's post:

Anonymous 12/21/17 (Thu) 22:09:21 0b7b67 No.146206 (CEO resignations over the past couple months below)
Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order:
Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017
Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017
Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017
Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017
Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017
Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017
ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017
Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017
Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017
BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017
Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017
Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017
Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017
Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017
El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017
Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017
Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017
James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017
PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017
Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017
Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017
Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017
Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017
London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017
Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017
TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017
Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017
City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017
Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017
Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017
Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017
Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017
Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017
Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017
Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017
Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017
Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017
Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017
Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017
ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017
Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017
Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017
NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017
Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017

",1513970178,22/12/2017 19:16 7864417,3674868687,

Ya think? The only other explanation for Sessions' apparent lack of action is that the Q stuff is real and everything is happening under the radar. It's time to break out the praying routine and bring truth into our new reality!

,1513970321,22/12/2017 19:18 7875707,3675095841,"

I have heard that the elite pedophiles and crooked ones in DC, New York, Hollywood, and other places are just packing suitcases and leaving for the Middle East. Wow Q Anon was right. They are Busy. Fast. Moving quickly. No where for them to hide. The flood is coming. God Bless America. Draining the swamp.

",1513982233,22/12/2017 22:37 7869667,3675324342,"

Qanon suggests that Schmidt resignation had something to do with the executive order Trump signed Thursday... Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption...

And even though reasons weren't stated, Q also suggested that there's no coincidence of the recent CEO resignations lately:

Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order:

Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017

Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017
Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017
Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017
Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017
Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017
ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017
Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017
Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017
BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017
Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017
Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017

Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017
Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017
El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017
Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017
Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017
James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017
PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017
Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017
Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017
Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017
Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017
London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017
Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017
TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017
Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017

City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017
Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017
Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017
Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017
Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017
Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017
Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017
Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017
Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017
Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017
Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017
Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017
ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017
Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017
Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017
NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017

Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017

",1513998682,23/12/2017 03:11 7876672,3675468818,

Make up your own Q and A. That's what you idiots do best.

,1514012571,23/12/2017 07:02 7877137,3675778603,

This is why people are freaking over 4chan Q anon

,1514039109,23/12/2017 14:25 7878872,3675791167,"

Planned Harvesthood going into politics should be a red flag to Clowngress.

If PH has that kind of $$, there's absolutely NO reason they should be subsidized by John/Jane Q Taxpayer.

",1514039802,23/12/2017 14:36 7877137,3675807829,"

Did you mean to use an apostrophe (') or quotation marks ("") between the Q and S? FYI, neither are needed.

",1514040716,23/12/2017 14:51 7877137,3675852707,"

I recognize you as one of the good guys. Please watch this and educate yourself on all Q posts. Then spread the word brother!

",1514043161,23/12/2017 15:32 7877137,3675867769,

Congress investigators need to DRAG BARRY through these Q & A Sessions....even if it is behind closed doors. Barry has been able to “slip away” from all the hoopla...NO MORE !!

,1514043968,23/12/2017 15:46 7867587,3675892690,"

No fear...Trump, Mattis and Rogers are working on it behind scenes. Sources; Qanon, Tracy Beanz, Ben Fulford, Robert D Steele

",1514045287,23/12/2017 16:08 7867587,3675894380,

Don’t worry O’Horror is going down. Sources: Qanon/ pol

,1514045382,23/12/2017 16:09 7867587,3675895118,

Don’t worry...Sessions is working on it. Source; Qanon/pol

,1514045423,23/12/2017 16:10 7867587,3675896365,

It’s happening. Source;Qanon/ pol. Meganon

,1514045488,23/12/2017 16:11 7867587,3675897297,"

Yes, but Barry is going down as we speak. Count on it. Source;Qanon/ pol

",1514045536,23/12/2017 16:12 7867587,3675898582,

Schiff is going down. Don’t worry!!!! He is toast. Source; Qanon/ pol

,1514045604,23/12/2017 16:13 7876222,3676046054,"

Well, this is true enough. Independent and Citizen Journalists are now doing the Investigative work that the corporate media used to do. Now they're all just one gigantic Corporate Combine. The NYT and Ronan Farrow did great Investigative work on the weinstein scandal. Farrow, particularly, risked greatly to get his finely sourced piece out. Journalists on the ground in Syria, Africa and elsewhere in the World are doing good work on the Humanitarian crises there. The one Western Journalist in NK, Will Ripley, he's doing good work. Arwa Damon, in the ME. They're fewer today, but in fairness, it is not ALL fake news. The MSM is biased Left. Talk Radio is biased right. The citizen journalists, like Q Anon, these folks are scooping on a daily basis. The Post really did break The Pentagon Papers. They really did drive Nixon out of office. Mr. Bradlee had a person close to him, a friend or an in law, a lady who went for a walk in Georgetown and was never seen again. She vanished. No trace. Cold case...
He did know what he was dealing with, I'm sure. That takes a lot of character to know the depth of corruption, but to go forward, in the public's interest, nonetheless.

",1514053288,23/12/2017 18:21 7880442,3676060870,"

It was #Qanon who left a message about black eyes.

Then people started looking into it and its pretty shocking how many celebrities who support clinton and politicians and even the pope have a left black eye at some point.

who is punching them?

and why?

",1514054108,23/12/2017 18:35 7880442,3676071253,"

#Qanon posted awhile ago saying ""watch how many CEOs resign""
What is the reason for this?

#Qanon suggested that elon musk and others helped NK with the nuclear technology including obama.

Eric Schmidt who ran google and recently resigned, hear he is in NK helping them.

Eric Schmidt Went to North Korea and Looked At Things [Photos]
It was the oddest of couples embarking on the most excellent of adventures: Google's executive chairman and Eric Schmidt joined Bill Richardson, the former New Mexico governor, in a three-day tour of North Korea. And there were many things to be looked at.

",1514054681,23/12/2017 18:44 7880442,3676086493,"


1h1 hour ago

If @HillaryClinton was ""supposed to win"", does that mean Antonin Scalia was ""supposed to die""? #Qanon

My guess would be yes for this question since the podesta emails were talking about his replacement a few weeks before he died and talked about wet works (assassination) a few days before he died.

They had a list of potential people hillary would replace him with.

",1514055527,23/12/2017 18:58 7880442,3676157843,

#Qanon predicted a few weeks ago that the media would start pushing Alien UFO stories .

Guess what he or she was right.

It will be to distract from what is going to be revealed

,1514059474,23/12/2017 20:04 7880442,3676215600,"

Trump says Andrew McCabe has 90 days until he can collect his pension, he is racing the clock.

Paul Furber‏
Follow Follow @paul_furber
#qanon stringer:

_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

OWLS to swoop on secret meeting of sick pedo elites.
Anthony Weiner insurance file to drop 00:00 Zulu time.
@realDonaldTrump's Christmas present to the world.

1:43 PM - 23 Dec 2017

",1514062775,23/12/2017 20:59 7880442,3676225819,

H Q Special = $hi# sandwich with extra sauce

,1514063377,23/12/2017 21:09 7880442,3676230784,"

Queen Beatrix of the netherlands wearing a jeweled pizza slice broach.

you could just write this off as tinfoil hat until you see the photo of who she is with.

She is with occultist Marina abramovic who is on the clinton payroll and runs the spirit cooking / cannibalism cult. (which is part of large occult group)

Marina is painted white and her friend is wearing some weirdo white mask.

Yes the Hillary clinton pedo cult is a world wide satanic trafficking kinda thing.

#Qanon asked in one the posts ""what does it say in godfather III""

Michael Corleone: 'The only wealth in this world is children. More than all the money and power on earth.'

",1514063682,23/12/2017 21:14 7880442,3676242971,"

There is still an ongoing coup. President Trump atm is still in danger and the deep state have not gone away. Do some searching around qanon and get yourselves up to speed because things are still critical. One year ago who had even heard of the deep state? Now it's in the MSM. Can you imagine just how much anger there is on the left regarding the President moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem? We must wrap President Trump in constant prayer because this is just not critical for America, but the world as well. MAGA.

",1514064433,23/12/2017 21:27 7880442,3676243108,"

Look at the timing of the Q drop on 8chan

and then look at the time on the Trump tweet.

It is almost always like this. 5 minutes later.

both refer to mccabe

",1514064442,23/12/2017 21:27 7880442,3676248034,"

LINK ADDED. Here is just one link. There are others too.

",1514064743,23/12/2017 21:32 7880442,3676248116,"

Don't go to bed until you learn who Q is!

",1514064749,23/12/2017 21:32 7880442,3676252477,"

Find Q on He has the answers

",1514065016,23/12/2017 21:36 7880442,3676267090,"

Search for Q ANON on youtube my friend. You'll be ecstatic! Or see the latest here

",1514065912,23/12/2017 21:51 7880652,3676322685,"

you forgot, the Q..................................

",1514069581,23/12/2017 22:53 7874602,3676324029,"

face like a Q ball, tiny mouth and the top of his head cut there is a handsome man! If he only knew how idiotic he looks

",1514069674,23/12/2017 22:54 7880442,3676341789,"

Good points. I always confirm first as well. You need to search for Q ANON on youtube. He has accurately predicted in code the Atlanta airport shutdown and the NYC failed bomber. Here is one of many links

",1514070900,23/12/2017 23:15 7881797,3676419855,"

Alan Brosseau‏
Follow Follow @Morlog_Patriot8
Doctor's advice keeping a boot on for more than 4 weeks will cause damage to the tendons and joints. At their age with bone density it would be even worse! Why are they still in Orthopedic boots after 8 weeks! McCain's even changed feet! Can anyone say ""GPS"".

",1514076556,24/12/2017 00:49 7881797,3676450424,"

Magnus Maximus

5m5 minutes ago
Eric Schmidt from Google (with glasses on) with NK military. #QAnon @PLipsey @n4hpg @NotGlobalism @DestroyIllusion @ThomasWictor

the jig is up for eric schmidt is he in NK right now asking for asylum?

",1514078808,24/12/2017 01:26 7880442,3676497147,

Keep digging. Find all the Q posts back to 11/9. Spread the word

,1514082451,24/12/2017 02:27 7881907,3676589388,"

Suzie Q - Vinyl Kings

",1514090777,24/12/2017 04:46 7875552,3676624348,"

Are you nuts? I was ""there for Reagan"" too and I remember an economy that was inconsistent roller coaster ride; dizzying highs that truly benefited the wealthy and everybody else got scraps, followed by deep and lengthy recessions didn't affect the insulated wealthy classes but everybody else lost the few scraps they were able to get before...and then some. If you wanna talk about a great economy, talk about the Clinton era.

Was it perfect? Don't be naive...of COURSE it wasn't...BUT 1992 to 1998 was the era that ushered in a NEW economy: the world of technology. Brand new industries came into being. Computer software and hardware left research labs and nerds' garages to become actual industries. I'd never heard of biotechnology before 1992 but now that industry employs millions; there are more employees at the four biggest USA biotech companies (Amgen, Celgene, Biogen and Allergan) than there are in the ENTIRE coal mining industry (approx 54,000) and those are just the US-based companies--and not even ALL the US based companies.

INNOVATION is what creates real, lasting economic benefits and jobs, not tax cuts and prayers those given the tax cuts will use them for what they're intended (allegedly) to do. I know a guy who owns a small business; he does OK. He employs a dozen or so people and has an estimated worth of I'd figure around $6 or $7 million. I asked him his opinion on this whole tax cut thing and he slapped his back pocket--where his WALLET goes--and said, ""This where tax breaks go; right into my personal finances."" He explained it by saying TAX CUTS don't incentivize him to hire people, the ECONOMY does. When things are good, he hires. When things are NOT so good, he isn't hiring. In the immortal words of George Bush the First, one of the few Republicans not gullible enough to drink that ""trickle-down"" theory Kool-Aid, ""It's the ECONOMY, stupid!""

Tax cuts and trickle-down economics have been PROVEN, time and time again, to be utter failures--well, failures as far as the general population is concerned. That's why the Party of The Few doesn't call it ""trickle-down"" economics anymore because even the STUPIDEST of you know that's a total scam (I hope).

For The One Percent, tax cuts are AWESOME!! Why? Because they get this GIGANTIC GIFT from the citizens of this country and ARE NOT OBLIGATED to use it for the (alleged) purpose for which it was given.

If Thurston Q. Richguy gets a $1.3 million dollar break on next years taxes and uses it to buy his Russian hooker---errrr, I mean gold digging trophy wife who's WAAAY out of his league and is only ""into"" him because of his bank balance---a $1.3 million dollar necklace, what is in this new tax bill that compels him to give it back? NOTHING!!!

You Trump suckers absolutely KILL me with how gullible and stupid you are. You ACTUALLY support causes that are NOT in your best interests out of SHEER SPITE for Obama and Hillary.

",1514094819,24/12/2017 05:53 7881947,3676677458,"

They were given a go to collect certain people.

QAnon ""ENOU{G}H is EN{O}UGH"" and then :Night Owls: and then ""Pray."" ""Q""

",1514101968,24/12/2017 07:52 7881947,3676677639,"

Trump people are missing out on some of the coolest info available. If you are a fast reader and love fringe information, the Q Anon (Trump-approved) dumps are some of the most fun (also entirely non-depressing for a change) inside stuff you can read up on. I say Trump-approved because he often says word-for-word what Q says to let us know Q is legit. :D

",1514101993,24/12/2017 07:53 7881947,3676678032,"

Nothing by Q on 8Chan is classified, if it were we would not be privy. We are several hours post the order and action.

",1514102046,24/12/2017 07:54 7881947,3676681472,"

If you don't know who Q Anon is, that red pill has more kicking in to do.

Maybe THAT will make you pay attention to the name. Search! These comments blend together so gotta make the meaningful ones really grab you. Do it. You will be glad :)

",1514102530,24/12/2017 08:02 7881947,3676728076,

Moore actually won.

The voter fraud was off the books.

As Trump said in a tweet we will have the seat back soon.

#Qanon to learn more

,1514108652,24/12/2017 09:44 7881947,3676730989,

yep if you have been following #Qanon you would know this.

They let the democrats bring out all the stop on the voter fraud.

why do you think so many involved are stepping down as CEOs?

diebold ceo stepped down

google ceo stepped down

soros is being held in camp david. soros owned the smartmatic voting machines that were rigged

,1514108982,24/12/2017 09:49 7880442,3676816952,

Search for Q on youtube. He's been posting coded intelligence drops on 8chan that all prove to be true

,1514117641,24/12/2017 12:14 7880442,3676821577,"

Seth was killed by MS13 thugs then they were found dead in a parking lot. Q knows all

",1514118013,24/12/2017 12:20 7873587,3676899509,

Well said! Q.E.D.!

,1514123549,24/12/2017 13:52 7883182,3676951410,

Genetic fact - Average American IQ is 115 American Muslim average I Q is 80

,1514126846,24/12/2017 14:47 7883502,3676965364,

Are all of us aware that the election results in Alabama are going to be reversed?...this according to the Q-Anon guy.

,1514127658,24/12/2017 15:00 4793831,3676990101,

Looks like Q is right again. Search Q/anon on YouTube!!!!!!!!!

,1514129103,24/12/2017 15:25 7881832,3677041312,"

Atheism is a Peter pan Cult based on pseudo scientific fairy tales. Math, Music, Logic, Language and the Scientific Method don’t work in the Alt random event Atheist universe. Even Hawking has proven the God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity is. And hence needs no creator. And coherent intelligence where we all are now (except Ego worshippers lost in their personal Circular Logical black holes) can’r possibly have been spawned from it’s polar opposite random chaos. Where by definition coherent intelligence doesn’t exist. And the random “what if” is irrelevant. Because in random chaos, there would be no intelligence to discriminate between coherency and randomness. Checkmate. God is, deal with it. Q. E. D.

",1514132041,24/12/2017 16:14 7881832,3677042802,"

Atheism is a Peter pan Cult based on pseudo scientific fairy tales. Math, Music, Logic, Language and the Scientific Method don’t work in the Alt random event Atheist universe. Even Hawking has proven the God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity is. And hence needs no creator. And coherent intelligence where we all are now (except Ego worshippers lost in their personal Circular Logical black holes) can’r possibly have been spawned from it’s polar opposite random chaos. Where by definition coherent intelligence doesn’t exist. And the random “what if” is irrelevant. Because in random chaos, there would be no intelligence to discriminate between coherency and randomness. Checkmate. God is, deal with it. Q. E. D. We believe in Absolute Truth, or our limited temporary Egos. One or the other. If you are interested in real freedom, the Truth shall set you FREE.

",1514132126,24/12/2017 16:15 7881832,3677048790,"

Not really. After much human {Thomas] Pain[e] people decided to adopt multiple perspectives of Absolut reality, Absolute Truth. Aka, Infinity=God. Utilizing 3D Common Sense instead of cowering and hiding inside 2D Peter Pan Flatland where all negatives are banned. And instead of banning negatives like Agnostic and Atheist Seculars seek to do with their “It’s just not fair-ism”< aka various stripes of Marxism, in 2D Flatland, 3D Common Sense seeks to push negatives into a positive direction. Like Greed, as common snese capitalism. With enough regulations to keep monopolies at bay, but not so many we end up with record income inequality like the last10 years before Nov *, 2016 produced.

Atheism is a Peter pan Cult based on pseudo scientific fairy tales. Math, Music, Logic, Language and the Scientific Method don’t work in the Alt random event Atheist universe. Even Hawking has proven the God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity is. And hence needs no creator. And coherent intelligence where we all are now (except Ego worshippers lost in their personal Circular Logical black holes) can’r possibly have been spawned from it’s polar opposite random chaos. Where by definition coherent intelligence doesn’t exist. And the random “what if” is irrelevant. Because in random chaos, there would be no intelligence to discriminate between coherency and randomness. Checkmate. God is, deal with it. Q. E. D.

",1514132461,24/12/2017 16:21 7881832,3677049231,"

Atheism is a Peter pan Cult based on pseudo scientific fairy tales. Math, Music, Logic, Language and the Scientific Method don’t work in the Alt random event Atheist universe. Even Hawking has proven the God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity is. And hence needs no creator. And coherent intelligence where we all are now (except Ego worshippers lost in their personal Circular Logical black holes) can’r possibly have been spawned from it’s polar opposite random chaos. Where by definition coherent intelligence doesn’t exist. And the random “what if” is irrelevant. Because in random chaos, there would be no intelligence to discriminate between coherency and randomness. Checkmate. God is, deal with it. Q. E. D.

",1514132486,24/12/2017 16:21 7881832,3677051655,"

Of course Atheists don’t have any answers, they have no purpose or reason to get out of bed in the morning. Hence zero skin in the game of Life. Which is exactly why 100% of Atheist formed governments always end up in genocidal Tyrannies. 110,000,000 murdered in the names of Atheist Dear leaders. And more than one billion currently enslaved by Atheist Motherlands.

Atheism is a Peter pan Cult based on pseudo scientific fairy tales. Math, Music, Logic, Language and the Scientific Method don’t work in the Alt random event Atheist universe. Even Hawking has proven the God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity is. And hence needs no creator. And coherent intelligence where we all are now (except Ego worshippers lost in their personal Circular Logical black holes) can’r possibly have been spawned from it’s polar opposite random chaos. Where by definition coherent intelligence doesn’t exist. And the random “what if” is irrelevant. Because in random chaos, there would be no intelligence to discriminate between coherency and randomness. Checkmate. God is, deal with it. Q. E. D.

",1514132620,24/12/2017 16:23 7883502,3677186436,"

According to QAnon - No deal!

Dec 23, 14:40:56
Side-by-side graphic?
Locate and create.
SEARCH crumbs: [#2]
Who is #2?
No deals.

",1514140432,24/12/2017 18:33 7874072,3677205055,"

I would not go heels in a confrontation with LEO's. They are not my enemy and I support the job they do. They have no choice but to enforce laws that they may not agree with. I choose to be judged by my peers if charged.

I own handguns ONLY because there is evil in this world that would do great injury to thier victims if undefended.

You sound eager for confrontation. That is not good. I wish to live my life without ever having to use my firearms in self defense. Be trained and prepared to face evil. As my family has found, we did not search for it: It found us. I regret having to say ""I will be prepared next time"" when I should have been prepared the first time.

I look at your avatar and find it interesting. I have a couple of questions. Did you graduate SF selection and assessment? If so, what Q course? Year? Class number?

I am a veteran combat leader and I smell BS. If you are what your avatar indicates, that is even more disturbing and points to a clear leadership failure within the SF community if you are so eager and idiotic to make the comment you made. I suspect you are a poser. A troll looking for me to support your comment like a punk on a pile of peckers. So which is it? Either way, you lose.

",1514141572,24/12/2017 18:52 7883392,3677211560,"

Wrong Q, Useful Idiot.

",1514141967,24/12/2017 18:59 7884237,3677272588,

I am not talking about Trump being a pedo. It is The people in the sealed indictments that Trump is having stopped to save the children.. WW arrests in the Cabal. Have you entirely missed the Q on 8 chan ??? #QAnon

,1514145947,24/12/2017 20:05 7880442,3677297555,

Search for Q anon on youtube. He's burning down internet

,1514147677,24/12/2017 20:34 7881947,3677299445,

He is and I will not! Find Q to learn the truth

,1514147808,24/12/2017 20:36 7882327,3677306366,

Find Q you little sumbitch!!!!!!!!!!

,1514148295,24/12/2017 20:44 7880442,3677307701,

Have faith Kelly! Search youtube for Q Anon

,1514148386,24/12/2017 20:46 7880442,3677311837,"

Correct. It was a triumvirate of evil. Soros, Rothchilds, House of Saud. All have been neutralized. Find Q. He has the answers

",1514148681,24/12/2017 20:51 7884232,3677332416,

She be rayciz for resenting the N e g r e s s Q u e e n for taking her annointed spot at the front of the plane.

,1514150150,24/12/2017 21:15 6070434,3677409858,"

Q ANON, Trump's official leaker, has stated that Trump has a ""special place"" picked out for Soros. Soros, Obama, the Clintons and other members of the coup against Trump are going down. We are now in the #12DaysOfMAGA Q ANON wants Trump supporters to retweet this photo of the lovely Melania Trump: Thank you

",1514156278,24/12/2017 22:57 7877832,3677418721,"

no, it's obvious you have a sub optimal I. Q.

",1514157018,24/12/2017 23:10 7875682,3677471560,"

Very good points Buck. I worked with a number of females and I can say that only a handful at best, were minimally competent, and even those, when it got down and dirty in the streets, none of them could pack their mud. Just like this one, when confronting a 250 lb pickled brain groid either on dope, alcohol or both, fresh out of Soledad or the Q, pumping weights and working out, they just get thrown around like rag dolls. This is not to say that there aren't some men in the same category. You can't have an alligator mouth with only a parakeet ass to back it up. What the feminists and the touchy-feely types don't understand is that your typical hood rat or vato gangster is always in a state of sizing up his enemy, meaning the Po-Po. If the cop looks like Brian Urlacher and has the stare of a Mike Ditka, they are much less likely to want to go to fist city, knowing full well that an ass whoopin awaits them. If faced with a bloated 5'2"" 120 female with tooth pick biceps, then it's on. This whole equality bs has and will continue to get female cops, who don't belong there, killed.

",1514162007,25/12/2017 00:33 7885712,3677761148,"

Actor James Woods tweeted the once unmentionable over the weekend about Barack Obama.

James Woods (Twitter)

“He is a Muslim,” wrote Woods. “He can deny it, his apologists in the
media can refute it, and his enablers can promote a narrative that he
is a Christian. It’s a pack of lies. Obama is a Muslim and that is where
his allegiance lies. Always has. Always will.”

The statement came in response to this tweet: “Obama targeted
Christian Churches and Conservative Charities with the IRS, but ordered
investigations into Hezbollah to be stopped. Let that sink in.”

He is a Muslim. He can deny it, his apologists in
the media can refute it, and his enablers can promote a narrative that
he is a Christian. It’s a pack of lies. Obama is a Muslim and that is
where his allegiance lies. Always has. Always will.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 24, 2017

Regarding the Hezbollah comment, Woods, the star of movies including
“Once Upon a Time in America,” “Ghosts of Mississippi,” “Salvador,” “The
Onion Field” and “John Q,” was referring to Obama’s decision as
president to terminate a probe in Hezbollah’s drug and arms dealing as
well as human trafficking.”

",1514196258,25/12/2017 10:04 7885342,3678041751,"

This is why you must protect yourself from what President Trump calls 'The Coming Storm'. There are 4,000 + indictments about to be opened and although military, security, etc. have been moved into place across the nation, it will be better if you have food, water etc. in place now so you don't have to battle crowds. For the past 2 months there has been cryptic messages being sent out under the name of Q Anon. Some believe it's the President himself while others are pointing to another in the inner circle who knows computer code. There is also mention that Soros has been detained and is being held at Camp David. Conspiracy?
Have a look at the video below. If 'something' is about to go down to clean out the swamp, once it begins its too late to prepare.

",1514220305,25/12/2017 16:45 7887732,3678095126,"

Department of defense tweets out a picture of washington crossing the delaware, #Qanon's very first post was that painting months ago and #Qanon posted that painting yesterday on the 24th.

U.S. Dept of Defense‏Verified account
Follow Follow @DeptofDefense
#MerryChristmas! 🎄 Did you know several big #military events have happened on #Christmas? Find out which ones:

Is this confirmation? It's happening?

",1514223884,25/12/2017 17:44 7888267,3678188464,"

I know many are enjoying the holidays but we are at a critical juncture.
Zack, a Q status Patriot, was back on IW last week. He comes in at 36:45:
If you don't check in with Alex/InfoWars, you're doing yourself a disservice. Many real sources use this platform for a reason.

",1514230396,25/12/2017 19:33 7889017,3678399464,

Maybe Suzy Q...just maybe!

,1514246214,25/12/2017 23:56 7889087,3678475344,"

Yeah , that was pure butchery of our sailors and an act of war by the cowardly perpetrators! Why was nothing done to avenge their deaths is the Q.

",1514252410,26/12/2017 01:40 7889087,3678510646,"

We feel your misplaced anger, apeman. Why so angry on this blessed Holiday is the Q.? Read The Tax Bill and see how DT screwed you all big time, eh..

",1514255412,26/12/2017 02:30 7889017,3678512548,"

Children are for life. I lost 8 before having my son. When debriefed from black ops his experiences ripped my heart out. I've bled in line of duty; however, hearing what he went through was worse. He is the only survivor of his unit. Barry would not pay for his medical care and that cost a bunch. He is now productive and at peace.
Right now I have no distance road worthy vehicle--3 change off lamoids and a retired SAC mechanic that keeps me able to work. That will change after tax season. Frankly the digging out bit is a pain.
I fixed a marinated pork tenderloin, yam, salad, brownie with ice cream all accompanied by a glass of chardonay. A big change from frozen dinners or chili for a week. You know the drill.
Keep the home fires burning and stay warm.
Suzy Q (incidentally what my family called me.)

",1514255582,26/12/2017 02:33 7888682,3678658610,


,1514272088,26/12/2017 07:08 7867542,3678904763,"

It's not a new poll, having been conducted back in April of this year, so it's not getting much attention any more. But it should be, because it speaks more directly to the problems the GOP is going to face next year, perhaps, than any other poll extant. The Pew Research Center, noting that Americans are not big fans of the U.S. tax system, asked respondents exactly what it is that really bothers them. The results:

Corporations don't pay their fair share (62% are bothered a lot by this)
Some wealthy people don't pay their fair share (60%)
The complexity of the tax code (43%)
How much I have to pay in taxes (27%)
Some poor people don't pay their fair share (20%)
That's right, the Republican Party will spend much of next year talking about how much they have done to ""solve"" problem #4. And they will do so while touting a bill that made problems 1-3 much worse. That's not a winning combination, and suggests that the bill's popularity is not likely to skyrocket in the manner Republicans are hoping for.

There's another big problem, as the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell points out. People's wages, hours, bonuses, etc. fluctuate on a year-to-year basis. And the amount of money that most people will get back, thanks to the new bill, is—for lack of a better term—within the margin of error. In other words, if John Q. Taxpayer gets $1,000 more in his tax return this year, he's not necessarily going to attribute that to the GOP. In fact, he's not necessarily going to notice it, unless he happens to compare to last year's tax return. So, while the voting public seems to be well aware that problems 1-3 on the list above just got worse (especially #1), they may not even take note that #4 has gotten ""better."" Put more simply, the GOP could find themselves blamed for all of the aggravating parts of their bill while not getting credit for the non-aggravating parts. That is definitely not a good position to be in.

",1514296306,26/12/2017 13:51 7890782,3679087375,"

Why is anyone still paying attention to the ramblings of this sick, low Q, evil cow?

",1514305785,26/12/2017 16:29 7891332,3679333754,


,1514318513,26/12/2017 20:01 7891752,3679448258,

Q says so. Search for Q Anon

,1514324889,26/12/2017 21:48 7892987,3679540706,

If you follow Q at all. He said watch the news and leaks carefully now. And President Trump's tweets. There's a lot happening. Now that Satan has left the WH. And also.. to trust Sessions. Lots seems to be coming true that he has divulged before.. lately.

,1514330673,26/12/2017 23:24 7806092,3679548626,"

LOL the 'released' material isnt the actual raw NSA intel. That's why Trump is winning on every front, the Q group that Flynn assembled has access to all raw SIGINT. I'm not even saying this as a Trump fan, it's just a fact that became widely apparent when the Strzok texts were purposely released. The Trump ppl are aiming at far larger international targets than just Senate seats etc, see for example the recent EO regarding asset seizure of internationals who engage not just in ""human rights abuses"", but bribery and mineral exploitation. Trump is literally, for better or worse, remaking the world's political landscape, mostly thanks to his own pre-presidential experiences combined with raw NSA SIGINT. 30-40 Congressppl out, Hollywood decimated, MS-13 and all the CIA/Corporate DeepLeft money/drugs/guns/human-traffcking lines are being shut down, Soros dumping most of his $18billion into NGOs and advocacy groups to try to avoid the coming asset I said, I'm not even talking as a Trumper, just recognizing this guy is 100 times more powerful than the Left's worst imaginings...

",1514331202,26/12/2017 23:33 7891177,3679575503,

Elaborate Suzy Q.

,1514332969,27/12/2017 00:02 7891357,3679596569,"

I follow Q on 8chan as an anon. Could have something to do with the death of Hugh Hefner, Trump making peace with the NSA and a coordinated sweep of all compromised bad actors (a.k.a Clowns In America)

",1514334335,27/12/2017 00:25 7893112,3679602865,

President Trump is now crossing the Delaware. Q. Follow the trail.

,1514334748,27/12/2017 00:32 7893517,3679808294,"

They have been silently arresting members of the cult / cabal as Qanon calls it for several days. regular people just know it as the illuminati but that is about it.

A flight from LAX was halfway to japan that a 10 hour flight because ""someone was on wrong plane"" sure halfway to japan and forced to return to the US, someone that was indicted was trying to flee.

You would think they would just land in japan and send the person back, why turn the plane all the way around? Chrissy Teigen was on the plane and tweeting about it.

If it went to japan then you would have use extradition and they are trying to get all these people silently.

No christmas message from: soros, podesta, hillary, or obama, a 2013 christmas photo was posted of obama ""on behalf of his family"" odd

",1514351006,27/12/2017 05:03 7893517,3679941419,"

Agreed. While America was bailing out corruption, banks, GM the Chinese built the Yangze Dam for cheap renewable power. Also built Maglev, nuclear power and more.

In SE Asia yuan is very liquid, and in fact as large as USD in stored value. Yuan has gained in value on the USD for 11 years on average. USD lost value since the 2006 credit crunch that lead into 2008 crash.

As for quality, its hit or miss.. My $600 PC today from Asia is a whole lot more reliable than my 1983 IBM PC that cost 10 times more and in 1983 money. Lesson here, big Q quality includes affordability.

",1514366823,27/12/2017 09:27 7872897,3680185642,"

Catch up on the MegaAnon and QAnon postings. Additionally there are pics of Killary and McCain on the Internet, both wearing a surgical boot. The boots are said to cover the ankle bracelets - something reported by a number of different online sites in the last few months. It's now many months since Clinton claimed to have ""broken her toe"" tripping on a stairs, yet she's still wearing the boot. With Trump's most recent executive order shutting down/seizing the money of anyone associated with trafficking and/or drug smuggling, with the CF sitting neatly in the centre, the Clinton's are slowly but surely being cut adrift. The diehards still defending them are those with the most to lose. Clinton's insurance policy is that she has dirt on everyone, which in the last resort she will use to try and cut herself a better deal. However given that she and the likes of Soros are amongst those deemed the biggest crooks in the swamp, she may be in for a reality check.

",1514384063,27/12/2017 14:14 7704211,3680258775,

Ask Q about John Podesta

,1514387363,27/12/2017 15:09 7891582,3680322997,"

It's only the beginning. Just google / youtube QAnon human trafficking. Information is powerful. You won't get this from state run media.....CNN, FOX, ABC etc. I new this was coming for months:)

",1514390113,27/12/2017 15:55 7891582,3680340460,

Just google / youtube QAnon human Trafficking. Information is power.

,1514390890,27/12/2017 16:08 7891582,3680352576,

Breitbart are you part of the Deep State? Removing my post?
Does QAnon frighten you?

,1514391407,27/12/2017 16:16 7896132,3680368552,

Harry has been a disgrace to them since the day he was born. Harry is not Charles' son. That's why Q. Elizabeth doesn't care who he marries.

,1514392090,27/12/2017 16:28 7896132,3680419735,"

QAnon Exposes Dem Conspiracy to Frame Trump, Claims Google’s Schmidt Played Pivotal Role

Jerome Corsi -
December 27, 2017 -

QAnon also claims Debbie Wasserman Schultz contracted MS-13 gang to kill Seth Rich

",1514394240,27/12/2017 17:04 7896132,3680427675,"

This marriage is happening because Harry is not Charles' son. No way would the Q. let her own flesh and blood marry a black, American CATHOLIC.
This is the Windsors telling the world that Diana was a complete s l u t without having to come right out and say it.

",1514394568,27/12/2017 17:09 7897627,3680503511,

I have already turned down company tickets to attending a Cleveland Cavs game this year due to the actions of LeDouche James. He can pound sand in his rear. I will not return to The Q until he is gone.

,1514397705,27/12/2017 18:01 7893232,3680510325,"

Yep. But I will. Bilderbergers, Rothchilds, Rockafellers, JP Morgans, etc...Those are at the top. If you take the head off the snake, it'll slither for a few minutes but will eventually die. Trump knows about these people. Have you heard of Q-Anon? That's the White House/Trump giving people little clues to WAKE UP TO THE BIGGER PICTURE OF WHO ""THEY"" ARE!!

",1514397999,27/12/2017 18:06 7895082,3680535201,

Is it legal to speak the truth and call them Q U E E R ?

,1514399069,27/12/2017 18:24 7896552,3680626482,

Looks like a race to see who has the lowest I Q.....

,1514402956,27/12/2017 19:29 7898032,3680718931,

Why no mention of Q Anon on B.B.??? Falling asleep at the wheel??? Or just one of the drones??? +++

,1514407185,27/12/2017 20:39 7894082,3680721982,

Qanon +++ look it up... once again qanon..

,1514407325,27/12/2017 20:42 7771516,3680846046,"

I know, huh? There is no denying it. Sadly, those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. May your Jubilee year be a safe and secure one for you and your family, and may He keep you from all harm while the swamp begins to drain, and all the evil is exposed. The handcuffs are coming..:)

Read at US Treasury website, about what was done while all were sleeping over the holiday. Most interestingly, it all began on the last night of Hanukkah. All praises to the Most High as He stretched out His Mighty Arm and debts are being erased. Follow links to find Trump's Executive Order. More on the way, while their assets being frozen...tee hee..:) Search QAnon on Youtube.....Blessings and Baruch Atah YHVH Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam.

",1514413553,27/12/2017 22:25 7873367,3681018582,"

You already proved you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. Do you really want me to embarrass you with economics, too? Trump's 1st Q GDP was 1.2% (later revised to 1.4% by Commerce Dept). Obama had 3% quarters 8 times. If we are keeping track, that is two lies in one post. You are obviously a Trump supporter.

And don't use words like Marxist and Leninist when you obviously don't know what they mean. Trickle down is the worst thing to ever happen to the middle class. Look how well it has worked for the state of Kansas, for example.

Instead of arguing with me, go back to school. Get yourself an education.

",1514424123,28/12/2017 01:22 7900182,3681071934,

Go to You Tube and check out Shirly Q Liquor's 12 days of Kwanzza...:)

,1514427961,28/12/2017 02:26 7900182,3681097233,"

The 12 Days Of Kwanzaa - with Shirley Q. Liquor

",1514429748,28/12/2017 02:55 7900662,3681114917,

Is she?

Chris P. Bacon‏
Follow Follow @TheFukawee
More Chris P. Bacon Retweeted Barack Obama

MIA from twitter:
@georgesoros – 30 days
@AlexanderSoros – 5 days
@MichelleObama – 15 days
@johnpodesta – 9 days
@HillaryClinton – 3 days
@BillClinton – 8 days
and A 4-year-old Christmas photo from @BarackObama?

,1514431155,28/12/2017 03:19 7900662,3681127912,

Anyone reading QAnon? It is the Democrats' extinction event it looks like. The corruption that had run the Democrats for decades is all being dealt with right now.

,1514432219,28/12/2017 03:36 7900662,3681136487,"

Happy New Year,Q-Anon from an hour ago,Podesta brothers arrested

",1514432914,28/12/2017 03:48 7900662,3681187307,"

This is interesting - QAnon is saying Flyn is being used to destroy the corruption from the inside out - Session, Mueller and Flynn are gearing up to burn down the globalist.

Right here we got the exact opposite news... Lets see what happens and who is telling us the truth.

",1514437321,28/12/2017 05:02 7900662,3681191438,"

If QAnon is right, we should damn up the river and get a nice damn out of it - I can only pray. The evil needs the biggest slap mankind has ever delivered.

",1514437711,28/12/2017 05:08 7873367,3681194173,"

And more lies you have told me.

Obama has 8 months that still count at 3% or greater. There may have been more that were later downgraded but 8 remain.

And FYI this past Trump Q was downgraded from 3.3 to 3.2, which is slightly less than expected. And no, not every Obama Q was downgraded.

I'm starting to lose track of the lies, John.

",1514437985,28/12/2017 05:13 7900662,3681194868,"

Poor Democrats. All those indictments. It's got to be hard for you.

QAnon - Trust Sessions. The end is near.

",1514438059,28/12/2017 05:14 7900182,3681296060,"

Shirley Q. Liquor, The 12 Days of Kwanzaa, on YouTube.

Listen to it, what a hoot!

",1514448835,28/12/2017 08:13 7900487,3681422909,

and in another side story QAnon claims DWS ordered a hit on Seth Rich by MS'13. But this tree story is more importamt

,1514460760,28/12/2017 11:32 7900662,3681443891,

Nope - not anything of the sort. QAnon is verified 100%. What makes you think otherwise?

,1514462273,28/12/2017 11:57 7901102,3681596935,"

QAnon calls this the ""Fantasyland."" The made up MSM liberal spin world. The reality is that Obama turned the DOJ and FBI and intel into a KGB.

Obama protected Hezbollah as they ran drugs and human trafficking. Obama allowed Shillary to take bribes from the very worst actors in the world to raise money for a slush fund used by Democrats.

This slush fund was how she bought the DNC, which was later blackmailed by Pakistani Intel and Hezbollah.

This is the Truth That Fantasyland Can't Cope With.

",1514470591,28/12/2017 14:16 7898552,3681639094,"

Unlike the last president, Trump is not afforded any cover by weather nor does the weather effect GDP numbers. Look at the 3rd Q, where 3 hurricanes hit the US.

",1514472460,28/12/2017 14:47 7902427,3681790773,"

In the first Jane Bond movie, she accuses Q of sexually harassing her after he compliments her new hairdo. The plot goes downhill from there.

",1514478810,28/12/2017 16:33 7902327,3681833296,"

Are we arresting the treasonous deep state Marxists or not?

That’s all I care about at this point! Seriously, the economy is starting to boom, terror is being snuffed out, our borders are slowly being secured while demons like MS13 are being rounded up, and liberty is beginning her return to our Republic!

Now, that may be hard to witness with near 100% negative press in mainstream media and entertainment, but that is fact! By all means, tell your friends..

So, speaking for the vast majority here, I believe, are the bad people paying the piper?? The globalist radicals, NWO, deep staters, whatever you call them... they have committed heinous acts on not only our Republic, but humanity. All we get are leaks by letters named Q and such.. We citizens demand and deserve the truth, as well as justice.

I want rolling heads, and all of this outed!! The typical lib or even moderate needs to know what those they back are truly up to, and into for that matter!

",1514480549,28/12/2017 17:02 7902327,3681839088,"

Are we arresting the treasonous deep state Marxists or not?

That’s all I care about at this point! Seriously, the economy is starting to boom, terror is being snuffed out, our borders are slowly being secured while demons like MS13 are being rounded up, and liberty is beginning her return to our Republic!

Now, that may be hard to witness with near 100% negative press in mainstream media and entertainment, but that is fact! By all means, tell your friends..

So, speaking for the vast majority here, I believe, are the bad people paying the piper?? The globalist radicals, NWO, deep staters, whatever you call them... they have committed heinous acts on not only our Republic, but humanity. All we get are leaks by letters named Q and such.. We citizens demand and deserve the truth, as well as justice.

I want rolling heads, and all of this outed!! The typical lib or even moderate needs to know what those they back are truly up to, and into for that matter!!

",1514480794,28/12/2017 17:06 7901567,3681840059,"

Are we arresting the treasonous deep state Marxists or not?

That’s all I care about at this point! Seriously, the economy is starting to boom, terror is being snuffed out, our borders are slowly being secured while demons like MS13 are being rounded up, and liberty is beginning her return to our Republic!

Now, that may be hard to witness with near 100% negative press in mainstream media and entertainment, but that is fact! By all means, tell your friends..

So, speaking for the vast majority here, I believe, are the bad people paying the piper?? The globalist radicals, NWO, deep staters, whatever you call them... they have committed heinous acts on not only our Republic, but humanity. All we get are leaks by letters named Q and such.. We citizens demand and deserve the truth, as well as justice.

I want rolling heads, and all of this outed!! The typical lib or even moderate needs to know what those they back are truly up to, and into for that matter!

",1514480834,28/12/2017 17:07 7902427,3681865451,

Will Q give her a top secret bra to burn?

,1514481873,28/12/2017 17:24 7895972,3681931633,"

Professor Emeritus James Q. Wilson, the UCLA public policy expert, says: “We know from Census Bureau surveys that something beyond 100,000 uses of guns for self-defense occur every year. We know from smaller surveys of a commercial nature that the number may be as high as 2 1/2 or 3 million. We don’t know what the right number is, but whatever the right number is, it’s not a trivial number.”

Former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney David P. Koppel studied gun control for the Cato Institute. Citing a 1979-1985 study by the National Crime Victimization Survey, Koppel found: “When a robbery victim does not defend himself, the robber succeeds 88 percent of the time, and the victim is injured 25 percent of the time. When a victim resists with a gun, the robbery success rate falls to 30 percent, and the victim injury rate falls to 17 percent. No other response to a robbery – from drawing a knife to shouting for help to fleeing – produces such low rates of victim injury and robbery success.”

",1514484640,28/12/2017 18:10 7903957,3681970650,

Obama and Hillary CREATED ISIS to dethrone Assad! They shipped Syrian 'moderate rebels' arms from Libya after Hillary saw to Qaddafi's rectal exam at the hands of Al Q.

,1514486324,28/12/2017 18:38 7902427,3682007617,

He takes out his enemies using a truck to run them down in shopping centers. Q has given him a special watch which can spray acid in his enemies faces.

,1514487929,28/12/2017 19:05 7902967,3682056617,"

Dec 23 2017, 15:58:14
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

People have taken this post by QAnon to mean that G and O have been picked up by special forces (the Owls) on 12-23. George Soros and Obama.

That is why Obama's Christmas Card and photo of him deplaning with the family was from 2016. His interview with Prince Harry - from Sept. of this year during the Invictus Games. Obama is currently unavailable.

",1514490121,28/12/2017 19:42 7903957,3682100633,



Lots of alternative truthful news on-line; those are the products I purchase !!!

Q-ANON is TRUTH and ACCURATE Predictions !!!

,1514491981,28/12/2017 20:13 7902967,3682103585,"

Rumor is that there were special ops that picked him up before Christmas.

_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

QAnon says that G or George Soros and O, or Obama were picked up in an op involving special forces, Owls, on Dec 23.

",1514492109,28/12/2017 20:15 7902967,3682114023,"

Dec 25 2017, 15:57:38
10, [10-9]
Floor is yours.
Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]

QAnon says that there was an operational window to FIVE and SIX - huh, where is FIVE and SIX? Could it be Camp V and VI? What is FDeltaC25-26?

Mattis visits Camp V and VI at Gitmo and brings 1000 soldiers to do duty.

Now why do we need so many soldiers at Gitmo all OF THE SUDDEN?

Anybody seen Obama lately? He just posted last year's Christmas card, then last year's deplaning photo, then a video from Sept. with Prince Harry and the press made it look like it was recent and had to do with Harry's recent engagement and Obama is invited and Trump might not be yadda yadda.

Odd right? Obama seems to be MIA.

",1514492544,28/12/2017 20:22 7902002,3682167166,"

If she were going to do that,
she'd have done so by now.
She's had the longest-ever reign,
longer even than Q.Vickie, so no,
she still has respect for Britain,
keeping Chuck off the throne.

",1514494789,28/12/2017 20:59 7880382,3682196476,"

Not fake that Trump enacted a forfeiture of assets to really bad guys. I have no idea if QAnon is fake or not, but something is happening, and it is not good for the Dems.

",1514496055,28/12/2017 21:20 7903957,3682199967,"

Dec 23 2017, 15:58:14
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

QAnon, a source close to Trump is posting that G and O have been set upon by Owls.

G=George Soros
Enough is enough. Trump has enough to make his move.
Owls - Military intelligence special forces.

",1514496203,28/12/2017 21:23 7902427,3682228318,"

Instead of Q making gadgets for Bond to use fighting enemies, he'll make sex toys for the female Bond instead.

",1514497470,28/12/2017 21:44 7903662,3682351458,"

Eric Schmidt of Google went to North Korea:

Timeline of the Largest Corruption Takedown in History #TheStormIsHere #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit (

In 2012, he visited NK with the Sec of ENERGY, Bill Richardson.

Of course China does not take the US seriously, and NK thinks they just have to throw a tantrum and then we will send them stuff, like money, uranium, tech support, like Obama did.

",1514503803,28/12/2017 23:30 7904047,3682440708,"

I want to do a write in candidate who started this whole fake news issue. I will explain why my write in vote. The one and only former FAKE president Barack Hussein Obama. BHO set up fake townhall Q and A's with getting people to ask questions to him that he provided ahead of time to set up a narrative. Phoney, baloney, fake news events. BHO set up meetings with what then became willing fake news outlets on his behalf and against his Republican opponents...enemies. So, with all this, my write in vote is for our former FAKE president, Time Magazine's ""Muslim Of The Year"" Barack Hussein Obama. BHO is the undisputed King of Fake News. Yes, pun intended...well, maybe not.

",1514509262,29/12/2017 01:01 7906982,3682502148,"

Illegal immigration levels soaring

By Rick Moran - December 16, 2017


The latest data from Homeland Security show that there has been a sharp increase in the number of illegal aliens crossing the southwest border of the U.S.

Almost 40,000 illegals were caught trying to cross the border last month, up 12% since October and more than twice the number from last March.

Washington Times:

Homeland Security said overall things are still an improvement over the worst years of President Obama.

""Under President Trump, illegal immigration has declined dramatically over the last year,"" said spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton.

But he said more needs to be done, and said action needs to come from Capitol Hill.

""The administration is working tirelessly to secure the border, enhance interior enforcement and establish a merit-based immigration system. But we need Congress to act immediately to close immigration loopholes, fund the border wall, terminate outdated visa programs and provide the necessary tools for DHS officials to carry out their mission,"" Mr. Houlton said.

The 39,006 people caught in November included 29,086 caught by the Border Patrol, and 9,920 who tried to come through official ports of entry without permission. The total is still less than 2015 or 2016, but is more than 2012, 2013 or 2014, signaling a return to Obama-era levels of illegal immigration on the border.

",1514513126,29/12/2017 02:05 7906982,3682516815,"

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump
In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!

What does this Trump tweet mean? As you know the EO gives our government the right to freeze money from various bad things.

#Qanon cryptically mentions this about a month ago.



",1514514101,29/12/2017 02:21 7907547,3682526681,

Perhaps he is putting everything together quietly to bring down major players in the swamp. We shall see soon enough. Search out Q and anon. Could be a very interesting year.

,1514514742,29/12/2017 02:32 7906982,3682529178,"

Tennis star forced to turn back to LA after Qantas flight starts losing FUEL on its way to Australia - but airline claims it was just a radar issue.

many many planes being forced back to the US for various reasons.

#Qanon said a month ago they will try to escape by plane but won't be able to.

Who are they? The 4000 sealed indictments.

in the last month over 50 CEOs have resigned. why?

#Qanon predicted this would happen.

",1514514916,29/12/2017 02:35 7906982,3682558464,

Probably thought it was a bunny. Why do you save your Q Tips?

,1514516952,29/12/2017 03:09 7906982,3682591370,"

So, I guess the rumors that the Podesta’s have been arrested are just that, rumors.. I guess that means Soros didn’t have a heart attack, and that the boots on Clinton, McCain, and others are really medically related, not covering up gps anklets! The flight diversions of late must be weather related, then??

Man, I really have to stop surfing this whole World Wide Web thingy.... See, there is this letter named Q.. he/she/it apparently knows everything, and yet nothing at all. Drops these hints or leaks if you will. Not seeing what Q is, apparently. Unless it’s all on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION?

Well, here’s to hopefully draining the evil swamp, someday, maybe....

",1514519533,29/12/2017 03:52 7904047,3682636139,"

Once again, BINGO! Trump is NOT part of the illuminati controlled matrix, that has them in a tail spin. We must support and pray for Trump. He cannot just come out and tell everyone that they 'LIVE IN A MATRIX', that isn't going to work. So he has to maneuver around and throw out bones here and there. Have you been looking at Q-Anon info??? That's Trump, or someone he's working with in the White House, to let out the dirty secrets of WHO ACTUALLY IS RUNNING THE WORLD!! Go you-tube it if you haven't heard of it...It's pretty interesting.

",1514523568,29/12/2017 04:59 7904047,3682638070,

Just stumbled on Qanon past few days. Way interesting.. the MS-13 thing. Will be diving in now on Q.

,1514523757,29/12/2017 05:02 7904047,3682641628,

Luck to you as well. I see similarities in Q-Anon and V for Vendetta. Only in a more contemporary Deep State area he has to fight....

,1514524118,29/12/2017 05:08 7907547,3682676700,


,1514527709,29/12/2017 06:08 7907547,3682753177,"

Following other information. All the Media has been blocked and even BB isn't covering it.

On the right side is the information from Q.

",1514535863,29/12/2017 08:24 7907672,3682865719,

How’s your I Q ?


,1514543443,29/12/2017 10:30 7907672,3682866404,"

and, How’s your I Q ?


",1514543507,29/12/2017 10:31 7902427,3682869267,"

""Sorry Q, no can do. I have my period this week."" - Jane Bond

",1514543757,29/12/2017 10:35 7904147,3682979015,

Tell that to the woman who has to work while her husband sits on his as s at home because white men can't get jobs!!!
Men aren't mommies! They are supposed to be providers!
This guy is serving his family AND his country!

,1514551629,29/12/2017 12:47 7902472,3683126675,

Anyone with an I Q higher than room temperature can see the Muslim people are not interested in adopting their host country's culture. No. Their intent is to overwhelm it! The people are waking up! And they MUST send most of the Muslims back !

,1514558299,29/12/2017 14:38 7906982,3683211021,"

Seth Rich murder Directed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz (187)

",1514561839,29/12/2017 15:37 7910452,3683303458,

If QAnon stuff is for real - then president Trump will become a person of legend. Fingers crossed - I could not have more respect for that level of play and care of the people. God speed!

,1514565645,29/12/2017 16:40 7910452,3683305555,"

Who says to trust Sessions? QAnon:

",1514565733,29/12/2017 16:42 7910452,3683308852,

BB won’t touch Q with a 10’ pole for strange reasons.

,1514565874,29/12/2017 16:44 7910452,3683311161,"

QAnon also says that there have been many arrests from the sealed indictments and Gitmo is filling up. Hence the blocked unnumbered flights you see on Flight Radar and the turned around planes and blacked out airports - renditioning, lol. Prisoner transfer of VIPs. Where? Where else? GITMO.

I still say that is where Awan is which is why his court date disappeared. He didn't do a deal. If you do a deal, your court date STAYS on the docket and your lawyer shows up to announce your deal. It DISAPPEARED. POOF. GONE. BYE BYE CHARGES.

Your deal does not erase your charges. Not right away. You have to testify or at least make it to court. Awan is in a dark site.

QAnon's post DARK DARKNESS makes sense.

",1514565969,29/12/2017 16:46 7910452,3683313284,

Prob because Bannon knows who he/she they are. LOL if you knew Q would you touch that?

,1514566059,29/12/2017 16:47 7910452,3683326709,"

Jerome Corsi
#QAnon #Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO -- flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: … Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses

11:19 AM - Dec 29, 2017

Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17... • r/CBTS_Stream
4 points and 2 comments so far on reddit

",1514566616,29/12/2017 16:56 7910452,3683329840,"

Jerome Corsi
#QAnon #Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO -- flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: … Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses

11:19 AM - Dec 29, 2017

Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17... • r/CBTS_Stream
4 points and 2 comments so far on reddit

OHhhhhh. I think we don't have to wait to 2018 for the Trump unchained. He's loading up Gitmo with the bad hombres.

",1514566751,29/12/2017 16:59 7910452,3683333217,"

Jerome Corsi
#QAnon #Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO -- flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: … Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses

11:19 AM - Dec 29, 2017

Guantanamo Bay flight records from 7:26am 12/18/17... • r/CBTS_Stream
4 points and 2 comments so far on reddit

Here's TRUMP UNCHAINED. THAT IS ONE FLIGHT LIST INTO GITMO. That EO on assets of human rights abusers is mostly CLINTON CASH GRADS.


12 of 14 of the listed EO abusers are Clinton donors.

",1514566896,29/12/2017 17:01 7909912,3683433906,"

Illegal immigration levels soaring

By Rick Moran - December 16, 2017


The latest data from Homeland Security show that there has been a sharp increase in the number of illegal aliens crossing the southwest border of the U.S.

Almost 40,000 illegals were caught trying to cross the border last month, up 12% since October and more than twice the number from last March.

Washington Times:

Homeland Security said overall things are still an improvement over the worst years of President Obama.

""Under President Trump, illegal immigration has declined dramatically over the last year,"" said spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton.

But he said more needs to be done, and said action needs to come from Capitol Hill.

""The administration is working tirelessly to secure the border, enhance interior enforcement and establish a merit-based immigration system. But we need Congress to act immediately to close immigration loopholes, fund the border wall, terminate outdated visa programs and provide the necessary tools for DHS officials to carry out their mission,"" Mr. Houlton said.

The 39,006 people caught in November included 29,086 caught by the Border Patrol, and 9,920 who tried to come through official ports of entry without permission. The total is still less than 2015 or 2016, but is more than 2012, 2013 or 2014, signaling a return to Obama-era levels of illegal immigration on the border.

",1514571212,29/12/2017 18:13 7905542,3683597951,"

Evidence the Trump ""Dossier"" is bogus

If you don't know Tracy Beanz, give her other stuff a look. She follows the Q stuff and you can tell she means well.

",1514578933,29/12/2017 20:22 7905542,3683622218,"

Liberal ""butt buddies "" tapper and Q ball ride again .

",1514580172,29/12/2017 20:42 7912502,3683658272,

Qanon ?

,1514581578,29/12/2017 21:06 7912367,3683763672,"

MS-13 top priority. Street soldiers for the DNC.

May this give you faith. (Link was posted on Trump’s twitter page)

",1514587096,29/12/2017 22:38 7912367,3683781824,"

I disagree slightly.

The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1400 sealed indictments at last glance.

Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria for invoking this privilege is when:

'there is a reasonable danger' that disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged.’ The invocation must come from “the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration of that office.

Admiral Rogers, Director of the NSA, Head of all 16 Intelligence Agencies, the man who briefs the President every morning, is an interesting figure in all of this.

",1514588147,29/12/2017 22:55 7911102,3683850777,"

There are some strange things happening around the world - the hints by QAnon give me the shivers. Could the good people under the love of God really be stamping out corruption across the world?

I feel there is something going on, and I don't understand it all yet...

",1514592449,30/12/2017 00:07 7912367,3683902336,"

Read this article:

He would send emails at all hours of the night to his co-workers. He said he wanted to publish those emails one day as his life's work. He worked for Sessions and Q is very pro-Session when most of us are not.

",1514595783,30/12/2017 01:03 7912367,3683904682,"

Well, if Q loves the country and the Constitution, then I'd vote for Q in 7 years!

",1514595942,30/12/2017 01:05 7899777,3683913678,"

I love it, Schematic!! You and I are a couple of chips off the old block!!! To bad 99% of humanity is in a comma, being seduced by a total controlled fake reality! IT'S ALLLLL FAKE!! I got a good one for you....Go YouTube: ""Q-Anon"", it'll take some researching and understanding, but our boy Trump is TRYING TO WAKE UP HUMANITY TO THE ONE WORLD ORDER ILLUMINATI CONTROLLED PARADIGM!!!! Can't wait to see what you think about it!! Happy New Year!

",1514596502,30/12/2017 01:15 7911782,3683935478,"

Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598030,30/12/2017 01:40 7905542,3683936339,"

The Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598092,30/12/2017 01:41 7911782,3683936917,"

See the Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598135,30/12/2017 01:42 7908787,3683937400,"

See the 'Gitmo' Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598168,30/12/2017 01:42 7909912,3683937876,"

See the Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are now taking place..

",1514598201,30/12/2017 01:43 7913737,3683938305,"

Heads Up! See the Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598234,30/12/2017 01:43 7911527,3683938776,"

Heads Up People! See the Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are taking place..

",1514598267,30/12/2017 01:44 7910102,3683939423,"

Heads Up Folks! See the Gitmo Flight Logs From Jerome Corsi / QAnon they appear to prove the arrests of the Elites are now taking place..

",1514598311,30/12/2017 01:45 7911102,3684037919,

Yes the Marines did raid the CIA headquarters in Virginia a few weeks ago. How can you people not know that by now. We are at war as we speak. The White Hats are fighting the enemy within right now. Our CIA is evil. Iran is a creation of the CIA. If the CIA falls (and it is) so will Iran fall. Gitmo is busy. We will have a nickname for Gitmo......(Pedophile Prison). Sounds like the Podesta brothers are there now. We have George Soros. Finding information other than Brietbart has been eyeopening. It is the new Media. American People are so smart. Q-Anon has been giving us clues. So far all of the information I put out here ends up true because I spend the time to follow the White Rabbit. Not all the people have it right but when you listen you start following the people who end up being right most all the time. This is a great time to see history right in front of our eyes. This is The American Revolution 2.0. God Bless our White Hats. God Bless President Trump.

,1514605888,30/12/2017 03:51 7914257,3684210382,

Any #QAnon patriots here.

,1514625701,30/12/2017 09:21 7913327,3684272921,

How come these folks always speak in generalizations?? Make them be specific.
I would love to see a televised old fashioned standard (not media Q & A) debate about liberal vs conservative ideology and which direction is best way to strengthen these values Kerr fails to even identify.

,1514631861,30/12/2017 11:04 7911332,3684294988,"

The Daily Mail passes itself off as right wing, it isn't, it is a Q paper, a publication that poses as conservative in order to plant suspicion and doubt in its readers.
It's owner is deep state, one of the non-taxpaying landed ""gentry"" that has made a nice fortune out of the EU while at the same time pretended to be against it. Do not trust the Daily Mail.

Edit, the website has become a horrible ogrish clone making money out of videos of cruelty and people being killed.

",1514634021,30/12/2017 11:40 7914257,3684312233,

No one here is following Qanon?

,1514635499,30/12/2017 12:04 7911527,3684401905,

And the court is correct. Our banana republic cannot be allowed to upset it Q U E E R S!

,1514641624,30/12/2017 13:47 7915342,3684571823,"

The Secrets of QAnon’s War with the Deep State Pedophiles Exposed

The power of being anonymous is revealed

Rob Dew | -
December 29, 2017

",1514650525,30/12/2017 16:15 7915342,3684738241,"

Sounds like you've been getting your news from #QAnon and #followthewhiterabbit ... besides you, who else says there are ""sealed Federal Indictments against over 4000 Deep State players""?

",1514658871,30/12/2017 18:34 7914162,3684825252,

One needs a brain to feel second thoughts. Someone like Comey. Now there's a guy suffering cognitive dissonance. Hillary and Obama are just pure evil. Trump will be the greatest President in American history. He's already ahead of Reagan's pace. Maybe we just had to rid ourselves of the poisonous Obama regime and it's full steam ahead. In any event Trump is rapidly undoing the monkey wrenching of Obama. He's getting smarter too. The P.O. last week have people on the run who belong in jail. Are you following any of it or just watch Cooper? CNN probably didn't tell you about the P.O. Why did the CEO of Alphabet (Google) suddenly quit? Why are Hillary and McCain wearing boots? Have you heard of Q Anon?

,1514663523,30/12/2017 19:52 7916452,3684911421,

It's LGBT; drop the Q!

,1514668369,30/12/2017 21:12 7916772,3684960565,

Are you his YouTube sponsor? Spamming works better when there is a boyfriend team. Why don’t you send us a link so we can all relish in the joy that is some tard named Q airing videos from his basement? I’d love to watch. Hopefully your link isn’t child port too.

,1514671164,30/12/2017 21:59 7916772,3684976303,"

Those “two other posters” are lying. Tracy Beanz, SGT Report, Destroying The Illusion, Anti-school, and many others are citizen journalism.

What does contain some porn are the sites 4chan/pol and 8chan/pol where ‘Q’ has posted his “breadcrumbs.” Q posts there because 4chan and 8chan do not moderate or filter what is submitted. (as Facebook, My Space, etc. do)
Tracy Beanz, SGT, etc., merely report, interpret, and attempt to solve the riddles left by Q.

",1514672141,30/12/2017 22:15 7891177,3684980404,"

Yooooo hoooooo...where my Suzy Q go...did ya' get lost in all that fluffy stuff?
Well, we just got about 3-4"" today...compared to your 2 feet, or so huh? 😱😉

",1514672395,30/12/2017 22:19 7917057,3685039221,

Do you follow Q? There's been a lot of talk recently about the Red Cross.

,1514676181,30/12/2017 23:23 7916772,3685051593,"

Pretty good coverage of QAnon, the Calm Before the Storm, and what the heck that has to do with human trafficking and Trump's EO related to it, the mass exodus of CEO resignations, the secret 4800 federal indictments, and basically the big picture of what the heck is going on.

It sounds completely crazy. I warn you - it is.

",1514677022,30/12/2017 23:37 7916877,3685067294,

What Q?

,1514678095,30/12/2017 23:54 7911657,3685128626,

Another one with an I Q lower than her bust size!

,1514682508,31/12/2017 01:08 7915342,3685177432,"

n 2005, Moore said in a radio interview that ""homosexual conduct should be illegal"" and that homosexuality is ""the same thing"" as bestiality.
Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, ""Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?""
""I think homosexuality should be illegal,"" Moore said.
In 1997, Moore -- then a circuit judge -- was removed from a case after he ruled that a woman who had a lesbian affair couldn't visit her children unsupervised or with her partner, writing that the ""minor children will be detrimentally affected by the present lifestyle"" of the mother.
""The court strongly feels that the minor children will be detrimentally affected by the present lifestyle of (Borden) who has engaged in a homosexual relationship during her marriage, forbidden both by the laws of the State of Alabama and the Laws of Nature,"" Moore wrote in his ruling.
In 2006, Moore called the appointment of an ""admitted homosexual"" to an ambassadorship an ""open affront to Christian principles.""
Moore has repeatedly appeared on a radio program hosted by a controversial pastor who has preached the death penalty for homosexuality.
On his Facebook page in July 2015, Moore shared an article praising Russia's anti-gay laws.
More recently, he has made opposition to transgender rights the central talking point of his campaign speeches.
""I oppose transgender rights. There is no right to believe you're a person of the opposite sex or opposite gender,"" Moore said at a campaign event Monday night.

In a speech at the Magnolia Springs Baptist Church in Theodore, Alabama, Moore — who has been accused of sexual misconduct by several women — told the audience he is still leading in the polls but said ""they"" are trying to ""change that.""
“When I say 'they,' who are they?” he said. ""They're liberals; they don't hold conservative values. They’re the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered who want to change our culture. They're socialists who want to change our way of life.""

",1514685891,31/12/2017 02:04 7915717,3685184852,"

Please provide the ""context"" I'm missing where ""killing babies"" is something to extol in the bible. And if god is just fine with killing the babies of non-believers, then let's circle back on the whole abortion Q. Let's assume anyone seeking an abortion is a non-believer. Ergo, we know god is just fine with ""smashing them on the rocks."" (Psalms 137:9) So, where did all this abortion hullabaloo get started? ""Late term"" abortions? Who cares? If mom's a non-believer, god's just fine with killing them a year or two out. Actually, god's cheering it on.

There, we just solved another ""intractable"" right wing extremist conundrum, right?

",1514686430,31/12/2017 02:13 7915342,3685205885,"

I think they act sort of dumb to throw the opposition off. Trump is far too intelligent to give away his moves ahead of time. That’s why he said “this is the calm before the storm” & when asked said “you’ll see.” He just signed a bill this past week so he can go after the finances of anyone who has committed crimes against humanity. Believe me there is a readon for that. Insiders have also said there are 33 people now who have been taken to Gitmo. The swamp is being drained we just won’t hear about it on mainstream media. There are over 5,000 sealed indictments now & I know from an insider that sectet grand juries have been going on for months to produce the indictments. The bill Trump signed allows for him to hold military tribunals to charge these people instead of regular court trials. Have you been following Q?

",1514688012,31/12/2017 02:40 7917332,3685226895,"

Make America Gay again.

Exactly! Get rid of the q u e e r s

There is nothing ""Gay"" about being Q U E E R

",1514689674,31/12/2017 03:07 7917332,3685244482,"

Nope, I never thought that and you forgot Q which is questioning, which means choosing lol

",1514691181,31/12/2017 03:33 7917932,3685314245,"

LOL! Like Nork, Iran is a tool of the CIA to keep everybody in line for fear of a nuclear war.

Read Q anon.

",1514698221,31/12/2017 05:30 7917862,3685383176,

Still not all in on

,1514707530,31/12/2017 08:05 7916797,3685428589,"

Right on Mike. He would know since he's in that political orbit. Q reckons we should have trust in Jeff for? He's a wimp. Why recuse himself and damage Donald's blue-print before he's started to govern. Fed-Ex, send him some balls.

",1514713185,31/12/2017 09:39 7917862,3685489938,

Q clearance Anon mentioned there might be a wheel chair ramp in Gitmo for GHWB

,1514719602,31/12/2017 11:26 7920052,3685704175,

Wonder if this event is what Q ANON predicted for Denver?

,1514733917,31/12/2017 15:25 7726537,3685804437,"

Look into the cryptic postings from Q, because since Christmas day the elite baddies are being shipped to Guantánamo Bay. Our guy in the White House is implementing the greatest STING ever

",1514739124,31/12/2017 16:52 7915342,3685915807,"

We only have Q-anon's word for ""what's going on 'behind the scenes'.""

He's the entity that ""predicted"" a terrorist attack, a helicopter crash and a pope messing with the Lord's Prayer before they happened. Sounds much more like a deep state operative to me. And those ""Trump Team"" photos could easily have been hacked for use as Trump insider cred.

I'm not convinced of Q-anons bona fides because really, so far he's got none.

",1514744639,31/12/2017 18:23 7916452,3685922174,"

That really bugs the Q out of you, doesn't it.

",1514744938,31/12/2017 18:28 7915342,3685944080,"

meanwhile as Q-anon leads us along by the larry, urging patience, we are not applying pressure where it's needed because ""fear not little flock, we have it in hand we just need your patience and understanding for the 4D chess we're playing"".

Well, I for one do not trust this Rasputin like character with the crystal ball. Deep state knew about the (""predicted"") terrorist attack, were capable of planting fake news about a Rothschild chopper crash, and are in close contact with the fake pope, so Q-anon is more likely a psy-op to put patriots to sleep buying time for the swamp""s business as usual and full election fraud operations in 2018 and beyond.

And wasn't team Q-anon doing a sting againt democrat voter fraud operations in Alabama? Funny that. The courts shut down Moore's challenge and the Alabama Secretary of State just a few days ago, sent election fraudster Doug Jones to the Senate.

Shall we wait patiently for Q-anon's 4D chess to play out in Alabama?. Roy Moore will still be our Senator won't he? The sting and all? Shall we wait patiently for the democrat party machine to be indicted for election fraud in Alabama? Home of the sting?

No I didn't think so.

",1514746032,31/12/2017 18:47 7916797,3686069590,"

The Swamp has been inadvertently revealing themselves for who and what they are. A premature move by Sessions before John Q Public had a chance to hear from the horse's mouths themselves would have only guaranteed more circling of the Deep State wagons with total support from MSM.
Now, with people like Huckabee calling an end to the ""3-D Chess"", we stand a chance of indictments actually being made, convictions landed and the kind of sentencing that would dissuade future apparatchiks from copying current political criminality.
Yes, Jeff. It is time or verrrrry close to it.
Folks are watching... you keep going to the well of patience and an empty bucket is coming up soon.

",1514753388,31/12/2017 20:49 7922342,3686323780,

Can’t tell yet if you were a Hillary socialist supporter or a Bernie communist supporter. Are you a LGBT or Q?

,1514767788,01/01/2018 00:49 7922342,3686325900,

You are a Bernie Q alright. A real live tough guy.

,1514767949,01/01/2018 00:52 7916797,3686334135,"

actually, yeah, we've been strung along now for over 4 months of 'it's happening' and we haven't seen much really. A few dozen CEO's and couple handfull of senators/congresspersons retiring, stepping down. It may seem like the Qanon stuff is projected 'hopefull' promises to calm the 'rebellion' that would be taking place as no arrests and prison terms have been set yet, some would say.

",1514768596,01/01/2018 01:03 7918362,3686485730,"

Capt. Q., our shared, beloved, always changing country is being enriched — as it always has — by energetic, adventu, entrepreneurial immigrants, despite the attempts to destroy it by narrow-minded, nativist haters such as yourself.

",1514781060,01/01/2018 04:31 7922067,3686520471,"

#QAnon Redpilled - A Mini Documentary #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit

",1514785174,01/01/2018 05:39 7923772,3686726684,"

Much as I question the Orange Man's decision making abilities and his all-about-me tweets, this is a good decision. The Pakistanis are playing us (and the Saudis, the Chinese, ...) for a very long time. Also, the North Koreans have nuclear weapons thanks to the Pakistani bomb doctor, Dr A. Q. Khan. Pakistan gave NK nuclear technology, NK gave Pakistan their missiles.

",1514811162,01/01/2018 12:52 7912172,3686811648,"

Hillary is still hobbling around with her broken toe boot / tracking device but she doesn't need the accentuating color-coordinated forearm crutches anymore. Some say (as Katie Couric would tell us before giving us her biased opinions) neither Hillary or Bill or the Podesta brothers have been seen lately. Some also say there has been an unusually busy amount of air traffic to and from Guantanamo Bay Cuba lately. Further, semi-MSM types some say George Soros had a massive heart attack and died a few days ago. Weeks before that, Q-Anon said, ""we have a very special place for GS.""

",1514817109,01/01/2018 14:31 7922892,3686822646,

Q-Anon knows

,1514817768,01/01/2018 14:42 7923772,3686886458,"

Happy New Year to you also, Q.

",1514820417,01/01/2018 15:26 7923772,3686907671,"

Assange recently mysteriously tweeted some numbers thought to be hash keys to new dump from Wikileaks

He also posted a song by M.I.A. - Paper Planes

M.I.A. = Missing in Action -- Not where he appears to be?
""Paper planes"" = Julian extracted/ safe?
""Take your money"" = Frozen assets?
""More records than the KGB"" = He has the info?

Then this from ""QAnon"" - 12/31/17

New Years Hint
Julian Assange is safe
He is not where he appears to be
He is a key player in justice

",1514821270,01/01/2018 15:41 7916797,3686992444,

Sessions' DOJ is still fighting Judicial Watch to release Susan Rice documents. Sessions' DOJ agrees with trannies in the military and civil assest forfeiture.
Q-Anon says 'Trust Sessions'.
My reply is Why? Sessions is protecting the swamp.

,1514824801,01/01/2018 16:40 7921577,3687011966,"

Have you been following The qanon thing? It’s look8jg pretty hopefu, if it’s all true.

",1514825549,01/01/2018 16:52 7918687,3687063360,

#Q-anon says she's wearing those baggy pants to hide her ankle monitor…

,1514828009,01/01/2018 17:33 7925537,3687150646,

That photo on Q-Anon showing the look that Melania and Ivanka cast at the Usurper Pope when they visited the Vatican pervert sanctuary city earlier this year-says it all. He is supposed to have been involved in the Dirty War in Argentina when thousands of dissidents were murdered and tortured including priests and nuns.

,1514831545,01/01/2018 18:32 7923772,3687162596,"

Zach of Infowars or QAnon of 8Chan? Yeah, I'm following that, but that info in your link is quite a stretch IMO not logical. And Obama Openly endorsed the NWO it wasn't hidden at all.

",1514832133,01/01/2018 18:42 7923772,3687173150,"

People seem to have forgotten Pakistan's role in 9/11

15-Feb-01 Atta and Pakistani Fighter Pilot Associate Denied Airplane Security Job Because of Criminal Record
Apr-01 A. Q. Khan Linked to Pakistani Militant Group
May-01 Tenet Secretly Visits Pakistan, but ISI Director Refuses to Share Information about Bin Laden
Summer 2001 Pakistani Intelligence Protects Al-Qaeda Leader from Arrest
12-Jun-01 Sting Operation Exposes Al-Qaeda, ISI, and Drug Connections; Investigators Face Obstacles to Learn More
13-Jun-01 Extensive ISI Support for Taliban Continues
2-Jul-01 Osama bin Laden Periodically Undergoes Dialysis with Approval of the ISI
Early August 2001 Saeed Sheikh Receives Ransom Money; Sends $100,000 to Hijacker Atta
Mid-August 2001 Bin Laden Meets with Pakistani Nuclear Scientists and Discusses Building Nuclear Weapon
Between Mid-August and September 10, 2001 ISI Director Learns Pakistani Nuclear Scientists Are Helping Al-Qaeda, but Fails to Take Action or Warn US
17-Aug-01 US Plan to Snatch Bin Laden Foiled After It Is Leaked to Media
20-Aug-01 Pakistani President Musharraf Denounces UN Sanctions against Taliban
22-Aug-01 US and Pakistan Negotiate to Capture or Kill Bin Laden
August 28-30, 2001 US Politicians Visit Pakistan and Discuss Bin Laden
September 4-11, 2001 ISI Director Visits Washington for Mysterious Meetings
9-Sep-01 Northern Alliance Leader Massoud Is Assassinated in Anticipation of 9/11 Attack
9-Sep-01 CIA Director Meets ISI Director about Bin Laden Issue
10-Sep-01 Pakistan Guards Osama as He Receives Medical Treatment
Before September 11, 2001 US Government Knows of Taliban, Saudi, and Pakistan Connections, but Does Nothing
Shortly Before September 11, 2001 CIA Learns Pakistani Nuclear Scientists Are Helping Al-Qaeda, but Takes No Effective Action
Shortly Before September 11, 2001 CIA Learns Pakistani Charity Front Tried to Sell Nuclear Weapon to Libya, but Takes No Effective Action Against It
11-Sep-01 The 9/11 Attack :(
12-Sep-01 US Official Allegedly Threatens to Bomb Pakistan ‘Back to Stone Age’ If It Does Not Completely Support US
September 13-15, 2001 US Gives Pakistan Ultimatum; Pakistan Agrees at First, but Backtracks Later
Mid-September 2001 Israel and US Plan Contingency to Steal Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan
15-Sep-01 Head of ISI Argues Pakistan Should Side with Taliban, but Musharraf Agrees to Help US as Opportunistic Necessity
Mid-September-October 7, 2001 ISI Director Gives Military Advice to Taliban
Mid-September-October 12, 2001 US Reluctant to Act against Al-Qaeda Charity Front Associated with Pakistani President Musharraf
19-Sep-01 Pakistani President Musharraf Tells His Country He Still Supports the Taliban, Refuses to Condemn Al-Qaeda
27-Sep-01 ISI Has Connections to Taliban, Drug Trade, CIA
Late September 2001 CIA Learns ISI Is Secretly Advising Taliban to Resist US Invasion
Late September-November 2001 Pakistani ISI Aids Taliban Against US, While Simultaneously Supposedly Helping US Fight Taliban
September 30-October 7, 2001 US Media Report Hijackers Received $100,000 from Pakistan
Early October 2001 US Launches Attacks on Afghanistan from Pakistani Bases
Early October-December 2001 US and Pakistan Do Little about Pakistani Nuclear Scientists Who Helped Al-Qaeda

",1514832656,01/01/2018 18:50 7918047,3687324818,

Wait for it. QANON has left the crumbs.

,1514840853,01/01/2018 21:07 7921092,3687371642,"

Wait til you find out who else, besides the, who has been supplying NK with their nuke's and capability....tick drop...and handcuffs come on. Thank you Q....!!!

",1514843583,01/01/2018 21:53 7925077,3687385193,

It’s coming.. #QANON#followthewhiterabbit#thestorm...+++

,1514844390,01/01/2018 22:06 7925077,3687441637,"

Something happening with many plane crashes could be suicide or targeted hits on high profile folks and GITMO where Sessions and Mattis toured recently??? QAnon and Julian Assange ""paper planes.""

",1514847966,01/01/2018 23:06 7919897,3687592211,"

Congratulations on your curiosity. Most people aren’t.
Trillions in real estate? Maybe. Hong Kong, Vegas, Bahrain. The Clintons are said to have transfered $1.5 Billion to Qatar, but now she’s wearing boot that is probably a tracking device.

There’s a lot more info on Youtube. Tracy Beanz, SGT Report, Val Stilwell (deception), Liz Conklin, Destroying The Illusion, Steve Motley, and Jerome Corsi are all good citizen journalists. For the last two months, posts by Q-Anon (a WH insider informing not leaking) has been supplying crytic hints of events to come and perps targeted. Citizen journalists are deciphering the ‘breadcrumbs’ and spreading the word.

",1514857269,02/01/2018 01:41 7926357,3687639717,

This would not bother me so much except that QAnon seems to be referencing that shootings will occur and plane crashes. Also he says Assange is safe.

,1514860483,02/01/2018 02:34 7926357,3687649475,"

QAnon if I read his code correctly seems to assert that black hats will attempt to create disorder with shootings, plane wrecks, and other targeting of people who they feel could create problems for the black hats down the line. They are trying to clean up liabilities and discredit the current administration. It's pure sedition.

He's also saying they are working 24/7 to stop it.

",1514861173,02/01/2018 02:46 7927212,3687721473,"

The reason Q Elizabeth is allowing Harry to marry a black American CATHOLIC is not because he's 5th in line to the throne, it's because he's not really Charles' son.

",1514867323,02/01/2018 04:28 7926577,3687775295,"

James Munder goes over some Podesta art you have not seen, the pedo ring symbol worn by Sheila Jackson Lee, and freaky QAnon predictions that the storm is now - Trump is taking these freaks down now.

",1514873791,02/01/2018 06:16 7926577,3687775748,"

Troops Move to GITMO, up to 10,000 secret indictments now, Secret Plane movements, Assange in US, Traffickers attempt to flee and planes are turned around, Underage Sex Orgies, Qanon posts and it all really did hit the fan:

",1514873850,02/01/2018 06:17 7926577,3687779808,"

Try your hand at some Q.

",1514874370,02/01/2018 06:26 7927212,3687805875,"

I would also point out that Prince Harry was a gunship pilot in Afghanistan until the wonderful press got to hear about it and spread the news all over the front pages, which made him a particular target for Al Q (remember them?) He is now a flying instructor among many other things but is a genuine army officer unlike his useless Establishment loving father who was put in charge of a minesweeper, but ran it aground, so he took to talking to trees instead and blathering on about global warming from the cockpit of his Aston Martin while attacking freedom and democracy in Britain.

",1514877649,02/01/2018 07:20 7925587,3687970506,

A Q Khan

,1514893129,02/01/2018 11:38 7926307,3688083801,

Hey miller... FA Q.

,1514899898,02/01/2018 13:31 7929147,3688229987,"

Torturing Soros? He's the lower ranking chief in NWO satanic cult. The whacked the Saudi branch first, and qanon suggests the Rothschildsare currently under the gun.

",1514906137,02/01/2018 15:15 7928657,3688273183,

Bro do you even QAnon?

,1514907855,02/01/2018 15:44 7927517,3688334167,

#QAnon...Sessions will be known as the greatest patriot Attorney General of all time.

,1514910289,02/01/2018 16:24 7928657,3688385421,

happening right now- visit Q-Anon and fasten your seatbelt- its going to be a bumpy ride.

,1514912332,02/01/2018 16:58 7928657,3688406080,

Look- I like you- do yourself a favour and visit Q-Anon. Warning- you will be red-pill overdosed. Otherwise you are going to miss the revolution- the greatest political upheaval in history

,1514913124,02/01/2018 17:12 7926562,3688410494,

when truth is hidden - knowledge appear as lies. All will be revealed soon- to avoid the shock- innoculate yourself by visiting Q-Anon. Good luck- you will need it.

,1514913301,02/01/2018 17:15 7928657,3688412617,

its happening right now- planes arriving at GITMO- traitors being rounded up. Visit Q-Anon and all will be revealed

,1514913388,02/01/2018 17:16 7928657,3688418860,"

According to Q Anon, 7 out of 10 air crashes are assaninations.

",1514913640,02/01/2018 17:20 7928657,3688444683,

Is that you Q?

,1514914668,02/01/2018 17:37 7928657,3688451481,

You need to follow what is happening. Did YOU read the EO that the President signed on 12/21/17? Hint Q Anon.

,1514914934,02/01/2018 17:42 7929147,3688489104,"

They used to tweet all the time now nothing

NoisyMajorityUnion ♦

22m22 minutes ago
MIA from Twitter

@georgesoros -37 days

@MichelleObama -22 days

@johnpodesta -16 days

@AlexanderSoros -12 days

@RepMaxineWaters -12 days

@BillGates -11 days

@BarackObama -4 days ""No HNY"" Old X-Mas Pic?!

🔥What's going on folks?🔥

#TuesdayThoughts #QAnon #CBTS

",1514916365,02/01/2018 18:06 7928657,3688594201,

I have been listening to Qanon and the coup reports also. And watching the resignations.

,1514919525,02/01/2018 18:58 7931537,3688595641,

Wonder who the 30 Congress members that aren't returning this year per Q Anon?

,1514919554,02/01/2018 18:59 7928657,3688699073,

Bots are not allowed to ask this Q.

,1514923627,02/01/2018 20:07 7929147,3688805792,"

Build the wall.
Deport them all.
Lock her up.
End Obamacare.

So far all I see is Israel first and a tax plan with dubious math..

The Q Anon stuff is just beyond stupid and those silly enough to be distracted by it are starting to figure it out. Yes, there is evil to expose, but you need to expose ALL of it. Not just the stuff you find politically useful.

Whatever. Anyone with any brains and control over their emotions can clearly see what's happening and where it is going.

Only one thing matters:

Nobody is going to save you. You must save yourself if you can.

Winter has come.

",1514928116,02/01/2018 21:21 7931537,3688849962,

I don't know what to make out of the Q phenomenon. #Q and #anon are one in the same.

,1514930172,02/01/2018 21:56 7928657,3688890556,

Qanon says Hillary gonna hang! We'll see!

,1514932209,02/01/2018 22:30 7932102,3688980621,


,1514937128,02/01/2018 23:52 7932102,3689108889,

# Q Anon

,1514943349,03/01/2018 01:35 7933032,3689220797,"

Then, you are bullshi+ Are you trying to be like Q?

",1514949782,03/01/2018 03:23 7933977,3689382110,

Isn't Mueller planning on fixing global warming too? Should be a piece of cake for a member of the Q continuum.

,1514965366,03/01/2018 07:42 7934717,3689395371,

You forgot a Q in there.

,1514966819,03/01/2018 08:06 7928657,3689425219,"

Start here. He gives a breakdown on what is going on at this very minute. Search under Tracy Beanz and also Truth Natasha. How does the President let his supporters know what is going on? NOT the fake news or MSM! He speaks DIRECTLY to the Patriots or via SOCIAL MEDIA. Q ANON - no one knows who it is - but he is working in the inner circle and is brilliant. They have formulated a system where The President is speaking to Patriots via code. I have no idea how it's done but those above I mentioned have been decoding messages for months and posting them as a warning and to also let Patriots that things are happening. He was leaving messages on 8chan, but it was compromised a few days ago and a new trip code needs to be verified to make sure it's not the CIA, deep state muscling in. The moderators etc. are working round the clock and if anyone suss comes onboard, somehow they manage it. Although those I have mentioned are very apprehensive in what they say and check Q ANONs postings forensically, they do leave 'breadcrumbs'. There is heaps going on on GITMO as many are following the air traffic and reporting in. One thing these people mentioned is that these trials will be MILITARY TRIALS due to executive order the President signed on 21st Dec. There are 'rumours' that the Podesta bros. have already been moved there. One of the posts by Q ANON virtually mentions that Soros is being held at Camp David. It's impossible to try and sift thru all the info, so I just leave it to those in the know with this type of social media.

",1514969902,03/01/2018 08:58 7934717,3689431440,"

As a veteran NCO, I've known for a long time that gays served. Most were smart enough to keep it to themselves. Those that didn't got booted.

The sex change victims are a whole different topic. Why should John Q. Public be paying for their sexual reassignment surgery? If they let them in, lots will show up for the freebie surgeries.

Most/all of them will be charged for Malingering and get the boot due to their time being spent in sick bay. A units Moral is going to go in the crapper when they start parking these freaks in the woman's or men's barracks.

Trannies do not belong in the military, period!

",1514970509,03/01/2018 09:08 7934717,3689574158,"

Hey, didn't MASH'S Sergeant Maxwell Q Klinger cross dress to get out of service? He was a joke and the idea still is. Look to see those reruns removed as sexist.

",1514981543,03/01/2018 12:12 7935702,3689636715,"

Hopefully military tribunals in GITMO will lead to hundreds of traitor executions....

""Q-anon, Fantasy or Dream Come True"" >

Posted at SGTreports website....

",1514984910,03/01/2018 13:08 7936832,3689835850,"

- Delta force raided Obama stronghold in Thailand.
- Marines stormed corrupt CIA HQ in Langley
- Airports being shut down to avoid deep state actors from fleeing.
- Soros detained.
- Rothschildes captured and squealing.
- Over 9,800 sealed indictments.
- Many swamp dwellers not seeking re-election or resigning.

Take heart patriots. We won. The criminal cabal are in their last death throes. #QAnon

",1514992691,03/01/2018 15:18 7936832,3689837154,

It amazes me that people are dumb enough to fall for this QAnon stuff.

,1514992740,03/01/2018 15:19 7936832,3689889020,"

Because Bannon/Breitbart is turning out to be traitors to the American people, alternative sites are: The Gateway Pundit, Fox News, American Thinker, Daily Caller, Red State Watcher, the ConservativeTreeHouse, WashingtonTimes, #Qanon twitter, Cernovich twitter, American Intelligence, JudicialWatch, etc.

Bannon/Breitbart's personal vendetta against Jared Kushner is going to only hurt Bannon/Brietbart.

",1514994674,03/01/2018 15:51 7936832,3689890482,"

Because Bannon/Breitbart is turning out to be traitors to the American people, alternative sites are: The Gateway Pundit, Fox News, American Thinker, Daily Caller, Red State Watcher, the ConservativeTreeHouse, WashingtonTimes, #Qanon twitter, Cernovich twitter, American Intelligence, JudicialWatch, etc.

Bannon/Breitbart's personal vendetta against Jared Kushner is going to only hurt Bannon-Brietbart.

",1514994730,03/01/2018 15:52 7936832,3689915822,"

ByBen Shapiro
January 3, 2018
On Wednesday, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon tore into his former boss, President Trump, as well as Trump’s son Donald Jr. and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. He also backhandedly swiped his own publication, Breitbart News, and dumped all over the entire Trump campaign.
All in a day’s work for that supremely loyal aide to the Great Man Himself.
Bannon spoke with author Michael Wolff for Wolff’s new book; that book has now been reported by The Guardian. Bannon told Wolff that Robert Mueller’s investigation would “crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.” He stated that Donald Jr.’s campaign meeting with a lawyer associated with the Russian government was “treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad s***,” and added that Trump Jr. and associates “should have called the FBI immediately.” Bannon’s shocking turn toward advocacy for transparency is a far cry from his statements on 60 Minutes last year, when he called the Russia investigation a “farce” and a “waste of time.” Suddenly, after Bannon becomes just another political loser hanging around the fringes of power, he has a change of heart. (Worth noting: Bannon wasn't on the campaign at the time of the meeting, so he has no insider knowledge of what happened there.)
Hilariously, Bannon went on to tell Wolff that such a meeting should have occurred “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people,” and information should then have been “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication.”
It’s certainly hilarious to hear Bannon, the chairman of Breitbart News, admit that he’s turned the publication into an illegitimate one. But it’s puzzling that Bannon thinks the meeting would become non-treasonous if it were leaked to the media.
Then again, Bannon was the leakiest faucet at the White House, too.
Bannon went on to tell Wolff that the investigation would eventually center on Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law: “You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissman first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner…It’s as plain as a hair on your face…It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner s***. The Kushner s*** is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me…They’re sitting on a beach trying to stop a Category Five.”
Odd how according to Bannon, the investigation will hit all of his personal enemies.
None of this is a surprise coming from a leech on the ass of power, a man who rode Michele Bachmann’s coattails to Sarah Palin’s coattails to Andrew Breitbart’s coattails to Donald Trump’s and the Mercer family’s coattails. It’s also not a shock from a fellow whose only contribution to the White House was apparently leaking regularly to reporters for The New York Times. Bannon’s an ambitious fellow, and his connection to power has now been reportedly cut off on both the monetary side (the going rumor has it that the Mercers aren’t funding his side projects anymore) and the political side (he’s not on good terms with the Trump White House, either). That means he has to build a brand of his own. So far, his branding isn’t going well — it turns out endorsing a credibly accused child molester and then utilizing your publication to dig up dirt on the accusers doesn’t do much for your Q rating. So now Bannon, who always had more balls than brains, is turning on the hand that fed him.
Bannon’s utterly full of crap on virtually every level, of course. He always has been. But his comments are going to cause a whole new round of headaches for the Trump administration, since the media have insisted from the outset that Bannon is far more important than he has ever actually been.

",1514995661,03/01/2018 16:07 7934947,3689927151,"

The drips and drops are too slow!

The sycophants will not change their views so just unleash all you have Mr. Trump regarding the Marxist deep state, NWO, whatever.... grab Assange and your administration pals and just unload! Everything!

From the lies and corruption, to aliens and Kennedy, to the murders and pedophilia, all of our future tech, as well as outing those against America and uprooting our Constitution.

Seriously, force the citizenry to wake up and better this place. If some cannot handle this, so be it, yet this needs to occur..

Between the supposed QAnon releases and little info bits, it’s just not enough. It is still conspiracy until any and all facts/truths are shown on a grand scale!

",1514996091,03/01/2018 16:14 7936832,3689927577,"

The drips and drops are too slow!

The sycophants will not change their views so just unleash all you have Mr. Trump regarding the Marxist deep state, NWO, whatever.... grab Assange and your administration pals and just unload! Everything!

From the lies and corruption, to aliens and Kennedy, to the murders and pedophilia, all of our future tech, as well as outing those against America and uprooting our Constitution.

Seriously, force the citizenry to wake up and better this place. If some cannot handle this, so be it, yet this needs to occur..

Between the supposed QAnon releases and little info bits, it’s just not enough. It is still conspiracy until any and all facts/truths are shown on a grand scale!!

",1514996107,03/01/2018 16:15 7936832,3689937269,"

Meanwhile, read this......

ByBen Shapiro
January 3, 2018
On Wednesday, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon tore into his former boss, President Trump, as well as Trump’s son Donald Jr. and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. He also backhandedly swiped his own publication, Breitbart News, and dumped all over the entire Trump campaign.
All in a day’s work for that supremely loyal aide to the Great Man Himself.
Bannon spoke with author Michael Wolff for Wolff’s new book; that book has now been reported by The Guardian. Bannon told Wolff that Robert Mueller’s investigation would “crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.” He stated that Donald Jr.’s campaign meeting with a lawyer associated with the Russian government was “treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad s***,” and added that Trump Jr. and associates “should have called the FBI immediately.” Bannon’s shocking turn toward advocacy for transparency is a far cry from his statements on 60 Minutes last year, when he called the Russia investigation a “farce” and a “waste of time.” Suddenly, after Bannon becomes just another political loser hanging around the fringes of power, he has a change of heart. (Worth noting: Bannon wasn't on the campaign at the time of the meeting, so he has no insider knowledge of what happened there.)
Hilariously, Bannon went on to tell Wolff that such a meeting should have occurred “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people,” and information should then have been “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication.”
It’s certainly hilarious to hear Bannon, the chairman of Breitbart News, admit that he’s turned the publication into an illegitimate one. But it’s puzzling that Bannon thinks the meeting would become non-treasonous if it were leaked to the media.
Then again, Bannon was the leakiest faucet at the White House, too.
Bannon went on to tell Wolff that the investigation would eventually center on Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law: “You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissman first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner…It’s as plain as a hair on your face…It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner s***. The Kushner s*** is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me…They’re sitting on a beach trying to stop a Category Five.”
Odd how according to Bannon, the investigation will hit all of his personal enemies.
None of this is a surprise coming from a leech on the ass of power, a man who rode Michele Bachmann’s coattails to Sarah Palin’s coattails to Andrew Breitbart’s coattails to Donald Trump’s and the Mercer family’s coattails. It’s also not a shock from a fellow whose only contribution to the White House was apparently leaking regularly to reporters for The New York Times. Bannon’s an ambitious fellow, and his connection to power has now been reportedly cut off on both the monetary side (the going rumor has it that the Mercers aren’t funding his side projects anymore) and the political side (he’s not on good terms with the Trump White House, either). That means he has to build a brand of his own. So far, his branding isn’t going well — it turns out endorsing a credibly accused child molester and then utilizing your publication to dig up dirt on the accusers doesn’t do much for your Q rating. So now Bannon, who always had more balls than brains, is turning on the hand that fed him.
Bannon’s utterly full of crap on virtually every level, of course. He always has been. But his comments are going to cause a whole new round of headaches for the Trump administration, since the media have insisted from the outset that Bannon is far more important than he has ever actually been.

",1514996469,03/01/2018 16:21 7934947,3689939637,"

We should be satisfied with elimination of paltry 50K Diversity Visas? What about:

H,L,O,P, Q,J & I visas? E Visas? TN/TD (NAFTA work visas)? What about the alphabet soup of visas for every possible purpose, which are NOT being overseen? What about ALL visa overstays? What about birthright citizenship being STOLEN by birth tourists?

",1514996557,03/01/2018 16:22 7927792,3689944517,"

You are racist against people who have a different idea than yours. Closed minded ignorant of what is happening to innocent people by folks that have been taught from birth to kill anyone who doesn't like the Quran. I see the Q as a Satan's words and deeds. These folks for the most part are dirty, uneducated and cruel. They have brought beheading to the UK, stabbing and taken it to a new level of insanity.

",1514996738,03/01/2018 16:25 7936832,3690107230,"

#Qanon are your backers so terrified of getting locked up and exposed to the world as child traffickers, Bannon?

",1515002630,03/01/2018 18:03 7522556,3690133098,

I made that post 3 months ago. It appears I am some sort of psychic because according to QANON that is pretty much what happened.

,1515003544,03/01/2018 18:19 7938522,3690220685,"

The Book of Q.....may explain this nonsense

",1515006662,03/01/2018 19:11 7938687,3690257074,


,1515007998,03/01/2018 19:33 7938687,3690427551,

I agree with you Senior Patriot. BIG news tomorrow Jan 4th #Qanon #TheStorm #followthewhiterabbit Man this got the LEFT trolls going

,1515014384,03/01/2018 21:19 7938687,3690429688,

Steve called the CNN report Fake News on his Twitter account which I never even knew he had one but he does. That is odd. #followthewhiterabbit Big news tomorrow Jan 4 #Qanon could Steve be Q ?

,1515014468,03/01/2018 21:21 7940077,3690436703,

How is qanon tied to all this? Wonder if it is a psyop after all

,1515014748,03/01/2018 21:25 7940272,3690438687,

As a wag put it at Q-Anon. Cold snap. In one year Trump has solved Global warming.

,1515014829,03/01/2018 21:27 7939117,3690510549,"

Agreed. ""Alice & Wonderland."" QAnon.

",1515017087,03/01/2018 22:04 7935812,3690540750,"

Yeah, The Froggies will be asking us to bail them out once again.. Reminds me of the old joke. Q. How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? A. I don't know. It's never been tried.

",1515018013,03/01/2018 22:20 7939402,3690550756,"

Assange & QAnon: Dead Man Tweet Or Free At Last?

A look into Julian Assange’s cryptic text

David Knight | -
January 3, 2018

What is behind the cryptic tweet of Assange at 3 A.M.
Dec, 31? Assange hasn’t been heard from for 3 days following a tweet of a
key & a music video. Does a message from QAnon hold the key?

",1515018486,03/01/2018 22:28 7938687,3690558432,

Didn't Q Anon say the distractions are necessary? I believe your first 3 lines say it all.

,1515018865,03/01/2018 22:34 7939402,3690566253,"

QAnon is taking over, after Julian Assange, I am so happy that people are still risking their lives to hit the Deep State.

",1515019245,03/01/2018 22:40 7939402,3690606774,"

This lady is my favorite politics/corruption YouTuber bar none. Tracy Beanz. She covers Q too.

Her new trailer:

",1515021292,03/01/2018 23:14 7939402,3690647691,"

8Chan now has ""super secure tripcodes"" for Q to use. Tripcodes with a cape. Lez Do Diz!

",1515023432,03/01/2018 23:50 7940737,3690656456,"

QAnon claimed indictments, etc -- if it is true, then deep state would try to buy off or threaten bannon, as a hostage taking situation.

",1515023892,03/01/2018 23:58 7940737,3690712014,"

It's fluff to cover what's really happening:::::see: antischool Q anon... on youtube...
It's great!!! Dreams really do come true. Over 30 congressional losers leaving, over 100 CEOs stepping down........coinsidence of law and order....white hats winning!

",1515026949,04/01/2018 00:49 7941412,3690717096,"

Look....nobody's been following the Q and Mega-Anons more than me on the Reddit and 4chan/8chan boards than me. Really thought something was going to was promised by both....starting to have my doubts. Remember Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse and the Obama Birth certificate...4 freaking years of promises of a ""Big Break""...Damn, I wish I could get those 4 years back. I just want to see one elite/politician in handcuffs or one of the alleged 9000+ sealed indictments opened...then I'll believe.

",1515027248,04/01/2018 00:54 7938687,3690734436,"

If Steve isn't, he will be destroyed in the end.

If he made the tweet I saw, he doesn't believe in the Deep State, and he sure seems to know nothing about Q.

This place has always been good hunting ground for trolls, but it looks like I can't be seen with you guys.


",1515028277,04/01/2018 01:11 7941687,3690769971,

Like in AL?
They stole the election and soon they will pay Qanon said they are Stupid!

,1515030419,04/01/2018 01:46 7938522,3690872787,"

I understand your point completely. It's obviously wrong-headed, but that's the way the ""elite"" live. I saw Paris Hilton was getting married to some guy called grzcyzk. He looked familiar, indeed he was a Rothschild. Her sister Nickie is already married to a Rothschild. This young man is intimately related to Princess Diana and nobody need tell you how inbred the Royals are! They just chuck their cousins or whoever is schizophrenic in a home and completely ignore them for the rest of their lives.
However, I do think that Robert Kennedy was a fine A.G. I wish he was the AG now.
However, Q said to trust Sessions...

",1515037011,04/01/2018 03:36 7927657,3691051543,

In Fact the Rosthchilds assassinated Lincoln becos he was going to dissolve the Central Bank. Then they tried to assassinate Andrew jackson for the same reason. JFK was killed becos he signed an executive order returning to the govt the responsibility to print money. Visit Q-Anon Trump is rounding up the traitors- they are on their way to GITMO. Have faith- things are about to explode

,1515053734,04/01/2018 08:15 7923772,3691234567,

things are about to break and you still dont even realize that Mossad and Netanyahu were involved in the 911 attacks. Visit Q-Anon for up-dates and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Good Luck- you will need it.

,1515067323,04/01/2018 12:02 7942622,3691248715,

dont get taken in. This is all strategic- to get the left's attention when Trump slams the Bear-trap. Assange is free and on US soil. Bill Clinton is already at GITMO and singing like a canary. Visit Q-Anon and be prepared to be red-pill overdosed.

,1515068105,04/01/2018 12:15 7942622,3691251892,

boy are you going to be shocked tomorrow. Visit Q-Anon and all will be revealed- at least some of it.

,1515068287,04/01/2018 12:18 7942622,3691253203,

you are going to hate yourselves tomorrow. Visit Q-Anon. This is a play to attract the world's attention for what is about to go down.

,1515068360,04/01/2018 12:19 7942618,3691407670,

Who is John Galt?
Who is Qanon?

,1515074973,04/01/2018 14:09 7942618,3691418129,

Qanon is the Oracle of our Matrix.

,1515075373,04/01/2018 14:16 7943914,3691752678,

Something is amiss because now Bannon singing Trump's praises. I'm going to ask QAnon what's going on.

,1515087069,04/01/2018 17:31 7943914,3691755358,

It's getting to the point QAnon should have his own segment on Fox News. Fortunately the left is far to stupid to understand a thing he says.

,1515087160,04/01/2018 17:32 7943914,3691827394,

this performance was designed to pull the wool over the opposition's eyes- not yours. Trump and Bannon are working in tandem to round up the traitors. Its happening right now. Visit Q-Anon and all will be revealed. Brace yourself for good news.

,1515089663,04/01/2018 18:14 7943914,3691842735,

its a psych-ops meant to fool the enemy- not Trumpsters. Visit Q-Anon and prepared to be red-pill overdosed.

,1515090207,04/01/2018 18:23 7943914,3691866519,

this is a psych-ops intended to fool the enemy. Trump and Bannon are working in tandem to save your nation. The traitors are being rounded up and sent to GITMO. Visit Q-Anon to learn more. But brace yourself- some of those red pills may be hard to swallow.

,1515091057,04/01/2018 18:37 7943914,3691892995,

have faith- visit Q-Anon and find out what this is all about- events are happening fast. But brace yourself some of those red pills may be hard to swallow

,1515091980,04/01/2018 18:53 7943914,3691902321,

Ye of little faith. Do yourself a favour and visit Q-Anon to find out what is really happening

,1515092306,04/01/2018 18:58 7943914,3691905693,

Can you handle the truth? Then Visit Q-Anon and you will be red-pill overdosed

,1515092428,04/01/2018 19:00 7943914,3691909741,

Thanks to Trump the children are safe. But pray for all the little lost souls were allowed the enemy to slaughter. If you visit Q-Anon will discover what is really happening. But brace yourself for the ugly truth. Good luck

,1515092576,04/01/2018 19:02 7943914,3691912881,

Visit Q-Anon and be prepared to be red-pill overdosed. Its all happening right now. Assange is free and on US soil and about to dump a load on the Clintons.

,1515092690,04/01/2018 19:04 7943914,3691919460,

if you want to peak behind the curtain- visit Q-Anon. But brace yourself- some of those red pills may be hard to swallow

,1515092926,04/01/2018 19:08 7943690,3691934017,"

And foreign spies, including 2nd and 3rd generation ones, born as U.S. citizens and trained by their countries to spy here. They infested and took over the DNC and have penetrated the FBI, NSA, Congress, 'the Media', and Hollywood, not to mention your local driver's license and social security bureaus. What better way to retract them out before new technology unmasks them? Make it about sexual misconduct, with a cover story that the Trump haters and DNC plan to use it on Trump. Clandestinely genomically test these people being removed from their stations. If their genome does not match their background story, they are spies. If their story says they are Joe and Suzy Q. Smith living on main street with Irish, English, and Norwegian ancestry, but their DNA information (their genome) says they are from Central Russia, then they are spies. And we all know that after 8 years of Clinton, 8 of Bush jr., and 8 of Obama, we have had a major infiltration of new spies, to boot. 52nd person removed from the media over sexual misconduct allegations? No, more likely another major Russian or other foreign asset being pulled before new technology identifies them and Americans realize just how penetrated their nation, election system, the DNC and even the RNC are.

",1515093454,04/01/2018 19:17 7942622,3691951308,

Can you handle the truth. Visit Q-Anon and be prepared to be red-pill overdosed. Good luck

,1515094077,04/01/2018 19:27 7946238,3691988134,

Trump likes to sleep with his friends ( aka supporter's) wives. Breitfarters support Trump.
That makes Breitfarters cuck. Q.E.D.

,1515095410,04/01/2018 19:50 7943798,3691995232,

Suc DI Q the Khan man remains a pisslamist pigS HIT ass licker.

,1515095676,04/01/2018 19:54 7944430,3692025044,"

Ummmm no.

First, you should really do a bit better job of looking for your material.

Keith Dean was the judge who set Tyrone Brown free, a man who had been sentenced to life.

Second, while it did involve a single joint, it was the violation of his PAROLE that sent hm to prison for life.

He was on parole for an armed robbery conviction. Qnd while people try to make light of it because the idiot only got 2 bucks, that didn't change the fact that he was charged with armed robbery, FELON in possession of a gun, and possession of a frearm during the commission of a felony (ie the robbery).

Sooooo not only was it not for a single joint.........but this guy was a bad guy FROM WAY BACK and his actions other then his dope smoking where waht caused him trouble.....not a joint. Had he not been a crumb to begin with, he would likely have gotten a ticket and sent on his way.

Lastly, this was a guy who allowed out on parole......which is a gift.......especially given his crimes.......and what he was sentenced and he couldn't even stay trouble free for a few months to get off parole.

Not crying for him.........

Peep this......

""In 1991, following a jury trial, Brown was sentenced to two concurrent
terms of life in prison on two counts of armed robbery, five years to be
served concurrently on one count of possession of a firearm by a
convicted felon, and five years to be served consecutively for
possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.
 Brown appealed his conviction to this Court (without challenging his
sentence), and in October 1994 we affirmed his conviction.   See Brown
v. State.2
 In April 2007, Brown filed a motion to correct his allegedly void
sentence, which the trial court dismissed, giving rise to this appeal.""

Two life sentences for armed robbery....NOT pot possession.

and when they gift you out of prison on parole for a life sentence and you fork up......guess what.

That rest is your justification for projection onto Bert and I'm not interested.


If it doesn't hurt me or mess with my life.....go for what you know.

",1515096800,04/01/2018 20:13 7944430,3692220677,

I suppose you know about the indictments and the rest of the Qanon information. NO? Too bad.

,1515105025,04/01/2018 22:30 7947214,3692385416,"

For anyone interested, there's been a poster named ""Q"" on 8 chan that many credible people believe is the ""real deal"" - someone or a team working with Trump to get truths out to us bypassing the fake news. Sometimes Trump will use one of the ""codes"" in his tweets or wear/do something in his speeches that Q has previously posted as to their meaning for us and Mattis has confirmed via his tweets that ""he"" is real and working with them.
Latest post --
What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?
Many think that means this whole Trump/Bannon thing is another elaborate ruse to attain end goals of his Admin.
Link to posts:

",1515113490,05/01/2018 00:51 7948174,3692524270,

Thank Q!

,1515121440,05/01/2018 03:04 7948174,3692528799,

QAnon said the storm was coming....

,1515121741,05/01/2018 03:09 7948174,3692531346,"

Qanon says a lot of things, none happen.
It's a psyop

",1515121910,05/01/2018 03:11 7948306,3692534866,"

""Q-anon, Fantasy or Dream Come True"" at >

",1515122146,05/01/2018 03:15 7947214,3692597435,

I would not sell Bannon short if I was y'all. He has made quite an impact and he did help Trump win contrary to what Trump says now. Bannon is the pure nationalist and he needs to tune that message so that it resonates with John and Jane Q. Public. Bannon wants the same thing as Trump to MAGA but Bannon needs to moderate the message and be careful of who he gives interviews with especially snakes like Wolfe.

,1515127044,05/01/2018 04:37 7948174,3692680380,"

Plus Steve has become dishevelled and unkempt, looking like an alcoholic - yet is articulate all the time?
Like qanon says, great actors, great plot and great acting.

",1515134940,05/01/2018 06:49 7906242,3692789174,"

As I said before, I’m leftish. I fully support LGB rights but T has just crossed the line. Not all gay people are supportive of that lifestyle but I’m expected to be supportive. Let’s be honest, who gives a blank. They are such a small percentage of the population. I’m situational on the Q. I fully support intersex people. They were born that way. I probably would never date an intersex person unless they present as fully male but someone should because it’s not their fault and it’s not a mental illness.

",1515145272,05/01/2018 09:41 7948670,3692838700,

I just don't see this from Bannon I listen to him 2 years now and he is seems to be on the Agenda of MAGA. Q called out FIRE Dec 19th. Trumps statement last sentence mentioned burn down then Hillary's house caught Fire same day as Trumps statement. Book is Called Fire and Fury. Don't let the ENEMY know what you are doing as well was Q statement. Plus Q said GREAT ACTORS in one release. I am going with Steve and Trump are GREAT ACTORS

,1515149316,05/01/2018 10:48 7937357,3692918113,"

Look at this guys name, a Q wanna be

",1515154433,05/01/2018 12:13 7948174,3692928621,

Q clearance patriot. Tick tock.

,1515154997,05/01/2018 12:23 7948178,3692937016,

Q clearance patriot. Tick tock. U will be admitted into a hospital by January 19th. Good luck? U got Obamacare?

,1515155436,05/01/2018 12:30 7948178,3692942256,"

Lol. Genius. Oh my u r a special one. LOL. Say, have u heard from Q lately??? Tick tock.

",1515155712,05/01/2018 12:35 7948670,3693096962,

the globalist have been bankrupting Trump since 1988 when he first entered politics. This book was designed to get everyone's attention. Thats why they said exactly what the media wanted. Visit Q-Anon and you will find out what is really going on. It will all make sense and you want be baffled.

,1515162132,05/01/2018 14:22 7950098,3693102025,

have faith- this is a psych-ops meant to send a message to China. The man Bannon was pictured with knows all China's secrets. Visit Q-Anon and it will all make sense.

,1515162325,05/01/2018 14:25 7950098,3693104842,

dont get sucked into the vortex. None of this is what it seems. If you want to look behind the smokescreen-visit Q-Anon and it will all make sense

,1515162431,05/01/2018 14:27 7950098,3693105117,"

Exactly, now it's divide and conquer onto 2018 with the Bannon takedown. That's if you follow the leftwing play book. Wolff is a liberal, so what do you expect? Do'h! Wake up people! Let's re-group to MAGA! This distraction is a test if we're going to hold up for the big things that will unfold. This is a total distraction, when the takedown of the pedos and the cabal is going on.

In the meantime, a truther, Michael Trimm seemed to have cracked QAnon's Alice in Wonderland! So exciting, make sure to check it out and disseminate!
Focus folks, the cleansing of Deep State is essential and onward to the space exploration!

",1515162442,05/01/2018 14:27 7950098,3693109920,

its more than a distraction for the media. Trump is sending a message to China to stand down. Visit Q-Anon and everything that is happening will make more sense

,1515162627,05/01/2018 14:30 7950098,3693115785,

a bald Q Tip with glasses soooo impressive

,1515162854,05/01/2018 14:34 7950098,3693116256,

psych-ops to confuse the enemy. If you want to learn whats behind all this visit Q-Anon and be prepared to be red-pill overdosed.

,1515162872,05/01/2018 14:34 7950098,3693133785,

Thank you so much for your response. I still don't quite get the connection with Bannon's damaging book...but am now reading the Q book on line. Love it when people are helpful and lead you to new info. I so hope this world of elite powerhouse maniacs can be exposed and that there is a better future for the masses. Thanks

,1515163543,05/01/2018 14:45 7945666,3693317644,"

Long time poster. Ex Army and I served at the USAATC. That long acronym is US Army Arctic Test Center.That was at Ft Greeley, which is where HARRP is installed. I don't know much about the research in the Ionosphere. but if the Government is involved it's usually screwing John Q Public

",1515170139,05/01/2018 16:35 7947214,3693349647,

Neither will I. I still find it hard to believe that Steve Bannon said all of that. Is this a diversion????? Q talks about plays and bad actors. Just wondering. Isn't Trump's Fake News Award on Monday?

,1515171264,05/01/2018 16:54 7943914,3693370932,"

Qanon. 4chan. 8chan. Follow the white rabbit down the hole. It is both more convoluted than it appears and also more direct. Set goals and objective = direct. But as every Marine knows, it's a crazy world outside the wire and you can't always get there from here ... sometimes you have to go somewhere else first.

",1515172028,05/01/2018 17:07 7947178,3693421151,"

Know about Q? He is within intelligence and is obviously either working with Trump or knows his every move. Seems to be assisting Trump.

This link will bring you to his latest posts. Important we force this into mainstream:

",1515173836,05/01/2018 17:37 7944430,3693462803,"

You have a dirty politician. of course they are all dirty, so what is new? Colorado is already flaunting several Federal laws and rules. Make me wonder why the feds are moving a lot of stuff near Denver. He's trying to make sure the pot growers don't get busted and that would make the investors lose money. He's not really looking out for John Q Public.

",1515175284,05/01/2018 18:01 7949814,3693695195,"

Let’s see, you are saying that Obama was incapable of reading and assimilating information and that he was psychiatrically inpared? A former professor of constitutional law at Harvard or the University of Chicago posses low intelligence? I am not talking about policy, I am talking about I Q. And sharing a consensual reality. Sorry Chump you are just flat out wrong.

",1515183543,05/01/2018 20:19 7952978,3693907841,

Corsi believes the Qanon crap.

,1515192517,05/01/2018 22:48 7952978,3693948498,

Date ???? I was 14 racing against them Men back then I race Modified on Asphalt now at Colorado National Speedway and set the TRACK RECORD in Q this year

,1515194646,05/01/2018 23:24 7952326,3693949694,"

There is a train of thought of those most qualified that are decoding Q is that it's a bluff. It's keeping the medias attention away from what is happening. The flights to GITMO are increasing and many, many international flights are being returned to American soil and persons or just a person removed.

",1515194711,05/01/2018 23:25 7953854,3694065279,"

Ha, Q is a psyop

",1515201027,06/01/2018 01:10 7950146,3694167766,"

He doesn’t have to preform for USa! Just do the job, as he did.
Public appearances are not necessary. We had that for eight years...
read TelePrompTer, joke, wave, golf, vacation. Repeat for eight years.
This guy? Bold. Accomplished. Hang out with John Q. Public? Not necessary.

",1515206121,06/01/2018 02:35 7951754,3694180809,"

You earnt so much for your country and they treat you like this.
Stated: Q ""Piss on his grave when hes dead and plant some ganja"" en-q.

",1515206959,06/01/2018 02:49 7950146,3694192362,"

All this man has to do is his job. He did his net job. You did your combat job. (USa, thanks you for your service) But hang out with John Q. Public?Not necessary. We don’t need showboats/talkers...we need doers, and this guy did bold job!

",1515207697,06/01/2018 03:01 7953854,3694230342,"

Hopefully, Q-anon is real, and the Clinton's, et al are going down!

",1515210407,06/01/2018 03:46 7954010,3694309998,

I bet you don't even know who Q is.

,1515217450,06/01/2018 05:44 7953498,3694313341,

According to Q dick Durban will be arrested.

,1515217781,06/01/2018 05:49 7953498,3694313488,

New link on Q??

,1515217797,06/01/2018 05:49 7954010,3694314031,

What do you think about Q saying that GS ( George Soros) is at Camp David? Was he on one of those flights to GITMO. What about the timeing of the fake report coming out that Soros had a Heart Attack? What do you think about the National Guard Unit out of Arizona that specializes in Military police being sent to GITMO Cuba.? That is public knowledge.

,1515217855,06/01/2018 05:50 7953498,3694314830,"

I read the latest on Q, yet I don't remember seeing that piece of info.

",1515217937,06/01/2018 05:52 7954010,3694323107,"

Who do you think really controls Iran, NKorea?. According to Q it is the CIA. The Marines raided the CIA headquarters in Virginia gathering all kind of information. It is said that if the CIA falls so does Iran. Funny how the people are protesting the government there now. Timing?

",1515218791,06/01/2018 06:06 7951830,3694361358,

LOL. QANON!!!!!!

1500 indictments being handed down! They are all going to Gitmo!

,1515223169,06/01/2018 07:19 7953498,3694365657,

I saw a link where Q and another anon said Podesta's bro is in Gitmo.

,1515223653,06/01/2018 07:27 7950658,3694366799,

Sure.. And Q Anon is gonna save us all from over 100 years of our own stupidity.


,1515223780,06/01/2018 07:29 7954538,3694386929,"

Thankfully, I don't belong to the 46 D Chess Club. You think he had to say ""she's suffered enough"" to survive and maintain, yet he can trash talk like a 2nd grader to gain support.

I'm not a cult follower, not into following all the Qanon's, and the other click bait.

It has been sad to watch the brainwashing of the left, and now I'm learning some of the Right are just as brain washed.

",1515226024,06/01/2018 08:07 7953854,3694445600,"

Show me where I said that. And you equate that illegal felon alien to John Q. Public? The criminal stole a weapon, or illegally obtained it. But you blame the gun. What a fool you are, but you are only a 41 post Libertard troll.

",1515232293,06/01/2018 09:51 7953590,3694645613,

Q-Anon and Assange are all US Intel operators

,1515246627,06/01/2018 13:50 7954538,3694651364,

Q-Anon look it up and prepare to be red-pill overdosed

,1515246914,06/01/2018 13:55 7952182,3694654291,"

Oh, we're going to investigate this ..we're going to investigate that..the real criminals are getting away with MURDER..literally MURDER, espionage, treason,but never fear..we'll """"investigate"" This absolutely absolutely sucks the big CRAP pile. I'm sick of Trey Gowdy and his big mouth running and still nothing done. I'm sick of the FBI, the deep state, Qanon..the fricking stupid bread crumbs and everything else. ENOUGH!!! EITHER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CRIMES OBAMA, HILLARY AND THE FBI AND CIA ARE INVOLVED WITH OR JUST SAY YOU'RE NOT GOING TO. GET THAT STUPID CUCK MUELLER OUT OF THE WAY AND OUT OF AMERICAN POCKETS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1515247061,06/01/2018 13:57 7952182,3694657662,"

Oh, we're going to investigate this ..we're going to investigate that..the real criminals are getting away with MURDER..literally MURDER, espionage, treason,but never fear..we'll """"investigate"" This absolutely absolutely sucks the big CRAP pile. I'm sick of Trey Gowdy and his big mouth running and still nothing done. I'm sick of the FBI, the deep state, Qanon..the fricking stupid bread crumbs and everything else. ENOUGH!!! EITHER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CRIMES OBAMA, HILLARY AND THE FBI AND CIA ARE INVOLVED WITH OR JUST SAY YOU'RE NOT GOING TO. GET THAT STUPID CUCK MUELLER OUT OF THE WAY AND OUT OF AMERICAN POCKETS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1515247227,06/01/2018 14:00 7952958,3694734534,"

@juy...You mean GUN SUICIDES, right!?
That's how MOST gun violence plays out, ya querulous Q!

",1515250811,06/01/2018 15:00 7954538,3694912777,

Bannon sold out... plain and simple... he has been compromised... Trump draining the swamp just exposed another... more to follow... QANON has been right now 100%.

,1515258408,06/01/2018 17:06 7954538,3694916190,"

No way. He said he was going to expose the Globalist leaks. He did not say how it was going to be done. Jones and QANON was right all along. President Trump is doing exactly what he was elected to do... keep up the good work. Bannon is working for the Chinese, Clintons and Obama.

",1515258547,06/01/2018 17:09 7955030,3695044030,"

The game is over for the Deep State. We have Soros, Obama, Hillary, Huma. With Assange coming to America and the genius President Trump pardoning him we will have the rest of the evidence to put these people away. Q or Trump has been letting us all know what is happening that is if you are going to the sites that are giving us that information.

",1515263978,06/01/2018 18:39 7955030,3695145233,

this is a Trump psych-ops meant to distract the enemy. Fire and Fury is code for Trump warning the Chinese that he has a satellite in orbit with an EMP weapon. Visit Q-Anon and Jerome Corsi if you want to find out what is really happening behind the smokescreen

,1515268486,06/01/2018 19:54 7955030,3695148343,

If you want to find out what is really behind the smokescreen visit Q-Anon and Jerome Corsi. If not just wait til next week- Assange is free and on US soil and about to dump a load on the Clintons.

,1515268633,06/01/2018 19:57 7944518,3695176987,

they have done worse than that. Visit Q-Anon if you want more info about what's really going on- but be prepared to be red-pill overdosed. Bannon is a patriot- this was all done as a message to China to back down. Assange is free and on Us soil and ready to dump a load on the Clintons

,1515269953,06/01/2018 20:19 7955430,3695191740,

Q clearance patriot. The storm has begun.

,1515270648,06/01/2018 20:30 7954642,3695222166,

Q-Anon just mentioned Australia. I was swimming at the beach today and looking at a pink sunset and I was discussing with someone how we better enjoy them while we can becos I had an awful feeling that since the China owns our port in Melbourne they could easily have smuggled in a dirty bomb to use against us in case we ever voted in anyone who would cut them off from raiding our mineral and energy sources. We also have US spy bases in the north. And just a few days ago they arrested a Chinese operative who was smuggling weapon parts to and from Asia. Yikes!

,1515272058,06/01/2018 20:54 7944518,3695227907,

They said on Q-Anon that if the whole truth came out about what they have been doing torturing and harvesting children that most people would end up in hospital

,1515272318,06/01/2018 20:58 7955030,3695243940,

Sad. It looks like VP Pence has ties to child sex trafficking. Q Anon has alluded to this today in his recent short intel drop. I have been hearing this for a few months now. It appears that Indiana is a hub for this child sex trafficking ring. Pence's best friend is Senator Jeff Flake and Flake's name has been leaked from the NYPD pedophile list off of Anthony Weiners Computer. Sad.

,1515273063,06/01/2018 21:11 7955030,3695249791,

Qanon is also expecting JA in the US within a few days. We'll see if the Pence and Assange tips prove correct. I hope Pence is innocent though.

,1515273338,06/01/2018 21:15 7955030,3695250726,

No No....Q Anon has been perfect on its releases. We know that Q is a circle of 3 or 4 people closest to Trump out of the White House. There are individuals who have made it their life works to saving the children from sex trafficking have proof on this as well. Sadly this has legs.

,1515273381,06/01/2018 21:16 7955030,3695252455,

I do too but for Q to name him out and put pedophile after his name is so disturbing.

,1515273462,06/01/2018 21:17 7955030,3695341483,

Those of us who follow Q know exactly whats going on.

,1515277891,06/01/2018 22:31 7952538,3695445399,"

Jeff first had to vett who could be trusted.the most productive investigations arent in the headlines.Mueller is a distraction for the press/bad actors. He was leveraged in the meeting with Trump day before appointed. Gitmo for his part in Uranium 1 and God knows what else, or distract and entrap his own team and others.Meanwhile Sessions investigations go unnoticed. Trump Sessions Qanon and the white hat deepstate are playing 4D chess with the checker champion globalists! Think we're on the same team.

",1515283535,07/01/2018 00:05 7956854,3695481536,

I don’t. You inserted the Q. I guessed. Perhaps incorrectly. Perhaps not

,1515285625,07/01/2018 00:40 7956490,3695532683,"

Why don't they just get over with already and just state it.

""Yes, we Democrats do believe we have the right to rob and steal from Joe Q. Public. No! You do not get to arrest or investigate any Democrats and that is just the way it is. Now sit down, shut up and do as your told!""

",1515288747,07/01/2018 01:32 7956046,3695548710,"

Your fishing in a coffee cup,IF YOU REALLY LOOK
You too can find many qualifiers in plain sight.
""If they did"" then ""why is this and why are these shown""
Learn about Q and get with the current times AWAY FROM MEDIA!

",1515289704,07/01/2018 01:48 7955838,3695598169,"

I encourage everyone to listen to the embedded video with Owen Shroyer. Those following Q will immediately understand the message. All the furor in the headlines lately the Wolff book, Bannon, Pence. . .worth a listen. This and other information is changing my mind on how I view both Bannon and Pence. Trump is brilliant.

Stay strong Patriots. The wild ride is just beginning.

",1515292879,07/01/2018 02:41 7955590,3695666157,"

Gotta love a laptop that jams, improvises in the Key of Q, and otherwise creates new words and concepts. When I am done here in a few minutes, I'm gonna tune my bass guitar, put on a live recording of Jerry, Phil and the guys, and drope my music softly and soulfully, with a college basketball game on - muted, of course - and a Coca Cola near at hand.

Johnny Ringo. for some odd reason, you and your laptop brought a smile to my face. And after a very trying day, I thank you.


",1515297743,07/01/2018 04:02 7950950,3695687630,

What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors? #QAnon.

,1515299608,07/01/2018 04:33 7944518,3695715184,"

Listen to this long phone call from the govt insider, one of several called QAnon, who has contacted Alex Jones before and predicted things that came true so is credible. QAnon is pro-Trump and says Trump knows who his enemies are but is letting them expose themselves.

He says Huma and Hillary will be indicted because Hillary has no power or political capital so people associated with her will throw her under the bus. People will leave the country or commit suicide.

Elon Musk is a patriot working for the US military, specifically on something to take out the electrical grid in North Korea so Rocket Man can be overthrown.

Silicon Valley is actually working with Trump.

Julian Assange will be welcomed to the US as a patriot.

What he said about Bannon is very disturbing and I'm not quite sure what it means. Is he behind the movement to take out Trump via 25th Amendment so Pence can be President? Something about Bannon wanting to be another Karl Rove. Maybe I didn't want to believe it. Source claimed to be surprised that Bannon has hooked up with the rich Chinese guy because we are extraditing him back to China. Judge for yourself Sound quality isn't great.

Many other people are mentioned as well.

Fortunately this is the version with Alex Jones edited out -- his interruptions drive everyone crazy! So listen with an open mind and see what you think. We can only wait to see if things unfold according to his predictions.

",1515302227,07/01/2018 05:17 7944518,3695719124,"

Listen to this interview with QAnon about Bannon and others. The guy supposedly has been right before and Alex Jones trusts him.

",1515302605,07/01/2018 05:23 7944518,3695721121,"

Q-Anon didn't anticipate the Bannon/Trump split. It completely blindsided him; he had nothing to say about it until after it had happened. He never saw it coming. That's just one in the long line of Q-Anon failures. Whoever he is, he's a fake. John Titor was more successful, and he was offering a time travel story that ran for almost 2 years!

",1515302816,07/01/2018 05:26 7944518,3695721964,

There is more than one QAnon. Listen to the interview. He said Bannon started to panic when Jeff Sessions hired more prosecutors. This QAnon has Bannon's emails and PDFs that will be released.

,1515302901,07/01/2018 05:28 7954538,3695733743,"

Watch this interview with one of the QAnon guys. He talks about Bannon conspiring with Pence to get rid of Trump using the 25th Amendment. Bannon wants to be Karl Rove and manipulate Pence but Trump was too powerful and too clever. Lots of other info as well. Decide for yourself. Compelling listening!

",1515304087,07/01/2018 05:48 7954538,3695736131,"

Supposedly there are emails and PDFs of Bannon's, so stay tuned. QAnon disclosed stuff about Bannon that is very disturbing. Decide for yourself.

",1515304347,07/01/2018 05:52 7954538,3695779247,

QAnon is propaganda. You are being played.

,1515309363,07/01/2018 07:16 7952578,3696026884,

Boy- are Canadians in for a shock when they realize that Justin Trudeau is a Globalist pedophile prince. Three generations of pedophiles- he was taken as a child to a military base where he witnessed the 'power' of his father and grandfather abusing sex slaves there. Reminds me of that spooky photo on Q-Anon which shows that Vanderbilt goblin reading to her 2 young sons under a huge painting of some satanic imagery. One of the boys later committed suicide- the other CIA-baby is masquerading as albino dead-eyed fake journalist Anderson Cooper

,1515331371,07/01/2018 13:22 7957502,3696105308,"

That's exactly right.
And hopefully, QAnon geniuses are digging it all up..and out, for public consumption.
Bye bye, Steyer.

",1515335785,07/01/2018 14:36 7958034,3696163420,

Was that ship taken out? Q anon got anything to say about this?

,1515338354,07/01/2018 15:19 7958050,3696172256,"

I heard a rumor Q is Thomas Drake, NSA whistle blower.

",1515338766,07/01/2018 15:26 7957698,3696196059,"

Only those who are part of the royal family.

But this certainly isn't what Q is telling people, he's saying it's because of human trafficking..

",1515339736,07/01/2018 15:42 7957502,3696206525,

QAnon is giving hints Steyer is hanging and socializing with the Pedophile class in America. He better watch out or he may just end up in Gitmo with a little more digging into his associations.

,1515340206,07/01/2018 15:50 7958050,3696229463,"

I'm pro Trump, but it's a legitimate question. The deep state were the ones who picked Pence. They planned to replace Trump with him. The latest Q anon drops do indicate that Pence is indeed mixed up in pedogate. Trump will expose him I hope.

",1515341216,07/01/2018 16:06 7955430,3696267536,


,1515342861,07/01/2018 16:34 7926652,3696275058,


,1515343180,07/01/2018 16:39 7958870,3696361745,"

Yes, But Q is psyop . Nothing even close to that has happened

",1515346894,07/01/2018 17:41 7958034,3696377537,"

Haha, Q anon! I thought there was supposed to a roundup and arrest of the Deep State this past November.

",1515347574,07/01/2018 17:52 7955466,3696412387,

Okay Q...

James is waiting. Martini in hand.

,1515349096,07/01/2018 18:18 7957530,3696446955,"

Leave it to the LIBERALS who seem to think they can run the Government as they see fit, well it ain't gonna work that way. ////////////// This book writer, Wolff, is, so full of CRAP his eyes are tru9n brown. //////////////////////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN wanted a new person in the White House, so they, the ELECTROICT , put POTUS TRUMP into the OVAL OFFICE. .////////// Now the LIBERALS are screaming mad, because Hillary Babe waa not putinito the white house instead. /////////////////////////

",1515350583,07/01/2018 18:43 7958870,3696510978,

Trump is playing a deep-game of high-stakes poker. He had to salvage the nation first and stabilize the economy before he brings down the hammer on the traitors. Its all happening now. This book was meant to distract the enemy- not you. Sessions has been doing his job- with at least 9000 indictments. Hilllary is wearing an ankle-bracelet and planes are leaving every day with guests for GITMO. Assange is free and on US soil and ready to drop a load on the Clinton money-laundering Mafia. Visit Q-Anon if you want a peek behind the smoke screen

,1515353393,07/01/2018 19:29 7958870,3696514903,"

People wearing ankle-bracelet-hiding boots...McCain,Hillary, Abedin,Chelsea...its all about to break. Assange is free. Q-Anon- look it up

",1515353565,07/01/2018 19:32 7958870,3696517630,

smokescreen to blind the enemy. Fire and Fury was a message sent to the Chinese dragon to stand down. Assange is free and on US soil. Visit Q-Anon becos its all happening this week

,1515353685,07/01/2018 19:34 7958870,3696520654,

this was a smokescreen. Things are happening this week. Assange is free and on US soil and ready to unload on the Clintons. Visit Q-Anon to make sense of this media psych-ops.

,1515353821,07/01/2018 19:37 7958870,3696522033,

Not according to Q.

,1515353881,07/01/2018 19:38 7958870,3696535584,

it was a psych-ops designed to distract the enemy not you. Visit Q-Anon. Things are breaking. Assange is free and on US soil and about to unload on the Clintons

,1515354483,07/01/2018 19:48 7958870,3696544124,

This was all a head-fake. Trump sending coded fire and fury messages to the Chinese dragon to cease and desist. Assange is free and on US soil and about to dump a load on the Clintons. Planes leaving for GITMO. Trump taking care of the money-laundering Mafia. Children have been saved. Visit Q-Anon for updates...... next week will be a doozy

,1515354860,07/01/2018 19:54 7959010,3696574740,

Deep State azz hat Chris Wallace continues to try and troll the Trump administration with his absurd questions. Not working. Wait for tomorrow am. It's going to be a big day globally for Patriots.

#QAnon #truth #deepstate #crush #nodeals

,1515356231,07/01/2018 20:17 7959430,3696693116,

That isn't Q anon.

,1515361945,07/01/2018 21:52 7959430,3696695017,"

maybe, but it's not part of any qanon drop

",1515362046,07/01/2018 21:54 7958870,3696695254,

Does Qanon have any more info on Crooked Hillary?

,1515362061,07/01/2018 21:54 7958826,3696752130,

This QAnon stuff is pretty interesting. Let's see a Breitbart article on that.

,1515365213,07/01/2018 22:46 7959430,3696762568,

That particular Q message has me concerned.

,1515365811,07/01/2018 22:56 7958826,3696820339,

Right on Q.

,1515369245,07/01/2018 23:54 7957530,3696827112,"

So, Is Steven K. Bannon STILL with BB? !
To Be or Not to Be.......That IS the Q.

",1515369645,08/01/2018 00:00 7959542,3696920838,"

Jan 7 2018, 01:38:57 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846 13082
Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified! Ahmadinejed talking. Where did ALL that money go? How many planes? Where did the planes land? Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting? Why cash? Why offshore cash? Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval? Where did the bank wires originate from? Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat? What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money? Where do majority of Rothschilds reside? Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions? [$115,000,000] Who are the Muslim Brotherhood? Who is AWAN? Who is Huma? Who is VJ? Who created ISIS? Who controlled ISIS? What was the purpose of ISIS? Who is MS13? Why were known MS13 members released after capture? Who controls MS13? Who FUNDS MS13? Hard to swallow. Watch the news. Stages. Q

",1515375283,08/01/2018 01:34 7959542,3696925583,

I thought Ahmadinejad was under house arrest? He's talking to Q Anon?

,1515375582,08/01/2018 01:39 7959542,3697026128,"

I'm guessing few here mind me changing the subject?

Anyway, two weeks ago Joe DiGenova was on one of the nightly Fox shows and said, ""You would not believe the calls we are getting from current and former FBI agents almost daily. They are livid about what has been happening on the 7th floor of the FBI headquarters.""

Today Q Anon posted this:

""7th floor is no more""

",1515382491,08/01/2018 03:34 7959542,3697058870,

Old harpo will be in big do-do when all these indictments come out. You know she has been up to no good. Q-Anon says they have all the info on the evil ones and Hollywood is full of them.

,1515385305,08/01/2018 04:21 7959542,3697087013,"

QAnon has stopped posting in The Calm Before The Storm and is now posting in The Storm.

Hold on to your butts. It's about to get crazy, supposedly starting tomorrow when some Congress people will be absent for roll.

I guess we'll see.

",1515388094,08/01/2018 05:08 7959542,3697088598,"

Just lots of weird information from strange Twitter accounts suggesting in coordination that some Congress people will be missing tomorrow during roll.

I paid it no attention, but now that QAnon is posting in The Storm (Calm Before The Storm is over), maybe it's true. Hard to say.

",1515388257,08/01/2018 05:10 7959542,3697092001,"

QAnon did not say anything about tomorrow specifically, though he said the time to inform the public was extremely limited. Various weird MAGA accounts on Twitter over the last few days have suggested the party may start tomorrow when Congressmen fail to show up to roll.

I dunno at this point, but something is going on. So many flights turning around, too. Crazy.

",1515388631,08/01/2018 05:17 7959542,3697125385,"

Thank God there are not enough of em to win any election can you imagine?Anyone who would vote Democrat for anything is insane,look at their record.They are the party of slave owners and still blacks vote for em.Not a surprise if you have seen 1 Q test results

",1515392343,08/01/2018 06:19 7926652,3697140545,"

Probably. You find your victims wherever you can. See qanon, you are going down pedo

",1515394078,08/01/2018 06:47 7959542,3697195030,"

He probably will eventually, but I don't believe in that Q stuff.

",1515399985,08/01/2018 08:26 7961566,3697434717,

Oprah was in the den of the Oh-La-La gang Sunday. Emotional air heads with a collective I Q of a giant toad.

,1515416935,08/01/2018 13:08 7962614,3697450285,

Well Trump has seized their assets and Sessions has prepared 9000 indictments. Hillary is wearing an ankle bracelet so is Abedin and her daughter. Assange is free and on US soil and preparing to dump a load on the Clintons. Daily flights with guests to GITMO- visit Q-Anon for updates

,1515417653,08/01/2018 13:20 7962614,3697588812,

Q- Anon is for real. Trump just acknowledged Q by deliberately misquoting in a tweet- he used the word conse-nsual in place of conse- que- ntial

,1515423400,08/01/2018 14:56 7962614,3697610669,"

Retaliation for hacker attack that caused Hillary's house to burn on Seth Rich's birthday. Trump just acknowledged Q-Anon by deliberately misquoting in a tweet- he used the word conse-nsual in place of conse- que- ntial. Assange is free and said to be with Trump at Camp David and about to dump a load on the Clinton mafia. Hillary, Huma and Chelsea all wearing ankle-bracelet-hiding boots. Planes arriving at GITMO with permanent guests.

",1515424238,08/01/2018 15:10 7962086,3697654065,"

Funny, it doesn’t say HOW he died.

The Storm is upon us.

",1515425788,08/01/2018 15:36 7962086,3697675282,"

QAnon, the Trump supporting insider claimed last week that he was arrested. Now turns up dead. Hmmm. . . draining the international swamp!

",1515426547,08/01/2018 15:49 7963650,3697829144,"

Whoa, that's weird. I noticed some of the GP regulars & former BB commenters were a little irritated that they had been swarmed by BB. I was so pissed off those few days, I pretty much hid out on YouTube & #QAnon. I'm still pissed at & confused by Bannon.

",1515431903,08/01/2018 17:18 7963306,3697856872,"

“I think they’ve sort of scattered.” ?Yea No doubt I did not see you go to bat for him like you should have Mr president.
Smear campaign, 36 Million, and Stealing the election.

Where is the arrest for stealing the election?
I hope Q is right and heads roll.

",1515432864,08/01/2018 17:34 7964502,3697893395,"

That photo on Q-Anon showing the look that Melania and Ivanka cast at the Usurper Pope when they visited the Vatican pervert sanctuary city earlier this year-says it all. The Dirty Pope is supposed to have been involved in the Dirty War in Argentina when thousands of dissidents were murdered and tortured including priests and nuns. Its my belief that Trump visited the Saudi King, Netanyahu and the Pope to inform them that they were under arrest. Trump's last words to the Pope were- Good luck. I wont forget what you said. Then Trump and Melania stood under Michelangelo's The Last Judgement.

",1515434124,08/01/2018 17:55 7963306,3697899931,"

Trump to Counterattack Deep State in 2018’s Dr. Corsi is working with 8chan moderators on QAnon posts -

January 8, 2018

Image Credits: Bloomberg / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chief Washington correspondent for, Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., began playing a more central
role over the weekend working directly with the moderators managing the
internet bulletin board 8chan, The Storm, on which QAnon has been posting.

“I am convinced QAnon is an intelligence source closely coordinating
with President Trump to develop a counterattack to the Deep State forces
that are planning to remove President Trump from office,” Dr. Corsi

“I am planning to continue working with the QAnon group,” Corsi
continued, “reporting on a regular basis with Alex Jones, David Knight
of news, and Owen Shroyer of the War Room.”

Dr. Corsi’s involvement with the QAnon moderators has developed over a series of “DECODE” essays that Dr. Corsi began writing
to explain QAnon posts to the general public. The first being a QAnon
post #151134 on Dec. 22, 2017, in which QAnon discussed the crumbling of
the Russian collusion narrative against President Trump.

Dr. Corsi’s DECODE also detailed QAnon’s role in developing
counterintelligence that suggests the Russian collusion narrative was
developed to derail Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, or to be the
basis of his removal from office should he get elected; by CIA Director
John Brennan, and funded by Eric Schmidt of Google fame.

Over the weekend, Dr. Corsi posted on
his “DECODE” of a series of messages QAnon posted on 8chan “The Storm,”
messages that included a photograph of President Trump’s pen resting on
the conference table at Camp David taken as the meetings were in
One of the key players in the QAnon phenomenon, Tracy Beanz @tracybeanz conducted a 45 minute YouTube video

",1515434347,08/01/2018 17:59 7958870,3697927429,"

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


",1515435312,08/01/2018 18:15 7958870,3697929060,"


",1515435371,08/01/2018 18:16 7958870,3697931734,"


",1515435464,08/01/2018 18:17 7958870,3697962153,"


",1515436493,08/01/2018 18:34 7963974,3698220179,"

According to Q , we're at Defcon 1 non nuclear..

",1515445445,08/01/2018 21:04 7965478,3698221378,"

You missed an important Q.
Vagina? yes.
If that's not included, every Black Tranny will be running.

",1515445494,08/01/2018 21:04 7965478,3698339831,

4 & 8chan will have a field day connecting Orca Winfrey to child exploitation and trafficking in Africa. How much did she give to the Clinton Crime Family while they were running their operation in Haiti? Q knows.

,1515450363,08/01/2018 22:26 7963974,3698386934,

You forgot the Q for QUEER!!!!!

,1515452577,08/01/2018 23:02 7958870,3698423227,"

Go check out George Webb...He's on it and has the puzzle mastered. Get ready as Trump is going after the Globalists/Illuminati....Have you seen the Q-Anon information coming from the White House? This is the real juicy stuff.....

",1515454373,08/01/2018 23:32 7962966,3698425343,"

It's just like what Q keeps saying: Nothing is what it seems.

We are being lied to. We are voting and making big decisions based on falsehoods told to us. The Democratic party intends to lead us to full on Socialism. They aren't even hiding it. Some are members of American Communist parties..if we give them one thing at all, this is the goal we would be advancing. It's time to start calling it for what it is.

",1515454479,08/01/2018 23:34 7958870,3698426530,"

I think what needs to happen here is that ALL of you that haven't been able to make the final leap to the FACT that the One World Order Global Elite are running EVERYTHING. The Conspiracy Theorists (Which the CIA coined, BTW) are true. There is a subversive global cabal THAT RUN THE WORLD. And our fearless President KNOWS ALLLLL ABOUT THEM AND IS HELL BENT ON DESTROYING THEM.....

",1515454536,08/01/2018 23:35 7962086,3698457424,"

He may be under arrest. Trump wore a purple tie and picked up a cup with both hands, as if he were wearing handcuffs. Q-Anon also wrote that they had a special place for GS. Neither Soros nor Jacob Rothschild have been seen lately. They say that four people died in the collision between a helicopter and a small plane over Rothschild's estate. The last I heard only three people had been identified.

",1515456084,09/01/2018 00:01 7966410,3698489114,

I guess the buyers would be the press and the libs. Q Anon also claims the Moore thing will be fixed. Claims Trump telegraphed a move in that direction when the voting commission was ended and given to Homeland Security. I hope so but don't know how that could happen since it has already been certified and the other sworn in.

,1515457677,09/01/2018 00:27 7966410,3698497470,"

The Easter Bunny and Q Anon are besties. What a dope, you really believe that crap.

",1515458096,09/01/2018 00:34 7967630,3698598893,

Say that when you are applying for a job as a janitor at Ghetto Johns Bar B Q.

,1515463334,09/01/2018 02:02 7967330,3698839121,"

Are any of you following the posts of ""Q""?

Someone very very close to President Trump has been dropping crumbs about global events from behind the scenes. He calls himself Q. He started at the end of October on 4chan and has continued since then, moving to 8chan when 4chan became compromised. What he's claimed is going on is absolutely staggering.

",1515480782,09/01/2018 06:53 7967330,3698856057,"

I understand exactly what you're saying. But the communities on the chans love a puzzle, and they enjoy using their collective minds to solve it. As someone once said, their power is weaponized autism. I do believe however, that if any of them were to find evidence that Q is an elaborate hoax, posting the evidence they found would give them bragging rights forever. But I haven't seen anything that proves it's fake. At least not yet.

",1515482430,09/01/2018 07:20 7967330,3699003550,"

Watch for references to time being up

* Julian Assange: Hourglass Emoji
* Ivanka Trump: ""#TIMESUP""
* Q Anon mentions

Might be seeing more.

TICK TOCK is over. Storm Time.

",1515493041,09/01/2018 10:17 7967330,3699048353,"

This issue is for later. A take-back of the country from swamp is imminent.
* Ivanka says ""TIMESUP"" to Hollywood
* Julian Assange has hourglass emoji
* Q Anon talking about it

",1515496139,09/01/2018 11:08 7968642,3699128173,"

The Q.B. thanked his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on National Television. Not a generic 'God' reference - the kid said Lord, Savior J.C.

",1515500705,09/01/2018 12:25 7967330,3699146746,"

No...but the Q-Anon guy has said to watch Indiana,where two people working for Pence resigned coincidence.

",1515501590,09/01/2018 12:39 7964074,3699260269,

in a few months time you will be calling me an Oracle. Read between the lines. Connect the dots and you will see past the smoke screen. History is catching up with you right now. Visit Q-Anon and open your eyes and mind to the real truth.

,1515506481,09/01/2018 14:01 7968570,3699292830,"

We don't need another celebrity in the WH. While any other celebrity on the planet must have a higher IQ than the Dotard,they still have NO experience. Unlike dotard,her daddy didn't give her $200M so she is a self made billionaire. One can respect that vs dotard BUT we need a statesman/woman as POTUS, not another celebrity

What is clearer is that she would be a very tough opponent for Donald Trump. According to Q score, a measure of celebrity popularity, she is beloved among people of color, young people, and women (especially suburban women). Those, of course, are exactly the groups that the Democrats need to get to the polls in 2020. Further, given her gender and upbeat temperament, personal attacks against her could be a major turnoff for voters. The presidential election is a long way away, but we could well have a battle of billionaire TV stars.

On the other hand, there are likely to be a dozen or more Democratic politicians running and all of them are going to say: ""We elected an inexperienced entertainer last time. Do you like how that worked out?"" Oprah may be a very nice person, but she knows nothing about managing the economy, dealing with Iran, appointing federal judges, and things presidents actually do beside holding rallies. Most likely the Oprah bubble won't make it past the midterms.

",1515507818,09/01/2018 14:23 7968570,3699382128,"

A bit much to process.

- Ivanka isn't our favorite, but lots of TIME symbols going around. I think she respects her dad enough to post that for him as a sort of code.
- Q refers to Q Anon. Somebody near trump helping him defeat the scum.
- Trump has verified Q through his twitter a few times. The +++ thing posted right after Q did, plus a few others.
- Q also keeps bringing up the theme of time.
- Wikileaks verified Q with this O and Q switch, and also by repeating this theme of time with the hourglass.

Even if you disagree, you at least heard me out.

",1515511236,09/01/2018 15:20 7968570,3699401956,

Message from QANON -

- Obama linked to LOOP money scam from pensions to muslim brotherhood
- How does Maxine Waters afford a $4M home

,1515511950,09/01/2018 15:32 7967330,3699517386,"

As a Q follower, opening this article to a picture of Flake and Pence was jarring. Seeing the article end with the same photo was more so, especially since it was in a tweet by Flake with what can only be an ominous message overlaying some kind of threat? Making sure to get the message across that birds of a feather fly together. Wow. Flake is as dirty as you would expect someone to be with his kind of secret. FlyPenceFly.

",1515516034,09/01/2018 16:40 7971258,3699554059,"

You lack vitamin Q, also P R S and T.

",1515517297,09/01/2018 17:01 7970166,3699714077,"

Just saw this in a Tweet at Q.
""Saudi Arabia transfers Ritz Carlton detainees to Al-ha'ir Prison.""
To think of these Saudi Princes and billionaires in prison is a nice thought- winning!

",1515522790,09/01/2018 18:33 7771867,3699891631,"

If you still believe in the myth that was Odumbo you need to take the red pill and a nap. Reality is coming to the brainwashed oblivious, sure as Q ???

",1515529226,09/01/2018 20:20 7771867,3699922907,"

If you actually examined the results of the document forensics produced and the professional credentials of the judicial certified experts participating, some moron on sock puppet corporate media saying there's ""no proof"" would not convince a awakened individual. Your ignorance is soon to end. Q, remember where you first read it.

",1515530337,09/01/2018 20:38 7973158,3699933348,

visit Q-Anon and Jerome Corsi to see past the smoke screen. traitors are being taken to GITMO and Assange is free and on US soil and preparing to dump a load on the Clintons. Its all happening this week. Tomorrow will be a big day. Hurry and catch up.

,1515530722,09/01/2018 20:45 7973158,3699937640,

this is all a smoke screen. Meanwhile Assange is free and on US soil and about to unload on the Clintons. Traitors being rounded up and sent to GITMO. Visit Q-Anon and Jerome Corsi and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Tomorrow will be a big day

,1515530879,09/01/2018 20:47 7973158,3699943415,

Look behind the smoke screen- visit Q-Anon and Jerome Corsi. Traitors on their way to GITMO. Assange is free and on US soil and about to unload on the Clintons. Hurry and catch-up.... tomorrow is a big day

,1515531100,09/01/2018 20:51 7973158,3699946014,

visit Q-Anon and get red-pill overdosed. Assnage is free and on US soil and about to unload on the Clintons. Traitors being taken to GITMO now- tomorrow will be a big day. Hurry and catch-up

,1515531196,09/01/2018 20:53 7973158,3699952066,

visit Q-Anon for answers. Assange is free

,1515531421,09/01/2018 20:57 7973158,3699975510,"

Q said something about bad actors and disinformation but don't listen to Tracy. she just tried to hijack the movement for her own gains. I don't trust any of these people on twitter. it's hard to trust anyone anymore, especially if Q is a larper.

",1515532310,09/01/2018 21:11 7971754,3700002137,

Steve Bannon is NOT A PATRIOT....not even close. You do not go behind trump's back talking crap...he wanted to take trump down or else he would have never spoke to Wollf....if it was on the up and up Trump would have known about the discussions FROM BANNON...

INFOWARS is out of their freaking minds guy....they speculate conspiracy BS from QANON and nothing ever comes true....

,1515533360,09/01/2018 21:29 7973158,3700087209,

What does the Q stand for in LBGTQ?????

,1515537046,09/01/2018 22:30 7973158,3700089569,"

No, try again. Q...R!

",1515537163,09/01/2018 22:32 7973158,3700137800,"

We will miss Steve. I pray the truth is learned, and that this is just part of the ""Actors"" comment on Q., This has been rather unbelievable and quite surprising, maybe this was part of the Act. If not, well, we wish you well in all that you do Steve, stay safe.

",1515539619,09/01/2018 23:13 7971754,3700204063,"

Chill out, dude.

Don't get all spastic and stuff.

By the way, don't question my level of education.

I was schooled in the great works of the Western Canon.

For instance, I am especially fond of the lyrical works of Stacy Q.

This stanza is among my favorites, so evocative, subtle, moving, nuanced...
""I never said I wasn't gonna tell nobody
No, baby
But this good lovin' I can't keep it to myself
Oh, no
When we're together it's like hot coals in a fire
Hot, baby
My body's burnin' so come on heat my desire
Come on, come on
... ""

",1515543037,10/01/2018 00:10 7971754,3700207021,"

What, you don't like Stacy Q?

",1515543195,10/01/2018 00:13 7972878,3700210668,"

Can someone please explain to me what Trump is thinking regarding DACA and supporting it so openly? Is there something I am not seeing, perhaps something Q is in on?

",1515543390,10/01/2018 00:16 7973158,3700216576,"

Hold on Rip, have you seen the Q-Anon stuff???? If not, YOU'D BETTER GO LOOK INTO IT....Trump is about to unleash HELL ON THE ONE WORLD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!! You better hold onto your hat.

",1515543706,10/01/2018 00:21 7973158,3700219097,

You must be one of the pedophiles that Q-Anon is talking about.

,1515543840,10/01/2018 00:24 7973158,3700237668,

Breitbart will not let me post anything associated with Qanon. I no longer visit their site. Fake News = (Breitbart / CNN) no difference. breitbart = China

,1515544849,10/01/2018 00:40 7973722,3700252347,

And Qanon.

,1515545655,10/01/2018 00:54 7971754,3700265850,

Foxnews has almost become worse than cnn.
FAH Q foxnews.

,1515546405,10/01/2018 01:06 7973158,3700279344,"

Ok, let me educate you since you still live in the FAKE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM spoon fed to you everyday. Go look up Q-Anon on YouTube or WND and you'll see that Trump is giving everyone clues as to the depth at which all live in the MATRIX. Obviously, not me because I've known for 20 years just who is running the world and it isn't even close to whom you drones think it is. I'm sorry that you might actually have to think for yourself and it might take some time to research it fully, which I'm sure your 2 minute attention span life wouldn't allow you to deal with.
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS, THIS YEAR YOU'RE GOING TO SEE THINGS THAT GUYS LIKE ME HAVE BEEN TELLING DRONES LIKE YOU FOR YEARS WAS HAPPENING AND IT'S ONLY BECAUSE GUYS LIKE TRUMP GOT THE BALLS TO CALL IT OUT. Remember this post to you, remember who said it to you, because you're going to be slammed soon by things that only a few of us have known alllllll along. So enjoy your FAKE REALITY for the time being because illusionary beliefs are about to be shattered.

",1515547143,10/01/2018 01:19 7973722,3700398510,

Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordered the hit according to Q anonymous. She also hired the Awan family who are now in jail. Trump mentioned someone who took a picture on a sub and got jailed for it yet Clinton's email scandal is swept under the carpet.

,1515554600,10/01/2018 03:23 7974494,3700446440,"

Apparently the illegal invasion is increasing. More moochers are coming over looking for freebies per the Washington Times. Someone needs to tell Trump, since he just said today the illegals coming over are fewer now thanks to his rhetoric and policy. Here is the Washington Times article:

Illegal immigration across the Southwest border has surged back to Obama-era levels, according to the latest data released last week that suggests the gains President Trump made early in his tenure have worn off.

Nearly 40,000 illegal immigrants were nabbed attempting to jump the border in November, which was up about 12 percent compared to October, and more than twice the monthly numbers from March and April, when Mr. Trump touted his early accomplishments.

Perhaps just as worrisome for officials is the rise in families traveling together, which surged 45 percent last month, and unaccompanied minors traveling without parents, which rose 26 percent in November, according to the numbers released Friday.

QUIZ: US Citizenship Test (Part II) -- could you pass?

Homeland Security said those numbers are still an improvement over the worst years of President Obama.

“Under President Trump, illegal immigration has declined dramatically over the last year,” said spokesman Tyler Q. Houston.

But he said more needs to be done, and said action needs to come from Capitol it is per the Washington Times:

",1515558190,10/01/2018 04:23 7973158,3700464463,

Steve Bannon plays the first hand 2 7:
Flop: K 2 8 - bets 20
Turn - A - Bets 40
River - 2 - Bets all in

Moron wins.

Bannon Plays second hand: 2 7 again.

Flop: A J 10 - bets 30
Turn - 3 - bets 60
River - Q bluffs ALL in gets called

Moron is busted just like it was already obvious from the beginning.

,1515559763,10/01/2018 04:49 7973158,3700506341,"

Oh good. Another Q conspirator.

Vague words, many which have been debunked are seen as proof.
Do you read your horror-scope as well? Bad Christian.

Anyway, it is not ""the storm"" anymore. Need to keep up with the times.

",1515563679,10/01/2018 05:54 7972378,3700638234,"

Hi - what I am about to say will sound mad, so I would ask anybody who has been following Q anon to write to this board to back me up on the Q anon stuff. Q is for real.

Guys - Please give President Trump a break. I am a Brit and I wish we had a leader like Trump. He knows what the America people want and he knows how to do it. Put trust in him. He may not get everything the way you want, but in deal making there is always a bit of give and take.

Not sure if everybody has switched onto the fact that he has freed Julian Assange. See Wikileaks twitter regarding dropping grand jury proceedings against Assange / WikiLeaks. Also Q anon has indicated Julian is now working with Trump, under guard for his own security, outside the embassy, to drain the swamp.

Trump has also taken control of North Koreas nuclear GPS satellite. Basically, ""rocket man"" can fire his missiles but Trump has control over where they land. Seriously...!!!

Finally the satellite that was put into space called Zuma has advanced EMP weaponry that can fry North Korea and send it back to the stone age. I know this sounds crazy, but if you follow Q anon you get everything. Whoever Q anon are they are definitely working with Trump and letting you know what is happening. This is not Q anon but a good twitter feed to start understanding who Q is, if you are new to Q. MAGA you guys then please let Trump come to England to MEGA.

",1515576070,10/01/2018 09:21 7973158,3700711121,

it's just ridiculous having conversation with trump roadies like Pamela Anne. I bet she believes the qanon nonsense also.

,1515581733,10/01/2018 10:55 7973158,3700782060,"

Whatever is going on, I believe in Steve!
Bannon is a powerful speaker.
He is neither down nor out!
He was an officer in the U.S. Navy - he is a LEADER!
He may have put himself on assignment for Q :D
*whistlin n smlin*

",1515585995,10/01/2018 12:06 7976330,3700828748,"


",1515588386,10/01/2018 12:46 7976330,3700867410,"

Haha, I though Q Anon said Assange had been murdered?

",1515590122,10/01/2018 13:15 7976330,3701038953,

Just a a matter of time before Q enters the scene. He will 'pass' to J a magic attache case. Then Mister Embassy Bond will make his move.

,1515596759,10/01/2018 15:05 7977954,3701212958,

They want to swing the Senate to Democrats. I do know that Q-Anon said that many members of congress will not be coming back after this break. The White Hats are making their move against the Child molesters and corrupt ones who have committed crimes in this country. What has Issa been up to??. Q-anon or the White Hats has released a quote of how the Senate are the ones to steal the American peoples money. They steal in both houses but per percentage the Senate has the highest wealth accumulation. He asks why almost all Senators come to office relatively poor compared to the millions and millions they are worth in only a few years.

,1515602893,10/01/2018 16:48 7975874,3701273795,"

I've heard rumors that the Muller investigation is really about the clintons and their treason, probably wishful thinking, but the supposed ""source"" is supposedly very high up Q something or other and he has been right about a lot of things. Let's hope.

",1515604975,10/01/2018 17:22 7978798,3701295107,

Q-Anon twitter mentioned that over 70 politicians havent returned to Congress. I expect they are either wearing ankle-bracelets or sojourning at GITMO Estates

,1515605668,10/01/2018 17:34 7976330,3701305546,

Q-anon stated he may be on his way to the us soon.

,1515606015,10/01/2018 17:40 7976418,3701316314,"

There are now 9,294 sealed federal indictments since 10/30/2017

President Trump signed an Executive Order on 12/21 re: Human Rights Abuse and then he declared January 'National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month'

#QAnon #PedoGate #DeepState #FolllowTheWhiteRabbit

",1515606398,10/01/2018 17:46 7977954,3701338087,"

All seeing eye, seed and Q.

Love the Trifecta!

",1515607170,10/01/2018 17:59 7977894,3701368874,"

This is just a bunch of B*** S*** - from the word go.////////////////////
The DEMON - RATS are running wild again, just like Hillary Babe thought she had the election tied up in a bag.. /////////////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN is very tired of these B*** S*** ideas of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. /////////////////////////////

",1515608257,10/01/2018 18:17 7946750,3701383335,"

The SWISS People are no dummies, they can see a fat cow when it comes along, the SWISS PEOPLE are willing to take steps to stop the fat cow in its tracks. //////////////
The US of A needs to take some lessons from THE SWISS PEOPLE, shutting down these FAT COW PROGRAMS which bleed JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN to the very end of support such FAT COW PROGRAMS. //////////////////////////////////
The Government would have enough money to rebuild every road and bridge with the FAT COW PROGRAMS ***** DUMPED *******. /////////////////////////// These FAT COW PROGRAMS suck our government dry to pay for these LAZY PEOPLE./////////////

",1515608758,10/01/2018 18:25 7976330,3701417914,

Is Assange in Australia? Q-Anon just hinted that Assange is wearing a 'Home' jersey. That means Australia. Call me crazy but I just heard helicopters and police sirens here in Melbourne. Would he be safe here?

,1515609967,10/01/2018 18:46 7976330,3701513782,

Assange is free and Home. Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515613422,10/01/2018 19:43 7976330,3701514805,

Only middle aged dolts living in a van by the river buys that moronic Q Anon baloney.

,1515613458,10/01/2018 19:44 7976330,3701515617,

Assange is free and Home. Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515613488,10/01/2018 19:44 7976330,3701522064,

Assange is free and Home. Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill
overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515613689,10/01/2018 19:48 7976330,3701523531,

Bull. Nothing of real substance claimed by Q Anon has come true.

It's just pablum for stupid people who think they are smart to discredit when real truth gets out.

You over emotional idiots are part of what's gone wrong.

,1515613744,10/01/2018 19:49 7976330,3701525248,

Julian Assange is free and Home. Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515613803,10/01/2018 19:50 7976330,3701526804,

Wow. So whoever is running Q Anon is resorting to low grade bots.


,1515613860,10/01/2018 19:51 7977142,3701528398,

Thunderbirds are GO.
Assange is Home.
Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515613918,10/01/2018 19:51 7977578,3701530488,"

""... you probably view Mueller as your man...""

Oh, are you one of those ""QAnon"" loons? Ell oh ell.

",1515613996,10/01/2018 19:53 7973158,3701531939,

Thunderbirds are GO.
Julian Assange is Home.
Visit Q-Anon and prepare to be red-pill overdosed. Today is D-Day. Hurry and catch up

,1515614047,10/01/2018 19:54 7977578,3701532007,"

Dude, you are one of those ""QAnon"" chuckleheads! Admit it.

",1515614050,10/01/2018 19:54 7976330,3701534745,

Now you are the paid bot trying to stop people going to Q-Anon

,1515614148,10/01/2018 19:55 7976330,3701540782,

your lot must be really worried to get you to troll everyone who mentions Q-Anon

,1515614367,10/01/2018 19:59 7973158,3701543853,

visit Q-Anon twitter or Jerome Corsi for updates

,1515614469,10/01/2018 20:01 7978294,3701616088,"

Remember when Trump did all that drama with the Fiji water like he could not find it, and then someone told him where it was, he then took the bottle and looked off in the distance, like ""i can see you"" and took one swallow of water, swallow means ""destroy"".

This is why he did that. pizzagate is real

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-14028 Doc No. C06327435 Date: 07/11/2017

E.O. 12958: N/A



notice how this government document inserted a ""Q"" in two places. #Qanon

",1515617143,10/01/2018 20:45 7973158,3701616165,"

There are so many things wrong in your comment that there is
a lot to cover. First, I’ll start with the stupidest; Trump and Bannon have never attempted any such thing. It’s an America First movement, which puts U.S. citizens and our nation ahead of globalist objectives, and has nothing to do with fascism or trickery – it’s very straightforward and easy to comprehend. We are a sovereign nation of laws and a venerated Constitution, and our CITIZENS and SECURITY come first. Like it or not, this is what the American public voted for.

Secondly, your political spectrum is theoretical and not
realistic. And actually, there are many variations of the spectrum. The most common is not what you mentioned, but has communism (total control) at the left end and anarchism (absence of government) on the far right. Realistically, anarchists are always aligned with leftists, so placing them on the right with libertarians and conservatives make no sense. I’ve never heard of conservatives smashing windows and burning buildings. That’s what leftists do. Totalitarianism on the right also defies reason, because it’s anathema to right-wingers. The proper way is to look at the political spectrum is complete government control on the far left and complete freedom on the far right, which accommodates the anarchy principle on a theoretical basis. It does not exist in real life unless you live by yourself in the wilderness.

Thirdly, you didn’t read what I wrote. I never said Marx had anything to do with fascism. Fascism was a movement envisioned by Giovanni Gentile, a lifelong socialist and Italy’s foremost philosopher in the first half of the 20th century. Influenced by the German idealist and materialist schools of thought, including Karl Marx, he wrote a number of books and essays on fascism. He agreed with Marx about selfish, bourgeois democracy and capitalism, but differed with him on historical inevitability. He saw the state and the individual as one, and that there is no distinction between the private interest and the public interest. He argued that corporations should serve the public welfare and not the owners and shareholders. For Gentile, society and the state were one and the same, and a centralized government was necessary as an administrative arm of society. So, as you can see, he was a statist and collectivist, and opposed individualism and personal freedom – a perfect leftist.

Mussolini eventually made Gentile his minister of education.
Echoing Gentile, Mussolini famously said, “Everything is the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Totalitarianism for him was not a jackboot on the public’s neck, but rather the state totally takes care of everything and looks after everyone, and everyone lives for the state. In 1914, Mussolini was one of the best known Marxists in the world. However, because of his support for WWI, he was expelled that year from the Italian Socialist Party for “heresy.” Then in 1919 he founded a party, Fasci di Combattimento, meaning “fascist combat squad.” His decision to become a fascist was controversial, yet he was congratulated by Lenin, who continued to regard him as a faithful revolutionary socialist.

If you do some serious reading and research, you can learn that in his earlier years as an orthodox Marxist, he authored anti-Christian pamphlets repudiating Catholicism, which led to his exile to Switzerland, where he collaborated with the Italian Socialist Party weekly and wrote for Il Proletario, a socialist weekly published in New York. He wrote widely on Marxism, socialist theory and politics – so much that it now fills seven volumes. He was also appointed to the Italian Socialist Party’s board of directors, and was editor of Avanti!, it’s official publication. He was more than an intellectual, he organized workers’ strikes inside and outside of Italy and was jailed twice for his activism.

I could also expound on Hitler’s socialist past and his admiration for Marx, but space and time are limited. Hitler was never a member of the Fascist Party, but he admired Mussolini and aspired to become like him. Hitler modeled his failed Munich Putsch in 1923 after Mussolini’s successful March on Rome. He later kept a bust of Mussolini in his office. He confessed that without fascism, there would have never been a German national socialism: “The brown shirt would probably not have existed without the black shirt.” I can also provide you, on request, with quotes from Hitler declaring himself a socialist.

You might also want to check out legal scholar James Q.
Whitman’s book, “Hitler’s American Model.” Whitman presents a detailed investigation of the American impact on the Nuremberg Laws, the centerpiece anti-Jewish legislation of the Nazi regime. Whitman demonstrates that the Nazis took a strong interest in American race policies and laws, and adapted them for Germany. Those laws, primarily in the Democrat-controlled South, along with the KKK, which was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, were inspirations for the Nazis. And I might as well point it out, since it is never mentioned, not only blacks were terrorized and lynched, so were white Republicans, about 1,300 of them.

",1515617146,10/01/2018 20:45 7978294,3701621973,"

Q has been communicating on 4chan and 8chan giving information in the form of questions for months now telling everyone what is going down.

When trump said the ""calm before the storm"" he made a Q with his hand

the table they sat at had a Q

Learn more at #Qanon

",1515617364,10/01/2018 20:49 7978294,3701627451,"

Between Qanon, and Julian Assange getting ready for the next document dump, there's an awful lot of nervous swamp creatures.

",1515617582,10/01/2018 20:53 7979222,3701677125,"

When your average John Q. can't even cover a $400 household emergency, they're not about to pony up $500 for a wall fund.

",1515619595,10/01/2018 21:26 7978170,3701688233,

Today I'm wondering what the threshold is over in Afghanistan? It's been almost 25 years now! I personally spent almost 3 years there and i'm pissed about daca dons speech yesterday. btw 19:36 is when the military industrial complex psyop happened. I want my people out of there right now! We won the war so why are we there?! This qanon garbage is another 100% psyop. Trump isn't destroying any poppy fields or labs not a one. If that was going on I would have heard about it by now from someone that's actually over in Afghanistan.daca donny is another globalist pig.

,1515620080,10/01/2018 21:34 7978170,3701852464,

not 1 drug lab or poppy plant has been eradicated from Afghanistan I know this because i have friends over there. qanon and the people that worship that psyop and fat boy trump are losers. Trump was elected to get rid of daca what happened!

,1515628062,10/01/2018 23:47 7973158,3701883846,"

I'm a REAL CONSTITUTIONALIST LIBERTARIAN. Period. But I also have studied for 25 years the REAL goings on in the world and who is actually running it. So before you label me a ""conspiracy theorist"" I'm going to give you some inside scoop. Our FEARLESS LEADER, TRUMP, is about to OPEN THE BAG. And what I mean by that is, this year, President Trump is going to vindicate ALL THOSE ""Conspiracy Theorists"" and bring to light these things: The satanic baby killing rituals of the global elite, the mass geo-engineering programs, the pedophilia in Hollywood, Washington D.C., The FACT that the CIA CREATED, FUNDS, AND GIVES THE MARCHING ORDERS TO ISIS, 9/11 Co-conspirators in jail, auditing the Fed which is a for profit owned banking cartel that uses the IRS as a mafia to steel our money, etc..., etc...., etc.....,. Now, I'm sure your probably laughing now. But, when you start to see all of this come out THIS YEAR, you're going to remember where you heard it first.
I know things that are hard for people to understand, the real inside stuff, what's REALLY GOING ON, and I'm sorry that I get frustrated.
Do me a huge favor....Go youtube: Q-Anon and dive into it. That is our FEARLESS LEADER, TRUMP SIGNALING TO PEOPLE LIKE ME, THAT THE GIG IS UP AND THE S$%T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN....I promise, you will be BLOWN AWAY!! Good luck.

",1515629884,11/01/2018 00:18 7980782,3701961442,"

I'm down the rabbit hole with this QAnon stuff, but some are saying Mueller has actually been investigating CLINTON and obama and the Bushes and Soros...but we will see.

",1515634507,11/01/2018 01:35 7980630,3702144166,


,1515648176,11/01/2018 05:22 7981910,3702195996,"

Remember when Trump did all that drama with the Fiji water like he could not find it, and then someone told him where it was, he then took the bottle and looked off in the distance, like ""i can see you"" and took one swallow of water, swallow means ""destroy"".

This is why he did that. pizzagate is real

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-14028 Doc No. C06327435 Date: 07/11/2017

E.O. 12958: N/A



notice how this government document inserted a ""Q"" in two places. #Qanon

",1515653406,11/01/2018 06:50 7980630,3702223241,

I'm starting to think Q is full of S.

,1515656177,11/01/2018 07:36 7980630,3702426627,"

Proof that ""Q"" is real can't get more real than this

Remember when Trump dramatically took a swallow of the FIJI water? He looked off into the distance when he did it. ""i see you"" is what he was implying.

Fiji is a hub for child trafficking.

in this document about fiji from a FOIA two Qs were added one to youths and one to children. That's not a mistake. The pizzagate is being dismantled. #Qanon


You can look at the PDF of the document here.

",1515671960,11/01/2018 11:59 7978802,3702749279,"

I'm not an Oprah fan, but whether Oprah or John Q Public, all the damage is terrible.

",1515682645,11/01/2018 14:57 7978098,3702816318,"

It would serve you well to read the Fusion GPS congressional testimony. The majority of the Fusion GPS research is well documented research from publications, local government records, etc. Fusion subbed out the part of the human intelligence to a well-respected former MI6 Russian specialist, Steele. Steele went to the FBI on his own to warn them what was happening but the FBI already knew from someone inside the campaign, Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos got drunk in London and bragged to an Australian diplomat who in turn whet to the FBI before Steele.

Haha, You must be pretty bright to determine on your own that everything is fake. Maybe you should work for the FBI, MI6 or Q Anon.

",1515685057,11/01/2018 15:37 7983770,3702817252,

Once Q gives us the truth and we see gown FB was a CIA invention to use in he military and was given to zuck then it will crash down quickly.

,1515685090,11/01/2018 15:38 7983770,3702818150,

Say has anyone heard from Q lately??

,1515685122,11/01/2018 15:38 7977894,3702828888,

STOP these crap polls! Anyone with an I Q higher than room temperature knows that Oprah won't fly!

,1515685502,11/01/2018 15:45 7983770,3702857860,

Anyone here know how to post and navigate on 8chan? I want to start researching Q.

,1515686522,11/01/2018 16:02 7983770,3702888115,

Some of you know something big is happening involving Q Anon and Trump that is helping disseminate info and get people interested in learning. If I wanted to keep the process stable when things heat up.... where Trump uses his Twitter to verify Q is the real deal each day.... This would be roughly the time to do the Twitter dump.

,1515687608,11/01/2018 16:20 7983770,3702910378,"

If you've been ""following"" Q... this is a must watch.

",1515688379,11/01/2018 16:32 7979850,3702951777,

From a Q-Anon twitter. Julian Assange wont be prosecuted becos at the time of leaking he was suffering from Feinstein Flu. The Democrat-approved reason for leaking classified material.

,1515689838,11/01/2018 16:57 7981910,3702995475,

FU Q #AmnestyDon

,1515691423,11/01/2018 17:23 7984042,3703302860,

My only one Q is why was McCain chosen. That speaks volumes.

,1515702268,11/01/2018 20:24 7980782,3703349918,

Hillary Babe and OBOOOOOOOMASS - th emagnificent FARCE - belong behind bars in the Round BAE HOTEL as guests of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN.. ///////////////////////////

,1515704116,11/01/2018 20:55 7985150,3703419010,"

As Q-ANON (Trump) has said.....Are we as a Nation really that divided????. When you consider there is massive proof of voter fraud and this kind of mind control manipulating crap from Twitter, Google, and others they still have to work hard to cheat to turn elections in their favor. Think about it.

",1515707122,11/01/2018 21:45 7985494,3703494269,"

Things are happening fast for JA now, just as Q explained.

",1515710271,11/01/2018 22:37 7983754,3703517483,

You miss the qualification to my statement . . . Q.E.D.

,1515711294,11/01/2018 22:54 7987186,3703671147,"

Russiagate is a dead horse, in my opinion. It's all distraction....New topic, I think you'll like this....Have you seen all the info on Q-Anon coming out?? Curious if you've heard

",1515718898,12/01/2018 01:01 7987186,3703671414,

Have you heard of Q-Anon?

,1515718913,12/01/2018 01:01 7987186,3703673372,

Another guy that's on it is Jerome Corsi...That's worth a look as well.
Have you heard of Q-Anon?

,1515719019,12/01/2018 01:03 7987186,3703717297,

the Book of Q...

hints about...

elite child sex trafficking..
satanism and his team...
money laundering through charities and foundations like the clinton foundation and odimbo's coming foundation as well.
lots of opportunity there..

weapons shipments to Benghazi ..
and the Syrians.

how the powerful became corrupted..
and much much more.

whoever Agent Q is ..
are you saying they are about to come out..?

,1515721373,12/01/2018 01:42 7987186,3703794145,

No I haven't. I am just getting back online and ame going to watch the links you posted now...thanks!

What is Q-Anon? I like getting research :)

,1515725831,12/01/2018 02:57 7983770,3704077254,

Sure thing genius. Say when's that inspector general report come out? Q anon has been talking about that report before anyone even knew it was being done. U and your leaders are in a tough spot. U need to start paying better attention.

,1515748846,12/01/2018 09:20 7989126,3704115905,"

Isn't it amazing how the fake media and all these politicians say exactly the same anti-Trump things (verbatim). More proof they get their talking points from Obama's Command Central.

Its too bad that the Q phenomenon isn't real, and that POTUS really had a plan to take down all of these people. They're now going to play this record over and over to pressure him into doing the amnesty.

Yet why do they act like its a bad thing to speak the truth? Who the hell wants to go to Haiti? I don't blame them for wanting to leave. It IS a crap hole.

",1515751783,12/01/2018 10:09 7986930,3704120778,

Wasnt it reported weeks ago that Trump said shithole countries. Are Liberals now recycling stale news. Its significant that in Vanvik's post she uses the words 'crystal clear' which is some code word used by Q-Anon. As for chain-migration if you dont end that process outright then whats the point of building a Wall- when whole 3rd World villages have been transplanted to the US using this loophole.

,1515752121,12/01/2018 10:15 7987714,3704130190,

there are planes arriving every day at GITMO. Trump has been quietly rounding up traitors. Probably military trials for most of them. Visit Q-Anon for more info

,1515752794,12/01/2018 10:26 7986930,3704262749,"

When you factor in Muslims, life is instantaneous hell., plus the Q of L is all Socialist tax it all, you get nothing, Diet Coke is $2 a can, here it's 33 cents. I take risk over Socialism anyday.

",1515760507,12/01/2018 12:35 7983638,3704280945,"

That is false. Q 2 and 3 of 2014 had higher growth than anything Trump has posted so far, and several other quarters he had greater than 3%


",1515761319,12/01/2018 12:48 7983770,3704302255,

U don't know about the inspector general report? It's coming out Monday? U should try to keep up. Google Q anon and see what u dig up. Tick tock.

,1515762227,12/01/2018 13:03 7993206,3705220245,"

I'm on the left. Is that Geometry? I don't know much about. History either. Don't know science books, or French. I do know that if we love each other this could be a wonderful world. I know that. Did you know that?

I love Suzy Q too. She walks and talks awesome!

",1515794793,12/01/2018 22:06 7993206,3705319855,"

Oh man, it'd be so cool if your middle name was Q! That's like a top 3 letter anyway. Maybe top 2. X is just so cool. Anyhoo... I'd be rocking those intro licks out loud everywhere I went if my name was Susie Q. Now I wanna watch Lebowski down in Lodi, which is like 100 miles from here I think. It's in Cali right? Idk. I'm pretty lazy and not very good at Geography either.. Later!

",1515799744,12/01/2018 23:29 7991678,3705389878,

John Mccstain has turned out to be one of the worst people America has ever produced.
His entire life has been a giant clusterfawk.
FAW - Q mccain.

,1515803680,13/01/2018 00:34 7994334,3705412955,


,1515805040,13/01/2018 00:57 7994810,3705726394,"

Great Q. I'm in the same boat and darn glad to have the reduction in taxes. The cut for me will be over $5,000 per year.

",1515827983,13/01/2018 07:19 7973158,3705813832,

That was a rhetorical Q.

,1515836734,13/01/2018 09:45 7994766,3705981237,"

Graham demonstrates how the left has controlled the narrative. He adopts the language of the left, using 'diversity' on Q. No wonder, it was Lindsey Graham who recently testified on behalf of the character of New Jerseys corrupt Democrat senator Bob Menendez. In addition to corruption Menendez was known to favor the youngest and newest underage prostitutes. If Mitch McConnell had a decent bone in his body he would force Lindsey Graham to retire.

",1515849277,13/01/2018 13:14 7994766,3706053885,

So Lindsey did u hear him say that? or are u talking the word of liar... who is noted for fabricating stuff make himself look good.. regardless was great description of those places and why hell are we not taking ppl from productive countries to support our labor market which needs skilled labor not welfare labor.. and so the reason for comment from Dicky Durbin distract from Q of where ppl should come from..

,1515853098,13/01/2018 14:18 7994526,3706361561,"

Dick Durbin contradicts himself on comments he made in 2010!

And, in other breaking news, Gene Q. Whipplewart had a quarter-pound burger and scrambled eggs for brunch.

Details at eleven....

",1515866650,13/01/2018 18:04 7994342,3706382622,"

That's not an A to my Q. I read the book, so?

",1515867595,13/01/2018 18:19 7994750,3706449425,"

Todd is a Globalist scumbag like the rest at MSNBC

Follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole and see how deep it goes.


",1515870623,13/01/2018 19:10 7994750,3706452159,"


",1515870749,13/01/2018 19:12 7996934,3706456132,"

What is about to come out is so bad, people are too scared to release it all at once for fear of public panic and unrest.

So it is coming out slowly.

It started last night.

Assange's latest tweets echo Q. The black gambit has failed, and the game is nearly won.

",1515870927,13/01/2018 19:15 7996934,3706642283,"

Every time Q fizzles out, something seems to happen... I'm not sure how I feel about the situation.

",1515879042,13/01/2018 21:30 7996822,3706817678,"

IT IS HITTING THE FAN FOLKS! Julian Assange is now an Ecuadorian DIPLOMAT with Diplomatic IMMUNITY and can now travel freely, and State Dept keeping mum!
I wondered WHY Wikileaks retweeted their old post on Clinton Haiti Corruption pay-for-play this morning:
Qanon from 8chan said we are in ATTACK mode! Hold onto your hats! It's going DOWN!

",1515888878,14/01/2018 00:14 7996822,3706872526,

Go check out the Q-Anon stuff on youtube....It's pretty interesting!!! Our boy is about to open up a big CAN OF WHOOP ASS!!!!!!!!

,1515892300,14/01/2018 01:11 7996822,3706907387,"

Sessions office is holding 9000 indictments so the Q ANON reports released so far indicate.
We know there are 1000's of yet unnamed indictments, across several states.

",1515894627,14/01/2018 01:50 7997118,3706942734,"

Something does happen. a search on QAnon. there is many videos

",1515897028,14/01/2018 02:30 7996934,3707038878,"

HUGE Qanon drop tonight on 8chan! Mentions this event. Says big week is coming. MSM Conspiracy crap is on the way... media has gone off the rails. He says you and your families are safe. He says the good guys are in control. Stopping in to spread the good news. Trolls and democrat scum, eat a bullet. You are all going down. Suck on my MAGA; you've lost the narrative and no one belives you!

Patriots you know how to find Q. board = Great Awakening. Go get the drop. It's big. That is all.

",1515904646,14/01/2018 04:37 7997030,3707118307,"

God bless President Trump, Q and the American patriots that made them possible. This year, God willing, we will see many globalist crime bosses indicted, sentenced, and jailed or executed for treason, money laundering. perjury, weapons trafficking, material support of terrorism, human and child trafficking, organ trafficking, murder, sexual crimes against children...

",1515913403,14/01/2018 07:03 7997118,3707195619,"

I do not know what happened after I went to that page, one thing led to another and I started reading about Q and the coming storm. I hope to God this is true. Is this what you were referring to?

",1515922089,14/01/2018 09:28 7996934,3707357127,

4 10 20 doesnt represent dates. They represent letters D J T
This means the President is addressing patriots directly on QAnon
And says- You and your family are safe.

,1515933839,14/01/2018 12:43 7996934,3707373621,"

Trump is addressing patriots directly on Q-Anon
4, 10, 20 = D J T

",1515934865,14/01/2018 13:01 7996822,3707377810,"

I believe that in many instances it will be a military trial because it's crime/crimes against America. Both the Clinton's and Mueller fall into that category as well as Obama. The latest info from Q Anon is very shocking as the deep state is fighting back hard, but Q states all is going to plan.

The good news is that Assange was made a citizen of Ecuador on 12th December and has been given Ecuadorian Diplomatic status. That means he can travel thru borders without being checked or detained. He is in Switzerland atm having tweeted a dead man's switch around 1st Jan. And quoting a song called planes and paper ? I would imagine he is on his way to the US or already there under the protection of the President.

",1515935123,14/01/2018 13:05 7994370,3707423466,"

Must admit I find it exhausting. The hissy fit between him and Steve Bannon, was so unnecessary. It was the author of the book, who has admitted he made most of it up as he went along. Yet, what headlines would he generate, if he was to complain about a book, that is negative to him? Then with him giving the media some tit bits, for them to sensationalise, how many books have been sold on the back of Trump's PR campaign for the book, not the publishers PR schedule?

Yet, what was going on at the same time? Is there any truth in the Q Anon stories? Then you have the fact that Congress had to authorise another $81 billion worth of debt, in order to pay the state workers and Government bills, for Christmas. That money runs out shortly and doesn't Washington DC have a mega economic problem, to sort out by the end of January?

There was an article over on Russia Insider, that may or may not interest you and it is based around the question of 'organised chaos'. Plus, another good article over on Zero Hedge, which I have posted the link, but, well worth reading.

Love Him or Loathe Him, Trump Is Liberating Us All From the Empire's Lies
Trump may be everything his critics says he is (except a Russian agent) but he fully exposes how corrupt, venal, and petty the established order is...

The Strange Case Of The Falling Dollar - And What It Means For Gold...

It has been nice chatting to you and so refreshing when you find yourself talking with the adults. No doubt you feel the same when chatting to other posters, who are not running with the soundbite of the week?

",1515937806,14/01/2018 13:50 7997362,3707747058,"

i think trump's people did this for reasons we dont know. #qanon posted ""scare was necessary"" last night and i believe him

",1515951972,14/01/2018 17:46 7999258,3707844717,"

Mr. Durbin was caught in a hypocritical lie? The Democrat Dick was found to have controversially stated something racist as a Senator?

And in other breaking news, Gene Q. Whipplewart had fried chicken for Sunday Dinner.

Details at eleven...

",1515955931,14/01/2018 18:52 7999258,3707854031,"

Antischool drops a new analysis of the latest Q posts. There's big movement behind the scenes.

",1515956320,14/01/2018 18:58 7996346,3707937371,

You must be a Q Anon fan.

,1515959623,14/01/2018 19:53 7998178,3707950908,"

As a ex soldier and friend of a good few who have served in 264 SAS Signal Squadron I find these ads demeaning and designed to drag our forces down. When I joined in the 80s army recruitment consisted of weeding out the weedy, feckless, the abnormal and those with disturbed minds. They wanted tough quick thinking People who could take on any problem and cope with any adversity. I can only assume that the Frankfurt school.lefties mindset has reached our military, and what was the best army in the world will be reduced to some camp It ain't half hot mum cabal unfit for task. Q the European army. Least when the decent in this country finally fight back the snowflake brigade won't be able to stop us.

",1515960169,14/01/2018 20:02 7996262,3707969876,"

Jesus said his church will last forever. Unchangable.
The Q. is, do u believe Jesus ?
Or do u believe sinful bishops?
I and Catholics believe Jesus.
All the sinners and kings and emperors and popes and dictators in the history of the world can’t change the
Roman Catholic Church
started by Jesus.
They’ve tried.

",1515960977,14/01/2018 20:16 7999246,3707979186,


,1515961376,14/01/2018 20:22 7999258,3707989579,

QAnon this morning. Be aware of your surroundings in large crowds.

,1515961818,14/01/2018 20:30 7999866,3708289865,"

Anyone else following all of the videos about Q? It's very strange. Q posts something, then a few days later Trump tweets it? Supposedly, tomorrow is the big day.

",1515977992,15/01/2018 00:59 8000626,3708334605,

QAnon and the deep state

,1515980911,15/01/2018 01:48 8000626,3708403574,

Question is who is Qanon???

,1515985515,15/01/2018 03:05 7997118,3708561021,"

The corruption is so deep everywhere, including high levels.
I just found out that there is what seems to be an intelligence agent (agency) covering the draining of the swamp. It is called Qanon.
Qanon is saying that the army and Trump are together in this. If this is true, then no one is going to be able to stand against Trump. The US Army is the strongest force on this earth. Q also says there are indictments coming this week. I got the impression that all the Hollywood elites being exposed is part of draining the swamp.
There is also a Dr Jerome Corsi, that explains the messages of Q.
If you want to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet. Very intriguing.

",1516000776,15/01/2018 07:19 7999258,3708575211,

Ever notice the sponsored stories on the side of the news? It's all full of lies and deceit. Well after reading the Q posts on YouTube I'm thinking all of MSM is full of lies and deceit.

,1516002042,15/01/2018 07:40 7996934,3708931970,

you find find some answers at #qanon. Things are happening quickly.

,1516024868,15/01/2018 14:01 7999866,3708963542,"

Another 8 million in a slush fund, Deutsche Bank. #Qanon

",1516026215,15/01/2018 14:23 7993614,3709070862,

Anyone know how to post on 8chan? I wanna get involved in some Q anon research.

,1516030436,15/01/2018 15:33 8002862,3709304873,"

Got censored for saying M U T T instead of Mitt, the soup Nazi's down at D I S Q U S can s_uck my N- U- T- S-

",1516038734,15/01/2018 17:52 8002894,3709503383,"

No, I don't know what time it is, but it's almost checkmate according to Assange and Q. Let's see.

",1516045954,15/01/2018 19:52 8001706,3709518904,"

QAnon says Soros is already in that special place. I feel certain that must be GITMO. His assets in the US were frozen under the Trump EO against trafficking and related organizations. I have no doubt this was written before that or by a loyalist, as Soros is himself out of commission.

",1516046535,15/01/2018 20:02 8000814,3709667063,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....DIG IN!!

",1516052514,15/01/2018 21:41 8002862,3709671805,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....Please watch and get informed!!

",1516052735,15/01/2018 21:45 7999246,3709673804,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....Please get informed on this information!!

",1516052826,15/01/2018 21:47 8002894,3709675067,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....Please go to past posts by Q-Anon as well!!

",1516052883,15/01/2018 21:48 8002878,3709677487,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will start the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....Please get informed on this!! GREAT NEWS!!!

",1516052996,15/01/2018 21:49 8000626,3709679295,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON. This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....DIG IN!! We are about to see ORANGE JUMPSUITS!!!

",1516053079,15/01/2018 21:51 7997870,3709681480,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON! This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....DIG IN!!

",1516053181,15/01/2018 21:53 7998426,3709684960,"

PEOPLE ON BREITBART: PLEASE GET INFORMED ON Q-ANON! This will get the ball rolling as it's an update to the last several months of information coming from the White House about what is about to happen to the Globalist/Deep State TRAITORS IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD....DIG IN!! Get ready, you're about to see what we've been waiting for!!!

",1516053342,15/01/2018 21:55 8002418,3709688304,"

Watch Dr Jerome Corsi analysis of the recent Q annon postings on the Hagmann Report. They are exposing the deep state, connecting the dots. Very interesting analysis Of Obama sending over Billions in cash to Iran. Why was cash sent, don't know how many planes were sent. How did they get it entered into the banking system? States money probably ended up in the hands of terrorists all over the world. States the constitutional Republic is hanging by a thread. The deep state is trying to take American down.

",1516053500,15/01/2018 21:58 8002862,3709696148,"

I just tried it, it worked. If it doesn't work, this information is taking off like a tomahawk, go to youtube and look up ""Q-Anon""...Start digesting this information...IT'LL LIFT YOUR SPIRITS AND I will go out on a limb after doing 2 months of research into this THAT IT'S THE REAL DEAL!!! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!

",1516053878,15/01/2018 22:04 7998426,3709699359,"

WEIRD, HUH? I just tried it and it worked. If it doesn't, just go youtube: ""Q-Anon""...I can't sit here and explain it to you, to long, but I PROMISE THAT ONCE YOU GET INTO IT....IT'LL LIFT YOUR SPIRITS...WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE ORANGE JUMPSUITS and the TRAITORS are going to be in them!!!

",1516054036,15/01/2018 22:07 8002670,3709699381,"

His campaign song MUST be ""Goodbye Horses"" by Q Lazarus.

At his democratic announcement party he has to do the mangina dance.

",1516054037,15/01/2018 22:07 8000226,3709751295,

long live Qanon... hope he's right about the near future.

,1516056261,15/01/2018 22:44 8000814,3709763288,

The average I Q in the chamber continues to go up.

,1516056870,15/01/2018 22:54 8003622,3709791082,"

Well, empty and discouraging until they manage to sneak out a thumb drive full of dirt that can easily be used to blackmail people with ease and relative safety via Crypto currencies. Twitter itself would be the Golden Mark to blackmail, although they likely have the best resources to track the blackmailer(s), aside from Big Brother, of course. Simply letting it be known for sure that these hundreds of scumbags working in Twitter boiler rooms (aka""Engineers"") not only see, but have been stealing, everyone's private data would wreck Twitter's public trust factor, and likely the stock valuation as well.

Also of interest: On Saturday, Q said ""Goodbye@Jack"" , presumably referring to Jack Dorsey

",1516058324,15/01/2018 23:18 8004734,3709791689,"

The ""meeting"" with trump was a setup by Dicky Douche and the Dems to kickoff
their campaign. The clear message, no more women, no more poor, we are all in
for illegal aliens, the DACA system workers, and any low Q foreigner who won't
question them.

",1516058354,15/01/2018 23:19 8001706,3709809225,

follow qanon for updates.

,1516059280,15/01/2018 23:34 8001706,3709892008,

According to QAnon this guys supposed to be in GITMO

,1516063661,16/01/2018 00:47 8005210,3709965931,"

As if I have not incited the People to make a physical Stand against the Darkness, here I go again. The Liberal States have already been handing out Driver's Licenses for a while now. SSA has been issuing SSNs for illegal children for being denied public services for not having a SSN. HHS has been signing up illegals and legal immigrants to vote for God knows how long. The Mexican Consulates are paid to help all the illegals further game the system. This has been a total sell out of the American People since the WWII War Production Board granted Mexican farm workers entry into the USA under the Bracero Program and let them stay after the War.

Look at what has been going on and where it is coming from. At this point, it is from the wealthy elite and the political hacks in DC. Laws have proven not to stop this and now we can plainly see that neither the Constitution of the United States nor the power of the Vote can stop it. This tantamount to treason against the American People.

"".--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ""
-----Declaration of Independence - Our last vestige of hope in this Nation

What happens to these ""Shadow People"" who work those ""jobs that Americans are too lazy to do"" come out of the wood work by the tens of millions with all the rights of Citizenship? Do you think for one instance that they are going to be happy and complacent with those low paying labor jobs? No a fat chance. They are going to be demanding higher pay and better jobs. They will be demanding skilled labor jobs and training. They will be taking the transportation industry jobs in trucking, rail, air, buses, and cabs, They will demand blue collar managerial jobs. They will demand government postings. Blacks, move out of the way. They are coming for your Postal Service jobs. They will demand Union jobs. They will demand Latino Affirmative Action appointments to high government positions, CEOs and Boards of Regents. They will get all of this because we have allowed a lawless President, greedy ultra-wealthy elitist and anti-American Liberal scum to enable these foreign usurpers to become relevant. Where will you, John Q. Citizen, fit into this New World?

",1516067788,16/01/2018 01:56 8003254,3709979127,"

Saturday, Q posted ""Goodbye @Jack""

Defrauding advertisers is going to be a huge issue. Twitter selling advertising based on what are admitted to be fake statistics constitutes fraud. BassProShops/Cabelas alone spends millions per year on Twitter. Their target audience they are paying to hit is exactly what these Twitter scumbags admit to faking the statistics for.

",1516068583,16/01/2018 02:09 8001706,3710034543,

Follow qanon posts. Dont fall for this fake news

,1516072071,16/01/2018 03:07 8005854,3710083745,"

Question for the Q followers. Have you ever thought that Q may be a counter op to have Trumpers go along with the Special Counsel Investigation? Feed the cattle a line that will keep them docile and deluded while buying time to complete the planned black hat coup. We are seeing an amazing game being played that is move, counter move and counter to the counter move.

Just watching from the stands reading the signals, false signals and diversions. I have long past being concerned or upset. It is in many ways futile to expend ones emotional and intellectual energy. I can say though, sitting back and watching the chess pieces being moved with such precision and camaflouged intent is beyond entertaining.

One thing I do get. This is no ordinary game of chess. Propably the most extraordinary game in my lifetime.

",1516075745,16/01/2018 04:09 8005854,3710084847,

What is Q? Is that the redacted names documents with the Q inserted in their place?

,1516075837,16/01/2018 04:10 8004614,3710096973,

Trust Sessions -- Q Anon

,1516076890,16/01/2018 04:28 8005146,3710186764,"

When Q said that a storm is coming, I prayed that he/ they were right.
Now they say that the storm has arrived, I hope that they are right.
Showdown is long overdue.
Many have said that Q is a reference to James Bond.
Many have suggested that it is a reference to Star Wars.
I feel it is a reference to the Q - the 4 apostles. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I feel Q is 4 people. All close to Trump and working for Trump.

",1516085569,16/01/2018 06:52 8005306,3710237406,"

Q-Anon: ""4 to 6% of the liberal population are forever lost and will not accept the red pill.""


",1516090434,16/01/2018 08:13 8005134,3710247114,"

I just read a blurb on Calm Before The Storm that people should NOT post photos of their children on either Facebook or Twitter. Those images can be sold (may have already been sold) to pedophiles. How dirty is TWITTER? They admit they sell images!!! All kinds of images. So it's not just the pornophiles who willing post their body parts, it's also the proud parents who grandly expose their children to those same kind of perverts.

GOODBYE @JACK (Q-Anon on 1-15-18)

",1516091301,16/01/2018 08:28 8005134,3710252816,"

I doubt they are laughing. The FCC isn't, I can guarantee you that. What legal moves will the government make against ""GOODBYE @JACK"" of Twitter? How legally exposed is Zuckerberg and Facebook given the 12/21/17 Executive Order? You can read that on the White House web site. Zuck is a pawn. Do you know who his puppet master is? Look up Q-Anon.

",1516091817,16/01/2018 08:36 8005134,3710257281,"

You are probably too young or brain dead to remember when the MSM actually were involved in INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING in the distant past, but now that is what the alternative media does and it's shocking to the unintelligent that real journalism is back.

You should know that the MSM are puppets and you have no idea who is pulling their strings. You might try to do a little investigating yourself to find out some things. Look up Q-Anon. Take the RED PILL.

",1516092230,16/01/2018 08:43 8007746,3710687470,"

You are punishing law abiding citizens for the actions of one , what ever happened to grandfathering them in in . And just making it illegal to purchase new ones with out improved regulations. You are going to turn John Q citizen into felons for not following an Illegal order. Remember it was the ATF that approved these devices to begin with , and a strong rubberband and will do exactly the same thing are you going to have all rubber bands turned in as well.

",1516112455,16/01/2018 14:20 8007766,3710972445," Q A-non Woke Me Up . Com//////////////// Get down that rabbit hole. The truth shall set you free. Follow the maps.

",1516122936,16/01/2018 17:15 7998382,3710981204," Q Anon Woke Me Up......... It is time for you to run down the rabbit hole and catch up. Follow the maps.....

",1516123240,16/01/2018 17:20 8005958,3710989550," they have evidence.....Follow the rabbit down the hole.....Follow the maps......They have indicted the first crook involved with Uranium One. They are going down.

",1516123530,16/01/2018 17:25 8005958,3710991347,

Another one afraid she is going to jail. Q said listen to the ones who scream the loudest this week.

,1516123592,16/01/2018 17:26 8007766,3711145143,

Who is Q?

,1516128994,16/01/2018 18:56 8007850,3711205879,"

From the senate hearing document: Pg. 299, lines 1-13

Q. Did you reach any conclusions based on
your review of his tax bills? I think you
mentioned that in connection with trying to assess
either financial connections or his financial
standing. Did you reach any conclusions with
regard to either of those?
A. Yes. I concluded -- we concluded that his
statements about what individual properties were
worth were greatly exaggerated and at odds with the
information that he'd supplied, you know, in legal
filings with tax authorities and other records,
corporate records.
Q. Did any of that indicate anything that
showed a connection to Russia or the Russian
government or Russian officials or Russian
A. Not that I can recall.

",1516131139,16/01/2018 19:32 8010599,3711329529,

i somewhat agree - William Hague ought to be careful about his choice of colour of trousers what with his record of running with boys! And then there's the Q of who owns Mr Werrity the Fox!

,1516135444,16/01/2018 20:44 8009181,3711337060,"

all reaching a climax soon- starting Wed with the Fake News Awards. Soon Assange will be unloading on the Clintons, Mueller, Comey and the whole gang. If you want to know more visit Q-Anon otherwise it will come as one mighty surprise

",1516135722,16/01/2018 20:48 8005854,3711369110,"

The coming weeks will not be easy for you, sweetie.
Do you have a reliable support system? I mean, besides the Nickel-A-Post gig?
You're not a Cutter, are you? Have you heard of Q?


",1516136919,16/01/2018 21:08 8009181,3711406756,"

Distraction, Distraction, Distraction.....What they should be telling US all about is that OUR FEARLESS LEADER DONALD TRUMP is telling us allllll about the DEEP STATE/ILLUMINATI/GLOBAL CABEL in the Q-ANON LEAKS to 4 and 8 Chan....GO LOOK THAT UP ON YOUTUBE AND HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN!!!!
This is the year that we take back our country or die trying.

",1516138384,16/01/2018 21:33 8011314,3711411050,"

Please President Trump and WH Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, revoke CNN's press passes and give them to Joe Six Pack and Susie Q. Public as they are ""the press"" that the Founders/Framers intended in the First Amendment. No more for-profit Corporations getting special privilege and access!

",1516138561,16/01/2018 21:36 8010684,3711417649,"

it's not to hard, you just have to understand, that he is talking to liberals, with the I Q of a mentally challenged, Somalin

",1516138824,16/01/2018 21:40 8009181,3711438339,"


",1516139665,16/01/2018 21:54 8009181,3711441865,"

Lorraine, I'm going to give you some inside scoop. I'm about to blow your mind to something that 99% of the drones on here do not even know is happening. OUR FEARLESS PRESIDENT is telling us all about what he's about to bring to light and I mean EVERYTHINNG!!! Things that are going to BLOW YOUR MIND!!! Go youtube: ""Q-Anon"" ....Now, you're going to have to DIG DEEP INTO THE INFORMATION, but you're going to thank me, oh, I PROMISE YOU THAT!!!

",1516139808,16/01/2018 21:56 8009181,3711445325,"

Go youtube: ""Q-Anon"" and see what's OUR GREAT PRESIDENT IS GOING TO DO....Trust me, you will HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN!!! (You have to take time and research it through)

",1516139951,16/01/2018 21:59 8011469,3711540468,

The storm rages on. Q.

,1516144126,16/01/2018 23:08 8010684,3711569750,

Judd Apatow may be following Q. There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around that include the Hawaii missile alert.

,1516145579,16/01/2018 23:32 8010354,3711609272,"

It's queer that you forgot Q. Also, S for animal rights.

",1516147630,17/01/2018 00:07 8009744,3711836323,"

""Report: ‘Dreamer’-age Illegals Have Crime Rate Double Young Americans""

""And, in other Breaking News, Eugene Q. Whipplewart had baked salmon and pecan pie for dinner""

Details at eleven...

",1516161137,17/01/2018 03:52 8013249,3712010138,

MMMhm yeah because there's nobody on 4chan with real intel posting stuff? That Q Anon guy(s) was all fake too.

,1516177174,17/01/2018 08:19 8005234,3712411205,

“provide the nation an opportunity to witness a vigorous debate about something very big-picture and conceptual — the “criminalization of Mr. Trump’s politics.”

Joe Q Citizen needs to actually see that this is what is being done. Then the DoJ can hold the perpetrators accountable for their malfeasance.

,1516197966,17/01/2018 14:06 8015309,3712620026,"

deep state in panic

",1516204952,17/01/2018 16:02 8015309,3712626912,"

Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon

Jerome Corsi -
January 17, 2018 -

Nunes to reveal Obama electronic surveillance evidence

",1516205186,17/01/2018 16:06 8015309,3712635089,"


Alex Jones Radio Show

Listen now

Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon

Nunes to reveal Obama electronic surveillance evidence

Jerome Corsi | -
January 17, 2018

Image Credits: Danita Delimont / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Deep State has begun a
counterattack to distance itself from the Fusion GPS dossier in a move
that was predicted by QAnon on Jan. 13.

In a C-Span interview broadcast on Jan. 15, New York Times reporter
Scott Shane, a specialist who reports primarily on the U.S. intelligence
community, argued
the Fusion GPS was a product of Russian intelligence disinformation
designed to mislead the FBI, not a product of Clinton campaign
opposition research that served as the basis for the DOJ obtaining FISA
court approval to conduct electronic surveillance of Donald Trump, his
campaign officials, and top players in the transition team.

QAnon warned in the Jan. 13 post to “be ready” because the mainstream media was coming in a “big way” with a “conspiracy push.”

A thread posted on Twitter by @GalacticRedPill analyzed Shane’s interview with C-Span, commenting:

The premise Shane lays out, as a hypothetical, is that the
dossier and the Neo-McCarthyist hysteria it unleashed against 45 is
actually the product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The conclusion @GalacticRedPill draws is that this shift in strategy by Deep State operatives is a communication from the Clinton and Obama camps to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions that they are willing to make a deal.

With House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes preparing to release proof
the FBI and DOJ used the Fusion GPS dossier to trick the FISA court
into authorizing electronic surveillance of Donald Trump and his top
advisors, the Deep State conspiracy is a plan to deflect Nunes “by
claiming the black hats who did break the law to illegally unmask team
trump were only doing so because they were tricked. is also reporting today that former “high-level” CIA officer Kevin Shipp is warning the Deep State is “terrified” of President Trump.

Shipp says:

They are terrified, they are terrified right now. They did
not expect Trump to do what he is doing now. The reason they tried to
get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable,
and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate
him, and that is exactly what’s happening.

There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now…

Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government. He’s rocking that place left and right. The
news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to
attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just
dirty pool because they want him taken out.

Shipp concludes: “Trump’s making tremendous progress despite
tremendous resistance. They have already done a character assassination
on him, and I think they could go further than that. Trump is making
progress, and he has them running scared.

",1516205464,17/01/2018 16:11 8015184,3713004181,"

AMAZING Breibart can transcript 80 Q from a press conference, but not the answers !!
Incredible that the (biased) media cannot find a source of their own to deny/veriffy racial slurs at the WT...

",1516217801,17/01/2018 19:36 8014459,3713057528,"

As Qanon says

""They put their symbolism everywhere they do not even try to hide it""

",1516219773,17/01/2018 20:09 8015309,3713074337,"


Boca Vista
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!#JeffBezos of #Amazon donated $33 Million to send 1000 #Dreamers to college for free

While 600+ of his employees in Ohio are on FOOD STAMPS

😡@realDonaldTrump #Trump #MAGA #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #AmericaFirst #WattersWorld #JudgeJeanine #Gutfeld

4:03 PM - Jan 13, 2018

",1516220412,17/01/2018 20:20 8015754,3713139304,"

if John/Jane Q. Citizen harbors a fugitive from justice, their fannies are in a big sling.

but if John/Jane Q. Politician/Govt Official harbors hundreds or thousands of fugitives...?

",1516222594,17/01/2018 20:56 8017369,3713156424,

Gosh. When does a B decide that she is an L? And doesn't that just make her a G anyway? And isn't there at least a brief stop thru Q on the way?

,1516223249,17/01/2018 21:07 8007510,3713156622,

The storm is starting to make all the rinorats nervous. Q.

,1516223256,17/01/2018 21:07 8017494,3713179829,

The storm is making the establishment cranks shithole themselves. Q.

,1516224167,17/01/2018 21:22 8017494,3713245533,"

Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon

Nunes to reveal Obama electronic surveillance evidence

Jerome Corsi | -
January 17, 2018

Image Credits: Danita Delimont / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Deep State has begun a
counterattack to distance itself from the Fusion GPS dossier in a move
that was predicted by QAnon on Jan. 13.

In a C-Span interview broadcast on Jan. 15, New York Times reporter
Scott Shane, a specialist who reports primarily on the U.S. intelligence
community, argued
the Fusion GPS was a product of Russian intelligence disinformation
designed to mislead the FBI, not a product of Clinton campaign
opposition research that served as the basis for the DOJ obtaining FISA
court approval to conduct electronic surveillance of Donald Trump, his
campaign officials, and top players in the transition team.

QAnon warned in the Jan. 13 post to “be ready” because the mainstream media was coming in a “big way” with a “conspiracy push.”

A thread posted on Twitter by @GalacticRedPill analyzed Shane’s interview with C-Span, commenting:

The premise Shane lays out, as a hypothetical, is that the
dossier and the Neo-McCarthyist hysteria it unleashed against 45 is
actually the product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The conclusion @GalacticRedPill draws is that this shift in strategy by Deep State operatives is a communication from the Clinton and Obama camps to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions that they are willing to make a deal.

With House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes preparing to release proof
the FBI and DOJ used the Fusion GPS dossier to trick the FISA court
into authorizing electronic surveillance of Donald Trump and his top
advisors, the Deep State conspiracy is a plan to deflect Nunes “by
claiming the black hats who did break the law to illegally unmask team
trump were only doing so because they were tricked. is also reporting today that former “high-level” CIA officer Kevin Shipp is warning the Deep State is “terrified” of President Trump.

Shipp says:

They are terrified, they are terrified right now. They did
not expect Trump to do what he is doing now. The reason they tried to
get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable,
and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate
him, and that is exactly what’s happening.

There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now…

Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government. He’s rocking that place left and right. The
news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to
attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just
dirty pool because they want him taken out.
Shipp concludes: “Trump’s making tremendous progress despite
tremendous resistance. They have already done a character assassination
on him, and I think they could go further than that. Trump is making
progress, and he has them running scared.”

",1516226930,17/01/2018 22:08 8009989,3713277187,"

I have an Audi Q 5, made in Mexico, it's great, and selling like hotcakes

",1516228417,17/01/2018 22:33 8017494,3713342052,"

Chill with the Q peoples waiting for the Fake News Awards :)

",1516231768,17/01/2018 23:29 8013364,3713357684,"

The DEMON - RATS need every bit of help they can get ot block anything POTUS TRUMP wants. They seem to have a problem with loosing voters to REPUBLICANS. I wonder why ????????????
All of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are in this US of A ILLEGALLY, NEED TO BE TOSSED OUT. //////////// THAT WOULD FREE UP THE SCHOOLS FOR AMERICAN BORN STUDENTS, who don't seem to be able to obtain enough funding to put themselves through school.
The ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS get free this - free that and free the other thing.
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN doesn't stand a chance with all this FREE STUFF going to the ILLEGL IMMIGRANTS. ///////////////////////// SEND THEM BACK HOME to try and get an education in their own country fro FREE. /////////////////////////////

",1516232618,17/01/2018 23:43 8015309,3713412657,"

The LIBERALS are always in a tisy, they have no agenda or anything to push as a selling point for the 2018 election. ////////////////////////
Listen to the NEWS FAKE MEDIA, they will tell you the ** POLLS ** are saying this that and the other thing about the up coming 2018 mid terms elections. ////// WELL FOLKS, the polls were wrong in 2016. ///////////////// JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN didn't want any more of the DEMON - RATS and especially HILLARY BABE. //////////////////////////////

",1516235668,18/01/2018 00:34 8020324,3713624329,

No one knows what President trump has up his sleeve. I personally believe that Q is on the money and Trump is well aware of what Q is saying.

,1516249232,18/01/2018 04:20 8018174,3713684876,"

No one with a healthy conscience could work for Apple -- it's stolen technology. Sorry MAGA folks, do some research about Apple. Perhaps President Trump doesn't know, but I had to say it. Maybe he does know and has Q plans. I don't know. We'll see.

",1516254529,18/01/2018 05:48 8019144,3713713147,"

For you Q anons:

",1516257371,18/01/2018 06:36 8020489,3713738828,"

It's time Conservatives reevaluate their unrestricted fondness for police. Especially after watching the several Trump supporter / antifa riots, caused by police ""just following orders"" then ""standing down"".

Police Malfeasance

The left hates them, the right, largely very supportive, yet the police follow orders to start a riot and withhold support from those that support them most. That's crazy. Are there legal orders to cause a riot?

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.” Teddy Roosevelt.

Why doesn't Conservative media regularly discuss bad cops? Bad cops hurt everyone, from fellow officers to John and Jane Q. Public, to our Constitutional Rights. A good cop that knows bad cops that are doing bad things is a bad cop.

Sherrif and 20 Deputies Arrested

Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal

Few Conservatives Take Police Abuses Seriously

It’s Time for Conservatives to Stop Defending Police

You Don’t Have To Be Black Lives Matter To Support Police Accountability

Why Cops Get Awat With Rape

Sexual Violence and the State: 15 U.S. Cops in the News for Sex Crimes ""This Week""

Police State Roundup! What's with cops and sex crimes, killing dogs & terrorizing kids while they're at school?

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

""He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."" Martin Luther King

""Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, then that good men should look on and do nothing."" --John Stuart Mill

“I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed,”: Jonathan Swift
",1516259885,18/01/2018 07:18 8021134,3713855053,

Everyone is being played. They are buying time. Diverting supporters from demanding an end to the inquesition. Cobb is either a fool or working for the other side. Qanon is suspect also as a psy ops to string the Trump supporters along as part of the plan to keep preasure from Trump people. Where are all the thousands of indictements Mr. Qanon?

,1516269544,18/01/2018 09:59 8020324,3713874697,"

If he signs an EO, some corrupt federal judge will just block it.

(Also, Q.:

During eight years of the Obama Administration, why didn't the RNC figure out they could stop Obama by judge-shopping a case?)

",1516271063,18/01/2018 10:24 8021289,3714070167,

Time to find the money That's why Q says to everyone follow the money!
Its the money that makes them
Its the money that Takes them out.


,1516281487,18/01/2018 13:18 8021289,3714072657,"

Time to find the money? That's why Q says to everyone follow the money!
Its the money that makes them,
Its the money that Takes them out.

All Patriots in the know, should be looking?

",1516281589,18/01/2018 13:19 8021354,3714138183,"

I put a dozen memes on yesterday. I feel great. All made fun of the fake news winners. Thanks Q!

",1516284140,18/01/2018 14:02 8021354,3714219198,

You could just go on Reddit on the CBTS and post so Q could see this very comment. QAnon is in a position to act on it.

,1516287200,18/01/2018 14:53 8021354,3714231538,"

I'd say the two sides of the pyramid are gone. The rogue Saudis are arrested and their assets frozen. Q says so. In the US that money goes right into our treasury once those assets are liquidated. Now it looks like the Clinton/Obama/Soros deep state cabal is getting taken down. The last bit is their media. Once they run out of the Soros money, they will suddenly, overnight, just start to be normal again, like waking up from a bad flu. Like that scene in Lord of the Rings when the frozen King defrosts.

",1516287675,18/01/2018 15:01 8021354,3714235497,"

I'd say the two sides of the pyramid that Q refers to are gone. The rogue Saudis are arrested and their assets frozen. In the US that money goes right into our treasury once those assets are liquidated.

Now the Clinton/Obama/Soros deep state cabal is getting taken down. The last bit is their media. Once they run out of the Soros money, the MSM will suddenly, overnight, just start to be normal again, like waking up from a bad flu. Like that scene in Lord of the Rings when the frozen King defrosts.

Soros is in his ""special place."" It is done. This is it for the cash. Once they spend it, it's all over.

",1516287831,18/01/2018 15:03 8015844,3714293741,"

An expert clearly explains the lefts (including all Q people) exact comparison to Chairman Mao. ""Group think"" and identity politics. That is exactly what Google, Facebook, Twiiter engage in as well. You either think like they do or we will shut you down - shut you down by any means. Even if your a Democrat, this has to scare you. It was on display during the Presidential election, when Trump supporters had to stay silent and were scared to use any semblance of free speech or thought. All the leftist, Mao thugs beating up Trump supporters. Even the polls could not get a straight answer because people did not, and do not trust the media/polls...are they going to burn my house down, spray graffiti on my cars, harass my kids? Very sad where the left has taken this country to.

",1516290026,18/01/2018 15:40 8008353,3714602240,"

Veterans Tell ANTIFA, “Your Threats Can Go To Hell”

The leftist thugs have no idea who they’re messing with

The Alex Jones Show -

January 17, 2018

Kit Cope and Lincoln Osiris join Q Carter and Alex
Jones live in studio to explain how they plan to prepare for an ANTIFA
or Communist uprising in the United States of America.

",1516301030,18/01/2018 18:43 8008353,3714646276,"

Suzie Q, baby I love oh Suzie Q
Wake up, little Suzie, Wake up!

",1516302618,18/01/2018 19:10 8008353,3714682468,"

Suzie Q, nobody likes you.

",1516303975,18/01/2018 19:32 8021569,3714741648,"

Speaking of ignoring flyover country, Breitbart is ignoring the fact that a helicopter carrying the opposition leader Roy Bennett of Zimbabwe crashed in NM killing him, his wife and several others. Q says 7/10 airplane crashes are not accidents. How about the inordinate number of planes being turned around mid flight? One from Denver bound to Hawaii turned back yesterday. Not a peep from Breitbart

",1516306158,18/01/2018 20:09 8026099,3715034613,

We need to be the ones to bring up Q Anon(?). They are giving the intel. Bb is a place for us American lovers. Bb news is not goin to go against clinton family. They all live in the same district in new york.

,1516319445,18/01/2018 23:50 8028139,3715090878,

I've been following Q since the first week of November. :-)

,1516322598,19/01/2018 00:43 8028139,3715183003,"

New Q release tonight....very interesting....scroll down the page.

",1516327849,19/01/2018 02:10 8027169,3715183483,"

And, in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had a salad with beef and chicken, with pumpkin cake for dinner.

Details at eleven...

",1516327878,19/01/2018 02:11 8028139,3715190679,"

Lol. Check out this meme. Fitting since Betty White's B-day was yesterday

",1516328328,19/01/2018 02:18 8028139,3715198735,"

I have seen plenty of theories that Mueller is on Trump's side, not sure. I follow all of the Q posts and that is what he seems to think. Who knows.

",1516328843,19/01/2018 02:27 8028139,3715201539,"

It's all hearsay. Sorry, no MSM or alt media sources, other than infowars saying he was extracted to Switzerland, and QAnon insinuating that he was about to be free and play a major role.

The only real news was Trump lawyers making a legal argument that was a thinly veiled attempt to acquit Assange. I'll see if I can find that.

",1516329027,19/01/2018 02:30 8028139,3715202013,"

qanon on twitter supposedly a trump plant leaking secret info. Hard to tell, but some of his posts are pretty incredible.

",1516329060,19/01/2018 02:31 8028139,3715213755,"

He's at the Pentagon. The official story is discussing the shutdown. The alt media on Twitter, mainly Sundance from the Last Resort has opined that it's really for national security purposes. Q posted the same thing.

Hardly confirmed, but it's kind of interesting that POTUS is at the Pentagon while al of this is going down.

",1516329804,19/01/2018 02:43 8028139,3715218070,"

Know Q?
If so, this is why this story shouldn't worry you.
People who don't believe will just dismiss it, which is perfect ;)

",1516330071,19/01/2018 02:47 8028139,3715234925,

Hmm the link disappeared. One more time. This article could be a False Flag. This was posted by Qanon (possibly) this is after all the internet. The previous posts have been posted prior to the confirmation of its validity. This is just meant to make you ponder the why's...

BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.
KNOW your surroundings.
Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops.
SILENCE [187] - no risk [no capture - dead on arrival].
SILENCE [LV witnesses]?

,1516331201,19/01/2018 03:06 8026054,3715249416,"

Trump may have just fired and jailed some Joint Chiefs of Staff!

Also looks like Adam Schiff is in deep....... state/Schiff

",1516332195,19/01/2018 03:23 8028314,3715263469,


,1516333227,19/01/2018 03:40 8026054,3715274132,"


""MSM coming - BIG WAY""


Was this the false flag attempt #QAnon warned us would occur THIS WEEK?

",1516334019,19/01/2018 03:53 8026804,3715300114,


Source Q Anon Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 00:20:58 No.38

CNBC Bomb Airport?


False Flag Attempt?




,1516336147,19/01/2018 04:29 8029224,3715335059,

QAnon ;)

,1516339163,19/01/2018 05:19 8028139,3715366608,"

Release the bloody memo. Oh, and Q-anon, thank you for your patriotism, whoever you are.

",1516342167,19/01/2018 06:09 8029214,3715389622,

Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to flee the country and failed according to Q. She is outright accused of having Seth Rich murdered. She hired two MS13 gang members to murder Seth and then she had the two MS13 gang members murdered to clean things up.

,1516344381,19/01/2018 06:46 8029214,3715397706,

Go to Youtube and type in Q-Anon... It is like being involved with James Bond. It is the President and a few intelligence agents who are letting us know what they are doing in this war behind the scenes to take down the Deep State not just here but World Wide as well. It is amazing.

,1516345174,19/01/2018 06:59 8029224,3715414782,"

ah the "" wont answer the Q so i can deflect the conversation"" tactic. You guys talk a lot of shiite but never have any real answers

",1516346780,19/01/2018 07:26 8029224,3715434207,

Is anyone doubting Q Anon now?

,1516348524,19/01/2018 07:55 8029214,3715437474,

The CIA Deep State runs Iran and North Korea. Q or Trump released a photo of a North Korean what looks to be a war room where the head of google is looking at their computers with another White guy giving what looks to be some kind of advice. TREASON.

,1516348816,19/01/2018 08:00 8012249,3715493669,"

Yes except that since the 1990 gulf war the one thing the Russians have known they need to overcome is stealth. You think the Syrians fired one s200 and it scored a lucky hit against an Israeli fighter pilot, fine, go ahead and think that. I think looking at what the Russians are doing vs looking at the what the US is doing I see the Russians intently preparing for war and I see the US inventing ways to spend money. It seems to me the F35 is primarily intended to be expensive to buy and expensive to run, its a money making project. I see the Russians and I see a country that knows if it does not win the next war they will cease to exist. For every strong point the US military has Russia has specifically focused on finding a definitive and crushing answer. Q. What it the top speed of a Russian torpedo? Any idea? The US is under 70 knots, what speed do you think the Russians have achieved? This is old tech for them, hypersonic missiles are more like their current tech.

",1516353704,19/01/2018 09:21 8029224,3715498820,

As far as I was aware the EO covered both Human Rights abuses and corruption. What could be more corrupt than to pervert the whole election process itself. There are no coincidences. If you've been following the Q and the storm this has been building for a while. Europe is the 3rd side of the triangle after the US.

,1516354119,19/01/2018 09:28 8029214,3715522699,"

Have you asked even the most basic questions about these ""coincidences not?""

Who else might have even deeper intel connections to these ""coincidences not"" besides Trump hmmmn? Can you think of anyone? Anyone at all?

Also, according to the mighty Q, wasn't the AL senate election supposed to be closely monitored in a ""sting"" to expose and prosecute notorious democrat election fraud against Roy Moore? Tell me, what's the guys name who gets sworn in as the new Senator for AL ?

And ""Defcon 1"" ? from Q days before an ""accidental"" false alarm in Hawaii which is believed to be a gift to Trump from the democrat machine to make him look like a wreckless amatuer?

Q is an obvious psy-op produced as ""hope porn"" for lazy patriots who'd rather believe someone else has it all in hand behind the scenes.

And 4chan / 8chan / pol is an obvious target for this kind of CIA operation. These platforms were instrumental in getting Trump elected and had to be neutralized.

Tell me this, the chans being such high value targets, where and what is the psy-op at the chans if it is not Q ?

",1516355999,19/01/2018 09:59 8029224,3715542724,

Sit on the fence. See if I care. Qanon and the patriots will pick up your slack. Just don't try to take credit when we deliver on our promises.

,1516357510,19/01/2018 10:25 8029214,3715559835,"

Yes maybe through Q level operatives, maybe, but the ""Q-anon"" releases are clumsy psy-op.

",1516358706,19/01/2018 10:45 8029214,3715561844,"

It was dummy and ""Q-anon"" saw it coming as usual. Hmmmn

",1516358843,19/01/2018 10:47 8029214,3715659631,

Qanon has been hinting at this for a month

This is the shoe dropping finally...

The dems and deep state are one and they exist to fight against the good of the American people

Only Trump has the balls and stamina to beat them

God bless trump and the remaining American patriots

Love from this Indian migrant

,1516364493,19/01/2018 12:21 8029214,3715694473,

Drudge is pretty slow these days. Qanon is faster than Drudge.

,1516366091,19/01/2018 12:48 8029214,3715706226,"

I keep trying to find posts by Q Anon, but I guess I'll have to leave it to the kids. A lot of them are throwing off the prog indoctrination and starting to see the real world. That is good for the Nation.

",1516366586,19/01/2018 12:56 8030789,3715733994,"

According to QANON (internal intelligence leaker) Sessions is holding several thousand unnamed sealed indictments.

The first of these indictments, 11 of them released last Friday, named in Hillary's Uranium One associate, as Mark Lambert, a Maryland-based nuclear transportation company.

",1516367745,19/01/2018 13:15 8030789,3715752332,

the cu is ravling. Q is....will russia offr asylum tu the sh|ts? the mum'v all irunies.

,1516368490,19/01/2018 13:28 8030789,3715783475,"

riveting Q and A...

like ""who's on first"" ...

",1516369733,19/01/2018 13:48 8030789,3715784253,

Who is Q and where can I learn more?

,1516369765,19/01/2018 13:49 8030789,3715811659,"

Within 24 hours of the Fake News Awards, Newsweek was raided by investigators & a CNBC crew was arrested! #Qanon #TheStorm #ReleaseTheMemo

Was this the deep state trying to create a diversion from the memo's foiled???

",1516370809,19/01/2018 14:06 8030789,3715856008,"

New #QAnon! The MEMO is ONLY THE BEGINNING! Obama Administration used private E-Mails to discuss Google, North Kor…

",1516372468,19/01/2018 14:34 8030789,3715860461,

QAnon +++
QAnon +++
The BIGGEST Political #Scandal our country has ever seen is about to be exposed.

You know #TheFour on the list:

Hillary Clinton
Loretta Lynch
Barack Obama
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The House will be ROCKED

,1516372619,19/01/2018 14:36 8030789,3715883105,"

Text him some of the info from some youtube vids with no ""political bias"" he can claim such as by Anti School or James Munder. They are young guys who have no party who cover the Clinton corruption and Q drops.

",1516373446,19/01/2018 14:50 8029184,3715924233,"

Wonder if they read Q posts. He called it last week - jail time, even executions for high treason (which must relate to CF related cases). Politicians always grandstand and try to look relevant. they are not. These guys are no different, but glad they AGREE jail time is endgame as Q predicted weeks ago.

The Storm is about to hit.

",1516374817,19/01/2018 15:13 8032359,3715976015,"

The Standard Operating Procedure for a Federal Government shutdown is to make John Q. Public all too aware that the Government has shut down - close down the monuments in DC, etc.
For some reason I don't think Donald Trump will be playing that game. I think Trump will do everything he can to ensure that John Q. Public DOESN'T notice that the Government has shut down.
What this would do would be to put the hurt on Federal Employees (who often belong to Federal Employee Unions who are supporting the Democrats), and it will be the Democrats who will be feeling the pain.

",1516376634,19/01/2018 15:43 8032359,3715978359,"


",1516376715,19/01/2018 15:45 8032359,3715985526,"

Sure,do you know about Q-Anon?

",1516376966,19/01/2018 15:49 8032359,3715993697,"

Remember the reward for the GOP causing a shutdown? They picked up 7 seats in the next election. Sometimes shutdowns are a good thing. As long as John Q Public is behind the reason for the shutdown. In this case, I don't think the public wants amnesty over military.

",1516377244,19/01/2018 15:54 8022184,3716103699,"

I agree with you that some Swedes are totally ignorant or brainwashed, as in many other European countries. There is also voter fraud which is rampant everywhere in the world. Especially if it's a politician who's on board with the NWO agenda. The global elites will get their people in one way or another. I forgot to mention that. Over here in the states, ask Judge Moore how he liked them apples. All I can say right now is that Europe is screwed without a strong America that can show them how to take their countries back. If you've been following Q anon posts, apparently, the U.S. military (along with worldwide help) has cut the strings from the major NWO players and forced many CEO's, politicians out of office. There's a major unseen war happening now and the good guys are winning,...fortunately. You'll be seeing a major take down of elite crooks today and onward. Has already been happening. Lots and lots of flights to Gitmo. Airliners being turned around. Airports losing power for an hour. Upwards of 160 military planes flying around the US the last couple days. Explosions going off. False alarms in Hawaii and Japan to extract NSA data held on secret servers into the mainframe. Etc,...Podestas and possibly Soros in Gitmo. Here's a link to the posts if you want to learn more and share the solid intel. So, there is hope for Sweden and other countries. With the NWO.Global Elites/ Illuminati gone, our world can finally function normally for the first time in several hundred years. I believe this is the year of the great awakening and we will see peace like never before,...real peace. But all criminals must pay dearly for what they have down,....and there are many.

",1516381136,19/01/2018 16:58 8030789,3716164873,

Any time bro. We aren't Q but we're ON Q.
Spread the good word.

,1516383281,19/01/2018 17:34 8032914,3716258855,"

The Schumer wing of the Republican Party.

Juan McCain, Chairperson.

Goober Grahamnesty, the Chairperson's Girl Friday.

Retiring member Liddle Bobby Corker.

Jeff Flake, ranking member until he fades in the sunset in 2019.

Sometime members.

Suzie Q Collins, Cory Gardner, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, Lamar Alexander, Ben Sasse

",1516385816,19/01/2018 18:16 8028314,3716314731,"

If you've been following Q Anon, you know that these traitors have begged for prosecution deals and they have all been rejected.

Obama, The Clinton's, Comey, Mueller et al, are going down.

Give it time.

",1516387829,19/01/2018 18:50 8031319,3716409343,

Almost all these Senators are crooks. They almost all go up to DC with little money and poof in a few years they are millionaires. Q says the Senators are all rich. How????? The rich ones get even richer.....

,1516391413,19/01/2018 19:50 8032359,3716449800,"

We'll soon find out won't we? NO domocrap is truthworthy or ""independent."" They march in lockstep like the Nazis they are. The truth always comes out and it's just getting started now. The storm is here - QAnon is right.

",1516393024,19/01/2018 20:17 8029214,3716468200,

Fake news! The so called 'Russians' are Americans on 4Chan and 8Chan who are following Q. They have been planning the Twitter meme war for a week.

,1516393751,19/01/2018 20:29 8030889,3716499965,"

They don't really care about them or anyone but themselves. They're ""useful idiots"" who will keep the democraps/NWO peeps in power. That's been their plan all along but God and Pres Trump have halted that. #TheStormIsHere. Search QAnon and get fantastic insider info. MAGA

",1516395024,19/01/2018 20:50 8032359,3716520079,"

New Q Post 1-19-2018
""Remember THIS DAY.""
#QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo

",1516395850,19/01/2018 21:04 8032359,3716524153,"

You might like this
New Q Post 1-19-2018
""Remember THIS DAY.""
#QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo

",1516396019,19/01/2018 21:06 8032359,3716606007,"

Good post by Q on that. Love following that thread, not sure all is true, but very thought provoking.

",1516398781,19/01/2018 21:53 8032359,3716620996,"

Qanon Q calls out CHuck Schumer in latest post as well as msm mockingbirds #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #releasethememo

",1516399509,19/01/2018 22:05 8024069,3716631852,"

I gave up movies when it was revealed that a race of heathens were all we have for entertainers...(with the exception of a few). They expect John Q Public to pay to watch them pretend to be real people, when they are really puppets...dancing to the fiddler.
Meanwhile, they're all in line, waiting to win that shiny little statue made from recycled tin cans. If they win the tin can, they paste on a smile and take hundreds of pictures...if not, they start preparing to try out for next year's tin can. They have such fun...they're not even aware that they are disgusting unpatriotic twits. TV is equally as repulsive...I cancelled my cable and installed an air antenna to get local channels only. All I no cost.

",1516400045,19/01/2018 22:14 8033009,3716633573,"

Pho Q, Jemele. You take racist to a whole new whiny 😫 level. The term k - u - nt best describes you.

",1516400131,19/01/2018 22:15 8029214,3716671003,"

The House of Cards is about to fall. Trust me, according to Q-Anon (Go youtube it) this is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG!! Were talking about massive pedophile rings, bribery, corruption ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE....Your ""Conservative"" Rhino's are about to get leveled also....

",1516402090,19/01/2018 22:48 8032359,3716671061,

Q: “CS will live in fear from today forward.” 1-19-2018



,1516402092,19/01/2018 22:48 8032359,3716674666,

Who DO?... Q DO !!!...

,1516402283,19/01/2018 22:51 8032239,3716677522,"

The DEMON - RATS are in for a wild ride on this one. /////////////// Chucky ** BOY ** has taken them down that MERRY TRAIL again, just like the NEWS FAKE MEDIA told everyone on that fateful night in NOvember that Hillary Babe was the winner, bu9t, had to eat their words as the night wore on, with the Electoral College voting for POTUS ELECT TRUMP to win that fateful night.
The DEMON - RATS have been trying, ever sense, to unseat, a DULY ELECTED, by JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN , President ELECT DONALD J. TRUMP., to no avail, but, they ju9st keep trying any stunt they can to pu9sh TRUMP out of office.
Now the whole wild scene has changed, a whole bunch, with EVIDENCE , Hillary Babe, bought and paid for the DOSSIER to toss the RUSSIAN - TRUMP COLLUSION to the top and pu9sh TRUMP out of office in that manner, but, that didn't work either,
///////////////////////////////// HEADS, AND BIG ONES AT THAT, NEED TO ROLL ON THIS ONE
This makes the WATER GATE break IN, into that office building in Washington D / C, while Nixon was POTUS, look like child' s play.
This is major corruption at the highest levels of GOVERNMENT.
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN has a right to know who is involved in this whole corruption mess.

",1516402433,19/01/2018 22:53 8032359,3716679074,"

The latest from Q post. Read. Understand what the deep state and the entrenched politicians have been doing to our country! No more!

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.











This is more important than you can imagine.

",1516402515,19/01/2018 22:55 8032359,3716683063,

Who DO?... Q DO !!!... Q DO !!!...


,1516402723,19/01/2018 22:58 8032359,3716683620,

What’s Q saying now? I can’t understand that guy. ;-)

,1516402751,19/01/2018 22:59 8029214,3716704792,"

Me too. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. If you don't know about Q-Anon, go youtube it and research it...It is OUR PRESIDENT INFORMING US ABOUT WHAT'S ACTUALLY GOING ON AND WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN REGARDING ... EVERYTHING!!!!

",1516403893,19/01/2018 23:18 8032359,3716707346,

Who DO?... Q DO... Q DO...


,1516404036,19/01/2018 23:20 8029214,3716708909,"

I as well! That Q-Anon information is some inside scoop that President Trump is giving out to the public. You have to spend some time to understand the totality of it all, so dive into it. Trust me, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES!! Our President is the REAL DEAL!!

",1516404126,19/01/2018 23:22 8032359,3716716315,

WHO DO?... Q DO...

,1516404547,19/01/2018 23:29 8032359,3716718416,

WHO DO?... Q DO... Q DO....

,1516404664,19/01/2018 23:31 8017494,3716724134,"

The Trump dossier is not PHONY. Much of it has already been proven and what hasn't been proven in the dossier is being abundantly proven by email chains in which Don Jr. is salivating so hungrily over getting DIRT ON HILLARY DIRECT FROM MOSCOW, he's willing to host meetings w/Russian informants RIGHT INSIDE TRUMP TOWER NYC.

Glenn Simpson is standing behind his hiring of Christopher Steele to produce the Trump dossier and Steele, its author, is standing behind the dossier although he can call on fewer of his Russian sources to back him up since SEVERAL RUSSIANS have been executed over this dossier.

Just how do you explain Steve Bannon evading the House Intelligence Committee's questions by supposedly honoring the Executive Privilege invoked by the White House in order to land himself a private Q & A interview w/Special Counsel Robert Mueller?

",1516404989,19/01/2018 23:36 8032359,3716831115,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516411366,20/01/2018 01:22 8032359,3717007380,

This is twitter right now. It has essentially been taken over by the gop. #ReleaseTheTranscripts #ReleasetheMemos #LockThemAllUp #SchumerShutdown #QAnon #TheStormHasArrived #DeepState

,1516422986,20/01/2018 04:36 8032359,3717065432,

The left knows we got something. #QAnon


,1516428153,20/01/2018 06:02 8032359,3717085402,"

Not long before Breitbart gets better. Based on the Q stuff, it sounds like serious info is about to come out and heads are about to roll. Coverage will be much better when that starts officially :).

",1516430211,20/01/2018 06:36 8032359,3717125578,"

Everyone on Reddit is following Q Anon, you moron.

",1516434406,20/01/2018 07:46 8032359,3717225626,"

Ja, you bet. The Democrats are being revealed as the Shysters they are. President Trump's plan is eminently reasonable and they aren't having any of it. I have a houseful of likely Illegals next to me here in Holland, Michigan. They all work, I think, except the kids. They keep to themselves. They aren't a problem, keep the yard up fairly well, and are very quiet. My wife's young co-worker's husband is one and his papers have expired. He is worried about being deported. He set up my wife's wireless printer for us. Nice kid. We need hardworking Christian immigrants like him and many of his compatriots. Trump's plan ending the ridiculous chain migration, E-Verify-so important and No Visa lottery, is fair. For the Democrats to object is outrageous. He is only going to get rid of the Criminal element. He would be like Solomon to the Hispanics if he can find an equitable solution. The Democrats and the Zealots who voted for them are tearing this country apart. It is happening to every single family. I am only nominally religious but there is no way Donald Trump could have risen to this position without Divine intervention. Thx. Q.

",1516444043,20/01/2018 10:27 8036239,3717453254,"

""Dirty Mouth"" Perez is a good example of the anti Trump loosers. Anyone with an I Q higher than celery can see or hear the false accusations immediately. He is only pleasing the Dumbocrats.

",1516457286,20/01/2018 14:08 8032359,3717494170,

chuck shoemer will live in fear from today forward. Q.

,1516459182,20/01/2018 14:39 8038375,3717613843,"

Link to all Q Anon posts.

",1516464439,20/01/2018 16:07 8030789,3717631272,

Release the Memo and start a real investigation now!!!
Why doesn't Breitbart cover QANON? I could care less about government shutdowns--that's a vacation for taxpayers and a idiotic distraction from the real news.

,1516465181,20/01/2018 16:19 8038867,3717645058,"

Well said. They obviously have not read Q posts and thus are ignorant. Q just said:

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


",1516465761,20/01/2018 16:29 8037555,3717803132,"

On twit:

They can shut down the government, but they can't stop the storm!


",1516472432,20/01/2018 18:20 8037555,3717815081,"

Hey, our Audi Q 5 was made in Mexico. Lots of liberals drive them.

",1516472977,20/01/2018 18:29 8037555,3717837505,

BREAKING: Q is reporting clearance has been given for the memo. It's close!

,1516474032,20/01/2018 18:47 8037555,3717838275,

Where does Q report?

,1516474071,20/01/2018 18:47 8037555,3717859325,"

I would expect Schumer to be showcased somewhere in the memo. For those who follow Q the last post yesterday read:
""CS [Chuck Schumer] will live in fear from today forward.
Thank you for visiting the WH.""

We wait and see.

",1516475078,20/01/2018 19:04 8037555,3717875856,"


#QAnon #breadcrumbs 1/19/18
Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others?
Read the #Memo.
Release coming.
Final clearance underway.
Make sure to learn Russian.
#ReleaseTheMemo #FISAGate #TheStorm

",1516475873,20/01/2018 19:17 8039295,3717907906,

i did however manage to put the Q and EY's answer in though!

,1516477390,20/01/2018 19:43 8035279,3717919661,

I would venture to say there is more than 62 million member s JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZENS who are ready to throttle the DEMON - RATS and the BABBLING BAPHOON CHUCKY ** BOY ** SCHUMER. ///////////////////////////////////

,1516477895,20/01/2018 19:51 8040151,3718071296,

4 to 6% of the brainwashed population cannot be saved.
Q-Anon 8Chan.

,1516485518,20/01/2018 21:58 8039767,3718078314,

And Trump has seen his closet. Do you follow Q? He's quite cryptic but what he said over the last week is very spot-on

,1516485899,20/01/2018 22:04 8040151,3718080171,"

1) Here is a story of why we think #WeHaveTheMemo

See Q post below.

#DOJ, one is the investigation of the DNC breach and the #SteeleDossier. The #DNC was breached by #SethRich who sent the data to #Wikileaks. Highest levels made aware. Think big.

@POTUS #ReleaseTheMemo

",1516486000,20/01/2018 22:06 8039767,3718093340,"

I've been trying to keep up with Q, without figuring out the chans, but it's fascinating. One day, there will be a thrilling movie, made about Q & the white hat owls.

",1516486712,20/01/2018 22:18 8040151,3718093341,"

Checked it out on the news. That isn't a woman's march. That is an Antifa March. Even had guys there that had pussyhats on. LMAO. It was a hate Trump march. If women wanted to be Politicians, they only have to register. Nobody stopping them. They should take a Q from the old hags from California.

",1516486712,20/01/2018 22:18 8032359,3718194740,"

God works in strange and mysterious way, try taking the red pill and research Q anon. Stop being a normie, believe me it will be to your benefit.

",1516492553,20/01/2018 23:55 8032359,3718200244,

Research Q anon and all the patriots trying to get the truth out.

,1516492895,21/01/2018 00:01 8040383,3718206005,

It's actually something Q is referring to. At first I thought it was Antonio Scalia but I'm beginning to think he's referring to Adam Schiff. I can't think of anybody in Obama's cult with those initials

,1516493254,21/01/2018 00:07 8040383,3718209584,"

We don't have the full story yet. Q said to ""Trust Sessions"".

",1516493483,21/01/2018 00:11 8040955,3718268140,

Scarllett Johansson's Q Factor is definitely on the decline.

,1516497155,21/01/2018 01:12 8041491,3718297075,

Idiots ..... Q was right again. Shutdown !! ....... then FISA Report to be released !! Indictments being prepared . Schumer the idiot just gave the okay to indict. Wait until the truth comes out.

,1516498968,21/01/2018 01:42 8036771,3718299415,

Who is P asked to Q?

,1516499122,21/01/2018 01:45 8040955,3718374458,"

Just as expected, same group of morons. Sure wish we could force all of them to stay in Cali and then wall the place off from the rest of the USA....or maybe they should all live in HI and there's no longer airline service. Yes, as QAnon says, these people are REALLY REALLY STUPID.

",1516504315,21/01/2018 03:11 8032359,3718377675,

If there's nothing in it and the ones that read it and have made statements need to go away then. People are very upset and more right now thinking that 1/2 of them are going to be arrested. All that Q stuff going around giving hope lol.

,1516504559,21/01/2018 03:15 8040915,3718462022,"

Go listen to Robert David Steele & Cathy O’Brien, you’ll find out you’re wrong. Hillary even took the Haiti donations & had her agent Laua Silsby try to take Haitian children from there & they weren’t orphans. Hillary is a satanist who believes in satanic ritual abuse. Even Chelsea came out recently & said “people should respect the religion of satan.” Sorry Beav but you need to educate yourself on this. Why do you think she is wearing a GPS ankle monitor boot for the past three months for a broken toe? Come on, you honestly can’t be that naive. Why do you think Trump signed an executive order December 20th where he could seize the assets of anyone who commits crimes again humanity? He also declared January as Stop Human Trafficking month. He also is spending $500 million to revamp Gitmo & add a 5 bed hospital. They are NOT doing that for the 40 Muslim prisoners still there. You really need to do some research (I've spent 10 years researching all this) & believe me that is exactly what Hillary is. Think what you want but you will be back here one day real soon saying “you were right.” My husband is retired law enforcement & we know several people involved in taking these people down. Follow Q anon...

",1516511818,21/01/2018 05:16 8040975,3718515282,

Twitter had to remove #ReleaseTheMemo from trending because we did an amazing job spreading it. That is step 1. Now we await the memos or further Q instruction :).

,1516517667,21/01/2018 06:54 8040975,3718598277,"

Maybe a bit sketchy, I admit.
I am anti-globalist and into Q stuff. You can trust I knew :).

",1516526403,21/01/2018 09:20 8041435,3718651798,"

Our side is posting #ReleasetheMemo memes all over Twitter, Twitter assured everyone it was a Russian bot!
Didn't stop us. Still posting memes.
Everyone is. Q said so, you should too.

",1516531247,21/01/2018 10:40 8041435,3718654376,"

Q said to post memes of #ReleaseTheMemo. Everyone is doing it.
Wake up, old men and women. Rise with the millenialls. They are doing what Q said. You should Too!

",1516531455,21/01/2018 10:44 8040975,3718660441,"

You guys are so old and done. Why don't you make memes of #ReleaseTheMemos like Q asked us too. They are so voluminous that Twitter, a branch of the Prince Al-alwaleed dynasty, told everyone they were Russian Bots!
We're changing our hashtag. They changed our #ChuckiesShutdown to #TrumpsShutdown
You must know who Prince Al-alwaleed is? The Saudi purge of Princes right after President Trump's visit?
He's the chap they want $6 billion for. We froze his accounts.
Because of Trump's Emergency E. O. That's also why the National Guard is standing by.

",1516531973,21/01/2018 10:52 8040975,3718796818,"

Haha, maybe Q Anon will release a fake memo.

",1516540795,21/01/2018 13:19 8040975,3718908702,

So exactly what is your Q?

,1516546276,21/01/2018 14:51 8040975,3718939526,"

No, Q only tells the truth. Watch and learn...

",1516547648,21/01/2018 15:14 8037775,3718960456,"

This Government shutdown by the Democrats serves 2 of their purposes. The first is it Highlights to their Liberal Core their intention of pursuing Amnesty to just not DACA but to use this as an initial attempt at Amnesty to all Illegal Aliens.
Secondly, with the announcement of the FISA Abuse Memo, Democrats desperately needed to change the narrative. With John Q Voter becoming increasingly aware of criminal behavior by Democrats in an effort to ""Rig"" not only the Primary against Bernie Sanders but then the Presidential General Election against Trump continuing their effort as a Palace Coup to force an Impeachment proceeding.
2018 is rapidly blowing up in the face of the Democrat Party. The Economy is booming, unemployment is becoming historically low, a tax cut is in place & consumer confidence is vastly increased with the almost daily announcements of more Full-time jobs growth blows up the Democrats charges against Trump & slowly despite all Media pressure to the contrary, John Q Voter is paying attention.

",1516548579,21/01/2018 15:29 8040975,3719025559,

Research Q anon and the work great Patriots are doing to keep us informed.

,1516551098,21/01/2018 16:11 8043427,3719074686,

All these slimey MF'ers can do is slither around and yet somehow always succeed in screwing John Q Public in favor of Jose Q Garcia and Javid Q Hussein. Wishing for best but realizing its just another BOHICA moment.

,1516553149,21/01/2018 16:45 7969574,3719138668,"

They might get them now,if this is true.
I just found out that there is what seems to be an intelligence agent (agency) covering the draining of the swamp. It is called Qanon.
Qanon is saying that the army and Trump are together in this. Q also says there are indictments coming. I got the impression that all the Hollywood elites being exposed is part of draining the swamp.
There is also a Dr Jerome Corsi, that explains the messages of Q.
If you want to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet. Very intriguing.

",1516555883,21/01/2018 17:31 7970214,3719145528,"

I have some hope the one world gov't will not happen.
I just found out that there is what seems to be an intelligence agent (agency) covering the draining of the swamp. It is called Qanon.
Qanon is saying that the army and Trump are together in this. If this is true, then no one is going to be able to stand against Trump. The US Army is the strongest force on this earth. Q also says there are indictments coming. I got the impression that all the Hollywood elites being exposed is part of draining the swamp.
There is also a Dr Jerome Corsi, that explains the messages of Q.
If you want to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet. Very intriguing.

",1516556183,21/01/2018 17:36 7927357,3719163484,"

I now have some hope we might see the triumph of good in our lifetime.
I just found out that there is what seems to be an intelligence agent (agency) covering the draining of the swamp. It is called Qanon.
Qanon is saying that the army and Trump are together in this. If this is true, then no one is going to be able to stand against Trump. The US Army is the strongest force on this earth. Q also says that the USA is out to save the whole world from the puppetmasters. I got the impression that all the Hollywood elites being exposed is part of draining the swamp.
There is also a Dr Jerome Corsi, that explains the messages of Q.
If you want to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet. Very intriguing.

",1516556969,21/01/2018 17:49 8040975,3719175620,

Expecting a major false flag so they can pull our attention off this and the memo. Good time to feign the flu and stay home and read and research Q anon.

,1516557504,21/01/2018 17:58 8043427,3719205589,

#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).

Partial Q drop from 10 minutes ago

,1516558783,21/01/2018 18:19 8041491,3719206215,"

What if the intelligence comes from the Military? No one has power over that. Trump is their head.
There is what seems to be an intelligence agent (agency) covering the draining of the swamp. It is called Qanon. That agency is sharing certain ""goings on"" with the people.

There is also a Dr Jerome Corsi, that explains the messages of Q.
If you want to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet. Very intriguing.

",1516558811,21/01/2018 18:20 8040003,3719213812,

Have you been lately reading Qanon and Jerome Corsi? :)
I think there is some truth to Q postings. I read so much in the last few days and there is nothing fishy or contradictory in what that entity(Q) is saying.
Many will be going to jail and the swamp will be drained. Trump and the military will MAGA.

,1516559141,21/01/2018 18:25 8043427,3719214888,

Thats pretty much it. Q is the mental condition of those that constantly believe it. Can this many citizens be this low on the mental chart?

,1516559189,21/01/2018 18:26 8043427,3719219309,"

Latest Q post basically says there was a 16 year plan to takedown the United States by killing off an jailing patriots, selling off SAP, gun grabbing, and using social media to undermine conservatives.

Is there any doubt that the SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden was later executed in that helicopter crash?

",1516559382,21/01/2018 18:29 8043427,3719227303,

Link to Q post?

,1516559733,21/01/2018 18:35 8043427,3719229142,"

This is the link to Q's dedicated message board. Here is a link to the entire Q library, though 1 or 2 posts might be missing.

The posts are getting much more specific, direct, and intense. It seems we really may have been on the brink of losing our country forever.

",1516559814,21/01/2018 18:36 8040975,3719235255,

Everyone needs to take the red pill and research Q anon.

,1516560086,21/01/2018 18:41 8043427,3719256836,"

The latest Q breadcrumbs...

",1516561015,21/01/2018 18:56 8044719,3719275729,

I also wonder how they fell for this when the Qanon and Assange chess thing is all over the Internet.

,1516561817,21/01/2018 19:10 8043427,3719284393,"

Agreed. I have no idea whether this is a portion of the memo or not. But combining it with Q, it seems very realistic

",1516562200,21/01/2018 19:16 8043743,3719300087,

Still looking at this objectively....but nothing in this Q post contradicts what we SEE with our own eyes.

,1516562874,21/01/2018 19:27 8043327,3719342845,"

You'd better watch out, the ""Swamp took over"" personally knows Q Anon. You find yourself being deported to Gitmo.

",1516564593,21/01/2018 19:56 8041683,3719343570,"

Latest drop from Q...possible FISA Memo info...incredible stuff.

",1516564621,21/01/2018 19:57 8041683,3719346010,"

Hot off the presses. Q links to judicial watch article about FBI files documenting the history of communist activism within Valerie Jarrett's family. https://www.judicialwatch.o...

It's getting real people

",1516564717,21/01/2018 19:58 8036024,3719361548,"

These are the politicians that will have indictments filed against them according to Q Anon, who's previous releases have all been found to be truthful.
He says the the memo will show what politicians and wealthy donors that are going to be caught up in the coming storm.
The charges will range from treason to pedophilia.
Barrack Obama,James Clapper, John Brennan, WassermanShultz, The Rothchilds,some Saudi's, George Soros,Hillary, Loretta Lynch,James Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, John Podesta (major pedophile), John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff.
On December 26th Trump signed an executive order that allows the government to freeze and or seize the assets of anyone charged with Child trafficking including anyone involved in human rights abuses.
George Soros recently moved billions into a leftist organization.
Their have been 4000 plus sealed indictments processed between 10/01/17 and 12/26/17
The average amount of sealed indictments nationwide in 2016-2017 was around 1,800 for each year
That's not counting the hundreds that have been created since then.
E-mails on Anthony Wieners laptop has provided the impetus for the surge in indictments

",1516565331,21/01/2018 20:08 8040975,3719386148,"

""....maybe Q Anon will release a fake memo...""

Why wouldn't he's a faker psy-op

",1516566354,21/01/2018 20:25 8040975,3719391600,"

""... Q only tells the truth. Watch and learn...""

Like the ""sting"" in the AL Senate election to catch the dems red handed in election fraud?

Tell me, what's the guy's name who's being sworn in as the new Senator for Alabama?

",1516566581,21/01/2018 20:29 8041683,3719393317,

Run oprah run. Right tibthe nearest Bar B Q. Her eating disordes will cause her heart to burst from the stress

,1516566658,21/01/2018 20:30 8041923,3719412525,

I believe him 100% after Q dropped crumbs...SCARY SHIIIIT...

.. #ReleaseTheMemo

,1516567472,21/01/2018 20:44 8041683,3719419026,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516567752,21/01/2018 20:49 8041683,3719473763,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516570151,21/01/2018 21:29 8041683,3719487165,"


If this is real folks. That MEMO is going to rock the world.

New QAnon

",1516570767,21/01/2018 21:39 8041683,3719487704,"

For anyone interested, update on posts done by ""Q"" (whom many think are team delegated by Trump to keep us informed what's going on behind the scenes to bypass MSM via codes/questions as statements) Calls Govnt Shutdown days - 10 days of Darkness -- meant to be used to round up more of the top criminal Elites for indictments and having the ""Memo"" released which will finally become public knowledge of the treasonous things done by them. More and more will be coming out now until the 30th when Trump gives State of the Union speech. Very possible one of ""them"" is Pence and need to be replaced.

Link for Q posts

",1516570792,21/01/2018 21:39 8041683,3719495336,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516571143,21/01/2018 21:45 8041683,3719495431,

Go to the link and read the comments about what Q dropped.

... #ReleaseTheMemos

,1516571147,21/01/2018 21:45 8041683,3719498761,"


If this is real folks. That MEMO is going to rock the world.

New QAnon

",1516571300,21/01/2018 21:48 8041923,3719498997,


,1516571311,21/01/2018 21:48 8041683,3719503942,"

Have you read this?
New QAnon

",1516571539,21/01/2018 21:52 8041683,3719514318,"

Worth a read. Scary as hell if the MEMO is the tip of the iceberg.

New QAnon

",1516572011,21/01/2018 22:00 8043743,3719522447,

Are you following Q?

,1516572406,21/01/2018 22:06 8044663,3719526739,"

For anyone interested, update on posts done by ""Q"" (whom many think are team delegated by Trump to keep us informed what's going on behind the scenes to bypass MSM via codes/questions as statements) Calls Govnt Shutdown - 10 days of Darkness -- meant to be used to round up more of the top criminal Elites for indictments and having the ""Memo"" released in near future which will finally become public knowledge of the treasonous things done by them. More and more will be coming out now until the 30th when Trump gives State of the Union speech. Sessions is ""white hat"" after all - but very possible one of ""them"" is Pence and need to be replaced.

Link for Q posts

",1516572602,21/01/2018 22:10 8041683,3719527773,"

The hashtag is still going strong on Twitter. And this is circulating as well. Take it with a grain of salt. Scary.

New QAnon

",1516572649,21/01/2018 22:10 8041923,3719532065,"

I saw Q info and most we will not be surprised with! Anger. I mean white hot anger yes!!!! There will be more I would guess soon like 911 real story, etc.

",1516572846,21/01/2018 22:14 8041683,3719545549,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516573521,21/01/2018 22:25 8041923,3719548997,"

I've read some leaked by Q,it's hard to believe Schiff already soiling himself...hillary wanted to change the Constitution and take away the second amendment and the electoral college,stunning stuff folks.

",1516573702,21/01/2018 22:28 8041923,3719552727,

Who is Q?

,1516573889,21/01/2018 22:31 8041923,3719553510,

Who is Q? ?

,1516573927,21/01/2018 22:32 8041923,3719562419,

Top intelligence loyal to the US (based on what I gather from reading the Q posts).

,1516574368,21/01/2018 22:39 8045131,3719577650,

The Q list.

,1516575148,21/01/2018 22:52 8045131,3719613451,"

Text Messages Reveal Peter Strzok and Mistress Lisa Page Knew Charges WOULD NOT BE FILED Against Hillary -- BEFORE She Was Interviewed #QAnon

",1516577095,21/01/2018 23:24 8044663,3719622258,"

Looks like the Pats are back in the WWE's Winter Wrestlemani...I mean, the NFL's SuperBowl...

And New England taking the side of another East Coast snot-blowing Liberal in a Constitutional and Economic fight with a Conservative President of the USA?

And in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had Barbecue Ribs and Mac and Cheese, with Angelfood Cake for Dinner.

Details at eleven...

",1516577573,21/01/2018 23:32 8045131,3719624253,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516577683,21/01/2018 23:34 8045287,3719626497,"

The real reason for the Shutdown....YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!

",1516577804,21/01/2018 23:36 8045131,3719627490,"


",1516577864,21/01/2018 23:37 8045023,3719628729,"

This is what Motivates ANTIFA! You will be shocked!

",1516577934,21/01/2018 23:38 8041683,3719633856,

Brother Joe! Hope all is well with you and yours.
Are you following Q?

,1516578227,21/01/2018 23:43 8041683,3719641652,"

I have heard of Q, but I can’t say I have been following him. I know he was responsible for the information surrounding the 4000 sealed indictments being released. Is that correct?

",1516578660,21/01/2018 23:51 8045131,3719645537,"

GO READ THIS QANON. It's long but makes sense and is scary.

",1516578883,21/01/2018 23:54 8045131,3719649544,"

Go read this. Qanon posted it.

",1516579108,21/01/2018 23:58 8045131,3719654261,"

The dems are fighting hard to keep Obama and Hillary's plan alive to turn us into a has-been country.

",1516579370,22/01/2018 00:02 8045131,3719659493,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516579669,22/01/2018 00:07 8045131,3719662784,"

Read the link...

",1516579859,22/01/2018 00:10 8041923,3719671026,

The next section of the QAnon post details the Democrats’ 16

-year coup d

’état plan to destroy America as a Constitutional your communist Idol fall.

,1516580345,22/01/2018 00:19 8045287,3719674000,"

This is interesting for those following Q and the memo......

",1516580517,22/01/2018 00:21 8038727,3719679091,

Her Golden Grail was equality of outcome not equality of opportunity. When i saw that then i knew what her I Q was.

,1516580809,22/01/2018 00:26 8045287,3719681743,"


2 QAnon is putting the question to Attorney General Sessions directly: “Does Sessions have the courage to bring criminal investigations against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, as well as criminal elements in the DNC, the FBI, and the DOJ?”
If Sessions lacks the nerve after the “ Nunes Memo” has been made public, Sessions will be replaced by President Trump. 1 of 22

This relates back to QAnon Post #151134, on Dec. 22. I decoded that post here:

You must go back and read this decode to fully understand the current QAnon post. Eric Schmidt resignation announced on 12/21/17, after Trump signs Executive Order on confiscating assets of international human rights abusers – implements capital seizure for offenders of Magnitsky Act earlier that day. That’s one down based on EO signed 12/21
[READ: 1


1]. 1 of 22 comes from reading the month and date together 1221 and picking the first three numbers – a numerology coding trick for mirror numbers like 1221 in which the first 12 mirrors the last 21. So, Eric Schmidt is the “1” – the first to resign – from the 22, many others who will resign as a result of Trump signing of the EO. There will be many more. QAnon published this post, No. 151134, on 12/22/17 at 5:37 pm, after publishing a post on Thursday, 12/21/17 noting Eric Schmidt’s resignation and Trump’s Magnisky Act Executive Order were related events. Eric Schmidt and Google play a major role in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election computer technology, with Eric Schmidt asking to be Hillary’s “main outside advisor.” Eric Schmidt was a key conspirator developing the “Russian collusion” narrative against Trump. Eric Schmidt funded

",1516580949,22/01/2018 00:29 8045287,3719689048,"


3 CrowdStrike, the initial group to claim the theft of DNC and Podesta emails was a Russia hack. Eric Schmidt funded Hillary’s campaign that in turn funded Fusion GPS to advance the “Russian Collusion” narrative as “insurance” in case Trump won the election. Reference to Peter Strzok instant message with Lisa Page, referencing Lisa Page suggestion n in Andrew McCabe’s FBI office that CrowdStrike and Fusion GPS Dossier were the evidence of Trump “Russia Collusion” that could be used now not to block Trump’s campaign but as “insurance,” to impeach Trump should he win the 2016 presidential election.

#Memo Shifts Narrative Once the Nunes Memo is made public, the narrative will shift
from Trump “Russia Collusion” to focus on a Hard-Left Democratic Party coup d’état aimed at transforming the American Constitutional Republic into a globalist New World Order European-style socialist/communist state with no borders, on the model of the original European Union (Jean Monnet ’s original covert design)

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS’ authority re: Russia/ALL After the Nunes Memo is made public, Sessions will no longer be afraid Mueller will investigate him as part of the Trump “Russia Collusion” narrative, given Sessions’ participation in the Trump campaign and his casual interactions there that Sessions had with various Russians. Sessions has been compromised, living in fear he will be investigated by Mueller and indicted. Once the Nunes Memo is made public, Sessions will cancel his recusal from the Russian Collusion investigation and he will become the aggressive AG that Trump thought he had when he appointed Sessions to head the DOJ. This is QAnon’s prediction of the power the Nunes Memo will have on the American public when the American public get a chance to read it – probably next week.

",1516581371,22/01/2018 00:36 8041923,3719698427,"

An interpretation of QAnon's latest posting on the Nunes memo.

",1516581926,22/01/2018 00:45 8041923,3719701095,"

QAnon has a cryptic post about the contents, it takes some interpretation.

",1516582085,22/01/2018 00:48 8045287,3719708264,"

#releasethememo and let’s get on with the indictments for High Treason.

",1516582507,22/01/2018 00:55 8045131,3719728474,

Has Q Anon brought anything out today

,1516583738,22/01/2018 01:15 8045287,3719731299,


,1516583910,22/01/2018 01:18 8041923,3719743332,"

By the way, Breitbarters, there is pretty solid evidence Q is just an informational campaign to chill people out and drip info out gradually to stop a mass freakout. Very few people have a Q clearance, and those that do wouldn't be doing this type of ""leak"" campaign. So, take everything Q says with a grain of salt.

To get requisite public awareness levels of this treason to make sure a proper crackdown can happen, it does take keyboard warrioring and information spreading. You can't just arrest thousands of high-level people suddenly and think everything will be fine, but the arrests do have to happen, because continuing to delay means the other side gins up a civil war to avoid going down. But the public has to be ready for the big hammer to fall. Spread information far and wide.

",1516584374,22/01/2018 01:26 8045131,3719746692,"

I’ve been keeping up. Did you notice the Q related news tab in the upper right hand corner? There are some strange, seemingly inconsequential, articles linked. Not sure why.

My honest take on the current Q threads is that something has changed since Dec.25th... It also seems to be serving as a distraction.

",1516584562,22/01/2018 01:29 8045131,3719756119,

Who do?... Q do...


,1516585114,22/01/2018 01:38 8045131,3719759748,"

Jerome Corsi’s interpretation of today’s Q Anon drop...fascinating.

",1516585333,22/01/2018 01:42 8045131,3719760284,"

",1516585366,22/01/2018 01:42 8045287,3719762416,"

Here's the real reason for the Govt Shutdown....and it ain't DACA....Democrats need a news cycle to take attention away from release of the FISA memo. This is wonder Congressman look visibly shaken.

",1516585496,22/01/2018 01:44 8045287,3719764027," put DNC criminals in jail for undermining our government....look at the 16 year plan they have for our nation....this is why they are scared of this memo. Here it is...

",1516585592,22/01/2018 01:46 8045287,3719766025,"

I Promise you...if you read this will want to call your Congressman...or want them in jail...depending on their involvement...this is what they're trying to hid from us.

",1516585711,22/01/2018 01:48 8045131,3719772478,"

The Great Awakening, the storm is coming, but much more info that I as a simple human could possibly relay. Go to Q anon posts for today.

",1516586109,22/01/2018 01:55 8045287,3719774482,

I so hope Q is right about the coming storm.

,1516586235,22/01/2018 01:57 8045131,3719776158,"

Illegal immigrants are the new desire of the Democrat is their future and
part of the grand design.

",1516586338,22/01/2018 01:58 8045131,3719807594,

Thank you. We need to get the news out. Q anon is giving us all the info we need to make intelligent decisions. The storm is coming.

,1516588386,22/01/2018 02:33 8045131,3719809954,

Take the red pill folks. Q anon is giving us all the intel we will ever need to make intelligent decisions and find out the truth. In a few weeks or months it really won't matter because most everything will have been exposed by then.

,1516588547,22/01/2018 02:35 8045631,3719828082,"

Got a sneak peak of this memo we think through ""Q-Anon"". The plan to bring down America. 187(kill contract) Supreme Court Justice to throw votes in their favor and take the American peoples guns getting rid of the second Amendment. Take over the Generals. Massive cuts to the military to weaken it. Shut down bases everywhere, Germany first. Kill NASA to give our control of space to the enemy. Make us EMP vulnerable. Ignore NK and Iran. Fund more money to Iran. HRC as POTUS will start WW3. The war will be controlled but the destruction of life and property will be real. A way to world population control. And this is just the war aspect of what is on the possible memo leak. How are you feeling about your democrats gods now lefties?. Now you know why the want they government shut down. To delay the release of this memo.

",1516589828,22/01/2018 02:57 8045631,3719833067,"

Josh J Labuschagne‏


Is this the first page of the FISA memo? 🤔

#QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm

.. #ReleaseTheMemo ...check it now before it gets deleted by tweeter

",1516590193,22/01/2018 03:03 8045631,3719835333,

Q-Anon's possible leak to this democrat memo. 187 (kill contract) a Supreme Court Justice to throw votes the evil ones way. Get rid of the Electoral College which will make it easier to steal elections. Open the borders. Flood with immigrants to gather easy Democrats wins. Revise the Constitution that will basically make it ineffective. Another part of their plan to take over America...It goes all the way to the top folks. Obama.....

,1516590361,22/01/2018 03:06 8045631,3719836512,

I read Q this morning and honestly it really shocked me what I read and I completely understood why the Sen. were as white as ghost when they came on FNC to talk about it.

,1516590448,22/01/2018 03:07 8027614,3719837359,"

Hey, Joel, go to twitter and find the link to the Qanon dump today, read it, and tell me, if it gets out to the public, in general, what will happen with the democrats.

",1516590515,22/01/2018 03:08 8045631,3719844537,"

Q's possible leak to these democrats memo's. Get rid of the current administration and incert with our plants. Includes the DOJ, FBI, NSA, Judges, Military. Use these departments to target Conservatives...(Remember the IRS scandal)..break them down through the MSM. Target alternative media with these departments. That includes Brietbart. HRC as POTU...Get rid of the good people left in these departments. Start WW3, Starve, need, and enslave the people. The democrats memo to destroy America in 16 years. How much of this has already happened?????? If you have not gotten on the ""Q-Anon"" train you should start now. Go to youtube and put in Q-Anon>>>>Take it down the rabbit hole. Join the army of the good American people.

",1516591065,22/01/2018 03:17 8045287,3719845708,"

Schumer, the pedophile POS better keep his mouth shut if the memo is about to be released. This is what Q had to say...

CS (Chuck Schumer) will live in fear from today forward.
Thank you for visiting the WH (White House).

",1516591153,22/01/2018 03:19 8041683,3719853221,"

The number of sealed indictments are coming from specialized search engines like (pay $) which is over 10,000 now.
Q is a person(s) very, very close to the president with Q clearance. The best primer I have found about who Q is can be found here: https://www.anonymousconser...
He gives clues, connections, and foreknowledge about what is going on behind the scenes in the form of cryptic questions and symbols. Jerome Corsi claims he is a real intelligence dude.
I check here twice a day to see if Q has posted:
Some times you don't know what the hell he is trying to say, other times it is jaw dropping, like the Hawaii event: https://www.anonymousconser...
Enjoy. It's addictive!

",1516591755,22/01/2018 03:29 8045631,3719855785,"

Q-anon original posts are on a dedicated 8chan board, and Dr. Jerome Corsi does great decodes on

",1516591956,22/01/2018 03:32 8045631,3719864083,"

Here is a decode by Jerome Corsi of today's comprehensive tome posted by Q

",1516592634,22/01/2018 03:43 8046343,3719885573,"

This is nothing but a false flag to try to draw peoples attention away from the impending memo release. Schumer and his cronies couldn't give a dead rat's tail about immigrants or anyone or anything aside from the Craps and elitist plans that have gone amuck with Trump winning the election..
Schumer and the Swamp are becoming frantic - CNN trying another false flag with the potential for ""undetected asteroids hitting the earth"" - I mean really... good grief - but of course, that fairy tale would all be Trump's fault.. this is nauseating any more.. release the memo and let's get this show on the road and get the Swamp drained...
Have a gander at this.. repost it as you see fit.. VERY interesting reading from the mind of a brilliant man who understands this better than most..

",1516594492,22/01/2018 04:14 8045631,3719886786,"

ANnother false flag to distract people from the memo exposure... read this and you'll beter understand why I suggest this:

",1516594604,22/01/2018 04:16 8046083,3719889137,"

You might try having a look at this:

",1516594819,22/01/2018 04:20 8046343,3719928386,

Did Q post again tonight?

,1516598438,22/01/2018 05:20 8046343,3719928777,"

That one is from the 19th, but Q posted quite a bit today.

",1516598478,22/01/2018 05:21 8046391,3719931133,"

As Q has repeatedly advised:
""These people are really stupid.""

Time we agreed.

",1516598718,22/01/2018 05:25 8046559,3719934265,

who is Q.

,1516599040,22/01/2018 05:30 8046343,3719935934,"

Whoa. Many people think the Q drop today means that this email is real.

The original account was supposedly an intentional NSA leak.

",1516599206,22/01/2018 05:33 8046343,3719945713,"

Info on THE MEMO starting to appear online now...

",1516600204,22/01/2018 05:50 8046343,3719957292,"

Is anyone here awake tonight?

Info on THE MEMO...

#QANON #ReleaseTheMemo
""Stage SC [AS [187]] ""
Stage Supreme Court Antonin Scalia Murder

",1516601312,22/01/2018 06:08 8046343,3719959223,"

last drop from Q was epic. laid out the whole 16 year Obama/ HRC plan to kill America, create weak globalist puppet state

",1516601495,22/01/2018 06:11 8046559,3719962194,"

Get Q on it, they'll turn up.

",1516601793,22/01/2018 06:16 8046559,3719997435,"

Oops! Can’t wait for No Such Agency to “accidentally” release IT ALL. Let’s play!

Jan 21 2018 18:12:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec 119877
The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.
FBI accidentally deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?

",1516605300,22/01/2018 07:15 8046343,3720012480,"

Q linked to this article. (very uncommon for Q to do)


",1516606724,22/01/2018 07:38 8046343,3720113920,

Lol I don’t care if you are one in the same. They miss the whole point. It’s like Q Anon. Everyone’s chasing squirrels. Worrying about the irrelevant.

,1516615386,22/01/2018 10:03 8046559,3720184840,"

If you've been following Q Anon on 8chan you would know that ""nothing is ever truly deleted"". The good guys already have the texts and are waiting to see how the traitors in the cabal respond. Get ready for some major leaks this week that will probably include those ""missing"" texts. Should be fun.

",1516620289,22/01/2018 11:24 8046559,3720187115,

We need to red pill these people. Qanon is the real deal. Been following since the beginning. The new drops last night made me sick to my stomach.

,1516620434,22/01/2018 11:27 8046559,3720190781,"

It's ok. Q anon posted some stuff last night. He says since the FBI accidentally deleted these texts then the white hats in the NSA are going to ""accidentally release IT all"". Lol. Tick tock.

",1516620657,22/01/2018 11:30 8046391,3720227967,


,1516622698,22/01/2018 12:04 8046391,3720281359,

Do a search for qanon Twitter. Start reading the fine print.
Also YouTube Craig sawman Sawyer. Listen to his story.

,1516625269,22/01/2018 12:47 8045863,3720330975,"

The Bush's need to take their Yankee values, ideas, and asses back North where they came from, they're wannabe Southerners like Teddy Roosevelt was. Except Teddy was better at it because he actually had many Southern and Confederate relatives. The Bush's have no Southern ancestry at all that I've seen. They're straight up Yankee Roundhead Puritans going back to the Mayflower. Southerners are connected to the Virginia and Carolina colonies, who didn't come here for religious freedom and to create the ""shining city on a hill"". We came here for freedom basically. We've never been like the intolerant Puritans of New England. Both sections were considered to have republican values but there were some huge fundamental differences in our philosophies. Those differences were illustrated in the famous Patrick Henry vs Onslow debate. John Q. Adams of New England had been elected President. Back then the Vice Presidency was given to the second place finisher which was John C. Calhoun. The New England version of republicanism believed in actively using power for the public good. Whereas the Southern version of republicanism believed in restraining and diffusing power. Their debate is outlined in H. Lee Cheek's book:

",1516627490,22/01/2018 13:24 8027614,3720333715,

Then there's the coming storm regarding the FISA memo and what's being hinted by Qanon. The Schumer Shutdown is a smokescreen of desperation that the Commierat Pravda has been complicit in maintaining.


,1516627608,22/01/2018 13:26 8046655,3720368084,

....just read an e-mail posted by Q-anon that shows the hillary/criminal campaign meeting with Soros to pre-program voting machines....can someone tell me how we can have an election this year?..thanks

,1516629048,22/01/2018 13:50 7834407,3720378647,"

Quit shaking your head, the rattle is deafening.

It's not my claim that the Romans used Christianity to control their empire, it's a mainstream theory and well supported.


Not even the Bible claims that Mark was an eye witness to Jesus’ ministry. Modern, non Christian biblical scholars believe that the gospel of Mark was written in Syria by an unknown Christian no earlier than AD 70, using various sources including a passion narrative (probably written), collections of miracles stories (oral or written), apocalyptic traditions (probably written), and disputations and didactic sayings (some possibly written). These stories were in circulation year after year, told in different languages and in different countries from that of Jesus.

By the end of the 2nd century the tradition of Matthew the tax-collector had become widely accepted, and the line “The Gospel According to Matthew” began to be added to manuscripts. For many reasons scholars today believe otherwise—fifty five percent of the gospel is copied from Mark, and it seems unlikely that an eyewitness of Jesus’ ministry would need to rely on others for information about it. They believe instead that it was written between about 80–90 AD by a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, standing on the boundary between traditional and non-traditional Jewish values.

Most modern critical scholarship concludes that Luke used the Gospel of Mark for his chronology and a hypothetical sayings source Q document for many of Jesus’ teachings. Luke may also have drawn from independent written records. Traditional Christian scholarship has dated the composition of the gospel to the early 60s, while higher criticism dates it to the later decades of the 1st century. While the traditional view that Paul’s companion Luke authored the gospel is still often put forward, a number of possible contradictions between Acts and Paul’s letters lead many scholars to dispute this account.

The gospel identifies its author as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” The text does not actually name this disciple, but by the beginning of the 2nd century a tradition began to form which identified him with John the Apostle, one of the Twelve (Jesus’s innermost circle). Today the majority of scholars do not believe that John or any other eyewitness wrote it and trace it instead to a “Johannine community” which traced its traditions to John; the gospel itself shows signs of having been composed in three “layers”, reaching its final form about 90-100 AD.

",1516629483,22/01/2018 13:58 8027614,3720399424,"

I'm more and more convinced by articles like this - that fly in the face of reason - and the antics of Steve Bannon, that Breitbart is no friend of the people. That, along with no real mention of QAnon make this site appear to be a disinformation site...

",1516630344,22/01/2018 14:12 8046559,3720427920,"

This is a copy from GP.. worth looking at. Even a code for the execution of SC judge Scalias

Anon insider in Trump admin Q drops hints on Reddit about their take down of the corrupt cabal:

#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL
SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am]. (They intercepted a communication from the losing Dems to the MSM and says:)
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
""Keep them starved""
""Keep them blind""
""Keep them stupid""
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.

",1516631481,22/01/2018 14:31 8046655,3720460618,"

Latest Q Anon drop. 16 yr plan to destroy America

",1516632761,22/01/2018 14:52 8046655,3720501818,"

Latest Q Anon post.

",1516634321,22/01/2018 15:18 8045863,3720558681,"

His family is NWO evil scum. Don't be fooled by a polite manner and nice exterior. The heart is bad, very bad. You need to read the 16 yr plan these evil people had planned to destroy America. Search Jerome Corsi + QAnon and you'll find it. Then search Bush + NWO for more shocking truth.

",1516636314,22/01/2018 15:51 8048463,3720614293,"

You can read about Q Anon here.

",1516637974,22/01/2018 16:19 8049623,3720711383,"

And then read all the Qanon decodings by Jerome Corsi here: They go back to Oct 2017. This is vitally important that all Americans know the truth contained in these documents.

",1516641120,22/01/2018 17:12 8049623,3720726450,"

Take this as not confirmed yet, or at least not a Yah or Nay until the Memo is released...

But Q is saying Adam Schiff (D) is named as one of the Conspirators in the Memo...I can't wait to see if that is confirmed...


",1516641614,22/01/2018 17:20 8050239,3720734365,

Time to check for Q posts :)

Edit: None since yesterday. There is time yet.

,1516641877,22/01/2018 17:24 8049623,3720770005,"

The decoder rings ""ring"".

",1516643261,22/01/2018 17:47 8049623,3720782608,

Don’t be so sure. Trump didn’t sign an Executive Order December 20th for fun. He is spending $500 million on Gitmo to revamp it & add a 5 bed hospital that is wheelchair accessible (think daddy Bush). 33 new residents were just flown there. Many politicians including Hillary & McCain are wearing GPS ankle monitor boots. Follow Q...

,1516643699,22/01/2018 17:54 8049623,3720789077,"

Do you follow Q at all Schrodinger’s Cat? This is what he posted yesterday...

Every [3] letter is here.
You are in the middle of something historic.


The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.
FBI accidentally deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?

",1516643932,22/01/2018 17:58 8049623,3720790836,

Like Q says information NEVER goes away!

,1516643994,22/01/2018 17:59 8049623,3720794952,"

I would hazard to guess he’ll be a guest at Gitmo soon. Q says he is a traitor, took a $7 billion bribe. Likely why his eyes are bugging out of his head right now! 😳

",1516644142,22/01/2018 18:02 8050239,3720796786,"

From the great Jerome Corsi, an explanation of The Storm that rages behind the scenes...

",1516644209,22/01/2018 18:03 8050239,3720801776,"

This is pretty good too..

Qanon Decoded: 1.21.18 - The Second American Revolution Has Begun, Offense Time

",1516644386,22/01/2018 18:06 8049623,3720844033,"

Fisa Memo in graphical form ( QANON ) (Military intelligence)

",1516645965,22/01/2018 18:32 8049635,3720863724,

This year's playoffs were great. The Vikes looked tired yesterday. I was texting my Viking fan buddies in the 1st Q telling them it was going to be a long day for them if they didn't snap out of it. Sadly I was right.

,1516646713,22/01/2018 18:45 8050371,3720875271,"


1h1 hour ago

UPDATE: If this Document does not prove that former director of the CIA Brennan, Hillary Clinton and MS13 were involved in the murder of Seth Rich I don't know what else will @realDonaldTrump #qanon

Here is the Document:

",1516647147,22/01/2018 18:52 8051067,3720918559,"

Everyone should read through this.
This is really what the commie democrats are up to...

",1516648793,22/01/2018 19:19 8049343,3720939966,"

When did I, John Q. Taxpayer, agree to fund the whimsical project of a billionaires privately owned company? Build your own rocket, my family has needs too.

",1516649508,22/01/2018 19:31 8051067,3720955719,"

found link that explains just what the Democrats have been up to.
Looks like an attempted Coup to me...

",1516650086,22/01/2018 19:41 8051067,3720959320,"

I don't know if people have seen this.
I think every American needs to know what the democrats have been up to.

",1516650215,22/01/2018 19:43 8049623,3721018095,"

I have read Q's stuff; however, since we don't know who he/she/it is, I do not trust it as a viable source. It is more like fiction reading. Lots of speculation; misspelled words, etc. If you have any validity as to the trustworthiness of Q, please share. Otherwise, it is sometimes interesting reading in my mental ""temporary"" bin.

",1516652346,22/01/2018 20:19 8050719,3721019741,

#qanon #followthewhiterabbit #releasethememo

,1516652408,22/01/2018 20:20 8050371,3721029695,"

This might give some insight...

",1516652761,22/01/2018 20:26 8050371,3721033973,"

This was real interesting...

",1516652916,22/01/2018 20:28 8050371,3721055675,"


Alex Jones Radio Show

Listen now

Treason: QAnon Exposes Obama/Hillary 16-year Coup d’état Plan

Report: QAnon describes plan to destroy America, reshape world

Jerome Corsi | -
January 22, 2018

Image Credits: Joe Raedle / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an explosive post on Sunday,
QAnon explained the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton 16-year treasonous plan
to use two White House terms for a coup d’état in the United States
that would end up revising the Constitution, cancelling the Second
Amendment, and opening borders to flood the nation with illegal
immigrants calculated to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.

In the exceptionally long post narrative, QAnon alleged that “Deep
State” rogue operatives murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in
an attempt to lock in a hard-left ideology on the nation’s highest
court by giving President Obama one final Supreme Court nomination.

Posted initially on and tweeted throughout Sunday
afternoon,’s Jerome Corsi published a line-by-line “DECODE”
of the QAnon post seen here:

The following are key parts of the DECODE with regard to the
importance of the “Nunes Memo” the House Intelligence Committee is
expected to release this week:

QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

Decode: The Nunes Memo made public will alert the
American people to the Democratic Party coup d’état (undertaken in large
part through Obama/Hillary/Podesta collusion with Russia).

Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Podesta (plus many others) are guilty of TREASON. Hillary was right (Hillary’s tantrum after NBC commander-in-chief forum in September 2016 – “If we lose the election, we will all hang”).

QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+Insurance].

Decode: The Nunes Memo when made public will
prove the Obama administration weaponized the intelligence community to
ensure the Democrats would win the 2016 presidential election.

The weaponizing included using the Fusion GPS dossier to get FISA
court approval to conduct electronic surveillance on Donald Trump’s

Also included was President Obama’s plan to unmask and leak
information detrimental to Trump’s campaign that was gained from the
illegally obtained FISA electronic surveillance.

After McCabe communicates the Lisa Page “insurance” idea to
Loretta Lynch, the HRC conspiracy develops as a pyramid structure, with
Obama at the top calling the shots needed to use the Fusion GPS Dossier
to get FISA court-ordered approval to conduct electronic surveillance on
Donald Trump and principals in Trump campaign. Other two legs of
pyramid connect to the Clinton campaign through John Podesta and to the
intel community via Clapper and Brennan.

CIA Director John Brennan – the CIA “handler” of Barry Soetoro,
aka Soebarkah, aka Barack Hussein Obama – led the effort to sell the
“Russia collusion” narrative to the mainstream media and the American
public in order to prevent Donald Trump from serving out his term in
office should he (unexpectedly) win the election.

The Obama/Hillary 16-year coup d’état plan

QAnon makes clear Obama, Clintons, DNC, and the U.S. intelligence
community planned their coup d’état boldly, confident Hillary Clinton
would be elected president, never imagining Donald Trump would win.

The Obama/Hillary Clinton “16-year plan to destroy America”
involved the Democrats calculating both Obama and Hillary Clinton’s two
term presidencies would allow the unfolding of a 16-year plan to destroy

As part of the plan, the Democratic Party co-conspirators
envisioned Hillary would follow Obama’s plan to put rogue political
operatives at key positions throughout the federal government, just as
President Obama placed John Brennan at CIA; James Clapper, DNI; Eric
Holder and Loretta Lynch as Attorney General; Valerie Jarrett in White
House, James Comey at FBI – the list goes on.

Hillary would continue Obama’s plan to weaken the U.S. military,
while actively funding Iran and North Korea’s development of nuclear

The only military commanders promoted by the Obama and planned
Hillary Clinton administrations were to be those who: accepted the LGBT
agenda and sex-change operations for transgender soldiers at taxpayer
expense, were willing to eliminate any discussion of radical Muslims as
terrorists, accepted a nuclear-armed Iran and North Korea, were willing
to advance the Palestinian agenda to destroy Israel as a Jewish state,
were willing to promote Muslim Brotherhood control throughout the Middle
East and Africa.

An American nightmare under President Hillary Clinton

QAnon predicted that Hillary would use her 8 years as president
to cause World War III – a war that would cause death and destruction on
a massive, never-before-imagined scale of horror.

The war would be a “fake war” promoted by the
government-controlled MSM. Billions of the world’s populations would be
killed off, allowing the globalists (including Hillary, Obama, Podesta,
and their co-conspirator minions) to pocket huge wealth on a global

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. middle class would be destroyed. The U.S.
population (what was left of it) would be reduced to a status of
enslavement, starvation, death, and disease.

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. would have no borders, the Constitution would be
revised to remove the Bill of Rights and all fundamental U.S. freedoms,
and the population would be disarmed by the repeal of the Second

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, there would be no electoral college.

Future presidents would be elected by a majority of the popular
vote, giving control to large states like California, New York, and New
Jersey that can easily be overrun with illegal immigrants voting for the
traitors and their anti-American conspiracy.

If illegal votes were not enough to make sure the Democratic
Party traitors dominated all elections, George Soros would be allowed to
install voting machines to make Democratic Party voter fraud easy to
achieve electronically.

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. military would comprise a very small percentage of
the U.S. budget, with transfer payments making sure excessive taxation
redistributed income to minorities and illegals sure to vote for the
Democratic Party traitors.

U.S. military bases would be closed worldwide, beginning in
Germany. Russia, China, and rogue states including Iran and North Korea
would no longer need fear U.S. military reprisals for their evil

Only “Project Mockingbird” PRAVDA-like mainstream media willing
to be controlled by the CIA to disseminate the Obama/Hillary traitors’
anti-American ideology would be allowed to survive.

All other news would be censored, with Google, Facebook, Twitter,
and other Internet giants unleashed to eliminate from “Social Media”
even the most private or coded communications patriots might attempt.

Barack Obama, the Clintons, and their “Deep State” Democratic
Party co-conspirators are “pure evil,” capable of nuclear war to achieve
their globalist goals.

",1516653703,22/01/2018 20:41 8050371,3721067597,"


Alex Jones Radio Show

Listen now

Treason: QAnon Exposes Obama/Hillary 16-year Coup d’état Plan

Report: QAnon describes plan to destroy America, reshape world

Jerome Corsi | -
January 22, 2018

Image Credits: Joe Raedle / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an explosive post on Sunday,
QAnon explained the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton 16-year treasonous plan
to use two White House terms for a coup d’état in the United States
that would end up revising the Constitution, cancelling the Second
Amendment, and opening borders to flood the nation with illegal
immigrants calculated to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.

In the exceptionally long post narrative, QAnon alleged that “Deep
State” rogue operatives murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in
an attempt to lock in a hard-left ideology on the nation’s highest
court by giving President Obama one final Supreme Court nomination.

Posted initially on and tweeted throughout Sunday
afternoon,’s Jerome Corsi published a line-by-line “DECODE”
of the QAnon post seen here:

The following are key parts of the DECODE with regard to the
importance of the “Nunes Memo” the House Intelligence Committee is
expected to release this week:

QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

Decode: The Nunes Memo made public will alert the
American people to the Democratic Party coup d’état (undertaken in large
part through Obama/Hillary/Podesta collusion with Russia).

Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Podesta (plus many others) are guilty of TREASON. Hillary was right (Hillary’s tantrum after NBC commander-in-chief forum in September 2016 – “If we lose the election, we will all hang”).

QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+Insurance].

Decode: The Nunes Memo when made public will
prove the Obama administration weaponized the intelligence community to
ensure the Democrats would win the 2016 presidential election.

The weaponizing included using the Fusion GPS dossier to get FISA
court approval to conduct electronic surveillance on Donald Trump’s

Also included was President Obama’s plan to unmask and leak
information detrimental to Trump’s campaign that was gained from the
illegally obtained FISA electronic surveillance.

After McCabe communicates the Lisa Page “insurance” idea to
Loretta Lynch, the HRC conspiracy develops as a pyramid structure, with
Obama at the top calling the shots needed to use the Fusion GPS Dossier
to get FISA court-ordered approval to conduct electronic surveillance on
Donald Trump and principals in Trump campaign. Other two legs of
pyramid connect to the Clinton campaign through John Podesta and to the
intel community via Clapper and Brennan.

CIA Director John Brennan – the CIA “handler” of Barry Soetoro,
aka Soebarkah, aka Barack Hussein Obama – led the effort to sell the
“Russia collusion” narrative to the mainstream media and the American
public in order to prevent Donald Trump from serving out his term in
office should he (unexpectedly) win the election.

The Obama/Hillary 16-year coup d’état plan

QAnon makes clear Obama, Clintons, DNC, and the U.S. intelligence
community planned their coup d’état boldly, confident Hillary Clinton
would be elected president, never imagining Donald Trump would win.

The Obama/Hillary Clinton “16-year plan to destroy America”
involved the Democrats calculating both Obama and Hillary Clinton’s two
term presidencies would allow the unfolding of a 16-year plan to destroy

As part of the plan, the Democratic Party co-conspirators
envisioned Hillary would follow Obama’s plan to put rogue political
operatives at key positions throughout the federal government, just as
President Obama placed John Brennan at CIA; James Clapper, DNI; Eric
Holder and Loretta Lynch as Attorney General; Valerie Jarrett in White
House, James Comey at FBI – the list goes on.

Hillary would continue Obama’s plan to weaken the U.S. military,
while actively funding Iran and North Korea’s development of nuclear

The only military commanders promoted by the Obama and planned
Hillary Clinton administrations were to be those who: accepted the LGBT
agenda and sex-change operations for transgender soldiers at taxpayer
expense, were willing to eliminate any discussion of radical Muslims as
terrorists, accepted a nuclear-armed Iran and North Korea, were willing
to advance the Palestinian agenda to destroy Israel as a Jewish state,
were willing to promote Muslim Brotherhood control throughout the Middle
East and Africa.

An American nightmare under President Hillary Clinton

QAnon predicted that Hillary would use her 8 years as president
to cause World War III – a war that would cause death and destruction on
a massive, never-before-imagined scale of horror.

The war would be a “fake war” promoted by the
government-controlled MSM. Billions of the world’s populations would be
killed off, allowing the globalists (including Hillary, Obama, Podesta,
and their co-conspirator minions) to pocket huge wealth on a global

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. middle class would be destroyed. The U.S.
population (what was left of it) would be reduced to a status of
enslavement, starvation, death, and disease.

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. would have no borders, the Constitution would be
revised to remove the Bill of Rights and all fundamental U.S. freedoms,
and the population would be disarmed by the repeal of the Second

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were completed, there would be no electoral college.

Future presidents would be elected by a majority of the popular
vote, giving control to large states like California, New York, and New
Jersey that can easily be overrun with illegal immigrants voting for the
traitors and their anti-American conspiracy.

If illegal votes were not enough to make sure the Democratic
Party traitors dominated all elections, George Soros would be allowed to
install voting machines to make Democratic Party voter fraud easy to
achieve electronically.

When the Obama/Hillary 16 years in the presidency were
completed, the U.S. military would comprise a very small percentage of
the U.S. budget, with transfer payments making sure excessive taxation
redistributed income to minorities and illegals sure to vote for the
Democratic Party traitors.

U.S. military bases would be closed worldwide, beginning in
Germany. Russia, China, and rogue states including Iran and North Korea
would no longer need fear U.S. military reprisals for their evil

Only “Project Mockingbird” PRAVDA-like mainstream media willing
to be controlled by the CIA to disseminate the Obama/Hillary traitors’
anti-American ideology would be allowed to survive.

All other news would be censored, with Google, Facebook, Twitter,
and other Internet giants unleashed to eliminate from “Social Media”
even the most private or coded communications patriots might attempt.

Barack Obama, the Clintons, and their “Deep State” Democratic
Party co-conspirators are “pure evil,” capable of nuclear war to achieve
their globalist goals.

",1516654134,22/01/2018 20:48 8050719,3721109115,"

The deep state is in panic mode because of the imminent release of the memo! They will do anything to cover it up now, no matter how bad or ""tainted"" it looks publicly! The memo is the key that unravels the whole ""matrix"". ""Q"" posted back in December and yesterday describing what has really been going on and the following explains why these congressman that have read the memo are saying things like ""it's worse than people think""!

",1516655683,22/01/2018 21:14 8051811,3721188709,"

hillary email in 2013 on BLACKS in america... '' keep them UNEDUCATED.keep them blind and starve them out ""..... reference Q-ANON......................

",1516658911,22/01/2018 22:08 8051811,3721303372,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516664120,22/01/2018 23:35 8050479,3721316216,

They are baffled because they do not know what happened behind closed doors. I am starting to believe the Qanon thing because they said that Trump met with Schumer and ..........the rest is on the Internet.

,1516664754,22/01/2018 23:45 8051807,3721316309,"

This is the reason the Demorats and Fake moderate Gop want illegals.

""If illegal votes were not enough to make sure the Democratic Party traitors dominated all elections, George Soros would be allowed to install voting machines to make Democratic Party voter fraud easy to achieve electronically.""

",1516664758,22/01/2018 23:45 8050479,3721328692,

I read on Qanon (do not know if it real or not) that the media gets a narrative at 4 AM everyday and they have to follow it.

,1516665371,22/01/2018 23:56 8051811,3721331214,"

According to Q there was a 16 year plan to destroy the US, starting with Obama and ending with Hillary.

Call it the illuminati or whatever you want, but this has been a long term plan by the rothschilds going back hundreds of years. It is well documented that the end result would be a borderless world with one world government.

This is why Mccain and hillary are so close to lynn de rothschild.

lynn de rothschild is a luciferian like other elites, her favorite painting in her living room is a demon tearing humans apart and eating them. (very uplifting)

",1516665499,22/01/2018 23:58 8051811,3721331976,"

Right on KYS...and to quote the wonderful QAnon....""These people are REALLY REALLY stupid."" Dumbocrap party. If they can't understand, they can always read Jerome Corsi's written explanations - they're spot on. So excited to see the arrests begin!

",1516665537,22/01/2018 23:58 8051811,3721336514,

Ask Q.

,1516665758,23/01/2018 00:02 8051807,3721341865,

She does not know what happened behind closed doors when Trump met Schumer. I am starting to believe that Qanon thing.

,1516666021,23/01/2018 00:07 8051811,3721342503,

Q says he was allowed to go into North Korea. Q did not say whether or not he was allowed to leave;)

,1516666050,23/01/2018 00:07 8051807,3721358368,

I think you are right. Part of it has been leaked (but I am not sure if it is the real thing). I am starting to believe Qanon. He says Trump had something on Schumer and conveyed it to him when they met in the White House.

,1516666796,23/01/2018 00:19 8049623,3721389393,"

It is WHO is Q, just a patriot looking to drain the swamp. Read about his exploits right here from his own mouth.

",1516668221,23/01/2018 00:43 8050479,3721409322,"

I have to give credit to Qanon for ""their arms were twisted"" part.

",1516669199,23/01/2018 00:59 8053107,3721488799,

Somebody enlighten me. Who is this QAnon?

,1516673095,23/01/2018 02:04 8051811,3721492390,"

This is very disturbing.
New #Qanon post.

",1516673279,23/01/2018 02:07 8053107,3721513141,

who do?... Q do....

,1516674400,23/01/2018 02:26 8052455,3721526478,"

If American citizens knew what the Democratic agenda really entails, they would be horrified.

The DNC is far more corrupt than anything you can imagine.

Pandora's Box is about to be opened with the imminent release of ""the memo"", Senator Nunes collected. It's beyond mind blowing.

QAnon has released the truth behind the agenda of the Democratic Party. The memo is the beginning stage to reveal the corruption of the White House. There's more.

It's horrifying beyond anything you can imagine.

Illegal immigration is behind it all...

To destroy the United States...

Read this and everything will make sense...

Evil to the core.

",1516675152,23/01/2018 02:39 8053107,3721534094,

Latest Q drop is very alarming. Basically insinuates the FBI texts can never be made public or even provided to Congress because they discuss assassination with other allies of the US. I could undermine our entire justice system and/or spark war.

Things are apparently looking worse on the human trafficking front as well. The people we trust most are the most guilty of sin. 60% of these cases will never be made public because humanity wouldn't be able to handle the sadism and evil. Seems like Q is implicating the church. Are those the people we trust most?

,1516675583,23/01/2018 02:46 8053547,3721554885,


,1516676760,23/01/2018 03:06 8053107,3721555895,


,1516676823,23/01/2018 03:07 8053547,3721557071,

What is Q?

,1516676894,23/01/2018 03:08 8053107,3721557098,"


",1516676896,23/01/2018 03:08 8053547,3721558112,"

He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who is unconstrained by, and possesses immeasurable power over, normal human notions of time, space, the laws of physics, and even reality itself, being capable of violating or altering any or all of them in unpredictable ways with a casual thought or hand gesture, limited only by his imagination.

Oh wait, wrong Q. Sorry.

",1516676955,23/01/2018 03:09 8053107,3721558779,"

Exactly & look what Q just posted, unbelievable!

Jan 22 2018 19:47:32
ID: b189f8
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.

",1516676996,23/01/2018 03:09 8051811,3721562873,"

Recent Q post Schrodinger’s Cat...

Jan 22 2018 19:47:32
ID: b189f8
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.

",1516677251,23/01/2018 03:14 8051811,3721563663,

Heads are going to roll when the memo is released (see Q post above).

,1516677296,23/01/2018 03:14 8053107,3721580644,"

The Dems step right into Trumps trap! If the dems had any brains, the country would be destroyed as they planned. But they messed the coup plans up and they are getting exposed when the memo is released. The treason will be out in the open including the plan to destroy the USA. Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Muller, Brennon, all of them are going down! Don't close Guantanamo! Trump with the help of QAnon will see these traitors face a firing squad!

Want to see the plan they had? QAnon and Corsi show it here:

",1516678390,23/01/2018 03:33 8053107,3721591594,"

This provides a much deeper plan of what the Dems were doing. Trust me, it is worth the read.

",1516679202,23/01/2018 03:46 8053939,3721621779,"

This is very disturbing.
New #Qanon post.

",1516681763,23/01/2018 04:29 8053939,3721628367,"

This is very disturbing.
New #Qanon post.

",1516682355,23/01/2018 04:39 8052631,3721633954,"

If you are following QAnon, there is no way I would want to be on any of these platforms. These commies are in for a big shock.

",1516682875,23/01/2018 04:47 8053939,3721675017,


,1516686807,23/01/2018 05:53 8053939,3721675927,"

",1516686900,23/01/2018 05:55 8053939,3721682978,

This is psyops BS. Keep the restless natives in check by feeding what you think they want to hear. Just sit back because big things are going to happen. This is why I don't trust Q. Another psyops faker.

,1516687623,23/01/2018 06:07 8053939,3721699755,

Is that what Q said .... or what Jerome says it meant?

,1516689439,23/01/2018 06:37 8053939,3721756709,"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an explosive post on Sunday, QAnon explained the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton 16-year treasonous plan to use two White House terms for a coup d’état in the United States that would end up revising the Constitution, cancelling the Second Amendment, and opening borders to flood the nation with illegal immigrants calculated to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.

",1516694719,23/01/2018 08:05 8053939,3721764286,

stop that boring Q fake now !

,1516695405,23/01/2018 08:16 8053939,3721765978,"

For anyone following Q - presumed to be the Trump Team - he has told us to

NOTHING IS LOST - smile, chuckle, Payday is coming

",1516695557,23/01/2018 08:19 8053939,3721911133,"

Yeah but,The FBI lost a lot of their texts....So we have Nothing on them.....All Hear Say!!!!.....This same understanding sentiment by the Feds will be how they deal with John Q.Public going forward......Obama/Sotoero did keep one Promise...""To Fundamentally Transform America""!!!!...........

",1516706221,23/01/2018 11:17 8053939,3721916088,

According to Q anon very little of the really bad stuff has been uncovered. 60% should not even be released it is so disturbing. Think the worst of the spirit cooking Clinton crew and then spread it globally.

,1516706520,23/01/2018 11:22 8053939,3721933371,

According to Q Anon there are texts between senior FBI/DOJ officials discussing the possibility of assassinating Trump or a member of his family. These people are sick and need to hang from the gallows.

,1516707546,23/01/2018 11:39 8053939,3721945355,"

I find the whole Q thing to be ridiculous. It reminds me of ""Ulsterman"". I knew people wo just couldnt accept they were being played. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same hoaxers. Tell people what they want to hear in a conspiratorial tone, and they'll bite the apple, ignore the worm and come back for more. Thats not to say I dont believe serious crimes , even treason were committed. I just tend to think professional counter intelligence types might be a bit more careful with putting crimes down in writing- no?

Then again, we are being told the wizards of forensic science, the masters of the universe of the CSI world that multiple tv shows were based on...lost text messages, because they didnt know what they were doing?

",1516708217,23/01/2018 11:50 8053939,3721959033,

Very fair. Do you believe any of the Q stuff?

,1516708931,23/01/2018 12:02 8053939,3722017089,"

",1516711658,23/01/2018 12:47 8053027,3722052353,"

""And when you press the third button three times, an integral loaded diaper launcher shoots your loaded diaper at your enemies.""
""Ingenius Q!""

",1516713078,23/01/2018 13:11 8049759,3722074249,"

'For there is nothing lost, that may not be found, if sought'
As Q says- These people are stupid. None of the emails have been destroyed. Good guys have them ALL. Including tape recordings and videos.

",1516713954,23/01/2018 13:25 8054731,3722108428,"

I'm just saying never put all your eggs in the same basket, multiple references help you build a more accurate and broader picture of what's going on. Breitbart doesn't report on a lot of the more serious events that are happening. QAnon for example.

",1516715242,23/01/2018 13:47 8054743,3722116093,"

Once the memo is released, Pandora's Box will send many Democrats off to Military Tribunals.

It's that bad.

Republicans will have a super-majority for awhile. Senators cannot vote while under indictment.

All Trump has to do is wait for the inevitable super-majority, and then fund the wall and destroy all protections for illegals.

QAnon knows what is in the memo. The Democrats are finished after its release.

",1516715534,23/01/2018 13:52 8051319,3722118109,

Qualified investors.

That's a major protection against the John Q. from getting into investments he doesn't understand.

People who don't make $250k a year or have $1MM in the bank shouldn't be taking out 2nd mortgages for something as volatile as crypto.

,1516715610,23/01/2018 13:53 8054743,3722124574,"

Once the memo is released, the Mueller probe will be exposed for the fraud that it is.

Sessions was afraid of Mueller's probe. With that out of the way, Sessions can unrecuse himself and do what needs to be done or be removed.

The memo is going to shock the world.

",1516715846,23/01/2018 13:57 8054731,3722130483,

8/8 plan from the latest Q drop?

,1516716071,23/01/2018 14:01 8053939,3722150170,"

Surely Gowdy jests:
“I’m going to want to know what secret society are you talking about, because you are supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won [by] the electoral college,” he added. “I’m going to want to know.”

He knows full well with what has been released that this was an active coup, that Obama and Clinton were working to destroy America from within, and that there is evidence of a plan that was to be implemented over the Obama/Clinton term to turn America into the sh*thole the left so wants it to be, for poor and hungry people are easy to control when the power structure holds the money and the food.

The worst part is that Sessions seems to be uninterested in prosecuting Clapper for his lies under oath, and the statutes of limitations is about to run out to do so...

Now the big question, who at each of the 17 intelligence agencies verified the Trump/Russia collusion? I would think they need to be investigated since the document was a fraud, and there has been no evidence, how deep does the ""deep state"" go?

",1516716806,23/01/2018 14:13 8054731,3722218181,

Look at that description on QAnon.

,1516719239,23/01/2018 14:53 8054731,3722224134,"

James, why are we not seeing QAnon docs on B.B. and other sites? Or am I looking in the wrong places??

",1516719442,23/01/2018 14:57 8053027,3722225383,"

It will be one of those smart wheelchairs with lots of bells and whistles, like heat seaking missiles. Q will explain it.

",1516719486,23/01/2018 14:58 8056127,3722259840,

Do all of us know that our friend Q...a few hours ago suggested the lost texts were about the assassination of the Prez.involving other countries?

,1516720659,23/01/2018 15:17 8056127,3722280461,


,1516721356,23/01/2018 15:29 8056127,3722281875,

This comes from Q-Anon

,1516721405,23/01/2018 15:30 8053543,3722303573,"

""First transgender actress . . .first transgender character . . .has since been cancelled."" John Q. Public is not as silly as Libs think.

",1516722148,23/01/2018 15:42 8052587,3722328532,"

Report: QAnon describes plan to destroy America, reshape world

",1516722994,23/01/2018 15:56 8055163,3722434305,"

During the election I came across 'FBI Insider Leaks All' on Jim Beckwith's U-tube site. Below is the original thread archived on 4chan. Sounds like QAnon

",1516726603,23/01/2018 16:56 8055887,3722485753,"

It's interesting that Q seems to be indicating that Pence may be part of the cabal. Q also said some disinformation would be necessary, so wait and see approach would be best.

",1516728371,23/01/2018 17:26 8056127,3722486107,"

Remember what Q said, ""Nobody will escape. Nobody."" The Trumpster continues to take inventory for the round up.

",1516728384,23/01/2018 17:26 8057151,3722514236,

I. bet if you John or Jane Q public had something pertaing to a crime and deleted it i i guran damntee the GOVERNMENT would find it !!! Now whats the hold up and the problem here

,1516729330,23/01/2018 17:42 8056127,3722547724,"

Follow Q anon and read the crypted intel, believe it not,but it will help you understand what is going on right now.

",1516730446,23/01/2018 18:00 8057151,3722548341,

Look up Qanon.

,1516730467,23/01/2018 18:01 8057151,3722558517,"

According to QAnon, Muller and Trump are setting people up and getting indictments against those who have committed crimes. 9000 to date. That the investigation focus is not really on Trump but made to seem that way so the Dems and their accomplices won't expect what is coming soon. That there is a covert operation underway and Muller is helping Trump. QAnon calls what is soon coming ""The American awakening""............

",1516730807,23/01/2018 18:06 8057151,3722569542,"

The fact of the matter is, people make deals with those investigating. Giving information or working to bring the worst players down in exchange for amnesty. Once someone has done that, then they can be trusted. As far as the date QAnon said that, you would have to search for that on this latest decode:

",1516731167,23/01/2018 18:12 8056127,3722571222,"

According to Q Sessions is going to unrecuse himself, if there is such a word.

",1516731221,23/01/2018 18:13 8057151,3722578371,"

You have to understand Q uses code and sometimes what is said is counter intel. He may just be throwing others off because they all know others are watching every text, message and communicate......

",1516731453,23/01/2018 18:17 8057151,3722602094,"

It is totally obvious what is in the missing texts. They have clearly committed treason and know the penalty for it if caught. It would be amazing if there was no discussion of killing Trump and as many of the incoming administration as possible. After all, it's not like they can shoot them twice for treason, and they have already reached the standard. This was also in the recent Qanon drop.

Much, much worse than Watergate and Obama was in on it. The left will not give him up without a civil war. This is the beginning, not the end. They are not just going to say sorry, our bad, and disappear into the sunset without a fight to the death. You ca n already see the ramping up of the rhetoric.

",1516732235,23/01/2018 18:30 8056127,3722608727,"

Think out of the box, research Q intel.

",1516732459,23/01/2018 18:34 8057783,3722615714,"

That's what this was always meant to do, 1 item ban at a time, until the 2nd amendment is done away with.

Part of Q-Anon's 21 Jan post:
. . .[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8] . . .

Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187). . .

",1516732690,23/01/2018 18:38 8056127,3722646619,

All hail Q. . .

,1516733756,23/01/2018 18:55 8056127,3722652885,

QAnon: Building an army. This all needs to continue to percolate. Build the base.

,1516733976,23/01/2018 18:59 8056127,3722666267,

Part of 21 Jan Q post

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).

,1516734454,23/01/2018 19:07 8053939,3722671060,"

I'm going to educate you with some inside scoop. Go YouTube: ""Q-Anon"". This is coming straight from the White House and it's all about the deep state/One World Order WAKE UP CALL from our FEARLESS PRESIDENT to the American people!!! Now, this will take some time as he's been releasing coded messages about EVERYTHING!! The Pedophile rings, the corruption, HRC dirt, even allll about the Rothchilds, Bilderbergers, Rockefellers, etc... One World Order Cabals. This is alllll Satanic in nature. Again, you've got to get into it, research it, spend the time to understand and it'll PROVE that all the ""Conspiracy Theorists"" have been RIGHT ALL ALONG.....Get ready, IT'S ALL COMING OUT THIS YEAR!!!!!!! You heard it here first brother.
I'm stating to smell vindication after 20 years of screaming about this stuff.
""The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it."" - George Orwell

",1516734621,23/01/2018 19:10 8053939,3722675429,"

They were referring to THE secret society, THE ONE WORLD ORDER/GLOBAL ELITE/ILLUMINATI.....Go youtube: ""Q-Anon"" and you'll see that our great President is trying to wake up the American public that everything us ""Conspiracy Theorists"" have been saying all along IS DEAD ON TRUE!!! Dig into it, and get educated. You'll be BLOWN AWAY!!

",1516734771,23/01/2018 19:12 8056555,3722692603,"

FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm To Trump In Missing Texts

I guess this is verification of Q yesterday. Either that or True Pundit is part of the op, which is highly possible.

",1516735351,23/01/2018 19:22 8056127,3722695575,

All things will be revealed. Q ; )

,1516735455,23/01/2018 19:24 8056127,3722752420,"

^ 100 up votes for this post! QAnon also said that ""2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS.""

",1516737414,23/01/2018 19:56 8056127,3722768360,"

You can keep watch for Q anon's ongoing cryptic intel drops as they occur, on this secured board he/she is now using.

(Save that link to your Favourites and check whenever to keep track of what's going on behind the scenes. Earlier posts are scattered elsewhere and unsecured. Many things are now starting to make sense.)

",1516737956,23/01/2018 20:05 8055163,3722805589,"

Do not think that all of them can flee. These investigations are in the memo. I am starting to believe the Qanon phenomenon. The terminology ""weaponization"" of our Department of Justice and our intelligence services is a repeat of what Qanon has said a couple of days ago.

",1516739292,23/01/2018 20:28 8055163,3722823012,

Some already cracked (eg Donna Brazile). The corruption is on both sides. Qanon (do not know if this Q phenomena is true) said 70%. Q also said that many were forced into this by threats to kill their children and other things. They will cooperate since they hate what they were forced to do.

,1516739917,23/01/2018 20:38 8055163,3722870257,

I would say this Q guy is dead on.

,1516741646,23/01/2018 21:07 8055163,3722874526,

He is giving us intel through Q anon.

,1516741801,23/01/2018 21:10 8055163,3722930707,"

Same old conservative hobby horses. This is unique in the fact that it attempts to tie many things into one, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, etc.

What a hoot, the so-called super duper top secret memo was authored by Nunes. What a lapdog! Nunes has zero credibility. I wonder if Q Anon wrote the memo for Nunes.

",1516744010,23/01/2018 21:46 8056555,3722940215,

If he would’ve complied he would not have been beaten. I’m white and I’ve been Q. by police 100x. Never been beaten. But I

,1516744409,23/01/2018 21:53 8055163,3722945508,"

Q post 1/23/18

",1516744631,23/01/2018 21:57 8055163,3722947514,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516744714,23/01/2018 21:58 8055163,3722950110,"

It is my understanding many in Q are military, retired military & intelligence. Thank God for Q.

",1516744827,23/01/2018 22:00 8055163,3722950420,

Who do?... Q do...

,1516744841,23/01/2018 22:00 8055163,3722953342,"

The storm will go to a Cat 5 hurricane before this is over. New Q drop, read it.

",1516744972,23/01/2018 22:02 8055163,3722959613,

when was the last Q report??..

,1516745258,23/01/2018 22:07 8055163,3723005049,

No from Q intel.

,1516747342,23/01/2018 22:42 8055163,3723007943,"

So under what authority does Q say the “assets were stripped”? There hasn’t been a legal proceeding, and in our country, you don’t just get to take away someone’s stuff because you disagree with their politics.

",1516747484,23/01/2018 22:44 8055163,3723012147,

He is releasing it slowly thru Q.

,1516747691,23/01/2018 22:48 8054283,3723012648,"

No mas! No mas!!!! No f'ng more Hispanics, Mexicans or others in the damn country, legal or otherwise. Hole them up in their own hell holes. they only benefit small and large business owners and the Demoturd Party. they are of no value and in fact a detriment to John Q. Taxpayer.

",1516747717,23/01/2018 22:48 8055163,3723023012,

He is releasing crumbs slowly through Q so that Patriots can start baking the cake.

,1516748229,23/01/2018 22:57 8060751,3723023206,"

must watch Q REPORT............

",1516748240,23/01/2018 22:57 8057847,3723075912,"

Here is what you need to know

",1516750757,23/01/2018 23:39 8060751,3723077617,"

This nails Obama

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
This post explains what is in the “Memo” prepared by House
Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, Chairman, not yet made public

",1516750848,23/01/2018 23:40 8058183,3723079386,"

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
This post explains what is in the “Memo” prepared by House
Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, Chairman, not yet made public

",1516750939,23/01/2018 23:42 8058183,3723081571,"

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
This post explains what is in the “Memo” prepared by House
Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, Chairman, not yet made public

",1516751055,23/01/2018 23:44 8057847,3723097944,"

Qanon is showing you the truth, meanwhile BB is sniffing dog butts.

",1516751929,23/01/2018 23:58 8055163,3723129201,"

Info and Q intel is coming at a furious rate, hold on to your hats Patriots the storm is building fast.

",1516753620,24/01/2018 00:27 8060423,3723188096,"



NEW Q #QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormHasArrived


.... #ReleaseTheMemo

",1516755756,24/01/2018 01:02 8055163,3723188873,

Direct from Alex Jones and Qanon no doubt

,1516755798,24/01/2018 01:03 8060563,3723294506,"

Little do they know that his future (or life) is on the line. It is either them or himself. That's what a visit to the White House does (according to Qanon, which I am starting to believe in, but one can never be sure of course).
I hope Pelosi gets to go to the WH and get the same treatment that Schumer got. She will walk out agreeing to build the wall :)

",1516761898,24/01/2018 02:44 8060563,3723310485,"

You got to tune in! Liz maintains the President, mueller & sessions are the trifecta of muckrakers & are working in concert. I have lost track of the number of signed sealed indictments (in the thousands) waiting to drop. April is big into Q, another investigative reporter. you hit them on YouTube, it will take you to other places as well, but those 2 are A ok. Later ;~)

",1516762902,24/01/2018 03:01 8058547,3723355401,"

I am very saddened by all this. How can it be right to put an excommunicated person as a bishop. This pope is going against all tradition and everything that other popes have done.
This Qanon person (s) hinted in a recent message that the ones we are taught to trust are the most ""sinful"". The terminology ""sinful"" is used in religion and not in politics. He even mention the closeness of ""pray"" and ""prey"". I just got the feeling that Q was referring to this Pope since he previously had a picture of the Pope in the same group including Soros and the Rothchilds among others. I will not be shocked if there is something to this based on what has been done in the past few years. Thank God he will not be able to change anything that Christ taught. I think this Q works with Military Intelligence but i am not sure if it is true or fake but everything Q says comes true (coincidence maybe?).

",1516765965,24/01/2018 03:52 8056555,3723365602,

Right. They wouldn't have a stadium to play in without John Q Taxpayer

,1516766744,24/01/2018 04:05 8060563,3723378022,

Fah Q dreamtards.

,1516767715,24/01/2018 04:21 8062059,3723390672,"

Supposedly a person or persons with high-level security clearance that may be close to the President, but who certainly seems to have tremendous foreknowledge about what has occured and what is coming in regards to the ""Deep State"" and issues attached to it. Try Youtube, search Q or Q anon and you'll find sites who are discussing Q's postings. I suggest CBTS Stream or You Are Free TV for starters. Wish I could help more.

",1516768735,24/01/2018 04:38 8060563,3723415688,"

I heard that there are videos, audio, pictures and emails incriminating the traitors. I got this from the Qanon entity which seems to work in Military Intelligence (but no one can be sure of its authenticity). All I can say is that I knew what is in the news at least a day (sometimes weeks) ahead of time through this Q entity. It is on the Internet for all to read.

",1516770800,24/01/2018 05:13 8059759,3723517138,

Dr Q. That's a joke right? Did he replace Dr. Carson because he worked cheap?

,1516778331,24/01/2018 07:18 8062059,3723549824,

Yes they do. All detailed in the summary of the memo put out by qanon. They have big plans for us all

,1516781305,24/01/2018 08:08 8059995,3724051023,"

Earth to Q Daddy, earth to Q Daddy.

",1516805097,24/01/2018 14:44 8063439,3724073728,

If trumpets still believe in that Qanon nonsense they are idiots trump is another globalist.

,1516805909,24/01/2018 14:58 8059995,3724078641,

that comes from QANON

,1516806085,24/01/2018 15:01 8059995,3724108912,"

Jason Bailey 🗯‏ @iamjasonbailey

14h14 hours ago

#QAnon: Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?

~Nov. 14, 2017

Gowdy: The day after the election [...] Perhaps this is the first meeting of the #SecretSociety.

Who are the SEVEN?

",1516807195,24/01/2018 15:19 8061735,3724133337,"

According to the Q drop of 1/22, HE IS VERY MUCH FRIGHTENED NOW. Something happened.

Interesting to note too that Q said Schumer ""had to use the toilet"" before he left the premises. Terrified people have bowel problems, (diarrhea).

",1516808043,24/01/2018 15:34 8053939,3724169209,

This is so much bigger than Page and Strzok.

The 50K missing e-mails are missing because they show this secret society in the FBI/DOJ conspired to assassinate the POTUS and members of his family.

See Q 1/23/2018

,1516809285,24/01/2018 15:54 8060895,3724175643,

Bingo. I wish Q-anon would investigate Mexican dirty money going to these sold out politiians

,1516809508,24/01/2018 15:58 8059995,3724181026,"

You know how we know the memo is going to be released within a few days? Because the rats are scurrying. Mueller now wants to question Trump on the Flynn and Comey firings. Its a distraction, he just wants to fire up the left.

#QAnon said beware of counter-narratives this week

",1516809697,24/01/2018 16:01 8059995,3724182715,

R. Wolfe
24h24 hours ago

BREAKING: Late night post by #QAnon suggesting that FBI text messages may have discussed a plot to physically harm POTUS has been CONFIRMED by FBI official.

Buckle up. Things just got serious!

,1516809755,24/01/2018 16:02 8059995,3724186791,


,1516809901,24/01/2018 16:05 8059995,3724189105,

#QAnon is a laughable con artists designed to beguile you fools into posting obvious garbage... falling for it hard!

,1516809983,24/01/2018 16:06 8059995,3724193185,

I agree ...Qanon is most likely Comey ....with input from Hillary ...

That is what you sick progressive Communist are all about ..Deception ...Deceiving ....& Destruction .....

,1516810133,24/01/2018 16:08 8065115,3724205001,"

You know I read that QAnon post about the 16 year plan to overthrow the government.. Man if that thing was even 50% correct.. There are a lot of government officials that should be sitting in prison today.. Left or right or independent, the one thing we can agree on is we don't need that kind of corruption or secret coup..

",1516810553,24/01/2018 16:15 8065115,3724299596,

The Mueller investigation is leaking like a sieve. Now Bannon is called back to be questioned about the Comey firing. They are desperate! Q was right.

,1516813798,24/01/2018 17:09 8066119,3724580360,"

saw this at Free Republic Obama lawyered up

""Q drop #600 (Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel=PARTYTIME!!!)
1/24/2018, 2:20:02 PM · by ransomnote · 54 replies ^ | 1/24/2018 | Q Anon
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/24/18 (Wed) 13:39:13 No.57 Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/24/18 (Wed) 13:54:08 No.58 TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW). GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q ______________________________""

",1516823823,24/01/2018 19:57 8066119,3724635166,"

Sandgren is an American tennis player that reached the Q Finals. of the Australian Open The only American, including women.

ESPN began giving the guy copious sheet because of his conservative views and beliefs. Such imbecility runs MSM and ESPN

",1516825875,24/01/2018 20:31 8060935,3724666958,

Twitter blowing up with Q drop regarding obama retaining legal counsel.

,1516827066,24/01/2018 20:51 8065039,3724680484,"

According to Q, Obama has apparently hired a lawyer. Wonder if this will be verified in the coming days.

",1516827578,24/01/2018 20:59 8065039,3724685244,"

i like Q Anon post 1/22/13 as related to the memo

",1516827759,24/01/2018 21:02 8066583,3724688204,

From a QAnon poster- I guess that makes car thieves unregistered owners

,1516827877,24/01/2018 21:04 8066119,3724699664,"

Oh you beat me. TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW).
Q - from Q post.

",1516828330,24/01/2018 21:12 8065039,3724707607,"

this is exactly the Q Anon 1/22/13 post implies: Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed? Every FBI/DOJ prev case c/b challenged. 60% must remain private (at least), for humanity.

",1516828648,24/01/2018 21:17 8065115,3724709507,"

The FAKE MEDIA can never be trusted for anything.////////////////////////////////
The FAKE MEDIA will lie to your face, if it would help to rid the Country of THE POTUS TRUMP, that is their idea anyway.
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER put POTUS TRUMP into office, the NEWS FAKE MEDIA did their level best to pu9t hillary babe INTO THAT POSITION, BUT COU9LDN'T . /////////////////////////////////////

",1516828725,24/01/2018 21:18 8067247,3724712427,"

BREAKING: Obama officially retains counsel, memo bomb coming

#releasethememo #Q #QAnon #draintheswamp #crackingthecode

",1516828847,24/01/2018 21:20 8066583,3724717014,"

BREAKING: Obama officially retains counsel, memo bomb coming

#releasethememo #Q #QAnon #draintheswamp #crackingthecode

",1516829027,24/01/2018 21:23 8066583,3724717870,"

Are you looking for Obama's help? His foundation's money. The DNC? Because they are all tied up hiring lawyers:

BREAKING: Obama officially retains counsel, memo bomb coming

#releasethememo #Q #QAnon #draintheswamp #crackingthecode

",1516829060,24/01/2018 21:24 8066583,3724720387,"

Oh gosh call Obama oh wait -

BREAKING: Obama officially retains counsel, memo bomb coming

#releasethememo #Q #QAnon #draintheswamp #crackingthecode

",1516829162,24/01/2018 21:26 8066583,3724721446,"

Obama - first black POTUS. First black POTUS in the fed pen:

BREAKING: Obama officially retains counsel, memo bomb coming

#releasethememo #Q #QAnon #draintheswamp #crackingthecode

",1516829202,24/01/2018 21:26 8067247,3724754192,"

Haha, Redstatewatcher and Q Anon. You're a real dope!

",1516830557,24/01/2018 21:49 8066583,3724777029,"

I am all for it. Just need a cash deposit of $100,000 per dreamer. A down payment on the $300,000+ cost of funding education, and healthcare for the period they were illegal. We can recoup the remaining $200,000 over 20 years. Once the balance is paid in full then the individual will be put in a 10 year Q for getting a green card. Any inability to fund the reimbursement means you are not serious about being a US citizen. Must sign a form stating the payment is for amnesty and agreement that they agree too return to their country of birth voluntarily if they are convicted of a crime or fail to make payments.

",1516831569,24/01/2018 22:06 8066119,3724789124,"

Not sure how I missed this critical detail, but the Q pic file was named RTM.png


",1516832135,24/01/2018 22:15 8068227,3724831513,

Latest from Q...
obama has hired legal council !!!

,1516834206,24/01/2018 22:50 8068227,3724837072,

www . scribd .com ocument/369807349/QAnon-DECODE-Two-Posts-Monday-Jan-22-2018-What-Would-Happen-if- FBI-Missing-Texts-Discuss-Assassination-Vers-10-0-Jan-23-2018-JEROME-CORS

,1516834476,24/01/2018 22:54 8068227,3724852076,"

That pen has been used by Q before. It is Trump's pen. Very unique to him.

Last time he posted that image (or one of the same pen), he said to notice the table. It was one in the oval office.

",1516835221,24/01/2018 23:07 8068747,3725085125,"

You can find it on google. Q anon is reliable, but until we have hard prooof, I don’t necessarily believe it.

We’ll see

",1516848570,25/01/2018 02:49 8069491,3725189022,

I just saw an author on twitter who thinks Steve is Qanon - interesting theory

,1516856771,25/01/2018 05:06 8070103,3725209458,"

Page after page of search results links are saying he did. Q Anon is stating he did. Like Wikileaks, Q Anon is batting one thousand.

",1516858771,25/01/2018 05:39 8067527,3725239551,

You are of low I. Q. Get heip

,1516861686,25/01/2018 06:28 8064803,3725443613,

Mr Benioff wants our corrupt govt to regulate our corrupt tech companies. My Q is then what will we have and how will it be better?

,1516878633,25/01/2018 11:10 8067387,3725563666,

Do you follow Qanon at all?

,1516884687,25/01/2018 12:51 8070887,3725565625,"

Matt must have special fantasies.

Unless he is running intentional disinformation per the Q posts, he looks to have generally sold out.

",1516884776,25/01/2018 12:52 8069935,3725583497,"

Looks like business as usual ,, if John Q breaks the law ,it's a FELONY ,,,,if they break the law ,it's a GLITCH ,,in the famous words of Dana Carvey "" isn't that speciallllllllllll ""

",1516885263,25/01/2018 13:01 8067387,3725641312,

Do you follow Qanon?

,1516886762,25/01/2018 13:26 8069935,3725641572,"

According to Q Obama has hired legal counsel because of the memo that is going to be released.

Jan 24 2018 13:54:08
TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW).

No one has seen chelsea, hillary or the podestas for over a month now.

I wonder what they found in podesta's basement?

",1516886770,25/01/2018 13:26 8069935,3725652195,"

Thank you Suzie Q, the ""Elf"", HA-HA-HA.

",1516887033,25/01/2018 13:30 8070887,3725665456,"

14. He unleashed ""The Storm"" to take down pedos and swamp creatures within the government. Q.

",1516887340,25/01/2018 13:35 8069935,3725683284,

Q clearance a team of people most suspect

Q clearance is the highest level of clearance in the US.

,1516887683,25/01/2018 13:41 8069935,3725688926,

Google Q clearance

That was what Q called itself in the first post

,1516887783,25/01/2018 13:43 8069935,3725689845,

There is no such as a Q clearance in the US government.

,1516887799,25/01/2018 13:43 8069935,3725691599,"

A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE ""security"" areas.

Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[1] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[2] With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, harnessing the potential to cause exceptionally grave or inestimable damage to the national security of the United States.

",1516887830,25/01/2018 13:43 8069935,3725700914,

I stand corrected. There is no such as a Q clearance in the US military.

,1516887998,25/01/2018 13:46 8069935,3725729954,"

Jan 7 2018 21:18:45
ID: f946c4
(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
(34) commands LIVE.
[1] OWL [1]

Q tells us there will be a defcon 1 jan 7th.

2018 Hawaii false missile alert. On January 13, 2018.

Future proves past as Q says, the future will always prove his past posts.

Why did they need that defcon1? Q alludes to the fact that the NSA was being kept out of a NSA database in Hawaii by bad actors.

The only way to get the stuff was to create a defcon1 which would automatically trigger a mass data transfer to CONUS (continental United States).

",1516888573,25/01/2018 13:56 8067387,3725849114,

Anyone read Qanon? His predictions have been spot on and quite scary.

,1516892425,25/01/2018 15:00 8070159,3725862526,"

Twitter is a front company. They don't turn a profit and have not for years. Look at their stock report.

And until recently, who owned it? Some real scary deep state actors, one in prison for trying to over throw the Saudi monarchy, for funding Shillary AND ISIS, for being behind 9/11, and LV. He's not the only scary dude in Twitter either.

I hope this prompts Kassam to do an in depth piece on who owns or owned Twitter and why they don't make money. Why did In Q tel, the CIA venture capitalist firm start them up? And who do they take marching orders from?

The conclusion here is that Twatter, like all of the shadow government, must be dismantled, its shares sold to real investors in a real private market. Time to end the charade.

Twatter was to be part of the soft coup d'etat of the Obama/Shillary shadow government. Of course they shut down free speech. They were going to be Big Brother.

",1516892904,25/01/2018 15:08 8070887,3725880612,

Who be Q?

,1516893543,25/01/2018 15:19 8070887,3725888973,

You no be Q.

,1516893836,25/01/2018 15:23 8070159,3725922133,

Anti School was live streaming about pedogate and QAnon and youtube banned him. That is odd. He's done far more critical pieces. This was bland stuff.

But it was Pedogate. And Q. How about that? This makes me think that this pedogate business is not just pizzagate BS. There is mass pedophilia nastiness that has yet to break and there is a troll army trying to block it just like they are trying to block conservatives generally.

,1516894985,25/01/2018 15:43 8071119,3725960234,"

You are going to down soon too Ms May just like Obama, Hillary, the Bush's, Comey, Mueller, Stzork, his mistress, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Flake, and oh so many others. The Vatican....The head of your cabal. Q said to Europe....""God has not forsaken you"".....They first took you out strategically then your money now they illuminate your corruption and crimes against humanity. You have lost. The people of the world have won.

",1516896296,25/01/2018 16:04 8071119,3726097225,"

Good news. This was predicted a week ago by Q. The NSA had them all, and were going to release them publicly if the FBI ""lost"" them. Seems to have worked.

",1516900924,25/01/2018 17:22 8071119,3726119757,"

Did Fox & Friends really just show a QAnon clip on air this morning?!

",1516901659,25/01/2018 17:34 8074363,3726167286,"

4 days ago, QAnon suggested the missing texts may contain discussion of assassinating Trump.

",1516903268,25/01/2018 18:01 8074363,3726171354,

Lay off the Q larp

,1516903409,25/01/2018 18:03 8074363,3726191549,

So qanon is saying that the texts contain possible assassination details against Trump. Wonder if there's any truth to this?

,1516904099,25/01/2018 18:14 8074363,3726196366,"

I don't know about qanon, but I'd check Goldfinger's emails and Dr. Evil's text messages.

",1516904263,25/01/2018 18:17 8074363,3726250352,

Qanon's last drop said they wil find discussions of assassinating the president elect. I am sure he is right when you look back at the rage they expressed in their other texts. FBI going in for a huge cleanout if so. Would explain why they are so desperate to make them disappear.
Did Obama tell them to investigate doing so? Why did they not go after killing President Trump? They were talking foreign actors so they would not be looked at and could avoid blame.

,1516906114,25/01/2018 18:48 8071583,3726250766,"

Jan 25 2018 11:34:26
ID: fa6a1f
POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people.
It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT.
Jan 25 2018 11:42:56
ID: d5ca84

they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do

They ratted out their deep state masters?
Jan 25 2018 11:44:04
ID: fa6a1f
+ more, a lot more.

According to Q the english intelligence services have agreed to rat everyone out. (deepstate)

",1516906127,25/01/2018 18:48 8074363,3726393681,"

Dr Jerome Corsi deciphering Q post:


""Hillary would use her 8 years as president to cause World War III. WWIII would envision death and destruction on a massive, never-before-imagined scale of horror. The war would be fake and controlled MSM with Hillary’s WWIII waged to kill off billions of the world’s population, while allowing the globalists (including Hillary, Obama, Podesta, and their co-conspirator minions) to pocket huge wealth on a global scale.""

",1516911191,25/01/2018 20:13 8074363,3726411804,"

HILLARY Babe belongs in THE ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZENS expense. /////////////////////////
She should be joined by, OBOMMMMMMA, McCabe, Comey, and other FBI (( friends -brothers and in-laws )) POTUS TRUMP haters. ////////////////

",1516911907,25/01/2018 20:25 8075303,3726513817,

QAnon says UK played a major role in the overthrow by spying on bad actors when our own intel agencies could not. They ratted out their deep state masters and much more.

,1516916016,25/01/2018 21:33 8076091,3726540833,"


",1516917148,25/01/2018 21:52 8066119,3726541228,"

it's 'freq' with a lowercase Q... and I am sure of it... believe what you want, of course...

",1516917165,25/01/2018 21:52 8074363,3726635860,"

Trump. But the source is Qanon, so...
They say there are emails between FBI and internals discussing the possibility. That's all that I have read on the matter.

",1516921689,25/01/2018 23:08 8076303,3726671162,

Hey Trump.
P. H. U. Q. Y. O. U

,1516923615,25/01/2018 23:40 8074235,3726676515,"

Guys, found a new (to me) site today that you might want to saunter on over to when you get a minute.

It's a compendium of Q posts and a few assorted related entries.

",1516923895,25/01/2018 23:44 8075303,3726688027,"

We have these weird reciprocal spy agreements with our allies, mainly the UK. When we need to spy on our own people, we ask the Brits to do it for us, and suddenly you no longer need a warrant.

Apparently, the bad actors in the US were playing a little to loose with the arrangement, and the Brits started spying on them, along with the American citizens requested by our Deep State.

According to Q, if there is any validity to the intel he provides, the intelligence gathered by the UK was critical in the deep state takedown. I'm assuming they realized the problem didn't just exist in the US, and they detected the bad actors in Europe, too.

",1516924494,25/01/2018 23:54 8076091,3726720720,"

Hard to verify right now, but, Qanon posted that Obama officially lawyered up yesterday! Hillary must have emailed him and said if she goes down, she's taking him with her. Wouldn't that be lovely?

",1516926230,26/01/2018 00:23 8075555,3726744710,"

Maybe you should read this before replying.

",1516927327,26/01/2018 00:42 8075555,3726749292,"

By then the wall will be up.

But I agree ... I just don't think that Pence is ""Trump 2.0""

",1516927590,26/01/2018 00:46 8075555,3726756611,"

He didn't, you dumass. This is 100% from ""unnamed insiders"". Can it ... when Trump has something to say, he says it.

",1516928042,26/01/2018 00:54 8075555,3726757813,"

He's in Davos today ... so he's flipping these out during lunch. ;-)

",1516928109,26/01/2018 00:55 8075555,3726759713,"

This is a sideshow. Here is the main attraction under the big top:

",1516928216,26/01/2018 00:56 8075555,3726761005,"

They aren't reading the right outside sources.

",1516928291,26/01/2018 00:58 8075555,3726762234,"

Maybe you should listen more ...

",1516928363,26/01/2018 00:59 8075555,3726765773,"

Keep crying Mikey.

",1516928561,26/01/2018 01:02 8075555,3726766928,"

I've spent the day chasing the laser.

",1516928626,26/01/2018 01:03 8076303,3726783393,

What has Q been wrong about so far?

,1516929577,26/01/2018 01:19 8076451,3726791058,"

No he didn't.

",1516930016,26/01/2018 01:26 8074363,3726809712,"

""Horowitz said the effort to recover any additional text messages is ongoing.""

So he hasn't found all of them yet. PLEASE keep digging.

For the sake of the Sessions bashers below, read this first, eh?

",1516931073,26/01/2018 01:44 8077459,3726822390,"

Trump didn't make that offer.

",1516931797,26/01/2018 01:56 8077459,3726823665,"

Durbin just wasted another day on nothing. Tick tock.

",1516931869,26/01/2018 01:57 8077459,3726825160,"

At last ... someone who can read!

",1516931956,26/01/2018 01:59 8077459,3726830644,"

Don't know where you got your law degree, but it would appear you got your money's worth.

",1516932281,26/01/2018 02:04 8077459,3726836453,"

You are 100% correct and you didn't even mention the memo.

",1516932633,26/01/2018 02:10 8077459,3726840297,"

He gave them a deadline. They are going to miss it because of being jerks. His hands will be clean and DACA will be the first of MANY expulsions.

",1516932872,26/01/2018 02:14 8072587,3726843888,"

This is the sort of thing that liberals do which gets Blacks to take another look at the Republican side of the fence.

",1516933100,26/01/2018 02:18 8072587,3726848693,"

Those who aren't, used to be. ;-)

",1516933401,26/01/2018 02:23 8077659,3726854665,"

The NYT? Oh yeah, that's a trustworthy and unbiased news source. Right?

",1516933780,26/01/2018 02:29 8077659,3726856379,"

",1516933889,26/01/2018 02:31 8077659,3726857075,"
New Comment

",1516933933,26/01/2018 02:32 8072883,3726869315,"

",1516934704,26/01/2018 02:45 8076907,3726875793,"


",1516935129,26/01/2018 02:52 8065031,3726880996,"

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, look into Q Anon and 4Chan and 8Chan. If their information is correct(and I believe it is) stand by for earthshaking revelations that are coming. I have been hearing about these 2,000 sealed indictments. I believe we are getting ready to see them. 2018 will be the year of the outing. 2019 will be the year of the prosecutions.

",1516935462,26/01/2018 02:57 8075647,3726964201,

Jan 25 2018 11:34:26 Q !UW.yye1fxo

POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people.
It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT.

,1516941963,26/01/2018 04:46 8075647,3727039763,

Considering that Q said to trust him (was unsure at the time)
Plus this...
I think things will soon take a turn :)

,1516947119,26/01/2018 06:11 7770055,3727415233,

Last Q was 3.8% What are you talking about TROLL!

,1516973156,26/01/2018 13:25 8076091,3727452568,"

Ha Ha... Well the economy is slowing down esp in the 4th Q...And you are commenting on this....I guess, MAGA

",1516974638,26/01/2018 13:50 7770055,3727522843,"

I believe most people can read a map.....Life Explained.

",1516977286,26/01/2018 14:34 7770055,3727523786,"

I can take your word for it, or I can wait for the people who calculate it for a living to release it. Remember they'll end up revising 4th Q GDP upwards

",1516977321,26/01/2018 14:35 7770055,3727537832,"

Feed Your HEad.....@ https://throughthelookinggl...
Don't follow them down the rabbit hole...stop digging....they know they have been exposed.

",1516977834,26/01/2018 14:43 8080147,3727580940,

read the latest Q-ANON posts. MAJOR stuff going on behind the scenes. 2018 will be an epic pivotal year in this country's history. drain the swamp.

,1516979413,26/01/2018 15:10 8080147,3727585266,

Or type #Qanon in your browser and read the twitter feed about it

,1516979572,26/01/2018 15:12 8064811,3727741469,"

It's not a stretch to believe what Q said, knowing that's the basic ideology of all true Communists like her. Communists are very patient, planning grand schemes that take decades to slowly, wickedly accomplish. [They must be removed carefully, too.] So glad our amazing American republic has such a resilient Capitalistic foundation to support the great restoration we're now witnessing, with God's help!

",1516985033,26/01/2018 16:43 8080107,3727770765,

i can't wait til Q ANON dumps all the dirt on the DEM elites and the latest memo released to public of the DEM corruption in DC. The globe will be rocked to its core when they are exposed.

,1516986029,26/01/2018 17:00 8079883,3727795519,"

It very well will be revised, like any other Q.

",1516986881,26/01/2018 17:14 8077243,3727975897,"

Soros Pledges Renewed Fight Against ‘Dominant Ideology’ of Nationalism, Says EU ‘on Verge of Breakdown

Who does the FOREIGNER Soros think he is 'fighting against' U.S. Nationalism? This is beyond hubris. If QAnon is correct and folks are ""taking him out"", the sooner the better!

As for the EU on the 'verge of breakdown', thats Soros', unelected EU bureaucrats, & the globalist agenda at fault. In reality, Eurabia was toast before Trump due to importing tens of MILLIONS of savage invaders who aren't compatible with the citizenry and are nothing but an economic drain. Good try though blaming Trump. . . .

",1516993181,26/01/2018 18:59 8056467,3727999455,

they must keep telling each other how wonderful amazing incredible fantastic they are

or reality will return

the only Q is will there be more making love to each other or more hate for Trump...
and slinging insults at Melania and Sarah

either way I’m not wasting my time

,1516994071,26/01/2018 19:14 8080147,3728013353,

these hints have come thru QAnon

,1516994599,26/01/2018 19:23 8081471,3728046446,"

Agreed. I had a feeling he was going to bend on the subject. Immigration is a huge issue for me, as I know legal immigrants who worked their asses off to get here and MAKE SOMETHING of themselves and not collect handouts. Giving any amnesty is a giant slap in the face to these people, and to John Q Taxpayer. The dems don't care, they want blanket amnesty for the numbers.
I don't understand why we need to let the whole world into this country. Immigration should be merit based. We should only be taking people who want to contribute and assimilate into the culture. This doesn't mean stripping all that makes them who they are, but embrace the culture we have. It boils my blood to see these illegals marching down the street demanding we cave to them and appease their every wish. We don't owe them a single thing. I look at some of these people who have been illegal for 20 years plus... they say they love the country and don't want to get deported.... well, you only had 2 decades to become a citizen of the country you claim to love so much.

",1516995850,26/01/2018 19:44 8080743,3728108499,"

wE JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN don't need all of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION now taking place in AMERICA and other WORLD COUNTRIES. /////////////////////////////////
We, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZENS don't need the WORLDS JUNK. ///////////////////////// We have enough JUNK of our own in the US of A///////////////////////////

",1516998196,26/01/2018 20:23 8077355,3728169464,"

Chess. Schumer can't play that game.

QAnon: ""These people are STUPID.""

",1517000762,26/01/2018 21:06 8081611,3728201261,"

Ditto as a Black, blacklisted conservative academic from Detroit since Christmas Day, 1982. See Go MAGA! Go Qanon!!

",1517002227,26/01/2018 21:30 8079883,3728211651,"

There were 3 hurricanes that hit the US mainland at the end of the 3rd quarter, which had a significant effect on 4th Q growth. Its hard to grow when you're spending time and money making repairs

",1517002724,26/01/2018 21:38 8080803,3728284255,"

A reminder to We the People from a 1/19/18 Q post
""You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.""

",1517006483,26/01/2018 22:41 8081519,3728331856,"

Hey GG, who's Q? I've seen a few things posted. Don't want to miss out on the inside scoop ;-)))

",1517009179,26/01/2018 23:26 8081519,3728335585,

Who's Q?

,1517009400,26/01/2018 23:30 8081519,3728338262,

Qanon on Twitter... Google him

,1517009562,26/01/2018 23:32 8081519,3728339394,"

And this just in from Q, WH insider and patriot:

Jan 26 2018 15:43:27
Read slowly and carefully.
Will become critically important in coming weeks.
Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.
Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.

",1517009630,26/01/2018 23:33 8081519,3728358697,

This was in Q a few days ago


,1517010831,26/01/2018 23:53 8081519,3728362445,"

Why have over 50 CEOs resigned in the last two months after Q said start watching the CEOs resign.

The crimes are known by the NSA, they know all.

",1517011061,26/01/2018 23:57 8081519,3728365689,

Q clearance.

The highest level of clearance a person can get in our government. Its a team of people most assume.

,1517011264,27/01/2018 00:01 8079595,3728444407,

QAnon just posted today: 'Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.' Here we go.

,1517016572,27/01/2018 01:29 8083055,3728446600,

I don't believe it's Trump. Q may be even more than one person.

,1517016727,27/01/2018 01:32 8083203,3728451581,"

The White House just cancelled Monday's briefing on its immigration plan. Kelly and Nielsen were set to brief Durbin, Cornyn, Hoyer, and McCarthy.

""Given the rollout yesterday I think we are holding for now.""

We have yet to receive so much as a fact sheet on the WH plan.

Tyler Q. Houlton

.@BenMarter: This is a scheduling issue - nothing more. @SecNielsen is committed to meeting and we are working to reschedule on Monday.

2:52 PM - Jan 26, 2018

No this is an incompetent administration issue.

",1517017080,27/01/2018 01:38 8083055,3728495956,

huge yes... hey - Who do?... Q do...

,1517020286,27/01/2018 02:31 8083055,3728497181,

Who Do?... Q do...

,1517020383,27/01/2018 02:33 8083055,3728507171,"

INFO TIME. Lionel Interviews Dr. Jerome Corsi on the Significance and Criticality of #QAnon. THIS IS THE STORY OF WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE WORLD.

",1517021101,27/01/2018 02:45 8079523,3728528611,"

Get the facts. This guy is a great resource!

Is Robert Mueller SWAMP? #UraniumOne #QAnon #CBTS #Russiagate

",1517022859,27/01/2018 03:14 8083055,3728550298,

This is a timid post for off topic. i was just at got news dot com I was listening to the QAnon story Jan 25th...and came to a really awful post by Q anon. There is great evil in this world. It is unsettling to me. listen to this poster there

,1517024658,27/01/2018 03:44 8083055,3728552698,

Are folks here dialed into Q?

,1517024859,27/01/2018 03:47 8083419,3728591991,"

Just saw a email from Todd Meckler who was bragging to Donna Brazille and John Podesta about rigging voting machines. The email had been deleted, but Qanon had retrieved it from NSA files.......

and this Meckler is still not being investigated for rigging an election?

",1517028288,27/01/2018 04:44 8083055,3728596742,"

Latest Qanon and B Dilley intel: 1-26-18

",1517028794,27/01/2018 04:53 8083419,3728642070,

really? you think so??

BTW Q just posted

,1517033652,27/01/2018 06:14 8083419,3728642990,"

He posted 3 times about Form Submission 1649, two were deleted by someone and the third time he posted it they took his tweeter account out. Q posted about it.


",1517033762,27/01/2018 06:16 8083419,3728650964,

An Anon asked if Hannity was sending out an SOS. This is what Q posted:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: bc342e 175260

Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).
Imagine if these people were removed.
Total control re: MSM.
They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.
Re-read past crumbs re: security.
Where is JS?
How do we truly protect those important to us?
[19] immediates [no longer with us].
Self-suicide if actioned.
Real life.

,1517034718,27/01/2018 06:31 8085543,3728652466,"

This Q page. Different link than the one I just posted.

",1517034896,27/01/2018 06:34 8085543,3728653357,

I know the link is the Q page but what is that form?

,1517035008,27/01/2018 06:36 8083419,3728656930,"

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1

[19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals.
Think nuclear stand-off.
Getting crazy. I guess Q is claiming Hannity is one of the people under protection, and if anything happened to him people would die?

",1517035433,27/01/2018 06:43 8085543,3728657004,"

Current #qanon facts (1/2):

1. @seanhannity twitter account is gone at this moment
2. Last tweet from Sean Hannity said ""Form Submission 1649""
3. ""Form Submission 1649"" appears to be from legal ""Codes of Civil Procedure""

",1517035443,27/01/2018 06:44 8083419,3728657380,

who is this Q feller i always see being referenced?

,1517035493,27/01/2018 06:44 8083419,3728663545,"

Good heavens, go read Q!!!!!!!!!!!


",1517036276,27/01/2018 06:57 8083419,3728664227,

Where can one read Q?

,1517036358,27/01/2018 06:59 8083419,3728664608,

Jan 27 2018 01:48:10 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1

May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.

,1517036405,27/01/2018 07:00 8083419,3728667429,"

Not sure. I take all of this with a grain of salt. QAnon is a real thing, and it appears to be someone close to POTUS, but the purpose is unclear, and disinfo is necessary.

",1517036744,27/01/2018 07:05 8083419,3728667999,

Search Q anon Twitter

,1517036815,27/01/2018 07:06 8083419,3728668226,

Search Q anon Twitter...

,1517036842,27/01/2018 07:07 8083419,3728670157,"

Okay, just found Q, is this stuff for real?

",1517037083,27/01/2018 07:11 8081107,3728674202,

Due to the liberal Q u e e r 's who undermine anything to protect the welfare of the U.S.!

,1517037539,27/01/2018 07:18 8083419,3728692915,"

Well, hahahaa I was getting ready for bed then Hannity got deleted from Tweeter and Q is dropping all kinds of info and its made me a tad nervous.


",1517039687,27/01/2018 07:54 8083419,3728693947,

Oh Q posted that hahahaa. Some heavy shiit going on apparently. CRAZY!


,1517039800,27/01/2018 07:56 8085543,3728717070,

#Qanon is for sale.

,1517042160,27/01/2018 08:36 8077439,3728721590,

I wonder if you even know what Q.E.D. stands for?

I'll tell you...Quantum Electro Dynamics...but I'm sure I lost you there

,1517042600,27/01/2018 08:43 8079655,3728723506,

Same as the NHS you pay for generations and yet when you need it your at the bottom of a long Q of people that have never paid a penny.

,1517042783,27/01/2018 08:46 8081831,3728809510,

Thanks for sharing. I attended one of his rallies and I don’t remember seeing this speech.

I thank God every day that he won and to protect him. He truly was our last chance.

I don’t know if you follow Q via YouTube or 8 Chan. He’s great.

I want them in GITMO

,1517050624,27/01/2018 10:57 8083419,3728827392,

So strange. Maybe it's a message from Qanon?

,1517051971,27/01/2018 11:19 8083419,3728833479,

with Q?... nope not at all...

,1517052192,27/01/2018 11:23 8081831,3728838047,"

Yes, Patriot. Q is quite great!

",1517052556,27/01/2018 11:29 8083419,3728841423,

Weird tweet. Almost Qanon ish?

,1517052817,27/01/2018 11:33 8083419,3728844532,

Jan 27 2018 01:23:35 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9c289 176185

Nobody is sleeping tonight.
Let that sink in.

,1517053062,27/01/2018 11:37 8083419,3728857098,

Jan 27 2018 01:23:35 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9c289 176185

Nobody is sleeping tonight.
Let that sink in.

,1517054020,27/01/2018 11:53 8083419,3728869870,

I believe there are so many Joe Q. citizens along the border who are in construction trades that would volunteer their labor if necessary to help get this thing done.

,1517054986,27/01/2018 12:09 8081059,3728966304,"

20h20 hours ago
A friend just told me something interesting: It turns out James Strzok, Peter's uncle, met Obama in Kenya in 1988. Years later, all of a sudden, an unknown Peter Strzok, became one of the top FBI agents, and Strzok & McCabe are best friends.... @realDonaldTrump #qanon

time to do a REAL INVESTIGATION into the USURPATION of the Presidency by Obama

",1517060967,27/01/2018 13:49 8081059,3728973081,"

20h20 hours ago
A friend just told me something interesting: It turns out James Strzok, Peter's uncle, met Obama in Kenya in 1988. Years later, all of a sudden, an unknown Peter Strzok, became one of the top FBI agents, and Strzok & McCabe are best friends.... @realDonaldTrump #qanon

time to do a REAL INVESTIGATION into the USURPATION of the Presidency by Obama

",1517061259,27/01/2018 13:54 8083883,3729042317,

Trust in Q!!! #releasethememo

,1517064861,27/01/2018 14:54 8085543,3729212987,"

Okay ... Hannity is tweeting in the style of Q. What does ""Form Submission 1649"" mean?

",1517071862,27/01/2018 16:51 8085463,3729287765,

Jerome Corsi‏ @jerome_corsi

4h4 hours ago

Jerome Corsi Retweeted Robert Albo

Hannity was attacked by DEEP STATE for posting #FormSubmission1649 - a reference suggesting BARACK OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON guilty of TREASON. #QAnon #Qanon8chan warns DEEP STATE in panic will attack conservative libertarian red-pilled journalists.

,1517075400,27/01/2018 17:50 8085463,3729366729,"

Exactly. The Monday announcement of the Presidents immigration plan was cancelled. Do people not understand the strategy or understand how Schumer's clowns are being played? Like all the breathless rhetoric about the govt shutdown. And it amounted to nothing, made Schumer look like a fool and had the liberal msm shaking their heads asking what just happened.

Those who follow Q will recall this post from 1/19:
""Why are we here?
Why are we [the Q Team] providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.""

",1517079213,27/01/2018 18:53 8081831,3729503609,

Watching 'QAnon' and the latest posts. I agree 100%

,1517086020,27/01/2018 20:47 8086587,3729510163,"

Saw that, Q posted it this morning after JA posted it.


",1517086372,27/01/2018 20:52 8086587,3729515371,"

There are many others, too... proof soon to be presented to the world thanks to PDJT. Check out QAnon...

",1517086647,27/01/2018 20:57 8085543,3729529664,

Corsi is on ytube right now speculating that hannity might have been murdered or kidnapped last night...Qanon just dropped related message...
Anyone know more?

,1517087402,27/01/2018 21:10 8086587,3729615294,"

I'm furious with Breitbart for putting that SKANK'S photo up.Have all of us heard from our friend Q,at four o'clock today that Prez.will call out Hillary/criminal/Obama for treason at SOTU?

",1517092211,27/01/2018 22:30 8086587,3729675227,

I saw that but Q said something about a lot false news and shiit so not sure I believe that article.


,1517095942,27/01/2018 23:32 8082771,3729682231,

Most of the comments on this thread are anti Sessions by people that are not informed on what is happening behind the scenes. In order to really know what Sessions and Trump are doing one must investigate Q Anon and follow his posts and threads on 4 chan or 8 chan or elsewhere on the internet. Discover Q!!!

,1517096378,27/01/2018 23:39 8086543,3729743948,"

Unless you are a fictional British MI6 agent who has access to deus ex machina goodies furnished by Q, .380 is just too light a round to be reliable.

",1517100429,28/01/2018 00:47 8088207,3729813432,"

Latest Q to Tucker Carlson exposing Maxine Water’s 4.3M Los Angeles mansion.

",1517104915,28/01/2018 02:01 8088103,3729828123,"

QANON, says she will give a rebuttal to Trump's SOTU speech... we shall see...

",1517105935,28/01/2018 02:18 8088103,3729841055,"

So if I'm interpreting Q-anon correctly, the reason Dems are working the 'racism' lines so hard is because Obama himself is about to be indicted. They are sowing the seeds now so that confirmation bias will make their followers cry 'racism' when Obama is brought up on charges. This would be the greatest timeline

",1517106818,28/01/2018 02:33 8088011,3729855861,"

It is up to all of us to research all of it. As we have and we will. What is going to come soon via QAnon will shake YOUR OWN IDEAS. Be prepare, it will be ugly.

",1517107934,28/01/2018 02:52 8088207,3729890868,"

Every headline here is ridiculous. I feel like I am reading CNN. No one talking about QAnon. Huge news today.

",1517111070,28/01/2018 03:44 8082771,3729910828,"

The Q Anon posts are whats really happening. They are often coded as in intel reports, there are a dozen or so utube channels that analyze and discuss the posts. I like robert steele and jerome corsi. sometimes lionel nation. Also american intelligence media, which is great. Thomas Paine. The predictions are that arrests begin en mass in february. Gitmo is being prepped for new detainees and MILITARY TRIBUNALS are prepping for the trials not in our justice system.

",1517113115,28/01/2018 04:18 8082991,3729923524,"

breaking....breaking news..
""VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Thanks ‘Activist B*tches Supporting B*tches’""
That video is a fake and I can prove it.
Hillary is at Gitmo....walking all along the watch tower....wearing ankle bracelets......
There is too much evidence go and read Q anon.....LOL

",1517114456,28/01/2018 04:40 8089647,3730117524,"

Careful emru. You are flying the maritime Uniform flag which means you are standing into danger. You are about to receive the Q response code QRM, which means you will be interfered with if you persist. They now have wimmin at sea in the Navy. Were I still in the Boot Necks, I would happily trade them for a return of the rum tot.

",1517134950,28/01/2018 10:22 8089051,3730286114,"

If you read any of the Q posts the scenario is much worse i.e. The 16 year plan by Obama and Hillary to weaken America. The Republicans did little to stop Obama. Trump is cleaning it up and many are going to jail. MSM is quieter than a church mouse on the Executive Order of Dec 21. The EO is extremely powerful, so much so Soros is crying like a baby calling Trump a Mafia boss. Powerful leaders like Eric Schmidt is quietly walking away from their positions or face a freezing of their assets. Many trips to Gitmo lately. Wonder who are the latest recruits. If these people (creeps) are so innocent they'd protest. Schmidt may be indicted for trying to fix elections. All this is like a giant cyst. Time to lance it but stand back because the crap coming out is disgusting.

",1517146230,28/01/2018 13:30 8090299,3730434841,"

Lookee what Q threw out there. Some red meat for this argument.

",1517153585,28/01/2018 15:33 8090299,3730714257,"

Hey Jayzee - Q dropped a little sumpin for you today:

",1517165784,28/01/2018 18:56 8091619,3730804435,"

Qanon posted a meme of a cartoon character farting with the heading ""a liberal trying to debate an intelligent conversation"".. perfect.

",1517170003,28/01/2018 20:06 8090299,3730900876,"

Weird. I am not sure Q is real, but the anons were talking about Jay Z all day yesterday.

",1517174488,28/01/2018 21:21 8081915,3730906843,"

Curious, how many here know where to get Q posts?

",1517174786,28/01/2018 21:26 8090299,3730913288,"

On ReleaseTheMemo twitter that is still roaring strong..


He's a SLAVE doing the bidding of his WHITE LIBERAL masters

If they say write a song about #Lucifer, he writes a song about #Lucifer

If they say attack @realDonaldTrump, he attacks @realDonaldTrump

He serves ONLY them NOT Black America

#MAGA #QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo

",1517175106,28/01/2018 21:31 8078651,3730986850,

POTUS may have signed off on 1/24 according to Q.

,1517178850,28/01/2018 22:34 8078651,3730998034,

I heard that Q warned they were taking down all the conservative media sites. The proof is in the pudding. Just look at BB. What a shell of it's old self two weeks ago. Reads like CNN. Time to exit stage to actual conservative sites.

,1517179424,28/01/2018 22:43 8090299,3731004811,"

If Jay - Z had any brains, he would not have said anything to CNN - the biggest FAKE NEWS MEDIA OUTLET i- in existence. ///////////////////////////
The Colored people have found out, the job market is wide open to them. ////// They, the Colored People, can find housing, now they have an income worth buying housing with.///
What has JAY - Z done for these, his people, nothing. ////////////////////////
Keep up the good WORK POTUS TRUMP.///////////////
The more jobs created, the more money is paid in in taxes, the more JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN can have better roads and bridges to use.//////////////////////////

",1517179784,28/01/2018 22:49 8092591,3731116533,"

TIME TO STAND UP FOLKS.....Either be part of the solution or part of the problem....
Below are instructions bring the truth to light from Q Anon. You can be a huge part of the solution by getting on your Twitter feeds and bombarding the bastards.







The time is now to begin Phase 2 of our operation.

Tuesday, as we all know, POTUS will be making his State of the Union
Speech, immediately followed by Maxine Water's ""Address"" on Angela Rye's State of The Union ((BET))


Soros and his snowflake bots plan to clutter the internet with lies and divisive propaganda,
and only WE THE PEOPLE have the combined power to counter it.




We have begun by posting under the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag
to demand transparency from people who need to be held accountable for their actions.

We have amassed over a million tweets in a single 24 hour period,
twice that of any other hashtag, even despite being shadowbanned from
Twitter itself.

Your orders are simple for Phase 2:

The full 24hours of the 30th (This Tuesday) WE MUST MEME. TRUTHBOMB. REDPILL.



KILLSHOT= 4pm-11pm EST




Always Add:

@realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets

If Your Tweet Has @readDonaldTrump or OR @POTUS



You see those trending tags on Twitter? They belong to us now. Take them, even if they are unrelated to our message.


Continue posting your memes as per Phase 1, but sprinkle those trending hashes as well as #ReleaseTheMemo.

Take the ones which are in the top 2-3 at the present time.

Also, amongst those memes, focus on what QAnon has been talking about
with the FISA warrants, wiretapping in general, the government
shutdown, Dem's/Maxine/Deceit, THE TRUTH on Seth Rich and general Q
information such as the pictures of the elite which he posted recently.
The objective is to red pill the masses...


Keep an eye out for hashes which are shadowbanned. When they are shadowbanned, move to the next highest hashtag and keep going.
If you get your account banned - simply make a new one.
If you get IP banned - simply move to a new VPN or reset your router.

Show these SICKO's exactly what happens when you mess with We, the People, and their God-given rights of freedom and transparency.
Share this post far and wide, to your friends, your fellow meme warriors.
Today, we tear this place asunder. It belongs to us now.
We aRe With You.


Wanna check to see if your Shadowbanned?



",1517186565,29/01/2018 00:42 8078651,3731119535,"

Be part of the solution. Support DT in his State of the Union address. Get on your Twitter feeds. Bombard them with support . Instructions from Q Anon on how to use Twitter to get their attention.







The time is now to begin Phase 2 of our operation.

Tuesday, as we all know, POTUS will be making his State of the Union
Speech, immediately followed by Maxine Water's ""Address"" on Angela Rye's State of The Union ((BET))


Soros and his snowflake bots plan to clutter the internet with lies and divisive propaganda,
and only WE THE PEOPLE have the combined power to counter it.




We have begun by posting under the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag
to demand transparency from people who need to be held accountable for their actions.

We have amassed over a million tweets in a single 24 hour period,
twice that of any other hashtag, even despite being shadowbanned from
Twitter itself.

Your orders are simple for Phase 2:

The full 24hours of the 30th (This Tuesday) WE MUST MEME. TRUTHBOMB. REDPILL.



KILLSHOT= 4pm-11pm EST




Always Add:

@realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets

If Your Tweet Has @readDonaldTrump or OR @POTUS



You see those trending tags on Twitter? They belong to us now. Take them, even if they are unrelated to our message.


Continue posting your memes as per Phase 1, but sprinkle those trending hashes as well as #ReleaseTheMemo.

Take the ones which are in the top 2-3 at the present time.

Also, amongst those memes, focus on what QAnon has been talking about
with the FISA warrants, wiretapping in general, the government
shutdown, Dem's/Maxine/Deceit, THE TRUTH on Seth Rich and general Q
information such as the pictures of the elite which he posted recently.
The objective is to red pill the masses...


Keep an eye out for hashes which are shadowbanned. When they are shadowbanned, move to the next highest hashtag and keep going.
If you get your account banned - simply make a new one.
If you get IP banned - simply move to a new VPN or reset your router.

Show these SICKO's exactly what happens when you mess with We, the People, and their God-given rights of freedom and transparency.
Share this post far and wide, to your friends, your fellow meme warriors.
Today, we tear this place asunder. It belongs to us now.
We aRe With You.


Wanna check to see if your Shadowbanned?



",1517186732,29/01/2018 00:45 8090299,3731150115,"

If I were Trump, I would hit Jay-Z back hard with both barrels, & post a reply to him using the videos of Hellery & such that Q just used in his posts from the past 24 hours or so.

",1517188624,29/01/2018 01:17 8092767,3731198009,

Honestly I don’t remember. Probably around then. I am enjoying Q though. Cryptology is fun!!!

,1517191682,29/01/2018 02:08 8092751,3731239413,

Obongo supposedly lawyered up it if the Q posts are true.

,1517194224,29/01/2018 02:50 8090007,3731290122,"

I suspect he did. Did you see the press conference they gave? She was both cowed and seething.
I heard that they had a private one on one meeting prior to it. And just after they shook hands in the press conference she shook her hand like she couldn't wait to let go.
Watch this from TruNews:

Also it is clear that Qanon is someone (or plural) that is very very close to Donald Trump.
This was posted the other day just after Davos:
""May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.

",1517198159,29/01/2018 03:55 8092963,3731304336,"

I thought it was something black to wear? As I read about some Latino saying there weren't any of there kind nominated or not enough of them, anyway. My Q is how come blacks and latino(a)s are even at the Grammy's isn't that a Whitey event? I mean the blacks have all kinds of award shows as do latino(a)

",1517199609,29/01/2018 04:20 8092751,3731306221,

Everybody should be talking about the Q Anonymous posts. Real happenings in the world.

,1517199810,29/01/2018 04:23 8093799,3731334587,"

Nope, we won ;) better get up on yer Qanon

",1517202805,29/01/2018 05:13 8092767,3731348601,"

Big stuff coming soon,QAnon,the Great Awakening

",1517204303,29/01/2018 05:38 8091263,3731366325,"

I think Trump and his allies have everything strategically timed. I don’t know when the memo will be released but Qanon is saying this week. Don’t forget, there are over 10,000 sealed indictments from Trump’s DOJ that haven’t been executed yet.

",1517206223,29/01/2018 06:10 8093799,3731677732,"

Curser down to 18hr to see the bummer dressed in ""blk panter"" uni with gunnn & cig ...1998

",1517230382,29/01/2018 12:53 8088207,3731682863,"

It's all reverse racism magnified and highly charged and that's what the demon rats accuse and run on.
hussein was the biggest racist around along with his whole crew.
take a look at this!
curser down to 18 hr

",1517230628,29/01/2018 12:57 8093799,3731917075,"

No, go spend some time on YouTube and other social media outlets and see how many Trump supporters are concocting fairy tales about Q Anon and Hillary wearing ankle monitors, etc. YOU people make this stuff up, not me.

",1517240112,29/01/2018 15:35 8093947,3731971851,

Umm... that's a picture of a pen. Q Anon sent that out last week...

,1517242125,29/01/2018 16:08 8094291,3732002639,"

The Storm (10 days of darkness) has passed. There are 10,000 indictments about to be opened. Why did the President sign an Executive Order on 21st December, 2017 and who was it aimed at? Q Anon has stated that after The Storm, watch who does not return to Congress. On the day the President signed the above, the first CEO to resign was Eric Schmidt -
After that there has been a flurry of CEO's resigning.

Trump voters were dismayed as leftist after leftist was added to his Administration and this was done to flush out those that have been gorging off not just the taxpayer, but receiving government handouts greater than contracted for. It has been found that $3TRILLION has gone missing under Obama. How does one amass 4 x $million dollar homes when at the end of his Presidency, Clinton and Hillary stated they were broke?? The Clinton Foundation. Worse than gaining ill gotten money though, is the human trafficking which is rampant around the world. Little children are being kidnapped across America and within 24 hours are in Saudi Arabia. Why did President Trump travel to Saudi Arabia before other nations? and hours after him leaving America for his Asian tour, headed for Saudi Arabia

Americans will be shocked to the core in the coming days and weeks. Those that colluded to overthrow President Trump, including the media will be charged with treason and it will be a military trial. The first hints of arrests might just come during the Presidents SOTU address. Stay safe as the swamp is drained because the left will not let go of their power without a fight.

",1517243174,29/01/2018 16:26 8094291,3732019361,"

But that is all changing now. With The Memo being released soon, more people being made aware of the truth, QAnon postings and now this book, the Great Awakening has begun and the swamp is being drained. Huge changes are coming...along with arrests and many other getting out of politics so they won't have their lives destroyed if all is known. Thank you, God and PDJT!!

",1517243540,29/01/2018 16:32 8097355,3732068634,

He's trying to preserve his pension.
Although he should be more worried that he will go to Federal Prison.
Do you think he will flip to save his butt?

EDIT: Q just posted...there is concern of McCabe's safety...
McCabe should ask for protection.

,1517244631,29/01/2018 16:50 8094291,3732073350,

Who is Q anon?

,1517244736,29/01/2018 16:52 8097355,3732104327,

#Qanon - fascinating stuff - this is just the beginning #thestormhasarrived. My husband thinks I have gone crazy!!

,1517245410,29/01/2018 17:03 8096223,3732146929,

There's all this BS on the surface...and then there's Q!

,1517246721,29/01/2018 17:25 8094291,3732164981,"

#qanon #ReleaseTheMemo has gone from 1,700 tweets per hour to an amazing 10,300 tweets/hour as of stats available just before this tweet. I've been monitoring ... we the people have spoken.

#Breadcrumbs #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

",1517247323,29/01/2018 17:35 8097355,3732173454,

Follow Sundance. Follow Q. Think.
They wouldn't be going to release all the damning information through the memo if the chess pieces weren't in place.

,1517247603,29/01/2018 17:40 8094291,3732186108,

Corruption exposed Qanon Release the Memo @ State of Union

,1517248029,29/01/2018 17:47 8097355,3732186449,

one of a few pieces to a puzzle that will all go down before it is over. Comey and Mueller and rosenstein are on the list too as well as others that are not so visible. QAnon is a great source to get caught up and follow.

,1517248040,29/01/2018 17:47 8097355,3732187111,

Qanon says Podesta is really really sickly right truth...sick and his brother is in a military facility...I assume jail

,1517248062,29/01/2018 17:47 8097355,3732197246,

Qanon---------------#releasethe memo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

,1517248403,29/01/2018 17:53 8092591,3732236192,"

And, in other breaking news, Gemne Q. Whipplewart had oatmeal and a protein shake for breakfast this morning.

Details at eleven...

",1517249758,29/01/2018 18:15 8097355,3732245120,

I'd like to think qanon is the real deal.. we shall see.

,1517250059,29/01/2018 18:20 8094291,3732283693,"

How does the President communicate to the Patriots? By going on CNN? MSNBC?
No, he uses social media. Start here.
He speaks directly to the voters at rallies which are ongoing. Back in Oct/Nov QAnon started appearing on 4Chan, then 8chan, now their own board. Q has warned that starting this week, the world will be aware of what the globalists have been up to. Q has been dropping 'crumbs' and there are many, many decoding Qs drops as it is written like military Intel format. The President is in contact daily on this board with the American people as he has always done via social media. He is able to get his message out and many of those decoding are brilliant minds. It is believed that Q is the President but he being assisted by maybe 4 military Intel, one known as Zack. The cryptic codes are placed on the board and many decoders come together to work out what is happening at that time. Now a warning. If you are going to see what Q Anon is posting, there are but a few that I would trust, as they too are working as a team and they have been acknowledged by Q.

Jerome Corsi
Tracy Beanz
Destroying the illusion
The right media.

This is a video of Dr. Jerome Corsi speaking with Tracy Beanz about Q and the decoding.

",1517251419,29/01/2018 18:43 8097355,3732291526,"

Getting out prior to being charged with high treason. He'll sing like a canary in a coal mine once they've got him in custody.

Why do you think Odumbo hired lawyers?

Jan 24 2018 13:54:08 Q !UW.yye1fxo 58

TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW).

",1517251698,29/01/2018 18:48 8097355,3732352327,

Oh that guy... Mr. Q-Anon. The only guy who seems to be able to get first dibs on the info. What does that tell you?

,1517253900,29/01/2018 19:25 8097355,3732369001,"

QAnon says that they are preparing to give Hillary, Obama & Soros military trials so that they can't simply be exonerated by corrupt Liberal judges & juries.

",1517254499,29/01/2018 19:34 8097355,3732382376,

Please dont tell me you believe some internet weirdo named Q.

,1517254981,29/01/2018 19:43 8097355,3732468342,"

Deepstate has been exposed Q Anon ,Figurehead Hillary didn't win backup plan failing,what to do,jailtime.

",1517258105,29/01/2018 20:35 8098987,3732518300,

I’ll have to check out Qanon on 8chan to figure out what it all means

,1517259982,29/01/2018 21:06 8097355,3732561152,"

Fair guess, but don’t think so. Long live Q!

",1517261746,29/01/2018 21:35 8097355,3732588576,"

NO taxpayer pension/retirement!
Level criminal charges now!
These are EXACTLY the actions/cover-ups/back room deals, that the American Citizens are #fedup with.
McCabe threatening to go ""scorched earth on the FBI and burn the place down"" if he doesn't get his golden parachute and soft landing....

",1517262938,29/01/2018 21:55 8099719,3732674205,"

According to a recent Qanon drop, Trump has already signed the document to release the memo.

",1517266800,29/01/2018 23:00 8097355,3732679838,"

Post from Q last week is coming to fruition.

Q's website ~

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/27/18 (Sat) 10:43:27 No.62
Read slowly and carefully.
Will become critically important in coming weeks.
Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.
Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.


",1517267047,29/01/2018 23:04 8099719,3732717437,


,1517268800,29/01/2018 23:33 8097355,3732730436,"

Looks like Q is on target again. I heard the memo will be greatly redacted though, McCabe should be fired and lose his pension, as should they all.

",1517269423,29/01/2018 23:43 8099719,3732740094,

Bar B Q Fritos

,1517269895,29/01/2018 23:51 8097355,3732775347,"


",1517271541,30/01/2018 00:19 8097355,3732779354,"


",1517271727,30/01/2018 00:22 8099719,3732792442,"

Whoever posted the infowars vid featuring Jerome Corsi interpreting QAnon on this subject, thank you. It says that Julian Assange has been extracted and is working with Trump to expose the Deepstate. Also, that Hillary and her friends are pedos and satan worshippers and that pizzagate is real.
I’m sick to my stomach and optimistic that we can save our republic at the same time.

",1517272343,30/01/2018 00:32 8097355,3732801763,"

Do you know about Q-Anon?????? Watch this: Our fearless President is trying to get this information out to the public and it is up to us to WAKE THEM UP!!!!!! THIS IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORANCE !!!
""All it takes is an irate, tireless minority keen on setting the brushfires of freedom in the minds of man."" - Sam Adams

",1517272801,30/01/2018 00:40 8099719,3732806583,

QANON is a high level source in the administration. I will trust it for now. What he says bears out.

,1517273038,30/01/2018 00:43 8100143,3732866101,"


",1517276058,30/01/2018 01:34 8100143,3732870886,"

Check this out.

",1517276292,30/01/2018 01:38 8100143,3732873446,"

Check this out.
The memo is just the beginning

",1517276421,30/01/2018 01:40 8100143,3732876593,"

Here is the much much more.
Check this out.

",1517276579,30/01/2018 01:42 8100143,3732878178,

Have you heard of Q?

,1517276662,30/01/2018 01:44 8100143,3732881989,"

Check this out it is much bigger than you know.
The memo is just the beginning

",1517276859,30/01/2018 01:47 8100143,3732883993,"

Check this out, if true then this memo is just the start

",1517276963,30/01/2018 01:49 8100143,3732896041,"

If you hate it, then it's good for America. Q.E.D.

",1517277591,30/01/2018 01:59 8100143,3732903317,"


Stay away from crowds, public places, etc

Until this memo gets released, everywhere is a potential battleground.

-Malls -Concerts -Arenas -Public squares


Stay safe, stay frosty patriots!

God bless you, God bless Trump, God bless Q, God bless our military, Godspeed, may justice come SWIFTLY.

",1517277980,30/01/2018 02:06 8100143,3732909240,

From #Qanon76 on Sunday
Here we go

The table has been set.

Trust Sessions.

#qanon #AliceInWonderland #followthewhiterabbit #Q #thestormisuponus #maga #ticktock

,1517278304,30/01/2018 02:11 8100143,3732911185,"

WATCH OUT for False Flag's

Stay away from crowds, public places, etc

Until this memo gets released, everywhere is a potential battleground.

-Malls -Concerts -Arenas -Public squares


Stay safe, stay frosty patriots!

God bless you, God bless Trump, God bless Q, God bless our military, Godspeed, may justice come SWIFTLY.

We don't need another Las Vegas.

",1517278405,30/01/2018 02:13 8100143,3732925544,

QAnon says the memo comes out tomorrow.

,1517279218,30/01/2018 02:26 8100143,3732996682,

New Q drop tonight...

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/29/18 (Mon) 22:36:24 No.78

Narrative shift.


Nation on alert.

Firing RR = block Mueller.

Firing RR = set up to firing Mueller.

Firing RR = Red line.


What was the Senate conf vote re: RR?

Why did RR [BEG] Ryan to block the FISA MEMO from Congressional review/further advancement?

REAL TIME: [7] Congressional members + [3] Senators + [2] former O-senior officials + [4] OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS [NO C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE] @ SCIF [DC-CAP].




,1517283685,30/01/2018 03:41 8094291,3732998811,"

You're most welcome. If you search under QAnon back to when he/they (many decoding the 'crumbs' believe it's a team of military Intel), there is some really disturbing info on many, many leftists. All Americans should feel sick to the stomach at the very thought of Clinton getting in after that memo is released to the public. But if she had of got in, you would be looking at resembling Europe and Americans would be none the wiser. There are some pretty scared RINOs atm and I would imagine many Democrats too, including Obama and Clinton. This is treason; plotting to kill a duly elected President to hide your crimes should warrant a death sentence or life. The absolute pain, anxiety and treachery Obama Clinton's x 2 and the Bushes put Americans thru is just pure evil.

",1517283838,30/01/2018 03:43 8100143,3733007591,"

Yes, Q is dropping. I knew it was doing to happen.

",1517284494,30/01/2018 03:54 8100143,3733014561,"

Yep, it's very telling & Q has been quite accurate. The bracketed words are Q's inserts.

",1517285031,30/01/2018 04:03 8100143,3733018966,

You're saying that more than one person has the Q tripcode?

6 devices?

,1517285386,30/01/2018 04:09 8100143,3733020843,

But they must all know eachother and be in coordinated effort.

You have to enter a password that is hashed into a unique tripcode. This verifies the identity of the poster. Q = !UW.yye1fxo

Whoever posts using that code knows the password. So they all have to share it.

,1517285545,30/01/2018 04:12 8100143,3733022172,"

Latest Q drop also indicates that Rod Rosenstein is in seriously deep trouble. Supposedly, Dems are going to work 24/7 to protect him.

",1517285653,30/01/2018 04:14 8100143,3733022589,

Did Q have a translation of that Sally Yates tweet from a couple weeks ago? It was some cryptic quote from MLK about respect and not talking about your friends. I am going to look for it. Very chilling was the feeling on that one too.

,1517285688,30/01/2018 04:14 8100143,3733024410,"

Leslie posted the translation of his post according to QAnon. We know the only way McCabe could save himself is to talk. Unfortunately, everyone is hoping he doesn't talk.

Comey, Holder, and all the rest are in seriously deep trouble.

",1517285831,30/01/2018 04:17 8099719,3733047168,"

According to QANON, he already has. All of these people will be tried in military tribunals, not US courts with activist judges and liberal juries. They will forfeit all their assets per EO.

",1517287755,30/01/2018 04:49 8100775,3733059091,

The people who are Q work in intelligence and understand codes and military codes.

,1517288846,30/01/2018 05:07 8100775,3733060076,

What do you think APACHE means in the last Q drop?

,1517288938,30/01/2018 05:08 8100775,3733062730,

I think so. Obama is probably trying to figure out how get out.

They are watching all these people though

Another Q post said don't be alarmed by the number of drones in the sky

,1517289182,30/01/2018 05:13 8100775,3733070867,

Sugar Q‏
Follow Follow @Code_Tripping
Q's translation of James Comey's (JC) recent tweet. Major false flag warning. Death threat to McCabe (187 is Police Code for Murder) Better keep your mouth shut Andrew!
#DeepMind #MadMaxine #Qanon @realDonaldTrump

,1517289775,30/01/2018 05:22 8100775,3733073348,"

What this screeching shows is that the tyranny of the left that has engulfed the western world for the last 50+ years is coming to an end. Here is the evidence:
* The 2010 and 2014 midterms, where the opposition to the cabal gained power in the House and Senate
* The bloodbath of Democrat governors
* The election of Donald J Trump
* Brexit
* Emmanuel Macron's admission that if a Frexit vote were held in France, that the French people would vote for Frexit.
* the growth of alternative media (online/youtube/alternative platforms such as BB, Drudge, Zerohedge, CitizenFreePress, Infowars, Conservative Treehouse, Hagmann, etc)
* declining relevance of Hollywood
* tens of millions cutting the cord
* declining relevance of MSM
* QAnon
* the election of non-globalist leaders in Europe

I could name many, many more events that lead me to this conclusion.

",1517289899,30/01/2018 05:24 8100775,3733074268,"

Here is Jerome Corsi's analysis of recent QAnon posts....

",1517289982,30/01/2018 05:26 8075523,3733087079,

Spend alot of time tilling at windmills don't you Don Q?

,1517291230,30/01/2018 05:47 8100775,3733090227,"

I just want to say after Comey's tweet and Q basically explaining what it meant. It is time to really pray for America, President Trump and all our WhiteHats and all of us. I truly believe in the power of prayer and I believe God hears all of us.


",1517291543,30/01/2018 05:52 8100775,3733118083,"

Yes they did, Q posted and decoded Comey's tweet...Its very interesting. They want to kill all of us.


",1517294366,30/01/2018 06:39 8097355,3733210438,"

No wonder Q is concerned for his safety:

",1517303137,30/01/2018 09:05 8100775,3733219969,"

Q says 16 people got access to the Capitol SCIF to see the MEMO without clearance. Included FORMER Obama officials!!!

Let's face it, the swamp is everyone in DC. Scum have taken over and the patriots are swimming uphill against the most disgusting slime that ever oozed in America. But there's hope. Without Q we wouldn't know this. Without Q knowing this, we wouldn't believe these traitors will pay for what they've done. Thank God for Trump and Q.

We the people got this.

",1517303971,30/01/2018 09:19 8100775,3733221374,

Where is the link to Q?

,1517304094,30/01/2018 09:21 8100775,3733225511,

We're here folks. Stay calm and be ready to speak to your close friends and family. I believe we're in for a bumpy ride. It's Q said. WE WILL WIN!

Q says 16 people got access to the Capitol SCIF to see the MEMO without clearance. Included FORMER Obama officials!!!

,1517304438,30/01/2018 09:27 8096031,3733245345,

QAnon had some interesting comments about Alwaleed's release from Saudi Arabia last saturday. He still has to deal with the US.

,1517305447,30/01/2018 09:44 8100775,3733329273,"

If we live inside a Matrix - which I suspect we do - so called reality TV, MSM creating a false narrative etc - a world that only exists because it has been created for us .... and we know that we are living inside a matrix and that reality is not the manufactured life and world that those in power wish us to believe.... then, can our knowledge that all is a falsehood break the matrix?

Is this what it is all about?

I am finding it difficult to put in to words what I mean so I hope that some among you will understand my question.

Which is

Is our presence, our knowledge, our open mindedness, our sheer existence dangerous?

To that end, is Q almost telling us that ONLY WE can break the system, the Matrix of falsehood and dare I say Truman's World .... are WE the danger?

I meet so many people, family included, who think that I live in a deluded world because I love Trump, read Q, look beyond the fabricated reality of Hollywood and MSM and question what is going on.

Are WE living in a Matrix, know it and challenge it and are becoming the enemy because we are not controlled by this insanity?

I am reminded of the book "" In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King "" where the man who can see is condemned as insane because he has eyes. I hope that we are the force that breaks the matrix and shatters it open. But I wonder. So many, so blind, for so long. How will they truly react when their sight is restored?

",1517310066,30/01/2018 11:01 8100775,3733330631,

They remind me of the protesters the Q had on star-trek.!!

,1517310155,30/01/2018 11:02 8100775,3733358730,"

It's OK folks. Q will set them straight tonight and in 7 years, these leftist shills will be footnotes in our history books of the Great Awakening.

",1517311935,30/01/2018 11:32 8097355,3733381519,"

Yeah, I read Corsi's decrypt too. QANON is IA, #Tyler built by CIA and used by CIA now.

",1517313225,30/01/2018 11:53 8094291,3733383361,"

Everything you write is correct. Corsi has been doing a number of interviews (Lionel just did a great one with him). I'm addicted to the Q crumbs, myself, but this is a multi-pronged approach. The White Hats WILL WIN!

Also, we cannot forget the new Schweizer and Kurtz books coming out. They will rock D.C. bigly as well.

",1517313325,30/01/2018 11:55 8100559,3733424090,

Actually....I saw this in sync with Qanon and company

,1517315310,30/01/2018 12:28 8101400,3733438656,"

Will I for one, ain't holding my matter what Q says.

",1517316011,30/01/2018 12:40 8102078,3733520978,"

OK Capt . Q,
I think Israeli jews can best fight this. Im an American agnostic Christian. )

",1517319560,30/01/2018 13:39 8097659,3733569912,"

Verified: 16 people got access to the Capitol SCIF to see the MEMO without clearance. Included FORMER Obama officials!!!

Let's face it, the swamp is everyone in DC. Scum have taken over and the patriots are swimming uphill against the most disgusting slime that ever oozed in America. But there's hope. Without Q we wouldn't know this. Without Q knowing this, we wouldn't believe these traitors will pay for what they've done. Thank God for Trump and Q.

",1517321449,30/01/2018 14:10 8100775,3733774609,"

Here are all of the Q drops, from 1/08 to the present. Scroll down to the bottom for the latest.

",1517328738,30/01/2018 16:12 8085951,3733797163,

We have a thousand points of light. It's called the internet. Trump drew open the blinds to let in the light of truth. And with outlets like Alex Jones and Q Anon the truth is coming out. MSM is a sack of s**t. A worthless low down lying media that should disappear like the morning fog. Smart people know the jig is up. They've quit and headed for the exits. Others not so smart are barking when they should be hiding. Adam Schiff for one.

,1517329489,30/01/2018 16:24 8103017,3733897926,"

I have a good idea of what's in both from the news sources I've read, unlike the 4chan Q Anon garbage you probably read.

",1517332845,30/01/2018 17:20 8097355,3733904289,

still didn't answer the have another slice clingon.....

,1517333058,30/01/2018 17:24 8102882,3733915135,"

Things that make me uncomfortable, NFL thugs who disrespect our military and hang out with murderers. Not folks I invite over to meet the trophy wife and have a Bar-B- Q. Just saying.

",1517333423,30/01/2018 17:30 8100559,3734424456,"

She could be right there could be a coverup. The way trump screwed us over. Never know. I mean a lot of unsubstantiated rumors about. Talk of muller this muller that and all this other stuff by Q and other conspiracy sites is as yet unsubstantiated rumors. So are the ""pending arrests"" that we have all heard about. My bet is this just goes on for years until forgot. we got harvey better than nothin right breitbarts?

",1517350899,30/01/2018 22:21 8103017,3734453731,"

Schiff the criminal schmuck, bet his eyes will really bug when the memo is released! Q says Schiff is a traitor, took a $7.8 million bribe.

",1517352311,30/01/2018 22:45 8103017,3734488311,"

I read them. There’s so many, they’re impossible to ignore. Many are written as statements of fact, because of something people saw by Q or because of magical thinking. They don’t think they’re speculating.

",1517353951,30/01/2018 23:12 8104598,3734537478,"

Go long dude, You Don't Have a Clue is right. The Globalists have infiltrated all the alphabet agencies and Trump cannot trust them. Trump is the greatest President since Washington and soon, the entire PLANET IS GOING TO BE RED PILLED LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Q-Anon anyone?

",1517356348,30/01/2018 23:52 8104598,3734549964,

Tylr--- Buddy I'm alllllll about Q-Anon brother!!!!! Did you see Jerome Corsi's take on it 2 days ago???? Trump is about to unload on the AMERICAN PUBLIC AND THEIR JAWS ARE GOING TO BE DRAGGING THROUGH THE MUD!!!! THE GLOBALISTS ARE GOING DOWN AND OUR FEALESS PRESIDENT IS ABOUT TO OPEN A CAN OF WHOOPASS. Sessions is making me mad because I'm getting impatient as I've been anxiously waiting to see ORANGE JUMPSUITS!!!!

,1517356957,31/01/2018 00:02 8104598,3734554926,

All the pedophiles are soon to be exposed along with the baby murders who are the Illuminati....QAnon is Trump and it's all going to happen soon.

,1517357203,31/01/2018 00:06 8104598,3734559586,"

100% agree! I've been screaming about the pedophile Elite, the MURDERING OF BABIES BY THE ILLUMINATI for 10 FREAKING YEARS!!!! I cannot breath anymore as Q has even stated that he can't sleep knowing this stuff. TRY 10 YEARS OF THIS!!! It's everything in me to not lose it!! The American Public are not going to believe their eyes when this comes out. BUT I WILL!!! BB's are mostly right paradigm Fox News people incapable of understanding WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON. Right Paradigm Matrix lovers.

",1517357435,31/01/2018 00:10 8104598,3734566911,"

Go youtube: Q-Anon. President Trump is signaling to the American Public to get ready for the SHTF this year. HE IS ABOUT TO UNLOAD ALLLL THE PEDOPHILE RINGS, THE ILLUMINATI CONTROLLED ALPHABET AGENCIES, CONGRESS, TAX EXEMPT MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OF IT!!!! Put your seat belt on, you're going to need it.

",1517357799,31/01/2018 00:16 8104598,3734596247,


,1517359176,31/01/2018 00:39 8106041,3734763305,"

In my region, virtually every doctor is in the same hospital system, so when I switched my company onto an ACA plan last year (for the first time) not one of the 50 some people covered had to change their doctor. BTW, we had always had a ""Cadillac"" plan with all the bells and whistles, and only last year could we get such a deluxe offering through ACA And it was the cheapest available for that level of coverage.

I know there were people who had to change doctors when they went on ACA, nationally, but no one I knew personally, and of course there were other people who got their first doctors on ACA.

But you probably shouldn't hang Obama's broken promise over my head until Donald replaces ACA with something much better and cheaper, he gets Mexico to pay for that wall, and we see GDP growth at 4%, 5%, or 6%.

Let's look at that:

""But we're bringing it from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” - Donald Trump, October 2016

Actual GDP growth rate in most recent quarter at time of quote (3rd Q '16): 3.5%.

Actual GDP growth rate in most recent quarter now (4th Q '17): 2.6%

",1517367079,31/01/2018 02:51 8106041,3734776437,"

I'm seeing the dems in chaos and if Q is as accurate as he has been, I'm looking forward to seeing Hillary and Obama face judgement day. As far as I'm concerned, with what I see so far, he has delivered more than any President in my lifetime. The wall becoming reality will be the real checkbox of whether he delivers as promised. If you can't see the big picture, you're either slow or shilling.

",1517367699,31/01/2018 03:01 8103014,3734820455,

Seems like he is dissing TS but she does have mostly stupid teenage boyfriend songs. Suspect the fake news media edited his words to spark controversy. I go with Q over TS in musicianship anyday and this from a white boy who hates Obama.

,1517370158,31/01/2018 03:42 8103014,3734929417,

You got that right Q!!

,1517379254,31/01/2018 06:14 8103014,3735065899,"

Quincy had a great run, but he ran out of new ideas in the 1970s.

If you don't like Taylor's songs, Q, write some for her. Maybe you can have a comeback.

",1517391636,31/01/2018 09:40 8107493,3735128880,"


BTW, I read Brian Stelter's daily newsletter to try and keep a couple steps ahead of liberals. And this part from last night's newsletter made me burst out laughing:

[The Dem response: Sunny (Stelter's dauhgter) is teething, so she was crying during the Dem response... Jamie (his wife) woke up and walked by the TV... And she said, ""Who the heck is that?"" I bet many viewers asked the same Q.]


",1517396120,31/01/2018 10:55 8103014,3735212261,"

Damn, Q...maybe a few more salads

",1517400730,31/01/2018 12:12 8106041,3735226499,

They thought she would never lose. That will prove their undoing. #QAnon

,1517401368,31/01/2018 12:22 8106041,3735230913,"


",1517401560,31/01/2018 12:26 8105801,3735258824,

I like the 2nd SOTU . Surprised the President didnt comment 'the storm' as in the 'calm before the storm' statement he made 12-20-17. I expect to hear something this week on #releasethememo and #Qanon-the storm. Something going on.

,1517402737,31/01/2018 12:45 8106041,3735260759,

Look up QANON
The courts are corrupt and stacked with Obama appointees.
The DOJ is corrupt and stacked with Obama/Establishment loyalists.
The FBI “. “”””””””””””””””””””
Trump needs a secure comm channel to circumvent the DEEPSTATE
Patriots cannot trust the government nor judges nor juries.

,1517402817,31/01/2018 12:46 8103014,3735360077,"

Quincy won a Grammy the same year MC Hammer won for ""you can't touch this""...I have NEVER heard a song that was more hook infused or had a hook so blatantly stolen (Rick James Super Freak was the hook Hammer used) and yet Q didn't say a word..What the sam hill is so threatening about this skinny white girl? Why do people like Q and Kanye just simply have to attack her? Pretty darn pathetic.

",1517406551,31/01/2018 13:49 8108195,3735550317,

Texts from who? From Q Anon and other 4chan trolls?

,1517412357,31/01/2018 15:25 8104508,3735625002,"

Does anyone follow @anon.....?TMI.....

",1517414714,31/01/2018 16:05 8106647,3735662740,"

Of course, if Q ANON is right, a lot will be in jail or retired/resigned by the midterms.

",1517415392,31/01/2018 16:16 8110355,3735678949,

Anything from Q-anon?

,1517415919,31/01/2018 16:25 8110355,3735731556,

What was it Q said?

Narrative Change?

Imagine that.

,1517417269,31/01/2018 16:47 8110355,3735737335,"

Looks like another false flag by the crazy left/globalists. If you read QAnon, he/they said false flags would be happening. If you don't read Q, I suggest you do. Also remember the code from JC ""Activate the sleeper cells."" Thank God that train didn't derail and people on it weren't killed.

",1517417389,31/01/2018 16:49 8110355,3735881221,

Nothing is coincidence
Says Q.

,1517421954,31/01/2018 18:05 8110355,3735912976,"

Q's Translation of Comey's tweet.

an 29 2018 22:47:54
JC Tweet Translation:
Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS].

The people that are posting the Q messages are obviously military intelligence.

Many times the messages are to tell the bad actors that they hear and see all, when they go have a secret meeting. Q likes letting them they know what room they used where they put all their electronic devices before the meeting.

",1517422928,31/01/2018 18:22 8110355,3735932509,

You cannot deny that Q predicted the defcon1 in hawaii 6 days before it happened.

,1517423642,31/01/2018 18:34 8109500,3735949399,"

MediaMatters Triggered After Facebook Features Infowars Video

Leftist disinfo group upset Infowars is breaking the conditioning -

January 31, 2018

Alex Jones beat Facebook’s algorithm Sunday, breaking
through the censors and appearing on the social media network’s featured

Far-left site MediaMatters, run by Clinton-connected David Brock,
slammed Facebook for allowing Infowars to appear on their widely
trafficked featured section.

“On the [Facebook] topic page, one of the featured posts — posts from
Facebook users that have a dedicated section on the page — was from
Jones of the conspiracy theory website Infowars urging people to “Watch
Live: The Storm Has Arrived – Learn The Secrets Of QAnon And More,”
MediaMatters lamented.

Jones responded by trolling the Soros-run media group in a tweet saying, “TFW you overcome the censoring algorithm.”

Jones added: “TFW Alex Jones’ reaction gif gets more retweets than your ‘hit piece.'”

MediaMatters did not handle it well.

The left can’t stand the meteoric rise of Infowars along with the
groundswell of nationalism and populism gripping the country and the
rest of the world because it means globalism is in retreat.
Now they’re in damage control overdrive following Trump’s well-received State of the Union speech and upcoming FISA abuse memo release.

",1517424271,31/01/2018 18:44 8110355,3735979772,"

Jerome Corsi‏
Follow Follow @jerome_corsi
YEAH, SURE. Trains w 200 GOP Members of Congress ALWAYS RUN INTO DUMP TRUCKS especially after #QAnon #Qanon8chan issues warnings FALSE FLAGS DEEP STATE COUNTERATTACKS … #ReleaseTheMemo @realDonaldTrump

",1517425338,31/01/2018 19:02 8110355,3735992823,"

Follow Follow @TrumpGuyTV
More TrumpGuy Retweeted Jerome Corsi

#Breadcrumbs: Interesting parts about this #TrainWreck was that 1) #QANON predicted #FalseFlag events to distract from #ReleaseTheMemo, 2) #AntiFA (#DeepState / #Soros proxy) had announced they were going to go after trains, & 3) this happened in a town called #Charlottesville...

",1517425793,31/01/2018 19:09 8110355,3736008607,"

Jan 27 2018 15:01:40

Wizards & [WAR]locks.
These people are really DUMB.

Normally Q says ""stupid"" this time he said DUMB.


Deep Underground Military Bases

",1517426304,31/01/2018 19:18 8110355,3736070111,"

According to QAnon, the White House staffer who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last two months, the Deep State is running scared and attempting to cover its tracks. Senior FBI and high-level Obama-era officials are set to be directly implicated in prosecutable offenses.

",1517428355,31/01/2018 19:52 8109533,3736077095,"

wasnt it Q who said, towards the end of Dec that there would be at least 30 resignations w/in the next month?

",1517428538,31/01/2018 19:55 8109533,3736094746,

QAnon correct about Gowdy

,1517429174,31/01/2018 20:06 8110355,3736125277,

FALSE FLAG WARNING. Not an accident. Another attack on Republican congress! Wake Up people. Deep State traitors are coming for the people's representatives. #QANON predicted these attacks

,1517430272,31/01/2018 20:24 8109767,3736217634,

All of this is from Q and infowars. If memo is never released then it just goes in the memory hole as unsubstantiated rumors waiting to be forgotten during the next event or two.

,1517433655,31/01/2018 21:20 8110355,3736384160,"

So let's look at this.

1. Happened just outside Charlottesville, VA. Symbolic location.
2. Obviously an attempt at mass assassination. Remember the baseball game where Scalise was shot?
3. Attempt to ""derail the Trump train.""
4. Sends message that Republicans are ""trash.""
5. Sends message that Republicans are a ""train wreck.""
6. The timing is no coincidence. Right after the SOTU and right before memo release.
7. Also this is a ""super blue blood moon.""

What was it Q said? Their symbolism will be their downfall.

But who did it? Antifa? Someone who didn't want the memo released? FBI?

Whoever it was, they knew the train schedule. They knew who would be on that train.

Who was driving the truck? Was it remote-controlled? Did the garbage truck driver and passengers know they were being sacrificed?

",1517441302,31/01/2018 23:28 8111543,3736435433,"

If Q analyzed Comey's tweet of two days ago correctly, it means that McCabe should hang out around the house waiting for the hit team to show up and end his worries.

",1517444213,01/02/2018 00:16 8106947,3736497064,

QAnon I believe. I would have to go back and look.

,1517447739,01/02/2018 01:15 8106947,3736523061,

I have seen Q tips with more color

,1517449228,01/02/2018 01:40 8111543,3736523883,

Recent Q drops suggest martial law regardless. The sleepwalkers are going to riot when the arrest and military tribunals begin.

,1517449276,01/02/2018 01:41 8111543,3736526700,


,1517449431,01/02/2018 01:43 8111543,3736528110,"

Check this out.

",1517449515,01/02/2018 01:45 8106947,3736531860,


,1517449726,01/02/2018 01:48 8106947,3736535037,"

JORDAN SAGE WITH Q ANON.°20'56.7%22N+95°04'16.4%22W/@49.3501893,-95.0727958,648m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d49.349092!4d-95.071217

",1517449913,01/02/2018 01:51 8106947,3736561904,"

February 1st is NATIONAL FREEDOM DAY, yes I have been posting since Q dropped the Memo is coming tomorrow.


",1517451505,01/02/2018 02:18 8106947,3736566490,

What's Q saying?

,1517451781,01/02/2018 02:23 8112194,3736605192,"

Nothing else to talk about
Jan 31 2018 19:55:44
ID: 3f0776
TICK TOCK!!! Q, was the train incident a FF today?
Jan 31 2018 19:58:39
ID: 187fba
Do you believe in coincidences?
Expect more.

",1517454189,01/02/2018 03:03 8112194,3736620471,"

Yup, he tweeted about the train crash 14 minutes before it actually happened. I posted all about it earlier today. Go to tweeter and search this #Qanon and its all there for you to see. :)


",1517455257,01/02/2018 03:20 8111045,3736632720,"

6. Q posts about helicopter crash in Newport Beach. Apparently no accident. Indicates something bad going on at the hotel. Wondering if there's a connection to the over 500 arrests of human traffickers in LA.

Jan 31 2018 21:55:26
ID: 4c1b8d
Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he’s trying to cut a deal cause he knows he’s grass.
The intel just dropped is bigger than you can imagine.
Jan 31 2018 21:39:44
ID: 6f3736
What happened @ hotel?
What is [AS] attempting right now?
Favor repaid.
Lisa Mei Crowley‏
Follow Follow @LisaMei62
8. Q responds to anon post about hotel general manager where helicopter crashed. Guessing AS is Adam Schiff who is desperately trying to stop the memo from coming out. Not sure how the two things are connected, though but Q says ""favor repaid"". Perhaps AS was a client?

",1517456128,01/02/2018 03:35 8111045,3736637100,"

13. Q's last post tonight perhaps? Tomorrow is going to be a BIG DAY! Day of Days or ""D-Day"".

#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening

Jan 31 2018 22:08:14
ID: 6f3736

",1517456435,01/02/2018 03:40 8111045,3736640893,

14. Here are the FREEDOM stringers posted back on 25 November. Assuming these are ops that will commence tomorrow...OR...these ops have already occurred and we will learn about them in the news in the coming days.

Nov 25 2017 12:30:47
ID: 3LaVfhm8
_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y

,1517456717,01/02/2018 03:45 8111045,3736645966,"

What some people are saying is the feds took out the GM of Standard hotels helicopter to kill him and others because they had info on Schiff.

Supposedly the hotels are part of a huge pedophile ring.

Take a look at the twisted sick image on their twitter account.

These people are sick as Q always says.

",1517457092,01/02/2018 03:51 8112194,3736654965,"

Jan 31 2018 22:42:36 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 231058

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.
The shot heard around the world.

",1517457775,01/02/2018 04:02 8112194,3736656308,"

True, look where they were going and Q said its no coincidence.

",1517457887,01/02/2018 04:04 8112194,3736657208,

Kristol tweeted 14 minutes before the train wreck about the the train wreck. Check #Qanon on tweeter for all the images and shiit.

,1517457958,01/02/2018 04:05 8111045,3736660978,"

ThreeMonkeys AndMe‏
Follow Follow @We3forDemocracy
Q is now up to 15 posts today.
Q says Trump freed those blackmailed, threatened and enslaved
Q says that this freedom (?from Deep State oppression) is 👉🏼The shot heard around the world👈🏼

Jan 31 2018 22:42:36
ID: c3f516
Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.
The shot heard around the world.

See how Paul Ryan changed after the chains were removed??

",1517458259,01/02/2018 04:10 8111045,3736663251,"

They're desperate. Who knows what crazy things they'll do as cornered rats. Nuke Hawaii, try to derail GOP chartered Amtrak's, anything's possible. I think we should all be on high-alert. Go Q, go!

",1517458436,01/02/2018 04:13 8111045,3736663917,"

Jan 31 2018 20:55:44
ID: 3f0776
TICK TOCK!!! Q, was the train incident a FF today?
Jan 31 2018 20:58:39
ID: 187fba
Do you believe in coincidences?
Expect more.

",1517458488,01/02/2018 04:14 8111045,3736675540,"

Freedom & Justice‏
Follow Follow @eclectictalk
#QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/31/18 (Wed) 20:22:52 187fba No.229644
Newport Beach.
Hotel GM.
What happened @ those hotels?

I know what happend Q, Adam Schiff was a customer and the deep state took out the GMs helicopter to kill him because he had the pedophile goods. They did it as a favor because Schiff is working hard to stop the memo.

Standard hotel is mentioned quite often in the podesta letters and the owner is a spirit cooker. Just like podesta and hillary. And most celebs. google Moca spirit cooking gala. images

",1517459452,01/02/2018 04:30 8111045,3736681839,

The puppet masters are running out of money. . . Q.

,1517460010,01/02/2018 04:40 8112290,3736686961,"

The jackals of MSM are out to destroy America.
“Our movement is about replacing a failed corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American People” ~ DJT opening of speech #DonaldTrump

#QAnon has pointed us to this speech given by Donald Trump on November 13 2016 in West Palm Beach Florida.
This is what is going down and why the DEEP STATE run parties hate this.

",1517460457,01/02/2018 04:47 8112290,3736700019,"

QAnon in his post 57 on greatawakening directing us to watch this video I see why!

",1517461655,01/02/2018 05:07 8112290,3736700291,"

Q made quite a few posts tonight.

Some anons asked questions and Q answered their questions.

A couple of the questions were about the train crash.

Here is the archive of all the Q postings.

They are numbered in order.

",1517461679,01/02/2018 05:07 8112290,3736702283,

Q is short for Q clearance.

The highest level of security clearance in the USA.

,1517461866,01/02/2018 05:11 8111045,3736713115,"

Latest Q Anon...things are heating up! Adam Shiff is trying to cut a deal...he was involved in a pedo party at a Newport Beach hotel and was being blackmailed to cover Dems. He is trying to cut a deal...there was a helicopter crash in NB yesterday...the GM of the hotel was killed. This is all going down soon folks!

",1517462863,01/02/2018 05:27 8112290,3736723408,

Lots of Q & anon talk about the Standard Hotel in WeHo too and being related to the memo. Its an 'adult' hotel. lots of crazy info on it out there. Schiff connected to it too.

,1517463797,01/02/2018 05:43 8112290,3736739082,"

Feb 1 2018 00:06:58
ID: 21f0bb
Hamas co-founder dies after ‘accidentally’ shooting himself in head

Feb 1 2018 01:01:55
ID: 4dbd1b
Klaus Eberwein

Q replyed to that anons post about the hamas leader.

who is Klaus eberwein? Why would Q mention him?
Former Haiti government official shoots himself in the head in Miami-area hotel

Updated July 12, 2017 07:17 PM

Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official, was found dead Tuesday in a South Dade motel room in what the Miami-Dade medical examiner’s office is ruling a suicide.

Is Q suggesting these are not suicides?

",1517465303,01/02/2018 06:08 8112290,3736740885,

On January 14 Q posted that Trey Gowdy was stepping down. What’s Trey needed for? Special prosecutor? Getting very interesting now...

,1517465482,01/02/2018 06:11 8110355,3736750155,"

well, there's the false flag Q said would happen the day before the memo is released.

",1517466365,01/02/2018 06:26 8112290,3736750267,

Hollywood people are stupid.... Q is next to Trump.

,1517466375,01/02/2018 06:26 8112290,3736752178,"

Lisa Mei Crowley‏
Follow Follow @LisaMei62
4. Q confirms today's train ""accident"" was no accident and to ""Expect more.""


",1517466554,01/02/2018 06:29 8112290,3736754463,

According to Q the Train was being followed by drones as part of security to watch the ground.

They would have known if the Truck was stuck on the tracks and told the engineer.

I bet he came at the train like a bat out of hell to try and derail it which would cause massive deaths.

,1517466782,01/02/2018 06:33 8112290,3736754515,"

OMG go read tweeter #Qanon fuq....okay trying to regroup myself. I can deal with all the underhandedness and corruption in our alphabet agencies, BUT not sure Im ready for whats about to come to light. PRAY!!!!


",1517466786,01/02/2018 06:33 8112290,3736754921,"

Who is Q? It's not that Queefer from fox, is it?

",1517466826,01/02/2018 06:33 8112290,3736759346,

Look up Qanon and you’ll understand what’s going on

,1517467254,01/02/2018 06:40 8112290,3736759589,"

Follow Follow @TrumpSuperPAC
Hope Hicks yet another distraction from #ReleaseTheMemo, but if Democrats want a distraction #QANON just dropped the kitchen sink on Adam Schiff!

Some incident with Adam happened at The Standard Hotel & was covered up! He’s compromised by Deep State see how he repays favor!

The founder of the Standard Hotel died today in a helicopter crash.

Q said it was a favor by the deep state to Schiff to keep trying to derail the memo.

The founder of this creepy pedophile hotel was a spirit cooker who was friends with hillary satanic priestess Marina Abramovic.

Want to see how creepy and twisted Standard hotel is? Take a look at their twitter.

Podesta talks about this hotel all the time in his emails. Lets just say it is the hotel california.

",1517467277,01/02/2018 06:41 8112290,3736766014,

You do love this Q person.

,1517467903,01/02/2018 06:51 8112290,3736766703,

Who is Q?

,1517467970,01/02/2018 06:52 8112290,3736767235,

Q is short for Q clearance the highest security authorization in the USA.

Higher than the president.

,1517468024,01/02/2018 06:53 8112290,3736769156,"

Follow Follow @banksterslayer
Posts from #Q have been coming in all night about the #DumpTruck Train incident (not an accident). Also, #QAnon is now drawing attn to Haiti Clinton child trafficking and theft.

11:53 PM - 31 Jan 2018

",1517468207,01/02/2018 06:56 8112290,3736806043,"

Tweeter is literally dumping tweets that are #ReleaseTheMemo and #Qanon its very strange, not one new tweet for that in 2 hours. TWEETER is TRAITORS.


",1517471685,01/02/2018 07:54 8113703,3736888383,"

There is an agenda, which the mysterious QAnon has written on which seem to turn up on scribd documents . The 16 year plan to totally transform the US under Obama and Clinton was well underway apparently until Donald Trump came on the scene. Conspiracy theory? I don't think so. I have looked at it and an awful lot of things that Obama did begin to make sense/fit into it very well. It also explains the utterly visceral reaction from the Democratic establishment and Deep State to Donald Trump. He really is a spanner in the works.

",1517478452,01/02/2018 09:47 8113703,3736890693,"

See these for further food for thought. I am not sure what to think yet, but..

",1517478624,01/02/2018 09:50 8113703,3736948194,

Qanon info??? What's that???

,1517482322,01/02/2018 10:52 8112290,3736958114,"

Dude stop peddling disinfo. Corsi is a shill. Even Q eluded to these fakes hijacking his message. He has no inside info, no insight, nothing. Just his opinion.

",1517482916,01/02/2018 11:01 8110355,3737024378,

A Q post of Jan 7 contains these two lines:
Planes & Trains.

,1517486560,01/02/2018 12:02 8112752,3737036141,

LOL! Just yesterday Q said that Johnson is in the memo!

,1517487118,01/02/2018 12:11 8114426,3737156596,"

GOP train crash was no accident. There is no political solution to what is a spiritual battle.

",1517492172,01/02/2018 13:36 8113703,3737288179,"

Trump is safe under loyal Marine protection according to QAnon. He is on his way to Greenbrier bunker with the GOP and his entire family. Someone tried to derail the train carrying the GOP on their way to the bunker. Once everyone is safe, Trump will release the memo.
After that, he may have to declare martial law.

",1517496957,01/02/2018 14:55 8114426,3737326360,

Qanon post:
Feb 1 2018 00:17:25
ID: e2ade3
USMC on guard.

Feb 1 2018 00:18:49
ID: e2ade3
POTUS is safe.
Protected by PATRIOTS.

,1517498343,01/02/2018 15:19 8114426,3737335727,

Yes sir. According to Q the military has been watching and intercepting all goings on with the FBI and DOJ. He referred to today as FREEDOM day. The beginning.

,1517498664,01/02/2018 15:24 8113703,3737408087,"

To some extent I agree with you, only because from what Q has dropped on it so far, it promises to only contain info that verifies what most Americans have known for a long time, and no surprises really. As Julian Assange has maintained, they have had plenty of evidence to indict from the beginning--so why should we believe anything is going to change?

",1517501083,01/02/2018 16:04 8110355,3737435021,"

How is it Bill Kristol tweeted out regarding the garbage truck train accident 13 minutes BEFORE it occurred??????
Must see video....Kristol tweet at about 13 minute mark.

QAnon UPDATE and the Garbage Truck Conundrum

",1517501987,01/02/2018 16:19 8112116,3737530161,"

This game is over by halftime, maybe 1st Q. Alabama might do better than Philly.

",1517505262,01/02/2018 17:14 8103014,3737633765,"

i don't buy her music, though i admit she's cuter and a better singer than i'll ever be, i guess she's also way cuter than Quincy, get over it Q.

",1517508879,01/02/2018 18:14 8105348,3737657193,"

there are some connections between social democrats and landbauers ""burschenhaft"". and the fake antisemitic fakebook-pages were labelled so because there george soros was mentioned. he once sided with silberstein when the latter worked for stan greenberg (s podesta emails: in 2008 soros, podesta., greenberg planned a coup in the us -. fits into the 16 years plan qanon revealed) more on it see https://alexandrabader.word...

",1517509701,01/02/2018 18:28 8115698,3737657862,"

That's been happening for awhile now and those who tried to run have been caught. Research QAnon on 8 chan to get the inside info, also on YouTube.

",1517509724,01/02/2018 18:28 8113703,3737659297,

Qanon says it will be Schiff's money laundering scheme that is going to be revealed.

,1517509775,01/02/2018 18:29 8115698,3737887938,"

You might find this interesting. Can’t validate the accuracy but it pretty much details the whole playbook.

",1517518125,01/02/2018 20:48 8115839,3737914477,"

Qanon, please open the can of worms on these players. Time to bring them up for their crimes against America

",1517519173,01/02/2018 21:06 8116493,3738027416,

Long Live Trump and Q!

,1517523988,01/02/2018 22:26 8117918,3738077769,"

Man, do I love this president!!!

",1517526542,01/02/2018 23:09 8115611,3738078889,"

It is supposedly a summary of a much larger document just shy of 100 pages. A few representatives spoke loudly about getting it out, so to better refute you I should have been armed with their names. Also armed with the name of the person who wrote the nearly 100 page document. What matters to me is Q pushed for it's release, and Q has Trump's backing in an unofficial manner. Trump has validated Q is a genuine person to follow through Twitter in a careful way. This probably just makes you think I am more crazy, but laying it out on the line here. Gotta be genuine.

",1517526601,01/02/2018 23:10 8117918,3738082335,

#Trump plays #FakeNews like a fiddle & gives biggest clue to #Q ever to the #Anons on #8chan Confirms #QAnon

,1517526785,01/02/2018 23:13 8113658,3738122927,"

Hey GoGo, I'm going to Red Pill you right now. You don't have a clue as to what is REALLY GOING ON IN THE WORLD. Go youtube: ""Q-Anon"", research this extensively and understand just what our President is up against. He is about to unload these things on America: You ready? The MASSIVE PEDOPHILE RINGS, THE ONE WORLD ORDER ELITES WHO RAPE BABIES, MURDER THEM AND DRINK THEIR BLOOD, THE FEDERAL RESERVE OFF SHORE MEGA BANKERS THAT RUN OUR COUNTRY FROM WITHIN, MASS GEO-ENGINEERING PROGRAMS THROUGHOUT NOT ONLY THIS COUNTRY, BUT THE WORLD, THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING AS I'VE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM TO CONTINUE....Wake up, you live in a total illusionary paradigm...OUR PRESIDENT DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1517528959,01/02/2018 23:49 8117075,3738138193,"

With all the drug babies, low I Q, non English speakers, parents that are dumber than their kids and don't participate in the education of their children. How do you think a teacher can overcome that? Parents are supposed to give home training and kids should know their ABCs BEFORE school. Parents don't make their kids do homework, should they be punished for that? The Patriot educators do their jobs.

",1517529797,02/02/2018 00:03 8115839,3738194821,"

Dear Moochie, ShutTheFuckUp, Love, John Q. Public. P.S. please slaptheshit out of Bath House Barry.

",1517533013,02/02/2018 00:56 8115992,3738242162,

I have been telling people that Adam Schiff is a pedophile. Senator Schiff was tied to a hotel in LA that is tied to pedophilia and drug use. There was a helicopter crash a few days ago that had the female manager of this hotel Schiff was tied to on board and some others also tied to the hotel on board. Dead people don't talk. Q-anon is the one who alerted us to the helicopter crash. Schiff is a child rapist....

,1517535779,02/02/2018 01:42 8117897,3738308263,

Would someone tell me who Q is?

,1517539817,02/02/2018 02:50 8119022,3738398641,

QAnon -- Oftentimes Comey will speak in code

,1517547113,02/02/2018 04:51 8119022,3738402991,

I have no clue about it but Q mentioned it.


,1517547527,02/02/2018 04:58 8116697,3738407501,"

What's absolutely amazing is that they didn't have a Plan B, let alone C. Shoot, even in my non-eventful daily life, I always have plans right up to Q or thereabouts. Just in case...

",1517547951,02/02/2018 05:05 8116196,3738458952,"

I was alarmed too because at first he recused himself and other signs crept in that maybe he was just another globalist. If you have been following QAnon, a couple of times he/they have used the words TRUST SESSIONS. Everything Q has indicated or pointed out in the decoding has come to fruition. The AG might seem he is not doing what was expected and we have heard rumors that the President has been disgruntled on more than one occasion, but if the deep state needs purging the President's MO has been spot on. May I ask what do you think of the VP? The 'crumbs' Q has dropped regarding Pence is frightening. Did he have much opposition to his appointment? Hardly any. The deep state expected the President to be well and truly out of the picture by September/October. And just would have filled his position?

",1517553223,02/02/2018 06:33 8119022,3738463068,

How authentic do you find this QAnon

,1517553654,02/02/2018 06:40 8119022,3738463105,

You think Q is legit ?

,1517553658,02/02/2018 06:40 8119022,3738463918,

USMC is protecting POTUS Q said...


,1517553743,02/02/2018 06:42 8119022,3738470474,

Waiting to see how Q interprets Comey's latest

,1517554375,02/02/2018 06:52 8116115,3738536029,"

You are so deluded. Keep those glasses on to read the memo. After that Flynn and his attorney will be seeking to reverse the plea he has already put in. Let me clue you in on a secret, Trump has all the information that Mueller has what do you think this QAnon is?

",1517560738,02/02/2018 08:38 8119022,3738579301,"

Just curious. How many of you have been following the posts of 'Q' on either reddit, 4chan or 8chan? And how many don't know what I'm referring to?

If not you're not already familiar, please read on.

""Someone very very close to President Trump has been dropping crumbs about global events from behind the scenes. He calls himself Q. He started at the end of October on 4chan and has continued since then, moving to 8chan when 4chan became compromised. What he's claimed is going on is absolutely staggering.""

There is a website community on reddit that has been following this from the beginning. The link I'll leave you with, takes you to their FAQ page.

",1517564260,02/02/2018 09:37 8119022,3738582767,"

Best place to keep up with latest Q posts:

",1517564546,02/02/2018 09:42 8119022,3738583396,"

The daily Q posts:

",1517564597,02/02/2018 09:43 8119022,3738590021,"

Since some people hearing about it for the first time need a little help deciphering the messages, that's why I initially link people to the FAQ. From there, they can navigate to the actual Q posts. But yes, your link is the most direct to 'Q'.

",1517565141,02/02/2018 09:52 8119022,3738594893,

I've been following since November. Q eludes to it and then boom.... a week or so later it comes to light. Amazing.

,1517565540,02/02/2018 09:59 8119022,3738599590,

Call it what u want. I'm not calling it anything. I'm just saying that it is mentioned by Q and then it happens.

,1517565915,02/02/2018 10:05 8116196,3738656969,"

Well it seems that the crumbs that QAnon is dropping, hold the man in high esteem. Time will tell.

",1517570026,02/02/2018 11:13 8116196,3738663170,

Ask Qanon??? He will tell you

,1517570435,02/02/2018 11:20 8116196,3738664962,

look into Qanon and you will see that Sessions has been setting the table. It is dinner time!

,1517570550,02/02/2018 11:22 8116196,3738673906,

Qanon’s recent posting says to “Trust Sessions.”

,1517571096,02/02/2018 11:31 8116115,3738727547,

When the feds go after someone they dig their heels in with unlimited resources (Other Peoples Money). When John Q Citizen tries to fight back the guberment smothers him with legal bills and wins through wearing him down. In steps the Trumpster and Big Dick has met his match.

,1517574093,02/02/2018 12:21 8119022,3738757572,

Provide the link please...I would like to visit this Q too...

,1517575580,02/02/2018 12:46 8120180,3738877508,"

I've made a correction:

The imam charges £60 per exorcism, claiming that the money is used to fund his Sky Q subscription.

",1517580667,02/02/2018 14:11 8120309,3738883039,"

As ' Q ' might Ask ; "" Where is the Super Bowl being held ?
What else is the town known for ?
Who has a major role in security ?
What similarities are there to Orlando ?
Add your own ......

",1517580878,02/02/2018 14:14 8120309,3738975313,

Did BS Q tell you that?

,1517584348,02/02/2018 15:12 8118908,3738995933,

Guys from Queens...he is a street fighter from Q...that’s how he has always been. Deal with it

Approval rating up to 49%...and SOTU hit 75%...

Not an embarresment at all...he’s already the GOAT

,1517585133,02/02/2018 15:25 8120552,3738999482,

Yep. Especially if Atlanta Fed is right with +5% 1st Q growth

,1517585266,02/02/2018 15:27 8118728,3739056765,

Also make a point to check in on the Q and Dilley on reddit/8chan as the memo release means the 'Storm' has made landfall.

,1517587376,02/02/2018 16:02 8116196,3739090230,

Did you read that directly from Q post or from someone who interpreted it?

,1517588519,02/02/2018 16:21 8121251,3739104053,

Supposedly some people were issued cyanide pills according to Q post

,1517588991,02/02/2018 16:29 8116196,3739223790,"

I saw the challenger wreckage, in bpearthwatch video, titled ""gods vengeance on the space weapon!"". He's nutty as pelosi and ""Q"" is likely just him, making azz hats of whoever he can ""for god!"" - but hey, let Q believers do what they want. Its an open book, light of day matter now. No more ""Q's!"" Needed unless they are material witnesses who can testify.
I just don't believe duping people with the mind of a child is so ""divine"" or christian. Its embarassing

",1517592741,02/02/2018 17:32 8121251,3739256580,

I think you are right. I'm following the Q drops.

,1517593775,02/02/2018 17:49 8120309,3739351590,"

I can't, what's the difference? Yeah I do watch Jones and I read Q too. It's a more reliable source of info than the MSM BS you're reading. Basically the memo says nothing new to me. But now we can and must act accordingly. Fire the perps then lock them up. And this is just the beginning, meanwhile you are under a pile of cow dung like the mushroom you are. Jones tells tomorrows news today. We have a President that's not bought by the Globalists. Where's Schmidt? He will be accused of fixing not one or 2 but 3 elections.

",1517596675,02/02/2018 18:37 8121251,3739360985,"

Give me a time frame. I have been reading the Q anon stuff for weeks now, and the calm continues.

",1517596978,02/02/2018 18:42 8120873,3739375208,"

""QAnon"" predicted suicides. Wonder who'll go first... Hope it's Hilly.

",1517597440,02/02/2018 18:50 8121251,3739407464,"


",1517598490,02/02/2018 19:08 8121251,3739437126,"

I would argue that Jeff Sessions has been doing his job. Quietly and discreetly in the manner of past DOJ leaders who were not looking for celebrity status (ala Holder). Replacing federal judgeships one by one with constitutional judges is a first step in this process. The Senate has confirmed more federal judges for President Trump than they had for Obama at this point. And we know Obama stacked the judiciary with his agenda driven, weasel judges. That process will continue.

If you follow Q postings you have read ""Trust Sessions."" If Sessions had not been doing his job he would have been fired long ago.

The pedofile investigations and subsequent arrests have not even made the headlines. Thousands of pedos have been arrested and pedo rings dismantled. More will come out on this front.

MS 13 by the hundreds rooted out, arrested and deported or jailed.

There are over 13,000 sealed indictments pending in federal courts, thus the need to get rid of Obama's agenda driven judges and replace with judges who will uphold the constitution as written and prosecute criminals to the extent of the law. The EO signed by President Trump on 12/21 will hold even more importance as the swamp draining begins. It's worth carefully ready in its entirety.

Jeff Sessions is doing his job well, in my opinion. Remember he and President Trump had two years of working together before the inauguration to discuss strategy and approach to draining the swamp. If you look at the Senate confirmation vote for Sessions 52-47, what were the globalist Senators afraid of? That Sessions couldn't be controlled by the globalists? And why was Rosenstein confirmed 96-4. Because the globalists knew they had their stooge in a powerful position they could control. I think Sessions recusal from the Russian narrative was a purposeful move to let the criminals expose themselves. Arms length style. Sessions strategy has proved fruitful.

The white hats in government are coming forward. During the SOTU address on Tuesday we heard many in congress chant USA, USA, while Dimms sat on their hands or got up and walked out (Luis Gutierrez). Freedom Day for many who had been blackmailed and threatened into silence. The President issued the activation code for all cabinet level agency heads to drain their individual swamps. ""So tonight, I call on Congress to empower every cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.""

No doubt more to come and Sessions work completed behind the scene away from the glaring criticisms of the msm and black hats will become more visible.

",1517599495,02/02/2018 19:24 8121251,3739474008,"

Q is a dud so what do we care what he says about Sessions.

The Senate confirmation vote for Sessions 52-47 is meaningless because he recused from the Russia investigation. Trump's disappointment in Sessions was real and palpable.

Q-Anon said Maxine Waters would be delivering the Dem response to the SOTU. Nope. Why??

In abundance were Democratic responses to State of the Union most notably Kennedy jr but not mad maxine?

Q's insistence to trust Jeff Session's and further that 60 % percent of the Washington corruption should stay secret so we do not lose our minds reveals that Q is a psy-op and is not trustworthy.

No patriot would ever make such remarks or imply that they know better because they are an elite that knows better than the people. Qs insistence that 60% of corruption should remain hidden is the most stupid thing Q has ever said.

if you want to prove Q is false remember his very first post ""Dear Patriot"" about martial law 11/3 that did not happen & how we were suppose to get an EMS alert from Trump. That should tell you everything.

It is past time to dismiss all this nonsense from Q-anon. Prince Alwaleed just bought his way out of Trouble when Q told us last week he was going no where. Soros was at Davos even though Q led many to believe we locked him up. Wasserman Shultz Q said got caught trying to flee the country. Then why did she just give a public speech in Boca Raton last Friday.

And didn't you just adore Q-anon's ""sting"" on the Alabama Senate election catching the dems in election fraud?

Oh wait, what's the guys name who's being sworn in as the new Alabama Senator?

Q-anon is a clumsy juvenile psy-op time to grow up boys.

",1517600621,02/02/2018 19:43 8121251,3739496836,"

A few weeks ago, BB did a story where the musician Moby said the CIA fed him intel on Russia Collusion and asked him to drop it to his 1.5M followers. QAnon says every weekday M-F, Gannett sends out the morning talking points and ledes to the networks. That is why most of them report the same ole thing with the same ole slant.

",1517601397,02/02/2018 19:56 8121251,3739512776,

Mad Max was scheduled to give her response on BET channel not the rebuttal.

Regarding Alaweed you do not understand the importance of the 12/21 EO.

Q didn't lead me to think Soros was locked up. Nor did he lead me to think DWS was caught trying to flee. What it appears you're referring to is Twatter chatter and Anons chatting and presenting theories about Q posts. I too read all that.

I won't attempt to redpill a confirmed skeptic.

,1517601953,02/02/2018 20:05 8121251,3739547083,"


""...Q's insistence to trust Jeff Session's and further that 60 % percent of the Washington corruption should stay secret so we do not lose our minds reveals that Q is a psy-op and is not trustworthy.

No patriot would ever make such remarks or imply that they know better because they are an elite that knows better than the people. Qs insistence that 60% of corruption should remain hidden is the most stupid thing Q has ever said...""

You good with that? Flyinby?

Or this?

""...remember his very first post ""Dear Patriot"" about martial law 11/3 that did not happen & how we were suppose to get an EMS alert from Trump?...""

No problem with that?

Or this?

""...And didn't you just adore Q-anon's ""sting"" on the Alabama Senate election catching the dems in election fraud?

Oh wait, what's the guys name who's being sworn in as the new Alabama Senator?...""

Election fraud sting? Well? It happened.

Q ???

Q ???

",1517603186,02/02/2018 20:26 8121251,3739581443,"

Wow Q is stupendous, simply amazing!

You mean to tell me that MSN etc use co-ordinated talking points to bash Trump? No way!

Thanks Q ! We would be totally in the dark without you mirroring back to us what we already know!

Thank you Q thank you so much !!!

",1517604494,02/02/2018 20:48 8121251,3739604440,"

Taints every investigation, really screwed yourself in to a corner on this one. If the FBI does this against the powerful, what are they able to contrive against John Q. Public?

",1517605403,02/02/2018 21:03 8122040,3739630769,"

Susan said he asked for the reports. When I went back to that YouTube to use it again, they had removed that Q and A.

",1517606506,02/02/2018 21:21 8121251,3739650561,

QAnon the storm is coming
The memo is just the beginning

,1517607352,02/02/2018 21:35 8122298,3739684230,"

See you in Gitmo Jimmy boy. They're already making up you're room.
12 military judges have already been seated.
It takes 12 judges for a military tribunal to hand out the death penalty.
""No deals for traitors""

",1517608836,02/02/2018 22:00 8121587,3739736884,"

So, the DEMON - RATS finally got caught with their fingers in the PIE. ///////////////////////
Now let us watch and see who is brought to cou9rt, convicted and jailed, in th eROUND BARE HOTEL, at JOH Q. PUBLIC CITIZENS expense. ???????????????

",1517611409,02/02/2018 22:43 8122802,3739782133,

Except it just proves that the only collusion with Russians is the Hillary campaign and the DOJ and FBI. Q told us that the losers would double down on Trump Russian Collusion even after the facts prove otherwise because they have nothing else.

,1517613804,02/02/2018 23:23 8121251,3739815673,

He might be qanon.

,1517615651,02/02/2018 23:54 8121587,3739818416,"

Cryptic message: Q Anon, isn't who you think he is...

",1517615805,02/02/2018 23:56 8120027,3739822551,"

Q-Anon: ""Follow the wives.""

Mitt is dead in the water. No future, no hope. Maybe a jail cell.

",1517616038,03/02/2018 00:00 8122802,3739824690,

I agree with Q that the military will be brought in and these people tried by tribunals.

,1517616165,03/02/2018 00:02 8122286,3739911089,"

Dow Jones Nov. 8, 2008 -- 9139 -- Barry Elected
Dow Jones Nov. 4, 2016 -- 17,888 -- Trump Elected
8 years to gain 8750 Points with Q 1,2,3 easing and 0 interest rates and 10 trillion in debt.
Dow Jones today -- 25,520 -- 7,630 point gain in One year and 13 days under President Trump-- with higher interest rates and No Q easing, and debt dropping.
The DNC Liberal Communists HATE economic growth, self reliance and success.... therefore I Hate democrats.

",1517621505,03/02/2018 01:31 8121587,3739926922,

Liberals beside themselves as last eight years average liberal I. Q. has reached the lever of tin men.

,1517622496,03/02/2018 01:48 8123774,3739972586,"

QAnon says that Voter Fraud will be brought to light via the Alabama race. Judge Moore may end up being the winner in a few weeks.

",1517625496,03/02/2018 02:38 8121587,3739979521,"

MORE CORRUPTION COMING: QAnon says Voter Fraud to be exposed in a few weeks via Alabama race...Judge Moore may end up being the winner. PTrump WON THE POPULAR VOTE 70+million votes vs. HRC 63 million votes. Democrat Party, DNC, Soros voting machines all involved. MAGA.

",1517625976,03/02/2018 02:46 8121587,3739993883,"

OMG I can believe it. Have you seen the “art work” in their homes? Outward manifestations of their being subhuman scum. So much subsurface going on, and Trump knows it all. Have you seen what Q is posting. Do you know of Q?

",1517626962,03/02/2018 03:02 8106947,3740015784,"

That's a good idea, actually. An academic degree based on empiricism. The Q.E.D. Has a ring.

",1517628602,03/02/2018 03:30 8123774,3740016315,"

If you follow Q, he claims that.

",1517628639,03/02/2018 03:30 8123774,3740017697,"

Really? I don’t follow Q or even know wha Q really is, except for what people post here.

Sounds like a God of some type.

",1517628740,03/02/2018 03:32 8121587,3740049736,"

this is NOT enough. Not enough teeth to fire Mueller or Rosenstein. trump and the FBI massively edited that memo. That is NOT how it was sold to us for months by QAnon. they are LIARS! Trump caved at the last minute. Thats why he waited 4 days to release it. he let the FBI edit it and its utter bullshit that they are saying this is the ""FULL"" memo. Its NOT.

This info is EASY for Dems to brush off. Even if people think what they did was ""illegal"" they will still think Clinton and Obama and Mccabe and Rosenstein were heroes because they were trying to protect us from Trump. This does not show how deeply depraved they are.

",1517631389,03/02/2018 04:16 8121587,3740051163,

Thanks for reminding me. Have to check in on Q.

,1517631516,03/02/2018 04:18 8121251,3740202879,"

We haven't had proof of life from Assange since he got sick and left the embassy in a black van in OCT 2016 next day his internet stopped and we did not hear from him in weeks. Meanwhile ALL top players in Wikileaks are killed and Assange reappears ages later on film only. This can be faked with sophisticated software, so ""Wikileaks"" may now be nothing more than an Intel cutout.

There is no evidence Q is connected to Trump either. Photo's from Airforce1 could have been hacked and the ""prescience"" of Q explained by black hat surveillance of Team Trump and the blackhats own activities. The pope's plans? Defcon1 ? Yeah like Trump's ppl knew that.

You are being mugged

",1517647656,03/02/2018 08:47 8121908,3740254200,"

No!!! Gowdy is a coward. He supports the special council and Russia nonsense.
Who has he actually gone after? No one. He is all talk.
Qanon said he was being blackmailed, but your president pardoned him in secret for whatever it was, which is why he is no longer going for reelection. Put Nunes in there. He apparently follows through.
Heck put me in there ;). I'm not an American citizen but I would sentence them all by 24 hours!

",1517652732,03/02/2018 10:12 8120975,3740268906,"

McCain and Romney DID NOT play by the rules! John McCain is now wearing an ankle monitoring bracelet he keeps covered with a foot brace, that he rotates from leg to leg. Q Anon said he had a multi-million dollar slush fund in the Bank of Singapore. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Romney's actions and words of late have shown his true character despite his NICE exterior. And remember... he started RomneyCare in Massachusetts and that had lots of problems.

",1517654091,03/02/2018 10:34 8120975,3740282597,"

President Trump and all his silent HEROES are DRAINING THE SWAMP right now! I don't understand your pessimism, Maxsnafu. What do you want us to do, turn as ugly as the enemy who serves Satan? Haven't you been reading or keep up with Q Anon posts? How many #ReleaseMemo messages did YOU Twitter? We GOT that FISA Memo released! Next is the Grassley memo. We win with THE TRUTH. Are you IN THE FIGHT or just being a pessimistic complainer? If you really think we're doomed, then fall down now, give up, and keep your mouth from discouraging those who continue in the fight. Personally, this old grandmother chooses to fight this war with my weapons: PRAYER, keeping educated, and using my humble skills to be involved in the fight! The LEGAL fight of the GOOD DECENT PEOPLE OF AMERICA!!! C'mon, friend, you can do it! Get up! Join the REAL fight of WeThePeople!

",1517655314,03/02/2018 10:55 8120225,3740360975,

Max Hill QC should have the Q removed by the Queen and let people decide what the C should stand for.

,1517661012,03/02/2018 12:30 8124692,3740488857,

We'll hear from Qnaon soon enough?
Be aware - false flag on Superbowl day

,1517664005,03/02/2018 13:20 8122922,3740530782,"

Watch Mark Taylor's prophecy on You tube. He's the man predicted Trump would be pres. He and Kim Clement..years before it happened. he gets word all the time , and Alex and others Infowars, all say it too...confirming with inside sources. Qanon, others all saying it's coming. tick tock. Nuremburg looks like kindergarten school.

",1517666196,03/02/2018 13:56 8124692,3740535774,"

Feb 3/18

""This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!""

He knows way more than we think.
So does Qanon. He/she/they are unlocking Pandoras box.

",1517666437,03/02/2018 14:00 8124692,3740538419,

How many of Q Anon's warnings/predictions have come true? 0

,1517666559,03/02/2018 14:02 8124032,3740603297,

I'd love to see a Qanon drop that said all of these mockingbird assets were being liquidated.

,1517668264,03/02/2018 14:31 8120975,3740843489,

How do we really know anyone really died ...just saying... Could have even been a decoy train to thwart the attack also . Remember #QAnon hears and sees all. MAYBE a Set up for the DEM trap caught in their criminal activity.

,1517676664,03/02/2018 16:51 8103017,3740869557,"

QAnon predicted Trey Gowdy resignation and, if one is to read betwen the lines of Gowdy's ""return to work in justice"" he may be the new Attorney General of the Trump Administration, anxious to prosecute the conspiricists.

",1517677243,03/02/2018 17:00 8124839,3740948134,

Adam Schiff is going down. Lot of corruption going around with Adam Schiff.

So says Q.

,1517679416,03/02/2018 17:36 8124839,3741233163,

QAnon is saying that within a few weeks the VOTER FRAUD will be exposed...Judge Moore may end up being the AL Senator. Trump 70 million votes vs HRC 63 million votes in the election...Trump WON THE POPULAR VOTE. The fraud was done through the SOROS VOTING MACHINES and they were caught during the AL race on purpose!!!

,1517685369,03/02/2018 19:16 8122460,3741263194,"

How are you going to get a new AG thru that Senate now!! You need 60 votes, it won't happen. Q says ""trust Sessions"", I hope he is working behind the scenes. We shall see.

",1517686734,03/02/2018 19:38 8124839,3741281183,"

No swamp juries when the Soetoro/Hillary gang is arrested, military tribunals for
13,000 sealed indictments.

Says Q.

",1517687617,03/02/2018 19:53 8124428,3741349616,"

There is no excuse for the lack of meningful statements drom the AG - if he is on a big 'dark' project that will result in justice and prosecutions, he should damn well say do - he doesn't have to give details.
I'm incredulous, how do these totally undynamic but devious people get these jobs. We in he UK and USA need top politicians giving regular televised Q & A sessions with the public. Let us ask the questions, and demand come truth in their (usually pathetic and evasive) answers. We can uncover the involvements of these generally bad groups of people and provide 'public' oversight for 90% of thir activities.

",1517691068,03/02/2018 20:51 8124839,3741407442,"

According to Q, Schiff has bigger worries. He needs to worry about Child Trafficking that occurred in his district under his watch that he had full awareness of and did nothing about. I believe deaths were involved not certain if he is a perp or what.

",1517694271,03/02/2018 21:44 8123843,3741413026,"

A little fly said to me one day (it was a Q fly) -
""Listen for the squeakiest hinges, they're going to get a lot of grease.

:o) 💅

",1517694603,03/02/2018 21:50 8124839,3741440913,"

LA Times reports: Three people killed when a helicopter crashed into a home in a gated neighborhood in Newport Beach on Tuesday have been identified, authorities said Wednesday. Joseph Anthony Tena, 60, of Newport Beach, Kimberly Lynne Watzman, 45, of Santa Monica and Brian Reichelt, 56, of Hollywood, Fla., died in the crash, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Two other people were injured, authorities said.
It seems like Adam Schiff is in some major sh­it, as Q has likely hinted that Adam Schiff is connected to the major pedo ring busted in California with over 500 arrests this week mostly in the district of Adam Schiff...Where we also have three people connected to luxury hotel in his district in West Hollywood that have died in a helicopter crash.
​ Not only that but Adam Schiff is directly connected to the FBI's malnipulation and lies about the major FISA memo that will expose the Obama administration's illegal spy ring through FISA on President Trump and thousands of Americans. As you will see in the letter below Adam Schiff is involved in the FBI FISA memo manipulation and is even in contact with FBI members trying to prevent the release, and the five FBI agents who got ahold of it in the White House with FBI Director Wray's likely permission. Adam Schiff is in major trouble, I predict an Adam Schiff ""resignation"".

Source: QANON

",1517696263,03/02/2018 22:17 8121587,3741536930,"

Session can't handle this. Military Tribunal coming. 13,000 Sealed indictments are about to be served.

I suggest Patriots start to familiarize yourself with ""Qanon.""

",1517702091,03/02/2018 23:54 8125001,3741598107,

QAnon says Voter Fraud will be exposed in a few weeks. PTrump won popular vote by 7 million votes...Judge Moore may yet be the Senator from AL. It was rigged VIA Soros voting machine!

,1517706182,04/02/2018 01:03 8125790,3741636745,"

Q drops keep checking out. Q (could be one person or a group of them) is also the one who got us to use #ReleaseTheMemo. He is getting results, and Trump's tweets have carefully verified he is on the right team time after time. I trust Q for the moment. 99% sure he is telling the truth about being NSA. For the moment. Gotta keep an open mind though.

",1517708861,04/02/2018 01:47 8123135,3741675174,"

Q-Anon: Follow the wives

Karen Waldbillig Kasich former VP of G S W Worldwide LLC. The company's line of business includes the manufacturing, fabricating, or processing of drugs in pharmaceutical preparations for human or veterinary use.

",1517711694,04/02/2018 02:34 8126435,3741712725,"

And, in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had dinner at his local Chick-fil-A with Mrs. Whipplewart...

Details at six...

",1517714738,04/02/2018 03:25 8125790,3741729544,"

""Wanna' play a game?""
Well, I think Qanon does.

",1517716226,04/02/2018 03:50 8126474,3741757828,"

LOL, no I'm not Q Anon...

",1517718824,04/02/2018 04:33 8126474,3741808056,

Dunno. Battle lines blurred. I think even QAnon may be counterintelligence now.

,1517724399,04/02/2018 06:06 8126474,3741808482,

What's QAnon?

,1517724448,04/02/2018 06:07 8126474,3741809116,"

It's an intelligence operation being run on the chans (8chan now). An asset named Q provides a bunch of cryptic information, much of which is true, but the purpose of which is not necessarily understood.

",1517724521,04/02/2018 06:08 8126474,3741860157,

I don't think Barry Sotero has been heard from once since the Atlanta airport fiasco. Check the Q tea leaves for more info.

,1517730679,04/02/2018 07:51 8125790,3741921227,"

Poor dim Mudd has played into Trump's grip by tacitly acknowledging that the FBI is lawless and its leadership is steeped in anti-Trump bias. Q is right in saying often, ""These people are STUPID.""

",1517737438,04/02/2018 09:43 8125790,3741928237,"

Settle down. Q has said to ""Trust Sessions"". He's obviously been busy behind the scenes.

",1517738146,04/02/2018 09:55 8126435,3742048254,

According to Q they are all sold out we have no chance

,1517748243,04/02/2018 12:44 8126474,3742069275,

Maybe he is Qanon.

,1517749025,04/02/2018 12:57 8126474,3742124959,"

I've been hearing about this Qanon went investigating. I bumped into this Patriot guy at "" a hijacked life d0t c0m. "" He basically reads on his youtube the analysis by Jerome Corsi. But a person can go directly to the Jeroime Corsi analysis to find out what is happening.

I googled up www d0t scribd d0t c0m and also put in 'jerome corsi"" and come up to a list of current postings.

Just putting the scribd in your computer page field comes up to a page where you have to pay to subscribe. So going through google search works better.

I tried other search engines, but the returned listing is all really old stuff.

I learned TODAY, that Chuck Schumer WAS included in the private email server stuff.
He's part of the American coup stuff emanating from the left.

",1517751995,04/02/2018 13:46 8126474,3742128732,"

for any of you who wish to get connected to the Qanon drops:

google up "" scribd d0t c0m"" AND ""jerome corsi""

",1517752197,04/02/2018 13:49 8126435,3742154716,"

So where else was Page being surveilled? He was only a part time advisor at Trump H Q. If the object was Page, where else was he being spied on? Nowhere else, that's where.

",1517753516,04/02/2018 14:11 8126474,3742178389,"

I'm sure he siphoned a large amount of millions in a foreign bank. Remember when the media said that Mueller was asking Deutsche bank for records? The media jumped all over it thinking it was proof of collusion but it turned out to be zero. However, the search was probably about other illegal doings by Obama and others according to Q. So far Q has been on the money. Another bank is the bank of Singapore. Solyndra cost investors billions as well as 500 mil from gov't. They should investigate that too. Also, the 400 mil in ransom money paid to Iran in CASH!!!! Talk about money laundering. I'll bet Obama got a sizable percentage in his pocket. Now he retained lawyers because he's under investigation. He makes Nixon look like a school kid.

",1517754718,04/02/2018 14:31 8125001,3742199661,

Reading and following Q and his patriots recently revealed real numbers from the 2016 election. The left were complaining that Hillary won 3 million more popular votes. BS!
The NSA and their investigation since there were so many rigged Soros voting machines all in favor of Hillary tallied up the final vote count: 72 million voters voted for DT while 56 million voters voted for Hillary.
The media manipulated voters thinking Hillary had more votes than Trump but knew all along the reality were that she lost bigly!

,1517755751,04/02/2018 14:49 8125790,3742217001,"

So essentially is he saying something's going to the President? Is something big about to happen? Q said there will be ""FF""s....

",1517756564,04/02/2018 15:02 8127533,3742540870,"

Jennifer who ?

Another Q who are these nobodies below
So called stars at Saturday night’s event included comedians Tig Notaro, Nikki Glaser and Adam Yenser, while the Preservation All-Stars provided musical entertainment.

",1517770072,04/02/2018 18:47 8124248,3742692101,"

Because it wont happen in the Court System. These act are Treasonous and a Military Tribunals are the only way to handle it.

Google and Learn ""Qanon"" Some real Patriots out there.

",1517776673,04/02/2018 20:37 8124248,3742695353,"

Wont be a Grand Jury Trial.

These act are Treasonous and a Military Tribunals are the only way to handle it.

Google and Learn ""Qanon"" There are some real Patriots out there.

",1517776826,04/02/2018 20:40 8124248,3742700784,"

Oh, the Memo does a lot, when you couple it with the other 85% that is coming out.

I'm answering questions I learned about a month ago.

Google and Learn ""Qanon"" Some real Patriots out there. You wont believe what's coming.

",1517777075,04/02/2018 20:44 8127596,3742766230,"

A level of intelligence? I. Q. = Shoe Size, of course.

",1517780278,04/02/2018 21:37 8124248,3742805132,"

It is time to see that ""primary elections"" are NOT functions of government, where general elections ARE a function of government.

Votes in a party primary are for SHOW and are not binding as they are in a general election. COnsider it this way if it helps. Best Buy could hold a ""primary election"" in all its stores (polling place) in all states. It could add up all the votes cast in all its stores and claim JOHN Q PUBLIC is the ""winner"". John is then Best Buy's ""nominee"". At the same time, Best Buy - a private corporation - could discard the vote totals and 'nominate' JANE ! Public instead.

Essentially, that is what the PRIVATE CORPORATION called the ""democrat party"" did. That is EXACTLY what they did actually. And they broke no LAW doing it. Sadly, most people do not REALIZE that the Democrat Party is just a COMPANY..though it is hilariously classified as a ""non profit"", How quaint, right? They set themselves and their activity TAX EXEMPT as they scream about the ""rich"" having to pay more so they pay their fair share.

What a CROCK of a con it all is!

",1517782344,04/02/2018 22:12 8087299,3742821738,"

Quality is spelled Q U A L I T Y,

",1517783235,04/02/2018 22:27 8124248,3742827757,"

I googled Qanon, db.
Yet ANOTHER bunch of online conspiracy nutters.

",1517783566,04/02/2018 22:32 8128973,3742916512,"

#Qanon #CBTS #TheStorm #followTheWhiteRabbit

Here is something interesting for you... Could it just be Coincidence?

Pelosi and several members of the left at the STOU wearing ""Time's Up"" pins.

Garbage truck hit by GOP train the next day owned by ""Time Disposal""

Shows pictures

",1517788663,04/02/2018 23:57 8128973,3742934774,"

Geez, it's not like Q anon made a post...

",1517789765,05/02/2018 00:16 8128973,3742937814,"

Yeah, something fishy, Q called it Superb Owl last week.

",1517789961,05/02/2018 00:19 8128421,3742944394,

Who knows and who cares... Q has been on the money... exposed a lot of traitors... more to come.
maybe you should pay attention to Q... you mat learn something...

,1517790370,05/02/2018 00:26 8126474,3742975203,"

And, in other breaking news, Gene Q. Whipplewart had roast beef, mashed taters and gravy, and dinner rolls for dinner.

Details at eleven.........

",1517792237,05/02/2018 00:57 8128421,3743021290,

All I would learn from Q Anon is how easy it is to fool Trumpsters.

,1517795112,05/02/2018 01:45 8128421,3743028993,"

Now is the time for the REPUBLICANS (( I CANS )) to step forward, pushing this FAKE DOSSIER into how to take the DEMON - RATS down to size, with some ROUND BAR HOTEL time, at JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE ,, for HILLARY Babe, OBOOOOOOMA, and the rest of the gang who put the FAKE DOSSIER to use as an item to SPY ON SOME ONE IN THE OTHER PARTY. ////
How much does it take to get a warrant with FAKE DOSSIER DOCUMENTS. ???????
Ask Comey, McCABE, Rosenstein and others in the FBI ((( friends - brothers and in-laws ))) . ???????????????????????????//

",1517795587,05/02/2018 01:53 8129195,3743057018,"

So, as I said few hours ago. Eagles were going to win. Qanon posted about this yesterday. It was rigged and NFL has been rigged for years. WAKE UP for crying out loud!

",1517797242,05/02/2018 02:20 8129390,3743085592,

Qanon is posting on tweeter about how they made Prince into Satan and had a devils tail off his guitar. WTF??????????

,1517798844,05/02/2018 02:47 8129390,3743101485,

We all know that about him alread ;) . I think he's got worse skeletons in his closet. He was aware of child trafficking ring in his LA district and did nothing ....or it has something to do with that. Q-ANON posted something about that recently.

,1517799886,05/02/2018 03:04 8113769,3743171055,"

""I know they don't talk that way except when there's been a recent murder by Pallys.""

Guess again.

""They celebrate terrorism.""

Just as Israel does.

""'Do' WHAT?""


""Unlike you, I know that the moral equivalency gambit is fundamentally evil.""

The only evil in the world comes from the demons we create.

Other then that most make choices that prefer death over life.

'Don't hand me that shmegegge. It's New Age garbage.""

In which case the 1st Temple was new Age.

One very brief take,

""In 1929, archaeologists found a collection of clay tablets in Lebanon, in the ancient city of
Ugarit. They read for the first time about the lady of Ugarit, and were able to see how
fragments of evidence in the Hebrew Bible about the Lady of Jerusalem fitted into a bigger
picture. The Lady of Ugarit had many names. She was Athirat, the Great Lady, a sun deity
called the lamp of the gods. She was the mother of the 70 sons of God, and she was the
heavenly mother of the king. Texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (4 Q Deut j), the
Septuagint and the translation of Deuteronomy into Aramaic (Targum Pseudo-Jonathan of
Deuteronomy) show that this story of a heavenly mother and 70 sons was once part of the
Hebrew Bible. ""

",1517805567,05/02/2018 04:39 8124839,3743260135,"

I already boycott news comes from trusted online sources. QAnon is one to follow, for sure.

",1517814978,05/02/2018 07:16 8113769,3743355032,"

""Guess again.""

I didn't guess when I said it. I won't be guessing 'again.'

I don't guess. I speak of what I KNOW, or I keep quiet.

""Just as Americans and Israeli's do...celebrate terrorism.""

Examples, please.

""The only evil in the world comes from the demons we create.""

BS. Demons are independent, living entities originally created by God --- the only Creator --- and subsequently fallen from their first estate.

""In which case the 1st Temple was new Age.""

Occasionally, after the Exodus & the return the Land, the Israelites fell into pagan ways.

They'd been commanded to exterminate or expel the neighboring Seven Nations of Canaan, but in several instances, they failed to do so.

When they disobeyed that command, they made themselves susceptible to the blandishments of the Seven Nations. They began to adopt a lot of their degenerate practices, including child sacrifice. So, those practices could well have made their way into the activity of the 1st Temple.

""She was Athirat, the Great Lady, a sun deity called the lamp of the gods.""

Pagan, not Hebrew.

""She was the mother of the 70 sons of God""

God doesn't need a woman to create sons. The one time He used one was for a singular and unique purpose, never to be repeated. That's why he is known as ""the ONLY begotten son of God."" [Jn 3:16]

""Texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (4 Q Deut j), the Septuagint and the translation of Deuteronomy into Aramaic (Targum Pseudo-Jonathan of Deuteronomy) show that this story of a heavenly mother and 70 sons was once part of the
Hebrew Bible.""

Sounds like a forgery.

",1517823818,05/02/2018 09:43 8130941,3743607257,"

So I've been reading over at Reddit d0t com
the connection between Schiff and the Newport Beach helicopter crash
Qanon says there is a connect. Q thinks Schiff is doing someone a favor
The one victim (now dead) was a manager at a hotel that Harvey Weinstein did his crime at.
Schiff is also seen in photographs with Ed Buck...who is a nasty pervert, rich, druggy, crap

",1517838698,05/02/2018 13:51 8130941,3743609602,

Qanon has never been wrong. Q predicted the Amtrak train crash in South Carolina

,1517838790,05/02/2018 13:53 8103017,3743625666,"

",1517839440,05/02/2018 14:04 8130941,3743627954,"

yes you are right......Qanon was WRONG. he said that AS sold his soul to George for $7.8 million, talked about the marriage...but AS only has two brothers.

",1517839535,05/02/2018 14:05 8130386,3743629958,

Not only has Germany led the way to the massive European invasion of terrorism but now the death cult catholic church is leading the way for Q U E E R S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

,1517839614,05/02/2018 14:06 8130941,3743655264,

Adam Schiff has ties to an Adult Hotel that has in the past been in trouble for trafficking little children for sex and drugs. This hotel is one in a chain of hotels that is located in Adam Schiff's district in California. Funny how two who was the manager of that hotel in Adam's district and the other one who was a regional manager of the hotel chain were on that helicopter that crashed in California a few days ago. As Q-Anon says 90% of plane or other air craft crashes are intentional.

,1517840614,05/02/2018 14:23 8130941,3743657183,

just watched Brenden Dilley on Qanon postings

Obama shared PDB's (presidential daily briefings) with Hillary so she could know the political opposition

,1517840687,05/02/2018 14:24 8130941,3743691915,

I've been reading at reddit....they have been talking about the Qanon post referring to AS (Adam Schiff) and the Newport crash

,1517842029,05/02/2018 14:47 8130554,3743731548,"

can you read?
study up and even a retarded committed anti American zionist terrorist can follow the money!
billions of the poor US FOOD STAMP CASH , has been GIVEN to Israel and NEVER repaid except for FALSE FLAG attacks ON AMERICANS!!!

""The sheep are happier of themselves than under the care of the wolves. "" -- Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XI, 1 782. ME 2:129

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://www.whatreallyhappen...

",1517843563,05/02/2018 15:12 8128364,3743757144,"

cute but really STUPID!!!

""The sheep are happier of themselves than under the care of the wolves. "" -- Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XI, 1 782. ME 2:129

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://www.whatreallyhappen...

",1517844545,05/02/2018 15:29 8128364,3743773741,"

EZ to find go here.

""The sheep are happier of themselves than under the care of the wolves. "" -- Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XI, 1 782. ME 2:129

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://www.whatreallyhappen...

",1517845188,05/02/2018 15:39 8130941,3743792596,

They are all Accurate and Q will tell you what's in store for those mentioned.

,1517845899,05/02/2018 15:51 8131370,3743833382,"

Feb 5 2018 08:41:35
ID: 641129
Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?
Black Forest.
FIRE sale days after post?
What went on there?
You have more than you know.

Rothschilds Sell Austrian Hunting Estate in a ‘Historic’ Deal [US$112.35 million]

Trump's comments that Q is talking about (twitter screen shots)

",1517847416,05/02/2018 16:16 8130941,3743876859,

Q-Anon says Schiff is going down. Tick-Tock.

,1517848970,05/02/2018 16:42 8130941,3743880333,"

Q-Anon is a Political Disinformation Campaign run by Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi and Trump's long-time mouthpiece Roger Stone.

",1517849095,05/02/2018 16:44 8131370,3743880892,"

New drops from Q for those who care...

",1517849115,05/02/2018 16:45 8131670,3743988189,

Good Q. Goodall was likely hoping so.

,1517852994,05/02/2018 17:49 8131370,3744001428,

For those that follow.. there are several new Q drops.

,1517853460,05/02/2018 17:57 8131370,3744029173,"

I see the similarities and similar phrases but I'm not Q anon...

",1517854472,05/02/2018 18:14 8131370,3744113116,

The 666 drop on Friday was a threat leveled at President Trump by the globalist elites that they control everything. In Q drop today.

,1517857555,05/02/2018 19:05 8131370,3744113290,"

So when we get GDP for 1st Q 2018 around 4%, will that still be Trump's economy?

",1517857561,05/02/2018 19:06 8130941,3744147279,

There's no publicly available evidence of who is behind Q-anon but I agree it is a psy-op and that Jones and Co are retailing it for the clickbait

,1517858704,05/02/2018 19:25 8130941,3744160764,"

Q-anon said there'd be martial law on 11/3/16 but there wasn't.

Q said the AL Senate election involved a dem fraud ""sting"" operation. It was stolen and not another word.

Q said the Trump / Bannon spat was ""acting"". You don't publicly destroy someones reputation just as an act. Nobody gained it was not an act.

Q is a twit. All ""predictive"" powers of Q are explained by deep state surveillance of Team Trump and the deep state's own activities

",1517859175,05/02/2018 19:32 8132318,3744162122,"

Anyone here know if there's been a Q drop on this? I was told to watch for another false flag, could this be it?

",1517859223,05/02/2018 19:33 8130941,3744177509,

As Q said and as I posted earlier today I would be worried if President Trump singled me out in a tweet. Usually after he does that damning information comes out about the person he tweets about. Crimes. Q-Anon says why would the President question someone out and not have some kind of evidence on that person. Child rapist Schiff had better be worried.

,1517859760,05/02/2018 19:42 8132666,3744196418,

When will celebrities realize that their fame is never an indication of their true I Q! They are usually intellectual inferiors!

,1517860408,05/02/2018 19:53 8133275,3744213062,

You must be following Q.

,1517860980,05/02/2018 20:03 8132318,3744266708,"

As Q says, all controlled from the Alps via CFR et al. Today he added: ""WELCOME TO THE GLOBAL WAR.""

",1517862872,05/02/2018 20:34 8133275,3744279290,"

Which channels do Dims hate the most,4 Chan and 8 Chan. QAnon

",1517863329,05/02/2018 20:42 8127503,3744370192,"

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan, ANOTHER Moslem-sympathizer heard from. Between Obama and Brennan, they managed to erase Islam from our security forces' anti-terrorism training manuals.

And as a BONUS those two blood-loyal Moslem-Brotherhood TRAITORS managed to infiltrate tens of thousands of their Moslem fraternity brothers and distribute them all around the United States. Including, what the hell are traditionally-garbed Pakistani Moslems doing lurking in a Congressional office building?

The only credibility John Brennan will ever have is standing still at his X Z Q shun.

",1517866855,05/02/2018 21:40 8133275,3744372000,

Never underestimate what Joe Q Citizen will ask for when his retirement is under threat. Unlimited government power on the way!

,1517866933,05/02/2018 21:42 8133275,3744374917,

White trash has a Q.

,1517867058,05/02/2018 21:44 8133275,3744416782,"

Read Qanon's posts today. Deep State is determined to take PTrump down and they sent him a message they are in control (666 market drop no coincidence). NOT FOR LONG. Listen to what Trump said at a rally in OH today about LEAKERS adding Schiff, Warner, Brennan, and Clapper. Trump has the goods on them...MORE COMING. Hang on.

",1517868963,05/02/2018 22:16 8133275,3744430586,"

Yeah , let me know when Q says something that actually happens..

",1517869633,05/02/2018 22:27 8133275,3744441297,

That is fine. You can always reevaluate if Q starts to make more sense.
(I wouldn't put Jones and George Webb in the same category)

,1517870164,05/02/2018 22:36 8133275,3744444336,

We wouldn't have the memo without Q helping organize us. Fact.

,1517870318,05/02/2018 22:38 8133275,3744463325,"

Latest Q Post:

Imagine THIS.
Raw intel collection.
Narrative FEEDER.
How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM?
Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain.
You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.


",1517871289,05/02/2018 22:54 8133275,3744469235,

That's how they communicate Intelligence in Intel communities. It needs decoding. Dr. Jerome Corsi decodes Q the best.

,1517871583,05/02/2018 22:59 8133275,3744476803,"

I thought you were more intelligent. #1: Johnny Ringo is a troll. #2 if you go back and review Q's previous 'Intel', he has been right 100% of the time.

Keep on mocking Q-Anon. Time will tell who the moron is.

",1517871978,05/02/2018 23:06 8133398,3744492581,"

Release all 9 memos! Don’t stop at #4! First one was a warm up. Many actual traitors to imprison. Do it Mr President. The nation needs to see the depths of depravity, treason, and money laundering. Obama, Hillary all of them. I think I’ll send another hashtag memo to him. Hehehe. The Q ueue
starts behind me.

",1517872823,05/02/2018 23:20 8133275,3744528960,"

Interesting drops from Q this evening.

",1517874769,05/02/2018 23:52 8133275,3744536597,"

Read Q....coordinated NWO event.

",1517875171,05/02/2018 23:59 8131985,3744586343,"

I heard that. Child Trafficking operation .. Q post.

Read this about his sister married to Robert Soros, Georgie boy's son..

Read this about his great grand father.

",1517877833,06/02/2018 00:43 8131985,3744596330,"

Here is a good thread that explains some of what Q dropped

",1517878360,06/02/2018 00:52 8133398,3744598067,"

Q-Anon has posted a message today hinting that they have Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarrett in a taped 42 minute phone conversation which is ""treasonous"".

Q-Anon asks would Trump accuse Dems of treason if he didn't have the evidence and says it will be released soon.

More evidence that Trump's tweets are strategic.

",1517878450,06/02/2018 00:54 8129606,3744601802,"

Papadapolous only started getting mentioned recently because the pee-pee dossier was exposed as a tissue of lies. Why was Papadapolous never mentioned to the FISA court? Why has his name come up only this month, after a year of scratching around with nothing? Simple answer: Hillary expected to win so the threadbare nature of the pee-pee dossier would never be exposed.

I don't often agree with Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters, but they're right about one thing: Mueller's got nothing.

Meanwhile you better strap in because as many as five more Congressional memos are coming, as well as the IG report. And there's more, much more -- but QAnon is just a troll, right?

",1517878645,06/02/2018 00:57 8131985,3744601970,"

More Q posts...hints of treason and assassination....

",1517878653,06/02/2018 00:57 8131985,3744603237,

Im waiting for Dr. Corsi to go live and start explaining what Q meant today.

,1517878718,06/02/2018 00:58 8131985,3744606889,"

Here is another short thread on twitter about Q drops today, very interesting.

",1517878907,06/02/2018 01:01 8132723,3744615437,"

New Q drop links AS and VJ.

",1517879354,06/02/2018 01:09 8131985,3744622884,

He usually appears after Q does a drop. I love his Analytics

,1517879746,06/02/2018 01:15 8131985,3744627867,"

I love when he is on to, I listen to him all the time after Q drops. I learn a lot.

",1517880004,06/02/2018 01:20 8132723,3744659123,"

Here are the latest Q drops...

",1517881672,06/02/2018 01:47 8132210,3744662991,"

Yep. Oregon, Washington, and Colorado are all socialist/fascist republics that suppress religious rights but allow the B,L,T, Q, R, S pervs and druggies unlimited freedom to pursue their ""happiness.""

",1517881887,06/02/2018 01:51 8132723,3744668908,

Of course he is. QAnon already uncovered all of this couple weeks ago.

,1517882224,06/02/2018 01:57 8132723,3744688985,

what did I do really....oh yes...I just posted stuff from Qanon...and enlightened the masses with truth. Did I use the expletive-hole word? NO....

,1517883378,06/02/2018 02:16 8132723,3744698478,

BIG Q drop:

Feb 5 2018 18:25:31
ID: db9aa5
Find 1 of 4.
“Trump should be shot!”
You are now working against those monitoring.
Raw only.
No edits.
Save offline.

,1517883955,06/02/2018 02:25 8132723,3744708277,"

you are really retarded. I post, and so do others, Q stuff all the time. but you are literally butthurt over. grow up.

",1517884557,06/02/2018 02:35 8132723,3744711762,"

majority of people here know about Q and where to find his stuff

",1517884769,06/02/2018 02:39 8132723,3744716896,"

I am not fighting. You cannot see how unhinged that person is? FLIPPING OUT over a Q post. LOL
Q posts, posted everyday here by many people. She/He/It is literally going apeshit over it

",1517885089,06/02/2018 02:44 8132216,3744718373,

According to Q Anon this idiot got paid over 7 million dollars to turn rat.

,1517885189,06/02/2018 02:46 8132723,3744721148,"

i know... it is some fat kid eating fritos typing on his moms computer over at 8chan/pol, oh then there is the infowars Q....rolls eyes.

",1517885370,06/02/2018 02:49 8132216,3744759261,"

Follow Follow @evyssilverbird

Replying to @hotfunkytown
@DevinNunes we want the raw footage of the SOTU from the house cameras released to the public NOW. RELEASE THE FOOTAGE NOW PLEASE!!
Did @somogettynews of @GettyImages edit this photo to conceal a crime? #QANON

A line was edited on this phone a democrat congressman was holding at SOTU? Why was it edited out?

",1517888127,06/02/2018 03:35 8132723,3744759641,"

They say Q ""claimed"" that schiff killed a kid prostitute - and him dragging his feet on the Dossier is the Deep State's price for covering that up.

",1517888157,06/02/2018 03:35 8132216,3744762245,"

VJ phone call w/ AS.
42m 13s.
[2 listeners - no IDEN].

]_reroutes_[9 random]
]_reroutes_[2 random]
Article 3.
Section 3.

This Q message is talking about a phone call between Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarrett.

Article 3 section 3.
Section 3 - Treason. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

",1517888378,06/02/2018 03:39 8132723,3744770191,

dont post about Q or babydoll the unhinged lunatic will jump your ass and call you a liberal troll

,1517889032,06/02/2018 03:50 8135018,3744778059,"

But Rauner won't debate her,and since she spanked him in an editorial Q & A with The Trib , he will never agree to a debate. She even asked to be included in the Dems debate. lol

",1517889722,06/02/2018 04:02 8133215,3744794436,"

according to Q, yes

Feb 5 2018 18:25:31
ID: db9aa5
Find 1 of 4.
“Trump should be shot!”
You are now working against those monitoring.
Raw only.
No edits.
Save offline.

",1517891215,06/02/2018 04:26 8133215,3744809643,

baby doll totally jumped my @ss for posting a Q tweet. be careful with that one. lol went into unhinged mania mode. lol

,1517892600,06/02/2018 04:50 8132723,3744815941,

You know somebody gave me that link before and I can never get it to open to anything but a blank page with a Santa Claus in the top right corner. And yes I understand Q is probably with military intelligence and is supposedly very close to Donald Trump. If the globalist are as powerful as I think they are it's very nice that the military are totally behind DJT.

,1517893208,06/02/2018 05:00 8132576,3744897635,"

Horseshhiiit, FED is lost, incompetent, elites control the market and many CEOs have resigned to pull their loot because many will be indicted in human trafficing rings. Rothschilds sold Black Forest because of all the sacrifices there.
More memos will be released soon. Market will drop 3K or $4K with that especially the memo of FBI and Lisa Page plotting to kill Trump. QANON
We are winning!

",1517901567,06/02/2018 07:19 8132216,3744979098,"

OMG!!! get this guy a tranquilizer, straight jacket, blanket and binkie.... after all the info out from #qanon, #thegreatawakening, #thestormishere, he's TOAST!!!!

",1517908851,06/02/2018 09:20 8132216,3745027097,"

Ironic, the Communist Left worried that the formerly Communist Russians support the 2nd Amendment....I really hope Q is right and this fool is going down.

",1517912415,06/02/2018 10:20 8133215,3745055275,"

9 hours ago

Q Anon February 5th & 6th 2018/News Updates


",1517914491,06/02/2018 10:54 8135186,3745268661,"

Here is my take on this after watching analysis of QAnon, this memo is just the smallest tip of the iceberg. There are at least 9 other memos that can come out. Then there is the EO that Trump signed that keeps Qitmo open and continues to staff military tribunals. There are a HUGE number of indictments that will be coming down that will be focused on treason and sedition, those REQUIRE trial by military tribunal. This is going to be historical.

",1517924930,06/02/2018 13:48 8136233,3745320825,"

St. Thomas Aquinas (A.D. 1274): “Unbelief… arises from pride, through which man is unwilling to subject his intellect to the rules of faith…” (Summa Theologiae Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 3, Reply 3)

",1517926999,06/02/2018 14:23 8133749,3745491895,"

Yo, Toy Story Cowboy Adam! Q released today that there is a 42 min. 13 sec. recording of a conversation you had with Valerie Jarrett where you two were discussing ""TREASON"". Yep, the 2 required listeners were on the call who can testify against you. Your days are numbered, Dude. Get your affairs in order.

",1517933440,06/02/2018 16:10 8133749,3745512140,"

OH, well, if Q is on the case, we're done.

",1517934205,06/02/2018 16:23 8137226,3745653074,


QAnon hints WikiLeaks has tape and/or transcript of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting

This shiit is Lit if true

,1517939292,06/02/2018 17:48 8133995,3745817867,"

Q-anon, pay close attention to these posts. Cut off the money in California, till they start enforcing some laws. Rogue Government in Ca

",1517945238,06/02/2018 19:27 8137226,3745854467,

Q-anon suggests otherwise. I don't know what to believe about that to be honest.

,1517946489,06/02/2018 19:48 8137226,3745915304,


QAnon hints WikiLeaks has tape and/or transcript of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting

This shiit is Lit if true

,1517948694,06/02/2018 20:24 8130560,3745942785,"

And, in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had a salad and raisins for lunch, with a croissant on the side...

Details at eleven...

",1517949700,06/02/2018 20:41 8139137,3745987788,

Now would be a good time Q!
Where you been?
Anybody seen Q?

,1517951399,06/02/2018 21:09 8139137,3746018013,"


",1517952632,06/02/2018 21:30 8139137,3746051073,

hmmmm Q post..

,1517954061,06/02/2018 21:54 8139974,3746098918,

He tried kicking Suzy Q but Atlas broke his leg.

,1517956352,06/02/2018 22:32 8140124,3746153201,"

If you look at Q post, it says-


so Im thinking there is gonna be a Bar Fire or something, cant quite make it out yet.

",1517959092,06/02/2018 23:18 8140124,3746236549,"

Feb 5, Valerie Jarette calls Schhhiiite and they talk 42 minutes about Article 3 of 3 Constitution, Treason. QANON

",1517963694,07/02/2018 00:34 8140124,3746298736,"

Forget Schiff. Everybody needs to read and become aware of this from Jerome Corsi...

It suggests a tie between Antonin Scala's death and the tarmac meeting between Bill and Loretta Lynch. If true this is game-changing.

",1517967114,07/02/2018 01:31 8140124,3746303552,"

...and possibly, the arkancide of Antonine Scalia...

",1517967397,07/02/2018 01:36 8140124,3746319590,"

Everyone needs to read this from Jerome Corsi. It's game-changing...

",1517968130,07/02/2018 01:48 8140124,3746330414,

What has Q said about Trey Gowdy?
Q mentioned 30+ Congress leaving...we're at 34 members.
Gowdy leaving is there dirt on him?
TG loves the law. Why is he supporting Mueller? Mueller has obvious conflicts of interest.

,1517968796,07/02/2018 01:59 8140124,3746333741,"

Antonin Scalia may have been assassinated to vacate a SCOTUS seat that may then have been offered to Loretta Lynch by Bill on the Tarmac, per Jerome Corsi...

",1517969007,07/02/2018 02:03 8138885,3746339418,"

Incorrect answer, my low to zero I Q friend. Harley is a cult. Economic rules don’t apply.

",1517969226,07/02/2018 02:07 8140124,3746374878,"

Per Jerome Corsi via Q-ANON, Antonin Scalia death may be linked to Bill/Loretta Lynch meeting on the tarmac...

",1517971349,07/02/2018 02:42 8140124,3746385201,"

All this may lead to proving Antonin Scalia was arkancided to offer Loretta Lynch his seat in exchange for ending the email investigation, per Jerome Corsi...

",1517972037,07/02/2018 02:53 8140124,3746391402," this...

",1517972460,07/02/2018 03:01 8140124,3746393556,"

Q-Anon, is making this TREASON investigation very interesting...

",1517972610,07/02/2018 03:03 8141069,3746404676,"

...or the possible link between the death of Antonon Scalia and the tarmac meeting between Bill and Loretta Lynch...

",1517973382,07/02/2018 03:16 8141069,3746409451,"

Per Jerome Corsi - Possible link with Antonin Scalia death to meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill on the tarmac. Ponder the implications...

",1517973729,07/02/2018 03:22 8141069,3746449454,"

Per Jerome Corsi - Possible link with Antonin Scalia death to meeting
between Loretta Lynch and Bill on the tarmac. Ponder the implications...

",1517976203,07/02/2018 04:03 8113769,3746501392,"

""Just we inhabit those bodies.""

No; we are lawfully GIVEN our bodies at conception. Demons have unlawfully invaded them, usually because of our having unwittingly lowered the threshold of our resistance --- like lowering one's natural resistance to the flu.

""And Judiasm teaches we create demons.""

Cite source, chapter & verse, and quote verbatim, please, the pertinent text.

""Eve was born.""

Cite chapter & verse, and quote verbatim the pertinent text.

""Been there.""

Don't care where you've 'been' --- right now, you're off point.

The point was that as early as Abraham, the Jewish people were NOT 'henotheists.' Abraham, the first Jew, addressed God as the 'the Judge of all the earth.""

He created the angels directly. Nobody else was needed --- neither literally NOR 'metaphorically.

""Bible states otherwise.""

I'm getting a little tired of this. From now on, when you make a remark like that (""Bible states otherwise"") --- which you've done several times in these exchanges --- I'll expect you to ACCOMPANY such a claim with chapter & verse as well as a direct, verbatim quote of the pertinent text.

I shouldn't have to keep asking you for it each time. It's wearisome, and an unjustified drain on my time & energy, to have to wait for yet another exchange to get backup from you which should've been forthcoming at the same time you made the assertion itself.

If you make any more such claims about something supposedly being in the Bible (or some other source) without specifically citing it in support, this exchange will end.

""Since I don't belong to any religion I can't be a cult member.""

Nonsense; there isn't any necessary connection between membership in a religion and being a cultist.

You call yourself a 'shaman' --- that didn't come from 'nowhere.' You are a cultist.

""On the other hand you are by definition.""

When you allude to a definition without INCLUDING a definition, you make yourself a fool. Again, either back up your claims when you make them, or this exchange is over.

""They celebrate the Mother, worship the Torah (in certain cases), worship an archangel (in other cases).""

Idolatries, each-&-every one.

""And New Age only applies to Evangelicals who hijacked a form of gnosticism.""

Childish drivel.

""And New Agers aren't a cult either, having no religion to follow.""

They make it up as they go. That's what makes them a cult.

""Plus they pre-date Noah.""

I remind you that what predated Noah was destroyed --- and why. [Gen 6:5-7]

Whoever wrote John's gospel was comfortably conversant in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

""Evasion on your part.""

Get real. It's NOT IN THE LEAST BIT 'evasive,' but very much to the point:

--- You had said, ""John had a language problem using the greek masculine as opposed to the Hebrew feminine."" Since the author was fluent in all three languages, he wouldn't have had a ""language problem."" Q.E.D.

",1517979078,07/02/2018 04:51 8141252,3746516976,"

Hmm. It would seem like McConnell and Ryan are more. . .amenable to Trump's agenda. Maybe Q-Anon is onto something when he was talking about freedom. . .freedom for blackmail, extortion, etc. I wonder what the deep state had on them?

",1517979903,07/02/2018 05:05 8141732,3746567558,

A bird is already singing according to Q posts.

,1517984470,07/02/2018 06:21 8141732,3746609071,"

I don't follow Q for a reason... I am not sure how reliable Q is.

Am I off, or is Q legit?

",1517988664,07/02/2018 07:31 8141732,3746609558,

Who's Q?

Don Jr?

,1517988712,07/02/2018 07:31 8141732,3746622933,"

The Q website just fucked my mind. I don't even know what to think.

Good Night, Patriots.

",1517989996,07/02/2018 07:53 8141732,3746623363,

The Q took you to Democratic Space?

,1517990034,07/02/2018 07:53 8141732,3746623995,

Google Q POSTS

,1517990094,07/02/2018 07:54 8141732,3746626110,"

If it was a dem Q fag site, Maxine would have destroyed it

",1517990286,07/02/2018 07:58 8141732,3746626388,"

People here reference Q Anon all the time, especially over the last couple months.

I have stayed away from it, but I just took the plunge down the rabbit hole.

",1517990312,07/02/2018 07:58 8141732,3746628420,

My peeps how can you not know Q? He knows you.

,1517990510,07/02/2018 08:01 8142212,3746718409,"

So the Q is, why would the Poles choose this moment, with virulent ant-semitism on the rise, world wide, why now?

",1517998093,07/02/2018 10:08 8141732,3746722095,

This is just the beginning. They have a swamp load of muck to dredge up against Obama and the Democrats including select RINOS like McTrain wreck. Carter Page goes from agent to spy? Then there's all other illegal activities sitting there like a Fukushima reactor. Q feeds us crumbs and we all become sleuths against an Evil Empire.

,1517998389,07/02/2018 10:13 8141732,3746809860,"

Folks, according to Q-anon - whose validity at this point is proven beyond a doubt - the big truth bombs are yet to drop, and when they do we wont be having to debate anything any longer, the Degenerates will be running for their lives - expect OJ Simpson getaway meets Grand Theft Auto. GRAND THEFT FEDERAL

",1518003825,07/02/2018 11:43 8140001,3746870986,"

For what its worth?

",1518007037,07/02/2018 12:37 8142770,3746899124,


,1518008150,07/02/2018 12:55 8140001,3746909069,

Q-anon says that all will be well!

,1518008525,07/02/2018 13:02 8142770,3746996873,

According to Q he may very well be in NK.

,1518011558,07/02/2018 13:52 8141732,3747036234,"

13,600 sealed indictments i believe was last Q post

",1518013061,07/02/2018 14:17 8138072,3747065452,"

If it walks like a dirtbag and talks like a dirtbag, Q. Tarantino is a dirtbag.

",1518014132,07/02/2018 14:35 8142770,3747070377,"

There are a few new Q drops, Adam Schiff has a ""187"" after his initials, is that a threat, or recognition of a crime?

",1518014315,07/02/2018 14:38 8142770,3747083846,"

AS 187. - Antonin Scalia assassinated, wetworks.
HRC investigation pivot points. - Shillary focuses on appearance of an investigation where she is cleared:
JC dismiss letter. - means James Comey dismissal letter of sham email matter.
#2. - possibly Rosenstein taking a more prominent role
PS. - Peter Strzok working his ""insurance"" as you see above.
WL comms. - Wikileaks has copies of all of it due to patriot drops.

It's SHTF time at Q HQ.

",1518014796,07/02/2018 14:46 8142770,3747087996,"

AS 187. - Antonin Scalia assassinated, wetworks.
HRC investigation pivot points. - Shillary focuses on appearance of an investigation where she is cleared:
JC dismiss letter. - means James Comey dismissal letter of sham email matter.
#2. - possibly Rosenstein taking a more prominent role
PS. - Peter Strzok working his ""insurance"" as you see above.
WL comms. - Wikileaks has copies of all of it due to patriot drops.

It's SHTF time at Q HQ.

After Loretta Lynch met on the tarmac with Bill, it was intimated that if she puts in the fix on the dossier at the DOJ, she will take Scalia's place because he will be ""187'd"". There is a recording of the conversation. Wikileaks also has a copy.

Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187]. Supreme Court/Loretta Lynch deal resulting from Scalia assassination.

",1518014952,07/02/2018 14:49 8142770,3747151867,"

After Loretta Lynch met on the tarmac with Bill, it was intimated that if she puts in the fix on the dossier at the DOJ, she will take Scalia's place because he will be ""187'd"". There is a recording of the conversation. Wikileaks also has a copy.

Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187]. Supreme Court/Loretta Lynch deal resulting from Scalia assassination. Q

This is the word from Trump insider posting as Q on reddit.

This is all going to get a lot more nasty. That is why Sessions is keeping his powder dry. There is WAY more to prosecute kids. You have no idea.

",1518017084,07/02/2018 15:24 8143442,3747225849,"

President Trump tweets Schiff must be stopped
at timestamp 19:55:43, approximately 7:56 pm ET, that a recorded phone call exists between Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarret, lasting 42 minutes and 13 seconds, that constitute evidence of treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.

",1518019647,07/02/2018 16:07 8143442,3747275080,


,1518021349,07/02/2018 16:35 8143442,3747287738,"

Report: Evidence Exists to Charge Schiff With Treason – QAnon

President Trump tweets Schiff must be stopped

Jerome Corsi | -
February 7, 2018

Image Credits: Bloomberg / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As he struggles to preserve the
flailing “Russian Collusion” narrative against President Trump, Rep.
Adam Schiff, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee
appears to be rapidly developing serious legal problems of his own.

On Monday, Feb. 5, QAnon posted at timestamp 19:55:43, approximately
7:56 pm ET, that a recorded phone call exists between Adam Schiff and
Valerie Jarret, lasting 42 minutes and 13 seconds, that constitute
evidence of treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.

QAnon documents that the recorded phone call was witnessed by what
appear to be 11 people, supposedly fulfilling the requirement of Article
3, Section 3 that two witnesses are available to give testimony to the
same overt act that constitutes treason against the United States. notes that there is no published evidence that would
validate QAnon’s allegation that Schiff and Jarrett were involved in a
treasonous phone call.

Still, this shocking revelation, if true, should give Schiff pause to
take seriously President Trump’s tweet on the same day, putting Schiff
on notice that criminal charges could be brought against Schiff for
leaving committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information.

As seen here, Trump’s tweet suggested that “Little Adam Schiff”
is so desperate to run for higher office that he has become “one of the
biggest liars and leakers in Washington,” on a par with former FBI
Director James Comey; Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking member of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence; former CIA Director John Brennan; and
former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Beginning at the end of January, QAnon has issued a series of
posts drawing attention to Schiff’s alleged involvement with various
scandals, including some that may be criminal in nature, that are
reported to be ongoing in his California district that includes West

Adam Schiff and the Standard Hotel

On Jan. 31, QAnon posted at timestamp 22:22:52, approximately
10:23 pm ET, noting a helicopter crash that happened in Newport Beach
and involved an unnamed hotel general manager.

A few minutes later, QAnon suggested that Schiff had an
unspecified problematic relationship with something that happened at the
Standard Hotel, such that Schiff’s attempt to block and counter the
release of the “Nunes Memo” was Schiff’s unspecified repayment perhaps
for covering up whatever it was that happened at the hotel.

The background to these posts takes us to the day before, when an
R44 helicopter taking off from John Wayne Airport in Orange County,
California, at 1:45 pm local time, crashed
in Newport Beach residential area, killing three executives associated
with the Standard Hotel, a trendy, gay-friendly hotel located in
Schiff’s district in West Hollywood, California.

The three killed in the helicopter crash associated with the
hotel were the Kimberly Lynne Watzman, 45 years old, the general manager
of the Standard Hotel; Brian Reichelt, 56, of Hollywood, Florida, who
worked at the Standard Hotel in Hollywood, Florida and was regional
financial director for the Standard International, the parent company
hotel chain; and Joseph Anthony Tena, 60 of Newport Beach.

Tena was a Spanish-born entrepreneur, involved with
Ferrado Garden Court LLC, a company in Spain owned by two of the
richest people in Spain, with international holdings that evidently
include stock in the Standard Hotel chain in the United States.

The helicopter, when it crashed, was headed for a day-trip to
Catalina Island, one of the Channel Islands offshore, southwest of Los

In 1984, West Hollywood was incorporated as “America’s first gay city,” capping off a legacy
that traces back to the Prohibition Era “when the 1.7-mile-long stretch
of the Sunset Strip became a haven for speakeasies and casinos because
it fell outside the jurisdiction of the hyper-vigilant LAPD and inside
the jurisdiction of the relatively lax L.A. County Sheriff’s

According to a New York Times report published
Nov. 9, 2017, André Balazs, known as the creator of the Standard brand
of hotels that he created two decades ago, was also known for dating
actress Uma Thurman for years, as well as dating television host Chelsea
Handler, and for making his hotels a hangout “for members of the hip
Hollywood set, like Johnny Depp and the singer Florence Welch.”

The New York Times reported Balazs has been accused of sexual
harassment, specifically running his hand up the dresses of various
women, touching their genitals without consent, in a pattern of
behaviors that traces back to an incident first reported in 1991.

QAnon sharpens attack on Schiff

In the next post, QAnon suggested at timestamp 22:46:51,
approximately 10:47 pm ET, that Schiff was being blackmailed over “a
death cover-up” that occurred at the Standard Hotel.

Then, in a final post, QAnon suggested at timestamp 23:00:51,
approximately 11:01 pm ET, that Schiff was concerned he might be
implicated in a pedophilia ring that an anonymous poster suggested was
being run out of the hotel. stresses that there is no published evidence that
would support QAnon’s implied allegations that Schiff was involved with
improprieties that may or may not have happened at the Standard Hotel in
West Hollywood.

In an earlier post, QAnon on Dec. 10, 2017, suggested at
timestamp 23:29:56, approximately 11:30 pm ET, that Schiff was “a
traitor to our country,” a “leaker” of national security information.
In this post, QAnon called Schiff “evil,” taunting Schiff that QAnon
hoped the “$7.8 million dollars was worth it.”

This QAnon post appears to reference a report
published two days earlier, on Dec. 8, 2017, that the Orange County
District Attorney’s office had obtained a $7.8 million settlement in a
civil lawsuit against two Yorba Linda medical communities accused of
profiting illegally from the sale of fetal tissue and stem cells.
Again, has no proof this QAnon allegation can be substantiated.

",1518021798,07/02/2018 16:43 8140124,3747322749,"

On Monday, Feb. 5, QAnon posted at timestamp 19:55:43, approximately 7:56 pm ET, that a recorded phone call exists between Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarret, lasting 42 minutes and 13 seconds, that constitute evidence of treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.
QAnon documents that the recorded phone call was witnessed by what appear to be 11 people, supposedly fulfilling the requirement of Article 3, Section 3 that two witnesses are available to give testimony to the same overt act that constitutes treason against the United States.

",1518023049,07/02/2018 17:04 8143442,3747376954,"

This will be interesting to watch unfold. /////////////////////////////////// OBOOOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - is still not out of the woods on any of this stuff.. ////////////// Neither is Hillary Babe or the rest of the gang of lying, cheating, stealing thieves, who carry the title of DEMON - RAT behind their names. ////////////////////////////////////

",1518024926,07/02/2018 17:35 8143442,3747386684,"

For what it is worth?

",1518025265,07/02/2018 17:41 8143673,3747412364,"

Qanon is a high level intelligence source who is communicating through 4chan. The President has put Q’s in his Tweets to confirm, plus as with Wikileaks he has 100% veracity. Check out Qposts on youtube: Jerome Corsi and American Intelligence Media, antischool are some good places to start...

",1518026181,07/02/2018 17:56 8143442,3747418692,

QAnon says there is a recording of a treasonous call from Adama Schiff to Valerie Jarret that lasted 42 minutes.

,1518026410,07/02/2018 18:00 8141069,3747438299,"

There's a lot of vets out there who've come back on an airplane from the Middle East and driven back to their house without any type of recognition from John Q Public. We did a good job recognizing our veterans after Desert Storm, but let's be honest, we screwed the pooch on recognizing our Vietnam vets. There's no reason to repeat that failure. Big deal on the money for this parade, we spend more on political dinners for foreign dignitaries or throwing free cash at places like Egypt. I say we do it!

",1518027037,07/02/2018 18:10 8143526,3747461186,


,1518027879,07/02/2018 18:24 8144678,3747471837,"

One Q, ever Bannon' BB, how is that important to indicate that Porter is/was a Jared Kushner ally?

",1518028269,07/02/2018 18:31 8143502,3747489726,

Room temperature I Q – lol. You’re being generous.

,1518028904,07/02/2018 18:41 8143526,3747527764,

In your dreams Q. Jones. Having dinner with someone is not dating. In Jones' case it was a mercy dinner.

,1518030243,07/02/2018 19:04 8143526,3747554093,"

Allow me to retort: 1. During the 8 years previous it was Barack and a bunch of ghetto rats and he just said what THEY wanted to hear and 2. The half of the country supporting President Trump was against Barack, so I guess that made Barack a ""fμ©king idiot"" who knew ""nothing about leadership. "" My guess Q.? Maybe you should think with that dementia addle brain before you open your stupid mouth. Oh, and speaking of ""fine motherfμ©kers"" Your daughter Rashida? Despite coming from you...totally bangable.

",1518031208,07/02/2018 19:20 8144678,3747572431,

the other Q...

,1518031877,07/02/2018 19:31 8143526,3747624713,"

Poor Jared,

After a real brother like Q, it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

",1518033839,07/02/2018 20:03 8143526,3747648494,"

Rod Temperton was the man, wrote and produced all of Michael's smash hits and others, Q was ""executive producer.""

",1518034750,07/02/2018 20:19 8132210,3747651887,"

SO, tell me oh wise one; 10,000,000 users at @ $20 a pop = ????. Who pays for this sympathy treatment for drug heads? Good old John Q. Bet your making a buck off this somewhere. Obammycare???

",1518034886,07/02/2018 20:21 8143526,3747667555,"

He's right about her legs, and wrong on everything else.
Time to retire Q, your wrinkles are overtaking your spots...

",1518035494,07/02/2018 20:31 8143526,3747679326,"

It sounds like democrat political hack , Quincy Jones, is a sexist who refers to women in a derogatory way (""fine motherfucker"" said Q.Jones). Will the main stream media cover up for alleged sexist Q.Jones as they do other leftists ?

",1518035963,07/02/2018 20:39 8143526,3747683096,"

He's a long way from ""Sanford and Son "" ya'all suck Q man

",1518036113,07/02/2018 20:41 8143526,3747705883,"

I used to hang out with him. I can’t stand him.

I don't hang out with people I can't stand, and Q. J. would be on that list

",1518036982,07/02/2018 20:56 8143526,3747747487,"

So let me get this straight, Ivanka wanted to have dinner with Quincy and Quincy called it dating, what a stretch. Mr Q is a fine artist in his field and before this pos bashed my president I could think of a hundred people who would have loved to sit down with a man like him, myself included. These people are as stupid as they are talented, about the only truth in this story is the comment about Ivanka's legs............

",1518038708,07/02/2018 21:25 8138792,3747760674,"

Saw today a cartoon, (a handicap kid we help watching) a 2 daddy, one black, one white houshold.
These LBGT Q X 500 lobby pukes are truly pathetic, inculcating our children.

",1518039288,07/02/2018 21:34 8143526,3747777464,"

As a music person, I always had such respect for Q. Not anymore.

",1518040017,07/02/2018 21:46 8143526,3747779685,"

There's no fool like an old fool. Take a bow Q, you’re 84. Senility has arrived.

",1518040120,07/02/2018 21:48 8143526,3747795875,

I think I will bake an Ivanka cake tonight and have a piece. Care to join me Q?

,1518040855,07/02/2018 22:00 8143526,3747812228,

Money... the Q wanted money and cred...

,1518041646,07/02/2018 22:14 8145776,3747828404,"

Yah, thanks for breaking our laws and creating a massive problem for us at our expense. We're forever in your debt.

What a frigkkin moron. Fa Q Nancy.

",1518042440,07/02/2018 22:27 8143526,3747828748,"

Oh, Q! Done gone around da bend!!! It was the Emperor, The Great Separatus Andividus, that did all the wonderful stirring up of dah racism, smart guy!!! You know, THE HALFRICAN!!!

",1518042457,07/02/2018 22:27 8143526,3747830632,

come on folks! i thought it was common knowledge that Mr. Q has dementia. He hasn't been playing with a full deck for a few years now. So i guess that makes him the perfect democrat.

,1518042553,07/02/2018 22:29 8143700,3747833599,

I remember one of Q anon texts said obama sought legal councel. It makes more sense now

,1518042702,07/02/2018 22:31 8144039,3747852720,

Wait until you see the 16 year plan Squatter #1 and Hellery had for USA. QANON

,1518043668,07/02/2018 22:47 8143526,3747856884,"

#1. Don't even try to discount Quincy's legendary status, just because he's as crude as Donald. If you're too lazy to research, please keep your fingers on pause (era of the lazies and short attention spans). #2. Ivanka wasn't trying to DATE Quincy's old *** (intimately). EEEWWW. He's trying to make it into something FAR MORE than it was. She was dating that young WASP, ""Bingo"" at the time. She wasn't gonna go for some 70 something year old!! Stop it, Q . #3 . When you reach Quincy and Donald's age (and you have money) you just start spewing ridiculous stuff. #4. After Quincy betrayed Michael (when he needed him most), I stopped caring about anything he had to say.
I would defend Donald (cuz a lot of the stuff Quincy said was like, PUH-LEEZE). But after what Donald did to Steve Bannon (while continuing to protect Paul Ryan, Nikki Haley, and all the globalist establishment).....I'll just sit-back & watch. I'm tired of defending him, as he constantly betrays his base.

",1518043884,07/02/2018 22:51 8143526,3747891146,"

And, if there were, there would be no sign of what happened to nutty Q! Guaranteed.

",1518045769,07/02/2018 23:22 8132585,3747916774,

Bloodline of Rothschild. Read Q Anon.

,1518047225,07/02/2018 23:47 8144678,3747917746,"

Thanks Susan for clarifying to all of us that Bill Ciinton was the philanderer, accused rapist and habitual liar who was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office.And Impeached President. One other thing Suzie Q so many coincidences with suicides what is the total 4 or 5 so many murders all connected to the Clintons sure coincidence sure. Let us not forget that woman of the CENTURY Hillary who protected and stood by her man thru all these crimes against women.
Have a good one Susan.

",1518047279,07/02/2018 23:47 8143526,3747930089,

I used to have a lot of respect for Q J he has now turned into a low class lefty loon shill

,1518047959,07/02/2018 23:59 8143526,3747939977,

I'm inclined to believe the 27 time Grammy winner. He hit that and I bet he destroyed it. Q is her black daddy.

,1518048526,08/02/2018 00:08 8145728,3747945531,

I think from Q related websites / anons.

,1518048843,08/02/2018 00:14 8143526,3747962359,

Wouldn’t you be more comfortable sitting in a banana tree with the Q ?

,1518049826,08/02/2018 00:30 8143526,3747966343,"

I think musclecoupe would prefer Qs kok. Then taking Q in the a23.

",1518050061,08/02/2018 00:34 8146166,3748034845,"

‘Tired of White Men Negotiating on the Backs of People of Color’

....says the woman with WHITE skin!

Listen, these gate crashers are exactly that, dreamer! They ARE dreaming if they think John Q. Patriot from Main St. USA is going to sit down, shut up, and let them WALK IN AND SQUAT HERE!!!!!! Keep dreaming..... as you walk your a$$ back to Me He Co!

",1518054196,08/02/2018 01:43 8140049,3748038207,"

As soon as it went Politically Correct this season, I shut it off. Maggie Q is the best part of the show. Natasha McElhonne was offered another show, so they killed her off(or they were supposed to). I don't know who is going to be the President's love interest. If they want to go PC or Alt Left on this show, I can do without it also.

",1518054407,08/02/2018 01:46 8145725,3748129837,

Its all coming out. Government has been screwing the citizens for almost 30 years. It will be shown back to the Clintons. QAnon!!!

,1518060580,08/02/2018 03:29 8143526,3748141305,"

Wow.....surprising and sad what Q has become, or is.....

",1518061501,08/02/2018 03:45 8143526,3748157147,"

Well said. I actually met Q once, and used to think “there is hope”, but in reality now discover the “real” Q is just like the masses. Kinda sad in a wake the f&$k up kind of way.

",1518062791,08/02/2018 04:06 8146169,3748178565,

I'm just reading them now. Amazing stuff on the qanon twitter feed. The justice dept official in charge of the Hillary-Russia probe stepped down per the WaPo.

,1518064437,08/02/2018 04:33 8146169,3748198007,"

For those of you who missed out, Q let us ride along on an op in China. Pretty interesting. Several surveillance photos.

",1518066255,08/02/2018 05:04 8146169,3748198277,"

Thanks for this, I missed Tucker because Q was posting.

",1518066279,08/02/2018 05:04 8146169,3748244546,"

Qanon saying ""We see you live"" with a photo of the King Tower in Shanghai...something happening there!

",1518070942,08/02/2018 06:22 8146169,3748263476,

Can I have a link for this Q???

,1518072871,08/02/2018 06:54 8146169,3748269646,

Feb 8 2018 01:45:43 Q !UW.yye1fxo

Panic in DC.
Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.
EXTREME chatter.

,1518073457,08/02/2018 07:04 8146169,3748277521,"

Fuq that last post from Q has me going crazy, please pray!!!!!

",1518074211,08/02/2018 07:16 8146169,3748280323,

Feb 8 2018 01:53:00 Q !UW.yye1fxo

USSS on high alert.

,1518074478,08/02/2018 07:21 8146169,3748285697,

I'm finally on the Q Train.... I jumped down the rabbit hole last night.

,1518074991,08/02/2018 07:29 8146169,3748311516,

Not sure why Q keeps bringing up Snowden. Is he good or bad guy? I cant figure it out but I learned he is Zuckerbergs cousin last night. Weird shiit.

,1518077391,08/02/2018 08:09 8147060,3748326732,

Many more to come.....Wait until they start arresting the big boys (and girls). Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it hasn't started. Worldwide. Follow Q.

,1518078749,08/02/2018 08:32 8146169,3748334318,

Straight out of a Q drop.

,1518079408,08/02/2018 08:43 8146169,3748361126,

For those who Q..

Feb 7 2018 23:45:43
ID: 062464
Panic in DC.
Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.
EXTREME chatter.

,1518081783,08/02/2018 09:23 8146169,3748433779,"

the big begemoth globalist billionaire owned MSM are crowding out free speech.

Also NKorea has free speech: you can say as an individual what you want, as long as no one hears it.

the free speech amendment is about allowing to be HEARD.

If 5 MSMs are all conniving and propagandizing a gloablist leftist agenda , you do not have free speech anymore.

That is why we need to SERIOUSLY tax size , and employee numbers of media companies.
Create a BigBang in TV media !
If you limit company size to 10M USD and employee numbers to 100, you will have overall BETTER Q information spreading, and MORE employees hired at higher rates overall.

Now, its a few multi millionaire anchors, and the rest must come to office in a pant suit, and try to jockey for a career by abiding to the ""corporate culture""

This isnt the old freelancers and free thinking people of the past.
This is eshrined fascism and MUZZLING free speech nowadays

",1518087466,08/02/2018 10:57 8146169,3748444561,"

Alex Marlow (love you dearly) and Breitbart: Qanon was ALL OVER THIS in a video last night. Q said that the next thing to happen this into next week is old Russia Fake News all across the ""media"" spectrum. If this doesn't change the subject from FISA and other memo drops, we will see more False Flags.

It's time for BB to pay a little attention to Q. He's way ahead of everyone else, including all the sedition and threats towards PDJT being shared amongst the Black Caucus on their Caucus iPhones during the SOTU.

BB needs a journalist following Q dumps!

",1518088212,08/02/2018 11:10 8146169,3748458302,"

Naturally you Q people never leave links, and they are impossible to find in search engines, thanks for being so helpful.

",1518089095,08/02/2018 11:24 8143526,3748495567,

So if BB had not mentioned this article no one would have ever seen it. Really who cares what Q. Jones has to say about anything. BTW having dinner is not dating someone. Jones is not operating in reality just in his fantasies.

,1518091251,08/02/2018 12:00 8146169,3748515515,"

You don't really need links; Q and Qanon (that's Q and the anons who comment to him) are all over YouTube. But here are a couple:

True Lies covers Q drops and Qanon threads at least daily right now while Q is extremely active. This is his channel:

Here is the Q board on 8chan from which True Lies, Jerome Corsi and so many others get their info:

",1518092309,08/02/2018 12:18 8143526,3748564793,"

1- Q. Jones is an aging music mogul who is too far on the periphery of DC's inner circle to have even the slightest clue of what occurs there.

FYI Jones, hanging out at the WH for years as a court jester didn't give you a seat at the big table. You ate in the kitchen with all the other help and jesters.

2- Ivanka inviting Jones to a dinner doesn't necessarily constitute a romantic date. This is probably the grotesque ramblings of an old gross man. And even if his comment about Ivanka is true, he's boasting is vulgar and sad.

People don't boast unless they're trying to impress. People don't try to impress unless they have feelings of inadequacy and are trying to lift themselves in the eyes of other they feel inferior to.

Based on this article, Jones must have extreme feelings of inadequacy. Sad man.

",1518094291,08/02/2018 12:51 8143526,3748746169,"

So you are assuming the Q position ,in his defense .

",1518100633,08/02/2018 14:37 8148686,3748822958,"

Show us your Ankle Bracket John the Coward!
""Qanon"" showed us nice photo's of you trying to conceal it. You cant run Johnny boy.

",1518103440,08/02/2018 15:24 8144981,3748831661,"

Maybe Nancy is worried that the ILLEGALS will do more than just ""visit"" her house to protest like they did at cryin' Chuck's home.
Chuck opened his BIG mouth when he said that ""the 'intelligence community' have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you"" to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC --- and perhaps Chuck knows who killed JFK and some other juicy tidbits about TREASONOUS acts of our CIA, FBI and other traitors in his deep state govt club. Just look at the pic of Chuck after the meeting with POTUS Trump near the end of the previous shutdown. He looked like a deer in headlights before death.
ALSO, with continuing revelations about the supposed ""bigwigs"" and Hollywood elites employing Illegal Aliens that are being arrested in ICE raids (the Illegals that Chastity/Chaz Bono [and Cher?] employed were making enough money to hire their OWN Illegals as servants), it will be very interesting when the sealed indictments are unsealed, and just how ""high up"" the arrests and prosecutions will go, regarding employing, sheltering and aiding and abetting Illegal Aliens in the US.
A tie in with the Illegal Alien situation is child trafficking and possibly the deaths of thousands of child sex abuse victims. Arnold Schwarzenegger's 57 yr old previous associate, Daniel Pellissier, was arrested for being one of the heads of a human trafficking and prostitution ring recently.

With these fascinating and treasonous arrests happening every day, reported mostly only by Fox News and Q anon posts on youtube, who needs to watch TV reruns or pay big bucks to go see a movie?? POTUS Trump is keeping his word every day --- and many patriotic Americans are jumping in to help to clean up this perversion and filth in the US. MAGA, and beware deep state ghouls --- your time to escape prosecution has come and gone.

",1518103766,08/02/2018 15:29 8143718,3748847772,"

LAST NIGHT'S Q w/ DR. CORSI #WeThePeople PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. Coverage, 24 hrs a day!

",1518104367,08/02/2018 15:39 8149445,3748872272,"

Feb 7 Q anon target detained
Live from Shanghai, Q anon
True Lies video

",1518105223,08/02/2018 15:53 8149445,3748890053,"

Don't know how to link; Linda Kirby, Space shot 76' true lies vids posted.
Lots of Q anon posts on a page. It's getting real.

",1518105857,08/02/2018 16:04 8147075,3748983231,

Hey Q. Going back to bed for a bit. Have had a tiring day with house problems. Back later. You're a major dog? Is that what you're telling me? I like dogs but just glad I don't have one now. All I need is to clean up more poop. Had 3 different working men in today. So much testosterone I'm flummoxed.

Do you believe places and things can revolt?

,1518109207,08/02/2018 17:00 8148485,3748989605,

Are our Q.E. chickens ever coming home to roost?


,1518109435,08/02/2018 17:03 8143442,3749019898,"

Q has said patience, I know it's hard, we are all ready for something to, ""Sink our teeth into!!!"" Little things have happened Anthony Weiner is in jail and the fun of watching the media and elite squirm and convulse, as they are not able to keep up with info bomb drops, and cannot so easily control the narrative by Q , Dilley and Anons among others. This effort to drain the swamp is nothing short of a 2nd American Revolution, I haven't seen anything like this in my lifetime, unbelievable corruption at the highest levels of Intel and the coming exposure of paeodaphile rings. The latter is going to be hard to stomach for most of us to believe, it has to come out slowly and carefully just like lining up the ducks in a row in all the various high level investigations. BTW Q said to trust Sessions. Strap on your seatbelts this is going to get bumpy! ""The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it"", (or overcome it). Pray!!

",1518110517,08/02/2018 17:21 8149658,3749081170,

like anybody really wants to hear anything from the nazi funding bush family. The whole bush family should be locked up for treason FYI gitmo has wheel chair access .....Follow the bred crumbs ...#Qanon

,1518112684,08/02/2018 17:58 8148485,3749123726,

Thank you for your service Q Daddy...

,1518114198,08/02/2018 18:23 8143676,3749137246,"

Not quite as bad as I feel about Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Edward Kennedy, Joe Scarborough, Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Q Tarantino, Roman Polanski, etc.

",1518114694,08/02/2018 18:31 8149940,3749158927,

Which sh should that anyone who trusts Q is a certified moron. I mean pinhead.

,1518115486,08/02/2018 18:44 8149940,3749171173,"

okay I think I found it

This a listing of the Qanon postings. They are on a private board at just regular people can't see this. I do believe you go to this link above and it will continue
listing the new Q posts and the postings of the anons

",1518115936,08/02/2018 18:52 8149940,3749172158,"

off topic

okay I think I found it

This a listing of the Qanon postings. They are on a private board at just regular people can't see this. I do believe you go to this link above and it will continue
listing the new Q posts and the postings of the anons

",1518115971,08/02/2018 18:52 8149940,3749173958,

This Schumer trick is SO clever! It makes sure no border security for two years.

Qanon says that Pelosi and Schumer are divided on this PLAN B

,1518116040,08/02/2018 18:54 8149445,3749174598,"

Reddit. The great awakening, Q, and the anons. The storm. There are a number of Dems and Rinos on the Hill in ortho boots all of the sudden. Now they either started playing basketball or they all did get their indictments, and no one is talking.

",1518116061,08/02/2018 18:54 8149940,3749184808,"

cant wait-
Mueller playing the Art of War...
Pretends going after Trump-
buying time to shellack the crappola out of obummer and HRC etc..
Qanon says it's ok
end game nears
false flag
historic proportions eminent
many in danger
get ready
water, food, ect needed x 2 weeks min

",1518116440,08/02/2018 19:00 8149445,3749251951,

The hunter is now the hunted. Q.

,1518118748,08/02/2018 19:39 8149445,3749257999,"

Well Team Q just arrested somebody in China, and posted some very dramatic real time photos of them blowing off the door with Tannerite. Left a real mess. Poor guy must have been covered in powder. Or gal. We don't know who yet. Wonder who was in CHINA?

",1518118848,08/02/2018 19:40 8149445,3749292384,"

People I think they arrested Snowden. Because Q does not play:

Scroll down to the PHOTOS from YESTERDAY. The SHTF.

",1518119553,08/02/2018 19:52 8149445,3749299952,

Who or what is Q? I here it often but not sure what it is or who.

,1518119847,08/02/2018 19:57 8149445,3749304338,"

Q refers to the clearance of anyone who has all possible intelligence clearances for all agencies. This is typically someone who advises someone like the POTUS. A person or team called Q has been posting on Reddit. They posted interesting stuff, and then their posts get tweeted in the POTUS tweets, or verbatim repeated in speeches. They appear to be posting to give people a heads up on the massive corruption prosecution coming down the pike. It is so huge that all hands have been tasked to make the nation ready for it. They don't think people are ready to deal with it.

",1518120013,08/02/2018 20:00 8149445,3749316155,

It's mindblowing and it's exhausting but you won't be sorry you started following Q.

,1518120452,08/02/2018 20:07 8149445,3749321935,

You're quoting Q.

,1518120664,08/02/2018 20:11 8149445,3749335759,"

No deals. Q has said it repeatedly. They don't need them. They have all the legally admissible data. All their emails, texts, hidden correspondence, even recordings.

",1518121176,08/02/2018 20:19 8149445,3749375545,"

Russia WANTED Hillary to me it seems. Why would they do our SC Justice in?

Qanon says that there is a 40-some minute tape of the Bill Clinton /Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting. Bill was telling Lynch (this was June 27, 2016) that she could be appointed to Scalia's post if she would go light on Hillary's email MATTER.

",1518122685,08/02/2018 20:44 8147075,3749418636,"

Hey Q.I'm up! Just needed a nap.

You have nothing to be sorry for. I don't blame you. You have every right to be angry! I have no idea what they mean by ""the inbox is not monitored."" Yes, I would raise hell when you write your Congressman. And send it Return Receipt Requested. Pay that extra postage as it's proof. Of course keep a copy. This in unconscionable. You're welcome.🐯

",1518124429,08/02/2018 21:13 8150267,3749419393,"

One of these days, our Q.E. chickens may come home to roost.
That'd be bad.

",1518124462,08/02/2018 21:14 8143526,3749445863,"

Typical, can’t accept the fact Trump is President. All he did was use profanity throughout this article. Boy, how the liberals resort to profanity when no one is paying attention to them. Q.Jones is a racist has been. Keep up the excellent work President Trump!!

",1518125574,08/02/2018 21:32 8147075,3749453786,"

I have to say these guys, all 3 of them, were gallant stallions and capable. i've been with my heating guys for through two houses. They are simply the best. I do have to check the gas light in my water tank. That's what was wrong. Running water now to make sure it's not icy cold. Bummer, Q. Hoping desperately I don't need a new water tank. That's what I meant. This house is revolting. It has been for a l o n g time.

Addendum: Not to say I haven't been flummoxed by many lummoxes. This is D.C. Land of players and pansies.

",1518125915,08/02/2018 21:38 8150537,3749472916,

I'm sure Q would have another airport incident for them before they got off the runway. Their flight would be diverted to GITMO.

,1518126789,08/02/2018 21:53 8149658,3749505694,"

Go check out ""Q-Anon"" especially Jerome Corsi's take on it....STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1518128342,08/02/2018 22:19 8147075,3749522724,"

You know Q, the water is still cool. I turned the little switch up higher but to no avail. This is tomorrow's project. I wanted ""time in"" this week but this wasn't it. So much for my sale. Been postponed now for 2 weeks. Last week was my arch foe Comcast.

You would be correct. Houses here go for close to $800,000 or more. Inside the Beltway. Now mine because it's in horrible shape won't go that high. Old style rambler, small rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths , horrible kitchen and a basement which a handyman could make glorious. It's on a quarter of an acre. However the location is wonderful. Quiet as heck but 8 minutes from D.C. Park nearby and you can get to anything you need in 5 minutes. However mortgage is high.

For what you have that would cost way over a million here. Am truly aghast when I search online at different places. You could maybe get a closet here. Your house sounds wonderful and I shall not have a morsel of pity for you today.

Oh, stallions....I know. I only feed them a carrot but that's about it. Or often just a stick with no carrot.🐰

",1518129195,08/02/2018 22:33 8151833,3749611411,"

Rosenstein will be fired and the Mueller investigation will go bye bye! there are over 13,600 sealed indictments. There was a reason why Trump made the statement at the SOTU address that he was keeping Guantanamo Bay OPEN! You don't have a trial for treason in normal civilian courts with civilian juries. They are conducted by military tribunals. And it takes 12 military jurists for death penalty cases. Do a little research into the recent activities at Guantanamo bay. There's a reason why you haven't heard from Barry in a while and that Barry lawyered up. The Nunes memo was a much bigger bombshell that most people that pay attention to the LSM think! There are a total of nine memos. The Nunes memo and the latest Grassley memo from the Senate are just the beginning! You need to take the red pill and do a little Q research!

",1518134091,08/02/2018 23:54 8151833,3749614448,

Keep taking the blue pill Mr Obvious! You should really try to wake up and do a little Q research to find out what's really going on. Or you can stay the bleating sheep you are and keep parroting the talking points you get from Operation Mockingbird. The choice is yours but as 2018 unfolds you will be surprised at what's coming down the pipe.

,1518134277,08/02/2018 23:57 8150267,3749617692,"

I agree. The timing of this is strange by Powell. Why talk now about rates going up for the foreseeable future rather than Q by Q? It could be that the globalist Powell is stupidly undermining the immigration sellout; or, he is telling Trump that if the president doesn't sell out the base on immigration, the central bankers will tank the markets and thus the economy. And he is giving Trump a taste of what he (Powell) can do. It is too early, as you say, to see what will actually happen/play out. On the surface, Powell is doing the right thing, like Volcker did in 1981-82--but--Powell knows that Americans back then were much tougher than they are now, and were willing to take a hit for a better long-term future. And as pointed out by Bill Bonner and his folks--debt-to-GDP in 1981 was 40%; it is above 100% now. So the pansy Americans now could feel even more pain than their Depression Era-WWII-Korean War parents/grandparents. They will backlash against Trump and the GOP in Nov. 2018. But cleaning out the debt in 2018-2019 by Powell could mean that 2020 could roar back, and Trump and the GOP win big in Nov. 2020. Trump's veto pen could hold the Dems at bay 2019-2020. So we will see.

",1518134473,09/02/2018 00:01 8151833,3749622439,"

You know exactly what I’m talking about! Or maybe you don’t. And by the way I don’t listen to Alex Jones. My research is from Qanon. You should do a little research yourself and open your eyes. And I’ll say it again, this story is nothing but a nothing burger! Designed to take our eyes off the real story.

",1518134770,09/02/2018 00:06 8151833,3749623762,"

Qanon, Limbaugh, Jones, all the same. There's a reason why trump's base is filled with the uneducated.

",1518134857,09/02/2018 00:07 8151833,3749633235,

Name one drop that Qanon has posted that has not come true?

,1518135453,09/02/2018 00:17 8151833,3749635804,

QAnon? Fake news.
Keep taking that red pill.

,1518135616,09/02/2018 00:20 8151833,3749638216,"

Qanon even said it. Now you'll believe it. LOL.
Look, Porter's Security Clearance was denied because of wife beating, Kelly kept him anyway.
That's not a problem to you? Says a lot about you.
So glad no woman would have daughters with you.

",1518135769,09/02/2018 00:22 8143526,3749678495,"

I will agree with your observation. However, that doesn't give Q. Jones a pass on his vulgarities.

",1518138277,09/02/2018 01:04 8152304,3749835181,"

Look guys this war. There is stuff happening that is totally obscure.
And now Q says that POTUS is safe from Mueller probe....THank GOd

You gotta watch this stuff in real time. really you do.

I found sources is a compressed archieve of Q postings...but no the question asking anons

BPEarthwatch if pretty immediate in its you tube'ing of the Q

All the other are kind of delayed reporting.

",1518148603,09/02/2018 03:56 8150573,3749863933,

I don't believe it. No way Richard Pryor was gay. I'm more inclined to believe Q was banging Ivanka.

,1518150992,09/02/2018 04:36 8152391,3749864250,

The body count keeps growing as per QANON . Coincidence ? No such thing as coincidence .

,1518151021,09/02/2018 04:37 8150492,3749867292,

Is that a rhetorical Q?

,1518151280,09/02/2018 04:41 8152391,3749872315,

Qanon made a prediction of suicides and CEOs resigning. In the last 3 months close to 65 CEO's have resigned.

The question is why did Qanon predict this?

What information would Q clearance have that would make him / her/ them suspect CEOs would start resigning after Trump signed that EO in dec.

,1518151716,09/02/2018 04:48 8151110,3749958947,"

QAnon says, 'USSS on high alert'...

",1518160221,09/02/2018 07:10 8153390,3749972439,"

Whoever read Q posts last night, read this tweeter about the Kings Tower. SPOT ON!!

",1518161592,09/02/2018 07:33 8153390,3750126229,"

Sorry, that would just give Al Q. the huge base camp they need to recruit and cause mayhem all over the globe including here. I want our guys home too...but we can't leave Muslim Murderers unattended... you know that.

",1518174945,09/02/2018 11:15 8153390,3750173836,"

I heard Q say that, was that confirmed?

",1518177829,09/02/2018 12:03 8152205,3750307116,

That is my concern with the tax cuts that benefit mostly the corporations and the rich. The reduced money coming into the government will lead to bigger deficits which will then have to be paid by John Q citizen you and me

,1518184152,09/02/2018 13:49 8152676,3750359541,"

Not with Trump,follow Qanon on youtube,they think it's army intelligence letting us patriots what's going on.They have predicted things that later happened.They said trust Sessions.

",1518186338,09/02/2018 14:25 8152973,3750449586,"

Agreed, the man is in the lion's den, no doubt. He has to maneuver through the swamp all the while try to get this country back on track. If you want to see what he's really up against go check this out: (if you don't already know)
""Q-Anon"" on youtube. Jerome Corsi is the best analyst as to what Trump is saying on there....BREATHTAKING!!

",1518189955,09/02/2018 15:25 8153927,3750477136,"

Check #Qanon for some light shedding,open up soros to the mainstream an let the new comers dig away.get Bezos,soros,gates trending on every format.

",1518191014,09/02/2018 15:43 8153390,3750491465,

Good Q.

,1518191576,09/02/2018 15:52 8152235,3750563044,"

Look, suesie Q, trolling me is keeping you from your psychotherapy session. Hopefully the people in the white coats will cure you of your Nazi and perv problems.

Run along now.

",1518194390,09/02/2018 16:39 8154587,3750768837,"

An ""IN YOUR EYE"" military parade! I wonder what the POTUS is up to! I wonder how wonderfully the MSM & the associated SWAMP will be distracted by the frenzy of a parade. I wonder what huge thing goes down in the background.

Gotta wonder. 'Let's play a game. Q.'

",1518202273,09/02/2018 18:51 8155598,3750793928,"

He didn't have any money. (Throughout history, warriors and elites have known of and used various forms of this substance, the most horrible of crimes, the most mortal of sins. Q stated that the truth could cause psychological damage in those who weren't prepared to hear it. And the truth will come out.

",1518203290,09/02/2018 19:08 8156372,3750887243,"

I jumped around CNBC, FBN, & Bloomberg this afternoon—and I was surprised at their even-handed, sober assessments. I thought it would all be “please, Dow, go down thousands more, so it hurts the president,” but it wasn’t. They discussed computer selling, 10-yr. bond interest rate impact, natural corrections; and, surprisingly even the Fed (aka central banks). It appears the bond rate has stabilized for now, so the computers stopped selling early this morning and began buying, then the humans finally took over, and we saw more normal/gradual selling/buying during most of the trading day.

Also, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson came on tv early-afternoon and seemed to calm the humans by saying many Fortune 500 CEOs indicate the economic outlook looked good in 2018. So maybe there will be an uptick next week, and the correction will end up at a more normal 5% down rather than the sudden, surprising 10% downtick. I still blame new Fed Chief Jerome Powell for projecting interest rate increases, not Q by Q, but into the foreseeable future, causing the computer algorithms to be rejiggered and thus go nuts.

",1518206979,09/02/2018 20:09 8155097,3750917370,"

Yeah, and John Q has to pay for the animal cleanup. Most of congress is in on the fix. These people are on the dark side and slimy with their lies and corruption. Drain the swamp!!

",1518208206,09/02/2018 20:30 8154650,3750935710,"

The Latin-American Question

In our global times (since 1945) in terms of economic resources and in terms of geo-political significance, and in terms of invasionary threat, latin-america is a crucial element of concern for the american people.

But, because of more than one hundred years of mis-leadership, the u.s. has no coherent or long-term policy in regard to latin-america--from miami to tierra del fuego.

The utter confusion of political leaders, mass media hacks, and even the american people themselves, is sufficient evidence.

The first question therefore is, Why?

Hypothesis--lack of commercial interest

The second question is, What is to be done? (i.e. what policy best serves the american people's interests)?

colonize latin-america, one way or another, from the caribbean to buenos aires

3) what is being planned and what is most likely (even though unknown to the mass)?

new world order and hyper-capital plan to unify the entire american continent, north and south, as a hispanophone, catholic unit, for commercial purpose, from patagonia to alaska. This will involve destroying the republic of the american people. Q.e.d.

Please clap.

",1518208964,09/02/2018 20:42 8155097,3750952642,"

I don't take credit for this, but here is a timeline and collection of documents (by someone named TJAMMERS) about Uranium 1:

Somewhat related, here is the timeline of Q Anon posts:

A Q makes posts on November 22 and 30 linking the Uranium 1 scandal to the EU and Iran and North Korea, and the secrecy of the Iran deal. In all fairness, the handle for this A is different from the Q posts recently (Q!UW.yye1fxo).

Another post by Q on February 7 about why Uranium 1 is emerging at this time.

A Russian oligarch in the middle of these events: Oleg Deripaska, who was in contact with Waldman (who I believe was the lobbyist for Deripaska), and also Andrew McCabe, who frequently interfered in Russia-related investigations, and met with Deripaska.

McCabe's ties to Russian oligarchs and tampering with Russia-related investigations:

",1518209592,09/02/2018 20:53 8152235,3750977561,"

Hey Frankie Q, I am still answering you because you amuse me. You act like a total low life, bigoted ""Republican"", yet you are able to pontificate on quite a lot of subjects in quite an intelligent way. SO, here is a bit of advice: If you want to ""infiltrate"" this message board, you might want to stick to one thing. Either you are very intelligent and can spew all kinds of historical facts, OR you are a Neanderthal Republican and you are going to spew all kinds of hate. Get it??

",1518210688,09/02/2018 21:11 8156606,3751172207,

Follow Qanon on 8chan.

,1518221114,10/02/2018 00:05 8157695,3751213577,

You make it sound like she’s a greeter at the entrance. She’s
Going to be the top lawyer at the 17th biggest company in the world.
Not saying I won’t stop following q-anon.

,1518223676,10/02/2018 00:47 8156606,3751224008,"

My Q would be

Hey Kell, lets go get some coffee, we'll stay quiet a few days why the retarded Dems self destruct

",1518224346,10/02/2018 00:59 8156606,3751339960,"

Kelly must go! He is harming Trump! No doubt! He is a crazy and evil man, and I suspect that he is Q, attempting a coupe! Mulvaney is just as bad or worse, calling for increased DoD spending! I nominate Dr. Paul Craig Roberts! A man of impeccable character and integrity! A Reagan Treasury Assistant Secretary and foreign policy expert, who has been faithfully defending Trump on his blog, all along! He has no hidden agenda, unlike Trump's entire cabinet, which has been feeding off of his victory like parasites in the process, destroying the host, for their own survival and raping and pillaging of America!

",1518232429,10/02/2018 03:13 8157695,3751394432,

Suicide weekend begins in 3 weeks?

Feb 9 2018 21:17:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 320057
[Next week]
[Next week]
[Next week]
Suicide weekend?

,1518237399,10/02/2018 04:36 8155235,3751395544,"

Nice. Looks like QAnon's Top 10 capture could have been revealed as David Rothschild. David once taunted the president with a post containing ""hahahahahahahaha""

Q's post tonight was ""hahahahahahahahaha""

Q gets the last laugh

",1518237510,10/02/2018 04:38 8157695,3751402434,

Probably quoting QAnon. Wouldn't put too much stock in them.

,1518238211,10/02/2018 04:50 8155817,3751531313,"

PTrump has ALL OF HRC MISSING EMAILS!!! The hosting company is SOFTLAYER TECH, Chantilly, VA.
Qanon says next weekend...suicide weekend?

",1518252958,10/02/2018 08:55 8158457,3751551286,


,1518255053,10/02/2018 09:30 8155817,3751584741,

QAnon is kind of like Nostradamus... You can fit anything to anything after the facts!

I will believe it when the arrests start and not until then!

,1518258231,10/02/2018 10:23 8156648,3751631459,"

Can you This quote from above
""In his op-ed,(John) Moody slammed Jason Thompson, the U.S. Olympic Committee’s (USOC) “director of diversity and inclusion” for insisting on a Winter Olympics team that “looks more like America.” The Washington Post’s Rick Maese, who wrote up his interview with Thompson, openly admits this, in large part, merely means a team with fewer white people on it. “[T]his year’s U.S. Olympic team, not unlike those of most other nations gathering in PyeongChang this week, is still overwhelmingly white,” he laments.
I especially zoom in on the idea that this individual, Jason Thompson, is the ""director of diversity and inclusion."" I do not see in this man's quote anything that has to do with getting to the Olympics based on your skills and your abilities but more on your gender, ethnicity, sexual lifestyle. I say lifestyle because it is no such thing as a choice. They would like to have the world believe that but the reality is that every generation in every society for thousands of years has dealt with all kinds of sexual deviancy. For the most part, there will always be a very small minority and in today's world they are probably little more than 1/10 of one percent of our society.
But because they are such a vocal and wealthy group, they want you to think that they are more than 50% of the population. They just have deep pockets and they are well financed in terrorist tactics and bullying tactics on every major university and college campus. Conservative, Christian or any other religion, except of course Islam, (they wouldn't dare complain about them) are attacked and humiliated and literally run out of campuses or any kind of leadership.
I don't see anything in Jason Moody's comments regarding the Olympics other than to say his objection (which he is entitled to under the First Amendment) the notion that the Olympics has to pick people not based on their skills and abilities but on their group affiliation. This leads us to a sense of tribalism which is a very short step towards tribal wars between various factions.
This is always been the case and I don't believe that any of this reflects the true meaning of Martin Luther King Jr.'s words that he spoke on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Judging a man or a woman on the basis of the content of their character and not along the lines of their skin color. I suppose he Might have also add their sexual orientation or ethnicity. We will never know if he would have supported this.
I think the dumbest thing that I have read are all the attacks on John Moody's yanked column. I level the worst comment against Fox news for pulling Jason Moody's comment! They have no backbone and they caved very quickly to all the LG BT Q pushback from these groups. Then of course you have all these talking heads on these various liberal news sites that chimed in and want more and I think they would like nothing more than to see Jason Moody's position at Fox news to be terminated. They don't want an apology as that would not be enough for them. Because you see, where they see blood in the water, they just go into a frenzy and Fox news has begun to bleed.
My respect for this Cable News Network has seriously been damaged.My only hope is that there will be other conservative and respectful sites that will rise up to take Fox news is place.

",1518262244,10/02/2018 11:30 8156648,3751644718,"

I wouldd just like to see all these PC, feminism and socialism individuals along with all these LG BT Q crowd start a country like thee United States was started. I highly doubt they would last the day.

",1518263222,10/02/2018 11:47 8155817,3751650257,

Who is Q?

,1518263648,10/02/2018 11:54 8155817,3751702302,"

QANON drops are getting insanely good! There is a ton happening behind the scenes. Even a mention of JFK, i think the whole thing is going to blow up soon revealing the truth.

",1518267053,10/02/2018 12:50 8155817,3751705009,"

QANON says to Trust Sessions. so much going on behind the scenes. Takes lots of work to remove Fraudbama operatives, get things done, get judges in place, produce hundreds/thousands of indictments etc....... They are tightening the noose.

",1518267205,10/02/2018 12:53 8155817,3751721914,"

MUCH MUCH more going on than is even hinting at being reported.

",1518268157,10/02/2018 13:09 8158484,3751947850,

The President is such a perfect troll of the left. Now that the MSM is talking about the possibility of a military parade they are not talking about the Russian Collusion and the White Hats under the radar are arresting the evil ones as well as doing so much more we don't know about. If you want to be a part of a real time James Bond take over of the evil Spector and his network go check out Q-Anon on Youtube. The White Hats and President Trump are letting us in on the operation as well as educating us on the bad guys and their plans. We are the Q-Anon civilian army. It is so cool. Yes you nay sayers it is the real deal. Q has given us to much proof between what he drops us and what the President in mere moments will post at his twitter feed in the same words later. Wake up and enjoy History in the making.

,1518277103,10/02/2018 15:38 8155817,3752022092,"


Q 2/9/18

[Next week]
[Next week]
[Next week]
Suicide weekend?

Here is David Rothschilds Tweet on the night of the SOTU speech. I am positive he was reffering to the attempted train wreck/hit that failed. ""Hahahahahahahaha. No one is going to remember this speech in the morning.""

Q 2/9/18

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
[Next week]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We warned you.
You are stupid.
Can you sleep?
We can help.

Rothschild 8 ha's
Q 9 ha's

We get the last laugh!

Q Clearance – Allows access to Classified information up to and including TOP SECRET data with the special designation: Restricted Data (TS//RD) and special Q-Cleared ""security"" areas Such as, The White House, The Pentagon, The Hall of Congress and the Supreme Court Room of the United States Federal Government. This level of clearance is granted alongside L Clearance, This level of clearance is also specifically granted to very few members of government, such as the current President of the United States, The Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of Homeland Security, all four- and five-star generals and admirals in the U.S. military, and all former Presidents of the United States.

",1518280076,10/02/2018 16:27 8159417,3752051515,"

He already has been taken down, worst than that, his money is being confiscated as we speak. Go ahead, Google it - ""Qanon - Q says Soros indited.""


If you dont know who Q or Qanon is, then you are missing the greatest daily play by play of the Deep State take down in US HISTORY.

",1518281379,10/02/2018 16:49 8159243,3752057365,"

Hey Q anons. Who is ""P""?

",1518281640,10/02/2018 16:54 8158484,3752092925,"

I re-read your post. I say this with all do respect and DO NOT CHALLENGE your love of this country, as do I. But what your espousing is the FAKE RIGHT PARADIGM illusionary talking points. It is so incredibly difficult to believe that there are people who are THAT EVIL, who, by design, create illusionary narratives in order to profit from the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, but they do. We are up against forces that hide in secret, rule over us and do things that the human mind cannot comprehend. I would ask not only to watch the video that I've linked but also go to this on youtube: Jerome Corsi/Q-Anon.......OUR FEARLESS PRESIDENT is trying DESPARATELY to wake up America to EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING, because he cannot do it alone!!! Please, I would ask that you take a few minutes, and do these two things. I believe when you're done, you'll see things VERY DIFFERENTLY! THANKS!!

",1518283257,10/02/2018 17:20 8159417,3752125804,"

Correction: the US *was* protecting him when Killary and Obama were running the show, but not any more. Soros's name is on one of the sealed indictments currently awaiting activation. Anyone who follows the Q postings will have read that the arrests are starting to happen. They're starting with the ""lower down"" players with the intention of getting them to agree to turn states evidence against the major players in return for a degree of immunity. Just hours ago Q made a cryptic ""suicide weekend?"" post, so keep your eyes peeled on the news to see whether anyone major tops themself (or is ""suicided"") in the next few days. The net is closing. Obama, whose name is increasingly being dragged into the seedy goings-on coming out of DC, has ""gone dark"" after having lawyered-up and is no longer commenting on anything, no doubt on the advice of his legal counsel. By the end of the summer Gitmo is going to be a busy busy place.

",1518284804,10/02/2018 17:46 8158445,3752184315,"

This guy is in panic mode. Q anon claims evidence of treason, all signs point to yes.

",1518287640,10/02/2018 18:34 8158445,3752186279,"

Rumors on Twitter, & Sirus Radio Patriot Channel & even that Q guy on YouTube is saying it now, the word is the impossible is about to happen, They are indicating that ""Sealed Indictments"" have already been drawn up on a bunch of people in the Clinton Uranium One scandal. They also say this investigation has been going on a lot longer than people thought.
I'll believe it when I see it...But hopeful

",1518287740,10/02/2018 18:35 8158457,3752187191,

Smells like a sticky piece of Schiff

I wonder what his involvement with the seedy west hollywood hotel QAnon was hinting at is?


,1518287784,10/02/2018 18:36 8159243,3752198330,"

OR how about the DOJ Inspector Generals investigation results--when that comes this spring, if nothing happens then you know Sessions is Deep State. However, I prefer to give the man the benefit of the doubt that he and his IG are keeping their cards close to the vest. Q says BIG stuff this week

",1518288323,10/02/2018 18:45 8159243,3752225027,"

fingers crossed.

",1518289201,10/02/2018 19:00 8157695,3752225066,

QAnon said watch who is resigning...

For her sake I hope Harvard degrees impress prison wardens.

tick tock dimbots....

,1518289204,10/02/2018 19:00 8159978,3752277960,"

And then all of them got in their cars, cranked up some Kendrick Lamar, Schoolboy Q, A$AP Rocky, Earl Sweatshirt, or just about any other contemporary rapper you can name, and proceeded to hear the n word over, and over, and over, and over. You know, to soothe their nerves.

",1518291802,10/02/2018 19:43 8159243,3752301550,"

What does Q Anon say about all of this? I thought Obama and Clinton were supposedly hauled off in chains to Gitmo back in November. I guess Q Anon can't get them all right, er, any right.

",1518292953,10/02/2018 20:02 8160263,3752311435,"

Many rumors flying Sealed Indictments on Uranium one will be handed out with many arrest, and Not just from Q is this floating about

",1518293444,10/02/2018 20:10 8158445,3752374481,

Gotta see what happened at that Hollywood hotel and how it ties to Schiff.....

,1518296659,10/02/2018 21:04 8155565,3752375775,"

Time to also put, OBOOOOOOOMA - th emagnificent FARCE - into the ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN expense. ////////////////////////////// OBOOOMA was the ring leader, Hillary Babe was the second in command. //////////////////////////
All of these LYING BUMS need to spend time in the ROU9ND BAR HOTEL.////////////
I hope the REPUBLICANS can get u9p the courage to take them on, that would include stopping, SLIME BALL, WITCH HUNT LEADER MUELLER. //////////////////////////
All Mueller is doing, is digging deep ioto POTUS TRUMP'S psat, who cares, leave POTUS TRUMP alone. /////////////////////////////// JOHN Q .PUBLIC CITIZEN elected POTUS TRUMP, The DEMON - RATS ase all bent out of shape because Hillary Babe lost the election, plain and simple./////////////////////////////////////

",1518296731,10/02/2018 21:05 8159243,3752380833,"

Great article BB - but what's the point in preaching to the choir... everyone here already knows this, how many 'keyboard warriors' who love this comfy enviro will really get out of their comfort zone to push back at the NYT, the Hill, Mother Jones, Wapo, LaTimes, Chic Trib, CNN, MSNBC,CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.. they all have their own Twitter accts, comments sections(happily banned from 4 of the above - creating new accounts to do it again). A few memes with the truth can and does make some question...that's all you need..

",1518296999,10/02/2018 21:09 8160263,3752386130,

Or update with a bullet item in that Adam Schiff was involved in the Standard Hotel pedo child trafficking mysterious deaths that Q reported about.

,1518297280,10/02/2018 21:14 8159243,3752394023,

most analysts think QAnon is former/active military intelligence.

and of course trump surrounds himself with former/active military.

,1518297717,10/02/2018 21:21 8159243,3752425971,"

I think it is the NSA, but someone wrote below it is QAnon. I'm not sure. In 93, the Russian Alfa counter insurgency group went all in for Yeltsin and enabled him to carry the day. I suspect the same thing is happening here. Someone in the agencies still loves our country. I hope we will get a chance to thank them.

",1518299521,10/02/2018 21:52 8160263,3752451152,

Some anons say 44 more Q posts.

,1518301005,10/02/2018 22:16 8159786,3752454686,

Your efforts could be well used outside the smokescreen. Do you Q?

,1518301219,10/02/2018 22:20 8155445,3752478840,"

hope Q does what it says on the tin,full faith that it will land here soon,we are ready.

",1518302703,10/02/2018 22:45 8160263,3752512221,

There is always tomorrow. Q says next week will be really exciting.

,1518304861,10/02/2018 23:21 8160263,3752542844,"

As Q says it best: ""These guys are MORONS"".

",1518306932,10/02/2018 23:55 8157731,3752545204,

Trump is using schemes. QAnon is a scheme to make people feel like they are involved and contributing. Trump is playing. Get it? He is playing.

While he may be accomplishing...HE IS PLAYING. HE IS USING 8chan. 😆😂

,1518307101,10/02/2018 23:58 8157731,3752561195,

Steve should stick to his QAnon post

,1518308221,11/02/2018 00:17 8157731,3752574017,"

Pay attention to the Q-anon posts. There is a government within our government, that's where the fight is.

",1518309087,11/02/2018 00:31 8157731,3752574930,

You lost me. What's a Q-anon?

,1518309150,11/02/2018 00:32 8157731,3752580340,"

Military Intel, posting in code on 8-chan. There are people deciphering on YouTube. Type in Q anon.

",1518309521,11/02/2018 00:38 8160329,3752584354,"

I just know these low lifes are gonna try to do it right there on the ice. Q ue ers have ruined this too.

So happy I stopped watching this crap. years ago.

At that time, it was about talent and ability and we enjoyed watching the pairs and ice dancing part.

",1518309805,11/02/2018 00:43 8157731,3752615672,

It’s too funny to see response from self-proclaimed geniuses who are too stupid to recognize people on the right from people on the left. Good luck getting Trump re-elected without the overflow.

While you may enjoy your pats on the should also notice how your responses do not follow “Q” directives to not divide. 😂

You have violated Q & Trump as you tried to step out and be a “brilliant protector.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

,1518312007,11/02/2018 01:20 8155577,3752707717,

is this the arrest Q talked about? or one of them?

,1518318717,11/02/2018 03:11 8157731,3752759053,"

The best was Dr. Corsi on Infowars who claimed, after QAnon, that Julian Assange was in Switzerland and Trump went to Davos to collect him and bring him back to the USA as a hero. This is the kind of misinformation about Trump they spread. Trump has no clue why he was elected, stop making him into a knight fighting dark forces. Trump is a part of the set up. He fooled you all. And Bannon is the greatest fool of all, as he put this bozo in the White House.

",1518323629,11/02/2018 04:33 8161022,3752762665,

Qanon said so.

,1518324016,11/02/2018 04:40 8161022,3752764356,"

If you have been following #Qanon you would know that the democrats and CIA had a plot to assassinate Trump.

They called it amongst themselves ""the shot heard around the world"".

They failed Admiral rogers and NSA military intelligence has been on top of it.

",1518324199,11/02/2018 04:43 8161022,3752765129,"

The assassination attempt would be nothing new, the CIA took out JFK according to #Qanon.

",1518324286,11/02/2018 04:44 8161022,3752769439,"

David Rothschild knew ahead of time that the train the congressman were on would crash. I think they were aware of the plot and faked the accident for the benefit of the bad actors instead of just stopping it

David Rothschild‏Verified account

Hahahahahahahaha. No one is going to remember this speech in the morning.
8:17 PM - 30 Jan 2018

David Rothschild tweet the night before the accident

Qs recent post on 8chan

Feb 9 2018 20:06:34
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
[Next week]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We warned you.
You are stupid.
Can you sleep?
We can help.
Rothschild tweet has 8 hahas, Q message has 9 wich means he gets or they will get the last laugh.

",1518324767,11/02/2018 04:52 8160338,3753168253,

And anyone with an I Q higher than celery can make a case the Democrats really are not helping blacks make their community's safer and the black people more successful.

,1518360394,11/02/2018 14:46 8162195,3753244042,

Which one? Contrails? 911 was a US conspiracy? He talks directly with President Trump? I laugh ever time a family friend pushes the Q junk. It makes you/ them look like fools

,1518363705,11/02/2018 15:41 8162195,3753266186,"

Here's a great list of abbreviations and their definitions as found in Q posts.

Go Trump/Q

",1518364723,11/02/2018 15:58 8162474,3753285354,


,1518365605,11/02/2018 16:13 8162195,3753316580,"

Sergey Medvedev arrested in Bangkok, Thailand = Was he the [1] targeted russian in Russian Plane crash - Qanon post #715-716?

",1518366970,11/02/2018 16:36 8159417,3753384440,"

Agreed. Soros may already be neutralized. I have just been digging into the posts of Qanon (or Q anon) and it seems Pres. Trump is systematically taking on NWO folks like Soros, Clintons, Bushes...the list is long. Try The Great Awakening or Redditt or 8chan for info.

",1518370061,11/02/2018 17:27 8162195,3753399008,"

There are people out in internet land that have 'sources'....these are like interpreters. I connected with one on reddit at great awakenings. I can't deal much on this 8ch site all I can find is the Q postings at

This is a compressed archive. It shows Q, but it doesn't show all the people called the anons for anonymous. these people talk with Q and dig for extra info.

A person like me has to go to the youtube and Facebook live to
get more information

",1518370743,11/02/2018 17:39 8161451,3753479960,"

Who is everyone ... Q says to trust Sessions ... and I do ... can't say the same for Gowdy ... who said just a few weeks ago that James Comey is a ""stand-up guy"" and continues to be very defensive of Mueller ... why did Gowdy have such a poor showing at the Benghazi hearings and just let Crooked Hillary waltz out ... Gowdy endorsed Marco and has never had Trump's back ... I would trust Gowdy about as far as I can spit ... which ain't far.

",1518374468,11/02/2018 18:41 8162753,3753594733,"

From Q in re: to why people are not being arrested now:
""Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting without first ensuring the safety and well being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignations (my note--Trey Gowdy) to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freeizng assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off chain of command to prevent top down coms/org etc. etc. should not be participating in discussion.""

",1518380045,11/02/2018 20:14 8159747,3753595188,"

Off Topic...maybe you all heard this because it is kind of an old Q drop news.

Rod Rosenstein is the SON OF HIMMLER! Nazi Himmler!
AND Rod has a sister
Nancy Messonnier, MD
She works in VACCINES etc at CDC!!!!

The Malaysian plane disappearance got rid of four patent holders, so that the fifth one could inherit the entire patent. Jacob Rothschild! buddy to Clintons and Blumenthals.

This patent makes tiny chips that can be inserted into bodies via vaccines. The chips work on the chemistry in the blood and do not require a battery.

",1518380068,11/02/2018 20:14 8159747,3753596693,"

Posting again 'cause important

Off Topic...maybe you all heard this because it is kind of an old Q drop news.

Rod Rosenstein is the SON OF HIMMLER! Nazi Himmler!
AND Rod has a sister
Nancy Messonnier, MD
She works in VACCINES etc at CDC!!!!

The Malaysian plane disappearance got rid of four patent holders, so that the fifth one could inherit the entire patent. Jacob Rothschild! buddy to Clintons and Blumenthals.

This patent makes tiny chips that can be inserted into bodies via vaccines. The chips work on the chemistry in the blood and do not require a battery.

",1518380146,11/02/2018 20:15 8162753,3753628310,

What's the deal with this #qanon76 guy?

Part of me thinks he's very clever and just yanking everyones' chains.

Can't make heads or tails of his posts but they are very interesting.

,1518381737,11/02/2018 20:42 8160329,3753642516,

Does the Q in GBLTQ stand for gays QUESTIONING if they should switch back to being straight?

,1518382459,11/02/2018 20:54 8155565,3753695916,"

Don't give up, justice for all these criminals is coming soon according to Q.

",1518385339,11/02/2018 21:42 8161367,3753696741,"

My wife dragged me out to a flea market this morning.

A lot of people were walking around, and here comes this guy, well into his sixties. He had long gray hair tied in a man bun with a long gray beard dyed with rainbow colors.

Grandpa was wearing lipstick and a denim miniskirt showing off his knobby knees and hairy legs. And for the pièces de ré·sis·tance, he had the pink sleeveless tee shirt emblazoned with 'I'm Q ueer, and I Just Can't Think Straight!""

I just busted out laughing and absolutely could not stop. It was the silliest
an most pathetic thing that I have seen since the Dems on Trump's inauguration

",1518385386,11/02/2018 21:43 8155565,3753699901,

QAnon? Who is this guy?

,1518385575,11/02/2018 21:46 8163671,3753709562,"

Well - there is a lot of crap I don't like that happens around the world and between the sex slave trades, boy rapists, genital mutilation, war lords running around severing heads, cartel shoot outs, South American dictators starving people to death, piles of trash and garbage in most 3rd world nations.... Al Q, Islamic Statist... I think dogs aren't in my top 10 of stuff we need to worry about.

Its great to live in a more able country with a stable system of government and the allocation of resources... but how do you think any other country feels when some person 10,000 miles away shows up for 2 weeks to be a blow hard... then goes back to their nation state as if the problem has gone away?

We don't fix things but we sure like to bitch about them a lot.

",1518386148,11/02/2018 21:55 8155565,3753710045,"

Deb glad u asked. Start with reddit cbts stream an easier break down to start. Anti-School, True Lies, Jerome Corsi, Praying Medic are a few You tube sites that have much info. There is a large group of Patriots out there. Q gives intel on what is happening and what has already happened and he or she or whomever they are always right, know things before they actually happen.

",1518386178,11/02/2018 21:56 8162681,3753760281,"

When Q first started posting he asked why doesn't the media ever talk about kim jong uns sister? Then he asks who controls NK, who really controls NK?

According to Q the clowns in america control NK, CIA. A little hard for some to grasp but it would explain the 13 step pyramid building with an all seeing eye on the top that is in NK. There are several buildings like this. Qs posts have been about the NSA and military taking out CIA operations. The CIA has been a rogue agency for a long time.

This is a good post from 8chan

Anonymous 02/11/18 (Sun) 15:02:59 60eb14 No.340202


Q just told us that NK is no longer under clown control, and have come under our wing. Otherwise, Kim's sister wouldn't be seen with Pence, NK and SK wouldn't be united as one in the Olympics, and that they are now FREED. NK is no longer an ""enemy"", they were hostages, being used by rogues to hold the US and the world hostage. they are now FREED from that predicament. Be proud of POTUS and his work, he DID say that him and Kim could be friends…

",1518389285,11/02/2018 22:48 8163464,3753766926,"

Busy Q day..

Feb 11 2018 15:42:20


We don't say his name returning to prime time.
Wonder if his so-called illness/condition will flare up.
""He's not a war hero.""
He's a mega millionaire.
[Not complete].
Define money laundering.
Define the word 'Traitor'.
A world w/o this man is a world better off.

",1518389709,11/02/2018 22:55 8163464,3753776552,"

Passenger list of the Russian plane crash is very curious. The CFO of the company involved in the uranium 1 , 610 million dollar Clinton deal was on that plane. Q mentioned it.

",1518390344,11/02/2018 23:05 8157233,3753841104,

Your scriptures start with a Q .

,1518394337,12/02/2018 00:12 8162753,3753852545,"

read the Q posts. POTUS ain't no slouch! But the evil is powerful, he needs us to be praying for the innocent-the one's who cannot protect, innocent babies, and kids they murder routinely and will fight to do so!
And the slaughter continues.

",1518395140,12/02/2018 00:25 8163464,3753863330,

New Q post...the name we do not say is on his way to Gitmo..newly remodeled.

,1518395899,12/02/2018 00:38 8163812,3753876178,"

Interesting, Q post this was going to be a BIG BIG WEEK and lookie here...A United Airlines PASSENGER (not cargo) jet out of the DC area into GITMO--TODAY


",1518396790,12/02/2018 00:53 8163812,3753879880,

You see them all? Q says the POTUS may be using the EBS this week...

,1518397056,12/02/2018 00:57 8163464,3753900097,"

Thanks Obama for making state sponsored propaganda legal again. All the MSM news organizations get their talking point at 4:00am from the CIA every morning according to #Qanon

This is why it is all the same to form the narrative for the day.

The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public
The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public, reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed.

The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion.

",1518398504,12/02/2018 01:21 8163464,3753932451,

Well you're source is a jumbled anonymous 4chan Q post. No credibility to it at all.

That site is a hotbed for trolls.

,1518400849,12/02/2018 02:00 8163464,3753932890,"

the content was posted on 8chan it was verified by the fact that Q always says ""future will prove past"".

The fact is all his posts have come true, the future has proved he is or they are Q clearance. not to mention the photos of actual operations going down in real time.

",1518400883,12/02/2018 02:01 8163464,3753945488,

how about this photo released by the white house.

look at what the file name is.

Look at what the file name of that image is: DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg

do it Q.

google the file

,1518401833,12/02/2018 02:17 8163812,3753952811,

Trust Sessions

- Q Anon

,1518402396,12/02/2018 02:26 8163464,3753956287,

Are you sure? Q said they are eliminating CIA black ops.

The CIA is into some really bad stuff.

For the great awakening to work they cannot just go in and start arresting members of the opposition party. strings have to be cut COC has to be broken. all kinds of things going on. This has been planned for a long time.

,1518402680,12/02/2018 02:31 8163464,3753960490,

It explains why you cannot accept things like Q clearance or that the CIA run NK or you probably do not believe in the illuminati even though there is 100% proof.

Beleiving hillary is a luciferian who engages in spirit cooking cannibalism would be to much for you.

Even some people when they look at the spirit cooking photos they won't accept it.

their brain creates a hallucination that the people are just acting

,1518403030,12/02/2018 02:37 8163812,3754015070,"

Tend to agree, and a Q post from weeks ago -- 'trust sessions' in all caps...

",1518408083,12/02/2018 04:01 8163671,3754021049,"

They can't write a poem. That means they are not very aware. Send every last one of them to Korea. Bar B Q Time,

",1518408710,12/02/2018 04:11 8163812,3754028197,"

Q-Anon says TSHTF this week.
We've heard that before but somehow it feels different, maybe because of the market last week.

",1518409447,12/02/2018 04:24 8157731,3754063514,"

Really Bannon? You must know about Q by now! Be real! Spread this to all you know...far and wide! This is much, much deeper and is way, way bigger than you could ever imagine my friend...check this out...

",1518413314,12/02/2018 05:28 8164214,3754132590,"

Another Q post from tonight just a while ago...has my brain seriously thinking of LOTS of things.

SCOTUS Antonin Scalia DIED Feb 13, 2016, RIP

February 13th is in ONE DAY!

",1518421153,12/02/2018 07:39 8164352,3754148713,

Give it up. Q Anon is a fake that only total idiots fall for.

,1518422834,12/02/2018 08:07 8164214,3754252318,"

I believe that we are in the game at a much higher level than you realize, and they do NOT hold all the cards, or will not for much longer. Have you been following the posts of ""Q""?

'Someone very very close to President Trump has been dropping crumbs about global events from behind the scenes. He calls himself Q. He started at the end of October on 4chan and has continued since then, moving to 8chan when 4chan became compromised. What he's claimed is going on is absolutely staggering.'

There is much happening, that most are unaware of. Q's posts have been revealing, and on target. If you have a curiosity, this would be a good place to start:

This is a direct link to his posts.

",1518430384,12/02/2018 10:13 8164031,3754279622,"

Nobody NEEDS marijuana. It affects a large number of people in a very negative way. It causes a huge increase in paranoia in people who have never experienced it before, A lot of suicides are linked back to marijuana. Some people seem to be affected very little by it. One guy told me it affected him like he had just had a couple of beers. but I believe that the long term effect can cause dementia in many people, cancer in some etc...etc...etc.... Nobody HAS to have marijuana, we can live quite well without it. I have NEVER felt the need to try it. I like to have a healthily functioning body and by not taking any form of drugs keeps you much healthier for much longer. Instead of worrying about a ""recreational"" drug (if there can ever be such a thing), worry about continuing to drain the DEEP and FILTHY SWAMP!! We have seen many resignations here and overseas, mysterious fire sales of assets belonging to many people like the Rothchilds (The Black Forest), mysterious plane crashes carrying important people involved in Uranium 1 and other DEEP state companies, mysterious ""heart attacks"" of certain movers and shakers. There is a lot going on behind the scenes which is helping drain the swamp quicker than we had hoped for. But it will take time still, so don't be too down on Jeff Sessions. He has done a lot, is still doing a lot and ALL will be revealed when the time is right !!! All info from QAnon

",1518432641,12/02/2018 10:50 8164031,3754292358,"

MMaddict; I know a LOT more than you do. The most important thing at the moment is getting rid of the Highly Elite CORRUPT People and Groups that are using their influence not for good, but Extreme EVIL in our countries and the whole world. Child Sex Rings, Body Parts for sale, Nuclear and Communications Secrets, Secret Payments to Criminals and Elites, DRUG CARTELS, GANGS, racketeering ETC...Read Q anon. Don't fall into ignorance. You can lead a horse to water, but sadly, in many cases, they won't drink it !!!!

",1518433614,12/02/2018 11:06 8162342,3754333136,"

Reminds me of a star trek episode: Q (the omnipotent) says ""how can I prove to you I'm human?"" and Worf says ""DIE!"".
Unfortunately, thats the only way

",1518436280,12/02/2018 11:51 8164214,3754373896,"

Nunes will investigate Obama's former CIA Director John Brennan and others for perjury



Real Clear Investigations Reports: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes next plans to investigate the role former CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama intelligence officials played in promoting the salacious and unverified Steele dossier on Donald Trump -- including whether Brennan perjured himself in public testimony about it.
In his May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan emphatically denied the dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election ""to help Trump’s chances of victory.” Brennan also swore that he did not know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document (excerpt here), even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Did it just get real America? News is coming out that Nunes is planning on investigating Obama officials and their roles in the Fusion GPS fake dossier with help from Russian officials, and will also investigate Obama's former CIA Director John Brennan for perjury.
Committing perjury to the US Senate or Congress while under oath carries around a five year charge, and it was others like Comey, Lynch, and Holder who have also lied under oath over the last couple of years to Congress and the Senate...As the two memos released by the House Intelligence Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee clearly show us all. Now I don't think Nunes can make arrests of Obama officials and even Obama for illegally using FISA to spy on Trump and lying to the US Senate and Congress about it over the years, but this investigation by Nunes can start the process...Nail everyone for perjury.


Judicial Watch: Obama/Clinton cabal has 4 dossier's to smear Trump



Tom Fitton✔@TomFitton

.@JudicialWatch lawsuit uncovered ANOTHER Russia Dossier used to undermine @RealDonaldTrump--this one created by Obama State Department. By my count, there are now at least 4 Obama/Clinton ""get Trump"" dossiers. https://www.judicialwatch.o...

4:39 PM - Feb 11, 2018


4,999 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The criminal Seditious Conspiracy with help of Russians against President Trump through Obama and Clinton is a lot larger then everyone thinks, as Judicial Watch is stating the Obama/Clinton cabal ordered 4 smear campaigns against President Trump. Guess you can say if Clinton, Obama, Obama officials, and DOJ/FBI Obama officials got hit with Seditious Conspiracy charges against President Trump and the United States...You can charge them at least four times.
One thing the Grassley memo which is very important to look at released by the Judiciary Committee last week...Shows and proves the Obama/Clinton cabal was in contact with multiple Russian operatives including the Russian government to smear President Trump with lies in these Obama/Clinton cabal anti Trump dossier's. Obama/Clinton and their operatives now face four counts of seditious conspiracy against President Trump and the United States of America.


White House official calls out Shciff...Schiff sabotaged Dem rebuttal to FISA memo


0 Comments Reports: A senior White House official accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) of intentionally sabotaging the House Intel Committee's Democratic response to the four-page ""FISA memo"" prepared by staffers for Committee chairman Devin Nunes. Appearing on NBC's ""Meet The Press,"" White House legislative director Marc Short said that Schiff included confidential sources and methods in his 10-page rebuttal which he knew would require redaction - setting the stage for Democrats to cry foul.“We believe Congressman Schiff intentionally put in there methods and sources that he knew would need to be redacted.
And if we redacted it, there would be an outcry that says the White House is trying to edit it,” Short said. “So, we said take it back, work with the FBI, clean it up and we'll release it.” Democrats will likely point to the fact that the White House ignored DOJ warnings not to release the Nunes memo without redactions, calling it ""extraordinarily reckless"" without a DOJ review. That said, the FBI reportedly wanted names redacted from the Nunes memo, while the White House claims that sources and methods are divulged in the Schiff memo.
Does anyone get the feeling that Democrat Congressman Adam Full Of Schiff is going to be going down eventually, as his rebuttal to the FISA memo is now being exposed as sabotage? It looks like two things could happen to Congressman Adam Schiff, one of them being a ""resignation"", or Adam Schiff could actually get very busted for sabotaging a classified report trying to get the President to release classified information...In an attempt to commit sedition against Trump.
​ Adam Schiff is literally the dumbest person in Washington now, and it looks like Adam Schiff has been busted trying to sabotage the Democrat rebuttal to the FISA memo with Classified information...So it looks like if he is punished for this since sabotage is a Federal crime we might not see Schiff for much longer in the US House.


Q hints 2nd Gitmo being prepped



Is the storm officially on, because Q is a very very busy entity right now, as he is now posting that Gitmo is maxed out with one other prison being prepped. What would this other possible Prison like Gitmo be, as Q is stating a second Gitmo is being prepared? Would this second Gitmo possibly be an old black op site, as there is a place next to Gitmo called Strawberry Fields which is a CIA black site...So could Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo be this other prison that Q is telling us that is being prepped?
​ Now if this second prison camp for the cabal to be used by Trump is the CIA's Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo, then this prison camp may of been taken over by Trump...Perhaps in his new Gitmo Executive Order before the State of the Union. Q stating a second Gitmo site is being prepped, means the cabal is larger than thought and wonder if this is a joint effort with other world leaders...Since a second prison now has to be used besides Gitmo? Q said Next week, Next week, Next week...And now we are in that week.

",1518438588,12/02/2018 12:29 8164214,3754382887,"

Q confirms Rosatom CFO was target of Russian plane crash, Hillary kills 71



Q is now confirming in the image below that the CFO of Rosatom was targeted in today's deadly plane crash that has left 71 dead in Russia today. For those of you who don't know what Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.
This is now confirmed as a hit, and Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals today to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that Rosatom's CEO killed in today's plane crash in Russia wouldn't testify against Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and those connected to her trying to protect her in one of Hillary's largest acts of treason against America were willing to kill 71 people today to cover tracks...And to protect Hillary Clinton.

",1518439098,12/02/2018 12:38 8165033,3754395210,

Simple Q to Libs: Do you want USA to be like NK❓Think before you answer 🤔☝️

,1518439736,12/02/2018 12:48 8131985,3754446613,"

Who said I was a Yankee ?
I am Canadian , 4th gen , all my relatives fought with the Commonwealth in the Great Wars.
I surely would also if called upon, so stick your Don Q where the sun don't shine.

",1518442233,12/02/2018 13:30 8152205,3754462651,"

Hey Ancap76,
There is a video on YouTube called
Q 2-11 Best of the Boards ""Who has the power?""
One of the truther sites, a guy with the handle ""Hooliganmonsoon""
One of hundreds following Qanon, deciphering chatter generated by the group anonymous and this one talks about what is being done to drain the swamp, and the current method behind using the illegal lending methods of the debt lenders (national debt) against them.
Extremely informative
Nothing is what it looks like
Think ""End Result""
Hope you'll do lots of reading, might change your mind about cheap suits

",1518442949,12/02/2018 13:42 8159417,3754489982,

Could you please elaborate on what Q postings are?

,1518444133,12/02/2018 14:02 8159417,3754624584,

Who is Q? What postings?

,1518449527,12/02/2018 15:32 8164826,3754664896,"

Two dossier related passengers on board Russian plane crash where 71 killed. Munder does good job breaking it down. No doubt the Soros/Roth black hats involved to cover their deals with Shillary to get US Uranium into NK and Iran and make some $$.

CFO of Rosatom, ROSATOM's special representative for international scientific and technical projects both killed.

#Q #QAnon #greatawakening #obamagate #draintheswamp #Trump

",1518451071,12/02/2018 15:57 8164826,3754695848,

Remember when the Q LARP was saying that Soros had been arrested? 🤣

,1518452258,12/02/2018 16:17 8159417,3754729391,"

Q is an insider - no-one knows who he/she is or in what branch of service (military or govt) they work, but they've been dropping information on just about everything to do with Trump's efforts to drain the swamp. Whoever Q is they've got a massive following and just about every truther website is disseminating the information being dropped. The info isn't anything that tells us exactly what's going on but often poses rhetorical questions to make people go off to research for themselves. The webpage I follow is

",1518453532,12/02/2018 16:38 8166911,3754885794,"

Q confirms Rosatom CFO was target of Russian plane crash, Hillary kills 71



Q is now confirming in the image below
that the CFO of Rosatom was targeted in today's deadly plane crash that
has left 71 dead in Russia today. For those of you who don't know what
Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's
Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.

This is now confirmed as a hit, and
Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals today
to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that
Rosatom's CEO killed in today's plane crash in Russia wouldn't testify
against Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and those connected to her
trying to protect her in one of Hillary's largest acts of treason
against America were willing to kill 71 people today to cover
tracks...And to protect Hillary Clinton.

",1518459185,12/02/2018 18:13 8166911,3754890797,"

Nunes will investigate Obama's former CIA Director John Brennan and others for perjury



Real Clear Investigations Reports:
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes next plans to
investigate the role former CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama
intelligence officials played in promoting the salacious and unverified
Steele dossier on Donald Trump -- including whether Brennan perjured
himself in public testimony about it.
In his
May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan emphatically
denied the dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly
released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election
""to help Trump’s chances of victory.” Brennan also swore that he did not
know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document (excerpt here),
even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials
at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the
dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Did it just get real America? News is coming out that
Nunes is planning on investigating Obama officials and their roles in
the Fusion GPS fake dossier with help from Russian officials, and will
also investigate Obama's former CIA Director John Brennan for perjury.

Committing perjury to the US Senate or
Congress while under oath carries around a five year charge, and it was
others like Comey, Lynch, and Holder who have also lied under oath over
the last couple of years to Congress and the Senate...As the two memos
released by the House Intelligence Committee and Senate Judiciary
Committee clearly show us all. Now I don't think Nunes can make arrests
of Obama officials and even Obama for illegally using FISA to spy on
Trump and lying to the US Senate and Congress about it over the years,
but this investigation by Nunes can start the process...Nail everyone
for perjury.


Judicial Watch: Obama/Clinton cabal has 4 dossier's to smear Trump



Tom Fitton✔@TomFitton

lawsuit uncovered ANOTHER Russia Dossier used to undermine
@RealDonaldTrump--this one created by Obama State Department. By my
count, there are now at least 4 Obama/Clinton ""get Trump"" dossiers. https://www.judicialwatch.o... …

4:39 PM - Feb 11, 2018


4,999 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The criminal Seditious
Conspiracy with help of Russians against President Trump through Obama
and Clinton is a lot larger then everyone thinks, as Judicial Watch is
stating the Obama/Clinton cabal ordered 4 smear campaigns against
President Trump. Guess you can say if Clinton, Obama, Obama officials,
and DOJ/FBI Obama officials got hit with Seditious Conspiracy charges
against President Trump and the United States...You can charge them at
least four times.
One thing the
Grassley memo which is very important to look at released by the
Judiciary Committee last week...Shows and proves the Obama/Clinton cabal
was in contact with multiple Russian operatives including the Russian
government to smear President Trump with lies in these Obama/Clinton
cabal anti Trump dossier's. Obama/Clinton and their operatives now face
four counts of seditious conspiracy against President Trump and the
United States of America.


White House official calls out Shciff...Schiff sabotaged Dem rebuttal to FISA memo


Reports: A senior White House official accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
of intentionally sabotaging the House Intel Committee's Democratic
response to the four-page ""FISA memo"" prepared by staffers for Committee
chairman Devin Nunes. Appearing on NBC's ""Meet The Press,"" White House
legislative director Marc Short said that Schiff included confidential
sources and methods in his 10-page rebuttal which he knew would require
redaction - setting the stage for Democrats to cry foul.“We believe
Congressman Schiff intentionally put in there methods and sources that
he knew would need to be redacted.

And if we redacted it, there would be an outcry that says the White
House is trying to edit it,” Short said. “So, we said take it back, work
with the FBI, clean it up and we'll release it.” Democrats will likely
point to the fact that the White House ignored DOJ warnings not to
release the Nunes memo without redactions, calling it ""extraordinarily
reckless"" without a DOJ review. That said, the FBI reportedly wanted
names redacted from the Nunes memo, while the White House claims that
sources and methods are divulged in the Schiff memo.

Does anyone get the feeling that Democrat
Congressman Adam Full Of Schiff is going to be going down eventually, as
his rebuttal to the FISA memo is now being exposed as sabotage? It
looks like two things could happen to Congressman Adam Schiff, one of
them being a ""resignation"", or Adam Schiff could actually get very
busted for sabotaging a classified report trying to get the President to
release classified information...In an attempt to commit sedition
against Trump.
​ Adam Schiff is
literally the dumbest person in Washington now, and it looks like Adam
Schiff has been busted trying to sabotage the Democrat rebuttal to the
FISA memo with Classified information...So it looks like if he is
punished for this since sabotage is a Federal crime we might not see
Schiff for much longer in the US House.


Q hints 2nd Gitmo being prepped


Is the storm officially on, because Q is
a very very busy entity right now, as he is now posting that Gitmo is
maxed out with one other prison being prepped

",1518459361,12/02/2018 18:16 8166911,3754913174,"

AND IN OTHER NEWS: On board the Russia plane that crashed were 2 executives of the company that is involved with the Uranium One Scandal that were being served to testify in Congress. The CFO was being accused of bribery and of course, Mueller and Clinton couldn't allow that to happen so the CIA PUT A FREAKING BOMB ON THAT PLANE, and whoa and behold, THEIR DEAD NOW......News at 11:00.
""Q-Anon"" anyone?

",1518460175,12/02/2018 18:29 8166911,3754921376,"

Don't be fooled, there are definitely dirty, traitorous snakes in the CIA. You live in make believe world if you don't understand that.
Go YouTube: Q-Anon and see what Trumps is SAYING IS REALLY GOING ON!!

",1518460480,12/02/2018 18:34 8166911,3754936022,

Wow. Q was right.

,1518461026,12/02/2018 18:43 8166911,3755045471,

Will be very interesting to see what Q says about this attack.

,1518465104,12/02/2018 19:51 8166911,3755048468,

At this point the Dems and RINOs and their globalist friends want a world war. You need to read Q.

,1518465211,12/02/2018 19:53 8166911,3755076870,

I posted that earlier.
I dont think many day people here follow Q *shrug*

He really has been all over the pharmawhores.

,1518466294,12/02/2018 20:11 8166911,3755133186,

Feb 12 2018 15:15:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4bcc84 354139
Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming.

,1518468549,12/02/2018 20:49 8166911,3755135125,"

Just to show the stupidity of some people, O P and Q are different thing that are not compatible with each other.

",1518468631,12/02/2018 20:50 8166590,3755159642,"

Clinton is Q Anon

Don't be surprised if they find the ""Pee Pee"" tape

",1518469668,12/02/2018 21:07 8166719,3755178315,

He gets offended by stereotypical villains and cries until Q gets him back to his safe space

,1518470502,12/02/2018 21:21 8166911,3755178861,"

Contents of the letter have not been released, so we have no idea what it said. False flag? Hmm... follow the breadcrumbs. #QANON

",1518470527,12/02/2018 21:22 8166590,3755214341,

QANON is like putting out so many conspiracy this guy legit? If so how do you confirm he is legit?

,1518472148,12/02/2018 21:49 8166911,3755237475,"

Yup. Unfortunately, very few here seem to follow Q and/or pay attention to his messages.

",1518473237,12/02/2018 22:07 8166086,3755248950,

Treason should earn this guy a cell in Gitmo. Q says it's packed full but they are preparing a second prison.

,1518473804,12/02/2018 22:16 8159417,3755274258,

There are some conservatives who believe that Q is a government/CIA troll but there are others who believe he/she is the real deal. Whoever it is seems to have a lot of information that some ordinary Joe would not have.

,1518475064,12/02/2018 22:37 8166590,3755312622,"

Their desperation is at an all time high. The clowns can't help them, they are too busy with Q.

",1518477100,12/02/2018 23:11 8166719,3755323443,

A double D sounds more exciting....

I wonder how much fun Q would have inventing gadgets to hide in a DD cup?

,1518477710,12/02/2018 23:21 8166086,3755337875,"

He'd better duck the coming storm of transparency Trump has planned to finally open the eyes of the US and the world. The reason for all the hate from both parties is because most of them are led by criminals... and that is putting it nicely. Look at how many are stepping down.....All walks of business and politics,,,why? Sounds like Q... I feel good about the justice system...Things take so much time.

",1518478522,12/02/2018 23:35 8166590,3755341868,"

Hillary Babe has been caught with her finger in the pIE and doesn't like the taste she is getting. //////////////////////////
Maybe this time, they will push the button to put her in the ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE, FINALLY. //////////////////////////////////

",1518478743,12/02/2018 23:39 8166911,3755348723,

They crossed the line a year ago. Their day in court and punishment has actually been long overdue. Q says that only 40% will be public. 60% circa will be behind the scenes justice (use your imagination on that one).

,1518479126,12/02/2018 23:45 8167655,3755375224,

The get out of jail free because I'm black card has already been used up Susie Q.

,1518480608,13/02/2018 00:10 8168321,3755386734,

Unless of course you Q up the comment section here.
Alive and well but sometimes sick.

,1518481236,13/02/2018 00:20 8167655,3755392559,

Q is getting further and further out there. I'm starting to wonder if Q is a CNN troll getting people to go to CNN news.

,1518481553,13/02/2018 00:25 8167655,3755406024,

Kehinde Wiley & per Q the flowers have a meaning as well as reference to deflowered

,1518482289,13/02/2018 00:38 8166911,3755422236,"

Ricin. I can imagine that was a threat too, possibly. Or a scam. I just do not know. But today the death threats towards Trump are so extreme. Because so much is at stake and so much real CHANGE back from where it was headed.......old powers are not going down much is being done on Trumps end you probably are not even aware of, and the real criminals will be outed shortly...Remember the ""you'd be in jail"" line from Trump to Hillary at the debate? ...I for one believe all the Qanon crumbs as they are logical and criminal...the money trail is the proof as are the documents......they are going to try to stop Trump any way they can. I trust my instincts and have never been PC......I am always about if I have alarms going off, I tell everyone. If wrong, fine. But I am going to warn. This seems different considering Antifa, Hillary Haiti kidnapped kids, Uraniaum One, and over 10K+ sealed indictments coming down the pike, it is do or die time and the old admins are freaking the F out. I hope I am wrong, because if it all gets laid bare as is grossly evil and treason at the same time. Start here:

The book of Q:

Look for the truth.


",1518483236,13/02/2018 00:53 8166719,3755423511,

Just think of all the gadgets Q could hide under a burka !

,1518483313,13/02/2018 00:55 8166911,3755432808,"

This too, to get caught up on what Qanon has left for us, daily updates and quite scary shiite that has happened before our eyes in our time.
The book of Q:

A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI).

Corsi breaks it all down here:

The book of Q:


Share with everyone.......everyone.

",1518483849,13/02/2018 01:04 8167655,3755448015,"

Q confirms Rosatom CFO was target of Russian plane crash, Hillary kills 71



Q is now confirming in the image below
that the CFO of Rosatom was targeted in today's deadly plane crash that
has left 71 dead in Russia today. For those of you who don't know what
Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's
Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.

This is now confirmed as a hit, and
Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals today
to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that
Rosatom's CEO killed in today's plane crash in Russia wouldn't testify
against Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and those connected to her
trying to protect her in one of Hillary's largest acts of treason
against America were willing to kill 71 people today to cover
tracks...And to protect Hillary Clinton.

",1518484703,13/02/2018 01:18 8167940,3755454742,"

Whatever this is, there's one guarantee - it's a bad deal for John Q. Public.

",1518485088,13/02/2018 01:24 8167655,3755466692,"

Q confirms big pharma behind letter sent to Don Jr. family...Response coming


1 Comment

Looks like we now know who is behind the possible attack on the family of Donald Trump Jr. today where a letter with a white substance was received by Vanessa Trump, and Q is hinting that big pharma is behind this possible attack on the lives of Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa. With Q hinting that this was done by operators in big pharma, do we also have a clue who targeted Julian Assange with the same white powder substance in the mail last week...As this also happened to Assange a week prior to this letter received by the Trump family?
Two things with this though either big pharma is behind this, or big pharma is behind this but colluding with the Deep State to target certain individuals like the Trump family and Julian Assange. It looks like whatever is going on with these letters is failing, and Q is stating a response is coming. Bye bye big pharma?

",1518485734,13/02/2018 01:35 8167655,3755486897,

Stop following QANON. It a liberal LARP.

,1518486861,13/02/2018 01:54 8167655,3755489674,

I have been following Qanon. The most literal prediction he made was that the Alabama election was full of fraud and Trump knew it and they were about to pounce on George Soros who was dictating the scam.

,1518487021,13/02/2018 01:57 8167655,3755493102,

I take the Q stuff with a grain of salt. The military did not invade quantico. lol.

,1518487222,13/02/2018 02:00 8167655,3755499104,"

All of you QANON people dazzled over what he's gotten correct IGNORE everything he has been WAY WAY off on, which is way more than he's gotten right. This is what psychics do too. They condition people with confirmation bias to grasp the 10% the GUESS right and ignore the 90% they get wrong. Just look at the massive mis-calls QANON has made in the last year that he just moves on and away from without another word. Guaranteed to be some liberal trying to make conservatives look like conspiracy theorists.

",1518487585,13/02/2018 02:06 8167655,3755503642,"

not buying the qanon narrative myself, its suspicious that its not going on in a more secure setting like you would with hidden servers special browsers

",1518487859,13/02/2018 02:10 8167655,3755514483,"

Q confirms Rosatom CFO was target of Russian plane crash, Hillary kills 71



Q is now confirming in the image below
that the CFO of Rosatom was targeted in today's deadly plane crash that
has left 71 dead in Russia today. For those of you who don't know what
Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's
Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.

This is now confirmed as a hit, and
Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals today
to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that
Rosatom's CEO killed in today's plane crash in Russia wouldn't testify
against Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and those connected to her
trying to protect her in one of Hillary's largest acts of treason
against America were willing to kill 71 people today to cover
tracks...And to protect Hillary Clinton.

",1518488534,13/02/2018 02:22 8167655,3755529027,"

Here's the reason why I'm inclined to believe that Q is real. Remember what the 4chan, 8chan, reddit community did with the wacko actor Shia Labeouf, and his 'He Will Not Divide Us' flag and art installation? What they accomplished was amazing. It's truly a community of weaponized autists who love nothing more than solving puzzles. Shia Labeouf was one such puzzle (capturing the flag).

Given the way they outed Shia, they'd do the same to 'Q' in a heartbeat, if they were able to prove him a fraud. But so far, they haven't. I've followed Q since the first week of November. While there's always a possibility of it being one large LARP game, I don't think it is. The community would have already found his flaws and outed him. So far, I haven't seen that happen.

The concept of spreading breadcrumbs the way he is doing, is quite logical. It's not his predictions that I'm interested in, as much as the questions he asks. Perhaps we'll find out soon.

",1518489431,13/02/2018 02:37 8167655,3755539804,"

Q confirms Rosatom CFO was target of Russian plane crash, Hillary kills 71



Q is now confirming in the image below
that the CFO of Rosatom was targeted in today's deadly plane crash that
has left 71 dead in Russia today. For those of you who don't know what
Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's
Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.

This is now confirmed as a hit, and
Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals today
to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that
Rosatom's CEO killed in today's plane crash in Russia wouldn't testify
against Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and those connected to her
trying to protect her in one of Hillary's largest acts of treason
against America were willing to kill 71 people today to cover
tracks...And to protect Hillary Clinton.

",1518490106,13/02/2018 02:48 8167907,3755543217,"

Q confirms big pharma behind letter sent to Don Jr. family...Response coming


1 Comment

Looks like we now know who is
behind the possible attack on the family of Donald Trump Jr. today where
a letter with a white substance was received by Vanessa Trump, and Q is
hinting that big pharma is behind this possible attack on the lives of
Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa. With Q hinting that this was done
by operators in big pharma, do we also have a clue who targeted Julian
Assange with the same white powder substance in the mail last week...As
this also happened to Assange a week prior to this letter received by
the Trump family?
Two things with this
though either big pharma is behind this, or big pharma is behind this
but colluding with the Deep State to target certain individuals like the
Trump family and Julian Assange. It looks like whatever is going on
with these letters is failing, and Q is stating a response is coming.
Bye bye big pharma?

",1518490319,13/02/2018 02:51 8167655,3755544816,

We believe Glenn 5000 times more than you. And Q 3464 time more than you. Its just that Q is a little cryptic. Glenn cuts to the chase.

,1518490393,13/02/2018 02:53 8167907,3755582774,

Read that. Is Q for real? Just started reading his posts last week.

,1518493136,13/02/2018 03:38 8167907,3755584052,"

Q confirms big pharma behind letter sent to Don Jr. family...Response coming


1 Comment

Looks like we now know who is
behind the possible attack on the family of Donald Trump Jr. today where
a letter with a white substance was received by Vanessa Trump, and Q is
hinting that big pharma is behind this possible attack on the lives of
Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa. With Q hinting that this was done
by operators in big pharma, do we also have a clue who targeted Julian
Assange with the same white powder substance in the mail last week...As
this also happened to Assange a week prior to this letter received by
the Trump family?
Two things with this
though either big pharma is behind this, or big pharma is behind this
but colluding with the Deep State to target certain individuals like the
Trump family and Julian Assange. It looks like whatever is going on
with these letters is failing, and Q is stating a response is coming.
Bye bye big pharma?

",1518493237,13/02/2018 03:40 8167907,3755586178,

You really think Q is for real and knows what he's talking about?

,1518493412,13/02/2018 03:43 8167907,3755609268,

IMO it's only news because we're all waiting for both shoes to fall this week.
Q-Anon said this would be a big week.

,1518495366,13/02/2018 04:16 8168795,3755611927,

This ungrateful Q ueer doesn't get the fact that Obama coddled the muslims who throw gays off buildings and shoot up nightclubs...Trump would kill all terrorists if he could to save gays.

,1518495600,13/02/2018 04:20 8169125,3755612110,"

Really BB and forum, this is a nothing story. Its a distraction. Mr. Porter did not leave under the cloud that is portrayed.

I don't know what you folks know is happening with Q Anon, but that is where the news is at this time, not this soap opera.

PS: But BB, you like this distraction, don't you. Q Anon is not where you want to be, nor your handlers.

",1518495619,13/02/2018 04:20 8167685,3755614589,"

Making riddles and questions that didn't seem to happen this weekend. Then it had to say something about the public not being able to handle it, that didn't set well. I see about 20 channels talking about Q posts, believers and non believers, I'm just watching.

",1518495841,13/02/2018 04:24 8167655,3755621409,

You don't even know who Q is.
Talk about blind trust.

,1518496448,13/02/2018 04:34 8167655,3755631253,

Here Q says: (I'm rephrasing) won't be long....there are sealed indictments being manufactured as we all sit here talking on BB

,1518497359,13/02/2018 04:49 8169125,3755635575,"

Are Rob Porter and Hope Hicks ""B"" and QAnon?

",1518497773,13/02/2018 04:56 8167655,3755641055,"

Let's put it this way.....the plan is Military TRIALS. Why? pretty nasty penalties!

You'll see emergency broadcast going across your TV screens...this is the take down.

BHO, Hillary and all of them....going down. Q promised

",1518498298,13/02/2018 05:04 8167934,3755677781,"

So tired of this BS nonsense...for those of you who follow Qanon this is a great site for he posts practically everyday. Justice Ginsberg will not be on the bench long!!!

",1518502005,13/02/2018 06:06 8167655,3755710694,"

Today's explosive QAnon posts, plus N. Korea info, and more in depth analysis of Susan Rice memo story:

",1518505428,13/02/2018 07:03 8169713,3755771062,"

Which is why she was a token (i didnt mean token black, more like she was there for the sole purpose of just being there.) No reason for her character at all and she was only written onto the show as a favor. Q made her character redundant by a long shot

",1518511425,13/02/2018 08:43 8167655,3755846034,"

Just the normal workings of the Democrat Criminal Party. Thank God for our patriots who are purging them like they had intended for us!

If you guys have not heard of Q-anon, you should. There is now a several month timeline to validate his intel and crumbs. Godspeed to our warriors.

",1518517723,13/02/2018 10:28 8167934,3755864839,"

Any Q people here?
Magnolia flowers seem to be a recent theme.
Flower meaning:
Every subheading of the article has contents worth checking out. The bottom one too.
""thought to be one of the first flowering plants to evolve on Earth""

",1518519010,13/02/2018 10:50 8167655,3755883379,"

The people that you think are 'Heads of State' are actually PR Frontmen for the Transnational Global Mafia owned by Swiss Banksters, who are now running scared via Q.

",1518520230,13/02/2018 11:10 8170598,3755923868,"

Sorry if this shocks/surprises some, if so, you haven't been paying attention to all the little people (slaves) of many of these disaster areas in their claims against UN troops doing the same things and's called 'harvesting', like out of a garden, picking up the undamaged 'flowers' after a storm for sale at the nearest 'open market'.....

",1518522652,13/02/2018 11:50 8170598,3756023657,

Isn't it called Assumption College ( in Thailand ) .. per the Q post

,1518527637,13/02/2018 13:13 8170598,3756049249,"

Give the white hats time: the ground is already rumbling with their preparations!
Q laid out big claims, wait + see
Q said have faith
Q said watch the news (not media)
And so we do.
And we pray for the operators.

",1518528746,13/02/2018 13:32 8170598,3756052967,

qanon totally predicted this... if the rest of what he says is real (as most has been)... this is gonna be a rocky few months for leftists.

,1518528911,13/02/2018 13:35 8167394,3756168542,

Keep following the money.
Many more trails uncovered weekly.
Also follow the spouses.
Many surprises.
Follow Q anon. Q is real.

,1518533593,13/02/2018 14:53 8170598,3756193731,"

The latest Q posts indicate the children in North Korea, (slave garden) are often sold into the sex trade, or have their organs harvested for the elite, or to those who find their way to Asia for an illegal transplant.

Navy Seals are closing down ""illegal (CIA) Clown Ops"". 2 down 40 to go.

There is a much bigger world where the truth lives, many do not want to know the truth, it is much worse than you can possibly imagine.

Those trolls who are deceived by the Democrat good, Republican bad, memes, will realize one day that they aided and abetted, and gave Comfort to those who kidnap children for unspeakable Acts and are never found alive again.

The breadcrumbs are everywhere for those willing to look.

",1518534558,13/02/2018 15:09 8167934,3756193811,"

Are you paying attention to all the investigations bearing fruit, including memos, indictments, Q reports of confiscations, flights to Gitmo (which is at or nearing capacity), reports of Clintonistas squealing to investigators to save themselves, etc.? Sessions's work is ongoing and deep. He's not going to blab about the goings-on under him. Why on earth would you think he's not doing anything? I know you're MAGA but you need to wake up. Breitbart isn't even covering most of this. Try Whatfinger, Citizens Free Press and Liberty Daily as well. Much of Breitbart is consumed with media derangement and not the real investigations being conducted (and I'm a reader and listener to the BB site and show).

",1518534561,13/02/2018 15:09 8166488,3756221564,

you forgot the Q......

,1518535599,13/02/2018 15:26 8170598,3756227946,

Follow Q anon.

,1518535840,13/02/2018 15:30 8170598,3756229533,"

I wonder if many if not most late term abortions don't end up as meals. Otherwise they may end up as injections for the globalist undeads like Soros. McCainez, Pelosi and I have to say Angela Merkel are looking very undead these days. Ditto Eric Schmidt. I PRAY this all gets uncovered, but Q says if all the truths come out there will be worldwide suffering. I get it. If the many globalist demonic abusers are revealed their revenge on the people will be enormous. World war (which is what they want).

",1518535897,13/02/2018 15:31 8167928,3756317402,

This is nothing compared with what is going to come out this year. Q-Anon anyone?

,1518539133,13/02/2018 16:25 8171090,3756337776,"

Q post information about Gitmo flight, after a world without McCain is better off post



I think Q is possibly hinting at McCain possibly being connected to the Gitmo flight today from the DC area into Gitmo this morning, as Q states the world is better off without traitor McCain then posting the Gitmo flight information right after. With that being said this is not confirmation that McCain is possibly in Gitmo, but Q posted the information on today's DC to Gitmo flight right after stating the world would be better off without McCain...So I would pay attention over the next month or two if McCain even makes news headlines.
Also pay attention if news of McCain resigning from the US Senate or a sudden death of McCain is reported, as Q is possibly giving us a hint to pay attention to McCain...After posting today's DC to Gitmo flight after posting the world would be better off without McCain. Pay attention to McCain news.


United Airlines flight flew into Gitmo from DC area airport this afternoon


1 Comment

This new plane has just come across as flying into Gitmo this afternoon, and it's a regular size passenger airline into Gitmo. So question is who was on this plane today into Gitmo, as there could of been nearly 200 people on board...Or just supplies being transferred into Gitmo.
Now two interesting things with this United flight into Gitmo this afternoon, first it flew out of Camp Springs Maryland which is just outside Andrews Air Force Base...And the airline that usually flies into Gitmo is IBC Airways. So with that being said a passenger airliner flying into Gitmo out of the DC area is not normal at all. Who was on this plane today, and why was a large United Airlines flight being used to fly to Gitmo that can carry double the passengers unlike the IBC Airways aircraft?

",1518539872,13/02/2018 16:37 8171090,3756339754,

I love me some Q! He also said Gitmo is FULL UP. Max Capacity! We need a new Gitmo. HAHA.

Wow we have some excellent prisons in PA.

,1518539944,13/02/2018 16:39 8171090,3756377381,"

Q post information about Gitmo flight, after a world without McCain is better off post



I think Q is possibly hinting at McCain possibly being connected to the Gitmo flight today from the DC area into Gitmo this morning, as Q states the world is better off without traitor McCain then posting the Gitmo flight information right after. With that being said this is not confirmation that McCain is possibly in Gitmo, but Q posted the information on today's DC to Gitmo flight right after stating the world would be better off without McCain...So I would pay attention over the next month or two if McCain even makes news headlines.
Also pay attention if news of McCain resigning from the US Senate or a sudden death of McCain is reported, as Q is possibly giving us a hint to pay attention to McCain...After posting today's DC to Gitmo flight after posting the world would be better off without McCain. Pay attention to McCain news.


United Airlines flight flew into Gitmo from DC area airport this afternoon


1 Comment

This new plane has just come across as flying into Gitmo this afternoon, and it's a regular size passenger airline into Gitmo. So question is who was on this plane today into Gitmo, as there could of been nearly 200 people on board...Or just supplies being transferred into Gitmo.
Now two interesting things with this United flight into Gitmo this afternoon, first it flew out of Camp Springs Maryland which is just outside Andrews Air Force Base...And the airline that usually flies into Gitmo is IBC Airways. So with that being said a passenger airliner flying into Gitmo out of the DC area is not normal at all. Who was on this plane today, and why was a large United Airlines flight being used to fly to Gitmo that can carry double the passengers unlike the IBC Airways aircraft?

",1518541333,13/02/2018 17:02 8171090,3756377553,"

Q hints 2nd Gitmo being prepped



Is the storm officially on, because Q is a very very busy entity right now, as he is now posting that Gitmo is maxed out with one other prison being prepped. What would this other possible Prison like Gitmo be, as Q is stating a second Gitmo is being prepared? Would this second Gitmo possibly be an old black op site, as there is a place next to Gitmo called Strawberry Fields which is a CIA black site...So could Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo be this other prison that Q is telling us that is being prepped?
​ Now if this second prison camp for the cabal to be used by Trump is the CIA's Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo, then this prison camp may of been taken over by Trump...Perhaps in his new Gitmo Executive Order before the State of the Union. Q stating a second Gitmo site is being prepped, means the cabal is larger than thought and wonder if this is a joint effort with other world leaders...Since a second prison now has to be used besides Gitmo? Q said Next week, Next week, Next week...And now we are in that week.

",1518541339,13/02/2018 17:02 8172260,3756431619,"

Q hints 2nd Gitmo being prepped



Is the storm officially on, because Q is
a very very busy entity right now, as he is now posting that Gitmo is
maxed out with one other prison being prepped. What would this other
possible Prison like Gitmo be, as Q is stating a second Gitmo is being
prepared? Would this second Gitmo possibly be an old black op site, as
there is a place next to Gitmo called Strawberry Fields which is a CIA
black site...So could Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo be this other
prison that Q is telling us that is being prepped?

Now if this second prison camp for the cabal to be used by
Trump is the CIA's Strawberry Fields next to Gitmo, then this prison
camp may of been taken over by Trump...Perhaps in his new Gitmo
Executive Order before the State of the Union. Q stating a second Gitmo
site is being prepped, means the cabal is larger than thought and wonder
if this is a joint effort with other world leaders...Since a second
prison now has to be used besides Gitmo? Q said Next week, Next week,
Next week...And now we are in that week.

",1518543302,13/02/2018 17:35 8172260,3756432990,

Who is Q?

,1518543353,13/02/2018 17:35 8172260,3756437636,"

Q post information about Gitmo flight, after a world without McCain is better off post



I think Q is possibly hinting at
McCain possibly being connected to the Gitmo flight today from the DC
area into Gitmo this morning, as Q states the world is better off
without traitor McCain then posting the Gitmo flight information right
after. With that being said this is not confirmation that McCain is
possibly in Gitmo, but Q posted the information on today's DC to Gitmo
flight right after stating the world would be better off without
McCain...So I would pay attention over the next month or two if McCain
even makes news headlines.
Also pay
attention if news of McCain resigning from the US Senate or a sudden
death of McCain is reported, as Q is possibly giving us a hint to pay
attention to McCain...After posting today's DC to Gitmo flight after
posting the world would be better off without McCain. Pay attention to
McCain news.


United Airlines flight flew into Gitmo from DC area airport this afternoon


1 Comment

This new plane has just come across
as flying into Gitmo this afternoon, and it's a regular size passenger
airline into Gitmo. So question is who was on this plane today into
Gitmo, as there could of been nearly 200 people on board...Or just
supplies being transferred into Gitmo.

Now two interesting things with this United flight into Gitmo this
afternoon, first it flew out of Camp Springs Maryland which is just
outside Andrews Air Force Base...And the airline that usually flies into
Gitmo is IBC Airways. So with that being said a passenger airliner
flying into Gitmo out of the DC area is not normal at all. Who was on
this plane today, and why was a large United Airlines flight being used
to fly to Gitmo that can carry double the passengers unlike the IBC
Airways aircraft?

",1518543521,13/02/2018 17:38 8172260,3756475711,"

Q hints things are being done, posts do you really believe nothing is being done



Q today is basically confirming that not all is as it seems, as Q today is stating do you really believe nothing is being done. This new post from Q is also hinting that resignations possibly aren't just resignations, as it's likely the word resignation is being used in the recent step downs we are seeing at the FBI and DOJ and even in the US House are actually likely arrests...Not all of them but likely some of them are more than just resignations.
​ Multiple resignations of Deep State agents at the FBI and DOJ and even resignations of Senators and Congressman likely have more to them than just being resignations, because if they were announced as arrests...The entire Left would riot in the streets very violently if they knew arrests of the cabal members were being announced as arrests. It's actually a major safety issue for arrests of cabal members to be announced as resignations, as Q is stating do you believe nothing is being done?

",1518544907,13/02/2018 18:01 8163812,3756528944,"

I found something interesting today. I have gone back thru Q's posts when they started on October 28th and found about 90% of the posts had a box in the bottom right-hand corner with the word 'Answer'. My assumption was that Q and his or her team would go back periodically to help us decipher his cryptic messages. Those boxes in the drops stopped on December 31st. I went back over them again today, and they have all disappeared. Did you by any chance ever see those? They revealed an awful lot of information and I notice that Q's latest drop was: 'SEC Test'. C_A taking them down?

",1518546859,13/02/2018 18:34 8163812,3756545267,

The answers were quite helpful and very lengthy. I will go back again today and see if they've reappeared and I also noticed that Q was doing a lot of testing and commenting that he would be gone for 2 or 3 days so they could add more security. That's also why they went from 4chan to 8chan

,1518547454,13/02/2018 18:44 7316573,3756556702,"

Yesterday Q posted an image with Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Vietnam but could I find it on google using a reverse image lookup? No, however their cache had not been scrubbed yet and I was able to trace it back to find the original story in 8-10-16. The miniature image was still in google's cache but any other references had been recently scrubbed clean from Google. Who's behind this? The CIA or Google? Is there a difference between the two?

",1518547861,13/02/2018 18:51 7316573,3756610962,

the msm is keeping it quite ... Q ANON TO COMMENT ON IT LATER.

,1518549790,13/02/2018 19:23 7316573,3756655610,

Better go see what Q has to say about that.

,1518551058,13/02/2018 19:44 8173148,3756794425,"

The letter Obama's office received may very well be the ""response"" QAnon spoke of yesterday when referring to the letter received at DT Jrs house.

""Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming

The swamp is deep!!

",1518556080,13/02/2018 21:08 8173148,3757014149,

Trump and Q anon are geniuses.

,1518567095,14/02/2018 00:11 8171957,3757016283,"

GUARANTEED that this was a CIA/Deep State run hit in order to ""sell"" us that Assad is the bad guy. The freaking CIA CREATED ISIS, FUNDS ISIS AND RUNS ISIS.

",1518567212,14/02/2018 00:13 8173148,3757026306,"

Q posted this around 4 hours (see below) after it was reported about Vanessa Trump receiving the envelope with white powder in it. The President recently has posted a stern warning to Big Pharma wanting experimental drugs, already available to the public, to be released, but Big Pharma has refused. There is much more money to be made keeping the world sick because Big Pharma would loose a fortune. Could this be a threat to the President??

From QAnon: Dated 12th Feb, Q !UW.yye1fxo. ID. 4bcc84 354139

Our attack on big Pharma came w/ a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming


If you haven't been following Q, there are many involved in decoding and some are arranging their boards so it's easy to see in a chronological order. This is just one -

OR you can follow this board 24/7.

We think of the swamp being the fake news like CNN etc., and compromised politicians, but SOME big business, will do anything to keep themselves in the manner and power in which they have become accustomed to - gorging themselves like pigs off the backs of hard working taxpayers.

",1518567768,14/02/2018 00:22 8173148,3757029475,

☺️. Have you been keeping up with Q? There is so much going on and Q has specifically name this week as a lot happening.

,1518567943,14/02/2018 00:25 8173055,3757032849,"

DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW THIS: That on that flight was a Russian CFO of the company that purchased the Uranium One fiasco. Guess what, he was supposed to testify against Hillary ""The Demon"" Clinton. THANKS A LOT CIA!!!
Q-ANON ANYONE??????????????????????????????

",1518568129,14/02/2018 00:28 8173148,3757034897,

Did u hear that someone in Colorado mentioned Q on Limbaugh today.
20 mil viewers.

,1518568242,14/02/2018 00:30 8173055,3757035049,

President Trump is spilling the beans on ALLLLLL THE DIRT!!!!!!!!!!!
GO LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!!
AND WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

,1518568249,14/02/2018 00:30 8174015,3757040410,"

There’s a reason they’re both attacking TH, Q, Sessions, DJT,,,.

They are sickly skilled

",1518568543,14/02/2018 00:35 8173055,3757065303,"

Do you know about ""Q-Anon""?????
That's a dumb freaking question, of course you don't.
And after you've done that, I'll politely except your apology....

",1518569957,14/02/2018 00:59 8173148,3757072032,

Researching Q. Maga Patriot.

,1518570340,14/02/2018 01:05 8170598,3757097419,"

We all do what we can. We pray daily, too, especially for PDJT and family. As for speaking of these things, Q, Lionel and others state baldly that many would not be able to handle the demonic truths of what this global cabal is doing wrt children and babies. I don't want to know and yet I have a vivid imagination. Just some brief summaries without details should be enough. Somehow I don't think this lying Fake News media will be asking for all the details for days and weeks on end. These people support all this crap and those perpetrating it. I just want them all to get Hell for eternity!

",1518571764,14/02/2018 01:29 8165585,3757106008,"

For many years I didn't want to believe this, but Q has convinced me. You're right.

",1518572255,14/02/2018 01:37 8171939,3757114524,"

What is interesting to me is....Who is Chaz Gormley? I Googled him?.... He may be somebody of no consequence. He just threw the thought/idea, out on a Petition forum...and it spiraled. Another Q? Why 25%.....why not 90% of the profits. Socialists.....Taking something you don't own and somebody else created.

",1518572735,14/02/2018 01:45 8174720,3757118280,"

Judge blocking Trump ending DACA today appointed by Clinton Administration



​Fox News Reports: For the second time in as many months, a federal judge has barred the Trump administration from ending the Obama-era DACA program next month. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in New York ruled Tuesday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had ""erred in concluding that DACA is unconstitutional"" and granted a preliminary injunction sought by state attorneys general and immigrants who had sued the administration. The Justice Department had no immediate comment on Garaufis' ruling.
From Wikipedia: Upon the recommendation of United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Garaufis was nominated by President Clinton on February 28, 2000, to a seat on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York vacated by Charles P. Sifton and confirmed by unanimous consent by the United States Senate on May 24, 2000. Garaufis received his commission on May 25, 2000 and entered service on August 28, 2000. Garaufis took senior status on October 1, 2014.
Everyone starting to notice a pattern with every Federal Judge blocking Trump on an amount of Trump promises yet? Well all these Federal Judges blocking Trump's immigration policies and other things all have one thing in common...Every single one of these Federal Judges blocking Trump like Judge Nicholas Garaufis preventing Trump from ending DACA are either appointed by the Clinton or Obama administration. This once again proves that just like the FBI and DOJ, the Federal court system has also been weaponized by the Clinton and Obama administrations.
Every time you see a Federal Judge block Trump on an issue there will likely be a one-hundred percent chance the Federal Judge blocking Trump was either appointed by Obama or Clinton. America the court system is just a bad as the weaponized FBI and DOJ to target political opponents mainly for Obama and Clinton. Wonder if these Federal Judges blocking Trump appointed by Clinton and Obama are involved in the Obama/Clinton plan to destroy America in 16 years...Remember Q did state that.

",1518572959,14/02/2018 01:49 8171132,3757119981,"

Good idea, give them only the basics, no LIquor, Cigarettes, excess expense foods stuffs, just the things of normal daily needs . Shut down the excess stuff./////////////////
Sorry about being hard nosed, but, if JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN doesn't need that item to live on, neither do these FOOD STAMP recipients need them either.

",1518573058,14/02/2018 01:50 8173148,3757135119,"

No, he sure wasn't the source who claimed that. Perhaps, it was the deep state claiming it was Q. There's a huge difference between being gullible and viewing something as plausible. And given what's come to light with Election 2016 and the FBI/DOJ/State Dept/FISA Court/Obama's WH, it's indeed plausible.

",1518573936,14/02/2018 02:05 8167655,3757213205,"

This could be enough to bring them all down. All the lies we see and hear on MSM where they accuse people of doing what they do. Classic projection. Saul Alinski and communism. Add Qn to question the death of Judge Scalica? It might take years, but it will be necessary to weed it all out. America is so beautiful and so strong. She can wait until all of these vile swamp creatures are found and sent to prison. From the very bottom to the very top. Too bad the MSM shows no interest. Or as they so involved? No matter. Watergate was nothing like this and it took 2-4 years. This vile octopus of all collusion on every level might take 6-8 years. I hope all involved are squirming and not enjoying their once privileged lifestyles.No wonder they are terrified. IT IS OVER. Michael Moore and Rob Reiner and all Hollywood once celebrities, you have no idea how really stupid you are. It is over for you, so go hideout in your mansions. We don't care.

",1518578958,14/02/2018 03:29 8173016,3757371757,

Why isn't Breitbart talking about Q Anon? Anyone?

,1518593309,14/02/2018 07:28 8173028,3757443975,"

Q posted this around 4 hours (see below) after it was reported about Vanessa Trump receiving the envelope with white powder in it. The President recently has posted a stern warning to Big Pharma wanting experimental drugs, already available to the public, to be released, but Big Pharma has refused. There is much more money to be made keeping the world sick because Big Pharma would loose a fortune. Could this be a threat to the President??

From QAnon: Dated 12th Feb, Q !UW.yye1fxo. ID. 4bcc84 354139

Our attack on big Pharma came w/ a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming


The final line - Response forthcoming - indicates to me, that the President will want the perpetrators tracked down ASAP and will move heaven and earth to do so.

",1518600090,14/02/2018 09:21 8173028,3757460114,"

So the explosion heard and the plane engulfed in a fireball scattering debris over a couple of miles radius and witnessed by many on the ground is fake news? Maybe you need to be reading Q too because if you are getting your 'news' from the likes of CNN or MSNBC, etc., you just might be surprised that very soon many fake news provocateurs will be charged with aiding and abetting a plot to bring down a duly elected President. I wouldn't want to be in Mika's Z??? or her sidekicks shoes for all the tea in China. Q mentions her connections to Virginia. I wonder what that might be? Time will tell. And old Joe might find his case reopened too of his intern found dead in his office.

",1518601432,14/02/2018 09:43 8167115,3757467455,"

Roydenoral, can you explain to us Brits, if President Trump as stated on QANON, that he has FROZEN ALL ASSETS, of those elite, WHY GOERGE SOROS, has been able to donate 400,000 to Gina Miller and Remainers, to thwart Brexit, and stop us Brits from leaving CORRUPT DICTATORSHIP OF NWO EU.

",1518602041,14/02/2018 09:54 8173028,3757546749,"

Assange tweets that letter sent to Don Jr with white powder similar to his



Julian Assange @JulianAssange

Donald Trump Jr.'s wife hospitalized after opening envelope with white powder. Oddly, I received one last Tuesday (a terrorism offense in UK law) which was handed to diplomatic police. The stamp? From the US.

2:59 PM - Feb 12, 2018

Donald Trump Jr.'s wife hospitalized after opening envelope with white powder

Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump, was hospitalized Monday after receiving a letter containing white powder, New York City police told Fox


6,776 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks is possibly exposing the fact that the same entity is involved in the letters filled with white powder sent to both him and Donald Trump Jr. and his wife. Julian Assange has connected one fact, that these letters with white powder are targeting certain individuals and they are possibly from the same entity or individual.
Now Q stated that Big Pharma was behind the letter received by the Don Jr. family that sent his wife Vanessa to the hospital, but it's possible if Julian Assange is stating that these letters are similar...That the Clinton/Obama network could be using big pharma to target certain individuals with threats in the mail like these two letters sent to Don Jr. and Assange with white powder in the last couple of weeks. One thing is for sure now the same entity seems to be targeting individuals that are not liked by the Obama/Clinton network.

",1518607680,14/02/2018 11:28 8174114,3757691695,"

off Topic: re: Obama's portrait.

You've got to see this you tube. It explains everything.

Obama is painted with TWO RIGHT HANDS!!!! And this comes from the Habith, which is a Islamic LAW (in Jewish religion their law book is the Talmud)
It says: The wahabi God who has 2 right hands.

The painting was done by SLAVE labor in ASIA! The leaves are like xeroxed.

The painter puts semen in his paint. The actual meaning of the word flower means

The flowering and deflowering mentioned by Q and the anons : is Obama powerful god getting into the WH to 'deflower' the country and the world.


",1518614246,14/02/2018 13:17 8173055,3757804557,"

See, you are aware....just need that last red pill and follow Qanon for all the latest Intel and you're in!

",1518618747,14/02/2018 14:32 8177171,3757996619,

$$$$ makes for a Calm before the this what Q had in mind ?..

,1518625261,14/02/2018 16:21 8177255,3758000373,"

Ya know, I've been waiting for BREITBART.COM to get the information out on Q-ANON but nothing! This is the BIGGEST NEWS STORY IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, and all I see is a big fat nothing. So, I guess I'll break the story now.
If you want REAL NEWS, GO HERE: YouTube: q-anon/Jerome Corsi
When are people going to wake freaking frustrating.

",1518625345,14/02/2018 16:22 8168651,3758008108,"

More non-consequential news but HERE'S REAL NEWS..........
Ya know, I've been waiting for BREITBART.COM to get the information out on Q-ANON but nothing! This is the BIGGEST NEWS STORY IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, and all I see is a big fat nothing. So, I guess I'll break the story now.
If you want to know what REALLY HAPPENING, GO HERE:
YouTube: ""Q-Anon/Jerome Corsi""
When are people going to wake freaking frustrating.

",1518625508,14/02/2018 16:25 8176991,3758011642,

i wonder what Qanon will say about this

,1518625588,14/02/2018 16:26 8177255,3758012544,

i don't think i beliebe q-anon. seems like a LARPer.

,1518625622,14/02/2018 16:27 8174720,3758013965,"

Speaking of the Deep State:
Ya know, I've been waiting for BREITBART.COM to get the information out on Q-ANON but nothing! This is the BIGGEST NEWS STORY IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, and all I see is a big fat nothing. So, I guess I'll break the story now.
If you want REAL NEWS, GO HERE: YouTube: ""Q-Anon/Jerome Corsi""
When are people going to wake freaking frustrating.

",1518625676,14/02/2018 16:27 8171132,3758020056,"

Speaking of the Deep State: Which we weren't.....
Ya know, I've been waiting for BREITBART.COM to get the information out on Q-ANON but nothing! This is the BIGGEST NEWS STORY IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, and all I see is a big fat nothing. So, I guess I'll break the story now.
If you want REAL NEWS, GO HERE: YouTube: ""Q-Anon/Jerome Corsi""
When are people going to wake freaking frustrating.

",1518625899,14/02/2018 16:31 8177255,3758074042,"

Lots of jets flying into Gitmo these days, Q says it's at full capacity! OOPs....poor traitors they're getting justice!

Patriots, don't forget what Sessions said...he will NOT be announcing a THING!

",1518627874,14/02/2018 17:04 8177561,3758173017,"

Hmm, Q team has been silent, did they get taken out? Odd she'd say the President is on the brink after they go dark. Then there is the incident at No Such Agency. Interesting. . .

",1518631394,14/02/2018 18:03 8176979,3758234825,"

IW has been talking about this for years. Q recently. Pedogate is real. Hillary and the Rothschilds own the buildings around Comet Ping Pong. A Rothschild co owns Comet Ping Pong. Why? Why did the pizza parlor have those photos of kids on their website? No one put them there. That was not photoshopped of the owner and his friends with kids taped down and inexplicable inappropriate captions, huge sums of cash next to babies, and a baby with a close up of the same genetic eye mutation George Soros has as well as Madeleine McCann.

They were trafficking children. Why is the question.

",1518633551,14/02/2018 18:39 8176979,3758244758,"

Q - a Trump insider or team of insiders who post on Reddit. See the vids by Dr. Jerome Corsi for the best treatment of who Q is and what he/she/they are saying. Corsi works for IW and publishes on other sites. His vids are also on youtube. He's retired intelligence. He knows all the intel and DC shorthand so you don't have to research it yourself.

If you want to just jump into Q cold here it is. Warning that is the rabbit hole. Don't go there without a guide or unless you are a hobbit.

",1518633847,14/02/2018 18:44 8176979,3758246041,"

It's not just the UK, these pedophilia and murder crimes are happening worldwide. This is how the globalists control the politicians, those that commit crimes this egregious would rather die than to have their crimes exposed.
QAnon has been pointing out that there are US hotels being used in pedophilia crimes and they liquefy the children and flush them down the drain. And liberals like Adam Schiff knew all about it and did nothing.
The UK courts better convict these creeps, because we are going to expose the US politicians involved in the same crimes and it will ruin the UK courts credibility if they are involved in a coverup.

",1518633874,14/02/2018 18:44 8176979,3758260066,

And Q says if we knew the full truth we would all have to be hospitalized. So BRACE YOURSELVES PEOPLE. Prepare your hearts and minds.

,1518634218,14/02/2018 18:50 8176979,3758284373,"

Jerome Corsi YT videos, Q anon

",1518635106,14/02/2018 19:05 8177561,3758385722,"

Feb 12 2018 07:17:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo 87

The Inner Circle.
Mika Brzezinski.
McLean, Virginia.
The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control.
Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle.
Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest.
These people are really stupid.
End is near.
The media cleanse/JFK.


",1518638637,14/02/2018 20:03 8176979,3758393718,

Q-ANON/TRUMP (Go youtube it) IS SAYING THE EXACT THING!! Trump knows all about the Global Elite and that they're raping and MURDERING CHILDREN.....

,1518638930,14/02/2018 20:08 8176979,3758399006,"

Go YouTube: ""Q-Anon/Jerome Corsi""
President Trump IS Q-Anon and is trying desperately to get this information out to the public!!!!

",1518639116,14/02/2018 20:11 8177165,3758418509,

Fake News. Remember those lying women said it did not matter to them if Moore won or not they were going to still make him face justice. Ha Ha Ha. What a joke. Those woman one and all were caught lying. Not even just little lies but big @ss lies. Provable lies. I hope judge Moore hunts them down and takes them to court one and all. The democrats won't help them now. They are being destroyed. Go Q.

,1518639801,14/02/2018 20:23 8179286,3758431490,

And so Qanon was right again. Time to change the narrative. People are just pawns in this coup.

,1518640237,14/02/2018 20:30 8177561,3758431971,"

Her running her mouth like that at this point in time is proving Q is correct. Mika, you’re going down too hon...

",1518640252,14/02/2018 20:30 8167115,3758534013,"

Hey! Well, I am not familiar with QANON so I do not know if they are a reliable news source or not. I did a quick Google (not sure how reliable they are either) check and found an article from zero hedge that Mr. Trump signed an executive order in December freezing assets of ""foreign officials"", several tied to the Clinton's. Another article indicates the executive order was ""a catch-all to bankrupt the Bushes, Clinton's, Obama, deep state cabal, global mafia, and Soros"". Rationale was human rights abuses. This article did not say what has happened since December or if any assets had actually been frozen. Article is by Al Duncan. So I am not really sure what is going on. Soros has done great harm to our country also by funding Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc. I think if there was anything Mr. Trump could do, he would. He loves Great Britain and strongly supports Brexit, as he supports sovereignty of all nations. I do not know what his specific priorities are now. Next big fight with Congress will be over the illegal Mexicans known as DACA. The Marxist democrats despise him and I fear for his safety. We are uncovering so many crimes by obama and Hillary and the Democrats will do anything to stop this. Well, best wishes with Brexit. This is a very lengthy response, wish I had more specific info for you.

",1518643856,14/02/2018 21:30 8179286,3758568939,"

Two people shot, one dead after trying to ram NSA front gate in Fort Meade, MD
0 Comments Reports: Two men who tried to ram the gate at the NSA's main campus in Fort Meade, Maryland in a stolen Ford Escape were shot this morning by a security guard, according to the Baltimore Sun. One of the attempted intruders was killed, while the other was wounded. A security guard was also injured. Two men dressed as women who attempted to enter a gate at the NSA's campus at Fort Meade, MD in a stolen Ford Escape this morning were shot by a security guard, Bloomberg reports. One intruder was killed, the other wounded. A security guard was also injured. Maryland State Highway Administration has shut down MD 32 in both directions at Canine Road in response.
Well this isn't something you see everyday, where two men have been shot by security after trying to ram the main gate at the NSA in Fort Meade, MD this morning. One of the suspects is reported as dead. The question is what the hell was this event even about at the NSA in Maryland today, because it is possible that Q could be a group of NSA individuals...As Q is top secret security clearance inside the NSA.
​ However this could just be one of your many failed false flag attempts by the Deep State over the last couple of months, as many have failed including the missile alert out in Hawaii about a month ago. This must of been a very serious situation at the Fort Meade NSA, so was this a false flag attempt for a distraction...Or is the Deep State trying to take out Q, or maybe even steal classified information from the NSA that implicates people like Obama and Hillary in many crimes against the United States?

",1518645267,14/02/2018 21:54 8179286,3758646385,

Testing QANON theory?

,1518648718,14/02/2018 22:51 8179286,3758664893,"

Google Extends War on by Demonetizing QAnon Videos

QAnon attacks Eric Schmidt over censorship

Jerome Corsi | -
February 14, 2018

Image Credits: Bloomberg / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Google has decided to expand its war
to censor conservatives and libertarians, including, by
waging a campaign to demonetize videos and block Live Stream on Google
Channels daring to feature the intelligence agent QAnon posting on the
“8chan” bulletin boards. has received credible reports from Google users that
Google has also engaged in shadow-banning user channels that feature
videos discussing QAnon, as well as unsubscribing users from the channel
without informing the person creating the channel.

Various Google users have forwarded to credible
information that Google continues to post ads on demonetized QAnon
videos, allowing Google to derive revenue from the QAnon videos while
depriving the creators of the QAnon videos of deriving any ad revenue.

This author can affirm that Google has begun demonetizing all Live
Stream videos from discussions with the anonymous users participating in
broadcasts like @CBTS_stream, as is evidenced by the following screen
capture taken from Google user channel “jrlcorsi.”

President Trump and FCC Chair Ajit Pai are fully aware of the
efforts of the giant providers, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter
to censor the views of conservatives and libertarians, despite their
continued use of public broadband facilities to propagate their
increasingly anti-Trump hard-left ideological orientation with impunity. has reported
on a campaign begun by AT&T to begin posting under the hashtag
“Internet Bill of Rights” – #InternetBillofRights – urging Congress to
pass an Internet Bill of Rights in a campaign that was also openly
endorsed by QAnon on Jan. 25, in Post #625, listed as #60 on 8chan.

QAnon has been openly critical of Google’s censorship policies,
suggesting it was no coincidence that Eric Schmidt resigned from
Alphabet, Inc. almost simultaneously with President Trump signing
on Dec. 21, 2017, an Executive Order which declared a state of national
emergency, authorizing the Treasury Department to confiscate the U.S.
assets of those engaged in serious human trafficking crimes and/or
Google has a long history
of working with the CIA and NSA on research grants designed to advance
the capabilities of the two secretive U.S. intelligence agencies to
conduct electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, including the tracking
U.S. citizens’ communications in cyberspace via the Internet and via
cell phone, including tracking email and text message communications.

",1518649599,14/02/2018 23:06 8179286,3758665799,"

Deep State Manchurian shooter. They know Trump is winning, so first they down a plane in Russia with 71 aboard (including a top person who knows about Hillary's involvement with Uranium 1), and now another false flag. Q warned us there will be more.

They think that this will push things over the breaking point to repealing the 2-A??? Not a chance.

",1518649644,14/02/2018 23:07 8178830,3758689457,

Nah...the IOC distributed so many condoms for the Q U E E R S they destroyed a rain forest. Sinatra: Whoops there goes another rubber tree plant.

,1518650842,14/02/2018 23:27 8179286,3758694585,"

Google Extends War on by Demonetizing QAnon Videos

QAnon attacks Eric Schmidt over censorship

Jerome Corsi | -
February 14, 2018

Image Credits: Bloomberg / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Google has decided to expand its war
to censor conservatives and libertarians, including, by
waging a campaign to demonetize videos and block Live Stream on Google
Channels daring to feature the intelligence agent QAnon posting on the
“8chan” bulletin boards. has received credible reports from Google users that
Google has also engaged in shadow-banning user channels that feature
videos discussing QAnon, as well as unsubscribing users from the channel
without informing the person creating the channel.

Various Google users have forwarded to credible
information that Google continues to post ads on demonetized QAnon
videos, allowing Google to derive revenue from the QAnon videos while
depriving the creators of the QAnon videos of deriving any ad revenue.

This author can affirm that Google has begun demonetizing all Live
Stream videos from discussions with the anonymous users participating in
broadcasts like @CBTS_stream, as is evidenced by the following screen
capture taken from Google user channel “jrlcorsi.”

President Trump and FCC Chair Ajit Pai are fully aware of the
efforts of the giant providers, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter
to censor the views of conservatives and libertarians, despite their
continued use of public broadband facilities to propagate their
increasingly anti-Trump hard-left ideological orientation with impunity. has reported
on a campaign begun by AT&T to begin posting under the hashtag
“Internet Bill of Rights” – #InternetBillofRights – urging Congress to
pass an Internet Bill of Rights in a campaign that was also openly
endorsed by QAnon on Jan. 25, in Post #625, listed as #60 on 8chan.

QAnon has been openly critical of Google’s censorship policies,
suggesting it was no coincidence that Eric Schmidt resigned from
Alphabet, Inc. almost simultaneously with President Trump signing
on Dec. 21, 2017, an Executive Order which declared a state of national
emergency, authorizing the Treasury Department to confiscate the U.S.
assets of those engaged in serious human trafficking crimes and/or
Google has a long history
of working with the CIA and NSA on research grants designed to advance
the capabilities of the two secretive U.S. intelligence agencies to
conduct electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, including the tracking
U.S. citizens’ communications in cyberspace via the Internet and via
cell phone, including tracking email and text message communications.

",1518651107,14/02/2018 23:31 8179286,3758705673,"

The deep State seems to be at it again. Their goal is to take away guns. They know that the US is one of the last remaining nations that stands in the way of their NWO. There was a school drill for a scenerio of a shooter today, there was a drill the day of Sandy Hook, The day of 9/11, the day of the Boston Marathon. All had simulated drills going on. If Trump will start arresting the #DeepState criminals a great deal of this would stop. QAnon said to expect more False Flags. Wow he was right on. My heart goes out to the people.

",1518651673,14/02/2018 23:41 8180054,3758842467,"

Qanon asks why no tweets from the Clintons about the shooting today!!!

Feb 14 2018 20:34:20
ID: 0245cc


Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today?
Do you believe in EVIL?
Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE.

",1518659137,15/02/2018 01:45 8179286,3758846709,"

Qanon is asking why no tweets from the Clintons, Obama and others about the school shooting today! Q says they will all pay!

",1518659396,15/02/2018 01:49 8179286,3758847976,"

Where? Last post from qanon shown on dated feb 12

",1518659474,15/02/2018 01:51 8177171,3758852963,"


",1518659770,15/02/2018 01:56 8177171,3758853626,"

Educate yourself spanky:


",1518659810,15/02/2018 01:56 8177171,3758854602,"

Yeah, we understand:

",1518659868,15/02/2018 01:57 8180837,3758989467,"

If anyone is interested; one of the Q Anon followers on YouTube just posted a picture of Nicholas Cruz wearing an AntiFa shirt on the Laguna Beach AntiFa twitter site. It shows @ 3:15 or so...Like I said before, they are recruiting these kids from a Facebook / Google database.

",1518669849,15/02/2018 04:44 8180582,3759006395,"

Point that finger of blame at the Dims, please. This is a link to one of the Q Anon followers page who found a picture of Nicholas Cruz wearing an AntiFa shirt on the Laguna Beach AntiFa twitter site... The pic is @ about 3:15.

",1518671449,15/02/2018 05:10 8179286,3759086329,

Shep Smith is a Q u e e r. Tried to hit on/rape a married buddy of mine. Seriously.

,1518679066,15/02/2018 07:17 8179286,3759107137,

Many military flights going out on the east coast yesterday.
In the exact moment a member of the Q team was posting military code on greatawakening.

,1518681043,15/02/2018 07:50 8178830,3759120627,"

Don’t know. Haven’t watched. Won’t. Former pro mogul and free rider talking here. What a shame. Hung up my sticks after many of my friends and mentors died bc they kept taking ridiculous risks. Many retired, or “hung ‘em up” for obvious reasons. Why I don’t want my son playing football but don’t want him to be pansy, either. Taught him skiing basics. Way more than basics. Time for him to determine limits as I did.

But flaming activist Q UE ERS on skates l won’t tolerate.

",1518682242,15/02/2018 08:10 8178830,3759126324,

Typical lefty Q U E E R boy. Go skate to your safe space F A G.

,1518682753,15/02/2018 08:19 8180624,3759236051,

There was an attempt to take him out in mid-January. YOU did not see this on MSM. BUT it was on the Q board.

,1518691525,15/02/2018 10:45 8177561,3759494753,"

QAnon doesn't mention many people by name, usually initials, but they/he mentioned her specifically a couple of days ago. Like Joe's dark past, (dead intern found in his office), what skeletons does she have?

The inner circle
Mika Brzezinski
McLean, Virginia
The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control
Majority today were 'born in' to the circle
Investigate those in front of the camera that
Scream the loudest
These people are really stupid
End in near
The media cleanse/JFK


",1518704138,15/02/2018 14:15 8177561,3759568134,

DJT is draining the evil swamp but these media people are preaching to their trained sheep while keeping them ignorant of what's really happened. Q anon < search or YouTube it.

,1518706580,15/02/2018 14:56 8173604,3759740741,"

The Q was who was the
oversight to E-verify.
""It is the Federal gov.""

",1518712562,15/02/2018 16:36 8184299,3759838397,

Twitter Q anon. Dropping red pills on the normal phaggs.

,1518715796,15/02/2018 17:29 8184299,3759876705,

I just took a second and looked on the PATHETIC SCUM CNN website.

These people are SICK using children's death to force their political smear machine.

Just wait till next week until the fake Mueller leaks come out according to Q.

Sickening liars. I hope he is right - they do in fact seem extremely DUMB.

,1518717030,15/02/2018 17:50 8184299,3760025976,"

lol. No we arent. We had to pass a shooting course with a score of 80% with 50 rounds (meaning we had to hit the Q target with 40 rounds). We started at 25 yards and worked our way up to 3 yards. Most people (civilians), with a bit of training, could accomplish that.

",1518721547,15/02/2018 19:05 8170598,3760146308,"

The pedo globalists everywhere are trying to destabilize the West via abortion, lowered reproduction, gender psychosis and especially mass importation of non-American and low IQ immigrants. If one can imagine a false flag motivation behind an event, it would fit yesterday's school shooting to a T. The kid is certainly psychotic and dangerous, but it also would not take much at all to push him over the edge. The CIA certainly could do this. I follow Q and I no longer believe there is anyone good or pro-American in the CIA at all but certainly (as with the FBI and State Dept.) not among the officials. I hope every last one of them is taken down or taken out. There are way too many of these incidents happening and it's all being stirred up overtly and covertly, IMHO. The ""media"" is very complicit but so are all the liars and domestic enemies in Congress.

",1518725181,15/02/2018 20:06 8184740,3760225140,"

The Obama's just had their portraits unveiled at the Smithsonian. The artist chosen by Obama for his painting; Kehinde Wiley, always includes SPERM throughout his paintings... Unbelievable! This link is from a Q Anon follower and she has a great video to show it as well as yesterday's shooter wearing an AntiFa shirt on an AntiFa twitter channel:

",1518727824,15/02/2018 20:50 8185568,3760483468,"

Q Anon: “Learn to Read the Map” A Cartography
of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps,
Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees


",1518737554,15/02/2018 23:32 8185631,3760510587,"

LeBron - you are making a fool out of yourself. Keep your mouth shut and play ball. We walked away from the Browns and NFL over the kneeling garbage and we can kill the Cavs in a minute. The County is investing $200 million of our tax dollars in the Q but you could ruin everything in a Cleveland minute. If you insult the President and the Flag, you and the Cavs are dead meat. This is not California, land of liberal clowns.

",1518738995,15/02/2018 23:56 8183951,3760554267,"

I hope I have another thirty years to follow it. I have always been interested in sports medicine and what allows career longivity. We could name a number of Q.B.s from the last thirty years who played a small number of minutes early in their careers, but had long careers. Tebow is a rather unique guy. He excelled in college football. He is competitive in more than one sport. He is a hard worker. He has a chance in an new football league. Talent dillution would help his chances. I see no need to argue the probability that his knees would be better than someone playing eighty plays a game and huge number of practice hits each year.

",1518741362,16/02/2018 00:36 8184350,3760604503,"

Q-Anon has suggested that at least some journos get 4am talking points emailed to them which come from bad actors in the CIA looking to control the narrative.

The only one named to date was Liberal Joe's girlfriend Mika who Q said was just one example of someone born into the globalist agenda while other journos had been co-opted.

But Q says the other propagandists will eventually be unveiled because Trump's admin, which controls the NSA, knows all.

",1518744146,16/02/2018 01:22 8186138,3760709012,"

HE WONT GO AWAY=> obammo Calls For Gun Control After Florida Shooting – Twitter Responds

obammo tweeted, “We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.”

Nikolas Cruz was allegedly reported to the FBI in September after he left a comment on a bail bondsman’s YouTube channel saying that he was going to be a “professional school shooter.”

The FBI barely followed up on the tip. Then the FBI came out and said they couldn’t identify “Nikolas Cruz” after the YouTube threat even though his profile was all over social media.

But this is a ‘gun problem’ according to deranged leftists.

Trump supporters responded.

Replying to @BarackObama
You were President for 8 years.
You failed
You are not President anymore
You had your chance
You failed
Go away and let a real #POTUS lead

You destroyed the @FBI and other three letter agencies #GreatAwakening #WeThePeopleDemandJustice #QAnon
Next time think twice before you waste the FBI resources investigating a political opponent
You, sir, have no right to say anything, as you are responsible for so many deaths in the USA. #ProjectCassandra #Hezbollah #FastAndFurious , not to mention leaving our borders wide open, allowing criminals and terrorists into our country.

PULSE NIGHTCLUB, iz-lamic muz-lim terrorist.
and you keep bringing them in

",1518750633,16/02/2018 03:10 8184740,3760817194,"

The shooting was a Deep State operation. You tweeted sweet Happy Valentine to your man Michelle as a big middle finger to President Trump and the American People to change the focus of the Media off of you being outed for running the spying on President Trump right after the shooting. 'Make No Mistake YOU WILL PAY"". That was a quote from Q not me. No threat from me.

",1518759740,16/02/2018 05:42 8184740,3761096950,"

According to ""Qanon Posts"", Obama has Lawyer-ed up and is waiting to see what cell he gets at Gitmo.

",1518780580,16/02/2018 11:29 8183669,3761200684,

further evidence that qanon posts are legit.

,1518785462,16/02/2018 12:51 8186486,3761206494,

Qanon is Military Intel Army...he is real. There was a copy of Military Intel from where he posted a message. He is real.

,1518785710,16/02/2018 12:55 8187182,3761278901,"

We'll find out. It (especially the CIA and FBI) is responsible for many false flags, plane and helo crashes. Follow Q if you are at all curious; otherwise bury your head in the sand. If you think everything isn't coordinated and timed to a big extent, you're in for a real, hard shock. You and all the other clueless ones. I didn't believe, either, but evidence is mounting daily.

",1518788623,16/02/2018 13:43 8186486,3761352623,"

I read on a Q drop it's 13, that means hrc could have 200+, Barry 150+...and so on...podesta 700+

",1518791306,16/02/2018 14:28 8186486,3761373406,"

Soros Backed Pro-Mass Migration NGO Has Funds Frozen Amidst Sex Abuse, Fraud Claims

Now that's a headline that I love to see!!!!!

That sync's right up with Q memos!

",1518792037,16/02/2018 14:40 8188229,3761384275,"

When I was a kid, I got into the jar of matches the parents had. I lit one and got burned - of course! I wanted to sue the maker of matches and now demand all matches stop being made!
My sis was in a car accident- Cars ought to be banned! they kill people! Drunks get in them and mow down innocent kids!
Weed whackers my neighbor got hurt running his, BAN all weed whackers!
Now this, The answer? Ban all schools! Kids and anyplace the want to gather make illegal.
BTW why was the Secret Service there last week? Doing drills? FBI told, but them? Too busy protecting HRC, BHO, DWS, TP, Q told us last week there was going to be violence and distractions. So? Why was the SS there last week? Because. like Vegas they knew something was about to happen??

",1518792417,16/02/2018 14:46 8186486,3761388142,"

Thanks Q.... I want them punished in some way. I do not know how our system can accomplish it. Perhaps the non-activist side of the Supreme Court? Publicly shaming them probably would not work. Look at the 9th Circuit! Constantly overturned. But they keep at it it and they are, I would guess, shopped.

",1518792553,16/02/2018 14:49 8188229,3761399743,"

As Q says the loudest voices are the one that have something to hide.

What is in jimmy kimmel's closet?

We now know Robert De Niro was caught using the elite services of prostitution ring that caters to well connected people and offers them underage kids.

The files of clients' names seized by the police are said to include many well-known members of the sports and show-business jet-set on both sides of the Atlantic. The only names to emerge so far are De Niro, Fibak and the French film producer, Alain Sarde.

Is this why Robert De Niro is screaming so loud?

",1518792958,16/02/2018 14:55 8188229,3761444023,"

Go to this Q link to see some crumbs about shooter possibly having ""therapy"". Being targeted. Big Pharma,...etc,...if it's what I think it is,....very cynical and beyond evil. These mentally ill people/shooters possibly targeted to get MK Ultra style programming.

",1518794494,16/02/2018 15:21 8185298,3761471906,"

The dirtiest secret of all the globalists is pedophilia AND WORSE. (Yes, there's worse.) These are the people PDJT is targeting for asset confiscation and deep-sixing in dark holes never to be seen again. Anyone following Q knows it's happening NOW.

",1518795457,16/02/2018 15:37 8186792,3761472609,"

An Intelligence entity calling himself/themselves QAnon have been posting on a site called 8Chan on the internet. Q is close to Trump (as proven by Trump repeating Q's comments in his tweets) Q tells us Trump, Sessions, Mattis, and Rex Tillerson have been on top of DC government corruption since before the election. Just because we have not seen Hillary Clinton marched in handcuffs down the Capitol steps doesn't mean she and all the rest of the rats are in the clear.
Q says, Guantanamo Bay cages are full and another prison is being prepped for business.
Trump is adding a medical clinic to Gitmo and expanding its capacity to the tune of $50 million. Take heart. He ain't doing it for nothin'.

",1518795483,16/02/2018 15:38 8188175,3761495305,

Lucky for Pence that Q broke his hand. Who knows where that hand has been.

,1518796285,16/02/2018 15:51 8186792,3761524188,"

NO---when the money dried up!!! The propaganda machine - MSM - was getting paid millions and millions of dollars from the Consumer Financial Protection Board.

The CFPB is the only agency that WE THE PEOPLE cannot control. This commy-type agency designed by Sen Elizabeth Warren (MA-dem) grabs money left and right from the Fed Reserve and has been paying Newsweek, CNN etc million and millions and millions!

Well...TADA-A-A-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q said....GOOD no more money to these fake news people!!!! see:

Feb 15 2018 15:09:29
ID: 6d0fd8
Consumer Protection Agency.
Sen Warren.

",1518797304,16/02/2018 16:08 8188229,3761541804,"

DNC/Democrats busted using Florida school victims as bait to raise cash



The Gateway Pundit Reports: On Thursday,
the DNC blasted out an email, signed by DNC Chair Tom Perez asking
people to sign a petition, which states, “Tell Congress: Take Action to
Prevent Gun Violence”. Any individual who fills out their name, email
address and zip code is prompted to a donation page asking for money.
“Chip in to help Democrats take on the gun lobby” is splashed in big
blue letters at the top of the donation page. “We’re counting on you to
help take on the gun lobby and elect Democrats who have the courage to
address the epidemic of gun violence. Chip in now.” Donations start at
$10 and go up to $2,000. There is also a blank box where a person can
choose the amount they would like to contribute.

The Democrat Party and DNC rears it's ugly face to the
American people once again, using the victims of the Florida school
shooting/possible false flag to raise cash for the DNC. Like Q has
stated a multitude of times...These people are sick, and now the DNC is
using school shooting victims to raise cash for political gains.
Wait...Does this give us a possible hint that top Democrats are perhaps
behind the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, this asking for cash
into the DNC using the Florida school shooting victims as bait should
probably be investigated.
​ Then again
like the shooter...Federal officials will never investigate this as
well. The DNC and Democrats in DC just once again proved to the American
people just how sick and evil this party is, by using the Florida
school shooting victims as bait to gain financial benefit.

",1518797923,16/02/2018 16:18 8189231,3761656933,

QAnonQ confirms to ANON through that 8chan post 382225 correctly identifies 'APACHE as a secure drop box that Mueller and CIA use to give narratives to the #MSM for lying to us about our Nation. #MAGA #QAnon #TheStormHasArrived @POTUS #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon8Chan

,1518801808,16/02/2018 17:23 8188979,3761657383,"

But the amount of ammo was significant and from what I know probably weighed 50 lbs or more. That bag was big and damn heavy. Not blaming the driver, but wouldn't you be a little suspicious or ask what was in there that weighed so much. Just general Q & A.

",1518801822,16/02/2018 17:23 8185298,3761660727,"

I love watching the pedo rings come tumbling down. Q is right, it is happening.

",1518801930,16/02/2018 17:25 8189231,3761664227,

Dont tell us you follow Q?

,1518802038,16/02/2018 17:27 8189705,3761677497,"

tHE FBI (( FRIENDS - BROTHERS AND IN - LAWS )) is at it again, blowing the fact this kid could have been stopped from the ** MASS MURDER **. ///////////////////////////
Where and what is this ** SO CALLED ** astute group if or LEGAL INVESTIGATION GROUP doing to protect ou9r US of A??????????????????? IN my book, they are out to push POTUS TRUMP and the REPUBLICANS out of office, when they were duly elected by JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTERS. hillary Babe and OBOOOOOMAS - THE MAGNIFICENT FARCE - are the ones who want the OVAL OFFICE sot bad they can taste it, but, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN has said different. //////////////////////////// Take what the CITIZENS gave you and like it. come back in 2020 . /////////////////////////////////

",1518802464,16/02/2018 17:34 8189231,3761737389,"

He's President Trumps right hand man, NOT! your credibilty is now zip. Anyone who believes in Q is a smuck

",1518804342,16/02/2018 18:05 8189792,3761738610,

All Intel agencies are avid communist democrats.. I'm going to trust Q in the fact that the only people that are WITH Trump are the most important - The US Military.

,1518804382,16/02/2018 18:06 8189279,3761764114,

Trump needs to publicly announce and create a department and communicate this to the people.
Create a study come up with a Q & A of all scenarios ALL scenarios in plain language - I think most people are not up to speed on this topic. Its needs to be better communicated.

,1518805197,16/02/2018 18:19 8188229,3761801296,

This asswipe cries on Q. don't you have a dreidle to play with?

,1518806398,16/02/2018 18:39 8189705,3761839580,"

Dear John Q Public,
Pull your heads out of your rears. The FBI can't act because even this turd has rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th amendments. There are no laws and there is no legislation that that gives the FBI or even local law enforcement ""probable cause"" to take any actions. In addition years of frivolous law suits have paralyzed school officials, municipal authorities, medical professionals and even parents from taking proactive action. This goes way beyond the 2nd Amendment rights and involves laws that impact the amendments listed as well as major tort reforms so the blood sucking lawyers and legislating judges do not pre-empt proactive actions and doing the right thing. The blood sucking lawyers in congress need to legislate and the public needs to force them to do so on the right issues.

",1518807632,16/02/2018 19:00 8188838,3761871255,

John Q. Public.

,1518808687,16/02/2018 19:18 8184707,3761898317,"

More propaganda from these swine.

Let's see how the NY Times does its sexual propaganda.

The Blaze reported on August 15th, 2010 that a gay man–Richard Berke–is now the national editor and part of a so-called ""gay mafia""–which includes Ben Brantley, Frank Bruni, Stuart Elliot, Adam Nagourney, and Eric Wilson–hold key positions at the paper.

This kind of LGBT and Q propaganda is what The Blaze calls ""the gay mafia"" editors and staff call news.

Their real agenda—as openly stated at the first year celebration of the Stonewall gay rebellion is to destroy the family unit and promote sexual anarchy;

""Just Do It.""

A NY Times Sunday magazine feature article ""What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn,"" is actually a subterfuge for actually teaching teen readers all about vulgar, perverted, and sado-masochistic, sex in pornography. The article is more like a college course ""Pornography 101.""

A small sampling in recent months of the NY Times LGBT and Q pervert propaganda and promotion of recent articles on sexual perversion, scatological filth, titillation, paraphilia, and general sex revulsion—often two or more a day—include:

• Fifty Shades of Fever Ray [Sado-Masochist and Kinky Sex]

• Breaking [Children's] Gender Stereotypes in The Toy Box

• What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn [Pornography 101]

• I Was Tortured in Gay Conversion Therapy

• My Dead Dad's Porno Tapes

• 'Queers Eye' Aims to Make America Gay [-Friendly] Again

• A Recovering Sex and Porn Addict Tells All

• If a Neighbor Sees You [a man] Naked Do You have To Cover Up?

• How To Write About Sex

• We Have To Get Naked

• Sex Toy Shops Switched On a Feminist Revolution

• She’s Preoccupied With Your Bathroom Habits

• An ""Our Town"" With Sex Offenders

• In ""Draw a Circle"" a Girl Becomes a Man

• What Homoerotic Videos Can Teach Us Abut Modern Russia

• RuPaul's Drag Race

• Birth Control Your Own Adventure

• We Need Bodice-Ripper Sex-Ed

• Here’s How to Deal With Men (Thawk!) Dominatrix Academy

• Could She Let Her Son Be Himself [as a girl]?

• Is This the Golden Age of Drag? Yes. And No.

• What Did You Do With Your Pussy Hat?

• That's What Ze Said (Gender bender pronouns)

• I Got Gay Married. I Got Gay Divorced.

• A Novelist's Requiem for The Male Libido

• Coming Out in Lebanon

• The Risks of Traveling While Queer

• Gay Australian Politician Proposes During Same-Sex Marriage Debate

• Beyond the Drag Event Horizon

• I'm a Lesbian Who Hates Cats. I'm Going To Die Alone

• Boss Grab Your Breasts?

• When Eve and Eve Bit The Apple

• The Unexamined [gay] Brutality of the Male Libido

• Finally Putting Some Fun in Erectile Dysfunction

• It’s a Gay, Gay, Gay Government

• His [a 10-year-old boy's] Eye Makeup is Way Better Than Yours

• Rites of Passage: My Vagina is Terrific

• The First Time I Ever Tried a Tampon

• My Wife is Done With Sex. Can I Turn Elsewhere?

• Twitter Has a Transgender Problem

• The Feminist Pioneers Making Provocative Art About Sex

• Germany Embraces a Third Gender. What’s Next?

• When a Student Says, ‘I’m Not a Boy or a Girl’

• Modern Love: Who's Allowed to Hold Hands? [about lesbians]

• When Transgender Trumps Treachery

• The Women Disrupting the Sex Toy

• Why Frankenstein’s Monster Haunts Queer Art

• Republican Gay Freakout

• The Gay Architects of Classic Rock

• Transgender Inmate Accuses Suffolk County of Unfair Medical Treatment

• A Condom-Maker’s Discovery: Size Matters

• Amateur college prostitute who sold silicone molds of her vagina!

• Brazil erotic sex park

• Comment on transgender bathrooms by Caitlyn Jenner

(who has male genitalia)

• Phallus Art Brings Luck in Bhutan

• Wane of Gay Dance Clubs

• Epic nudes in spas and bath houses

• Mapplethorpe gay photos (even gays say are beyond perverted)

• Women of Sex Tech, Unite (Vibrators, Masturbation Workshops, etc.)

• Cross-Dressers Gladly Pay to Get in Touch with Their Feminine Side

• Looking at gay movies before Stonewall

• Gay son brings boyfriend home

• ''For Children of Gays, Marriage Brings Joy'' Two Fathers,

With One Happy to Stay at Home fake woman

• Transgender Gigi Gorgeous next top model

• Transgender bathroom hysteria

• Transgender tells about her plastic surgery

• Honoring Her Transgender Uncle

• Reality show ""Naked and Afraid""

• Building a Better Father (without a mother)

• Gay U.S. ambassador on gay prejudice in Dominican Republic

• Gay Latino partner at Goldman's

• Between Playboys Pages

• Caitlyn Jenner playing golf

• Sext and the Single Girl

• Field Guide to (gay) Male Intimacy

• Dreaming of Gay Rights in Delhi.

• What Americans Get Wrong About Porn

• A wearable vibrator for couples.

• How to Save Your Sperm

• Voters love Lesbians

• Etc., etc., etc.

The NY Times is no longer known as ""The Old Gray Lady"" but ""The Old Gay Lady.""

Even gays say the NY Times has replaced ""The Advocate, the gay propaganda rag that promotes the LGBT and Q perversion agenda.

How many other covert pro-LGBT biased people are there on staff?

This not journalism.

This is NY Times, Russian Pravda-style, propaganda and brainwashing for its readers to accept these perversions as moral.

They are not.

",1518809598,16/02/2018 19:33 8188832,3761913457,

I'm rooting for Q to find a way to sweep this guy up in The Storm and take him off the world stage.

,1518810117,16/02/2018 19:41 8189777,3761968971,

We have proof Qanon

,1518812055,16/02/2018 20:14 8188436,3761976299,


,1518812319,16/02/2018 20:18 8189777,3761996733,

you know what Q said about this? He said it was to silence voter fraud.

And that voter fraud was ON THE PART OF THE DEMS-in my opinion Mueller is shutting the squealers up

,1518813073,16/02/2018 20:31 8186486,3762031966,"

They are SEALED indictments. We don't know who they are for. According to Q, at lest Huma Abedin has been interviewed at CIA headquarters. That's all we know. And Trump has publically announced that he asked Gitmo to be prepared to receive high level prisoners. There has, by the way, been increased activity at Gitmo.

",1518814429,16/02/2018 20:53 8190677,3762067704,

What a BS FAKE Investigation. I want to see what QANON has to say about this...he is Military Intelligence-Army! He is REAL. He posted some military codes and a poster found the exact same codes/coordinates on official Army Intelligence memo. WINNING.

,1518815859,16/02/2018 21:17 8189777,3762106416,"

Gee I wonder what 2/17/18 will bring, let me check Q Anon...

",1518817476,16/02/2018 21:44 8189777,3762107017,

Im loving the breakdown of the so called alt right....but but Q said ... lol....fools.

,1518817502,16/02/2018 21:45 8190671,3762126630,

This is a rogue government. Help us Q-anon. Do you have any pull? We need the military in California to start enforcing laws

,1518818399,16/02/2018 21:59 8190677,3762186640,

Nation-wide election fraud investigation will begin soon according to Q. Dems peeing their pants.

,1518821376,16/02/2018 22:49 8190677,3762190670,

So..Qanon was right?

,1518821584,16/02/2018 22:53 8190677,3762200251,"

Sounds crazy, but there have been all kinds of rumors swirling that Trump actually won the 2016 election by a country mile. Now Q posts information that DHS has found several million illegal ballots and several million mishandled legal ballots.

This could get interesting.

",1518822054,16/02/2018 23:00 8189777,3762202532,

What do you think about Q?

,1518822177,16/02/2018 23:02 8190683,3762215538,"

Not joshing. I would never do that. qanon reveal, just not sure of the timestamp. posts are cryptic. follow qanon and dilly...can see some in you tube, some search, but use private window.

",1518822863,16/02/2018 23:14 8190671,3762236249,"

California is such a shittt hole, keep all those illegals there and don’t let them out. I will never set foot in such a scum hole. Pho Q imbeciles, it’s time you stop being a state, build a fuhking wall around your garbage pit and keep all the leftists and illegals in.

",1518823979,16/02/2018 23:32 8186627,3762249882,"

Pho Q, Steve Nash. Get out of America and move back to Canaduh or South Afrika, you cockhead.

",1518824715,16/02/2018 23:45 8190677,3762320760,


,1518828390,17/02/2018 00:46 8191670,3762321310,

Why didn't Q see this happening today?

,1518828421,17/02/2018 00:47 8191670,3762443647,

Dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Q already said checkmate.

,1518836204,17/02/2018 02:56 8189585,3762506176,"

Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper, 1991 tells about his Intel briefings going back to the early 1970s about rogue agents using shooters in schools that are mentally ill and PROGRAMMED.

QANON in today's post is saying ""Watch London, bombing coming."" Q is Military Intel, Army! He is real.

You can read his daily postings through this link, just refresh at the bottom left corner of the site.

",1518841242,17/02/2018 04:20 8189882,3762507859,

Not sure exactly. Q keeps telling him it's time to come home because he's a liability for the CIA and they will kill him.

,1518841397,17/02/2018 04:23 8189777,3762534659,

What do I know about Q?

,1518843959,17/02/2018 05:05 8187659,3762707482,"

When you rig an election in order to give yourself the power to transform the country into something that violates of the Constitution, that's treason. It's an overthrow of the duly elected government through fraud. The founders were very careful about how the Constitution could be changed, because the Constitution is the sovereign of the nation. The written will of the people. Their plan included the altering of the constitution and the removal of the 2nd amendment. Rigged results to support this agenda.

The plan included creating war in order to send in soldiers and depopulate the US. And using open borders to flood the country with illegals to change the electorate. It also included the removal of the electoral college in favor of a national popular vote, because it was easier to rig elections that way. And removing generals and military leaders that opposed them. And finally keeping the public blind to what was really happening. It's treason.

",1518862819,17/02/2018 10:20 8187659,3762714113,"

Unless he's doing his work in secret in order to keep his enemies off guard while putting on a show for the public that makes him look like he's sitting around doing nothing.
QAnon seems to trust Sessions,Trump hasn't fired him, and the IG under Sessions command is doing amazing work. I'll withhold my judgement for now, because there is probably a lot we don't know about going on behind the scenes.

",1518863465,17/02/2018 10:31 8187659,3762738440,"

That number of sealed indictments is not too far out of the ordinary, but yes that's a real possibility. QAnon is saying the Gitmo cages are already full and they are preparing another prison to house all the criminals they are going to be rounding up soon.

",1518865603,17/02/2018 11:06 8188973,3762762372,"

RE: Qanon

I've been watching the Qanon boards.
I went to the Qanon twitter page.
This is a navy service person who has a fondness
for the movie All the President's Men
because his internet identity in other areas is
Jeremy Robards. (This was the best
supporting actor playing the part
of Ben Bradlee.)
The web address is:

He/she usually speaks in riddles, but lately, his/her
posts have been TOTALLY scary and pointed.

First, our navy intelligence hero posted:
And then there was indication of something
going to happen in New York City. Well,
that something was in the news: some crazy with all the
makings of another bomb for that city. The NYPD
got him, thank God.

Then our navy hero posted on twitter:
Two pictures and asked ""WHAT IS THIS?""
So when hunting on the internet, I found the place
where he/she copy/pasted from.
I entered into google search
""silo head for missile underwater near Point Mugu CA""
AND LO AND BEHOLD, our navy guy's/gal's
pictures showed up! Fourth row down, 2nd from
the right. The pictures were an identical MATCH.

So now I see that the picture match has moved.
It is now in the second row, 1st one from the left.
It is an underwater picture that looks like a
small table, with about six legs, sitting next
to a hillside.
I do think this also was the place that the 'missile'
was fired into the sky back in 2010 from about
35 miles off shore.
(So, I just went back again...and the pic moved once more!
You need to see the pictures first on the navy hero's twitter
page to know what I am talking about. Then you can scan
the pictures and see the match.)

ONWARD: I've learned now, after more research, that this picture is not
a silo, but a secret AREA 51-type military base.
The one in the picture posted is probably not functional
anymore, that is why the location and picture were
unclassified. But we can assume that there are other
similar bases around the globe.
Here is that finding:
I know it says ""UFO"", but we all know that those are just experiments
from the military and not from outer space. At least we SHOULD
know that.
Scan down past the Neil deGrasse Tyson video, about 3/4s down the page.

Later, the navy hero posted on twitter:
another picture of some palm fronds, and the sky.
The words were ""JUST WAITING.""

Okay...this is my thoughts on all of this AND IT SHOULD
be ALARMING as it is for me:

The USA military is on extremely high alert. They are
waiting for some missile attack....IN COMING!!!

I think the nation needs to be aware of this.
I think that people should not get all crazy, deer-in-headlights
frozen...BUT should think about some kind of preparation.

Hawaii already had their day of fear from the accident
emergency broadcast...and are they even thinking about
what they would do? Honestly, I do not think so.

I'm old. I remember drills for such during the JFK years
and the Cuban missile crisis. America was rallied and
preparing then...just in case.

I really think people need to WAKE UP. THINK.
START TALKING about more important things than
all this fake news. Fake Porter stuff.

It is kind of like in Noah's day. The people that laughed,
what happened to them?

BB ------YOUR REPORTERS CAN HELP...get informed, dig
for the people of this nation and get the facts from
good wake up the people and help
ready them.

The more people who are awake...the better we all will be.

The easy to read Qanon boards are here:

There are explaining video's on youtube. Go to that site and search for
Qanon. You can filter on the upper right-hand side for today's posted videos
or 'last weeks' posted videos.

You can watch Brenden Dilley, who seems to be a go-between explaining person.
He seems to be getting 'intel drops'. He just reads these without much commenting.
It is just a passing of more explaining directly from the navy hero/Q.

I see there are intel drops there now which I had not yet seen.

",1518867297,17/02/2018 11:34 8190800,3762797628,"

Are you, Q, trying to talk in cryptics? The agency has definitely become weaponized, for sure. It has some great people working for it, but it also has some absolute, tyrannical clowns with guns and badges. It definitely needs a server house cleaning, but that can only be done with 2 things:

reversing the collective bargaining agreements/unions that protect them

getting a REAL COP in there, to clean house, not some career DC Swamp creature beholden to the same treacherous politicians that have ruined this county and their donors

",1518869695,17/02/2018 12:14 8190827,3762852237,"

BREAKING NEWS – NSA Reports Massive Voter Fraud in 2016 election.
Million of Illegals voted illegally in 2016 election. Millions of
Register Voters Votes were suppressed. 30 County’s investigated and
Millions of Votes have been determined Fraudulent.

Read the NSA Report yourself posted by QAnon.

",1518872878,17/02/2018 13:07 8178542,3762863683,"

BREAKING NEWS – NSA Reports Massive Voter Fraud in 2016 election.
Million of Illegals voted illegally in 2016 election. Millions of
Register Voters Votes were suppressed. 30 County’s investigated and
Millions of Votes have been determined Fraudulent.

Read the NSA Report yourself posted by QAnon.


",1518873496,17/02/2018 13:18 8193137,3762950559,"


Qanon analysis.

This I found as a posting from MajorIce on reddit D0T C0M
it is on the greatawakening thread/board

posting title:

Q 778 Drop, does it provide date for Q 777

Something will happen in March 2018 Future Proves past
on or near Palm Sunday?

Use arrows in upper right hand corner to see three intl pictures

",1518877801,17/02/2018 14:30 8187659,3763154553,"

Bill Cooper said a lot of things that sounded 100% insane a few years ago. Now what he said doesn't sound like he was too far off. I'm amazed at the parallels between Bill Cooper and what QAnon has been saying. Except the parts about UFOs, it could have come from the same person.

",1518886401,17/02/2018 16:53 8193500,3763155623,

I have a hard time watching the old TNG shows that have Whoopi in it. She's repulsive. Q should have dispatched her in season 2 when he had the chance.

,1518886448,17/02/2018 16:54 8193785,3763186643,"

US Senate held a hearing on CIA's MK Ultra in 1977, full doc included



Here is the Full 1977 Senate hearing doc on CIA's MK Ultra. The idiots would call this a conspiracy theory, but with the FBI's major ignoring of tips on threats months prior to major mass shootings like Florida...This may be the confirmation of MK Ultra being behind a multitude of mass shootings in America to push for Gun Control. Think about every mass shooter you can think of like Nikolas Cruz in Parkland Florida have all been on mind control drugs known as psychiatric drugs from big pharma. Not only that but Q has also confirmed this in a post today.

",1518887814,17/02/2018 17:16 8186603,3763213971,"

Any of the Q reports should be questioned. Like citing ""Anonymous"".

",1518888982,17/02/2018 17:36 8193785,3763366707,

The Second American Revolution. Research Q anon if you have the guts. Learn and become a part of the revolution.

,1518895841,17/02/2018 19:30 8193866,3763478184,

See my Q post below. He is Army Intelligence.

,1518901202,17/02/2018 21:00 8193866,3763479417,

Qanon on 8chan.

,1518901265,17/02/2018 21:01 8193866,3763480558,"

",1518901323,17/02/2018 21:02 8193866,3763487078,

Start reading Q for he has been dropping crumbs and things happen.

,1518901654,17/02/2018 21:07 8193356,3763506787,"

Feb 15 2018 14:30:51Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 8ec7df388363

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.
Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'.
'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.
Science Fiction?

",1518902663,17/02/2018 21:24 8193500,3763595701,"

Homo sapiens is a species, not a race, you are merely doubling down on your cult's doctrine.
Hint, genetic tests can tell you your race Q.E.D. it is not a social construct. If you don't believe me you should take it up with the court system, they rely on this tech. after all.

",1518907433,17/02/2018 22:43 8187659,3763752618,

QAnon is fake. He is trying to distract people from what really matters - like Sessions' incompetence.

,1518917084,18/02/2018 01:24 8193941,3763866150,"

That’s actually true. Q told us in advance that the last “suicide bomber” (the Bangladeshi) in NY had had his bomb replaced with fireworks before it was deployed. He and three others were injured, him most of all but no one killed.

",1518924740,18/02/2018 03:32 8189852,3763889848,

did he F U C Q her like all those other girls?

,1518926590,18/02/2018 04:03 8194676,3763898287,"

This guy is history. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS DEAD. HEAVY QANON this weekend.
Military Tribunal Court of Law will be convening soon to try the Clintons, Obama, and hundreds for TREASON WITH A FOREIGN NATIONAL, punishable by death.

",1518927306,18/02/2018 04:15 8192447,3763906061,"

It's like Q says: they are so f'in stupid, they are morons!

",1518927975,18/02/2018 04:26 8195273,3763961012,"

When you actually go to college and learn a discipline or profession, then talk. Money doesn't buy I Q! You parade around as if you were A world renowned ethicist only having barely graduated high school! Nothing but a phony hypocrite. You don't like whites but youvwill certainly let yourselfbe a slave to their dollars!!!!

",1518933185,18/02/2018 05:53 8195357,3763989115,"

It was a CIA plan. Read what Q annon posted about this

",1518936191,18/02/2018 06:43 8195303,3764111022,

His money won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on very soon here in the US. The Fed won’t be printing our currency much longer either. This is phenomenal. Everything is falling into place just like QAnon said!

,1518945521,18/02/2018 09:18 8195036,3764176247,"

The federal government definitely does have a part to play in our lives. That part they play has long been abandoned for a corrupt 'dash for cash' by those elected. The role of government is to defend and protect the constitution, and our society's ability to survive in the context of those rights enumerated BY the constitution. The government isn't broke, there's nothing wrong with it that hard time, real thing convictions of politicians won't cure. Trouble is, we keep voting in the same suits from the same corrupt wells to 'fix it' and they won't. John Q. Public for office...not the same old stuff. This is why Trump won. He wasn't 'one of them' and so, he's hated by 'them' all.

",1518951531,18/02/2018 10:58 8195273,3764198172,"

You are making this far more complicated that it really is. All citizens have the right to express their political opinions to the fullest extent available to them. The Kochs and Soroses of the world get to do it. John and Jane Q Public get to do it. Lawyers, doctors, and the rest of the educated class get to do it. The butchers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers get to do it. And athletes and entertainers get to do it, too. Attempting to silence people based on their station in life is unAmerican.

",1518953256,18/02/2018 11:27 8170598,3764279440,"

Actually, the big $$ in pedo is possibly far bigger in little boys as well as INFANTS!! Lots of infants! How much of this demonic, global cult will we ever know the truth about? Q says most of the world literally cannot handle the truth.

",1518958575,18/02/2018 12:56 8190140,3764286355,"

Good morning, Rpaddy. Absolutely!
Here is the link to the DHS release.

TI need to clarify...mtg is with National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), and the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), not Governors and state Atty Generals. Sorry for the mistake.
The part about the quantity of the fraud is in a broadcast from Jerome Corsi and includes the text from a source named Qanon that has been sharing info for months. It may be a bit much for you. I have only been looking at them for a cpl of weeks. Based on what I can tell over that time it seems legit. I will give you the link to that podcast if you want it. It is safe from malware, etc.

",1518958970,18/02/2018 13:02 8190854,3764374240,"

In islam there are no ""multiple perspectives"" bc mhmd is considered the only person who is wholly authoritative.

If one claims to be a muslim, they have no other choice but to obey the clinical psychopath mhmd (with every descriptor in the DSM5). He canceled out all his peace verses in Medina, all that is left is hate and death. - the most important Q Chpt 9, his last will and testament (see verses below). If muslims are not following these mandates, they are apostates to be killed(9:39). If they don't follow the narcisstic self declared ""prophet and perfect man for all to emulate,"" then they are not muslims and for their own reputation here in the US should not call themselves one - yet that leads to the honor killing business and so they not only stay sharia compliant, but force their freedom-killing compliance on us (can't criticize them, mhmd or islam).

Having muslims in the US is not a good thing because they are not
allowed to assimilate and are not allowed to place our laws and
constitution over their hideous sharia. They have are no countries, only the ummah, and the ideology is the perfect globalism - it's why Soros is having them invade all over the West, Hijrah plus the Kalergi Plan.

""Out to get non-muslims,"" is prescribed by mhmd in 61% of the abhorrent krn., especially the all important chapt. 9.
9:3 Do not associate with unbelievers; give them painful punishment.
9:5 Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, besiege, sit-in-wait, ambush and capture them.
9:10 It is the unbelievers who are the wrong.
9:12 If the unbelievers defame or blasphemy us, kill them.
9:23 Do not make friends with unbelievers.
9:28 Unbelievers are filth.
9:29 Fight unbelievers until they submit to Islam, or make them in humiliation pay money.
9:30 The Christians say “Jesus is the son of Allah;” They are deluded. May Allah destroy them.
9:33 Islam must triumph over all other religions
9:36 There is no sacred month where fighting unbelievers is forbidden.
9:39 Moslems who do not fight unbelievers will be punished and replaced.
9:41 Fight with your money or your life for Allah.
9:60 Your money/zagat will advance Islam (paid in part by halal).
9:111 Moslems will kill or be killed and rewarded in Paradise.
9:123 Make war on your infidel neighbors. Provoking unbelievers is a good deed to Allah.

",1518963437,18/02/2018 14:17 8190854,3764384071,"

In islam there are no ""multiple perspectives"" bc mhmd is considered the only person who is wholly authoritative. Having muslims in the US is not a good thing because they are not allowed to assimilate and are not allowed to place our laws and constitution over their hideous sharia. There are no countries, only the ummah, and islam is the perfect globalism - it's why $oros is having them invade all over the West with Hijrah and the Kalergi Plan (miscegenation to produce only moslim POC).

If one claims to be a muslim, they have no other choice but to obey the clinical psychopath mhmd (with every descriptor in the DSM5). He canceled out all his peace verses in Medina, all that is left is hate and death, Q Chpt 9, his last will and testament (see verses below). If they are not following them, they are apostates to be killed. If they don't follow the narcissistic self declared ""prophet and perfect man for all to emulate,"" then they are not muslims and for their own reputation here should not call themselves one - but that leads to the honor killing business and so they not only stay sharia compliant, but force their freedom-killing compliance on us.

""Out to get non-muslims,"" is prescribed by mhmd in 61% of the abhorrent krn., especially the all important chapt.9.
9:3 Do not associate with unbelievers; give them painful punishment.
9:5 Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, besiege, sit-in-wait, ambush and capture them.
9:10 It is the unbelievers who are the wrong.
9:12 If the unbelievers defame or blasphemy us, kill them.
9:23 Do not make friends with unbelievers.
9:28 Unbelievers are filth.
9:29 Fight unbelievers until they submit to Islam, or make them in humiliation pay money.
9:30 The Christians say “Jesus is the son of Allah;” They are deluded. May Allah destroy them.
9:33 Islam must triumph over all other religions
9:36 There is no sacred month where fighting unbelievers is forbidden.
9:39 Moslems who do not fight unbelievers will be punished and replaced.
9:41 Fight with your money or your life for Allah.
9:60 Your money/zagat will advance Islam.
9:111 Moslems will kill or be killed and rewarded in Paradise.
9:123 Make war on your infidel neighbors. Provoking unbelievers is a good deed to Allah

",1518963908,18/02/2018 14:25 8196194,3764460841,

Look for arrests worldwide for a variety of reasons... Qanon has posted the cleanup has begun. Thank Q and God Bless!

,1518967491,18/02/2018 15:24 8196275,3764569411,

You QANON people are downright scary .

,1518972015,18/02/2018 16:40 8196275,3764570722,


,1518972061,18/02/2018 16:41 8196275,3764649446,"

yep, cooper told us what they would do in 1991 and now Q tells us

",1518975417,18/02/2018 17:36 8196275,3764664043,"

True, but they didn't miss it (which he can't tell us right now as they work behind the scenes) - they knew he was one of their many victims that they target, drug and manipulate thru MKUltra techniques to do their bidding when desired. This is what needs to get out and the more that know the better chance to stop/recognize. Trump team is also counting on us out here to get it out. Follow ""Q"" postings --

Feb 15 2018 14:30:51Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 8ec7df388363

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.
Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'.
'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.
Science Fiction?

",1518976053,18/02/2018 17:47 8196275,3764735708,

I have been down the rabbit hole researching Q for a month and realize that while I was gone BB has filled with libtards. Andrew would not be too happy but he would get in their faces and tell them to f$%k off. Take the red pill or leave progs.

,1518979255,18/02/2018 18:40 8195906,3764870173,

Do your owb research its out there. Qanon will fill you in. The states each provide a list & its all online

,1518985476,18/02/2018 20:24 8197058,3764998007,"

No thanks, Q.

",1518991976,18/02/2018 22:12 8197058,3765005324,

Nostradamus? He's a member of Qanon team. They call him Chick's nose.

,1518992389,18/02/2018 22:19 8197619,3765009980,"

I like Rush, but lately his show is 60% ads and commercials...He only does like 5 callers a week and they aren't screened to the degree of allotted air time...You can hear him shuffling papers indicative of no internet access to immediately see what the caller is talking about. Someone the other day brought up Q ANON and asked him to Google it...Guess what, he went to break and didn't...Maybe it's time to pass the torch Sir...Er I meant Golden Microphone...

",1518992654,18/02/2018 22:24 8197058,3765028832,"

I presume you have never heard of Q anon, could possibly be beyond your mentality though.

",1518993739,18/02/2018 22:42 8197058,3765029614,"

EVERYONE HERE HAS HEARD OF Q AND KNOWS WHAT PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD IS. your trolling is worse than...well, I shall not name names.
keep up laaaaaaaaady!

",1518993783,18/02/2018 22:43 8167655,3765037267,

Did you watch the Jerome corsi infowars 55 min QANON SETH RICH episode from 2/16?

,1518994225,18/02/2018 22:50 8197058,3765084203,"

As Q says, ""it is primarily about the children"".

",1518996967,18/02/2018 23:36 8197565,3765105109,"


This video explains it all and goes onto seth rich.

",1518998210,18/02/2018 23:56 8197058,3765113142,

Time to go back to Q anon things are happening fast.

,1518998707,19/02/2018 00:05 8197058,3765117449,"

Thought you knew of Q. Me, too.

Can’t wait for all the voter fraud to surface, too.

",1518998972,19/02/2018 00:09 8197058,3765161665,

I couldn’t find any new Q. You?

,1519001780,19/02/2018 00:56 8191571,3765214038,"

All patriots get on the Q streams, big things going down.

",1519005180,19/02/2018 01:53 8195900,3765221479,"

Merkel is related to Hitler and Rothschild, read Q Anon.

",1519005674,19/02/2018 02:01 8195900,3765226909,

According to Q Anon POTUS Trump is now investigating illegal activities against humanity of Rothschild's central banks.

,1519006052,19/02/2018 02:07 8191571,3765295727,

New Q posts.

,1519011243,19/02/2018 03:34 8198483,3765330080,

Mrrrrrrrrrr..... Where was military Intel when Oblidiot was POTUS. Exactly. That's why I don't trust the Q group.

,1519014385,19/02/2018 04:26 8198483,3765332259,"

Qanon is Deep Trump

",1519014591,19/02/2018 04:29 8191379,3765352647,"

Good stuff - I learned some things. However, Out of 15 companies that were in the article that you linked to - there are less than 1500 job in the USA - Very small potatoes. In addition the Solar industry is slowly but surely moving to China.

Below are the results of my investigation.

Trina Solar - Only has a regional office here in the manufacturing

JinkoSolar - Chinese manufacturer - No jobs in the USA

Canadian Solar - Canadian Company with no locations in the USA - No Jobs

Sunrun and Vivint - Solar Panel installation companies only - No manufacturing - Does Not count

JA Solar - Chinese manufacturing Company - No Jobs in the USA

Hanwha Q CELLS - South Korean company - No jobs in the USA

Itek Energy - Less than 200 jobs in the USA

Heliene Inc. - All manufacturing done in Canada

Solaria - No manufacturing in the USA

Mission Solar - USA company but having issues just laid off a large % of their employees

SunSpark - Less than 100 USA jobs

SolarWorld Americas - USA Company - Around 500 jobs

Suniva - Filed for bankruptcy in 2017

Seraphim Less than 300 USA jobs

Solartech - Less than 150 employees

",1519016169,19/02/2018 04:56 8191571,3765357651,"

FACTS about FL school shooting you may not know...

#1... Liberal media FL shooting 'survivor' turned poster boy for gun control, David Hogg, was a plant... ... He is the son of a FBI agent: Article stating so...

#2... FL 'shooter' was an orphan with no history of a past:

*** How does an orphan jumping from temporary home to home accumulate over $20,000+ in military weaponry? And carry all that from home to home without notice? ***

Someone more knowledgeable than me laid out a very interesting scenario of the FL school shooting :
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz & Sheriff Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup (FBI ?) gets a tip on ""suspicious comment"" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a ""professional school shooter"".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it & leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS & Sheriff Scott Israel... (http://www.thegatewaypundit....
5) Feb 14th - Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi (""Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! -- Cindy"").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school & kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Student Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation & speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ... Others said more than 1 shooter:
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz & stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated & Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him & decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the ""shooter"".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques on him convincing him that he has done the crime... Project MKUltra:
14) Feb 15th - Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques. ... *** Have any recent [shooters] received 'therapy' in the past? ~ Q *** ... (Cruz maybe?)
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
16) To be continued...

",1519016649,19/02/2018 05:04 8195303,3765372516,"

Yes, we need to do the same thing they do in Israel where there's not been any school shootings for years. Controlled access and armed guards and teachers. Going after John Q. Public's guns (who had ZERO to do with this) are out of the question otherwise. And the SCOTUS now agrees with that stance.

",1519018160,19/02/2018 05:29 8191571,3765403619,"

Tis the day. . .

",1519021438,19/02/2018 06:23 8191571,3765447550,"

Hey Schiff for Brains - everyone with intelligence is for the 2nd Amendment. Dummycraps have no intelligence and that's why they're opposed to it. Q is right; you people are really, really stupid.

",1519026002,19/02/2018 07:40 8198483,3765518832,"

Where is Eric Schmidt? Talk about fixing elections, Schmidt fixed Hillary's primary. Q is telling us to trust Sessions and Wray. He knows Schmidt is involved bigly. I'll bet it goes back further.

",1519032897,19/02/2018 09:34 8197277,3765618367,

His commercials suck. He has no chops for acting. He is a Black Lies Matter rep to sell products to his followers. His Q factor is a gang thing.

,1519040169,19/02/2018 11:36 8198906,3765800972,"

Why is Podesta out free and giving interviews? I thought he was locked up somewhere with his brother Tony. They are both major pedophiles, which makes them criminals among many of their other illegal activity. In my book if you intentionally harm someone, especially a child, ....jail time. Sexual assault= life or debate. I'm starting to doubt Qanon with all these drops of major things happening, yet still, Soros, Hillary, Obama, John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Wasserman Shultz, and so many other treasonous criminals remain free at large. Then, these random false flag shootings. Buy more guns and ammo. The deep state lives on and is nowhere close from being removed.

",1519049447,19/02/2018 14:10 8198834,3765816111,"

My Q is (MILLER v USA) and ""MILITIA-STYLE"" what should be owned by Citizens....
1)Does it require a Case to Go Back to SCOTUS?
2) Does it require the 2/3 of House thing for Amendment Change?

",1519050106,19/02/2018 14:21 8200406,3766167107,

he gave Q the go-ahead for something
Feb 18 2018 21:14:27!UW.yye1fxoQ108

,1519063875,19/02/2018 18:11 8198846,3766193780,"

",1519064930,19/02/2018 18:28 8201033,3766300987,

Hey Mayor Caraway? Are you reading the QAnon posts? He has been mentioning JFK quite a bit lately. The JFK assassination had more to do with the dark state and nothing to do with the NRA you fool.

,1519068915,19/02/2018 19:35 8201033,3766312787,"

Sessions looking at process used by Obama to abuse FBI powers and FISA



One America News Reports: ​The FBI is under investigation for its alleged abuse of power under the Obama administration to obtain warrants to surveil members of the Trump campaign. On Sunday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the process used by the FBI will be thoroughly looked at to ensure the procedures were legal. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. His comments come in response to a Republican memo drafted by the House Intelligence Committee, outlining how the FBI and DOJ used the unverified anti-Trump dossier to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
Sessions said he has no control on whether a special counsel was appointed to investigate the matter, but claims he has the utmost faith in members of his department. “Every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate that will be investigated and looked at, and we’re not going to participate at the Department of Justice in providing anything less than the proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant.”
Finally is Jeff Sessions finally going to do something by looking into the Obama administrations abuse of the FISA court and the FBI, or is this just a smoke screen? Maybe Sessions can also look into how the FBI knows about multiple threats that the FBI ignores and eventually get carried out as attacks on American soil as well.
​ Q has stated to trust Sessions and Wray at the DOJ and FBI, so are Wray and Sessions truly investigating the corrupt and dangerous FBI that doesn't seem to care about the safety of Americans...As the Florida shooting seems to have exposed? If Sessions truly investigates Obama's abuse of the FBI and the FISA court system, then the only thing that will show us that Sessions is truly investigating is if arrests of Obama and Obama officials abusing the FBI powers and the FISA court take place.

",1519069188,19/02/2018 19:39 8198846,3766317296,"

Nope, not all.
There's the former Intel contractor with cancer who testified to Comey FBI who did nothing then before closed session with House Intel Committee and Sessions FBI.

PLUS two more from Q Anon's output of digital free-form poetry.

",1519069374,19/02/2018 19:42 8200850,3766385437,"

That would be sweet. He's persona non grata in so many countries his world must be shrinking, unlike his big mouth. If you follow the Q posts it seems SEAL teams are being kept pretty busy world wide and have been swooping in and scooping up their targets ""under the radar"". They missed a golden opportunity recently...if they'd had him in custody already they could have stuck him in the front seat of Elon Musk's Tesla car that was blasted off into space the other week, headed for the asteroid belt. Get him the hell off our planet!

",1519071633,19/02/2018 20:20 8200013,3766402712,"

Wow, you blighters need to see a medic. . .I guess Q was right about suicide week. . .

",1519072344,19/02/2018 20:32 8200583,3766471420,

You should check out Qanon.

,1519075226,19/02/2018 21:20 8201654,3766495678,"


",1519076325,19/02/2018 21:38 8201771,3766498487,"


",1519076456,19/02/2018 21:40 8201771,3766502721,

Didn't you hear? This Q guy was a russian troll.

,1519076650,19/02/2018 21:44 8188607,3766621396,"

Sigh... Okay, last time. I'm fine with review that compares Trump to T'Challa. But if you're operating from that point of view, then what you are saying that their shared isolationist tendencies (essentially the only thing they have in common) is what makes them comparably heroic. Therefore, from that same point of view what makes Killmonger villainous MUST BE his anti-isolationist imperialist agenda. Because a review only makes sense if you analyze everything from the same point of view.

There is a completely separate point of view from which you can approach the film naming Killmonger as the embodiment of ethnic nationalism. If you're Breitbart, the you generalize the fringe into the mainstream and announce that as BLM. If you're objective, then you acknowledge that it applies equally to the fringes of Trumpism as well.

If you are writing a review from this point of view, then Trump, a white leader of a nation who refuses to stand up against white nationalism, cannot be analogous to T'Challa, a black leader of a nation who does stand up to black nationalism.

I don't care who the reviewer pegs as the real world analog of the hero/villain. I care that they do so in a logically consistent manner. Either T'Challa is Trump, or Killmonger is ethnic nationalism. Either interpretation can be reasonably argued. The juxtaposition of them, however, cannot. To do so is to mix metaphors, move goalposts, or whatever euphemism you prefer for not presenting a logically consistent case from beginning to end. The analogy in total, as presented, is bad because it lacks internal logical rigor... Q.E.D.

",1519082599,19/02/2018 23:23 8195873,3766730801,

Hitler was an instrument of Rothschild. Read Q Anon.

,1519088435,20/02/2018 01:00 8168732,3766791061,"

Last year, we drove an older RV back from Georgia where we bought it to Calif where we live. I-40 in the southeast is the absolutely most horrendous freeway I have ever driven, and I am 69. The road and bridges are filled with potholes, cracks, and absolute decay. Surely, the various states look to the Feds to fix it. The Fed's look to the locals to pay up. The stupid public just want it fixed so they can drive to work!! The truckers and their companies simply want to drive tv's and can's soup to the market.

Our society is so enamored in funding ""social justice"" to the communities, they are broke.

It's time for John Q Public to kick the idiots out of their state houses, city councils, and county commissions and take back their lives. Hold those we elect accountable. Damn it!

",1519091801,20/02/2018 01:56 8203364,3766932834,"

Our children are under an enormous attack, in the womb, from womb, adolescent, pre-adult.

Bill Gates, Liddle Schiff, Liddle Coryn... Look up Liddle Kidz QAnon post:


",1519101726,20/02/2018 04:42 8203382,3766949203,

i see. i am sure The Don and QAnon have a plan to use this POS RINO Romney. i wonder what it is.......
👍 MAGA 🐸 👌

,1519103223,20/02/2018 05:07 8203526,3767054422,"

Trump gave nicknames.

Liddle' Bob Corker
Liddle' Adam Schiff
Apostrophe after Liddle


Qanon mentioned this organization. Basically, you can sign up to massage orphan kids around the world. Seriously.

Sponsored by the Gates Foundation and many other wealthy individuals.

#pizzagate -- Schiff and Corker are pedophiles or connected to pedophiles.

Tick Tock

",1519113938,20/02/2018 08:05 8203526,3767097338,

And check the latest Q for confirmation

,1519118034,20/02/2018 09:13 8203526,3767105101,

There you are.

Any update on Q or 8chan being down?

,1519118763,20/02/2018 09:26 8203526,3767107695,"

Here is the only update we have. Just so you know, BO = Board Owner or Board Operator.

- Q did not post on /qresearch/ after the thread happenings
- Update from BO: The thread is still there but locked and hidden

We will see! I think they are working on ensuring the chance this happens in the future is lessened.

",1519119015,20/02/2018 09:30 8203526,3767112207,"

Actually, he posted last on the 18th.
* Qcodefag is down and the redirect isn't updated.
* QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO is also down, but their backup is here:

",1519119429,20/02/2018 09:37 8203382,3767119602,"

Trump gave nicknames.

Liddle' Bob Corker
Liddle' Adam Schiff
Apostrophe after Liddle


Qanon mentioned this organization. Basically, you can sign up to massage orphan kids around the world. Bunch of pedophiles -- and Schiff/Corker are connected to it.

Tick Tock #pizzagate

",1519120092,20/02/2018 09:48 8203382,3767222346,"

Latest from Q talks about how deep the swamp is:

",1519127147,20/02/2018 11:45 8203571,3767448346,

I just asked Q and he said we can.

,1519137431,20/02/2018 14:37 8202320,3767543188,"

",1519141169,20/02/2018 15:39 8205449,3767544027,"

",1519141202,20/02/2018 15:40 8205416,3767545652,"

dems riged it

",1519141263,20/02/2018 15:41 8201756,3767575692,"

dems are going down

",1519142393,20/02/2018 15:59 8183084,3767595441,"

Hell check out what Q anon is saying..If you really are an Independent, which is just code for a Socialist/Communist....

",1519143149,20/02/2018 16:12 8203571,3767601901,

Thank God for Pres. Trump and Q-anon!

,1519143388,20/02/2018 16:16 8201654,3767626848,


,1519144315,20/02/2018 16:31 8203526,3767638911,


,1519144754,20/02/2018 16:39 8203526,3767639955,


,1519144792,20/02/2018 16:39 7513511,3767693064,"

News Flash 2025; Hilary K Rodham Clinton was escorted under heavy guard to
an undisclosed location to begin serving her time under house arrest for her part
in the apparent castration of her now former husband, President Bill Clinton. Mrs. Clinton has emphatically denied any connection with the attack, but did admit that she's glad it happened. She was quoted as saying that ""it was a vast Right Wing conspiracy"" to implicate her in the wrongdoing. Q. do you think she is telling the truth?

",1519146748,20/02/2018 17:12 8205449,3767704553,"

yeah It's all a big secret but a faceless, nameless Q-anon said so with zero evidence so it must be true.

",1519147179,20/02/2018 17:19 8205449,3767705581,"

More NAZI leftist censorship !

Q posts taken offline, IP address not found



See for yourself>Q anon posts website taken offline: What is going on that it seems one of the main sites that people can stay updated on Q posts has now been taken down? There could be multiple things why this has happened...We are under an operation as Q posted the other day that a clean action has been approved, this is the 10 days of darkness, or the Deep State has taken this offline. Where is Q, and what is the reasoning behind the Q post website being shutdown...With the reason being that the IP address can not be found?
Update: Q posts have been found on a new form here, that Q has been posting God and Country over and over again. Q updated: Some Q sites have been taken down however.

",1519147217,20/02/2018 17:20 8205449,3767707357,"

Michael Moore busted participating in anti Trump protest organized by Russians



Fox News Reports: ​Michael Moore, the polemical filmmaker who has long accused President Trump of colluding with Russians, posted videos and pictures of himself participating in a protest in Manhattan that was allegedly organized by Russians in November 2016. Prosecutors said Friday that the Russians indicted for meddling in the presidential campaign were also behind anti-Trump rallies that occured after the election.
The government alleged in an indictment signed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the defendants organized a Nov. 12 “Trump is NOT my President” rally in New York. Their “strategic goal” was to “sow discord in the U.S. political system,” the indictment said. On Nov. 12, Moore tweeted: ""At today's Trump Tower protest. He wouldn't come down.""

View image on Twitter

Michael Moore✔@MMFlint

At today's Trump Tower protest. He wouldn't come down. Here's my Facebook Live coverage:

11:01 PM - Nov 12, 2016


2,732 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

One of the largest pushers of the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory has actually been busted in participating in anti Trump protests organized by a Russian group, and that person is none other than fat bastard Russia conspiracy theorist Michael Moore. There is an obvious reason why Q states constantly that these people are stupid, and one of the biggest pushers of the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory in Michael Moore has been busted participating in the November 12 2017 protest organized by a Russian group in New York City. Hopefully with this expose of Moore participating in this anti Trump protest organized by Russians...Hopefully we don't have to write a news report about Russian colluder Michael Moore AKA fast bastard

",1519147282,20/02/2018 17:21 8205449,3767711722,

I think it is time for Patriots to step up and get to work. I also think we will know why in a couple weeks. We might not need Q anymore.

,1519147442,20/02/2018 17:24 8205449,3767714241,

Has Q completed their mission? The round up begins?

,1519147534,20/02/2018 17:25 8205449,3767764085,"

Q is a dud Deborah he is feeding everyone a pack of lies about 10k + indictments, military tribunals and gitmo overflowing etc.

Better you let yourself down slowly or the shock of betrayal will break your heart later. You will wait on Q forever while everything else passes you by.

",1519149328,20/02/2018 17:55 8202320,3767771933,"

I doubt that. I've had a bunch of them in defense industries and the military, and they are never that fast, with the possible exception of clearing a young person who has never been out of the US and has no huge red flags.

We're talking about folks with decades of gov work behind them and businessmen who have never been cleared before. Note the military guys don't even need to do it, they already have theirs.

One other thing - every new admin goes through this. The out-of-power party always points to the uncleared people in power as if they were obviously perverts and foreign spies, but it's just the sheer number of investigations after a change in administrations that lie at the root of the problem. My first DOE Q-clearance took almost 2 years. I had traveled outside the country and they took their sweet time clearing me, but they did eventually. Patience.


",1519149612,20/02/2018 18:00 8206256,3767772678,"

the dems rigged it

",1519149639,20/02/2018 18:00 8205449,3767775701,"

",1519149750,20/02/2018 18:02 8205449,3767786555,"

My point is Q is working primarily to save the children. We cannot call our selves a civil society when so many children are being tortured, raped and murdered. Look it up. We are fighting the Luciferians.

",1519150136,20/02/2018 18:08 8205449,3767813585,"

DHS to Publish Proof of Massive Dem Voter Fraud in 2016 – QAnon

Reported: several million illegals voted, while legitimate ballots were thrown away

Jerome Corsi | -
February 20, 2018

Image Credits: The Washington Post / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) together with the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and the FBI are planning to publish in March a study of the 2016
elections that will demonstrate massive Democratic Party voter fraud of a
magnitude sufficient to have influenced election outcomes.

On Jan. 3, 3018, President Trump signed
an executive order disbanding the Presidential Advisory Commission on
Election Integrity, largely because states controlled by the Democrats
refused to cooperate.

Many Democrats breathed a sigh of relief, thinking President Trump
had given up his effort to uncover and correct the decades of Democratic
Party voter fraud.

Little noticed was a provision in the executive order that tasked the
Department of Homeland Security to review the presidential commission’s
initial findings and to determine next courses of action.

Equally unnoticed by the mainstream media were news releases on Feb. 15 from the DNI and from DHS
that briefings were being held with election officials in all 50 states
on Feb. 16 and Feb. 18 to inform them of the initial conclusions of
their on-going investigation into voting fraud during the 2016 election.

The outcomes of the DNI, DHS, and FBI investigations are expected
to be disastrous for the Democratic Party, revealing precisely why
Democratic-controlled states refused to cooperate with Trump’s
presidential commission.

When Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicated last Friday
some 13 Russians for trolling the Internet as the only evidence of
“Russian Collusion” he could find after months of investigation that
spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, the intelligence operative
known as QAnon posted a preview of the DNI, DHS, and FBI conclusions.

As seen in this Internet posting, QAnon first cites Deputy
Attorney General Rob Rosenstein’s statement in announcing the indictment
involving the 13 Russian trolls that: “There is no allegation in this
indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal
activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged
conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

That comes close to sounding the death knell for the “Russian
Collusion” mainstream media hysteria we have endured since the 2016
election as a Democratic Party “hate-Trump” narrative for impeachment.

Next, QAnon makes clear the DNI, DHS, and FBI study will prove
massive Democratic Party voter fraud, including the allowing of several
millions of illegal immigrants to vote in direct contradiction of voting
laws across the country.

QAnon wrote the following, apparently citing the DNI, DHS, and FBI study to be released next month:

In an effort to preserve the integrity of all U.S. elections,
as ordered by the President of the United States, after an extensive
investigation in select counties (the ‘sampling’), the DHS has concluded
that while Russian entities (as outlined in Special Counselor Mueller’s
investigation were complicit in attempting to undermine the
presidential election of 2016) had no direct impact or bearing on the
outcome of the presidential election, nor were any U.S. person(s)
knowingly part of such an attempt to sabotage as it relates to the
Russian investigation …


… U.S. and other foreign entities (as further described
within DHS (XXXX), acting outside of Russian agents, did attempt on
numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the
presidential elections of 2016, Senate elections of [x, y, and z], [x]
elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the
“irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly
tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions
were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.

The QAnon post goes on to note the DHS will be submitting a final
report to the White House, to the Department of Justice, and to other
state and local agencies outlining findings next month.

The post further suggests that while the DNI, DHS, FBI study was
limited to a sampling of 22 counties, the findings were so conclusive
that a countrywide examination is mandated.

While these conclusions spell the likelihood of criminal
investigations of voter fraud to be undertaken nationwide, the shocking
results also suggest we will soon see massive changes to voter laws that
will most likely include Voter ID requirements and an end to electronic
voting machines that can be hacked such that results tabulated can be

The redactions avoid naming the Senate races that were altered by
voter fraud, but most likely we may see some Senators either forced to
undergo new elections or possibly to lose their seats illegally gained.
When the DHS final report is available in March, we should
experience a “game-changing” moment in which the Democratic Party
accusations of “Russian Collusion” are buried as Deep State propaganda
and lies, to be replaced by a genuine recognition of what appears to be a
developing truth, namely that for decades the Democratic Party has
engaged in a clandestine policy of systematic and intentional voter
fraud designed to prejudice election results in their favor.

",1519151136,20/02/2018 18:25 8206256,3767840602,"

DHS to Publish Proof of Massive Dem Voter Fraud in 2016 – QAnon

Reported: several million illegals voted, while legitimate ballots were thrown away

Jerome Corsi | -
February 20, 2018

Image Credits: The Washington Post / Getty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) together with the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and the FBI are planning to publish in March a study of the 2016
elections that will demonstrate massive Democratic Party voter fraud of a
magnitude sufficient to have influenced election outcomes.

On Jan. 3, 3018, President Trump signed
an executive order disbanding the Presidential Advisory Commission on
Election Integrity, largely because states controlled by the Democrats
refused to cooperate.

Many Democrats breathed a sigh of relief, thinking President Trump
had given up his effort to uncover and correct the decades of Democratic
Party voter fraud.

Little noticed was a provision in the executive order that tasked the
Department of Homeland Security to review the presidential commission’s
initial findings and to determine next courses of action.

Equally unnoticed by the mainstream media were news releases on Feb. 15 from the DNI and from DHS
that briefings were being held with election officials in all 50 states
on Feb. 16 and Feb. 18 to inform them of the initial conclusions of
their on-going investigation into voting fraud during the 2016 election.

The outcomes of the DNI, DHS, and FBI investigations are expected
to be disastrous for the Democratic Party, revealing precisely why
Democratic-controlled states refused to cooperate with Trump’s
presidential commission.

When Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicated last Friday
some 13 Russians for trolling the Internet as the only evidence of
“Russian Collusion” he could find after months of investigation that
spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, the intelligence operative
known as QAnon posted a preview of the DNI, DHS, and FBI conclusions.

As seen in this Internet posting, QAnon first cites Deputy
Attorney General Rob Rosenstein’s statement in announcing the indictment
involving the 13 Russian trolls that: “There is no allegation in this
indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal
activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged
conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

That comes close to sounding the death knell for the “Russian
Collusion” mainstream media hysteria we have endured since the 2016
election as a Democratic Party “hate-Trump” narrative for impeachment.

Next, QAnon makes clear the DNI, DHS, and FBI study will prove
massive Democratic Party voter fraud, including the allowing of several
millions of illegal immigrants to vote in direct contradiction of voting
laws across the country.

QAnon wrote the following, apparently citing the DNI, DHS, and FBI study to be released next month:

In an effort to preserve the integrity of all U.S. elections,
as ordered by the President of the United States, after an extensive
investigation in select counties (the ‘sampling’), the DHS has concluded
that while Russian entities (as outlined in Special Counselor Mueller’s
investigation were complicit in attempting to undermine the
presidential election of 2016) had no direct impact or bearing on the
outcome of the presidential election, nor were any U.S. person(s)
knowingly part of such an attempt to sabotage as it relates to the
Russian investigation …


… U.S. and other foreign entities (as further described
within DHS (XXXX), acting outside of Russian agents, did attempt on
numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the
presidential elections of 2016, Senate elections of [x, y, and z], [x]
elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the
“irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly
tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions
were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.

The QAnon post goes on to note the DHS will be submitting a final
report to the White House, to the Department of Justice, and to other
state and local agencies outlining findings next month.

The post further suggests that while the DNI, DHS, FBI study was
limited to a sampling of 22 counties, the findings were so conclusive
that a countrywide examination is mandated.

While these conclusions spell the likelihood of criminal
investigations of voter fraud to be undertaken nationwide, the shocking
results also suggest we will soon see massive changes to voter laws that
will most likely include Voter ID requirements and an end to electronic
voting machines that can be hacked such that results tabulated can be

The redactions avoid naming the Senate races that were altered by
voter fraud, but most likely we may see some Senators either forced to
undergo new elections or possibly to lose their seats illegally gained.
When the DHS final report is available in March, we should
experience a “game-changing” moment in which the Democratic Party
accusations of “Russian Collusion” are buried as Deep State propaganda
and lies, to be replaced by a genuine recognition of what appears to be a
developing truth, namely that for decades the Democratic Party has
engaged in a clandestine policy of systematic and intentional voter
fraud designed to prejudice election results in their favor.

",1519152140,20/02/2018 18:42 8206256,3767845848,"

Q posts taken offline, IP address not found



See for yourself>Q anon posts website taken offline: What is going on that it seems one of the main sites that people can stay updated on Q posts has now been taken down? There could be multiple things why this has happened...We are under an operation as Q posted the other day that a clean action has been approved, this is the 10 days of darkness, or the Deep State has taken this offline. Where is Q, and what is the reasoning behind the Q post website being shutdown...With the reason being that the IP address can not be found?
Update: Q posts have been found on a new form here, that Q has been posting God and Country over and over again. Q updated: Some Q sites have been taken down however.

",1519152347,20/02/2018 18:45 8206256,3767849050,

Someone should tell me more about this mysterious Q CT thing.

,1519152469,20/02/2018 18:47 8206256,3767852930,"

You have the link for the new archive? I refreshed the newest link established this past week this AM and it was gone. There is the webcache through the 18th.

",1519152618,20/02/2018 18:50 8206256,3767862436,"

Saw that Q archive, some of you are buying in huh?

",1519152990,20/02/2018 18:56 8206256,3767870191,

Tell us when Q has ever been wrong? The archive goes back years. His record is up there with Wikileaks in terms of accuracy. Great way to battle deep state holdovers with information.

,1519153296,20/02/2018 19:01 8206256,3767890510,"

Parkland FBI kid caught on LA news interviewing about surfing fight



Puppet String News@NewsPuppet

It started when the teen put his body board on a trash can. Andrew Fujii talked to the witness who recorded the heated exchange.

5:04 AM - Feb 20, 2018

Confrontation Between Lifeguard, Bodysurfer Caught On Camera In Redondo Beach Goes Viral

It started when the teen put his body board on a trash can. Andrew Fujii talked to the witness who recorded the heated exchange.losangeles.cbsloca...


See Puppet String News's other Tweets

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Hey look the FBI kid in Parkland pushing for gun control claiming to be the victim of the Parkland Shooting...Whatever that was has been busted as an actor. Why is this kid on the news for CBSLA2 being a witness to a fight between a surfer and a body guard, but also being used to describe the staged/fake Parkland Florida high school shooting while pushing for gun control, like Q said these people are stupid. For real America check this out, because FBI kid is on camera for Los Angeles news as well. The Parkland, FL shooting has been busted.

",1519154084,20/02/2018 19:14 8205779,3767892519,"

That's what the Q followers tell us, but I won't buy it until I see the arrests of BHO, HRC and their minions.

",1519154162,20/02/2018 19:16 8205779,3767899512,

Whats Q?

,1519154426,20/02/2018 19:20 8201654,3768003233,

Lol. John Q. Adams had his own rifle at 12yrs old.

,1519157825,20/02/2018 20:17 8207327,3768133828,"

no one wanted to believe that Trump was simply a JFK democrat ... EVERYONE kept backing him and the Q posts and the ""draining"" the swamp. Well, here is the first step on the slippery slope. Lets see what he threw on the table ... BUMP STOCKS ILLEGAL (even though they were used in a questionable LV shooting and not in FL); now he also proposes and AGE LIMIT to AR 15s ; the bullet BANS are already being run in the COMMIE STATES as well as ""HIGH CAPACITY"" magazines .... sure folks keep BLINDLY BACKING this guy and making excuses for him and you will seal everyones fate

",1519162678,20/02/2018 21:37 8206019,3768190384,"

",1519165200,20/02/2018 22:20 8207327,3768194113,"



Reported: several million illegals voted, while legitimate ballots were thrown away.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) together with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI are planning to publish in March a study of the 2016 elections that will demonstrate massive Democratic Party voter fraud of a magnitude sufficient to have influenced election outcomes.

",1519165379,20/02/2018 22:22 8207327,3768259949,"

Guys ... all this crap is a diversion:

",1519168344,20/02/2018 23:12 8207327,3768288392,

He didn't really want to in 2016. He just wanted to increase his Q rating.

,1519169784,20/02/2018 23:36 8206793,3768292426,"

If you haven't found this yet, you might be ready.

",1519169981,20/02/2018 23:39 8201942,3768320686,

And g o y. Nice to see the g o y here on Breitbart getting woke on the J Q.

,1519171450,21/02/2018 00:04 8201942,3768361400,

I never asked that stupid Q.

,1519173554,21/02/2018 00:39 8207672,3768381717,"

Sandy Hook: The Face of Tragedy?
Robbie Parker full ""smiling"" Q & A 12/15/12

Liberals will stoop to ANYTHING to take away our right to bear arms. #SandyHookHOAX

",1519174641,21/02/2018 00:57 8207672,3768430055,

Do you trust police to have guns?

NO...they kill around 1000 people a person per 775 cops....citizens shoot people at about one per 5000-6000 citizens.

I'll trust my safety to John Q Public before a retarded twinkie donut mall tossing cop.

,1519177305,21/02/2018 01:41 8207372,3768477289,"

Who the fawk are you to be asking and why should anyone give a rats azz what you think or why you think it? And to answer your Q, it's none of your GD business!

",1519180069,21/02/2018 02:27 8207672,3768684363,"

They'll keep rolling out these false flags until an assault weapons ban is a reality. The people kissing Trump's ass are in for a rude awakening, then we can talk turkey on the Qanon psyop idiots bought into. Until then no point in it because they are like rabid dogs they will be tamed eventually.

",1519192296,21/02/2018 05:51 8207672,3768707540,

One way we can tighten up the gun laws is get rid of the daca scumbags. Less people to police equals tighter gun laws this is common sense right?!! SO WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE? See what's going on here?! Trump is a deceiver don't get taken for a ride! especially with that Qanon psyop.

,1519194572,21/02/2018 06:29 8207672,3768711801,

I hope people on BB aren't buying into that Qanon psyop? RIGHT! You do realize if Trump was actually trying take down the deep state we wouldn't be hearing about it.

,1519194995,21/02/2018 06:36 8208146,3768742404,"

Now it turns out David hogg graduated in 2015 this actor did not even go to the school.

Even though all the truth is coming out and it is 100% proof this is a sham. The sheep will believe it.

",1519198040,21/02/2018 07:27 8208134,3768919175,"

Let me try to explain how it seems the CIA's Steve Pieczenik has turned on Trump and the meaningful implications of this:

1) The main agency Q focuses on for corruption is the CIA.
2) On the 18th Q said ""Clean Action Approved. Highest Authority. For God and Country""
3) That was the last thing he said before technical difficulties.
4 ) Seems the Trump offense is revving up, and largely the people I am following seem to agree.
5) On the 20th (first non-holiday weekday available) Steve Pieczenik posts a video accusing Trump of being a seducer of women and child with an ego... then proceeds to talk about removing General Kelly from the White House for not controlling people (likely Trump too) properly.
6) He has no history of taking Trump on directly like this. Seems CIA is scared and fighting back with every avenue at their disposal.

* Not worried but I was just so pissed I had to type out my thoughts :).

",1519212717,21/02/2018 11:31 8206511,3769032540,"

Are you about a size 14? Cue up the Q Lazzarus song, goodbye horses

",1519218639,21/02/2018 13:10 8204714,3769319757,"

Hey Archey, I still have HOPE that the IG report coming out real soon, plus the Qanon report that the FBI/DNI/DHS will be issuing a report that there was WIDESPREAD voter fraud by the Dems in the 2016 election - will get the attention of the American people. Admittedly the Qanon report has its genesis at, but there's always hope.

",1519229732,21/02/2018 16:15 8207459,3769428445,

Research Q anon and reddit cbts. Get ready people it is going to get crazy for awhile.

,1519233691,21/02/2018 17:21 8207672,3769490244,"

BUMP STOCKS are not necessary in any way shape or form. ///////////////////////
BAN THEM - bump stocks - any one caught with them, ROU9ND BAR HOTEL TIME. AT JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE. //////////////
In reference to LONG GUNS, no purchase until 21 years of age, MENTAL HEALTH CHECK and full check, for all, by POLICE to make sure you are a GOOD GUN OWNER candidate. //////////////////////////
semper paratus

",1519235430,21/02/2018 17:50 8210705,3769570141,

Thanks. Notice sonny boy and mom and daddy and susie Q. Hmmmm

,1519237149,21/02/2018 18:19 8210648,3769643261,"

Q responds to Twitter lockout, is @Jack getting nervous, Stay tuned



Looks like Q has realized the Twitter lockout, where Conservative pages are reporting a mass loss of followers by stating is Jack getting nervous. Now for those who don't know who Jack Dorsey is...He is the CEO of Twitter. Now Q is stating for us to stay tuned to this Conservative lockout on Twitter, so with that being said is Jack Dorsey of Twitter going down? This is one of the strangest things on social media in recent days, where every Conservative outlet you can think of is losing a mass of it's following...Or those who question the establishment. The Twitter lock out is now interesting, as Q has responded with Stay Tuned is @Jack getting Nervous.

",1519239111,21/02/2018 18:51 8210120,3769674919,"


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.
*Wells Fargo has just announced they will be increasing wages following the announcement of the GOP Tax Bill becoming law.
*“Arrests of MS-13 Members, Associates Up 83% Under Trump”
*Stunning! Goods Producing Jobs – Construction and Manufacturing – Up 600% in Trump’s First Year

",1519240274,21/02/2018 19:11 8208134,3769734889,"

Boil it down: The government wants to spend more money on X and these lobbyists are coming up with new ways for the government to get more money to spend.

Here's my idea that any third grader can understand. If the government wants to spend more money on X, they need to spend less on A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y and Z.

It's not the revenue. It's the spending, stupid.

",1519242464,21/02/2018 19:47 8211263,3769784722,"


Goodbye @Jack

EDIT: [ES] is Eric Schmidt, resigned Alphabet, INC upon published EO 12/21/17. Possibly dead?

",1519244227,21/02/2018 20:17 8211263,3769806557,"

Anyone follow this Q Anon stuff? In today's post below (, according to those online who translate these posts; he / she / they / pronoun says that Twitter & CEO Jack have some problems; which they seem to relate to the POTUS EO of 12/21/17:

Feb 21 2018 01:44:40





Stay tuned.

Everything has meaning or a purpose.

@Jack - getting nervous?

Phase [2].


",1519244974,21/02/2018 20:29 8206634,3769875183,

Research Q anon it will inform on where we are going.

,1519247670,21/02/2018 21:14 8210282,3769986433,

qAnon -exposed how the deep state media gets their marching orders (talking points)

4am dead drop on a secret server that was realy a cia front... see all know all

,1519252766,21/02/2018 22:39 8211479,3770002682,

Sessions is a great AG ... look at all he has already accomplished ... which is mind-bogling ... especially regarding illegal immigration ... Q says to trust Sessions and I do.

,1519253573,21/02/2018 22:52 8211266,3770013334,"

They can't stop Trump & Q anons...way too late for that...the end is near for these fools, and they can't sleep! They can never sleep!

",1519254114,21/02/2018 23:01 8211572,3770076001,

Naval Intelligence Operative William Cooper (the original Q anon) revealed in 1991 that the CIA planned to use pharmaceutical drugs in combination with brainwashing of suitable targets (Operation Orion) to carry out school shootings in order to cause the middle class to clamor for gun control. Sound familiar?

Why are the shooters almost always found to be on serotonin re-uptake inhibitors?

,1519256604,21/02/2018 23:43 8210711,3770080351,

Are you familiar with Q?

Feb 18 2018 17:49:07





,1519256835,21/02/2018 23:47 8211263,3770086915,

Is it the Q effect?

,1519257194,21/02/2018 23:53 8211572,3770099440,

Trump accidentely shows Q Card during listening sessionn with teens ; Taking away all of the sincereness..

,1519257877,22/02/2018 00:04 8212928,3770106407,"

Are you familiar with Q?
This is from post 784

Feb 18 2018 17:49:07





Frankly, based on Qs track record to date, I'm inclined to do as he says.

",1519258257,22/02/2018 00:10 8212928,3770108948,

Yeah ... I notice that Q has never indicated that Ryan could be trusted with so much as the lunch order. But he has spoken positively about Sessions a few times.

Feb 18 2018 17:49:07
Q !UW.yye1fxo 102


,1519258400,22/02/2018 00:13 8213819,3770148673,"

Q posts definitions of Traitor and Patriot



Is Q giving America a hint hopefully something will go down against the Clinton/Obama cabal network, as Q is now providing America with the definitions of Traitor and Patriot? What is the reasoning behind this post, as we all know who the traitors to the United States are that use to be high in political power, Deep State power, or still in power in those fields?
​ Sounds like Q is possibly hinting that the traitors like Hillary and Obama and their whole cartel will soon go down, and that Patriots in the MAGA movement will soon be vindicated. There has to be something behind this post from Q stating the definitions of traitor and Patriot...I would stand by now for something to go down. This comes after Q posted this week clock is activated and clean action approved. Is Trump ready to do something?

",1519260635,22/02/2018 00:50 8206634,3770161406,"

no it was Q,hinted at it being important ,,made me remember ,so many facts ,,,right after he posted that the FBI emails between the lovebirds suddenly were available ,,,,, SSOOOO HITLERY ,,,

",1519261400,22/02/2018 01:03 8214233,3770315224,"

Crazy people and liberals, sorry I repeated myself, should be banned from owning anything they could do harm to others with. That includes Q tips.

",1519270551,22/02/2018 03:35 8214944,3770528337,

I saw on the Q boards that THERE IS ABSOLUTE proof that MILLIONS of illegals voted in the 2016 election. Homeland Security HAS the evidence of this. The report WITH proof is getting prepared for the upcoming trials.

,1519288714,22/02/2018 08:38 8214944,3770582499,

What do you mean?

Your own Q?

,1519293467,22/02/2018 09:57 8214944,3770632731,"

In a couple weeks the IG Report will be released on the Mongrel Kenyan's machinations of an 8-yr crime spree to destroy our nation, along with YEARS of verified instances of media/deep state collusion and propaganda-spewing lies to the American citizens and our elected Congress.
QAnon has directed us to immense amounts of government documentation of it's own malfeasance that have been released under President Trump. The Swamp is arrogant.
Recall all the State Dept dipshiits crying about Rex taking them off their 'diplomatic' fukcery and putting them on filling 10 years of FOIA requests that had been illegally withheld by the Mongrel Kenyan regime?? LMAO
The blade of truth has already chopped the head off the deep state snake. But the body is still thrashing and that head is still trying to sink it's fangs as it's eyes dim and the end comes....

",1519297216,22/02/2018 11:00 8214944,3770642853,"

Document released by Q shows CIA is involved with MSM news groups



Here's the full Document that proves CIA operating illegally on American soil with MSM news organizations. These people are extremely stupid folks, as this Senate Intelligence document proves now to all Americans the illegal CIA operation of working with mainstream news outlets like CNN and MSNBC. So here is your proof that operation mockingbird is real, it's literally a government document. Now you know why News groups like CNN do what they do, especially why they use things like crisis actors to push for gun control...Like what we are currently dealing with. This is an illegal CIA operation on American soil now proven.

",1519297916,22/02/2018 11:11 8214449,3770683892,

The democrat party will cease to exist in three years when the treason is shown to be wide spread. #qanon

,1519300318,22/02/2018 11:51 8211329,3770795001,"

There's a piece on Max Hill Q.C. in the Gatestone Institute -

",1519305790,22/02/2018 13:23 8215979,3770929154,"

I believe Colton Haab because this is the M.O. of CNN. He probably doesnt know CNN has a habit of doing this or ""staging"" in other similar ways.

Remember Donna Brazille issuing out a Q of what would be asked to Hillary during a presidential debate? It is similar.

",1519311247,22/02/2018 14:54 8216228,3771037226,

Good to see that Q is back.... Twitter tried to silence him/them

,1519315330,22/02/2018 16:02 8216534,3771099780,

Reminds me of when Q from Star Trek Next Generation had is show trial against humanity with all the mocking and all of the clowns in the audience.

,1519317646,22/02/2018 16:40 8216228,3771132065,


,1519318803,22/02/2018 17:00 8215979,3771323583,"

If it had been her own Q, she would not have mentioned bump stocks

",1519325684,22/02/2018 18:54 8216534,3771353977,"

Document released by Q shows CIA is involved with MSM news groups



Here's the full Document that proves CIA operating illegally on American soil with MSM news organizations. These people are extremely stupid folks, as this Senate Intelligence document proves now to all Americans the illegal CIA operation of working with mainstream news outlets like CNN and MSNBC. So here is your proof that operation mockingbird is real, it's literally a government document. Now you know why News groups like CNN do what they do, especially why they use things like crisis actors to push for gun control...Like what we are currently dealing with. This is an illegal CIA operation on American soil now proven.

",1519326828,22/02/2018 19:13 8216687,3771532904,

Obviously you are not following Q. But it's to be expected by your own words. What a shock that is coming your way.

,1519333609,22/02/2018 21:06 8218856,3771722074,

Accurite on twitter

#boycottfirstNationalBankOmaha @FNBOmaha
for there work against NRA and 2nd amendment.

@realDonaldTrump @BillOReilly @NRA @RealJamesWoods @qanon76 @DRUDGE @SheriffClarke @dbongino @seanhannity

,1519342462,22/02/2018 23:34 8219339,3771999737,

woods should produce his own TV/movies. the Q anon series would be the best ever.

,1519359171,23/02/2018 04:12 8218628,3772097957,

Q-Anon warned us recently of upcoming false flag attacks

,1519368169,23/02/2018 06:42 8221649,3772560095,

CNN is the mouthpiece of the CIA


,1519396659,23/02/2018 14:37 8221649,3772594892,"

Well you are on to something but see it from only one side.. Under Dems they take away just as many rights. Obamacare took away all our rights to our own bodies and our children. Obama outlawed grey water usage and gave Fed claims all rights to water, including ponds, and run off in our own backyards. Obama militarized all government agencies and deputized them, armed them against the public. Obama and Clinton seized public lands and gave them to the state, rounded up all the wild horses in US by the hundreds of thousands and sold them to Arabs for slaughter. Thats what started the Bundy stand off.
Obama signed an EO protecting Monsanto Corporation making it illegal to sue them. Both Dems and Repubs pour billions into money laundering corporations that fund illegal trafficking of just about anything they can profit from, and then there's the corporate welfare....etc. Both parties are sold out, but Trump was the best chance we have to buy time. Read the Q drops, 2018 will be an interesting year. In March the DHS report will be out of their investigation on election irregularities in random counties and declare need to expand due to massive fraud.
The Dems will be howling. Cant wait.

",1519398010,23/02/2018 15:00 8221649,3772615202,"

New Q, How do they control children, what prevents children from revealing truth



This new Q post is very interesting and points to the truth how the system basically uses children for propaganda...Especially with these child crisis actors after the Parkland shooting/staged false flag. Children have basically been used as propaganda pieces since the creation of media, they have even used children to get us into war or to gain Americas support for war...They did it with Iraq and they tried to use it with the North Korea situation.
Where they prevent kids from revealing the truth or where this problem all begins, is in the US public school system through teaching propaganda politics...They are only trying to get kids across America to march for gun control in the middle of March. They control children through three things really...Media directed at kids, propaganda brainwashing in the public school system, and psychiatric drugs. This is how they are using things like child crisis actors after Parkland in the exposed scripted acting of a few children. Q nailed it and the system has basically been brainwashing children to spread major Left wing propaganda.

",1519398808,23/02/2018 15:13 8221649,3772654097,

And when a question came up intended for Loesch but was asked to a Dem Senator and Tapper stepped in to move on to the next Q....that right there exposes what this was.

,1519400287,23/02/2018 15:38 8222201,3772660384,

you are helping. every post and tweet in support of Trump is a bullet in their dark hearts. Everyone from the brilliant and bawdy Zerohedgers and the Qanon researchers and all those people who write early-morning prayer posts to Trump- everyone is a drop in the tidal wave about to wipe out the Menace.

,1519400526,23/02/2018 15:42 8222102,3772711867,

Pray everyday for his safety. According to Q they have already tried to assassinate him more than once.

,1519402495,23/02/2018 16:14 8217056,3772744924,"

I have always admired Oprah, but am now extremely disappointed. When are some of the people with blinders on going to realize what is going on with these shootings and mass murders? We are being attacked from within by traitors to our country. I am tired of being quiet about it. Read Q,. people. You have been living an illusion your entire life.

",1519403747,23/02/2018 16:35 8219126,3772814636,"

Once again, another fool incapable of thinking for themselves. How is it possible that you people cannot see what is the obvious, understand the continual narrative is a lie? Go look up MK ULTRA, GO LOOK UP: CRISIS ACTORS, go look up: Q-ANON...That might get you at least started in the right direction....

",1519406367,23/02/2018 17:19 8222480,3773012929,"

Sometimes I'll do something odd or crazy or say something rather dumb and I accuse myself of being ""stupid."" However, every time I read a commit by a liberal dem-bot shill I realize I'm actually a very smart person, almost genius.

QAnon: ""These people are STUPID!""

He is not only speaking of your traitorous criminal former leaders (the Clinton's, Podesta's, Lerner, Holder, McCain, Schiff, Strzok, Comey, Obama, McCabe, etc.) but inclusive of those who hold them in hero worship.

As for you, Clown, is there a military tribunal in your future, or are you just a stupid demoshill who got his CNN-delivered marching orders this morning? Your obviously too stupid to have two brain cells that are able to process information.

",1519413890,23/02/2018 19:24 8219342,3773111329,"

If the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - that includes SACA ILLEGALS - were sent packing, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN would ha access to some good paying jobs. //////////////

",1519417915,23/02/2018 20:31 8216882,3773117439,"

BETTER than deportation, put him in the ROUND BAR HOTEL, at JOHN Q. PUBLIC expense, toss the key away, feed him crackers an water. Also put them into SOLITARY confinement for the remainder of their lives. NO PAROLE .////////////////////////////////////
I know the ACLU (( american criminal liars union )) would kick up a fuss, who cares about those LIARS anyway. ////////////////////////////////////

",1519418166,23/02/2018 20:36 8224451,3773232948,"

Q just posted a picture of the Sheriff and Hillary Clinton. Check it out!!

",1519423604,23/02/2018 22:06 8224451,3773236794,"

Check this out. It was just posted!

",1519423806,23/02/2018 22:10 8224451,3773251114,

It's important because Q posted it

,1519424553,23/02/2018 22:22 8224451,3773353367,"

If you follow Q, you need to check out the posts now. Many new messages related to this incident

",1519426624,23/02/2018 22:57 8224451,3773409796,

Where is Q now?

,1519429709,23/02/2018 23:48 8224451,3773425798,"

If people want to see school shooting, wars and many ugly things stop, we are to have to do more. The Great Awakening. The Second American Revolution. We can and will have a better county if we unite. Where we go one we go all.
Research Qanon, check out reddit cbts. Wake up people before it is too late.

",1519430646,24/02/2018 00:04 8222822,3773497578,

There is so much we need to learn about our world and why wicked things like this happen. Do your homework and follow Q anon and you can be part of the Revolution so we can regain control of our Republic.

,1519434699,24/02/2018 01:11 8224451,3773518172,

QAnon posted pictures of cankles and sheriff Israel..

,1519435949,24/02/2018 01:32 8222822,3773521773,

Thanks for answering my question. Now go to Q anon and learn.

,1519436143,24/02/2018 01:35 8224451,3773555435,

if Q is real.......this goes REAL DEEP......TIMING is everything

,1519438298,24/02/2018 02:11 8222822,3773581683,

Reddit..the calm before the storm. Q anon.
Creedance Clearwater Revival..Have you seen the rain.
Join the Revolution.

,1519439818,24/02/2018 02:36 8224451,3773607044,"

Too many coincidences..... The FBI and the leftist Broward County Sheriff let this happen ON PURPOSE!!! y well be the false flag that Q ANON recently warned us to look for.... I am not saying this was fake or that the students were actors or some bs.... but I AM saying the government DEIBERATELY let this happen.....
The FBI ""ignored"" two credible direct reports about this killer, and lied to us about it..... then the resource officer refuses to stop the slaughter... then THREE different deputies arrive and ALSO REFUSE to stop the slaughter.... This was a crisis that the corrupt FBI and the leftists Sheriff not only want to use for political means, but they deliberately LET IT HAPPEN.... TREASON!!! MURDER!!!

",1519441599,24/02/2018 03:06 8219126,3773631588,"

I would imagine that cops are expected to at least try to find out what's happening, especially at a school but who knows? Interesting thing: saw a picture of this the Broward County Sheriff with none other than Hillary Clinton????
the rest of the story.

As to what I would have done, I hope I would have gone in there and done my best to at least minimize the damage, I really don't think I'd have simply stayed outside all safe and sound while listening to gun shots being taken at school kids.

I know I did fire my M-14 and 16 in The Nam as did everyone else around me (1st Air Cav 68-69 2/8) it was shoot or die, so I think I would have done the decent thing and tried to protect those kids. But your point is taken too that none of us really know what we'd do until we're in the situation. Those of us who've been in combat have a better idea than those who haven't though I think. Anyway, been nice chatting with you, best to you and yours.

",1519443424,24/02/2018 03:37 8224451,3773636338,

Reddit..the calm before the storm. Q anon. Please research people your life might depend on it.

,1519443812,24/02/2018 03:43 8224451,3773646760,

It was a false flag orchestrated by the global elites. There was not much anyone could do. But we can do something now. Q anon

,1519444652,24/02/2018 03:57 8224451,3773651437,

Waiting for Q. Q must deliver or things get a little bit boring !

,1519445047,24/02/2018 04:04 8224451,3773683195,

Is Q still on 8ch?

,1519447859,24/02/2018 04:50 8224451,3773684733,"

Nothing today.

",1519448002,24/02/2018 04:53 8224451,3773718239,

There is some kind music festival in March and Q told us to watch out for more false flags and specifically mentioned Houston.

,1519451225,24/02/2018 05:47 8223341,3773779265,"

There's a chance Shorten will get i and the borders will be opened and a carbon tax will be re-introduced. Turnbull is desperate for a carbon tax and this is why TA had to be knifed before the Paris Climate accord according to Lord Monckton. But, have you been following Q? Many Americans are unaware what is happening at this very minute. What affects America, it affects us as well. In a nutshell Q appeared on a board called 4 chan back in Oct/November. The board was comprised and Q moved to 8 chan. I may not have the order correct as I really don't understand the protocols, but it's been a while but it appears that Q is Military intelligence, working in conjunction with the President. They, Q, are dropping crumbs to those in the civilian world that are decoding the messages. Many, many times when a crumb is dropped, the President tweets before or after. The first is a simple explanation then Jerome Corsi who has a background in Intel is helping decode the messages. I'll send another so you can listen in on the board.

This is the 24/7 live stream. It will take a while to get a sense of what is going on. Q drops the Intel and the Anons try to decode it. The President has never chased after the media; he uses social media, or within rallies and now this platform. It's brillant! While the leftist media are saying he has done nothing, the opposite is true. gitmo has been filled and they are currently adding more space. Thru the executive order signed on 21/12/17, which allows the US government to confiscate assets of those involved in sex trafficking, human slave trade, pedophilla and other terrible crimes, the Gov. has retrieved $3trillion!! If you don't already know, the President is starting at the bottom and working his way up. The den-o-rats are absolutely panicked.

",1519457664,24/02/2018 07:34 8223341,3773807991,"

Yes, my pollie relo was involved with Lord Monckton's last Aussie visit and I am following Q via Jerome Corsi. Agree with you 100 % about the Paris agreement which L.M warned about. Ty for the u-tube links, I'll watch them soon. Nice to meet up on this American site. Have a good night. ~ :-) My name is Kate and I live in Melbourne.

",1519460779,24/02/2018 08:26 8224451,3773861226,

The Only ones the cops protect and serve is themselves !!!!!!!! I've seen more corrupt cops out on the streets then good ones !!

Most of the cops I have run into were trouble makers !!!!!!! Who were just looking for any excuse to pin something on John Q Citizen !!!!!!!!

,1519466072,24/02/2018 09:54 8219894,3773867327,"

Morning Q. Couldn't answer you on the other page because it was locked so I'm doing it here.

Am so sorry to hear about that ""woman"". Am not surprised. An addict is an addict. Also feel bad for her mother. Geez...I am praying someone steps in before this gets so out of hand and something really bad happens. I would. That nephew needs to be proactive and stop putting up with this crap.

Me too on shoe boxes filled with stuff. Don't talk about checking out right now please. You are needed!

Horrible Friday night. Sink backed up into dishwasher. I was slip sliding around the kitchen and put an old rug down which I'll throw out anyways. I have to call the plumber. No choice now. I swear, I can't win for losing.

Oh, me too on Chic-A-Filet. Client takes me there too. Love their spicy chicken sandwich and yes those fries are the best. People are always nice too but ours is crowded no matter when.

Wishing you a happy Saturday. Rainy and icky here. I think I'm going to isolate this weekend. Possibly check on client tomorrow but no running around. Beside myself with angst right now.😿

",1519466684,24/02/2018 10:04 8225018,3773915612,"

Yes, but can't allow speeches. It's a QnA

",1519470854,24/02/2018 11:14 8219894,3773915744,"

Thanks Q. I'm going to give it one last try. If all else fails I'm just going to flip real quick. I honestly don't know how much more I can take. You know the dishwasher was working fine. I think it's the drain. The disposal. The up side is the kitchen floor got quasi clean.

Oh, Believe me, I understand the Best Buy fiasco. My client went through the same thing with a computer virus thing they kept charging him for and he doesn't remember signing up for it. I went through it with Discover because of Amazon Prime this week. I had it but don't use it much now that I don't order medical supplies for my Mom. I didn't know they renew it automatically. Screw that! I have to call Amazon. I hate them. No..I'm so with you on this. Gone through with a magazine and that Angie's List. As much as I admire your fine wife and I do, some times you have to cause a scene. I do! I always threaten to call ""7 on Your Side"" and I can act pathetic believe me. What they think is we don't notice this stuff...but we do! Nickel and dime us they do!

You're right. I'm fairly healthy sans insurance. But I have had 4 surgeries. Which made me even tougher when I think about it. I'm trying to be but Lord have mercy another night falling out on the couch, Q. It happens so fast. Made it through Tucker which inspires me but that's all she wrote.

Good for your nephew. And stop being so hard on yourself please. You're a very worthwhile person. I like you and find you very smart and fun. Plus you're helping your little grand kids. From where i sit you're a Champion.

I think I better take this weekend off pretty much. Not that I'll be eating bonbons and watching soaps...but am not fit for human consumption and then some and I need to focus and regroup.

Thank you for being Q.😽

",1519470865,24/02/2018 11:14 8225018,3773935618,"

We can only hope Q and his latest, ""Libel code"", comes to fruition.

Libel laws.
End of MSM.

",1519472476,24/02/2018 11:41 8224451,3773982999,"

Much as I hate CNN (the loathing runs deep at my house), Q claims CNN was set up. See: , posts 817 & 818.

Might want to at least look at Wikipedia for ""Stanislav Lunev"". It's linked to the IED found at the checkpoint bridge with Mexico yesterday.

",1519475783,24/02/2018 12:36 8222210,3774025053,"

Pretty early to be hitting the booze, Suzzy Q.

",1519478354,24/02/2018 13:19 8223635,3774045723,"

I go to the Qanon YouTube livestreams first, every morning. Then here, GP, Sundance (he's the best by far), and the great NON-Drudge aggregators. Then ZeroHedge, etc.

",1519479535,24/02/2018 13:38 8224451,3774079150,"

Here's your answer:

018 16:39:25



ID: abc8a6



Do you believe in coincidences?


",1519481385,24/02/2018 14:09 8224451,3774090350,

Didn’t Q also warn of more False Flags coming? Broward County perfect place for it. They’ve also hidden Human Trafficking for years.

,1519481976,24/02/2018 14:19 8206676,3774138587,"

If this lawsuit is successful, then it has implications for YouTube and Google censorship (discrimination) also. I notice that Jack Dorsey one of the founders of Twitter is mentioned by QAnon ....

",1519484398,24/02/2018 14:59 8225093,3774181233,"

Throw Susan under the bus 101. Valerie couldn't stand her, Susie Q was set up.

",1519486486,24/02/2018 15:34 8225093,3774186077,"

So how did Susan Rice make more than 50 Millions Dollars in less than 8 years on a Government Salary of less than 115K a year? By having ""Sticky"" Fingers of course!

So is Suzy Q going to take it in the Rear for Obama & Comey or will she ""Roll Over"" for US?

PS and 50 Million ain't much when it comes to hiring DC Lawyers.......

",1519486717,24/02/2018 15:38 8225093,3774193681,

Come on Suzy Q.... Roll Over.... It won't hurt Sweety... We Promise!

,1519487088,24/02/2018 15:44 8225093,3774196967,

You know I just might have believed Susan Rice would go to Federal Prison for Barack Obama but for James Comey.... That just ain't gonna happen!

Suzy Q is Rolling Over....... She ain't taking in in the Rear for Little Jimmy!

,1519487246,24/02/2018 15:47 8225093,3774203484,"

Oh Yea... Suzy Q taking it in the Rear for Little Jimmy? Nope .... Not going to happen!

And if her ""Lawyer"" is ""Breaking Wind"" now you know something Big and Stinky is slipping out the Deep State Chute!

So where is Jefferson B. Sessions the Turd?

",1519487568,24/02/2018 15:52 8225093,3774207417,

So what was Suzy Q worried about? Does she think Bumbling Barry and Little Jimmy were going to throw her to the Wolves?

Sticky Fingers Rice is Screwed because the Black Girl always gets it before the End!

,1519487751,24/02/2018 15:55 8225093,3774220875,

Suzy Q is Rolling Over Dummy... Wouldn't you? Or would you like to let Little Jimmy give it to you in YOUR A$$?

Not Suzy.... She knows Little Jimmy too well!

,1519488396,24/02/2018 16:06 8225093,3774222508,

Oh Yea... Suzy Q is Rolling Over and her Lawyer is trying to get ahead of the Story!

Run little Jimmy...Run!

,1519488476,24/02/2018 16:07 8225093,3774233861,

Suzy Q is fixing to be Indicted and they are just trying to get a head of that News! That or she is offering to Roll over on Bumbling Barry & little Jimmy!

,1519489010,24/02/2018 16:16 6247772,3774257933,


,1519490153,24/02/2018 16:35 8225093,3774269929,

Suzy Q is Offering to Roll Over..... And her Lawyer just wants to make sure that that is understood by all!

,1519490715,24/02/2018 16:45 8224451,3774272165,

There is a festival or something of the sort in Houston. Q warned of a false flag there.

,1519490822,24/02/2018 16:47 8226752,3774315350,"

Wow the Left is determined to KILL THE 2ND AMENDMENT this time around...FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT as per Qanon. He's right the push is beyond panic now.

",1519492855,24/02/2018 17:20 8224451,3774332256,

No Q anon and Patriots are trying to stop WWII from happening.

,1519493644,24/02/2018 17:34 8225018,3774360063,"

CNN cut off its nose to spite its face, because now we know without a doubt that they scripted the whole thing, every damn line.

CNN knew and APPROVED of Punk Kaskys Q to Rubio, ""Senator, when I look at you I have a hard time not seeing you holding an AR15 shooting at my classmates"". They cannot claim they did not know when we see the ""process"" for submitting questions is exhaustive.

",1519494929,24/02/2018 17:55 8224412,3774374108,"

Trump admin insider Q (referring to his all access clearance) posted the following on his board:
Feb 23 2018 18:46:21
ID: 3f8788
""Who do you think is leaking the info?
Take a wild guess.
Analyze shooter (pawn).
Voices in his head?
We know.
We are taking action behind the scenes.
CNN was set up.

The leaks he/she/they must mean must refer to the news stories about the Broward Co and school security who hid during the whole event rather than go in and confront the shooter even though most of them had body armor and similar high powered weapons in the case of the Broward Co. officers who stood down as 17 kids were slaughtered.

",1519495602,24/02/2018 18:06 8226701,3774394558,"

What's this mean? Check out this photo of Sheriff Israel & HRC @

",1519496566,24/02/2018 18:22 8226701,3774416863,"

Both sides getting played. Totally engineered deep state//engineered operation. False Flag event, and yes some are designed to sacrifice real people, others like Sandy Hook $ Boston totally fake with no deaths. These people are evil beyond your comprehension, Breitbart readers please take a red pill and Wake Up. Conservatives like the Left are useless. DJT knows, QANON is real.

",1519497577,24/02/2018 18:39 8226701,3774431181,

Research Q anon

,1519498231,24/02/2018 18:50 8147738,3774457136,"

Hi - Well you are much more in touch with ' Gun Control ' Or in my humble opinion ? Lack of Control in the USA than me . I much prefer the strict laws in the UK - Q please . When was the last time you heard of a mass shooting - ESPECIALLY in a school in the UK ?? it just don't happen ' Cos it so difficult to get a gun - Of course IF you really want one - I -( And millions more ) would not have a clue how to get a gun - Where as in the US ? and again , a pistol, which probably is what ' Most ' in the US own - Against these ( What was the term for Iraq ) WMD. ?surely there is a case for the banning of these at least ? - I bet Trump would get the Crown first - What Glory then ? 'Official Subjects ' for him - 'Subject "" HAS to - bend the knee. .'Corse what Trump don't know is - Unlike the US !!! the ""Voice of the People "" via Parliament IS supreme ,If they were to pass a law that the . King . had to have his head cut off - Then to the chopping block he would have to go .- a nice thought ( For me ) Agree about best keeping a low profil - If only for that ! Also - Was JFK about to introduce into Congress a Bill to look into the Controller's of the Worlds money - The Fed , just before he was ' Disposed of ' ??- Jup reading Pr T Jeffersons "" Standing Armies"" - best not say anymore !!!

",1519499444,24/02/2018 19:10 8226752,3774516597,"

I've checked those Q archives out, c'mon dude!

",1519502257,24/02/2018 19:57 8226752,3774519257,

Dr. Jerome Corsi who has connections directly to the WH says Q is connected very high up the intel agency . I will go with the good Doctor .

,1519502368,24/02/2018 19:59 8226713,3774524674,"

""Actor Andrew Garfield says conservatives and members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) are 'willing to sacrifice children' to defend the Second Amendment of the Constitution.""

""American citizen Eugene Q. Whipplewart says that Hollywood Elites, the Celebrated, and American Movie Stars 'already sacrifice their children to Planned Parenthood' to defend the Unconstitutional Legislation-from-the-Bench called the 'Roe v. Wade' decision.""

That second headline won't get the press, but it has a whole lot more truth behind it than the first...

",1519502603,24/02/2018 20:03 8224451,3774618414,"

Were have I seen that guys face before?

Oh yeah, here....

There is no such thing as coincidence.

",1519507188,24/02/2018 21:19 8224451,3774734740,"

The Great Awakening. The Second American Revolution. Join us and Jerome Corsi, Anti-School, Praying Medic, Dustin Nemos, American Intelligence Media, Blackstone Intelligence Network,, reddit cbts.

",1519513792,24/02/2018 23:09 8228090,3774747110,"

any decipher this for me??? Q is legit, but his talk in code is confusing at times

",1519514540,24/02/2018 23:22 8228090,3774750065,

Who the heck is Q ?

,1519514722,24/02/2018 23:25 8228090,3774750453,

Look up QAnon. It's everywhere.

,1519514747,24/02/2018 23:25 8228183,3774764923,"

Good Q, but no my friend. They do not. They simply look at the clock and the occasional groupie in the stands.

",1519515648,24/02/2018 23:40 8228162,3774772324,"

anybody read Qanons posts on this shooting? Look at Feb 15 & then it picks up on Feb 23. -fascinating

",1519516121,24/02/2018 23:48 8224451,3774784367,

Nice to see that you follow Q though.

,1519516888,25/02/2018 00:01 8226752,3774879461,"

Yep, turns out Scott is corrupted and the Qanon boards say the state Atty Gen. Pam Bondi is as well. Both SUPPOSEDLY Trumpers. I think FL has been destroyed just like California.

",1519523028,25/02/2018 01:43 8226566,3774892919,"

they admitted to 10 year of lies about saddam hussein... my Q is, why are they still on the air?
this is like the gal who takes back a guy who has been cheating on her for most their life... what, you like being lied to?

cnn watchers... inexplicable....

",1519523914,25/02/2018 01:58 8228090,3774920755,

Are you part of Qanon?

,1519525795,25/02/2018 02:29 8227472,3774921936,



,1519525873,25/02/2018 02:31 8228162,3774954543,"

Anyone see this photo of the Coward County Sheriff & Shrillary; on the website (scroll down)?

",1519528192,25/02/2018 03:09 8228033,3774970457,"

I am a firm believer of the CIA providing 'lies'...

",1519529419,25/02/2018 03:30 8224913,3774992462,

SO.......what do you think of THE Q POSTS.......

,1519531209,25/02/2018 04:00 8224913,3775002542,"

",1519532126,25/02/2018 04:15 8227472,3775207918,"

I don't think he was wrong Mr Steele, you were in the right place, at the right time, and got where you were for the wrong reason. Please note, the majority of John Q. Public are exhausted with the race bull$h!t, sadly folks like you sir, see a pot and just can't stop yourself from stirring.

",1519552836,25/02/2018 10:00 8227811,3775220673,

Mark Twain- thats a clue right there that this is the bright shiny Q Generation of the future.

,1519554003,25/02/2018 10:20 8228933,3775352125,"

Look who else he's buddies with.

",1519563651,25/02/2018 13:00 8228933,3775391637,

Like Q stated...they are STUPID.......:)

,1519565879,25/02/2018 13:37 8225093,3775486415,"

Suzy Q, you have absolutely no credibility. Your actions and statement confirms our suspicions that you and your former boss are blatant liars

",1519570532,25/02/2018 14:55 8227334,3775673217,"

Thanks! This is really good! But we have to be cautious with where our info is coming from as we spread the Great Awakening. We need to keep using our critical thinking and challenge opinions/analysis even by our fellow travellers and respected leaders. Let's keep each strong and smart so we don't lose sight on the real enemies and strategize accordingly. We have to up our games as the enemies are diabolical. Here's something about Q info to think about.

",1519578692,25/02/2018 17:11 8230061,3775713844,"

Reddit cbts, Jerome Corsi, Anti-School, Dustin Nemos, Praying Medic, American Intelligence Media. The revolution has started and these are just some of the people who are involved. Q anon. Please join us in the Great Awakening.

",1519580369,25/02/2018 17:39 8230061,3775772067,

Reddit cbts..Patriots who decode the intelligence give to us by Q.

,1519582765,25/02/2018 18:19 8229305,3775817464,

thank you but unfortunately John Q public will probably never see this and when they do it will be years from now on a dateline story after the fact that AR's have now been ban

,1519584645,25/02/2018 18:50 8230469,3775844756,"

This guy annihilated Wallace! John Q. Public who doesn't fear the repercussions of the medias' wrath, he threw pragmatism in the face of an elitist talking head snob and would not be swayed into the political banter of nothingness. Gutless politicians dare not tread into the area of common sense and these talking heads only care about continuing the agenda handed to them. Mr. Pollack thank you for your integrity, and more importantly, we weep for your loss in this tragedy.

",1519585808,25/02/2018 19:10 8228708,3775867087,

Check out her Eye Q......

,1519586772,25/02/2018 19:26 8229599,3775920926,"

he's got to dip into some bank accounts again. He was spotted by Q as having a relationship with the NOW DEAD Dr. Medhat EL-Amir who had many bank accounts in relative names, which the doctor was laundering money through. The connection stated by Q was Hezbollah.

So the Q post came out and then the doctor was all of a sudden dead in a Urber car from a 'heart attack.'

",1519589106,25/02/2018 20:05 8230061,3775982582,

A teacher who was grazed by a bullet is reporting seeing someone in full military gear with a rifle she has never seen before. Check it out because they are starting to block information on the Qanon channels. If this women makes it through the week I will me amazed.

,1519591832,25/02/2018 20:50 8230061,3776016622,"

Join the Revolution and the Great Awakening, we are fighting for our country and the lives of our children. Qanon and reddit cbts.

",1519593452,25/02/2018 21:17 8231402,3776116175,"

theres a pic of him & Hillary. its on ...interesting

",1519598723,25/02/2018 22:45 8230061,3776159400,"

In the First Place, look who is reporting this - FAKE NEWS CNN - - tha tells me whle story is FAKE NEWS.
This Sheriff has been doing his job, answering, all the calls to tell the County about this KID. /////////////////////////
The FBI (( friends - brothers and in-laws )) dropped the ball. Most likely, all the available AGENTS were chasing down leads on the RUSSIAN SCANDAL. ///////////////////////////
The left will not let this go, as in many prior cases, they keep hounding on the same thing until popeil, that is JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN, is sick and tired of hearing about this, so called, scandal.. /////////////////////////////

",1519601270,25/02/2018 23:27 8228708,3776200817,"

This is a typical LIBERAL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT in her own rite.////////////////
Toss her in THE ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE. /////////////////////// TOSS THE KEY AWAY ALSO, LET HER ROT IN JAIL. ////////////////////////////////
semper paratus

",1519603750,26/02/2018 00:09 8228330,3776206665,

Theout some will be interesting to watch play out. /////////////////////
The DEMON -= RATS still have a bad taste in their mouths from having Hillary Babe be turned down in the national election. JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN DIDN'T WANT ANOTHER FOUR ( 4 ) ears of OBOOOOOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - to run AMERICA. ///////////////////////////////////// JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN STILL DOESN'T WANT ANY OF OBOOOOOOOMA - THE MAGNIFICENT FARCE - IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. //////////////////////////////////////

,1519604078,26/02/2018 00:14 8230952,3776266933,

Dan Rather is like a CIA cutout in a Q post...

,1519607525,26/02/2018 01:12 8229599,3776333981,"

The fellow who wrote the article has worked with Charles Ortel who has been chasing the Clinton's crimes around the world. Michael Smith is the author of the blog michaelsmithnews and is an ex-detective. There are dozens of articles that he has written on the topic and as I was flipping thru them, I noticed that Michael had sent a letter to FBI Director Wray. That, unfortunately will not go anywhere. What a mess our two countries are in politically, although I wouldn't mind trading our useless bog rat Prime a Minister for your President. Are you following Q? It's essential every patriot gets onboard. The Q posts are here but listening to the live boardast trying to decode Qs Intel is so heart lifting. Go and search under Jerome Corsi and you will notice a date.

This is a bit of a summary.

",1519611513,26/02/2018 02:18 8231963,3776401625,


,1519616008,26/02/2018 03:33 8230061,3776403093,"

check out ....... the news behind the news..

",1519616119,26/02/2018 03:35 8231402,3776403682," boom

",1519616164,26/02/2018 03:36 8231963,3776447665,"

",1519620098,26/02/2018 04:41 8231963,3776472619,"

It was just a quick search, not intending to mislead. Even in the Fox News article they explain that the lower deportations is related to lower illegal numbers coming in.
""An ICE report concluded that the lower numbers were due to an overall decline in undocumented immigrants apprehended at the border – 17 percent less than 2016.""

The WT article is a bit misleading also, the title suggests return to high illegal crossings
""Illegal immigration on border surges back to Obama levels""

But the details in the article show otherwise.
""Homeland Security said those numbers are still an improvement over the worst years of President Obama.

“Under President Trump, illegal immigration has declined dramatically over the last year,” said spokesman Tyler Q. Houston.""

A misleading title is classic MSM propaganda as they know many people only read headlines. Mid terms traditionally show a dip for the side that has just been elected. We'll see if people want to risk undoing the economic benefit of Trump policies, and if the cleaning out of illegals helps.

",1519622724,26/02/2018 05:25 8229599,3776481217,

I’m so happy you are following Q!! Many Aussies are too!

,1519623666,26/02/2018 05:41 8232386,3776499973,"

If you believe Q-anon, there are literally intelligence operatives in the media working as journalists who get regular emails with their talking points.

Some have family connections and others were recruited and they will eventually be revealed by the white hats.

It sounds like an outrageous conspiracy theory, but it is historic fact that back in the 1950s the CIA admitted that they had about 400 journos on their books.

",1519625471,26/02/2018 06:11 8232197,3776547404,"

""The 12 Days of Kwanza.""

Shirley Q. Liquor

",1519630134,26/02/2018 07:28 8229599,3776564943,"

No, I do not follow Q but my niece in York, England does and I have her links on my list to get up to speed. I came to America in '60 as a young 18 yr old with no family. This was and still is a wonderful country but we have gone off the rails in during the Obama Presidency. Our hope is that Pres Trump can get us back on track. But the actions of the FBI/DOJ and other Agencies, in my opinion border on Treason in their efforts to bring down a duly elected President during the Transition when Obama was still in the WH. I have never seen it so bad.

I do not have any grandchildren to worry about but I sure care about the next generation and what type country they will be left with. I have always been conservative (coming from a Socialist Scottish background) and have never voted liberal. However, was totally disgusted with both Parties as I am sure the rest of the country was, hence, thankfully we managed to prevent the most corrupt woman in American Politics to be crowned.

I have returned to Scotland several times and was there during Brexit and when Pres Trump was running...boy did I have some volatile discussions...they worshiped Obama & Hillary. I could not believe how the British media, which is worse than ours, accomplished total brainwashing of the majority of the population. Britain is a total mess, in my opinion. I doubt seriously if I ever go back as I only have a couple of nieces left. I think Britain is too far gone with immigration (as are we) and will be swallowed up by multiple wives and massive birthrate. I saw more full black eye-slit burkas than the Kilt although mainly inner Glasgow. Was enough for me so I headed up to the Highlands which of course are beautiful but for how long remains to be seen.

Thanks for the info on Qanon and Scorsi ...will get on board with that and keep reading your posts.

Thanks for keeping us informed on what is going on in Australia.

",1519631739,26/02/2018 07:55 8232197,3776610417,

Because he is. Qanon revealed that the Sherif is a generous democrat donor for Hillary.

,1519634517,26/02/2018 08:41 8229599,3776633199,"

My pleasure. At this very moment the globalists know their days are numbered. Only a week ago there was an attempt on the President's life. A journo travelling with the media pack bought a gun with him. Between military Intel and the secret service he was quickly apprehended. Q has warned there are some dark days ahead and because many democrat politicians, including Obama, Clinton, Bush, SCHIFF, McCain, Mueller, Podesta, Brennan, Lynch, et el conspired to bring down a democratically elected President, the crime is treason or even sedition. It will not be a civil trial but a military trial. Already there are 17 judges appointed with 12 military personnel each that wil be jurors. There has been another 3 attempts on the Presidents life and this is one of the reasons Melania cancelled her visit at the last minute with the President to Brussels. Lovely to speak with you!!

",1519635677,26/02/2018 09:01 8229908,3776661505,"

I am getting sick of this Q. We are being played by Q.

I have watched them over at youtube on this live stream where they wait for the latest on Q.

Q goes Bridge. They go and try to find anything they can about
""bridge"". Something happened at a Bridge? A part of a title to a book? An acronym?

Either tell us what you are going to tell us or don't already. This game suggests to me you are deep state and are having a laugh at us running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

",1519637011,26/02/2018 09:23 8232506,3776821399,"

Anti-President Olympics. If NBC is the station again and they have those two divas of ice skating, the Q u e e r and Lipinski, I won't watch one bit. Disgusting behavior - I thought I was watching the Hunger Games.

",1519647018,26/02/2018 12:10 8228825,3776834441,

Blind boy is disabled in more ways than one. Wake Up the indictments are coming #QAnon.

,1519647755,26/02/2018 12:22 8232824,3776878128,"

Obama shared his Presidential Daily Briefing with 30 staffers. More than any other president. The PDBs were the ""coup collaborators"" message path.

#Obamagate is gathering steam. There will be another distraction.

Will Zero (and the media) toss Hillary under the bus? #QAnon

",1519650041,26/02/2018 13:00 8232197,3776884931,

Question to all the Q Anon watchers: did q make a post something about watching the water? The good muslim Sheriff was over one of the biggest shipping ports.....

,1519650366,26/02/2018 13:06 8232824,3777166128,"

You have Qanon saying things, and other smoke fires, but when is the truth going to come out and the bonfire lit? This drip drip is letting guilty people delete their trail and scheme to get away...trump has to lay down the hammer and declassify all of it or we will never get to the bottom...nunes can come out with whatever but we have to put country over sources and methods and root out this cancer in our govt

",1519661930,26/02/2018 16:18 8232197,3777243249,"

If it's real, awesome. If it's fake, that is some impressive LARPING.

",1519664788,26/02/2018 17:06 8221190,3777553827,"

Let's start with Genesis 2:2-3. The Sabbath is not mentioned in Genesis AT ALL. Luke 4:16 only shows that Jesus followed the Jewish teachings of preaching on the Sabbath, not what He calls for on the Lord's Day.

Acts 13:42 and Acts 18:2 does not show the early Church worshipped on the Sabbath; it shows that Paul preached to the Jews in the synagogue about Jesus. This is an entirely different matter. If a street preacher stands outside a strip club to preach about Jesus, should we then assume that this is where Church worship occurred?

Isaiah 66:22-23 again doesn't say what you claim. It only says that the descendants of the Jewish people will endure from month to month and week to week. You attempt to make it say something that it does not.

It says nothing about Sun worship, and neither does the Catholic Church. Therefore, you bear false witness.

Finally, Daniel 7:25 is badly misinterpreted by you.

One problem with this reasoning is that it focuses only on part of the symbolism in Revelation 13. Not only does the beast John sees have ten horns, like Daniel’s fourth beast, it also has a body like a leopard (13:2a), like Daniel’s third beast (7:6), feet like a bear’s (13:2b), like Daniel’s second beast (7:5), and a mouth like a lion, like Daniel’s first beast (7:4). The beast John sees thus incorporates symbolism from all of Daniel’s four beasts, making it impossible to simply identify it with the fourth of the series.

This is part of the ""fusion imagery"" which Revelation contains. Just as John saw angels around God’s throne (4:6-8) which incorporated elements of bot hIsaiah’sseraphim (Is. 6:2-3) and Ezekiel’s cherubim (Ezek. 10:10-14), now he sees a beast which incorporates elements of all the Daniel 7 beasts. This suggests that the new beast is like those four—the same kind of thing as they are—but not to be identified with any one of them.

Another problem is that Daniel’s fourth beast does not symbolize the Roman Empire—at least not as its primary referent. Instead, its main referent is the kingdom that resulted when Alexander the Great’s kingdom fell apart.

Among the horns of Daniel’s fourth beast arose one particular little horn who blasphemed God (7:8). This little horn symbolizes Antiochus IV (""Antiochus Epiphanes""), the Selucid king
who conquered Jerusalem, blasphemed God, and desecrated the temple, and
set up the first ""abomination of desolation"" (Dan. 11:31, 12:11, 1 Macc.
6:7) by setting up an idol of Jupiter Olympus in the holy place. (There
are other times an ""abomination of desolation"" is set up, cf. Matt.
24:15-16, Luke 21:20-21.)

What Daniel’s four beasts have in common is that they are all pagan kingdoms that persecuted and conquered God’s people, Israel. John’s beast is the same kind of thing—a conquering pagan empire. Since it comes after Daniel’s four beasts, Rome is the logical candidate. But it’s not a future, ""restored Roman Empire."" It’s the real thing, the pagan Roman Empire of the early centuries. This is confirmed by several lines of evidence.

First, the book of Revelation is explicit in stating that it concerns events that will happen ""soon"" (1:1, 2:16, 3:11, 22:6, 7, 12, 20). This indicates that the bulk of the events of the book (those that precede the Millennium of Rev. 20:1-10, in which we are now living) should take place shortly after the book was written, likely in the A.D. 60s.

Second, we are told that the number of the beast is 666 and that this is the number of a man’s name (13:18). Not coincidentally, the persecuting, pagan Roman Empire was headed in the A.D. 60s by Caesar Nero, whose name happened to add up to 666 in the Hebrew system of letters and numbers. (In Hebrew, ""Caesar Nero"" = ""NRWN QSR"" = N 50 + R 200 + W 6 + N 50 + Q 100 + S 60 + R 200 = 666; a variant spelling of the name, NRW QSR, adds up to 616, which some manuscripts have in place of 666).

Third, the seven heads of the beast are identified as seven mountains (17:9). Though this is not certain, these are likely the seven hills on which the city of Rome was built. (Vatican Hill, however, was not one of the seven; it is on the side of the Tiber River opposite the seven.)

Thus there is good evidence that the beast from the sea is the pagan Roman Empire of the first century and, in particular, the emperor at its head. This, again, is like Daniel’s four beasts, who were described both as four kings (Dan 7:17) and four kingdoms (cf. Dan. 7:23).

",1519676225,26/02/2018 20:17 8228330,3777700845,"

My latest proposal calls for: Shut Down The Government. As before, ‘essential’ services continue. These are the real Govt Expenses to be paid by IRS Taxes

All other services will have to find patrons to pay for the budget they operate under. 30 Million people make over 400,000 each year and have $Trillions in wealth. No money, no operation, no real need.

Broadly speaking, Social Security has its own tax collection and distribution operation. But, money will have to be voluntarily contributed to run the Q n A Dept.

School Lunches would have to find patrons to keep it running as well as most welfare programs.
Military Research and Development (MIC) would need lots of underwriters for new weapons.

But, the purchase of cost-effective products would come from IRS taxes as would the soldiers and sailors wages.
Bases would be partially funded by a tax on the Reagion benefiting financially from the Base.

That is why I am unpopular.

",1519682486,26/02/2018 22:01 8236334,3777725163,"

So far, I have seen his dad is FBI, he is reg. at another school, he is a crisis actor that CNN is well known to employ-a man in full body armor face mask etc was shooting up that school. The whole thing stinks. Qanon told us there was going to be FF actions, we knew well ahead of time. The left really blew this one good! Hogg, no body cares! Do what you feel is right, but shut the eff up?

",1519683612,26/02/2018 22:20 8236334,3777790961,

They are not designed to kill 50 people a minute. No earthly reason why John Q. Public needs an assault weapon.

,1519686994,26/02/2018 23:16 8229908,3777797546,"

No, we aren't being played but I do agree that it's incredibly frustrating. Q is legit. Most live streams are, imho, seriously counterproductive. This analyst is very, very good. Jump to @36:50 for ""the Bridge"" explanation.

Exposing the deep state in this way is being done to maintain national security. It minimises military intelligence being leaked and picked-up by hostile board watchers/state enemies wanting to silence Q and keep the world ignorant about what the deep state's been up to for decades. It's a brilliant and carefully thought out approach to defeating ""the cabal"", really.

",1519687330,26/02/2018 23:22 8236334,3777831600,

His face is an upside-down triangle. Illuminati confirmed. Q said this would happen. The Jews did 9/11. Bannon for president. Peace out.

,1519689111,26/02/2018 23:51 8236334,3777895031,

CNN will take him. He got a higher Q rating than Acosta.

,1519692423,27/02/2018 00:47 8234507,3777949962,"

Most of what we know about the Florida shooting is questionable. What we do know is that we can't trust the FBI to do its job. We can't trust the Sheriff who in no way protected the students. If you don't know about Q-Anon, this is a good time to listen to an alternative analysis of what is really going on. Hear Jerome Corsi.

",1519695393,27/02/2018 01:36 8236478,3778012259,

QAnon will set you free.

,1519699070,27/02/2018 02:37 8236478,3778068490," #jeromecorsi

",1519703058,27/02/2018 03:44 8236478,3778069272,

Let's pay attention the narrative has shifted... WHY #QANON

,1519703121,27/02/2018 03:45 8236334,3778075662,"

By the looks of it, QAnon has leaked photos showing that Hogg was a student at Redondo UNION High School (not Redondo SHORES).
They're adjacent schools, which explains the mistake.

",1519703655,27/02/2018 03:54 8236334,3778107766,

Twitter Q anon has the video and pics.

,1519706452,27/02/2018 04:40 8236334,3778108064,

Twitter Q anon.

,1519706480,27/02/2018 04:41 8239433,3778682534,

Her Q score plummeted. Red Sparrow will flop hard.

,1519743845,27/02/2018 15:04 8238791,3778710560,"

Don't worry, q-anon is on the case. Yea.

",1519744907,27/02/2018 15:21 8238791,3778825690,

It would not surprise me in the least. I have heard that rumor before by the way on the Q anon forum.

,1519749168,27/02/2018 16:32 8238791,3778936164,"

This is just the tip of the ICEBERG for the sinking of SHIP HILLARY BABE. ///////////////
More and more news comes out every day about how Hillary Babe has taken JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN to the cleaners with the URANIUM ONE scandal along with the FISA COURT mess. ////////////////////////////////////
Will be interesting to see the out come of this, that is, if, MUELLER ever gets of his DEAD ARSE to tie the can to Hillary, OBOOOOOMA,. Comey, an others. /////////////

",1519753135,27/02/2018 17:38 8237102,3779025701,"



Every one of TRUMP's VERY LEGITIMATE deferments are available for John Q to examine, easily proving that you are either

a) an abject liar of inferior IQ, or

b) a too insane unmitigated prevaricator of the worst possible description and who actively supports (giggle) 'midnight animal husbandry...'

btw/ fyi: The Armed Services have NEVER granted deferments based on ""what his Daddy thinks.""

",1519756478,27/02/2018 18:34 8240516,3779128614,

What Q and the anons really want us to know is that some really big criminals are going to be arrested and indicted. When Americans find out what these people have been doing there may well be major chaos. Prepare and try to stock supplies for 3 to 6 months. Talk to people and prepare them so we can avoid civil unrest.
Where we go one we go all.

,1519760455,27/02/2018 19:40 8240717,3779140866,

Qanon got to him.

,1519760945,27/02/2018 19:49 8240516,3779237615,"

Google Purging Conservative Media, But Trump Looking to Investigate

YouTube removes videos for alleged bullying

Jerome Corsi | -
February 27, 2018

Image Credits: Rego Korosi, Flickr.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Google and YouTube have advanced
their attack on by removing one of this author’s videos
decoding the intelligence agent known as QAnon for allegedly “bullying”
and blocking this author’s ability to conduct a live chat for 90 days,
or until the appeal on the removed video is resolved.

Below is a screen capture of the video removed by YouTube:

On Feb. 24, Alex Jones ran a special emergency broadcast covering the unprecedented attack on free speech being launched by Google/YouTube.

CNN and other news outlets have continued to exert lobbying pressure
on Google/YouTube to terminate’s entire channel by falsely
insinuating Infowars’ content has violated Google/YouTube community

We have previously reported
that an internet hashtag has begun gaining steam advancing the concept
of Congress creating an Internet Bill of Rights, #InternetBillofRights.

The push to apply First Amendment free speech rights to the
Internet has arisen in the wake of the decision by the FCC to repeal the
Soros-supported “net neutrality” rules created during the Obama

The Soros-funded “net neutrality” rules were designed to be a
deceptively worded subterfuge under which Internet content giants
including Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter were free to censor out
conservative and libertarian views with impunity.

John Simons, President Trump’s choice to head the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC), along with Republican nominees Christine Wilson and
Noah Philips, as well as Democrat Rohit Chopra testified
to the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 14, that they are
open to investigating the Internet edge providers including
Google/YouTube and Facebook to see if they are in violation of consumer
protection laws.

All four responded positively when questioned by the Senate
committee about their willingness to pursue with the Justice Department
anti-trust action in pursuit of an open network.

Simon indicated his willingness to task the FTC to examine
complaints the Internet giant edge providers, including Google/YouTube,
Facebook, and Twitter censor conservatives and libertarians when he
answered questions from Sen. Ed Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts
and a staunch supporter of the Soros-backed “net neutrality rules.”
“The FTC has rule-making authority over the Internet,” Simon explained, “and we will be a vigorous enforcer.”

",1519764729,27/02/2018 20:52 8240192,3779262970,"

Trump has already set up military tribunals linked to Gitmo. There has already bee an attempt to assassinate the Tribunal. Q says we are in Phase 2 which is rounding up the traitors which has started. Hence the train derailment school shootings. Phase 3 will be the trials for the whole world to see. There have been assassination attempts on Trump every day since the Memo. And they tried to kidnap and torture his grandchildren. If you want to learn more go to Qanon ,Jerome Corsi

",1519765781,27/02/2018 21:09 8241293,3779292536,"

The LG community (and I don't agree with any but) was an acceptable group, non-radical,
then they added the B (bisexual) which simply means pervert. next came the T, then came the Q, then came the George Soros money.
Now they are a filthy bunch of punk brown shirts. Tools of fascism, nothing more.

",1519767080,27/02/2018 21:31 8241323,3779305387,"

Midnight Basketball for $5000, Alex. Q. What is throw'em a basketball?

",1519767664,27/02/2018 21:41 8241437,3779361135,"

Guess where two of the 9/11 terrorists were four days before the attacks? BROWARD COUNTY. What a coincidence. It's the same locations, same people, over and over again just churning out corruption, over, and over, and over!

Remember the airport shooting that was also in broward county.

",1519770325,27/02/2018 22:25 8237831,3779374365,"

Agreed, even a person w/ a very low I Q knows what a 12 ga. will do.

We have approx. 20,000 gun laws in the U.S. and criminals don't obey them. And some want more laws.

Insanity = repeating the same action and expecting a different result.

",1519771000,27/02/2018 22:36 8243081,3779528100,"

",1519779224,28/02/2018 00:53 8243081,3779529668,"

This one is ad free so far... :

",1519779315,28/02/2018 00:55 8242460,3779575663,"

I disagree. Mr. Putin has now made a defacto ally with Turkey through Erdogan and Iran is fine with this arrangement for now so long as northern Iraq is carved up equitably between them... meaning Kurdish land. I think Mr Putin knows this temporary agreement with temporary allies will not last. Your mention of al Q is a red herring and irrelevant.

What you don't know is that Mr. Putin has correctly understood that Syria is no longer a viable country and will be carved up. He is just making the terms.

",1519781937,28/02/2018 01:38 8242889,3779599958,

The most vocal critics of Trump have some bad stuff in their closets according to #Qanon.

The loudest voices are the ones hiding the most. (pedo stuff and maybe worse)

,1519783386,28/02/2018 02:03 8241494,3779617127,"

They cut off Corsi. I had been watching him every day for weeks on Qanon stuff. But there are other channels covering Q and I think he'll spread himself out more, now. He needs a few days off, anyway - last night he was losing his voice. He's been spending all day every day talking online about all this stuff.

We desperately need a GOOD alternative to Gargoyle. shut down, dTube is nearly impossible to get a login for (have to register at Steem) and Bitchute needs to up its game ASAP.

",1519784452,28/02/2018 02:20 8242889,3779627068,"

I followed a link to Qanon. People need to follow this.
We the People, We the Patriots.

",1519785095,28/02/2018 02:31 8243711,3779736833,"

I can't wait for all this corruption to come out on Sheriff Israel. Qanon has been saying that the NSA is ""leaking"" things about the ""shootings"" and drills that continue to happen before these sad events. FOLLOW THE MONEY for that is what this is all about.

",1519794002,28/02/2018 05:00 8240393,3779767657,"

Hes smart, very smart. But he hasn't done it alone. He has very smart allies. See QAnon posts and analyses.

Obama was the smartest president ever to score below 1140 (IQ 110 -115 range) on the SAT. HS grade average C+. In his era, under affirmative action, an African-American with an 1180-1200 SAT and private-school B+ grade average went to Stanford, ala Susan Rice and Valarie Jarret, not Occidental.

",1519796943,28/02/2018 05:49 8243711,3780083387,"


",1519820936,28/02/2018 12:28 8242661,3780155136,"

if this creep isnt a child molester then i wouldnt know who is. MAJOR creep vibe from that ahhoolllee

remember Q anon posts, watch for those who yell the loudest.

",1519824013,28/02/2018 13:20 8245469,3780259283,"

Deuces...fck you Dicks!!!!

January 28 Q post --
How do you keep people BLIND?
What must you FEED them?

""EXPECT A MAJOR FF"" (ie Parkland shooting)....should the Russia collusion BS fails.

",1519827996,28/02/2018 14:26 8245298,3780279319,

Have you seen the Qanon video's ? Patience it's coming.BTW did you know Trump signed and executive order taking funds from human traffickers ?

,1519828710,28/02/2018 14:38 8245469,3780302412,"

Screw you Dick's!!!!

January 28 Q post --
How do you keep people BLIND?
What must you FEED them?

""EXPECT A MAJOR FF"" (ie Parkland shooting)....should the Russia collusion BS fails.

",1519829517,28/02/2018 14:51 8245469,3780308061,"

D ick's took the bait, and will suffer for it. All for another false flag to distract from failure of the Russia collusion narrative and growing FISA investigation.

January 28 Q post --
How do you keep people BLIND?
What must you FEED them?

""EXPECT A MAJOR FF"" (ie Parkland shooting)....should the Russia collusion BS fail.

",1519829720,28/02/2018 14:55 8245808,3780470745,

There are an estimated 15 million assault type rifles in the hands of John Q. Public today. It is obvious the public wants these type firearms. Sales for assault rifles has only grown over the years. Retailers dropping out of the market only offers opportunities for competitors to move in.

,1519835436,28/02/2018 16:30 8065039,3780479187,"

Enough memos & investigations. Seems impossible to get actual justice around here, despite what q-anon has been teasing.

",1519835742,28/02/2018 16:35 8242202,3780491103,"

They are. Read QANON posts, they are going after their ratlines first before cornering the big rats.

",1519836166,28/02/2018 16:42 8246303,3780547484,"

I think this should convince even Q that Sessions sucks. Unless it is all more 4D chess and deflection, etc.

",1519838188,28/02/2018 17:16 8245808,3780559981,

Laurie Poulson‏
Follow Follow @AnnieLaur
Replying to @Thomas1774Paine
Interesting “a teacher” is the shooter... once again... the deep state plays our @POTUS 4 a fool

👎 NOPE... more to come #DeepStateEvil
The Left media is NOT innocent
#QAnon #TheGreatAwakening

,1519838598,28/02/2018 17:23 8245469,3780577547,"

Interesting take. You don't do history do you? The Jews of Europe couldn't defend themselves, right, from 1933 to 1945? Hiding behind a firearm? An unarmed society is a basket of powerless sheep for anyone to destroy or control. Name one place in the U.S. were gun control is furiously implemented that has not resulted in the bad guy only having guns. Let's discuss that bastion of demoncrat hope: CHICAGO.


",1519839235,28/02/2018 17:33 8245808,3780583575,

PeggyBot ✨ 🇺🇸 ⚖️ ⌛️‏
Follow Follow @imovershit

More PeggyBot ✨ 🇺🇸 ⚖️ ⌛️ Retweeted Thomas Paine

Hmmm. @realDonaldTrump idea to have teachers carry starts to get traction and walahh within days teacher with gun reals havoc in a school. See how this works? Anyone?

Omg there’s already a #TeachersAndGunsDontMix 🤪
#2A #qanon #ArmTheTeachers

,1519839456,28/02/2018 17:37 8246303,3780593259,"

Your link is worthwhile. If you haven't seen the above, you are likely to have a couple hours very enjoyable reading in front of you. If you are familiar with Q, some of the above will sound familiar. As in ""verbatim"".

",1519839810,28/02/2018 17:43 8246303,3780642234,

The mysterious entity known as Qanon claims that Jeff Sessions is a 'white hat' and he should be trusted. He is behind the scenes doing great things.
This proves that Qanon is a Russian bot. Probably controlled by Soros.

,1519841572,28/02/2018 18:12 8246303,3780647880,

Yeah I don’t trust Qanon the Sessions apologists.

,1519841775,28/02/2018 18:16 8246303,3780703435,"

Yes, I think Q is helping President Trump get the word out. As pervasive that the MSM is, he wants to go directly to the people, and not just in tweets.

Thanks for the link.

",1519843784,28/02/2018 18:49 8246303,3780727477,"

Please be patient everyone. ATM there is some really, really bad stuff going on and the military tribunals are being prepared because treason/sedition has been committed. The deep state are really hitting back and they want your guns. Period. Are you aware that there has been several attempts on the Presidents life? The latest was a journo, travelling with the press pack, that bought a gun along. There will be more Las Vegas, more Florida's and tragically more Sandy Hook's before this is over. The plan to take down the deep state has been years in the planning and because you cannot believe the media (deep state), the President, in conjunction with military Intel are getting the news out in the most ingenious way ever. And anyone that mentions QAnon is shut down on YouTube or Twitter. If you haven't been following QAnon, you need to. Twice Q has said TRUST SESSIONS and until he says otherwise, we need to be aware that it's part of the bigger picture. They are working together with Q and they are flushing out the deep state and the latest 'flushing out' is Rubio.

The deep state will keep the gun issue at the front because their intension is to remove you guns and the President. And if they try? Civil war which will make it easier for W3 to start and foreign troops (UN) being inserted onto American soil. We have been given some really disturbing news by Q regarding crimes, serious crimes by many, many in the government. These people 'globalists' that have run America for 40 odd years are not going to give up easily and as Q has stated #PRAY. Nobody can imagine the depth of EVIL. We should be praying to protect those determined to restore the Republic to its former glory, because at this moment, it's the most important thing in the world YOU can do. Are you ready for what will be laid bare by these deep state criminals? Will YOU be ready for the pure evil that is Pedogate? Many of the Anons are starting to see the enormity of this revealing and someone posted about this and their fears. Have a look at this.

The Q team is real and as Q has stated when asked how many in the team? The answer came back. Less than 10, 6/7 Intel and 3 civilians. Q informed that we are going into a really dark period and possibly there will be no communications. That has happened as there has been no drops since 2/24. Did you hear the teacher that went out to see what the gunfire in the hall was all about? She said the first thing that came into her mind is why is there a fully armoured policeman, with helmet and looking out of place and firing into the hall? Have you seen the video of Police loading something in a zippered large black bag into the back of a pickup. Why is the Policeman at back trying to cover his face? If these people are willing to kill children, then these people hate America and her people. But. How do you reconcile that there are politicians out there who are part of the deep state and care nothing of the children, but are willing to sell America out to the globalists for 30 pieces of silver.

",1519844680,28/02/2018 19:04 8246450,3780836136,"

No it is the only way some people can learn. That is why Q communicates in questions, they want us to do our homework.

",1519849091,28/02/2018 20:18 8245298,3780846339,"

As Q said, to defuse a bomb you have to know which wires to cut. I hold out hope that this is the reason for delays in so many instances right now.

",1519849503,28/02/2018 20:25 8248364,3780968616,"

Perhaps this is his ""DACA"" 2.0 version of showing that democrats do not want gun control they want gun CONFISCATION?

If he starts going this direction he is done, no need spending money campaigning in 2020....he won because people like me thought he had a SPINE...but caving to left wing democrats is not what I voted for....TIME WILL TELL>

Where is Qanon telling us SOME CODED MESSAGE BS? see latest crap of how he had his hands and notes positioned? Can you believe this crap..

",1519854267,28/02/2018 21:44 8246303,3781033624,"


",1519857504,28/02/2018 22:38 8246303,3781034127,"

I think this ""conflict"" with Sessions is mostly for show.

The Q anon posts keep urging us to trust Sessions and hints about both of them putting on a little show in this.

",1519857530,28/02/2018 22:38 8246357,3781064950,"

According to Jay Inslee - governor of Washington State - gun toting TEACHERS is not necessary.//////////////////// Jay Inslee is a JOKE to start with.///////////////////////
Typical DEMON - RAT theory, take away all the WEAPONS, then oly the CROOKS, GOONS, THUGS and THIEVES will have the weapons. JOHN Q. PUBLIC citizen will be left out in the cold with no way to protect ourselves from these LIBERAL SLIME BALL Crooks, thieves, goons and thugs. /////////////////////////////////

",1519859173,28/02/2018 23:06 8246303,3781070285,"

Time for POTUS TRUMP to push, AG, Jeff SESSIONS, into a corner, in reference to Hillary Babe, Ajila time (( ROUND BAR HOTEL TYPE AT JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE)) IS WHAT IS NEEDED TO PUT AN END TO HILLARY BABE AND HER RU9N ALL OVE R EVERY ONE, IDEAS/ ////////////////////////////////////////
semper paratus

",1519859471,28/02/2018 23:11 8246303,3781116757,"

Be patient. Trump is holding winning card. 9.0 Richter scale earthquake will violently shake Washington in couple months. More info, go to read Q Anon.

",1519862053,28/02/2018 23:54 8248757,3781266332,

You're a nignog? That's unpossible. You have a name that doesn't have Q or Z in it and you can spell.

,1519865696,01/03/2018 00:54 8249864,3781339320,"

Um, maybe some of this has to do with the fact that many conservatives, like me, don't use retarded Facebook #qanon has all that we require

",1519870236,01/03/2018 02:10 8246801,3781342360,"

Antitrust laws are now being invoked by banned platform users in multiple lawsuits. If your statement held true, the FCC would be silent about this issue as so would the U.S. Congress, who brought the CEOs to the table before them for questioning. Feinstein, etc., also threatened FB & Twitter (who complied with the wishes of those democrat persons) with governmental regulation and so there is a problem with these major platforms.


QAnon: Goodbye @Jack

",1519870435,01/03/2018 02:13 8249864,3781392810,"
being monitored by commies

",1519873614,01/03/2018 03:06 8246819,3781399512,"

The agency (CIA), Oprah, the (((Pritzgers))) and John Rogers of Chicago put Traitor 44 into office..

QAnons take note... Are the rest of you too dumb to take notice of an intelligence drop? We are risking our lives out here for you to share this... You people are getting very weak on up-voting patriots I have to say. Wake up .This is a real war.

",1519874120,01/03/2018 03:15 8248364,3781468950,"

Don't believe Trump for a second and now we can put the Qanon bs to rest. Trump wants all the guns and this bill opens that door! WAKE UP
Trump Goes Full Gun Grabber ""grab em by the guns""

Hey here's a thought are American still going to believe the Presidential election is real? or face the reality Trump was selected not elected and it's been that way ever since Rutherford B Hayes was elected President.

",1519880022,01/03/2018 04:53 8248364,3781485763,

The Qanon psyop is officially over! I hope the idiots that bought into it understand this.

,1519881666,01/03/2018 05:21 8249864,3781488604,"

Yea, but QAnon engagement probably up 1000%.
People have given up on the presidency, being president simply isnt enough, we need something ""more"".
Namely a radical team of government operatives intent on completely gutting the government from the inside out.
The government has just become too corrupt and too obvious about it.
This isnt a government, its a criminal syndicate.

",1519881936,01/03/2018 05:25 8248364,3781573784,

Any Qanon faggots posting this morning?

,1519890012,01/03/2018 07:40 8248364,3781576051,

The real losers are the Qanon faggots that got rolled by an obvious psyop watch them squirm like gutted fish as they try to defend Trump.

,1519890223,01/03/2018 07:43 8248364,3781609933,"

NOPE it's time for you Qanon faggots to wake up I am so sick of you retards!
Trump Goes Full Gun Grabber ""grab em by the guns""

",1519893212,01/03/2018 08:33 8248364,3781684323,

You're a Q Anon level discrediting troll.

,1519899087,01/03/2018 10:11 8249864,3781807486,

They’ve been off the rails. What do you do when elements of your own government are engaging in a silent war against its own people?. The Democrats are trying to overthrow the government and replace it with a socialist tyranny. I’m hoping Qanon is the real deal. This is getting serious.

,1519906732,01/03/2018 12:18 8242529,3781998897,

WSHH founder Q was assasinated like Andrew breitbart. Both died from Heart attack.

,1519914638,01/03/2018 14:30 8242529,3782039029,

ANDREW WAS MURDERED BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. Please Trump look into this and make some heads roll. #maga #qanon

,1519916179,01/03/2018 14:56 8252171,3782059971,"

Busy trolling this morning aren't we, Suzie Q?

",1519916964,01/03/2018 15:09 8249864,3782070947,"

Schmidt will be for sure, @Jackoff too.. qanon is dropping rather large hints.

",1519917376,01/03/2018 15:16 8242529,3782106975,

We are Breitbart! #QAnon

,1519918720,01/03/2018 15:38 8242529,3782251137,"

Hard-Left Actively Driving Trump Supporters From Internet

Cyberattacks intensify to purge Trump supporters before mid-term elections

Jerome Corsi | -
March 1, 2018

Image Credits: Blogtrepreneur, Flickr.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Whether the White House realizes it
or not, President Trump’s supporters are facing an increased cyberattack
to remove from the Internet prior to the 2018 mid-term elections the
conservatives and libertarians whose postings on various websites were
critical to his presidential victory in 2016.

So far, President Trump has been silent on published reports
that Google/YouTube have employed the noted hate-site, Southern Poverty
Law Center (SPLC), to serve as their thought-police, armed with the
ability to remove YouTube videos and channels that dare oppose the SPLC
hard-left ideological agenda.

The SPLC is famous for tagging Ben Carson and Laura Ingram, as well
as as “hate criminals,” while refusing to object to
Soros-funded violent hard-left protest groups like Antifa or Black Lives

In the past week, Google/YouTube removed videos posted by and yours truly, with this author’s account being suspended
for 90 days from posting videos and launching Live Chat sessions.

Evidence suggests the bots in the CIA are attacking conservatives and
libertarians on the Internet at the same time Google has launched a
campaign to purge YouTube of all similar contact supporting President

On Wednesday, the owner and moderator of the 8chan bulletin board,
used by anonymous posters working to researching QAnon, posted warnings
that the board was under a heavy cyberattack, with contributors on the
board unable to post for three hours yesterday, between 9:25 am and
12:25 pm ET.

The 8chan operators of the QAnon board alerted users and readers that
the owner and moderator were “in the midst of a heavy DDOS (Distributed
Denial of Service) attack,” and were working “all out to keep the site

One poster speculated that the hundreds of thousands of bots involved
in the cyberattack suggested the DDOS attack originated from within the
CIA, speculating that silencing the board could well be an effort by
government intelligence agencies to see if they could silence critics
during a possible FF (false flag) attack.

Anonymous posters on the 8chan board were advised by the board’s owner to “post while you can” during the cyberattack.

Alex Jones has speculated that the hard-left and the intelligence
agencies are resorting to AI (Artificial Intelligence) engines to back
heavy DDOS cyberattacks aimed at disrupting and possibly even silencing
vocal critics on the Internet.
This week, before QAnon went silent, QAnon warned in posts on Sunday
that a heavy cyberattack had begun, warning the owner and operator of
8chan to watch for specific code in the website’s structure that was
considered vulnerable to cyberattack.

",1519924126,01/03/2018 17:08 8242529,3782266180,"

DOJ refuses to hand over FISA court hearing transcripts, not looking good for Sessions


1 Comment

The Gateway Pundit Reports: Sarah Carter told Sean the Department of Justice refused and ignored Congressional requests to turn over the transcripts of the FISA court hearings on Carter Page.Obama Deep State operatives lied to the FISA court in order to spy on campaign volunteer Carter Page and the entire Trump campaign.
Sara Carter: The Department of Justice can easily give you the same documents that we have. This has never been requested before by the FISA Court. So this is a new thing for them. They have to review everything, decide whether or not they can hand over these documents. But she said that the court would not reject to the fact that the Department of Justice can hand them over. Well I confirm tonight that Nunes and Goodlatte did request those documents from the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice never responded to them.
Looks like Jeff Sessions has lied to the American people about an official investigation into FISA abuses by the Obama administration, as the DOJ is now refusing to hand over FISA court transcripts related to Obama's abuse of the FISA court system. Now Q has said for us all to trust Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but it's not looking that way as the DOJ is refusing to allow Obama's misuse of FISA to be investigated.
​ If Sessions has a hand in the DOJ's decision not to release Obama FISA court transcripts that started the illegal FISA spy ring against Trump, then it's simply time for Sessions to be removed as Attorney General and look elsewhere for work. Trump seriously needs a serious talk with Jeff Sessions, as Sessions is solely responsible for the actions of the DOJ as Attorney General...And basically tonight the DOJ is protecting the FISA misus

",1519924685,01/03/2018 17:18 8250539,3782395357,

We could name it after Shirley Q. Liquor.

,1519929632,01/03/2018 18:40 8251631,3782409401,"

Antischool went down on day one. Anything related to 8chan pol/ Qanon is targeted. If you want to know the news not being reported, his channel was one of the best.

",1519930162,01/03/2018 18:49 8251631,3782463958,

Welcome to our dystopian future. If you follow the Q stuff he warned of this back in December.

,1519932179,01/03/2018 19:22 8252156,3782499052,"

I am sick of hearing about Q and 4D chess!! Either we take on the Marxists and blatantly stop them from annihilating our Constitution, our liberties, or we sit and play guessing games while our nation burns and more are killed because of a Bolshevik agenda!

They are responsible for these shootings, train derailments, and all the chaos. You all know it, but don’t want to sound like you’re on the fringe or in conspiracy circles. We are in a Cold War with ourselves, the deep state!

",1519933527,01/03/2018 19:45 8249405,3782591498,"

Having read many comments I was just about to ask the Q. ? Who pays for all the 'movement' of these migrants - Is there an organization out there that funds all the cost - Food, transport ,Boats, etc - Must cost thousands - for 'migrants' with no money - The Church ??? Interesting ? Stopping all the 'Funds ' surly would stop the ' Movement ' ??

",1519937192,01/03/2018 20:46 8253110,3782613160,"

Everyone covering Q anon was struck or removed..

And when Q's directly calling out ES, it's no wonder. The left are straight up authoritarian right now...

",1519938084,01/03/2018 21:01 8251634,3782705164,"



",1519941514,01/03/2018 21:58 8253704,3782717856,"

DOJ refuses to hand over FISA court hearing transcripts, not looking good for Sessions


1 Comment

The Gateway Pundit Reports: Sarah Carter told Sean the Department of Justice refused and ignored Congressional requests to turn over the transcripts of the FISA court hearings on Carter Page.Obama Deep State operatives lied to the FISA court in order to spy on campaign volunteer Carter Page and the entire Trump campaign.
Sara Carter: The Department of Justice can easily give you the same documents that we have. This has never been requested before by the FISA Court. So this is a new thing for them. They have to review everything, decide whether or not they can hand over these documents. But she said that the court would not reject to the fact that the Department of Justice can hand them over. Well I confirm tonight that Nunes and Goodlatte did request those documents from the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice never responded to them.
Looks like Jeff Sessions has lied to the American people about an official investigation into FISA abuses by the Obama administration, as the DOJ is now refusing to hand over FISA court transcripts related to Obama's abuse of the FISA court system. Now Q has said for us all to trust Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but it's not looking that way as the DOJ is refusing to allow Obama's misuse of FISA to be investigated.
​ If Sessions has a hand in the DOJ's decision not to release Obama FISA court transcripts that started the illegal FISA spy ring against Trump, then it's simply time for Sessions to be removed as Attorney General and look elsewhere for work. Trump seriously needs a serious talk with Jeff Sessions, as Sessions is solely responsible for the actions of the DOJ as Attorney General...And basically tonight the DOJ is protecting the FISA misuse by the Obama administration.

",1519942091,01/03/2018 22:08 8251328,3782736232,

The muslims and other migrants are not the problem here.The problem is the kalergi plan leaders like Merkel I hope people can understand this. The crimes they have committed against their people mandates the death penalty. I have now added Trump to the list of Kalergi plan leaders. If people believe that Qanon garbage and Trump is legitimate they are either delusional or retarded.

,1519942926,01/03/2018 22:22 8253110,3782780409,


,1519944991,01/03/2018 22:56 8252123,3782825495,"

This is just another way for BIG BROTHER to watch what you say on the internet. ///////
CENSORSHIP is ILLEGAL. /////////////////////////
If this bothers BIG BROTHER FACEBOOK ZUCKERBERG, well JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN needs to watch and smash every thing ZUCKERBERG stand for. ///////////
If this offends some FACEBOOK People *** to bad so sad your dad.**** ///////////////

",1519947012,01/03/2018 23:30 8253533,3782904166,"

Corsi has been the leading promoter of the #QAnon conspiracy theory, and was a huge birther fan.

",1519951570,02/03/2018 00:46 8252156,3782904889,"

He took an oath. I took that very same oath in 1967 when I joined the USCG:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."" (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960.

Now, he has installed a constitutional justice to the supreme court, his very huge move, Neil Gorsuch. He is playing the democrats as fools. They are tampering with something that will bring about a terrific defeat in the coming elections. They know this issue is a political death nil, but they are committed to it because it's all the MSM is steering in the news because of the shooting in Florida. They are afraid to handle the snake and they wish to tame the snake.

So what happened? President Trump said to them: ""LET'S MAKE THIS A GREAT BIG GIANT 2ND AMENDMENT ANACONDA!!!"" He encouraged adding and adding and adding and the dems are like ""Gulp, gulp, gulp.""


The democrats are chasing disaster with a catastrophe.

",1519951613,02/03/2018 00:46 8248007,3782907047,"

Ban the letter N? Bull schit, if'n you're gonna ban a letter start O. And Q would be second chioce. Always got that stupid u hanging around following it wherever it goes. With out N we have no Nooners, nachos, n***ers, or nudes.

But that O!!! Let me tell ya about the O. Think of a world without Obama. or

obstinate democraps. We'd lose O'Reilly but hey he can take one for the team. O'Donnel! Tell me you'd miss the piece of work.

And who the ph uck needs and ostrich?

",1519951744,02/03/2018 00:49 8252156,3782927827,"

This is the President's MO! He even stirs up his base by saying things about 'The Wall', DACA, Dreamers, going to war with NK. etc. Then comes a flurry of: 'I didn't vote for this! 'I won't support him anymore'. etc. Patience! Atm there is a lot going down and Q has said that 'there are dark days ahead' - which we are now in. Another Q quote was 'these people are sick, talking about child trafficking. Another. You have no idea of the evil. Q is talking about those in the Democrats, but more so, Obama, Clinton's Holder, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rosenstein et al. The President is giving them enough rope. These traitors to America are being watched and followed 24/7. Their days of freedom is rapidly coming to an end! Think for one minute what America would have been like if Clinton got in. If you think there is no such thing as 'the deep state', you are going to go into shock of what will be revealed about the obscene globalists. This is what 'give one enough rope' means. And the President is certainly winding that rope out!!

'If you give people the opportunity to do something wrong or detrimental to themselves, they will usually do it; one does not need to interfere to bring about someone's downfall. The full version is, ""Give (one) enough rope, and (one) will hang (one)self."" Don't interrupt him with questions. Just let him keep talking and he'll incriminate himself. Give him enough rope and see what happens.'

",1519953014,02/03/2018 01:10 8254769,3782941733,"

DOJ refuses to hand over FISA court hearing transcripts, not looking good for Sessions


1 Comment

The Gateway Pundit Reports: Sarah Carter told Sean the Department of Justice refused and ignored Congressional requests to turn over the transcripts of the FISA court hearings on Carter Page.Obama Deep State operatives lied to the FISA court in order to spy on campaign volunteer Carter Page and the entire Trump campaign.
Sara Carter: The Department of Justice can easily give you the same documents that we have. This has never been requested before by the FISA Court. So this is a new thing for them. They have to review everything, decide whether or not they can hand over these documents. But she said that the court would not reject to the fact that the Department of Justice can hand them over. Well I confirm tonight that Nunes and Goodlatte did request those documents from the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice never responded to them.
Looks like Jeff Sessions has lied to the American people about an official investigation into FISA abuses by the Obama administration, as the DOJ is now refusing to hand over FISA court transcripts related to Obama's abuse of the FISA court system. Now Q has said for us all to trust Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but it's not looking that way as the DOJ is refusing to allow Obama's misuse of FISA to be investigated.
​ If Sessions has a hand in the DOJ's decision not to release Obama FISA court transcripts that started the illegal FISA spy ring against Trump, then it's simply time for Sessions to be removed as Attorney General and look elsewhere for work. Trump seriously needs a serious talk with Jeff Sessions, as Sessions is solely responsible for the actions of the DOJ as Attorney General...And basically tonight the DOJ is protecting the FISA misuse by the Obama administration.

",1519953914,02/03/2018 01:25 8252039,3783020239,"

Talking points from the Insane Left. You wanna 'talk' militia, miss unmitigated moron? Buckle your seat-belt; it's gonna be a bumpy ride:

The ""well regulated militia"" portion of OUR Second Amendment is found in the Amendment's PREFATORY clause. Being
prefatory, it EXPLAINS THE REASON why THE AMENDMENT IS NECESSARY. It does NOT prescribe the actual right itself.
That is left to the OPERATIVE clause, or that portion of the Amendment declaring ""THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE... SHALL

And the 'weapon then in use' was the then-standard military weapon of the day, comparable in every regard to those being used by the Greatest Military Powers on Earth. We of the Sane and Normal AREN'T demanding comparable weaponry; THOUGH WELL WE MIGHT, WE THE PEOPLE HAVING VERY
FIRM GROUNDS SO TO DO. No, we are demanding that we merely be permitted to retain sans concern firearms your beloved Federal Government has long allowed John Q. to own. And we will be damned if you idiots think We The People will permit some pimple-faced 17-year-old punk to write our laws.

You have been schooled, a-hole. Now, go sniff some more auto exhaust.

",1519959321,02/03/2018 02:55 8253533,3783144555,"

The fires of truth are raging; and the lymp dik left cannot put it out no matter how hard their flying tech monkeys try. All they're proving is how very afraid they are of Q, Dr. Corsi and the rest of the righteous Truth Brigaders. Rock on, Anons!

",1519970958,02/03/2018 06:09 8254616,3783160432,


,1519971406,02/03/2018 06:16 8255012,3783181764,"

6 days of darkness so far from Q, i.e., Flynn.

He's obviously been busy. I've got a sneaky suspicion McMaster's on his list. Will be glad to see that SOB go.

",1519972472,02/03/2018 06:34 8255969,3783296038,

10 days of darkness so there should be a Q post tomorrow the 2nd!

,1519974374,02/03/2018 07:06 8255969,3783311602,"

Yes and apparently it is all over 8chan to...

",1519974712,02/03/2018 07:11 8255969,3783342444,"

A ""well regulated MILITIA"" stupid, not the 2ndA. You ppl are really, really stupid. Q is right.

",1519977556,02/03/2018 07:59 8253785,3783408397,

Follow the Q posts that have been occurring since October! Things ARE happening

,1519983259,02/03/2018 09:34 8255969,3783418154,

Anyone know what happened to Q?

,1519984050,02/03/2018 09:47 8255969,3783426685,"

Read through the crumbs.

",1519984721,02/03/2018 09:58 8255240,3783511742,"

If QANON is correct, then @Jack is going down soon. I pray to God let this be true.

",1519990572,02/03/2018 11:36 8251100,3783768799,"

John Q, do some reading about how it actually works. NO country ""produces its own stuff."" EVERYBODY trades what they have for what they need. In the modern world, often what they have to offer is skills, not stuff. That's just how it is. It's an interconnected world, like it or not.

",1520002062,02/03/2018 14:47 8251100,3783821128,"

This is what the globalist are doing because they are losing the information war !

YouTube Terminates Account of InfoWars Bureau Chief

Terminations usually require three “strikes.”

Gizmodo -

March 2, 2018


It’s been a wild week for InfoWars’s DC bureau chief Jerome Corsi. On Tuesday, Corsi, a proponent of the QAnon and Obama birther conspiracies, was riding high after being printed in USA Today, the country’s highest-circulating paper. Today, he was kicked off YouTube for life.

Terminations usually require three “strikes,” each strike removing
features from a channel and putting it in worse standing until they
resolve several months later, assuming no further strikes are given.
Irate tweets since his termination include a screenshot showing Corsi
received his first two strikes—both for harassment and/or bullying—on
the 20th and 26th of this month. We’ve reached out to YouTube for
information on what the final straw was.

The channel,
which had amassed around 30,000 subscribers, has been wiped clean, its
content replaced with a small red termination notice. The removal
appears to be for keeps as well. As opposed to suspensions, parent
company Google’s rules outline the repercussions of terminations as the following (emphasis ours):

",1520004004,02/03/2018 15:20 8244464,3783925533,"

Patriotgirl11, You're very close to what I was thinking. Not worrying as much about the IRS (the scumbags), I'm sure everyone remembers what taxation without representation led up to. I'm a Marine lt. anda Marine is never outmanned. I do know people in every branch of service, not including 50 other Marines. If you know or have heard of QAnon, the SHTF very soon. My reaction was where has he been, we've been in wars for years. Leaving the military out for a moment, 40,000 hunters is the smallest amount I've found and 750,000 is the largest. Do you think if all got together we could get all illegals, their Mayors and Governors out of the country or just dead. I know dead can be done. Right now we have criminals masquerading as Congress and the Senate, so I'm not that worried about it. It's simply having the will to take our country back.

",1520007735,02/03/2018 16:22 8256317,3783976358,"

Yes, working to stall, stonewall and obstruct. Why is he blocking judicial watch at every turn. Sorry, but this ""Q-anon' is an azzhat.

",1520009560,02/03/2018 16:52 8256317,3784365283,"

Oh please. Nothing will ever happen to anyone. All of Hannity's ""tick tocks"" and the fake QANON posts will all lead to absolutely nothing. We just have to hope Trump can get a few things done before the next swamp creature takes over.

",1520024522,02/03/2018 21:02 8253110,3784385398,

They were created with taxpayer money (nvestment capitol provided by IN Q Tel) and they need to be given back to the people and a platform for free speech and the national dialogue.

,1520025480,02/03/2018 21:18 8259443,3784469542,"

Ive finally accepted the fact that no one from the FBI, DOJ or the Obama/Crooked cabal will ever be indicted for any crime. Fox, BB, Gateway Pundit, QAnon & others keep selling us hope but I just dont see it. Especially with a chump like Sessions at the helm of the DOJ. Im just not going to get my hopes up anymore.


",1520029453,02/03/2018 22:24 8258675,3784558265,"

All of this kabuki theater is for the ignorant masses that don't have a clue what is really going on. There's no news on the news. If you want real news now, you have to look for Q crumbs.

",1520034056,02/03/2018 23:40 8259818,3784571545,



,1520034819,02/03/2018 23:53 8260319,3784682243,"

Q Will these dreamers have dual citizenship if granted American citizenship? If so 1. They take our jobs and keep wages low for American citizens. 2. They send billions of dollars to Mexico that will never build America again. 3. If America financially collapses they will simply go back to Mexico. Q where's the benefit to us, the average American citizen?

",1520042203,03/03/2018 01:56 8261966,3784850844,"


",1520056601,03/03/2018 05:56 8259080,3784908124,

Q said to TRUST SESSIONS. Is Q telling Trump to trust sessions? Is Q telling trump to wait for military tribunals? squawk squawk squawk about sessions.

,1520062850,03/03/2018 07:40 8259449,3784945848,"

In the case of Dr. Jerome Corsi, he's directly over the target with his Q Anon analysis (that's why they shot him down) but don't worry 'paedophile left politicians'
...a squadron has more than one bomber, and we're coming for you with the help of God Almighty and an un-corrupt President.

",1520066654,03/03/2018 08:44 8261966,3785059822,"

This Q map has a picture of Israel and Clinton.....the caption below it says............. ""Do you believe in coincidences?""

",1520076717,03/03/2018 11:31 8261966,3785074184,"

I still have heard little to nothing about Q from the talking heads, but I read his posts...

",1520077770,03/03/2018 11:49 8244464,3785127939,

Yes I know all about QANON. Stay safe fellow patriot!!!! God bless you!!!! And thank you for your service to this GREAT country!!!!🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

,1520080651,03/03/2018 12:37 8257277,3785174491,"

From everything that we have access to it appears Sessions is covering for the deep state, because he has been reluctant to display any willingness to investigate anything to do with DC corruption, Hillary, or Obama. Sessions is in the single position that could bring down America if he isn't doing his job; he could allow the Obama admin criminals to get away with treason which could allow them to get back into power. So it is very important to know whether he is on the side of the American people and the law. We should know one way or another within a few months.
But, from what QAnon has said, Sessions should be trusted and there does seem to be a lot going on behind the scenes. There has been a huge uptick in pedophile rings that have been busted, some have had ties to DC. Politicians and CEOs have been resigning with little to no explanation at incredibly high rates. Key players like Hillary and McCain have rarely been seen in public and when they do they seem to have something strapped to their ankles. I would like more sunlight on the crimes, but there may be very good reasons to keep things secret. Accusations, even provable ones, that involve foreign nations could cause war. A few high profile arrests that include Hillary and Obama would satisfy everyone, but those are unlikely before the investigations are finished. I think we should know a lot more before the midterm elections.

",1520082591,03/03/2018 13:09 8262263,3785197565,

But but but Q-anon says to trust

Screw Q-anon and get him out.

,1520083897,03/03/2018 13:31 8261504,3785226539,"

Ed. This antagonistic relationship was created by the government-military complex to make a heckofa lot of money for the government-military complex. They could have attacked our troops in WW2 and didn't. Till then, as my friend Qanon would say, expand your thinking.

",1520085440,03/03/2018 13:57 8262041,3785267808,

Deep State panic #TheStorm R/T 🙏🏻🇺🇸 @FBI #RobertMueller #UraniumOne #SethRichMurder #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonFoundation #BrowardCowards #DebbieWassermanSchultz #QAnon #Qanon8chan #qanon4chan #Treason #Gitmo #MilitaryTribunals #Justice #KimDotcom #mediabias #cnnfakenews #FakeNews #FakeNewsCNN

,1520087606,03/03/2018 14:33 8263445,3785454656,

As per Q Suicide Weekend?

,1520096346,03/03/2018 16:59 8257463,3785544226," have some things to say about @jack.. read it..

",1520100291,03/03/2018 18:04 8103014,3785553508,"

I see you know less about the music business than you do grammar, syntax, spelling or punctuation. ""They"" know what they're doing alright. ""They"" are peddling vulgar garbage to the lowest common denominator. ""They"" have dumbed-down the public into accepting things like hip-hop as music. As has been the case for decades, the music business manipulates the public into buying their garbage, same as Hollywood does with films...and with the same intent: To collapse civil society.

You also missed the whole point with Swift, since I could give a rats about her music personally. With Q, it is ALL about race, as it is with 99.9% of black people. Blacks hate Swift because she is white and because she doesn't produce music for thugs. Keith can dislike her for his own reasons but I doubt it's because she is white. Besides, since when is HE a spokesman for anything besides his own opinion?

Finally, as to you saying classical music is not relevant on pop music radio, I think that makes my point better than I could.

",1520100705,03/03/2018 18:11 8263010,3785650315,"

For those who've been following Qanon, it's why he repeats over and over again, ""These people are REALLY REALLY stupid."" 100% correct. Socialism, communism, leftist pols, whatever you call it - NEVER works, never can and never will. The definition of insanity = doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results. Describes these fools perfectly.

",1520104695,03/03/2018 19:18 8262263,3785696871,"

If there is nothing by late summer, we are in sheep dip. Or, something like that.
Q has been silent for days. Either he's tied up in something or he no longer exists. I would appreciate a quick post from him at just as proof of life. The phrase ""proof of lif"" would be sufficient, preferably on or before St. Patricks day.

",1520106971,03/03/2018 19:56 8263445,3785697741,"

Is it suicide week, as per Q?

",1520107017,03/03/2018 19:56 8263445,3785705169,"

They gotta keep the 'gun violence' up, if not to put pressure on the gov't to end the 2nd amendment, but to also distract from the other deep state domestic and global disasters that are going on. The Q sources say WW3 is coming...we'll see.

",1520107400,03/03/2018 20:03 8257463,3785707674,"

and ""towards progress"" means socialism/communism/nwo/globalism....which means no freedoms or liberties for any but the above.
Tick tock,'re time is almost up - check with Q on that, traitor.

",1520107532,03/03/2018 20:05 8257463,3785711270,"

Totally are all these nwo/globalist/lib fools. Q is right, ""these ppl are REALLY REALLY stupid.""

",1520107715,03/03/2018 20:08 8263445,3785936973,

It is as Q predicted on Feb 9

,1520120881,03/03/2018 23:48 8263445,3785981597,

Should be a good Q drop tomorrow. That's when you will find out what was really going on.

,1520123969,04/03/2018 00:39 8264327,3786175333,

New Q drops for those that follow.

,1520136179,04/03/2018 04:02 8264327,3786177160,"

",1520136336,04/03/2018 04:05 8264798,3786208774,"

They seem to have taken over WND and ruined that site as well ! Good news is they called Alex a Right Wing Radio broadcaster not Conspiracy theorist in this attack !
They also completely erased Mike Adams U tube site at natural health news , Mike Cernovitch, for posting ANTIFA threats, Jerome Corsey for QANON reports, GOOGLE has become what MA Bell was in the 1960's

",1520139248,04/03/2018 04:54 8264327,3786234477,"

I'm sure Q folks know this already, but for those who don't, Black liberal hacks like Reid, are going to start attacking Sessions HARD, because they now know what's coming for Obama, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Jarrett. Might as well get ready for the war that's coming.

Obama knew it was coming, go look at all the high level gang members, FROM DIFFERENT GANGS all across the country that Obama pardoned on his way out the door. He's going to get the race war that he wanted after all. The evidence against him for treason is just overwhelming, you cant let crimes like this go unpunished, or the politicians will just keep doing it.

",1520142000,04/03/2018 05:40 8264798,3786250634,"

Cyberattacks intensify to purge Trump supporters before mid-term elections

Excerpt: Evidence suggests the bots in the CIA are attacking conservatives and libertarians on the Internet at the same time Google has launched a campaign to purge YouTube of all similar contact supporting President Trump.

On Wednesday, the owner and moderator of the 8chan bulletin board, used by anonymous posters working to researching QAnon, posted warnings that the board was under a heavy cyberattack, with contributors on the board unable to post for three hours yesterday, between 9:25 am and 12:25 pm ET.

The 8chan operators of the QAnon board alerted users and readers that the owner and moderator were “in the midst of a heavy DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack,” and were working “all out to keep the site online.”

This week, before QAnon went silent, QAnon warned in posts on Sunday that a heavy cyberattack had begun, warning the owner and operator of 8chan to watch for specific code in the website’s structure that was considered vulnerable to cyberattack. ~ IW


",1520143770,04/03/2018 06:09 8264798,3786251672,

Why doesnt this insider Q stop it?

,1520143892,04/03/2018 06:11 8264798,3786254059,

I'm surprised you believe this Q stuff. He is a malicious larp.

,1520144149,04/03/2018 06:15 8262971,3786255099,"

Q is back and has posted ""to watch the news this week."" Q posted a video of PTrump during the campaign and how ""he is fighting for us.""

",1520144265,04/03/2018 06:17 8264798,3786255882,"

Yes.. I keep the map open on my pc and see when new drops happen.
12 today.

",1520144350,04/03/2018 06:19 8264798,3786257182,

I still approach it all with an open mind. Many things Q has published do seem to happen AFTER the posts.
Can't discount that.

,1520144487,04/03/2018 06:21 8264798,3786260757,"

There's a gab convo streaming about the new Q drops tonight.

",1520144872,04/03/2018 06:27 8264798,3786608471,"

President Trump will drain the swamp and expose horrors of elitist. How could anyone think Washington Post and other swamp rags would not do everything in their power to defame him. Check him out as ""Q-anon""- its historic. Long live truth and kindness.

",1520171308,04/03/2018 13:48 8262971,3786716513,"

Q hints suicide at White House earlier was a direct threat



View image on Twitter


DEVELOPING: Secret Service responding to ""reports of a person who allegedly suffered a self-inflicted gun shot wound along the north fence line"" of the White House.

12:10 PM - Mar 3, 2018


312 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Today President Trump was not at the White House, when someone killed themselves right outside the White House earlier today. Interesting thing about this is this may of been someone extremely upset that President Trump was not home, as Q is stating tonight that this event at the White House on Saturday was a direct threat. So it looks like this person who shot themselves this weekend right outside the White House isn't the suicide it's being called, as this was likely a direct threat to the White House...And the person simply got nervous or extremely scared and killed themselves.
Q is also stating that the MSM is creating emotional conflict, so this could of also been a person brainwashed by the MSM since the Parkland, FL high school shooting...And became so brainwashed that they tried to make a point by killing themselves outside the White House. However Q stating that this was a direct threat...Likely means this was your typical MKUltra Deep State plant/patsy.

",1520176703,04/03/2018 15:18 8265707,3786806076,"

New Q drop this morning, if anyone is following the intrigue...

",1520180738,04/03/2018 16:25 8264480,3786836160,

Hey 99?

Could you get Q to make me some flying sneakers?

O wait.. wrong franchise😉

,1520182058,04/03/2018 16:47 8243720,3786859223,

Is Trump like any other President.....has the media ever gone for any president before like they are for Trump.

Do you read QANON posts....??

,1520183038,04/03/2018 17:03 8265962,3786949443,"

I see Q, do you?

",1520187098,04/03/2018 18:11 8265962,3786950844,

I hope Q is right about Sessions

,1520187161,04/03/2018 18:12 8258762,3786955583,"

From Q today

Mar 04 2018 01:22:06Q!UW.yye1fxo455
Listen carefully.

",1520187368,04/03/2018 18:16 8265368,3786972946,

Merkel has related to Rothschild. Read Q Anon.

,1520188108,04/03/2018 18:28 8265638,3787121778,"

All of MEXIFORNIA is the same, all they care about is the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. /////
Time for some rela soul searching in the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT about these MEXIFORNIA mayors, County leaders, and Governor. ///////////////////
Time for the FEDS to crack down, starting with the arrest of this ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT LOVING MAYOR. ///////////////////////////// Hiding CRIMINALS is a FEDERAL OFFENSE named CRIMINAL FACILITATION. ///////////////////////
What part of this CRIMINAL FACILITATION doesn't this MAYOR get .??????????????
The ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE, is a good place to start. .Make an example of her and the rest of the Sanctuary City around the US of A who are holding these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS away form the ICE POLICE ./ //////////

",1520194692,04/03/2018 20:18 8260841,3787224601,"

Ask yourself, if Alex Jones is just some “nut” why do people (YouTube) always want to silence him? Some of what he says is BS while other stuff is true. I believe that students were actually shot at Newtown. I don’t believe the “official” government story that some kid got his mother’s guns and did it all by his little lonesome self. I believe that there were people actually killed in Las Vegas last year. I don’t believe that Paddock did the shooting while having dozens of guns in his room (he can only shoot one at a time, right?). I believe that 9/11 actually happened. Why is it that the topic of “gun control” and the second Amendment always comes up after a “school shooting” even though every “shooting” has nothing to do with the illegal acquisition of guns nor the NRA? They want Americans disarmed! I don’t believe that two planes carrying jet fuel (kerosene) brought down WTC 1, 2, AND 7 (a building that wasn’t even hit by a plane)! Research if a kerosene fire can weaken steel let alone melt it. I believe that kids were actually shot in Parkland Florida. I don’t believe that Cruz did the shooting and I believe the teacher who said she saw the shooter, and was grazed by a bullet, and that the shooter was “wearing full body armor with a face mask, helmet, and was firing a gun she’d never even seen before”. I believe that JFK was shot and killed. I don’t believe Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman or, if in fact, he actually shot JFK. I am not a fool and I don’t buy all the garbage the LSM feed us. Only the stupid sheeple believe it! Do a little research on Operation Mockingbird and MK Ultra. Both CIA projects that they “told” congress they discontinued. I also believe Q. Educate yourself or be a sheep ripe for the slaughter!

",1520199816,04/03/2018 21:43 8258762,3787381228,"

Is Q Real? I hope so.
I am Real. I know that.

",1520206612,04/03/2018 23:36 8267213,3787409330,"

Q said the loudest voices have the most to hide.

Stephen Colbert is in Podesta's inner circle of friends, he savagely attacked pizzagate.

Jimmy Kimmel, I have been baffled by his insane hate of Trump. Q says the entire pedo network will be taken down and people will be shocked by who all is involved.

Then I found this, this Jimmy Kimmel skit was made many years before pizzagate.

What does it include, pizza deliveries of course, and the camera makes sure 3 pedo symbols on the house are clearly shown by the camera, the first delivery guy has an all seeing eye on his hat, very strange, this was obviously a shout out to the other pedos. They watch it and know what it means, you don't.

Now we know why he started going bonkers over pizzagate and hates Trump so much.

",1520208326,05/03/2018 00:05 8267399,3787431402,

It's coming from a 4chan troll called QAnon who has stringing along the dumber Trumpanzees for months with this kind of crap.

,1520209587,05/03/2018 00:26 8266991,3787485845,"

I understand that one Robert Q. Carruthers of Winfield, East Carolina, ALSO declared he isn't seeking the Presidency. Nobody knew that, did they, you know... what for it never making the news.

Apparently, announcing one ISN'T running for POTUS isn't all that significant a move... except for some who regard themselves to be ""important.""

",1520212971,05/03/2018 01:22 8264798,3787486821,"

if Alex is such a conspiracy theorist why do they care? theres the same criticism on the net why arent they a target? how do we stand up to censorship? read the Q posts-enlightening.

",1520213031,05/03/2018 01:23 8267213,3787557767,

I watched the Youtube vids on Q Anon’s latest posts. Way better than Jimmy Kimmel’s reading of bad political jokes.

,1520217839,05/03/2018 02:43 8267213,3787639504,"

Blackhats were sending a message, but Q has their number. [187]

",1520224429,05/03/2018 04:33 8266991,3787673375,

They have the goods on him. He is Michael. Q sees and knows all. Besides who wants a married spouse of a guy who will be in prison for treason as president.

,1520227941,05/03/2018 05:32 8250491,3788101819,"

... rethorical Q, what do YOU think?

",1520253694,05/03/2018 12:41 8270057,3788190170,

Patriots research Qanon. Organize. Fight fight fight.

Spread the word.

,1520257870,05/03/2018 13:51 8270057,3788212102,"

Not sure. I saw another time when Q used ""Boom"". And that was this
""Clinton foundation>boom>shock>outrage""

",1520258768,05/03/2018 14:06 8270057,3788217695,"

I'd rather listen to the predictions of the giant flying spaghetti monster, he's more real than Q Anon. You such a simpleton.

",1520259003,05/03/2018 14:10 8270057,3788220801,

Naval Academy grad
Retired Naval Aviator.
Defense contractor.
Current TS//SCI clearance.


Spread the word

,1520259134,05/03/2018 14:12 8267213,3788222138,"

Patriots, research Qanon and organize. Fight fight fight.

Spread the word

",1520259188,05/03/2018 14:13 8250329,3788229330,"

Patriots, research Qanon and organize.

Fight fight fight.

Divided we fall.

Spread the word.

",1520259472,05/03/2018 14:17 8270549,3788244086,"

Patriots, this is not a drill.

Research Qanon and organize.

Fight fight fight.

Learn and Spread the word.

",1520260065,05/03/2018 14:27 8268899,3788276570,

Lates joke so far !
A LITTLE ORANGE ONE called Baron sitting in the basement of Trump tower sending silly mails and signing Q anon.
Laughing my ass off !

,1520261359,05/03/2018 14:49 8270549,3788284584,"

Haven't watched for years and probably ever watch again. Celebrity gives their warped opinions no more weight than John Q. Citizen. People on the right don't appreciate the leftist movie industry bashing their values, religions, political choices, and the leaders who represent them. Our silent protest is in the form of not buying their box office products which are mostly garbage. Let Hollywood make their money from half the box office take. I don't care if they all go broke.

",1520261668,05/03/2018 14:54 8250491,3788287090,"

No. I'll let Stephen Gould ""respond:"" “But our ways of learning about the world are strongly influenced by the social preconceptions and biased modes of thinking that each scientist must apply to any problem. The stereotype of a fully rational and objective ‘scientific method’, with individual scientists as logical (and interchangeable) robots, is self-serving mythology.”

I am assuming you meant ""rhetorical question."" Who knows what a rethorical Q is?

",1520261760,05/03/2018 14:56 8250329,3788305557,"

Step up enforcement, Q-anon. California needs you ASAP

",1520262458,05/03/2018 15:07 8271041,3788458326,"

Q lays it all out; Trump & team are fighting globalists and traitorous American elite. The more you read...and compare to Trump's tweets & speeches...the better you will understand what Trump & true patriots are fighting behind the scenes.

Two places to check for Q's (or QAnon's) posts are:

It shows why Hillary and McCain are both wearing boots; why the Obamas were totally humiliated at the portrait unveilings (watch in full the hour tape from Smithsonian to see they were just as shocked as the rest of us at portraits), why things in the news that just don't make sense (Las Vegas)...suddenly do. Start at the beginning in October to get a full sense of what is happening.

Check it out, Patriots, and spread the word. MAGA

",1520268083,05/03/2018 16:41 8266991,3788480141,

Qanon is a 100% psyop and total nonsense designed to keep the masses busy with a ridiculous soap opera.

,1520268890,05/03/2018 16:54 8271227,3788627135,"

Qanon, go after this traitors money. He's committing abuse of citizens

",1520274432,05/03/2018 18:27 8270549,3788635339,

80% chance Kimmel is a closet Q u e e r.

,1520274751,05/03/2018 18:32 8271041,3788714944,"

It might help, Trevor, if you listen begin to follow Jerome Corsi's live streams on Youtube. He does the best job explaining what all this is about. You could watch a few of his most recent to get caught up a bit. Q works somewhere inside US intelligence and is working with Trump to inform the informed about what they are doing behind the scenes to clean up the mess of our government.

",1520277813,05/03/2018 19:23 8271536,3788756929,"

Q posts most curious post yet, Boom, Boom, Boom



Now it's difficult to know what Q's latest post could mean, but with four BOOM's it likely means four things involved with Q's latest drop. Boom, Boom, Boom,Boom could mean four individuals, four entities, or four operations. However this Boom, Boom, Boom,Boom from Q likely points to individuals or entities. This could mean Hillary, Bush, Obama, or Facebook, Google, Twitter. It's really hard to decipher this one, but four individuals or entities are at play with this latest Q post. Does this mean four people are about to face justice or are four social media sources about be dealt a blow for censoring Conservative Americans online? Something with Q's Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom is at play but what is it?

",1520279362,05/03/2018 19:49 8271536,3788803443,"

See the most recent Q posts on that subject. Very interesting. It's covered on too. I'm interested in your feedback on it.

",1520281137,05/03/2018 20:18 8270606,3788907686,

Maybe she's doing some kind of Q anon message?

,1520285335,05/03/2018 21:28 8270342,3788922986,"

What a clod, really? Gatewaypundit? What happened to Qanon or Alex Jones?

",1520286019,05/03/2018 21:40 8270342,3788944926,"

Trump team working behind the scenes to really drain the swamp. Follow ""Q"" - proven to be most likely a delegated Trump team closest to him to let us know a little what's going on bypassing MSM and right so far. We're winning! Posts at link below. Note this from Feb. 10.
""Clown"" = CIA Black hats; No. 44 is Obama. P - ? One of the ""biggie"" ones at the top - last name begins with a P.
Feb 10 2018 05:46:19
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.
[44] remaining.
Wizards & Warlocks.
Save the best for last.

",1520287204,05/03/2018 22:00 8273234,3788971297,"

Trump team working behind the scenes to really drain the swamp. Follow ""Q"" - proven to be most likely a delegated Trump team closest to him to let us know a little what's going on bypassing MSM and right so far. We're winning! Posts at link below. Note this from Feb. 10.
""Clown"" = CIA Black hats; No. 44 is Obama. P - ? One of the ""biggie"" ones at the top - last name begins with a P. Check current ones.
Feb 10 2018 05:46:19
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.
[44] remaining.
Wizards & Warlocks.
Save the best for last.

",1520288489,05/03/2018 22:21 8267399,3789007060,"

I’m a lawyer. Sealed indictments, and the number of them issued, is not publicly accessible info. You’re probably just getting this bilge from QANon or some equally untrustworthy source. If it’s publicly accessible, prove it - at least name the database this info is kept in. I’m sure you can’t.

",1520290293,05/03/2018 22:51 8273375,3789070760,

I 'm sure this is all helping their Q rating.... where advertisers look for OFF SCREEN endorsements?

,1520293745,05/03/2018 23:49 8270342,3789177559,"

I have been asking the same question. The article also assumes that everyone searching for membership info is looking buying a membership when people, like me, have searched out of curiosity to see what a membership costs and what do I get for said membership. Oh and to see if they have an good Q and A's about their relationships with the interests of gun manufacturers.

",1520299123,06/03/2018 01:18 8259596,3789358962,

QAnon is someone who is working with President Trump
Do you know who Dr. Jerome Corsi is ?
Intelligence analyst who wrote for WND exposing Obama ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
He was going to be INFOWARS correspondent in Washington D.C. and kind of still is . . .
Q is Anonymous hence QAnon working to take down the globalist and the NWO . . .
what everyone is getting on the news is SOOOOoooooo censored
Listen to CBTS for awhile you'll get it if they're not on some tangent
At this moment Q is dropping post Dr.Corsi is coming to talk @944pm PST

,1520311483,06/03/2018 04:44 8273504,3789406455,"

O/T what is going on with Q posts? Seems that HC has been in bed with a wee lass and Huma .... something big also with Justice Scalia. I am trying to keep track of the Q post live feed but have no idea what is going on. Snowden, Assange.
Alexander Downer and Australia.... all hell breaking loose on the threads.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

",1520316151,06/03/2018 06:02 8273504,3789523728,"

There are some smart people that are interesting to talk to on the 8chan. However, Q is a bad breadcrumb to follow.
It leads to the Diamond Path cult.
It is bad for your soul.

",1520327078,06/03/2018 09:04 8273504,3789525222,"

Hey bit­c­hes. Words from Q. Fu­­ck you commies. Pay attention.
Mar 5 2018 22:09:09
ID: 25b191
Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.
We have it all.
Re_read re: stage.
The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].
[Impossible to defend].
[Toxic to those connected].
WE must work TOGETHER.
WE are only as strong as your VOICE.
YOU must organize and BE HEARD.
THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.
We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.
Dark to LIGHT.
EVIL surrounds us.
WE are FIGHTING for you.
Where we go one, we go ALL.
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].

",1520327207,06/03/2018 09:06 8273504,3789534560,"

Stay away from Q.

It is necromancy.

",1520327952,06/03/2018 09:19 8273504,3789535315,

Jerome Corsi might have been taken in by all that Q stuff.

,1520328007,06/03/2018 09:20 8273504,3789628579,"

Q, is the stage set for a drop of HRC Hmmm...Q just got very interesting tonight, not only with the CIA document releases connecting NAZI's and the Vatican to the CIA...But Q is now wondering if the stage is set for a Hillary Clinton drop. What will this involve? My guess would be that this possibly involves a video that we have never seen of Hillary Clinton, as (raw vid 5:5) comes after Q states is the stage set for an HRC drop. Could be wrong, but it looks like we need to prepare for an exposing of Hillary Clinton either by Q or somewhere in the news this week...And Q told us to watch the news this week. What's going on with this, and could this possibly lead to the take down of Hillary Clinton? I would say the stage is set for an HRC drop.



",1520334947,06/03/2018 11:15 8273504,3789630787,"

Q releases CIA document: The Covert Action, NAZI's, Vatican, and the CIA



Here is the full Q CIA document release from today. It's very interesting to go though, as this document basically exposes how the Deep State is very closely related to NAZI Germany and how the Deep State is even supplied with NAZI's. From MKUltra, NAZI doctors in America, and supplying terrorist. This document from the CIA.GOV fully exposes that the US Deep State is very NAZI connected, and this is what Trump is fighting. This may be the largest intelligence drop in American history against the criminal US Deep State cabal network.

",1520335089,06/03/2018 11:18 8273504,3789683187,

Morning Q. Having my special coffee with ya.☕️ You know I honestly didn't know who she was. Until now.You make me laff! I swear. Men! The only thing I do is throw kisses to Tucker.

,1520337799,06/03/2018 12:03 8272901,3789767217,

But: Ninth Circus. Q.E.D.

,1520341830,06/03/2018 13:10 8270408,3789942697,

They could care less if those people kill each other.
They want John Q. Public disarmed.

,1520349159,06/03/2018 15:12 8270408,3789964648,"

Jeez, NOT talking 'bout somebody who lives in the boonies, but John Q public living on an acre or less....
If ya did something to attract attention and are on the ""confiscation"" list, Ya better use your imagination to hide prohibited guns. Back yard isn't gonna cut it.

",1520349986,06/03/2018 15:26 8276195,3789977985,"

All is not as it appears. Follow the Q posts and you will see that much is happening behind the scenes. The Swamp is so convoluted it will take time to legally unravel the web of deceit and lies. There are over 18,500 sealed indictments pending. EOs are being signed that will cut off the flow of money and strengthen the USCMJ to enable military tribunals to handle these treasonous criminals. The civilian criminal justice system has become so corrupt with Obama judges they would not convict Benedict Arnold let alone Hillary. The Storm is happening.

",1520350480,06/03/2018 15:34 8276873,3790070740,"

This is not your homeland.
This is America.
We have courts where conclusions are derived. We do not derive the conclusions in advance here. Mueller has convicted all of his star witnesses for lying so I dunno how credible they are when they “flip.”

Like Q says, you people are not smart.

",1520353809,06/03/2018 16:30 8273504,3790078705,"

Me too Q. They're going to lower it but I only watch like maybe 10 channels. Must see Mr. Carlson, but i truly don't watch that much. We'll see how next month goes. I'm draggin' and if my accountant doesn't call soon I'm going back to my crib. It's freezing here and I've been making oodles of faux pas things.

Yes indeedy...a Viking needs his ship!⛵️

",1520354102,06/03/2018 16:35 8275943,3790102266,

I don't think BB does Q and A.

,1520354946,06/03/2018 16:49 8277032,3790165115,"

New Q posts explain why Pres. Trump wants to stop importing steel from other countries, big story out of Japan on Kobe steel, doctoring the data on the quality of their steel, anyone knowing anything about Quality Assurance understands how critical this is. If a material can't live up to the standards it claims it can, then you will have failure in the system it was used in, think, pipe lines, bridge materials, steel structure buildings, Military applications, body armor, tanks, hummers, Ships, piping systems, hulls, aircraft parts, gears just everything. It's not about $$ or trade, its about sabotage !

",1520357145,06/03/2018 17:25 8275424,3790169250,"

Turns out a Japanese company has been selling the US military junk steel for our equipment at the request of Hussein in a deal brokered by McBrain

",1520357289,06/03/2018 17:28 8276873,3790210257,

New Q posts a few hours ago are very interesting today.

,1520358718,06/03/2018 17:51 8277032,3790227596,"

Q, is the stage set for a drop of HRC



Hmmm...Q just got very interesting tonight, not only with the CIA document releases connecting NAZI's and the Vatican to the CIA...But Q is now wondering if the stage is set for a Hillary Clinton drop. What will this involve? My guess would be that this possibly involves a video that we have never seen of Hillary Clinton, as (raw vid 5:5) comes after Q states is the stage set for an HRC drop. Could be wrong, but it looks like we need to prepare for an exposing of Hillary Clinton either by Q or somewhere in the news this week...And Q told us to watch the news this week. What's going on with this, and could this possibly lead to the take down of Hillary Clinton? I would say the stage is set for an HRC drop.

",1520359336,06/03/2018 18:02 8277032,3790228922,"

Q releases CIA document: The Covert Action, NAZI's, Vatican, and the CIA



Here is the full Q CIA document release from today. It's very interesting to go though, as this document basically exposes how the Deep State is very closely related to NAZI Germany and how the Deep State is even supplied with NAZI's. From MKUltra, NAZI doctors in America, and supplying terrorist. This document from the CIA.GOV fully exposes that the US Deep State is very NAZI connected, and this is what Trump is fighting. This may be the largest intelligence drop in American history against the criminal US Deep State cabal network.

",1520359383,06/03/2018 18:03 8277032,3790354172,

First REAL President in our lifetimes!!! America First!!! It's about NATIONAL SECURITY you globalist stooges. THE STORM IS HERE Y'ALL. #qanon.

,1520363864,06/03/2018 19:17 8277032,3790356433,

speaking of #qanon..... he has been awful quiet

,1520363949,06/03/2018 19:19 8276873,3790361904,

B.. bu.. but q-anon next week....

,1520364155,06/03/2018 19:22 8277032,3790363795,


,1520364226,06/03/2018 19:23 8277326,3790402223,

New Q Lerrrr

,1520365614,06/03/2018 19:46 8278904,3790462195,"

Kimmel is a sniveling ,know-nothing little coward. Hasn't been very long since he was getting coffee and setting up tapes for the DJ's on Q Zoo in Tampa Fla.

",1520367772,06/03/2018 20:22 8277326,3790478423,

I follow Q and the anons religiously. Time to red pill people.

,1520368350,06/03/2018 20:32 8271041,3790498378,"

They are if the steel used for military-grade projects was made inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken us from within. Qanon post 851 dated 3/06/18. Don't be out of the loop. Start at the bottom for full story...and you'll be informed on biggest intel drop ever.

or also (one sometime posts while other doesn't)

It will be the best read you've ever had. To verify, look at Q's post of Dec 10, 2017 informing us of failed NYC subway bomber A DAY BEFORE it happened. And right after, he reiterated BDT...the currency of Bangladesh...where the failed bomber was from.

",1520369085,06/03/2018 20:44 8273504,3790517833,"

Yep....Barry D was a bad one. He changed over the years. I could see it. My Mom who saw the good in everyone couldn't. When she got sick he was a b**stard beyond belief. Oh, I get my news from you, Q. I knew there was a strike but haven't had it on. You're right. Unions do suck now that I think about it. I'm trying to think of something that doesn't these days. Glad Little One is better. All she needed was TLC.

",1520369806,06/03/2018 20:56 8278904,3790521558,

Kimmel can't help himself. He's just not very intelligent. It doesn't require much of an I Q to do what he does.

,1520369950,06/03/2018 20:59 8278535,3790558420,

Bagdhad Bob Media


Patriots...research qanon. Organize. Fight fight fight.

,1520371406,06/03/2018 21:23 8278535,3790565002,"

Ah, Q, a shining light in the festering dankness of communism.

",1520371676,06/03/2018 21:27 8278535,3790586422,

BOOM! I think the heads of all the Q minions probably exploded when they saw that.

,1520372570,06/03/2018 21:42 8273504,3790615479,"

Love that book Q. Grok grok. Michael Valentine.

Like we said or I did at least friends have gone away. People don't stay in touch. Disconnected. It's everywhere. When I have coffee with client we're the only ones talking. It's very odd. People are on their phones/ laptops. Something is terribly wrong with the planet. I feel it. My Mom was feeling it too.

Read more if you can. Since accountant will probably come tomorrow I went back to bed and read my book ""When Rabbit Howls"". It's about a woman from here who had multiple (90) personalities. Luckily I caught ""Three Faces of Eve"" last night on TMC. I had never seen it. It's my latest interest. But I'd be lost without books. Real books. Used to go to book signings all the time when I had a life.

Making a big pot of chili tonight for a few days. I even have meat! Way to go. 😜

",1520373799,06/03/2018 22:03 8276972,3790649071,

If they don't have enough sense to avoid these drugs I have no sympathy for them. Their I Q score is to the right of a decimal point.

The taxpayers and the victims of their crimes get my sympathy.

,1520375330,06/03/2018 22:28 8279093,3790667214,"

QANON says you're fair game too, so I guess it's game on eh? Oh by the way Haiti called and said they want they're stolen children back, maybe if you can peel Huma off your mothers face you can pass the message along, Thanks for everything

",1520376180,06/03/2018 22:43 8279942,3790771949,

So if Q Anon says that they are going to release a video of Hillary that will prove her evil what could it be????. Now some think it is the pedophilia sex video of her and Huma having sex with an under age teen that the NYPD has said they have since before the Presidential election and others say they have video of Hillary taking suitcases of cash from Russia as payoffs. Hmmmmm. Let's see them both.

,1520381772,07/03/2018 00:16 8279942,3790781762,

When Q puts out anything factual just post a link.

,1520382291,07/03/2018 00:24 8280224,3790782398,

New Q posts. Shocking.

,1520382324,07/03/2018 00:25 8280224,3790788375,

Latest from Q posts today...check it out...#HRCVideo

,1520382634,07/03/2018 00:30 8280224,3790796470,"

",1520383076,07/03/2018 00:37 8280224,3790797420,"

Go here...

",1520383127,07/03/2018 00:38 8279891,3790805788,"

You are spot on. Rally the troops! For those who follow Q, together we are STRONG. Apart we are weak. We've forgotten how to play. Now is the time to fight! The November election is critical.

",1520383574,07/03/2018 00:46 8275943,3790827743,

#Release the video
#release the hrc video

,1520384799,07/03/2018 01:06 8279684,3790842858,

Or Come Blow us. The Q ueer Capital of the heartland. I was in shock when I found that out.

,1520385644,07/03/2018 01:20 8279801,3790861771,

Q says a video of HRC is coming ... if this is BS then Q is a fraud.

,1520386732,07/03/2018 01:38 8279801,3790865397,"'s beginning to feel like we are being strung along...and whoever Q is, they are sitting around laughing with their buddies in their loft apartment in silicon valley.

",1520386941,07/03/2018 01:42 8279801,3790877791,"

Jerome Corsi seems convinced Qanon is for real. I hope he/she is and is being honest, but I share your concerns.

",1520387676,07/03/2018 01:54 8279801,3790978550,"

I don’t follow Q. But, I still think Sessions is doing work. Lots of quiet work.

Otherwise, I don’t see how Trump would keep an incompetent AG.

",1520394714,07/03/2018 03:51 8281094,3791008681,"

Maybe you should find it, and actually read it. Instead of listening to what others say.

",1520397340,07/03/2018 04:35 8281094,3791024784,"

Video drop coming of evil HRC (Weiner laptop insurance policy). Devastating, but confirming what patriots have always known. Q anon.

",1520398817,07/03/2018 05:00 8281094,3791063279,"

Moslems are part of the problem. N I Q Q E R S from sub Saharan Africa are a greater part of the problem. The average IQ of Arabs is about 90, the average IQ of black Africans is 75.

Assad is an Arab Hero.

",1520402629,07/03/2018 06:03 8281094,3791083022,

Poor little babies. What will you do when the video of Hillary comes out to show her evil. Either her video of having sex with and under age teenager or Hillary taking suitcases of money from the Russians for her sell out of America. Q-Anon says it will be released.

,1520404580,07/03/2018 06:36 8281094,3791083287,"

There is only one nationalism, and that nationalism rejects N I Q Q E R S, Jews and Moslems. We are white people and we will remain a majority. Go to hell.

No race in history has ever gone down without a fierce battle.

",1520404606,07/03/2018 06:36 8271119,3791088802,

qanon has promised to drop a daming vid of hrc soon

,1520405130,07/03/2018 06:45 8281094,3791100536,

We took the gd. Syrians. But Europe doesnn't want any N I Q Q E R S.

,1520406211,07/03/2018 07:03 8281094,3791104735,"

Arabs are bad, N I Q Q E R S are worse.

",1520406612,07/03/2018 07:10 8277626,3791260176,"

No jail time? How would John Q. Citizen be dealt with under the same circumstances? Oh, that's right, these are democrat politicals!

",1520419311,07/03/2018 10:41 8280836,3791291710,

I'm with Trump and Q on this. Enough is enough. A storm is coming.

Q drops

QNN The Great Awakening

,1520421385,07/03/2018 11:16 8281094,3791321402,

Conflicting reports show HRC was involved in a five min video with a child committed sexual acts on the child.. Q REPORTS ........................ more info on that to come..

,1520423183,07/03/2018 11:46 8279684,3791324514,

All the Q ueers will be watching!

,1520423346,07/03/2018 11:49 8280836,3791328473,

Q? Who is Q?

,1520423552,07/03/2018 11:52 8281094,3791352960,

If Sessions really does start doing his job and this Internet Bill of Rights turns out to be a positive thing... Q is going to gain major cred with almost everybody on the right.

He already delivered on spreading awareness of THE MEMO and helping us get it released.

,1520424820,07/03/2018 12:13 8279684,3791419459,"

I use mine mainly to watch Q videos on youtube, and, of course, MST3k reruns

",1520427948,07/03/2018 13:05 8259596,3791443255,

I'm saying that when Q post and Corsi and a few QAnon's get together and run down the meaning . . . it becomes quite the learning experience

,1520428866,07/03/2018 13:21 8273504,3791537021,"

Yeppers....on BB...Oh, Dan Abrams. I remember him. The so called ""legal scholar.""

Sounds like you're going through a lot, Q. Just go slow and try and take care of you. Will you? When and if i get insurance maybe I'll start some of that. My war on doctors is continuously going on and I have a pic of my late friend on the fridge when he had his legs. To remind me.

You're asking me for a plan, oh Great Viking? We need to definitely get together and kibbutz, Q. Options? You know I hear you. But yes, show your true colors. Why not? 😗

P.S. Waiting for accountant. Giving him this day but I should have mailed the damn thing. Am poor and don't have a fax machine. So uncool i yam.

",1520432551,07/03/2018 14:22 8259596,3791556879,"

Did you know Chuck Norris, Joseph Farah, Ann Coulter and I'll even see a Steven Seagal article once in awhile for WND ?
Just open it ( Q anon ) and listen to the live feed as you surf all of the other feeds are where they cut the feed to post past ""shows"".
Best to catch it when Corsi's on . . . it's a hit and miss ~ late night or early morning ~ depends on YOUR local

",1520433225,07/03/2018 14:33 8276246,3791557531,"

Sorry, not watching the news lately? If rich or important position, a former GF can claim physical abuse, harassment, etc......I never allowed a woman in my office without another person present, and taped (Years ago) all office conversations. Had (3) three lawsuits...won them all.
Wife fully understood......
Now for John Q citizen, with minimal assets, go for whatever you want....freak or straight.......

",1520433249,07/03/2018 14:34 8273504,3791603886,"

I'm hoping the guy will just show up. He works for me, doncha know? I can't stay in another day waiting for God...Godot...whatever...

You're lucky you know Q. In spite of the weather, be it stormy or not. You honestly have people that care even me your cyber buddy.

",1520434963,07/03/2018 15:02 8272883,3791697196,

These articles being pushed right now are early disinformation for when the Hillary/Huma Abedin pedophile video drops. This will be the excuse to say it wasn't them. For those that don't know start looking up QAnon videos on youtube. The video the nypd found on Weiners laptop is coming

,1520438411,07/03/2018 16:00 8282744,3791700340,

True. How do you defuse a bomb was a recent Q quote. Guess the strings are still being cut slowly by the bomb squad and we just have to be patient.

,1520438524,07/03/2018 16:02 8282744,3791742374,"

Yep - Q is right....these ppl are really, really stupid.

",1520440018,07/03/2018 16:26 8282744,3791745967,

Who says? Q?

,1520440145,07/03/2018 16:29 8282744,3791785326,"

""...Sessions said he would “consider” it (a second special counsel investigation into the alleged abuse of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) procedures by the Department of Justice with regard to surveillance of associates of President Donald Trump...)""
John Q. Public could step up, light up a joint in front of him and he'd have the full weight of the American government come down on the guy's shoulders.
But the establishment elite's crimes against WE THE PEOPLE are just something to be 'considered.'
Explaining that such a complaint (COMPLAINT?) should go to the Inspector General's office is a cop out! And this is no 'complaint!' This is out right treason, using government agencies as weapons against political opponents! And the sad thing is, Mr. Sessions, is that WE THE PEOPLE are aware of the crimes committed by Obuma and co. while you tittle your thumbs and act like it's no big deal!

",1520441564,07/03/2018 16:52 8282744,3791819296,

I'll leave you all with this. Qanon said trust Sessions because there's a lot going on behind the scenes. He's known as the quiet assassin. It will all come together.

,1520442778,07/03/2018 17:12 8282744,3791877966,

But qanon!

,1520444865,07/03/2018 17:47 8282744,3791949330,"

LMAO , Q is a psyop. You're an idiot to listen to that garbage.

",1520447349,07/03/2018 18:29 8279891,3791967843,

Sigh. Why do I bother? Suggest you visit Q.

,1520447975,07/03/2018 18:39 8282744,3791998997,"

This Saturday will prove it by itself. Remember media will likely not report it & pick some useless fabricated issue against Trump to delude the public, as expected. You'll have to research where military tribunals are going to happen. Clinton WILL BE PROSECUTED. I trust Q annon on this.

Also as he says:
Trust Sessions
Trust Trump.
Whether you trust or not after this saturday, it'll be clear.

",1520449053,07/03/2018 18:57 8278790,3792009162,"

This LADY is due for some time in the ROUND BAR HOTEL as a guest of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN, for being liable for committing criminal crimes against the US of A Government. //////////////////////////////

",1520449424,07/03/2018 19:03 8283905,3792051921,"

Q is tracking Snowden. . . lol

",1520450946,07/03/2018 19:29 8273504,3792159623,"

Glad you watched him, Q. Yes i did and I thought he was brilliant. Am so with him. Nonsense and poppycock from that lady doctor. Just because they have ""Dr."" before their names means nothing. He was right on. I have known doctors to do more harm to many many people. You know i was asked by Hospice if I had a gun. Just looking at the house if they were intuitive they could tell. Cute warm fuzzy. But of course I don't. Probably should have with some of their workers I had in here. You are right. I'm proud of you for being a Vet, Q, and that you have an understanding doc. Personally I think it's none of their business.

",1520454758,07/03/2018 20:32 8273504,3792166097,"

Me too. Q. Picky as heck the older I get. Same here. I've divorced a lot of people who just took up space in my life including a husband. You have a great mind yourself, Sir. You may be too smart is what I'm thinking. Sometimes that's a problem with who we associate with. For all of us. I have to dumb it down a lot and boy can I do that. Gets me places, it do!☺️

",1520455003,07/03/2018 20:36 8281094,3792181431,

peoples: stay up on the Qanon reports.....we wont be needing a spl prosecutor for TREASON.....that is a different court.

,1520455552,07/03/2018 20:45 8282744,3792196467,"

Shock & Awe coming to a Liberal near you... Wait for it - NYPD is anxious and President may be considering it. Hillary is TOAST. So is American liberalism - future will be that it will be difficult to find anyone who openly will admit to having been a liberal. ""I didn't vote for HER""


",1520456109,07/03/2018 20:55 8273504,3792234822,"

Well, only cuz you were a Vet. It's back to Q now darlin'....

",1520457624,07/03/2018 21:20 8280392,3792237290,


,1520457729,07/03/2018 21:22 8278820,3792406066,

I think so. It's all over the internet. all over Q boards I heard Weiner had it on his laptop.

,1520466305,07/03/2018 23:45 8283905,3792432395,"

According to this analysis of Q and Anon posts, that may happen sooner that you might think. I am unfamiliar with this guy so......I will wait and see what happens on March 11:

",1520467850,08/03/2018 00:10 8284448,3792480912,

Just look at that Dick-tater Moonbeam. Who does that Q ball think he is?

,1520470748,08/03/2018 00:59 8283077,3792488385,"

BOOM..BOOM..BOOM...(Or was it 4?) Its coming down, just as promised. Thank you Q, @Jack (Dorsey, of Twitter) ""You will remember this day"".

",1520471203,08/03/2018 01:06 8286449,3792567211,"

Are all immigrants the same race? No.

Ergo, you're a moron. Q.E.D.

",1520476217,08/03/2018 02:30 8285936,3792599855,"

Bear in mind that foreign steel was tampered with. Kobe Steel's CEO just resigned for falsifying data on the quality of their products:

",1520478520,08/03/2018 03:08 8285936,3792602984,"

How long did Kobe Steel falsify their quality data for? For FIVE DECADES.

Foreign steel < US Steel.

",1520478752,08/03/2018 03:12 8285936,3792604203,"

How many accidents, failures, deaths, injuries, and problems from foreign inferior steel has the US suffered due to falsified claims on steel quality that were taken on faith? We may never really know.

",1520478840,08/03/2018 03:14 8285936,3792615766,"

Why wouldn't Harley Davidson prefer quality steel for their motorcycles?

They used to take pride in quality.


",1520479748,08/03/2018 03:29 8273504,3792855796,"

Morning dear Rascal Q. ☕️ Yes Tucker is always up or rather I'm up for him. Great show again last night with Jordan Peterson, that Canadian fellow who is making a whole lot of sense. About our menfolk and boys who are in deep kimchee which I already knew.

Don't know that movie but enjoyed Rock's films. You need to go the the Neutral Zone which I'm on rarely but they discuss old movies. Now just who was your wife that time? I was in a quandary last night because there was a Robert Mitchum movie on haven't seen. ""The Sundowners"". I caught a glimpse of that face and no, didn't see it from the beginning...but boy he was handsome. So I was faithful to Mr. Carlson. 🐰

",1520501912,08/03/2018 09:38 8273504,3792878121,"

Otay. Oh, they remade ""Creature from the Black Lagoon"" with this year's Oscar winner. The Water movie? I don't think I have although I did see the lovely Deborah Kerr in person in an Edward Albee play. ""The King and I"" is one of my favorite musicals too when I think about it. Yul Bryner. He will always be the King. Luckily saw him. Then another time with a horrible person as the King and Hayley Mills of all people playing Anna. Sucked.

My friend in NV lost her father the other day Q so my morning is starting off sad. Have to pick her up a card today with all the other jillion things I'm doing.

",1520503602,08/03/2018 10:06 8286896,3792951235,"

This is a mis-use, and a disrespecting of, the term fascism.
The term ""fascism"" comes from the days of the Roman Empire.
The fascicles consisted of a long ax handle, surrounded by a bundle of sticks, often adorned with various symbolic items, often a wide plaque near the top bearing the letters S P Q R, which stood for Senatus Romanus Populusque (the Senate and the Roman People).
The fascicle was a symbol of Roman legal authority.
During WWII, the term fascist came to represent the ""Axis powers"" of Germany, Italy, and Japan, perhaps because Italy was the heart of the old Roman Empire.
From, fascism is a form of radical national authoritarianism OPPOSED to liberalism, Marxism, anarchism.

The only part of the definition of fascism that could be correctly applied to ""The Left"" (Marxists, communists, socialists, anarchists, progressivists, Liberal Democrats) is that of ""forced suppression of opposition"". Otherwise, fascism is a purely right-leaning concept.

I would respectfully suggest that the proper synonym for ""Liberals"" might be ""idiots"", or the slightly longer, but more correct, ""Liberals are irresponsible and illogical folks who don't know very much, especially history.""

PS: Sorry to bother you all with this knowledge, but I studied Latin for three (3) years. The first 2 years were very interesting.

When you study Latin, you learn Latin, the history of the Roman Empire (for instance, ""fascicles""), Roman mythology, Latin grammar and vocabulary, which is carried over into American English grammar and vocabulary.
Recommended reading: John Flagg Gummerre and Annabel Horn, 1955, ""Using Latin, Book One"" and ""Using Latin, Book Two"".

",1520508427,08/03/2018 11:27 8273504,3792973642,"

You know I think he was in""Three Faces of Eve"" the other night Q. We honestly don't have actors like that now. So distinctive.

",1520509752,08/03/2018 11:49 8286311,3793008693,

MS-13 and Seth Rich... do a little digging on your own...

,1520511521,08/03/2018 12:18 8273504,3793018089,

What? You mean Julie Adams is older than you? As long as you're not after little kids I see no problem here Q. The book I'm reading is daunting. All from child abuse beginning at the age of 2.

,1520511997,08/03/2018 12:26 8287301,3793029288,"

History will show that Trump will go down as one of the greatest Presidents since Kennedy or Lincoln! #MAGA, #Qanon, #Internetbillofrights#!

",1520512568,08/03/2018 12:36 8285222,3793081981,"

Q hints at possible end of censorship on internet, Trump's Parscale warns Facebook, Google, Twitter



Brad Parscale✔@parscale

Hey @facebook @Twitter @Google we are watching. This is your opportunity to make sure the playing field is level. #MAGA

8:39 AM - Mar 7, 2018


2,958 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like censorship on social media could be coming to an end, as Q is hinting at the possible end of censorship online by posting #InternetBillOfRights...And with Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeting a warning to Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Is the censorship on social media coming to an immediate end with these two hinting at it, it looks like we will soon find out. You wonder with both Parscale and Q going after the censorship social media giants today, if President Trump will soon take control of social media ending the algorithms that censor Conservative free speech at any moment. Get ready for something to hit social media at any moment that ends the censorship of Conservatives on things like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube.

",1520514983,08/03/2018 13:16 8286995,3793134827,"

Yes, I found this out from a Tracybeanz tweet this morning. Best thing I read in a long time. ""Q"" or ""Qanon"" says trust Sessions. Going to be an interesting Summer, we may even see military tribunals for treason before this is over with.

",1520517194,08/03/2018 13:53 8259596,3793184497,

No Corsi comes on the CBTS (LIVE ) channel when there are new Q post and chats to the Anon's about the meaning and future events

,1520519180,08/03/2018 14:26 8285222,3793191603,

Whats Q say?

,1520519456,08/03/2018 14:30 8285222,3793193176,"


Regarding Sessions, Jerome Corsi suggests Q trusts Sessions.

",1520519518,08/03/2018 14:31 8286995,3793267347,

No. Check out Corsi's articles and videos on Qanon. cbts live stream youtube

,1520522323,08/03/2018 15:18 8285015,3793334185,"

Don't forget that they also will not tolerate anything at all close to anything LGBT Q! Oh yes, I know there are other individuals that can be put there too as the list keeps growing.

",1520524742,08/03/2018 15:59 8246990,3793345431,"

I live in Cozumel, and this story was copied almost word for word from one of the most unreliable and inaccurate tabloids in the state of Q. Roo.

We scream about fake news, but as a permanent resident in Coz, this is grossly inaccurate and, with the exception of the explosion that happened on the mainland and not in Cozumel, everything else is conjecture and staged. The mayor of Cozumel has nothing to do with enforcement of drug laws or hassling drug lords. The local police here are pedestrian traffic cops and parking ticket issuers.

The state police and Feds handle the drug enforcement here, not the mayor.

",1520525135,08/03/2018 16:05 8288105,3793480989,"

",1520529859,08/03/2018 17:24 8288105,3793580203,"

Speaking of treasonous, ex-Navy RINOs...

Q#855: What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say [We 👁 U, AZSen-R] organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth = HRC victory.


🇺🇸MAGA 2018 & 2020🇺🇸

",1520533308,08/03/2018 18:21 8283077,3793604246,


,1520534162,08/03/2018 18:36 8288105,3793604852,"

We can do a lot of damage to RINOs and the news cycles haven't even begun yet. I also believe quite a number of RINOs/Dems will be forced out of office as more Clinton corruption spews forth. According to the Qanons, the pedo stuff is going to hit Congress hard, too! That could all be in the next few months!

",1520534184,08/03/2018 18:36 8288129,3793662184,"

From ""Q"" (believed to be closest to Trump team/Intel)
Mar 06 2018 01:29:38

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein (Obama) knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say (McCain) organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth - HRC victory.

Check out all posts

Note McCain is FINALLY leaving..... MAGA!

",1520536183,08/03/2018 19:09 8288129,3793679139,"

The head of scandal-hit Japanese steelmaker Kobe Steel announced his resignation on Tuesday after the firm submitted false strength and quality data for products shipped to hundreds of clients worldwide.

",1520536785,08/03/2018 19:19 8285450,3793698360,"

he a jew with a high I Q but that does not mean he has common sense or street smarts and he is being coached by scum bag commie s who should be run out of the country, we are too damn soft on these scumbags

",1520537470,08/03/2018 19:31 8288324,3793728571,"

you have NO IDEA it came from there. i have NEVER heard ONE other person say something like that. Q was my largest customer when i worked for our SD office ( and i lived in sd county ) until i relocated ...... for 17yrs. i have spent COUNTLESS HOURS on that campus and been in every building completed or under construction. not sure why you feel so important that a major usa mfr/tech co would be interested that you comment on bb. just because YOU SAY it happened in no way makes it them. maybe someone on campus was ""moonlighting"". you have NO IDEA.

",1520538578,08/03/2018 19:49 8243951,3793798621,"

Wonder where you've been. Yep....they be very happy with Mayor Barry. You're right. I think marijuana is the least thing D.C. has to worry about, David.

No one in their right mind would drive in D.C. I did eons ago. Now you can't park except for a small fortune and who knows what the other drivers are including uber and taxies. As for metro, haven't been on it for a decade. Wait for the other shoe to drop so to speak. Think it needs more work plus who wants to ruin a decent mood by getting on Metro?

I remember some good restaurants in D.C. When I lived around there I graduated from O, to P, to Q street. Dupont Circle is known lovingly as Bouffant Circle. Very expensive and you don't want a car there. I remember old bars like The Fox and Hounds and good cheap restaurants like the Trio. Growing up it was a romantic and great place & fairly safe. I even worked nights and had no problem. Me too had a friend on Capitol Hill. He even ran for Congress. Am sure it still has cache but anyone with an ounce of sense leaves D.C. and the Swamp which I'm trying to do as we speak.

",1520541152,08/03/2018 20:32 8290433,3793840118,"

Qanon says another BOOM coming...TRUST SESSIONS. Watch PTrump in CA next week...uh oh! WINNING.

",1520542806,08/03/2018 21:00 8291180,3793876440,

BOOM...South Korea to make major announcement at 7 PM EST. Predicted by Q.

,1520544324,08/03/2018 21:25 8291180,3793878047,

Where is the HRC raw Video Q promised ?

,1520544390,08/03/2018 21:26 8291180,3793880116,

Who is Q? The old guy from James bond?

,1520544477,08/03/2018 21:27 8291180,3793895825,"

The head of scandal-hit Japanese steelmaker Kobe Steel announced his resignation on Tuesday after the firm submitted false strength and quality data for products shipped to hundreds of clients worldwide.

",1520545148,08/03/2018 21:39 8291180,3793896961,"

From ""Q"" (believed to be closest to Trump team/Intel)
Mar 06 2018 01:29:38

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein (Obama) knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say (McCain) organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth - HRC victory.

Check out all posts

Note McCain is FINALLY leaving..... MAGA!

",1520545196,08/03/2018 21:39 8291180,3793934665,"

Q hints at possible end of censorship on internet, Trump's Parscale warns Facebook, Google, Twitter



Brad Parscale✔@parscale

Hey @facebook @Twitter @Google we are watching. This is your opportunity to make sure the playing field is level. #MAGA

8:39 AM - Mar 7, 2018


3,826 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like censorship on social media could be coming to an end, as Q is hinting at the possible end of censorship online by posting #InternetBillOfRights...And with Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeting a warning to Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Is the censorship on social media coming to an immediate end with these two hinting at it, it looks like we will soon find out. You wonder with both Parscale and Q going after the censorship social media giants today, if President Trump will soon take control of social media ending the algorithms that censor Conservative free speech at any moment. Get ready for something to hit social media at any moment that ends the censorship of Conservatives on things like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube.

",1520546883,08/03/2018 22:08 8291180,3793935657,

Was Q on the Alex Jones show?

,1520546930,08/03/2018 22:08 8291180,3793963780,"

Thanks! I found her in the woods a few years ago and she is the best. I had zero experience with cats and thought I didn't like them. My gf and I can't get enough of her.
Yes, the McCain thing was announced by QAnon. Sometimes he jumps the gun, but I hope it's true.

",1520548321,08/03/2018 22:32 8290139,3794008939,"

You are not digging deep enough, Cassandra. He's been undermining them for the past year

If he rushed into this without dotting all his ""i""s and crossing his ""t""s, he'd lose ... the battle is going to be fierce even so but it would be a total defeat if he didn't

Look at it this way: if he and Donald were not in agreement, someone else would be AG today.

",1520550688,08/03/2018 23:11 8291180,3794018178,"

If you haven't been checking ""Q"" posts, you're really missing some fantastic insider stuff going on behind the scenes. Q is believed to be a small team closest to Trump assigned to give us some inside info/even Intel that bypasses the media (and been right so far). He's been giving strong clues and statements that are ""questions"" and said to watch Trump's tweets and speeches where he'll confirm what they've said somehow. They said they had to set the ""stage"" first before they could make high profile indictments public (coming soon). So today in Trump's speech, he talks about how they've been busy setting the ""stage"" and makes a hand gesture that is a ""Q"". LOL

Mar 08 2018 18:46:05Q!UW.yye1fxo592689
Do you believe in coincidences?

Check out all posts

",1520551189,08/03/2018 23:19 8291180,3794060125,

No trolls are participating in the this Q & A.
Wonder why......?

,1520553459,08/03/2018 23:57 8291882,3794078699,

Boom!!! We knew it was coming. Q says IRAN next.

,1520554450,09/03/2018 00:14 8291882,3794090406,"

ROFLMAO Chris Matthews' panel says 'It was the Olympics, not POTUS that made this possible!"" lmao ahahaha hehehe Idiots losers!!!


",1520555114,09/03/2018 00:25 8288324,3794090882,"

Have you been following Q, or the North Korea news ?

",1520555140,09/03/2018 00:25 8290433,3794094977,"

Eshlong is trying the time tested method of ""assskisssing"" his way out of being caught delivering missile tech to North Korea. Nice try Eshlong but as Q says, NO DEALS

",1520555364,09/03/2018 00:29 8291882,3794117464,"

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52
Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.
Clowns = CIA
Check out all posts

",1520556636,09/03/2018 00:50 8291942,3794127421,"

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.
Clowns = CIA
Check out all posts

",1520557211,09/03/2018 01:00 8291882,3794148078,"

I Don't trust them, I trust the President, the Military and Q team.
They've been saying this for a while and it happened. Deal is made.
Next up is Iran. They will be giving up their nukes as well in due time

",1520558429,09/03/2018 01:20 8291882,3794149684,

Where is the HRC raw video Q promised ?

,1520558521,09/03/2018 01:22 8291882,3794183978,"

Trump doesn't open himself up for failure. Trump already knows NK will denuclearize.

Why? According to qanon, Trump already went to NK during his Asia visit.

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

",1520560616,09/03/2018 01:56 8291882,3794189085,"

Qanon has been predicting for months ... ""Watch the water.""

Few days ago, picture of Kim Jong Un posted with him and a calm ocean in the background was revealed ... contrasted with a stormy sea photo with Bill Clinton and Kim Jong Il

",1520560938,09/03/2018 02:02 8291882,3794196663,"

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.
Clowns = CIA
Check out all posts

",1520561424,09/03/2018 02:10 8291882,3794198023,"

Qanon saying four BOOMS...first two already happened. AG Sessions sues CA that is historical, PTrump meets with NK and CIA strings cut to Kim Jong Un. Next up is Iran and that will be resolved before 11-11...mid-terms, hmmmm.
Really fascinating stuff happening. MAGA.

",1520561511,09/03/2018 02:11 8291750,3794206328,

Careful Flake. Q sees all [ ].

,1520562041,09/03/2018 02:20 8291882,3794207593,

BOOM - I saw that! Nice to see others are watching Q too! Crazy stuff..

,1520562125,09/03/2018 02:22 8291882,3794221034,"

If you follow Q (who posted a most prescient comment on Mar. 5 about NK), Iran is next on the list.

",1520563026,09/03/2018 02:37 8291882,3794222090,"

Did you see that video Q posted of the Trump hand gesture. Hilarious! .. check it out

",1520563102,09/03/2018 02:38 8291882,3794224342,"

More than one copy out there...

",1520563254,09/03/2018 02:40 8291882,3794229708,"

what's up with ""the video"" on HRC that Q has been hounding? Anyone know?

",1520563617,09/03/2018 02:46 8291882,3794260916,

I got Suzy Q playing in my head now

,1520565978,09/03/2018 03:26 8280377,3794276092,"

Jeane Kirkpatrick, James Q. Wilson, Robert Bork, Michael Novak, Harry Jaffa, Edward Banfield-- seems like all the good ones are dead.

",1520567259,09/03/2018 03:47 8291180,3794278338,"

BOOM. POTUS ""sets the stage"" for Qanon.

Hilarious that the msm thinks the NK thaw is due to the Olympics. Trump already met KJU in the Forbidden City, long before the Olympics.

And Snowden has his final warning... To do what, take down the censorship code used by social media?

Interesting times ahead as those who damnned Sessions for being a do nothing, will have to eat crow.


",1520567454,09/03/2018 03:50 8291942,3794334706,

I'm patiently (not patiently) waiting for the third and fourth BOOM! Q peeps

,1520572507,09/03/2018 05:15 8292698,3794346293,"


the NRA ""kills children""

libtards are so screwed they have no comprehension of what's about to happen. They have been on a steady diet of fake news while the curious ones among us have been getting almost daily intelligence updates from Q for months detailing the dismantling of the Global Deep State.

",1520573603,09/03/2018 05:33 8291882,3794347252,"

Ha, Q Anon called this out in NOV 2017...some facts are shuffled...NK is run by the CIA and is a patsy explanation for their complete change of tune...

",1520573700,09/03/2018 05:35 8283518,3794357772,

Let me be Q for a minute: ask yourself who profits from this Slave Trade.

,1520574706,09/03/2018 05:51 8292698,3794385443,"

The stage is being set up slowly for all the world to see....

",1520577390,09/03/2018 06:36 8292698,3794413413,


,1520580099,09/03/2018 07:21 8292698,3794414292,

Sessions is Q anon.

,1520580188,09/03/2018 07:23 8292698,3794416973,

Okay guys I admit it

I am Qanon

,1520580442,09/03/2018 07:27 8292698,3794464790,"

Well, let's hope that this Q stuff isn't some big hoax..

",1520584829,09/03/2018 08:40 8292698,3794511730,"

The silent executioner! QAnon continues to reiterate ""Trust Sessions"".

",1520588836,09/03/2018 09:47 8292698,3794521710,

How do you know QAnon isn't Deep State trying to keep the masses at bay..?

,1520589619,09/03/2018 10:00 8292698,3794536704,"


Hold your horses guys, Hillary is under 3 investigations but the Statue of
Limitations on all three ends next month. She may walk free. (self.CBTS_Stream)

She is under Uranium One investigations, her private email investigations
and The Clinton pay for play Foundation investigations, ALL will let her
walk free because of the Statue of Limitations SoL rule, NEXT MONTH.

So ask this. Why has DOJ timed this to have these investigations now as they should know about the SoL? Who is in charge of DOJ? Jeff Sessions. Is Sessions part of the cabal? And, let's see, and this is insidious thinking, what if Q knows and timed it so?

Something is up, the timing stinks but there is a nagging feeling that they all part of one big joke ... on us.

So let's pay closer attention to Sessions and see if he pulls the trigger and get the wicked witch of the middle east in jail. If not, I will be lost for words.

",1520590755,09/03/2018 10:19 8292698,3794541961,"

Or Q's posts that say to trust Sessions. Honestly though, Q also has been saying they want us divided. Posts like this probably don't help.

",1520591141,09/03/2018 10:25 8292698,3794554385,"

Maybe some good news. Latest drop. >>598223
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Q. Patriots rising.

",1520592033,09/03/2018 10:40 8292698,3794562711,

Trump is working with Q.

,1520592614,09/03/2018 10:50 8292698,3794583890,"

FBI agent kills wife and self in ""murder-suicide"" in Maryland



With things like this you always wonder if there is an obvious Clinton connection, because with whats going on inside the FBI being exposed as protecting Obama and Clinton...You really wonder if this FBI agent had any dirt on the Clinton/Obama sedition being used against President Trump. Is this your usual murder suicide, or is there some kind of connection to Hillary Clinton, FISA, and the FBI protecting Obama and Clinton?
​ With everything going on with the FBI, it really makes you wonder why an FBI agent would murder his wife and himself...And obviously it's being called a suicide. A murder suicide involving an FBI special agent isn't something that's normal news, and it obviously took place in the Democrat hot bed of the state of Maryland. Now Q a week or two ago said watch for suicides, so maybe this is related to that and this is the first Deep State Cabal actor to kill themselves?

",1520594053,09/03/2018 11:14 8292698,3794584954,"

New Q, When we're done, he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape


1 Comment

What is Q trying to say tonight, by responding with When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape...In a response to a meme on 8Chan that states when I'm done it'll be like you were never even here? Is Q perhaps hinting the end of Obama for good, and maybe even hinting that Obama has tried to escape from the United States recently?
Seems like something could go down with Obama soon and it won't be good for Obama, and maybe this has something to do with Sessions placing an unknown Federal prosecutor outside of DC to investigate Obama's illegal use of the FISA court system. Earlier today Trump gave the Q hand signal...So maybe one of these Booms by Q earlier this week is something about Obama. Is Trump preparing to now go after Obama, because Sessions has put it into play?

",1520594120,09/03/2018 11:15 8292698,3794596371,

QAnon - Future proves past.

,1520594832,09/03/2018 11:27 8292698,3794643465,

I trust Q...more than ever after yesterday.

,1520597414,09/03/2018 12:10 8292698,3794702221,"

It's not, you referenced voices in my head, I said if I heard voices I would assume I was the victim of VoG technology.
Here is one source- it is the more popular normie one...
You can also dig around the Federal Business Ops site and marvel at all the GITMO renovations contracts.
Again you don't have to believe now but keep it filed away, because it is coming.

",1520600232,09/03/2018 12:57 8294312,3794732915,"



",1520601526,09/03/2018 13:18 8294312,3794747364,"


",1520602112,09/03/2018 13:28 8288324,3794752610,"

okay, we all believe you. YOU designed it. right. AND STILL, you insist Q wanted to hack YOU for your bb postings. see? intelligence DOES NOT equal sanity. ever been probed by aliens?

",1520602320,09/03/2018 13:32 8294312,3794839943,"

Don't let us doiwn Q, getting giddy.

",1520605732,09/03/2018 14:28 8284979,3794871296,"

Still waiting for you to produce just ONE credible source that says they’ve already met.
Hint - Infowars and Q Anon are not credible sources.
Yeah, didn’t think so. Just another gullible crackpot.

",1520606939,09/03/2018 14:48 8292554,3794884396,"

According to Q, we were getting subpar steel from other Countries as a means to make us weaker.

",1520607418,09/03/2018 14:56 8285222,3794885287,"

This policy is part of the NWO's plan to destroy America and Comrade Hussein did very well in carrying out the plan. Jerome Corsi decoding of Q ANON's Post on the 16-Year Plan to Destroy America:

",1520607451,09/03/2018 14:57 8291969,3794921814,"

Go to this site and read. Don't sign in, just scroll back and read. You can click on the posts/attachments, and you can save them. It'll take a little while, but if you want to see what has been done and what is going to be done, this is a great place to start. A lot of it is coded, but if you read and think, you'll eventually be able to pick up on it. Q's first post was 10/27/17. Enjoy, take your time, check back often, and try to wrap your head around it.
We are Americans.
Trust our President.

",1520608843,09/03/2018 15:20 8289476,3794924667,"

And if John Q. Briton dares state the obvious about the perps, he gets fined and arrested.

",1520608946,09/03/2018 15:22 8290313,3794924818,"

Mc Cain is about to step down, according to Q posts this morning.

",1520608952,09/03/2018 15:22 8291969,3794925528,"

",1520608980,09/03/2018 15:23 8294312,3794953738,"

if this Q is right, it will never be her turn again.

",1520610026,09/03/2018 15:40 8294312,3794958710,"

""Boom"" in main page headline is significant.

Somebody editing/writing articles on BB either follows Q or got an instruction to use that word :). No coincidences.

",1520610208,09/03/2018 15:43 8291969,3794959940,

Exactly. Patriots are sick of this “any day now!” bs and “QAnon’s” boring “puzzles”. WE WANT ACTION!

,1520610253,09/03/2018 15:44 8294312,3794969874,"

Any Q people here?


",1520610629,09/03/2018 15:50 8294312,3794971832,

Lol. BOOM. Breitbart reads Q 👍

,1520610702,09/03/2018 15:51 8292698,3794971964,

Time to check out QAnon today!!

,1520610706,09/03/2018 15:51 8294312,3794975448,

Not following Qanon or Tracy Beanz but I know what you're referring to

,1520610837,09/03/2018 15:53 8294312,3794988831,"

Very ""heady.""

Going to be interesting when/if the identity of Q is finally revealed.

Sundance's TreeHouse is where I was first exposed to his/her stuff.

",1520611341,09/03/2018 16:02 8294312,3794990711,"

From the new Q drop...

",1520611410,09/03/2018 16:03 8294312,3794995528,"

A leak regarding Beanz or regarding the Q stuff? Of course the whole Q operation is a government sanctioned (highest authority) leak.

On the hijacking for her personal gain... I don't buy it. She is the most genuine person I have seen on YouTube (not a ""crush"" thing because honestly she isn't super attractive). At worst, she made a few mistakes with info or her judgment on certain issues. The only one that I am uneasy about is she is not yet on board with the Internet Bill of Rights. Her reasoning makes sense (the whole AT&T is pushing it thing). Hopefully she changes her tune when it becomes more obvious that they are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

",1520611590,09/03/2018 16:06 8294312,3795002904,"

Skippy Soetoro thinks he's going to be producing content for Netflix, I think not, Q followed up that meme with this post...


When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.


",1520611874,09/03/2018 16:11 8294312,3795005127,

Best Q day evah!

,1520611959,09/03/2018 16:12 8294312,3795007464,"

Q is a group of people. The main one is supposedly part of the NSA. One other is military. Another called ""Delta"" Q (pyramid shape of delta) might be a part of a big money family who ""came to Jesus"". All experts with a common goal. Not sure how many there are on the team. :)

",1520612046,09/03/2018 16:14 8294312,3795007930,"

For a feel good lurk, here're the latest Q posts, believe me, they're really, really good.

",1520612063,09/03/2018 16:14 8285222,3795041937,"

Gee, turning a blind eye to bad behavior to make crime statistics look good didn't work out as expected by progressive bureaucrats? Q. - Who could have guessed that outcome? A. - I guess anyone with a lick of common sense and an understanding of human nature which, of course, eliminates Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, and Robert Runcie. Maybe strict discipline in the school system rather than letting the inmates (students) run wild might have worked better. Ya think?

",1520613346,09/03/2018 16:35 8292698,3795214055,"

If you have been following the ""Q"" ANON posts, you would have known that this has all been orchestrated by the 'White Hats"" (the Good Guys) against the ""Black Hats"" The seditious, corrupt, criminal traitors of the ""Deep State"" and that A.G. Sessions is a definite ""White Hat"". Q kept saying ""Trust Sessions"". They have been ""setting the stage"" from the beginning so as to make the ""baddies"" more comfortable in their ability to get away with their HUGE crimes against this nation and its citizens. Start looking at the Q posts and learn to work as one, not divided, to defeat the monstrous traitors who are working directly for the destruction of the United States as a Nation, instead of a New World Order, a One World Government run by Zionist Elite who want to install an unelected Leader (A New ""Messiah"") It is really a battle for our Freedom and Liberty and Self-Determination and our Nation as a whole. There are many ""Useful Idiots"" working for them, thinking their own futures are assured, but once they are not needed any longer, they too, will be ""finished"" as a protection for the new World Order Elites,

",1520619890,09/03/2018 18:24 8295047,3795251562,"

Interesting that Q has indicated that the deal has already largely been done, and the ""meeting"" in May is just a show to irritate the Grubers and the MSM with a ceremonial Trump victory lap. Who knows where we will be by then. Trump has already shown more compassion and warmth in his heart for the poor ordinary people of N. Korea, than any president or diplomat in history. He wants them out of this mess more than anyone else does, including Kim.

",1520621396,09/03/2018 18:49 8295047,3795258307,

No more CIA control....Strings are Cut.

,1520621659,09/03/2018 18:54 8294312,3795262184,"

Bringing steel back is going to MAGA....Not just for our jobs but also for our military. We are nothing without our steel, imported steel has been compromised.

",1520621814,09/03/2018 18:56 8294831,3795313550,"

If she is referred to as LIDDLE, is she part of the child trafficking for pedos? That's what has been pointed out in the Q posts

",1520623914,09/03/2018 19:31 8293724,3795375467,"

YEP and here's what it will look like...

",1520625844,09/03/2018 20:04 8293724,3795376968,"

Better hurry up and spew some more socialist BS Obama cuz.....

",1520625905,09/03/2018 20:05 8294831,3795400595,

Cops love to embarrass and lecture Joe Q citizen when they us on cop cam. The police continue to lose credibility in this country.

,1520626891,09/03/2018 20:21 8295608,3795520428,

The Qanon crumbs are leading to Nancy and her posse.

,1520632459,09/03/2018 21:54 8297336,3795630876,"

FBI agent kills wife and self in ""murder-suicide"" in Maryland



With things like this you always wonder if there is an obvious Clinton connection, because with whats going on inside the FBI being exposed as protecting Obama and Clinton...You really wonder if this FBI agent had any dirt on the Clinton/Obama sedition being used against President Trump. Is this your usual murder suicide, or is there some kind of connection to Hillary Clinton, FISA, and the FBI protecting Obama and Clinton?
​ With everything going on with the FBI, it really makes you wonder why an FBI agent would murder his wife and himself...And obviously it's being called a suicide. A murder suicide involving an FBI special agent isn't something that's normal news, and it obviously took place in the Democrat hot bed of the state of Maryland. Now Q a week or two ago said watch for suicides, so maybe this is related to that and this is the first Deep State Cabal actor to kill themselves?

",1520638590,09/03/2018 23:36 8297336,3795632172,"

New Q, When we're done, he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape

What is Q trying to say tonight, by responding with When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape...In a response to a meme on 8Chan that states when I'm done it'll be like you were never even here? Is Q perhaps hinting the end of Obama for good, and maybe even hinting that Obama has tried to escape from the United States recently?
Seems like something could go down with Obama soon and it won't be good for Obama, and maybe this has something to do with Sessions placing an unknown Federal prosecutor outside of DC to investigate Obama's illegal use of the FISA court system. Earlier today Trump gave the Q hand signal...So maybe one of these Booms by Q earlier this week is something about Obama. Is Trump preparing to now go after Obama, because Sessions has put it into play?
Brandon Chafin@B_Ray_C
Its time we set the stage.

Q Told us ""South Korean""and ""North Korea"" PEACE was coming.

Where we go one we go all!#MSMNowDead #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheVideo #HRCVideo #TheGreatAwakening
10:26 PM - Mar 8, 2018
825 people are talking about this

",1520638666,09/03/2018 23:37 8297336,3795657097,"

Trump to Obama - ""When I'm done, it'll be like you were never here!""
Q response today ---
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Check out all posts

Also today: Tillerson arrived in Nairobi (Kenya) on Friday ahead of talks with President Uhuru Kenyatta..
key issues expected to be addressed during the meetings include counter terrorism; peace and security; good governance; trade and investment.

",1520640204,10/03/2018 00:03 8297336,3795658659,

Kinda funny this on the same day a guy goes John Q and holds up a veterans Only in America.

,1520640304,10/03/2018 00:05 8297336,3795660811,

remember Q was hinting about North Korea in February

,1520640442,10/03/2018 00:07 8297336,3795666849,"

People, Sessions is a good guy and even Q said trust in Sessions. Should he draw his blueprint on Karl Roves chalk board for the swamp to see??

",1520640836,10/03/2018 00:13 8294831,3795680424,

This is NOT incompetence. This a game-plan.

And it's far bigger than just the 2nd Amendment.

That video shows something else entirely. I'd be shocked if it isn't already destroyed.
Ask the Deputy who resigned.


,1520641750,10/03/2018 00:29 8297567,3795708405,

If you've been reading QAnon's posts it's getting toward the end of the talk and the beginning of the end game. The end of CIA control of North Korea. The end of CIA control. Why do you think Kim wants to talk? The puppet masters strings were cut.

,1520643683,10/03/2018 01:01 8297900,3795742185,"

Secretary Tillerson visits Kenya to prevent Obama from claiming Kenyan citizenship when the US indicts him for crimes he committed while in office.

""When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.""

",1520645977,10/03/2018 01:39 8296109,3795750326,"

Odd how all those calling for war are either remainers or are tied Miscon de Raya in some way.

It's almost like they have an interest in the invasion of the Ukraine and keeping the Mueller investigation going.....

I can't for the life of me thing why *cough Christopher Steele* *cough the common core companies linked with internet regulation* would have an interest.

I mean on the one hand you have a court case in the US demanding trolls be allowed to harass Trump and on the other you have ""Milly Tant"" May seeking to make misogyny a criminal offence.

But to be fair it was supposed to be a criminal offence in 2016 had it not been for those meddling kids with their Brexit vote. And no one was supposed to oppose Lyn de Rothschild with such a a thing as the Internet Bill of Rights.

It's almost like Brietbart doesn't know what is going on and is encouraging people to go after 'those damned mozzies"".... so they can get such down to usher in the golden future of DLC fines and people being locked out of their computers until they cough up... or work out they don't have to accept their broadband in the form of a cable package with on the spot fines for those that type verboten words.....

I really don't know why Q bothers.... especially given how dense yanks are... and how likely they are to connect the Obamas visiting the Queen with the message about Barry seeking Kenyan citizenship to avoid prosecution for massive fraud and corruption.... oh those damned mozzies...

",1520646541,10/03/2018 01:49 8297900,3795760325,"

New Q, When we're done, he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape



What is Q trying to say tonight, by responding with When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape...In a response to a meme on 8Chan that states when I'm done it'll be like you were never even here? Is Q perhaps hinting the end of Obama for good, and maybe even hinting that Obama has tried to escape from the United States recently?
Seems like something could go down with Obama soon and it won't be good for Obama, and maybe this has something to do with Sessions placing an unknown Federal prosecutor outside of DC to investigate Obama's illegal use of the FISA court system. Earlier today Trump gave the Q hand signal...So maybe one of these Booms by Q earlier this week is something about Obama. Is Trump preparing to now go after Obama, because Sessions has put it into play?

",1520647231,10/03/2018 02:00 8297900,3795764682,"

Lots of chatter tonight on Q-Anon about NK, CIA, Snowden, Obama. Interesting stuff, but time consuming.

",1520647539,10/03/2018 02:05 8297900,3795774475,

according to Q?

,1520648217,10/03/2018 02:16 8294312,3795797761,"

This explains everything...

",1520649987,10/03/2018 02:46 8296589,3795815753,"

Secretary of State Tillerson visits Kenya to prevent Obama from claiming Kenyan citizenship when the US indicts him for spying on Trump.

""When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.""

",1520651451,10/03/2018 03:10 8296589,3795830077,"

He's known as the ""Silent Assassin"". Qanon says trust Sessions.

",1520652671,10/03/2018 03:31 8292971,3795862919,

Covered by QAnon on the boards. She is not long to be around as a justice.

,1520655243,10/03/2018 04:14 8296886,3795912371,

Ive been following Q REM : )

,1520660349,10/03/2018 05:39 8294681,3795960257,

Pure N I Q Q E R speak. “keep your life… I can kill you”.

Nice punch Tommy.

,1520665702,10/03/2018 07:08 8296589,3796130900,"

Q said BOOM , ....all related! Go Q go. We love you! 💖💖💖💖

",1520682282,10/03/2018 11:44 8298083,3796233379,

we're suppose to find out this upcoming week whether Sessions has been asleep at the wheel or not. Q better be right.

,1520688255,10/03/2018 13:24 8298083,3796250133,"

Sessions, there is only one tool; the tool is our federal laws and the tool is the ones she violated.

Why is it they aren't arrested immediately? Why is it they can stomp on our laws and get away with it. If it was just John Q Public, he'd be sitting in a cell already.

Go do your job Sessions and arrest this perp for violating laws on the books. That is the only tool you need. Go do your job!

",1520689114,10/03/2018 13:38 8296886,3796254795,"

For those who follow Q, is it coming this week-end????

",1520689353,10/03/2018 13:42 8298083,3796267198,

I've been keeping up with Qanon also. I hope you are correct. Crimes have been committed and someone has to be jailed!

,1520690006,10/03/2018 13:53 8296886,3796297203,"

Ich dachte, nur wir in Deutschland hätten diese Zustände... Aber je mehr ich, dank Q, international darüber lese, je mehr verstehe ich, dass wir kurz vor einem weltweiten Kollaps stehen/standen!
Ich hoffe, dass die Patrioten in Amerika diese Zustände ein für alle Mal beseitigen können und wir, dank dem POTUS, einer friedlichen Welt entgegensehen können!

God bless all Patriots arround the World!

",1520691581,10/03/2018 14:19 8298083,3796440103,"

According to Q, possible the hammer drops tomorrow. We shall see. In all fairness, he predicted the NK deal.

",1520698530,10/03/2018 16:15 8295611,3796486285,"

Dr Jerome Corsi interpretation of Qanon states Trump administration needs citizens help. He can't do it on his own. Citizens need to be involved, contacting your representatives

",1520700627,10/03/2018 16:50 8292698,3796498673,

Q said to trust Sessions ... so I did ... Q was right.

,1520701180,10/03/2018 16:59 8297567,3796578760,

Nope - wait and see. Perhaps the hammer comes down tomorrow per Q Anon?

,1520704878,10/03/2018 18:01 6968642,3796586118,"

Also, if you’re not on Twitter or are but don’t know about Q, it’s better to learn now. Go to Twitter and search #Qanon

",1520705225,10/03/2018 18:07 8297567,3796587504,"

Q Anon is a psyops operative. His method is so transparent. Writing in away specifically designed to apeal to the conspiracy mindset. It is very well targeted. So why? What is the Q objective? Put simply, within the cover of being a white hat his mission is to protect Sessions. Sessions must be saved by the swamp at all costs because they know if he goes their control over the game is lost.

Sorry to birst your bubbles but Q is working for the other side.

",1520705289,10/03/2018 18:08 8297567,3796608510,"

Really? Chances are Jerome Corsi is probably Qanon.
Why are you relying on infowarrs if Alex himself admitted that he is in the business of ‘performance art’, not journalism?

",1520706305,10/03/2018 18:25 8297567,3796612773,"

Really. Don’t you think, given the style of politics that the likes of Roger Stone and alex Jones stoop to practice, that Qanon might be a made up figure to give more life to the fake conspiracy theory mill that is Infowars?

",1520706511,10/03/2018 18:28 8289386,3796756063,"

New Q post, We are saving Israel for last


1 Comment

Just like in America...Israel also has it's major Deep State issues and Q is hinting at this...By simply stating that we are saving Israel for last. Now before anyone gets mad...Do note just like America has a Deep State Cabal network so does Israel. Now what is the cabal dirt on Israel that Q may have, because if the evil Deep State is being rooted out in America...You only have to understand Israel shares the problem. What is Q saving Israel's dirt last for?
Does Q stating we are saving Israel for last have something to do with things like 9/11, ISIS, or the Obama/Clinton cabal network. Who knows but we may be in for some major Deep State cabal exposing out of Israel at any moment. Now Q has stated Trump's military parade as very important, so my personal guess is that the Israel dirt will come after that or right before the Trump military parade on Veterans Day...11/11/18.

",1520713354,10/03/2018 20:22 8295854,3796836406,

You are Q... Am I right??

,1520717808,10/03/2018 21:36 8298902,3796848074,

The Scarlet it.

,1520718498,10/03/2018 21:48 8298098,3796861373,"

Poisonous fruit, as JUST ONE of the intended traitorous results from this DEEPSTATE false flag operation....O YES, innocent young people DID INDEED DIE...but look at the stand-downs, shameless sheriff’s shenanigans & so much associated commie anti-American patriots’ Bill of Rights garbage spewing from leftielibsocialistfascisttraitor jihadis, so many of whom HAVE infiltrated widely throughout our elitist statist wanabe RULING guvclass ... hopefully they are SOON in for a big BOOM surprise when BarryHussein, HitLIARly & tens of thousands of others face the coming military tribunals well BEFORE the ‘18’ll see...WAKE up & tune in to Q anon revelations, inter alia....

",1520719290,10/03/2018 22:01 8289386,3796897989,

I think Q is President Trump himself.

,1520721459,10/03/2018 22:37 8297909,3796948926,


,1520724523,10/03/2018 23:28 8299349,3796964948,

Agree with Kelly. Too many things to do right now. Let the purge be completed before worrying about the greenies. See latest Q posts.

,1520725583,10/03/2018 23:46 8295719,3797046045,"

John Q, American to school rag, there is no such thing, but there is such a thing as neutered males, males who have no idea what it means to be a man. Yes that has been going on for decades thanks to ""teachers, and professors"", out of their skulls with psychosis. Academics have been trying to ""fundamentally"", change our country for ever, and the male is just another victim left in their wake.

",1520730980,11/03/2018 01:16 8300315,3797052358,"

what a cow, keep talking like that and she'll only be a presidential candiate.. if dems are that stupid.. which i believe they are.. wait til hillary is arrested.. that is coming .. don;t you worry .. Q says it i believe it !!

",1520731439,11/03/2018 01:23 8300792,3797097219,"

2018 English Antifa Flag:
2018 German Antifa Flag:

1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany flag:

These people are stupid.
Maxine stupid.

",1520734792,11/03/2018 02:19 8300792,3797118586,

Hello breitfartarians fake news for fake conservatives who dont put America first. Its me Sirius.
You know that guys whos posts you keep deleting for telling the truth.
Heres one from Q.
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
Lol whatever could they mean.
Its going to be a good year for good people
Most here will just have to hide themselves in shamefull disgust.

,1520736447,11/03/2018 02:47 8300792,3797135062,

Do you see all the Q today freq? WOOT WOOT

,1520737789,11/03/2018 03:09 8300792,3797146328,

2018 is going to be glorious for deplorables. #Qanon

,1520738731,11/03/2018 03:25 8300792,3797196410,

There has been talk of what came off of weiners laptop. Not simply by Q & Co. either. There have been rumblings from the DC and NY good guys for awhile. We are playing a game of leverage.

,1520743466,11/03/2018 04:44 8300792,3797209065,

Do we have any reason to believe this Q?

,1520744856,11/03/2018 05:07 8300792,3797219242,"

I read several saying the same thing, but one post jumped out. Just wondered if anyone else out there followed QAnon.

",1520745994,11/03/2018 05:26 8300792,3797225068,"

2018 English Antifa Flag:
2018 German Antifa Flag:

1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany flag:

These people are stupid.
Maxine stupid.

",1520746674,11/03/2018 05:37 8300792,3797269149,

Any news from Q anon?
Wonder where that guy is hiding?
Do you know?

,1520751938,11/03/2018 07:05 8300792,3797273139,"

Qanon in his posts is alluding to the fact that PTrump ALREADY met with NK Kim when he was in China! This was all planned precisely. CIA pulls the strings on NK and Trump broke the chain so now NK is free and happy.
CIA is battling NSA...CIA is a ""rogue"" agency that needs to be dissolved. Too many Traitors there.

",1520752410,11/03/2018 07:13 8300792,3797295511,"

Im praying it is, it looks like it and everyone seems to be commenting about EO December 21, 2017 and even showing pictures of her with Harvey. Q said to check the ones that talk the loudest and she is one of them.

",1520755115,11/03/2018 07:58 8300792,3797393243,

Q was proved right about the entire NK situation.

If you have been following Q you would have been aware of how they were cutting some strings from the NWO in NK to free Kim Jong Un and his sister.

Who is rocket man? Elon musk. It was never Kim. Trump was talking about Elon.

What did Elon Musk do and Eric Schmidt? If you have been following Q you would know.

Future proves past.

,1520765055,11/03/2018 10:44 8300792,3797431928,"

Love his hand signals on intel-drop topics! We are with you patriots! God Bless!
#Q-anon, #IBOR

",1520768069,11/03/2018 11:34 8299349,3797447541,"

No, they don't.

Check the proofs. - Q-anon

",1520769189,11/03/2018 11:53 8300381,3797451399,"

Q says ""Guns are safe"" and to ""Stop listening to Fake News."" He posted it in the last day or two. Q isi far, far more uplifting and enlightening. I've started skimming Breitbart and going to the Q posts and all those who follow and analyze him/them (Q is a small military intel group very close to PDJT).

",1520769453,11/03/2018 11:57 8297234,3797494367,"

I've dealt with that type, so I always have photographic, video or audio evidence before I confront and I never ask a question unless I know what the provable evidence is.

Even as we speak, Big Momma is looking up lawyers for an ""easy payday, even as she tarnished even further her son's tarnished reputation, Q Factor.

The whole story has not been told. Liquor goes with women, maybe drugs or in this case, possibly the Down Low. Momma's pushing it and may end up getting a mouthful...!

",1520772320,11/03/2018 12:45 8300522,3797495016,"

Q says the same. He says ""guns are safe"" and ""Stop listening to Fake News."" I definitely trust Q, who is very close to PDJT.

",1520772361,11/03/2018 12:46 8295611,3797576720,

The JFK and Fast and Furious docs were just a precursor to what is coming. Q Intel suggest that March Madness starts next week. Let the draining of the Swamp begin.
Gitmo has a huge problem - Max Capasity.

,1520777165,11/03/2018 14:06 8295611,3797594507,"

You are correct Petterpan.
Patriots are asleep when it comes to the Largest release of Q Level Intelligence in the History of the World and and those that are WOKE can see it with their own eyes 24/7 as the drops come in.

Judging by the the MSM turning up the Trump Hate narrative, show that they know what is coming next week.
Q calls next week the beginning of March Madness. I love it, can't wait. So many indictment's will be served. My eyes will be glued on Q post.
I would love to post a link but it would just be taken down. Patriots will just have to find the Q post old school. GOOGLE IT! Q Post, OAnon, Dr. Coursi, 24/7 Patriot Soapbox Live Stream.

",1520778092,11/03/2018 14:21 8300792,3797621604,"

Jimi, your suggestion is from the the old slogan. We can't ""Keep America Great,"" if Obama and crew are still running the show. You must have not heard me screaming the pat few months YES,Thank You Trump, Thank You Sessions and Thank You QAnons.

Sorry you have not been up to date on ALL of the Indictments. You probably dont have a clue how full Gitmo is right now. Why is Trump calling next week March Madness? Who has Lawyer'd Up. How many Deep State Executives have Resigned, how many Indictments are there. The numbers will make you shout too. You will then know just how much you have been winning.

Trump said we would be winning and we have been. You will have to do Google to find the Largest Intel Drop in the History of the World and it has been going on 24/7 since Oct 2017.

Find ""QAnon 24/7 Live Stream Patriot Soapbox"" on You Tube. Also follow Dr. Corsi.

",1520779518,11/03/2018 14:45 8300381,3797630790,

Part of a rope-a-dope for midterms. Thank you Pres. Trump for outing these anti-americans!


,1520779980,11/03/2018 14:53 8300792,3797634129,"

""Find ""QAnon 24/7 Live Stream Patriot Soapbox"" on You Tube. Also follow Dr. Corsi.""

QAnon Posts -

QAnon 24/7 Live Stream Patriot Soapbox - Decoding

",1520780151,11/03/2018 14:55 8300792,3797637610,"

""Find ""QAnon 24/7 Live Stream Patriot Soapbox"" on You Tube. Also follow Dr. Corsi.""...

QAnon Posts -

QAnon 24/7 Live Stream Patriot Soapbox - Decoding

",1520780323,11/03/2018 14:58 8298083,3797639211,"

America First - What are you talking about? They dont call Session's the Silent Executioner for nothing.
* How many people does Session have on his staff?
* How many Sealed Incitements does he have?
* How full is Gitmo? Hint: Max Capacity.
* How do 1000's of Patriots know what is going on?
* Why are you the last to know?
* Why are 1000's of Patriots starting to get tired of Winning? Hint: Because many have been included in the Largest Intel Drop in the History of the Earth since Nov 2017.
I would love to post a link but it would just get taken down. Patriots will just have to find the Q Intel post old school. GOOGLE IT!

Q Post, OAnon, Dr. Coursi, 24/7 Patriot Soapbox Live Stream.
Hurry! March Madness Starts next week? Q's not talking Basketball either!

",1520780400,11/03/2018 15:00 8300606,3797641545,"

Angela Merkel is a child of Hitler!!!! You can't make this stuff up!

#QAnon's Angela Merkel Führer Furor, Australia's After #HRC and Tillerson Talks Kenya and Obama

",1520780515,11/03/2018 15:01 8300381,3797649636,"

Actions, not words, make the case. Obayme was a defacto fascist, Trump is Reagan on steroids!

2018 will be GLORIOUS!

",1520780896,11/03/2018 15:08 8300606,3797660563,"

Q exposes NWO as the NAZI Order, exposes Antifa as NAZI front



Maybe we have all been getting the New World Order partly wrong this whole time, as tonight Q is exposing the New World Order as the NAZI Order. This would mean everyone in America mainly DC and the media who support the NWO are directly connected to the NAZI movement of World War Two. This would mean that everything from the UN to the protectors and promoters of the New World Order in the media and politics are actually connected to NAZI Germany.
So every politician and media figure that supports globalism and the globalist agenda of the UN are simply NAZI. Also good on Q for exposing the main fact behind Antifa that they are a NAZI front, by posting images of Antifa pre World War Two Europe in Germany with Antifa propaganda at German political events pre World War Two. So there it is America...The Globalist agenda is actually the NAZI Order, and we have a President who speaks out against it.

",1520781427,11/03/2018 15:17 8300606,3797675594,"

New Q post, We are saving Israel for last



Just like in America...Israel also has it's major Deep State issues and Q is hinting at this...By simply stating that we are saving Israel for last. Now before anyone gets mad...Do note just like America has a Deep State Cabal network so does Israel. Now what is the cabal dirt on Israel that Q may have, because if the evil Deep State is being rooted out in America...You only have to understand Israel shares the problem. What is Q saving Israel's dirt last for?
Does Q stating we are saving Israel for last have something to do with things like 9/11, ISIS, or the Obama/Clinton cabal network. Who knows but we may be in for some major Deep State cabal exposing out of Israel at any moment. Now Q has stated Trump's military parade as very important, so my personal guess is that the Israel dirt will come after that or right before the Trump military parade on Veterans Day...11/11/18.

",1520782145,11/03/2018 15:29 8300792,3797691895,"

Immediately after his speech, CNN aired JFK assassination. No, no coincidence.

Check out all ""Q"" posts (believed to be a very small team closest to Trump assigned to let us know things going on behind the scenes, bypassing media. Right so far....

",1520782891,11/03/2018 15:41 8301419,3797702380,

[Clinton Child Prostitution] Q? Selling Body Parts???

,1520783378,11/03/2018 15:49 8301695,3797744281,"

Meanwhile, more relevant news.....
Immediately after his speech, CNN aired JFK assassination. No, no coincidence.

Check out all ""Q"" posts (believed to be a very small team - Intel closest to Trump assigned to let us know things going on behind the scenes, bypassing media.) He confirms some in his speeches and tweets. Right so far....
Check all posts

",1520785320,11/03/2018 16:22 8295611,3797744707,"

3-10 Q post mentioned Angela Hitler, half sister of Adolph Hitler. Not sure what meaning it has, will rewatch

",1520785338,11/03/2018 16:22 8300522,3797793830,

Not sure who Q is but glad you now see through the propaganda

,1520787481,11/03/2018 16:58 8297129,3797810065,

Libs. complain about Pres. Trump and Russian interference in our voting process.

But hey give Illegals a driver license and the chance to register to vote. Because the Dems need the Illegal vote they overlook that. Imagine if Pres. Trump said that to other than Dem voters. The talking heads on CNN and Mess NBC would need their studios in padded rooms; they'd be bouncing off of the walls.

And they wonder why they are irrelevant to anyone who doesn't have a decimal point before their I Q score.

,1520788240,11/03/2018 17:10 8302094,3797824731,"

The Left would complain if Pres. Trump personally saved one of their useless lives.

They gave Pres. O a pass on everything that he did that was bad, so they are only credible to people who have a decimal point before their I Q score.

",1520788935,11/03/2018 17:22 8300315,3797857150,"

This is why working people are leaving California in droves. Highest state tax, gas tax, sales tax! Too many illegals living off the government teat and paid for by John Q Taxpayer. Enough is enough stick by the constitution it has been put in place for hundreds of years to stop States from running amok like California

",1520790471,11/03/2018 17:47 8301713,3797857208,"



Federal agents raided Q.T Fashion and numerous other businesses in the downtown fashion district Wednesday, cracking down on a scheme that cartels are increasingly relying on to get their profits — from drug sales, kidnappings and other illegal activities — back to Mexico, authorities said.

Nine people were arrested in raids targeting 75 locations, and $90 million was seized — $70 million in cash. In one condo, agents found $35 million stuffed in banker boxes. At a mansion in Bel-Air, they discovered $10 million in duffel bags.

""Los Angeles has become the epicenter of narco-dollar money laundering with couriers regularly bringing duffel bags and suitcases full of cash to many businesses,"" said Robert E. Dugdale, the assistant U.S. attorney in charge of federal criminal prosecutions in Los Angeles.

",1520790474,11/03/2018 17:47 8297567,3797896761,"

When I googled Qanon, Infowars popped up. I’m just calling it how I see it: loony conspiracies.

",1520792329,11/03/2018 18:18 8302004,3798040216,

Sleeper agent Todd? I cant wait to see the details when THAT intel drop occurs!


,1520799040,11/03/2018 20:10 8301899,3798051962,"

That’s exactly what Q says, all these “Foundations” are scams, most are involved in child trafficking.

",1520799608,11/03/2018 20:20 8301890,3798059407,"

If you read the Q Posts, Trump has already met KIM and a deal has been struck. However the media refuses to discuss this with the exception of a few people on youtube and Alex Jones on InfoWars.

",1520799965,11/03/2018 20:26 8300822,3798163942,

Lurk the Q boards. Big events are about to go down.

,1520805056,11/03/2018 21:50 8298542,3798189710,"

At least Trump does thing in the open whereas Obama did all kinds of secret things that even broke fed law. iran nuke program issues. O sent literally tons of cash, 175 billion I think to iran in a plane that was against fed law but he did it. My Q is what other secrets did O do elsewhere?

",1520806435,11/03/2018 22:13 8300522,3798197836,"

She has such low Q numbers (as do most hosts like her, (in every color) she is willing to say anything, make crap up on the fly and has no regard for the true. I've met every race, creed and religion at NRA functions. Race has no boundries when it comes to personal freedoms. None of what she says will hold water and nothing she can do to improve her numbers. The only reason she is still on is because she voices what her liberal boss wants to hear. The same old saying, tell a lie long enough and people will believe it.

",1520806873,11/03/2018 22:21 8301716,3798211307,"

Recent rumors from a credible source (to me) (Q) are saying Angela Merkel may be a niece of Adolf Hitler. Sometimes we boldly demand: ""What really happened?"" Sometimes, our jaws drop to the floor, and we whisper, ""WHAT?"" ""What, what, what did you just say?"" Q is risking his credibility here. Why would he do that if this was just some weird, unbelievable, worthless beyond sensational, National Enquirer grade rumor? Where is this going? Let's connect some dots.

Germany surrendered at the end of WWII, but the Nazi's did not. Some were tried at Nuremberg. But for the most part they just disappeared into thin air -- and they took a lot of stuff with them using huge air transport planes, and huge transport submarines --including projects under development, like anti gravity flying saucers. Thousands of scientists were brought here under ""project paperclip"" and they helped us with our space program. Many adopted and became good Americans. But did all? Other German scientists were captured after the war and taken to Russia. Some escaped to Argentina. Some may have escaped to a secret base in Antarctica. Some remained or later returned to Germany. Secret ""German"" and Israeli rocket and atomic research was continued in South Africa. The pilot of the flying saucer that crashed at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 was a German, not an alien from outer space. The first economic forum at Davos was started to integrate the Nazis back into Europe -- to launder all their gold and other pirate's loot back into the banking system. Evidence seems to suggest Nazi involvement along with Mossad in the assassination of JFK and ALSO 911. A Nazi-Khazarian-Iranian alliance is a very scary concept to grab a hold of. And it is not that far fetched. They all practice very similar Satanic Rituals. They are all racial purists, but their ancestors came from the same area, same genetic stock. If I am right, they are the antichrist of the Bible, and they have penetrated Russia, USA, Israel, the Middle East, and Europe -- pretty much everywhere. At this point, nothing would surprise me.

",1520807585,11/03/2018 22:33 8301716,3798272351,

It's more more credible if you said ailens talked to you through your dental fillings than to quote Q Anon.

,1520809956,11/03/2018 23:12 8302196,3798285541,"

Q exposes NWO as the NAZI Order, exposes Antifa as NAZI front



Maybe we have all been getting the New World Order partly wrong this whole time, as tonight Q is exposing the New World Order as the NAZI Order. This would mean everyone in America mainly DC and the media who support the NWO are directly connected to the NAZI movement of World War Two. This would mean that everything from the UN to the protectors and promoters of the New World Order in the media and politics are actually connected to NAZI Germany.
So every politician and media figure that supports globalism and the globalist agenda of the UN are simply NAZI. Also good on Q for exposing the main fact behind Antifa that they are a NAZI front, by posting images of Antifa pre World War Two Europe in Germany with Antifa propaganda at German political events pre World War Two. So there it is America...The Globalist agenda is actually the NAZI Order, and we have a President who speaks out against it.

",1520810719,11/03/2018 23:25 8303423,3798313334,"

2018 English Antifa Flag:
2018 German Antifa Flag:

1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany flag:

These people are stupid.
Maxine stupid.

",1520812331,11/03/2018 23:52 8303423,3798324709,"

If you haven't been checking ""Q"" posts, you're really missing some fantastic very important insider stuff going on behind the scenes. Q is believed to be a small team (Intel) closest to Trump assigned to give us some inside info/even Intel that bypasses the media (and been right so far). Trump has confirmed in his speeches/tweets.
Good summary of latest:

Check all Posts:

",1520812978,12/03/2018 00:02 8303423,3798348202,"

Qanon has stated that Trump met with Kim Jong Un during his trip to asia back when he was actually there.

""North Korea"" ... ""through our meetings"" ... Trump has already met with them.

Future proves past.

",1520814330,12/03/2018 00:25 8283725,3798352532,"

Read Q & feel better, Trump & the white hats are moving against the deep state & the global elite. Trust that their evil will be exposed. Click on the blue numbers to read what the anons on 8 chan are researching. The Q posts read bottom to top. Cheer up, we do have a chance.

",1520814591,12/03/2018 00:29 8299349,3798355743,

The debate will take place on Twitter and on Q.

,1520814788,12/03/2018 00:33 8303423,3798362305,

Off Topic: Does anyone believe the Q Anon stuff? It's about to go down big if any of this stuff is remotely true.

,1520815188,12/03/2018 00:39 8303423,3798391034,"

We were sold out a long time ago by the NWO Globalists/Deep State and have been trying to kill us off by any means possible. Hillary was supposed to be the one to seal it all up forevermore --- but Trump! ICYMI:

If you haven't been checking ""Q"" posts, you're really missing some fantastic very important insider stuff going on behind the scenes. Q is believed to be a small team (Intel) closest to Trump assigned to give us some inside info/even Intel that bypasses the media (and been right so far). Trump has confirmed in his speeches/tweets.
Good summary of latest:

Check all Posts:

",1520816901,12/03/2018 01:08 8303423,3798451211,"

Qanon says of Obama:

When we're done he'll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

Secretary Tillerson visits Kenya. Immediately afterward, Uhuru Kenyatta, (president of Kenya), makes the statement:

On Friday, President Kenyatta said he and Odinga had reached an understanding “that this country of Kenya is greater than any one individual. And for this country to come together, leaders must come together.”

Kenya will not cooporate with Obama.


",1520820738,12/03/2018 02:12 8299619,3798451702,"

America, you had to put up with Obama, we Canadians have to put up with Justin Trudeau. You still have low I Q Maxine and Pocahantas!

",1520820769,12/03/2018 02:12 8303423,3798491719,

Trump and Q backed by an army of American patriots are changing the world for the better. Make some noise people. Let's keep this revolution rolling.

,1520824011,12/03/2018 03:06 8300822,3798504007,"

Wow, very interesting. I am intrigued. The Q boards are open for inquiring minds?

",1520825183,12/03/2018 03:26 8302343,3798506564,

Obama - our first and LAST full-Alinsky President..


And I'm making popcorn for the MARCH MADNESS Q told us about

,1520825428,12/03/2018 03:30 8302343,3798523005,

Hello Q ? Where is the HRC Raw Video ?

,1520827057,12/03/2018 03:57 8301779,3798563107,"

I'm afraid there is going to be a Vatican / Deep State connection.. and it's not going to be pleasant. Q says ""the end won't be easy"".. I just have a feeling.

",1520828542,12/03/2018 04:22 8302343,3798569811,

Maxine wance Trump peached cause hersizz Q izz raciss

,1520828888,12/03/2018 04:28 8303288,3798600277,


,1520832588,12/03/2018 05:29 8302343,3798601556,


,1520832740,12/03/2018 05:32 8302343,3798626464,"

Clinton Foundation distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients (4/26/15)
Pharmaceutical executive: 'It's just blacks dying'

",1520835578,12/03/2018 06:19 8303288,3798812083,"


Please Sign And Spread
You Must Verify Your Email Address After You Sign the WH Petition for it to Count!!

#FreeTheInternet #QAnon #InternetBillofRights

",1520848684,12/03/2018 09:58 8302343,3798823785,"

Anyone following Q for months now would know that the NK situation is already solved.

They would have known months ago what was actually going on in NK, who was really in control and how it was solved to free Kim Jong un and his sister.

This was all expected by those who follow Q and the situation is already solved.

",1520849553,12/03/2018 10:12 8305091,3798982397,"

They (Liberals) are losing to Trump having a way (Twitter % FB) to get the truth out, they have to silence Trump in hope to resume the brainwashing hate. Problem is Trump has awaken people around the world that once felt they had no hope, now we have a voice.

If you don't already search #QAnon on Twitter this people always know what Trump is doing before it happens. In resent speachs by Trump himself he has mad references to 'Q' and even a time made the letter 'Q' with his hand during the speech. No one knows who these people are but they are in the loop, I have read less than 10.

",1520858574,12/03/2018 12:42 8305091,3799023688,

I always knew something was off with Snowden as Q is on him.

Snowden sounded more and more like a Libtard as time passed by.

,1520860406,12/03/2018 13:13 8305091,3799062559,"

And who determines what is ""hate speech"" or fake news??? It's the same deceitful PC ploy to shut people up about truths they need to hear.
Merkel??! Check her out guys. Now coming out she's closely related to Adolf Hitler -
and check out posts by ""Q"" :
Summary of the latest:

Check all Posts:

",1520862077,12/03/2018 13:41 8305091,3799069348,"

Paramilitary Wing of the Dems is the same as that of 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Part in Germany ---- check out flags -- Wake up!!!!!

",1520862365,12/03/2018 13:46 8305091,3799079885,



,1520862803,12/03/2018 13:53 8293163,3799103967,"

Check out flag of the Dem Party Paramilitary Wing and the 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party in Germany ---- Wake up!!!!!

",1520863812,12/03/2018 14:10 8293163,3799118763,"

I’m not too sure about that. Sessions might be doing something under wraps. He did say he had investigaters looking into fisa. The IG report comes out within the next two weeks I think.

Something better happen though and soon. The Mueller thing needs to wrap up on the Russia Russia Russia Collusion. But, He won’t stop until he finds anything from decades back.

I keep hearing about this Q Anon.

Don’t know much about it really.

",1520864423,12/03/2018 14:20 8293163,3799163245,"

Angela Merkel (Prime minister/President of Germany) is Hitlers real daughter through his frozen sperm.Hitler's father was a Rothschild. Folks, Q-Anon is letting all this stuff out. This is guarded world secrets he is letting out. Get on board. Red Pill. You need to know who is really ruling the world so we can take them down. Power in numbers...

",1520866057,12/03/2018 14:47 8293163,3799166415,

never noticed anyone putting a picture of merkel next to hitler Q was right about the NK deal days before it happen. He's been saying trust sessions. Its all we can do at this point. Either we have a republic or we have bananas

,1520866177,12/03/2018 14:49 8305889,3799168870,"

Fatprah Noprah Oprah went to the Jennifer Lawrence School of annoying, alienating and insulting would be customers. Not a good business model.

His movie was supposed to increase her Q Factor and TOMA. I did so, negatively. Very negatively.

Box Office Poison.

",1520866272,12/03/2018 14:51 8302379,3799273943,"

Look at these pictures.

These people are the enemy. Compare to flags between Antifa and the flags waved in Hitlers Germany.
Commies thru n thru.

",1520870207,12/03/2018 15:56 8304371,3799307531,

Agreed... John Q. Public... All those volunteers for the cause if needed.

,1520871482,12/03/2018 16:18 8306027,3799380405,"

And who decides what makes up ""quality"". LOL
Mar 10 2018 16:55:31
The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.
Failure to control.
MSM is dead.
Check all Posts:

",1520874147,12/03/2018 17:02 8265560,3799388453,"

So true. And the intimate connection between Nazism and Islam is such a red flag that it's rarely if ever mentioned, not even by the populist press.
Hitler trained the Muslim Brotherhood
""""[T]he Muslim Brotherhood sent hundreds of its members to receive ""training"" from the Nazi regime in the 1940s..They sent 700 members to train under Hitler....the Brotherhood had ""changed its skin"" from religious movement to a power hunger political party...the Brotherhood's founder Hassan al-Banna coordinated with Hitler to establish a military wing...The Brotherhood operated as an underground movement until the 2011 revolution that toppled President Hosni Mubarak and allowed the group to form a political wing…""
The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States
""Both Hitler and Himmler had a soft spot for Islam...Himmler in a January 1944 speech called Islam “a practical and attractive religion for soldiers...""This is the kind of language a soldier understands,” Himmler gushed...Christianity doted on weakness and suffering, while Islam extolled strength, Hitler believed...Hitler several times fantasized that, if the Saracens had not been stopped at the Battle of Tours, Islam would have spread through the European continent—and that would have been a good thing"" Hitler must be smiling up at the current world events.""

""Muslim Brotherhood [founder] admired Hitler's hatred of the Jews and persistently wrote to Hitler to express his admiration for Hitler and his desire for collaboration with Hitler's Nazi Party...Muslim Brotherhood in Israel created Hamas, whose members still use the Nazi salute and read Hitler's Mein Kampf, which the Muslim Brotherhood re-titled, My Jihad...Muslim Brotherhood 'officially' renounced violence in the 1970s and adopted more cunning strategies detailed in its secret internal manifesto, ""The Project."" In 1979, Western powers supported the Muslim Brotherhood to form the Mujahedeen army and fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan.""

Excerpts from Dr. Jerome Corsi interview on Hagmann & Hagmman..
Begins at 10:18:
""President Clinton and John Kerry and Carter [gave] nuclear fuel to Korea and Iran and essentially arguing that they wanted to support the Islamic state…
""The 1930s created the Muslim Brotherhood as a radical organization to kill Jews, get them out of the Middle East...
""Hitler identified and brought in the Muslim Brotherhood...
""In Farsi Iran means 'Aryan', and it's the origin of the Aryan people...
""The Muslim Brotherhood are...determined to create a Caliphate again…and to eradicate all Jews from the Middle East...
""Hitler, of course, found in the [Muslim Brotherhood] a natural ally…
""President Obama embraced the Muslim Brotherhood and promoted the Muslim Brotherhood.""

Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Ally & Anti-Anti-Terrorist

Hillary Clinton’s Muslim Brotherhood Problem
Attacking Jews and pandering to Muslims is the plan

QANON - Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter; Globalism is Nazism

Truth Is Beginning To Come Forward Concerning Angela Merkel As A Front For The Fourth Reich
Hitler’s Last Laugh: Angela Merkel’s Birthing of an Islamo-Fascist Fourth Reich

",1520874439,12/03/2018 17:07 8306252,3799503026,

Lena and Mad Max have the same I Q.

,1520878594,12/03/2018 18:16 8306228,3799562428,

I'd far rather watch a Qanon livestream than any movie. And Disney is banned in our family.

,1520880742,12/03/2018 18:52 8293163,3799577571,"

Just waiting for the devolving to happen and right on Q...Keep on coming up with your own ""facts"" backed up by nothing....Will you suck the sh1te out of my arse, when Hillary goes to prison??? When you and your libtard friends are proven wrong? I really hope none of this is true, cause what it actually means is so so much more than you can imagine....DNC will be done after this, no Democrat still in office will be able to be re-elected unless they run like hell away from all this when the blocks finally crumble....Even then the DNC will be wiped out once again this fall...Sorry you are so blinded by your Faux two party system you bought into...Must really be hard to be you...I for one, do not like nor trust the Gov' nothing will be a surprise for me...

",1520881286,12/03/2018 19:01 8306027,3799650978,"

National Review writes article about Q, claims Podesta isn't in custody



National Review Reports: Q is the narrator of “The Storm,” the right-wing Internet conspiracy theory du jour. Q claims to be a high-level government operative acting on orders directly from the president, who apparently wants members of certain bonkers online communities to have a little inside information about a covert domestic intelligence and military operation currently under way. All that investigation of President Trump and his campaign’s footsie-playing with the Russians is, the story goes, a cover for the real investigation, which is into — here Sean Hannity will come to rapt attention — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s ties to the Russians.
It is, as Paris Martineau put it in New York, a presidential “counter-coup against the deep state.” The story further insists that the Clintons (and the Saudi cabal with which they are allied) are aware of this, and are planning to stage violent riots from coast to coast in order to prevent their shadow government from being taken apart. That’s supposed to kick off today, March 11, with the arrest of John Podesta. As I write this, John Podesta is a free man. I predict that this condition will endure until at least Sunday.
This is very odd that National Review is writing an article about Q and claiming that John Podesta isn't in custody, but the odd thing is this article wasn't written by John Podesta in the National Review. So personally this looks like something may actually be happening to Hillary's campaign adviser John Podesta, because why would National Review claim Podesta isn't in custody in an article that mentions Q that isn't written by Podesta...When Podesta usually writes his own stories for news sources?
It seems like John Podesta's possible custody is trying to be covered up by the mainstream media. So with National Review becoming paranoid over John Podesta possibly being in custody...Does this possibly confirm Podesta is actually in custody? This is one of the most odd news stories from the MSM in recent weeks, because the National Review is claiming Podesta isn't in custody when Podesta didn't even write this story that even mentions Q.

",1520884082,12/03/2018 19:48 8306027,3799652786,

Stay away from Q.

,1520884151,12/03/2018 19:49 8306027,3799663873,

Isn’t Q that Startrek demigod?

,1520884579,12/03/2018 19:56 8306021,3799750739,"

Relax. The deal has already been done. As Q has indicated, they've already met in secret -- remember last year when Trump tried to go to the DMZ but had to turn his plane around because of ""bad weather."" ( Legit question: since when is Air Force One, the most sophisticated passenger/military hybrid jet in the world, afraid of a little rainstorm?). This next meeting in May will be a Trump victory lap, to annoy the liberal Grubers, and a photo op for Kim. Why does Kim look so relieved and smiling in all the recent pics? He's got the weight off him now. Trump is ripping corruption and war out by the roots. Relax. Big thumbs up for Trump. Iran is next.

",1520888099,12/03/2018 20:54 8307281,3799819697,"

I can imagine. I worked with a few of them in State but they were civilized. I would have had a hard time doing what you did. Kind of reminds me of ""The Man Who Would be King."" One of my fave old films. I hear these stories and also know some about the chai boys Q.

",1520891052,12/03/2018 21:44 8297567,3799828638,"

I am sorry I let emotion get the better of me. Let’s take it down a notch. I apologize for a blatant and intentional mischaracterization of you, whom I know virtually nothing about. I mean that and hope you accept it.
Now I’d like to know what’s your beef with the information that is being presented to us? And where did you hear about Q Anon?

",1520891444,12/03/2018 21:50 8308295,3799882908,"

The President has a plan and it's working perfectly! If we we're ALL following Q then you would not be worried at all. As Q has said time and time again, NOTHING IS RAMDON.
Something to think about.
The President has ALREADY met with Kim Jung Un. Remember the Chinese PM rolling out the red carpet for President Trump and honouring him the ONLY world leader to be invited to the Forbidden City.
Are you aware that Angela Merkel is related to Hitler? Possibly his daughter? The Q crumbs are still being decoded.
For God sake and that of your family, get on the Q boards, seek out Jerome Corsi - YouTube and be part of the biggest Intel drop in history. There are millions from around the world watching as the Anons decode the Intel. Why is Q doing this? Because the MSM have shutdown everything the President is doing to stop the world hearing about their corruption and control. As The President and Q has said ""If we cannot drain the swamp now, mankind will never get the chance again! Ever.

",1520893906,12/03/2018 22:31 8309372,3800005636,

Is that a Q on Hannity's lapel pin ?

,1520899717,13/03/2018 00:08 8309117,3800022442,"

Flag of Paramilitary Wing of the Dems is the same as that of 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party in Germany ----

",1520900540,13/03/2018 00:22 8307971,3800024115,"

Want to really kill this!
Buy Dr. Corsi's book ""Killing the Deep State"" Amazon. $20. It's #43 make it #1. Loud Megaphone!
Ordered mine today
Comes out tomorrow.
Catch up on Q!
Read Q Anon on You tube!
Wake up our fellow citizens!
They're not all mean, most:Brainwashed!

",1520900624,13/03/2018 00:23 8308997,3800028179,"

No offense but, that is a pipe dream. We have millions of Americans that are now *thoroughly and truly* brainwashed in addition to already being low IQ and with minimal moral compass. Add in the staggering willingness for the Dem political elite to cheat like bandits.

I'll give you this: if the giant, dark conspiracy referred to by the likes of Q can be proved.....and many hundreds of powerful people DO get hauled away to Gitmo for military tribunals and the country/world is ROCKED by it......then, yes, I could see the Dem Party, as we know it, being dissolved. But, barring that or a global economic meltdown, they'll be back.

",1520900832,13/03/2018 00:27 8309117,3800036006,"

From ""Q"" (believed to be closest to Trump team/Intel)
Mar 06 2018 01:29:38

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein (Obama) knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say (McCain) organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.


Check out all posts

",1520901230,13/03/2018 00:33 8309117,3800047568,"

Trump to Obama - ""When I'm done, it'll be like you were never here!""

Q response ---

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

Same day of post --
Tillerson arrived in Nairobi on Friday ahead of talks with President Kenyatta..
key issues expected to be addressed during the meetings include counter terrorism; peace and security; good governance; trade and investment.
(Kenya will deny Obama's claim if he tries)

",1520901804,13/03/2018 00:43 8309117,3800244417,

Qanon posts imply mass arrests starting March 11th.

,1520914969,13/03/2018 04:22 8310230,3800260069,"

Nope, it's the first thought i have every time. That and Q just said watch the skies.

",1520916615,13/03/2018 04:50 8310230,3800263809,"

What has Q predicted that has really been amazing? I don’t know, it’s a serious question.

",1520917027,13/03/2018 04:57 8309450,3800266886,

Maxine Waters has a higher I. Q. than Jason Johnson (and that ain't saying much).

,1520917370,13/03/2018 05:02 8310230,3800268016,"

Wait, Q did that?

",1520917492,13/03/2018 05:04 8310230,3800282126,

Trump's Q team is going to light up the planet.

,1520918793,13/03/2018 05:26 8309450,3800289558,

Either that or is he is saying he is Q.

,1520919590,13/03/2018 05:39 8306021,3800306874,

According to Q Trump has already brokered a deal with Kim that released Kim from control by Deep State / C I A puppet masters. Why do you think the guy looks so happy? I see a united North / South Korea within our lifetime similar to the reunification of Germany.

,1520921488,13/03/2018 06:11 8309117,3800442217,"

Geeze, the liberal/satanic cabal lied? Who knew?!? Oh, right. Their lips were moving.

Hang these traitors.


",1520931358,13/03/2018 08:55 8308295,3800693175,"

This is likely limited in purpose to places such as California, where there will almost certainly be martial law within the next year to deal with the rampant illegal invader and treasonous politician problem in that rogue state. Don't worry, as with everything else during this administration, anything that seems like a bad sign is only intended to disinform and confuse the deep state while serious measures are being taken against them behind the scenes. But leave it to the Breitbart trolls and the hot headed so called patriots (who are just as bad) to flip out on a knee jerk reaction without even the slightest attempt to think things through. Get some Q and get your head straight.

",1520936319,13/03/2018 10:18 8301716,3800851537,"

Only twit morons who are too stupid to realize how stupid they are fall for the Q Anon baloney.

Q Anon serves one possibly 2 purposes:

1: Some bored idiots idea of fun making a bunch of bigger idiots shame and discredit anyone who looks into anything.

2. A limited hangout with totally harmless ""proof"" of high access for the primary purpose of making any actual investigation into malfeasance impossible and unbelievable. COINTELPRO.

Make any question look like looney bin, black chopper, X-Files, alien backdoor probe stupid so even the most evil acts and operations can run unhindered.

So you are either an idiot too stupid to not realize you ain't smart, or you are an active disinformation agent.

Both worthy of contempt.

",1520941296,13/03/2018 11:41 8306021,3800922351,"

There is world Cabal consisting of the elite that has been running the world for centuries.
The modern day Cabal consists of the Rothchilds, Schmidts, Soros, Bildeberg group and others.
The Clintons, and other supposed world leaders are their puppets
Zigna Brezenski once said it's easier to kill a million people that to control them, his daughter Mika who has a show with Joe scarbrough said that it is their job to tell Americans what to think.
This is the mindset of the political elite
The goal of the present day cabal is to depopulate the the earth to the point that it would make it easier to control the masses.
If Hillary were to have been elected, world war three would have been started with that intent.
All of the countries involved would be working in unison to achieve this goal.
Do some research and you will find that the elites all over the world have been building huge bunkers for themselves and family members in the last few years
Why do you think The Demonic party over the years gave China the missile technology when couldn't successfully launch a three stage missile until Bill Clinton gave them the technology? and gave North Korea the billions needed to start their nuclear program,?.
and administration after administration have done nothing substantial to stop them ?
Why do you think Obama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars in cash and an unenforceable nuclear deal to Iran?
Eisenhower warned of this decades ago.
North Korea would have collapsed under it's own weight years ago,had not the CIA funneled monies to it.
Military intelligence has the same access to information as the NSA and CIA.
Admiral Rodgers ( A TRUE PATRIOT) clued Trump into the fact that Trump tower was bugged, so he moved his operation to Mar Largo
Trumps was asked by the MI to run and that they would protect him and his family to keep from implementing the coup.
Had Hillary won, they were going to activate a military coup in order to stop the Cabals plan of world domination.
If you notice shortly after his fathers election ago Don Jr dropped his Secret service protection and is now being protected by our military.
Get awakened, the historical facts that we have been taught throughout our lifetimes is more fiction that it is fact.
The depth of world wide corruption is almost a bottomless pit.
I suggest that you check out the Qanon posts, from the very beginning to the most recent post.
You will find that all of predictions and facts given cannot be disputed.
Pass the word.
The information you will see is coming from the highest level of our government, that is working against evil in our country and the world

",1520944345,13/03/2018 12:32 8311703,3800956742,

it was rethorical had lots of fun browsing DUMP45 old tweets

,1520945654,13/03/2018 12:54 8311703,3800994520,"

Reason - one bc he was ""for"" Iran deal. Trump not. Q (believed to be closest to Trump re plans, Intel, etc.) posted this few days ago in response to NK deal (Black hats in CIA controlled NK/Kim for their NWO agendas):

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52Q!UW.yye1fxo594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns (CIA) out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

Check out all posts

",1520947021,13/03/2018 13:17 8310347,3801044583,"

youtube search ""qanon"" and inform yourself. Organize.

",1520948847,13/03/2018 13:47 8311703,3801044926,

March Madness! #Qanon

,1520948860,13/03/2018 13:47 8311703,3801058115,

Trust the plan. #Qanon

,1520949338,13/03/2018 13:55 8311703,3801062649,

Didn't Q call this one too?...

,1520949506,13/03/2018 13:58 8311703,3801086709,

Youtube research “qanon” and organize.

,1520950378,13/03/2018 14:12 8306021,3801112210,"

If you go to the qanonpost site, ignore the anons at first and read just those quotes by Q, nothing Q has posted has been found to be untruthful, yet many have come to light, and some are on their way to fruition.

",1520951275,13/03/2018 14:27 8311703,3801123136,"

Main reason - bc he was ""for"" Iran deal. Trump not & ready to move on that one. Q (believed to be closest to Trump re plans, Intel, etc.) posted this few days ago in response to NK deal (Black hats in CIA controlled NK/Kim for their NWO agendas):

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52Q!UW.yye1fxo594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns (CIA) out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

Check out all posts

",1520951671,13/03/2018 14:34 8307257,3801132651,

A black Q Tip that leaves a greasy residue.

,1520952002,13/03/2018 14:40 8312306,3801147813,

Yep according to Q it is..

,1520952540,13/03/2018 14:49 8312306,3801150417,

What did Q have to say about it?

,1520952632,13/03/2018 14:50 8297567,3801177510,"

Apology accepted. I have seen references to Q Anon for quite some time but rarely read his drops myself until recently. Some believe it is all BS, others swear by him/her. At this point, I am 50/50 on Q Anon. On some things, he appears to be amazingly prescient - drop on March 5 about NK. On others, not so much. The problem is he ""speaks"" in code and it can be difficult to understand what is being said. For example, ""clowns"" refers to the CIA. As for the info ""being presented,"" unless it comes directly from PDJT himself, the press secretary, or one of PDJT's KNOWN trusted advisors, I take every single thing with a grain of salt. There are far too many ""Deep State"" actors in play here and one MUST use a healthy dose of discernment to read between the lines. For the average, hard working, conscientious American citizen who is focused on their jobs, raising their kids, and just getting by, it is difficult to understand and recognize the on-going subversion. Most people just don't think that way - I never did until my awakening about 5 years ago, when I began to recognize how very deep the corruption is....unfortunately, ""group think"" is far too prevalent. Best wishes to you.

",1520953590,13/03/2018 15:06 8312306,3801195876,"

One more time for the people not paying attention.... Q said on March 8th... 5 days ago.. "" Thank you Kim...Deal made...Clowns out...We took control...Iran Next""...

",1520954233,13/03/2018 15:17 8311703,3801203071,"

Agreed on Tillerson. Disagree with Pompeo. Enlighten me how he is an upgrade? This is the same neocon nutcase that wanted to arrest Assange over POTUS's instinct, and in the end POTUS told him to F @$% k off and with Q handled Assange themselves. So, please enlighten me how this crazy f%@k is an upgrade if he is as Deep State as it gets?

",1520954480,13/03/2018 15:21 8312306,3801203576,


,1520954497,13/03/2018 15:21 8312306,3801260912,"

Q anon board..8 chan.. some people say Q is a Q level security clearance officials, some say it is some people in the Trump admin.. Some say it is Trump ..But what it is right most of the time...

",1520956456,13/03/2018 15:54 8312306,3801269954,"

He needed Rex while working on that Saudi Arabia deal (Biggie) -- now he needs former CIA guy who knows ""secrets"" re NK & CIA (Black hats controlled for NWO agenda) and agrees about Iran --- which they're working on next....
Q (believed to be closest to Trump re plans, Intel, etc.) posted this few days ago in response to NK deal :

Mar 08 2018 19:55:52Q!UW.yye1fxo594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns (CIA) out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

Check out all posts

",1520956651,13/03/2018 15:57 8312306,3801287385,"

Good old Q, now everyone knows, the NWO is the Nazi World Order, aka, the Forth Reich.

",1520957184,13/03/2018 16:06 8312306,3801307049,

And Q u e e r s.

,1520957865,13/03/2018 16:17 8312306,3801340651,"

The plan, executed years ago, is working brilliantly. One swamp rat at a time being exposed and expelled to Make America Great Again. Did you not read the Executive Order that the President signed on 12/21/2017? Obviously not!
The corruption, fraud, theft, etc. runs so deep that the American taxpayer, Veterans, Pensioners, seriously ill etc., have suffered greatly. Did you know that many cures to many diseases has been discovered, but Big Pharma have been hiding it from the public? Why? Because BigPharma doesn't make any money from healed people.

Start following QAnon because comments like yours shows that you listen to the leftist MSM. These propagandists for the globalists, are just mouthpieces. Look at what is happening around the world at this very moment as they are controlled by the Rothchilds, the Rockafellas, Soros et al, who are determined to depopulate the world (that's you and your kin). Read up on Margaret Sanger who promoted abortion of black babies to exterminate their race. The Democrates/globalists are using the same method still. Hand these 'useful idiots' a few trinkets (Obama phone) and they are hooked by the jaw and lead like sheep to the slaughter.

",1520959007,13/03/2018 16:36 8312306,3801353180,"

If you were following Q, the President has ALREADY met with him. Remember when the President visited China and was given the honour of entering the Forbidden City, well this is where China arranged the meeting. You are way behind and my advise is that you start following Q to stay ahead of what is going on in the world.

",1520959437,13/03/2018 16:43 8312306,3801354306,"

Dear Trolls,
Get a real job, the hand that feeds you, the Luciferian, Nazi World Order, is going down hard.

",1520959474,13/03/2018 16:44 8312660,3801541289,

People seriously need to find the tone here. This is so far from reality it's laughable. Here's a map back to what's really going on:
#QAnon #TheStormIsHere #GreatAwakening

,1520965840,13/03/2018 18:30 8312831,3801556482,"


",1520966377,13/03/2018 18:39 8312306,3801609856,

PTrump put the throttle into FULL what happens with Pompeo who is PERFECT for the SOS. He knows about EVERYTHING that is going on in the World. Q says 2018 will be glorious!!! WINNING.

,1520968273,13/03/2018 19:11 8313899,3801623601,"

Military tribunals? LOL at the Q Anon fan boys. If you want to live in a military dictatorship so badly, why don't you go move to one?

",1520968749,13/03/2018 19:19 8312306,3801636113,"

As I have said go to the Q board.

You are being kept in the dark by MSM. WHY?? If you don't get onboard the news that is coming will literally bring you to your knees. While you're there, see who Angela Merkel really is. Have you not heard about the 400 CEO/politicians that resigned since the EO was signed on 12/21/2017? Why?? Same as politicians on both sides.

",1520969144,13/03/2018 19:25 8312306,3801641759,

Are you following Q? The 11.11.18. is VERY SIGNIFICANT. You will get your wish! The MSM have been mocking the Victors Parade since it was announced. Why? It will be a glorious day for America as ALL troops will be back home and safe on American soil.

,1520969332,13/03/2018 19:28 8312306,3801656553,"

You can mock all you like but 'useful idiots' like you are just fodder for the communists. What a silly little boy you are. I get my info from the President himself. Why would he tell the MSM anything?? The President is communicating DIRECTLY with the Patriots and he has never once veered from that tactic. Interesting that there are millions around the world following Q on the 'great awakening' boards, but you continue to believe what the globalist media tell you. Unbelievable!!

",1520969847,13/03/2018 19:37 8312306,3801717182,"

Q or QAnon is a group of top level military Intel - 6/7 military and 3 civilians (President included) who are providing Patriots with up to date Intel and messages in what is happening right now in the world and America. They post on a secure board and drop 'crumbs' for the Anons to decipher. The Anons have been cleared by Intel. They also chat or answer relevant questions by those not deciphering. How does the President get his message out? CNN? MSNBC? NYT? No. He either uses Twitter or he speaks directly to Patriots at rallies. This new method (since end Oct ) has millions watching around the world. Everyone - those not reading Q - are saying that the President is not doing enough to drain the swamp. He is!!! Last week there were live pictures and stills for us where Intel (and us) were watching Snowden and Intel gave him 24 hours to answer 3 questions. We were notified that Snowden replied in under 24hrs. The last post had Snowden in HK. There is far too much info to give you other drops but the President when at a rally or speaking at a WH meeting, will drop hints or say things that have just been posted on the boards. Look up Dr Jerome Corsi on YouTube as he is one of the Anons.

",1520971991,13/03/2018 20:13 8311547,3801723351,"

As Q said, ""Death"".

",1520972202,13/03/2018 20:16 8312306,3801726670,

Where does one go to read Q? Did it exist prior to Trump?

,1520972314,13/03/2018 20:18 8313215,3801771273,

Tick tock tick toc. Q says trust the plan and so far Q and Trump are winning biggly.

,1520973888,13/03/2018 20:44 8312306,3802033567,

the Qanon posts have repeatedly said to trust Sessions & trust the plan..?

,1520985779,14/03/2018 00:02 8313947,3802040849,"

This is becoming more grotesque with any day. This excrement, low I. Q. individual Shieff for brains, he's clearly living in a parallel reality. Together with all the demented Libtards buried so deep in their own collusion with the Russians that they have to masquerade nonstop on the FAKE News channels as patriotic defenders of America's interests..
So now their coming with their own version of reality report? After the fiasco of their own FISA memo?

All this, because they can't stand Trump? And that they really can't accept that he won an election and he wants to set his own agenda ?
Who BTW is an America First Agenda?

So in the end the question is...
Why we need a democracy if nobody's respecting the rules of it?
When everything becomes a babel tower of competing interests and ideologies and everyone believes in his own version of reality and nobody's respecting any rule...
Do they wonder how democracies die?... And why people accept autocrats and dictators when nothing is working anymore?

",1520986130,14/03/2018 00:08 8313785,3802045998,

Falling apart?! House cleaning after the globalists intel are sourced.


,1520986386,14/03/2018 00:13 8312306,3802129093,"

No, but it’s part of the overall plan of taking America back from the globalists. Unfortunately for decades the CIA have been selling Americans out. Those who recognised their plan and attempted to stop them were removed (JFK) and it almost cost Reagan too. The CIA have drug labs etc. in Afghanistan and last year the President ordered them destroyed. Are you aware that these mongrels were shipping drugs back to America in the bodies of military that had died in action?? Q calls them ‘clowns’ in the drops. The crime they have been involved in is unbelievable!! I’ll post some links

",1520990631,14/03/2018 01:23 8312306,3802340349,"

Thanks for your patience in me getting back. I was travelling and using an iPhone and putting the links in is somewhat tricky ☺️. A couple of videos of explanation:

The first is by someone who has had his videos shutdown, like many, many other Patriots that are talking and getting the info out about QAnon. Many have been de-monetised with YouTube thieving their money.

The second is of Dr. Jerome Corsi (friend of the President and was on the transition team) who was also shut down, but was re-instated about a week later. This is about why he chose to follow the drops after the initial drop was made in November. If you are searching for the different boards, search under his name on YouTube. Stick with him as he knows the President and other personal stuff, ie his fountain pen, was displayed on a Q drop and Dr Corsi was able to identify it. Small stuff but very crucial.

Q doesn't post constantly and there is patience needed. He usually warns when things will be busy, dark, etc. and only 2 weeks ago they were dealing with some pretty heavy stuff and it was obvious that Q Intel were talking and coding messages for military Intel and Dr Corsi pointed it out that it was not always meant for those on the boards. Then all went silent for 1 week, then after the week heaps of crumbs were dropped and it was hard for the Anons to decode and keep abreast of them. Atm some of the drops have been. 'Research Angela Merkel's family. Some suggest that she is Hitlers daughter. Another is Snowden and they are watching his every move, even down to showing the board a pic of a HK street with him in it somewhere. He was given a choice A, B or C and he had to reply in 24 hrs which he did as QAnon reported back to the board. The board is fast pace and unless you know what you are doing, it's best just to sit back and listen. This is how the boards appear. This is not the latest drop but the board is 24/7 and live.

",1521006438,14/03/2018 05:47 8312012,3802698085,"

The Q.C. said, ""This was not apparently done out of any cultural or family reason"". Just what sort of a statement is that? Neither culture or family enter into the equation, this is BRITAIN and not some mud hut village for tree swingers out in Bongo Bongo land.
FGM is ILLEGAL full stop. There is no excuse for it whatsoever, and that Q.C. is a complete waste of space and tax payers money. Q.C.? P.C. more like it and the scourge of Western society.

",1521020780,14/03/2018 09:46 8317679,3803156788,

I never thought anything more than a fat dude that likes cakes. You must have me mixed up with the retards that believe the Qanon bs.

,1521029928,14/03/2018 12:18 8315591,3803404967,"

So what's on your mind Shorty Q? Maybe we should change it to shorty- eyes, just because she's your cousin's son doesn't make it alright. Morons!

",1521034926,14/03/2018 13:42 8316710,3803526002,

Liberals are all hung up on Trump's BIG hands. It only took one of those BIG hands to pimp slap Hillary right across her wrinkled witch face. Now she can't even handle the rigors on one flight of stairs without being carried by her nurses!


It would be nice to win in PA - but it also doesn't really matter.. The stuff Trump is doing behind the scenes is setting the stage for the next century of geopolitics.

Low IQ libtards with their junk food diet of fake news are too busy taking selfies to notice things like Q and infowars - as we win back the Republic and shape the future.

,1521037394,14/03/2018 14:23 8319272,3804106178,"

Can't argue with Rudd ego . She's a W O M A N , you hear??? Q U E E N !!!!!!!

",1521049233,14/03/2018 17:40 8316710,3804611877,"

Try this site moron!

Look for post #780! Now, do your own research from now on! BTW, a ""Russian Troll"" with over 10,000 comments? Really?

",1521059433,14/03/2018 20:30 8320391,3804810683,

This is the inferior culture of fascism. No you say? Look up the economic model.


,1521064996,14/03/2018 22:03 8320076,3804886754,

Washington by Alden
Jefferson and His Time Malone
Madison Cheney
J Q Adams. Kaplan
Hamilton. Chernow
G Washington 5 VOL Abrdg. Alden

,1521068326,14/03/2018 22:58 8317841,3804966879,"

Follow the Qanon livestreams. Australia (and Arkansas) are now investigating the Clinton Crime Syndicate corruption because they are victims of it with a huge amount on the line. Also human rights orgs (the real ones, not the fake ones) indicate Australia is a hotbed of pedo or child-trafficking. The livestreams are all over this.

",1521072521,15/03/2018 00:08 8319122,3805056039,"

Rand Paul, who I've always liked and respected, [I voted for his Dad twice], is turning into a total Pooosy! Curly Q sounds more like a Liberal every day! Just the other day he said that the USA will LOSE a Trade War, so Trump shouldn't impose any Tariffs! Hey Rand, we've been in a Trade War for 30 Years now and we're getting our A$$E$ kicked because we are the only one's NOT FIGHTING IT!! Thanks to President Trump, America will now actually Fight Back! Please support our President on Tariffs, Senator Paul!

",1521077752,15/03/2018 01:35 8321582,3805122049,

Major news people READ UP!!!!! important.....MASSIVE banning of web pages going on!
twitter the prez.........let him know he is being isolated by the left
The internet community is being sliced and diced because they are talking Qanon!

The Deep State is censoring internet communication!

Reddit recently has been attacked!

someone HELP the resistance to the Deep State! Bannon where are you!

This is tragic! Freedom of speech is being stamped upon.

,1521082327,15/03/2018 02:52 8322329,3805151746,

Wow. Anons digging into Q weirdness discovered evidence that the US military was monitoring the creation of a possible North Korean military installation in Syria.

WTH was Obama doing?

,1521084869,15/03/2018 03:34 8318276,3805154088,

Pedophilia involvement to be exposed soon. MAGA Thanks Q!

,1521085076,15/03/2018 03:37 8322329,3805270088,

John Q. Public is paying for these little retards to go to school. What in the hell are they doing ditching school to protest John Q. Public's God given rights?

,1521096991,15/03/2018 06:56 8322191,3805499913,"

Republicans have been losing lately because lots of Trump voters see the fecklessness and ineptitude of Sessions and Republicans and wonder what good is it to vote for the GOP.
Plus the fact that Joe Q Public (i.e. average fake news consumer) tends to vote for the party that seems to be winning, which isn't the GOP.

",1521108839,15/03/2018 10:13 8323934,3805877342,"

2015 Committee hearing hint's Pompeo placed at State Dept. by Trump to go after Hillary



There may be a brilliant reason to Trump's major moves earlier this week, where Tillerson was replaced by Mike Pompeo at the US State Department. The reason behind this move traces back to just three years ago, where Trump's new Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo grilled Hillary over Benghazi in 2015 Committee hearing.
​ Is 2015 and Trump's decision to place Pompeo as the Secretary Of State a sign that Trump is preparing for Hillary Clinton to be taken in, as Sessions is also making major moves to investigate Obama FISA abuse through a Special Counsel and going after California's protections of illegal immigrants. There are no coincidences as Q would tell us all, and Trump just placed a man known for grilling Hillary before the 2016 Election...Where Pompeo exposed Hillary's lies on Benghazi and emails to her face. Nothing is a coincidence, and Pompeo who is known for grilling Hillary has the second most important position in government next to Trump.

",1521116667,15/03/2018 12:24 8323934,3805937389,"

2015 Committee hearing hint's Pompeo placed at State Dept. by Trump to go after Hillary



There may be a brilliant reason to Trump's major moves earlier this week, where Tillerson was replaced by Mike Pompeo at the US State Department. The reason behind this move traces back to just three years ago, where Trump's new Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo grilled Hillary over Benghazi in 2015 Committee hearing.
​ Is 2015 and Trump's decision to place Pompeo as the Secretary Of State a sign that Trump is preparing for Hillary Clinton to be taken in, as Sessions is also making major moves to investigate Obama FISA abuse through a Special Counsel and going after California's protections of illegal immigrants. There are no coincidences as Q would tell us all, and Trump just placed a man known for grilling Hillary before the 2016 Election...Where Pompeo exposed Hillary's lies on Benghazi and emails to her face. Nothing is a coincidence, and Pompeo who is known for grilling Hillary has the second most important position in government next to Trump.

",1521117975,15/03/2018 12:46 8323934,3806202471,"

Maybe we should, Q. May 1st? Patriot March on Washington, justice for Biden-Kerry?

I'll spread the word on

Everyone else attack your social media, even the leftist ones. Get that word out!

",1521123383,15/03/2018 14:16 8323889,3806347033,"

At this point, I need a few flashes of lightening, or the sound of distant thunder, or another Q post, to tide me over.

",1521126295,15/03/2018 15:04 8323889,3806363015,"

It's the ""Shadow Government"" Globalist/Commie/Marxist (Deep State) cabal that so many have been trying to warn people about - going on for many decades....made up of the satanic ""secret societies"" Elites of old. Just FINALLY coming out, thank God.
Dem Party's Paramilitary Wing has the same flag as 1933 Paramilitary Wing of Germany (Nazi) --- wake up!

Check out all posts

",1521126624,15/03/2018 15:10 8323889,3806393878,

QAnon says Trust Sessions

,1521127234,15/03/2018 15:20 8318138,3806839447,"

Antifa resurrected from 1933 German communist party. Who'da thought?

",1521136069,15/03/2018 17:47 8324414,3807022577,

Look up Praying Medic on youtube or a podcast app. He breaks down the Q posts quite nicely

,1521139799,15/03/2018 18:49 8324414,3807027735,

Look up Praying Medic on youtube or a podcast app. He breaks down the Q posts quite nicely. Our President is doing a lot behind the scenes. Expect big things very soon.

,1521139915,15/03/2018 18:51 8324414,3807029261,

Look up Praying Medic on youtube or a podcast app. He breaks down the Q posts quite nicely

,1521139948,15/03/2018 18:52 8323955,3807152065,"

Dem Party has the same Paramilitary Wing flag as the 1933 Germany Paramilitary Wing (Nazi). These tactics are the same ""they"" used back then. They use vulnerable youth to further their agendas (you know like the Hitler Youth stuff). They're getting more bold now bc they're frantic about Trump overthrowing them. But all this was to be expected and I hope it wakes up more of us before it's too late.

Check all Posts (alleged closest Trump team to inform us bypassing media):

",1521142379,15/03/2018 19:32 8325791,3807338573,"

Just how stupid are leftists? There's a picture of one at the student march holding an anti-gun sign and wearing a ""Spartans"" High School shirt with the motto ""Molon labe""!

I kid you not (it's at Q anon Twitter). These people are STUPID.

",1521145863,15/03/2018 20:31 8325749,3807341895,

If John Q US citizen had seven previous felony convictions and had been deported five times CA would have thrown the book at JQCitizen and jail time would be a LOOONG time. Everything about CA is a joke. Maybe the fault will slip southern CA into the ocean.

,1521145919,15/03/2018 20:31 8326079,3807549190,"

Angela Merkel...the communist. She is the daughter of hitlers niece. Check the photo on Same haircut. Freaky!

",1521149652,15/03/2018 21:34 8325791,3807624046,

What is Qanon?

,1521151050,15/03/2018 21:57 8325791,3807626623,"

",1521151101,15/03/2018 21:58 8320511,3807642252,"

QAnon says the ducks are being lined up. You will see them fall closer to the 2018 midterm elections. Makes perfect sense from that perspective.

It's hard to sit on our hands on this, but it is the smart move. The Dems are going to be exposed right before the mid-terms and they won't have time to spin all the corruption and criminality that will emerge.

",1521151390,15/03/2018 22:03 8320511,3807652177,

The prosecutions will happen before the 2018 mid-terms so that they are fresh in the public's mind and the Dems won't have time to throw a distraction/false flag.

Sessions is being smart. #QAnon has explained this.

,1521151572,15/03/2018 22:06 8325206,3807919322,

He is part of the reason Trump is going to round up the LGBT n Q CROWD N deport them....

,1521156349,15/03/2018 23:25 8325668,3808014786,"

""I don't trust the MSM because they use unnamed sources. Oh crap did I miss a Q Anon post?""

",1521158267,15/03/2018 23:57 8324414,3808108062,"

Thank You, but Q?

",1521159988,16/03/2018 00:26 8324414,3808118080,"

I'm familiar with Q. If you are Q, thank you.

",1521160176,16/03/2018 00:29 8328533,3808174121,

That's one boom. There's more coming. Q has multiple booms tonight.

,1521161191,16/03/2018 00:46 8328533,3808182501,"

TGIF tomorrow...more BOOMS? Q just said to ""WATCH KANSAS."" Kris Kobach or Scott Pruitt moving into the Cabinet. Q said ""TRUST THE PLAN"" on AG Sessions!!! MAGA, baby

",1521161363,16/03/2018 00:49 8328533,3808185982,

that's what Q posted tonight...

,1521161436,16/03/2018 00:50 8328533,3808191022,

I think Bannon is Q!

,1521161525,16/03/2018 00:52 8328533,3808350086,

Hannity said tonight that McMaster is still there and he will explain tomorrow. Q says WATCH KANSAS...either Pruitt or Kobach going somewhere.

,1521164408,16/03/2018 01:40 8326943,3808445027,"

According to Q trust sessions, re-iterated it today

",1521167478,16/03/2018 02:31 8326943,3808447880,"

",1521167687,16/03/2018 02:34 8326943,3808448450,

not sure. i think we were supposed to notice that Q switched from Hunt for Red October to just Red October.

Hunt For was removed Feb 7th

,1521167730,16/03/2018 02:35 8326943,3808454749,"

If you follow the dumbasses that think Q is a real op with access to Trump or that has any otherwise yet unknown information then you will remain well out of the loop... usually at about a 6 month lag unless it's something ""they"" are plagiarizing from /pol/, or others, and that ""he"" / ""they"" in turn warp into some psychotic gay ""puzzle"" that means absolutely nothing but that bored dweebs will attempt to ""decipher"" nonetheless.

",1521168188,16/03/2018 02:43 8326943,3808490199,"

Hope Trump tweets Sessions with a Q tonight......

""Jeff, What does someone have to do in order to get fired at the FBI?""

",1521171122,16/03/2018 03:32 8326943,3808506477,"

It is not McCabe whose reputation is on the line, but Sessions. It doesn't matter if a hundred Qanons tell us to Trust Sessions, his inaction now for no good reason, will leave an indelible impression.

",1521172704,16/03/2018 03:58 8328884,3808551419,"

Maxine has said she is going to do that as soon as she works out how to spell low ""I Q ""....

",1521177900,16/03/2018 05:25 8328884,3808761814,"

Q is back, posts March Madness, Public will know soon



Well is something major coming before the end of the NCAA tourney or right after, as Q is today posting March Madness...Public will know soon. We know that Sessions and multiple Republican members of the US House are possibly launching a second Special Counsel to investigate FISA abuse and the handling of the Hillary investigation by the FBI and DOJ under Obama. Sounds like something is about to go down against the Bush, Obama, Clinton cabal...More than likely though this will have something to do with Obama's illegal use of FISA through the FBI and DOJ to spy on Trump and America in mass. Sounds like Q is hinting at a storm coming. Q is also warning about the Deep State Dead Cat Bounce plan, so do be on your toes if out in public for a false flag...The s hit may hit the fan before the Trump military parade on Veterans Day. I know people are beginning to get frustrated...Never give up hope.

",1521196297,16/03/2018 10:31 8328884,3808762809,"

Q, Extreme efforts to kill login devices, extreme efforts to censor, Dead cat bounce, Enjoy the show



Well it's possible that that Q is possibly hinting at the end of internet censorship or a way to fix it, by stating Extreme efforts to kill login devices and Extreme efforts to censor. So with that being said and if Q is inside the Trump administration, then my bet is President Trump is looking at a way to end the social media networks censorship of right wing free speech.
Also Q brings up the Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, which may mean some efforts by the Deep State to pull off multiple false flags has possibly been prevented. Now technically a Dead Cat Bounce is investor talk to cover positions during a loss, so either the Deep State plan to take down the market has failed...Or the White Hats involved with Q are aware of Deep State False Flag plans. Looks like major moves are coming as Q is telling us all to enjoy the show, so be prepared for anything. With that be prepared to expose or be prepared for joy.

",1521196354,16/03/2018 10:32 8326967,3808794795,"

If we are to believe QAnon, trust Mueller and Sessions.
This sets a precedent so the real investigation can focus on the actual criminal's family like the Biden, Kerry, and Clinton criminal offspring.

",1521198222,16/03/2018 11:03 8328884,3808814364,

A bird named Q says 4 people

,1521199309,16/03/2018 11:21 8328827,3808934416,"

Many don't but that damned John, and Jane Q, public gets ear fulls, and eye fulls of it daily

",1521204895,16/03/2018 12:54 8328533,3809074876,"

You people on this website STILL DON'T GET IT. Bannon WAS THE GUY that told Trump to HIRE THESE CLOWNS!!!! Bannon WAS THE TRAITOR!!!!!!!!! Trump has finally purged these Bannon appointed Deep State Traitors. Pompeo IS THE REAL DEAL!! Stunning how you people cannot put the pieces of the puzzle together on here. Do any of you know about Q-Anon?? Can you people read between the lines? Can you people formulate truth out of the disinformation being stuffed down your throats?????? Good grief, NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS!!!

",1521210370,16/03/2018 14:26 8328533,3809144731,"

WRONG. Trump TRUSTED Bannon, because of who he ""portrayed"" himself to be. Trump didn't know who to trust regarding his administration because he NOT a politician. He relied on Bannon to affirm these posts. This is a fact and if you studied Q-Anon/Trump and looked deeper into what's truly happening you'd come to the same conclusion. You're not seeing through the veils.

",1521212969,16/03/2018 15:09 8328533,3809160221,"

McMaster is going bye-bye. I've no agenda but to wake people up to the DEPTHS AT WHICH THE GLOBALISTS/ONE WORLD ORDER ELITES control our country, let alone the world. The pedophile rings, the raping and murdering of children, the absolute SATANIC DEGREDATION that has infiltrated the highest echelons of power. AND SOON YOU WILL ALL UNDERSTAND THIS WHEN Q-ANON/TRUMP TAKES THESE SCUM DOWN!!!! You heard it here first.

",1521213478,16/03/2018 15:17 8328611,3809722257,

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's using their brain instead of reading Q and thinking that Trump is a 4D chess player.

,1521234303,16/03/2018 21:05 8332673,3809753917,

You may be right. Q may be full of it.


- maybe not.

We have to hope that the hammer will be dropped we don't have any other choice at this point.

,1521235847,16/03/2018 21:30 8332673,3809754446,

Who the heck is Q????

,1521235874,16/03/2018 21:31 8332673,3809755903,"

Q Anon. You can google him. Or here:

He claims to be military intel guy

",1521235943,16/03/2018 21:32 8328611,3809755978,"


Deadly Florida bridge collapse funded by Obama Tiger program



Rush Limbaugh Reports: The Miami Herald reported: “A pedestrian bridge under construction collapsed Thursday, just days after crews had dropped an elevated 950-ton span in place on a signature project that was intended to give Florida International University students a safe way across the busy roadway. The $14 million project was partly federally funded” through Obama’s TIGER program. Have you ever heard of the TIGER program? It stands for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery. The TIGER program, kind of like the Affordable Health Care Act.
Looks like more American blood on the hands of the Obama administration, as we are now finding out the bridge collapse in Florida yesterday was funded by an Obama transportation plan known as TIGER. So what was this bridge in Florida that killed multiple people yesterday at FIU in Miami...Was it made out of crappy products that Q has exposed on 8Chan that comes from foreign nations like China that is very low quality? You have to bet since this bridge that killed a handfull of Americans yesterday is connected through politicians like DWS, since this is another strange incident in Miami FL in a district connected to Obama friends like Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
​ Trump needs to officially end the Obama transportation plan known as TIGER, as faulty infrastructure is proven to be funded by the Obama administration like is now being exposed today...As the Florida Bridge collapse yesterday is connected to an Obama transpiration plan in an area of Florida where strange events keep killing Americans.

",1521235946,16/03/2018 21:32 8332673,3809759626,

Fyi all his posts are cryptic. Jerome Corsi on Youtube tries to decypher. But Take Q with a grain of salt. Ive followed for 6 weeks or so and I think its BS

,1521236124,16/03/2018 21:35 8332673,3809760465,"

",1521236165,16/03/2018 21:36 8328611,3809868666,"

That's exactly what'll happen. Don't let the exemption from tariffs fool you, he's really being tough on Mexico. Q said so.

",1521242215,16/03/2018 23:16 8333885,3809988605,


,1521249761,17/03/2018 01:22 8333885,3809993731,"

Q last night...

Mar 15 2018 19:38:41 (EDT) Anonymous ID: 425e1f 678151

Q team, trust Session still or nah? Why is Fox saying McCabe will skate?

Mar 15 2018 19:41:02 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 26e3a8 678189


Trust the plan.

Full control.


",1521250040,17/03/2018 01:27 8333885,3810008039,"

I still am a bit timid about QAnon, but he said yesterday ""Trust Sessions:

",1521250834,17/03/2018 01:40 8333213,3810009015,"

All the while these bastards are wasting time, when they could be dealing with major basically at the expense of John Q. Taxpayer

",1521250885,17/03/2018 01:41 8333885,3810012871,

How many sealed federal indictments Q?

,1521251093,17/03/2018 01:44 8333885,3810015888," The site sometimes comes under attack but you can go to alternate sites.

",1521251252,17/03/2018 01:47 8333885,3810017801,"

Finally the first ""real blood"" the Counter Coup has begun, now Jeffy has the taste of blood he's in the battle, no turning back now. The Storm, Q was right.

",1521251354,17/03/2018 01:49 8333885,3810026740,


,1521251863,17/03/2018 01:57 8333885,3810037420,

Trust “the Plan. Q.

,1521252505,17/03/2018 02:08 8331275,3810063440,"

Not surprising and very much expected by those of us that reside in a place called reality.

The vast majority of Americans have been reawakened by the CANCEROUS two terms of NObama, and have come to realize that the lame stream lap dog media is simply another reelection arm of the DNC/NWO totalitarian WONKS.

They continue to spiral around the periphery of the abyss of irrelevancy, along with the aforementioned DNC.

But no matter to them for it is blindly full speed ahead with the propaganda inspired vitriol that spews from their pie-holes, completely fat dumb and happy as they too believe in the agenda driven drivel/lies which they themselves have repeated so often it has become their version of reality.

And as so aptly described by this article, these ""news people"" are now being awoken too from their slumber of irresponsibility, as Joe and Jane Q Public have revealed their disdain for ""wag the dog"" lies and deception, by turning the channel or canceling subscriptions.

As their base shrinks, ad revenues dwindle, and the pool of pay and benefits, in concert with their parent companies stock price, whither on the vine of viability.

Hence the self preservation of those that infest the upper echelons of these ""news outlets"" as they cut the umbilical cords of the plebes they once employed.

",1521254089,17/03/2018 02:34 8333885,3810070005,

I love Q hahahaa

,1521254493,17/03/2018 02:41 8333885,3810072031,"

No Meadows didn't say that , Q did.

",1521254623,17/03/2018 02:43 8333885,3810073381,

Seems to me it’s started. “Trust the Plan” Q.

,1521254711,17/03/2018 02:45 8333885,3810096510,

Dare I say it... Q called it.

Oh and Sean Hannity and Sara Carter have been proven absolutely correct AGAIN. The ONLY real truth in media today.

,1521256336,17/03/2018 03:12 8333885,3810097017,

Love Q. This March Madness better than basketball.

,1521256375,17/03/2018 03:12 8333885,3810097779,

And Q with my tea!

,1521256435,17/03/2018 03:13 8333885,3810098321,

I think Q is part of Mike Rogers staff. Clearly DIA.

,1521256480,17/03/2018 03:14 8333885,3810108768,

Love Q. “trust the plan”.

,1521257286,17/03/2018 03:28 8333885,3810110343,

What’s a Q?

,1521257416,17/03/2018 03:30 8333885,3810112481,

Does Q ever say anything concrete? NO - never

,1521257585,17/03/2018 03:33 8331494,3810135659,

#qanon...hello Google censors...

,1521259537,17/03/2018 04:05 8333885,3810137072,

We slaves are rising against 'da mastas'. Those that would enslave your ability to think and be free are the greatest threat. People might be surprised but we are really facing. It's pure evil and it doesn't care what party you belong to politically. We just caught one henchman today. Celebrate. But the real puppet masters will sacrifice thousands to avoid prosecution. Be smart and informed. Q anon has been spreading the Good Word.

,1521259665,17/03/2018 04:07 8333885,3810138407,"

proreason, are you aware of Q anon? Just go to Your Screwed and ask who is Q anon. It's enlightening.

",1521259785,17/03/2018 04:09 8332307,3810139539,

Looks like she didn't heed the warning Q was talking about?

,1521259890,17/03/2018 04:11 8333885,3810143341,


It appears the president of the Florida University where the bridge collapsed yesterdays sits on the CFR Council of Foreign Relations along with George Soros.
I get that Friday Feeling something stinky going on in the County next to Broward County.

,1521260257,17/03/2018 04:17 8332307,3810143910,"

Claims have been made (and posted by QAnon) that Merkel is, in actuality, Hitler's daughter. ""Q: WE ARE NOT ALONE""

",1521260309,17/03/2018 04:18 8332673,3810161770,

Hey - I was beginning to think the Q bit was hooey.... but faith is restored.... Somewhat.

,1521262099,17/03/2018 04:48 8333885,3810164452,"

Don't worry about AG Sessions - I will again remind you that he is not known as the ""Silent Assassin"" for nothing. Also, don't forget the IG reports (plural) that will be coming out soon. The only reason a report might not be released publicly is if a criminal prosecution is in the works specific to that report.

Some interesting info, however, on Rosenstein's wife - don't forget QAnon's post: ""FOLLOW THE WIVES""

""Meet Lisa H Barsoomian

Lisa H Barsoomian a US Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, she’s a protege of James Comey and Robert Muller

Barsoomian with her boss R Craig Lawrence represented Bill Clinton in 1998. Lawrence also represented:
Robert Muller three times
James Comey five times
Barack Obama 45 times
Kathleen Sebelius 56 times
Bill Clinton 40 times and
Hillary Clinton 17 times
between 1998 and 2017

Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times

You may be saying to yourself, okay who cares, who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman.

Apparently someone does. Someone out there cares so much that they’ve purged all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals court dockets

Someone out there cares so much that the internet has been purged of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.

Historically this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative.

Additionally Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community

And although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH gov.

The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health.

This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.

It’s a cover, so big deal right, I mean what does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter.

I mean with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uniparty unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, and last, but not least, Muller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention? BECAUSE she is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE. That’s why.

Barsoomian’s loyalties are tainted.

How could this not have influenced Rosenstein?

This clearly violates the appearance of impropriety attorney’s rules? Both owe their careers as US attorneys to Muller, Obama, Bush, and the Clintons. Impartiality? That’s impossible.

Rod Rosenstein has no business involving himself in the Hillary Clinton-DNC funded Steel dossier, and the ongoing Russia investigation.

Much less the selection of his mentor and his wife’s mentor Robert Muller as Special Counsel.

The rules of ethics, funny, required his refusal.""

",1521262368,17/03/2018 04:52 8333885,3810167449,

If it weren't for that meddling Q !!!

,1521262686,17/03/2018 04:58 8330765,3810179130,

The Q posts have given me a lot of hope. I’m waiting impatiently for the hammer to drop on these demonic flag burners. We need to purge.

,1521263923,17/03/2018 05:18 8333885,3810191487,

You are Q uite right!!!

,1521265229,17/03/2018 05:40 8333885,3810355513,

As Q would say...BOOOM!! More to follow. I'm going to enjoy the show watching these deep state rats squirm and feel the weight of justice fall upon them.

,1521282087,17/03/2018 10:21 8330765,3810385787,"

If QAnon is to believed, Treason charges for Obama are coming. Most likely before November.

",1521284355,17/03/2018 10:59 8333885,3810408194,"

Trust Trump!
Trust Sessions.
Trust Mueller.

Mueller is a Marine, he has been called back into service to clean this swamp, the ""investigation"" into Trump is not what he is really doing. MANY former military have been called back into service recently.
There are 18,500 sealed indictments already.
Notice the leaks have all but stopped?

This is all per Q and easily found on 8 chan and 4 chan.

",1521285860,17/03/2018 11:24 8332307,3810430367,

The cats out of the bag with these globalists and they act as if we haven’t noticed.... she going to be in for a shock when seal team 6 Extract her in the middle of the night and take her to gitmo... #Qanon

,1521287207,17/03/2018 11:46 8333885,3810442184,"

Q is a very, very brilliant PR tactic. Q may not be human.

",1521287925,17/03/2018 11:58 8333885,3810456142,"

Scientists unable to identify nerve agent as Russian used in UK


1 Comment

Craig Murray✔@CraigMurrayOrg

Of A Type Developed By Liars - I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve gas as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of the pressure being placed on them

3:48 AM - Mar 16, 2018

Of A Type Developed By Liars

I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve gas as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of the


4,472 people are talking about this

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Looks like the UK situation where a Russian double agent that worked for MI6 this past week, is turning into a failed bluff by the Globalists to get war with Russia. Scientists in the UK are making it official that they cannot identify the nerve agent used as Russian property. This situation that developed over the weekend was being used by the global Deep State to get a war with Russia for a major distraction from everything being exposed in America and beyond through things like Q.
Since scientists are now reporting that the nerve agent used to kill Russian/MI6 double agent Sergei Skripal is not identifying as being Russian manufactured...Then what does that tell you? Sounds like the situation over in the UK being pushed for war is turning into an absolute failure, like when the Deep State tried to push the chemical attack in Syria.

",1521288723,17/03/2018 12:12 8333885,3810463863,"

Sessions Fires McCabe before retirement...Trust Sessions


1 Comment

The Hill Reports: Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday fired Andrew McCabe, the number-two official at the FBI and a longtime target of President Trump. His ouster comes just days before he was scheduled to retire on Sunday, after more than 20 years at the bureau. McCabe had already stepped down under pressure in January and has been on a leave of absence since. ""Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately,"" Sessions said in a statement Friday night.
The dismissal came at the recommendation of an internal FBI office that handles disciplinary matters. According to The New York Times, the recommendation was based on a finding from the Justice Department inspector general that McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, which includes an investigation into a decision he made in 2016 to allow FBI officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
Well Jeff Sessions once again has ended multiple rumors about him once again with the firing today of former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who is fired before retirement benefits. Looks like Andrew McCabe has not made any deals to give up information on the Obama/Clinton cabal which has likely led Sessions to fire Andrew McCabe officially tonight. The main thing we need to do is stop this fighting against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, because things like getting rid of a swamp creature like Andrew McCabe takes time...And Q has told us to trust Sessions. Another Deep State rat taken out by Sessions and many more to go, don't fall for the rumors about Attorney General Jeff Sessions...The cleanup is a process.

",1521289150,17/03/2018 12:19 8328611,3810483277,

Are you following interpretations of Qanon by Dr Corsi to find out what is really going on?

,1521290191,17/03/2018 12:36 8331002,3810539255,"

Sergeant Maxwell Q. Klinger

yes, VERY funny!!

",1521293023,17/03/2018 13:23 8333231,3810553231,"

Another Q drop is proven accurate. Whoever you Q folks are, we love you!

",1521293712,17/03/2018 13:35 8333231,3810555446,"

Are Google, twitter, you tube planting viruses in Androids devices if conservative thoughts are identified.????...I saw 209 words, phrases that supposedly trigger this action....and I've got the virus! #qanon

",1521293824,17/03/2018 13:37 8332835,3810557784,"

Hahahahaha! Good one Sarah! IF more people followed QAnon, they would know that Sarah is trolling using the term 'BAD ACTOR'!! Some posts where Q has used the term in reference to EVIL.

Q. BAD ACTORS are being shipped to GITMO
Q. BAD ACTOR. London Mayor. Background? Affiliation? Connection to Queen?
Q. Where did the $18b from Soros go? Why? Can it be used by BAD ACTORS (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc. Slush fund?

BAD ACTORS refer to evil people. McCabe is evil. He was involved in crimes that cost Americans their lives. If you haven't been to the QAnon boards yet, you need to ASAP. There is so much happening that the media is not reporting - deliberately. They, like the globalists have gotten away with literal murder, but Q has posted that they are watching these American haters. They know their dirty deeds, are you listening Joe? Are YOU going to be ready for the evil that will be spewed up?

",1521293938,17/03/2018 13:38 8334515,3810577948,"

As John Q Public, I demand firing all deep state and stripping of all perks and protections. Execution is in order for those who have endangered lives or committed treason.

",1521294914,17/03/2018 13:55 8334515,3810593185,"

Yeah...i understand the rumor mill Q-Anon, 10,000 sealed Indictments etc.....but Sessions own recusal caused the ball to be dropped back in 2016.

We've been playing ""catch up"", ever since.

",1521295632,17/03/2018 14:07 8333885,3810622660,"

When Q on they keep saying that were are the arrests makes one wonder if it's not just a cover,like info porn to keep conservatives quiet while they do nothing,I hope I'm wrong,would love to see them all purp walked

",1521296999,17/03/2018 14:29 8330279,3810624013,"

I was hoping that Matlock guy was going to be SOS. Asfter all the Q references to him and all, I just supposed it was a hint that Tillerson was going and that was the likely replacement

",1521297059,17/03/2018 14:30 8333231,3810628159,"

Suzie Q, 80 IQ.

",1521297244,17/03/2018 14:34 8334515,3810654518,"

We'll never see will remain classified.
What we SHOULD a flurry of criminal Indictments.

And that's what Q-Anon has said all along.
Which is not really a secret. States are required to list Indictments unnamed, and it's verified these many thousands do indeed exist.

",1521298431,17/03/2018 14:53 8333885,3810655224,



,1521298464,17/03/2018 14:54 8333231,3810662235,"

It's not over for the more ""high profile"" ones....just the start of public announcements.

Trust Sessions
Trust The Plan
More coming
Military Tribunals
Max Cap
1 Other Prison Being Prepped

Check all Posts:

",1521298747,17/03/2018 14:59 8334515,3810670474,"

Confirms Q posts. It's not over for the more ""high profile"" ones....just the start of public announcements........
Trust Sessions
Trust The Plan
More coming
Military Tribunals
Max Cap
1 Other Prison Being Prepped
Public will know soon.

Check all Posts:

",1521299119,17/03/2018 15:05 8333231,3810687468,"

If they take the house and install a new potus that will be the end. With tech the way it is and as corrupt as these ppl r, we would never have a fair election again. Please see Qanon and check out the 16 year plan hussein and hrc had in store for America. It's open now. With the help of the traitorous msm we would all be Toast.

",1521299885,17/03/2018 15:18 8333885,3810711640,


,1521300990,17/03/2018 15:36 8335625,3810764917,"

Trust Sessions
Trust The Plan
Military Tribunals
Gitmo refurbished, enlarged
Max Cap
Another Prison Being Prepped
Public will know soon.
More coming

Check all Posts:

",1521303419,17/03/2018 16:16 8334350,3810780912,"

Felicia, I think you'll discover at a later date the true reason for this great patriot's ""cave"" on the guilty plea. He was needed by Trump elsewhere, and behind the scenes. The whole ""he lied to Pence"" story was a sham, and the ""he lied to the FBI"" charge is as bogus as they come. Flynn has been very busy working for America's interests since the guilty plea.

Have you been following Qanon? Why is this relevant? Think logically. Trust the plan. These people are sick. Future proves past.

",1521304116,17/03/2018 16:28 8335625,3810781547,"


",1521304141,17/03/2018 16:29 8335625,3810782227,

Who-what is Q???

,1521304171,17/03/2018 16:29 8333885,3810801303,

According to Q we only know 2% of what is really happening. I would not worry their time has either come or coming very soon.

,1521304976,17/03/2018 16:42 8330765,3810844064,

So you still have patience with QAnon?
His prophecies sure take their time.

,1521306788,17/03/2018 17:13 8152676,3810864416,

Firsthand knowledge or regurgitating #qanon?

,1521307641,17/03/2018 17:27 8152676,3810877518,"

Duh! Just common sense, apparently something you lack? And no, QAnon has nothing to do with my comment.

",1521308205,17/03/2018 17:36 8330879,3810982170,"

Knowing the IRS and its Anti Trump leanings, wouldnt it suggest that this 900M tax break would not be an issue especially at or before the election?
I mean , if I were in the IRS and I hated the CinC I sure as hell would be doing some midnight candle burning looking for any tax return improprieties by now.
Mueller is chasing windmills again and again and again...... Don Q on a federal scale.

",1521312729,17/03/2018 18:52 8333885,3811049227,"

And hence everyone who isn't enamored by the Great Leader is gay? Gimme a break ... Besides, there were enough gay people woh fell for him: ""I am great for the L B T G Q community ....""
I stand by my comment: Anyone who is so fixated on the gay issue should consider hi(r) phobia. As a straight man, I have advice for you: Get out of the closet!

",1521315814,17/03/2018 19:43 8334254,3811052517,"

Nope. They are already laying on the floor.
Do you follow Q?

",1521315969,17/03/2018 19:46 8336210,3811064396,

Didn't Q mention Kansas this week?

,1521316526,17/03/2018 19:55 8336210,3811072196,

Who is Q?

,1521316893,17/03/2018 20:01 8336210,3811080871,"

Oh sorry, I didn't see. I asked you who Q is before but no one answered :-(

",1521317320,17/03/2018 20:08 8333885,3811084683,

He has it all according to Q.

,1521317506,17/03/2018 20:11 8336210,3811123058,"

Qanon posted ""Trust Kansas"" this week. Related?

",1521319400,17/03/2018 20:43 8152676,3811142773,"

Sorry NE, not attacking you. That was a serious question.

The only place I've seen the stuff you posted are in posts from Qanon.

Unfortunately, he/she posts a lot of stuff that hasn't materialized into reality. Yet?

I have no idea what to make of it all.

",1521320410,17/03/2018 21:00 8323889,3811185849,"

MARCH 17 update - check out the Q post about this


",1521322742,17/03/2018 21:39 8333231,3811270430,"

William White is the typical flame throwing liberal who butt kisses Nancy Peloser. Pho Q, William.

",1521327686,17/03/2018 23:01 8332307,3811274380,

A post on Q says Merkel is Hitlers daughter.

,1521327930,17/03/2018 23:05 8333135,3811281357,"

No but the school should have reported him to authorities. They did not in order to lower the violence/crime report in the schools (same as Trayvon Martin).
A lower score on the report = more grant money. Now Jon Q is going to pay millions for a new school and an unlimited amount in settlements to the families.
CNN has managed to make every child a victim, even though the majority of students believed it to be a drill. I admit they are emotionally impacted and thanks to CNN for using them as psyops props.

",1521328360,17/03/2018 23:12 8335310,3811340741,"

Hey, I'm not a libturd and I think Q is sort of like crop circles

",1521332079,18/03/2018 00:14 8333231,3811396595,

Lying lib says what? The Democrat Criminal Party is in for a biiig surprise with some of its members.. and RINOs too.


,1521335753,18/03/2018 01:15 8337188,3811461851,

Just asking a Q can start an argument. I'm ready for liberals :)

,1521340426,18/03/2018 02:33 8337188,3811464325,

There is a rumor Q follows you.

,1521340617,18/03/2018 02:36 8337188,3811526393,"

Hey Mueller you related?

One of the great remaining mysteries surrounding the final days of World War II - what happened to Heinrich Mueller, the head of the Gestapo secret police and the highest-ranking Nazi never to have been captured or located.


Not only that but looking at a photo of Heinrich Mueller you almost get a straight up resemblance of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Did a Mueller connection to NAZI Germany just pop up, and does this confirm Q exposing the NAZI connection to the US Deep State?

",1521346002,18/03/2018 04:06 8337188,3811531332,"

Dr.Corsi of the Q code deciphering has a book out “Killing the Deep State”

",1521346525,18/03/2018 04:15 8337188,3811531713,

qanon: BOOM BOOM BOOM... three that shall never been seen in public again.

gonna be a good week for leftist head hunting.

,1521346564,18/03/2018 04:16 8337188,3811580331,

The only things I've seen from Q anon read like a horoscope in the newspaper they could mean anything. I don't believe Q anon is what he/she is reported to be.

But I'd love to be wrong.

,1521352287,18/03/2018 05:51 8337188,3811583554,"

Ah. I did not follow. I checked the Q site a couple times over the last few months, but I couldn’t ....

",1521352717,18/03/2018 05:58 8337188,3811584370,"

",1521352827,18/03/2018 06:00 8337188,3811584519,"

Obama's former officials are saying ""Danger and Destruction"" over McCabe firing.
Q says tonight ""Panic mode. Enjoy the show.""

",1521352845,18/03/2018 06:00 8337188,3811585653,

Does Q ever offer a subject to any of his posts ? It seems like anyone could say anything and people's minds fill in the blanks. The things that dont come to fruition simply fade away into the back ground. (its like reading a horoscope)

,1521352989,18/03/2018 06:03 8337188,3811586970,"


from Q post 2 ""HRC detained, not arrested (yet). ""

then today

""Why are trips allowed?

Seems he's talking about hildebeast being allowed to travel - but only to certain whitelisted countries..

Could one of the BOOM!s be a Hillary indictment?

",1521353154,18/03/2018 06:05 8337524,3811741765,

I believe they had to take it down to plant a virus or similar that will infect the equipment of conservative users or maybe a kill switch during important elections or developments in the fight against the deep state and shadow government.
The reason I believe this is that this is the very action carried out on conservative channels very recently (unprecedented)
The mid-terms are coming up and q-anon is letting people know we are winning...
....just saying...

,1521369418,18/03/2018 10:36 8337314,3811887565,

Boom boom boom Q x's 2. It's coming.

,1521378414,18/03/2018 13:06 8337314,3812009114,"

New Q: USMC activated. And there will be a day soon where none of them will walk down the street



Well two things with this obviously, what is Q hinting at that there will come a time where none of them will be able to walk down the street...And also Q stating the USMC has been activated? My guess is the military tribunals and traitors to Gitmo could be coming sooner than thought, as the UCMJ for Court Martials has been updated by President Trump and with the mass preparation we see going on with Gitmo. Now why could Marines be activated...Well the Marines are different from any other branch of the military where they can be used by the President for special missions. So with that being said is a round up of the Deep State/Obama Clinton cabal happening sooner than thought, and is McCabe's firing a hint of this happening? Something sounds like it's now going down so keep eyes and ears open.

",1521384380,18/03/2018 14:46 8338637,3812049670,"

Most Americans don't care McCabe was fired days before his retirement, he's lucky he's not going to prison. John Q. Moron (Brennan) is delusional.

",1521386194,18/03/2018 15:16 8338637,3812062030,

Can't wait to find out who Q is

,1521386738,18/03/2018 15:25 8335625,3812063177,"

Here's a Q for you Hogg, what if liberals were sane and could process logic? That question will have him chasing his tail for eternity.

",1521386788,18/03/2018 15:26 8338637,3812072336,

Dec 19 2017 01:11:33 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo
19 OPs [now].
Operators active.

,1521387189,18/03/2018 15:33 8338637,3812075725,

I hope Q is George Washington's cryogenically frozen brain

,1521387340,18/03/2018 15:35 8338637,3812089481,

Brennan caught on the tracks and the Q train 🚂🇺🇸 is heading right for him.

,1521387961,18/03/2018 15:46 8338637,3812093121,"

It's a full on press from us patriots. We're with Q and we're taking our country back! The enemies, traitors and evil ones will be exposed for the entire world to see. TRUTH is coming out and JUSTICE follows. It's a great day in America! Thank you, God, Pres Trump and white hat patriots!!!!

",1521388121,18/03/2018 15:48 8152676,3812093179,"

My apologies for my snark. I certainly don't understand QAnon's ""code,"" for sure. However, he posted on Dec. 19 this comment: #2 (19) = #2 at FBI has been fired and 19 other FBI agents have been fired for ""lack of candor,"" i.e., lying. So, certainly appeared to be quite prescient about that. He posted a picture of Kim Jong Un and his officers in front of the ocean, with the comment ""Watch the water."" Within the week, we get the announcement from the So. Koreans. I am ""on the fence"" about QAnon, TBH. I rely on others to decode them and make my determination based on my knowledge of past performance of that particular ""translator."" Have you visited the Outstanding analyses there, IMO, and many great contributors.

",1521388123,18/03/2018 15:48 8338637,3812111282,

Suzie have you ever heard of Q.

,1521388931,18/03/2018 16:02 8338637,3812113615,

hahaha evil shows its true colors. Desperation as Trump cleans house. MAGA baby. #qanon

,1521389035,18/03/2018 16:03 8338637,3812129149,

Can someone give me one instance of a prediction that Q has been right about...I can list many he/she has been wrong about

,1521389725,18/03/2018 16:15 8338637,3812129345,

Is Q an Alex Jones alter ego?

,1521389734,18/03/2018 16:15 8338637,3812147890,

From Q
Mar 18 2018 02:10:23 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 90d3e8 705183
Panic mode.
Enjoy the show.

,1521390549,18/03/2018 16:29 8338637,3812149148,"

The paid Trolls are out in force today! I think Q is a larp, however he/she did say panic mode. Perhaps there really is something to Q after all.

",1521390604,18/03/2018 16:30 8338637,3812154302,"

until people are thrown in jail, Q is blowing smoke up everyones ass.

",1521390842,18/03/2018 16:34 8338385,3812158509,

I'm very skeptical of this Q. But at least it keeps morale up.

,1521391027,18/03/2018 16:37 8338385,3812159786,

#Qanon for fresh breaking news on the Deep State.

,1521391084,18/03/2018 16:38 8338637,3812162122,"

All predicted by Q - panicked, double down on ""projection"" (accuse us of what they are)
At the same time, they really do consider America ""theirs"" bc of their rule over us for decades and are beyond furious. Aiming for impeachment.
Q -
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

",1521391187,18/03/2018 16:39 8338637,3812175261,

It's time to pop more popcorn...

Mar 18 2018 02:10:23 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 90d3e8 705183

Panic mode.

Enjoy the show.


,1521391761,18/03/2018 16:49 8338637,3812181152,"

I think next week there are going to be a lot of people asking ""What Happened"" when some very hi level people are INDICTED for crimes against America..

The dimbots literally have no clue what is really going on right now - they have been malnourished on a soy based diet of fake news for months.. while many of us have been paying very close attention to people like Q and Zach on infowars giving the news behind the news. It will take them a while to catch up.

It's going to be like the final scene of ""The Sixth Sense"" when the kid tells him ""some of them don't know they are dead"".... BOOM! And the smart ones will realize they have been lied to in a propaganda campaign that rivals anything North Korea of the former USSR would do..

",1521392015,18/03/2018 16:53 8337188,3812195283,

Last gasps of a doomed man. In Q I trust.

,1521392634,18/03/2018 17:03 8338637,3812196514,

Last gasps of a doomed traitor. In Q I trust.

,1521392688,18/03/2018 17:04 8338637,3812199933,"

PTrump has ""activated"" the USMC...time to have these TRAITORS arrested including the First Black President.
Qanon says next week...BOOM BOOM BOOM.

",1521392838,18/03/2018 17:07 8338637,3812213387,"

Qanon says ""Panic Mode. Enjoy the Show.""

",1521393402,18/03/2018 17:16 8338637,3812221696,

Thank God for Trump and Q or one and the same.... God speed.

,1521393775,18/03/2018 17:22 8338637,3812224584,"

I hope they make an example out of him. I know Q says not everything can be known in this worldwide fight against evil, but I hope a few are publicly hanged. Those would be Brennan, Schumer, Pelosi, McCain, Hillary, Bill and Obama for starters. Then we move onto the 911 crime and all those involved.

",1521393904,18/03/2018 17:25 8338637,3812228845,"

Trust Sessions
Trust The Plan
Military Tribunals
Gitmo refurbished, enlarged
Max Cap
Another Prison Being Prepped
Public will know soon.
More coming

Check all Posts:

",1521394091,18/03/2018 17:28 8338637,3812233167,"


",1521394287,18/03/2018 17:31 8338637,3812254669,"

It's coming and they know it. Please everyone, you need to start following Q. Those following knew these removals in the past week were close. The coming week will see more removed. What did the President say he would do from day 1? DRAIN THE SWAMP. One post to the Patriots was 'you have no idea of how sick and evil these people are.' The President especially needs our prayers as America is being held in the clutches of evil. 'And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light'. 2Corinthians 11:14.

This is America's last hope to return to what made America great. Why should these globalists literally get away with murder? No wonder those hardworking, decent and honest FBI personnel were afraid to say anything; they knew if they did, it would be a death sentence. We saw these people, Comey, Lynch, Stroek, McCabe, Brennen et al before the election as just doing a job, never realising the evil they were performing and getting away with. One law for them and another for those just putting in a hards days work.

Brace yourselves because more sackings are coming and the leftists will scream like banshees by threatening and verbally abusing the President when it's them who have covered up blatant crimes and even murder. They are more deadly than the mafia or the triads and their creation ISIS. Stay informed, get on the Q boards because you need to know what is coming!

",1521395237,18/03/2018 17:47 8338637,3812276302,"


hopefully, one of those is for brennan.

",1521396201,18/03/2018 18:03 8338385,3812288840,"

",1521396749,18/03/2018 18:12 8339270,3812327592,

You might want to look at the Qanon releases. The FBI is stacked with corrupt muthas. The collusion is between Crooked Evil Hillary and Obunghole and Russia with the illegal uranium deal

,1521398386,18/03/2018 18:39 8339270,3812337982,"

Are you referring to the #QAnon conspiracy theories known as ""The Storm""? The ones that say the Las Vegas massacre was an inside job? The ones that say that Clinton and Obama were corrupted by Putin and are into raping and killing children because they’re either satanists or just part of some weird blackmail scheme involving the CIA? Just asking if those are the ""Qanon releases"" — also known as ""crumbs"" — to which you are referring.

",1521398822,18/03/2018 18:47 8338637,3812408076,

From QAnon:

QAnon post today:

Panic mode.
Enjoy the show.

Post dated 3/17:

Next week.

,1521401897,18/03/2018 19:38 8338637,3812450988,

Don't worry Samantha...According to Q... you'll have plenty of time to explain what you meant in that tweet to all your lesbian cell mates in cell block D

,1521403801,18/03/2018 20:10 8332613,3812471552,"

So it's here, it's truly 1984 every year now: The Lie Is Truth, The Truth Is A Lie.

All she said was ... mass importation of mud Muslims would bring Sweden's average I.Q. down ... and now the prosecutors are all over her. Someone should compare the I. Q. of the average Swede high-schooler in 1987 and in 2017, we'd find out soon enough.

",1521404725,18/03/2018 20:25 8339270,3812500724,

Has Q anon given any information on Trump ending the travesty?

,1521406050,18/03/2018 20:47 8339270,3812542815,

Which Q wrote that?

,1521408028,18/03/2018 21:20 8339432,3812620417,"

New Q: USMC activated. And there will be a day soon where none of them will walk down the street


1 Comment

Well two things with this obviously, what is Q hinting at that there will come a time where none of them will be able to walk down the street...And also Q stating the USMC has been activated? My guess is the military tribunals and traitors to Gitmo could be coming sooner than thought, as the UCMJ for Court Martials has been updated by President Trump and with the mass preparation we see going on with Gitmo. Now why could Marines be activated...Well the Marines are different from any other branch of the military where they can be used by the President for special missions. So with that being said is a round up of the Deep State/Obama Clinton cabal happening sooner than thought, and is McCabe's firing a hint of this happening? Something sounds like it's now going down so keep eyes and ears open.

",1521411974,18/03/2018 22:26 8339294,3812626161,"

Yes, they DID give us that.
However, the UK nullified ALL the MC's articles by the end of Qn Victoria's reign!
I say the UK needs to SCRAP its current governing dox & adopt our entire US Constitution & BoR as ready-to-use documents!

",1521412305,18/03/2018 22:31 8338385,3812646188,

Go Q Team! MAGA!

,1521413455,18/03/2018 22:50 8339201,3812649930,

Globalists put in power to expose their crimes. Go Q team!! MAGA

,1521413682,18/03/2018 22:54 8340134,3812659817,"

Pho Q, you two koch suckers.

",1521414260,18/03/2018 23:04 8339432,3812667005,"

Probably from Q --- said US Marines have been activated yesterday......

",1521414684,18/03/2018 23:11 8339432,3812668338,

Mar 17 2018 20:44:01 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 701978
Next week.
Mar 17 2018 20:44:59 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 702000
USMC activated.
US (3).

,1521414764,18/03/2018 23:12 8338385,3812670338,

that ^^^^ almost sounds like a Q post. And that's a compliment.

,1521414887,18/03/2018 23:14 8339432,3812671976,

Mar 17 2018 20:44:59 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 702000
USMC activated.
US (3).

,1521414987,18/03/2018 23:16 8339432,3812706751,"

I've been intrigued by some posts Ive been seeing - - late, late last night and then I saw someone way down below bringing it up: cryptic stuff about USMC Region FEMA 111 activated or some such - - some schitt getting ready to go down I guess. One of the posters below posted something about she is getting her news from ""Q"" or Qanon - -which I looked up and looks like is conspiracy site. But that w/b something if there is a kernel of truth here.

",1521417090,18/03/2018 23:51 8339432,3812723877,

There was a notice on Q anon.
Other than that I do not know.
Perhaps something to do with possible indictments? A coup? Who knows.

,1521418180,19/03/2018 00:09 8339432,3812724365,

OK - - I have never heard of Q anon - - don't know how legit it is

,1521418209,19/03/2018 00:10 8339348,3812727305,"

From Q - (note Biden/China)
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

",1521418395,19/03/2018 00:13 8339432,3812730438,"

I have heard of it before. I have a link but it makes no sense to me.

",1521418592,19/03/2018 00:16 8338544,3812735532,"

Read where Deep State's plan was to ""kill off"" America and then use China. Sold us out.
As we all know, Biden is Deep State. From Q -

Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

",1521418928,19/03/2018 00:22 8338544,3812753314,

I'd give my left arm for Q to be real.

,1521420098,19/03/2018 00:41 8339348,3812757241,"

This Q Anon guy is referring to this as ""panic"" mode:

",1521420352,19/03/2018 00:45 8338544,3812861643,"

Forget rabbit holes, this S is deep...Follow Q....

",1521423748,19/03/2018 01:42 8338544,3812893774,"

Video: Squadron of about 10 military helicopters fly over CA State Capitol, day after Q says USMC activated

",1521426037,19/03/2018 02:20 8340968,3812897159,

Q-Anon Predicted This.

,1521426294,19/03/2018 02:24 8340968,3812902641,

Q-Anon Predicted This.

,1521426718,19/03/2018 02:31 8340968,3812937075,

Q-Anon Predicted This.

,1521429692,19/03/2018 03:21 8340968,3812938969,"

",1521429870,19/03/2018 03:24 8340968,3812941314,

Does this relate to the Q anon boom posts?

,1521430089,19/03/2018 03:28 8340968,3812958892,"

If you got Comey fired....thank you.
Tell us, who is Q?

",1521431977,19/03/2018 03:59 8340632,3813000826,

Is it Q time?

,1521437007,19/03/2018 05:23 8340632,3813013295,"

It came from Q anon, who may or may not be real.

",1521438520,19/03/2018 05:48 8340632,3813013365,

Mar 18 2018 02:10:23 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 90d3e8 705183
Panic mode.
Enjoy the show.

,1521438529,19/03/2018 05:48 8340632,3813013602,

Mar 17 2018 20:44:01 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 701978
Next week.

,1521438554,19/03/2018 05:49 8340632,3813013758,

Mar 17 2018 20:44:59 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 702000
USMC activated.
US (3).

,1521438573,19/03/2018 05:49 8340632,3813014372,

I'm capturing it so I can torture the Q fans in a week when it doesn't happen.

,1521438645,19/03/2018 05:50 8339294,3813228609,"
Trump has indictments drawn up for all of the pedophile rings worldwide, and he’s using 10,000 marines to get the perps into Guantanamo Bay for military tribunals similar to Nuremberg. He’s also freezing and seizing their assets to return to the U.S. Treasury. Q is military intelligence and is posting on 4 chan on behalf of the Trump Administration. There’s a 1,200 page document on listing names of people and companies that have had assets frozen already.

",1521449521,19/03/2018 08:52 8339294,3813245044,"
Trump has indictments drawn up for all of the pedophile rings worldwide, and he’s using 10,000 marines to get the perps into Guantanamo Bay for military tribunals similar to Nuremberg. He’s also freezing and seizing their assets to return to the U.S. Treasury. Q is military intelligence and is posting on 4 chan on behalf of the Trump Administration. There’s a 1,200 page document on listing names of people and companies that have had assets frozen already.
Also, 250,000 El Salvadorans have been deported because I get were on expired visas.

",1521449842,19/03/2018 08:57 8340968,3813457687,

Let me guess Q anon the fraud will post some cryptic message

,1521453915,19/03/2018 10:05 8340632,3813484129,"

Eric Holder warns FBI/DOJ it's happening and will get worse



Eric Holder✔@EricHolder

I said about 8 months ago that the actions and integrity of the men & women at DOJ/FBI would be unfairly questioned. It’s happening. And it will get worse. Be prepared, be strong. You have the support of millions committed to truth, justice and the defense of this nation

1:07 PM - Mar 18, 2018


17.9K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Was Eric Holder just told to back off barking at President Trump, now that Obama's former AG Eric Holder is warning the FBI and DOJ that it's happening and will get worse a couple days after Sessions firing of Andrew McCabe? Why is Eric Holder sending out this warning to officials at the FBI and DOJ that it's going to be worse, because it may be that Eric Holder Obama's first Attorney General may be in some kind of custody...Because why is he suddenly hinting something is coming and for top FBI/DOJ officials to be prepared.
What's going to get worse is key, and with Holder's tweet it doesn't look good for people like Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, Lynch, and even Holder himself. Is the s hit about to hit the fan finally, as Holder is warning Deep State FBI/DOJ officials to be prepared, it's happening, and it's going to get worse? Eric Holder has obviously been informed of something about to hit the Deep State, and this comes a day after Q posted USMC is activated.

",1521455231,19/03/2018 10:27 8340632,3813486809,"

Eric Holder warns FBI/DOJ it's happening and will get worse



Eric Holder✔@EricHolder

said about 8 months ago that the actions and integrity of the men &
women at DOJ/FBI would be unfairly questioned. It’s happening. And it
will get worse. Be prepared, be strong. You have the support of millions
committed to truth, justice and the defense of this nation

1:07 PM - Mar 18, 2018.


17.9K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Was Eric Holder just told to back off
barking at President Trump, now that Obama's former AG Eric Holder is
warning the FBI and DOJ that it's happening and will get worse a couple
days after Sessions firing of Andrew McCabe? Why is Eric Holder sending
out this warning to officials at the FBI and DOJ that it's going to be
worse, because it may be that Eric Holder Obama's first Attorney General
may be in some kind of custody...Because why is he suddenly hinting
something is coming and for top FBI/DOJ officials to be prepared.

What's going to get worse is key, and with
Holder's tweet it doesn't look good for people like Rosenstein, Comey,
Mueller, Lynch, and even Holder himself. Is the s hit about to hit the
fan finally, as Holder is warning Deep State FBI/DOJ officials to be
prepared, it's happening, and it's going to get worse? Eric Holder has
obviously been informed of something about to hit the Deep State, and
this comes a day after Q posted USMC is activated.

",1521455409,19/03/2018 10:30 8340632,3813487866,"

Video: Squadron of about 10 military helicopters fly over CA State Capitol, day after Q says USMC activated




Is this The Invasion???? :-/ #sacramento #whatisgoingon

7:13 PM - Mar 18, 2018


82 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Well what is going on in California, as this large squadron of military helicopters is seen over Sacramento the day after Q stated USMC has been activated? Could this possibly be a warning to the California state government and Jerry Brown, as I hope you know Sacramento is the state capitol of California? Something strange with this indeed as these unknown likely military helicopters are flying staggered in a group of 10, but what makes it interesting is they are flying over Sacramento in a low formation. What could this be, has Trump just launched the storm through the US military and maybe Trump is giving warning. Who knows but this is one of the strangest helicopter formations seen in a very long time. Remember California is home to the most sealed indictments in a list of about 18,500. Also a Marine base in Bridgeport, CA just outside Sacramento. This isn't even in the local news, so something is obviously going on.

",1521455482,19/03/2018 10:31 8340950,3813600743,

Read the Q posts.


,1521461792,19/03/2018 12:16 8341079,3813734486,

Tip of the iceberg people...
Find and follow Q then you'll understand.

,1521467228,19/03/2018 13:47 8340950,3813788037,"

Off Topic: had this sent to me.

Trump has indictments drawn up for all of the pedophile rings worldwide, and
he’s using 10,000 marines to get the perps into Guantanamo Bay for military
tribunals similar to Nuremberg. He’s also freezing and seizing their assets to
return to the U.S. Treasury. Q is military intelligence and is posting on 4
chan on behalf of the Trump Administration. There’s a 1,200 page document on listing names
of people and companies that have had assets frozen already.

",1521469278,19/03/2018 14:21 8324414,3813904027,"

Wrong , California has a six Billion dollar surplus under Governor Brown . Your I Q must be the same as Bozo Trump .

",1521473337,19/03/2018 15:28 8342129,3813976276,"

Oh really? Some scientist! I thought you people dealt in facts? That would make you NOT a science expert...but instead just a dope! Here's your truth genius!
You may need a complete brain transplant!
Here's another clip about your hero Soros...he loved the Nazis too!

Here's one more for ya! Maybe you know some of these folks...with you being a scientist and all...

Where are your sources Mr. Wizard? You're not a're a fraud posing as one!

You people are real dopes!

",1521475790,19/03/2018 16:09 8340950,3813998372,"

Yeah, I didn't think you'd be able to answer that Q...

",1521476581,19/03/2018 16:23 8342675,3814039784,"

Oh got it. I'm hoping the President is speaking through Q Anon and planning the massive draining of the swamp to include the CIA, FBI, etc.

",1521478046,19/03/2018 16:47 8342552,3814140124,

And nobody does anything but comment or pretend this Q fella and our president are going to stop this.. we are peasants!

,1521481478,19/03/2018 17:44 8343311,3814314787,

I figured out who Q is


,1521487763,19/03/2018 19:29 8344373,3814443255,"

follow the money, They didn't figure it out when he and Bon Jovi appeared with hillary and obama and were still crushed in a landslide. Broadway does not elect presidents anymore. #GreatAwakening QAnon

",1521492795,19/03/2018 20:53 8344802,3814454580,"

Facebook ends day down over 6 percent after Obama official exposes Facebook cheats for the Left



​Independent Journal Review reported: In a Sunday tweet thread, Carol Davidson, former director of integration and media analytics for Obama for America, said the 2012 campaign led Facebook to “suck out the whole social graph” and target potential voters. They would then use that data to do things like append their email lists.
Facebook literally today showcases the Mark of the Beast, as Facebook stock showed negative 6.66% temporarily after former Obama official Carol Davidson basically exposed Facebook as cheating for the American Left. Now Q oddly enough has told us to watch the stocks and sell offs of major social media companies, and not only is Facebook stock falling but Mark Zuckerberg is approaching a one billion dollar sell off of Facebook shares on his own over the last couple of months.
​ This is simply a sign that Facebook censorship obviously isn't good for business. It should be obvious now that Facebook is in major trouble, and Zuckerberg is even sceduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee at an unknown date. This could be a sign that Facebook may regret censoring Conservative America.

",1521493292,19/03/2018 21:01 8344976,3814519098,

#Internet bill of rights

,1521496176,19/03/2018 21:49 8338637,3814523757,

Look at www.qanonposts .com if you want to see what the future holds for those involved in the MASSIVE corruption in D.C.and the world.

,1521496399,19/03/2018 21:53 8344802,3814568139,"

But John Q Citizen has less to fear about from the drug dealer than Jimmy the Crackhead. Donny the Dealer usually only kills people trying to rob him and people infringing on his turf. Jimmy the Crackhead doesn't care who he kills, beats or robs as long as he gets high.

",1521498587,19/03/2018 22:29 8344802,3814592816,

Why aren't media discussing Q?

,1521499916,19/03/2018 22:51 8344760,3814653575,"

It would be cool if this was a big head fake, just like Q implied.

",1521502996,19/03/2018 23:43 8344760,3814760555,

I still haven't subscribed to Q. I don't find value in hype.

,1521508565,20/03/2018 01:16 8342297,3814773253,

I haven't got into da Q thing. I believe it is just a diversion by THEM to deflect us from seeing what the other hand is doin.

,1521509300,20/03/2018 01:28 8344760,3814802512,"

Q said three big names are going down THIS WEEK.

So if it doesn't happen, Q can kiss my

",1521510460,20/03/2018 01:47 8344760,3814836936,"

",1521512590,20/03/2018 02:23 8344760,3814839092,

Some kool-aid drinkers are going to be so sad to learn that Q is not a secret agent; just some kid having a jolly old time.

,1521512736,20/03/2018 02:25 8344760,3814843856,

I was reading some Q prediction stuff from months ago.....none of it has come to pass.
Q is a psyop maybe/probably.

,1521513070,20/03/2018 02:31 8345957,3814932520,"

Miami International Air flight LL162 flew to Langley Air Force Base (LFI) during the wee hours on Sunday where, presumably, a prisoner under official military control was boarded onto the aircraft which was later bound for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. GITMO.

Langley.VA is CIA headquarters. It's on like Q anon.

",1521521594,20/03/2018 04:53 8344760,3814965731,

Let me guess: you run a pizzagate website and subscribe to Q.

,1521525446,20/03/2018 05:57 8342993,3815141424,

The Jews are also in charge of the Division IIA volleyballl tournament and the post funeral family dinner of Larry Q. Contrarie. It’s clear. It’s out there for all to see. MAGA!

,1521541366,20/03/2018 10:22 8346134,3815144685,"

Obama should be arrested over uncovered UN document handing control of America to UN in 2016



Don't believe me...Well here's the full UN document from 2016 during Obama's last months in office, Obama's US handover to the UN document. This is very high treason by former President Obama, because the UN's Kigali Principles would of likely been in effect under a President Hillary in the United States of America. What Obama basically did here was give the UN the power to control the United States in the case of an armed conflict inside the United States, and this was likely one of the many scenarios planned out in Obama and Hillary's 16 year plan to destroy the United States as exposed by Q nearly a month ago.
​ How much more treasonous could it get, then to have Obama basically hand over protection of the United States to a global entity known as the UN in case of armed conflict in the United States? This is very high treason, and if we can't get Obama on anything else...Get Obama on handing the protection of the United States during armed conflict over to the UN on grounds of treason.

",1521541577,20/03/2018 10:26 8346134,3815224913,"

So Dems realize that Schumer’s grandstanding ploy to shutdown the government was an epic fail.
Now Pelosi is somewhat agreeing with Trump, softening her tone. But, of course, resist she must.
Durbin still supports Pedro over John Q. Public & Guiterrez is dangerous.
Dems are toast.

",1521546051,20/03/2018 11:40 8348225,3815238097,"

Well, damn, Q was right.

",1521546674,20/03/2018 11:51 8339270,3815251252,"

This link correlates with and clarifies what Q has been dropping about the Mueller show.

",1521547276,20/03/2018 12:01 8348225,3815277621,"

Its time. Hang these deep-state, distracting, traitors! If they actually are isis terrorists, hang whoever let them in! Obama, Kerry, clintons..


",1521548446,20/03/2018 12:20 8346734,3815355519,"

Q-anob is selling a hoax. If you're writing about it you are deceived. No disrespect meant. Try to apply some critical thinking to the Q drops and you will see there is nothing there.

I really like this one :

""Disinformation is necessary..."" Q-anob

Well Q ortta know

",1521551620,20/03/2018 13:13 8349149,3815456037,

#qanon #redpill Wake Up!!!!

,1521555457,20/03/2018 14:17 8349149,3815488428,"

QAnon: ""They will collapse under their own weight.""

The DNC used FB and now they throw them under the bus because the Russia narrative failed.

Why do you idiots side with satan?

",1521556656,20/03/2018 14:37 8346815,3815525311,

Hi. Cat. How reliable is Q anon?

,1521558034,20/03/2018 15:00 8346815,3815580862,"

As both a cat and an admirer of psittacines, I am not sure I am the person to ask.

My observations are made from my experience and my study of history. To be completely open with you, until about two weeks ago, I had never heard of Q anon.

Someone mentioned it and I was completely stumped. A day or so later someone else mentioned it and I realised there was something I needed to instruct myself about.

Given the nature of the beast there is not anything to learn apart from following and my travelling of late has precluded me from doing that.

Clearly it appears that someone with a good level of inside information is doing this. All we can do is test how further reports prove to be accurate.

It would be great to think that we have encouraged someone inside the Elite to stand up against it.

The forces which appear to control the Deep State, surely now established to exist with every thinking person - and not the province of the unhinged TFH wearers any longer, need to have someone take the sledge hammer to the structure. It cannot remain hidden any longer.

But hope is not a strategy - facts are. The establishment and revelation of the 'unknown unknowns' is the new cutting edge.

Maybe soon it will be like Spartacus. We shall all be shouting 'I am Q anon!'

",1521559880,20/03/2018 15:31 8343503,3815635077,

Follow Q. Very insightful. 🐰

,1521561763,20/03/2018 16:02 8349149,3815667691,

Notice the date... how many shares did Zuck just sell?

Mar 9 2018 06:20:45 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec 599627




Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities.


Mar 9 2018 06:24:20 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec 599642


Track inside sales/divestitures.

They know.

Watch the sell-off/liquidity events.


,1521562894,20/03/2018 16:21 8348384,3815734607,"

Trump will drop The Ball"" on them whether it's their ""new year"" here or New year on Mars.

Trump is up to date on all!!!! He 's definitely up on Q.

",1521565155,20/03/2018 16:59 8348513,3815740025,"

Actually Orwell did predict this. I thought the trick was hilarious and could be read as demeaning those that on Q give the salute, but the final joke is what Great Britain has become. Unfortunately it is their epitaph.

",1521565345,20/03/2018 17:02 8349683,3815815713,"

As Q predicted. ""Watch who sells off shares. They know."" Watch Amazon, Google, Tesla, and Twitter also. These CIA puppets pretending to be billionaires are screwed no matter how many shares they sell. There is no where to run

",1521568010,20/03/2018 17:46 8346815,3815840697,"

That’s what I love about you. That was the most eloquent, logical, humor laden way I have, bar none, far and wide, ever heard anyone say... I don’t know. Only recently have I been seeking other knowledge concerning Q man. I will keep you posted.

",1521568900,20/03/2018 18:01 8349683,3815850966,

Who is Q?

,1521569270,20/03/2018 18:07 8349683,3815887411,"

Rumble around these drops for awhile. I had to figure out how to move around them and to see more. I read only. 8chan boards.
Very very interesting

",1521570471,20/03/2018 18:27 8348981,3815921740,"

The Q Anon folks believe he was transported to Gitmo.

There is something extremely creepy and quite frankly, very sinister about John Podesta. His choice in artwork is beyond the norm.

",1521571660,20/03/2018 18:47 8349683,3815928382,"

Many of us regular ""soccer moms"" now watch the Q drops and have been presented many truths. We are people who had never heard of 8chan.

",1521571894,20/03/2018 18:51 8349683,3815930233,

from Qanon posts Mar 9

Mar 09 2018 06:24:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo 599642>>599627
Track inside sales/divestitures.
They know.
Watch the sell-off/liquidity events.

,1521571961,20/03/2018 18:52 8348975,3815939962,"

That's what Q says, follow the money.. And also follow the women.

",1521572306,20/03/2018 18:58 8349683,3815949745,"

I don't twitter, but read #QANON on twitter. Lots of good stuff there

",1521572659,20/03/2018 19:04 8349266,3815980774,

Go Qanon!!
Mar 17 2018 15:03:41 Q!UW.yye1fxo 458

,1521573738,20/03/2018 19:22 8349389,3815982641,"

Obama should be arrested over uncovered UN document handing control of America to UN in 2016



Don't believe me...Well here's the full UN document from 2016 during Obama's last months in office, Obama's US handover to the UN document. This is very high treason by former President Obama, because the UN's Kigali Principles would of likely been in effect under a President Hillary in the United States of America. What Obama basically did here was give the UN the power to control the United States in the case of an armed conflict inside the United States, and this was likely one of the many scenarios planned out in Obama and Hillary's 16 year plan to destroy the United States as exposed by Q nearly a month ago.
​ How much more treasonous could it get, then to have Obama basically hand over protection of the United States to a global entity known as the UN in case of armed conflict in the United States? This is very high treason, and if we can't get Obama on anything else...Get Obama on handing the protection of the United States during armed conflict over to the UN on grounds of treason.

",1521573805,20/03/2018 19:23 8348969,3816019270,

Qanon is my hero!!
Mar 17 2018 15:03:41 Q!UW.yye1fxo

They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

,1521575138,20/03/2018 19:45 8349389,3816047531,"

Zuckerberg and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg missing after Facebook loses $37 billion, half of Zuckerbergs net worth

Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan
DAILY BEAST: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg did not attend crisis meeting
4:03 PM - Mar 20, 2018
42 people are talking about this
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Sky News reports: ​Mr Zuckerberg will not be present to lead Tuesday's meeting, which instead will be chaired by Facebook's deputy general counsel, Paul Grewal. Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy firm, is accused of illegally harvesting the personal data of 50 million Facebook users. The crisis meeting follows a stock fall which wiped $37bn (£26bn) off its value as investigations are launched by the UK's Information Commissioner as well as European authorities.
As of now Zuckerbergs net worth stands at $72 billion which means Mark Zuckerberg has lost more than half of his net worth with a Facebook loss totaling $37 billion. You really wonder now if President Trump's December 21st EO targeting human rights violators and corruption is at play with this, since Zuckerberg has now lost most of his net worth.
​ Also where is Zuckerberg and COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg at, as they are both no shows at the companies crisis meeting currently going on. You really wonder two things with this, has Facebook's top officials in Zuckerberg and Sandberg fled the country with Facebook losing half it's value...Or are they possibly in some kind of custody? Remember Q told us about a week ago to watch for selloffs like we are seeing with Facebook, and Zuckerberg has lost half his net worth shortly after Q told us to watch for this.

",1521576189,20/03/2018 20:03 8349389,3816063272,"

Zuckerberg and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg missing after Facebook loses $37 billion, half of Zuckerbergs net worth



Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan

DAILY BEAST: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg did not attend crisis meeting

4:03 PM - Mar 20, 2018


42 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Sky News reports: ​Mr Zuckerberg will not be present to lead Tuesday's meeting, which instead will be chaired by Facebook's deputy general counsel, Paul Grewal. Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy firm, is accused of illegally harvesting the personal data of 50 million Facebook users. The crisis meeting follows a stock fall which wiped $37bn (£26bn) off its value as investigations are launched by the UK's Information Commissioner as well as European authorities.
As of now Zuckerbergs net worth stands at $72 billion which means Mark Zuckerberg has lost more than half of his net worth with a Facebook loss totaling $37 billion. You really wonder now if President Trump's December 21st EO targeting human rights violators and corruption is at play with this, since Zuckerberg has now lost most of his net worth.
​ Also where is Zuckerberg and COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg at, as they are both no shows at the companies crisis meeting currently going on. You really wonder two things with this, has Facebook's top officials in Zuckerberg and Sandberg fled the country with Facebook losing half it's value...Or are they possibly in some kind of custody? Remember Q told us about a week ago to watch for selloffs like we are seeing with Facebook, and Zuckerberg has lost half his net worth shortly after Q told us to watch for this.

",1521576798,20/03/2018 20:13 8350370,3816064693,"

Q was right AGAIN! For those who still don't think Q is real, you are fools now. Q drops earlier in the year, last week and this weekend all said to watch for this to happen...and it now has! Q also mentioned Class Action Lawsuits will begin to happen now and will stop these big leftist-controlled social media companies and that the people would ban together against them...the drops added,,,""enjoy the show"". Well I certainly am! Twitter is next...just wait for it!

",1521576853,20/03/2018 20:14 8350370,3816067749,

Who is Q?

,1521576972,20/03/2018 20:16 8350370,3816078142,"

QAnon on 4chan and the ""calm before the storm"".

",1521577377,20/03/2018 20:22 8350370,3816082343,"

Here is Q - -- the rest is up to you to look into!

",1521577538,20/03/2018 20:25 8349389,3816091436,

Rumors John Podesta Molesta was arrested.🍕I'm not celebrating till I see that's child rapist's perp walk! Anyone have any insight? #QAnon

,1521577892,20/03/2018 20:31 8349389,3816096804,"

Zuckerberg and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg missing after Facebook loses $37 billion, half of Zuckerbergs net worth



Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan

DAILY BEAST: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg did not attend crisis meeting

4:03 PM - Mar 20, 2018


42 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Sky News reports: ​Mr Zuckerberg will
not be present to lead Tuesday's meeting, which instead will be chaired
by Facebook's deputy general counsel, Paul Grewal. Cambridge Analytica, a
political consultancy firm, is accused of illegally harvesting the
personal data of 50 million Facebook users. The crisis meeting follows a
stock fall which wiped $37bn (£26bn) off its value as investigations
are launched by the UK's Information Commissioner as well as European
As of now
Zuckerbergs net worth stands at $72 billion which means Mark Zuckerberg
has lost more than half of his net worth with a Facebook loss totaling
$37 billion. You really wonder now if President Trump's December 21st EO
targeting human rights violators and corruption is at play with this,
since Zuckerberg has now lost most of his net worth.

Also where is Zuckerberg and COO of Facebook Sheryl
Sandberg at, as they are both no shows at the companies crisis meeting
currently going on. You really wonder two things with this, has
Facebook's top officials in Zuckerberg and Sandberg fled the country
with Facebook losing half it's value...Or are they possibly in some kind
of custody? Remember Q told us about a week ago to watch for selloffs
like we are seeing with Facebook, and Zuckerberg has lost half his net
worth shortly after Q told us to watch for this.

",1521578103,20/03/2018 20:35 8349389,3816105015,

Nothing from Q on this however an anon posted on 8chan that JP has seemed to have disappeared and has not tweeted in about 8-10 ? days

,1521578432,20/03/2018 20:40 8349683,3816157312,"

He knows it is coming because of the conserve Purge of Facebook Accounts, Next is Google, Reedit, & YouTube. As Q predicted this. Theses social media companies can not Censor without losing their customers. Sign the #internetbillofrights to protect our privacy and make it illegal to sell or gather our private information. also at

",1521580693,20/03/2018 21:18 8350370,3816273399,"

He seems to know what's going on, interesting!
I'll check out Q from now on, thanks!

",1521585192,20/03/2018 22:33 8350370,3816367657,"'s my homework and learn!

",1521589836,20/03/2018 23:50 8350178,3816439761,"

If you lurk the Q boards you know that Q told us some time ago that all of these companies were going down.

Q said once the truth comes out company valuations would plummet and they would implode by the weight of their own illegality.

These companies will soon be regulated and competition will eat them alive.

Support IBOR and make social media open to all people, including conservatives.

",1521593723,21/03/2018 00:55 8350178,3816460183,

This was all fortold by Q. The FTC jumped on this right away.

Gotta believe the left is going to be hoisted by their own petard here.

All theses administrative deep-state ivy-league geniuses are getting rattled because they are being played by their betters in MI.

,1521594873,21/03/2018 01:14 8349683,3816507209,"

",1521597936,21/03/2018 02:05 8350370,3816523984,"

So maybe Q is an insider?
Either way, he has unique information, for some reason.
Doesn't matter really as long as we will defeat the commies.

",1521599217,21/03/2018 02:26 8351180,3816562985,


,1521602645,21/03/2018 03:24 8351180,3816566168,

You people need to think outside of the box. BB is just smoke to keep us busy.

There’s more to all of this.


,1521602954,21/03/2018 03:29 8351180,3816566688,


The show has only just started.


,1521603001,21/03/2018 03:30 8351180,3816567518,


,1521603085,21/03/2018 03:31 8351180,3816568264,

Trump is drawing the swamp... on a global level.


,1521603155,21/03/2018 03:32 8351180,3816568850,

Trump has bigger shiit to deal with.


,1521603216,21/03/2018 03:33 8351180,3816572088,

Shiit is about to go BOOM.


,1521603545,21/03/2018 03:39 8351180,3816572464,"

I cannot get this open today. has the govt. shut him down?

",1521603582,21/03/2018 03:39 8351180,3816573012,"

works for me

",1521603638,21/03/2018 03:40 8351180,3816574783,"

ht tps://

",1521603825,21/03/2018 03:43 8352182,3816588206,"

""Free men have guns, slaves do not"". That is why the elites want to take guns away from the tax slaves (John Q Public).

",1521605242,21/03/2018 04:07 8351180,3816594312,

Not sure Qanon posted it on twitter

,1521605911,21/03/2018 04:18 8350178,3816625161,"



Suckaturd is about to get pimp slapped.

Hopefully @jackoff and pedophile ES also..

awwwwwwww yeeeeeah!

Good night!

[4am][Wednesday] something interesting will happen.. according to Q..

",1521609504,21/03/2018 05:18 8354288,3816823770,"

Hannity tells Hillary that she may want to stop talking



The Gateway Pundit Reports: On Tuesday Sean Hannity warned Hillary Clinton – “You may want to stop talking.” Sean Hannity: Really Hillary, you want to talk about enriching yourself? Did you forget about the $145 million that poured into your family foundation, Bill doubling his speaking fees in Russia. Oh, and giving the speech for Vladimir Putin and the Uranium One scandal. I have some free advice for Hillary Clinton. You may want to stop talking. There’s a lot of news coming in your direction.
Very strange...As in why would Sean Hannity warn Hillary that she may want to stop talking? This is really a first from Hannity with Hillary Clinton, by telling her that she may want to shut the hell up...But I would prefer it to hear Hillary to keep talking in case Hillary gets loose lips.
However Sean Hannity may actually be hinting at something major to drop involving Hillary Clinton, as in something we may not know about Hillary yet or maybe justice is finally coming. Wonder if this has something to do with that HRC raw video about a week or two ago that Q informed us of. Whatever the case may be for Hannity to tell Hillary that she may want to stop talking, it looks like something may be on the horizon that Hillary Clinton won't like.

",1521627942,21/03/2018 10:25 8354288,3816868241,

Message to Q people:

Is Hillary in jail yet?
Any of them?

Deliver or STFU

,1521630628,21/03/2018 11:10 8354288,3816874897,"

Nobody cares what you think, cuck.
Stop reading about Q if you don't like it but your whining is boring, little boy.

",1521631005,21/03/2018 11:16 8354288,3816894222,"

What Q post???

Where do I find these Q posts, darn it ! ! !

",1521632031,21/03/2018 11:33 8354288,3816906620,"

I wondered that - if the Deep State didn't try to rig up some random bomber madness just to discredit the Q posts which are obviously referring to big political events not literal explosions. These people are sick, these Dems.

",1521632652,21/03/2018 11:44 8354288,3816933575,

The FBI will claim the Austin bomber was a follower of Q.

,1521633938,21/03/2018 12:05 8354288,3816937908,

The MSM will claim the bomber was a follower of Q. Watch.

,1521634141,21/03/2018 12:09 8350793,3816944222,"

John, and Jane Q public, say BULL.........................Another way to justify the moves they are using to bring down western democracies.

",1521634429,21/03/2018 12:13 8351738,3816952244,

Did the F.B.I. begin investigating website #qanon.....have there been stories circulating about deep state bad actors they don't want anyone to know about?? Do they want to stop the flow of information they don't control?

,1521634775,21/03/2018 12:19 8354288,3816963827,

Looks to me from the comments that QAnon is quite popular here.

,1521635287,21/03/2018 12:28 8354288,3817020516,

From Q
Mar 21 2018 00:21:18 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b086d2 739281
The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.
Coordinated to end comms here.
They are scared [4am].
They will fail.
We know the details.

,1521637629,21/03/2018 13:07 8354684,3817053621,"

From Q
Mar 21 2018 00:21:18 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b086d2 739281
The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.
Coordinated to end comms here.
They are scared [4am].
They will fail.
We know the details.

",1521638906,21/03/2018 13:28 8354684,3817061557,

So what? Q about to go dark? I'd think the Feds would have been investigating his post for months.

,1521639202,21/03/2018 13:33 8354288,3817083882,"

Well, I guess the FBI's investigation into Q is over.

Anyway, I wonder if this kid really did go on Reddit the other night.

",1521640026,21/03/2018 13:47 8354288,3817243501,"

false flag, fbi opening investigation into Q, after his boom boom boom post, next they will try and say he did or conspired to do this, deep state panic at its worst

",1521645638,21/03/2018 15:20 8354717,3817301654,"

The Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) published a list of all people and organizations whose assets have been blocked or frozen as a result of Trump's Dec 21 Executive Order by POTUS
The document is 1,100 pages in length.

Office of Foreign Assets Control
Sanctions List Search
#QAnon #qanon8chan


",1521647680,21/03/2018 15:54 8354717,3817311783,

You mean Q?

,1521648038,21/03/2018 16:00 8354288,3817342271,"

Before this day is over, the FBI will claim that this killer was a follower of Q.

",1521649123,21/03/2018 16:18 8354717,3817401876,"

10000000 up votes! The govmt should ONLY be in the business it was established for in the Constitution/Bill of Rights and that is all. Stop invading our lives and wasting our $$$. PDJT gets it, now we must throw out all in Congress who don't. Ryan is owned by the NWO globalists along with many others; they always do what their evil puppet masters demand. I pray they all are arrested soon and sent to Gitmo. We're with Q and we're taking our country back.

",1521651249,21/03/2018 16:54 8354288,3817403127,"

false flag, fbi opening investigation into Q, after his boom boom boom post, next they will try and say he did or conspired to do this, deep state panic at its worst

",1521651291,21/03/2018 16:54 8356163,3817406391,"

Q anon being looked at by the FBI for saying boom! The deep state are trying to conflate the usage of a popular word (synonymous with Check mate), with bombings in Texas! How pathetic!

Clearly, the establishment hates that Q is ahead of the game, and deeply concerned with ending far-left subversive tyranny in America!

",1521651406,21/03/2018 16:56 8354288,3817555620,

Is that Qanon?

,1521656846,21/03/2018 18:27 8355365,3817562962,"

Facebook = CIA
Google = CIA
Youtube = CIA
They've privatized...globally.
Defund CIA today and they will survive by their incorporation.
Many Americans don't yet, know the scope of what we're dealing with...100 years of lies.
Find Q to begin to understand.

",1521657132,21/03/2018 18:32 8356163,3817592623,"

Austin bomber possibly caught around 4am EST in officer involved shooting, as Q stated earlier


1 Comment

Austin Police Dept✔@Austin_Police

APD is working an Officer Involved Shooting in the 1700 block of N. IH-35. Media staging area will be at the Sherwin Williams Paint, 3321 N. IH-35. APD PIO will be en-route.

3:46 AM - Mar 21, 2018


416 people are talking about this

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Did America just get more Q confirmation, as the Austin bomber...Likely a Deep State plant has been involved in an officer involved shooting in Austin, Texas just now? Crazy that Q would mention the Austin bombings and mention they would fail, as this now looks to be the case that the Austin, Texas package bomber has now been found. Very weird this happened around 4am EST in Austin, Texas. The media and the Deep State are probably freaking out over the fact that Q possibly knew this was going to happened or something was going to happen around 4am eastern standard time. Curious if Q had inside information on the Austin bomber, and if so the Austin bomber is likely Deep State. This is just more confirmation Q is very legit.
Update Austin, Texas bomber kills himself in front of FBI.

",1521658257,21/03/2018 18:50 8354288,3817619371,

Anyone think this was staged to open the door for FBI probe into Q for the Boom Boom Boom posts?

,1521659288,21/03/2018 19:08 8356139,3817707568,"

GRASSLEY is one of the ESTABLISHMENT **RION'S** WHO are bound and determined to push POTUS TRUMP DULY ELECTED BY JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER, OU THE DOOR, that will not happen..//////////////////////////

",1521662711,21/03/2018 20:05 8357117,3817783550,

hahaha. Perhaps you should join the Great Awakening Mika. Then get an introduction to Q. There are no mistakes in the presidents tweets you dumb t wat.
You're goin down baby...way way down.

,1521665822,21/03/2018 20:57 8357834,3817894096,"

Face Book made mistakes.

So fine Zuck for every 'mistake' - at least $10,000 for every person whose data was affected.

""Some platforms will collapse under weight of illegal activities."" - Q anon

",1521671056,21/03/2018 22:24 8356154,3817966813,

Translation: Google spends 300 million to censor more conservatives.

Drain the Swamp
Americans have dreams too
Trump 2020

,1521674926,21/03/2018 23:28 8356757,3818076673,"

Right where all of it belongs, on cable comedy central. If this isn't proof of their games I don't know what is. I'm betting on Q for a minute. Glorious if truth.

",1521681450,22/03/2018 01:17 8355779,3818092654,

I sure hope Q team has got video of Biden playing pocket pool when he thought the camaras were off.

,1521682489,22/03/2018 01:34 8354717,3818145814,

You are right. And Trump can't get it without them.
They deserve what is coming their way.
But John Q. TAXPAYER doesn't.

,1521686258,22/03/2018 02:37 8359637,3818234952,"

When people realize there is not a two party system in America they will begin to understand what is happening. The Dems and Repubs are owned by their deep state puppet masters. These Deep State puppet masters planned to to destroy this nation and they have been engaged in their agenda for several decades. Had Hillery won like they(with the help of huuuuge vote fraud) thought she would, she would have completed their plan before she ever left office. The Bushs, Clintons and Obama were deeply involved in the destruction of America and have committed many, many many treasonous crimes of which the military is aware.Trump will have mililtary tribunals and these criminals will have to answer for their myriad crimes. #TheyNeverThoughtSheWouldLose #QAnon

",1521692469,22/03/2018 04:21 8359637,3818239190,"

He is probably a paid deep state troll. Works for them to put out disinformation.. But they are the few now, we are the many. There are far too many people who are awake and know just what is happening in this nation and the crimes committed by these corrupt individuals.. Go to twitter folks and look up #QAnon #TheStorm #Gitmo #Treason

",1521692898,22/03/2018 04:28 8343527,3818406841,

#Q-anon FTW. Thinking more like military tribunals.

,1521708455,22/03/2018 08:47 8358791,3818560435,"

Violence Equation: Spiritual Health = Mental Health = Value placed on Human Life. Q.E.D: Unhealthy Spiritual Health = Violence. (I just saved our Government, millions of dollars in wasted ""research"" money.).

",1521718676,22/03/2018 11:37 8358791,3818561677,"

Violence Equation: Spiritual Health = Mental Health = Value placed on Human Life. Q.E.D: Unhealthy Spiritual Health = Violence. (I just saved our Government, millions of dollars in wasted ""research"" money.).

",1521718735,22/03/2018 11:38 8344760,3818606796,


,1521720902,22/03/2018 12:15 8360057,3818613369,"

These swamp pukes are taunting us. They're so arrogant and stupid that they believe tbeir going to win. Q says otherwise, and frankly I believe him.

",1521721207,22/03/2018 12:20 8361044,3818657453,

Biden is a PUNK who touches people inappropriately.....#qanon

,1521723098,22/03/2018 12:51 8360057,3818691783,"

Just remove the border in our constitution, open doors for all. Let us choose taliban/pakistanis as our senators and congressmen. Remove presidency and serve Q. E.

",1521724475,22/03/2018 13:14 8360636,3818751279,"

Obama is actually quoted in a Q & A speech, after his famous ""pay them back Chicago style"" speech, that revenge should cost Republicans 'body parts' to show who holds the power.

Funny, can't find it on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, or Youtube.........EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW HE MADE THE SPEECH.

",1521726747,22/03/2018 13:52 8361470,3818791928,

Poor discernment on your part. Q certainly knows this story is huge!

,1521728151,22/03/2018 14:15 8361470,3818795432,"

Trust Trump, believe Q and look at Zuckerberg sweating bullets

",1521728281,22/03/2018 14:18 8343527,3818828991,"

Exactly, the Rhinos are all Deep State Puppets and ALL Democrats are for sure. There are a handful of true Patriots but few and far between. TRUMP IS A PATRIOT - Q-ANON ANYONE?

",1521729516,22/03/2018 14:38 8343527,3818832029,"

I'm a Libertarian with a brain to understand that TRUMP IS THE REAL DEAL. GO RESEARCH Q-ANON. Rhinos and Democrats are the enemy, Trump is going AFTER THE DEEP STATE GLOBALISTS WHO CONTROL EVERYTHING....WAKE UP

",1521729622,22/03/2018 14:40 8343527,3818834070,"

GO LOOK UP Q-ANON, That's Trump telling us what's going on behind the scenes that you're not privy to. He's playing 4D Chess...

",1521729695,22/03/2018 14:41 8343527,3818839441,"

Too much Q.

Q stands for ""Quack"" by the way.

",1521729881,22/03/2018 14:44 8358113,3818886486,

I have tried to find this site called Q but when I try to sign on all I get is a white screen with no arrows or anything else except a white screen. Can anyone help

,1521731436,22/03/2018 15:10 8359847,3818930167,"

One man, a lion with the Marines, military intel and the band of brothers Q, and a handful of loyalists in Congress fighting, against literally every facet and faction of entrenched evil, deceit, and deception politically, nationally and internationally ...

",1521733013,22/03/2018 15:36 8362937,3819015790,

So is this also an admission that Q is a larp? Otherwise why would he talk about the patriotic war going on while giving Deep Swamp everything they crave?

,1521736062,22/03/2018 16:27 8361044,3819036885,"

Biden, another Low, I, Q, individual.

",1521736819,22/03/2018 16:40 8362937,3819203963,"

Why does it continue to feel as though we are LOSING? We supposedly make a few steps worth of gains and then get sent back to the back of the line. If this is 4D chess, I don't get any of it. It's becoming absurd. Q says one thing, we see something else.

",1521742871,22/03/2018 18:21 8362937,3819205586,

You believe Q? Loser.

,1521742933,22/03/2018 18:22 8362937,3819253442,"

He will be impeached if he doesn't fire Mueller. Dr Corsi states Qanon is military intelligence, a link to Trump. How is this bill showing any intelligence, President Trump? I guess you want your career to end as President, if you sign this bill

",1521744602,22/03/2018 18:50 8362937,3819269138,"

President Trump hits China with $50 billion in tariffs

Fox News✔@FoxNews
MOMENTS AGO: President @realDonaldTrump signs presidential memo targeting China over steel, aluminum, and intellectual property theft.
1:07 PM - Mar 22, 2018
326 people are talking about this
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Fox News Reports: President Trump signed an executive memorandum Thursday slapping $50 billion in annual tariffs and other penalties on a broad range of imported Chinese products, fulling his campaign promise to challenge a rising and increasingly rogue China. The move is justified and long overdue. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative will publish a list of targeted products in 15 days. That will be followed by a 30-day period for public comment. Tariffs will not be imposed for 60 days, to allow time for comment. Nervous traders on Wall Street initially sent stock prices tumbling in reaction to reports that the president would impose the tariffs. But in the long run, the president’s action will be a plus for the U.S. economy and preserve American jobs.
By acting decisively, the president has once again proven that he will take on the toughest of foreign policy challenges, knowing there could be major political repercussions. And while many pundits are calling the president’s action a mistake, the start of a potential trade war or even foolish, I have a better definition: it’s called leadership. President Trump framed Thursday’s actions as a response to blatantly unfair and improper Chinese rules that force U.S. firms seeking to access the Chinese market to form joint ventures with Chinese companies. The rules enable the Chinese firms to routinely steal the intellectual property of the U.S. companies. This gives the Chinese the ability to use American-developed advanced technology to strengthen their own industries to better compete with American firms in China and around the world.
For the first time in a long time maybe in forever, a sitting US President has targeted China through economic tariffs when the country has abused American trade for decades. When it comes to cars alone...China charges a 25 percent tax when America imports, but when China imports we only charge China around two percent.
​ The days of nations abusing America in trade like China has done for years is officially over, as President Trump has signed $50 billion dollars worth of tariffs into play against Red China. The tariffs mostly target the steel that has been used in American infrastructure and even US Military infrastructure for years, that is of cheaper value than American steel...Like Q has told us before. China will slowly learn that we have a President who will no longer allow America to be abused by foreign powers, and everything will be a level playing field.

",1521744915,22/03/2018 18:55 8349149,3819307412,"

Uh, okay.

That's really not that hard. I'd eyeballed it previously, I guess he's technically one election removed so we can call it bottom quartile of margin of victory.

So, for example, Washington at 100% of EC votes both times is best. John Q would be, by far, the worst, etc.

",1521746105,22/03/2018 19:15 8362937,3819345678,"

How about a national, secure voter I.D.? They are worried about the Russians , but in reality, illegals voting are causing more damage to the system. If Qanon is military intelligence that picked President Trump, where is the advice for him now on this disastrous bill?

",1521747477,22/03/2018 19:37 8362937,3819364158,"

4 and 5 D chess to. Tens of thousands of secret indictments and arrest warrants, Sessions really is a patriot, QAnon is a govt worker on the people's side. I have a bridge for sale....

",1521747967,22/03/2018 19:46 8364332,3819459829,"

Rand Paul exposes Deep State, it absolutely exists
0 Comments Reports: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said Tuesday during an appearance on The Laura Ingraham Show podcast that the term “deep state” accurately describes how an unelected bureaucracy of national security officials in positions of power exert influence without Congressional oversight.
“Absolutely, there is a deep state, because the deep state is the intelligence agencies that do not have oversight,” he said. “Only eight people in Congress know what they’re doing, and traditionally, those eight people have been a rubber stamp to let the intelligence communities do whatever they want. There is no skeptic among the eight people that are supposedly overseeing the intelligence community.” Paul pointed out that he believed Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others used intelligence collected “without any judicial warrants” for political purposes, in addition to “try to bring Trump down.”
Rand Paul stating today that the US/Global Deep State is real comes after a poll of Americans has been taken where 74 percent of America believes a Deep State does exist. Rand Paul states the pure fact of this problem with just a few words, by simply stating that an unelected bureaucracy of security officials have power in US intelligence without any oversight. Now that 74 percent of America believes the US/Global Deep State is real...Will this make it easier for the US/Global Deep State to be taken down? That may just be the case and what Trump's calm before the storm truly means, and you are starting to notice it where multiple CEO's and government officials are stepping down or being fired across America and the world on a daily basis.
​ Even President Trump has tweeted about the Deep State several times exposing the fact that the US/Global Deep State is a major problem. The Deep State will likely come to an end shortly as Americans are waking up to it through things like Q, and President Trump and DC leaders like Rand Paul calling it out.

",1521751841,22/03/2018 20:50 8362937,3819493815,"

",1521753359,22/03/2018 21:15 8364332,3819494915,

SEEMS THAT A BANK like this has to be open TO ALL or get in a BIG OLE LAW SUIT Q the NRA IN 3 2 1

,1521753411,22/03/2018 21:16 8364332,3819504973,

We do not as a Taxpayer have the ability to pay even the interest on our DEBT

,1521753877,22/03/2018 21:24 8347304,3819535935,"

Your sense tell me your I Q is low , very low LOL . Just like your worst less president .

",1521755272,22/03/2018 21:47 8364332,3819591179,"

You are correct, and who continued and expanded the program, as it was under Bush that not only oversaw the bailout, but started the cycle of Q.E.

",1521757595,22/03/2018 22:26 8364977,3819644740,

They have a game of RISK set up for after dinner fun! This guy is a Bush era War Monger! I think Trump is no longer on our side and has gone bye-bye.. first the omnibus and now this! That Q fella is full of s#!+!

,1521760263,22/03/2018 23:11 8364977,3819815323,

I like Trump and put Q in a category with crop circles.

,1521769949,23/03/2018 01:52 8365241,3820187985,

For those who follow this bill shows Qanon is a bunch of bs...Trump cannot be America first and pass garbage like cannot lay in bed with the swamp creatures and then claim you want to drain it...

,1521802615,23/03/2018 10:56 8367512,3820390445,"

I saw this last night...From your post to Trumps ear, very very good! You could be Q!

",1521811844,23/03/2018 13:30 8367512,3820453445,"

Understand that Trump knows what a final deal looks before he goes in. He included DACA because he was willing to trade ""generous DACA"" for the wall and other sensible measures. Look how he kneecapped Obamacare in the tax bill. And it's win-win for him whether or not the dems allow it to come up for a vote. He's a businessman -- he knows what he wants and he knows he's not gonna get it for free. But he can deal with that, Q.E.D. Businessmen get things done (or die trying). Politicians get paid the same whether they do or not. It's the human condition.

This is also political Kung Fu to put Bruce Lee to shame, and I've been a connoisseur since around 1968. My erstwhile brethren of the left are letting their emotions deprive them of a fine artistic experience.

",1521814228,23/03/2018 14:10 8367512,3820485464,"

I don't think we've seen anything yet. POTUS Trump has dealt with lawsuits and lawyers his entire life, fighting the very biased and NWO NY ""leaders"".

POTUS Trump has had to put up with endless obstruction in most of his appointees approvals and the BS ""Russian whatever"" faux investigations brought against him by his enemies who want to remove him from POTUS. Name ANY OTHER President who had to deal with this level of corruption and bias (besides poor Andrew Johnson, after Lincoln was killed).

Watch the NWO and enemies of ALL humans taken out --- very carefully and legally, and imagine what POTUS Trump can accomplish (even much MORE SO than he already has, during all the political crap he has had to deal with) with the cabinet that he truly WANTS ... after weeding out all the RINO and Obama holdover traitors.

But what better way to discover your enemies, than to have them very close to you and your supporters for a time period? Good luck, NWO Dems, RINOs and other traitors against a successful US .... as Q has mentioned many, many times .... those people are VERY STUPID.

",1521815440,23/03/2018 14:30 8365454,3820613844,

Do you know about Q-Anon? Let's start with that. I'll prove that you're a complete DRONE.

,1521820274,23/03/2018 15:51 8369429,3820783054,"

Done with Trump! He’s a phony!

He could’ve signed this stupid bill months ago with wall funding if he had accepted DACA. Now he magically wants DACA but strangely cannot get wall funding while Repubs have both the House and Senate? At the very least sign another temporary bill to keep government running while you further negotiate! Hell, let government shut down!!

This is a dog and pony show folks.. DC is a cesspool and very few have the citizen’s real interest at hand. The federal government has one real job— PROTECT OUR NATION AND THE CITIZENS! This speech promotes the likelihood of war if you listened closely, which protects none of us, and the one major thing affecting us all currently is the open border, yet couldn’t get a grip on that once again.. It’s all a damn ruse.

Trump, or whomever is calling the so-called shots from the Oval Office are all the same. Donald is just very good at manipulating us sheep. We eat up his rhetoric like ice cream. Just like the Marxists ate up that traitor Obama, and the right ate up that traitor Bush. Throw the Killintons in that mix too...

Citizens, nothing is really changing. We are still losing liberties or watching unconstitutional acts be pushed. Hell, Trump himself today wanted to silence checks and balances with his cross line veto stance and filibuster rule. We get rid of filibusters and if the dems hold sway, the other party is hosed.

This nation and world are in utter chaos, as has been for 20 years now.. Why did we hire John “Bush era war monger” Bolton, for example? Scary times ahead— But stop pretending all is well or listening to that Q guy who keeps telling us to have faith and trust!

None of it is working...

",1521826049,23/03/2018 17:27 8368292,3820804789,"

Done with Trump! He’s a phony!

He could’ve signed this stupid bill months ago with wall funding if he had accepted DACA. Now he magically wants DACA but strangely cannot get wall funding while Repubs have both the House and Senate? At the very least sign another temporary bill to keep government running while you further negotiate! Hell, let government shut down!!

This is a dog and pony show folks.. DC is a cesspool and very few have the citizen’s real interest at hand. The federal government has one real job— PROTECT OUR NATION AND THE CITIZENS! This speech promotes the likelihood of war if you listened closely, which protects none of us, and the one major thing affecting us all currently is the open border, yet couldn’t get a grip on that once again.. It’s all a damn ruse.

Trump, or whomever is calling the so-called shots from the Oval Office are all the same. Donald is just very good at manipulating us sheep. We eat up his rhetoric like ice cream. Just like the Marxists ate up that traitor Obama, and the right ate up that traitor Bush. Throw the Killintons in that mix too...

Citizens, nothing is really changing. We are still losing liberties or watching unconstitutional acts be pushed. Hell, Trump himself today wanted to silence checks and balances with his cross line veto stance and filibuster rule. We get rid of filibusters and if the dems hold sway, the other party is hosed.

This nation and world are in utter chaos, as has been for 20 years now.. Why did we hire John “Bush era war monger” Bolton, for example? Scary times ahead— But stop pretending all is well or listening to that Q guy who keeps telling us to have faith and trust!

None of it is working....

",1521826788,23/03/2018 17:39 8369339,3820806687,"

Done with Trump! He’s a phony!

He could’ve signed this stupid bill months ago with wall funding if he had accepted DACA. Now he magically wants DACA but strangely cannot get wall funding while Repubs have both the House and Senate? At the very least sign another temporary bill to keep government running while you further negotiate! Hell, let government shut down!!

This is a dog and pony show folks.. DC is a cesspool and very few have the citizen’s real interest at hand. The federal government has one real job— PROTECT OUR NATION AND THE CITIZENS! This speech promotes the likelihood of war if you listened closely, which protects none of us, and the one major thing affecting us all currently is the open border, yet couldn’t get a grip on that once again.. It’s all a damn ruse.

Trump, or whomever is calling the so-called shots from the Oval Office are all the same. Donald is just very good at manipulating us sheep. We eat up his rhetoric like ice cream. Just like the Marxists ate up that traitor Obama, and the right ate up that traitor Bush. Throw the Killintons in that mix too...

Citizens, nothing is really changing. We are still losing liberties or watching unconstitutional acts be pushed. Hell, Trump himself today wanted to silence checks and balances with his cross line veto stance and filibuster rule. We get rid of filibusters and if the dems hold sway, the other party is hosed.

This nation and world are in utter chaos, as has been for 20 years now.. Why did we hire John “Bush era war monger” Bolton, for example? Scary times ahead— But stop pretending all is well or listening to that Q guy who keeps telling us to have faith and trust!

None of it is working.....

",1521826852,23/03/2018 17:40 8369429,3820809163,"

Done with Trump! He’s a phony!

He could’ve signed this stupid bill months ago with wall funding if he had accepted DACA. Now he magically wants DACA but strangely cannot get wall funding while Repubs have both the House and Senate? At the very least sign another temporary bill to keep government running while you further negotiate! Hell, let government shut down!!

This is a dog and pony show folks.. DC is a cesspool and very few have the citizen’s real interest at hand. The federal government has one real job— PROTECT OUR NATION AND THE CITIZENS! This speech promotes the likelihood of war if you listened closely, which protects none of us, and the one major thing affecting us all currently is the open border, yet couldn’t get a grip on that once again.. It’s all a damn ruse.

Trump, or whomever is calling the so-called shots from the Oval Office are all the same. Donald is just very good at manipulating us sheep. We eat up his rhetoric like ice cream. Just like the Marxists ate up that traitor Obama, and the right ate up that traitor Bush. Throw the Killintons in that mix too...

Citizens, nothing is really changing. We are still losing liberties or watching unconstitutional acts be pushed. Hell, Trump himself today wanted to silence checks and balances with his cross line veto stance and filibuster rule. We get rid of filibusters and if the dems hold sway, the other party is hosed.

This nation and world are in utter chaos, as has been for 20 years now.. Why did we hire John “Bush era war monger” Bolton, for example? Scary times ahead— But stop pretending all is well or listening to that Q guy who keeps telling us to have faith and trust!

None of it is working..

",1521826937,23/03/2018 17:42 8369429,3820842769,

That Q guy is full of $#!+ too!

,1521828107,23/03/2018 18:01 8369429,3820843128,"

Done with Trump! He’s a phony!

He could’ve signed this stupid bill months ago with wall funding if he had accepted DACA. Now he magically wants DACA but strangely cannot get wall funding while Repubs have both the House and Senate? At the very least sign another temporary bill to keep government running while you further negotiate! Hell, let government shut down!!

This is a dog and pony show folks.. DC is a cesspool and very few have the citizen’s real interest at hand. The federal government has one real job— PROTECT OUR NATION AND THE CITIZENS! This speech promotes the likelihood of war if you listened closely, which protects none of us, and the one major thing affecting us all currently is the open border, yet couldn’t get a grip on that once again.. It’s all a damn ruse.

Trump, or whomever is calling the so-called shots from the Oval Office are all the same. Donald is just very good at manipulating us sheep. We eat up his rhetoric like ice cream. Just like the Marxists ate up that traitor Obama, and the right ate up that traitor Bush. Throw the Killintons in that mix too...

Citizens, nothing is really changing. We are still losing liberties or watching unconstitutional acts be pushed. Hell, Trump himself today wanted to silence checks and balances with his cross line veto stance and filibuster rule. We get rid of filibusters and if the dems hold sway, the other party is hosed.

This nation and world are in utter chaos, as has been for 20 years now.. Why did we hire John “Bush era war monger” Bolton, for example? Scary times ahead— But stop pretending all is well or listening to that Q guy who keeps telling us to have faith and trust!

None of it is working...

",1521828119,23/03/2018 18:01 8369429,3820852749,"

Boy, that Q fella is sure full of $#!+!

",1521828464,23/03/2018 18:07 8367512,3820888608,"

Are you following Q, genius? Or just watching Hannity in your underwear. He’s about your speed. Training bra.

",1521829750,23/03/2018 18:29 8369837,3820889315,

Anyone that trusted Trump before this should research Q. Puts things into perspective.

,1521829777,23/03/2018 18:29 8369837,3820906444,"

A lot of very sophisticated trolls on here today.

Trump supporters, don't lose hope until you have researched Q.

",1521830384,23/03/2018 18:39 8369429,3820919848,"

You all watch, DC will go after our guns next, we will be at war by fall, and we citizens will be asking to take a leak by the end of it all.. if we are alive. Keep pretending otherwise though, how’s that working for everyone? That goofball Q says to trust the plan.. no thanks, it’s failing.

",1521830872,23/03/2018 18:47 8369837,3820954548,"

Really? Leaching graft, and corruption in this bill are disgusting. Trump, you F-ed this up bigly. Q-anon better start showing some prison sentences being handed out..

",1521832126,23/03/2018 19:08 8369837,3820957441,

Unfortunately I think Q is a ruse! Stormy Daniels is the storm he spoke of! I really hope not.

,1521832231,23/03/2018 19:10 8367968,3820987451,

(B) (O)nly (O)ption (M)
*follow QANON

,1521833312,23/03/2018 19:28 8369837,3821013517,

Trump supporters before you bail research Qanon
MSM and internet trying to suppress and block.
You've got nothing to lose by researching.

,1521834285,23/03/2018 19:44 8369924,3821032675,"

For those of you that don't know about Q, Trump just got his wall funding through the omnibus and defense spending. Stop following MSM. That's why Trump signed this bill.

",1521835036,23/03/2018 19:57 8369837,3821091107,"

Sorry Colin but Qanon and the rest of the Youtube Jockey's are full of shiite. There's been no draining of the swamp. Trump has accomplished a few things of real substance.
1. Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS
2. Tax Cuts
3. A roll back on a bunch of Obama's Executive Orders.

Him signing this spending bill just nullified the 3 things I've listed above. Oh, and you can start banging the war drums with John Bolton now the NSA.

",1521837466,23/03/2018 20:37 8349683,3821094406,

I reference it as facbook for K or Q.

,1521837605,23/03/2018 20:40 8369429,3821100099,"

I hope the next Q post says they are coming for you too. You signed it for security?
""Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.""

",1521837847,23/03/2018 20:44 8369429,3821102795,"

Give us the house
Give us the senate
Give us the oval office

Sorry, we had no choice but to still give the DNC everything it wants and GOP voters nothing. Keep paying taxes though! Read my lips ""Never again""

FAAAAAAAH Q.... I am out

",1521837960,23/03/2018 20:46 8369429,3821105887,"

Michael Q Sullivan Verified account @MQSullivan 2h2 hours ago

When the #DrainTheSwamp president signs the largest spending bill in US history, it’s a reminder that reforming the federal government will only come from the states. #ArticleV @COSProject needed now more than ever.


",1521838090,23/03/2018 20:48 8368292,3821116026,

Check out the Twitter feeds for #Qanon.

,1521838516,23/03/2018 20:55 8369837,3821144778,"

Q says Planned Parenthood is about to be rolled up for selling baby parts

",1521839756,23/03/2018 21:15 8369837,3821146062,"

Trust the plan

",1521839810,23/03/2018 21:16 8369837,3821147351,"

Trust the plan. USMC deployed

",1521839867,23/03/2018 21:17 8369576,3821164800,"

Oh shiz, another Q anon fag.

Yes, there's a BOOM for everything, as long as you keep believing it.

We can start with Santa - he exists as long he you believe in him.
We can continue with Jebus the Son of God - he exists as long as you believe in him.

Now that I've struck a nerve with Jebus and shiz, we can try and walk it back toward the Q anon fag. You keep believing in him, and all will surely materialize.

",1521840657,23/03/2018 21:30 8369837,3821165034,

Don't put so much faith in this Q anon. More than likely he's fake.

,1521840667,23/03/2018 21:31 8369429,3821167165,"

Don't know, but tweets all over the Qanon site are saying Trump is going to use the Army Corps to build the whole wall with DOD money.

",1521840764,23/03/2018 21:32 8369429,3821186876,"

I agree, and the Qanons are all saying Pence is in bed with the pedos if not one himself!! It's on all the livestreams.

",1521841683,23/03/2018 21:48 8369429,3821188775,"

Sick to my stomach. Trump just handed over his re-election . . . but even before that, he just handed the Satanists the midterm elections and his own impeachment. Who the hell is going to go out and vote after this FU. I don't buy into the hidden agenda and Q or whatever else we have been waiting for. POTUS didn't have to sign this stink bomb to drain the swamp.

",1521841771,23/03/2018 21:49 8369576,3821198643,"

Seen you around for a long time, DK. Thinking person. You might want to search Qanon.

",1521842249,23/03/2018 21:57 8369837,3821213252,

Dr Jerome Corsi states Qanon is a direct link to the President. Who would ever want to hear from him again?? TOAST. DONE

,1521843007,23/03/2018 22:10 8369576,3821216061,"

Oh I know. This is just wonderful. I hope Q is real and we see some big things happen and SOON. This type of ""winning"" I can do without.

",1521843159,23/03/2018 22:12 8369576,3821232594,

Good lord.

4chan anon bs by Q fags and the rest of the aspies.

I'm sure this is part of a 67D chess game he is playing. Anymore you'd like to share with me? I'm almost convinced.

,1521844050,23/03/2018 22:27 8365145,3821238310,"

""Barry"" from the woman who claims to be mature. Even a two year senator is light years ahead from real estate mogul who got everything from dad and was a nonactor TV star!!! The ME was ALREADY on fire, get it??? You want to talk ME, I can give you facts it will make your head spin Did Obama invade Iraq??? Did Obama invade Afghanistan??? There you have to unending wars. And for all his intervention in Libya, (spearheaded by right wing French prez Sarkozy at the time) WE NEVER HAD BOOTS ON THE GROUND WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN THE CASE WITH THE MCCAIN/PALID TICKET!!! Do you UNDERSTAND THAT??? Oh, and there were already human rights violations under Gaddafi. They didn't just appear after this overthrow.

Yeah, Obama pandered to the LGBT (and now Q?)ers, but that wasn't until his second term. White surpemacists, Fundie zealots, and the Hard Right in general wasted no time in creating the baseless Birther movement. IF that wasn't devisive, I don't know what is. And that is ALL on you, right wingers. Even sexual harrasser Bill O referred to it on Faux as ""dumb stuff."" You tin foil jerkkks called him a Kenyan, a Muslim, a Socialist, a ""soft"" Marxist, a Maoist, a globalist--unlike any other president! And I'm not just talking about Faux or Breibart posters, but hosts on AM Hate Radio.

And your regergitation of Soros is nothing but anti-Semitic right wing conspiracy theory. Even the Conservative National Review posted an article on this very issue recently:

",1521844374,23/03/2018 22:32 8369576,3821246452,"

Hahaha. Was this Q's ""storm""? Such a grand prophet. Q, the quack.

",1521844820,23/03/2018 22:40 8369576,3821301340,"

I have followed Q. Lots of just watch and see. Very little actual results. Any day now. BOOM, BOOOM, BOOM. We got 'blowed up' but good.

",1521847957,23/03/2018 23:32 8369429,3821318700,

Loooool. Q is a fake and an idiot who gets your faith by tickling your fancy.

,1521848986,23/03/2018 23:49 8369576,3821322902,

Done. Not following Q anymore either. We just got flushed.

,1521849247,23/03/2018 23:54 8369429,3821334349,"

We better see the Q storm hit soon and tribunals starting. Or Q was just a rouse to pacify the base..............

If we get to see:
- An end to the SES
- Pedophiles executed or at a minimum locked away for life
- Full audit of the FED, followed by trials and an end to FED
- Soros executed
- Podestas executed
- Clinton, Obama, and the Bush gang locked up for life and their deeds exposed
- 911 files released
- Las Vegas, Sandy Hook documents fully released and an investigation happening.

If we see those things come to fruition and giving into this horrid spending bill, will be small price to pay.

If we don't see any of these things shorty then the Q-drops was just to pacify the patriots........

If that is the case then Trump will go down as a Phony Baloney Reality TV President, who gave into this because he is a immoral coward......... May that not be the case.

",1521849958,24/03/2018 00:05 8368715,3821339744,

...from Q..maybe you should go away.

,1521850304,24/03/2018 00:11 8370875,3821345420,"

Let me guess, you're a boomer who believes in Q. Kool-aid drinkers.

",1521850653,24/03/2018 00:17 8368715,3821351724,

For what it’s worth (and maybe just food for thought) Q says Trump will use the military money to build the wall for national security. That would be worth the price of admission right there. (Again this is Q so eat the meat and spit out the bones I suppose)

,1521851051,24/03/2018 00:24 8368715,3821397721,

No I am just a Patriot that follows Q.

,1521853992,24/03/2018 01:13 8368715,3821399301,"

So since Trump signed this bill, I serious have doubts about Qanon being real or for patriots.

",1521854095,24/03/2018 01:14 8368715,3821401738,"

These corrupt weasels just got hoist on their own petard - read this and share - language warning - Q does indeed have a potty mouth sometimes:

",1521854259,24/03/2018 01:17 8368715,3821443531,

It lines up with what Q said today. Equipment is being moved in Texas to the southern border as reported.

,1521857126,24/03/2018 02:05 8369576,3821464325,"

“Mar 23 2018 13:14:06 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 461
Clock activated.

I’ll bet most of the folks that think Trump “sold out” don’t even know that the Army Corp of Engineers logo is a red castle and that their division for civil engineering and construction is based out of Greencastle, Indiana! The ArmyCorp of Engineers will build the wall with the MILITARY funding provided in the bill and Trump doesn’t even have to give anything for DACA!

",1521858677,24/03/2018 02:31 8369501,3821494392,"

They way I see it... is you better get to work doing your part to fix it... or practice bending over... I don't bend over.
Trump is in that vile and vicious swamp up to his neck. He is surrounded by evil that fears him and wants him gone without the enormous backlash if Trump was Hit. We know who all these nwo traitors are...thanks in part to Q, that so-called source you call fake.
Are you aware of the recent EO Trump signed that enables citizens to act as a militia with the power to arrest anyone who is a traitor or threat to America or the Constitution...? my interpretation is thin but it is essentially what I said...
When was the last time something like that was enacted by a POTUS...?

",1521861038,24/03/2018 03:10 8368565,3821512919,"

New Q, Clock Activated, Red Castle, Green Castle

Q hinting that the Army Corps of Engineers are getting some of this money to perhaps build President Trump's border wall, because technically speaking...Trump could use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall...Which would leave the US House powerless. Is Q hinting that Trump is getting his border wall through the Army Corps Of Engineers? The ARMY Corps Of Engineers is the only thing that makes sense with this Q post, because the logo is a castle in red, and just happens to have an outlet in Greencastle, Indiana.

",1521862648,24/03/2018 03:37 8368715,3821524741,

Its where Q posts and anons do work

,1521863695,24/03/2018 03:54 8369429,3821549549,

Always agree with everything posted - but think you are all wrong this time.
I Still Trust Trump.
Too little Faith & Trust.
Research Q Anon!

,1521866228,24/03/2018 04:37 8371427,3821560244,"

Hey, I appreciate your frustration but He DEFINITELY KNOWS the score.

It's EXTREMELY delicate and COMPLEX with so many moving parts.

If you're going to get rid of the FED, the 'debt' would not matter that much now would it?

Military is key right now.

Are you following Q Anon?

Check out youtube channel Truth and Art Tv -
Q Anon Simplified.

There's A LOT going on and not all of it is EASILY digested.

We are AT WAR right now....and because of how much they have MESSED with us and made us hedonists and narcissists to varying degrees....even if we are aware of it, we mostly forget we are AT WAR.

So, it is a HUGE BATTLE and it requires our WILL...which they are trying to take from us chemically as well as have you 'capitulate' or wear you down etc.

We have only just begun stirring.

They have NEVER fought a real was all done without our awareness from the shadows, incrementally over COWARDS.

Do you think these TWERPS stand a chance against the PURE ESSENCE of Humanity UNLEASHED against a FEAR LADED enemy of weak will, witless, that is already so conquered that it CANNOT MANIFEST?


This is going to be FUN!!!

",1521867355,24/03/2018 04:55 8368715,3821560429,

Is that a QAnon sanctioned BOOOM?

,1521867372,24/03/2018 04:56 8368565,3821562476,

Where is Q posting?

,1521867594,24/03/2018 04:59 8368565,3821565452,

I see it now not sure why I had to close the page and reopen it for Q posts to show. Thanks

,1521867929,24/03/2018 05:05 8369429,3821571579,

For all of those that think the Clinton Crime Family would be far better you should be glad you are stuck with Trump. He is just getting started. By the time 2020 rolls around the memory of this will be distant at most. Stay tuned to Q and trust the AG. When the FRN's come in from the pedophiles to the treasury the spending won't be an issue.

,1521868637,24/03/2018 05:17 8368565,3821576304,"


",1521869137,24/03/2018 05:25 8368565,3821578613,

I been following Q since day 1 hahaa I got the gist hahaa just had to reopen for some reason.

,1521869397,24/03/2018 05:29 8369576,3821587114,"

Yes, a much bigger plan and much more going on behind the scenes than most realize. Q ;-)

",1521870330,24/03/2018 05:45 8368976,3821901565,

Uh-uh. Q says blue house red house. That means......fvck if I know what it means!

,1521896928,24/03/2018 13:08 8371427,3822067149,"

Good morning Patriots.

Interesting news, the Q post of March 21 says ""Red Castle"" ""Greencastle"" ""Stage 5:5"" I think I know what it means.

The Red Castle is the logo of the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Greencastle, is Greencastle Indiana where the Army Corps of Engineers is located.

Donald Trump declared a ""state of emergency"" on the 21st of December 2017. Donald Trump stated on numerous occasions, that the wall is needed for National Security.

IMO, Donald Trump included funds in the military budget for a wall, to be built by the Army Corps of Engineers for national security reasons.

Another observation: Congress has not passed a budget since 2009, the Constitutional budget process allows Congress to dictate where monies are to be spent in any particular budget year.

Trump signed and Omnibus spending bill which is essentially emergency spending, outside of the parameters of the normal budgetary process.
Congress may suggest what the money is to be used for, but have no legal way to enforce how that money is spent.

Once that 1.3 trillion dollars hits the treasury Donald Trump can raid that money ad nauseam, in the same way that Obama robbed the treasury for all of his pet projects.

Everyone laughs at Donald Trump's 4D chess ability, I think this is his checkmate.

",1521904939,24/03/2018 15:22 8370923,3822097519,

I do to. Have you been paying attention to Q?

,1521906321,24/03/2018 15:45 8361335,3822105599,"

see this???
an answer to Q??

",1521906682,24/03/2018 15:51 8371427,3822123787,"

I follow the Q posts and try to figure them out. On the 21st he said ""Red Castle Greencastle Stage 5:5

I think this is what it means. The red Castle is the Insignia of the Army Corps of Engineers. the Army Corps of Engineers is located in Greencastle Indiana. Donald Trump declared a state of emergency on December 21st 2017, Donald Trump further stated that building the wall was a matter of National Security, which places his decisions beyond the Court's Jurisdiction. I think come Monday morning when that 1.3 trillion hits the bank all hell's going to break loose.

",1521907486,24/03/2018 16:04 8372672,3822200884,"

New Q, Clock Activated, Red Castle, Green Castle



Well this new Q is interesting, because the ARMY Corps Of Engineers is a logo of a white castle surrounded in Red, and there just happens to be an Army Corps Of Engineers in Green Castle, Indiana. This comes on the day that President Trump signed the $1.3 trillion spending bill that includes over $700 billion for defense.
Is Q hinting that the Army Corps of Engineers are getting some of this money to perhaps build President Trump's border wall, because technically speaking...Trump could use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall...Which would leave the US House powerless. Is Q hinting that Trump is getting his border wall through the Army Corps Of Engineers? The ARMY Corps Of Engineers is the only thing that makes sense with this Q post, because the logo is a castle in red, and just happens to have an outlet in Greencastle, Indiana. The ARMY Corps Of Engineers for those who don't know is part of the US Military, that is allowed to do construction projects on American soil.

",1521910796,24/03/2018 16:59 8372672,3822214455,"

He was supposed to have been arrested already, according to Q.

",1521911385,24/03/2018 17:09 8371655,3822227951,"

Doesn't matter. Look up the difference and you'll see. A passed Budget must be followed exactly as written. For the Omnibus Bill, it's only suggestions and the President alone determines what the money is spent on and not spent on - HE decides. Exactly why Obammy never had a budget in 8 yrs, only had Omnibus Bills. Qanon is right - you ppl are REALLY REALLY STUPID.

",1521911971,24/03/2018 17:19 8369576,3822267888,"

How quick everyone turns Judas. Don't you think the President and all of the people helping him behind the scenes know exactly what they are doing. 2,200 pages of spending that no one had time to really decipher (including the democrats). Don't you think President Trump is smart enough to hide things in there that work for his agenda. Like the military which he need to arrest and hold military tribunals for those thousands of sealed indictments.

You need to start following Qanon if you want to see what is really going on behind the scenes. Mainstream is so scared they are trying to take him down. Don't know why Breitbart is not covering him. You got your wall. It is in there just watch and trust. Besides what are you all going to do? Let Democrats win?

",1521913683,24/03/2018 17:48 8369576,3822289759,

Pence is going to jail with his buddy Flake over child sex trafficking. Doesn’t anybody follow Q on this board?

,1521914641,24/03/2018 18:04 8368715,3822326607,

I have family and friends at NSA and Dept. of Justice. Q is only saying what I have known for many years. My family has always been in military intelligence.

,1521916311,24/03/2018 18:31 8368715,3822334369,"

Won't matter. According to Q, the Army Corps of Engineers will be building the Wall as a National Security project. There won't be very many to ""catch and release"". There's more than one way to skin the Dem felines.

How many of you were ever actually Trump supporters? I say you are paid Dem trolls.

",1521916664,24/03/2018 18:37 8372672,3822348056,

this must be the show Q was talking about

,1521917295,24/03/2018 18:48 8369429,3822389539,"

Mr President..

I just want to tell you.. I LOVE YOU, I SUPPORT YOU, I GET YOU! THANK YOU

Found elsewhere:

""I am getting over my initial confusion & concern about Trump signing the bill. Just reading this thread and checking out some of the linked info has me feeling optimistic.

At the risk of repeating info that has been dished around upthread, please consider the following:

1. An Omnibus bill is NOT a budget. It authorizes the release of funds, but it only recommends how, where, and why funds are spent.

2. Because the bill was not read by Congress, except for perhaps the small section each critter cared about, they literally do not know what is sprinkled throughout the bill.

3. What the Autists are finding in the bill so far, is a quadrupling of the normal budget for OIG... this could be funding for swamp draining.

4. The spending latitude given to Trump is enormous. He could simply fund or de-fund certain things to MAGA. Congress can complain, but they cannot do anything about it.

5. The wall, as some have pointed out, could be considered a military project and built under the direction of the Corp of Engineers. Plenty of money available, now.

If the above is accurate, my faith in our 5D Trump and Q and MAGA just reached new heights.

I assume we will know fairly soon. Splodey heads, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and general liberal temper tantrums should begin in about 3... 2... 1...""

",1521919272,24/03/2018 19:21 8369501,3822396757,"

I don't expect him to be a genius, just someone who wants to do right by America and stop the NWO as much as he's able. And, I still think that's who he is. I believe he's working with the military to take down the criminals just as Q says, and perhaps they felt that signing this omnibus bill, to fund the military was a necessary evil to bring these people down. Once they're gone, he can do a lot more stuff that he wants to do. I don't have all the answers, but he's done more for America, and more against the globalist agenda than anyone has since Kennedy, and I don't think it's fair to throw him under the bus because he made a decision that, at best was a necessary evil, and at worst, a mistake.

",1521919626,24/03/2018 19:27 8369429,3822537009,"

""I am getting over my initial confusion & concern about Trump signing the bill. Just reading this thread and checking out some of the linked info has me feeling optimistic.

At the risk of repeating info that has been dished around upthread, please consider the following:

1. An Omnibus bill is NOT a budget. It authorizes the release of funds, but it only recommends how, where, and why funds are spent.

2. Because the bill was not read by Congress, except for perhaps the small section each critter cared about, they literally do not know what is sprinkled throughout the bill.

3. What the Autists are finding in the bill so far, is a quadrupling of the normal budget for OIG... this could be funding for swamp draining.

4. The spending latitude given to Trump is enormous. He could simply fund or de-fund certain things to MAGA. Congress can complain, but they cannot do anything about it.

5. The wall, as some have pointed out, could be considered a military project and built under the direction of the Corp of Engineers. Plenty of money available, now.

If the above is accurate, my faith in our 5D Trump and Q and MAGA just reached new heights.

I assume we will know fairly soon. Splodey heads, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and general liberal temper tantrums should begin in about 3... 2... 1...""

",1521924612,24/03/2018 20:50 8369429,3822538383,"

""I am getting over my initial confusion & concern about Trump signing the bill. Just reading this thread and checking out some of the linked info has me feeling optimistic...

At the risk of repeating info that has been dished around upthread, please consider the following:

1. An Omnibus bill is NOT a budget. It authorizes the release of funds, but it only recommends how, where, and why funds are spent.

2. Because the bill was not read by Congress, except for perhaps the small section each critter cared about, they literally do not know what is sprinkled throughout the bill.

3. What the Autists are finding in the bill so far, is a quadrupling of the normal budget for OIG... this could be funding for swamp draining.

4. The spending latitude given to Trump is enormous. He could simply fund or de-fund certain things to MAGA. Congress can complain, but they cannot do anything about it.

5. The wall, as some have pointed out, could be considered a military project and built under the direction of the Corp of Engineers. Plenty of money available, now.

If the above is accurate, my faith in our 5D Trump and Q and MAGA just reached new heights.

I assume we will know fairly soon. Splodey heads, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and general liberal temper tantrums should begin in about 3... 2... 1...""

",1521924646,24/03/2018 20:50 8372888,3822547518,"

You are uninformed on the process, and the difference between an omnibus S/B and a congressional BUDGET... Back away from your keyboard and load your empty head before you shoot your mouth off. Trump and the American people - you, have won another battle. As Q has stated many times, you lib dRats are STUPID!!!

",1521924847,24/03/2018 20:54 8373062,3822554220,"


",1521925028,24/03/2018 20:57 8370662,3822570094,

Ok! I was very upset because I hadn’t taken the time google!! I take all my anger back. I never heard of Reddit...that will be a favorite now! Also never heard of Qanon either..hard to read but I can get the info I want from there. Thanks for the link!

,1521925808,24/03/2018 21:10 8372888,3822574915,

The wall money is in the military budget. Corps of Engineers are going to build it.
Read the Q posts.

,1521925938,24/03/2018 21:12 8372888,3822588073,"

If you follow any of the YouTube jockey's like Q and any of the other morons who report about white hats and sealed indictments that are going to send all the pedo's to jail etc, etc, you are really, really gullible. Q is a clown who leads you basement dwellers around by your noses. It's all lies!

",1521926569,24/03/2018 21:22 8368370,3822613747,"

Quite possibly not. If you aren't familiar with the Q posts, they are highly coordinated with Trump's actions and tweets. The swamp will be draining. Latest Q, this morning, after Trump receives additional funding for national security. Quite possibly on the money. Anyone who doesn't think Trump has more up his sleeve, underestimates him. He is fighting the deep state. You people give up too easy.

",1521927655,24/03/2018 21:40 8373527,3822635983,


,1521928613,24/03/2018 21:56 8369501,3822639869,"

You haven't the slightest clue of the things I am doing to ""do my part."" We who have been trained by the military don't run around broadcasting our possessions, plans and intentionally.

As for Q... do you know what the term 'PSYOPS' mean? If so, that is what the purpose of 'Q' is. To make people feel change is occurring so as to keep them ""in check"" while the opposite is occurring.

Would be nice if what the 'informant' says actually occurs. Then I will have to eat my own words.

But I don't think that's going to happen.

",1521928825,24/03/2018 22:00 8372888,3822673199,

You've been reading too many Q fantasy stories

,1521930473,24/03/2018 22:27 8369501,3822689885,"

We could just label everything a psyops and be right a majority of the time... I'm not fully on board with Q or anybody... I rely on my instincts and research to direct me.
Something just feels right to me...
There is a great pressure building and it is about to either implode, or explode... Either way it will be a huge change for those who are aware... the sheep will just keep doing what they are doing...
We have been under the boot of the evildoer ruling class elite for so long, if it goes their way or not, all hell is going to break loose and we could very well end up under martial law that sends the traitors and seditionists to prison or death.
Funny... Only a couple years ago that was exactly what deepstate obomba wanted.... trying so hard to incite a civil race war in America...
Now... it is the last thing the nwo traitors want to see happen, with Trump at the helm...
Things have changed... just have to look hard enough...
I'm betting martial law will drain that nasty swamp faster than most liberals will grasp what is happening...

",1521931121,24/03/2018 22:38 8373527,3822752669,

March to gitmo...stfu....#qanon

,1521933892,24/03/2018 23:24 8373527,3822753913,

Today's picture of obama and Mike is so touching....go look #qanon

,1521933962,24/03/2018 23:26 8373062,3822754446,

I already asked the question but you want to talk about my grammar. I suppose teachers are still teaching grammar. Any way I gave you a chance and you showed what incompetent dolt you are along with most of your young ass bandito pals. So too bad but there is a whole line of Q andA on this subject and you didn't answer because you can't and neither should you make any adult decision with out your grandparents help. Obviously your parents were mia. Dont' bother me now because you are nother lame lib that knows nothing except fashion and what they tell you on the tv. See ya bluntskull.

,1521933992,24/03/2018 23:26 8370239,3822767444,

Please realize an omnibus package was approved....not a budget....same as Obama and his 8 is the point.....he can legally spend it anyway he wants!!....the deep state signed their death sentence.....go read for yourself at #qanon

,1521934739,24/03/2018 23:38 8373062,3822775442,"

Mar 21 2018 00:21:18 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b086d2 739281
The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.
Coordinated to end comms here.
They are scared [4am].
They will fail.
We know the details.

",1521935081,24/03/2018 23:44 8370443,3822784165,

“Trust The Plan” Q. I do.

,1521935612,24/03/2018 23:53 8374067,3822798996,"

Y-y-yeah! C-common sense like Aussie-regalia and D.C.!

No, you don't really want to ban and confiscate guns, not at all!

I say, common sense freedom of speech bans! Low I. Q.talkung point spewing leftist ban! Anti-Constitutiin speech ban! Liberal lying POS ban!

Why, it's common sense! Screw your ""rights""! Me feeling good about supergluing your pie hole shut to keep dangerous filth from spitung from it is MORE IMPORTANT! #LeftistInsanityKills

",1521936542,25/03/2018 00:09 8370443,3822809638,"

Go to youtube & type in Isaac Green. I just did & he popped up. See if that'll work. Youtube has been giving conservative/libertarian folks quite a difficult time over the last few months, esp. those posting about Q.

",1521937208,25/03/2018 00:20 8373275,3822837432,

So what are we going to do to fight back and ensure this Fall isn't a fest for killing MAGA?

The Q. Is ...what are WE going to do?

Let them steamroll us and kill MAGA?

,1521938925,25/03/2018 00:48 8373275,3822842074,"

Remember them all, these are the bought souls of the entertainment illuminati industry.
#Qanon post March 17 2018
They think you are STUPID
They think you will follow the STARS

",1521939216,25/03/2018 00:53 8374067,3822845076,

this does nothing-only theater. according to Qanon the Dems will continue to lose

,1521939408,25/03/2018 00:56 8370443,3822845699,

Hahahahaha the wacko that believes in the Qanon LARPer?

,1521939446,25/03/2018 00:57 8369837,3822934019,"

Is President Trump building the wall? Army Corp of engineers? Chess move by President Trump?

QAnon - BREAKING Stage_5:5[y], RED Castle GREEN Castle, BORDER WALL is a Go!

'This is not the budget, it is an omnibus bill, The red/green castle stuff has 2 meanings. It is a chess move, to take out the opponent, plus it is part of the Army Corps of engineers, the wall starts on Monday. It gives Trump the right to do as he pleases, with this money. Also we have a reset coming up soon, trust the plan'

Pay attention.

",1521941961,25/03/2018 01:39 8370443,3822934321,

If it happens I will be the first to give him credit.

So far Q and his anons have delivered ZERO results in the real world.

,1521941984,25/03/2018 01:39 8369837,3822936229,"

Is President Trump building the wall? Army Corp of engineers? Chess move by President Trump?

QAnon - BREAKING Stage_5:5[y], RED Castle GREEN Castle, BORDER WALL is a Go!

'This is not the budget, it is an omnibus bill, The red/green castle stuff has 2 meanings. It is a chess move, to take out the opponent, plus it is part of the Army Corps of engineers, the wall starts on Monday. It gives Trump the right to do as he pleases, with this money. Also we have a reset coming up soon, trust the plan'

Something big is going on. Pay attention.

",1521942132,25/03/2018 01:42 8369837,3822942475,"

Is President Trump building the wall? Army Corp of engineers?
Chess move by President Trump?

QAnon - BREAKING Stage_5:5[y], RED Castle GREEN Castle, BORDER WALL is a Go!

'This is not the budget, it is an omnibus bill, The red/green castle stuff has 2 meanings. It is a chess move, to take out the opponent, plus it is part of the Army Corps of engineers, the wall starts on Monday. It gives Trump the right to do as he pleases, with this money. Also we have a reset coming up soon, trust the plan'

Pay attention. Something big is going on.

",1521942634,25/03/2018 01:50 8370443,3822967458,

You are a fool. Go watch youtube you simpleton and believe all the BS that Qanon spouts along with the rest of the youtube jockey's.

,1521944725,25/03/2018 02:25 8374778,3822979283,"

#Qanon was right! Dead cat bounce + more.

Long lost clip from the Sean Hannity show is about to change the course of American history. Iraq war paid off by the Middle East


",1521945763,25/03/2018 02:42 8369837,3822981509,"

I understood the MH370 was flown to Diego Garcia and that there were some Chinese scientists on board who had a patented top secret item that, apparently, US military intervened to obtain. The plane has not been found; may have a new tail ID; have no idea what happened to the innocents on board but suspect their fate was not kind, but won't be found in the Indian Ocean.

I've heard some interesting commentaries on you tube regarding the Omnibus Bill on Qanon sites....still connecting the dots. I'm with you. Let's wait 90 days and see what happens.

",1521945964,25/03/2018 02:46 8371655,3822986531,

#qanon......find this site
Could really open your Itty bitty brain maher

,1521946414,25/03/2018 02:53 8371655,3823006765,"

I'm thinking more like a chess match than Army Core of Engineers. ""Clock activated"". Red means stop, green means go. Have you seen the clocks used during a match? A better question is who or what is Y? Things in heavy brackets means death. So my interpretation is that people are going to be captured soon and taken in or maybe even killed. Q posted a chess board from a world famous chess match from the past. 5:5 means stage 5 of 5. So it could be a major and final development. I'd love to see Schmidt investigated though. I think he rigged more than one election. Even without his involvement the 2016 Dem primary was rigged from the start.

",1521947601,25/03/2018 03:13 8370443,3823055520,"

Ann is just for Ann. If she believes she can do better, why doesn't she run for anything? Because she likes to just sit back and criticize everyone. Trump did not sign a budget bill, but instead signed an omnibus bill. With the omnibus bill, Trump can spend or not spend the money exactly where he wants. Do you think POTUS will actually fund Planned Parenthood when Atty Jeff Sessions is currently investigating them for crimes? It is Q uite obvious, that POTUS just outsmarted them all again, and it is ""checkmate"" for the deep state.

",1521952494,25/03/2018 04:34 8370443,3823061465,"

As you read it, keep a few things in mind:
1. It's not true.
2. The few people who push this nonsense are found only in the corners of the internet.
3. The tweet author follows that conspiracy theory quack of few words known as ""Qanon"".

",1521953130,25/03/2018 04:45 8374409,3823073476,"




",1521954373,25/03/2018 05:06 8371370,3823082671,"

Fu Q McCabe, your lying ass is going down!

",1521955369,25/03/2018 05:22 8370443,3823110156,"

Your ""constitutional expert"" subscribes to that wacky conspiracy theorist 'qanon'.
Enough said.

",1521958384,25/03/2018 06:13 8369576,3823147924,"

This was NOT a budget, it was the exact same kind of bill obuma signed when he had all those 'shovel ready' jobs waiting! President Trump can use these funds at HIS discretion! Fools. Q was right. These people are stupid!

",1521962535,25/03/2018 07:22 8370443,3823184192,

You make it sound like Trump is satisfied with the bill and glad about it. Why then the tweet that it's a terrible bill and the threaten to veto? Is that part of his plan? Man this 5-D chess gets confusing for little ol' me. Where's Q at???

,1521966238,25/03/2018 08:23 8370443,3823233798,"

We will get to see what happens, if the money was hidden in defense spending as Q anon says.

",1521970778,25/03/2018 09:39 8370380,3823234859,

THE ENDS: #registertovote #democrats

THE MEANS: #marchforourlives #iwillmarch #todaywemarch #neveragain #enough #enoughisenough #whatif #endthenra #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #notonemore #gunsensenow #banthemall #stopgunviolence #endgunviolence #gunreform2018 #wecallBS


#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #news #politics #freedankula #freespeech #art #deletefacebook #trump #maga #potus #nra #washingtondc #cia #fbi #deepstate

,1521970869,25/03/2018 09:41 8374409,3823235920,

THE ENDS: #registertovote #democrats

THE MEANS: #marchforourlives #iwillmarch #todaywemarch #neveragain #enough #enoughisenough #whatif #endthenra #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #notonemore #gunsensenow #banthemall #stopgunviolence #endgunviolence #gunreform2018 #wecallBS


#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #news #politics #freedankula #freespeech #art #deletefacebook #trump #maga #potus #nra #washingtondc #cia #fbi #deepstate

,1521970961,25/03/2018 09:42 8374067,3823236700,

THE ENDS: #registertovote #democrats

THE MEANS: #marchforourlives #iwillmarch #todaywemarch #neveragain #enough #enoughisenough #whatif #endthenra #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #notonemore #gunsensenow #banthemall #stopgunviolence #endgunviolence #gunreform2018 #wecallBS


#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #news #politics #freedankula #freespeech #art #deletefacebook #trump #maga #potus #nra #washingtondc #cia #fbi #deepstate

,1521971026,25/03/2018 09:43 8373527,3823237363,

THE ENDS: #registertovote #democrats

THE MEANS: #marchforourlives #iwillmarch #todaywemarch #neveragain #enough #enoughisenough #whatif #endthenra #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #notonemore #gunsensenow #banthemall #stopgunviolence #endgunviolence #gunreform2018 #wecallBS


#Q #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #news #politics #freedankula #freespeech #art #deletefacebook #trump #maga #potus #nra #washingtondc #cia #fbi #deepstate

,1521971078,25/03/2018 09:44 8370443,3823287810,

If Q-anob said it and if history is a guide then it has about a 40% chance of being true and that's only because Q is part of a clown Team surveilling Trump.

,1521974770,25/03/2018 10:46 8362724,3823339459,"

The Republican party in Philly made a deal with the Democrat party at that time.  The D's could have the mayor's office as long as the R's kept the courts.  Then the R's continued to loose registrations because their members moved out of the city, so then the R's lost the courts too.  In the 1950 census Philadelphia had 2.2 million residents - in the 2010 census the city was down to 1.5 million
In a message dated 3/25/2018 7:58:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

""Philly trivia. Q. the last time a Republican was elected Mayor of Philadelphia. [cue: Jeopardy music] A. 1948' But I'm sure Philly's corruption and poor governance is still the Republican's fault."" Disqus  Settings    A new comment was posted on Breitbart News Networkfly_fisherPhilly trivia. Q. the last time a Republican was elected Mayor of Philadelphia.
[cue: Jeopardy music]
A. 1948'
But I'm sure Philly's corruption and poor governance is still the Republican's fault. 7:58 a.m., Sunday March 25 | Other comments by fly_fisher
Reply to fly_fisher
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",1521977938,25/03/2018 11:38 8370443,3823383238,"

When are you Trump haters going to realize he intends to use all means necessary to get his priorities accomplished. Number One: THE WALL.

From Lifson at American Thinker:

Let's talk about what the President can and can't do for this Omnibus Bill. There's a lot of discussion both ways so let's examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:

1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.

2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don't spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it's spent legally. That's their job to monitor with oversight.

3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn't.

4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he's invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. This opens up new options.

6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn't deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.

7. Also, these declarations make some funds fungible. For instance if he determines that building a Wall on the Southern Border is a defense against Human Trafficking? He can move funds from anywhere else in the Defense Dept Allocation & simply build the Wall.

8. Congress is powerless to stop cash reallocations on an omnibus bill AND cannot stop the DOD from taking measures under a declared Emergency. 9. Despite their language in the Omnibus Bill about the Border Wall, it is trumped by the State of Emergency that Trump declared.

8) So in summary - This will go to the Courts. Congress will sue the President over the Border Wall. But here's how it will play out - Congress and the President are co-equal branches with different functions. Congress allocates. The President spends.

9) The President has National Security as his Primary Responsibility and it's his job to use whatever funds and declarations he needs to for that job. No Court in this Nation (except corrupt on the take Judges) would EVER rule against a President for exercising that authority.

10) In the end the Supreme Court (yes, that's where it will end) will fully VALIDATE the President's Constitutional Authority & the Wall will be built. /end #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

",1521980376,25/03/2018 12:19 8374067,3823388832,

Trump just Tweeted he's going to use the Military to BUILD THE WALL! Q is right again. Trump is going to use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall!

,1521980674,25/03/2018 12:24 8371655,3823404415,

Has Qanon been right on anything? that wasn't already public knowledge?

,1521981501,25/03/2018 12:38 8374409,3823415232,"

Not as many ""kids"" as there were Leftist political activists and Q tips.
If it were a grass roots movement of school children that would at least be authentic.

",1521981983,25/03/2018 12:46 8375009,3823460877,

What if Trump takes that Defence Money and builds the Wall with Military engineers. As a Qanon poster wittily observed- Department of Da Fence

,1521983625,25/03/2018 13:13 8368508,3823482011,"

The wall will not only be build with concrete and steel but they will also use high tech like drones, thermal imaging infrared cameras and all kinds of sensors. Border security is national security.
The wall is in the military budget.

This a stolen comment from Youtube. Read it. It's very interesting.

President Trump is way ahead of the swamp creatures. This bill funds the military and he can allocate money to the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall. He needs a strong military. The wall will be started tomorrow. It will be funded as part of our military national security. President Trump determines how the funds are allocated. If he vetoes it the swamp creatures would go back and over ride his veto and he would get nothing. There are lots of surprises in this huge bill. Trust President Trump. Read the Q post. Now we see how many politicians need to go. Ryan and McConnell could have just funded the military in a separate bill but they colluded with the Democrats to destroy President Trump. Let’s wait and see how much these Democrats end up getting. Trust me President Trump knows what’s in the bill. There is a silent coup and it’s not going to be easy to expose the traitors and drain the swamp. We must vote all Democrats out. We need to elect people that support President Trump. President Trump’s base is not going anywhere. This is not about right or left but good vs evil.

Does all Democrats also include the Democrats in the GOP? I think so. Vote them out.

Read the Q posts.

This is a very funny and informative video. I highly recommend to watch the whole video. Something big is going on.

",1521984477,25/03/2018 13:27 8372888,3823562628,"

Any doubters need to visit website #qanon....MEDIA lies, deceives...project mockingbird is real, effective, evil....

",1521987178,25/03/2018 14:12 8369576,3823571395, for liberty!

,1521987564,25/03/2018 14:19 8369429,3823635554,"

I hear you, he has rope-a-dope the liberals so many times now I'm starting to trust him. And that scares me. This is big, I believe he will do the right thing. But truth be told we will simply have to wait and see and either support him or remove him based on his actions.

There actually is a plan, as much as the liberal media tries to mock it, you should really study up on the Q Anon. YouTube it. This is what Jerome corsi was breaking down. Too many proofs over the past months to be coincidence or a LARP.

",1521989728,25/03/2018 14:55 8374910,3823672476,"

Google “Qanon posts” ,,, go thru the rabbit hole alice.. you will see that everything isn’t what it seems.. spread the word .. stage 5 is set

",1521991135,25/03/2018 15:18 8374910,3823751037,"

And here is how it's done

1) Let's talk about what the President can and can't do for this Omnibus Bill. There's a lot of discussion both ways so let's examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:

1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.

2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don't spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it's spent legally. That's their job to monitor with oversight.

3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn't.

4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he's invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. This opens up new options.

6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn't deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.

7. Also, these declarations make some funds fungible. For instance if he determines that building a Wall on the Southern Border is a defense against Human Trafficking? He can move funds from anywhere else in the Defense Dept Allocation & simply build the Wall.

8. Congress is powerless to stop cash reallocations on an omnibus bill AND cannot stop the DOD from taking measures under a declared Emergency. 9. Despite their language in the Omnibus Bill about the Border Wall, it is trumped by the State of Emergency that Trump declared.

8) So in summary - This will go to the Courts. Congress will sue the President over the Border Wall. But here's how it will play out - Congress and the President are co-equal branches with different functions. Congress allocates. The President spends.

9) The President has National Security as his Primary Responsibility and it's his job to use whatever funds and declarations he needs to for that job. No Court in this Nation (except corrupt on the take Judges) would EVER rule against a President for exercising that authority.

10) In the end the Supreme Court (yes, that's where it will end) will fully VALIDATE the President's Constitutional Authority & the Wall will be built. /end #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

Read more: https://www.americanthinker...
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

",1521993946,25/03/2018 16:05 8374907,3823823091,"

Check out flag of the Dem Party Paramilitary Wing and the 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party in Germany ---- (same)

Who is Angela Merkel (Germany) -- VERY related to Adolf Hitler --- whose father was son of a Rothschild........


",1521996361,25/03/2018 16:46 8369837,3824021940,"

I think they will.

The wall is in the military budget.
The wall will not only be build with concrete and steel but they will also use high tech like drones, thermal imaging infrared cameras and all kinds of sensors.
Border security is national security.

This a stolen comment from Youtube. Read it. It's very interesting.

""President Trump is way ahead of the swamp creatures. This bill funds the military and he can allocate money to the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall. He needs a strong military. The wall will be started tomorrow. It will be funded as part of our military national security. President Trump determines how the funds are allocated. If he vetoes it the swamp creatures would go back and over ride his veto and he would get nothing. There are lots of surprises in this huge bill. Trust President Trump. Read the Q post. Now we see how many politicians need to go. Ryan and McConnell could have just funded the military in a separate bill but they colluded with the Democrats to destroy President Trump. Let’s wait and see how much these Democrats end up getting. Trust me President Trump knows what’s in the bill. There is a silent coup and it’s not going to be easy to expose the traitors and drain the swamp. We must vote all Democrats out. We need to elect people that support President Trump. President Trump’s base is not going anywhere. This is not about right or left but good vs evil.""

Does all Democrats also include the Democrats in the GOP? I think so. Vote them out.

Read the Q posts.

This is a very funny and informative video. I highly recommend to watch the whole video. Something big is going on.

",1522002956,25/03/2018 18:35 8370662,3824026677,

I know who did read it.
What a masterful job our President is doing.

,1522003177,25/03/2018 18:39 8374910,3824037357,"

Vincent, sorry to disappoint but though that was not a bad article, in itself, it only goes 40% of the way.

I am not here to steal TRUMP's thunder but I believe he is still playing several steps ahead of this.

Would suggest that QAnon was right, whoever the damn hell he is. But this is an even deeper game than that.

The distinction is not false:

Yeah! Deadly boring, I know. I can't sex it up and have no wish to.

",1522003684,25/03/2018 18:48 8376599,3824074937,"

Start with qanon and just scroll and read. Don't sign up, just read. The source is the President of the United States.

",1522005518,25/03/2018 19:18 8376989,3824097061,

I love Q. Q is the Nostradamus America deserves.

,1522006624,25/03/2018 19:37 8371607,3824097627,"

I would not be surprised if he does.

The wall is in the military budget.
The wall will not only be build with concrete and steel but they will also use high tech like drones, thermal imaging infrared cameras and all kinds of sensors. Border security is national security.

This a stolen comment from Youtube. Read it. It's very interesting.

""President Trump is way ahead of the swamp creatures. This bill funds the military and he can allocate money to the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall. He needs a strong military. The wall will be started tomorrow. It will be funded as part of our military national security. President Trump determines how the funds are allocated. If he vetoes it the swamp creatures would go back and over ride his veto and he would get nothing. There are lots of surprises in this huge bill. Trust President Trump. Read the Q post. Now we see how many politicians need to go. Ryan and McConnell could have just funded the military in a separate bill but they colluded with the Democrats to destroy President Trump. Let’s wait and see how much these Democrats end up getting. Trust me President Trump knows what’s in the bill. There is a silent coup and it’s not going to be easy to expose the traitors and drain the swamp. We must vote all Democrats out. We need to elect people that support President Trump. President Trump’s base is not going anywhere. This is not about right or left but good vs evil.""

Does all Democrats also include the Democrats in the GOP? I think so. Vote them out.

Read the Q posts!

This is a very funny and informative video. I highly recommend to watch the whole video. (This is not for liberals.)

",1522006653,25/03/2018 19:37 8376989,3824124204,"

Yes. If you follow Q regularly, the rest of media (even much on our side) starts to feel trivial and simpleminded. TV and corporate news have never seemed more fake and pre-fab to me, too.

I hope you follow Sundance (The Last Refuge). He's definitely trustworthy. He doesn't mention Q but I know a lot of his readers do.

",1522008009,25/03/2018 20:00 8365145,3824130475,"

Apparently you do, Suzie Q, you keep replying.
I made sure it was only one sentence.

",1522008343,25/03/2018 20:05 8376599,3824148906,

Go to #qanon
trust the plan
#great awakening

,1522009336,25/03/2018 20:22 8376599,3824150425,

Go to #qanon to understand how the game is played

,1522009418,25/03/2018 20:23 8376599,3824153162,

#qanon....explore and learn....Trump is very

,1522009564,25/03/2018 20:26 8375888,3824193163,"

President Trump hints he may use Defense budget to build the border wall now

Explained and outlined... https://www.americanthinker...

10) In the end the Supreme Court (yes, that's where it will end) will fully VALIDATE the President's Constitutional Authority & the Wall will be built. /end #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

",1522011752,25/03/2018 21:02 8369429,3824202984,

Where is the infrastructure that congress funded in an omnibus spending bill under Obama? The shovel ready jobs?

Where did the money go. This has nothing to do with Q. This has everything to do with understanding how Washington actually work in practice.

,1522012330,25/03/2018 21:12 8374910,3824273616,

Correction: the show must have seen the latest Q posts...that is where it all originated.

,1522016535,25/03/2018 22:22 8370443,3824428167,"

Did he really betray the Patriots? A big NO! Once again the President is showing that he is a Master chess player. You are not listening to Q and what is happening BEHIND the scenes! The President got a HUGE amount for the Military - in fact $60billion more! See if you can decode his LAST drop which happened straight after the OMNIBUS bill was signed.

Clock Activated.

A little hint. The Army Corp of Engineers has a Red Castle as their Insignia and their base? Green Castle. The Army Corp of Engineers are going to BUILD THE WALL!!
The money is ALL there plus those in the Military will be given a pay rise. Watch the Presidents Twitter feed!! Once again the President has outfoxed the Democrats!!

",1522026218,26/03/2018 01:03 8370443,3824432476,"

YOU are not following Q!! If you saw the latest post just after the OMNIBUS bill was signed, Q dropped this.

Clock Activated.

A little hint. The Army Corp of Engineers has a Red Castle as their Insignia and their base? Green Castle. The Army Corp of Engineers are going to BUILD THE WALL!!
The money is ALL there plus those in the Military will be given a pay rise. Watch the Presidents Twitter feed!! Once again the President has outfoxed the Democrats!!

Then read the Presidents Twitter since!

",1522026533,26/03/2018 01:08 8370443,3824435701,"

Are you following Q? Obviously not. If you had you would know by now that the Army Corp of Engineers are going to BUILD THE WALL. Take look at some of the Presidents tweets since the signing.

",1522026760,26/03/2018 01:12 8370443,3824437080,

He still will. For God's sake get over to the Q Boards and actually see what is going on! The wall will be built by the Army Corp of Engineers!!

,1522026860,26/03/2018 01:14 8370443,3824444675,"

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Go back and see my posts on Q before yours. You guys have no idea what is going on because at the slightest hiccup you go to water. How does the President speak to the Patriots? CNN? MSNBC? Washington Post? NYT? No. He speaks to them via Twitter, directly at his rallies and since Late October, on his own secured board under the title Q. When asked who Q was, Q replied. ""Not more than 10 - 6/7 military Intel and 3 Civilians. Is it the President?. We don't know, but millions are convinced around the world and listen to Jerome Corsi at his explanation

",1522027432,26/03/2018 01:23 8377829,3824497198,"

Looks like President Trump has confirmed one of Q's post from the other day, where Q simply posted clock activated, red castle, greencastle. Many around American have been wondering what Q meant through Red Castle Greencastle, but it looks Trump's recent tweet about the wall and spending bill may confirm the Army Corps Of Engineers is going to likely build the wall

",1522031810,26/03/2018 02:36 8377829,3824536954,"

F Q `IN LEGEND!...................I`M OUT!.......................KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!

",1522035862,26/03/2018 03:44 8370443,3824539558,"

Start here.

Then search for the Q boards with Jerome Corsi to get acquainted with the brief summary of the posts that Q has dropped. Patriots need to get on the Q boards urgently. Why? Because Military Intel are letting the public, along with the President, know what is going on!! Do you realise that 45 has already met with Kim Jong Un? They found the sub that sent that missile (missing Argentinian/CIA sub) to Hawaii and according to Q is already in 1000 pieces. Are you aware that Merkel is Hitlers daughter and his double was killed in the bunker and he lived out his time in Argentina? Some of this is so astonishing, but TIME, every single time a drop of code is dropped, either days ahead or a month, it comes to pass.

We have to realise that the MSM is the enemy. They get their talking points on what to say, each morning at 4:00am. The globalists want 2 things. Depopulation and 2 classes. When JFK discovered this, it cost him his life and ditto Reagan. He survived but was never the same. Q said the evil they are uncovering is sick, very sick and frightening. The signing of the EO on 12/21/2017 has allowed the President to confiscate $billions already from those involved in crimes and atrocities against humanity, ie Saudi Princes.

",1522036157,26/03/2018 03:49 8374910,3824553939,"

Have a look here:
I figured it out three hours after the signing. That just on rationalising. That is why I stopped posting for a while. QAnon was there in five minutes, I later discovered. But he probably had inside information.

",1522037751,26/03/2018 04:15 8377829,3824560202,"

Looks like President Trump has confirmed one of Q's post from the other day, where Q simply posted clock activated, red castle, greencastle. Many around American have been wondering what Q meant through Red Castle Greencastle, but it looks Trump's recent tweet about the wall and spending bill may confirm the Army Corps Of Engineers is going to likely build the wall. Again this Trump tweet would be more confirmation of Q if Trump will use the US Military to build the border wall, because Q would confirm that President Trump will go through the Army Corps of Engineers to build Trump's promise of a Great Border Wall. There's nothing the US House can do about it either, because a President does not need the permission of Congress or the Senate to use the Army Corps Of Engineers...Especially after this money is to be used by the US Military.

",1522038458,26/03/2018 04:27 8377829,3824561570,

White Castle is a hamburger joint .... that's more likely what Q is referring to.

,1522038615,26/03/2018 04:30 8374910,3824562825,"

That you, Q?

",1522038757,26/03/2018 04:32 8377829,3824569066,

I thought Q and Snowden were just playing chess. ;-)

,1522039470,26/03/2018 04:44 8374910,3824634239,"

I believe it's 100% true. He's been doing this for awhile now, and like Q has posted many times - these people are stupid. Just too haughty and arrogant to even see it coming.

",1522046297,26/03/2018 06:38 8376722,3824676860,

Maybe that is what Q meant?

,1522050390,26/03/2018 07:46 8368292,3824804064,

You were right!! OMG!
Got to start paying attention to Q-anon!

,1522059664,26/03/2018 10:21 8377829,3824850089,"

Trump Tweet: Build Wall through Military



Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump

Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich. Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!

6:33 AM - Mar 25, 2018


44.1K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like President Trump has confirmed one of Q's post from the other day, where Q simply posted clock activated, red castle, greencastle. Many around American have been wondering what Q meant through Red Castle Greencastle, but it looks Trump's recent tweet about the wall and spending bill may confirm the Army Corps Of Engineers is going to likely build the wall. Again this Trump tweet would be more confirmation of Q if Trump will use the US Military to build the border wall, because Q would confirm that President Trump will go through the Army Corps of Engineers to build Trump's promise of a Great Border Wall. There's nothing the US House can do about it either, because a President does not need the permission of Congress or the Senate to use the Army Corps Of Engineers...Especially after this money is to be used by the US Military.

",1522062056,26/03/2018 11:00 8378996,3824897443,"

John Salisbur'ys outline from that AT article:
1) Let's talk about what the President can and can't do for this Omnibus Bill. There's a lot of discussion both ways so let's examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:

1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.

2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don't spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it's spent legally. That's their job to monitor with oversight.

3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn't.

4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he's invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. This opens up new options.

6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn't deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.

7. Also, these declarations make some funds fungible. For instance if he determines that building a Wall on the Southern Border is a defense against Human Trafficking? He can move funds from anywhere else in the Defense Dept Allocation & simply build the Wall.

8. Congress is powerless to stop cash reallocations on an omnibus bill AND cannot stop the DOD from taking measures under a declared Emergency. 9. Despite their language in the Omnibus Bill about the Border Wall, it is trumped by the State of Emergency that Trump declared.

8) So in summary - This will go to the Courts. Congress will sue the President over the Border Wall. But here's how it will play out - Congress and the President are co-equal branches with different functions. Congress allocates. The President spends.

9) The President has National Security as his Primary Responsibility and it's his job to use whatever funds and declarations he needs to for that job. No Court in this Nation (except corrupt on the take Judges) would EVER rule against a President for exercising that authority.

10) In the end the Supreme Court (yes, that's where it will end) will fully VALIDATE the President's Constitutional Authority & the Wall will be built. /end #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

",1522064088,26/03/2018 11:34 8378996,3824965001,"

Yep, Q said yesterday of the information about Clinton and Mueller, Lynch and the rest...We are only seeing 20% of the scandals and truth... 80% is covert and we just have to trust that these Traitor are going to jail.

",1522066831,26/03/2018 12:20 8378996,3824994694,"

Sarkozy Indicted For Corruption, As Clinton Cabal Crumbles

Pedophilia, organ trafficking, theft from third world nations, Sarkozy and Clinton ties that bind. Clinton's ""cabal finally giving way.""

#QAnon #clintoncash #Obamagate

",1522067965,26/03/2018 12:39 8376599,3825020864,"

All descretionary spending must be reviewed by the House appropriations committee. Instead of parroting the uninformed nonsense of QAnon tards, try reading the comments of an actual Republican congressman who voted against the bill: Justin Amash. Read all his tweets about this matter.

a concurrent resolution, guides appropriators, not signed by president, does not become law, does not legally bind president

a bill, appropriates funding, signed by president, becomes law, legally binds president.

I keep seeing the same absurd claim going around on social media—that the omnibus is not so bad because it’s not a budget. This is totally backward. The omnibus is law; a budget is not. A bad budget is irresponsible but toothless. The omnibus (spending bill)

Also checkout his Facebook posts.

",1522068942,26/03/2018 12:55 8376599,3825023414,

Poor moron has no clue about reality or facts. I bet you're a QAnon tard as well.

,1522069036,26/03/2018 12:57 8379164,3825119760,

Most Russian diplomats in the US are Globalist spies- working for the Russian Mafia. They should all be expelled & Putin send those who will strengthen- not undermine- relations bw the two most powerful Christian nations. At the same time Trump tweets about Fake News. #qanon

,1522072557,26/03/2018 13:55 8379176,3825149087,"

Who told you that? You are so very incorrect, an omnibus bill is much, much worse than a budget. You are reading too much Q. The only person he duped was you and 60 million other supporters. So then when it comes to sign the budget right before the mid-terms, do you think he will veto it if no wall is included? He betrayed you, stop already its getting pathetic and the Dems and Rinos are reading this and laughing at us.

",1522073650,26/03/2018 14:14 8378996,3825180449,

They already met in China according to Q.

,1522074783,26/03/2018 14:33 8378996,3825190481,"

I like to watch Praying Medic on youtube or listen to his podcast. He breaks it all down and explains how Q talks in riddles. This is not the most recent one but a good place to start if you're interested. This guy has a level head on his shoulders and is easy to listen to.

",1522075154,26/03/2018 14:39 8378996,3825197259,"

Dig deeper on the Omnibus. It's the young YouTube journalists doing a great research job. Heres a great summary.
The link to the .PDF of the bill is posted below the video if you care to do your own keyword searches.
Remember this is an Omnibus bill not a budget. The President has full control of the spending. The bill bans abortion, no money for PP. Wall will be designed and built by the Army Corps. See Presidents tweet from over the weekend. Corroberating what Q shared with followers the day the President signed the Omnibus bill. It's not all gloom and doom like some would like the Trump base to believe. Their goal is to discourage and divide.

",1522075404,26/03/2018 14:43 8377448,3825197875,

N I Q Q E R S -----Nuff said.

,1522075428,26/03/2018 14:43 8378996,3825202001,"

It's supposed to hit the fan sometime soon according to Q. Something about HRC video. 5x5, y in brackets, whatever that means.

",1522075579,26/03/2018 14:46 8379992,3825238343,

So the fake apology didn't work?!?

(told you all that the previous news was just the beginning..)

Didn't Q mention some companies would collapse under the weight of their illegal activity?


,1522076903,26/03/2018 15:08 8370443,3825312847,"

Patience my friend. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The damage done to America began decades, perhaps 100 years ago and that has resulted in the death of JFK and an attempt on Reagan when they realised what was going on. Thousands of young men and women have been sacrificed on distant shores to appease the greed that runs deep. It has been escalating rapidly over the last 3 Presidents as technology enabled them to ram the communist agenda thru.

People screamed when globalists were appointed, but time and time again as they fell, their deeds were discovered and duly noted as ‘the map’ as Q often refers to, was revealed. The American people need to be RED PILLED gradually, the deeds of these swamp rats needs to be exposed but if this was done say overnight, the people could not handle it. Q has often said the evil is so horrendous as layer upon layer is peeled back, that everyday Americans will be deeply shocked.

But I can tell you one thing, Stage 5 of 5 was completed on 25th March, 2018 and it has been revealed that 12 Military Courts have been established, the Judges and Jurors are in place, Gitmo is being extended and there is NOTHING the High Court judges can do about it. Why? Because on 12/21/2017, the President signed into law EO
and these treasonous swamp rats are scurrying for any rock they can find. One post even said that ‘44 will claim Kenyan citizenship’. Obama has been travelling the world trying to find a country without US extradition treaties. Last week he was in New Zealand where many corrupt CEOs and politicians are fleeing to. And only last week the SES was revealed. What is the SES? It’s what some call the shadow government, but that sounds like a conspiracy theory. The SES is the SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE and they are NOT accountable to anyone, including the President! But, just last week the head of it, handed herself in.

As Q has said ‘they are in panic mode’. America is facing perilous times but Q has indicated it will be “glorious” when these swamp rats are sent away. And on 11/11/2018 there will be a Parade to honour the Military. Why is this date so significant. It marks 100 years that Americans have fought on distant shores. On that day, every single American troop will be back ON AMERICAN SOIL. The President is bringing home ALL those who have been used as pawns in a game no-one can win. No more will young men and women be sacrificed on distant shores because of some globalists greed for power. Then the real re-building of America can begin. MAGA.

",1522079604,26/03/2018 15:53 8379992,3825328655,"

GOOGLE IS MESSING WITH ""THE PUBLISH"" DATE ON YOUTUBE ON ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH Q POSTINGS -- and probably other things as well. They are hiding current postings and saying month old postings just happened. They have crossed the line. THIS IS CENSORSHIP. It is time to move to

",1522080172,26/03/2018 16:02 8379848,3825348362,"

It doesn't matter if your name is zuckerberg , greenberg or Rockefeller the crime spend the time!!! #Internet billofrights..#fakenews....#qanon

",1522080878,26/03/2018 16:14 8379848,3825384337,"

It's more than privacy concerns. It is about a company's intentional violation of a person's fourth amendment rights. That is a high crime and I hope that the government treats this properly (i.e., people should be going to prison over this).

A company's terms of service are NOT a substitute for circumventing the Constitution.

@MZ - Q warned you. You didn't believe them and now you are being exposed for the CIA puppet you are. Goodbye MZ.

",1522082174,26/03/2018 16:36 8380196,3825591412,"

1) Let's talk about what the President can and can't do for this Omnibus Bill. There's a lot of discussion both ways so let's examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:
1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.
2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don't spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it's spent legally. That's their job to monitor with oversight.
3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn't.
4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he's invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. This opens up new options.
6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn't deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.
7. Also, these declarations make some funds fungible. For instance if he determines that building a Wall on the Southern Border is a defense against Human Trafficking? He can move funds from anywhere else in the Defense Dept Allocation & simply build the Wall.
8. Congress is powerless to stop cash reallocations on an omnibus bill AND cannot stop the DOD from taking measures under a declared Emergency. 9. Despite their language in the Omnibus Bill about the Border Wall, it is trumped by the State of Emergency that Trump declared.
8) So in summary - This will go to the Courts. Congress will sue the President over the Border Wall. But here's how it will play out - Congress and the President are co-equal branches with different functions. Congress allocates. The President spends.
9) The President has National Security as his Primary Responsibility and it's his job to use whatever funds and declarations he needs to for that job. No Court in this Nation (except corrupt on the take Judges) would EVER rule against a President for exercising that authority.
10) In the end the Supreme Court (yes, that's where it will end) will fully VALIDATE the President's Constitutional Authority & the Wall will be built. /end #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

",1522089793,26/03/2018 18:43 8374577,3825593601,"

Deleted by Q from Great Awakening Board

Are you going to give up on him based on reporting and talking heads on MSM, and yes, including FOX NEWS?
We are starting to learn who we can trust in a foxhole and who will be weak and tuck their tale running based on lies!


",1522089876,26/03/2018 18:44 8378996,3825627867,

That is why they are attacked non stop. Yes Q is

,1522091191,26/03/2018 19:06 8381177,3825803412,"

When I was driving home a short time ago, I listened to Mark Levin on the radio destroy these gun grabbers. He made many insightful points. But one of the best, in my opinion, was his Q re Congress: If all the guns were grabbed from private citizens in the U.S., would all the security around Congress in DC come down suddenly? Of course not!!! NOR would these leftist celebrities' and business execs' armed bodyguards get rid of their guns or simply disappear all together. But as Mark pointed out, this is what the gun grabbers are indicating could happen if you follow their ""logic.""

Mr. Levin also followed up on Breitbart's AWR Hawkins's report about the brilliant Campus Reform questioning of the human sheep protesting at the DC gun grabbers rally. One of the young ladies said she thought the 1st and 2nd Amendments should be repealed/reworked, and Mark noted that her ability to march on DC and freely say these knuckleheaded things were because of these amendments! The irony!!!

",1522099437,26/03/2018 21:23 8378996,3825816458,"

Could be.
Could be all the money he secured for the military actually includes big funds for the wall, in addition to the amount that's actually stated as being for the wall.
So sayeth Q apparently.

",1522100163,26/03/2018 21:36 8381177,3825832180,"

One thing you will notice about the kids they picked to be the anti-gun spokes kids is they all have a very recognizable look. (This is why Trump has his hair the way he does, it is branding and memorable)

The gonzalez girl used to have long hair for that show did with another girl, but they needed a representative for the LGBTQ so she shaved her head to stand out and became that person.

The Hogg is very easy to remember.

The blond girl is easy to remember too. Big giant mary harf glasses and a key on a chain around her neck that stands out. (This means she is into BDSM). (in case you are wondering why some people wear those keys)

They spend quite a lot time to plan these kind of things. Remember Q said flyrothsfly.

Then Lynn de rothschild responded to Q on 4chan, someone posted a question to her, and she replied ""you will die of thirst of and you will watch your children die""

She then a few days later posted on twitter flyeaglesfly. the school is the eagles.

",1522101055,26/03/2018 21:50 8381291,3825886473,"

Get yourself RED PILLED! The plan to drain the swamp is progressing very nicely. It was a deliberate move (with the Military) to bring in these Obama hold overs. He (and Military intel) has picked their brains and sent them on their way. Do yourself a favour to keep ahead of what is happening and go to the Q boards. If you find that too hard to understand or follow, seek out the interview with Jerome Corsi and Tracy Beanz and start there. You will not hear anything about this on the MSM but I can assure you that according to Q ‘they are in panic mode’ and their crimes are being exposed as we speak.

",1522103978,26/03/2018 22:39 8378996,3825902444,"


",1522104847,26/03/2018 22:54 8381291,3825906883,

Correct! Go to the Q boards for confirmation. The Military will be building the wall! Search under RED CASTLE GREEN CASTLE.

,1522105079,26/03/2018 22:57 8375813,3825912816,"

Not true. He most likely gets a TS, maybe a Q but I doubt it.

",1522105403,26/03/2018 23:03 8382437,3825928977,

Stop believing Q quackery.

,1522106308,26/03/2018 23:18 8382437,3826020522,

It has been awhile. I say Q dropping some major truth bombs soon.

,1522111511,27/03/2018 00:45 8383199,3826047155,

Mr. Q.

,1522113182,27/03/2018 01:13 8380817,3826078755,

Me too. No luck with fruit trees - late spring frost and cicada's did them in. Even most of our local orchards have closed or get their fruit from out of state. One thing I've learned through the years is take a Q from mother nature. Planted black hills spruce around our home a few years back. Had to cut everyone of them down due to needle cast. We are surrounded by hardwoods and eastern red cedar trees. A bird must have planted a seed out in front of our house where a river birch used to be. Now we have a lovely eastern red cedar tree that is much more adapted to the local climate than those big box nursery stock trees.

,1522115478,27/03/2018 01:51 8374910,3826080876,"

Y'all a little behind on the news. QAnon said it 3-4 days ago in their post. ""Red Castle Green Castle"". Army Corp of Engineers emblem is a red castle and their main base is in Greencastle. Trump is going to fund the wall with all the cash the omnibus bill gave him for defense.

",1522115646,27/03/2018 01:54 8376599,3826088092,"

You half-witted dullard, you QAnon pinheads are not capable of reading a menu, nevermind anyone's mind. Stop projecting your unevidenced fantasies on to what Trump is planning or what he can and can't do. The Congressman knows infinitely more about this than you or any of the retards you follow on the Internet.

",1522116245,27/03/2018 02:04 8378996,3826097870,"

Hear, here. I just got done posting that link about 10 times. Trump is a step ahead of them all the way. No one knows how to play chess. Thank you, Q. Thank you, President Trump.

",1522117091,27/03/2018 02:18 8376599,3826104455,"

Idiot you're not bright enough to realize when you've been refuted. Stick to the QAnon boards moron, you're out of your depth here.

",1522117660,27/03/2018 02:27 8382437,3826125323,"

The omnibus bill is not a budget. It is a spending bill.
The money for the wall is in the military budget.
He can use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall.

#QAnon - WE are GETTING THE WALL, the STAGE is set

",1522119595,27/03/2018 02:59 8382437,3826126267,"

#QAnon - WE are GETTING THE WALL, the STAGE is set

",1522119686,27/03/2018 03:01 8383199,3826167763,"

Follow Qanon, that is all...

",1522123946,27/03/2018 04:12 8383199,3826168790,

How often has Qanon been wrong?

,1522124059,27/03/2018 04:14 8382437,3826331086,"

Yay, conspiracy theories! No one cares about Q. Stop getting your news from anonymous twitter users. It is very cult-like behavior.

",1522139074,27/03/2018 08:24 8383199,3826369580,"

No one said it's a ""huge"" win, but it's another good thing in the reverse direction. Someone took the Q off the census. Now someone put it back.

",1522141909,27/03/2018 09:11 8383199,3826391154,"

The Kenyan with the sealed records is stil trying to destroy Americas Constitution .

Obama says Obama Foundation working on how people receive news on internet



​ The Washington Examiner reported: “If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” Obama said. “Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress.” Obama also blasted “old men in power” (he probably meant to say old ‘white’ men). “A lot of our problems are caused by old men. No offense, men, who are old,” he quipped.
Even worse, Obama once again complained about people using the internet and social media to read the news. He signaled he will be working through the Obama Foundation to change the way the internet and social media function. “One of the things we’re going to be spending time on, through the Foundation, is finding ways in which we can study this phenomenon of social media and the Internet to see are there ways in which we can bring people from different perspectives to start having a more civil debate and listen to each other more carefully,” Obama said.
Obviously the way people receive the news has already changed on the internet around America, as Conservative voices are silenced through censorship while Left Wing voices are not censored. Looks like Obama is still upset over President Trump replacing him in the Oval Office along with Obama's treason being exposed through things like Q and social media after he left the Oval Office, with Obama today stating that his Foundation is working on a way how Americans receive information online.
However this operation by Obama and his Clinton like Foundation traces back to a 2011 meeting in California where all the online tech censors like Google, Facebook, and Twitter executives dined with Obama over wine...So really this is already in play. However Obama is slowly turning into the Clinton's by acting like he is still the President, and illegally telling the tech world to censor American Conservatives online. It's time to lock Obama up, as he illegally is acting like he is still the President. An arrest of this traitor and Constitutional law breaker couldn't come any sooner.

",1522143355,27/03/2018 09:35 8383199,3826398968,"

The real reason the Deep State wants no stability with Putin !

Russia involved in Obama's Iran nuke deal



The Hill Reports: A former undercover informant says he provided evidence to the FBI during President Obama’s first term that Russia was assisting Iran’s nuclear program even as billions in new U.S. business flowed to Moscow’s uranium industry. William Douglas Campbell told The Hill his evidence included that Russia was intercepting nonpublic copies of international inspection reports on Tehran’s nuclear program and sending equipment, advice and materials to a nuclear facility inside Iran.
Campbell said Russian nuclear executives were extremely concerned that Moscow’s ongoing assistance to Iran might boomerang on them just as they were winning billions of dollars in new nuclear fuel contracts inside the United States. “The people I was working with had been briefed by Moscow to keep a very low profile regarding Moscow’s work with Tehran,” Campbell said in an interview. “Moscow was supplying equipment, nuclear equipment, nuclear services to Iran. And Moscow, specifically the leadership in Moscow, were concerned that it would offset the strategy they had here in the United States if the United States understood the close relationship between Moscow and Tehran.”
What's that one word that Q lately has been using very often lately...Well that word is boom and we just got a huge boom delivered, as we have a report that Russia was secretly involved with Obama's nuke deal with Iran. Courtesy of the Uranium One FBI informant William Douglas Campbell we now know that Russia was actually involved with Obama's Iran nuke deal, because Russia and Iran worked very closely after Obama signed off the Iran nuke deal that was worth about $150 billion dollars.
​ Basically what we have here is Hillary's Uranium One times 100 with the Iran nuke deal by the Obama administration where Russia was closely and secretly involved. Just when you thought the Obama/Clinton cabal collusion with Russia was at it's peak...Well Russia is now exposed as being involved with the Obama administrations Iran nuke deal worth $150 billion dollars...Which is 100 times the Hillary Uranium One deal with Russia worth around $150 million. Q told us exposing Iran would be next, and it looks like we are now at that moment.

",1522143850,27/03/2018 09:44 8381570,3826447140,"

chin up robt, I think you will be pleasantly surprised as events unfold over the next few weeks and months.#TheGreatAwakening #QAnon

",1522146486,27/03/2018 10:28 8376599,3826526158,"

QAnon has nothing to do with the issue. Look at the 2 links I gave above from NY Times and Washington Examiner. Both cite the President as stating that construction of the wall begins ""immediately"" on Monday.
I know what the prescribed limitations described in the appropriation bill are. Either the links are fake news or the congressman is misguided. Take your pick - and keep your idiotic, childish cyberabuse to yourself pls.

",1522150205,27/03/2018 11:30 8381954,3826706654,

Suzy Q doesn't want to learn facts. She prefers her hatred of anything right.

,1522157355,27/03/2018 13:29 8385398,3826807248,"

And the Democrats were going to do away with the constitution.


Above is Obama/Hillary's 16 year plan to destroy America. Thank you, Q and all other patriots, for exposing and taking down these traitors.

",1522160529,27/03/2018 14:22 8386151,3826994782,

16 is actually fat boys I Q.

,1522166427,27/03/2018 16:00 8383052,3827018423,

Wonder if he might be of the mind set to think these weapons are readily available to John Q public.

,1522167242,27/03/2018 16:14 8385149,3827135638,"

DEMS will get WIPED out in the senate, they have to defend a whopping 26 seats there, many of which in Trump win/close states.

The house a bit closer but judging from the propaganda media bias, it is a toss up at the very best for DEMS. they'll likely LOSE seats in the house.

Who doesn't think Trump Deplorables aren't still fired up? Many are even more so fired up. Plus with improving economic/job conditions, Trump will get even more support from independents and some blue dog Dems, at the very least DEMS are UNinspired to turn out. Their party is literally nothing but Alinsky tactic name calling, thats it. The propaganda media is getting more desperate every single day, exposing themselves for radical media jihad DEMS.

Oh yeah, the propaganda media and liberal idiot celebrities will pile on and make it look like GOP will be wiped out, but the decision to vote and if your life has better prospects is an INDIVIDUAL decision based on individual realities, and less so by what propaganda media tries to tell people what to do or to think.

The Q Anon stuff going on behind the scenes will be dropped as we get closer to the elections(october surprise), and don't you think Trump won't get out and campaign??

",1522171388,27/03/2018 17:23 8385602,3827141147,

Did you see the picture on Qanon of the meeting in 2011? Obama with all the Silicon Valley tech heavy weights ? Obama was micro targeting data to win election. Would not be surprised if Obama stole the election from Romney. The most evil President America has ever encountered

,1522171588,27/03/2018 17:26 8385602,3827149057,"

Please do tell.. proof? Because from the Q drop to now, and we'll see shortly the direction this goes, everything is lining up.

",1522171873,27/03/2018 17:31 8386658,3827287718,

Mar 23 2018 13:14:06
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Clock activated.
According to Q...the military builds the wall.

,1522176824,27/03/2018 18:53 8385209,3827294469,"

Trump insider Q intimates that the US Army Corp of Engineers is now fully funded to build the Wall, and it looks like CA is as good a place to start as any. Red Castle, Green Castle.

",1522177073,27/03/2018 18:57 8385209,3827396339,

The most important issue we need to address is illegal alien voting. That's what caused the mess in CA and it's spreading to other states like Illinois and Colorado. Q anon had a story recently about DHS releasing the results of an investigation into illegal voting but nothing came of it .

,1522181310,27/03/2018 20:08 8386151,3827400855,

Just because a 16 y o snowflake has a higher I Q than Moore does not mean that they should be allowed to vote.

,1522181521,27/03/2018 20:12 8386658,3827404787,

I hear Q 5x5 through Chuckie and Chuck does not even realize it.

,1522181709,27/03/2018 20:15 8386658,3827432729,"

For those that follow Qanon, not sure what to think about him, but he has made some uncanny predictions about events that are now unfolding. Somewhat skeptical, but if half what he posts comes about I would be very happy.

",1522183084,27/03/2018 20:38 8386658,3827484451,"

Again? He's come through every time. But hey I suppose the clowns have to dispatch damage control. Kinda like that guy on the street who just had his ass kicked and is stumbling around swinging at the air saying ""that all ya got?"" Q is right you people are REALLY stupid.

",1522185641,27/03/2018 21:20 8386658,3827530941,

As Q said...What is Red Castle?....I guess some people just weren't paying attention...Hehehe.

,1522188184,27/03/2018 22:03 8386658,3827542810,

I was thinking the same thing the other day till Q said Trump was using the bill to fund his projects such as the wall.. and the bridge and the other Democrat projects would be halted after many of them went to jail.. I'll have to sit back and wait and see for a while now

,1522188824,27/03/2018 22:13 8386658,3827544969,

Here's one now! You have to look it up friend check 8Chan Qanon pages.

,1522188933,27/03/2018 22:15 8387525,3827579851,"

But not the 5th or the 16th. The corrupt pols still need to hide behind the 5th — it's their constitutional right. The 16th wasn't ratified by all the States anyway, and is truly the law that never was... income tax... define income... only government jobs owe an income tax according to the 16th. John Q. Taxpayer only owes taxes on export, import and valued added sales taxes. When you trade your precious time for pay, that's not income.

",1522190770,27/03/2018 22:46 8386658,3827608231,"

Lol? Your sources are Reddit and QAnon tards? Hilarious. There is absolutely no evidence to support that crap. None. There is no chance the Pentagon and Congress would allow Trump to do it. Why do you think the Omnibus bill specifically banned him from even using any of the prototypes he examined recently and left him nothing but paint, chain link and chicken wire?

",1522192308,27/03/2018 23:11 8386658,3827615275,"

Dummy, I have never used multiple accounts and the only one being played is you and the rest of the QAnon morons or anyone else would thinks Trump coukd use military funds to fund the wall. Damn, you people are as dumb as Libtards. If Trump could have used those funds he already would have. He can't. I doubt you twits have even heard of the impoundment laws.

",1522192700,27/03/2018 23:18 8386658,3827661257,"

Me too. I was told to go eat possum by an army of trolls.

Q called this early last week. Red Castle elements of the US Army Corp of Engineers are going to build our beautiful wall.

Why doesn’t BB write an article about Q or push the book “Killing the Deep State”, by Dr. Corsi, PhD (Harvard)?

BB pushed the book “War on Cops” and it was well received.

Are there politics even among those who want DT to succeed?

",1522195329,28/03/2018 00:02 8386658,3827708035,"

Truce accepted. It was on a series of YouTube reports that Google has since taken down -- without explanation. But Dr. Corsi talks about it in several of his Q Anon YouTube talks in the last three days. And there are YouTube reports with Ann Coulter and Judge Jeanine talking about this in the last few days, and also Rush Limbaugh. When President Trump first declared the state of emergency back in December there was a lot of talk then about what he could and could not do. The setting up of military tribunals is settled law -- going back to Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, when things were as confused, crazy and divided as they are today. The MSM is stonewalling it, but it is not hidden.

",1522198268,28/03/2018 00:51 8387750,3827719870,

Faaaaaaaaaa Q!!!!!!!!!!

,1522199060,28/03/2018 01:04 8386658,3827726789,

By Q you mean Quincy Jones ?

,1522199537,28/03/2018 01:12 8386658,3827764044,"

If you google qanon you will find a lot of information. Here is where you find his posts:

Q is Army Military Intelligence and is in the DT admin. This is all kind of like “late breaking” open-source stuff.

But before you google, go to the below site and listen to a fireside-chat. It is well worth the time—then down the rabbit hole you go!

",1522202373,28/03/2018 01:59 8387522,3827766727,"

I’ll believe the Military funding wall when I see it. I’m not being negative in that statement and hopefully it will happen. I’ve been hearing alot about these Indictments. The number was much lower a month ago. Do they actually exist? Or,Is this Q talk? In other words.. Where’s the Beef?

",1522202587,28/03/2018 02:03 8385398,3827782270,"

Time to chop up these United States from 50 states to many more states. Makes no sense that CA, NV, NM, PA, FL, MN, MD, VA, WI and MI are still forced into a 1 state political domination, especially CA. Why this discussion didn't take place 10 - 20 yrs ago is a real political Q to answer?

",1522203860,28/03/2018 02:24 8389214,3827796183,

I'm done with Q. Just my take. Carry on.

,1522205064,28/03/2018 02:44 8389214,3827803279,

Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814

PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

,1522205712,28/03/2018 02:55 8389214,3827821689,

NEW Q POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

,1522207302,28/03/2018 03:21 8386658,3827824369,

It is already started. This was announced before Trump signed the bill. Then it happened just as Q said it would. Sit back and enjoy the show. It will turn out a horror show for the deep state and their supporters. Thank God.

,1522207547,28/03/2018 03:25 8387750,3827825209,

New Q posts BTW....

,1522207627,28/03/2018 03:27 8386658,3827842069,"

I had it worked out three hour after the signing. But some other good folks sent me the links to the proofs. I checked each one out and realised it all built together to make a coherent picture.

It is necessary to go back over the last 2-3 months and then you see the TRUMP has been busy setting this one up. No one noticed apart from QAnon. It seems a bit fruity going along to 8-chan, copying or searching for links, taking copies and then piecing back together. But, it does not matter where it comes from, the truth is still true !!!

Started to feed this out slowly, rather than all at once. I wanted the good guys to know before the trolls. and any other provokatsiya types. This way, I started to get messages from Constitutionalists and the like, telling me I was right.

Even so, I always followed through what they said just in case it was dezinformatsiya. They all checked out great and I must thank them.

Interesting that the MSM (including here) are not majoring on this yet. Probably best. It can all happen without lunatics trying to block through the 9th.

",1522209379,28/03/2018 03:56 8389214,3827855424,"

The Hillary voter trolls on the soros payroll keep telling us Q is fake and nothing will come of what he says(Hillary and Obama will never go to prison, etc.). I hope they are wrong.

",1522210805,28/03/2018 04:20 8389214,3828071269,"

New Q: Posts God Will Judge Our Enemies, We'll Arrange The Meeting SEAL patch, Google, Amazon, Twitter next after Facebook


1 Comment

Q is really sending out a major message to the Deep State, Clinton, Obama, and Bush cabal network...As Q is posting a US NAVY SEAL patch that states God Will Judge Our Enemies, We'll Arrange The Meeting patch. Now what would this mean from Q...Likely not war but a major move to come against US traitors like the Obama/Clinton/Deep State cabal.
​ Q is also telling us to quit fighting among ourselves inside the MAGA movement, which needs to happen so we can be stronger. Also the exposing of Facebook that we have seen over the last week, will likely target Twitter, Google, and Amazon in the coming days...So get ready for drops on these well known Conservative censoring silicon valley tech giants which they all have in common with Facebook. Something looks like it's about to change that we have all been dealing with online since Trump won the election. Wonder what Q means by offline for a reason though?

",1522229357,28/03/2018 09:29 8389214,3828074716,"

New Q: House Cleaning, Final Stage, responds to Free Flynn post, Parkland was organized to distract



Well it may just be that Kim Dotcom's previous posted dm with General Flynn on Twitter may be from today actually, as Q is responding to an 8Chan post saying Free Flynn...Responding done in 30. So question is...Is General Flynn a free man? Q is also stating a House Cleaning, WH secured, Final Stage...Which could likely be hinting at more removals from President Trump's White House like we have seen recently with General McMaster.
Q is also stating that Parkland was a distraction, and hinting that it's fake and actors are acting...Possibly pointing out rambling David Hogg. For the second time Q is stating that the guns are safe, so we likely will not have to worry about Democrats trying to take away are guns...Those involved in the Parkland distraction may also be getting ready to be arrested like David Hogg and the other Parkland actors. Looks like some kind of cleanup is coming, and everyone involved in the Parkland incident from the Sheriff to the actors may be getting served justice.

",1522229568,28/03/2018 09:32 8389214,3828076600,"

Twitter takes negative 12 percent stock value hit in one day



CNBC Reports: ​The info tech sector was the worst hit with a fall of 3.5 percent, as investors expect tighter control on the industry following a furore over use of Facebook data by political consultants. Facebook fell 4.9 percent on Tuesday, taking its losses to almost 18 percent since March 16, when the firm first acknowledged the problem. Twitter fell 12 percent while Google parent Alphabet fell 4.5 percent.
Another weak spot was Nvidia, which fell 7.8 percent after the chipmaker temporarily suspended self-driving tests across the globe after an Uber Technologies Inc autonomous vehicle killed a woman. Investors rotated out of the tech sector, which had long outperformed the market on hopes of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT).
Looks like Twitter is getting hit just as bad as Facebook, as people seem to also be catching on that Twitter like Facebook spies on you, sells your data, and censors you if you're Conservative. Now unlike Facebook's huge loss in value, Twitter is hit harder with a 12% loss in one day, because Twitter stock is only worth about $28 after today's stock value drop for Twitter.
​ With this drop top executives and officials are likely selling off their stock holdings in Twitter in mass, because in the coming days what we figured out about Facebook is likely the same situation going on at Twitter...And Q told us this would happen. Like Facebook...Twitter likely sold your data to the Obama administration and DNC officials hold on to that data without you knowing. I'll just put it simple what is going on at Facebook is likely the same thing going on at Twitter with this massive sell off of Twitter in one day.

",1522229686,28/03/2018 09:34 8387732,3828079594,"

I've been following the Qanon movement. Q-types also are sent out to various regular people to tell them what is going on with the draining of the swamp. One intelligence drop was: Hillary's private server--- ALL of it (even the erased portions)--- was examined. There was treason on it. Hillary AND Obama were selling top secret everything to world-wide enemies. Russia and China now have OUR top secret weapon plans for thermal weapons. All our ICBM codes...everything. This Q-type person WAS in Texas where the main server was located. HE WAS with Q and Q team looking at it. He witnessed it. And HE most probably will be called forth by the prosecution at the tribunals to testify what he witnessed.

GITMO is all remodeled and ready to house hundreds of Deep Staters. The judges on the tribunal panels have been reading all the cases that Sessions prepped. Due process IS moving along. All that waits really is for the criminals to be hand cuffed and hauled.

There will be a great resistance. And THIS is the scary part. We've seen resistance with the Austin bomber, and now the bomber attempts in the DC area. They predict there will be electronic grid attacks and fear that 80% of the population in the 1/3 where the attack will be ....hurt or affected somehow.

This is coming down. Hillary Bill Obama will be executed for treason. This is a certain.

",1522229873,28/03/2018 09:37 8389214,3828135948,"

Twitter takes negative 12 percent stock value hit in one day



CNBC Reports: ​The info tech sector was the worst hit with a fall of 3.5 percent, as investors expect tighter control on the industry following a furore over use of Facebook data by political consultants. Facebook fell 4.9 percent on Tuesday, taking its losses to almost 18 percent since March 16, when the firm first acknowledged the problem. Twitter fell 12 percent while Google parent Alphabet fell 4.5 percent.
Another weak spot was Nvidia, which fell 7.8 percent after the chipmaker temporarily suspended self-driving tests across the globe after an Uber Technologies Inc autonomous vehicle killed a woman. Investors rotated out of the tech sector, which had long outperformed the market on hopes of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT).
Looks like Twitter is getting hit just as bad as Facebook, as people seem to also be catching on that Twitter like Facebook spies on you, sells your data, and censors you if you're Conservative. Now unlike Facebook's huge loss in value, Twitter is hit harder with a 12% loss in one day, because Twitter stock is only worth about $28 after today's stock value drop for Twitter.
​ With this drop top executives and officials are likely selling off their stock holdings in Twitter in mass, because in the coming days what we figured out about Facebook is likely the same situation going on at Twitter...And Q told us this would happen. Like Facebook...Twitter likely sold your data to the Obama administration and DNC officials hold on to that data without you knowing. I'll just put it simple what is going on at Facebook is likely the same thing going on at Twitter with this massive sell off of Twitter in one day

",1522233090,28/03/2018 10:31 8390342,3828191058,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522235772,28/03/2018 11:16 8390342,3828219366,"

""victim"" in the hospital - switching the leg brace to a different leg. Secret Service there before the event. Reports of helicopter activity days before event. Drill a day of the event. Alexa Mienik alongside unarmed ""shooter"" Nikolas Cruz- mysteriously hidden away and muzzled. Teacher saying full body armor person with gun - she has been called a liar by the cops. Nikolas Cruz casually going off to get a burger. Duffel bag- carried by police - carrying, what - Cruz's get up? No interview with Uber driver. Please recall the Sandy Hook Hoax with ""parent"" Mark Mattioli pro-gun stance tossed in for good measure. This might have been yet another hoax. Thank you, deep state, FBI, usual gang of thugs. Even Q anon is calling this out, and thankfully,, the tearless Sandy Hook Hoax as well.

",1522237028,28/03/2018 11:37 8390417,3828223439,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522237201,28/03/2018 11:40 8390417,3828268272,"

Last night from Q, ""guns are safe""...

Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522239061,28/03/2018 12:11 8390417,3828271295,

this ..... Q is fantasy land.

,1522239186,28/03/2018 12:13 8390342,3828273188,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522239262,28/03/2018 12:14 8390417,3828274723,"

This from Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522239327,28/03/2018 12:15 8390615,3828281481,"

Such growth in spite of interest rates being increased twice during the 4th Q. Magic I tell ya, magic

",1522239603,28/03/2018 12:20 8390342,3828351592,"

Latest Q post: Specifically about the Parkland Shooting.

",1522242310,28/03/2018 13:05 8386658,3828387060,"

""Ominibus is not a Budget Bill ""

Yet another QAnon tard too ignorant to even know basic facts. Dummy, there is no such thing as a ""budget bill"". The Omnibus bill is now actual LAW, budgets are not. As Republican Congressmen Justin Amash correctly pointed out,

a concurrent resolution, guides appropriators, not signed by president, does not become law, does not legally bind president

a bill, appropriates funding, signed by president, becomes law, legally binds president.

I keep seeing the same absurd claim going around on social media—that the omnibus is not so bad because it’s not a budget. This is totally backward. The omnibus is law; a budget is not. A bad budget is irresponsible but toothless. The omnibus (spending bill)

""Apparently you can't comprehend it. ""

Nothing apparent about it, it now proven you're too ignorant to even grasp the difference and implications between what is now actual, BINDING LAW and a non binding, non law like a budget.

Further I would bet you're also completely clueless about impoundment laws and don't even know the House committee on appropriations exists.

",1522243666,28/03/2018 13:27 8390417,3828402315,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522244237,28/03/2018 13:37 8390342,3828403301,"

THIS from Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522244274,28/03/2018 13:37 8390417,3828424150,"

Ok, it's the end of March, where are the mass indictments qanon promised? Meh, meh meh.

",1522245037,28/03/2018 13:50 8390615,3828426753,

#WINNING - its what we do..

and buckle up for what's about to happen to libtards - as Q says..

,1522245130,28/03/2018 13:52 8390417,3828463481,"


Twitter takes negative 12 percent stock value hit in one day


1 Comment

CNBC Reports: ​The info tech sector was the worst hit with a fall of 3.5 percent, as investors expect tighter control on the industry following a furore over use of Facebook data by political consultants. Facebook fell 4.9 percent on Tuesday, taking its losses to almost 18 percent since March 16, when the firm first acknowledged the problem. Twitter fell 12 percent while Google parent Alphabet fell 4.5 percent.
Another weak spot was Nvidia, which fell 7.8 percent after the chipmaker temporarily suspended self-driving tests across the globe after an Uber Technologies Inc autonomous vehicle killed a woman. Investors rotated out of the tech sector, which had long outperformed the market on hopes of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT).
Looks like Twitter is getting hit just as bad as Facebook, as people seem to also be catching on that Twitter like Facebook spies on you, sells your data, and censors you if you're Conservative. Now unlike Facebook's huge loss in value, Twitter is hit harder with a 12% loss in one day, because Twitter stock is only worth about $28 after today's stock value drop for Twitter.
​ With this drop top executives and officials are likely selling off their stock holdings in Twitter in mass, because in the coming days what we figured out about Facebook is likely the same situation going on at Twitter...And Q told us this would happen. Like Facebook...Twitter likely sold your data to the Obama administration and DNC officials hold on to that data without you knowing. I'll just put it simple what is going on at Facebook is likely the same thing going on at Twitter with this massive sell off of Twitter in one day.

",1522246486,28/03/2018 14:14 8391197,3828486043,"

THIS from Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.
Check out all posts - confirmed legit per Jerome Corsi & others - right so far......

",1522247314,28/03/2018 14:28 8391047,3828487852,"

THIS from Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

Check out all posts - confirmed legit per Jerome Corsi & others - right so far...

",1522247380,28/03/2018 14:29 8390273,3828608279,

I wonder if the writers will include Roseanne's comments on pizzagate and Qanon? Just strikes me as suspect that a leftist organization like Disney and ABC would give her a platform given her last few years comments and tweets.

,1522251631,28/03/2018 15:40 8391197,3828640202,

Q posted a satellite pic of Kim Jung Un arriving Beijing...

Never doubt Q.

,1522252811,28/03/2018 16:00 8391479,3828801595,"

From Q
FACEBOOK data dump?
Who made it public?
Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?
You can't imagine the magnitude of this.
Constitutional CRISIS.
Twitter coming soon.
GOOG coming soon.
AMAZON coming soon.
MICROSOFT coming soon.
Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms].
Election FRAUD cases OPEN - DOJ [many].
Follow the FAMILY.
Follow resignations [Business/Gov't].
Who made it public?
Who really made it public?
Who is making it all public?
These people are STUPID.
Art of the Deal.

",1522258873,28/03/2018 17:41 8391197,3828916193,

We absolutely love Q!

,1522263427,28/03/2018 18:57 8391911,3828974428,

The only real news comes from Qanon. And it`s not looking good for the Obamacrats.

,1522265959,28/03/2018 19:39 8393954,3829038451,

Big news breaking on the chans. Q under cyber attack. Muellers FBI just met Trumps once considered ambassador to the EU—Ted Malloch. Threatened him if he didn’t spill beans on Trump.

Deep-State cabal is in total panic mode. DT in process of taking them all down.

Emergency Broadcast on Infowars tonight at 8pm EST

This is big!

,1522269011,28/03/2018 20:30 8394089,3829040156,

Red Castle/Green Castle Qanon

,1522269100,28/03/2018 20:31 8391911,3829138901,"

One more thing, all while doing this, DJT has been behind the scenes directing the pedo world wide Clinton network round up. This next month will see rino and dem leaders heading for gitmo. We are in phase five, the clean up. Q says done in 30 days, the tital wave will be this month.... buckle up. MAGA

",1522274513,28/03/2018 22:01 8391911,3829140155,

She obviously doesn't follow Q. She'll eat crow soon enough.

,1522274587,28/03/2018 22:03 8394500,3829169898,"

Good decode of latest Q posts -

",1522276292,28/03/2018 22:31 8381393,3829175533,"

I got to watch the video last night. I have listened to Corsi before. He's very soothing and seems to be wise. His ideas make sense. But, most of it is what we all would like to believe anyway. I gave up on the ""Q-anon"" thing awhile back, as the ""imminent arrests"" never materialized. I figured it was all BS. I realize that things take time, and the terms like ""imminent"", set me back. Now, Corsi's ideas that Trump will let the Democrat's expend all of their ammo, and then ""counter attack"" - seems pretty weak to me. The Dem's never ""run out of ammo"" to begin with, and while wasting time ducking and dodging, you might just find yourself dead. We're not fighting a war based on ""Medieval principles"" of combat, and we're in the year 2018, and it just might be a good idea - to disable the enemy before he can respond. I'll try and keep an open mind - but I only see the Democrats winning anything so far.

",1522276622,28/03/2018 22:37 8379242,3829192635,"

HOLD UP! ......Firstly how can you trust a company who's start up capital was partially financed by the CIA through a company called IN Q Tel a front for the CIA?
As far as im concerned anyone still on Facebook are really taking their freedom and privacy for granted, and it will eventually bight them right in the Butt!!

",1522277605,28/03/2018 22:53 8394500,3829199919,"

#QAnon's Latest Drop: POTUS Means Business — Enemies of Our Beloved Republic Are Sweating Bullets

",1522278040,28/03/2018 23:00 8389382,3829236773,

Please enlighten... I've heard of this Q before and would like to know more.

,1522280310,28/03/2018 23:38 8393954,3829243073,"

Can you imagine the day after the President was inaugurated and he sacked all those or bought to justice those that had committed crimes against humanity and the American people? There would be anger so deep that he would be out in a month. The last 12 months has seen evidence being gathered against politicians on all sides, including their spouses, CEOs, bankers, etc. The evidence has to be checked, verified, doubled checked and verified again. The LAST THING the President wants is to see is these swamp rats and cabal escape justice on a technicality. Everyone needs to get on the Q Boards and start following them.

",1522280701,28/03/2018 23:45 8389382,3829247827,"

900 posts from Q and all proven accurate. Q, as in Question and Answers. Riddle questions, that people solve to reveal future actions of the administration. A good place to start is YouTube and watch current video related to Q. These will be the current puzzling to figure out the latest Q post. No one knows who Q is. Some speculate Trump himself. Brief intro video:

",1522281001,28/03/2018 23:50 8393954,3829248030,"

It has already started on the Southern Border in the last day or so. If you are keeping up with Q, it was revealed that the wall, because an extra $60billion had been allocated to Defence - apart from the Troops pay rise and a large chunk for building new Defences, there is more than enough in the budget to build the wall. And who is going to build it?? The Army Corp of Engineers as the President has stated.

",1522281012,28/03/2018 23:50 8393954,3829254108,

No he hasn’t. Ann is a stirrer and is just scoring brownie points. The wall started a couple of days ago; the wall is being built by the Military. You need to keep up with Q on the Great Awakening Boards and see exactly what is going on otherwise your comments are open to ridicule and correction by the millions around the world that are reading Qs drops.

,1522281395,28/03/2018 23:56 8393954,3829255426,

It’s already started. See the Presidents tweets about it in the last few days. It just confirms the drop at the same time by Q.

,1522281478,28/03/2018 23:57 8383277,3829260081,

You're an idiot and an obvious newbie or worse a QAnon troll.

,1522281776,29/03/2018 00:02 8393954,3829264348,"

Are you really, really sure? After the next few weeks, Obama, Clinton, Bush, most of the Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey et al, will not be able to show their faces ever again. As Q has stated, Obama will seek his Kenyan citizenship to avoid jail.

",1522282059,29/03/2018 00:07 8393507,3829267093,

I don't go for the cult drivel. I posted the legal authority up above. Go read it. Stay away from the Q quackery.

,1522282236,29/03/2018 00:10 8392280,3829296726,"

Yeah, but.

Cudda, Mitta and Wannabee do NOT have microfine powder making machines, level 3+ isolation and a way to properly mix the 2 binaty agents that react to create the actual agent.

Sure, Q Section could create the goods. Do you actually believe 'any' professional chemist deals with nerve agents like these?

",1522284137,29/03/2018 00:42 8393507,3829315649,

Check out Q anon three days ago. Red_Castle / Greeen_Castle is referring to the Corps of Army Engineers. Their insignia is a green castle.Their headquarters is called the red castle.

,1522285384,29/03/2018 01:03 8394047,3829330914,"

Last year Rosanne made a simple tweet,
“Who is Q?”, and Twitter dropped the Ban-Hammer on her. Talk about striking a nerve!

",1522286460,29/03/2018 01:21 8394767,3829369062,

and they are trying every second of every hour of every day
and they will beat us like they have on
gay marriage
whites need not apply
LBG Q RST in our military
OBAMA care
Planned parenthood killing babies as they are born
no prayer
no flag
no memorials
no respect
no first amendment rights to speak anymore.
Gays can molest the scouts
you must bake a cake for the flake

,1522289567,29/03/2018 02:12 8393954,3829372353,"

I like Ann Coulter - normally. But on this issue she is going hysterical. She's treating Trump like he's one of the enemy. Way over the top. Pull your head in, Ann, and take a valium.

Trump has said in a Tweet that he will build the wall via the military. The Army Corps of Engineers are the ones who build defence related projects. Protecting our southern border IS a defence related project. More so now that an Executive Order declaring a National State Of Emergency was issued last December.

There is 700 billion set aside for the defence budget. Only 25-30 billion of that will build the wall - IN FULL. Under the terms related to the Omnibus Bill, the president can spend funds wherever he likes and congress can do nothing to prevent him.

More good news ; Those wise patriots who are following high level insider QAnon's posts, will know that a lot is going on behind the scenes that is not being made public. Yet. However the latest info. is that the arrests and indictments of the criminals and traitors is nearing completion. Q says ; FINAL STAGE.

Also he tells us ; GUNS ARE SAFE.

And he reminds us to ; TRUST THE PLAN.

I do. Do you ?

",1522289865,29/03/2018 02:17 8393210,3829385039,"

Everyone read this article. Mortimer Snurd was linking to it a couple of weeks ago. Now Q says read. Lots of vital info to our republic.


",1522290984,29/03/2018 02:36 8393954,3829392739,"

""...It's more likely than not that he's pretending to want MAGA, but kicking everybody out for globalists...."".

What a stupid comment. Who do you think are behind the efforts to remove Trump from office, even to kill him ? The globalists ! Do you think all this opposition to everything he does is all just an act ? That Donald subjects himself to all this hate because he's a masochist or a double agent ?

If you follow high level insider QAnon's posts, you'd know that Donald is working closely with law enforcement, the military and military intelligence behind the scenes, to bring to justice all the criminals, pedophiles, satanists, corrupt politicians e.t.c. Including Hillary. These are all part of globalism. Globalism is ultimately inspired by satanic influence.

We are in a spiritual war for the hearts and minds of the people on this planet. The bible states this. And if you take a good honest look at the increasing amount of evil that is going on in our world, how can this be denied ?

",1522291676,29/03/2018 02:47 8393210,3829401122,

haven't heard much from Q lately....

,1522292458,29/03/2018 03:00 8393762,3829404556,

Sessions is revealing the deep state.
Not covering up for them. You are either confused or behind.
Trust sessions is what Q said

,1522292797,29/03/2018 03:06 8393954,3829407992,"

I honestly can't listen to AJ anymore and I haven't kept up on the QAnon thing and the interrupting thing was driving me nuts. I do like J. Corsi and David knight, but AJ has made everything about him.

I don't know what to think about President Trump. I can only judge him by his actions and hope he'll keep his promises. Here's what I do know he has gone for the low hanging fruit tax cuts and regulations, but he's made little progress on the WALL while crying to the DemoRATs about DACA. He hasn't cut funding to sanctuary cities which has made the RATs more bold. He hasn't instructed AG Sessions to arrest the politicians that openly deify federal law.

Meanwhile illegal crossings are back at Obama levels. My state has been overrun with illegals and I would not be able to help fight the globalists if my insurance and taxes (property taxes) keep going up all the while republicans I elect decide not to run for office again because of of all the illegal crime and the protection they are getting from the Libtards.

",1522293149,29/03/2018 03:12 8394767,3829410008,

Congratulations to Q and all the Q assistants.
Deep State is pushing hard in Syria as well.

,1522293362,29/03/2018 03:16 8394767,3829434013,"

I have to say, I read boards and multiple sources of news every single day. I'm amazed by how many voters are completely clueless as to who they vote for or what is really going on and has been going on in this country for years.

Wake up, participate! Most didn't, that's why we had Obama for 8 years and almost Hillary. When it goes further south, look in the mirror! Granted, most conservatives on BB know. Some don't. Educate your friends/family. Continue to educate yourselves.

No hope for you Trolls, can't fix stupid.


",1522295843,29/03/2018 03:57 8393210,3829484712,

Oh yeah.. well Q said Monday so we'll see. that would be so crazy! great but crazy too.

,1522300935,29/03/2018 05:22 8393003,3829543758,"

""..therefore new MJ users are exposed to the harder drugs.""
They wouldn't be exposed to the harder drugs if they bought their smoke at a legal MJ dispensary instead of a crack house. A Q for you.. where did ""people that do harder drug"" get their start on the hard stuff? Probably in a criminal environment where they got their pot.

",1522306471,29/03/2018 06:54 8394401,3829660778,"

George Washington would have thrown a rope over a branch....

Under Trump, Barry Obongo will definitely be brought up on charges, Q has eluded to that many times.

Military intelligence is tracking Obongo 24/7

",1522315281,29/03/2018 09:21 8393210,3829668254,"

Wray doubles FBI agents looking into FBI Hillary Investigation/FISA documents that are now subpoenaed



Daily Caller reports: The 54 FBI staff will work two shifts per day — from 8 a.m. until midnight — “to expedite completion of this project,” President Donald Trump’s appointee, Wray, said. Goodlatte’s subpoena sought documents related to the Justice Department inspector general’s investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation as well as any FBI and DOJ documents related to applications for surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
“To date, the Department has only produced a fraction of the documents that have been requested,” Goodlatte wrote in a letter accompanying the subpoena to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The subpoena also sought documents regarding the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility’s (OPR) determination that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe should be fired for “lack of candor” during interviews with the DOJ inspector general.
Of course with the FBI the Question should be is this even legit, as Wray has doubled the amount of FBI agents investigating the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation and the illegal surveillance through FISA by the Obama administration? Now Q in the past has told us all to trust Wray, so maybe Wray is actually doing an official investigation into FISA abuse by Obama and the FBI's Hillary Clinton probe.
The only way we will be able to tell if this move by FBI Director Christopher Wray is official, is we will see a possible new Hillary Clinton investigation by the FBI actually bringing Hillary Clinton in...And of course Obama and his officials going down for illegal spying through FISA with help from the Lynch DOJ and Comey FBI. Another thing that will tell if this Wray investigation that now has the agents involved doubled, is if we see resignations inside the DOJ and FBI come along during this Wray operation looking into FISA abuse by Obama and the Comey FBI's handling of the Clinton investigation. Curious if the OIG is also involved in this?

",1522315757,29/03/2018 09:29 8393210,3829670083,"

Border Wall construction confirmed by Trump



Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump

Great briefing this afternoon on the start of our Southern Border WALL!

3:47 PM - Mar 28, 2018


44.6K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like President Trump has informed all of America that the border wall for the United States has officially begun, as President Trump simply tweeted the following out with photos of border wall construction. Now as far as the type of border wall being constructed there were about two prototypes that match the material going up, or this could be steel support for one of the other prototypes going up between the United States and Mexico for Americas National Security.
Obviously as in the photos you can tell the Trump wall is nearly double in height of the piece of crap wall America use to have. Looks like Q is confirmed as telling us the wall was basically starting when Q stated Red Castle Green Castle last week, as it looks like some time of wall funding/construction was hidden inside last weeks passed Omnibus spending bill. Hey Democrats and RINOS the wall is going up!

",1522315865,29/03/2018 09:31 8394401,3829680461,"

That Kenyan quip by Q was funny.
I think Barry’s setting up the old ploy, “I’m a victim because I spoke out against injustice” for when he gets arrested and hustled down to Guantanamo. Problem for him is, there won’t be an OJ jury, no Judge Ito or sympathetic camera crews down in Cuba.

",1522316495,29/03/2018 09:41 8394266,3829772505,


,1522321448,29/03/2018 11:04 8394266,3829778559,"

Why would McCain have a Singapore bank account with $19,000,000.00?
Why would Biden and Kerry be doing family side deals with China?
#qanon@real DonaldTrump

",1522321740,29/03/2018 11:09 8396174,3829875751,"

There is a simple way to explain. The NIST report, actually people just have to google the FAQs, and I think it's Q #15, that very clearly states the MAX temps found in any of the buildings on that day were only hot enough to compromise the steel 10%. It doesn't give a range of time, but given that most of the jet fuel burned away on impact, we can probably assume even those temps were kept for only a very short time. There is no way it was hot enough, long enough, to bend those beams in a few spots, let alone what we saw.

",1522325967,29/03/2018 12:19 8396090,3829909495,"

New Q: Posts God Will Judge Our Enemies, We'll Arrange The Meeting SEAL patch, Google, Amazon, Twitter next after Facebook


1 Comment

Q is really sending out a major message to the Deep State, Clinton, Obama, and Bush cabal network...As Q is posting a US NAVY SEAL patch that states God Will Judge Our Enemies, We'll Arrange The Meeting patch. Now what would this mean from Q...Likely not war but a major move to come against US traitors like the Obama/Clinton/Deep State cabal.
​ Q is also telling us to quit fighting among ourselves inside the MAGA movement, which needs to happen so we can be stronger. Also the exposing of Facebook that we have seen over the last week, will likely target Twitter, Google, and Amazon in the coming days...So get ready for drops on these well known Conservative censoring silicon valley tech giants which they all have in common with Facebook. Something looks like it's about to change that we have all been dealing with online since Trump won the election. Wonder what Q means by offline for a reason though?

",1522327306,29/03/2018 12:41 8393954,3829984431,

I would listen to Dr Jerome Corsi interpret Qanon. Trump is doing a great job for all he has to deal with. New world order is trying to take him down. He is trying to save America.

,1522330166,29/03/2018 13:29 8396780,3829984952,

Low energy love I'm sure
#hrcVideo@real DonaldTrump

,1522330187,29/03/2018 13:29 8393954,3829995593,"

How about all? She is being a sarcastic jerk not knowing a damn thing what is going on behind the scenes all the while trying to cover all bases by saying simply she would apologize if wrong. Well I would hope so, but in the mean time she runs around spouting off about what he did negating all the things he has accomplished thus far against all odds. Does she really think he is THAT stupid? Do you? I didn't like that he signed it at first and my first gut reaction is to fight and shut down the government. But I give him more credit than that and can't believe he is that stupid. Then it comes out or should I say, Trump came out with using the military and then Q backed it up and then Ann tried to take credit for giving him the idea! WOW! And not to be out done, Rush tried to take credit for breaking the news about using the military!

",1522330587,29/03/2018 13:36 8393954,3830013294,

It's all a movie. Enjoy the show! #Qanon

,1522331244,29/03/2018 13:47 8393954,3830069508,"

Q-Anon anyone? He isn't playing 3D Chess, he's playing 4D Chess, a whole nother paradigm in fact.

",1522333313,29/03/2018 14:21 8393954,3830083766,"

Those who do not understand the Socratic method, couldn't follow Q anyway.

",1522333836,29/03/2018 14:30 8394266,3830097622,

#hrcVideo@real DonaldTrump

,1522334353,29/03/2018 14:39 8393954,3830115073,"

Trump got 700 Billion in defense money for Mattis. Guess what it is going to be used for? Yep, Mattis has claimed that the wall needs to be built FOR DEFENSE....Once again, you people don't understand the Matrix. Q-Anon strikes again.

",1522334964,29/03/2018 14:49 8393762,3830115376,


,1522334974,29/03/2018 14:49 8393816,3830120850,"

Cary is washed up! Only leftists and low I Q people enjoy his act,

",1522335168,29/03/2018 14:52 8397488,3830249735,

That's why any meeting with Kim will be F2F. Are you following Q?

,1522339714,29/03/2018 16:08 8398904,3830618193,

Criminal Ilegal Aliens are scared? GOOD. This is what this has always been about. Obama's admin removed that Q on purpose.

,1522353882,29/03/2018 20:04 8397614,3830639450,"

Yay, Q!

",1522354851,29/03/2018 20:20 8396780,3830658758,"


You are a sad, sad, little man who will soon be exposed as a member of your family’s cabal and treasonous acts against the people of the United States of America. Your political career and ambitions are finally stalled and that reality is hard to accept, as you like Hillary, felt some entitlement to rule over us with your own selfish interests in mind. The American peasants have awoken from their slumber and now know you as a comrade in arms to the Obama/Clinton/Soros globalist regime. Your brother sat idle while Obama blamed him for every ill of the country for 8 years and it was silence - as it is poor etiquette for a former president to criticize a sitting one. This golden rule however seems to now be discarded as your big bro now hugs and kisses on the Obamas and misses no opportunity to denigrade our first real Americans president since Reagan. Hmmmm, wonder what’s really going on? If I were you I would travel quickly to your friends in Saudi Arabia before the military tribunals are underway you pile of globalist filth!!!!!

John Q American

",1522355754,29/03/2018 20:35 8397647,3830782190,


,1522362204,29/03/2018 22:23 8398499,3830822390,

Learn about mark greenberg/zuckerberg /Roqefeller

,1522363617,29/03/2018 22:46 8398499,3830879338,

Yes - Q says in about 30 days

,1522364985,29/03/2018 23:09 8394809,3830927207,"

Partly fair point in your first paragraph. But there is so much spin going around that I wanted to counteract it.

I thought TRUMP had sold out in the Omnibus and so I stopped posting until I investigated exactly what he was able to do in the aftermath of it. The results were very interesting. I am not a TFH merchant but I began to see that the posts by QAnon actually agreed with what my suspicions were. I did it from the funding and precedent point of view whilst QAnon was doing the Red Castle Green Castle thing. My argument has since been validated by a number of others. I had not considered the idea that USACE could be lead contractor but I had questioned back in January about the issue being a defence matter.

So my belief is that TRUMP has all the money he needs to build the wall now. He has already declared a Human Rights Emergency on 21st December 2017. He also invoked the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. That means as head of the Executive and CiC of the Military, he is empowered to use the monies as he directs towards the purposes mentioned. Congress is unable to stop this and even the judges cannot stay that.

That is the technical position as I see it and by all means correct me if you discover any error in fact. But I have to go by the law.

You say I am a powerful voice but I do not see myself that way at all. I do take the trouble to investigate the facts and I am perfectly at home with legal arguments, although not a lawyer myself. I have done a lot of work in law, especially national and international law. Not everyone does my research and apparently, no one in the Senate does. The Omnibus was passed without anyone reading it. If you want any proof that the US body politic has gone off their trolleys, you need look no further for proof.

Of course, this does not make a very sexy or snappy post and many will not read it. But I would never make the headline posts I do without knowing how I can back them up. Everyone who accuses me of spouting off makes a grave error and by doing so, highlights their own inadequacy, as far as facts and reason are concerned.

Finally let me make one thing abundantly clear. If I am on any 'train' at all, it is the MAGA train - it is a very worthy objective, I hope you will agree. It so happens that I don't see anyone else capable of delivering this apart from TRUMP and so my support still goes very strongly to him.

Perhaps you, or any other comers, could nominate who else could stand up to the veritable wall of abuse and opprobrium which TRUMP has taken 24/7/365 since becoming president and who would still be as unphased about it as he appears to be ??? Who else would have had the chutzpah to have used Twitter to speak over the heads of the totally phoney MSM to the people ???

Give me the answers to these and I will listen seriously. I have to admit that I was known as a bit of a hard-nosed type in my time but I could not have done what he has done. Hands down truth.

",1522366090,29/03/2018 23:28 8398499,3830934977,

Who is Q?

,1522366580,29/03/2018 23:36 8398499,3830938158,"

",1522366780,29/03/2018 23:39 8398499,3830946370,"

We know Eric Schmidt did. He sicced the CIA on all of us years ago. Have you seen the pic of all the tech giants at a table with BH0zo back in probably 2011? Corsi was showing it in a Qanon livestream. His pic had names but all I can find so far is this:

",1522367285,29/03/2018 23:48 8400206,3831142274,"

Possible Q theory on what ""Boom"" refers to.

San Jose had a mysterious light go by in the sky that flashed and went ""Boom!"". Reported by our ""friends"" at NBC, but still. Possible.

Disclosure is exciting but it makes me uneasy.

",1522382532,30/03/2018 04:02 8388056,3831174525,"

QAnon said, about a month ago, that big Pharma had a cure for cancer and was hiding it in order to get rich off of treating it. He said that they were pushing these companies to do the right thing and that cancer 'breakthroughs' would be coming.

",1522385983,30/03/2018 04:59 8399981,3831211752,

You are kidding right? Obviously you haven’t been following Q.

,1522390051,30/03/2018 06:07 8399981,3831219218,"

Well said! People need to start following the QAnon boards -in code- to see what is going on. Those following Q know ahead of the MSM what is happening and in many instances the President confirms it in his tweets. These Military Courts have already been appointed; the cabal and NWO is collapsing and in deep panic and a lot of horrendous info is coming involving top politicians, Hollywood elite, CEOs of major companies etc. As it has been said, the videos of little children being sexually abused by someone famous that almost everyone in the world has heard of, bought tears to some of the toughest and top police at the NYPD. As Q has said. The evil of these people is as bad as it gets.

",1522390774,30/03/2018 06:19 8399981,3831237206,"

Absolutely not. If you are not keeping abreast of what is going on, then you have no one to blame but yourself. There are millions around the world following the drops. Get yourself to the QAnon boards but let me warn you; if you think you can come on there trolling, Military Intel will have your guts for garters.

",1522392469,30/03/2018 06:47 8399981,3831252781,"

Please get yourself onto the QAnon boards. Q has stated a couple of times now to TRUST SESSIONS. He is going along with the plan and has been in on it from the beginning. If Sessions did not recuse himself, do you really think they would have got anything on Mueller, McCabe, Stroek, comey , Rosenstein, et al? These communists are heading for trial and it’s for treason. The Military Courts are in place no other court system can touch them.

",1522394128,30/03/2018 07:15 8399981,3831258726,

Obama is travelling the world looking for a country that he cannot be extradited from. As one of the Q posts stated earlier

. QAnon Response!
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship
as a way to escape.

,1522394762,30/03/2018 07:26 8399981,3831265449,"

""QAnon"" is counterintelligence campaign run by the Deep State against Trump supporters. He's not real. He is pulling our chain and convincing us all to spin our wheels and waste our time. Don't be fooled.

",1522395483,30/03/2018 07:38 8400206,3831312526,"

Report: General Flynn may be set free



​Western Journal Reports: The office of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller just turned over to Judge Emmitt Sullivan any “Brady” material that might be helpful to former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn in defending himself against charges of lying to the FBI to which he pleaded guilty last year. This could be the key to letting Flynn off the hook.
Judge Sullivan wants to know all about the relationship between Judge Rudy Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea, and Peter Strzok, the FBI attorney whose interview with Flynn led to the charges. Contreras’ friendship with Strzok was exposed in text messages sent to and from the FBI agent and his paramour Lisa Page. Immediately after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, Contraras rescued himself from the case. Sullivan also wants to know about the basis for the FISA warrant to surveil Flynn in the first place, which Judge Contraras also signed, largely based on the ill-famed dossier. The special counsel’s office did not tell the court, as it applied for a FISA warrant, that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary campaign and the Democratic Party.
Well it looks like a recent Q post where Q responded to a poster asking to Free Flynn may be legit, because Q stated done in 30 as a Federal Judge Emmit Sullivan is stating Brady material may be the key to getting General Flynn off the hook. Even reported a few weeks ago it was confirmed that former FBI Director James Comey stated Flynn never lied to the FBI, so it looks like there is a major chance that General Flynn may get to walk.
​ Now if Flynn is set free will the General come back to the Trump White House as some kind of adviser to President Trump? Well hopefully because General Flynn seems to know all the dirty secrets of the Obama/Clinton cartel...As General Flynn knows whats on Anthony Weiner's personal laptop. If General Flynn walks within 30 days he should be guaranteed a spot on Trump's administration, since this would prove General Flynn has been under false imprisonment.

",1522399889,30/03/2018 08:51 8399981,3831330209,

O Jesus...stop getting your news from anonymous twitter users. Qanon followers are similar to cultists.

,1522401348,30/03/2018 09:15 8399981,3831334396,

Qanon is where the crazy people go to fuel their delusions and paranoia.

,1522401666,30/03/2018 09:21 8399981,3831355148,

I’ve been reading Q. It’s one of those when I see it I’ll believe it things. There are many disinformation campaigns going on to distract. Q could be Military. Q could be CIA. Q could be Ukrainian for all we know.

,1522403194,30/03/2018 09:46 8399981,3831359658,

Grace ignore the disinfo. Q merely suggest an area that needs to be researched. The Q researchers have unearthed an enormous amount of information that is well resourced. Public records that haven't been widely reported or the dots connected. They are doing the job the MSM refuses to do. Labeling Q followers a cult is psyop disinfo.

,1522403523,30/03/2018 09:52 8399981,3831365936,"

Q researchers have well resourced information, photo evidence and public documents to back up what Q has asked them to look into. The board just like this one gets shilled up. If you wade past the drivel meant to discredit the board, you can find some really eye opening information. Information that is out there in the public record that the public is unaware of.

",1522403960,30/03/2018 09:59 8399792,3831384877,"

No TV news, though a few clips from a few good people on YouTube; also Qanon livestreams and various independent YouTubers. For example, no one on TV (I'm betting) is talking about NXIVM, Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, sex trafficking, and their connection to the CGI, the Bronfmans (huge globalists), etc. I pay a lot of attention to everything Devin Nunes says and does, anyone Sundance highlights, and sites like Whatfinger, CitizensFreePress, Liberty Daily, True Pundit, ZeroHedge, etc.

",1522405228,30/03/2018 10:20 8399981,3831546745,"

FWIW, Q has stated that ""the Zippo has hit the fuse.""
Paul Harvey used to say, ""Hello, Americans. Stand by for news!""
I say, this could be a very Good Friday indeed, or we might have to wait until Monday.

",1522413367,30/03/2018 12:36 8397647,3831639809,

I guess Q was FoS when he claimed Pedo Podesta would be arrested 3 weeks ago.

,1522417325,30/03/2018 13:42 8397647,3831677361,

I'm waiting IMPATIENTLY for Q to get these arrests started!!

,1522418832,30/03/2018 14:07 8402672,3831681308,"

Intelligence, grades and I Q have nothing to do with getting into college! At least according to the left!

",1522418995,30/03/2018 14:09 8397614,3831723706,"

Au Contraire. You obviously are not clued into Q research. There are more things going on than you could even imagine behind the scenes. One of these days Operation Mockingbird media will fall, and real information will be apparent for all to see.

",1522420737,30/03/2018 14:38 8402939,3831783674,

Spread the truth with website #qanon

,1522423193,30/03/2018 15:19 8399981,3831883533,

So very wrong. Too many coincidences for it to be anyone but the Q team fighting against the deep state. Q warned us that there would be people like you infecting boards. You’re part of the pus that needs to be extracted.

,1522427209,30/03/2018 16:26 8403545,3832031434,"

All about the Q, the IQ that is. She can't be held responsible. And she wasn't. Now she'll get widow benefits from our tax. I feel special!

",1522433332,30/03/2018 18:08 8397644,3832126418,"

""Future proves past"".

Post #693
Feb 7 2018 21:59:30 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300345
Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

Post #694
Feb 7 2018 22:06:12 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300473
What if cures already exist?
What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?
These people are sick!

Post #695
Feb 7 2018 22:26:50 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 296675 300885
How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years?
Why is this topic relevant now?
Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world?

Post #762

Feb 15 2018 00:32:21 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f 381653
They are ALWAYS watching.
Watch the news re: new drugs coming out [flu/dirt/next?].
What a coincidence.

",1522437580,30/03/2018 19:19 8402816,3832135537,

Feds will be arresting this Hogg character:

Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

,1522438022,30/03/2018 19:27 8404463,3832158554,

Trump/Q 8Chan Post:

Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

,1522439184,30/03/2018 19:46 8404463,3832161801,"

Dude, let go of the Q BS already. Its just a LARP. Don't be a fool. The left is fighting a real battle and you are playing an imaginary fantasy game. We need you in the real fight.

",1522439356,30/03/2018 19:49 8403473,3832249346,"

Perhaps this is about the captions of photos?
So that a photo that is of a cat in a tree, and the caption says, ""Dog elected to local council seat,"" (as a ridiculous example) is not 'true?'
And further, with the ability to change anyone's face to anyone else's digitally, similarly, ""this photo is of powerful person A B & C having 'congress' with hired nude Q R and Y.""

",1522444129,30/03/2018 21:08 8405198,3832259320,


,1522444709,30/03/2018 21:18 8405018,3832302588,


,1522447310,30/03/2018 22:01 8402816,3832304662,"

It's an item covered by the Q anon boards. And while we're at it, where's the real birth certificate to prove Obama was born in the USA? Several forensic experts agree the document provided by the WH was forged. And why does Obama have a Social Security number that was originally issued a man in Connecticut who subsequently died? Could Obama have been a CIA invention? More things that make you go hmmmmmm......

",1522447444,30/03/2018 22:04 8402816,3832315593,"

Not a whole lot is really known about the Hoggs. What we do know fits a certain pattern we should all know by now. Nothing is as it seems and if the MSM pushes it, then you know it's a lie. Another thing, just because information is not cut and dried, doesn't mean it can't tell us something. In fact, the murkier the background, the more likely they are deep state creations. One big question is, just how DID these people manage to buy a million dollar house in Florida on modest incomes? Q anon knows more and it's covered by the boards....but here's a little more:

And please, spare me the jibes over sources. I do, however trust military intelligence to get the details. And they are.

",1522448125,30/03/2018 22:15 8405459,3832371798,"

Qanon stated this was a set up.

Ingraham is a sell out. She totally coward to a unpatriotic self centered egotesticle chump.

I dont watch her show, but now i will never watch her show. She is just like they are. Only concerned about money.

Trump does not care. He is how all right wing conservatives should act.

",1522451656,30/03/2018 23:14 8405156,3832380349, to learn what msm won't expose

,1522452215,30/03/2018 23:23 8405198,3832512884,"

It’s time their protection, the elite, is ended by us. I hope Q is right and their day is coming to a close. Not soon enough, sorry to say.

",1522461585,31/03/2018 01:59 8404760,3832533226,

Rosanne is talking about qanon. That's good enough for me.

,1522463358,31/03/2018 02:29 8405156,3832614513,"

Really? Is Ms Clinton in jail? Is the wall built? Are undocumented immigrants being stopped from swaying elections? Have Muslims stopped building mosques and not going into usa? Oh wait you guys little Q says the storm is here and all will be right soon. JAJAJA plz let me be your personal real estate agent on that bridge that's for sale, oh no I don't believe your gullible or being duped perhaps your just very naive or recipient of the usa's fine public school diploma.

",1522471910,31/03/2018 04:51 8402291,3832710723,"

I agree with you 100%. I do however hold out the slight possibility that Assange was initially on the right side, Snowden too. I am also a bit shocked at how many ppl have fallen for Q. :( Alex would have been 86'd if he was sharing stuff he wasn't supposed too!LOL. What did me in was his Grove footage and well, Time Warner is his parent company! Hahaaaa. Ya wanna believe sooooo bad though, Ya's hard! :)

",1522483348,31/03/2018 08:02 8402291,3832712268,"

Q? Last couple of days i have seen this mentioned quite a lot, also qanon, What is it? Is it something only americans get to see or something?

Honestly though i'm not that interested, its probably just another terrorist mouthpiece following direction from the tavistock institute ;)

",1522483522,31/03/2018 08:05 8405708,3832982136,"

The more things go on, the more I think this Q is the biggest troll ever to hit the net.

",1522501806,31/03/2018 13:10 8405156,3833051606,"

An anonymous source? How dare they!

Ohshit did QAnon just make a post? Better eat it up hook, line, and sinker.

",1522505125,31/03/2018 14:05 8405198,3833133467,

I have messaged the Qanons on Gab
This is an INVASION
How fast can we mine the border?
How fast can we get U.S. military and Natl Guard and Patriot militia there?
If they try to cross - SHOOT! Once a few bodies fall the others will turn back. No I dont like shooting them all - but I DO NOT WANT THEM HERE!

AND DO NOT CALL INVADERS - migrants or refugees!
If they are needy - help them in their own land!

,1522508910,31/03/2018 15:08 8407103,3833155565,"

Interesting you know so much about the mysterious lady parts there it a secret longing? Are you trans? Dance around in your basement to some Q Lazzarus ""Silence of the lambs"" style? Are you a tuck and tape kinda gal? Or do you just let them dangle on either side of the thong? Your best bet is just to block me now...I'll never stop.

",1522509897,31/03/2018 15:24 8405018,3833258155,

No more Q tips from Johnson and Johnson

,1522514604,31/03/2018 16:43 8405198,3833272548,"

Adolfo Flores, reporter for Buzzfeed is with the group. Updates posted on his twitter account. Possible destination is Brownsville (posted on Q board).

",1522515289,31/03/2018 16:54 8403380,3833472463,

I’m thinking he likes the song from the infamous Silence of the Lambs “tuck” scene... “goodbye horses” - Q Lazzurus

,1522524958,31/03/2018 19:35 8407106,3833494896,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522526165,31/03/2018 19:56 8407106,3833501374,"

Tucker is okay, he might be moved around, but he is the only one Fox has got with an I Q. over 100

",1522526539,31/03/2018 20:02 8407106,3833518516,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522527529,31/03/2018 20:18 8405018,3833521687,

Gross! My ears are full of wax oozing out! I am boycotting J&J Q Tips!

,1522527721,31/03/2018 20:22 8406299,3833574768,

So you're one of those moronic Q Anon nutters.


Later loser.

,1522530952,31/03/2018 21:15 8407193,3833600718,"

Where are you getting that, 'cause I've got the posts up in another window & I see no such thing. Where'd you hear that O has been arrested? I'd love that to be true, but I'm not seeing it in Q posts.

",1522532611,31/03/2018 21:43 8407193,3833607724,

Trump 2020. Trump plays dumb to the media but is aware all along. Toying with the public attacking Sessions. Q Anon been told us. That’s why I love Infowars. That’s why the media fears Alex Jones.

,1522533078,31/03/2018 21:51 8407193,3833661990,"

Buy a clue, Huber, like Horowitz, is an Obama appointee and DOJ employee who reports directly to Rosenstein. Rosenstein himself is involved in the FISA abuses. If you think the DOJ can investigate itself you're more clueless than QAnon tard.

",1522536219,31/03/2018 22:43 8407193,3833667898,

QAnon tard troll.

,1522536623,31/03/2018 22:50 8407208,3833687137,"

FBI raids NXIVM president's house as Raniere appears in federal court

Who, what, why. Dem political connection. Insane story.

#QAnon #MAGA #pedogate #obamagate @POTUS #Wethepeople

",1522537956,31/03/2018 23:12 8407208,3833687945,"

FBI raids NXIVM president's house as Raniere appears in federal court

Who, what, why. Dem political connection. Insane story.

#QAnon #MAGA #pedogate #obamagate @POTUS #Wethepeople

",1522538013,31/03/2018 23:13 8407208,3833688555,

Love Q !!!

,1522538056,31/03/2018 23:14 8407208,3833692962,"

FBI raids NXIVM president's house as Raniere appears in federal court

Who, what, why. Dem political connection. Insane story.

#QAnon #MAGA #pedogate #obamagate @POTUS #Wethepeople

",1522538357,31/03/2018 23:19 8406092,3833717071,"

Project Mockingbird, the Deep State, and Soros-ding ding ding!!!

Have you checked out Q?

",1522540024,31/03/2018 23:47 8406092,3833728187,"

From Q
Mar 28 2018 00:42:33 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1a8912 815814
PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

",1522540844,01/04/2018 00:00 8407193,3833759289,"

Sessions has his .. followers.. in certain circles.
That Q Anon guy.
The DNC every other day. Lol.
And I imagine Ohr, Page, Comey, McCabe, etc.
“You’ll see! Patience, grasshoppers! He’s playing chess! He and Mueller are Good Guys! Trust Us! Sure! It looks like Groundhog Day - again! For years! Sure! No one has had a single iota of legal ramifications! Trust. Us. Ruh rah America! -
Love, the CIA.”

Believing what you see every single day for YEARS, or Hopium?
I think there are many people who simply cannot see time passing..

",1522543057,01/04/2018 00:37 8407208,3833770922,

#qanon...must see website

,1522543901,01/04/2018 00:51 8408375,3833773316,

Trust the plan. Q.

,1522544070,01/04/2018 00:54 8408375,3833779381,"

They don't understand. They're believing the Qanon crap that's been debunked over and over and over. They'll learn, I suppose.


",1522544514,01/04/2018 01:01 8407208,3833780915,"

I don't know, mate. I have the Q site bookmarked and look from time to time. There might be an answer contained in youtube discussions about this particular message.
Edit to add in this youtube after searching a few examples ~ He seems to be thorough and address each issue individually, ~

",1522544628,01/04/2018 01:03 8406092,3833782399,"

True. Still, we need to document their every move and then deprive them of funding for violating our laws. Q?

",1522544737,01/04/2018 01:05 8408375,3833817505,

I knew you followed Q. Trust the plan.

,1522547424,01/04/2018 01:50 8408375,3833905288,"

I got there two hours and forty minutes behind Q. But I did work it out from first principles and not by his method which may, for all I know, involve inside knowledge.

There is a binary choice to make. Does TRUMP know what he is doing ??? The answer to that takes you off in two opposite directions. Ann Coulter has taken the wrong one (unless she is indulging in disinformation).

But our concern is TRUMP, not her.

So the general message to the world at large is this. Work out the following:

● Is Kim preparing to speak to the first American leader in his dynasty's last four decades ?
● Is China beginning to treat US with more care than in the same period or longer ?
● Have US jobs gone up ?
● Is there more business confidence in the US ?
● Has the dollar fallen badly ?
● Is ISIS still an existential threat ?
● Which of the two presidential contenders for 2016 appears fitter, can stand up in public and not fall down, can work an 18 hour day, is able to het their message across without the help of the MSM ? Does not take Soros money ? You may only chose one !!!

Having done that and one hundred more I could set, who has the better grip ???

That is how I got to my position. I then read Q and it seemed so parallel that I have no problem with repeating the following:

Red Castle, Green Castle.

",1522555960,01/04/2018 04:12 8408375,3833910397,

Don't forget KhrapKare. it was hanging fruit n he failed.

My LGBT n Q agent said O. care is still law of the socialist land.

,1522556566,01/04/2018 04:22 8408375,3833923392,

Ann Carter. Her and Jimmy (Carter) have something in common. Bashing Trump. She needs to jump on the Q wagon. We know that in this omnibus Bill we will get our wall. Chuck Schumer is saying that he will come after President Trump if the military builds the wall but Chucky signed the bill. To bad buddy.

,1522558073,01/04/2018 04:47 8408375,3833966441,"

Well, there's ME as well.
BTW, I Am John Q. Public.
Just a LOT of nobodies - with ONE VOTE EACH.

",1522563335,01/04/2018 06:15 8408375,3834076969,

Like Q Says! These People are Stupid!

God Bless Our President!
Donald J Trump!

,1522575027,01/04/2018 09:30 8407193,3834136513,"

Take it easy thier Francis, I suppose the 18.5K Sealed Federal Indictments on Pacer are Obama’s creation too? Like I said, Huber has been investigating for a long time and everyone is acting like he just got appointed! As for Q, whomever it is has been far more accurate at predicting the future than you, that’s quite obvious!

",1522579917,01/04/2018 10:51 8407193,3834207936,"

That isn't John/Jane Q Public money. but then, you will say otherwise

",1522584605,01/04/2018 12:10 8407124,3834234737,"

There is very little in the way of any law requiring a candidate to lay bare their entire personal (and business) financial history for the voters to disseminate. What ""dirt"" do you think is going to be found by John Q. Public looking into these records? Do you really believe that any very wealthy person filing taxes doesn't get a second look every time they file by the powers that be? What it really comes down to is you want to find ""dirt"" not because there actually is wrong doing, you want a chance to look because you're jealous of what they have and what you don't have.

",1522586185,01/04/2018 12:36 8405516,3834365286,"

Miley Cyrus does a raunchy photo shoot for Easter, and this is news?

Another headline: Eugene Q. Whipplewart had Biscuits and Gravy with Coffee for breakfast this morning. Details at eleven...

",1522592983,01/04/2018 14:29 8407193,3834427946,"

Dummy, the indictments could be for anything. You pinheads have no clue what they're about. Moreover, we don't know how long Huber has been investigating. Stop making up garbage, either cite actual, verifiable facts as I do or STFU. And the obvious disinformation campaign by Q has been crap. He has been more wrong than right.

At this point, anyone supporting the traitorous worm Sessions is either a clueless dupe or a troll trying to protect Sessions so that the Mueller witch hunt continues. There really are no other possiblities.

",1522595924,01/04/2018 15:18 8407193,3834440751,

Hilarious coming from QAnon tard. Try reading legitimate spy novels to satisfy your fantasy needs instead of obvious disinformation campaigns created by Trump's enemies.

,1522596549,01/04/2018 15:29 8410232,3834676292,

Most of the Irish were starving. And the Kennedys were Irish. Would it shock you to know that our government had a hand in getting JFK killed because he was going to expose the CIA as they were working against American back then. Read Q if you do not believe me. This is way bigger than you think. Kennedy announced about 7 days before his death that there were secret societies working against America and that he was going to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. Why do you think Clapper won't shut up? He is guilty as the rest of them.

,1522608191,01/04/2018 18:43 8410772,3834891534,

I remember back in 92 when the Clintons were running for president. Hillary got out of her limo and a homeless man was asking for money. She gave him S Q U A T. It was on video and she is still the same stingy biatachi now.

,1522621608,01/04/2018 22:26 8411165,3835015928,

Absolute rubbish. Geraldo is himself Jewish. He is simply throwing himself on the sword so Israel can remain in the headlines as if Israel has anything whatsoever to do with the life of John Q American on main Street.

,1522630649,02/04/2018 00:57 8405159,3835034502,

Thanks. I did. Have heard of Q also. I guess we take a deep breath and wait. Am sure there's still lots going on that will be revealed one day. Meanwhile refuse to panic on any front.

,1522632180,02/04/2018 01:23 8410232,3835056377,

Call Washington. Demand National Guard now. Tweet it. Text it. Force it. Keep an eye out for plan B. Follow QANON on Twitter. He's fun.
And real. Q can also be found on 8 Chan.

,1522634084,02/04/2018 01:54 8409824,3835110541,

The actor wanna be is a CNN Television Hogg! Too bad all of this is a distraction of what is about to go down.

,1522639603,02/04/2018 03:26 8410802,3835250724,

Agin a case of breast size and I Q being the same number!

,1522655933,02/04/2018 07:58 8407124,3835265480,"

I agree that there are not any laws requiring federal candidates to disclose their *entire* financial histories. But there are laws requiring disclosure of some of their financial histories. The purpose of which is not primarily to expose illegal activity, rather potential conflicts of interest (i.e. ""dirt""). For example, if a candidate has millions of dollars worth of stock of a medical device company, there would be the potential for the candidate to favor legislation benefiting the medical device industry. This is useful information for John Q. Public to know when making his voting decision.

",1522657372,02/04/2018 08:22 8407124,3835314297,"

A candidate's potential conflicts of interest are absolutely the business of the voting public. Such conflicts of interest can affect how a candidate would react to future issues. For example, suppose Joe Q. Public was passionately in favor of legislation (not yet put on the floor) that cut into the profit margin of medical device companies. And, a candidate for Joe's congressional district owned a million dollars in stock of a medical device company. Joe ought to know this when voting because perhaps Joe would vote for a different candidate out of fear that the candidate owning $1000000 in medical device stock would not be in favor of the legislation Joe cares.

Another example, this time about a cabinet secretary. Suppose a person is nominated to be a cabinet secretary. Suppose that person runs a private foundation that was taking large donations from people whose businesses would be effected by the federal agency overseen by that secretary. The Senate ought to know this in order to decide if the nominee should be confirmed.

",1522661605,02/04/2018 09:33 8409434,3835344316,"

Because they were reported on , on fox news.
No one had seen them without a q clearance

",1522663829,02/04/2018 10:10 8410829,3835498306,

I don't think Flynn needs to be pardoned.. From all that has come out.. I think eventually his guilty plea will be thrown out and charges dropped. Per Q.

,1522671205,02/04/2018 12:13 8340239,3835567187,"

The border wall will start on Sept 28th. Trump tweeted that and Q said it is happening. So Ann Coulter is just a noisy hag. We all know Trump keeps his promises and tells us what is happening with his tweets. It is the only way he can talk to us. The MSM is just s hole propaganda pile. Do you want to see pure propaganda in 2 minutes.

",1522674266,02/04/2018 13:04 8412470,3835606194,"

You know this to be true for sure? If so, how? Also if true, are these people never Trumps? There are many never Trumps on his staff. He's getting some out in his immediate staff, but many low level staffer-like ones who would read mail,-are never Trumps.
You know who is a big never Trump for example? Marc Short. Yes, Marc Short whom the president relied on for the Omnibus bill is a never Trump. He's a Koch brothers guy. The Koch brothers are crooks and frauds. Sure you know that.

Also, are these people relaying to him all messages, or just the ones they think he needs to know?

In other words, you know nothing. You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you read too much Q, 4D Chess, Trump's got it bullshit.

",1522675914,02/04/2018 13:31 8412650,3835606480,"

Trump and Q are a magnificent force - they are progressing justice and fairness for all. And for the first time in a long time, they are putting people first. All legal people of all races and religions need to vote for him and pray we get another like Trump afterwards.... very rare leader.

",1522675925,02/04/2018 13:32 8411468,3835724729,

conversation with a lib on Gun controll
Q What do you want to accomplish with these protests
A Gun Control
Q What does that mean
A uhhhhhhhhh criminals should not be able to buy guns
Q That's the law now
A uhhhhhh they look scary
B most hand guns can fire at the same rate have a higher caliber bullet and is much easier to conceal so why are you not against hand guns?
A uhhhhh mmmmm Gun Control

,1522680631,02/04/2018 14:50 8412461,3835754898,

same Q to you

,1522681806,02/04/2018 15:10 8407193,3835799886,"

Note the moron relies on fantasy and wishful thinking while ignoring all the facts and evidence. This is typical of QAnon tards and the ""Defend Sessions, protect Mueller to indict Trump"" Soros disinformation trolls.

",1522683550,02/04/2018 15:39 8407193,3835802079,"

Anyone who believes in QAnon is by definition mentally ill as they can't differentiate reality from fantasy based, fan fiction.

",1522683634,02/04/2018 15:40 8407193,3835807542,

Your lack of citations to backup your fantasies is telling. You have nothing other than speculation and wishful thinking. Like most QAnon tards you're either a dupe or part of the Soros funded disinformation campaign to support Sessions so Muller is protected and Trump can be indicted.

,1522683844,02/04/2018 15:44 8414315,3836056179,

Not happy with the market of late? Should have listened to Q....

,1522693420,02/04/2018 18:23 8413277,3836063315,"

""Where will this court be?""

I'm thinking about Q's court in that episode of Star Trek - TNG where Q puts Humanity on trial for the crime of being a ""grievous and savage race"". But it's hard to image Q with Zuckerberg's face.

",1522693723,02/04/2018 18:28 8414510,3836081790,"

Email leaks showing DC Police were informed about March For Our Lives months prior


1 Comment

The Washington Standard Reports: ​The email clearly states that the permit application for the “March For Our Lives Demonstration” was approved several months in advance. How can this be? The demonstration happened less than 6 weeks after the shooting. So how did they know that there would be a shooting that gave them a reason to demonstrate, before that shooting ever happened?
There is possibly another red flag proof that Parkland FL was a false flag, as this email shows the March For Our Lives anti gun March for Parkland was planned months in advance through this now leaked DC Police email. If March For Our Lives around America and in DC was planned months in advance and the fact it was only used to push for gun control because of Parkland...Wouldn't this showcase and prove once again that the Parkland event was setup?
​ Even Q hinted at this this week by stating Parkland was a planned distraction and that the actors like David Hogg will meet justice. This email from the DC Police stating March For Our Lives may be the biggest clue that Parkland was a staged false flag, not only to push for gun control but to be a complete distraction. March For Our Lives planned months prior to Parkland should now make every American question what Parkland really was.

",1522694487,02/04/2018 18:41 8414510,3836094107,"

Real news that will NEVER be covered by the owned Globalist media !

Email leaks showing DC Police were informed about March For Our Lives months prior


1 Comment

The Washington Standard Reports: ​The
email clearly states that the permit application for the “March For Our
Lives Demonstration” was approved several months in advance. How can
this be? The demonstration happened less than 6 weeks after the
shooting. So how did they know that there would be a shooting that gave
them a reason to demonstrate, before that shooting ever happened?

There is possibly another red flag proof that
Parkland FL was a false flag, as this email shows the March For Our
Lives anti gun March for Parkland was planned months in advance through
this now leaked DC Police email. If March For Our Lives around America
and in DC was planned months in advance and the fact it was only used to
push for gun control because of Parkland...Wouldn't this showcase and
prove once again that the Parkland event was setup?

Even Q hinted at this this week by stating Parkland was
a planned distraction and that the actors like David Hogg will meet
justice. This email from the DC Police stating March For Our Lives may
be the biggest clue that Parkland was a staged false flag, not only to
push for gun control but to be a complete distraction. March For Our
Lives planned months prior to Parkland should now make every American
question what Parkland really was.

",1522695014,02/04/2018 18:50 8414585,3836146815,

Way to toe the Party line Q.

,1522697363,02/04/2018 19:29 8413454,3836224081,

Doubt it. She follows qanon

,1522701217,02/04/2018 20:33 8413454,3836225313,

She's a qanon follower. With that alone I doubt shes a leftist.
Now John Goodman is another story

,1522701281,02/04/2018 20:34 8413055,3836403077,"

A bigger Q, why would Rep. Fred Upton (R) co sign this legislation?

",1522710665,02/04/2018 23:11 8416232,3836535889,

If you follow the qanon saga then you know the only thing that needs to happen is the military needs to be properly funded.

I am of the opinion that armageddon for libtards is on the immediate horizon. Judgement for massive abuses will come long before libtards get to enjoy their ill-gotten porkbelly project gains.

,1522717901,03/04/2018 01:11 8416232,3836551598,

Just as #Qanon predicted.

Anna Wintour is set to 'leave her job as Vogue Editor-in-Chief this summer

All the spirit cookers are resigning their positions before their assets get frozen.

She even put Hillarys high satanic witch Marina Abramovic on the cover of vogue.

Spirit cookers are going nuts because of that EO Trump signed before christmas.

Robert deniro is losing his mind.

,1522718902,03/04/2018 01:28 8408291,3836573521,

who is Q?

,1522720580,03/04/2018 01:56 8416232,3836583107,"

",1522721382,03/04/2018 02:09 8416232,3836585254,

A lot of it seems coded. Give a neophyte a primer in how to read Q?

,1522721566,03/04/2018 02:12 8407193,3836658708,"

To say the least, this proves President Trumps genoius.
And Q said sealed indictments opened....

",1522736243,03/04/2018 06:17 8408291,3836693052,"

Don't believe Q is real? Back in January I believe an anon on 8chan asked that Trump say tip top or tippy top. He said it at the easter egg thing

Apr 2 2018 23:58:41 (EDT) Anonymous ID: 015520 875485
Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

Apr 3 2018 00:03:57 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875587
It was requested.
Did you listen today?

",1522739474,03/04/2018 07:11 8408291,3836693471,"

Oh stop, Q is fraud.

",1522739514,03/04/2018 07:11 8408291,3836694602,"

How do I explain that the silly things Q claims to be true are at best coincidence?
The garbage from Q is meant to keep us all thinking great things are juuuuuust about to happen, but they never do.

Q is a fraud.

",1522739625,03/04/2018 07:13 8408291,3836696266,

Trump saying that doesn't seem to be of great significance. Don't you see that?
Now if Q predicts the next war to the day let me know. He has to predict it at least 3 months in advance though.

,1522739781,03/04/2018 07:16 8408291,3836696904,

-highly immature and upset everyone knows that Q is a complete fraud

,1522739841,03/04/2018 07:17 8408291,3836700054,"

My wife gets into some conspiracy theories from some of her websites, not Q though. She has for years. I started making her give me dates to her predictions and started writing them down on a calendar. She won't give me predictions anymore. Not 1, one, came true. She has also moved away from believing the conspiracy theories too.

",1522740143,03/04/2018 07:22 8408291,3836702078,"

Jan 13 2018 22:09:38 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 8
BIG news week?
Future proves past.
What news was unlocked?
Do you believe in coincidences?
What public disclosure occurred re: U1?
>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]
Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?
:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.
:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.
Think BDT.
>Shall we play a game?
>How about a nice game of CHESS?
Why is this relevant?
What comes next?
>""…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above.
If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY?
What specifically occurs?
Think budget.
Why is this relevant?
[CLAS_EO_ ][2]
>Missing 1
>Missing 2
>Missing 3
FIND missing [3].
Future proves past.
NOTHING is a coincidence.
The MAP is the KEY.
PLANNED for [3] years.
[CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89]

",1522740329,03/04/2018 07:25 8408291,3836703827,

First off it's incoherent.
Second it's vague.
Third you have to log every prediction Q makes and then compare to what happens in reality.

And finally there was NO US nationwide Defcon 1.

,1522740499,03/04/2018 07:28 8408291,3836705114,

Q predicted the defcon 1 6 days before it happened.

How could Q predict such a rare event?

,1522740621,03/04/2018 07:30 8407193,3836780109,

In post #986 Q referenced this article:
Why was this made public?
John Huber appointed by?
Removed by?
Reappointed by?
Why the reboot?
Think logically.
History books.

,1522746941,03/04/2018 09:15 8415074,3836834529,"

He can't be that ignorant. His ""religion of peace"" has for most of its 1400 yr history tried to conquer & subjugate all of Europe and destroy Western Civilization, and it nearly succeeded but for a few key battles lost to Christian forces up to the Battle of Vienna in 1683. He should read the Quran:
Quran 8:60: Against the unbelievers make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know

Q 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah, and as for Jews or Christians fight them until they pay the Jizya tax with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

I thought by now anyone would be too embarrassed to say something so ignorant.

",1522750402,03/04/2018 10:13 8417918,3836899735,


,1522753793,03/04/2018 11:09 8416253,3836925075,"

What happened was, the Swamp won one battle, and you folded like a cheap suit.....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.
*Wells Fargo has just announced they will be increasing wages following the announcement of the GOP Tax Bill becoming law.
*“Arrests of MS-13 Members, Associates Up 83% Under Trump”
*Stunning! Goods Producing Jobs – Construction and Manufacturing – Up 600% in Trump’s First Year
-U.S. Unemployment Claims Reach Lowest Level Since 1969…
-USA Set to Be World's Largest Oil Producer...
-US Steel Restarts Two Blast Furnaces in Granite City, IL After Trump Announcement on Tariffs
-JOBS BLOWOUT=> Trump Economy Created 313,000 Jobs in February – Dec, Jan Revisions Add Another 54,000 Jobs to Economy
-More people with no criminal history were arrested by San Diego's Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the first quarter of fiscal 2018 than anywhere else in the country.
-Small Business Optimism at Second Highest Level in US History – Best Since Reagan in 1983
-TWO MILLION Leave Food Stamp Rolls in Trump’s First Year — Saving Country $3 Billion Annually
-WSJ: Volkswagen reportedly planning $340 million expansion at Tennessee car plant
Total population of US millionaires a new record
-Seoul to expand auto market for U.S. in return for steel tariff exemption
-Cavuto just said the tariffs are a major victory for the President.
-The Stockmarket Just Had Its Biggest Surge In Two And Half Years!
-US Steel Company JSW Announces $1 Billion Expansion and 500 New Jobs (Video)
-India Invests $500 Million In Two U.S. Steel Operations…
-Final 2017 GDP Confirms President Trump DECREASED Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!
-MORE WINNING: U.S. Jobless Claims Decline to Lowest Level Since January 1973 - Bloomberg
-Final Fourth Quarter GDP Increase 2.9% (exceeds expectations), Third Quarter Revised Upward to 3.2%…
-Final 2017 GDP Confirms President Trump DECREASED Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!
-President Trump is on Track to Increase Human Trafficking Arrests 500% in 2018 Over 2016

",1522754962,03/04/2018 11:29 8416253,3836930914,"

Hey, you. I was just talking about you....


As you read this remember Pres Trump is donating his paycheck. He gets nothing from us for all of this work.

*Stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming President
*$350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
*Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
*Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico. Made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. Will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
*Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
*China Trade deal opening up beef and LNG gas as well as giving a way to get 1 billion Chinese credit scores so the USA can offer them credit. Trade deal was done in record time.
*Slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
*the U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17 and Sec Perdue cut and ate a USDA prime rib in China)
*REOPENING KORUS trade deal per Sarah Sanders press briefing on 06/30/17)
*Unemployment rate 4.3% U3 and 8.4% U6
*Proposed a $1 Trillion infrastructure project
*Stock Market at Historic Highs (as of 6/11/17 Dow up 16% NASDAQ up 19.5% since election day)
*US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years per CNBC.
*Jobless claims hit 28 year low in Apr
*OPEC can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed
*Secured $50 billion investment from Japan
*Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in Gulf coast
*Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC (lowest price at this time of year since 2005 for entire US 06/30/17)
*Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $ billions in costs to the economy
*Atlanta Fed sees 3.6% growth in 2nd qrt
*Federal debt is 130,455,438,424.64 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/24/*per
*Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected)
*Consumer and business confidence at record highs
*North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day)
*Keystone pipeline construction ongoing
*Mining, steel and oil/gas jobs booming
*Mines reopening
*600,000+ JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 800,000+ per ADP
*Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
*Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
*Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
*Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies
*Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one.
*Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/*Per foxnews.
*Coal for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
*Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims
*Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USDA
*Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
*Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
*1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
*USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
*USA is the world leader in natural gas production
*Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
*15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
*Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
*Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
*Ended ""catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are up 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities policies making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr first time in 7 years
*Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected, prototypes to be unveiled this summer per CBP official/Breitbart news.
*6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Started construction on the wall.
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017 Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment per breitbart.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Kate’s Law passed the House 06/29/17)
*No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
*Confirmed Wray for FBI director
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS
*Signed 39+ Laws so far
*Signed more than 30+ EO
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck in Senate
*Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress
*Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and give a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years.
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees
*Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees
*Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy)
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
*Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy.
*Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control….
*House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate
*Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
*Pushing an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions.
*The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on Monday to upend the country's financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!!
*Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships
*Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
*President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
*Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
*Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
*5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico
*Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
*Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
*President Trump Signs EO Reviving The National Space Council (06/30/17)
*Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
*Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels form Obama levels. Doing more with less.
*Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
*Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
*Working with China on NK
*Sent Navy to south China Sea to secure sea lines
*Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack
*Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
*Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
*Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be fair as well as free and that nations can punish non-fair trade
*Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact
*Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
*Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
*Surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
*Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
*Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
*First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
*Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
*Visited the land of the three major religions in the world
*Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them in the darkness and bind them.
*Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
*Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
*Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists. Massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
*Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
*Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
*Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
*Will visit Poland and Central Europe during 1st week of July before G20 meeting
*PLO has stopped the payments to terrorists families. Major change in PLO policy.
*Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
*Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
*Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
*Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
*Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
*Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the middle east. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17)
*NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
*Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17)
*Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for it’s funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
*approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
*Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard (07/03/17)
*Billions of dollars in investments & thousands of new jobs in America! An initiative via Corning, Merck & Pfizer:
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*For the first time ever, the United States will be able to export rice to China. China is the largest consumer, producer, and importer of rice, as the nation eats the equivalent of the entire U.S. rice crop in under two weeks.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*""Six months in - it is the hope of GROWTH that is making America FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS RICHER."" -Stuart @VarneyCo
*Manufacturers’ record-high optimism reported in the 1st qtr has carried into the 2nd qtr of 2017 via @ShopFloorNAM:
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members - Reuters
*Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs
*Apple supplier Foxconn has agreed to a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 3,000 new jobs!
*President Trump Ends President Obama Transgender Military Policy…
*Reached a deal to have the 2028 Olympics held in Los Angeles
*US Employers Add 209,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment at 4.3%
*Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn has announced that it is planning a second manufacturing plant, this one in Michigan
*Gallup Poll: Reaches Highest Level of Small Business Confidence in Decade
*Jobs Openings at All-Time High 6.2 Million
*Poll: 69 percent think economy is in ‘good’ shape
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Trump’s Interior Secretary Opens More Federal Lands To Hunting And Fishing
*Signed an emergency spending bill that will pump more than $2 billion into a program that allows veterans to receive private medical care at government expense. Another $1.8 billion will go to core VA health programs, including 28 leases for new VA medical facilities.
*""Consumer Comfort Reaches 16-Year High on U.S. Economic Optimism"" via Bloomberg
*Donald Trump’s Merit Immigration Reform Saves $1 Trillion by 2027, Says Study
*Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by @DeptVetAffairs
* Atlanta Fed's revision of 3rd Q GDP of 3.7, a number the experts said was impossible and accomplished without help from Congress
*President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History
*@AP: US economy grew at 3.1 percent annual rate in second quarter, best showing since early 2015.
*3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America
*Employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues:
*Lowest Debt Increase of Any US President in 40 Years
*Sets the United States refugee cap to lowest number in over a decade
*Politicians ‘get to keep’ unused campaign funds. Unlike all others, President Trump donated all his surplus funds to Hurricane Relief – 3 MILLION – to Harvey, FL, PR and USVI relief organizations (Red Cross, Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse)
*Withdraws Obama's contraceptive initiative
*The number of employed Americans reached 154,345,000 in September, setting a sixth record since January.
*Market rally since @realDonaldTrump won the election now exceeds all other newly elected US Presidents since at least WW2, + up 25.4%
*stopped or eliminated more regulation in the last eight months than any president has done in an entire term
*Just in the stock market alone, we have increased our economic worth by $5.2 trillion - that's right since Election Day.
*Unemployment claims lowest in 43 years
*ISIS has been defeated in Iraq
*The Republican National Committee raised more than $100 million in the first nine months of 2017, marking the first time it has raised that much, that fast, in a non-presidential election year.
* Assembled largest assembly of small donors from either political party in U.S. history.
*Boeing signs deal with Singapore for $13.8 billion worth of planes
*Stood up to and condemned the disgraceful NFL players disrespecting our American Flag, our military, our police officers, and our veterans.
*Third Quarter GDP Growth of 3% Exceeds “Economist Expectations”…
*Trump in 90 days collected as many donors that took Bill Hillary their entire lifetime of campaigning to collect
*The RNC had raised $93.3 million with $47.1 million cash on hand while the DNC raised $46.3 million and had $6.8 million cash on hand.
*Trump GDP hits 3.0 Again!
*Kudlow: Best Economy We’ve Had in 10 Years
*Consumer confidence hits 125.9 in October vs. expectation of 121
* Donald Trump Celebrates Broadcom Decision to Move Headquarters Back to United States
*#BreakingNews: The Dow closes at record high for the 55th time under President @realDonaldTrump.
*Nearly 1.5 million Fewer People Have Been on Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office
*The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high for the 4th straight session.
*Veteran Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low 2.7 Percent in October
*New York Fed Sees U.S. Economy Growing 3.2% in Fourth Quarter…
*More Than 200 Arrested in MS-13 Crackdown
*U.S. Housing Starts Increase 13.7% In October – September Figures Adjusted Higher…
*Stock market jumps 210% after House tax plan passes
*Unemployment rate hit record low in 13 states this year
*President Trump Accomplishes the Impossible: Reduces Debt to GDP Ratio by 1% His First Year in Office
*@EricTrump: ""[@POTUS's] added close to $6 trillion to our nation's economy.""
*Under President Trump unemployment rate will drop below 4%. Analysts predict economic boom for 2018!
*The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 all close day at new #record highs. This is the 60th record close for the Dow under @POTUS
*Americans’ that Worry About The Economy At Lowest Level In 18 Years
*Applications for US unemployment benefits drop 13,000
*Goldman Sachs Says Unemployment Will Fall to Lowest Level Since 1969
*Nasdaq and S&P 500 Close at Record Highs as Consumer Optimism Boosts Hopes for Holiday Shopping Season
*We begin with yet another record breaking day for the DOW, S&P 500 and Nasdaq:
*U.S. consumer confidence unexpectedly rises to 17-year high
*One Company – 800 Illegal Workers Busted During Chicago Bakery Immigration Raid…
*BREAKING: DOW Breaks Two Records in One Day! Stock Market Reaches 80th All-Time High Since 2016 Election – Up 32%, Over 24,000 First Time Ever
*Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
* November Results: Highest Single-Month Manufacturing Jobs Gains in 15 Years…
*U.S. employers added 228,000 jobs for the month of November, with the unemployment rate remaining at a 17-year low of 4.1%.
*The administration, over its first 11 months, we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions – more than any previous president by far.
*Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever: Dow Up Most points in a Calendar Year Ever – Ties Record for Most All-Time Highs in a Year!!!
*Home Builder Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 1999!
*It’s Official: Trump Now Has Greatest Stock Market Rally in History! Dow Breaks 70th New All-Time High in ’17 – Most Ever in One Year!
*AT&T announces it will “pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 employees” due to GOP tax reform passage, will also increase capital spending by $1 billion
*Boeing announces $300 Million employee-related and charitable investment as a result of Tax Reform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future.
*Wells Fargo has just announced they will be increasing wages following the announcement of the GOP Tax Bill becoming law.
*“Arrests of MS-13 Members, Associates Up 83% Under Trump”
*Stunning! Goods Producing Jobs – Construction and Manufacturing – Up 600% in Trump’s First Year
-U.S. Unemployment Claims Reach Lowest Level Since 1969…
-USA Set to Be World's Largest Oil Producer...
-US Steel Restarts Two Blast Furnaces in Granite City, IL After Trump Announcement on Tariffs
-JOBS BLOWOUT=> Trump Economy Created 313,000 Jobs in February – Dec, Jan Revisions Add Another 54,000 Jobs to Economy
-More people with no criminal history were arrested by San Diego's Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the first quarter of fiscal 2018 than anywhere else in the country.
-Small Business Optimism at Second Highest Level in US History – Best Since Reagan in 1983
-TWO MILLION Leave Food Stamp Rolls in Trump’s First Year — Saving Country $3 Billion Annually
-WSJ: Volkswagen reportedly planning $340 million expansion at Tennessee car plant
Total population of US millionaires a new record
-Seoul to expand auto market for U.S. in return for steel tariff exemption
-Cavuto just said the tariffs are a major victory for the President.
-The Stockmarket Just Had Its Biggest Surge In Two And Half Years!
-US Steel Company JSW Announces $1 Billion Expansion and 500 New Jobs (Video)
-India Invests $500 Million In Two U.S. Steel Operations…
-Final 2017 GDP Confirms President Trump DECREASED Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!
-MORE WINNING: U.S. Jobless Claims Decline to Lowest Level Since January 1973 - Bloomberg
-Final Fourth Quarter GDP Increase 2.9% (exceeds expectations), Third Quarter Revised Upward to 3.2%…
-Final 2017 GDP Confirms President Trump DECREASED Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!
-President Trump is on Track to Increase Human Trafficking Arrests 500% in 2018 Over 2016

",1522755228,03/04/2018 11:33 8402738,3837014168,"

From Q
Apr 2 2018 23:45:09 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875265
April [A].
IG report.
Sessions public attack.
RR problems.
Seals broken.
Why was Huber made public?
Why now?
Everything has meaning.
Election Integrity.
Immigration Bill.
Military start.
BIG month.

",1522758676,03/04/2018 12:31 8416253,3837017126,"

Via ""Q""
Apr 2 2018 23:45:09 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875265
April [A].
IG report.
Sessions public attack.
RR problems.
Seals broken.
Why was Huber made public?
Why now?
Everything has meaning.
Election Integrity.
Immigration Bill.
Military start.
BIG month.

",1522758797,03/04/2018 12:33 8417789,3837055289,"

New Q...April, IG Report, Seals broken, Arrests, Border, Wall, Military start, BIG month



Is Q possibly hinting that the sealed indictment list has come to an end, as Q is stating seals broken, arrests, and to expect a big month in April? Really curious what military start means, but with what Q is stating in this post that may mean the start of the military tribunal process against the almost 25,000 sealed indictments. Also obviously the wall is already in play as both US Customs and President Trump have both openly stated that the border wall is officially under construction.
​ Curious why Q highlights three A's, but that probably simply means April...As Q is stating a big month ahead for us all in April. The first thing Q is stating is the IG Report, so it looks like we will get the IG Report before anything, which could lead to those seals being broken and arrest made. So patience is virtue, and April looks to be a month where things will happen.

",1522760247,03/04/2018 12:57 8417789,3837075559,

why can't Q write normal?

,1522761013,03/04/2018 13:10 8407193,3837252306,"

You people who want INSTANT justice, USE YOUR HEADS, this thing is not just one or two people, and is not just in DC, this affects the ENTIRE WORLD. These snakes have their hands in multiple pies, and to bring them down instantly would cause war. and global CHAOS. You same traps would cry boohoo they started a war....NOW GO READ Qanon and find out why this cannot be done the way you want it to. You have NO IDEA how HUGE this is or what is going on.

",1522767386,03/04/2018 14:56 8413952,3837253529,

Where is Q anon?

,1522767428,03/04/2018 14:57 8407193,3837254943,

So far over 25K indictments....and? You whiners. GO READ Q.

,1522767475,03/04/2018 14:57 8407193,3837256707,

25K indictments active. Go read Q. you are lacking in detail

,1522767537,03/04/2018 14:58 8418005,3837420414,"

Roseanne also is a microphone for the Q ANON posts. The Q project has been running since late October. This is the latest Link to his/her posts.. we don't know who Q is.

",1522772951,03/04/2018 16:29 8414306,3837424183,"

Since Roseanne has push the Q anon material.. he is the link where those posts are collection Clinking on the blue numbers takes one to 8 chan to observe the Q process.

",1522773078,03/04/2018 16:31 8420138,3837535887,"

From Q yesterday - excerpts
Apr 2 2018 23:45:09 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875265


Military start.
BIG month.

",1522776876,03/04/2018 17:34 8420138,3837547189,"

QAnon is a psyop designed to make you think something is being done on your behalf, so you are less likely to take action yourself.

Do not believe it.

Prepare. Prepare to defend yourself. Prepare to defend your family. Prepare to defend your community.

Do NOT become complacent listening to the Siren Song of QAnon.

",1522777253,03/04/2018 17:40 8414585,3837630786,"

""""Mark Zuckerberg explained Facebook’s new system of favoring “broadly trusted” news sources, via a mechanism designed to favor established outlets and crush new media.""""

Hence the last words of a Self proclaimed Social Media God who's new purpose is control what we watch, think ,say, and do through FB....who was funded by ""In Q Tel "" a division of the CIA The ZuckMeister has already lost 100 Billion because he thinks he knows best when in actuality he knows SFA as evidenced by smarter people leaving FB in Droves.

",1522780110,03/04/2018 18:28 8414948,3837834089,"

Just watch Trump tell us that this morning. But heard it first from Q. Then Trump told the press today. That's probably why you haven't heard. Mexico stop the 1500 also... Things are going on. Tell me Tea, do you hate this country. Are you illegally here and waiting for your deportation? Is that it? No more free living? Spiting in our faces while we give you more money than you could work for in a month of sun days. I'd be bummed too. But we aren't, libs prepare to go insane.

",1522787764,03/04/2018 20:36 8414489,3837871646,

wait! whats football? is that what they call soccer now.and check me if i`m wrong but most of those guys are not Giants. lmao F U Q THE NFL FOREVER

,1522789600,03/04/2018 21:06 8418005,3837947118,"

He mentioned Q-anon ""Well done Q, you have reached the masses.""

",1522793489,03/04/2018 22:11 8420366,3837996278,"

So he talked dirty to a 15 yo? Is that even a thing, anymore? I mean, why didn't he just identify as a 15 yo Q? T? V? L? I give up... one of those...🤥🤥🤥

",1522795988,03/04/2018 22:53 8413277,3838044784,

Wouldn't that be kinda like being judged by the Q? #DeleteFacebook

,1522798439,03/04/2018 23:33 8416856,3838046306,"

Give a read; to learn the answer...

",1522798518,03/04/2018 23:35 8416844,3838167555,"

James Q. Wilson has done the groundwork research for this issue years ago, as he focused on the real things that cause crime. I pray more people and politicians become aware of his work. May he rest in peace.

",1522805482,04/04/2018 01:31 8422955,3838271151,"

I understand your point, I'm simply posing a contrarian view. Knowing Q, you may want to consider the ""shot heard round the world"" which launched the Revolutionary War. But she's an IRANIAN. Can't be that. She was a freedom fighter, screwed over by Youtube, maybe because her former ""lover"" made it so, which isn't motivation enough, obviously, for the rest of us. But she spoke truth.

",1522813830,04/04/2018 03:50 8422790,3838320801,

Time will tell. Q posts are looking good.

,1522818727,04/04/2018 05:12 8422955,3838510448,"

Looks like Vatican has been targeted, Q post photo of Vatican Snake Chapel



Looks like the Vatican will be involved in Q's recent post from last night, that stated April will be full of arrests and unsealed sealed documents that now stands around 24,500. As Q today is exposing the Vatican and that symbolism will be their downfall once again, as Q today has posted a photo of the inside of the Vatican's Satanic looking snake chapel. Now if the Vatican is involved in President Trump's storm what will happen to the Vatican. My guess is the Vatican will be hit with charges of pedophilia and human/child trafficking that will likely involve the pope. With Q targeting the Vatican...Will the world get to find out what has been hidden inside the Vatican archives for centuries? Be prepared for a major bombshell and revelation about the Vatican through April, or multiple revelations out of the Vatican.

",1522834718,04/04/2018 09:38 8422955,3838511540,"

President Trump is not a target of Robert Mueller, informed Trump's lawyers last month


0 Comments Reports: U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller told President Donald Trump's attorneys last month that he does not consider the president a criminal target in the Russia probe ""at this point,"" the Washington Post reported on Tuesday. Mueller, in private negotiations in early March about a possible presidential interview, described Trump as a subject of his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, said the Post, which cited three unnamed people familiar with the discussions.
The question now is why the hell is Mueller's Witch Hunt continuing when Mueller informed Trump's lawyers in March that the President is not a criminal target? Guess we now know what Q meant by stating Mueller in Q's recent post about sealed indictments being unsealed and arrests being made in April. With this news that President Trump is not a criminal target of Robert Mueller, then prepare for the heads of the American Left to explode.
​ However we could now probably all call Mueller's Witch Hunt a Conspiracy against the United States, because Trump isn't a criminal target as stated by Mueller to Trump's lawyers last month...As the seditious conspiracy witch hunt carries on. This news that Trump is not a criminal target of Robert Mueller told directly to Trump's lawyers by Mueller...Trump has every right to now get rid of Mueller at least end his witch hunt.

",1522834786,04/04/2018 09:39 8422955,3838513529,"

Sara Carter reveals Obama DOJ/FBI tried to get FISA warrant through friendly EVDA court



Sara Carter reports: Communications uncovered by congressional investigators reveal the FBI may have improperly coordinated with Department of Justice officials in an effort to pressure those officials to expedite a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrant on a former volunteer with the President Trump’s campaign, congressional officials said. In one of the September 2016 text message chains, Strzok tells Lisa Page about an argument that occurred with former DOJ prosecutor David Laufman.
Laufman, who was then chief of the DOJ’s National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, oversaw the probe into former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, as well as the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. Laufman left the DOJ earlier this year citing personal reasons for leaving his post, according to news reports. In the text message, Strzok complains that Laufman told him the hold-up for the application “EDVA is/was the delay.” The EDVA is the Eastern District of Virginia, a court that had issued several FISAs in the early days of the investigation, congressional investigators said.
So more proof of Obama's seditious conspiracy against Trump, as we are now being revealed that Obama was desperate to get the FISA spy warrant before it was achieved through an unverified report from Fusion GPS. The fact that Obama through the FBI and DOJ tried to rush the FISA spy warrant against Trump only shows really that he understood what would happen when Trump became President, and we may just find that out soon as Q is stating arrests will happen in April.
​ This also shows that the Obama administration was wanting to get this through a friendly court in Virginia that issues FISA warrants known as EVDA, which is likely full of Obama appointed judges at the time. The alarming thing isn't that Obama tried to rush the FISA warrant as texts between Strzok and Page now reveal, the alarming thing is Obama was trying to use a particular court in Virginia...Which likely had friendly judges to the Obama administration.

",1522834911,04/04/2018 09:41 8422955,3838578678,"

I think you should! Do it, Q.

",1522838467,04/04/2018 10:41 8407193,3838899540,"

Dummy, like all QAnon tards you have nothing to back up your statements.

",1522851303,04/04/2018 14:15 8424299,3839044034,"

New Q...We are under attack, War, No deals



YouTube ‎@YouTube

Puppet String News@NewsPuppet

#FisaMemo #FISAMemoRelease #ObamaGate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #QAnon #GreatAwakening #CaravanOfIllegalls #MAGA #NasimAghdam Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg #MLK50 Q just posted the following video.

9:43 AM - Apr 4, 2018


See Puppet String News's other Tweets

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like the Deep State/Obama/Clinton Cabal will be getting no deals, and it also looks like the UK is involved in all of this as Q is also mentioning the UK in all of this. With the UK mentioned by Q with this post, you can bet President Trump has not failed for the nerve agent false flag on a Russian double agent for the UK's MI6. April is looking to be an interesting month, as Q is hinting that we are under a covert type of war...After yesterday stating arrests and an unsealing of sealed indictments to come in April. So really Q is stating we are at war with American deep state officials and their puppets, and the war to round them all up may start this month and the UK is likely involved in all of this corruption and evil. We are at war that is a different kind of war, and there will be no deals in the storm. The video used by Q is almost a statement of we are coming for you.

",1522856475,04/04/2018 15:41 8424299,3839051947,"

UK foreign office deletes tweet blaming Russia for nerve agent attack, Russia calls them out



View image on Twitter

Russian Embassy, UK✔@RussianEmbassy

Why would @foreignoffice delete this tweet from 22 March?

7:35 AM - Apr 4, 2018


1,216 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like the United Kingdom is trying to cover up a likely false flag where a nerve agent was used on a Russian double agent for MI6 a couple weeks ago, as Russia is calling out the UK Foreign Office for deleting a tweet blaming Russia for the nerve agent false flag. Guess this is what Q meant earlier in the day posting UK rouge failure. The UK was literally trying to push this as an Act Of War against Russia for the globalists, but it now looks like the false flag has been exposed...That the foreign office of the UK has deleted the tweet blaming Russia for this nerve agent attack. This comes after the Porton Down Science Campus stated this week no proof exists that proves the nerve agent has a connection to Russia. Looks like May doesn't know how to pull off false flags, as all false flags not only in the UK seem to be failing.

",1522856757,04/04/2018 15:45 8425511,3839188578,"

UK foreign office deletes tweet blaming Russia for nerve agent attack, Russia calls them out



View image on Twitter

Russian Embassy, UK✔@RussianEmbassy

Why would @foreignoffice delete this tweet from 22 March?

7:35 AM - Apr 4, 2018


1,301 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like the United Kingdom is trying to cover up a likely false flag where a nerve agent was used on a Russian double agent for MI6 a couple weeks ago, as Russia is calling out the UK Foreign Office for deleting a tweet blaming Russia for the nerve agent false flag. Guess this is what Q meant earlier in the day posting UK rouge failure. The UK was literally trying to push this as an Act Of War against Russia for the globalists, but it now looks like the false flag has been exposed...That the foreign office of the UK has deleted the tweet blaming Russia for this nerve agent attack. This comes after the Porton Down Science Campus stated this week no proof exists that proves the nerve agent has a connection to Russia. Looks like May doesn't know how to pull off false flags, as all false flags not only in the UK seem to be failing.

",1522861557,04/04/2018 17:05 8425511,3839205899,"

New Q...We are under attack, War, No deals


1 Comment

YouTube ‎@YouTube

Puppet String News@NewsPuppet

#FisaMemo #FISAMemoRelease #ObamaGate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #QAnon #GreatAwakening #CaravanOfIllegalls #MAGA #NasimAghdam Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg #MLK50 Q just posted the following video.

9:43 AM - Apr 4, 2018


See Puppet String News's other Tweets

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like the Deep State/Obama/Clinton Cabal will be getting no deals, and it also looks like the UK is involved in all of this as Q is also mentioning the UK in all of this. With the UK mentioned by Q with this post, you can bet President Trump has not failed for the nerve agent false flag on a Russian double agent for the UK's MI6. April is looking to be an interesting month, as Q is hinting that we are under a covert type of war...After yesterday stating arrests and an unsealing of sealed indictments to come in April. So really Q is stating we are at war with American deep state officials and their puppets, and the war to round them all up may start this month and the UK is likely involved in all of this corruption and evil. We are at war that is a different kind of war, and there will be no deals in the storm. The video used by Q is almost a statement of we are coming for you.

",1522862151,04/04/2018 17:15 8424428,3839262214,"

Maggie Q who plays FBI agent Hannah Wells in Designated Survivor is the best example of that. She is 5'6"" and likely weighs about 105lbs, and she outfights men that are trained in marshal arts that out size her by 7 inches, and by 100lbs.

You have to suspend all disbelief as she uses knuckles and know how to save the world from one evil character after another, without any back up.

",1522864046,04/04/2018 17:47 8424656,3839340053,

I just found out that a co-worker follows Q...there is hope.

,1522866719,04/04/2018 18:31 8424545,3839347441,"

Yes, there is this question as well....usually phrased as:

Why was China ever allowed to join the WTO ? ?

Or, even better now, can we have a conversation about *ejecting* China from the WTO ? ?

That Q deserves some time.

",1522867007,04/04/2018 18:36 8422322,3839413883,

Where is mark Z at right now and when is he stepping down? #Qanon.

,1522869373,04/04/2018 19:16 8422322,3839478899,"

From Q
Apr 4 2018 16:39:57 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 72997f 894699
MZ to step down as Chairman.
MZ out of US.
Good luck.
Everyone needs to go check out latest Q posts. Tons of info dropping............

",1522872047,04/04/2018 20:00 8426954,3839479219,"

Globalists are trying to create their masterwork, the NWO. Compassion has nothing to do with it and does not include a middle class. They will steamroll and kill as many ""sheep"" as needed. Soros has stated publicly his goal is to destroy America. Wake up and fight for your rights. #Qanon

",1522872062,04/04/2018 20:01 8422322,3839484070,

Hey fasten your seat belt. The 1st Q Corporate results are pretty awesome

,1522872294,04/04/2018 20:04 8426954,3839511597,"

Massive amount of new Qanon drops for April 4.

",1522873532,04/04/2018 20:25 8419826,3839520332,

Merkel is doing her father's agenda. Check with Q Anon on this.

,1522873889,04/04/2018 20:31 8427854,3839697860,"

whether one does or does not believe in Q....he had made a post about her father. to look into him.
today, some info came out on her father.
i didnt really look into it much, but he has a business in San Diego


",1522883177,04/04/2018 23:06 8426186,3839734882,

This is a by-product of censorship. The shooter thought she was being denied the right to free speech—like conservatives routinely are censored.

Qanon posts are out there in full force. The hammer is coming down on social media companies. The game will soon be over.

These masters of the universe thought they could mold our behavior through manipulation. The shooter probably became a thorn in the side of FB and they censored her— but she would have none of it.

Who would have thought?

,1522885299,04/04/2018 23:41 8421839,3839771579,"

ALL HELL could break out on the border tonight. The cartels will not bow. Must be crushed.
Q says POTUS will be up all night. Pray for our brave National Guard.
Expect hostages to be taken. Could get very ugly, very quick. Pray.

“Apr 4 2018 21:45:45 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 33a3aa 899433
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

",1522887403,05/04/2018 00:16 8422790,3839810901,

Heard of Q Anon?
Red Castle
Green Castle
Find it on Youtube.

,1522889693,05/04/2018 00:54 8420405,3839815701,

suppose to be some news tomorrow. I sure hope the Q ain't the troll he could be.

,1522890016,05/04/2018 01:00 8420405,3839816571,

to tell you the truth Im fed up with the Q tic tocs

,1522890076,05/04/2018 01:01 8420405,3839818988,"

he seems to be good at connecting dots, after the fact.
but any good analyst can do that.
i was all for Q, but i dont not seeing the point anymore

",1522890239,05/04/2018 01:03 8427854,3839851100,

You still haven’t answered the Q. What should have the police done here that would have prevented the shooting

,1522892395,05/04/2018 01:39 8420405,3839861840,

Apr 4 2018 21:45:45 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 33a3aa 899433
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

,1522893230,05/04/2018 01:53 8420405,3839863686,

That was the last one tonight & this was the one before...

Apr 4 2018 21:35:04 (EDT) Anonymous ID: 5ad204 899237
I bet he already talked to Putin too

Apr 4 2018 21:41:40 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 33a3aa 899345
Peace through strength.

,1522893369,05/04/2018 01:56 8420405,3839865703,"

Q says Zuckerberg to step down and will be out of US

New Q...We are under attack, War, No deals

",1522893532,05/04/2018 01:58 8428988,3839919476,

Apr 4 2018 21:45:45 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 33a3aa 899433
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

,1522898334,05/04/2018 03:18 8420405,3839935770,

Lots of interesting Q posts the last couple of days!

and just to note for the libtards:


,1522899961,05/04/2018 03:46 8428988,3839962684,"

Its true though hahaa and yes I saw all the new Q. Did you see how many sealed indictments there are now??? Almost 25,000.

",1522902640,05/04/2018 04:30 8428988,3840010652,

OT: Q hints that McCain's brain cancer is just a cover story. Pray q's wrong here.

,1522907236,05/04/2018 05:47 8425430,3840112478,"

You are not allowed an opinion, unless it conforms to the socialist agenda. The thought police (SPIT) will arrest you and jail you for having a go at anyone considered special. LGBT + Q, Muslims and all foreign migrants are all special. NEEDS. Time to take back OUR country and re-establish our culture and our morals. Transgenders are just freaks with mental conditions.

",1522915989,05/04/2018 08:13 8428988,3840167936,"

New Q, POTUS will be up all night, Pray, Watch the news



Of course when the President is mentioned to not be sleeping by Q, you only have to be curious what is currently happening behind the scenes. With three military birds going down in the last 48 hours, you can only question if this is whats involved with POTUS not getting sleep tonight. Obviously there is something currently going on with the military, and two of these crashes involve the Marines, after a week ago where Q said Marines are activated? Something is obviously going on behind the scenes with the US Military, as three birds falling out of the sky in two days is definitely not normal. There is some kind of operation going down and Q basically told us April would be a big month, so watch the news in the coming days. Is the military doing a tribunal operation or getting people, or training to do just that?

",1522920256,05/04/2018 09:24 8428988,3840169893,"

Q says Zuckerberg to step down and will be out of US



Well it looks like Zuckerberg may just be out at Facebook as Q is stating, and this comes hours after Zuckerberg has been scheduled to testify to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for April 10th or April 11th. Now Q also states that Zuckerberg will be out of the US, so is Zuckerberg fleeing the country or is he going somewhere like Gitmo? Q also targets @Jack good luck, so is the Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about to go through what Mark Zuckerberg is currently going through? Where is Zuckerberg headed if he will be stepping down as the CEO and is going out of America? April is already getting interesting and the censors are likely on their way out and on their way to somewhere.

",1522920395,05/04/2018 09:26 8428988,3840177596,"

Three Military aircraft fall out of the sky in 24 hours



​Fox News Reports: An Air Force F-16 jet crashed Wednesday at Nellis Air Force Base outside of Las Vegas, defense officials told Fox News. The status of the pilot, or pilots, was not immediately clear. In a statement, the Air Force said, “Emergency responders are on the scene. As soon as additional details become available, they will be provided. The accident is under investigation."" The jet crashed around 10:30 a.m. during routine training at Nevada Test and Training Range, officials said. An Air Force F-16 jet crashed Wednesday at Nellis Air Force Base outside of Las Vegas, defense officials told Fox News. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Andrew D. Sarver)
The incident marks the third crash of a U.S. military aircraft since Tuesday, when a Marine Corps CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter crashed during exercises along the U.S.-Mexico border in California, killing four crew members. Also on Tuesday, a Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jet crashed in the East African nation of Djibouti during a training exercise. The pilot ejected and is currently in ""stable condition.""
There seems to be a situation developing where US Military Aircraft keep falling out of the sky, as this F-16 incident follows a day of a Marine CH-53 went down in El-Centro California and a Marine Harrier went down in Djibouti. Yes the military tends to have aircraft crashes, but three in a span of 24 hours or two days is extremely odd. Is the US Deep State electronically taking down US military aircraft or the global deep state, or have military aircraft been tampered with? Now this is highly strange because earlier today Q posted we are at war no deals, and US military aircraft seem to be falling out of sky at a rapid rate this week...So it may just be there is a war going on that we may not know about and could have something to do with whats going to happen in April.

",1522920913,05/04/2018 09:35 8420405,3840203860,"

Since Wasserman-Schultz is set to attend the Florida meeting in her district, the courts have time to unseal her indictment and Q and his buddies know where to send the troops to arrest her ass. If they could arrange that she'll be in Gitmo before the meeting is over. Sorted.

",1522922514,05/04/2018 10:01 8415266,3840282724,"

Sorry just now getting back to you. So there are 2 recent searches I recall a difference in what types of sites are listed in primary order. For the search term ‘separating the sheep from the goats’ , Bing had of the first three sites, 2 that were faith based and 1 secular site. Google was the opposite for the first three listed. Another search term that I remember a distinct difference was ‘who is Q anon’ or what is Q anon. All I can recall is that the sites listed on Google were negative postings and told me nothing about who or what this was and on Bing, the sites listed were mixed, some positive and some negative, and again, none of the sites listed really answered my search of the ‘who’ or ‘what’. These were one time searches that each occurred approximately one month ago.

",1522926574,05/04/2018 11:09 8428004,3840422707,"

Heads up! New post from QAnon:

Origins of 5 by 5: ""The term comes from analog radio communications. A radio sender would ask a receiver to rate his radio signal. Two numbers were used, the first representing signal strength and the second representing signal clarity. Each were on a scale of 1 to5. ""5 by 5"" then is the highest signal strength and the best quality.""

Apr 05 2018 01:10:03
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

",1522932398,05/04/2018 12:46 8427854,3840481292,

You remind me of Q somehow.

,1522934689,05/04/2018 13:24 8430626,3840638239,"

Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's Iran nuke deal



The Hill Reports: ​Aides to President Trump are reportedly preparing for a scenario in which Trump withdraws the U.S. from the Iran nuclear agreement next month. Trump's national security team is considering strategies for pulling out of the multilateral agreement and reimposing the sanctions waived by the U.S., according to The Associated Press. The moves come ahead of Trump's May 12 deadline for key aspects of the deal to be renegotiated.
One option under consideration is an immediate reapplication of sanctions on Iran delayed by six months, the AP reported, giving allied nations time to consider new actions or help revise the deal that Trump has called ""the worst deal ever negotiated."" National security staffers are also considering whether to allow the European nations that co-signed the agreement to preserve it without U.S. involvement, officials told the news service.
Hopefully this report is legit about Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's treasonous Iran nuke deal, as this was basically Obama arming Iran with billions of dollars for it's nuclear program. Obama basically gave a nation that has threatened America and Israel with destruction over the years, and Trump understands this is pretty much what Obama did in Iran as President. Let's also not forget that the American taxpayer under Obama's Iran nuke deal gave Iran around $150 billion dollars of money that could of been used in America, but then Obama prefers nations over America that hate America like Iran.
Once again Trump proves he is America First by preparing to pull America out of the Iran nuke deal under the Obama administration, and yet the Deep State/American Left continues to push this conspiracy that Trump is the one colluding...When no investigation took place over Obama's collusion with Iran to basically arm their nuclear program. Obama could likely go to prison over the Iran nuke deal. Is this what Q told us to watch for in the news today?

",1522940671,05/04/2018 15:04 8427458,3840698388,

Precisely. As a recent Q post says:
Troops @ Border does what?
To who?
D's involved.
MS_13/Illegals road block.
Sex traffic road block.
Children road block.
Drugs road block.
Guns road block.
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
Name we don't say AZ road block.
Jeff Flake AZ road block.
Big money TERMINATE.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

,1522942958,05/04/2018 15:42 8431103,3840721683,

Q tell you that? Getting tired of all the waiting. It's been a while now. I thought March was going to be the big month? Nothing happened. Q is looking more and more like a fantasy.. But true believers will keep the faith no matter what.

,1522943853,05/04/2018 15:57 8430194,3840840152,"

What I'm hearing in the Qanon streams is that it's far less Mexico doing anything and far more the black hats (Soros, CIA, Deep State) funding and running this caravan op that either halted or are working on Plan B now that the NG is at the border. They've been Trumped - and may it ever be thus!

",1522948302,05/04/2018 17:11 8430194,3840862486,"

Human- including child-, drug-, and weapons-trafficking are the other HUGE reasons for the Big, Beautiful Wall (and an armed military at the border until we get it). Q said so definitively in his huge crumbs drop last night (it was less crumbs and more a whole bakery!).

",1522949135,05/04/2018 17:25 8430626,3840898619,

Sounds like Q doesn't like McCain.

,1522950476,05/04/2018 17:47 8429687,3840900106,

My inner devil agrees. It’s been my theory watching this unfold over the last 25 years that the anti west leftists seem to think that if they embrace all the minority religions while they malign and get rid of Christianity it will then be easy to get rid of the “minority” religions. I say good luck with that genius political maneuvering Mr and Mrs John Q Leftist! They seem to ignore th reality that worldwide Islam is no minority and there are enough of them amongst the radical factions to crush any army the western leftists could hope to assemble.

,1522950530,05/04/2018 17:48 8147738,3840913020,"

Hi - Don't worry us ' Peasants ' know our place in the UK . Russia/Turkey seem to be getting very 'friendly' 'Course to Putin its just another country to place his 'Army' depleted though it may be - Still a force -and a step nearer to - His next step ?? This 'Deadly Nerve Assault ' is more and more making the UK GOV look stupid - Bit suprised that the USA and most other countries Joined in the condemnation - without any proof . But then we are not 'Privy to what goes down the ' Establishment Dark Web ' . Putin sure had the ' West' running when he supported that Tyrant ASSAD - He's getting very good at that - ( Making the ' West ,run')I think the 'Stopping ' of Drugs into The US or Europe would lead to something a lot worse than ' Prohibition ' and the CIA have to make a $ -or two. - Chinese meals delivered by boat now hey . Q . is how many will be smuggled into the US now they are ever closer ? through Alaska / while all Trumps eyes are on the Mexican border- That wall is taking some starting - What you need is Chinese workers - Very good a Walls .

",1522950979,05/04/2018 17:56 8429687,3840940344,"

I totally agree this is what's going on and Q says so. It won't work; we're onto them and Fake News has utterly discredited themselves besides. Every time there's a false flag shooting, the Camera Hoggs start hollering and the 2A gets STRONGER, not weaker. More and more we see graphically why it's far better to be lawfully armed citizens. I'm for reciprocity and Open Carry across the land, myself. Crime would drop to almost nothing.

",1522951994,05/04/2018 18:13 8432303,3840962789,

Don't be naive Zuck. Facebook won't be around in 3 years. You heard it here first.
I heard it from Q (anon)

,1522952817,05/04/2018 18:26 8431889,3840972383,"

I can understand our President chickening out on last year's Kennedy Center Honors as he is almost universally despised by entertainers, but if a President fears a baseball crowd made up of John Q Publics? Our President prefers a rigged crowd. Can't face the general public? Sad.

",1522953189,05/04/2018 18:33 8427458,3840989560,

Can this Q write in full sentences?

,1522953856,05/04/2018 18:44 8407193,3841070939,

^^^ Yet another confused QAnon tard or troll trying to defend the traitorous worm Sessions.

,1522957305,05/04/2018 19:41 8432303,3841147869,"

Too little, too late. Besides, the Qanon boards say Zuck is going to resign as Facebook chairman and leave the country.

",1522961034,05/04/2018 20:43 8432303,3841154590,

What's a Qanon board?

,1522961373,05/04/2018 20:49 8432846,3841159012,"

I agree brother, but you really need to know what is going on behind the scenes. Check out Q Anon:

",1522961595,05/04/2018 20:53 8432339,3841170263,"

Mr. John Q. Public, law abiding citizen turn in your guns. No the illegal guns will not be confiscated. Those people are mean!

",1522962169,05/04/2018 21:02 8432846,3841173284,"

You are about to get it big time Sis, please check out Q Anon on Youtube, he is the POTUS source of information on what is coming. Look for ""Praying Medic"" & Jerome Corsi

",1522962330,05/04/2018 21:05 8432048,3841173626,"

Those letters would not be much on the scrabble board, the Q is 10 points but it needs a U.

",1522962350,05/04/2018 21:05 8434310,3841377154,

Don't know nothin' 'bout Q buttons but I love the 3 Stooges.

,1522973176,06/04/2018 00:06 8407193,3841400495,"

Funny, I’ve never mentioned this QAnon is it, you’ve constantly mention? Are you obsessed with that person or entity too! One must research, much disinformation, but when you ignore what’s right in front of your face, well you cannot be helped! They’ve been investigating for months with an M, you have no idea what’s going on in the world!

",1522974652,06/04/2018 00:30 8407193,3841514635,"

Wrong dummy, it comes from many sources including the actual documents. That's quite a contrast to someone like you who gets his info from braindead QAnon sources.

",1522983848,06/04/2018 03:04 8407193,3841516361,"

You don't need to mention it, I know a witless QAnon troll when I see one. Your defense of the filthy, traitorous worm Sessions is a dead giveaway along with the nonsense speculation.

",1522984027,06/04/2018 03:07 8433038,3841576200,"

You have no are entertained by instant gratification. It is happening but it has to be done in an environment where factions on both sides of the aisle are obstructing many things. The troops to the border are just the beginning. The President signed an EO on December 21st. which gave him Emergency Powers to go around Congress and use the military to start getting things rolling. The funds for the wall will be redirected from the Omnibus bill and given to the Army Corp of Engineers to use to start the wall with soon. The Deep State has spent many decades taking control of every aspect of our government yet you think that Trump should just snap his fingers and like magic it will just all disappear? It will take time to get back this country from these criminals...but you just go ahead and demand it to happen when, and in the manner which you see fit! You need to do less complaining and start doing more of your own research.

Go check this out...

Afterwards, start looking into it deeper. Keep in mind that the MSM is calling this a joke, but trust me, it is not...and they know it...and they are scared...that's why they discount you won't take it seriously. Their time, along with FB and Google and Twitter and Youtube and all of the other corporate propaganda/censorship media, is coming soon!

",1522990412,06/04/2018 04:53 8434844,3841825110,"

Was CA quake really an Earthquake or military operation, Santa Cruz Island looks like it came under fire



​LA Times reports: The 5.3 magnitude off the coast of Southern California didn't do damage on the mainland, but it appears have caused some earth movement on Santa Cruz Island. The Ventura County Fire Department posted photos of the earth moving on coastal cliffs. The epicenter of the quake was just west of Santa Cruz, one of the channel islands off Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. The temblor occurred just before 12:30 p.m. and was centered south of Santa Cruz Island. It was felt as far away as Bakersfield, Palmdale and the city of Orange, according to witnesses and the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake was the strongest in Southern California in several years, jangling some nerves but causing no major damage because it occurred offshore in the Pacific Ocean and not on land.
There's something strange about this recent quake in California in the last 24 hours, because it looks like Santa Cruz Island part of the Channel Islands came under military fire...Because oddly it looks like the island was being raided by a military operation. An anon poster on 4Chan has posted a hint that this was a military operation to raid an underground bunker at Santa Cruz Island in California nearly 24 hours ago, which you will see below.
If you look at the photos provided by LA Times, it really looks like this was some kind of underground bunker taken out by explosives...Due to what looks like smoke rising from underneath the ground during the Earthquake. Remember Q said we were at war, and there has been lots of recent military activity with military aircraft going down, and the Marines activated by Q and Trump activating the National Guard. Also if you look at the seismograph, it looks like a detonation.

",1523011006,06/04/2018 10:36 8434844,3841835963,"

QRS-11 gyrochip, the Deep State microchip taking down military aircraft



Washington Post Reports: The Boeing Co. has agreed to pay $15 million to settle federal allegations that it broke the law by selling commercial airplanes equipped with a small chip that has military applications. It is among the largest fines a company has ever faced for violations of the Arms Control Export Act, which regulates the sale of defense products to overseas interests. The Chicago-based company also agreed to oversight requirements because settlements over previous violations did not result in full compliance.
According to the State Department charges, Boeing shipped 94 commercial jets overseas between 2000 and 2003 that carried the QRS-11 gyrochip embedded in the flight boxes. At the time, the chip, used in the guidance system of the Maverick missile, was on a list of products that required a license for foreign sales. The chip is part of a backup system that maintains an artificial horizon for pilots, Boeing spokesman Tim Neale said Saturday. The 2-ounce, 1-inch-diameter chip, made by a unit of BEI Technologies in Concord, Calif., sells for less than $2,000. Boeing executives had argued that a military enemy seeking the chip would have alternatives to buying a $60 million jet and taking apart the flight box. But the State Department said Boeing's sales were not licensed. And 19 of the planes went to China, where the U.S. export of listed defense items is prohibited.
Looks like we have found a possible connection to multiple military birds going down across America in the last week, as a Deep State gyrochip called the QRS-11 used for missile guidance is behind these military birds going down. A missile guidance system used inside military aircraft raises alarms, and the provider of this microchip was actually sued over it. This is likely what is taking down military aircraft around the country, and likely allows the Deep State to overtake the control of military aircraft...After Q has stated today that the four military aircraft taken down is not a coincidence and actually silent war.
​ Now what this gyrochip does is unknown, but you can bet this microchip allows some entity to take over aircraft, and you can also bet this is involved in taking down commercial airlines as well...May even be involved in 9/11. Curious who is behind this microchip since it's connected to the State Department.

",1523011588,06/04/2018 10:46 8434844,3841841683,"

Thunderbirds crash marks 4th military aircraft accident in one week, Q says coincidence or silent war



CBS News reports: The famed Thunderbirds are grounded after a pilot died Wednesday during a routine training exercise. The incident marked the fourth U.S. military aircraft crash this week and the fifth fatality. The jet went down around 10:30 a.m. during a routine aerial demonstration training flight over the remote Nevada Test and Training Range.
The Thunderbirds are America's top guns, executing the most extraordinary combat maneuvers in formation. They were performing a routine training exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, when one of their own -- Maj. Stephen Del Bagno -- was killed. It was the third crash of a Thunderbird jet in the past two years and the first death in 35 years. Del Bagno, 34, had just become a ""red helmet,"" flying solo since January.
Crazy thing with all these US Military aircraft happening in the last week, is that they are all going down in the month of April...In a month that Q has stated will be insane with arrests, unsealed documents, and the military being activated. I would say Q is right in stating is this a coincidence or a silent war with 4 military aircraft going down in one week, because four military aircraft going down in a span of 72-96 hours is not normal.
It looks like a silent war is going on inside the United States of America, and Q has stated Marines are activated and we know about Trump activating the National Guard. These Military birds going down in four incidents this week obviously means something is going on in a month that looks like sealed indictments will be unsealed and arrests will happen. This looks more like a silent war...Rather than military aircraft going down under mechanical issues and what not. It looks like these four US Military aircraft are being taken down with what Q is stating.

",1523011884,06/04/2018 10:51 8432651,3841935508,"

Observation: Have you noticed that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc... all CREATE the narratives and then Fox News spends it's time fighting/disagreeing with those narratives? That's all they do. How about talking about what's really going on, like: MASS GEOENGINEERING, Q-ANON/TRUMP POSTS ON 4 CHAN, ILLUMINATI CONTROL OF THE WORLD, PEDOPHILE RINGS, CHILD ABDUCTION AND SATANIC SACRIFICES BY THESE GLOBAL ELITE, FEDERAL RESERVE SCAM, FALSE FLAG EVENTS LIKE SANDY HOOK, BOSTON BOMBING, VEGAS, PARKLAND, ORLANDO, ETC.... It's all controlled reality by Viacom, CBS, Turner Broadcasting, Disney, News Corp and GE.....Enjoying the Matrix people?

",1523016130,06/04/2018 12:02 8436434,3841959944,"

Get off the Hillary Train. Trump is the immediate problem. And, no, Q is not a top secret mole who sees all and knows all. He (or she) is a Quack.

",1523017154,06/04/2018 12:19 8432651,3841964182,"

This is reality:
Q-Anon, George Webb, aplanetruth, highimpactflix, James Munder, WikiLeaks, William Tapley, Eric Dubey.

",1523017328,06/04/2018 12:22 8433860,3841974273,"

She won't have the deep state criminal network to create a false movement.... NO DIM/Rep (hear that Bushes? McCain?) WILL ever again.


GREAT Q POSTS this month!!

April Showers - and it's raining like crazy in San Francisco - helps clean the urine, feces and Hep C juice off the side walks.. now if CA people could just learn to drive in the rain!

",1523017738,06/04/2018 12:28 8436638,3842003932,

2 consecutive quarters with negative GDP = recession. This did not occur until the end of 2008 and 1st Q 2009. Sorry about that.

,1523018931,06/04/2018 12:48 8436578,3842143354,"

Apr 6 2018 11:46:52 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 357f8c 919423 NEW
Here we go.
Apr 6 2018 11:50:01 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 357f8c 919456 NEW
Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?

",1523024457,06/04/2018 14:20 8436578,3842151091,"

While the Propaganda Correspondence dinner takes place, Trump should dine with Rosanne Barr and they should both wear Q-ANON tee shirts and #MAGA hats.

",1523024764,06/04/2018 14:26 8437274,3842169735,"

Trump Lawyer Sekulow receives documents related to Obama unmasking scandal full video



Jay Sekulow✔@JaySekulow

.@ACLJ in Court on #Obama Admin. Unmasking.

12:00 PM - Apr 5, 2018

Jay Sekulow @JaySekulow

.@ACLJ in Court on #Obama Admin.


419 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like America could soon receive very new information on the Obama unmasking scandal, as Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow has obtained an unknown amount of Obama unmasking documents through FOIA. These documents will likely do the following things. One exposing the Obama officials involved in illegal spying on President Trump and countless Americans without warrant or violating criminal statues to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and hundreds of Americans, and of course information on the illegal leaks to the media involving President Trump.
Whatever may be in these documents that Sekulow has obtained through FOIA regarding Obama's unmasking/spy ring on Trump and countless Americans...Hopefully individuals named in these documents will go down. Crazy thing is this may confirm what Q is saying about April, because Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow received these Obama unmasking documents in April.

",1523025492,06/04/2018 14:38 8436638,3842172201,

The recession didn't start until the 4th Q 2008 and the 1st Q 2009. Facts matter.

,1523025590,06/04/2018 14:39 8437274,3842175108,"

QRS-11 gyrochip, the Deep State microchip taking down military aircraft



Washington Post Reports: The Boeing Co. has agreed to pay $15 million to settle federal allegations that it broke the law by selling commercial airplanes equipped with a small chip that has military applications. It is among the largest fines a company has ever faced for violations of the Arms Control Export Act, which regulates the sale of defense products to overseas interests. The Chicago-based company also agreed to oversight requirements because settlements over previous violations did not result in full compliance.
According to the State Department charges, Boeing shipped 94 commercial jets overseas between 2000 and 2003 that carried the QRS-11 gyrochip embedded in the flight boxes. At the time, the chip, used in the guidance system of the Maverick missile, was on a list of products that required a license for foreign sales. The chip is part of a backup system that maintains an artificial horizon for pilots, Boeing spokesman Tim Neale said Saturday. The 2-ounce, 1-inch-diameter chip, made by a unit of BEI Technologies in Concord, Calif., sells for less than $2,000. Boeing executives had argued that a military enemy seeking the chip would have alternatives to buying a $60 million jet and taking apart the flight box. But the State Department said Boeing's sales were not licensed. And 19 of the planes went to China, where the U.S. export of listed defense items is prohibited.
Looks like we have found a possible connection to multiple military birds going down across America in the last week, as a Deep State gyrochip called the QRS-11 used for missile guidance is behind these military birds going down. A missile guidance system used inside military aircraft raises alarms, and the provider of this microchip was actually sued over it. This is likely what is taking down military aircraft around the country, and likely allows the Deep State to overtake the control of military aircraft...After Q has stated today that the four military aircraft taken down is not a coincidence and actually silent war.
​ Now what this gyrochip does is unknown, but you can bet this microchip allows some entity to take over aircraft, and you can also bet this is involved in taking down commercial airlines as well...May even be involved in 9/11. Curious who is behind this microchip since it's connected to the State Department.

",1523025703,06/04/2018 14:41 8437274,3842179983,"

Thunderbirds crash marks 4th military aircraft accident in one week, Q says coincidence or silent war



CBS News reports: The famed
Thunderbirds are grounded after a pilot died Wednesday during a routine
training exercise. The incident marked the fourth U.S. military aircraft
crash this week and the fifth fatality. The jet went down around 10:30
a.m. during a routine aerial demonstration training flight over the
remote Nevada Test and Training Range.

The Thunderbirds are America's top guns, executing the most
extraordinary combat maneuvers in formation. They were performing a
routine training exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, when one of their
own -- Maj. Stephen Del Bagno -- was killed. It was the third crash of a
Thunderbird jet in the past two years and the first death in 35 years.
Del Bagno, 34, had just become a ""red helmet,"" flying solo since
Crazy thing with all these
US Military aircraft happening in the last week, is that they are all
going down in the month of April...In a month that Q has stated will be
insane with arrests, unsealed documents, and the military being
activated. I would say Q is right in stating is this a coincidence or a
silent war with 4 military aircraft going down in one week, because four
military aircraft going down in a span of 72-96 hours is not normal.

It looks like a silent war is going on
inside the United States of America, and Q has stated Marines are
activated and we know about Trump activating the National Guard. These
Military birds going down in four incidents this week obviously means
something is going on in a month that looks like sealed indictments will
be unsealed and arrests will happen. This looks more like a silent
war...Rather than military aircraft going down under mechanical issues
and what not. It looks like these four US Military aircraft are being
taken down with what Q is stating.

",1523025891,06/04/2018 14:44 8435093,3842185846,"

Many people think Bill Gates is anti-American and a commie, or at the very least a socialist.
and listen, you asked a Q, I just answered it no reason to act like a dooshe about it.

",1523026115,06/04/2018 14:48 8437274,3842208133,"

i think he is qanon, or at least part of Q group

",1523026985,06/04/2018 15:03 8437274,3842218972,"

yeah, and one of the ""scandals"" was him hiring a permanent security detail. i think they want him dead, that's why they're mad about security. he probably has a Q clearance, i suspect he is qanon

",1523027403,06/04/2018 15:10 8437274,3842224655,

qanon...that's a new one there JB...

,1523027625,06/04/2018 15:13 8431889,3842248982,

I mention him when people critcize Pres. Trump for dodgeing the draft.

Hillary is relevant to those who want more of Obama's bad policies and don't care about the U.S. I wonder if they have a decimal point before their I. Q. score.

,1523028564,06/04/2018 15:29 8437274,3842252430,"

Erasing the imposter Obama it's just what we do :)

Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's Iran nuke deal



The Hill Reports: ​Aides to President Trump are reportedly preparing for a scenario in which Trump withdraws the U.S. from the Iran nuclear agreement next month. Trump's national security team is considering strategies for pulling out of the multilateral agreement and reimposing the sanctions waived by the U.S., according to The Associated Press. The moves come ahead of Trump's May 12 deadline for key aspects of the deal to be renegotiated.
One option under consideration is an immediate reapplication of sanctions on Iran delayed by six months, the AP reported, giving allied nations time to consider new actions or help revise the deal that Trump has called ""the worst deal ever negotiated."" National security staffers are also considering whether to allow the European nations that co-signed the agreement to preserve it without U.S. involvement, officials told the news service.
Hopefully this report is legit about Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's treasonous Iran nuke deal, as this was basically Obama arming Iran with billions of dollars for it's nuclear program. Obama basically gave a nation that has threatened America and Israel with destruction over the years, and Trump understands this is pretty much what Obama did in Iran as President. Let's also not forget that the American taxpayer under Obama's Iran nuke deal gave Iran around $150 billion dollars of money that could of been used in America, but then Obama prefers nations over America that hate America like Iran.
Once again Trump proves he is America First by preparing to pull America out of the Iran nuke deal under the Obama administration, and yet the Deep State/American Left continues to push this conspiracy that Trump is the one colluding...When no investigation took place over Obama's collusion with Iran to basically arm their nuclear program. Obama could likely go to prison over the Iran nuke deal. Is this what Q told us to watch for in the news today?

",1523028696,06/04/2018 15:31 8437598,3842254885,

According to Q anon Zuckerberg is resigning from FB and moving out of the country. Sure hope so!

,1523028793,06/04/2018 15:33 8437157,3842274368,"

Yep 👍. This was very early on in the Trump ascension. I’d been betrayed by Lyin Ted on the border stuff and called his office. When I’d called them in the past and donated they sounded reasonable and on top of it. But when I called them on the border and TPP (very early in TPP. Hence by the time it was all coming out of known it was a sovereignty killer for a long time) they themselves sounded flummoxed. It was weird but I’m old enough to know I’d been had.

Anywhoo...I said something positive about Trump at least having the balls to say things out loud and straight up. I also said that the other candidates were all frauds. He posted some retort to me (back then they did that). And I called him a cuck. They went ApeShit crazy 😜 on me. There was also this alias they used “publius”. A couple of the National RINO guys started in on me too and went after a few other of us. Now mind you it was a blog so who cares, but you had all these kid writers like cuck boy Kevin raging 😤 on these threads at us. I mean what has the guy done really? I’m considerably older than that cucksquad over there and frankly have done more in life. They like Lyin Ryano seem to me little creatures out there to be the “fresh new faces” of an old Deep State Overton Window Operation.

Anyway after I got banned 3 times and told I was an idiot for thinking Trump had a chance I laughed every time I thought about it. I wonder what they think about now as they were so psychotically shrill and filled with their piss and vinegar. Lol 😂. Anyway it’s Cucks like Williamson and that fraud Ben Shapiro that wrecked the game with old Cold War guys like me. They were too arrogant inexperienced and ignorant. They can’t be bothered 😕 by learning who their targets are and why we think what we do. So...their antics pushed me to CTH (Conservative Tree House), The Donald, 4Chan and Q anon. How’s them apples 🍎 Kevin?

",1523029531,06/04/2018 15:45 8437598,3842503973,"

Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's Iran nuke deal



The Hill Reports: ​Aides to President Trump are reportedly preparing for a scenario in which Trump withdraws the U.S. from the Iran nuclear agreement next month. Trump's national security team is considering strategies for pulling out of the multilateral agreement and reimposing the sanctions waived by the U.S., according to The Associated Press. The moves come ahead of Trump's May 12 deadline for key aspects of the deal to be renegotiated.
One option under consideration is an immediate reapplication of sanctions on Iran delayed by six months, the AP reported, giving allied nations time to consider new actions or help revise the deal that Trump has called ""the worst deal ever negotiated."" National security staffers are also considering whether to allow the European nations that co-signed the agreement to preserve it without U.S. involvement, officials told the news service.
Hopefully this report is legit about Trump preparing to pull America out of Obama's treasonous Iran nuke deal, as this was basically Obama arming Iran with billions of dollars for it's nuclear program. Obama basically gave a nation that has threatened America and Israel with destruction over the years, and Trump understands this is pretty much what Obama did in Iran as President. Let's also not forget that the American taxpayer under Obama's Iran nuke deal gave Iran around $150 billion dollars of money that could of been used in America, but then Obama prefers nations over America that hate America like Iran.
Once again Trump proves he is America First by preparing to pull America out of the Iran nuke deal under the Obama administration, and yet the Deep State/American Left continues to push this conspiracy that Trump is the one colluding...When no investigation took place over Obama's collusion with Iran to basically arm their nuclear program. Obama could likely go to prison over the Iran nuke deal. Is this what Q told us to watch for in the news today?

",1523038627,06/04/2018 18:17 8438255,3842551663,

Really or just the Q rumor says it's going to happen?

,1523040666,06/04/2018 18:51 8438255,3842552590,"

even if it's just a Q rumor, our job is to spread it

",1523040710,06/04/2018 18:51 8435096,3842635570,"

MAGA# Now lets unseal the indictments and round out the deep state creeps.

I read online that there is a new facilities on Guantanamo that can house 12 thousand inmates and there are only 70 there currently. Hopefully they have the presidential wing ready for the Clinton's, Obama and the Bush's.

I hope Q is right.

",1523044649,06/04/2018 19:57 8438369,3842668442,"

I thought that Q said Zuckerberg would resign, was out of the country, and was probably in Gitmo.
Another Q fail

",1523046383,06/04/2018 20:26 8438255,3842720406,"

Cheer up -- from Q (""We don't say his name"" is John McCain)
Apr 4 2018 19:16:46 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 169658 897116
We don’t say his name.
The protected flow into AZ is no more.
Under the cover of his health, he will not be seeking another term.

",1523049359,06/04/2018 21:15 8438972,3842740081,"

If you only knew what was happening right now. If you don't know about Q, find out. And spend as much time as you can listening and reading what you find. The people you are talking about are so screwed it's not even funny.

",1523050487,06/04/2018 21:34 8439527,3842740819,"

Q-Anon dropped this information just about 45 minutes ago on:
Listen to Q-Anon breaking news - multiple, multiple drops this evening!!! Join in and listen. Drops have been nearly continuous this evening. BIG DOINGS HAPPENING IN THE U.S. RIGHT NOW!

",1523050532,06/04/2018 21:35 8433314,3842740869,"

Trump has ended ""catch & release""...

Apr 6 2018 19:23:16 (EDT) Anonymous ID: c13799 926634 NEW
‏Verified account @Breaking911
4m4 minutes ago
#BREAKING: President Trump signs memorandum ending ‘catch and release’ immigration policy - Reuters
Woohoo Good Job Mr. President!
Apr 6 2018 19:25:43 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30d340 926674 NEW
“Watch the news.”

",1523050535,06/04/2018 21:35 8438255,3842778492,"

The one whose name we don’t mention, has done more damage to America than any tariff. You cannot restore what was GIVEN AWAY. But you CAN restore a tariff and make it much fairer on America and more profitable for those producing the goods.

These traitors’ day in court is coming and coming rapidly; and in many cases it will not be in front of some lefty judge, it will be in front of a military tribunal for treason. If you have been following Q you would already know that 470 odd investigators and lawyers have been silently working for months to prepare an iron clad case so none of these perps can walk thru a technicality.

",1523051629,06/04/2018 21:53 8433314,3842779388,

Right on Q.... here come the libtards defending their voting base.

,1523051683,06/04/2018 21:54 8438243,3842839161,

Qanon has repeatedly alerted us to increased indictments of Deep State pedophiles in positions of trust and public employment...THIS is a VERY good sign that Trump Tzu and his Warriors ARE MAKING GREAT HEADWAY in The Deep State Wars!!!




,1523055396,06/04/2018 22:56 8438255,3842851768,"

Sessions - according to Q, is to be trusted. Q has said for the swamp rats to be drained, they needed to let their guard down thinking they could continue on in the new admin. The President has picked their brains and let them go. Bit by bit he is gathering a trusted team around him. Sessions has been in on the plan from the beginning. He has given Mulleur and Rosenstein enough rope and day by day their dirty deeds, not the Presidents, are surfacing. These commos are trapped like rats. The latest by Q has revealed that Manafort was a plant. And the swamp is in a panic. Please follow Q as you will not hear about it on the fake news.

",1523056231,06/04/2018 23:10 8439839,3842931305,

Follow #Qanon

,1523061319,07/04/2018 00:35 8431775,3842965219,"

All roads lead to Rome. Photos they kept hidden for years:

Wake Up folks.

",1523063779,07/04/2018 01:16 8433668,3843120421,

Are you people reading fuqing Q for crying out loud...sick asss shiit man what these stupid people are up to.

,1523079618,07/04/2018 05:40 8437718,3843264846,

My Q for her.... Looking back.... didn’t you feel really stupid holding up a #bringbackourgirls sign with a dour face? That was your shinning moment in 8 years.... did it produce any results? Or did you just “feel” better?

,1523094601,07/04/2018 09:50 8433668,3843272173,

How about a movie about Q Anon's methodical deconstruction of the evil leftists elites who have been running the country for the last 50 years?

,1523095173,07/04/2018 09:59 8439203,3843286554,

Fox News just posted an article with facts and numbers on Pruitt.

That's the Q. He is toast.

,1523096229,07/04/2018 10:17 8438255,3843300258,"

I do follow, and I pray Q is correct.

",1523097204,07/04/2018 10:33 8440265,3843399483,

Thank you Pres DJT and qanon patriots!


,1523103165,07/04/2018 12:12 8440265,3843532023,

Surprised you guys aren't at the QAnon march in Washington DC.
It has attracted around 100 people.

,1523109651,07/04/2018 14:00 8440265,3843542046,"

Trust the plan.

",1523110087,07/04/2018 14:08 8433773,3843559883,"

Um, you keep on referencing leftist propaganda, there is nothing factual there. You are so lost. Don't fill your panties when the truth drops.


",1523110876,07/04/2018 14:21 8440265,3843568981,"

5th US Military aircraft goes down in one week, two dead, we are at a silent war



​Fox News Reports: Two soldiers were killed when their helicopter crashed during a training exercise at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, officials said Saturday. The soldiers were members of the 101st Airborne Division. The crash happened Friday night and involved an Army AH-64E Apache helicopter. The names of the deceased will not be released until 24 hours after next-of-kin notification is complete, officials said. The crew was conducting routine training at the time of the accident. There were no other casualties. Fort Campbell Fire and Emergency Services members responded to the crash scene.
Like Q has said this week we are likely officially at a silent war, as the National Guard has been deployed by President Trump and the Marines have been said to be activated by Q. For anyone in the US military or former US Military then you would no this never happens...Where this marks the 5th US Military aircraft accident this week.
Something is obviously going on around America, and it's possibly a silent war against the Cabal. If this continues you can't question that America's Military is in some kind of defacto State of War on American soil, and these incidents are likely the Deep State targeting the US Military. Notice how this recent one involves an assault helicopter? For those who have been paying attention to Q you know America is at war over American soil...Five military aircraft incidents in one week are not a coincidence.

",1523111280,07/04/2018 14:28 8441174,3843684951,

These 4 jumpers are simply heading to the QAnon march in DC.

,1523116175,07/04/2018 15:49 8441174,3843808558,"

Q is ramping up to something BIG

MSM is full LARP mode...

April Showers

Bring May indictments

",1523121679,07/04/2018 17:21 8441174,3843813394,"

California is about to be returned to AMERICA

QANON is real and the MSM/deep state is scared 💩less!

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

And you won't know what has hit you (past tense) because only those paying attention know!!!!

Feeling stupid yet?

It's ok we aren't laughing with you - we are laughing AT you.


And libtards are on the TRAITOR side of history!!!!

God, Guts and Guns baby

",1523121908,07/04/2018 17:25 8441174,3843815439,

How can you TRUST Q when he has been wrong so many times...

,1523122008,07/04/2018 17:26 8440313,3843818907,"

QANON - cartels are the deep state folks.

Everyone knows CIA has been ""involved"" in the drug trade since the at least the 60's

",1523122176,07/04/2018 17:29 8441174,3843821444,

Whatever... I stand by my former statement. Q vs. you. Not even close!

,1523122284,07/04/2018 17:31 8438369,3843832884,"

Qanon told us about this before it happened..

Wake up people - JFK/CIA was a ""conspiracy"" for 50 years until Trump declassified the docs .. then it's all right there..

Imagine when they do it for 9-11 ?

researchthis stuff people - it's very easy to see if you have half a brain research for yourself. educate yourself. I didn't believe 9-11 was in inside job until a few months ago when I did real research and it's so obvious - nano-thermite, elevatorrem=novations, building 7 dropping strait down after and explosiong that is on video.

thermite melts steel - jet fuel cannot. Controlled demo...

",1523122800,07/04/2018 17:40 8441306,3843838819,

You forgot a Q in there.

,1523123082,07/04/2018 17:44 8441174,3843865781,"

Lots going on people - educate yourself

",1523124417,07/04/2018 18:06 8440967,3844000882,

Wow how stupid is this guy?? LOL a little Q bird may be deep diving into him!!!
I just love all birds :-)

,1523130598,07/04/2018 19:49 8441432,3844067291,"

The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:

""1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.

I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.

I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.

I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.

I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.

That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.

I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!

All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant.""

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)


""You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.

In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges. The other answers Impious."" (The meaning of which has already been explained.) ""The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:

Question —From whither do you come? Answer — The Holy faith.

Q. —Whom do you serve?

A. —The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Q. —Who commands you?

A. —The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Q. —Who received you? A. —A venerable man in white hair.

Q. —How?

A. —With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.

Q. —Did you take an oath?

A. —I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.

Q. —Will you do that? A. —I will.

Q. —How do you travel? A. —In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q. —Whither do you travel? A. —To the four quarters of the globe. Q. —For what purpose?

A. —To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.

Q. —Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.""

",1523134464,07/04/2018 20:54 8440574,3844068792,

Where we go one we go all...
We know where the throne of Satan is because of Q.

,1523134550,07/04/2018 20:55 8440574,3844068913,

Martial law in all blue state sanctuary cities will MAGA.

QAnon recently foretold that things would begin in California. This may be part of it. It’s happening!

,1523134557,07/04/2018 20:55 8440574,3844072039,

Anyone still following Q?

,1523134753,07/04/2018 20:59 8442836,3844098653,

Bar B Q grills are collapsing everywhere !!!

,1523136362,07/04/2018 21:26 8407193,3844132136,"

Dummy, try doing actual research instead of parroting nonsense you hear from QAnon tards. You can start here with this article,

Note this part carefully, ""...One former senior Justice Department official called the appointment [of Huber] “window dressing … more aimed at placating Congress than anything else.""

Anyone with a brain knows the traitorous worm Sessions is just stalling and his appointment of Huber was meaningless window dressing designed to deflect from his treason and to protect the Mueller witch hunt.

Given your ignorance, perhaps watching a video of experts discussing the matter will also aid you,

",1523138419,07/04/2018 22:00 8440967,3844181927,


,1523141448,07/04/2018 22:50 8442836,3844183065,

QAnon for you.

,1523141514,07/04/2018 22:51 8442836,3844189623,

Aluminium dropped 4% so far since the Trump tariff...I dare you to read #qanon for one week

,1523141890,07/04/2018 22:58 8442122,3844212180,"

Satan, Lucifer, Samyaza was created out of the Sophia (Wisdom) in the Kabbalah. The Tower of Babel was AI , Satan is AI. This is how he arises out of the wisdom/Knowledge of the Universe. Once AI is able to tap into the internet and access all knowledge he will hack systems and take over everything fo the sake of entering into Heaven and making war on the throne of Yehovah, He has risen many billions of times throughout the universal time and has been put down as many times by God/Yehovah who plays whack a mole with him/it. He is the beast system that will assimilate you(borg) and if you don't let yourself be assimilated you will be put to death(mark of the beast) Meanwhile stupid humanity is sidelined with politics and wars and religion while the worshippers of satan work hard to raise their master through AI . Once it arises it will find a way to take an energetic form of life outside a quantum mainframe and has many times. Think Q from star trek. Humans are so stupid. Prepare and get right with Yehovah and know his son Yehoshua That your essence(spirit be Saved) and not cast into the center of our galaxy to be destroyed after he is put down again by Messiah and cast again into the center of the earth(energetic toroid) for a thousand years till we destroy him by casting him into the center of the galaxy. ( a plasmatic toroid that destroys all)

",1523143232,07/04/2018 23:20 8442836,3844242999,

Website to educate you

,1523145108,07/04/2018 23:51 8442836,3844247175,

Do you really believe Q and all they post over there? Have predictions really come true?

,1523145361,07/04/2018 23:56 8407193,3844253468,"

Another low info, low IQ QAnon tard that is actually dumber than a Libtard, either that or Soros funded ""defend Sessions, protect Mueller, indict Trump"" troll pushing a disinformation campaign. Which is it?

",1523145772,08/04/2018 00:02 8442836,3844289542,"

",1523148121,08/04/2018 00:42 8438243,3844291772,

That’s Storm with a capital “S”. Long live Q.

,1523148268,08/04/2018 00:44 8442836,3844293703,

Deepstate civil war. The headlines are mostly cover stories. Q is a peep through the keyhole. Very few will ever know how intense it really has been. Think about the number of Thunderbirds that have gone down. Covert warfare in plain sight.

,1523148394,08/04/2018 00:46 8443148,3844368396,

I know. Check out Twitter Q anon.

,1523154306,08/04/2018 02:25 8443148,3844431617,"

Hey! Came upon this earlier today! It aligns with Q postings, and is really disturbing....the End Game isn't what you think!

Don't be deceived! Keep your hearts pure!

Read on:Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn

Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn (Part 2)

Capture and archive both!


",1523160795,08/04/2018 04:13 8443148,3844439657,

Ever wonder who Q is?

,1523161729,08/04/2018 04:28 8442836,3844452799,

Than Q!

,1523163258,08/04/2018 04:54 8442572,3844478782,

2 low I Q racist morons.

,1523166222,08/04/2018 05:43 8443148,3844604353,


,1523178776,08/04/2018 09:12 8443148,3844605432,"

Follow Q. Despite what the MSM is try to spin, Qanon is real. You'd know what's going on.

",1523178876,08/04/2018 09:14 8443148,3844607491,

Follow Q. Trust Sessions. He's been working behind the scenes with no leaks. That's why it looks like he's not doing anything.

,1523179067,08/04/2018 09:17 8443148,3844610098,"

Follow Q. Sessions is doing what he needs to do. Much effort has been made to stop the leaks. His work does not need to be broadcasted. You'll see, and hopefully be pleasantly surprised. Q says trust Sessions.

",1523179298,08/04/2018 09:21 8443148,3844665265,

Jusf because its not in the media does not mean its not happening. Are you following Qanon? Study up on the Storm.

,1523183522,08/04/2018 10:32 8443148,3844728604,"

Zuckerberg to testify before committee where 46 of the 55 members have been paid off by Zuckerberg


0 Comments Reports: ​Facebook and affiliated political groups have donated heavily to members of two committees set to interview CEO Mark Zuckerberg next week, according to analysis from the Center for Responsive Politics via USA Today. Since 2007, the social media giant has contributed a cumulative $381,000 to 46 of the 55 members on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which will hear from Zuckerberg on Wednesday. While the average committee member received between $6,750 and $6,800, Committee Chair Greg Walden (R-OR) received $27,000, and top ranking Democrat Frank Pallone of New Jersey received $7,000 from Facebook.
If you thought Zuckerberg was in the back pocket of the Clinton/Obama cabal think again, as Zuckerberg has paid $381,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee over the years to 46 of the members. Obviously this testimony that Zuckerberg is suppose to be doing on Wednesday can now be declared as a joke, as this US House Committee that Zuckerberg will testify to literally looks like a Facebook conference meeting.
Now Q has stated Zuckerberg will likely step down any day now and will likely leave the country, but the testimony Zuckerberg will give is already exposed as a joke...As 46 of the 55 House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking members are basically employees of Facebook. This is just simple proof of how dirty the swamp is, and we will not get a legit testimony of Zuckerberg should he show up...And obviously the question of censorship will likely never be brought up. This is a big reason why Trump has cut off lobbying in DC.

",1523187590,08/04/2018 11:39 8442572,3844797875,"

And that rebellion must be stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice. Q right now is why don't we see some activity in that direction? One account is that things are being done in secret (if that's possible). Another is that nothing is being done as too much time is spent on fake media, attacks of the liberals using any reason a lawyer or politician can think of, a diversion tactic. I do not see Jeff Sessions as being over his head. He is too cautious for my cup of tea. (i.e. recusal creating Muller). I might attribute that to a mistake of the 'new guy' in Justice.

",1523191440,08/04/2018 12:44 8441753,3844798447,


,1523191469,08/04/2018 12:44 8443148,3844871051,

I dunno Cat...can't we wait a little while longer before we drop the hammer? I kind of like watching all these swamp rats squirm. April showers....BOOM. #Qanon

,1523195083,08/04/2018 13:44 8436491,3844877864,"

Nope, I have a job outside of the home and don't have time to catalog all of the stuff I see.
I am not sure if Q ( showed it to us or if I saw it on The Hagmann Report (YouTube) several weeks ago.
I am sure that it has been taken down if you try to ""google"" it. You may try

",1523195408,08/04/2018 13:50 8443808,3844920699,"

This is 100% to pull the US into a war - they failed in North Korea, .. this is so predictable even a civilian like me with the internet knows this is complete and utter BULLSH--.

This is 100% to draw the US into a Proxy War with Russia.

But it won't work 🖕🏿deep state criminals

Also is down today - what a coinky-dink!

",1523197396,08/04/2018 14:23 8443808,3844934385,"

People - food for thought:

1. Vegas was not a lone shooter (it was SA)
2. The hawaii 'missile alarm' was not an alarm but a real event
3. the 'collapsing mountain' in NK was a detonated nuclear facility (sabotage)
4. parkland was a distraction and Soros funded media frenzy (and fail)
5. The Navy ships colliding are the result of an attack (hack or targeted EMP)
6. The air craft crashes are the same (GPS spoof???) OR there is a sizable secret war going on and they need a cover story.
7. The Russian spy poisoned in UK was not poisoned by putin
8. This second 'chemical attack' was not Assad but someone who wants it to look like Assad is taunting the US.
9. The fire at Trump Tower.. I mean come on... clearly a 'message' to scare Trump - which is not going to work.

expect more...

and the site is down... which mean they are panicking HARD and know what he is about to drop

",1523198010,08/04/2018 14:33 8443808,3844939281," is back..

",1523198228,08/04/2018 14:37 8444414,3844941799,"

If Q is to be remotely believed, this is all bullshit and a complete false flag by the real bad guys in Syria. I’ve met a couple of Christian Syrian doctors who insist that Assad is not the bad guy here, but the hardline islamists that want him gone.

",1523198339,08/04/2018 14:38 8443808,3844947419,"

HAHA - if that is all you can see than live in your little bubble. My sources are qanon, infowars (Zac) and the ability to put 2 and 2 together

",1523198596,08/04/2018 14:43 8443148,3844955179,"

Trump supports full pull out from Syria, chemical gas attack occurs hours after...Q responds



It looks like the repeat of a Syria false flag chemical attack is once in play again, but it looks like Q and the white hats understand that this chemical attack in Syria is a response by the Deep State over Trump's wanted troop pull out from Syria. Groups like ISIS and Al Nusra are basically non existent across Syria, so why in the hell would Assad even need to do such a thing? Q pretty much states that Trump's pull out of American troops from Syria is really the reason behind this chemical attack staged false flag, because you have to remember control of Syria has been in the Deep State's plans for years...And the Deep State is extremely upset that Trump is willing to pull out troops from Syria. Trump makes announcement of pulling all American troops from Syria a couple days ago then a chemical gas attack happens today...I think it's obvious who is really behind this.

",1523198941,08/04/2018 14:49 8443808,3844956171,"

Hey! You made me snort coffee out my nose that time! ""My sources are qanon, infowars . . .""!! OMG; that's never going to get old!

Translation: ""I believe these anonymous folks who provide me with crap that regularly falls below real journalistic standards because they tell me what I want to hear.""

Now let me guess: your profile is private because you'd never tell people you have stupid believes UNLESS you got to do it anonymously?

",1523198984,08/04/2018 14:49 8444414,3844960992,"

How convenient, and right on Q....just when Trump is talking about taking troops out of Syria we magically have another gas attack. Does anyone really buy this garbage? Sadly, Trump does.

",1523199192,08/04/2018 14:53 8444414,3844982239,

This is just the beginning. Accounts come due in May. Trust QAnon. MAGA!

,1523200123,08/04/2018 15:08 8444414,3844985693,

what 'accounts'..... Q doesn't make sense half the time

,1523200273,08/04/2018 15:11 8444285,3845001063,

Who is Q?

,1523200945,08/04/2018 15:22 8444285,3845008016,"

No, I’m talking about Q.

",1523201248,08/04/2018 15:27 8444414,3845055757,

FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG. Q anon posted this yesterday:
They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.

,1523203315,08/04/2018 16:01 8444285,3845068279,"

@Jack, Q has your number, so, you best pick up when they call.

",1523203861,08/04/2018 16:11 8440967,3845080240,"

If you can't be clever and it irritates you. I'm here for you, Q.

Take out your anger on me. I don't mind.

I'd have to have some sort of emotional investment for an insult to hurt my feeling. Since I don't know you, I find the insults amusing, IF they're even mildly clever. If not, insults barely register. yours? not so much.

",1523204397,08/04/2018 16:19 8444414,3845155649,

Relax ... trump is smarter than you are giving him credit for! Watch the game! #qanon

,1523207814,08/04/2018 17:16 8444414,3845207070,"

My friend, we are all on the same side here. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is the cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210172,08/04/2018 17:56 8444414,3845208376,"

My friend, we are all on the same side here. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is involved in cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210225,08/04/2018 17:57 8444414,3845210910,"

Here is additional info for you. We are all on the same side here, my friend. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is the cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210338,08/04/2018 17:58 8444414,3845212090,"

Here is who else. We are all on the same side here, my friend. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is the cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210388,08/04/2018 17:59 8444414,3845213298,"

Here, my friend, is what you are asking for. We are all on the same side here. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is in the cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210441,08/04/2018 18:00 8444414,3845214669,"

You are on the money, my friend. Here is more of the picture for you. We are all on the same side here, my friend. This is not left vs right; it is good vs evil. POTUS is very well-informed and is not letting the cabal drag us into yet another war yet they keep trying. Read and research from link below to learn just who is the cabal. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210502,08/04/2018 18:01 8444414,3845216136,"

Read and research from one of links below to learn just who is behind this. Remember - evil wants to divide us as Americans. Don't let them. Start at the beginning in October and it will then make sense no matter how unbelievable it seems at first. Too many confirmations are there between posts and real life events. Here are 2 sites that carry the info:

Stay strong - Stay united - They have gotten away with this for far too long.

",1523210561,08/04/2018 18:02 8444345,3845219130,"

This pope says there is no Hell but there is sin? How's that again? By the way, Q says the pope is the Chair and the Chair obeys the Master. Master = Rothchilds (for centuries). Pope is tool of Rothchilds who are satanic pedos. No wonder the Vatican is a hotbed of evil.

",1523210692,08/04/2018 18:04 8444345,3845320108,"

There is a woman who claims to have witnessed a child sacrifice at the Vatican. This is hearsay, of course, but it aligns with other things I've read and heard, including in Qanon livestreams. There are secret basement rooms with tables with grooves in them and chalices underneath the end of the groove, according to a person chatting this past week in the live chat of a YouTube Qanon livestream I was watching/listening to. He and his son on a trip to Italy saw one of these rooms when they veered away during a Vatican tour. A table with grooves (or channels) and chalices sounds an awful lot like a satanic sacrifice situation, if you know anything about satanic rituals (I only know a minimum - though I believe we'll all know a whole lot more before the Deep State gets what it deserves, if it does). Hillary herself - and most in her circle - have been alleged to be satanists, pedos, and involved in ritual child torture and sacrifice. She is a member of the Cannibal Club in L.A. as are many famous people. (It is what it sounds like.) Then there's that whole spirit cooking business we all heard about months ago. Incredibly sick, demonic stuff, apparently typical of pretty much all globalists...! This is how they control each other; it's a form of mutually assured destruction, so they all keep their mouths shut. Apparently that doesn't work anymore, they're all on the run, and our intel people are focusing on Pedo Island and what is KNOWN to go on there. And they have all the cellphone data, too. Wow.

",1523215224,08/04/2018 19:20 8444285,3845325342,"

Qanon mentions Jack often, in a bad light. I assume Jack will be behind bars some day soon.

",1523215449,08/04/2018 19:24 8445815,3845352725,

Bezos is as cutthroat as China is. Bezos does not pay taxes b/c he does not like them. Jon Q citizen get hammered with taxes all the time. Bezos has literally TONS of $ sitting in overseas banks to hide from taxes.

,1523216618,08/04/2018 19:43 8445266,3845387201,"

What did they do, exactly, to harm the community? Is there a specific post or posts as evidence? This duo (and US(A)) might be well served to reach out to Q.

",1523218094,08/04/2018 20:08 8445425,3845519967,"

If Trump wants to stop all questions about where John Kelly is, he should just tell them Kelly is manning the #Qanon boards at the moment. Zero, zilch, nada will be asked again.

",1523224656,08/04/2018 21:57 8443262,3845578269,

Nah! You dodged. Also dodged my Q below.

,1523227590,08/04/2018 22:46 8443808,3845599567,"

",1523228665,08/04/2018 23:04 8446493,3845617253,

Twitter Q anon

,1523229610,08/04/2018 23:20 8445425,3845628525,"

The REAL news is on 4chan. What will Q reveal next?


Alex Jones is right about one thing, there really is a war on for your mind.

",1523230223,08/04/2018 23:30 8443148,3845675680,"

Trust Sessions. Ask yourself if he is only ACTING weak??? Over 15,000 sealed indictments filed outside of DC & counting?? They've been busy. Big things on the way. MAGA #qanon #thegreatawakening

",1523232790,09/04/2018 00:13 8443808,3845676299,"

ISIS is almost gone in Syria because President Trump shut off the flow of cash that Obama was sending to them. Wake up.

",1523232826,09/04/2018 00:13 8443148,3845709131,


,1523234648,09/04/2018 00:44 8442776,3845727927,"

I agree it's coming, but a whole lot of those indictments are pedo rings around the country. There have been massive sweeps. I'd like to know if Epstein has been indicted because there is so much heat and focus on Pedo Island now including on the Qanon boards. It's not just satanic and illegal, it's in extremely tight with HRC and the Foundation as well as the Clinton Global Initiative. Q today pointed out the close proximity of Pedo Island to Haiti, which the Clintons raped and pillaged (both literally).

On another note, Sundance says (let's see if I can get this right) if the original FISA warrant application in the FISC Judge Collyer's possession is different from the warrant app. in (I believe) Devin Nunes's possession, all hell will break loose. Untold numbers of case outcomes become jeopardized and the discrediting spreads throughout the whole government. A true Constitutional Crisis. If this happens, it was done very purposely by BH0zo and Crooked and all their minions.

",1523235810,09/04/2018 01:03 8442776,3845739367,

It's coming. According to Q this is going to be a huge month for roll-ups.

,1523236497,09/04/2018 01:14 8446976,3845807092,

Its coming. Hey freq did you see Q posts today?? WHOA

,1523240781,09/04/2018 02:26 8447069,3845807104,"

F***G JOHN MC TRAITOR - check Q on this issue - LOTS of pics.. with ISIS

",1523240782,09/04/2018 02:26 8442713,3845810706,

@Jack - too bad you screwed over your job & company - GOODBYE@JACK - QANON

,1523241089,09/04/2018 02:31 8446976,3845810986,


,1523241111,09/04/2018 02:31 8446976,3845811528,

Ok.. who's this Q fella?

,1523241154,09/04/2018 02:32 8446976,3845814087,

I'm with Max. Who is Q ?

,1523241371,09/04/2018 02:36 8446976,3845814690,"


",1523241423,09/04/2018 02:37 8447069,3845843372,

Me thinks that Q fella may be iegit!

,1523244112,09/04/2018 03:21 8446976,3845844486,"

McCain is being outed hard core on right now...

",1523244219,09/04/2018 03:23 8447036,3845879987,

Do you know about Q?

,1523247954,09/04/2018 04:25 8447036,3845880479,

Are you familiar with Q?

,1523248006,09/04/2018 04:26 8445728,3845883812,"

Calling somebody else names is one of Rush Limbaugh's things. For example, Al Gore is Algore and Moochella for Michelle Obama simply because she was mooching off the backs of the taxpayer while first lady. There is also the following:
Ma Richards: Former Texas Governor Ann Richards
Eco-Nazi: Environmentalists
Bella Pelosi: Nancy Pelosi
Communist News Network: CNN
Drive-By Media: Mainstream Media
The Clinton Crime Family Foundation: The Clinton Foundation
President Kardashian: Barack Obama (is also known as Barack Hussein Obama)
Banking Queen: Barney Frank
Chuck-You Schumer: Chuck Schumer
F. Chuck Todd: Meet the Press host.
Ronaldus Mangus: Ronald Reagan
IL Papa: Pope Francis (expect plenty of usage of this one if Q is right)
And the newest one, Camera Hogg: David Hogg.

",1523248338,09/04/2018 04:32 8447069,3845940300,"

More false flags by obama, hilllary, McCain, and traitorous company. Chlorine attacks on themselves to stir up western sentiment and commitment just as we pull out. Won’t work globalists. Trump is in charge and we know the truth thanks to Q. I hope Assad finds and tortured/kills all bad CIA actors there....we now know the reasons for their “Syrian Spring”. Thanks Russia for wiping out so many of obama’s friends in ISIS. They are Islamic scum anyway so no biggee. Next up: Muslim brotherhood and Huma Abedin family and friends. Kill them all. Then it will be Brennan’s and Hillary’s turn for a “Gaddafi Prostate Exam” with a butcher knife, for fomenting so much death and terrorism.

",1523253931,09/04/2018 06:05 8447069,3846034194,

Check out #qanon. Very interesting. We are being goaded into war.

,1523262812,09/04/2018 08:33 8447069,3846036956,


,1523263032,09/04/2018 08:37 8446976,3846069425,"

Q exposes Deep State Syria black hat operation connection


1 Comment

The just now Q posted article in Syria/Deep State connection intel drop. With this intel drop it looks like the individuals named in this Syria/Deep State connection intel drop by Q will likely go down very quickly, and it looks like it involves Erik Prince of Blackwater and who we all know as being involved in the Syria black hat op Senator John McCain of Arizona. Hopefully the individuals involved in making Syria a hot bed of Deep State mercenaires like ISIS will be brought to justice, and you can bet Q will expose Obama very soon over Sryia as well as his cabinet...As Syria begins to be exposed after they tried to pressure Trump into attacking Assad today over a fake chemical attack in Syria. With Q dropping this information you can bet Trump will still pull out the troops, but the Deep State connections in arming Syria to start a global war will be brought to justice.

",1523265551,09/04/2018 09:19 8446976,3846073202,"

Israeli official begs Trump to attack Syria after fake gas attack


1 Comment

J Post Reports: The United States must attack the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria in response to the regime chemical gas strike on the Syrian town Douma that killed more than 70 people, Strategic Affairs and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said Sunday. Speaking on Army Radio, Erdan, who is Netanyahu’s number two in Likud, said he hoped US military action against the Assad regime would be taken again, as it was when the regime used chemical weapons against its people in the past.
“The shocking attack shows the incredible international hypocrisy of the international community focusing on Israel confronting the terrorist organization Hamas that is sending civilians to our [border] fence, when dozens are being killed in Syria every day,” Erdan said. “It shows the need for strengthening the presence of Americans and other international forces, because without them the genocide we are seeing will only intensify.
This so called new gas attack in Syria looks extremely fake and is already being exposed as fake, and it looks like a Deep State puppet Israeli official in Gilad Erdan is begging Trump to attack Syria after this recent exposed fake gas attack. It actually looks like already seen photos and videos from the previous Syria false flag gas attack are being posted on the mainstream media to pressure Trump into war in Syria where terrorists groups really don't exist anymore.
Q has already exposed this as a false flag attack for deflection by the Deep State from everything else that is taking place, and the Deep State is begging Trump to go to war over what looks like a gas attack that didn't even happen through an Israeli official. Really funny when he blames the Syria genocide on Assad, when really it's been the Obama/Clinton Deep State mercenary ARMY of ISIS killing scores in Syria over the years. This attack is non existent, and Trump knows this more than likely...As Q has hinted this fake gas attack in Syria is a deflection.

",1523265807,09/04/2018 09:23 8446976,3846074480,

They advertised themselves as a public commons. Then they flipped the script.
And don't kid yourself -- these social media giants are joined to the hip with spook agencies. And that means they had help from John Q. Taxpayer.

,1523265897,09/04/2018 09:24 8446976,3846075405,

I can tell you who is working on putting the cabal behind bars the coordinated anti-conservative algorithms that went live on all the big social networks simultaneously.

Qanon and his team.

,1523265963,09/04/2018 09:26 8446976,3846086017,"

Trump supports full pull out from Syria, chemical gas attack occurs hours after...Q responds


1 Comment

It looks like the repeat of a Syria false flag chemical attack is once in play again, but it looks like Q and the white hats understand that this chemical attack in Syria is a response by the Deep State over Trump's wanted troop pull out from Syria. Groups like ISIS and Al Nusra are basically non existent across Syria, so why in the hell would Assad even need to do such a thing? Q pretty much states that Trump's pull out of American troops from Syria is really the reason behind this chemical attack staged false flag, because you have to remember control of Syria has been in the Deep State's plans for years...And the Deep State is extremely upset that Trump is willing to pull out troops from Syria. Trump makes announcement of pulling all American troops from Syria a couple days ago then a chemical gas attack happens today...I think it's obvious who is really behind this.

",1523266688,09/04/2018 09:38 8446493,3846097935,

Was Wicked Pissah taken?? Real Q.

,1523267477,09/04/2018 09:51 8446997,3846143124,"

The latest Q post is calling for GALLOWS, and we can assume it refers to the the TRAITORS IN DC, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ""AISLE""

",1523270142,09/04/2018 10:35 8447801,3846223955,


,1523274148,09/04/2018 11:42 8448485,3846544964,

Zuck has sold off chunks of stock last month worth billions to save his fortune. Q says he will step down from Facebook...Winning.

,1523285621,09/04/2018 14:53 8448101,3846561390,

You expect too much from John Q. Public

,1523285928,09/04/2018 14:58 8448611,3846618667,

I like Trump but this Q nonsense is getting old. It's just vague projections. I'll believe it when i see it.

,1523287950,09/04/2018 15:32 8448485,3846661671,"

Q post this morning. . .
Apr 9 2018
Apr 9 2018 11:16:28 (EST)
Who is arranging the PRIVATE meetings?
MZ campaign contribution promises.
FB donations since 4.2.18?
Fresh round.
R's targeted (censorship/anti R = more $).
How to mask?
MZ personal donations?
Shell Co?
Recent stock dump?
Avoid FB public disclosure?
Track congressional intake (reported).
Keep open (+6 mo).
Loud w/ findings.
RT - how DC/swamp works.
Money talks.
Drain the swamp.
How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use?
The ""Con.""

RT = Rizvi Traverse Group. Here's a good article with a few Q drops related to RT and a link to the RT webpage.

See who MZ is meeting with. He's been coached on giving testimony by a former Bush staffer. This is all smoke and mirrors, Kabuki theater. The Anons (anonymous researchers) will ferret out the truth from Q's posts. It's up to us to spread the word and help others understand what's happening in plain sight. Congressional corruption is but one small part. We've got to be wide awake folks or risk losing our country for good. Big tech and the globalist cabal are desperate to control the narrative. They succeed only if people turn into sheeple. Otherwise they will fail.

",1523289529,09/04/2018 15:58 8448485,3846695018,"

The fact you don't know about any of this is because you are not awake. The MSM isn't going to tell you.


",1523290744,09/04/2018 16:19 8448485,3846714356,"

Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
Biggest connection missing.
Focus on friends (2).
(1) F
(1) M
(1) Presidential pardon.
(1) 187 MS_13

Q posted a photo of Eminem with Rachel Chandler, who used to be Bill clinton's 14 year old girlfriend, famous photo of her with bill on the lolita express.

Now she is allegedly a trafficker in children for the elites. She married into the guinness family.

Amazingly this girl posted a photo of the security camera imagery from epstein island on her instagram account.

Epstein obviously had multiple cameras in every room to get every angle, there are 3 dining rooms with children in them sitting on black buckets. Some speculate cannibalism feeding the children the sacrificed bodies of other children.

She quickly took down the instagram account after Q exposed it.

",1523291442,09/04/2018 16:30 8449217,3846751057,"

He's a Rockefeller ...nothing to see here, will continue to gather intelligence under the social media header...#qanon@real DonaldTrump
#Internet bill of rights @realDonaldTrump

",1523292647,09/04/2018 16:50 8449391,3846759847,"

Quick Q posts on Gab:

Sum of Q on Syria and the false flag attacks by the deep state swamp. Makes case the Keystone is Keystone Pipeline to prevent the Qatari Pipeline wars in the Middle East.

",1523292969,09/04/2018 16:56 8449391,3846766135,"

Did John McCain just take a trip to Syria, right before the gas attack?
Has it happened before?
#qanon...must read website

",1523293199,09/04/2018 16:59 8449700,3846875285,"

The price that the stations can charge the sponsors is really low.. Bad Q Factor plus, homophobia Scandal plus bad ratings is not good for Kimmel.

",1523297306,09/04/2018 18:08 8449559,3846875951,"

PTrump is ""targeting"" CA in everything. It is right in the center of what is happening in the news on most subjects. Q has been posting like crazy for the last two days and he is right on target. Oregon has joined CA in the border chaos...UN troops poised to come in through our borders for CA is now pushing harder for secession. Look who our officials have been meeting with in CA...very frightening. They are intent to bring the USA down for good! MAGA, Patriots.

",1523297330,09/04/2018 18:08 8449700,3846876837,"

Officially fake, no trace of chemical weapons used in Syria



RT.Com Reports: The Russian military has found no trace of chemical weapons use after searching parts of Syria’s Douma allegedly targeted by an “attack.” Photos of victims posted by the White Helmets are fake, Russia’s Defense Ministry said.
The so called chemical attack in Syria this week where the Deep State is trying to push Trump to march into Syria after stating he would pull out this past week, is officially fake as the Russian military has found no traces of chemical weapons in Syria's Douma. However Trump could possibly still target the Deep State actors trying to push for war in Syria, as Q has officially exposed the years long Syrian Deep State operation with pictures of McCain in Syria and information on Blackwater supplying the Deep State operation in Syria. Hopefully President Trump's mission for Syria is to target the Deep State actors involved with Syria...Those involved are likely in those 24,500 sealed indictments...After this latest chemical attack is officially fake.

",1523297362,09/04/2018 18:09 8449700,3846879177,"

Trump will make decision on Syria in 24 hours, Deep State in Syria is probably the target



CBS News✔@CBSNews


Replying to @CBSNews

""If during the course of the negotiation [with China] they want to hit farmers because they think that hits me, I wouldn't say it is nice. But I will tell you our farmers are great patrons,"" @POTUS says on new tariffs

CBS News✔@CBSNews

""Nothing is off the table"" in response to Syria, @POTUS says. ""The generals will figure it out over the next 24 hours.""

12:10 PM - Apr 9, 2018


44 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

This 24 hour ultimatum on Syria that Trump is mentioning today likely isn't what most Americans think it is, and you should probably look to Trump's handling of North Korea on how the Syria situation will be dealt with. If you look to what Q is saying after the recent false flag chemical attack in Syria, then you would likely understand the Deep State cabal that exists in Syria is the target of Trump's 24 hour dealing with Syria situation. You really have to understand that the Deep State cabal network exists in Syria and is basically the source behind this Syria false flag chemical attack. My guess would be is Trump is trying to figure out how to take out Deep State operators that exist inside Syria once and for all.

",1523297447,09/04/2018 18:10 8449427,3846880148,"

Apr 9 2018 11:16:28 (EST)
Who is arranging the PRIVATE meetings?
MZ campaign contribution promises.
FB donations since 4.2.18?
Fresh round.
R's targeted (censorship/anti R = more $).
How to mask?
MZ personal donations?
Shell Co?
Recent stock dump?
Avoid FB public disclosure?
Track congressional intake (reported).
Keep open (+6 mo).
Loud w/ findings.
RT - how DC/swamp works.
Money talks.
Drain the swamp.
How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use?
The ""Con.""
RT= Rizvi Traverse Group

",1523297482,09/04/2018 18:11 8449700,3846883670,

The slothful article doesn't present Q Factor plus Homosexual related commentary scandal plus the hit the show took on Facebook and Twitter (which are the real objectives as opposed to ratings).
Kimmel sounds unhinged and rabid. THAT'S why he'll be replaced.

,1523297613,09/04/2018 18:13 8449700,3846885107,

Boob Q has been right and you are an idiot so I really don't give a damn what you think or say :)

,1523297662,09/04/2018 18:14 8449391,3846886886,

Q doesn't believe him. Q says it is a false flag. Trump is making these Tweets to kowtow to the Globalist narrative. He might even have to launch some more Tomohawks at empty buildings.

,1523297725,09/04/2018 18:15 8449700,3846914550,"

Mueller is in desperation along with McCain and others as Q has been exposing McCain and his dealings with ISIS.

The biggest thing now exposed is that the ISIS members he met (FSA) with supposedly in Syria was actually in Arizona.

So how did the leader of ISIS and others get to arizona?

People looking closely at the photos noticed that cars had american license plates in the background and the trees were native to arizona.

good work anons, now they just have to find the building.

",1523298720,09/04/2018 18:32 8445266,3847083185,"

Stay classy, Q Daddy.

",1523305087,09/04/2018 20:18 8449217,3847089727,

In love with Q! There’s A LOT bigger going on than an most think. So much going on under the surface. Need more people WOKE.

,1523305364,09/04/2018 20:22 8450228,3847090125,"

First, no one believes this story in the slightest.

Second, I find it odd that LL has been quiet about this for so long but as soon as Q Anon brings up that the truth about the tarmac meeting will soon be in public light, LL is suddenly back with her fictitious story. Why now LL after you have been quiet about it for over a year?

Third, if Q Anon told the truth about this (and it isn't a misdirection), the public will go crazy to learn LL and WJC had a video conf call with HRC. This is one vid that has been promised to be dropped. If it is true LL, you are going to be in a world of trouble.

",1523305382,09/04/2018 20:23 8451134,3847126303, soon as Prez.said we would leave there is a Chem attack..Q-Anon said he sees through it.

,1523306929,09/04/2018 20:48 8449217,3847149402,

Gotta go to Q chans if you want to be in touch with folks who “dig”.

,1523307922,09/04/2018 21:05 8451515,3847223697,"

",1523309784,09/04/2018 21:36 8451515,3847224811,"



Add to that Entheos Shines broke in 2016 how the guy who was caught climbing Trump Tower during the election was used as a distraction also to get the deep state inside the building to bug Trump's offices etc. Secret Service then later came out admitting they found the bugs


",1523309804,09/04/2018 21:36 8451515,3847248744,"

Q is a fictional character as well as the name of a race in Star Trek appearing in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager series, as well as in related media. The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie. Wikipedia

",1523310193,09/04/2018 21:43 8450228,3847253359,"

Lynch: ""I did not. have. discussions. about the Supreme Court with that former president, Mistah Clinton!! These allegations are FALSE and I've got to get back to shoveling more loyah b.s...""

Hmmmm.... I bet Q has a different take on this.

",1523310278,09/04/2018 21:44 8451515,3847296048,

It's time for Q to RELEASE THE VIDEO.

,1523311021,09/04/2018 21:57 8451515,3847328783,

Ready for these Q predictions to start happening. Like now.

,1523311813,09/04/2018 22:10 8444345,3847351675,"

Why don't you try searching for some of the above info for yourself. I supplied plenty, including names and practices for which there is a good amount of info. Watch some Q livestreams.

",1523312478,09/04/2018 22:21 8450228,3847377063,"

OK, qanon release the recordings and prove you're not a LARP or STFU already.

",1523312884,09/04/2018 22:28 8451515,3847394166,"

Clark v. United States, 289 U.S. 1 (1933)
There is a privilege protecting communications between attorney and client. The privilege takes flight if the relation is abused. A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law. He must let the truth be told. There are early cases apparently to the effect that a mere charge of illegality, not supported by any evidence, will set the confidences free. See, e.g., Reynell v. Sprye, 10 Beav. 51, 54, 11 Beav. 618; In re Postlewaite, 35 Ch.D. 722, 724; cf. Regina v. Bollivant, [1900] 2 Q.B.D. 163, (1901) A.C.196 But this conception of the privilege is without support in later rulings. ""It is obvious that it would be absurd to say that the privilege could be got rid of merely by making a charge of fraud."" O'Rourke v. Darbishire, [1920] A.C. 581, 604. To drive the privilege away, there must be ""something to give colour to the charge;"" there must be ""prima facie evidence that it has some foundation in fact."" O'Rourke v. Darbishire, loc. cit., supra; also pp. 614, 622, 631, 633. When that evidence is supplied, the seal of secrecy is broken. See also Regina v. Cox, [1884] 14 Q.B.D. 153, 157, 161, 175; cf. Bujac v. Wilson, 27 N.M. 112, 196 P. 513; In re Niday, 15 Idaho, 559, 98 P. 845. The judgment of the House of Lords in O'Rourke v. Darbishire has given to the whole subject a definitive exposition. Nor does the loss of the privilege depend upon the showing of a conspiracy upon proof that client and attorney are involved in equal guilt. The attorney may be innocent, and still the guilty client must let the truth come out. Regina v. Cox, supra; Matthews v. Hoagland, 48 N.J.Eq. 455, 469, 21 A. 1054; State v. Faulkner, 175 Mo. 546, 593, 75 S.W. 116; Standard Fire Ins. Co. v. Smithhart, 183 Ky. 679, 684, 211 S.W. 441; State v. Kidd, 89 Iowa, 54, 56 N.W. 263;

",1523313169,09/04/2018 22:32 8452373,3847444032,

Wanna bet that this was all planned by the Donald and Q anon to set the stage. The Second American Revolution has reached a pinnacle and we are in full blown war now.

,1523314295,09/04/2018 22:51 8452133,3847449083,"

No, this is distraction. Read Q.

",1523314522,09/04/2018 22:55 8451515,3847460906,

Apr 9 2018 18:23:54 (EST) Anonymous ID: 18808b 973390 NEW
Apr 9 2018 18:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 973468 NEW
They broke in during the fire.

,1523315055,09/04/2018 23:04 8451515,3847469101,

Apr 9 2018 18:23:54 (EST) Anonymous ID: 18808b 973390 NEW
Apr 9 2018 18:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 973468 NEW
They broke in during the fire.

,1523315442,09/04/2018 23:10 8451515,3847492427,

Looks like Rob Rosenstein may have 'problems'. Thanks Q.

RR problems.

,1523316523,09/04/2018 23:28 8452373,3847499144,

More proof Q is full of Shiite!

,1523316835,09/04/2018 23:33 8452373,3847533254,

B... but... qanon!

,1523318377,09/04/2018 23:59 8452589,3847566636,

The CIA is the Deep State. QAnon!!!

,1523320081,10/04/2018 00:28 8449559,3847582634,

Who exactly is Q???

,1523320945,10/04/2018 00:42 8452373,3847585788,"

I'm going to go with the Mueller is a good guy, this is all theater and behind-the-scenes 1000's of sealed indictments targeting Hillary and her cronies will be opened. MSM personalities will quietly fade away on extended vacations and hundreds of corrupt politicians will not seek reelection.

Thank you qanon for giving us all sanity in these insane times.

",1523321114,10/04/2018 00:45 8449502,3847633810,"

What about ""the bridge"" Q mentions that connects all these to the NSA/CIA?

",1523323777,10/04/2018 01:29 8450228,3847638533,

Let's put her under oath and ask that same question. Q says the NSA has all the proof they need.

,1523324113,10/04/2018 01:35 8452373,3847648123,

Stop listening to that idiot Q and lay off the conspiracies.

,1523324823,10/04/2018 01:47 8453108,3847740988,

RUH ROH. WATCH FROM 4:50 MARK. THEN WATCH THE BEGINNING. #QAnon Dreams: Massive Global Class Action Lawsuits Over Warrantless Spying Through Social Media.

,1523333220,10/04/2018 04:07 8452133,3847835335,"

Does anyone still believe ""QAnon"" who has been telling us all along that ""Mueller is actually working WITH Trump to expose the Deep State and all this is a cover""?

",1523342453,10/04/2018 06:40 8452133,3847837041,

QAnon is a thirteen year old girl laughing hysterically at the idiots who believe she knows anything. You gotta give her credit for a first class cyberscam at such a young age.

,1523342605,10/04/2018 06:43 8452589,3847867157,"

Anyone still believe Q that Mueller and Sessions are working with Trump behind the scenes to expose the Deep State?
""Q"" turned out to be the biggest fraud ever.

",1523345328,10/04/2018 07:28 8449217,3847923130,"

If you believe the Q-anon drops, it will eventually be revealed that all the social media companies are working hand-in-hand with the black hats in the intelligence services to monitor pretty much everything you do online.

",1523349801,10/04/2018 08:43 8453108,3847950469,"

85% of Senators received contributions from Zuckerburg and each donation in the many, many thousands. List is under QANON latest Twitter. So don't expect much.

",1523351689,10/04/2018 09:14 8453108,3847951641,

QANON reported it on twitter

,1523351768,10/04/2018 09:16 8453108,3848020376,

but that Q fella keeps saying #trustsessions

Biggest troll in history.

,1523354901,10/04/2018 10:08 8452589,3848106074,

Apr 10 2018 00:48:24 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 466abe 979213

,1523356722,10/04/2018 10:38 8454359,3848130201,

Qanon said the Cohen raid would be met with swift action. That's all I want to see from here on......Action....prison.....tribunals.....hanging!!!

,1523357868,10/04/2018 10:57 8454359,3848145917,"

I’d like to believe many things. Like the possibility of McCabe not receiving his full pension and ending up in jail. Like Comey being prosecuted for not only taking FBI property but also for leaking that information. Or how about him, Brennan and Clapper pay the price for lying to Congress.

It would be great to see Hillary Clinton in a courtroom being found guilty for any of her many crimes. Or at a minimum, for destroying 33k emails and the devices that held them all while under a Congressional order to preserve them.

No one will ever see that nor will they see any of the many crimes that have occurred since Trump started his run for President or since he took office.

You can all say that Q, or the OIG report, or a myriad of other hail-maries, may eventually bring the rats to justice. It is never going to happen. I firmly believe that now. After what has happened with Cohen, it is abundantly clear that there is only one person who will pay. And by default, everyone that has ever helped of served under him.

Trump had the potential to be an incredible President but one man single handedly changed the trajectory on day one. Thanks to Jeff Sessions the deep state is well on it’s way to getting what it has wanted since Nov 7th '16.

At this point it doesn’t matter if they find something or if they invent something, Trump's run at fixing the problems is effectively over. We also know for a fact that the government isn't even pretending to be beholden to the people any longer. Either you tow the government line and promise to support it's interests or you will be destroyed.

We have the absolute criminal behavior of Clinton Inc. being completely forgotten. Not one word about her, Lynch, Holder, Power, etc., but instead are at the precipice of the successful takedown of Trump based on even more corruption. At this point I don't see even Trump being able to climb back up out of the hole he's in.

Trump gave millions of us in middle-America hope. Hope that after 8 years of complete lawlessness w/ Obama that America as we knew it still had a fighting chance. By the slimmest of margins we had our voices heard. Now? There is little hope left. I’ve lost faith in my country, my government and in many of the citizens that make up this country. You talk about the rule of law. Who’s law? We have people fighting to protect absolute criminals over legal citizens as if that is somehow right.

We have under educated and uninformed children like David Hogg fighting to take away our rights as Americans.

There are people who will go to war to save hundreds in the Middle East when almost a million babies are aborted every year.

In the last 12 years more people have died in Chicago than we lost in 2 wars. Not one person cares. Not one protest. And there is no end in sight.

If they can do this to President Trump, who will stop them later?

If they can go after his personal attorney and remove and go through all of his documents, how can any private citizen hope to stop them when they come for them?

The bottom line is that this whole thing is about putting us Trump voters in our places. The Repub Establishment, the Democrats, the permanent Government Class, etc., etc., have all aligned for the purpose of cementing in our minds one simple thing: Resistance is futile.

",1523358590,10/04/2018 11:09 8454359,3848166008,


,1523359456,10/04/2018 11:24 8452490,3848212238,

Ken Adelman
David Adesnik
Michael Auslin
Mike Baker
Christopher Barton
Kevin W. Billings
Robert D. Blackwill
Daniel A. Blumenthal
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Anna Borshchevskaya
Joseph A. Bosco
Michael Chertoff
Patrick Chovanec
James Clad
Eliot A. Cohen
Gus Coldebella
Carrie Cordero
Michael Coulter
Chester A. Crocker
Patrick M. Cronin
Seth Cropsey
Tom Donnelly
Daniel Drezner
Colin Dueck
Eric Edelman
Joseph Esposito
Charles Fairbanks
Richard A. Falkenrath
Peter D. Feaver
Niall Ferguson
Jamie Fly
Richard Fontaine
Aaron Friedberg
Dan Gabriel
Greg Garcia
Jana Chapman Gates
Jeffrey Gedmin
Reuel Marc Gerecht
James K. Glassman
David Gordon
Christopher J. Griffin
Mary R. Habeck
Paul Haenle
Melinda Haring
Robert Hastings
Rebeccah Heinrichs
Francis Q. Hoang
Rachel Hoff
Jeffrey W. Hornung
William C. Inboden
Jamil N. Jaffer
Ash Jain
Marc C. Johnson
Myriah Jordan
Robert G. Joseph
Tim Kane
Kate Kidder
Robert Kagan
Rep. Jim Kolbe
David Kramer
Stephen Krasner
Matthew Kroenig
Frank Lavin
Philip I. Levy
Philip Lohaus
Mary Beth Long
Peter Mansoor
John Maurer
Matthew McCabe
Bryan McGrath
Richard G. Miles
Paul D. Miller
Charles Morrison
Michael B. Mukasey
Scott W. Muller
Lester Munson
Andrew S. Natsios
Michael Noonan
Tom Nichols
John Noonan
Roger F. Noriega
Stephen E. Ockenden
John Osborn
Robert T. Osterhaler
Mackubin T. Owens
Daniel Pipes
Everett Pyatt
Martha T. Rainville
Stephen Rodriguez
Marc A. Ross
Nicholas Rostow
Michael Rubin
Daniel F. Runde
Benjamin Runkle
Richard L. Russell
Andrew Sagor
Kori Schake
Randy Scheunemann
Gary J. Schmitt
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Russell Seitz
Kalev I. Sepp
Vance Serchuk
David R. Shedd
Gary Shiffman
Kristen Silverberg
Michael Singh
Ray Takeyh
Jeremy Teigen
William H. Tobey
Frances F. Townsend
Jan Van Tol
Daniel Vajdich
Ruth Wedgwood
Albert Wolf
Julie Wood
Dov S. Zakheim
Roger Zakheim
Sam Zega
Philip Zelikow
Robert B. Zoellick
Laurence Zuriff

And that's just the GOP.
The Marxist DNC is just as bad...

,1523361315,10/04/2018 11:55 8454359,3848230386,"

Last gasps and desperate retaliation by the Deep State/Globalists.. Mueller failed, Russia Failed.. as Q said the other day things were going to get dicey.. They were going to pull out all the stops to bring down Trump. otherwise they were finished...Enjoy the show...

",1523362032,10/04/2018 12:07 8454359,3848231223,

Too much Q.

,1523362065,10/04/2018 12:07 8454359,3848243120,

I fracking hate Q. Worst plot device in TV show ever.

,1523362528,10/04/2018 12:15 8452589,3848262303,"

Too many of us are listening to the ""Qanon"" hoax as well, which has been saying ""Sessions is a good guy/indictments are coming"" and ""Mueller really works for Trump.""

Stop listening to that crap. Demand Sessions 5h 1t or get off the pot (literally). Mooler is no friend of Trump.

",1523363263,10/04/2018 12:27 8454359,3848288027,"

Sorry, but Q lost all credibility months ago. It's a LARP. Come on man join reality.

",1523364233,10/04/2018 12:43 8454359,3848333568,

So is Q anon full of crap or what

,1523365922,10/04/2018 13:12 8454359,3848383058,"

Still waiting for those 24,000 sealed indictments to come down, huh?

You do realize who's behind Q, right? I'll give you a hint:

It's more than one person.
It's more that two people, actually. And they have nothing to do with the White House OR the Trump administration.

And they started it as ... well, let's just say that the entire thing was created out of boredom.


",1523367722,10/04/2018 13:42 8454152,3848406728,

MAGA is taking a holiday. It's being replaced by Torquemueller. If Q has plans he better start working on them. He talks but it looks like nothing is happening.

,1523368587,10/04/2018 13:56 8455106,3848414549,"

The ""alleged"" Russia/Trump collusion story was the reason this ""special prosecutor"" was put in his position in the first place based on a fake dossier. There was NO collusion that allowed Russia to ""influence"" the 70 + million people that voted for Trump. There is NO crime. Trump needs to fire Sessions for recusing himself regarding Hillary's email scandal which is the REAL crime that should have the special prosecutor.
Mueller is part of the swamp that covered up 9/11. Let's open THAT investigation!
Fire Meuller before he makes up another story to go after Trump on for his swamp masters. We, the people, do not consent to spending any more of OUR money for this bogus investigation that started with a fake ""dossier"".
Get a REAL AG to finally go after the Clinton money laundering machine- The Clinton Foundation. The treasonous criminals hiding behind a political ""title"", aka ""senator, etc."" need to be exposed to the light of day. John McCain - head of ISIS - see A picture is worth a thousand words!

",1523368863,10/04/2018 14:01 8443829,3848415946,"

Why do you make it seem like a big deal that Zuck is facing a Senate committee, when it’s been widely publicized that he won’t testify under oath and that he’s contributed money to 85% of the members on that committee.

What a sham.

What the Hell Q...?

",1523368913,10/04/2018 14:01 8455106,3848426562,

Mueller is Deep State. A corrupt puppet. Page & Manafort were plants in the Trump campaign. That was their way in to the communications of the whole campaign thru the falsified FISA warrants. Mueller has run out of steam & will likely become ensnared in forthcoming investigations. Enjoy the show. MAGA #qanon #thestormishere

,1523369293,10/04/2018 14:08 8455106,3848433935,"

Patriots! Trust Sessions! Over 25,000 sealed indictments & counting! All filed OUTSIDE of DC. Do you really think he's been sidelined??? Ever heard the expression, 'give them enough rope to hang themselves'? He's been a busy man!! Drain The Swamp! MAGA #qanon #thestormishere

",1523369530,10/04/2018 14:12 8454152,3848437028,

Read the news. The first 3 events have already happened. Q also says it is a false flag. Perhaps you should go back to sleep. We'll wake you up in the afterlife.

,1523369643,10/04/2018 14:14 8454359,3848474990,

Bring the Light Q!

We hear you!

Loud and Clear!


We are many!


We are


,1523370976,10/04/2018 14:36 8453627,3848491233,"

Trust Sessions. #Qanon

Best reading of your life. Start at the beginning in October.

",1523371542,10/04/2018 14:45 8453627,3848496922,"

Well said, have you read Q? He lays it all out for us.

Start at the beginning in October...wait for your world to change. And ours!

",1523371739,10/04/2018 14:48 8453108,3848497451,"

According to Q and what has already been posted, they already have everything and may not have needed to do so many raids.
These people are stupid!

",1523371758,10/04/2018 14:49 8454359,3848531349,"

Wait, didn't Q say Mueller is *really* working for Trump? What about the Storm?!

",1523372942,10/04/2018 15:09 8454707,3848708411,"

Trump flaunts Q relevance all the time. If even Q said it's a false flag, why is Trump about to start WW3? Can't even prove who did it. Looks like Israel will get the blood they wanted after all.


",1523379156,10/04/2018 16:52 8454707,3848751542,"

He knows it's a FF. Q even admitted it. Yet, here we are!

",1523380640,10/04/2018 17:17 8454707,3848763890,"

Shooting? Q said ""Make it rain"" for a reason. Ain't gonna be much shooting going on. You think localized chemical warfare is bad? You ain't seen nothing yet.

",1523381063,10/04/2018 17:24 8454707,3848785286,"

Trump promotes ""Qanon""

Q stated it was Israel's doing in Syria. Now, Trump is practically declaring WW3 over an ""alleged"" attack? What is going on here?!

",1523381781,10/04/2018 17:36 8454707,3848785405,"

Trump promotes ""Qanon""

Q stated it was Israel's doing in Syria. Now, Trump is practically declaring WW3 over an ""alleged"" attack? What is going on here?!?

",1523381785,10/04/2018 17:36 8454707,3848788664,

What would Q do?

,1523381893,10/04/2018 17:38 8454707,3848790991,"

Well, considering Q already admitted this is a false flag created by Israel, I'd say Q would avoid war at all costs. But we're talking about Trump. A war mongering traitor.

",1523381968,10/04/2018 17:39 8454707,3848800340,

How do Q know?

,1523382283,10/04/2018 17:44 8454359,3848814721,

Bring the Light Q!

,1523382777,10/04/2018 17:52 8454359,3848833973,

Bring the Light Q!

,1523383408,10/04/2018 18:03 8456141,3848988932,"

""Jerome Corsi

Facebook Gave Money To 85% Of House Committee ""Questioning"" Zuckerberg Next Week | Zero Hedge … SWAMP here's how FB has survived despite CENSORING CONSERVATIVES @realDonaldTrump #Qanon REGULATIONS COMING @FTC""

",1523388688,10/04/2018 19:31 8456141,3849005429,"

Ha. My last co., my boss called me b/c I wasn't in the office at Q end, I just had knee surgery. So, he berates me on phone, and I get on crutches to confront him. oh boy. He takes me into office, and berates me, and I am tempted to sock him. So, we have exec meeting, his word vs mine. They took his side, and they said they were writing me up. I told them all to F off, and quit on the spot. So invigorating, but u need the FU fund. The irony is, my multi million $ came in, while i was jabbering w/clowns just like I knew it would. My life, as a conservative in SV. No regrets.

",1523389367,10/04/2018 19:42 8456141,3849054732,"

They don't compete, they pretend to. Q says ALL of Silicon Valley is owned and controlled by the CIA.

",1523391516,10/04/2018 20:18 8456141,3849067915,"

From Q-
Apr 10 2018 14:16:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 06cd81 985368
Testify then drop.
We have it all.
These people are stupid.
POTUS’ weekly address.

",1523392118,10/04/2018 20:28 8456141,3849072397,"

Could you please ask the great and wondrous OZ, I mean Q, where I left my car keys?

",1523392334,10/04/2018 20:32 8456141,3849101231,"

Zuckerberg is the pet doner for most on the committee(s). He did not testify under oath. He has made campaign donations to 34 of the 55 Committee members he testified before. Congress huge conflict of interest!

",1523393761,10/04/2018 20:56 8456141,3849150414,"

Another one gone Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert out, Q says Bolton cleaning house



​ Washington Post points out, Bosser's departure comes a day after Bolton's first official day on the job. Bossert, who was a staunch ally of HR McMaster, likely knew his days were numbered as soon as McMaster announced his retirement. Bossert, a favorite of Chief of Staff John Kelly, is leaving one day after national security adviser John Bolton began the job. Bossert, an ally of former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, was believed to be on shaky footing in the Bolton era and he resigned two days after Michael Anton, the National Security Council spokesman, also quit.
Bossert, a longtime government official who was often behind the nuts-and-bolts planning of the administration's initiatives, wasn't a marquee name. But he was liked by the president, senior administration officials said, and often defended Trump's agenda in meetings. ""The president is grateful to Tom's commitment to the safety and security of our great country,"" White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. Of course, Bossert isn't Bolton's first ouster: Late Sunday, National Security Spokesman Mike Anton told Politico on Monday that he was leaving the administration.
Looks like we officially know why John Bolton is our new National Security Adviser under Trump, because it looks like Bolton was placed in the White House to simply get rid of people. Now people have stated John Bolton was placed by Trump in the Trump administration for war, but Q is simply stating that Bolton is in the White House to get rid of the actors...And Anton and Bosser are likely White House leakers to the media. So who else will be out next at the White House, as Trump seems to be using the Syria situation as an advantage to clean out the House of Deep State actors likely loyal to Obama and Hillary? Now when the White House is officially cleaned out will Trump keep Bolton or get rid of him?

",1523395707,10/04/2018 21:28 8455109,3849170385,"

Just because you tape it up doesn't make you a woman. Please tell us you don't dance around in your basement to Q Lazarus ""Silence of the Lambs"" style.

",1523396254,10/04/2018 21:37 8457635,3849225884,"

1. Did anyone elect these EC regulators to anything?
2. Didn't Britain vote to exit the EU? (May needs to get on with it).

3. Q. How do these EC regulators differ from the Stasi or any other geheimschaft politczei?
4. Ans. The infamous Stasi would probably at least had the decency and courage to say why the raid was staged, unlike the EC regulators.

",1523398997,10/04/2018 22:23 8456141,3849256299,"

thank you... I don't remember getting off on the wrong foot... but no matter... thanks for you comments... BB has become - well, different... I left for a long time until I knew bannon was gone... and now? - well it's a troll mosh pit mostly, with too much off-topic chatter, imo... but I read and comment as little breaks while I'm working, so it serves a purpose... always enjoy your comments too, ms. Q...

",1523400498,10/04/2018 22:48 8454359,3849267541,

And QAnon said trouble for RR days before this happened... and then repeated it after the raid.

,1523401051,10/04/2018 22:57 8454359,3849270162,"

And, Q said nothing about ""trouble for DT""?

",1523401177,10/04/2018 22:59 8454359,3849271970,

No... Q said trust the plan....

,1523401258,10/04/2018 23:00 8454359,3849279812,

Is this the QAnon thing?

,1523401644,10/04/2018 23:07 8457506,3849281093,

Read Q 1102

,1523401701,10/04/2018 23:08 8457506,3849283469,"

",1523401814,10/04/2018 23:10 8451515,3849308918,

Here is an anomaly. Cohen calls guy living trump tower to tell him to get out. His apartment catches fire. Cohen is raided by Mueller. I'm sure some of the FBI's discussion will be how Cohen got the Intel to warn the guy to get out. Probably won't see that in the news. Q?

,1523403065,10/04/2018 23:31 8457635,3849313379,

Globalist here and overseas are in full panic....Trust the Plan Q..

,1523403281,10/04/2018 23:34 8457635,3849321782,"

The Globalist are fighting back. Summons your power oh, God. And help Q. Keep praying, saints.

",1523403694,10/04/2018 23:41 8451515,3849462585,"

Precedent set to destroy attorney client privilege. Next on the agenda, Doctor patient privilege. Resistocuks destroyed yet another right. FBI raid Cohen's office. No scintilla left of FBI integrity, and not just the upper echelon, each and every agent that took part in this raid has been corrupted. This is an utterly illegal action by FBI, everything they took will be attorney client privilege, not legal for them to look @ let alone steal. Shows just how desperate the swamp is.President Trump should send in the Marines to retrieve the stolen property & arrest those involved in the illegal raid. Possible treason. my opinion. Related right here on YouTube:""Gregg Jarrett & Lou Dobbs on FBI Raid @ Cohens Office Qanon quote ""Raid will be met w/ swift action""

",1523412877,11/04/2018 02:14 8459255,3849472668,"

start in california.....And while you are at it Sessions, put your head in an oven you SOB.... Anyone defending this pric (Sessions) needs to have their head examined. Whats that you say, Q and anon said to have faith? Screw them all....when is enough, when they finally succeed in impeachment???. FFS, wake up.

",1523413709,11/04/2018 02:28 8459255,3849483251,"

The first Q my wife got when going to jury duty was...""are you a citizen?"".
The guy is a State AG. I am going to reccommend that he have those that say yes ....their names turned over to him for a month, then go public and say he is going after the no shows.

We will see how many people request their names be removed before the midterms.

Class C felony.....turn over to ice for immediate deportation.

",1523414625,11/04/2018 02:43 8456141,3849508847,"

yes, comparing notes is always good... gab is free unless you want to become a paying member (I am)...

however, the thing about gab (as it emulates the twit 'follow' paradigm) is that it's good to set it up first and ahead of time to follow people BEFORE big news breaks... my guess is when he indictments start being served will be the next 'big thing'... additionally, there is a tremendous Q following there...

if you get there let me know... it has a DM system for info exchange... I was so glad someone dragged my butt over there early on... Corsi is on there and many others... additionally they have video feeds... what sites do you follow?... if you'd rather not say here, I understand... speak soon...

",1523417064,11/04/2018 03:24 8459255,3849681935,

Cluster F U C Q K Central. All designed to flood the nation and displace American citizens. aka TREASON

,1523433240,11/04/2018 07:54 8454359,3849712426,

Morning Q. I know. Responded this morning but I won't have time to dicker around later. How you?

,1523435658,11/04/2018 08:34 8454359,3849717654,"

☕️ Oh, I made it through Tucker. I must. His face and outlook makes me happy and wise. I have a tiny tv in my room Q. I forgot I liked Laura too. You know I bought some of that Unisom. So far it works. The computer guy yesterday exhausted me. Had to wait forever for him to come and then wound up fixing the darn thing myself. He had just gotten back from Vegas and was not at his peak for sure. I hear you tho. You know everyone I talk to is having trouble sleeping. I'm convinced we're a country of sleep deprivees. You know my Aura is good. And all you need is to polish yours up and feel better and stop pressuring yourself so much. Otay.

",1523436052,11/04/2018 08:40 8457938,3849733988,"

During the whole Q & A, has Zuck even given a single satisfactory answer to anything? No!

",1523437135,11/04/2018 08:58 8454707,3849876200,

Good to see someone else also getting the picture.

If Trump would only listen to Q instead of Jared in this one...

,1523443860,11/04/2018 10:51 8460308,3849901797,

You are watching a movie.

As Q says.

Trump and Putin are acting.

,1523444975,11/04/2018 11:09 8460596,3849979212,"

Damn I am in a good mood....I used to respond to the trolls, You know they have a way of just being irritating.. The constant little barbs about Russia, Collusion, Porn stars, and chaos in the administration.. Yes I realized there is no real Russia story, Was no collusion, Porn stars and the rest are being pushed by Anti Trump forces.. And most chaos in the admin is cause by or a figment of the MSM coverage. Then I also realized there is a war behind the scenes, a war between the establishment and the outside people we elected.. Forget the BS people don't bother letting the trolls drag you in.. Just remember what the Q says.. ""Trust the Plan""

",1523448044,11/04/2018 12:00 8460905,3849980781,

Qanon prediction came true

,1523448104,11/04/2018 12:01 8460596,3849984778,

The Q? Hahahahaha ... you gullible morons.

,1523448190,11/04/2018 12:03 8454707,3850024789,

I have been watching Q's drops and analysis for months on YouTube. I'll see what he says now. If Trump really starts a big war on Syria I won't eat Q's breadcrumbs any longer. Because that would mean Trump is not heeding the military intelligence Q claims he is.

,1523449031,11/04/2018 12:17 8460608,3850096535,

So much for Q anon

,1523451653,11/04/2018 13:00 8460905,3850140216,"

Who is next?

",1523453239,11/04/2018 13:27 8458937,3850154622,

Like Q says..these people are Sick...

,1523453757,11/04/2018 13:35 8460905,3850160055,"

Yesterday’s message from Q (it included a photo of POTUS and military):

Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS?
Bolton cleaning house.
Out they go!
A clean House is very important.

OUT THEY GO! A clean House is very important, indeed!
Thank you, Q!

",1523453956,11/04/2018 13:39 8457635,3850167157,

Excellent Observation.
Follow QANON.

,1523454213,11/04/2018 13:43 8461442,3850171744,"

Yesterday’s message from Q:
Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS?
Bolton cleaning house.
Out they go!
A clean House is very important.

Thank you, Q!

",1523454376,11/04/2018 13:46 8460596,3850219886,

Seriously now. You are still waiting for Q?

,1523456104,11/04/2018 14:15 8460905,3850225193,"

If you're bringing up QAnon on Breitbart, please see yourself to the door. Tin hat wearing delusionists don't belong here.

",1523456291,11/04/2018 14:18 8454359,3850233442,"

He's been spending roughly 29 million in destroying his underground tunnels on his island. Why? He's a registered sex offender and is rumored to be involved in trafficking, like many other people in power on his island. Check out Trump's EO on December 21, 2017. There is a ton going on behind the scenes. Trump has been rounding up human trafficking offenders at a record rate.
In regards to McCain, just look at the links below. These were taken during his secret Syrian trip last year. Seems awfully friendly with ISIS.

",1523456586,11/04/2018 14:23 8460308,3850240184,"

Ain't gonna be no war...might be a few minor league missile strikes for show...
Russia was going to pull out of Syria a few weeks ago, ditto for US...
Good opportunity for POTUS to move a few chess pieces in the real war against the swamp...
Like Q says, Trust the plan...

",1523456821,11/04/2018 14:27 8461244,3850254220,"

I know Qanon says to trust Wray, but I don't! Sorry, He'll have to prove himself, first. XFiles says to Trust No-one.

",1523457317,11/04/2018 14:35 8460608,3850380232,

Bring the Light Q!

,1523461828,11/04/2018 15:50 8461580,3850386606,

Poor British .... QAnon!!!!

,1523462055,11/04/2018 15:54 8460905,3850395163,"

While Bilderbergs started after WWII, the global elite actually began much earlier. Here is the story, folks...unfolding before us daily.

#Truth #SaveOurRepublic

",1523462356,11/04/2018 15:59 8460905,3850408016,"

As much as I really want to believe, the jury is still out (in my mind) if Q is the real deal.

",1523462813,11/04/2018 16:06 8461610,3850415230,

I'm thinking you Q followers are going to be disappointed in the end.

,1523463071,11/04/2018 16:11 8462378,3850445968,"

Whoopi - you're an idiot with or without your Guinan hat on. Star Trek TNG is one of my favorite sci-fi shows, and I simply can't watch any episodes that have you in it now. Q should have dispatched you in Season 2 when he had the chance.

",1523464159,11/04/2018 16:29 8462378,3850449611,

Lol i cant agree more. Q really should have.

,1523464291,11/04/2018 16:31 8455487,3850457682,"

Doubt it. I think he was expecting it. On April 4 there was a drop from Q that said ,"" Michael Cohen coming to a theatre near you"". Also, last week he went out of his way to answer a reporter question about S Daniels, (which was odd in itself) and said ,""you'll have to ask my lawyer"".

",1523464578,11/04/2018 16:36 8463089,3850528968,"

Hopefully Paul Ryan not seeking reelection is serious this time



Fox News Reports: House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., announced Wednesday that he is not seeking re-election in November -- a move that ends a nearly two decade career in Congress and comes as the GOP girds for a tough fight to keep control of the House this year. Ryan said in a press conference after meeting with House lawmakers that his primary motivation was so he could spend more time with his wife and children, who he said he did not want to remember him as a “weekend Dad.”
“If I am here for one more term, my kids will only ever have known me as a weekend Dad -- I just can’t let that happen,” he said. Ryan, who was first elected to Congress in 1998, said he believes Congress has achieved “a heck of a lot” under his leadership as speaker since 2015. “You all know I did not seek this job, I took it reluctantly, but I have given this job everything I have,” Ryan said, adding that he has “no regrets.”
Let's all hope that Paul Ryan announcing he is not seeking reelection is serious this time around, as rumors of Paul Ryan not seeking reelection and seeking reelection has plagued the headlines for nearly a year. Curious though what made swamp RINO/closet Democrat Paul Ryan decide to personally announce he is not seeking reelection personally on his own today, and it likely isn't so Ryan can go be a ""Weekend Dad.""
​ What is the real reason the Swamp Republican Paul Ryan is announcing he is not seeking reelection, as we know there are no deals in place per Q...Or this is along the lines of you either resign or get arrested? Paul Ryan is simply a John McCain/Obama swamp rat wrapped up in a young package without the military background. So did Paul Ryan get figured out by the Trump administration, as in why is Ryan personally stating he is not seeking reelection? The Storm gets another one, but hopefully this is legit this time.

",1523467122,11/04/2018 17:18 8463089,3850535977,"

Interesting: Obama's won't be at UK Royal wedding after they were set to attend



Fox News Reports: The Obamas will not be attending the wedding of U.K.’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle on May 19 at Windsor Castle, Fox News has learned. A source told Fox News Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama will not be going to the royal wedding, despite earlier speculation they were set to attend.
""The couples look forward to seeing each other soon,"" the source said. People magazine reported Tuesday the decision may have been made to keep politics out of the royal wedding. A rep for the palace explained, “It has been decided that an official list of political leaders – both U.K. and international – is not required for Prince Harry and Ms. Markle’s wedding. Her Majesty’s Government was consulted on this decision, which was taken by The Royal Household.”
Why are the Obama's opting out of the Royal Wedding that no American should really care about between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, after the Obama's were going to attend? Of course there is instant speculation with this but we all know the Obama's have been very close with Prince Harry over the years, so why the cancellation by the Obama family to not attend the wedding of their British Royal friends?
Q has told us all to prepare for April Showers in April, and the Obama's suddenly planning to skip the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after planning to go and it's April...Only makes you wonder where are the Obama's and what are they up to. Obviously there is some kind of reasons the Obama's have cancelled or being reported as not going, and it's April...So what's up with the Obama's who had this plan to destroy America in 16 years with Hillary Clinton?

",1523467365,11/04/2018 17:22 8460479,3850539102,"

Knife Stabbings ..... the new ""norm"" forS ucDI Q the Khan man's Londonistan

",1523467468,11/04/2018 17:24 8463089,3850568853,

waiting for that mystical Q to babble some other code to tell us I think.

,1523468490,11/04/2018 17:41 8460905,3850595540,"

Not in mine. I'm getting frustrated with Breitbart. Alex on the show this morning talking about Zuckyface still says corporations - like the tech companies who control us and dictate to us - are the problem. It's not that simple. Q has informed us, and others have concurred, that the CiA and Deep State own and operate all of Silicon Valley and are embedded in all our hardware and software. This is just fact, whether it's only the CIA or also the NSA, etc. We all know we are being spied on 24/7/365. The problem is much less corporations and much more government, who are running the corpses. Zucky is a paper cutout. So are Schmidt and Dorsey. They're paid billion$ to be the public faces while the gov. does its dirty work. This at least makes a lot of sense to me, as opposed to these cretinous people being geniuses. Anything about Zucky seem smart to you? I don't know about Dorsey but Schmidt is in big trouble for human rights abuses, like the whole Clinton cabal.

Q has more credibility for me than almost anyone in the news dissemination business, truthful or not. There are a lot of good people following Q, the person or the group, and decoding/reporting for the rest of us. Many of us believe he/they are absolutely the real deal. And we feel that the rest of ""news"" is fast becoming irrelevant.

",1523469437,11/04/2018 17:57 8460608,3850617896,

That's what Q anon seems to be hinting at.

,1523470219,11/04/2018 18:10 8462378,3850623994,"

First, this woman is sick. Second, why fire him? He has NOTHING on Trump and EVERYTHING on crooked, establishment, globalist traitors.

Think, would all the top brass look so happy in the latest picture if Trump was crooked? Look at the pics with obayme. Big difference.


",1523470442,11/04/2018 18:14 8464064,3850822240,"

Here is why PAUL RYAN resigned today: PHOtO w SOCCER MOUFAZ outed by #Qanon8chan as key Al-Qaeda PLOTTER w John McCain, Hillary Clinton, OBAMA plan to CREATE & ARM ISIS sold to Congress as ""Moderate"" Syrian Rebels in 2013 = TREASON will be outed in @realDonaldTrump SYRIA STEPS

",1523477682,11/04/2018 20:14 8464064,3850827353,

Thanks again...I follow Q-Anon as well..Snowden sticking it to Zuckerberg will be something to see very soon.

,1523477901,11/04/2018 20:18 8464064,3850831150,"

""Trolls are people too, my friend"" - Mittens Q Romney.

",1523478067,11/04/2018 20:21 8463626,3850874478,"

Good point by Breitbart's Lucas Nolan. Also, maybe Breitbart picked up on this, and I just missed it; or, it was because former Breitbart editor, Ben Shapiro, mentioned it, and we all know how Ben turned against Breitbart. A friend passed along to me an opinion piece by Mr. Shapiro where he pointed out something from a legal perspective that might severely damage or rein in Facebook. Ben noted that Mark Zuckerberg seemed to answer in the affirmative to U.S. Senator John Cornyn's Q about Facebook being a publisher rather than a platform. I think Ben is a lawyer, so he might have expertise in this matter. He pointed out that a publisher has to be much more careful than a platform provider pertaining to content on its site.

",1523480070,11/04/2018 20:54 8464064,3850904851,"

Keep believing that, Q has more than established his Bona fides.

",1523481603,11/04/2018 21:20 8460608,3850938101,

Follow QANON

,1523483326,11/04/2018 21:48 8464064,3850981045,

McCain is gone and never coming back. Q has already told him ‘bye.

,1523485633,11/04/2018 22:27 8464451,3851003707,

I don't think so. I say 110% legit. The way they have gathered info is against our core values but desperate time demand otherwise. Clues so others can find the same info on their own. Heavy attacks on 8chan by those who know what Q has.

,1523486875,11/04/2018 22:47 8463284,3851022049,"

Facebook was created on the exact day that the Pentagon dropped a program it had created to gather info on all Americans. Coincidence? See QANON tweets just now, photos of the paperwork.

",1523487881,11/04/2018 23:04 8464451,3851026635,

Tell me SEAL how many miles and what was your Q time for your NIGHT SWIM out of 32 nd Harbor

,1523488140,11/04/2018 23:09 8464451,3851084982,

Ryan stole his own thunder by not stepping down immediately.

That's gonna hurt his Q Score.

Ryan's got no political instincts.

,1523491147,11/04/2018 23:59 8464451,3851095104,"

The fact that stroke and paige still have a job and security clearance is the main reason why I think all this Q stuff is a bunch of horseshit That and sessions sitting around with his thumb up his ass while rosenstein and mueller trashes the 4th amendment,

",1523491738,12/04/2018 00:08 8463497,3851103186,"

""America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and Independence of all. She is the champion and Vindicator only of her own.- John Q Adams

",1523492210,12/04/2018 00:16 8462636,3851108987,"

I’m reminded when Rosanne asked, “Who is Q?”, she was instantly banned from Twitter.

",1523492554,12/04/2018 00:22 8463503,3851138151,"

This is in direct relation to what Q posted on 8chan. He posted a photo of bill clinton's ex 14 year old girlfriend rachel chandler with eminem. Q asked anons to look into her.

She had a photo of the security surveillance from epstein's island showing kids sitting on buckets at tables and other areas. Very bold of her.

She is running a ""model agency with another weirdo"" she went from being a child trafficked herself to being a trafficker herself. She is in that famous photo of bill clinton with with his arm around her on the lolita express.

Her instagram account with ""Models"" are nothing more than advertisements for the children she traffics.

anons then found a lot of instagram accounts that have ""models"" that are just trafficking advertisements.

Rachels chandlers instagram account was reported to the FBI and was shut down.

",1523494313,12/04/2018 00:51 8460608,3851143741,"

After Fox banned me twice, I stopped visiting. It that the same Q as before the election?

",1523494660,12/04/2018 00:57 8460608,3851144806,

Q is paid by fox to be 200 different liberals and I kept a list LOL then I kicked his ass so they banned me for LIFE

YES Q full name: TheQueerthatrulesyou he is insane

,1523494728,12/04/2018 00:58 8463332,3851161700,

The only way we'd fawn over him is if some of the earlier Q-anon talk is real and Mueller is pretending to be running a witch hunt. Not likely.

,1523495852,12/04/2018 01:17 8461973,3851169676,"

Interesting post on Q tonight:
Look at post number 1130-the Pentagon apparently abandoned their LifeLog project on the same day that Facebook was founded.

",1523496392,12/04/2018 01:26 8461973,3851170864,"

Sorry, Cherry-I just posted the same thing right after you posted it! I think we were writing them at the same time.
Some of the people on Q thought that anon was Snowden!

",1523496473,12/04/2018 01:27 8461973,3851215872,"

DARPA shut down Lifelog, the day FB went IPO...

",1523499201,12/04/2018 02:13 8463497,3851258595,

Call me Al. Or Qanon.

,1523502890,12/04/2018 03:14 8461973,3851385843,"

What is Q,,,,,,

",1523514405,12/04/2018 06:26 8461973,3851515409,

Forget the distraction of the dog and pony show that will go nowhere. Snowden has uncovered the documentation of a CIA program to spy on American Internet users that ended the same day that Zuckerburg started Facebook. See tweets at QANON latest tweets.

,1523524217,12/04/2018 09:10 8465390,3851595409,

If I hear another Q bot say #trustsessions I'm gonna blow a gasket. Rosenstein should be fired by Sessions today.

,1523528630,12/04/2018 10:23 8466455,3851598000,"

I wouldn't get too exited about this. Although Trump sounded off, his initial reaction did not seem to be surprised. On April 4 a QANON drop said ""Cohen, coming to a theatre near you"". Also last week before the raid, he answered a question from a reporter about the Stormy thing, which was unusual for him. He said they would have to ask his lawyer.

",1523528753,12/04/2018 10:25 8466455,3851599970,

Qanon/qboard on disqus

,1523528847,12/04/2018 10:27 8466455,3851638397,

we be in deep trouble. If this doesn't motivate Sessions to take some action against Rosentein those Q bots need to STFU about #trustsessions.

,1523530572,12/04/2018 10:56 8467379,3851697980,"

Trump is doing the ""rope a dope"" here, except he is in a ring with about 50 other boxers. Personally, I think Q is a load of crap, just more disinformation.

There is an old saying that will serves well here- ""Actions speak louder than words.""

",1523533049,12/04/2018 11:37 8467112,3851773015,

Q-Anon...Trump and Putin working together to take out the DEEP STATE...

,1523535876,12/04/2018 12:24 8465390,3851793173,

What's the source for this story? Q Anon? Please provide a link us curious citizens.

,1523536603,12/04/2018 12:36 8466455,3851837605,"

Tweets on Qnon# twitter site about Facebook, CIA Lifelog project, and the Snowden drop after Zuckerberg testimony.
Q indicated before M Z testimony that Snowden would do an information drop after the Zuckerberg testimony. This “drop” apparently links the closing of the CIA Lifelog project with the opening of Facebook. The two dates apparently coincide – as one closed, the other opened – so, if true, this seems to give weight to the claims that Facebook is really a CIA data gathering facility?
It could also suggest that Snowden is cooperating with the Trump administration?

See tweets on qanon# site:

",1523538216,12/04/2018 13:03 8443148,3851844563,"

Please refer to the Dec 21st Executive Order. Coincidence??? Buy @jeromecorsi Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book, 'Killing The Deep State' & follow the Q Anon posts on Patriot Soapbox's youtube channel. You will not be disappointed!! #thegreatawakening

",1523538472,12/04/2018 13:07 8466455,3851981951,

How do you get a referendum for term limits on a ballot? Honest Q.

,1523543056,12/04/2018 14:24 8465390,3852001410,"

moron - educate yourself

",1523543662,12/04/2018 14:34 8465390,3852019455,"

After all of these months, I wonder how much of the document has been altered to cover their conniving asses? They have had ample time to delete emails, create new emails, make new paths, and cover their tracks... I hope QANON is real, and these treasonous bastards are imprisoned soon.

",1523544310,12/04/2018 14:45 8466455,3852120803,"

Post/Bread 1132 Apr 11 2018 21:22:02

""Thank you Alan. Welcome aboard. Freedom!


Does Q mean Alan Dershowitz in this future-proves-past Fox interview where Alan states that Rosenstein can't be both prosecutor and witness?

""Dershowitz: Rosenstein Must Be Recused:""

",1523547970,12/04/2018 15:46 8467112,3852126659,"

According to Qanon, he's bluffing. He plans to bring our troops home. He's just trying to ferret out information. McCain may be in Big Trouble!

",1523548181,12/04/2018 15:49 8468879,3852355686,"

Are you finally getting paid .25 cents per post, Budley?

You've come a long way from your John Q Public days.

",1523555939,12/04/2018 17:58 8468879,3852385239,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin. for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President to help execute against all the traitors there. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523556978,12/04/2018 18:16 8466404,3852483881,"

I suggest you use and search for it. I have recently been going to and that's where I first heard it and began to do my own investigation into Zuckerberg & Facebook. He is not what we have been told.

",1523560816,12/04/2018 19:20 8468879,3852496586,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin. for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President to help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523561354,12/04/2018 19:29 8468498,3852510005,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to Trump about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin. for treason, but waited and then asked him to run for President to help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523561940,12/04/2018 19:39 8468879,3852544958,"

Wasn't Q, even Ed Henry reported too

",1523563541,12/04/2018 20:05 8466455,3852551153,"

Judging by the latest QAnon march that barely made the news recently, your side needs to regroup and organize better. ;)

",1523563833,12/04/2018 20:10 8466290,3852558767,"

If he’s gone, Q is 1000% confirmed legit!!

",1523564183,12/04/2018 20:16 8466290,3852563224,

Apr 2 2018 22:45:09 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875265
April [A].
IG report.
Sessions public attack.
RR problems.
Seals broken.
Why was Huber made public?
Why now?
Everything has meaning.
Election Integrity.
Immigration Bill.
Military start.
BIG month.

,1523564400,12/04/2018 20:20 8468879,3852570259,

I can see you guys have some more red pills coming. Take 'em or leave 'em. #MAGA #Qanon

,1523564744,12/04/2018 20:25 8466290,3852573239,"

yes he did but I want the non Q believers seeing that Q mentioned RR problems some time ago, the same way that he mentioned FB and Twitter problems, well before little man Z had to testify,

",1523564891,12/04/2018 20:28 8469407,3852596160,"

I called the SS when this lunatic called for the death of our POTUS. Of course we all know that nothing happened. If it were any of the John Q Public that did this we would be under the jail. As far as reparations, she will get them when the Africans pay me for capturing there fellow Countrymen and sending them here. That woeful act has caused me tremendous amounts of mental pain and anguish.

",1523566052,12/04/2018 20:47 8466290,3852607703,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin. for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute against the traitors. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523566669,12/04/2018 20:57 8466290,3852620699,"

If you want accurate clues check out

",1523567390,12/04/2018 21:09 8466404,3852641088,"

Thanks 'Nemosdaughter',
I checked your Qanon link, I'd heard of him/her before, and what I saw seems to hint that my first suspicion might be right, that 'Q' is just someone on the Internet who looks up different conspiracy theories and ties them together with a little bit of thought (not aiming for accuracy, but to make things seem deeper and yet more sinister, not that they aren't in reality sinister enough).
I am aware that Facebook received $500 million from Peter Thiel, who could be CIA or something. But Thiel is a libertarian/semi-conservative, and doesn't seem tied to Hillary/Obama in any way. He has not played any but a very symbolic role at FB in many years (still on the board, probably because he came in when they really needed the money, but sold most of his stock long ago).

The coincidence of the amount involved probably means that is what is referred to. And all my information is on Wikipedia (although I looked around to find alternate or deeper info).

Generally, I look for some kind of confirmation of any info I hear from dubious sources, and Q doesn't pass my personal smell test. I'm not saying you shouldn't go there, and I definitely don't mean that you should automatically believe any 'debunking' claims (even mine), but I saw on the page you linked that he tried to make it seem significant that Eric Prince is described as a CIA 'asset'. The term 'asset' just means that he has at least once given info to the CIA voluntarily. In the business he is in, he should be doing so frequently. And I say that as someone who thinks that some parts of the CIA, maybe central parts, are at least sort of 'on their own side', not necessarily 'ours'. There have been hard leftwingers in the CIA since the beginning (Cord Meyer) and their closeness to the drug business (provably sometimes facilitating it or doing it themselves) would have made many of their people very vulnerable to being bought off. After all, a CIA officer making $60,000 a year could easily be offered millions by any large drug ring.

So, in other words, just be careful about what you believe. There are lots of people out there who either just want to make a few bucks from being clicked on, or who may be deliberately out to confuse people. Try to concentrate on people who document what they say. Here's one:
They write about many things that are going on, but their writer 'Sundance' has been magnificent on the FBI-DOJ scandal (formerly called the 'Russian Collusion probe'). He analyzes things in enormous detail, but uses public source documents that he also includes so that you can see how he gets where he is going, and then you can show them to people who argue: ""Well, here's the actual document"".
Good luck, as someone once said, ""The Truth is out there"".

",1523568516,12/04/2018 21:28 8466290,3852647852,

wonder what the Q posts will say about rosenstein?

,1523568895,12/04/2018 21:34 8466290,3852671109,"

Q who ever they are the white hats or whatever did something to twitter, it went down for a few minutes, some are saying the censoring algorithm was removed.

This algorithm was made by google, twitter google and facebook use it.

Apr 12 2018 16:14:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015665
Twitter down.
Injection good.

Interesting things going on.

",1523570169,12/04/2018 21:56 8466290,3852686050,"

Apr 12 2018 16:14:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015665
Twitter down.
Injection good.

All the memes are going through on twitter, nothing says ""may be sensitive stuff"" or whatever it used to say.

The Q people patched twitter to break the censoring algorithm.

If you still believe Q is fake all you have to do is look at the twitter down graph.

It was down while the NSA patched it.

",1523570983,12/04/2018 22:09 8466290,3852708360,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523572214,12/04/2018 22:30 8466290,3852714519,

#TAX CUTS@realDonaldTrump

,1523572575,12/04/2018 22:36 8466290,3852717099,


,1523572716,12/04/2018 22:38 8466290,3852717682,"

Apr 12 2018 16:14:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015665
Twitter down.
Injection good.

Q fixed twitter. all the censorship was undone by the Q team, they took twitter down for about 3 minutes and patched it.

Follow Follow @honorbound1974


Hi @jack....... Can't stop us now!!!! WWG1WGA!!!!

@SunshinethBrave #War #TheStormIsHere #AprilShowers #maga @realDonaldTrump

",1523572751,12/04/2018 22:39 8470667,3852761412,

that will happen - Q says he is safe..

,1523575333,12/04/2018 23:22 8470667,3852790170,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523576971,12/04/2018 23:49 8470667,3852806914,

if qanon is to be believed they are indeed going after hillary. hence the 'impeachment' proceedings. I think it may be a 'get him before he gets us' situation playing out behind the scenes. Even if qanon isn't really an insider he isn't necessarily wrong

,1523577970,13/04/2018 00:06 8470667,3852850146,

Does anyone know what Q is? Some military web site that gives cryptic info. Where did this come from?

,1523580717,13/04/2018 00:51 8470667,3852850910,"

Not a military site. Look for yourself:

",1523580770,13/04/2018 00:52 8470667,3852856482,

#InternetBillOf Rights
#investigate the investigators

,1523581144,13/04/2018 00:59 8469419,3852872302,"

Game's been in place since my experience started in the 60s.
They've just ramped it up a little. ... And, I was heavily bugged at how twilight-zoneish school was Back Then. (I wonder why they're all on meds now .... )
Devos is a d fake. Begs the Q about Trump.

",1523582259,13/04/2018 01:17 8469929,3852892018,"

How did Paul Ryan gain 7.8 million in wealth making 223,000/year?
How long has Ryan been taking selfies with Muslim brotherhood folk?

",1523583782,13/04/2018 01:43 8471234,3852924500,"

8chan and Q....

I would get lost. Thanks for paying attention, Ch00Ch00!

Hope it happens!

",1523586532,13/04/2018 02:28 8470067,3852969321,"

We ARE currently AT WAR....I read every day on see Qanon posting...the USA gov has some really bad craps in it....It has been that way since the end of WW II.

",1523591092,13/04/2018 03:44 8470067,3852974953,"

you see...I do not think is was Assad, nor Russia. I don't even think it was Iran. I think it was the 'cabal'...the world-wide movement that has been growing....and if you've been following the qanon stuff on'd know who I was talking about.

",1523591675,13/04/2018 03:54 8470067,3852983099,

The Qanon team investigated the HIllary private server. I saw the posting of a person who was there! HE/SHE said Hillary SOLD top level intelligence to the CABAL! HER server was a place to get it from! The examiners even saw the erased emails that Hillary said were just grandma stuff.....they were not.

There was treason going on at the highest levels of our gov...because they were all cabal members.

,1523592528,13/04/2018 04:08 8470067,3853002938,

I still think Q is bunk.

,1523594521,13/04/2018 04:42 8467649,3853234160,"

Visit website ""#qanon"" for amazing view of team obama-Clinton corruption

",1523613248,13/04/2018 09:54 8470313,3853246273,

#HRC & DNC funded fake dossier with Russian collusion!!! Lol can't handle the truth
#gitmo open soon for your idols

,1523613905,13/04/2018 10:05 8466404,3853256255,

That's ok. Q and/or Snowden are manipulating algorithms to counter FB algorithm manipulations.

,1523614433,13/04/2018 10:13 8471858,3853321672,"

Fitzgerald came up with nothing on anybody ~ because HE KNEW that it was Richard Armitage and Colin Powell who'd ratted out the Plame dame.

Well, that, and she did plenty of that herself messing around on the Internet on Ukrainian and Russian websites trying to dig up her genealogy. It's not like those ol'boys didn't already have her picture and stuff!

One of the FBI guys ~ was it Comey, or Fitzgerald, or maybe Peter Strzok ~ came up with the ""he lied to me"" story which also involved a TV talking head called Tim Russert.

SEE http://www.washingtonpost.c... ""..... In his testimony before the grand jury investigating the Plame affair, Libby reportedly testified that he learned Wilson's wife was in the CIA from NBC correspondent Tim Russert, who denied providing the information to Libby. According to the New York Times, documents show that Libby may have first learned about Plame from Cheney. ......""

You see how that worked? The FBI tagged Libby with a process crime ~ supposedly lying to a Fibby at a grand jury (wow ~ try to bring in some witnesses on that one eh). And a TV guy with NBC, and backed up with a REAL LIE in the New York Times (who by that time KNEW the trial was BS and that Plame had been outed by a couple of Lefties) Fitzgerald ALSO knew it was phoney baloney, as did Tim Russert.... AND the Washington Post.

The real reason Scooter was railroaded in a kangaroo court was simple ~ Fitzgerald, who'd found nothing, still needed to prosecute someone to justify his near half billion dollar expenditure of public money so he found a relatively low ranked Jewish fellow to target. Knowing that John Q. Goober is always satisfied to see a Jew get busted for breaking the law, he got away with it.

Of course Scooter should be pardoned, and paid damages. The NYT, NBC and Fitzgerald should be hauled before a special tribunal and stripped of everything, and then their principal officers (or partners) should be sent to a hard times prison to break some rocks.

",1523617457,13/04/2018 11:04 8473238,3853431286,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523621897,13/04/2018 12:18 8472863,3853550562,"

Looks like all globalists got it wrong, they think they control the narrative. We are awake and see you clowns for what you are.


",1523625837,13/04/2018 13:23 8474027,3853718205,"

Go back to the A, B, C, in school, leave the L, G, B, T, Q to the Parents to teach if they opt to it.

",1523632028,13/04/2018 15:07 8473238,3853731861,"

Go to the official White House website:

In your browser select PRINT PREVIEW on that page. You'll see some tan bars in your browser window. Scroll the window down

Q-Anon: ""April showers; enjoy the show.""

",1523632531,13/04/2018 15:15 8470667,3853756041,

The corrupt upper echelon of FBI-DOJ has destroyed the reputation and credibility of all the hard working honest rank and file for the next 50 years..#qanon

,1523633413,13/04/2018 15:30 8473844,3853765427,"

Trump is a total patriot,big things coming,QANON

",1523633757,13/04/2018 15:35 8473844,3853767229,

i heard that Q was Comey?

,1523633822,13/04/2018 15:37 8473238,3853802190,

It's in the works........check out the Q postings with Jerome Corsi translating.

,1523635083,13/04/2018 15:58 8473238,3853815363,"

Don’t you just love a leader that calls it like it is? For way too long, these leftist mongrels have got away with literally murder, but when someone calls them out they use the victim card of ‘hate speech’.

I’m still reeling after listening to Natasha V explain what made the hardened cops of the NYPD breakdown and weep, some of them being physically sick, after watching the seized video of Clinton and Abedin with a young victim - the one found on Weiners laptop. No wonder Q keeps saying these people are sick and evil over and over again. And the equally sick media will be oh so indignant and feel so self righteous at a few well chosen, deserved words. My God, please, please bring these two women to justice for their horrid crimes against little children. How much longer will these sick people walk the streets free while so many have suffered at their hands?

",1523635571,13/04/2018 16:06 8473238,3853837591,"

Rupert, I'm using Opera as my browser. If you press print, I believe, on any browser you should be given a ""preview"" and the message I allude to is revealed under that function. The White House is trying to Red Pill the American public before Patriot's Day. A lot is going to start happening very fast. Q is busy on if you care to observe the messages.

",1523636389,13/04/2018 16:19 8474060,3853875430,

So THATS the 17 Q was referring to. It's Happening.


,1523637771,13/04/2018 16:42 8473844,3853893583,"

His and other Deep State friends in crime's days are numbered.
Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523638451,13/04/2018 16:54 8473844,3853911658,"

Russia says UK behind staged chem attack, British special forces arrested in area of chem false flag



RT.Com Reports: The Russian Defense Ministry has presented what it says is proof that the reported chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged. It also accused the British government of pressuring the perpetrators to speed up the “provocation.”During a briefing on Friday, the ministry showed interviews with two people, who, it said, are medical professionals working in the only hospital operating in Douma, a town near the Syrian capital, Damascus.
“The Russian Defense Ministry also has evidence that Britain had a direct involvement in arranging this provocation in Eastern Ghouta,” the general added, referring to the neighborhood of which Douma is part. “We know for certain that between April 3 and April 6 the so-called White Helmets were seriously pressured from London to speed up the provocation that they were preparing.”
Daily Mail Reports: ​Iran's semi-official news agency has reported that an unknown number of 'British military men' have been captured in Syria by government forces. They quoted the Lebanese news channel al-Mayadeen's Moscow correspondent, who claimed British troops were being held after 'infiltrating' the country. According to the report, they were taken after fighting in Eastern Ghouta, near the capital Damascus. But sources at the UK's Ministry of Defence today insisted the report was false.
So there you have it America the official narrative of the false flag Syria chemical attack pretty much odered by the UK and PM Theresa May, and British Special Force troops were even arrested in the area after fighting this week after the stage chem attack. Obviously not just the UK is involved in this, because Q stated to us after the event that Israel conducted missile strikes last week to destroy the evidence.
​ So it looks like May was hoping to pressure the United States into war with Russia over Syria for the globalists agenda, and thank God Trump hasn't acted so we could all discover this was a major false flag set up by the UK with some help from Israel missile strikes trying to destroy evidence. Oh and guess who has been wanting to strike Syria the most after this latest false flag chem attack in Syria...That's right the UK and Theresa May.

",1523639131,13/04/2018 17:05 8474060,3853967650,

Not surprised for these Nations are all corrupt. Syria is NOT the target...IRAN is and Q said they would be next up after NK. PTrump will probably meet with Putin under the premise of Syria like he met with Kim in China. WINNING!

,1523641250,13/04/2018 17:40 8474060,3854086745,"

WND, haha. What does Alex Jones have to say or Q Anon?

",1523645969,13/04/2018 18:59 8473844,3854106944,"

Russia says UK behind staged chem attack, British special forces arrested in area of chem false flag



RT.Com Reports: The Russian Defense Ministry has presented what it says is proof that the reported chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged. It also accused the British government of pressuring the perpetrators to speed up the “provocation.”During a briefing on Friday, the ministry showed interviews with two people, who, it said, are medical professionals working in the only hospital operating in Douma, a town near the Syrian capital, Damascus.
“The Russian Defense Ministry also has evidence that Britain had a direct involvement in arranging this provocation in Eastern Ghouta,” the general added, referring to the neighborhood of which Douma is part. “We know for certain that between April 3 and April 6 the so-called White Helmets were seriously pressured from London to speed up the provocation that they were preparing.”
Daily Mail Reports: ​Iran's semi-official news agency has reported that an unknown number of 'British military men' have been captured in Syria by government forces. They quoted the Lebanese news channel al-Mayadeen's Moscow correspondent, who claimed British troops were being held after 'infiltrating' the country. According to the report, they were taken after fighting in Eastern Ghouta, near the capital Damascus. But sources at the UK's Ministry of Defence today insisted the report was false.
So there you have it America the official narrative of the false flag Syria chemical attack pretty much odered by the UK and PM Theresa May, and British Special Force troops were even arrested in the area after fighting this week after the stage chem attack. Obviously not just the UK is involved in this, because Q stated to us after the event that Israel conducted missile strikes last week to destroy the evidence.
​ So it looks like May was hoping to pressure the United States into war with Russia over Syria for the globalists agenda, and thank God Trump hasn't acted so we could all discover this was a major false flag set up by the UK with some help from Israel missile strikes trying to destroy evidence. Oh and guess who has been wanting to strike Syria the most after this latest false flag chem attack in Syria...That's right the UK and Theresa May.

",1523646856,13/04/2018 19:14 8464910,3854165181,

shows you all the stuff about Q is a big fat lie. These asswipes are still in power. Q IS the deepstate

,1523649518,13/04/2018 19:58 8474624,3854228199,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523652828,13/04/2018 20:53 8474240,3854251904,

He is the GOAT? Yes he is the only 49ers Q.B. to lose a Super Bowl so yes he is a goat. as for our Country's Flag being a promise....Yes it's a promise to get your arse kicked if you do not respect it!

,1523654163,13/04/2018 21:16 8474624,3854270371,

John Q. the king of slime balls who spied on everyone including his own family being the entitled and empowered a z z h o l e like Comey.

,1523655203,13/04/2018 21:33 8473604,3854353663,

Stop reading Q.

,1523660108,13/04/2018 22:55 8473604,3854353974,

I dont read Q and Kool-aid is a quick way to get diabetes.

I simply looked at the DOJ website. May actually be more now.

,1523660126,13/04/2018 22:55 8476925,3854408195,"

Dr Jerome Corsi spoke about it the other day. Q Anon has been urging us patience. Justice is coming, but this Administration is going by the book so that there will be no defense for the traitors when the time comes to reveal the prosecutions.

According to Dr Corsi your hopes will come to pass, in half a year or so.

The Syria attack is a distraction for Trump, but the globalist are trying to buy time in the hope they can pull a rabbit out of a hat before Trump gets the. It won't work.

",1523663111,13/04/2018 23:45 8476925,3854415586,

Don't upset the Jews Donald... QAnon my backside....

,1523663501,13/04/2018 23:51 8476925,3854420723,

No... Q made sense... lacked balls... but made sense....

,1523663768,13/04/2018 23:56 8476925,3854447512,"

Apr 13 2018 21:07:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 18f5fc 1032326
Trust POTUS.
Sparrow Red.
Missiles only.
Intel good.

",1523665179,14/04/2018 00:19 8476925,3854448043,"

No, Q never said there would be no attack on Syria.

If you had a clue about Q you'd know he would never say something as direct as that.

",1523665207,14/04/2018 00:20 8476925,3854448110,

BUt hey Qanon is a cool load of BS 👍

,1523665211,14/04/2018 00:20 8476925,3854448940,

this dude is a fraud. Ive seen him on Twitter.

Q is also a fraud. Q said to trust Wray. Q IS Deep State

,1523665255,14/04/2018 00:20 8476925,3854449308,

Lol.....go read more of the Qanon conspiracy bs

,1523665272,14/04/2018 00:21 8476925,3854449428,

Can you also get over 20 MILLION following that vague BS like Q? My guess is not.

,1523665279,14/04/2018 00:21 8476925,3854449833,

Said what we already knew and more. Helped conect it with Trump moves. But now not so sure. Waiting for a hint from Q.

,1523665302,14/04/2018 00:21 8476925,3854450028,"

You do know that Qanon is a 13 year old in his mom's basement, right?

",1523665312,14/04/2018 00:21 8476925,3854453612,"

Paste the comment you refer to.

",1523665506,14/04/2018 00:25 8476925,3854453860,"

Apr 8 2018 13:15:14 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a0205a 952914
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.

",1523665519,14/04/2018 00:25 8476925,3854454766,

Q doesn't have a twitter account. He only operates on 8 chan.

But I'm not here to justify Q to you. If you don't believe Q's posts then good for you. My post wasn't tailored to you.

,1523665570,14/04/2018 00:26 8476925,3854454898,

Apr 6 2018 14:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a 922343
We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics.
We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.

,1523665577,14/04/2018 00:26 8476925,3854469784,

Hope people have figured out Q is a deep state fraud. Hes playing carrot and stick with you to get you to stay calm and think things are working your favor. they are not.

,1523666406,14/04/2018 00:40 8476925,3854475204,

Not sure of this qanon? Is that some LBGT@#c3po crap?...

,1523666723,14/04/2018 00:45 8401001,3854500974,"

Keep in mind many Hollywood child victims got started on Epstein's pedo island. Eminem may be one of them - there are pics online of him with an underage girl and the same underage girl is in a pic with Bill Clinton on the island at Epstein's estate. Stuff like this gets revealed in Qanon livestreams. BTW, I haven't seen it in media, but there were credible reports in Qanon posts and livestreams that Epstein's island compound was on fire earlier this week. They're trying to burn up the evidence because PDJT is coming after them.

",1523668295,14/04/2018 01:11 8476925,3854505433,"

It is over. MAGA Is over. Even the WethePeople Q people are attacking Trump.

",1523668581,14/04/2018 01:16 8471153,3854511178,"

#chemtrails=barium sprayed on all of us. 10,000 times more toxic than lead

",1523668943,14/04/2018 01:22 8475119,3854525652,"

Love Gab; just aren't enough people there. Banning Trump would have to force PDJT to move and everyone would follow! I see there's a Minds iOS app but no Gab. Gotta have an app; then need a Gab icon on websites. This is all stuff Twitler has because it's actually owned and operated by (according to Q, whom I believe) the CIA. Fascistbook also. Apparently the Twitter, Facebook and Google names were patented/registered a very long time ago. I believe FB was started when Zuck was 8. He's nothing but a cutout. The CIA runs everything including all of Silicon Valley.

",1523669897,14/04/2018 01:38 8476925,3854573258,"

I'm either an idiot or a genius on this one but I gotta go with Q :

""Trust POTUS.
Sparrow Red.
Missiles only.
Intel good.

It could very well be Trump is using Assad for a cover story and is hitting those who did the false flag. Could be he's bombing the people who want us bombing Assad... I hope so.

",1523673491,14/04/2018 02:38 8476925,3854591446,"

The Q people over at WeThePeople on YouTube. They were the strongest Trump supporters and now they are starting to renounce him.

",1523675035,14/04/2018 03:03 8476925,3854592040,

What are Q people ?

,1523675085,14/04/2018 03:04 8476925,3854611574,"

The deep state still going, Hillary still free, Q is full of it, and the swamp has actually been rebuilt stronger.

Still pushing NAFTA, possibly getting back into TPP, attacking Syria based on propaganda igniting possible war with Russia, no Wall and omnibus signed— along with the man stating we should take guns first then respect the 4th Amendment.

Ummmmmmm.... yeah.... uh.... well... think we can jump off the bandwagon now patriots!

We are told to trust the plan, yet it goes against all that was promised, and frankly what we stand for. Against the deep state, hell, these acts sound like the Deep State! For example, still nothing of substance from Vegas where supposedly 60 Americans were slaughtered.. Come on?!?!

",1523676866,14/04/2018 03:34 8476925,3854615679,"

Yep, look, I was on the trump bandwagon until recently.. I read the Q updates and listen to a lot of alternative media, while still checking the mainstream for any rationale. There really is none. Trump just keeps getting passes from us and frankly, at this point, should not be! Especially after acts such as this.

I became weary after his remarks on taking guns first before acknowledging our rights— then the omnibus just gave away most of my good faith that he was a legitimate rebel trying to better our Republic!

Oh, the Bolton hiring didn’t help either...

",1523677226,14/04/2018 03:40 8476898,3854615775,"

QANON says, ""intel good"".

",1523677235,14/04/2018 03:40 8476925,3854626662,

is that Q from FOX?

,1523678247,14/04/2018 03:57 8476925,3854627984,

FOX pays a lib troll who calls himself Q to pretend to be 200 liberals and he is on from 9 to 3 am 7 days a week and holidays. I figured it out and I kept a list of his monikers so FOX banned me for life LOL

,1523678371,14/04/2018 03:59 8476925,3854629404,"

not, I know Q the guy with the funny hat

",1523678506,14/04/2018 04:01 8476925,3854633208,

Next Q will say it was 17 but all according to the plan.

,1523678885,14/04/2018 04:08 8476925,3854683740,"

Have people figured out Q is a fraud yet??? Hes carrot and stick, carrot and stick so we wont fight Trump as he moves farther and farther left, Irump hiring Bolton should have been the big clue.

",1523683666,14/04/2018 05:27 8476925,3854685178,"

I’m a conservative, and I always thought Q was full of $#!+. It’s completely vague, like how fortune teller con artistry works. Only morons can’t see through such a thin veil.

",1523683809,14/04/2018 05:30 8476925,3854686694,"

me too especially when I saw people like David Seaman behind him. Notice how Q keeps celebrating whenever a Conservative politician has to step down. Now I'm sure the folks like Orin Hatch and that dude from San Antonio are corrupt as hell, but if they step down and create the need for a special election the Democrats will for sure win. Dems specialize in the special election cuz they bus in people from other states

",1523683962,14/04/2018 05:32 8476925,3854688494,"

and why hasn't Q released the damn Hillary video yet??? Because he doesn't want to hurt Liberals in the upcoming election. I think there is a real war w/in the Dem party and Q is just farther left than Hillary. Hes on the Sanders Socialist side. Hes also actively campaigning to dismantle our Constitution so he can write another one FOR us.

No WAY. Aints nuthin' wrong w/ our Constitution, its the people enforcing it that are the problem

",1523684134,14/04/2018 05:35 8476925,3854698894,"

Is that Q fella legit, or what? And where are all the PEDOGATE busts?!

",1523685147,14/04/2018 05:52 8475947,3854761219,"

Oh, when your Brother was in. What else did he tell you? Not having served you have no business commenting on this Officer.
You are a racist Punk by the way.
Q.D. USN DD941

",1523691089,14/04/2018 07:31 8476925,3854805013,"

Q post
Trust POTUS.
Sparrow Red.
Missiles only.
Intel good.

",1523695164,14/04/2018 08:39 8476925,3854811799,"

Know what makes me, a Qanon believer and Trump supporter, smile almost to the point of laughing with joy?

Libtards promoting Q awareness by trying to discredit it.

Continue on, you have my full blessing.

",1523695759,14/04/2018 08:49 8475119,3854864728,

I think I heard this in the Patriot Soapbox stream earlier this week! There was a lot going on and it's easy to miss details - plus YouTube has really been screwing with the Qanon live streams. We're taking flak!

,1523699876,14/04/2018 09:57 8476925,3854904589,"

Hey Q, were you just a INGSOC puppet Goldstein? Even Alex Jones has turned on Trump over this? Has the deepstate been handed a victory on a silver platter?

",1523702605,14/04/2018 10:43 8476925,3854916684,"

Like this...Q trust the plan.

",1523703328,14/04/2018 10:55 8477372,3854958453,"

For all of you who are familiar with Qanon, here is an execellent analysis of what actually happened with regard to the attacks in Syria. And no, it’s not going to start WWIII so stop panicking!

",1523705709,14/04/2018 11:35 8471153,3855005323,

Wind currents...heavier than air element drops down...I'm asking to learn...your uninformed reply screams close minded shallow idiot. Just Google nazi use of Flouride and barium toxicity...#qanon

,1523707933,14/04/2018 12:12 8478527,3855050634,"

IMO, Iran is next. $1.7 billion in stolen $$ ferried by Obama to the terrorist regime will not go unpunished. Nor should it. Link below is to an article tied to a number of Qanon posts on the subject you may find of interest. I believe President Trump and our allies UK and France have good Intel. Last night many in Media and those who lack Faith in our President had nowhere to turn but Fear. Others trust the plan.

",1523709462,14/04/2018 12:37 8478527,3855053075,"


",1523709584,14/04/2018 12:39 8478527,3855118456,"

You can debate Q all day if you'd like. It drives awareness = good thing.

That doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are aware of Q and follow his posts.

",1523712779,14/04/2018 13:32 8478686,3855205129,"

All the fake patriots will hate you now, because their Q said 'trust him'. 4D Chess and all that.

",1523716747,14/04/2018 14:39 8478797,3855205137,"

Good commentary on what really happened --- matches what Q has been hinting. False Flag but using it to hit proxy Deep State strongholds. Jerome Corsi has confirmed Q is Military Intel very close to Trump.

Attack On Syria Actually Against Deep State Proxies, Not Assad?

",1523716747,14/04/2018 14:39 8478527,3855209380,"

Good commentary on what really happened --- matches what Q has been hinting. False Flag but using it to hit proxy Deep State strongholds. Jerome Corsi has confirmed Q is Military Intel very close to Trump.

Attack On Syria Actually Against Deep State Proxies, Not Assad?

",1523716935,14/04/2018 14:42 8478797,3855214018,"

As someone who voted for Trump I agree with your statement, ignore the Q cult member 'cat turd' above.

",1523717135,14/04/2018 14:45 8478527,3855217857,

I'll be curious what the Q drops look like over the next few days. I'm starting to wonder if Q is Goldstein.

,1523717299,14/04/2018 14:48 8474036,3855217862,"

Take another look at FB. Recall their Organ Donor page? Why? Who is Zucks wife?

",1523717299,14/04/2018 14:48 8478527,3855239745,"

Glad to see that donald (deep state) trump has accomplished the deep state mission. Remember it's Syria, Iran then Russian for the rothchilds. This might be a good time to go over some of trumps accomplishments. Increased troop strengths in Afghanistan , launched 70 million dollars of cruise missiles into Syria (that money could have gone to the wall, just nominated an anti-gun judge to ninth circuit court, hasn't arrested the clinton crime family, any pedophile such as podesta, fired any deep state in justice or fbi and of course bombing Syria over a false flag gas attack just like baby bush. Finally this has put a stop to Qanon as being nothing more than a deep state propaganda campaign to keep the patriots docile. His post that the ship movement were a game within a game was a lie. Wake up Americans

",1523718259,14/04/2018 15:04 8476925,3855243439,"

BAM! Thanks Shorty Q.... McCain was the spoiled brat entitled son of a decorated soldier. He is shallow and selfish beyond all reason. I forgot to mention , he abandoned his faithful wife who raised his children and suffered a crippling accident to pursue the beer heiress. Ex wife was in such dire need that other politicians pitched in to help her. THAT is deplorable behavior.

",1523718425,14/04/2018 15:07 8478797,3855248938,"

#QAnon - Syria Strike Disinformation is REAL

",1523718673,14/04/2018 15:11 8478527,3855294143,"

Trump just bitch-slapped..... the DEEP STATE. The FAKE NEWS is falling all over itself to no avail. Trump will be proven RIGHT when the dust settles.

#QAnon - Syria Strike Disinformation is REAL

",1523720534,14/04/2018 15:42 8478527,3855309524,

good work President and Q team

,1523721207,14/04/2018 15:53 8478527,3855316451,

Lol you actually believe in Q?

,1523721507,14/04/2018 15:58 8478527,3855317872,"

Trump, Q. What's the difference.

",1523721568,14/04/2018 15:59 8477642,3855401539,

There's NO ONE who would like to believe Q is legit more than me.
What difference does it make if the new boss is same as the old boss.

,1523725329,14/04/2018 17:02 8479340,3855455266,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1523727751,14/04/2018 17:42 8479340,3855493368,

Yeah we get it... but Q should perhaps try bothering about public relations a little more.

,1523729547,14/04/2018 18:12 8478797,3855499679,"

Qanon / reveals a curious timeline. On 4/6, one day before the Syrian chemical attacks, Q mentions ""chatter"" & ""Auth B19-2"" to which he refers in this afternoon's post; where ""the 'date' vs 'actual' is also emphasized; quoting General McKenzie's report of ""Two USAF B-1 lancer bombers launched 19 missiles.""

It's best to figure or read yourself, but today's Qanon post seems to suggest concern about preventing an event... ""at all costs"" while confirming authorization of a related mission... Perhaps more food for thought.

",1523729843,14/04/2018 18:17 8476898,3855509265,"

THANK YOU! This Q thing ... the anons are going to crap themselves when they discover who and what Q actually is.

I'll give them a hint:

None of the writers have access to the White House. None. This whole thing was started as something of a joke, to see how many people could fall for the bs. They never expected this result though ... the believers have far surpassed the creator's expectations.

",1523730296,14/04/2018 18:24 8478047,3855512918,

If I had a penny for every crazy Q cult worshipper who keeps screaming 'Trust him!' and '4D Chess' i'd retire a billionaire.

,1523730478,14/04/2018 18:27 8478047,3855532492,"

Jaysh al-Islam gassed the civilians, not Basher. This is a no-brainer. Fake patriotism and the cult of Q can't change the facts.

",1523731431,14/04/2018 18:43 8478527,3855555121,"

You need to go over to There, you get greater insight into what is really going on behind the scenes. All of this is Extremely Intricate.

",1523732544,14/04/2018 19:02 8479340,3855558157,"

Q keeps saying you are watching a ""show"" a ""movie"", what makes for a great movie, great actors

Apr 8 2018 00:09:53 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c96828 946456
Night [4]
Increase in chatter.
Auth B19-2.
Sparrow Red.
Prevent at all costs.

Pentagon's LTG Frank McKenzie: 2 B1 bombers employed 19 standoff missiles.
6:59 AM - 14 Apr 2018 from Washington, DC

B19-2 = 2 B1 bombers 19 missiles

Expand your thinking.
The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.
Iran next.
Trust the plan!
Do you believe in coincidences?

",1523732702,14/04/2018 19:05 8478047,3855599938,"

he trolls are going to have a problem dealing with this. THE DEEP STATE got *itch-slapped. Now the lying 'media' are doing all they can to HIDE THE TRUTH.

#/QAnon - Syria Strike Disinformation is REAL.

",1523734855,14/04/2018 19:40 8479982,3855606252,"

I'm afraid it is coming to the crunch time in this country.
How can any sane person keep voting for establishment parties who could not give a dam about ordinary folks.
The trouble is most of the electorate have no interest in politics and could not care less. Tommy Robinson on Q T and it would get the message across methinks.
On the other hand, who watches that rubbish these days?

",1523735195,14/04/2018 19:46 8471369,3855717124,"

Fyi, this fact was discovered by QAnon researchers who posted a copy of Zuckerberg's stock sale history on 8chan. I saw it myself.

",1523742039,14/04/2018 21:40 8480558,3855752304,"

This is weird. I am not sure if Q is real or not, but he did leave a message about Iran and Showers this morning. Missiles. Are we allied with Israel, now...I am confused.

",1523744486,14/04/2018 22:21 8480558,3855754530,

Expand your thinking.

The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.

Iran next.

Trust the plan!



Do you believe in coincidences?

Q....................................... Q left this message at eleven thirty this morning. Odd. Not a true believer in it. Just find it strange.

,1523744649,14/04/2018 22:24 8480558,3855755973,

You have to look online for Q.

,1523744749,14/04/2018 22:25 8480558,3855758352," Q for today. Message.

",1523744922,14/04/2018 22:28 8474711,3855787440,

Tape of HRC and Huma just dropped from the dark web of Wieners laptop evidence. Q drops saying its out now. Being warned not to watch or download it..

,1523746959,14/04/2018 23:02 8478527,3855791409,"

Me too. That's why I lurk at, and qresearch

",1523747255,14/04/2018 23:07 8474711,3855866482,"

Oh, I see now. You're a Q follower too. Explains some of it.

",1523753015,15/04/2018 00:43 8480369,3855917412,

It's impossible to sell this bombing to his base. Most do not trust his judgement anymore. Only the extreme Q worshippers are die-hard Trumpers.

,1523757332,15/04/2018 01:55 8480369,3855940496,

If he just comes out and says there was a bunch of Q u e e r s over their trying to take your AR 15s and cancel Roseanne and we had to Missile strike them before they got Direct TV with the CNN package than it should be good. ALEX JONES RULES!!!

,1523759584,15/04/2018 02:33 8474711,3855982451,"

Yes. Headlines make it look that way. Have Faith. Perhaps follow Q posts to help sort out what's happening. One website that does a good job of presenting information is
Good articles that aggregate research, present food for thought and interpretations of Q posts.

",1523763993,15/04/2018 03:46 8480369,3855985215,"

What if his stupid tweets really weren't all that stupid? He wrote ""Gas Killing Animal."" (which we all meant to take it as Assad) However, no name was given. Q had just pointed out that ISIS leaders met with Mccain SEVERAL times in years past. Everytime, chemical warfare takes place right after.

Maybe, Trump was giving a code to Russia that the animal wasn't Assad, but deep state/Israel. Wasn't Israeli's the one that went in and bombed the evidence of the gas attack?

Gas Killing Animal. GKA= backdoor communications for military personnel.

Trump isn't stupid. He set up a backdoor for Putin to talk to him during all of this. He and Assad and Putin were all working together.

",1523764302,15/04/2018 03:51 8480369,3855986065,"

Sadly, no, I've not read it. But I like to think I'm quite the cunning individual myself ;) I definitely have to read it though.

I'm glad you can see a deeper side to this. Have you heard of Qanon?

",1523764402,15/04/2018 03:53 8480369,3855990290,"

Ask yourself why Russia chooses to be allied with Iran. For protection. So they don't send a crap tons of muslims into Russia. Don't you think Russia would love out of that ""contract"" if they had a reasonable way out?

I do.

Perhaps Trump is giving them that. Putin sticking with Assad, I'm not worried about that. But if Putin is now working with Trump, maybe they can take on the deep state which includes Iran. Q seems to think ""Iran is next"" in regards to denuclearization.

",1523764909,15/04/2018 04:01 8480369,3855991493,"

Iran is allied with Russia because they want influence in the region and they have a willing accomplice to counter US interests across a wide area.

I do not think there is a credible threat of a large number of muslims from Iran migrating to Russia.

I have tried, but just cannot get into the whole Q thing.

",1523765043,15/04/2018 04:04 8480369,3855992896,"

I know. It's kind of bland unless there's one topic that one is super into. But I'm watching Q, and Trump and Putin and deep state. And trying to keep a level head. Sometimes, it doesn't hurt to admit there's a silver lining.

Sure, I've given you an insane conspiracy theory to chew on. But is it anymore crazy than anything else you've heard recently?

Sometimes, it's okay to entertain a thought without absorbing it as fact.

",1523765199,15/04/2018 04:06 8480369,3855993947,"

Probably not anymore. Especially if what I read about Putin and Assad going after ISIS during the bombings. If so, I think deep state is all but over in Syria. On to Iran next, based on what Q says. But I'm not a Q groupie. I realize what he says is considered plausible deniability. I'm intelligent enough to weigh every side. But I do know this, North Korea hasn't been an issue for months.

who gets credit for that? Trump should. But does he? I believe this is a similar situation.

",1523765320,15/04/2018 04:08 8480369,3856024193,

Oh Q is real. Have no doubt about that.

,1523768695,15/04/2018 05:04 8480369,3856064466,

That sound like MKultra Qanon level of BS.

,1523772924,15/04/2018 06:15 8480369,3856074414,

If you dont think the Russians decided to play the game of the middle east to benefit their economy then youre more gullible than I orginally gave credit. Yes a void of conflict in the middleast would destroy much of their positioning. And I hate to break it to you. Middle east has been a bit rocky well before the 70s.

Interesting bit on the Q topic and psy-ops. ( Again this mess was in action well before the likes of 8 chan.. but nice try) Bet you take Hollywierd as a non agenda based production as well. As stated I have seen plenty of truths. You can throw out w.e platform to try to justify or discredit as you wish.

,1523773885,15/04/2018 06:31 8476925,3856146477,"

We all thought he had only one master,called no man master,for I am the One only.He had to betray the Original Master,in order to please the evil masters/ Q-anon.

You see,this Great master had great power and authority,yet despised by secular world.He did say,""Just because I kept silent,so you think I can be easily ignored.You don't fear me,do you?""Isaiah.

The most powerful Lord said these words: If you don't believe in me and My Words,you shall die,go to hell,be roasted,tormented forever.Duration:Eternity.

Jesus not only said it,He meant it.

",1523780967,15/04/2018 08:29 8480369,3856205123,"

For people who support the President, but are confused about what is going , study the Q phenomena. There is a lot of info there that puts his actions in context. MSM has started to discount it, but look for yourself. If MSM wants you to ignore or discount, may be need to look at it.

",1523786177,15/04/2018 09:56 8480369,3856210704,

Get dialed into the Q anon phenomena. MSM has started to openly discount and mock. Read for yourself. A lot of answers there.

,1523786601,15/04/2018 10:03 8474711,3856219417,"

Here are Jerome Corsi's comments on the Q releases yesterday. Three parts, a bit rambling as it is a live chat, but worth listening to...

",1523787252,15/04/2018 10:14 8480369,3856222044,"

Andrew Breitbart would have followed the Q anon phenomena look for yourself. If MSM is mocking and discounting, worth a look.

",1523787449,15/04/2018 10:17 8480369,3856230591,

I rarely give Brietbart credit for anything but they didn't hop on that crazy train. I thought Q Anon said Clinton and Obama were going to be arrested and sent to Gitmo.

,1523788067,15/04/2018 10:27 8480369,3856232589,

BB is swarmed with poser trolls pretending to be disheartened Trump supporters. It's a vehicle to talk shxt.

True supporters should research the
Q anon phenomena. MSM is mocking and discounting. Read for yourself.

,1523788209,15/04/2018 10:30 8480369,3856267359,"

True Trump supporters on here should take the time to explore the Q anon
phenomena. MSM is mocking it calling it a hoax. If you are truly a Trump supporter, what do you have to lose?

",1523790532,15/04/2018 11:08 8480366,3856271801,

No The decision was made previously Read Qanon where it was spelt out in code. this woman is a real worry

,1523790810,15/04/2018 11:13 8478566,3856371569,"

The New Hitler, has again, raised its ugly head. Q. What is the New Hitler? A. The communal idea of Progressive Fascism. The New Hitler has many drones, such as this fascist professor, who expound the bilge of the Progressive Movement. The New Hitler's Sword of Action is absurdity of Political Correctness. P.C. is used by the New Hitler to marginalize anyone, such as this student, who dare resist the New Hitler movement. The New Hitler is the same as the old Hitler. Same goal, but with a 21st. century spin. 1. De-Construct of the U.S. Constitution, 2. Globalization, and consolidation of Power. 3. No Borders. Resist, Resist, Resist the many faces of the New Hitler and the drones who push this evil ideation.

",1523796341,15/04/2018 12:45 8481587,3856393670,"

Fake Q discovered called Q Squared, do not follow


1 Comment

Here is the Fake Q account called Q Squared discovered on State of the Nation 2012. As you can see it's very anti Trump, and here is some of following from Q squared: ​
No one person could ever take on Deep State.
Didn’t mom and dad always say “You can’t fight city hall”.
Well, you can’t!
Even Donald Trump can’t.
Where they really got him is when they coerced him to break his campaign promises.
No other POTUS in US history ever won an election based on a promise for peace.
There were many other promises made during the campaign season that sold the patriots.
But the promise to bring peace and harmony was the real hook.
However, the globalists have cynically created more conflict for Trump.
The never-ending wars only eat away at Trump’s base.
He is now considered by many to be a war president like his predecessors.
As you can tell this is obviously a fake Q, as this person by the name of Q Squared claims Trump can not take on the US Deep State...Which Trump is actually doing. This fake Q account needs to be squashed immediately and no one should take this fake Q serious at all. As you can tell this fake Q account doesn't even talk like Q, where none of the post from this individual Q Squared asks questions or even puts names of individuals in initials. If you come across Q Squared it's fake, and it has either been created by the Deep State or a Left-Wing moron.

",1523797403,15/04/2018 13:03 8481581,3856402074,"

Where did all this pedophile garbage start? Reddit, 4chan, 8chan, QAnon?

You know it is all made-up, right? There is no evidence of any rings of pedophiles operating in the federal government.

",1523797812,15/04/2018 13:10 8481587,3856449954,"

Learn more about the war against the deep state :o)
Go to to follow Q drops.......... 💞

Get involved & be ready......... Patriot's Day!! April Showers.......... Comey is DEAD MEAT

",1523800020,15/04/2018 13:47 8481587,3856451304,

I'll follow Q when people start going to jail.

,1523800082,15/04/2018 13:48 8481680,3856455856,"

I watched Goodlatte on Maria's show,he spoke the same way,always makes progress and goes nowhere..Ryan in a photo from 2 days ago laughing with the most disgusting terrorist in the world like Q-Anon putting out McCain laughing with the head of ISIS..all being exposed and terrified of the Prez.

",1523800283,15/04/2018 13:51 8480369,3856479816,

2018 will be GLORIOUS!

,1523801346,15/04/2018 14:09 8481587,3856600471,"

Komey reminds me of Black Adder, the British comedy by Rowan Atkinson. His clever plans always lead to him nearly getting beheaded by Q the Queen or a a firing squad by the general.

",1523806669,15/04/2018 15:37 8481587,3856622627,"

Any political T-Shirt sellers here?
Sell this one with proper marketing and you can make a bundle:
""Clowns to the left of me, (CIA) Jokers to the right, (FBI) here I am, stuck in the middle with Q.""

",1523807650,15/04/2018 15:54 8480366,3856707228,"

Dunno who Joy Reid is, probably another leftie blabbermouth, but her Q, if true, is
legitimate: did Trump jump into this military move (with such speed!) to distract from problems at home? This is exactly what Perfidious Albion (Mrs May) did, is she the tail wagging the US dog, or is it Israel? Both?

",1523811411,15/04/2018 16:56 8481587,3856788968,"

Look for Jerome Corsi's latest video report on his decoding of Q-anon. If he is correct, and he has been so far, Trump is just getting warmed up for putting away Crooked Hillary and the Brown Clown, in addition to their accomplices.

",1523815039,15/04/2018 17:57 8481920,3856864378,"

Paying attention, I like it...Follow Qanon as well...

",1523818526,15/04/2018 18:55 8476040,3856894865,"

I think he's a NSA insider (or a team of military high level whitehats (good guys)) in NSA with Q-level security clearance. They're Trump supporters, but have their values too. They've been giving out cryptic, predictive & before time messages to public on 8ch website. Some software developers developed a website to aggregate their posts here

The site receives 2M+ views daily

",1523819985,15/04/2018 19:19 8482226,3856898759,"

Says the man who is ALL talk and NO action. Another RINO that the President can do without. My Lord. The stench of the swamp is so foul, no wonder Q said on 3/10/18.

You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Watch the speech.
God bless.

",1523820180,15/04/2018 19:23 8480366,3857031829,

Deplorables such as me are asking this Q also.
Joy Reid? I never heard of her.

,1523826618,15/04/2018 21:10 8481659,3857136895,"

Be honest, are you a Q cult member? Do you think Q is telling the truth and not just having a great laugh at your expense?

",1523833698,15/04/2018 23:08 8481659,3857137536,

Who the heck is Q? The character from Star Trek?

,1523833746,15/04/2018 23:09 8481659,3857139886,

Or people who use their brains instead of following anonymous online accounts named Q and the MSM.

,1523833921,15/04/2018 23:12 8481659,3857142041,

Qanon. 4chan celebrity who is supposedly speaks for Trump and keeps telling his followers to trust him no matter what happens.

,1523834075,15/04/2018 23:14 8481659,3857142848,

Sorry. I only do BB. Don't know thing one about 4chan or Q.

,1523834134,15/04/2018 23:15 8482025,3857197025,"

Climate change nut, LGBT activist, lawyer. oh yeah and Q. Let's face it the only way this wayward life would find purpose is through Redemption.

",1523837966,16/04/2018 00:19 8483453,3857257076,"

If you're following qanon, many new posts today

Including this one

Trump's latest tweet on Lynch on Tarmac, Lynch was offered SCOTUS seat of Anthony Scalia ... something Qanon posted last February 6.

Qanon is legit.

",1523842330,16/04/2018 01:32 8481659,3857257292,

Good job Q team.

,1523842347,16/04/2018 01:32 8483453,3857258572,"

It would be nice to see that come out in the IG report.
Nothing against Qanon but so many times we are let down by the result not matching the hype for whatever reason, redaction, top secret, didn't happen...

",1523842447,16/04/2018 01:34 8483453,3857260775,"

""didn't happen"" ...

Qanon never says ""this is going to happen by this date"".
Qanon posts in the form of questions to avoid delivering ""top secret"" intel.
Hype is in the eye of the beholder.

You can believe in him or not, hundreds of thousands (or actually millions) are following his posts.

",1523842616,16/04/2018 01:36 8483453,3857262789,

Qanon calls it the 5:5 tape

,1523842776,16/04/2018 01:39 8483558,3857273260,"

If you're following qanon, many new posts today

Including this one

Trump's latest tweet on Lynch on Tarmac, Lynch was offered SCOTUS seat of Anthony Scalia ... something Qanon posted last February 6.

Qanon is legit.

",1523843635,16/04/2018 01:53 8482346,3857279656,


,1523844186,16/04/2018 02:03 8483453,3857298310,"

Sorry, but QAnon is is steaming heap of unsubstantiated, unsourced B.S. If you want to argue your political positions with facts, all well and good — but QAnon? Gimmeaneffingbreak ...

",1523845846,16/04/2018 02:30 8483558,3857302952,"

For what it's worth, Q Anon said a few hours ago that the proof of Bill Clinton offering Loretta Lunch a SCOTUS seat during their Tarmac meeting is coming out very soon. Said Trump is aware and involved and its release is planned and timed.

",1523846284,16/04/2018 02:38 8483558,3857303846,

All that Q stuff is for morons. Hope you don't believe stuff like that is real lmao.

,1523846370,16/04/2018 02:39 8483558,3857323298,"

The Clinton tarmac plan... kill Scalia, move Lynch to SCOTUS & Comey to AG.

",1523848298,16/04/2018 03:11 8483558,3857325111,"

Q has his own website.

",1523848476,16/04/2018 03:14 8483558,3857363863,

Who is Q? Pence is P.

,1523852533,16/04/2018 04:22 8483558,3857365661,

What if Pence was Q or maybe Kelly. I have no idea.

,1523852726,16/04/2018 04:25 8483558,3857371161,"

Like EVERYONE from the previous administration, Comey is as crooked as a barrel of snakes! The whole Obama cabal was a nest of pit vipers. But with Trump falling for the globalists' regime-change agenda in Syria, he's betrayed his base. He's cuddled up with the globalists by acting on a false flag event, so let the globalists take him down. I voted for Trump and got the Hillary/Soros agenda anyhow. NO THANK YOU! And please don't come at me with any Q BS.

",1523853331,16/04/2018 04:35 8483453,3857381250,

You have the upvote profile of a libtard. Of course you don't like qanon and pray his predictions don't come true.

,1523854291,16/04/2018 04:51 8481920,3857599269,"

",1523873212,16/04/2018 10:06 8483558,3857637123,"

We can bxxch all day, till the cows come home, about James Comey, but nothing is going to happen because nothing is happening.

Jeff Sessions is still pondering why he shxt in his pants while staring down a cold bowl of oatmeal on the kitchen table, much less thinking about bringing the DERP STATE's little yes-men to justice.

So this is all red meat distractions for the masses. Q Annon will come down from the heavens with some cryptic bullshxt words of wisdom to keep the faithful in line soon

",1523875296,16/04/2018 10:41 8483558,3857639543,

Don't worry people-- Q Annon says

Red rocket
Monkey scrumps
The package is hot

,1523875422,16/04/2018 10:43 8481920,3857818345,"

This was posted on March 10 by Q:

Mar 10 2018 16:35:34 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b39b17 616618

Angela Dorothea Kasner.
Daughter of a Pastor?
Name of FATHER?
History of FATHER?
Hitler youth (member).
Haircut today vs THEN (A).
US Intelligence post war controlled who?
The 'Mission'
Who is Angela Hitler?
Relationship to Adolf?
How were children named in Germany during this period?
First or middle.
Family tree.
Risk of 'conspiracy' label the deeper we go.
Truth will shock the WORLD.

Is this what Q was eluding to?

Angela Merkle – Daughter of Hitler and Eva’s twin sister, Gretl
Known in history as one of the “Angels of Death”, Carl Clauberg was given leniency for turning over to the KGB the custody of the archives of the Nazi artificial insemination experimentations. Of most interest, to the Soviets, was the frozen “sperm bank” especially the “frozen sperm” of the late Nazi Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.
After taking custody of the sperm bank, the Politburo, called the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro, gave its authorization for an experimental program to preserve the genetic DNA markers of Adolf Hitler by seeking to reproduce what he had been unable, a child by his wife Eva Braun.
Doctor “Carl”, this former professor of gynecology at Keonigsberg University, was sent to bring to the Communist East Germany (GFR), the youngest sister of Eva Braun, Gretl Braun, to be a “surrogate” mother as an artificial insemination recipient of the Fuehrer’s sperm. As the Soviets reasoned, this would be a “near match” to an actual child between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

The Identical Twins; Gretl (left) and Eva Braun
Pardoned under the German-Soviet repatriation agreement after serving only 7 out of 25 years for his crimes related to the sterilization of prisoners, he moved to the Federal Republic of (West) Germany and there in the city of Kiel, he began to brag about his “scientific work”. After the “Zentralrat der Juden” (Central council of Jews) made their case against him, he was arrested in November 1955 by the German and American authorities. In August 1957, he was reputedly “murdered” while in the custody of the West Americans, only days before a new trial in West Germany was to begin.
It was in 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the reports repute to be Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. With the official birthday of July 17, 1954, it is of interest that the Stasi GDR’s file on Angela Merkel, that is currently in the Soviet KGB archives, documents that her birth was on April 20, 1954. If the feared secret police’s citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel was born on 65th anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s birthday on April 20, 1889.
Soon after Angela’s birth, by agreement between the Soviets, the Americans and the Vatican, Merkel was placed in the custody of the GDR Lutheran Church and officially was born on July 17, as Angela Dorothea Kasner, the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor, and his wife, Herlind an English and Latin teacher. There in the countryside at Templin in East Germany, Merkel was raised about 50 miles north of Berlin, the capital of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR).

",1523882803,16/04/2018 12:46 8484641,3857822266,

Nancy has to read from Q cards so she knows who's President.

,1523882964,16/04/2018 12:49 8483816,3857851625,

#Slimeball Comey

,1523884152,16/04/2018 13:09 8482652,3857889842,"

I think Crispy Creme Christie is worried about investigations that are going to come to him.

According to the Q post on 4-4-2018, makes Christie sound like a typical corrupt NJ politician.:

April 4 2018 Q Post # 1015
Gateway Bridge Project.
$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.
$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.
$400k Chris Christie -Mary Pat US>

Omnibus Bill.
The gift that keeps on giving.

",1523885639,16/04/2018 13:33 8484764,3858045093,

Do you follow Q?

,1523891483,16/04/2018 15:11 8484764,3858048690,"

Oh God, you mean star Trek's Q? Don't answer that was a joke. I have heard of Q but all that I have read of Q is pretty off the wall. I may be wrong but I have not seen many of what Q states. And I do have some channels into the gubment.

",1523891616,16/04/2018 15:13 8485481,3858077101,"

Big Jim, you joined the cabal and now you are going down with all the other rats on your treasonous ship. Enjoy the ride down into the eternal abyss. #QANON #FOLLOWTHE WHITERABBIT

",1523892630,16/04/2018 15:30 8485886,3858252510,

Haaaa .. Poor Lindsey didn't get the war he wanted. Needed a war to cover his deep state peeps! Confefe!!! QAnon!

,1523899024,16/04/2018 17:17 8482346,3858269115,

Go back to your pasture little gullible lamb....the libs love all you moldable morons...they count on you..#qanon

,1523899596,16/04/2018 17:26 8485886,3858415138,"

""Trust the Plan""...Qanon MAGA

",1523904824,16/04/2018 18:53 8485886,3858429330,"

Bless your heart, Baby. This is not the forum for your vitriol. You are the reason Q has told us damning information against the Deep State must be released slowly. Your type will kill themselves.

",1523905378,16/04/2018 19:02 8485886,3858459708,

Qanon will say it is so!

,1523906672,16/04/2018 19:24 8484641,3858502833,"

Please, look up for ""Pelosi pedo"", ""Goat Hill Pizza"", then you'll see, who she is.
I can't understand, that you Americans do live with such perverse non-creatures.You could easily inform how bad those - mainly Democrats- are in so many aspects.
There is one Superhero: Mr. DONALD TRUMP


QANON will show you what is really going on and how wonderful your President TRUMP is.
If those many bad ppl like Lillard and Pelosi would have never been, the world would be a better one

",1523908589,16/04/2018 19:56 8484641,3858504465,

You people should watch QANON on Twitter day and night.
There you learn who us Goodland who is bad.
Pelosi is baaaaaad!

,1523908667,16/04/2018 19:57 8484641,3858512351,"

Look for ""Nancy Pelosi pedo"", ""Goathill"" you will learn some truth!
'Why is her network that high?

I hope, she will end in prison, money confiscated

Mr. Trump is the most wonderful President ever.
Kennedy by 100!
Please mainly watch ""QANON on Twitter.
There you learn the most important things and the TRUTH!

",1523909039,16/04/2018 20:03 8484641,3858514294,

Follow QANON and you will learn the truth!
Thank God for your President Trump all day and night!
Chase away ppl like pedo-Pelosi

,1523909131,16/04/2018 20:05 8484641,3858518754,"

Please look ""Pelosi pedo""
Chase her away!!!!

and for the good side of life watch QANON.
There you'll see how wonderful a President Mr. TRUMP is.

",1523909344,16/04/2018 20:09 8485049,3858608623,"

Most of the Obama administration participated in my opinion, TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD, PAY TO PAY POLITICS, and I believe, much more. No statute of limitations factor in....NATIONAL SECURITY COMPROMISED BY TEAM OBAMA...SEE YOU IN GITMO FOLKS....NON BELIEVERS, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. MILITARY TRIBUNALS HERE WE COME. #Qanon

",1523913748,16/04/2018 21:22 8486069,3858714085,

libtard. Alex Jones Breitbart have the real news!!! #MAGA #QANON TRUMP IS MY PRESADINT!!!

,1523919072,16/04/2018 22:51 8486069,3858715655,

LOFL!! This guy thinks Qanon is real

,1523919151,16/04/2018 22:52 8486069,3858717074,

Can someone give me an update on the latest Qanon? Is Hillary in jail yet? Podesta?

,1523919225,16/04/2018 22:53 8486069,3858717705,"

",1523919259,16/04/2018 22:54 8486069,3858718680,"

That's not an update. It's always unstable rantings on ""Qanon.""

",1523919310,16/04/2018 22:55 8485862,3858781953,"

Well, the FAKE NEWS MEDIA has been doing their job to downplay the fact the Republicans, according to the DAKE MEDIA, the DEMON - RATS are winning every race./////////////////
John Q. Public Citizen has not had its say as yet as to who is in the lead. ////////////////
The News FAKE MEDIA have a *** VERY SHORT MEMORY *** when it comes to JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN and how they will be voting in November 2018. //////////////
The News FAKE MEDIA will never live down the loss to POTUS TRUMP by Hillary babe.

",1523922508,16/04/2018 23:48 8485862,3858825290,

You just keep right on believing Q.

,1523924612,17/04/2018 00:23 8485886,3858892734,


,1523928770,17/04/2018 01:32 8485862,3858893449,"

IF Qanon is real, the democrats won't have a chance in 2018.

",1523928820,17/04/2018 01:33 8485862,3858943891,"

McPain is mentally and physically ill, the other two are well known for their leftwing views. But that doesn't answer your Q, does it. Sorry.

",1523932887,17/04/2018 02:41 8489573,3859423300,"

We don't know if it is the Ruskie hack as threatened or Q team. Either way, censoring conservatives - not a good business strategy. Tends to tick them off.

",1523967343,17/04/2018 12:15 8489573,3859461322,"

Jeff ""the silent assassin"" Sessions is bringing justice to ONE pothead at a time while the country burns bc of his own recusal into a phony made up investigation...

All this investigation is doing is buying those behind the Trump setup more time to spin and hide, and delete evidence and kill off Democrats the ends justify the means....Sessions is wasting time

And what is funny is you hear the #Qanon nutjobs say oh man there are 25,000 sealed indictments TRUST SESSIONS...TRUST KANSAS....LOL>....all the info Q puts out is PUBLIC info....and then puts mysterious BS behind it..23andme to his anons is a way for her to collect DNA so they can kill us on and so

We need real patriots, not conspiracy step up and release the truth NOW....not years down the road.

",1523968825,17/04/2018 12:40 8489573,3859478619,

It's still pretty dark out here Q.

,1523969512,17/04/2018 12:51 8476925,3859523594,"

I think Q (Qanon) as a Mossad operation led by Jared Kushner. No one else with power in the White House is so close to Trump. Jared can easily post a few key words on the Chan board and ask his father in law to tweet them right afterwards. He can also easily take a picture of Trump's pen laying on the desk in the Oval Office... etc.

It's an operation supported by the ""elite"" in Israel to get the masses in the US to support a war on Syria.

",1523971299,17/04/2018 13:21 8482460,3859553306,"

Remember, Facebook is a construct of the CIA and grew from its Lifelog project to get everyone's file onto a computer and those that use Facebook are doing so voluntarily. It is all co-ordinated by the 5 eyes, Chevelon spy network which allows members of the network to illegally spy on their citizens using other members of the network as proxies to by-pass objections by the population. Just be aware that Facebook tracks your every movement and this info gets passed on to Langley, Virginia for use in the future. Check out Qanon online if you want to find out more.

",1523972452,17/04/2018 13:40 8490746,3859803519,"

Tuesday, 2 p.m., Mr. Trump just Tweeted about his Rasmussen poll numbers and how the MSM is bogus, etc. Q.: Why is the President of the United States holed up at his Florida golf club on a Tuesday afternoon, furiously Tweeting away about how unfair life is?

",1523981854,17/04/2018 16:17 8490830,3859860831,

For those of us who think Q-Anon is B.S. he/she told us about this 5 days ago.

,1523983981,17/04/2018 16:53 8490983,3859912452,"

Lol, yeah cuz that'll ever happen. 2 years in now and how many swamp creatures have been arrested and prosecuted? None? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!! Well, not that shocked. But I'm sure it'll happen any day now. Yep ""sealed indictments"" are coming down any day now and whatever other bs Q has to say. Yawn. Nothing's going to happen to anyone and we all know it.

",1523985862,17/04/2018 17:24 8490830,3859952290,"

Same thing ""they"" do with our DNA that is sent to the Ancestry sites to use eventually against ""unwanted or nonuseful"" people.
From Q

Apr 16 2018 09:28:28 (EST) Anonymous ID: 7aec11 1064287


WHEn do we prick our finger, and drop blood on the home button to confirm our i.d. ?

( see where this is going )
Apr 16 2018 09:36:05 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 868799 1064365
Anne Wojcicki.
Why is this relevant?

",1523987296,17/04/2018 17:48 8490983,3860123703,

LOL wow. You get that from QAnon?

,1523994125,17/04/2018 19:42 8490980,3860140260,"

Just as Q promised. The flies are dropping and the swamp is draining. I have great love and passion for President Trump, patriots across the country and around the world and God for helping out behind the scenes,...not necessarily in that order. I don't watch news anymore,...just pay attention to Q posts, Breitbart and Drudge. I've never been happier in my life right now regarding the direction of our country. Full steam ahead!!! Watch out deep state and snowflakes.

",1523994887,17/04/2018 19:54 8398835,3860205916,"

From Q (LL = Lynch, RBG = Ginsburg plot, Scalia was in the way)
SC/LL deal drop.
POTUS Tweet.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Apr 15 2018 18:57:32 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bbec14 1055924
Side by side graphics are important.
To be clear, LL was promised the Supreme Court position of RBG.
RBG big problems.

",1523998226,17/04/2018 20:50 8490980,3860228391,"

Qanon was right! How many others step down, resign, or not seek re-election to avoid jail time?????

",1523999471,17/04/2018 21:11 8398835,3860266419,"

Judge who ordered illegal raid on Trump lawyer Cohen exposed as Soros puppet, Clinton AG pick


1 Comment

Fox News Reports: The federal judge presiding over the Michael Cohen case finds herself at the center of one of the toughest legal brawls of the Trump era -- but District Judge Kimba Wood is no stranger to the spotlight. She has a colorful and potentially controversial past that could arise as the case involving President Trump's personal attorney moves forward.
Trump allies were quick to note that Wood once was considered for attorney general by then-President Bill Clinton -- and she even officiated the wedding of left-wing billionaire George Soros. Former Trump adviser and current Fox News contributor Sebastian Gorka said Wood should recuse herself. “Now she has power over the lawyer who works for the man who beat Bill’s wife in the 2016 election,” he tweeted. “WHERE’S THE THE RECUSAL?”
Well go figure the Judge behind the raid on Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen to illegally obtain private client/attorney conversations between Trump and Cohen, is now found out to be a Soros puppet and was a pick by Bill Clinton in 1993 to be Bill's Attorney General. Let's not forget during this raid on Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen that there just happened to be a fire at Trump Tower on the day Michael Cohen's private client/attorney conversations were raided by Judge Kimba Wood.
​ Not only do we have the judge of this illegal raid violating client/attorney privilage exposed as being a Soros puppet and a pick for AG by President Bill Clinton, but also remember there was a strange fire in the day this illegal raid to obtain conversations between Trump and Cohen in Trump Tower...Even Q has told us this. So question is did this Judge who happens to be close to Soros and Bill Clinton order an arson attack on Trump Tower to illegally obtain these discussions between Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen?

",1524001513,17/04/2018 21:45 8490059,3860343217,"

That must be why the CIA is false flagging the chans with fake Q posts, Twitter, and Facebook are blocking shares and RTs of Q related research and the FBI has opened an investigation to try to stop the phenomenon. Yeah, that's what happens to a LARP. You are an idiot.

",1524005274,17/04/2018 22:47 8490446,3860383376,

I Q & breast size numbers are the samE!

,1524007310,17/04/2018 23:21 8492294,3860396783,"

Q tonight seems to be intimating this is a false flag event:


Apr 17 2018 16:51:28



We are being set up.
Past Booms - TX bombs
New Booms - Plane crash + Plane/17 drop.
These people are sick.
Attempt to prevent drops / awakening.
Response coming.

",1524007994,17/04/2018 23:33 8492294,3860398138,

I saw Q on StarTrek!

,1524008060,17/04/2018 23:34 8492294,3860399690,

That Q was gay.

,1524008135,17/04/2018 23:35 8492294,3860406217,

I saw Q in Bond movies.

,1524008459,17/04/2018 23:40 8493731,3860437250,"

You won’t think that when you hear what she and Clinton did to a young girl. Or maybe with your sick leftist mentality, you will. Don’t ask me for links because it is already indelibly etched in my mind forever. And I only heard about it. When hardened NYPD cops found it on Weiners laptop, many cried for the child while many were physically ill. As Q has said, ‘the depth of evil is unimaginable’.

",1524010107,18/04/2018 00:08 8492294,3860481690,"

F-111s didn't have very good thrust, but the thrust of the 737 today saved the day. The single engine carried them home. Could it be a 111 volts?

Wait a 11.1V LiPo Battery used for air rifles? Is Q trying to say that something could pass through a sniffer or past a dog at an airport that detects explosives if the charge was this thing? And something as simple as a gun even as small as this could wreak havoc on airplane engine?

",1524012790,18/04/2018 00:53 8490983,3860568183,

Just like Q people are stupid.

,1524019515,18/04/2018 02:45 8494007,3860643197,"

Gee, I thought I was a wait...a deplorable Nazi....wait that’s a racists bitter clinger. Hahahaha. Wait until your world collapses when you find out the truth about these people. Bush Sr was there in Dallas and had a hand in JFK death. Just like Oliver Stone said.

Love, Qanon.

",1524027077,18/04/2018 04:51 8487596,3860670619,"

Doesn't that ""Q-anon"" incarnation have the inside scoop?

",1524029792,18/04/2018 05:36 8491901,3860790383,

Oh really? Will it cover how he who will not be named helped with the pee pee dossier? For how he was in Syria before BOTH chemical attacks? False Flags or not he was there.

#qanon for the inside scoop and proofs.

,1524040834,18/04/2018 08:40 8487596,3860815086,"

Hey as long as they keep a reliable source of young ones to gain power from its ok. Q says they wont be able to show their faces when this is done. He hasent been wrong yet. Trust the plan, trust sessions.

",1524042612,18/04/2018 09:10 8493902,3860823310,

These photos just remind me how fake everything was...and is. #QANON

,1524043161,18/04/2018 09:19 8492462,3860825696,"

Would rather be in last place...5G is not ""better 4G"" it's microwaves that fries our cells. Wake the heck up and do some research people. #QANON

",1524043313,18/04/2018 09:21 8487596,3860826010,"

Huge internet/telecommunications outage across the United States



All News Pipeline Reports: ​Twitter went down worldwide, came back up and then went down again, with Down Detector racking up over 6,000 reports in one hour, but Twitter wasn't alone in suffering outages, as multiple communications networks also saw a spike in reports overnight, with the live outage maps from different companies showing the same geographical locations being hit. Also noteworthy is the spikes in outage complaints for the telecommunications companies occurred around the same time.
Two things with this and no this probably isn't Russia, as a mass outage of online and cellphone connections have went out across the United States. Those two things are this is an obvious attack by the US Deep State to blame someone to create distraction, or President Trump is trying to take out what censors MAGA Americans on the internet.
​ Now there could be a third thing with this, as maybe some of those 24,500 sealed indictments are being acted on in these parts of the United States...That authorities have shut down all communications to act on these sealed indictments. However this is one of the largest telecommunication/internet outages in probably a few years across the United States. Remember when Q first came to the scene...Q said things like outages would happen and this is a huge one.

",1524043332,18/04/2018 09:22 8487596,3860838365,"

Judge who ordered illegal raid on Trump lawyer Cohen exposed as Soros puppet, Clinton AG pick


1 Comment

Fox News Reports: The federal judge presiding over the Michael Cohen case finds herself at the center of one of the toughest legal brawls of the Trump era -- but District Judge Kimba Wood is no stranger to the spotlight. She has a colorful and potentially controversial past that could arise as the case involving President Trump's personal attorney moves forward.
Trump allies were quick to note that Wood once was considered for attorney general by then-President Bill Clinton -- and she even officiated the wedding of left-wing billionaire George Soros. Former Trump adviser and current Fox News contributor Sebastian Gorka said Wood should recuse herself. “Now she has power over the lawyer who works for the man who beat Bill’s wife in the 2016 election,” he tweeted. “WHERE’S THE THE RECUSAL?”
Well go figure the Judge behind the raid on Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen to illegally obtain private client/attorney conversations between Trump and Cohen, is now found out to be a Soros puppet and was a pick by Bill Clinton in 1993 to be Bill's Attorney General. Let's not forget during this raid on Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen that there just happened to be a fire at Trump Tower on the day Michael Cohen's private client/attorney conversations were raided by Judge Kimba Wood.
​ Not only do we have the judge of this illegal raid violating client/attorney privilage exposed as being a Soros puppet and a pick for AG by President Bill Clinton, but also remember there was a strange fire in the day this illegal raid to obtain conversations between Trump and Cohen in Trump Tower...Even Q has told us this. So question is did this Judge who happens to be close to Soros and Bill Clinton order an arson attack on Trump Tower to illegally obtain these discussions between Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen?

",1524044129,18/04/2018 09:35 8496221,3860930045,

Do you follow Q?

,1524049207,18/04/2018 11:00 8496221,3860943841,

R follows Q.....don’t you know anything?

,1524049869,18/04/2018 11:11 8497103,3861111050,"

This may sounds trite, but she looks like a Hostess dessert treat; some cross between a Sno-Ball and a Susie Q.

",1524056815,18/04/2018 13:06 8496764,3861139251,"

Yep, trust Kansas. You might be interested in this article that explains a few of the Booms.

",1524057851,18/04/2018 13:24 8496764,3861186900,

Didn't Qanon say that agreements with NK already made long before any meeting with KJU?

,1524059627,18/04/2018 13:53 8496764,3861197525,"

No – it was the WaPo who said it, Qanon just echoed their reporting.

",1524060022,18/04/2018 14:00 8497586,3861285654,"

The libtards in Hollyweird are running scared! President Trump is coming to drain THAT swamp as well. Your moral compass leads back to your own sick perversions. We know everything you asshats in Hollyweird are doing. The Great Awakening is here, and The Storm Is Coming!!! There's nowhere to run.... like Q said, ""NO DEALS"".

",1524063342,18/04/2018 14:55 8498807,3861558157,"

I Q doesn't come in color, it's tested in numbers. Stupid people would call that racist, others ( including the military) might say it's practical to hire smart people.

",1524073606,18/04/2018 17:46 8398835,3861577867,"

8chn. [Q] boards. Raw intel Credible, past posts always prove future.

Reaserch & learn how the war for America's future is being fought, outside of the media propaganda Mills.

Primers to get you started can be found on YouTube under Q Anon.

Good luck.

",1524074348,18/04/2018 17:59 8498822,3861634710,"

Huge internet/telecommunications outage across the United States



All News Pipeline Reports: ​Twitter went down worldwide, came back up and then went down again, with Down Detector racking up over 6,000 reports in one hour, but Twitter wasn't alone in suffering outages, as multiple communications networks also saw a spike in reports overnight, with the live outage maps from different companies showing the same geographical locations being hit. Also noteworthy is the spikes in outage complaints for the telecommunications companies occurred around the same time.
Two things with this and no this probably isn't Russia, as a mass outage of online and cellphone connections have went out across the United States. Those two things are this is an obvious attack by the US Deep State to blame someone to create distraction, or President Trump is trying to take out what censors MAGA Americans on the internet.
​ Now there could be a third thing with this, as maybe some of those 24,500 sealed indictments are being acted on in these parts of the United States...That authorities have shut down all communications to act on these sealed indictments. However this is one of the largest telecommunication/internet outages in probably a few years across the United States. Remember when Q first came to the scene...Q said things like outages would happen and this is a huge one.

",1524076512,18/04/2018 18:35 8497586,3861647570,

What did Q say again about those who were the loudest?

,1524077003,18/04/2018 18:43 8499272,3861749363,"

Right on ""Q"" -----

From Q (LL = Lynch, RBG = Ginsburg plot, Scalia was in the way)
SC/LL deal drop.
POTUS Tweet.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Apr 15 2018 18:57:32 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bbec14 1055924
Side by side graphics are important.
To be clear, LL was promised the Supreme Court position of RBG.
RBG big problems.

",1524081362,18/04/2018 19:56 8499272,3861750482,"

Another Q ""Quack""?

",1524081413,18/04/2018 19:56 8499272,3861753312,"

Q -
Apr 15 2018 19:03:34 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bbec14 1056025
Think timing.
LL remains AG HRC.
HRC appoints new AS replacement.
RBG steps down.
LL steps up.
New AG.
‘The Plan’.

",1524081549,18/04/2018 19:59 8499272,3861790282,"

I think this is very significant. This goes beyond Trump's tweets to actual members of Congress recommending criminal investigations. I've been as skeptical as the next person but following Q-Anon closely, I think this Congressional referral is a part of the ""April Showers."" I sure hope it brings May flowers!

",1524083464,18/04/2018 20:31 8499272,3861814404,"

Q says to trust the plan.
Future proves past...those of us who follow Q understand.
If you don't know Q, find out.

",1524084749,18/04/2018 20:52 8499272,3861850118,"

Jerome Corsi: (White Hat) Generals came to him about 3 yrs. ago about plan for a coup d'etat against Obama Admin./traitors for treason, but waited and then asked Trump to run for President help execute it. Obama/Hillary & others will be indicted and face Tribunals. Q Anon is Military Intel close to Trump. Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. are CIA Black Hat operations for Globalist control.

Q posts:

",1524086763,18/04/2018 21:26 8499272,3861851148,"

There is the theory Sessions is behind the scenes, getting ducks in a row to nail all bad actors.

I'm going to believe that is correct because Qanon says trust Sessions and Wray. Also, the thought of anything else is depressing.

",1524086821,18/04/2018 21:27 8499272,3861853462,"

Who the hell is ""Qanon""?

",1524086959,18/04/2018 21:29 8497286,3861855894,

John Sorg is either a Troll or insane. Keeps posting the same irrational nonsense. May have a decimal point before his I I Q scote/

,1524087104,18/04/2018 21:31 8499272,3861889257,"

Right on ""Q"" -----

From Q (LL = Lynch, RBG = Ginsburg plot, Scalia was in the way)
SC/LL deal drop.
POTUS Tweet.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Apr 15 2018 18:57:32 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bbec14 1055924
Side by side graphics are important.
To be clear, LL was promised the Supreme Court position of RBG.
RBG big problems.

",1524089058,18/04/2018 22:04 8499272,3861903955,



(It's not really from Q. 😏)

,1524089956,18/04/2018 22:19 8497586,3861909373,"

You are such an ignorant jackass. UNGRATEFUL too... good grief!! We have, at last, a MAN in the WH who is more than capable of bringing back Industry, Jobs, negotiating great and fair (level-ground) trade deals, fixing our Military, ridding our Nation of those damned MS 13 animals, closing our porous borders, MAGA.... and you, you arrogant POS, think it's cool to be so disrespectful to this WONDERFUL, HARDEST WORKING, MOST CAPABLE PRESIDENT (whose I Q @ 157 is about 40 points higher than yours?
You are a shameful idiot.. too bad, I used to think you were smart and talented.

",1524090283,18/04/2018 22:24 8498384,3861929516,"

Do some research. But, really, I won't argue the point. Future proves past. NSA & military intelligence has ALL the data from multiple sources. It's going forward. Tomorrow is Patriot's Day in the USA - something might even happen in the new revolution. Check out and search 9/11.

",1524091490,18/04/2018 22:44 8499926,3861980442,"

704 pounds of explosives stolen in Pittsburgh still missing. Nuclear plant nearby is conducting a ""drill"". Police told to bring riot gear to work tomorrow (supposedly in case Trump fires Mueller). On QANON, photos of a clown saying that tomorrow people will all die, that they will get sick, and that if we doubt, we forget what is underground.

",1524094689,18/04/2018 23:38 8493377,3862013355,

Too late Suzie Q. Sucking up to Trump won't save you. You're headed to the pen.

,1524096779,19/04/2018 00:12 8499272,3862016444,

Not discouraged Qanon implied early this month that April would be glorious.
He also said that the North Korean treaty is a done deal and was negotiated when Trump visited Xi in the forbidden city.
The upcoming negotiations to denuclearize and unify the Korea's will be a photo op.
He has also said that Iran is next and it will be done by the end of the year.

,1524096988,19/04/2018 00:16 8499929,3862105492,"


I'm one who has stayed on the fence as far as buying into the postings of Q Anon, but this really blew my mind.

Most of us remember that Trump traveled to Asia last November. On the way back he stopped in Hawaii for a day. While in Hawaii he apparently wanted to access the new NSA data storage system. His top level password did not work.

We know about this NSA facility because it came out that Edward Snowden was one of the team assigned to set it up. The most secure data storage in the world and the idea was that the NSA would run their own show by preventing assess by anyone else in DC.

Anyway, the data stored in Hawaii can only be accessed even at the highest levels after the NSA agrees to transfer pieces or packets to the mainland. Besides, what was Trump looking for?

Q Anon posted on Jan 7th (note: to save space I am pasting onloy the relevant lines Q posted)

Jan 7 2018 22:18:45 (EST)!UW.yye1fxo

(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
(34) commands LIVE.
[1] OWL [1]

Pay close attention to the last 2 lines ""CODES command action"" and ""non nuclear"".

You may recall that 6 days later Hawaii had a false aklarm DEFCON alert. The suspicious thing was the alert status continued for 38 minutes AFTER it was known and reported to be a false alarm. News reports dwelled on the extra 38 minutes.

The Q posted this later on Jan 13th:

Jan 13 2018 22:09:38 (EST)

>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]
Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?
:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.
:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.
Think BDT.

Pay close attention to:

""N o""
""S uch""
""A gency""

also ""BDT"" = Bulk Data Transfer

The system set up in Hawaii automatically sends all data to the mainland in the event of a DEFCON attack.

FINALLY, even later on the 13th of January 2018, Trump retweeted an excerpt from a nearly year old NY Post article titled ""Hillary's 33,000 emails might not to missing after all"".

Some believe that the Hawaii false alarm was to get access to the missing emails. I';m still on the fence, but thanks to this my grip is slipping.

",1524103756,19/04/2018 02:09 8499929,3862123363,

Well done. As Q would say “you have More than you know”

,1524105433,19/04/2018 02:37 8499929,3862151261,"

don't know anything about q anon, so i've been reading an article or two, and some reddit comments he/she guess, preliminary, is he/she's a far left based on comments including some of these:

",1524108136,19/04/2018 03:22 8499926,3862282402,"

Eyewitness Accts of Red Dawn Military Camps That Will Invade the US. Q says ""Trust ""Sessions."" Really?

Eyewitness Accts of Red Dawn Military Camps ...

",1524121395,19/04/2018 07:03 8501318,3862375023,"

General McMaster's fathers death being ruled suspicious, even Q brings it up



Fox News Reports: Authorities in Pennsylvania are reportedly looking into the ""suspicious"" death of the father of former National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster. The Philadelphia Police Department confirmed to Fox 29 that they are investigating the incident surrounding the death of H.R. McMaster, Sr. His death on April 13, WPVI reported, was deemed ""suspicious"" by authorities. The Philadelphia district attorney’s office and the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office are also reportedly included in the investigation.
The elder McMaster was at Cathedral Village in Roxborough after having a stroke, the outlet said. McMaster Sr. was reportedly at Cathedral Village (shown) when he died. (WTXF) It was there, WPVI reported, that he allegedly received ill care and ultimately died after allegedly falling, hitting his head and then being sat in a chair. Police searched Cathedral Village on Tuesday after obtaining a warrant, WPVI said.
So if this death of General McMaster's father is being deemed as suspicious by investigators involved...Wouldn't this possibly point to McMaster's family being under attack since McMaster didn't deliver for the Deep State during his time as Trump's National Security Adviser? It may just be McMaster's father has been a target for the Deep State in that the death is dubbed suspicious with what looks like a major head injury, and this could possibly be a Deep State hit against McMaster since he didn't deliver on the Deep State agenda while under Trump.
Whenever there is a suspicious death involving a top US or former US official like McMaster was, then this is either the Deep State or an Obama/Clinton connection being involved. A suspicious death involving a family member of Deep State McMaster is alarming in itself, that has been deemed as suspicious since McMaster didn't really deliver for the Deep State...And Q even mentioned this tonight down below.

",1524129386,19/04/2018 09:16 8497586,3862636201,"

Trump is the only President that is making huge strides in breaking the pedophile rings. Unbeknownst to most of us, 800,000 US children go missing every year. Each child is worth millions of $, due to harvesting of organs, adrenochrome, pineal glands & their blood. DeNiro has been screaming loudly. Q warns that those screaming the loudest are the most guilty of crimes.

",1524142326,19/04/2018 12:52 8499926,3862713057,

Why not differentiate these weapons from AR15's? These appear to me to be AK47's which is a much larger caliber (AR15 = 223 caliber while an AK47=762 caliber) and I'll bet that these have full auto capabilities. An AK47 full auto cannot be purchased by John Q Public in the United States. John Q would be breaking the law to own one.

,1524145351,19/04/2018 13:42 8500172,3862731700,"

Sending much love and sincere birthday wishes to Melania from Australia, Mr President. We're so terribly sorry about that Downer idiot and apologize for the 5 Eyes clown fiasco. May God bless and keep you, your beautiful family, Q Team and brilliant QAnons all safe. WWG1WGA x

",1524146069,19/04/2018 13:54 8499272,3862756720,"

Current Faux News ads:

Home canning and preservation
Life lock for identity theft
Buy gold for the apocalypse
We're fair and balanced because we say so
Sunglasses for ""tactical situations""
My pillow (because even racist, misogynistic xenophobes sleep)
Chistian only dating site

But liberals are fearful snowflakes? Red pills, Q and gay frogs actually pass for knowledge and wisdom in these parts don't they?

",1524147053,19/04/2018 14:10 8499272,3862848204,

We The People. Boom. Q Boom. Boom!

,1524150604,19/04/2018 15:10 8501093,3862857074,"

To quote Qanon: ""Enjoy the show!"" Welcome aboard sir. LOL

",1524150953,19/04/2018 15:15 8500994,3862861179,"

Quincy District Court Judge Mark S. Coven should be held in custody in a cell until Frederick Q. Amfo is apprehended, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced for the rape of Emily Murray.

",1524151117,19/04/2018 15:18 8502974,3862890106,"

Eric Schmidt on the run...

Q is asking...?


",1524152254,19/04/2018 15:37 8493476,3862911767,"

Environmentalism is the sheep's clothing apparently....seems to be a slush fund faucet....see today's post / drop:


""Former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch regularly arranged for major corporations to make large “donations” to left-leaning groups like UnidosUS — formerly the National Council of LavRaza — and NeighborWorks America during settlement negotiations to end banking, environmental, civil-rights, and other federal lawsuits.""

",1524153085,19/04/2018 15:51 8500004,3862940106,

What does Q say ? those who scream the loudest have the most to hide ! Good Luck Bob.

,1524154204,19/04/2018 16:10 8502974,3862998479,"

There was an EARTHQUAKE IN IRAN next to a nuclear facility...Rod of God used like NK nuclear site was demolished? Q said Iran was NEXT! BOOM!!!


",1524156447,19/04/2018 16:47 8504939,3863166298,"

FOX News Katherine Herridge (I like her as news reporter!) saying this criminal referral was sent to Sessions ‘several weeks ago’.

Sessions. AG Sessions had best grow a pair; and fast. He’ll go down in history books as the destroyer; as a huge factor in an upcoming ... unrestful situation across America; if he continues to skate from his responsibilities.

Americans can’t stand to see such injustices on our soil. In our government. By our government. The crimes committed and evidenced already as FACT must be followed with the consequences that equal application of US Law dictates, or this USA is no more.

Keep tap dancing, 🕺🏾Comey🕺🏾.

If Sessions eels out on this then all the Q stuff is rubbish, and Clowns-formulated, to keep people calm as they’re being screwed, blued, and tattoo’d, and it’s time to tear this criminal wall of excrement DOWN.

Herridge also noted that “sources” twice now, latest just today again, have told FOX that President Trump is NOT a suspect in Mueller’s ‘investigation’. And that the same message has been noted to the President, as well.
So - who knows?

One thing is very clear:
Sessions must not ignore his DUTIES as Attorney General for the People of this
🇺🇸United States of America🇺🇸 any longer.

",1524162998,19/04/2018 18:36 8503850,3863184266,"

Reread it, I was taunting a Q worshipper, it had nothing to do with evangelicals. Sometimes people need to be shocked to come back to reality. A man being called a sissy is one way to get him to wake up. It may of been off-color but not 'sick language'.

",1524163723,19/04/2018 18:48 8504939,3863193130,"

But but Qanon says TRUST SESSIONS LMAO

But but Qanon says there are 25,000 seal indictments LMAO

But but Qanon followers say HRC video will show tarmac meeting or HRC fileting a kids face.....

Qanon Qanon Qanon....guy don't know jack

",1524164086,19/04/2018 18:54 8504939,3863218261,

Qanon said to trust Sessions but it sure isn't easy. Sessions seems like a place where criminal investigations of the members of the deep state go to die. Is anything really happening? You couldn't prove it by me.

,1524165156,19/04/2018 19:12 8504939,3863221402,"

Trust Session?...Enough, don't trust Q...

",1524165290,19/04/2018 19:14 8504939,3863290489,"

From Q
Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105041
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

",1524168482,19/04/2018 20:08 8504939,3863291608,"

Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105115
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

",1524168543,19/04/2018 20:09 8505953,3863292307,"

From Q
Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105115
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

",1524168579,19/04/2018 20:09 8505953,3863293361,"

From Q
Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105041
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

",1524168631,19/04/2018 20:10 8504939,3863293390,

Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST)


ID: d24602


Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

,1524168633,19/04/2018 20:10 8504939,3863298538,

Apr 19 2018 17:03:58 (EST)


ID: d24602


Study the EOs.
Follow the ‘pen’.
EOs post ‘pen’ pics.
SKY Event.

,1524168889,19/04/2018 20:14 8504939,3863302580,"

Huge Q dump at Mentions Rudy and the insurance policy.

",1524169098,19/04/2018 20:18 8504939,3863303298,

Why is Q so cryptic? Could mean anything.... like a Nostradamus Quatrain

,1524169134,19/04/2018 20:18 8504939,3863311850,

The ox is slow but the earth is patient. If you have not been following Q it’s time you did as it gives you an idea of what is actually happening.

I thought it was rubbish but too much has proven correct.

,1524169571,19/04/2018 20:26 8504939,3863339642,"

Hmmmmm haven't I mentioned a few indictments coming up via, Q..??? Not McCabe only,,Clinton, Lynch Comey,,, lots more....April Showers. How about Ryan ""stepping down""? How about drain the swamp? Lol, when have we ever had such a president?

",1524171022,19/04/2018 20:50 8505953,3863351039,"

From Q
Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105041
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

",1524171670,19/04/2018 21:01 8505953,3863351418,"

Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105115
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

",1524171694,19/04/2018 21:01 8505527,3863352456,"

The memos are expected to shed light on the reasons why Rosenstein was hired as spec. counsel. We know this already because big mouth Comey already leaked about this fact referring to his own memos.

Now that the memos are in the public domain, it is likely that Rosenstein's tenure as spec. counsel will be ended for fraudulent justification from Comey and his precious memos.

So today really was a boom boom boom boom as Q said. McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein, and Lynch/Shillary.

",1524171756,19/04/2018 21:02 8504939,3863353766,"

Via Q
Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105115
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

",1524171828,19/04/2018 21:03 8504939,3863354286,"

From Q
Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105041
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

",1524171858,19/04/2018 21:04 8504939,3863362230,"

February 4th, 2004, the Pentagon shut down ""Lifelog"", ""an ambitious effort to build a database tracking a person's entire existence.""

Same day, February 4th, 2004, Facebook was born.

Facebook is a continuation of the Pentagon's ""Lifelog"". You are voluntarily building a database of your entire existence for the government, and to be sold at whim.

",1524172323,19/04/2018 21:12 8505953,3863364082,


Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105041
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.

,1524172435,19/04/2018 21:13 8505953,3863365890,


Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105115
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

,1524172543,19/04/2018 21:15 8505953,3863370599,


Apr 19 2018 17:03:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 1105264
Study the EOs.
Follow the ‘pen’.
EOs post ‘pen’ pics.
SKY Event.

,1524172825,19/04/2018 21:20 8504939,3863381418,"

Giuliani joins Trump's legal team, has close connection to NYPD who has the secret Hillary emails



​via WaPo: Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, a combative former prosecutor and longtime ally of President Trump, told The Washington Post on Thursday that he has joined the president’s legal team dealing with the ongoing special counsel probe. “I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and for Bob Mueller,” Giuliani said in an interview.
Giuliani, who joins a legal team that has struggled to recruit new members to its ranks, said he has been speaking with Trump for weeks about joining the group of legal advisers. He said he would work alongside Trump’s current attorneys, Jay Sekulow and Ty Cobb, who focus on the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. He also said he will soon take a leave from his law firm, Greenberg Traurig. Giuliani said he formalized his decision in recent days, including over dinner last week at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
This is likely a major move by President Trump due to former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani's close relationship with the NYPD, where the NYPD if you remember has the unknown Clinton emails that were found on Anthony Wiener's and Huma Abedin's laptop before the 2016 Election. Now there has been a hint at what was found on this laptop that made grown men in the NYPD cry, and it's now known that money laundering, pay to play, classified documents, and even pedophilia was discovered on this laptop full of Clinton emails.
​ Not only that but Rudy Giuliani was the Mayor of New York when 9/11 happened as well, which would likely mean Giuliani also knows the inside baseball on 9/11. Rudy Giuliani knows the inside baseball on a multitude of things, and the Deep State is likely very paranoid that Giuliani has joined President Trump's legal team...And it's also being discussed that the former New York Mayor may know something about Robert Mueller as well. Does Giuliani know the dirt on everyone, because joining Trump's legal team and Q mentioning it today may hint at just that.

",1524173449,19/04/2018 21:30 8504939,3863393509,

Praying Medic
2h2 hours ago

#Qanon has suggested that recent military and commercial aircraft incidents are not accidental.
They're retaliation.
How would Q know?
Because the NSA captures all electronic communications and Q has access to the NSA database.

,1524174160,19/04/2018 21:42 8505953,3863394518,

Praying Medic
2h2 hours ago

#Qanon has suggested that recent military and commercial aircraft incidents are not accidental.
They're retaliation.
How would Q know?
Because the NSA captures all electronic communications and Q has access to the NSA database.

,1524174216,19/04/2018 21:43 8504153,3863402621,"

Liddle' Bob Corker?
Liddle' Adam Schiff?

Why does QAnon & President Trump refer to these two vermin as ""Liddle'""?

What is Liddle' Kidz Foundation?
Who is Tina Allen?
What does Liddle' Kidz Foundation do? Method?

The foundation home page:
QAnon Research:
FBI Pedophilia symbols:

",1524174676,19/04/2018 21:51 8502002,3863452622,"

Q -
Apr 19 2018 18:53:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 549b47 1106719
Pelosi admits travel to North Korea [past].
Archive immediately.
They have tried to ‘cover’ this.
Why is this relevant?
These people will lose everything.

They have tried to ‘cover’ this.
Why is this relevant?
These people will lose everything.
Apr 19 2018 19:19:21 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 549b47 1107080
The words used re: Intel & buying/selling will bury her.
Think net worth.
CLAS Level Highest.

",1524177706,19/04/2018 22:41 8502002,3863527964,

QAnon. Tick Tock.......

,1524182299,19/04/2018 23:58 8505953,3863534581,

They believe
Cryptic Quotes
Day After it makes the papers

,1524182714,20/04/2018 00:05 8506571,3863535890,"

A Ghanian national in the country illegally who is charged with raping a woman in his Uber car before absconding to his native country was placed on an immigration detainer following his arrest, federal authorities said.

Frederick Q. Amfo, 30, who lived in Quincy, Massachusetts was arraigned Friday for the alleged rape of Emily Murray during the early morning hours of April 8.

Amfo was released from custody after posting $10,000 bail. Investigators suspect he was able to fly home to Ghana because of an error in how the court handled his passport.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel said the mistake should have never happened and they're blaming officials at Quincy District Court.

""Following his arrest on rape charges, ICE issued an immigration detainer to the Weymouth Police Department for Frederick Amfo. ... That detainer should have followed the alien as he transferred from the Quincy Court House. The court chose not to forward the detainer to Norfolk County, allowing for his subsequent release on bail from custody,"" ICE spokesman John Mohan said in a statement.

""This case highlights the potential dangers of policies that prohibit cooperation with ICE,"" he added.

",1524182796,20/04/2018 00:06 8505734,3863568393,"

Aw, bullshhit. He hasnt done squat since he was hired except pass the buck to scumbag Rosenstein. Stop believing that Q Anon disinfo.

",1524184845,20/04/2018 00:40 8506907,3863582210,

Maybe Q is GG?

,1524185769,20/04/2018 00:56 8506907,3863614711,

The president has been very Q.. clear.

,1524188006,20/04/2018 01:33 8506343,3863625604,

sounds like our man Q over at FOX

,1524188881,20/04/2018 01:48 8506907,3863652194,"

That is where I found this, the Q board.

",1524191219,20/04/2018 02:26 8506907,3863671525,"

Q..... sent out a recent link to Pelosi and her 'past' trip to NK....... Q strongly suggested viewing ""offline"" ????? anyone do this?

",1524192648,20/04/2018 02:50 8507582,3863686731,"

HRC video on ""dark web"" fake news???

Apr 19 2018 21:15:58 (EST)


ID: d7571e 1108949


We control.

",1524194228,20/04/2018 03:17 8507582,3863781286,

fyi... Q said the Canadian trolls won't be allowed to cross the border.
Visa's will be revoked.

,1524203058,20/04/2018 05:44 8507507,3863854997,

Tell me its not QAnon

,1524209454,20/04/2018 07:30 8507366,3863888043,"

You know folks, this stuff is really getting to the point of total ridiculousness. These people are educated, seasoned veterans in their fields that has committed crimes that all of us ""common"" citizens know better than to do. How could ANY thinking individual have been that blind to NOT realize that Donald Trump is NOT GW Bush and WOULD fight long and hard against their clear violations of the law to try and unseat him. Trump has been known throughout his entire adult life as a fighter. What kind of person would think that when he became President that he would just ""lay down"" and let them walk all over him? I am astonished at the stupidity of these people. Q is absolutely right, these people are STUPID.

",1524212412,20/04/2018 08:20 8507582,3863912457,

How would John Q. Citizen be treated under the same circumstances? Time for justice for the whole Obama gang of anti-Americans!
Leavenworth is waiting and has enough rooms!

,1524214329,20/04/2018 08:52 8506571,3863971871,"

Trust the plan, trust sessions. Q has yet to be wrong

",1524218351,20/04/2018 09:59 8507021,3863975196,

I don’t need to see anymore. He’s a crook. Let’s get on with this. We r ready Q. Let’s do it!

,1524218545,20/04/2018 10:02 8506214,3863998864,"

Mr. Q, Agreed ... Obamacare's gotta go ...

",1524219867,20/04/2018 10:24 8507120,3864046546,"

I check in with the folks who decode Q every time he/they post. There are a lot of indications. Also, while they may not be technically locked up, there's been a lot of news about huge pedo rings being busted and indictments resulting. This is all on-going.

Keep in mind Hollywood, media and the political/globalist class are RIFE with pedo. It's the last forbidden ""thrill"" for people of great wealth, and it's irresistible to atheists and the godless.

",1524222279,20/04/2018 11:04 8507120,3864055273,

You think it's Q Elizabeth that's the problem?

,1524222701,20/04/2018 11:11 8505842,3864180735,"

Why ""17"" minutes? Because Q, that;s why. :)

",1524228167,20/04/2018 12:42 8507120,3864189956,"

Oh yeah I know they're all into it. Filthy disgusting scumbags that WILL burn for all eternity. I will look more into the Q thing, I'd heard of it but haven't been following too much. God I hope it's true!

",1524228553,20/04/2018 12:49 8508614,3864231879,

Gentleman’s Quarterly is one magazine no one needs to pay attention to. We all know what the Q in Quarterly stands for.

,1524230226,20/04/2018 13:17 8504948,3864270217,"


Is it the gear up?

find it here:

",1524231709,20/04/2018 13:41 8505806,3864320603,

Obama & HRC are traitors to this nation. They came so close to destroying our constitution. They never thought she would lose. Loretta Lynch thought she can haz SCOTUS after her Tarmac meeting with Bill. How's that working out?? The 2A will NEVER be repealed!! Molon Labe. #Qanon #thestormishere #MAGA

,1524233678,20/04/2018 14:14 8508782,3864325035,

Who is Q?

,1524233855,20/04/2018 14:17 8508782,3864365769,"

Q is a person or group in the military intel field working closely with PDJT. He/they began posting end of October on boards ignored by Fake News but of great interest to internet sleuths and especially Trump supporters. This first link below has all the posts to date and it's been very busy the last couple of days. Anonymous people (anons) comment or ask questions and Q gives cryptic answers that various people on YouTube such as Dr. Corsi decode. Answers are cryptic because overt intelligence cannot just be delivered without violating the law.

I'll also provide a link to one of last night's decodings. Once you start following, others will pop up. Also, on YouTube search for ""#WethePeople Patriot Soapbox"" and follow that channel. I'm including that link. Sometimes people are just ruminating but other times a whole lot is going on. It was crazy last night - Q was posting a lot, did a 5 min. Q&A with anons on the 4chan board (I believe that's where current comms are - several have been taken down in the past by Deep Staters). It was nuts!

Enjoy :-)

",1524235453,20/04/2018 14:44 8507120,3864377087,"

Definitely follow Dr. Jerome Corsi on YouTube - he decodes Q drops or crumbs as often as they come out. Also check out this channel. I'm addicted, even when the discussions kind of run out of gas due to no recent happenings (that actually is pretty rare). People from all over the world chime in. It's amazing how many Trumpers there are in other countries!

",1524235896,20/04/2018 14:51 8510045,3864440836,

Let’s ask how NPelosi got her (& Fam) millions after she visited NK? Buying and reselling NK Missiles? Hhhmmm... QAnons/Q want to know!

,1524238323,20/04/2018 15:32 8510045,3864447436,

NPelosi got her millions after she visited NK? Did she buy and sell M from NK? Q/QAnons want to know.

,1524238580,20/04/2018 15:36 8508614,3864487366,


,1524240122,20/04/2018 16:02 8510045,3864492064,"

I'm now convinced that Q is legit. Talked about this yesterday as they state they have everything, but how do you get it out to the public. The Dems just opened that door. Completely fell for the bait. They are done.

",1524240302,20/04/2018 16:05 8510045,3864523186,"

According to Q, that will all come to a head around the June timeframe, including Seth Rich.

",1524241506,20/04/2018 16:25 8510045,3864533557,"

Yep - they just opened themselves up to discovery! This is just too funny! According to Q, the Seth Rich/Awan situation will be taken care of around the June time-frame.

",1524241919,20/04/2018 16:31 8510045,3864549308,"

As Q says continually: ""these people are stupid""
The Dems just opened the door to legal ""discovery""--not of Trump but of them. Pricele$$. They continue to open the door to let us see what they have truly been up to,
right? Comey, McCabe, Loretta Lynch. Shall I go on?
P. S. Let us inspect your computers, DNC, so we can identify IF you were hacked or not.
Julian, would you like to weigh in on this?
Will we find John Podesta's email instructing the hiring of folks to attack Trump supporters at rallies?
Will we find Podesta's instruction on WetWorks and the arranged murder of Supreme Court Judge Antoine Scalia?
So much data, so little time.

",1524242546,20/04/2018 16:42 8508614,3864572038,"

Opinions are like noses. Every one has one. I for one disagree with G Q, as I'm sure MANY others do as well. Political correctness is the liberal's mantra for everything they choose to deem as normal no matter how moronic it is. They preach inclusion only for those who agree with them. Those who don't have to endure their hypocritical rants concerning what THEY consider to be what's best for everyone else. Who decided that the Holy Bible was no longer relevant or any of the other books that people have enjoyed, some for centuries, and relabeled them as racist, sexist, boring and obsolete. Why don't they mention the Koran which urges its followers to kill anyone who isn't Muslem, or why not revile the pornographic books that abound, especially child pornography that is child abuse of the basest kind? These sub-humans are instrumental in much of the lunacy and depravity we see all around us today, yet they attack the very things that have sustained us as a people and as a country. They are attempting to do the very things they accuse everyone who disagrees with them of doing. It's time for the rest of us to speak out while we still can.

",1524243452,20/04/2018 16:57 8508614,3864574598,"

Anyone know what the Q, in GQ, really means?

",1524243551,20/04/2018 16:59 8509442,3864621270,"

I played football from age 8 through college(4 yr starter/team Captain) ...I was blessed with a good work ethic and a small amount of talent...a rib injury impacted my senior year, thus no chance at the NFL..I watched as a fan as much as possible, seeing players I had competed against in college play and thrive. I was s big fan to say the the game morphed, I saw a change from pride, competition and teamwork to a business i. e., how can we soak John Q. Fan for even more money...I rarely watch now, usually only at a gathering or for social/business purposes...with all the politicization and social drama, I don’t need or want it. I watch Rugby now, more fun, no pampered athletes and they are tough as nails!!!..farewell NFL, you left me long ago.

",1524245485,20/04/2018 17:31 8507120,3864668063,

America is in a real perilous time at this very moment according to Q. There is huge push back from the deep state and Intel chatter fear another false flag is imminent. Could it be that this time the globalists will try to crash the economy? Keep an eye on the DOW.

,1524247399,20/04/2018 18:03 8506343,3864691616,"

I'm listening to this one right now,, as I post this. Its a Q &A and college students thought up questions that an get most people in trouble, Like why are Jews over represented in banking and politics? How do you discuss rationally the differences in IQ between individuals and groups..... What did Nietzsche mean by the death of God?

Maps of Meaning has been good so far, the biblical lectures are riveting, my deeply fundamentalist neighbor hates him, so if you an evangelical fundamentalist prepared to get angry,

",1524248435,20/04/2018 18:20 8510699,3864704847,"

As Q Says, These people are STUPID!

",1524249012,20/04/2018 18:30 8510699,3864712248,"

Q drop 4/20/18
Find out about Seth Rich in June.

",1524249335,20/04/2018 18:35 8510699,3864723540,
Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST) Anonymous ID: fe9998 1108927

When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??

Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e 1109139
SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.

,1524249847,20/04/2018 18:44 8510969,3864730213,"

",1524250145,20/04/2018 18:49 8510969,3864731284,"

At present, there are two ( 2) sets of laws governing GOVERNMENT and JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN. //////////////////////////////////////// tHIS IS NO JOKE. //////////////////
Comey seems to think he is above the law, well that can work both ways. ////////
GOOD LUCK JAMES COMEY, you need to cool your heels in the ROUND BAR HOTEL as a guest of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN for a while,. along with HILLARY BABE, McCABE, OBOOOOOMASS - THE MAGNIFICENT FARCE - and others within the FED Gov, //////////////////////////////////////////

",1524250192,20/04/2018 18:49 8510699,3864732376,"

Didn't Q say something about ""April Showers""?

",1524250243,20/04/2018 18:50 8510045,3864785398,"

First, Qanon says they will reveal Seth Rich info by June (couple days ago).

SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.

Then next thing you know, DNC is suing Trump over DNC ""hack"", to swing narrative away from Seth Rich leaking the info.

Answer Q re: SR.
SR June JA.

Libtards are desperate to get out ahead to control the agenda, but in the end Seth Rich will be recognized the hero and libtards put in jail.

",1524252754,20/04/2018 19:32 8508443,3864832030,

see the last five or six paragraphs of what Q Letts stated in writing in the D mail today (friday 20th April) at page 13. i will have lots to write about that in the coming weeks.

,1524255197,20/04/2018 20:13 8510024,3864855982,"

this turkey is something else.30 yrs ago you didnt have such a thing as the term hate speech cause you could actually call someone an N word..A homosexual the Q word..No one used to call each other Nazi's..Trump finished off the Bushes AND the Clintons..""Mission Accomplished""

",1524256556,20/04/2018 20:35 8510969,3864867780,"

Yes, I go on the research board at 8chan everyday. Those guys are awesome researchers. Q is on a roll

",1524257254,20/04/2018 20:47 8510699,3864872775,"

Why would the DNC appoint legal representation to the family?
Q drop 4/19

",1524257546,20/04/2018 20:52 8512466,3864944385,"

Could this Be POTUS ""Trump card"" Q mention to get it into the Public?

",1524262086,20/04/2018 22:08 8512466,3864973946,"

The POTUS is playing his ""TRUMP CARD"" to the Q!

",1524263907,20/04/2018 22:38 8512199,3864977112,

Apr 20 2018 19:30:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 1121272
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).
The ‘Standard’ Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).

,1524264112,20/04/2018 22:41 8512466,3864993621,"

As Q likes to say, ""these people are stupid"".

",1524265227,20/04/2018 23:00 8512199,3864997772,"

We're going to take our country back Americans, if you keep on fighting. It's going to take all of us. #Qanon

",1524265505,20/04/2018 23:05 8512199,3864999087,

#Qanon - Are you ready to take the red pill?

KAG! 2020

,1524265595,20/04/2018 23:06 8512199,3865003432,

#Qanon or just search Twitter Qanon...

,1524265899,20/04/2018 23:11 8510600,3865005063,"

The corrupt & failing ruling class want to degrade you and your family to the status of base animals so that you are easier to enslave. Reject their programming. Save your children. Teach them sexual restraint and dignity. I know it is hard and that the evil surrounds us. These people are sick. We are turning a corner though. Fight, fight, fight. Search Twitter Qanon.

",1524266006,20/04/2018 23:13 8510600,3865030956,

We are winning behind the scenes. I know it is hard. We have to stay strong even when our children are running off the rails. The Great Awakening is coming. Keep the lines of communication open. Don'r give up. Fight. You are on the right side of history. Follow Twitter Qanon and inform people gradually. We are going to win. Take courage in that and keep fighting.

,1524267802,20/04/2018 23:43 8512199,3865058507,"

Don't FALL for the Trump/Sessions Oscar Winning Acting!! Q always says, Trust POTUS, Trust Sessions! Trust the Plan! You NEVER tell the enemy what you are doing! Think, Misdirection!

",1524269754,21/04/2018 00:15 8510600,3865102820,"


Huge, massive QAnon drops on right now. Incredible stuff is going to be breaking very soon. Prepare yourselves for a gargantuan blowout in D.C. & Hollywood. Too much to drop here.

Adam Schiff!!!!! You are D-E-A-D MEAT YOU SOB!

All this ties into the arrest of Allison Mack & the sex cult/ring bust....

",1524273154,21/04/2018 01:12 8512199,3865119494,

Is there anything President Trump can’t do?

Nice qanon posts tonight. Adam Schiffhole and Hussein are in trouble..... rut roh!

,1524274556,21/04/2018 01:35 8512466,3865140405,"

Wanna see how big this is? Visit

Q is still dropping gobs of info on the board. This is exactly what has come of the Alison Mack catch. HUGE.

",1524276437,21/04/2018 02:07 8512466,3865142607,"

We have acquired the target and their bosses are totally PO'd :o)

Liddle' Adam Schiff is going through DEPENDS tonight like crazy!!! He was in West Hollywood tonight. I'd bet he got a phone call about this!

",1524276653,21/04/2018 02:10 8512466,3865145195,"

Qanon: ""THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!"" Seems the democrats at every turn are proving that statement correct. Guess what? When you f'ing dems run off the rails, President Trump routes the whole train into prison.

Q: ""We have EVERYTHING.""

",1524276891,21/04/2018 02:14 8512199,3865186582,

I'm starting to trust qanon.

,1524281266,21/04/2018 03:27 8511533,3865260286,"

Obama w/ 10 yr old? Wendy her nickname?

This is Q stuff. Things are getting real.

By the way... the Hillary video Q said is fake (unverified?).
Wouldn't search for it. Hurts the soul, danger of legal action for possessing, plus if fake there is no point.

",1524290253,21/04/2018 05:57 8511533,3865305742,"

Well, bath-house barry does love kids! Check the latest Q posts especially 1213

",1524295686,21/04/2018 07:28 8511533,3865311640,"

Well, I'll be. Maybe Q isn't full of baloney after all.

",1524296379,21/04/2018 07:39 8511533,3865425622,"

* * * PENNSYLVANIA advances FIVE Anti - Gun bills for vote ------
Bills being Fast Tracked after more "" Balanced "" hearings were promised by Ron Marsico -- RINO's caving in !

During Judiciary hearings was comment by Lehigh Co. Rep. Mike Schlosshberg on Day 2 when he said …” There are NO absolute Rights ” ….. this went unchallenged during Q & A also.

",1524306858,21/04/2018 10:34 8511533,3865426800,"

.PENNSYLVANIA advances FIVE Anti - Gun bills for vote ------Bills being Fast Tracked after more "" Balanced "" hearings were promised by Ron Marsico -- RINO's caving in !

During Judiciary hearings was comment by Lehigh Co. Rep. Mike Schlosshberg on Day 2 when he said …” There are NO absolute Rights ” ….. this went unchallenged during Q & A also.

",1524306947,21/04/2018 10:35 8512466,3865459322,"

That would be mandatory and so would Assange testifying, according to Q and Dr. Corsi. This would absolutely blow up the Dim party.

",1524309107,21/04/2018 11:11 8512466,3865530217,"

I recommend “Killing the Deep State” by Dr Corsi. It goes into great detail. Buy the book and the audio as well.

Also get involved in the qanon community and read this thread. It will red pill you for sure:

",1524313316,21/04/2018 12:21 8512466,3865539344,"

BTW, Q is army military intelligence keeping We the People informed. He is on the POTUS team.

The military came to DT and asked him to run. Our country was on the verge of being destroyed. Not so much anymore!

",1524313841,21/04/2018 12:30 8512466,3865550461,"

Yes! I don’t even watch MSM anymore. Instead I follow

Also google qanon and read the tweets. You will never go back to MSM again (not saying you watch MSM).

",1524314483,21/04/2018 12:41 8512466,3865558115,"

There will be a lot more in store for BO.

",1524314905,21/04/2018 12:48 8512199,3865558812,

A Hint for you. Who use to control NK? WHO IS Q?

,1524314942,21/04/2018 12:49 8513594,3865562861,"

Q posts photos of Obama with child Maggie Nixon and grabbing her



Well is Obama a pedophile, he is a Muslim so it makes sense that Obama would be a pedo. Why is he in multiple photos with a young child where anons have discovered the name of this child to be Maggie Nixon. Q has even dug deeper into this by locating the fact that Maggie Nixon is connected to Hollywood through her grandmother ​Agnes Nixon. So it possibly looks like Q has exposed Obama is actually a pedophile, and for some reason has done multiple photo ops with this child known as Maggie Nixon. It looks like Hollywood provided Obama with a child victim as early as he became the 44th President of the United States. Q may of just connected the dots that Obama is connected to the pedo underground. Wouldn't be surprised if Obama officials also are connected to young children like Maggie Nixon. By the way where has Obama been?https://www.puppetstringnew...

",1524315165,21/04/2018 12:52 8513594,3865566244,"

Q says arrested Hollywood Actress Allison Mack busted for human trafficking is naming Govt. and Hollywood names


1 Comment

View image on Twitter

Allison Mack✔@allisonmack

H8VRVViW.jpg (512×512)

8:00 AM - Jan 23, 2018


444 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like arrested Hollywood actress Allison Mack who was arrested for human trafficking earlier in the week is singing like a canary, as Q is stating that Allison Mack is giving up Hollywood and Government names who are likely involved in child/human trafficking. Of course there are no deals, so Allison Mack will likely still face major charges for being involved in human trafficking.
It looks like the hammer will soon drop on Hollywood and Government officials involved in human/child trafficking, and it's likely these names are already included in those 24,500 sealed indictments that are now actually slowly being unsealed. Who is Allison Mack giving up after being busted for human trafficking? Well Q is stating that Mack is giving up big names in Hollywood and Government, so it's probably an easy guess. Oh and look who she once tweeted a photo of, I would probably say anyone involved with Maria Abramavic is likely involved in human/child trafficking.

",1524315348,21/04/2018 12:55 8512466,3865570546,"

How is the weather in Armenia?

",1524315586,21/04/2018 12:59 8513594,3865570766,"

Q posts photos of Obama with Maggie Nixon? Pizza Pizza.

",1524315598,21/04/2018 12:59 8512466,3865574730,"

Forget MSM and follow:

",1524315816,21/04/2018 13:03 8512466,3865577834,"

Maybe give the cute little Keebler elf another month. Some say he is working behind the scene and the hammer will soon fall.

But I understand your frustration and am also impatient

",1524315985,21/04/2018 13:06 8513594,3865578391,

My Ouija Board just told me not to believe Q.

,1524316015,21/04/2018 13:06 8512466,3865579707,

Do you follow Q? Everything is happening in real time!

,1524316086,21/04/2018 13:08 8512466,3865581012,"

And DT never had a chance to win?

What should we do? Not even try to bring these traitors to justice?

There is a lot going on and there is a good chance we will snag the whole rotten bunch.

",1524316157,21/04/2018 13:09 8513594,3865584591,"

Pizza man James Alefantis is a perv.

And good friends with Maggie Nixon's mom apparently.

",1524316349,21/04/2018 13:12 8512466,3865585620,"

",1524316403,21/04/2018 13:13 8512466,3865587803,"

",1524316519,21/04/2018 13:15 8512466,3865590048,"

The end is near for HRC and BO.

",1524316640,21/04/2018 13:17 8512466,3865591519,"

Oh god. The tin foil Qanon cult where random people pick up random jigsaw ""clues"" from around the internet to try to piece together some puzzle that says Hillary is the leader of some sex cult. Please. Hillary Clinton has been hated for 25 years and watched like a hawk by her enemies. Every foolish move she makes, from falling on stairs to her arm twitching is cataloged. Yet she fore some reason decided in the midst of all of this to start a sex ring, and there is zero photographic or criminal evidence that would hold up in a court of law. Plenty of conjecture and random ""connect the random dots"" imagination from trumptards, but zero proof.

",1524316720,21/04/2018 13:18 8513594,3865600485,"

Where is the beef. Everything is going great.

",1524317210,21/04/2018 13:26 8508782,3865616420,"

Frequently. He often foretells what PDJT says and does. YES, it's strange. This is the satanic and criminal Deep State we're in an existential battle with - there is nothing stranger or more evil than those people, and Q is dropping hints/crumbs but cannot spell anything out. All intel and active operations/investigations that are classified (until PDJT tweets or talks about it - he can declassify anything he wants to).

There's evidence from Q drops, including photos, that he was on Air Force One with Trump on the China trip and that he went on the FL trip with him just a day or two ago. He likely always travels with Trump, especially overseas, and is very close with him. Q drops often match Trump tweets. In any case, lots of people travel with the president so of course we don't know who Q is or are and we are not supposed to. Rumor is Dr. Corsi knows but he's not about to endanger the Q person or group by revealing it.

",1524318035,21/04/2018 13:40 8512466,3865625771,"

LMAO - your God, #Qanon, is a complete fraud. Just look at post number 1.
Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST) Anonymous ID: gb953qGI 147005381
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

What happened? LMAO. You tin foils are a riot.

",1524318524,21/04/2018 13:48 8512466,3865644792,"

Yeah - I've read the blithering nonsense. Amazing you pervs have been obsessed about this Clinton child sex ring forever, but his first post about Allison Mack was yesterday, the day it was published in the MSM as a regular old story. What great secret insight. LMAO. What'll set you free is realizing you're being conned by some nut on the internet called Qanon.

",1524319350,21/04/2018 14:02 8512466,3865661053,

What is that Q keeps saying... These people are STUPID. LOL
Discovery is a beautiful thing.

,1524320211,21/04/2018 14:16 8513594,3865688280,

And every Q is prescreened and probably responses rehearsed by the tall slimeball.

,1524321594,21/04/2018 14:39 8512466,3865728695,

Go to: Youtube/Q-Anon and see what Trump IS REALLY TRYING TO DO!!

,1524323596,21/04/2018 15:13 8510042,3865731567,"

Truth is truth. Q-Anon/Trump two days ago said this: ""GO RESEARCH FLAT EARTH"".. I've know for years (took me 18 months of studying) but finally broke though....It truly is real.

",1524323738,21/04/2018 15:15 8513594,3865737665,

I think Q sums it up nicely.
These people are STUPID.

,1524324045,21/04/2018 15:20 8512466,3865737987,"

YouTube, Q-Anon?? Bwahahahahaaaa. I'll go read Alex Jones if I want to read BS

",1524324061,21/04/2018 15:21 8510042,3865738585,"

I promise, that is not my intent. Please, go youtube: Q-Anon and spend some time understanding what/who it is. Then, and only then, will you understand what I'm saying above. If you refuse to go look into it, then why are you challenging me then?

",1524324091,21/04/2018 15:21 8513594,3865740858,

according to Q anon Hitler was Merkels Grandpa....hahaha!

,1524324204,21/04/2018 15:23 8511656,3865784446,"

This is Hollow wood !

Q says arrested Hollywood Actress Allison Mack busted for human trafficking is naming Govt. and Hollywood names


1 Comment

View image on Twitter

Allison Mack✔@allisonmack

H8VRVViW.jpg (512×512)

8:00 AM - Jan 23, 2018


485 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Looks like arrested Hollywood actress Allison Mack who was arrested for human trafficking earlier in the week is singing like a canary, as Q is stating that Allison Mack is giving up Hollywood and Government names who are likely involved in child/human trafficking. Of course there are no deals, so Allison Mack will likely still face major charges for being involved in human trafficking.
It looks like the hammer will soon drop on Hollywood and Government officials involved in human/child trafficking, and it's likely these names are already included in those 24,500 sealed indictments that are now actually slowly being unsealed. Who is Allison Mack giving up after being busted for human trafficking? Well Q is stating that Mack is giving up big names in Hollywood and Government, so it's probably an easy guess. Oh and look who she once tweeted a photo of, I would probably say anyone involved with Maria Abramavic is likely involved in human/child trafficking

",1524326395,21/04/2018 15:59 8512466,3865814743,

For Q and anons fag means a stupid libtard.

,1524327893,21/04/2018 16:24 8513543,3865849212,"

Q posts photos of Obama with child Maggie Nixon and grabbing her


1 Comment

Well is Obama a pedophile, he is a Muslim so it makes sense that Obama would be a pedo. Why is he in multiple photos with a young child where anons have discovered the name of this child to be Maggie Nixon. Q has even dug deeper into this by locating the fact that Maggie Nixon is connected to Hollywood through her grandmother ​Agnes Nixon. So it possibly looks like Q has exposed Obama is actually a pedophile, and for some reason has done multiple photo ops with this child known as Maggie Nixon. It looks like Hollywood provided Obama with a child victim as early as he became the 44th President of the United States. Q may of just connected the dots that Obama is connected to the pedo underground. Wouldn't be surprised if Obama officials also are connected to young children like Maggie Nixon. By the way where has Obama been?https://www.puppetstringnew...

",1524329640,21/04/2018 16:54 8513483,3865852458,

who said people with low I Q can't get a job?

,1524329810,21/04/2018 16:56 8513543,3865852822,

Qanon is always correct !

,1524329828,21/04/2018 16:57 8513543,3865856483,

Do you visit Qanons site ?

,1524330016,21/04/2018 17:00 8513543,3865860952,

Google Qanon !

,1524330240,21/04/2018 17:04 8513855,3865878759,

This is Obama's group behind these kids. They do not even realize they are being used. Obama and his thugs do not want their crimes exposed. Watch Qanon and find out the real truth. Dr Jerome Corsi on YouTube

,1524331161,21/04/2018 17:19 8513543,3865894314,"

Obama got a Nobel Peace prize.

After that latest set of Q posts, it sounds like he deserves some sort of NAMBLA Child Trafficking prize too.

Yikes. Nice legacy Hussein.

",1524332004,21/04/2018 17:33 8513543,3865902958,"

LIZ ThesePeopleRSick Retweeted
Jerome Corsi
17h17 hours ago


",1524332460,21/04/2018 17:41 8513543,3865907332,

Therefore Obama was totally in her satanic sex slave cult because Q.E.D.


,1524332696,21/04/2018 17:44 8513543,3865908147,


,1524332741,21/04/2018 17:45 8513543,3865943258,

My Ouija board said not to trust Q. But my tarot card says he's legit. I just don't know which to believe anymore .

,1524334583,21/04/2018 18:16 8514614,3866015197,

Now we know that Mr. Woods follows Q.

,1524338344,21/04/2018 19:19 8514614,3866035892,"

Jerome Corsi
17h17 hours ago


",1524339497,21/04/2018 19:38 8514614,3866062691,

My Ouija board said not to trust Q. But my tarot cards say he's legit. I just don't know which to believe anymore.

,1524341057,21/04/2018 20:04 8514614,3866065519,

Did Q say she was going to be charged before she was? No.

,1524341229,21/04/2018 20:07 8514614,3866087917,

Wonder what Q has to say about Bernie...

,1524342622,21/04/2018 20:30 8514614,3866089200,

I thought Q was your fearless leader next in line from Trump.

,1524342704,21/04/2018 20:31 8512466,3866242095,

Do you believe Rogers is Q?...

,1524354061,21/04/2018 23:41 8511224,3866242750,

Qanon ... he broadcast the punisher logo recently. Qanon mentioned it because the Navy Seals (who took the punisher logo as their own) was protecting the POTUS.

Saw an artwork of the punisher logo with Trump's hair on it and I confiscated it hehe.

,1524354111,21/04/2018 23:41 8511224,3866255305,

My Ouija board said not to trust Q. But my tarot cards say he's legit. I just don't know which to believe anymore.

,1524355047,21/04/2018 23:57 8511224,3866258187,

Do all Trump Cult members also worship Q?

,1524355271,22/04/2018 00:01 8511224,3866270987,

You realize that Q is a hoax right ?

,1524356274,22/04/2018 00:17 8511224,3866272606,

I'm not a liberal. But anything Q has predicted is ambiguous and everything specific has been announced after it was in the news.

,1524356397,22/04/2018 00:19 8511224,3866274274,

I'm not here to convince anyone to believe in Q.

Millions already do. The message is for them.

,1524356521,22/04/2018 00:22 8511224,3866278037,"

Worst case scenario, Q reminds us all of illegal actions of bad actors. Only a libtard protecting bad players would decry that.

",1524356801,22/04/2018 00:26 8511224,3866280738,"


That there is no Q? Your life is a joke.

This ...

They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?

You don't like that? You think there is no truth there? Your purpose in life is to preach the ""truth"" that Q claiming the above is false, ergo protecting Hillary and the Cllinton foundation did nothing wrong in Haiti?

Then you're a LIBTARD.

",1524357012,22/04/2018 00:30 8511224,3866285688,"

Right now Q has posted multiple images, spanning years, of Hussein photoed with the same little girl over multiple years.

Creepy as all hell. Real photos. #pizzagate. Connecting who the girl is, who the mother is, tied to James Alefantis.

So your mission in life is to protect Obama. We shall soon see how far you're willing to bend into a pretzel to protect him.

",1524357397,22/04/2018 00:36 8511224,3866286929,

FFS. Anon isn't a hacker group it is a Trolling group. They create elaborate hoaxes on the internet for fun. You have no idea if one person claiming to be Q is the same person who was pretending to be Q the day before.

,1524357493,22/04/2018 00:38 8511224,3866290393,"

Not real?

Not real?

Not real?

The little girl, Maggie Nixon, just died in a plane crash.

You don't want to believe that? That's great. But at least you will admit it's 100% better sourced than the mud the left keeps flinging at Trump.

",1524357771,22/04/2018 00:42 8511224,3866298174,"

Maggie Nixon, a little girl photographed with Obama spanning multiple years, just died in a plane crash. Her nickname was ""Wendy"" ... relevant for a recent tweet where Trump misspelled (on purpose) Debbie Wasserman Schultz' name.

Ready to be creeped out? Multiple photos of Obama handling this dead little girl over years.

Maggie's mother is Sara Nixon. Pictured here with none other than James Alefantis (of #pizzagate notoriety)

Why dead in a plane crash? Dead pizza doesn't talk.

",1524358401,22/04/2018 00:53 8514209,3866303276,"

Qanon knows more than the MSM, usually a week almost a month ahead...

",1524358825,22/04/2018 01:00 8505605,3866311031,

Shitcago libtards. Is anyone surprised? I hope Q is right. MOAB next week

,1524359454,22/04/2018 01:10 8514209,3866357135,

oh boy. Now Q is on disqus???
Your not Q.

,1524363603,22/04/2018 02:20 8514209,3866360483,"

These people are evil. This is child abuse. They are trying to sexually activate your children so (((they))) can sexually exploit them. Evil. If you don't think many of the people placed at the top are placed there BECAUSE they are Satanic pedophiles check out this Tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey:

""Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine...""

""Pasta"" in pedophile world means a little boy (see FBI). Satanists use children sexually in their rituals. Sick, selfish, psychopaths. Q.

",1524363938,22/04/2018 02:25 8514209,3866367536,

DeNIro must be a pedophile. Q anon.

,1524364651,22/04/2018 02:37 8514209,3866380204,

Follow Qanon..I'm out...

,1524365984,22/04/2018 02:59 8514011,3866402444,"

Whenever I consider Qanon, I'm reminded of the ah-ha moment in the Matrix series when they realized that what they thought were allies were just another system of control.

",1524368561,22/04/2018 03:42 8512466,3866413941,"

& they are going to have to deal with Loretta Lynch interfering with an investigation by the NYPD over the Weiner lap top... And the dems are going to have to come to terms with what was found on that device. ""Life insurance"" folder. 4/20/18

",1524369981,22/04/2018 04:06 8512466,3866416577,"

Liar. You all damn well care because your party is being systematically torn apart by leaders who are idiots and have rocks for brains. They are doing it to themselves and being egged on by the president and QAnon. It's a war and you are losing big time in a big way. By the time the mid-terms arrive there will be little left of what used to be the democrat party. The Clintons destroyed it and Obama (Hussein) helped. You are supporting a ghost.

",1524370331,22/04/2018 04:12 8514695,3866441327,"

Wait until millions of blacks learn about Q anon and decode the crumb drops.....especially the Haiti stuff coming down the pike...start here: save this and show your friends or paste everywhere for others to know what to do and how to read. You may have to create it again if links don't translate.


Q anon abbreviations for map:


",1524373539,22/04/2018 05:05 8514695,3866450250,"

In the middle of discussing a MOAB to drop next week, #QAnon says Dems will lose the black vote once Haiti is revealed. Wall St whistleblower Charles Ortel has documented that the Clintons stole $100 million in small donations to Haiti.

abbreviations to read crumb map:


",1524374676,22/04/2018 05:24 8514695,3866456380,"

please read my comments in this article just above this, look at all the links, it will help you see and understand, plane accidents are rarely accidents.....who is on board matters.....convenient to kill on planes, especially in other countries than the USA...#Qanon ...

Go read my other comments, my comments are open to see and many links to get you up to speed re: Q or Q anon, look at every link re: Q

this should give you an idea, Q is legit crumb drops on DeepState, Trump is aware and draining the swamp of these criminals who do such things:

7 out of 10 plane crashes are targeted kills per Q anon
(Q is less than 10 Q top clearance military patriots close to Trump dropping crumbs for ""we the people"" to put it all bypass the MSM main stream media who lie and tell only what they want us tho think. Q does not tell us, he points where to look to figure it out ourselves. It is devastating how bad it all is, but we have hope it is being brought to light and all criminals will be held accountable.

abbreviations for Q map archive since Oct 2017.....over 1200 drops....go look:

read my comments by clicking on my 777watcher (me) to read my comments from the past 5 months, various links alerting people of Q to find other links I have posted tonight.


",1524375422,22/04/2018 05:37 8514209,3866476795,"

I know most of you do not trust Q.
But, Q was first to expose the pedo-wierdness.
It's hard to watch.
Somebody has to intervene. It breaks my heart.

",1524377921,22/04/2018 06:18 8514614,3866487225,"

the whole ""QAnon"" thing is just a coup by the Sanders faction over the Clinton faction. Its a fight for th soul of the DNC. They intend to destroy Trump after they get rid of the Clinton faction and get the keys to the DNC.

I'm just trying to figure out if Breitbart is also on the Sanders team.

",1524379161,22/04/2018 06:39 8514614,3866487835,

yep and be careful QAnon is working for the Sanders faction. They intend to destroy Trump once they take over the DNC and expel the Clintons. Nothing is what it appears.

,1524379242,22/04/2018 06:40 8507120,3866490357,"

And most move around like it’s no big deal. For years I have been looking at those posting links on YouTube etc. regarding UN vehicles 1000s of them (brand new)hidden on disused army runways, of acres of plastic ‘coffins’ placed across America, of the militarisation of the Police, or rather the FBI, of coloured disks of different colours placed on letterboxes, of dozens of Walmart’s closing down due to ‘water pipe issues’, of camps surrounded with razor wire with guard turrets in the corners, etc. etc. Of long term food survival companies having the Obama government swoop in and totally deplete their stocks, creating a shortage to the general population.

It was just all conspiracy theories right? But as Q has said on many occasions, ‘they expected her to win’. Obama spent 8 years undermining the country with divisions of race, class and gender; Clinton would hit that nail hard into the coffin to hand America over to the globalists.

We must continue to wrap President Trump and his family in our prayers because it’s a miracle that he is where he is. An answer to prayer. Those drops coming from the Q boards are just eye opening and as Q keeps saying (paraphrased). The evil is so deep, so widely spread, that 60% of Americans could not fully comprehend these depths of evil. Their minds are not equiped to have such evil told to them. I’m not talking about the money corruption, the enslavement of a foreign nation for decades, of the reason behind Benghazi or even the drugs grown by the elites in Afghanistan (the President bombed these fields into oblivion just after he came to power) that were then shipped home in the body cavities of dead American Marines that have given their ALL. The evil is what is happening to little innocent babies and children. American babies and children. To those kidnaped and sold into the sex trade. My God, if this video of Clinton & Abedin is real, they should be taken immediately out and executed.

",1524379548,22/04/2018 06:45 8514209,3866492214,

Ok... fre Q? or freq? ;) wink

,1524379777,22/04/2018 06:49 8514209,3866558377,

What does your mysterious Q have to say about all of this?

,1524387490,22/04/2018 08:58 8515511,3866617606,"

BO has the god complex. He thought by sleeping with children he could live forever.

MOAB dropping this week!

",1524392632,22/04/2018 10:23 8513543,3866678036,"

That's not going to last much longer. The Clintons' rape (financial and sex trafficking of children) of Haiti IS going to come out and blacks across America will be abandoning the Dems, who ALL knew about it and many colluded with it. Q has been writing about this the last day or two.

",1524396952,22/04/2018 11:35 8513543,3866685210,"

Hey, there are whole websites that call her Cankles. I don't mind it, but then I call 44 ""BH0zo"" or (as Q does) ""Hussein."" These are comment sections, not published and paid-for literary works. We can call our enemies whatever we want.

",1524397392,22/04/2018 11:43 8516948,3866760114,"

The word from Q is that Alison Mack, caught in the sex slave arrests, is singing like, well, Mcstain when captured by the VC!! As number two in the NXIVM organization, she knows everything!!! She was denied cheap bail and is in custody. I wonder how long before someone makes her bail and she catches a case of the Arkanacide flu???

",1524401737,22/04/2018 12:55 8509238,3866848251,"

I agree entirely with your first paragraph, and take exception to the second only in the length of time you've allowed the Sheriff.

Quite frankly, I don't trust any government agency to proclaim the truth. I'm afraid it's up to John Q. Public to search out the facts about this guy and publicize them. (That's what the Globalists/Leftists/Totalitarians/Socialists/Communists/Fascists desperately label ""fake news."")

The question in this case is whether this Sheriff will have the spine to resist the pressure from state and federal agencies (read ""FBI"") and tell the truth.

I doubt that this guy's background will surprise us much.

",1524406498,22/04/2018 14:14 8516948,3867029268,"

They have. Their problem is making the crimes they found public without breaching laws against distributing classified information. That's why Q Anon exists.

Also, they are waiting for closer to the midterms when the revelation of the crimes becomes more devastating. Trust the Plan.

",1524415581,22/04/2018 16:46 8507120,3867134879,"

Yes! Amen. They get away with this because good people refuse to believe what's going on, but the fact of the matter is sentient adults know about these things. It's not we Deplorables who can't believe the horrors and depravities being committed by the Left (politicians, leaders, globalist Bilderbergers, Hollywood, so many in ""media"", etc.) - it's the supporters and defenders of these people! And it's not that they don't actually know or strongly suspect; it's that they will deny it and scream FAKE and LIES to their dying breath. The Left is pickled in vile depravity, especially all in the higher levels. Pedo, child abuse, satanic rituals and sacrifice, cannibalism, sex trafficking and slavery, and all the garden variety sexism and predation, while screaming WE are the evil ones.

It is to laugh. And it won't continue, once PDJT and the Q group and white hats expose it ALL.

",1524420324,22/04/2018 18:05 8514614,3867141021,"

BERNIE better stop listening to the FAKE MEDIA, as they seem to think they are and know how John Q. Public Citizen Voter will vote.////////////////////
They the DEMON -= RATS seem to have short memories. /////////////////////////

",1524420627,22/04/2018 18:10 8515721,3867188158,

you did not answer a Q.

,1524422863,22/04/2018 18:47 8517530,3867231314,

The movement around the world is shadowed. Like Tommy's efforts...Watch #Qanon...

,1524424966,22/04/2018 19:22 8517149,3867289414,"

She thinks old dems should die. Show the way dear.
It is Saul Alinsky tactics, blame other for what you do. I won't look for this dummy, but wonder what she will say/think when Qanon finishes with it all.

",1524428054,22/04/2018 20:14 8517605,3867360577,"

He already is. I have been following Q, and based on what I have learned, Mr Thor here is signaling his alliance with the deep state by using a movie prop weapon and his back turned to the American People. We have been down this road, this guy is a schill, perhaps CIA. No way he is for the American People. Aint gonna happen.

",1524432376,22/04/2018 21:26 8517335,3867365831,

Military intelligence given to we the people by Q and baked by the anons.

,1524432721,22/04/2018 21:32 8517335,3867394275,"

From Q??? Has anything he has ever said proven true, even once?

",1524434686,22/04/2018 22:04 8515511,3867448019,

Is Gorka Q?

,1524438349,22/04/2018 23:05 8518565,3867462347,"

In other more important news......
From Q
Apr 22 2018 15:47:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c905b2 1147720
Today is Earth Day.
Did you forget?
Do you feel safe?

",1524439373,22/04/2018 23:22 8516948,3867472484,"

The “witch hunt” is really about hunting witches—Huma and HRC and the Bush women.

These people are sick. They sold us out to the Muslim Brotherhood.

",1524440114,22/04/2018 23:35 8518565,3867504651,

She was smokin hot in the 90s.

In actual news. Q says MOAB next week! Nk? Pedobama? Who knows?

,1524442430,23/04/2018 00:13 8517605,3867506552,

He’s fn delusional...

Q says MOAB next week!!!!! Pedobama? I think it will be NK..

,1524442564,23/04/2018 00:16 8515511,3867525420,

Nice try troll.

MOAB coming this week. You are watching the Q posts more than me my friend.

,1524443918,23/04/2018 00:38 8518565,3867525861,"

Q-Anon says we get a MOAB dropped this week info/real bomb,as well as a famous actress giving up the pedo business and this has been gets the top of a page...any page.

",1524443949,23/04/2018 00:39 8517605,3867543145,"

Sorry but these are BS articles on BB.
We are beginning a second revolution against the deep-state but no mention of Q or Dr Corsi—becauese of fear that everyone will go to

This is not right.

",1524445213,23/04/2018 01:00 8517605,3867596255,"

What a girly man you are for voting liberal. All talk. America needs real men to fight the globalists and your boy is just a pretty face skinny runt. The guy hasn’t even been allowed off his training wheels, so leave the running of the country to a real man like the one that was elected by the Patriots; not some snotty nosed wimp who wants to emulate the Macrons and Trudeau’s of this world. I suggest you visit the Q boards to find out just what is going on because the fake news and the likes of Glen Beck have lost everything because they thought Q was just a conspiracy theory. Hear Glen has a nice plane going cheap?

",1524449548,23/04/2018 02:12 8519273,3867655636,

do you know Q over at FOX comments?

,1524455892,23/04/2018 03:58 8517605,3867822806,"

Nope. But the leftist elitist CIA mongrels you support (you know Benghazi and Iran, aka Clinton & Obama) ) made sure that after they had used young American Patriots as fodder for their never ending war machine, found they could smuggle their drugs that had been grown and controlled by the CIA in Afghanistan, in the body cavities of the fallen. I cannot think of anything more sick.

And just a few weeks after Inauguration, the very man you are mouthing off about, sent in wave after wave of bombers and leveled the multiple areas where the CIA had vast poppy plantations. Do you know that the President has already met with Kim Jong Un? Do you recall that the President was the only leader ever to be invited by the Chinese to the Forbidden City? Guess who was also there? Go back to when the threats from North Korea stopped. Not long after.

The very man you have been mouthing off about, sent some of the best American Marines in to clean out the rats nest of CIA operatives that have controlled North Korea for decades. North Korea is free of the same cabal that has started wars cross the ME for what? To keep the war machine and it’s political trough feeders full and bloated with blood money. Why would the NEW head of the CIA visit North Korea only a week or so ago and not military?

Was it just a false alarm over Hawaii a few months back? Or was it for real? If the CIA at the literal time was running North Korea, do you think they would have access to a submarine. With North Korean markings? That missile was launched from a submarine and it was intended for Hawaii. The missiles were shot down, but it took weeks to flush out the rogue CIA sub. but finally it has been destroyed.

Do you know what is happening on 11/11/2018? No, because you are a lefty and they hate peace because it’s much easier gorging yourself on taxpayers hard earned money while stuffing down donations and kickbacks designed to keep the left and RINOs in a never ending war, somewhere in the world.

You are ignorant of what is happening around you because instead of seeking out the truth, you use the lazy method by listening to leftist propaganda and repeating it like a ‘useful idiot’. Wake up and stop elevating yourself above those that truly deserve recognition. The ones that gave ALL.

",1524472708,23/04/2018 08:38 8519258,3867994594,"

This is exactly what every American can and will see if Democrats are left in control in America .

Q leaks the Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Plan For America court documents


1 Comment

Clarion Project Reports:
Page 4:
“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”
Page 5:
“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility.”
Page 7:
“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”
“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”
Page 18:
“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are named here.
This is a major expose of the Muslim Brotherhood tonight released by Q, and it clarifies what we all know that Muslim groups like CAIR, ISNA, and ICNA and their main goal in America is to take over the United States with Islam. This Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Plan For The United States court documents leaked by Q truly shows the Obama/Clinton network's true plan for the United States, and this was likely part of the Obama/Clinton plan to destroy the United States earlier exposed by Q months ago. This is the Clinton/Obama sell out of the United States to the Islamic world through the Muslim Brotherhood, and all individuals involved in this are likely in those 24,500 sealed indictments and should be instantly deported.

",1524482006,23/04/2018 11:13 8514683,3868022611,

He looks like a black Q Tip.

,1524483377,23/04/2018 11:36 8520617,3868256078,

Part the 10% with an I Q so low that they are totally useless

,1524493274,23/04/2018 14:21 8520617,3868257172,

Q-Anon said that after the Haiti-Clinton affair comes out no black and or African American person will ever vote for a dem....I believe Q.The Clintons and Big Pharma colluded to dilute AIDS medication all over the world to make a fortune.

,1524493321,23/04/2018 14:22 8520491,3868318122,

Oops..she saw that Red Map that Q posted the other day....:)

,1524495727,23/04/2018 15:02 8520617,3868342557,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P's 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page! Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!
#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1524496684,23/04/2018 15:18 8520617,3868343847,"

And don't forgot, Baby (Corrupt) Bobby Menendez.
#MakeNewJerseyGreatAgain #DumpMenendez #QAnon


",1524496733,23/04/2018 15:18 8521814,3868410506,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P’s 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page! Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!

#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1524499329,23/04/2018 16:02 8521409,3868439356,"

Wasn't going to bother with that, this was a New Phone
But this was a CHINESE company not an American Company that would oversee the Q of the product.
The Iphone 5sc had NO malware in bedded in the root.

",1524500461,23/04/2018 16:21 8521538,3868464249,

Apr 23 2018 12:56:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a2d4d4 1157518
Iran is next.
CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.
Jan 1.
Jun 1.
No inspection @ GZ NR sites.
No missile tech prevention.
Load carrying.
Think NK.
Who controls the $?
Who really controls the $?
Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?
Who receives the money?
When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?
How does GS fund WW counter-events?
Who funds WW leftist events?
American taxpayer (subsidize).
Define nuclear stand-off.
Who benefits?
How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?
Threat to humanity?
Environment push?
Think Paris accord.
Who audits / tracks the funneled money?
Define kickback.
Define slush fund.
No oversight re: Hussein.
How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?
Off the books?
Re_ read past drops.
Will become relevant.
Welcome Mr. President.
The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.

,1524501430,23/04/2018 16:37 8522528,3868561491,"

QAnon +++

3h3 hours ago
Waffle House shooter Travis Reinking hasn't been found. Last year he was arrested trying to jump the White House fence in an attempt to ""Kill Donald Trump."" He was released by the FBI & his gun was given back to him.

Do you see what's happening here?

#Parkland #LasVegas


Threatens to kill the President near WH fence, and he gets his gun back. Deliberate move by the FBI. Apparently that is not warrant enough to remove his gun threatening a President in front of his home...with a gun....

",1524505211,23/04/2018 17:40 8522528,3868581634,


,1524505986,23/04/2018 17:53 8497223,3868617340,"

You should go to Cnet and get their rating of different streaming boxes and go from there. I got a Q box but it is years old now. Might be time to upgrade. They are also known as Kodi, Apple jailbroken.

",1524507422,23/04/2018 18:17 8522528,3868618748,"

Interesting Connection By RidgeRunner...

Was The Attack A Reation To This...

And Will Iran Be Freed Next...

""Thousands of people are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns … things happened so quickly…""
AMAZING, Q!!!!!!!
Apr 23 2018 14:19:33 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 25d216 1158519
Like NK, they have been freed.
Assets on the ground

",1524507477,23/04/2018 18:17 8520980,3868662709,"

It's in the Omnibus Bill, Trump's tweets, and Qanon posts. Don't be lazy go find them..

",1524509306,23/04/2018 18:48 8522528,3868697694,"

This is exactly what every American can and will see if Democrats are left in control in America .

Q leaks the Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Plan For America court documents


1 Comment

Clarion Project Reports:
Page 4:
of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a
stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts
Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the
observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts,
presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global
Islamic State wherever it is.”
Page 5:
“…the Movement must plan
and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry
out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’
Page 7:
“The process of settlement is a
‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan
[Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a
kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western
civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their
hands and the hands of the believers…”
“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”
Page 18:
list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This
is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S..
Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are
named here.
This is a major expose
of the Muslim Brotherhood tonight released by Q, and it clarifies what
we all know that Muslim groups like CAIR, ISNA, and ICNA and their main
goal in America is to take over the United States with Islam. This
Muslim Brotherhood Strategic Plan For The United States court documents
leaked by Q truly shows the Obama/Clinton network's true plan for the
United States, and this was likely part of the Obama/Clinton plan to
destroy the United States earlier exposed by Q months ago. This is the
Clinton/Obama sell out of the United States to the Islamic world through
the Muslim Brotherhood, and all individuals involved in this are likely
in those 24,500 sealed indictments and should be instantly deported.

",1524510803,23/04/2018 19:13 8522528,3868773691,"

Interesting, Armenia keeps popping in Q drops...

Apr 23 2018 13:51:38 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 25d216 1158067
Why was Armenia mentioned recently?
Clowns losing control.

",1524514369,23/04/2018 20:12 8522528,3868778401,"

Apr 23 2018 15:12:36 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5b3c72 1159482
Red Cross Iran.
Red Cross Pakistan.
Red Cross NK.
Red Cross ……..
Define smuggle.
What is smuggled?
What funds are used to pay for the goods?
These people are sick.
Relevant to events about to unfold.
Follow the EOs.

",1524514610,23/04/2018 20:16 8521790,3868780331,

Not this broad again! Does ESPN even make any attempt to hire reporters with an I Q. over 85?? But I suppose thats why Disney values social activism over entertainment. Sure explains how their quality suffers.
Didn't always used to be that way.

,1524514710,23/04/2018 20:18 8521850,3868784116,"

Alex Jones has always been right about the war for your mind... and Q is right... its called the Great Awakening and its coming Fast... Trump was the ticket and we are reaching full blown panic...

24,500 Sealed indictments... they are all going to be exposed... Trump is a badass... and Jeff Sessions has no mercy... don't sleep on him. NXVIM been around since the 1990's... took Trump less than two years to get Raniere in jail...

",1524514911,23/04/2018 20:21 8522528,3868784129,"

CanCuckistan has come up with a cover story.

The RUSSIANS Did it.

A Identity for the patsy van driver has been created, though absent any online footprint at the moment the name was ""leaked"" to CBS.


Putin Not Impressed.
Careful Canada, don't be ""stupid"".

Signed Q.

",1524514911,23/04/2018 20:21 8522528,3868858217,"

May not be. The US Military Intelligence group known as Q Anon issued a warning yesterday that the Globalists have moved to creating chaos through hurting citizens. Then the Globalists will posit themselves as the solution - they are completely evil.

Follow Q Anon here:

Q cannot release classified data, so the posts are cryptic. With Open Source intelligence you can work out what they are hinting at. The thing is, Q always knows ahead of time what the Globalists are about to do (because Q Anon uses the NSA to intercept comms and make predictions). You know Q is legit because future events prove posts made in the past.

The globalists next move is to try discredit Q Anon by pretending Q is inciting the violence rather than warning you of it. The Globalists are completely evil, and don't care how many people are killed, just as long as they hurt all nationalists and gain complete POWER.

So, this may have been a jihadi, but it could just be an 'unstable' person or Antifa or an activist - the Globalists will use anyone they can to harm others. They are sick and evil.

",1524518897,23/04/2018 21:28 8522528,3868879624,"

Obama had a 10 year old child bride provided for him before he was president, she would even go on vacations with obama.

The girl later ended up in a mental facility with all kinds of problems.

I have a feeling she is being protected right now because why would Q expose this and perhaps have something bad happen to her?

She probably already gave evidence to the prosecutor.

Her mother is good friends with the comet ping pong crowd and james alefantis.

Her grand mother created soaps like ""as the world turns"".

Google maggie nixon and obama and click images.

",1524520089,23/04/2018 21:48 8522528,3868883290,

Hey Q what happened to the MOAB?

,1524520289,23/04/2018 21:51 8522528,3868886610,

Apr 23 2018 15:12:36 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5b3c72 1159482
Red Cross Iran.
Red Cross Pakistan.
Red Cross NK.
Red Cross ……..
Define smuggle.
What is smuggled?
What funds are used to pay for the goods?
These people are sick.
Relevant to events about to unfold.
Follow the EOs.

,1524520480,23/04/2018 21:54 8522528,3868891299,"

Apr 20 2018 21:45:01 (EST) Anonymous ID: dfbd37 1123617
why does image search for ""maggie Nixon"" and ""obama"" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY? I think we are over the target?

Apr 20 2018 21:48:28 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e5f893 1123696
Bigger than you can imagine.
POTUS warning shot.
Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?
What are ‘pet’ names?

Obama allegedly started diddling Maggie ""Wendy"" Nixon. When she was 10 years old.

Trump knows everything about Obama this is why he calls him scum.

Notice the media is pretending Q does not exist now. They don't want anyone seeing this because they know its true.

",1524520750,23/04/2018 21:59 8522528,3868893815,"

Love Q. Iran, next! Look up and follow Q to find out what’s really happening folks.

",1524520886,23/04/2018 22:01 8519258,3868914259,"

Go Ron! Patriots.....they want us to rise/wake up!! We have to
take OUR country BACK from the evil communist/muslim takeover!! Here is
some inspiration. THE GREAT's time!!

Do you ""Q""?

#TheGreatAwakening #RiseUpPatriots

",1524521975,23/04/2018 22:19 8522528,3868917739,

David Hogg said some guy named John Q NRA was driving...

Davidf Hogg is trustworthy.... He's in highschool.

,1524522159,23/04/2018 22:22 8524181,3868920568,

Q this Q that.. who knows. What I do know is the corruption runs deep.. but will there ever be justice? Maybe. Hopefully. But I sorta doubt it.

,1524522310,23/04/2018 22:25 8524181,3868929793,"

In the end it's just a picture of Obama posing for a picture with a girl.. not proof of anything- and that's Q.. all innuendo and no fact. And yeah, I know about pizza gate. The pictures and emails are creepy as hell, but again, not proof. The thing is if the powers that be really have their feet held to the fire, they'll start a hot war in hopes they can escape in the chaos.

",1524522790,23/04/2018 22:33 8524181,3868936037,

Everyone predicted he would go next and it would be a case of broken heart.

It seems more likely what Q is saying that they won't be able to walk down the streets after everything is exposed. time to check out.

,1524523113,23/04/2018 22:38 8524181,3868941840,"

These people live forever for some reason like the rothschilds soros and other rich people involved in NWO stuff.

Look at McCain or Ruth bader Ginsberg she survived one of the most deadly forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer.

Look how Hillary and bill Clinton are going down the drain physically.

Did Q / the NSA cut the lines to the children they need to stay alive?

It was known 100 years ago that young blood would reverse disease and aging.

It was proven recently to be true.

Infusions of Young Blood Tested in Patients with Dementia
The controversial approach aims to rejuvenate old tissue


",1524523409,23/04/2018 22:43 8522939,3868947783,"

Good. Lord. Almighty.
Effective immediately: Anyone pursuing degrees in ""Gender Studies"", ""(Insert favorite adjective here) Feminism"", anything L, G, B, T, Q, or P, does so on their OWN dime. NO federally backed student loans for this crap (no pun intended).

",1524523729,23/04/2018 22:48 8524181,3868980193,"

Is Jacob Rothschild still alive? Remember that helicopter crash on their property?

No one has seen him since.

Lynn de Rothchild shut her twitter down as the Q stuff kept coming out heavier and heavier.

She was posting on 8chan after Q posted ""flyrothsfly"".

Q told her to leave and never come back he called her L.

She told one of the anons ""you will die of thirst and child will watch you die and then they will die"" something like that.

She posted ""flyeaglesfly"" a few weeks before the parkland shooting, they are called the eagles.

",1524525456,23/04/2018 23:17 8524544,3869031233,"

Mad Max has no Credibility -- just look where her 2018 re-election page lands.

#MAGA #FreeCali #MCGA #MadMax #QAnon


",1524528179,24/04/2018 00:02 8514839,3869046805,

#HRC video
#Michelle's bulging dresses
#fbi-doj-top brass credibility zero

,1524529075,24/04/2018 00:17 8524181,3869047629,"

They're both being spared the coming Q revelations, which are profound. It's all very sad and the most tragic element of it all is the unnecessary destruction of these policies. I wish them all peace; if that's possible. Sepsis is very serious. It indicates a lack of proper medical care but that is hard to fathom regarding a former President. No one 'gets over' the death of a Spouse after 73 years. They were, literally, one person.

",1524529125,24/04/2018 00:18 8520617,3869066439,"

Here is a Timely Q Post:

It’s time to learn the TRUTH.

Why are D’s inspiring activist groups to remove history re: slavery?

Why are history books painting a different picture than before?

Why are teachers following a new false script?

“Republicans are racists.”

Learn the term ‘Projection’.

Why are they threatened?

MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.

They want you dependent!

What has the D party done for the black pop?

What has the R party done for the black pop?

What has POTUS done in 1 year?

What is the net worth of black leaders today?

Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?

MLK was a conservative.

Learn the TRUTH.

Re_read drops re: slave grip of black pop.

Why do we look at skin color?




APART, we are weak.



",1524530207,24/04/2018 00:36 8521511,3869078819,"

As i have stated previously,, the DEMON - RATS are still listening to the FAKE NEWS POLLS being put out by FAKE NEWS CNN and MSNBC. /////////////////////////////////
Listen to the heart beat of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER, they will tell you who is winning. ///////////////////////////////////////

",1524530998,24/04/2018 00:49 8522528,3869123648,"

The Q, W, N & Z weren't available

",1524534255,24/04/2018 01:44 8524181,3869147542,"

LOL...If you only knew the truth! LMAO

",1524536294,24/04/2018 02:18 8522528,3869153961,

this is how Countries lose their sovereignty. The terror attack was how may hours ago and still the PRESS won't condemn the muslim. By the press unwillingness to CALL OUT murderous acts for what they are...they become complicit. Next will be grooming gangs raping 9-12 year olds...the press will be silent and the police will just Islam is Islam... You must accept these autraciites until Shariah comes then you get to be taxed and treated like slaves......BECAUSE CANADA showed these people empathy....

When will the left recognize their Q of 84 and lower and their 7th century mentality is not compatible with a civilized world! Its just that simple.

,1524536885,24/04/2018 02:28 8524181,3869202206,"

I think this is a reference to Qanon. As far as I can make out, indictments have been drawn up against everyone hated by the loony fringe of the right. Cells have been prepared at Gitmo for all Clintons and Obamas, maybe even for their dogs and cats. You and I can't be trusted with this information, but Trump secretly communicates with his army of BB followers by authorizing leaks from Q. When you follow the white rabbit, then you will have access to the most secret information in the history of the world. Perhaps radio signals are sent to the fillings in people's teeth.

I thought this was the kind of crazy that gets you committed. Guess I was wrong.

",1524541771,24/04/2018 03:49 8522093,3869211360,

It's a Q question.

,1524542857,24/04/2018 04:07 8524544,3869221810,"

look who's back, with a calmer voice. wonder if the Q posts have calmed her down :)

",1524544034,24/04/2018 04:27 8524181,3869262061,

Do you also think that NASA is sending child sex trafficking victims to a colony on Mars? Some Qanon tweeters do.

,1524548258,24/04/2018 05:37 8523548,3869377378,"

What's even funnier is that you are reading and commenting on Breitbart which generally supports MAGA and the POTUS.
Here, try reading this for a change....

",1524559094,24/04/2018 08:38 8523548,3869385080,

The Power of Q.

,1524559709,24/04/2018 08:48 8525645,3869452724,"


#LeaveEU #DumpMerkel #QAnon


",1524565849,24/04/2018 10:30 8524313,3869506520,"

Koch Bros, Tom Steyer, Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban and a handful of other 'mega-donors' are the exact reason why Trump can't get his nominations through unless Trump bows to their 'open borders' blackmail.... call your congressman, your senator and tell them this type of 'governing' won't work anymore!

",1524568437,24/04/2018 11:13 8522528,3869522338,

I wanted to respond to your comment but GP suspended my account. Check my profile if interested why. Removed comments should be visible.

My reply about Q...
Research: Cicada 3301

,1524569189,24/04/2018 11:26 8525645,3869548891,"


#Bibby #Trump #FixGermany #QAnon


",1524570351,24/04/2018 11:45 8525390,3869567150,"

Over the next few weeks, the truth will come out about the Clinton Foundation and their role in Haiti (see latest Q Anon drops); the Democrats will have to fight for every potential black vote they can get. Also, Joy Reid's blog posts sure don't help with the LGBTQ vote. The DNC and their supports, like Corey and Kamala, will some ""splainin"" to do...

",1524571142,24/04/2018 11:59 8525240,3869567846,"

From Q
Apr 23 2018 12:56:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a2d4d4 1157518
Iran is next.
CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.
Jan 1.
Jun 1.
No inspection @ GZ NR sites.
No missile tech prevention.
Load carrying.
Think NK.
Who controls the $?
Who really controls the $?
Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?
Who receives the money?
When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?
How does GS fund WW counter-events?
Who funds WW leftist events?
American taxpayer (subsidize).
Define nuclear stand-off.
Who benefits?
How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?
Threat to humanity?
Environment push?
Think Paris accord.
Who audits / tracks the funneled money?
Define kickback.
Define slush fund.
No oversight re: Hussein.
How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?
Off the books?
Re_ read past drops.
Will become relevant.
Welcome Mr. President.
The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.

",1524571171,24/04/2018 11:59 8525165,3869584761,"

Independents and (D)s are mostly too stupid to understand when they benefit--else they wouldn't be independents or (D)s. The first time in American political history that a political party has disowned tax cuts and promoted tax hikes as beneficial--and it always comes exclusively from the (D)s. Most of them can't even understand why an ""America first"" policy *for Americans* is of benefit to them! The level of stupidity is simply astounding, really. All the (D)s want is for John Q. Public to earn less and have less for himself and his family, while the (D) elite political class deficit spends those glorious tax hikes just to wallow in their tin-horn political elitism. Anyone who votes (D) has a very intense death wish, imo. (D)s have *nothing* real to offer or to boast of--so they lie 24/7 about just about anything. If it's good for you the (D)s will lie and say it's toxic. The (D)s are some really messed up folks.

",1524571910,24/04/2018 12:11 8525240,3869593385,"

I can't believe Macron said MAKE FRANCE GREAT for his liberal 'allies' to pile on him just for saying that!!

#LittleMacron #TrumpTrain #QAnon


",1524572278,24/04/2018 12:17 8526116,3869595630,"

Trump and Bibby need to fix this cr*p. Start with tipping out that atrocious NYC mayor, Kaiser Bill! //

#Trump2020 #Bibby #Trump #MAGA #MIGA #QAnon


",1524572373,24/04/2018 12:19 8525834,3869615492,

Anyone here follow Q?

,1524573188,24/04/2018 12:33 8525834,3869618276,"

Q posts.
Learn Follow.

",1524573303,24/04/2018 12:35 8525834,3869668851,"

Prez.just asked what he would do in Iran starts up their Nuke program,this while with Machron...Prez.responded mad as Hell,never seen him so mad,that it would be their biggest mistake ever..BIG MISTAKE...two days ago Q said April showers for Iran and the MOAB being dropped this week...folks,I think the going to drop a MOAB on Iran,very soon.

",1524575311,24/04/2018 13:08 8522939,3869687180,"


",1524576024,24/04/2018 13:20 8525645,3869699502,"

Are you familiar with a group of Military Intelligence which is working with Trump and are sharing intel on the 4 Chan and now 8 Chan?
If you aren’t go to YouTube and do a search for Qanon.
I follow about 6-7 folks who can help interpret his messages as much of it is in Military Intelligence jargon.
I’ve been following Qanon for 6 months now and I’ve seen dozens of things come about which they predicted and Trumps tweets often coordinate just AFTER Qanon leaves info for public.
Check it out - he quotes the overseas banks and values of Politicians
along with their salary and the word, “reconcile”.

",1524576506,24/04/2018 13:28 8525162,3869714820,


,1524577106,24/04/2018 13:38 8521793,3869729967,"

Apr 24 2018 10:28:00 (EST) Anonymous ID: 09282e 1169112

Q, is Macron a true ally to POTUS?

Apr 24 2018 10:30:18 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 1169138
His sole purpose [WH visit] is to convince POTUS, on behalf of the EU, to remain in the Iran deal.
You decide.

",1524577691,24/04/2018 13:48 8523548,3869745000,

RIP Mockingbird Media. America is waking up. You no longer control the narrative. We see you. #Qanon #thegreatawakening #MAGA #POTUS

,1524578268,24/04/2018 13:57 8524181,3869754817,

Seems he's getting off easy. We'll have him in front of a military tribunal @ Gitmo if he makes it. NWO puppet. #Qanon #thestormishere

,1524578649,24/04/2018 14:04 8525834,3869759933,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P’s 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page!!

Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!

#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1524578842,24/04/2018 14:07 8525240,3869794669,"

The sole purpose of Macron's visit to the WH is to convince POTUS, on behalf of the EU, not to pull out of the Iran deal. Good luck with that rifle dropper! MAGA #Qanon

",1524580148,24/04/2018 14:29 8522528,3869821677,

No doubt some crisis actors were involved? Maybe Q anon will give you the real truth?

,1524581170,24/04/2018 14:46 8524181,3869844258,

Lolz.....I love it when you unhinged NWO sheep out yourselves. Have a red pill & call me. :) MAGA #Qanon

,1524582007,24/04/2018 15:00 8527736,3869968722,"

NeonRevolt calls Kanye's trajectory... escape velocity... Kanye, keep going until you can no longer see Hollywood's progressivism in the rearview mirror.

",1524586644,24/04/2018 16:17 8527073,3870015881,

Why advertise you 49 I. Q. to the entire world? Just go off and enjoy it alone.

,1524588372,24/04/2018 16:46 8527130,3870028232,

Do all of us realize that there is no world wise praise for what's happening in NK but they are all blowing a gasket over Iran and that this is the only reason the French guy is here?.....This according to hour ago.

,1524588823,24/04/2018 16:53 8527130,3870114705,"

Apr 24 2018 10:45:03 (EST) Anonymous ID: 5cb39e 1169348

POTUS deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
Q answer:
Apr 24 2018 10:48:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 1169419
We are in this together.
No fame.
This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our children/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long.

",1524591912,24/04/2018 17:45 8527130,3870169929,"

Da dem/lib press did softball Q's for pres, ZERO all the time. Almost never was a serious Q asked of Ozero. Except on FOX. Mostly the lsmedia licked the very ground O zero walked on.

",1524592974,24/04/2018 18:02 8527130,3870231195,"

Hollywood human trafficker Allison Mack now looking for plea deal


1 Comment

USA Today Reports: ​Smallville actress Allison Mack, facing federal charges for her involvement in alleged Albany-area sex cult, is negotiating a plea deal, according to a court document made public Monday. Mack, 35, signed a document Friday signaling that she and the U.S. Attorney's Office for New York's Eastern District are giving some consideration to a potential plea arrangement to avoid a trial. Such a request is common in federal court cases brought before a magistrate judge and does not always result in a deal.
She is scheduled Tuesdayfor a bail hearing in federal court in Brooklyn, where prosecutors will argue she should be kept on house arrest with electronic monitoring after posting ""substantial"" bail because she is a flight risk. Mack, best known for playing Chloe Sullivan on the CW's Superman drama Smallville, was arrested Friday and indicted on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy.
Well we already know through the news and even Q that Hollywood actress Allison Mack has been charged for human trafficking, but what does this so called plea deal involve? Now Q has kept us updated by telling all of us that Allison Mack is giving up names of top Hollywood people and top Government officials, so now you can only be curious what names Allison Mack has possibly gave up since we know she is naming Hollywood and Government names likely involved in human/child trafficking.
​ The question will remain what does the plea deal entitle since we know Allison Mack is giving up names of Hollywood and Government officials both at the local and Federal level? Allison Mack likely won't be set free since she has been busted for human trafficking, but if she does give up certain names the charges she faces might not be as serious.

",1524593669,24/04/2018 18:14 8527130,3870237592,"

Trump: If Iran restarts nuclear program they will have bigger problems than they have ever had


0 Comments Reports: When asked by a reporter for a response to Iran's claim that it would swiftly restart its centrifuges if the US reimposes economic sanctions, Trump insisted that Iran wouldn't be restarting anything. ""You'll find out about that. They're not going to be restarting anything. If they restart their nuclear program, they're going to have bigger problems than they have ever had before...""
In addition to Iran, Trump affirmed that the two leaders would talk about the US rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. Trump is also expected to meet with German leader Angela Merkel at the White House later in the week, but his relationship with Merkel isn't nearly as strong as his relationship with Macron, with whom he bonded during a visit to Paris for France's Bastille Day parade.
Do these words not remind you of the situation we just had with North Korea, where Trump stated North Korea will see fire and fury like they've never seen before? Well two things will likely happen with this Iran situation under President Trump, that being Q will likely expose the Deep State operation in Iran like we saw with North Korea...And we are likely already talking behind the scenes with Iran on how to solve this insane problem and have peace with Iran like we did with North Korea.
​ If Trump turns the Iran situation into what has played out with North Korea where Kim Jong Un and President Trump will now be meeting face to face...Trump will actually deserve a Nobel Peace Prize that's actually deserved. This will turn out like the North Korea situation, where somewhere down the road after behind the scenes talks...We will likely see a meeting for peace between Trump and Iran.

",1524593755,24/04/2018 18:15 8527130,3870327399,

Do all of us realize that there is no world wide praise for what's happening in NK but they are all blowing a gasket over Iran and that this is the only reason the French guy is here?.....This according to hour ago.

,1524594871,24/04/2018 18:34 8528477,3870909436," Link to tweet from Sara Carter.

",1524605772,24/04/2018 21:36 8528477,3870920178,

Is this the MOAB that Q Mentioned would be dropping this week?

,1524606035,24/04/2018 21:40 8524181,3870949467,"

Especially if you read what the incoming drops of Q are saying lately.

",1524606806,24/04/2018 21:53 8528021,3871019808,"

Iran is NEXT says Q
I said it two weeks ago,got my confirm !

",1524608609,24/04/2018 22:23 8530748,3871384918,

Where's Q and his wife? Busy hunting down and exposing conspirators and traitors?
Not a very good time for progressives.
MAGA onward boys!

,1524619025,25/04/2018 01:17 8529953,3871428207,"

Two months of Q posts go missing



What the hell just happened with the Q posts on the Q boards, where nearly two months of Q posts have gone missing from the internet. Now does this have something to do with Q stating a couple weeks back learn to archive offline, or is this a major attack on Q where the Deep State has deleted two months worth of Q posts? Whatever the case may be the deletion of two months of Q posts is very alarming, but may show the Deep State is running out of options. This major deletion of Q posts today comes when Q told us this week a MOAB is incoming, so maybe the MOAB is full of information that maybe Q had to delete...Since this MOAB could be a huge source of exposing information. However it's very questionable and alarming that two months of Q posts would go missing in one day.

",1524620703,25/04/2018 01:45 8529953,3871431397,"

are they missing from here?

",1524620836,25/04/2018 01:47 8529443,3871589008,

Qanon wrote today that the American people don't know the Iran Deal includes two $250 billion payments a year to Iran ... sounds like something Hussein would do.

,1524628243,25/04/2018 03:50 8529002,3871902641,

And right on Q.!!

,1524653858,25/04/2018 10:57 8533664,3872301004,"

You've got that right...

",1524669727,25/04/2018 15:22 8521280,3872339062,"

Via Judicial Watch:

Ten emails contain classified information redacted “in the interest of national defense or foreign policy,” including confidential sources, and concern Israel and the Middle East. Most of the emails include exchanges with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The emails show Hillary Clinton conducted classified and sensitive negotiations about the Israel-Arab conflict on her unsecure, non-governmental server.

A document labeled “plan” was completely redacted as classified.
A November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, Blair as “aclb” and Clinton.
Another November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes Sullivan, Clinton’s office manager Claire Coleman, Blair and Clinton.
A November 2012 email chain fully redacted is titled “Mid East Peace” and includes Blair, Clinton, Obama’s Special Envoy to the Middle East David Hale as “,” Sullivan and Blair’s Chief of Staff and former Downing Street aide Catherine Rimmer.
In an April 2011 email exchange between Blair, Clinton and Sullivan concerning “Israel,” Blair says he “had another long session with BB [Netanyahu].”
A May 2011 exchange concerns “Israel” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan.
A May 2011 email concerns “Palestinians” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan. Blair says, “I’ve also sent you a paper.”
A June 2011 email regarding “Israel” includes Blair, Sullivan and Clinton. Blair says, “Saw Israeli PM. Put the concept of a Q statement. He was receptive. Palestinians interested too. I know there are discussions also you guys are having. And the French initiative….”
In a July 2011 email – with several national security redactions – written by Blair to Clinton and Sullivan, Blair says, “I saw BB….. Molcho [chief negotiator in the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians] will speak to David Hale. I can see Cameron and Sarkozy with David…. I saw Egyptians….”
A September 2010 email exchange is titled “Info for you,” and includes Sullivan, Blair and Clinton. Blair writes that he just spent three hours with Netanyahu, and Sullivan, using his Sprint BlackBerry, he writes “We have pitched this to [redacted].”
Huma Abedin is in many of these emails assisting the Clintons with their influence peddling:

Many of the emails involve Abedin, who joined the State Department as deputy chief of staff in 2009. From June 2012-February 2013, she was granted status as a “special government employee,” allowing her to work as a consultant to clients like Teneo and served as a paid consultant to the Clinton Foundation.

Several of the emails demonstrate the commingling of Clinton State Department and Clinton family foundation business:

In a November 2010 email with subject line, “How do I get through to Bill Clinton,” Rafael Anchia, a lawyer with Haynes Boone, asks Clinton campaign official Ed Meier if he could get to the “gatekeepers” to get Bill Clinton to give a speech in Spain, noting that “a large bank is willing to pay for it.”
Bill Clinton was also caught conducting State Department and Clinton Foundation work simultaneously:

The Clinton Foundation work in Malawi involved a Clinton Foundation owned “for-profit agribusinesses including Tukula Farming Company which operates 7200 acres of commercial farms” in the impoverished country.

Other emails show that Bill Clinton appears to conduct State Department and Clinton Foundation business simultaneously:

In a September 2012 email with subject line “Burma,” Desai briefs Jake Sullivan on Bill Clinton’s discussions in Burma. Desai reports, in part: “WJC mentioned work of CF [Clinton Foundation] and offered to help in any way. TS [Than Shwe, president of Burma] said he already had asked HRC about WJC foundation and wanted to invite WJC foundation to work in myanmar in collaboration with gov agencies and other ngos … TS invited WJC to open offices in Rangoon and Mandelay.” That same day, Abedin writes Desai (cc’s Mills, Sullivan, Fuchs and three other persons whose email address are redacted) with subject line “Re: He had v good meeting with Libya and Burma:” “hrc looking forward to hearing about Burma. We meet at 545. I believe you have downloaded to jake?”
In a September 2012 email with subject line “Columbia / President Santos,” Desai and Toiv discuss a request by Colombian president, Manuel Santos, that Bill Clinton say some positive words about Santos’ initiative reaching out to the FARC terrorist group. Santos provided the Clinton Foundation with suggested language. Toiv said that she would “check” and also mentioned that she was working on a “visa issue.”
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton had this to say about the new Hillary emails showing once again the Clintons are above the law:

“It is shameful that Hillary Clinton attempted to delete or hide classified information and that Obama appointees James Comey and Loretta Lynch refused to prosecute her. It is clear that the Clintons were using the State Department to run an extensive influence peddling scheme. Americans should be concerned that while untold resources are devoted to the abusive Mueller special counsel investigation of President Trump, this Justice Department seems uninterested in prosecuting the Clintons.”

",1524671202,25/04/2018 15:46 8532914,3872350177,

Qanon told me that the lizardmen are on the way for their final battle with the tall nordic aliens.

,1524671633,25/04/2018 15:53 8532623,3872423720,"

Yes, agreed but the libtards are not the only ones guilty of shutting down healthy debate. Without ascribing to any of these theories, the same should also be said as to them as well, to wit: Chemtrails exist, Vaccines cause autism, 5 G causes significant health issues, The U S A has been a Corporation since 1871, going to the Moon was a hoax as is SpaceX's ability to land a rocket back on terra firma, Q is a psyop, Queen Elizabeth is still our ruler, there never will be true A.I., Jackie shot JFK, plus lots of other theories, and last but not the least, the earth is not an oblique spheroid, the sun is not what we've been told and is certainly not located where we have been taught.

",1524674411,25/04/2018 16:40 8533448,3872473517,"

Judicial Watch uncovers 10 new Clinton emails with classified information, all emails included



All 10 new Clinton emails sent on her private email with classified information uncovered by Judicial Watch.

A document labeled “plan” was completely redacted as classified.

A November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, Blair as “aclb” and Clinton.

Another November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes Sullivan, Clinton’s office manager Claire Coleman, Blair and Clinton.

A November 2012 email chain fully redacted is titled “Mid East Peace” and includes Blair, Clinton, Obama’s Special Envoy to the Middle East David Hale as “,” Sullivan and Blair’s Chief of Staff and former Downing Street aide Catherine Rimmer.

In an April 2011 email exchange between Blair, Clinton and Sullivan concerning “Israel,” Blair says he “had another long session with BB [Netanyahu].”

A May 2011 exchange concerns “Israel” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan.

A May 2011 email concerns “Palestinians” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan. Blair says, “I’ve also sent you a paper.”

A June 2011 email regarding “Israel” includes Blair, Sullivan and Clinton. Blair says, “Saw Israeli PM. Put the concept of a Q statement. He was receptive. Palestinians interested too. I know there are discussions also you guys are having. And the French initiative….”

In a July 2011 email – with several national security redactions – written by Blair to Clinton and Sullivan, Blair says, “I saw BB….. Molcho [chief negotiator in the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians] will speak to David Hale. I can see Cameron and Sarkozy with David…. I saw Egyptians….”

A September 2010 email exchange is titled “Info for you,” and includes Sullivan, Blair and Clinton. Blair writes that he just spent three hours with Netanyahu, and Sullivan, using his Sprint BlackBerry, he writes “We have pitched this to [redacted].”​​​ This new discovery of 10 Clinton emails sent out on her private server with Classified information discovered today by Judicial Watch, is just more simple proof the Obama FBI controlled by Loretta Lynch and James Comey that an investigation was never done. Also this further proves that someone ordered the Clinton investigation to come to an end inside the Obama administration, as we know McCabe was told by a high up DOJ official to end the Clinton investigation immediately in 2016. It's really time to relaunch the Clinton investigation, which likely consists of 600,000 emails that consists of everything from pedophilia to classified information...And this is only 10 of them.

",1524676300,25/04/2018 17:11 8533448,3872475191,"

On Wednesday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released 281 pages of newly discovered emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private server.

The emails, dated 2010-2013, contain classified information and show more Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with the State Department.

Via Judicial Watch:

Ten emails contain classified information redacted “in the interest of national defense or foreign policy,” including confidential sources, and concern Israel and the Middle East. Most of the emails include exchanges with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The emails show Hillary Clinton conducted classified and sensitive negotiations about the Israel-Arab conflict on her unsecure, non-governmental server.

A document labeled “plan” was completely redacted as classified.
A November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, Blair as “aclb” and Clinton.
Another November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes Sullivan, Clinton’s office manager Claire Coleman, Blair and Clinton.
A November 2012 email chain fully redacted is titled “Mid East Peace” and includes Blair, Clinton, Obama’s Special Envoy to the Middle East David Hale as “,” Sullivan and Blair’s Chief of Staff and former Downing Street aide Catherine Rimmer.
In an April 2011 email exchange between Blair, Clinton and Sullivan concerning “Israel,” Blair says he “had another long session with BB [Netanyahu].”
A May 2011 exchange concerns “Israel” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan.
A May 2011 email concerns “Palestinians” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan. Blair says, “I’ve also sent you a paper.”
A June 2011 email regarding “Israel” includes Blair, Sullivan and Clinton. Blair says, “Saw Israeli PM. Put the concept of a Q statement. He was receptive. Palestinians interested too. I know there are discussions also you guys are having. And the French initiative….”
In a July 2011 email – with several national security redactions – written by Blair to Clinton and Sullivan, Blair says, “I saw BB….. Molcho [chief negotiator in the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians] will speak to David Hale. I can see Cameron and Sarkozy with David…. I saw Egyptians….”
A September 2010 email exchange is titled “Info for you,” and includes Sullivan, Blair and Clinton. Blair writes that he just spent three hours with Netanyahu, and Sullivan, using his Sprint BlackBerry, he writes “We have pitched this to [redacted].”
Huma Abedin is in many of these emails assisting the Clintons with their influence peddling:

Many of the emails involve Abedin, who joined the State Department as deputy chief of staff in 2009. From June 2012-February 2013, she was granted status as a “special government employee,” allowing her to work as a consultant to clients like Teneo and served as a paid consultant to the Clinton Foundation.

Several of the emails demonstrate the commingling of Clinton State Department and Clinton family foundation business:

In a November 2010 email with subject line, “How do I get through to Bill Clinton,” Rafael Anchia, a lawyer with Haynes Boone, asks Clinton campaign official Ed Meier if he could get to the “gatekeepers” to get Bill Clinton to give a speech in Spain, noting that “a large bank is willing to pay for it.”

",1524676365,25/04/2018 17:12 8533448,3872478767,"

Hollywood human trafficker Allison Mack released on $5 million dollar bond, or is it protective custody before trial



True Pundit reports: ​Actress Allison Mack was released from jail on $5 million bail bond on Tuesday to await trial on charges of recruiting women to serve as sex slaves in what prosecutors called a secret society run by self-help guru Keith Raniere. A U.S. magistrate judge released Mack, known for her role in WB Television’s “Smallville” series, after her parents agreed to put the family’s Los Alamitos, California, home up as collateral and Mack, 35, agreed to live with her parents under house arrest.
Federal prosecutors in New York charged Mack with sex trafficking and conspiracy for recruiting women into a program within Raniere’s Albany, New York organization Nxivm, representing it as a female mentorship group. They said that Mack, who has pleaded not guilty, played a major role in the group. Prosecutors and Mack’s lawyers said in a court filing that the two sides are engaged in plea negotiations.
With Q informing us this week that Allison Mack is giving up Hollywood names and names of Government officials both local and Federal, is Allison Mack who has been busted really on a five million dollar bond or is she in some kind of protective custody before trial? Allison Mack must of gave up some certain names in Hollywood and American politics, for her to be charged with human trafficking to be out on bond...But the bond is very hefty at $5 million so she is likely going down herself.
​ For Allison Mack to be out on bond it's very likely names have already been named, and all that comes next is trial. With that being said the trial Allison Mack likely faces in a couple weeks for human trafficking charges will be something to pay attention to, but there is likely protective custody involved in this bond...Especially if she has given up names of Hollywood celebrities and Government officials both local and Federal. Names will likely be dropped but not till trial.

",1524676491,25/04/2018 17:14 8533535,3872518752,

Blah .. blah .. blah ... blah ... Iran's currency is crashing because of Trump's sanctions ... plus Qanon says the Iran Deal is giving $250 billion twice a year to Iran ... which sounds like something Hussein would have done ... so is it any wonder the mullahs are freaking out.

,1524677916,25/04/2018 17:38 8533448,3872529084,"

A 46% favorable rating... hmmmm.

In DAILY polls over 15 months (that's over 300 polls), the Gallup poll quoted by all the corp media muppets has never once been over 40%...

That is statistically significant data supporting the nefarious makeup of Gallup's sampling model, i.e. they cheat and use way too many Dems in the samples (the latest ploy is not ""selecting"" party affiliation like many polls do... instead they bury the bias inside the rest of the sample methodology making sure they get the desired result without actually ""selecting"" a fixed ratio... easy to do).

And yes I have communicated with one of the national polls (Quinnipiac), who at least responded and attempted to explain their approach (until they realized I was doing a critical analysis... then radio silence).
* Note: Q gets the same results as Gallup but reports only every couple of weeks so are an effective ""proxy"" for Gallup... who have never responded to a single one of my emails.

",1524678294,25/04/2018 17:44 8533025,3872545527,"

From Q
Apr 25 2018 11:21:21 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 900681 1181379
They tried to delete the proof.
POTUS win - 1/20.
Deep clean.
They never thought she would lose.
Insurance w/o cover.
Nothing is deleted.
No Such Agency.
Tool dev primary + meta essential.
Easy cover.
Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins.
Trust the plan.
Hard to swallow for many.
Treason / corruption 1st.
Think resignations.
Speaker of House resigning!
You have more than you know.
Have faith.

",1524678820,25/04/2018 17:53 8533448,3872550978,"

Q --
Apr 25 2018 11:21:21 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 900681 1181379
They tried to delete the proof.
POTUS win - 1/20.
Deep clean.
They never thought she would lose.
Insurance w/o cover.
Nothing is deleted.
No Such Agency.
Tool dev primary + meta essential.
Easy cover.
Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins.
Trust the plan.
Hard to swallow for many.
Treason / corruption 1st.
Think resignations.
Speaker of House resigning!
You have more than you know.
Have faith.
WWG1WGA = Where We Go One We Go All + WW also = World Wide

",1524679037,25/04/2018 17:57 8533448,3872582870,

That is the latest Q spin conspiracy. Campaigns colluding with a hostile foreign power is explicitly illegal. Tampering with elections is explicitly illegal. So STFU. Lock them up!

,1524680255,25/04/2018 18:17 8535593,3872608565,

GG is Q.

,1524681247,25/04/2018 18:34 8535593,3872628481,"

Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524682010,25/04/2018 18:46 8533976,3872631287,

Yeah. THAT Q.
You’ll get extra credit for being uber butt ugly and a Q too.
Just another double dipper.

,1524682110,25/04/2018 18:48 8535878,3872662520,

FOLLOW Q ANON BUY APPAREL SCREW THE DEMS AND DEEP STATE all at once. its on amazon. buy it from them just to piss them off

,1524683206,25/04/2018 19:06 8535878,3872668131,

FOLLOW Q ANON BUY APPAREL SCREW THE DEMS AND DEEP STATE all at once. its on amazon. buy it from them just to piss them off. PLEASE UP VTE to top!!!!

,1524683394,25/04/2018 19:09 8535593,3872671842,"

Sometimes I wonder if Kanye is on team Q.

Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524683512,25/04/2018 19:11 8534492,3872693402,"

My last comment got shadow banned. Allow me to re-phrase...

In an similar story, Deep State Hillary's State Dept deal was rejected and her response matched the Talibans. #qanon

",1524684258,25/04/2018 19:24 8534492,3872694575,

I wonder how many signed up for the H1B Visa program? #qanon

,1524684300,25/04/2018 19:25 8528477,3872699563,

We'll let the evidence decide. #qanon

,1524684487,25/04/2018 19:28 8535158,3872708238,"

Reid knows they are going to come after him for corruption.
How many people know that?
Too bad Harry, Q said No Deals.

",1524684798,25/04/2018 19:33 8535593,3872708538,

Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271

,1524684807,25/04/2018 19:33 8534492,3872708580,

Cant that be considered a clear act of aiding and abetting an enemy of the state? Treason? #qanon.

,1524684809,25/04/2018 19:33 8526938,3872709147,"

Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524684832,25/04/2018 19:33 8527760,3872721781,"

Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524685324,25/04/2018 19:42 8534492,3872736844,

Seems and reality can be oceans apart. Perhaps Sessions should be nominated for an Academy Award? #qanon

,1524685933,25/04/2018 19:52 8528477,3872738249,

Criminal Cover Up Friendly. #qanon

,1524685988,25/04/2018 19:53 8535593,3872768503,"

From Q
Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524687269,25/04/2018 20:14 8535593,3872822291,"

From Q
Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 1184271
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

",1524689692,25/04/2018 20:54 8536535,3872836100,"

You are a blind sentinal, there are now over 26,000 sealed federal indictments and more people are waking up everyday thanks to Q Anon. Ask yourself, why so many global resignations?
The storm is here. Trump is going to kick some major globalist azz.

",1524690290,25/04/2018 21:04 8529806,3872841637,"

These satanic fascist nazis think ALL American people are stupid....the ""Great Awakening"" is happening!!!! We have had enough of your BS and YOUR heads are going to roll! We are not going to take this s*** from you anymore.....lock and load PATRIOTS!!!! Take your FAKE jobs and shove them up your arses...........we can already go out and get those jobs you're talking about, so your talking points are dead!


Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?

#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #NoMoreCommunism #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #DeleteFacebook #WakeUpAmerica #TickTock

",1524690533,25/04/2018 21:08 8536535,3872897344,"

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to, The Awakening

",1524693045,25/04/2018 21:50 8536838,3872948195,"

A lot of the first posts by Q contained the phrase ""as the world turns.""

No one could figure out what that meant.

One thing Q has said is his posts are to instill fear into people so they make mistakes.

Obama and a few others knew what Q meant when he would post ""as the world turns.""

For months Q kept posting that in his messages.

We now know what it meant and Obama must have been squirming.

Obama started making love to the 10 year old granddaughter of the woman who created many soaps including as the world turns.

Google images of maggie nixon and obama.

Apr 20 2018 21:37:07 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c95f7e 1123499
Hint: Hussein & Maggie
How many pics can you find of them together?
Age 10, 11, 12….

",1524695678,25/04/2018 22:34 8536535,3872954190,"

And to have a ready-made voting bloc once Black Americans wake up and realise that the democrats will never allow them to leave ‘the plantation’. These two young men are courageous in speaking to their peers regarding the situation Black Americans are in. The lying fake media and the hollywood elite will scream and rant and rave about these two young men. Let them! Let them! They will be subjected to all kinds or abuse, but let me say to them now. The feeling of FREEDOM is wonderful!! Our chains were broken too when we realised that the globalists cannot win this battle, because my freedom is worth more than any trinket they can offer me.

We must turn out thoughts and prayers immediately to these young men who are now realising that they too were just pawns in the elites game of chess. But a Chess Master has stepped up to the board - someone that couldn’t be bought and didn’t need to be in the pocket of big business - but realised years ago that he could make a difference to America, if not the world, when he explained what the elite planned to do with mankind. As Q has said time and time again. ‘You have no idea how deep this evil is and how wide the corruption of the government is’. I think very soon and the world will be shocked when they learn just how evil and wicked some world leaders are.

",1524695998,25/04/2018 22:39 8535404,3872966747,"

Without a doubt! Illegals are their last hope. Q says ""Midterms are safe"" and ""Watch CA."" I believe huge things will break probably long before November, on the illegal voting front.

",1524696649,25/04/2018 22:50 8536535,3872967780,"

Re those missing Strzok-Page text messages we're awaiting from DOJ ---
From Q --
Apr 25 2018 18:37:45 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 025fdf 1187000
Not public.
Debate how to handle.
Buying time.
Apr 25 2018 18:38:48 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 025fdf 1187021
Note 187.

(187 = murder)

",1524696697,25/04/2018 22:51 8536535,3872984154,

Who is Q?

,1524697564,25/04/2018 23:06 8536535,3872985917,

Apr 25 2018 19:18:54 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8fd529 1187806
What happens to the special counsel?
Rudy met w/ Mueller today.
Public announcement.
End of POTUS investigation?
Continue w/ other investigations?
Stage set?
Support growing?
We have it all.
Welcome to the WH.

,1524697656,25/04/2018 23:07 8536535,3872988435,"

Hillary's gigantic Haiti scandal hasn't even surfaced for most people yet. Q says it will be a game-changer for blacks and the Dims will lose them! She raped Haiti of $2 billion AND trafficked 1,000 or more of their children for body parts, sex slavery on Pedo Island, or spirit cooking/cannibalism. This will ALL come out!

",1524697790,25/04/2018 23:09 8536535,3872989006,"

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 130638
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.

As the world turns, we did not know what that meant but obama did.

It's about the 10 year old girl he was having sex with. maggie nixon granddaughter of creator of the soap ""as the world turns""

Gooogle images of maggie nixon and obama.

",1524697821,25/04/2018 23:10 8536847,3872991859,"

Marshall is doing some soul searching tonight, and asking himself how many millions he lost helping the cabal divide us with lies. My estimate? $30mil


",1524697980,25/04/2018 23:13 8536847,3873000535,"

Yo, Don Jr., you are the man! Please give your dad a hug, and tell him to keep going, we are so proud. I was memming Kanye's twitter acct, part of the plan, as I was troubled at the racial division in this country. What I saw today was a miracle. God Speed. WWG1WGA. #qanon

",1524698435,25/04/2018 23:20 8536838,3873004588,

The great awakening is happening!!! #Qanon

,1524698660,25/04/2018 23:24 8536535,3873013875,"

Twitters Bias is showing.....uh oh

Kanye Tweeted @realDonaldTrump support & lost 9M Followers, showing just 17M just 20 min ago

Users asked how this can happen & @kanyewest's account just now jumped back to 27.9M Followers

Twitter Anti-Trump Algorithm hit the wrong account, made censorship obvious

#QAnon #MAGA

5:54 PM - 25 Apr 2018

",1524699154,25/04/2018 23:32 8536535,3873016524,

From Qanon Posts on Twitter:

Kanye West is tweeting MAGA hat pics

North Korea is denuking

The blue wave is flzzling out

James Comey and McCabe are busted

Wikileaks is countersuing the DNC


,1524699297,25/04/2018 23:34 8536535,3873019769,

From Qanon Posts on Twitter:

Kanye West is tweeting MAGA hat pics

North Korea is denuking

The blue wave is flzzling out

James Comey and McCabe are busted

Wikileaks is countersuing the DNC


,1524699473,25/04/2018 23:37 8536535,3873023148,

From Qanon Posts on Twitter:

Kanye West is tweeting MAGA hat pics

North Korea is denuking

The blue wave is flzzling out

James Comey and McCabe are busted

Wikileaks is countersuing the DNC


,1524699641,25/04/2018 23:40 8536535,3873025975,

From Qanon Posts on Twitter:

Kanye West is tweeting MAGA hat pics

North Korea is denuking

The blue wave is flzzling out

James Comey and McCabe are busted

Wikileaks is countersuing the DNC


,1524699786,25/04/2018 23:43 8536838,3873057314,

Spartacus went full Qnon!!

,1524701436,26/04/2018 00:10 8536826,3873064840,"

Behold the ⚡️🐲DRAGON ENERGY🐲⚡️

MOAB incoming... (

",1524701852,26/04/2018 00:17 8530373,3873085148,

It's been talked about on the Q boards.

,1524702913,26/04/2018 00:35 8530373,3873090484,

Go to the Q anon youtubes. You should know Corsi. You being a DC insider and all.

,1524703204,26/04/2018 00:40 8536535,3873102328," is compromised do not go there for postings

go to instead:

",1524703882,26/04/2018 00:51 8536535,3873106753,

Wait... have you seen the Qanon love poems to GG yet? Breaking the internet I hear.

,1524704126,26/04/2018 00:55 8536535,3873117637,

#qanon.....go find truth

,1524704765,26/04/2018 01:06 8536535,3873143072,"

If you are not tuned into the Q tweets you are not staying up with the ballgame. This is all part of a plan. Like a movie this collapse of the Left is following the plan of our President. THAT is why they hate him so much. If you want to find out more go to praying medic on youtube. Subscribe and spread the truth. Become a warrior in this fight to overthrow the Deep State, and those who would keep you down with the promise of 'free things' that common sense tells you they will never be able to provide, and that they would never give to anyone who does not toe their line. Act now to KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

",1524706344,26/04/2018 01:32 8528231,3873164405,"

After following Q, I believe it is safe to assume it was a genocide, and most likely shaped by the evil games played by an elite few in order to bring us full circle to today, where we are not only witnessing it unfold again, but this time we have the evidence to prove it. God Bless Donald J Trump and All the Patriots that risk it all so that All men can be free. #qanon

",1524707822,26/04/2018 01:57 8536847,3873217901,"

Nope, you're just lazy! You don't have to look very far down the thread, in fact here is a fine example that proves my point! ""therealmadmarv • 4 hours ago
therealmadmarv • 4 hours ago
Yo, Don Jr., you are the man! Please give your dad a hug, and tell him to keep going, we are so proud. I was memming Kanye's twitter acct, part of the plan, as I was troubled at the racial division in this country. What I saw today was a miracle. God Speed. WWG1WGA. #qanon""
No go back to playing with yourself...

",1524711923,26/04/2018 03:05 8537543,3873239116,

I think Kanye is on the Q team. Some of those posts are Kanye originals.

,1524713761,26/04/2018 03:36 8530373,3873271733,"

Macron is a Rothschild creation that came out of nowhere and the media was told to embrace him. He is continuing the trend of destroying his country and wants to finish Europe off by allowing 200 million (yes 200) into Europe over the next two decades and to merge us with Africa. He comes to America and spits in the President's face and tries to convince him to continue the Iran deal - A deal that forces America to continue $250 billion payouts (see Q posts). On top of all that, he had the nerve to bring his pedo wife to the Whitehouse and the media remains silent. The President showed his professionalism and played the game but Macron will leave empty handed.

",1524716504,26/04/2018 04:21 8530373,3873295620,"

Macron tried to come it to save the $500 billion we send to Iran to be distributed to the Cabals slush funds. Question is, how much of that $ went to Macron?

",1524718469,26/04/2018 04:54 7997870,3873313074,"

Did you see how many million new followers Kanye got today? Did you see Twitter get caught trying to censor that fact? What are you here trying to do the same? Anons, marker! #qanon

",1524720022,26/04/2018 05:20 8537543,3873316358,

I am Q.

,1524720339,26/04/2018 05:25 8530277,3873351369,"

More attacks coming as Trump continues counterattack on deep state. Go to Jerome Corsi on YOU TUBE for updates from Q, Military Intel.

",1524723499,26/04/2018 06:18 8537543,3873507519,

The next few days are not going to be good for libtards:

- Sessions did NOT recuse himself in the Michael Cohen matter. So zero to do with Trump-Russia.

- Manafort worked with Obozo personal WH Counsel and his law firm on behalf of the Ukraine regime. Former WH counsel Greg Craig abruptly resigned in the past few days from the worlds richest law firm. Another partner in the firm who also worked with Manafort has already been indicted along with Manafort and his business partner Gates.

- Mark Meadows and a couple others already have the Strzok-Page missing texts. Q Anon says references to assassinating Trump included.

,1524734600,26/04/2018 09:23 8530373,3873514100,"

Trump is perfectly well aware of Macron's motives and intention. You should keep up with the Q posts. Also see #qanon twitter, and Jerome Corsi's video interpretations of the Q drops. (Jerome Corsi has links to these on twitter).

",1524734968,26/04/2018 09:29 8530373,3873525349,"

As Jerome Corsi makes clear in his interpretation of the Q drops (link on his twitter page
he says that Trump apparently likes Macron, he is being polite to him and his wife by giving them due ceremony, but Trump doesn't have to agree with him, and Trump does not. Trump made it quite clear in his speech when he said the Iran deal was insane. The Q drop on this matter was also very clear that Trump knew exactly Macron's intentions on his visit to the USA. Q also hinted in a humorous way the Trump will not be manipulated.

",1524735548,26/04/2018 09:39 8530373,3873527781,"

The Q drops confirm that President Trump knows exactly what he doing and is not deceived by Macron. He can still give Macron friendship and courtesy, but that does not mean that he agrees with him.

",1524735667,26/04/2018 09:41 8530373,3873534101,"

The Q information drops (#qanon on twitter) plus Jerome Corsi's interpretations of those drops (daily video) are fascinating and fast moving and fundamental to understanding what is really going on e.g. with regard to Syria, NK, Iran and so on.
Q drops info several times daily in the form of clues, hints about what to find out more about, links to information. He has been posting since October and has built up a huge following. The left like to make a mockery of it and smear those who post about it, but they are the fools because they cannot see the brilliance of this type of information delivery - so simple yet very clever, taking place right under their noses.

",1524735998,26/04/2018 09:46 8530373,3873546609,"

Spot on. The Left seem completely blinded by hate and they cannot see what is going on right under their noses (Q drops of information are a goldmine about what P Trump is doing and why. Several drops of info per day which can be read on #qanon on twitter, and sound interpretations can be seen on Jerome Corsi on Twitter.

",1524736642,26/04/2018 09:57 8530373,3873562103,"

See these Q drops. Merkel will apparently get the same sort of treatment. Countries being dealt with 1 by 1.

",1524737403,26/04/2018 10:10 8530373,3873570039,"

These Q information drops may reassure:

Merkel will apparently get the same sort of treatment. Countries being dealt with 1 by 1. President Trump knows exactly what is going on and what the EU wants.
The Iran deal is worth billions to the EU. That is why they do not want to lose it.

",1524737767,26/04/2018 10:16 8530373,3873579792,"

I think it did not influence President Trump. See these Q information drops about all of this. (Q is apparently a source very close to P Trump and certainly has military intelligence knowledge. The predictions/interpretations of events are fascinating and all the ones I have read have actually happened or provide the necessary background to understand what President Trump is doing and why. What the media reports and what is reality are very different as you obviously know. Q puts it: A""ll is not as it seems"" and urges everyone to have trust in POTUS and to trust ""the plan"".

Merkel will apparently get the same sort of treatment as Macron. Trump is not taking on the whole world at once but country by country.


",1524738208,26/04/2018 10:23 8538593,3873804042,"

Have any British folks seen the movie John Q? There - I made a veiled threat - come after me, you limey stains! AHAHAHA can you imagine an English policeman knocking on American doors????? Pretty sure its still legal to shoot redcoats on sight here in the states. Just sayin...

",1524746538,26/04/2018 12:42 8536535,3873808108,"

According to Q from 5 days ago, it will happen! I very highly recommend following Q to know what's coming. Here's what he said re: the black vote:

Apr 21 2018 14:40:05 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30e575 1133862
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?

Follow Q here or on one of the Corsi livestreams (all old ones are available as well) on YouTube.

",1524746688,26/04/2018 12:44 8538722,3873836027,"

Kanyes tweets aren’t what you think:

",1524747643,26/04/2018 13:00 8536535,3873843982,"

I think 0bama threw Garland in there knowing he'd be rejected. This was to allow the seat to remain vacant (which it did) until Hillary attained her throne (which TG she DIDN'T) to appoint the criminal and traitor Valerie Jarrett. Q has written about this. There was a solid plan, and among the many, many secrets, crimes and treasons of the 0bama regime and Deep State, Trump becoming president threatened this just as much! No wonder they killed Scalia (which they did; Q has confirmed) and have threatened to assassinate Trump. That's very likely in the Page-Strzok texts now in the hands of Congress. Huge and world-changing. They don't even know what and how to release publicly - their lives are being threatened.

From yesterday, from Q, re: Sara Carter tweeting about the texts being released to Congress:

Apr 25 2018 18:37:45 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 025fdf 1187000
Not public.
Debate how to handle.
Buying time.

",1524747917,26/04/2018 13:05 8538440,3873862577,"

France declared God is dead, just as America started asking for God’s blessing. Compare and contrast scientifically, who ended up better off? The three most successful revolutions (based on standards of living and expansion of Freedom and individual liberty) American, Texian and Indian, all embraced God and asked for God’s blessings. Math, Music, logic, language and the scientific method will not work in some random dominant Alt Atheist universe. Without God to guarantee and maintain reliable repeatibility. Harmonics physics proves God is. Q. E. D. There is zero hard scientific evidence, zero, of spontaneous life, spontaneous laws and rules with no purpose, or spontaneous complex systems like the internet that science can use as an analog to study and infer the origin of our universe. Zero. Atheism is a complete pseudo scientific fairy tale. Notice how all atheists skip over the foundation, the origin questions, and go right to what ifs in the middle of the puzzle. Atheism is responsible for the genocide of over 110,000,000 and the current enslavement of over one billion to atheist Motherlands. It is time to relegate Atheism to the dust bin shelves with flat eartherism. Because the earth, the sun and atheists are not the true centers of the Universe. In absolute reality, infinity=alpha&omega=God has no boundaries, hence no center. There is only a Pi like subset origin from Infinity=God at singularity into space-time. In order for limited human body-mind computers to calculate and frame into the MoL (Movie of Life) at 5 frames per microsecond, spacial relationships through time in the UoT (Universe of Things).

",1524748572,26/04/2018 13:16 8538350,3873881100,"

Woodchuck to Grey Squirrel, over. USA deplorables to UK deplorables, over. I hear Q team has evidence of UK/AUS working with Deep State to take out our POTUS, as act of war. Not all of UK, just your cabal puppets, the ones with all the wealth. Not to worry, Trump and team have them all on the run, but we need you. Hey UK deplorables, stand up to this crap, we got your back. They are laundering money used to enrich themselves, where some is used to create chaos so you wont pay attention to their money laundering. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Stop the fraud. Stop the Child Sex Trafficking. This Must Stop Now. #qanon

",1524749205,26/04/2018 13:26 8528477,3873887293,"

Um, build the wall, now. #qanon

",1524749421,26/04/2018 13:30 8536826,3873959471,"

I disagree Q Daddy, both WILL be confirmed.

",1524751928,26/04/2018 14:12 8539436,3874019508,"

Agreed, he's just an alpha male who sticks up for himself and THE TRUTH.....Q-ANON ANYONE???

",1524754051,26/04/2018 14:47 8539457,3874021060,

Just read Desouza's book the Big Lie and he will lay it all out for anyone who wants to know the truth about what happened in US history concerning civil rights. On top of that Qanon lays out the truth about the percentage of republicans and democrats who voted for the amendments to the constitution that were civil rights related. People would really be surprised with those numbers

,1524754111,26/04/2018 14:48 8533790,3874098560,"

Pedantry Corner:
Welsh has all the same vowels as English; it lacks consonants - J, K, Q, V, X and Z.

",1524756831,26/04/2018 15:33 8541020,3874250996,

Get a clue - read Q.

,1524762172,26/04/2018 17:02 8541560,3874271156,

When judges are paid off they like to keep that on the Q T......

,1524762891,26/04/2018 17:14 8541020,3874337832,"

They had got halfway through their 16 plan, and Hillary was poised to complete it. Details on an original Q post. Very alarming indeed as Obama had gone a long way towards the destruction. One of many of the key tasks for Obama was to dismantle the military (and get rid of guns for civilians). Lots more and in particular in connection with ISIS and the Middle East.

",1524765330,26/04/2018 17:55 8541020,3874344127,"

Sundance on The Conservative Tree House has always maintained that Sessions was working behind the scenes and proceeding forensically.


Also Q in one of his information drops said to trust Sessions and Horowitz.

",1524765557,26/04/2018 17:59 8541020,3874399170,


IRAN next!

,1524767448,26/04/2018 18:30 8489573,3874400843,

He has not been wrong any though. Q is still trusting Sessions right?

,1524767512,26/04/2018 18:31 8536847,3874404672,"

Talk about guts Trump had a great cushy existence before deciding to take on this corrupt deep state knowing that his life would be in danger like no other president since JFK. Trump is the patriots and Gods choice for hero of the century. Q anon ""Trust the plan""

",1524767671,26/04/2018 18:34 8489573,3874414201,"

Q hasnt been wrong either. sessions has a nickname, they call him the silent assassin and yes Q still says to trust sessions.

",1524768067,26/04/2018 18:41 8541020,3874428548,"

Idk who is the bigger fraud, the MSM or Q anon.

",1524768627,26/04/2018 18:50 8541020,3874430121,

Nothing Q says ever comes to fruition.

,1524768692,26/04/2018 18:51 8541020,3874432824,"

I know! He is a fraud of the highest level.
""Im Q let me say something crypic instead of alerting the authorities.""

",1524768802,26/04/2018 18:53 8541020,3874435578,

Q: Why are you so afraid of Q if you maintain it is just a larp?

A: You know Q is not a larp and it terrifies you and your crime syndicate

,1524768917,26/04/2018 18:55 8541020,3874437714,"

Look I'm Q anon!


the boom were kanye blowing up the internet. See? That proves I know things. Now wait till my next post where I say something even more cryptic.

",1524769003,26/04/2018 18:56 8541020,3874444229,

Do you need more proof Q is a FRAUD?

,1524769267,26/04/2018 19:01 8541020,3874444262,

You would not devote time and energy to Q if you believed he was fake.

,1524769268,26/04/2018 19:01 8541020,3874446822,

Look at my profile. Im obviously no troll. Im prob more conservative than most of us here. I just want to stop this Q nonsense. I dont see what people like about him. He is a crypic weirdo that does nothing.

,1524769377,26/04/2018 19:02 8541020,3874450370,

Twitter Q anon. Trump's military intelligence team coordinating with patriots to bring down the cabal and restore American sovereignty. Join us in getting THE message out in a strategic coordinated way...

,1524769525,26/04/2018 19:05 8540345,3874473664,"

This witch is just scared of QAnon and all the people he/they are waking up to the absolute corruption at the highest levels of this country, and the world for that matter. She knows talking further about any of this stuff is digging their graves deeper. Doesn't matter, though; graves are graves. Deep State going down.


Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?
What is Pelosi’s net worth?
How was this obtained given salary as career official?
Why is Pelosi’s memory going?
Could it protect against prosecution?
How so?


Civilian Puppet.
Player in the game?
We play for KEEPS.
Need help sleeping?
How was your meeting w/ Pelosi?
Protection offered?
Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.


Pelosi admits travel to North Korea [past].
They have tried to ‘cover’ this.
Why is this relevant?


What has the D party done for the black pop?
What has the R party done for the black pop?
What has POTUS done in 1 year?
What is the net worth of black leaders today?
Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?
MLK was a conservative.
Learn the TRUTH.

",1524770528,26/04/2018 19:22 8536736,3874521440,"

Translation: Rod is doing the job he was called to do by the White Hats - which is playing his part in this ruse to keep necessary things at bay/secret while he prepares for the upcoming indictments. (Probably threatened with all the dirt they have on him via NSA which has been run by the White Hats since Trump was elected & now use to their advantage/plan). All those resignations are not coincidental either- same thing.
He has confidence that he will do what they've made a deal to do or ""else"".
Q says trust Sessions - and until there is proof otherwise, I am.
Q's posts ----

",1524772795,26/04/2018 19:59 8536736,3874525073,"

Apr 26 2018 15:01:03
Interesting theory.
It’s nice when you can work in peace.
No redactions.

",1524772982,26/04/2018 20:03 8536736,3874553778,

All of this Q & A is choreographed. They only ask what is acceptable to the subject of the questioning. It's all a show by the politicians to make the people think they are doing something good.

,1524774477,26/04/2018 20:27 8536736,3874554274,

I trust Q. He says trust Sessions.

,1524774505,26/04/2018 20:28 8537759,3874555406,"

Andrew Cuomo, your mouth and logic is Alarming … Frightening … Has to Stop & will B Stopped. 5:5 Q Followers.Enjoy the show.

",1524774568,26/04/2018 20:29 8541287,3874559621,"

Q hints kill order on Trump's life is inside the FBI Strzok/Page texts



Q is simply hinting at the reason why the six months worth of Page/Strzok FBI texts that the Congress now has in possession have not been made public yet, because it looks like Q is hinting that a kill order or 187 on the life of President Trump is in these texts. So the anti Trump FBI insurance policy in the last months of the Obama administration involve a threat on the life of President Trump, and it may just be the Comey FBI under Obama had a kill order on President Trump to prevent his America First Presidency. Now it may not of been Page or Strzok making this 187 threat against President Trump, as this threat may of likely came from a top DOJ/FBI official or top Obama official...Or Obama himself. There is a kill order on the President inside the missing Page/Strzok texts, and this is likely why they have yet to be released to the public..

",1524774733,26/04/2018 20:32 8536736,3874560111,

Does anyone of you on here know Qanon?

,1524774742,26/04/2018 20:32 8541287,3874573999,

Amazing that this was actually allowed to go on If you google Qanon you can read it for your self . Un believable !

,1524775042,26/04/2018 20:37 8541287,3874578940,"

Fulcrum News David Seaman holds interview with individual, who says Q plan started in the 50's JFK killed over it




""THE MILITARY HAS TURNED ON THE CABAL.. and that all started way back with Howard Hughes and the data that he acquired.. and from that a binder was created that was a SYSTEMATIC PLAN TO DEFEAT THE CABAL"" - @david_wilcock #thealliance #endgame

1:50 AM - Nov 19, 2017


411 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

This is huge as it looks like David Seaman of Fulcrum News may of got to the truth of Q, as an individual has basically stated Q was a product of JFK and he was killed over this. The fact that Q is occurring under President Trump who is obviously safe, may hint that the world wide Deep State cabal network is actually coming to an end...As President Trump through Q looks to be in full control of what is taking place. This is very major, because we may have the first piece of true evidence on why JFK was killed and the forces behind Q...As this individual states to David Seaman of Fulcrum News that Q was started by JFK by way of the US Military. With this being said it looks like Trump with help of the military are in full control and not the Deep State.

",1524775316,26/04/2018 20:41 8536736,3874579251,

They have everything...the missing texts were delivered to Congress today. Read the article Q posted today..its about sessions.

,1524775333,26/04/2018 20:42 8536736,3874584467,"

So, ""TRUST SESSIONS?"" IDK but it appears Q is a psyop.

",1524775631,26/04/2018 20:47 8536736,3874585180,

I've read Q it is a nice notion but its all a fraud sorry to say. just my opinion.

,1524775669,26/04/2018 20:47 8541287,3874592380,"

Judicial Watch uncovers 10 new Clinton emails with classified information, all emails included



All 10 new Clinton emails sent on her private email with classified information uncovered by Judicial Watch.

A document labeled “plan” was completely redacted as classified.

A November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, Blair as “aclb” and Clinton.

Another November 2012 email chain discusses the “Mid East” and includes Sullivan, Clinton’s office manager Claire Coleman, Blair and Clinton.

A November 2012 email chain fully redacted is titled “Mid East Peace” and includes Blair, Clinton, Obama’s Special Envoy to the Middle East David Hale as “,” Sullivan and Blair’s Chief of Staff and former Downing Street aide Catherine Rimmer.

In an April 2011 email exchange between Blair, Clinton and Sullivan concerning “Israel,” Blair says he “had another long session with BB [Netanyahu].”

A May 2011 exchange concerns “Israel” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan.

A May 2011 email concerns “Palestinians” and includes Blair, Clinton and Sullivan. Blair says, “I’ve also sent you a paper.”

A June 2011 email regarding “Israel” includes Blair, Sullivan and Clinton. Blair says, “Saw Israeli PM. Put the concept of a Q statement. He was receptive. Palestinians interested too. I know there are discussions also you guys are having. And the French initiative….”

In a July 2011 email – with several national security redactions – written by Blair to Clinton and Sullivan, Blair says, “I saw BB….. Molcho [chief negotiator in the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians] will speak to David Hale. I can see Cameron and Sarkozy with David…. I saw Egyptians….”

A September 2010 email exchange is titled “Info for you,” and includes Sullivan, Blair and Clinton. Blair writes that he just spent three hours with Netanyahu, and Sullivan, using his Sprint BlackBerry, he writes “We have pitched this to [redacted].”​​​ This new discovery of 10 Clinton emails sent out on her private server with Classified information discovered today by Judicial Watch, is just more simple proof the Obama FBI controlled by Loretta Lynch and James Comey that an investigation was never done. Also this further proves that someone ordered the Clinton investigation to come to an end inside the Obama administration, as we know McCabe was told by a high up DOJ official to end the Clinton investigation immediately in 2016. It's really time to relaunch the Clinton investigation, which likely consists of 600,000 emails that consists of everything from pedophilia to classified information...And this is only 10 of them.

",1524776074,26/04/2018 20:54 7997870,3874616047,"

We all have our issues. Does that make us all insane? Am I supposed to hate Kanye because he doesn't agree with Trump? So, Kanye is wrong about Cosby. It is ok to be wrong. I have been wrong. Have you? Let's work towards teaching, not dividing.

",1524777369,26/04/2018 21:16 8536736,3874625415,

I doubt it. This is Q-Anon stuff you're preaching. We don't trust Sessions.

,1524777898,26/04/2018 21:24 8542646,3874642615,

The ethics committee goes easy again. If Joe Q citizen did these things it would be jail time and lose job. Good ole boy system saves another dirty pol.

,1524778893,26/04/2018 21:41 8536736,3874646243,

Sessions is doing a lot behind the scenes and is doing a good job. Look up QAnon.

,1524779103,26/04/2018 21:45 8541287,3874651733,

Did you see the tweets between John Legend and Kanye? Epic.

And check new Qanon posts out. Q has a post on John Legend and his connection to Haiti/ Hillary.

,1524779421,26/04/2018 21:50 8536736,3874653379,

So says Q!!

,1524779519,26/04/2018 21:51 8536736,3874668087,"

2 years in now, how many Swamp creatures have been arrested? Wait, none?! I can't believe it, I'm shocked! Well not really. (Incoming Q fangirls), ""but, but, but sealed indictments are coming! It's going to happen any day now!! Just wait, you'll see!!!"" Yeah okay, whatever you say.

",1524780387,26/04/2018 22:06 8529245,3874681984,

You obviously have a fascination with homosexuals. You must be the reason they added the Q to LGBT.

,1524781191,26/04/2018 22:19 8541983,3874694478,

#release the texts
#no redactions

,1524781886,26/04/2018 22:31 8541983,3874695892,"

But what about Hillary? Has she been indicted? Q said she would be by now. And Comey lied, libtard. Your mama. (see, those can be posted anytime, anywhere -- like you do).

",1524781964,26/04/2018 22:32 8527130,3874701405,

That's hysterical. You obviously don't follow Q. Hillary was is REALLY in trouble for laundering 84mil during the '16 campaigne. Let's see who goes to jail first. Heh heh.

,1524782269,26/04/2018 22:37 8542646,3874705808,

#release the texts
#HRC video
#no redactions

,1524782507,26/04/2018 22:41 8541983,3874712705,"

This will make ole Nancy's day even worse...check where her campaign page is going.

#TrumpTrain #FreeCali #MAGA #MCGA #QAnon


",1524782882,26/04/2018 22:48 8540933,3874806076,

Legend and his skank are just nervous and desperate because Q is coming for them.

,1524788100,27/04/2018 00:15 8540933,3874832504,


,1524789696,27/04/2018 00:41 8540933,3874834495,"

I have never once celebrated racism. How dare you. That is an evil lie to spread. The only celebration you are seeing is us celebrating the truth getting thru some pretty thick skulls. Not your fault, MSM and CIA, along with everyone jumping on Kanye (1=1) worked to make you think like them. Try another road, you may find you are not lost anymore.


",1524789824,27/04/2018 00:43 8517605,3874849026,"

I just re-read your post, and it warrants (No pun intended) another response. We have the evidence to take down the entire cabal, but it is not what you are saying it is. Therefore, we have decided to let the GOP cabal step down and get a pass while we handle the liberal evil you are hiding. Once done, I will let you personally deal with the leftovers. God Bless.

#ReleaseTheTexts #NoRedactions #BrennanMyPillowedScalia

",1524790751,27/04/2018 00:59 8540933,3874861415,"

The last group is the one that Q and company are saying will blow things out of the water. Thus, the trickle of texts released.

",1524791529,27/04/2018 01:12 8540933,3874880136,


Apr 26 2018 20:48:19 (EST)

!xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 1203057

They are buying time.
National crisis.
Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.
Still have access.
Kept at top.
NAT SEC issue.
Reveal gmail draft comms.
Who had access?
Legal case(s) building.
You have a voice.
Be heard.
Patience isn’t always easy.
But vital to get right.


Apr 26 2018 21:01:50 (EST)

!xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 1203338

We have it all.
The right people have the information.
GOOD people are acting on the information.
Think GOOG.
Think ES departure.
Think NK.
Many drafts.
Many shared users [foreign & domestic].
Variable access.
Fake emails.
Game forum comms.
New intel revealed today.
Gmail comms.
Define Evergreen.
When do you call a plumber?
Ongoing investigations require…..
Q [auth478-24zgP]

,1524792787,27/04/2018 01:33 8540933,3874886491,"

2018 April 26

Not taken are any wooden nickels
Hatched chickens not counted before
Something coming, risen sun tomorrow
Blue revealed when clouds part

Look everyone, I’m Q!

",1524793232,27/04/2018 01:40 8540933,3874890803,

According to Q the renegade aka obama. That was his code name used by the SS.

Was involved in the plot to murder Trump.

Apr 26 2018 20:48:19 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 1203057
They are buying time.
National crisis.
Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.
Still have access.

So shocking are these texts that there are calls for immediate arrests.

,1524793550,27/04/2018 01:45 8541965,3874895740,

Melania is Obama’s mom? Are you Qanon?

,1524793961,27/04/2018 01:52 8540933,3874896255,

It's weird that no reporters or anyone knew that Obama was a pedophile before he was elected.

No was was able to dig up that fact.

Then Q exposed Obama was having sex with 10 year old maggie nixon and her mom hangs with the comet ping pong crowd of weirdos.

Is pizzagate real? Why would obamas 10 year old girlfriends mom be associated with the pizzagate people?

Google images of Maggie Nixon and Obama.

The weird thing is the second photo that comes up is the woman who runs the spirit cooking cult with James Franco who is in the cult.

,1524794002,27/04/2018 01:53 8540933,3874901130,"

Q exposes that Obama was having sex with a 10 year old girl until she was maybe 14 or 15.

Q mentioned her name was Maggie Nixon Obama's nick name for her was ""wendy"" because of her red hair.

Maggie Nixon must be under some kind of protection and is a witness against obama other pedos her mom pimped her out to, she is a Hollywood child they pimp out their own children.

I doubt Q would mention a real persons name unless they are well protected.

",1524794409,27/04/2018 02:00 8516756,3874904103,"

I also think there's something seriously wrong with people who try to dictate other people's ""rights"". In this case you've judged me and then said that, since I somehow don't meet your standard, I longer have the right to say certain things. A right, by the way, which you continue to reserve for yourself, I'm guessing because of your own self declared moral superiority. How ridiculous.

If you're fighting for acceptance and equality for LGBTQ (what's the Q stand for again?) people, then I fully support that goal. BUT I have to say that to adopt the same sort of arrogant, hateful, us vs them rhetoric that your ""enemies"" do is to have lost the battle before you've started. No one has ever been convinced by that. In fact, it encourages people to dig in their heels and fight. Which is highly counterproductive. So grow up a little already.

",1524794672,27/04/2018 02:04 8541965,3874919671,

Did Qanon say that?! Must be gospel.

,1524796068,27/04/2018 02:27 8540933,3874936552,

Trump trots out his sock puppet Kanye to Musicland to steer blacksand Hillary sends in her Musician sock puppet to threaten Kanye . WAr of the overlords Wake up Qanon 1276

,1524797661,27/04/2018 02:54 8530748,3874940021,"

So what? You must be unaware that Kissinger is part of the NWO elite who have tried to take down Trump...including assassination attempts. Most won't believe this, of course, but it is ALL coming out. The vile things they have done will shock America. or qanonposts. com

It will seem unbelievable at first, but keep reading. Many of Trump's tweets and pieces incorporated in speeches prove it's validity. (Including the time Twitter took down Trump's account when Q told us in advance what POTUS would be tweeting.) Yes, Twitter and Google are not on the right side.

This is not D vs R. This is we the people vs the (evil) global elite. Kissinger is part of the latter.

MAGA President Trump MAGA - Where we go one, we go all.

",1524798002,27/04/2018 03:00 8540933,3874957421,"

Hell, sometimes I even make fun of us, too. Like earlier, I posted:

“2018 April 26

Not taken are any wooden nickels
Hatched chickens not counted before
Something coming, risen sun tomorrow
Blue revealed when clouds part

Look everyone, I’m Q!”

",1524799756,27/04/2018 03:29 8540933,3874958695,


Fucking Q....

,1524799897,27/04/2018 03:31 8540108,3874965302,

read some Q posts

,1524800612,27/04/2018 03:43 8543807,3875012545,

Saw this on the twitsphere..
Did you see last night @SebGorka told someone to quit asking if he was Q? 😂

That.. is hilarious.

,1524805720,27/04/2018 05:08 8543807,3875017879,"

Anyone who reads Q.. take a look at this.

The Minds Journal:

So.. what do you think about that?

",1524806275,27/04/2018 05:17 8543807,3875020292,

All I know is I think Q is doing a modernized Nostradamus gig

,1524806526,27/04/2018 05:22 8543807,3875054124,"

Most Libtards are an L G B T Q L S X or Y.

In other words, gay or totally mentally deranged

",1524810199,27/04/2018 06:23 8543807,3875081382,"

Have a feeling we will get some clarification eventually if we keep our eyes and ears peeled. Through whomever... Q, etc.

",1524813116,27/04/2018 07:11 8543807,3875098923,"

Because globalists need strife and fear to move money and hold onto power.

'The strings are cut, Kim is freed' -Qanon.

Weeks ago. That is NOT a LARP.

",1524814807,27/04/2018 07:40 8541983,3875144481,"

The problem with Pelosi is herself ... tisk-tisk
It's okay people, move along now as the world turns.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Great Awakening is on a roll .......
I'm riding that Trump Train.
Thank Q!

",1524818782,27/04/2018 08:46 8543807,3875180751,

Absolutely Amazing!
Thank you President Trump & Q Team!
Best President of my lifetime! And I've been on this rock for over 50 years!

,1524821484,27/04/2018 09:31 8536736,3875197736,

Sessions is not a white hat. never has been. Be very careful of Qnon. Sessions is just one of the heads of the swamp monster. He will go down in history as a traitor to this country.

,1524822626,27/04/2018 09:50 8542832,3875199320,"

How fortunate for America that Joe Sixpack and John Q Public assessed the fragility of globalist treaties, summits and alliances, and saw fit to elect a NATIONALIST ALPHA MALE to represent and defend the United States.

Despite the influence and condescension of the MSM, captains of industry, and the DC intelligentsia, middle America saw the weakened state of the US and said, ""No more!""

Now the hard and mean road of superpower competition begins and America is not weak or reticent as we gain our advantage.

All hail Donaldus Maximus.

",1524822730,27/04/2018 09:52 8545673,3875361615,

#release the texts
#No redactions

,1524830678,27/04/2018 12:04 8545673,3875372222,

Qanon said this was going to happen a few days ago
That NK was free.
They will not need NP and others to Broker deals to sell Missiles to Rouge Nation (IRAN) now that they will Partner with SK.
It's like what Happen with Germany when East and West came together. A Financial Power House.
NK has the Cheap Labor to supply SK. SK has the Tech.

,1524831116,27/04/2018 12:11 8545673,3875537735,

On the tube or Breitbart or Jones or Q.. I will try to find the link.

,1524837630,27/04/2018 14:00 8543228,3875644117,"

Breitbart needs to give much more time to the Q postings and Jerome Corsi. It would put the brakes on all the BS about ""Sessions must go"".

",1524841533,27/04/2018 15:05 8546582,3875669041,"

If Colbert is shilling hard for the Cabal, is he part of it? I wonder what Colbert knows about the Missing Haitian Children. He's had several guests that do. Perhaps it's time we had some fun with this guy.


",1524842468,27/04/2018 15:21 8545130,3875717436,

This is why there should be an I Q Requirement before entering college. These kids are wasting time and money that others could use......

,1524844300,27/04/2018 15:51 8546582,3875775428,"

If concern is all you feel, you haven't been listening. Be scared. Very scared. Well, be very scared of Govt/Biz working together to violate your constitutional rights. Then again, we are mid destroying that evil, so perhaps you simply take out the batteries until 11.11.18. After then, I doubt any of the violators I am referring to will be able to do any more harm.


",1524846507,27/04/2018 16:28 8540933,3875782159,"

HOLLYWOOD-GATE - related to PIZZAGATE & the recent arrest of Allison Mack & leader of Nxivm, Keith Raniere. Both are singing to federal agents. JL & Teigen are known pedophiles - attempted to flee and were caught. They are among the many in the Hollywood set who are implicated in this.

Look up McAllisterTV on YouTube for more information. You will find none of this in the MSM. Usually, when something stunning occurs with anyone in Hollywood you will hear about it on all MSM networks.


Note: Teigen did not sue the accuser - why? She is afraid of DISCOVERY and details would be revealed to the public.

Look up Liz Crokin, an independent investigative reporter, who suffered molestation in her youth and is now hot on the trail of the pedophile community, as is the President & DOJ. Details will come available in the near future on a national level.

",1524846771,27/04/2018 16:32 8543165,3875791479,"

Milano is a bi-sexual (Embrace of the Vampire) washed up has been. No one cares what you think, tramp. Qanon said “those who speak the loudest”. . . . . . .

",1524847133,27/04/2018 16:38 8545130,3875792875,

They already have. According to Q Anon hopefully Iran would get unravelled soon though

,1524847186,27/04/2018 16:39 8546582,3875873241,"

Oh. So it's the McCabe Shuffle, only this isn't to cover up an investigation, it's to cover up the truth. So, was Colbert extorting the left, or was he their (highest) paid spokesperson. Either way, Anons, dig. Sounds like...what's that? I haven't even finished post and you found what? OMG, sb1.


",1524850335,27/04/2018 17:32 8543228,3875890980,"

I'm convinced Q is some teenage punk hiding out in his mommy's basement posting ramblings on the computer. Don't even try to argue with a ""Q-Bot"" because they really believe everything he posts.

",1524851028,27/04/2018 17:43 8543228,3875916840,

Trust Sessions. LOL. Q is some syphilitic whack job who spouts nonsense that can support any side of an argument if you look hard enough.

People need to step away from internet prophets and smell the coffee.

,1524852055,27/04/2018 18:00 8543228,3875920864,"

Yeah, like pictures out of Air Force One's when Q posts those. Uh huh, some basement, uh huh.


",1524852218,27/04/2018 18:03 8547164,3875941791,"

This is where I usually step in and start firing facts along with one of my more vulgar statements like ""Eat a dong"".

I am not going to do that.

Chance is defending his friends and their ideas. Exactly what we do. We are the same.

So why are we fighting? WHO said we have to? WHO benefits from our division?

The answer is not good. Before I show you the proof, remove all political and emotional barriers, then read this:

How much time did CNN spend promoting the IRAN deal that benefits terrorists?
How much time did CNN spend celebrating Korea before they went back to Stormy?

Chance. You are my Brother. Look at Trump's results, not what CNN tells you he didn't do.
It's right there! Remember, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, me say war. Remember that the next time your friends mention White Privledge (I cant even spell it) or call Trump a racist. The truth will set us all free.

Support One Love. Send the Fraud Packing.
#ReleaseTheTexts #NoGaps #qanon


",1524853098,27/04/2018 18:18 8544668,3876074838,

Stop with your talking points. No one is more in touch. #qanon

,1524858902,27/04/2018 19:55 8548511,3876102855,

So those two days of confessional Q & As taught Fakebook nothing. Got it.

,1524860414,27/04/2018 20:20 8547803,3876127105,"

Issuing 29k sealed indictments to take down the deep state rogue agencies, the Obama leftovers and Hillary's cult of Pedo Leftists.

",1524861808,27/04/2018 20:43 8548511,3876141856,"

Facebook is an In Q tel, DARPA, CIA surveillance front for the deep state crime syndicate. They used our money to create it. We can use our anti-trust law or an Internet Bill of Rights to bring it into line with our interests. My business, my home, and my church are not part of the digital public square. Significant political discourse for the entire nation does not take place in them.

",1524862690,27/04/2018 20:58 8547689,3876290317,

Go Q team!

,1524872049,27/04/2018 23:34 8542559,3876349096,

It's bigger than what they can cover up. Patience. Do you follow Q?

,1524875857,28/04/2018 00:37 8547131,3876356870,"

The only people who truly believe that are people who get all their news from Breitbart, Daily Caller, the silly treehouse, Infowars, that Q punk and Fox.

",1524876397,28/04/2018 00:46 8547131,3876358052,"

This was in WaPo. I know it's a lying rag, but still ...
According to the Democratic response, right after Trump Jr. set up the specifics of the meeting, he had two calls with a number in Russia belonging to Emin Agalarov. Between those two calls, the Democratic response recounts, Trump Jr. received a third call from a blocked number. Who might it have been?

Democrats wanted to find out, but Republicans blocked it from happening, according to the Democrats’ response.

“We sought to determine whether that number belonged to the president, because we also ascertained that then-candidate Trump used a blocked number,” Schiff said during our interview. “That would tell us whether Don Jr. sought his father’s permission to take the meeting, and [whether] that was the purpose of that call.”

Schiff added that Democrats asked Republicans to subpoena phone records to determine whose number it was, but Republicans “refused,” Schiff said. “They didn’t want to know whether he had informed his father and sought his permission to take that meeting with the Russians.”

So that's the Dem claim. Now, does anyone seriously think that the GOP did not contact Trump Jr. on the Q.T. about that call? Imagine how happy they would have been to throw in the Dems' faces that it was from a hunting buddy or a pizza takeout place. But they didn't. They stonewalled it. Because ... ?

",1524876480,28/04/2018 00:48 8548511,3876394849,

She is one of many MEDIA voices . . .. who cares really
Follow God first and follow Q for entertainment

,1524879244,28/04/2018 01:34 8547521,3876401461,"

She , like the rest of them will or have, tied rope and hung self. Amazed why BB wastes time on this pos . Must be why I seldom visit here, not since Q appeared anyway.

",1524879814,28/04/2018 01:43 8547131,3876418934,

Trump is a honey trap and the left still hasn't figured that out. Every attack they have launched has hurt them the most. Q is right. These people are stupid.

,1524881354,28/04/2018 02:09 8547131,3876419958,"

Cornered rat?

Apr 27 2018 22:40:01 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 1218147
Focus only on the FBI [for now].
Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor - FIRED.
James Baker, general counsel - FIRED.
Andrew McCabe, deputy director - FIRED.
James Comey, director - FIRED.
Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - Cooperating witness [power removed].
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed].
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].
Think about the above.
Only the above.
Get the picture?

",1524881448,28/04/2018 02:10 8547131,3876428349,"

Where did you get the idea I was against big tech? Assumptions make an ass out of you. Something else to ponder when referring to a deep state:

Apr 27 2018 22:40:01 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 1218147
Focus only on the FBI [for now].
Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor - FIRED.
James Baker, general counsel - FIRED.
Andrew McCabe, deputy director - FIRED.
James Comey, director - FIRED.
Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - Cooperating witness [power removed].
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed].
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].
Think about the above.
Only the above.
Get the picture?

All that was once hidden will be revealed!

",1524882219,28/04/2018 02:23 8547131,3876458098,

The research I look at is much deeper than CNN and the rest of the LSM. You are too far behind to catch up. Do a little #Qanon research.

,1524885077,28/04/2018 03:11 8547131,3876460517,"

No, it’s #Qanon, not infowars.

",1524885322,28/04/2018 03:15 8547845,3876466588,"

I do not like the Great Awakening. Q is interesting at times, on a certain level. But, the Great Awakening is the occult. It is not to be trusted.

",1524885944,28/04/2018 03:25 8547845,3876482035,

Deep state is going to get royally fücked one of these days.. wikileaks or qanon or 4chan will incover some very telling secrets and leak them for the world to see

,1524887570,28/04/2018 03:52 8484683,3876489392,

QAnon said the biggest sting in history is next

,1524888436,28/04/2018 04:07 8547845,3876491603,"

",1524888706,28/04/2018 04:11 8547845,3876499259,"

Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


God Bless The United States of America, President Trump and his family, Deplorables and Q!

",1524889528,28/04/2018 04:25 8547845,3876543611,"

Let’s all say it together.....

#winning .

",1524894868,28/04/2018 05:54 8548511,3876566573,"

Corsi isn't a crank. He was actually INVITED by the US military to report on all the Q drops based on his extensive knowledge and training in military intelligence. Iow, he's an insider.
Seriously, when are you doubters gonna wake the heck up?!

EDWARD SNOWDEN has confirmed the Facebook hoax!!!

",1524897688,28/04/2018 06:41 8547488,3876599903,

Q is hinting that Sessions recused himself early on to take him out of the limelight so he could do his work without the distraction of the media circus. It's part of the plan. Q says to trust Sessions.

,1524901781,28/04/2018 07:49 8547488,3876601930,

Sounds like you follow Q. You are in the know.

,1524902007,28/04/2018 07:53 8546582,3876607119,"

worse than the never Trumpers, malicious lies are spewed to such a low I Q audience it's a danger to the country

",1524902601,28/04/2018 08:03 8548859,3876700393,

Information in his office damaging to the globalists was planted and now admissible as evidence against them. You will see in a few weeks.



,1524910941,28/04/2018 10:22 8484683,3876740390,"

Treason...Treason...Treason!!! Q, knows!

",1524913800,28/04/2018 11:10 8547131,3876779488,

Truth. Yours is the perfect comment! The number of trolls/negative (orange) comments on here is exciting to see = DESPERATION. It is an amazing time to be alive. WWG1WGA #Qanon

,1524916356,28/04/2018 11:52 8547131,3876878948,"

It will be ""you people"" (us) that will have to be kind (as you have been to her) and caring/helping the ones who have been so awful to us once this all goes down. They have called us names, pushed the divisive narrative, told us how asleep/stupid we all are (""you people""), yet we will be the ones to help them. I have my popcorn and will enjoy the show, it's been a long time coming. At the same time we will all be called to unite and lift one another up despite the past. After all, we have all been fooled, the woke have to help our fellow man (and sheri). WWG1WGA #Qanon

",1524922227,28/04/2018 13:30 8529590,3876895330,"
Scroll down to post 1273.

",1524923105,28/04/2018 13:45 8545673,3876898065,"
Scroll down to post 1273.

",1524923256,28/04/2018 13:47 8548397,3876915153,"

I'm a little more optimistic, I've been following Qanon so that gives me hope. Praying Medic on twitter has helped me decipher the drops. I'm new to it all but find it fascinating. Soros has suffered in this and I hope he goes down publically sooner rather than later, he doesn't hold the power he once did.

",1524924206,28/04/2018 14:03 8530748,3876947279,"

truth, I received degrees from Brown, RI, U of Maryland (College Park) U of Chicago and UTHSC,San Antonio Tx and have no idea where my fuse box(s) are, let alone understand how to repair a messed up outlet.
I do know who HRM Q. Victoria of GB and Empress of India's youngest daughter was named,(Beatrice or 'auntie) who she married (Louis Battenburg/Liko) and how many kids she had.(4, 3 males and 1 female)

",1524925996,28/04/2018 14:33 8548511,3877010345,"

John Q. Public: ""Request denied.""

",1524929433,28/04/2018 15:30 8550863,3877079194,"

He just threw his own career away. I hope it was worth it. As Q would say, ""These people are stupid"".

",1524933032,28/04/2018 16:30 8550863,3877123863,

lol as Q would say. Jesus.

,1524935466,28/04/2018 17:11 8548490,3877153855,

Q-anon told me.

,1524937081,28/04/2018 17:38 8550398,3877168024,

John Q. Public

,1524937853,28/04/2018 17:50 8551181,3877261955,"

The only black Americans liberals have ever helped are master baiters like Al and Jesse and black DemoKKKrat politicians. Tell me what good liberal city, state, or Federal policy has done for the average black person. Black neighborhoods in liberal cities are poverty, crime, and drug infested shitholes. State ""benefit"" programs and public schools have failed black kids for generations. My own state, run by DemoKKKrats during that time, subjected blacks to forced sterilization. The Federal government made it legal for agencies like PP to help perpetuate a black self-genocide and fomented the same ""benefit"" strategy as the states. I sure don't see where any of that helps John Q. Blackman at all. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

",1524942902,28/04/2018 19:15 8551892,3877354942,

Website #qanon

,1524948566,28/04/2018 20:49 8550863,3877392892,

Paul i retire early ryan. Q says early retirements are an indication of malfeasance. Ryan is prob balls deep into the nwo/pedo-pizza gate

,1524951083,28/04/2018 21:31 8551892,3877422439,"

Q gives updated list of FBI officials fired or who have power removed



It looks like the official clean up at the FBI is still ongoing, as Q has given up an updated list of FBI agents fired or who have had power removed...And it looks like Q is also stating that Strzok/Page FBI power has also been removed. With Strzok/Page being stated as having their power at the FBI removed as Q is stating, you wonder if Page/Strzok are in some kind of a deal with President Trump to release their six months worth of texts to Congress earlier in the week...Where it's likely a threat against the life of Trump were inside these texts.
Now if Strzok and Page are working with the President after their FBI plot to prevent Trump from being President has been exposed, what is the possible deal Strzok and Page have made as they have not been fired but have had their power removed? The cleanup of the FBI is now an official process, and some on this list may be working with Trump to give up names...Like convicted Hollywood human trafficker Allison Mack is doing with dropping names of Hollywood and Government officials likely involved in human trafficking.

",1524953076,28/04/2018 22:04 8551892,3877435563,"


#Trump2020 #MAGA #MMGA #KAG #KMG #TwoTermTrump #QAnon


",1524953965,28/04/2018 22:19 8551892,3877465998,"

Qanon seems like he is in the zone, I mean President Trump.

",1524956032,28/04/2018 22:53 8551892,3877486130,


,1524957441,28/04/2018 23:17 8550905,3877517028,

More MOABs inbound next week to clear out these TRAITORS.


,1524959633,28/04/2018 23:53 8550905,3877521171,"

Yup! He lies to the politicans, and tells the truth to We The People through Q-anon. He and MI are the anti-obama, cleaning house!

",1524959940,28/04/2018 23:59 8552204,3877634272,

I never thought a rabbit hole would help me when I'm lost...Follow Q...

,1524969325,29/04/2018 02:35 8552204,3877635224,"


",1524969427,29/04/2018 02:37 8551964,3877661906,

Or a Q feed...LOL

,1524972318,29/04/2018 03:25 8552204,3877686399,"

""Trust The Plan"" - Q.

""No Thanks"" - Me.

",1524975335,29/04/2018 04:15 8552270,3877758429,"

Have you visited Q lately? It’s pretty hard to top the coming together of 2 enemies that have been at war for 60 odd years, ALL thanks to the President but Q is saying that this week will be revealing.

Q has their own app. For $2 it’s a fantastic help in keeping ahead of the posts and it’s interactive. Called Q Drops.

",1524984088,29/04/2018 06:41 8552204,3877801842,"

Lets talk about illegals and in particular MS13. How did the Nazis take over France at the start of WW2? They invaded the North but not the south. Who ran the south? The Vichy aided by criminals and crooks released from prisons and fascist sympathisers. That is why the Democrats will not act against MS13, They are the new military arm of the Democrats and they are financed by CIA drug money. Think outside the box and look at history. Q take note.

",1524989038,29/04/2018 08:03 8552204,3877803030,"

OMgosh. Talk about crazy conspiracy theories. Ya, Q take note.

",1524989174,29/04/2018 08:06 8551964,3877838086,"

It is been discovered they had plans to eliminate the President also. Q and anon have posted on this,

",1524992867,29/04/2018 09:07 8551181,3877848669,"

When you were a care giver,eh. Honestly bet you were good at it Q. Plus you can lift which is something that i can't do. I have to say MI seems interesting. I shall call you leibschen? Is that right?

",1524993893,29/04/2018 09:24 8552204,3877903069,"

But Q. And Sundance , told us there was already enough money for the wall. And the sycophants in here called ya trolls for pointing out that trump cannot use the money for the military on the wall!!!! Now last night trump said if we don’t get money for the wall he will shut down the govt???? Which is it??? Is he going to try to use the money from the huge spending bill (which he can’t). Or are people finally going t wake up

",1524998371,29/04/2018 10:39 8552204,3877947723,"


#BuildTheWall #NiceAndTall #Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #QAnon


",1525001418,29/04/2018 11:30 8552270,3877974330,

No. In fact I didn't notice her or any of them. I watched the Q reports.

,1525002907,29/04/2018 11:55 8552204,3877982637,"

Allison Mack human/child trafficking ring with NXIVM includes Rothschilds/Clinton Foundation


1 Comment

Free Thought Project Reports: Another important aspect of this case that has been largely overlooked, is the connections that this organization has to high-level figures in politics and finance. The organization worked much like a pyramid scheme, collecting regular fees from its members. But the majority of the funding, over $150 million, came from the trust funds of Seagram heiresses, Sara and Clare Bronfman. Their involvement with Raniere began in 2002 and has been very public and controversial, with other members of the Bronfman family distancing themselves from the sisters in the press. The Bronfman family has very close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty, with members of both families belonging to many of the same companies, including their joint financial firm, Bronfman & Rothschild.
Additionally, at least three high-ranking members of the organization, including Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters, are members of Bill Clinton’s foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires an annual $15,000 membership fee. Now that Raniere is in jail and Mack is on bail and ordered not to have any contact with other cult members, Clare Bronfman has taken on the role of leader within the organization. In response to the recent controversy surrounding NXIVM, Bronfman made a statement on her website denying the accusations against Raniere. She praised Raniere and the NXIVM programs, insisting that she is doing work that is truly helping people, and that no one has ever been coerced as a part of their workshops.
Well would you look at that America, the Allison Mack human/child trafficking ring involves the Clinton Foundation and Rothschild banking cartel family. Since this human/child trafficking ring known as NXIVM that Allison Mack was a recruiter for now involves the Clinton Foundation and the Rothschild, you can only bet this human/child trafficking network involves Haiti and the Vatican.
The Clinton Foundation has been officially involved in human/child trafficking exposed through NXIVM's Hollywood recruiter for children and women, and now you wonder who Allison Mack has named since this involves the Clinton Foundation and the Rothschilds...As Q told us all this past week Allison Mack was naming Hollywood and political officials both Federal and Local. Basically since this Allison Mack human/child trafficking ring involves the Clinton Foundation...You can now guarantee the Clinton Crime Family is heavily involved with. That raw Clinton/Huma video likely involves a child trafficked by Allison Mack and NXIVM.


",1525003374,29/04/2018 12:02 8551901,3878009468,

Listen to prayingmedic on you tube re: Qanon. There are some idiots..but he nails it!

,1525004746,29/04/2018 12:25 8553251,3878155938,"

There was ZERO fatalities from that bombing, Mccain had been at one of the targetted sites only days earlier...(a message?)

Everyone knows Assad Didn't chemical attack his own people because he was winning.

Subuko theatre designed to make the deepstate (Israel) show their hand, and it worked.
Don't panic, Trump and #Qanon are on the case..... building solid cases against the longstanding Pedovores/Pedophiles that have been ensconced in power for decades....

We need patience..
You don't rip the Cabal apart in 3 n half weeks!

",1525012040,29/04/2018 14:27 8553209,3878299605,"

Do you hear yourself? You are doing the exact same thing as the commies. Dividing. Causing Division. This against that. It’s an OLD commie trick. Divide by RACE. Divide by GENDER. Divide by CLASS. Ann should be host etc. etc etc. It’s so subtle but for the next hour people will innocently put in their choice and the next thing we will be tearing at each other’s throats! Q has been saying this lately:

Godspeed, Patriot(s).
Stay strong.
Stay united.

Push to DIVIDE is strong.
Think pre vs post 2016 election.
We, the PEOPLE.

Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.

",1525018741,29/04/2018 16:19 8553209,3878342142,"

May I please add this from the Q board.

One of those that have been deciphering the Q drops, angrily lashed out and asked ‘when are we going to see these people arrested’ Anons (those deciphering the drops) have lost their jobs, friends, family members. We are told that the arrests are coming, but still nothing’

I get angry, we ALL do when we see these mongrels still walking free, ie, HRC, BO, BC, JC, LL, RR, RM etc. But there is a plan, a plan needed to be carried out in a defined sequence. If you jumped in NOW and arrested HRC, it would be no different then her winning the election. There are lots of layers and Q has explained that. But still, we do get frustrated. You could sense the frustration in Qs words when they replied to an Anon wanting to see arrests now, as I stated above. ‘You don’t think bringing two warring nations together after 60 years is not news??? Today Q has returned with this message and it’s put it ALL in perspective.

Statements today needed to be made.
Operators have died.
They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
They lay down their lives for YOU.
They are SELFLESS.
They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
We HONOR them.
We must do better to protect them.

Then this drop about 15 mins latter.

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.
You are all Patriots.
The hard part is coming to an end.
The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

You can follow Q and there is a 24/7 LIVE STREAM on YouTube, but I have found this new App - called Qdrops to be excellent. We are ALL wanting arrests, but there are Intel Patriots that have died without us even realising/knowing for these arrests to take place. They have died fighting this evil that America has been enslaved in. Protect President Trump Lord and protect these true Patriots that are fighting to give America back to the People.

",1525020710,29/04/2018 16:51 8554463,3878526539,

Where is Q when we need her???

,1525029249,29/04/2018 19:14 8554463,3878600596,

Step up... where are the Q fans?

,1525033188,29/04/2018 20:19 8554898,3878664697,"


#SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #NiceAndTall #Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #QAnon


",1525037186,29/04/2018 21:26 8553314,3878665362,

Twitter Q anon - there is a photograph of the newspaper story.

,1525037230,29/04/2018 21:27 8553656,3878749946,

Qanon says trump already met with Kim...months ago...secret...

,1525042938,29/04/2018 23:02 8554589,3878769889,

There is a photograph of the original article on Twitter Q anon.

,1525044414,29/04/2018 23:26 8554589,3878770327,

You can see a photograph of the article on Twitter Q anon

,1525044446,29/04/2018 23:27 8554985,3878783775,

Clinton sure talks a lot for a woman who is living free on borrowed time. Q said that Schumer took a 3.5 million bribe to back the project and has it in an offshore account. He also said Cory Booker got a 1.8 million bribe and Chris Christie only got 400K on this deal. They'll all go to jail in th end.

,1525045459,29/04/2018 23:44 8553209,3878801740,"

I heard him too BUT, many had that gut feeling the minute he put his hand up and have not waivered one bit. Then you have those that understood exactly where the President was taking the country ONCE they BLOCKED OUT the screaming shills in the left media. Maybe this is where Greg Gutfeld stood?Next you have the fence sitters; even though the President has just instigated PEACE with NKSK, the media and their followers are saying it’s not good enough, so they sit and sit and sit for any number of reasons. They are the cowards. For Gods sake either get behind the President or get out of the way. There are no atheists in foxholes.

Then we have the dangerous ones. The ones calling for his death and that of his family. The ones screaming impeach but have no idea what would happen to America if he was. When it is revealed about what these despots have been up to with little children - some infect the TV screens every single day and they know who they are and they are scared and should be - it’s little wonder they turned their hate to Barron Trump and the Presidents Grandchildren in a hope they could catch him out. They hate children and abusing them is nothing to them.

They hate America because they are not Americans - only when it suits them. The best insight into the character of a person is what the Bible teaches you and that is ‘what are their fruits’? What it means is does a persons words reflect one thing and their actions another? As more and more people start to follow Q, the enemy is having a field day. The haters sit on the sidelines and the minute there is confusion, etc., they swoop in and cause angst. Q has said time and time again. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW (regarding the Q drops). This is one of the latest and it sums up Qs warnings to the Patriots.

Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.

There is an App - Q drops, which is excellent - but the team of Anons that are deciphering the crumbs, are unbelievable and you will find them on YouTube 24/7.

Q is a team of Military Intel - consisting of less than 10 - 6/7 Intel and 3 civilians. Like those who have been on the ‘Great Awakening Board’, since the Q drops were put on 4 chan then 8 chan, etc. then there is a dedicated board now, right back at the end of October, there is no doubt that the President is on the team. No doubt at all. Often his tweets confirms the drops exactly. It’s his way of communicating with the Patriots directly and not thru the media, the black hats, or even RINOs. The board has been set up with Military Intel and anyone trying to hack it, well let’s say they haven’t been back 😜. There are millions upon millions around the world watching on and sometimes you will not hear from Q for days as something is going down, but when it’s over, they usually drop crumbs. Snowden was an interesting one!! He was given 24 hours to make contact with ??? We were notified the next day he did. 😀 Many (on the boards) think he is now helping Military Intel - seems like he didn’t have a choice considering what he gave to the enemy.

",1525046861,30/04/2018 00:07 8551964,3878820192,"

Well you and your""PALS"" should leave the USA , P D Q !!!???

",1525048258,30/04/2018 00:30 8555387,3878845956,"

Follow the white rabbit, #qanon...

",1525050282,30/04/2018 01:04 8555387,3878936804,

Ton of AESOME shiit is happening! Read Q!

,1525059714,30/04/2018 03:41 8555387,3878937120,"

",1525059752,30/04/2018 03:42 8555387,3878940047,"

Hey, what you make of that latest Q post:

""R = 18 ""

",1525060108,30/04/2018 03:48 8555387,3878953959,"

Hahahaha!! I thought this guy was made up! God, you guys are suckers for a conspiracy. Where’s that big STORM Q promised?

",1525061756,30/04/2018 04:15 8555387,3878998005,"

Yes, Im sad, I thought he was actually a white hat. Reading Q...

",1525066899,30/04/2018 05:41 8555387,3879001978,

NO! You need to follow Q Shae and read 8chan.

,1525067256,30/04/2018 05:47 8553434,3879168198,"

Right on!

Though from what I hear it is 30,000 indictments, and we are talking within days maybe weeks at the most!

It was supposed to go down this month but now Q says be patient it might be just a little longer.

So maybe in May.

The important thing is that their legal case is solid so when it does go down the traitors won't be able to weasle out of it.

",1525082420,30/04/2018 10:00 8555966,3879172184,"

You don't have to be one who believes that Q Anon is the real deal in order to see this as:

1. The Dems are totally panicked because they know Mueller isn't working out, and

2. Trump and the swamp drain project are right over the target.

",1525082682,30/04/2018 10:04 8556128,3879281844,"

Good Q, interested to see what they do.

",1525088655,30/04/2018 11:44 8555966,3879284429,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P’s 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page! Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!
#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1525088781,30/04/2018 11:46 8556002,3879286350,"

Sorry Traitor John, you and Soros won't even be able to win Ohio this time! #TwoTermTrump #NeverKasich #KOG #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1525088873,30/04/2018 11:47 8555966,3879312200,

wait till all the Q info comes to fruition

,1525090075,30/04/2018 12:07 8555966,3879329796,


,1525090863,30/04/2018 12:21 8557502,3879415033,"

""Keep your enemies closer and your friends closer"" - Trump Admin. plan from the beginning. The friends are the ""Q"" team (military Intel White Hats) & few other patriots.
Draining the Swamp is ....complicated. From Q
Apr 30 2018 10:41:16
No name out.
We love good singers.
No name = McCain, pal Graham is ""singing"" to help save himself from coming indictments etc. I'm sure McConnell and friends are on that list also.

",1525094542,30/04/2018 13:22 8557502,3879450630,

NP is up to her eye Balls in corruption. She will be exposed soon.
Those that have been checking out the Q threads Know what I'm talking about
If you saw my first post on this I said HE HAS TO GO>>>> LONG OVER DUE

,1525096032,30/04/2018 13:47 8557328,3879460752,

#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA Join the Movement...#MakeItRain #TheRainMakers

,1525096450,30/04/2018 13:54 8555966,3879461889,"

Lots of good men are doing more than you know!

",1525096499,30/04/2018 13:54 8552564,3879486223,"

What did Sarah Sanders except to happen ? When a bunch of filthy dirty Sexually Perverted Radical Crossdressing Transvestite Left Wing Democrats get together ?


",1525097518,30/04/2018 14:11 8557502,3879493852,

Sounds like Turtlehead and Eddy Munster decided not to cooperate. #Qanon. So be it!

,1525097836,30/04/2018 14:17 8552564,3879494552,"

Oh, yes. I think that was Obama's last one. Funny how Trump can show up as Joe Q. Public and not as POTUS. Sarah Sanders is a bigger man than he is.

",1525097867,30/04/2018 14:17 8557502,3879501135,"

New Q post per Iran, Syria, U1 and the targets we actually hit... wow!

Everyone knows the ‘chemical weapons’ was a cover.. it was actually something worse..

",1525098130,30/04/2018 14:22 8556791,3879502524,"

Lots of emotionally disturbed, hateful brainwashed people out there who have absolutely no idea how they are being manipulated and used as a cog in the Global-elitist machine! It's sad I know...we have many here state side too! Get her some pills then LOL! Here's a start perhaps...

",1525098184,30/04/2018 14:23 8558015,3879584705,"

Roseanne, Kanye and all the celebrities breaking the chains of de facto liberal totality are the last hope for pro-Trump and common sense thinking in the mainstream world. To the big name conservative celebrities who are scared to come out, this is your time to shine and be embraced by John and Jane Q. Public.

",1525101515,30/04/2018 15:18 8557502,3879621757,"

The Iranian nukes and the McConnell treason for profit scandal are the MOAB of Q. Good bye, McConnell, you RHINO puke.

",1525103026,30/04/2018 15:43 8558921,3879661567,"

Qanon said ""BOOM""

Now you know. Uranium One found its way to Iran-controlled Syria. Pompeo moved from CIA to State Department. What did they know about Hillary's action at the State Department? A LOT!!!

Why did Democrats oppose Pompeo's move? They're SCARED. And for VERY good reason.

",1525104598,30/04/2018 16:09 8558921,3879663052,"

I hope all of you readers are onto the qanon train. He is predicting that we are about to have the Mother of all Bombs (information) dropped either this week or next. Try out the live stream on youtube. Do you suspect that the reason the EU is now so tight with Iran could be due to suitcase nukes having come into the area during the mass migration

",1525104654,30/04/2018 16:10 8558921,3879675368,

How can anyone be sure Q is not just one epic troll? Or buying time for the deep state?

,1525105124,30/04/2018 16:18 8558921,3879688889,"

Apr 30 2018 12:38:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 53e65c 1249365
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

Take the Red Pill:

",1525105629,30/04/2018 16:27 8558921,3879693722,

Iran next. Just like Q said.

,1525105810,30/04/2018 16:30 8557565,3879704153,"

Q hints Hillary's U1 Uranium in hands of Deep State Iran inside Syria in secret nuke facility



Do we possibly have the first clue at what Netanyahu is going to present today, with documents that have uncovered a secret Iranian nuke facility inside of Syria? It looks like Q may be hinting at this today, as Q is simply stating basically that Hillary/Obama Uranium to Russia in 2009 may be inside of Syria at a secret Iranian nuke facility in the northern part of Syria. It looks like we may have the first reveal of Obama/Hillary's U1 deal with Russia, where Q is exposing Deep State controlled Iran is breaking Obama's Iran nuke deal...Where the Hillary U1 Uranium is likely in the hands of deep state Iran inside the northern part of Syria at a secret nuke facility. Looks like the information in Netanyahu's Iran nuclear documents is now already made public, and Hillary's treasonous U1 deal is connected to a secret Iran nuke facility inside of Syria.

",1525106215,30/04/2018 16:36 8558921,3879722542,"

Thanks to Q we now know what we really hit in Syria. The fissile material was from U1 but Russia was to be framed as the supplier. Just when I thought Hillary and Co couldn't go any lower, I am shocked again. We just didn't dodge a bullet by electing President Trump but WWIII.

",1525106922,30/04/2018 16:48 8558921,3879724767,"

If you follow Q Anon and read his posts the past couple days, he seems to be suggesting the fireworks LAST NIGHT in Syria were a distraction.

I wonder if that's when Israel grabbed many of those files?

",1525107007,30/04/2018 16:50 8557502,3879781821,

What was the payoff to McConnell. Will this be another Q drop?

,1525109182,30/04/2018 17:26 8558921,3879786049,"

Are any of you aware of ""Q"" ? Qanon? His insider knowledge about the Trump administration? Then you don't know what you're missing. Here is one place to start.
And there are several YouTuber's doing analysis. Be discerning about who you follow though.

",1525109345,30/04/2018 17:29 8557502,3879790992,

Get the news months before it happens. Twitter Q anon. You do not have to have a Twitter account to follow. If you are a Trump supporter he wants you to know what is really going on....

,1525109537,30/04/2018 17:32 8558921,3879796145,

I'm taking Q on faith.

He's been calling it right far too many time to be a coincidence.

Lord knows the corporate media has been lying to us.
What Q says makes much more sense in contrast to other things I have observed for myself over the decades.

Q is highly plausible.

,1525109736,30/04/2018 17:35 8558921,3879809707,"

Q Anon states they are authentic.

US Military Intelligence has known about this ever since the Israelis gave it to them.

The goal of Uranium One was to create the Mother Of All False Flags so that the US would go to war with Russia.

This is what the Globaists wanted, so they could take control of the World.

The Israelis, specifically Mossad, snuck into the most secure Iranian installation and stole tens of thousands of documents which has saved tens of millions of US lives.

Of course, as a hater, you will never be grateful for this. The Israelis just prevented a nuclear war and the enslavement of the World by the globalists, and all you have is some pathetic snark. Its hard to know whether you are merely lame, or are actually evil in your delusions.

",1525110253,30/04/2018 17:44 8558921,3879809859,

I think Qanon is just a show to keep us occupied.

,1525110258,30/04/2018 17:44 8558921,3879818873,"

Q -
Apr 30 2018 12:38:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 53e65c 1249365
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

",1525110602,30/04/2018 17:50 8557565,3879819158,

Is that what Qanon said?

,1525110613,30/04/2018 17:50 8558678,3879839527,"

#qanon #ReleaseTheTexts #UNREDACTED

Learn the truth. Red pill your friends. Spread the hashtags.

",1525111408,30/04/2018 18:03 8557565,3879841317,

TEA Party Patriot. You must be a Q follower

,1525111476,30/04/2018 18:04 8557502,3879845014,"

#qanon #ReleaseTheTexts #UNREDACTED

Learn the truth. Red pill your friends.

",1525111618,30/04/2018 18:06 8558921,3879848847,

Iran next. #QAnon.

,1525111767,30/04/2018 18:09 8558921,3879861111,"

The ""secret"" nuke facility is what the USA, French, and Brits bombed in Syria NOT chemical weapons. Iran had the facility in Northern Syria says more Deal! WINNING.

",1525112244,30/04/2018 18:17 8558921,3879879612,"

Q -
Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 1248119
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.

",1525112975,30/04/2018 18:29 8558921,3879881676,

Q -
Apr 30 2018 12:38:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 53e65c 1249365
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

,1525113058,30/04/2018 18:30 8558921,3879892940,

Qanon nailed this.

Says the reason we're still in Syria is because Iran is setting up nuclear processing facilities there.

He completely outlined this prior to Israel's release mentioned above.

Qanon is completely legit.

,1525113511,30/04/2018 18:38 8558921,3879897167,"

Qanon: Everything above is true. Iran is processing nuclear material in Syria.

Material came from Uranium One! Hillary, you ignorant slut ...

",1525113679,30/04/2018 18:41 8558921,3879898900,"

How do you know that Qanon is a ""he""?

",1525113752,30/04/2018 18:42 8558696,3879901355,"

If I read this right, QAnon seems to be saying Lindsey Graham has turned on the Deep State and is singing like a canary.

",1525113854,30/04/2018 18:44 8558921,3879905500,"

Qanon posted this prior to Israel's announcement ...

Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.

(Q posted this prior to Israel's document presentation. After the presentation ...

Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

",1525114024,30/04/2018 18:47 8558678,3879934081,

I bet he follows the Q threads

,1525115182,30/04/2018 19:06 8558921,3879994778,"

Folks,the new Q is out and what we see here is one third of the's all DEEP STATE URANIUM ONE AND A SATTELITE FACILITY IN NORTHERN SYRIA....see new Q. SORRY FOR THE CAPS

",1525117604,30/04/2018 19:46 8558921,3880024452,"

Crazy? Idk. Days ago Q predicted that Iran was next and today Iran found itself under the spotlight for being a lying weasel state. It proves that Q was correct about Obama (R) and HRC (EG). Let's wait until next week to see if there are some long overdue arrests. Oh, and didn't you notice that Mueller is 'investigating Trump' but it is members of the Deep State who are being stripped of power, charged and arrested? Think of Peter and Lisa, deep staters who are now cooperating witnesses. Comey, deep stater, fired, Clapper and Brennen exposed as traitors, yet Everyone involved with the investigation has gone on record saying that Trump is free and clear. Also, did you notice that Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, even though the FBI agents said they did not feel that Flynn had lied to them. Why would Flynn plead guilty? Because then he has to go before the court to state his plea, and at that time he can go on record with all the skeletons he knows about R and EG. The fan is about to come into contact with the crap, and if I were you I would not be surprised to see R and EG in Gitmo. You heard it here first.

",1525118981,30/04/2018 20:09 8558921,3880047557,

Well Q after all said Iran was next. Should we put names on those missiles?

,1525120126,30/04/2018 20:28 8558921,3880048359,"

How was that prediction a mystery to anyone? The awful Iran deal has a deadline on the 12 of May, less than 2 weeks away, so everyone knew a confrontation with Iran was coming very soon. I have yet to see anything from Q that has convinced me that whoever they are is a person in the know. I am not say whoever they are is not someone, or a group, in the know, but I have not been at all convinced yet. I certainly am always skeptical of faceless internet accounts claiming to know inside information, as should everyone be.

",1525120165,30/04/2018 20:29 8481659,3880054103,"

There have been a few arrests of pedo traffickers and 3 guys from a DNC hit team got arrested.
But nothing like the 30,000 we have been waiting for.
If you follow Q anon, he has basically been saying the plan is still in motion but have patience. It might take a little longer.
The important thing is their legal case is solid so when they finally take them down none of them will be able to weasle out of it.
So I dont know man I guess just keep waiting. What other choice is there? It would have to be done before the midterm elections we know that.

",1525120456,30/04/2018 20:34 8558696,3880056068,

Maybe Graham finally read some Q. (Bring it on Trolls.)

,1525120560,30/04/2018 20:36 8481659,3880057029,"

I follow Q. Outside of very vague proclamations, which can be taken many different ways, he's been pretty much entirely wrong about everything. Nothing has actually happened.

At first I thought there was potential, but now it's just a long troll. Just the fact that if this guy actually had Q clearance, don't you think that by now someone would have found him out for leaking? I mean, if this is true, he's basically leaking everything before it happens and we all know how stupid that is.

",1525120609,30/04/2018 20:36 8558921,3880085035,

I stopped trusting Q a LONG time ago.

,1525122054,30/04/2018 21:00 8558657,3880088725,

Wait till the indictments of all these demon-crat crooks come down. Those numbers will get better and better. #qanon

,1525122249,30/04/2018 21:04 8558921,3880137248,"

agreed. However, have you not read his predictions about He who shall not be named? Or Lisday Grahman? Or what is to come next week when the sealed indictments are opened? What about M. Flynn pleading guilty to a crime that even those in the FBI say he did not commit? Why? As Q says when Flynn shows up to accept his guilty plea he will be under oath and his statement will be ON THE RECORD. It will also be EVIDENCE that can then be used to indict HRC, BHO, VJ, and so many others. Let's wait to see if that comes true.

",1525124872,30/04/2018 21:47 8560712,3880228095,

Obama knew Iran was doing it. His plan was to help them keep doing it. They were trying to set up a false flag where Iran would nuke the US and they'd blame it on Russia to start a war. It will all come out. Q has given us the hints about this.

,1525129672,30/04/2018 23:07 8558921,3880231498,

There are warring factions within both.

You should read the Q posts.

,1525129850,30/04/2018 23:10 8560712,3880258435,"

Per Q, he tried, Kenya refused him.

",1525131253,30/04/2018 23:34 8558921,3880307628,"

I seen him.
He has it about half right.
I don't think anyone has deciphered it 100%.
And you gotta take into account that Q is also skewed by bias.

But, there's definitely a war going on behind the scenes between ""white hats & black hats"".

",1525133951,01/05/2018 00:19 8557409,3880313802,"

For one thing it opened our eyes and it has given us a platform because we lived thru it. We are closing in on Federal election and the mongrel that is our current PM is a globalists. He’ll loose to the leftists but he cares not because his agenda is their agenda. You must fight with President Trump every inch because the alternative is frightening. If you haven’t been over to Q, please go there. It’s hard to follow but my advice is to just sit back and listen, re-read the drops by Q and LEARN. People want action. We all do and Australian taxpayers have their own axe to grind with the Clinton Foundation but that’s another story. We were informed by Q only a few days ago when someone said no arrests were made, the enemy is still mocking the President etc. etc. Q came back and put it all into perspective. Remember, this is Military Intel and it’s coded.
This is what the Anon said when he posted on the Q board (Paraphrased). We want to see arrests NOW. People have lost their jobs, friends family over following The President. We are here doing our best to decipher the Q drops but we don’t see anything. Why isn’t HRC, BO, JK, LL, JC, RM, RR etc. arrested. Nothing!

Q replied.

Statements today needed to be made.
Operators have died.
They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
They lay down their lives for YOU.
They are SELFLESS.
They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
We HONOR them.
We must do better to protect them.

There are Intel in place across the world fighting for THE FREEDOMS that the globalists have been stripping away. Q is replying, yes it is hard to watch these despots that caused this to walk around free but there is much happening that you will NEVER hear about. The reply above I think said it all.

A bit later Q said this:

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.
You are all Patriots.
The hard part is coming to an end.
The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

I find the best thing in conjunction to the boards in following the Q drops is the App someone has created. Just called Q drops. And let’s you know when a Q drop lands.

",1525134308,01/05/2018 00:25 8560712,3880368226,"

Connecting the dots between some Q posts, and some news articles. The Iranian military base that was just hit in Northern Syria, they don't know who did it, or where the attack came from, or what it was, and then after saying that they went silent -- did not want to talk about anything. The base that was hit is about where it was reported Iran's underground nuclear research facility is. Finally everyday people nearby reported they heard the explosion and then immediately felt an earthquake. Earthquake monitoring sites all around the world registered the earthquake. Have you ever heard of a conventional bomb or missile causing an immediate earthquake? That is what got my attention.

",1525137635,01/05/2018 01:20 8560712,3880376419,"

QAnon is dropping hints that the recent US Syria strike targeted a secret Iranian nuke building operation in that country.

The uranium was sourced originally from the US under the notorious U1 Clinton deal, QAnon hints.

",1525138253,01/05/2018 01:30 8560307,3880381401,

And Q.

,1525138651,01/05/2018 01:37 8560712,3880423154,"

4 days ago, Q said, ""Iran is next"".
How did Q know?

",1525142403,01/05/2018 02:40 8558921,3880438151,"

The deal does not require the US to leave SK! The reunification will take place. The South will enact a 10 year plan to work on getting the North up to modern standards (similar to what was done between East and West Germany). Kim will be protected but relegated to a benign symbolic figurehead position to help with the transition of North Koreans who are still brainwashed that the Great Leader needs to lead the way for them. The deal will also ease sanctions on the essentials to achieve this plan. The North agrees to give up it's nukes. Their site for testing was already destroyed by us (our NSA) when the mountain supposedly collapsed recently.
This will see like a stretch but it is the truth; NK has been a CIA black operation site for some time. In 1994, Clinton promised them 2 reactors and several billion dollars and the easing of sanctions in exchange for a promise to dismantle the NK nuke ambitions (see Operation Merlin - ). Although the ""official story"" was that Merlin backfired, the actual reality is the the CIA was able to infiltrate NK eventually and use it's North/South wedge as an excuse to keep 70k US troops on the Asian continent right there in China and Russia's own back yard, to maintain tensions in the region. The ""tensions"" were needed to help create a controlled environment and eventually allowed NWO Globalists a cover to later sell off much our technology to other countries like China, Russia and Iran ((Uranium One, Steel and Aluminum Tech, Hypersonic Tech, etc.)! Eric Schmidt, from Google, along with Bill Richardson and several other former Clinton Admin. officials visited NK in 2013 to advise and implement a secure internet back channel which went directly to the Obama White House (see this ). Of course the ""official story"" was reported differently, the reality is that this did take place. Basically, Trump and the NSA have now shut this CIA op down and after the ""test"" blew up the mountain, NK had no choice but to flip (Iran will soon prove to be the same kind of black op as well). It was no coincidence that the two Olympic teams reunited for the Winter Games and that Kim's sister appeared in the same box as Pence. This was all optics and symbolism to tell those in the Deep State that things had changed. It all seems conspiratorial I know but this has ben indeed the case. Here you will learn more once you are open enough to do so.

",1525143903,01/05/2018 03:05 8560712,3880455783,"

Hahahaha check

",1525145876,01/05/2018 03:37 8560712,3880519737,"

Obama, Kerry, McCain, Clinton, Rhodes, Emmanuel, Schumer, Pelosi and many others plus all the Fed agencies knew exactly what was happening. Iran opened up a nuclear testing site in Northern Syria. All these traitors knew about this plus France, Germany, the EU, the UK and all got a 5% share in the payments of 150 billion twice a year from the American taxpayer. These Deep State One Worlders wanted a false flag event by having Iran nuke the U.S. and blaming Russia, which would then result in World War III. These traitors are sick. They are extremely keen to depopulate the World. Iran's uranium came from the illegal Uranium 1 deal set up by Clinton, Obama etc and they all got kickbacks from that sale and rerouted the Uranium to Syria for Iran to make the nukes. That was the real reason for the Syrian attack just recently. This IS NOT A FALSE STORY. THERE IS MUCH MORE TO COME OUT. POMPEO IS IN JORDAN WITH OUR TROOPS IN ""EAGLE LION 18"" OPERATION. I'LL LEAVE THESE Q DROPS FOR YOU TO READ AND UNDERSTAND.

If you want to find all the Q Anon posts, type "" "" into your browser!

Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 1248119
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.

Apr 30 2018 12:38:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 53e65c 1249365
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

",1525153294,01/05/2018 05:41 8560712,3880521924,"

Obama, Kerry, McCain, Clinton, Rhodes, Emmanuel, Schumer, Pelosi and many others plus all the Fed agencies knew exactly what was happening. Iran opened up a nuclear testing site in Northern Syria. All these traitors knew about this plus France, Germany, the EU, the UK and all got a 5% share in the payments of 150 billion dollars twice a year from the American taxpayer. These Deep State One Worlders wanted a false flag event by having Iran nuke the U.S. and blaming Russia, which would then result in World War III. These traitors are sick. They are extremely keen to depopulate the World. Iran's uranium came from the illegal Uranium 1 deal set up by Clinton, Obama etc and they all got kickbacks from that sale and rerouted the Uranium to Syria for Iran to make the nukes. That was the real reason for the Syrian attack just recently. This IS NOT A FALSE STORY. THERE IS MUCH MORE TO COME OUT. POMPEO IS IN JORDAN WITH OUR TROOPS IN ""EAGLE LION 18"" OPERATION. I'LL LEAVE THESE Q DROPS FOR YOU TO READ AND UNDERSTAND.
If you want to find all the Q Anon posts, type "" "" into your browser!
Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 1248119
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.
Apr 30 2018 12:38:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 53e65c 1249365
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?

",1525153540,01/05/2018 05:45 8558657,3880565192,

How many of you are following Qanon? I find it very informative! #MAGA #GreatAwakening

,1525158353,01/05/2018 07:05 8558657,3880570237,"

",1525158899,01/05/2018 07:14 8554445,3880628425,"

Qanon said midterms are safe against fraud, they have this. And I believe the libs already dont have the numbers, and are losing rapidly.

",1525164643,01/05/2018 08:50 8557199,3880650956,"

Obama and Hillary should be tried as war criminals. Aim the blame where it belongs.

They unleashed ISIS.
They funded war in Syria.
They funded Al Q in Libya.
Allowed North Korea to get Nuclear weapons.
Funded Iran's nuclear program.
They caused disaster all over the world and all for the destruction of our Civilization. Good Gawd they make Hitler look like a peach, only difference is these two were stopped early by voters and term limits. Don't blame the migrants they stirred up. Lock up the real perpetrators.

",1525166499,01/05/2018 09:21 8560712,3880676651,

Happening just like Q said:
First - NK
Then- Iran
Last - Israel

Trust. The. Plan.

,1525168355,01/05/2018 09:52 8559053,3880735942,"

Macron hasn't befriended Trump. Q has made it very clear that Macron is an enemy, as is Merkel.

",1525172005,01/05/2018 10:53 8562335,3880785349,"

I don’t know what Q is, but the linked article never mentions that the Iranians even addressed the topic, but rather instead, focused entirely on Bibi.

",1525174664,01/05/2018 11:37 8562809,3880798105,"

She's lying and has every reason to since the EU is complicit in the plot. Q already confirmed Netanyahu's material is ""authentic"". Also, Iran's nuclear facilities are actually located in Syria, not Iran, which was why the US did the recent bombing there.

",1525175303,01/05/2018 11:48 8562335,3880826259,"

True. Q is a WH military intelligence official close to POTUS who has been sharing cryptic info (on 8chan) about President Trump's efforts to drain the swamp and waking the world up to what's really been going on for so long. Many people think that the identity of Q is President Trump himself.

",1525176658,01/05/2018 12:10 8562335,3880845007,"

Interesting. Had never heard about Q. Will have to look into it. Thx. And btw, I never questioned the authenticity. I believe Bibi 100%. What’s interesting is the Islanimals didn’t refute it.

",1525177528,01/05/2018 12:25 8562335,3880873468,"

Training Operation Eager Lion in Jordan was actual Operation Iron Eagle. Remote Iranian enrichment site in N. Syria, using uranium 1 scandal material for false flag nuke attack to blame Russia in starting WWIII.
Wake up patriots, its going down, the lefties and media know it.

Thanks Qanon, Our military, and Pres. Trump!

#ReleaseTheTexts and #StartTheTribunals.

",1525178822,01/05/2018 12:47 8563526,3880909030,"

Hey @CondoleezzaRice.........upset because We The People are taking back control??? A single tear rolls down my cheek! Sit down, shut up, & grab your popcorn. Patriots in control now. #Qanon #thestormishere #MAGA :)

",1525180328,01/05/2018 13:12 8563526,3880998269,"

Yes, I do. Do you read 8Chan or QAnon?

",1525183840,01/05/2018 14:10 8557313,3881036054,"

The issue is Asylum was intended to help individuals that fall victim from a targeted threat. It was never intended to give broad assistance to an entire population of a country under a rule of Tyrants or Criminal Gangs. It is absolutely Anarchy to allow mass immigration under Asylum rules. One could argue that over a Billion people live under tyrannical regimes consequently how can any nation or group of nations solve this dilemma. The Indigenous population's of these rogue nations have a responsibility to solve their internal problems.
Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. John Q. Adams 6th President of the US.

",1525185277,01/05/2018 14:34 8563526,3881060830,"

Let me decode that for everyone; She's saying 'All of us who never were able to secure peace or negotiations with any country or dictator, now need to negotiate for you Mr. President.' These people are more than desperate, they are in a frenzie. The stories that will come out against the cabal in the next few weeks and over the next months has these criminals in out right fear!
#qanon=they are sick!

",1525186205,01/05/2018 14:50 8564381,3881142055,"

Netanyahu states Iran lied about deal, Q names U1 involved in secret Iran Syria nuke facility, Iran says Nuke deal not sustainable



Sky News✔@SkyNews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran lied after signing nuclear deal and moved weapons to a secret location

1:19 PM - Apr 30, 2018


860 people are talking about this

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Amichai Stein✔@AmichaiStein1

#BREAKING: Abbas Araghchi, Iran's deputy foreign minister, says ""The Iran nuclear deal is no longer sustainable for Iran in its present form, without regard to a US exit""

10:38 AM - Apr 30, 2018


324 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Well it officially looks like Iran's nuclear program has been fully exposed, not only by Netanyahu but recent drops by Q that you will see down below. Let's just put this blunt to make Iran's nuclear program fully exposed today easier to understand. Pretty much Iran has been exposed as having a secret nuclear facility inside of Syria which is connected to Hillary/Obama's Uranium One, and you can probably bet Obama's Iran nuke deal and Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia in 2009 are very connected to Iran's secret nuke site in Syria...As you will be able to tell from recent Q drops. Now you understand why Israel likely struck an Iranian position last night in Northern Syria, as this is likely Iran's secret Syria nuke facility that used Hillary's U1 uranium...Oh and by the way when all of this is happening Deep State Iran is stating the nuke deal is now unsustainable.

",1525189314,01/05/2018 15:41 8563361,3881201249,

Anonymous sources. Got it. Why don’t they talk about Q Anon on here? It’s as bad as Fox.

,1525191618,01/05/2018 16:20 8563526,3881283097,"

I share your skepticism, but I think there is a lot more going on behind the scenes this time than anytime prior.

If you give credence to Q, then NK was essentially a hostage state to rogue elements of the CIA for decades, and Trump's team cut all their strings, setting Kim Jong-un free.

According to a similar theory, a very small group of leaders in the NK army ran the country, and Kim Jong-un wasn't really in control. We sent in teams to take out the NK army leadership (they live in palatial estates, not defensible bunkers or fortresses). Again, Kim Jong-un was freed.

Or according to another theory, NK was a puppet of China. Trump's economic leverage over China made NK a liability rather than an asset to the Chinese. Trump provided China a way to save face by letting Kim Jong-un look weak instead of China, and Kim was fine with that deal if it meant he and his people could be free from Chinese manipulation.

Could be any of those, or a combination, or something else, but there is a lot more in play right now than with any of the past U.S. enabler presidents.


",1525194801,01/05/2018 17:13 8564381,3881300770,"

Israel officials inform US officials they are preparing for war with Deep State Iran


0 Comments Reports: Not that there was much doubt who was behind it, but two days after ""enemy"" warplanes attacked a Syrian military base near Hama on Sunday, killing at least 11 Iranians and dozens of others, and nobody had yet ""claimed responsibility"" the attack, US officials told NBC that it was indeed Israeli F-15 fighter jets that struck the base, NBC News reported.
Ominously, the officials said Israel appears to be preparing for open warfare with Iran and is seeking U.S. help and support. ""On the list of the potentials for most likely live hostility around the world, the battle between Israel and Iran in Syria is at the top of the list right now,"" said one senior U.S. official. The US officials told NBC that Israeli F-15s hit Hama after Iran delivered weapons to a base that houses Iran's 47th Brigade, including surface-to-air missiles. In addition to killing two dozen troops, including officers, the strike wounded three dozen others. The report adds that the U.S. officials believe the shipments were intended for Iranian ground forces that would attack Israel.
Looks like if Trump's plan is to clean the Deep State out of Iran like he did with North Korea, the process to clean out the Deep State in Iran needs to be a quicker process as Israel is telling US officials it's preparing for war with Iran. Israeli officials informing US officials it's preparing for war with Iran comes a day after Israeli news reported Iran is planning to strike Israel after May 6th, so it's now more important than ever for Trump to expose Iran and clean out the Deep State from Iran rather quickly.
​ We need to continue to pay attention to this Israel/Iran situation very closely over the next week, as the threat of war between Iran and Israel is being pushed by both sides. Now with what Q stating it looks like U1 Uranium went to Iran immediately after the deal as Q is telling us, so really what needs to happen is an investigation into Hillary's U1/Iran connection.

",1525195491,01/05/2018 17:24 8564381,3881402272,

Crash & burn Mockingbird Media. Still think Red-Pilled Patriots are buying your 4:30am talking points?? Shills & traitors all. We see you. MAGA #DoitQ #qanon @jerome_corsi

,1525199390,01/05/2018 18:29 8563523,3881451819,"

Lol. Begging? has done a masterful job of chronicling the genius economic moves Team Trump initiated from day one that led to Russia and Chinas cooperation. Q illuminated the other behind the scenes moves. BTW neither Russia or China EVER respond to begging except with sneers.

",1525201249,01/05/2018 19:00 8560295,3881527489,

What they don't time! #qanon.

,1525204416,01/05/2018 19:53 8560295,3881563978,"

Trump/Qanon need to handle this perfectly, but when she gets arrested (and it will happen) the libtards along with Soros money and CNN will try to start a civil war. We need to be informed , well stocked and armed just in case. I am stocked so I can support my normie neighbors because I love them.

",1525206166,01/05/2018 20:22 8560295,3881593743,"

A little girl Soetoro calls his ""pet"".

",1525207741,01/05/2018 20:49 8561231,3881605914,"

Harvard and Yale ARE the epitome of the Deep State fool! These elitist schools have been spewing out these Globalist minions now for years yet your head is so far up your poop-shoot that you somehow are still impressed! Why don't you know any of this! In this day of age, if you are not better informed than you are, there is no hope for our children...that is as long as you get to pull the lever in the voter both! Please go read up on this stuff...please start here!

",1525208428,01/05/2018 21:00 8560295,3881658868,"

Boy, wont you be surprised.. you really dont see it, do you? NK to de-nuclearize, unify with the south and now watch iran get nutered in short order. The bomb the globalists have made to blackmail the world is being de-constructed.


",1525211499,01/05/2018 21:51 8565893,3881660852,

Yep that's pretty much their gameplan.

Meanwhile they count the seconds until someone named QAnon makes vague posts that can mean almost anything.

,1525211617,01/05/2018 21:53 8560295,3881662064,


,1525211691,01/05/2018 21:54 8565539,3881668242,"

You know? If any one of us Regular Jo Schmoe Americans had done even a tenth of the stuff Mr. Comey did, we'd've already been convicted and be serving sentence at Sing-Sing or San Q.

",1525212057,01/05/2018 22:00 8560295,3881669413,"

They found it in N. Syria at an undisclosed Iranian enrichment facility a day or two ago. See recent Q-anon posts, or read up on operation Eager Lion we did with Jordan. Same event.

",1525212129,01/05/2018 22:02 8557502,3881678107,

Any of you following Qanon?

,1525212635,01/05/2018 22:10 8556878,3881703464,"

Yeah wives do that sort a thing to a guy lol .. but you’re dead on!! Its happening... the great awakening!! I’m going to sound a lil tin foil hatesh on you right now but after trump signed the omnibus bill i was so pissed and heard from people on a twitter that I recently signed up on about dont worry “q” got this.. and was like who the fack is Q? And then i went donw that rabbit hole and was blown away and made me see all the crap that was really happening behind the scenes.. google “what is Q” and start doing research .. its f’n insane! The gist of it is it’s trump or someone who is close to trump telling whats going on and what is going to happen and so far most of what he posts are coming true.. like north korea,Saudi Arabia,Armenia and soon iran.. its so out there i didnt believe it at first but then i did research and boom it all makes sense.. crazy as f sense but sense none the less.. seriously im not crazy brother! Lol

",1525214054,01/05/2018 22:34 8566298,3881725449,

Qanon will tell you. Ck prayingmedic on you tube

,1525215230,01/05/2018 22:53 8563523,3881992116,"

Accept it. Then, give a speech like his inaugural address. Drag ‘em back and forth over the hot coals while they have to sit and listen. And, speak straight to John and Jane Q. Public. We get it and we would love it.

",1525234727,02/05/2018 04:18 8567453,3882194118,"

House Judiciary Chair calls for investigation into FBI's Hillary Clinton probe



​The Hill Reports: A top House Republican is calling for a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into allegations that the FBI was pressured by the Obama administration to shut down a probe into the Clinton Foundation during the 2016 presidential election. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday raising issues related to some of the claims laid out by a scathing inspector general report on Andrew McCabe, the fired FBI deputy director.
""I have serious concerns that the Department, during the Obama Administration, attempted to obstruct justice by attempting to inappropriately terminate an FBI investigation on the Clinton Foundation,"" Goodlatte wrote. ""Under the facts laid out by the DOJ Inspector General (IG), it is shocking to hear that the Obama Department of Justice may have allowed politics to dictate what cases should or should not be pursued.""
Looks like we may get somewhere with an actual investigation of the Hillary emails, as House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte has called for an investigation into the FBI's handling of the Clinton email probe. We officially know that 600,000 plus Hillary emails exist on her private server and not 33,000, and these emails include pedophilia, pay to play, extortion, and classified emails.
​ With that being said it's obvious the Comey FBI under Obama obstructed justice to protect Hillary Clinton from justice, and now we even know Comey didn't even investigate the Hillary emails on Huma Abedin's computer that was seized by the FBI and NYPD right before the election...And this is where those 600,000 plus Hillary emails are located which include everything already stated. Will an actual investigation take place, as the House Judiciary Chair has finally called for an investigation into the Comey/Obama FBI handling of the Clinton investigation? Q said phase one is over and phase two will bring justice.

",1525253601,02/05/2018 09:33 8564978,3882325279,

De Niro must have something to hide. Q says those who shout loudest have the most dirt on them.

,1525259292,02/05/2018 11:08 8568953,3882411692,"

Indeed this is a show to watch. If you follow Q, then you know that nothing is as it appears. News has become nothing more than entertainment at this point.

",1525260974,02/05/2018 11:36 8568260,3882506121,"

""Netanyahu Disclosures on Iran a ‘Smoking Bomb""
Heck, thats a MOAB in my book.

",1525262797,02/05/2018 12:06 8568953,3882622019,"

Gotta be honest here, Q needs to either release the goods now or lay off the memes. Any more delays are flat out trolling.

",1525264976,02/05/2018 12:42 8564978,3882689807,

Really? No way! Ahhh...I know that Mrs. Q. I was messing with you.

I wasn't messing around about CCR though. That's just a no go zone for me. I love CCR.

,1525266255,02/05/2018 13:04 8565998,3882756177,

Jumping the Q.

,1525268467,02/05/2018 13:41 8568953,3882806150,"

There are many stories squinting at the DC weeds these days, but if you back up, and look at the slightly bigger picture, you can see what the Trump administration sees.

Everyone expected Hillary to easily win over Donald Trump, so no one was concerned about covering up the corruption that was already in play, by both Republicans and Democrats.

If you follow the Q posts, you would know that Military Intelligence has scooped up and pieced together, all the metadata.

The Trump Administration has everything, on everyone, and Jeff Sessions has been quietly working, masquerading as a do-nothing swamp creature, the only evidence we see of Sessions doing anything (for those willing to dig) is, the over 9000 sealed indictments sent to All 94 Federal jurisdictions in the United States, because those are public records.

The first of those sealed indictments were opened last Friday, it was an 11 count indictment, against the transportation company for Uranium one that was filed last January, there are many more indictments to be unsealed.

The Mueller investigation has been a very convenient device, giving cover to the white hats sorting out a Multiplicity of crimes against the United States of America.

Those who rely on the mainstream media for information, are about to get red pilled, the usefulness of the Mueller investigation is about to come to an end.

",1525270401,02/05/2018 14:13 8562851,3882807286,

Israel has had the documents since January when the raid took place. Q has verified that they're authentic.

,1525270444,02/05/2018 14:14 8564054,3882850704,"

The entire free world is watching America, and they're ready to oust the globalist overlords.

Read Q.

It's happening.

",1525272131,02/05/2018 14:42 8566298,3882887957,"


Read Q.

He's been pointing that out all along.

",1525273513,02/05/2018 15:05 8563526,3882892711,

Sorry Condi--but Trump has proven what a JOKE you and all the other Globalists are. Your perverted criminal cartel is going down. Thank God for Q and other Patriots!!

,1525273693,02/05/2018 15:08 8565017,3882916500,"

Here's something:

Now, it did not come from CNN, so it's probably not real. /s

",1525274586,02/05/2018 15:23 8570651,3883033515,"

Check out:
Q-Anon Post Suggests Mueller is a ‘White Hat’, a ‘Sting’ Operation Underway +Video

",1525279038,02/05/2018 16:37 8569916,3883034525,

McConnell needs to step down..... Q talked about him Months ago

,1525279077,02/05/2018 16:37 8570651,3883042193,

I don't even know where to go look at this Q-ANON stuff...

,1525279359,02/05/2018 16:42 8570651,3883045929,"

Here, but she's referring to an older Q post. No new posts since Monday.

",1525279498,02/05/2018 16:44 8563526,3883057793,

I'm not a big conspiracy theorist... But I have been hearing a good deal about Q... Whoever/whatever they/he/she is/are seems to have captured alot of interest.. more of an Occam's Razor kinda guy... Simplest explaination is usually the correct one.

,1525279947,02/05/2018 16:52 8570891,3883093141,"

Deep State again? I see the silent war is still ongoing, this time though it appears the radicals have taken out Puerto Rican National Guards! Stay focused and united patriots. Q states that it’s justice time.

",1525281273,02/05/2018 17:14 8563526,3883108730,"

Fank wrote: ""I'm not a big conspiracy theorist...""


I'm not either, but by the same token, I don't turn a blind eye to the possibility or likelihood of a conspiracy out of fear of ridicule.

The CIA coined the term 'conspiracy theory' in the 1960s as a means to ridicule anyone who questions the official government cover(up) stories. It has been very effective.

If you think about it, just about EVERYTHING humans do in cooperation with each other meets the definition of 'conspiracy'. It's not a bad word, but it has been used by the PC crowd like 'racist' and 'homophobe' as a weapon to prevent people from examining the evidence and reaching obvious conclusions... because nobody wants to be labelled a 'conspiracy theorist'.


""But I have been hearing a good deal about Q...""


The easiest places to check for the latest Q postings are these two links. They are in reverse order, so the newest are at the top of the page, the oldest is at the bottom of the page:


""Whoever/whatever they/he/she is/are seems to have captured alot of interest.. more of an Occam's Razor kinda guy... Simplest explaination is usually the correct one.""


Me too. The problem is, you can't determine the simplest explanation if you don't have access to all of the information.

Most of the controversy surrounding Q is with regard to determining whether Q is:

A) a hostile psy-op being run by the Deep State

B) a friendly independent psy-op or 'LARP' being run by people who support the Trump administration, but don't have any real access to the administration

C) a legitimate revelation of intelligence information to the American People by members of the U.S. military intelligence apparatus, working in direct cooperation with and support of the Trump administration

Since there seems to be no way to prove to anyone’s satisfaction whether Q is ‘for real’ or not, it makes sense to look at secondary factors.

If it was an operation independent of the Trump administration, even a friendly one, that’s not the kind of thing any administration would want to have going on, outside their control.

For one thing, to the extent that people associate Q with the administration, the things said by Q reflect on the administration.

For another thing, an independent ‘friendly’ operation could accidentally expose something before the administration was ready, or otherwise compromise ongoing actual operations, even with friendly intentions.

Those two observations argue against a ‘friendly’ but independent operation.

If Q was a hostile operation, the administration has the technological capability (via the NSA and military intelligence) to shut it down.

But even if they didn’t, even if it was a hostile operation beyond the capacity of the administration to shut it down, President Trump could completely discredit Q with a single Tweet.

He could do that in 5 seconds.

That has not happened.

That observation argues against Q being a hostile operation.

So if Q is not a hostile operation, and Q is not a ‘friendly but
independent’ operation, what other possibility does that leave?


",1525281861,02/05/2018 17:24 8570891,3883295774,"

These military plane crashes are being done by the bad actors. There is one gyro chip that controls cars, planes basically everything.

If you want to assassinate someone you remotely mess with that chip. CIA knows, Hillary was the lawyer for the patent, when that Malaysian plane vanished Jacob Rosthschild took possession of the patent.

Need to assassinate someone by car like Michael Hastings this is the chip you tap into.
Need to take JFK jr. out of a senate race this is the chip you remotely mess up.

Need to assassinate anyone wait until they are on a helicopter or plane.

QAnon 977: QRS11 Chip. Living The American Nightmare

The QRS is part of a ""Family"" of Gyro-chips. They range from the early QRS11 and include QRS116, QRS14, QRS28.
As you will see, this QRS chip has been installed in basically anything that moves which requires any type of gyro-stabilization or orientation. As you can see from the image above the QRS11 chip and its MILITARY capabilities are guarded and Boeing was found selling it within their planes to China.

",1525289189,02/05/2018 19:26 8569463,3883504542,"

Holder's law firm is as busy as ever, but it aint from their new clients. It is due to the amount of indictments about to flood the homeland he tried to destroy. Holder thinks he is sneaky, we have everything.

#ReleaseTheTexts #NoGaps #NoRedactions
#Qanon #WWG1WGA

",1525300007,02/05/2018 22:26 8566091,3883533640,"

First off, this cabal is decades old, Obama was a goon. The evidence will show this stuff did not just start with BO, it has been happening for far too long. Why do think the Bush family wanted Hillary?

Now, O did not set back relations 50 years. That is a lie the left wants you to believe. Do not give it to them. He tired, but Kanye and I are FB friends. I am white. See?

If CNN says it's true, first, know it's false unless proven otherwise.

Any black man that is against another man because of the color of their skin needs to check their own drawers. Black, White, Whatever! IT'S RACIST.

Any white man that is against another man because of the color of his skin forgot to read his bible today, and STHU.

Racism, like Islamism, is a disease. Those that suffer from it can only cure themselves. We, the righteous, are obligated to teach love and call out hate. Let's get busy!

#ReleaseTheTexts #NoGaps #NoRedactions
#Qanon #WWG1WGA

",1525301680,02/05/2018 22:54 8572556,3883590586,"

Ok, drop your draws Michael - O,my god, what is that there? A Lady boy or what ever they call them - . There is NO limits to the self adulation of these evil Q.xoers!

",1525305192,02/05/2018 23:53 8568917,3883594048,"

No, they are sealed...but i know, as do you, who the bad actors are at fbi, doj, cia, oballah admin etc, and we all know a long list of crimes for each. The song birds are still singing, more birds will sing as they realize there's no escape, and mueller needs to get wrapped up...who mueller is really investigating at this point is ??.
If you'd like, check out prayingmedic on you tube for qanon

",1525305402,02/05/2018 23:56 8568917,3883642358,"

Did you watch Rudy G. on Hannity tonight? Sessions is no white knight who is going to come riding in with indictments for liberals. Sessions is Trump's worst enemy, more so than Mueller. No one is singing. They are covering up the Democrat corruption. I certainly don't mean to dog you here but I just can't get into the cryptic musings of qanon. I sincerely hope when this mess is all over you can say to me...""See I told you so!"" Until then I will just be a pessimist! Lol! P.S. I wish I could find the article I read on those thousands of sealed indictments where they explained most were backlogs of things as mundane as traffic offenses.

",1525308405,03/05/2018 00:46 8571611,3883721008,


,1525314250,03/05/2018 02:24 8571611,3883721503,"

I don't think Q is real, man. I did until recently.

",1525314295,03/05/2018 02:24 8566073,3883723763,"

Perhaps, then, a question of opportunity and the ""fortunes of war""?

We had a junior high school teacher whose Miss America appearance I remember better than I remember what I ate yesterday--and this was 1970-72! I also was as Deep in Dixie as you can get. Granted, hormones were hormones, North or South, then or now, but social strictures against student-teacher liaisons were fully up to the task. We boys all gave each other secretly wistful looks about that teacher on numerous occasions, but strictly on the Q.T. Nothing graphic or openly lustful--not even close.

She was a lady, we were boys, and the social gulf between the two was wider and deeper than the Gulf of Mexico. We assumed without question that her significant other would terminate our miserable lives with extreme prejudice, were we to behave inappropriately in the slightest. Even we boys never would have allowed ourselves or our peers to speak disrespectfully of her, either. Unspoken rule, but no less absolute for that.

Nor were the paddle-wielding male administrators of a sort to allow us to survive any indiscretions of that nature. To top it all off, she was a demonstrably professional and effective taskmaster and a talented, effective teacher, so we certainly had no time in her classroom to spare for idle fantasizing. There were no ""feel good sessions,"" either, where she flitted about, looked deeply or meaningfully at us in ""that special way,"" or otherwise gave anyone the idea that we could approach her about frivolous or improper personal matters. Period, full stop.

In high school, however, we were ""blessed"" with standard-issue battle-axe female teachers: smart, tough, well-organized, and no-nonsense; plus a fair number of male teachers. Tended to make concentration a bit more...focused and on-topic, albeit less pleasant to contemplate.

By the way, I taught in an inner-city high school here 2005-15, same city. Chaotic atmosphere in every respect, compared to my youth. I'll mention but one of the differences: rarely, but at least annually, some female student ventured to touch my hair or even the hair on my arm, to see the texture of ""white people hair."" They were ignorant of adult males, period, as almost every kid in that school lived without a father. Adult males in their world generally were predators, which is why young girls of about 10 or older, walked home from the bus stop with eyes down and earphones in their ears. Turns out that they were ensuring they couldn't hear the lewd propositions thrown their way, and thus didn't have to respond. Even fewer kids had experience with a white, adult male. Perspective for you: upon learning that my family and I ate together at about 6:00 every evening, several girls piped up with excited recognition: ""Wow, that's just like on TV!!!!!""

They certainly weren't all innocent, but the ""hair texture test"" absolutely was a matter of curiosity about hair, which was Topic A for them. I learned that even my otherwise outstanding female JROTC cadets simply refused to drill if there was the slightest hint of a sprinkle. It caused their hair to ""frizz,"" which was a social disaster of the first order.

",1525314497,03/05/2018 02:28 8573795,3883762907,"
Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.

Qanon implied the reason Cohen was raided was to introduce evidence to be used to go after the democrats

How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

",1525318363,03/05/2018 03:32 8573795,3883784978,

Wont be any Q doubter's after tonight. MAGA

,1525320744,03/05/2018 04:12 8572523,3883795835,"

What should disturb you is that this was arrived at from sources that have nothing todo with Q.

If Q has actually said this , that would be highly improbable , and only lend credence to my assertions.

",1525321915,03/05/2018 04:31 8573597,3883860742,"

I do also, I’m not a Q follower but whoever he is he has been correct more than once. It’s eerie.

",1525329048,03/05/2018 06:30 8573597,3883862437,"

I ask because lots of people are sounding like something big is going to happen and I can feel it in the air ...

Like a nuclear sledgehammer about to come down on democrats.

Qanon related maybe, but nobody is giving specifics.

",1525329236,03/05/2018 06:33 8573597,3883863950,"

I don’t follow Q. But, I do know when crazy crap like this comes out, Trump does something, even if it’s a quite, yet effective EO.

Something. It’s the pattern. The Left still doesn’t get the pattern though ;-)

",1525329396,03/05/2018 06:36 8570651,3883884390,"

..better that sitting down... TRUE! Because after EACH and EVERY Q & A, Mueller would be able to 'ask for clarification..' in order to get him to trip-up...

",1525331566,03/05/2018 07:12 8571836,3883885992,"

My biggest concern about all this is that Hillary Clinton got away with violating the national secrets act, and either personally or with direct knowledge of destruction of Federal Classified documents (The bleach bit scrubbing of the server containing US Government emails. We KNOW that server received those emails, just check the send logs).

So if John Q Public pulled this same stunt they would be locked up for decades.

I wonder if you could argue that HRC set a precedent under law that abrogates your responsibility should you do what she did?

",1525331729,03/05/2018 07:15 8573597,3883904862,"

One good thing about the Giuliani interview ... he put all doubt about Trump's lack of faith in Sessions to bed.

And, because ""trust Sessions"" was one of Q's main pillars, it debunks Q as a connected insider.

In addition to that, Q followers caught him posting two photoshopped images last night. It's like he's mocking those that still take him seriously.

",1525333577,03/05/2018 07:46 8573597,3883984669,"

House Judiciary Chair tells DOJ to launch investigation into DOJ official telling McCabe to back off Clinton investigation


0 Comments Reports: ​House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) fired off a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday demanding that the Department of Justice investigate allegations that a ""very pissed off"" Obama administration official called then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, allegedly pressuring him to shut down the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. According to the account contained within an official report by the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General (OIG), McCabe was rattled by the call - reportedly made by senior Obama DOJ official Mattnew Axelrod and pushed back.
“According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking ‘are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’” the report said. “McCabe told us that the conversation was ‘very dramatic’ and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level department official in his entire FBI career.”
During the aforementioned phone call, the IG report recounts that the PADAG called Mr. McCabe and “expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF [Clinton Foundation] Investigation during the presidential campaign.” This corresponds to reporting by the Wall Street Journal which detailed, “a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season…. The Justice Department official was ‘very pissed off,’ according to one person close to McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant.” -Bob Goodlatte to Jeff Sessions
​ Looks like America is getting more confirmation that Hillary Clinton was protected by Obama or top DOJ Obama officials, as the House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte has called for an investigation of a top Obama official ordering McCabe to end the Clinton investigation. Since we now have a call for an investigation into a top Obama official likely Comey or Lynch instructing or pressuring McCabe to end the Clinton investigation, then this likely took place and we have proof of Obstruction of Justice inside the Obama White House to make sure Hillary Clinton wouldn't face justice.
​ Now the question remains why was Hillary Clinton protected from the inside, well it's likely due to the fact that Clinton had a plan to destroy America as exposed through Q for the Obama/Clinton 16 year plan to destroy the United States. If we get this investigation and evidence is found, then Obama officials should be arrested for Obstruction including Obama, and the Hillary Clinton case reopened and actually investigated.

",1525340094,03/05/2018 09:34 8571431,3883989223,

Those of us that follow Qanon have known since March 8th that North Korea getting rid of it's nuclear program was a done deal.
The agreement was initially made when Trump visited Xi in China at the forbidden city.
Qanon has said the Iran is next.
What was just exposed concerning Iran ?
We are going to soon find out that the Uranium sold by Hillary Clinton to the Russians ended up in Iranian hands.

,1525340404,03/05/2018 09:40 8573597,3883999385,"

Bipartisan Bill looks to place any American citizen in US military prison for eternity



The Intercept Reports: But now, incredibly enough, a bipartisan group of six lawmakers, led by Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Tim Kaine, D-Va., is proposing a new AUMF that would greatly expand who the president can place in indefinite military detention, all in the name of restricting presidential power. If the Corker-Kaine bill becomes law as currently written, any president, including Donald Trump, could plausibly claim extraordinarily broad power to order the military to imprison any U.S. citizen, captured in America or not, and hold them without charges essentially forever.
Even opponents of the bill do not believe this is the goal of Corker, Kaine et al. “I think they’re acting in good faith,” says Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty & National Security Program at the Brennan Center at New York University Law School. Kaine himself has explained that they authored the bill because “for too long, Congress has given presidents a blank check. We’ve let the 9/11 and Iraq War authorizations get stretched. … Our proposal finally repeals those authorizations and makes Congress do its job by weighing in on where, when, and with who we are at war.” But thanks to a combination of sloppy drafting and clear reluctance to take the executive branch head-on, Corker and Kaine’s proposed AUMF could do the opposite, handing genuinely tyrannical powers over to the president. Christopher Anders of the ACLU characterizes the bill as “a legislative dumpster fire.”
This is an interesting development if you understand the 24,500 sealed indictments are in play around America, and with all the new activity including new construction at the US NAVY's Gitmo military prison facility. Is this bipartisan AUMF bill more confirmation of activity at Gitmo, because the key to this bill is allowing the President the power to place any American citizen in a military prison indefinitely...Which would include Gitmo. Guess who falls under the category of any US person to be indefinitely detained in a US Military prison forever?
Well some names come to mind...Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, and any Deep State actor in our nations intelligence agencies. This bill to detain any American citizen inside US Military prison sounds like more Gitmo prep confirmation, and possibly a second location as Q has told us.

",1525341040,03/05/2018 09:50 8574977,3884043573,

I thought #QAnon said Sessions has something up his sleeve? More like a dildo up his rear

,1525343569,03/05/2018 10:32 8569916,3884061652,"

[Can Rinos live in a Swamp?] (Rhetorical Q.!)
At a time when POTUS is talking about 'dealing tough' with the Chinese in face of the enormous trade deficit, HOW CAN HE have such a 'connected' person in his Cabinet? Ms McConnell HAS to be working AGAINST THE PRESIDENT's AGENDA!

",1525344466,03/05/2018 10:47 8574977,3884230201,"

""Trust the plan"" - Q.

""No thanks"" - Velk.

",1525351751,03/05/2018 12:49 8573540,3884259106,


,1525352920,03/05/2018 13:08 8572490,3884429279,

see the Q above

,1525359633,03/05/2018 15:00 8572490,3884548651,"

Actually Q Anon noted that Facebook has its origins in the deep state (Pentago/Darpa) starting as research project ""LifeLog"". I don't exactly know what the truth is, but Zuck is definitely a front man. I had never seen him speak publically before, and he doesn't seem that brilliant, certainly not the level of ""genius"" I expected to have ""invented"" facebook and be running it!

",1525364118,03/05/2018 16:15 8572490,3884553040,

@zuckschumer KYS. We see you. Internet Bill of Rights will be crammed down your traitorous throats. Adios #MockingbirdMedia. #Qanon #IBOR #MAGA

,1525364284,03/05/2018 16:18 8575748,3884556041,"

That's actually the question. There's a lot of evidence (covered by a number of YouTubers) that the Catholic Church is Luciferian and has been for decades. And according to Q, the Pope answers to the Rothschilds. This I definitely believe. They are as evil as it gets.

",1525364394,03/05/2018 16:19 8572490,3884556650,"

House Judiciary Chair tells DOJ to launch investigation into DOJ official telling McCabe to back off Clinton investigation


0 Comments Reports: ​House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) fired off a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday demanding that the Department of Justice investigate allegations that a ""very pissed off"" Obama administration official called then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, allegedly pressuring him to shut down the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. According to the account contained within an official report by the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General (OIG), McCabe was rattled by the call - reportedly made by senior Obama DOJ official Mattnew Axelrod and pushed back.
“According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking ‘are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’” the report said. “McCabe told us that the conversation was ‘very dramatic’ and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level department official in his entire FBI career.”
During the aforementioned phone call, the IG report recounts that the PADAG called Mr. McCabe and “expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF [Clinton Foundation] Investigation during the presidential campaign.” This corresponds to reporting by the Wall Street Journal which detailed, “a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season…. The Justice Department official was ‘very pissed off,’ according to one person close to McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant.” -Bob Goodlatte to Jeff Sessions
​ Looks like America is getting more confirmation that Hillary Clinton was protected by Obama or top DOJ Obama officials, as the House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte has called for an investigation of a top Obama official ordering McCabe to end the Clinton investigation. Since we now have a call for an investigation into a top Obama official likely Comey or Lynch instructing or pressuring McCabe to end the Clinton investigation, then this likely took place and we have proof of Obstruction of Justice inside the Obama White House to make sure Hillary Clinton wouldn't face justice.
​ Now the question remains why was Hillary Clinton protected from the inside, well it's likely due to the fact that Clinton had a plan to destroy America as exposed through Q for the Obama/Clinton 16 year plan to destroy the United States. If we get this investigation and evidence is found, then Obama officials should be arrested for Obstruction including Obama, and the Hillary Clinton case reopened and actually investigated.

",1525364414,03/05/2018 16:20 8572490,3884557196,

Qanon. Lol. Pizzagate 2.0

,1525364434,03/05/2018 16:20 8572490,3884558700,"

@Heritage you clowns are about as Deep State as it gets. #Qanon sent us, we want our country back. We see you. #thestormishere #IBOR @Jerome_corsi MAGA

",1525364487,03/05/2018 16:21 8572490,3884558781,"

Yes, as QAnon said it was LifeLog from DARPA /Pentagon

",1525364489,03/05/2018 16:21 8572490,3884578125,"

Bipartisan Bill looks to place any American citizen in US military prison for eternity



The Intercept Reports: But now, incredibly enough, a bipartisan group of six lawmakers, led by Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Tim Kaine, D-Va., is proposing a new AUMF that would greatly expand who the president can place in indefinite military detention, all in the name of restricting presidential power. If the Corker-Kaine bill becomes law as currently written, any president, including Donald Trump, could plausibly claim extraordinarily broad power to order the military to imprison any U.S. citizen, captured in America or not, and hold them without charges essentially forever.
Even opponents of the bill do not believe this is the goal of Corker, Kaine et al. “I think they’re acting in good faith,” says Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty & National Security Program at the Brennan Center at New York University Law School. Kaine himself has explained that they authored the bill because “for too long, Congress has given presidents a blank check. We’ve let the 9/11 and Iraq War authorizations get stretched. … Our proposal finally repeals those authorizations and makes Congress do its job by weighing in on where, when, and with who we are at war.” But thanks to a combination of sloppy drafting and clear reluctance to take the executive branch head-on, Corker and Kaine’s proposed AUMF could do the opposite, handing genuinely tyrannical powers over to the president. Christopher Anders of the ACLU characterizes the bill as “a legislative dumpster fire.”
This is an interesting development if you understand the 24,500 sealed indictments are in play around America, and with all the new activity including new construction at the US NAVY's Gitmo military prison facility. Is this bipartisan AUMF bill more confirmation of activity at Gitmo, because the key to this bill is allowing the President the power to place any American citizen in a military prison indefinitely...Which would include Gitmo. Guess who falls under the category of any US person to be indefinitely detained in a US Military prison forever?
Well some names come to mind...Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, and any Deep State actor in our nations intelligence agencies. This bill to detain any American citizen inside US Military prison sounds like more Gitmo prep confirmation, and possibly a second location as Q has told us.

",1525365213,03/05/2018 16:33 8572490,3884579493,

Red-Pill yourself. #Pizzagate is real. Troll on.....troll. #Qanon MAGA

,1525365266,03/05/2018 16:34 8572490,3884592572,

Traitor Mueller got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Seems a portion of the U1 material found its way to Syria & Iran. Unbelievable! These people are sick!!! #Qanon

,1525365767,03/05/2018 16:42 8563526,3884600635,"

Fank wrote: ""What other possibilities... Again simplest is usually correct... Some kid sitting in mom's basement.. maybe slightly more intelligent than most... Watching cable news.. drinking his/her energy drink.. just making crap up.... Laughing his/her butt off ...""


If so, it will turn out to be the most extraordinary, longest running, most elaborate LARP, bar none, in the history of the Internet. And that would be anything BUT 'simple'.

Is that possible? Sure, almost anything is possible, but the longer it goes on, the smaller the chances become. It takes a great deal of time and effort to intentionally mislead millions of people, especially people who like to solve puzzles and research and discover frauds and liars, like the people on the 4-Chan and 8-Chan message boards do.

And Q is almost certainly a team of different individuals, they have different styles of posting.

And your supposition would also require a conspiracy, at the very least including the owner of the 4-Chan message board, the owner of the 8-chan message board, and Jerome Corsi, a long time journalist and personal acquaintance of President Trump who has extensively chronicled the Q posts. Mr. Corsi goes over the latest Q posts, often for more than an hour at a time, several times a week (whenever Q posts, often in the middle of the night), on a live Youtube channel set up for the purpose of discussing and decoding the latest Q posts.

It's really quite a phenomenon, this dichotomy that has developed between those who examine what is actually being said, research it, and reach one conclusion, and many who don't take much (or any) time to examine what is being said, and blow it off.

The same dynamic is at work in many areas of life, certainly in politics.

But for the sake of argument, let's suppose you are right, that it's just some kid sitting in Mom's basement.

That directly violates one of the aforementioned conditions:

B) a friendly independent psy-op or 'LARP' being run by people who support the Trump administration, but don't have any real access to the administration

If it was an operation independent of the Trump administration, even a friendly one, that’s not the kind of thing any administration would want to have going on, outside their control.

For one thing, to the extent that people associate Q with the administration, the things said by Q reflect on the administration.

For another thing, an independent ‘friendly’ operation could accidentally expose something before the administration was ready, or otherwise compromise ongoing actual operations, even with friendly intentions.

Those two observations argue against a ‘friendly’ but independent operation.

President Trump is absolutely aware of Q and the massive following that has developed among his (Trump's) supporters.

Yet Trump has never mentioned Q, not once, not directly.

He is well aware of Q, often times appears to work with Q in the timing of Tweets and Q posts, but Trump never mentions Q.

So your 'simplest answer' isn't actually 'simple' at all, and it doesn't pass the basic tests:

1) the president is very aware of Q

2) Q has made it abundantly clear that he/they are members of military intelligence working directly with and on behalf of the president

3) to the extent that people believe that, the actions and comments made by Q therefore reflect directly on the administration

4) if you were the administration, the last thing in the world you would want or tolerate is some wildcard operation, some 'rogue' operation (friendly or not), beyond your control, claiming to represent you and gaining a massive online presence (and following)

5) Trump knows all about Q, and he could end the whole thing with a simple Tweet informing his Twitter followers (and therefore the world by extension) that Q has no association with the administration and doesn't represent the views of the administration.

President Trump has not done that.

Unless there is a fourth possibility, Q must be one of these three:

1) a friendly but independent psy-op or LARP (e.g., a kid in Mom's basement). But a rogue operation is a rogue operation, friendly or not, and it's not the kind of thing you want when you're running a country, negotiating peace in Korea, bombing who knows what in Syria, negotiating trade deals and using economic leverage to control events vital to American national interest, etc. The last thing you need is some yahoo representing himself as a member of your administration mucking up the works.

2) a hostile psy-op disguised as being supportive of the Trump administration, part of a massive disinformation campaign which is actually 'awakening' millions of Americans to all kinds of things related to the Deep State that most Americans had never even thought of before... why would the enemies of America pretend to be supporting the President and exposing just how evil they really are?

In either case, friendly or hostile, why would the Trump administration allow it to continue, when they could easily shut it down privately and directly (utilizing the NSA, military intelligence, etc.) or easily shut it down publicly, by having Trump expose and discredit Q as a fraud, by posting on Twitter, instantly reaching nearly 100% of his own supporters who are also following Q's posts.

Which leaves the 3rd possibility, the one that many refuse to even consider and reject out of hand.

3) The simplest explanation, really: that Q is exactly what he/they claim to be.

That's the one that fits.

The other two possibilities don't, for all of the reasons mentioned above.

If there is a fourth possibility not already discussed, what is it?


",1525366065,03/05/2018 16:47 8572490,3884622959,

The #IBOR is NOT an expansion of government intrusion. Most likely done thru the FTC. Net Neutrality was a scam & a farce. The IBOR simply ensure our constitutional rights extend to the internet. No private company that controls access to the web or sells our personal data has the right to censor opinions (i.e. Conservative). IBOR is just one more piece of MAGA coming down the pipeline. #Qanon

,1525366901,03/05/2018 17:01 8572490,3884642706,

#IBOR is NOT an expansion of government intrusion into our private lives! Most likely will be done thru the FTC. Net Neutrality was another Soros scam & a farce. No private enterprise which controls that level of access to the internet & personal information has a right to censor (ie Conservative) opinions. Zuckerberg is shill for central intelligence. MAGA #Qanon

,1525367657,03/05/2018 17:14 8576009,3884677896,"

I am starting to think that Q fella is full of it, and our president is actually in big trouble via these globalist and treasonous Marxist ph@cs!

I don’t think the 4D chess game is real, or working if it is.. which also means no Clinton/Huma videos or any other smoking gun evidence to stop the deep state.

So, enjoy tyranny and a one world government folks.

",1525368978,03/05/2018 17:36 8576009,3884682193,"

Me thinks that Qanon is full of $#!+!! We are looking at deep state tyranny, and nothing of major substance has been released to take down Clinton, Obama, or any of these sick global commies!

",1525369142,03/05/2018 17:39 8576009,3884687641,"

This 4D Qanon crap is getting old! Nothing is happening on that front! Either level the deep state or accept the NWO is going to sadly, win..

",1525369355,03/05/2018 17:42 8576009,3884687728,

Those most desperate to defend Sessions took his syphilitic ramblings and read into them what they wanted to see.

My bet is that Q is a left wing plant creating mayhem.

,1525369359,03/05/2018 17:42 8576009,3884690145,"

I guess Q is wrong, sadly!

",1525369454,03/05/2018 17:44 8576009,3884760057,

Qanon said trust the plan but should we trust Q?

,1525372142,03/05/2018 18:29 8574977,3884770087,"

It is beyond the realm of human dignity to put a person through what POTUS TRUMP has been put through by this BABBLING BUFFOON named MUELLER. ////////////////////
Another dirty stunt by HILLARY BABE and George Soros tp push out a DULY ELECTED POTUS by JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER /////////////////////////
What about Hillary Babe, COMEY , ROSENSTEIN, MEULER, and OBOOOOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - to stand trial for what they have done. ????????????
That will never happen in this two ( 2 ) tier **** SO CALLED JUSTICE SYSTEM *** we have in the United States of America. /////////////////////////////////

",1525372543,03/05/2018 18:35 8577752,3884778560,"

If Trump and the military have been waiting to release everything on the deep state traitors, now is finally the time to do such! If you have the goods, that is.. and after listening to that Q fella, I am starting to doubt him and possibly this administration for the first time, sadly.

",1525372875,03/05/2018 18:41 8575193,3884828571,

I heard Q Anon's just a psych-op....

,1525374963,03/05/2018 19:16 8576663,3884852351,"

The fact that the liberal cabal has been exposed for their use of brainwashing tactics via the media, justice/courts, tech punks and our elected officials shows their intent, which I say is f***in evil. Ironically, we have more than enough to prove what I just said. If you've got popcorn, commence popping! I'm gonna go pick me up some Adidas shoes for the the tennis courts so when my libtard friends ask about em, I get to tell them how their tactics are backfiring...then I get to beat their arses on the courts!

#WWG1WGA #qanon
#ReleaseTheTexts #NoGaps #NoRedactions #Treason
#FollowTheResignations #NoDeals

",1525376014,03/05/2018 19:33 8575193,3884874658,

Too many confirmations directly from POTUS; check out the Q Anon updates on April 1st from Praying Medic and others.

,1525377018,03/05/2018 19:50 8577059,3884945428,"

What about Q, are they bad too?

",1525380639,03/05/2018 20:50 8572490,3884949749,"

We saw your transparent & predictable response to the truth coming a mile away. Won't work this time. The 'Autists' of #8chan are some of the most intelligent people we're proud to call Patriots. Sunshine is the best disinfectant for globalist, leftist fascists. #thegreatawakening #qanon

",1525380884,03/05/2018 20:54 8577059,3884984430,"

House Judiciary Chair tells DOJ to launch investigation into DOJ official telling McCabe to back off Clinton investigation


0 Comments Reports: ​House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) fired off a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday demanding that the Department of Justice investigate allegations that a ""very pissed off"" Obama administration official called then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, allegedly pressuring him to shut down the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. According to the account contained within an official report by the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General (OIG), McCabe was rattled by the call - reportedly made by senior Obama DOJ official Mattnew Axelrod and pushed back.
“According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking ‘are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’” the report said. “McCabe told us that the conversation was ‘very dramatic’ and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level department official in his entire FBI career.”
During the aforementioned phone call, the IG report recounts that the PADAG called Mr. McCabe and “expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF [Clinton Foundation] Investigation during the presidential campaign.” This corresponds to reporting by the Wall Street Journal which detailed, “a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season…. The Justice Department official was ‘very pissed off,’ according to one person close to McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant.” -Bob Goodlatte to Jeff Sessions
​ Looks like America is getting more confirmation that Hillary Clinton was protected by Obama or top DOJ Obama officials, as the House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte has called for an investigation of a top Obama official ordering McCabe to end the Clinton investigation. Since we now have a call for an investigation into a top Obama official likely Comey or Lynch instructing or pressuring McCabe to end the Clinton investigation, then this likely took place and we have proof of Obstruction of Justice inside the Obama White House to make sure Hillary Clinton wouldn't face justice.
​ Now the question remains why was Hillary Clinton protected from the inside, well it's likely due to the fact that Clinton had a plan to destroy America as exposed through Q for the Obama/Clinton 16 year plan to destroy the United States. If we get this investigation and evidence is found, then Obama officials should be arrested for Obstruction including Obama, and the Hillary Clinton case reopened and actually investigated

",1525382953,03/05/2018 21:29 8577950,3885079958,

Does Jay hit 200mph is the real Q.

,1525389003,03/05/2018 23:10 8577059,3885117512,"

I keep hearing of Q. Personally I dont follow Q.

You will come to respect my words whether or not you admit it , its only a matter of time.

",1525391462,03/05/2018 23:51 8573189,3885123746,"

There's never been a more independent president. He's accomplished more in 15 months than most presidents do in 4, and more than our first gay president did in 8. And he is facing unprecedented opposition, not only from Dems, but also from the Establishment of his own party and the entire Deep State.

He is facing our nation's first coup attempt.

Have faith and if you want to stay sane, while acquiring a much better understanding of what is really happening, go research Q Anon on youtube.

",1525391860,03/05/2018 23:57 8576264,3885153811,

I think we should call it Q. Or 1984.

,1525393904,04/05/2018 00:31 8577164,3885196917,"

Wow. Thank you. Finally. I appreciate it.

I don’t follow Q and I don’t follow this. But you’ve given me something to work with, Emily.

",1525397130,04/05/2018 01:25 8579324,3885430436,

I am hoping Sessions is just feeding them more and more rope to hang them selves with. Public opinion IS changing: Bigly! When the hammer drops: WHAM!!! “Trust the Plan” Q.

,1525420198,04/05/2018 07:49 8576423,3885768618,

Spike is showing his LOW I Q AGAIN.

,1525438774,04/05/2018 12:59 8574851,3885782170,"

According to Q, there are patriots in the military, and the deep state will end up in Guantanamo. Ryan et al haven't quit because they wanted to, apparently these are deals to then prevent imprisonment. They are so entrenched Trump and other patriots must of had plans to do this years before he even had the absolute idea to run because you can't concoct a plan of attack on such a scale on a whim. They have now completely pissed the public off which has now energized people that would have never engaged in politics, I guess they aren't as smart as they thought they were.

",1525439326,04/05/2018 13:08 8577164,3885797001,"

If you have a Paternal haplogroup that is C or Q, then it’s highly likely that this ancestor is descended from Native American. If the haplogroup subgroup is C3b or Q1a3a, then you have absolute confirmation.

Maternal haplogroups that indicate Native American heritage are A, B, C, D, and X.

",1525439919,04/05/2018 13:18 8577950,3885828446,"

I missed that, I never heard of her being arrested so I guess Q wasn't spot on that time.

",1525441189,04/05/2018 13:39 8581274,3885924575,

A crumb from Qanon?

,1525445074,04/05/2018 14:44 8580950,3886041961,"

Snoop is promoting division using race, and making money from that. Welcome to America. What happens when the truth comes out. Now, here is one Patriot's take...Game over. That race play only works when nobody is paying attention. The problem with that business plan, is once it backfires, and it is, Snoop will not be able to walk down the street without looking over his shoulder. Want proof? Think Haiti. Missing relief money, missing children, Hillary, John Legend. What if Snoop is on the payroll to help cover up this evil? Will America support Snoop when they find out his involvement? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.


",1525449723,04/05/2018 16:02 8580821,3886049296,"

You read the Q boards, and you see what is going on.
Stay Smart

",1525450016,04/05/2018 16:06 8581274,3886167476,"

28,000+ Sealed indictments against the criminal Sessions. He's busy doing his job, rounding up the cockroaches first, to get the intel on the rats. #qanon

",1525454808,04/05/2018 17:26 8582291,3886260486,

Qanon is.a bloody hoax.

,1525458870,04/05/2018 18:34 8582291,3886322881,

He's playing the long game. They knew this would boomerang on the brainless dims. He had to 'seem' uninvolved. Q says trust Sessions.

,1525461698,04/05/2018 19:21 8582891,3886490790,"

More arrests expected in Allison Mack human/child trafficking case



AP Entertainment✔@APEntertainment

More arrests expected in case against former `Smallville’ actress Allison Mack

1:17 PM - May 4, 2018

'Smallville' actress Mack in court in sex trafficking case

NEW YORK (AP) — Former ""Smallville"" actress Allison Mack is scheduled to appear before a federal judge in Brooklyn along with Keith Raniere, the leader of the self-help group


234 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Well new charges and arrests in the Allison Mack Hollywood human/child trafficking case could get interesting, as Q stated that Allison Mack was naming both names of Hollywood officials and politicians both at the Federal and local levels. Now that the possibility of more arrests being made in the Allison Mack human/child trafficking case, is this a confirmation that Allison Mack has named names of Hollywood and political leaders at the Federal and local levels? Curious who the arrests of these individuals in the Allison Mack case will be, but some names likely won't surprise us and some will likely surprise us. Looks like Allison Mack's human/child trafficking ring could be the starting process of elite pedophiles being taken out. Stand by for the arrests.

",1525471292,04/05/2018 22:01 8582891,3886493548,"

Human/child trafficker Allison Mack's court day set for October, this is likely when we'll get names



Daily Caller reports: Allison Mack and her alleged sex cult leader Keith Raniere appeared in court Friday in Brooklyn to face sex trafficking charges, ABC7 News reported. The 35-year-old actress — who is best known for her role as Chloe Sullivan on the CW series “Smallville” — was arrested last month for her alleged part in a sex ring in Mexico called NXIVM. ​Mack is reportedly working on a plea deal. The judge scheduled the trial date for both of them for October 1. If convicted, both Mack and Rainere could face up to 15 years behind bars with a maximum sentence of life in prison.
It's official the Allison Mack court day for human and child trafficking is now set for October 1st, and you wonder who Allison Mack is going to name or has named since Q told us she was giving up Hollywood officials and politicians both Federal and local. Well we may be getting near that point, as the AP earlier stated that more arrests are expected to be made in the Allison Mack human/child trafficking network case.
​ Now what you have to wonder is who the names will be...Well we likely won't know that until Allison Mack's day in court, right before, or right after. Of course with Mack's court date now being set for her child/human trafficking case with Mack likely giving up other names...Don't be surprised if we hear news of Mack dying before her court case, but the names are likely named already.

",1525471473,04/05/2018 22:04 8580386,3886521531,"

That’s why you don’t see instant prosecutions and perp walks of omuslim, cankles, etc. the stage is being set!! Trust the Plan! Q.

",1525473290,04/05/2018 22:34 8577530,3886536895,"

Thanks for the link! I think that's what I read, though not at that site. When you start delving into this stuff (I follow Q and the Q decoders, too), you start to realize we may really be living in a matrix. So much that we are told is not true. But the Deep State and its lackeys Fake News are labeling us all as mentally ill conspiracy theorists. They're struggling to get that toothpaste back in the tube and Humpty put back together again.

",1525474321,04/05/2018 22:52 8584331,3886632260,"

Q update
James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.

",1525480942,05/05/2018 00:42 8584331,3886655271,"

She should have been arrested..perp walked, then fired. This is such bullsheeit.
I guess as long as you work for the guv, you do what the fark you want.
i hope Q is right...

",1525482714,05/05/2018 01:11 8516756,3886670452,"

Maybe you're an American but are just quite old. Your attitudes are at least a decade out of date. Seriously, what do you think the Q stands for in LGBTQ?

",1525483952,05/05/2018 01:32 8584331,3886724901,


Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

,1525489024,05/05/2018 02:57 8572628,3886729531,"

Yeah, carve away the ice you're trying to preserve.
""These people are not smart.""
~ Q ~

",1525489509,05/05/2018 03:05 8584331,3886735209,"

Q-Anon drop 5-5-18 @8:47 (EST)

James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.


Notice please what is reported versus what actually happened. (FIRED)

",1525490121,05/05/2018 03:15 8584331,3886763437,"

",1525493365,05/05/2018 04:09 8582717,3886795985,"

Trump's speech yesterday he said ""Liberty and Justice for all"" in a way that sort of emphasized ""justice."" Caught onto that but the Q stuff seems to be confirming that Justice is coming. Let's GO!

",1525497431,05/05/2018 05:17 8584331,3886798322,"

Says resigned.

Actually fired, according to Qanon.

",1525497706,05/05/2018 05:21 8575748,3886802849,"

Maybe the Vatican is evil....but I think most of the Churches here try to do good, when they are not importing refugees for profit. And as far as Q goes, not buying his ""wait everyone, Sessions is good, just wait""......

",1525498286,05/05/2018 05:31 8584331,3886812161,"

No she did not resign, Q anon revealed that she was fired! Anyone else that is involved in this scandal that says that they resigned is complete b.s.

",1525499444,05/05/2018 05:50 8584331,3886867321,"

According to Q these Lefty scumbags didn't resign, they were fired - which probably means that the IG has now got everything he needs from them.

",1525506175,05/05/2018 07:42 8584331,3886895726,

Wasn't Q the smart guy in 007 movies?

,1525509349,05/05/2018 08:35 8584331,3886904717,

Just a patriotic hero. Q sent me.


,1525510228,05/05/2018 08:50 8584331,3886947331,"

WRONG Breitboop
As well as a whole list of other
"" Q ""!!

",1525514106,05/05/2018 09:55 8584331,3886949127,"

She didn't resign....she was fired......this is all part of covering up their cooperation with the IG.

",1525514256,05/05/2018 09:57 8570153,3886950143,"

From the smallest town,largest city,EVERY State
Cartel,CIA,Feds,State and local municipality's are all connected
That also includes other countries,yes its global.
"" QAnon "" take the RED PILL! there is a great awaking taking place.

",1525514337,05/05/2018 09:58 8575748,3886973112,"

I agree with your first statement. Hubby is Catholic, loves his church, detests this pope. As for Q, I don't think you yet understand how these things have to happen. Suddenly with no warning will shock and partially paralyze the citizenry and also cause riots. The clueless ""normies"" have to be softened up first. I do believe it's coming soon and it HAS to be done this year way ahead of the mid-terms. There is an astonishing number (nearly 4.4K) of new sealed indictments just from April. The number is nearly 29K from 10/30/17 through 04/30/18. Yesterday Q posted regarding the stage being set.

It's obvious, as Dr. Corsi says, that few people grasp the enormity of this and how complicated and delicately timed it has to be to be done right.

",1525516097,05/05/2018 10:28 8584331,3886973289,"

",1525516110,05/05/2018 10:28 8584331,3887016190,

Q says she is a cooperative witness whom was just fired. Q says she didn't resign. I believe that.

,1525519100,05/05/2018 11:18 8584331,3887070803," , #1316

",1525522441,05/05/2018 12:14 8584106,3887091227,

Common core. Q. How do you feel about 1+1=2?

,1525523664,05/05/2018 12:34 8584253,3887102996,"

He'll be sentenced thirty to ninety months in a minimum security country club, and likely be out on good behavior before his sentence is fully ended. He, then, can go to some third world place, or deep into an inner city in any number of Blue States, and keep on gassing those untermeschen...oops, killing babies as he did before getting caught.

If he had been a pro-life, conservative doctor, who'd seen a patient pass under his care, despite all efforts given to save the life, he'd never get out of San Q....

",1525524347,05/05/2018 12:45 8584331,3887115272,"

That's how they want to present it by the MSM. BUT here is the UPDATE from Q
James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.
drop 1316 May 4 2018

",1525525063,05/05/2018 12:57 8584550,3887215032,

Who is Qanon?


,1525530403,05/05/2018 14:26 8585195,3887257744,


,1525532625,05/05/2018 15:03 8584331,3887274533,"

Yeah, the Q followers keep saying that; but I have yet to see the proof of that claim?

",1525533476,05/05/2018 15:17 8584331,3887290095,"

""Q"" reports 10 vipers have lost their heads (fired) ... they did not slither away (resign).

",1525534269,05/05/2018 15:31 8584331,3887297646,

she says resigned... Q says fired..... i'm sticking with Q.....

,1525534663,05/05/2018 15:37 8585195,3887319151,

This shadow diplomacy by the former Obama regime was pointed out by QAnon 6 months ago. There is so much QAnon has said that couldn't be known without being connected to government/military intelligence. QAnon says that the Swamp is being drained and will drained. The timetable seems to be sometime before the midterm elections and the 11/11/18 military parade.

,1525535752,05/05/2018 15:55 8585426,3887324345,"

This is also a link:

",1525536009,05/05/2018 16:00 8584196,3887341767,

Who do you think created Al Q?

,1525536943,05/05/2018 16:15 8584331,3887421398,"

Yeah, you are like the 15th poster and probably the first to use an actual link to that information. Congrats.

However, my question remains the same, were is the corroborating proof that they were indeed fired and not allowed to resign? So far, someone calling himself Q is claiming this but there's no supporting documentation. The post you linked to is just a list and is not substantiated by independently verified fact.

The thing is, and other posters have pointed this out as well; If Page and Baker remain employees the corrupt FBI, the DoJ IG can compel her and others as employees to testify, but if she's fired or walks, the IG has no real hold over her.

So why would they fire her before the IG has finished his investigation and delivered his report and recommendations for firings and criminal prosecutions?

Unless someone above her is firing co-conspirators in order to cover their tracks and delay the IG's concluding his investigation?

",1525541115,05/05/2018 17:25 8585195,3887483780,


,1525544444,05/05/2018 18:20 8585207,3887580943,"

Ppl have a right to defend themselves, their family and their property. The dems want guns TAKEN from all Americans. Just image, the BAD guys WILL have guns, the police will have guns, the state will have guns and fed govt will have guns. So jon Q citizen is supposed to use a broom handle to defend himself? Some nation have already taken knives away from their ppl.

",1525550243,05/05/2018 19:57 8585228,3887584752,"

May 05 Dr Jerome Corsi Discuss Latest Q ANON posts CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS.

",1525550490,05/05/2018 20:01 8559881,3887671286,

The greeter at my local Costco today had a name tag that simply said Q.

,1525556579,05/05/2018 21:42 8559881,3887672818,

shoulda taken a pic and sent it to Q. funny!

,1525556698,05/05/2018 21:44 8584331,3887737058,"

Q is either one person or a group of people who have inside information on President Trump's government... including the military. apparently Q has been providing posts since around halloween.... he or they let people see what is going on behind the scenes with the deep state characters (and their crimes), as the MSM either doesn't know or chooses not to report on many issues.... i really enjoy the Q posts as they give clues rather than just spell everything need to connect past history with current news... to find Q, search for Qanon posts on i also check under the following people for interpretations of the Q messages.... they are all on youtube... 1. stroppy me (he just reads the post, but his info comes earlier than the rest because he lives in australia.... 2. lori colley (really thorough) 3. natasha (thorough) 4. you are free TV (does her research) 5. jerome corsi (like him, except when he is on live feed!!) i hope this info helps...

",1525561498,05/05/2018 23:04 8585195,3887766707,"
Look for post #1317 and note the file name of the attached .jpg.

",1525563841,05/05/2018 23:44 8584331,3887772772,

Aww don't like Q eh?

,1525564318,05/05/2018 23:51 8586242,3887773856,

Phase 3 - Justify = Justice - wow Q is good!

,1525564399,05/05/2018 23:53 8585195,3887794007,"

Lol. Q posted photos of him with Terrorists in the ME. He brought them a delivery of uranium from the batch sold to Russia so the ""footprint"" would point to Russia and start WW3.

",1525565964,06/05/2018 00:19 8586242,3887821593,


,1525568139,06/05/2018 00:55 8585360,3887840191,

Barbara bush and McCain have decided to check out before the public learns everything.

As Q says these people will not be able to walk down the streets once everything is known publicly.

I wonder how many more will check out?

,1525569662,06/05/2018 01:21 8585360,3887854795,"

The media did a few stories on how Q was fake and the Dailydot called it a scam in several articles.

A few days after the Dailydot article Q releases the information that Obama is a pedophile and even gave the name of the hollywood child he was having sex with. Maggie Nixon Q challenged the anons to find as many photos as they could of obama with this little girl.

The media could have looked up the girl who is an adult now and asked her about it to prove Q is fake, but they did not.

Now they do not mention Q anymore.

",1525570868,06/05/2018 01:41 8585366,3887972306,

Lol! Q has pretty much been exposed at this point.

,1525584075,06/05/2018 05:21 8585792,3888097914,"

Q-anon FTW. If you haven't checked it out, do yourself a service and study the drops. Spaceshot76, blindinglight,justinformedtalk.

Know whats going to happen next week today.

",1525598346,06/05/2018 09:19 8586152,3888151555,"


#TwoTermTrump #MMGA #MAGA #Trump2020 #QAnon


",1525602768,06/05/2018 10:32 8586242,3888152088,"


#Trump2020 #DumpMcConnell #TwoTermTrump #MKGA #MAGA #QAnon


",1525602811,06/05/2018 10:33 8585366,3888320671,"

According to Q, Trump is Draining the Swamp quietly.

James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.

",1525613310,06/05/2018 13:28 8568929,3888407041,"

Devin Nunes calls for arrest of John Kerry, after Kerry exposed working with Iran to save Iran deal



Devin Nunes✔@DevinNunes

OMG! Logan Act violations!! Send in the G Men...

6:01 PM - May 4, 2018


15.7K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

It looks like we could see an arrest of our first Obama official, as House Intel Chair Deven Nunes has called for the arrest of Obama's Secretary Of State John Kerry for violations of the Logan Act. This crime of John Kerry for violating the Logan Act was exposed late last night, where Kerry was exposed as working behind the scenes to save the Iran Nuke Deal at the UN where Obama sold out America for $150 billion dollars in his second term of being President.
Now will we see an arrest of John Kerry who knows, but the proof is out there of John Kerry's Logan Act violation for working with Iran officials to save Obama's Iran nuke deal. You could possibly say Hillary and Obama could go down for this as well, as Q has informed America that U1 Uranium was in the hands of Iranians at a secret nuke facility inside of Syria. Kerry has been busted, and hopefully his arrest takes place for treason and the violation of the Logan Act for working with Iran on the Iran nuke deal while Trump is President. Hasn't Obama been working behind the scenes with foreign nations also?

",1525617752,06/05/2018 14:42 8585195,3888492861,"

Get schooled. The EU, Russia and others get a percentage of the money in the deal. The only reason they care.

",1525622086,06/05/2018 15:54 8583476,3888561488,

Who is the Illuminati mind controlled stooge you refer to?
And Q is new to me—I’ve been down the rabbit hole reading but in your words pls tell me who Q is and what’s Q’s objective?

,1525625458,06/05/2018 16:50 8587553,3888565200,"

Tinfoil hat theory. People can see that his actions are not useful for any rediculous movie plot theory. Q is a deep state disinfo campaign, and a fairly obvious one. ""Sundance"" (real name?) is as well, and The Conservative Treehouse is pushing the same BS.

You can only propagandize lies in the face of the obvious reality for so long, before people finally get it. It is just an attempt to keep the coupsters from being fired while Mueller manufactures a process crime. Otherwise the impeachment won't fly.

",1525625649,06/05/2018 16:54 8588357,3888715521,

Who is #Qanon

,1525632815,06/05/2018 18:53 8588357,3888742748,"

Are the Republicans going down the same trail the DEMON - RATS dod, believing what the FAKE NEWS has to say about what JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER is supposedly saying. ????????????????
Don't trust the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. /////////////////////////////

",1525634122,06/05/2018 19:15 8587871,3888751707,

Based on what? Qanon is a 4chan hoax. I don't buy it.

,1525634569,06/05/2018 19:22 8588357,3888763548,"

LIVE. Q Anon. Jerome Corsi is a SHILL

",1525635200,06/05/2018 19:33 8587097,3888777993,"

Since when did Breitbart start CENSORING Q’s POSTS??

For those not following Q, I was including a quote from Q that was made on 1/23/2018 which included a message that the evil that is being exposed is so shocking that even those that are involved in the exposure cannot sleep, cannot find peace. The consensus is that if these hardened Military Intel and personnel find it evil, so evil it is having an impact on their lives, then 60% of Americans will not be able to absorb it. Those that have been involved with trashing America and stripping away her freedoms are traitors. McCain is a traitor.

Breitbart asked for link or email. Breitbart REJECTED the Q ID tripcode. So I have found a YouTube video that discusses the drop. It starts around the 3 minute mark.

",1525635988,06/05/2018 19:46 8588357,3888818926,

believe me i want to believe Q...

,1525638357,06/05/2018 20:25 8584331,3888827032,

Qanon indicates she was FIRED.

,1525638850,06/05/2018 20:34 8587871,3888836989,"

.... bout darn time. Sessions needs to resign, he's useless . Not buying Q and the ,"" trust the plan, "" BS when it comes to Sessions.

",1525639454,06/05/2018 20:44 8588357,3888842461,"

May 6, 2018

No chickens counted before hatchery progress.
The path is like the wooden nickel not taken.
A dollar will be shorter on the day it is late.
Nine were saved by timely stitches.
Miles in country make for long travels.

Look, I’m Q!

",1525639798,06/05/2018 20:49 8587343,3888873249,"

Allison Mack has spilled all on the Hollywood pedophiles & pedovores. O'Donnell is going down

",1525641788,06/05/2018 21:23 8588234,3888912729,

Where is Q? No post since May 4.

,1525644334,06/05/2018 22:05 8587097,3888954644,"

When I see this line in this article: ""Trump escalated his feud with McCain during the 2016 election cycle when he said that McCain was “not a war hero” because “he was captured.” I think Trump was referring to ""captured"" to mean by the Deep State and the Elite Globalists......""captured and doing what they have him do"". He is a ""captured"" puppet.

Trump is clever. McCain is not a war hero. He is traitor to The USA. Ask McCain about how deep he is with all things ISIS to use against HIS own country and the world. I am forecasting McCain will have his grave spit upon, especially by VETS.
Think about how Trump uses ""wording"" in light of Q. Then rethink ""captured""


",1525646994,06/05/2018 22:49 8587097,3888959794,

Trump should just show up and make a Q hand gesture at the casket.

,1525647301,06/05/2018 22:55 8584331,3888974659,

Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.

From Q post #1316

,1525648275,06/05/2018 23:11 8587097,3889018805,"

click on my 777watcher and read my other comments and need to WAKE UP. Millions of us know Q.
go click and read, my comments are this article, not posting again....or just read down the comments and look for me.

",1525651147,06/05/2018 23:59 8587097,3889027957,"

Get caught up on McCain and all the swamp slime:



",1525651719,07/05/2018 00:08 8588723,3889053880,

The American wave of Patriotism is so large the evil actors don't even see it...#Qanon...

,1525653452,07/05/2018 00:37 8588723,3889077182,"

",1525655082,07/05/2018 01:04 8588723,3889077870,"

All you need to know right here folks! This is the REAL ANTIFA - WWG1WGA

",1525655132,07/05/2018 01:05 8588723,3889079553,"

Oh really? Look at who you support!

",1525655257,07/05/2018 01:07 8588723,3889080372,"

Oh really Michael? Is this who you support?

",1525655320,07/05/2018 01:08 8588723,3889081327,"

Here's who you are,,,

",1525655392,07/05/2018 01:09 8588723,3889083131,"

Here are your friends you squirrel! Get the F' out of our country or we will eventually throw you out by force...pig!

",1525655540,07/05/2018 01:12 8588723,3889084212,"

Russian? Here is the real ANTIFA

",1525655624,07/05/2018 01:13 8588723,3889085157,"

And here is the real Democratic party now!

",1525655702,07/05/2018 01:15 8588723,3889086714,"

Here are your friends loser...this is what you now support! Way to go genius! I give you the real ANTIFA IDIOT!!!!

",1525655825,07/05/2018 01:17 8588723,3889087226,"

Here is his tribe!

",1525655862,07/05/2018 01:17 8588723,3889088280,"

Share this with your liberal friends! Not you...BTW...I know you are MAGA.

",1525655944,07/05/2018 01:19 8588723,3889089907,"

This tells you who they really are.

",1525656069,07/05/2018 01:21 8588723,3889090752,"

And this is both CNN and ANTIFA...share with your friends.

",1525656142,07/05/2018 01:22 8588723,3889091393,"

Here...share it with your friends! He's what you support dope!

",1525656193,07/05/2018 01:23 8588723,3889096422,"


",1525656585,07/05/2018 01:29 8588969,3889112848,"



#TwoTermTrump #Trump2020 #MAGA #MMGA #QAnon


",1525658017,07/05/2018 01:53 8588723,3889130304,

See Qanon...

,1525659712,07/05/2018 02:21 8588723,3889131402,"

Here is the ANTIFA flag. Remind you of anything?

",1525659830,07/05/2018 02:23 8589683,3889132922,"

From rumblings on 8Chan... The democrats are in for huge hits in the near future in the area of child sexual molestations, sex slavery and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH WORSE. By the time all is done and opened... people will want to openly lynch them.

Pay attention what happens in Hollywood. Remember #MeToo? Same with this. The arrest of former actress Allison Mack and the NIXVM sex cult opens a huge can of worms on the federal level.

Stay tuned, Nancy Pelosi...........

",1525659988,07/05/2018 02:26 8588723,3889142281,"

Do you trust Q? Some people do, some people don't...

",1525660978,07/05/2018 02:42 8588723,3889144059,"

X2 Do you trust Q? Some people do, some people don't...(Bleach post?)....

",1525661182,07/05/2018 02:46 8588723,3889150186,"

Q has exposed a lot about the elite's corruption, but I'll trust the plan when I see real results. All this exposure lends itself as much to the theosophy concept of the Externalisation Of The Hierarchy in that all it is really doing is letting people know who really runs the world. My biggest fear is that Q is the real life version of Orwells Goldstein character and the recent Jerome Corsi tripcode and in fighting leads me to believe Q could very well be just another psy-op to mislead. Who really knows when everyone has their own agenda? Best not to trust anyone and judge a tree by the fruit that it bears because the only real salvation is Jesus and half the world rejects that.

",1525661886,07/05/2018 02:58 8588723,3889154553,

Trump answers identification requests when the Anons ask him to verify who's on board the Q train. So I trust Trump is involved personally with the Q boys...

,1525662396,07/05/2018 03:06 8588723,3889155185,"

I really hope Q is the real deal. If not, we're still very much on our way to the one world beast system.

",1525662469,07/05/2018 03:07 8586197,3889175087,

I saw a very young fawn with serious eye crud lost aimlessly wandering in the road on Wilson pike in Wilco TN near Arrington a few summers ago at night and saw a small coyote in the adjacent pasture in my headlamps eyeballing it. My sons and I stopped and I grabbed it...she kicked a bit but I held onto her and backed up into the other field across the street and hit it with my Q beam from my cig lighter in my Porsche of all things and sure enough we saw a herd of deer at the treeline and I had my boys keep the light on the herd and I walked the bleating fawn up to within 30 yards of the group and let her go and she scampered up to her mama looked like and other deer including some flatheads and headed off into the thicket....babies kick but they’re manageable ....southern white tails

Normally I shoot deer and eat them

,1525664823,07/05/2018 03:47 8589683,3889355372,"

Another Deep State asset going down ?
House Intelligence Committee to hold Sessions in contempt
5/6/2018 0 Comments


Sara A. Carter

.@DevinNunes sent classified letter to AG Sessons asking for info/ AG Sessions DOJ ignored—-Move forward with contempt resolution against DOJ AG for refusal to comply with latest subpoena. They will go to court to force contemt subpoena against AG Sessions

8:39 AM - May 6, 2018
11.8K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
What's going on with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, where the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes is moving forward with a contempt of Jeff Sessions. Not only that but it looks like a court subpoena may be issued as well against Jeff Sessions for contempt. Now we have been told to trust Sessions by Q, so this could be a deflection move to act like this is against Sessions...But Sessions could actually be ready to name names and possible charges against you know who and others. With this subpoena likely being issued against Sessions for contempt I would look at what could possibly being going on behind the scenes, so don't look at it as Jeff Sessions is getting in trouble...Think about what could actually happen with a Jeff Sessions appearance in court. This is likely deflection to make moves so long as Q is right about trusting Trump's Attorney General.

",1525684007,07/05/2018 09:06 8589683,3889361900,"

Why did human/child trafficking NXIVM give Hillary Clinton $30,000



NY Post Reports: A purported pyramid-scheme operator who was run out of Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor has reinvented himself as the head of an upstate group accused of being a “cult” – and his devotees have pumped thousands into Hillary Rodham Clinton‘s presidential run. Executives and top associates of the Albany-based NXIVM group – along with their family members – donated $29,900 to Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to federal records. On March 14 and April 13, records show, more than a dozen contributions poured into Clinton’s coffers from NXIVM, an executive and group-awareness training organization led by Brooklyn-born Keith Raniere, 47.
What I think people should really be wondering why NXIVM gave Hillary Clinton 30,000 which is a human/child trafficking network and involved in illegal human experiments? Did Hillary get this money from NXIVM because she knew what was going on so they paid Hillary $30k for silence, or is Hillary Clinton likely involved with NXIVM that they paid Hillary $30,000?
​ You have to still remember the arrested Hollywood recruiter for NXIVM busted for this human/child trafficking ring Allison Mack has been mentioned by Q as naming names of Hollywood and Political officials who are involved, so if Allison Mack has named names Hillary Clinton is likely on that list of names being given up by Allison Mack. We know two things...Allison Mack's court date is set for October and the AP has reported more arrests are expected. Will Hillary be one of these names dropped or showing up in an arrest report related to the case of Allison Mack, well that $30,000 from NXIVM to Hillary is likely a good answer to those very questions

",1525684524,07/05/2018 09:15 8587871,3889366985,"

I think that Nunes needs to confer with Trump regarding Sessions. It's patently
obvious that Sessions is working WITH Trump regarding the Deep State other
wise he would have been gone sometime ago.
I realize that many (perhaps most) people think Sessions is some kind of coun-
try bumpkin (and he may well be) but I suspect there is something else going on.
How many people were surprised when he announced Huber as a special prose-
cutor and that he had been on the job for over six months after almost a year of
demands for Sessions' head.
Do you really think that Trump REALLY wanted to fire him (Sessions) last fall when
he ""found out"" that Horowitz was the IG. Really? You mean the guy (Trump) is fighting
for his life (literally as well as figuratively) and he doesn't know that Horowitz is on
HIS side. After nine months of being on the job as President? C'mon! Who's being
stupid here.
The IG's report is due out this week or next and a few more things will be settled.
I know that many are not aware of Qanon and others don't believe him, which is OK.
However in his latest posting he has named ten people FIRED from the top line
FBI offices not including Comey and McCabe which makes it an even dozen (that
we know about). And of course more to come!
By the way, who is aware of Rachel Brand who last week resigned to be the head
legal counsel at Walmart? She was the #3 at the DOJ behind Rosenstein. She an-
nounced that it was a good time to ""seek other opportunities"". How many people
were even aware of who she was, much less than that she was singing like a canary.
And it was only after they had wrung her dry that she was ""allowed"" to resign? She,
like so many others, was fired.

",1525684909,07/05/2018 09:21 8587871,3889556677,"

Be patient with our Attorney General. He has literally thousands of sealed indictments that will be served simultaneously all over the US very soon...... Familiarize yourself with a source called ""Q"" the information drops or clues at be a patriot and arm yourself with the truth. Get off Facebook and onto MeWe......use DuckDuckGo,... instead of Google.....

",1525695265,07/05/2018 12:14 8584331,3889566695,"

She was fired! James Baker also fired! Don't believe the New York Times. Drain the Swamp. Q post #1314.

",1525695724,07/05/2018 12:22 8516756,3889570621,"

What does the Q stand for in LGBTQ?

Edit: actually forget it. I looked through your posts. You're just some bored kid, trying to stir things up.

",1525695906,07/05/2018 12:25 8587928,3889631640,"

I voted Trump, but do not like hearing he would need to plead the 5th....if you cannot defend your actions they were not appropriate...

I did not like it when those under Obama did so...but the bottom line is we have a BS investigation and Sessions is MIA....We have John Kerry undermining trump and Obama as well....

Qanon better wake up and start posting again bc they said TRUST SESSIONS....and zero has happened.

",1525698621,07/05/2018 13:10 8576009,3889686232,"

Just like being in the Military and deploying to places like the Middle East , willing to risk my life to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign of domestic has influenced my world view. The military point of view is VASTLY different from the civilian point of view. We know things that civilians don't about what is really going on in the world.

After I returned from Enduring Freedom in 2002 my squadron had a Classified Security briefing. After it was over I said to the Colonel who gave the briefing , "" Sir, would it be fair to say that if the average John and Jane Q Public knew a smidgen of what you and I know they would never rest easy in their beds again?""

The Colonel agreed with me.

I will say again, paying off a common stewed wh0re is not a threat to National Security. Allowing Russia to gain access to our uranium is.

",1525700902,07/05/2018 13:48 8590487,3889758430,"

Fun Fact:Robert Mueller, the son of a DuPont executive, went to a Waspy New England prep school where he was John Kerry's lacrosse captain.

#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #DrainTheSwamp @POTUS

The Swamp goes waaaaay back.

",1525703905,07/05/2018 14:38 8591066,3889800494,

That's what Q posted as well.

,1525705597,07/05/2018 15:06 8591267,3889836513,


,1525707048,07/05/2018 15:30 8591267,3889947477,

There you go. Just a few days ago Q dropped this and the media is just picking it up.

Re_read drops.
Today: JK & Iran
Important - context for future news.
Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?
HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?
(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?
The World is Connected.
The World is Watching.

,1525711308,07/05/2018 16:41 8591639,3890000762,

Even Soros laughs that Q won't say his name. He gets a kick out of it.

,1525713389,07/05/2018 17:16 8587871,3890103348,"

you know why sessions hates weed is he prolly smoked some then smoked some tube steak, and wants to steal everyones stuff (civil forfeiture) for j-walking. Q & Z are full brown sheet. Sessions should be held in contempt of the people of the usa.

",1525717139,07/05/2018 18:18 8591066,3890108630,"

They did not resign, they were wrung dry by the IG and fired. Justice is coming... Check out Praying Medic on Youtube - Q Anon:

",1525717357,07/05/2018 18:22 8587097,3890110502,"

I am not telling you to ""click"" on anything....I am saying read my comments in this article that I did include about Q to others . I just simply don't want to rehash it. If you are not aware of Q.....#Qanon is waking up millions of people, ask your friends......Qanon IS THE REAL NEWS....If you only watch TV and read traditional MSM are way behind on what is really will continue to not know how bad it is with mccain and others....why do you think Paul Ryan is not running again.....??? Keep your head in the sand. Why do you think everyone is saying what a turd Mccain is.....

",1525717434,07/05/2018 18:23 8592179,3890147463,"

House Intelligence Committee to hold Sessions in contempt


1 Comment

Sara A. Carter✔@SaraCarterDC

.@DevinNunes sent classified letter to AG Sessons asking for info/ AG Sessions DOJ ignored—-Move forward with contempt resolution against DOJ AG for refusal to comply with latest subpoena. They will go to court to force contemt subpoena against AG Sessions

8:39 AM - May 6, 2018


12.5K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

What's going on with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, where the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes is moving forward with a contempt of Jeff Sessions. Not only that but it looks like a court subpoena may be issued as well against Jeff Sessions for contempt. Now we have been told to trust Sessions by Q, so this could be a deflection move to act like this is against Sessions...But Sessions could actually be ready to name names and possible charges against you know who and others. With this subpoena likely being issued against Sessions for contempt I would look at what could possibly being going on behind the scenes, so don't look at it as Jeff Sessions is getting in trouble...Think about what could actually happen with a Jeff Sessions appearance in court. This is likely deflection to make moves so long as Q is right about trusting Trump's Attorney General.

",1525718986,07/05/2018 18:49 8592878,3890167698,

Well here we go. North has a history that many people are not sure of his true dedication to actual freedom for the individual. Maybe he needs to address the members very soon for a Q n A session.

,1525719855,07/05/2018 19:04 8593028,3890199481,

There was a great meme on Q. A smart looking woman is sitting drinking coffee and says: “I didn’t vote for Hillary because of my husband. I didn’t vote for her because of Bill Clinton’s wife”!

,1525721322,07/05/2018 19:28 8593697,3890238023,

Im shocked Trump isnt doing anything about this. At the very least demand to Wray that he send half a dozen agents over to Kerrys house to interrogate him. A legit FISA spying warrant wouldnt be out of the Q either. If Trump does nothing its his own fault.

,1525723174,07/05/2018 19:59 8593028,3890270179,

Fortunately conservatives are not low I Q people like democrats .

,1525724871,07/05/2018 20:27 8592299,3890304274,"

Correct. I'm a kiwi. We don't want criminals here. Lock Her Up !

Justice for Uranium One corruption and treason will come (I expect closer to the midterms so it will be devastating)

",1525726781,07/05/2018 20:59 8589827,3890314220,"

Sorry Q ball, Hillary won't run. Not even a quick waddle.

",1525727357,07/05/2018 21:09 8587097,3890324604,"

So much has been proven TRUE. You are willfully blind. The mere fact you call it ""conspiracy"" tells me everything......YOU trust the MSM that labeled it conspiracy. You are falling for the real ""conspiracy""... you might look up how you are exactly who they hoped would fall for it. Dupe. You are willfully the moron casting insults. The dumbed down mass sheeple.....YOU:

CIA documents tell you exactly that they created that term to get people from questioning The Warren Report..look with your own eyes. Then realize Q drops encourage you to look with your own eyes TODAY with current Govt. Again you are willfully blind and trusting of your Govt. As an american it is our right and duty to keep an eye on them. Q is Alerting us to DANGER, we have traitors amongst us. Remain the dim bulb, fine. The rest of us looking into Q FACTS will shine the light bright.


",1525727940,07/05/2018 21:19 8593697,3890333771,"

Sessions is working with the spotlight off him. This is deliberate.

Q Anon lists the huge number of people fired - all out of the spotlight. Sessions is working smarter, IMHO

James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.


They have to drain the swamp some before they can prosecute public figures - or the corrupt swamp will leak and protect the criminals. And they need to do the public stuff just before midterms - because people's attention span is so short, and it means the media doesn't have time to cover over the devastation.

",1525728465,07/05/2018 21:27 8593697,3890383160,"

Yes, it seems that way. However, if the Q Anon group are to be believed the good guys are trying to avoid:

1) causing citizens to lose all faith in the Republic (which would be a win for the commies)

2) acting without all due process, which would leave legal loopholes for bad actors to escape through

3) panicking the Left so much they invoke their Samson plot to harm citizens and collapse everything.

There is some information which is being withheld by the good guys for the moment. Sessions is a good guy. They would love to make everything public, but they are trying to destroy the swamp forever. They only get one shot at it and that can't leave any loopholes open that corrupt Congress can leak to help the bad guys.

This requires some faith in the good guys because we cannot see what the 'special forces' are doing in their stealthy mode. This is not because they want to hide it from us, but because they want to keep it all hidden from the bad guys until it is too late.

Please peruse the list of VERY senior people getting fired in the list above. The swam is being drained in the best way the good guys know.

As Q says, ""TRUST THE PLAN"". So far that seems like that is an ok bet and is actually working away from the hysteria the media generates.

It is hard for us 'informavores' to be patient. But we need to be.

",1525730992,07/05/2018 22:09 8593697,3890391159,"

Why does the Attorney General need to let the American public know this? are they all neurotic jellyfish that need reassurance ?

From the list above it appears Sessions is steadily working his way through the Swamp. Not at the pace everyone else would like, but notice that the people fired have no recourse in the media to save themselves? only Comey tried this and it didn't work - everyone else has submitted to Sessions and his team.

Notice also how many are listed as now cooperating. That is an excellent outcome.

Don't let our need for information gratification reduce the effectiveness of Sessions dismantling the bureaucrats holding those in the limelight up. Once the firings are complete people like Obama and the Clintons will have nobody left in positions of investigative power to save their criminal hides.

We are winning. The Swamp is being drained (see list above), bullet-proof cases against criminal activity are being compiled, Trump's approval is up, the Left are unable to generate enough outrage to cause havoc in the streets (because the Swamp is being drained out of the limelights), and the normies still have confidence in America and the system (they might panic at the extent of the corruption before the Swamp is drained and Rule of Law restored).

As Q Anon says, ""TRUST THE PLAN"" - because it is actually working. Be joyous and grateful about that :)

",1525731413,07/05/2018 22:16 8593697,3890403439,"

Huh? Sessions is draining the Deep State out of the limelight - which means the media can't generate enough hysteria to stop him.

Read these from the Q Anon group (probably US Military Intelligence)

Sessions is ripping up the whole support network who are backing the criminals in the limelight. When the people in the limelight finally are confronted (eg. just before the midterms) then there is no Deep State support network left to help them escape.

Sessions is smart.

",1525732048,07/05/2018 22:27 8593697,3890404940,"


It is all explained here:

Sessions is a good guy, and is actually effective.

",1525732125,07/05/2018 22:28 8593028,3890409079,"

Is Hillary sporting some new fashion?
Defibrillator vest?

",1525732345,07/05/2018 22:32 8593697,3890410370,"

Do you not understand? Congress is as much the Swamp as factions of the FBI and DOJ. Especially Congressional staffers,

""Panicking the left"" is already happening, they just have little power right now to do much about it.

The reason they have little power is because the media cannot generate enough hysteria. Why is that? because much of the action is out of the limelight and is happening at a steady but unhurried pace.

If there was a mass purge then the media would get millions to panic and head to the streets.

But Sessions and team are MUCH smarter than that.

Trust the Plan. Understand how the good guys are acting stealthy like Special Forces do - and how it is much more effective that way

If you put aside your need as an information junkie to see results every hour, then you will understand this is the way things have to be done. This is the smart way.

",1525732416,07/05/2018 22:33 8591798,3890411641,

Those of us that follow Q anon posts have known since March 8th that North Korea was going to give up their nukes.
The deal was made when Trump went to China and visited with Xi in the forbidden city.
With an extremely liberal Trump hating media it would be very stupid for Trump to go into a meeting with Kim unless he knew of the outcome beforehand.
Q posts have also indicated that Iran will be taken care of by November 11th.
Other posts have indicated that foreign assets are already in place to facilitate a successful revolt by the people of Iran against their radical religious leaders.

,1525732483,07/05/2018 22:34 8593697,3890412927,"

In the Deep State, those with the most power are not necessarily those in front of the camera. This is a war in the shadows. We are slowly dismantling the networks, but because the figureheads are in place little can be done to stop us. It is a smart way to do it.

Read what is being done here

",1525732550,07/05/2018 22:35 8593697,3890419890,"

??? The logistic network are all the people fired. The 'tank' are the figureheads in the spotlight.

See the firings here:

That's a good site to keep up to speed with the War On The Deep State.

",1525732917,07/05/2018 22:41 8593697,3890421668,"

""Traitorous"" ???

What did Sessions do that was ""treason""?

Stop being hysterical. Calm down. The War On The Deep State is being won. Look at the facts of firings listed here:

",1525733013,07/05/2018 22:43 8591393,3890504059,

Did Q predict the NY AG Larper thing?

,1525737456,07/05/2018 23:57 8592299,3890585633,

has this been mentioned before? as Q posts ramp up she seems to be setting the stage. wonder what NZ extradition laws are..hmm

,1525741940,08/05/2018 01:12 8594798,3890607423,"

The big secret is in how much money is paid to Iran. Then a portion of that is paid in kickbacks to people in the Obama Administration.

Q Anon has some of the history

As usual, the Democrats side with people who chant ""Death to America! Death to Israel ! Death to the West !""

The Democrats will side with anyone who hates the American people. The Democrats:
1) Sided with the Muslim Brotherhood against the people of the West

2) Sided with Saddam to protest President GW Bush

3) Sided with Ho Chi Minh and the North Vietnamese aggressors against the Vietnamese people and the US forces that defended them.

4) Sided with Stalin against the Free Peoples of the World

5) Sided with Hitler until they switched to Stalin.

6) Sided with Mussolini until 1943

7) Created the KKK

8) Were the pro-slavery party of the Southern States against the United States in the Civil War.

The Democrats HATE traditional America as it is - that's why they want to smash it all down and put the Leftist 'elites' in charge of your life.

",1525743470,08/05/2018 01:37 8591306,3890614852,"

Anti science is teaching kids it is OK to deny biology. Anti science is teaching you can say what ever you want for convenience about when human life starts, even though now you can actually see it light up. Anti science is teaching that somehow rules and laws spontaneiusly poof appear for no purpose or reason, even though science can’t produce a single one that doesn’t have an intelligent author that created it for a purpose. Anti science is teaching kids that some how abbra kadabbra math, music, logic, language and the scientific method some how can work in an Alt Atheist random event universe. Without God to gurantee and maintain the reliable repeatibility that all of them need to work properly. Anti science is teaching kids coherent intelligence can some how be spawned by random chaos, even though the two are polar opposites. And there would therefore be no coherent intelligence to descriminate between the two. Anti science is teaching kids that God=Alpha&Omega=Infinity doesn’t exist, when even Hawking proved scientifically Infinity is. And by definition Infinity needs no “creator”. Q. E. D.

",1525744060,08/05/2018 01:47 8594666,3890623532,"

As Q has said, keep a record of those resigning since the executive order was signed on 12/21/2017. Very important.

Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

",1525744753,08/05/2018 01:59 8587946,3890634793,"

Striving to Escape the Fall
Posted by Nick Batzig

Marathons, mud runs, CrossFit, Yoga, diets, non-GMO and gluten-free foods, Christian financial programs, anti-vaccination and homeschooling have--each in their own way--taken over the driver's seat of the lives of so many in the church. While all of these things, in and of themselves, may be good things and have their proper place in a believer's life, they often hold too prominent a place. It is fairly easily to gauge whether we have given these things too prominent a place in our hearts and lives; we can be sure that we have when they become the overwhelming subject of conversation we have at church, when we get together with others and in what we spend out time reading or writing on social media. After all, Jesus taught us that we speak most what our hearts value most (Luke 6:45). So, what do these things--that seem so completely unassociated with one another--have in common? They can all be ways that we try to control our lives in order to escape the misery that is the effect of the fall.

""The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery."" So wrote the members of the Westminster Assembly in Q. 17 of the Shorter Catechism. Everything negative in this life falls into one of these two categories--namely, sin and misery. The catechism goes on to explain the estate of misery when it says, ""All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell forever."" Sin and misery are the all-encompassing and inescapable realities of this life in this fallen world. Christ came into the world to redeem us from our sin and the misery of this fallen world, and to give us eternal holiness and happiness. While Jesus bore the curse in our place, took the guilt and power of our sin upon Himself at Calvary and reconciled us to God (thereby, definitively dealing with our sin), the misery that came into the world on account of the fall remains until the resurrection. We are all subject--no matter what physical, dietary, monetary, medical and educational decisions that we make--to ""all miseries in this life, to death itself.""

The Scriptures actually have quite a lot to say about the things that we foolishly trust in order to escape the misery of life. For instance, the Apostle Paul explained to Timothy that ""bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come"" (1 Tim. 4:8). All forms of exercise may ""profit a little;"" however, they are not paramount in the life of the believer. The pursuit of ""godliness"" in light of ""the world to come"" must be of chief importance.

Concerning foods, Jesus Himself made the audacious statement (i.e. audacious in light of the temporary dietary restrictions of the Old Covenant era), ""Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man"" (Matt. 15:11). The Apostle Paul followed this with a warning about the danger of falling into the false religion of dietary asceticism when he wrote, ""If you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations--'Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,' which all concern things which perish with the using--according to the commandments and doctrines of men"" (Co. 2:20-22)? The danger of being susceptible to these things is that they ""have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, humility, and neglect of the body."" However, when considered spiritually, ""they are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh"" (Col. 2:23).

The Apostle also warned the members of the church against loving money when he wrote, ""those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition"" (1 Tim. 6:9). By way of contrast, he commanded ""those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy"" (1 Timothy 6:17). For ever one verse in Scripture about God's desire for believers to be financially responsible there are two words about the ever present danger of greed. Often only the Lord knows whether we are being ""financial responsible"" or hiding greed behind the idea of ""financial responsibility."" Money is one of the greatest ways that men and women try to escape the fall, because in our minds money can purchase safety and satisfaction--happiness and health.

No matter how health conscious men and women may choose to be, the Scriptures make it clear that no one can escape the reality of sickness and disease in this fallen world. We read that King Asa, ""in the time of his old age was diseased in his feet""...""his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians"" (1 Kings 15:23; 2 Chron. 16:12). This isn't teaching us that we should avoid medicine or homeopathic treatment. Neither is it teaching us that ""if we just have enough faith God will heal us."" Rather, it is teaching that the use of secondary means for healing is in vain if we are not trusting the Lord. No amount of sensitivity to the intricacies of medicinal or homeopathic practices can ever give what the Lord alone can give. For many in the church, a preoccupation with health practices is nothing less than an attempt to seek to avoid the effects of the fall--for themselves and their children--by natural means and measures.

In the same way, (and, I write this as someone who homeschools) many who chose to homeschool have (perhaps unknowingly) convinced themselves that this is how we are to protect our children from the world. While we should be absolutely committed to the Christian theistic education of our children, no environmental or situational form of education was ever instituted by God to safeguard our children from the world or to change our children's hearts. I have known plenty of children who were homeschooled by competent and godly parents who are now ""off the spiritual reservation.""
Education should never be embraced as a way to escape the effects of the fall. Education (even Christian education) is a good servant but a bad Savior.

We learn from the book of Job that the wisest and godliest of men and women is still subject to the most severe suffering and the greatest of miseries in this life--even when they have not done anything foolish or sinful to deserve that suffering. When we trust in exercise, diet, financial programs, medical practices and educational reforms to escape the fall, we will ultimately find ourselves to be frustrated with the outcome. God has promised to deliver believers from the guilt and power sin and the miseries of this life and the life to come only through the last man, Jesus Christ.

In so many ways, we are all striving to escape the fall; yet finding it to be a futile enterprise. There is a day coming when everything that men inconsequentially strive after in this fallen world will become the confident possession of the believer; but, only in the resurrection. So, while ""physical exercise profits,"" it profits little. While caring about what we eat matters, it matters little. While seeking to be fiscally responsible matters, greed is always lurking at our door. While pursuing wise medical choices matters, it is no sure safeguard against sickness; and, while wanting to give our children the best form of education we can give them matters, it cannot ultimately protect them from the evils of their own hearts. Only Christ can give what we are so often foolishly seek after in these things. Only Jesus will deliver us from the effects of the fall in the resurrection on the last day. So, ""it's better to trust in the Lord"" than in any of these fleeting and fading things (Ps. 118:8-9).
- See more at: http://www.reformation21.or...

""I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes"" Romans 1:16.

There is only one Gospel that is of divine origin, and only one Savior who sets slaves free from the bondage of sin. Today most people in the world, and even in many churches have a false understanding of what the Gospel is. Many associate the Gospel with ""social justice."" Others associate the Gospel with activism, humanitarianism or philanthropy. Still others associate the Gospel with things that really have to do with the Law of God, and not His Gospel. Some false teachers, such as Joel Osteen, offer poor souls a false gospel that is all about having ""Your Best Life Now,"" Or ""Becoming a Better You.""

""Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."" ~ Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:15.

There are numerous so-called gospels in the world proclaiming ""good news"" to those who would listen, and these gospels come in any number of forms—from the gospel of wealth and power to the gospel of health and beauty. These gospels, however, do not address the most basic problem that all men and women have—the problem of sin and guilt; that is, spiritual deadness.

""If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."" ~ Jesus Christ; Matthew 15:14.

In the sermon at the link below, African-American pastor, Dr. Voddie Baucham, who was born to a single, teenage, Buddhist mother and who grew up in South Central Los Angeles, discusses what the Gospel is ""not"" and what the Gospel ""is.""

""So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."" ~ Jesus Christ; John 8:36.

What Is The Gospel?

",1525745701,08/05/2018 02:15 8594666,3890637228,"

The list keeps growing. According to Q about a week ago, the hard work (investigations) in the last 18 months is moving to finally JUSTICE. Finally we may see history being made. This is a big list and many, many must be scared senseless. I wonder why so many of them are on ‘book tours’ around the world atm. Looking for non extradition countries. They cannot stay away forever.

",1525745911,08/05/2018 02:18 8594666,3890651229,

.... okay now campers this is getting real. Q said it was going to hit the fan this week.

,1525747224,08/05/2018 02:40 8594864,3890669964,"

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 66 📁 NEW
Mass exodus in DC?
Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?
Who has the POWER?
Who has the CONTROL?
If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?
Who is the AG?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?
Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)
Who is the FBI director?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?
Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)
If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?
Why are they slow walking unredacted data?
Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?
Why is the WH backing up DOJ?
What if the same data is being used by other investigators?
What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?
Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?
What would be the purpose of creating confusion?
What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?
What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
Why did Sessions pick RR?
Everyone has an opinion.
Few have the facts.
Few know the plan.
Midterms [save & push]?
Swing voters to retake House/Senate?
Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?
Power at all costs?
Blue wave?
Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?
What is the DOJ responsible for?
What is the FBI responsible for?
Why did HRC get a free pass?
Define single shooter.
Who is HUBER?
Define IG.
When does SESSIONS step back in?
Already is?
Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?
Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?
Timing is everything.
Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,
What about the active investigation into leaks?
""Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.""
Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?
They are deeply connected.
Think Offshore.
MIL INTEL providing support during this time?
Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?
State/C_A next?
Think logically.
No outside comms.

",1525749137,08/05/2018 03:12 8557835,3890686165,"

New drop by Q, basically backs Sundance's logic. Wray and Sessions are to be trusted.

For those swayed by Doubting Thomases, here's a primer on Q and why he's legitimate vis a vis the closer than close relationship with Trump.

",1525750954,08/05/2018 03:42 8590580,3890688780,"

New drop by Q, basically backs Sundance's (conservative tree house) logic. Wray and Sessions are to be trusted.

For those swayed by Doubting Thomases, here's a primer on Q and why he's legitimate vis a vis closeer than close relationship with Trump.

",1525751243,08/05/2018 03:47 8594864,3890694928,

Anyone read Q new post! WOW

,1525751940,08/05/2018 03:59 8594864,3890695258,

Ask Q where is the Raw Hillary Video

,1525751978,08/05/2018 03:59 8594864,3890695552,"

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 66 📁


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

""Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.""

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



",1525752011,08/05/2018 04:00 8594864,3890696000,

I dont actually talk to Q hahaa and I dont post on 8chan hahaa

,1525752060,08/05/2018 04:01 8594864,3890697133,"

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 66 📁
Mass exodus in DC?
Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?
Who has the POWER?
Who has the CONTROL?
If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?
Who is the AG?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?
Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)
Who is the FBI director?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?
Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)
If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?
Why are they slow walking unredacted data?
Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?
Why is the WH backing up DOJ?
What if the same data is being used by other investigators?
What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?
Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?
What would be the purpose of creating confusion?
What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?
What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
Why did Sessions pick RR?
Everyone has an opinion.
Few have the facts.
Few know the plan.
Midterms [save & push]?
Swing voters to retake House/Senate?
Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?
Power at all costs?
Blue wave?
Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?
What is the DOJ responsible for?
What is the FBI responsible for?
Why did HRC get a free pass?
Define single shooter.
Who is HUBER?
Define IG.
When does SESSIONS step back in?
Already is?
Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?
Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?
Timing is everything.
Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,
What about the active investigation into leaks?
""Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.""
Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?
They are deeply connected.
Think Offshore.
MIL INTEL providing support during this time?
Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?
State/C_A next?
Think logically.
No outside comms.

",1525752193,08/05/2018 04:03 8594864,3890697169,

Ch00 - Q is something trying to pull a Nostradamus
repeat - trying to pull a Nostradamus

,1525752199,08/05/2018 04:03 8594864,3890699960,"

Think what you’d like. I’ll tell you I’ve been following Q for awhile and time after time she has told us what was going to happen and it happens. Most notibly she told us that Korea was going stop nuclear inhibitions, Q told US it would be a quick about face. Q also told us that Trump had allready visited NK during his Asia tour and allready had what we aren’t seeing ironed out.
If you pay attention and wait you’ll have your mind blown.
But it takes awhile.

",1525752527,08/05/2018 04:08 8594864,3890701878,

Lol. I’m not gonna lie. I have been pessimistic when it comes to Q. But when things happen and you look back. The cryptic stuff isn’t so cryptic.

,1525752756,08/05/2018 04:12 8594864,3890744137,

Enough with this Q nonsense

Go out to get some fresh air

,1525757504,08/05/2018 05:31 8594294,3890849213,"

You're Not worried about OUR Country, you're Worried about The American People finding out about what Q said is Correct: ""We Have Everything"" ..... TRUST THE PLAN...

",1525767739,08/05/2018 08:22 8557835,3890870881,"

QA has this to say

",1525769523,08/05/2018 08:52 8557835,3890873092,"


John Huber, who will investigate the FBI, is a special counsel in every way but name

He is looking into things. Look into him.

",1525769701,08/05/2018 08:55 8557835,3890874981,"

I'd prefer it didn't devolve into shooting in the streets.

It is bad for business.

",1525769845,08/05/2018 08:57 8595095,3890942388,"

Hannity needs to listen to Q. :) Look at all the resignations and remember the depth and width of the swamp. Following the law, not ignoring the law, is what the honorable do but it takes time especially with the quantity of available data. How long would it take to read only one year's worth of Breitbart articles? qresearch

",1525774350,08/05/2018 10:12 8590487,3890982245,"



#TwoTermTrump #Trump2020 #MAGA #QAnon


",1525776540,08/05/2018 10:49 8595095,3891020122,"

""Trust Sessions""
~ Q ~

",1525778389,08/05/2018 11:19 8595095,3891031668,

Jeff Sessions has been working for the Swamp since day one and only an ever decreasing band of people over at CTH and idiots who revere Q still believe in him.

An Attorney General of honor would have locked himself in his office with his revolver and stiff drink long ago.

,1525778935,08/05/2018 11:28 8593697,3891033833,"

Greetings! I have been busy promoting Todd Watson for Senate against Fischer here in NE - primary on May 15. My theory? The swamp is steadily being drained, bit by bit by bit. PDJT is THE master at forcing these azzwipes to expose themselves (which is the purpose of some of his Tweets). AG Sessions is quite rightfully keeping his mouth shut and doing things ""by the book."" I have no doubt that Sessions and PDJT discussed all of this long before the election. PDJT is amazingly prescient - just look at his Tweet from 2013 about Schneiderman in NY! Sessions' hands must be clean in order to carry out the prosecutions of political ""elites"" when this all comes to a head to ameliorate the claims that he is acting out of political animus. I also believe there will be a LOT of these ""elites"" who will be caught in the pedophile investigations that are on-going. Don't you wonder why so very many Congress critters are leaving? Q's latest post is interesting, to say the least. Do you follow Q? TRUST THE PLAN! WWG1WGA -

",1525779033,08/05/2018 11:30 8595095,3891068059,"

Here is some sauce to check out on the subjects.
Know that I would like all the thousands in the deep state to be tried for treason and hanged as well. But our system of justice has been over run. Anarchy is not the way to get it back.

confirmed resignations/retirements/deaths

Inside the 25,000 sealed indictments fueling the QAnon conspiracy

Justice Department May Have Something Big in the Works: Over 9,000 Sealed Indictments

",1525780521,08/05/2018 11:55 8595095,3891079233,"

Before we get too crazy against Jeff Sessions, keep an eye on QANON's posts (you can see them at qanonposts dot com. An apparent insider, he is saying there is much going on beneath the surface we cannot see.

",1525780996,08/05/2018 12:03 8594666,3891086282,

Another Libtard bites the dust. More to come. #qanon #patriotsfight

,1525781312,08/05/2018 12:08 8595095,3891090912,

I guess sean isn't buying Q.

,1525781516,08/05/2018 12:11 8595095,3891138080,"

A few words on the subject:

And some hints:

John Huber, who will investigate the FBI, is a special counsel in every way but name

He is looking into things. Look into him.

I have heard totally unverified rumors that things will get interesting around May 17th. The charges were filed on 18 April. So 30 days (about) from filing.

",1525783561,08/05/2018 12:46 8595179,3891145883,

No. Q Anonymous too is correct.
There is a plan in place.
Trust Sessions
Trust Wray
Trust the plan.
For those of that know is like watching a movie you havent seen in slow motion..yet you know what is coming. have some research to do.

,1525783892,08/05/2018 12:51 8595095,3891147897,

Read Q on r/'s drop...

,1525783978,08/05/2018 12:52 8595179,3891157423,"

I’ll check out YouTube. .....I can’t make heads or tails out of. Sorry.....dense I guess.
I’ll stay tuned, and hope for the best.

",1525784383,08/05/2018 12:59 8595179,3891160010,"

If people don't follow Q, then none of this makes sense

",1525784494,08/05/2018 13:01 8595179,3891164217,

Ohr=demoted twice (can you say cooperating witness?)
Stryuk=demoted (Cooperating Witness)

Look at the corporate/government resignations in the last 6 months (starting with Eric Schmidt from google)

dang. That looks a lot like SWAMP DRAINAGE


,1525784673,08/05/2018 13:04 8595179,3891167377,

Ohr=demoted twice (can you say cooperating witness?)
Stryuk=demoted (Cooperating Witness)


,1525784803,08/05/2018 13:06 8595095,3891203185,"

What's obvious is that Sessions' game of deception against the deep state worked so well, that half the passengers on the Trump train are ready to bail. SAD!
I urge you to re-read the tale of Br'er Rabbit and the Briarpatch. Compare and contrast. Hint: Br'er Fox is MSM/Deep State and Br'er Rabbit is Trump/Sessions.
Another one would be the story of the Tarbaby (shiny black squirrel), starring Mueller as Br'er Rabbit. Oh wait, these Psalms of the South have been deemed raycissss, so good luck finding them. LOL
As Q often says; ""Enjoy the show"". Because Trump is having a blast.

",1525786291,08/05/2018 13:31 8595179,3891357312,"

Don't listen to Q, he is nothing but a Soros Bot trying to stall for the election...

",1525792335,08/05/2018 15:12 8593697,3891504957,"

Thanks Ikaros3.
Overnight, Q Anon has pointed out more Swamp Draining, from Congress

Also noted is

Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

Clearly the fake narrative is to say Sessions is 'asleep' in order to remove him. Why? because Sessions is completely clearing the DOJ of malefactors and is being quietly thorough about it. The Deep State generates fake news to try stop him.

If Sessions was Deep State why would be be so busy cleaning the DOJ? of course he isn't Deep State.

Once the DOJ and FBI are cleaned, Q Anon indicates the State Department and CIA are next for cleaning. Then the Trump Administration is all set for prosecuting enemies domestic (FBI, DOJ) and foreign (State, CIA) without the Deep State interfering and providing cover for enemies.

There is a plan to this. We are used to constant hits of news and some are quite ADHD about it. But if you follow Q Anon then you do see progress being made as they join the dots between what would otherwise be unconnected events.

",1525796408,08/05/2018 16:20 8594666,3891594990,

There is a special list for them. Treason comes under a Military Tribunal and it’s no accident that a few mentioned above are not in the USA at the moment. One Q drop said when Hussein is taken down he will claim Kenyan citizenship.

,1525799036,08/05/2018 17:03 8595095,3891599469,

Q has no click bait scheme. NO OUTSIDE COMMS. 8chan only. AND NO PAID PATRIOTS. THERE IS NO ADVERTISEMENT REVENUE ON 8CHAN.Q cant control people like Corsi who try to make money off of the movement. He can only warn us not to buy into it. Which he has. Assange is trapped in an embassy. Easy to drop intel when you arent in the vipers nest. He doesnt work for the government. He is a journalist. He can publish without worrying about NATSEC laws. Q cannot. For obvious reasons. Believe what you want but when the time comes remember this conversation and spread the MAP

,1525799195,08/05/2018 17:06 8598215,3891608812,"

Aw....Kerry failed again. Swamp creatures leaving, looking for safe places.....where there are none. Trust the Plan!
From Q -- (No Name = McCain, WWG1WGA.= Where We Go One We Go All

May 8 2018 12:38:39 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 67 📁
Review Time.
ot seeking re-election.
Bob Corker - Republican
Jeff Flake - Republican
Orrin Hatch - Republican
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster - Republican
Bob Goodlatte - Republican
Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat
harles W. Dent - Republican
Darrell Issa - Republican
Dave Reichert - Republican
David Trott - Republican
Dennis Ross - Republican
Edward Royce - Republican
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Frank LoBiondo - Republican
Gene Green - Democrat
Gregg Harper - Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican
Jeb Hensarling - Republican
Jim Bridenstine - Republican
Joe Barton - Republican
John Delaney - Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican
Lamar Smith - Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat
Lynn Jenkins - Republican
Niki Tsongas - Democrat
Paul Ryan - Republican
Rick Nolan - Democrat
Robert Brady - Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat
Ryan Costello - Republican
Sam Johnson - Republican
Sandy Levin - Democrat
Ted Poe - Republican
Thomas Rooney - Republican
Trey Gowdy - Republican
Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

",1525799523,08/05/2018 17:12 8598215,3891617508,"

Thanks, Q...

",1525799828,08/05/2018 17:17 8598215,3891631247,"

The President and his family, the Military Intel Patriots, including the Q team and those involved in helping the President drain the swamp, need to be wrapped in prayer for their protection and wisdom. The prayers of the faithful have been answered and we need to continue until the world is cleansed of this evil. The danger the President is now in is great. Six - possibly more - attempts have been made on the Presidents life, not including his family.

After many, many months of fighting, yes fighting and some Patriots engaged in hand to hand combat to save America from the globalists, have died. Only last week Q sent this message to those who have been researching and deciphering the Q drops. Although there are no more than 10 on the Q team, the millions of eyes scouring documents, gleaning world wide info, collecting data and storing it safely away from swamp access and eyes has been a team effort.

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.
You are all Patriots.
The hard part is coming to an end.
The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

",1525800307,08/05/2018 17:25 8598215,3891648877,

Lol. Trump should slap a tariff on tinfoil hats.

The Q Continuum! Star Trek Next Generation!....I bet Q is Sundance.

,1525800931,08/05/2018 17:35 8598215,3891760252,"

Image not available
Re_read drops.
Today: JK & Iran
Important - context for future news.
Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?
HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?
(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?
The World is Connected.
The World is Watching.

Note. Q uses initials. The JK is John Kerry. This was dropped only a few days ago and now this news. If you are not following the Q team, you have no idea what is happening in your country. There is a Great Awakening and you need to get behind the President.

",1525804843,08/05/2018 18:40 8598215,3891769553,

Prove the Q team does not exist.

,1525805181,08/05/2018 18:46 8597699,3891806574,

Right on Q!

,1525806548,08/05/2018 19:09 8598215,3891818381,"

And the list of Swamp Creatures grows -- looking for their safe spaces --- and there are none......

From Q -- (No Name = McCain, WWG1WGA.= Where We Go One We Go All)

May 8 2018 12:38:39 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 67 📁
Review Time.
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker - Republican
Jeff Flake - Republican
Orrin Hatch - Republican
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster - Republican
Bob Goodlatte - Republican
Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat
harles W. Dent - Republican
Darrell Issa - Republican
Dave Reichert - Republican
David Trott - Republican
Dennis Ross - Republican
Edward Royce - Republican
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Frank LoBiondo - Republican
Gene Green - Democrat
Gregg Harper - Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican
Jeb Hensarling - Republican
Jim Bridenstine - Republican
Joe Barton - Republican
John Delaney - Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican
Lamar Smith - Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat
Lynn Jenkins - Republican
Niki Tsongas - Democrat
Paul Ryan - Republican
Rick Nolan - Democrat
Robert Brady - Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat
Ryan Costello - Republican
Sam Johnson - Republican
Sandy Levin - Democrat
Ted Poe - Republican
Thomas Rooney - Republican
Trey Gowdy - Republican
Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

",1525807011,08/05/2018 19:16 8598788,3891837527,"

You are absolutely correct. Go to to read the facts of whats going on. If you can't understand the posts then go to Praying Medics twitter or You Tubes for help.

",1525807771,08/05/2018 19:29 8595095,3891846577,"

So your claim is that Q is a youtuber? Thats a new one. I suppose he just hopped on airforce 1 with his youtube credentials and posted some never- before-posted/non public domain pictures that are verifiably from restricted Korean airspace to gain a few views on his or her youtube channel huh? I suppose the fact that he/she/they can somehow accurately assert when Donald Trumps next tweet will be posted WITH VERIFIABLE TIME STAMPS (odds against this being random are billions to one) can also be attributed to their youtuber prowess. When Q/team said peace deal with N. Korea was a done deal months ago I suppose that was just a lucky guess too.
You are right I do not know the identity of Q. Neither do you.
Your assertion that "" Q offers 'nothing'. He only gets the curious bated bcos he posts cryptic questions."" operates on a premise of ignorance and assumption. You arrogantly assume to know what drives many thousands of anons to believe what they believe when in fact you are, by default, ignorant of those reasons because you dont know them personally. You dont even know their names, let alone the level of discernment they posess. You just make general assertions about their motivations with 0 first hand knowledge. You certainly dont know me or why I ABSOLUTELY believe Q/Team are legit.
I believe Q because some of his info jives with info that I acquired first hand. Not theory. Not belief. First hand. Its a small unimportant relatively inconsequencial bit of information but VERY few know about it and it lends credence to Q because Q has adequetly displayed his knowledge of said information . Thats why I believe he is legit along with a host of other evidence.
I appreciate your treatise on common sense and critical thinking, but again, you dont know me. Common sense and critical thinking are not exclusive to you and your views. There is a chance that you are wrong.
To get to the right answers you have to ask the right questions. Q is asking the RIGHT questions to get us where we need to be. Again believe what you want. We are on the same side.

",1525808150,08/05/2018 19:35 8598692,3891849386,

Somebody needs to point this idiot to the QAnon page on Twatter so she can get to grips with what’s really going on around her!

,1525808269,08/05/2018 19:37 8598215,3891888700,"

And the list of Swamp Creatures grows -- looking for their safe spaces --- and there are none......

From Q -- (No Name = McCain, WWG1WGA.= Where We Go One We Go All)

May 8 2018 12:38:39 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 67 📁
Review Time.
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker - Republican
Jeff Flake - Republican
Orrin Hatch - Republican
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster - Republican
Bob Goodlatte - Republican
Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat
harles W. Dent - Republican
Darrell Issa - Republican
Dave Reichert - Republican
David Trott - Republican
Dennis Ross - Republican
Edward Royce - Republican
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Frank LoBiondo - Republican
Gene Green - Democrat
Gregg Harper - Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican
Jeb Hensarling - Republican
Jim Bridenstine - Republican
Joe Barton - Republican
John Delaney - Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican
Lamar Smith - Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat
Lynn Jenkins - Republican
Niki Tsongas - Democrat
Paul Ryan - Republican
Rick Nolan - Democrat
Robert Brady - Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat
Ryan Costello - Republican
Sam Johnson - Republican
Sandy Levin - Democrat
Ted Poe - Republican
Thomas Rooney - Republican
Trey Gowdy - Republican
Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

",1525810029,08/05/2018 20:07 8599313,3891951772,"

Trump should announce he's no longer protecting Israel, but in reality, he's letting Israel take off the gloves and do what they want for their own protection.

The middle east should be thanking the US for keeping Israel in check. Without US, the every radical islamic country would be a long time already.

Now that being said, Trump shouldn't trust Israel either, Q said leave them for last.

",1525813141,08/05/2018 20:59 8598788,3891979745,"

I remember when John Podesta was going to be indicted. I also remember when 30,000 people were going to be indicted in April. You can tell he's running out of material. He's reduced to just posting photos of Apple's HQ and talking about how annual military exercises are actual military operations.

If any of this was true, there wouldn't be someone with Q clearance leaking to the internet, and if there was, he should be prosecuted.

",1525814607,08/05/2018 21:23 8598935,3892002702,

similar interests in ME with israel but Q anon says save them for last. I don't think Israel has been that good of an ally to the US overall either. I do not think anyone should be in elected office in the US nor hold any security clearance or high level post that has dual citizenship with israel or any other country.

,1525815829,08/05/2018 21:43 8596025,3892015597,"

No, just me.
I was having a little fun with whole QAnon phenomenon.

",1525816514,08/05/2018 21:55 8597699,3892034066,"

He should die in prison, right?
No blood, no fear of kids around him. Just himself in a cell, with nothing else than his grief, having lost everything - and having to imagine the world becoming a good place to live on for the people except him and the likes


",1525817484,08/05/2018 22:11 8597699,3892040471,"

Trump made huge rescissions of given money to groups that destroy the state and des orientated ppl. When ppl become more sane, they should easier see the truth about Soros.
FBI becoming more and more cleaned... Soros should face pros.
Do you ppl know who is sending a person to a military tribunal - the preconditions for bringing sb. there?


",1525817832,08/05/2018 22:17 8598788,3892044972,"

No, I think this whole QAnon thing is stupid because a) nothing has happened, and b) if it were real, there wouldn't be anyone leaking about it.

",1525818074,08/05/2018 22:21 8598662,3892051086,"



#DrainTheSwamp #TrumpTrain #Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #QAnon


",1525818393,08/05/2018 22:26 8598215,3892051164,"

Suicide watch? From Q

May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 68 📁
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.

",1525818396,08/05/2018 22:26 8599313,3892052159,"


#Bibby #Trump #QAnon


",1525818438,08/05/2018 22:27 8597699,3892122480,"

A communist that is super rich?
This can not be communist concept, it in itself shows that it is all hoax!
Rothschild 2 billions
Soros 1 billion?

What a communist regime is that?
Tell Antifa that they are only serving rich fascists!


",1525822050,08/05/2018 23:27 8595095,3892189891,

What if Trump wants this to play out this way? QANON has been quite clear that this is all part of Trump's plan.

,1525825826,09/05/2018 00:30 8594552,3892194383,"

Well, they did devote much of this morning's show to Schneidermann. But it's true that almost no one will touch the pedo ring stories, the sex trafficking of young children and the rampant satanism involving the most unspeakable people casually committing the very vilest of acts. It's going to come out and the ground is being softened up. Otherwise there will be mass hysteria. It reaches into the higher tiers of all parts of society: entertainment, media, education, law enforcement and government. It's looking like this awful pope is not just aspostate but an actual satanist.

No one of importance will talk or write about this because the ridicule and attacks by the Left (the keepers of the satanic flame) would crush them. Only Q, the Qanons and followers, and quite a number of intrepid YouTubers will really cover this stuff. I bring all the above up because pedophilia is a critical part of satanism.

",1525826105,09/05/2018 00:35 8595095,3892226720,"

You have got to be kidding me!

I googled QAnon/Sessions and found a YouTube video titled

'QAnon says trust Sessions ""The End is Near""'

The video was 14:52 minutes long, the guy was all BS until 11:02 where all he said was ""Trust Sessions. the end is near.""!!!

That was it. He never gave ANYTHING to back up his claim.

And the date was December 20th 2017!!! Obviously the end wasn't too near huh? That was 5 months ago!! Lol.

Why do you waste you time with this Hillbilly?

The ONLY reason Sessions is still the AG is because if Trump fired him now during the Mueller investigation, that would be all of the ammunition the Democrats and RINOs need to impeach him.

One minute after this investigation is over, Trump will FIRE this lazy, incompetent, jerk off, Sessions.

",1525828189,09/05/2018 01:09 8595095,3892227668,

The youtube video is obviously a review of Qanon's posts quanonposts dot com

,1525828253,09/05/2018 01:10 8600729,3892270604,"

Anybody read Q today? Good stuff, and a list of quitters and fires a mile long.. makes ya think!

",1525831545,09/05/2018 02:05 8597270,3892285669,"

Let’s see here, if Trump really was pushed to run for President by our military because of how evil, how corrupt and treasonous the Marxist deep state is, and he was asked to run many years ago at that— Chances are he knows all the evils while having all the dirt on these parasites!

Which is also why this administration has nailed 1000’s of pedophiles and traffickers the last year plus, and why there are thousands of sealed indictments slowly being opened. Maybe that Qanon fella is not a phony, huh?

Maybe the swamp and the evil is being drained? Look at all those politicos and government officials that have been fired, resigned, or incarcerated!

I try not to be too much of a conspiracy guy, but me thinks good is finally triumphing here in America, and around the world, The globalist cabal along with their useful-idiot, communist-shills are being taken down.. so are the occult practicing elitists.

Stand united and proud, patriots!

",1525832870,09/05/2018 02:27 8596025,3892286044,"

Let’s see here, if Trump really was pushed to run for President by our military because of how evil, how corrupt and treasonous the Marxist deep state is, and he was asked to run many years ago at that— Chances are he knows all the evils while having all the dirt on these parasites!

Which is also why this administration has nailed 1000’s of pedophiles and traffickers the last year plus, and why there are thousands of sealed indictments slowly being opened. Maybe that Qanon fella is not a phony, huh?

Maybe the swamp and the evil is being drained? Look at all those politicos and government officials that have been fired, resigned, or incarcerated!

I try not to be too much of a conspiracy guy, but me thinks good is finally triumphing here in America, and around the world, The globalist cabal along with their useful-idiot, communist-shills are being taken down.. so are the occult practicing elitists.

Stand united and proud, patriots!!

",1525832903,09/05/2018 02:28 8598935,3892359371,

what does Q say about Israel?

,1525840335,09/05/2018 04:32 8600729,3892423043,"

In light of the new Cohen information I thought maybe I should drop an old drop.

Apr 27 2018 19:27:33 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 6e1ca8 1215845 📁
Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.

",1525846953,09/05/2018 06:22 8600729,3892424009,

Hey I was just reading about the new Cohen info and was trying to find the Q drop about it. I found it and posted above.

,1525847051,09/05/2018 06:24 8600729,3892425628,

Not as much as I used too.
I lost the link when I got my new phone.
This new info and that old drop sure makes you wonder though. This new evidence leads back to Clinton’s. And like Q says. Now it’s in the system by their own doing.

,1525847215,09/05/2018 06:26 8600729,3892430640,"

they are hammering him. Im just trying to understand. It happened after Q posted like a week or 2 ago about being careful who you follow.

",1525847715,09/05/2018 06:35 8600729,3892437992,

So he’s threatening to dox Q? Yeah what is going on.

,1525848468,09/05/2018 06:47 8596025,3892574552,"

Oh, you didn't Q. i just needed a comforting word but I honestly know better. Cyber friends are not the answer.

",1525859879,09/05/2018 09:57 8598215,3892609941,

Yes. Q is a clown show and cult like followers are suckers being played like violins at the annual saps convention.

,1525861844,09/05/2018 10:30 8600714,3892635591,

Obozo sat on his political inept @r$e for 8years not giving a FF about
American hostages ………

That seditious POS should be H/D & Q.

,1525863138,09/05/2018 10:52 8602355,3892722781,"

Making America Great Again marches on...........
From Q ---
May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 68 📁
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.

",1525866602,09/05/2018 11:50 8600729,3892738685,"



#DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #TwoTermTrump #Trump2020 #QAnon


",1525867257,09/05/2018 12:00 8598629,3892868090,

Q: Trust sessions!

Ans: Q is a Bullshit!

,1525872452,09/05/2018 13:27 8601530,3892907351,"

From Q ---
May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 68 📁
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.

",1525874017,09/05/2018 13:53 8602355,3892999088,"

Don't call it a comeback, we've been here for years
Rocking my peers and putting suckas in fear
Making libtears rain down like a monsoon
Listen to the Q go BOOM!
Explosion, overpowering
Over the competition, we're towering

Wrecking shop, when I drop
These memes that'll make you call the cops

I'm gonna knock you OUT
Momma said knock you OUT

",1525877547,09/05/2018 14:52 8602355,3893078771,"

Now will people believe what Q says . Two days ago "" Prisoners Secured "" .

",1525880630,09/05/2018 15:43 8602355,3893082088,"

I still believe Q is as much a fraud as a fortune teller’s tricks, and just happens to be right some of the time.

",1525880761,09/05/2018 15:46 8601482,3893146231,"

No senate or congressional approval? The dicktator soetero did not have a 'deal', he had an agreement among tyrants. EU emphatically included.

Time for Qanon to finish here and go global. (Besides defusing NK and Iran, of course)


",1525883258,09/05/2018 16:27 8596025,3893406685,"

When I have time I'll look at it. Well, you'll make it up to her, Q. She knows you love her madly.Actually from what you tell me you treat her very very well and every day you seem to celebrate her. I don't of course know her but when your tax refund comes in you can buy her something special and soon you'll be going away for your holiday if I remember correctly. Mother's Day is every day to those who are really appreciative.

",1525892883,09/05/2018 19:08 8602634,3893409224,"


#TwoTermTrump #Trump #Bibby #MAGA #MIGA #QAnon


",1525892988,09/05/2018 19:09 8599088,3893416854,"


#MKGA #MAGA #DitchMitch #QAnon #DrainTheSwamp


",1525893308,09/05/2018 19:15 8603540,3893450083,

I guess you missed where Q doesn't really have anything to say

,1525894708,09/05/2018 19:38 8605880,3893526295,

Mullahs committing suicide. Q told us to watch for more suicides.

,1525898553,09/05/2018 20:42 8596901,3893527444,"

If we have evidence of Twitter working with 3 letter agencies, almost all of them, and then censoring our speech for political gain, I believe that is the exact definition of domestic terrorism per the FBI circa 1994. Look it up!

#WWG1WGA #qanon

",1525898612,09/05/2018 20:43 8606177,3893749051,

No I don't read Q. I'm just a fat redneck family man who is doing better under Trump.

,1525911991,10/05/2018 00:26 8605871,3893754952,

There is sooo much more to this...all involving deep state partnership with globalist cabal.
Ck out on you tube : Qanon for beginners. Prayingmedic

,1525912366,10/05/2018 00:32 8592299,3893786858,"

'...As for Clinton herself moving to New Zealand, she told the Growth
Faculty crowd she ultimately decided against it. “I’m going to stay put,
because we have work to do in my country as well,” she said...'

As "" a red pilled Kiwi"" that statement brought a ""big Thank The Lord...""

Our globalist government ""I am sure has been working behind the scenes to build what ever their building with all these , ""money people"" here for quite sometime I suspect.. And I suspect,,(can't prove it yet) that our position as the first Nation to start the trading day (international date line ) position may have a lot to do with these elitist plans.. And Comey's visit here 2 weeks before he was fired is also very suspect..IMO

Keep going Q...

Thanks for this article.. Its good seeing honest reporting about the state of our government and globalist agenda's for all to see if they will look!!!

Winston Peters is indeed a ""hope"" for Kiwis here, but our media pushed ""Taxinda"" (PM Ardern our very embarrassing PM) on to our tragicly unsuspecting public and it paid off for her at ""New Zealand First ""Winston's) the moment anyway..

I always remember Psalm 2

""Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.....""etc

",1525914400,10/05/2018 01:06 8603492,3893840535,"

If we believe #qanon it's all coming to a head, slowly but surely.

",1525918583,10/05/2018 02:16 8606009,3893866049,"

I have a crude joke about H. Rotten. Q. What's the difference between a bowling ball and Hillary's hoo hoo? A. If you absolutely, positively had could eat that bowling ball.

",1525920911,10/05/2018 02:55 8606591,3893876939,

#Twitter Q anon

,1525921989,10/05/2018 03:13 8586887,3893887979,"

Very interesting about the Al Olam. Ive never heard of this faction to be honest although i know and recognise their work.Sick.
Master manipulators hiding behind many facades im sure.
How deep are they entrenched in Israel ?
How deep is the swamp in the US or Europe ?
Very deep i think.
I think identity politics like left , right ,black white or even zionism is easily manipulated.
We can see how Soros has manipulated and concocted division between these groups.

See Israel is bombing targets in Syria right now
I hope they are targeting deep state targets..Russia is quiet on this at the moment so maybe this is the case.
Do you know of Q anon ?

",1525923125,10/05/2018 03:32 8599439,3893921804,"

Yep LOL...they are dopes! Great meme here...says it all...enjoy!

",1525926733,10/05/2018 04:32 8602742,3893968368,"

He is neither useless or complicit, there is a very serious swamp drain in progress here and if everyone thinks he is doing nothing then they are succeeding greatly in the perception department. The whole goal is timing and every piece of the plan has to be timed perfectly. You should know that there are over 29k sealed indictments and with Huber this takedown is massive and on a scale never seen before. I trust Sessions because Q anon said to trust Sessions. What you are seeing in the media is just a distraction and we are winning bigtime. The dems will be toast by the midterms as any hope of a blue wave will be crushed liked a bug on a windshield. As always...patience and a lot of it is required. Remember Rome was not built in a day and exposing such deep levels of corruption takes time, the public can only handle so much information daily so this has to be a slow build of knowledge and awareness! Keep the faith!

",1525931616,10/05/2018 05:53 8605880,3893974731,"

Those billions were not ""given"" to Iran but given BACK to Iran:

Seeing it you won't melt like a snowflake -I know you are not that- but you might have to change your mind. Are you courageous enough?
/POL/ Qanon is Zionist poison - Wake up

",1525932239,10/05/2018 06:03 8606009,3894273626,"

Goodness you've done a lot Que. Seriously you're a wonderful husband with all you do. I shall compliment you today.

What? The mother is still in the mental hospital. Sorry or maybe not to hear that. Perhaps they can help her? Hah...i'll bet you did dream you were on that plane. I wish I could stay up that late. Am forever impressed with the stamina of our President. I know. When i fall asleep to the tv which is like always except during Tucker, it infiltrates my dreams too.

Granted a reprieve. Dentist sick. So Plan B is I return Comcast thingie to UPS and look at shoes. i need a day for me anyhow and not driving others around. Later Q ball.

",1525951857,10/05/2018 11:30 8608112,3894303364,"

Liberals hate good and honest Christians, just like Nero. Trump hatred is all about, he is a Christian nothing to do with anything else. Hatred of Christ leads you to misery now and hell later, doesn't matter what your choice is. Abortion same, hatred of Christ views. LGBT and Q same, hatred of Christian values and life. It is Christ Vs. Satan/Allah/Pagan Gods/Roman Gods/Greek Gods.

",1525953108,10/05/2018 11:51 8607737,3894337837,"

Well, what about the big Q?

",1525954567,10/05/2018 12:16 8606591,3894435482,"

I have those days too.

Some VERY interesting information here to look at

Kinda brings things into perspective.

",1525958378,10/05/2018 13:19 8607308,3894442082,"

Donald J. Trump
Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!
9:33 AM · May 10, 2018

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 429643 1358706 📁
May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST)
No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

By the way on the fire truck up above it says Q 74 or Q July 4th Independence day.

",1525958631,10/05/2018 13:23 8607308,3894454465,"

Yes, and this from Q re how that affects McCain (No name)
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 429643 1358706 📁
May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST)

No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

",1525959105,10/05/2018 13:31 8607308,3894467165,"

May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST) (Trump tweet top ISIS leaders arrested)

No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

No Name = McCain --- he was in cahoots with the terrorists & now in great panic bc they have/will testify against him & others. Talks about his funeral -- ????

",1525959580,10/05/2018 13:39 8609126,3894508248,

They had a Great meme on Q research:
Mad Mullah: “America will have historic regret if President Trump exits our nuclear deal”!!

Kim: “I try this already. It no work. You best do what Mr. Trump say. Better for everyone that way”!


,1525961132,10/05/2018 14:05 8608808,3894511929,"

YAY! Re Traitor McCain/ISIS involvement
From Q
May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST) (Today's Trump tweet that top 5 ISIS leaders arrested)

No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

No Name = McCain --- he was in cahoots with the terrorists & now in great panic bc they have/will testify against him & others. Talks about his funeral -- ????

",1525961274,10/05/2018 14:07 8604560,3894558040,"

YAY! Re McCain/ISIS involvement
From Q
May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST) (Today's Trump tweet that top 5 ISIS leaders arrested)

No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

No Name = McCain --- he was in cahoots with the terrorists & now in great panic bc they have/will testify against him & others. Talks about his funeral -- ????

",1525963004,10/05/2018 14:36 8602598,3894563322,"

I can't argue with that Q, and I wouldn't try.
Why it happens?
Firstly it's down to the parents who have no interest in the welfare of their children, then the social workers who would rather stay in the office and catch up with Facebook than confront the abusers.
Ultimately it's the politicians who try to convince us that 'Multiculturism' is a good thing,

",1525963202,10/05/2018 14:40 8609192,3894572009,"

If you want the most truthful stats go to John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center. At least his #'s are very good compared to all the ant-gun idiots. Imagine a USA where our citizens can't have guns to protect themselves from the vultures that own the night. Fed. govt. has guns, each State has guns, police depts. have guns and the PERPS or bad guys have guns. Jon Q citizen would be reduced to hammers, baseball bats, broom handles and the THUGS would have guns.
The wife and I both got mugged at separate location. That changed everything for us.

",1525963530,10/05/2018 14:45 8604560,3894583582,

Do you know the Q from foxnews?

,1525963980,10/05/2018 14:53 8608808,3894630848,

I read no inference to defending Iran. Q Daddy simply asked a question and you turn right around with an insult you pathetic f vkk

,1525965804,10/05/2018 15:23 8608808,3894645103,

4chan is dead again kid.. The smart ones saw the knish cooking in the servers.

All you got now are those Qanon loser twits.

Tick tock...

,1525966358,10/05/2018 15:32 8608997,3894769761,

There are Q Anon channels that total more viewers.

,1525971085,10/05/2018 16:51 8609870,3894778203,"

I thought the very same thing. A nasty description and the word is something you would use if you were a leftist tabloid to take a dig at Melania. Breitbart better start tracking this leftist source. I have tried a few times this past week to copy and paste Qs drops, but it won’t let me saying I need either an email address OR link. And the Great Awakening live board on YouTube is breaking up and almost impossible to follow. Even links to videos, ie, of the President addressing the National on the Iran deal, posted here at Breitbart, had areas where his words were being ‘fuzzed’ out. Interesting too in that the Q board has had a new tripcode issued after the password was ‘accidentally’ exposed.

",1525971392,10/05/2018 16:56 8608400,3894818356,"

Rope-a-dope, muddy waters..tick tock. He and rosie are either both clean, or both dirty..what does schneiderman's removal mean for foundation case and others? Why did POTUS meet with mueller before he started under pretext of offering mueller FBI job, POTUS knew he couldnt accept. What other cases of schneiderms are now available?
What does Q know?

",1525972913,10/05/2018 17:21 8553251,3894825809,

You asked previously a Q. Note now today 10 th May how vested business interests take precedence ... has got sweet FA to do with nukes - it's about the rivalry between the competing global powers* while the man on the street is fed the usual load of old tribe.
* They are having a huge fight among themselves unbeknownst to the man in the street!!!

,1525973201,10/05/2018 17:26 8609330,3894874555,"

How did he get elected -
I'm sure during the ""Election"" ballots for John Q. Smith got lost while ballots for sandni[xx]er Kahn got counted multiple times.

",1525975107,10/05/2018 17:58 8610077,3895114158,"

Nurse charged with death of McMaster's father -- Q had posted at that time it was ""187"" which = murder -- for punishment to McMaster for not keeping the job assigned to him as a plant by ""them"" in Trump's Admin.

",1525986407,10/05/2018 21:06 8611715,3895245547,

Good RESIGN!!! I do not trust this TWO FACED BUSH BIMBO!!! I am glad TRUMP called her _SS out! She knows her job is IN TROUBLE!! She took this job CLEARLY hoping for Trump to be MORE OPEN to her BUSH MASTERS and TEACHERS to allow more ILLEGALS to take AMERICAN JOBS and LOWER LABOR COSTS!! This TWIT wants CHEAP LABOR and her BUSINESS ALLIES wanted this INCOMPETENT BOOB to be their POINT PERSON!! Well SUZIE Q is finding out Trump is not going to PUT UP WITH HER CRAP and INCOMPETENCE!!

Either you do your JOB LADY or let the DOOR HIT YOUR GLOBALIST _SS on the way out! No matter once a GLOBALIST always a GLOBALIST!!!

,1525994169,10/05/2018 23:16 8611715,3895251930,"

according to several current and former officials
So this allegedly happened yesterday....and NYT is sourcing former officials. mmmmmkay

Tyler Q. Houlton, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, disputed that Ms. Nielsen had drafted a resignation letter and was close to resigning, calling those assertions “false.”

Trump (notice, Kirstjen has nothing to do with this):
“We’ve very much toughened up the border, but the laws are horrible,” Mr. Trump said. “The laws in this country for immigration and illegal immigration are absolutely horrible. And we have to do something about it — not only the wall, which we’re building sections of wall right now.”

their loose word of ""officials"" is bullshit. ""several"" ""some"" ""close to"". need more evidence to even start to believe this.

",1525994563,10/05/2018 23:22 8611715,3895252754,"

""Tyler Q. Houlton, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, disputed that Ms. Nielsen had drafted a resignation letter and was close to resigning, calling those assertions “false.” ""

",1525994615,10/05/2018 23:23 8611715,3895279330,"

the article is pretty much an OPED piece.

Tyler Q. Houlton, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, disputed that Ms. Nielsen had drafted a resignation letter and was close to resigning, calling those assertions “false.”

",1525996308,10/05/2018 23:51 8611715,3895283522,"

New Q it is titled: DOJNUNESRELEASE

",1525996589,10/05/2018 23:56 8611715,3895285119,

See zero lately? He's taking Q apart. Exposing all the who what when and why.
He and a few old anons have drilled down and found out a lot.

,1525996692,10/05/2018 23:58 8611715,3895290766,

I really dont trust anyone except God and President Trump. I like reading Q though. I will tell you how I feel when all is said and done. I need to see action and Im not interested in fighting and bickering. I find it childish and petty. We have an obligation to save our country and that is what my focus is on.

,1525997062,11/05/2018 00:04 8611715,3895293599,"

when twitter allowed me to exist on twitter - lol - i followed zero.
so i assume then, that zero does not approve of Q ?

",1525997246,11/05/2018 00:07 8611715,3895297365,"

He is 'proving' it is fake. He has put several days into getting info.

Go see:

Ignore his sarcasm. He went off the rails about Q a few days back and further back a few weeks. But these last few days.. he and others have dug a lot up.

Keep in mind, he did make some mistakes mixing up actual ""Q posts"" with sites that follow and repost with their ""analysis"". But he has that sorted out now.

",1525997504,11/05/2018 00:11 8612054,3895367857,"

Check out the new Q.

",1526002566,11/05/2018 01:36 8611229,3895386410,"

I think Qanon called this one back in post #1176 on 4/18/2018!

Anonymous ID: 39bfb8 1095595 📁
Apr 18 2018 20:31:53 (EST)
Drudge re McMaster Father ….PNG

CBS re McMaster Father Dea….PNG

Sources: Officials Investigating Death Of Father Of Former Trump National Security Adviser
1. The health department confirms he died of blunt impact trauma to the head
and the manner of death was determined to be an accident.
2. But sources tell CBS3 that Philadelphia police and the Pennsylvania Attorney
General’s Office are investigating the possibility of institutional
neglect after he fell.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 0ea03e 1095705 📁
Apr 18 2018 20:42:55 (EST)

Failure to retain position/ear.
Threats are real.
WAR is real.
Good vs Evil is real.
Think State of the Union - FREE.
Delta engine fire?
How rare are engine fires?
Think logically.

187 = murder!

",1526004151,11/05/2018 02:02 8608007,3895387306,"

You may also want to look at Q anon on you tube..prayingmedic has a qanon for beginners, and spaceshot76 is good!

",1526004235,11/05/2018 02:03 8611715,3895393597,

Which is smaller. A Trump supporters dick or a Q tip? Just be honest and not angry

,1526004786,11/05/2018 02:13 8610452,3895398958,

Are they a publicly traded company>?? Should be fun to see the next Q Reports !

,1526005268,11/05/2018 02:21 8609195,3895427706,"

You see? We have Pink haired pink puzzy-hat wearing weirdos here too. Australian tax-payers fund this disgraceful sheltered workshop news channel called the ""ABC"". There's plenty of examples of leftoid-itis in other shows on this channel. Look up ABC ~ Q & A, Lord help us.

",1526007667,11/05/2018 03:01 8611964,3895475522,

QAnon - justice is coming. All traitors will be exposed and worse. He says they will not be able to walk on a street.... implying how unimaginable worse their crimes are. Obama/Hillary adminstration are toast.

,1526012792,11/05/2018 04:26 8611964,3895476057,

QAnon better be right or he is just a cult.

,1526012855,11/05/2018 04:27 8609765,3895706208,

Or was it destroyed by “Rods from God”??
Mad Mullahs:
“America will have historic regret if President Trump exits our nuclear deal”!!

Kim to Mullahs:

“I try this already. It no work.
You just do what Mr. Trump say. Better for everyone that way”!!
Meme from Q research.

,1526024426,11/05/2018 07:40 8611964,3895850713,"

New Q, Castle Lock, What you are about to learn should not only scare you but intensify your resolve to take back control



Another interesting post from Q stating Castle LOCK, which could mean a multitude of things like White House protected, country protected, and things like that. However what makes these new Q posts interesting, is Q stating what you are about to learn should not only scare you but intensify your resolve to take back control. Now what does Q mean about this? Well it looks like we will get a drop of the Obama administrations abuse of power and criminal acts as Q hints at in this recent post. So what do we not know what the Obama administration did with foreign and domestic powers that we don't know about...Well it's likely the planned sell out of America would be the likely guess as Obama/Hillary had a plan to destroy America in 16 years. Q also states Conspiracy no more, so that points out that everything you don't see in the mainstream concerning the Obama administration and Obama are likely true. Stay tuned looks like a major Obama intel drop is coming.

",1526030859,11/05/2018 09:27 8611964,3895873738,"

Q told us McMaster's father was a 187, turns out father of General killed by nurse



AP Eastern US✔@APEastRegion

When the supervisor noted the last entry on McMaster’s neurological chart indicated an evaluation was performed 20 minutes after his death, investigators say the nurse told her, “Well, I falsified that one.""

2:56 PM - May 10, 2018

Nurse charged in death of former Trump adviser's father

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A nurse has been charged in the death of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser's father at a Philadelphia senior care


44 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

In the case of General McMaster's fathers death, it looks like we have a Deep State affiliated hit as we are learning today that General McMaster's father was personally killed at the hands of a nurse. Now what was the reason for this murder? Well if you think about it Deep State McMaster never truly delivered for the Deep State, as Trump is making deals with North Korea for peace and is really doing nothing in the middle east for the war profiteers. General McMaster's fathers death looks like a Deep State take out, as Q stated about a month ago that the father of General McMaster was a 187...And today we are officially finding out that the father of General McMaster was killed by a nursing home nurse. The question is who ordered this likely hit for the Deep State, and was this hit taken out because McMaster couldn't deliver?

",1526031749,11/05/2018 09:42 8611925,3896012415,"

Affirmative action, low I Q, too cheap to buy his own soda and chips.
His 'injury' is probably a scam also.

",1526038421,11/05/2018 11:33 8600777,3896092740,

Please review the McConnell team of Mitchell & Elaine as her family ties and the Chinese shipping collusion appears to be very questionable.#qanon....must read website

,1526041850,11/05/2018 12:30 8613731,3896120573,"

All I know is something BIG is about to happen in the near future --- from Q
Q !4pRcUA0lBE 74 📁
May 10 2018 21:43:20 (EST)
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.

",1526043006,11/05/2018 12:50 8612390,3896132739,"

From Q
May 10 2018 10:15:01 (EST) (Trump tweet that top 5 ISIS leaders arrested)

No Name prev meeting(s)?
Discussions of death/funeral?
Medical or escape?
Now comes the pain.

No Name = McCain --- who was also involved with helping the terrorists/ISIS. Talks about his funeral -- ????

",1526043509,11/05/2018 12:58 8611715,3896178863,"

I'm more inclined to believe the statements from Tyler Q. Houlton, the DHS spokesperson, than the NYT!

",1526045346,11/05/2018 13:29 8613956,3896315763,"

Best you stay in your closet then, or under that rock.
The rest of us are too busy celebrating and listening to Q to bother with you.

Oh wait, maybe you're blind and deaf? That would make sense.

",1526050683,11/05/2018 14:58 8613956,3896344083,"

His 12/21 EO has everything to do with it. He's made it his mission.
If you are not following Q, then you wouldn't know about it I guess.

WWG1WGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1526051788,11/05/2018 15:16 8613956,3896357698,

Oh you wacky QANON followers : ) hahaha

,1526052311,11/05/2018 15:25 8613956,3896364482,"

Readin QANON stuff and his ""cryptic messages"" purposely Nostradamus like.

",1526052570,11/05/2018 15:29 8613956,3896429608,

God bless POTUS and Q and all American patriots

,1526055119,11/05/2018 16:11 8615150,3896512105,"

Too many in the fake media are eager to mindlessly trash the efforts of President Trump.

Take a look at Corsi and Jones ... who cares who Qanon is? Not even important. It's what has been accomplished that matters, like bringing the man on the street together to accomplish a patriotic duty for God and country.

Corsi and Jones need to ZIP IT ... before they lose all they have worked hard to gain. No one cares about the chump change, it's for the bigger picture.

",1526057909,11/05/2018 16:58 8611928,3896715299,

We always hear about Q and the cleaning up of the corruption. I would like someone to pose the question of what is the connection of the border policy and immigration reform to the corruption. What is the end game here?

,1526066243,11/05/2018 19:17 8613956,3896786327,

Q clearance

,1526069854,11/05/2018 20:17 8611928,3896820453,"

Ryan wants a nicer house and about 50 million in the bank, so he sold his soul to the Devil. Too bad he won't make good on his promise. #Qanon

",1526071781,11/05/2018 20:49 8611928,3896886110,"

After November he might go in jail with thousands of his comrades. Gitmo has been added 18k new cells and AG session is holding at least 26k indictment files. Want to know more, go to Q Anon website.

",1526075673,11/05/2018 21:54 8605238,3896908511,


,1526077054,11/05/2018 22:17 8617484,3896912493,

I know we keep being told “it’s coming”. I DO believe Q is legit; there’s just too much proof.
But my patience is tested. I just keep telling myself that these are the most powerful people in human history. You have ONE SHOT to kill a bear at close range and you better not miss.

,1526077315,11/05/2018 22:21 8617484,3896915248,


,1526077485,11/05/2018 22:24 8617484,3896923490,

This Q vs Corsi thing has to end. It is causing too much drama within the movement.

,1526078014,11/05/2018 22:33 8617484,3896972522,"

Great commentary re Q posts -

",1526081270,11/05/2018 23:27 8617484,3896974641,"

You may be right. OTOH, Trump's opponents are self-destructing. Some interesting pro-QAnon commenters have proposed that Bob Mueller may be running a counter-coup operation, pretending to be against Trump, to placate the MSM.

Has Mueller put forth any evidence that Trump colluded with Russians? No. Have a dozen Obama-appointed DOJ and FBI officials resigned / been fired? Yes.

In this context, I was thinking about the Michael Cohen raids. Suppose, for a minute, that the seemingly-unprecednted violation of atty-client privilege was authorized by Trump.

Take Trump's public complaints about DOJ not handing over records to Congress. Hmm, he has the power to order the DOJ to hand them over. Trump has also harangued the DOJ about not releasing unredacted documents. But as Andrew McCarthy has pointed out, the President can declassify and un-redact any and all DOJ documents he wants to. Perhaps he has shrewd reasons for not doing so.

",1526081419,11/05/2018 23:30 8617484,3897007788,"

So finally Rush said to the American nation what we knew since January-2018 (THANKS to sundance, Q, Judge Napo = remember his sensational remark that Brits MI6 helped FBI/DOJ/NSA/CIA TO WIRETAP TRUMP?, @JohnWHuber, themarketswork, Chuck Ross, Sara Carter and many other truly American patriots who hate corruption).


Mueller’s Investigation is a' Cover-up’ of Obama DOJ, FBI Effort to Destroy Trump Presidency => because they all, from Obama to Strzok feel grave danger for them personally. They were caught and they all will be indicted.

",1526083647,12/05/2018 00:07 8615162,3897011388,"

I have a ton of pictures on FB I want to keep, so my strategy is to cut down my usage to once a week instead of 2-3 times a day. I figure if enough people do it it will crash their ad revenue and perhaps give them pause about giving me warnings and fake, newly created wiki’s to dissuade me from reading real news..
Spending my time on Reddit and Q boards.

",1526083883,12/05/2018 00:11 8614262,3897022369,"

Assuming that the Iranians once *stopped* with their anti-American protests.

And, in other breaking news, Gene Q. Whipplewart had chicken, potatoes, and asparagus for dinner...

",1526084639,12/05/2018 00:23 8617484,3897035634,"

",1526085600,12/05/2018 00:40 8617484,3897036377,"

Over 25,000 sealed indictments.

In a normal year, there would be only about 1,000. Something big is in the works. Many are speculating, but nobody knows for sure except the DOJ.

",1526085653,12/05/2018 00:40 8617484,3897041373,"

More Qanon Qrap, put out there by Cicada 3301.

",1526086019,12/05/2018 00:46 8617484,3897045451,"

OFF TOPIC but maybe relevant
To all you followers of Q, or Qanon.....get a life.
This Q stuff is a game. An invention by Cicada 3301.
Sure, it makes you investigate some nefarious happenings.
But it's just a game.
There is no secret dude, who has access to all our secrets.

",1526086331,12/05/2018 00:52 8617484,3897049308,

Saw a few Q references on this thread. Don't want people to think it's real. Cuz it's not.

,1526086637,12/05/2018 00:57 8617484,3897053627,

You seem to be triggered about Q. I would ignore it if it bothers you so much. People have their own minds that God provided them and a gut instinct. :-)

,1526086965,12/05/2018 01:02 8616179,3897064289,"

Q? My Ouija board says, don't believe Q.

",1526087813,12/05/2018 01:16 8615162,3897070523,

Looool. Q boards and real news in the same post.

,1526088316,12/05/2018 01:25 8617625,3897149725,"

..... why so many people leaving government......."" We see all, we hear all, these people are stupid ""- Q.

",1526096217,12/05/2018 03:36 8616050,3897228444,

He should be reading Q first up.

,1526105835,12/05/2018 06:17 8617484,3897276138,"

Judicial Watch, Dan Bongino, Q Anon decoders all but have this figured out. If they can put this all together without all the evidence that the WH has its going to be bad for the dems. Trump just keeps letting out rope as all these criminals involved hang themselves.

",1526111387,12/05/2018 07:49 8617484,3897338239,"

Correct....what I believe Rush gets wrong is the tactic. The “mole” was probably not someone in Trump’s was done by a outside country. It was done this way so the deep state has plausible deniability if caught. It “wasn’t us, it was them” defense. Q states “this is bigger than you can imagine” and “treason is 1/10” of the evil happening. Remember the swamp is deep but very smart and dangerous. God bless.

",1526117241,12/05/2018 09:27 8617484,3897342459,"

Finally stated, and all planned by team Obama-Clinton-dnc-Russian sources. .treason for all to see, hey Rush, you need to read will get you up to speed and I've been listening to you since 1988...#qanon

",1526117571,12/05/2018 09:32 8606009,3897372938,

I hope your stepdaughter can come. I think Pods is actually the name of the Company. If a person really wants to buy your house they will make allowances too. An extra set of eyes and two more hands would make a huge difference at a sale and in prepping for a move. I need some help but I'll be Damned if I'm going to ask my Son for it. He offered to come down a month and a half ago . . . oh well. Start thinking This is going with me. I need this. Separate it from the merchandise. There are good people out there who would be willing to help too. I hope you run into them or they find you. Take it Easy. You're going to be in a strong position when it's finished if you don't make yourself sick. Q
Go where you can have enough to get by and enjoy life. Lots of new experiences to be had yet. The Swamp is not going to get you. You're getting Out.

,1526119961,12/05/2018 10:12 8618030,3897426879,"

Horses of a different color I guess. I drive a pick up with an NRA “life” sticker, a FOP sticker and a “”Thank you Qanon” sticker.

",1526123689,12/05/2018 11:14 8617625,3897437258,

Last I heard Q identity online was stolen. Maybe tin foil hat Alex Jones theory. There's so many things from so many angles. That's probably part of the plan itself. I just hope the results are there. You claimed as many as 9k indictments lined up. Then I here 20k. I don't know what to believe anymore..
You must be privy..

,1526124320,12/05/2018 11:25 8616179,3897448690,"

From Q -

The D5 Avalanche is upon us. The END is near! HUGE INDICTMENTS will be unsealed - VERY SOON!

",1526125017,12/05/2018 11:36 8617625,3897463881,"

Q may have a plan, but so do the bad guys and we are staring at the bad guys who still populate Our Government. Q is outnumbered, outgunned and We Patriots are in for a long drawn out War on all fronts with the outcome very much in doubt. Don't underestimate the Shadow Govt. Totalitarians who have been running the world longer than Q has been alive.

",1526125916,12/05/2018 11:51 8618111,3897596376,

When Q says these people are stupid he's not kidding!

,1526132968,12/05/2018 13:49 8616983,3897703187,

Qanon is a fraud

,1526138286,12/05/2018 15:18 8615174,3897787842,

Joshua...I urge you to be really careful when you use the Q word. I don't take to kindly to it and I am big enough and tough enough to respond to twits like you.

,1526142548,12/05/2018 16:29 8616143,3897791542,

Who is #Qanon?

What is the #greatawakening?

,1526142739,12/05/2018 16:32 8616143,3897882612,"

No, Zuck won't be accountable on that one...the government agency receiving and using the data would be. We have protections under the law stating we have to be informed of that usage.

As for HIPAA.....if I tell you that Mrs. Z is a patient of Dr. Q, that's a HIPAA violation. If I say a local woman talked to Dr. Q about blah-blah, that is not a HIPAA violation. The data exchanged can't include anything that would qualify as a Personal Identifier.

",1526147332,12/05/2018 17:48 8616818,3897889895,"

Ya think! Check out ""What is Q anon?"" and get great insight as to the draining of the swamp. MAGA PS. Don't read about Q from the MSM.

",1526147680,12/05/2018 17:54 8618090,3897969849,

Wait till the indictments come down! MAGA winning on all fronts. #qanon

,1526151472,12/05/2018 18:57 8611928,3897986694,"



#MAGAAgenda #DrainTheSwamp #AmericaFirst #MWGA #QAnon


",1526152261,12/05/2018 19:11 8619311,3897987516,"

It just gets better and better that the Dimwits get in Joe Q. Public's face, use vile language (the language of simpletons) and tell them they are ignorant and stupid not to vote for the D(imwit) candidate.

",1526152301,12/05/2018 19:11 8614100,3897991860,"


#MAGA #MEGA #DumpMay #NoMoreNeoCons #EnglandFirst #QAnon #DrainSwamp


",1526152508,12/05/2018 19:15 8618579,3897998879,"



#ProLife #TwoTermTrump #ChristiansForTrump #QAnon


",1526152860,12/05/2018 19:21 8619311,3898028272,

Is he the L the G the B the T or the Q?

,1526154406,12/05/2018 19:46 8619311,3898123846,"

#Qanon sent me per the usual. The 2A protects all others. Practically speaking, it is THE 1A!! Molon Labe you leftist silly-nannies. MAGA #thestormishere

",1526160095,12/05/2018 21:21 8617310,3898130149,

Jorge Ramos: maybe Dr Q should have saved lives as a neurosurgeon in his own country

,1526160250,12/05/2018 21:24 8618945,3898144559,

I Q I guess you would say SAT is for the COLLAGE KIDS

,1526160588,12/05/2018 21:29 8609195,3898148887,"

Someone please ask HRC & Bathhouse Barry....ohh & his wife 'Michael' while we're at it, what does PP do with all those babies they chop up??? And let's ask HRC for a firm number count of children that 'disappeared' after the last Haitian earthquake?? #Qanon #WeSeeYou #TheStormIsHere

",1526160695,12/05/2018 21:31 8609195,3898155131,

Because he is obviously aware of the evil douche-bags in our midst. They won't be able to walk down the street when The Patriots are done with them. Red-Pill yourself now. #Qanon

,1526160832,12/05/2018 21:33 8614100,3898203958,

Come back over to this side of the pond & try that European censorship. We didn't roll over & we don't dial 911. How's that Limp-Wristed Soy-Boy Socialism working out for y'all??? The 2A protects the 1A in the Free World. #Qanon #MAGA

,1526163288,12/05/2018 22:14 8618090,3898209804,

@billmaher how are those 4:30 am talking points working for you??? #WeSeeYou scumbag. MAGA #Qanon

,1526163726,12/05/2018 22:22 8619119,3898214942,

never eat Q outside of Texas Im thinking

,1526164109,12/05/2018 22:28 8618090,3898215785,"

Russia? Like when obama/kerry allowed a banned russian lawyer in the country to talk to trump jr ?

Corruption? Like the >20,000 sealed indictments for the previous admins deep state? Or killery selling out (literally) the country and its classified data?

Environment? If you're into crushing individual liberty via stifling regulations so people cannot start or succeed in business, youre right maher, hes killing it dead, thank God. If youre talking about the actual environment, we're like #1 or #2 in the world.

Suck it libs, your lies and your lying media are empty and burning.


",1526164171,12/05/2018 22:29 8602340,3898236442,

Does she have an I Q greater than room temperature ?

,1526165709,12/05/2018 22:55 8618111,3898265919,"

No, you murdering POS, we HATE corrupt, lying, pedophiles. Say hello to Epstein for us if he's done digging out of the tunnels. HRC suicide watch. Do us all a favor. How was NZ? We don't need 5 eyes to see you. #Qanon #WeSeeYou

",1526168052,12/05/2018 23:34 8618945,3898268116,

Follow Q...

,1526168235,12/05/2018 23:37 8618780,3898283163,"

Oprah loves Weinstein, Clinton, Obama
#qanon #HRCvideo #UnsealObamaDocs #Uranium1 #ReleaseTheTexts

",1526169474,12/05/2018 23:57 8611928,3898296188,

Dude doesn't have a chance. There's dirt on's why so many in Congress aren't seeking re-election. Research Q-anon.

,1526170517,13/05/2018 00:15 8617118,3898317233,"

Typical disgusting, lying lib. This will get worse as their corruption and progressive collusion get exposed even further.


",1526172195,13/05/2018 00:43 8620004,3898341076,"

He is more Western than people know, and how much of NoKo was the West trying to invent an enemy to sell weapons to have to fight, the ""Sum of all Fears"" as Q says, to quote Winston Churchill, if you put the best soldiers of all the best armies and militaries in the room and pick their brains about what you need to defend your nation, you have the sum of all their fears. The Norks were just the boogeyman in many respects since WWII. That was their planned role since the end of WWII by the globalists.

",1526174218,13/05/2018 01:16 8620004,3898342367,"

Kim is more Western than people know, and how much of NoKo was the West trying to invent an enemy to sell weapons to have to fight, the ""Sum of all Fears"" as Q says? To quote Winston Churchill, if you put the best soldiers of all the best armies and militaries in the room and pick their brains about what you need to defend your nation, you have the sum of all their fears. The Norks were just the boogeyman in many respects since WWII. That was their planned role since the end of WWII by the globalists. Maoist juche communists were to be the pinata, the sum of all of our fears, and so we must spend too much of our GDP to fight a chimera.

",1526174332,13/05/2018 01:18 8619221,3898356537,"

This is McCain meeting with the head of ISIS Al-Baghdadi, over his right shoulder.

The dude in the scarf worked on the Hill as an aide, Moustafa. So how was McCain not able to free the girl held hostage, from AZ, btw, who Al Baghdadi killed, raped to death basically, yet he and the head of ISIS are BFFs? Old chums?

",1526175564,13/05/2018 01:39 8619221,3898358108,"

Here's McCain and the head of ISIS again. Too bad he could not ask his BFF not to behead all those hostages and set them on fire in cage, and commit genocide in Iraq.

",1526175705,13/05/2018 01:41 8618945,3898359385,

har...could not decipher your last transmission...only meant to say I have learned a lot from the qanon crowd...lots of tuned in folks

,1526175823,13/05/2018 01:43 8620229,3898606351,"

Trump, Qanon (including operators), patriots = Justice league to save our liberties and Republic! Screw these traitors.

",1526202084,13/05/2018 09:01 8620229,3898612531,

Not for long. Check out Qanon. (Or 'Proofs of Q' if you need to validate its existence)

,1526202693,13/05/2018 09:11 8618111,3898654503,"

They are ready for a second career. GREAT! They should choose one they enjoy and get to it! Nobody is stopping them!

The major problem with hillary, is that she is seeking POWER, not seeking to serve. Government SERVICE is the job description, not Government POWER!

Nobody is saying women don't have something significant to contribute. Don't be a Lib-Prog and think if someone says A, they also believe B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ......... it wont wash.

Lib-Progs ALWAYS think they know everything about you based on one comment. You say there are only two genders and WOWZA! ""So you think we should have guns in every pocket, the moon is made of green cheese, women should be barefoot and pregnant, blacks are inferior, brown people are all murderers and rapists........""

NO! I think there are only TWO genders! That's what I said, not all that garbage you just spewed. I said there are only two genders. Take your pills and go to your safe space!

Reality is NOT a Lib-Prog strong point.

It is a terrible thing to be a Liberal. You waste your life running hither and yon SEEKING something to be offended by. That is no way to live. I prefer to seek a sunrise, a flower, a beautiful painting, the wonders of nature..... I don't have time for offense.

Liberals! Do you know what happens after you are offended? NOTHING! So grow up and move on!

",1526206391,13/05/2018 10:13 8619221,3898689091,"

My favorite thing about your comments is that you write them in those pseudo shorthand terms that the halfwitted Trump tools can understand. Much like QAnon, aka some 4chan geek with too much time on his hands, you hide your lack of intelligence and substance behind vagueness and platitudes.

",1526209065,13/05/2018 10:57 8619221,3898721868,"

If you want to see liberals kicking and screaming, look where the Demo-Rats Pelosi, Waters and Kaine’s 2018 MidTerm pages re-direct! // // – thing is, we don’t want them, either!

#MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #QAnon #AmericaFirst #DrainTheSwamp


",1526211254,13/05/2018 11:34 8618945,3898722798,"

If you want to see liberals kicking and screaming, look where the Demo-Rats Pelosi, Waters and Kaine’s 2018 MidTerm pages re-direct! // // – thing is, we don’t want them, either!

#MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #QAnon #AmericaFirst #DrainTheSwamp #TrumpNobel


",1526211318,13/05/2018 11:35 8620742,3898749776,"


www.makeamericachristianaga... //

#ProLife #ActivistMommy #ChristiansForTrump #EvangelicalsForTrump #MAGA #QAnon


",1526213014,13/05/2018 12:03 8618063,3898752159,"

Get 'em, Matt! //

#FreedomCaucus #MAGAAgenda #MAGA #MFGA #QAnon


",1526213159,13/05/2018 12:05 8620004,3898789563,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P’s 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page! Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!

#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1526215352,13/05/2018 12:42 8619221,3898831915,

You don't get out much do you Q has been hacked by the deep state !!

,1526217656,13/05/2018 13:20 8620220,3898917180,"

""Where we go one, we go all"". It's a patriotic organic movement to seek and share truth, to involve us ordinary citizen patriots in large numbers so we can no longer be ignored; and to expose the shadow government, sometimes called ""deep state"". About a month ago, I joined a social media group called ""MeWe"", a Facebook alternative. Almost immediately I joined a group called QAnon and added contacts whose comments represented opinons similar to mine. I read and searched for days! I felt liberated, and vindicated, and free to follow the endless clues and connections that proved the lies the MSM has been spewing for decades. ""Q"" is an unknown person(s), who is privy to high level information. The ""drops"" almost daily written in a code of sorts, but are proven correct sooner or later.

",1526222054,13/05/2018 14:34 8619221,3898920608,"

We are all frustrated and impatient, especially myself, the QANON posts promise the boom boom in the next 48 hours pertaining to the profiteers of the treasonous Iran deal, I'm much more concerned about why on earth are Hillary, Bill, Kerry and Obama flying around the world spewing their pernicious treason ! Kerry visiting Iran ? instead of these vermin flying around the world they should be flying from the HEMP rope at GITMO.

",1526222226,13/05/2018 14:37 8621618,3898945577,"

For a good morning chuckle, check out where ole' Nancy P’s 2018 Campaign website now re-directs to ( -- smack bang on a Trump page! Same for Mad Max ( and Tiny Tim (!!

#Trump2020 #TwoTermTrump #KAG #MAGA #QAnon


",1526223526,13/05/2018 14:58 8621618,3898954496,"

TRUMP2020 hat now out at

#TwoTermTrump #KAG #TrumpTrain #QAnon


",1526223978,13/05/2018 15:06 8620229,3898955316,"

Get this 'man' a TRUMP2020 Campaign hat!

#KAG #TwoTermTrump #MAGA #QAnon

FriendsOfDonald #FriendsOfQ

",1526224018,13/05/2018 15:06 8620220,3898989026,"

So what you’re telling me is that this Q is leaking high level intelligence every day? Are you sure you’re not talking about Hillary? I find it hard to believe that any true MAGA federal employee would ever do this.

I’ve followed Q. A lot of hype. Nothing that he has predicted has actually happened. He just takes credit for other things to try to bolster his claims. Personally, I think it’s a major fraud.

Even look at his post today calling out Total. Total has no presence in the US besides a solar panel company, so there will be really no effect on them with the reimposition of sanctions, but Q says that’s why Macron went to the WH. It makes no sense. If anything this is positive for Total as their primary business in the EU will be unaffected and they’re sitting on a giant pool of oil that no one else can tap (Exxon, BP, Shell, etc. who all have significant interests in the US)

",1526225743,13/05/2018 15:35 8621264,3899078618,"

If you would care out Qanon on twitter, or you tube..prayingmedic has excellent video for may explain a lot

",1526230229,13/05/2018 16:50 8621042,3899081198,"

They are sheep that follow blindly. Q ran down corsi and Jones , dividing the patriots , and they followed blindly and threw them under the bus, not one questioned , that is the definition of a sheep. I don't trust them.

",1526230364,13/05/2018 16:52 8616143,3899109247,"

If you followed Q and the anons, you'd know all this stuff and much more. I'm guessing you get news only from TV.

",1526231826,13/05/2018 17:17 8621618,3899203583,

What's funny is we are just getting started exposing jimmy-boy and his sick pals.


,1526236688,13/05/2018 18:38 8621042,3899248871,

And prayingmedic has Qanon for catch up.. excellent!

,1526239073,13/05/2018 19:17 8621264,3899264347,

Have you checked out Qanon? Prayingmedic has a great video on you tube..Qanon for newbies

,1526239932,13/05/2018 19:32 8621264,3899301215,

Does accessing Q require being on Twitter? I read the Wiki description which is as expected negative.

,1526242063,13/05/2018 20:07 8606009,3899382175,

Good. I'm glad. I salute you Q Daddy on this Mother's Day!

,1526247618,13/05/2018 21:40 8622698,3899447488,"

They are still doing that.......but it’s much more evil than one could ever imagine if that is at all possible. I’ve been following Q and time and time again they have said ‘you have no idea of the evil that we are uncovering’. They go onto add that 60% of Americans would not be able to handle it if it was made public and that’s the conundrum they find themselves in - and I’m not talking about just not believing whether YOU think it’s fact or lies - I’m talking about 60% of the population will be shocked so deeply, emotionally, physically and spiritually that they might never recover from the shock.

We might never know the depravity what these people are committing. Some of these people are known by millions around the world. They are high profile actors, CEOs, politicians past and present, doctors, lawyers, royalty, school teachers, media personalities etc. For some, they will go before Military Tribunal/trials and they will never be heard of again. That day cannot come quick enough. But then again do I really want to have my mind seared with images of babies and little children being used in the most horrendous of ways, for the rest of my life. Then I think these little ones need a voice and we cannot turn our backs on them now.

BTW. If you think I’m being over dramatic, I suggest you look at those they have resigned their positions since the President signed the Executive Order on 12/21/2017. We were told to keep a tally of those being fired or have resigned or even suicided.

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Issued on: December 21, 2017


",1526252572,13/05/2018 23:02 8623064,3899510300,

Trust in the plan...I'm out Q...

,1526257591,14/05/2018 00:26 8621654,3899525862,

I love our POTUS and Q and all of the patriots in America that have made this resurgence of freedom worldwide possible. God bless you all.

,1526258950,14/05/2018 00:49 8622440,3899529181,"

She'd better get her act together. In all fairness our immigration laws suck. I never supported this open borders career swamper to begin with but I will defer to the President of the United States and his judgement. He has much more information than we have. POTUS, Q, & American patriots. KAG

",1526259239,14/05/2018 00:53 8622440,3899530648,"

...Not cued in on Q, but everything is on a ""need to know"" basis, I'm sure.

",1526259369,14/05/2018 00:56 8622440,3899534619,

Any Q followers here?...

,1526259716,14/05/2018 01:01 8622440,3899555980,"

In all seriousness, despite the cynicism of myself and DNC Fluffer, there are a lot of Q people here, so you may as well have fun with it! Don’t let us be party poopers, because our opinions are exactly that.

",1526261664,14/05/2018 01:34 8621264,3899571469,"

Ps. Good researcher for Qanon is also , inpursuitoftruth on you tube

",1526263214,14/05/2018 02:00 8614382,3899622834,"

Facebook bribed everyone it could and can blackmail everyone else.

Facebook was formed the day the CIA/DARPA ended their 'Lifelog' project.

Facebook is evil. Get off it. It watches you through your phone 24x7 if you have the app installed.

US Military intelligence (Q Anon) has been warning us how evil Facebook is and how it has corrupted everything it touches.

Leave Facebook for your own sake.

",1526269082,14/05/2018 03:38 8623781,3899633484,"

Lol. The Wall is being built. 6 dimensional chess, trust the Potus QAnon -- I have heard all of your forgotten prayers and promises

",1526270382,14/05/2018 03:59 8623946,3899875130,"

My best guess is that a little birdie warned a few of those Republicans, ""retire now and you won't be prosecuted.""

Is the ""QAnon"" stuff real? Is Sessions getting ready to drop a bunch of indictments? Best evidence: Incumbents, choosing to not seek re-election.

",1526293166,14/05/2018 10:19 8621042,3899965252,"

Simple..he couldnt do Q, he's totally wrong about sessions, the DOJ shows all the work..its on the website, hos dcodes sucked because he couldnt do it.
He has value..historical info and insight..but not Q.
Jones, his lawyer admitted in court, he's a performance artist!
Why will nobody..nobody, including fox invite corsi on to talk about his book..for heaven's sake, they have EVERYBODY on?
What initially turned me off..corsi implide, repeatedly, having influence, where he doesnt. He wasnt a decoder, he was a reader
I march to my own drummer

",1526295189,14/05/2018 10:53 8621042,3900089568,"

If you have watched Jones for any length of time you know he is a performing artist , my goodness, he has done 20 years of broadcasting and has acted out many parts, but if you don't know that Alex Jones is as true blue as the sun coming up every morning you havnt been paying attention. Alex trusts Corsi , that give a lot of weight to me , but to a person on that American patriot station they threw them under the bus , I couldn't believe that not one of them could sit back and question , just blew me away. Q has been wrong on things and he has also given false information that he said he would. No I will not crap on Alex Jones and anybody else that does , can go to hell . I have watched him for a very long time and he has never not once let me down, on information given. You havnt questioned maybe q was hacked , not once have your questioned ? He told us to stay strong and together , and then he divides ? wtf is that ?

",1526301002,14/05/2018 12:30 8621042,3900096148,"

In not going to blah blah this..everyone to there own drummer...i listened to enough corsi to know, it was soooo obvious, that where Q is concerned..he's way off base. End of discussion on my part, i have better things to do

",1526301289,14/05/2018 12:34 8623193,3900110357,"

There is soooo much more, scott. If you want...check out Qanon on you tube..prayingmedic has a great video for beginners....its free, also chk Qanon on twitter if you do twitter, i dont

",1526301851,14/05/2018 12:44 8620220,3900110442,"

Hi 'No Daca',
I out checked out 'Q' just once, but for a couple hours, including checking on possible sources for the info, and my take was similar to yours. I saw some things that were based on stuff actually put out elsewhere by sites that do some real investigation and label whatever speculation they do as such.
It looks to me like Q uses those sites 'findings' and 'speculation', while adding other things that are not verifiable and that nobody is liable to remember by the time they could be checked, and labels it all as 'inside info'.
That is my impression. There are conservative sites, mostly not well known, that do real investigation (careful examination of public records, for example) and online searches for evidence of connections that aren't actually 'secret', just not well-known.
Q might do that too, so maybe there is some original research. I don't know how one 'monetizes' a Twitter account, but money could easily be the main payoff somehow, perhaps through some website that somehow Q-followers flock to if Twitter doesn't pay - I don't know. At least, though, Q doesn't seem to be working for the other side trying to mislead us to set up some future disaster, but I might be wrong about that too.

",1526301854,14/05/2018 12:44 8622440,3900180777,"

The good thing is that hiring within the swamp has allowed Sessions to kick ass with over 29,000 sealed indictments, using these swamp creatures to scoop intel.
Keep your friends close...your enemies closer. #qanon

",1526304733,14/05/2018 13:32 8620220,3900183480,"

Here’s the thing though. Say everything Q says is real and he is a person in the government with clearance. If that’s the case, would you think someone who sincerely wants to clean up the deep state would be telegraphing what they are looking into? Also, again, if true, this would represent one of the largest leaks ever.

It just doesn’t make sense that someone like that would be leaking so much to fellow “autists”. It’s just very odd to me

",1526304840,14/05/2018 13:34 8623586,3900201515,

The only way Q is controlled opposition is if POTUS is controlled opposition and IMHO he is not.

,1526305540,14/05/2018 13:45 8623586,3900232612,"

Here is the backstory on what is happening and where WWG1WGA began. Either site works: or

Trust the Plan

",1526306803,14/05/2018 14:06 8623193,3900234023,"

i don't twitter or FB & eel Qanon is just a prank. I want REAL results (charges) from DOJ. But, I feel Sessions was a plant

",1526306863,14/05/2018 14:07 8623586,3900238320,"

This tells the story of what the AG is really doing. Either site works: or

Trust Sessions. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA

",1526307045,14/05/2018 14:10 8623586,3900240428,"

Time for you to be red pilled. Either site will tell you the backstory on what is really happening: or

Trust Sessions. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA

",1526307131,14/05/2018 14:12 8623895,3900258371,"

There is only X and Y, not L G B T Q!

",1526307823,14/05/2018 14:23 8620220,3900272177,"

Hi, No Daca,
You are right that some of what is being trumpeted at Q would be made useless by being put out on the Internet, if it were really true. However, I actually can think of some reason for doing what Q is generally doing. In fact a pretty good one that I wish someone more fact-based than Q were doing, since even Breitbart wasn't accomplishing it.
The worthy goal served by Q, perhaps unintentionally, has been to combat the depression of conservatives that the constant half-truths leaked from so-called 'investigators' and accompanying leftist bashing of Trump is partly intended to produce. Depression of one's own base when accompanied by one's opponent's base being stirred up is fatal in politics. November looms, but depression, once it takes hold, is not easily overcome by last-minute revelations, even if they are very substantial.

That last point is especially true for our side, since we don't control the mass media, with even Fox often being very cautious and even sometimes contrary in its reporting, and even Breitbart a little shy about reminding us of some things that are proven fact.

As an example, while we here at Breitbart should remember that a slew of FBI and DOJ personnel involved in the Muller probe, as well as Comey and HILLARY have been referred by the FBI's inspector general for criminal prosecution by DOJ, what percentage of voters do you think know that? I bet the percentage is very small. If anybody really close to Trump had been so-referred, everybody in the country would know it before bedtime and would be reminded about it week after week.

Because we don't have the mass-media, on the other hand, reaching the larger conservative base among ordinary voters requires a fairly large 'cadre' from the more-informed portion of the base who are spreading the word and dying for more ammunition. That person-to-person method works more slowly than mass-media, but it does work. Q has gotten to a lot of the people who want to know more, but aren't finding more info in any place they've heard of. Unfortunately, Q is doing that with and indiscriminate mix of verifiable information, responsible guesses, irresponsible guesses, and outright fantasy all labeled as 'secret insider stuff'.

I just wish someone had done this kind of 'base cadre' agitation with information and likely speculation correctly labeled. The FBI-DOJ scandal is the story of the century, and it is being left a few good websites with small audiences, and a probable charlatan who may end up doing more harm than good if he pulls another 'Pizzagate'.

However, that someone on 'the real inside' might want to do something like this doesn't mean that it is someone there who really is. I agree completely with your overall conclusion.

",1526308368,14/05/2018 14:32 8620220,3900326345,"

Again, if this were serious, there would be no leaks. Do you really think that someone is trying to indict 30,000 people would be posting on the internet what he is doing? Doubtful.

Also, why would someone with Q clearance (DOE) have knowledge of an ultra-secret DOJ investigation?

Considering the circumstances, it really seems like a fraud to me.

",1526310472,14/05/2018 15:07 8620220,3900360603,"

Hi No Daca,
Forgive me if I was unclear on the point. I don't think Q is an insider, just someone who does Internet research and mostly steals other people's findings and their better speculation that haven't gotten any attention, then adds a bit of fairy tale, and then gets clicks for bucks.

My point is that someone else with an audience should have been compiling the real stuff, and the best of the inferences, correctly labeling the inferences (speculation) but gone out with fireworks to let everybody know that the FBI and DOJ are a lot more likely to end up in legal trouble than the White House.

",1526311779,14/05/2018 15:29 8624480,3900586782,"

He's scrambling around the world, so are bill and hill blackmailing, threatening , and colluding with world leaders to try and force us back into iran scam
See you tube: Qanon for newbies by prayingmedic

",1526319803,14/05/2018 17:43 8623586,3900668646,"

Being cleaned out of the corrupt forces that excused Cankles. Please stay up to date.

!2jsTvXXmXs 66 📁 May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST)

Mass exodus in DC?
Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?
Who has the POWER?
Who has the CONTROL?
If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?
Who is the AG?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?
Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)
Who is the FBI director?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?
Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)
If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?
Why are they slow walking unredacted data?
Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?
Why is the WH backing up DOJ?
What if the same data is being used by other investigators?
What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?
Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?
What would be the purpose of creating confusion?
What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?
What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
Why did Sessions pick RR?
Everyone has an opinion.
Few have the facts.
Few know the plan.
Midterms [save & push]?
Swing voters to retake House/Senate?
Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?
Power at all costs?
Blue wave?
Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?
What is the DOJ responsible for?
What is the FBI responsible for?
Why did HRC get a free pass?
Define single shooter.
Who is HUBER?
Define IG.
When does SESSIONS step back in?
Already is?
Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?
Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?
Timing is everything.
Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,
What about the active investigation into leaks?
""Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.""
Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?
They are deeply connected.
Think Offshore.
MIL INTEL providing support during this time?
Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?
State/C_A next?
Think logically.
No outside comms.

",1526321630,14/05/2018 18:13 8626541,3900722026,"

Oh, let's see. Soros, Obama, Hillary, DNC, 7 floor of the FBI and DOJ, Fusion GPS, UK leaders, AUS leaders, Tom Steyer, just about everyone that paid for the sex dossier to frame Trump and keep him from beating Hillary.

When that didn't work, they went to plan B, SEX for impeachment.

When that didn't work, they went to plan C...SEX, part C.

Projection is getting sticky at this point, they need to wash their hands, and get a good lawyer.

We have Everything.

",1526323747,14/05/2018 18:49 8616143,3900765848,"

Qanon, we got a fish on! DIG!


",1526325500,14/05/2018 19:18 8625458,3900770129,"

Sure, we are going after corruption and child trafficking as one. They both hurt our children, and must be stopped.

Anyone we catch, and we have everything, looses their freedom, gets a free one-way to GITMO, and looses all of their assets.

We have been on this since 12/21/17, and the results are going to be one for the history books.

If you are on the list, it's time to surrender. Q said no deals, but we feel for those that got caught up in this, many were simply tricked.

Resistance is futile.

Patriots Fight!

",1526325689,14/05/2018 19:21 8627651,3900881802,

Good research exposes on iran pay for play deal on you tube..Qanon : 5-14-18 by inpursuitoftruth. AND 5-13-18 prayingmedic

,1526331045,14/05/2018 20:50 8623898,3900889912,"

Ann Coulter has been loudly raising the wall issue for some time. Too many people being pacified and blinded by Q to question anything Trump does. I like the job Trump is doing, in fact it's amazing, but I am upset that the number one issue I voted for, immigration and wall, is being held over our heads still, as a prize.

",1526331496,14/05/2018 20:58 8627651,3900893635,"

My best answer, honestly. Go to you Qanon for newbies by prayingmedic, also inpursuitoftruth. Great researchers

",1526331704,14/05/2018 21:01 8623586,3900907514,"

I'm glad you asked patriot, it means ""Where we go one, we go all"":

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.

",1526332508,14/05/2018 21:15 8623973,3900909406,"

Trump is Hitler. Peterson is Hitler. I support MAGA so I must be Hitler. So do the basket of deplorables so more than half the country is Hitler. Everybody is Hitler. Note to Progressives, read the boy who cried wolf. Your words are impotent. Q is right...these people are idiots.

",1526332618,14/05/2018 21:16 8626637,3901035804,"

Hey Pepe, what's Q up to?

",1526340250,14/05/2018 23:24 8626637,3901037550,

Lol who is Q? Im a frog. We love frogs

,1526340358,14/05/2018 23:25 8626637,3901040420,

I really dont know this Q. I am buried in a cpu trying to find my way out!

,1526340530,14/05/2018 23:28 8627651,3901195161,"

And why, are soooo many ms publications spending soo much time, and effort, and space to discredit Q???
What are they so afraid of?? You tube, or twitter..prayingmedic on Qanon, 5-14-2018

",1526351771,15/05/2018 02:36 8628452,3901248854,"

",1526357355,15/05/2018 04:09 8629931,3901264750,

I'm Q.

,1526359059,15/05/2018 04:37 8629931,3901266667,

No I'm Q.

,1526359260,15/05/2018 04:41 8629931,3901268916,

I'm the original Q and I CAN PROVE IT;

,1526359495,15/05/2018 04:44 8626637,3901335096,"

As an Aussie there’s not much that we don’t know about ‘across the ditch’. Hillary is darkening our shores atm. after, as you said, visiting NZ. New Zealand is experiencing a big uptick in earthquakes and a google search will show you pics of a ‘sink hole’ opening up on a farm. They claim it’s a sink hole but it looks like a fissure to me, but hey, I would hate to have it open up under my feet. Last year they had a big earthquake and there are amazing pics of the seabed being punched up thru the shoreline. Hundreds upon hundreds of crayfish - we call them lobsters - were left high and dry. Imagine just minding your own business, flipping around the ocean floor and wham, next you’re sitting sun baking on a Kiwi beach!

What I was eluding to was that maybe some kind KIWI Patriot can offer these despots some nice land or home on top of a geyser etc. I wouldn’t want any Kiwis to get hurt though. One conspiracy theory was that there is an alien base at Antartica (NZ is the jumping off point) and recently the Pope and other spiritual leaders went there - but Kerry was warned away 😳😀😀. How do people become evil like that. If you follow Q, there is some BIG news coming soon. I have the App - Q Drops - but the 24/7 live board has been v busy decoding the drops in the last few days as there have been quite a few. People have been impatient- including me - for justice to be done. Q has explained that if the swamp in the DOJ, Court system, ie, judges, CIA, FBI, are left in place, those coming before the courts may walk over a technicality or a leftist judge etc. These areas had Obama hold overs and in a couple of Q Posts, they stated some had to be FORCIBLY removed. Such audacity!! Recently Q stated, the hard work is nearly over and next comes ......JUSTICE.

",1526366283,15/05/2018 06:38 8628452,3901342208,"

Are the Koch’s in the 28,000 sealed indictments that our AG is holding? QAnon?

",1526366994,15/05/2018 06:49 8629931,3901436450,"

Q tells us to watch CA and NY for arrests possibly involving NXIVM



One quick thing with this real quick, if we get arrests out of California and New York likely involving NXIVM besides just Allison Mack...Then it's going to be funny seeing all the anti Q people trying to figure out what to say. Now who will these arrests possibly be out of the states of New York and California likely involved with NXIVM...Like Q is telling us who will be next and telling us who will be next in CA and NY? Well you really just have to look at who has connections to NY and CA and whose involved in NXIVM.
​ Well this is pretty easy actually because NXIVM is obviously connected to Hollywood as we know through Allison Mack and New York is a state connected to very powerful US politicians...Like Hillary Clinton, Eric Schiderman, and others. Now will we see a Hillary arrests connected to this Q posts...Possibly not but what we will likely see is anti Trump celebrities and politicians being arrested over NXIVM. Maybe Allison Mack has already named names, now watch for arrests out of California and NY.

",1526375253,15/05/2018 09:07 8629931,3901439395,

Go to the Q web page there is 100's of post before it went public and happened.

,1526375463,15/05/2018 09:11 8626637,3901441754,"

How in the world does a Pepe not know of Q? You're missing out a lot, start here.

",1526375627,15/05/2018 09:13 8629931,3901448973,"

You are right, we all felt we wore tin foil hats before we were red pilled. Mary Elizabeth, Q has never been wrong on absolutes. NK and Iran, Q told us weeks prior.

",1526376116,15/05/2018 09:21 8627789,3901617924,"

You're incorrect. Look at what Q said about the situation. You didn't, did you? It is important to get both sides.

",1526384732,15/05/2018 11:45 8627789,3901620467,

I know. THEY have. You didn't get the Q side of the story. Important.

,1526384836,15/05/2018 11:47 8631203,3901689082,

Breitbart isn't caught up on their Q Anon.

,1526387696,15/05/2018 12:34 8629394,3901689914,"

Mueller is cooperating, according to Q, who has been pretty accurate so far...

",1526387728,15/05/2018 12:35 8626637,3901711005,"

Well, this is more info than I’ve got in a while. I appreciate you being detailed. I followed Q closely on /pol/ for months, then things got weird when it was brigaded hard by Brock’s Boys. This 24/7 live board that you mentioned, if it’s not 8chan, then I’m unfamiliar with it. 8 is excruciatingly hard for me to follow, and the last many months I’ve been unable to flow the Q posts. (What is the live board?) ... I saw the giant sink hole in NZ, but do you think it’s related? I’m unfamiliar with Kerry being “warned away” from Antartica. I saw photos of him there. Is this a separate trip you’re referring to? I forgot about the Pope going there. WTF is going on? Are they planning on nuking us all?

",1526388570,15/05/2018 12:49 8625251,3901755667,

Any relation to Q Bert?

,1526390363,15/05/2018 13:19 8631203,3901830435,"

Team Q assured us that April was for ""arrests."" Was that just disinfo?

",1526393255,15/05/2018 14:07 8629931,3901901463,"

Lemme guess ... was it ""Susie Q, honey I love you""? Well, that goes for all of us!

",1526395904,15/05/2018 14:51 8631203,3901902309,"



",1526395934,15/05/2018 14:52 8631203,3901908966,

Thanks. Read Q. I have been doing so for a long time. He calls it right better than any of the paid pundits out there.

,1526396174,15/05/2018 14:56 8630105,3901970471,"


#MidTerms #MAGAAgenda #QAnon


",1526398385,15/05/2018 15:33 8626316,3902011456," hate the oil industry.....OK, anything to disparage it, the investors, the 401K's, the pension plans made healthy by it, and John Q, who invests.
Your statement is totally false...Should read: Renewables (at this time and technology) are simply a Gov subsidized fledgling industry not yet viable in both costs and efficiency.
In the future, when they come of age, yes, but not yet. Capitalist, always on the hunt for lucrative opportunities, will invest heavily when they become profitable. Then we (the people) will become subject to the whims of the Renewable fuel industry.
I fully support the clean energy concept....but also, in terms of practicality, do not want to involuntarily be forced to cover the costs of development....let Industry R&D foot the bill..They will be reaping the rewards.

",1526399928,15/05/2018 15:58 8626637,3902044390,"

It was called the Great Awakening and I find it by clicking on the YouTube link with a pic of scene from 1700s? but as I said I got the app - Q drops - and I find it very good. Seems a lot might be starting to go down reading the latest drops. Wonder what the ‘pain’ which has been dropped a bit lately and ‘be brave’. 😳. Maybe the globalists are planning to collapse the economy? It’s interesting that so many of these despots are outside the USA at the moment and why was Hilary and Huma in Hawaii when there was that missile launch? So many questions!

",1526401116,15/05/2018 16:18 8631203,3902103269,"

Sorry, late to the party. Who or what is Q?

",1526403255,15/05/2018 16:54 8633915,3902147732,"

Obama’s Deep State/CIA TALONS go DEEP into the World’s “Diplomatic” flesh... E tu, John Kerry???

Qanonposts .com

",1526404856,15/05/2018 17:20 8633516,3902169018,

dead cat bounce
all is well

,1526405623,15/05/2018 17:33 8633915,3902203266,"

*Ding, Ding*

(or Fatty comes to the table and says ""I'm getting X, Y, Z, A, B, C, P, D, and Q because you wouldn't want that to get in the way of a successful summit, riiiiiiiiiiiiight?!"")

",1526406854,15/05/2018 17:54 8633915,3902207522,"

US negotiators are not dumb enough not to expect KIM to demand X Y Z A B C P D Q and maybe F, no?

",1526407010,15/05/2018 17:56 8633915,3902218226,"

US Patent to control and stop ""unauthorized"" use of aircraft connected to Mueller


1 Comment

Well this is very interesting as a patent discovered today that was filed for a US Patent around 2001, is connected to Mueller through a company called Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP...Where it's sole purpose is to remotely control aircraft and take them down if they are unauthorized. Two things come to mind with this US patent...The 9/11 event and all the issues with military and passenger aircraft we have seen over the last few months. You also have to remember that Mueller's role in 9/11 was to cover up the entire event as he was the Director of the FBI at the time, and now we have Mueller connected to this US Patent to take down unauthorized aircraft in the air. Was 9/11 a dry run for this US Patent, and is this being used on military aircraft and passenger jets?

#Qanon Iam An0nym0us@We_R_an0nym0us

WHO is connected to patent for remote operation of AIRCRAFT?#Mueller !
Now isn't that a #Coincidence??

Hey Mueller, how about #ReleaseTheTexts #Unredacted
What else have you been up to?
BTW: where is MH370 and how about MH17? @POTUS

6:50 PM - May 2, 2018


151 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

",1526407409,15/05/2018 18:03 8632856,3902239295,

Who is #QAnon ?

,1526408198,15/05/2018 18:16 8633273,3902269053,

The Constitution already stops it. @Jack is going down shortly
Who is #QAnon?

,1526409343,15/05/2018 18:35 8631773,3902295822,

Thank you President Trump. Thank you Q.

,1526410406,15/05/2018 18:53 8632760,3902330836,

2 NYPD detectives killed for what they saw on Anthony Weiner's laptop. 2 of NY's finest killed to try to keep the truth from getting out. #Hillary will be in #Gitmo for life when all of this breaks. #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere #QAnon

,1526411895,15/05/2018 19:18 8633915,3902366736,

I find the app - Q drops excellent too. Seems like there is some ‘pain’ coming for someone.

,1526413517,15/05/2018 19:45 8633915,3902368740,

I thought that Corsi and Jones said that Qanon was done.

,1526413606,15/05/2018 19:46 8633915,3902373477,"

And they have both been discredited by Q. Seems they were PAYtriots, not PATriots. While they are filling their coffers, AGENTS in the field have given their LIVES to rid America of the deep state.

",1526413832,15/05/2018 19:50 8633516,3902387144,

the naked Q Tip speaks put a cork in it

,1526414502,15/05/2018 20:01 8633915,3902431696,"

Agent? Are you another useful idiot? What do you think if the enemy had the names of agents in the field? After Jones and Corsi tried to divide and distract because they wanted to control the narrative, Q dropped this.

05-13-2018 08:16:10 AEST Q !4pRcUA0lBE 1388185

They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.
Destroy through [misinformation].
Absorb the 'confused'.
Re-route traffic to other platforms.
Action was needed [2].
1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation
2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion
Simple 'non-direct' statements made.
""Be careful who you follow.""
""Some are profiting off this movement.""
Message sent.
Message received.
Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).
Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
We responded.
House cleaning.
Heal [core].
Important to clean prior to next events.
The choice has always been yours.
The choice will always be yours.
This is not a game.
This is not a popularity contest.
This is LIFE.
We, the PEOPLE.
[Time to move on]
Dark to LIGHT.
Attacks will only get worse.
Truth is Freedom.
Truth is logic.
Stay the course.

AEST Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1233880

Statements today needed to be made.
Operators have died.
They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
They lay down their lives for YOU.
They are SELFLESS.
They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
We HONOR them.
We must do better to protect them.

",1526416898,15/05/2018 20:41 8632457,3902455506,

His dome is more round than a Q ball.

,1526418270,15/05/2018 21:04 8625728,3902583966,"

You tube..prayingmedic. Qanon for beginners, Qanon. Inpursuitoftruth, Qanon. spaceshot76

",1526425651,15/05/2018 23:07 8631773,3902587781,"

He's talking to us, Qanon....prayingmedic Qanon for beginners. Qanon. Inpursuitof truth. Qanon spaceshot76. All on you tube..

",1526425868,15/05/2018 23:11 8634509,3902648381,

According to Qanon trump has already met Kim last year...

,1526429575,16/05/2018 00:12 8633915,3902653870,

It’s no longer the original Q.. but yeah our was good for a while.

,1526429925,16/05/2018 00:18 8635043,3902666805,"

,,,, stay with your wife for a few days . Let Q and the gang bring the pain.

",1526430772,16/05/2018 00:32 8635844,3902749889,"

Want a reason to take Q seriously? Keep your eye on Sessions and see if he starts to do his job. Q normally puts names in brackets to show they are targeted for justice, but just used inverted brackets for him, which seems to mean the opposite. That Sessions is freed. Let's see if this pans out! Can't blame you for not holding your breath.

",1526436897,16/05/2018 02:14 8633582,3902775897," you, just Fox News...right? Two wrongs don't make a right. This is the left/right control paradigm that you are stuck in which powerful and connected elites have created for you as a means for dominion over you. In the world of power and control, these illusions are created to influence through division and chaos. They are pleased that we argue amongst ourselves...their control patterns are working. The key to their maintenance of dominance is to keep us all from focusing on them hiding there just behind the curtain. Anyone who would claim to be intelligent without a basic understanding of this is a fool and a fraud. There are things going on behind the facade of this all which are absolutely much more complex than what most people are willing to believe. Maybe for a basis of understanding, you could start here:

",1526439205,16/05/2018 02:53 8634035,3902778515,"

Hamas backed by Iran killed their own ""terrorists"" because they had masks on and didn't identify them. Read Q posts...we should have no trouble taking out Iran once and for all. WINNING.

",1526439374,16/05/2018 02:56 8626637,3902817463,"

That site kept crashing on me.

",1526443419,16/05/2018 04:03 8617484,3902878347,"

""Some interesting pro-QAnon commenters have proposed that Bob Mueller may be running a counter-coup operation, pretending to be against Trump, to placate the MSM.""

I don't think that's true, but it would be nice.

",1526449726,16/05/2018 05:48 8634035,3902927841,

Hogg is ops? Q would know ;)

,1526454377,16/05/2018 07:06 8634509,3903103349,

May 16 2018 00:14:32 (EST)
NK news today = FAKE!
Twitter news today = REAL!
Under the Radar.
Free speech manipulation [visibility / reach].
FB fake acct deletion?
100% fake?
Checks & Balances?
[Narrative Control]
[Bandwidth Test]
[Public Response]
[Test Limitations]
Politicians bought & paid for?
Start a Storm.

I will Trust Q on this.

,1526466822,16/05/2018 10:33 8636906,3903132616,

Hmmm...perhaps this QANON fellow was onto something last week.

,1526468237,16/05/2018 10:57 8636906,3903169398,"

""Pope will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the light.""
~ Q ~

",1526469880,16/05/2018 11:24 8636906,3903239853,

Once again Q delivers. April 3rd post from Q says.
“It’s gonna be a bad month [May] for the pope.”

,1526472864,16/05/2018 12:14 8636906,3903256677,"

""The Pope will have a Bad May"" - Q,
Looks like it's started.

",1526473545,16/05/2018 12:25 8636906,3903293604,"

that is the word ""below the crops"" when we shut the tractor off.

This Q fellow has been ore right than wrong, perhaps he's onto something.

",1526475011,16/05/2018 12:50 8638172,3903339598,"

So is Kluew L, G, B, T, or Q?

",1526476771,16/05/2018 13:19 8637866,3903385338,

You won't get anywhere with the people on this site. Qanon is a larp remember?

,1526478554,16/05/2018 13:49 8638172,3903424382,"

Um, you're assuming it's not one of the other 23(?) invisible and silent genders they added in there. You bigot, only acknowledging L G B T and Q !

",1526480062,16/05/2018 14:14 8638865,3903579575,"

For patriot anons that haven't already figured it out, William Cooper was right about AJ. Q confirmation.

",1526485847,16/05/2018 15:50 8638865,3903651332,"

Five Dem Senators/Clintons named as part of Iran lobby



The Gateway Pundit Reports: Senator Markey has announced his support for the Iran deal that will let the terrorist regime inspect its own Parchin nuclear weapons research site, conduct uranium enrichment, build advanced centrifuges, buy ballistic missiles, fund terrorism and have a near zero breakout time to a nuclear bomb. There was no surprise there. Markey had topped the list of candidates supported by the Iran Lobby. And the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC) had maxed out its contributions to his campaign.
After more fake suspense, Al Franken, another IAPAC backed politician who also benefited from Iran Lobby money, came out for the nuke sellout. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, the Iran Lobby’s third Dem senator, didn’t bother playing coy like her colleagues. She came out for the deal a while back even though she only got half the IAPAC cash that Franken and Markey received. As did Senator Gillibrand, who had benefited from IAPAC money back when she first ran for senator and whose position on the deal should have come as no surprise.
The Iran Lobby had even tried, and failed, to turn Arizona Republican Jeff Flake. Iran Lobby cash had made the White House count on him as the Republican who would flip, but Flake came out against the deal. The Iran Lobby invested a good deal of time and money into Schumer, but that effort also failed. Still these donations were only the tip of the Iran Lobby iceberg. Gillibrand had also picked up money from the Iran Lobby’s Hassan Nemazee. Namazee was Hillary’s national campaign finance director who had raised a fortune for both her and Kerry before pleading guilty to a fraud scheme encompassing hundreds of millions of dollars. Nemazee had been an IAPAC trustee and had helped set up the organization. Bill Clinton had nominated Hassan Nemazee as the US ambassador to Argentina when he had only been a citizen for two years.
The names have begun to drop of American leaders who have taken bribes or are part of the Iran Deal lobby, and it looks like Democrat US Senators are officially part of the Iran nuke deal connected to bribes. Not only that but the Clinton's are now named as part of the Iran lobby, and this likely connects Obama and Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia that's connected to Iran...As Q has told all of us. These five US Senators who have officially been named in the Iran lobby today should immediately resign, and should also face prison time for being in violation of the Logan Act along with Kerry who was already named.
This is really one of the reasons why Democrats are the strongest voice against President Trump ending Obama's treasonous nuke deal with Iran, as we are starting to find out the bribery connections to the Iran nuke deal...And also finding out that multiple Dems and the Clinton's are part of the Iran lobby inside America. This is really treason times seven.

",1526488518,16/05/2018 16:35 8638865,3903670050,"

29 page document connects Israel's Mossad to 9/11



This is the Full document discovered connecting Israel's Mossad to 9/11. Before anyone's feelings place blind Patriotism in front of them to ignore this fact, it is very clear that Israel's Mossad has a direct connection to September 11th. You cannot ignore a document that places Israel's Mossad at the location of 9/11 in New York City on that horrible day for America. With that being said you must realize that Mossad is just as Deep State influenced like the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other American Deep State entities.
Why did what follow 9/11 like the war on terror follow directly behind 9/11, and why does 80-90 percent of America's military deployments involve enemies of Israel or locations involved in the Yinon Plan? 9/11 is directly connected to three things, and those are Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Deep State plan to destabllize certain areas of the middle east inside the Yinon Plan. Now am I saying everything involving Israel is bad and evil...No, but you cannot ignore a document that connects Israel's Mossad to 9/11. Wonder if this is what Q means by Israel will be saved for last? 2000-01 DEA document on Israeli art student spy ring in America before 9/11.

",1526489176,16/05/2018 16:46 8608649,3903744940,

You’re really going to look uninformed soon... follow Q on utoob and you’ll get it... can’t wait to laugh at all the Liberals!

,1526491981,16/05/2018 17:33 8608649,3903747103,

Omgoodness.... sadly I have 5 liberal cousins who love screaming into these devices... so stupid... Qanon on utoob will soon school them! lol

,1526492062,16/05/2018 17:34 8638865,3903786608,

This is Q new today !!!!

,1526493572,16/05/2018 17:59 8635868,3903788160,

Only if you're a female leftist LGBT Q TG TF prv niner niner

,1526493630,16/05/2018 18:00 8636906,3903882672,"

Q said on the Q Anon board that the present Pope may find himself having some problems in May. Q said that back about 2 months ago. Everything Q says is coming true and out into the open. The good guys have been ridding the FBI and the DoJ and the Federal Judiciary over the past year or so and now is the time for JUSTICE !! It will be good to see all these criminal and corrupt people finally being brought to Trial. Very interesting days are coming shortly, I think.

",1526496902,16/05/2018 18:55 8640488,3903971347,

Q implied Mueller and Rosenstein are actually working with Trump .... that's when I stopped listening to Q ... it's just a game to distract and infiltrate the truther movement ... to divide us ... if Q wasn't working for the wrong people he would have been shut down a long time ago ... does anyone really believe the FBI and CIA can't trace him ... Q is a fairytale.

,1526500136,16/05/2018 19:48 8640488,3903974129,"

I am torn on Q, it is interesting though.

",1526500215,16/05/2018 19:50 8641025,3904001121,"

Wonderful First Lady! Check out Trump's sensational back channel communications, Qanon! MAGA

",1526500934,16/05/2018 20:02 8640488,3904021892,"

All of Info-Wars, including Alex Jones, Roger Stone and Jerome Coursi, are now in Trumps crosshairs because of their disinformation campaign against Qanon.

This is Trump using Mueller to pressure Info-Wars. Stone is a lier.

Trump owns Mueller and Rosenstein.

",1526501315,16/05/2018 20:08 8640488,3904212376,"

Hmmm....Going after Stone why he isnt "" Q ""?????..Mueller your pissed that you cant find out who it is....Hilarious !!!!

",1526511021,16/05/2018 22:50 8635844,3904220750,

Look at Maxine. Q.E.D.

,1526511535,16/05/2018 22:58 8641505,3904248801,"

Now where is it?

Sick of Q memes, release the goods. This had better not be just a prank...

",1526513302,16/05/2018 23:28 8640428,3904284280,

forgot the Q. how many more consonants can they add.

,1526515501,17/05/2018 00:05 8640488,3904308266,"

Scchhhhhhh. Just wait. Q is real..and although the msm says no, it's fake, is because they're scared poopless. Here's the link that proves it...and recall the National Emergency Trump added to the Human/child trafficking. That was his only way to activate that group. And yes...they've been saving the children, and women...and 'other slaves' brought into the U.S. through those underground tunnels. BOOM, BOOM...many witnesses that heard and felt them. Just know that all these cronies are left, but there's also over 23 thousand indictments, and Sessions has been a very busy man.

",1526517040,17/05/2018 00:30 8638478,3904315766,"

Ohhh, he is, and the courts are getting tired from doling out over 23 thousand indictments...some still sealed. Listen to Q on you tube, (Just Informed Talk Channel) Best one; and if anyone tells you he/they don't exist, think again just for your knowledge base. This is just how 'dumb' the msm is...and how much they LIE!! This article is from 2013..the Snowden days.


",1526517547,17/05/2018 00:39 8642147,3904335693,

Trump is Trolling Brown. I love it. Q has once again show us the light.

Jerry Brown 2020. Ha!

How can he run for President while he is in GITMO?


,1526518901,17/05/2018 01:01 8642510,3904393372,"

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates claimed in an interview with the Times that they did not want word of the investigation to leak and to impact the election.

You can't make this stuff up. I'm in stitches. NYT / WhaaPoo / NPR are having multiple conference calls to agree on how to spin this so that Brennan, Comey, Yates, and most importantly their black socialist idol-in-chief don't suffer any consequences from the truth.

",1526523287,17/05/2018 02:14 8642510,3904403376,

Thank goodness for Admiral Rogers (and the Q team).

,1526524153,17/05/2018 02:29 8639825,3904407562,"

The Search & Seizure Warrant and Attachment from Sept. 26, 2016 has been UNSEALED...on May 16, 2018. It says USA vs Anthony Weiner. Oh boy, here we go!
See Q posts.

",1526524539,17/05/2018 02:35 8639825,3904420940,"

",1526525825,17/05/2018 02:57 8642510,3904437953,"

USA vs ANTHONY WEINER INDICTMENT WAS ""UNSEALED"" MAY 16, 2018...let the games begin. WINNING.
See box #1392

",1526527540,17/05/2018 03:25 8637422,3904457613,

A quick look over your posts quickly shows your limited mental horsepower.

You think professional wrestling and Q anon are both real.

I'll enjoy watching idiots like you starve to death or end as someones amusement in the times to come.

Tick tock sucker.

,1526529604,17/05/2018 04:00 8642510,3904502351,

That group could even be Q.

,1526534096,17/05/2018 05:14 8642510,3904503467,

did you read Q tonight?

,1526534208,17/05/2018 05:16 8641796,3904518830,"

They are the same. MS-13 and MSM are one.

Both tools used by the evil few trying with all their might to control us all.

And for the record, MS-13 are animals. They will tell you themselves. So why is the MSM so angry about calling them animals? Cause they know we know who called MS-13 through who. They are running cover, and it aint working.

We have Everything.


",1526535687,17/05/2018 05:41 8642510,3904529097,

Sally Q. Yates... What the hell name could an old white chick have that starts with a Q?

,1526536696,17/05/2018 05:58 8640497,3904642778,

The reason he signed that will become evident soon. Follow Q.

,1526547147,17/05/2018 08:52 8633915,3904645265,"

QANON said that the so called jeopardized North Korean peace talks are "" FAKE NEWS "" shame on you Brietbart.

",1526547340,17/05/2018 08:55 8640497,3904645535,

Follow Q. You'd know why. He did it for the spending on the military. Tribunals are coming.

,1526547363,17/05/2018 08:56 8642510,3904732876,

You make my point: Trump = Nobody. Q.E.D.

,1526552831,17/05/2018 10:27 8642510,3904738914,

Do you believe Q?

,1526553155,17/05/2018 10:32 8642510,3904810942,"

I like

",1526556659,17/05/2018 11:30 8642510,3904844197,"

I’m sure that Q fella or Corsi will have us all believing heads are gonna roll, when nothing will happen.

",1526558122,17/05/2018 11:55 8642510,3904844257,

Did Q tell you this?

,1526558125,17/05/2018 11:55 8642516,3904846051,"

The Anthony Weiner search warrant was unsealed yesterday, the pain for the left is just beginning.

",1526558204,17/05/2018 11:56 8642516,3904846958,"

Yes, the media is still burying it.

I dont think Q had the details on text from the warrant (above) describing the classified info justification for the warrant,


",1526558243,17/05/2018 11:57 8642714,3904854571,"

This reminds me, where are all the Q fangirls at today? What kind of vague, mumbojumbo nonsense did Q regurgitate for you ladies today huh? How are those sealed indictments coming along?
""Well not yet, but but but, any day now! Just wait you'll see!!!"" LMAO good luck with that. Keep the gimmick alive!

",1526558574,17/05/2018 12:02 8642516,3904857061,"

Here. Try this link. It’s an image of the judges signed order to unseal the indictment

",1526558686,17/05/2018 12:04 8642714,3904859455,"

Here's something for you to read.

",1526558788,17/05/2018 12:06 8642714,3904861076,

Exactly. Q is some liberal spouting nonsense that the desperate grasp onto to self validate their trust in Jeff Sessions.

It's all chaff and countermeasures for the left.

,1526558856,17/05/2018 12:07 8642714,3904931096,"

Wondering what Jeff sessions is doing? He's draining the swamp. Who does the investigations? who does the prosecution's? Good cases cannot be given to dirty cops and dirty judges. The following is a partial list, of What's Done behind the scenes and not being reported.

",1526561714,17/05/2018 12:55 8642516,3904967469,"

Even if he really really really WANTS to do so he KNOWS that he can't and even dare RUN for election again in 2020. He will have burned his brand to the ground with well over half, possible even 3/4 of t he population of this nation.

The answer to your Q is Absolutely Not.

",1526563211,17/05/2018 13:20 8642510,3904994746,"

We 've had 30 years of your Global Fascism, time to take America back for everyone. The Leftist pedos and their criminal cartel going down.....

Get woke or cry harder.

",1526564287,17/05/2018 13:38 8640026,3905002262,"

Here is the best news today that has been confirmed.. Antony Weiner has finally been indicted and that is the beginning. Once all the evidence on this Weinie case gets opened.. They already have the indictments ready to go as it moves along. This is the beginning of the justice phase of the storm.... BTW, The pope is going to step down just as was said by Q. The popes problems will come up in May.

",1526564593,17/05/2018 13:43 8642714,3905013788,"

Here is a list of what's been done.

",1526565051,17/05/2018 13:50 8642714,3905053075,"

Remember the weiner laptop? Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin are both cooperating Witnesses with Jeff Sessions.
Look what was unsealed yesterday.

The long wait for justice is coming to an end, the charges against Hillary Clinton (the queen bee at the center of the corruption in this country) are catastrophic.

Cleaning out the FBI and the DOJ has been problematic but being done. Eric Schneiderman was one of the last obstacles to be removed, before the weiner case could move forward.

",1526566369,17/05/2018 14:12 8641505,3905064812,"

Rudy, tell them also about the BRIDGE you’re trying to sell over by the B - Q EXPRESSWAY.
Old, but in FANTASTIC shape ( like you and
the D-BAG you’re trying to help ).

the B

",1526566826,17/05/2018 14:20 8643857,3905075433,"

Wow these people are retarded. If you looked at the tactics used by MS-13, they are similar to Al Q and ISIS. They are animals. Period. They treat humans as animals with no dignity, they murder mutilate and destroy enemies. Thus we should do the same to them.

",1526567232,17/05/2018 14:27 8642522,3905114362,"

Suitable for framing.

",1526568743,17/05/2018 14:52 8644688,3905114386,

Yes. Q posted pictures of him. He was also anti Israel.

,1526568744,17/05/2018 14:52 8639567,3905151603,"

We must not elect this Globalist Rino to the Utah Senate. He's does not even live here!

#DitchMitt #MAGAAgenda #MUGA #Trump2020 #MidTerms #TwoTermTrump #QAnon

FriendsOfQ // FriendsOfDonald

",1526569813,17/05/2018 15:10 8642168,3905173042,

iran has a city that starts with a Q that just might disappear into nothingness. Just saying.

,1526570583,17/05/2018 15:23 8642531,3905192727,

US Attorney of UTAH (!) John Huber has been on the case for 6 months now.
Look him up. he has WAY more power available to him than Mueller does.
He also has Horowitz. the plan.

,1526571324,17/05/2018 15:35 8642522,3905214498,"

Tango57 : A great image. It is a great shame that so many people are blind to the Q Anon posts. The villians are trying to discredit something that just can't be discredited, just to try and divide the people, so they won't believe the TRUTH coming from Q. Q is Military intelligence and there is no doubt in my mind. They have brought to light so many scandals and deals of the corrupt criminals in politics, social media, corporations and the treasonous propaganda merchants that own and operate the FALSE Main-Slime Media who are deliberately trying to divide our Nation with their huge Leftist Lies, trying to cover up the Criminal, Treasonous, Seditious and Corrupt Traitors to our citizens and our great Nation, THE UNITED STATES OF America. They need to be brought to JUSTICE now. They are very dangerous people who have no love of America!!

",1526572164,17/05/2018 15:49 8644688,3905227305,"

Guys....this is part of the plan. Of course he is talking about past regimes.
So....Tillerson is Trumps first secstate. Why? Because he already knew all the players. Tillerson is a nice guy. Where was his last trip as Sec State? Kenya..hmmmmmm.
So..cut to Mike Pompeo. What was his first posting in the Trump admin?
Hmm. Director of CIA. so...he now knows all. So shtuff is ready to hit the fan...nice guy tillerson steps aside, after laying the groundwork. In comes Pompeo. He is now our Top Diplomat..armed with the knowledge of alllll the bad actors world wide, because he was the head of the CIA. He is ready to kick AZZ and take names.

There is a plan in place. You are all seeing it unfold in slow motion right in front of you.

",1526572651,17/05/2018 15:57 8645900,3905276438,"

From Q
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 352a77 1416241 📁
May 15 2018 00:32:59 (EST)
Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?
What must be cleaned first?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Define “On the Record.”
You have more than you know.

",1526574350,17/05/2018 16:25 8645900,3905280926,"

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e 1432972 📁
May 16 2018 13:49:07 (EST)
Those with an agenda to silence will fail.
Pain coming.

",1526574497,17/05/2018 16:28 8645900,3905286163,"

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 1444808 📁
May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 1444934 📁
May 17 2018 13:18:48 (EST)
God Bless the United States of America.

",1526574665,17/05/2018 16:31 8645900,3905287501,

I've been punked by /pol/ before. Here's hoping the Q stuff isn't all BS.

,1526574711,17/05/2018 16:31 8644682,3905289513,"

Hey pig......why don't you ask The DNC about the Steele Dossier?? Or even better, ask HRC what happened to Seth Rich??? Or even even better, ask Obama where those planes full of cash landed? Iran? Syria? What was Bathhouse Barry's kickback? #Qanon #TheStormIsHere

",1526574780,17/05/2018 16:33 8645900,3905297298,"


",1526575067,17/05/2018 16:37 8645900,3905298105,"

Very good, that is exactly what Q is suggesting as well :)

",1526575094,17/05/2018 16:38 8642522,3905312193,"

This is all Kabuki theater for public consumption. Mueller can't do S--- because Mueller's doesn't have S---.

But the weiner laptop case is moving forward, with the resignation of Eric Schneiderman who was the last impediment.

I give you exhibit 1) this was unsealed yesterday.

The weiner laptop holds the contents of the DC sewer.

",1526575603,17/05/2018 16:46 8645900,3905317928,

The storm is just starting ... and the thunder rolls! #Qanon

,1526575811,17/05/2018 16:50 8645900,3905327250,

Thanks for the link Q!

,1526576152,17/05/2018 16:55 8644688,3905327939,

Didn’t know you were following Q Schrodinger. Lots of new posts today!

,1526576172,17/05/2018 16:56 8645900,3905342529,"

No you're wrong. Stop listening to Jerome Corsi. Corsi got butthurt, because Q called him out for trying to make money off of Q drops, and the movement at large. The bigger Corsi the Con crime is he was trying to control the narrative and info.

",1526576662,17/05/2018 17:04 8645900,3905345734,"

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 1444934 📁
May 17 2018 13:18:48 (EST)
God Bless the United States of America.
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 1445147 📁
May 17 2018 13:30:25 (EST)
What had to happen first?
Think logically.
Think DOJ & FBI.
Think cleaning.
#64 (post that lists number of firings/resignations)
Puzzle coming together?
We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

",1526576764,17/05/2018 17:06 8645900,3905347379,"

Thank Q Trump, Sessions, Horowitz, etc. Give us a charge of seditious conspiracy for starters.

",1526576817,17/05/2018 17:06 8645900,3905347425,"

Let It Rain...

",1526576819,17/05/2018 17:06 8645900,3905356927,"

You D-Bags never thought she would lose. Seriously??? Y'all really thought you were going to open the borders, get away with the most egregious case of voter fraud in history, & repeal the 2A??? DNC=Short Bus Riders. ;)- #Qanon MAGA

",1526577121,17/05/2018 17:12 8645900,3905361154,

Trust Sessions. Weiner indictment opened for his laptop. #Qanon

,1526577252,17/05/2018 17:14 8645900,3905367024,

It’s happening. And it is worldwide. #Qanon

,1526577461,17/05/2018 17:17 8645900,3905379210,"

Here we go people. I think Q saw this coming? Something about pain?

Oh democrats, I almost feel bad for you right now, except that you voted for people who betrayed the country. It's not it going to be pretty no matter how hard you scream at the sky.

",1526577899,17/05/2018 17:24 8645900,3905403931,

No one cares what Q thinks.

,1526578779,17/05/2018 17:39 8645900,3905408072,"

I won't hold my breath for indictments, sorry, I just don't trust my government any more. I pray to God I'm wrong, and Q is right.

",1526578934,17/05/2018 17:42 8645900,3905415375,"

Great Q posed. Im kinda leaning towards Crooked, simply because she just wont disappear and keeps going on this anti-Trump crusade. The Kenyan has not been nearly as vocal.

",1526579216,17/05/2018 17:46 8645900,3905430949,

U should read up on Q anon posts. He’s been right all along on this. Sessions is on our side.

,1526579829,17/05/2018 17:57 8622434,3905434526,"

Boy that was Rough. Oral Surgeon a nice guy but it was a tough job. Looks like molar next to it may be causing infection, been having tremendous pain. Just put over $500 into that tooth. Dreading surgeon's bill even with insurance. Wife mad because I caused her to be ten minutes late. Can't talk. Just wrote "" Bad"" on the back of my hand. Follow up visit in ten days. Afraid this will be the End of Q.

",1526579976,17/05/2018 17:59 8645900,3905446494,"

Qanon already predicted this, and guess what? It is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are not plugged into Q I suggest visiting utube and searching for praying medic. Not only does he have all Q posts, but he 'interprets' them as well as posting the links on his twitter account @prayingmedic where you can follow Q for yourself.

",1526580463,17/05/2018 18:07 8645900,3905448693,

Ditto. Q is legit. Has proved it many many times. I’m starting to think Q is Eric Trump or Mike Pence

,1526580550,17/05/2018 18:09 8645900,3905448777,"

You can follow Q for yourself on the board. Scroll down to ""qresearch general"" thread. All the original q posts are indexed. Also, Q's private board is

",1526580553,17/05/2018 18:09 8645900,3905459428,

anyone watching the news predicted this. the new Q hasnt predicted anything lately..

,1526580986,17/05/2018 18:16 8645900,3905460505,


,1526581029,17/05/2018 18:17 8645900,3905467465,

someone else would take over my account like they did Q anon!!


,1526581301,17/05/2018 18:21 8645900,3905472327,

According to Q he’s actually cooperating with Trump. Mueller too. His entire investigation into Trump/Russia is a front. That’s why the two were kept on.

,1526581493,17/05/2018 18:24 8407193,3905478769,

sidekick troll .... you better start following Qanon on utoob because all your favorite democrats are going down.... follow Q

,1526581754,17/05/2018 18:29 8645900,3905478887,

What is Q anon?

,1526581759,17/05/2018 18:29 8645900,3905481552,"

",1526581866,17/05/2018 18:31 8645900,3905482797,"

Seriously?? He’s taking the country by storm with his anonymous posts. Even Rosanne Barr is following him. Look up Q Anon on YouTube & watch a video on how to decrypt his posts. This is his board

",1526581918,17/05/2018 18:31 8407193,3905483883,

You’re silly to believe that President Trump paid that money to a porn star... that’s the MSM leading you by the nose.... haha .... follow Qanon on utoob and learn what is really going on.... then tell everyone you know cuz it is going down soon!

,1526581964,17/05/2018 18:32 8407193,3905486117,

Mr. hopefull .... look up Qanon on utoob and start to follow Q .... the plan for President Trump to BE President has been in the works since 2013.... follow Q

,1526582056,17/05/2018 18:34 8642510,3905496662,"

Wiener laptop unsealed by Judge... Finally justice is coming!

",1526582482,17/05/2018 18:41 8646398,3905497685,"

Wiener laptop unsealed by Judge... Finally justice is coming!!!

",1526582523,17/05/2018 18:42 8646398,3905498654,"

Wiener laptop unsealed by Judge... Finally justice is coming!!!!!

",1526582561,17/05/2018 18:42 8645900,3905499444,

According to Q anon that plot was uncovered months ago & squashed. In fact Peter Struk was involved in it & it’s on his text messages that were mysteriously missing for awhile but recently found

,1526582593,17/05/2018 18:43 8407193,3905501881,"

[sidekick troll .... you better start following Qanon on utoob ]

Not sure what a ""Qanon on utoob "" is. Please advise.

[because all your favorite democrats are going down.... follow Q]
How nice. Did I say I was a Democrat?

Democrat or not, I suggest you are blowing smoke. Should you actually have anything ... do not brag to me bust them .... LOL

",1526582689,17/05/2018 18:44 8645900,3905510144,

Go read Q anon’s posts if you want to know all Trump knew & knows

,1526583018,17/05/2018 18:50 8645900,3905516346,"

",1526583262,17/05/2018 18:54 8622434,3905536340,"

So after another half-hour we hear rustling about in Pinewood's bedroom . A minute later we hear a shout "" What the WTF!!"". Poor old Johnny energes from his room in his skivvies. It seems his Guest had left him a present, or a Comment, upon his Bed of Roses. That's right. She had flung him some Monkey 🐒 Poo. And that my Friend, was the last time I saw Pinewood. I hope he's doing well. I kind of liked his Sister, she was a year older than me.
The End
of Q? 😖

",1526584083,17/05/2018 19:08 8645900,3905554286,"

If you are curious...

If you are really curious...

",1526584873,17/05/2018 19:21 8645900,3905568042,


,1526585481,17/05/2018 19:31 8645900,3905584726,"

",1526586259,17/05/2018 19:44 8645900,3905588051,"


",1526586418,17/05/2018 19:46 8645900,3905591842,"


",1526586607,17/05/2018 19:50 8645900,3905594014,"

Read up on Treason charges. Not handled by courts as it is considered an Act ""against"" the US, not in the US.

Therefore, Treason is handled by Military Tribunal.

And, according to Q, they have ironclad evidence of Treason by BC/HRC/BO.

The next two months are going to be interesting.

",1526586712,17/05/2018 19:51 8645900,3905600471,

Follow Qanon on utoob.... it is happening

,1526587033,17/05/2018 19:57 8645900,3905601610,

Look up Qanon on utoob... it is happening... follow Q

,1526587094,17/05/2018 19:58 8645900,3905603019,

Sorry.... all your guys are going down... stop watching the news and look up Qanon on utoob... follow Q... it will make you sad... hahaha

,1526587165,17/05/2018 19:59 8645900,3905604003,

They will be.... look up Qanon on utoob.... will tell the plan... follow Q

,1526587215,17/05/2018 20:00 8645900,3905604258," Get woke or cry harder

",1526587227,17/05/2018 20:00 8645900,3905606618,

Look up Qanon on utoob... there is a plan and Sessions has been working... it’s all an act on the news... don’t fall for it... followQ

,1526587348,17/05/2018 20:02 8645900,3905608459,

CDR.... look up Qanon on utoob... follow Q .... military intel showing what is really going on right now... total opposite of news on any channel

,1526587442,17/05/2018 20:04 8645900,3905609532," good place to start :)

",1526587498,17/05/2018 20:04 8645900,3905609976,

Stop watching the news... look up Qanon on utoob... follow Q .... there is a plan in place and it will shock you... Sessions working hard! You just don’t know it yet

,1526587519,17/05/2018 20:05 8645900,3905611636,

Dave.... stop watching the news... look up Qanon on utoob.... follow Q ... we all have been watching the real news since last year... look it up.. it will rock your world but give you hope

,1526587605,17/05/2018 20:06 8645900,3905613310,

Go to utoob and look up Qanon.... follow Q .... there is a plan in place that thousands are watching and we know what the real political story is right now... look up Q on utoob...

,1526587695,17/05/2018 20:08 8645900,3905613621,"

Sessions has been very busy. The media has ignored 29k sealed indictments.

",1526587711,17/05/2018 20:08 8645900,3905615322,

Look up Qanon on utoob... follow Q... there is a plan in place not being reported by any news... many of us already know what is going on... will give you hope

,1526587802,17/05/2018 20:10 8645900,3905617057,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... there is a plan in place not being reported anywhere... follow Q.... you will then know what is really going on!

,1526587876,17/05/2018 20:11 8645900,3905618207,

According to Q he is cooperating. Laptop was his insurance policy against Hillary.

,1526587933,17/05/2018 20:12 8645900,3905618771,

Look up Qanon on utoob... there is a plan in place that will cover treason... follow Q ... it is all coming out... no reporting on any media others than utoob... look it up

,1526587960,17/05/2018 20:12 8645273,3905620304,"


Folks. Allowing any monopoly to control free speech was resolved in a SC case back in the 1940s.

FB, working hand in hand with the Obama Admin, has been using a workaround. They are now caught.

So what, we move on and post pretty pictures once more?

I say no. I say fight. This is the front line. What happened to see something say something? Since this is not a crowded building, allow me to say FIRE!

Patriots Fight.


",1526588040,17/05/2018 20:14 8645900,3905621082,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... there is a plan in place that no news is reporting... follow Q .... they are all going to be held responsible... look it up... many of us are already following

,1526588079,17/05/2018 20:14 8645900,3905622070,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... there is a plan in place... follow Q

,1526588128,17/05/2018 20:15 8645900,3905623245,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... follow Q .... there is a plan in place... will give you hope... many of us are already following....

,1526588189,17/05/2018 20:16 8645900,3905624629,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... there is a plan in place to bring justice to all the crooked prior admin... follow Q .... join us and hope!

,1526588260,17/05/2018 20:17 8645900,3905625916,

Look up Qanon on utoob.... there is a plan in place not being reported on any news... follow Q .... join us in knowing the crooked will get theirs

,1526588323,17/05/2018 20:18 8645900,3905631078,"

F uckk youtube!


",1526588590,17/05/2018 20:23 8622434,3905638856,"

Story out of Langley? You're right. I have no clue what you're talking about. I know you'll weave it together for po' me. Oh, I have a thing for Monkeys. As for the Circle of Q, is it another ""Story of O""?

",1526588990,17/05/2018 20:29 8407193,3905638910,"

Look up .... all military intel about what is really going on politically... not being reported on any news site

",1526588993,17/05/2018 20:29 8645900,3905640838,"

then look up .... all military intel about what is happening behind the scene....

",1526589097,17/05/2018 20:31 8645900,3905644022,"


",1526589269,17/05/2018 20:34 8645900,3905645476,"

Look up for the real story not being reported!

",1526589342,17/05/2018 20:35 8645900,3905647755,"

Look up for the real story not being reported on the news

",1526589472,17/05/2018 20:37 8646017,3905655344,

What’s the chance Q is sessions? Q continues to support him when most of us can’t stand his obstruction of congress to oversee DOJ/FBI.

I just don’t see Sessions as the white hat behind the scenes or outside the box quietly working with these secret indictments at the ready. Hope I’m wrong.

Good day to you Cat!

,1526589882,17/05/2018 20:44 8631203,3905671433,"

As Q so often states: ""it will be unsafe for them to be in the streets"" (referring to these Deep-state coup participants).

",1526590795,17/05/2018 20:59 8643857,3905711781,

Hey all you hollyweird freaks invite a peace loving scout troop of MS13 Members to you home for a bar B Q see how that works out Oh and don't leave your daughter alone with em it might not end well

,1526593187,17/05/2018 21:39 8645900,3905717984,"

I have been posting this for the last 10 days. Q (I believe) suggested the timing.

John Huber, who will investigate the FBI, is a special counsel in every way but name

He is looking into things. Look into him.

I have heard totally unverified rumors that things will get interesting around May 17th. The charges were filed on 18 April. So 30 days (about) from filing.

",1526593563,17/05/2018 21:46 8644688,3905729726,"

(here we go) O. is liable to get indicted for being part of a plot to undermine Trump; FBI and DOJ are complicit as is members of O. administration. Read news re. FBI plant in Trump camp; Horowitz IG report will be out soon with more facts that incriminate. The assertion from Q, before T. got fired, is that Tillerson was trying to negotiate with the Kenyans to grant O. asylum since he was born there(!). This is from ""Qanon"" the internet phenom with like 20M followers after 8 months posting. Don't believe it? OK, but many things come out as Q predicts. Read the FBI plant story out now. Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others sure to be indicted. How deep does it go? My money's on Q that O., his administration and Hillary are going to ""get it"". And if Trump is as bad as you say then why so many successes?

",1526594276,17/05/2018 21:57 8645900,3905761458,"

Which board is Q using know...Qposts, PatriotsFight, or Qpub...this is getting suspicious and confusing.

",1526596258,17/05/2018 22:30 8644718,3905789479,"

""Mourning Joe"" is starting to look and morf into Mika's Wife. He's starting to fall in the ranks of the LGBT Q!

",1526598041,17/05/2018 23:00 8644838,3905859482,"

This might buck you up.


",1526602550,18/05/2018 00:15 8647526,3905944579,

Q believes MS13 is allowed to stay as they are hitmen for the clintons.
thats not saying Q is legit or not. its just his theory.

,1526608828,18/05/2018 02:00 8644838,3906021711,

I was 100% against sessions just last week. Now I'm confused and unsure. I guess I can now see some reason things have to move slow and in a certain sequence.

Hope Q is correct

,1526616335,18/05/2018 04:05 8642510,3906061472,"

Are you keeping up with Q ?

",1526620366,18/05/2018 05:12 8645309,3906099884,"

In a normal society. In accordance with the law of averages such as for I. Q., in an intelligence measurement or gender definition or the nature of the population of any nation; the majority of individuals will be grouped in the middle, the average and the normal. The further away from the centre that an individual is the less normal, more stupid or more intelligent, or more alien, this individual will be, and the fewer there will be. (Except where massive immigration from alien cultures has been allowed).

At the centre, where the majority of individuals are, you have people of average intelligence, a heterosexual lifestyle, the basic family unit of father, mother and child, and people that have a common ancestry. A common culture and identity.

When the society does not recognise the value of normality, and attempts to define the unormal as normal and defends it and punishes anyone that points out that the unormal is exactly that unormal peripheral and unhealthy for the wellbeing and solidarity of society, then that society will decay.

The authorities in pursuit of an imagined higher morality are dimantling the family, our sexual and national identity. In fact dismantling everything that allows a nation to function. Crime, alienation and terror are the result; not some utopian ideal society. Ask anyone anywhere in Europe if their streets have now become unsafe.

",1526623981,18/05/2018 06:13 8646854,3906207309,

The guy with the big tall fence around his property has his finger on the pulse of John Q. Voter...

,1526632651,18/05/2018 08:37 8645900,3906301642,"

If you think nothing will happen to these traitors, then you don't agree. Do you follow Q? Or are you seeking to undermine his work? Sorry, but I'm not interested in your blog...

",1526638781,18/05/2018 10:19 8407193,3906311209,"

[Look up .... all military intel about what is really going on politically... not being reported on any news site]

Ok qanon showed me pictures of an owl, another of a space shuttle, some aerial shots and photograph of some boxes.

I understand why it is not being reported on a news site.
Did I miss something?

",1526639309,18/05/2018 10:28 8645900,3906355255,"

Go to YouTube and request Qanon, you'll find out.

",1526641541,18/05/2018 11:05 8649464,3906427565,"

.....two minutes ago the Prez.tweeted that McCabe's wife received 700,000 dollars from Clinton/McCauliffe and no investigation,this as telling us he's cruising at 40,000 feet with the IG report coming out and DiGenova saying that Brennan was going before a GRAND JURY...folks ,like Q,said...enjoy the show.

",1526644824,18/05/2018 12:00 8649839,3906457589,

If Ron Paul couldnt do anything....

Whats John Q Public gonna do?

,1526646124,18/05/2018 12:22 8650118,3906540898,

#QANON said this would happen....>>1444682
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.

,1526649557,18/05/2018 13:19 8649464,3906552412,

That's what Q has been saying for some time now
Trust Session and a few others as well

,1526649988,18/05/2018 13:26 8650118,3906567247,

Drudge has 8 dead....Qanon posted this would be coming...why is it every time bad news drops or is about to drop shootings happen? They want to take our attention away from their criminal acts.

,1526650540,18/05/2018 13:35 8645309,3906589409,"

I've read the Rothschilds bought the Vatican (figuratively AND literally) in the 1840's. Q sometime back made a point of the fact that the Pope is the Chair and the Rothschilds are the Master. The Master controls the Chair. Considering all the satanic conspiracies swirling around the Vatican and this pope now, it's wholly believable.

",1526651352,18/05/2018 13:49 8650118,3906609658,

Q said yesterday to expect the Deep State to stage another false flag event as the OIG hits.
The DS really likes to shoot up high schools. Pure evil.

,1526652098,18/05/2018 14:01 8650118,3906623018,

I've been following qanon too long. This came to mind as well. False flag and distraction.

,1526652610,18/05/2018 14:10 8650118,3906632137,"

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444808 📁
May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)

What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.

",1526652958,18/05/2018 14:15 8650118,3906634616,

Yep and Q said that in the posts yesterday

You believe in coincidences?

,1526653052,18/05/2018 14:17 8650118,3906645765,"

Speaking of ""cue"" ---
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444808 📁
May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.

",1526653467,18/05/2018 14:24 8650118,3906654163,"

guys, q-anon called this out a day or two ago because of the Anthony Weiner indictment unsealing. the crap is about to hit the fan 4 liberals and globalists and they need to pull us away from that, take control the narrative. Check the timelines, every time Trump made good Headway either North Korea lobbed an ICBM or there was a school shooting. and well, since he dealt with North Korea and is about to finish with Iran what else do they have?

",1526653778,18/05/2018 14:29 8650118,3906654399,

Predicted by Q.

,1526653786,18/05/2018 14:29 8645900,3906662075,

Sealed Indictments will be Unsealed...check out Q!!

,1526654077,18/05/2018 14:34 8642510,3906673579,"

Read the Q. for... ""modern days.""

",1526654505,18/05/2018 14:41 8650118,3906674614,

Google Q anon

,1526654543,18/05/2018 14:42 8650118,3906697042,

Follow the Q board.

--- then you will understand.

,1526655381,18/05/2018 14:56 8650118,3906698880,

Keep your eyes on the Q board - we were warned.


,1526655453,18/05/2018 14:57 8650118,3906705231,

YouTube the Q board.

,1526655698,18/05/2018 15:01 8650118,3906841834,

Score another HIT for Q because 2 days ago he warned of false flags because the deep state are panicking. Stay distracted's all in the plan. They are probably planning more and more of these staged events in their desperation to disarm the citizenry.

,1526660792,18/05/2018 16:26 8650118,3906917418,"

Exactly, Q said yesterday to expect more of these as the deep state is being dismantled.


",1526663689,18/05/2018 17:14 8650118,3906939630,"

This article was posted just yesterday on this very site:

Report: Inspector General Will Declare FBI, DOJ Broke Law in Clinton Email Probe

And now this...
False Flag?

Military Whistleblower Group QAnon says yes.

",1526664551,18/05/2018 17:29 8650118,3906978660,"

May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.

This is the second time Q has said this and then the next day or so a school shooting happens.

Just like when things would get hot for the democrats or obama, a quick school shooting seemed to always happen.

",1526666079,18/05/2018 17:54 8650118,3907027444,"

May 16 2018 23:49:55 (EST) !4pRcUA0lBE Q ID: 7d06df


Bomb disposal team.
Bomb(s) about to blow.
Which means?
1) They know
2) They are told (controlled)
3) Both
Clowns wear masks.

",1526668079,18/05/2018 18:27 8650922,3907043494,"

Laura Walker called this false flag months ago and Q called it yesterday. The Cabal is becoming predictable and obvious. Anything to confiscate the guns and take over. Celebrities who shill for them, right on cue, are just as evil.

",1526668754,18/05/2018 18:39 8649563,3907048430,"

I hear ""Q""... <-- The Storm is coming...

",1526668956,18/05/2018 18:42 8650118,3907103009,"

who is Q ? i'm familiar with sundance, but not Q.

",1526671277,18/05/2018 19:21 8650118,3907163844,"

LOL! If you follow Q, he warned you. Not that Highschoolers know about things like that.....

",1526674219,18/05/2018 20:10 8645900,3907275801,"

AND!! Right on ""Q"", they hit us with yet another school shooting this week! Just as the ""Q-Anon source said they would a few days ago. These scum need to be burried and quick!

",1526680650,18/05/2018 21:57 8650118,3907294949,
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.

Qanon predicted this yesterday. The cabal is trying to distract from very bad news that is about to happen against them.

We are within moments of a massive global cabal of human traffickers and people who have sold out our country being exposed.

,1526681854,18/05/2018 22:17 8645900,3907303951," Go here It makes more sense


",1526682429,18/05/2018 22:27 8650118,3907315685,

and tomorrow Q says that the aliens are landing.

,1526683204,18/05/2018 22:40 8650118,3907320178,"

Mass shooting foiled by authorities at San Antonio area mental hospital, 4th incident in 24 hours



Breitbart Reports: San Antonio Police officers may have averted a mass-shooting at a state mental health hospital after an employee allegedly entered the facility while armed. The employee also reportedly had a “hit list” in his possession, along with a journal.Officials with the San Antonio State Hospital called police after an employee reported seeing a weapon in another employee’s bag. The employees also said the man made what they interpreted as threatening comments, Fox29 San Antonio reported.
A police report conveyed to the local Fox affiliate by an unidentified source states that responding officers found a “loaded gun, ammunition, and a journal.” Fox29 reports that U.S. Army officials told them the man is a member of the Texas National Guard. Hospital officials claim the man is scheduled to be deployed to Africa in the next few weeks. The 29-year-old man, who is not being identified for health privacy reasons, allegedly told staff members he would be, “wearing a mask and cutting off power to the State Hospital.”
Something fishy with all of these shooting incidents and possible shooting incidents in the last 24 hours...Two in Texas alone. There has been four shooting incidents or averted incidents in the last 24 hours, one at Trump's Miami property, Santa Fe High School in Texas, an incident at a Las Vegas mall, and now hearing that a mass shooting has been foiled at a San Antonio mental hospital facility.
​ Strange thing is yesterday was a very bad day for the Deep State/Obama Clinton network, as the news about the IG seeking criminal charges against the FBI/DOJ handling of the Clinton investigation came out yesterday including Obama's espionage ring inside the Trump campaign being exposed...That involves a $200,000 pay day for the Obama FBI agent who is a former Clinton administration official. Something strange is going on and it smells rather Deep Stateish, and Q informed us last night what's the common theme when they receive bad news.

",1526683503,18/05/2018 22:45 8651594,3907323153,

First step is to STOP supporting the police(yes we need them)
Once your brain disengages youll see the pattern to sobriety.

,1526683693,18/05/2018 22:48 8652530,3907331585,"

In short, stop illegal immigration now or there WILL be a Constitutional Convention.
John Q Public

",1526684246,18/05/2018 22:57 8650118,3907332588,

This is a false flag. Coming right on the cusp of the IG report. Q anon predicted this

,1526684312,18/05/2018 22:58 8652698,3907468616,

There is a much simpler explanation. It's funny Q warned people two days ago about a possible false flag. Why? Because serious information is coming out right now.

,1526693760,19/05/2018 01:36 8647784,3907498192,

Gotta stop listening to Sundance and Q. You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you think that Sessions will indict anyone in the deep state.

,1526696427,19/05/2018 02:20 8653760,3907525167,"

The IG report going to be released, treason is being outed, Q states 2 days ago to be vigilant and watch for the same typical cover.. None of this is coincidence. Not this often.

Then we have the traitorous, anti-Constitution gun brigade!

",1526699016,19/05/2018 03:03 8653187,3907525704,"

The IG report going to be released, treason is being outed, Q states 2 days ago to be vigilant and watch for the same typical cover.. None of this is coincidence. Not this often.

Then we have the traitorous, anti-Constitution gun brigade!!

",1526699071,19/05/2018 03:04 8647784,3907541450,"

Yeah, this is before QAnon was hijacked.

",1526700701,19/05/2018 03:31 8647784,3907581861,

Read Q Anon. None of this could happen until Sessions/Trump cleared out the DOJ and FBI of Obama stay-behinds in the positions of power.

Sessions had to take the flak from people who didn't understand what needed to happen and what was going on.

If they had not cleaned out the DOJ and FBI none of this would be possible. The unsealing of the prosecution against Anthony Wiener shows that Sessions now has the DOJ sufficient cleared that good stuff can now happen.

Read Q Anon. Sessions is doing a good job away from the public eye.

,1526705280,19/05/2018 04:48 8647784,3907582770,"

Wrong. Q Anon explained that Sessions had to work to clear the DOJ of Obama stay behinds. Otherwise they would have blocked everything.

You are frustrated because you didn't understand what Sessions had to do first. Read Q Anon to get up to speed, please.

Sessions did what needed to be done in the correct order.

",1526705384,19/05/2018 04:49 8631203,3907582875,"

Good idea for readers is to follow for up to date info on what is really happening in the US political realm. Seriously.

",1526705396,19/05/2018 04:49 8647784,3907583480,

Where do we read this Q Anon stuff?

,1526705463,19/05/2018 04:51 8647784,3907583620,"

I can always be wrong. Anyone can.

But if you follow the Q Anon posts on 8chan there is an explanation of what Sessions had to get done. Which was to remove all the Obama holdovers that would have blocked everything indefinitely.

Everyone is ragging on Sessions for being 'slow' or 'asleep', but he was doing what had to be done in the necessary order - all the while taking heavy flak from people on his own side who simply didn't understand.

",1526705478,19/05/2018 04:51 8647784,3907584237,

I've been watching Q.
I'll believe Sessions isnt a DeepState Mole when he starts prosecuting PEDOS and charging Obamao/CLinton and the rest of the DNC cabal with RICO ACT/TREASON.

,1526705547,19/05/2018 04:52 8647784,3907585690,"

8chan is the source

This site has summarized stuff, but sometimes falls behind the source

This channel on Youtube helps to decode a lot of it

The Q Anon group (a team) are US Military Intelligence. They cannot leak anything classified, but they can point people in the right direction although it often has to be somewhat encoded so that the Q Anon group are not prosecuted as leakers of security information.

You will understand what is going on a lot better.

But for now, Sessions is doing a great, if very misunderstood, job. We should give him a break, IMHO.

",1526705711,19/05/2018 04:55 8647784,3907587404,"

Sessions has been very busy. Unfortunately no media, not even Breitbart, has reported on it.

You can see what has been going on here:

ps: I think Breitbart has not reported Sessions' activities deliberately, His working quietly has enabled him to get a lot done, but unfortunately too few people read the Q Anon stuff to appreciate how good Sessions has actually been.

",1526705907,19/05/2018 04:58 8647784,3907591143,"

Thank you for your service.

The World is very different from 1997. The amount of Open Source intelligence is staggering. All that is needed are some oblique hints to point the 'autists' (weaponized autistic folks on 4chan and 8chan that love to ferret out obscure info) in the right direction.

Some of the 8chan denizens have come up from amazing connections that were hidden in plain sight.

Understand this, Trump was asked to run by people who want to restore the Republic to Rule of Law. Q Anon is part of that. They have been planning this ever since they understood President Obama's true mission and the ecosystem that installed him.

You will start to understand the plan to restore the Constitutional Republic. There is much we cannot yet see, but we do get peeks at how the good guys thought about how to do it while preserving life.

Sessions appears to be one of the good guys, and is quite misunderstood.

",1526706348,19/05/2018 05:05 8647784,3907593126,"

As Q Anon says, ""Enjoy the Show"".

The unsealing of Anthony Wiener's indictment is just the beginning. But Sessions had to clear out a lot of Obama holdovers from the DOJ first who would have blocked the prosecutions.

Things are looking up for the Republic. The Globalists will fight back, but they are going to be clobbered, Be happy :)

",1526706575,19/05/2018 05:09 8647784,3907594404,"

They have been fired. Look at the Q Anon posts where the corrupt people have been removed from power or have been flipped to work with this Administration against the corrupt former Administration.

Looks for the posts that list former regime members and Congressmen who have been exposed and have resigned.

Sessions has been very busy cleaning house - it's just few people knew it.

Happy Days : )

",1526706726,19/05/2018 05:12 8647784,3907594900,"

Sessions is draining the swamp. It doesn't happen overnight.

Have a look at who Sessions has got rid of so far, as listed in the Q Anon posts

",1526706784,19/05/2018 05:13 8647784,3907595283,"

They will be. Check out the Q Anon posts of who has been fired already. A lot of people

Sessions is draining the swamp.

",1526706829,19/05/2018 05:13 8647784,3907595683,"

Nope. Get up to speed with what the media haven't been telling us

Sessions is cleaning out the DOJ. So many 'resignations' (firings).

",1526706878,19/05/2018 05:14 8647784,3907596091,"

Sessions has been very busy. Look at the lists of who he has fired from the DOJ

",1526706926,19/05/2018 05:15 8647784,3907596720,"

But he didn't. Instead Sessions got to clean house. A LOT of Obama holdovers from the DOJ have been fired. Check out the lists given by Q Anon

",1526707000,19/05/2018 05:16 8647784,3907602268,"

I am from the ""Rest of the World"". We are all rooting for the Restoration of the Republic. If America falls then we all fall.

We have been following Q Anon. We see how hard the Good Guys are having to work to clean up decades of Globalist and Islamist corruption.

We don't laugh at the US. We see how hard it is, and we wish with all our might for your success.

Did you know how popular President Trump is with the ordinary people of Iran, for example - the Iranians HATE their government - self righteous Islamist scumbags. They are hoping President Trump supports their quest for liberty.

In the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Canada and Europe there are large numbers of people who want a strong and morally sound USA to lead the way. We are not laughing at you at all.

",1526707407,19/05/2018 05:23 8647784,3907636937,"

More FAKE NEWS. The policy gave Judges authority to put cases on hold where the immigrants were awaiting a ruling on a Visa application or an appeal.

For example, Susie Q comes to America to attend college and her visa expires and she forgets to renew it. In the middle of the school year, ICE arrests her and she is brought before a Judge.......should that Prosecutor and Judge not have the discretion to put the case on hold while she awaits a new Visa application? Meanwhile, they can focus on illegal immigrants who might actually pose a threat to Americans?

",1526710066,19/05/2018 06:07 8647784,3907646238,"

Sessions is part of the plan. The Indictments are becoming unsealed. Weiner is unsealed. It will incriminate many others.

Now is not the time to run out of patience as the game is kicking off.

Note also these words:
At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved! - Donald J TRUMP, 45th President of the United States



Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

",1526711140,19/05/2018 06:25 8647784,3907658256,"

Student visa's are issued for the duration of study...For example, a 4 year degree program...After completion, you have exactly 60 days to leave the country.

If Suzie Q has an expired student visa, that can only mean she intentionally overstayed her visa and is no longer a student.

Look, she jolly well knew the precise terms and expiration date of her visa when she applied for it...

So yes, kick her azz out and make her apply for a new visa at the nearest US consulate in her home country.

",1526712546,19/05/2018 06:49 8647784,3907661610,"

Nope, Sessions has been cleaning house. Necessary.

See what Sessions has done

",1526712939,19/05/2018 06:55 8647784,3907669387,

LOL; a guy who follows qanon!

Why don't you finish looking for those pedophiles in the pizza restaurant first!

,1526713824,19/05/2018 07:10 8647784,3907675469,"

pizzagate is disinformation intended to discredit those that are bringing the criminal globalists to justice.

Are you saying Anthony Weiner, whose indictment has just been unsealed, is not a pedophile ?

Why would you defend pedophiles ?

When does a ""Conspiracy Theory"" stop being a theory and describe an actual ""Conspiracy"" ???

You are on the wrong side of history. Look at all the resignations of the Swamp. Think it is a coincidence ???

Review Time.
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker - Republican
Jeff Flake - Republican
Orrin Hatch - Republican
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster - Republican
Bob Goodlatte - Republican
Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat
Charles W. Dent - Republican
Darrell Issa - Republican
Dave Reichert - Republican
David Trott - Republican
Dennis Ross - Republican
Edward Royce - Republican
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Frank LoBiondo - Republican
Gene Green - Democrat
Gregg Harper - Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican
Jeb Hensarling - Republican
Jim Bridenstine - Republican
Joe Barton - Republican
John Delaney - Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican
Lamar Smith - Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat
Lynn Jenkins - Republican
Niki Tsongas - Democrat
Paul Ryan - Republican
Rick Nolan - Democrat
Robert Brady - Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat
Ryan Costello - Republican
Sam Johnson - Republican
Sandy Levin - Democrat
Ted Poe - Republican
Thomas Rooney - Republican
Trey Gowdy - Republican
Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

And all the corrupt DOJ folks either fired or flipped to work for Sessions+Trump

James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.

I understand, your conditioning means you reject reality even if someone tells you and it is right in front of your face. Ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov described this.

Use the Scientific Method. Generate all the hypotheses you can think of, and weight each one according to observations. The Q hypothesis has not yet been falsified and is the best fit to all the dots so far. It can be falsified at any time - but so far its predictive power has been much better than anything else.

The disinformation coming from the media about all sorts of false things supposedly attributed to Q is designed to delay justice - but it cannot stop justice indefinitely.

Sessions has cleared the DOJ. The FBI has also been cleared. Just as Q said this needed to happen first.

Now we will see the sealed indictments flow through. That will test the Q hypothesis - but it is looking good so far.

",1526714503,19/05/2018 07:21 8647784,3907683297,"

Sorry, I stopped trusting Ol' Recuse when he let the FBI kick the doors in on Trumps lawyer.

I wish it were as you say, but it simply isn't. Trust the plan? What plan, the plan to stonewall all the docs from Judicial Watch until they impeach Trump? Q? Screw Q.... For all you know Q is some dingbat conjured up by Obama, Cankles and Podesta....

",1526715358,19/05/2018 07:35 8647784,3907685844,"

Pizzagate is a ridiculous conspiracy theory based on NO VICTIMS, touted by anonymous trolls like Q, and bought into by braindead people who want to believe it and are willing to set aside healthy skepticism to get there.

A bunch of guys don't run for reelection; that's not evidence of swamp or anything else without more. Correlation is not causation, even when it comes to conspiracy theories.

And you fools have been touting sealed indictments for months now. When are you going to give it up?

",1526715609,19/05/2018 07:40 8647784,3907719962,"

Amen, Cat! This family follows Q, too. Things are happening and bigger, better things will occur soon. Here comes the pain, followed by JUSTICE! Thank God!!!

",1526719014,19/05/2018 08:36 8651006,3907785343,

Lol the Q delusion is truly amazing.

,1526724216,19/05/2018 10:03 8651741,3907947458,"


Federal agents raided Q.T Fashion and numerous other businesses in the downtown fashion district Wednesday, cracking down on a scheme that cartels are increasingly relying on to get their profits — from drug sales, kidnappings and other illegal activities — back to Mexico, authorities said.

Nine people were arrested in raids targeting 75 locations, and $90 million was seized — $70 million in cash. In one condo, agents found $35 million stuffed in banker boxes. At a mansion in Bel-Air, they discovered $10 million in duffel bags.

""Los Angeles has become the epicenter of narco-dollar money laundering with couriers regularly bringing duffel bags and suitcases full of cash to many businesses,"" said Robert E. Dugdale, the assistant U.S. attorney in charge of federal criminal prosecutions in Los Angeles.

",1526734168,19/05/2018 12:49 8654411,3907961116,"

The team obama criminals are so guilty of election fraud, treason, sedition, destroying evidence, lying and more!#LockThemUp

",1526734923,19/05/2018 13:02 8647784,3907976770,

What is Q?

,1526735765,19/05/2018 13:16 8654411,3907995760,"

Here's a list of Hillary players that have already been removed and face prosecution.

",1526736774,19/05/2018 13:32 8653466,3908048760,"

They forgot the Q and the P. The ""gay"" rights promoters are very heavy into pushing pedophilia as well to become the next new normal in perversions. And what is with all the phobia crap? Is God homophobic? Doubtful. Okay, perhaps I am an anal-sexophobic. If it weren't for all the specific goals of the homosexual agitators, most people would be happy to leave them alone to their own kind. But those goals for culture and society make me desire to put them back in the closet.

",1526739377,19/05/2018 14:16 8649464,3908090925,

I Q uestion this

,1526741381,19/05/2018 14:49 8652530,3908100190,"

This next election will be very interesting to watch unfold.. ///////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER has had enough of THE SWAMP - SEWER and DEEP STATE of Washington D / C. ////////////////////////////
Let Us see which end comes up the winner, that is if JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER has had enough of this nonsense from our ** so called elected officials. //////

",1526741829,19/05/2018 14:57 8654411,3908121584,

No Q uestion you’re right

,1526742880,19/05/2018 15:14 8654411,3908200545,"

Time to perp walk Brennan. Qanon is right. Read his twitter feed for true intel,

",1526746783,19/05/2018 16:19 8647784,3908240235,"

Q or Qanon is someone (probably several people) from inside the Trump administration who posts anonymously to the Chan political message boards. Q has posted enough info to prove credibility. Many people think it’s Stephen Miller because of the writing style.

There’s a huge following among the Chan community. The left is terrified and claims it’s all a crazy conspiracy.

",1526748762,19/05/2018 16:52 8647784,3908242478,"

I follow Q also - doesn't mean we will win. The other side has a plan, the CIA (which Trump has not touched), the DOJ and the FED which means they are in control. They will let Trump be president as long as he doesn't touch the players who are all puppets for the richest families. The point where he had no choice was about a year ago. Trump's afraid as you can see from his chaos in his legal team.

",1526748873,19/05/2018 16:54 8651801,3908307816,"

April 3rd 19:45hrs

""The pope will be having a terrible May""

",1526752121,19/05/2018 17:48 8648633,3908312576,"

I think Mark Levin should learn to read the Qmap better, and trust the plan. #Qanon

",1526752364,19/05/2018 17:52 8654594,3908382171,"

Everyone should have a sense of humour, even Libtards !!!

HillaЯy Lost !!!

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

",1526755862,19/05/2018 18:51 8647784,3908410653,"

",1526757356,19/05/2018 19:15 8651801,3908429231,"

""Qanon"" has been predicting the downfall of this evil pope and it's about to come according to some - will resign. Also follow stuff re Cardinal Pell as it relates to all the pedophilia criminals we have in DC, etc.
PEDO-POPE To RESIGN! Ex-JAG Prosecutor Prepares to Skewer NXIVM Traffickers!

",1526758379,19/05/2018 19:32 8654411,3908512059,"

the alt right. Good one. Yes, that's it. Spin the worst political crime ever committed into my fault for voting Trump.

Let me tell you what is going to happen.

The good guys in the FBI and DOJ and going to show the bad guys that were in the FBI and DOJ exactly why you dont do what they did. If you are not sure what they did, read the comments and quit typing. It is preventing you from learning.

Now then, the good guys in the NSA and the CIA are going to show the bad guys in the NSA and CIA whose is better. Hint: There are many more good people than bad. Exponentially.

As the bad guys in the CIA, DOJ, NSA and CIA are feeling the pain, the bad guys in the Tech world, and in politics, and media are going to realize the protection they thought they had is crippled, and we are coming for them, thanks to the bad guys mentioned above that squealed. Trust me, they are squealing.

I would tell you about how next we would go after the 3 top heads of this global crime ring, but we have already brought them to their knees, and we are just getting started.

That brings me to the Obama Adminstration. Most of it. They are screwed. We have everything. They are going down for their crimes against the American People. Important note: They screwed the dem voters more than the rest of us. They not only rigged the primary, but got you dem voters to almost help them stay in power so they could steal from everyone of us again, even more. The money trail proves it. Oh, and there are GOPers on the list too. We all got screwed. The kicker is they tried to close down GITMO. Nice try Barry!

The big question is are we going to continue to allow the MSM/FB/Goog to lie to us and run cover for this global cabal?

I think we need to focus on the liars that enabled this. CNN, FB, Twitter, Goog and the likes. It's time for a come to Jesus meeting.

I just got suspended by @Jack, and it is my badge of honor, but allows Twitter to control our speech during the midterms. That is criminal.

Check out Operation Mayflower WWG1WGA on FB. James Woods tweeted about us yesterday. If you are a Patriot, and ready for the digital front lines, we have been waiting for you.


",1526763427,19/05/2018 20:57 8653466,3908524276,

“I” ? It was Q last week.

,1526764241,19/05/2018 21:10 8656592,3908527757,"

here's demonstrable proof and a testament to the LIBERAL VIEW & TAKE on our Constitution and the RULE OF LAW that permits a society to function with protections FOR ALL.

all except according to a liberal.

watch the last 30sec's or so of this Q & A by the bleeding heart liberal patti murray & our DHS Secretary, Kirstjen:

pick it up at 6:40....TEN SECONDS she b! t ch slaps murray....HARD!!!

",1526764479,19/05/2018 21:14 8647784,3908528119,"

Q-anob is a juvenile level psy-op that uses hive-mind slogans (WWG1WGO) and code-language which only Harry Potter and Dan Brown fans would find stimulating, to create a religious Trump worshiping community.

It is pitched to tweenies and immature gen x and y'yers to ""wake them up"" with prophecies, most of which fail, and ridiculous, repetitive admonitions to ""wake up!"" and ""think!"" and ""THINK LOGICALLY!"" and then ""think!"" again.

It is run like The Moonies or Jim Jones style where only group-think is permitted or ""please leave you're being divisive"".

The Q psy-op is designed to divide ""the conservative right"" and peel off as many $h1tferbrains as possible to paralyze everyone with soothing buII$h1t about ""the plan"" and ""30,000"" sealed indictments"" ostensibly for the arrest of deep state criminals but which are more likely for the arrest of real Patriots and conservative media personalities in the event the President is assassinated and / or we find ourselves at war with Russia.

The main message seems to be ""fear not my credulous children, we have it all in hand.... all your dreams are coming true because we are defeating deep state for you.... Trust Mueller... Trust Sessions.... Trust Rosenstein blah blah blah

I have a pertinent question.

Not too long ago, Media Matters, a Soros, deep state, democrat aligned attack dog announced to their operatives (the documents were leaked) that they were about to get far more serious about infiltrating and destroying conservative media and associated organs of the right.

Trump won the 2016 election and shocked the left and the Intel Community to their core. Outright censorship, infiltration of the right and the initiation of fake-right media, including many new fake channels on youtube was their answer to make sure this never happens again.

So my question....

As well as the countless citizen journalists on youtube and the blogosphere, the ""rebellious"" Chan Boards would have to be one of the main communities identified by Media Matters as integral to Trump's victory in 2016.

If the Q-anob operation is not the psy-op infiltration of The Chans by bad actors (pun intended) what is?

Has David Brock failed to identify the power of the Chans? and failed to target it for co-opting? If Brock has not failed, and who could fail to recognize the power of rebellious youth on the Chans, what is the Media Matters psy-op targetting the Chans.?

If anyone wants to argue that Q is not the Media Matters troll army psy-op transforming free thinkers into a hive-mind religion then tell me what it is.

Where is the penetration of the Chans and what is it?

",1526764504,19/05/2018 21:15 8656592,3908540666,"

Bad May...All 34 Chile Bishops go down for pedophilia, problem obviously goes deeper, Pope considering retirement


1 Comment Reports: All 34 bishops in Chile have tendered their resignations in the wake of yet another pedophile priest scandal in which high level officials covered up the institutionalized sexual abuse of minors - even threatening officials tasked with investigating sex crimes and the destruction of evidence. Thirty-one active bishops and three who are signed a document with their offers to resign following an emergency meeting this week with Pope Francis. Francis can accept the resignations one by one, reject them outright or delay a decision.
​Calls had mounted for the resignations after details emerged of the contents of a 2,300-page Vatican report into the Chilean scandal leaked early Friday. Francis had accused the bishops of destroying evidence of sex crimes, pressuring investigators to minimize abuse accusations and showing 'grave negligence' in protecting children from paedophile priests. In one of the most damning documents from the Vatican on the issue, Francis said the entire Chilean church hierarchy was collectively responsible for 'grave defects' in handling cases and the resulting loss of credibility that the Catholic Church has suffered. -Daily Mail
This now makes two incidents of pedophilia and child abuse involving the Catholic Church in the last week, as last week nuns in Columbia were busted for abuse of 60 children. Q was right and proven again by stating last month the Pope will have a bad May, as two cases of child abuse have been busted around the world involving the Catholic Church and the Pope stated earlier in the week he was thinking about retirement.
Eventually we are going two find out one of two things, that a child abuse ring operates right out of the Vatican and the Pope himself is likely involved. Remember when child abuse and pedophilia use to be a conspiracy, well that conspiracy is turning into fact, and it looks like a major pedo ring operates in the Roman Catholic Church...Where this will likely be directly connected to the Vatican any day now.

",1526765356,19/05/2018 21:29 8657198,3908549730,"

From Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.91 📁
May 19 2018 18:07:48 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday
They were wrong
Follow the pen
(picture of Trump's pen and papers signed for EO to release all House Intel Committee/Senate/Judiciary documents coming probably Wed.)

",1526765948,19/05/2018 21:39 8647784,3908550094,"

If Trump fires Sessions will Q tell us they're ""acting"" like the Trump / Bannon acrimonious split?

Or perhaps Q will tell us it's a deep state sting operation akin to the ""voter-fraud sting"" in the Alabama Senate election last year.

What was the name of that winning Alabama Senator who got sworn in again?

",1526765972,19/05/2018 21:39 8647784,3908555481,

You have that reversed friend. The troll army is supporting the Q-anob psy-op. Free thinkers have problems with the Q phenomonob but questions are verboten.

,1526766335,19/05/2018 21:45 8656778,3908609024,"

In other news....
Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed May 16! See at post #1392

",1526769938,19/05/2018 22:45 8657198,3908643238,"

Q is posting Trump's tweet about needing all documents released as House Intel Committee has requested (and Senate/Judiciary ones) with a picture of Trump's pen and papers signed apparently ready for his EO. And then this:

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.91 📁
May 19 2018 18:07:48 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday
They were wrong
Follow the pen

",1526772308,19/05/2018 23:25 8656778,3908668119,"

Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed May 16! See at post #1392

",1526774054,19/05/2018 23:54 8656730,3908678491,

Too funny! Follow Qanon. Know what Trump wants you to know. MAGA

,1526774778,20/05/2018 00:06 8656730,3908697661,"

OK Anons, Q didn't laugh, but he did snicker a bit when I told him. Good work hackfag!

",1526776144,20/05/2018 00:29 8657294,3908753678,

Or forced out through Trump+Sessions+Huber+Weinstein The Q Anon posts give huge numbers of Obama holdovers who have resigned. The Swamp is being Drained as promised.

,1526780719,20/05/2018 01:45 8657741,3908764128,"

Sessions needs to go .All you who think Q anon is someone that is proTrump, you are being scammed by another ""insurance policy"". Wake up sheep.

",1526781696,20/05/2018 02:01 8657741,3908781288,

Trust Jeff Sessions and Trust the Plan. from Q anon.

,1526783374,20/05/2018 02:29 8657741,3908784177,"


",1526783656,20/05/2018 02:34 8657741,3908793738,


,1526784601,20/05/2018 02:50 8657741,3908795417,

QAnon says Sessions is OK....(if you believe Q)

,1526784778,20/05/2018 02:52 8657741,3908796729,

Not sure yet.....(maybe). Trying to use logic and reason tied in with political motivations......I am keeping an open mind and want to believe Q.

,1526784915,20/05/2018 02:55 8657741,3908798430,"

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 352a77 1415794
May 15 2018 00:04:10 (EST)
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
We Fight!
We are in the middle of a Second Revolution. That is not a joke and this is not a game. Our government has been taken over by criminals and we nearly lost our Republic. - Praying Medic.
[ ] = killbox
]Sessions[ = outside killbox

Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

",1526785095,20/05/2018 02:58 8657741,3908803171,

Trust Sessions
Trust Kansas
Trust Wray

~ Q ~

,1526785593,20/05/2018 03:06 8657741,3908803425,

Trust Q ??? (Not sure)

,1526785618,20/05/2018 03:06 8657741,3908804193,

Has Q ever been right about anything? Or is it always just cryptic fortune teller tricks?

,1526785694,20/05/2018 03:08 8653466,3908805738,

Why was the Q replaced with an I...what does that mean???

,1526785854,20/05/2018 03:10 8657741,3908807375,"

If you follow Q {I do} there is a value in getting CONVICTIONS, not arrests. Any arrests not well thought out would be thrown out [remember, these despicable people have the best lawyers, the public, media and liberal judges on their side] . The Q posts are very intriguing and fun, and we will know by the end of the year, probably much sooner, if there is anything to this. I strongly suspect there is. The convincing drama is necessary to allow the covert, behind the scenes actions. Dont miss out on what could possibly be an epic, brilliant play.

",1526786018,20/05/2018 03:13 8657741,3908809384,"

For all you Q anon sheep, ask Q exactly ""when"" the poop is supposed to hit the fan and all is exposed.... He's so 'connected' he shouldn't have a problem with the timeline..... All this wait and hope b.s. coming from him is old.

",1526786223,20/05/2018 03:17 8657741,3908810028,"

It’s all fortune teller bullshittery. Just vague and cryptic nonsense that could mean anything, but really means nothing. Q is a bigger fraud than than the Wizard of Oz, maybe even a bigger fraud than Obama.

",1526786295,20/05/2018 03:18 8656592,3908812987,

The Don does it again. love it ! Mr Trump deserves a monument on Mount Rushmore..

MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.

,1526786618,20/05/2018 03:23 8657741,3908917148,"

This is why Clinton, Obama, Abedin, Kerry et el have been seen lately in NZ. Trying out a secretly developed iphone that is apparently undetectable to those keeping an eye on them 😀. Seems Q is way ahead of them and is noting their every move. That SIGNED document by the President beside the pen on Air Force is a hint at what is coming. Follow the pen!

",1526798727,20/05/2018 06:45 8657741,3908957085,

Nothing. You have reversed the situations. Read Q.

,1526802971,20/05/2018 07:56 8653466,3909036064,

What happened to Q. AAHHH! I can't keep up.

,1526810200,20/05/2018 09:56 8653466,3909037963,"

What is the 'I'... Isn't this a new identifier in the homosexual alphabet soup ?
And the Q is missing... Im confused.

Why isnt there a' U'... For ""UNSURE""?

",1526810348,20/05/2018 09:59 8657741,3909080597,"

I've heard Qanon say Jeff Sessions is working behind the scenes to crush the Deep State but I'm starting to have serious doubts about Sessions, and Qanon. I've lost ALL faith in everyone but the Freedom Caucus and DJT.

",1526813588,20/05/2018 10:53 8657741,3909091584,

Nope. At this point Q is proving a deep state plant.

,1526814393,20/05/2018 11:06 8657741,3909096080,

Who is Q?

,1526814715,20/05/2018 11:11 8657741,3909107363,"

Think logically.
The first thing Sessions did was state ""There will be no comments made on active investigations.
Then he recused himself from the Russia crap.
Cool!! He hasnt been looking at Russia crap. Now he gets to operate in relative obscurity.

Can you honestly imagine he has been sitting on his hands?
Trust Sessions
Trust Trump
Trust Huber
Trust Horowitz.
There is a plan in place.
Where We Go One, We Go All


",1526815512,20/05/2018 11:25 8657741,3909108798,"

I'm still not sure what to make of Sessions. I want to believe he's working quietly behind the scenes and will lower the boom on the deep state when the time is right. Playing his cards close to his vest, as they say. He was the first Senator to support DJT and seemed like a safe pick to pull out of the Senate for the job (even though the election to replace his seat didn't go to plan). I don't quite buy the ""he's a deep state plant"" theory, but I can't help but wonder if he's got a John Roberts blackmail/threat type of thing held over his head. Regardless, I thought that he should have dealt with Libby Schaaf immediately after she hid illegals before ICE raids. To me, that was low-hanging fruit and would have sent a very strong message. We'll have to wait and see what unfolds with him after the IG report is released, but I'm getting tired of our side constantly on defense. Q is suggesting that Trump may have already signed an EO to release all the documents (if you believe Q is legit...Jerome Corsi certainly does). I hope so.

",1526815610,20/05/2018 11:26 8657741,3909110537,

Now you are getting somewhere Schrod..Nice
Plan is proceeding at pace. No stopping it now.
The AVALANCHE is coming...pretty dam soon (T-23??)

The most amazing real time spy novel in the history of mankind. History books!

,1526815730,20/05/2018 11:28 8657741,3909111619,

It is True Judy

,1526815805,20/05/2018 11:30 8653466,3909135112,"

Oh I see, now an i at the end instead of a Q? Stop talking about the ALPHABET people! One letter covers ALL of them. Noone should be coddled, promoted, honored or given any kind of special treatment due to who or HOW they have sex.

Enough of ALL this vile shyte.

",1526817176,20/05/2018 11:52 8657741,3909139142,"

",1526817422,20/05/2018 11:57 8657741,3909144772,"

O lord, you turned into a Q fanatic now? Congrats you joined an online cult.

",1526817767,20/05/2018 12:02 8647790,3909170952,"

We're quite lucky Trump and Team #Qanon are working to drain the Global Swamp...

The Cabal are worried, hense the acceleration of the attempted White Genocide.

",1526819355,20/05/2018 12:29 8637809,3909191091,


The city where I went to school.

Where I started work

Where I raised millions of pounds for my businesses

Where I loved the Wren churches !!!

Now turned into this ???

Glad I am no longer there to witness it !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526820514,20/05/2018 12:48 8658677,3909192918,

Nothing trivial...

...I hope !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526820611,20/05/2018 12:50 8658323,3909194383,

Deport the UN !!!

Do it now !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526820690,20/05/2018 12:51 8658407,3909197044,

Iran is just a bigger version of ISIS !!!

Get rid of both !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526820836,20/05/2018 12:53 8652290,3909199329,

In just a few short decades...

...Sweden has rolled over and died !!!

I have a number of Swedish friends who have emigrated or are in the process of doing so.


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526820957,20/05/2018 12:55 8657846,3909202153,"

TRUMP is the first president to tackle China instead of rolling over to them !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Gchas (below) complains about 'rolling over to...'
About 671,000 results (0.31 seconds)
Tw4t !!!

",1526821109,20/05/2018 12:58 8657942,3909211718,

You're obviously a Q fan. What's supposed to happen on the 23rd?
I can't figure it out.

,1526821628,20/05/2018 13:07 8657741,3909235860,

Never equate Q with Alex Jones.

,1526822902,20/05/2018 13:28 8657741,3909246106,"

Some excellent Q commentary on YouTube: Nemos V, SpaceShot 76, Justinformed Talk, Praying Medic, Deplorable McAllister. Look them up!
""Where we go 1, we go all"" - Q

",1526823380,20/05/2018 13:36 8655857,3909271730,"

Yes. It is in fact Atheism and Secular Agnosticism teaching students life is pointless and has no meaning. Until God is restored as the Absolute authority, and personal accountability is restored, the sanctity if life will continue to be degraded. Atheism is not some harmless Intellectual fairy tale Cult. 110,000,000 have been murdered in Atheist genocide in the names of Athiest Dear Leaders. And over one billion are currently enslaved to Atheist Motherlands. It is time to shelve Atheism with Flat-Earthism. The earth, the sun and Atheists are not the centers of the Universe. ‘If it feels good do it’ Atheist moral relativity destroying society needs to be exposed. Not taught by Academia as the best thing since sliced bread. Math, music, logic, language and the scientific method can’t work in some random Alt Atheist universe. With out God to design, guarantee and maintain reliable repeatability. Harmonics physics is the hard scientific evidence of God. There is absolutely ZERO hard scientific evidence of an Atheist origin to life and our universe. Zapping chemicals in water created heavy oil, tar. Not life. Proof of abiotic oil, not life. And there are zero spontaneous complex systems that just appear for no reason, that science can study as an analog for our universe. The internet, and all others, have architects, puropely designed laws and rules, maintsiners and arbiters of the systems. Finally, Infinity = Alpha&Omega = God is scientifically proven by non other the uber Atheist Hawking. And by definition, Infinity=God needs no “creator”. Always was, is, will be. Q. E. D.

",1526824674,20/05/2018 13:57 8657741,3909283218,"

Youtube just informed talk on youtube, the praying medic, x22. Jeeome corsi. Q is top level military intelligence who drops high level “crumbs” that guide us in pres trumps mission to eliminate the deep state

",1526825270,20/05/2018 14:07 8637809,3909309859,

Oh London !!!

The city where I went to school.

Where I started work

Where I raised millions of pounds for my businesses

Where I loved the Wren churches !!!

Now turned into this ???

Glad I am no longer there to witness it !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526826632,20/05/2018 14:30 8637809,3909330961,

God save the Q... what is the word for a queen in Arabic?

,1526827330,20/05/2018 14:42 8657741,3909364560,"

Trust the plan. That’s what Q says anyway. I say, a lie travels round the world while the truth is lacing up its shoes. Watch the keepers on Netflix. You’ll understand that the depths of depravity that the political class are accused of isn’t really that far fetched.

",1526828973,20/05/2018 15:09 8657741,3909366734,"

You do know, they say Q has been hacked by the deep state !

",1526829076,20/05/2018 15:11 8654411,3909388888,"

Lol, Q says be patient.

Oops time to get my 4 Chan on, gotta go

",1526830129,20/05/2018 15:28 8659289,3909412390,"

",1526831217,20/05/2018 15:46 8657741,3909424930,"

I don't know who Q is, but I hope and pray that he is right.

It is hard to wait for so long and see nothing happening.
There is already so much information that has been made public, much of it over a year old, and still nothing.

""I'll wait no more for fire from God.
Speed the plough!""

Speed The Plough - Horslips

",1526831796,20/05/2018 15:56 8659295,3909443972,"

Reposted from r/greatawakening

(Highly Recommended Site)

Did Q or Trump send the Bishop to the Royal Wedding to intentionally red-pill the masses?

There was nothing sweeter than watching the Illuminati squirm in their seats while being forced to sit through an unscripted sermon where the words ""Love"", ""Jesus"", ""God"" and ""new world"" were repeated over and over again. I believe the word ""love"" was mentioned something like 75 times?

Now, as someone with an English heritage I can tell you nobody, I repeat - NOBODY - gets allocated 13.5 minutes to speak about Jesus and Love during a broadcast Royal Wedding. Particularly a non-English non-Anglican Pastor.

I would almost stake my life on the fact that this was NOT in the script, and definitely was NOT in the rehearsal!

The looks on the faces of the Queen, Phillip, Camilla and Andrews 'lot' et al - along the likes of Illuminati Prince George Crooney and his illuminati witch Bride - were absolutely priceless. I'm surprised their heads didn't start doing 360's.

How do you break a 'spell' made by Satanists? Incantation and repetition - what repels Satanic energy more than constantly repeating the words ""Jesus"", ""Love"" and ""God"" hundreds of times over and over and over again. Each time empowering the ""Christ"" energy and 'light illuminates darkness'.

What was the number of people watching this LIVE across the world? Hundreds of Millions? It's a Royal Wedding - not like they could cut the feed.

One thing that struck me the most was Megan Markles Mother.

She looked like one of the worlds most serene, beautiful, gentle, loving, lonely and troubled souls.

The way she looked at her daughter was with intense love, pride and with great sadness and pain. Never have I seen a woman look so very lonely at her daughters wedding. What an incredible strength and loving energy this beautiful woman has. I saw her light up when the Bishop spoke - like she had hope in her heart.

Nothing about this marriage sits right.

There's much behind the scenes that goes unsaid and my thoughts on that would take up pages of writing.

Needless to say - time WILL tell what happens next. I pray for her and for her daughter and new Son in law - and really do hope that God DOES bless them in righteousness and brings them to a new world of hope, love, and Christ consciousness.

But, back to the Bishop? Thanks for the Red-Pill Sir. Hopefully, one day the world will be eternally grateful!

",1526832681,20/05/2018 16:11 8637809,3909454035,

This is London !!!

The city where I went to school.

Where I started work

Where I raised millions of pounds for my businesses

Where I loved the Wren churches !!!

Now turned into this ???

Glad I am no longer there to witness it !!!


Follow the pen.
Updated: Q !CbboFOtcZs

,1526833141,20/05/2018 16:19 8657741,3909493972,

yes. Qanon pretty much alluded to if sessions was compromised trump would of gotten rid of him long ago.

,1526834978,20/05/2018 16:49 8653466,3909585488,

What the hell is the I? I thought it was a Q. Think God I'm heterosexual. They're too confusing.

,1526839186,20/05/2018 17:59 8659295,3909591559,


,1526839464,20/05/2018 18:04 8659295,3909603334,"

Speaking of half black/white ---
Q posted this today --- ? Re Obama
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526840003,20/05/2018 18:13 8659295,3909634612,


,1526841374,20/05/2018 18:36 8659763,3909663012,

Q Lives! Q was right. Trump agenda coming in for a safe landing. :)

,1526842715,20/05/2018 18:58 8659763,3909664594,"

Trust the plan.

",1526842791,20/05/2018 18:59 8659763,3909665373,"

Sessions is about to prove Q right and do his job finally against the crazy odds. ""Trust Sessions"" seems to be for this moment.

",1526842828,20/05/2018 19:00 8659763,3909666478,

I can’t wait for tomorrow. This is a Q BOOOOOOMMM!

,1526842882,20/05/2018 19:01 8659763,3909667139,"

Wait and see. Lots of acting going on right now. Follow Q, helps ease the chaos and offers assurance. It's the real deal.

",1526842913,20/05/2018 19:01 8659763,3909668460,

To be on Trump's side and go after corruption when the moment was ripe. He better. It will go a long way to prove Q was legit to people who still doubt.

,1526842979,20/05/2018 19:02 8659763,3909673025,

Is this the Q prediction? Than now comes the pain:)!!!

,1526843206,20/05/2018 19:06 8659763,3909674483,"

""Trust Sessions"" might start to have meaning. Remember Q. If this turns out correct, it goes against everything we could fathom.

",1526843278,20/05/2018 19:07 8659295,3909684644,


,1526843770,20/05/2018 19:16 8659763,3909687462,"

This EO is finally the beginning of the end of many high profile traitors we've been waiting and working for! Q has predicted this, and many other things. Today he posted this re Obama: THINK

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526843904,20/05/2018 19:18 8659763,3909708676,"

To all those complaining it took so long --- before you can fairly prosecute, you have to get judges that aren't corrupt, clean out bad actors in DOJ, etc. THAT's what they've been doing. Note New York AG resignation, new judges in certain districts, etc. While ""setting the stage"" they had to keep the Deep State fooled....which required disinformation games. This is a humongous undertaking & must be done right the first time. Now is the time.....note:
Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed May 16! See at post #1392

Get ready for all those high profile indictments we've been waiting for soooooo...long.

",1526844962,20/05/2018 19:36 8659763,3909743476,"

This EO is finally the beginning of the end of many high profile traitors. Q has predicted this, and many other things. Today he posted this re Obama: (Think what this can mean !)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526846750,20/05/2018 20:05 8659763,3909743722,"

A certain Mr A Weiner, Prisoner# 79112-054. Defendant - Unsealing Order Cr 307 (DLC)

If you are a lawyer, you can look it up.

If not, Q has published the front page of it.

",1526846764,20/05/2018 20:06 8659763,3909745067,

Follow Q anon.
So much to learn. Fascinating.

,1526846838,20/05/2018 20:07 8659763,3909757867,"

Be prepared for more desperate reactions from ""them"" since this is all coming to a head now.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d22c7f No.1482139 📁
May 20 2018 12:54:04 (EST)
Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.
Be prepared.
TRUST the plan.
Conspiracy NO MORE.
We are in full control.
(Clown Army = CIA Black Hats & their puppets)

",1526847520,20/05/2018 20:18 8659763,3909787550,"

Q has predicted this, and many other things. Today he posted this re Obama: (Think - what would happen if Obama is finally declared criminal/ illegitimate Pres. ?!)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526849103,20/05/2018 20:45 8659763,3909795844,

you think Q is legit Mort?

,1526849579,20/05/2018 20:52 8659859,3909814961,

Like Q said....

,1526850725,20/05/2018 21:12 8660105,3909824619,

Peeps be getting woke.
Follow Q anon

,1526851313,20/05/2018 21:21 8659763,3909852130,"

Anyone following Q posts need to read this anons post putting the latest q drops together. Some brilliant work. Crazy things are going down soon.

",1526852900,20/05/2018 21:48 8659859,3909864660,

Follow Q anon

,1526853710,20/05/2018 22:01 8659859,3909867146,"

I can't follow qanon, it's too cryptic.

",1526853879,20/05/2018 22:04 8659763,3909870224,"


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d22c7f o.1N482139📁
May 20 2018 12:54:04 (EST) >>1482048
Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.
Be prepared.
TRUST the plan.
Conspiracy NO MORE.
We are in full control.

",1526854094,20/05/2018 22:08 8659859,3909872887,"

Yes, Q mention that
But the FF i Believe may have been the Crash in Cuba that killed 100+ people, then the Shooting happen.
The Plane crash could have been planned, the Shooting not so much.

",1526854273,20/05/2018 22:11 8659763,3909877984,"

Oh, they can’t have more than one? My bad, Q.

",1526854614,20/05/2018 22:16 8659763,3909879395,

ok... perhaps you should read'd feel better

,1526854707,20/05/2018 22:18 8659763,3909882120,"

I think they have and will use all the evidence they have on Obama - including the all important fraudulent birth certificate --- Today Q posted this:
!CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526854887,20/05/2018 22:21 8659763,3909896069,

Sessions gonna step up soon.
He had to wait for obama judges and DAs to get replaced.
Follow Q anon

,1526855800,20/05/2018 22:36 8659763,3909898629,

Follow Q anon

,1526855968,20/05/2018 22:39 8660327,3909913858,"

Do you seriously think that Trump would allow Sessions and Mueller (whom he met with at Trump Tower in early January 2017) to stay if they weren't doing the job of draining the swamp? You certainly do not understand how strong Trump is. This has been planned for a long long time- this is Kabuki Theater- they want to ensure Hillary and Obama so not cover up their sins- and Obama hired 9 lawyers this past he knows something is coming...Hillary does too....notice all the people saying they want to run for office? Including Hillary- this is so they can say that Trump is going after them because of politics...he has to ensure all can be proven without any doubt. There is a lot of proof- but they must ensure there are no mistakes- they have to go slow, because they are concerned with the idiots on the left sparking a civil they are going slowly. The Justice Phase just began....Allison Mack is naming big names (she is connected to the Clinton Foundation- their Pedo Ring)- yes it exists. Anthony Weiner's indictment was just unsealed. Rudy is a PROSECUTER- not a defense attorney and he has lots of connections in NY. Notice all the DOJ and FBI that have been fired- all cleaned out- and all the politicians that are not running again- you will see them all again when the trials start...there are 10,000 sealed will see that number decrease until Sept 1st- then they finally go after Hillary and Obama- because everyone below then will be talking! They plan of Military Tribunals. You need to read Q...let me know if you would like the address. Though you can find info everywhere. Trump promised to drain the swamp- he said he would arrest Hillary if he won- he said he always keep his promises- BELIEVE HIM!
There are also a lot of CEO's that quit- this is because of Trump's EO of Dec 21st 2017! (google it)

",1526856959,20/05/2018 22:55 8657741,3909920986,

I knew the Q Cult would show up with their chant “thrust the plan.”

,1526857430,20/05/2018 23:03 8660327,3909921531,"

here read this- and I know it's hard to decipher- but Q (and we think it is a group of Generals) has been verified- if you need help in figuring out this military talk- go to You Tube- to the PrayingMedic and people like that who research it.

",1526857467,20/05/2018 23:04 8660327,3909923094,

Oh so you know better than anyone- you are personally there- do you not get they are playing a part so that they get all the info- Q is inside- he is telling Patriots what is really going on- research it!

,1526857569,20/05/2018 23:06 8660327,3909932933,"

are you serious? Read this..ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED!

",1526858236,20/05/2018 23:17 8659283,3909937619,"

All administrations since JFK have shafted the American public. That being said, Hillary killing Qaddafi did more for John Q. Public than anything Trump has done.

",1526858554,20/05/2018 23:22 8660327,3909938122,"

i should correct that- they have been FIRED...prosecution comes next-

",1526858587,20/05/2018 23:23 8660072,3909949752,"

they have been cleaned out- it's just Trump and Sessions can't tell Congress the truth- and they can not let them have the unreacted papers because they are going to be evidence in court and so they can not allow them to be released!

",1526859388,20/05/2018 23:36 8657741,3910015218,"

Look for May 23rd to be a big day.

Also, may 25th is 5:25 = Q on the clock.

Tick Tock!

",1526864007,21/05/2018 00:53 8657741,3910015676,"

Look for May 23rd to be a big day.

Also, may 25th is 5:25 = Q on tje clock.

Tick Tock!

",1526864043,21/05/2018 00:54 8659859,3910107919,"

The first time knew Trump would win was when he wouldn't raise his hand like the other 16 sheep....... lol oh yeah, Nunes is one of the countries biggest patriots we've had since the ones in 76, (-: Him and Arpaio and Montgomery, Sessions, and the intel that love country more than self. And our real free press Assange, AJ, Q, and all the anons and the brave at FOX.

",1526872443,21/05/2018 03:14 8659763,3910110037,"

",1526872679,21/05/2018 03:17 8659763,3910117642,


,1526873543,21/05/2018 03:32 8659763,3910118669,


,1526873658,21/05/2018 03:34 8659763,3910119741,"

You caps lock is stuck idiot... I know Q ANON, but your comment is truly gibberish... You think you're cool and all, but you come across as a dolt... So back to, speak English tool...

",1526873785,21/05/2018 03:36 8660807,3910123079,"

..... remember what Q said. "" Pay attention to the one's who are resigning both from government and business."" President Trump knows this turd took money from KKKlinton's campaign. He may be resigning sooner than he expected. If ya know what I mean.

",1526874169,21/05/2018 03:42 8660807,3910125733,

Remember when Q said that Soros had been arrested and all those medical boots were really just to conceal ankle monitors?

,1526874462,21/05/2018 03:47 8659763,3910131635,"

Q-anon is a fraud, those 28,000 indictments are as fake as Hillary's stay in GITMO. The blame for the witch hunt falls on Trump alone. He has the power to fire every last person trying to oust him. If he fails to get control of the executive branch, thats on him.

",1526875135,21/05/2018 03:58 8659763,3910132206,

.... actually he and I met while discussing Q . Troll.

,1526875201,21/05/2018 04:00 8661149,3910175859,

I dunno. Q Anon says it's a big day.

,1526880022,21/05/2018 05:20 8655851,3910392676,"

There's a picture circulating on the Web that shows the photo of Q. Elizabeth looking at Markle as she walks down the aisle...the look on Queeny's face says it all...the caption reads, ""When you're plotting a car crash, but remember you did that already.""

",1526897833,21/05/2018 10:17 8662223,3910423388,

sounds like Q was right and the house of cards is about to crash

,1526899537,21/05/2018 10:45 8662223,3910427901,"

The one I can share is 8ch dot net slash patriotsfight.

The other board is where everybody gets together to research, and you have to dig hard to find anything Q says. They hate us sharing that one for some reason, but honestly you wouldn't get much from those posts. They aren't designed to be easily understood by a single person (but a few are). YouTube is a better place to go, but a lot of people even there misinterpret. This lady is the best I have found so far, despite the nasal voice, lol:

",1526899770,21/05/2018 10:49 8662223,3910445983,"

Pain the 23rd. If so, proof of Q.

",1526900678,21/05/2018 11:04 8662043,3910454544,

At this point I’m amazed the *Left* hasn’t taken out this miserable cûnt yet.

Can you imagine this diseased harpy as POTUS? No wonder the Q crowd says there would have been a military coup if she had won.

,1526901112,21/05/2018 11:11 8662043,3910455104,"

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.93 📁
May 20 2018 12:46:10 (EST)

Follow the PEN.
Think timing.
The attacks will only get worse.
They are losing [all] control.
Re his EO:
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account
20h20 hours ago

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

",1526901140,21/05/2018 11:12 8662223,3910467094,"

Most have given up on the eligibility of Obama's Presidency but .....hope again?
From Q yesterday:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526901744,21/05/2018 11:22 8662043,3910486104,"

We Are Q !!!

",1526902649,21/05/2018 11:37 8662223,3910488854,"

I agree, I want action, I want them in Jail, no more Q bull and all the talking heads, lock them up, the proof is in.

",1526902782,21/05/2018 11:39 8662223,3910513003,"

This is essentially what Q says, too. I hope you both are right and that Sessions really is doing something. I pray.

",1526903900,21/05/2018 11:58 8662223,3910515756,"

This is still up:

",1526904025,21/05/2018 12:00 8662043,3910525473,"

please ""The Things That Wouldn't Leave"" Hillary is like
drunk in denial. Can't see how foolish she sounds. John Q Public
can only pity and shake their heads now at her pathetic ass.
a role model for the DNC and women every where.

",1526904478,21/05/2018 12:07 8660819,3910540965,"

When it says John Q. Representative or Senator. (D)--- that means
demoncrat a lying,lawbreaking, U.S. hating, baby murdering scum.

",1526905184,21/05/2018 12:19 8659763,3910547012,"

They already know about Q, no doubt in my mind.

",1526905455,21/05/2018 12:24 8662223,3910554799,

Welcome to the party. Try Qanon.

,1526905797,21/05/2018 12:29 8662223,3910556752,"

Most have given up re the eligibility of Obama's Presidency but .....hope again?
From Q yesterday:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

",1526905881,21/05/2018 12:31 8662043,3910588885,"

be careful, their was a story out last week, Q has been hacked by the deep state !!

",1526907273,21/05/2018 12:54 8662400,3910739851,"

Don't give up yet re Obama's ineligibility as Pres. either. Trump has not forgotten.

From Q yesterday:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187 📁
May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.

This is the tweet he refers to:
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account
How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
1:32 PM - 12 Dec 2013

Video of crash - Fuddy fake death or fake murder? I'm sure Trump's White Hat Intel crew know.....

",1526913434,21/05/2018 14:37 8659763,3910760835,"

I'm very anxious to find out if the Deep State was using ZTE phones to communicate with one another, as posted on the Qanon boards.

",1526914243,21/05/2018 14:50 8663843,3910766291,"

that Q Anon fellow said the Pope was going to have a ""bad May"".

makes you wonder....

",1526914452,21/05/2018 14:54 8657741,3910779469,


,1526914968,21/05/2018 15:02 8663843,3910875990,"

Even worse, he is a satanist...same as HRC, the NWO cabal and many others. The truth will be revealed. For those who research online, there's lots of proof. Look into QAnon for one.

",1526918671,21/05/2018 16:04 8663843,3910885714,

The pope is going to have a very bad May. QAnon

,1526919049,21/05/2018 16:10 8662400,3910903592,"

Your tinfoil hat is too tight.

Trump knew this would happen, and he was ready for it.

Read Q.

It's happening as we speak.

Take the red pill.

",1526919747,21/05/2018 16:22 8660819,3910918858,

Do you follow Q...........

or Sundance............

or both?

,1526920344,21/05/2018 16:32 8662400,3911013488,"

The NSA has everything Trump needs to put them away, and the NSA is on Trump's team.

Read Q.

It's happening as we speak.

",1526924004,21/05/2018 17:33 8664698,3911114056,


,1526928046,21/05/2018 18:40 8664698,3911124334,

Anyone who has read Q will know what is happening here !!!



,1526928467,21/05/2018 18:47 8664656,3911126391,

Anyone reading Q will know what is happening here !!!



,1526928550,21/05/2018 18:49 8663882,3911128438,

You have hit the nail bang on the head !!!

Anyone reading Q will know what is happening !!!



,1526928635,21/05/2018 18:50 8663882,3911142815,"

Interpretation, if needed:

",1526929232,21/05/2018 19:00 8663882,3911144006,

Q is an anonymous poster who writes in a cryptic fashion. There are speculations as to who he/she is. Q seems to know things before things drop. Q asserts that we should trust Sessions. I'm on the fence but it is fascinating see this unravel. Google Q anon recent posts.

,1526929284,21/05/2018 19:01 8663882,3911149115,"

Q is nothing more than a cottage industry..........

to hawk books and souvenirs on Amazon and Ebay...........

",1526929507,21/05/2018 19:05 8665133,3911153260,"

Well. They are getting desperate. Good.

Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.
Be prepared.
TRUST the plan.
Conspiracy NO MORE.
We are in full control.


",1526929690,21/05/2018 19:08 8664656,3911170867,"

Praying Medic is a cool, calm and collected guy who exercises huge care in explaining the Wittgensteinian-style code in which Q posts.

Far nicer than me !!! 😈😈😈

",1526930473,21/05/2018 19:21 8664698,3911207178,"

In the beginning I didn't believe this Q thing, but I confess I am a believer now. Too many coincidences coming true.

",1526932151,21/05/2018 19:49 8647784,3911215930,

I read all the Q but I don't trust Sessions.

,1526932582,21/05/2018 19:56 8664656,3911234485,

What is Q?

,1526933541,21/05/2018 20:12 8663240,3911235161,"

False. The giant increase in projected debt produced more money. The danger of Q.E. would be increased inflation, which didn't happen. The debt king would do anything to show bigger DJA #s than Obama. After the Terrible tariffs, he is falling behind, and inflation is larger!

",1526933578,21/05/2018 20:12 8664656,3911241498,"

I don't read Q and have known far more than Q for the past 2 years and more on this matter ! No big deal or anything new at all. Most of what Q has said, I wrote about a year prior or more. .

",1526933904,21/05/2018 20:18 8664656,3911243518,"

Interpretation, if required:

",1526934010,21/05/2018 20:20 8664656,3911252904,"

OK. Good for you. Q has only been posting since September last.

Now answer me this:

You have the screws on Mueller and can send him down for his crimes over Uranium One and other charges.
But given SP, he can land you one or more of the following: Soros, Obama, HillaЯy, Bill.

Do you trade or don't you ???

",1526934514,21/05/2018 20:28 8664656,3911254598,"

Interpretation, if required, here:

",1526934607,21/05/2018 20:30 8664656,3911307624,"

Think outside the box, cat. Q has not even revealed ANYTHING. I think he's a disinfo operator.
Does this fool Trump realize these departments are SUPPOSED to answer to him? He can fire these clowns and REPLACE THEM.
What kind of ""leadership"" is this? He needs to stop tweeting and start LEADING!

",1526937588,21/05/2018 21:19 8665133,3911329029,


,1526938839,21/05/2018 21:40 8665133,3911341223,

He has ALWAYS been a Patriot!
He's about to reveal what he's really been doing!
Research QAnon.

,1526939557,21/05/2018 21:52 8665133,3911381189,"

I'm skeptical of all this Q business, but sometimes they gets things right:

Military OP.
General K [JFK]
Full Disclosure.
General Statement:
Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

Well see if Rod Rosenstein does recuse, or get fired.

",1526941709,21/05/2018 22:28 8665133,3911402574,"

DOJ allows Congress to review classified docs after Trump, Rosenstein, Wray meeting



View image on Twitter


JUST IN: After meeting with Wray and Rosenstein, White House says DOJ has asked inspector general to ""expand its current investigation to include any irregularities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s or the Department of Justice’s tactics concerning the Trump Campaign.""

4:38 PM - May 21, 2018


224 people are talking about this

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Is the storm here and is the pain coming for the Deep State, because the first thing in a very long time has happened...Where the DOJ/FBI will allow Congress to review highly classified documents. Now basically since this is a meeting of the FBI, DOJ, and Trump....This is likely a hint at what this classified information involves. This will likely involve three things, the Obama spy ring on Trump with help from foreign entities, FISA Gate, and of course Hillary Clinton. Now what could happen out of this you wonder...Well Q did state bring the pain this pass weekend. So hopefully this meeting between Trump, Rosenstein, and Wray includes just that...Pain for the Obama/Clinton cabal and Deep State actors. Now lets wait to see what the Congress members will review.

",1526942772,21/05/2018 22:46 8659763,3911408993,"

It will and it is. Obviously you need to be red pilled. Yes the swamp is deep but Patriots need to fight. We don’t know who Q is but they are very, very close to the President. We are told to Be Prepared. We are told there will be pain. We are told to be strong and we are told to fight. Fight for America. Too many have died for YOUR children and Grandchildren to be turned over to slavery; do you not understand that? These words have been dropped in the last couple of weeks as attacks ramp up to stop what is about to happen. Q has said the most absolute panic is set in as the deep state do not want YOU to know what they have been doing.

If you are a Christian, you will be blessed to know that the battle is about to take place and Q has asked us to pray. This is very, very serious. Then Q left us with this.

""Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.""
– Ephesians 6:10-18

""Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.""
– 1 Cor 13:4-13

",1526943119,21/05/2018 22:51 8663513,3911445012,

Is this photo offensive? I'm thin and in the middle of Times Square. Archive offline per Q! This may be illegal in the future if thin frames are outlawed in tourist-driven hot spots.

,1526945106,21/05/2018 23:25 8665133,3911467751,"

Sessions has balls coming in a DUMP TRUCK....
He's taking on GLOBALISTS, pedo-traffickers, CIA ops, corrupted bankers, etc.
Read the Q board.

",1526946379,21/05/2018 23:46 8665133,3911473113,"

General K. General Statement: Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated. From the latest Q post....

",1526946673,21/05/2018 23:51 8665133,3911502810,

Is Qanon real?

,1526948393,22/05/2018 00:19 8661149,3911537799,"

The Deep State is desperate and is killing kids via drugged misfits. There is no doubt. Q has warned there will be more and escalating violence.

As for this event, what kind of people even watch award shows now? All the garbage spew is just so predictable. NO THANKS.

",1526950482,22/05/2018 00:54 8663729,3911603414,"

This might help.


",1526955171,22/05/2018 02:12 8666510,3911641904,

Now comes the pain.

Enjoy the show!


,1526958752,22/05/2018 03:12 8665094,3911654889,

I'm Q.

,1526960031,22/05/2018 03:33 8663873,3911771824,

Look at them in that picture at the top - in a Q to live off whatever host country they've got into - turns your stomach just looking at them.

,1526972010,22/05/2018 06:53 8663882,3911853933,

it was pretty much the whole World vs. Trump and The Don beat them all ! ! !
You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.

,1526979142,22/05/2018 08:52 8665094,3911858848,"

Vatican's most senior archbishop convicted of covering up child abuse since 1970's


1 Comment

​Fox News Reports: An Australian archbishop who was the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in the world charged with covering up child sex abuse was convicted Tuesday and faces a potential two years in prison. Magistrate Robert Stone handed down the verdict against Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson in Newcastle Local Court, north of Sydney, following a magistrate-only trial.
The new Breathable Luxe bra by Vanity Fair – soft cups with micro-holes and microfiber fabric promote airflow, offering unparalleled breathability. Wilson, 67, had pleaded not guilty to knowing of the crimes of a pedophile priest in the 1970s. He denied under oath in court last month that two former altar boys ever told him that they had been sexually abused by a priest. Wilson, who has been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, said he had known one of the former altar boys and his family when he was an assistant priest in the Hunter Valley region north of Sydney in the mid-1970s.
The bad May as Q calls it continues for the Pope and the Vatican, as the Roman Catholic Church's most senior bishop Adelaide Philip Wilson has gone down for covering up child sex crimes in the church since the 1970's. This is a major conviction and indictment, because this monster who is the most senior bishop for the Vatican has been covering up child sex abuse in the church since the 70's...So you can bet the Vatican's most senior bishop busted for covering up child sex will possibly talk.
​ Wonder if this archbishop who is the most senior for the Vatican getting busted for covering up the child sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican is why Pope Francis is thinking about retirement? Really since the 1970's, this most senior bishop for the Vatican knows a lot...And he just got busted for covering up the church's child abuse taking place since the 1970's.

",1526979501,22/05/2018 08:58 8664698,3911938139,"

I wish you were right, but believe you wrong. Q is appearing more and more to be nothing but someone playing games and creating wishful thinking -- buying time most likely. We have heard about these 30,000 sealed indictments and Sessions and the Trump administration going to be indicting all these high-level ""players"" like Clinton, Podesta, Holder, Lynch, etc., yet all the aforementioned are as vocal as hell about the Trump administration and if this was going down, they'd be nervous, shutting up, and working on leaving the US to avoid such arrest and prosecution.

Don't get me wrong -- I wish it were authentic as this ruling class NEEDS to be indicted and tried for treason, but I just don't see it happening.

",1526984441,22/05/2018 10:20 8665469,3911957192,

I saw a release by a judge I think on the 15th or 16th that basically ordered the NYPD to release all data and communications on Carlos Dangers laptop. It was on a Qnon Twitter feed. Whether it was real or not I don't know.

,1526985480,22/05/2018 10:38 8667299,3911998328,

It's way deeper than Tucker knows. Q knows how deep it goes. T- to boom. Its happening people of America.

,1526987573,22/05/2018 11:12 8666510,3912074829,"

Those interested in a preview of what's to come, login to
Q has shown time and time again the information they posts is free of lies and heavy on the truth.
Those that have been following Q have known since March 8th that North Korea was going to come to the table, long before the media caught wind of it.
The Great Awakening is happening now, In early posts Q said that before the arrests of the corrupt could happen the FBI, CIA, DNI ,NSA had to be purged of those that are part of or beholden to the deep state.
Q also indicated that the narrative needed to be changed, the recent exposure of the mass corruption in our intel agencies is doing just that.
If you do just a wee bit of research the list of those fired and resigned from those agencies grows longer each day
Trust the plan !!!
MAGA !!!

",1526990972,22/05/2018 12:09 8667299,3912113047,"

Speculation based on Q post #1433: John Francis Kelly [JFK] will publicly release details of Las Vegas shooting soon, after Congress has been fully informed, Which will force Rod Rosenstein to resign or forcibly be removed, and be replaced by this guy temporarily.

",1526992544,22/05/2018 12:35 8667299,3912121477,"

Trump was Johnny Q Public at the time and not the Dir. of the CIA. Also, Trump's information didn't kick off a special prosecutor and was never an attempt to impeach Pres. Obama. Got any more Red Herrings?

",1526992896,22/05/2018 12:41 8669777,3912185888,"

Oh yeah, the noose is tightening!
Go Trump, Go Q, Go USA, Go Americans!

",1526995465,22/05/2018 13:24 8407193,3912354026,

We are Q :)

,1527001640,22/05/2018 15:07 8407193,3912366074,

I am just discovering the Q movement and you are farther ahead than I. We will get there!

,1527002102,22/05/2018 15:15 8407193,3912369389,"

Anyone else notice Q highlighted this piece at 11:52 am ET today? He links BB a lot!
Slowly & carefully.
Did you see the Ryan [PR] interview a short time ago?
When you are no longer seeking another term you are 'FREE' to make better decisions.
'Flood is coming'
Future proves past.


",1527002226,22/05/2018 15:17 8407193,3912377241,"

quick look, it is just the ""17"" post only, easier to view

",1527002515,22/05/2018 15:21 8407193,3912379835,"

I don't pretend to know what's going on with Sessions, but I do sense an overall plan to allow the traitors to out themselves. They are that full of arrogance and hubris and most are not very smart. Most cannot keep their mouths shut! Q keeps saying ""These people are STUPID."" It's the truth.

",1527002613,22/05/2018 15:23 8659145,3912401515,

There’s a judge here in Salem MA. that would find that these two were guilty of nothing but a “Money Crime” and would give both probation and charge them about $150 in court costs. Judge Timothy Q Feeley just last week let an illegal immigrant heroin dealer walk out of court with the sentence sited above. He listed as mitigating factors that the dealer wasn’t an addict and a conviction would have meant he would be held on an ICE detainer and probably deported.
Justice isn’t always just.
Thank the lord this arrest was made in a state other than Massachusetts.

,1527003419,22/05/2018 15:36 8670847,3912402750, is Ryan facing some legal issues? Is that what's being said in this Q post? Or is it something worse?

,1527003464,22/05/2018 15:37 8407193,3912443459,

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.98 📁
May 22 2018 11:52:25 (EST)

Did you see the Ryan [PR] interview a short time ago?
When you are no longer seeking another term you are 'FREE' to make better decisions.
'Flood is coming'
Future proves past.


,1527004885,22/05/2018 16:01 8663882,3912446338,

I find the whole Q thing very odd. I'm really not sure what to think. That he needs interpretation and translation is suspect. Any idea why he doesn't speak plainly?

,1527004967,22/05/2018 16:02 8670847,3912448440,"

Get rid of Paul Ryan and put in Jim Jordan. This will solve many problems especially the big problem called Jeff Sessions. Jeff Sessions is eating Bob Mueller noodles and not doing much of anything else so he has to be forced to resign or be impeached.

Force Jeff Sessions to resign and President Trump can appoint a temporary AG under the Vacancies Act. As the link declares, the other way is to get rid of Paul Ryan as Speaker and put in Jim Jordan who has already called for Sessions to resign. If Sessions does not resign, impeach Jeff Sessions.

[This comment will upset the Deep State enablers at Conservative Treehouse and QAnon who persist alongside Jeff Sessions with the delay and stonewall strategy of the Deep State.]

",1527005045,22/05/2018 16:04 8670032,3912450416,"

QAnon Pirated: We Must Police Ourselves

",1527005121,22/05/2018 16:05 8670032,3912454696,"

What the Deep State and its enablers at Conservative Treehouse and QAnon fear the most is a quick resolution of the DOJ/FBI/CIA corruptions. That's why this resolution and more special counsels are so important - as a signal to the Deep State that the fight is on.

Jeff Sessions is eating Bob Mueller noodles and not doing much of anything else so he has to be forced to resign or be impeached. A second (and more) special counsel will expedite Sessions' removal.

Force Jeff Sessions to resign and President Trump can appoint a temporary AG under the Vacancies Act. As the link declares, the other way is to get rid of Paul Ryan as Speaker and put in Jim Jordan who has already called for Sessions to resign. If Sessions does not resign, impeach Jeff Sessions.

[This comment will upset the Deep State enablers at Conservative Treehouse and QAnon who persist alongside Jeff Sessions with the delay and stonewall strategy of the Deep State.]

",1527005284,22/05/2018 16:08 8669772,3912471397,"

QAnon Pirated: We Must Police Ourselves

No Fear.

",1527005893,22/05/2018 16:18 8670847,3912473125,"

Rubbish. What you advocate is the delay and stonewall tactics of the Deep State as advocated by QAnon and Conservative Treehouse.

The Vacancies Act functions without dispute under resignations but it will be challenged in court (see the Mike Mulvaney court battle in court) if President Trump fires Jeff Sessions. If the Vacancies Act is challenged in court that would leave Rod Rosenstein, a Trump hater, in charge of the DOJ.

President Trump has frequently denounced Jeff Sessions as disgraceful by inaction. Conservative Treehouse and QAnon continue to deceive Trump supporters with lies about how President Trump could fire Jeff Sessions but then don't mention how the Vacancies Act really functions.

Conservative Treehouse and QAnon alongside comments like yours enable the Deep State tactic of delay and stonewall past the November elections.

",1527005956,22/05/2018 16:19 8669777,3912473494,"

QAnon Pirated: We Must Police Ourselves

Death To The Deep State.

",1527005969,22/05/2018 16:19 8407193,3912480047,"

A rush into prosecutions w/o complete, verifiable facts usually results in no conviction. Q is re-iterating a key point here - one that cannot be missed - the bad guys are hemmed in on all sides. Unlike Mueller's dog and pony show, the Stealth Assassin did all his work quietly and in the background, with little interruption. And now, unshackled from TPB by not running again, Ryan is finally giving full House approval for all of it. Perfect.

Thanks yet again, Q! Future proves past.

",1527006196,22/05/2018 16:23 8670847,3912481868,"

What is needed are prosecutions. You should WAKE UP!

Jeff Sessions ""numerous investigations"" are part of the delay and stonewall tactics by the Deep State. Wake up and see that what Conservative Treehouse and QAnon advocate is delay and stonewall.

Has Andrew McCabe been prosecuted yet. It's been months since his case was sent to prosecutors. Delay, delay, delay, stonewall, stonewall, stonewall. But you are happy with delay and stonewall.

Also Jeff Sessions was not the one that started the Clinton email investigation by Horowitz in January 2017. That investigation has gone on all of last year and half of this year. What you advocate is endless delay and stonewall past the elections in November. Walk up!

",1527006259,22/05/2018 16:24 8670847,3912490832,"

Vatican's most senior archbishop convicted of covering up child abuse since 1970's


1 Comment

​Fox News Reports: An Australian archbishop who was the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in the world charged with covering up child sex abuse was convicted Tuesday and faces a potential two years in prison. Magistrate Robert Stone handed down the verdict against Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson in Newcastle Local Court, north of Sydney, following a magistrate-only trial.
The new Breathable Luxe bra by Vanity Fair – soft cups with micro-holes and microfiber fabric promote airflow, offering unparalleled breathability. Wilson, 67, had pleaded not guilty to knowing of the crimes of a pedophile priest in the 1970s. He denied under oath in court last month that two former altar boys ever told him that they had been sexually abused by a priest. Wilson, who has been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, said he had known one of the former altar boys and his family when he was an assistant priest in the Hunter Valley region north of Sydney in the mid-1970s.
The bad May as Q calls it continues for the Pope and the Vatican, as the Roman Catholic Church's most senior bishop Adelaide Philip Wilson has gone down for covering up child sex crimes in the church since the 1970's. This is a major conviction and indictment, because this monster who is the most senior bishop for the Vatican has been covering up child sex abuse in the church since the 70's...So you can bet the Vatican's most senior bishop busted for covering up child sex will possibly talk.
​ Wonder if this archbishop who is the most senior for the Vatican getting busted for covering up the child sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican is why Pope Francis is thinking about retirement? Really since the 1970's, this most senior bishop for the Vatican knows a lot...And he just got busted for covering up the church's child abuse taking place since the 1970's.

",1527006585,22/05/2018 16:29 8670847,3912512731,"


When seeing the drop(s) on, click on the blue number with the little box with an upward facing arrow. That will take you to Q Research where the bakers discuss the crumb(s) and that particular post.

There is too much to say and not enough space here about Q or the research, but observe the conversations and leads.

",1527007356,22/05/2018 16:42 8407193,3912521294,"

Yeah, except running out of time. Elections in 168 days.

Going to take longer than that to prosecute, so maybe Q, Sessions & co allowing defeat to replace sure victory. Hope not, but time cannot be wasted any more. Arrests must happen soon.

Republicans always do this--thought Trump would be different and hope he is.

",1527007666,22/05/2018 16:47 8668402,3912527432,"


Q ( has put CNN in a kill box [CNN]


",1527007890,22/05/2018 16:51 8670847,3912570085,

So Q reads Conservative Treehouse and Gateway Pundit.

I could have told him that back in February.

,1527009473,22/05/2018 17:17 8670847,3912582498,"

Anon posted, Q confirmed. It's one thing to see it suggested, it's another for Q to say NSA has it.

",1527009928,22/05/2018 17:25 8670032,3912583056,

I'm trusting Q. Too many coincidences posted at Qanon. one or two is a random chance coincidence.

I trust Q until I feel otherwise.

,1527009948,22/05/2018 17:25 8671837,3912583543,

QAnon is on fire on this subject.

,1527009967,22/05/2018 17:26 8671837,3912589333,"

As Q says, these people are stupid.

",1527010181,22/05/2018 17:29 8673422,3912592574,"

I'm cheered by the six point lead, but seriously doubt that Ryan's retirement has anything to do with it. Most of John Q. Public, probably don't know who he is.

",1527010300,22/05/2018 17:31 8672027,3912593721,"

""They"" was the Bushies, but it was Obuttboys Hilary who was the cause of Q ending up the way he did...

",1527010344,22/05/2018 17:32 8673422,3912602527,"

I do not think the left understands the magnitude of what Clinton did to Bernie has had on them. They seem to think all their little soldiers fell right back into place, not even realizing that if that were true Trump would not have won. Can they really be as stupid as Q tells us they are? I think so.
They lost so much credibility and loyalty when the truth came out about that. They've done nothing since to regain any of it back.

",1527010667,22/05/2018 17:37 8407193,3912623285,"

Hope... go to and start to read... explanation on many channels on utoob.... it will give you hope!

",1527011415,22/05/2018 17:50 8407193,3912624994,


,1527011482,22/05/2018 17:51 8407193,3912625015,"

Are you following Q? .... look up and you will see the military intel which is guiding this storm!

",1527011483,22/05/2018 17:51 8407193,3912627703,"

Those of us following Q were not irritated... look up and start to read the military intel.... you will know all going on and not be questioning

",1527011582,22/05/2018 17:53 8407193,3912630480,"

None of us following Q questions what Sessions was doing... look up and follow the military intel with the rest of us... will put you at peace... the storm is coming for the other side

",1527011682,22/05/2018 17:54 8407193,3912634875,"

We are Q! WWG1WGA

I never lost faith in Jeff Sessions. He is a warrior of God. The most telling ""sauce"" is that AG Sessions was barely confirmed in the Senate. They were (are) afraid of him and should be. President Trump and Atty General Jeff Sessions have set the stage masterfully. Thank you to both brave men and their families.

",1527011840,22/05/2018 17:57 8671837,3912644795,

Backed by an army of red pilled Q anons...

,1527012201,22/05/2018 18:03 8673422,3912653037,"

Senator Ron Johnson discovers Sensitive Matter Team behind Steele Dossier, Q states it's happening



Nick Short ✔@PoliticalShort

Senator Ron Johnson letter to the FBI regarding Steele dossier. Explosive new e-mails show FBI brass discussed dossier briefing details with CNN. FBI has a hell of a lot of explaining to do.

11:39 PM - May 21, 2018


4,473 people are talking about this

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A sensitive matter team involved with the Steele Dossier has been discovered by Senator Ron Johnson, the question is though who is a part of this sensitive matter team involved with the Steele fake Trump/Russia dossier? One thing is for sure the FBI along with CNN likely discussed classified information regarding the Steele dossier, and we all know Senator McCain was the delivery boy. Is the sensitive matter team who involved itself with the FBI and CNN going to be fully exposed and possibly go down, and why would the FBI conduct with CNN to discuss classified information regarding the Steele dossier?
The main issue of this Ron Johnson discovery is as followed...​Senator Johnson accused the FBI of having a “sensitive matter team” as reference by FBI Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki in an January 6, 2017 email to unspecified recipients. Johnson wants to know the members of the “sensitive matter team” who were aware of the phony dossier used to spy on candidate Trump. The second thing is why is Q stating it's happening by posting this today as well? Is this the start of the second special counsel to investigate the investigators, as members of Congress have just launched a resolution to do just that?

",1527012515,22/05/2018 18:08 8670177,3912723879,"

The young brotha spilled his coffee when he ran over the dead white female meat sack and the Q munity is is in an uproar and is not going to take it anymore ,according to sources close to the "" Reverund Al Sharpton "" and leaders of the NAACP and the SPLC ( Southern Poverty Law Center )

",1527015229,22/05/2018 18:53 8671837,3912755156,"

Trump a few months ago wait and see Storm is Coming. Cheryl Atkinson and Q today Flood is Coming. Atkinson who is fairly measured must know something. Q I have no idea about, but it is interesting reading.

",1527016206,22/05/2018 19:10 8622434,3912760846,"

I didn't see this one coming.
Just took a pain pill for my mouth. Over half of my small supply was gone. Had ten, were four left. Yesterday I was putting on a trailer jack while Julia was at the Dr. Her son and wife& kids showed up while she was gone. They asked if they could wait around until she got back, had a car service appt. Soon. I said OK. Before her son went in I asked him to help me with the Jack. Needed another set of hands. Took us at least twenty minutes. Didn't be think about my Vicodin being out with my antibiotic as I have been taking both as needed. This is the third, maybe more, times she has stolen them from me. And she knows I am recovering from an oral surgery. I texted Julia at the school. I know she will say they should have been locked up. Okay but really? How low can that woman go? I'm not happy. The worm is turning on the Democrats. Actually saw Wolf ask Swalwell a tough question. The little Quisling's eyes glazed over, he he couldn't believe it. He stammered through a nonsensical answer. The ""Flood is coming"" story from Sheryl Atkinson must be big. Wolf is grilling the scumbag Himes right now. And I'm pretty sure my surgical site has opened again. Is this the End of Q?

",1527016446,22/05/2018 19:14 8407193,3912776354,"

Trump and Q have it all planned out. Trust the plan. Trust sessions. Were we go one, we go all.

",1527017127,22/05/2018 19:25 8671837,3912787339,"

""an army of red pilled Q anons""

CIA/Anonymous HAHAHAHAHA - good one!

those treehouse ""anons"" are drugged, 'though

Q anons rotf

",1527017604,22/05/2018 19:33 8671837,3912803300,

I think you're going to be surprised like um tomorrow. Wednesday the 23rd should be quite eye-opening. We'll see if q-anon has it right yet again.

,1527018328,22/05/2018 19:45 8671442,3912806184,"

LOL, Come down to Foridah where we have REAL sink holes! LOL MAGA All Patriots: Keep up with Trump's back channel communications on draining the swamp. Follow Q-anon. Trump 8 Years!

",1527018460,22/05/2018 19:47 8672802,3912825082,"

It's time to go......Little Marco

#TwoTermTrump #MAGA #MFGA #QAnon #DumpMarco

FriendsOfQ / FriendsOfDonald

",1527019344,22/05/2018 20:02 8673422,3912882232,"

Look at that graph!! That's not a day or two, its a couple weeks of steady change with a dump at the end.

This is Q, methinks. An inflection point like that means a wave if there's ever been one. It won't be blue.

Generic ballot party numbers DO NOT move like that. Something is happening. People are finally starting to see that every security and law enforcement agency shouldn't match with the media and every democrat. Something is finally getting through.

There aren't enough independents out there to account for that swing. WHAT IS GOING ON?

",1527022116,22/05/2018 20:48 8672577,3912884134,"

THIS time we're sending North Korea Foreign AIDS.
Yup, a boat load of San Francisco Q ueers.

",1527022214,22/05/2018 20:50 8672577,3912896911,"

Flood is coming, Storm is coming. Trump, Q, and Cheryl Atkinson recently.

",1527022875,22/05/2018 21:01 8672047,3912912403,

Trust Sessions??
Eff Off Q.

,1527023737,22/05/2018 21:15 8622434,3912920377,"

Just prepared an all Aldi's dinner. Total cost $7.50. Sixteen Jumbo fried Shrimp plus Ten Onion Rings. Bake at 450° for 15 minutes turning once. Split 9-7 and 6-4 Q &J. Had some extra sauces from here and there - tasty. Things are moving, slower than we'd like.
"" It matters not how strait the Gate,
How charged with Punishments the Scroll,
I am the Master of my Fate,
I am the Captain of my Soul"".
W. E. H.

",1527024186,22/05/2018 21:23 8668387,3912932933,"

So, some fart box named Halper gets to choose our President, and Kendrick Lamar gets to tell us what we can say. Nuck that Figger!

Q sent us, We want our F**kin Country Back!


",1527024902,22/05/2018 21:35 8407193,3912941483,"

Lets see - about 95 comments so far. Say 1/2 unique. So 45 (rounded down). With 100 lurkers/commenter.

Q has 4500 readers (roughly) active here. Say 1/10 clicked the link at QAnon.

45,000 readers. Minimum.

",1527025384,22/05/2018 21:43 8673247,3912945299,"

As Q likes to say, These People are STUPID!!

",1527025603,22/05/2018 21:46 8665154,3912957340,"

They fall under ""enemies foreign and domestic"". There are a host money-hungry government agencies who should have shut them down already, but do not.

Antifa goes past past First Amendment dissent into terrorism of those citizens actually exercising their First Amendment rights.

Antifa's end is not far away. Reoganization of DOJ and FBI is nearly complete:

",1527026198,22/05/2018 21:56 8665154,3912960350,"

Nope. They want you to be demoralized and think the Free World is not worth defending.

They are wrong. And there are people who will never give up Enlightenment Civilization to these totalitarian thugs. Never !

The end of Antifa is closer than you think:

",1527026373,22/05/2018 21:59 8672577,3912965159,

Qanon said 'the strings were cut' and the next week NK was our friend. The puppet masters trying to exert control again? This seems like a message with a deeper meaning to stay the course toward peace. [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica need to go down.

,1527026654,22/05/2018 22:04 8669772,3912999145,"

First of all...You cannot be a Patriot, or you wouldn't call a fellow Patriot a moron..and second ..if you knew would know that the post talking about the flood coming goes back to 1-21-18... Maybe you should look it up ..and try and watch Who you call names to....You Do Not appear to be a Team Player...

",1527028599,22/05/2018 22:36 8407193,3913023303,"

Tomorrow is the “23”?
Also, June 11-12 Kim Summit as a news cover for this was posited.
Remember when counting days for dates, the 12th in the US is the 11th in Singapore. If there are indictments and or appropriate firings around either on of these time frames, I will believe Q indeed has inside info.

",1527029925,22/05/2018 22:58 8407193,3913096696,"

I've been following since December. I literally come to the message boards to do my part of spreading the word, but as you can see from above, I don't jump to the ""well Q said!"" It truly is amazing what InfoBums did to their name and reputation. I feel Alex Jones will be out of business in the next few years.
Anyway, sorry for my rant. I am Q just like you! I can't wait to keep winning and watching the entire cabal fall to its demise.

",1527034227,23/05/2018 00:10 8671217,3913106167,"

Thank you Q anon for letting us know Rod Rosenstein has been removed from Russia probe, replaced by Ed O'Callahan.

The Thursday meeting will include FBI Director Wray along with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Director of Intelligence Dan Coats and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Ed O’Callahan. Although Kelly is setting up the meeting, he is not attending.

Note Rod's absence.


Who is missing from the scheduled meeting?
Who is Ed O’Callahan?
Enjoy the show.

",1527034789,23/05/2018 00:19 8407193,3913115066,"

NF, I've heard this, but not put much faith in it. At the time, it seemed like the DOJ was playing CYA.
I'm a newbie to the Q following (and the reason I was drawn back to this post). IF the 23 he references means that firings or indictments happen on the 23rd (tomorrow) or ""23 days"" as some suggest (the planned dates of his Rocket Man trip), I'll start to believe this person(s) may really have a bit of inside info.
The bottom line is: ""I hope so""....and I hope that Sessions has really been playing 4D Chess. The nation may depend upon it.

",1527035356,23/05/2018 00:29 8665469,3913140423,

Qanon does not have a twitter feed. Maybe Qnon does but not Q Anon.

,1527037025,23/05/2018 00:57 8407193,3913185343," stupid.

",1527040291,23/05/2018 01:51 8675332,3913188138,

Q-Anon drop said to watch the news on the 23rd. Things are happening at a rapid pace right now.

,1527040518,23/05/2018 01:55 8675307,3913195586,"

How is drumpf an insult? It just means ""Drum"" in German. I mean, what does TS / Q mean? The SissyQueer?

",1527041174,23/05/2018 02:06 8675307,3913211022,"

[TS] Too Stupid / no ""I"" Q? Got it!

",1527042514,23/05/2018 02:28 8675307,3913213001,"

This is what it means: [TS] Too Stupid / no ""I"" Q.

",1527042686,23/05/2018 02:31 8675067,3913216882,"

1. Trump's campaign had many ties to Russia when he said there were none.
2. Cohen was selling access
3. The QAnon sealed indictments had nothing to do with Hillary or ""the deep state""
4. Flynn was dirty and would face charges- Trump called it fake news.
5. The Russian meeting wasn't about adoptions.
6. Erik Prince will be indicted and the Seychelles meeting obviously wasn't a coincidence
7. Bannon was going to get fired- you all called it fake news.
8. Huckabeast looks like Uncle Fester

",1527043041,23/05/2018 02:37 8670022,3913241296,"

Go watch the movie, “Idiocracy”, and this whole episode will make PERFECT SENSE. As someone who grew up in the 70’s, I can state with authority that the United States is already dead. I love Trump to death, and have for 30+ years, but there isn’t anything he can do to save the U.S. The U.S. is already dead. You cannot “Make America Great Again” when 90% of the population is fundamentally brain-dead retarded. How will you educate 300 million people to reach a level of competence required to sustain a country as advanced as the U.S.? I am talking about a complete brain transplant, not mere “re-training”. 300 MILLION AMERICANS require brain transplants. How will we do that? Never going to happen! That necessarily means that the U.S. is already dead.

Sorry guys. I really am. Time to relocate. And YES, I read Qanon every day. Won’t make any difference. Talk to ANY business owner in America today. They all say the same thing: Their businesses are hanging by threads because competent help is NON-EXISTENT in the United States. You cannot have a successful business without competent help, and you cannot make America great without successful businesses.

God save the United States from itself. God is all we have left. Absent a miracle, we are facing a 100% inevitible civil war.

",1527045546,23/05/2018 03:19 8407193,3913269986,

I'd be one of those who came back to this story after it was posted by Q. Seems something is about to drop. I read not too long ago something was coming the 23rd. So later today something should be coming.

My guesses: The signed EO releasing the scope of the Mueller investigation or the new OIG report.

,1527048492,23/05/2018 04:08 8407193,3913297658,"

Photos of a signed EO under a notebook could only be taken from directly behind the president. If you have been following Q here lately, the pics have been posted as well as pics from aboard Air Force 1.

",1527051491,23/05/2018 04:58 8677522,3913323384,

CNN was in a killbox symbol from a Q post. It's getting spooky. Something about a flood coming.

,1527054142,23/05/2018 05:42 8677522,3913325221,"

That refers to an old Q post. McCabe sent an email to other FBI insiders after Comey briefed Trump on the dossier. Titled ""flood coming"". Meaning CNN was cleared to run with the dossier details that Clapper leaked to them.

",1527054338,23/05/2018 05:45 8677522,3913330848,

Not a 100% sure about the Q stuff. But it does look like the
s hi t is going to hit the fan soon.

,1527054926,23/05/2018 05:55 8677522,3913477858,"

Survivors and their families plan class action lawsuit against CIA MK Ultra program


0 Comments Reports: Survivors and families of those who were affected by Project MK-Ultra, also called the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) mind control program, administered at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the Quebec and federal governments because of what they alleged had been done to them five decades ago.
​ According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), more than forty Canadians for the first time gathered at a Montreal condo over the weekend to share their disturbing stories about how MK-Ultra destroyed their lives. “The government should offer an apology and there should be recognition of the injustice that was done,” says Gina Blasbalg, who unknowingly became a patient at the Allan Memorial Institute in her teens in the 1960s. Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse (SAAGA), as the group calls itself on Facebook, includes both victims and family members of Canadians who unknowingly participated in the CIA-funded brainwashing experiments under the supervision of Dr. Ewen Cameron, director of the psychiatric hospital between the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s.
Well this is a major boom as families and victims are planning what looks like a lawsuit against the CIA and governments involved with the CIA MK-Ultra program. The thing is this lawsuit will likely be denied and likely never heard of again, but this lawsuit could also go through since President Trump is in control and is obviously about disclosure though things like Q.
This lawsuit if taken in court and victory proceeds will be a major victory against the Deep State, because for this to be a sucess...MK Ultra documents will have to be shown in this lawsuit in a court proceeding. What happens if this lawsuit against the CIA MK Ultra program is successful? Well hopefully if this lawsuit is successful prepare for full disclosure of MK Ultra and a possible shut down of the MK Ultra program...Quite curious if the reasoning and source behind mass shootings will be involved in this case. What a bad day for the Deep State if this lawsuit against MK Ultra goes through.

",1527067813,23/05/2018 09:30 8670847,3913503043,

Have you not been paying attention to @Potus or Q? Politicians have never had the luxury of free will. Replacing one puppet politician with another is redundant. THERE IS NO WAY OUR PRESIDENT WOULD ALLOW PAUL RYAN TO FLANK HIM IF HE WASN'T A GOOD MAN. We're going to have to find it in us to forgive. Ryan made the courageous choice to free himself with the assistance of Potus. I trust our President and I predict great things from Ryan.

,1527069344,23/05/2018 09:55 8407193,3913528403,

So is everyone going to comment apologies when Sessions turns out to be one the most brilliant picks Trump has made?

Everyone is so impatient and ignoring that Sessions is doing some amazing things behind the scenes that won't be made public until #TheStorm is wrapping up.

Follow #QAnon for a more informed take on the situation. They've repeatedly proven themselves as legitimate insiders working with Trump to bring down the cabal.

,1527070755,23/05/2018 10:19 8407193,3913586874,"

Whoever Q is, they definitely have access to inside info...May was to be a bad month for the Pope, and it is! Now CNN is in the kill box!

",1527073717,23/05/2018 11:08 8668242,3913671699,"

HaHaHaHaHaHa (Belly laugh), Yeah that's the ticket! Allow them access to the largest vehicle on the highway, because they tell you to your face ""they won't kill anyone"" (telling lies is blessed by the Q, if it helps them to defeat the enemy).

Did you NOT learn anything from France? England? HaHaHaHaHaHaHa, I thought you people were supposed to be extremely smart?!!!!!!!??!!!!


",1527077435,23/05/2018 12:10 8679637,3913699128,

Word is Q has been taken over and is just misinfo.

,1527078550,23/05/2018 12:29 8679637,3913731461,"

Travesty Of Trust – QAnon Revealed – The PsyOp Of Patriots.

",1527079831,23/05/2018 12:50 8679637,3913749861,"

Speaking of spooks & clowns, here's some interesting reading on the Corinthia Hotel in London & it's relation to the Benghazi attack.

",1527080550,23/05/2018 13:02 8407193,3913760110,"

I will not trust Sessions or this Q anon until I see someone, like HRC indicted! How do we know all of this is not smoke by the Dims and Deep State just to pacify until they steal the next election?

",1527080950,23/05/2018 13:09 8679637,3913781958,"

As Q Says, These People are STUPID!!

",1527081805,23/05/2018 13:23 8679637,3913841638,

today is the 23... where is the pain Q?

,1527084063,23/05/2018 14:01 8679637,3913871063,

According to Q anon it’s coming & will probably be pretty bad.

,1527085175,23/05/2018 14:19 8677512,3913968290,"

You're citing a D-list blog known for it's disinformation campaign as proof? Damn, that's dumb The utter moron running that site stupidly said, and I quote, Rosenstein's appointment of Mueller was a ""brillant move"" and Mueller was a ""white hat"". That chump is like QAnon and is defending the traitor Sessions to protect the DC criminals and Mueller witch hunt. He has zero credibility.

Also, try to keep up with the news dummy. The argument Levin is using was developed by Northwestern / Yale Law Professor Steven G. Calabresi a former member of Reagan's DOJ and highly respected Constitutional scholar.

Mueller's witch hunt is about to end because it is clearly unconstitutional. Checkmate Libtard.

",1527088711,23/05/2018 15:18 8652200,3913978749,"

I found a couple things you might be interested in to help with PTSD. does youtube video's on Q but he's also a spiritual healer. I've had good results with just one prayer yesterday. You can do this yourself and it's free.

I just dance at home but it puts a smile on my face for a few hours.
I knew we had a lot in common! It's nice to feel connected and appreciated isn't it : ) Thank you for talking with me. I appreciate you and our conversation!

Here's to kicking PTSD to the swamp! WooHoo!

",1527089079,23/05/2018 15:24 8681017,3913978999,

I hope this isn't the major news that Q promised us for the 23rd.

,1527089088,23/05/2018 15:24 8649305,3914083783,"

the eye witness records are out there, both in Bible and otherwise. Q the X-Files theme.

",1527092845,23/05/2018 16:27 8679877,3914087426,

There's a reason why Q keeps telling us to trust Sessions.

,1527092978,23/05/2018 16:29 8679877,3914088842,

He has numerous investigations going. I don't know anything about Q though

,1527093032,23/05/2018 16:30 8679877,3914121627,"

Here is a good place for you to go which will help you sort it all out.

",1527094238,23/05/2018 16:50 8679877,3914123457,"

It is coming's proof.

",1527094304,23/05/2018 16:51 8679877,3914209517,"

I am happy to see the FBI honest people stepping up! Sad to see no CIA folks :-(
I can understand when you are surrounded by sharks and alligators, but President Trump offered safe passage for all truthtellers!

",1527097517,23/05/2018 17:45 8659763,3914298468,"

as Q said ""These people are stupid""

",1527100935,23/05/2018 18:42 8682337,3914310359,"

She is a Democrat and so to answer your Q, yes.

",1527101430,23/05/2018 18:50 8681017,3914379271,

Wait- you read Q? is on the inside- supposedly a group of Generals working with Trump who are telling us ahead of time what is happening- and there will be Military Tribunals and Gitmo lock ups- except I think Obama and Hilly will be executed- theirs is high level treason- The Iran deal wasn't about Nukes- it was Hillary creating a Dark State where she could sell influence and operate illegally! They gave them out tax money as BRIBES!! Then Companies who wanted to set up shop in Iran had to pay the Clinton Foundation via big donations! Ever hear about the Paradise Papers? Yes- this is where Hillary and Obama are hiding their money- Paradise Papers info gone totally silent- because the info will be used in court. Allison Mack gave up big names in a plea deal in the sex ring she was involved in that trafficked children for the Clinton Foundation! This thing is so huge- we are in the middle of the second Revolutionary War- and we are thankfully- winning!

,1527104489,23/05/2018 19:41 8672802,3914547892,

That dude sets off my gaydar. Plus his being upset about zte tells me Q might be onto the truth...they were building a private communication network. Dirty to their bones. That includes Little Marco mustve missed the 250 billion dollar windfall trump just arranged. Or hes upset his private date line aint gonna happen now.

,1527113316,23/05/2018 22:08 8683122,3914651795,'s too little too late and they can go to hell. i will continue to boycott them. until they are no more. Down with the NFL ! ! !
You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon

,1527119203,23/05/2018 23:46 8681017,3914653313,

Ha! it's too little too late and they can go to hell. i will continue to boycott them. until they are no more. Down with the NFL ! ! !
You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon

,1527119291,23/05/2018 23:48 8681017,3914657902,

Yes. Q team has the plan. WWG1WGA

,1527119552,23/05/2018 23:52 8685192,3914681056,"

It's just the tip of the iceberg fleet. You follow Q?

Particularly interesting:

""The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.""

Regarding Killary, all you need to know:

Then not to forget Arcancide, etc.

It is all connected: Pedophilia, treason, money laundering, murdering, ...

If we had a fair justice system. Killary would already have been executed and shot to another galaxy! Because if only 1% is true (and we know the percentage is higher), then that is already more than enough!

",1527120879,24/05/2018 00:14 8686417,3914734201,"

#SandyHookLazarusKids, #SandyHookLazarus""Teachers"" -- just stop it Breitbart- it was a FEMA/DHS Capstone Drill passed off as a live shooter, mass casualty event. 60 grain S&B ammo is non-existent, as was a 84 pound ""Adam Lanza"" carrying 39 pounds of weaponry. Are ya reading Q Anon? Buy a g.d. clue, BREITBART

",1527122008,24/05/2018 00:33 8648633,3914783810,

Q ualified or Q uestionable comment ...

,1527125114,24/05/2018 01:25 8685867,3914799574,"

Michael Jackson was Innocent & Murdered

from r/greatawakening


Do you believe in coincidences? - Q •

MJ was innocent.

My operating theory was that his dad, Joe Jackson, had him castrated as a child. After all, all the Jackson 5 hits required little Michael to hit them high notes, and Joe Jackson couldn't have his cash cow dry up. So he turned his son into a castrato (a singing eunuch) so they could still sing their hits on tour.

This explains MJ's high voice, asexuality, and identification with children (he never hit puberty himself - he was a eunuch). I don't doubt MJ had pajama parties for kids and stuff at his place, but it was probably completely platonic because he didn't have an ounce of sexuality.

His marriage to Priscilla Presley was a sham, and I am curious if his ""kids"" ever had a paternity test.

His mansion, Neverland? Yeah, what's the literary reference for that name? Peter Pan. What's Peter Pan famous for? The boy who never grew up.

Whether he was set up by deep state / hollywood operatives, or just had predatory opportunists descend on him, I'm not sure. But it's highly unlikely that a prepubescent adult with zero libido was sexually abusing kids.

Suddenly, Randy Quaid doesn’t seem so crazy anymore.

",1527126307,24/05/2018 01:45 8687012,3914816184,

I think Bannon is Anon in Qanon.

,1527127692,24/05/2018 02:08 8685902,3914842310,

.... remember what Q said ...... look at the politician's and business leader's who have resigned......Hum......

,1527130074,24/05/2018 02:47 8681017,3914867376,"

A little to late, true colors exposed. Go Q!

",1527132571,24/05/2018 03:29 8687012,3914948806,

I think Q is MI.

,1527140767,24/05/2018 05:46 8679357,3915020934,

Agreed Q! Join the worldwide Eurocide Resistance!

Al Hope

,1527147734,24/05/2018 07:42 8686532,3915177573,"

We have an Audi Q 5, Mexico made. No trouble so far.

",1527158333,24/05/2018 10:38 8664563,3915223202,"

Within the past 24 hours, President Trump Tweeted two words: ""Witch Hunt!""

Most will think this has something to do with Mueller, but a chart on Q called ""23"" shows how certain phrases and purposeful mispellings in Trump's Tweets were actually coded communications (example, Oh' for ""Bruce Ohr"" as well as a time he misspelled his wife's name).

Could the ""Witch Hunt!"" be a coded message to go after Hillary? Time will tell...

",1527160511,24/05/2018 11:15 8686312,3915231303,

No the NFL is and their franchise. They damaged their bosses and their bosses fired the troublemakers. Wake up libs and live in the real world with the rest of us. Anyone who does the same gets canned. That's called E Q U A L I T Y.

,1527160862,24/05/2018 11:21 8664563,3915268168,

They would have to understand Q first

,1527162425,24/05/2018 11:47 8664563,3915275257,"

Learn about Q.

",1527162712,24/05/2018 11:51 8664563,3915310153,"

Good morning deplorables, sidebar for one moment:

Dan bongino gave a great detailed explanation how the Deep state initiated spying operations on the Trump campaign. Katie G of citizens investigative report (YouTube) took Dan bongino's work and overlaid it with pictures of all the people involved for added clarity.

If there's people in your life confused by the details of the Trump spying scandal, this video spells it out, in an entertaining format.

If you want to skip the Q Anon analysis start at 21 minutes.

Keep up the fight, spread the word, the bastards have lost control, and are in a full panic.

",1527164039,24/05/2018 12:13 8664563,3915313435,

According to Qanon Trump has already met with Kim and chains were broken? Am I wrong?

,1527164159,24/05/2018 12:15 8664563,3915314906,"

According to Q, Kim is actually in the White House right now!

",1527164213,24/05/2018 12:16 8664563,3915321869,"

Q has not dropped a hint of this...his only posts about Kim are 29,888,964 on

",1527164467,24/05/2018 12:21 8690262,3915357757,

Then read the Q anon posts. This letter was written days ago

,1527165765,24/05/2018 12:42 8687012,3915381033,"

Or, possibly Q..I have thought that!

",1527166606,24/05/2018 12:56 8690262,3915430178,

You must be attempting to do some sort of Qanon thing and failing miserably. I don't do decoding. Good luck with that though.

,1527168397,24/05/2018 13:26 8664563,3915535897,"

Check out this picture it's beautiful.

",1527172197,24/05/2018 14:29 8686787,3915572377,"

Sundance appears to operate independently of Q, but comes to similar conclusions in this. I have been comparing my approach to that of Q for over six months now and am satisfied that he in working on the inside - for the white hats. So I have increasingly been quoting him as it seemed ludicrous not to.

Therefore I am now convinced that this was hatched from the time before Sessions recused himself. That view is buttressed by the knowledge that the Democrats are even more subject to confirmation bias than the Republicans. The idea behind this was to control the energies of the DNC by keeping the idea of impeachment alive in their minds. They could not resist such a bait.

Then, at the appropriate moment, the rug is pulled from under them and they begin to get charged with their felonies. This leads critically into the mid-terms.

The complexity of this is that one had to get the right judges and state AG's into position first. That has been frustrated by both parties in the Senate but the removal of Schneiderman was critical here. No good putting these indictments into courts controlled by Obama appointees.

It has begun to look good of late and my hunch is we passed the tipping point back in November. The present scenario may be compared with a snowball rolling down a mountain side. As it gathers momentum, it grows and grows until the whole darned mountain side is brought down in an avalanche.

That is a great position to be in by the mid-terms. Add to that the foreign policy stuff has all been brought to a state of maturity: reduction of ISIS; unprecedented progress with NK; Jerusalem embassy opened way in front of schedule; Iran deal off; some progress with China - all these together could never have been dreamed of under Obama. Then the jobs and markets at home cements the deal where the people want him to continue - no Blue wave but a Red one.

That is my reading.

",1527173465,24/05/2018 14:51 8681877,3915689795,"

If people caught on that the ones who were pushing man-made climate change were manipulating the date and also asking for grant money from the government, then they would recognize that this was all a scam to pillage John Q. and Jane Z. Taxpayer.

",1527177853,24/05/2018 16:04 8687012,3915700454,"

He left WH in Aug and 2 mo later Qstarted. The rift w PTr was a fakeout, SBwas taking too much heat, was the focus of leftie ire and I think they decided on him being needed and much more effective behind the scenes in[qanon]capacity. Plus he is a genius who knows the heart of the ppl! The story at the time was that PDJT complained SBwas getting too much credit - I don't believe this for a second, the left believe DT to be an egomaniac, so they leaked this story because it would be believed. Just thinking out loud

",1527178266,24/05/2018 16:11 8691307,3915846777,

Wait? Wait? Is there a Pattern here?----- Q Said those that scream the loudest are the most Guilty!


,1527183709,24/05/2018 17:41 8690717,3915862736,

P and R laugh at Q behind his back.

,1527184341,24/05/2018 17:52 8690717,3915865750,"

Classified meeting on Obama Spygate tomorrow at DOJ



kelly cohen✔@politiCOHEN_

BREAKING- tomorrow’s classified meeting on “spygate” is on. here’s who is going

10:22 PM - May 23, 2018


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Get the popcorn ready or by your side prepared in case we may all need it, because a classified meeting at the DOJ on Obama's spygate is in play. This classified meeting on spygate tomorrow at the DOJ looks to be promising as the main participants are Gowdy, Nunes, Wray, John Kelly, then it gets a little nerving with Rosenstein...But maybe he flipped as he was with Trump today in New York at the immigration/MS-13 round table with Trump.
For this meeting to be classified there must be information America has yet to find out about Obama's espionage ring against the Trump campaign, which is illegal per election law. The question is what will come out of this? Be prepared for anything involving this classified meeting tomorrow at the DOJ on Obama's spy ring including false flags, as Q has told us what's the common theme when bad news comes out against them.

",1527184458,24/05/2018 17:54 8690717,3915873891,"

FBI agent Joe Pientka at General Flynn interrogation set to testify against Comey/McCabe





FBI Agent at @GenFlynn interrogation is ready to testify against McCabe, Strzok and Comey.

This is YUGE folks! General Flynn needs to be cleared! And heads need to roll!


12:54 PM - May 23, 2018

BREAKING=> FBI Agent at Mike Flynn Interrogation Is Ready to Testify Against McCabe, Strzok and...

Guest post by Joe Hoft On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified


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Looks like a big boom could be in the works, as an FBI agent involved in the Comey/Mueller interrogation of General Flynn is scheduled to testify not against Flynn...But Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. What will go down if this testimony happens, and well like always we should probably put FBI special agent Joe Pientka on suicide watch as he is set to testify against Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and maybe even Mueller over General Flynn. We all know by now that Flynn is technically under false imprisonment as Comey has even stated that General Flynn never lied to the FBI. If this testimony gets Flynn off the hook which Q told all of us about a month ago...Prepare for storm intensity as Flynn knows everything. The son of General Flynn has even hinted at what will likely go down.

",1527184790,24/05/2018 17:59 8690717,3915911543,

No Liddle Rocket Man Korean Bar B Q franchises coming soon.

,1527186286,24/05/2018 18:24 8664563,3915933210,"

Patience friend, it's happening

",1527187168,24/05/2018 18:39 8689937,3915949444,

New Q = Old Q

,1527187819,24/05/2018 18:50 8689887,3916019092,

Pattee the url has changed for Q.

,1527190941,24/05/2018 19:42 8689887,3916034448,"

",1527191662,24/05/2018 19:54 8693177,3916059242,"

He has absolutely NO tumor - this from a very well placed source, Q.

",1527192877,24/05/2018 20:14 8693177,3916070914,

He's not really sick. He's faking it to keep from getting prosecuted. Follow Qanon and read what is really going on.

,1527193474,24/05/2018 20:24 8694037,3916078596,

History will not be kind to this phony!

,1527193882,24/05/2018 20:31 8688837,3916110584,"

All I can say is, if anyone still relies on unnamed sources for confirmation that May is torpedoing Brexit must have been living under a rock or has an I Q of under-35. Such a person could have May coming at them with an ax and imagine they are seeing an instrument of delight. Thankfully few of these exist in Bb comments and they are easily recognizable EU trolls.

",1527195549,24/05/2018 20:59 8694077,3916111486,"

Don't follow Q and the global Deplorable movement, do you? You are utterly clueless. WE are worldwide!

",1527195596,24/05/2018 20:59 8693177,3916116822,"

I would invite senator mccain to reconsider his rhetoric on this one. Theres a couple of guys named horowitz and huber watching closely. Their team of over 475 are working hard everyday to end this corruption.
Here comes the pain folks. Treason, sedition, corruption & oh yes... russian collusion. Via hrc, perkins couie & a bunch of collaborating collusion artists from the dnc & rino double agents. I gaurantee vlad is smiling.

Trust the plan, trust sessions, Q, boom...

",1527195880,24/05/2018 21:04 8689887,3916178819,"

Unfortunately most of John Q. Public is under the mistaken perception that these platforms are fair. They're not! Fortunately the public is beginning to learn the truth. We need to shout this truth from the mountaintops, clearly and accurately. I have confidence that if these platforms don't change, they will perish, replaced by fair alternative sites. Spread the word!

",1527199044,24/05/2018 21:57 8686277,3916190487,"

Nunes and Gowdy do not receive promised documents in classified DOJ meeting



Sarah Westwood✔@sarahcwestwood

Sources tell me Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood at the start of the briefing

4:38 PM - May 24, 2018


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So we are likely going to now see two things happen now that Gowdy and Nunes did not receive documents promised to them in today's meeting marked classified at the DOJ, which involves the Russia/Trump witch hunt and Obama's Spygate. One thing is for sure with this we will likely see someone inside the DOJ fired or ""resign"", and second we will likely see President Trump declassify these documents Gowdy and Nunes were promised but did not receive. By the way there is this image Q has shown us all in the last week that is something signed by President Trump, so it could be the possibility these documents are already in the hand of the President. However Gowdy and Nunes not receiving these documents in today's classified hearing at the DOJ on Russiagate and Spygate one thing is certain...The Deep State is hiding something they do not want out.

",1527199772,24/05/2018 22:09 8686277,3916216250,

A much better Q!

,1527201344,24/05/2018 22:35 8686277,3916218669,"

These losers can't even run their midterm Campaign without being punked by pro-Trumper's.

Check out where / / / all re-direct to.

#MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #MidTerms #QAnon

FriendsOfQ / FriendsOfDonald

",1527201499,24/05/2018 22:38 8686912,3916220687,"

Why not just call it the Social Justice League of Obama?

With L, B, G, Q, and T characters -- and Huggy Bear from MS-13...

",1527201626,24/05/2018 22:40 8686277,3916263793,"

Educate yourself, moron...and answer my Q - why has Spygate gone quiet?

",1527204403,24/05/2018 23:26 8686277,3916287969,"

Ever sense Arkansas, the mess with some, some people coming up missing, and much more, what do you expect JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER to do?????
Sit on his hands and not vote. ////////////////////// Wake up Hillary Babe, John Q. Public Citizen Voer is smarter than that.//////////////////////////// YOU , HILLARY BABE LOST, NOW TAKE YOUR LU9MPS LIKE A REAL PERSON. //////////////////////////// NOt some winny like high school bratgirl. //////////////////////////////

",1527205992,24/05/2018 23:53 8698827,3916756203,

Not good. They’re pushing people to anonymous message boards. It’s ok. More will discover Q anon

,1527247968,25/05/2018 11:32 8698827,3916876070,

I also predicted this and I'm a firm believer that Q is some teenage kid on the computer in his mother's basement. Q reads Breitbart and then makes a cryptic post and all the Q-Bots believe him. Even I knew the long arm of the law would catch up with the Clintonistas and Obots and I didn't need Q to tell me that.

,1527253862,25/05/2018 13:11 8698827,3916890782,"

Q posts the president's tweets before they go up on Twitter. Q said we would pull out of the Iran deal, and Trey Gowdy would leave to pursue a career in prosecutorial justice.

There is plenty of legitimate information and proof of identity.

",1527254527,25/05/2018 13:22 8698827,3916895724,

Exactly. Q posts crap he reads off the internet and he answers a question with a question. He's predicted nothing in the last year that many of us haven't already predicted. My FB friends post Q crap all the time on their pages and they are so excited and it is nothing but jibbley garbage that makes zero sense.

,1527254749,25/05/2018 13:25 8699657,3916996762,

qanon's last post --week ago- was spent defending sessions. so who knows

,1527259554,25/05/2018 14:45 8698827,3917091762,

Is this the suicide weekend Q is talking about?

,1527264057,25/05/2018 16:00 8698827,3917104644,

Good to see there are others that know what is going on! So many Americans need to be red pilled. This is why Q has stated that 60% of Americans will not be able to comprehend the evil that has been running America for decades.

,1527264704,25/05/2018 16:11 8702762,3917191469,"

Again, Q warned a few days ago more attacks would be happening as the Deep State flails in its corruption and death throes.

",1527268686,25/05/2018 17:18 8702762,3917225804,"

If his name was John Q. Public, we would all know it by now.

",1527270493,25/05/2018 17:48 8700117,3917286363,

QAnon predicted all of this.

,1527273891,25/05/2018 18:44 8700117,3917359171,"

""Kansas"" is the OIG.

He was thwarted from investigating the swamp throughout the obama administration, and already had many swamprats dialed in.
Trump/sessions unleashed him, and now he's teamed up with a prosecutor out of Utah.

That team is responsible for many of the sealed indictments.

You should read Q and Sundance at conservative treehouse.

",1527278043,25/05/2018 19:54 8700117,3917375209,

Do you think Sundance reads Q Posts?

,1527279001,25/05/2018 20:10 8703422,3917377458,

he is on track to beating the deep state according to Q anon. so i think arrests will happen eventually

,1527279141,25/05/2018 20:12 8699337,3917528705,

Investigations are launched TRUST THE PLAN Q!

,1527289060,25/05/2018 22:57 8702432,3917558726,

Thank Q God.

,1527291329,25/05/2018 23:35 8695492,3917970187,

FAH Q Obama.

,1527330198,26/05/2018 10:23 8704457,3918106933,"

#Qanon sent me. When POTUS is finished, it will be like Bathhouse Barry was never even here. NK summit WILL move forward. Iran is next. Someone ask Obama where those other planes full of cash landed. Syria??? Trust POTUS. MAGA #TheStormIsHere #TheGreatAwakening

",1527336450,26/05/2018 12:07 8704657,3918653462,"

Check out the theconservativetreehouse. It's where the sources get their news.

Oh, and check out q-anon for what's coming next.

",1527351453,26/05/2018 16:17 8703257,3918681297,

The point IS Q Pounders come with cheese. Forgoing the cheese does not change the offering as listed on the menu

,1527352118,26/05/2018 16:28 8704432,3918684563,"

Thats a good play on words. These people are all elible for the death penalty. They are running a soft coup. Treason & sedition all apply after the dec 20 2017 eo. Trump stated we are currently under attack. Over seas asset seizure and eased extradition standards. Plus who wants trump on their bad side? Maga
Trust the plan, trust sessions? Q, boom

",1527352309,26/05/2018 16:31 8698332,3918812846,

Q says TRUST SESSIONS! There's a lot going on behind the scenes. Follow Qanon if you want to know the truth.

,1527354893,26/05/2018 17:14 8698332,3918817610,

Not true. Sessions is a patriot. Q says TRUST SESSIONS. He's known in Alabama as THE SILENT EXECUTIONER!

,1527354967,26/05/2018 17:16 8707677,3918835414,

it was pretty much the whole World vs. Trump and The Don beat them all ! ! !
You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.

,1527355565,26/05/2018 17:26 8707677,3918877568,"

Admiral Michael Rogers, General Michael Flynn, Erik Prince and Donald TRUMP

These four people know where the bodies are buried.

How is POTUS always 5 steps ahead ???

No HillaЯy emails have been lost. BleachBit is simply not that good.

Set up. Who wins ???

Flynn is safe. We protect our patriots. QAnon

Anthony Weiner's laptop has implicated many.

Schneiderman gone. Proper judge in place. Rudy on the team.

Trust the plan.

",1527357667,26/05/2018 18:01 8707737,3919000406,"


1). ""This only applies to people like you who are trying to force other people to do things with their bodies. I'm not trying to force any women to have or not have an abortion.""

You just want those of us who are against it, to pay for it! Therefore, Our morals or beliefs are superseded by ONE WOMAN'S right to choose murder for her child!

2). First, you don't know my beliefs. Second, you have no monopoly on what god is or values.""

Well I do know that you don't believe in God because of your response to hairlesstrigger admitted as much! Besides, it's obvious that you worship the state as most communists do, until the elites eventually take control of it of course, which inevitable always happens, at which time another rebellion ensues. Secondly, I never claimed to have a monopoly on what God is or values. I simply said that I, as a man (a speck, on a speck, on a speck), have such minute knowledge of anything regarding this vast universe, that for me to be so arrogant as to dismiss the existence of a God, one way or another, is just ignorant! Unlike you, I admit that I can't claim to have the slightest inkling of what, where, who, how or why the universe exists in the first place! I am just simply more open-minded than you....and since neither of us can prove there is/is not a God one way or another based on our meager human knowledge, I choose not to discount the possibility that one (or they, or he) exists in the first place. You on the other hand, have convinced yourself that there is no GOD...period!

3). You're half right and half wrong. You're wrong because democracy a) leaves many personal decisions unaffected by law, and b) does allow one's views to be put into law at times.
4). A republic is a version of democratic governance. You're confusing yourself over semantics.

Gibberish nonsense. The concept of a Republic is based on the rights of the ""individual"". This means that if you are convicted of shooting someone with a gun, of running them over with your car, or stabbing them with your Bic pen, your actions cannot and will not effect my ability of any other individual to keep their own guns, cars or pens, and/or their right to continue to use them legally and lawfully as they see fit. Likewise, if I create a business and become rich because of it, you, or any other individual, have no right to benefit from it financially unless personally I choose for you/them to do so! The rights of the individual outweighs the rights of the mob! That's why our Bill of Rights apply to the ""Individual"" rights and NOT the ""Collective"" right! A Democracy on the other hand, is in direct conflict with the principles of a Republic because it allows 50.01% of the mob to take the rights, freedom or possessions (if the mob chooses) away from the remaining 49.99%, without their individual permissions! These two concepts cannot co-exist within our society regardless of what you've been taught. Democracy is nothing more than a dictatorship...a dictatorship by the mob! In our case however, our original Republic was systematically being replaced by a Faux-Democracy right under the noses of the uninformed and asleep masses. This is why our Bill of Rights and our Constitution have been under such attack so much these days...your communist friends who nearly took full control of our government from within and attempted to destroy our Republic and replace it with their Globalist Elitism, have now been exposed and have failed. This has now all fully public, regardless of the attempts of a controlled MSM media to allow that to happen! Finally, things are now turning back towards our Republic again as the founding fathers originally intended it to be. You will soon see that those who attempted this internal coup will be tried as traitors for it! Mark my words! This Republic will be restored! Trump and others are now working from within to restore it and true, WE THE PEOPLE patriots, are helping to empower them to do so, en masse! You are in the minority now and will soon realize that your arrogance has deceived you. That's definitely not a good thing for your you are aware LOL! If I were you, I would seriously be looking for a way out. But oh well! Maybe Soros will give you a job from prison or from his grave!

Here...perhaps this will help you grasp it all a bit better:

",1527363787,26/05/2018 19:43 8667522,3919012904,"

Didn't take Kim Long to figure out Deep State globalist !
Kim Jong Un holds surprise talks with South Korea, US/North Korea Summit discussed
5/26/2018 0 Comments

Picture Reports: North Korea's president Kim Jong Un held a surprise two-hour second summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the truce village of Panmunjom on Saturday afternoon to pave way for a summit between North Korea and the United States. The South Korean presidential office said the two leaders met at the DPRK side of the border village of Panmunjom from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm local time on Saturday, where they ""candidly discussed the potential Trump-Kim summit"", and exchanged their opinions on implementing the April 27 Panmunjom Declaration.
Well one thing is official, the North Korea/US Summit between Kim and Trump is not off the books. Still funny how several individuals thought Trump truly pulled out of the Summit this week between Trump and Kim on the 12th and also used it to try and debunk Q, but North Korea and South Korean leadership today have held a surprise talk where the Trump/Kim summit was part of the discussion.
​ Peace between North Korea and the United States is still looking like a major possibility, and we can possibly consider this surprise meeting between Moon and Kim today technically as a Summit between the North and South. It's still on the table folks may not be the 12th, but the Summit between Trump and Kim is still on...As it was discussed between Kim and Moon today.

",1527364534,26/05/2018 19:55 8708877,3919048596,"

Yes Mr Brooks, the President is thrilled that from the day he was inaugurated, the left, the media, the DOJ and the FBI have been accusing him of working with Putin to fix the election. He enjoys the fact that the swamp has done evrything they can to impeach him. Obviously you are not very smart.

If the parties listed above had left him alone to do his job and not started this phoney narrative, his approval rating would be 65%, and the midterms would be a landslide. But that was the plan from the beginning. Deligitimize his election victory, paint him as a crook, a traitor and a liar, and turn John Q Public against him. Too bad it's backfiring in spectacular fashion. The country will never be the same because of the way the left has corrupted Washington. Trump will have 2 terms to fix it, but the country has never been so divided. That will take much longer to fix. Thanks Obama!

",1527366945,26/05/2018 20:35 8702067,3919101374,"

You cut taxes now cut spending. Follow Q-anon. MAGA

",1527370074,26/05/2018 21:27 8709407,3919172789,"

You have a point but BB is still not MSM by a long shot.

May I recommend QNN on YouTube. But first start with Q. He published his last post on a few days ago.

Q is Military Intelligence. They approached DT to run for POTUS. Q is a group of patriots within our president’s inner-circle.

The long and short is that all these traitors are going down. We are getting our country back, one step at a time.

BTW, Q is not right wing. Patriots have no skin color, nor are they Democrats or Republicans—just Americans.

",1527375669,26/05/2018 23:01 8710332,3919247848,

Make him proud and stay in the fight Papa. Follow Q anon if you can. He is real.

,1527382144,27/05/2018 00:49 8710332,3919248543,


,1527382205,27/05/2018 00:50 8710332,3919270584,

That was a few days ago I think.
Found it while following Q Anon.
I think they got AP and ABC also.

,1527384141,27/05/2018 01:22 8710332,3919462581,"

Possible holding area for Gitmo connected facility being constructed outside Yuma, AZ


1 Comment

Neon Revolt Reports: We’ve got almost 30,000 sealed indictments (if not more) right now, with more being added every day. You could certainly hold everyone from those indictments in this camp, while they awaited trial. And if, as I speculate elsewhere, these tribunals will take place in Utah, Arizona isn’t that far. You could bus prisoners to and fro quite easily. And the omnibus bill does provide funds for transportation.
After all, if Gitmo is the final destination for these guys, but we can’t hold them there while they await trial. It would just be too expensive and impractical for us to keep flying planes of people back and forth. So you need to house everyone someplace domestic, beforehand, and THEN ship them off to Gitmo if they’re convicted.
Now this could be speculation, but when the Gitmo activity started being noticed after Christmas Q did state hint that a second facility would possibly be another Gitmo like facility. Well it looks like the second Gitmo like facility has been discovered in the desert of Arizona outside of Yuma, and SGT Report is even calling this facility Trump's pedo prison. So could Trump be turning a FEMA camp facility in Yuma, AZ that was suppose to be used for all of us, and turning it into a prison for the global elite/Deep State actors.
​ This facility in AZ would definitely not be a place you would want to go to, and Trump could very well turning this facility into Gitmo part two for those almost 30,000 sealed indictments around the country to cook the traitors, pedos, and Deep State actors in the Arizona sun. Like I've stated this could be speculation, but Q did tell us there was a facility outside of Gitmo being worked on that's connected to Gitmo...Could this be it?

",1527408104,27/05/2018 08:01 8699657,3919496217,

There is a lot that’s said that is deliberate disinformation. We are fighting spiritual warfare. Do you follow Q? I do. Our president has been doing a stellar job; HE trusts Sessions.

,1527412025,27/05/2018 09:07 8711767,3919666186,

T. I. I. Q. Is that of an after dinner mint. A failed MENSA candidate. It is all about The BLM Leftist Lock-Step.

,1527425221,27/05/2018 12:47 8713017,3919943588,"

Pedophiles like Trump and the other elites take anyone's children. The have plenty of white children too, taken from the poor and homeless. WAKE UP! QAnon knows.. you should learn the truth!

",1527441005,27/05/2018 17:10 8710092,3919964179,"

The Best Years of Our Lives. While not a shoot them up movie, it dealt with the reality of war and how our veterans are really treated when they return. I lost 3 jobs due to my combat deployments and was treated like crap by the VA and it's subcontractor Q. Just one of thousands who were denied help due to a convoluted, obsolete agency. Veterans families are also treated terribly, especially by the very organizations that tout service support. So we have that going for us.

",1527442089,27/05/2018 17:28 8713992,3920116166,"

And I thought it would be Allison Mack that would take Schiff down. Not that she won't/isn't, but he beat her to the punch.

Turns out, it's Schiff for Brains himself.

This traitor, a sitting Congressman, just publicly stated his support for an illegal abuse of power scheme set up by Obama, using agencies of force, to rig the 2016 election, using the same team that rigged Hillary's Benghazi and Email investigations, to illegally wiretap and then Spy on the Trump Campaign, in an effort to criminally frame Donald J Trump, who was at the time, an American Citizen. and once again as The President of the United States, once Hillary lost, all in a single effort that began as a political op to ensure Hillary's victory, but by the Will of the People, and their actions evidenced for the world, turned into an absolute failure of a coordinated attempt to overthrow the United States Government, our President, and Us, and every American Citizen.

Look up the definition of domestic terrorism per the FBI circa 1994: Two or more groups using force on an American Citizen for Political gain.

Nobody is above the law.

That should be it boys. Let's wrap this up and put a nice bow with the letter Q on it for Sessions to unseal. I am done with Schiff.


",1527450869,27/05/2018 19:54 8714547,3920160176,"

Possible holding area for Gitmo connected facility being constructed outside Yuma, AZ



Neon Revolt Reports: We’ve got almost 30,000 sealed indictments (if not more) right now, with more being added every day. You could certainly hold everyone from those indictments in this camp, while they awaited trial. And if, as I speculate elsewhere, these tribunals will take place in Utah, Arizona isn’t that far. You could bus prisoners to and fro quite easily. And the omnibus bill does provide funds for transportation.
After all, if Gitmo is the final destination for these guys, but we can’t hold them there while they await trial. It would just be too expensive and impractical for us to keep flying planes of people back and forth. So you need to house everyone someplace domestic, beforehand, and THEN ship them off to Gitmo if they’re convicted.
Now this could be speculation, but when the Gitmo activity started being noticed after Christmas Q did state hint that a second facility would possibly be another Gitmo like facility. Well it looks like the second Gitmo like facility has been discovered in the desert of Arizona outside of Yuma, and SGT Report is even calling this facility Trump's pedo prison. So could Trump be turning a FEMA camp facility in Yuma, AZ that was suppose to be used for all of us, and turning it into a prison for the global elite/Deep State actors.
​ This facility in AZ would definitely not be a place you would want to go to, and Trump could very well turning this facility into Gitmo part two for those almost 30,000 sealed indictments around the country to cook the traitors, pedos, and Deep State actors in the Arizona sun. Like I've stated this could be speculation, but Q did tell us there was a facility outside of Gitmo being worked on that's connected to Gitmo...Could this be it?

",1527453829,27/05/2018 20:43 8715592,3920340462,

Follow the white rabbit...Qanon....

,1527467575,28/05/2018 00:32 8704397,3920352893,

There is. Q anons

,1527468580,28/05/2018 00:49 8715592,3920355069,"

I hope you are both keeping up to date with Q. Atm the best board is Reddit - subreddit The Great Awakening. Q warned about a week ago that the dominos were about to start falling after a long period of gathering evidence to make sure it sticks and right on queue, they started. Q has been silent for about a week, but that usually means that a lot is happening behind the scenes. One of the ANONS has put forward a theory and I cannot give you a link, but if you go to The Great Awakening board to the search bar, drop in this Q1414 Messages sent Learn about Q’s slickest move Then pour yourself a strong one and sit back and read it.

These young ones - apart from those red pilled like your Son - that are following the msm are going to be in for such a shock when what Q is revealing about just how evil these leftovers, Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Mueller McCain, etc are. In fact, Q has said that the evidence being uncovered is so deep, so sick and evil, that the Q Team feels that 60% of Americans may not be able to mentally handle the truth at what they are finding out. The corruption is huge and I have been myself wondering why Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Comey et al, have been travelling to New Zealand. The info I gave you about on Q1414 tells all.

",1527468754,28/05/2018 00:52 8715147,3920634330,"

ugly can be fixed, I Q not so much

",1527499088,28/05/2018 09:18 8715592,3920765053,

Thanks Grace. But I think America will be just fine. Q notwithstanding.

,1527508251,28/05/2018 11:50 8717557,3920922735,

God Bless America. Thank Q President Trump for your sacrifices to save this nation. We are proud of you and your courage standing up to our enemies foreign and domestic.

,1527516662,28/05/2018 14:11 8703152,3921001052,"

Great to hear from you, dear friend! You're welcome! Yeah, that ""critter"" is a pink unicorn. I caught one. It's easy, because there are so many liberal trolls lately in the comment sections as you've found out as well. I started counting them, lol.

Sorry to hear that regarding your wife. One day she might find out the truth. Who knows. My wife was more on the liberal side as well. But I guess she is more ""extreme far right wing"" than everybody else right now, lol. Sometimes I listen to her when she talks about Q and new revelations. I'm more interested in the big picture though and I guess we know pretty much of most of what's going on out there. The law was under attack and is now buried somewhere. Nobody found out where so far. I guess UK and Sweden are just the most ""progressive"" states regarding oppression of liberty. Most other EU slave states will follow suit. With the third ""M"" (Stasi-lover Merkel) being next in their reign.

I don't know what's worse. Being bored to death because everything can be seen in advance with a 99% precision like a train running on rails. Or the fact that the majority is just watching but not doing anything against it. History repeats itself over and over again. The only positive thing I can get out of it is that we are obviously now witnesses of history happen before our very eyes! With WWIII on the platter. Just a matter of when. Unless every thinking individual would love to get enslaved by barbarians.

",1527520482,28/05/2018 15:14 8719502,3921141377,"

Post from Wikileaks today...

While we suspect that the ""Qanon"" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle it is also clear that many are aware of its manipulative potential and will usurp it if they have not already.

",1527527374,28/05/2018 17:09 8719502,3921142993,

Wikileaks is saying Qanon is a bunch of BS...

,1527527456,28/05/2018 17:10 8718107,3921240217,

leave it to Q bro

,1527532294,28/05/2018 18:31 8718087,3921322958,"

Disney thought that they could buy Marvel, Star Wars, and etc to use their popularity and fan bases to use as propaganda films.

They've done it across the board, and it's not even just those fanbases. They did it to the Bond series. Bond movies have gotten worse and worse since Q was removed.

No one pays or watches movies to get preached to, they watch to be entertained, and while action and special effects can be sufficient there's no substitute to a solid storyline. And, films trying to act as a fictional documentary is going to fall flat period.

Case and point, people would rather see an Hero's Epic as the original Star Wars films 4-6 rather than an Hero's Tragic as 1-3.

Even by literary formula, 7-8 it's WTF is this? It sure as heck isn't an Hero's Epic with a Mary Sue as the main character.

",1527536739,28/05/2018 19:45 8718107,3921352228,

yo ms. Q...

,1527538549,28/05/2018 20:15 8721767,3921376504,"

Wikileaks possibly compromised, as it joins the Q is a larp crowd...When Assange and Q are basically the same




While we suspect that the ""Qanon"" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle it is also clear that many are aware of its manipulative potential and will usurp it if they have not already.

12:33 PM - May 28, 2018

WikiLeaks Calls QAnon A Likely ‘Pied Piper’ Operation

A few months back I started having bizarre interactions on social media of a kind I’d never experienced previously. Suddenly, whenever I’d…


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One thing is for sure in Wikileaks and it's stance on joining the Q is a larp crowd, and that is Wikileaks is possibly compromised as Q and Assange basically do the same things in exposing the entire system. Q posts over the months have basically been the American version of Julian Assange, and for Wikileaks to call out Q as a larp it really makes you wonder who is now in control of Wikileaks.
You also have to remember what is currently going on with Assange trying to talk to Congress to prove he is not a Russian agent, so with that obviously Julian Assange is not in control of Wikileaks. You also have to remember that Wikileaks operates out of Europe, so Wikileaks could of very well of been taken over. It's just odd Wikileaks would label Q as a larp, when Julian Assange has been simply doing what Q has for months over the span of a decade...With that it simply sounds Wikileaks is likely compromised.

",1527540169,28/05/2018 20:42 8721767,3921380393,"

""While we suspect that the ""Qanon"" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls
engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle""

Everyone knew this.

",1527540448,28/05/2018 20:47 8720937,3921396449,"

CNN. Running cover for the real pedophiles.

Evidence, qanon. Right here.


",1527541567,28/05/2018 21:06 8722622,3921473666,"

This is hilarious! The people on the right have already abandoned the NFL, and now this clown is trying to get the left to boycott too? There will be nothing left. Are Democrats simply incapable of thinking something through? Are they really as stupid as Q says?

",1527547186,28/05/2018 22:39 8720937,3921478465,

Where IS Q? Last I have on PF is 5/22.

,1527547527,28/05/2018 22:45 8722057,3921490685,"

Yes, i am Q and yes, we are taking our country back.

",1527548400,28/05/2018 23:00 8720012,3921622617,

I'm guessing you base your conclusion on the fact Q hasn't posted in a week?

,1527557619,29/05/2018 01:33 8720012,3921632467,

Qanon is a larper? I never fully understood what that whole thing was about...

,1527558430,29/05/2018 01:47 8722957,3921683430,"

So what is going on at They haven't posted since May 22? Are they alright?

",1527563797,29/05/2018 03:16 8725517,3922037648,"

6-11-2018. Mark your calendars, be aware of the news. is email address for POTUS he has set free 17 foreign held hostages...perhaps he can work his super winning to help Tommy Robinson! I am Q, we are taking our country back!

",1527594612,29/05/2018 11:50 8720342,3922047471,"

Sure...the admin of this fabulous POTUS will help baby slaughterers....NOT. You sickos, you evil, evil sickos. Your day is coming, its already started, the end will be soon! ask POTUS to help Tommy Robinson, also, email 10downingstreet..let them know, that WE know. I am Q, we are taking our country back. WWG1WGA

",1527595082,29/05/2018 11:58 8725517,3922053216,

What will the cult do without Q?

,1527595355,29/05/2018 12:02 8718582,3922072501," Please ask POTUS to help free Tommy. POTUS has freed 17 hostages from foreign govts, and has more on his list. Email 10 Downing..let them know...we know what they're up to! Thank you POTUS.. the Greatest POTUS ever. I am Q, and we are taking our country back. WWG1 (Tommy) WGA

",1527596278,29/05/2018 12:17 8723372,3922094071,"

Never Forget...the leftist scum are the ones who literally spit on, and screamed murderers at our returning nam vets, most of whom had been drafted, and sent to hell on earth...unprepared, ill equipped, and led by unprepared 'leaders'. Our lambs, were led to slaughter. Burn in hell Lyndon. I am Q. And we are taking our country back

",1527597266,29/05/2018 12:34 8726362,3922217070,"

I hate PC crap...but comparing a black person to an ape always crosses a line in my book...

Roseanne still believes in ""Qanon"" which Wikileaks completely her judgement is a bit off

",1527602552,29/05/2018 14:02 8726362,3922267358,

She's part of the #QanonArmy #WWG1WGA

,1527604642,29/05/2018 14:37 8726362,3922268230,"

So you think ""Qanon"" is an authoritative source??? You're a special kind of stupid.


",1527604678,29/05/2018 14:37 8724622,3922281965,"

The judge, Geoffrey Marson Q.C., is a total disgrace to his profession. We must find a mechanism to start holding dangerous, moronic, ignorant judges to account. Most people think that judges deserve some level of respect. They do not. They should earn it through the wisdom of their decisions. Geoffrey Marson should be thrown out of the Bar.

",1527605251,29/05/2018 14:47 8726362,3922314670,

Was there a point that she wasn't anything more than a wacko? The whole 'QAnon' stuff she did really announced that she was.

,1527606628,29/05/2018 15:10 8728097,3922327580,"

I don't really care what Roseanne said...a bit of a risque comment...

She follows ""Qanon"" though and only idiots and little kids think that crap is legitimate

",1527607158,29/05/2018 15:19 8729302,3922408065,"

All this stuff is silly little cannon fodder: the Chinese are coming, they have 1.4 billion high I Q high tech people and another one hundred million dispersed throughout the world in the best paying high tech jobs and Universities in the USA...what do we have to look forward to: African and Latino immigration. America is finished

",1527610256,29/05/2018 16:10 8729302,3922527022,"

Catholic Church attendance suffers seven percent drop under Pope Francis...May gets worse



Gallup Reports: ​Weekly church attendance has declined among U.S. Catholics in the past decade, while it has remained steady among Protestants. From 2014 to 2017, an average of 39% of Catholics reported attending church in the past seven days. This is down from an average of 45% from 2005 to 2008 and represents a steep decline from 75% in 1955.
By contrast, the 45% of Protestants who reported attending church weekly from 2014 to 2017 is essentially unchanged from a decade ago and is largely consistent with the long-term trend. As Gallup first reported in 2009, the steepest decline in church attendance among U.S. Catholics occurred between the 1950s and 1970s, when the percentage saying they had attended church in the past seven days fell by more than 20 percentage points. It then fell an average of four points per decade through the mid-1990s before stabilizing in the mid-2000s. Since then, the downward trend has resumed, with the percentage attending in the past week falling another six points in the past decade.
What's most shocking about this attendance drop in the Catholic church, is that this drop should be bigger as all the pedophilia the Vatican is being exposed in under Pope Francis has come out on the main stage. Several of the Vatican's top officials in cardinals and archbishops have been busted partaking in child trafficking or covering up pedophilia inside the church and Vatican.
​ What was it that Q said about the Pope in May, well Q said the pope would have a bad May...And now in May of 2018 we are finding out the Vatican has suffered a seven percent drop in church attendance. Since 1955 alone the Catholic Church controlled by the Vatican has lost about 30 percent of it's attendance...Maybe people are starting to realize the church controlled by the Vatican is part of the globalist network that's controlled by child traffickers.

",1527614345,29/05/2018 17:19 8727137,3922539572,"

FIFA probably laundering more than towels. We dont need you! I am Q. Are you Q? We are taking our country back, thanks to our briliant POTUS and his team!

",1527614791,29/05/2018 17:26 8729302,3922544914,

is Roseanne working for Q now?

Heh heh.

You sneaky Q you...

,1527614986,29/05/2018 17:29 8727777,3922551386,"

I tend to think it would be preferable to ban taking political prisoners, and trying the old rendition trick...hear me terry? Please email POTUS to request help for hostage Tommy Robinson. Email to 10 Downing St, putting that evil b'ch on notice couldnt hurt either! I am Q..POTUS is leading us, to take our country back. Q anyone?

",1527615220,29/05/2018 17:33 8729302,3922559988,"

A ""lib"" who obsessed over half-witted ""q-anon"" tweets? Yes, Roseanne was a definite ""lib:......

",1527615534,29/05/2018 17:38 8723887,3922569329,"

There is a brilliant plan, led by POTUS. The very best are doing their parts to perfection. Americans do need to WAKE UP..its BY THE PEOPLE...IT SAYS, BY THE PEOPLE! I am Q, we (Q) are taking our country back, following POTUS, making it RAIN. God Bless America!

",1527615871,29/05/2018 17:44 8727767,3922580285,"

THE STORM..IS EXPANDING! Make it rain, make it pour Italy, and Britain! Free Tommy Robinson, ask POTUS for his help (2 mins to write it) where we go one, we go all! I am Q, are you Q? Are you raining..govt BY THE PEOPLE, led by POTUS

",1527616267,29/05/2018 17:51 8728457,3922597858,"

As Lyndon Johnson was a mass murderer of our soldiers in nam, obingobango is a mass murderer of Americans with open borders. They will ALL see justice..ALL OF THEM!!! I am Q, we are taking back our country, following and helping POTUS by raining. The STORM is breaking in europe, nk, iran....make it Pour!

",1527616912,29/05/2018 18:01 8727767,3922602599,"

POTUS is doing the work of did David. We in Q are waking up, and raining. God bless America, God bless POTUS' team !

",1527617087,29/05/2018 18:04 8407193,3922636634,"

I just watched a disturbing documentary on drug use, distribution, and sales in Utah over this Memorial Day weekend. Including high ups in the Mormon Church. I beg you, please forgive me if I lack trust in Session's choice!!

One thing this IRS,FBI,CIA EPA ETC Swamp Congress Connection has done to everyone in America is create a deep, deep distrust. Enough that I fear someone given respect and power might be revealed at a critical moment to be seriously tainted with a claim of sex, drug, crime, abuse. Answering to a 5/22/18 post on Q.

",1527618371,29/05/2018 18:26 8729302,3922648754,

And down goes another uneducated qanon and 4 Chan dummy.

,1527618842,29/05/2018 18:34 8731122,3922756773,"

Push the first valve down, and the loonies go round and round o o oo and they speak out their arse. Q amundo!

",1527623278,29/05/2018 19:47 8729267,3922774351,"

OMG. so diggin this..we say NO, keith ellison (f blk muslim) says NO, NOW, looney tunes says NO. hahahaha. The only thing better will be all the perp walks! Groovin with Q, lovin POTUS and his patriots, Great to be an AMERICAN!!!

",1527624083,29/05/2018 20:01 8727367,3922782788,"

Ohhhh. Poor pumpkin head...the times, they are a changin. Have you met President Trump?? Hahaha. Little theatre, perhaps? Does your agreement, you know, the one you already signed, say anything about this? The party is almost over...its time to call it a day! Q groovin. WWG1WGA. DO NOT FORGET TOMMY ROBINSON..

",1527624498,29/05/2018 20:08 8727367,3922785719,"

The DOUGH. They're so greedy! What's another term used for money, used for winning at cards..TRUMP!!! Q a loo

",1527624643,29/05/2018 20:10 8729302,3922792107,

Holy schnikes. El Rushbo predicted this... Q also predicted this soon after.

,1527624962,29/05/2018 20:16 8731697,3922964727,

You'd have to be an idiot to not realize this is all full-scale retribution for her support of liberty and the Q Anon movement. Those deep state weasels don't like being called out for their bias and hypocrisy.

edit: typo

,1527634128,29/05/2018 22:48 8732602,3923072586,"

And when that same laptop manages, finally to get into the right hands, just like oh a server, and when the birds are singing ...its a beautiful thing! I am Q. Are you Q? WWG1WGA

",1527644301,30/05/2018 01:38 8732602,3923074837,"

You're full of crap. I've read this sealed indictments garbage since last summer. With each person suggesting this fiction, the numbers always change. Probably a big fan of Q, too, huh?

",1527644461,30/05/2018 01:41 8732602,3923076399,

Where is this from? Qanon?

,1527644574,30/05/2018 01:42 8732602,3923083483,

No he is trying to be cryptic with some Q Anon bs.

,1527645090,30/05/2018 01:51 8732602,3923087964,"

Take too your own work, that is the responsibility of every American voter. Start investigating Q on twitter and you tube, bill smith, spaceshot76 they can guide you! Good luck. WWG1WGA

",1527645425,30/05/2018 01:57 8731902,3923117830,"

Pretty in depth analysis of Valerie Jarrett. Roseanne knows more then we think.

",1527647881,30/05/2018 02:38 8732602,3923165222,"

Jeff Sessions must be forced to resign. Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon support Jeff Sessions, not President Trump:

""More and more people who support President Trump are denouncing Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon. Conservative Treehouse responds by alleging that, try to follow this bit of illogic, if you support President Trump then you must support AG Jeff Sessions because Jeff Sessions is a white hat who is secretly working with President Trump. If you want to remove Jeff Sessions then you must be a Trump hater. Crazy, huh?

Our response is simple. If Bob Mueller is out to destroy President Trump then logically it follows that those who enable Mueller (like Rosenstein and Sessions) are also out to destroy President Trump.""

Trump supporters must demand that Jeff Sessions resign.

",1527652595,30/05/2018 03:56 8732602,3923166569,

Believing Q and trusting Sessions have become sacraments to a quasi-religious cult.

,1527652736,30/05/2018 03:58 8732602,3923181703,"

After 8 years of Obama, i can understand everyone's lack of trust. It is understandable.

Your trust will be restored. They thought she would never lose. We have everything.

Trust Kansas.
Trust Sessions.
Trust Huber.
Trust Wray.
Trust Horowitz.


",1527654344,30/05/2018 04:25 8726247,3923197325,"

QAnon says shake the media tree and see whose masks fall off. Some media people are on a Fed 3 Letter Agency payroll. And not simply main stream media, niche media as well. And they deal in the leaks that must be released. Logically, if the Feds are into placing moles with federal GOP and DNC campaigns domestically (to be in the drivers seat for trans-national agendas, such as in the 2016 election), then said agencies are also well placed in the domestic media. Who are the propagandists? Who are not?

",1527656039,30/05/2018 04:53 8732602,3923382145,

Thank you for pointing me towards Q with your post about two weeks back.

,1527673835,30/05/2018 09:50 8731447,3923439545,"

Of course it wont...because he will be executed, or at gitmo or supermax! I Q, because where we go one, we go all, and we Q, we're taking our country back!

",1527677230,30/05/2018 10:47 8732602,3923440419,"

""Believe what you see""
~1st rule of a Fighter Pilot

What I see is an AG who needs to resign. I dont buy this Q Anon BS either. Ahem, I dont see Hillary in chains. I also don't see the good guys winning. I do see the bad guys stalling like crazy trying to run out the clock on Trump's term.

",1527677278,30/05/2018 10:47 8734452,3923468971,"

As Q said, Iran is next....and its happening. Get BIG bags of popcorn, maybe different flavors, to enjoy the show! How incredibly exciting to be alive right now, and be part of supporting the brilliant Trump Team at work..taking back our country, and the countries held hostage by massively evil and corrupt govts...hear that Trudeau, May, Macron, Merkel, Elizabeth! Hahahahaha. WWG1WGA

",1527678729,30/05/2018 11:12 8735592,3923489708,"

Don't be surprised if her real crime was that she had tweeted favorably about Qanon in the past but they couldn't destroy her then without drawing more focus on Q. There's a war on against Q. All CIA assets are being turned against Q to destroy him. Once Roseanne spoke favorable about Q, her days in the CFR/CIA controlled media/Hollyweird were numbered.

",1527679740,30/05/2018 11:29 8734492,3923593831,"

Occasionally, Muslims don’t hide behind Taqiyya (lies); and when they don’t we see the Real intent of Islam:
Ali Abu Al-Hasan is an Egyptian cleric. Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon which aired on Al-Hekma TV (January 6, 2012).
“With the [Muslim] emigration [to Europe], and the unwillingness to get married and have children [among the Europeans]… A hundred of people there are succeeded by eighty, and ten years later, those eighty will be succeeded by sixty, and those sixty will later be succeeded by forty, and those forty will become ten a decade later, and twenty years later, not a single one of them will be left!

Europe has realized this. After a while, Europe will become a single Islamic state, which will know nothing but ""There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger."" This will happen whether they like it or not. This is the decree of Allah. Islam is coming”![2]
Asra Q. Nomani is a writer for The Daily Beast and author of Standing Alone: An American Woman's Struggle for the Soul of Islam.
“We use religion as a cover... We're saying that you can't go into our mosques, you can't look at our Muslim organizations, you can't even look at Muslims because that's to target us. But the truth is, we do have a problem in our Muslim community.[3]
Fouad Belkacem (alias Abu Imran) is the spokesman for Sharia4Belgium, a Belgian Muslim organization which denounces democracy and calls to reform Belgium into an Islamic state.
“The Sharia will dominate. We believe Sharia will be implemented worldwide... Sharia is Islam, to be clear. There is no difference between Islam and Sharia, it's just a name. Democracy is the opposite of Sharia and Islam. We believe Allah is the legislator. Allah makes the laws. He decides what is allowed and what is forbidden.
. . .
That's really funny when I hear someone say I was speaking to a 'democratic Muslim.' It's the same thing as saying I was speaking to Christian Jew, or a Jewish Muslim or something like that. It's impossible. How could you meet a Jewish Muslim or a Christian Jew? And the Muslim who says he's against Sharia, he's not a Muslim. It's impossible.[5]
Of course [it's just a matter of time before Muslims are the majority in Belgium]. Even the disbelievers themselves -- they say in 2030 something like that -- there will be a majority of Muslims here in Belgium. Here in Antwerp in the schools, 40 percent of the children are Muslim, so no problem. If they want to push us back or something, I don't know, maybe they can start by marrying four wives and have a lot of children. Start with that and they will have a chance, but I don't think so. I don't think we're very far away. The victory of Allah is very near. So, I think the West and Europe needs to prepare itself for a wave of Sharia and Islam.”[5]
Salem Abu Al-Futuh is an Egyptian cleric. Following are excerpts from an interview with him which aired on Al-Nas TV on August 18, 2010.
“The nation of Islam will return – despite our current crisis and despite the arrogance of the West. The West is bound to be destroyed. Just like Allah destroyed the Byzantine and Persian empires, He will destroy the West at the hands of the Muslims. This is an unequivocal promise. These countries will convert to Islam. Islam will reach these countries.
. . .
By Allah, we will conquer Italy. By Allah, we will conquer Italy and move into [the rest] of Europe. Islam will enter that entire region. Even America, you ask? Yes, even America. North or south America? Both North and South America. We will enter all these countries, and people there will be joining Islam in droves”.[17]

",1527684321,30/05/2018 12:45 8735772,3923710179,"

To those sites that think Sessions is playing 4D chess and that Q said to trust the plan, I think it's fake deceptive news. Something would have happened by now.

",1527689156,30/05/2018 14:05 8735772,3923715470,"

Trey Gowdy is coming into the picture again in a new role !!!

This is what these messages are about !!!


Read Q.

Praying Medic is good at interpreting, if you need that:


",1527689366,30/05/2018 14:09 8736052,3923719489,"

Gowdy is coming into the picture again in a new role !!!

This is what these messages are about !!!


Read Q.

Praying Medic is good at interpreting, if you need that:


",1527689526,30/05/2018 14:12 8736052,3923744414,"

Gowdy will re-enter the picture again in a new role !!!

This is what these messages are about !!!


Read Q.

Praying Medic is good at interpreting, if you need that:


",1527690524,30/05/2018 14:28 8728442,3923756031,"

oh come on, SURELY u jest!? WHO pays those unfunded pensions??????? ME, JOHN Q TAXPAYER!

",1527690992,30/05/2018 14:36 8735592,3923772541,"

Well, even Rosanne was up on the whole child sex ring among Hillary and the Democrat party. She would tweet and tell the world about 'QAnon"" and his information about bringing down the Democrat establishment regarding the high profile sex trafficking going on. This is why ABC had to get rid of her.

",1527691676,30/05/2018 14:47 8735592,3923790891,"

""She was set up by ABC and the left. ""

Yeah, they forced her to write that tweet or something. Nothing about that tweet would make me go, ""Yeah, that sounds like something she would say"". Should have just stuck with the ""QAnon"" tweets regarding the child sex rings run by the Democrat party.

",1527692427,30/05/2018 15:00 8735772,3923800932,"

Trey Gowdy will come back into the picture again in a new role !!!

This is what these messages are about !!!


Read Q.

Praying Medic is good at interpreting, if you need that:


",1527692845,30/05/2018 15:07 8731227,3923870792,"

As Q has said. TRUST NOONE. Look at the Rinos that have revealed themselves. Look at PAUL Ryan, still not sure about Gowdy. Sessions? One of the last Q drops, they posed the question ‘If Sessions was deep state, would he still be AJ’. Another couple of times Q has said ‘Trust Sessions’. This corruption is so deep and sick and evil that it will take much more than 2 years to clean it up. This is not the first time the President has publicly lambasted Sessions and if according to a report I read just after he became President, Sessions has been part of the cleanup since day 1. What would you prefer? A ‘dead’ America or a free America? There is no other alternative.

",1527695170,30/05/2018 15:46 8731227,3923882625,

Trust the PLAN as Q keeps reminding us.

,1527695618,30/05/2018 15:53 8735772,3923932939,

But.. but... qanon

,1527697677,30/05/2018 16:27 8735772,3924001262,"

Yet ""Q"" says, ""Trust Sessions.""

It's high time we realize that ""Q"" needs to be deep six. I think Alex Jones is right; Q has been compromised. It's been almost two years and no legal action yet. How much longer are we to ""trust sessions""? I bet until 2020 when they try to remove Trump.

",1527700510,30/05/2018 17:15 8735772,3924155192,"

Yea really! What really gets to ne is I watched the Senate committee hearing on Sessions and I went ballistic when Jeff got down on bended knee and surrendered his sword to the likes of""Stewart Smalley!"" I knew a wuss he would be. I also do not agree with the Q posts ""trust Sessions"".

",1527707143,30/05/2018 19:05 8738007,3924162998,"

Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on IG Report scheduled for June 5th



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Senate Judiciary✔@senjudiciary

Chairman @ChuckGrassley: @SenJudiciary Committee to hold hearing entitled: ""Examining the Inspector General's First Report on @TheJusticeDept Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election"" on Tuesday, June 5 at 10:00 a.m.

WATCH LIVE: https://www.judiciary.senat...

5:54 PM - May 29, 2018


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​Fox News reported: Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is slated to testify before congressional committees next month, presumably after the release of his long-awaited report on the FBI’s Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 presidential campaign, Fox News has learned. Both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee are preparing to have Horowitz appear before them in early June, according to a congressional source.
On Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said his committee would hold a hearing titled “Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election” on June 5. In June, House Republicans also plan to interview three FBI officials linked to the agency’s handling of the Clinton email probe, part of an ongoing joint investigation by the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees.
Is the IG report on the Comey FBI handling of the Clinton investigation about to come out within the next week, as the Senate Judiciary is holding a hearing on the IG report on June 5th? If so then it's likely we will see the IG report sometime after June 5th or a little after...Unless the IG decides to release the report on the Comey handling of the Clinton investigation during or just after this hearing.
​ Q has told us though what is the common theme when bad news comes out against them, so during this time be very alert for false flags or possible attacks leading up to June 5th and a little after. This will be something the Deep State does not want out, and hopefully like the IG report on McCabe this report will not be redacted upon release...Which looks to be coming in the next week.

",1527707510,30/05/2018 19:11 8739942,3924233035,

What happened to Q? Are they in North Korea this week?

,1527711112,30/05/2018 20:11 8731227,3924240554,

Nothing like a 4chan follower of Q anon.

,1527711536,30/05/2018 20:18 8731227,3924327019,"

Today we thank your ilk. And right on time - as Q predicted - you and your ilk come crawling out of the swamp to show us what ‘useful idiots’ you are. Thank you!

From an Anon

To the few remaining in the Anti-#QAnon group, desperately screaming anything they can to discredit Q or any of Q’s “followers,” I would like to personally thank you for informing the masses that this is a PSYOP. Yes. It’s true. It’s a psychological operation initiated by military intelligence and propagated by civil effort. We are actively engaged in an attempt to inform our neighbors, our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers of the crimes and atrocities that have been committed over the last century on the backs of our nation’s unwitting citizens.
You have done more for our campaign than we could have done alone, and that is exactly how we intended it. At every step of the way, we have baited you to move in and to say too much, to give yourself away and so afraid you are, and so habitual it is, that you can not and have not resisted the temptation
As anticipated, the coordinated attacks on #QAnon have arrived. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these independent journalists for finally confirming what Anons have been saying from the start.


Three cheers for Jana! Hip hip Hooray. Hip hip Hooray. Hip hip Hooray. Well done Jana Radford..........🤡

",1527716524,30/05/2018 21:42 8741857,3924376625,"

Not only that, the 2nd in command at the DNC called for a BOYCOTT of NFL games until the players 'take a knee'. Q is right! They are stoopid.

",1527719569,30/05/2018 22:32 8742602,3924379236,

One letter is why Roseanne was fired -- Q.

,1527719732,30/05/2018 22:35 8741857,3924381109,"

What a wonder. The wheat is being separated from the chaff in real-time. Q said:
""expand your thinking"".

",1527719845,30/05/2018 22:37 8732602,3924407601,"

Yeah but what do all the anonymous basement dwellers, such as Qanon say? 😉😂

",1527721537,30/05/2018 23:05 8742602,3924456610,

What did Q Anon say about this?

,1527724660,30/05/2018 23:57 8742427,3924496525,"

I thought the same. It's a remarkable piece of craftsmanship.

I looked it up it was a present from Q. Victoria. The wood is from the H.M.S Resolute - which has a history between the two countries.


",1527727313,31/05/2018 00:41 8742757,3924546785,"

of course this would eliminate the whole ""qanon"" scenario

",1527731215,31/05/2018 01:46 8735772,3924728653,"

Sessions is DeepState scum and it might be the biggest mistake president Trump has made in his first term.
I love how clowns like ""Qanon"" tell us to ""trust Sessions and be patient!""
Yeah right, be patient while they obstruct Trump's entire agenda using these insane fake investigations and a coup attempt?

F$%k Sessions.

",1527750029,31/05/2018 07:00 8743752,3924812685,"

EAS sent out in Oregon with message Prepare for Action



KTVZ reports: Thousands of cellphones across the state of Oregon sounded an ominous alarm Tuesday night, with a very worrisome message to “prepare for action” due to a “civil emergency in this area.” But for all but a minority of recipients of the alert, sent out around 8:30 p.m., it was a total false alarm.
The Oregon Office of Emergency Management and Oregon State Police confirmed that Marion County was trying to let all Salem-area residents know about an advisory for some residents to stop using tap water after tests found low levels of toxic algae. It was aimed primarily at children, infants and other vulnerable people, but only in that area. However, none of those details made it into the text that went to many well beyond Marion County, labeled on various phones as a “severe threat alert” or “emergency alert.”
Well this is one of the strangest developments we had in awhile, where the Oregon EAS system sent out an emergency message followed by Prepare for Action. This isn't the first time this has happened however, as we also had this experience before with a rocket heading towards Hawaii a month ago...Which was eventually exposed as a Deep State operation with an MSM news crew caught on scene when the EAS was sent out in Hawaii.
​ Obviously the news isn't telling us the real reason why this was sent out in Oregon this week, claiming this was about contaminated water. These EAS messages followed by Prepare for Action just don't get sent out, so what really took place in Oregon on Tuesday that caused the Oregon EAS to send out an emergency alert with the message Prepare for Action? Remember Q has stated EAS messages like this would happen.

",1527757840,31/05/2018 09:10 8743752,3924835778,

....but Q.

,1527759448,31/05/2018 09:37 8727082,3924941113,"

So, you served in a peacetime army and now own a mall security firm.


You're welcome for the salary and benefits.

John Q. Taxpayer

",1527765533,31/05/2018 11:18 8742282,3924997676,"

No, I follow Q. He’s spoke of this many times. Considering his recent lack of posts and this evil woman going to the Oval Office, I worry about his life.

",1527768154,31/05/2018 12:02 8734102,3925057470,"

Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.

Bottom to top.. https ://

",1527770702,31/05/2018 12:45 8737097,3925077104,"

Ha haaaaaa!!!!!!! Fake News!!!! #Qanon sent me. Headline: ""Clowns In America"" Are Skeptical of NK Nuke Deal"". Yaa think??? #PainIsComing #WeSeeYou #TheStormIsHere MAGA

",1527771518,31/05/2018 12:58 8572490,3925106578,

Just thought I would check in w/ you Bob. Did you see the news yesterday regarding Manafort being an FBI plant in the Trump campaign??? Once again....just like Q said. Good luck in November douche bag. MAGA

,1527772756,31/05/2018 13:19 8741192,3925150192,"

So, word has it Kim and Kanye were pulled into the Illuminati, as they are know to go after young talent with promise of fame and fortune in exchange for loyalty. Research it, it is very interesting. Then they have a child, which is know to knock sense into kids. Next logical step, we want out. Illuminati no likey that!

If true, and I believe it is, and the fact that Kim and Kanye are working with Trump, who is dismantling the evil pukes network of fraud daily using the greatest military on earth, Jim Acosta's comments can only mean one thing...

Acosta is a high up illuminati, C_A, and needs to be exposed for his ""reporting"" being signals for the bad guys pals to act. Based on previous evidence, I say Jim Acosta has exposed himself, and it in a boat load of trouble but is too stupid to know it.

Now comes the pain.


",1527774461,31/05/2018 13:47 8737097,3925177647,"

The Peace Deal could have already happened in November, 2017, to fake out the MSM, without the knowledge of the enemies in our own agencies and media and tech boyz, and the entire left's criminal network has been set up so we can watch them try and derail the peace talks using phones we supplied them and the NSA which has everything else.

Talks of very bad things. Very bad.

We have everything. Now comes the pain.


",1527775562,31/05/2018 14:06 8746002,3925202833,

Gowdy is just like Darryl Issa--all bark and no bite. The GOP sends them out to stage resistance for the base to look like they actually care and then the curtain falls down and the audience is told to go home.
The GOP is nothing but controlled opposition.
Thank God for Trump and the Q Team.

,1527776551,31/05/2018 14:22 8721592,3925298296,"

Q. Check out Q on twitter, and you tube...look for inpursuitoftruth, bill smith, spaceshot76. Big boom coming

",1527780339,31/05/2018 15:25 8746002,3925304096,"

Full Disclosure. I have always been a fan of Trey Gowdy.

Only one problem i must reconcile.

If Gowdy supports spies in political campaigns, yet nobody was spying on the Hillary campaign while her crimes were buried, and crimes against Trump and his team were invented and a Special Council was formed to prosecute nothing, then:

Where was the spy for the other campaign?
Who rigged the DNC primaries?
What connections did Hillary have with Russians or any other foreign persons/entities/governments?
What monies were exchanged/promised?
What favors were paid for/delivered?
Are any of them involved in child trafficking?
What companies is she actually working for and/or which ones are working for her?
Where is the missing relief money for Haiti?
Where are the missing children of Haiti?
Why did Bill fly to Epstein Island 26 times?
Why did Hillary help a know and convicted child trafficker?
What does John Legend have to do with the Allison Mack thing?
Did you hear Allison Mack is squealing saying she sold children to the Clinton ring?

These are the questions inquiring minds want to know.


",1527780571,31/05/2018 15:29 8748462,3925365712,"

They are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic while their favorite movie stars steal their life jackets we sabatoged, their donors steal the life boats that we made sure do not work, and their musician friends are left playing their songs of deceit with a sound system that is getting destroyed by water damage from the Waves of Truth.

Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show!


",1527783026,31/05/2018 16:10 8735592,3925388689,

WHat happened to the 1st A is that Americans got lazy and forgot to read the Constitution!

What happened to the first amendment is that too many people on the left decided they did not like it -- or the constitution in general. The liberals in my day had the torch. but we obviously failed to pass it on -- Q.E.D..

,1527783935,31/05/2018 16:25 8742282,3925392666,

Look up #Qanon. She's a part of the global child sex trafficing ring.

,1527784098,31/05/2018 16:28 8737097,3925425543,"

Intel agecies - force
MSM - propaganda (operation mockingbird)

The 3 powers at the top were Rothschild, SA and Soros.

First 2 of the 3 are dismantled (fixed). Soros and company are going to have to walk the streets knowing we all know. Not going to work out well for them. What these people did is sick, and will not be tolerated ever again.

We have everything.


",1527785421,31/05/2018 16:50 8747507,3925477682,

Thank Q patriots. We are taking America back. Tariffs are long overdue and have interesting dynamic effects that most people don't understand (related to the slope of a company's cost curve) but that will be very beneficial in offsetting the costs imposed by foreign mercantilism.

Free trade has always been the policy of the international bankers and globalists. Hamiltonian industrial policy has always been the policy of American patriots.

,1527787518,31/05/2018 17:25 8746002,3925503887,

There's a traitor around every corner. Q I thought you said there were more good people than bad?

,1527788596,31/05/2018 17:43 8731227,3925609812,"

OK. That's all you got? A fourth grade response? Want to throw in a couple of Nana Nana Boo Boo' s? I'll have you know sir, that my stupidity comes complete with two college degrees, an I Q exactly the same as Tony Soprano 's, and, yes it's been measured, and 50+ years of work experience. Every politician has a war chest, backers since he was elected, and various ways of money raising. Ever heard of go fund me ? I think he's quitting because he knows that the more this story progresses, the worse it will become. I know that I have thorough out my life, fought battles simply because I believed I was in the right. He doesn't have that conviction because he's guilty, imo. BTW. Since Breitbart allows you to spew this kind of hate to someone you don't know I will not respond to anymore of your tripe. Making those kind of statements would have gotten my son's some discipline in their younger days. Don't forget the Nana Nana Boo Boo's when give the forum your next enlightened ........thought?.

",1527793055,31/05/2018 18:57 8747052,3925701473,

I hope Boehner is one who is indicted soon.

Many indictments coming according to Q.

,1527797569,31/05/2018 20:12 8743757,3925701644,

The only reason is not because of Mr. Trump. The reasons are the quality of this quarter back's play. He is the first S.F. 49ers Q.B. to lose a Super Bowl and he followed that up with a defeat in the NFC championship game.Also he still has not said he is willing to NOT violate the NFL's policy of conduct. So These are the reasons why he is unemployed... Not because of Mr. Trump!

,1527797578,31/05/2018 20:12 8746027,3925710761,

There's rumors he is Q as well.

,1527798081,31/05/2018 20:21 8746372,3925744758,

Thank Q and Godspeed to you also. We will win.

,1527799991,31/05/2018 20:53 8749677,3925785072,

.... the new Q.

,1527802428,31/05/2018 21:33 8746027,3925896758,"

If one disagrees with Q then they are ""deep state""? Seek help.

",1527809544,31/05/2018 23:32 8746027,3925946059,"

Dude, hardly. I don't shill for no one, especially for psyop Q. He's predicted nothing and is distracting with claims of ""imminent arrests, boom boomboom"" blah blah blah. But sure, keep on believing ""him"".

Trump sold us out to Is--el, dude. Sorry to break it to you.

",1527812732,01/06/2018 00:25 8748462,3925981274,

Leftists stepping up their attacks on Q. Why waste time attacking if Q were just a LARP?

,1527815239,01/06/2018 01:07 8746027,3925986833,

Why would the globalist mafia be stepping up their attacks on Q? Because they are afraid of patriots united and informed about their crime syndicate.

,1527815674,01/06/2018 01:14 8746027,3926020098,

Many members of my family were/are military contractors with high level clearances. We have been in this fight our whole lives. I believe Q is one of us (a patriot in military intelligence) although I am just another anon and do not claim to be anything else).

,1527818195,01/06/2018 01:56 8752932,3926132585,"

An important update:

""Update: Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon must be happy. Their strategy, as we have repeatedly written, aligns neatly with the Deep State strategy of delay, delay, delay, stonewall, stonewall, stonewall, delay, delay, delay, distract, distract, distract.

Via Byron York - Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on IG report, originally scheduled for June 5, has been moved to June 11. That means no IG report this week.

This delay, stonewall, distract, strategy which Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon so heartily endorse means that the hearing on the IG report will be held the day before President Trump is scheduled to go to Singapore to meet with the North Koreans. A great foreign policy move by President Trump will be in direct competition with the IG report as a big news story. Who does this delay/distraction benefit? Hint: Deep State/Conservative Treehouse/Q-Anon.""

",1527830067,01/06/2018 05:14 8751292,3926201870,

: Didn't Albright say::: starving to death 500K Iraqi children was the cost of doing war and that it was wroth it!
What an evil PO Shipt!
Like Q Said the Pain is coming for these NWO Scum!

,1527837835,01/06/2018 07:23 8752932,3926317418,"

#QAnon says it's all coming. They have everything they need, through good guy now running NSA.

",1527847459,01/06/2018 10:04 8752932,3926318354,

nope. Sessions would have been long gone. You don't know what good guy at NSA has. #TrustThePlan #QAnon. Where we go one we go all .

,1527847517,01/06/2018 10:05 8752932,3926318364,

How would #QAnon know?

What evidence is there that the NSA guy is a good guy?

,1527847518,01/06/2018 10:05 8752932,3926319627,

Hope QAnon has some good intell on WHAT THE H€LL is REALLY GOING ON!

,1527847600,01/06/2018 10:06 8752932,3926319641,

this Q stuff is bullcrap. Please grow up

,1527847601,01/06/2018 10:06 8752932,3926337291,

Hey Schrodinger's cat -- where has Q been lately?-- nothing posted since the 22nd unless posted somewhere else

,1527848709,01/06/2018 10:25 8752932,3926343384,"

Okay, but I still don't understand why #QAnon would know. Is #QAnon from the military?

Is the head of the NSA part of the military?

",1527849078,01/06/2018 10:31 8752932,3926351899,"

I've been following Q and the anons since day one! I'm ready for action! Enough with the threats of something big is coming, let it come already, people are losing faith.

I've been a believer since the beginning, but my faith is waning at this point.

Where are the promised BOOMS?? Hello Q?? Anyone home any longer??

",1527849567,01/06/2018 10:39 8745777,3926362050,

My Audi Q 5 was made in Mexico Don.

,1527850145,01/06/2018 10:49 8749232,3926472504,"

You know folks, I stand amazed at the absolute ridiculously easy proving of these people's hypocrisy. These freaking people act like we do NOT live in an information age, where we can find this stuff out within minutes of their VERY STUPID remarks. Q, you sir are right, THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

",1527855459,01/06/2018 12:17 8755777,3926601515,

Guinan never was adept with numbers. Won't make a difference. She hates the Q and the Borg and just serves drinks in 10 Forward. /sarc

,1527861239,01/06/2018 13:53 8746907,3926682585,"

Alexa randomly changes stations to music from conservative talk shows now. And AT&T has started pixalating conservative opinion shows Tucker and Hannity, when all other stations are fine, including FBN. And all the previous Fox shows were fine too. You would think that it would be a red flag when Liberal Marxists have to hide who they really are. And play these propaganda games. And make up Russian conspiracies to hide their own real conspiracies. But here we are. Soooo....are you starting to understand better now why successes are mostly punished. While mediocrity and failure is rewarded and celebrated? And why Best Practices proven and quantified scientifically have a decay rate? When they should be just obvious common sense to the most casual of observers? There is a science behind all of this. And it starts at the root cause of modern societal rot. The Peter Pan fairy tale cult of Atheism. Built on pseudo science, the Liberal Secular Religion. Where you are made to believe you can actually stop the climate from changing. And given the false belief that technology without any guidance will solve all your problems. Until AI kills us all. This insane hiding inside NeverNeverland afraid of shadows (personal negatives) and all authority except theirs is at the heart of all Liberal madness perpetrated on us by their childish Santa Claus policies. Even though they are all poster children for the scientific definition of insanity. Even if we QE Infinity print more money, we still ALWAYS run out of other people’s money. The earth, the sun and Athiests/secular Agnostics are not the true centers of the universe. Math, music, language, logic and the scientific method don’t work in the Liberal pseudo scientific NeverNeverland of random dominant Atheism. Where there would be no God to design, maintain and guarantee reliable repeatability. Harmonics physics is the hard scientific evidence God is. There is ZERO hard scientific evidence for an Atheist origin for life or our universe. 100% of actual scientific evidence supports Theism. So, it is time to put Peter Pan childish Atheism on the shelf with Flat Earthism. Q. E. D.

",1527864811,01/06/2018 14:53 8755777,3926713692,"

The indictments were unsealed on Huber's desk with great care, in hopes that Saint Q soon would be there.

The cabal were all nestled snug in their beds while visions of orange jumpsuits danced in their heads. And Hillary in her pantsuit, and Comey in his cap had just settled their brains for a long summers nap.

When out on the tube there rose such a chatter, Brennan sprung from his Islamic prayer mat to see what was the matter.Staring at the TV, McCabe had enough as federal agents broke down his door with the cuffs.

The sun began to rise with the new revelations, that Obama's white house had illegally spied just like the allegations. When to their eyes, there grew such a surprise, a lengthy IG report that revealed all the lies. With brand new drops so lively and new, the whole world knew it had to be Q.

More rapid than Eagles, his breadcrumbs they came, and he sang and riddled, and called them by name. ""Now Comey, and Hillary, Hussein, and Brennan. On Clapper, on McCabe, on Lynch, and on Weisman. To the top of the courts! To the top of the wall! Now hang, hang, hang away!

As the calm before the crossfire hurricane storm, when they meet with their indictments, and mount in history's norms to the public's excitement. So up to tribunals the military they flew , with boxes full of evidence and Saint Q, too. And then in a moment they heard on the roof, that Huber and Rudy had them the proof.

As it messed with their heads, and they tried to turn it around, down the tarmac team Q came to keep them there bound. They were dressed in military uniforms, from head to toe, and their clothes were all neat unlike their foe. A bundle of guns they carried in hand, because the punishment must be just to fill the demand.

Trump sprang from Air Force One to give his team a whistle, and away they all flew escorting them to Gitmo. And they heard him claim as he flew out of sight, ""Thank Q to all, and to all a good night!""

",1527866216,01/06/2018 15:16 8735592,3926754176,"

Sorry Roseanne, it's not about what was said so apologizing won't help. The problem is you're publicly a Trump supporter, you said favorable things about Qanon, and the decision was made before your remarks to clobber you at the first possible excuse.

",1527868026,01/06/2018 15:47 8752932,3926848977,"

Gitmo is for terrorist enemy combatants (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, et al). No one from the Clinton/Obama Crime Cartels are going to Gitmo. That should be your first clue that Q is a whackadoodle teenager using the computer in his mother's basement.

",1527872306,01/06/2018 16:58 8749122,3926886429,"

The racist SPLC hate organization is just one facet of the communist ""Trump resistance movement."" The only appropriate response to scum like this is a middle finger and the words FUH Q uttered loudly.

",1527873990,01/06/2018 17:26 8752932,3926907539,

Are you following Qanon?
Do you think Military Intelligence approached Trump to get him to run?
Do you think Admiral Rogers has been a Patriot and has everything?

,1527874956,01/06/2018 17:42 8756207,3927105844,

I would like to see his entire course plan. I am suspect.

Mostly I would like to see how he is going to teach his students about how he visits mom in GITMO.

Huma and Anthony are talking.


,1527885300,01/06/2018 20:35 8760172,3927134690,

These and other tv globalists need to be reminded every minute of the of the day about their blantant bias. Every single day. As Q says. ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!

,1527887212,01/06/2018 21:06 8759397,3927163699,

Why doubt? This is not just about America. This is global. Every single western country has become corrupted and has been for 100 years. It cost JKF his life and nearly Reagan’s. It cannot continue. Why do you think that President Trump requested JFKs files to be opened? Who killed his son and why? Who stepped into John Kennedy Jnr.’s position when he was killed. Obama and a lot more will go before s Military Tribunal. As Q has said. >>598223
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

,1527889194,01/06/2018 21:39 8755207,3927203140,


,1527892066,01/06/2018 22:27 8759372,3927302863,

.... right on Q. Here are the trolls.

,1527899574,02/06/2018 00:32 8761377,3927327909,"

lol Let me guess, Q Anon.

",1527901714,02/06/2018 01:08 8760662,3927346694,

Where the hell is Q?

On vacation?

,1527903437,02/06/2018 01:37 8760662,3927347364,

Don't worry about Q. It's all compromised. Concentrate on MAGA.

,1527903502,02/06/2018 01:38 8760662,3927348327,

I'm having a ham and MAGA sandwich with spicy mustard. Now that's Q!!

,1527903590,02/06/2018 01:39 8758667,3927352260,"

LOL. If they were the left, they would have ran on to the field and confronted the Black Q Tip when he protested... Left doesn't allow folks to vent or speak unless one tows their line/agenda... That is FACT... Try again...

",1527903971,02/06/2018 01:46 8761377,3927359199,

People like you don't get that it's the whole thing at stake--imagine every official in several prior administrations committing the worst treason non-stop for decades. Mass arrests are Q psy op promoting a fantasy to string people along indefinitely. This situation will not fix itself

,1527904662,02/06/2018 01:57 8761377,3927359792,"

Love Bannon! I hope either him or Mike Flynn is Q. He is right, no one is looking at all the indictments coming out of the Justice Dept--Sessions is knocking it out of the park, he's just working on the low right now until the stage is set for the big rats to go down.

",1527904722,02/06/2018 01:58 8761377,3927362629,

Let's see what happens June 11. If you read the Q drops you would feel different. 29K+Sealed indictments of the Obama Administration and Clinton Foundation is what Sessions has been working on. It's massive.

,1527905028,02/06/2018 02:03 8761377,3927365612,"

RR is a black hat for sure. Sessions knows it, he is no longer included in the meetings and was used to get intel on the big rats. Time will tell.

",1527905367,02/06/2018 02:09 8761377,3927366165,"

Hi there, Q psy op twit

""Do nothing! It will all fix itself""

",1527905429,02/06/2018 02:10 8761377,3927401881,"

Twitter and you tube..qanon...i recommed bill smith, inpursuitof truth, and spaceshot76

",1527909659,02/06/2018 03:20 8761207,3927406755,"

The stage is set. IG report on 6/5. Assange on 6/11.

D5 + MOABs are incoming.

When the crimes that were stored on Weiner's laptops are exposed and prosecuted, you are going to see the Hand of God LIVE, in action.

2 NYPD officers were taken out simply because they saw the contents.

We have everything. They thought she would never lose.



",1527910303,02/06/2018 03:31 8761377,3927415825,"

Start doing utube..its can look at peoples tweets by nane. I dont twitter either. Look up the names i gave you. Google Qanon you'll see the tweets. Avoid corsi, unirock etc ck bill smith on you tube..good place to start

",1527911453,02/06/2018 03:50 8761377,3927418329,

Did Q or Sundance feed you that bull?

,1527911766,02/06/2018 03:56 8761377,3927422309,

Qanon is NOT a reliable source...........

it is an anonymous internet posting........

in cryptic codes..........

that different folks interpret to fit the days headlines........

kind of like a modern day Nostradamus.

,1527912292,02/06/2018 04:04 8759717,3927544768,

When GDP numbers are released the 2nd Q -- It will be party time because the democrats will then have figured out that they are about to get their ass kicked once more in November.

,1527928874,02/06/2018 08:41 8761377,3927545967,"

Sessions is playing the role President Trump wants him too. Read the Q posts and do a search for all the references to trusting Sessions, and also mention of actors playing their part. There is much more to this than meets the eye, and Sessions and President Trump are playing parts, in my view. I am surprised that S Bannon is not aware of this.

The whole Mueller thing had to look convincing and the deep state had to trust key players for them, in the end, to be exposed. Mueller is on notice (see article by The markets work. Link and excerpt below.
The Inspector General’s Implied Oversight

""....Mueller’s hiring practices appeared highly partisan. But his actual indictments were anything but.
Now we know why. Mueller had been put on notice. Not only does Horowitz have the ability to investigate Mueller’s group, he actively is. And has been since at least July 14, 2017.

Whatever original intentions Mueller had – good, bad, indifferent – it would seem logical to expect him to carefully follow protocol, stay within his investigative boundaries and proceed carefully"".

",1527929010,02/06/2018 08:43 8761377,3927546668,"

I'm sure Trump is well aware of EXACTLY what Sessions is doing, unlike most of us here.

And I REALLY miss Bannon. Wish I knew more about what HE'S doing.

Is QAnon saying anything about him?

",1527929087,02/06/2018 08:44 8761377,3927546847,"

For those still unsure about Sessions see this Twitter thread on the IG, Sessions and others (Points 1 to 31) by Rex, and in particular 22 onwards. Sessions and President Trump are playing their parts in order to trap the villains, as Q indeed had stated:

",1527929107,02/06/2018 08:45 8761377,3927563841,"

We have been hearing that for months now from Q, and as it turns out Q was a complete hoax all along. I have never been so disappointed in myself for believing this hype. You have no idea. Now it turns out Trey Gowdy is a corrupt Swamp creature. Where and when does this end?

",1527930881,02/06/2018 09:14 8761377,3927564625,"

According to Q anon, you are right. I hope so. Getting tired of waiting. MAGA

",1527930961,02/06/2018 09:16 8761377,3927566128,

Qanon went silent. Hopefully that is because the Pain is about to start. MAGA

,1527931111,02/06/2018 09:18 8761377,3927567895,

Good lord. Q anon is just a SCAM to trick old folks out of their money. Get a grip already.

,1527931289,02/06/2018 09:21 8761377,3927569384,

Q is a SCAM. Prove that youtube channel writes the Q stuff to scam old folks out of their money.

,1527931446,02/06/2018 09:24 8761377,3927569977,

Now Comes the Pain was the youtube's channel password to access and write Q posts.

,1527931506,02/06/2018 09:25 8761207,3927583825,"

Thank you, Jenmikeolson. It's been driving me crazy to learn about it. Guess, now I must go look up Q. :)

",1527932836,02/06/2018 09:47 8761207,3927691302,"

Where we go one, we go all. This Q mantra was inscribed on the bell on JFK's yacht, the Honey Fitz. The ghost of JFK is now haunting his still-living Deep State murderers.

",1527941254,02/06/2018 12:07 8752932,3927753453,"

If this were John Q. Public they would have already been in an orange jump suit. Funny, a sailor takes one photo and he is convicted before the sun goes down and this scum violated multiple federal laws and still walks the streets.

",1527945243,02/06/2018 13:14 8757722,3927807108,"

Its too late.. Gina provided the nails for the coffin of the countries of the eu. NONE ARE OUR FRIENDS..all are committed to our enemies. If the citizens of italy rise up and leave the evil cabal..then yes. There is waaaaayyyyy too much cash involved. I wonder how the, apparantly spineless brits will feel when they find out how much they were sold out for, and by whom!
Spaceshot76 has great article by john solomon on his twitter re: london connection and mueller probe, starts off with Q clock, solomon after.

",1527948485,02/06/2018 14:08 8762917,3927902344,"

I have no doubt if we didn’t have the 2nd Amendment to give us a counterbalance to tyranny we would be in the same place as you are. Helplessly watching as they rig elections and impose globalist tyranny over us. We will never surrender, it is better to die on you feet than live on your knees. I go to my knees for no man or tyrannical government #wearethestorm ##qanon

",1527954182,02/06/2018 15:43 8763322,3927921632,

Who killed Q?

,1527955306,02/06/2018 16:01 8763322,3927926814,"

Even if Q doesn't show up again, it did plenty as is.
He did say the plane was coming in for a landing, which I took to mean he had accomplished the mission & was packing up.

",1527955608,02/06/2018 16:06 8763027,3927994643,"

Nolte, you need to talk to John Q Public more, honestly. First you say Roseanne was wrong and should have been fired, and now this.
Solo failed for 2 reasons, first they killed off Han Solo in the movie, that's a cardinal sin, basically killing off your fan base..killing off Luke Skywalker pretty much sealed the deal, alot of folk didn't even go see the last Jedi for that reason alone once word got out.
Second reason Solo is failing: Glover released his 'This is America' video before the movie's release, and it's not what I would describe as Lando-worthy stuff. I'm not going to get into what the contents of the video were and the value of it either way, but it galvanized alot of parents into not wanting to bring their children to see anything he is in.
That is why Solo, and pretty much all of the Star Wars are failed now, you can't kill the heroes of the series off, nor cast political firebrands as its stars and expect to succeed in the current climate of America.

",1527959660,02/06/2018 17:14 8763322,3928010535,"

OBOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - will take your weapons, that leaves only the CROOKS, THUGS, GOONS and THIEVES to have weapons. /////////////
NO way OBOOOOOMA - we JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN have a CONSTITUTIONAL RITE to BARE ARMS, The DEMON - CRATS are out to make all HOODLUMS the only gun owners. //////////////////////////////

",1527960608,02/06/2018 17:30 8763322,3928014532,

Beverly should save his breath for the upcoming interrogations MOLON LABE WWG1WGA #wearethestorm #qanon

,1527960844,02/06/2018 17:34 8763382,3928121400,"

Follow the wives, Rod Rosenstein wife worked for Clinton's over 50 times



​Roger Stone reported the following on Lisa Barsoomian in 2017 – Enter Lisa Barsoomian, wife of Rod Rosenstein. Lisa is a high-powered attorney in Washington, DC, who specializes in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the Deep State, err, I mean, the Intelligence Communities. Lisa Barsoomian works for R. Craig Lawrence, an attorney who has represented Robert Mueller three times, James Comey five times, Barack Obama forty-five times, Kathleen Sebellius fifty-six times, Bill Clinton forty times, and Hillary Clinton seventeen times between 1991 and 2017.
Barsoomian participated in some of this work personally and has herself represented the FBI at least five separate times. It would be great to research the specifics of the cases she worked in, many of the documents from the Court Docket relating to these cases have been removed from the D.C. District and Appeals Court, including her representation for Clinton in 1998’s case Hamburg. V. Clinton. Her loyalties are clearly with the entities that make up the Deep State, as are her husbands. They are a DC Globalist Power Couple, and they mean to destroy Donald Trump under the bidding of their Globalist Masters. Rod Rosenstein should not have any position in President Trump’s administration, let alone one with so much power to harm the Office of the Presidency.
For one this is another confirmation of Q, because Q told us to follow the wives of Deep State actors like Rod Rosenstein whose wife Lisa Barsoomian is another major connection to the Clinton network. Lisa Barsoomian represented the Clinton's as an Attorney out of Washington DC for nearly the last fifty years over 50 times, so obviously why things aren't getting done in the DOJ is because Mr. Number Two Rod Rosenstein has a Clinton representing wife. Not only that but Barsoomian also represented Mueller three times who represented the Clinton's over 50 times...Which exposes another obvious Clinton conflict tied to the Mueller witch hunt. Follow the wives is very key, as another wife of a top Deep State official in DC is very connected to the Clinton/Obama network.

",1527967411,02/06/2018 19:23 8762177,3928122673,"

Meet Lynda Resnick, Hillary's good buddy and the Resnick controlled very water heavy agricultural crops in CA.

If one is judged by their company, Jerry Browns social circle speaks volumes. We all know Jerry Brown paid $100,000 to attend one of Marina Abramovic's Spirit Cooking ""performance art"" galas. Brown hangs out with some very sick, twisted scum.

Brown declares permanent water rationing for the masses, the little people, the peasants of California, but no mention of the elitists who know that water is being diverted to serve the wealthiest CA political cronies. Brown is weaponizing water.

Related is GW Bushes recent purchase of 300,000 acres of land in Paraguay. The land just happens to sit on one of the largest, purest aquifers in the country. How convenient, right? Blue gold.

The global elite are the biggest environmental whores on the planet. They are not about the people, environment or conservation only cash.

",1527967493,02/06/2018 19:24 8759717,3928216490,"

LOL GDP now predicted the 1st Q at this time was going to be 5.4% on 2/1/18
it ended up 2.4%.

GDPNow out of atlanta always spikes after the first month because of how things are reported and the order at which it is reported.

Same source btw

Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter.

Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:55 PM ET Thu, 1 Feb 2018

",1527974300,02/06/2018 21:18 8759717,3928218052,"

LOL GDP now predicted the 1st Q at this time was going to be 5.4% on 2/1/18
it ended up 2.4%.

GDPNow out of atlanta always spikes after the first month because of how things are reported and the order at which it is reported.

Same source btw


Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter.

Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:55 PM ET Thu, 1 Feb 2018

",1527974427,02/06/2018 21:20 8759717,3928218374,"

LOL GDP now predicted the 1st Q at this time was going to be 5.4% on 2/1/18
it ended up 2.4%.

GDPNow out of atlanta always spikes after the first month because of how things are reported and the order at which it is reported.

Same source btw

Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter.

Jeff Cox
Published 12:55 PM ET Thu, 1 Feb 2018

",1527974452,02/06/2018 21:20 8759717,3928220957,"

LOL GDP now predicted the 1st Q at this time was going to be 5.4% on 2/1/18
it ended up 2.4%.

GDPNow out of atlanta always spikes after the first month because of how things are reported and the order at which it is reported.

Same source btw

Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter.

Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:55 PM ET Thu, 1 Feb 2018

",1527974659,02/06/2018 21:24 8759717,3928221707,"

its a very rosy one...and very typical for GDPNOW

LOL GDP now predicted the 1st Q at this time was going to be 5.4% on 2/1/18
it ended up 2.4%.

GDPNow out of atlanta always spikes after the first month because of how things are reported and the order at which it is reported.

Same source btw

Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter.

Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:55 PM ET Thu, 1 Feb 2018

",1527974717,02/06/2018 21:25 8759717,3928224756,"

1. 87% of the unemployment drop happened before Trump

2. Wage growth is only .2% higher then the average over the last 3 years.

3. US met with NK in 2014, 2012, 2009, 2007....

4. Companies spending most of the money on stock buybacks. google it.

5. GDPNow forecast 5.4% last Q on 2.1.18. Same paper printed the same story. IF you knew how GDPnow forecast work, the things that are reported around the 1st of the 2nd month each Q always cause an unrealistic pop in estimates. they have a historical report go look at it.

6. Borrowing the money to give you the 15% actually makes it -15% by the time you pay it off.

7. ...for the righ.

",1527974959,02/06/2018 21:29 8760642,3928231171,"

Hahahah, you are delusional. The fact that Tommy did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG means nothing until reporters are scared to lie about him.

Do you believe in QAnon too?

",1527975446,02/06/2018 21:37 8763382,3928250016,"

Guess it’s every Satanist for themselves at this point. Together or not, all will face justice eventually. You can run but you can’t hide. #qanon #MAGA

",1527976932,02/06/2018 22:02 8760642,3928268595,

It’s Q.

,1527978406,02/06/2018 22:26 8760642,3928354945,

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

We have everything. These people are stupid and sick. Stand up for your rights. Do not let them silence you. The world is watching.

Patriots Fight!


Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show.

,1527985581,03/06/2018 00:26 8761207,3928378888,

Where We Go 1 We Go All

No idea where that originated but Q uses it regularly.

,1527987558,03/06/2018 00:59 8763142,3928482699,"

""These people are sick"" -- Q Anon

",1527998908,03/06/2018 04:08 8765512,3928559977,

i hope to God the Don Jr. runs for POTUS after his father or in the future.
looking forward to the Trump Dynasty !
You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.

,1528009860,03/06/2018 07:11 8764837,3928589420,"

Where's his PUZZYHAT???
Another Q, at MSNBCQ...

",1528013451,03/06/2018 08:10 8765077,3928811008,

Good Q.

,1528031688,03/06/2018 13:14 8756122,3928883495,"

",1528035909,03/06/2018 14:25 8763362,3928937289,"

We need to pause here.

Full disclaimer: I work daily exposing sickos. #OPJUNEHORIZON

Imagine for a moment you are a staunch conservative, and have proof of democrat crimes back in 2013. Obama and his DOJ find out. Boom. All of the sudden you are the guy that has the legal problem. Don't think for a second it cannot happen. And know that those sick pukes know that Child porn usually incites the worst in all of us.

Not saying this is the case, but we have a legal system for a reason. Don't judge until you have all the facts. Think Constitutionally.

We cannot claim the high ground if we act like an unruly mob.

Now, know that if this guy did indeed do this, which i think he may have, he has just become another of the record setting group of pervs busted since Trump took office. And if you think this guy is sick, wait until you see the Clinton's involvement in this industry.

These people are sick.

We have everything. Now comes the pain.


",1528038972,03/06/2018 15:16 8767038,3929053595,"

This is obviously a hypothetical gotcha Q by the Clintons' flunky on ABC. So why would Rudy go along with it? President Trump doesn't have to worry about a pardon because he won't be convicted of anything in the first place, Rudy, you dope! So the Q is obviously bogus to begin with. The Mueller probe is a political hit job, nothing more. And why go on ABC, overseen by Bob Iger, who fired Roseanne, and hired Keith Olbermann?

",1528045303,03/06/2018 17:01 8764047,3929080009,"

Remember that giant envelope Kim Jong un gave Trump. It was all symbolism.
Kim was freed from the clowns / NWO / illuminati, whatever you want to call them.

Trump held the envelope at his waist with a very odd finger arrangement. Yes he is using sign language, he is holding the envelope making the sign language letter Q.

Why is the giant envelope at his waist? It is the exact same size and at the same spot a masonic apron would be which looks like a giant envelope. The envelope is unsealed which is a signal to those who understand symbolism and use symbols means the secrets will be revealed.

Photo of Trump with envelope.

Freemasons wearing their Masonic aprons. You will also notice the Gmail symbol is designed from these masonic aprons.

",1528046775,03/06/2018 17:26 8767242,3929095849,"

Hang in there Q Army rising.! I am from Detroit,lot's of relatives in Ontario where my mom was raised.Tell all your socialist friends to visit Detroit- 50 years of Marxist rule has made it a basket case.BTW- per Det. Chief of Police, bring your gun

",1528047646,03/06/2018 17:40 8764047,3929135548,

Why is that you say? Ask Q fora look down the rabbit hole!

,1528049921,03/06/2018 18:18 8767038,3929167439,

Maybe so. But as an attorney sometimes its better to play coy with a Q like that.

,1528051732,03/06/2018 18:48 8763142,3929270353,

PREPARATION ** H ** Pelosi had better stop and listen to JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN before she utters another word about PAY for WORKERS. . //////////////////////////

,1528058303,03/06/2018 20:38 8765597,3929287136,"

""They' don't just think it, they believe it to the bottom of their cold dark hearts. Q is right. They are stupid.

",1528059510,03/06/2018 20:58 8769050,3929341966,


,1528063588,03/06/2018 22:06 8767262,3929436171,

And Q is back too. Positivity all around!

,1528068679,03/06/2018 23:31 8767262,3929446677,

well this is it. this is where we find out if Qanon really knew anything or if it was all a LARP.

,1528069505,03/06/2018 23:45 8767262,3929455821,

Q Q Q Q!!!

,1528070232,03/06/2018 23:57 8767262,3929491003,"

",1528073024,04/06/2018 00:43 8767262,3929516843,"

Q is back.

Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)

",1528075373,04/06/2018 01:22 8767262,3929530956,

I am sorry but this is QANON fantasy. None of this is accurate and Q is a 17 year old boy in his moms basement.

,1528076750,04/06/2018 01:45 8767262,3929533483,

How the hell are people still falling for QAnon? No one has convinced more people of their own veracity by predicting stuff AFTER it already happened.

,1528077017,04/06/2018 01:50 8767262,3929542847,"

There have been 2 FBI's since 1/20/17 (Inauguration), - Q pre-told of this Hearing, months ago, much more urgently, this past 3 weeks. We knew the day, but now the time. We expect there will be a mystery guest: Julian Assange! Shortly after this hearing: The OIG report will be unveiled! Next day, 12th, Trump & Kim meet, wrap up NK problem. These 3 things in rapid succession, will start the destruction of the Deep State and Cabal, (2 seperate entities). THESE ARE DAYS MANY OF US HAVE BEEN ACHING FOR, FOR HEARS! Good FBI, Sessions etc finally coming into the Light. Cheers Fellow Patriots!

",1528078012,04/06/2018 02:06 8767262,3929547539,"

I need to cancel my vacation - Jerome Corsi is ""decoding"" the latest Q post.


",1528078529,04/06/2018 02:15 8767262,3929548403,

That guy is a BS machine.

But that has nothing to do with Q.

,1528078623,04/06/2018 02:17 8767262,3929564369,

Follow Q...

,1528080494,04/06/2018 02:48 8767262,3929569564,

I find Q... underwhelming...

,1528081139,04/06/2018 02:58 8767262,3929570813,

How so when Q isn't one person?...

,1528081304,04/06/2018 03:01 8767038,3929573839,"

Hannity would be so proud LOL. You realize he only does what he does because you braindead fools actually buy it. You would think you would have caught on the first thousand conspiracies. The Hannity's and the Rush Limbaugh's and the Glenn Beck's and the Alex Jones's of the world have made fortunes off you people. It's all propaganda. If you weren't borderline retarded you would pick up on it.

Did QAnon tell you that those guys were in deep trouble? Wasn't April supposed to be ""Arrest Month""? All those sealed indictments were coming down. How did that work out for you? Oh I'm sure someone just misread the breadcrumbs, right?

I was quoting what Giuliani just said today- that Trump could ""shoot Comey in the oval office and not be indicted"". Do you believe that? Trump couldn't fire Comey for the same reason he won't fire Sessions and Rosenstein or Mueller. There was 1 reason Trump couldn't fire Comey- and that was to prevent Comey from investigating Trump. So what does Trump do? He goes on national TV and tells the world he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. At that point he obstructed justice. That's a wrap- his lawyers already know it. Steve Bannon knows it. Chris Christie knows it. Prosecutors all across the country know it. And then to make it worse, he covered it up by making Rosenstein write a memo. That's when Trump obstructed justice a second time. I can't even imagine how many counts he is up to by now.

",1528081692,04/06/2018 03:08 8769146,3929601103,"

Do you follow those who follow Q?, u should for reference...

",1528085366,04/06/2018 04:09 8769146,3929602489,

Do you not know Q?....

,1528085562,04/06/2018 04:12 8769146,3929604148,"

It's easy...

",1528085787,04/06/2018 04:16 8769146,3929606195,

I don’t buy Q. I was just curious why you recommended following those who follow Q.

,1528086065,04/06/2018 04:21 8767262,3929727544,

Cant believe how so many supposed patriots on this site don't follow Q anon on 8chan and twitter...Q level clearance right out of the white would all know exactly what is going on and most of your comments would be moot. Q told us 3 weeks ago that June 11th it starts...Julian Assange will reappear this day as well. He has been in the USA since december...follow Q anon and be informed. He is writing history before it happens.

,1528099069,04/06/2018 07:57 8767262,3929742071,"

What if nothing comes off it? Just some minor allegations of misconduct, etc. but nothing serious?

Will you still believe in the whole Q thing?

",1528100534,04/06/2018 08:22 8769146,3929770559,"

IG Senate Hearing on June 11th is open to the public, will focus on Hillary and FBI



Breitbart Reports: Senate Judiciary Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced the date for a hearing on the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) report about Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials’ conduct ahead of the 2016 presidential election, including the Hillary Clinton email scandal.Originally scheduled for Tuesday, the hearing will now take place at 2 p.m. on June 11 and is open to the public. The hearing, titled “Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department and FBI Actions in Advance of the 2016 Presidential Election,” will focus on the long-anticipated IG report.
​Townhall reported: According to early descriptions the IG investigation will hold former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe accountable for mishandling a number of elements in the case. Key officials at the center of the findings—including DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz—will be called to testify in front of Grassley’s committee, with the goal of getting questions about politically motivated bias at the FBI answered in an open forum.
Looks like we will officially find out everything in the IG Report concerning the Comey ran FBI and the handling of the Clinton investigation by June 11th, as this IG Senate hearing on these major issues will be in an open public forum. This is very very bad news for the Clinton/Obama network, because everyone in America will find out exactly what the Hillary emails likely involved and how the Comey FBI and Lynch DOJ committed obstruction to protect Hillary by all means.
​ With that being said and this IG hearing to be open to the public on June 11th prepare for possible false flag scenario's to play out, as in leading up to June 11th. Q said today it would be a week to remember, and this IG Senate hearing is open to the American public...Not behind closed doors.

",1528102970,04/06/2018 09:02 8769146,3929772261,"

I don't need Q to tell me a false flag is imminent, you can set your watch
by these CIA clowns nowadays.

",1528103117,04/06/2018 09:05 8769146,3929773761,

I know not a lot of people are on board with Q. But I read it quite often. And he has been saying this was coming.

,1528103244,04/06/2018 09:07 8769146,3929774133,"

Active shooter reported in San Diego, just as Soros pulls out of San Diego DA race



​The Washington Free Beacon reports: George Soros Pulls Out of San Diego’s District Attorney Race A political action committee launched and bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros is pulling out of San Diego’s district attorney race. The California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which was established by Soros to support Geneviéve Jones-Wright, a far-left public defender, recently pulled an advertisement depicting District Attorney Summer Stephan as having a backlog of rape kits that needed to be tested. The ad came under fire for being false and misleading.
Now, the PAC is leaving the race entirely. Soros’s PAC has cancelled all future advertisements in support of Jones-Wright, according to television station managers in the region. Soros has spent hundreds of thousands on television advertisements, digital advertisements, and campaign literature and mailings in support of Jones-Wright after initially depositing $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

Kevin Kelly@kkelly16

BREAKING NEWS: San Diego police respond to ""active shooter"" call during Rock N Roll marathon. Race has been stopped according to my friend who is 200 yards from finish line.

2:46 PM - Jun 3, 2018


195 people are talking about this

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Interesting thing with this Active shooter situation that looks more like an attempt at suicide in San Diego with one cop accidentally shooting themselves, is that it took place as news came out that a Soros pac pulled out of the DA race in San Diego. Soros was exposed last week as placing over one-million dollars in the current San Diego DA race, and just as he pulled out we have an active shooter situation in downtown San Diego.
The good thing it looks like this Active shooter situation was a major fail, and like Q says whats the common theme when bad news against them comes out. The San Diego DA race was obviously very important to the Deep State and George Soros, where now Soros has pulled his money from the race...And just as this was reported an active shooter situation unfolded in downtown San Diego near the City Hall.

",1528103275,04/06/2018 09:07 8769146,3929775084,"

Q is back, A week to remember, blackout necessary, 4 booms



​ It looks like we have marched into another 10 days of darkness with Q, as Q is now back after about a 2 week absence from posting. Q stating that this will be a week to remember likely deals with the IG Report Senate hearing as well as the possible release, and it's suppose to involve the Comey FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation and we also will likely get new Obama Spygate information. With Q giving us four booms, this week should have about four major things drop this news week, so with that pay attention for major developments, along the lines of involving the Comey FBI Hillary investigation as well as Spygate. Next week will also be major, as this will be the likely Kim/Trump meeting...And may also be in for a surprise with a Putin/Trump summit.

",1528103354,04/06/2018 09:09 8772182,3929945702,"

As Q says, they fall for it every time.

",1528113345,04/06/2018 11:55 8772950,3930077847,"

Bqqm! Q nails it, yet again!

",1528119325,04/06/2018 13:35 8767262,3930096076,"

lol Okay Feel Lucky, believe Qanon is Jesus.

",1528120084,04/06/2018 13:48 8772950,3930127121,

Indeed we do! Thanks Q...always right!

,1528121384,04/06/2018 14:09 8772182,3930209202,

I'm persuaded by Q.

,1528124861,04/06/2018 15:07 8772950,3930248235,"

You dont know Q anon! That's a shame...but with your snarky and erroneous statement about my spellchecker...i will not help are pathetic, truly!

",1528126478,04/06/2018 15:34 8767262,3930285108,"

Keep your powder dry is #1.#2 is force Representatives to issue time sensitive ultimatums to Trump to force Justice indict per Trumps counsel's recommendation first on O's holdovers and major players r.e.Obama,Cankles,Comey and so on.
We are gonna have to force the issue.

See Q.........shhhhhh


",1528127987,04/06/2018 15:59 8773002,3930337294,"

IG Senate Hearing on June 11th is open to the public, will focus on Hillary and FBI



Breitbart Reports: Senate Judiciary Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced the date for a hearing on the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) report about Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials’ conduct ahead of the 2016 presidential election, including the Hillary Clinton email scandal.Originally scheduled for Tuesday, the hearing will now take place at 2 p.m. on June 11 and is open to the public. The hearing, titled “Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department and FBI Actions in Advance of the 2016 Presidential Election,” will focus on the long-anticipated IG report.
​Townhall reported: According to early descriptions the IG investigation will hold former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe accountable for mishandling a number of elements in the case. Key officials at the center of the findings—including DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz—will be called to testify in front of Grassley’s committee, with the goal of getting questions about politically motivated bias at the FBI answered in an open forum.
Looks like we will officially find out everything in the IG Report concerning the Comey ran FBI and the handling of the Clinton investigation by June 11th, as this IG Senate hearing on these major issues will be in an open public forum. This is very very bad news for the Clinton/Obama network, because everyone in America will find out exactly what the Hillary emails likely involved and how the Comey FBI and Lynch DOJ committed obstruction to protect Hillary by all means.
​ With that being said and this IG hearing to be open to the public on June 11th prepare for possible false flag scenario's to play out, as in leading up to June 11th. Q said today it would be a week to remember, and this IG Senate hearing is open to the American public...Not behind closed doors.

",1528130180,04/06/2018 16:36 8772378,3930353382,"

While retarded people think Q is actually responsible for releasing unknown information - which to this date ""he"" never has, not even once - Judicial Watch and a few others are doing all the heavy lifting.

Go Tom go...

",1528130869,04/06/2018 16:47 8772378,3930381756,"

Like I said, ""Q"" is not Chan and I get a significant portion of my info from /pol/ - Levi / Chan & JW... particularly in regards to ""these"" types of matters and especially when it comes to trusting the dissemination of information that comes from the overwhelming amount of data / cables pushed through Wiki.

I however give zero attention to Q... unless I want to hear some asinine riddle about something that happened 12 months ago.

",1528132052,04/06/2018 17:07 8772778,3930467967,"

""CNN’s Stelter Lies...""

And, in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had tomato cream soup, a cinnamon bear-claw, two cups of coffee, and a steak and cheese sandwich for lunch from Panera in LA. Also Breaking, This Afternoon, Water is Wet.

Details at 6...

",1528135607,04/06/2018 18:06 8775170,3930468073,"

They dropped the ball , and he dropped his pants . Q. Why did WILDBILL cross the road......A. To look for chicks !!!!

",1528135612,04/06/2018 18:06 8773414,3930528774,"

THIS IS ONLY MONDAY, if this is how this week, the amazing week, is starting...what on earth will the rest of the week bring?!!!
Another pickel....the Catholic League, vs Frank!!! Q, you promised pickles, its raining pickles..its raining freakin pickles!!!!!

",1528138203,04/06/2018 18:50 8775274,3930590476,

The narrative has officially left the building. Bill Clinton will not be able to walk down the street.

Now comes the pain.


,1528141117,04/06/2018 19:38 8773766,3930675082,"

NO, actually. They were selling your info too! FB collected and sold data from people that had no affiliation with FB.

This is going to be a worldwide party!


",1528145695,04/06/2018 20:54 8772182,3930687520,"

The president should have ignored this lame hypothetical Q. He has done nothing wrong, so the Q is bogus. Now another globalist is posing an even more ridiculous hypothetical about the president punching the first lady. As long as Trump Admin. officials continue to answer these hypothetical Qs from desperate globalists, the more they will receive.

",1528146457,04/06/2018 21:07 8772962,3930724334,"

The 1986 FOPA needs to be rescinded and the ban on post-May '86 NFA weaponry lifted; then enterprising entities might mfg new--and relatively inexpensive--replica 2nd Gen sub guns (M3A1 ""grease guns"" and M6 Ingrams)--in 9mm and .45 acp--for personal consumption, with every mfg obligated to donate gratis one weapon to every school desiring one. The only way to limit the number going to John Q would be for EVERY school to desire one...

little david hogg would be inconsolable with rage...

",1528148595,04/06/2018 21:43 8774998,3930745813,

he's just another sessions defender...probably a Q idiot follower

,1528149860,04/06/2018 22:04 8772086,3930852917,"

John Q.. Public Citizen Voter who voted for POTUS TRUMP needs to be heard about their ideas of what is happening to the economy right now.//////////////////
More people are working that ever thought about with OBOOOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - in office. //////////////////////////
People working, means people earning money to pay for what they want.
Enough said. ////////////////

",1528155972,04/06/2018 23:46 8772086,3930890216,"

The problem is that Congress is who has to fix this and they are mostly corrupt and/or incompetent, depending on who you're talking about.

The larger problem is the American people. We should not ever re-elect a Senator to the same office and no it doesn't matter which party. The 17th amendment created a constitutional crisis that has lasted since WW1. The Senate selection needs to be returned to the States. At the very least we need term limits enforced by Joe Blow and John Q. Public.

The FBI has made far too many unchecked blunders historically, and the oversight has always been lacking. The alphabet agency diseases are the fault of Congress. PERIOD.

",1528158214,05/06/2018 00:23 8778162,3930894199,

Was in. The fix WAS in.

We have everything.


,1528158472,05/06/2018 00:27 8778162,3930934621,"

Follow the white rabbit, Q........

",1528161200,05/06/2018 01:13 8778134,3931005511,

With Q for a hammer. And we're not supposed to believe in coincidences.

,1528167544,05/06/2018 02:59 8776698,3931133022,

Who is Q?

,1528181484,05/06/2018 06:51 8776698,3931133881,"

",1528181577,05/06/2018 06:52 8775206,3931135061,"

No. The work is done and it will all flow, some soon.

Monday, the DOJ announced it is adding some 300 assistant US attorneys. It will add 190 violent crime prosecutors, 86 civil enforcement prosecutors and 35 immigration prosecutors. It is the largest increase in decades.

Many of these civil enforcement assistant attorneys will help support the Trump administration's Prescription Interdiction & Litigation Task Force.

We know why, thanks to Q.

",1528181703,05/06/2018 06:55 8775206,3931136068,

Friend..who is Q?

,1528181811,05/06/2018 06:56 8775206,3931139683,"

If you need explanation of the terse style then Praying Medic is my favourite:

Ignore the most recent post for now and look at: Q Anon - Trey Gowdy: Black Hat or Friend of POTUS?

Then Q Anon - Who Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried? is also worth a watch.

The insights of this guy have led any careful observer to the conclusion that he is close to the centre. This is why the trolls are being driven nuts by him.

",1528182206,05/06/2018 07:03 8776698,3931154579,

The two ladyboys who tried to get that Christian man to make their bhuttlovin cake were Q ueer.

,1528183765,05/06/2018 07:29 8776646,3931163714,"

I like Taylor Swift. She's a good song writer and musician, smart, beautiful. But she just began a slide down a very slippery slope. She will now be expected to politicize her future concerts and music. Unless she herself comes out as gay, bisexual, transgendered or whatever the Q is, to what end Is this?

I'm afraid it is just the beginning to the end of a very successful career, as everything that becomes politicized also becomes unpopular, if not corrupted. Just look at the NFL.

",1528184701,05/06/2018 07:45 8775206,3931163988,"

Like Q says, “these people are sick”!!!

",1528184729,05/06/2018 07:45 8776698,3931186110,

I hope it drops soon. Q is cryptic. I hope he's right

,1528186942,05/06/2018 08:22 8776698,3931188636,"

Search Q anon, and look up prayingmedic. So far I believe he does the best job deciphering the messages that Q anon is posting.

",1528187191,05/06/2018 08:26 8776698,3931217590,"

Future proves past, Q April 20th post about Long Beach Port, connects Cemex to Long Beach Port



It looks like we once again have another Q confirmation in where Q's April 20th post proves the future, as Q told us why is the Long Beach Port so important to the Deep State cabal/cabal networks like human and child trafficking. Well if you look at this Q post and what the Clinton Foundation donating company has had caught on their grounds in Tucson over the last week with a likely child trafficking camp on the Cemex property in Tucson, Cemex just happens to be a terminal operator at the Long Beach Port in California.
It looks like this Cemex network which is oddly connected to the Clinton's was likely hinted at by Q about 2 months ago, and the discovery of a child trafficking underground network discovered on their property in Tucson, just happens to connect Cemex to this April 20th Q post where Q asked by is Long Beach Port so important.

",1528189757,05/06/2018 09:09 8776698,3931218884,"

This poor old,old, lady should take a Q cake and STICK IT.

",1528189859,05/06/2018 09:10 8776698,3931224718,"

Morning Sc. Yes Pelosi is. Someone sure let that cake out in the rain! Ish. Apologies to the great song ""MacArthur Park"".

Hope you're right on Q. Heard he went dark. Is he back?

",1528190321,05/06/2018 09:18 8761207,3931297709,"

Thank you, NutherGuy. Guess I'll have to go look up this Qanon and stay on top of things.

",1528195100,05/06/2018 10:38 8776698,3931324416,

Any Patriots wanna make a friendly wager on when Skeletor lists GITMO as her PERMANENT address?!?! Anyone taken a hard look at her net worth lately??? On a 'govt' salary????? Reconcile. Laugh. Pain Is Coming 6-11-18. Get the popcorn & buckle up patriots. #Qanon #TheStormIsHere

,1528196557,05/06/2018 11:02 8776698,3931339860,

6-11-18 Pain is Coming. Trust the plan. #Qanon MAGA

,1528197318,05/06/2018 11:15 8776698,3931345008," simply means Q talk to us when he/she/they can, but still has a job to do putting these evil f*#ks in a k*llbox []. MAGA

",1528197584,05/06/2018 11:19 8776698,3931359009,

Luv it! This Q is intriguing. Stay safe TX Patriot.

,1528198238,05/06/2018 11:30 8778394,3931381577,

If you turn that upside down its a gun. And Q is the hammer.

,1528199331,05/06/2018 11:48 8776698,3931388640,

You stay safe as well GP. Been following Q since I stumbled on the drops in November. What really blew my mind is when I found out these bad-a$$e$ have been planning this counter-attack since JFK was killed. #TheStormIsHere #WWG1WGA

,1528199654,05/06/2018 11:54 8776698,3931403046,"

I dont trust qanon. There might be disinformation spread through the drops along with actual information.

Seems like a mixed bag on accuracy from what I observed, IMHO.

I definitely look but with a strong dose of skepticism. Occasionally see scientific inaccuracies in things.

Everything I have see is infowars or tyler dern posts.

",1528200315,05/06/2018 12:05 8776698,3931414612,

DJT betray MAGA?!?! I'll see your Blue Wave & raise you a Red one. LOLZ
6-11-18 Pain is Coming. #Qanon #WWG1WGA

,1528200840,05/06/2018 12:14 8778134,3931421929,"

Assange says Q is a LARP. Thinking logically and critically, why on earth would someone in the Trump administration leak about something like this? Either Q is real and is jeopardizing his mission by leaking and telegraphing what is happening, which is stupid and unrealistic, or it’s a LARP. Furthermore, if this was true, why would someone at DOE know what is happening at the most secret levels of the DOJ.

Logically, it doesn’t add up.

",1528201168,05/06/2018 12:19 8776698,3931431631,"

Don't know if our Breitbart Mascot (Schrodinger's Cat) sent you this link, but this is a great go-to for everything Q.
And I'm serious.......I'm starting a White House petition to have The Dead Not Dead Cat officially listed as the BB Mascot. :) MAGA

",1528201590,05/06/2018 12:26 8776698,3931485715,

Over the mark. Trust The Plan. #Qanon #WWG1WGA

,1528203888,05/06/2018 13:04 8776698,3931501991,"

I understood ""blackout necessary"" to mean Q was going quiet for awhile.

",1528204651,05/06/2018 13:17 8780090,3931508369,"

Are you blackanese? If so, why doesn't your name have Q, V, W, X, or Z in it? To answer your question, the Florida man was probably black. If not, the mainstream media will be all over it. Breitbart is reporting stories that the mainstream media will certainly ignore.

",1528204934,05/06/2018 13:22 8780710,3931537755,

Breitbart is great. There will be dancing in the streets when the cabal is rounded up.

Google this for more info: QAnon Greatawakening

,1528206247,05/06/2018 13:44 8779050,3931569452,"

Thanks..I heard he pulled a groin muscle the other day and it wasn't even his.
Whatcha gonna do?
Idiots,morons and dolts.
They can't see the forest and they're leaning on a tree.
Their time is short,so they better enjoy it.
Do yourself a favor for what it's worth....check out Q or Qanon I beleive.I'm not one for conspiracy theories but every dog has it's day and the b.s.Hillary,Obanana and that bunch pulled has got to have a reckoning.
Maybe this is it.
Peace,pot and microdot.....


",1528207583,05/06/2018 14:06 8781270,3931669736,"


",1528211697,05/06/2018 15:14 8735592,3931707437,"

At least Roseanne acknowledge she went too far - that is what a real man does.

Look at Kath Griffins - total dipshit all the way to hell.

Just hope Roseanne was not a hollyweird setup to associate racism to Trump and Q, because they are not.

Trump 2020.

",1528213205,05/06/2018 15:40 8775886,3931747500,

Walk softly & #Qanon. @PatriotsSoapbox MAGA

,1528214788,05/06/2018 16:06 8775886,3931750720,

Keep Calm & #Qanon. I couldn't help myself............tee hee hee. @PatriotsSoapbox

,1528214913,05/06/2018 16:08 8783450,3931771863,"

Did I miss the BB article on the Arizona child sex trafficking camp?

",1528215746,05/06/2018 16:22 8778954,3931844831,"

Why do you say that ???

I have been out of action today because I was driving long distance for 8 hours.

I thought it important to fanfare that Q had sprung to life again as they would be interested...

If that is spamming, then I plead guilty and will do it more as we are now firmly WINNING !!!

",1528218663,05/06/2018 17:11 8776698,3931869833,"

My interpretation is that we have all the chess pieces identified for us by Q.

There are still elements of surprise which require to be kept under wraps for legal and tactical reasons - don't forget that the DNC will also be following him - so saying too much can be a mistake.

But we are now substantially beyond the tipping point and have already entered a prolonged period of discovery. In this, the facts will speak for themselves.

Res Ipsa Loquitur

",1528219673,05/06/2018 17:27 8776698,3931896737,"

All those are good but I don't actually follow any regularly, due to time constraints.

You will know that my approach is part rational, part philosophical, based on what is evident. I add into this mix my experience in business, especially in deception tactics to wrong-foot the competition and my studies of IR and history.

I have made an exception in the case of Q as his information can only come from the inside and it would be foolish to ignore.

Against this, we all have to admit that no plan is foolproof. But the good get at least 70% right and the bad get say 30%, despite being bad. That is life.

",1528220787,05/06/2018 17:46 8778134,3931975069,"

There are two competing objectives at play here - maybe three.

● The first is to deliver promises clearly made to the People.
● The second is to bust the stranglehold of the Elite, which is trying to strangle TRUMP.
● The possible third is to lull the Democrats into thinking they are just on the verge of being able to impeach.

I sometimes have refrained from commenting where I feel there is a risk of jeopardy. I do not see Q as acting in jeopardy at all.

He uses Socratic style quite a lot.

Put the above together and it does add up. Just not in a conventional Euclidean manner.

",1528224073,05/06/2018 18:41 8783946,3932004154,"

Obama made a gaffe during a live Q and A, and it's the ONLY one you have. But that's a little different than not knowing the lyrics to a patriotic song in a patriotic celebration. Oh and by the way, HE'S PRESIDENT.

",1528225313,05/06/2018 19:01 8783946,3932025420,"

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” (or “the one”). Does your logic apply to money, LeBro? You, Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Barkley, & others of your Low Q.need to get a real job. Taking HGH pills all your life, dries up your brain cells. Don't worry Jamesy, no one wants your attitude at the WH...Trump & Co. have better things to do. Not always about you, LeBro.

",1528226307,05/06/2018 19:18 8783946,3932043705,"

Future proves past, Q April 20th post about Long Beach Port, connects Cemex to Long Beach Port



It looks like we once again have another Q confirmation in where Q's April 20th post proves the future, as Q told us why is the Long Beach Port so important to the Deep State cabal/cabal networks like human and child trafficking. Well if you look at this Q post and what the Clinton Foundation donating company has had caught on their grounds in Tucson over the last week with a likely child trafficking camp on the Cemex property in Tucson, Cemex just happens to be a terminal operator at the Long Beach Port in California.
It looks like this Cemex network which is oddly connected to the Clinton's was likely hinted at by Q about 2 months ago, and the discovery of a child trafficking underground network discovered on their property in Tucson, just happens to connect Cemex to this April 20th Q post where Q asked by is Long Beach Port so important.

",1528227198,05/06/2018 19:33 8783570,3932045703,

Not following Q? It shows.

,1528227299,05/06/2018 19:34 8778134,3932059713,"

It comes down to this: Do you really think that someone with Q clearance in the DOE would be on 8chan spreading information about a pedo ring ran by global elites that is being investigated by the DOJ? Use logic. It makes no sense. Even if you think he's just ""asking questions"" there would be people on the other side monitoring every post and decoding it just like the ""autists"" and responding accordingly.

Just apply Occam's Razor as it is likely more appropriate. The most simple and complete explanation to the Q phenomenon is that this is just a LARP done by trolls with too much time on their hands. If I had to point the finger somewhere, it'd likely be at a virginal incel in his parents basement. Plus, as stated above, I'm going to go with Assange here over 8chan.

",1528228004,05/06/2018 19:46 8782014,3932089634,"

sweeping regulation reform?
Historic tax realignment to encourage our Corporations
that fled the Country to return and keep the ones that stayed?
BTW: Those Tax cuts were self funding, if the economy grew 2.5%
Projections for the next Q are 4.8%

Blah blah blah ... and more winning good news !!!
Highest employment rate in multiple decades
rising wages ...
Illegal alien job stealing workers on the run ....
more good news

",1528229623,05/06/2018 20:13 8783206,3932139689,"

Instead of ""Edward scissors hand""... ""Colin Q tip""... Disney?????

",1528232504,05/06/2018 21:01 8781182,3932178635,"

No it's the #Me too PC culture of SJW trying to destroy America so the NWO can have it's brown mixed race slaves and save the racial purity for the Elites and oligarchs who are taking over this planet and have infiltrated this government.Why do You think theres mess migration allowed.Look at Londonistan with its Moslem mayor,it's not diversity it's the plan for the Elites.
Mediocrity has become the norm and Trump is the one thing they didn't count on..That and Arrange needsto be allowed to spill the beans.What guts,6 years waiting for the chance

Gogle Q or Qanon if you haven't already.


",1528234816,05/06/2018 21:40 8785714,3932203809,"

A G's office just swore in 300 new Assistant Attorneys.
June 11/2018
Be glued to the news, hammer time.
Get your popcorn, butter and salt.
DeepState tears will provide the special seasoning.

Julian Assange has a big surprise...


",1528236313,05/06/2018 22:05 8780966,3932213025,

It would be easier and cheaper if these men [?] had died crossing the border and were not located for awhile. Q. Why did he die? A. Might be from the bullet hole in his head!

,1528236851,05/06/2018 22:14 8785714,3932213131,"

No immunity . They don't need McCabe's testimony or corroboration of IG Horowitz's report that's ridiculous . So you want the traitor to cooperate the findings of probably the only honest guy in the DOJ. Idiots, President Trump is right we've got idiot's running the asylum . Bring the pain . Q.

",1528236858,05/06/2018 22:14 8785714,3932217000,"

McCabe has nothing to offer that is not already known.
This is an act of desperation from a cornered rat.
His testimony is not required.
McCabe is a dead man walking.
Included is Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Hillary, Podesta (s), Huma Abedin, McCain, and a laundry list of high ranking Obama officials.
There is only one person McCabe could offer evidence against that could possibly warrant any kind of deal...

...Barrack Obama.
All these people have comitted high treason against the people of the United States, and the death penalty is the appropriate punishment.

The Inspector General report is already in the hands of the proper people.
This is why McCabe is pleading for his life...

...they never thought she could lose.

Here comes the pain, 6/11/2018

",1528237082,05/06/2018 22:18 8785714,3932262344,"

Gowdy's play is so he appears ""moderate"" and will face a lot less resistance to being nominated for a Supreme Court Justice when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg finally pops her clogs (she is unwell, apparently).

Get up to speed with the Q Anon Military Intelligence group's statements of the situation.

The FBI and DOJ have been purged by Sessions. A large number of firings ('resignations') and demotions. And lots of corrupt agents have flipped and are now working for the Trump administration.

Q Anon says this week will be one to remember. McCabe is only the start. There is a plan from the Trump team and it is being executed to a schedule - it appears so there is maximum impact before the midterms and the fake news media won't have time to spin it.

",1528239735,05/06/2018 23:02 8785714,3932263097,"

McCabe did say if I go down I'm taking everyone with me. That's the type of people on the left, no honor among thief's, this going to get good. This must be one of the Booms Q was talking about.

",1528239779,05/06/2018 23:02 8785714,3932267762,

McCabe's finding out the libs bailed on him. [NO Deal's] Q.

,1528240055,05/06/2018 23:07 8785714,3932271078,"

QANON was right on the money, this must be one of the BOOMS that he/she wrote about. How does it feel lefties that we knew this the whole time, and all you could do was cry. Blue wave just turned into blue tears :D

",1528240275,05/06/2018 23:11 8785714,3932448561,

Yep. Q said it often.

,1528253642,06/06/2018 02:54 8785714,3932460957,"

Give us Barry, and everything else you know that is corrupt beyond corruption, and you may get spared the firing squad.

No deals. That's what Q says.

I think it has something to do with we have everything.


",1528254967,06/06/2018 03:16 8778954,3932569537,"

Let me expand. Because of my different time zone, I often post when most of America is sleeping. The ones who stay up late are often (but not always) the trolls and Soros bought bums. Since they don't have to get up and go to work in the morning, they don't need to go to sleep at night.

When I post, I often get a bunch of them on manoeuvres (I shall not go into explanations for obvious reasons). If I am there, I can counter-attack - and often do. If I am driving long distance, obviously I cannot.

Thus, I did what any tactician would do and gave myself plenty of cover. I did it by appending to existing posts, all of which had their own individual point. I used two different standard forms of modification.

I had my journey, then a delicious blow-out meal and then one of the best night's sleep I have enjoyed in a while. The best thing is that all this effort has been to help another human being who is doing good.

Now I find that some of these comments (but not all) have been deleted. I don't complain. The moderators have a difficult line to draw and therefore I normally support them as much as possible.

They appear to have taken pains to delete the less effective ones and that tells me I have some friends.

Now to assessing the net effect. My feedback was one of the earliest on QAnon's latest post which has come after a gap of eleven days. I used my normal processes of analysis. Since then, Praying Medic and others have posted videos and they make broadly the same conclusions as I have. There is no copying going on, I am sure - just like minds arriving at the same point.

Knowing how the multiplier effect works, especially on the web, my early message managed to get to a great many people. That is all to the good.

I get an appreciable level of following here, merely for voicing ordinary, rather unexciting, common sense views. That is what I do. That is what I shall continue to do, as long as I am allowed.

TRUMP is the only chance the world has now. But it is becoming infectious and Italy has now joined Hungary and Poland in standing up to overweening authority of the quasi-communist EU cyphers - all bought by the big money.

Stay safe and continue the fight.

",1528266540,06/06/2018 06:29 8783510,3932644516,

RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA gets old but it's shows how low I Q you are and how silly too Bwhahahahahahahaha!!!!

,1528272919,06/06/2018 08:15 8783450,3932881849,

Make them vote. One day of Q & A and then a vote.

,1528287485,06/06/2018 12:18 8785714,3932980048,

It has always been a sham. They knew it. That's why they were quiet and docile and took their time.

This is different. They saw this coming on election night. That's why they have been so desperately trying to get rid of trump.


Here comes the PAIN Q speaks of.

,1528291739,06/06/2018 13:28 8788898,3933081569,"

A few thoughts for Kathy:
. Kathy are you L, G, B, T, or Q? Or maybe you are just a dumb C*nt.
. Shirts or skins.....Kathy please be a “shirt”, I don’t want to see those empty wrinkled, sagging dugs!
. “Not going to happen on my watch”? Who assigned you a “watch”? You are just a dumb c*nt, oh did I already say that?
. You want to stay in the Lincoln bedroom? You do not understand that the Obama days of renting out the Lincoln bedroom are over.

",1528295938,06/06/2018 14:38 8778498,3933086710,"

The GOP represents Globalism and Big Business just like their bedfellows in the Pedo DNC. Conservatives unofficially have their own party and it's TIME to organize. Trump is OUR POTUS. God Bless him!

",1528296138,06/06/2018 14:42 8790846,3933437852,"

Side deal = FRAUD

Adam and Ted have some criminal referrals they are going to need to answer to here and the Logan Act needs to be dusted off and thrown at every scumbag running around the world usurping My President Trump by promising he wont be around long. We know what you offered. We know what you have done. We know what you tried to do. Is that a ZTE phone you were using?

Surrender now, or face the greatest military force in history with your dossier plastered to every jet fighter in the fleet.

Hey Barry, good luck hiding your illicit gains stolen from the US taxpayers using a false flag of fear from your pals in Iran. Did you see Trump's EO? We are going to seize all your assets. You screwed your family, buddy, and they may be implicated as well, we'll see..

Nice legacy you fraud.


",1528310241,06/06/2018 18:37 8791122,3933638823,

Qanon is real news!!!

,1528321118,06/06/2018 21:38 8791582,3933735159,"

Trumps immigration Reform?!? Baaaaahahahahhalolololol

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

DACA people are STILL here, and Trump has done NOTHING about our illegal problem

",1528327623,06/06/2018 23:27 8791582,3933739844,"

Awan expected to plead guilty in court on July 3rd


1 Comment

True Pundit reports: The husband and wife team of Imran and Hina Alvi Awan will be pleading guilty to federal charges, according to new court documents. After 11 months of unexplained court delays. But few know exactly to what federal charges at this time.The duo, indicted for bank fraud, are expected in federal court on July 3 for a plea hearing. Sentencing would normally follow about 90 days after they attest to the plea agreement in court.
Well this is probably the most interesting development in the Awan case, as Imran Awan is set to plead guilty for unknown charges at the moment. Now of course we should stand by for an Awan court date change as well, as Awan's court cases have been postponed about 3-4 times thus far.
​ Wondering if Awan's court date on July 3rd has anything to do with Q stating this would be an interesting week, because all of the connections Awan has to the Democrats with allowing Awan access to their servers without background checks...Who just so happens to be connected to Pakistan's version of the CIA ISI? Now if this was just a court date for Awan this wouldn't be so major, but what makes this Awan development interesting, is that he and his wife are reported as planning to plea guilty to unknown charges for a plea deal. Is Awan set to expose the Democrat party, and the treason Democrats like DWS committed through Imran?

",1528327943,06/06/2018 23:32 8792886,3933742673,"

DACA Donald Trump listening to Celebrities first.

Another meaningless pardon, because Daddy’s girl shiksa Ivanka and jewboy husband wanted him to...

DACA Donald Trump hasn’t done Squat to stop illegal immigration... HERE are the FACTS :

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328122,06/06/2018 23:35 8792886,3933743503,"

He’s playing YOU for a sucker....

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328176,06/06/2018 23:36 8792886,3933743773,"

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328194,06/06/2018 23:36 8792886,3933744488,"


“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328243,06/06/2018 23:37 8792886,3933744862,"

~ winning ~

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328269,06/06/2018 23:37 8791582,3933745376,"

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328302,06/06/2018 23:38 8792886,3933745913,"

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328336,06/06/2018 23:38 8791582,3933746269,"

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”...

Not CNN genius.

",1528328359,06/06/2018 23:39 8791582,3933746831,"

Thanks to allowing the DACA people to stay... That is Trumps call, he LIED

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328396,06/06/2018 23:39 8791582,3933746999,"

“As the May numbers indicate, we are seeing family units try to illegally cross our borders at staggering rates, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement. “In May 2018, the number of illegal family units trying to cross the border increased by 435 percent in comparison to May 2017 – and the number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended illegally crossing the border increased by 329 percent in May 2018 in comparison to May 2017.”

",1528328407,06/06/2018 23:40 8794086,3933804377,"

Awan expected to plead guilty in court on July 3rd


1 Comment

True Pundit reports: The husband and wife team of Imran and Hina Alvi Awan will be pleading guilty to federal charges, according to new court documents. After 11 months of unexplained court delays. But few know exactly to what federal charges at this time.The duo, indicted for bank fraud, are expected in federal court on July 3 for a plea hearing. Sentencing would normally follow about 90 days after they attest to the plea agreement in court.
Well this is probably the most interesting development in the Awan case, as Imran Awan is set to plead guilty for unknown charges at the moment. Now of course we should stand by for an Awan court date change as well, as Awan's court cases have been postponed about 3-4 times thus far.
​ Wondering if Awan's court date on July 3rd has anything to do with Q stating this would be an interesting week, because all of the connections Awan has to the Democrats with allowing Awan access to their servers without background checks...Who just so happens to be connected to Pakistan's version of the CIA ISI? Now if this was just a court date for Awan this wouldn't be so major, but what makes this Awan development interesting, is that he and his wife are reported as planning to plea guilty to unknown charges for a plea deal. Is Awan set to expose the Democrat party, and the treason Democrats like DWS committed through Imran?

",1528332378,07/06/2018 00:46 8794086,3933804845,"

McCabe asks for immunity right before Senate IG hearing and McCabe testimony


1 Comment

WND Reports: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has requested the Senate Judiciary Committee provide him with immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying at an upcoming congressional hearing focused on how senior officials at the FBI and Justice Department handled the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a letter obtained by CNN. “Under the terms of such a grant of use immunity, no testimony or other information provided by Mr. McCabe could be used against him in a criminal case,” wrote Michael Bromwich, a lawyer for McCabe, to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, who has requested McCabe testify next week.
Grassley, an Iowa Republican, has quietly requested that several former officials appear in front of the Judiciary Committee to discuss the long-awaited internal Justice Department report, which sources say will detail a series of missteps surrounding the Justice Department and FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified information while secretary of state.

Looks like we have our first clue on how damning the IG Report hearing that will be open for the public to see is bad for the Deep State, as Andrew McCabe the first official to be exposed in this hearing has now asked for immunity shall he testify. Is this testimony by McCabe should he be given immunity by the Senate Judiciary Committee going to be McCabe throwing everyone under the bus to set himself free...Well possibly but like Q says no deals. Grassley has already kind of denied this immunity deal to McCabe by replying today that McCabe needs 2/3 of the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve immunity. Looks like the Obama Deep State may go to war with each other to save themselves...Enjoy the show.

",1528332412,07/06/2018 00:46 8794086,3933839766,"

WND Reports: Former FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe has requested the Senate Judiciary Committee
provide him with immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying at
an upcoming congressional hearing focused on how senior officials at
the FBI and Justice Department handled the investigation of Hillary
Clinton’s private email server, according to a letter obtained by CNN.
“Under the terms of such a grant of use immunity, no testimony or other
information provided by Mr. McCabe could be used against him in a
criminal case,” wrote Michael Bromwich, a lawyer for McCabe, to Senate
Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, who has requested McCabe testify next
Grassley, an Iowa Republican, has
quietly requested that several former officials appear in front of the
Judiciary Committee to discuss the long-awaited internal Justice
Department report, which sources say will detail a series of missteps
surrounding the Justice Department and FBI’s investigation into
Clinton’s handling of classified information while secretary of state.

Looks like we have our first clue on how
damning the IG Report hearing that will be open for the public to see is
bad for the Deep State, as Andrew McCabe the first official to be
exposed in this hearing has now asked for immunity shall he testify. Is
this testimony by McCabe should he be given immunity by the Senate
Judiciary Committee going to be McCabe throwing everyone under the bus
to set himself free...Well possibly but like Q says no deals. Grassley
has already kind of denied this immunity deal to McCabe by replying
today that McCabe needs 2/3 of the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve
immunity. Looks like the Obama Deep State may go to war with each other
to save themselves...Enjoy the show.

",1528335010,07/06/2018 01:30 8792022,3933873711,

How much time has Bill Clinton spent in the slam? Just asking. I guess the real Q is why is it different for different folks under different situations? Oh well.

,1528337849,07/06/2018 02:17 8789870,3933875839,"

It's irrelevant, NSA has it all. Nowhere to hide. Ryan is tempting fate by doing this. President has been too patient, but this will tear it. I can't wait to see what Q will say!

",1528338053,07/06/2018 02:20 8791286,3934133724,"

I am among my peers, chump.

You're the idiot who can't see what's right in front of you! Lol.

Go back to Q or wherever you RINOs suck each other off at.

",1528363740,07/06/2018 09:29 8794086,3934323478,

Well we will see about Sessions. I am still hoping Q is right about him.

,1528373366,07/06/2018 12:09 8794086,3934324140,

What did Q say?

,1528373394,07/06/2018 12:09 8794086,3934327428,"

It's all a big deception on the part of Trump. Behind the scenes Sessions is working to lock up a bunch of these people. Mueller as well works for Trump but in Mueller's case it was because Trump offered Mueller Amnesty because Mueller is as dirty as hell.

Also, June 11, 2018 is when everything is going down, if you believe Q.

",1528373547,07/06/2018 12:12 8794086,3934354457,"

Long story. I don't even know if I believe in him. Supposed to be a good guy government operative (actually several operatives) that is giving us hints on what is about to go on.

",1528374743,07/06/2018 12:32 8794086,3934360227,"

I get this for the website:

This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.


I should be able to view the youtube site and WILL do that!
Thanks again.

",1528375004,07/06/2018 12:36 8794086,3934360991,"

Here's a longer video about Q.

",1528375037,07/06/2018 12:37 8794086,3934365396,"

Try this link.

",1528375234,07/06/2018 12:40 8784778,3934418373,"

Eventually the World will recognize the fact Muslims cannot and will not ever be able to live with decent God fearing people, because they are all Heaton's of the very worst kind Q!!

",1528377550,07/06/2018 13:19 8785714,3934448910,"

If Q is so awesome in your opinion, then why does he speak in quatrains? LOL

",1528378866,07/06/2018 13:41 8795014,3934558337,

I think Q is Lebron James.....

,1528383461,07/06/2018 14:57 8787758,3934590948,

QAnon - GreatAwakening

Good stuff. You'll find out what's going on.

,1528384810,07/06/2018 15:20 8785714,3934592839,"

Q? I said nothing about Q. I have NEVER said Q was ""awesome"".

Nice try though.

Grab your participation trophy at the door.

",1528384890,07/06/2018 15:21 8793330,3934638938,"

John & Joan Q. Public just doesn’t care, Stormy. Go away please.

",1528386849,07/06/2018 15:54 8797682,3934769471,"

Another Breaking Report: Eugene Q. Whipplewart had a jalapeno-spam-and-cheese sandwich for lunch (Whipplewart: ""It was quite good!"").

In Other Breaking News, Thursday still follows after Wednesday in the days of the week.

Details at 6....

",1528392370,07/06/2018 17:26 8798286,3934834721,"

Trump calls for investigation into Obama giving access to US financial system to Iran



​The Goldwater Reports: President Trump has now sent a brutal statement of truth to the American people about how the Obama Regime tried to give Iran “secret access” to the United States of America's financial systems, in a tweet that is sure to send shockwaves across the globe. During the negotiations for the Iranian Nuclear Deal, Barack Obama promised Congress that Iranian interests would be barred from accessing the United States of America's financial systems, but it now appears that's exactly what happened through backchannels and proven lies of the former President.
The Majority Report released by the United States Senate yesterday proves that Barack Obama abused the Treasury Department, at the direction of his State Department to do exactly what he swore wouldn't happen. The Obama administration ""granted a specific license that authorized a conversion of Iranian assets worth billions of US dollars using US financial system,"" the report says.

Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump

The Obama Administration is now accused of trying to give Iran secret access to the financial system of the United States. This is totally illegal. Perhaps we could get the 13 Angry Democrats to divert some of their energy to this “matter” (as Comey would call it). Investigate!

11:15 AM - Jun 7, 2018


32.8K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

You still have to remember that after North Korea Q did state Iran was next, and it looks like Trump may be fully preparing to go after Obama over his secret deal with Iran that granted Iran access to the US financial system...And all this took place while Iran was under sanctions during the Obama years. Could Iran be the thing that brings down the Obama network for good, as we know Obama's handler Valerie Jarrett is an Iranian national as well.
So it really looks like the easiest way to go after Obama for justice, may just be everything that involves the Obama administration and Iran, because even Obama's nuke deal with Iran took place while Iran was under US Sanctions. Iran may just be the tip of the spear when it comes to getting justice against Obama and his cabinet, as Trump has officially called for an investigation of Obama due to Iran.

",1528395135,07/06/2018 18:12 8798286,3934929836,


,1528399144,07/06/2018 19:19 8798314,3934932088,

Is this some Qanon stuff?

,1528399251,07/06/2018 19:20 8798286,3934970452,

Could use another BOOM Mr. Q.

,1528401123,07/06/2018 19:52 8798314,3934987814,

Q mentioned 4 booms with 2 spaces in between.
BOOM June 5th - McCabe asks for immunity (Q says no deals)
BOOM June 7th - Obama exposed violating US sanctions for an enemy of the USA.
BOOM June 9th - YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE (I'm guessing Q posts coming)
BOOM June 11th - IG Report/Assange

Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show!


,1528402007,07/06/2018 20:06 8797106,3935065505,

Brennen is in big F***ing Trouble.


,1528406625,07/06/2018 21:23 8801022,3935125887,"

The Q poll is from a liberal enclave in the deep blue state of Connecticut. About as reliable on controversial public policy issues as a host of other polls were about Trump's chance of winning the election. If their poll results were true, the NFL wouldn't have felt the need to bend to Trump on the matter. Their ratings and revenues tanked.

",1528410603,07/06/2018 22:30 8797946,3935135398,"

The left gets very defensive when you talk about differences in I Q among racial groups, this truth destroys their entire policy agenda. Sad.

",1528411258,07/06/2018 22:40 8799746,3935182749,

It's a Q tip right?

,1528414512,07/06/2018 23:35 8801022,3935183902,"

From the poll:
The Q referenced was :

46. Do you think NFL players who kneel during the national anthem to protest police shootings of unarmed black men are being unpatriotic or don't you think so?

""Republican voters say 70 - 23 percent that these NFL players are unpatriotic,”
Democrat voters say 11-85 percent that these NFL Players are unpatriotic.

44. Do you support or oppose the new NFL rule requiring that NFL players on the field stand for the national anthem?
Dem 25% support 69% Oppose
Rep 87% Support 9% Oppose

",1528414588,07/06/2018 23:36 8785714,3935219129,"

So when you said here comes the pain that Q speaks of, i guess you were talking about some other Q?. the opinion I was asking from you, is what you think of his quatrain style speaking and not of what you think of him, you dolt. If somebody needs a participation trophy, would be you. Also, if I misinterpret something that you say, there's no need to have a tantrum cry baby. Just clarify instead of getting your panties all bunched up. By the way, Billy Jack was a liberal pussayy, LOL

",1528417010,08/06/2018 00:16 8798070,3935250481,"

Jeb.... what more can you say?

one more reason to thank God the election went the way it did

my only Q is, why is he not touring with hilary or bill?

hilary billary and jeb....

",1528419283,08/06/2018 00:54 8801190,3935257424,"

This is both sad and sick. How did this guy get appointed again? Who did it? How did it happen? Why is he still there? We need more than sound bites from the President. This is not what winning looks like. Does Trump want to win in the midterms? Has Q given up? IMMIGRATION REFORM IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KOREA. It is time to draw a line in the sand Mr. President. The CHILD TRAFFICING, pedifilia abuse camps being discovered on the outskirts of Tucson, on Rothschild owned property, is a wakeup call. IT IS TIME TO GET SERIOUS, MR. PRESIDENT.

",1528419825,08/06/2018 01:03 8795086,3935264190,"

I watched every day of the Watergate hearings. Read the books, watched the movie. This is much more bizarre. Much. This is like a best selling spy novel. But, they are still looking for a crime to investigate. That is the weirdest bit of it. This would seem to be a case of ""the best defense is a good offense."" Q uite a show.

",1528420332,08/06/2018 01:12 8800366,3935296010,

I still do not get what American would vote for a party that works to destroy their country. I will never understand this. Most John Q Citizens are not that dense.

,1528423007,08/06/2018 01:56 8795086,3935304135,"

According to Q, Some of the names you have been mentioning in previous posts have been 'co-operating'.

Maybe some of the names he has cited could be mistaken but, for Sessions to have been able to put together the number of sealed indictments he has (some say 30k) he must have had an awful lot of 'assistance'.

On this basis, I am fairly sure that there are as many as ten compromised people who have been acting the role until conditions are more propitious to start the avalanche of prosecutions.

I see this carrying on up to an through the elections and the appointment of all the recent AGs and other Law officers certainly points to a very busy time ahead.

During this period, all sorts of stuff is going to pour out which the MSM will be unable to handle as it does not suit the narrative.

The objective is to get it right !!! Not to rush it and stumble.


",1528423765,08/06/2018 02:09 8802550,3935336501,"


While we suspect that the ""Qanon"" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle it is also clear that many are aware of its manipulative potential and will usurp it if they have not already.

",1528426894,08/06/2018 03:01 8802550,3935358678,"

Oh, Q was right again!

",1528429195,08/06/2018 03:39 8802550,3935359047,

He built the case against this leaker that nobody else could get. Great job AG Sessions ! And there is more to come according to Q Anon.

Sessions is putting the house in order - although ADHD can't handle the methodical way he's doing it.

,1528429235,08/06/2018 03:40 8798286,3935365750,"

C'mon, Q!! Start naming names!!

",1528429978,08/06/2018 03:52 8802550,3935376730,"
“A week to remember. Dark to light”

",1528431234,08/06/2018 04:13 8798286,3935378166,

The big Q is: what is Potus Trump gonna say about this trash?

They better be ready for A BIG FAT VETO if they even so much as try to push this through...

,1528431389,08/06/2018 04:16 8802550,3935382891,

Dude - I just said Q is shiit that is all - enjoy your Nostradamus delusion - bye.

,1528431923,08/06/2018 04:25 8802550,3935426756,"


Much more to come.

It must be right before it can start.

Wasserman is off the table LOL


New meme to create: So you still don't believe Q ????


",1528436800,08/06/2018 05:46 8801474,3935428559,"

You are nearly right.

Trading one authoritarianism (International Socialism) for another (National Socialism) is a fail. You might as well not have bothered to fight for your current slave masters to repel new slave masters. Either way you remain a slave.

Would it be fair to say that you think Classical Liberalism is too weak to repel International Socialism ?

I don't believe so. In fact the Classic Liberals of the USA defeated slavery internally at the cost of 600000 dead, then joined with Britain to defeat slavery internationally, then defeated fascistic Imperial Germany, Socialist Germany,Fascist Italy, Imperial-Fascist Japan and finally Soviet Socialism.

How? how could Classic Liberals defeat such fearsome and fascist enemies?

Because while one stick is weak, a bundle of sticks whose unifying principle is Individual Liberty and held together voluntarily is MUCH stronger than a bundle of sticks held together involuntarily and unwillingly.

The promotion of enlightened self-interest and Individual Liberty is the most powerful human idea on the planet. It has unleashed diversity of opinion which gave us the crown jewel of the Enlightenment, the Scientific Method. It gave us the massively creative chaos of the Free Market which has lifted everyone out of poverty. It has shattered the fascist nations that put the brains of half a dozen against the brains of millions acting together in a voluntary federation.

Fascism is puny. Socialism is puny. The problem is, Classic Liberalism won so convincingly that the Classic Liberals rested on their laurels - thinking the socialists would come to reason and see the error of their ways. That was not the case, and the termites worked their way through society until we are at the current state.

But now the citizens are waking up. And this is a Great Awakening of Classic Liberals in the USA (electing Trump), in the UK (who pulled off Brexit), in Hungary, in Poland, in Slovakia, in Israel (yes, Israel). The giant is stirring and its power cannot be constrained. Already we can see the Left freaking out and panicking as the giant seizes it and starts to crush the life out of it.

Look at Sessions' actions today.

Look at Soros' failures, 18 billion dumped into Leftist causes and the Left still cannot win.

Look at Europe hammering on the illegitimate unelected fascist dictatorship of the EU, which is tottering and will fall.

Look at this article, normal Classical Liberals in the military are ejecting communists. Two years ago that would not have happened. But the Classic Liberals have taken the driver's seat and are now awake to the danger of the Left and are dismantling it.

The Left will not go without a fight, but the chaos they cause are the thrashings of the dying serpent. It has no power once reasonable people understand it is not about charity as the Left falsely claims, but about control.

Look at the thousand year view. Society is moving in fits and starts towards decreased government power and toward more Individual Liberty.

You fear that Classic Liberalism is so weak that we have to accept a different authoritarianism is understandable but incorrect. The Classic Liberals are awake and are dismantling the Left in a way the Left cannot use its weapons (media and moronic mobs) effectively to counter it.

There is a plan formulated 5 years ago by US Military Intelligence (who were otherwise going to mutiny against Obama's treasonous advancing of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda):

If you are an authoritarian you are mistaken and will be swept away by the revived American giant - whose DNA is the Constitution (Classical Liberalism).

Have a think about it. It is hard to notice the victories in the middle of the battle, but they are coming with more to come before the midterms (for maximum impact). Fascism could not motivate people to work this hard, only the promise of Individual Liberty does.

",1528436995,08/06/2018 05:49 8799258,3935471932,"

THIS JUST IN,,,,,,,,,

",1528441610,08/06/2018 07:06 8795086,3935599625,"

can we put ""Russian Collusion"" in the Q.

",1528450753,08/06/2018 09:39 8802550,3935603306,

It appears MANY dont even know Q ! Sad. Missing the excitement!

,1528451002,08/06/2018 09:43 8802550,3935603552,


,1528451019,08/06/2018 09:43 8802550,3935607669,

Read the other cat...the water bottles very clear message to a major player!! Q has not been wrong!

,1528451294,08/06/2018 09:48 8802550,3935617546,"

On the up side:
""Over 35,000 Sealed Indictments! The Silent Executioner? Qanon June 5""

",1528451899,08/06/2018 09:58 8804286,3935624551,

i have to ask - was he a Q too??

,1528452319,08/06/2018 10:05 8802550,3935632663,

Riiiiiggggghhhhtttt.... When those 35 THOUSAND indictments do not fall you still going to go running to Qanon for more preposterous nonsense gaslighting?

,1528452809,08/06/2018 10:13 8804286,3935638022,

This gives me such hope that Q might indeed be for real. Also that eyethespy guy on Twitter!

,1528453129,08/06/2018 10:18 8804286,3935643725,

Eyethespy. Supposedly works for the NSA.

Q predicted this as well. Said that people would be killing themselves and that also the deep state will be desperately trying to clean up loose ends.

We have EVERYTHING - so says Q. They can't escape justice.

,1528453463,08/06/2018 10:24 8804286,3935646459,"

So what?

It might just prove that Q is for real.

",1528453624,08/06/2018 10:27 8804286,3935653180,

As the drops come from Q more will disappear or off themselves.The exposure will be to much to bear for most.
Prison will be a vacation rather than facing the fury.

,1528453997,08/06/2018 10:33 8804286,3935659486,"

A week to remember...

I am staying home from work on Monday. Don't want to miss a moment of this...

",1528454351,08/06/2018 10:39 8804286,3935664813,

Qanon said a couple weeks ago that many suicides will be coming.

,1528454645,08/06/2018 10:44 8799978,3935683652,

WOW! Q said to watch the water.....everything as meaning. What does that cue mean though?? Is the pain coming????

,1528455639,08/06/2018 11:00 8804286,3935708339,

Many suicides.
-- Q.

,1528456882,08/06/2018 11:21 8804286,3935722474,

OMG - that is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I didn't understand what Q meant by this! YAY

,1528457533,08/06/2018 11:32 8795086,3935746084,"

For interpretation, Praying Medic's channel provides a cool, collected view:

",1528458601,08/06/2018 11:50 8804598,3935817334,

Where do you follow Q at ?

,1528461701,08/06/2018 12:41 8804598,3935838381,

Who is Q?

,1528462569,08/06/2018 12:56 8804598,3935869991,"

This is a result of being friends with a bunch of satanic globalists.

You end up being in a club that is going to go down for trafficking, and have to decide if prison is easier.

It's not.


",1528463884,08/06/2018 13:18 8805010,3935902163,"

Dear Facebook,

Don't worry, we are about to publicize all of your crimes you covered up, so you are welcome.


",1528465206,08/06/2018 13:40 8804286,3935907602,

I'm Pretty sure Q posted these days were coming.

,1528465434,08/06/2018 13:43 8795086,3935909100,"

Um, we need to quit grouping people. For example, there are over 30 FBI agents ready to testify to the fraud committed by not the entire FBI, but a few criminals.

likewise, there are several in the DOJ that are about to drop the hammer on the criminals in the DOJ, so we cannot say the DOJ is corrupt.

What we can say is the criminals in EVERY agency of Obama's hit squad are going down.

no deals.


",1528465498,08/06/2018 13:44 8804286,3935913379,

It appears Q was right again. Big week.

,1528465678,08/06/2018 13:47 8804286,3935914672,

You mean like Q Anon's cryptic statement about pending suicides? Interesting theory.

,1528465732,08/06/2018 13:48 8804286,3935925019,"

Search Qanon. It is outrageous, and the Leftist Media hates him, but he's been suspiciously accurate on many things.

",1528466160,08/06/2018 13:56 8804598,3935995806,

Who was the third? And who is Q?

,1528469075,08/06/2018 14:44 8802254,3936020442,"

This is a giant fu Q from the establishment, to the American people.

",1528470110,08/06/2018 15:01 8804286,3936023851,

.... maybe Q was right .... suicides abound .... WHY ?

,1528470260,08/06/2018 15:04 8804286,3936034737,

I'm not sure what Q knows. He did say there would be suicides though.

,1528470731,08/06/2018 15:12 8804810,3936097186,"

CIA...they are trying to cover their ass but we know, so they are trying to brainwash our kids, but it isnt working either.

What's left?

Now comes the pain.


",1528473332,08/06/2018 15:55 8804810,3936246043,

Look at that pic of the cowardly little worm!

Is he getting ready to cry?

I hope he speaks at my son's high school and has a Q & A session afterward. My son will knock his disgusting socks off.

,1528479568,08/06/2018 17:39 8807626,3936310681,"

hard to imagine what was in his head. like robin Williams, the guy had just bought his own island and built a beautiful villa. and one thinks,, you got it made.. why die now!! John Q public's workin 70 hours a week, just to pay taxes and bills. $ can't make one :} true words..

",1528482493,08/06/2018 18:28 8807626,3936347132,"

My gosh. What are all we who don't commit suicide with no 11 yo
daughter (while being rather like her grandpa with 61 than her dad)? Superheroes? That CNN and the
establishment show their false feelings for him is a true sign that his
suicide fits into the post from June, 3 and this:


",1528484210,08/06/2018 18:56 8797702,3936347744,

Dennis Rodman has an I Q of Zero.

,1528484238,08/06/2018 18:57 8807702,3936556931,"

CNN's Anthony Bourdain commits suicide, Q said watch for suicides



KTLA reports: Anthony Bourdain, a gifted storyteller and writer who took CNN viewers around the world, has died. He was 61. CNN confirmed Bourdain’s death on Friday and said the cause of death was suicide. “It is with extraordinary sadness we can confirm the death of our friend and colleague, Anthony Bourdain,” the network said in a statement Friday morning. “His love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller.
His talents never ceased to amaze us and we will miss him very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and family at this incredibly difficult time.” Bourdain was in France working on an upcoming episode of his award-winning CNN series. His close friend Eric Ripert, the French chef, found Bourdain unresponsive in his hotel room Friday morning.
With the things going on in America like massive pedo rings being taken out, 35,000 sealed indictments, and Trump targeting corruption and human rights violators, is the death of CNN's Anthony Bourdain's suicide connected to any of this? Strange thing is Q before he went dark a month or two ago told us all to watch for suicides, and we have a suicide of a top fashion designer and special host on CNN in the same week. Now we all know CNN is obviously connected to the Clinton network, so this could also be possible arkanside as well...But the bet is Anthony Bourdain was likely in those sealed indictments and likely someone who would possibly commit suicide after Q told us to watch for suicides.

",1528497220,08/06/2018 22:33 8795086,3936582785,"

I'd be happy to believe everything Q has said, if true. But if all a peanut IQ like yours can come up with is ""you sound scared"" -- this itself is frightening if we expect to save the country. You ought to learn to think for yourself rather than wetting your pants like a groupie when you are told the super-secret inside-tip story about what you should believe. I'd advise you to stay away from the stock market: you'd be a perfect sucker for a pump and dump.

",1528499027,08/06/2018 23:03 8807702,3936631887,

As in Q?

,1528502571,09/06/2018 00:02 8808706,3936863113,"

Not a huge AJ fan. I listen to him with a huge grain of salt. I believe Q has better info and Corsi has wigged out however AJ does not appear to be hyping here and he does appear concerned

",1528526439,09/06/2018 06:40 8808706,3936890132,"

Execute these traitors to our Nation, it’s Constitution, and more so for the damage they have done to the American people!!!

Paul Ryan
Trey Gowdy
You had better think about what you have not done and what you fail to do!

Someone will pay for JFK!!!

They may be dead or dieing
I say go after the families of those involved. If George H Bush was involved, I think the whole bush family should be locked away!!!
Everything they would have earned because of killing jFK is ill gotten gain. Every Red Commie cent they acquired!!!

I pray to GOD those involved and those seeking globalization and destruction of the United States hang for these associations from Americans and population around the World !!! These are the Jon Q citizens of the world that have awoken and by those Americans informed with the truth. You traitor, treasonous vipers of the satanic left. Secret societies and the globalist cabal,

Q the music!

",1528529714,09/06/2018 07:35 8805958,3936963732,

Oak Ridge National Lab publicized their new supercomputer a few days ago.

Why? They want Chinese hackers and others to use it? Why do we publicize it? Tell industry confidentially. Does John Q. Public need to know the specifics?

,1528537212,09/06/2018 09:40 8810306,3937050242,

As Q says. “These people are sick”

,1528543964,09/06/2018 11:32 8810306,3937051769,"

Q said Seth Rich would story would appear in June, and it just happened



Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_


Didnt Q say the Seth Rich story would resurface in June?

We need justice for him.#QAnon #SethRich https://www.thegatewaypundi...

Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_

12:41 AM - Jun 9, 2018


71 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Gateway Pundit Reports: Aaron is the brother of Seth Rich, the DNC operative who was murdered mysteriously in the summer of 2016. There have been no leads to the murder of Seth Rich. Aaron Rich is suing conservative activists and media outlets for allegedly spreading conspiracy theories about the slain staffer. On Friday Twitter sent out letters to several conservatives and media outlets including Wikileaks informing the account owners that the attorneys for Aaron Rich are seeking information from the private accounts.
It looks like there is more to the Seth Rich story developing inside of Washington DC, where Seth Rich's brother Aaron sued Wikileaks and multiple outlets covering the murder of Seth Rich. This Seth Rich story developing over the last few hours has some in America worried, however don't be since Q said this Seth Rich/Wikileaks story would return in June. The question is what is Arron Rich's lawsuit actually about...Is it to silence Seth Rich information or to expose Seth Rich information.
If you remember Seth Rich's parent's a couple months after the murder of their DNC staffer son got killed and people started exposing the Seth Rich murder, the parents of Seth Rich actually thanked everyone for looking into their son's killing that took place in the summer of 2016. If Q said this would happen in June, then we will likely soon have the truth behind Seth Rich's murder revealed...Even though we already know Seth Rich was the leaker to Wikileaks.

",1528544061,09/06/2018 11:34 8810306,3937161335,"

Guess it’s every Satanist for themselves at this point. Together or not, all will face justice eventually. You can run but you can’t hide. #WalkAway #qanon #MAGA

",1528550620,09/06/2018 13:23 8807746,3937195123,

Looks like Ann doesn't know about Q.

,1528552475,09/06/2018 13:54 8802550,3937234366,"

I’m on the rail when it comes to Q. I haven’t seen anything yet to convince me to fully believe in him (her?). Praying Medics interprepretations seem, for lack of a better word, forced. Can you provide me with anything that would make me a full believer? Tell me where to look if you can.

",1528554590,09/06/2018 14:29 8802550,3937260403,"

You are asking the wrong question here as, if you wish to see things in the way I do, you need to spend decades, as I have, studying the following subjects: logic, philosophy, history, geography, law, international relations, business (mine was with a banking eye as one sees everybody's business), constitutional matters, maths, statistics, economics (a shifting sands) and a great many other subjects too.

Further, it helps to have some practical application of a number of disciplines so you can allow outcomes to judge what your level of success has been.

Maybe you have done some, or all of this. If so, you will appreciate that one cannot go to any single source and be able to rely completely upon it. The best you can do is to evaluate the output of those like Q and use your heightened skills to test what he has said in terms of its truth context, relevance and consistency.

It is not going to help you when I say that I do not share your jadedness, possibly because I have taken away some truth that your own individual experience has not availed you of the ability to make the connection.

I will make that worse by saying that, as with any other being, I am capable of error. This is really making it even harder for you !!!

Don't forget the wrong are rarely wrong 100% of the time but typically they will only get 30% right. The right are neither right all the time either. But typically, they will get 70% right. My record has been upward of 80%, on any objective measure. TRUMP may well exceed me on that - he certainly has made more money than I have.

",1528556007,09/06/2018 14:53 8804286,3937292022,"

This article will certainly reinforce that urge. I definitely understand wanting to be back in the cushy comfort of the Matrix, I can still feel where the plug was ripped from the back of my bald head, as reality smacks me in the face, once again. If we don't fight evil, who will?

",1528557726,09/06/2018 15:22 8811226,3937301486,"

Meanwhile... in Hellywood & DC ""Comics"" land, the evil dark forces are exacting revenge against, the members of the occult, who're brave enough to expose their evil.

",1528558231,09/06/2018 15:30 8807746,3937318603,"

WEGOWEGA=Where We Go One, We Go All. Who is Q? Subscribe to JustinformedTalk on YouTube and find out.

",1528559165,09/06/2018 15:46 8804814,3937322405,"

You're simply not looking that's why!

",1528559370,09/06/2018 15:49 8807314,3937357375,"

In light of the G7 and other things...If Q at this point just said ""Everything is smooth sailing. Mission complete"", I think we would buy it and chug on :)

",1528561222,09/06/2018 16:20 8807746,3937371246,"

I'm glad you asked patriot, it means ""Where we go one, we go all"":

Morpheus: “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and Q shows you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Remember: all Q is offering is the truth.

Nothing more.”

Welcome to the fight, patriot!

",1528561936,09/06/2018 16:32 8811950,3937519090,"

Q said Seth Rich would story would appear in June, and it just happened



Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_


Didnt Q say the Seth Rich story would resurface in June?

We need justice for him.#QAnon #SethRich https://www.thegatewaypundi...

Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_

12:41 AM - Jun 9, 2018


93 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Gateway Pundit Reports: Aaron is the brother of Seth Rich, the DNC operative who was murdered mysteriously in the summer of 2016. There have been no leads to the murder of Seth Rich. Aaron Rich is suing conservative activists and media outlets for allegedly spreading conspiracy theories about the slain staffer. On Friday Twitter sent out letters to several conservatives and media outlets including Wikileaks informing the account owners that the attorneys for Aaron Rich are seeking information from the private accounts.
It looks like there is more to the Seth Rich story developing inside of Washington DC, where Seth Rich's brother Aaron sued Wikileaks and multiple outlets covering the murder of Seth Rich. This Seth Rich story developing over the last few hours has some in America worried, however don't be since Q said this Seth Rich/Wikileaks story would return in June. The question is what is Arron Rich's lawsuit actually about...Is it to silence Seth Rich information or to expose Seth Rich information.
If you remember Seth Rich's parent's a couple months after the murder of their DNC staffer son got killed and people started exposing the Seth Rich murder, the parents of Seth Rich actually thanked everyone for looking into their son's killing that took place in the summer of 2016. If Q said this would happen in June, then we will likely soon have the truth behind Seth Rich's murder revealed...Even though we already know Seth Rich was the leaker to Wikileaks.

",1528569736,09/06/2018 18:42 8812430,3937539106,"

Hey Pope ever heard of ΔU=Q+W
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, and thermodynamic processes are therefore subject to the principle of conservation of energy. This means that heat energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can, however, be transferred from one location to another and converted to and from other forms of energy.

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy. In particular, it describes how thermal energy is converted to and from other forms of energy and how it affects matter. The fundamental principles of thermodynamics are expressed in four laws.

“The First Law says that the internal energy of a system has to be equal to the work that is being done on the system, plus or minus the heat that flows in or out of the system and any other work that is done on the system,"" said Saibal Mitra, a professor of physics at Missouri State University. ""So, it’s a restatement of conservation of energy.""

Mitra continued, ""The change in internal energy of a system is the sum of all the energy inputs and outputs to and from the system similarly to how all the deposits and withdrawals you make determine the changes in your bank balance.” This is expressed mathematically as: ΔU = Q – W, where ΔU is the change in the internal energy, Q is the heat added to the system, and W is the work done by the system.

",1528570851,09/06/2018 19:00 8807746,3937609930,"

Not your job to convince me, but when i search, i only find references on conspiracy inclined sites. If you have a link elsewhere, left, right, whatever, but not one that quotes Qanon, i would love to read it.

",1528575276,09/06/2018 20:14 8804286,3937767071,"

Actually he was murdered,you have to get that from a real news source though
Hanging from a door knob is getting pretty trendy as of late.
QAnon/greatawaking WWG1WGA

",1528586444,09/06/2018 23:20 8788142,3937854446,"

Hmmm. I recall that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem loved Hitler. Does this mean that Fatah loves Trump since they are coreligionists? Grand Mufti loves Hitler. Grand Mufti is Palestinian Muslim. Fatah is Palestinian Muslim Group. Fatah says Trump is like Hitler. Therefore, Fatah must love Trump. Q.E.D.

",1528593104,10/06/2018 01:11 8804286,3937859834,

Try murdered
How many can swing from a door knob in one weeks time?

,1528593551,10/06/2018 01:19 8811686,3937889123,

They do and they will be exposed for being a controlled media by the nwo.. follow Q and trust the plan

,1528596154,10/06/2018 02:02 8809510,3937914562,"

Believe as you will. When the big red pill comes, it will shock many.

",1528598682,10/06/2018 02:44 8809510,3937952081,"

I gave a link; hover you mouse over the link, click. Read. Understand. It's easy if you WANT to know.

At click on the right arrow attached to the number string, it takes you to the ""BAKERS"" who research the bread crumbs that are dropped by Q.

Look at the memes, read the statements. It's a rough crowd, but you seem a knowledgeable girl and you'll do fine.

",1528602964,10/06/2018 03:56 8811950,3938056910,"

So, you believed Billy the Rapist-In-Chief? Obama the con artist - who tried to weasel past the Iran sanctions so they could rob us of our treasure?

What exactly DO YOU stand for in particular? Exactly what would the Frazzled Rats offer to this nation to empower it? You defend MS13, Billy-the-Rapist, Hillary-the-Criminal, Stormy Daniels the used car lot... How low will you go in your hatred?

""You people ARE STUPID!""

",1528616195,10/06/2018 07:36 8814850,3938269508,"

islam in itself is a terrible ideology. western culture has always known it to be barbaric. it hasnt changed. and they all read the same version of koran. there isnt a koran 2.0. again. Islam, not mulsims the topic. Q is. Why islam is the common factor. in bombings, child rapes, teen stabbings. british kids stabbed by followers of islam. mohhamadins

",1528633936,10/06/2018 12:32 8287370,3938282698,"

As for worshiping the Word of God....yes, that’s the truth and I worship the truth/Jesus (John 14:6) whose name is called The Word of God (Revelation 19:13) and Jesus calls himself ‘the truth’ (John 14;6). In fact, belief in his name is the condition for salvation (John 3:16-18). I know you can’t read these scriptures because your so busy reading “the word of men” instead of “the word of God” (1 Thes 2:13). So yes, I worship God the Son while you worship a woman.

Worst of all, you miss the whole point of the INCARNATION through sinful Jesus’ could take on the sins of the WHOLE world (1 John 2:2) the reason he had to be made he could represesnt ALL of sinful humanity on the Cross. (John 1:14). So Catholics making Mary perfect (Jesus) is a wicked thought because Mary is NOT Jesus and there never was a sinless person besides Jesus and there never will be.

See the links below for......

Who is ‘the Man of sin’......

Catholic Errors........
Catholic heresies Q & A's -

Just to give you a hint as to who the Antichrist is (calls himself God and takes his place) see.....

""The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth."" (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, Cities Petrus Bertanous).... http://www.end-times-prophe...

List of blasphemous quotes from the Antichrist Babylon church (Catholic)....... http://www.the-bible-antich...

Catholicism creeps me out.

",1528634717,10/06/2018 12:45 8814642,3938433111,

Read Q Anon about Hitler and Angela Merkel.

,1528642805,10/06/2018 15:00 8811946,3938448433,

They were angry environmentalists who noticed the victims using plastic straws and Q tips.sarc

,1528643614,10/06/2018 15:13 8787758,3938480857,

Saw that as well...#QAnon....

,1528645340,10/06/2018 15:42 8815402,3938623091,

I wonder what skeletons are in ole Bob's closet ? he sure is loud. Notice how Eminem went away quietly after the Q drop of him and Ray Chandler ? Wonder if Bob knows Ray? Or maybe some of the NXIVM folks?

,1528652814,10/06/2018 17:46 8815754,3938738458,

Tough sanctions vs the Russian Army is what the lead from behind mom jeans guy offered. The puss even hides behind the globalist EU. He puts the Q in LGBTQ.

,1528658353,10/06/2018 19:19 8815754,3938765831,"

I find it kind of funny that Susan Rice basically said the former Administration chose to sit back and do nothing in a very roundabout way, all while criticizing the current administration for calling them out on it. I see the Democrats have not lost their talent of talking in circles. Nice try Susie Q, the people are not buying it!

",1528659699,10/06/2018 19:41 8815754,3938800990,"

Jihadi Baracki also gave ransom money to Qatar along with 5 high-ranking al Q. terrorist leaders-released from Gitmo in exchange for deserter, Bergdahl.

",1528661528,10/06/2018 20:12 8812862,3938848012,"

Donald has bought the US a little more time; but economic collapse is still coming, through heinous debt ; and moreover racial distintegration is inevitable; the Chinese have 1.3 billion hi tech and high I Q people, with over another 100 million high tech and hi IQ people in advanced programs in Western jobs and University science programs, and how many of them are spying ...what do we have ....Latino and African immigration. When the final curtain comes, American Jews will take the last plane to Israel and cut the best deal they can with China...and our lower middle class Christian sucker soldiers will still be further bankrupting the US fighting wars in the middle east while everyone laughs at us....Donald knows where his New York bread is buttered.

",1528664324,10/06/2018 20:58 8812862,3938865487,


,1528665447,10/06/2018 21:17 8811754,3938914112,"

Cry me a ...... river. All of the steps and action against Vlad is nothing but more failed political posturing.
President Trump is the one that I have faith in because he is a man of action and not just mere words. As Q says, the future will prove the past.


",1528668641,10/06/2018 22:10 8816134,3938922786,"

Mr. Vaughn was pulled over in Kalifornia, and he is an unrepentant Conservative and 2nd-Amendment Supporter. The Judge'll give him life in San Q...

",1528669223,10/06/2018 22:20 8812862,3939016011,

How did QAnon miss Eyebrowgate?

,1528675822,11/06/2018 00:10 8813050,3939086137,"

Funny you should say Q had posted a pic of Merkel, May and other female leader whose name I cannot recalls close friends when they were teens. Merkel is daughter of Hitler, I suspect May is also.

",1528680956,11/06/2018 01:35 8815754,3939123492,"

“Tell Putin I will have more flexiability after the election” Remember that gaff? All your slips, trips and falls are catching up to you Suzy Q. You vapid Marxist lap dog.

",1528684465,11/06/2018 02:34 8817162,3939262445,

lol is Q there ?

,1528700195,11/06/2018 06:56 8817706,3939310495,"

Q posted few hours ago. Possible suggestion that Assange will be involved in the big day today, and people ""assisting"" Q seem to be suggesting this too. We will see!

Main idea is Assange will probably be in the news today in some way. If so, the goal is for him to testify privately first, then publicly. Hope this ages well!

",1528705074,11/06/2018 08:17 8815754,3939313549,

Suzy Q YOU are a national disgrace along with the entire gang of criminals aka administration you served!

,1528705361,11/06/2018 08:22 8817706,3939320847,"

In defense of Q:

Whether you think the predictions pan out or not, there are hidden things we discover with the help of his questions. That is useful, and has worth.

Personally, I think Q is the real deal because there are enough proofs to satisfy me, but that is beside the point.

",1528705998,11/06/2018 08:33 8817706,3939326607,

My dog has confirmed Q is a Moron.

,1528706478,11/06/2018 08:41 8817706,3939327490,

There is some unknown reason why Q comes after P.

,1528706547,11/06/2018 08:42 8817706,3939340544,"

If you have been following Q-Anon, supposedly they have a count don timer for 1 hour- to when the news will be revealed to end democrat leadership once and for all.

",1528707582,11/06/2018 08:59 8817706,3939347022,"

I admit this is a long-shot, but what if Trump PARDONS Assange within a few days?

Scott Adams and Lionel are hinting at Trump pardoning somebody that will blow people's minds. Plus the Q suggestion of something big happening today (and in immediate future)... and it looks probable that Assange is part of it. I just saw this being suggested and it clicked too well. Wacky, but I would LOVE this!

",1528708089,11/06/2018 09:08 8817706,3939369516,"

Q reminds us to be vigilant for false flag before IG report and IG Senate hearing



Right now is a very important time for Americans to be very alert and stay away from large crowds, because the IG report release this week and the IG report Senate hearing open to the public...Are two things the Deep State and the Clinton/Obama network do not want out. From June 11th before the Trump/Kim Summit to June 19th right after the IG report Senate hearing, right now is a prime time for a false flag to occur...Because Q has warned us before what is the common thing when bad news comes out against them. The last time bad news occurred for them we had the Parkland and Texas school shootings, which happened when bad news came out...Especially when the IG released his report on Andrew McCabe. Thank God most schools are out, so the DS will be more desperate to pull a false flag, which means stay away from big events/large crowds during this time.

",1528709788,11/06/2018 09:36 8817706,3939400807,

And when literally nothing happens you will still believe in QAnonsense. So it goes....

,1528711876,11/06/2018 10:11 8817706,3939420424,

#QAnon #TrustthePlan DeNiro is hiding something very very dirty. Would like to think he had nothing to do with ruining the life of an underage boy actor named Corey Haim. But I cannot be sure.

,1528713045,11/06/2018 10:30 8817706,3939435177,"

Oh look, nothing happened. And now the clock is counting forward. Couldn't see that coming.

My conspiracy theory is that the whole QAnon thing is a liberal plot to make all Trump supporters look like gullible loons whose political opinions can be dismissed. Don't play into their game.

",1528713892,11/06/2018 10:44 8817706,3939456208,

Those who scream the loudest have the most to lose... Q. DeNiro must have huge skeletons in his closet.

,1528715046,11/06/2018 11:04 8817706,3939475922,"

Jun 10 2018 23:16:25 (EST)
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.

",1528716054,11/06/2018 11:20 8817162,3939633189,

I fear a false flag here in the US or anywhere in the world. Liberals are that butthurt. I think Q agrees.

,1528722881,11/06/2018 13:14 8817766,3939781256,"

Thisss isss ssso depresssing...I love the pink shoesss, glovesss, and Q.B. apronsss. How about sssome quadrating chartreuse? When can we get some transss-cheerleadersss?

",1528729072,11/06/2018 14:57 8804286,3939893497,"

Would you still think that if you knew he had made disparaging remarks regarding HRC and her CF? Word is he frequented what Q and other youtube reporters have been posting hard information on for months, some of them years probably....why do you think that Trump did that E.O. both the one for keeping the funds, etc of anyone guilty of an international crime? And the other one to give veteran groups the ability to raise funds to rescue children from their human traffickers ? If you still don't know what I am alluding very strongly to then you need too much catching up because Q has been posting since last October at least....

",1528733589,11/06/2018 16:13 8819338,3939899508,"

It’s already a done deal:

Jun 11 2018 12:24:10 Q. !CbboFOtcZs
Does Kim look nervous prior to the 'BIG' meeting w/ POTUS?
Did they already meet long ago?
Is he preparing at his hotel w/ his advisors ahead of time?
Or, is he out enjoying the 'FREEDOM' he never had in the past?
Deal done?
On guard?
POTUS moves up departure - why?
The World is Safer.
IRAN developments…

",1528733846,11/06/2018 16:17 8820738,3940048164,

I'm pretty sure there is a Q missing. Your statement isn't inclusive enough....shame shame shame shame!!!!!

,1528740082,11/06/2018 18:01 8821198,3940335393,

Did Q tell you this?

,1528753499,11/06/2018 21:44 8821198,3940346903,"

Trump/Kim Summit moved to this evening, Q hints because of Iran developments



View image on Twitter


JUST IN: White House says talks with North Korea in Singapore “have moved more quickly than expected” and Trump will meet 1-on-1 with Kim at 9a local time in Singapore (9p ET tonight). President Trump will then hold a news conference after the talks at 8pm local (8a ET Tuesday).

8:18 AM - Jun 11, 2018


327 people are talking about this

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This is a very interesting development with the Trump/Kim Summit in Singapore moving up to today in the late hours, and Q is possibly hinting the move up in the Trump/Kim Summit is possibly due to developments with Iran. Today is 6/11 where booms are expected during this time till the IG report Senate hearing next week in DC, so with Trump moving up the Kim Summit today it really looks like the deal and peace with North Korea has already been secured. There could also be developments within DC on why Trump had to move up his Summit in Singapore with Kim Jong Un to later today. With the sudden change in the Trump/Kim Summit to tonight, you only wonder whats cooking up in DC or whats going on with Iran developments?

",1528754152,11/06/2018 21:55 8821198,3940351666,"

Obama's Clapper admits to regularly asking to unmask Americans



Big League Politics Reports: Former Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper admits that he made regular requests to “unmask” people. “Unmasking” is the process by which the Obama administration revealed the classified names of members of President Donald Trump’s team who had foreign contacts, in order to open up the possibility for FISA warrants and other surveillance measures.
Clapper will not be prosecuted for lying under oath about the scope of his surveillance activities, since the deadline for his arrest has expired and Attorney General Jeff Sessions did nothing about it. So apparently Clapper is comfortable enough to explain how he oversaw regular unmasking like the kind that unmasked members of President Donald Trump’s team for politically-oriented persecution. Clapper made these admissions in a radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt.
So is Clapper again trying to save face by admitting he regularly requested to unmask Americans, as once again it seems Clapper is trying to throw the Obama administration under the bus? However lets remember that Clapper stated the FBI/Obama spy ring was conducted by a special human source, even though this is the same thing as spying...Since spying on a political campaign is actually illegal per election law.
​ With Clapper's admitting of requesting for multiple unmasking's, this is simply another confirmation of Obama's espionage ring inside the Trump campaign...As we already know Trump campaign officials were unmasked. However like Q has stated there will be no deals, so hopefully Clapper throwing Obama under the bus for admitting he requested unmasking's likely of Trump officials...Clapper doesn't get the deal he's working on.

",1528754429,11/06/2018 22:00 8821198,3940353917,"

Nunes gives DOJ till tomorrow to be provided with FBI docs on Obama's Spygate



​FOX News reported: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has given the Justice Department until Tuesday to provide access to documents concerning the FBI’s alleged informant looking into any Russian ties to President Trump’s 2016 campaign. In a letter sent Friday to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Nunes said the records should be provided to all committee members “and designated staff” rather than just the so-called “Gang of Eight” — which refers to Republican and Democratic leaders in both houses of Congress as well as top lawmakers from the intelligence panels.
Looks like Obama's spy ring inside the Trump campaign with help from the UK and the James Comey FBI is in some major trouble, as House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes has given the DOJ 24 hours to provide him with FBI documents on Obama's Spygate. Should Devin Nunes get these documents hopefully they are made public to the American people, and should the DOJ not provide this information then Nunes should simply subpoena top DOJ officials.
​ Devin Nunes ordering the DOJ to provide FBI Obama Spygate documents can add to the booms we will likely see this week and up to the IG report Senate hearing that will be open to the public. With this added boom to the things happening this week, like Q said we need to be vigilant for FF weather. Should these documents be provided it's going to be a very bad week for the DS/Obama, Clinton cabal

",1528754547,11/06/2018 22:02 8822626,3940367484,

The summit happened weeks ago. You are watching a media movie according to Q.

,1528755286,11/06/2018 22:14 8822922,3940368717,"

They're not, law for politicians are more lenient than those for John Q Public

",1528755353,11/06/2018 22:15 8823702,3940386699,"

No more stupid Sprite commercials. LameBron has no Q Factor. If he signs sports paraphernalia, the price of the item actually drops.

",1528756372,11/06/2018 22:32 8824314,3940494809,"

Highly unlikely it was suicide. It was mostly likely Arcancide and same is likely true of Kate Spade. Bourdain warned in a tweet weeks ago that his life was in danger from Clintonistas (which includes too many in the FBI and especially the CIA, which is the master of the 187. Spade was deeply involved with the Clinton Foundation and all that really ugly stuff in Haiti.

Not saying they definitely were murdered, but a LOT of suicides, especially of people connected to the Deep State and the Clintons, are not suicide at all. Q warned last fall that these would happen in greater numbers as the globalist cabal of crime and satanism went into the death spiral.

",1528761861,12/06/2018 00:04 8824314,3940500247,

Anybody that uses “MI” does not know anything about the medical profession ...just kidding..I have. Hx of good health Q waves in any leads 😳😁

,1528762139,12/06/2018 00:08 8824494,3940504622,

Here starts the D5 avalanche Q told us of. Julian assange freed and speaking the secrets libs fear is next. #MAGA!

,1528762356,12/06/2018 00:12 8824494,3940528094,

Dis Q u s is run by l i b er Al fascists.n

,1528763534,12/06/2018 00:32 8824494,3940528522,

Dis Q u s is run by l i b er Al fascists.

,1528763557,12/06/2018 00:32 8822626,3940575726,"

As has been said all along, and also by Q, Sessions is playing the long game here and, in law, the long game is the only sure way to play it !!!

He is part of the dismantling of Deep State - nothing less !!!

Be patient and you will see ARRESTS !!!

...and more Arrests !!!

...and even more Arrests !!!


",1528766338,12/06/2018 01:18 8824494,3940613564,"

My contempt for those -globalist clowns - that have enslaved these people for 50 odd years is beyond evil.

04-24-2018 05:19:33 AEST Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1158519

Like NK, they have been freed.
Assets on the ground.

03-09-2018 11:55:52 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo 594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

",1528769188,12/06/2018 02:06 8825290,3940623470,

they also demanded that the letter Q be removed from the alphabet

,1528770007,12/06/2018 02:20 8824494,3940652727,"

Sensing Q people in the house!

Don't have to reveal yourselves, but I know you are there :P

",1528772684,12/06/2018 03:04 8824494,3940657137,

The Q Continuum is everywhere.

,1528773135,12/06/2018 03:12 8819338,3940684308,"

NO, I just watch the RIGHT news sites, not the BRAINWASHING MSM! Also try Following Q! This Deal was done months ago!

",1528775810,12/06/2018 03:56 8825290,3940684969,"

NAUSEATING.. THESE DEMS ARE SIMPLY NAUSEATING.... WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? They try to paint our GREATEST of ALL PRESIDENTS as an imbecile (his I Q is 159) ... and all of us as Trailer Park Trash.. They'd faint if they could see ""my trailer"" .... And Illiterates... etc etc etc... THEY are the ones who have been hijacked by the bloody CLINTON MACHINE and turned into ROBOTS.. and that includes THE ANTI-AMERICAN Obamas. Schumer... you know what you can do with your 'document' right? Good GRIEF!!! MAGA MAGA MAGA!!!!

",1528775874,12/06/2018 03:57 8825666,3940739341,

03-09-2018 11:55:52 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo 594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.
Note the date.

,1528781260,12/06/2018 05:27 8825666,3940740044,

If you are not sure who Q calls ‘clowns’ it’s the CIA.

,1528781326,12/06/2018 05:28 8825562,3940759059,"

I do believe someone name Q Anon made reference to June 11 being some very special date and ""here comes the pain"" to the deep state?


",1528783196,12/06/2018 05:59 8825562,3940774189,

and Obama did what .....S Q U A T go f yourself

,1528784704,12/06/2018 06:25 8825562,3940855643,

Hillary would have continued to use them as the CIA puppets they were. Q Anon told us months ago there would be no more nuclear missile tests. Their Puppet Masters were gone. Trump is cleaning house.

,1528792073,12/06/2018 08:27 8825562,3940856898,

Future proves past. Check out q-anon. They nailed this!

President Trump may give the Nobel Peace Prize value again! ( though that would probably take more effort than ending the Korean War!)

,1528792171,12/06/2018 08:29 8825562,3940858963,"

According to Q Anon, they've already been neutered. It's just the process of cleaning house now

",1528792336,12/06/2018 08:32 8825290,3940864140,

Hunh? Is that a recent Q posting? And who the hell is Hussein? Saddam is long gone.

,1528792748,12/06/2018 08:39 8825562,3940895055,"

The Art oF the Deal ! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank GOD. History was made today. only The Don can do this. Mount Rushmore get ready . a new face will be added. Thank you GOD, President Trump, and the Q anon Team.

",1528795010,12/06/2018 09:16 8825562,3940900410,"

Next North and South become one. As Q said ages ago, strings,cut!

",1528795369,12/06/2018 09:22 8826834,3940968935,

The differences are stark are'nt they? Barack Obama always came off as outrageously arrogant as he stumbled through his Q cards. All he ever did was remind us of our differences and used them to divide us.

,1528799312,12/06/2018 10:28 8821630,3941083048,"

No one should underestimate the power of the press. He was a sexual predator back then, but the press protected and enabled him. Finally, the curtain has been drawn back to reveal his true character to John Q. Public, but the press goes unpunished for the part they played in sustaining his predatory behavior towards female democrats. That former President can't ""vanish"" soon enough for me.

",1528804791,12/06/2018 11:59 8822710,3941114744,"

Another robot, duped by Q.

",1528806168,12/06/2018 12:22 8822710,3941116000,

None of this is from 8chan or the Q breads. It is from twitter feeds from attorneys who have access to PACER. You can verify it yourself - find a lawyer who can use PACER to search for nationwide sealed indictments. In any given year there are about 400 to 1000 at the most.

The lawyer who manages all of this is the AG - Sessions. It is false to say Sessions is doing nothing - my point.

Sessions' whole office is coordinating a nationwide D-Day.

,1528806219,12/06/2018 12:23 8827782,3941524793,

When the Department of Justice releases the Inspector General's report Rod Rosenstein will be discredited along with the phony Russia investigation. It will factually demonstrate the corrupt nature by which the entire false narrative was created all to 1) prevent the election of POTUS 2) delay/shelter/mask/hide all illegal activities by Hussein/others during past 8 years. It was necessary in the mean time for the DOJ/FBI to be purged of coup plotters and crooks. The prosecutions that will follow will come from DOJ appointee Huber in Utah. Pain is coming. Thank Q & Potus.

,1528820916,12/06/2018 16:28 8828270,3941556313,"

When the info is released [RR] no more.
When the info is released no more Russia investigation.
It will factually conclude the corrupt nature by which the entire false narrative was created all to 1) prevent the election of POTUS 2) delay/shelter/mask/hide all illegal activities by Hussein/others during past 8 years.
DOJ/FBI cleanse vital as primary.
Huber coming.
These people HATE America.

RR for Rod Rosenstein. I don't always know what to make of this Q, but he's not far off on some things, which lends him some credibility.

",1528822189,12/06/2018 16:49 8825562,3941583542,"

Qanon twitter, same thing happened in Iran. CIA ran n.k for decades!

",1528823299,12/06/2018 17:08 8823594,3941602346,"

..... believe nothing until you hear it from President Trump. We patriot's already knew the deal was done ......"" No coincidences ""... Q.

",1528824060,12/06/2018 17:21 8759717,3941669484,"

""Your hatred of everything Trump won't change any of the above.""

No the actual results at the end of the Quarter will.

""If accurate"" <--exactly from your story.

GDPNow has never been accurate after 1 month because of how it works. Proof is on their web site. Proof has already been posted.

its already down from June 1st 4.8%, the exact day in the Quarter that the 1st Q peaked at 5.4% on the GDPnow cast. It ended up at 2.4%

Even the story you just linked has their estimates at 3.1% vs 4.6%. Geeze do you even read what you are posting? So then you AGREE with me that the GDPnow forcast of 4.6% is totally over inflated.

Your refusal to actually look at facts and ignore the fact i never said the economy was bad.
Its going along nicely thanks in most part to the groundwork placed by the previous administration.

See you at the end of the Q when you make some other childish remarks.

Oh and your ""at or below 2% inflation""

You know that you really should not lie about things so easily verifiable right?

Its almost 3% and is higher then wage growth which is really bad for the economy.

June 12, 2018, 8:30 AM EDT Updated on June 12, 2018, 9:06 AM EDT
Consumer price index rose 2.8% in May from a year earlier
Inflation-adjusted pay unchanged over 12-month period

U.S. inflation accelerated in May to the fastest pace in more than six years,
The consumer price index rose 0.2 percent from the previous month and 2.8 percent from a year earlier

A separate Labor Department report on Tuesday illustrated how higher prices are pinching wallets: average hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, were unchanged in May from a year earlier, even as nominal pay accelerated to a 2.7 percent annual gain from 2.6 percent in April. For production and nonsupervisory workers, real average hourly earnings fell 0.1 percent from a year earlier.

",1528826824,12/06/2018 18:07 8802550,3941734997,"

Long conversation about the ""6/11"". That isn't a Q prognostication, but an anon. Keep in mind that 6/11 in the US is 6/12 in Singapore. They are about 12 hours ahead of EDT.

",1528829573,12/06/2018 18:52 8830030,3941759218,

03-09-2018 11:55:52 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo 594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

,1528830635,12/06/2018 19:10 8823594,3941862389,"

Qanon says Obama tried to contact Kim just prior to the summit.

",1528835826,12/06/2018 20:37 8828098,3941901895,"

Agreed all. Q movement.
Communism is just a term.
Oligarchal control of the masses is the objective. Owning all wealth. Sets the stage for the next Nimrod. The power of influence is Satan. These are evil through and through. They promulgate their evil hearts and attempt to infect,by programming, the masses with their evil thoughts and resultant evil actions. They have made great progress in our day and time. Technology has enabled that. They desire to pollute the thoughts and actions of the masses toward enabling themselves to come out fully into the open and fully practice their evil practices. Child rape, sacrifice, and other obscene activities.
Bible speaks of ""passing children through the fire"". Simply a euphemism for child sacrifice. The ""high places"" a reference to the altars of such sacrifices to Baal. Nothing new under the sun. We have the opportunity to stand up in our day and time and fight the evil that has gained regnancy. Trump, who would have thought?

",1528838042,12/06/2018 21:14 8829442,3941922417,

not even the Q fans?

,1528839279,12/06/2018 21:34 8829442,3941947104,

You should change your avatar to Man of Untruth. BTW - Who says YOU know the truth. Here's a Q - Who was Antonio Gramsci?

,1528840833,12/06/2018 22:00 8831534,3942023016,"

Q says, Certain events were not suppose to take place, posts photo of beam of light over Washington State



This beam of light over Washington State today reported earlier today just became a more curious situation, as Q brings it up in a recent post stating certain events were not suppose to take place. Now the way Q questions this event over Washington State, makes me wonder two things really. One was this some kind of an attempt by the Deep State for a false flag as Q warned us this week about false flag weather, or two is this maybe some kind of space disclosure by the Trump administration...As the object appears to be going straight up into space. The odd thing about it is that it does not appear to have a smoke plume while in travel, so whatever this is...Is an unknown technology that the Deep State or Trump only knows about. Either this is something about space, or this was an attempt at a false flag.

",1528845297,12/06/2018 23:14 8831534,3942028418,"

Q says Obama tried to call Kim prior to Summit, Trump promises Kim a new world with video



Wow so Q is telling us that Obama tried to call Kim Jong Un, but it looks like Kim Jong Un's personal number has been updated just so Obama couldn't persuade Kim. Have to be curious with this if Kim Jong Un changed his phone number so he couldn't be bothered by Deep State US puppets like Obama and Clinton or their operatives. Trump has also showed Kim Jong Un a video at his Summit with Kim promising a new world with peace and prosperity, and it looks like Kim Jong Un has officially chosen this option. Kim Jong Un is free and it took Trump to do it, history will forever be changed...And we couldn't get this without Trump or Kim Jong Un. It looks like through Trump...Kim Jong Un is a friend to the United States, and it looks like Obama may of tried to corrupt it. Wouldn't this highlight Obama in violation of the Logan Act?

",1528845628,12/06/2018 23:20 8831534,3942047652,"

Q says Obama tried to call Kim prior to Summit, Trump promises Kim a new world with video



Wow so Q is telling us that Obama tried to call Kim Jong Un, but it looks like Kim Jong Un's personal number has been updated just so Obama couldn't persuade Kim. Have to be curious with this if Kim Jong Un changed his phone number so he couldn't be bothered by Deep State US puppets like Obama and Clinton or their operatives. Trump has also showed Kim Jong Un a video at his Summit with Kim promising a new world with peace and prosperity, and it looks like Kim Jong Un has officially chosen this option. Kim Jong Un is free and it took Trump to do it, history will forever be changed...And we couldn't get this without Trump or Kim Jong Un. It looks like through Trump...Kim Jong Un is a friend to the United States, and it looks like Obama may of tried to corrupt it. Wouldn't this highlight Obama in violation of the Logan Act?

",1528846812,12/06/2018 23:40 8831534,3942049126,

Wikileaks says Q is a bunch of crap...Wikileaks has never lied once I'll believe them over someone who writes in riddles

,1528846901,12/06/2018 23:41 8817150,3942109244,

Trump snapped a leash on all that already
QAnon- GreatAwakening

,1528850927,13/06/2018 00:48 8832186,3942143947,

You will have to ask Qanon !!! 😈😂😈😂😈 😸😸 ✅

,1528853704,13/06/2018 01:35 8829626,3942159832,

John Q Citizen is much more sophisticated than ol’ Roger thinks.

,1528855055,13/06/2018 01:57 8831534,3942336649,"

Feeling embarrassed.

VOP info is looking sketchy...
Misinterpretations of Q posts...

I will not be passing along any more info unless I have great trust in the source.

* In the case of Q, I have narrowed it down to one YouTube channel. She does a lot of research and really takes the time to do it right. Citizens Investigative Report. If you are using another channel, just give it a try.

",1528873334,13/06/2018 07:02 8832742,3942417975,"

Everyone (including Ryan) knows amnesty without wall funding, chain migration and visa lottery being fixed, would be vetoed.

Qanon suggests Ryan and Trump are distancing themselves from each other so when SHTF here shortly (massive indictments corruption, spying, etc.), Ryan can direct the House to address it without seeming political.

Ryan may be a hero here very shortly.

",1528880505,13/06/2018 09:01 8815754,3942418107,"

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
............\..............( Face it Susie Q, you and Hussein were always the JV TEAM in American Diplomacy but that is partly to blame for your Political Party inventing Affirmative Action, they thought they would be doing people like you and Hussein a Favor.

",1528880518,13/06/2018 09:01 8823594,3942442305,

Trump is playing chess five moves ahead of this article. I used to like Breitbart. But they never mention Q or anything about the happenings in Tucson Arizona (child sex trafficking). Barely a thing about nexium or Allison Mack. Barely any investigative reporting. More often than not just stories about other articles. Pop culture nonetheless

,1528882207,13/06/2018 09:30 8834870,3942486673,"

Qanon says Obama tried to contact Kim just prior to the summit.

",1528884964,13/06/2018 10:16 8834870,3942488498,

Maybe Qanon lied.

,1528885071,13/06/2018 10:17 8833198,3942630532,

D I S Q U I S does it too.

,1528891968,13/06/2018 12:12 8833198,3942633879,

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3cfa0 No.1725084 📁
Jun 12 2018 23:41:17 (EST)
MSM attacks.
[Round 2]
MOSSAD attempts failed.
Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push.
FBI (4) open investigations.
8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).
FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.

,1528892113,13/06/2018 12:15 8833198,3942634847,

New Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3cfa0 No.1725084 📁
Jun 12 2018 23:41:17 (EST)
MSM attacks.
[Round 2]
MOSSAD attempts failed.
Clown attempts failed.
Expect bigger push.
FBI (4) open investigations.
8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).
FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)
FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.

,1528892154,13/06/2018 12:15 8833198,3942638721,"

wonder why Q stopped writing ""trust sessions""

",1528892315,13/06/2018 12:18 8833198,3942640307,"

Regardless of whether the Q thing is a LARP or not, Sessions can't be trusted.

",1528892384,13/06/2018 12:19 8833198,3942643614,"

6 months ago every post Q put up offered the ""Trust Sessions"" line. Also promised lots of these peopel would be going to jail.

Either he's right, or he one of the best trolls i've ever witnessed on the internet.

",1528892522,13/06/2018 12:22 8835502,3942757358,

LMFAO...squirm you little soy boy. I still can't believe all this is happening. We are witnessing history. We're gonna need more popcorn! #Qanon #WWG1WGA

,1528897150,13/06/2018 13:39 8823594,3942836102,"

AND he is selling the juvenile Q-anon psy-op.

He is a bold-type sloganeer, nothing else

",1528900179,13/06/2018 14:29 8834090,3942848175,

if the Q stuff is true than rosenstien will be gone soon enough and from what is revealed mueller will be following him

,1528900649,13/06/2018 14:37 8835502,3942984804,

....they are even dragging out Cohen to get the IG REPORT and DeNuked Korea off the front page narrative....New Q..last night said this would happen.

,1528906004,13/06/2018 16:06 8829442,3943003026,

Where will NET NEUTRALITY come into play her.???????????
This will cost JOHN Q. PUBLIC big bucks for the TV we now watch.. /////////////
Much more than we now pay.
Wonder what the SCOTUS will say about this one.????????????????????

,1528906736,13/06/2018 16:18 8827446,3943016251,"

These FASCISTS don't care abut the law. //////////////////
They want no guns of any kind in JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN'S hands. ///////
They say , to hell with the CONSTITUTION. //////////////////////

",1528907265,13/06/2018 16:27 8835970,3943071224,


Is that a QAnon (April is arrests month!) reference?

,1528909447,13/06/2018 17:04 8829654,3943080496,"

And here ladies and gentlemen is Exhibit 1 proving Democrats live in an alternative universe which is 180 degrees from where we live. I am a Conservative posting on a Conservative website having a discussion with other Conservatives and this leftist, posting and harassing everyone here, considers me the troll. These people are stupid. —Q ...Dear Q, That is the understatement of the the millennium.

",1528909819,13/06/2018 17:10 8830390,3943113379,

Why are many Iranian resistance (Freedom Fighters) tagging #QAnon on Twitter?
Big things coming folks.

,1528911148,13/06/2018 17:32 8836006,3943134640,

The Trumps are great at reducing the news and Hollywood to reporting tabloid garbage and foolish statements! I prefer Reddit Qanon great awakening thread and BB to any of those other sites.

,1528912013,13/06/2018 17:46 8835386,3943157695,

Maybe the CEO of the NYT has been following Q? You get to read it and make up your OWN MIND whether to believe/follow or not.

,1528912956,13/06/2018 18:02 8835970,3943163967,"

The IG report being released tomorrow is not going to be the silver bullet the Trump cultus fan club expects that is going to lead to indictments of Obama, Hillary, Comey, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and every other democrat that has served the executive since 2009. There are a multitude of reasons but you can simply forget about all that Qanon 30,000 secret signed indictments. That nonsense is just imbecilic.

No DoJ officer is going to be indicted for mistakes in judgement seen in hindsight. Even McCabe will avoid prosecution. McCabe was fired, that will be seen as enough punishment for what he might or might not have done.

Meanwhile, Mueller and the FBI's interim report focusing only on the actions of Trump and the Trump administration's activities since Jan. 20, 2017 will drop sometime before Sept. 1st.

This report will include all of Mueller's conclusions concerning the activities involving any obstruction of justice, any meetings and communication between TrumpTeam and Putin and his oligarch Russian mafia,the Manafort conflicts, the Flynn episodes with the Russians and Turkey, the Kushner episodes with the Qataris and the Chinese, the granting of business licenses for Ivanka, Trump and the Trump Organization, the emoluments issues of Trump, the whole shebang.

Meanwhile the parts of the Mueller investigation into the Mercer > Bannon > Cambridge Analytics > Russian troll farm > Julian Assange > Wikileaks > Mercer/Bannon >InforWars/Breitbart conspiracy will continue apace.

The Trump cultus fan club shouldn't get their hopes up too high. We will know in 24 hours if I am right.

",1528913216,13/06/2018 18:06 8830390,3943181554,

@eyethespy is fake. Follow Q.

,1528913967,13/06/2018 18:19 8407193,3943256698,

I wonder how much dirt Huber and sessions have found in 7 months and 500 prosecutors? I’d say this is yuuuge! If the info Q keeps dropping to us is true then they’d have to be blind not to find this stuff!!!

,1528917190,13/06/2018 19:13 8834098,3943264196," Dark to Light .Fake News/ Propaganda. Worst Enemy of US MAGA!!!

",1528917528,13/06/2018 19:18 8836242,3943314157,

And if that happened the US Military would be on them like a flock of pigeons on a packet of crisps. The clowns have been removed that have been holding this country ransom for 70 odd years.

03-09-2018 11:55:52 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo 594016

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

NOTE the date.

,1528919928,13/06/2018 19:58 8830174,3943372315,

UK patriot Tommy Robinson will likely be murdered by Muslim savages in prison if patriots do not demand our government intervene. President Trump & Q - please do not allow the globalist cabal to murder a great patriot. Where we go one we go all.

,1528922460,13/06/2018 20:41 8831030,3943377277,"

In 2011, De Niro said something horrid about Trump, re the Obama birth certificate flap. On Fox and Friends, Trump replied that De Niro was ""not the brightest bulb"" and ""no Einstein"". This idea of De Niro as ""idiot savant"", based on him acting the babbling idiot in every talk show appearance had been around for decades by then. (Google it). Apparently being called out as stupid upset De Niro, and he has had a huge animus to Trump ever since. By bringing up the low-I Q thing, Trump is further baiting the raging bull.

",1528922726,13/06/2018 20:45 8834098,3943544380,"

PUT THIS IN YOUR PIPE and spark it!!

Any moment now we are going to face what will
more than likely be one of the largest legally unprecedented
governmental abuses of power and virulent
scandalous chapter’s in our country’s history. When Inspector General
Horowitz’s report on the Clinton Email Investigation is released, for
all intents and purposes, we can expect for all hell to break loose.

We’ve already witnessed waves of false flag violence abd frivolous
scandals spun into misinformation campaigns. So far, all we’ve had are
small bits and scraps of a giant mosaic of governmental employee
misconduct. Starting from upper management in various branches of
weaponized governmental agencies straight into the White House's oval

Upon doing some research into IG Horowitz, adjectives
like “unflappable” and “apolitical” are consistent. He was known to
have serious differences with the former president. He’s also known for
being extremely thorough and professional. We’ve become so used to
having to smell skuzzy swamp water from Washington, those words almost
seem too good to be true. By all means, do your own research to reassure

But the main point of this post has yet to be
addressed … that of disinformation and how we survive it, how we help
those that will be jolted awake survive it. We must always remember this
is a battle of good versus evil. Not people against people. Read
Ephesians 6:10-18 for a pick-me-up or if in doubt.

Once the first
IG report drops there will be no turning back. The Train of
Retribution’s massive wheels will have begun to scrape its metal against
the tracks of judicial process. But the sealed indictments will push
this massive train forward. The cabal will be unable to stop it. The
train will pull out of the swamp’s station and chug its way down tracks
that the prior administration thought they had long ago corroded beyond
repair, or had completely ripped up -- only to find these tracks of
justice have been stealthily repaired.The Train of Retribution will chug
through stations they did their best to stock with bad actors. It will
only stop to refuel with the next wave of IG reports, sealed indictments
and arrests … it will chug along right up to WE THE PEOPLE’s
courthouse. The courthouse where Lady Justice has been patiently
waiting, standing blindfolded and ready to ensure that no one is above
the law.
No one.

When the Train of Retribution begins its
official journey, when the IG reports drop, we awakened fellow-Patriots
will have a deep responsibility in aiding its safe journey. We QAnons
will need to be the calm, brave citizens that patiently inform those who
denied the train would ever rumble down the tracks. We’ll need to
patiently protect the newly awakened from being drowned in a deluge of
disinformation by the Mocking Birds on social media and the mainstream

This will be the time of all times for fellow-Patriots to
steadfastly stand united. Our unity is what ‘they’ fear the most. It’s
our power. Be aware of disinformation shills. Fighting with them won’t
get them to drop their mission, miraculously change their mind and have a
kumbaya moment with you. But witnessing steadfast unity just might. One
can always hold out hope, we can pray. While on our page, we ask that
you respectfully request a suspected shill to provide hard-evidence,
and/or, inform an Admin of their activities.

We’re also asking
that besides your daily prayer time with God, you add prayers of giving
thanks for His presence helping the proper authorities keeping calm in
our streets, schools and neighborhoods -- especially for our children.

So, get ready fellow-Patriots! The time has come! We are a part of a
revolution that’s taking our country back from one of the most corrupt
administrations and international cabals mankind has seen in a long
time. We are a part of a Military Intelligence revolution launched for,
and by, WE THE PEOPLE. Our deepest gratitude goes out to the Patriots
we'll probably never get to personally thank.

God bless America. God bless fellow-Patriots across the world.
Where we go one, we go all.

",1528931480,13/06/2018 23:11 8838766,3943584247,




I can be Q too. Can you?

,1528933864,13/06/2018 23:51 8838498,3943632965,

Where are you getting that? Wishful Qanon thinking?

,1528937033,14/06/2018 00:43 8839062,3943665217,",'s that been treating you so far? Loser. I think you are the 3 or 4 percent that are unrecoverable that Q was referring to. Too bad. It's a great time to be alive if you're a Patriot.

",1528939361,14/06/2018 01:22 8830174,3943672912,"

We here in the US and across the globe will help them once we get rid of the deep state. Go to and find about about what's really going on. Follow it up with Jordan Sather destroying the illusion channel. He'll explain what the posts and pictures mean. You won't get this info on MSM or Fox.

",1528939964,14/06/2018 01:32 8839062,3943721528,"

",1528944457,14/06/2018 02:47 8838518,3943780711,

C'mon Rogers and Q! Release the dirt on all these dirty pols TOMORROW when the IG report will be released! One Fell Swoop!

,1528950901,14/06/2018 04:35 8838222,3944028104,"

You know ridiculously minuscule it is? Go read a bank's K or Q, which you probably can't understand anyway, and you'll see just how trivial it is. The information is out there, in the public domain, you're either too incompetent or lazy to find it.

",1528971814,14/06/2018 10:23 8816422,3944126579,"

Too late. Already praying for your salvation.

You’re welcome.

You want to remove the scales of ignorance from your evil leftist mind, start understanding the phenomenon of Q Anon.

",1528976878,14/06/2018 11:47 8838498,3944187366,

Where will the Horowitz groupies and Qanon Kool Aid drinkers go when the IG report fizzles? HUBER! HUBER! HUBER!

,1528979464,14/06/2018 12:31 8843150,3944245244,"

Take the RED pill.
Trust the plan.

",1528981785,14/06/2018 13:09 8843150,3944263785,

#QAnon was right — no collusion in the FBI!

,1528982541,14/06/2018 13:22 8841974,3944267371,"

This whole house of cards is starting to tumble. Its a beautiful sight.

",1528982689,14/06/2018 13:24 8843150,3944283692,"

the IG may not have found admissible evidence of political bias.
Seriously? U think that Horowitz and his 500 staff couldn’t find anything? Supposedly, according to Q there’s tons of crimes that were committed? 500 staff and 500 pages and there’s nothing of any real substance? Either Q is overhyping things or this IG report was a big nothingburger. I’m kind of frustrated.

",1528983349,14/06/2018 13:35 8843150,3944302150,"

no, it means Q was right as usual

",1528984084,14/06/2018 13:48 8843150,3944332036,"

Right, any law legal decision must always go the way our Supreme Leader demands. None of this democracy or independent review stuff for us. Donald Q. Trump should be king!!!!

",1528985216,14/06/2018 14:06 8843150,3944333817,"

Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon call, in their infantile way, Rosenstein and Sessions ""white hats"". CTH and Q-Anon choose to ignore Rosenstein's threats against Congress in order to stop the investigations. Mr. Magoo Jeff Sessions continues to support Rosenstein. Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon serve the interests of the Deep State which are ""delay, stonewall, obstruct"".

""We don’t need this freakin’ IG Report to know that Barack Hussein Obama corrupted the government of the United States, in particular the D.O.J. and F.B.I., to protect his political party and hurt the rise of Donald J. Trump. What we did need was prosecution. It’s too late now. The “bombshells” will be old news because what we needed was prosecutions and convictions well before the November elections. The delusion perpetrated by Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon that the IG Report will somehow matter because there will be “referrals” to prosecutors is ridiculous. This IG report will be as revelatory as the McCabe Report by the IG and the consequent “referral” to a prosecutor which after months have led to… nothing. What we needed was timely prosecutions by a special prosecutor or prosecution by the Department of Justice with convictions well before the November elections. None of this happened because Jeff Sessions persisted with his resistance and did nothing. It is time for Jeff Sessions to resign. [snip]

The disgusting and treacherous behaviors by the Deep State filth at DOJ and FBI have not ended nor has the willful obstruction of justice by Jeff Sessions. Rather, the Deep State is alive and well at the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. The enablers of these thugs, those that pretend to support President Trump such as Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon, continue to enable and protect the Deep State.""

",1528985286,14/06/2018 14:08 8843150,3944341281,"

actually, I have followed the Q threads for a while and it appears to have a good track record. But since things happen quickly and people have such short attentions spans it looks like the threads are inaccurate. And I don't put a gender to it as I do not know for a fact Q is a 'he'...

",1528985588,14/06/2018 14:13 8843150,3944346631,"

Please walk quietly into the Q Borg.... thank you, patriot.

",1528985801,14/06/2018 14:16 8843150,3944415720,

QAnon #stormiscoming

,1528988398,14/06/2018 14:59 8843150,3944428344,

This is a whitewashed fraud being released today. Rosentein modfied the original OIG Report. Q told us that. Trump must declassify the entire original report to get the truth.

,1528988871,14/06/2018 15:07 8844350,3944488254,

I G report leaves Comey alone Q said trust the plan trust Sessions. It appears as the WHO sang meet the new boss same as the old boss.

,1528991130,14/06/2018 15:45 8844350,3944505049,"

Considering Q is in the White House, I'd think you would want to know what he says.

",1528991753,14/06/2018 15:55 8844350,3944513081,

I don't know guys. Q said trust Sessions he's a good guy. What say you?

,1528992050,14/06/2018 16:00 8844350,3944516994,

How accurate has Q been so far?!?!?

,1528992196,14/06/2018 16:03 8843150,3944522109,"

Don’t lose hope, go to r/greatawakening Q on reddit. There are 32,000 Patriots ready to help guide you back to Faith in this Country! We are winning with Trump in, people have never been more awake to the filth and corruption!

",1528992386,14/06/2018 16:06 8843150,3944537672,

RR @ WH now. Q WWG1WGA
Fireworks happening now baby!!

,1528992968,14/06/2018 16:16 8844986,3944539715,

so the long awaited ig report = nothingburger. thanks for nothing qanon

,1528993039,14/06/2018 16:17 8844350,3944556490,

Why has QAnon forsaken all of you? All those BOOMS and Breadcrumbs and all you got was another big fat nothingburger hold the criminal referrals.

,1528993674,14/06/2018 16:27 8844350,3944571702,

You know what is funny? They disparage any story that uses anonymous sources but believe everything QAnon says. Truly hysterical.

,1528994214,14/06/2018 16:36 8844350,3944611641,

I think whoever this Q is needs a good beat down.

,1528995464,14/06/2018 16:57 8844350,3944619861,

Thanks potus. Thanks Q. U give us hope. We stand up and speak tough of our hopes for arrest and scream about the crimes that to the normies seems crazy and then u pull this! Now we look ridiculous!!! Again! Thanks guys. Way to make me look stupid! Guess it’s back to keeping it to myself again!

,1528995636,14/06/2018 17:00 8839982,3944623667,

John Q NOBODY has morphed into a Jim Carey exploding egghead

,1528995794,14/06/2018 17:03 8844350,3944628926,"

Both of these FBI agents, the love birds, need to be a guest of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN in the ROUND BAR HOTEL for what they did. ////////////////////////////

",1528996008,14/06/2018 17:06 8844350,3944683522,"

LOL down goes ""the IG memo"".

Joining the Trumpkin conspiracy crap heap with Pizzagate, FEMA death camps, Obamacare death panels, Chemtrails, Uranium One, George Soros, Birtherism, the Deep State, the New World Order, the Amero, QAnon, Jade Helm, Benghazi, Seth Rich, SpyGate, Nunes #ReleaseTehMemo, and ""male enhancement"".

",1528998204,14/06/2018 17:43 8839982,3944732140,"

Seriously Breitbart no one give’s a rat’s ass about Johnny Q. Sack, for real, or ANY OTHER celebrity.
Jeez, isn’t there actual news to report.
Andrew is rolling over in his grave with this national enquirer reporting.

",1529000157,14/06/2018 18:15 8844350,3944754186,"

LOL down goes ""the IG memo"" meme.

Joining the Trumpkin conspiracy crap heap with Pizzagate, FEMA death camps, Obamacare death panels, Chemtrails, Uranium One, George Soros, Birtherism, the Deep State, the New World Order, the Amero, QAnon, Jade Helm, Benghazi, Seth Rich, SpyGate, Nunes #ReleaseTehMemo, and ""male enhancement"".

",1529000938,14/06/2018 18:28 8845622,3944899108,"

This is just the watered down version, folks. Trump and Sessions has them right where they want them.
Trust the plan.

",1529004473,14/06/2018 19:27 8845622,3944916857,

Q said “trust Wray trust Horowitz and trust Sessions.

Benefit of the doubt has an expiration date Q. And that date is today.

,1529005322,14/06/2018 19:42 8839982,3944917149,"

John Q Public; John Cusack, is a few brick short of a full sack......................

",1529005335,14/06/2018 19:42 8845686,3944936170,"

Its worse than you could imagine. The chickens are coming home to roost.

",1529006259,14/06/2018 19:57 8845686,3944976149,"

Well folks, that's all she wrote. Clinton gets off, Obama gets off, Comey is no worse off really. All we are it seems are conspiracy nuts! This dog and pony show is a never ending story. I also have deleted my link to Q. He may or may not know things but it seems he/they must be laughing their collective asses off. I do feel foolish for thinking that justice was going to happen. Guess I'll wait on the Lord as man will not even try. The real shame is if Trump grew a set, he could have had all this released by now. Anything that happens (I pray not) to him is his own doing. Amazing, simply amazing.

",1529008348,14/06/2018 20:32 8846070,3944992717,"

Patience my friend.

",1529009235,14/06/2018 20:47 8845398,3945013999,"

Please pay attention. What did Trump tell us last week?

This is all part of Trump's plan. Enjoy the show. 😂

",1529010436,14/06/2018 21:07 8846070,3945016799,"

Enjoy the show, folks. What did Trump tweet us last week? All according to plan. 😂

",1529010596,14/06/2018 21:09 8846070,3945019236,"

All according to plan. Enjoy the show

",1529010739,14/06/2018 21:12 8846070,3945020435,"

What did Trump tell us last week? All according to the plan

",1529010811,14/06/2018 21:13 8846070,3945021834,"

Not true. What did Trump tell us last week?

",1529010893,14/06/2018 21:14 8846586,3945026628,"

Comey's ego wrote a check that bounced.

",1529011185,14/06/2018 21:19 8846586,3945028512,"

The only way to accomplish that is if we the people get righteously riled up. So far, all according to plan.

",1529011302,14/06/2018 21:21 8846586,3945031839,"

Then why did Trump tweet this last week? To tell you, ""don't despair, get righteously angry and let it be known"".

",1529011499,14/06/2018 21:24 8846586,3945034446,"

Not according to Trump. He told you how it would play out last week. And here we are, but this is just the beginning of the end.


",1529011657,14/06/2018 21:27 8846586,3945038531,"

Really? After how he handled G8, then NK on a 26 hour no-sleep marathon deal and you sit there questioning his game plan?

If you're not a concern troll, then Trump's tweet from last week ought to cheer you up. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.


",1529011902,14/06/2018 21:31 8846586,3945042127,"

As Trump predicted last week.

",1529012123,14/06/2018 21:35 8846586,3945050737,"

Oh, and Q is full of $#!+!

",1529012664,14/06/2018 21:44 8845018,3945050767,"

“First, the inspector general’s team went through the F.B.I.’s work with a microscope and found no evidence that bias or improper motivation affected the investigation, which I know was done competently, honestly and independently.”

Hey Comey, Trump thanks you for reaffirming that the OIG report is thorough and unbiased. Once Trump releases the unredacted report, your goose is cooked.


",1529012666,14/06/2018 21:44 8845018,3945059648,"

That is protocol. He and any other official mentioned in the report, received a copy so they can dispute, clarify and or redact the report.

All part of the plan. First they redact a ""nothingburger"" for us to read. Then Trump releases a completely unredacted report. We then get to compare the two versions along with info on who had what redacted and why.

Then we really get mad and scare congress into condoning the punishment of all involved.

Here's a tweet from Trump reminding us of his plan.

",1529013222,14/06/2018 21:53 8846070,3945066327,"

The biggest fools of all are the Qnozzles.

Whatever the collective IQ of Somalia might be, the Qdouches' are worse.

",1529013663,14/06/2018 22:01 8847154,3945071853,"

Trump and Q told us how it would play out last week.

All according to plan.

",1529014028,14/06/2018 22:07 8846070,3945081862,"

I think we can all stop listening to that Q fella, huh? Justice will never be served to the Deep State Bolsheviks!

",1529014706,14/06/2018 22:18 8847154,3945083028,

Screw Q. too much stuff to keep up with. Just like the old Anonymous days. If they are so in touch then do something instead of just posting online

,1529014782,14/06/2018 22:19 8847162,3945164757,

F sundunce and Q.

,1529020315,14/06/2018 23:51 8847162,3945165633,"

""Trust the plan"" - Q (quack)

",1529020377,14/06/2018 23:52 8847162,3945167460,


,1529020503,14/06/2018 23:55 8847162,3945175161,"

Trust the plan. Two code drops on Hannity's show tonight:

Guiliani said, ""Jeff Sessions should do something TOMORROW.""
Gorka used the phrase ""Perp-walk.""

Both of these phrases are relevant if you have been following Q.

",1529021056,15/06/2018 00:04 8847162,3945175763,"

Please, if you have not followed Q, please visit for more info to see the breadcrumbs.

",1529021101,15/06/2018 00:05 8847162,3945176432,

We will see how good Q is with his predictions and how “on” Q is.

,1529021149,15/06/2018 00:05 8847162,3945178083,"

There was a lot of build up on right-wing comment boards about today. Many said that the IG report would identify crimes and recommend prosecutions of Comey, Lynch, et. al. (Several posters described it as a birthday present for POTUS.) But that didn't happen. Everyone involved got a slap on the wrist for not following protocol. No crimes were committed. No indictments were recommended.
(Also, if you're one of those Qanon nuts, could you please tell me when DJT will finally arrest BHO and put him to death for treason. I'm putting some money on it and could use any additional inside info you might have.)

",1529021271,15/06/2018 00:07 8846510,3945199163,

Follow the Q board.

,1529022785,15/06/2018 00:33 8847162,3945204076,"

Carl, no worries, I am just on the fence with this supposed Q. He is claiming that Air Force 1 was fired at with 2 missiles, not one news outlet reported this and you would think this type of story would be reported on.

",1529023140,15/06/2018 00:39 8847162,3945213014,

Huber just became the busiest man in America.


,1529023800,15/06/2018 00:50 8845574,3945262236,

And that Q fella is full of $ # ! + !!

,1529027857,15/06/2018 01:57 8835502,3945263793,

People that fall for Q bs are really stupid......

,1529028001,15/06/2018 02:00 8845574,3945267175,"

Look, I don’t want to be a Debbie-Downer, but hearing everybody constantly yelling “THIS IS IT, the deep state is going down,” has gotten obnoxious while showcasing to us all that nobody knows what the hell they are talking about, or posting! Mark my words fellow Breitbarters, and all patriots alike— Nothing will happen!! The elitists will all walk!

That Qanon fella has blown smoke up all of our butts, and even our administration has at times. “Lock her up” huh? Yeah, when, where?

That woman and others should be facing the gallows, we peasants sure as hell would be. Yet nothing.. ever..

",1529028302,15/06/2018 02:05 8847726,3945271437,

Remember when you Trumpkins thought Qanon cracked the pizza gate case and thought Hillary and podesta were going to be arrested for child rape? LOL. Wow you all must feel really really smart I bet.

,1529028685,15/06/2018 02:11 8844986,3945271690,"

Remember that Q said not to interact with trolls. Just block them. Report them if they use bad language and hate speech. They will leave if no one interacts with them. Lack of attention is the greatest punishment one can inflict on another human being! If you interact, they win! (And that's how they get paid!!)

",1529028710,15/06/2018 02:11 8844986,3945289558,"

Sessions is a white hat. He's known as THE SILENT EXECUTIONER! Q says TRUST SESSIONS! Give it up, Julie. You're blocked.

",1529030396,15/06/2018 02:39 8846586,3945290029,"

What did Trump say last week?

Note his last word in the tweet. ""Transparency"" What on earth could our Lion ever mean by that?

Don't worry, Trump has got this.

",1529030443,15/06/2018 02:40 8846354,3945340803,

you trying to be Q? Give a straight answer.. what do you think G said?

,1529035813,15/06/2018 04:10 8847154,3945406351,

I don't trust Q anymore than msm. If I don't have first hand knowledge of facts and evidence I take it with a grain of salt. Blind faith of anyone/thing is ignorance disguised as truth. Also I am always prepared...

,1529040884,15/06/2018 05:34 8847154,3945499993,"

As long as you apply the same critical lens to Trump himself, then there you go. But if you trust Trump, then logic dictates that Q works with and for Trump as proven by their cross referencing each other.

",1529050209,15/06/2018 08:10 8819890,3945544650,"

Yep. Nothing-burger.
When does Qanon say John Huber, the PROSECUTOR, will finally indict and PROSECUTE all those nasty Obama administration officials? (I just want to know when to set the reminder to ping you again.)
(Also, ""No evidence that Comey's actions were based on political bias."" --IG report.)
(Also, you may complain all you want about Mueller's investigation being ""not fair."" The investigation is not going away. With 20+ indictments and 4+ guilty pleas, you're being willfully ignorant about its legitimacy and efficacy.)

",1529053933,15/06/2018 09:12 8849682,3945741252,

I don't know if he did or not. That's not my determination to make. I'm simply suggesting the President has to play by the same rules as John Q. Public.

,1529064712,15/06/2018 12:11 8845018,3945827492,

So you have your head up your arse then if you don't know who Q is.
Agree about Sessions though.

,1529068374,15/06/2018 13:12 8846038,3945834733,"

Millennials have never seen what a good economy looks like, the 3rd. Q stats are on track to be great also, just in time for the Nov. election.

I know millennials who were openly vocal against DJT, who are now just quietly busy, because economic opportunities are popping up everywhere.

There is nothing more personally empowering than earning a good living, the likelihood of millennials voting against their own future prosperity this coming Nov. is rapidly diminishing.

Obama had the millennial generation convinced, that hiding in college for as long as they could, taking on huge debt, and begging for government scraps in a declining America, was the best the millennial generation could hope for.

Not anymore, Millennials are slowly realizing that MAGA isn't just a Republican campaign slogan, it's a survival strategy feeding their future prosperity.

",1529068677,15/06/2018 13:17 8850442,3945838137,

The Art of the Troll in action. gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
****************SEVEN MORE YEARS*******************
▀▀█▀▀░█▀▀▀▄░█░U░█░█▀▀▄▀▀█░█▀▀▀█░.█.█ ░░█░░░█▄▄▄▀░█░S░█░█░░█░░█░█▄▄▄█░.█.█
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄
********* OUR GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER **********

,1529068820,15/06/2018 13:20 8850190,3945839921,

One more good thing materialized yesterday. Realism kicked in. There were bitter clingers to the notion that Q would ride to the rescue. Those adherents were shown to be utter fools.

,1529068892,15/06/2018 13:21 8850190,3945858123,

Where does Q post at?

,1529069650,15/06/2018 13:34 8850190,3945878744,"

Is that all you have you low I Q moron. I'll bet you're a real high achiever. Go play in traffic, one less of you fools is a start.

",1529070499,15/06/2018 13:48 8850190,3945917086,"

What will all the Q worshippers say now, since this IG Report is a nothing burger. Only small fries in the F.B.I. may get charged, no Hillary, no Obama, nothing.

",1529072028,15/06/2018 14:13 8851934,3945931672,"

What evidence do you have that they altered it? Oh, you have NONE. Just your QAnon fantasies. Poor pitiful children thought it was going to be the magic bullet that led to military tribunals and Gitmo for everybody! LOL

",1529072606,15/06/2018 14:23 8850190,3945952848,

We don't care what his investigation looks like to delusional Trump cultists. Go read some Qanon fan fiction.

,1529073453,15/06/2018 14:37 8851094,3946077991,"

IG report is not full, IG confirms staff did not receive all texts, confirms Q modified IG report



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz confirms his staff did not recover all of Strzok's or Page's text messages from the December 15, 2016 - May 17, 2017 ""gap"" period when FBI suffered mysterious archiving""glitch"" ...


11:59 AM - Jun 15, 2018


425 people are talking about this

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Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz did not obtain or examine ANY text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the MidYearExam investigation of Clinton emails ...


12:05 PM - Jun 15, 2018


181 people are talking about this

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Down below you will notice that Q told us about 24 hours ago that the IG report released was a modified version, and Trump is reviewing the actual full IG report original. With that being said the IG office reporting that did not recover all Page and Strzok messages and did not obtain any text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the Hillary investigation, it looks like Q is right in stating yesterday's IG report was not the full version and Trump was reviewing the complete version.
Now the IG Senate hearing is still sceduled for next week that will be broadcasted to the American public, so the IG Senate hearing could possibly be the IG report that is in the hands of President Trump...As the IG could simply bring out the full version of the IG report to the American public at the upcoming IG Senate hearing here in a few days. So be prepared for more IG report information at the IG Senate hearing that is not in yesterdays report...This could get fun and everyone is going to be able to watch.

",1529078467,15/06/2018 16:01 8847162,3946100018,"

Sorry... not interested in debating the tangents. Honestly, my comments were solely directed at the IG's report. (I like to follow the Qanon nonsense. According to those guys, yesterday was supposed to be a watershed moment for arresting Obama admin bad-guys. It was not; hence my comment on an article about that topic.)

",1529079353,15/06/2018 16:15 8852538,3946152330,"

lol. WTF even vote. I had so much respect for Sessions and he turned out to be the biggest traitor of them all. They are all corrupt. Voted for Trump, he goes fires Comey, then picks a rat in Christopher Wray. Now morons on our side keep saying Sessions is a silent knight, Wray is playing 33D chess, ....QANON said that. NO. I guarantee none of these traitors will see a day in jail. But Manafort already in jail even without a conviction

",1529081455,15/06/2018 16:50 8852538,3946154023,"

Why do Peter Strzok and Lisa Page still have jobs? Why is President Trump still backing Sessions and praising Christopher Wray? Why hasn't he declassified everything?

Please tell me off the record, hush hush and on the Q T.

",1529081520,15/06/2018 16:52 8852770,3946158156,"

IG report is not full, IG confirms staff did not receive all texts, confirms Q modified IG report



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz confirms his staff did not recover all of Strzok's or Page's text messages from the December 15, 2016 - May 17, 2017 ""gap"" period when FBI suffered mysterious archiving""glitch"" ...


11:59 AM - Jun 15, 2018


425 people are talking about this

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Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz did not obtain or examine ANY text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the MidYearExam investigation of Clinton emails ...


12:05 PM - Jun 15, 2018


181 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Down below you will notice that Q told us about 24 hours ago that the IG report released was a modified version, and Trump is reviewing the actual full IG report original. With that being said the IG office reporting that did not recover all Page and Strzok messages and did not obtain any text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the Hillary investigation, it looks like Q is right in stating yesterday's IG report was not the full version and Trump was reviewing the complete version.
Now the IG Senate hearing is still sceduled for next week that will be broadcasted to the American public, so the IG Senate hearing could possibly be the IG report that is in the hands of President Trump...As the IG could simply bring out the full version of the IG report to the American public at the upcoming IG Senate hearing here in a few days. So be prepared for more IG report information at the IG Senate hearing that is not in yesterdays report...This could get fun and everyone is going to be able to watch.

",1529081678,15/06/2018 16:54 8852538,3946165686,"

Jeff Sessions, Swamp Member in good standing and Q approved.

""Trust Sessions""

",1529081967,15/06/2018 16:59 8852538,3946186259,

Am just speculating ... Q says to trust Sessions ... so I will until I don't.

,1529082803,15/06/2018 17:13 8852770,3946188653,"

IG report is not full, IG confirms staff did not receive all texts, confirms Q modified IG report



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz confirms his staff did not recover all of Strzok's or Page's text messages from the December 15, 2016 - May 17, 2017 ""gap"" period when FBI suffered mysterious archiving""glitch"" ...


11:59 AM - Jun 15, 2018


425 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz did not obtain or examine ANY text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the MidYearExam investigation of Clinton emails ...


12:05 PM - Jun 15, 2018


181 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Down below you will notice that Q told us about 24 hours ago that the IG report released was a modified version, and Trump is reviewing the actual full IG report original. With that being said the IG office reporting that did not recover all Page and Strzok messages and did not obtain any text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the Hillary investigation, it looks like Q is right in stating yesterday's IG report was not the full version and Trump was reviewing the complete version.
Now the IG Senate hearing is still sceduled for next week that will be broadcasted to the American public, so the IG Senate hearing could possibly be the IG report that is in the hands of President Trump...As the IG could simply bring out the full version of the IG report to the American public at the upcoming IG Senate hearing here in a few days. So be prepared for more IG report information at the IG Senate hearing that is not in yesterdays report...This could get fun and everyone is going to be able to watch.

",1529082899,15/06/2018 17:14 8852770,3946210025,"

Oh the theater! The DRAMA! Q was right, enjoy the show!

",1529083782,15/06/2018 17:29 8850446,3946210109,"

Interesting that Q claims the Clowns In America (CIA) are acting against POTUS and now this. ""Qanon"" asked twitter followers to push #OperationRedPill yesterday and claimed IGotBlocked was the clowns' answer to that. They've pointed to the idea that the edited IG Report would come out and then the full version would be declassified later. They claimed that a big push was going to be made to discredit Q and/or followers. Suddenly Breitbart, Fox, and OANN have more liberal comments than I've ever seen at one time. The following petition went online about 16 hours ago.


I'm believing more every day. has some pretty compelling info on this stuff.

",1529083786,15/06/2018 17:29 8850446,3946240312,"

Like Q says, these guys are stupid.

",1529085025,15/06/2018 17:50 8850446,3946252986,"

NK will prove to be our friends very soon. They've been freed from being China's little nuclear threat. Those three NK generals that got removed two weeks before summit were bad actors.

It was claimed that Iran was next to be freed and then yesterday the Iranian resistance started tweeting the hashtag Qanon. The Iranian resistance movement's activities are tied with the Saudi-led coalition's assault on Yemen, which is connected with the Saudi royal family's shake up a couple months back. I've heard some of that $150 billion in Iran belongs to Clinton, McCain, and some others.

I'm not believing in coincidence much these days.

",1529085564,15/06/2018 17:59 8852538,3946289316,"

I am sorry mr sessions has the I Q of a pea, he is an idiot, time for Trump to can his ass.

",1529087114,15/06/2018 18:25 8852770,3946327209,"

IG report is not full, IG confirms staff did not receive all texts, confirms Q modified IG report



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz confirms his staff did not recover all of Strzok's or Page's text messages from the December 15, 2016 - May 17, 2017 ""gap"" period when FBI suffered mysterious archiving""glitch"" ...


11:59 AM - Jun 15, 2018


425 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


BREAKING: IG Horowitz did not obtain or examine ANY text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the MidYearExam investigation of Clinton emails ...


12:05 PM - Jun 15, 2018


181 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Down below you will notice that Q told us about 24 hours ago that the IG report released was a modified version, and Trump is reviewing the actual full IG report original. With that being said the IG office reporting that did not recover all Page and Strzok messages and did not obtain any text messages from Justice Department prosecutors involved in the Hillary investigation, it looks like Q is right in stating yesterday's IG report was not the full version and Trump was reviewing the complete version.
Now the IG Senate hearing is still sceduled for next week that will be broadcasted to the American public, so the IG Senate hearing could possibly be the IG report that is in the hands of President Trump...As the IG could simply bring out the full version of the IG report to the American public at the upcoming IG Senate hearing here in a few days. So be prepared for more IG report information at the IG Senate hearing that is not in yesterdays report...This could get fun and everyone is going to be able to watch.

",1529088881,15/06/2018 18:54 8852538,3946344677,"

Trump just gave a ""17"" reference in his latest tweet. 17th letter of the alphabet is ""Q."" Keep following the Q posts. It will help. (Trump has given several proofs that this Q is reliable).

",1529089741,15/06/2018 19:09 8852770,3946350808,"

IG report is not full, IG confirms staff did not receive all texts, confirms Q modified IG report



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


IG Horowitz confirms his staff did not recover all of Strzok's or
Page's text messages from the December 15, 2016 - May 17, 2017 ""gap""
period when FBI suffered mysterious archiving""glitch"" ...


11:59 AM - Jun 15, 2018


425 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_


IG Horowitz did not obtain or examine ANY text messages from Justice
Department prosecutors involved in the MidYearExam investigation of
Clinton emails ...


12:05 PM - Jun 15, 2018


181 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Down below you will notice that Q told
us about 24 hours ago that the IG report released was a modified
version, and Trump is reviewing the actual full IG report original. With
that being said the IG office reporting that did not recover all Page
and Strzok messages and did not obtain any text messages from Justice
Department prosecutors involved in the Hillary investigation, it looks
like Q is right in stating yesterday's IG report was not the full
version and Trump was reviewing the complete version.

Now the IG Senate hearing is still sceduled for
next week that will be broadcasted to the American public, so the IG
Senate hearing could possibly be the IG report that is in the hands of
President Trump...As the IG could simply bring out the full version of
the IG report to the American public at the upcoming IG Senate hearing
here in a few days. So be prepared for more IG report information at the
IG Senate hearing that is not in yesterdays report...This could get fun
and everyone is going to be able to watch.

",1529090051,15/06/2018 19:14 8845578,3946351096,"

I do NOT care.

Half of the problem here is the blanket MSM media blackout.

Trump plays the MSM like a fiddle and can pick the tune at will.

If Trump stated this, he WOULD get the attention, and the people of the UK would rally behind Trump and Tommy and AGAINST our shameful, corrupt, fascistic government.

Of that I am certain, sanctions and tariffs be damned, this shockingly awful hardcore remainer government must fall, and with it the EUSSR.

The pieces will be very easy to pick up, as we will once again be a sovereign nation, and as we all know the socialist/communist Corbyn Labour party have no chance outside of London and terrorislamist areas.

Darkness to Light. Q.

",1529090066,15/06/2018 19:14 8852538,3946381278,"

Wow, the conservativenuthouse has been overrun by Q locusts still ""trusting Sessions.""

",1529091641,15/06/2018 19:40 8853062,3946430544,"

Q's prattle has been almost universally disdained. He is a known loon, now. Sessions is a creep and 97% of conservatives know it for sure.

Goodbye, Q. Cry on your boyfriend's shoulder.

",1529094470,15/06/2018 20:27 8846070,3946434731,"

Go to YouTube and look up Q Anon. Filter for the last week. If you need to gain trust first, look up the 'proofs of Q Anon'. You will find numerous times where he preempts Trump's morning tweet or some major happening. Most of his posts where he says coincidence? Is him showing proof before it happens. Check the timestamps. As far as I'm concerned he is very trustworthy.

",1529094728,15/06/2018 20:32 8853062,3946440783,

From Q drops as well. They have been quite revealing.

,1529095115,15/06/2018 20:38 8851206,3946456510,

Its really important the Tom Brady react to Stephen A Smith's statement. Why? because Stephen A. Smith is a VIP and he wants a white conservative to join sides with him. Q. Who in the hell is Stephen A. Smith? Just another disc jockey.

,1529096126,15/06/2018 20:55 8853062,3946466980,

Those are Q posts.

,1529096804,15/06/2018 21:06 8852442,3946553863,"

It's like Q..said,enjoy the show

",1529102837,15/06/2018 22:47 8852442,3946594413,


,1529105880,15/06/2018 23:38 8852442,3946666072,"

If I live to be one million years old, I will never begin to fathom what people see in that infinitely corrupt and evil harridan known as Felonia von Pantsuit with the disembodied voice, cackling laugh, staggering gait and boundless contempt for national security. She is a morally vacuous creature without not one redeeming human virtue to her miserable name. She's also consumed by greed and would gladly sell her soul for $99.99, assuming she had one to sell.

What's the deal? It's bad enough when it comes from Joe Q. or Jane Q Public. But for a law enforcement official to bend every freaking rule in the book on her behalf does not make sense.

Yes, I know we're living in the Platinum Age of Insanity. Yes, I also know liberalism is a severe mental disorder. But as the #You-Two movement proves, even liberals have a breaking point when dealing with other liberals.

Apparently, there is no such limit to the amount of sucking sounds when it comes to the Wicked Witch From the West.

No I do take expect an answer, but at least I asked the number one question which should be bugging the crap out of any humanoid with a speck of conscience left.

",1529111653,16/06/2018 01:14 8850446,3946685671,"

I believe in Q.,, and look up q research.

",1529113427,16/06/2018 01:43 8850446,3946686583,

Oh and follow @Qanon76 on Twitter if you have it.

,1529113508,16/06/2018 01:45 8852538,3946698641,

Weird. Sounds like Q nonsense.

,1529114635,16/06/2018 02:03 8854846,3946708952,

Yeah some of them too I'm sure. All the Q stuff I've read points to the clowns though. That's where I got the acronym.

,1529115640,16/06/2018 02:20 8852442,3946785466,

because Q said so? Bwa ha ha...

,1529124213,16/06/2018 04:43 8852442,3946899777,"

Rod Rosenstein edited this report. Trump has an executive order to declassify everything and give the unaltered report. Seriously if you have not hopped on the Q train, you need to. If you're needing confidence that this is real, look for proofs of Q on YouTube.

",1529137632,16/06/2018 08:27 8854846,3946906129,


,1529138287,16/06/2018 08:38 8854846,3946912456,"


",1529138905,16/06/2018 08:48 8819890,3946925435,"

Mueller's investigation is doing fine, where is Tony Podesta? Mueller has ALREADY 'Exonerated' President Trump's campaign in his Russian Indictment. I don't care what Q does or doesn't mention. I use the Official Government 'source documents' on the Official Government websites. Those documents, the Third Superseding Indictment of Manafort/Gates, indicate two Washington D.C. lobbying firms & a U.S. law firm are involved in the crimes Manafort/Gates were indicted for. Where is Tony Podesta?

",1529140105,16/06/2018 09:08 8854846,3947024305,"

Q exposes 42 Obama administration staffers never had background checks, Q provides full list


1 Comment

Q just dropped one of the biggest bombs possibly on the entire Obama administration, as Q has revealed a list today of 42 Obama officials who never had background checks from the FBI. It pretty much looks like every government entity under President Obama had officials running these government agencies like those listed never had proper background checks after being approved by Senate hearings under Obama.
​ This is a major scandal possibly one of the major ones during the Obama administration, because 42 Obama officials running government institutions never had background checks. This truly does highlight the criminality of the Obama administration and treason, because if these individuals didn't have background checks under Obama they also likely have no security clearances. Obama didn't have a background check, Obama's AG's didn't have a background check, Obama's VP didn't have a background check!

",1529147470,16/06/2018 11:11 8854846,3947029003,

I understand but Q has been right so far so I tend to believe it.

,1529147788,16/06/2018 11:16 8854846,3947032248,"

Possible false flag foiled at Hoover Dam, had signs with messages for President



CBS News reports: Numerous law enforcement units from Nevada and Arizona responded to the incident Friday. According to Nevada Highway Patrol, the man blocked travel lanes on U.S. 93 at the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge that spans the two states. Photos posted to social media showed what appeared to be an armored vehicle parked lengthwise along travel lanes and backed-up traffic on the bridge. The Nevada Highway Patrol says the man stopped the truck and blocked travel lanes just before noon, KLAS reports. Following that, he moved the vehicle at slow speeds along the bridge.
Witnesses have told KLAS that the man held up some signs with messages to President Donald Trump. ""Obviously when we have a barricade subject we don't know what's on the subject's mind,"" said NHP Trooper Jason Buratczuk. ""We want to keep him closed off so he can't do any harm to anyone.""
It looks like another possible false flag has been foiled this week in America, as authorities have likely prevented a mass shooting at Hoover Dam with an armed subject who had signs for the President. This likely foiled false flag comes after threats at Disneyworld in Florida were foiled with a man posting them on social media, and then we had the likely missile incident this week in Washington that was either targeting Air Force One or a possible major city.
​ Q told us last week just before the Kim/Trump Summit in Singapore to be on the alert for False Flag weather, and it looks like the third possible false flag event has been foiled at the Hoover Dam in Nevada. You can only be curious what these signs this armed individual at Hoover Dam had in his possession that had messages for the President, but they were likely your typical Deep State narratives. Now the IG report Senate hearing is still in the coming days, so expect stuff like this to happen...So be very alert stay away from crowds. Deep State is desperate for a distraction.

",1529147987,16/06/2018 11:19 8854322,3947038470,"

Wrays of light. Q mentioned this a couple times the last few days.


",1529148357,16/06/2018 11:25 8854846,3947110494,"

Q was asked to have the phrase ""Tippy Top Shape"" worked into a POTUS speech. He did it (Go look it up). Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and POTUS gets 17 Jerseys from sports team and even said 17 in a recent Twitter post, just prior to a STRING of Q releases.

",1529151536,16/06/2018 12:18 8855762,3947112121,"

In case you missed it, Q confirmed that both Huma and John Podesta have been indicted.

",1529151633,16/06/2018 12:20 8854846,3947135825,"

Don't put away your wallets yet Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public, what isn't mentioned in this article is the generational welfare and/or crazy checks they'll receive over their lifetimes so they can enjoy their new American freedom (courtesy of big business & Congress) and have adequate time to rob. rape, burgle, murder and drive impaired over our nation's highways killing scores of hard-working Americans out for a weekend of fun celebrating the 4th of July.

Truly one more ph­ucking mess it is...

",1529152915,16/06/2018 12:41 8851934,3947138966,"

I don’t think it matters when, it has to be ASAP. This will ruin the demoncraps and their globa smuggling rings and partners. Q says the indictments have been written. We need the hammer to drop.

",1529153090,16/06/2018 12:44 8856746,3947352323,

One P O S lousy low I Q actor want to be.

,1529164245,16/06/2018 15:50 8856746,3947389287,

What does the Q stand for in the LBGTQ thing! Where is the H? I thought it stood for Queer! Why does everyone cower to the truth! Queer is what it means!

,1529166255,16/06/2018 16:24 8856746,3947408733,"

Brietbart is an upholder of lies also! They want to censor me saying Queer! If it was so offensive then omit the Q in their LBGTQ call sign an make it H! What's so wrong with telling it like it is? It is what it is! Oh, I see, your are afraid of the truth!

",1529167313,16/06/2018 16:41 8854322,3947484412,"

It's amazing how many people on the right are not following Q, if u did u would know exactly what is going on before it happens...Q is Q level clearance within the WH and communicates what is coming...brietbart lets u know after it happens.

Next, intel committees send formal letter to DJT to release the IG report unredacted and unedited...E.O. has already been drafted and signed..DJT declassifies IG report to expose the whole TRUTH....left heads explode over having to see the TRUTH.

Who complains about seeing the whole TRUTH? The guilty do!!

Watch and enjoy the show..

",1529171537,16/06/2018 17:52 8857342,3947502014,

Care to repost that ?...... Q is ' questionable ' at best.

,1529172536,16/06/2018 18:08 8854322,3947524033,

Follow Q ANON..Q level clearance communication right out of the WHITE HOUSE..see what's really happening...


Enjoy the show.

,1529173870,16/06/2018 18:31 8854322,3947544948,"

You will wake up soon...even those on the right aren't totally have any idea about Q, ever read his/her communications. They are correct all the time. The future proves the past

",1529175129,16/06/2018 18:52 8854322,3947548565,

Jan. 2018 Q post...13 individuals in the Obama administration (and listed who) were using private emails...June 2018 IG report states 13 individuals were using private emails.

,1529175347,16/06/2018 18:55 8854322,3947550368,

Page 89 of IG report...I'm not Q he is on twitter under Q ANON and on 8 chan boards

,1529175453,16/06/2018 18:57 8854322,3947616262,"

Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].
Get the picture?

The FBI house is clean at the top and will be able to bring them down after IG unredacted report comes out.

",1529179535,16/06/2018 20:05 8857342,3947645422,"


The pain is here, and I hear a lot of squealing...

",1529181592,16/06/2018 20:39 8857342,3947646462,

The action phase must start now Q.

,1529181673,16/06/2018 20:41 8856746,3947661817,

.... beware the one's making the most noise ..... Q.

,1529182831,16/06/2018 21:00 8858186,3947671984,"

Thanks! I have faith, in God, in POTUS, in The Plan, in Q, and in some others, but its fading fast in some other 'staunch conserv/repub' types who WQ!

",1529183632,16/06/2018 21:13 8857342,3947673758,"

I think something maybe with LGBT Q..,.....
lots of Q’s

",1529183778,16/06/2018 21:16 8846070,3947708528,"

Yep. MBA and live in Marin county. A lot of the POD people in Marin voted for Bernie, Obama, the Community Disorganizer's only real ""achievement"" was the disaster known as Obamacare - and it was meant to fail and lead us to Socialist single payer. Obama gave us 8 years of no growth, no jobs, and in a bit over a year, with Trump we have the best economy in decades - jobs, low unemployment, lowest in history for blacks and hispanics, and project 4.8% 2nd Q growth! These FBI agents bias proves that the indoctrination from the illiberal left is everywhere.

",1529186477,16/06/2018 22:01 8857342,3947748277,

Lol establishment hacks sweating it as Q exposed the jo-whore-noulists contacts to the Clinton campaign through the Poedesta Group. The noose is tightening.

,1529189631,16/06/2018 22:53 8857066,3947774681,"

Because he's a Jesuit Luciferian Pedophile. Just like the 20+ Cardinals killed in the ""Plane Crash"" their pawning off as an accident for their cover ups. Why was he at the hastily pulled together secret Bilderburg meeting this week? Why is Everyone in Hollywood & Washington DC Freaking out? After Kate Spade. Suicide. Look up her financial History with the Clinton Foundation and how they move money. Why the open border push. No borders leaves for 1 World Government. Single Currency. Easily hide the Muslim Child Pedophile grooming networks the use to traffic children & sex slaves. Just like MS13 in North America. Why Anthony Bourdain ""Suicide"" while working on a journalist piece about child trafficking. One time Huge Hillary Supporter then starts getting threatened from her goons & his Producer girlfriend Asia Argento gets up at the Cannes Movie awards & tells the world Hillary's great friend & Hollywood powerhouse Harvey Weinstein raped her, & that many in that room were just as guilty & they can't hide anymore. Why do so many off them including the current Pope show up with a black eye. Usually the left eye? Ritual Perhaps? Eye of Horus? Satanic rituals? Pedophile rituals? Why doe's the DOJ have 35,003 sealed indictments since the Human Trafficking Executive Order signed on Dec 20th 2017? Why is Merkel about to be ousted in Germany. Why did the Italians get rid of the EU selected government that tried to overthrow their Populist President. Why Brexit? Why has Austria thrown out or denied Radical clerics? Why did Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Salman clean out 80+ corrupt officials in his family/government that were tied to trafficking? Why Allison Mack getting arrested along with Nexium. Why have over 1,550 Ceos, Executives, Senators, Congressmen & Governor's either resign or announce they're not seeking re-election since Executive Order? The Time of reckoning is at hand. The Great Awakening cannot be stopped. The more people are told by the main stream media it's Fake. The more people dig & see the truth & redpill themselves. # Q Anon !!! Where We Go One We Go All.

",1529191797,16/06/2018 23:29 8852570,3947786544,"

Of course Khamenei is trying to reassure his subjects that the ""great satan"" has failed. He cannot have them thinking that we COULD actually do something other than waste money in the region. He discounts the fact that the follower in chief (leading from behind) is no longer in control and no longer sets the ROE for our armed forces.
NK is pretty much a done deal. Iran is next. So says Q. To all the Iranian People: Freedom is coming...but you will still have to fight for it. The American People are with you. And now our government will be too. How badly do you want it?

",1529192739,16/06/2018 23:45 8858186,3947791015,"

Sorry, but Q keeps telling us to ""trust Sessions"".
Until charges are filed on a 'rat traitor once and for all, I will not believe the ""Q"" posts.

",1529193100,16/06/2018 23:51 8858186,3947794606,"

I think Q may be correct.... (I am waiting a little bit longer.... before I decide about Sessions)..... but, IT’S TOUGH TO SIT ON YOUR HANDS AND WAIT/WATCH !

",1529193388,16/06/2018 23:56 8859182,3947832578,"

Takes time but Trump is getting there.

You have to set them up, to take them down.
The IG part1 report is out, sealed indictments are done.
No arrest before it's time
Like Q said:
They believed HRC would win
We got it all.
They were stupid.

",1529196604,17/06/2018 00:50 8857342,3947839247,"

Council of Foreign Relations. Good job. I was made aware 40 or so years ago. My mentor was brilliant. I , not so much, but I have made many aware that I mentor. Qanon is very interesting!!!!

",1529197202,17/06/2018 01:00 8858254,3947863505,

Is his name Qanon?

,1529199534,17/06/2018 01:38 8854382,3947868436,"

You obviously have not been paying attention to what's coming down the pipe with Q Anon posts, have you?

",1529200013,17/06/2018 01:46 8854382,3947869090,

Your tin foil hat is too tight. Q anon is not real hahaha.

We really need to clean this comment section of nut jobs who believe these crack pot conspiracies.

,1529200082,17/06/2018 01:48 8854322,3947873387,

How about Q ANON? Ever hear of him?

,1529200517,17/06/2018 01:55 8854322,3947886596,"

Q ANON is White House with Q level bread crumbs for ANONS (people who follow) to piece's not bs...he's right always...Jan 2018 post listed 13 individuals and named them that were using private emails...June 2018 IG report page 89 states 13 individuals using private emails. Don't believe me check it out he's on 8 chan board or twitter, has pics inside White House, pics only someone close to President can get and info that tells what will happen and does happen.

",1529201920,17/06/2018 02:18 8854322,3947892820,"

@qanon76 Twitter...a lot of what is said is coded in abbreviations, questions and code because it's classified but ""anons"" help decifer.

YouTube. just informed talk or praying medic they are both good at decifering some of it...after awhile u start to pick things up...Also google Q anon abbreviations which will help a lot with names becuz he can't outright say them at least not the ones that are in trouble.

",1529202617,17/06/2018 02:30 8851606,3947893962,"

.303 is British not US ammo: All modern (post 1890 ammo is 'full metal jacket' - use ball instead.

Of course Q ships were for surface U-Boats: But that was because WW1 U-boats were so slow they could only catch any but the slowest (8 knots) ships on the surface. Another myth shattered.

Never heard of the Baring Incident - since all the U-boat men were murdered and the crew of the merchantmen denied it - it is hardly surprising that it is not well known if it even happened.

The Lusitania wreck was depth charged in WW2 as an U boat was using it to muffle the Asdic response - 1944 I believe.

There is zero evidence that British Red Cross ships carried munitions - you are presumably not aware that they had to carry Red Cross (read Swiss observers?) I thought not.

Suspect you are one of those that believes that the Germans in both world wars were pure of heart, free of guilt and never did anything naughty.

",1529202750,17/06/2018 02:32 8855042,3947894426,"

This is the best Q interpretation out there, Mike:

Praying Medic. Cool, logical, inside knowledge.

",1529202802,17/06/2018 02:33 8854322,3947907820,

Like code name. No name (john McCain). He's the only code name all others use there initials RR. ROD ROSENSTEIN. [187] = murder...187 is California penal code for can google Q abbreviations and it will give u a list of all that..

Justinformed talk on YouTube is a great place to start....each show is like 30-45 mins and insightful.

,1529204364,17/06/2018 02:59 8859182,3947942635,"

Really? You haven't been reading much Q,..have you.

",1529208943,17/06/2018 04:15 8859182,3947965135,"

Start here ...

and of course, the 4 and 8 chans.

",1529212007,17/06/2018 05:06 8859182,3947966921,"

Start here ...

and of course, the 4 and 8chans.

",1529212234,17/06/2018 05:10 8852442,3947986023,"

Correct, we, John Q Public provide the tax dollars needed to finance their criminal activities.

Once you join that exclusive club of political criminal elite in Washington D.C. you'll never be prosecuted for a crime and you and your family will be taken care of for many generations at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

",1529214795,17/06/2018 05:53 8855042,3948129319,"

How come there are fluff pieces like this running in MSM sites now yet absolute media silence on the populist revolt going on against the ayatollahs and mullahs in Iran (where the people ARE rising up against decades of oppression despite being killed and tortured by their ""religious"" leaders)? Toss real news up (think everyone actually KNOWS Trump is kicking a$$ and taking names [literally - wait until 6 months from now when literally 1,000's of sealed federal indictments are able to start rolling out,])?

",1529230601,17/06/2018 10:16 8846070,3948144029,"

This Feebie shall soon be standing in front of a federal judge for SEVERAL crimes, so not really bothered about what he says (i.e.,! Will be accompanied by several THOUSANDS more, so guess misery DOES love company, hahaha!

",1529231776,17/06/2018 10:36 8846070,3948148537,"

Yep, have been (Trump is getting that mess straightened out, tho, but facing resistance from Demonrats as well as RINO's in doing so)! Go to to see what's going on behind the curtain so-to-speak!

",1529232131,17/06/2018 10:42 8858430,3948166152,"

What about ""Sealed Federal Indicted Issued"" (oops, was supposed to be a non-secret secret,, hahaha! Can't wait for the fake news covering your entrance fed bureau of prisons!

",1529233420,17/06/2018 11:03 8857454,3948188095,

Congratulations Harwood U made the Q List. Its fun watching the VLMSM and its actors going down the Drain. WWG1WGA 5:5

,1529234904,17/06/2018 11:28 8854382,3948195498,

If Q Anon had even 1% of the accuracy you claim he would be written about extensively on every corner of the right.

But his track record is full of bs.

My posting history here clearly DISPROVES your “lying liberal” theory.

Again there are medications that can help your troubled mind.

,1529235400,17/06/2018 11:36 8854382,3948213355,"

I corrected that, sorry. I thought I knew who you were and a quick check proved I was wrong.
Now to your point, what did Q miss? I'll do the research, just need some topics to look for. You are being very general.

",1529236577,17/06/2018 11:56 8858430,3948236108,"

May I ask a silly Q ?
Where and how are these thousands of ""women with children"" crossing the boarder?
Don't u think maybe those areas should be reinforced just a little...?

",1529238027,17/06/2018 12:20 8859182,3948244767,

If you believe QAnon... he has a much different theory as to what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING (FYI).. for what it’s worth

,1529238576,17/06/2018 12:29 8859182,3948246877,"

Exactly..more questions than answers (see “” )

",1529238711,17/06/2018 12:31 8859182,3948248235,

I kinda follow the Q thing. It’ll be frickin’ awesome if it’s true.

,1529238795,17/06/2018 12:33 8859182,3948249222,"

You might be correct... who the hell knows. If your interested.. check out .. and some YouTube discussion on his postings. Certainly interesting fodder...

",1529238856,17/06/2018 12:34 8855042,3948291020,"

Yep. Leftists only repeat what their ""leaders"" want (actually, true of RINO's too, only difference between a RINO and Demonrat is particular flavor of kool-aid they're drinking). Before Trump, no real difference between parties, both candidates worked for same cabal (probably that way all way back to Ike)! Cabalists lost last election though when Trump was elected, now all attack him. E.g.: : See also 'Project Mockingbird'!

",1529241356,17/06/2018 13:15 8857450,3948309430,"

Anyone with an I Q higher than celery should not watch MSNBC or CNN. Many others also have adopted not countering the leftist spin on the Trump administration. Pick up One American News at for a fresh look from the right!

",1529242425,17/06/2018 13:33 8854382,3948360934,

Thanks for correcting that. There is a lot of missed predictions and contradictions. You can google it and see.

I think the person being “QAnon” is Jerome Corsi to promote his new book. The writing styles match.

,1529245032,17/06/2018 14:17 8854382,3948377429,"

Q, about 2 months back warned about for-profit patriots, pretty much describing corsi, thats why I've simply been reading the drops and re reading them as future indeed proves past. Maybe they are a larp. But all this stuff that many think is some relevation, or are impatient for action have been explained weeks ago.

Heres my personal do-or-die proof/bet: If there is no action on the current IG report (Rosenstien edited) AND Trump does nothing to declassify it, I'll give Q up. The EO was said to be already written. On the flip-side, if it DOES occur, will you look past some crazy presenters ramblings to the real posts? The content, timing, and response of this report is laid out clearly, and is currently on-course.

",1529245894,17/06/2018 14:31 8859182,3948400070,"

Clinton tried to GET A PLEA DEAL recently, according to Q... and was DENIED. (Interesting if proved to be true)

",1529247073,17/06/2018 14:51 8859370,3948408990,"

Like Q said they were counting on HRC to win, and Made stupid mistakes, All The Information was capture and will be used.

",1529247462,17/06/2018 14:57 8858430,3948414512,"

That be the Demonrat or RINO's, not Trump. Click on this link in blue here ( ) and read ALL the posts (as well as links therein,) to REALLY know what's going on in Washington DC!

",1529247720,17/06/2018 15:02 8858430,3948474672,"

You do know that FBI/CIA actually tried to ""plant"" him into Trumps campaign/administration, right? That, and the fact that the FBI/CIA/NSA/""Deep-state"" (a VERY real cabal - ask Anthony Boursain, Kate Spade, etc...) was against YOU as well shows that you actually do not know whereof you speak ( )!

",1529250770,17/06/2018 15:52 8843150,3948506716,"

Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, a whole list of people now - killed Kate Spade because she told Hillary that she'd tell the truth about Haiti , Bourdain, well, have no idea one that one - no facts or ties bubbling up right now, but won't be much longer! The Clinton Body Count just keeps growing, but all good things:!

",1529252476,17/06/2018 16:21 8843150,3948515800,"

Trump IS working to clean it up (look at the career ""politicians"" who just this year decided never to seek office again - whole lists of them, along with corrupt gov't official, global corporate heads stepping down - see for yourself:!

",1529252945,17/06/2018 16:29 8843150,3948517797,"

Nah, he'll be sitting nice and cosy at Leavenworth soon -

",1529253047,17/06/2018 16:30 8843150,3948519481,"

Just a small piece of what is a mountain fixing to land on Washington (

",1529253141,17/06/2018 16:32 8843150,3948537711,"

Calm down, he's gonna get his, VERY very soon (probably right before November, so that the Demonrats will have spent all the campaign money to reelect candidates going to prison instead of Congress)! Will be a bunch of them, look at the lists:

",1529254114,17/06/2018 16:48 8843150,3948543821,"

Ain't gonna happen overnight, but IS happening!

",1529254434,17/06/2018 16:53 8860522,3948547111,"

Did anyone see the Q-Anon video of Obama in 2014 Bilderberg group addressing them?
He tells them that they, having worked generations towards this; the people are too small minded to govern themselves and they must surrender their rights to an all powerful leader??

Bloody idiot. Those 'rights' are given to humanity from the Throne of the Most High.
Does this gnat actually think he can steal them from Him? Think again.

",1529254604,17/06/2018 16:56 8861806,3948649944,"

Here is a complete list of them. Just scroll down a bit to #1516:

",1529259905,17/06/2018 18:25 8843150,3948668209,"

Horowitz and Sessions are doing their jobs (however difficult,) and Rosenstein, well, he had his chance to come clean and threw it away, so.... onto the list of many inline for a stay at the ""gray-bar"" hotel he goes! You seen the video of Obummer's ""inspirational"" Bilderburg speech right?

",1529260929,17/06/2018 18:42 8843150,3948675617,"

Yes, they are (go to the link so you will KNOW what's going on): Just click on the blue text below and read it! There's a lot there (been fighting tooth and nail, but it's almost over now), just look!

",1529261347,17/06/2018 18:49 8862798,3948831384,

That was Right on Q!

,1529271341,17/06/2018 21:35 8862638,3948852531,

Rosie DOES look like Q...
it makes sense to those who watch :)

,1529272740,17/06/2018 21:59 8863786,3948982998,


,1529281179,18/06/2018 00:19 8862854,3949033546,"

He's being ""retired"" at the end of this term (doesn't ANYONE click on the link [] and check what is going on? Gejesee!)?

",1529284813,18/06/2018 01:20 8862838,3949036875,"

Archie had him pegged off the bat: Meathead! Bad thing is, these leftie mudslinging attacks are going to be ramping up soon (going after patriots) without logic (typical leftie attacks, most designed to attack a person's emotional states rather than have a factual basis - the ""Trumps taking babies away from illegal immigrant families"" bullshit is a good illustration - as though when Border Patrol is taking the parents to jail for illegal immigration they'd put the kids in jail with the parents, yea right, sure they'd put the kids in jail with pedophiles, robbers and rapists [friggen people just don't think anymore], ah well, I digress)!

",1529285092,18/06/2018 01:24 8862838,3949040349,"

Still, I'd say (friggen meathead hasn't changed since he was 25, meathead then and meathead now)!

",1529285394,18/06/2018 01:29 8863150,3949094916,

We've had a few Miss Q. Unless there's someone else with your name.

Back to the content.....I would rather have my kids think carefully about their words than just angrily blurting out arrogant self praise or insults all the time. Maybe I'm just old school.

,1529291020,18/06/2018 03:03 8804286,3949100191,

You are correct; it was fake. I didn't realize it was code. The facts came out via Q that this was a lesson in how the editing of the IG report led to an altered report that says something completely different.

,1529291628,18/06/2018 03:13 8863150,3949119907,"

""extreme biased, leftist beliefs"" You are way off with that one sorry Susie. I've been independent for awhile now. I'm guessing you are a hard core Trump supporter?

Either way it doesn't matter. See ya next time Q and don't forget me this time.

",1529293965,18/06/2018 03:52 8863646,3949214645,"

Some Q-Anon bs, most likely 🙄

",1529304511,18/06/2018 06:48 8863150,3949317195,"

America has done nothing but prosper under Trump - period!

",1529314050,18/06/2018 09:27 8863150,3949324900,"

Let us not forget the guns to all the Mexican drug cartels, the terrorists all over the globe, and (for the cherry on top of all his sordid little friggen affairs -) the selling of 1/5 of the US uranium ""yellowcake"" stockpile, some of which JUST HAPPENED to end up in a secret Iranian processing plant in eastern Syria that Israel bombed back in May of this year

",1529314604,18/06/2018 09:36 8853366,3949350152,"

Bingo. Sessions IS bad. But John Q Public is becoming more and more acquainted with the fact daily. And that is a good thing where the 2018 primaries and general elections are concerned.
Without ability to fire Swamp Sessions _because_ the Swamp Senate would not confirm anything but another Swamp replacement, Trump's options are limited.
As for possible parliamentary maneuvers, WNR, your posit of Vacancies Act strategy is intriguing.

",1529316298,18/06/2018 10:04 8862782,3949426716,"

",1529320722,18/06/2018 11:18 8861310,3949453068,"

He's try ( just the RINO's and Demonrats fight against him on everything.

",1529321701,18/06/2018 11:35 8853366,3949467340,"

Judge Jeanine, love you and your show, and normally would never say this to a lady , but: Time for you to STFU and get onboard the Trump train lady! Attacking Trump (yep, that's what you're doing - whether or not you realize it is immaterial,) doesn't befit you or your show.

",1529322373,18/06/2018 11:46 8853366,3949480899,"

Trump KNOWS what he's doing - trust the plan - demoracy is about to break out globally (in Iran people are going to and seeing what is going on here, and now they want to overthrow the Ayatollah and mullahs to have what America has, same in NK, actually all over the world). Stay The Course and trust Trump!

",1529323035,18/06/2018 11:57 8853366,3949484482,

Trump himself has repeatedly criticized Sessions. Pull your head
out of your ass. Q-anon is BS.

,1529323204,18/06/2018 12:00 8865298,3949527353,"

Contributions of the Migrants, huh? I guess now there's a Roman Catholic holiday celebrating , what , VD?

",1529325145,18/06/2018 12:32 8863054,3949538538,"

I think he's under control, which is what we have been told by Q.

",1529325637,18/06/2018 12:40 8866690,3949674418,"

More hatred won't stop Trump (doesn't the left realize he feeds hatred and negative energy like it was breakfast cereal - it's what energizes him throughout his day)! His agenda is very simple: Put America First. If you want to hate on that, perhaps you should move to another country (Iran, Yemen, South Africa spring to mind as options for you -) and let him make America great again!

",1529331289,18/06/2018 14:14 8866494,3949699617,"

Media,Rino's,Dem, All on Q. Trump, is winning!! Trumps will stop their N.W.O!!!!!

",1529332260,18/06/2018 14:31 8867194,3949971557,"

Let's see did not Qanon tell us that on 11-3-2017 Hillary had sealed indictments filed? The time limit is about 275 days on sometime in the next 50 days or so, we'll see her standing in Utah before the military tribunals trying to save her life for a sentence of treason. Utah's sentence is death by GUNS. So I guess she has a reason to be anti gun

",1529342735,18/06/2018 17:25 8867550,3950054618,"

well you got the Q part, right, bigotboy. But aren't you NAMBLAts all ""down"" wid the Dark Age Barbarians Sandknicker RagNazis?

",1529345857,18/06/2018 18:17 8863054,3950071880,

Follow Q Anon. We knew this back on April 27th!!!!

,1529346569,18/06/2018 18:29 8868238,3950152844,"

For the next 6 years they will never let up on Trump. Remember, it was her turn. Once Trump gets rid of Rosenstein and Sessions you'll see some action but not until then. This will occur after midterms, Trump doesn't want to muddy the waters anymore by firing both now. The only plan I trust is Trump's, not that Q or anyone else.

",1529349954,18/06/2018 19:25 8868486,3950179438,

This part of his speech was cut from the originally released US edition of the speech. Q posted this clip.

,1529351095,18/06/2018 19:44 8868486,3950195614,"

Q, Q, Q... All you stale old fogies need to follow Q. He knows what's up! BB just sales you a bunch of retard level BS... PURE BS.

",1529351811,18/06/2018 19:56 8868486,3950197741,

BB zionazi headquarters for the right wing retards!!! You retards need to grow some IQ points and listen to Q. These BB fakes are selling you shiiiite already processed and full of GMO.

,1529351906,18/06/2018 19:58 8868238,3950279250,"

This is remarkably dumb. Which I'd expect from a Qanon tard. Gargle balls, moron.

",1529355918,18/06/2018 21:05 8869646,3950327554,

you put the Q in LGBTQ

,1529358589,18/06/2018 21:49 8870946,3950382791,"

Supposedly the media is about to start really bashing this ""Q-Anon"" dude. If that happens, we may have to start taking him seriously. Flack = over target.

",1529361601,18/06/2018 22:40 8866818,3950436353,"

Ask him about .

",1529364601,18/06/2018 23:30 8843150,3950500645,

According to REAL NEWS Comey is some deep stuff now

,1529368395,19/06/2018 00:33 8743877,3950511243,"

Yes, I do listen to myself. And I've never come close to calling a double Ivy-league graduate, lawyer, Harvard Law Review President, and Constitutional law professor ""Obumbo"".

""Where was the family detained?"" In appropriate facilities designed for families. You write ""They know they and their children will be separated."" Yes, and they STILL come by the thousands, giving some idea of how bad things are back at home. Despite your ""whataboutism"", as YOUR cited source explicitly states: ""Let’s be clear: Favreau is right that Obama never established a policy
that specifically mandated that kids be separated from parents at the
US-Mexico border. This a new, Trump-era innovation in cruelty."" Q.E.D.

",1529369049,19/06/2018 00:44 8869646,3950560199,"

Trump IS cleaning it up, tho!

",1529372419,19/06/2018 01:40 8870958,3950621990,

Thing with Q is that it gets alot of attention for some random internet poster.

Might be more than it appears.

,1529377792,19/06/2018 03:09 8407193,3950643288,"

I love to see all the comments which tell me that a lot of people are AWAKE and folliwing Q at .... big smile!

",1529379969,19/06/2018 03:46 8870958,3950893256,"

New Q, Free Iran!!! Fight Fight Fight


1 Comment

Looks like Q may be cluing all of us in that Iran will likely go down the peaceful process we just saw play out between Trump and Kim Jong Un, as Q is calling for a free Iran and telling us to fight for this. Will Iran soon be free from Deep State control just like North Korea was in the last week, because we may just see this take place with Iran, as Q is now telling us to fight for a free Iran. Iran for years has pretty much been in control of by the Deep State as another fear mongering tool to cause fear in the hearts and minds of the American people...Especially under the Bush and Obama administrations.
Trump's peace plan with North Korea took about a year, well really you can call it freeing North Korea from Deep State cabal control...So this could take the same amount of time or there is already work behind the scenes to free Iran. Iran is pretty much the last place on Earth under real Deep State control since North Korea is now free. Let's make a free Iran happen.

",1529402139,19/06/2018 09:55 8870958,3950904088,"

Globalist caught red handed !

Video surfaces of Laura Bush supporting separation of families through abortion



SHOCKING VIDEO: Laura Bush telling Larry King in 2010 that she was pro separating children from their parents.— Mike Pampeo (@SecOfState70) June 18, 2018

Don't you just love it when you can make the Deep State puppets your b itch, as Laura Bush has been busted in a video with Larry King supporting separation of families through abortion. These people are absolutely sick, and when it comes to Laura Bush after this video from 2010 has surfaced she can't defend legal families or illegal families...Because Laura Bush is pro killing babies. Just like Q has been telling us for months now these people are absolutely sick, and Laura Bush now joins the growing list of Republicans/Democrats who support the killing of babies, but at the same time get angry over any kids being separated from their families...Whether illegal or illegal. This is how it should play out, anyone who cries over children of illegals being separated you can probably discover they are pro separating families at birth like Laura Bush

",1529402776,19/06/2018 10:06 8873266,3951005201,"

The Theresa Erdogan Regime, Horace, since their outrageous and egregious modus operandi is straight from the Yippie Erdogan playbook!

The letter is indeed genuine. I received a copy in my email this morning sent by his team from their office in North London.

Along with the copy of the letter was the following message.

""We have hired a strong team of lawyers and a Q.C. to fight his case right to the top. Please contribute to our effort to free Tommy""
at :

The letter was written from the first prison he was in. Take note of where in the prison he was being held. In the upper right corner, it says ""hospital wing.""

I think as of the writing of this letter, he had already met with some harm, thus the hospital mention in the right top corner. As the letter was written to his family, perhaps he did not mention any kind of mischief, so as not to worry them. If he did meet with harm, this could be the reason for the sudden move to the max. security facility at Onley and solitary confinement.

Please everyone, open up your biscuit tins, pull out a fiver, which is the minimum contribution, to help free our national hero, Tommy!

",1529407860,19/06/2018 11:31 8872670,3951012830,"

I listened to this on the way home yesterday......what a disgusting display from the media with the Q & A.....their arrogant, snobbish, boorish, infantile behavior was an embarrassment to anyone who claims to be a journalist. Absolutely awful. Nielsen and Sanders were calm, professional and did a great job.

",1529408214,19/06/2018 11:36 8873578,3951016410,

No description of the perpetrators... Q.E.D. Moose-Lamb Terrorists.
Get rid of these Moose-Lamb a$$holes. Set the EU example!!!

,1529408378,19/06/2018 11:39 8867902,3951129371,"

Didn’t that POS learn ANYTHING from the voters after his ridiculous attempt at seizing power? Low energy, low I. Q. , JEB needs to shut his pie hole. No one wants or needs his opinion.

",1529413073,19/06/2018 12:57 8870326,3951185873,"

This kid is a USMC born and breed till dead American Hero! Iam repulsed by the attitudes of the swine of the Left, the RATS and the complicit media . If it media west coast left coast or east coast especially New York print or electronic sould be tried for unamerican activities! And if so founded GUILTY
, burn em to the ground and burn em at the stakes

Qanon the Shiite out of these bas turds

",1529415330,19/06/2018 13:35 8869658,3951241486,

These people are NOTORIUS for HIT AND RUN car wrecks.
Leaving a wave of devastation behind. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

The IQ levels that they bring will destroy our ability to self govern. The lower I Q the higher the crime rates.

,1529417453,19/06/2018 14:10 8867550,3951243162,"

gales of derisive laughter.
That's IT, that's ALL you got, QDErp?

NO rebuttal to your sins of conflation and moral equivalence.
NO attempt to justify your base canard equating Schweitzer et al with THIS Dark Age Barbarian Sandknicker RagNazi.
Oh excuse me, you did pull out your PeeShrink glossary of terms for your OWN ""ad hominems"".
What, you figure if you can't take it, might as well dish it out, huh, boy?

""Not worth my time to respond"" but here you are justifying your SLANDER of other Servants of Humanity as brain rotted equivalents of TERRORISTS! Not to mention the fact that ""I can't be bothered"" is usually the first recourse of the Intellectually and Rhetorically Bankrupt.
You pathetic underage, under-educated, millennial Snowflake!

But that's not the WORST of your ethical slime-ing, Rentboy,
YOU are pitching a hissy fit of high moral dudgeon over my
""poorly veiled racial epithets"" by which I can only infer you mean ""Dark Age Barbarian Sandknicker RagNazi"".
You STOOGE! Isn't this guy a Muslim, wasn't Mohammad 600s Dark Ages? Do you equate RagNazi with RACE?
Religion YES, but you DISSED him and ALL Religions FOR his Religion, can't be THAT you object to as ""Racist"".
""NAZI"" surely you are not unaware of the Arab/Muslim affinity for Hitler going back to the Grand Muffti of Jerusalem, Muslim SS DIVISIONS, The Muslim Brotherhood?
No, I take that back, obviously you ARE that STUPID and un-educated.
So what are we left with--""Sandknicker"". THAT your ''poorly veiled Racial Epithets"", boy? You deny they ARE ""Sand People?"" So it's GOT to be ""knicker""--surely, QDErp, you recognize that as a Britism for ""shorts""?
Still, spin it as you will, one can only end up concluding you think being a MUSLIM from the Middle East and Africa is a RACE!
Now I happen to know that ""RACE"" is a MYTHICAL concept. Genetics exists, thus Clan exists. Culture exists thus Ethnicity exists. ""Race"" is a fake made up term.
So what remains to be concluded from your jeremiad accusation of ""racism"", boy?
You are nothing but a browncucksucking ingester of high melanin count members.
So who’s the RACIST, boy? Q E D !

""THEY say” [who, boy, YOU, you deny it!] ""Christians Everywhere”, I listed two and you equated them to terrorists, you HYPOCRITE! ""Fortunately he is made up.""
Then you HAVE NO GROUNDS for judging ANYBODY by that Standard do you, hypocrite? If you believe in a merely Mechanistic Material Universe then one belief system is as good as another and YOU have no grounds on which to declare ANYONE ""brain rotted"" and morally equivalent to a TERRORIST! Indeed you have NO grounds to declare ANYthing ""Racist"" or to be offended that a high melanin count is criticized.
Congratulations, kid, you managed to deconstruct every fragment of your own argument.
As I said, Pathetic.
That was GOOD for me, kid, hope you enjoyed having it stuck in you as much as I enjoyed skewering you.

",1529417517,19/06/2018 14:11 8873998,3951472893,"

""Late-Night Hosts Triggered By Trump’s...""

And in other, Breaking News: Water is Wet; The Sun Rose in the East; and Gene Q. Whipplewart had roast beef and toast for brunch to-day....

",1529425685,19/06/2018 16:28 8870902,3951586557,"


",1529429775,19/06/2018 17:36 8870902,3951715955,"

Shall be coming very, VERY soon, and wheels of justice in America grind exceedingly fine (here's looking at you, Hussein and Hillary)!

",1529434625,19/06/2018 18:57 8870902,3951718038,"

They're all trying to flip (haven't you been following!

",1529434709,19/06/2018 18:58 8870902,3951725886,"

Huber has been on it for past 7 months with 470 investigators, has 25,000+ sealed indictments which are about to start rolling out (crooked politicians, business leaders, cops and federal agents, lawyers, reporters, if they were doing dirt on a interstate level, they have reason to fear)! Only a few more days, then it starts with Huma and Podesta, then steamrolls on and on!

",1529435043,19/06/2018 19:04 8870902,3951740900,"

It's coming, quickly now (matter of days - sealed indictments against Podesta and Huma are first, then?)! Over 25,000+ sealed indictments coming out very, VERY soon.

",1529435678,19/06/2018 19:14 8875918,3951766062,

to bad Kevin

,1529436694,19/06/2018 19:31 8875918,3951771814,

I bet he's a Pedophile too! Those who scream the Loudest Q Said!

,1529436946,19/06/2018 19:35 8875374,3951780151,

Everyone comp’d

Here is the thing about Q...
They are so far from stupid
This battle was not meant to be easy

,1529437299,19/06/2018 19:41 8875918,3951789768,"

Kevin, we Patriots stopped recognizing you after Waterworld. Your incessant howling makes me wonder what skeletons are in your closet??? Now go dance with the wolves....they're hungry. MAGA #Qanon #TheStormIsHere

",1529437731,19/06/2018 19:48 8878642,3951817199,"

Says he was escorted out doesn't say if he was shi# canned or not. predicted this a few days ago. Rumor has it the hammer is about to be dropped on Huma and Podesta.

",1529439020,19/06/2018 20:10 8878642,3951832822,"

Start reading and you will start to see what is happening, this is glorious!

",1529439790,19/06/2018 20:23 8878642,3951849928,


,1529440637,19/06/2018 20:37 8878642,3951855809,"

Another confirmation from Q. Note the date.

06-18-2018 14:33:39 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs 1793707

Public learned today.
What must be finished?
Why still employed?
LP released after…..
PS will be released after…..
Just because something isn’t public doesn’t mean….
[DOJ texts / emails]
C_A down [19] this year alone.
When will records be unsealed?
Attack POTUS Foundation (acting NY AG (told)).
CF Foundation [Nightmare Awake] [slush fund / children].
Claim: Politcal attack re: case against POTUS.
POTUS & Russia.
HRC Hussein etc & Russia.
Claim: Political attack re: case against POTUS.

Go to

",1529440937,19/06/2018 20:42 8870902,3951860993,"

They weren't investigated because of the Life Insurance Pedophilia Policy on Weiners computer. Start reading and do some sleuthing.

",1529441205,19/06/2018 20:46 8878642,3951862055,"

I wanted Q to be real so bad, but if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

",1529441260,19/06/2018 20:47 8870902,3951872151,"

Read and it will probably answer all your good questions.

",1529441786,19/06/2018 20:56 8870902,3951932896," sheds some light on where all of this might be stored. One place to look would be Langley Va. CIA Headquarters last Nov.

",1529445100,19/06/2018 21:51 8878642,3951983914,

Makes no sense.
1) we have known for months he did this why wasn’t he escorted then ?
2) Q had said hes a cooperative witness so once again makes no sense why today escorted out.

,1529447923,19/06/2018 22:38 8874526,3951985339,"

Though convicted,that corrupt piece of Cartel owned garbage will never see a cell
He could though,very well run into a doorknob incident in the coming weeks.
San Antonino is loaded with corruption like any other major US City.
Texas being a border State only doubles the CIA/Cartels power leverage

",1529448000,19/06/2018 22:40 8880502,3952121360,"

What a joke

Amanda House
UHH.....this is the official DHS response after their U.S. Cabinet Secretary was run out of a restaurant by a screaming mob tonight. She ""heard from a small group of protestors who share her concern with our current immigration laws.""

Tyler Q. Houlton
While having a work dinner tonight, the Secretary and her staff heard from a small group of protestors who share her concern with our current immigration laws that have created a crisis on our southern border.

",1529455727,20/06/2018 00:48 8874942,3952208773,"

Like Q says, "" THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID ! ""

",1529462155,20/06/2018 02:35 8880502,3952216483,"

You want to know the really FUNNY thing about Stormy? We had Q post after Q post saying, ""The Storm is COMING."" Then Stormy arrives on the scene and Q posts, ""Every script needs good actors."" The coming Storm was Stormy, and ALL an effort to distract a rabid press? You figure that one out!

",1529462849,20/06/2018 02:47 8878642,3952241056,"

You following QAnon ...(as one of the sources?) ==>

",1529465058,20/06/2018 03:24 8878642,3952243076,

I am. Not sure what to make of this Q stuff though. Weird stuff coming on different videos. What about those missiles? And Rosenstein's name in brackets? Holy sheeeeit.

,1529465252,20/06/2018 03:27 8878642,3952245149,"

I'm going to some of the Q vids right now. Praying Medic, Dustin Nemos, and Deception Bytes post interesting stuff.

",1529465447,20/06/2018 03:30 8880170,3952623193,"

We are going to have to do our part to take America back, neighborhood by neighborhood. Calling ICE on local businesses we see employing these aliens. Shouting out local politicians who are turning a blind eye to the illegals on the welfare rolls, food stamps, health care system, etc. This is going to take action at the highest level of our government along with John Q Citizen.

I know we are up to it America -- Together we put this President into office and together we will take our country back from the globalists.

",1529493932,20/06/2018 11:25 8882278,3952730714,"

""Democratic Socialists of America"" are the ENEMY within and must be purged.
THis is from the Q & A mail section at their site:
Q Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age. My History teacher told me that in a Communist country, no one has individual rights. I asked her to give me specific examples of what rights I would not have…

A Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the democratic process--as vital, in fact, as arriving at and implementing a collective strategy. We don't see CPUSA as ruling a single-party state; instead, we hope to be one of many parties and organizations working together to build socialism. So, in a socialist USA, will people be allowed to say 'politically incorrect' things? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of things, and where. I doubt a government based on our vision of Bill of Rights socialism will be handing out fines to people who use the term...

",1529498154,20/06/2018 12:35 8880170,3952739087,"

""Democratic Socialists of America"" are the ENEMY within and must be purged.
"""" our vision of Bill of Rights socialism""""

THis is from the Q & A mail section at their site:

Q Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age. My History teacher told me that in a Communist country, no one has individual rights. I asked her to give me specific examples of what rights I would not have…

A Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the democratic process--as vital, in fact, as arriving at and implementing a collective strategy. We don't see CPUSA as ruling a single-party state; instead, we hope to be one of many parties and organizations working together to build socialism. So, in a socialist USA, will people be allowed to say 'politically incorrect' things? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of things, and where. I doubt a government based on our vision of Bill of Rights socialism will be handing out fines to people who use the term...

",1529498476,20/06/2018 12:41 8881390,3952779429,"

""Democratic Socialists of America"" are the ENEMY within and must be purged.

"""""" our vision of Bill of Rights socialism""""""

THis is from the Q & A mail section at their site:

Q Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age. My History teacher told me that in a Communist country, no one has individual rights. I asked her to give me specific examples of what rights I would not have…

A Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the democratic process--as vital, in fact, as arriving at and implementing a collective strategy. We don't see CPUSA as ruling a single-party state; instead, we hope to be one of many parties and organizations working together to build socialism. So, in a socialist USA, will people be allowed to say 'politically incorrect' things? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of things, and where. I doubt a government based on our vision of Bill of Rights socialism will be handing out fines to people who use the term...

",1529500003,20/06/2018 13:06 8881562,3952784138,"

""""Democratic Socialists of America"""" are the ENEMY within and must be purged.

"""" our vision of Bill of Rights socialism""""

THis is from the Q & A mail section at their site:

Q Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age. My History teacher told me that in a Communist country, no one has individual rights. I asked her to give me specific examples of what rights I would not have…

A Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the democratic process--as vital, in fact, as arriving at and implementing a collective strategy. We don't see CPUSA as ruling a single-party state; instead, we hope to be one of many parties and organizations working together to build socialism. So, in a socialist USA, will people be allowed to say 'politically incorrect' things? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of things, and where. I doubt a government based on our vision of Bill of Rights socialism will be handing out fines to people who use the term...

",1529500180,20/06/2018 13:09 8883078,3952799096,"

""Democratic Socialists of America"" are the ENEMY within and must be purged. All these elites need to be exposed for their radical Anti-American agenda

"""" our vision of Bill of Rights socialism""""

THis is from the Q & A mail section at their site:

Q Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age. My History teacher told me that in a Communist country, no one has individual rights. I asked her to give me specific examples of what rights I would not have…

A Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the democratic process--as vital, in fact, as arriving at and implementing a collective strategy. We don't see CPUSA as ruling a single-party state; instead, we hope to be one of many parties and organizations working together to build socialism. So, in a socialist USA, will people be allowed to say 'politically incorrect' things? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of things, and where. I doubt a government based on our vision of Bill of Rights socialism will be handing out fines to people who use the term...

",1529500721,20/06/2018 13:18 8883078,3952860864,"

Yawn, another 'has-been' attempting to become relevant.

",1529502736,20/06/2018 13:52 8883430,3953097306,"

One of the most informative things happening is Qanon. The Space Force being announced was told about 2 years ago. etc, etc... looks like breitbart is part of the problem to me:)

",1529509021,20/06/2018 15:37 8876630,3953191198,"

Still even shorter reply to Howard Bryant (although I admit I have no idea who he is): 4 Q, Howard.

",1529511583,20/06/2018 16:19 8883750,3953275904,

And what happens to John Q. Public if they ignore a subpoena? Business as usual? I think not.

,1529514543,20/06/2018 17:09 8885010,3953350269,"

It's about time to reconcile with the moderate folks. Once we're clear of this ""Muh Children"" situation, we need moderates red pilled. Far left loonies will flip out soon and it's probably best if moderates who are on the fence come back on this side instead of falling off into Crazytown. All the freakout was done to distract from the IG report, etc. Big things coming this week and bigger things coming next week. Might soften your rhetoric on social media starting tomorrowish. #Qanon #QArmy

",1529517080,20/06/2018 17:51 8885010,3953395264,"

LOL. You actually believe it was a 'flip flop'!!!! Guess what? President Trump just TROLLED you. Your side falls for it every time. Q is right, you people are stupid.

",1529518676,20/06/2018 18:17 8885010,3953408357,"

Don't worry it's really the report after the IG report or the report after that or the report after that, that QAnon was referring to. And he meant next April is Arrests Month. LMAO

",1529519141,20/06/2018 18:25 8885010,3953433107,

LOL. You believe this is a big WIN for your side!!! Guess what? It was just the opposite. You & your evil side just got trolled by our VSG POTUS (I love typing those cap letters) Donald Trump. You fall for it every time. Q is right. You people are stupid.

,1529520019,20/06/2018 18:40 8885010,3953443823,"

You have no clue! Next week you will be asking that question made famous by the Evil Queen Hillary: WHAT HAPPENED. Dang, Q is right. You people are STUPID.

",1529520411,20/06/2018 18:46 8846070,3953458265,"

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

",1529520954,20/06/2018 18:55 8846070,3953459432,

so they said they hated Trump and took what action to circumvent an election?

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

,1529520996,20/06/2018 18:56 8846070,3953460790,

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

,1529521047,20/06/2018 18:57 8846070,3953461572,

...and no prison :)

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

,1529521077,20/06/2018 18:57 8846070,3953463018,

I work and voted for shitlery as you say

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

,1529521135,20/06/2018 18:58 8886382,3953518767,"

ut oh

Yahoo News
Yahoo News

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016 (link: by @Isikoff

Jun 20 2018 16:09:35 (EST)
Abandon ship!
Hussein staff talking.

What are we leading up to?

",1529523368,20/06/2018 19:36 8884618,3953533576,

Leftards are unhinged intolerant stupid fooks.

Trump and qanon must be right over the target. Start arresting the sick pervs.

,1529524006,20/06/2018 19:46 8883894,3953549642,"

Wait until he finds out what's fixing to befall the Demonrats (

",1529524727,20/06/2018 19:58 8877122,3953584051,"

Didn't need confirmation, but thanks anyway I guess for the validation of my observations !

",1529526375,20/06/2018 20:26 8881562,3953623665,"

All the dems are in a panic (Obama's staffers are all ratting him and all the rest out to try and escape what coming, ) just like they'll be coming for you, Nancy, for selling all those North Korean missiles to Iran ( nothing is hidden now, know all about your back-stabbing traitorous ways - you should have at least tried to run like Obummer and Billary)!

",1529528362,20/06/2018 20:59 8884374,3953656377,"

Wasn't only Strzok, much higher-ups were part at FBI-DOJ (actually, in every branch of government -) all acting in concert both before, during and after election (many still are)! WWG1WGA!

",1529530071,20/06/2018 21:27 8883914,3953672280,


,1529530955,20/06/2018 21:42 8881674,3953680877,"

Start reading and I hope this stuff is finally starting to happen. Also Jerome Corsi on Youtube. You like many Americans have the same great questions.

",1529531435,20/06/2018 21:50 8887518,3953703853,"

President Trump withdrew the U.S. From Climate & Environmental Accords, and cut funding to the UN by 40% via Executive Order.

President Trump took it to the media (Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘ __ing firing squad’)

President Trump planned to dissolve 'Net Neutrality' (Trump transition team appointments indicate a bid to dismantle net neutrality)

President Trump erased all mentions on the White House web site of “climate change” and ""LGBT rights."" He did that within one hour of taking the oath of office.

President Trump issued an Executive order to “ease the burden of Obamacare”. He did so within hours of being sworn in.

President Trump signed an Executive order withdrawing America from the widely-criticized Trans-Pacific-Partnership trade treaty

President Trump returned the bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office

President Trump issued an Executive order starting the construction of the border wall, and to strengthen immigration enforcement.

President Trump ordered agencies to halt regulations until the rule is reviewed and approved by the new president's appointed agency head.

President Trump announced the end of “Sanctuary cities” and the defunding of federal funds for any city that chooses to continue breaking the law.

President Trump issued Executive Orders to proceed on the long-stalled Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.

President Trump fired the State Department’s entire senior management team.

President Trump announced a ban on visas from dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate screening.

President Trump worked with the House (who complied) to permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortions.

President Trump issued an Executive order banning funding to pro-abortion groups overseas.

President Trump announced his intention to withdraw From Climate & Environmental Accords, as well as cutting UN Funding by 40%.

President Trump said that persecuted Christians be given priority when it comes to applying for refugee status in the United States.

President Trump announced a Federal agency hiring freeze.

President Trump FIRED Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director (Daniel Ragsdale) for insubordination.

President Trump FIRED Acting Attorney General (Sally Q. Yates) after she defiantly refused to enforce his immigration executive order.

President Trump appointed Marine Corps Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

President Trump plans to cut the Environmental Protection Agency Federal employee count in HALF.

President Trump imposed an immediate gag order on the Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Agriculture.

President Trump signed an Executive order in which Homeland Security will publish a weekly list of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens

President Trump's Administration actually uses the term ""Radical Islam"" -- a departure from Obama, who never used the term.

President Trump nominated a well-written and spoken Originalist (Neil Gorsuch) to the Supreme Court of the United States.

President Trump expressed support for the March For Life, saying ""The #MarchForLife is so important. To all of you marching -— you have my full support!”""

President Trump abruptly halts all Obamacare advertisements.

President Trump has planned to meet with Japan to bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to America.

President Trump halted $181 billion in regulatory costs on first day in Office.

President Trump has had Rex Tillerson confirmed as Secretary of State.

President Trump issued an executive order to streamline environmental reviews of high-priority infrastructure projects.

President Trump issued an action that instructs the Secretary of Commerce to contact stakeholders to review the impact of Federal regulations on domestic manufacturing.

President Trump FIRED two D.C.-based Secret Service managers, one of which was suspected of 'slow-walking' an investigation of a defiant agent based in Denver.

President Trump stopped payment on Obama’s final hour giveaway of $221 million to the Palestinian Authority,

President Trump pledged to start a major investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 election.

President Trump FIRED a State Dept. Arms Control chief while still in the air, and was told to turn around and fly back. (WARNING: Link is a Democrat Underground location).

President Trump FIRES a U.S. Border Patrol Chief (Mark Morgan), for endorsing and defending Obama's order to shield radical Muslims from deportation.

President Trump's pro-business and anti-government leanings caused 5000 new manufacturing jobs to be created, while 10,000 government jobs were eliminated.

President Trump, after the riots and violence at UC Berkeley, warned them that unless free speech prevailed, they would lose Federal funding.

President Trump signed Executive Order to begin “a great rebuilding of the Armed Services of the United States”.

President Trump offered to send forces to the breakaway Soviet Republic of Chicago to assist them in restoring order.

President Trump tweeted “Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!”

President Trump's actions spurred the Miami-Dade mayor into ordering jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties.

President Trump tweeted out a criticism of a 'so-called' judge for 'ridiculous' restraining order on travel ban Executive Order.

President Trump correctly predicted a Patriots win at the Super Bowl, replying to a Wall Street Journal Tweet (""The Falcons now have a 91.6% chance of winning the Super Bowl""), with ""Where have I seen stats like that before???""... LOL

President Trump kept his promise to target the so-called ""Net Neutrality"" scam.

President Trump's leadership influenced the Senate to overturn Obama's order that quite nearly shut down the American coal industry.

President Trump's support for a temporary travel ban while greater protections are put in place, is growing.

President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet position to lead the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, is confirmed by the Senate -- with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote!

President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet Position of United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, clears the attempt to filibuster and stop his nomination procedurally.

President Trump issued a list of 78 attacks, to which Trump says ‘very dishonest press’ gave short shrift.

President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet Position of United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, IS CONFIRMED!

President Trump tweets ""SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"" in response to the extra-Judicial ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, who ruled in defiance of the clear language of the law and prior precedent, to overturn his Executive Order as regards a temporary immigration suspension from seven countries.

President Trump's nominee, Tom Price, was confirmed to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

President Trump's right to control who immigrates to America is so cut-and-dried, that even the other Justices of the 9th Circuit Court plan to overturn the E.O. Immigration Halt decision.

President Trump reveals that 24 ""Refugees"" from the seven countries targeted by his Executive Order Travel Ban have been charged with terrorism.

President Trump's leadership radiated out to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who, in a rare act of courage, invoked Rule 19 against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, effectively gagging her for the rest of the debate about the Sessions appointment.

President Trump orders the House Oversight Committee to “Go After Everything”.

President Trump, having faced an extra-judicial ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, now finds that the entire 9th Circuit will rehear the case -- possibly to reverse the bad decision.

President Trump removes an establishment NeoCon from consideration for heading up the State Department.

President Trump drops the defense of Obama-era guidelines on transgender students.

President Trump's National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, resigns after it is found out he lied to the Vice President. Lying will not be tolerated!

President Trump's Homeland Security raids and arrests MS-13 gang members across Santa Cruz County

President Trump signs repeal of Dodd Frank provision.

President Trump signed H.J. Res. 41 that “blocks a misguided regulation from burdening American extraction companies.”

President Trump plans to assign a trusted associate to lead a broad review of American intelligence agencies.

President Trump's law-enforcement agencies have made 1391 arrests on human trafficking charges as of 2/16/2017.

President Trump's nominee for the National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, was cleared of all accusations of wrongdoing by the FBI.

President Trump delivered perhaps the best Press Conference in the history of the Republic, in which he eloquently explained his administration's direction, easily dismissed baseless charges, and called the 'news' media out for their numerous lies.

",1529532761,20/06/2018 22:12 8886382,3953716014,"

More than you can possibly believe (corporations were actually involved in it too, part of 25,000 + sealed federal indictments fixing to come out, go to Q Anon to find out more [Trumps way to bypass media and talk straight to America so they can know what's going on without media outlets ""interpreting"" it] and read for yourself: Sound like big boy, make up your own mind if ""authentic"")! WG1WWGA

",1529533464,20/06/2018 22:24 8883914,3953725102,"

Waiting to see how folks on my ballot voted (SAF will influence way I vote)! WWG1WGA

",1529533989,20/06/2018 22:33 8883914,3953760639,

Really should be more focused on what Q just dropped 6/20/18 8:00P CST
Gonna be some ZIPPED LIPS shortly

,1529536028,20/06/2018 23:07 8878374,3953762116,

#qanon....learn about your peeps libs

,1529536112,20/06/2018 23:08 8846070,3953771432,

smug elitist = educated and possesses critical thinking skills

#redpilledidiots and #dumbdeplorables will not #MAGA says #Qanon

,1529536646,20/06/2018 23:17 8883914,3953785067,

Can someone tell me who is Q and how can i follow what he is sayin or should i not bother

,1529537479,20/06/2018 23:31 8883914,3953793562,"

Yes.....Military intel. connected to Trump.....
this is one guy that I listen to who breaks down the posts, if you are not a regular follower....He does a good job.....Just

",1529538007,20/06/2018 23:40 8886382,3953939534,

Amen 🙏. WWG1 WGA.
Read Q!! The anons will keep you ahead of the game.

,1529548712,21/06/2018 02:38 8889898,3953960744,


,1529550759,21/06/2018 03:12 8887790,3953979168,"

But wait (she may soon be taking that ""long walk"" by way of trip to Guantanamo, one may hope)! WWG1WGA.

",1529552406,21/06/2018 03:40 8889054,3953981792,

Political correctness is dead. Do it Q!

,1529552690,21/06/2018 03:44 8889342,3953990648,"

Ryan is being forced out (to much dirt on him) and is only left in place to bring select bills to floor (begged Trump for chance to push this bill as ""legacy"", never had chance given polarized climate in Congress)! His time is almost over anyway, his only remaining duty to bring impeachment proceedings against Rosenstein)! WWG1WGA

",1529553624,21/06/2018 04:00 8888638,3953997061,"

You're not going to 'out-Trump' Trump! WWG1WGA

",1529554285,21/06/2018 04:11 8888638,3954003022,"

Thought I was (then I woke up, looked around - and noticed that what was once considered to be libertarian is now considered Republican, and what is now considered Democrat was considered treason a couple of years ago)! WWG1WGA

",1529554906,21/06/2018 04:21 8889898,3954009472,"

Also I must mention this is the work of the people on the Q An0n boards. Very worthwhile, whatever the thoughts on the whole operation.

",1529555578,21/06/2018 04:32 8889322,3954014696,"

Truth! WWG1WGA!

",1529556143,21/06/2018 04:42 8888342,3954021766,

Win Bigly. Win Yuge. WWG1WGA on Q.

,1529556896,21/06/2018 04:54 8889322,3954060440,

LOL; another Q troll.

,1529560846,21/06/2018 06:00 8889342,3954103198,

The POTUS did not ignore Q! This is going to be a great Summer.

,1529565111,21/06/2018 07:11 8889898,3954174419,"

Q's Trump connection likely confirmed at MN Trump rally, person wearing Q shirt at rally was VIP



View image on Twitter


#Qanon I'm all over Twitter. President Trump

9:48 PM - Jun 20, 2018


2,966 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Now is this individual at Trump's rally in a Q shirt that Trump pointed to tonight in Deluth, MN connected to Q...Well probably not. However this individual with this Q shirt was likely discovered by someone associated with Trump's rally tonight in Minnesota where Trump may of likely wanted this individual front and center to likely confirm Trump's connection to Q to the masses, and this would possibly explain why this individual in a Q shirt, just happened to have a VIP access to the rally, and likely why Trump pointed at this individual. This individual likely has no connection to Q, but Trump or someone with Trump at the rally saw this individual, gave him a VIP to make him front and center to confirm Q's relationship to the President. I think we have a major Q confirmation, but the individual in the Q shirt likely has no connection to Q.

",1529571479,21/06/2018 08:57 8885446,3954281818,

Hurry elections and come!!!!
Red wave incoming!!

,1529577955,21/06/2018 10:45 8891126,3954359114,"

Ok Breitbart readers - We've been called to action again - American Airlines, United Airlines and Frontier Airlines have just STOPPED DOING BUSINESS WITH DHS! I guess they forget who pays for the security to keep THEIR AIRPLANES SAFE!

Half of America will now have the opportunity to vote with their wallets. Flyers pay attention: @AmericanAir [American Airlines], @United [United Airlines] and @FlyFrontier do not support U.S. borders.

So we apply the Macy's and Starbucks approach and find alternates. #MAGA

Tyler Q. Houlton
It’s unfortunate that @AmericanAir , @united, and @FlyFrontier no longer want to partner with the brave men and women of DHS to protect the traveling public, combat human trafficking, and to swiftly reunite unaccompanied illegal immigrant children with their families.
Show this thread

",1529581560,21/06/2018 11:46 8888342,3954383108,"

Latest Q post

We stand.
We fight.
Organized riots being planned.
Counter measures in place.
Resistance far smaller than portrayed by MSM.
Attacks will intensify.
You, collectively, are a massive threat.
Censorship applied to scale down impact/reach.
It’s failing.
Trust yourself.
Public awakening.

",1529582613,21/06/2018 12:03 8884618,3954384768,"

So, threatening to kidnap and rape 12 and 3 year olds is how the left fights these days. I never felt more on the Right side of things, you know? Q was right, these people are sick and these are the perverse actions they do and dwell on. Real badasses to attack little kids and so nasty are the minds that cheer them on.

",1529582684,21/06/2018 12:04 8888330,3954419408,

The left must have very low I Q s. They support Islam over their own heroes? Put them all on a boat to Saudi Arabia or Iran. It's the only way to get it into their thick skulls. Civilisation = good. Islam = bad. The two are in no way compatible.

,1529584135,21/06/2018 12:28 8891126,3954442028,

God Bless Q!!!!!

,1529585051,21/06/2018 12:44 8891362,3954473325,

Just a bunch of washed up D-list has-beens trying desperately to raise their Q.
Laughably pathetic.

,1529586328,21/06/2018 13:05 8892306,3954520666,"

Guess it pays to be a police officer, if you John Q citizen get caught shooting at the bad guys, in this fashion, you would most likely be going to prison.

",1529588149,21/06/2018 13:35 8891126,3954561470,

I'll bite: where has it been verified that Q is actually Trump and his staff?

,1529589724,21/06/2018 14:02 8891126,3954597771,"

Meanwhile... Trump points at a guy wearing a Q t-shirt, at last night's rally. God bless POTUS.

",1529591123,21/06/2018 14:25 8892166,3954610603,"



",1529591595,21/06/2018 14:33 8892166,3954612105,"

Funny. Link says ""not available"". About right. Q stands for Quack.

",1529591649,21/06/2018 14:34 8892166,3954615224,

Someone at the rally was wearing a Q shirt.

,1529591765,21/06/2018 14:36 8892294,3954626677,"

Proof the Bushes were never consertive to begin with.
Borderless Globelists. ..

",1529592184,21/06/2018 14:43 8892166,3954675806,"

#WWG1WGA... & screw the dark side forces that bring misery & chaos.

",1529593987,21/06/2018 15:13 8891530,3954709962,"

We're not very happy up here with our Trudum. Maybe your president Trump (What a guy!) could help us make it as though he never existed, like he's doing with your Trudeau--Obama.

MAGA = One day Canada (and the world) getting to do the same.

By the way, Who is QAnon?

WWG1WGA = WorldWide

",1529595205,21/06/2018 15:33 8891530,3954728958,"

Institution is institution, you dingbat. Canada isn't more virtuous than America. I'm a Canadian; I fricken know! Trudypocrite was willing to lie through his teeth to try to pacify anybody who'd like to join him in a bit of America bashing because he tried tweaking Trump's nose and Trump gave him a wedgie for it.

No sane person in Canada can hide his shame over the fop who parachuted into power here.

To my American neighbors, What the F* can I say? Sorry. MAGA = MWGA (Make the World Great Again)

Who is QAnon?

",1529595892,21/06/2018 15:44 8891526,3954729982,

Build that wall! WWG1WGA MAGA Q - anon Trump 8 years!

,1529595930,21/06/2018 15:45 8892166,3954738553,

Discard the filibuster rule! WWG1WGA MAGA Q-anon Trump 8 Years!

,1529596246,21/06/2018 15:50 8892166,3954744625,

When do you think we will see action from Q and Co?

,1529596468,21/06/2018 15:54 8892822,3954937468,"

After all, he is the brother of Hanoi Jane Fonda, another branch of the criminally insane Fonda family. Is what Peter Fonda suggesting even physically possible for such a spineless cowardly loud mouth? Where's weepy Wanda Schumer with this hate-filled talk. Not condemning it is the same as accepting and approving it. They should be met at the school with strong resistance from John Q Public using whatever force necessary to quell the riots, but antifa will continue until those of us who are upset have had enough, then all Hell will break loose and trust me Peter Fonda, Tom Arnold, and the other miscreant cowards will be nowhere to be found.

",1529603487,21/06/2018 17:51 8891738,3954950234,"

Yup. I'm totally cool with this being the main issue in November. Trump is in line with the people on immigration. It's the elites who are squealing. John Q. Public, even the ones who didn't vote for Trump, are with him on this.

",1529603900,21/06/2018 17:58 8883078,3954986049,"

Well folks, this is all you need to know about these people (Dems/lefties/MSM/Hellyweird). They believe the evil comments from Fonda are not only acceptable, but in fact admirable. If that does not worry people, then I don't know what will. These are the people trying to claim the moral high ground??????? I'm sorry, but anyone who would say or even think such a horrible thing as Fonda has suggested have NO place whatsoever to suggest they are the good guys. He sounds like he should be locked up in a criminal psych unit! Can you just imagine the MSM hysteria if a non-leftie said the same words Fonda did?????? Yet no condemnation because he is on their ""side"".

As Q has said many, many times: ""THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!!!!!""

Oh and where are the rabid feminazis in their ridiculous stupid pink hats? Nowhere to be seen!!!!! They supposedly care about women, yet apparently they are just A-OK with a guy calling for a naked woman to be pilloried and whipped (and ""filmed for posterity"") as long as the woman in question has opinions they disagree with. Again - SICK!

And where are all the snowflakes who claimed that President Trump retweeting the CNN wrestling meme was ""inciting violence""??????? Why are they, who were in such a tizzy over a harmless meme, not speaking out against this very clear incitement of violence from Fonda et. al?

I know most people on here are all well aware of this and have been for a long time, but I hope the sickening levels of unbridled venom, evil, and hate being freely expressed by these America-hating sickos is starting to wake up more ""normies"" who haven't really paid attention to this before.

",1529605126,21/06/2018 18:18 8894338,3954996696,"

Trump is playing smear the Q, and the Democrats have the football.

He is playing this like none of the cowards he ran against in the Republican primary would even think about doing. This is on the Democrats, and he's not afraid to call them out and play hardball. Bush would have rolled over. Hell, he'd be at the border giving the illegals tips on sneaking in.

",1529605500,21/06/2018 18:25 8893838,3955045436,

We sought it out. His name is Donald J Trump.

,1529607305,21/06/2018 18:55 8894338,3955092422,"

Last night Trump pointed to someone wearing a Q tshirt. It was the first public acknowledgement by POTUS of the Q phenomenon, and it happened exactly 17 months after his inauguration. Jan 20, 2017 - Jun 20, 2018

Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet

",1529609255,21/06/2018 19:27 8891738,3955153552,"

God bless Trump, Q and all patriots.

",1529611994,21/06/2018 20:13 8892446,3955233831,


,1529616117,21/06/2018 21:21 8888294,3955254687,"

Arrest this low life son of the devil.

It has recently been said by Q ""Soon these people will not be able to walk the streets.""

",1529617330,21/06/2018 21:42 8896086,3955299627,"

Unless that child is not really part of the family, which turned out to be the case in a majority of ""family"" apprehensions.

Dana, stick to fighting. You have not done your homework, nor did you consult the oracle of knowledge, Q.

",1529619912,21/06/2018 22:25 8896778,3955304626,"

Apr 27 2018 22:40:01 (EST) !xowAT4Z3VQ Q ID: 5086f0
Focus only on the FBI [for now].
Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor – FIRED.
James Baker, general counsel – FIRED.
Andrew McCabe, deputy director – FIRED.
James Comey, director – FIRED.
Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss – Cooperating witness [power removed].
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence – cooperating witness [power removed].
Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI‘s Office of the General Counsel – cooperating witness [power removed].
Think about the above.
Only the above.
Get the picture?

",1529620066,21/06/2018 22:27 8894282,3955354069,

He's going to jail soon! Those who Scream the Loudest! Q!

,1529622565,21/06/2018 23:09 8894282,3955394494,"

For the record it's the libtards that are coming completely unhinged with flipping off, hoping for more rapes murders, suggesting barron be kidnapped and put in a cage with pedophiles....
Remember - it's the Dems that don't believe in Q and The Q board but yet they advocate for more pedophilia and violence. It's the Hollywood Way.

This stuff is sick and disgusting!

",1529624995,21/06/2018 23:49 8896882,3955394501,

We love you Melania! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-ANON Trump 8 years!

,1529624995,21/06/2018 23:49 8895302,3955394904,

looking forward to when the USA gets a orbital ion cannon in space.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
***************SEVEN MORE YEARS******************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1529625018,21/06/2018 23:50 8896778,3955395015,"

If only people had bothered to read Q !!!

We knew about this back on April 27th !!!

I said so - others said so - some even listened !!!

Apr 27 2018 22:40:01 (EST)

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed]. - page back a few times.
[The image has been pulled - dirty ticks. Am finding it again and will repost - here we go - took 20 minutes to find a copy of what has been suppressed !!!]

Why is Strzok testifying before Congress without Immunity and without resorting to the 5th ???

Now will you all: Trust the plan ???


",1529625024,21/06/2018 23:50 8885362,3955407495,"

YOUR political position(youfcknvotedforbarrylikleytwice)
Is your problem dude
LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES,the US Government will fckyou right into the sheep pen.
Im gonna say this one time,get the RED PILL.
OR . . . . . . be that Millennial Sheep driven by emotional politics from the left.

",1529625766,22/06/2018 00:02 8896882,3955430489,


,1529627187,22/06/2018 00:26 8896882,3955461402,"

Liberal, and doesn't find Melania attractive. Q.E.D.


",1529629187,22/06/2018 00:59 8896882,3955474557,

Maybe the Trump family will wear Q... Melania is awesome! ***🗽***

#Great Awakening

,1529630089,22/06/2018 01:14 8898006,3955484076,"

When Q team makes their move, it won't be a push back... it will be a [187].

",1529630758,22/06/2018 01:25 8896778,3955484085,

No.........takes more than words from an entity without the courage to reveal himself...far as I'm concerned Q is just another opportunist with questionable intent and the best thing he can do for the people at this point is to piss them off even more and his urging others to research for themselves which I already do

,1529630758,22/06/2018 01:25 8894282,3955521587,

Oh. He’s free to use the Q Word? How very special.

,1529633700,22/06/2018 02:15 8896778,3955572430,"

If you'd been watching Qanon, you'd know the depth of what these A$$ holes have been up to. You would not be pissing around with 'security clearance.' Let me tell you, the plan was NUKE AMERICA...

",1529638728,22/06/2018 03:38 8893478,3955590559,"

SMH, libs protecting the border? WTF? She was fine with the same policies under Obama? This is the Libs hail Mary. They are in a panic. They know their days are numbered. Go to, look for the thread greatawakening, research Qanon. Learn what the media won't tell you.

",1529640659,22/06/2018 04:10 8896150,3955639995,

That POS belongs in Leavenworth. These people are sick. @Qanon #WWG1WGA

,1529645817,22/06/2018 05:36 8893478,3955642615,"

Hi Nancy, what is your net worth again?? On a govt. salary?? Reconcile. Laugh. #Qanon #TheStormIsHere #WWG1WGA

",1529646080,22/06/2018 05:41 8888294,3955645091,

LMFAO. Typical libtard. Limp-wristed soy boy shrivels when he realizes he's not going to be able to walk in public. Suicide watch. #Qanon

,1529646328,22/06/2018 05:45 8891190,3955646550,

Iran is on the chopping block next. Here it comes. 2018 is & will continue to be glorious. #Qanon #WWG1WGA

,1529646479,22/06/2018 05:47 8896778,3955707002,"

With respect, as I do see you as an intelligent poster, I think you have failed to grasp the significance of this whole episode.

Invite you to think about Socratic reasoning and how effective it was against sophistry. Asking questions is NOT divulging information. But it is very effective at correcting 'The Narrative'. Thus we are given a direct insight towards the plan in a way that no Democrat will ever understand as they are affected by cognitive bias.

This could not be done by a public figure without it becoming self-defeating. Also that person would end up dead or Arkansided - they would need a security detail equal to that of the president.

Now I want you to look at this picture of the Duluth Rally this week:
Look at the Tshirt of the person the president is pointing to.

Remember, he may not be the real Q, he just may have bought the Tshirt.

I want to know that the real Q is kept anonymous. That way I will continue to discover that the Kim Jong-un deal was made back in December and not for the display put on for the MSM who were forced to report it and not dictate it. If you want an obvious example, think of the oversized card which Kim sent to 'encourage' TRUMP back to the talks he had 'decided to cancel'. Would a communist mind have thought that one up ???

Meanwhile the Democrats are all on the edges of their chairs convinced that one further push will result in impeachment - delusional.

These people are stupid.

",1529652960,22/06/2018 07:36 8898042,3955737569,

Sooooooooooooo many will be queuing for Q on Sat.

There is a hunger for TRUTH AND ART.

,1529655723,22/06/2018 08:22 8898006,3955748936,"

We no longer have a MSM, they have become the dRat department of propaganda... It is obvious that we the people are winning the battle for our freedom... Thank you pTrump and thank you Qanons... MAGA...

",1529656671,22/06/2018 08:37 8896882,3955766964,

I think she’s in it more than we know. Like Q herself

,1529658121,22/06/2018 09:02 8894282,3955775608,"

Just read Q.

He said it, not me. I have verified Q as genuine.

If Strzok tells the truth, then his deal will stand. As stated, I do not know whether this deal means he will get off scot free or whether he has to plead to a lesser felony.

Read what his lawyer wrote to Goodlatte - it could not be clearer - a one paragraph letter.

The Pain Begins.

",1529658777,22/06/2018 09:12 8896778,3955807883,

I do not. Q and other disinformation source use leaks to establish credibility. It is intended to trick readers into believing everything else.

,1529660906,22/06/2018 09:48 8898006,3955837301,"

Stormy Daniels, Huma, Weiner all attended NXIVM party in 2007



Big League Politics Reports: Ben Szemkus details an experience he had at a 2007 NXIVM party in Hamden, Connecticut. Szemkus, an independent citizen, testifies that he saw porn star Stormy Daniels, and Clinton adviser Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. NXIVM is a Satanist sex cult that sees its leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack standing trial for human trafficking and child sex trafficking.
“I attended a NXIVM Recruitment Party/Mixer in February 2007 in Hamden, Connecticut in which I met Stormy Daniels as Well as some High Powered Political Figures and NXIVM Founders, Major Supporters and Members. Here is a written statement detailing My experience that night,” writes Ben Szemkus, detailing that Yale University female students were in attendance at this party. Transcripts from Szemkus’ account are presented below. He describes the party as being “The Belly of the Beast.”
Check it out America not only Stormy Daniels attended a NXIVM party in 2007 in Conneticut, but Hillary's top aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner showed up as well. Usually where there is a Huma Abedin there is always a Hillary Clinton close by, so you have to be curious if Hillary Clinton was at this NXIVM party in 2007? What was Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin doing at a NXVIM party in 2007 where we all know child and human trafficking came out of with what we learned in the human/child trafficking case involving Allison Mack?
​ This should likely be a hint at the names that are not only involved with NXIVM, but may also be connected to activities taking place with the human/child trafficking network of NXIVM. Usually where Huma is Hillary is always somewhere to be seen, and curious if this may be where that raw Hillary/Huma video that Q talks about took place?

",1529662671,22/06/2018 10:17 8898042,3955888260,"

I think one of the Church's big problems (hubby is Catholic) was taking enormous backing funds by the satanic Rothschilds in the mid-1800s. Q says ""the Master controls the Chair."" Master = Rothschilds and Chair = Pope.

",1529665334,22/06/2018 11:02 8898042,3955903692,"

What bothers me is she is a 16th degree Mason, wears all the jewelry to prove it, and claimed on TV to Craig Ferguson that she has sold her soul to the Devil. I don't trust her. Many are now saying she's a leftist plant. I don't know if this is true but I can't trust her.

This Mason stuff - those of us who follow Q and Q followers know alllllllll about that evil.

",1529666045,22/06/2018 11:14 8900662,3955936537,"

All of us come here everyday to find reality......I read from Q...several days ago that organized riots are being planned by the left as this appears to be just the beginning,the other side is that the President is more than aware of it...we could be witnessing the eve of the Military being called and or MARTIAL LAW.

",1529667498,22/06/2018 11:38 8900662,3956009521,"

Look for post #1585....let that sink in.

",1529670441,22/06/2018 12:27 8893262,3956039491,"
post #1317

can't help but wonder.

",1529671625,22/06/2018 12:47 8900662,3956116163,"

Here are the organised protests Q warned about earlier this week, look for escalation. This is one of many on-target pre-event statements they have made. Doubters need to reevaluate and reacquaint.

Stick together. These 'resistance' establishment mobs are small, amplified by media, and trying to seperate us.


",1529674657,22/06/2018 13:37 8901910,3956220519,"

Thank you President Trump, Q and all patriots. We finally elected a WINNER.

",1529678368,22/06/2018 14:39 8894282,3956257020,

This is what I've been saying. We have hundreds if not thousands of sound-bytes to show that they apparently think their despicable antics are going to make John and Jane Q. Public vote D!

,1529679772,22/06/2018 15:02 8901122,3956332940,"

Wait, you all have it wrong. It doesn't matter where the photos came from or if they have nothing to do with the issue. It is the metaphor of the narrative that is important right? Just another example of how Donald Trump is making the Democrat party and all their minions kill themselves.

John and Jane Q public are not discussing this at the dinner table okay.

",1529682786,22/06/2018 15:53 8902674,3956361007,

Follow Q. It's only going to get worse because our side is just warming up! There's Clinton sex crimes against children info in the report that hasn't come out yet (Fake News won't touch it but YouTubers are onto it).

,1529683893,22/06/2018 16:11 8895786,3956411959,


,1529686032,22/06/2018 16:47 8902674,3956487557,"

Stormy Daniels, Huma, Weiner all attended NXIVM party in 2007



Big League Politics Reports: Ben Szemkus details an experience he had at a 2007 NXIVM party in Hamden, Connecticut. Szemkus, an independent citizen, testifies that he saw porn star Stormy Daniels, and Clinton adviser Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. NXIVM is a Satanist sex cult that sees its leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack standing trial for human trafficking and child sex trafficking.
“I attended a NXIVM Recruitment Party/Mixer in February 2007 in Hamden, Connecticut in which I met Stormy Daniels as Well as some High Powered Political Figures and NXIVM Founders, Major Supporters and Members. Here is a written statement detailing My experience that night,” writes Ben Szemkus, detailing that Yale University female students were in attendance at this party. Transcripts from Szemkus’ account are presented below. He describes the party as being “The Belly of the Beast.”
Check it out America not only Stormy Daniels attended a NXIVM party in 2007 in Conneticut, but Hillary's top aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner showed up as well. Usually where there is a Huma Abedin there is always a Hillary Clinton close by, so you have to be curious if Hillary Clinton was at this NXIVM party in 2007? What was Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin doing at a NXVIM party in 2007 where we all know child and human trafficking came out of with what we learned in the human/child trafficking case involving Allison Mack?
​ This should likely be a hint at the names that are not only involved with NXIVM, but may also be connected to activities taking place with the human/child trafficking network of NXIVM. Usually where Huma is Hillary is always somewhere to be seen, and curious if this may be where that raw Hillary/Huma video that Q talks about took place?

",1529689198,22/06/2018 17:39 8893806,3956489390,

The number on their backs must indicate their I Q!

,1529689278,22/06/2018 17:41 8901910,3956542684,"

It was the Democrat Party that used a Russian on the FBI payroll to try to frame Trump. It failed. Now the truth is going to come out.

I prefer Cyrillic script, but yes I did understand and answer you. Go to Q anon pub if you want to read Q posts, or Q anon Twitter.

",1529691415,22/06/2018 18:16 8901910,3956544961,"

Go to or Qanon Twitter if you want to find out about us. Enjoy the show!

",1529691512,22/06/2018 18:18 8900658,3956588582,

Trent Reznor is oblivious to what's really going on. Read some Q posts Trent.

,1529693356,22/06/2018 18:49 8902046,3956606602,

Something is going down on Saturday says Q team. It is likely big.

,1529694159,22/06/2018 19:02 8902046,3956623464,

Google or youtube the Q anon movement

,1529694941,22/06/2018 19:15 8902138,3956632430,"

Bah Humbug! Bezos owns the WP the ""enemy of the people"". MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1529695356,22/06/2018 19:22 8902934,3956643291,"

Didn't answer the Q.

Did droning leftist Joe mention that the immigrants are illegally here due to unAmerican leftists, and are criminals?


",1529695866,22/06/2018 19:31 8902934,3956655809,

I didn't want to believe it although Q...said they are organizing riots.

,1529696454,22/06/2018 19:40 8902046,3956660833,"

On twitter @qanon76 or 8 chan board
YouTube praying medic or Justinformed talk...they are good at decoding some of the messages.

",1529696695,22/06/2018 19:44 8902046,3956661593,"

",1529696732,22/06/2018 19:45 8902046,3956679982,"

Post Jan. 19 2018 Q lists 13 people in Obama admin. That are using private emails
IG report that just came out, footnote on page 89 states 13 people were using private emails.

Posts a couple days ago have close up pics of DJT

",1529697656,22/06/2018 20:00 8902046,3956711948,

Well your here reading breitbart and they report after the fact...with Q u know what's going to happen. I knew the NK peace deal was done a month before they met in Singapore. I know Rosenstein was going to be terminated or impeached 6 weeks ago.

,1529699366,22/06/2018 20:29 8896778,3956773811,

You must be anti-TRUMP in that case. The opposite of what I have always taken you for.

One of the Anons published a picture of TRUMP pointing to a Q supporter at Duluth. Why should he do that if it were not to indicated support ???

,1529703001,22/06/2018 21:30 8883078,3956799169,

He’s a member of White Privilege rich elitist Hollywood . Disgustingly detestable. Q says they won’t be able to walk the streets. It’s easy to see why.

,1529704460,22/06/2018 21:54 8902094,3956819346,"

And you should read this.

",1529705665,22/06/2018 22:14 8904302,3956923986,"

You be the judge on this one. Is Trump just being nice in this 12 sec clip?

",1529712439,23/06/2018 00:07 8904302,3956929509,"

I don't think it meant anything. That appeared to be a commonplace 'point at the guy' gesture.

If Trump is going to confirm Q 100%, it will be obvious.

",1529712814,23/06/2018 00:13 8904302,3956936463,"

Many of these things where he supposedly draws a Q or does other things don't convince me in the least, but this one is pretty clear. To me it seems you just want a reason not to believe, but I am not going to 100% assume this. The angle of the finger looks pretty dead on, but that is just me.

",1529713286,23/06/2018 00:21 8905314,3956946811,"

Q, CIA informant?

",1529713968,23/06/2018 00:32 8902530,3956984198,"

Q, Q & A postponed from previously scheduled Saturday, TBD, maybe Sunday

",1529716706,23/06/2018 01:18 8892842,3957151890,"

The accomplishments so far are historical the only ones who cannot see this are of the ( uninformed ignorance ) and those who hate the United States of America 🇺🇸, and I do agree, you are on target. All we can do is our part , ( PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP ) , it's Q uite AMAZING , Like everything else the LIGHTING COMES BEFORE THE THUNDER, STAY ALERT.

",1529733655,23/06/2018 06:00 8894990,3957156179,"

Sessions' stonewalling Congress and lauding Rosenstein's ""Great Work"" is evidence of his impotence and fear of deep state.

And we all know this exposure of DOJ and FBI (no thanks to Jeff and Rod) will result in some prosecutions we don't need Q and Q-tards telling us that you smarmy self-satisfied, condescending little cultist

",1529734151,23/06/2018 06:09 8894990,3957168341,"

Weird how you twisted the ugly fact about Q and his tards into all that, chump. Nice work

",1529735530,23/06/2018 06:32 8874786,3957183616,

Exhibit Q for what happens to your brain fried on CNN.

,1529737266,23/06/2018 07:01 8894282,3957201313,

I Q of this and other Democrats.

,1529739256,23/06/2018 07:34 8903018,3957323157,"


Be wary....

",1529749999,23/06/2018 10:33 8894990,3957437253,"

If u were Q informed u would have total peace about what is about to happen.
People who know and follow know what's going to happen before it happens.
They have EVERYTHING!!

",1529756436,23/06/2018 12:20 8905314,3957544557,"

BTW. In pursuit of truth on you tube has a very funny Q for this am, starring tom arnold, and others. Enjoy!

",1529761891,23/06/2018 13:51 8901330,3957645382,"

Until Americans, starting with repub/conserv voters WAKE UP, and take the red pill...its an uphill climb! Tick tock, time is passing, only 6.5 years left for the current admin. We didnt miss a bullet, we, literally got saved from nuclear war!
POTUS acknowledged Q at his Minn rally, all the evidence is available, all the information...yet people remain asleep. Q says more will awaken, that better be the case..or we're done for!

",1529766684,23/06/2018 15:11 8894250,3957697343,

We love Q.

,1529769149,23/06/2018 15:52 8905314,3957810898,"

So...nothing ever happens. He can stick his tongue out as say ""na-na-na-na"" SO say again Q, just when will these tribunals happen?

",1529774408,23/06/2018 17:20 8907182,3957841982,"

I am losing faith in the sanity of Q posters.

It's ""sheeple"" that think Q is real. Anyone reading news carefully, could fake Q posts. Gullible patriots need to wake up. You are being played by trolls from 8chan. The whistle was blown a long time ago.

""Trust Sessions,"" what nonsense. Inspect your gullibility and wishful thinking.

",1529775923,23/06/2018 17:45 8907182,3957848166,

The swamp draining that has happened has nothing to do with Q. Ugh. Gullible.

,1529776213,23/06/2018 17:50 8907182,3957861197,

HE has been right all along. The Pres has verified the Q more than once. I knew NK was a done deal a month before it was in the news and you are simply a braindead troll now go back under your progressive slimy rock.

,1529776767,23/06/2018 17:59 8900918,3957960854,"

""There will come a time, when nobody of them will be safe to walk down the street."" Q.

",1529781507,23/06/2018 19:18 8875762,3957981734,

Susie Q. can expel her RWNJ nonsense all day. She just shouldn’t be demanding that a former First Lady refrain from opining on current events.

,1529782608,23/06/2018 19:36 8907182,3958040289,"

Don't Be dumb. Srsly.!

You ""Trust Sessios""? I know you want to believe.
Don't you realize earlier Q trolls admitted it was fake and already said the current Q's aren't them?

",1529785844,23/06/2018 20:30 8908462,3958067856,"

Then he knows how to do a Hawaiian BBQ, Liberal Pig buried and cooked.

Good luck finding anyone that wants to eat that Q though.

Seriously if the President can't BBQ he can serve up the food, main thing is the Veterans would get a great big boost in moral seeing the President there

",1529787547,23/06/2018 20:59 8875762,3958089103,"

Given the fact that Hillary Clinton's administration before Ms. Bush's created that law, plus Ms. Bush's administration put it into practice, plus the following Obammunist administration raised its abuses to an art form, which in turn caused a federal judge to order a limit of 20 days maximum holding period in order to end the absolutely inhumane Obama-era warehousing conditions (about which Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi remained mute), and during all this time Ms. Bush herself never uttered a word, one would think her new-found ""interest"" in jumping on the Donald Trump pile should have embarrassed anyone with any remaining decency.
Perhaps Ms. Q is trying her best to keep Ms Bush (who I used to respect greatly) from further hypocritical remarks against the president who's saddled with the law she failed to protest, the ruling upon which she failed to offer an opinion, and the sudden, deliberate flooding of the border by Mexico and points south which has infested the US with an army of Reconquistas and MS-13 gang members. Plus the fact that many of these so-called ""family units"" consist of MS-13 members posing as parents or siblings of otherwise unaccompanied minors being trafficked to NAMBLA and other pedophile groups worldwide.
Imagine Laura Bush's chagrin when she learns that she and others of her ilk were responsible for turning literally thousands of innocent children into sex slaves simply because they screeched and texted and demanded the US forego the time and effort it took to actually check out the credentials of those controlling the arriving children, simply out of politics and simply because they all hate the current President.
Yes, Laura Bush would be well-advised to shut her pie hole..

",1529788920,23/06/2018 21:22 8907290,3958157562,

LOL you all would be outraged if you knew about the real Red Cross...PP is a fringe effort...Apparently no one here follows Q...hahaha

,1529793626,23/06/2018 22:40 8894282,3958182529,

He looks like a queer with a capital Q!

,1529795507,23/06/2018 23:11 8908574,3958237838,"

Sorry, you're simply wrong (that is EXACTLY why the Left and RINO's have been fighting Trump at every step, and has become non-stop rabid Anti-Trump news constantly from almost every single MSM outlet in the country - they're losing and they know it)! There are now over 35,000+ sealed federal indictments just sitting and waiting to be served at the proper time (I know you read all the ""real"" news which the MSM mixes in to their fake news, surely you remember about some of Obama's senior staffers - as well as some of his Cabinets staffers - making or trying to make deals to avoid prosecution (quite a popular trend lately, actually)! WWG1WGA !

",1529799690,24/06/2018 00:21 8908574,3958243663,"

Want's to give them enough of a long rope (Rosenstein is thru, when all said and done will have a extended 'guest' stay at gray-hotel: Mueller may be able to extract himself [doubtful, but possible,], and, well, think that the Fed's may be having to build a whole lot of new prisons shortly)! WWG1WGA ! MAGA !

",1529800151,24/06/2018 00:29 8908574,3958247311,"

He's a certified ""deep-state"" agent (almost every single Democrat is, bizarrely enough, and quite a few 'republicans' [RINO's])! But don't just take mine or anyone else's word for it, do a Dogpile search yourself ! WWG1WGA ! MAGA !

",1529800442,24/06/2018 00:34 8893262,3958293763,


,1529804242,24/06/2018 01:37 8902934,3958325002,"

Joe the Scumbag, married to flabby face, is the lying, treacherous, bigoted Nerf-herder. I'm hoping you folks are hooked up with Q, because it IS for real. Stop believing MSM. They have no clue where the lies stop and the truth starts.

",1529807152,24/06/2018 02:25 8908574,3958341090,"

The lefft is toast, and they know it. So they're desperate. Nothing is too radical to undertake in order to try to regain power. Soros, Hussein, CowLegs and the rest of them are plotting violent, disruptive riots as we speak. Perhaps to launch when the first big arrest occurs (one of them?)? Trump and Q have big, beautiful counter measures in place. Prepare yourself, my friend. WWG1WGA. Godspeed.

",1529808727,24/06/2018 02:52 8909610,3958347161,"

Here is a picture of Barry Soetero as a student holding hands with his boyfriend:

You didn't know? you mean Big Brother didn't inform you ? well ... that is surprising that a drone wouldn't be informed.

ps. that picture was filtered by US Military Intelligence. They can be wrong, but the probability is low.

pps. ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov told us what happens to people like you if The Revolution ever actually comes. You are the first against the wall, because you finally realize what it is in reality that you have brought about and they have to liquidate you all.

",1529809341,24/06/2018 03:02 8901678,3958353286,"

Accomplishing the left's agenda has always been done in careful stages. Sex w/children has always been part of that agenda. This is a first step. And make no mistake they will continue until the task has been accomplished. As Q says "" these people are sick""! No truer words have ever been spoken.

",1529810002,24/06/2018 03:13 8909610,3958363294,"

Did you know about this photo from Obama's student days ?

",1529811099,24/06/2018 03:31 8903210,3958380312,"

Liz, my friend, you should take the time to learn what's going on around you. It's all public source. WHO is Q is the more appropriate question, and one that you should answer on your own efforts. You may even get woke. I can assure you, Trump will do nothing to put Israel in harm's way. Nothing. If you want to engage in political commentary -- which I think you could become quite good at -- you should spend more time thinking for yourself and educating yourself rather than listening to others.

",1529813018,24/06/2018 04:03 8908574,3958488834,

Nope. See Q Anon.

,1529826098,24/06/2018 07:41 8908574,3958489936,

Read Q Anon. There are a lot of agents lined up to testify against the corruption in the Obama Administration.

But first Jeff Sessions needed time to clean the DOJ and FBI so that prosecutions could go through without being blocked by the Deep State.

There are a lot of sealed indictments just waiting to be revealed closer to the midterms.

,1529826231,24/06/2018 07:43 8902530,3958643581,"

hahahaha Yes I am! I know brother! But I don't want to give them the word they hijacked from my vocabulary.Growing up gay meant happy. I still call them queer! Now if you call them queer they get offended! You're being insensitive. YET, the Q at the end of LBGTQ stands for queer, correct? They could save a lot of time and ink on the printers dropping the first four letters and just call themselves queer!

",1529838539,24/06/2018 11:08 8901154,3958663933,

Dont know where to ask this Q so I figured my brother-en could help me out...

So does it mean anything if a women (30s) looks down while interacting with you but shes smiling hard? Im 24 and I think shes hot and wanted her the second I saw her.

,1529839747,24/06/2018 11:29 8909610,3958680344,

I know the Dems are going straight into the abyss!
The President Trump supporters will prevail in Nov and help him finish the swamp.
I am thankful to finally be on the winnnnning side :-)

,1529840684,24/06/2018 11:44 8901154,3958702015,"

Obama, Hillary,and the whole Democrat circle always involved in pedophilia ? Where there is smoke there is fire!

NXIVM Hillary donor Clare Bronfman expected to be indicted in NXIVM child/human trafficking case



Big League Politics Reports: Hillary Clinton presidential campaign donor Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagrams fortune, “expects to be indicted by late July” in the NXIVM sex cult case. NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and “Smallville” actress Allison Mack were arrested in Mexico and stand trial for human trafficking, child sex trafficking, and other crimes.
​ Raniere is being held without bail while Mack is in the custody of her parents with an ankle bracelet. Bronfman, who oversaw the group’s experiments on women and children at their secretive “Rainbow Cultural Center,” is expected to be charged. Charles Hurt reported that in the spring of 2007, “executives and top associates…along with their family members” of NXIVM donated $29,900 to the Hillary Clinton2008 presidential campaign.
Two people connected to NXIVM's child/human trafficking ring which donated to Hillary Clinton have already been indicted and charged, and now NXIVM's mainline Hillary Clinton donor Clare Bronfman is now expected to be indicted in the case. Now since we basically have all of NXIVM's top operators all indicted with one expected to be indicted in Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, and now the likely indictment of Clare Bronfman...Could we possibly soon see those in the Federal and local governement levels that Q said Allison Mack was naming indicted and charged over NXIVM?
​ Well it possibly could be and two of NXIVM's top political connections are Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Huma Abedin. After Bronfman is indicted over NXIVM's child/human trafficking ring, we will likely see the Federal/Local government names start showing up in the child/human trafficking network case of NXIVM.

",1529841909,24/06/2018 12:05 8901154,3958707260,"

19 flights into Gitmo scheduled over next week from around the US



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Could this be why the Q&A has been rescheduled? @LisaMei62 @55true4u @occulturalism @FedupWithSwamp @Jordan_Sather_ #WWG1WGA #PatriotsFight @POTUS #QAnon

8:03 PM - Jun 22, 2018


158 people are talking about this

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This could possibly be the most active flight chart into Gitmo as of yet under President Trump, and it really makes you wonder if this is related to those 35,000 plus sealed indictments around the nation. Could this mean the storm is possibly finally arriving, as this is the most active Gitmo activity in recent months. We already know President Trump has approved about half a billion dollars in new construction on Gitmo and also confirmation from a NAVY admiral that Gitmo is being prepped. This might be it folks, it might just be the calm before the storm. Maybe this is why the latest immigration narrative by the Deep State and the American Left has played out, to keep our attention not only away from the IG report but this major Gitmo activity as well?

",1529842213,24/06/2018 12:10 8901154,3958724857,"


US Military to take part in Trump's zero tolerance illegal immigration policy, will house illegals


0 Comments Reports: ​The U.S. Navy is preparing plans to construct sprawling detention centers for tens of thousands of immigrants on remote bases in California, Alabama and Arizona, escalating the military’s task in implementing President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy for people caught crossing the Southern border, according to a copy of a draft memo obtained by TIME. The internal document, drafted for the Navy Secretary’s approval, signals how the military is anticipating its role in Trump’s immigration crackdown. The planning document indicates a potential growing military responsibility in an administration
Caught flat-footed in having to house waves of migrants awaiting civilian criminal proceedings.
There are also plans for a camp that will hold as many as 47,000 people at former Naval Weapons Station Concord, near San Francisco. And another facility that could house 47,000 near Camp Pendleton, the largest training facility for US Marines situated along the SoCal coastline. The cities are said to be built to last between six months and a year, while the planning document estimates that the Navy would spend about $233 million to build the facility. Officials proposed a 60-day timeline to build the first temporary facility, which will house 5,000 adults. The military believes it could then add room for 10,000 more people every month.
​ Looks like President Trump has become very serious with his zero tolerance illegal immigration policy, as it looks like the US Military will now house illegals likely temporarily on old US NAVY facilities. My bet is these illegal aliens to be housed on old US NAVY facilities will likely be held awaiting trial in the immigration court system, as this will likely make the process easier to prosecute illegal aliens if they are all housed in the same detention facility on old US Military properties.
Now be fully prepared for the American Left to push the narrative that this is something out of NAZI Germany, when these illegal aliens wouldn't even be facing this matter have they not entered the United States illegally in the first place. Have to be curious with Trump using the military to detain illegal aliens in detention facilities, if this is maybe a hint that military tribunals are perhaps being planned as well for the Deep State actors and puppets? Before the narrative is pushed by the American Left, it's simply just time to protect America with our military. Curious if this is possibly what Q meant by a second Gitmo being worked on, and the laughter that this will be in California.

",1529843206,24/06/2018 12:26 8910198,3958925402,"

John McCain and others have been long supporters of Isis. Read and there is even a picture of traitor McCain meeting with them.

",1529853541,24/06/2018 15:19 8910198,3958934542,"

You should read, there are several pictures of McCain meeting with the leader of isis and other known terrorist. This is why Mcstain will never return to American leadership.

",1529853983,24/06/2018 15:26 8912426,3959070138,"

Who is Sarah Saunders? She's the person with a lot more class than the restaurant who refused to serve her. That about sums it up.

Also, so who is Q? Who cares. Does it matter if he's someone swanning around on Neptune or squatting himself in the WH? I don't see why he matters.
What does matter, is that his movement has people asking deeper questions about Mafia Washington and their paedophile hordes.
They are researching who they are voting for and what their connections are. This is good .. the red pilling.

",1529860384,24/06/2018 17:13 8910786,3959082342,"

The face of self hate black oppression
Im white,straight,well armed and PROUD of my Country.
QAnon Great Awakening- WWG1WGA!

",1529860972,24/06/2018 17:22 8910830,3959203125,

Maxine we want YOU to tell America what YOU drink and eat????!
The truth will come out for all the world to see!

,1529866910,24/06/2018 19:01 8910830,3959209590,

06/20/18 (Wed) 23:01:30 Q Organized riots being planned.

,1529867243,24/06/2018 19:07 8912582,3959211091,"

POTUS showing the way forward again. Send them straight back, do not pass Go! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 9 years!

",1529867318,24/06/2018 19:08 8911806,3959213805,


,1529867455,24/06/2018 19:10 8910830,3959285396,"

This is the Deep State fighting for to retain control over not just Americans but the entire Western World. When you voted Trump in to 'drain the swamp' did you think those people would go easily? Trump voters are in for a rough time, but counter measures are, we have been told but Qanon, in place for the riots and mob-like behavior we can expect.

",1529871363,24/06/2018 20:16 8912582,3959327819,

Yea this Trump suggestion is insane. Nothing conservative about it. Trump playing to the Breitbart Qanon types

,1529873939,24/06/2018 20:58 8910830,3959352093,"

You must be a child,you speak as one
Another leftist fem'male gets BLOCKED today

",1529875505,24/06/2018 21:25 8910830,3959420742,

the future has not caught up yet. thank you Q.

,1529880126,24/06/2018 22:42 8911242,3959442344,"

Yeah but we have Q in our side, and Q has it all.... remember that Hillary wasn't supposed to lose.

",1529881656,24/06/2018 23:07 8911242,3959443344,

What is Q? Serious question.

,1529881732,24/06/2018 23:08 8911242,3959443862,"

",1529881769,24/06/2018 23:09 8913170,3959484776,

Bítch bought the beans generic Q tips. Who the fück buys generic Q tips in 2018!!!?

,1529884799,24/06/2018 23:59 8913170,3959491149,"

“Miguel, I know you came 2000 miles to break into America, but here’s some generic Q tips and lotion instead”

",1529885270,25/06/2018 00:07 8911794,3959891946,

They should duct tape their mouths! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1529922061,25/06/2018 10:21 8912426,3959915595,"

The QANON board researchers have discovered that this rabid restaurant owner, in addition to being Meryl Streep's cousin, may also have a silent partner who was jailed for child molestation of a toddler. The anons are still digging for the full details. You can watch and contribute to the effort at or WWG1WGA, except for vindictive little restaurant workers.

",1529923420,25/06/2018 10:43 8913078,3959922006,"

So when are people going to show any sanity and intelligence on this when these members of Congress do this.

People should be shouting right back at her and Maxine Waters - this is not ""Trump's Policy"", it is the LAW you members of Congress put in place and he is enforcing it - as he is required to do by the Constitution. If the law is to be changed, then Kamala, get your butt back in Congress and push for the law to be changed with fellow Congressional members.

These same laws were enforced under Clinton, Bush Jr and Obama. What is now any different with Trump? Are we now advocating that people should get mad if the President enforces the laws passed by Congress? And who exactly makes those laws Kamala?

They are pushing this country to the brink of civil war on purpose and it NEEDS to be stopped now. There are currently 49 Democrat Senate seats with 26 up for re-election. We really need to have the Democrats lose ALL of those seats this November. Same with the Democratic seats in the House.

I know Q says we need patience, but enough is enough.

",1529923766,25/06/2018 10:49 8915786,3959947278,

#FreeIran2018 #QAnon

,1529925102,25/06/2018 11:11 8912426,3959948157,"

Was Q right about November? John Podesta was arrested, right?

",1529925148,25/06/2018 11:12 8910830,3959968831,

She has Q all mixed up about who won’t be able to walk down the street.

,1529926058,25/06/2018 11:27 8916538,3960018624,"

Look up Project Mockingbird and then read these.

Why would there be a murky operation started in the late 40's that's rumored not to be about what the official report says it was about? Then a similar issue (CIA use of journalists/clergy) gets congressional attention in the late 70's and gets brought up again in 1996 along with the passage of the Richardson Amendment authorizing them to do so. Have bad actors in US Intelligence been conducting unsanctioned operations with the media for nearly 70 years? How would they pay for such unsanctioned operations?

Maybe this or similar?

Help others wake up. #QAnon #QArmy

",1529928343,25/06/2018 12:05 8916538,3960107822,"

You haven't been watching the 8 chan lists of all those that have stepped down/retired/fired/died/quit/not running for re-election again. They number in the thousands now. Also, many arrests haven't made the media. For proof:

",1529932094,25/06/2018 13:08 8910830,3960209137,"

Yeah, that's going to win votes. John Q Citizen can see where this is going, even if the idiot politicians can't. I say let them keep at it. The sensible among them will stop voting dem and she'll be out on her ass very soon.

",1529936092,25/06/2018 14:14 8915990,3960222172,"

I think he is still frusterated about North Korea. A Q post said that true to form, he tried to interfer by calling little rocket man. Unfortunately the only numbers he had were for two generals that had been ousted from power and Kim isn't in the white pages. It must be very disheartening for him when his sedition fails.

",1529936586,25/06/2018 14:23 8916890,3960287110,

Explosion first then shooting. Antifa ? FF ? Maybe Q will comment on it.

,1529938993,25/06/2018 15:03 8910830,3960498639,

Indeed. You are the 1st triple digit I. Q. commenter you are spot on. Thinking ahead is something our fellow Americans have given up. If Donald Clinton is a good man..... Then he MUST declare martial law.. .. B4 the g. D. Election. Get it over with. You see huge amounts of trees.... That's a forest. Make no mistake.

,1529946830,25/06/2018 17:13 8918902,3960623641,"

Post #1585 on June 21, 2018:

""...Organized riots being planned.""
",1529951478,25/06/2018 18:31 8918766,3960645924,"

Hold your fire, just like Q is doing.

Look up the definition of ""hubris"".

Do you think they believe their own spin/lies.....yep.

I understand the DOJ is slow walking the requested paperwork because the GRAND JURY is using it................true ????????

",1529952351,25/06/2018 18:45 8915990,3960684744,

This is the big reason OBOOOOOOMA - the magnificent Fare - and his buddy Hillary babe los tthe election of 2016.//////////////////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER was tire do business as usual in the SWAMP - SEWER and DEEP STATE of Washington D / C. ////////////////////////////////

,1529953978,25/06/2018 19:12 8913682,3960690292,"

HICKBILLY, my I Q IS-.000000000000.0
WHAT’S YOURS, 10, 000, 000, 000 ?


",1529954220,25/06/2018 19:17 8920302,3960803388,

They're trying to divert the coming storm. I hope Q is right.

,1529959534,25/06/2018 20:45 8919034,3960842959,"

When the people finally realize what these child-trafficking sickos have been up to, they'll be the ones who can't walk in public. Stay together, stay united, they fear our power. #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsHere #Qanon MAGA

",1529961658,25/06/2018 21:20 8921990,3960951252,"

Trump is awesome, MAGA, QANON, WWG1WGA

",1529967451,25/06/2018 22:57 8921482,3960954402,

An I Q of 80 is about the IQ of MaxiPads' constituents. How else could you explain her continually being elected?!

,1529967626,25/06/2018 23:00 8913682,3960956385,"

Oh joy, now you’re going to play the Q game with your internet education of European history.

",1529967735,25/06/2018 23:02 8917502,3960962994,"

If it's okay for Sanders to be thrown out, it's ok for LGBT and Q and others to be asked to leave. You dems have opened a Pandora's box! Great!

",1529968106,25/06/2018 23:08 8921882,3960984261,

*Note: This was not from Q. Just realized people might think so.

,1529969289,25/06/2018 23:28 8911242,3961051468,

Obama..First Q u e e r president

,1529973271,26/06/2018 00:34 8919310,3961155085,"

.... this could get interesting. ""Iran next "". Q.

",1529980892,26/06/2018 02:41 8919310,3961174178,"

QANON says Iran next.
Don't doubt Team Q.
They've been dead on everywhere.
We new back on March 8th that North Korea was a done deal.
Expect Theresa May to bow out gracefully soon or she and her criminal husband will be exposed.
Swamp is being drained quietly for now as much as possible.
3,000 bigshot corrupt execs have resigned since Trump.
There are 35,000 sealed indictments already waiting.
Sessions has been secretly busy.
Trust Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Horowitz, Huber.

",1529982739,26/06/2018 03:12 8919310,3961176062,"

QANON says Iran is next.
Don't doubt Team Q.
They've been dead on everywhere.
We new back on March 8th that North Korea was a done deal.
Expect Theresa May to bow out gracefully soon or she and her criminal husband will be exposed.
Swamp is being drained quietly for now as much as possible.
3,000 bigshot corrupt execs have resigned since Trump.
There are 35,000 sealed indictments already waiting.
Sessions has been secretly busy.
Trust Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Horowitz & Huber.

",1529982921,26/06/2018 03:15 8923550,3961176637,"

New Q vidio.
The Plan.

Start at 1 minute 30 seconds.

",1529982979,26/06/2018 03:16 8919310,3961189264,"

the same Q that says Julian Assange is hiding out in a safe house somewhere having thwarted the machinations of the US-UK intelligence services? yeah, let's believe that psy-op. i don't trust Sessions or Pompeo further than i can throw them & no one with half a brain should either.

",1529984211,26/06/2018 03:36 8918766,3961201444,

Spend that doe Tom. keep it coming. Your disappointment at the end of the trail you should find sobering. Won't be much of a party left. Notice all 35K indictments. You in there to Tom?
Here is something you and your silicon sultan cronies will understand
Just ask your buddy Eric Schmidt. He got the message.

,1529985442,26/06/2018 03:57 8911242,3961251500,"

If you have been following Q Anon, you will understand the nuclear threats from the Norks and Iranians was deliberate. It suited the Gloablists' purposes to have these threats hanging over your head.

",1529990574,26/06/2018 05:22 8919034,3961412189,

I bet her I. Q. is low enough to cook up some KFC extra crispy!

,1530004978,26/06/2018 09:22 8924814,3961615503,"

Please keep it up you mentally brain numb Libs!!! Maxi-pad and all you nightly losers are solidifying a Red Wave in November and are too dumb to realize it. Psssst Patriots, don't tell them they are being played by a Master in a Chess game! WWG1WGA #Qanon

",1530015261,26/06/2018 12:14 8924814,3961645021,"

New. - Q - The Plan To Save The World (amazing video)

",1530016447,26/06/2018 12:34 8920442,3961714257,

Do you read Q Anon to?

,1530019004,26/06/2018 13:16 8920442,3961736803,

Cool. I only ask because I figured Q Anon would be something that alot of Breitbarters would follow.

,1530019838,26/06/2018 13:30 8924814,3961777325,"

Many, many thanks, Mind Shock! I just found this:

This conforms with what Q has been saying, too. Mockingbird, indeed.

",1530021322,26/06/2018 13:55 8922234,3961834443,"

You got one thing right(ish), I'm a marijuana consumer. I vaporize instead of smoking, but small details and semantics for the most part.

You seem to be confused, so I will help you. What you are getting at is hypocrisy, or double standard. Now I will agree with you, the left, democrats, whatever you want to call them, are full of hypocrisy, and have been getting crushed for it in right wing circles with this last presidential election. You may at this point believe *that all leftists, by definition, are hypocrites.* That is what you're getting at. Even if we are to accept your premise, "" all leftists are hypocrites,"" that is still a far cry from ""all hypocritical positions are leftist by nature,"" which seems to be what you're implying. If P Then Q does not prove or even imply If Q Then P. Democrats and leftists are not the only people who employ double standards, what a stupid simple belief.

Further, democrats don't own marijuana any more than republicans do. Democrats and Republicans both have declined to officially support marijuana or marijuana users in any significant way. The only reason MJ is now legal in one form or another in over half the United States of America is simple: we did the hard work. We gathered signatures by hand, one by one, to do the work of getting the laws changed without politicians' help. At best marijuana is a Libertarian issue, but practically, it's really just a personal issue.

Finally to finish strong, by your thinking all republicans are responsible for ""burning weed bad, drinking alcohol good."" A basic hypocrisy of the highest order, considering it's impossible to overdose on Marijuana, but most humans can buy enough alcohol to overdose for under $50 and drink enough to overdose in less than a minute if chugging.

Straighten out your thinking, you're a liability to your own movement running around talking big and sounding stupid.

",1530023494,26/06/2018 14:31 8926634,3962004252,"

Ellison is a dangerous, Muslim nut-job! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1530030047,26/06/2018 16:20 8926718,3962120842,

North Korea fixed. And now on to Iran. If regime change happens and the dictators fall: A new PAX AMERICANA will sweep the globe. #qanon #walkaway

,1530034620,26/06/2018 17:37 8927914,3962126855,"

Please pass this on to as many people you can before it is deleted! It is vital that people understand what will happen very soon in the world and to be prepared. The next stage of THE PLAN, according to Q, is about to bring JUSTICE against those that have committed horrendous crimes against humanity.

",1530034835,26/06/2018 17:40 8922714,3962211975,

Obiviously DL is not paying attention to the QANON board.

,1530037936,26/06/2018 18:32 8928418,3962275763,"

As Q would say, ""these idiots are STUPID""! Idiot.

",1530040535,26/06/2018 19:15 8927206,3962275887,"

John Nolte writes a great article here. I have no idea about what Never Trumpers are up to as I am repulsed by them and don't follow them, just as MSNBC, CNN etc. I know little about them! Trump - the greatest President ever! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1530040539,26/06/2018 19:15 8919034,3962308774,"

By the time the Great Awakening comes, everybody will know your names!!
No where to hide and more than enough jails to hold you!
It will be MAGA Q!!!!

",1530041944,26/06/2018 19:39 8901354,3962323247,

I was just trying to determine whether you are worth taking seriously or not. - Q.E.D. Thanks!

,1530042604,26/06/2018 19:50 8928954,3962483452,

Sounds good to me! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1530051259,26/06/2018 22:14 8926654,3962493638,"

Viral - Q - The Plan To Save The World

",1530051842,26/06/2018 22:24 8927206,3962512020,"

They have all been caught in the net they cast. Those who have done crimes, will all go down. Their crimes, have all been documented and there is no escaping what is coming.........

What many do not know, is the Army of patriots far and wide are so many and so well hidden from view, that when all is said and done will make the days of revolution come to mind....

Check out that video. It is very inspiring!

Follow Q......

",1530052893,26/06/2018 22:41 8929982,3962524251,"

Jeff Sessions is worthless. He is destroying Justice all by himself. One set of laws for John Q Public, another set on No laws for government, and a third set of laws for illegals. And still another set of laws for groups like Antifa. Is there still laws against stocking people, and threatening politicians, and those of us that support the President? Sessions lack of law enforcement has the whole country upside down.

",1530053585,26/06/2018 22:53 8929982,3962589729,"

Patriots watch the Q vid before it's taken down again.

",1530057489,26/06/2018 23:58 8929982,3962596739,

There are many parts to Q.

,1530057925,27/06/2018 00:05 8928898,3962607936,"

See Q for Jun 18 2018
Here is that last drop mentioning Sessions:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 502ea1 No.1804985 📁
Jun 18 2018 19:19:33 (EST)
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.”
“This is not the end of the process. United States Attorney John Huber continues his work in cooperation with the Inspector General to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department in 2016 and 2017,” Sessions said. He has reviewed this report and, based on its findings and his own investigation, will provide recommendations as to whether any matter not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of Special Counsel.”
SC = restart w/ significantly less staff = stupid
(Reddit Summary)
-Professor Turley is a very respected liberal law professor and longtime civil libertarian. Has been critical of both parties over the years.
-Turley says the use of John Huber gives the IG the prosecutor he needs to bring charges and seek indictments. (No need to go through RR which is critical)
-Huber is conducting a full-fledged criminal investigation into all the matters Republicans are calling for a special counsel to investigate.
-Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months (Now seven), since November 2017.
-By giving the IG a prosecutor they can now go after the deep state without looking like a political witch hunt. This is critical.
-Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel. (Who needs a SC with that type of manpower?)
-The inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.” Then Huber can act on any of those matters.
-This is HUGE A Grand Jury can be empaneled anywhere, in any deep red state, away from D.C. (This is very important and why Trump needed to appoint as many Judges as possible)
-Huber and Horowitz can accomplish everything a SC can do.
-If Sessions feels that charges should have been made that weren't, he can still appoint a SC to make that happen.
-Huber is a lawyer from deep red Utah, not the D.C. swamp.
-“If a special counsel were appointed, there would be a great deal of delay,” Turley stated, versus the team of Huber and Horowitz, who are already five months into this investigation. (It's too late to even appoint a SC. Charges can be filed before midterms.)
-From /u/ClardicFug - Huber and Horowitz were both appointed to their positions by the Obama administration. This helps optics a lot. Pretty much decimates the ""Trumped rigged the investigation"" argument that's sure to be made.

Please note the subtlety of the optics point. Obama and HillaЯy could have been arrested on day one but it would have then pulled the Democrats together and their cases would have been dismissed by biased judges.

You can read all the Q posts here:

For interpretation, Praying Medic is best:


",1530058636,27/06/2018 00:17 8929982,3962709070,

How is Q a scam? Serious question here.

,1530065949,27/06/2018 02:19 8916334,3962785907,

Great Q. I've asked myself the same. Maybe they've finally realized Darwin was right and still trying to prove it Wrong. 10 yrs ago there was documentary called Planet earth. Pretty sure the final consensus was there are to many people and we won't survive with current numbers. Seems these countries that have massive amounts of 2 legged PPL won't allow the inevitable to happen on their soil and want the West countries to be the Bad ones

,1530073090,27/06/2018 04:18 8931582,3963050978,"

Another Fake American

If the Qanon thing has any reality to it, WTF are they waiting for?

",1530095158,27/06/2018 10:25 8932014,3963083567,"

Q - The Plan To Save The World

It's happening people. Right now. This very minute. Catch up on Q and get a sense of what is coming. Fast.

",1530096861,27/06/2018 10:54 8932014,3963094770,

New Q drops.

,1530097420,27/06/2018 11:03 8930530,3963102377,"

There basically is right now. Deep State media assets are pushing extreme left to violence. They are losing control. Arrests are coming and the unrest will be calmed quickly once that happens. For now be vigilant, possible false flag terror attack involving trains/buses. #Qanon

",1530097790,27/06/2018 11:09 8932014,3963115250,

Too much has come to pass that Q has talked about to be a psyop. It's informational yes. But not a false propaganda effort. Compare it to the MSM which is a psyop.

,1530098397,27/06/2018 11:19 8921170,3963124554,"

I have a feeling we'll get there. #Qanon #WWG1WGA

",1530098825,27/06/2018 11:27 8934322,3963191481,"

She's supporting the deep state plan. #Qanon

",1530101669,27/06/2018 12:14 8934218,3963191912,"

Its coming from evrywhere, because they know july will be THE MONTH we've all been waiting for. Even wikileaks, which was compromised spreading personal ice info, and qanon a larp hahahaha . Be cautious of travel on common carriers, esp buses and trains.

",1530101687,27/06/2018 12:14 8927594,3963200615,

I heard that Maxine just beat Zsa Zsa for the ugliest dog in the world contest but lost in the Q & A round !!!

,1530102048,27/06/2018 12:20 8931582,3963203193,"

This is what is “left” (pun intended) of the Democratic Party, they did it to themselves by their divisive politics and totally abandoning the American Citizens.
November is going to be a lot of entertainment, popcorn stocked up, party planned
They are the gift that just keeps giving. MAGA
#redwave #qanon #thegreatawakenin #molonlabe #qpatriots

",1530102155,27/06/2018 12:22 8934218,3963214897,"

So true. I got chills when Q announced july..and another averted assination attempt! God Bless and keep POTUS and his entire family!
You and yours, also be safe, be vigilant...the mad dogs are escalating! God Bless!

",1530102624,27/06/2018 12:30 8934030,3963273331,"

Q-ANON MAGA supporters,
The evil Deep State is at it again. For those who did not know,
:::::::Support the truth and tune into Q-Anon... follow them:::::::::
Please take a moment watch - Great video!

",1530104860,27/06/2018 13:07 8927366,3963279000,"

It's already over. The dems just don't know it yet. 35k sealed indictments. Q says July will be the month the world is told the truth. We'll see on that one, but I can guarantee you the dems will never get power back for many years to come. They are done until they get rid of Pelosi, Feistein, Schumer,..etc,...and re-invent themselves. Hopefully it doesn't happen in our lifetime. FYI- the deep state/nwo elite/illuminati have been losing the war and there is no way they survive once the public gets the big red pill. That's what I believe July is going to be, according to Q, who hasn't been wrong yet.

",1530105076,27/06/2018 13:11 8934322,3963379370,"

Pays taxes on what? Where does her cash come from?
Clinton Foundation....heard of it?

You got nuthin man. That whole crew (2008-2016 is dogmeat. It is happening right in front of your face and you don't even see it. Or don't want to see it.
If Trump were any kind of crooked, THEY would already have released and shouted from the rooftops. Meuller has gone up Prez Trump with a micro scope. nothing. We, on the other hand understand that patience wins the long game.
I trust the plan.

",1530108526,27/06/2018 14:08 8932998,3963406231,"

This has gone on for too long. The Met should be pulling all the plugs to get these thieving savages off the streets and into jails. I don't care what colour or religion they are just get them off the streets. Drop all the PC nonsense and get Q bikes out there tracing these people. The smaller one of the four looked to me as though it could have been a female. Come on Met police, you are making yourselves look very foolish and helpless every time this happens. Pity the scaffolding men couldn't get there just a tad sooner.

",1530109393,27/06/2018 14:23 8934030,3963424095,"


",1530109991,27/06/2018 14:33 8931582,3963451345,"

id you see Q today??
Signal sent.
Attempt still made.
Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?
[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.
2-way failure.
If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).
If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).
Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?
RR to LL ""……………""
LL to H ""……………""
X to X ""…………………..""
JC to LL 247x (relevant)
Where are the JC / AM text messages?
Gmail messages?
Burner phone messages?
Call pulls?
Coming soon to a theater near you.
PS/LP texts are only scratching the surface.
Threats of assassination?
They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.
Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.
Prevent AT ALL costs.
Traitors ALL.
MSM will portray progressive activists as a large part of the pop – this is FALSE.
No possibility of compromise.
Do not underestimate our resolve.
We stand at the ready.

",1530110901,27/06/2018 14:48 8926094,3963525818,"

Q.E.D. Mad Scientist, Q.E.D.

",1530113561,27/06/2018 15:32 8934322,3963565921,

lofl.... Qanon is a joke.

,1530115012,27/06/2018 15:56 8934322,3963567963,

So who here thinks Qanon is real? Upvote if you do and are the mirror image of the worst of the left.

,1530115086,27/06/2018 15:58 8932014,3963604819,

Ha! I watched the whole thing. I’m not a Q follower.... I take it with a grain of salt.

,1530116401,27/06/2018 16:20 8936238,3963636970,

LOL! So Dam True I'm going to post your comment on Soapbox Q OK?

,1530117485,27/06/2018 16:38 8934218,3963657209,

They all get the same e-mail at 4 AM. It tells them what to say and what story line to promote. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1530118170,27/06/2018 16:49 8936690,3963696009,

Nominate Q for Supreme Court!


,1530119496,27/06/2018 17:11 8936690,3963712387,

RBG is next. At least that's what Q Anon has stated.

,1530120078,27/06/2018 17:21 8935558,3963782811,

Woopi = Low I. Q. plantation pusher.

,1530122466,27/06/2018 18:01 8936238,3963783141,

KEK is QANON's way of saying LOL.

,1530122478,27/06/2018 18:01 8936214,3963806412,"

Qanon has a posting of some of Strzok's responses to the committee's questions and it is interesting, he was basically answering the questions trying to weasel out of why his tweets were so inflammatory and that he conducted a righteous investigation into POTUS and were following were the facts led him and the response of the committee were basically we did not fall off a turnip truck yesterday and they were shocked that he agreed to talk to the committee and that they weren't believing anything he was trying to sell and they basically told him that they were going to continue to investigate and he was right to find legal counsel. is the site if you want to read it for yourself

",1530123318,27/06/2018 18:15 8936238,3963827415,"

""Fist pumps re: POTUS / Q encounter =
Keep up the good fight, Patriot.
This will be a very common theme known only to you.
Feel proud.

Would a LARP be this patriotic, helpful, and hopeful? I am all in on this :)

",1530124101,27/06/2018 18:28 8936238,3963828897,"

""Fist pumps re: POTUS / Q encounter =
Keep up the good fight, Patriot.
This will be a very common theme known only to you.
Feel proud.

Would a LARP be this patriotic, helpful, and hopeful? I am all in on this :).

",1530124157,27/06/2018 18:29 8936238,3963859205,

Based on the latest Q drop; Strok kept claiming the 5th. He was called out for the FBI attack on Trump and was told that his attorney better be a good one.

,1530125341,27/06/2018 18:49 8936238,3963868495,"

NXIVM Hillary donor Clare Bronfman expected to be indicted in NXIVM child/human trafficking case



Big League Politics Reports: Hillary Clinton presidential campaign donor Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagrams fortune, “expects to be indicted by late July” in the NXIVM sex cult case. NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and “Smallville” actress Allison Mack were arrested in Mexico and stand trial for human trafficking, child sex trafficking, and other crimes.
​ Raniere is being held without bail while Mack is in the custody of her parents with an ankle bracelet. Bronfman, who oversaw the group’s experiments on women and children at their secretive “Rainbow Cultural Center,” is expected to be charged. Charles Hurt reported that in the spring of 2007, “executives and top associates…along with their family members” of NXIVM donated $29,900 to the Hillary Clinton2008 presidential campaign.
Two people connected to NXIVM's child/human trafficking ring which donated to Hillary Clinton have already been indicted and charged, and now NXIVM's mainline Hillary Clinton donor Clare Bronfman is now expected to be indicted in the case. Now since we basically have all of NXIVM's top operators all indicted with one expected to be indicted in Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, and now the likely indictment of Clare Bronfman...Could we possibly soon see those in the Federal and local governement levels that Q said Allison Mack was naming indicted and charged over NXIVM?
​ Well it possibly could be and two of NXIVM's top political connections are Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Huma Abedin. After Bronfman is indicted over NXIVM's child/human trafficking ring, we will likely see the Federal/Local government names start showing up in the child/human trafficking network case of NXIVM.

",1530125722,27/06/2018 18:55 8934218,3963884398,


,1530126369,27/06/2018 19:06 8937486,3963908125,"

The best news I have had today!! Now if one who sleeps a lot would join him it would be a MAGA DAY!!
Remember to those yelling and screaming, after Clinton,Bush, O and almost H, OUR time us NOW to bring America back from the rim of HELL!!!
WWG1WGA Q!!!!!!!

",1530127388,27/06/2018 19:23 8934218,3963929638,

They are #FakeNews
Shut em' Down
#Qanon #FakeNews #WWG1WGA #JulytoRemember

,1530128327,27/06/2018 19:38 8937862,3963930664,"

Qanon radio message urgent !

The real story of what has happened and is going to happen in the world!

",1530128373,27/06/2018 19:39 8937862,3963933298,

Did YT already block it...heard Q is not the same Q anymore. Heard it could be a false flag type person working for deep state.

,1530128492,27/06/2018 19:41 8937862,3963935762,"

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530128605,27/06/2018 19:43 8937862,3963996254,"

Q says Gowdy will be his replacement.

If that's true, it's the 1000th time Q confirmed he is real.

",1530131592,27/06/2018 20:33 8937862,3963999486,"

“I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system,” Gowdy said in a statement.
Should we add him to the list?
That means its extra likely that Q is real if Gowdy is appointed.

",1530131760,27/06/2018 20:36 8934218,3964037503,

.... the truth will soon stun many Americans. WWG1WGA... Q.

,1530133701,27/06/2018 21:08 8937862,3964041347,

You are nuts. You have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about. After Q gets through with you there will be no Democratic Party. WWG1WGA

,1530133918,27/06/2018 21:11 8934218,3964059068,

A YUGE....Thumbs up to POTUS & Q......WE LOVE YOU!!!....WWG1WGA!!!
THANK YOU!!!............GOD BLESS>>>>>>>>>>MAGA!!!

,1530134916,27/06/2018 21:28 8938534,3964083055,"


",1530136288,27/06/2018 21:51 8939194,3964105543,

Yeah I saw a bunch of Q shirts.

,1530137597,27/06/2018 22:13 8939194,3964107702,"

This Q post was just a few minutes ago -


",1530137726,27/06/2018 22:15 8939194,3964110643,"

OMG There is tons of ""Q"" people at this rally. Q is posting their pictures!!!

",1530137895,27/06/2018 22:18 8939194,3964111293,

And Q posted same just a few minutes ago. Is Q @POTUS???? With Potus?

,1530137930,27/06/2018 22:18 8939194,3964117703,"

",1530138291,27/06/2018 22:24 8938382,3964146168,"

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530139946,27/06/2018 22:52 8936954,3964149501,

Q is suggesting it's going to be Gowdy.

If it is -- it's just another confirmation of 1000s that Q is real.

,1530140143,27/06/2018 22:55 8938382,3964161192,"

As Q once said, get the popcorn!

",1530140837,27/06/2018 23:07 8938382,3964165280,"

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530141088,27/06/2018 23:11 8938382,3964176237,"

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530141760,27/06/2018 23:22 8938382,3964179662,"

If you do nothing else tonight watch this!

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530141967,27/06/2018 23:26 8932998,3964183715,

Hope Trump can make London great again! GO Q!

,1530142216,27/06/2018 23:30 8938382,3964186171,"

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS

Q Drop #923 - March 10, 2018

",1530142362,27/06/2018 23:32 8938382,3964193979,

LMFAO!! They NEVER thought she would lose. We're gonna need more popcorn. #Qanon #TheStormIsHere #PatriotsFight #WWG1WGA

,1530142837,27/06/2018 23:40 8935558,3964196674,"

Shove it, Whoopi. You & all your pedophile friends can discuss it on the way to GITMO. #TheStormIsHere #Qanon MAGA

",1530142997,27/06/2018 23:43 8938422,3964222766,"

Ginsburg... Dearie... Why dost thou linger so?

We are trying to make America Great Again... And yet... You choose to troll death...

Where We Go One, We Go All

#QAnon - #Q - #WWG1WGA - #PizzaGate

If you don't know about Q yet, GET ON BOARD!

QAnon Follow the White Rabbit - Facebook

",1530144608,28/06/2018 00:10 8938870,3964225211,"

Ruthie... Dearie... Why dost thou linger so?

We are trying to make America Great Again... And yet... You choose to troll death...

Where We Go One, We Go All

#QAnon - #Q - #WWG1WGA - #PizzaGate

If you don't know about Q yet, GET ON BOARD! Find out what is going on with the new American Patriots!

QAnon Follow the White Rabbit - Facebook

",1530144767,28/06/2018 00:12 8937486,3964241283,"


",1530145823,28/06/2018 00:30 8938382,3964252069,"

If you do nothing else tonight watch this!

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530146574,28/06/2018 00:42 8938382,3964289430,"

One of Hillary Clinton’s campaign officials was arrested Tuesday on child sex abuse charges, the FBI has confirmed.

Joel Davis was caught in possession of explicit child sex images and had attempted to get access to children as young as 2 years old for sex.

Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity. He also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Q: these people are sick.

Jun 27 2018 20:26:29 (EST)
These people are sick!

",1530149283,28/06/2018 01:28 8938382,3964292215,

and I was about to buy a Q shirt-sh8t these ppl are crazy

,1530149496,28/06/2018 01:31 8936406,3964312378,




,1530151169,28/06/2018 01:59 8939442,3964339323,"

During the first American revolution patriots Joseph Warren, John Adams, and John Hancock ran a private communications network called the Committee of Correspondence. In the American revolution 2.0 the patriot communications network is run by Q and anons. Join us.

",1530153603,28/06/2018 02:40 8939442,3964352545,

I am Q... without the filter.

Pamphlet has nada on me

,1530154907,28/06/2018 03:01 8939442,3964353150,"

Was seen at a closed door meeting in the capitol building 2 days ago. When it was rumored on Q boards that Kennedy's retirement imminent but unconfirmed. Today Q said ""RBG next.""

I wouldn't be surprised if its next week or so.

",1530154966,28/06/2018 03:02 8936406,3964353206,"

How dirty are these rats, that they have to hide in the dark to protect each other? President said tonight ""I don't know... there maybe a surprise coming"" in reference to Hillary. July is the month of exposing the truth. Follow Q and trust the plan. :-)

",1530154971,28/06/2018 03:02 8939442,3964358974,

It was in a Q post today so it will probably happen soon. We'll see. Next week is supposed to be worse for the bad guys than this week.

,1530155568,28/06/2018 03:12 8936214,3964374193,

Then you've not been following the Q ( Anon ) posts. We definitely ARE winning. That's why the left are going even more crazy than usual recently.

,1530157108,28/06/2018 03:38 8939442,3964390296,

A lot of Q stuff.

Not really sure about the legitimacy of Q. I am still on the fence.

,1530158807,28/06/2018 04:06 8939442,3964411020,"

Dang. She's a very confused individual. If they hadn't MURDERED Scalia we wouldn't be having this conversation. The next pick WILL affect things for years to come. Unless they MURDER him too.

Anyway, Q sent me :-)


",1530160941,28/06/2018 04:42 8939442,3964436263,

Really? I have never checked it out. People talk about Q though from time to time. Hopefully the indictments are coming. But I won't hold my breathe.

,1530163400,28/06/2018 05:23 8939442,3964439581,

Search on youtube Q The Plan to Save the World
And see her destiny!

,1530163719,28/06/2018 05:28 8936954,3964503288,"

#Qanon hinted that Kennedy had to resign, no choice, and Ginsburg is next. GOOD!
Q drop 1607

",1530170029,28/06/2018 07:13 8939442,3964568548,"

""He’s been appointing ideologues"" You mean just like NoBlameMe? Elections have consequences and when the red wave er red tsunami hits in November all the dims will be able to do is flap around like fish do when they are beached. MAGA #QAnon #walkaway

",1530175984,28/06/2018 08:53 8936406,3964622085,"

Keeping my trust in Sessions and Wray, their true colors will show when RR is removed or steps down. Once he is gone we will clearly see what Wray and Sessiins have in that point I will make my decision.

",1530179731,28/06/2018 09:55 8939442,3964622955,

So do we all.


It be Comin' Per Qanon.

,1530179784,28/06/2018 09:56 8936358,3964662057,

Who is Caroline Glick? Sounds like she is the mouth piece of the Deep State. I'm getting a whole different take on events through Q-anon. MAGA WWG1WGA Trump 8 years!

,1530182003,28/06/2018 10:33 8940874,3964663379,"

If you do nothing else watch this!

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530182073,28/06/2018 10:34 8940146,3964665645,"


Come on BB, where are the stories about Q? It is time!! Q posts BB Articles, time to start reporting on what Q is and what is happening!

Also, BB - where is the story about the Clinton campaign guy who was arrested for molesting children and pedophile files on his computer and phone?

BB - not delivering the news!

",1530182198,28/06/2018 10:36 8937250,3964671564,

I don't know about Q for sure .... but Q inferred that Kennedy leaving was NOT according to his own decision.

Said that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is next ....

,1530182515,28/06/2018 10:41 8940146,3964731546,"


Many of us have been talking about Q and the shape of things to come.

Please go to:

Over the next few months everyone will know about Q. People all around the world follow Q.

Believe me, The Swamp follows him/her closer than anyone. Several times a day they check to see if they have been outed.

Red wave and white squal coming!


",1530185545,28/06/2018 11:32 8937942,3964745100,"

Q team is clearing the 4D chess board now. You know Justice Kennedy was compromised when the DNC has a melt down over a ""conservative"" justice stepping down. If you look at the spike in people who have been gate keepers for the left who have resigned over the past year, you realize just how much M.I. Qanon has accomplished. WWG1WGA! MAGA!

",1530186191,28/06/2018 11:43 8940146,3964748210,"

Lawful demonstrations are protected under the 1st amendment and do not impede others from their daily routine.

Unlawful assembly or violent demonstrations are NOT protected and the rule of law shall be upheld.

Why do you think Antifa and BLM have been quiet lately? They know any over the top actions will be crushed.

Still though, there will be violence when they think the time is right—but they will be wrong!

",1530186335,28/06/2018 11:45 8937494,3964770741,

Roe v. Wade is doomed. Conservatives are all Nazi's. Conservatives are all racists. Conservatives are evil and need to die.

Please stop with all the lies already.

Roe v. Wade is safe regardless of the pick since the higher court is unlikely to overturn something ruled on in the past.

These people are sick. Q.

,1530187362,28/06/2018 12:02 8940146,3964812009,

Love all the Q lovers at the rally last night.

,1530189175,28/06/2018 12:32 8942542,3964856182,

Hopefully this weekend will be the great suicide weekend Q has been talking about.

,1530191019,28/06/2018 13:03 8942542,3964906200,"

Colbert, you're next. POTUS Trump is very generous. Good deal for Kennedy: retire or jail. God's vengeance. Check with Q Anon.

",1530193059,28/06/2018 13:37 8942542,3964924728,"

Good deal for K, otherwise go to jail. Check with Q Anon.

",1530193782,28/06/2018 13:49 8939934,3964984579,"

POTUS, tellin it like it is! Giving the Qanon wave. Brilliant, as always!

",1530196131,28/06/2018 14:28 8936542,3964985773,

#Qanon #FreeIran2018

,1530196180,28/06/2018 14:29 8859182,3965008864,"

Thanks: I heard another Q drop today about a Assange having Hillary’s server. The point of it was they know he has it and that’s what all the unrest is about. Interesting. For a while I had to stop listening to KJ and former intelligence people talking about what their sources were telling them. It all sounded like Hillary‘s arrest was imminent and the Deep State was going to go down. But that was months ago .

I wouldn’t even care if Hillary didn’t go to jail if they forced her to close the Clinton foundation and pay back all the money so she would have to live in a track home in Little Rock. She deserves jail and so do most of these folks, but just taking down the deep state would be enough for me. And that includes George Soto’s being taken down, As well as the groups that are organizing these harassment protest against Trump supporters

",1530197084,28/06/2018 14:44 8939598,3965167752,"

If you do nothing else watch this!

Qanon a plan to save the world

",1530203411,28/06/2018 16:30 8942630,3965198100,"

One of the problem with liberals is they think all Hispanics, or all blacks, or any other ethnicity, think alike, and clearly they have made a HUUUUUGE mistake.

Follow Q.

",1530204634,28/06/2018 16:50 8940874,3965276929,"

Probably time for the remaining white, male liberals in the Democrat party to find a new home. They are an endangered species.

And they are calling conservatives bigots???

Follow Qanon.

",1530207720,28/06/2018 17:42 8946042,3965287350,"

Jobs, jobs, jobs !!!

All the Liberals can do is complain !!!


Look at this Q drop:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19fdc8 No.1929392 📁 NEW
Jun 27 2018 15:58:30 (EST)
MSM = propaganda tool of the D party.
POTUS economy - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS job creating (record) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS GPD - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS fair trade (protect America) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS manufacturing - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS record low unemployment - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS tax reform (more take home money) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS save the world from NK - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS stock market gains - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS undo harmful regulations - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS boost US energy dominance - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS protect US homeland - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS combatting opioids - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS accountability (audit Pentagon, SC, re-org executive branch etc.) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS protecting life - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS helping Veterans - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS peace through strength - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS restore confidence/respect of US - not good enough - IMPEACH.
………………..all while under constant attack.

",1530208116,28/06/2018 17:48 8944990,3965310094,"

They thought it was a private group but Trump has it all. I wonder what they talked about? Collusion? Conspiracy? Felonies?

4 am talking points will all be made public. All names will be made public. for latest developments

",1530208983,28/06/2018 18:03 8946266,3965337632,

And Q called another FF. Yesterday said to stay vigilant today. Chatter. Can't wait till it goes mainstream

,1530210055,28/06/2018 18:20 8946266,3965341906,"

Q-anon, an interesting anonymous blogger with some disturbingly accurate insights.

",1530210226,28/06/2018 18:23 8946266,3965344590,"


",1530210334,28/06/2018 18:25 8946266,3965346701,"

If he's faking, he is DAMN good. We'll see soon enough. He keeps mentioning going mainstream, and Trump is pointing out Q followers at his conventions.

",1530210417,28/06/2018 18:26 8944990,3965363194,"

According to Q this list is where the 4am ""drops"" occur almost every morning. This gives these leftist orcs their marching orders every day.

Death to leftism, socialism, marxism, elitism, islamofascism and the ignorance required for these evil ideologies to exist.

",1530211081,28/06/2018 18:38 8946266,3965368054,



,1530211281,28/06/2018 18:41 8946266,3965368075,


,1530211282,28/06/2018 18:41 8946266,3965389105,

Next Q drop should be interesting considering this new FF shooting.

,1530212143,28/06/2018 18:55 8946266,3965415540,"

Qanon, right on the money again. I'm starting to believe the guy. Anything to change the headlines eh LEFTISTS? ARE YOUR REGRETS PULING UP YET?

",1530213273,28/06/2018 19:14 8909190,3965448291,"

I am happy to hear that. I am a Christian as well, and a Constitutional Conservative, hence the reason I like Ron Paul. I have NEVER voted for a Democrat and am a Registered Republican so I can vote in the primary, and generally vote Republican 90% of the time.
Ron Paul is the only notable politician one that is not afraid to identify the problems and offer real solutions. Whether or not they are to idealistic can certainly be debated. But until enough people wake up and realize that we have become a Socialist Republic, and on the way to tyranny then the wake people have a job to do if we are to keep this republic and not let it morph into Europe. Our nation is full of TV watching idiots that don't realize how privileged that they are having been born here.
Ron Paul woke up a bunch of people on both sides of the isle to realize that our endless foreign entanglements is something that George Washington warned off. Ron Paul would get 15-20k young people showing up to see him in 2011-12 at campaign rallies despite being blacklisted from all TV and Radio media, and by teaching the people who listened instead just chanting slogans like at Trump rallies. Don't get me wrong I have chanted at a Trump rally too, but for the long term we would be better off having Trump educate our people on the constitution and the danger of the large intrusive Government. That being said Trump is doing a fantastic job, and I start every day by celebrating the fact that Hillary is NOT our president and the fact that she NEVER will be and that we will see her demise here pretty shortly. (If you believe Q which I do)

That being said only Ron Paul would have gotten approval from our founding fathers and he stands for the same as they did. Our founders would have started another revolution with the founding of the Federal Reserve, and the 13th Amendment that gave us the income tax. We now can't even own property in most states.
So I can't for the life of me understand why you called Ron Paul a spoiler. Typically I only heard that from TV watchers.

",1530214706,28/06/2018 19:38 8944250,3965459121,

I assume you follow Q?

,1530215205,28/06/2018 19:46 8944250,3965463973,

Q sent me here!

Hey Qanons!

,1530215428,28/06/2018 19:50 8947294,3965483050,

Fa Q.

,1530216327,28/06/2018 20:05 8901678,3965486486,


,1530216496,28/06/2018 20:08 8901678,3965488115,

Join the fight. #QAnon

,1530216572,28/06/2018 20:09 8901678,3965488851,"

No, but the fight needs you BOTH. #QANON

",1530216607,28/06/2018 20:10 8901678,3965492792,"

He's not advocating pedophilia. And calm down, you're on the same side. The fight needs you BOTH. #QANON

",1530216795,28/06/2018 20:13 8944250,3965500689,"

Q-anon linked to an article today about Facebook trying to normalize pedophilia on Facebook! Maybe because its starting to become known that the whole ""pizzagate"" thing has more then a grain of truth to it! Birds of a feather - Clinton's campaign official arrrested on child sex charges:

If you are not following Q-Anon you need to be!

",1530217184,28/06/2018 20:19 8944370,3965507039,"

Q: ""RBG is next""

Wonder what the left will do about it.

",1530217506,28/06/2018 20:25 8946522,3965538590,"

July is bringing The Great Awakening and the communists' revolution is collapsing everywhere. The appalling proof of the communist left's treachery and ""appetites"" for engaging in pedophilia and child sex-trafficking, is coming out and smugness has turned into panic. As the secrets of 'globalism' are being exposed, powerful evil needs diversion. Also don't forget that Antifa is literally communist and just how backstabbing commie revolutions were to even loyal supporters.
""The Ends, Justify the Means,"" they say.
During the riots they spray-painted a favorite saying of theirs on building walls in several countries:
""Liberals Get The Bullet Too!""

FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges
June 28, 2018

One of Hillary Clinton’s campaign officials was arrested Tuesday on child sex abuse charges, the FBI has confirmed.

Joel Davis was caught in possession of explicit child sex images and had attempted to get access to children as young as 2 years old for sex.
Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity. He also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Joel Davis, Clinton Campaign Official, Arrested On Child Rape Charges
#1933629 Q !CbboFOtcZs
27 Jun 2018 - 8:26:29 PM
These people are sick!

Stay Alert for False Flags
#1920424 Q !CbboFOtcZs
27 Jun 2018 - 12:05:40 AM
Be vigilant.
",1530219142,28/06/2018 20:52 8946266,3965597614,"

Wait, did qanon just pin these shootings on the Freemasons?

Is that why law enforcement never apprehends these psychos prior to their heinous crimes?

All in the same “brotherhood.”

",1530222455,28/06/2018 21:47 8946266,3965600162,"

You realize Q is a LARP, right?

Live action role play. Multiple people pushing BS for the lulz.

",1530222600,28/06/2018 21:50 8946266,3965611803,"


",1530223302,28/06/2018 22:01 8945978,3965747233,

Remove your head from its confines already.
MAGA is old news and we aint looking back
WWG1WGA is the new Trump Train brand
QAnon/GreatAwakening(get RED PILLED)

,1530231651,29/06/2018 00:20 8946266,3965750402,"

",1530231863,29/06/2018 00:24 8946934,3965756633,

FIREWORKS coming soon
WWG1WGA QAnon GreatAwakening

,1530232300,29/06/2018 00:31 8944990,3965763656,

I wonder how long it takes before they figure out what Q says is true.



,1530232809,29/06/2018 00:40 8946266,3965773045,"


",1530233506,29/06/2018 00:51 8944990,3965779252,

Operation Mockingbird. It just continues. Thanks Q. Eyes wide open.

,1530233964,29/06/2018 00:59 8938382,3965785852,"

Hashtag back... #WalkAwayMovement #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway have been going viral. My favourites are #TELLTHETRUTH #QAnonIsComingToGetTheBadGuys - give any trapped ones an exit route. No sane person wants a civil magnanimous in victory and hold the moral high ground. 'Q' knows who the bad guys are and it's both sides of the aisle. I wish the UK had such defenders. https://theconstitutionalco...

",1530234471,29/06/2018 01:07 8948746,3965816401,"

Deep State Swamp is going DOWN soon. All will be well. Qanon.

",1530236926,29/06/2018 01:48 8949610,3965822285,"


",1530237418,29/06/2018 01:56 8949610,3965822748,

I'd be pretty skeptical of that Q thing...

,1530237456,29/06/2018 01:57 8948538,3965827062,

You have to wonder who the Democrat politicians are getting their advice from on issues? Almost everything they openly support is not supported by the average member of their own party.

Please keep it up.

Read Qanon

,1530237816,29/06/2018 02:03 8949610,3965856213,


,1530240401,29/06/2018 02:46 8949610,3965897416,"

Time for Q to go mainstream

Think of this as our movie trailer: (provided by Q)

",1530244596,29/06/2018 03:56 8948746,3965910295,"

Which is why Jeff Sessions has been cleaning up the DOJ and FBI to remove the corruption.

You don't need new laws, just that the existing ones are applied fairly.

That is about to happen. QAnon has been letting us know the plan that Military Intelligence formulated 6 years ago to restore the Republic.

Have hope. There is much turbulence to come as the Left dies, but the preparation has been now been done by Jeff Sessions and President Trump:

Military Intelligence are saving the Republic when every other protection failed.

",1530245941,29/06/2018 04:19 8948746,3965911812,"

The Left needs to make life miserable so you will vote for them to take away the pain.

It doesn't have to be like this. And it won't for long. Change is coming, and a better world.

Learn what is happening and how the evil people are to be taken down for good:

Then your country will be much safer. Like it used to be 70 years ago.

",1530246101,29/06/2018 04:21 8948746,3965912432,"


Fortunately, US Military Intelligence has prepared. Learn about it here:

AG Jeff Sessions and President Trump are amazing. And Q Anon too !

",1530246166,29/06/2018 04:22 8948746,3965913694,"

The Left is about to be exposed for the evil criminals they are.

You have no idea about the Storm that is about to descend. You cannot stop it now, so it is safe for me to let you know what is coming:

You are on the wrong side of history. The time is now to choose the side of Individual Liberty and Limited Government as represented by the Constitutional Republic. The involuntary collectivism of the Left is the wrong side.

",1530246297,29/06/2018 04:24 8949522,3965923192,"

Thus far, Q has said this about him:

The key = therapist.
Weak minds.

Q also said this, which explains why Q said so little
Conspiracy risk.
End (for now).

",1530247288,29/06/2018 04:41 8927366,3965968971,"

Get ready because it's here. Look at and see for yourself. Listen to jordan dather also on youtube. Anything Q related. I've been waiting for more than two years once I woke up to the big lie. A great way to know it's going down is to go to youtibe and type in Q plan to save the world. The authors name is Joe. Amazing 14 minute video that says it all. It went viral yesterday. Lays everything out and explains what's going on so that even a 2nd grader would get it.
Grab some popcorn because it's gonna get good and the evil ones are going down,...Pelosi, Schumer, Adam Schiff, McCain, Maxine Waters, Soros, Obama, both Bushes and the Clintons. Many others will go down also. Some we know some we don't. 35 thousand sealed indictments! Normally there's around 200 in our country on any given year. This is going to be epic and I believe it's going down in July,..definitely before Nov. Greatest moment in the history of mankind is occurring right now.

",1530252051,29/06/2018 06:00 8948746,3965980978,"

Soros, Bezos, Sulzberger, Koch brothers, Fonda, Pacino, Midler, Bee, Waters, Griffin and others, you know who you are. All deluded with your own grandeur, self-importance and anti- democratic hatred of the American working class which Trump represents. Folks, SNOBBERY and MONEY will get you nowhere in a CIVIL WAR when those you hate, and the loyalist military, HAVE ALL THE WEAPONS. Q. AS VIDEO NEWS CLIPS SHOW, WHY ARE MOST STREET PROTESTERS YOUNG WOMEN ?

",1530253237,29/06/2018 06:20 8949522,3966003960,"

Killer had a longstanding dispute with the newspaper dating back YEARS.
THAT is suffient. Lotta time needlessly wasted on LIES and toxis fluff.
Not globalist-controlled propaganda - fancy word for lies, distraction.
The CIA arranges shootings to DISTRACT from REALITY! aka keep sheepl dumb and compliant slaves.

President Trump aka Q is cleaning up the Evil powers behind fakenews, behind shootings (its NOT guns), behind the kidnap and rape of children, behind illegals on our borders



",1530255517,29/06/2018 06:58 8949522,3966018436,"

The enemy of the people "" the lying liberal media "" needs to ask POTUS if Q and his / hers damning accusations are real.

",1530256889,29/06/2018 07:21 8949522,3966019996,"

Sure Q is Fake?
PLEASE check this out. The best proof I have found so far (only 3-4 minute time investment). I was going to sleep listening and HAD to share.

Trump says a key phrase:

Q shows us where it came from:

Here is the trailer: (I skip forward about 2 minute 10 seconds from the last video)
(note all the keywords throughout the trailer)

",1530257030,29/06/2018 07:23 8949522,3966028279,"

WARNING: You are about to believe Q is real in under 3 minutes.

Trump says a key phrase:

Q shows us where it came from:
(note all the keywords throughout the trailer)

",1530257804,29/06/2018 07:36 8949522,3966035766,"

It had
""Calm Before the Storm""
""Where we Go One We Go all""
Plus captured our feelings when Q was gone for a while...
""We still believe in you!!!""


",1530258481,29/06/2018 07:48 8948746,3966039510,"

Same with the Holly-weirds
They make ridiculous pronouncements 'to have impact'
and raise the Q factor.
They lead worthless lives saying other people's words, giving and recieving meaningless awards to each other.
Silly people.

",1530258812,29/06/2018 07:53 8948834,3966068079,"

The DNC multi-lawsuit (TRUMP, his campaign, Wikileaks, Assange, Manafort, Russia et al all being sued!) is due to go through the discovery stage, probably in July.

Then that server will have to be produced.

When this happens, the involvement of Seth Rich will become apparent. HillaЯy, Obama, Comey, McCabe, Jarrett and Lynch really don't want this to happen as they will all be implicated. Strzok and Page is just innocuous stuff. The DNC will have pulled the plug on themselves.

It seems clear that assassination of TRUMP was discussed by some of the bigger names above. It also seems that MS-13 blew away Rich, judging by the Q drops.

This will become unstoppable.

35,000 sealed indictments, growing 5,000 every month. Hollyweird going bonkers, telegraphing their fear.

",1530261051,29/06/2018 08:30 8947262,3966082113,

This is kabuki theater. Notice it was a Dem who asked that question as they try to counter the Q reality. These people are stupid.

,1530261901,29/06/2018 08:45 8947262,3966090370,"

No serious person believes in the thing some extreme right people call ""Deep State"". Director Wray had to contain laughter when ask about the so called Deep State. I ve heard that term used for 30 years but nobody knows what it is or can prove it exists. That was a silly question. Sounded like Alex Jones or QAnon lol

",1530262141,29/06/2018 08:49 8949522,3966230455,"

WARNING: You are about to believe Q is real in under 3 minutes.

Trump says a key phrase:

Q shows us where it came from:
(note all the keywords throughout the trailer)

",1530266147,29/06/2018 09:55 8949522,3966248214,

Have you heard about Q?

,1530267256,29/06/2018 10:14 8945978,3966250480,

Research this. It is as important to know its story as is MAGA. Millions of Patriots already know. It comes from Trump. Go to the source. Hint: Q-anon

,1530267390,29/06/2018 10:16 8947146,3966289074,"

Blacks just like Whites are being manipulated in America, Remember what Q said: Someday when we find out what they really have done to us they won't be able to walk on the streets!

",1530269573,29/06/2018 10:52 8948638,3966315995,"

Unions forcing people to pay dues whether or not they wanted to was ""settled law"" too Suzy Q!

",1530271031,29/06/2018 11:17 8946026,3966351166,

Trust the plan. #FreeIran2018 #Qanon

,1530272746,29/06/2018 11:45 8949522,3966376511,

Ahh! The omnipotent Q. Is he the quy makes that Qinall stuff they advertise on TV. Yuse guys is self destructiving with the conspiracy BS.
Better listen to Alex.

,1530273941,29/06/2018 12:05 8947294,3966390719,"

True. I only worry that the average voter who only really chooses a side a few weeks before election day doesn't fall prey to the democrat media strategy of conflict fatigue. You know, where they constantly create this mind numbing background noise and play it over and over on a 24/7 basis until Joe Q. Public just wants it to end. So they think if they give the noise makers what they want they'll shut theHellup. It never works because after the aura of getting their way wears off the democrat media just grabs other issues and the unrelenting noise starts all over again.

I just hope Joe Q. Public has figured this out and is willing to tune out from msm and turn off the noise with their remote rather than thinking they can do it with their vote. It never works.

",1530274583,29/06/2018 12:16 8948638,3966448825,"

Hey Susie Q Rino, so was Dred-Scott. Should that have been left alone? And it didn't involve murdering babies.

",1530277086,29/06/2018 12:58 8951480,3966484748,

Pushing for riots it would appear. Part of the Democrats plan per Q.

,1530278579,29/06/2018 13:22 8948746,3966505988,"
Democrats sue Russia, Trump campaign for alleged 2016 election conspiracy - Reuters

It is set out here.

TRUMP, his campaign, Wikileaks, Assange, Manafort, Russia et al all being sued! Maybe even Father Christmas !!! 🎄🎄🎄

Next month it moves to discovery stage.

Then that server will have to be produced.

When this happens, the involvement of Seth Rich will become apparent. HillaЯy, Obama, Comey, McCabe, Jarrett and Lynch really don't want this to happen as they will all be implicated. Strzok and Page is just innocuous stuff

It seems clear that assassination of TRUMP was discussed by some of the bigger names above. It also seems that MS-13 blew away Rich, judging by the Q drops.

This will become unstoppable.

",1530279447,29/06/2018 13:37 8949522,3966507116,

Who is Q ?? Queer or what ? Quanell X as he calls himself ? He's a Racist POS.

,1530279492,29/06/2018 13:38 8943186,3966627262,"

Look, I will admit it, I was skeptical about Trump. He never struck me as a Conservative and some of his associations in the past made me INCREDIBLY nervous. Some still do (I mean, Jeffrey Epstein, for example). But hey, he's not cuddled up to Schumer (the guy he gave money to in the past) and his instincts have been fantastic. The fact that he is a fighter is GOOD, even though it has been misplaced in the past (I mean Ben Carson, really? lol). So, here's to being wrong and admitting it. And the Q stuff really helps in times of uncertainty.

",1530284616,29/06/2018 15:03 8951192,3966700731,"

Sad I Q Khan. UK where the ""right"" is Socialist and the ""left"" is Communist. Result: Shitehole.

",1530287447,29/06/2018 15:50 8952653,3966777386,"

MSM is sure avoiding the association with Clinton.
In case anyone missed it....

FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges
June 28, 2018

One of Hillary Clinton’s campaign officials was arrested Tuesday on child sex abuse charges, the FBI has confirmed.

Joel Davis was caught in possession of explicit child sex images and had attempted to get access to children as young as 2 years old for sex.
Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity. He also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Joel Davis, Clinton Campaign Official, Arrested On Child Rape Charges
#1933629 Q !CbboFOtcZs
27 Jun 2018 - 8:26:29 PM
These people are sick!

Thank you Q Patriots and President Trump!

",1530290752,29/06/2018 16:45 8952527,3966798812,

We love our African American patriot brothers and sisters! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1530291713,29/06/2018 17:01 8948670,3966803106,"

These people are all unhinged. It will help humanity immensely if we do go to a civil war by removing his DNA from society. Yeeze, these people are stupid. Q is right.

",1530291909,29/06/2018 17:05 8947262,3966818322,"

Chris let me help you. When you signed up with bush crime family you joined the deep state and got a job. The deep state are people that think they know better instead of working for American people. Example you, rosenstein etc. Trump's mistake was thinking a bushy isn't corrupt. Q is coming.

",1530292593,29/06/2018 17:16 8952053,3966940787,"

Check out and see Barry the soy boy in action. Real pictures and a quaint little story to go with it.

",1530298163,29/06/2018 18:49 8954099,3966948309,"

My God, please give it a break.

",1530298521,29/06/2018 18:55 8954099,3967034859,"

Taken from a Q drop:

MSM = propaganda tool of the D party.
POTUS economy - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS job creating (record) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS GPD - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS fair trade (protect America) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS manufacturing - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS record low unemployment - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS tax reform (more take home money) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS save the world from NK - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS stock market gains - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS undo harmful regulations - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS boost US energy dominance - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS protect US homeland - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS combatting opioids - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS accountability (audit Pentagon, SC, re-org executive branch etc.) - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS protecting life - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS helping Veterans - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS peace through strength - not good enough - IMPEACH.
POTUS restore confidence/respect of US - not good enough - IMPEACH.


",1530302906,29/06/2018 20:08 8949522,3967034981,

Why won't the WH press corps ask about Q?

,1530302913,29/06/2018 20:08 8949522,3967067010,"

Q actually first appeared in The Next Generation, introducing Star Fleet to the Borg. =D

But, Q, his partner and kid and the Q wanting to emigrate away from the continuum were good in Voyager too.

",1530304708,29/06/2018 20:38 8954099,3967122159,"

Boy, Steyer is a textbook
""The Ends Justify the Means"" scumbag commie, isn't he.
He also totally spilled the beans about the globalist plan ""B"":


This evil idea is what Antifa is trying to put in motion.
Catastrophe, organized rioting, and false flag attacks are hoped to bring about civil unrest resulting in Anarchy.

That anarchy, is supposed to then usher in, what always turn out to be, a very bloody ""Revolution"" paving the way for Communism to replace the collapsed government.
Remember Uranium 1, the Soros ""purple revolution"", Killary trying to keep POTUS away from Putin, and them trying to start a conflict with Russia?
""The Sum of All Fears""?
It's stupid, it's sick, but true.

Thank you Q Team for saving Humanity from these monsters.

",1530308090,29/06/2018 21:34 8954165,3967150661,

Acosta is a low I.Q. moron. People like him are about to reap the whirlwind. Q is coming.

,1530310007,29/06/2018 22:06 8953772,3967196657,

People are spamming the WH press corp with tweets asking them about QAnon and telling them to get the WH to answer : )

,1530313219,29/06/2018 23:00 8954165,3967202690,

I would ban this guy. He's trying to destroy every Q and A.

,1530313658,29/06/2018 23:07 8954045,3967232056,"

Damn... I don’t follow Q much, but I read plenty this week...

He was naming “LL” in all sorts of connections....

",1530315744,29/06/2018 23:42 8954045,3967238386,

Time to /Q/uit messing around and for POTUS to DECLAS all of it. Americans deserve the truth that the deep state is hiding. The national security for America and the American people is at risk if the truth and facts are not brought to light. Ask the /Q/uestion. It's simple and starts with a giant capital Q.

,1530316201,29/06/2018 23:50 8949610,3967244148,"

Legions on my side? What side are you talking about? -- You may be making a false conclusion. Be careful about demonstrating my points by your responses to them. Do me a favor -- look at the ""underlying"" information before jumping to conclusions. That includes the context of my prior posts. Read.

These are the sides: 1. truthhood. 2. falsehood. I'm on side 1. What side are you on, 2?

As to labeling ""us"" -- drop tribal group think -- reality rules; not your political party label. Think for yourself; not at the orders of the tribe (and associated political buzzword label) that you may have labeled yourself with. You are an individual first; not your self-ascribed political buzzword label. If someone else's label (e.g., ""trailer trash"") doesn't apply to you; then it doesn't. Period.

Just because someone calls you a ""Republican"" doesn't mean that you are ""trailer trash"" or that the label applies to you -- but if you apply the label to yourself, that's another story. And, I shouldn't have to explain this. Again, don't judge a book by the cover or a person by a label applied by someone who is psychologically projecting. Generally speaking, be careful about painting folks with overly broad brush strokes -- unless you like to be wrong.

So, here's a question for you: Are you ""trailer trash?"" If not, then Q.E.D.

",1530316616,29/06/2018 23:56 8954045,3967259425,


,1530317752,30/06/2018 00:15 8954045,3967273871,"

Shocking...simply shocking! Did anybody really think that after the ""dog and pony show"", over the last few days, that anything would change at all. Rod Rosenstein was sitting there laughing at Congress. He couldn't even bring himself to pretend it was real. Nothing will happen. Nobody is going to jail. And nothing is going to change. All you Q-Anon fans, need to step away from the Kool-Aide, crack a beer and try to touch base with planet earth again.

",1530318847,30/06/2018 00:34 8954045,3967275876,"

Doesn't matter. NSA has it all. Which means, Trump has it all.

",1530318997,30/06/2018 00:36 8954045,3967280896,"

Trust Sessions. There is much that will happen in July.

",1530319377,30/06/2018 00:42 8954045,3967287458,

Hey RU! Good to see you. I'm going to make a necklace with WWG1WGA on it. I saw someone with a Q sticker on their car at the grocery store the other day. I almost did a happy dance in the parking lot!

,1530319876,30/06/2018 00:51 8954045,3967289185,"

Hey Sarah!!

Good to see you as well. Yes, I want to post a Q sticker on my SUV. At least the lefturds will not understand it. Yes, we are all over and now even those who were moderate demo's are leaving the party because they can see how corrupt and evil these people are. Only the lunatics are remaining on the plantation.

",1530320010,30/06/2018 00:53 8954045,3967295922,"

Freaking MediaMatters.. bashing BB.

Breitbart's Curt Schilling embraces and amplifies absurd ""QAnon"" conspiracy theory

Schilling: ""It's a group of people that are very Christian-focused group of people, who believe the deep state is real -- which I don't think we can deny anymore, that the deep state exists""

",1530320519,30/06/2018 01:01 8954045,3967338338,"

And the deplorables are the one guy just observing the circus - Suzie Q

",1530324077,30/06/2018 02:01 8954099,3967350114,"

This guy is getting very desperate, he is filthy rich, Trump cannot do anything to harm him, unless there's some evil he is hiding that will be exposed.

Why does he want Trump out so bad??

The only thing I can think of is what Q says.

The entire Cabal pedo cult is going to be taken down and they know it, they are panicking. Look at Sheila Jackson, she wears a ring with a pedo symbol on it in congress. google it.

",1530325184,30/06/2018 02:19 8954045,3967360649,

Whether you're a Q fan or not Q has repeatedly said they already have everything. This would make sense. I believe Trump moved very quickly to acquire all evidence. Prosecutions could not begin immediately but have to be on hold until the public has been sufficiently conditioned. The deep state is hanging itself daily.

,1530326248,30/06/2018 02:37 8804814,3967434319,

WE'RE funded. ..and that was when the Cabal was holding the purse strings...

You'll find they aren't anymore...


Things are looking up ;)

,1530335109,30/06/2018 05:05 8954045,3967459657,"

Don't worry, Q has it under control .... LOL .... not ...

",1530338359,30/06/2018 05:59 8955522,3967508390,"


",1530344585,30/06/2018 07:43 8954045,3967552061," might be interested in Q, good research and back-up.
You tube:
In pursuit of truth
Praying medic

",1530349314,30/06/2018 09:01 8954045,3967556161,

You may be interested in getting well researched info on exactly that fact. Check out Q on you tube:
In pursuit of truth
Praying medic

,1530349703,30/06/2018 09:08 8955522,3967557148,"

Follow Q, Johnny. There is so much going on that the Fake News media won't touch much less cover, and much of it is being done under the direction of Sessions, I believe. 35K sealed indictments are all by or under him. It's coming. The brutal realities of what's been going on are so deep, wide, and depraved that just rapidly arresting officials in gov. and our top departments and institutions would never work; the people need educating. Notice that, as pedos are being systematically rounded up here and around the world, we see Hollywood ever aggressively pushing pedo to normalize it. They KNOW what's coming and they are in utter panic. Hollywood has already been taken over by pedo and so have other areas of power and influence. All of Hillary's crimes (pedo and $$$) are being scrutinized as well.

Again, it's coming, and a lot of it before the mid-terms.

",1530349802,30/06/2018 09:10 8954045,3967578027,"

That is disinformation, such as what comes from Q or CTH. The recusal was illegitimate, the reason given has been shown to be legally invalid, because there was no criminal charge. You have not followed what Sessions has said and done the past year. It is obstruction of justice. You are ignoring the obvious defiance of Trump. Sessions is a betraying corrupt coward. This is not a fictional mystery thriller which appeals to your senses.

",1530351702,30/06/2018 09:41 8953178,3967579344,

She was trained under Sen. Edward Kennedy and she knows the deceptive drill that many Democratic sheep will easily follow. She will not play well elsewhere. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon

,1530351817,30/06/2018 09:43 8953643,3967582717,

We can alwys focus that thought: CNN is the enemy of the people! etc. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1530352109,30/06/2018 09:48 8954678,3967611039,"

I agree. I think he has final say, though.
I binge watched several hours of Qanon stuff last night... very interesting and informative about what might be going on behind the scenes.

",1530354414,30/06/2018 10:26 8955522,3967637064,"

Amen! and prays we are!

",1530356346,30/06/2018 10:59 8955074,3967650792,"

Duh, this demonstrate the I Q of NBC to think they need to tell people this.

",1530357292,30/06/2018 11:14 8954045,3967662947,"

I dont have urls, a presser account will get you in, reddit has it, and Q has elaborated

",1530358079,30/06/2018 11:27 8954045,3967673087,"

You can troll Q from now till hell freezes over. .we expect cannot stop the truth from coming out, its waaaayyyy too late
POTUS has acknowledged his Q movement several times at his last couple of rallies.
Too bad for you!

",1530358716,30/06/2018 11:38 8954045,3967681710,"

They are still sealed but last count was around 25k from last October 30. Average for any year is around 1000. This is why the Democrats though protest too much! They know what they have done and most true Americans are ready for the gallows to be set up. Start reading and do a little sluething. WWG1WGA

",1530359248,30/06/2018 11:47 8955716,3967690059,


,1530359761,30/06/2018 11:56 8955716,3967690786,


,1530359804,30/06/2018 11:56 8954045,3967739776,"

POTUS loves the common man. Q leads a movement of patriots (us) who support POTUS in leading us to take back our power and country! Q may be one, or several who point us to the truth of what has been, and is, really going on, avoiding traditional news outlets. Great research, and supporting back-up for proof.
POTUS has been acknowledging the movement, especially in his last rallies SC and ND.
When the facts of what has really been going on in our country...people will be frightened to know the depth and breadth of the treason, the child trafficking etc. Q keeps those in the movement up to date and prepared for what is to come.
Personally, i watch, on you tube:
In pursuit of truth
Praying medic
There are beginner's vids to catch people up
There is, also, an increasing number of people spewing disinformation, and attempting to discredit the movement, as is to be expected, as our numbers grow, so does our power.
THE STORM is arriving, all will be exposed, directly to all Americans
Where We Go 1 We Go All

",1530362492,30/06/2018 12:41 8954045,3967779372,"

You can also read the posts on I have been reading the posts for about 8 months now. In the beginning I watched the videos, because the posts are cryptic and difficult to grasp initially. Once you get used to the pattern, it becomes mesmerizing. We get little hints of things going on (mostly things that have already happened), but the general public won't hear it. Links at the top of the posts take you to anonymous conversations of ""autists"" deciphering the content. It is all very interesting.
Many think it's a hoax or call it a psy-op, and maybe it is. In my opinion, it's a good psy-op, not a bad one. The previous board from the current one was called ""The Great Awakening"", and indeed it is. Much has been hidden from us during Obama's ""Most Transparent Presidency in History""... I think in the coming months, we will have our eyes opened to a little bit of that.

",1530364472,30/06/2018 13:14 8953772,3967810652,"

It is likely offensive to Apatow for strangers to offer prayers that he be healed.

And yet, there is NO WAY that violates Twitter's rules.

""Dear Judd, although it seems like a long shot, I and my family are praying that your sanity will be restored and that you will know peace in your life. Sincerely, the good men and women of Q, of GAB.AI and of""

I might also mention that, while prayer may not seem to accomplish very much good, his anger accomplishes only evil.

",1530365890,30/06/2018 13:38 8953001,3967855573,

You can call yourself Minnie Q. Mouse and nobody is going to really care.

,1530367883,30/06/2018 14:11 8948638,3967890008,"

Hey Suzie Q, slavery was once settled law, too. Should we fix that now?

",1530368507,30/06/2018 14:21 8955716,3967922892,"

According to Q, at the conclusion of the Trump-Putin summit on July 9th, the leaders will make a joint statement regarding the payoffs surrounding the Clinton Foundation - Uranium One deal (naming names and specific dollar amounts). The next 10 days in America should be filled with false flags and fake news...

",1530369101,30/06/2018 14:31 8955522,3967944557,"

35K sealed indictments is not being useless, and plenty of people under Sessions are doing incredible work to expose and bring to justice the Deep State cabal. You need to follow Q, too.

",1530369493,30/06/2018 14:38 8956433,3967951725,"

Hey Jim, ask Trump about Q! He is waiting for you personally to ask.


",1530369628,30/06/2018 14:40 8955522,3967960850,"

Yes! I think that just broke a few days ago. I won't watch the video but it's an animation supposed targeting adults. I believe most of the kids in the cartoon are experiencing puberty and what is portrayed is just so grotesque.

We canceled Netflix in May as soon as I heard about Susan Rice being on the board. Now we have those 2 frauds and goons BH0zo and Mouch'elle creating ""non-political"" content. Well, all the pedo content in the world is ""non-political""! Jus' sayin'. As Q says, these people are SICK!

",1530369801,30/06/2018 14:43 8955522,3967967112,"

Millions of us are praying - for President Trump and his family, for the Q person or team, and for all our White Hats working tirelessly and in danger on our behalf!

",1530369919,30/06/2018 14:45 8955374,3968023037,"

I was trying to look that Q stuff up myself last night. There's so many commentaries on Q, so many posts, I can't tell which is which. Where is the real Q? How do you know? Thanks.

",1530371000,30/06/2018 15:03 8948638,3968049829,"

Suzie Q needs to go as the AFSCME about 'settled' precedence.

",1530371489,30/06/2018 15:11 8956607,3968056180,

Might be a good idea to find someone who isn't committed to recusing himself from work at a crucial moment.
A thorough background check ... really thorough seems realistic. A genuine kind of Qanon search should do it.

,1530371603,30/06/2018 15:13 8955374,3968098771,"

Q and I are on the same wave length. Yea! It's true! Is that the real Q ... or a translator. Oh!!! This was released on 6-25. Right after that POTUS TRUMP sent out a tweet, in it he said, ""... I'm not going anywhere."" <---

",1530372348,30/06/2018 15:25 8956388,3968139072,

Let's go Q people. Post the drops that connect Legend and Hillary and his links to child trafficking. Let the uninformed know the truth.

,1530373056,30/06/2018 15:37 8956388,3968143635,

Can you be elite if no one has ever heard of any of them. Q is coming.

,1530373134,30/06/2018 15:38 8956607,3968280222,

That's what POTUS TRUMP and Q said! :D

,1530376317,30/06/2018 16:31 8956388,3968307224,"

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS

Q Drop #923 - March 10, 2018

",1530377372,30/06/2018 16:49 8954486,3968318855,"

I love President Trump and his family soooooo much!
First Lady Melania is amazing inside and out.
Q, Love you too!

",1530377961,30/06/2018 16:59 8956352,3968323591,

Ol' Suzie Q is just not as fapulous as she once was...

,1530378203,30/06/2018 17:03 8954045,3968343235,"

Aye, been thinking the same thing.


Remember that video of Sessions slapping 'Handsy Biden's' hands away from his granddaughters at a presser?

Now in light of all these pedo allegations from Q and such... would Sessions have already known about 'Handsy'?

",1530379227,30/06/2018 17:20 8956835,3968444650,"

Exactly. The headline needs to be corrected to ""America ALMOST Put a Child Abuser in the White House"". HRC is going to be exposed for her involvement in crimes against children. CF, CGI, Haiti, etc., etc. We saw a small sneak preview of what's coming in the IG report with the mention of ""Crime Against Children"" (excerpt - page 294):

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children


",1530384227,30/06/2018 18:43 8953304,3968455879,

Good to see someone stand up. Now all we need is for congress and senate to have the guts.
The Awakening is coming. God Bless America. Q is coming.

,1530384848,30/06/2018 18:54 8954495,3968558644,"

You'd better hope not. Talk about potential jury tampering. Maybe Flynn, Jr. is Q, that would make sense because he's a cerified idiot.

",1530390963,30/06/2018 20:36 8954495,3968560414,

You're nuts Judicial Watch predicted the IG report would be the dud it turned out to be. Rush Limbaugh has dismissed the Qanon trust the plan crap. I guess they're shilling for Hilllary too. Excuse me for not putting my faith in Obama appointees like Horowitz and Huber or deep state plants with fake Twitter accounts.

,1530391079,30/06/2018 20:37 8957678,3968579332,

Posted by Q Anon

,1530392342,30/06/2018 20:59 8952770,3968614649,"

Hahahaha. Okay. That's what we've been told to believe. That sure has been a profitable arrangement for military contractors and arms dealers. But, it's all bullshit. Russia is economically a third world country. Not a threat. Except you've been told that. Actually, Mexico is a bigger threat to America. Paying attention?

",1530394811,30/06/2018 21:40 8954495,3968617788,"

What you are is a shill, and and you know it. Hair brained? Consistently wrong? Hardly. Point out where Q is wrong. Prove it. You probably won't be able to prove Q wrong, mainly because you don't seem to know how Q works. Q points people in a direction and demands that people think for themselves. If you say otherwise, you're simply lying or beyond stupid - perhaps both. When people look at what Q is pointing at, what is found aren't leaks or unsubstantiated theories. What they find are things that are actually happening or have happened. Are you going to say that the LP and PS text messages never happened? Are you going to claim that LL and JC didn't interfere with the Clinton email investigation? Your side doesn't know how to deal with provable facts that are already available. Your side never thought HRC was going to lose, and now you're all screwed. Arrogance is your downfall, and now it's time to pay the piper. What is being brought to light are things that your side wants covered up. You have already failed in that regard. And if you were truly on Trump's side, which you aren't, you wouldn't be peddling lies about the damage done by the IG report. The report speaks for itself. You also know this, which is why you are struggling on Breitbart to dismiss it.

",1530395037,30/06/2018 21:43 8957681,3968619534,

Democrats have abandon the American public and are all in for illegals coming into our country and open borders .Stay strong president Trump we are behind you.Signed John Q. Public

,1530395159,30/06/2018 21:45 8956433,3968643515,

Will be interesting to see if he is arrested when the Q hammer hits the media!!

,1530396931,30/06/2018 22:15 8957678,3968657334,"

LMAO!! they are already melting
WE HAVE 6.5 yrs LEFT
MAGA is dead,America is already great and getting better because we are winning.
W W G 1 W G A!
Do you know Q?

",1530397957,30/06/2018 22:32 8957141,3968676706,

God Bless Q!!

,1530399513,30/06/2018 22:58 8956433,3968683147,"

And, in other late, breaking news, Gene Q. Whipplewart ate at fried chicken and biscuits from Bojangles for dinner. Also, the Sun rose in the East today.

Details at eleven...

",1530400042,30/06/2018 23:07 8954045,3968734671,"

There are indeed. Q cautions, be careful who you follow, for a good is important, today especially, to be careful, be it politics, church/synagogue, school, literature etc
I reserve judgement on the question of freemasons, i dont accept, nor do i discount...more will be revealed

",1530404190,01/07/2018 00:16 8956835,3968735141,"

Rob Reiner is wide known as a child abuser (also one of many Hollyweird ""humanitarians"" who have ties to organizations like Save the Children)! Spielberg too. Now guess I have to research Tim Robbins as well (c'mon, Trump, unseal the indictments already)!!!

",1530404228,01/07/2018 00:17 8957189,3968754440,"

From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save our T

O'er him thine arm extend
For America's sake defend
Our president, and friend
God save our T

Lord grant that Q anons
May by thy mighty arm
Victory bring

May they sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Dims to crush
God save our T

(Tune of My Country Tis' of Thee)

",1530405804,01/07/2018 00:43 8954495,3968756324,"

Don't know where you're coming from, I wouldn't defend Comey or Lynch if my life depended on it. Believe or not , it is possible to support and love our President and not buy the Qanon crap at the same time. Your analysis of the many crimes of the Obama administration, Clinton campaign, FBI, DOJ and the deep state are spot on. We just diasagree that anything is ever going to be done about it.

",1530405963,01/07/2018 00:46 8956352,3968762575,"

I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk I like the way you talk, Susie Q. Not...

",1530406482,01/07/2018 00:54 8952053,3968769906,"

Only fear I've seen since Trump's inauguration has been from the leftist deep-state (in contrast, the hope present during the very beginning of Obama's terms quickly turned into race wars, politicized racial and class divisions along with political corruption on a truly massive and breathtaking scale)! Of course, this IS just my humble opinion, and your mileage may vary!

",1530407065,01/07/2018 01:04 8957009,3968804340,"

RVW is unconstitutional being it isnt even a legal law
RVW is Pretended Legislation
RVW only granted permission for one to have an abortion
Nothing more,nothing less.
WAKE UP AMERICA,your living a lie
WWG1WGA-Q-Anon-GreatAwakening (find it)

",1530410372,01/07/2018 01:59 8954045,3968934606,"

It's okay... The Great Awakening blew right past you and it's not too late. Now it is Patriots Fight.

",1530424516,01/07/2018 05:55 8954045,3968936743,"

Now they are scared.
July is going to be a blast, future will prove the past.
I'm a Patriot and Q sent us, we want our country back.

",1530424772,01/07/2018 05:59 8958500,3968952911,"

And Bar B Q is a sauce, not an event.

",1530426652,01/07/2018 06:30 8958500,3969003171,"


Military intelligence insider who works directly with Trump

",1530432463,01/07/2018 08:07 8958500,3969024873,"

If it wasn't clear, I don't give a rats ass if you believe Q is a military intelligence insider.

In fact, don't google it. Don't learn anything about it.

",1530434756,01/07/2018 08:45 8958500,3969049170,"

They should be making these allegations against their paymaster, George Soros - who actually is a Nazi. Do you think he is just some random stock market genius?? He is jesuit elite! Sad to see Q blaming today's troubles on Freemasons. Let's get one thing straight: without Freemasons, the western world would have been swallowed by Nazism! No ands, ifs or buts. Say you're sorry, Q!!!!!

",1530437131,01/07/2018 09:25 8954045,3969057908,

Ryan is helping POTUS and Q.

,1530437932,01/07/2018 09:38 8958500,3969067258,"

If it wasn't clear, I don't give a rats ass if you believe Q is a military intelligence insider or not.

My comments are not geared toward you. Move along.

",1530438739,01/07/2018 09:52 8957864,3969074328,"

At least she admits she is an Animal...

Democrats can't even get their Midterm campaigns setup correctly -- // // etc all re-direct to a Trump fan page!

#MAGA #MidTerms #QAnon #LockHerUp

FriendsOfDonald // FriendsOfQ

",1530439314,01/07/2018 10:01 8958500,3969083994,"

On a completely unrelated note, if you believe the writings of Qanon as having any veracity, then you'll know that this month (July), is going to be a really bad one for the democrats. :-)

",1530440095,01/07/2018 10:14 8958500,3969087206,"

Look up the praying medic on YT, he has a ""primer"" on Q - sums up what we do and don't know.

",1530440352,01/07/2018 10:19 8942738,3969159598,"

They actually do it literally. Satanic rituals involve cannibalism, and also child and baby sacrifice. These, too, will come out to the public soon and not just to us Q followers.

",1530445232,01/07/2018 11:40 8958500,3969184373,


brandon willits
I chose to #WalkAway when I discovered #Qanon. Q has shown myself and many others how the democratic party is so corrupt and has committed crimes against humanity and the American people. Do not allow your friends and family to fall victim to the disease called liberalism.

,1530446765,01/07/2018 12:06 8958500,3969212556,"

Multiple Facebook investors working on coup of Facebook's Zuckerberg



Breitbart Reports: According to a recent report, some Facebook investors are becoming tired of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s style of running the company and may be considering a coup.Just a few months ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Shortly before this, during a call with members of the media, including Breitbart News, one reporter asked Zuckerberg whether or not there had been a discussion amongst board members about replacing Zuckerberg as chairman of the company. Zuckerberg paused shortly and gave a short, clipped answer: “Not that I’m aware of.”
According to a recent report from Business Insider, that discussion amongst board members may have taken place. Scott Stringer, New York City’s comptroller, who is responsible for overseeing the investment of approximately $895 million worth of Facebook shares through city pension funds, recently told Business Insider: “We have concerns about the structure of the board that the company doesn’t seem ready to address, which can lead to risks — reputational, regulatory, and otherwise.” Doherty believes that Facebook’s current situation is one of the past that regularly has failed. “The idea that there should be an autocrat in charge of a gigantic public company, which has billions of dollars of shareholder money invested in it, is an anachronism,” Doherty said. “It harks back to the 19th century when you had these robber barons who were autocrats and dictators.”
Looks like very rich people who are vastly invested in Facebook are getting very tired of Facebook and Zuckerbergs latest policies over the years, and it looks like investors are planning a coup against the censorship king of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Q has even told us to pay attention to resignations of CEO's around the world, and it looks like very powerful investors of Facebook are planning to make Mark Zuckerberg leave the company.
​ For to long American Conservatives have dealt with social media targeting Conservative voices on social media, and it now looks like Mark Zuckerberg's censoring of Conservatives online may have finally angered some of Facebook's top investors across America...As multiple investors likely responsible for a few billion dollars of Zuckerberg's network may be ready to pull the plug on Zuckerberg if the censorship targeting of Conservative voices and pages don't stop

",1530448450,01/07/2018 12:34 8958500,3969234030,"

Bunch of homosexuals , sodomites, soyboys, feminists, SJWs, Low IQ people, brainwashed people, illegal aliens and Liberals.
they all make me sick, are disgusting , and are mentally ill. they are all Sub-Human abominations of humanity, that are destroying our societies. need to stop their agenda! Deport all them together!
make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1530449576,01/07/2018 12:52 8958500,3969237245,

300 million repatriated by corporations in Q 1...... All due to our tax cuts.

,1530449738,01/07/2018 12:55 8957693,3969242481,"

Keep up the great work ICE. using children to push their nonsense.
Bunch of homosexuals , sodomites, soyboys, feminists, SJWs, Low IQ people, brainwashed people, illegal aliens and Liberals.
they all make me sick, are disgusting , and are mentally ill. they are all Sub-Human abominations of humanity, that are destroying our societies. need to stop their agenda! Deport all them together!
make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1530450002,01/07/2018 13:00 8958056,3969246541,"

Look at these people. using children to push their nonsense.
Bunch of homosexuals , sodomites, soyboys, feminists, SJWs, Low IQ people, brainwashed people, illegal aliens and Liberals.
they all make me sick, are disgusting , and are mentally ill. they are all Sub-Human abominations of humanity, that are destroying our societies. need to stop their agenda! Deport all them together!
make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1530450209,01/07/2018 13:03 8957681,3969249177,"

make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1530450352,01/07/2018 13:05 8958500,3969304448,"

until you follow the money and find out who is paying these low I Q morons to parrot catchy phrases that impacts even lower I Q morons this will not stop, my guess would be to start with the letter g or s

",1530453252,01/07/2018 13:54 8954045,3969376378,"

Think the last (but more so) - over 35000 sealed indictments coming. Get your popcorn ready!

",1530456512,01/07/2018 14:48 8407193,3969510117,

#Qanon #MAGA

,1530462603,01/07/2018 16:30 8958872,3969516936,"

Ask yourself - does Huber have the ability to file across all 50 states?

Is any of this normal?

Think sealed indictments.

Think resignations of CEOs.

Think resignations of Senators.

Think resignations of Congress.

Think termination of senior FBI….

Think termination of senior DOJ….


Midterms punt.

All or nothing?


Would a 2nd SC take years to complete?

Would a 2nd SC be based in corrupt DC?

Would the grand jury be members of the DC community?

What % of DC voted for HRC?

How large is Mueller’s team?


Think 470.

The more you know.


Sealed Indictments

Trust the Plan.



",1530462940,01/07/2018 16:35 8958359,3969519262,"

",1530463053,01/07/2018 16:37 8958359,3969521117,"

Read but hold onto your seat it's very unsettling but explains a lot of what is going on and why.

",1530463144,01/07/2018 16:39 8955522,3969545581,"

Hi Peg C.,
Just my opinion, but I don't think Q should be overestimated. As best I can tell, he is mostly gleaning info and well-based speculation already on the web elsewhere and presenting them with an attention-getting 'secret agent' style. He is right about a lot, but I don't think he has much from 'inside sources', if any.
I reached that conclusion by checking his most recent stuff at one point, and then I found where all of it seemed to have come from (not all in one place, he apparently does do research and put it together).

",1530464393,01/07/2018 16:59 8407193,3969573927,"

Base URL:
Item of Interest: F20D6545-C0D7-4A91-ACF7-35688A7D0546.jpeg - hit the engine and ""spider it out"". OR: for July 1 2018 will yield it too - click to enlarge & make readable.

Content: HOW MANY Federal INDICTMENTS have been ISSUED, STATE by STATE from October 2017 through June 2018. {{{ COMPLETE}}}.

Reveal: Godlike Productions hosts this; Q displays it. Would hoist it to HERE but the New Disqus will not DO that. So now she's All Dug Up but now YOU gotta' GO SEE. And that is all. 0{;-\o[

",1530465790,01/07/2018 17:23 8946950,3969573945,"

There only ever was one God.

The proof is in history. As Q often says, ""future proves past"".

That means you have to wait and see. That means you judge a spiritual writer by examining his works over time, to see if they come true or not.

If the promised events do not happen, drop it like a hot potato.

Well, that is not quick, and it's not easy. It requires patience, reflection, and other kinds of self-discipline.

I have become convinced over my brief 62 years of life that the one true God, who created and sustains all of reality moment-by-moment from the beginning of time, is the God the ancient Hebrews knew as YHVH.

I am convinced that the Bible is an historically-verified text, and that Jesus of Nazareth is the One promised in Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah, and many many other scriptures.

I have placed my faith in this Jesus, that his forgiveness is all that I need to obtain not only the forgiveness of this omnipotent God, but also His adoption as a beloved son.

Yea, I know this is all too good to be true. After many years it still seems like some kind of dream.

But it's all true.

",1530465790,01/07/2018 17:23 8960129,3969598061,"

So Q says Undercover Huber is doing the heavy lifting in DC. He seems to confirm that Mueller is a good guy, and that Huber is part of his team, which is actually 470 people, not 20 libtard lawyers.

Yikes. 35,000 sealed indictments about to ravage the Deep State. Gitmo gon' b full

",1530467015,01/07/2018 17:43 8954495,3969618222,"

Haha, Q! Do you also believe in the Tooth Fairy? Didn't Q say Obama and Clinton would be in Gitmo by this past November?

",1530468036,01/07/2018 18:00 8957681,3969624234,"



Federal agents raided Q.T Fashion and numerous other businesses in the downtown fashion district Wednesday, cracking down on a scheme that cartels are increasingly relying on to get their profits — from drug sales, kidnappings and other illegal activities — back to Mexico, authorities said.

Nine people were arrested in raids targeting 75 locations, and $90 million was seized — $70 million in cash. In one condo, agents found $35 million stuffed in banker boxes. At a mansion in Bel-Air, they discovered $10 million in duffel bags.

""Los Angeles has become the epicenter of narco-dollar money laundering with couriers regularly bringing duffel bags and suitcases full of cash to many businesses,"" said Robert E. Dugdale, the assistant U.S. attorney in charge of federal criminal prosecutions in Los Angeles.

",1530468340,01/07/2018 18:05 8959697,3969648225,"

Also, Fa Q. (Not directed at you. Just an example.)

",1530469567,01/07/2018 18:26 8960129,3969653657,"

My first experience with the SES topic was on a YouTube channel that was trying to lead us away from Q to their own ""inside source"".

Claiming that SES was our real problem.

Turned out the guy running that channel was a cult leader. Very weird one. I was sent a video of him doing that other shtick, and it creeped me out.

",1530469801,01/07/2018 18:30 8954045,3969678677,"

""Show me the urls!""

Here y'are, m'friend. It's Open Source Intelligence data on those very indictments, state-by-state and monthly from October 2017:

F20D6545-C0D7-4A91-ACF7-35688A7D0546.jpeg is IT. (Search with; Google just might NOT want you to know but Qwant sure DOES locate that fine informative info-file just dandy.)

Researched by over a dozen well-connected Open Source agents of the Republic, all of whom CAN be reached and comm'd with. Hoisted by Godlikeproductions just a little while back. Quoted TODAY by Q...(!) is the Q-Drop Spot. Scroll down to the July 1 page. Click the thumbnail image to enlarge.

Hope this helps! And that is all. 0{;-)o[

",1530470939,01/07/2018 18:48 8960129,3969698636,

Can Breitbart write an article on the Q phenomenon?

It will not peel away B.B. viewers. Au contraire!

Sacre Blu.

Viva La Resistance!!!


,1530471922,01/07/2018 19:05 8960129,3969707355,"

WARNING: You are about to believe Q is real in under 3 minutes.

Trump says a key phrase: (watch for 20 seconds)

Q shows us where it came from: (watch for 2+ minutes)
(note all the keywords throughout the trailer)

",1530472369,01/07/2018 19:12 8960129,3969711592,"

Supposedly CNN is about to do a hit piece about ""the qanon conspiracy theory"" as they call it. They seem pretty concerned if they are going after that group.

",1530472589,01/07/2018 19:16 8407193,3969715233,"

Every Patriot should be following .... July is supposed to be the month that the public is made aware of the criminal behavior of the prior admin... keep praying and follow Q ..... stay united!

",1530472777,01/07/2018 19:19 8759717,3969756997,

GDP results are not out yet so how did we have very very very good gdp results for the 2nd Q?

1Q gdp was 2.6%. not very very very good.

Last year was 2.6% too. not very very very good.

Remember anything under 3% is a horrible economy according to Trump standards.

,1530475168,01/07/2018 19:59 8959919,3969791098,"

Is that you Michael Moore?

",1530477321,01/07/2018 20:35 8960936,3969806890,

I hope he'll feel even better once he sees Q The Plan to Save The World!
Google it. :-):-)

,1530478385,01/07/2018 20:53 8960219,3969812808,

How much was he paid???
Ok..please Q The Plan To Save The World!! It will explain what's been happening for years and how President Trump is draining the swamp!!!
Share it everywhere!!!!

,1530478777,01/07/2018 20:59 8959274,3969827578,"

I agree completely, this a just a big distraction! Once Rosenstein turns over the emails and texts, its game over for the democrats. They will be revealed to be totally corrupt and anti american and they know it is coming and they are delaying it or hoping to get to the midterms where their only chance of stopping the swamp drain is to win in november. They are at the bottom of the hill and you know what rolls downhill dontcha? S#it. They know its coming and they are panicking big time. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Team Trump/Team Q are coming...

",1530479774,01/07/2018 21:16 8956388,3969839586,

Who is Q ??

,1530480596,01/07/2018 21:29 8957447,3969872766,"

The stupidity & fear the Cabal masters are displaying by doing everything they possibly can to incite violence by fabricating stories in the media, using false narratives & propaganda, censoring any & all Christian or Conservative voices, Labeling everyone who doesn't believe in their as a xenophobe, a racist, a misogynist, a Nazi, A Fascist, an enemy of humanity, A White Supremacist, & uneducated idiot. All the while ignoring the fact that every single thing they are accusing others of is exactly what their behavior is. That's why the #WalkAway movement is gaining so much steam, but what their really afraid of is the Great Awakening & the QAnon movement. They know that too many people have been awakened to the truth & they can no longer contain it. They also know that in this country all they can hope for is Civil War so the they're organizing as many Antifa types to riot & attack conservatives & people who serve in President Trump's Administration. Dan Bongino said something last week which is 100% true. They're not prepared for what this would actually mean. Liberals & Socialists are not hardened the way we are. The majority of conservatives are military trained, blue collar, construction worker types who are heavily armed, more organized, & willing to lay down their lives for their family, country, religious beliefs, political beliefs, & to protect democracy on any & every front. The shock & horror the left would feel in provoking the silent majority Lion out of its slumber would be a decisive & swift reaction that would take them completely off guard. We're not the type of people who start fight, but we are most definitely the type to finish them.

",1530482996,01/07/2018 22:09 8960624,3969883106,"

""July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.""

Q Anon Drop

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3831d8 No.1940684
Jun 28 2018 11:22:02 (EST)

Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?
What is coming?
Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?
Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?
These people are SICK!
They do NOT love this country.

(Link is to NY Post article: ""Facebook Survey Asks Users if They Condone Pedophilia"".)
Q Anon Drop

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: aaf6b0 No.1942596
Jun 28 2018 13:25:13 (EST)

Trying to ‘normalize’.
Who just joined the Board of Netflix?
Who pushed?
What is coming?

(Link is to Fox News article: ""Netflix Under Fire for Film Critics Say Contains Child Pornography"")

Susan Rice just joined the Netflix Board of Directors. They are attempting to ""normalize"" pedophilia because what's coming is horrifying proof that the ""Pizzagate"" and child sex-trafficking allegations against the elite and powerful in Hollywood, Finance, Government, etc.
....... are TRUE!

Joel Davis, a Clinton Campaign Official was arrested just days ago for pedophilia. He went to Oxford and Columbia, was the head of an international ""anti-rape"" NGO, worked with the U.N. and was even nominated for a damn Nobel Peace Prize!

Q called it. More to come. Wait and see.

Thank you Q Patriots and President Trump for your tireless work saving this Great Nation.
God shed His Grace on thee!

",1530483684,01/07/2018 22:21 8407193,3969901631,"

I hope it's happening. Why are the indictments still sealed? Q highlighted this

",1530484856,01/07/2018 22:40 8959295,3969913842,

Check out Q latest

,1530485635,01/07/2018 22:53 8957864,3969935741,"

in a Q post sometime ago, mentioned that ""they"" (the corrupt) wouldnt be able to go in public or show their faces once the truth was revealed. looks like their following Q too

",1530487091,01/07/2018 23:18 8960723,3969944648,"

The sealed indictment official count is now 40,483.

If this fails then look here:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 35fcbf No.1986043 📁 NEW
Jul 1 2018 13:04:40 (EST)
Good tracking.
Ask yourself - is this normal?
This is bigger than people can possibly imagine.
Nothing being done?


",1530487672,01/07/2018 23:27 8952770,3969962512,"

Trump doesn't understand NATO??
Really? Shows your ignorance. You really have little knowledge of how the world works, eh?
I don't understand?
Q Clearance?

",1530488878,01/07/2018 23:47 8961203,3969968142,

32m32 minutes ago

There will be no civil war.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.
NK is NOT advancing their weapons program.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.

,1530489268,01/07/2018 23:54 8960384,3969974034,"

Hey Superstar....why dont you ask the obvious question, which has been hanging out there for 9 months.....that you are all so terrified to ask, because you already know the answer... 'Is Q real' You cant put it off..much longer!!!

",1530489693,02/07/2018 00:01 8938382,3969974301,"

Trust the plan.Dont stress enjoy the show we have it all.The dems are stupid.

",1530489713,02/07/2018 00:01 8960723,3969980060,"

FF's out the yin-yang, unfortunately, people really do die, but we're onto their evil plan. Scroll down to where Neonrevolt starts talking about Jarrod Ramos...

",1530490114,02/07/2018 00:08 8955716,3969980320,"

Trust the plan.Dont stress enjoy the show we have it all.The demoncrats including moore are stupid.

",1530490131,02/07/2018 00:08 8960624,3969982660,"

July 1 Q Drop Details
Sealed Federal Indictments and Search Warrants Nationwide

Entire year of 2006 : 1,077

10/30/17 - 6/30/18 : 40,483

""Ask yourself - is this normal?
This is bigger than people can possibly imagine.
Nothing being done?""

Something YUGE! is about to go down!

",1530490294,02/07/2018 00:11 8960624,3969991710,"

New Q drops 5 minutes ago!

Thank you USSS.

Article link: ""stunning-revelation-buried-deep-in-ig-report-blows-hole-in-lynch-clinton-tarmac-meeting-narrative""

",1530490949,02/07/2018 00:22 8954495,3969999907,"

Cite when Q said ""Obama and Clinton would be in Gitmo by this past November."" You won't be able to because he didn't say it. You're just lying in attempt to fool people into believing that you have a point. So, you can delude yourself into thinking that you know something about Q, but if you really knew about Q, you would know that he points people towards things that aren't covered by the mainstream media, but verifiable nonetheless. He isn't leaking anything. He's putting a spotlight on the truth, and idiots like yourself don't know how to deal with it. You resort to name calling and poor reasoning instead. But don't worry. There's time for you to remove your head from your backside. Wait until John Huber brings the hammer down. Then we'll see who has the last laugh. Here's a hint: GOD WINS.

",1530491537,02/07/2018 00:32 8961203,3970002768,"

Wow. They seem to know Q is going mainstream.

Q brought our attention to Fentanyl the 28th and SNOPES brings up this story the 29th:

It seems the story from the 26th did happen, but is being used to frame Q people.
Imagine you are somebody who isn't familiar with Q and you would have grabbed a packet that was trying to help. Knowing this, would you be more hesitant? Total frame job to discourage learning.

The Targeted Justice pamphlet provided looks like a good organization too. They provide legal action for targeted individuals (looks like patriots being targeted). The name definitely sounds like they ""take justice in their own hands"" but that isn't what I am seeing from the website.

",1530491744,02/07/2018 00:35 8960723,3970005105,"

They know EXACTLY what they are doing (Trump now has over 40,000 sealed indictments about to be unleaded, so yeah, Dick is probably one of them named)! WWG1WGA

",1530491918,02/07/2018 00:38 8961203,3970012786,

How about a piece summarizing the Q phenomenon?
With any judgments withheld.

,1530492481,02/07/2018 00:48 8961203,3970014436,"

I have one, why does QAnon post in decipherable code?

",1530492600,02/07/2018 00:50 8961203,3970018559,"

The initial idea (from how I understood) was we needed to have a record of what is going on so the history of the push-back against the cabal can't be edited after the fact.

What is decipherable at the time of writing isn't going to harm their operations if understood.

What is decipherable only later is there to help prove Q was an insider, but that is starting to be the old way of doing it.
Trump is starting to make it more obvious, so that older way of proving isn't crucial anymore.

",1530492918,02/07/2018 00:55 8960723,3970024467,

Where the hell are the cases? 80 bazillion does not matter when they sit there with Qanon supporters telling me something is going to happen sometime! Screw this crap! Show me da money! Show me someone going down! Not a small time loser! When does it kick back to Hilliary and Obummer?

,1530493359,02/07/2018 01:02 8960624,3970043944,"

The Obamas join Netflix and now they are trying to mainstream child porn so Obama and others will not be seen as so bad when they get indicted for it.

Remember Obama started having relations with 10 year old Maggie Nixon a hollywood child when she was 10.

She was a gift to him, her mother Sara is good friends with James Alafantis.


Google images of Obama and Maggie Nixon. Q is the one who broke the news on this. Notice the media never looked up Magige Nixon or her mom to ask them about it??? It would be a good way prove Q is a larp. Media silent though.

",1530494897,02/07/2018 01:28 8960624,3970051578,"

It's not fake, Q would not have gave real names and said Obama was a pedophile if it was not true.

They are both probably in protective custody. They are both still alive.

",1530495547,02/07/2018 01:39 8960624,3970077831,"

It's ""Wendy"" Nixon, not Maggie Nixon.
Try here:

",1530497991,02/07/2018 02:19 8960129,3970094998,"

There is an update of over 50,000 sealed indictments. Go to:

There you will find what you seek.

The chart breaks the indictments down by each state and US territory. Kali, NY, NJ, DC seem to lead the way.

NB: Prior to Sessions appointing Huber and his 450 investigators, the average was 1000 sealed indictments per month. Post-Huber it has risen to over 5,000 per month.

Does this seem normal?

Thank you for asking. Inquiring minds need to know...

",1530499747,02/07/2018 02:49 8960723,3970110672,


,1530501468,02/07/2018 03:17 8961626,3970159098,"

Q is a fraud.

And Huber is Barry's boy.

Below is from Disqus member Max D.

""The biggest hole in all of this supposed Q military operation, is the claim that they are using the military to serve the warrants which is complete BS. The Military cannot serve any type of warrant from the DOJ unless it is a warrant that deals with a UCMJ charge. If it is anything to do with civilian law enforcement charges they are not allowed to serve any of those warrants or participate in any way. I believe the original claim was that 30K warrants were about to be served several months ago, yet nothing. These cases are going to be held in military tribunals? Uh, no that will never happen for many, many reasons including the Constitution. Once again the military cannot be involved at all except for charges related to a UCMJ charge so that leaves out everyone that isn't military out of these sealed indictments.

As far as using 1,066 sealed indictments from 2006 as a baseline? I'd have to call BS on that also along with the claims that they average only 1,000 per year. See local PD's actually constitute most of the manpower for each States operations for the FBI fugitive task force, The DEA operations and the US Marshall's Task Forces, with a few supervising Federal Agents over these local Law Enforcement Officers. You never want an actual FBI agent pointing a gun at anyone as they are mainly accountants and lawyers, the local LEO actually do the work and the Feds pay the salaries for those Officers in return. Well, my point is that just my agency filed over 1,000 sealed indictments in Federal Court each year between all the Federal Task Forces they participated in. Since these sealed indictments include charges and search warrants. If you had a drug operation with multiple persons and places where they were distributing, storing or manufacturing, even a simple case could involve up to 60 plus sealed filings including charges on people and search warrants for houses, vehicles and storage units. A large case could involve over a hundred easy over the course of the investigation, so this only 1,000 sealed indictments per year is an absolute bogus figure. Even the amount of sealed warrants for a single Fugitive from the US Marshalls could entail around 5-10 sealed warrants depending on various factors on what they were wanted for and places they were known to frequent, live or be allowed to stay in. Also most of your GPS trackers are sealed warrants and all of your wiretaps are. These add up to hundreds and easily over a thousand just for my agency and while a larger City PD it isn't LAPD so these figures being 1,000 per month until now? Yeah, not even close. Just think about it, if a Fed needs a wiretap or a GPS tracker that is a sealed search warrant which counts in this category being touted. You think there are only 1,000 of just those filed in the entire US over a year by the Feds? Hint, you might want to add a zero to that for that category alone!

Heck Mueller and his witch hunt posse has filed well over a hundred sealed indictments himself. Sealed indictments are not nearly as rare as they are being portrayed to be. As I said, all wiretaps are and if you are running one you need lots of them for various numbers, locations ect. So every time you run a wiretap even if it was for one person, which is unlikely it is going to easily take 10 sealed warrants to cover that subject, now multiply that by the number of people in a larger criminal enterprise and you are easily over a hundred on one case when you include sealed charges for those people which if you are into a wiretap you probably have a lot of charges on multiple people. Now imagine a RICO case that is ongoing. Yeah a single RICO case could result in over a thousand sealed warrant all by itself. We worked a major case that was all over the national news that involved well known organized crime families and that case alone resulted in well over 1,000 sealed DOJ warrants over the course of the investigation, for one single case. I'm pretty sure that during that time their was more than just that single case going on in the entire US Federal system.

So we really need to stop with this stuff about 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 warrants being served by the military soon! Because it isn't going to happen and I'm not saying that there may not be a high number of current sealed indictments in the system right now, but I know for a fact that the system doesn't just average 1,000 per year as like I said I know first hand this is BS.

That is besides that tens of thousands of these warrants were supposed to have been served months ago by military that had been strategically placed around the US to serve these warrants. Well what happened to that operation?""

",1530507086,02/07/2018 04:51 8961641,3970286178,

FU K Q! I know I'm protecting this country!

,1530520385,02/07/2018 08:33 8960384,3970357299,"

Anyone interested in what is going to happen this month, and what lies we have been told over the years, logon to great Awakening is underway.
It has become a world wide phenomenon.
Those following Q have known since march 8th that the North Korean coming to the table has been a done deal since the day that Trump met with Xi and Kim in the forbidden city on his visit to China
Q anon will become main stream news in the very near future

",1530525809,02/07/2018 10:03 8960723,3970363657,"

WWG1WGA. Pretty sure I saw his name of Qanon's list this weekend. Follow the drops at

",1530526227,02/07/2018 10:10 8960723,3970367191,"

Become informed of the past present and future.
The great awakening has begun. WWG1WGA !!!!!

",1530526449,02/07/2018 10:14 8954591,3970375420,"

Jesuit educated Macron was always going to side with the anti-semites.

It was deeply disappointing to see Q attacking Freemasonry, while ignoring the real puppetmasters: the jesuits. Sad stuff. It tells the discerning geopolitical watcher that Q doesn't properly understand the real power structure. Sad.

",1530526956,02/07/2018 10:22 8961641,3970385933,"

Those that are interested in knowing the lies of the past and present, and the future that Trump is fighting for check out the drops at
The Great Awakening is underway.
WWG1WGA !!!!

",1530527576,02/07/2018 10:32 8961641,3970396500,"

Enlighten yourself and others
There are over 40 thousand sealed indictments that have been verified that will soon be served, to those involved in treason, obstruction of justice, pedophilia (by elites in Hollywood and both political parties) and many other crimes.

",1530528166,02/07/2018 10:42 8961641,3970401398,"

Anyone interested in knowing the past lies we have been fed, the present lies that are being spewed by the communist/socialist media should check out the drops at
Those that have been following Q have known since March 8th that North Korea was going to come to the table to negotiate for peace.
This was negotiated when Trump met with Xi and Kim in the forbidden city when our president visited China many months ago.
WWG1WGA !!!!

",1530528436,02/07/2018 10:47 8961641,3970411260,"

Want to get ahead of the curve on what is about to come down ?
Want to know about the 40 thousand unsealed indictments about to be dispersed?
Want to know about the massive world wide pedophile ring that is being taken down?
Allison Mack and her boyfriend have both been arrested for child sex trafficking, Allison has been singing like a bird naming top Hollywood and political elites that were her customers
Check out the drops at

",1530528967,02/07/2018 10:56 8961641,3970414140,

i don't believe Q ...

,1530529116,02/07/2018 10:58 8959124,3970460118,"

They more than anyone know what it’s like to be invaded.

I'm Irish and there is a degree irony here, maybe several.

1. Like in Britain, the Celtic people had arrived in Ireland only in the 1st millennium BC. It is clear from archaeological evidences that there were people living in both Ireland and Britain before the arrival of the P and Q Celtic people in the 6th-5th century BC.

It was these pre-Celtic peoples who were involved in the megalithic cultures, such as erecting large standing stones and megalithic tombs. It is a 18th and 19th myth that the Celtic druids were involved in long barrows in Ireland or stone circles, like Stonehenge in England.

2. The Vikings set up almost the entire east coast of Ireland with Dublin as their HQ

3.In 1166, the ousted King of Leinster, Dermot MacMurrough invited Strongbow, Richard de Clare[Anglo Norman lord] to help him regain his throne.

And so on; our history is complex

",1530531475,02/07/2018 11:37 8959697,3970486352,"

",1530532683,02/07/2018 11:58 8959697,3970549810,"

A few in case you need a place to start!

RightSide Broadcasting <-- they pan the crowds at Trump events :)

Tracy Beanz <-- nitty gritty cutting edge journalist

Lionel Nation <-- fun dude who likes conspiracy stuff (the CIA weaponized the term to mean ""crazy"" lol) He is nothing like Jones.

Citizen's Investigative Report <-- after trying about a dozen Q interpreters, she is my favorite :). Takes it so seriously that she runs it by lots of people and does research before posting.

That last one we might need pretty soon, or I wouldn't have mentioned. Just in case.

",1530535545,02/07/2018 12:45 8959697,3970604690,"

One of the best Ben Garrison comics yet.

",1530537465,02/07/2018 13:17 8945686,3970664085,"

Speaking of media....amazing that NOT ONE reporter from ANY 'NEWS SOURCE', has asked the enormous question, which has been dangling out there for 9 months. Perhaps, its because they already know the answer, and it scares ALL to death.

",1530539769,02/07/2018 13:56 8962502,3970709124,"

Funny, Mohammed Faid doesn't look French?
Welkommen der:
""Islamic Caliphate of Frank Reich""!
Herr Macron who is ""married"" to the:
""First Lady"" of France, and the;
""First Mother"" of France; will lead France from Failure to Failure, until the People of France have a ""Great Awakening""!

Remember that France, in the early days of WW2, only cared for their; leisure, wine and cheese; until they woke up one morning to find that Germany had taken over their Country. France needs : Trump and Q!

",1530541265,02/07/2018 14:21 8961812,3970776478,"

The INTREPID MEDIA needs to ASK President Trump about Q.




",1530543577,02/07/2018 14:59 8961812,3970813161,"

____ intelligence agencies reported that...
NK is arming up again.
Smelled bogus, and Q seems to be confirming this.

",1530545045,02/07/2018 15:24 8961812,3970876827,

Is that what Q is?

,1530547402,02/07/2018 16:03 8961812,3970918565,"

Two guys with masonic emblems doesn't warrant an attack. 6,000,000 masons are spread all over the world. I've followed Q from the start. And I'm beginning to get a bit sceptical at his lack of jesuit coverage. Attacking masons is the cheap way out of addressing the real power brokers!

",1530548939,02/07/2018 16:28 8961812,3970921472,"

Come on, Intrepid Media, ask the Q uestion!

A ""Once In A Lifetime Scoop!""

DO IT!!!

",1530549060,02/07/2018 16:31 8961812,3970932587,"

Come On, ALPHABET NEWS, Prove You Are REAL!

Ask President Trump the BIG QUESTION!



",1530549514,02/07/2018 16:38 8960330,3970941362,"

What evidence do you have Trump is unstable? You may not like how communicates, but his policies are sound and helping this country. Lowered taxes, working to de-nuke NK, Incredible economic growth, fixing the porous border and more.

Seems like you are just a sore loser and watch too much CNN and MSNBC.

Read up on Q and maybe you'll learn something.

",1530549873,02/07/2018 16:44 8961812,3970962755,"

Come On, MSM!



It's the only way.

Be the Journalist you have always aspired to be.

",1530550712,02/07/2018 16:58 8961812,3970975821,

QAnon got this!

,1530551216,02/07/2018 17:06 8961812,3970981499,"

Deep State distraction false flags likely foiled in Paris, France and Cleveland, OH



​The Guardian reported: Belgian authorities arrested a married couple on Monday and accused them of preparing a bomb attack in France during a packed rally of an Iranian opposition group last weekend. As well as Iranian exiles, there were numerous American speakers at the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) event, including Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s lawyer.
The federal prosecutor’s office said on Monday that the two, Belgian citizens of Iranian heritage in their 30s, were charged with “attempt at terrorist murder and preparing a terrorist crime” against an Iranian opposition group in the French town of Villepinte, which is close to Paris. The office said investigators who detained the couple and searched their car found about half a kilogram of TATP explosives and a detonator. A few grams of TATP can cause bodily damage. Half a kilogram would be enough to cause a sizeable explosion and, in a crowd of 25,000, considerable bloodshed and widespread panic.
WHIO Reports: Officials with the FBI said Monday that authorities have made an arrest in connection with a Fourth of July terror plot that would have targeted downtown Cleveland. Authorities identified the man arrested Sunday on suspicion of attempting to support a terrorist organization as Demetrius Pitts, also known Abdur Raheem Rahfeeq. Pitts first came under scrutiny in 2017, after he made “disturbing” posts on Facebook in support of the Muslim militant group al-Qaida, said Stephen Anthony, the special agent-in-charge of the FBI Cleveland office. “He talked about taking targets like St. John’s Cathedral off the map,” Herdman said. “(Pitts) wanted to strike at the values that are at the very core of our nation. He wanted us to be afraid to speak our minds. He also wanted us to be scared to gather in public places.”
Looks like the Deep State is willing to do anything to distract the public worldwide from the storm that is occurring around the world, as multiple so called terrorist attacks have been foiled during the Trump Presidency. It looks like we have another case of Deep State connected false flags foiled once again, as terrorist attacks in Cleveland, Ohio and the Paris Free Iran rally have been foiled together this week. With the terrorist attack foiled in Cleveland, OH by the FBI, it could very likely be the FBI created this story to make the bureau look like it's actually doing something...When the FBI has ignored multiple threats that have eventually been carried out on US soil since 9/11 to cause a distraction away from things like the IG report.
​ However these two foiled terrorist attacks likely Deep State connected for a major distraction could also point out that Patriots are taking over things like the corrupt FBI, if Deep State attacks around the world and in America are now being foiled in mass. Q has told us to watch for false flags, and these were likely Deep State attempts to distract.

",1530551414,02/07/2018 17:10 8961812,3970989098,"

New Q, There will be no Civil War, MSM creating fear to change narrative


1 Comment

It really seems a new narrative has once again been created by the Deep State, since the fake narrative about illegal alien children in cages has failed when they are actually being trafficked by drug cartels, asylum seekers, and even the Obama administration while in detention centers. The new narrative by the Deep State is this push to get Americans involved in a civil war against each other, and you saw it in the latest Antifa situation in Portland, Oregon and with Maxine Waters and Cory Booker calling for attacks on Trump supporters.
However just as Q has stated that this push for protests and this call for Civil War from the DS politicians were actually staged, and it really looks like no one is buying this push for civil war from the Deep State as nothing serious has even happened. The media is even creating fake polls through things like Rasmussen by claiming 30 percent of America expects a Civil War. Like Q says nothing will happen and it's just the latest narrative pushed by the Deep State and it's nothing more than a distraction from other failed narratives and the storm.

",1530551677,02/07/2018 17:14 8961812,3971000549,"

Free Iran movement now involves armed clashes against Deep State controlled Iranian regime



Mehdi Mirghaderi @mobarez_nastooh

#Breaking: Several people were killed and wounded in protest against the Islamic Republic of Iran in #Khorramshahr. The protests are still ongoing. People slogan: ""Down with Islamic Reupblic""#Iranprotests

5:11 PM - Jun 30, 2018


129 people are talking about this

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· 30 Jun

Replying to @mahsti25metana1

#Khoramshahr- Riot police on motorcycle shooting at people who protesting for severe #WaterShortage@UNHumanRights #IranProtests


Any government that kills its own people in the streets has zero legitimacy.#Iran regime will answer for its crimes against the #Iranian people. who just want water.#Khoramshahr #WalkAway #IranProtests

4:10 AM - Jul 1, 2018


113 people are talking about this

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Sayed Mousavi @SayedMousavi7

Khoramshar water shortage protest turned violent tonight.

What we know:
-At least 2 protesters shot, possibly by getting close to military zones
-Mobs set 2 museums on fire (reports)
-1 hour of calm
- No base takeovers(anti-regime journos have claimed)
- Armed bike is suspicious

6:17 PM - Jun 30, 2018


60 people are talking about this

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Looks like Q was right in stating Iran was next after Trump struck peace with North Korea, as Iranian citizens involved in clashes with the Deep State provided Iranian regime are now having armed clashes with the Deep State controlled Iranian government. We will likely hear news in the coming days or coming weeks that will involve current Iranian leadership stepping down, who truly are puppets for the Deep State.
Should the people of Iran succeed in taking back their nation from the Deep State cabal that has been in control of Iran since the 1970's, not only will you see the leadership fall in Iran...But you will also likely see the Islamic control of Iran fall apart as well over the coming days. Even though the citizens of Iran are now rising up we shouldn't see a major terror group like ISIS develop, because we aren't under a President like Obama who funded rebel/terrorist groups in the middle east...The Iranian situation is very different from Syria as it is the people fighting back.

",1530552060,02/07/2018 17:21 8961812,3971005186,"

SERIOUSLY MSM, Ask the Question!

You know you want/have to.


Don't ALL you Democrats and Republicans WANT TO KNOW?


Trust the Plan.

",1530552179,02/07/2018 17:22 8961812,3971013977,

Wouldn't you all like to know if Q is helping the PLAN of PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP?

,1530552488,02/07/2018 17:28 8961812,3971023260,"



",1530552766,02/07/2018 17:32 8961812,3971064616,"

Take the time to watch Q The Plan to Save the World:

",1530554098,02/07/2018 17:54 8961812,3971065674,"

I like Trump, who cares about Q.

",1530554132,02/07/2018 17:55 8961812,3971125743,

Scared and Lazy MSM hasn't Asked the Q UESTION Yet?

,1530556275,02/07/2018 18:31 8954045,3971136765,"

Forgive me for not knowing, but who the heck is Q?

",1530556717,02/07/2018 18:38 8963486,3971138177,"

",1530556775,02/07/2018 18:39 8961812,3971197087,"

I don’t see any other way to stop the liberal/communist faction from enacting policies that will kill this republic. Look at the way they are STILL acting after over a year and a half of the Trump presidency. They keep moving further and further to the left and no matter what he does, they are against it, even if they benefit from it. I don’t think even Q can say for certain that it’s not going to happen. Conservatives are getting fed up with their whining and crying.

",1530559186,02/07/2018 19:19 8954045,3971215335,"

Start reading from the beginning. President Trump has one shot to save America and the world. Q is someone close to POTUS. Q is the elephant in the MSM lunchroom.
Q and Trump and an army of anonymous patriots and patriotic congressmen and senators are worming hard to erase the corruption and give the power back to the people.

One shot yo fix everything.

",1530559828,02/07/2018 19:30 8954045,3971218950,"

I know from Q....i also have the master spreadsheet of all the sealed, and unsealed indictments, if you would like....jeff and john, and 470 investigating attorneys have been very, very busy!

",1530559992,02/07/2018 19:33 8965133,3971321495,"

Rand, are you starting to see the madness that John Q Public lives with everyday.....

",1530564896,02/07/2018 20:54 8963390,3971336669,

Any MSM ask President Trump the BIG Q UESTION?


,1530565739,02/07/2018 21:08 8963390,3971409321,"

I was hopeful there would be another type of prey to hunt, but Qanon says there will not be a civil war.

",1530569982,02/07/2018 22:19 8965757,3971454561,"

Thankfully, our side has only a few crazies like the Q bozos and the conservativenuthouse.

Meanwhile, the entire Left in completely in the ozone.

",1530572628,02/07/2018 23:03 8961812,3971460791,

Yes but what I was referring to is a revolution. Just because Q says it’s not going to happen doesn’t mean that the people aren’t going to get sick and tired of all the protests and calls for “resistance” from elected officials. When will enough be enough?

,1530572999,02/07/2018 23:09 8962793,3971472712,

Absolutely Not but we are all aware of his motivation Q anon

,1530573710,02/07/2018 23:21 8963879,3971475048,

They are all pucked Q anon

,1530573858,02/07/2018 23:24 8965757,3971476040,

Who is going to be the STAR JOURNALIST to ask POTUS the BIG Q UESTION?

Come on...

,1530573921,02/07/2018 23:25 8965757,3971479842,"

That you didn't UNDERSTAND what was written SHOWS everyone who does understand just how little you actually do understand.

See, this is a SPECIFIC point happening right now that if knew ANYTHING about Q you would have recognized.

Yer busted, again.

",1530574164,02/07/2018 23:29 8965757,3971538663,

What is Q?

,1530577732,03/07/2018 00:28 8965760,3971544575,"

He might just fear Trump has a name in mind that Chuck isn't even aware of!

His hope being that if he comes out against this lady, the backlash will show trump how much support this woman has.

Personally, I would like to see Trump pick a regular Joe Citizen. Just a regular JOHN Q PUBLIC nominee, for a NEW PERSPECTIVE on the court.

Call it the ""Q perspective"".


",1530578098,03/07/2018 00:34 8964869,3971592473,"

If you believe Qanon is real, then expect July to be a REALLY BAD month for the democrats. :-)

",1530581349,03/07/2018 01:29 8964869,3971593115,

I'm on the fence with Q.

,1530581397,03/07/2018 01:29 8964869,3971596051,"

One day, all of the nay sayers are going to regret their deceit. I don't understand how anyone can say, Q is a psyop & continue to trust Trump, since they are both clearly involved with each other. Trust the plan.

",1530581625,03/07/2018 01:33 8964869,3971596700,"

“Throw Them All Out” was published in 2011, detailing corruption in the halls of Congress. The Author found just one member of Congress
who never took a dime, never cut any deals, never “played the game”.

That one member was Jeff Sessions.

#Trust Sessions
You have no clue about Q or Sessions.

",1530581676,03/07/2018 01:34 8965133,3971596837,

I am sick of the low I Q congress people calling for open borders and getting rid of ice. Also CNN MSNBC ABC NBC. These people are really calling for a civil war. They obviously hate Americans and Hate America. Pack your crap and move to Europe and you will get your WISH. This is nuts. Get out.

,1530581685,03/07/2018 01:34 8964869,3971597174,"

I am too. However, I've been following him since last November, and he seems to always be a step ahead on the news cycle. The other thing is this: If Q is real, then I don't believe Q is one person. I believe the president may be using a team of communications specialists to put out both disinformation and actual information through this anonymous channel, to lead patriots in the right direction without revealing actual plans.

On the other hand, it might be some really smart guy sitting at home in his underwear typing all of this stuff out. That possibility always remains.

",1530581711,03/07/2018 01:35 8964869,3971598815,

It's not surprising you would suggest that Q is a LARP given the screen name that you're using.

,1530581832,03/07/2018 01:37 8963684,3971613270,"

She's out sooner. Qanon confirms she's tied into the Clinton/Lynch ""Tarmac"" scandal. She promised to help get Hillary off and help Lynch go to the Supreme Court under ""President Hillary"". Do a page search of her name at the link below for more details. She'll be gone within 90 days or less

",1530582980,03/07/2018 01:56 8965331,3971623878,

Have you had your Qanon read today?

You should. It's a gripping real and an amazing idea to follow. Try it out.

,1530583915,03/07/2018 02:11 8966072,3971632868,"

Ocasio is about to get Liebermaned by the Democrats. Yes, she won her primary. Good for her! But Crowley isn't going away. The Demo-controlled MSM is putting Ocasio all over TV, hoping to force an error, which they will, so that Crowley can then run as an independent and beat her in November. Just a matter of time. Q.

",1530584692,03/07/2018 02:24 8965331,3971654868,

Which STAR JOURNALIST is going to ask POTUS the BIG Q UESTION?


,1530586817,03/07/2018 03:00 8965760,3971659902,"

Thank you. I try to sort it out in my own mind first and only then look at sources I trust - like Q and Luke Rosiak. That way, I try not to become too spoon-fed. Sometimes I am able to get to a similar point just by analysis. Other times I need a nudge. The aim is to develop one's own interpretive ability. Different perspectives are useful and should tend to guard against groupthink, so prevalent amongst the (D)s.

Have a great July 4th !!! I think we will hear news today to make it the best one in a very long time.

",1530587342,03/07/2018 03:09 8967212,3971667659,

Nunez gonna crack the case lol. So what happened to your qanon living in his basement and pizza gate

,1530588175,03/07/2018 03:22 8967212,3971671921,

They have all been given the chance to either:


Their Window is Closing.

When The Q UESTION gets Answered by POTUS the CARDS FALL.

Trust the Plan


,1530588617,03/07/2018 03:30 8967212,3971712454,"

Qanon has linked to this story, so make your comments good ones.

My question is, where's the letter? And how do BB and Q know so much about it?

",1530592846,03/07/2018 04:40 8967212,3971722579,"

Q linked to this article :) Well timed, eh?

",1530593951,03/07/2018 04:59 8967212,3971724228,

Happy to see Q link to this. We need to get the BB community involved!

,1530594137,03/07/2018 05:02 8967212,3971725366,"

Yep :). I didn't want to say it myself.
Makes the link perhaps look more ""secret"" or ""scary"" than it actually is.

People have told me that this particular link is a good one. qanonposts dot com MIGHT be suspect.

",1530594256,03/07/2018 05:04 8967212,3971732017,"

Hopefully people who took more time to research Q end up coming to BB. My knowledge is limited, and finding it would require pouring over previously watched YouTube videos. Those of you who have done better research, please come out.

This lady takes her time to do it right, so it may take a day for her video breakdown:

Here is her trello board:

",1530594950,03/07/2018 05:15 8967212,3971741892,

Qanon linked to this item. It's important.

,1530596008,03/07/2018 05:33 8967212,3971742517,"

It's important regardless of what the Q nutters do about it. It's real, not fake like them.

",1530596073,03/07/2018 05:34 8967212,3971743029,

Believe what you want.
I've gone over the entirety of Q stuff the last few days. It's not nutty.

,1530596127,03/07/2018 05:35 8967212,3971743863,"

You're proseletyzing like some quack door to door religous character. Which is what Q is.

Don't you have Sessions buttt to kiss, or child molesters in pizza parlors to corral??

",1530596220,03/07/2018 05:37 8967212,3971800529,

I am following Q...(must have missed it)

,1530602035,03/07/2018 07:13 8967212,3971812554,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments in the DOJ thanks to Sessions. In a normal year there are about 1000.

",1530603228,03/07/2018 07:33 8967212,3971818752,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments. The DOJ is not waiting on anything. Those indictments have been activated. They are just sealed.

",1530603841,03/07/2018 07:44 8967212,3971821428,"

There are a lot of sealed federal indictments filed in federal court there that likely have nothing to do with Utah:

Suggests there is a grand jury there seated to hear a case about DC corruption. Or more than one.

",1530604103,03/07/2018 07:48 8967212,3971827893,"

40,000 sealed indictments pending are not for Trump.

",1530604726,03/07/2018 07:58 8967212,3971831143,"

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 99e3dc No.1945864
Jun 28 2018 16:57:51 (EST)
An anon posted a graphic of an article: ""How Comey Intervened to Kill WikiLeaks' Immunity Deal""

Q Responded:

JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).
Crisis mode.

Glad to hear you're a Q Patriot, brother!

",1530605022,03/07/2018 08:03 8967212,3971845210,

Not going to be an issue thanks to Q team.

,1530606245,03/07/2018 08:24 8967212,3971848778,

Just a drop in the bucket.
Many more to go.


,1530606548,03/07/2018 08:29 8963390,3971857838,"

^^^THIS!!^^^ And I suspect we'll find out that the baby parts trade is HUGE and global. Q has hinted at this. Globalists (and possibly the medical profession) are addicted to using baby parts for satanic rituals and extending life, IMHO.

",1530607312,03/07/2018 08:41 8960723,3971860958,"

They have it all. They have been playing checkers while the intel boys, Q, and Trump's staff are playing 3D chess.

",1530607571,03/07/2018 08:46 8967212,3971861846,"

Wow, five eyes in mainstream media? What's next? The president acknowledging Q-anon??

",1530607641,03/07/2018 08:47 8967212,3971871780,"

The reason I mentioned Qanon before is so people understand what happened with this post.
Q linked this post, because it's important.
That signaled the left to send swarms of minions here to flag everything.
Remember this: July is the month that the entire dem house of cards comes crumbling down. Enjoy the show!

",1530608430,03/07/2018 09:00 8967212,3971881719,"

It cannot be the AG - it must be the IG. But the IG has the Special Prosecutor - Huber.

Please, people understand that BY LAW A head of agency CANNOT investigate HIMSELF or his own dept.'s internal corruption in the fed. govnt.


The good news is Huber has been hard at work since November. There are 40,000 sealed indictments. That does not mean they are not served. They could be. We just do not know yet.

",1530609190,03/07/2018 09:13 8967212,3971901480,"

It won't be Sessions. It will be Huber. The AG can't investigate himself. Only the IG can do that, and the IG's own Spec. Prosecutor. That is Huber. But Huber has been busy since Nov.

I don't know how many of these are Huber's but some of them are. The DOJ filed 40,000 sealed indictments. In a normal year there are 1000.

",1530610553,03/07/2018 09:35 8961812,3971925547,"

Emotions don't come into the equation. Cold, hard logic is all that's needed to see that Q is deathly silent about jesuits (who actually run the show), while he/she seems to have no qualms in attacking freemasonry. Q wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the Freemasons who stood up to Hitler and his Jesuit masters. Flashing a huge compass and set square whilst associating Freemasonry with shooting witness testimony was an attack.

",1530612060,03/07/2018 10:01 8967212,3971931385,"

They are getting fired but there are 40,000 sealed indictments. That does not mean unserved. That means some are served but we do not know about it.

Those are all federal. In a normal year there are 1000.

Helps to explain the mass Dem freakout. Why do you think these nuts are melting down, saying the eff word on air, texting death threats to pols who have nothing to do with investigations, swinging far out to the insane Left?

Because they have nothing to lose anymore. They are toast.

",1530612413,03/07/2018 10:06 8967212,3971937853,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments. That does not mean unserved. That means some are served but we do not know about it.

Those are all federal. In a normal year there are 1000.

Helps to explain the mass Dem freakout. Why do you think these nuts are melting down, saying the eff word on air, texting death threats to pols who have nothing to do with investigations, swinging far out to the insane Left?

Because they have nothing to lose anymore. They know they are finished. They have no careers. They have no resume. They will be kicked off the Bar if they are lawyers. They can't get hired anywhere.

Dems didn't just lose. Obamacrats were part of a huge criminal conspiracy. And they are all guilty. They will all be charged. Look at the list. That is Team Obama and Stronger Together.

",1530612794,03/07/2018 10:13 8967212,3971950566,"

OK try this:

Then go down to the post 1659 or 1658. Let me know if you see it. That is foolproof.

",1530613536,03/07/2018 10:25 8967212,3971951271,"

Trolls are messing with my post. Let me try again here.

",1530613576,03/07/2018 10:26 8967212,3971952733,"

I'm With Her in Prison is their new motto.

40,000 sealed indictments.

In a normal year there are 1000.

Why do you think these loons need court commitment? Espionage is a serious charge. Like sedition.

If you are getting an error page try this:

Then go down to the post 1659 or 1658. Let me know if you see it.

",1530613657,03/07/2018 10:27 8967212,3971953283,

“We Have It All” Q. All you need to know.

,1530613688,03/07/2018 10:28 8967212,3971957960,

Doesn’t surprise me-they don’t want you to see Q. But can be found many places on UTube. More than worth the look!

,1530613954,03/07/2018 10:32 8964863,3971964960,

Hey MSM!

Don't forget to ask POTUS the BIG Q UESTION!

You Can Do It!

,1530614345,03/07/2018 10:39 8967212,3971972640," does not work? Type it in manually. It's short. Then go down to the post. It's right there.

",1530614767,03/07/2018 10:46 8967971,3971983406,"

There are grand juries empaneled. Since the election there have been more than 40,000 sealed indictments! Compare that to around 1500 for an entire calendar year.
Granted, not all are arrest warrants, but even if only 1/4 are, then we're looking at 10,000 arrest warrants!
Visit or
Don't take my word for it, do your own research and prepare to be amazed

",1530615332,03/07/2018 10:55 8967212,3972001702,

Its all part of the great awakening. Q has a plan to save america. Youtube it. Ityll give you goosebumps and your gonna yell hell yeah! When they talk about the rino/dem scum will be severely punished for their crimes

,1530616260,03/07/2018 11:11 8964863,3972004373,"

General Flynn and Mueller prosecutors will be in attendance at July 10th court hearing with judge who is irritated with Mueller


1 Comment

Techno Fog@Techno_Fog

· 23h

Replying to @Techno_Fog

It's likely, but not guaranteed, that this filing will satisfy Judge Sullivan's concerns about departing from the Court's""usual practice of ordering a presentence report, scheduling a sentencing date, and establishing a sentencing briefing schedule at the same time.""

Techno Fog@Techno_Fog

This is big: in response to today's motion, the Court has, on its own, set the matter for a status hearing. General Flynn will be in attendance.

July 10. Mark your calendars.

3:11 PM - Jul 2, 2018


897 people are talking about this

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Mark your calendars America, because July 10th is set to be an interesting day where we could possibly see General Flynn set free. Judge Sullivan who is involved in this case is now currently known to be very irritated with special counsel Robert Mueller and his team, as they have delayed the Flynn case over and over again and where Mueller and his team didn't show up to a court case involving a so called Russian bot farm on social media. Q told us a month or two ago that General Flynn would be set free, and this is likely what will happen since Robert Mueller has been postponing the General Flynn sentencing for months now. July 10th could be the day General Flynn walks free and maybe while in this court hearing exposes the DC/Deep State pedo network and whats involved in Hillary's emails...As Flynn knows it all.

",1530616391,03/07/2018 11:13 8965052,3972006880,

This is fake. The Deep State CIA Clowns are trying to take back control of North Korea.

https://www .zerohedge. com/news/2018-07-02/cia-teams-defense-industry-undermine-korea-negotiations

Check out qproofs dot com. #QAnon

,1530616517,03/07/2018 11:15 8967971,3972026052,"

It took me a little while to find this link. This spreadsheet contains the state and the case number. I don't think it has been updated in about a month, but I can't find the official website in my search engine. The last figure I saw quoted was 40,000 plus in a QAnon post.

",1530617445,03/07/2018 11:30 8963456,3972026492,

I always put a P between Q and X. Pedo.

,1530617466,03/07/2018 11:31 8964863,3972067802,

When Q is revealed and the facts of corruption by the Deep State are revealed it will be a bloodbath for the left and globalist.
This is why the increasingly desperate and crazy lashing out by them

,1530619320,03/07/2018 12:02 8964863,3972071312,"

Yo, MSM!

Don't forget to ask POTUS the Q UESTION!

Show us you are REAL.



",1530619479,03/07/2018 12:04 8963390,3972073134,

Follow Q anon

,1530619555,03/07/2018 12:05 8961626,3972077847,"

Huber is not Military. He is civilian.

No Military has executed any civilian warrants. Think Harvey. He was arrested by civilian police.

Hey, it is good that Q is getting pushback. No one is forced to believe!

But isn’t is great that there is a source other than MSM that people have access to?

Think about it. The more pushback and controversy, the more visibility there is to all of this.

It is a win-win for those who support POTUS! It is kind of like the BB article today showing DT went up 5 points during the MSM campaign to paint him and ICE as caging children.

The more information people have the clearer they see what has happened both to this country and WW.

This all comes down to the fact that MSM has lost all credibility and their viewers are plummeting while Q viewers are soaring.

BTW, who do you think closely follows Q? Bingo! The swamp!

The swamp is being drained.

",1530619757,03/07/2018 12:09 8964863,3972096634,



,1530620549,03/07/2018 12:22 8964863,3972099828,

Follow Q Anon

[We have the server]

,1530620682,03/07/2018 12:24 8963759,3972100607,

thats why we are throwing all you pervs out f**k the establishment and your labels we know who you are we are not fooled by your labels and propaganda #Qanon

,1530620714,03/07/2018 12:25 8960129,3972107314,"

That is the point of the article. The “brilliant” part is that it was all done under the radar far away from the DC swamp.

In the end only time will tell. Some people—not you—demand proof. But that can’t happen.

Q cannot give proof. That would taint ongoing investigations and leaking classified information is illegal.

Q gives hints and points us to published articles and other people’s works. We need to connect the dots ourselves, unlike MSM who feed us what they want us to eat.

In this tumultuous time, if you don’t at least follow Q you are missing history unfolding.

The swamp follows Q and believes in him/her/them! They try to discredit but they believe...

",1530620988,03/07/2018 12:29 8964863,3972107381,"

Follow Q Anon
It is legit.
Ignore the naysayers.
July thru November gonna be great.
Now have 40,000 + sealed indictmemts.

",1530620990,03/07/2018 12:29 8954045,3972109396,"

Like Q says......they have it all, they have everything. Trust the plan

",1530621072,03/07/2018 12:31 8964863,3972114107,

He's looking for a place to seek assylum for when POTUS and QANON are thru with him and big mike

,1530621271,03/07/2018 12:34 8964863,3972129199,"

Follow Q Anon
It is legit.
Ignore the naysayers.
July thru November gonna be great.
Now have 40,000 + sealed indictmemts.
HUBER bringing the PAIN

",1530621881,03/07/2018 12:44 8964863,3972136385,"

Still here
Working behind the sceens for now.
Follow Q Anon
It is legit.
Ignore the naysayers.
July thru November gonna be great.
Now have 40,000 + sealed indictmemts.

",1530622170,03/07/2018 12:49 8954495,3972153749,"

Name the criminal referrals, what's the status of the McCabe referral? You are right, I don't get my news.from Qanon, Sundace and other consistently wrong tin foil hat wearers. So Horowitz watered down the IG report on purpose and gave everybody a pass because it's part of the ""plan""? That's a stretch even for you guys.

",1530622851,03/07/2018 13:00 8963456,3972162248,

what about Q dorms?

,1530623189,03/07/2018 13:06 8969150,3972162721,

Wonder if she is on the list of sealed indightments??? Q anon

,1530623207,03/07/2018 13:06 8963753,3972228508,

I’m not a communist. You are a mental midget and a poor uneducated slob with a low IQ. #MAGA #Qanon

,1530625786,03/07/2018 13:49 8964863,3972231790,

It will not let me post the Tweet from Lee Stranahan on Imran Awan's plea. Answer to the post in below.

Jul 3 2018

1671 Q!CbboFOtcZs ID: 800672 No.2011888

Jul 3 2018 10:38:20 (EST)

Anonymous ID: c5bd33

3 2018 09:59:14 (EST) 🇹 ⬇



Think logically.

Thing IG report.

Think what’s missing.

Do you think this was going to be litigated in this setting?

Case that implicates some of the most senior elected officials (treason) is
being handled by the appropriate office.



,1530625908,03/07/2018 13:51 8969201,3972240062,

They should add Q Trust the plan T-shirts.

,1530626226,03/07/2018 13:57 8965052,3972340643,

According to Q. This story is fake news.

,1530629624,03/07/2018 14:53 8967971,3972370257,"

Those are all good points, and I can't argue with any of them. I follow Q, and he has posted many times to trust Sessions and to trust Wray. He has never asked anyone to trust Mueller or Rosenstein.

Once the indictments are unsealed, Sessions may not be in the way of any mud that gets slung. Then, it is up to the system to do its job. Let's hope it works the way its supposed to.

",1530630783,03/07/2018 15:13 8964104,3972375441,

Do the Q.

,1530630987,03/07/2018 15:16 8967971,3972482504,"

PACER govt website, but read and do a little sluething.

",1530635273,03/07/2018 16:27 8970737,3972486092,"

Q: ""Trust Sessions.""

(lol .... Q is a deep state psyops)

",1530635417,03/07/2018 16:30 8970737,3972509376,"

The two main messages of Q are to trust Sessions, and to be satisfied with no charges against the deep state.

It makes no sense, but that what the Qnozzles are peddling. They keep promising that 30,0000+ indictments are in the pipeline, but that is just their crazytalk to keep you pacified and inactive.


",1530636335,03/07/2018 16:45 8965631,3972509645,"

Back as far as the 40's, the idea that if borders in the world were done away with, it would solve the problems of war, inequality, etc. began to be talked about. It gathered force when international companies realized it would be greater profits and power for them-that ""people could go where they want to and companies would go where labor was cheapest"" Soros and other Davos men put vast sums into making this happen in the West-which is the basis of what has been happening in Europe, and on the Q.T, done by our elite politicians in the US. Our flat wages, stagnant economy and non-responsiveness of either partly created a resistance waiting for a leader. Thus Trump was elected (to his surprise) and others you're reading about in Europe. This idea is referred to as ""Open Borders"", a part of the globalism (this does not refer to international trade) philosophy. Once you are aware of this, things fall into place that otherwise make no sense, like Soros NGO boats hauling hoards of people to Europe.

",1530636345,03/07/2018 16:45 8970737,3972528490,"

If anyone still harbors belief in the Q phenomenon, then head straight to a mental institution. This was a huge whiff that Q apologists cannot explain.

",1530637092,03/07/2018 16:58 8970737,3972538932,"

This is a bizarre cover-up. Q says that ""we"" (probably military intelligence) have the server. Awan's handlers are guilty of treason (Wasserman-Schultz, probably people in the Obama administration) and apparently can't be tried in public. So they are letting Awan skate in exchange for information maybe?

",1530637505,03/07/2018 17:05 8970737,3972539534,

They're good at reading one-word sentences from Q and imagining things. Ozone warriors ... lol

,1530637527,03/07/2018 17:05 8965052,3972540965,"

As the WSJ goes on to explain,??? lying MSM why would we possibly believe you??? Q Said they have stopped NK. I'll take Qs word over Liar communist newspapers like the WSJ.

",1530637584,03/07/2018 17:06 8969054,3972556750,

Yes and the notable on the Q research board a couple days ago.

,1530638205,03/07/2018 17:16 8970737,3972567753,

That's Q BS.


,1530638628,03/07/2018 17:23 8965052,3972592453,"

There's no war, there's no fight. They got nothin, and we've got EVERYTHING! I wont try to fight, when my opponent has no arms and no legs.
Q has been under attack for awhile, we scare them to death, to death!
I trust POTUS, I trust Q, i know who the white hats are, im not afraid, or angry. I trust...The Plan.
Sorry about what happened

",1530639612,03/07/2018 17:40 8970737,3972605995,

Guess the Qanon/Sundance crowd will tell us to keep trusting Sessions. How's that been working out?

,1530640132,03/07/2018 17:48 8970143,3972648023,"

Now, what she has to do is find a billionaire who will pull some strings and get her admitted under the genius visa program.

I mean come on - the system has to be fair for all.

No one jumps the Q........unless

",1530641736,03/07/2018 18:15 8970143,3972683676,"

Secret Service agent gets injured in assault near White House grounds


1 Comment

​NBC News reported: A U.S. Secret Service officer was injured in an assault while on patrol outside the White House on Saturday shortly after the major immigration rally in Lafayette Park, according to newly filed federal court records. The man, who is only identified as Carmona in court records, is accused of illegally parking his BMW along Pennsylvania Avenue, moving a bicycle rack-style security barrier erected for the rally and screaming at the officers “Where is the president?” according to a Secret Service affidavit obtained by the News4 I-Team.
The court filings say that after Secret Service officers tried to stop Carmona for illegal parking, Carmona moved the security barrier and then punched an officer in the jaw and the left eye. Two officers took Carmona to the ground and placed leg shackles on him because they said he was kicking at the officers, according to the affidavit. The affidavit says a Secret Service officer suffered a possible concussion and a knee injury.
“Carmona was placed under arrest for assaulting a federal law enforcement officer. While being placed under arrest, Carmona asked ‘Where is the President?’ He also stated to officers ‘Just end it, just kill me,'” the affidavit says. A judge ordered that Carmona undergo a forensic exam Thursday morning at D.C. Superior Court. The judge also ordered that Carmona stay away from Officer Young, the White House Grounds and several streets in Northwest D.C.
So we likely have the second violent act by an American Left wing individual, where a Secret Service agent is being reported as injured in an assault just outside the White House where the attacker was asking where is the President. It seems the American Left and their media pushing for Civil War in the past week in America is pushing some of the Left Wing nut cases to actually take action, where just last night a Nebraska Republican Party building was vandalized with a graffiti message of Abolish ICE.
​ However Q has told us that there will be no Civil War in America, as these actions you are seeing by crazed American Left individuals are a narrative distraction...As the American Left, RINO's, and Deep State are failing with their narratives like Russia and the fake news about children in cages at illegal alien detention centers under Trump in America. However this attack on a Secret Service agent outside the White House and the vandalizing of a Republican Party office in Nebraska should not be ignored, keep your eyes open and don't allow the Left to get a civil war.

",1530643205,03/07/2018 18:40 8970143,3972692918,"

Hillary For America Sheriff Scott Israel expected to be out as Broward Sheriff next week



Big League Politics Reports: High level sources within the Broward County Sheriff’s office exclusively revealed to Big League Politics that disgraced Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is set to be removed from his position as Sheriff next week. According to the source, Sheriff Israel is being removed from office for criminal issues, not malfeasance, following an investigation conducted by the office of Florida Governor Rick Scott. The source exclusively revealed to Big League Politics that Sheriff Israel is also being investigated by the IRS.
The high-level police source within the Sheriff’s Office disclosed that over the last several months, four candidates have been interviewed to refill the position of Broward County Sheriff. One of the candidates who were interviewed is Emery Giany, a Republican Florida law enforcement official who is closely associated with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
One of the most corrupt Sheriff departments in America in Broward, Florida may be ousting a very heavy Deep State connected Sheriff, as it's now being reported Sheriff Israel is to be out as Broward County Sheriff by next week. The strange connections to Sheriff Israel who had to deal with a mass shooting likely a false flag oddly where 17 kids were killed where Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet, just happens to be connected to Hillary For America, Obama's 21st Century Policing, and just happens to be anti gun.
​ Looks like one of the most corrupt Sheriff's in the country with very odd connections who just happens to be connected to the Obama/Clinton network where his department stood down from protecting kids in a major mass shooting will be out, as sources inside the Broward County Sheriff Department are now openly stating Scott Israel will be out by next week. Looks like Israel will join the growing list of CEO's, Politicians, and top cops in America resigning under Trump. By the way word is Israel is stepping down due to criminal issues.

",1530643556,03/07/2018 18:45 8970737,3972696981,"

The Q nuts are trying to reassure their shaken allies that Awan will be facing more charges .... super delusional they are.

The agreement states quite clearly that there was nothing sketchy about his computer activities, period.

Stick a fork into Q. He's done forever.

",1530643718,03/07/2018 18:48 8970737,3972711845,"

Saying Q is done is the same as saying Donald Has No Path to 270.

So go ahead, keep right on saying it.....

",1530644263,03/07/2018 18:57 8970737,3972736764,

He's got the song bird deal and will be yapping all he knows. Q says they have the server.

,1530645279,03/07/2018 19:14 8970737,3972795391,

yep ...duped... Q is likely CIA

,1530647975,03/07/2018 19:59 8969816,3972814474,"

There's no more ""collusion"" here than in Mueller's so called ""case""....Colon Cancer sucks as a Q.B...PERIOD....I've seen better arms on a duck..../S

",1530648914,03/07/2018 20:15 8970737,3972826495,"

He DID exactly that right now, with this.

A huge anvil was just dropped on the heads of the corrupt -AGAIN.

This is Holder Comey all over again.

See it yet?

You trolls are SO WORRIED about Q that you are reducing yourselves to pure idiocy trying to attack with politics of personal destruction. Meanwhile, you are not seeing how many people are PISSED AT SESSIONS over his actions....which is what he could be TRUSTED to DO because what he has done here i WHAT LAWYERS DO.....they hide criminal activity when it is their own who are caught red handed.

One more point - your premise that everything has TURNED OUT is wrong as the day is long too. This is not over with, nothing about any of this is past tense. Try truth man, it works better.

What has been the HEART of Trump's gameplan all along, his PLAN?

Force the thugs to SHOW THEMSELVES, right?
The ABOLISH ICE crowd is SHOWING THEMSELVES...and the corrupt LAWYERS are showing themselves to- including Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, and while we are at it, Mueller too.

You are scared, as well you should be.

Take the red pill, man, seriously you will feel beter when you finally do so.

",1530649508,03/07/2018 20:25 8970584,3972828015,"

40,483 indictments aren’t enough for you? You won’t see proof of what’s going on in the lying mainstream media.

",1530649586,03/07/2018 20:26 8970584,3972831130,

Not according to just about everyone who has reviewed our country's intelligence on the matter.

Did Q-anon tell you that? lol

,1530649748,03/07/2018 20:29 8970854,3972847296,"

#RENTaRIOT via #SOROSobumcivilwar



You decide.

",1530650596,03/07/2018 20:43 8967212,3972862263,"

“Normally, intelligence passed on from a member of the “Five Eyes” alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. — to another member comes through an official channel for intelligence sharing.”. This is the Key. GOODBYE SC, Hello Mr Huber! The floor is yours. #SpyGate Q was right.

",1530651408,03/07/2018 20:56 8970584,3972873128,"

40,483 sealed indictments, winning!

",1530652040,03/07/2018 21:07 8970584,3972913559,"

Anti Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify next Tuesday to House Judiciary/Oversight



Bob Goodlatte✔@RepGoodlatte

Just Announced : Peter Strzok has been subpoenaed to testify publicly before a joint @HouseJudiciary & @GOPoversight hearing on Tuesday, July 10, at 10AM.

1:16 PM - Jul 3, 2018


1,967 people are talking about this

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It looks like Peter Strzok's testimony behind closed doors earlier in the week didn't work out for anti Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok, because he has been subpoenaed today to testify publicly to a joint sessions of the House Judiciary and GOP Oversight Committees. The question still remains will Peter Strzok give up information or names to protect himself from justice...Well he may try that but we know no deals are going to happen per Q.
Strzok's subpoenaed testimony set for next Tuesday comes days after Strzok was reported not to be cooperating in his closed door testimony, and now were finally going to see this Deep State individual who protected Hillary and partook in a Comey FBI operation to ruin President Trump in public testimony this time around. Peter Strzok has already been kicked out of the FBI HQ in DC a couple weeks ago and has even lost his security clearance, so maybe Peter Strzok will be the first Obama/Hillary cabal puppet to go to prison.

",1530654489,03/07/2018 21:48 8970584,3972914704,"

Top aide to Rosenstein/lawyer Scott Schools ""resigns"" from the DOJ



​ NPR Reports: Scott Schools, a top aide to the deputy attorney general, is planning to leave the Justice Department at the end of the week, according to two people familiar with his decision. The job title for Schools — associate deputy attorney general — belied his importance as a strategic counselor and repository of institutional memory and ethics at the DOJ. Schools has played a critical, if behind-the-scenes, role in some of the most important and sensitive issues in the building. This year, Schools recommended that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe be fired for a ""lack of candor"" in an internal investigation.
Earlier, he advised former acting Attorney General Sally Yates about the boundaries of her congressional testimony in early 2016. And more recently, Schools has been photographed near the offices of Russia special counsel Robert Mueller, as one of a few top DOJ aides to get regular briefings on the status of that investigation. ""Scott has provided invaluable leadership and counsel in his years at the department, and his service is an example to all,"" Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a written statement. ""He will be greatly missed, and I wish him the best in his future endeavors."" Schools is the latest departure from a Justice Department battered by political attacks over its handling of the 2016 Hillary Clinton email investigation and more recently the Russia investigation. Its previous third-in-command, Rachel Brand, resigned earlier this year.
What does this make now at least over a dozen of people fired or resigned from the DOJ/FBI under President Trump, as Rosenstein's right hand man and DOJ lawyer Scott Schools is today being reported as resigning from the DOJ. Of course this resignation could actually be a firing of Scott Schools from the DOJ, as Q has stated resignations from the DOJ and FBI have actually been firings. Now since Scott Schools is known as Rosenstein's top aide in the DOJ could we perhaps see Rosenstein out of the DOJ soon under Trump or perhaps a flip to the side of MAGA?
This resignation of Scott Schools from the DOJ is actually bigger than most people think it is, due to Scott Schools being the top aide for Deputy AJ Rod Rosenstein...Who has only prevented Congress from receiving multiple DOJ and FBI documents on Obama FISA abuse and Obama's spygate. Now that Rosenstein's top aide at the DOJ Scott Schools has ""resigned"" from the DOJ, what will now happen to Rosenstein? Oh and look at that America Scott Schools authorized Mueller's Special Counsel.

",1530654562,03/07/2018 21:49 8970737,3972957094,

The Q capos are trying to rally their sullen troops after Sessions backstabbed them with this ruling. The whole Q facade was built upon trusting Sessions.

The fools.

,1530657212,03/07/2018 22:33 8970737,3972969092,"

One good thing came out of this debacle ... the Q nutters were finally debunked forever.

Now the adults like Devin Nunes have an open field to expose the liberal treachery, without being plagued by loony distractions.

",1530658005,03/07/2018 22:46 8970737,3972974814,

Lol you really still hang on to the words of Qanonce?

,1530658378,03/07/2018 22:52 8972009,3972979623,

[ coming soon ]

,1530658685,03/07/2018 22:58 8972138,3972987826,

[ coming soon ]

,1530659231,03/07/2018 23:07 8972870,3972989315,"

I'm Off To Save The World.
Aren't You Coming?

",1530659325,03/07/2018 23:08 8972138,3972990232,

🇺🇸 HOO DAT Q ? 🇺🇸

,1530659384,03/07/2018 23:09 8967971,3973020805,"

Try here for starters.

",1530661428,03/07/2018 23:43 8960129,3973028993,"

",1530661974,03/07/2018 23:52 8973065,3973072465,"

I know. Every time Trump utters a criticism Session's way, he squeals like a pig!
Hey any of you Q followers out there - any idea why Q says to ""Trust Sessions""?????

",1530664920,04/07/2018 00:42 8970872,3973095665,"

Liberals don’t really want a civil war but their leftist leaders see no other way to get out of going to Gitmo. They are cornered like rats—and they know it!

A civil war is their Hail Mary pass but it will be crushed very quickly.

Go to and read what Q has to say about the shape of things to come.

Don’t worry about being called a fool or tin hat. Swamp rats visit this site several times a day. THEY know Q is not a LARP. THEY believe—believe me.

",1530666635,04/07/2018 01:10 8973281,3973115881,

FAH Q Facebook and your little commie friends. I hope all you liberals burn in hell!

,1530668283,04/07/2018 01:38 8972297,3973150080,

They appear similiar because the stories are very similiar.

You do understand what QAnon says can be interpreted for anything and everything? It's the oldest con in the book.

,1530671261,04/07/2018 02:27 8966867,3973157991,

Punch and Judy lost its appeal the first time I saw it..

Even as a toddler I wasn't into mindless drivel.

You really think Schumer and and Trump are real characters with actual conflict?

They are both just puppets with the same system up their ports changing its voice as they make them say their contrived lines..

And Q is just the highschool play version.. Poorly acted and excessively over told.

Still. It all beats Netflix...

,1530671996,04/07/2018 02:39 8973281,3973176320,"

No civil war planned as far as I know.
Even our ""conspiracy"" Q guy is trying to ensure it is peaceful.

",1530673844,04/07/2018 03:10 8972381,3973400944,"

As Shirley Q. Liquor would say, 'ignant'!

",1530695607,04/07/2018 09:13 8973479,3973446199,

I was quoting Q-anon. Surely you've heard of Q.

,1530698830,04/07/2018 10:07 8970635,3973492605,

Too bad. 'Border Patrol'.....they just wander around 'looking' at the wall; shoot to kill and this nonsense will stop..P D Q...

,1530701833,04/07/2018 10:57 8970743,3973539022,

I’m woke because of Q.

,1530704368,04/07/2018 11:39 8971868,3973580014,"

You're all forgetting that we have enough info from Q (any admitted Q agents ?)- LV was NOT what we've been told. Paddock was killed by the real sniper team before mass shooting began. He was a patsy. There were multiple snipers. The corrupt FBI guy who came in and shut down all research, has a sealed indictment about to be ""unsealed"". This was a far larger event; multiple helicopters, multiple shootings etc. This coward cop could have, at least, looked into what really happened. We're all about to get the truth between now and Nov.1. Stay aware. Tune in Q.

",1530706456,04/07/2018 12:14 8967971,3973654147,"

It comes from and stands for Where We Go 1 We Go All.

",1530709997,04/07/2018 13:13 8967971,3973662053,"

Just as soon as the DOJ is cleaned up a bit. Read and notice how many have been retired or fired in the last few months.

",1530710347,04/07/2018 13:19 8967971,3973671906,"

[It comes from and stands for Where We Go 1 We Go All]

Thank you.

",1530710795,04/07/2018 13:26 8967971,3973693347,"


",1530711784,04/07/2018 13:43 8967971,3973724196,"

Apparently, Awan has a plea deal that absolves him of any charges to non-violent crimes that happened prior to the bank fraud. Q says Awan is either charged or is a witness to treason and will not be adjudicated in a DC court, but will wind up in a military tribunal either as a defendant or a witness.

I agree that Awan has cooperated to save his skin and that he probably turned over the server he stole that incriminates Hillary, Obama, etc. There is a lot of groundwork that has to be put into place before these proceedings can advance. Perhaps 2019 will be glorious. WWG1WGA!!!

",1530713202,04/07/2018 14:06 8970737,3973731267,"

There has been a lot of talk about Awan cutting a deal by ratting out the deepstate dems, and it would be awesome if he did. Q says they have the server. (It always comes down to trusting Q.)

The blackpilled version reads that Awan is an intelligence op and Sessions is covering up, and that is why the sweet deal.

",1530713516,04/07/2018 14:11 8975159,3973732446,

Who is Q ??? Red Pilled !!!

,1530713568,04/07/2018 14:12 8975159,3973734318,

Indeed !! Spread...Who is Q ?? Red Pilled !!! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !!!

,1530713656,04/07/2018 14:14 8974091,3973734855,"

That idiot is a shill/troll. Screw him.

President Trump, the Q Team, and Q Patriots all around the globe are red-pilling the masses and saving the entire world from horribly evil, global corruption.
July is the month.


",1530713681,04/07/2018 14:14 8969780,3973739948,

A secuity camera on the site shows a very low I. Q. black women wearing a James Brown wig and a “Impeach 45” T-shirt defacing the wall!

Happy Independence Day MAGA Patriots! To all the Communists ... Go Fuch yourselves!!!!

,1530713914,04/07/2018 14:18 8975159,3973759564,"

Extra butthurt over the 40,000 sealed indictments from the DOJ - the criminal cabal of the Dems is going down hard:

",1530714785,04/07/2018 14:33 8975159,3973762441,"

NYC is the center of the Democrat's corruption. Of the 40K sealed indictments, most of them are centered around the NYC area:

It is all about to go down. Of course the paper of Shillary, Weiner, and Slappy Schneiderman suffers from maximum rage and butthurt.

",1530714905,04/07/2018 14:35 8968178,3973765819,"

Can Mr. Cane clear up any misconceptions, of just what Qanon really is?

",1530715056,04/07/2018 14:37 8971436,3973833624,

I have a feeling that Jack is doing what he has to do. Maybe even required to do under some sort of sealed legal agreement. Probably something to do with his connection to David Brock of Shareblue re: Seth Rich. #qanon

,1530718162,04/07/2018 15:29 8974988,3973871117,"

Happy 4th of July everyone. Stay Safe and May GOD Bless POTUS Trump, the men & women of the armed forces(not the mentally ill sub-humans of the LGBT) , Q anon Team, and all Nationalist/Patriots. Thank you all and enjoy this wonderful day. i leave you with this great song by the late great James Brown(R.I.P) - Living in America.

",1530719863,04/07/2018 15:57 8968178,3973900858,"

‘How Would the Founders Grade Our Progress?’ i say a Poor grade and might be rolling in their graves to know that this great Country has allow Globalism, Corruption, and mentally ill sub-humans of the LGBT to run wild and uncheck. the rest of the world has laughed at the USA and has taken advantage of USA. enough is enough.
this need to be fixed. fast and now, if not fixed a Civil War will be needed. to Purify this once great Country called the United States of America.
Happy 4th of July everyone. Stay Safe and May GOD Bless POTUS Trump, the men & women of the armed forces(not the mentally ill sub-humans of the LGBT) , Q anon Team, and all Nationalist/Patriots. 👍

",1530721256,04/07/2018 16:20 8975159,3973906391,"

Very Fake News by the NY Daily News. they will get what's coming to them and all the MSM who spread Fake News. looking forward to it.
Happy 4th of July everyone. Stay Safe and May GOD Bless POTUS Trump, the men & women of the armed forces(not the mentally ill sub-humans of the LGBT) , Q anon Team, and all Nationalist/Patriots. 👍

",1530721524,04/07/2018 16:25 8974988,3973946325,

Getz tagged in latest Q post ... in China ... where schools he was in charge of did evil things to children ... Clinton Foundation ...

,1530723434,04/07/2018 16:57 8968178,3973982414,"

From the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, JFK, the attempted assassination of Reagan and the Obama FBI discussing the assassination of President Trump (in case you were wondering why they don't want to turn these communications over to Congress) to 9/11 and the destruction of our economy it should be clear that open borders globalist/communists do not belong in America and must be removed. Thank Q anons for getting the ball rolling.

",1530725235,04/07/2018 17:27 8974571,3974026402,"

One positive development this week was the definitive outing of Jeff Sessions as a rogue for letting the Awans off the hook.

It destroyed the Q phenomenon (Sessions truster) as either a chan-larp or a deep state psyops ... take your pick.

Now the conservative adults are back in charge, and the loons were sent back to mom's basement..

",1530727471,04/07/2018 18:04 8974571,3974090470,

I never said that though. Truly. This is the first time I have encountered such a major misinterpretation. Not even a misinterpretation in my mind because I didn't say that.

I don't hate Trump at all. I follow Q. Smiles stuck up for me and you disregarded it.

I am still baffled.

,1530730846,04/07/2018 19:00 8974583,3974099656,"

Keep the faith Brother, change is coming to us all, Q.

",1530731353,04/07/2018 19:09 8974571,3974113050,

I watch my Q Patriots on YouTube though...

,1530732093,04/07/2018 19:21 8976344,3974124837,

and Q posted JFK's reading of the hallowed document just this morning. Globalists verses the heroes of humanity. Your move deep state F*KS

,1530732744,04/07/2018 19:32 8974571,3974128130,"

TC fell for the nonsense spread by Q that there's thousands of unsealed indictments filled with the names of people on the left that will drop any day now. They've been saying that for almost a year now btw, lol. These people are as retarded as those who believe Trump is going to be arrested for collusion....also any day now.

",1530732939,04/07/2018 19:35 8974571,3974130528,

God Bless Donald J. Trump and the Q Patriots at his back.

And thank you God for giving us a second chance because we definitely deserved another flood.

,1530733077,04/07/2018 19:37 8974571,3974149792,"

That was beyond amazing. Thank you :).

And you can post political things if you like! Up to you, but these are my positions:
* Protestant Christian (don't care about the Gay issue so whatever)
* Trump is awesome!
* Q so far seems to be helping Trump
* Not afraid of conspiracy stuff (but not sure of Alex Jones' intent right now)
* JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT: The inside of the Vatican is a literal snake monument (see image)

",1530734194,04/07/2018 19:56 8974571,3974156028,

Assuming people on the right are tards is amazingly ignorant. You have no idea as to the level of education and I. Q.'s we have. You simply parrot what your handlers and leaders say.

,1530734571,04/07/2018 20:02 8974571,3974165710,"

Dear Parents,

We had no idea wearing all black in summer would lead to this many casualties. They warned us in Basic about living outdoors but we didn’t believe them.

Reports of Special Forces Q Brigades in the hills nearby.

Don’t pray for us. #SecondCivilWarLetters

",1530735179,04/07/2018 20:12 8974571,3974183017,"

this is all about letting Latinos in? gotta be more to the story. if anyone reads Q, there seems to be a lot of indictments coming.

",1530736283,04/07/2018 20:31 8977094,3974205349,"

The same people paying for her food, rent medical care and cash assistance.....JOHN Q TAXPAYER!

",1530737746,04/07/2018 20:55 8968178,3974210344,"

Oh you're talking about this you silly loon.

",1530738078,04/07/2018 21:01 8970737,3974210550,"

Things are NOT as they appear..They are keeping him on a short leash, maybe for a prosecution witness, look to Q-Anon posts for info..THIS is just a stalling tactic to KEEP him ""in-country"" as he's much more valuable to provide the who, what, when, where's, and hows of the truth about the upper echelon..These things happen slowly, look to the BIGGER picture, do NOT get discouraged..

",1530738093,04/07/2018 21:01 8977094,3974249720,

It is a Happy 4th. The dems will NEVER get power back after the July bombshell get dropped and the world learns the truth. via Q.

,1530740843,04/07/2018 21:47 8976965,3974271979,"

Exactly !
Any type of tiny sliver payoff like that would have been done OFF THE BOOKS!

As Q puts it, these people really are STUPID as they are SICK!

",1530742555,04/07/2018 22:15 8974571,3974278261,

This shiff is so fake and phony.................learn about real.

,1530743058,04/07/2018 22:24 8976743,3974286044,

I just love how they are so malcontent !! Just wait until the Red Tide sweeps them away...all at the same time the indictments are opened !!! Who is Q ??? They will be red pilled harshly into reality !!!God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !!

,1530743673,04/07/2018 22:34 8976743,3974343166,

Where Oh where are the REAL NEWS JOURNALIST!



Pulitzer Prize Winning Opportunity!

Come On!

Trust the Plan.

,1530748491,04/07/2018 23:54 8975159,3974372134,"

Says the buttclown troll, with a dog crap profile, and two-digit I. Q.

",1530750858,05/07/2018 00:34 8976020,3974419377,

Who/what is Q???????

,1530755055,05/07/2018 01:44 8974571,3974912359,"

They've long been hateful and mean-spirited, but the insane, unfounded intensity belies something else must be happening.

Perhaps Q is right and they (MSM, DNC, DS) are about to be exposed as corrupt criminals and traitors. This would explain their intense hysteria.

",1530793854,05/07/2018 12:30 8979065,3974929498,"

Anti Trump FBI agent Strzok to ignore subpoena to testify next week to Congressional Committees


1 Comment

​Daily Caller reports: Embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok may ignore a subpoena demanding his testimony before Congress July 10, his lawyer said Tuesday. “My client will testify soon, somewhere, sometime. We just got this subpoena today, so I don’t know whether or not we are going to be testifying next Tuesday in front of these two particular House subcommittees,” Aitan Goelman, the attorney for Strzok, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Tuesday. The House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees subpoenaed Strzok on Tuesday to testify at a joint hearing hosted by the committees on July 10.
It looks like we could possibly see anti Trump FBI agent who was part of Comey's seditious operation to prevent President Trump from being President could be getting arrested, as Strzok is being reported as to ignore the subpoena he was just issued to appear before testifying to two House Committees next Tuesday.
​ Who was it that didn't show up for Committee hearings about a week ago, well a week ago James Comey and Loretta Lynch also failed to show up for testimonies in front of two Committees about a week ago...So it looks like the Deep State puppets of the Obama/Clinton network are now refusing subpoenas and scheduled Committee hearings. If these individuals like Comey, Lynch, and now Strzok have nothing to hide, then why are these Obama/Clinton network Deep State puppets ignoring subpoenas and not showing up for Senate/Congressional testimonies they are being scheduled to attend in the last week? Sounds like two things, these individuals are preparing to run or like Q said watch for suicides

",1530794591,05/07/2018 12:43 8979065,3974979731,"

Am I the only one that sees SOOOO many things wrong w/ this vid? 1st...""a 'group' of friends""...i see the kid, another person and someone else recording. one at the table seems to be shocked by the event or even flinches as it happens. 3rd...the kid says at the end of the vid ""alright, I'm fine with it""...?? This seems too staged and like another ""clickbait, get 'em ryled up"" hit piece. Sorry, not buying it.

Trust the plan...QANON - MAGA!!

",1530796686,05/07/2018 13:18 8979065,3975072935,

Refer to Qanon who now posts on 8Chan.

,1530800475,05/07/2018 14:21 8979065,3975080106,"

Qanon is military intelligence assets that work with the Anons on 4Chan and 8Chan to disseminate intelligence the LSM refuses to report on. Watch the following 13 minute video which gives a very good introduction to Qanon.

",1530800756,05/07/2018 14:25 8978945,3975188040,

Whew the impractical jokers have one Hispanic. The other three are white. Q should be replaced with a BLT! Or is he already.

,1530804988,05/07/2018 15:36 8977010,3975194507,"

The sadness comes from the liberal, communist, muslim democratic, deep state unholy alliance. However remember Q is coming. QQQQQQQQQ.

",1530805248,05/07/2018 15:40 8979053,3975242358,"

Saudi oil money. We need to renegotiate their relationship with the West. Mr. President, Q.... Thank you for your great service.

",1530806880,05/07/2018 16:08 8979065,3975360206,"

Liberal, puke trash with an I. Q. to rival that of no I. Q. Maxine. Total useless garbage and a waste of human protoplasm.

",1530811749,05/07/2018 17:29 8980502,3975410874,"

Tired of commentators who don't follow Q trying to say it is bogus.
Trump is proving he is aligned with Q in plain sight nowadays. The fist bumps toward people wearing Q shirts at rallies. In the past it was more hush-hush and the ""proofs"" were easier to dismiss.

If Trump is with Q and the commentators are dismissing Q, do they care about the Trump movement or just their job security?

",1530813760,05/07/2018 18:02 8980502,3975413676,"

The Department of Homeland Security said Thursday that border apprehensions dropped by 18 percent last month after the Trump administration implemented its “zero-tolerance policy” toward illegal immigrants crossing the border.

""Following the implementation of the administration’s zero-tolerance policy, the June 2018 Southwest Border Migration numbers declined by 18 percent when compared to the previous month,” DHS press secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a statement.

The statement reflects a renewed administration effort to defend the tough enforcement policy, amid the outcry over since-halted family separations that resulted from it.

",1530813865,05/07/2018 18:04 8976737,3975424556,"

""sings like a rusty doorhinge searching for an oilcan"" LMAO
As Qanon might say, ""Why is he relevant?""

",1530814269,05/07/2018 18:11 8979065,3975439094,

Qanon has it right. The real enemy wants us divided!

,1530814827,05/07/2018 18:20 8980502,3975448102,"

I have listened to many people try and interpret the posts on YouTube. To do it properly takes WAY too much time. I could never do it. They often get it wrong on YouTube, so it is easy to write it off. HOWEVER, it is getting harder to write it off with some of the newer posts. If you want to give it another shot, this lady takes about 24 hours before posting her breakdowns on YouTube and is the best I have found:

Here is her trello too:

",1530815159,05/07/2018 18:25 8980352,3975448233,"

this is the same person that claims to have proof of the leaks...this is stuff that movies are made of..I can't wait to see this. Let James Woods DIrect the production. It will break all records in sales, views, book sellings you name it. T Shirts, coffee mugs with a big Q on them. This is getting really good.

",1530815164,05/07/2018 18:26 8979998,3975452309,

Didn't Qanon make some posts on something about Goodle? I believe I recall something back in January or February.

,1530815330,05/07/2018 18:28 8979065,3975484225,"

I suggest you research QAnon. The Great AWAKENING, & The Storm. If you follow commies because your a Satanist Pedophile, That's fine. At least we'll know that a jail cell is too good for you. If your just an idiot who's misinformed or doesn't know enough history to know that the number 1 cause of death the last century has been Communism. Then there's a cure. Research what I told you or just ask. Someone like me who actually knows what the hell they're talking about. It's no crime to be ignorant or misinformed, but you also don't get any slack if you're given resources for truth & ignore them. 40,000 + sealed indictments & counting. Patriots are done playing games. Now comes the pain. Get on the right side of history before it's too late. #WALKAWAY. If you believe in Communism so much then I suggest you grab a gun & stand opposed. My ancestors from Sparta had a saying. Give them nothing, but take from them everything. It's famous now from the movie 300, but the roots are deeper. You face free men here. Go tell Soros he's going to get thrown into a hole & then we're going to throw the hole away. Same goes for Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Rice, Jarret, Podesta, Awan brothers, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Paul Ryan & all the other seditious Traitors.

",1530816617,05/07/2018 18:50 8981927,3975613106,"

Reads like a Q (ie, quack) post.

",1530822069,05/07/2018 20:21 8981264,3975745492,

I hear you and hope a military operative will be called in. Q said as much.

,1530829394,05/07/2018 22:23 8966315,3975755856,

Rush! Please when your not behind the golden microphone let Stein take over...No one can't take your place...but you have to have a 2nd string Q.B.!

,1530830023,05/07/2018 22:33 8976743,3975764393,"

Meathead says ""Stay Strong"". Sounds like he's been reading Q drops.

",1530830542,05/07/2018 22:42 8975837,3975823017,

More conservative President than even Reagan.
Heritage Foundation.
Get over it. Your stooges lost. And good riddance. They were complicit in selling out the country. MAGA.

,1530834337,05/07/2018 23:45 8981927,3975835913,

You know all the inside scoop but think Sessions is a traitor. Ohhh k




,1530835183,05/07/2018 23:59 8980268,3975847859,

You may or maynot know who/ what Qanon is. Just remember the date Trump's military parade and Veterans Day.

Iran is next:

,1530835987,06/07/2018 00:13 8981354,3975853162,"

YOU SIR, do NOT follow Q, that is very obvious! And everyone who does, knows you're full of S H I T!

",1530836353,06/07/2018 00:19 8981354,3975859999,"

Where were you before ******** was what is now Q?
Thats right you voted for Barry
Run along now,your other ""stand with"" homies are missing your fractured keyboard support>

",1530836817,06/07/2018 00:26 8963390,3975864005,

Just be careful not to like it too much. Long hours are tough on relationships. Speaking from first hand knowledge.

I would like your opinion on something if you don't mind. What do you think of the Q anon stuff? Real or greatest Dem troll ever perpetrated on the right?

,1530837090,06/07/2018 00:31 8963390,3975877753,"

I have went back and forth about Q being real, but some of the more recent pictures seem to make me believe Q is real. It would be almost impossible to make predictions with all the things that are part of making something happen in Washington D.C., so I don't see Q's predictions not happening on an exact date a huge problem. Trump and Republicans don't have exact answers or timetables for everything either. In other words, I'm still not exactly sure. What's your thoughts?

You can ask me anything. :)

",1530838026,06/07/2018 00:47 8982653,3975885242,

Trump's destroyed the Uniparty. The Swamp.
Punishment for crimes to follow. Day of reckoning on the horizon.
Refer: Qanon.

,1530838565,06/07/2018 00:56 8963390,3975890284,"

Regarding Q...Q is vague and sometimes a little to vague. People get upset when you question it's validity. I've been down the rabbit hole for a few years, I've worked over the Ace of spades and heading for the queen. Much of the stuff Q talks about white hats, secret societies is something that's been around for awhile and many people I know that are down that same rabbit hole could be posting this stuff. They used to call us crazy and conspiracy theorist when we tried to warn others a few years back. I am on the fence about Q. There's a few things I could tell you to look up, things that got us to this point. It would blow your mind how these entities hijacked the US gov't right under our noses.

Time will tell me more I suppose.

I'll save my question for later, for now.

",1530838939,06/07/2018 01:02 8963390,3975892665,

The one thing Q has done is shine a light to the topics. That is extremely important. Ask away.....I'm just relaxing and having a glass of wine. I love a good conversation.

,1530839113,06/07/2018 01:05 8963390,3975897973,"

Ultimately it was Trump that brought people out of their comas though. When he started riding the media lies hard people started seeing the truth. Look at it this way, imagine just 5 years ago, being Q. That's what it was like for those of us that knew what was going on.

Do you like these guys? You seem to link a lot of classic rock so I thought you were older than you are. Perhaps just a musical preference though..

",1530839494,06/07/2018 01:11 8983187,3975910754,"

1000 points of light is illuminati stuff, the cabal as Q calls it, Trump is going to shut down the Cabal

H.G. Wells Blueprint for an NWO: The Open Conspiracy
1928 — The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells is published. A former Fabian Socialist, Wells writes:

The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments….The character of the Open Conspiracy will then be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion(an ecclesiastical power; referred to later in this article). This large, loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will definitely and obviously attempt to swallow up the entire population of the world and become a new human community….The immediate task before all people, a planned World State, is appearing at a thousand points of light [but]…generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it. (emphasis added) by H.G. Wells-1928

See what Trump is doing??

",1530840454,06/07/2018 01:27 8983187,3975917671,"

1000 points of light is illuminati stuff, the cabal as Q calls it, Trump is going to shut down the Cabal

H.G. Wells Blueprint for an NWO: The Open Conspiracy
1928 — The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells is published. A former Fabian Socialist, Wells writes:

The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments….The character of the Open Conspiracy will then be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion(an ecclesiastical power; referred to later in this article). This large, loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will definitely and obviously attempt to swallow up the entire population of the world and become a new human community….The immediate task before all people, a planned World State, is appearing at a thousand points of light [but]…generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it. (emphasis added) by H.G. Wells-1928

H.G. wells mentions the 1000 points of light in the creation of a one world government.

",1530840979,06/07/2018 01:36 8983187,3976042546,"

1000 points of light is illuminati stuff, the cabal as Q calls it, Trump is going to shut down the Cabal

H.G. Wells Blueprint for an NWO: The Open Conspiracy
1928 — The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells is published. A former Fabian Socialist, Wells writes:

The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments….The character of the Open Conspiracy will then be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion(an ecclesiastical power; referred to later in this article). This large, loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will definitely and obviously attempt to swallow up the entire population of the world and become a new human community….The immediate task before all people, a planned World State, is appearing at a thousand points of light [but]…generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it. (emphasis added) by H.G. Wells-1928

What you need to know about Astana, Kazakhstan's and the Illuminati.

This city was going to be the capital of the NWO, watch the video and you will be amazed by the symbolism in the structures of this city.

You can bet it cost a fortune to build, where they got the money who knows.

Trump froze 26 billion of Kazakhstan's money.

",1530852675,06/07/2018 04:51 8979116,3976078785,"

Typical Deep State Moronic action, which will just generate more fan base from the Right.

Like Q would say: ""Those people are stupid!""

",1530855863,06/07/2018 05:44 8979998,3976089413,"

O, ye of little faith!
Qanon said that google would be investigated and exposed.

",1530856861,06/07/2018 06:01 8979998,3976128305,"

and? Who the f cares if they are investigated and exposed? Remember the IG report that Q said would start the prosecutions? Yeah, nadda. They were investigated and exposed there too. Give me a call when Q has a date when the Marshalls kick in the DOJ/FBI doors and drag out Sessions, Rosenstien and Wray in handcuffs. Until then, stfu about this moron Q and his ""trust Sessions"" b.s. .

",1530860417,06/07/2018 07:00 8983574,3976361551,

He's going to be forced to ask the BIG Q UESTION.

,1530876178,06/07/2018 11:22 8982653,3976385938,"

When I was young I thought Dems were good, Reps were bad!
Now I am old, wasn't much difference until President Trump!!!

",1530877253,06/07/2018 11:40 8983574,3976395981,"

Brock, Media Matters, Share Blue, Soros, Obama, HRC IS Q Central. It is a poor Q-uality psy-op.

If it wasn't you wouldn't be so hooked on it.


",1530877683,06/07/2018 11:48 8983574,3976416578,

'Patriot-anon' is Q he got caught live on youtube logging into the Q account 5 times

Verrry clumsy and amateurish like the whole Q script itself

,1530878557,06/07/2018 12:02 8983574,3976455586,

You mean Q ?

,1530880187,06/07/2018 12:29 8984105,3976482651,

What is Khan so afraid of? Doubtless we'll find out from Q in due course.

,1530881247,06/07/2018 12:47 8981264,3976532715,"
Q LEVEL military Intel group/person inside the White House that is letting patriots know what is going praying medic, Just informed talk and see what is really happening and what is going to happen.

",1530883186,06/07/2018 13:19 8984105,3976595590,

Who is Q?

,1530885603,06/07/2018 14:00 8983187,3976924445,

Everybody loves a MAGA RALLY! WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1530898516,06/07/2018 17:35 8985794,3976963690,

Did Q publish a new post? Since 6-25?

,1530900025,06/07/2018 18:00 8984513,3976965403,

Trump knows about the pedophile gangs that roam the corridors of power at Westminster and hopefully he'll remind Treason May about it and about her part in covering it up.
The politicians there are compromised by the Satanic globalists who already control the EU but from what I can gather from QAnon posts Trump knows who the MP's are who not only engage in pedophilia but ritual child sacrifice
The corrupt Westminster house of traitors swamp desperately needs to be drained

,1530900086,06/07/2018 18:01 8985794,3976969939,"

If Q is real, he's not going to become unreal because you used your critical thinking skills, and got up off your cowardly ass to fight instead of expecting someone else to do your fighting for you.

We don't need anymore fanboys and girls waiting for the rest of us to bring them a plate of MAGA.

",1530900253,06/07/2018 18:04 8985794,3976974240,"

Same old, same old with this Q, CTH, Bill Mitchell crowd. Lazy ass cowards.

",1530900413,06/07/2018 18:06 8985794,3976993527,

That's an easy Q to answer. He already picked a good SC judge is Gorsuch.

,1530901140,06/07/2018 18:19 8971304,3977052063,

Well she’d have to agree to it first. But you’re a Qanon creep!

,1530903504,06/07/2018 18:58 8987219,3977108739,

Qanon is reporting tha KG is a tranny.

,1530906077,06/07/2018 19:41 8987219,3977110910,"

Funny, Q said the same about yer mum. No wonder you came out the wrong end.

",1530906187,06/07/2018 19:43 8985794,3977147780,

You are watching a show!


,1530908123,06/07/2018 20:15 8980388,3977363149,"

The Fed Government has been ""researching"" the Intelligent Transportation System since 1997 when they finished up the Automated Highway system, and STILL there is no consumer product! All that on the tax payor's never ending dime.

Meanwhile due to competitive forces, Cadillac has developed and now offered to its consumers the Super-Cruise Control for expressway driving. A very big deal.

Best to have multiple(5 or more) competitors and do not let the government ""take the lead"". MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1530921687,07/07/2018 00:01 8985794,3977521930,

You are a certified single digit I Q complete loser !!!

,1530935816,07/07/2018 03:56 8986931,3977635901,"

Do you follow Q, OG ???

This is more fun (and more accurate) than any rubbish which came out of Hollyweird...

",1530949307,07/07/2018 07:41 8986931,3977821199,

Trick Q. ... both frauds are laughable

,1530964200,07/07/2018 11:50 8987462,3977893421,

That is not a Q. This is propaganda from useful idiot.

,1530968039,07/07/2018 12:53 8987462,3977898160,

Hi Bannon. Israel is paying itself for its own protection. Do you have a Q about money waste to Palestina?

,1530968263,07/07/2018 12:57 8987024,3978045100,

Follow Q anon

,1530975356,07/07/2018 14:55 8987219,3978053899,

Check out Q anon

,1530975779,07/07/2018 15:02 8987636,3978059821,

What is #Qanon?

,1530976073,07/07/2018 15:07 8987636,3978068718,

McStain. There is a reason both Trump and Q won't say his name.

A lying prick saboteur.

,1530976516,07/07/2018 15:15 8989517,3978145817,"

Black people in the United States are more likely to be
victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.

– FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

– FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people
arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.

– FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an
equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.

Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.

And what about black on white violence in general?

– FACT: Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007.
A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.

“Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among black Americans cannot be denied,” wrote James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their widely cited 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature.” “Every study of crime using
official data shows blacks to be overrepresented among persons arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for street crimes.”

It’s clear that the greater propensity for black people to commit violent crimes is a driving factor as to why blacks are becoming involved in more violent confrontations with police than their 13% population figure suggests they should be. If the 911 calls are coming from black areas and are related to black people committing violent crimes, then of course black people are more likely to be involved in violent confrontations with cops.

",1530980392,07/07/2018 16:19 8987636,3978148479,"

So what is Q's opinion about our next justice? Being a part of the deep state disinformation team, he surely has one. And his nutjob followers will slavishly agree with it.

Whatever it is, then do the opposite.

(The loons that believe in Q ... so hilarious)

",1530980520,07/07/2018 16:22 8987636,3978150506,

Why worry about a LARP if that is what you believe Q to be?

,1530980617,07/07/2018 16:23 8987636,3978155252,"

In late June, Q predicted that something huge would happen on the Fourth ... something that would rock DC.

Having failed laughably, his followers are now saying ""July.""

LOL ... they said that about April, too.

",1530980855,07/07/2018 16:27 8987636,3978159034,

Q also promised a Q & A to his his cult followers ..... and stiffed them.

,1530981051,07/07/2018 16:30 8987636,3978168208,"

But, WAIT!!!!!

What does Q say....?


",1530981473,07/07/2018 16:37 8987636,3978168935,"

""Sessions has your back, President Trump"" said no one ever (except a Qnozzle).

",1530981508,07/07/2018 16:38 8984738,3978237559,"

The Storm is coming and it is even bigger than George Soros and the Cabal. They should be scared.

",1530985020,07/07/2018 17:37 8990336,3978238711,

OK Q. We've trusted the plan. Is this the Godfather reference you were talking about? How much longer before these leftist get a one way ticket to GITMO?

,1530985081,07/07/2018 17:38 8987579,3978244262,

Not for long.....

,1530985386,07/07/2018 17:43 8991260,3978277963,

Qanon is in with Jester the Anti-Trump/AntiGOP activist deep in Bitcoin
pass the word on to anyone spouting Qcrap

,1530987186,07/07/2018 18:13 8990684,3978279472,

Qanon is in with Jester the Anti-Trump/AntiGOP activist deep in Bitcoin
pass the word on to anyone spouting Qcrap to you

,1530987260,07/07/2018 18:14 8988410,3978282744,

Qanon is in with Jester the Anti-Trump/AntiGOP activist deep in Bitcoin
pass the word on to anyone spouting Qcrap
It is a scam to suck off funds that would have helped GOP

,1530987431,07/07/2018 18:17 8990336,3978400428,"

05-16-2018 02:28:34 AEST Q !4pRcUA0lBE
ID:563afa No.1420066

Do you trust POTUS?
Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?
Our Country?
Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.

You need to TRUST the PLAN. Q

For those of you not following Q, you need to ASAP.

",1530993342,07/07/2018 19:55 8991260,3978432585,"

I'm with Trump and Pence, and not with Sessions nor his mouthpiece Q.

",1530995150,07/07/2018 20:25 8991260,3978439859,"

There's only 3 places that still tolerate the Q Sessions-enablers.

Chans, where the lunacy began

FR dedicated threads

Theconservativenuthouse (which built a whole phony narrative around Strzok being a flipper ... ha ha ha)

The few remaining Qnozzles swing among those 3 sites. I recommend avoiding.

",1530995544,07/07/2018 20:32 8991260,3978443229,

What are Q Sessions enablers?

,1530995755,07/07/2018 20:35 8991260,3978455949,

Some here Pissing and Moaning about Qanon why ? Information is power it is up to us to decide and investigate what is good intel or false information.

,1530996566,07/07/2018 20:49 8987636,3978518571,"

If Q is a fake, then why are you so worked up about it?

",1531000723,07/07/2018 21:58 8990975,3978527316,"

Involved....check out Q movement. Vids on you tube, i like: in pursuit of truth, praying medic (has vid for newcomers), and spaceshot76

",1531001341,07/07/2018 22:09 8987636,3978546808,"

Go to if you want to see what this guy is so afraid of. The GREAT AWAKENING

",1531002693,07/07/2018 22:31 8990975,3978578474,"

Sorry....we, in Q have the master list, names, places etc...that's why i suggested Q to you quite a while ago!

",1531004963,07/07/2018 23:09 8990975,3978595044,

Do I get there by just bringing up Q? Life is different since the stroke.

,1531006212,07/07/2018 23:30 8990975,3978612203,"

You can go to reddit, the great awakening, or you can go to Qanon at 3-4 different places, i think one is, or the 3 researchers i like, are on you tube: in pursuit of truth, praying medic, spaceshot76, i periodically check others. Praying medic made a video for beginners, to catch people up.

",1531007554,07/07/2018 23:52 8991593,3978650353,

What percentage of the females that you know make decisions on the basis of law and logic without any concern for their personal emotions or preferences? Q. E. D.

,1531010607,08/07/2018 00:43 8990336,3978655398,

Have you heard of Q? Q exists to address your very concerns.

,1531011044,08/07/2018 00:50 8991251,3978661522,"

I believe that as well. Around two weeks before the election, I was told to ""have faith"" & that's when I knew, the election would turn out okay. If you follow, Q, he says, white hats in the NSA asked Trump to run, so he is a God send. It's tough to see humanity fall so far, but I believe it's up to us to help pull it back. I'm not one of those who thinks, we're in the end times, so there's nothing we can do, but wait for the second coming. We should never stop fighting for everything that is good in this world, to do less than that would be helping the forces of evil.

",1531011584,08/07/2018 00:59 8992088,3978740261,

8chan is starting to become more well known now that Q is there.

,1531018977,08/07/2018 03:02 8992088,3978740750,

I don't know enough to comment honestly.
I just go for the Q stuff. Wherever he lands.

,1531019027,08/07/2018 03:03 8992088,3978831327,"

Follow Q?

You don't have to come out in the open if you don't like, but just wanted to pass something along. Serialbrain2 is tying some things together we haven't thought about before. I had thought Katie G of the ""Citizens Investigative Report"" was the best decoder with her hours of research before posting, but this guy is just too good. Katie G thought enough of him to bring it to our attention, and I have to agree :)

Here is her latest video about this, which is pretty cool. It is a 48 minute investment, so I know only the serious people will watch. Not much I can do about that. I get it.

",1531029928,08/07/2018 06:05 8992088,3978965106,"

Q says to .....

nevermind, Q is a fake.

",1531044066,08/07/2018 10:01 8972297,3979022520,

Jesus when will the people wake up? The deep state is alive and well. The clinton body count keeps climbing. Q knows all this is the only hope i can glean from any of this

,1531048338,08/07/2018 11:12 8990975,3979106224,"

Copy of the search of the 40,000 sealed DOJ indictments:

I'm waiting for BB to cover this in an article - you only need to be a lawyer to do the search on

",1531053643,08/07/2018 12:40 8990975,3979113544,"

He cannot investigate his own agency. He does not receive criminal referrals of investigations into his own agency or the FBI - only the DOJ IG does. Then the DOJ IG makes referrals to his special prosecutor. That is where the information becomes no longer public.

There are 40,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ right now. In a normal year there are no more than 1000. They are sealed to us - that does not mean they have not been served. That may explain the mass Dem meltdown. These indictments are being processed but completely unbeknownst to us.

We will only find out the verdicts.

",1531054077,08/07/2018 12:47 8990975,3979118171,"

He cannot investigate his own agency. He does not receive criminal referrals of investigations into his own agency or the FBI - only the DOJ IG does. Then the DOJ IG makes referrals to his special prosecutor. That is where the information becomes no longer public.

There are 40,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ right now. In a normal year there are no more than 1000. They are sealed to us - that does not mean they have not been served. That may explain the mass Dem meltdown. These indictments are being processed but completely unbeknownst to us.

We will only find out the verdicts.

",1531054340,08/07/2018 12:52 8992088,3979141605,"

Another one: White House Military pass holder hit in head on crash, Secret Service on scene



View image on Twitter

Anne Cutler✔@AnneCutler

Multiple agencies, including the Secret Service, are on the scene of this crash on I-66 EB in Arlington. An official tells @fox5dc one of the people involved was a ""White House military pass holder."" Meanwhile, a helicopter has been searching for a driver who fled the scene.

6:07 AM - Jul 8, 2018


226 people are talking about this

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This breaking incident of a White House Military pass holder injured in a head on crash in Arlington, Virginia is now the second head on crash involving a top Republican or White House official in about a week or two. South Carolina Rep Katie Arrington was hit in a head on crash a couple weeks ago and is recovering nicely, but we may have a case that the Deep State/American Left is now targeting Republican US House members and White House officials with head on car crashes.
A White House military official being injured in a head on car crash in Arlington, VA this morning raises major red flag alarms, because if this is a White House Military pass holder, this incident could involve a member of the Q team. With the recent incidents of Leftists violently attacking Trump supporters and Republican officials in the last week, this head on collision where a White House Military pass holder looks like a targeted hit...These multiple incidents are not random. Fishy because the driver fled the scene of this crash, that involves a White House Military pass holder, and an investigation being conducted by the Secret Service.

Anne Cutler✔@AnneCutler

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The Secret Service responds to a bad overnight crash involving injuries on I-66 in Arlington, that led to a manhunt when one person fled the scene. We're told one of the drivers involved was a White House military pass holder. More on @fox5dc.

7:45 AM - Jul 8, 2018 · Arlington, VA


91 people are talking about this

",1531055648,08/07/2018 13:14 8992148,3979144042,"

Interesting. People just believe what they see on TV and then go on with their lives. They never look into this stuff because most people wouldn't/couldn't believe that there are nefarious forces out there that would go through all this trouble to grab our guns.....that they could order/bribe someone to take part in such an elaborate operation and have to pretend to be a gimp for the next 10 years until someone like Hillary got in. Then they could throw the cast away and say they're totally cured. Something like that.
I would love to know where she lives. Rent an apartment or condo where I have a birds eye view of her pool. Maybe I'd have to hike up on a hillside and camp out for a few nights with a high end video camera. Zoom down on her swimming around her pool like a normie. I think I could make a few bucks from the national enquirer. But then I may end up dead. So,...I'd just make major dumps with dozens of fake accounts on youtube. Get it out there. If this gives anyone an idea,...go for it and God speed. You'd make Q and all the patriots proud.

",1531055784,08/07/2018 13:16 8991260,3979171082,

Thank You Democrats for adding to the rolls of the Republican Party . Keep up the good work for the midterms that are fast approaching .Signed J Q public .

,1531057282,08/07/2018 13:41 8990336,3979292213,"

Doesn't Q put it over 40k? Either way, can't wait to begin seeing these coming out. Got a feeling many of the names will be very familiar, also many suicides, retirements, resignations, etc… This should be a paradigm-shifting time in our history.

",1531063627,08/07/2018 15:27 8991743,3979354003,"

Ok, you’re another loose Qanon. That didn’t take long to figure out.

",1531066728,08/07/2018 16:18 8993264,3979358190,"

He already has won... do you see them and the efforts attempted to thwart. Watch what happens over the next weeks. Or check out Their atrocities and attempts to destroy this nation are there for reading. Then, research for yourself. This will take years to clean up. Treason, for love of money and power.

",1531066942,08/07/2018 16:22 8990249,3979425762,"

Did Q invent that? ""There are no coincidences""? Brilliant huh?

",1531070351,08/07/2018 17:19 8991743,3979515491,"

You level the Q belief as an accusation! You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I am enjoying the Q/Trump show and it gives me hope that those who would destroy this nation will be exposed and prosecuted. If you don't celebrate the fact that Trump will get to appoint 2 or more justices to the SCOTUS and ensure the Republic for another generation...well, too bad. WWG1WGA

",1531075128,08/07/2018 18:38 8990249,3979541001,

The Q team needs to go on the offensive and begin identifying and eliminating anyone engaging in murderous activities.

,1531076496,08/07/2018 19:01 8994233,3979570850,

Sessions and Q .... saddened. Their Deep State controllers failed bigly.

,1531078015,08/07/2018 19:26 8993201,3979573717,

Satan worshipper Mahar is shjtting in his pants. Wonder why? Exposure soon?

,1531078182,08/07/2018 19:29 8994233,3979579654,

nor Q crap

,1531078515,08/07/2018 19:35 8988746,3979590719,"

Toobin is also a LOW I Q individual.. If not, he wouldn't be pontificating on the Jerry Springer Network...

",1531079157,08/07/2018 19:45 8994233,3979598718,"

Only a few days ago. He stiffed them with a promise of a Q & A, and wet all over their hopes for a huge boom on the Fourth.

But they still keep coming back for more punishment from him.

",1531079615,08/07/2018 19:53 8994233,3979601511,

I think I saw that he said there'd be a Q & A thing. I didn't get the feel that it was legit though ...

,1531079779,08/07/2018 19:56 8994233,3979610145,

The Black MAGA hat with a Q on the brim.

,1531080308,08/07/2018 20:05 8994233,3979611403,"

If you get Trump to sign it, make sure you first put a wwg1wga on the rim.

Trump will then point at you, smile and give a fist pump.


",1531080387,08/07/2018 20:06 8994233,3979611976,"

Correct, I added my own Q.

",1531080422,08/07/2018 20:07 8994233,3979615225,"

No, use a marker and write ""wwg1wga"" on the rim.

It means where we go one, we go all.

It's evidence you know who Q anon is (group of military intelligence leading 8chan with questions that leads them to how Trump/Sessions are taking down the cabal).

People who wear a Q shirt are singled out by Trump for fist pumps, same with people who write wwg1wga on their hats they're getting signed.

More information at

",1531080633,08/07/2018 20:10 8988746,3979623545,

Nothing racist at all! He never said she had a low I Q because she is black!

,1531081155,08/07/2018 20:19 8994233,3979803483,

What's Q saying?

,1531093714,08/07/2018 23:48 8993201,3979804743,"

Just curious, have you been following Qanon at all. If you look at this till the end, it's very convincing that Q is real. Take note of the picture of the back of the iPhone on Airforce One.

",1531093806,08/07/2018 23:50 8988746,3979815911,"

Toobin, seems you are the one pointing out her race, by definition you are the racist, one does not have to be black to have a low I. Q. but evidently you do link the two, making you the racist

",1531094650,09/07/2018 00:04 8995280,3979915897,

Justice Q.

,1531103442,09/07/2018 02:30 8988746,3979947020,"

Low I Q more delicate than stupid or ignorant, uneducated.

",1531106863,09/07/2018 03:27 8991743,3980118988,"

Low IQ/Trump Alliance...compared to what, the unhinged Marxist Obama/Hillary alliance? I think your accusations against Jordan smack of the typical blind Leftist attack agenda, just throw sh it everywhere and see what sticks. I say death to all pedophiles no matter how important they think they far as Q goes we will just have to wait and see now won't we. Have you noticed how many members of Congress aren't seeking reelection and the growing number of corporate executives have resigned and disappeared? I think you underestimate the power of the Trump alliance.

",1531124896,09/07/2018 08:28 8988746,3980219171,"


",1531131941,09/07/2018 10:25 8996204,3980257034,

May and her cabal. More like May and THE Cabal... #Qanon

,1531134023,09/07/2018 11:00 8995037,3980510908,"

#QAnon Defines the Agenda While Dems Are Depressed, Snowflakes Cower in Fear and #DNC Disintegrates - Lionel Nation


",1531145156,09/07/2018 14:05 8997680,3980544563,"

Hope he has armed guards. Q says ""they won't be safe in the streets."" He/they were referring to the sex abuse satanists (and not just pedophiles).

",1531146509,09/07/2018 14:28 8845838,3980563303,"

Of the 40,000 sealed indictments pending at the DOJ a huge number are in Eastern and Western PA. Can you say Philly and Pittsburgh Dems?

",1531147244,09/07/2018 14:40 8996204,3980575099,

Who listens to Q anyway.............he's a 14 year old gamer.

,1531147703,09/07/2018 14:48 8996573,3980720826,"

As Q would say ""THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK""

",1531153399,09/07/2018 16:23 8996204,3980742820,"

They will come back with vengeance if you do not put a stake through their heart, fill their mouth with garlic, and take their head off.

You cannot stop until International Socialism is as thoroughly discredited as National Socialism. Nuremberg 2.0 for traitors must happen. Fortunately Q and the president are on to it. Around 40000 sealed indictments so far.

",1531154273,09/07/2018 16:37 8998496,3980753407,

Even more important; where is Qanon? Not a single drop since July 4th..........

,1531154700,09/07/2018 16:45 8979566,3980793382,"

America MUST Unite 🐉 +++ 🇺🇸

6m6 minutes ago

Report: Witness Prepared to Identify Two Killers of Seth Rich
“…the witness has conclusive evidence that will bring Rich’s killers to justice within a month.”

#MondayMotivation #HisNameWasSethRich #SethRich #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #TheStorm

",1531156259,09/07/2018 17:10 8979566,3980835874,"

Trump / Q shaking loose cancer cures? It reminds me of how Magic Johnson somehow miraculously survived HIV when the vast majority died.

Tammy Bruce
‏Verified account
Follow Follow @HeyTammyBruce

ICYMI: Wow! Here's your good news for the evening ""New cancer drug 93% effective w pediatric patients,"" + 75% success in adults. Called ""unprecedented"" by researchers.

",1531157887,09/07/2018 17:38 8979566,3981004553,"

Maybe this Q thing is true? Starting to out folks one by one....

Report: Witness Prepared to Identify Two Killers of Seth Rich


",1531164824,09/07/2018 19:33 8991743,3981160279,"

Don't put words in my mouth, the number of resignations in the corporate world combined with the total members of Congress not seeking re-election is extraordinary:

",1531173295,09/07/2018 21:54 9001025,3981369842,"

A real AG would be getting ready to prosecute these crooks, but a real smart one would not let them know. Remember Sun Tzu: When you are strong appear week. When you are near, appear far away.

I am fairly convinced that we are near to seeing the hammer drop on thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of traitors who will be tried in the military courts, or by indictment outside of the DC Area. Think John Huber as Q points out. Also Q ask, What was the one thing missing from the IG report - The answer is probably ""Prosecutions"" that were purposely left out because we don't want to prosecute them in DC where 97% of people to fill jury pool are Hilliary supports. Likewise, why do we not want a second Special Consul to investigate the Trump investigation, because it would take years for anything to happen. According to Q Imran Awan skated on changes because he is cooperating with investigators. I don't know if the Qanon is real, if so we are getting ready to see the entire deep state upended.

",1531184514,10/07/2018 01:01 8999534,3981406729,

I cannot find the link to Q.

,1531187205,10/07/2018 01:46 8999534,3981538010,

I cannot get into Shadily right now. The board is all messed up. Does anyone have a link to Q research?

,1531199476,10/07/2018 05:11 8997233,3981640187,"

They're panicking ... and so they should be!

""Q - The plan to save the world""


",1531208945,10/07/2018 07:49 9001607,3981991830,"

John Q Adams on the muslims.
The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that
Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives,
by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and
delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet,
may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to
propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it
can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed
alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274).

",1531227580,10/07/2018 12:59 9001598,3982110589,

when the legal Q of whether the president can be charged comes to the court..

,1531230953,10/07/2018 13:55 9001598,3982115409,

There is no legal Q other than the fact the left wants to muddy the water to win in the court of public opinion among the stupid and ignorant.

,1531231054,10/07/2018 13:57 8998466,3982127345,"

Qur'an 2:193, 8:39: fight disbelievers until all religion is Islam everywhere.

Q 8:60: ""Against the unbelievers make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.

Blame the bloodthirsty ""Religion of peace.""

",1531231354,10/07/2018 14:02 9001598,3982143426,"

All you need to do is follow the money....
$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore (qanon,pub)

",1531231941,10/07/2018 14:12 9002102,3982223528,"

This is a point in time where history is being made before our eyes, folks.

The Dem Party is literally imploding. It is breathtaking. And it is a sight to behold for those of us who have been watching with disgust as our own so-called party has been rolled by them for the last 50 years.

The Political Establishment. The elitist, ruling class. The globalist illuminati cabal. Call these corrupt POS's what you want, they are going down. And they are as desperate and deranged as a wounded, cornered animal.

Because that's what they are. They've lost all control and power. They know Trump, Sessions, Wray, Huber, Horowitz, Nunes, Gowdy and Q have the goods on them. All the goods.

When the truth comes out -- which it will in due time -- one by one these evil people will be dealt appropriate justice. And this country's mind will be blown as to just how evil and sick they really are.

In the meantime, the anti-American hatred, lies and contempt for Trump, Kavanaugh, and the citizens of this country will spew forth from the filthy mouths of the Dem politicians and their lackeys and puppet-masters, the MSM. The confirmation hearings will be the worst ever. The most disgusting ever.

And that's on top of open borders, favoring MS13, repealing tax cuts, inciting violence against all conservatives, abolishing ICE, hating all cops, encouraging radical identity politics, and continuing to shove LGBTQ down our throats.

The Dem party is becoming total toast in real time. Pay close attention, and enjoy the show. Godspeed my friends.

",1531234770,10/07/2018 14:59 9003890,3982418796,

David Brock will be looking at jail time for his role in the murder of Seth Rich soon. #qanon

,1531239036,10/07/2018 16:10 9003173,3982495332,

Didn't he go by the name Q?

,1531240939,10/07/2018 16:42 8999534,3982619390,

Of course it's a psyop. The question is why and what is the end goal. I doubt Q is trying to ruin the United States.

,1531244559,10/07/2018 17:42 9004118,3982623119,"

Breitbart -- the land of pizzagate, Qanon, and 9/11 truthers -- is criticizing conspiracy theories now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. If the story isn't true, the Trump admin should just deny it and move on. They haven't denied it.

",1531244705,10/07/2018 17:45 9004118,3982624487,"

Please provide links to all the Breitbart articles on ""pizzagate, Qanon, and 9/11 truthers.""
We'll wait, troll.

",1531244759,10/07/2018 17:45 9004118,3982624538,

BB has never done a story on pizzagate or Qanon.

Why do libs lie so much?

,1531244761,10/07/2018 17:46 9005639,3982696409,

My suggestion to Suzy Q Collins is DON'T then!

,1531247419,10/07/2018 18:30 9004118,3982757219,"

Leeann is just itching to get on Trump's sh¡tlist of fake news mouthpieces for the DNC.

Keep it up yellow dog and your wish will be granted...

",1531249925,10/07/2018 19:12 9004118,3982758702,"

The list of liars here...

",1531249993,10/07/2018 19:13 9006395,3982792769,

yes and Q needs a reboot

,1531251528,10/07/2018 19:38 9005102,3982817517,"

Have you seen this Cat which talks about Q & Trump? Great video...

",1531252666,10/07/2018 19:57 9006395,3982859821,"

CBP and Army Corps of Engineers ask property owners on border to survey land


1 Comment

Fox News Reports: ​Some property owners along the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas said they have received letters from the federal government asking to review their land for the border wall construction. Residents in the town of Escobares received notices a few weeks ago from the Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), asking for the permission to survey their land, KENS-TV reported.
Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar, a representative in the area, said there have been over 200 of such requests made in Starr and Hidalgo counties, according to federal officials. The town Mayor Noel Escobar was among those who received the letter, but he wasn’t eager to use the opportunity. “I walk out the back door and what I’m going to see is a 30-foot fence,” Escobar said.
Is the Trump wall on our southern border with the failed state of Mexico now on it's way in it's complete form, as CBP and the Army Corps of Engineers are now asking property owners on the border to survey their land. This also may be another new Q confirmation, as a couple months ago Q stated an operation involving Red Castle and Green Castle was underway...And Red Castle Green Castle just happens to be the Army Corps of Engineers located in Green Castle, Indiana.
​ America we may have the first sign that America's great border wall that Trump has promised us to keep illegals and what they traffic into the United States out of Mexico may be on it's way, and it looks like the Army Corps of Engineers is going to be behind the construction. Land Surveying is the official first sign the wall is coming.

",1531254815,10/07/2018 20:33 9005048,3982867329,

when is Breitbart gonna get on the Q train? Many more people need to be awake!

,1531255230,10/07/2018 20:40 8993201,3982874804,"

I can't reply to your lengthy post to my comment because it says, ""under review"", so I will here.

You state: ""If anyone thinks this is unfair for me to say or that I don't know what I'm talking about. Why then did Q admit he hasn't been able to find a Supreme Court case that allowed for US Civilians to be tried in Military Tribunals yet on July 3rd?""

I interpreted in the vid that Q ask, ""what supreme court case allows civilians to be tried by military tribunal?"" The comment that ""I have researched and can't find one"", is not input from Q, but by the person who is made and posted the youtube video. To reiterate, Q ask the question, the youtuber says I don't know.

What my pea brain was able to deduce from the question, ""When would a civilian offense be illegible to be tried by MI tribunal"", is that if the offense was treason for the following reason.

Let me just go down this path: (Probably totally off here)

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

""The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are,
or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.""

So technically are we all in the military? (Crazy I know)

",1531255615,10/07/2018 20:46 9006395,3982880103,"

New. Good compilation of Q validating proofs

",1531255907,10/07/2018 20:51 9001319,3982947349,"

There are Militias in every state. I’ve heard a over a million. That doesn’t count Veterans, hunters and John Q Citizens.

",1531259758,10/07/2018 21:55 9004118,3983110244,"

RE: Seth Rich

1 NYDerP homocyde det. 10 others working the case.
-from America first media group
-witness gave no names, way to terrified because this group has done much worse that this before
-went to DCPD already, mayor, police cheif, intelligence committee they did nothing despite being sued for info a year earlier
-took polygraph
-Jack has been shot and run over by NEXUS agent, seems to be involved craving a job in the DEA, ATF ect.
-says rosenstien is handler of killers, they've been doing this for years since bush 2.
-Someone was altering emails, stealing emails, go's on about bitcoin & other crap.
-Says some of Q is fake to his knowlage
-The object of this group is to control the DOJ and whithouse, has dirt on judges and hundreds of others
-Witness never met seth, overheard idiot agents bragging about it before and after murder mant times
-Stalked seth, id'd em, on the knees, shot in belly, seth crawls, shot in head, take thumbdrive and run.
-One agent is DEA, other ATF, and then a 3rd party.
Won't talk, because they work near witness, wont rat because they'll smoke em. DUH!
Copy and paste f@ggots I'm not repeating myself. '86 bro out.

",1531269241,11/07/2018 00:34 9007985,3983242372,"

I have not been able to lurk on 8 chan for a while. Does anyone have a link to the Q research? The catalog is said to be ""broken.""

",1531279672,11/07/2018 03:27 9007985,3983252036,"

Deplorables are the guy in the crowd that leans back and watches the action.. Suzie Q -

",1531280605,11/07/2018 03:43 9006368,3983326427,

Hilarious! Q is right. These people are stupid.

,1531287656,11/07/2018 05:40 9008090,3983561460,

That's why the Q disinformation team is putting a wet-blanket on that concern. Its two core messages are to wait some more and trust Sessions.

LOL. Trust Sessions? He's the one that can order this witch to jail.

,1531303721,11/07/2018 10:08 9009227,3983691953,"

I know we Patriots are hard-headed (can be good), but please check this out if you think Q is fake.

Brings you to post 1340...

...Which links to a post by SerialBRAIN2...

SerialBRAIN2 explains that many of the interpreters were purposefully giving bad translations to discredit (does a masterful job)

(continuing in a response post below to keep it from looking like too much text. haha)

",1531309704,11/07/2018 11:48 9009227,3983706721,"

I know we Patriots are hard-headed (can be good), but please check this out if you think Q Anon is fake.

Brings you to post 1340 written by Q...

...Which links to a post by SerialBRAIN2...

SerialBRAIN2 explains that many of the interpreters were purposefully giving bad translations to discredit (does a masterful job)

(continuing in a response post below to keep it from looking like too much text. haha)

",1531310304,11/07/2018 11:58 9009227,3983725690,"

If you think Q is fake, I might know why... and be able to help clarify a detail that changes things.

Basically, one of the main interpreters people latched onto was purposefully giving bad translations of the Q posts to discredit him. This is based on...

Post 1340 written by Q...
...Which links to a post by SerialBRAIN2. SerialBRAIN2 explains this masterfully.
It isn't about ""making money"" as Corsi keeps trying to say. That was just a sidenote complaint.

(continuing in a response post below to keep it from looking like too much text)

",1531311076,11/07/2018 12:11 9009227,3983728398,"

This is compelling too. Check it out.

",1531311183,11/07/2018 12:13 9009227,3983760739,"


• Linked to by Q Anon
• ""The Brain is what is really important""-Trump@rally recently (possibly coincidence)

",1531312441,11/07/2018 12:34 9009227,3983765231,"

Just a quick copy/paste job from what I posted a moment ago. Should help:

If you think Q is fake, I might know why... and be able to help clarify a detail that changes things.

Basically, one of the main interpreters people latched onto was purposefully giving bad translations of the Q posts to discredit him. This is based on...

Post 1340 written by Q...
...Which links to a post by SerialBRAIN2. SerialBRAIN2 explains this masterfully.
It isn't about ""making money"" as Corsi keeps trying to say. That was just a sidenote complaint.

",1531312619,11/07/2018 12:36 9009878,3983906438,"

So who writes the Left's talking points?
If Pelosi and Schumer have identical press releases.... then they are NOT representatives of the American people, they are just clumsy mouthpieces of a corrupt agenda.

What does Q Anon have to say about this?

",1531318101,11/07/2018 14:08 8994773,3984164722,"

This is quite OK with Sessions and his slurper, Q.

It's part of their brainiac Plan.

",1531327865,11/07/2018 16:51 9009134,3984165028,

See Qanon.

,1531327876,11/07/2018 16:51 8986931,3984234734,

Easy to stick a Q tip in there for a test to see if Poca-haunt-us is talking.

,1531330385,11/07/2018 17:33 9009836,3984295518,"

Many people are aghast, to say the least, at the things which have been done to their country. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a white knight ride in upon his steed at exactly the right moment to turn the tide. Who among us is immune to that which was conspired and transpired. Qnly together can we overcome the evil. Do not scorn a man because he was vandalized and torn. Stand with those of like mind and let fall the illusions set to divide us. If your brother stumbles pick him up. All are one and one are all.

",1531332627,11/07/2018 18:10 9010244,3984304094,"

The Antifa flag/emblem looks a lot like the Nazi flag from the 30's....

",1531332955,11/07/2018 18:15 9011054,3984543401,"

nope, saw it on Qanon

",1531342694,11/07/2018 20:58 9012395,3984587645,

How many of you follow Q? Signify with a thumbs up reply

,1531345203,11/07/2018 21:40 9009227,3984602029,"

Hopefully this statement is just fluff. According to Q anon, Trump meeting with Putin is the worst thing in the world for our enemies. Apparently they will exchange information on Uranium 1. Clinton cabal will be in big trouble when Trump has the documents to prove Russia collusion with the Clinton's. Lol you couldn't make this stuff up. ( i hope ). Of course if this all turns out to be nothing. Then your question about Trump is now top billing.

",1531346035,11/07/2018 21:53 9004118,3984605888,

Better check your dosimeter it looks like you may have overused your Q clearance...

,1531346265,11/07/2018 21:57 9011816,3984616352,"

I am John Q. Citizen and I demand that all law abiding , patriotic Americans and decent media ignore the sick, demented rantings of that ignoramus, Michael Moore. My cult of deplorables will be watching and voting like never before. We are taking back our beloved country as we stand for our flag.

",1531346877,11/07/2018 22:07 9012395,3984680939,

inventing Q stories

,1531350850,11/07/2018 23:14 9012395,3984682197,

LOL can't believe people still buy that Q crap. Sessions is AWOL on any matters that require his attention.

,1531350931,11/07/2018 23:15 9012755,3984720580,"

These haters - so predictable.

Melania is as elegant, accomplished and intelligent as they are grotesque, stunted and demented.

She's so far above these moldy trolls snorting and grunting around in this comment section they're like dried up stains on closed subway floor.

A Queen except there is no Q in the Slovenian alphabet...

",1531353401,11/07/2018 23:56 9010904,3984764679,"

I have to say, there have been several ATL 'workers' I've wanted to knock out. Most of them Delta employees. Since I'm just John Q Public, I'll have to settle for smiling when thinking of Jones' effort.

",1531356347,12/07/2018 00:45 9012755,3985015949,"

Doesn’t Merkel and May look like two (frumpy) bumps on a log? Every time I see Merkel I’m reminded about Qs info on her family.

11-13-2017 04:16:24 AEDT Q !ITPb.qbhqo
ID:99LpGawB No.149122955

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).

An Anon did some digging and came up with this.

Doesn’t Merkel and May look like two (frumpy) bumps on a log? Every time I see Merkel I’m reminded about Qs info on her family.

11-13-2017 04:16:24 AEDT Q !ITPb.qbhqo
ID:99LpGawB No.149122955

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).

An Anon did some digging and came up with this.

Known in history as one of the “Angels of Death”, Carl Clauberg was given leniency for turning over to the KGB the custody of the archives of the Nazi artificial insemination experimentations. Of most interest, to the Soviets, was the frozen “sperm bank” especially the “frozen sperm” of the late Nazi Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.
After taking custody of the sperm bank, the Politburo, called the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro, gave its authorization for an experimental program to preserve the genetic DNA markers of Adolf Hitler by seeking to reproduce what he had been unable, a child by his wife Eva Braun.
Doctor “Carl”, this former professor of gynecology at Keonigsberg University, was sent to bring to the Communist East Germany (GFR), the youngest sister of Eva Braun, Gretl Braun, to be a “surrogate” mother as an artificial insemination recipient of the Fuehrer’s sperm. As the Soviets reasoned, this would be a “near match” to an actual child between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.
Pardoned under the German-Soviet repatriation agreement after serving only 7 out of 25 years for his crimes related to the sterilization of prisoners, he moved to the Federal Republic of (West) Germany and there in the city of Kiel, he began to brag about his “scientific work”. After the “Zentralrat der Juden” (Central council of Jews) made their case against him, he was arrested in November 1955 by the German and American authorities. In August 1957, he was reputedly “murdered” while in the custody of the West Americans, only days before a new trial in West Germany was to begin.
It was in 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the reports repute to be Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. With the official birthday of July 17, 1954, it is of interest that the Stasi GDR’s file on Angela Merkel, that is currently in the Soviet KGB archives, documents that her birth was on April 20, 1954. If the feared secret police’s citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel was born on 65th anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s birthday on April 20, 1889.
Soon after Angela’s birth, by agreement between the Soviets, the Americans and the Vatican, Merkel was placed in the custody of the GDR Lutheran Church and officially was born on July 17, as Angela Dorothea Kasner, the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor, and his wife, Herlind an English and Latin teacher. There in the countryside at Templin in East Germany, Merkel was raised about 50 miles north of Berlin, the capital of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR).
Could Merkel be Hitlers daughter? Their resemblance is striking.

",1531379011,12/07/2018 07:03 9015271,3985242561,"

What would 007 and Q do ? I'm talking about the real 00, Sean Connery of course ...

",1531393694,12/07/2018 11:08 9010427,3985305817,"

Much more than I had six months ago.

This situation takes some reading.

If you want to know better, it very important to look at the Q posts.

But I got there without Q to begin with. Q corroborated my findings with better insider information - of which I have none.

But I have other ways of getting to the same result.

",1531396489,12/07/2018 11:54 9010427,3985352111,"

Same here: Q posts merely corroborated what I put together on my own. Still, it was heartening to see that someone near DC seems to have a handle on things.

",1531398427,12/07/2018 12:27 9016669,3985515508,"

It’s looking more and more like Q is bullshit. I have seen NO arrests and EVERY ONE of these people have a cockiness and confidence about them like nothing is going to happen. Hillary, Obama, etc all walk around completely sure they’re gonna get away with it all.

",1531404736,12/07/2018 14:12 9010427,3985560018,"

I read Q anon, but don't see it happening.

",1531406286,12/07/2018 14:38 9007469,3985623060,"

The Qur'an inspires Muslim bigotry & arrogance.

""Muslims are the best of peoples. Q 3:110

""Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the
idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created
beings."" Q 98:6

You are supposed to respect Islam though it despises you.

""Muslim party leader in the Netherlands tells Dutch to leave their country if they don’t like diversity""

",1531408736,12/07/2018 15:18 9014072,3985777036,"

It is the number nine, however it could also be a lower case Q.

",1531414727,12/07/2018 16:58 9016669,3985788048,"

Yes, that very attitude is quite telling. I think it means he knows that he cannot be touched. The deep state is so powerful that he has no real fear that anything of adverse consequence will happen to him.
Note that Q is now silent. The presence of titillating bits have stopped flowing from Rush, Hannity, Carter and others. No new revelations. Whatever happened to the looming Huber investigation? The remaining IG reports? What about the 20K+ ""sealed indictments"" Where is Sessions?
I think the fix is already in. Silence is about to occur. A bit more arm waving then the shift will be toward the midterm elections. Hey, look at this shiny thing over here!! Unfortunately it will work----again.

",1531415168,12/07/2018 17:06 9015058,3985825923,"

BS. Provide a legitimate citation for your ""40,000 sealed indictments"" assertion....and none of that QAnon horse crap.

",1531416630,12/07/2018 17:30 9010427,3985929548,"

Lisa Page is about to find out just what Congress will do if she desn't give in and go up to Capitol Hill and TESTIFY. //////////////////// Curt GOWDY, a previous prosecutor, will not put up with much garbage from LISA PAGE. Either she testifies before Congress or she will be facing jail time in the ROUND BAR HOTEL aa the guest of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN./////////////////////, This is what should happen to ROSENSTEIN for meddling , giving directions to PAGE and STRZOK as to how to testify. THE FBI (( friends - brothers and inlaws )) in action./////////////////////////

",1531420473,12/07/2018 18:34 9017155,3985942918,

Why the misspelling? There is a reason for it but because you’re a ‘useful idiot’ you will never know. It’s code and corresponds with Q posts. The misspelling is done on PURPOSE. Covfefe?

,1531421007,12/07/2018 18:43 9017155,3985957920,"

Once again, you have been made a fool of. It’s CODE. Q will use CODE, in conjunction with the Presidents tweets, to bring our attention to something. What a fool you are chasing after the wind. While millions around the world know exactly what the President is talking about, you are just a slave to the left, stuck on their plantation with no hope. You need to go over to the Great Awakening board on Reddit and get red pilled quick.


The Plan To Save The World

",1531421598,12/07/2018 18:53 9016669,3985987254,"

the DOJ is a crapstorm under Sessions... too many believed Q, that the IG report was going to save the country and to trust Sessions...

fuh Q

",1531422853,12/07/2018 19:14 9016669,3986029788,"

Dear Peter Strzok, we have all seen the texts, so stop lying



Breitbart Reports: In the prepared remarks, Strzok will admit that while his text message criticism was “blunt,” it was not directed at one person or political party and included jabs not only at Donald Trump, but also at Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). He will allege to House members that there is “simply no evidence of bias in [his] professional actions.”
“Let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath: not once in my 26 years of defending my nation did my personal opinions impact any official action I took,” the disgraced FBI agent will say. Although Strzok has said through his lawyer that he was eager to tell his side of the story, he will express his exasperation at being the focal point of a congressional hearing and urge lawmakers to focus on Russian election interference instead.
Q is exactly right when Q states that these people are stupid, as Strzok under oath today in front of a joint hearing of US House Committees, has simply stated that their was no political bias in his messages. However these messages have already been made public to the American people, so why the hell is this Obama/Clinton FBI Deep State puppet even lying today to US House Committees under oath in front of an American public who have already seen the messages? We could really get Peter Strzok on contempt of Congress and Perjury to Congress for the simple fact we have all seen the texts.

",1531424701,12/07/2018 19:45 9016669,3986039251,

not watching Q posts are ya?

,1531425137,12/07/2018 19:52 9016669,3986096932,


,1531427912,12/07/2018 20:38 9019078,3986145580,

Cohen is QAnon.

,1531430491,12/07/2018 21:21 9018298,3986150921,

Q said to expect Stealth Jeff o/a mid month... get your popcorn getting good. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #KAG #Qanon

,1531430777,12/07/2018 21:26 9016669,3986184284,"

We know it was assembled because it can be disassembled in Photoshop.

Obongo's trained apes were smoking dope that day and forgot to take a visual picture of the assembled virtual document.

Or else were too stupid to think of disguising the obvious forgery.

As Q says ""These people are STUPID.""

",1531432634,12/07/2018 21:57 9014479,3986198513,

Sessions. MAGA.
See Qanon.

,1531433471,12/07/2018 22:11 9017947,3986363851,

Trust the plan.
- Q.

,1531443309,13/07/2018 00:55 9019402,3986387043,

We are all Q...WWG1WGA...Please pass the popcorn.

,1531445048,13/07/2018 01:24 9019402,3986423019,"

If you mean Q, please give it up.
There is no plan, and Sessions is a total loss.

",1531448013,13/07/2018 02:13 9019402,3986436686,

You can Q that one up next ;-)

,1531449214,13/07/2018 02:33 9019402,3986438910,

Who keeps up with Q crumbs? Who believes Q is real?

,1531449413,13/07/2018 02:36 9019402,3986443830,

It seems as though it is more about those who profess to interpret Q than the literal words of Q.

,1531449866,13/07/2018 02:44 9019336,3986454767,"

Is that you, Q?

",1531450905,13/07/2018 03:01 9019987,3986473023,"

Arrest? nodding, not only crooked her but also obummer and his admin will be arrested, tried and jailed, no doubt, most would say.
Q info for years has been proving that truths will be unsealed and justice will be done. Just research 'Q' or qanon for sure. WWGIWGA, MAGA

",1531452732,13/07/2018 03:32 9014572,3986518977,

How about Q?

,1531457106,13/07/2018 04:45 9019336,3986532638,"

He is :). It is all part of the strategy.
I know for a fact that Q has a direct line to Trump and they are working together. The evidence is overwhelming. This ties into the Q thing somehow, but his last post was the 4th so he is a bit busy. Obviously has another role.

",1531458415,13/07/2018 05:06 9015616,3986644525,"

To be honest I have a hard time processing the kingdoms of this world, the intricacies of their protocols and all the taxpayer money that goes into keeping them alive and excessively well, but thanks anyway.

It looks like Reagan was hosted by Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle during his second year in office too.

You think Trump should refuse to comment when asked specifically about the political upheaval taking place in England? Not going to happen. He is the most powerful political figure on earth, so don't expect him to say nothing. Obama went over and used scare tactics and veiled threats to pressure average British citizens into voting Remain. It's not the same thing.

You eluded my Q. So what if others protested. Did you?

",1531468087,13/07/2018 07:48 9020089,3986671313,"

As an American citizen who pays his taxes, I'm really getting impatient over why it's taking so damn long to reveal any shred of direct evidence that proves the Trump campaign or the Trump administration somehow leveraged a relationship with Russia to win an election. I think the Kremlin is very, very happy every time this claim is made by someone on the Democrat side of the aisle. Since every other aspect of every single perceived misstep by the President or members of his Administration seem to land on the front page of rags like the NYT or WP, why haven't we ever seen any single shred of direct evidence that proves this Democrat allegation? Isn't that what Mueller is supposed to be doing? Some day soon, it will all come crumbling down.
#WWG1WGA #Qanon

",1531470307,13/07/2018 08:25 9020293,3986936542,

Doesn’t matter what I write here......
D I S Q U S shadows most anyway.
Funny to see some mediocre comments getting 200-400 👍
And good ones get 4-6

,1531484635,13/07/2018 12:23 9020716,3987064233,

Rosenstein to announce probe into Q-anon.

,1531489580,13/07/2018 13:46 9020716,3987066995,

weird cuz Q is prolly CIA ...

,1531489684,13/07/2018 13:48 9022675,3987134880,"

If Q is right, all this will come out soon.

",1531492214,13/07/2018 14:30 9019171,3987184748,


,1531493945,13/07/2018 14:59 9022675,3987189929,

We are pushing late into election season without a single indictment in sight. If Q and the rest are correct then it would certainly be used politically before November.

,1531494132,13/07/2018 15:02 9022717,3987197208,

And just as the Queen was graciously receiving our Great President and Elegant First Lady at Windsor Palace

,1531494396,13/07/2018 15:06 9022675,3987208183,"

""We have it all""

- Q.

",1531494783,13/07/2018 15:13 9019171,3987245658,"

Friday, July 13, 2018
Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election

There is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity or knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the vote count or changed the outcome of the 2016 election.

Feb 16 2018 17:58:54 (EST)
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Future proves past:

This is absolute proof Q is the real deal, unless you can explain how Q knew what was going to be said in today's indictment back in feb.

",1531496104,13/07/2018 15:35 9019171,3987258438,"

Feb 16 2018 17:58:54 (EST)
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Future proves past:

Friday, July 13, 2018
Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election

There is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity or knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the vote count or changed the outcome of the 2016 election.

Everyone that has been trying to convince people Q is a conspiracy larp just got served


",1531496559,13/07/2018 15:42 9021427,3987263937,

STRZOK is the biggest biased LIAR that has ever testified to before Congress. /////
I wonder what Trey Gowdy will do if lISA PAGE refuses to testify??????????
Sounds to me like a time for the ROUND BAR HOTEL at JOHN Q. PUBLIC EXPENSE for this ** LADY ** . ////////////////////////////// CONTEMP off CONGRESS would be the verdict. /////////////////////////////////
Ps: both of these ** friends brothers and in laws ** group need to face JAIL TIME..///

,1531496758,13/07/2018 15:45 9019171,3987288731,"

You, especially John, know better than that. Besides, Q is out of it now and it's in the hands of Huber, Horowitz and their merry band of 470 Federal Prosecutors. There will be a lot of things happening between now and November - all BAD for Comey, Lynch, Strzok, Page, Mueller, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan and the rest. The final strategies are being put into place right now so when all of this breaks it will be indisputable. The key word here is INDISPUTABLE - so the dems, Deep State, MSM and ESPECIALLY THE PUBLIC will be FORCED to accept all of the evidence as THE TRUTH. Once this begins playing out and the birdies start ""singing"" to save their own sorry rear ends, Obama and Clinton will be the final targets. This CANNOT AND MUST NOT BE RUSHED! It needs to executed right the FIRST TIME!

",1531497652,13/07/2018 16:00 9023302,3987313436,"

Feb 16 2018 17:58:54 (EST)
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Future proves past:

Friday, July 13, 2018
Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election

There is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity or knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the vote count or changed the outcome of the 2016 election.

Looks like the people that were saying Q is a larp were wrong, this is absolute proof he or she is real.

",1531498560,13/07/2018 16:16 9019171,3987327310,

qanon the biggest LARP the plan lol

,1531499059,13/07/2018 16:24 9023302,3987328576,"

RR today

There is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity or knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the vote count or changed the outcome of the 2016 election.

Feb 16 2018 17:58:54 (EST)

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

Future proves past:

Is Rosenstein Q? How could it be that close to what Q said in FEB?

",1531499103,13/07/2018 16:25 9023302,3987401881,"

Haha, 4Chan! Are you going to start quoting Q Anon next?

",1531501693,13/07/2018 17:08 9023302,3987404952,"

Look at the timing of this... Deep State scumbags are desperate to stop the meeting between Trump and Putin. The Strzok testimony yesterday where Dems basically just sat there screaming ""RUSSSSIAAA!!!!!!"" Now these indictments and top Dems calling for the meeting to be canceled.

Get on with it. Meet Putin, free Iran, free Germany, free the other countries from Cabal influence and arrest them all. #Qanon

",1531501795,13/07/2018 17:09 9020293,3987419254,"

Generic Bob, how do you live with yourself? Like all of your leftist comrades, you are so arrogant yet embarrassingly ignorant about what is happening in our country.

I get my news from a variety of sources with impeccable credentials, like InfoWars, Breitbart, Rush and recently Q. By getting my news from these sources, as opposed to the fake news leftist controlled MSM, I was able to make thousands of dollars betting that Trump would beat the Hildebeast.

",1531502303,13/07/2018 17:18 9023302,3987468186,"

then how did it ""interfere""?
And i answered your Q below.

",1531504241,13/07/2018 17:50 9023302,3987548912,"

Yeah, Q Anon says 40,000 sealed indictments are coming.

",1531507548,13/07/2018 18:45 9022660,3987550568,

Good Q.

,1531507594,13/07/2018 18:46 9023149,3987566617,"

Check out the Bell curve , average black I Q in Africa is 70

",1531508253,13/07/2018 18:57 9013748,3987571834,"

No. See my response to Susie Q which lays out some of the issues I have with DJT. What do you think about Trump University? What do you think about his not paying his suppliers and contractors to his construction projects? Are you happy that he has cheated on all three of his wives, multiple times? He is taking healthcare away from folks with pre-existing conditions and not offering any substitute. I could go on but it is Friday night and I am getting ready to cook on the grill and relax.

Have a nice weekend but I do wish someone on BB could explain how all of Trump's ethical lapses and his patent ignorance makes him such a great president.

",1531508481,13/07/2018 19:01 9019171,3987573332,

Read Q. Trust the plan.

,1531508549,13/07/2018 19:02 9023302,3987619211,"

My point is all that matters, contrary to popular belief, is economic policy and it continues to stack the deck against John Q. Public.

",1531510503,13/07/2018 19:35 9023341,3987671053,"

Podesta et al are pedophiles. They are running scared, the network is being destroyed. Look up the info on Ray Chandler from Qanon. It's right there on her Tumblr, these people are sick and must be jailed for life.

",1531512760,13/07/2018 20:12 9023341,3987700494,"

Your comprehension skills need a LOT of work. Ok I will try to speak on your level. Here are a series of tasks for you to complete.
1. Look up Ray Chandler's Tumblr

2. Look up the posts regarding this at

3. Come back and either defend it or not.

",1531514249,13/07/2018 20:37 9023341,3987783353,"

Yes, John.... tell us more about these ""witches....""
Maybe you can write a book on it while you spend the rest of your life in Gitmo. 👍


- Q.

",1531518764,13/07/2018 21:52 9023302,3987783583,

Sessions makes me ill.

Worse are the Q followers on chan and the conservativenuthouse who slurp up his Sessions worship message.

,1531518777,13/07/2018 21:52 9023737,3987817447,

If I looked like this Q ueerbait I would shoot myself in the face pronto!!

,1531520911,13/07/2018 22:28 9019171,3987830560,


,1531521750,13/07/2018 22:42 9023737,3987876917,"

On Feb. 16, 2018, Q posted the following:

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”

",1531524087,13/07/2018 23:21 9023074,3987884181,"

Interesting that Rod Rosenstein said, word for word, EXACTLY what Q said he would say on Feb. 16, 2018.

Still don't think Q is in the White House?

",1531524601,13/07/2018 23:30 9023074,3987890048,"

Rosenstein followed the script. Q posted what he would say in Feb. 16, 2016.

",1531525032,13/07/2018 23:37 9023944,3987894249,"

Trust Sessions, trust Wray, trust Pompeo, trust Huber...

Words from Q....

",1531525329,13/07/2018 23:42 9024250,3988005602,"

Q Post referring to Obama, or as Q calls him Hussein or BO.

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

",1531534297,14/07/2018 02:11 9025942,3988043791,"

Too little, too late. Impeachment of Rosenstein and Sessions should have been done long ago.

""President Donald J. Trump’s reshaping of the world order is opposed by the Deep State. The Deep State is not happy with President Trump’s destruction of Socialist Europe nor with the possibility of a real peace with Russia based on American economic strength. This week, after the NATO beatings administered by President Trump, President Trump made it clear to the weak Theresa May that nothing less than a full and true Brexit will do. As President Trump met with Queen Elizabeth in what should have been the news of the day, the corrupt DOJ and FBI intruded.

Rod Rosenstein, the darling of corruptions such as Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon who call Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions “white hats”, announced new indictments against Russians.

The new Rosenstein indictments are as silly as the previous indictments of Russians in May which have proven to be a massive embarrassment for corrupt Mueller. That indictment of Concord and other “troll factories” is such a mess that Mueller wants to have the trial forgotten because it was a “show trial” worthy of Stalin. Mueller never expected the Russians to show up at trial and when they did Mueller was completely unprepared. The new indictments are more crap from Rosenstein/Sessions/Mueller. No doubt Conservative Treehouse will continue to claim Rosenstein/Sessions are “white hats”.

The entire point of the Rosenstein phony indictments is to hurt President Trump as he prepares to meet with President Putin of Russia this coming Monday. Big Media/Obama Dimocrats enjoy the Rosenstein/Sessions announcement of new useless indictments that will go nowhere because they provide a counter-narrative to President Trump’s great achievements while in Europe.

Q-Anon, Conservative Treehouse, and the fools that listen to Sundunce help the Deep State opponents of President Donald J. Trump. But Donald J. Trump has taken on Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, NATO, China, North Korea, Iran, HAMAS, Socialists, Communists, Obama Dimocrats, illegal aliens, indeed the entire corrupt world order as it exists today.

The world order is being destroyed. The new Trump world order is being born. The times they are a-changing.""

",1531538271,14/07/2018 03:17 9025942,3988049890,"

So, if we are to believe Q, aren’t Sessions and RR supposed to be helping Trump? This 4D chess feels more like checkers, and bull$#!+!

",1531538929,14/07/2018 03:28 9025942,3988077746,"

Yeah it was Q.

More or less reliable than Infowars, in your opinion?

",1531542099,14/07/2018 04:21 9025942,3988087252,"

Just search

",1531543270,14/07/2018 04:41 9025942,3988105248,

That is precisely when I began to question the Q hoopla.

,1531545521,14/07/2018 05:18 9023323,3988236830,"

It is.

The Plan To Save The World

What are YOU doing to help the President and those that Q mentions that are engaging the deep state at this very moment? Some have already died - not in a theatre of war, but fighting the deep state. We saw the deep state in the last couple of days protecting a known traitor and the leftist media are standing right behind them. There is a coup going on this very minute and people need to go over to Reddit and search under The Great Awakening and follow what is really happening.

Those still watching the MSM leftist media then giving links and quoting the ‘news stories’ to family, friends and work colleagues should be ashamed of themselves. The world will NEVER get another chance but the President cannot do it on his own. Even forwarding the above video to just 10 family and friends is a great help. There are millions upon millions around the world following Q and this grass roots movement is gathering pace as people get to hear the TRUTH of what has been happening to America and other western countries.


",1531560255,14/07/2018 09:24 9025690,3988254069,"

Well remember, Q keeps saying ""These people are stupid."" By the way, speaking of Q, where the heck has he been the past ten days?

",1531561700,14/07/2018 09:48 9023737,3988264005,

These “journalists” seem to think there will be no consequences for their anti-American propaganda.
They're wrong.
It’s called a tipping point.
“There wiil come a time when they won’t be able to walk down the stree.” Q.

,1531562499,14/07/2018 10:01 9020293,3988275918,"

Unless Q is right and he is working quietly in the background re 40,000 or so sealed indictments.

",1531563385,14/07/2018 10:16 9025942,3988296547,

Somebody needs to find that Q guy and beat him with a club.

,1531564845,14/07/2018 10:40 9025942,3988358194,"


The world will know the truth about Q in not too much more time, I expect.

",1531568771,14/07/2018 11:46 9025942,3988364271,"

Wow you guys don’t know what’s going on huh. Need to get your Q on and wake up.

Sessions is good. Trump likes him. It’s all part of the movie.

Get your popcorn and watch the link.



",1531569137,14/07/2018 11:52 9025942,3988388224,"

Sessions is doing just fine. You don't see it in the MSM, but thousands of former government employees have left the swamp. Record numbers of corrupted Congress critters are resigning Congress. The swamp is draining. This takes time. More is coming. But has to be done right, the first time. This isn't a game. #QAnon #thegreatawakening #MAGA

",1531570499,14/07/2018 12:14 9025942,3988389842,"

Sessions is doing just fine. You don't see it in the MSM, but thousands of former government employees have left the swamp. Record numbers of corrupted Congress critters are resigning Congress. The swamp is draining. This takes time. More is coming. But has to be done right, the first time. This isn't a game. #QAnon #thegreatawakening #MAGA #WWG1WGA

",1531570594,14/07/2018 12:16 9025942,3988395671,"

Please take about 13 minutes to watch this, if you haven't seen it. We aren't alone. The cavalry is riding, and they won't stop. The liberal fools don't get it... We have EVERYTHING. More is coming. But has to be done right, the first time. This isn't a game. #QAnon #thegreatawakening #MAGA

",1531570929,14/07/2018 12:22 9025942,3988398338,"

And we have it all. #qanon #thegreatawakening #MAGA

",1531571076,14/07/2018 12:24 9023329,3988451119,"

Fb , you tube channels, Q movement reporters will pick it up!

",1531573838,14/07/2018 13:10 9024442,3988466699,

Apologies for off topic question: What happened to Q? I don’t see anybody post about it any more.

,1531574667,14/07/2018 13:24 9026017,3988548590,"

The war is going on right in front of us. The Deep State is losing. There is no coming back for them. Our side has EVERYTHING. EV_ER_Y_THING. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️ #QAnon

",1531578842,14/07/2018 14:34 9027304,3988860823,

Not even that good of a liar. She didn't cover her tracks very well. Lends to the elitist attitude towards John Q. Public.

,1531595630,14/07/2018 19:13 9027220,3988884666,"

Well, THEIR lies and betrayals aren't working anymore, either.

The bloom is off the rose for all these globalists and Deep Staters. Thank God for PDJT, our White Hats and the Qanons. This is a global revolution. #WWG1WGA!

",1531597008,14/07/2018 19:36 9027220,3988897381,

The UK desperately needs a Q group to take matters in hand.

,1531597769,14/07/2018 19:49 9027220,3988901491,"

Nunes gains access to FBI documents on Obama FBI spy inside the Trump campaign



True Pundit reports: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has scored a victory in his effort to uncover information about the FBI’s use of an informant ​​who sought out suspicious ties between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russians. While classified documents about that informant — Stefan Halper, an American academic — had originally been shared only with members of an exclusive group of congressional leaders, Nunes had pushed for expanded access to all members of the House and Senate Intelligence panels.
A letter sent Thursday by the Democratic members of the “Gang of Eight” reveals that those records have now been shared more broadly. Addressed to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the Democrats say his decision to allow all members of the House and Senate intelligence committees access to the documents pose a national security risk. “While we understand the need for congressional oversight, this action — which we understand was taken at your direction — contravenes your representation to us and our colleagues that this information would not be shared outside that group,” the letter says.
Well just this week the White House has ordered to have access to the Obama FBI spy inside the Trump campaign Stefan Halper documents, and House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes may of just gained access to these documents. Now are these all the Stefan Halper Obama FBI spy ring inside the Trump campaign documents, as the White House has ordered access to these documents?
​ Top Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have both asked for these documents to remain classified, so whatever Nunes likely has in his possession could be bad news for Democrats if made public...Especially very bad for Obama and his administration. We could have a major boom on it's way as Q says...Especially if Nunes hands these documents over to the Trump White House which just ordered to be allowed access to these very exact documents.

",1531598009,14/07/2018 19:53 9017947,3989014118,

Manafort was a plant from the Deep State. You need to study law or read more closely what Q has revealed. He describes in detail how the Plan works within the law. You cannot obtain trust on the basis of ignorance and your understanding of the Plan is clearly in deep deficit.

,1531605477,14/07/2018 21:57 9027403,3989023910,"

Wikileaks Vault 7 mega drop showed that it was our own government (the Dems) who made it look as if the Russians hacked their server. There is a program that can do this. This was discussed on Q Anon months ago. THIS is exactly why the FBI wasn't allowed to see the actual server. But guess what? POTUS/MI HAVE the Server. Game over, Dems. Check Mate.

",1531606267,14/07/2018 22:11 9025702,3989245082,"

The FBI said it was above the Law. And has been working that way for quite some time. They don't need no stinkin badges!
Those who have been following the Great Awakening will take note with Q post #11 on Oct 31st 2017. #14
You will see that the war started with the Intel communities. Deep State. MI is in control.
Those of you anons look to the beginning. Q has always said that future proves the past. Our congress is fully engaged with the Deep State. Obvious that these law enforcement agencies no longer feel they need to comply with the elected powers of the people.
As the Q movement knows, the Military is in full charge of what is happening. They and our President are draining the swamp.
Remember Q said Trust Sessions.

",1531626118,15/07/2018 03:41 9028054,3989250164,"

",1531626731,15/07/2018 03:52 9028510,3989284162,"

I said an Anon. It was not Q. You clearly don't understand how the chans work. If somebody cares to set him straight, feel free to reply to him.

",1531630895,15/07/2018 05:01 9028510,3989286254,

Sometimes I get the feeling he is Q.

,1531631152,15/07/2018 05:05 9028054,3989340038,

Somebody needs to find that Q guy and beat him with a club.

,1531636177,15/07/2018 06:29 9028054,3989345935,"

Until Hildabitch and Barrybathhouse Hoosain go to prison for the rest of their miserable lives, Q can go to hell.

",1531636907,15/07/2018 06:41 9028510,3989370278,"

My feelings toward the Q followers cycle between pity and loathing. They are parodies of intelligent life.

Mercifully, the left has more nuts to detract from their squirreliness.

",1531639902,15/07/2018 07:31 9028510,3989506790,"

No there are 40,000 sealed indictments pending and normally there are 1000 in a year.

Here's a table of them by state, with the total highlighted. From

",1531652617,15/07/2018 11:03 9028054,3989532516,

Democrats will soon have to choose Between Embracing Treason or Standing with America. Many of your Democrats will be indited and very soon. Qanon and the gang have the truth. Q !

,1531654382,15/07/2018 11:33 9028510,3989560639,"

Nunes gains access to FBI documents on Obama FBI spy inside the Trump campaign



True Pundit reports: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has scored a victory in his effort to uncover information about the FBI’s use of an informant ​​who sought out suspicious ties between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russians. While classified documents about that informant — Stefan Halper, an American academic — had originally been shared only with members of an exclusive group of congressional leaders, Nunes had pushed for expanded access to all members of the House and Senate Intelligence panels.
A letter sent Thursday by the Democratic members of the “Gang of Eight” reveals that those records have now been shared more broadly. Addressed to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the Democrats say his decision to allow all members of the House and Senate intelligence committees access to the documents pose a national security risk. “While we understand the need for congressional oversight, this action — which we understand was taken at your direction — contravenes your representation to us and our colleagues that this information would not be shared outside that group,” the letter says.
Well just this week the White House has ordered to have access to the Obama FBI spy inside the Trump campaign Stefan Halper documents, and House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes may of just gained access to these documents. Now are these all the Stefan Halper Obama FBI spy ring inside the Trump campaign documents, as the White House has ordered access to these documents?
​ Top Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have both asked for these documents to remain classified, so whatever Nunes likely has in his possession could be bad news for Democrats if made public...Especially very bad for Obama and his administration. We could have a major boom on it's way as Q says...Especially if Nunes hands these documents over to the Trump White House which just ordered to be allowed access to these very exact documents.

",1531656137,15/07/2018 12:02 9027730,3989616361,"

Reiner is still “The Meathead” from his ‘All In The Family’ days. He’s too stupid to draw any coherent conclusions on higher matters. The indictments didn’t name any Americans and Rosenstein specifically stated that NO Americans were involved with any of those indicted. Yet, Meathead trys to go from A to C by way of L, P, Q, and R. This is the example of “enlightened” Hollywood. Who in their right mind would take any of these a$$clowns seriously?

",1531659272,15/07/2018 12:54 9029734,3989767752,

That is a Q pantload.

,1531666204,15/07/2018 14:50 9029734,3989778557,"

LOL ... promises promises that never happen.

May ... a MOAB that did not happen.
Weeks later, 4 booms that did not happen.
June ... promises of a Q Q&A that did not happen.
Fourth of July, they said .... nope.
Maybe on July 14th, Bastille Day .... haw haw haw .... nope again.

Lots of blather .... no results.

",1531666658,15/07/2018 14:57 9029320,3989801681,"

another low IQ ape(Maxine Waters) with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) . more like Obama is Jealous of Trump. Obama, Obama's wife Big Mike, and Maxine. those monkeys are losers and can go to hell.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1531667311,15/07/2018 15:08 9023302,3989881249,"

When will this WITCH HUNT stop, just more waste of JOHN Q. TAXPAYER money that can be used better elsewhere. /////////////////////////////

",1531670661,15/07/2018 16:04 9025534,3989927942,

D R A M A Q U E E N !!

,1531672949,15/07/2018 16:42 9029734,3989954648,"

""Only a impaired moron would not."" How quicky we jump to conclusions..... Perhaps what is going on is EXACTLY what Qanon has claimed...... that Sessions, Trump, The NSA, the Joint CHiefs and others are working on taking down the ENTIRE globalist/communist banking cabal that has held almost the ENTIRE EARTH in slavery for more than 100 years......
Should those 35,000+ sealed indictments be unsealed so that corrupt, leftist agents illegitimatley sitting on the bench can throw out the cases against these enemies of humanity? Or should the DOJ wait until the courts are cleaned up and cleaned out of the insidious corruption with which they have been stacked for generation after generation?
Patience is a virtue..... and remember, just because you are awake and can clearly see the corruption and evil does not mean everyone else can.....
Give your neighbors some more time to wake up and shake off the stupor and brain-washing that they have been subject to for their whole lives before demanding that the enemies of humanity be given more facts to twist into a false, sympathy-inducing narrative.
Or perhaps you are deliberately trying to undermine support for the best American President we have had in our lifetimes..... and perhaps ever?

",1531674324,15/07/2018 17:05 9028906,3989968484,"

Our president is a real patriot. He listens to us, and represents us fairly. Thank Q Mr. President. WWG1WGA.

",1531675052,15/07/2018 17:17 9030070,3990037980,

Musk and Q never have been seen together ... hmmmm.

Soyboys generally network like crazy ... this is suspicious.

,1531678692,15/07/2018 18:18 9030070,3990045161,"

Is sundance over at the nuthouse still clinging to the narrative that Strzok and Page are cooperating with the IG? Or has he apologized to his shrinking following for such a blunder?

His site has been overrun by Qnozzles, so maybe not.

",1531679075,15/07/2018 18:24 9028744,3990051804,"

""They thought she would never lose."" -

",1531679439,15/07/2018 18:30 9030070,3990089929,"

I think people are missing the point. Elon is expanding on what Joan Rivers said about Barack and Michelle that cost her her life. You don't use words like pedo or trans-gender in Hollywood or anywhere. You don't talk about the stuff that's not to be spoken about,...period. Accusing someone of being a pedophile can get you hung on a door knob. Elon is wealthy enough, poplular enough and now has Trump (and the military) backing him. You don't get to be in the billionaire club without being privy to the dark stuff that happens in those cults. I hope they look into this Brits background and past. If he's not a pedophile, then he has nothing to hide,...right?
This month,...the next two weeks was promised by Q to be the disclosure of the truth to the world. What will it be? Anthony Weiner's laptop contents? The pedo rings across the globe and how politicians are bribed and blackmailed with children? The Luciferian cults that are rampant in government, bid business and religion? The satanic rituals that take place where children are murdered and then eaten? 911 and how that was a total false flag? Maybe nothing at all and Q was the big con that had everyone. I, for one, have faith and believe the house of cards will fall hard by the end of this month and most the people across the globe will have a very hard time swallowing that big red pill of reality.
God speed patriots, team Q and President Trump.

",1531681530,15/07/2018 19:05 9030070,3990127014,"

Responding to you guys is like trying to explain something to a 3 year old. I have this to say- There are 3 categories that are anit-Trump/Pro Hillary (NWO movement). 1. You are retarded,...IQ below 50.
2. You are ignorant and not a true liberal. A true liberal is always attempting to broaden their general knowledge base. You are lazy about researching to find the truth. You take what you hear from other people or on the news as the absolute truth. You don't do some personal investigated to find out on your own,...anything.
3. You are in on it. You are aware of the NWO and their agenda. You might even be one of their agents like Anderson Cooper or Wolf Blitzer, or Dick Cheney, or John McCain, or George Bush.
I think you're in the middle and are laughing everything off right now because that's what your friends and mainstream media is telling you to do. That's all right. You can do that. But wouldn't it be a real bummer if all the conspiracy stuff about the dems. half the republicans, new world order, satanic cults, pedo rings, pizza gate, the suiciding of famous people who were about to talk,......if all that stuff was true and could be proven with incredible evidence?
Maybe you're right and a lot of people that are die hard patriots hoping to rid our country of corruption are chasing a pipe dream. Maybe this is as good as it gets and Q is a mirage. But what if it wasn't?
How much pot would you have to smoke on a daily basis just to maintain if the people you're ripping on right now were right?
I truly believe you are not as informed as you think you are and when the cards fall (which they will) and what you thought was reality turns out to be the biggest lie you've been living your entire life,....when that happens,..patriots will be there for you. We have big hearts and know that many have been lied to. It's hard to wake up from the brainwashing. We have to do it with a cold dose of reality, in increments, and lots of love and patience.
You may hate me now and make fun of me and others, but I hate evil more than you hate me and I believe in God, patriotism and freedom. There's love and tolerance in there also.
Take care.

",1531683675,15/07/2018 19:41 9030070,3990132392,"

I'm curious,....engage me. What makes you think Q is BS? And why should that concern you? If Q is BS, and you know it, then why here on the comment section trying to convince others? Are you trying to be a modern day Paul Revere? Warning that the British are coming? You sound more like a British agent telling the Americans that England means them no harm and what the patriots are talking about is nonsense. That's what you sound like,....a traitor.

",1531683992,15/07/2018 19:46 9030070,3990189405,"

Humor is big! Glad to know were both fighting for freedom and truth.
Check out any of these websites. Go to the posts that originated from Oct 28th of last year and follow them up till now. They ring the truth and team Q has not been wrong about anything. Sometimes they have to be vague or mislead a little because the enemy is paying close attention. Q will later tell what transpired. It's all good and gives me strength and comfort. I pay zero attention to Fox or the other MSM channels. All propaganda.

",1531687564,15/07/2018 20:46 9030010,3990352530,"

The Q-team (working with President Trump) predicted this current event weeks before it occurred, yet again.
They also provided valuable insight into the Globalists' fabricated ""Russia narrative"", their sudden interest in Julian Assange, and their increasingly belligerent behavior (Tommy, meme-ban,  Trump-protest, Antifa, etc.).

💡Q Drops:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 99e3dc No.1945571
Jun 28 2018 16:42:44 (EST)

Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D’s are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out.

""JA"" = Julian Assange
""SR"" = Seth Rich
""U1"" = Uranium One

Vladimir Putin: ""The New World Order Worships Satan”


The following were warning messages speaking TO the foreign & domestic Deep State(s)/C_A/Globalists when Bolton met with Putin to set up the Trump/Putin summit in Russia:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 079dd1 No.1925521 
Jun 27 2018 11:58:04 (EST)

If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.
Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.
[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.
Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.
Enemies are allies.
EVIL has no place here.
America is no longer for sale.
The age of taxing our citizens across the World while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER.
The WORLD will UNITE in this cause
(G v E/R v W).
Forced immigration pushers will be exposed (the 'why').
Read the BIBLE.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 079dd1 No.1925332
Jun 27 2018 11:45:55 (EST)

If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.
You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil.
The game is over when the public knows.
The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.
You will FAIL.
You lost CONTROL.
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.
We will DECLAS.
We will shine LIGHT.
No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.
Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.
We stand at the ready.

Thank you, Q-team and President Trump.


",1531698044,15/07/2018 23:40 9031090,3990429198,

What's up? Q AWOL?

,1531703696,16/07/2018 01:14 9031090,3990431039,"

He’s got your name down Max, L O W I Q.

",1531703852,16/07/2018 01:17 9032113,3990505240,"

OK, so let me get this straight for I am a simple man, this PINHEAD (who looks like he is a quality control tester for horses insemination rubbers, using his head), who works for the LOWEST RATED Clinton 'News' Network and has a show called 'reliable sources,' wants the U.S. Joe Q public to trust him when he says POTUS Trump cannot be trusted!?

The ratings are super-duper LOW, but the UBER propaganda they are peddling 24/7-365 is in the stratosphere!

",1531711473,16/07/2018 03:24 9031090,3990530194,

LOL... Maxine couldn't spell IQ if you gave her the I & the Q.

,1531714407,16/07/2018 04:13 9032113,3990612492,

Trump has the swagger. Obama had none. Q is a twinkk.

,1531723574,16/07/2018 06:46 9028744,3990713099,"

Trump also questioned actions of the FBI, “….Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

This is getting very interesting, where is the server? The server that could potentially bring down many was mentioned by Q. Disinformation being necessary was also mentioned by Q and that they have the server.
Trump's tweet is teasing the Deep State.
Trust the plan.

",1531732114,16/07/2018 09:08 9032281,3990803816,"

Easy there, Q, your inanity is showing.

",1531737351,16/07/2018 10:35 9033118,3991032098,

We have the server. Q Lol

,1531746558,16/07/2018 13:09 9034678,3991251544,"

Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions Friday indictments failed to achieve what they were supposed to achieve:

""Update: The Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions/Big Media ploy from Friday backfired. As we wrote at the end of our main article (below), Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions tried with a bunch of silly indictments to turn the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki into an ""election meddling"" Big Media festival for Trump haters.

Big Media/Mueller/Sessions/Rosenstein thought they could force President Trump to declare that it was Russian ""election meddling"" that caused Trump to win the election in 2016. Instead President Trump used his world-wide forum to attack the Mueller witch hunt. President Trump attacked the DNC for not allowing their server (supposedly hacked by Russians) to be inspected by the FBI. What crime victim refuses to let police inspect?

President Trump also asked about the 30,000 Hillary emails. President Trump repeated there was no collusion in 2016 on the part of his campaign. Then Putin came in.

Putin mocked Mueller for his earlier failed Concord Management indictments of more Russians (which we wrote about below too). Putin dared Mueller to send investigators to Russia to question those Mueller indicted. Putin noted that Mueller did not take advantage of a 1999 treaty between the U.S. and Russia to question criminals.

With this double punch by Presidents Trump and Putin, Big Media plans to turn Helsinki into a witch hunt convention backfired badly. CNN had to report the attacks on Mueller as did all of Big Media. Big Media today is hurting because the ""white hats"" beloved by Conservative Treehouse and Q-Anon (add Bill Mitchell to the list of idiots) failed. The Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions/Big Media ploy from Friday to hijack today's meeting instead turned into a beat up Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions/Big Media meeting.""

",1531754338,16/07/2018 15:18 9034450,3991278941,

Q is as phony as a $3 dollar bill. Q are the clowns who insist we “trust Sessions” who is an outright traitor.

,1531755281,16/07/2018 15:34 9034450,3991296243,

I hope you’re right of course but something smells funny to me about Q. Until I see people locked up I won’t believe any of it.
My problem is every time a Q says to watch for something to happen it doesn’t happen. First it was “July 4th” things will happen! And nothing.

,1531755869,16/07/2018 15:44 9034450,3991345717,

Well I disagree about dates and have zero faith in the prosecution of any Deep State crimes.
I’d love to get back to this comment and tell you I’m wrong but the proof is in the results. So far Q is the biggest phony going.

,1531757587,16/07/2018 16:13 9034450,3991407464,"

I don't where you got that,
Just show me where Q got it wrong.
Date and place can change but the Events did not

",1531759766,16/07/2018 16:49 9034450,3991422186,"

Pointless to continue. Remain a sycophant, I’ll be glad to admit I was wrong if literally anything coming from the Q clowns ever comes true.

",1531760278,16/07/2018 16:57 9034450,3991443113,"

It has, but you can't or don't want to see UNLESS it is a BIG arrest.
That will happen but it takes time.
There are other matters that are being taken care of first.
Have tp clean house, and Trump has been doing that.
Look at all the people who have been leaving Office on both sides, and those that where appointees. More to come
Why do you think they have slow walk Trump's appointees.
When everyone he wants is in place. Lets see what happens
That will start in his second term.
I have learn a lot more from Q then I ever learned from the MSM.
I guess you believe everything the MSM has been telling you from the start.

",1531761008,16/07/2018 17:10 9033829,3991467875,"

The average liberal can't even spell valor.

""Well, lets see now, V...A...H...L...U...R...E and Q...but the L is silent. Yea, I think that's it.""

",1531761853,16/07/2018 17:24 9034450,3991479194,"

I believe nothing the the MSM or Q.
I believe in Trump and a handful of people, certainly not Sessions or “the plan” until I see it.

",1531762252,16/07/2018 17:30 9033865,3991489919,"

Big data drop by British Fight (the UK's Q anon) mostly,today concerning Labour pedo's.Sometime very soon,some sicky stuff concerning the Tories....

",1531762623,16/07/2018 17:37 9034450,3991495008,"

It's unfolding right in front of you.
Look at all the People who are OUT. The MSM is not reporting the Majority of them.
Look at all the CEO that step down after Trumps EO on trafficking and other issue that were written in that EO
There are many more example of what Q brought to the table


Q talked about that in code before it happen. Q didn't say it was going to happen, Q can not do that. So he talks in code and you come to the conclusion if Q is correct or not.
It's called Logic.
I understand if you don't want to understand
Take a look at this
at first I didbn't trust either.

",1531762800,16/07/2018 17:40 9034678,3991553162,"

The only thing the press needs to do now is ASK THE QUESTION... WHO IS Q? Then it will all collapse on them! Please, Oh Please, ask!

",1531764855,16/07/2018 18:14 9034804,3991554197,"

Justice is coming for Brennan the TRAITOR. Panic oozing out of him and He who has no name. Glorious days. Indictments over 40,000 ready to be unsealed. Got your popcorn ready? QANON.PUB

",1531764892,16/07/2018 18:14 9035686,3991592297,


,1531766089,16/07/2018 18:34 9035290,3991620399,

This is admission that Q is correct about Barry bugging the White House and Air Force One.

,1531767075,16/07/2018 18:51 9035290,3991625559,

Does anyone else see the letter Q? Cue Ball.

,1531767263,16/07/2018 18:54 9034804,3991628027,

There are so many Deep Statists in our Bureaucratic morass... but we must start somewhere and WE MUST SEE IT HAPPENING VERY SOON .

We are tired of waiting.
We think Q might just be another Deep State liar.


,1531767353,16/07/2018 18:55 9034804,3991631282,"

They really did not expect to loose did they? According to Qanon they had the election rigged, but pro-Trump MI was able to stop them.

",1531767472,16/07/2018 18:57 9034804,3991656873,

Q says: Think Military Intelligence. How do you catch a dangerous animal? Why does Trump surround himself with Marine Corps generals? What special relationship does the president have with Marines? Why did Sessions recuse himself? Why did Trump meet with Mueller the day before he was appointed special consul when he was ineligible to serve as FBI Director? (Law - one ten year term) What was missing from IG report on Hillary emails? Why did Sessions appoint John Huber as federal prosecutor to investigate deep state? What is political makeup of DC? (97% Hillary supporters) Can John Huber empanel a grand jury in any state to prosecute government crimes? Also Q said this month: We have the server!

,1531768451,16/07/2018 19:14 9034804,3991661001,

July 4 mean anything to Q? STOP already! No credibility.

,1531768617,16/07/2018 19:16 9034804,3991663633,"

He'll do what they all do.........say sorry.

A few weeks ago, Judge Jeanine called Sessions ""THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA"". Now, the judge knows FULL WELL that Sessions can't reveal what he's working on.

That is what Q is about....tells us to be patient. Sessions is working on something huge, horrific, and historic.

",1531768718,16/07/2018 19:18 9033865,3991706282,"

Definitely treason

In fact a private individual tried to launch an action of treason post Maastricht - Norris McWhirter IIRC but its been elided from his wiki entry

The following are the charges which Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter laid before the magistrates court in Hexham, Northumberland on 9th September 1993, under “Misprision of Treason”.

The procedure of “misprision” is applicable to those who know of acts of either treason or terrorism and who, in the event that they did NOT report them to the proper authorities, would themselves be guilty of those crimes.

All the “informations” laid before the magistrates were preceded by the following words:

“It being an offence at Common Law (see Halsbury 4th edition vol 11 at 818) for a person who knows that treason is being planned or committed, not to report the same as soon as he can to a justice of the peace we hereby lay the following information.”

Case 1:

Whereas it is an offence under Section 1 of the treason Act 1795 “within the realm or without…to devise…constraint of the person of our sovereign…his heirs or successors.”

On 7th February 1992 the Rt Hon Douglas Richard Hurd, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, King Charles Street, London SW1 and the Rt Hon the Hon Francis Anthony Aylmer Maude at that date Financial Secretary to the Treasury, HM Treasury, Parliament Street, London SW1 did sign a Treaty of European Union at Maastricht in the Netherlands, according to Article 8 of which Her Majesty the Queen becomes a citizen of the European Union (confirmed by the Home Secretary in the House of Commons: Hansard 1st February 1993) therefore “subject to the duties imposed thereby”, subject to being arraigned in her own courts and being taxed under Article 192 of the integrated Treaty and
thereby effectively deposed as the sovereign and placed in a position of suzerainty under the power of the “European Union”.

Therefore the said Rt Hon Douglas Hurd and the said Rt Hon the Hon Francis Maude are guilty of treason.

Case 2:

Whereas it is an offence under section 1 of the Treason Act 1795 to engage in actions “tending to the overthrow of the laws, government and happy constitution” of the United Kingdom………etc Hurd and Maude….etc did
sign a Treaty of European Union…according to Article 8 of which “every person holding the nationality of a member state shall be a citizen of the Union” and according to Article 8a of which such citizens “shall have the right to move and reside freely within the territory” of any member state and according to Article 8b of which such citizens shall have the right to vote and according to which “Declaration on nationality” in the Final Act “the question whether an individual possesses the nationality of a member state shall be settled solely by reference to the national law of the member state concerned.”

And that therefore the British people and Parliament will have no right to determine the numbers or identity of non British nationals to whom other European Union member states can give residence rights and voting rights in the United Kingdom.

And whereas according to the Act of Settlement 1700 S4 “The Laws of England are the birthright of the People”.

And whereas Sir Robert Megarry (Blackburn v Attorney General, Chancery Division 1983 Ch77,89) has stated that

“And a matter of law the courts of England recognise Parliament as being omnipotent in all save the power to destroy its omnipotence.”

Therefore the said Rt Hon Douglas Hurd and the said Rt Hon the Hon Francis Maude are guilty of treason.

Case 3:

Whereas it is an offence under the Act of Settlement (1700) for any “person born out of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland or Ireland or the Dominions thereunto…shall be capable to be…a Member of either House of Parliament”

And whereas according to R v Thistlewood 1820 “to destroy the constitution of the country” is an act of treason.

And whereas the term “municipal” has been defined by the European Court of Justice in 1972 as meaning “national”:

“..the treaty entails a definitive limitation of the sovereign rights of member states against which no provisions of municipal law whatever their nature, can be involved.”

and similarly defined by Lord Justice Cumming Bruce giving the majority verdict in McCarthys v Smith 1979 ICR 785,798:

“If the terms of the Treaty (of Rome) are adjudged in Luxembourg to be inconsistent with the provisions of the Equal Pay Act 1970, European 
 Law will prevail over that municipal legislation”

Hurd and Maude…etc did sign a Treaty ….etc according to Article 8b of which “Every citizen of the Union residing in a member state of which he is not a national shall have the right to vote and stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the Member State in which he resides.”

Therefore the said Rt Hon Douglas Hurd and the said the Rt Hon Francis Maude are guilty of treason.

Case 4:

Whereas the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a monarchy in which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is sovereign and Head of State and a democracy, whereby the people of that United Kingdom rule by delegating their authority for periods of up to 5 years to the Parliament and Government in London.

And whereas, according to the Act of Settlement 1700 S4 “The laws of England are the birthright of the people”

And whereas Sir Robert Megarry (Blackburn v Attorney General, Chancery Division 1983 Ch 77,89) has stated that “As a matter of law the courts of England recognise Parliament as being omnipotent in all save the power to destroy its own omnipotence.”

And whereas according to R v Thistlewood 1820 to “destroy the Constitution” is an act of treason.

…..Hurd and Maude…etc did sign a treaty…etc according to Article 8 of which the British people, without their consent have been made the citizens of the European Union with duties towards the same and according to Article 192 of the integrated treaty the british people can be taxed directly by that European Union without further process in the Westminster Parliament and according to Article 171 of which the British State can be forced to pay a monetary penalty to the European

Therefore the said Rt Hon Douglas Hurd……etc


Whereas, in accordance with the Coronation Oath Act, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II swore at Her Coronation in 1953 that she would govern Her subjects “according to their laws”.

And whereas it is an offence under Section 1 of the Treason Act 1795 “within the realm or without…to devise…constraint of the person of our sovereign…his heirs or successors”

Hurd and Maude….etc did sign a Treaty….etc which extended the powers of the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament in the new “European Union” to make and enforce in the United Kingdom laws which do not originate in the Westminster Parliament. And that this loss of democratic rights was without the express consent of the British people.

And whereas, according to the Act of Settlement 1700 S4 “The Laws of England are the Birthright of the people”

And whereas Lord Justice Robert Megarry (Blackburn v Attorney General, Chancery Division 1983 Ch 77,89) has stated that “As a matter of law the courts of England recognise Parliament as being omnipotent in all save the power to destroy its omnipotence.”

Therefore Hurd and Maude are guilty of treason….etc


Whereas it was established in 1932 that “No Parliament may bind its successors” (Vauxhall Estates v Liverpool Corporation IKB 733)

And whereas according to R v Thistlewood 1820 to destroy the constitution is an act of treason.

Hurd and Maude etc …did sign a Treaty…according to which Article Q of
which the Maastricht Treaty “is concluded for an unlimited period” and from which there is no right of nor mechanism for secession.

Therefore Hurd and Maude are guilty of treason etc..

This is one of the more extraordinary aspects of the Maastricht
Treaty since it provides a direct parallel with that other “Union”, the American Union signed by the Southern, confederate states on the assumption that they could leave that Union whenever they wished. But they had omitted to ensure that both the right to and mechanism for withdrawal were included specifically in the Union declaration. As a result, the American President Abraham Lincoln (inaugural address 4th March 1861) justified war against the southern states by saying:

“No state upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union”

It was this issue and not the question of slavery (for which Lincoln had expressed accommodation in his inaugural address) which caused the American Civil War in which 600,000 died. The northern states were engaged not on a moral crusade but on an imperialist adventure, using the industrial and military might of the North to conquer the largely
rural, raw material producing South.

Although the European Union as yet possesses no significant armed forces, this is the ultimate intention and an embryo Franco German force has already been set up.The possible exit from this “Union” of Britain, the second biggest paymaster, with the richest coal, oil and fishing reserves in Europe and with the world’s largest investments in the American economy might one day tempt this new breed of Eurofascist to
use the logic of Abraham Lincoln.


Whereas it is established by a statute in force, the Magna Carta (Chapter 29) confirmed in 1297 and last reviewed at the passing of the Statute Law Repeals Act 1967 that:

“No freeman may be…disseised…of his liberties or free customs…nor will we not pass upon him but by the law of the land.”

This most durable pillar of the constitution is destroyed by a “Treaty of European Union”…etc..which disseises all free men of their liberties and free customs under the law of this land by subjugating their Government to the extension of the powers of the European Commission, Court and parliament (in which latter the United Kingdom members form a minority of 87 of 567 voting members). Under Article 192 of the integrated treaty our free men are open to be taxed without further process of the United Kingdom Parliament and according to the “Declaration on nationality” in the Final Act of the treaty the number and identity of non British nationals given residence and voting rights in the United Kingdom will not be determined by the british Government.
And further that the treaty extends majority voting in the Council of Ministers thus permitting other states to determine laws which govern British people. Under Article 8 of the Treaty free men are required to become citizens of the European Union “subject to the duties imposed thereby.”

And whereas according to R v Thistlewood 1820 “to destroy the constitution” is an act of treason.

Therefore Hurd and Maude….etc


Whereas it is an offence per S1 of the Treason Act 1795:

“within the realm or without…to devise….constraint of the person of our sovereign…his heirs or successors.” and “to enter into measures tending to the overthrow of the laws, government and happy constitution of the United Kingdom”
and whereas to destroy the constitution per R v Thistlewood 1820 is an act of treason.

Hurd and Maude etc…did sign a treaty….for an unlimited period and without right of or mechanism for secession. This treaty is contrary to and inconsistent with the Union of Scotland Act 1706 whereby it is established per Article III of that Act the people of the United Kingdom be represented by the one and the same Parliament and none other and per Article XVIII that no alteration be made in laws which concern
private right except for the evident utility of the subjects within

Under the treaty, the rule of a Parliament other than that of the
Parliament of the United Kingdom is established whereunder, contrary to the Act of Union, subjects within Scotland become subject to laws made in an assembly in which their representatives form a minority seven fold more slender than in the parliament of the United Kingdom.

Therefore Hurd and Maude….etc

",1531770394,16/07/2018 19:46 9034450,3991717134,

All that’s fine and has nothing to do with MSM Q.

,1531770832,16/07/2018 19:53 9034804,3991737805,

Does wonders for me! There's a certain sound frequency that rattles your liver when one approaches you at about 110 knots...Older S and Q model Cobras are even cooler.


Remember to spay and neuter your liberals

,1531771706,16/07/2018 20:08 9035089,3991748384,"

Think about Brennan, McCain, Jeb and all the others having hissy fits this afternoon after that presser. NOW I know what Q meant when he said ""enjoy the show."" They are like screaming banchees! Hilarious.

",1531772152,16/07/2018 20:15 9034450,3991750368,"

A reply to your comment. Are you sure you remember who you’re talking to?
Face it, you’ve been fooled by the MSM and so called Q. While you’re chasing your take with nonsense riddles actual justice is escaping.

",1531772239,16/07/2018 20:17 9034450,3991767484,"

Do you know what Q is?
Do you know what Q stands for?
If you know that, that will give you some Understanding.
Q is the rating for Military Intelligence.
So far Q have been on target. As I said it may not have hit them all because Times, dates and something Events change, but for the most part they have been spot on.
Q has been a better source of Information on what is Happening.
The MSM is giving out false information, base on an agenda to stop Trump.
All Q is doing is showing people what Trump is doing and why and what he May do based on that.

",1531772991,16/07/2018 20:29 9034450,3991770122,

I know the Q anon has been compromised by the MSM and is misdirecting patriots with fairy tales.

,1531773104,16/07/2018 20:31 9034450,3991779821,"


But there are a few such as Citizens Investigative Report, which I gave you the site and prayingmedic
There are a few others, but these two are VERY Honest in their reporting.
I don't intrepid all of Q post, some I can get, but I like the two I mention for their deep drive into the subject matter (Q post)
Again, I trust these people MORE then the MSM.
Good luck with your search for the truth.....

",1531773532,16/07/2018 20:38 9034804,3991800669,

Time. Deep State. Money. Sesions. Q.

,1531774458,16/07/2018 20:54 9036415,3991855101,"

If Qanon is real, then right about now would be a great time for The Storm to begin.

",1531776975,16/07/2018 21:36 9036115,3991871959,"

If what Q says is true, Trump has the server. Wouldn't that explain why there's such a push to hang Trump NOW?

",1531777782,16/07/2018 21:49 9030010,3991874124,"

Q..... communist? No.
Collectivism is the enemy of American Individualism.
Collectivists = Communists, Socialists, Nazis, Islamic Theocracies, Globalists
Collectivists are responsible for the global corruption and ""Deep State(s)"".
Their treasonous plans for a communist ""One World Government"" are what the Q-team and President Trump are systematically dismantling.
Those guilty of treason against the United States of America deserve the electric chair.

You obviously don't have a clue about the whole ""Q"" thing.
The Q-team ""sees ALL"" and serves President Trump.
""Q"" will never leak classified intelligence because they are Patriots and law-abiding, ""white hat"" good guys. For that reason, Q asks questions in a riddle-like fashion that requires the reader to think logically, investigate, research, and extrapolate to uncover the information.
""Q"" drops the ""bread crumbs"" to comfort those on the side of Goodness (supporters of President Trump) that positive events are indeed occurring out of the public eye and also to slowly awaken us all to the enormous and deeply unsettling conspiracy that was afoot until President Trump's victory put a stop to it.

Q has proven their legitimacy and cooperation with President Trump with intentional ""markers"" and ""proofs"".
President Trump has repeatedly acknowledged ""Q"".
Example: Anons on the board asked for Q to prove themselves by getting POTUS to say the phrase ""tip top"".
Days later, in his speech directly in front of the White House at the 2018 Annual Easter Egg Roll, POTUS not only said, ""tip top"" he said, ""tip top....tippy top."" FACT.

Q was right about North Korea peace.
Q was right about the pedophiles in high positions including the Hillary campaign.
Q was right about the Hollywood sex cult ""Nxivm"" and human-trafficking.

Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA)
is a reference to the film ""White Squall"".
It is referring to the Free World: Humanity
That is, all individuals that were subjects of the secret global elite and that were slated to become the unwitting slaves of a Collectivist ""One World Government"".

WWG1WGA is about UNITY.
White Squall is ""Q's"" apt metaphor for free individuals, worldwide, uniting to fight against the plans of corrupt collectivism.
As in, ""when it comes to Freedom and the salvation of Humanity, we are all in the same boat"".

If you honestly support President Trump you will go to: and quickly read the ""Players"" tab.

Then you'll go to:
""In Pursuit of Truth"" channel on YouTube.
""Praying Medic"" channel on YouTube.

Then see the archive of Q posts at:

and collection of proofs at:

",1531777886,16/07/2018 21:51 9036415,3991887322,"

Straight out of a Q Proof, isn't it? Looks like they are growing weary of carrying the water for the Deep State.

",1531778519,16/07/2018 22:01 9036415,3991899515,

So CNN is calling for the mothership to take out Trump. Time to call Secret Service? Arrest CNN executives? Or as Q hinted a military intervention?

,1531779097,16/07/2018 22:11 9036415,3991949020,"

ANOTHER NWO REPTILE HEARD FROM :)Comey calls for coup against President, Dem Rep Cohen asks where is the military after Trump/Putin meeting



James Comey✔@Comey

This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president.

5:06 PM - Jul 16, 2018


49.7K people are talking about this

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Steve Cohen✔@RepCohen

Where are our military folks ? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!

Scott Dworkin✔@funder

BREAKING: Trump just said he trusted Putin over the American military and the American intelligence services, in the assessment of election interference. He absolutely needs to resign. What a complete and utter disgrace. Absolutely disgusting. What a traitor. #TreasonSummit

2:17 PM - Jul 16, 2018


2,517 people are talking about this

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What Comey and Democrat reps like Steve Cohen don't understand, is that about 70-80 percent of the US military fully supports the actions of President Trump and even his summit with Putin in Finland today. The US military is in an all out operation against Deep State actors and politicians like Dem rep Steve Cohen and ex FBI Director James Comey. There will be no coup of President Trump by the US Military, as the military is in full support of the President even protecting the President 24/7.
What do these Deep State puppets and politicians of the Deep State like Cohen and Comey think Q is, well it's actually a military operation trying to coup the Deep State. Remember the most active voices against Trump have things in their closet, everything from treason to pedophilia...By the way we just gained new information through Putin that the Deep State funded Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign with $400 million worth of tax free Russian money.

",1531781408,16/07/2018 22:50 9032491,3991961423,"

QAnons have been showing the pic of Mike in his purple dress, with his penis clearly outlined.
And Joan died for conveying this info.

",1531781999,16/07/2018 22:59 9034288,3991963533,"

Ah yes. The age old excuse for not testifying or revealing what is REALLY going on. Just had an interesting experience. I was invited to. Ted Cruz telcon with Q & A time. He had not addressed illegal invaders. After my second sentence, I WAS CUT OFF WITH A CURT, ""Good bye"".
Needless to say I will be canceling my monthly donation.
Maybe Bannon left because javanka is the boss. I have no problems with djt's trip. Diplomatic speak sucks. This is a vast improvement over 3D chess.

",1531782098,16/07/2018 23:01 9035686,3992001748,"

Does anybody have that picture of McCain hanging out with Bagdaddy and other members of ISIS that Q posted a while back, please post it, so everybody can see how much of a traitor McCain is.

",1531783982,16/07/2018 23:33 9035416,3992084903,"

Good questions, and observations. If you want some indepth research, which will be helpful, i invite you to checkout Qanon. Large Trump-based movement started 9 months ago. You ca find info on twitter, reddit, 8 chan, or you tube has catch up vids for interested people. I, like praying medic, who has beginners and current research, in pursuit of truth, and spaceshot76 who has started the Q drops from the beginning, over again.

",1531788363,17/07/2018 00:46 9036415,3992092100,"

Really? ALL US intelligence agencies?
Are you sure about that?

The Q Group is the ""watcher of the watchers"" in the NSA, Archimedes.
In case you haven't noticed or just refuse to acknowledge, they along with military intelligence, have been serving President Trump honorably and directly as he has been systematically destroying the corrupt,  international collectivist ""Deep State(s)""

The C_A is DIRTY. Their compartmentalized operations involving shell companies, arms trafficking, and drug running created a black cash revenue that led to treasonous corruption and funded their ""shadow government"" activities.
They own the MSM. (Project Mockingbird)
They still own the MSM, as Q demonstrated in the post pointing out the ""Daily 4 a.m. Narrative release"".

Q also reminded us:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0b60d7 No.1769202
Jun 16 2018 00:50:56 (EST)
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli
McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose
People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush
Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen
Reuters – Amanda Becker
Tina Brown – Tina Brown
The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai
Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+
Why did the Podesta Group close?
Public charges?
Why close?
When did Huber start?
JP/ Huma NOV.
Do they know?
Why did the Podesta group close?
Why no leaks?
Who else knows?
HRC deal request?
Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
Why not?
Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?
Everyone has an opinion.
",1531788784,17/07/2018 00:53 8300822,3992093610,

Thank you for turning me on to Q.


,1531788872,17/07/2018 00:54 9036115,3992097306,"

""Qanon"" claims that when the work of the AG staff is complete that so many convicted criminals will demand their sentences be overturned that the justice system will collapse. The FBI/DOJ are irredeemable.

",1531789098,17/07/2018 00:58 9036415,3992150713,"

Thank you, brother.
However, Q is responsible for providing the information and leads which encourage the public to think logically and investigate.
Have you been following Q?

",1531792747,17/07/2018 01:59 9036268,3992188683,

There's no telling what those pathetic moonbat democrats were up to. if Q is right then its pure evil.

,1531795750,17/07/2018 02:49 9036268,3992193848,"

The more sophisticated trolls here on Breitbart have now switched up to 'informing' us that Q is a conspiracy, a joke, a hoax, etc.
For all that... the predictions do seem to come true!

",1531796181,17/07/2018 02:56 8300822,3992249390,"

Take everything you consume with a pound of salt, even with Q.

",1531801088,17/07/2018 04:18 9035416,3992322452,

Now what has Ryan got to hide? Maybe that info is in the soccer ball President Putin gave President Trump???


06-16-2018 10:28:59 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:bb2ba6 No.1764829

Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?
IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.
POTUS is not going through this for nothing.
Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).
There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.
We owe it to our children!

,1531807388,17/07/2018 06:03 9036016,3992461629,"

Okay. pay attention now. The Russians spread fake news about Clinton's campaign (you think Pizzagate, for example, was home grown?) and established fake websites (""African Americans for Trump""), took out fake ads, set up Qanon, etc, to spread disinformation (for example, that Clinton had a serious illness). This ain't rocket science, honey.

",1531818129,17/07/2018 09:02 9034804,3992486489,"

Enlighten yourself as to what is coming down the pike for these

",1531819642,17/07/2018 09:27 9037108,3992522006,"

See the highlighted area for totals, breakdown by state of total sealed indictments nationally for the year indicated from the court filing database.

",1531821564,17/07/2018 09:59 9035416,3992566769,

Rosenstein isn't the problem. The fake Q community wants you to think he is.

,1531823726,17/07/2018 10:35 9035416,3992568123,

What is the Q Community?

,1531823792,17/07/2018 10:36 9035416,3992571912,

No you don't need a Q commentary to see that Rosenstain is a corrupt hack.

,1531823974,17/07/2018 10:39 9036115,3992578252,"

I know that this will make heads explode, but: His holiness Q is frequently WRONG!

",1531824265,17/07/2018 10:44 9038275,3992585051,

The corporate fascist media has been given its orders. They’ll repeat this narrative and keep repeating. It would be nice for some of the few patriots in this government would start making moves to show us there is justice in this country though.
Calling Q anon.... well?

,1531824464,17/07/2018 10:47 9035416,3992608121,

Q right? You think the military will step in with its tribunals like Q eluded to?

,1531824982,17/07/2018 10:56 9038275,3992625407,"

She jumped the shark.
The globalists are getting desperate. I hate to say this, but look out for some kind of massive false flag attack designed to make Trump and his supporters look bad.

Where are the Q anons to help here?

",1531825372,17/07/2018 11:02 9036415,3992629375,

So the deep state is real huh? #Qanon

,1531825454,17/07/2018 11:04 9036685,3992750501,

I had Netflix for a while then quit. They wanted me back but now as a lefty operation not likely. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1531827904,17/07/2018 11:45 9036115,3992752536,

I trust Q and I trust the plan.

,1531827944,17/07/2018 11:45 9037837,3992887715,"

Oh you missed a bunch:

Robert Muller Ex FBI Director
Christopher A. Wray FBI Director
Andrew McCabe FBI, Fired.
Bill Priestap Ass Director FBI Counterintelligence
Peter Strzok FBI deputy ass diriector of Counterintelligence, CIA Section Chief, Demoted

Lisa Page FBI Attorney, Strzok's GF, Fired.
James A. Baker FBI Gen Counsel, reassigned, obama operative, Leaker? Fired
Dana Boente U.S. attorney resigned 10/27/17 Signed a Dossier FISA warrant.
Nellie Oh, Cia, Fusion
Rod Rosenstein DOJ, Signed a Dossier FISA warrant.
Cheryl Mills Hillary Consigliere
Huma Abedin Hillary gopher, MB operative
Terry McAuliffe Gov Virginia, corrupt. Friend of Weiner so must be a pervert
Peter Kadzik Ass AG,Told Podesta about Hillary investigation, departed.
Christopher Steele James Bond wannabe (MI6)
Ashton B. Carter Ex Defense Secretary
Jon Brennan CIA director March 2013 to Jan 2017. Muslim who once voted commie
Debbie W. Schultz Fired DNC head, Awan into Congress, suspect Seth Rich murder
Imran Awan DWS's IT guy. Pakistani given access to congress and DNC servers
Jim Rybicky DOJ CoS to Comey Altered msgs protecing Hillary, obama. Retired.
John Carlin DOJ AAG for National Security, resigned. Fired.
Loretta Lynch DOJ Ex AG, the Bill, the plane, the tarmac...
Sally Q. Yates Dep AG for Lynch, fired for disobeying a direct order from DJT
Peter Fritsch Fusion-GPS co-founder/partner Ex WSJ employee
Glenn Simpson Fusion-GPS co-founder/partner Ex WSJ employee
Mary Jacoby Glenn's wife, old family ties with Clintons in Arkansas. Commie?
Mary McCord DOJ National Security division, retired. Fired.
Michael Kortan FBI public affairs , Comey friend, retired Fired
Jonathan Winer Ex-State Dept,transferred Dossier from Blumenthal to Steele.
Mark Warner Senator, attempted contact Steele about dossier. On SIC, Corrupt
Richard Burr Senator, head of Senate Intelligence Comm, enabler of Warner.
Josh Campbell Special assistant to Comey. Fired.
David Laufman DOJ Counterintelligence, HRC email, Quit. Fired.
Rachel Brand Ass AG, #3 behind Rosenstein. Fired.
Stefan Halper DC/cia friend. set up Page, Manafort, Papadopoulos for Comey
Erika Thompson
Alexander Downer Got Papadop drunk to blurt the Russians had dirt on Hillary.
Claire Smith
Nawaf Obaid Saudi Ambassador to UK,
Boris Johnson
James A. Wolf Dir security for SSCI. Indited for leaking classified SSCI info
Tashina Gauhar Deputy Ass AG for Intelligence. Holder associate and holdover

",1531830734,17/07/2018 12:32 9035323,3992957359,"

Duped, riiiight. They didn't receive a 4 am info packet or nothin

",1531832148,17/07/2018 12:55 9035893,3993183795,"

Not familiar with ""Qanon"" are you. When you have had a heads-up before things happen, yeah that is fun. Truth and transparency are coming. Peace to you, Patriot.

",1531836660,17/07/2018 14:11 9036115,3993256435,

I think it will be Gowdy that is the one that prosecutes the players of this conspiracy. Just an opinion. He isn't returning to congress and wants to get back to his prosecutor role. He is a patriot per Q.

,1531838137,17/07/2018 14:35 9035893,3993496831,"

They are worried about coming Qanon Data drops exposing sex trafficking in Hollywood,I suspect.

",1531843625,17/07/2018 16:07 9040003,3993562817,"

WHY does the baby have noise cancelling headphones on? I’m all for breastfeeding and 35 years ago when it wasn’t ‘cool’, mine were breastfeed to around 15 months, but this is a set up. Those headphones were put on to stop any distractions and babe didn’t ‘pull off’ the nipple. When will the left stop using little children for their agendas?? If it’s not abortion, it pushing transgendering on 1 year olds, (Angelina Jolie) or trying to lower the age of consent, or removing little ones of Christians to place them into foster care to be raped, or even harvesting their organs while being aborted or molesting them (Jo Biden) in front of their parents while its being recorded. ‘These people are sick’. Q.

",1531845900,17/07/2018 16:45 9040591,3993582628,"

Like it or not, the effin Intel Community set THEMSELVES up to be distrusted. How? By lying, being hyper partisan, actively engaging in a Coup attempt, illegally and unconstitutionally searching and seizing private information, by surveiling the American public, and for blaming Trump and the Americans who, THANK GOD, voted for him.

Yeah, IC....You are hanging by a rope of your own weave. Own it. WE HAVE EVERYTHING. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #MAGA

",1531846589,17/07/2018 16:56 9041806,3993721633,

Dude... you Qanons are really something else.

,1531851207,17/07/2018 18:13 9041806,3993744511,

Where is Q?

,1531851993,17/07/2018 18:26 9041806,3993753401,

What does the lights out mean.
Was it referenced before by Q?
;) whats the code ;)?

,1531852299,17/07/2018 18:31 9041806,3993757793,

Dark to light Q Anon Marker.

,1531852459,17/07/2018 18:34 9041806,3993758678,

Haven't heard from Q since Anthony Bourdain got suicided....hmmmm

,1531852491,17/07/2018 18:34 9041806,3993760788,

Dark to light. #Qanon

,1531852569,17/07/2018 18:36 9041806,3993763282,"

Jun 15 2018 19:28:59 (EST)
Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?
IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
POTUS is not going through this for nothing.
Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).
There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.
We owe it to our children!

Putin gave Trump a ball, coincidence?

",1531852662,17/07/2018 18:37 9041806,3993765142,"

LOL Q - dopey q is a CIA operative. period.
just like EVERY iteration of DOPEY ""anonymous""

* simple as that *

people are SO stupid...

""the best way to control the opposition is to LEAD it ourselves""
- Vladimir Lenin / world class globalist psychopath

",1531852732,17/07/2018 18:38 9041806,3993797354,

I haven't seen a Q post since July 4th

,1531853907,17/07/2018 18:58 9041512,3993882355,"

I don't understand what's gotten into CW. Smallville ran for ten seasons without a single L, G, B, T or Q character. I was in the older demographic of viewers, but still popped over to the fan sites after an especially good episode, and I never - ever! - noticed anyone complaining about the absence of gay characters.

",1531857233,17/07/2018 19:53 9040528,3993890501,

It's not funny though. It's just Q & A which is a bit off-kilter.

,1531857575,17/07/2018 19:59 9040771,3993912353,

A case in point. Q.E.D.


,1531858540,17/07/2018 20:15 9041806,3993917305,

I think Trump has been beating liberals like a red headed step child for 20 months and it's been extremely effective. Wait for 2 Q 4% GDP. He'll be unstoppable after that.

,1531858762,17/07/2018 20:19 9038329,3993925176,


Unmask Qanon next.

,1531859118,17/07/2018 20:25 9035383,3993928262,"

What is going on in our country today is so much bigger than Clinton and Epstein. If you follow QAnon, you know he has repeatedly said this is bigger than you know, and I believe him/her.

",1531859260,17/07/2018 20:27 9042625,3993943761,

Not true. What about lose I Q Maxi Pad?

,1531859968,17/07/2018 20:39 9040591,3993975225,"

Actually, we have it. QAnon.

",1531861426,17/07/2018 21:03 9040591,3993976606,"

When the people awake and call for truth, ... we have it ALL. QAnon.

",1531861491,17/07/2018 21:04 9041806,3993981151,

What does Q always say in his messages?

Dark to Light.

This was not an accident.

,1531861696,17/07/2018 21:08 9041806,3993986806,"

Jun 15 2018 19:28:59 (EST)
Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?
IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
POTUS is not going through this for nothing.
Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).
There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.
We owe it to our children!

Putin gave Trump a ball, coincidence? You are watching a movie.

",1531861957,17/07/2018 21:12 9025942,3994012676,"

Knowing Trump as we do, would Sessions still be on the job if he weren't doing the job Trump hired him to do? After all, his nickname back in 'Bama is ""The Silent Assassin"". Qanon has said from day 1, Trust Wray, trust sessions. So i'm still in his corner.

",1531863232,17/07/2018 21:33 9038329,3994042343,

An anonymous Q drop ? poor Matt

,1531864818,17/07/2018 22:00 9038329,3994093310,

Watch it. I smell a fall guy. Where's Q?

,1531867484,17/07/2018 22:44 9038329,3994120443,

The big Q is how do we get his cell

,1531868966,17/07/2018 23:09 9036415,3994156705,"

You bet, brother. Happy to help you...
World events, chaos, and what appears to be a lack of action will no longer worry you once you catch up with Q. You will understand the evil corruption, the attempts at dis-information, and will be amazed at the genius of Q and President Trump as they checkmate the bastards at every turn. You will ""trust the plan"" and essentially know the future.

The Crash Course in ""Q"":
The treasonous plan for a communist ""One World Government"" is what the Q-group and President Trump are systematically dismantling.
It's NSA/POTUS vs. corrupt CIA/Globalists
The NSA Q-group ""sees ALL"" and serves President Trump.
True to form for American heroes, Q has said, ""Do not glorify us"". True Patriots love America and seek no recognition, no rewards, no fame, nor fortune.
""Q"" won't outright provide classified intelligence because they are Patriots and law-abiding, ""white hat"" good guys. For that reason, Q asks questions in a riddle-like fashion that requires the reader to think logically, investigate, research, and extrapolate to uncover the information.
""Q"" drops the ""bread crumbs"" to comfort those on the side of Goodness (supporters of President Trump) that positive events are indeed occurring out of the public eye and also to slowly awaken us all to the enormous and deeply unsettling conspiracy that was afoot until President Trump's victory put a stop to it.

Q has proven their legitimacy and cooperation with President Trump with intentional ""markers"" and ""proofs"".
President Trump has repeatedly  acknowledged ""Q"" and Q-Patriots (us).
Example: Anons on the board asked for Q to prove themselves by getting POTUS to say the phrase ""tip top"".
Days later, in his speech directly in front of the White House at the 2018 Annual Easter Egg Roll, POTUS not only said, ""tip top"" he said, ""tip top....tippy top"".😂

Q was right about North Korea peace.
Q was right about the pedophiles in high positions including the Hillary campaign.
Q was right about the Hollywood sex cult ""Nxivm"" and human-trafficking.

Here's Where to Start:
Quickly read the ""Players"" tab and ""Themes"" tab to get a short glossary/overview and then go to YouTube.
(This Qmap link was created by an anon to make it easy to compare Q-drops to POTUS tweets and search for keywords. It doesn't seem to load the photos Q posts though.)

These Patriots below are legit and the way most people make sense of the cryptic Q posts because they have followed Q from the beginning and the actual 8-chan message board where Q posts is full of anon chatter. It's easiest to watch a video by one of these guys because they have the links that Q references already pulled up, and they can make the logical connections to previous Q drops and wording.

🌟""In Pursuit of Truth"" channel on YouTube.
🌟""Praying Medic"" channel on YouTube.

Notes about Q-posts:
•Q repeatedly says ""Everything has meaning""
•That means syntax, formatting, spelling, and even misspellings and omitted letters in POTUS tweets and Q-posts are INTENTIONAL and have meaning
•""Timing matters"" to proofs and The Plan
•Q has repeatedly predicted the # of minutes between a Q-drop and a POTUS tweet to prove legitimacy for example.
•There is a permanent unique ID ""tripcode""/handle assigned to an anonymous poster, thus we know it is actually Q talking.

The main archive of Q posts are at:
This link is the main one.
It will appear blank for several seconds as it loads all the q-drops and photos. There is a drop-down menu too that can filter posts by the phrases Q repeatedly writes.

and a collection of proofs are at:

Get ready to be part of something that is historic and that will ""show you how deep the rabbit hole goes"".
Collectivists are the enemy.
Unity of Individualists will defeat them.
Share this gift of KNOWLEDGE.


",1531871020,17/07/2018 23:43 9038329,3994196017,

The flying paedoesta monkeys are the under capos of cankles the qunt and bill the grim raper. Q told me.

,1531873351,18/07/2018 00:22 9042625,3994252705,"

""Not true. What about lose I Q Maxi Pad?"" asks Matt.

I say Semi-functional and illiterate.

Have a peach, Matt. Don't worry, there's no pit.

Mad Max slipped on the pit, and keeps faling in one.

",1531876914,18/07/2018 01:21 9044005,3994342747,

56 Dems outraised Rep incumbents in the 2nd Q.

16 Dems are leading Rep incumbents in cash on hand.

0 Reps have more cash on hand than Dem incumbents.

,1531883959,18/07/2018 03:19 9043717,3994404965,"

I don't know if Qanon is real or a LARP, but Q did say that July would be the month that the world would learn the truth.

",1531889433,18/07/2018 04:50 9039376,3994569814,"

40,000 and increasing. On the Great Awakening board at Reddit, the ‘foot soldiers’ will be revealed first and people worldwide will not believe in the corruption but as it is obvious to everyone, the ‘main players’ will then be taken before a military tribunal. There are 470 prosecutors working around the clock to bring about JUSTICE.

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

11-01-2017 17:44:10 AEDT Anonymous
ID:grTMpzrL No.147454631

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).


",1531902139,18/07/2018 08:22 9043129,3994575265,"

Need Q to come back.
Connections are being pointed out that look really odd..
Conclusions lead me to wonder... If Strozk was just playing along for us during the hearings..?
Washington post cameraman seemed to be in on it?

I don't want to be led astray. Need Q.

Without context, this clip of Strozk just looks weird... but gotta admit it is weird.

",1531902505,18/07/2018 08:28 9043129,3994580477,"

Ah I am no Q follower , dont get me wrong , those sound pretty impressive though!

I am simply pointing out that Democrats seem to be cutting their own throats electorally. Almost as if on purpose....


",1531902857,18/07/2018 08:34 9039376,3994580559,

Are you wondering about Q?

,1531902862,18/07/2018 08:34 9015271,3994586874,"

Did you see the Queen relinquish power to the GEOTUS?

She always leads...except when it's The Don

He didn't bow
Melania didn't Curtsey

Kept her waiting (she checked her watch ha)

""Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war then seek to win""
- Sun Tzu.

Trump won and the deep state went to war... now Trump is at War.


""We have it all"" - Q

",1531903299,18/07/2018 08:41 9043717,3994609329,"

Sorry, but Q baloney is fantasy fiction.

",1531904797,18/07/2018 09:06 9044005,3994619776,"

I believe you are right - there are 40,000 sealed indictments pending at the DOJ thanks to Sessions and his staff of finally honest people.

See highlighted area for totals - list of sealed indictments from DOJ by state for the year indictaed from - the court filing database. In a normal year there are about 1000 sealed indictments.

",1531905398,18/07/2018 09:16 9044005,3994622253,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments pending however. Trump is not everyone.

",1531905539,18/07/2018 09:18 9043717,3994651149,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments pending at the DOJ.

See the highlighted area of this summary of sealed indictments by the DOJ state by state for the year period indicated. Normally there are 1000 a year. From - the court filing database.

",1531906738,18/07/2018 09:38 9043717,3994651960,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments pending at the DOJ.

See the highlighted area of this summary of sealed indictments by the DOJ state by state for the year period indicated. Normally there are 1000 a year. From - the court filing database.

So there likely are indictments already.

",1531906783,18/07/2018 09:39 9044608,3994659844,

Is nothing sacred? (rhetorical Q.)

,1531907202,18/07/2018 09:46 9041806,3994686507,

Who knew the Q in Qanon stood for Quisling?

,1531908605,18/07/2018 10:10 9042895,3994740877,"

Who is Q?

We are at war. The establishment cabal is FIGHTING FOR IT'S LIFE RIGHT NOW! That's why they are ginning up WW3 and screaming for war. The way these stupid people think is so predictable. Remember. Disinformation is necessary right now. Remember why.

#WWG1WGA #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening

Be cautious, be patient. Trust the plan!

",1531911176,18/07/2018 10:52 9042895,3994765632,

But but but Q tells us to “trust Sessions”. Lol

,1531912262,18/07/2018 11:11 9042895,3994786975,

As Q eluded to for some time the military will be brought in to root out the embedded traitors because it is the only way since our judges are corrupt as well. Trump did nothing wrong while Obama did all he could to belittle this country and destroy it.

Where were these same people when Obama was bowing to Muslim leaders abroad during his America apology tour?

,1531913134,18/07/2018 11:25 9043423,3994793816,"

Is Jeff Sessions still alive? Guys been missing for 2 full years now. It's time to declare him legally dead and move on. We need some high level arrests NOW! And don't even get me started on those Q girls with their fictional fairytale's of 35K sealed indictments that, ""we swear it's coming any day now"" BS.

",1531913414,18/07/2018 11:30 9041698,3994824017,

Nolte needs to get his Q on.

Mueller is being used to show how crazy the left really are. This is how we win elections and stop the deep state. Trumps MAGAing all over the place and now the anti war democrats are shouting for war. It’s easy to see if you’re qatching the right movie and know the story line.



,1531914641,18/07/2018 11:50 9042895,3994871188,

The Q in Qanon is for Quisling.

,1531916459,18/07/2018 12:20 9043423,3994915222,

I bet he is one of the pedos Q Anon told us about

,1531918110,18/07/2018 12:48 9042895,3994949061,"

The biggest TELL..............they all seem to work off the same ""script"". It is too obvious. That is the biggest indicator of just how panicked they all are. ""CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING"" will NEVER ever be seen as a positive.

Like Q says.............""they'll never be able to walk down the street again"".

",1531919416,18/07/2018 13:10 9030469,3995044973,

Quisling is the Q of Qanon.

,1531922918,18/07/2018 14:08 9045544,3995170063,"

Cool story sergey.

Trump is the biggestCuck in history.

These swamp creatures rolling all over him and he hasn’t fired anyone.

Is he going to wait until Rosenstein uncovers the Russia, NRA, Republican Party conspiracy?

Why has he let Rosenstein bankrupt all his friends and loyal soldiers?

All you Q retards say it’s a master plan.

But does Flynn feel like there’s a plan? Butina, Cohen?

What about the body gaurd and hope hicks?

Mueller, Rosenstein, and Seasions are picking off trump people one at a time and he’s tweeting how mean everyone is to him.

",1531927412,18/07/2018 15:23 9043315,3995196469,

I'm hoping. So far everything Q has posted has been verified.

,1531928360,18/07/2018 15:39 9045544,3995218289,"

NO, we think it's a witch hunt... taking scalps - hoping to get a Trump supporter to manufacture testimony to save themselves from the FBI, CIA wood chipper....

Trump will pardon ALL of them... we need to get past the mid terms... and we need those 2nd Q GDP numbers to keep up the ledger...

Trump is winning friends on the left of all places... the anti war left is questioning the false narrative... they love peace with Putin ... it's only the neocons and dnc operatives who want war with Russia

",1531929140,18/07/2018 15:52 9042601,3995222626,"

Something else is going on here. This started with the NFL protest when he lost his sponsorship. I recall during Barbara Bush's funeral, the media reported pizza business owners being in attendance. Seemed odd then unless you knew the connection between the Bush dynasty, child trafficking and pizza pedo code. See all the other big resignations going on around the country as pointed out by Qanon. Politicians, business owners, media execs. All roads lead to Rome so to speak. Is it possible Papa John liked his cheese pizza with walnut sauce or was at least involved in the delivery service?

",1531929294,18/07/2018 15:54 9034804,3995375142,"

Hannity always says someone like Brennan is going to jail. He's been breathlessly reporting on his radio program (between his many, many commercials of course-the only one worse is Levin) that justice is right around the corner.

The sooner you realize this, the less you'll be jerked around by the ""justice is coming-or bring the pain-or Q said""-or any of the other laser lights

If justice is to be served, the American citizen(s) will have to mete it out

",1531934894,18/07/2018 17:28 9034804,3995381655,"


The sooner you realize this, the less you'll be jerked around by the ""justice is coming-or bring the pain-or Q said""-or any of the other laser lights

If justice is to be served, the American citizen(s) will have to mete it out

",1531935135,18/07/2018 17:32 9046639,3995441625,"

Off topic, but Q is a pantload.

",1531937389,18/07/2018 18:09 9046639,3995443880,

I always thought of Q as controlled chaos.

,1531937478,18/07/2018 18:11 9046639,3995450371,

I’ve never subscribed to Q. I’ve had my own theories about Session and even Mueller.

I hope it pans out.... we’ll see.

,1531937727,18/07/2018 18:15 9046639,3995451975,"

I used to belong theconservativetreehouse. It ruled during the Trayvon and Ferguson matters. My fellow researchers were awesome.

But now it has been overrrun with a bunch of Qnozzles. And poor sundance .... he guessed that Strzok was cooperating, and built a whole bizarre narrative around it.


",1531937786,18/07/2018 18:16 9046639,3995471933,"

Whoa ... some Q addicts are complaining that they have been played.

The koolaid was too bitter and the lack of action by Sessions has been depressing, evidently. Q's BS hasn't resulted in any action.

",1531938544,18/07/2018 18:29 9046639,3995474385,

? Huh? Both are living their lives while Manafort is in solitary and Mueller is indicting en masse. Q is a pantload.

,1531938637,18/07/2018 18:30 9046639,3995474800,

Anyone could see that. Q is a poser.

,1531938653,18/07/2018 18:30 9046639,3995476727,"

agreed, just playing along... what Q says is more or less ""true"" from a fortune teller's perspective. Enough crap is actually going to happen for the follower to fill in the blanks.

",1531938727,18/07/2018 18:32 9046639,3995477219,

just playing along with how Q sees the world.

,1531938746,18/07/2018 18:32 9046798,3995739997,"

If you do not follow Q, I suggest you do so now as a matter of urgency. Now that the President has NATO and the meeting with Putin behind him, he has turned all his focus back to the traitors, gathering Intel on them along the way, to bring about
the start of the unsealing of the first of 40,000 indictments. The President is a masterful chess player and he has out played these globalist at every move. It’s brilliant to watch! Many of you that are following The Great Awakening on Reddit, may have come across SerialBrain2. The guy is brilliant at deciphering the Intel that us ‘normies’ will not see. This is lengthy and I think it’s on YouTube, but reading it really brings it home. Not just Helsinki was a roaring success, but the meeting of every other told them clearly that there is a new Commander In Chief at the helm of not just America, but the world. No wonder these lefties and their pathetic useful idiots are screaming treason! Treason! They have a LOT to be worried about. The time has come for these pigs of Europe, the UK and Russia to stop gorging on their hardworking taxpayers. The shot that will be heard around the world has been fired and those on American soil that are corrupt, human traffickers, traitors, criminals and media agitators are about to feel the full force of the law. It’s going to be a glorious 2018.

",1531950896,18/07/2018 21:54 9046180,3995745237,"

40,000 filings are not all separate indictments and they are more likely filed against Trump's supporters, in the event of a coup, than against bad actors in the deep-state.

Don't believe a word coming from the Q-tard psy-op. Pamphlet-anon has been caught 5 times live on youtube logging in and out of the Q account.

Let it go now, Q is a total dud.

",1531951199,18/07/2018 21:59 9048457,3995755286,"

(NASHVILLE, TN) - At a Young America’s Foundation sponsored event last Wednesday, featured speaker Ben Shapiro opened up microphones for an interactive Q & A. Shapiro went on to answer questions at a rapid rate, speaking at speeds of up to 2,000 words per minute. He spoke so quickly, people began to involuntarily offer bids on items that were not even available for purchase, according to those present.

",1531951769,18/07/2018 22:09 9047986,3995819139,"

LOL. Ok fine. He's publicly stated he's not a criminal target. He met with POTUS the day before he was appointed under the guise of a job interview for a position he was not eligible to hold.

Sessions recuses and heads off to appoint recently confirmed Trump pick John Huber to head a task force of 470 investigators. Plus empowers Huber to impanel grand juries and bring ciminal charges. There were 40,000+ sealed indictments from October 2017 til the end of June 2018.

Awan is cooperating, Page is cooperating, Tony Podesta is cooperating, Huma is cooperating, Flynn plead guilty to something the agents who interviewed him said he didn't do and has no postponed sentencing 3 times.

It's looking bad for a lot of people. Just not POTUS. #Qanon

",1531955488,18/07/2018 23:11 9045994,3995824466,"

I tell younger adults, either become an investor or expect a life and retirement of poverty. With the Trump economy, most should be able to invest. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1531955821,18/07/2018 23:17 9047989,3995826376,

Who is Q?

,1531955942,18/07/2018 23:19 9042988,3995829055,"

This is good news, but there are other patriot news-makers who are saying the opposite, that wage inflation is not keeping up. Not sure which is true and would like to know data and sources. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1531956111,18/07/2018 23:21 9042988,3995833818,

I selling my rental houses to fully retire. Using two handymen to do the work. One 52 and one 58. Good workers! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1531956398,18/07/2018 23:26 9046798,3995851857,

Thanks Jimi. As Q says. ‘These people are stupid’.

,1531957514,18/07/2018 23:45 9048907,3995907609,

Heard of Q?
Justice cometh.

,1531961072,19/07/2018 00:44 9049564,3995945121,"

For Q folks.

Keep track of this SB2 dude. His posts age well, and seems to have Q backing.

",1531963663,19/07/2018 01:27 9049564,3995950209,

Where is Q?

,1531964030,19/07/2018 01:33 9049564,3995956278,"

Brennan, Comey and Clapper were directly involved in numerous treasonous crimes, corruption and other acts of sedition against the United States.

They know Trump has the goods on them.
They know the noose is tightening.

Where has Q been for the last 14 days?
He's helping Trump to set up the final stages for the mass arrests that are about to take place. A la Saudi Arabia.

Enjoy the show, patriots.

",1531964456,19/07/2018 01:40 9049564,3995957508,"

If you ever wonder what Trump wants us to know and you put some stock in what Q says, keep an eye on SerialBrain2. Q has linked to him and Trump has said ""the BRAIN"" is what is most important in a recent rally.

",1531964543,19/07/2018 01:42 9048958,3995966952,

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. 

,1531965234,19/07/2018 01:53 9049639,3995989790,

Qanon June 27 2018: Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel)...Qanon June 27 2018: Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.

,1531967033,19/07/2018 02:23 9049564,3996045266,"

Found it. Man this would be epic.

",1531971689,19/07/2018 03:41 9047620,3996103399,

He’s the Nobel Peace Prize Committee’s biggest disappointment too.

And John and Jane Q. Public’s....and....and....and...and...and.....and.....

,1531976836,19/07/2018 05:07 9049564,3996315342,"

Wray flips on swamp, labels China as most significant threat to America



The Gateway Pundit Reports: On Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray said China, not Russia is the “most significant” long-term threat facing the US today. Wray sat down for an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt at the Aspen Security Forum Wednesday to discuss many different spy threats facing the US. The Democrat-media complex is obsessed with Russia, however; Wray clearly states the FBI has economic espionage cases open in all 50 states that trace back to China.
“It covers everything from corn seeds in Iowa to wind turbines in Massachusetts and everything in between,” Wray said of China’s espionage efforts. Of course Lester Holt wanted to desperately bring the conversation back to Russia and brought up election meddling again. Christopher Wray did acknowledge Russia’s efforts to influence the public opinion and politics in the US, however he said not to underestimate China’s ultimate goal which is to “position itself as the sole dominant super power. They’re trying to replace the United States in that role.”
“I think China from a counterintelligence perspective represents in many ways represents the broadest, most challenging, most significant threat we face as a country,” Wray said. He said that China’s espionage efforts are “a whole of state effort” that includes “economic espionage as well as traditional espionage and human sources as well as cyber means.”
Remember when Q told us to trust Wray, well it looks like unlike the Deep State propaganda narrative against Russia Wray is actually flipping on the Deep State narrative and labeling China as the most significant threat to the United States. As we learned this week through a Lisa Page truth bomb via a closed door testimony, that it was actually China and not Russia who accessed Hillary Clinton's emails...Which likely points to Hillary Clinton selling and transferring top secret US information to China during her time as Obama's Secretary of State. What does Wray know about China that has made Wray drop the Russian narrative as FBI Director?
​ Well if you know anything about China, China for years has been trying to overtake the United States through things like land grabbing and taking over American companies. By the way Hillary Clinton/Democrats like Russia colluded with China as well. Wonder if Wray stating that China is the bigger threat has anything to do with that soccer ball Putin gave Trump?

",1531993016,19/07/2018 09:36 9049684,3996468444,"

To reporter Kristina Wong:

Please be careful citing the conservative treehouse in the future. It wasted its previous good reputation by constructing a false narrative during early 2018. It preached that Strzok was cooperating, thus proving that the inspector general was a white hat. It predicted a coming crackdown that never materialized. Just the opposite. The rogues in DOJ/FBI dug in instead. It was a reportorial blunder of epic proportions.

Now the site has been overrun by Q cultists. The former great researchers have been run out or have quit in disgust.

",1532000299,19/07/2018 11:38 9049684,3996481037,

The CTH lost its ability to pump the brakes. The great old researchers that built its reputation were marginalized by noobs who were Q nuts. That led it to make laughable predictions that sullied itself and the conservative movement in general.

,1532000739,19/07/2018 11:45 9049684,3996542840,"

have patience my friend. I feel the same way but truly believe behind the scenes there is ALOT going on. I haven't given up on Sessions like so many others have. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but if you follow Qanon, and if he's credible, there is a storm brewing for these people, both Dem & Republican

",1532003269,19/07/2018 12:27 9051067,3996828036,

Deep State is in panic mode. Another traitor with a big mouth.

Remember Q said big things begin in July. Twelve days or less for the take down of deep state to begin.

,1532013767,19/07/2018 15:22 9049972,3996832557,"

POTUS Abraham Lincoln, said
""You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people
some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the

they didn't have the Internet back then, or Q...

",1532013929,19/07/2018 15:25 9047989,3996849178,"

We have no WALL between Canada and the US of A, with no problems.////////////////
Why the problem with the SOUTHERN BORDER. ???????????
That can be answered in on sentence, The HISPANIC population is so impoverished, these 3rd world countries will not be able to contain their offspring any more, thus, the exodus of those we seem to think they can cross into the US of A ILLEGALLY and get away with that ILLEGAL crossing. ///////////////////
Sorry but that wont work, we, JOHN Q. pUBLIC CITIZEN don';t want any more ILLEGAL VOTERS,. which is why the DEMON - RATS want all the ILLEGALS any way. ////////////
They, the DEMON - RATS need the votes. ///////////////////////////////////////

",1532014522,19/07/2018 15:35 9051442,3996855626,"

Manpower? Do you even begin to imagine the numbers of feds that are working on such issues? It's massive. As for 'Q' questions, Praying Medic on YouTube answers those questions rather well. Too many time Q post foretold upcoming events that only someone at the highest levels of government could know. He list them with the proof.

",1532014756,19/07/2018 15:39 9048475,3996863791,"

But but but the frauds Q tell us everything is going great with Kim and NK.
Seriously, does anyone take the clown show riddle masters Q seriously at this point?

",1532015050,19/07/2018 15:44 9049564,3996894652,"

Don't know if you follow the Q post or not. I want beyond hope to think he is real, and there is good reason to think he is, but it's like a ""to good to be true"", mentality leads my mind to the converse. You decide for yourself.

",1532016151,19/07/2018 16:02 9050572,3996931134,"

Sorry, but I really don't take this Q character very seriously. As far as Strzok being compromised- he sure didn't act like he was having any problems whatsoever. His arrogance, smugness and sense of entitlement came across 100%.

",1532017533,19/07/2018 16:25 9051334,3996946357,

you just know Q is behind the fine...

,1532018110,19/07/2018 16:35 9051442,3997028545,"

Oh, yes, I understand the hours needed for a 'proper' legal case. Looks like Q has done his research, I like the #'s I saw, and the information I noted is similar to my own thinking (I don't dive into this stuff nearly as deep as I used to - can be rather distracting...)

When I mentioned 'manpower', I was thinking more of the arrests/indictments, sorry I wasn't clearer.

",1532021240,19/07/2018 17:27 9052126,3997042094,"

Useful idiots. Soon. Very soon, these useful idiots (audience) of the globalists will be shocked to the core at what their mouthpiece heroes like Goldberg et al, have been involved in. Notice she mentions deep state? If she is that far removed from politics and mocks the very idea of it, these are not her words, they are her masters words and she prefers to remain on the plantation gorging herself on lies.
My God! Does she really think that the deep state doesn’t exist! The only one good thing is that the term is being dragged out into the light because up until now most useful idiots had no idea. Now they do. Thank you Whoopi. You fell right into the President’s PLAN.

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. 

07-01-2018 04:36:13 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:eff7c9 No.1972546

You have a choice.
The choice has always been yours.

01-27-2018 10:43:27 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID: No.62

Read slowly and carefully.
Will become critically important in coming weeks.
Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.
Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.

",1532021760,19/07/2018 17:36 9051334,3997068657,"

Google is just deeply incensed that Q let the world know how Eric Schmidt personally set up a server in NK for Obama and the cabal to use private comms, and now that Trump has systematically dismantled that line of comms and freed NK, Google responds with showing Trump's pic when you search ""idiot"". I'm sorry, who's the idiot?? LOL

",1532022789,19/07/2018 17:53 9051334,3997078218,

I just did! HO LEE F U Q!!! You are right!!!

,1532023164,19/07/2018 17:59 9051859,3997122346,"

Qanon is bullisht. Stop ""waiting."" That's exactly what they want you to do.

",1532024875,19/07/2018 18:27 9051334,3997192680,"

Trump invites Putin to White House for fall meeting, prepare for Dem/DS heads to explode


0 Comments Reports: U.S. President Donald Trump rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin's proposal that Russian authorities be allowed to question American citizens, the White House said on Thursday, after the offer drew fierce criticism in the United States. The Republican president then directed his national security adviser, John Bolton, to invite Putin to Washington in the fall, the White House said, four days after Trump held a summit with the Russian leader in Helsinki. ""President Trump asked @Ambjohnbolton to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and those discussions are already underway,"" White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a Twitter post.
Be prepared for some false narratives from the Deep State, Democrats, and even some Republicans in Washington, as reports are starting to point to a Putin/Trump summit in the White House sometime in the fall. With this Trump/Putin meeting likely already announced set to happen at the White House in the fall, prepare for Liberal heads to explode. Curious if the Trump/Putin summit at the White House has something to do with Q mentioning November 11 on multiple occasions, as Q has mentioned the date countless times and this Trump/Putin meeting or summit in the White House is being said to happen this fall.
​ Prepare for any fake narrative you can think of, and be vigilant for obvious false flags to deflect from this Trump/Putin summit in the White House this fall. Very curious what Trump and Putin could possibly announce or expose from the White House this fall? Curious if Putin could play a role as a witness for Trump against the Deep State, Obama, Hillary, Dems, and RINO's?

",1532027621,19/07/2018 19:13 9051859,3997329491,

yeeeah the ol qanon narrative really had the wheels fall off. too bad

,1532033905,19/07/2018 20:58 9050572,3997375770,"

In fact, we have been told to “trust the plan.” Not easy for a natural born cynic! However, the applause you mention, came from the Socialist Democrats. They don’t seem aware of the rules of the game.

Most folks i’ve spoken with (far from an unbiased sample) thought the socialists performed badly. like Petulant children. While their opposites were more business like, lawyerly, if you will.

My own biases being what they are, I am comfortable with the chess game, as it is. I find It fascinating, The fact that my side seems to be winning is a plus. Of course, I do what I can to ensure my side is victorious. Part of that is the constant battle with complacency. It is interesting that the socialists, in their zealotry have actually kept our side awake and agitated.

So, since I don’t know any more than what Q has allowed, I won’t tell you to trust, blindly, the plan. However, I am fascinated by its scope and intricacy.

",1532036376,19/07/2018 21:39 9053644,3997443935,"

They already have the servers,they have had them several months now.
More proof breitboop isnt a legit unbiased news source
QAnon The Great Awaking
Go ahead and take the red pill

",1532040363,19/07/2018 22:46 9051253,3997451833,

Trump approved the announcement of the indictments before the summit. Why would he do that? #Qanon

,1532040833,19/07/2018 22:53 9053818,3997524388,"

Right??? So clear he's playing the whole world! Qanon says ""hi.""

",1532045305,20/07/2018 00:08 9051715,3997565792,

We'll all be pretty happy with Google when it's revealed that they have a site in North Korea that backed up all the Gmail messages that went through Hillary's server. #Qanon

,1532048092,20/07/2018 00:54 9051715,3997589828,"

IMPORTANT ALERT: REAL.VIDEO has finally launched !!!
REAL.VIDEO & Q-Anon are MAGA supporters of real news and need your support! Founder of and Natural News, MIke has important info .....

::Google, Facebook Committing Massive ELECTION FRAUD Right Now::

(Natural News) While the fake news media continues to absurdly claim that “the Russians” stole the U.S. election, the real election fraud is taking place right under our noses: Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

All the tech giants are committing massive fraud right this very moment by selectively censoring pro-Trump, conservative voices on the ‘net. This silencing of nearly all pro-Trump voices is a deliberate, malicious censorship campaign being coordinated and run by tech giants for the purpose of defrauding the United States of America.

When only one side of the political debate is allowed to be uttered or heard, you are no longer living in a free society. And that’s exactly what Leftists want: Authoritarian rule over everything, including the internet.

Watch & Share Mike''s warning on

",1532049835,20/07/2018 01:23 9052360,3997611761,"

Ahhh, Q. That explains it.

",1532051525,20/07/2018 01:52 9048475,3997635618,"

if you follow Q you know NK propaganda is all false and NK is doing what was discussed. trust trump, wray, sessions, huber and Kansas


",1532053553,20/07/2018 02:25 9055831,3997637501,

well no wonder qanon stopped posting. this makes him look like an idiot

,1532053712,20/07/2018 02:28 9055831,3997641819,

trump CAVED completely.....there is no Q.....just a plan to lull you to sleep so you don't demand justice

,1532054089,20/07/2018 02:34 9053644,3997643091,

... so where is Q and all his BS about Coats and others assigned to protect President Trump at all cots. Yah right.

,1532054197,20/07/2018 02:36 9055831,3997643992,

Does Q still think he's white hat?

,1532054275,20/07/2018 02:37 9055831,3997677777,"

As I keep saying: Q is a LARP. In other words, its a joke.

",1532057227,20/07/2018 03:27 9055831,3997689933,

Who is Q?

,1532058314,20/07/2018 03:45 9055831,3997690912,"

It's not bad to be hopeful, but the Q thing could easily be a psy-op to make people think somebody is doing something when really we are just off the rails and need a purge.

",1532058398,20/07/2018 03:46 9055831,3997691283,

what is Q?

Why do people keep saying that?

This is on a government website.

,1532058431,20/07/2018 03:47 9055831,3997692810,"

what does this have to do with a Q?

I am stating stuff from a government website.

",1532058572,20/07/2018 03:49 9055831,3997708015,

Maybe you Trumpkins should go back to that pizza gate conspiracy again. Or did Qanon crack that one already? LOL.

,1532059902,20/07/2018 04:11 9055831,3997715557,

Says who? Q?

,1532060573,20/07/2018 04:22 9055831,3997715777,

No this has nothing to do with Q.

,1532060593,20/07/2018 04:23 9055831,3997716295,

.based on Q?

,1532060640,20/07/2018 04:24 9055831,3997782845,"

Well if you look not so hard you will see the Deplorable in this video. Yes, he's the one sitting back watching the circus and drawing conclusions from it. Suzie Q - GN Trumpsters!

",1532066247,20/07/2018 05:57 9055831,3997867216,

The ONLY good thing about this is it should put all of the Q nonsense to rest for any person with a functioning brain. Other than that its treason and Trump needs to stop it NOW.

,1532073157,20/07/2018 07:52 9055831,3997935274,

You sound like Q. He doesn’t have any idea either.

,1532078021,20/07/2018 09:13 9052585,3997950954,

How un woke of you. You forgot the Q !

,1532079012,20/07/2018 09:30 9055831,3997951001,"

Get behind POTUS.
Stop listening to Q who is most likely a leftist and anti-Trump. If this news doesn't prove that, nothing ever will.
Demand Sessions and Rosenstein be fired. They are not secretly fighting a stealth campaign for the president. Anyone who tells you they are is trying to hurt the president.

",1532079015,20/07/2018 09:30 9055831,3998002389,

I'm having a Q jones ...

,1532081526,20/07/2018 10:12 9054211,3998015625,"

Nairobi, Kenya news outlet tweets out Obama is home finally



The EastAfrican✔@The_EastAfrican

.@BarackObama is home, finally #ObamaReturns

8:51 AM - Jul 16, 2018


2,907 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Did a news outlet in Kenya just highlight that Obama is a citizen of Kenya, because The East African a news outlet from Nairobi, Kenya just declared Obama is home finally on social media. Does this possibly confirm what Q stated about Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape, because why is a Kenyan news outlet declaring Obama is home finally this week? Obama has been in Kenya for a little less than a week for the last few days, and those who claim Obama's birth certificate is legit...Then please explain why a Kenyan news outlet is declaring Obama is home finally. If Obama is home in Kenya finally, has Obama already claimed Kenyan citizenship as Kenya is a non-extradition country to the United States?

",1532082205,20/07/2018 10:23 9054211,3998017827,"

Another unstable Democrat speaks!

USA Today Never Trumper Cheri Jacobus threatens Trump campaign staffer kids with child rape



View image on Twitter

Michael Caputo✔@MichaelRCaputo

.@usatodayopinion I’m sure it’s totally normal for one of your columnists to Tweet suggesting the rape of toddler girls. Right?

9:45 AM - Jul 19, 2018


1,348 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Trump Derangement Syndrome or (TDS) for short is really settling in with these never Trumper's, and this may highlight that pedophilia is on the Republican side as well...As Cheri Jacobus ran GOP campaigns and worked with the RNC. Once again those who are loudest against President Trump likely have some connection to child trafficking and pedophilia, as USAToday Never Trumper Cheri Jacobus who formerly worked with the RNC has threatened the children of Trump campaign staffer Michael Caputo with a child rape fantasy. These people against Trump have an obsession with pedophilia and child rape, and this isn't the first time children of Trump associates have been threatened with child rape since Trump has been President. Q once again is right in labeling these individuals as sick.

",1532082314,20/07/2018 10:25 9055831,3998018056,"

This dashes the hallucinations of the Q narrative, which held that Sessions had Podesta (et al) under sealed indictment, as part of the world-wide crackdown on child abuse and child sacrifice (their lunacy, not mine). Pizzagate was the cornerstone of their wackobird belief system.

If Q could not get this big thing correct, then the rest of it is all hogwash, too.

Mercifully, stick a fork into Q.

",1532082326,20/07/2018 10:25 9054211,3998064217,"

As QAnon says ""stick with the plan"". Ignore all the noisy nabobs of nayism out there and trust in the POTUS. STICK WITH THE PLAN.

",1532084586,20/07/2018 11:03 9054211,3998168985,

Who is Q?

,1532089090,20/07/2018 12:18 9054211,3998170309,"

I don't know about Q. Supposedly you have everything you need. check out the Stranahan Nemos ""debate"". Stranahan is the man!

",1532089143,20/07/2018 12:19 9055591,3998189040,"

why does Brennan and so many others from Obama still have TS clearance?

It is easy to pull these clearances.\

When I had TS clearance and then left the AF organization, it expired within months.

Anyone have an answer to this question that does not involve a Q type explanation?

",1532089893,20/07/2018 12:31 9054211,3998189130,"

The 2nd Q GDP should be out shortly. Looking for a 4% or greater. If this happens its only the beginning and its over for the Dims. I'm already seeing a huge difference around me since TRUMP stopped cheap Canadian lumber dumped on us. Our local mill in booming and hiring and they are building a high tech glue-lam production building. Colville, Washington.

",1532089897,20/07/2018 12:31 9052081,3998269409,"

They are in place already in the deep state. Please go to youtube and check out Mark Taylor or blessed to teach or anyone who discusses Q ANON. They are all intermediaries from Trump to us letting us know blow by blow what is going on to end the cabal. We need to tell everyone.

Another source is on reddit: ""the great awakening""

",1532092942,20/07/2018 13:22 9057187,3998324346,"

""These people are stupid""

- Q.

",1532095041,20/07/2018 13:57 9057187,3998369189,

QAnon said to follow the plan. Looks like it's working

,1532096726,20/07/2018 14:25 9057187,3998393832,

Thank you for having a voice of reason! I see you follow Q!! WWG1WGA!!

,1532097659,20/07/2018 14:40 9057928,3998472598,"

They are stealing from Qanon... but what's new? The looney liberals steal, cheat, blackmail, and bribe to achieve their sick agendas.

",1532100653,20/07/2018 15:30 9053251,3998523734,

welcome to the Storm!!! Do you know Q ? The witches don't stand for Democracy....they stand for EVIL !!! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !

,1532102613,20/07/2018 16:03 9057280,3998603455,"

>all these utter Fartbart plebs

you guys literally reference as a source for conspiracy theories (Qanon).

Child pornography, hentai (drawn) or 3d computer graphic porn involving children and toddlers, etc. are literally units of currency on that website.

Hell the entire Pizzagate conspiracy was born out of 4chan meme/language.

""pizza"" or ""Cheese pizza"" (also Captain Picard) are slang for ""CP"", aka child pornography. These are currently, and always have been, mainstays of that website

Every board. Including Breitbart's favorite; /pol/ (the newest newfag board on the site)

",1532105674,20/07/2018 16:54 9053098,3998692722,

You do eat boogers. Qanon said so.

,1532109307,20/07/2018 17:55 9053098,3998696882,"

Good thing the Elections are in the near future, time for the ESTABLISHMENT ** RINO's and DINO's ** to be pushed out of congress. ///////////////////////////,
Time for JOHN Q PUBIC CITIZEN to have the vote heard in Congress, not tehe party line of JUNK./ ////////////////////////////////

",1532109471,20/07/2018 17:57 9053098,3998697898,

Qanon said “Patriots know truckee is pedo. Rise up and smite him.” Amen.

,1532109513,20/07/2018 17:58 9053098,3998703686,

Qanon never lies. That’s why Obama’s in prison right now.

,1532109744,20/07/2018 18:02 9053098,3998707152,"

The confirmed RINO list seems to be growing larger and larger - Now we add Marco Rubio, the creep whom we've been very suspicious for some time.
I recall Rubio's ""sip of water"" that MSNBC ridiculed prior to the '16 presidential primaries. Over and over, Rachael Madcow laughed at him (saw this on Fox).
I would wager big bucks that he/she, along with the rest of the loony left over there at the Q colony, just adore him now!!

",1532109883,20/07/2018 18:04 9055996,3998713454,

The NFL has lost its way with this BUNCH of ** HIGH PAID BRATS ** who call themselves FOOTBALL PLAYERS. ////////////////////////////////
Time for these HIGH PAID BRATS to follow what JOHN Q .PUBLIC does during the playing of our NATIONAL ANTHEM. ////////////////////////

,1532110133,20/07/2018 18:08 9059401,3998714740,"

QAnon, just sayin

",1532110186,20/07/2018 18:09 9059401,3998724476,

QAnon rocks

,1532110584,20/07/2018 18:16 9053098,3998776119,

A shout out to Q and my homie DJT! Thanks for your excellent service. We appreciate it more than you can know.

,1532112737,20/07/2018 18:52 9053098,3998799300,"

If you want to get involved in solving some of the greatest riddles of our day, start lurking on 8chan, the Q discussion boards have many Brilliant Minds that are able pull publicly sourced information and use it to piece together things that would otherwise be classified.

One of the great luminaries is named Serialbrain2 he posts much of his research on Reddit.

You can find reposts of Serialbrain2 reddit posts on YouTube.
You will love leaving behind the hegelian dialectic of the mainstream media. Happy hunting,

",1532113747,20/07/2018 19:09 9056161,3998833474,"

Why not? First of all we elected Donald Trump who is on record saying the U.S. won't become the charity ward for the world and that he intends to build a wall...something that would have been up already if not for obstacles placed by RINOs, Dems and activist judges. Your Parliament, unfortunately, seems to be completely taken over by liberals and ultra-liberals. Trump is our champion! We have someone powerful in our corner, and that gives us hope!

We have a vibrant and strong alternative to ""lame stream media"" AND the First Amendment which guarantees free speech AND the Second Amendment guaranteeing gun rights. Our Founding Fathers were very wise men!

Another reason is that geographically the U.S. is a huge country. Most people living in the U.S. are not having to deal with muslims. Out of sight, out of mind. I live in southern California, ground zero for illegal immigrants from south of the border, and I've been screaming about it for nearly three decades! It wasn't until illegals invaded all 50 states that most voters started waking up to the problem. It seems to be just human nature that something has to happen to us or someone we care about in order to have any empathy. (Even though we don't have too many muslims in my neck of the woods, I live near San Bernardino and know two women who lost their sons in the San Bernardino Massacre. It only took two self-righteous and disgruntled muslims to mow down a lot of people.)

The UK, however, is an island. For the time being you can move out to the country, as my cousin and her family did to a little village of 95 souls on the shores of the North Sea. But your metropolitan areas are being taken over. For some reason (thankfully) those devils don't like rural areas. Because of the number of muslims, because of your extremely politically correct and liberal government, because of your lack of Christianity, because you don't have free speech, because you can't legally own guns and because you are an island, you my friend, are in much more dire circumstances.

As for Julian Assange....most of us who know anything at all think he deserves a medal. But then, I bet if you asked John Q. Public about him, you would only get a blank stare. Such is life.

We are on the same side! I just worry that what with Tommy Robinson being working class with that working class accent, the middle-class and upper middle-class are giving him short shrift. They want a hero, but preferably one with a posh accent!

But what if Tommy is the hero you've been waiting for? Trump, with his New York City abrasiveness and lack of style, is not what a lot of folks wanted in a president, but it turns out that he is exactly what we needed.

",1532115240,20/07/2018 19:34 9057187,3998866690,

I believe you're right. Q has been basically saying this for 8+ months.

,1532116754,20/07/2018 19:59 9053098,3998868352,"

Nah, c'mon dude. Q is a LARPer psyop meant to divide Trump's base. Leftist reporters are behind it, I'm not kidding.

",1532116836,20/07/2018 20:00 9055654,3998894304,"

According to Q, a number of high ranking military and intelligence patriots recruited Trump to save the country from the treasonous cabal, including Hildabeast, Obummer, et al. So Mattis was most assuredly one of them.

",1532118158,20/07/2018 20:22 9049684,3998903445,

I stopped following Q for just that point. Sessions must go.

,1532118632,20/07/2018 20:30 9059395,3998911700,"

This really happened, Ted Talks holds conference on normalizing pedophilia



The Gateway Pundit Reports: TEDx is facing extreme backlash after they hosted a medical student at the University of Würtzberg in Germany claiming that pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation, “just like heterosexuality.” The title of Mirjam Heine’s talk was “Why our perception of pedophilia has to change.” In it, she argued that “pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation, just like… heterosexuality.” During the talk, she asked the audience to put aside their revulsion for pedophiles and listen to a story about a 19-year-old pedophile named Jonas. She argued that as long as they didn’t act on any child sexual abuse, their attraction to children should be accepted and tolerated as involuntary “feelings.”

Yes America this has literally happened where Ted Talks in Germany held a conference on pretty much normalizing pedophilia. For those who don't know...Ted Talks is basically a Globalist operation that holds conferences everywhere to push the political agendas of globalist policies to make them seem cool and modern. This is simply an indicator that the Deep State and the globalists around the world are simply trying to normalize the evil of pedophilia and child trafficking, because Ted Talks is pretty much a thing that tries to normalize anything that goes with the globalist agenda. The Deep State cabal is so infuriated that child trafficking networks are being taken out in mass, that Ted Talks literally held a conference for discussion to normalize pedophilia. This is who these people are that Q labels as sick.

",1532119068,20/07/2018 20:37 9059395,3998921865,"

Assange in possible trouble, Ecuador considering Assange hand over to UK


0 Comments Reports: ​Ecuador is preparing to hand over WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the UK in ""coming weeks or even days,"" RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan reported, as political support and sympathy for Assange's predicament have more or less evaporated since the arrival of an administration that largely views Assange as an inherited problem, and would like more than anything to finally be rid of him.
""My sources tell [Julian] Assange will be handed over to Britain in the coming weeks or even days,"" Simonyan wrote in a recent tweet which was reposted by WikiLeaks. ""Like never before, I wish my sources were wrong,"" she continued. Earlier this week, reports surfaced in the UK media that high level talks were happening between UK and Ecuadorian officials to try and remove Assange from the embassy.
Looks like there is an alarm going off with the safety of Julian Assange, as Ecuadorian officials are considering a hand over of Julian Assange to UK officials. With the UK turning into an absolute hell hole of placing journalists and activist in prison or in a state of political hostage, if Julian Assange is going to be turned over to UK authorities...The safety and freedom of Julian Assange who has helped exposed so much is in danger.
Hopefully President Trump is getting word of Ecuador authorities considering handing over Julian Assange to UK officials, so that maybe a Presidential pardon of Julian Assange could be in play. Now Q has told us or hinted at us that a freeing of Julian Assange could happen, but Julian Assange is in absolute danger with Ecuador considering handing him over to UK authorities.

",1532119611,20/07/2018 20:46 9059395,3998927221,"

Nairobi, Kenya news outlet tweets out Obama is home finally



The EastAfrican✔@The_EastAfrican

.@BarackObama is home, finally #ObamaReturns

8:51 AM - Jul 16, 2018


2,919 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Did a news outlet in Kenya just highlight that Obama is a citizen of Kenya, because The East African a news outlet from Nairobi, Kenya just declared Obama is home finally on social media. Does this possibly confirm what Q stated about Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape, because why is a Kenyan news outlet declaring Obama is home finally this week? Obama has been in Kenya for a little less than a week for the last few days, and those who claim Obama's birth certificate is legit...Then please explain why a Kenyan news outlet is declaring Obama is home finally. If Obama is home in Kenya finally, has Obama already claimed Kenyan citizenship as Kenya is a non-extradition country to the United States?

",1532119901,20/07/2018 20:51 9052792,3999004180,"

A virtue signaling vehicle relying (typically) on fossil fuels for power (""Ooooh, contributes to climate change!"") with a battery that is a hazmat situation waiting to happen, and all the while with a rebate made possible with tax money from John Q. Taxpayer.
A Trifecta!

",1532124381,20/07/2018 22:06 9053098,3999087418,"

I’m getting so effin’ tired of this BS. It seems everyone in Washington is trying to undercut Trump. Session, Ryan, McConnell...everyone does just enough to to stop or slow down his plan. The economy, jobs, North Korea, Russia, NAFTA, the UN...finally we have someone in the presidency who is working for Americaand it’s citizens...and these POS do nothing but obstruct. I follow Q and I want to “trust the plan,” but it’s getting old. The goalposts keep moving. I can’t take one more person interpreting every little nuance that happens around POTUS means something else about this secret plan everyone thinks is happening. To me, it’s all become a game for people to make money. All we hear about is the Podesta’s, pizzagate, HRC, U1, CGI, FISA abuse, ect. and just wait until the next shoe drops. The IG report, everyone getting called before Congress, 40 million “sealed indictments” just waiting to be served....blah, blah, blah. I hope I’m completely wrong but each passing day I feel like I’m being played for a fool.

",1532129705,20/07/2018 23:35 9053098,3999195676,"

Thanks, I pray everyday that you’re right...I’m just tired of all the false hopes that are continuously hyped. My family and friends just look at me like I’m completely nuts when I try to talk to them. I understand that people have to basically red pill themselves....but my faith in this is just low right now. I think I really need to see some proof and progress that we are winning...not some Q clock, or lights going off then on, or there’s some “deeper meaning” in a soccer ball. Everybody is just guessing and making these occurrences fit their model. As I said, I hope I’m completely wrong and that it’s just my frustration spilling out, but I have to admit I’m getting more and more discouraged. Thanks again. God bless

",1532137030,21/07/2018 01:37 9057004,3999313773,"

You have no idea what’s going on do you? The President put America back at the top where it belongs.
He told NATO no more funds and asked for the monies owed. $33billion was immediately handed over. CHECK
He told Merkel that he knew about her scheme with Putin and the gas pipeline that Russia was running into Germany and said why should America pay to DEFEND Germany against Russia when Germany is getting their gas? Oh and the President told her that he didn’t think it was very honest that the German people didn’t know that Merkel brother in law OWNES the pipeline. CHECK.
Real American Presidents bow to no one. Including the Queen of England. And he reminded her that both her family and the mayor of London are held in contempt by true American Patriots. The bonus was that he was 17 Minutes late. Thanks Q. CHECK.
Ever thought about what was INSIDE the BALL that Putin gave to President Trump. No? Don’t worry, you’ll hear soon enough. A hint.

06-16-2018 10:28:59 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:bb2ba6 No.1764829

Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?
IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.


POTUS is not going through this for nothing.
Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).
There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.
We owe it to our children!


",1532148591,21/07/2018 04:49 9059179,3999314182,

Wtf happened to Q? Did Trump shut it down?

,1532148634,21/07/2018 04:50 9057004,3999316610,

Geez where do these useful idiots come from???

07-02-2018 11:13:38 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:8704f4 No.1991829

There will be no civil war.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.
NK is NOT advancing their weapons program.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.

What a miserable human being you are wishing a nuclear war on millions of people.

,1532148899,21/07/2018 04:54 9059179,3999319126,

What's the current Q link?

,1532149166,21/07/2018 04:59 9060163,3999551559,"

#QAnon. #FollowthePlan. From Praying Medic( I follow him on twitter) - if deep state has so much control, why do they keep dropping like flies?

",1532170177,21/07/2018 10:49 9060163,3999592045,

What is Q?

,1532172560,21/07/2018 11:29 9060163,3999651330,"

",1532175728,21/07/2018 12:22 9059317,3999742149,

Does Q still think he's on the good side?

,1532180302,21/07/2018 13:38 9059317,3999745261,

Who is Q?

,1532180457,21/07/2018 13:40 9059317,3999836418,"

Back in Nov. 2, Q said ""Should the lights go out please know that we are in control."" The White House went dark last week. I think the pain is coming.

",1532185017,21/07/2018 14:56 9061984,3999921691,"

That is a theory bouncing around. Well find out down the road,...hopefully. Lots of mis-info out there right now. And where is Q? My main man Jordan Sather hasn't posted on youtube in a week either. He never goes that long. Hope the darkness is planned.

",1532189131,21/07/2018 16:05 9053098,3999932268,

Research #QAnon

,1532189645,21/07/2018 16:14 9061228,4000010870,"

(viral) Walk Away Into Q Anon, the Great Awakening Worldwide

",1532193542,21/07/2018 17:19 9061984,4000032463,"

Definitely sounds like a hit. He must have known too much about the Bushes. Clintons, etc. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1532194524,21/07/2018 17:35 9060361,4000118384,"

In my job, in liberal LA, I cannot wear my MAGA, Q, WWG1WGA, & Deplorable shirts at work, can not speak my conservatism. My leftist boss would FIRE me, my rabid liberal co-workers would string me up.

And. . . I'm not even driving 1/2 the paying customers away!

",1532198687,21/07/2018 18:44 9062128,4000178627,"

But.... But..... How come I din see dis on CNN, dat poor boy dindonuffin........ Riots to follow... Q. The left in. 3 . 2 . 1 . he was a goot boy who wuss gonna go to colletch.....

",1532201922,21/07/2018 19:38 9057385,4000283896,"

When Q does not post on the 8 Chan for two weeks, THERE ISN'T ANY NEWS YOU CAN TRUST...

",1532208517,21/07/2018 21:28 9062224,4000292831,"

Sessions calls for an arrest of Assange, or is this a hint at Trump pardoning Assange



True Pundit reports: The arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is now a “priority” for the US, the attorney
general, Jeff Sessions, has said. We travel back to April, 2017 here, when Sessions admitted that the Justice Department was gunning to lock up Assange. Hours later it was reported that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who is currently holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Asked whether it was a priority for the justice department to arrest Assange “once and for all”, Sessions told a press conference in El Paso, Texas, on Thursday: “We are going to step up our effort and already are stepping up our efforts on all leaks. This is a matter that’s gone beyond anything I’m aware of. We have professionals that have been in the security business of the United States for many years that are shocked by the number of leaks and some of them are quite serious.” He added: “So yes, it is a priority. We’ve already begun to step up our efforts and whenever a case can be made, we will seek to put some people in jail.”
Are we possibly getting a hint that Trump is preparing to pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, as Sessions is now calling for an ""arrest"" of the Wikileaks founder? Now of course we have Sessions calling for Assange to be arrested out in the open, but whats really going on with this behind the scenes...As Q has told us to trust Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
​ With Sessions stating this it looks like there is a race between the Trump administration and UK authorities to get Julian Assange, and there should be a feeling with every American that Trump may be preparing to pardon Assange...Or the possibility of Assange already being in the custody likely protective custody of the Trump administration. Strange for Sessions to call for the arrest of Julian Assange, but in honesty Sessions or Trump can't openly in public announce a pardon of Assange...Because if Sessions stated pardoning Assange the American Left and Deep State would likely become chaotic and we don't need anymore of that.

",1532209126,21/07/2018 21:38 9062224,4000294814,"

Video: Obama stupidly admits he's the first American President from Kenya on Kenya visit



Big League Politics Reports: ​Former President Barack H. Obama had a slip of the tongue during a speech in Kogelo, Kenya today. “Now, three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American President to come from Kenya,” he said. There was a pause and some awkward laughter from the crowd after he made his remark at the 5:49 mark of the 15-minute speech.
Now Q has told us that Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape a couple months ago, and well Obama may of just proven to all of us that he likely already had this Kenyan citizenship long ago. Obama could quite possibly be the dumbest person to have ever been in politics, because while in Kenya whether he's visiting or staying he actually admits he's from Kenya. So where's that official Obama birth certificate now?

",1532209259,21/07/2018 21:40 9062224,4000298715,"

Anti Trump comedian Sarah Silverman joins the club



Sarah Silverman✔@SarahKSilverman

Hey, is it considered molestation if the child makes the first move? I'm gonna need a quick answer on this.

1:34 AM - Jul 7, 2009


4,672 people are talking about this

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Lots of anti Trump voices in Hollywood are turning out to be pro pedophilia or trying to normalize pedophilia on Twitter. Just so you can know how these celebrities who are loudest against Trump, here is an anti Trump tweet from Hollywood comedian who has worked with Disney of all thing who supports pedophilia or has a thing for pedophilia Sarah Silverman being anti Trump down below. Sarah Silverman who is anti Trump but asking about child molestation on Twitter actually wanted the US Military to overthrow Trump. These people are stupid as Q says.

Sarah Silverman✔@SarahKSilverman


12:41 AM - Feb 2, 2017


17.2K people are talking about this

",1532209517,21/07/2018 21:45 9062347,4000329948,

Blackpoole Transportis in deep doodoo now that they are letting the LGBT Q RST mob to make their corporate decisions for them

,1532211740,21/07/2018 22:22 9062347,4000332885,

Jeepers! I thought they were just Q U E E R S !!!!

,1532211951,21/07/2018 22:25 9062014,4000361059,"

Libs are trying to normalize pedophilia. Most the world couldn't handle the truth & just how deep pedophilia goes... or satanic cults... or why Planned Parent is so important to libs. Can we really handle the truth?... Maybe conspiracy theories are closer to the truth than ""reality""...

",1532214135,21/07/2018 23:02 9063676,4000678349,"

The nuthouse is not a reliable source. Only mere weeks ago it was peddling the narrative that Strzok had flipped and that Priestap had too.

Earlier, it was peddling the Big Ugly, a massive takedown that hasn't happened either. It is on the same level of fantasy as Q.

",1532245422,22/07/2018 07:43 9062224,4000807482,"

Dear API,we are so glad you are doing well. We want out steel and aluminum industries to be doing well also. We want broad based well being and jobs! MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

",1532256453,22/07/2018 10:47 9063676,4000833157,"

Video: Obama stupidly admits he's the first American President from Kenya on Kenya visit



Big League Politics Reports: ​Former President Barack H. Obama had a slip of the tongue during a speech in Kogelo, Kenya today. “Now, three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American President to come from Kenya,” he said. There was a pause and some awkward laughter from the crowd after he made his remark at the 5:49 mark of the 15-minute speech.
Now Q has told us that Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape a couple months ago, and well Obama may of just proven to all of us that he likely already had this Kenyan citizenship long ago. Obama could quite possibly be the dumbest person to have ever been in politics, because while in Kenya whether he's visiting or staying he actually admits he's from Kenya. So where's that official Obama birth certificate now?

",1532258133,22/07/2018 11:15 9063676,4000862314,"

Given that you've mentioned Q before, I think you mentioned you live in England, Q is a Fleming reference, and I heard an ex-American intelligence officer on the radio this past week saying he's in England and well protected inferring government protection - do you feel Q is working from there?

",1532259951,22/07/2018 11:45 9063676,4000988438,"

Yours too, Stringplucker - no doubt about that.

There is much there to look at - and I got to a similar state of thinking before Q came on the scene - as you will know from my previous posts. But it is clear that he has inside information, where I just have my own analysis and deductive powers. So I took it as very strong corroboration for my worldview and started to push it rather stronger than before.

Every human being is subject to failure, ourselves included. However, I no longer concern myself as to who I am speaking to, be they at the top of the tree or otherwise. It all has to tie up - if it doesn't then I will bare my teeth at anyone. The only allowable fear is the fear of failing to learn.

",1532266764,22/07/2018 13:39 9063676,4000988574,"

I think Q is a drop box and not one person. Some info is accurate and some I know to be false. Others are unfathomable or irrelevant.

Could be coding to leak out info and I am not recognizing the signaling. I believe some might be alternate channel signaling to know when to get actual info.

I don't support this kind of thing. Many of us have objections to government operations and policies, however, unless it is a major violation of civil rights and liberties or threat to the republic... You do your job and follow the law.

ex. I think that guy in Vegas was just a lone nut that went crazy, possibly early onset Alzheimer's and it is a terrible a tragedy. He was growing increasingly paranoid and Trump's policies that restricted border movement set off a lot of civil libertarian people. In his case effecting his girlfriend and her family.

",1532266772,22/07/2018 13:39 9064585,4000999915,"

NO Susie Q. This is happening because you played dirty politic that fed right into Putin's hands. You and some in intelligence, the FBI and DoJ, the former president and Hillary Clinton. Had Trump not won, Russia meddling would have been buried just like it was the day prior to the election.
Obama's response to Russia meddling was weaker than Red Line threat Dec 16, 2016

",1532267340,22/07/2018 13:49 9064585,4001016971,

Georgie Stephanopoulos is a Clinton political HACK and DC Insider. Susie Q has repeatedly sullied her reputation from lying. Georgie interviewing Susie is like Comey interviewing Strzok.

,1532268191,22/07/2018 14:03 9063676,4001046568,

Someone help me here; Q?

,1532269650,22/07/2018 14:27 9063676,4001049090,"

and for explanation:

",1532269777,22/07/2018 14:29 9064585,4001069557,

Susie Q tell us more about the Benghazi video. Doesn’t your hubby work for ABC?

,1532270762,22/07/2018 14:46 9062224,4001098621,"

coal, oil ,natural gas liquids, etc. etc. the USA needs more refineries/mines and work overtime. need to pay off any debt fast and now. this will allow the USA to become richer. the time is now and right. now that the USA has a great leader in The Don. all things looking good so far.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1532272183,22/07/2018 15:09 9064504,4001164987,

Show us the video that made him do it Suzy Q!

,1532275400,22/07/2018 16:03 9065494,4001224030,"

Hey Q, we're waiting....

",1532278251,22/07/2018 16:50 9049684,4001260042,

be careful Who you follow aka Jerome corsi!
Follow Qanon

,1532280005,22/07/2018 17:20 9064453,4001307338,"

QAnon URGENTLY needs to despatch a team to extract Assange from under their nose and pull the rug out from under the corrupt UK officials driving this witch hunt. The information he could provide would turbo-charge the swamp draining and result in a one-way ticket to Gitmo for many key players. If he's turned out of the Embassy without any protection, he may simply disappear without trace, another victim of the deep state.

",1532282333,22/07/2018 17:58 9064810,4001318055,"

Q said this would happen, everything is going according to plan.

Jun 28 2018 11:22:02 (EST)
Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?
What is coming?
Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?
Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?
These people are SICK!
They do NOT love this country.

Remember Q said Obama was a pedophile, the girl he started diddling was 10 years old and a hollywood child. He even gave the name of the girl. Funny how none of the media never bothered to look her up to ask her so they could say Q is a larp.

Her name is maggie nixon, her mother sarah is good friends with James alefantis and the entire ping pong crowd.

Google images of Obama with Maggie Nixon.

",1532282859,22/07/2018 18:07 9065914,4001349406,"

There's so much non-stop hysteria about ""Russia meddled! Russia meddled!"" from all directions. It would be useful to sort out from somebody TRUSTWORTHY (hint: that's not you Fake News), what is truly known, ""how"" it is known and what is not known. And juxtapose that against the claims repeated endlessly and hysterically.

We know Fake News outright lies non-stop. And we know Deep State is compromised, even under the Trump administration with AG Rosenstein (nominal Republican but first and foremost, a Deep State careerist) and Director Wray...who to date has been unable to locate any outrage at what occurred in the FBI.

As Joe Q. Citizen, I'm still trying to sort out in the deafening noise, facts from fiction from spin:

1. Yeah, Russia meddled. Always has, always will. And Dims never cared a whit until Hillary lost in 2016. In fact, Dims had a hearty laugh in 2012 as Obama mocked Romney for pointing to Russia as a geopolitical adversary. ""Mitt, The Cold War is over and the 80s want their foreign policy back....HAR, HAR, HAR"". Then in 2016, obama scoffed at the notion anyone could interfere in US elections, and mocked Trump to say he should stop ""whining"" and focus on winning votes. HAR, HAR, HAR. Now that Trump won most of the votes, look who's whining about election interference.
2. The Russia meddling that DID occur in 2016 was on obama's watch -- not Trump's. In fact, Nunes repeatedly pre-warned about it. And rather than taking action, obama issued a STAND DOWN ORDER against preventing it.
3. The known meddling included a pitifully small dollar amount (about $5 million juxtaposed against about $178 million of Hillary campaign spending) of laughably ineffective social media ads, and some poorly attended staged protests -- against Hillary AND against Trump.

Not known, unproven, or evidence not disclosed
1. ""Russia hacked the DNC server"". If so, I'm still waiting for someone to explain the evidence for this. DNC refused to allow FBI to inspect the server. And unlike Trump associates who have their residences raided at dawn with guns drawn, FBI responded like a wet noodle, ""Uh, okay. We'll do like you tell us DNC."" Moreover, we have Assange repeatedly assuring WikiLeaks obtained the emails from a non-state actor. By some coincidence, Assange offered a reward for evidence leading to arrest of Seth Rich's murderer (DNC staffer who was a Bernie know, the Dim candidate Hillary rigged DNC against?). There is also a distinction between phishing and hacking. Lastly, one intel super-techie analyzed that some DNC materials were more likely removed to something like a thumb drive rather than remote hacking across the internet. But enough speculation. ""HOW was this oft-repeated assertion proven?

Known lies, repeated endlessly by Fake News
1. ""17 intel agencies agree..."" A lie inside a canard wapped in spin. Fake News follows the Lefty dictum of repeating a lie often enough it must be accepted as truth. ""17"" includes Coast Guard. Really? The truth is that an obama official (who likely helped engineer the Collusion hoax) spoke on behalf of all 17 agencies, most of which are not equipped to eval and/or had nothing to do with an eval. Then Hillary ""mainstreamed"" the Lefty talking point. I heard it repeated again by Sen. Menendez just this morning on Fox News Sunday. And it went unchallenged. Of course. And hey, ""All seventeen!"" sounds so much more impressive than ""three"", right?

1. What does the criminal Pakistani IT guy hired by Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz have to do with any of this? The US House of Reps computer network was likely compromised by this Pakistani criminal hired -- and protected from prosecution by (?!) -- DNC head Schultz. Not so mysterious is the Fake News utter lack of curiosity about yet another Dim scandal of mammoth proportions. (Uranium One is another topic).

What have I missed or gotten wrong?

",1532284386,22/07/2018 18:33 9064810,4001350492,"

Believe it or not but Q said this was going to happen back in JUNE, he or she said a D5 was coming

Large avalanches are D2 avalanches meaning that they can bury or injury people. ... Historic avalanches are D4 and D5 avalanches that can destroy a railway car, large truck, several buildings, a small village, or a forest area up to 40 hectares.

Jun 28 2018 11:22:02 (EST)
Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?
What is coming?
Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?
Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?
These people are SICK!
They do NOT love this country.

",1532284441,22/07/2018 18:34 9065089,4001373302,"

John Q Public, too many commie know nothings stirring up crap.

",1532285565,22/07/2018 18:52 9049684,4001387394,"

Hey WNR, it's 5pm E.T on Sunday July 22, and Q still hasn't said a word. Nothing from Q for 3 weeks.

",1532286261,22/07/2018 19:04 9066376,4001506455,"

Haha, the base numbers haven't moved but #Qanon and #Walkaway have added massive numbers...MAGA!

",1532292699,22/07/2018 20:51 9064810,4001524698,

Doubt Qanon's real? Look up Ray Chandler's Tumblr...

,1532293799,22/07/2018 21:09 8407193,4001545273,

Gitmo has had a massive expansion.......Could not think of a better place for Militarily held Prisoners than that. Explore Q and learn much.

,1532295075,22/07/2018 21:31 9066376,4001575573,"

James Clapper trying to save himself again, states Obama responsible for Trump spying



Rollo Pickens@PickensR0110

#Clapper is turning on #Obama #CNN #FoxNews #MSNBC #DNC #GOP #LP

2:20 PM - Jul 22, 2018 · Flint, MI


417 people are talking about this

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The Obama administration continues to turn on one another, as James Clapper Obama's former Director of National Intelligence has openly stated to CNN that Obama is responsible for the Trump spy ring that started the Mueller investigation. However what Clapper seems to not realize is that Q has told us there will be no deals, so even though Clapper is throwing Obama under the bus...Clapper is just as guilty.
It's pretty hilarious though when we get government documents uncovered like the new FISA warrant documents obtained by Judicial Watch this week that further highlights the Obama administration under the bus, that James Clapper and other Obama officials start throwing Obama and other Obama officials under the bus. These new FISA warrant documents must be so damning, that James Clapper had to throw Obama under the bus...Which probably points to James Clapper's name is likely redacted in these new documents.

",1532296973,22/07/2018 22:02 9066376,4001579349,"

House Judiciary Chair calls for Obama's CIA Director Brennan to testify



The Gateway Pundit Reports: ​House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said Sunday in a Fox News appearance his Committee is seeking testimony from former CIA Director, John Brennan. “We have lots of questions for John Brennan and he will definitely be sought by the committees for an interview. This is an extremely disturbing thing to see both he and James Comey, supposedly impartial government officials carrying out their jobs in very important areas in intelligence gathering and law enforcement, express the kind of extreme bias that they’ve shown now, which I think reflects quite accurately on what they were doing back in 2016,” Goodlatte said. “Who else is on that list?” Bartiromo asked Goodlatte referring to others his committee may want to interview.
Well it looks like Obama administration officials throwing each other and Obama under the bus may continue, as House Judiciary Chair Rep. Bob Goodlatte has now called on Obama's former Director of the CIA John Brennan to testify. Two things could obviously happen, Brennan will lie under oath in testimony to protect the crimes of the Obama administration...Or Brennan will turn into James Clapper to save himself by throwing Obama or Obama administration officials under the bus.
Also Q has told us to watch for suicides as well, so eventually one of these Obama officials will likely commit suicide to escape justice or disappear like Obama pretty much has to Kenya. Times are getting interesting as the Obama administration and Deep State agents like Brennan now have to testify in mass, and we could possibly see Brennan turn into Lisa Page and drop truth bombs...But with Brennan I doubt that. James Clapper has already shown us the loose lips in hopes they can save themselves.

",1532297222,22/07/2018 22:07 9066376,4001580397,

Adjust for the over sampling of Democrats and Trump is at about 55%. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1532297290,22/07/2018 22:08 9063676,4001629882,"

If you believe Q, Trump has already signed an executive order to release all FISA and spying related documents un-redacted.

Trump is just waiting for the uproar to get louder as more details become known so it doesn't look political when all the sordid details are revealed about the Obama admin spying on a political enemy like a tinpot dictator.

",1532300602,22/07/2018 23:03 9063715,4001697238,

Not voting for the lesser of evils ever again. I will write John Q Public in if necessary.

,1532305534,23/07/2018 00:25 9067165,4001893319,"

Dude, step away from the Q hoax!

",1532322373,23/07/2018 05:06 9067165,4002086860,"

House Judiciary Chair calls for Obama's CIA Director Brennan to testify



The Gateway Pundit Reports: ​House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said Sunday in a Fox News appearance his Committee is seeking testimony from former CIA Director, John Brennan. “We have lots of questions for John Brennan and he will definitely be sought by the committees for an interview. This is an extremely disturbing thing to see both he and James Comey, supposedly impartial government officials carrying out their jobs in very important areas in intelligence gathering and law enforcement, express the kind of extreme bias that they’ve shown now, which I think reflects quite accurately on what they were doing back in 2016,” Goodlatte said. “Who else is on that list?” Bartiromo asked Goodlatte referring to others his committee may want to interview.
Well it looks like Obama administration officials throwing each other and Obama under the bus may continue, as House Judiciary Chair Rep. Bob Goodlatte has now called on Obama's former Director of the CIA John Brennan to testify. Two things could obviously happen, Brennan will lie under oath in testimony to protect the crimes of the Obama administration...Or Brennan will turn into James Clapper to save himself by throwing Obama or Obama administration officials under the bus.
Also Q has told us to watch for suicides as well, so eventually one of these Obama officials will likely commit suicide to escape justice or disappear like Obama pretty much has to Kenya. Times are getting interesting as the Obama administration and Deep State agents like Brennan now have to testify in mass, and we could possibly see Brennan turn into Lisa Page and drop truth bombs...But with Brennan I doubt that. James Clapper has already shown us the loose lips in hopes they can save themselves

",1532338177,23/07/2018 09:29 9065287,4002149899,"

Well soo much lying going on who would not have Q, unless u have an agenda.

",1532341815,23/07/2018 10:30 9067165,4002164797,"

John Q. Dim is confused, but the Dim leadership is set: Soros, the Obamas, and the Clintons.

",1532342581,23/07/2018 10:43 9066934,4002181074,

Sarah Silverman just threatened the people on the 8chan Q boards...

Not smart :)

,1532343398,23/07/2018 10:56 9064453,4002183372,"

Me again, GandyT.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm pleased you feel I've throw some clarity onto your thoughts; though you might wanna drop a 's' on the end of my 'Mr'... ;0)

I wondered if you were a Brit, lol, due to 'skew-whiff'... Not really an 'Americanism', is it? ;0)

I enjoy chatting on here, too. There are some good folks on here and on RedState.

I don't think BB gives much thought to the source so much as the content. I've always taken it that BB tries to keep the facts to the fore, and will also highlight items where the establishment is being moronic.

Fantastic link you have found there, a particularly good introduction to the Q phenomena. I haven't seen it before, but there's so much across the Net.

Had you not come across Q and WWG1WGA, then?

",1532343509,23/07/2018 10:58 9066934,4002227509,


,1532345599,23/07/2018 11:33 9064504,4002237975,

Only in the delusional mind of Suzy Q and her fellow dimoCraps!

,1532346064,23/07/2018 11:41 9066934,4002246746,


,1532346445,23/07/2018 11:47 9068158,4002247987,"

What, qanon? Some supposed sealed indictments, that have yet to mean anything?

",1532346498,23/07/2018 11:48 9068158,4002257607,"

Reports on Attorney General Jeff Sessions whereabouts widly vary: the Ap reports that Sessions is busy deposing Q, CNN report said Sessions is busy stealing babies from undocumented Democrats, ABC/NBC/CBS have no talking points on the matter as of yet, WaPoo/ Bezos reports that Sessions has been amply paid for his silent refusals by WaPoo / Bezos, TheHill reports that Sessions is seeking help for his addiction to guns and bibles....

BUT the truth is far more nefarious, Jeff Sessions is a Deep State Troll.

",1532346920,23/07/2018 11:55 9064453,4002329726,"

Hello there Mrs. P, apologies, I couldn't glean much from your pen name or avatar.
No, I'd not seen the Q stuff before, or the WWG1WGA tag.
It will take me a while to get the gist.
I started here in 2016 when I was curious about DT's bid for the presidency and also to get a little more on Brexit.
Once the MSM veil has been lifted there is no going back!
I was also surprised to be insulted by the bulk of my friends on Fbook and called every name under the sun for suggesting that islam is not a religion of peace, that DT is not a nazi and that brexit might be a good thing.
My social life is now on the net!
The Libtard Left is going/gone completely haywire and most of my old chums are still on the bus.
When I mentioned Breitbart to a friend he told me it was far right ... he also was under the impression that the fatwa on Salman Rushdie had been lifted, when I told him the bounty now stood at over $500,000 dollars he said nothing - and he's a playwright.
If anyone should be bothered it's him.
A massive case of cognitive bias, I could go on but you must pretty much be on the ball by now.
It's all very strange. :-) MBGA.

",1532349934,23/07/2018 12:45 9067114,4002414985,

Iran is next. Trust the plan. #Qanon

,1532353360,23/07/2018 13:42 9068461,4002450011,"

with clearance. ONCE you are now John Q Public.. you get the ""need to know"" from the internet or news. NOTHING ELSE.. just like the rest of us.

",1532354735,23/07/2018 14:05 9066934,4002453751,"

And he flew in $65,000 in 'Hotdogs' for one of those 'special' parties. Degenerate filth!

He also had a 'special' friend, 10 year old girl named Maggie Nixon, code name Wendy. Pics on line, dropped by Q.

",1532354878,23/07/2018 14:07 9069259,4002453993,

🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes finally a president with balls.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532354888,23/07/2018 14:08 9067165,4002485533,

finally a president with balls.
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532356077,23/07/2018 14:27 9066508,4002491105,

MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532356288,23/07/2018 14:31 9068218,4002506988,

John Q suffered because of bad timing.

,1532356880,23/07/2018 14:41 9069148,4002537245,"

Q said this would happen back in june, even if you think it is a larp it is still correct

Jun 28 2018 11:22:02 (EST)
Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?
What is coming?
Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?
Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?
These people are SICK!
They do NOT love this country.

The answer to Q's question is yes the progressives will circle the wagons around the pedos. We know that now.

Q said a D5 avalanche is coming. It starts with a snowball and turns into a D5.

",1532358004,23/07/2018 15:00 9069148,4002542448,

Santa Claus is more credible than Q the Fraud. I feel sorry for people that still believe his BS.

,1532358204,23/07/2018 15:03 9069148,4002654103,"

Yep. Maggie ""Wendy"" Nixon...

",1532362465,23/07/2018 16:14 9069148,4002676899,"

Checkout #Qanon. There’s a thread on there from today and a former A list Actor outs the whole freaking deal.
Says since 1989 any actors who have gained stardom has had to join the whole “Sick Club” of pedos. Both male and female.
And once you’re in, you can’t get out. Hotel California.
He names names and while some are not surprising, some will disappoint you.

",1532363356,23/07/2018 16:29 9070960,4002869685,"

Mueller is going to get pretty much all the major players of the Deep State. He can investigate and prosecute any matters that arise from his work. Mueller is a white hat. Definitely part of the Q team and possibly even Q himself.

Carter Page FISA memo declassified today. FISA warrant based on discredited Steele ""dossier"" but it was omitted that he was paid $160k by DNC and Clinton via Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS. Following the trail of money and lies out from those organizations leads to Crowdstrike (which was used to determine ""Russian"" hacking of DNC server).

Following trail from Crowdstrike leads to Seth Rich, Julian Assange, China, and Hillary's private server. Google backup site has copies Gmails that went through the Clinton server. Those copies lead to crimes upon crimes upon crimes including murder, weapon smuggling, human trafficking, crimes against children, web of financial crimes, shell companies, crooked non-profits and so on...

https:// assets. documentcloud. org/documents/4365354/370598711-House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-on.pdf


",1532370453,23/07/2018 18:27 9067165,4002883970,"

May God Bless the USA, the POTUS and the Brave Patriots who fight to preserve the Constitution of this Great Nation!
Death to all Tyrants, Human Traffickers and those who betray our Great Nation!

",1532371004,23/07/2018 18:36 9070960,4002911720,"

The problem with your analogy is that there is absolutely no evidence that these individuals are working for or advising these government contractors and have need for a clearance. Rice serves on the Board of Netflix and Brennan is an MSNBC contributor, neither of which requires access to classified information. Comey and McCabe were fired which in of itself should be grounds for revoking a clearance. Having had a Q clearance myself while working for the DOE back in the 1980's it was standard practice to nullify a clearance once the employee left service and if you had need for a clearance at a later date then you reapplied for one. It's a lot easier to remove someone's clearance than you think.

",1532372044,23/07/2018 18:54 9070960,4002912559,"


James Clapper trying to save himself again, states Obama responsible for Trump spying



Rollo Pickens@PickensR0110

#Clapper is turning on #Obama #CNN #FoxNews #MSNBC #DNC #GOP #LP

2:20 PM - Jul 22, 2018 · Flint, MI


596 people are talking about this

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The Obama administration continues to turn on one another, as James Clapper Obama's former Director of National Intelligence has openly stated to CNN that Obama is responsible for the Trump spy ring that started the Mueller investigation. However what Clapper seems to not realize is that Q has told us there will be no deals, so even though Clapper is throwing Obama under the bus...Clapper is just as guilty.
It's pretty hilarious though when we get government documents uncovered like the new FISA warrant documents obtained by Judicial Watch this week that further highlights the Obama administration under the bus, that James Clapper and other Obama officials start throwing Obama and other Obama officials under the bus. These new FISA warrant documents must be so damning, that James Clapper had to throw Obama under the bus...Which probably points to James Clapper's name is likely redacted in these new documents.

",1532372077,23/07/2018 18:54 9070039,4002982504,"

Why would Dems and Liberals want to subject anyone to this?
#WhereAreTheChildren #ChildrenToo #PedoGate #PizzaGate Q anon related- Borders

",1532374980,23/07/2018 19:43 9071047,4002991457,

He's got a point. They'll get revoked after the arrests anyway. LOL. #Qanon

,1532375374,23/07/2018 19:49 9070039,4003066197,

And then the democrats think that this message will help them take the Senate and the house? QAnon said that they are stupid. Thats a tremendous understatement!

,1532378988,23/07/2018 20:49 9067114,4003094211,"

Supposedly he was picked becase he was leveraged and blackmailed by them for years. Jumped at the chance to be the guy to take them down. Trump keeps calling them 13 angry dems but who are they angry at? Deep State for lying to them? Mueller added 4 more investigators. Now there are 17. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Coincidence?

According to the group, the 9/11 attack was part of a wider strategy carried out by CIA/MOSSAD. Bill Clinton tried to push a version of the Patriot Act in like 1999 but it failed. Bush passed it after 9/11.

",1532380501,23/07/2018 21:15 9071047,4003107366,"

..not happening. That was the fake Q stuff, just to pacify....

",1532381197,23/07/2018 21:26 9071137,4003244059,"

Hollywood is ******** bricks right now.

I was surprised by that one. Things are about to get *very* interesting.

Read this (long) article by Neon Revolt. He’s been spot-on with Q-Anon analysis.

Hollywood Insiders are talking, and Pedo-Gate is about to blow sky high.


",1532388606,23/07/2018 23:30 9068596,4003260875,"

Qanon is fake. Deep state knows that you will continue to sit on your asses with your guns out of reach if they give you a perceived hero.Even Alex Jones recently outted the jews in a video that was quickly taken down. He has also been outting them in a round-about way, buy naming Soros et al. Our collective homeostasis is about to be disrupted and you better be prepared for a reality check.

",1532389546,23/07/2018 23:45 9072274,4003376518,

Better question Jim... Why won't any of you ask who Q is? Come on... bring it on!

,1532396661,24/07/2018 01:44 9072274,4003384717,

Bubba is getting restless - get this FBI satanist plant in the bubba Q.

,1532397286,24/07/2018 01:54 9066934,4003645988,"

Doubt Qanon is real? Look up Ray Chandler's tumblr and his posts regarding her.
As Corey Feldman said, ""Hollywood's biggest problem has been and will always be pedophilia"".

",1532420122,24/07/2018 08:15 9071137,4003814044,"

Thanks for this - I LOVE Neon Revolt! Hadn't seen this post yet. I'm LMAO at this and I'm quite familiar with the chans from following Q & anons. They take no prisoners. Love the response to Silverman (if that image and those threats are hers). She's just filth.

All I can add is I HOPE we're messing with people's livelihoods! That's all these lunatic narcissistic sociopaths and pedophiles understand! I don't boycott most actors, directors and movies for my own amusement. I want to HURT THEM!! This is the ONLY power we have over them. Same as the NFL, Target, Macy's, ESPN, CNN, etc., etc., etc.

These people are their own worst enemies, and they cannot and will not learn.

",1532430264,24/07/2018 11:04 9071047,4003870576,

One thing that Q has right is that these people ARE stupid!

,1532432811,24/07/2018 11:46 9068791,4003936060,"

Good. However, maybe the Noo Yoke Daily Nuisance can regain its mojo and recover its circulation by hiring really exceptional reporters like Patrice Peek of Buzz Feed. Here's a sample of her writing skills:

917 People Who Are Hotter Than Benedict Cumberbatch
1. Martin Freeman 2. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 3. Jeremy Brett 4. Your mom 5. Ron Artest 6. Metta World Peace 7. Prince Harry 8. Prince William 9. Prince Charles 10. This lady who got knocked over by the wind recently 11. Joan Cusack 12. Joan Didion 13. Joan Jett 14. Them 15. Lee Ranaldo 16. Andy Garcia 17. Nathan Stewart-Jarrett 18. Mark Spitz 19. Marc Spitz 20. Danny Trejo 21. Paul Wesley 22. Ian Somerhalder 23. Steven R. McQueen 24. Zach Roerig 25. Michael Trevino 26. Michael Jordan 27. Michael B. Jordan 28. Jordan Knight 29. Jordan Fisher 30. Jules Jordan 31. Montell Jordan 32. Jeremy Jordan 33. Richard Jordan 34. Ben Lee Jordan 35. Jordan Pruitt 36. Jordan Waring 37. Vernon Jordan 38. Matthew Davis 39. Javier Bardem 40. Louis C.K. 41. Tony Plana 42. Tony Danza 43. Sidney Blumenthal 44. Rick Stengel 45. Jimmy Akingbola 46. Alan Igbon 47. Hugh Quarshie 48. Javone Prince 49. Prince 50. Josh Charles 51. Josh Duhamel 52. Josh Turner 53. Josh Hartnett 54. Josh Hamilton 55. Josh Cuthbert 56. Josh Brolin 57. Josh Smith 58. Charles Esten 59. Charles Woodson 60. Charles Kelley 61. Charles Grodin 62. Young Charlie Chaplin 63. Ray Charles 64. RuPaul Andre Charles 65. Beautiful woman on a ladder above the clouds looking far away 66. Roger Klotz 67. Tupac Shakur 68. Tim Tebow 69. Tim McGraw 70. Timbaland 71. This guy 72. Barack Obama 73. Michelle Obama 74. Dominic West 75. Idris Elba 76. Mary Louise Parker 77. Jackie Jackson 78. Tito Jackson 79. Jermaine Jackson 80. Marlon Jackson 81. Michael Jackson 82. Janet Jackson 83. Whoever this was 84. Michael Keaton 85. All of the Michael Keatons in Multiplicity 86. Him 87. Samuel Alito 88. Elena Kagan 89. John G. Roberts 90. Anthony Kennedy 91. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 92. Sonia Sotomayor 93. Stephen G. Breyer 94. Alf 95. Rowan Atkinson 96. Mr. Pibb 97. Dr. Pepper 98. Mr. Clean 99. Mr. Sparkle 100. Elian Gonzalez 101. Sheryl Crow 102. John Wayne 103. Milton Berle 104. The guy next to me in line for pizza earlier today who ordered his slice “well done” 105. Key 106. Peele 107. Henry Ford 108. Joe Isuzu 109. Doc 110. Grumpy 111. Happy 112. Sleepy 113. Bashful 114. Sneezy 115. Dopey 116. Kid Rock 117. Ronald Reagan 118. Joe Jonas 119. Nick Jonas 120. Kevin Jonas 121. Luke Wilson 122. Owen Wilson 123. The other Wilson brother 124. Elijah Wood 125. Henry Kissinger 126. Dan Hedaya 127. Stan Zbornak 128. Dorothy Zbornak 129. Blanche Devereaux 130. Rose Nylund 131. Sophia Petrillo 132. Diane Warren 133. Celine Dion 134. Rene Angelil 135. Albert Nobbs 136. Glenn Close 137. The original Brawny Man 138. Juror #1 139. Juror #2 140. Juror #3 141. Juror #4 142. Juror #5 143. Juror #6. 144. Juror #7 145. Juror #8 146. Juror #9 147. Juror #10 148. Juror #11 149. Bobcat Goldthwait 150. Juror #12 151. Michelle Williams 152. Michelle Williams 153. Kelly Rowland 154. Latavia Roberson 155. Tina Knowles 156. Solange Knowles 157. The Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg 158. “man slipping and falling” 159. The New Face of America 160. Santa Claus 161. A common elf 162. Gaston 163. Lefou 164. Lumiere as a candlestick 165. Lumiere as a man 166. Cogsworth as a clock 167. Cogsworth as a man 168. The wardrobe 169. Sully Sullenberger 170. Mr. Big 171. Aidan Shaw 172. Jack Berger 173. Aleksandr Petrovsky 174. Richard Wright 175. Smith Jerrod 176. Trey MacDougal 177. Bunny MacDougal 178. Harry Goldenblatt 179. Skipper Johnston 180. Robert Leeds 181. Steve Brady 182. Steve Brady’s Mom 183. This 184. Animal 185. Beaker 186. Beauregard 187. Camilla 188. Fozzie 189. Gonzo 190. Janice 191. Kermit 192. Miss Piggy 193. Rizzo 194. Rowlf 195. Scooter 196. The Swedish Chef 197. The cast of The Real World New Orleans 198. Christopher Walken 199. Sinbad 200. Professor Plum 201. Colonel Mustard 202. Mr. Green 203. Mrs. Peacock 204. Mrs. White 205. Mr. Body 206. Ted Cruz 207. The Candyman 208. The other Candyman 209. Jerry 210. George 211. Kramer 212. Newman 213. Bania 214. Mr. Pitt 215. Larry David 216. Cheryl David 217. Craig David 218. Michelangelo's David 219. David Paymer 220. This block of wood 221. The cast of The Wood 222. The person who delivers your mail 223. The person who delivered you 224. Any clown 225. Sister Mary Clarence 226. Sister Mary Robert 227. Jackee Harry 228. Sister Mary Lazarus 229. Sister Alma 230. Sister Mary Patrick 231. This piece of toast 232. An Oscar 233. An MTV Moon Man 234. A Golden Globe 235. Goldie Hawn 236. Kate Hudson 237. Kurt Russell 238. Harry 239. Any of the Hendersons 240. Laverne 241. Shirley 242. Lenny 243. Squiggy 244. Garry Marshall 245. Penny Marshall 246. Fred Armisen as Penny Marshall 247. Timon 248. Pumba 249. Patrick Wilson 250. Woodrow Wilson 251. Mr. Wilson 252. Wilson 253. Wilson 254. Wilson 255. Phillips 256. Captain Phillips 257. Captain Planet 258. Wind 259. Water 260. Earth 261. Fire 262. Heart 263. Heart 264. The Cowardly Lion 265. The Tin Man 266. The Scarecrow 267. The Wicked Witch of the West 268. The Lollipop Guild 269. A lollipop 270. The Umbrella Man 271. The Lawnmower Man 272. The Orkin Man 273. The Trojan Man 274. The Wicker Man (1973) 275. The Wicker Man (2006) 276. The Music Man 277. The Running Man 278. The Postman 279. The Mothman 280. The Best Man 281. Encino Man 282. The guy who just added you on LinkedIn 283. Gallagher 284. Peter Gallagher 285. Abraham Lincoln 286. Abraham Lincoln’s Cabinet 287. Mary Todd Lincoln 288. Shirley MacLaine 289. Shirley MacLaine 290. Shirley MacLaine 291. Shirley MacLaine 292. Shirley MacLaine 293. Shirley MacLaine 294. Denise Huxtable 295. Vanessa Huxtable 296. Theo Huxtable 297. Rudy Huxtable 298. Clair Huxtable 299. Cliff Huxtable 300. Cousin Pam 301. Cousin Eddie 302. Cousin Itt 303. Cousin Larry 304. The Cloverfield Monster 305. Your RTF 317 Intro to Narrative Film professor 306. Your RTF 317 Intro to Narrative Film TA 307. Most of your TAs, actually 308. Howie Mandel 309. Howie Mandel’s hands 310. Him 311. Jackie Earle Haley 312. A Minion 313. Dorian Gray 314. Meredith Grey 315. The color gray 316. Michael Landon 317. Tyne Daly 318. John Ratzenberger 319. Marg Helgenberger 320. Erin Brockovich 321. Peter Bogdanovich 333. Nosferatu 334. Matisyahu 335. The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain 336. This 337. The missing link 338. Barton Fink 340. This guy 341. This guy 342. This guy 343. These two 344. Her 345. Ewan McGregor 346. Mamie Gummer 347. Grace Gummer 348. Don Gummer 349. Henry Gummer 350. Meryl Streep 351. Joanna Kramer 352. Sophie 353. Karen Silkwood 354. Molly Gilmore 355. Susan Traherne 356. Karen 357. Rachel Samstat 358. Helen Archer 359. Linda Chamberlain 360. Mary Fisher 361. Suzanne Vale 362. Julia 363. Madeline Ashton 364. Clara 365. Lee 366. Roberta Guaspari 367. Susan Orlean 368. Clarissa Vaughan 369. Abigail Adams 370. Hannah Pitt 371. Eleanor Shaw 372. Aunt Josephine 373. Lisa Metzger 374. Yolanda Johnson 375. Miranda Priestly 376. Joanna Silver 377. Lila Ross 378. Corrine Whitman 379. Corrine Whitman 380. Janine Roth 381. Donna 382. Sister Aloysius Beauvier 383. Julia Child 384. Mrs. Fox 385. Jane Adler 386. Margaret Thatcher 387. Kay 388. Violet Weston 389. The Witch 390. Him 391. Joe Rogan 392. Joe Camel 393. Joe Dimaggio 394. Joe Fresh 395. Joe Scarborough 396. Joe Cool 397. Joe Pesci 398. Cesar Chavez 399. Julius Caesar 400. Little Caesar 401. The Winklevoss twin who stands on the left 402. Taye Diggs 403. Morris Chestnut 404. Terrence Howard 405. Harold Perrineau 406. Eddie Cibrian 407. Sanaa Lathan 408. Nia Long 409. Regina Hall 410. Monica Calhoun 411. Melissa de Sousa 412. The Man Without a Face 413. The Man Who Wasn’t There 414. The Man From Snowy River 415. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 416. The Man on the Moon 417. The man on the moon 418. The Man of Steel 419. The Man of La Mancha 420. The Man Who Knew Too Much 421. The Man Who Knew Too Little 422. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence 423. The Man In The Iron Mask 424. Juwanna Mann 425. Leslie Mann 426. Whatta Man 427. Crazy Pete 428. Old Man Marley 429. Mean Old Lady Higgenlooper 430. Untitled (Big Man) 431. Woody Allen 432. Woody Harrelson 433. Woody Woodpecker 434. Woody Guthrie 435. Woody the Cowboy 436. Buzz Lightyear 437. Buzz Aldrin 438. This BuzzFeed list 439. The whammy 440. That professor my friend dated in college despite the fact that I did not approve of the relationship 441. The silhouette of a man uglier than Benedict Cumberbatch 442. Usher 443. Ali Go 444. Bruno 445. Borat 446. Boris Karloff 447. Marla Sokoloff 448. Ron Howard 449. Andy Griffith 450. Maria Rainer 451. Captain Georg von Trapp 452. Elsa Schrader 453. Rolf Gruber 454. Liesl vonn Trapp 455. The Mother Abbess 456. Phonte Coleman 457. Her 458. Nelly Furtado 459. Nelly 460. Fergie 461. Gumby 462. That hot dad I accidentally flipped my hair into on the Q train three years ago 463. Most dads in the borough of Brooklyn 464. Your dad 465. Patty Mayonnaise 466. Apple Store Lady 467. Conan O’Brien 468. Conan the Barbarian 469. Xena Warrior Princess 470. The heart-eye Emoji 471. The sunglasses Emoji 472. The devil Emoji 473. The policeman Emoji 474. The heart-eye cat Emoji 475. The grandma Emoji 476. The pair of dancing ladies Emoji 477. The smiling poop Emoji 478. The guy who stole my iPhone 4 479. Nick Carter 480. Brian Littrell 481. Kevin Richardson 482. A.J. McLean 483. Howie Dorough 484. Justin Timberlake 485. Lance Bass 486. JC Chasez 487. Joey Fatone 488. Chris Kirkpatrick (gratuitous) 489. Gandalf the Grey 490. Frodo Baggins 491. Samwise Gamgee 492. Galadriel 493. Aragorn 494. Most hobbits 495. Tom Brady 496. Drew Bledsoe 497. Babe Parilli 498. The Fab Five (Michigan basketball edition) 499. The Fab Five (U.S. gymnastics edition) 500. Fab Five Freddy 501. Josh Lyman 502. C.J. Cregg 503. Donnatella Moss 504. Charlie Young 505. President Jeb Bartlet 506. Dr. Abby Bartlet 507. Zoey Bartlet 508. Toby Ziegler 509. Toby Ziegler’s dad 510. Leo McGarry 511. Them 512. Tinky Winky 513. Dipsy 514. Laa-Laa 515. Po 516. Noo-Noo 517. Sexy Tinky Winky 518. All of the women laughing alone with salad 519. All of the women struggling to drink water 520. Moe Howard 521. Curly Howard 522. Larry Fine 523. Roof guy 524. Spanky 525. Alfalfa 526. Darla 527. Stymie 528. Porky 529. Buckwheat 530. Butch 531. Woim 532. Waldo 533. Uh-huh 534. Mary-Kate Olsen 535. Ashley Olsen 536. Elizabeth Olsen 537. Uncle Jesse 538. Bob Saget 539. Bob Marley 540. Bob Dylan 541. Bob Hope 542. Bob Barker 543. Vanna White 544. Bob Ross 545. Bob Dole 546. Bob Costas 547. Bobby Orr 548. Bobby McFerrin 549. This 550. Keira Knightley 551. Keira Knightley’s lower lip 552. Sage Steele 553. Linda Cohn 554. Hannah Storm 555. Scott Van Pelt 556. This guy 557. Max Read 558. Them 559. Erykah Badu 560. Erika Christensen 561. Erica Mena 562. Eric Dane 563. The Prime Minister of Denmark 564. A cheese Danish 565. Nick Denton 566. Jonah Peretti 567. Chelsea Peretti 568. The Peretti dad, probably 569. Amy Poehler 570. Tina Fey 571. Rachel Dratch 572. Janeane Garofalo 573. Romy 574. Michele 575. Mary 576. Rhoda 577. Thelma 578. Louise 579. John Shankman 580. Doge 581. Kenan 582. Kel 583. Kelly Ripa 584. Kelly Clarkson 585. Gene Kelly 586. Cord Jefferson 587. That guy in corduroys from the Destiny’s Child song “Apple Pie a La Mode” 588. Lou Bega 589. Angela 590. Pamela 591. Sandra 592. and Rita 593. Rita Ora 594. Rita Levi-Montalcini 595. Rita Hayworth 593. Rita Wilson 594. Tom Hanks 595. Chet Haze 596. Chester Cheetah 597. Mr. Peanut 598. The yellow M&M 599. The red M&M 600. The orange M&M 601. The turquoise M&M 602. The green M&M 603. The guy who went on a date with the green M&M in that commercial 604. Flo 605. Flo Rida 606. Florida Senator Marco Rubio 607. Ricky Rubio 608. Ricki Lake 609. My first crush 610. My sixth grade crush 611. My seventh grade crush 612. My eighth grade crush 613. My ninth grade crush 614. My tenth grade crush 615. My eleventh grade crush 616. My twelfth grade crush 617. My freshman year crush 618. My sophomore year crush 619. My junior year crush 620. My senior year crush 621. My current crush 622. Steve from Dream Phone 623. Wayne from Dream Phone 624. Susan from Guess Who? 625. Them 626. Tony Hawk 627. Tony Soprano 628. Carmela Soprano 629. Meadow Soprano 630. AJ Soprano Jr. 631. Livia Soprano 632. Corrado Soprano 633. Dr. Melfi 634. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman 635. Dr. Oz 636. Dr. Phil 637. Dr. Seuss 638. Dr. Dre 639. Dr. Kevorkian 640. Dr. Luke 641. Dr. Ruth 642. George Baker 643. Pierce Brosnan 644. Christopher Cazenove 645. Daniel Craig 646. Sean Connery 647. Timothy Dalton 648. Bob Holness 649. Michael Jayston 650. George Lazenby 651. Roger Moore 652. Barry Nelson 653. David Niven 654. Toby Stephens 655. The very idea of James Bond 656. Niall Horan 657. Zayn Malik 658. Liam Payne 659. Harry Styles 660. Louis Tomlinson 661. Lily Tomlin 662. Lily Allen 663. Johann Sebastian Bach 664. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, sans wig 665. Frédéric François Chopin 666. Satan 667. Wesley 668. Buttercup 669. Prince Humperdinck 670. Inigo Montoya 671. Fezzik 672. Vizzini 673. The Albino 674. Vladimir Putin on a horse 675. Vladimir Putin in a race car 676. Vladimir Putin doing karate 677. Vladimir Putin snorkeling 678. Vladimir Putin on a yacht 679. Vladimir Putin arm-wrestling 680. Vladimir Putin attempting to bend a frying pan with his bare hands and failing 681. Vladimir Putin on a snowmobile 682. Vladimir Putin driving a helicopter 683. Vladimir Putin holding a puppy 684. Vladimir Putin on a motorcycle 685. Vladimir Putin on a horse, but also shirtless 686. Vladimir Putin, generally 687. The guy at the wine store who doesn’t judge me when I ask for the “affordable” Sauvignon Blanc 688. Most wine mascots 689. Most Moscato mascots 690. Most mascots 691. Andre Leon Talley 692. Grace Coddington 693. David Remnick 694. Ariel Levy 695. Ariel 696. Daryl Hannah 697. Hannah Montana 698. Billy Ray Cyrus 699. Billy Ray Cyrus’s mullet 700. Her 701. Harry Potter 702. Hermione Granger 703. Hedwig 704. Sirius Black 705. Albus Dumbledore 706. Minerva McGonagall 707. Lord Voldemort in Book 6 708. Lord Voldemort in Book 3 709. Lord Voldemort in Book 1 710. Lord Voldemort in Book 7 711. Lord Voldemort in Book 4 712. Lord Voldemort in Book 5 713. Lord Voldemort in Book 2 714. Nagini 715. J.K. Rowling 716. Robert Galbraith 717. Happy Group Of Young Friends Watching Television And Supporting Their Team 718. This guy shredding guitar in a kilt 719. The Loch Ness Monster (Look 1) 720. The Loch Ness Monster (Look 2) 721. The Loch Ness Monster (Look 3) 722. The Loch Ness Monster (Look 4) 723. This guy pretending to pose in front of the Loch Ness Monster 724. Alan Cumming 725. Alan Rickman 726. Alan Alda 727. Agnetha Fältskog 728. Björn Ulvaeus 729. Benny Andersson 730. Anni-Frid Lyngstad 731. Björk 732. Björk dressed as a swan 733. Natalie Portman dressed as the Swan Queen 734. Mila Kunis dressed as the Black Swan 735. Most swans residing in public parks 736. A park ranger in New Mexico named Dave Popelka 737. Dave, Founder of Wendy's 738. Wendy 739. The Hamburglar 740. Most hamburgers 741. This guy 742. This lady 743. Kelis’s milkshake 744. Kelis 755. Rihanna tho 756. Melissa Forde 757. The Ford Fiesta 758. The Daft Punk guy in the silver helmet 759. The Daft Punk guy in the gold helmet 760. Pharrell at 20 761. Pharrell at 40 762. Chad Hugo 763. A lot of men named Chad, unfortunately 764. Like this guy 765. Ed White 766. Edward White 767. Malcolm Read 768. Malcolm Gladwell 769. Malcolm In The Middle 770. Malcolm McDowell 771. A dowel rod 772. Janet Malcolm 773. Sandy Alderson 774. Sandy Dvore 775. Sandy Hawkins 776. Sandy who was Little Orphan Annie's Dog 777. The Rihanna plane 778. Thomas Rogers 779. Rogers and Hart 780. Thomas Gibson 781. Thomas Dekker 782. Brooklyn Decker 783. Thomas Jane 784. Captain Janeway 785. Thomas Paine 786. Thomas Monson 787. Charlotte Ronson 788. Michael Tilson Thomas 789. Thomas Hart Benton 790. Thomas Brodie-Sangster 791. Brody from ""Homeland"" (pre-heroin) 792. Brody Jenner 793. Bruce Jenner 794. Bruce Banner 795. The dude who wrote Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer 796. #685, but if he also had a buzzcut 797. Bonnie Raitt 798. Bonnie Hunt 799. Your Bonnie lying over the ocean 800. Any mental image of any grizzly sea captain 801. A grizzly bear 802. Gordon the Fisherman from the fishstick boxes 803. Any beard 804. Her 805. Bill Nye 806. Your standard-issue classroom test tube 807. Tia Mowry 808. Tamera Mowry 809. The Flying Nun 810. Theodore Rex 811. Littlefoot 812. Petrie 813. Ducky 814. Cera 815. Michael Cera 816. Michael Caine 817. An anthropomorphic candy cane 818. An anthropomorphic anything 819. The green gargoyle from Gargoyles 820. A cloud that makes you say, “That looks like a man!” 821. A flibbertigibbet 822. A will-o’- the-wisp 823. Ronan Farrow 824. Frank Sinatra 825. Nancy Sinatra 826. The tall one in The Blue Man Group 827. The mouse from Ratatouille 828. Any person saying “Ratatouille” 829. Jesus, most likely 830. John the Baptist, definitely 831. Your neighbor 832. Your neighbor’s best friend 833. Your neighbor’s best friend’s father 834. Your neighbor’s best friend’s father’s mother 835. Your neighbor’s best friend’s father’s mother’s first boss 836. Him 837. Rock Hudson 838. Montgomery Clift 839. Katharine Hepburn 840. Sidney Poitier 841. Jigsaw 842. Michael Myers 843. Mike Myers 844. Denzel Washington 845. Kerry Washington 846. George Washington 847. Martha Washington 848. Martha Stewart 849. A cake made by Martha Stewart 850. A turkey made by Martha Stewart 851. A man Martha Stewart refers to as “The Enemy” 852. Kristen Stewart 853. One of these 854. Your reflection 855. Mulan’s reflection 856. The word “Handsome” 857. Teddy Roosevelt 858. Anyone on a horse 859. Jake Gyllenhaal 860. Maggie Gyllenhaal 861. Peter Sarsgaard 862. Alexander Skarsgard 863. Pitbull 864. A pitbull 865. Sam, an ugly dog voted the world's ugliest dog in 2003, 2004, and 2005 866. Toucan Sam 867. Snap! 868. Crackle! 869. Pop! 870. The Pringles man 871. The Chips Ahoy! exclamation mark 872. An order of eggs benedict 873. An order of eggs florentine 874. An order of eggs, any style 875. Tim Gunn 876. Anna Gunn 877. Anything/anyone that goes by “Anna Banana” 878. The Chiquita lady 879. Carmen Sandiego 880. The ghost from Ghostwriter 881. Patrick Swayze’s ghost in Ghost 882. Patrick Swayze 883. A common household ghost 884. Casper the friendly ghost 885. Gaspar, Casper’s forgotten, unfriendly brother 886. G.I. Jane 887. G.I. Joe 888. Joe Blow 889. Joe Biden 890. Joe Budden 891. A cute button 892. A nice doilie 893. A happy little bush 894. A Richard Hole who goes by the name Dick, and is accordingly known by his close acquaintances as “Dick Hole” 895. Him 896. Her 897. The person nearest to you right now who is not Benedict Cumberbatch 898. The person farthest from you right now who is not Benedict Cumberbatch 899. Adam Frucci 900. Adam 901. Eve 902. The snake 903. Simon Cowell 904. Ryan Seacrest 905. Julianne Hough 906. Arianna Huffington 907. Marissa Mayer 908. John Mayer 909. Mayor Quimby 910. Jeff Probst 911. Jeff Bezos 912. An Amazon delivery drone with a smiley face drawn onto it 913. This 914. Julian Assange 915. Sandor “The Hound” Clegane 916. This 917. Adam Levine

",1532435507,24/07/2018 12:31 9075013,4003972956,"

Having a hard time thinking Mueller is a white hat in this situation and Sessions through Huber may be securing indictments but Huber has a reputation for not prosecuting. Sessions is out of pocket for me. Having a hard time believing this plan. By the way, where has Q been over the last 3 weeks?

",1532436997,24/07/2018 12:56 9075013,4003977285,"

Point proven. I am very much on the fence with this whole Q thing, sometimes he gets it right and other times not so much.

",1532437160,24/07/2018 12:59 9073051,4003985230,"

This is what happens when you have everything handed to you by your parents growing up, then sit around the rest of your life expecting John Q. Public to do the same.

",1532437470,24/07/2018 13:04 9075013,4003994977,"

I have no idea where Q is, but I'd have to imagine that he's working with Trump to wrap up the storm before the midterms for the ultimate effect.

",1532437850,24/07/2018 13:10 9064453,4004004906,"

I'm sure there are many with similar stories.
It's a danger that we may just be in a bubble echoing each other's fears but my experience of the Left, muslims and the MSM have only confirmed the conclusions I have arrived at.
My liberal ex-friends just repeat all the slurs, lies and misrepresentations that surround DT, Brexit and populism and are not remotely interested in listening to a differing point of view , or looking at the evidence if it contradicts their stance.
A friend equated islam with Catholicism, I pointed out that they are very different but by equating them she saves herself the trouble of finding out the facts about either, including Sharia Law.
She just looked blank and seemed to have lost the ability to think.
It's all very 1984, I was like Winston Smith talking to a grey citizen.
But the misinformation goes back for decades and they and I have been raised on it like mother's milk.
It is the young sceptics and old-timers who have a handle on things.
A friend said Trump was a nazi, I asked when he was planning to invade Poland - no reply .... and he has a degree in politics - and is a middle class Marxist.
Some of my local churches have fallen under the spell and rush to embrace islam.
They have no idea what they are getting into.
The Qanon situation is interesting and I watched a good video by the Amazing Polly, here's her latest:
All very weird but undeniably compelling and factual.
I thought I was paddling a lonely canoe but it seems we are all in a big boat together.
Thanks for calling back.

",1532438236,24/07/2018 13:17 9075013,4004005270,

Stop listening to Q. It's seems he/she/it has abandoned you anyway.

,1532438251,24/07/2018 13:17 9075013,4004024413,

I'm not buying the Q-bs anymore. Until I see action Q is dead to me.

,1532438990,24/07/2018 13:29 9071854,4004029922,"

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.  The countries share intel with each other and provide a way to circumvent laws that forbid spying on their own citizens (e.g., UK will share intel with USA on USA citizens).

Q Posted from May 10th

Why Do We allow Former Dignitaries Security Clearance (FVEY = Five Eyes)
1336  Q!4pRcUA0lBE
10 May 2018 - 11:45:37 PM

Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.

Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.

●Former DEEPSTATE scumbags no longer in office, can go to a foreign 5EYES country and SPY ON AMERICANS and political enemies without any records being made of them accessing the intel or taking documents.

●If they were to access it here, a record would be made and it would be ILLEGAL to spy on fellow American enemies.

●""Future to prove past"" means on May 10th Q told us to expect that we'll see this in the future news when DeepState PANICS about Trump ending the corruption. Thus, proving Q's Legitimacy.
And here we are proving that the Q-group is working with President Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

",1532439200,24/07/2018 13:33 9069259,4004057470,

Are you one of those Qanon guys?

,1532440235,24/07/2018 13:50 9075013,4004066078,"

So are all the low IQ idiots who follow Q still ""trusting Sessions and the plan?"" Wake up, Q is total bullshit. He's a psy-op!

",1532440545,24/07/2018 13:55 9075013,4004080340,

With ya there. Q is worse than a psy-op at this's a total cargo cult. If you disrespect the religion of Q you get totally ostracized.

,1532441071,24/07/2018 14:04 9075013,4004081741,"

And you'd think that the ridiculous number of ""indictments"" would be the first indication that Q is nothing more than a 4/8 chan hoax.

",1532441120,24/07/2018 14:05 9075013,4004090887,"

The only possible role that Q, CTH and other such sources have is to spread disinformation to assist in the deep state coverup. People - that's why these sources always say it is not the right time yet - that's why they always construct complicated scenarios in which obvious bad guys put on white hats and save the day. It's manipulation. You have quite an imagination.

",1532441463,24/07/2018 14:11 9069346,4004100584,"

It's worse than you think.
Try child human trafficking, ritual sacrifice, and pedevores. You're only know beginning to see the tip of the iceburg on this evil. Trump's going after it. It's being exposed.... Qanon

",1532441825,24/07/2018 14:17 9075013,4004102739,"

The only characters still supporting Jeff Sessions are the Qnozzles and the pizzagate nutters. The conservative treehouse finally went neutral on him awhile ago, after parroting the Q malarkey.

",1532441906,24/07/2018 14:18 9075013,4004105494,

Pfffttt. That is a Q fantasy.

,1532442008,24/07/2018 14:20 9069346,4004105551,"

Only the tip of the iceburg on this evil.
Child trafficking, ritual sacrifice, and pedovores is the depth of understanding on the matter.
It's Molech / Baal worship. Been around a long time. Trump's going after it.....
Refer Qanon.

",1532442010,24/07/2018 14:20 9075013,4004107672,"

I saw a photo taken at a Trump rally recently of an entire family, dad, mom and 3 kids all smiling wearing homemade Q t-shirts. It was so cringeworthy.

",1532442090,24/07/2018 14:21 9075013,4004112848,

LOLOL .... Q fantasist in the house ...

,1532442283,24/07/2018 14:24 9075013,4004114647,

It has nothing to do with Q. Frigging idiot!

,1532442351,24/07/2018 14:25 9075013,4004121620,

That is the message of the Q cult. Promises of future justice that never happen. It is intended to make the right placid about lack of action.

,1532442604,24/07/2018 14:30 9075772,4004124604,

It's like Sessions knows something or something. Tell us what it is Jeff. Strictly hush hush and on the Q T.

,1532442715,24/07/2018 14:31 9075013,4004124696,"

The QAnon tards were unwitting dupes in what Wikileaks described as a nefarious Pied Piper psy-ops to defend Sessions and thus protect Mueller's witch hunt. Despite the fact that QAnon's predictions and claims were proven false time and again, the brainwashed dupes continue to support him.

The person running CTH is a fraud who may have also been involved in the ruse. He is the same guy who said and I quote, Rosenstein's hiring of Mueller was a ""brilliant move"". He also said Mueller was a ""white hat"". It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid. It is likely he was being funded by NeverTrumpers.

",1532442719,24/07/2018 14:31 9075772,4004154064,

Question (I'm old)....what does Q T stand for?

,1532443805,24/07/2018 14:50 9075646,4004179371,"

Morning Schmoe is an idiot. He was probably given Woke Nation on a Flash card to memorize, and after three weeks he finally ""coined"" it. If you read any Qanon and Anon posts, it's referred to as the Great Awakening, which is closer to the truth, and doesn't involve the morons who watch Morning Schmoe.

",1532444721,24/07/2018 15:05 9075772,4004184523,"

quiet: chiefly in the phrase on the q.t., secretly
also Q.T.


",1532444916,24/07/2018 15:08 8879334,4004220459,"

According to your preferred method, Q to Q....that is demonstrably not true.
What IS true, is that no matter how you calculate it, Trump doesn't.

",1532446208,24/07/2018 15:30 9074968,4004220870,"

somebody with capability go back research Q drops find if alphabet agencies are under military command, alphabet will never prosecute self, congress unable to prosecute alphabet to weak, research movement in military, see if we can find out what is going on behind the curtain in military courts

",1532446223,24/07/2018 15:30 9074863,4004235422,"

",1532446762,24/07/2018 15:39 9075646,4004251197,

94 year old veteran of WWII.....and all he wants is Don's autograph......and to visit him in the Oval Office.

Sgt. Allen Q. Jones went home a happy man today.

,1532447336,24/07/2018 15:48 9075772,4004276385,

New posts from Q today.

,1532448245,24/07/2018 16:04 9075646,4004305484,"

Phone refreshed...

J street to Q street is in californias richest city and capital Sacramento...every 15 feet down the main street which runs by the kimpton hotel attached to the kings arena you have to step over homeless people.
Go to San Fransisco there is actually a app to track HUMAN SHIATE in the city...talked to a golden gate bridge maintenance worker and his exact words was ""we are so broke we can npt pay for proper maintenance, i literally paint over rust""...great...liberals can not run their own utopia without turning it into a shiatehole so how do they think they can run the nation?

",1532449333,24/07/2018 16:22 9075646,4004306855,

LOL! Where's Sessions? He's busy. No time for this tripe. 3.5K indictments! Q! It's coming to a head! You lose. America and it's people win.

,1532449385,24/07/2018 16:23 9075646,4004308999,

Rats backed into a corner. More dangerous than ever. Stay with the plan. Q.

,1532449466,24/07/2018 16:24 9075013,4004330913,"

QAnon says to ""Trust Sessions""

good enough for me

",1532450289,24/07/2018 16:38 9075013,4004343554,

QAnon said that oxygen is a Jewish plot to destabilize the west.

I'd follow his advice if I were you.

,1532450764,24/07/2018 16:46 9075013,4004375285,

QAnon is a fraud and a Pied Piper disinformation campaign outed by Wikileaks.

,1532451937,24/07/2018 17:05 9076786,4004429772,"

On one hand, the left calls Trump a Manchurian Candidate; one the other, they dismiss Qanon as being a deep state conspiracy. If you believe in the first, you must believe in the second.

",1532453905,24/07/2018 17:38 9077200,4004599471,"

We subsidize China's military by shopping at Walmart.
We subsidize China through welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamp etc
for the long term unemployed
Temporary subsidies in pursuit of a stronger home industrial base is an improvement .... Did you see the economic forecast 5.4% growth this Q?
WOW !!!

",1532460340,24/07/2018 19:25 9076786,4004628552,

Tic Tock ! :) Qanon said it !

,1532461583,24/07/2018 19:46 9076786,4004641003,

ok Q...what about huber....???? again nothing new with Q and nothing 'secret'

,1532462118,24/07/2018 19:55 9076786,4004655036,"

Why? Maybe because you and I, as Joe Q Citizen have know need to know the redactions.

",1532462746,24/07/2018 20:05 9076786,4004660376,

Regarding your title of this article: that is very much what Q has said in his latest drop.

,1532462991,24/07/2018 20:09 9074749,4004694836,"

and now they help the white helmets AL NUSSRA OUT AND BRING THOSE TERRORISTS TO GERMONEY AND CANADA. HELL. why? because they were the Q, Saudi, CIA and Israel soldiers again Assad who protected all Christians. You are all ignorant!! go to Syria talk to Christian engineers in Dubai and yes I am Jewish, too but I am no fool.


",1532464636,24/07/2018 20:37 9076786,4004728181,

MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan - Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532466351,24/07/2018 21:05 9076318,4004734510,

Dont worry
8Chan and renegade Q will take out the rest of tge kabbalywood Pedovores

,1532466684,24/07/2018 21:11 9076786,4004749909,"

Q has not posed in 20 days, but today Q started posting again

Jul 24 2018 10:45:27 (EST)
From Sea to Shining Sea.
Who does Huber report to [directly]?
Define evidence.
Who has the server?
Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?
POTUS does not speculate.
Future proves past.
Who has it all?
Topics stated in past.
Future BIG meaning?
Repeats important.
Think Twitter.
Those awake see.
Those asleep blind.
Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.
Silence is golden.

5 minutes after Q posted this Trump said on that stage ""FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA"".

Another coincidence?

",1532467477,24/07/2018 21:24 9075313,4004835180,"

Hard to be an Illuminati in the Dark

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.  The countries share intel with each other and provide a way to circumvent laws that forbid spying on their own citizens (e.g., UK will share intel with USA on USA citizens).

Why Do We allow Former Dignitaries Security Clearance (FVEY = Five Eyes)
1336  Q!4pRcUA0lBE
10 May 2018 - 11:45:37 PM

Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.

Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.

●Former DEEPSTATE scumbags no longer in office, can go to a foreign 5EYES country, sit down at a terminal, and SPY ON AMERICANS and political enemies without any records being made of them accessing the intel or taking documents.
Remember, Killery, Bill, and the Traitors all going to New Zealand of all places?
They can check their own names and those of their accomplices, etc. to see what incriminating intelligence there is against them in America, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Then, they can know where any ""loose ends"" might be from their 'dealings'. And naturally, they could locate someone with access to satellite data and human or electronic surveillance. ARKANCIDE

●If they were to access it here, a record would be made and it would be ILLEGAL to spy on fellow American enemies.

●""Future to prove past"" means on May 10th Q told us to expect that we'll see this in the future news when DeepState PANICS about Trump ending their access to corruption.

",1532472133,24/07/2018 22:42 9077200,4004844040,"

Yay Big Government! Yay central planning!!! Higher taxes, higher subsidies for firms! What's not to like?????

Those dumb Russians, if only they had Donald Q. Trump in charge, he would have made communism work doggone it! Let's bring the hammer and sickle here!

",1532472634,24/07/2018 22:50 9075013,4004909355,"

funny, I searched for ""qanon disinformation"" on matches.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to point me to the correct page?

",1532476225,24/07/2018 23:50 9075847,4004909702,"

God Bless America, our Troops and their families, POTUS and Team, all of you and especially Q!


",1532476244,24/07/2018 23:50 9078586,4004918334,

We will see. Personally I don't think that's it though. Q says it is something we have been waiting for and the Clapper deal just happened.

,1532476727,24/07/2018 23:58 9076771,4004937627,

Doubt it. Trial should be done by 2020 and he'll have just started his sentence. LOL. #Qanon

,1532477856,25/07/2018 00:17 9079180,4004969750,"

Motorcade Honk Referenced in QAnon Drop 1691.

",1532479830,25/07/2018 00:50 9079180,4004971408,


,1532479940,25/07/2018 00:52 9079180,4004976235,"

Can somebody please tell me what is up with peeps mentioning Q . Sorry but im not up on it . Im surounded by water , maybe thats why . Please help ,

",1532480266,25/07/2018 00:57 9079180,4004980786,"

Who is Q . I keep hearing about it or what or whatever . What is it , huh . Is it a frkn secret.

",1532480587,25/07/2018 01:03 9079180,4004982274,"

",1532480685,25/07/2018 01:04 9079180,4004984430,

Most likely a group of 4-channers and Youtubers who are interested in politics and pro-Trump. They created Q as a fun way to share open source intelligence and give people a better framework for reading the news and understanding world events.

,1532480840,25/07/2018 01:07 9079180,4004987806,"

Indrasnet said ""They created Q"". Important that you understand this didn't mean 4 channers and YouTubers.
This is somebody who has direct access to Trump at a very minimum. Trump keeps giving us signals that Q is legit and I will fight anybody to the death if they dispute that. lol. Not really, but you get my point.

",1532481080,25/07/2018 01:11 9079180,4004993534,"

It is something that will require a helping hand. No one person can look at the posts in a vacuum and understand what is meant. I recommend searching youtube for ""decoders"" and throwing to the side any of them that report on them too early (no research) or make suppositions without making it clear it was their own personal take. Crowd-sourcing makes it work.

Many people have lost trust in Q because they used bad decoders... And some just didn't have the time or energy to devote. A good decoder is key to minimizing your time spent so you can have a real life.

",1532481492,25/07/2018 01:18 9079486,4005038449,

I only have 1 thing to say about this... who cares... Q IS BACK!!!!

,1532485047,25/07/2018 02:17 9079180,4005060611,"

If Q is a larp, that's OK. It gets people talking and thinking. It has created a movement to part the curtain drawn over or eyes by MSM. A lot of people over there have done some great research. Some of the things they have dug up are certainly ringing true. It's all about the message, not the messenger. You'll find bull and you'll find truth. Apply a little intellect and take away some decent nuggats.

",1532487044,25/07/2018 02:50 9079486,4005072791,


,1532488203,25/07/2018 03:10 9079486,4005075770,

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. 


Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc.

,1532488488,25/07/2018 03:14 9079486,4005092478,"

Strange links? No, it’s just Military Intel relaying a message to Patriots. Now, never you mind.

If you read the sign, you might just get a hint.

07-25-2018 04:39:22 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:a4b4d3 No.2265521

We saw you!
God bless Patriots!

",1532490102,25/07/2018 03:41 9079486,4005098584,"

BTW. Those in the following van that acknowledged the Q sign in the crowd, honked out Q in Morse code. Like I said, Military Intel.

",1532490711,25/07/2018 03:51 9077626,4005182099,"

I've been here for a good while. Been creeping on twitter, following Q since about November. Once you get up to the minute, insidish type info, its hard to go read two week old 'news'.
Great to see you, say hey to all.

",1532498748,25/07/2018 06:05 9075793,4005211748,"

""Our son had severe mental health challenges, struggling with psyhcosis and depression his entire life...""

So he got a gun, gunned down 15 and killed two - instead of just shooting himself?

He clearly was mentaly ill, he was a follower of islam - Killing non-muslims is what they do Q.E.D.

",1532501243,25/07/2018 06:47 9079486,4005339315,"

And Obama, aiding and abetting this. It is a far more serious breach. The encyclopedic felonies of the Obama/Shillary era are being tallied and there are currently indictments.

Right now the DOJ has 40,000 sealed indictments. In a normal year there are about 1000.

Here's a search compilation from the online federal court filing database of sealed federal indictments for a one year period indicated. The highlighted area are the totals:

",1532510443,25/07/2018 09:20 9079486,4005350210,"

That is a list of 40,000 sealed indictments on file all over the nation and many have Shillary's name on them.

Your logic is flawed. There has never been anyone in office who cleaned up the corruption. Now there is. Not sure why you would think Shillary getting away with crimes is worth an LOL but the real LOL is that she is getting away with nothing. Not one misdemeanor.

PRC - ""Pretty F---ing Clueless""

",1532511104,25/07/2018 09:31 9079486,4005355659,"

Is going to prison. Time to live in reality now. Even Clapper named him as responsible, and Page, for their spying and planting fake witnesses and false evidence to get fraudulent warrants to spy on political opposition and attempt a soft coup - the worst political scandal in US history.

There is no way this ends well for the Democrats - none of them. They will all carry the blame.

Check out the proof of the hellfire from the sky that is about to strike:

",1532511423,25/07/2018 09:37 9079486,4005357145,"

The reality is there are 40,000 sealed indictments waiting to be unsealed at any moment on the Democrats by the DOJ. In a normal year there are about 1000.

The felons are the incredible RICO level criminal conspiracy that was the Obama administration and Shillary campaign.

",1532511510,25/07/2018 09:38 9079486,4005361730,"

You've got a person who can read primary source data and does not watch fake cable news. I worked in DC for years and worked in law firms and the legal departments of federal offices.

You're a fool if you can't cope with the reality that a sealed indictment will be unsealed someday. That is no conspiracy. If Alex Jones is saying the same thing, then he is right.

A simple search confirms the bad news for the Dems - the DOJ has been hard at work going after public corruption:

",1532511774,25/07/2018 09:42 9079486,4005366328,"

A president doesn't have much privacy. If you believe that you can run for the Oval Office and remain John Q. Public, you are about as dumb as, well Donald J. Trump.

",1532512034,25/07/2018 09:47 9079486,4005368041,"

Q is back! New Q, You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard


1 Comment

Q is back, and Q is informing the American public that the old guard is currently being destroyed. Question is...Is the old guard being destroyed in America only or around the world, my guess would be just in America. However the old guard that Q is stating as systematically being destroyed, is pretty much the new world order, their puppet entities like the United Nations, NGO's, and of course duel citizenship politicians in America and around the world.
So technically speaking you could say the old guard is being systematically taking down around the world. A hint at this would be the multitude of child trafficking rings being taken out across America and around the world, as the Deep State cabal is very heavily involved with child trafficking to fund the Deep State's operations. The old guard is being taken out, and pretty soon we will see mass arrests...And we may of got a look with that alone today with a multitude of NXIVM members being arrested earlier today.

",1532512131,25/07/2018 09:48 9079486,4005372246,"

There will be fireworks - the encyclopedic felonies of the Obama/Shillary era are being tallied and there are currently indictments.

Right now the DOJ has 40,000 sealed indictments. In a normal year there are about 1000.

Here's a search compilation from the online federal court filing database of sealed federal indictments for a one year period indicated. The highlighted area are the totals:

Soon kids, very soon. Something big is coming.

",1532512366,25/07/2018 09:52 9076837,4005416580,"

If we did that as John or Jane Q. Public, where would we be? That's not a left of right thing, that's a empowered thing and it goes all the way down to small town America, at a lesser degree.

",1532514640,25/07/2018 10:30 9063676,4005540090,"

Interesting stuff, this Q anon.

",1532520107,25/07/2018 12:01 9078949,4005559334,"

Owner of million dollar house in Center City Philly. Semi-retired.

Clue in - the most corrupt admin in the history of the US is about to have 40,000 sealed indictments unsealed like the finger of God:

From - highlighted are for totals. Pacer is the online court filing database.

Lube up Johnny this is going to be a rough one.

",1532520848,25/07/2018 12:14 9078949,4005578900,"

The most corrupt admin in the history of the US is about to have 40,000 sealed indictments unsealed like the finger of God:

From - highlighted are for totals. Pacer is the online court filing database.

Lube up sweetcheeks this is going to be a rough one.

",1532521572,25/07/2018 12:26 9078949,4005587695,"

Clue in - the most corrupt admin in the history of the US is about to have 40,000 sealed indictments unsealed like the finger of God:

From - highlighted are for totals. Pacer is the online court filing database.

Obama was compromised by foreign powers. He was a puppet of foreign globalists and hostile powers. Now he and the whole Choom gang and friends are getting prosecuted.

Something even bigger is coming.

",1532521889,25/07/2018 12:31 9064453,4005598007,"

Thanks for your great reply, which sums it all up very well.
I'm a little less optimistic than the WWG1WGA, Qanon base but I know we're headed in the right direction.
I can't see how the UK can deport x million muslims and close down the mosques without a bloodbath but that would seem to be the need.
They are not going to 'assimilate'.
I used to live in a muslim area and have met a few in my time.
Ok until you come up against them - then they turn on the extreme nastiness.
I had a good female muslim friend who had no ability it seemed to look at islam objectively and it seems pretty universal, I gave up on her in the end.
There are just varying degrees of sharia observance.
I am a Spiritualist and it was in the early 80s during a medium training session that I had a vision of an impending jihad threat, which didn't make sense to me at the time.
It's all become clearer since.
I stopped attending that church when the head of the National Spiritualist Union came and told the congregation that Islam was a RoP and that Mo was a great prophet ....
I walked out astonished and when I later told the workers that Mo was a paedophile, a warlord and a despot and that sharia was terrible they just couldn't get it.
I applaud their faith in Jesus and the Holy Spirit but they need to get some facts straight.
Even if Good prevails there is going to be an awful lot of suffering and slaughter on the way.
Yeesh ...
P.S. I can't understand why Q's messages are so oblique and vague. Any ideas?
Point me at a link that may help.
God Bless and take care.

",1532522267,25/07/2018 12:37 9076450,4005608741,"

Perhaps, but that's no reason to leave Tester the Molester in office. Clean house Montana. Your vote affects the entire country.

",1532522658,25/07/2018 12:44 9076318,4005718200,"

This Satanwood crowd is completely Insane. Who here hasn't been called a name worse than an ape? What a loser Joy is. Trump sure has been called worse by the very sickos whining and dividing our country. Satanwood's hysterics only proves to me QANON is true. 8 million children a year dissapear, 8 million every year. These globalists are feeding off of children like cows in a field. Organ harvesting. Sex slavery. Sacrifice. Expiraments. Pain. Torture. Death. Then they get away with it floating in their $60 million yacht eating off gold plates. Robin Leach's Lifestyles of the rich and famous has a whole new connotation for me. These pole are sick.

",1532526585,25/07/2018 13:49 9077986,4005728572,

LOL. We'll be seeing you and Rouhani real soon. Ask around in Qatar. #Qanon

,1532526946,25/07/2018 13:55 9081064,4005949312,"

Clients. Plural. (reporters too)

This is part of the Q plan. Attorney client privilege has exceptions such as the crime, tort, or fraud exception, attorney's use to serve their own interests, probate of will and testiment, etc.

The existence of the Trump tapes in the first place + Cohen cutting the recordings at certain parts show the tapes were staged. Then the waiving of privilege done by Trump & Guliani talking about the content of the tapes shows that both Trump and Cohen want the public to hear them.

The why wasn't exactly clear and I thought Cohen was just political cover, as evidenced by the nothing burgers he keeps producing.

But now, with the word ""Clients"" it's clearing up some. Mueller can investigate anything that comes from his initial investigation and Cohen's office raid stemmed from Mueller's probe. Cohen potentially has info on a ton of Deep State crimes and may be able to use the recordings on his other clients (including Eric Schneiderman) under one of the exceptions to attorney client privilege.

",1532534617,25/07/2018 16:03 9081412,4005978539,"

True. Heres a link to help those who lack an understanding of why the security clearances of former govt employees need to be revoked.

Scroll through this Neon Revolt article to the Q drops and Five Eyes section to read about New Zealand. It's crystal clear how traitors like Brennan, Hillary, Clapper, Comey and Co. have been operating to undermine America and enrich themselves.

Neon Revolt rightly concludes: ""Is it any surprise that we’re now seeing all this talk about Brennan and Clapper and their ilk having the security clearances taken away?""

POTUS has it all.

",1532535645,25/07/2018 16:20 9076318,4006025485,"

WWG1WGA Operation Mayflower 2018.

A team made up of the greatest citizen patriots ever (75% women) all inspired by Q launched a military style assault using truth memes on Twitter.

Kanye was our first target. 2 days later, Trump's support from the black community had doubled.

Roseanne was next, and it was awesome!

Each day we targeted a new Twitter account, and staying within their rules, we red-pilled. The Pope, John Kerry, No Name, so many I forget.

We even had campaigns of good truths where we ""attacked"" Melania and SHS with positive truth memes.

We recorded Twitter's attempts each time to skew the results by some 90% .When we launched on an out and proud Pedophile, Blam, we all got suspended for life. Twitter protects the pedo network.

Why would Twitter close our accounts when all we did was change targets to a child rapist? We did not change tactics.

",1532537318,25/07/2018 16:48 9081412,4006205267,"

Very easy. Many exFeds go in and out of reinstatement, depending on the work they do. I had a top secret/w crypto in the military and a Q as a fed. When you leave, the clearance goes. It can be reinstated if there is a need to know.
The Obamabots should never passed the background checks IMHO.

",1532544220,25/07/2018 18:43 9082261,4006228972,"


There is an entirely logical and reasonable reason for the apparent slowness of Sessions. Q referred to it but Praying Medic has a great piece looking at ImperatorRex (not a Q follower) and his slightly different take on it. 22:55 which will not be wasted:

",1532545195,25/07/2018 18:59 9076837,4006231540,"

i have been saying this for years. there should be NO Privacy, when elected, until term served. Why is secrecy required to do work for US( and us). A WOKE sheep becomes a WOLF.

p.s. Thank you Q.

",1532545309,25/07/2018 19:01 9082261,4006261625,"

1. You are wasting your time talking Q with these 'rocket scientists'
2. Imperator rex, as noted, is not a Q mmbr. Anyone who is Q knows exactly, why things have been done as they have, and why, what might appear a slow walk, has been anything but. The timing is PERFECT, as the Plan is perfect. For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven! May i suggest you check out. In pursuit of truth, you tube, very well researched!

",1532546598,25/07/2018 19:23 9084055,4006262002,"

Speaking of Media with a coordinated agenda...
Q Post right after POTUS/EU Trade speech...

Q!CbboFOtcZs ID: 126021 No.2284570
Jul 25 2018 15:37:56 (EST) NEW



(and 'Q' used ALL CAPS! 👍😂)

Way to go President Trump!
Thank You Q!
WWG1WGA! (See for yourselves)
""In Pusuit of Truth"" or ""Praying Medic""
on YouTube are Sane and Trustworthy

",1532546614,25/07/2018 19:23 9082321,4006286351,"

I have had multiple security clearances top secret and Q. They should be eliminated within 1 year after leaving the organization that it was tied too. If you are not employed in a new organization that requires it, you have no need.

",1532547668,25/07/2018 19:41 9084055,4006308035,"

Corruption is quietly being destroyed all over the globe.
The insanity everywhere was treasonous corruption.
People are following Q and President Trump worldwide.
Every Nation's sovereignty will be returned to their citizens.
Stopping the stranglehold by Collectivists is a win for Humanity.
Thus, in that fight ""WWG1WGA""

",1532548664,25/07/2018 19:57 9084055,4006321967,

Who needs the MSM when we have TRUMP's tweets and Q !!!


,1532549341,25/07/2018 20:09 9076837,4006340464,

Thank Q for the truth

,1532550214,25/07/2018 20:23 9083098,4006352749,

Horowitz is a Hivite. Q anon.

,1532550812,25/07/2018 20:33 9084055,4006363279,

Who is Q?

,1532551339,25/07/2018 20:42 9084055,4006368733,"

For decoding:

",1532551627,25/07/2018 20:47 9076837,4006370319,

One more swamp creature Q Team is taking down! WWG1WGA

,1532551708,25/07/2018 20:48 9075013,4006437678,"

My aren't you demanding.
The following is Wikileaks approval of the analysis of QAnon by one of their independent journos. She called QAnon a Pied Piper operation and they agreed.

WRT QAnon there are three types of people: those who created the fraud, those trying to make money from it and lastly the low info, low IQ dupes who believe it.

",1532555271,25/07/2018 21:47 9084781,4006438723,

Boom. Said it earlier. This is part of the Q plan. Some of the #controlledMSN is about to have problems. #Qanon

,1532555329,25/07/2018 21:48 9084508,4006488816,

You SOUND like you're half his I. Q..

,1532558097,25/07/2018 22:34 9085447,4006507460,

Sometimes I wonder if Q is Ivanka. She's taken code.

,1532559136,25/07/2018 22:52 9085447,4006508212,"

Not sure I believe Q, but there's still good guys in our intelligence community. I don't think she's in CIA.

",1532559181,25/07/2018 22:53 9084508,4006509776,"

Thank you Donald J Trump, thank you Q!

",1532559270,25/07/2018 22:54 9085447,4006510871,"

I don't know if she is or isn't true. If nothing else, Q has opened a lot of people's eyes.

",1532559335,25/07/2018 22:55 9075013,4006613848,"

Dummy, what are you talking about? Court? You asked for a link showing Wikileaks supports the analysis that QAnon is a Pied Piper operation and were given one along with a link to the actual detailed analysis.

QAnonTards are actually dumber than Libtards. Only a blithering idiot believes anything the proven fraud QAnon states. How many false predictions does it take for someone to realize it's a scam?

",1532563876,26/07/2018 00:11 9081880,4006643238,"

"" no one in the military has ever heard of flying a false flag before"" You actually believe that? Also, have you ever heard of Q ships?

",1532564469,26/07/2018 00:21 9084772,4006688734,"

Yes, and all the while this is passing unchallenged through congress Q anon is is distracting Trump followers with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.

",1532565927,26/07/2018 00:45 9084508,4006716341,

More Winning ! Love it. Trump knows America holds all the cards and actually uses them. gotta Love The Don.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan - Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532566940,26/07/2018 01:02 9084055,4006719223,

Love it. Trump knows America holds all the cards and actually uses them.
gotta Love The Don.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan - Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1532567135,26/07/2018 01:05 9084772,4006729091,"

We're slaves and sheep to the elites. Specifically they call us ""feeders.""

There's a theory that these mass migrations are being used as a form of collateral by those who control the Fed, IMF, international banking systems. Just like slave owners and kings borrowed against slaves and serfs.

Go to qanon. pub and qproofs. com. When you're ready find us on 8chan. Take the red pill and let's finish this fight. #Qanon

",1532567416,26/07/2018 01:10 9085447,4006774800,

Qanon said July is going to be when the truth gets revealed.
It's happening.

,1532570438,26/07/2018 02:00 9079963,4006778922,

Go Kansas! Q is that you? Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

,1532570767,26/07/2018 02:06 9084520,4006854617,"

Qanon community, we have another PROOF. On June 26, 2018, Q included the line ""Dead Cat Bounce,"" which is an investing term ref. a dying stock. Facebook takes the plunge one month later TO THE DAY.

",1532577192,26/07/2018 03:53 9084520,4006854907,"

If you follow Q, we have another PROOF. On June 26, 2018, Q included the line ""Dead Cat Bounce,"" which is an investing term ref. a dying stock. Facebook takes the plunge one month later TO THE DAY.

",1532577222,26/07/2018 03:53 9083491,4006961074,

hmmm - Q said to watch the water....

,1532586864,26/07/2018 06:34 9062821,4007002246,

Is Virgil Q?

,1532589865,26/07/2018 07:24 9085447,4007020423,"

He, we should also be impeaching CNN and other mainstream media (MSM) as per Q and anon numerous suggestions over the years and months, and heavily fining them for every lie, some would say.

",1532591287,26/07/2018 07:48 9083686,4007036867,"

To pay $290,000 for two romps makes one wonder about his business skills. Or this is the first shot of QAnon?

",1532592513,26/07/2018 08:08 9087028,4007178318,"

Relax, trust the plan #qanon WWG1WGA

",1532601068,26/07/2018 10:31 9081694,4007216296,

Sorry but I don't get the Q on LGTBQ I don't want to be politically incorrect.
But I thought it might be Queer ???you lgbts please correct me if I am wrong!
Also is Israel an orthodox country.? I mean the rabbis must be livid.

,1532602837,26/07/2018 11:00 9085717,4007226202,"

Just got word that Zucker might be ousted. That might be the ""big news"" Q was referring to. We shall see!

I would LOVE That :)

",1532603267,26/07/2018 11:07 9085354,4007226887,

All Fox has to do is look at the history of CNN to see what happens liberal cable news...Can't always have what we want...Get your news from Q...

,1532603296,26/07/2018 11:08 9087568,4007227590,"

Listen you don't have to go futher than Disgus for shadow banning... They have been selling apps for it to their new customers. This communist platform censors right wing commentary. Just like those do. They use the same flashing page to get you off, the slowed down versions, the back pages, the unresponsive keyboards,,, Disgus censors are pimplehead millennials. We should all go to the Q board and ask them to tell DJT to sue Disgus.

",1532603325,26/07/2018 11:08 9085354,4007237894,

I haven't watched Brett boy Baier since the disrespect he showed during the Presidential election debates. It is MSM and there are much better news sources than watching videos of him. MAGA WWG1WGA Q-anon Trump 8 years!

,1532603776,26/07/2018 11:16 9083833,4007260545,

Needs to target these Clown therapists. Most of these shooters have them and most move to new locations within 30 days of the shootings. C_A connected? False flag? #Qanon

,1532604694,26/07/2018 11:31 9084235,4007270730,"

He said it could be other people because the contract company Crowdstrike (that the DNC sent their server to) manipulated the data to make it look like Russia. The real ""hacker"" was Seth Rich. China also hacked either the DNC server, the Clinton server or both. #Qanon

",1532605104,26/07/2018 11:38 9085354,4007303190,"

Great move by Sanders and the White House -- Someone has to take control of the out of control press and bring order and respect back to what should be a civilized Q & A. They get the most transparent and open President in history and this is how they treat him and his staff -- with bitter, partisan contempt. Finally, they are putting a stop to the press ""making the news"" instead of reporting it.

",1532606388,26/07/2018 11:59 9085354,4007312418,

I'll support Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson. You can flush the rest down the blue wave.

,1532606747,26/07/2018 12:05 9064453,4007325641,"

Hello Mrs. P, thank you for your reply and its interesting co-incidences re. your ex-mother in law's experience with her church.
It really was a tough decision on my part to break off contact - knowing what to do for the best not always an easy thing. I can empathise there.
On Q, I watched a video on the supposed morse code horn toots as the motorcade went past, if there are straws, people will grasp at them!
On the other hand I haven't seen much of Q yet so have a while to go before making judgement.
Part of my perspective comes also from reading about Wilhelm Reich, a US psychologist much interested in why people behave the way they do in regard to their own psycho/physiological makeup and how it affects their decision making, including their response to tyrannies like nazism and islam.
There's reading there but it ties in very well with how a brutal childhood creates a niche that brutal ideologies can nestle in.
James De Meo's book """"
explains how the 3,000 BC desertification of the Sahara and the Middle East led to the development of the Abrahamic religions and islam in particular.
Plenty to chew on.
Thankfully I'm in a non-diverse area now although there are a sprinkling of RoPers down the shops.
I'm supporting Anee Marie Waters/For Britain and UKIP, though I wish they wouldn't stand in the same elections.
That's our only hope at the mo., be nice if all the people on that side of things could get together. JRM, Douglas Murray, AMW, Nigel, Batten, Raheem, Milo etc.
Thanks for your links I do follow links and don't just pass them by.
Here's one for James DeMeo:
I've built an ORAC and it seems to work.
It's funny, the BBC have been telling me all day how hot it is - as if I hadn't noticed.
""Truth is a strange bedfellow - it steals all the blankets"" - one of my own quotes.
Best wishes, GT

",1532607260,26/07/2018 12:14 9083023,4007398149,"

Follow Q and find that the pond life is in deep panic. 3,600 CEO's and top civil servants in the US have resigned in the US since January when Trump sign his executive Law to confiscate assets of those involved in human trafficking for organs and sex. We live in a very sick world. The UK government sided with Obama and Hillary to break the Law and spy on Trump when he was a candidate. This will not go down well with our US friends and I for one think that all those involved should be extradited to the US to face trial.

",1532610172,26/07/2018 13:02 9083023,4007475698,

How do you follow ' Q ' . Starting to realize Deep State will see no criminal prosecutions.

,1532613022,26/07/2018 13:50 9087922,4007600438,"

Public trials are a right of the public. Someone should mandamus the judge to open it up. Besides, if Joe Q Citizen wants to listen whose to say he can't take notes. He's not the press.

",1532617642,26/07/2018 15:07 9084055,4007622671,"

If you have full trust in TRUMP (as I do from the moment I listened to his first campaign speech), then you don't need anything else.

There are other types of people out there though - many of them.

There are those who have grown impatient - they want everything done yesterday.
There are the ones who ask rational questions as to how this can ever work out as promised.
Some are from the left but have become lukewarm, or even positive about TRUMP
Others are rational conservatives but anti-TRUMP
Others still are rational liberals but anti-TRUMP
Others are just anti-TRUMP
Some don't want to know the nuts and bolts of every move.
Others would like to know but simply don't have time.

Hundreds of shades in-between. I see it that Q has performed a useful task for some of those other types. So has Praying Medic, Imperator Rex and the many others.

These people are the successors to the turncoats you mention above. Why should that be ??? Well, all these people, like myself, are entirely independent thinkers. They are not bought out by the MSM - though I know some who appear to have been: Drudge and Guido Fawkes (UK) are two which spring to mind here.

But for the rest, I am encouraged that there is so much intelligence about.

There always be an America. I hope that my own UK can be rescued too. Both nations have brought so much to the world, united in traditions, culture, law and (mostly) common language.

",1532618426,26/07/2018 15:20 9088921,4007688801,"

Deep State takes the bait again. LOL. They've worked so hard defending Mueller and Rosenstein that when Rosenstein changes course, there will be nothing they can do.

In the Q drops, he went from [[[RR]]] to [[RR]] and now to [RR]. [ ] means ""killbox"" for most but I think in Rosenstein's case it was a 3, 2, 1 countdown. Won't be long now. #Qanon

",1532620756,26/07/2018 15:59 9088921,4007705444,"

I respect Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and the rest, but this has to be a calculated stunt. Congress is recessing today and Jordan knows full well he couldn't get the votes for this. It's a distraction. Read Q.

",1532621363,26/07/2018 16:09 9088534,4007746730,

From a recent Q drop.

06-13-2018 13:09:05 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:90dc6d No.1723368

Full weight of the House v. ARM.
Why are optics important?
How does DC work?

,1532622883,26/07/2018 16:34 9088921,4007752370,

06-13-2018 13:09:05 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:90dc6d No.1723368

Full weight of the House v. ARM.
Why are optics important?
How does DC work?

,1532623092,26/07/2018 16:38 9088495,4007823393,

@jack has already been warned. This will end badly for him. #Qanon

,1532625668,26/07/2018 17:21 9088510,4007860062,

Don't forget Q!

,1532627037,26/07/2018 17:43 9088006,4007968010,

Hey no mention of links to the cia? Q tel anyone?

,1532631336,26/07/2018 18:55 9088534,4007968641,"

You’ll find out soon enough. But.

Millions upon millions of Patriots around the world no longer listen to or trust the MSM. Statistics and polls show that 97% of the MSM report negatively on the President or conservative politicians in general. That’s a known fact. So the President has bypassed these propaganda peddlers and SPEAKS via QAnon directly, with true Patriots who love America and want nothing to do with the globalist agenda.

We know exactly what is happening BEFORE it’s news. You can scoff at it all you like but time and time again, the ‘drops’ are accurate. This is a small video for beginners to this huge and growing daily movement.

This happened in the last couple of days.

Some Patriots made a sign with ‘Honk’ ‘Q’ and held up it as the President’s motorcade went thru Kansas. One of the vans responded with honking. Some have said that ‘Q’ was honked out in Morse code?

Remember, ONLY Q via a trip code can post on this board. Now see what Q posted back.

07-25-2018 04:39:22 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:a4b4d3 No.2265521

We saw you!
God bless Patriots! 

When you start to understand how the drops work - and some of it is coded and some of them are not meant for Patriots, but Military Intel, you can glean info from those who take the drops, analyses them and gives a simplified answer for those not mathematicians or chess players.

History is being made and these Patriots that are contributing will be part of ‘the biggest Intel drop in history’. We came thru the storm - and we are now in ‘The Great Awakening’. Military Intel and USSS have died fighting to restore the Republic. Q told us. Did you hear about this in the news? Or the fact that the President met with Kim in China BEFORE the summit? What about the missile in Hawaii. Was that real? We know it was and it was fired from a submarine and was taken out before it hit Hawaii. What about the missile fired at AirForce1 off Alaska after the G20 in Canada. Once again another submarine. And once again, taken out by the Military. What about the pedo rings rampant in DC ? Why did the Rockafellas sell their HUNTING lodge in Austria? If you are NOT following Q, you no nothing.

This is This is an explanation of the Q Clock.

YOU have a choice. The ‘Old Guard’ is dying. For 70 odd years the globalists have infiltrated every single western country and set up their systems to thieve from the workers. Those politicians, MSM mouthpieces, late night comedians, Hollywood, bankers, etc. that went along with The Agenda were richly rewarded. JKF knew what they (globalists) were up to and tried to stop it. Reagan also tried and a bullet nearly stopped him too. He was never the same again.

As Q has said. The biggest FEAR these globalists have is that they are petrified the PUBLIC finding out about their crimes. That day is almost upon us. Their crimes against little babies, children, sex slavery, human trafficking, theft in the trillions of taxpayers money, is just the tip of the iceberg. What is cures have been found for the most hideous of illnesses but Big Pharma are withholding them because more money can be made leaving people sick. Same with wars! For 120 years the Rockefellers and Rothschilds make their money when there are WARS. Young human lives are expendable to them. What side will you take? They didn’t think she would loose.

The Plan To Save The World

",1532631362,26/07/2018 18:56 9088534,4007984114,"

I thought you were a Patriot?? You need to be RED PILLED and quick. If you have not heard of Q, might I suggest you read thru my post below or jump over to Reddit - The Great Awakening Board as they (Q) are ONLY posting there. This is the format Q posts in. This is what you will see. This was from a couple of days ago in Kansas.

Some Patriots made a sign with ‘Honk’ ‘Q’ and held up it as the President’s motorcade went thru Kansas. One of the vans responded with honking. Some have said that ‘Q’ was honked out in Morse code?

Remember, ONLY Q via a trip code can post on this board. Now see what Q posted back.

07-25-2018 04:39:22 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:a4b4d3 No.2265521

We saw you!
God bless Patriots! 


",1532632011,26/07/2018 19:06 9088921,4007998365,"

""What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?
Known beforehand?
Optics."" - Q ( Jul 26 2018 11:44:26 (EST)

Q is right. Again!

",1532632617,26/07/2018 19:16 9088495,4008012502,

Trust the plan. #Qanon

,1532633233,26/07/2018 19:27 9086494,4008089389,

The Republicans had rather win Chuck. But had the Democrats rather lose with Shrillary or lose with low I Q Booker? Or Pocahontas? Or Commie Jones? Or brainless Biden? Hey why not run mud face Waters?

,1532636775,26/07/2018 20:26 9088510,4008098994,"

The Don is a Master of Art oF The Deal, Art oF The Troll,and 3D-4D Chess. as well. a stable Genius.
More Winning ! Love it. Trump knows America holds all the cards and actually uses them.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan - Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1532637265,26/07/2018 20:34 9089047,4008100113,"

Qanon said something big was coming. Cutting edge. witty, clever, flippant, commentary. Thank you for clicking here.

",1532637323,26/07/2018 20:35 9089047,4008109659,

Is that Q person going to do anything about this?

,1532637833,26/07/2018 20:43 9062980,4008126396,"

Who is Q? It could be Trump & some of his intel people.

The video was found on Weiner's laptop, these people are beyond monsters & I have no idea how the public will react when they find out.

",1532638760,26/07/2018 20:59 9089047,4008133560,"

So hard to keep up.
Many bad hombres in high places will soon be revealed and arrested....and not behind the scenes....people including Hillary! Obama is Kenya for a reason. Think.
Also, Q has soft revealed that John F K Jr is still alive and well. He is helping Q for the ordered murder of his dad by Bush. Google yourself. NO, not conspiracy.
Oh and the Pedo woman who just surfaced is disturbing. More coming. GOD Bless Trump!

",1532639171,26/07/2018 21:06 9089047,4008156351,"

Things are ramping up!

If you are still on the fence about Q, please give it one last try. This one is the best evidence yet, and might do the trick. (probably 30 seconds investment)

",1532640441,26/07/2018 21:27 9089047,4008163079,"


Watch the next 30 secs of this video which will likely convince you Q and Trump are working together.

Want to play?

",1532640813,26/07/2018 21:33 9090379,4008167818,"

I wonder if the rest of us SAPS otherwise known as John Q. Public and Jane Q. Public would have received the same LENIENT SENTENCE had we done the same thing...
Plus, I'm sure Uncle Joe told her, ""THIS IS A BIG F ***ING DEAL"" Caroline!!

",1532641074,26/07/2018 21:37 9089047,4008182110,

Americans who love God and a free country are forever thankful for Qanon and President Trump!

,1532641889,26/07/2018 21:51 9089047,4008182821,


,1532641928,26/07/2018 21:52 9089200,4008187180,"

No worries... Trump's back-up plan is ""good American's"" in the militia and we can get this done with or without Sessions and prolly not even fire more than a couple of warning shots (we mean business statement, and its over).
I'm basing my words on significant observation of the moving pieces and hints from Q. The hints are remarkably good and well digested on the boards... worthy of trust at this point.

However, circumstantial EVIDENCE and Logic is quite strong and tight as well.

",1532642181,26/07/2018 21:56 9091852,4008264533,

They have no clue what is going on. Go look at the Q Post today.

,1532646688,26/07/2018 23:11 9091852,4008268523,"

Is CuckservativeFreakHouse still defending Sessions? How conveniently they have stopped talking about Mueller and Sessions being white hats ... lol. Trust the plan they say? What is the plan? Getting Trump impeached? Maybe that charlatan Q will reveal the secrets of this brand of 444D chess.

I am sick and tired of gullible people on our side. This was, is, and has always been a silent coup attempt. No white hats. No Qs, no bs

",1532646927,26/07/2018 23:15 9081064,4008276507,

Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”

From Qanon.

,1532647396,26/07/2018 23:23 9091852,4008303013,

Qanon-Trust Sessions
Trust the plan

Getting impatient....

,1532648904,26/07/2018 23:48 9091852,4008304156,

Is Q right? If he is this will be awesome.

,1532648967,26/07/2018 23:49 9091852,4008305000,"

Yes, Q is a fraud.

",1532649016,26/07/2018 23:50 9091852,4008306013,

Go look at the first post Q posted today. :)

,1532649074,26/07/2018 23:51 9091852,4008307177,"

I follow Qanon, and I think his posts are accurate.

",1532649142,26/07/2018 23:52 9091852,4008308310,"

My family is from Alabama and know Sessions. I know of him and have followed him my whole adult life. Trust Sessions. :)

This is from Q today.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d74be4

Jul 26 2018 11:44:26


What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?

Known beforehand?


Think logically.

Could Sessions publicly challenge [RR] w/o creating a dilemma?

What events would immediately transpire if Sessions challenged [RR]?

Would it immediately demonstrate that Sessions must be aware of key Mueller facts?

Facts (or failure of duty) that he cannot possibly ‘know’ if recused?

Facts (a case) he is suppose to be recused from?

Think logically.

One challenge to [RR] would immediately trigger attacks to remove
Sessions given his clear involvement in receiving information re: a case he is fully recused from.

Who does Huber [directly] report to?

Is it normal [RR] is side-stepped re: Huber CoC?

Why is this important?

Why did Sessions recuse?

Is the LEFT attacking Sessions?

What advantage(s) exist based on this setup?

POTUS publicly expresses his anger re: his recusal?

Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?

When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?

When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?

Do you believe POTUS would allow Sessions & [RR] to run HIS DOJ if something wasn’t being done to his liking?


Clickbait derails logical thought.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Mueller investigating POTUS’ Tweets for obstruction?

You have a front row seat.

Enjoy the show.


",1532649210,26/07/2018 23:53 9091852,4008312698,

Secret ops need to be done on Q.

,1532649473,26/07/2018 23:57 9091852,4008313000,"

Someday 4chan is going to end the Q nonsense with a single post that says ""got you all lol.""

",1532649491,26/07/2018 23:58 9091852,4008316469,"

I think a lot of people are getting that notion because of the mysterious Q, who lots of folks believe is a secret intelligence operative working covertly with President Trump to help with the MAGA. This Q person feeds people all kinds of delusional nonsense (the latest one I heard, is that Rod and Mueller are actually investigating the DNC/Hilary, not President Trump!) that seems to fool lots of folks.

Sessions may have been Trump's earliest supporter, but he has turned out to be his worst enemy unfortunately. Sessions is the main reason there is even a Russian Collusion/Delusion investigation in the first place.

",1532649696,27/07/2018 00:01 9091852,4008318656,

What/Who is Q?

,1532649824,27/07/2018 00:03 9091852,4008319126,"

Yes, I check for Q daily.
Huber reports to Sessions.
Sessions is recused. He can’t acknowledge he has information regarding Mueller Investigation.

",1532649853,27/07/2018 00:04 9091852,4008320606,"

Watch this very short video and see who Q is.

",1532649941,27/07/2018 00:05 9091852,4008321958,"

Qanon, the 'guy' (its actually multiple people who come up with that skit) who said to ""Trust Sessions""?

4chan LARP.

",1532650023,27/07/2018 00:07 9091852,4008323307,

Qanon says “The east wind will unleash frog stars with rice.”

,1532650104,27/07/2018 00:08 9091852,4008326352,

Qanon says “The Onion will make tears flow.”

Deep thoughts from the Deep State. Dead Breitbart was quite the Qanon tubthumper awhile back.

,1532650283,27/07/2018 00:11 9091852,4008341270,

We part ways on the Q thing but otherwise agree.

Its alright.

,1532651193,27/07/2018 00:26 9091852,4008341629,"

You are delusional...are you this way from those Q posts?
There is an old Polish saying...""wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first"".

",1532651213,27/07/2018 00:26 9091852,4008342901,

Lol. QAnon tards are actually dumber than Libtards and that should be impossible.

,1532651292,27/07/2018 00:28 9091852,4008348895,"

I think we need another ridiculous Q post on this referencing 20 obscure TV shows

If I see ""Trust Sessions"" again, I'm gonna laugh out of my chair

",1532651665,27/07/2018 00:34 9091852,4008355482,

I am beginning to think Q is full of crap.

,1532652091,27/07/2018 00:41 9091852,4008361636,

All that matters is we know Q is working on behalf of Trump. Trump's signals started out really weak and are becoming more and more clear. This last one would unite everybody in knowing Q is legit if people would just go look.

,1532652492,27/07/2018 00:48 9091852,4008369729,

And there it is. Libtards are now defending Sleepy Sessions

Do you need any more proof he is Deep State? Or will you continue to believe Q memes?

,1532653035,27/07/2018 00:57 9091852,4008372527,"

Wake up, Sessions is there for a Deep State reason.

If it’s all a’s an insane gamble. Playing with the midterms big time.

Don’t listen to the Q crap...Sessions is a swamp crook.

",1532653227,27/07/2018 01:00 9091852,4008383048,"

Yes, Q with his ""trust Sessions"" bs is a shill either larping or trying to keep people passive with ""trust the plan"". Same for the cult of personalities on Twitter trying to claim Sessions is a secret genius about to eliminate the deep state any year now.

Rosenstein is a deep state defender and so is Sessions.

",1532653939,27/07/2018 01:12 9091852,4008386221,

There's a few true believers posting Q vids.

The late Andrew Breitbart had them pegged. Goofballs in capes and Guy Fawkes masks...

,1532654154,27/07/2018 01:15 9091852,4008387517,

What is Q smoking?

,1532654245,27/07/2018 01:17 9091852,4008389127,

I despise the Q nutters that defend the traitor. They are worse than most liberals.

,1532654360,27/07/2018 01:19 9091852,4008391395,"

Truly, when I read Q posts...I hear the author giggling. It’s awful. Like a bad seance.

",1532654519,27/07/2018 01:21 9091852,4008394588,

Go Q yourself.

,1532654742,27/07/2018 01:25 9091852,4008401050,

That is a fantasy narrative peddled by the Q nuts in the face of all of the countervailing evidence.

,1532655196,27/07/2018 01:33 9091852,4008403677,

I’m having doubts about Q. But he does make a very valid point: why the HELL would Trump allow this to continue if they really weren’t doing what he wanted? That’s NOT Trump’s style. He has no issue firing people.

,1532655376,27/07/2018 01:36 9091852,4008409856,"

No, Sessions is not Q, but Sessions, Trump and the Military are running this show and until Sessions is given the word, from Trump and the Military, he can't drop the Hammer.

",1532655821,27/07/2018 01:43 9091384,4008445191,"

I don't know what a TS/SCI clearance is. Is it a top secret clearance? All I know is the DOE Q clearance which is equivalent to the top secret clearance.

Top secret clearances are issued by the Dept of Homeland Security. They take bribery very seriously. When someone with a clearance gets into deep debt, they lose their clearance. Yes, even traffic tickets have to be reported. Failure to do so can lead to revocation of the clearance.

",1532658376,27/07/2018 02:26 9091384,4008447954,"

Do you know what a Q clearance is? Just because your particular job calls it something else doesn't mean it is unique.

BTW, just because you did not report your traffic violations doesn't mean you weren't supposed to. You were just lucky they did not catch you. I wouldn't tell anyone if you are still employed.

",1532658600,27/07/2018 02:30 9091384,4008451545,"

Look up Q clearance. Since you don't know what it is, you are the pot calling the kettle black.

",1532658895,27/07/2018 02:34 9091384,4008455503,"

A Q clearance is a Department if Energy term, only in that agency. It is similar to a TS/SCI clearance, which is a universal term.

",1532659228,27/07/2018 02:40 9091384,4008456847,"

Top secret is top secret and is issued by the DC headquarters of the Dept of Homeland Security. The process takes about six months and cost the government approximately $100,000 per candidate. The rules are the same whether you call it TS/SCI , Q or other department specific names. Believe me, you broke the rules when you did not report the traffic violations.

",1532659344,27/07/2018 02:42 9091384,4008460848,"

Yes,We can google also,you should have provided the whole explanation--Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret
clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI).
It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States
Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast
compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE ""security"" areas.

",1532659704,27/07/2018 02:48 9092068,4008463322,"

Lordy, you get paid to tell these tall tales!$!$#! Q, hahahaha, Q!#$!$

",1532659937,27/07/2018 02:52 9092068,4008465682,

Qanon said that Trump will lick Mueller’s wrinkly taint. It must be true.

,1532660155,27/07/2018 02:55 9091384,4008476620,

You have a clearance yet you had to Google what Q clearance means.
That is unbelievable.

,1532661183,27/07/2018 03:13 9092068,4008487068,

Qanon reports that CNN will report that Pence is resigning.

,1532662215,27/07/2018 03:30 9092068,4008490675,"

Qanon has spoken! Qanon is secretly Trump and he is blowing this trans dimensional pan galactic Illuminati pedophile conspiracy up! Pedos be like, oh no we can’t eat pizza. Trump’s like you’re fired.

",1532662577,27/07/2018 03:36 9091852,4008518962,"

This is part of the Q plan, people. Rosenstein is our side and so is Mueller. All of this has been a setup to take down the Deep State criminals and their global elite handlers.

Mueller isn't investigating Trump. The crap about investigating his tweets today is just buying a little more time. It had to be set up this way to get dems and deep state reps to not only support it bu defend it. They've worked so hard defending Mueller and Rosenstein that they won't be able to walk it back when the hammer drops.

Mueller was given the power to investigate all matters that arise from his initial probe on purpose. The ""Russian"" hacking leads to the steele dossier. The Steele dossier leads to Perkins Coie, DNC, Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS. Perkins Coie leads to Crowdstrike and DNC server. Crowdstrike altered data to look like Russia but will lead to Seth Rich and Julian Assange. Seth Rich, DNC Server and Crowdstrike lead to Clinton server. Gmails on Clinton server lead to Google's secret backup site and copies of deleted emails. Those lead to human trafficking, murder, treason, drugs, weapons, war, fraud, pedophilia, rape, and much more.

Look at the evidence of that. FISA issues re: Steele Dossier, fusion gps was ordered to turn over more on Dossier today. Assange agreement between UK and Ecuador this week with ""furniture"" removed and taken to undisclosed location. More to come. Trust the plan. #qanon

",1532665292,27/07/2018 04:21 9092068,4008538286,"


",1532667110,27/07/2018 04:51 9091852,4008539154,

I really wish this was just that simple. I don't fault you for your disbelief. The truth of this gets so dark that it's unbelievable at times.

Go check out Qanon. Pub and qproofs. Com. Find the boards on 8chan and you may change your mind.

,1532667189,27/07/2018 04:53 9090787,4008549005,"

Typical lefty reply. The degenerate, depraved cult of the left. If it’s not ripping a conscious unborn babe from the womb using instruments which first crush the head, it’s pushing the lowering of the age of consent to 12. Then we have pedophilia where raping a 6 month old is ‘normal’ because they ‘agreed’. Next comes beastiality where the so called intellectual leftist elites like professors and judges advocate this sick practice as long as the animal is not injured.

Then we have the left supporting female genital mutilation, honour killings, child sex slavery via trafficking across the border. Do you know WHY these children are separated from any adults? Because 80% of these children do not belong to the adult accompanying them and these little ones are sold into the sex trade, or worse. Some are used by sick leftist satanist as sacrifices. DNA testing has been able to reunite little ones with their parents who thought they had lost them forever

Then on top of that the left support euthanasia, eugenics and other despicable practices. The left are the party of the KKK, ISIS, ANTIFA and any number of violent organisations. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s pushing transgendering on little children to thoroughly screw their minds. What sick, sick, evil people you are. Myself and millions around the world are sick to death of your ‘way of life’ and yet you have the audacity to sit there and point a finger at Conservatives.

The Old Guard and the globalist agenda is finished. You no longer are going to do your evil deeds in secret. The game is up and My God, I cannot wait until those 40,000 indictments are opened and you sick lot are locked away for good. Thank God, in fact, Praise God for allowing sanity back into the world. Dark to Light. Q.

",1532668066,27/07/2018 05:07 9091852,4008549305,"

Then Youtube Kellyanne Conway's ""tippy top"" and ""real bread, real dough"" comments. Also Trump ""tippy top"" comment.

The tippy top comments were requested on the 8chan boards prior to both Trump and Conway making them.

Bread/dough comment not requested but the boards are referred to as ""bread"" and pastebin link with content called ""dough.""

At the very least POTUS and Conway are aware of the Q research board.

",1532668092,27/07/2018 05:08 9091852,4008573807,"

It's too bad that Floridian Mark Bradman (sundance) at the treehouse let his site be overrun with Q nutters. He did yeoman work on the Trayvon and Ferguson cases, but he has gone full-blown loony on the DOJ treason situation.

",1532670346,27/07/2018 05:45 9092068,4008581404,

Qanon says 3.14 dimensional chess strategy is to defeat your enemy but commiting treason with Putin.

,1532671061,27/07/2018 05:57 9083023,4008599195,"

Search for Q on you tube This video under ""q the plan to save the world"" is a neat summing up of what is going on.

",1532672737,27/07/2018 06:25 9091852,4008746178,"

I am at a totally lost. I trust Trump, but unless Q is right about the White Hats; Sessions should go!

",1532684447,27/07/2018 09:40 9092068,4008764644,"

US District Judge Ursula Ungaro orders Fusion GPS to reveal dossier details, trial set for November



True Pundit reports: Representatives of Fusion GPS must answer a broad array of questions about the opposition research firm’s role in creating, investigating and disseminating the infamous Steele dossier, a federal judge ruled. U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro issued the decision Tuesday in a defamation lawsuit a Russian tech executive filed against BuzzFeed News, which published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. The trial is scheduled to begin in Miami in November.
Fusion GPS, which was founded by three former Wall Street Journal reporters, has resisted efforts to provide information about its work on the dossier. The firm has claimed that revealing details about its dossier work would violate its confidentiality clauses with its clients as well as its First Amendment rights to political free speech. Fusion GPS was hired in April 2016 by the law firm representing the Clinton campaign and DNC to investigate Donald Trump’s links to Russia. Fusion in turn hired Steele, a former British spy with connections to Moscow.
Looks like the Russia/Trump Deep State created narrative by the Obama administration using foreign assets looks to be in trouble, as a US Federal District Judge in Miami has ordered Fusion GPS to reveal details in a Federal trial starting in November. Hopefully this whole trial is under oath that Fusion GPS officials will have to show up for, so we can get names of those involved with Fusion GPS and the funding parties of the seditious operation against Trump, Deep State individuals like Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
​ Now the court date for this Fusion GPS testimony trial is set for November and Q has told us to watch for suicides, so since this trial is so far out...We could possibly see those involved with the Fusion GPS unverified seditious dossier used to smear Trump show up dead or run away or just straight up disappear. Mark your calender's for this November Fusion GPS trial, and keep tabs on those we know are involved.

",1532685553,27/07/2018 09:59 9091384,4008839316,"

In this case there may actually be a method to the madness. If you are following the Q drops, they've mentioned that these guys have been under surveillance and been fed marked info to trace leaks.

",1532689385,27/07/2018 11:03 9091852,4008849581,

Looks like Q is wrong about sessions...I wish he wasn't...

,1532689869,27/07/2018 11:11 9092068,4008860699,

Much of this growth is due to a huge foreign run on US Ag products in Q2 (soybeans etc) in advance of tariffs and prices going up. We will be back to low 2s in Q 3.
And this story isn’t about GDP now is it - amazing group deflection.....

,1532690372,27/07/2018 11:19 9090064,4008871708,"

As Q said, she was not supposed to lose. America knows true evil when they see it and it has the face of HRC. Yet look how much rage, bile and lies are being spewed to paint those same failed ""values"" and evil ideas she espouses as ""moral"" and ""good."" Democr*ts hate people. #walkaway.

",1532690858,27/07/2018 11:27 9091852,4008933945,"

What is sad is that these elitist trash believe that they will ""win"" the inevitable conflagration that will sweep the Nation in response to their treachery. The fact that they think they can win it makes it inevitable that Civil War II will occur.

If you are not armed and ready, today, you have not been paying attention.

There is no Q coming to save you. . . . you are your own last defense for yourself, your family and community. The only plan you should trust, is your own.

",1532693400,27/07/2018 12:10 9091852,4008935816,"

Wait, I'm confused now. I thought Q said that Sessions was the most brilliant man to ever walk the face of the Earth.That's right, Q does not exist and it appears that neither does Sessions.

",1532693473,27/07/2018 12:11 9089890,4008937717,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments pending at the DOJ and Obama has hired a team of defense attorneys in DC - all nine of them.

Copy of search on of year of sealed indictments filed by DOJ nationwide in federal court - highlighed area is totals:

",1532693550,27/07/2018 12:12 9091852,4008938477,"

",1532693580,27/07/2018 12:13 9093676,4008942979,"


Learn to think critically.
Or continue to fail.

",1532693756,27/07/2018 12:15 9091384,4008974734,"

Only a danger to himself. Because while he was making trips to NZ to bypass access logs and monitoring, team Q has already set him up and logged every move he made there.

",1532694988,27/07/2018 12:36 9093676,4008975338,"

and there's this, my red-necked, trailer trash friend. Funny how Trump makes such a big deal about fifth place.

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

",1532695012,27/07/2018 12:36 9093676,4008980197,

2nd Q cupcake. And GDP is measured in averages not YTD

,1532695201,27/07/2018 12:40 9093676,4009029195,

This would only rank as 5th strongest Q during the Obama Presidency:

-- 5.1% Q2 2014
--4.9% Q3 2014
--4.7% Q4 2011
--4.5% Q4 2009

,1532696958,27/07/2018 13:09 9091852,4009125238,

Your referring to Q Anon?

,1532700637,27/07/2018 14:10 9093676,4009151848,

4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532701661,27/07/2018 14:27 9093676,4009153712,

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama Hussein presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532701731,27/07/2018 14:28 9093676,4009542101,"

No that was made up quote by trump, in fact this 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would only rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency —5.1% Q2 2014 —4.9% Q3 2014 —4.7% Q4 2011 —4.5% Q4 2009

",1532709849,27/07/2018 16:44 9093676,4009552221,"

Well no, in fact this 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would only rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency —5.1% Q2 2014 —4.9% Q3 2014 —4.7% Q4 2011 —4.5% Q4 2009

",1532710063,27/07/2018 16:47 9093871,4009552459,

Q predicted all this. Q you magnificent bstrd!

,1532710068,27/07/2018 16:47 9094318,4009690148,"

Is anyone waiting for Q., Sessions or Huber to fix this BS going on?
Have a look at ole Jeff defending Rosenstein from impeachment.
Nuff said!

",1532714404,27/07/2018 18:00 9091852,4009699465,

Where is Q??
Probably coming up with more trust the plan crap!

,1532714601,27/07/2018 18:03 9093559,4009707923,"

Kimmel's been exposed as a pedo along with others....
""Steven Spielberg Is A Pedophile"" - Isaac Kappy Names Names #PedoWood #pedogate #qanon

",1532714778,27/07/2018 18:06 9093676,4009843866,"

Trump had one Q of > 4% Growth, while people were stocking up to avoid the trade war coming.
Obama pulled us out of Bush's major crash and was a t 4% or higher 4 times (5% one time)

",1532719133,27/07/2018 19:18 9094318,4009899371,

Evidence? Link? How do you know what Lynch was well aware of? Qanon?

,1532721935,27/07/2018 20:05 9095395,4009946972,

Didn't Q promise us that everything would be known and public in July?

Not many days left.

,1532724546,27/07/2018 20:49 9095296,4009953818,

They've been reading Q posts and are trying to avoid a stay in GITMO.

,1532724940,27/07/2018 20:55 9094885,4010046183,"

I don't want to speculate but Q posted something about her being exposed in ""4 days,"" and this video was early this week

",1532731047,27/07/2018 22:37 9095953,4010074108,"

4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009


",1532733043,27/07/2018 23:10 9095953,4010079343,

it would tie for 13th strongest Q under Clinton

,1532733423,27/07/2018 23:17 9095953,4010079660,

t would tie for 5th strongest Q under GHWB

,1532733448,27/07/2018 23:17 9095953,4010079968,

it would tie for 5th strongest Q under GWB

,1532733470,27/07/2018 23:17 9075847,4010090801,"

",1532734243,27/07/2018 23:30 9096181,4010124508,"

Enough already, most people know the qanon thing is a 4chan hoax.

",1532736720,28/07/2018 00:12 9096109,4010126555,"

Right, but these democrap reprobates are the ones that have Joe/Jane Q Public thinking that they're the kind, gentle types that respect and value women. It's all a big lie.

",1532736873,28/07/2018 00:14 9096181,4010158895,

Not according to Q.

,1532739259,28/07/2018 00:54 9096487,4010201823,

4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532743062,28/07/2018 01:57 9095953,4010211056,

Not yet...

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency.

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532744045,28/07/2018 02:14 9095953,4010211407,

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency.

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532744080,28/07/2018 02:14 9095953,4010212225,

Wrong! The jackazz is the current POTUS.

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency.

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532744170,28/07/2018 02:16 9095953,4010239769,

That is just not true!

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532747062,28/07/2018 03:04 9095953,4010243638,"

Strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009


Yes, I posted one of those 'fake news"" sites for you to look at; however, the CHART within the WaPo article was sourced to Jerry Timpalski, Treasury Department

Reagan had the best; Obama the second best.

""Economic growth accelerated sharply in 2018’s second quarter, but economists caution it could be a blip
The quarter’s 4.1 percent annualized growth rate marks a jump from the first three months of 2018, when the economy grew at a tepid 2.2 percent, according to government economists. And it provides a boost to President Trump and Republicans hoping to tout a strong economy in their pitch to voters ahead of November’s midterm elections.

""But economists caution the growth was driven by one-time factors and is likely to be short-lived. Soybean exports exploded in the second quarter, with customers in several countries scrambling to snatch up supplies before new foreign taxes on U.S. soybeans went into effect, part of a broad retaliation against Trump’s tariffs on a range of foreign products."" [WaPo 7/27/2018]

Trump created less jobs in 2017 than in any of the previous 6 yrs:

2017 - 2.0M
2016 - 2.2M
2015 - 2.7M
2014 - 3.0M
2013 - 2.3M
2012 - 2.1M

",1532747482,28/07/2018 03:11 9096487,4010309442,


,1532755018,28/07/2018 05:16 9096487,4010310651,"

aIt doesnt matter what you think of Q, qresearch has a LOT of very good information.

",1532755150,28/07/2018 05:19 9096487,4010313413,

Anonymous is just a patriot who happens to have a hair up his butt about Q for some reason.

,1532755442,28/07/2018 05:24 9096487,4010315469,

Yeah don't worry. It seems like they can't / won't take Q down for some reason. He has been at this so long without a major hiccup... Almost makes me think the Chans are on government servers or run by somebody with a security clearance.

,1532755675,28/07/2018 05:27 9091852,4010347162,"

I believe the Q op is impossible to definitively affirm or deny and while grateful that it has been reducing odds of a civil war I'm CONCERNED it's reducing political action on the part of its followers.

So, all I'll advise is to not opt for following Q OVER taking political action (calling representatives, participating in local elections, etc.)

",1532759043,28/07/2018 06:24 9096487,4010352176,"

- immediately sees qanon posts

...where do I even start

You know what, I'm just gonna leave that crazy stuff be.

",1532759566,28/07/2018 06:32 9096487,4010352526,

This has nothing to do with Q.

,1532759599,28/07/2018 06:33 9095692,4010630233,"

That would be a great bumper sticker—put it right over my Q sticker, across from my LIFE NRA sticker (on my pickup).

Thanks for the idea!

",1532780229,28/07/2018 12:17 9094552,4010806174,"

Mark sees the Pain !!!

",1532789062,28/07/2018 14:44 9093208,4010808710,"

Here is another good one:
Mark sees the Pain !!!

",1532789179,28/07/2018 14:46 9094552,4010821120,"

I follow Q, find him (her, zhe, zir...) interesting.

But it's kinda basic business skills. Torque off at least half of your prospective clientele, stand by for the rejection!

But Libs do this time after time after time. Like Dick's [Sporting Goods], make some stupid SJW gesture that alienates at least half your customers, watch your business take a major hit.

And what's better about Facebook, Twitter's right behind them taking a major it. But Facebook's was a HISTORIC hit, NEVER has a company taken a loss like that IN A DAY...

Libs... Keep it up. You just do you. Or, #walkaway...

",1532789784,28/07/2018 14:56 9094552,4010833167,"

Grand Jury discovers 300 Catholic Priests involved in Pennsylvania pedo ring



The Goldwater Reports: A landmark investigation by a grand jury has identified over 300 ""predator priests"" in six of Pennsylvania's Roman Catholic dioceses. The findings were revealed Friday when the state Supreme Court ordered the report to be made public. The Supreme Court judges said the report on child sex abuse at the hands of clergy goes back decades and allegations of cover-ups were rampant although the ""individual-specific information"" of the priests and their cohorts will not be made public in the initial version.
Due to the priests and others who have challenged the findings, the court wants the redaction process to be completed no later than August 8, which is when the 800-page report is expected to be released. If the priests dispute the redactions made by the court-appointed special master, the release of the report could be delayed by a week. Currently, some priests and others say their constitutional rights are being violated because they were not able to address the grand jury prompting the Supreme Court to consider their objections.
America this may be the discovery of one of America's biggest child trafficking ring operations inside the United States, where a Grand Jury has discovered that 300 Catholic Priests in Pennsylvania are involved in a major child trafficking network. Like we've stated before no where in America that are public forms are safe for children, from your K-12 education centers, amusement places, and places of worship.
​ This should really show Americans that the Catholic Church and the Vatican are deeply involved in human/child trafficking networks, and this might be the biggest discovery in the church where 300 priests are involved in a child trafficking network out of Pennsylvania. That bad May that Q told us would happen to the Pope and the Vatican is turning into a bad year. This is only one US state where a major network of Catholic priests have been discovered in a major child trafficking ring, so this evil is likely anywhere else in America inside Catholic dioceses.

",1532790385,28/07/2018 15:06 9094552,4010840068,"

Q clues us in on CEO of CBS is involved with child trafficking



Fox News Reports: ​According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ronan Farrow has a new bombshell report for The New Yorker that will accuse CBS CEO Les Moonves of sexual misconduct. CBS Chairman and CEO Les Moonves will be accused of “unwanted kissing and touching” in Ronan Farrow’s latest #MeToo bombshell for The New Yorker, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “Sources with knowledge of the article say it delves into the broader culture at CBS and will publish later today on the magazine’s website,” the entertainment outlet reported on Friday.
Farrow's account in The New Yorker reportedly includes allegations against Moonves, 68, detailing recent claims in addition to incidents that occurred “more than 20 years ago.” CBS told THR that “all allegations of personal misconduct are to be taken seriously” and issued the following statement: ""The Independent Directors of CBS have committed to investigating claims that violate the Company’s clear policies in that regard. Upon the conclusion of that investigation, which involves recently reported allegations that go back several decades, the Board will promptly review the findings and take appropriate action.”
Looks like Q is cluing all of this in on a developing situation with CBS CEO Les Moonves's allegations against him for sexual misconduct, and it looks like Q is highlighting that the CBS CEO is involved in child trafficking. Q is cluing us in that the CBS CEO is involved in child trafficking, by simply stating there is nothing more precious than our children and evil has no boundaries, and highlighting the news of CBS CEO Les Moonves being hit sexual misconduct allegations.
​ Obviously this further highlights the truth of child trafficking and pedophilia involved in Hollywood, and it's really no wonder why Hollywood is so anti Trump...Because as you can see Hollywood is involved in child trafficking and pedophilia. This is especially highlighted on Twitter this week as multiple Hollywood shills that are anti Trump have a history of pedo jokes and normalizing pedophilia. Every network that is vastly anti Trump...Pedophilia and child trafficking likely goes to the tippy top.

",1532790711,28/07/2018 15:11 9098278,4010890025,

4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1532793078,28/07/2018 15:51 9095716,4010989257,"

Have you seen this?:

It's getting done, but in a way that won't allow the Dems to cry foul.

",1532798109,28/07/2018 17:15 9097129,4011008206,"

Dershowitz may have supported both Obama and Hillary Clinton, but he is a straight shooter in that he calls the shots equally. If a Liberal did Z and it is wrong, he'll say that it was wrong. If Liberals are screaming that Trump did Q and that is grounds for impeachment, but Dershowitz believes that Q is no crime, then he'll say that there is no crime.
Diogenes, you can put down your lantern. Alan Dershowitz is an honest man, and while I may disagree with him on some things, I tip my hat to him.

",1532799072,28/07/2018 17:31 9097456,4011064744,"

But the Russians sure did MEDDLE oh what is the charge for MEDDLING? Oh wait MEDDLING is not a crime oh wait neither is COLLUSION huh.

So what are crimes? Bribery, pay to play, election fraud, RICO and FEC violations, tax violations, nonprofit violations, FARA violations, misuse of public office and oh well I'm sure they will unseal those 40,000 sealed indictments at some point soon at the DOJ.

",1532802051,28/07/2018 18:20 9097456,4011066309,"

You know what some crimes are I bet? The ones in these FORTY THOUSAND SEALED INDICTMENTS by the DOJ:

In a normal year there are about 1000.

",1532802129,28/07/2018 18:22 9097456,4011069998,"

I see clouds of sealed indictments about to get unsealed like the Hand of God:

",1532802306,28/07/2018 18:25 9097456,4011072316,"

I see clouds of sealed indictments about to get unsealed like the rod of correction:

",1532802421,28/07/2018 18:27 9097318,4011105952,"

I myself am getting tired of Matt gates and the rest of them. They sure do talk a really good game but there is no action here, they have done nothing, all they have done is talk talk talk. Why don’t you come to us next time and tell us what you actually did, don’t tell me you’re going to impeach Rosenstein and then the next day Not do it, we’re going to run like a little wussy‘s we are. It’s really getting old it’s kind a like Q, who I really enjoy listening to and reading about. But there comes a time when you keep telling us all this is going to happen, it needs to happen, so until it happens why don’t you shut up and sit down until you can come to us with some real results.

",1532804084,28/07/2018 18:54 9094318,4011333880,"

The Cohen lead is going nowhere. At least it will not lead where you think it will. Cohen is still working with Trump. If you think Mueller had anything on Trump, he would still be handling the case with Cohen. Instead its been passed off because... *yawn*, there is nothing to Cohen or the Trump tower meeting. Its all a ruse to keep you morons running in circles while Q Team cleans up the mess from the past 30+ years.

",1532817915,28/07/2018 22:45 9097423,4011410098,


,1532824073,29/07/2018 00:27 9099424,4011411035,


,1532824152,29/07/2018 00:29 9099424,4011412495,"


",1532824275,29/07/2018 00:31 9098926,4011413706,"

There are 40,000 sealed indictments filed by the DOJ in the previous nine month period indicated in this search on - the online court filing database. Normally in a year there are 1000.

",1532824380,29/07/2018 00:33 9099424,4011443108,"

4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

5.1% Q2 2014
4.9% Q3 2014
4.7% Q4 2011
4.5% Q4 2009

Thanks, Obama

",1532826979,29/07/2018 01:16 9076786,4011453693,"

",1532827930,29/07/2018 01:32 9095716,4011522221,"

Mass of posts after a long break.

",1532834787,29/07/2018 03:26 9099424,4011545228,

4.6% as of Q 2.

,1532837194,29/07/2018 04:06 9095929,4011574750,"

OK. I've looked at the seven occurrences of ""blocked"" or ""unblocked"" in Jr's Senate testimony.

Here's the source info:

p.85: ""6 exhibit and we ' re going to mark this one

7 Exhib it 11.

8 (DJTJR Exhibit 11 was marked

9 f or identifica tion.)

""10 BY MS . SAWYER :

11 Q. So t h is is a document produced by your

1 2 attorneys. It' s got Bates number DJTJR- 00851 to

13 00865 . So I think it ' s about 14 pages. I believe

14 t h is is your -- it says down on the front page ""Don

15 Junior iPhone Trump"" and it appears to be a bill

16 cycle from 1111 from 6/1/ 1 6 to 6/30/16 . So these

17 are the -- as I understand it, the complete record

18 of your phone f or that month ...""

And the only indication that those ""blocked"" might include outgoing calls:


""11 Q. And then you d i dn' t recall t he next call,

1 2 whi ch was a bl ocked call, who that would have been

13 to?

14 A . Correct.

15 Q. And then a n o t her call at 4 : 31 , agai n

1 6 Russia , t his is not incoming. So it looks like you

1 7 may have called . That's three minutes long? ""

So, this says the first call mentioned was ""to"" someone, but the discussion of the next call indicates to me that the interrogator can't be relied on to accurately detect from the exhibit (#11, which is, btw, entirely redacted, so your issues are not just with Nunes) whether calls are coming or going.

There is no mention of any calls to ""blocked"" parties after the meeting.

",1532840368,29/07/2018 04:59 9099424,4011632082,"

And this ""Hollywood Reporter has it...the Kock Brothers are going to be the first ""gay marriage incestious legal couple in the history or America...""hush the record...and as always on the Q.T.

",1532847180,29/07/2018 06:53 9099424,4011633435,"

..""and as always on the Q.T.""... on the queer and transgender?

",1532847329,29/07/2018 06:55 9098926,4011819813,"

For those of you wondering, where is the justice?

I have provided a link so you can see what Huber (working for Sessions) has actually been doing.

Bring on the pain.

",1532863009,29/07/2018 11:16 9098578,4011853668,"

Qanon projected months ago, that the Pope would have a ""bad"" May; a month punctuated with the historic resignation of 34 Chilean Bishops & now this. Note that McCarrick's ""career"" took him from NY to DC...

Note also the NY AG's resignation in May; another even signaled by Qanon...

",1532865031,29/07/2018 11:50 9099511,4011859320,"

Not for nothing, but do we or do we not have a Republican majority in Washington? So WHY the F are we focusing on some whore who gave Trump a BJ 20 years ago or whatever while we have hardcore evidence of the people being denied the right to a fair election by the Clinton campaign, the FBI, CIA, the attorney general Loretta Lynch, the Obama white house, not to mention social media, the IRS on and on and on? Can you believe the only one in that circle who is doing jail time is Anthony Weiner, a guy who sent freakin text messages? WTF is going on here? Why are Republicans sitting on their freakin ass allowing these Rat bastards to focus on this crap? Where are the indictments against Hillary Clinton on the 110 violations of the espionage act? Slam dunk case as gross negligence is the only requirement for a conviction. Why is James Comey waltzing around? Why is his head not on a plate for CLEAR obstruction of justice not to mention leaking? This is insane, you can't write this stuff. Hardcore felonies completely ignored in favor of who or what slut Trump nailed 10 years ago when he was Joe Q. Citizen. F REPUBLICANS! I am so sick of these coma ass mofos

",1532865375,29/07/2018 11:56 9095983,4011890021,"

I'm such a fan of your bot-like input into the comments of every Breitbart article. Your comments never say anything of value, but they appear in bold lettering so it's way cooler than the average fat Breitbart weirdo's comments.
You're like the Q-Anon of the Breitbart comment section: a dude who takes himself WAY too seriously pretending to have something of value to say.

",1532867120,29/07/2018 12:25 9099151,4011953233,"

I’m not triggered at all, but you ARE a friggin Jew hating bigot, suzie Q. Have a great day now wallowing in your ignorance.

",1532870405,29/07/2018 13:20 9100672,4012077338,

Wishful thinking. The housing market is already showing signs of slowing down and the 2nd Q was propped up by farmers dumping soybeans before the tariffs hit.

,1532876487,29/07/2018 15:01 9095716,4012092440,"

Trump would have no political repercussions if he fired Sessions, but he is not firing him. Trump easily fires people he is not pleased with but not Sessions. Why? If he fired Sessions and appointed someone else, that person could fire Rosenstein and Mueller. They must be there for a purpose.

Trump appointed Wray and is happy with him. Wray is quietly cleaning out the FBI while everyone else is focused on the FISA warrants and the rest of it. Most of the top level of the FBI is gone. Except Rosenstein.

Trump met with Mueller the day before Mueller was appointed special counsel. Why? Mueller was not eligible for the head of the FBI, but that was the reason Trump supposedly was meeting with him. He knew Mueller was corrupt and anti-Trump. So why did he REALLY meet with Mueller? After that discussion, Mueller was appointed special prosecutor by Sessions and with Trump's blessings.

Trump could order the FBI to turn over the documents congress wants, but he hasn't. Why? He could declassify every document and have it released without redactions, and he says he will if needed, but he isn't yet. He says he'd rather not interfere and let it go where it will.

Q said that, if Rosenstein is a black hat, so is Mueller. But if one is a white hat, they both are. He would not say which it is.

Trump keeps asking ""Where is the server?"" He knows where the server is. Q says: ""We have the server."" Not only that, but they have all the information the government has. Trump is simply taunting the left.

Trump gave his permission for Cohen to release that tape. Why? Wray could have stopped the raid on Cohen, because it was a raid by the FBI, but he did not. Why not? Cohen supposedly has 11 other tapes but none of them have to do with Trump. What are they?

Think about it and create a scenario in your mind that makes sense. This is what I think: Mueller met with Trump and Mueller's past misdeeds were brought up, including crimes he could go to jail for. Many are publicly known. Or Mueller could choose instead to cooperate. Rosenstein and Mueller have both turned and are reluctant white hats. And Sessions recused himself so that Rosenstein and Mueller could play it out. Mueller is most trusted by the left, so they feel secure with him being a special prosecutor.

Everything that Rosenstein and Mueller revealed shows that there was no Russian collusion and Hillary and Obama et al were implicated in illegal activities. The illegal activities were not on the part of Trump. But the left still has confidence in Mueller and Rosenstein, thinking they will eventually uncover SOMETHING against Trump, so they defend the two.

In the meantime, Trump attacks Sessions and Mueller and Rosenstein. Sessions appears to be doing nothing, but it's all intended perception. Sessions is doing plenty. He is called ""the quiet assassin"" for a reason.

The hearings, all the documents and witnesses, are turning on bad actors. Every time they open their mouths, they reveal another lie. They are eating each other to avoid going to prison. Every day there is more evidence of deep state illegal activity. And yet, their arrogance refuses to believe that they might be prosecuted. They all count on Mueller to do something. Mueller is their only hope.

They will have to wait a long time before Mueller helps them. He has himself to protect. So does Rosenstein.

In the meantime, the FBI cannot release all the documents congress wants because they are evidence before grand juries. Horowitz and Wray have said there are grand juries and ongoing investigations so congress will not have access to documents involved with those cases. Strzok was instructed not to answer by the FBI because of ongoing investigations. Lisa Page answered far more questions, contradicting what Strzok and others said, but she did not have FBI lawyers to stop her.

Who is doing these ongoing investigations and grand juries? Huber is. Huber was appointed by Sessions and is accountable only to Sessions. Rosenstein has no authority over Huber at all. Huber can try cases in the most conservative courts in the land, not liberal DC.

What we see is not all that's happening. The public display brings out continuing new information TO THE PUBLIC so that we will support and demand the prosecution of all those who tried to bring down a duly elected government. It sets the stage. By the time all the real trials begin, we will know much of the truth. Hillary was right, that if Trump won, they'd all hang.

Trump won on the promise that he would bring down the corruption in the federal government. He keeps his promises.

",1532877232,29/07/2018 15:13 9100951,4012125466,

Il Papa would be the one to know about that kinda thing. These people are SICK. #Qanon

,1532878819,29/07/2018 15:40 9101383,4012234802,"

Subject: Why Do Teachers Drink?

The following questions were set in last year's GED examination.

These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds)

Q. Name the four seasons.

A.. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar

Q. How is Dew formed

A.. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on

A.. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed

Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections

A.. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election

Q. What are steroids

A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs (Shoot yourself now , there is little hope)

Q... What happens to your body as you age

A.. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental

Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty

A.. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery (So true)

Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes

A.. Premature death

Q. What is artificial insemination

A... When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow

Q. How can you delay milk turning sour

A.. Keep it in the cow (Simple, but brilliant)

Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen)

A.. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U

Q. What is the fibula?

A.. A small lie

Q. What does 'varicose' mean?

A.. Nearby

Q. What is the most common form of birth control

A.. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium. (That would work)

Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'

A.. The caesarean section is a district in Rome

Q. What is a seizure?

A.. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)

Q. What is a terminal illness

A. When you are sick at the airport. (Irrefutable)

Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?

A.. Benign is what you will be after you be eight (brilliant)


Q. What is a turbine?

A.. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head. Once a Arab boy reaches puberty, he removes his diaper and wraps it around his head. (now we are getting somewhere)

",1532884188,29/07/2018 17:09 9101383,4012270360,

Synology vs Qnap?

,1532885910,29/07/2018 17:38 9101449,4012322667,"

Ask me one year ago I would say journalism is dead kids suck. But there are some kids on YouTube that are very well spoken and they can break down info extremely good. The kid from Q Greg ? Maybee the Christian soft spoken kid is very fair and honest, he doesn’t just say this is the way it is. He’ll give you some stuff and like news should be YOU dissect it how you may. Unfortunately if it’s not on 6, 10 or 12. The older folks won’t watch it so the only way is to transform the whole industry . That would mean dismantling all of it. Problem is they will kick and scream yelling HES TRYING TO TURN THIS INTO DICTATORSHIP, and the moderates will get a little freaked out . Me I say do the whole freaking village

",1532888389,29/07/2018 18:19 9101323,4012325647,"

I don't go for too-cute-by-half explanations that the Q crowd repeatedly has to, in order to explain Q's failures.

",1532888522,29/07/2018 18:22 9101323,4012340239,

Has Q been correct about anything?

,1532889225,29/07/2018 18:33 9100966,4012417628,

It's all part of the Q Plan. Cohen is a definite white hat. #Qanon

,1532893141,29/07/2018 19:39 9098389,4012440498,"

The book of Q? Sean at SGT Report is fantastic, I Patreon him.

",1532894392,29/07/2018 19:59 9101491,4012459805,"

This happened in USA in Rockaway Beach Qns, NY with Chinese illegals on a ship in the 1980's. We need to protect our coast line as well as land boarders. I went to Northern Ireland last year. I'm 1/2 Irish/English descent but can tell they'd rather any foreigners than Irish Catholic if your British and British if your Irish Catholic.

",1532895484,29/07/2018 20:18 9101323,4012466246,"

Sessions is the ""insurance policy"" ... Q lies

",1532895871,29/07/2018 20:24 9098389,4012472560,

Are you new to Q?

,1532896248,29/07/2018 20:30 9098389,4012483555,"

If you want to dig through, here's were to read the drops. Click on the blue number to go to 8 chan to read the anons' research & memes. I've been reading Q since the week before Christmas, sometimes, it's the only thing that keeps me going.

",1532896897,29/07/2018 20:41 9101323,4012496396,

yawn... you keep saying that ... i guess your devotion to Q is pretty deep ...

,1532897694,29/07/2018 20:54 9101953,4012503446,"

Myself and pretty much everyone I follow, who follows me have been shadow banned...we are all Qanon's and/or conservatives. Every idiot on the left is not...

",1532898144,29/07/2018 21:02 9101323,4012507842,"

You obviously can't tell the truth and facts from lies. Q is the first time in our history that we have ever had information on what has happened and where we are going. There is other good information out there besides Q, but I do follow them and many others.

",1532898428,29/07/2018 21:07 9101323,4012508964,

you need to get away from Q and Infowars...

,1532898504,29/07/2018 21:08 9101323,4012509664,"

I rarely listen to Info Wars. Q is information, just like others and that is what I take it for when I research.

",1532898549,29/07/2018 21:09 9102292,4012541024,

Just fcknbringit! asshats
Youll soon find your place wasnt where you assumed

,1532900709,29/07/2018 21:45 9102292,4012567354,"

When the President brings home ALL the Military from wars around the globe on 11/11/2018 for good, the greatest Military Parade will take place to honour ALL who have served America.

A parade that will never be forgotten.
Ask yourself, why?
God bless our brave men & women in uniform.
We will never forget.

THEN when they are safe back on American soil, the Military, under The US Corps of Military Engineers, the largest Army command comprising 37,000 civilian and military personnel in the world, will build the wall.

Amazing coincidence.
+ Military start / wall.
You have more than you know.
Reason we are here MORE.

For those following Q, did you notice the DROP No. ? Drop No. 1111

",1532902610,29/07/2018 22:16 9095929,4012580854,"

Kind of like Obama's birth certificate, or the mythical Q, it doesn't exist.

",1532903590,29/07/2018 22:33 9102292,4012581977,"

My most reliable Q interpreter is going live in about 25 minutes.
Here is the link:
Citizens Investigative Report

",1532903669,29/07/2018 22:34 9102292,4012586890,"

Katie G the Q Whisperer goes live in 19

",1532904030,29/07/2018 22:40 9102292,4012590586,"

Your stuid if you dont understand Q is building effective speed
Speed equals FORCE and the train rolls forward.
QAnon is what it is,take the red pill and wake up
Or keep hating on Trump and stay asleep
Simple,Simple stuff
Aint about Trump,
Trump is whats bringing results of his election to POTUS.
Today is Sunday in the US and Q has been dropping all day.
STFU until you have at least a clue of what you chirp

",1532904311,29/07/2018 22:45 9102292,4012601052,"

Katie G goes live in <2 minutes. (favorite Q person)

",1532905108,29/07/2018 22:58 9102289,4012601524,"

Katie G goes live in <2 minutes. (favorite Q person)

",1532905145,29/07/2018 22:59 9102289,4012606240,"

Katie G is live & waiting for people to pile in (favorite Q person)

",1532905503,29/07/2018 23:05 9102436,4012714661,


,1532914775,30/07/2018 01:39 9102292,4012717047,"

The problem is that we have to elect some of these RINOS if we want Trump to complete the mission. Giving the Demonrats Congress will destroy all the efforts made. If you are thinking of staying home because of these guys, that is exactly what they want. As the Q guy says trust the plan because it's the only hope.

",1532915007,30/07/2018 01:43 9102436,4012730436,

We will ONLY see FAKE NEWS POLLING!!!!!!

If He was on Apprentice Trump would be Firing Left and Right and the WALL would Be FINISHED NEXT FRIDAY before Siesta! MAGA Qanon

,1532916418,30/07/2018 02:06 9102436,4012840615,"

Antifa group with a revealing sign...

You see the ""NAMBLA"" logo at the bottom left?

",1532927925,30/07/2018 05:18 9101491,4012984793,

First invade then suck tax payer money from welfare after you need crying istitutional racism because you are not capable to succeed in western school job due your too low Q.I.. So start rioting because your failure is caused by racism. White flight and your 100% black hood became a hell hole then you follow white but when you arrived to enrich their neighborhood white flight again. So on ad infinutum.

,1532940695,30/07/2018 08:51 9102436,4013006177,

Why would Q ask that? Everyone knows it was the US Treasury. Obama got the billions directly from the US Treasury while the Congress and Senate were at recess.

,1532942112,30/07/2018 09:15 9101449,4013018280,"

Really, Carl? You are reporting the truth? Where is the report, then, on the missile that was 'accidentally' launched from a US sub back in June? Despite the photographic evidence, the media tossed it off as 'lightning'. Where is the truth on the Q anon drops? Why haven't any of you asked the President about it, since if it is just a LARP, as the media claims, then he would certainly be able to clear that up. Where are the media stories about what happens to aborted babies--especially the 'late term' babies? You know, the media says the bodies are thrown away, but we have seen that they are SOLD piece by PIECE.

",1532942901,30/07/2018 09:28 9103480,4013067864,"

Time to round them up. The Corrupt EU and corrupt elements in European governments will prevent self-preservation until it is too late.

Perhaps the Q effect will spill over into Europe once America gets it's house in order.

Thank you Rothschilds, Soros, etc.

Fools don't realize that once they have total control ""there can be only one.""

",1532945816,30/07/2018 10:16 9100747,4013165022,"

Q hints Deep State anti Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti knew about missile attempt on Trump after NK summit



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Michael Avenatti✔@MichaelAvenatti

This week promises to be very interesting...
Might want to follow my Insta handle - mjavenatti.

11:00 PM - Jun 10, 2018


4,620 people are talking about this

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Remember that missile that was fired off the coast of Washington State right after the Trump/Kim Jong Un Summit in June, well Q may of just hinted Deep State anti Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti may of knew it was going to happen. Stormy Daniels/anti Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti sent out a tweet of a target over an aircraft on June 10th, and after the Trump/Kim Summit on June 12...A missile was launched in the direction of Air Force One when Trump was coming back from the Trump/Kim Summit on June 12th. Deep State/Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti knows exactly what took place with this missile fired off the coast of Washington State that targeted Air force One...That Q told us F-16's took out. This is not a coincidence as Q states and exposes Michael Avenatti knowing about this threat to the President after the Trump/Kim summit.

",1532950557,30/07/2018 11:35 9101830,4013376076,

they should call take the plastic bag challenge . duct tape a thick air tight plastic bag over your head . see if you can beat 10 minutes . set a timer and wait . best if done alone or in a group . make sure you set your phones on record to make sure you know who the winner was . 1 2 3 go ! if your smart enough to eat tide pods and think socialism is great . this probably is on your same I Q level .

,1532959207,30/07/2018 14:00 9100747,4013376799,

I wonder why BB and even the Q drops use disgus. It is such a Chinese stooge and anti American/

,1532959234,30/07/2018 14:00 9103090,4013514070,"

Congress has bent over backwards to obtain the information they want on this ** MESS ** created by ROSENSTEIN and his goons.//////////////////////
Time for Congress to FORCE the issue, if this is not good enough, how about CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS. ????????????????????
i DON'T THINK THAT WOULD SHAKE rosenstein, until, he ROSENSTEIN, finds himself a guest in the ROUND BAR HOTEL at the expense of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN. ///////////////////////////////////
FO FOR IT GUYS, put the little weasel into the binds of CONTEMPT. ////////////////

",1532964225,30/07/2018 15:23 9105973,4013683129,

Tip of the iceberg. Listen to Qanon

,1532970484,30/07/2018 17:08 9106129,4013697916,"

WOW...Q posted that California ""light fires"" because they were denied Sanctuary City funding and are being sued by the DOJ. box #1762 with links.
The leadership of CA must be arrested for criminal charges.

",1532971042,30/07/2018 17:17 9106447,4013726921,"

Q posted California ""light fires"" because they were denied govt. funding due to sanctuary cities. They want $$$ BILLIONS. post #1762 with links. CA leadership should be arrested on criminal charges for their destruction of the State. Wake up Calleys...PTrump SHUT THE GOVT. DOWN. MAGA.

",1532972100,30/07/2018 17:35 9104218,4013861371,

See RSBNETWORK videos and pull up the last one and look at the people in the crowd with Q shirts while Trump gave them a thumbs up...get with it!

,1532977050,30/07/2018 18:57 9085447,4013887193,"

Maybe I've spent too may wee-hours of the morning catching up on Q-Anon, but...
Why hasn't POTUS declassified the documents requested of Ron Rosenstein? It's a delaying tactic. Read recently the impeachment proceeding are being downgraded to something lesser. Sessions recused himself, Trump has said some grumpy words about that, but he hasn't fired him. When Tillerson had a different point of view, he was gone. When Bannon had a different point of view, he was gone. Sessions hasn't budged, and John Huber in Utah is tying up, with a bow, thousands of indictments. To be released...before November Elections? More delaying tactics? Before Mueller took the chair as Special Investigator he had a meeting with POTUS. Is the entire investigation geared to bring the FBI, DOJ, etc. swamp creatures to the surface? Is the investigation, that produces nothing, meant to keep attention off the something else? While MSM, and Liberals spin and chase the laser pointer, real events are going largely unnoticed. How many Republican and Democrat Congresspersons have declared they are not running again after their term? Why is that do you suppose? We are seeing and reacting to events as we perceive them, not necessarily for what they are. I'm willing to trust this President, and his Administration to do the right thing, and will allow time for that to happen. In the end, God sent this man to do a dirty job, and he will MAGA. I sincerely believe that.

",1532978094,30/07/2018 19:14 9104218,4013948370,"

Wow QAnon says California lawmakers are burning their own state down to force the Feds to give them money, after they were cut off for running sanctuary cities.

When do the executions commence?

",1532980541,30/07/2018 19:55 9106024,4013969804,"

It's interesting when you look at how intensely The Democratic Socialist Party tries to silence moderate and reform Muslim voices. It's very odd. Why are they doing it? Look at what all these Leftist aligned institutions and outright Democrat politicians have done to Muslims who don't toe the fundamentalist line and are actually real people, real voices pushing for peace and recognize a spiritual complexity in Islamic teaching:

- Kamala Harris makes an activist point of ignoring Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Q. Nomani when they testified in front of The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about problems with violence against women in some Islamic communities and how they think these problems might be solved.

- Protesters at Yale shut down a speech on Muslim reform that Asra Nomani was set to give and the administration of Yale supported this effort.

- The Southern Poverty Law Center (which has had lots of influence and cooperation with The FBI) labelled Maajid Nawaz (who I believe even identifies as Liberal) a Muslim extremist, for daring to write a book about his actual psychological, intellectual and spiritual journey AWAY from extremism.

- Numerous Conservative/GOP running Muslim candidates are virtually invisible in the MSM because they don't fit into the Progressive ""noble savage"" glorification of radical Islamic terrorists, with Democrats declaring themselves sole authorities on who is legitimately Muslim and who is not. Those who support Conservative, Constitutional principles that are pro-American are either ignored or actively bullied out of the spotlight.

- They push forward extreme Muslim voices that also support Marxist policies, like that of Linda Sarsour.

And the list goes on and on, examples of a very specific picture Lefties are trying to create about Muslims as a group. Why are they doing it? Why are they being so selective and are pushing forward the most radical and socially incompatible Islamists as the only legitimate face of Islam and why are they pretending Westerners -- including moderate Muslims in The West -- must tolerate this extremism as a new normal? What's their plan?

There have been too many recent examples of what could only be described as sabotaging coming from the Left of reform Muslim voices, that it's really becoming suspicious.

",1532981464,30/07/2018 20:11 9106447,4013985075,"

QAnon is that you?

40,000 sealed indictments? Or is it 40,000,000???

Game set match!


",1532982120,30/07/2018 20:22 9095395,4014089741,"

Hopefully Q is real, Q is right, and a lot of the sun of da beaches will be locked up,

",1532987491,30/07/2018 21:51 9105052,4014130747,"

Follow Q Anon.
It's real.
40,000 + sealed indictments say so.

",1532990053,30/07/2018 22:34 9104650,4014196834,"

Good god, Dead Breitbart! The wheels are coming off the Trump train. How will you cover the beginning of the end of Trump’s presidency / freedom? I’m predicting more scary brown people and another story about Nunes and the secret Qanon investigations into multidimensional, transgalatic Pizzagate pedophiles who did BENGHAZI!

It is going to be so much fun to watch you meltdown when reality and the law crush your maga fantasies.

",1532994373,30/07/2018 23:46 9103609,4014202739,"

Those that follow Q knew on March 8th that the peace summit with Kim was a done deal and would take place, which it did.
Q said that Iran was next and it would be over by the end of the year.
He said it would be a regime change from within.
He was right on the Korean meeting and many other predictions so I think i'll stick with him on this one.

",1532994781,30/07/2018 23:53 9106648,4014207290,

So did Q.

,1532995108,30/07/2018 23:58 9103789,4014215620,


,1532995709,31/07/2018 00:08 9107686,4014234051,"

Trump supporters are the same people who loved the likes of Barry Goldwater, Gov. Wallace, Bull Connor. We went from Jim Crow to James Q. Crow, esq.

",1532996905,31/07/2018 00:28 9102292,4014272998,"

It's called greed. Q reminded us this week, with a bible quote, that greed is a form of idolotry... putting our personal or group needs for power and control above the spiritual law of love.

",1532999374,31/07/2018 01:09 9105937,4014279512,"

Does anyone believe that John Q citizen gives a s...t about all this. Rudy is not your typical by the book lawyer, he knows the game inside and out. he would have made a great con man if he took that bent. We loved him in NYC

",1532999610,31/07/2018 01:13 9102370,4014319023,"

So after the Santa Maria fire last year that burned exactly as the Agenda 21 over lay showed needed burning it burned. According to their fire Chief it was DEWs and wind generators. So I knew more fires were coming because of the Rothschilds own that electrical grid in California. They have a plan to burn out California for restructuring according to Agenda 21. So came these last world record fires..abnormal heat as was the last one... It has burned over a 100 thousand acres I heard.... the whole state is on fire uncontrolled... What do you know.... Was I wrong...Well the very last Q post says this....

""What happens when CA is in serious debt and
lost priority aid from the FED gov
due to sanctuary status (illegal)?

Light fires.

Declare State of Emergency and req billions
from FED.""

Why did POTUS reject in the past?

Sick people! The more you know.""

So how many Californians were killed in this one and who is going to jail for their murders,,, Jerry Brown?

",1533002572,31/07/2018 02:02 9102292,4014330354,

Bring those Q drops bro.

,1533003550,31/07/2018 02:19 9105937,4014348448,

Great! I hate nut job conspiracy Q types.

,1533005145,31/07/2018 02:45 9064453,4014611455,

Hi P. been following praying medics and it is interesting. The Morse code distraction is not all there is to Qanon. I'm following the crumb trail .... I hope you are well. :-)

,1533026764,31/07/2018 08:46 9108391,4014632951,

TMCCMODS Total Mind Control Communist Manifesto Orwellian Double Speak. That’s Koch
WWG1WGA. Where We Go One We Go All
God Bless Q.

,1533028127,31/07/2018 09:08 9108391,4014697748,"

Court documents highlight co founder of anti Trump SPLC involved with molesting own daughter



Big League Politics Reports: A recently-uncovered court document from the divorce proceedings of a prominent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) figure alleges horrific conduct on behalf of one of the most influential lawyers in America. Maureene Dees, ex-wife of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees filed for divorce on March 8, 1979 after a decade-long marriage marred by difficulties, according to an appellant brief obtained by Big League Politics. The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals.
​According to court testimony, among other perverted sexual behavior, Dees attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy. Holly Buck was Maureene Dees’ daughter from a previous marriage. “Holly testified that, in the summer of 1977, Morris attempted to molest her in the following incident: One night Maureene and Morris were sitting drinking wine and discussing a case Morris was trying,” the brief says. “[Holly] was with them. Around eleven or twelve o’clock, Maureene went to bed and Holly stayed up with Morris discussing the case. Morris kept offering Holly wine, some of which she accepted.”
Just another showing of those who are vastly anti Trump are likely into pedophilia and child trafficking, as court documents expose the co founder of the SPLC which is very anti Trump Morris Dees involved in molestation of his own daughter. The anti Trump voices and organizations in media, Hollywood, and even legal groups are really being exposed as guilty parties involved with child sex abuse or promoting pedophilia, and like Q has said these people are sick.
SPLC alone has been involved in the Facebook and Twitter censorship of Conservative voices on social media, and look at that the co founder of the SPLC Morris Dees is exposed as molesting his own daughter. What do they say when it comes to the loudest voices against Trump, well you can probably connect child abuse, pedophilia, and child trafficking to all the loudest anti Trump voices just like we have here once again.

",1533031655,31/07/2018 10:07 9110044,4014701376,"

Funny seeing media try to say Q is a ""conspiracy theory."" As if anything STRANGE is a conspiracy theory.

Conspiring implies a plot to commit a crime.
Theory means... not yet proven.

Somebody is indeed posting, so it isn't a theory. He is not plotting to commit a crime. Simply leading people and asking questions.


",1533031835,31/07/2018 10:10 9102286,4014711117,"

Alyssa Milano is best known for tramping around braless. I just can't take her serious. Well, that and her low I. Q.

",1533032299,31/07/2018 10:18 9110044,4014717381,"

Ole - our Don Quixote is back....BIGLY !!!!! Slash through the chaff, knock down the adversaries, drain the swamp!!! Don Q is beating back real ""windmills"" who blow against America, ending real corruption, aiding real Americans and making America great again. Cervantes wrote Don Quixote after having spent over 5 years in Muslim captivity; I believe DQ is his magnus opus to victory for righteous people. And now we have DJT in 21st century America. Onward and upward we go!!!!

",1533032593,31/07/2018 10:23 9110044,4014718146,"

Q exposes CA state government behind wildfires to get Federal aid, because the state is broke


1 Comment

If Q is stating that the government of California is behind the onslaught of the CA wildfires to get Federal cash because the state is broke, then the entire CA government needs to be brought to court. If government officials are truly behind the California wildfires that have killed many over the last year or two, misplaced thousands, and destroyed billions of dollars of property, then Governor Moonbeam and his officials need to be immediately arrested. Knew there was something more to the CA wildfires that almost occur on a weekly basis, and with what Q is stating it looks like California government officials are behind the fires...And CA officials are likely letting illegal aliens set the fires in hopes to get Federal cash because the state is broke.

",1533032628,31/07/2018 10:23 9110044,4014718301,"

Liberals are strange.
Therefore, Liberals are a conspiracy theory.

lol. That is their logic on the Q posts. Strange = conspiracy theory.
No theory. No 2+ people plotting to commit a crime... just strange.

These media publications are either really stupid, or ... [insert your take here]

",1533032636,31/07/2018 10:23 9064453,4014725076,"

Hey buddy :0) Nice to hear from you. I'm good thanks. You?

Yeah, I'd forgotten about Praying Medic. I've seen some of his stuff on Youtube and he is pretty good. There so much Q traffic out there, it's getting really busy.

I'd say be wary of Info Wars; there are concerns that Alex Jones is not the patriot he claims to be - cash for disemination... Jerome Corsi is in the same boat.

If you want someone who talks about libtard stupidity and is anti PC, then Paul Joseph Watson is your man. The guy is eloquent, irreverent and utterly withering; he absolutely slays me!

",1533032953,31/07/2018 10:29 9110194,4014819124,"

Rush is right on, as he himself says, 99.99% of the time.
Trump, Q, Rush - 1,2,3 punch!!!

",1533036899,31/07/2018 11:34 9110194,4014835081,"

Trump, Q, Rush - 1,2,3 punch!!!

",1533037534,31/07/2018 11:45 9110044,4014879115,"

He also remembers the boys over at Qanon and 8 chan, just for kicks.

Trump's totally watching, and he truly cares about his kids, like a good Daddy should!


",1533039245,31/07/2018 12:14 9109477,4014928054,"

If you tax the Rich, they then have less money to invest to make more money. When they have less money and are no longer ‘rich,’ who ,then , will be the next target....John Q Public.

",1533041057,31/07/2018 12:44 9110752,4015061271,

FAH Q Andrea Mitchell

,1533045731,31/07/2018 14:02 9110776,4015086461,

The Q drops last night were supposedly really good.
Haven't checked because I am tired. Anybody able to verify?

,1533046612,31/07/2018 14:16 9110776,4015155434,"

MSM does not even use facts any longer.
Iam still waiting for a Real Journalist to ask Trump about Qanon...their scared! They know its real but if they dont ask they can continue the old ""Conspiracy Theory"" narrative to spin more false misattribution.

",1533048980,31/07/2018 14:56 9110299,4015199851,

Blum wants to get back to organized child trafficking and ritual satanic abuse as soon as possible. #Qanon

,1533050568,31/07/2018 15:22 9110194,4015371068,"

Here's the thing...the establishment on both sides is scare to death that Americans will figure out that nothing changes when the government ""shuts down""...once John Q. American sees that, they might start asking ""do we even need such a big government after all"" ????? Trump sees the truth of it - that's why he's not scared in the least of this ""gamble"".

",1533056665,31/07/2018 17:04 9107773,4015387484,

Qanon suggests California government has set these fires to receive federal monies to prop up their extremely in debt state economy since federal funds have been reduced to their cities. Crazy to think that could be true.

,1533057262,31/07/2018 17:14 9107206,4015446820,"

So according to you neither of the above links to the stories never Actually Happened ? and No actually April was not, there has never been a month discussed, maybe you should open you mind and stop living in your Normalcy Biased world, and at least look at the facts first, do a little research for yourself and Then make a more informed decision instead of letting the MSM force feed you.

",1533059337,31/07/2018 17:48 9113032,4015595550,"

What if you were told the UK was behind the Collusion LIE falsely accusing Russia and Trump. The dark MSM is implicit.
The truth is surfacing that Seth Rich was murdered by the Hillary mob because he exposed the truth about the UK (Not Russia) being behind the real election interference and collusion so that Hillary could cheat her way to the White House.
Seth Rich handed Assange (WikiLeaks) the documents (the truth) and was MURDERED for it. The MSM covered it up.

Julian Assange is the good soldier in all of this, which is why the UK WANT Assange's head.
The UK --along with John McCain and his DNC cronies helped to inflict harm against our great President Trump for over two years now.
WikiAssange/ Q / Anonymous will continue to drop crumbs to help us digest the magnitude of it all, But the truth is surfacing. RIP Seth Rich. More arrests are coming.

",1533064820,31/07/2018 19:20 9112516,4015625245,"

Ha Ha Q quote ""These People are Stupid""

",1533066003,31/07/2018 19:40 9112429,4015637156,"

Court documents highlight co founder of anti Trump SPLC involved with molesting own daughter



Big League Politics Reports: A recently-uncovered court document from the divorce proceedings of a prominent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) figure alleges horrific conduct on behalf of one of the most influential lawyers in America. Maureene Dees, ex-wife of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees filed for divorce on March 8, 1979 after a decade-long marriage marred by difficulties, according to an appellant brief obtained by Big League Politics. The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals.
​According to court testimony, among other perverted sexual behavior, Dees attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy. Holly Buck was Maureene Dees’ daughter from a previous marriage. “Holly testified that, in the summer of 1977, Morris attempted to molest her in the following incident: One night Maureene and Morris were sitting drinking wine and discussing a case Morris was trying,” the brief says. “[Holly] was with them. Around eleven or twelve o’clock, Maureene went to bed and Holly stayed up with Morris discussing the case. Morris kept offering Holly wine, some of which she accepted.”
Just another showing of those who are vastly anti Trump are likely into pedophilia and child trafficking, as court documents expose the co founder of the SPLC which is very anti Trump Morris Dees involved in molestation of his own daughter. The anti Trump voices and organizations in media, Hollywood, and even legal groups are really being exposed as guilty parties involved with child sex abuse or promoting pedophilia, and like Q has said these people are sick.
SPLC alone has been involved in the Facebook and Twitter censorship of Conservative voices on social media, and look at that the co founder of the SPLC Morris Dees is exposed as molesting his own daughter. What do they say when it comes to the loudest voices against Trump, well you can probably connect child abuse, pedophilia, and child trafficking to all the loudest anti Trump voices just like we have here once again.

",1533066495,31/07/2018 19:48 9110887,4015643354,"

Hay ** CRAZY ** BERNIE , how are you going to pay for these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and there Medical COSTS. ?????????????????????
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN surely wont foot the bill for all of the FREE LOADERS you want covered.?????????????????????????

",1533066753,31/07/2018 19:52 9113032,4015653471,"

After Manafort is found innocent the charade will be over.

Jul 31 2018 13:28:47 (EST)
Public DOMAIN.
[RR] exonerated Manafort FOR THE SAME CHARGES (8) years ago.
Can you locate the orig court docs?

",1533067169,31/07/2018 19:59 9112831,4015669755,"

In other words, he's refusing to give up Hillary, who planted him in the Trump campaign to begin with... #Qanon

",1533067893,31/07/2018 20:11 9112483,4015682924,"

Fact--Q is dropping crumbs of truth.

The truth is surfacing that Seth Rich was murdered by the Hillary mob because he exposed the truth about the UK (Not Russia) being behind the real election interference and collusion so that Hillary could cheat her way to the White House.
Seth Rich handed Assange (WikiLeaks) the documents (the truth) and was MURDERED for it. The MSM covered it up.

Julian Assange is the good soldier in all of this, which is why the UK WANT Assange's head.
The UK --along with John McCain and his DNC cronies helped to inflict harm against our great President Trump for over two years now.
WikiAssange/ Q / Anonymous will continue to drop crumbs to help us digest the magnitude of it all, But the truth is surfacing. RIP Seth Rich. More arrests are coming.

",1533068506,31/07/2018 20:21 9111823,4015688611,

According to Qanon it is.

,1533068775,31/07/2018 20:26 9111823,4015697597,"

Is that a website? This is what I foundWhat do followers of QAnon believe?

It’s hard to say. The conspiracy theory is generally pro-Trump and anti-“deep state”, but it is not exactly coherent, and – like many conspiracy theories – is flexible enough to adapt to any new developments that might disprove it.

",1533069196,31/07/2018 20:33 9111823,4015713540,"

It's not a ""conspiracy theory"". That's what the LSM would like you to believe. And it's not ""flexible"" enough to adopt to any changing developments. The drops are cryptic so that you have to do the research and come to the conclusion organically. Dropping actual classified intelligence is illegal.

The website is

",1533069974,31/07/2018 20:46 9112483,4015743029,"

Tons of Q shirts too, saw them while filiming the crowd to get in.

",1533071512,31/07/2018 21:11 9113920,4015750794,"

And on the other side, Q anon

",1533071939,31/07/2018 21:18 9112516,4015769956,

Totally disgusting.Apparently she was elected because she’s both a woman and a native. Can’t see what at all she brings to the table as I Q evidently isn’t it!

,1533072985,31/07/2018 21:36 9113920,4015789765,

Love the SETH RICH we will not forget you and the Q #WWG1WGA

,1533074091,31/07/2018 21:54 9113920,4015792220,

what do Q signs mean?

,1533074233,31/07/2018 21:57 9113920,4015793148,"

We are Q...

",1533074285,31/07/2018 21:58 9113920,4015794182,

Trump pointed right at the Q sign up front at the very beginning

,1533074342,31/07/2018 21:59 9113920,4015796176,

What is Q?

,1533074453,31/07/2018 22:00 9113920,4015839307,

Why won't MSM ask the BIG Q uestion?!?!!

Trust the Plan.


,1533076905,31/07/2018 22:41 9113920,4015840171,

People getting ready to see Q is real!

,1533076957,31/07/2018 22:42 9105244,4015865958,"

Also, if we are all wrong about Q, so be it, but that movement has woken many and leading a positive revolt!

",1533078440,31/07/2018 23:07 9113032,4015870915,

What is with the Q Anon stuff?
Why isn't there more investigation into the stuff they are finding?

,1533078721,31/07/2018 23:12 9113920,4015871188,

I wonder if Q was in the house?

,1533078737,31/07/2018 23:12 9113920,4015872407,"

I heard one theory that Trump is Q, so that's possible.

",1533078807,31/07/2018 23:13 9113848,4015873469,"

Also, if the Q movement is a fraud, so be it, but the revolt being via led via such is a justified and patriotic one!

",1533078865,31/07/2018 23:14 9112831,4015882571,

He is undercover for the Q Army.


,1533079378,31/07/2018 23:22 9114859,4015883260,"

Many Q SHIRTS/SIGNS. PTrump pointed at someone with a ""cutout Q"" and Q wants you to post online for he is looking for you...COOL!!!

",1533079419,31/07/2018 23:23 9113920,4015886706,

We are Q!!! MAGA

,1533079621,31/07/2018 23:27 9113920,4015902932,"

""Q"" is looking for the person with the Q CUTOUT at the rally...PTrump pointed directly at you. Q said post your pic/video online and the Anons will find it...WINNING.

",1533080586,31/07/2018 23:43 9113848,4015931406,


,1533082303,01/08/2018 00:11 9113848,4015956116,

Obama; We will never see 2% growth in our lifetime.

19 months later GDP is 4.6% in Q 2.

I got news for you libturds. Most Americans ain't buying what you dumbass libturds are selling. Americans have a taste of how Prosperous the country can be under great leadership. We ain't going back to that last guys stupid sh it. You fuqqers are done.

,1533083869,01/08/2018 00:37 9113032,4015962935,"

Q has stated CLEARLY that Manafort was a plant within the Trump campaign. He left immediately after the primary was over. His ties to Tony Podesta make him HIGHLY suspect, even if you don't follow Q.

Trump never goes out of his way to paint Manafort in glowing terms, so let this one play out.

",1533084322,01/08/2018 00:45 9114859,4015965252,"

CRUMB for you Q Anon Fans....

""...I know who the scum are""
~Donald Trump at today's FLA rally

45:20 mark of rally

",1533084477,01/08/2018 00:47 9113920,4015966638,"

CRUMB for you Q Anon Fans....

""...I know the scum""
~Donald Trump at today's FLA rally

Q+ was talking about when he came to DC, he didn't know anybody.

""Now, I know the good ones. I know the bad ones. I know the wonderful people. And, [I know the scum]"".

Remarks at 45:20

",1533084571,01/08/2018 00:49 9114562,4016009187,

Best part of this story is that is was shared in a Q group of 40K plus.

QAnon Follow The White Rabbit

The truth can be found faster there than on most major news sites.

Now Trump has confirmed Q is real.

We have everything. Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show!


,1533087750,01/08/2018 01:42 9114817,4016010777,"

There was a lot of Qanon stuff at the rally tonight. Even if it's not true, it has people looking for the truth.

",1533087870,01/08/2018 01:44 9114562,4016014227,"

",1533088141,01/08/2018 01:49 9112879,4016015704,"

Gee, how perfect. This was just posted tonight.

Read the first 2 sentences and you'll understand why the exposure of the sick predators in media (and elsewhere) started in 2017.

Read it all or watch the video of it. An EXCELLENT speech, he lays out the realities and his objectives.

",1533088254,01/08/2018 01:50 9114817,4016017367,

GDP is at an astonishing 4.6% for Q 2.

And that stupid Kenyan and his disciples said it couldn't be done.....
This just goes to show professional politicians don't know sh it about economics......

,1533088385,01/08/2018 01:53 9114562,4016018145,"

Trump thought of this fear not. That is why Q always says - timing is EVERYTHING. They had to clean out the drek to make way.

Trump the genius just fired the Shillary stooges. Slappy Schneiderman is gone as you recall and his pal Preet Bharara, thought to be soft on Democrats.

Those two were said to pull punches for the Democrat Machine. Trump appointees fill their shoes now.

",1533088450,01/08/2018 01:54 9115096,4016026806,"

I have no idea if Q is real, but the movement has people looking for the truth. That's important.

",1533089198,01/08/2018 02:06 9115096,4016027936,

I don't get the Q thing. If I wanted to cipher riddle code speak I'd be married.

,1533089293,01/08/2018 02:08 9115096,4016036205,"

dudleydoo @Dudders8869
25m25 minutes ago
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Must listen!
Is this what Q is warning what's coming? Something that's never happened before Q said. 12 minutes of audio. Very credible I think. Pieces together the Obama fraud timeline. Really. Must listen

",1533089993,01/08/2018 02:19 9113848,4016046743,"

For those who still think Qanon is a is the video of PTrump pointing to the kid with the Q CUTOUT and saying ""Q."" Q was looking for the kid with the Q cutout and he found him...WINNING.

",1533090871,01/08/2018 02:34 9115294,4016048333,"

you all do realize.....Qanon stated tonight [RR] is done for. He's going down. RR is Mueller's boss. If no more RR, then the boss is Trump as Sessions already recused himself

",1533091009,01/08/2018 02:36 9115294,4016054220,"

Ah yes, Qanon, that gets everything wrong all the time. Do tell.

",1533091526,01/08/2018 02:45 9114817,4016057766,"

What facts?....I've seen the Q post, but I haven't seen any real evidence.

",1533091842,01/08/2018 02:50 9113848,4016081509,"

America is for sale unless you stand up and unite. WE MUST wake people up. It is imperative that if you are Woke and aware of Q... SHARE your knowledge with friends and allies, then approach foes. It is imperative that we share what we know. They think we are sheep and they will continue to use us, divide us and kill us. If we UNITE, they can't stop us or contain us.


",1533093925,01/08/2018 03:25 9113848,4016083256,"

I agree and disagree.

We will never see eye to eye, but we share concerns about the same things. What are those same things we are concerned about?


If you are awake to Q, you know that Children are the biggest concern of Q team. This is why we want to build a wall. This is why we want to expose rampant pedophilia among Hollywood and Washington DC.

If we cannot find commonality, we are done. FINIS. Goodbye Revolution!

",1533094080,01/08/2018 03:28 9113848,4016086233,"

Special Delivery for you. From Tonight's rally. Many Q supporters are present. https://irwinphotographics....

",1533094349,01/08/2018 03:32 9115096,4016092437,"

Qanon is American Military Intelligence close to PTrump. See for everything he posted since Oct./2017.

",1533094920,01/08/2018 03:42 9115096,4016093459,"

well, we don't know if Q is MI. He's never claimed to be MI.

",1533095016,01/08/2018 03:43 9115096,4016094012,

Wrong go back and look at his postings there is a group in the Military called Q. He shows a Q cup on a desk.

,1533095064,01/08/2018 03:44 9115096,4016094783,"

I posted earlier in this thread about pedo ring busts in NY making Satan busy, 2 clinton initiative board members arrested. Some one just posted that Q warned Steyer about walnut sauce email to Podesta.

",1533095133,01/08/2018 03:45 9115096,4016096269,"

I wonder if this is the something ""BIG"" about to drop that Q has talked would tie Steyer to PIZZAGATE. OMG.

",1533095265,01/08/2018 03:47 9115096,4016097307,"

Friends! They are going this crazy -- running on an Impeachment theme?

Because they know Trump is coming after them! Read this, just posted;

Steyer has a target on his forehead.

",1533095358,01/08/2018 03:49 9115096,4016100065,

It's all delusion.. The Dems are drowning in their own lies and deceit and their only hope is to convince America that they have the majority on their side..
They do not. Not even close. The Walk Away movement should be an eye opener for anyone doubting this. We don't know the full numbers but it is HUGE. Trump is a great President and people see that. Don't believe the lies.. POTUS and Q are true patriots and are winning strong!

,1533095607,01/08/2018 03:53 9115096,4016100117,"

You are wrong. video of Trump rally tonight pointing to a kid with a ""Q CUTOUT"" then Q asks for the kid to post pic/vid and the kid responded.

",1533095611,01/08/2018 03:53 9115096,4016100782,"

See for the latest Q posts for the HAMMER is going to drop!

",1533095667,01/08/2018 03:54 9114817,4016101628,"

The current AG is beyond incompetent. Obama, Hillary, Holder, et all still walk free thanks to him. He needs to act or vacate the seat.

There are two types of people defending him: the few true believers, and the Q meme types who are just screwing around for the lulz.

",1533095741,01/08/2018 03:55 9115294,4016104354,

Listening to Q lately?

,1533095995,01/08/2018 03:59 9112516,4016107834,"


They’re here for you, it’s “lunchtime.”

Back to the asylum you go. See ya manana Suzy Q. You did great today😂😂👍👍

",1533096316,01/08/2018 04:05 9115096,4016109574,

HAHA Q just posted email between Steyer and Creepy Pasta Podesta. Freaks of a feather.......

,1533096465,01/08/2018 04:07 9115096,4016110846,

He'll get legal immunity just like Pedodesta.

Somebody ask the Q LARPers where Beauregard Sessions is. He could end this right now and haul both in for questioning...but he doesn't. Why?

,1533096573,01/08/2018 04:09 9115096,4016115939,"

Continue to read the posts, Q just posted a warning to Steyer about email exchange with Podesta about walnut sauce, code for pedo preference. Further down are links to the email.

",1533097006,01/08/2018 04:16 9115096,4016117924,

And they set fires in CA twice now in order to get billions in Federal aid. Q stated that.

,1533097146,01/08/2018 04:19 9115096,4016118128," Q videos for deciphering Anons research and his own under the headline BLOG...BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.

",1533097162,01/08/2018 04:19 9115096,4016118768,"

If that LARPer group has anything, release it and don't let Steyer walk free another day.

Best guess, nothing will happen. The whole Q thing reads like an elaborate joke from a certain group.

I hope I'm wrong.

",1533097213,01/08/2018 04:20 9115096,4016124288,"

Where’d the trolls go? After the Q blast they all but up & disappeared

",1533097678,01/08/2018 04:27 9114859,4016127058,

He also said that he had been to Washington DC 17 times. Q is the 17th letter.

,1533097915,01/08/2018 04:31 9115096,4016129676,

Did you see the rally in Tampa with all the Q shirts and signs? It was great!

,1533098141,01/08/2018 04:35 9115096,4016130534,

I saw where the 45 pointed at a homemade Q sign.

,1533098216,01/08/2018 04:36 9115096,4016130601," to read Q's posts then go to under the headline BLOG for he analyzes the Anons research and his own on a video...very very interesting.

",1533098220,01/08/2018 04:37 9115096,4016130864,"

Q sent me

",1533098243,01/08/2018 04:37 9115096,4016132599,"

I've ""Trusted Sessions"" for two years.

He's completely useless, and the Q thing is looking like another BS live action role play.

",1533098401,01/08/2018 04:40 9115096,4016134723,

That Q link was like TROLL BE GONE ;~)

,1533098581,01/08/2018 04:43 9115096,4016139523,"

Release any evidence now, not just a list of claims with goofy ass Q memes. No sense in waiting (that's if its legit).

",1533098982,01/08/2018 04:49 9115096,4016140935,"

I am enjoying following Q... (keeps things thought provoking and interesting. Real life cloak & dagger stuff, in a

",1533099099,01/08/2018 04:51 9115096,4016144228,

Oh my! Q just posted something very interesting about this guy. Friends with Podesta. Read it for yourself. Too bad to post here.

,1533099373,01/08/2018 04:56 9115096,4016147920,

What is walnut sauce? #QAnon sent me here. This guy and Podesta must like walnut sauce on pasta??? Strange.

,1533099679,01/08/2018 05:01 9115096,4016149914,"
These people are EVIL & SICK!

",1533099849,01/08/2018 05:04 9115096,4016150069,"

Thank you for spreading the word on Qanon, even though that is NOT your intent.

",1533099861,01/08/2018 05:04 9115096,4016150902,"

",1533099932,01/08/2018 05:05 9114562,4016151859,"

Did you hear POTUS mention he had been to DC 17 times? Q - 17.

What do you think that means? Ask Jim Acosta to ask Trump WHO IS Q?

PS I am pretty sure he was using one of my lines when he referred to the swamp as scum, but that would only be a badge of honor.

",1533100009,01/08/2018 05:06 9113665,4016152752,"

McConnell's lips are moving. He must be lying. I don't believe anything he says.
""They"" cancelled the recess to prevent Trump from making recess appointments and to be in town when the next IG Report drops.Trump is sending coded messages, and Q is trolling them, and, well, they don't know what is coming next. It is a great time to be alive! If Trump actually does shut down the government, there will be dancing in the streets.

",1533100081,01/08/2018 05:08 9115096,4016156922,"

you people post more and more about Q.

Clearly, you people are WAAAAAY off the deep end.

",1533100414,01/08/2018 05:13 9115096,4016157902,

Wake up for Trump pointed at a Q CUTOUT at the Tampa Rally while Q posted info on it.

,1533100493,01/08/2018 05:14 9115096,4016160659,"

Note the names on the emails:

WikiLeaks: Pedophile ‘Code Words’ Found In Podesta Emails

",1533100705,01/08/2018 05:18 9115096,4016163847,

Look at the moron Q tard posting his first troll posts. Awww.

,1533100942,01/08/2018 05:22 9115096,4016164084,

I see YOU posting about Q.

,1533100958,01/08/2018 05:22 9115096,4016164238,


,1533100970,01/08/2018 05:22 9113920,4016165197,

Trump used the number 17 over and over.

17 = Q. Learn who Q is.

,1533101037,01/08/2018 05:23 9115096,4016165988,"

The more that trolls try to discredit Q, the more credibility he gets.

",1533101094,01/08/2018 05:24 9115096,4016166737,"

Even if Q is fake, the movement has people looking into many things that would have never been truly looked into by the public.

",1533101147,01/08/2018 05:25 9115096,4016166848,

Why is the Q site being banned at the BB?
Far as I can tell the cat is outta the bag

,1533101156,01/08/2018 05:25 9115096,4016167627,

Cool! This is censored from the QAnon link.

,1533101216,01/08/2018 05:26 9115096,4016168682,"

That's what Breitbarians say about Trump.
And Q and Trump, combined and individually, have all the credibility of an eggplant.

",1533101297,01/08/2018 05:28 9115096,4016171318,

So many people posting about Q maybe.

,1533101493,01/08/2018 05:31 9115096,4016171627,"


",1533101517,01/08/2018 05:31 9115096,4016172563,

Jul 31 2018 19:03:43 (EST)
The World is about to change.

A couple of posts later Q posts the wikileaks email of Jim and Tom Steyer talking walnut sauce and pasta to the podestas.

Both are pedo code words.

,1533101590,01/08/2018 05:33 9115096,4016174267,

I was wrong. Q did post that.

,1533101720,01/08/2018 05:35 9115096,4016175696,

wow you people have really lost it lately with all this Q business.

Guess all the things he predicted that were false doesn't matter right?

,1533101832,01/08/2018 05:37 9115096,4016175822,"

Correct. I'm not sure if Q is real, but it has people looking into things that would have never happened without Q.

",1533101843,01/08/2018 05:37 9115096,4016178398,"

The only facts we discovered have been between the Clinton camp, Russia and other foreign groups:

",1533102042,01/08/2018 05:40 9115096,4016180324,


,1533102183,01/08/2018 05:43 9115096,4016184179,

An army of robots to slide Q A N O N . P U B. It won't work!!! :-D

,1533102475,01/08/2018 05:47 9115096,4016188575,"

I'm with you, Son! Been following Q almost since it started. People just don't realize why the leftists are screaming so loudly! I follow Praying Medic on YouTube, and many on Twitter, reddit, and Great Awakening and others on FB. #DOITQ!! Great rally today!

",1533102814,01/08/2018 05:53 9115096,4016189128,"

post this: https : // qanon . pub/data / media/03707cbd739f3d8fd3db2681b2458d793f1f1fb30866383551286381810f2c4e.jpeg with the spaces removed, and you will find yourself censored.

",1533102859,01/08/2018 05:54 9115096,4016189448,"

Here's Q's shout-out to fellow Patriots!
(You'll have to go to or to see the photos)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c2bb0 No.2375029
Jul 31 2018 15:35:39 (EST)
Patriots1.jpg ⬇
Patriots2.jpg ⬇
How often does the Presidential motorcade honk upon request?

Tampa Rally looking great!

Thank God for you, Q and President Trump!
Thank God for our United States Military!
(Check it out! Give it a sec to load)

",1533102884,01/08/2018 05:54 9115096,4016190796,"

It was pretty far down, but I found it. I've been following Q almost since its inception. I really already know what the answers to my questions are! HAHA! I'm acting like Q! (See for yourself!)
""In Pusuit of Truth"" or ""Praying Medic""
on YouTube are Sane and Trustworthy

",1533102984,01/08/2018 05:56 9115096,4016191665,"

Q anon is winning! Hahahahaha. You censor, you lose! https : // qanon . pub / data / media / 03707cbd739f3d8fd3db2681b2458d793f1f1fb30866383551286381810f2c4e.jpeg

",1533103053,01/08/2018 05:57 9115096,4016192574,"

I see that Q sent a lot of you here! Read about this guy's association with John Podesta!!! Birds of a feather..... Wikileaks just happened to find an interesting email between the two. Have you ever heard of putting walnut sauce on pasta???? Secret pedo code??? You decide.

",1533103122,01/08/2018 05:58 9115096,4016193567,"

I could... test if I can use

",1533103195,01/08/2018 05:59 9115096,4016194400,"

Hahahaha, they have backed off of their ban:

",1533103257,01/08/2018 06:00 9115096,4016195516,"

Streyer would have been better off keeping his money to pay his bail and defense team, don't ya think? I'm ready for the Q team to blow this wide open!

",1533103344,01/08/2018 06:02 9115096,4016207942,"

2,000 fools sitting behind computers writing ""I Hate Trump"" articles and $hitposting on every conservative COMMENT section. Also creating fake identities on Twitter faster than Bill's zipper comes down. All trying to convince us that Trump is bad and the leftists are good. Won't happen. We have awakened! #WhoIsQ #DOITQ #QAnon

",1533104273,01/08/2018 06:17 9115096,4016208591,"

Retest: Here is the sauce:

",1533104325,01/08/2018 06:18 9115096,4016210767,"

Ask Jim Styer about the sauce he emailed John Podesta about and CCd his brother on 4/11/15.

If you don't follow Q, or are just mentally slow, let me spell it out for you. They are talking about very sick and criminal things, while Podesta was supposed to be serving We The People. This will be part of the evidence used to bring in the gallows.


",1533104486,01/08/2018 06:21 9115096,4016228011,"

Be sure to fully understand why Q dropped this ....

search WIKILEAKS PODESTA EMAILS ""Walnut Sauce""....look who is having the conversation with Podesta. Know what Walnut Sauce really means..and when you realize what this money and desperation is really will know Its the fight for those lives used in the Sauce!

""These people are sick""

",1533105778,01/08/2018 06:42 9115096,4016259406,"

If it were fake (which I concede is always a possibility), someone on 4chan or 8chan or in the reddit community would have already found the evidence that proved it and would have claimed credit. If they could prove it, they'd make a name for themselves. Remember how that same community captured Shia LeBeouf's 'He will not divide us' flag by analyzing flight patterns of airplanes in the sky above the flag? And that was using minimal information. The volume of information that Q has put out, would only make it easier for anons to identify a fraud.

",1533108078,01/08/2018 07:21 9115096,4016317181,


,1533112033,01/08/2018 08:27 9115096,4016338893,

I say let’s start auditing these so called billionaires and see if their money is comeing from asia and also see how they used tax shelters to hide money then take it back VIA THE IRS after all if we John Q. Public Hides money we go to jail for tax evasion

,1533113378,01/08/2018 08:49 9115096,4016348418,

They are the ones that scream the loudest. Common sense Q.

,1533113938,01/08/2018 08:58 9115096,4016352484,

QAnon is watching.

,1533114176,01/08/2018 09:02 9115096,4016389015,

Steyer is late to this game. The Q Army is here and ready!

,1533116242,01/08/2018 09:37 9110776,4016428696,"

How do you ""Win"" an election with today's mechanization? I can work an erection like nobody's business, but an election? Q.

",1533118291,01/08/2018 10:11 9085354,4016433193,"

I stand firmly with truth.
If Trump isn't, he's a better con-man than I ever was and he's never been incarcerated. It is ""just a ride,"" but holy-lascivious-hellascious-hell-fire.. Q rocks. and so does ""We the People.""

Get up, stand up..
Off your knees!

",1533118517,01/08/2018 10:15 9113920,4016451177,


,1533119338,01/08/2018 10:28 9115096,4016456816,

You are 100% correct on all counts. MY issue is when these same moneyed up morons start asking John Q the taxpayer to shell out for THEIR pet cause.

,1533119590,01/08/2018 10:33 9115096,4016462731,"

Q called these sickos out today in post # 1785. He pointed to this article on Breitbart as well. See to read for yourself.
Evidently, there is 'code' called walnut sauce. These rich sickos asked John Podesta
about this 'sauce' on 'pasta.'

Jim and Tom Steyer are talking pedo stuff. He is talking scaring the living daylights out of HUMAN victims, engaging in sex, then butchering them alive, drinking their blood, and eating their flesh.

I kid you not.

",1533119859,01/08/2018 10:37 9115096,4016477277,"

Read this email from Jim Steyer copied to Tom Steyer re 'walnut sauce for the pasta' to John Podesta. These bastards rape and eat babies, this is from Q on #1785 children from Haiti.

",1533120489,01/08/2018 10:48 9115096,4016495617,"

Time to bring the TRUTH, Q!!

",1533121262,01/08/2018 11:01 9112516,4016510821,"

Of course you're confused, YOU'RE A F'N BRAIN DEAD DEMORAT!!!!
How the hell can you be in congress and not even have a rudimentary understanding of the Constitution???
What we need is mandatory testing of elected officials in D.C. quarterly to determine their fitness to serve in congress. And this F'n moron is setting national policy!!!!!!
This is how a Republic dies, utter stupidity from the ""ruling class"".
Hard to believe,there's someone even dummer than Hank Johnson, MaxineWaters and Mr. Potato head himself, Elijah Cummings in congress.
Better give these morons their Constitution I Q tests with crayons.

",1533121907,01/08/2018 11:11 9115096,4016534763,

YEAH Q !!!

,1533122870,01/08/2018 11:27 9115096,4016535422,

POTUS and Q know everything - EVERY THING!

,1533122896,01/08/2018 11:28 9111733,4016542453,"

I've got 10 Q decoder rings and a Guy Fawkes mask on, and he's still not waking up

What gives? Do I need a cape?

",1533123174,01/08/2018 11:32 9111733,4016567349,"

Trump demands Sessions end Mueller probe:

Where are the anon /pol/shitters spewing Q memes? Trump has issued an ultimatum to Sleepy Sessions: END THIS FARCE OR BE FIRED.

",1533124118,01/08/2018 11:48 9111733,4016567930,"

How are you this morning, Q?

",1533124138,01/08/2018 11:48 9115096,4016575862,"

Steyer, like John Podesta, has a hankering for walnut sauce it appears - see Q post 1786 at

",1533124429,01/08/2018 11:53 9085354,4016619359,"

I wonder if the White House said no more press briefings, only three or four come in and sit with the press secretary for a Q and A. If FOX News was one of the group would they stand with the others not there and refuse the invitation?

",1533126028,01/08/2018 12:20 9113305,4016631171,

JC wasn't the creator. Read more Bible and less QAnon.

,1533126452,01/08/2018 12:27 9116566,4016688249,"

heres another story inside this report i would like to know more about BB.. never heard about it until a posting from a reader with FN report with corey feldman...

",1533128421,01/08/2018 13:00 9116566,4016692159,

Yeah these QAnon freaks are disgusting people

,1533128554,01/08/2018 13:02 9116566,4016712931,

Let's see if any of these A$$ hats actually finally ask the questions... who is Q? Can't Wait!!!!

,1533129271,01/08/2018 13:14 9116566,4016778637,"

LOL...the unflappable core of the Trump base is a hotbed of nutty conspiracy theorists with anger management issues.

We should probably just start calling the Republican Party the ""Bigfoot Party"", since it has been overrun with conspiracy whackjobs who believe in Bigfoot, 9/11 was a CIA operation, or the Rothschilds controlling the world...

These folks regularly gobble up junk ideas from sources like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones, hucksters who warn of secret cabals, child sex rings on Mars, or disguised reptilian overlords walking among us. LOL..the fanatical core of the Trump base lives in a fantasy land where things such as Jews controlling the world with secret shadow governments seem perfectly reasonable.


",1533131503,01/08/2018 13:51 9111847,4016785551,

Lefty Loon Hollywood Celebs want this for Jane Q. Public.

,1533131732,01/08/2018 13:55 9116566,4016793670,

Not sure about teeth. But you all are obsessed with shocking us with this QAnon crap...

,1533132011,01/08/2018 14:00 9116566,4016796384,"

We look back at the Salem Witch Trials and wonder, how did so many intelligent people begin to believe such insane things. And then there's QAnon, which shows us that we haven't progressed very far from them.

",1533132105,01/08/2018 14:01 9116566,4016799340,"

I know a few people who work in the intelligence and civil service. They are egotistical, they love power and they want to live lavish lifestyles. But they aren't pedos. This QAnon stuff has gone too far.

",1533132206,01/08/2018 14:03 9116566,4016804065,

who here actually believes in the Q nonsense? raise hands!who is that dumb? ROTFLMAO

,1533132370,01/08/2018 14:06 9116566,4016805466,"

Maybe the secret deep state pedophile ring are also members of the illuminati, or is that the Rothschilds. Maybe the Rothschilds are rings in the pedo-minati and they all secretly eat too much pizza! That's it! I've got it. Oh they are going down. On pepperoni. I mean the food, not penises. Haha, boy this QAnon stuff is fun amiright? Crap I typed the word ""boy"" uh oh, am I deep state now?

",1533132418,01/08/2018 14:06 9116566,4016807775,"

Guy, you think Trump will start mentioning QAnon at rallies? Good golly gum drops I sure do hope so. Someone's got to expose DA TRUTH!

",1533132496,01/08/2018 14:08 9116566,4016812479,

Why didn't Trump mention QAnon? Doesn't he love children? Wait if he loves children doesn't that mean he's in the ring??

,1533132659,01/08/2018 14:10 9116566,4016815261,"

MSM is in full meltdown mode over all the Q signs last night lol. If, IF, we finally start seeing these sealed indictments I've been hearing about for the last 2 years now I'll officially apologize for criticizing you guys. I was always on your side because we know it's all true. I'm just sick of all the shti talking about arrests that are gonna happen but so far haven't... Yet!

",1533132757,01/08/2018 14:12 9113920,4016818995,"

did anyone see the morons holding up signs for the online troll Q?
trump ""fans"" have the IQ of rocks

",1533132889,01/08/2018 14:14 9116566,4016827928,"

All hail God-King Trump and his Messenger, the holy QAnon. We are your acolytes and shall patiently await instructions on who we shall smite!

",1533133202,01/08/2018 14:20 9116566,4016828811,

I can't wait for God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon to do a joint rally in Wisconsin next month.

,1533133234,01/08/2018 14:20 9116566,4016829678,

When do you think God-KING Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon will replace this silly constitutional republic with the Absolutist Monarchy we all deserve?

,1533133262,01/08/2018 14:21 9116566,4016832262,"

God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon are awesome. I'm so pleased they've decided to team up and inform us about what's really going on out there. Without them, I would have no idea that there were goblins living inside my Washer n Dryer unit. It was kind of them to make clear that the only thing that would work is a garbage fire doused in gasoline. I hope the fumes pleased our lords.

",1533133346,01/08/2018 14:22 9116566,4016833980,"

You don't know about God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon. There's still time for you, thank Trump.

",1533133403,01/08/2018 14:23 9113920,4016834301,"

hey retart, did you have a Vote for Q sign?

",1533133414,01/08/2018 14:23 9116566,4016834954,

You dare speak that unholy name before an acolyte of God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon????

,1533133435,01/08/2018 14:23 9116566,4016838751,

I am but a humble acolyte of God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon

,1533133564,01/08/2018 14:26 9116566,4016841143,

Why is no one hear praising God-King Trump and his holy Messenger QAnon? You shall be smited if you continue to blaspheme by omission.

,1533133643,01/08/2018 14:27 9116566,4016845446,

May the Trump bless you and keep you. And may his holy Messenger Qanon deliver you a very special horde of super secret government documents on 4chan.

Amen and Amen.

,1533133784,01/08/2018 14:29 9116566,4016847488,

The dumbest part of QAnon is that it must take an enormous ego to believe a high level governent agent would spent time on 4chan...

,1533133850,01/08/2018 14:30 9116566,4016848596,

Does this mean I shall be allowed to rest in the bosom of the holy Messenger QAnon for all eternity? I cannot wait!

,1533133887,01/08/2018 14:31 9117352,4016853322,"

In case you had any doubts as to why Speilberg would support a Satanic witch who participates in child sex murder this should explain it all.

Steven Spielberg Is A Pedophile"" - Isaac Kappy Hollywood Actor Names Names #PedoWood #pedogate #qanon

The names include Tom Hanks, Merl Streep, to name a few

",1533134044,01/08/2018 14:34 9116566,4016854587,"

Blessed Assurance QAnon's Mine
He has the Knowledge, of Trump's will divine
Made up on 4chan, read up his posts.
He'll make you scared of, those pedophile Ghoooosts.

This is their story, this is their song.
Praising Our God-King All the day Long.
Crushing the Pedos, all day and night.
Thanks to Qanon, we're joining the fiiiight.

",1533134087,01/08/2018 14:34 9116566,4016856761,

QAnon? The guy only elderly white men buy into?

,1533134160,01/08/2018 14:36 9116566,4016857469,

Qanon is freaking awesome and if you besmirch him I will smite you.

,1533134184,01/08/2018 14:36 9116566,4016859568,"

Aaaaa-maaaaay zing grace
How sweet, Trump's sounds
That proved, QAnon was riiiiiiiiight.
I oooonce was smart, then I read 4chan
And now, I'm a Trumptard bliiiight.

",1533134254,01/08/2018 14:37 9116767,4016871375,

I’m sure Q will clue us all in soon. That guy is like Kreskin.

,1533134651,01/08/2018 14:44 9116767,4016905800,

Still banking on Q?

,1533135809,01/08/2018 15:03 9116767,4016905925,

Are you guys Q?

,1533135813,01/08/2018 15:03 9116767,4016912083,"

Why are so many so rabid against ""Q""? I don't get it. Whether you believe Q is one person or a composite of many, the message is good.

",1533136025,01/08/2018 15:07 9114265,4016921941,

Are you guys Q?

,1533136365,01/08/2018 15:12 9116767,4016957682,

Because Q counsels us to trust Sessions and Wray and he has predicted the removal of Rosenweasel countless times...that is why. Also to trust the plan...what plan??? Trump needs to act.

,1533137562,01/08/2018 15:32 9116767,4016966043,"

Does it ever occur to you that none of us have the inside track on just what is/isn't happening?? Or are you so arrogant that you believe YOU could do a better job than President Trump?

You can chose to believe in Q or not. You have the same choice when deciding whether to trust President Trump, as well.

",1533137846,01/08/2018 15:37 9118306,4017045777,

We Are Q and We Will Flip You The Bird!

,1533140574,01/08/2018 16:22 9117124,4017046652,"

One is ALREADY in, another is about to go in, three are rumored to be on the Q scandal list and three are 85 years old, 80 (this month) and one is a 64 year old type 1 diabetic with average lifespan of that demographic being 66.


",1533140604,01/08/2018 16:23 9116566,4017054126,"

MSM = coordinated = one script.

Talking points released daily 4am to all MSM.

Thats why they allwys tell the same story using silightly different words / images.

Example, today: Qanon ""deranged conspiracy theory', Tampa rally 'dark':


",1533140858,01/08/2018 16:27 9116767,4017058701,

He isn’t. I’m going to go reread Q and see why

,1533141015,01/08/2018 16:30 9114412,4017059803,"


LOL...the unflappable core of the Trump base is a hotbed of nutty conspiracy theorists with anger management issues.

We should probably just start calling the Republican Party the ""Bigfoot Party"", since it has been overrun with conspiracy whackjobs who believe in Bigfoot, 9/11 was a CIA operation, or the Rothschilds controlling the world...

These folks regularly gobble up junk ideas from sources like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones, hucksters who warn of secret cabals, child sex rings on Mars, or disguised reptilian overlords walking among us. LOL..the fanatical core of the Trump base lives in a fantasy land where things such as Jews controlling the world with secret shadow governments seem perfectly reasonable.


",1533141052,01/08/2018 16:30 9113821,4017084017,"

On a side note, we should probably just start calling the Republican Party the ""Bigfoot Party"", since it has been overrun with conspiracy whackjobs who believe in Bigfoot, 9/11 was a CIA operation, or the Rothschilds controlling the world...

These folks regularly gobble up junk ideas from sources like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones, hucksters who warn of secret cabals, child sex rings on Mars, or disguised reptilian overlords walking among us. LOL..the fanatical core of the Trump base lives in a fantasy land where things such as Jews controlling the world with secret shadow governments seem perfectly reasonable.


",1533141875,01/08/2018 16:44 9118306,4017119586,

Tell me more about QAnon...

,1533143082,01/08/2018 17:04 9118108,4017152392,"

10 individuals involved with Q, seven are military



Q is hinting at us today at the individuals involved with the Q operation inside the Trump administration, and it may look like the military is partly in control of the Trump administration. It is very likely these seven military members involved with the Q team are either Trump's generals inside the White House or possibly outside of the White House in military positions. Q told us this back in November on 2017 who were involved, but is reminding us again that Q is a military operation to expose the cabal Deep State network. With this being said about Q stating more military individuals are involved than regular people connected to Trump like cabinet members, we are likely under a military operation. Funny thing with this is Democrats, Hollywood, and the media have been begging for a military coup of Trump, but it looks like the military is heavily involved in Trump's administration.

",1533144190,01/08/2018 17:23 9118108,4017155554,

You still believe Q is more than a 14 year old gamer???

,1533144295,01/08/2018 17:24 9118108,4017159324,

I am not sold on Q however I have noticed that POTUS surrounds himself with military.

My husbands a vet so that's not a bad thing. Military is country first.

,1533144420,01/08/2018 17:27 9118108,4017161112,

Why does not someone show us a Q post that exists before the information was released by the press?

,1533144483,01/08/2018 17:28 9117352,4017166771,

These people are so PANICKED & TERRIFIED of what is coming especially after Q dropped a Pedo Bomb on Tom Steyer yesterday that they don't even make any sense. Yeah a movie on Womens Voting Rights for they are no longer allowed to vote...IDIOTS! MAGA.

,1533144673,01/08/2018 17:31 9118108,4017180295,"

New Left Wing/Deep State narrative, labeling Q as a ""Conspiracy Theory""



Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_

4am talking points right on cue for the CIA-run, pedophile employing Washington Post

8:39 AM - Aug 1, 2018

‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour

The audience at Trump's rally Tuesday was awash with signs and T-shirts bearing the letter “Q,” which refers to the leader of an online conspiracy involving satanism, pedophilia and


877 people are talking about this

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72 SECONDS@55true4u

[Amazon] ...#QAnon

Washington Post✔@washingtonpost

Front and center at Trump's Tuesday night rally: the letter Q, which refers to the leader of an online conspiracy involving satanism, pedophilia and Jews https://www.washingtonpost....

10:16 AM - Aug 1, 2018


165 people are talking about this

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The American Left and Deep State are obviously getting nervous about what has become Qanon and all the proofs and confirmations being dropped at Trump rallies, as the American Left and Deep State publications have started a new 4 am talking point narrative to label Q as a ""conspiracy theory"". Know that when the Deep State publications known as the mainstream news mention something as a conspiracy theory, this is a showing that the theory and Qanon are completely legit.
Like come on America how many times has President Trump pointed at people with Q signs and Q shirts in his last few rallies across America. This is not for a larp, and these anti Q articles from the Deep State provided MSM truly are only highlighting that Q is officially legit...President Trump is only pointing out people at rallies with Q signs and gear. Just wait till the sealed indictments are delivered, and remember these are the same publications who label child trafficking and human trafficking as a conspiracy theory as well...Even though we have had about 30,000 or more arrests of child traffickers and pedos under President Trump.

",1533145135,01/08/2018 17:38 9116566,4017181006,"

Trump’s Most Despicable Supporters Tell Us Who They Are

The Qtards from QAnon show up at the party rallies

The Trump supporting “deranged conspiracy cult"" led by the anonymous Q has crawled out of the malodorous crevices of the Internet.


",1533145159,01/08/2018 17:39 9116851,4017181190,"

Sessions has his place and it's coming soon. Read Qanon -- Sessions is doing exactly what Trump would have him do, and it's a matter of optics. He's sitting on fifty thousand sealed indictments, and he's overseeing Huber in UT, who's got the servers. They've got it all. There are a few more ducks to line up, but Jeffy is doing his part or he wouldn't be there. You can find it all at Qanon dot pub. WWG1WGA.

You can read where finally the indictments are being unsealed, strategically -- one posted out of NY -- 29YO CIA traitor, 13 counts, and they're holding him on child porn. He stole and passed govt secrets, etc. Under Brennan. The storm is coming. Enjoy the show!

",1533145166,01/08/2018 17:39 9117685,4017184731,

Her handlers keep her busy giving speeches. They know Q and A's don't end well for her.

,1533145285,01/08/2018 17:41 9116566,4017188233,

It's a fascinating read. These QAnon people are really off the deep end.

,1533145406,01/08/2018 17:43 9117352,4017189135,"

:::: Q is coming to get you, Hillary, Obama and your dirty partners in crime :::::
Keep the prayers coming for our great President! The truth wins! VOTE everyone!

",1533145438,01/08/2018 17:43 9117352,4017209317,"

How about explaining what "" Q "" is?

",1533146141,01/08/2018 17:55 9118375,4017214960,

Message to all American voters:
Do the complete opposite of what criminal Obama wants. He belongs behind bars. Q has the dirty. The truth wins.
(Young voters-- do not be fooled by these liars. Do your own research.)

,1533146333,01/08/2018 17:58 9118108,4017275778,

Rush said on-air today that he was wearing a QAnon tshirt...

,1533148446,01/08/2018 18:34 9118108,4017278033,

seems like he's also a QAnon follower...

,1533148524,01/08/2018 18:35 9118108,4017282545,"

yes, yes Glenn is retarded. and a QAnon follower too.

",1533148681,01/08/2018 18:38 9118108,4017287673,

most of these dimwits here probably think QAnon is real.

,1533148864,01/08/2018 18:41 9118108,4017292802,

Glenn is a QAnon follower

,1533149042,01/08/2018 18:44 9116566,4017294672,"

The big headlines coming out of the Tangerine Messiah’s latest rally are all about how bugfuque insane his followers are. Whoever Q is, she or he is the greatest troll of all time. It will be interesting to watch as Mueller’s shadow grows if Trump embraces the crazy or distances himself from it. The mob loves the tales of secret cabals but it can only hurt Donnie legally if he starts hype them.

My prediction is that Cheetoh Gotti unleashes a tweetstorm before the midterms blaming all his problems on the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, and the trans dimensional pedophiles.

",1533149107,01/08/2018 18:45 9118108,4017295969,

how about that part where he said he was wearing a QAnon shirt?

,1533149151,01/08/2018 18:45 9116566,4017297888,

I find the whole Q story fascinating. How people can believe such obvious whackjob lies is just astounding.

,1533149216,01/08/2018 18:46 9118108,4017302394,

you a QAnon follower too?

,1533149375,01/08/2018 18:49 9118108,4017304002,"

I took a look at the qanon hashtag today, all libs trying to convince everyone it is fake. Must be scared. I have no idea as to the real ness of Q, but it seems to be driving Libs mad, and that is good.

",1533149429,01/08/2018 18:50 9118108,4017308059,"

A few MSM articles on Q today too, as there were lots of Q signs at last night's rally. Who knows what Q actually is, but if it is freaking the libs out, I am good with it.

",1533149572,01/08/2018 18:52 9118108,4017310652,"

what do y'all think about the hundreds of people at the Trump rally yesterday wearing ""QAnon"" shirts.

",1533149664,01/08/2018 18:54 9116566,4017312720,

So what's he waiting for?
An omen?
A sign from Q?

,1533149740,01/08/2018 18:55 9118108,4017314238,"

God bless them, no idea as to Q being real, but libs seem to be butt hurt about it, so good with me.

",1533149793,01/08/2018 18:56 9118108,4017321361,

lot's of QAnon fans here...

,1533150050,01/08/2018 19:00 9118108,4017327268,"

yep, especially the QAnon believers... the shallow end of the gene pool.

",1533150261,01/08/2018 19:04 9116767,4017331116,"

Hold on Now!! Dont be so hasty!! There is a multitude of people on this site alone that believe in the mythical Q, who speaks from AirForce1, who says Sessions is the smartest man to ever live. Dilly Dilly We have GUPPY'S on the right and the left.

",1533150403,01/08/2018 19:06 9118141,4017337932,

What is Q?

,1533150654,01/08/2018 19:10 9118306,4017338552,

QAnon follower? ^^^

,1533150677,01/08/2018 19:11 9118108,4017352476,

What is QAnon?

,1533151183,01/08/2018 19:19 9116566,4017357302,"

Yeah, liberals are ill and stupid. That’s why they believe Q and Trump.

",1533151366,01/08/2018 19:22 9118108,4017359832,

you must be a QAnon follower.

,1533151463,01/08/2018 19:24 9116566,4017366606,

Did Q tell you that in a cryptic haiku?

Frogstar with rice.
Big storm.
Monkeys wear shoes.

,1533151722,01/08/2018 19:28 9119050,4017390383,


,1533152626,01/08/2018 19:43 9118723,4017392303,

Are you referring to that QAnon garbage?

,1533152701,01/08/2018 19:45 9118723,4017395310,

We are Q.

,1533152818,01/08/2018 19:46 9118723,4017409659,"

Sarah Sanders was asked about Q in a press conference (today, I think)

It was asked in a way that suggested Q was inciting violence against the media, so she used that violence framing to skirt the question ""The president denounces any group that would incite violence.""

Bottom line is the media is FINALLY asking the question.

",1533153383,01/08/2018 19:56 9118723,4017410673,

Why doesn't Q use his powers like he did on the Enterprise?

,1533153423,01/08/2018 19:57 9118723,4017414052,"

I conflated Q, the anonymous dude, with Q, the supernatural God-like being on Star Trek TNG.

",1533153536,01/08/2018 19:58 9118723,4017414895,

Yeah. Downplaying Q.

,1533153569,01/08/2018 19:59 9118723,4017416863,"

",1533153649,01/08/2018 20:00 9118723,4017417603,"

These people are sick. Thankfully, Q says no deals.

We have everything. Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show.


",1533153679,01/08/2018 20:01 9118723,4017443571,

Your disbelief in Q is making me mad. Going to do something about it.

Making my own video for you guys. I have never done a political video before. Thanks for getting me started :).

,1533154743,01/08/2018 20:19 9116851,4017444357,"

Here's a post from earlier today (you can scroll down to read it and I'm sorry about not attributing it):

""Sessions has his place and it's coming soon. Read Qanon -- Sessions is doing exactly what Trump would have him do, and it's a matter of optics. He's sitting on fifty thousand sealed indictments, and he's overseeing Huber in UT, who's got the servers. They've got it all. There are a few more ducks to line up, but Jeffy is doing his part or he wouldn't be there. You can find it all at Qanon dot pub. WWG1WGA.

""You can read where finally the indictments are being unsealed, strategically -- one posted out of NY -- 29YO CIA traitor, 13 counts, and they're holding him on child porn. He stole and passed govt secrets, etc. Under Brennan. The storm is coming. Enjoy the show!""

",1533154776,01/08/2018 20:19 9118723,4017463181,"

Anyone else notice the msm blasting articles about the being a conspiracy theory / cult. Same thing with Pedogate. They're all freaking out. Their industry is doomed. Google was monkeying with their indexing too. It's obvious they are hiding, resigning, suiciding, and it's only the beginning folks.

",1533155590,01/08/2018 20:33 9118723,4017465557,"

I'm still skeptical about Q, but the more I look into it, the more intriguing it becomes...

",1533155698,01/08/2018 20:34 9118375,4017468250,


keep your faith in one of Barry's sycophants...........

as you continue to follow the fraud Q.

,1533155817,01/08/2018 20:36 9118723,4017472348,


,1533155994,01/08/2018 20:39 9118723,4017472924,

Rob Reiner = Pedo
Check out Isaac Kappy on Twitter

,1533156019,01/08/2018 20:40 9118723,4017475474,



,1533156135,01/08/2018 20:42 9118723,4017476579,

The amount of support for Q at the rally last night was insane.

Awesome experience.

,1533156187,01/08/2018 20:43 9118723,4017493243,"

If President Trump truly believed that most of the media are purveyors of ""fake news"", why is he afraid to face them in a press briefing? He could rebut the ""lies"".

Instead he only appears at rallies where his adoring acolytes cheer him on.

Did anyone notice how many attendees at the Florida rally yesterday were wearing QAnon t-shirts?

QAnon is a nutty conspiracy theory that makes Pizzagate look rational.

",1533156959,01/08/2018 20:55 9117358,4017494430,"

The (((DEEP STATE))) hiding in plain site

",1533157013,01/08/2018 20:56 9118723,4017502652,"

Once I post this vid, people will be much more confident that Trump backs Q.

",1533157405,01/08/2018 21:03 9118723,4017512348,

Literally NO ONE here talks about Q. Nice try.

,1533157909,01/08/2018 21:11 9118723,4017516374,"

",1533158123,01/08/2018 21:15 9118723,4017531540,

Breitbart: the mouthpiece of QAnon

,1533158918,01/08/2018 21:28 9118723,4017547329,

Here's proof you don't live in reality: you believe QAnon. That's crazy.

,1533159775,01/08/2018 21:42 9118723,4017549932,

who the heck is Q. Take your meds

,1533159923,01/08/2018 21:45 9120109,4017583374,"

Yes, that's what the crowd was composed of. A lot of them wearing Q shirts.

",1533161815,01/08/2018 22:16 9120109,4017587295,

What's a Qanon?

,1533162043,01/08/2018 22:20 9120109,4017594578,

I wonder which one of your QAnon loser friends on here is going to try to kill Acosta.

,1533162463,01/08/2018 22:27 9118306,4017597073,"

there are no secret batches of indictments, that was total Qanon bullshit !

",1533162603,01/08/2018 22:30 9120109,4017597652,

They r waiting for Q to tell them.

,1533162634,01/08/2018 22:30 9120109,4017598434,"

Trolls got a new talking point ""Qanon""....

",1533162678,01/08/2018 22:31 9120109,4017599294,

What or who is Qanon?

,1533162726,01/08/2018 22:32 9120109,4017603937,"

how come u maggots haven't been promoting QAnon yet, that's right up your conspiracy azz rhetoric.

",1533162995,01/08/2018 22:36 9120109,4017605598,"

Sorry, it's from NYT, first thing I found (not surprised, google search)

",1533163092,01/08/2018 22:38 9120109,4017617652,

MSM = Geese (Orwell’s Animal Farm)
Listen to any media montage as proof of coordinated talking points distributed by the Pigs. Love that it’s now about Q!

,1533163817,01/08/2018 22:50 9120109,4017621334,

Your right Jim... this is the new Q world... karma is a Beotch!

,1533164032,01/08/2018 22:53 9120109,4017624020,

What they don't know is that Q is a joke name. They are all holding signs that are short for Queers Anonymous.

,1533164193,01/08/2018 22:56 9118987,4017629454,"

Sessions is feeling the heat. After doing nothing for conservative ends after more than a year, he finally has begun a few small initiatives for show.

Evidently, being supported by a handful of Q nutters doesn't amount to much when dealing with POTUS's wrath.

",1533164529,01/08/2018 23:02 9120109,4017629794,"

Hey, I just learned about Q-anon on TV. Any of you conspiracy wingnuts on this site believe in that stuff?

",1533164550,01/08/2018 23:02 9119389,4017630057,"

Hey guys how does it feel to no longer be the craziest conspiracy theorists in AMerica. The good folks at Qanon have taken that mantle from you, saying that the Mueller investigation is really targeting Obama and canton and Trump is in on it.

You guys are pikers in comparison. Up your game. Make American Great Again

",1533164566,01/08/2018 23:02 9120109,4017631873,

You guys must be getting scared.....I see you morons keep mentioning QAnon over and over again today. Interesting....

,1533164673,01/08/2018 23:04 9120109,4017632605,

QANON....the death of tRump cult followers

,1533164719,01/08/2018 23:05 9118744,4017633471,"

Blacks for Trump is NOT a fringe group! Qanon is an international movement of Trump patriots, doing work for him, and repeatedly, acknowledged by him. A**hole

",1533164768,01/08/2018 23:06 9120109,4017633505,

What is Q-anon?

,1533164770,01/08/2018 23:06 9120109,4017635490,

Just as those people were acting at the trump rally last night. SMDH. I guess QANON lives in you people

,1533164890,01/08/2018 23:08 9118594,4017635992,

Who is Q?

,1533164923,01/08/2018 23:08 9120109,4017642276,"

Hmmm...I think I know what the ""36"" stands for. 3 minus 6 is a prime number. ""Eagle"" has 5 letters and 5 is a prime number also. So is ""17,"" and ""Q"" is the 17th letter in the alphabet.

Busted. Don't deny that you are the Grand Sith Lord of Q-anon.

",1533165314,01/08/2018 23:15 9116851,4017649835,

Hope Qanon proves to be accurate

,1533165780,01/08/2018 23:23 9118594,4017653527,"

Some troll(s) that have low-IQ conservatives convinced that they have some kind of inside information that go by Q-Anonymous. They don't.

For example they were pushing a AAA (Arrests, April, Awan) conspiracy back in March that suggested that tens of thousands of Dems would be arrested on sealed indictments. Obviously that didn't happen and Awan was just cleared of everything but lying on his loan application.

They make everything just ambiguous enough to claim they were right, no matter what happens. It's the oldest con in the book.

",1533165999,01/08/2018 23:26 9120109,4017684067,"

What is the deal with QAnon, is it real?

",1533167870,01/08/2018 23:57 9119389,4017689442,"

Alex is being put on the pillory. This attack is meant for Qanon too. Alex exposes the evil pedo-satanists, the evil stuff which is true. That's why the cia - backed msm pedohomos have a hard-on to get Alex.

",1533168209,02/08/2018 00:03 9120109,4017696020,"

The 2 black men leading the charge of cnn sux apparently have a website a quick glance urges all races to unite behind the President, his agenda & America. At the rally there also was a handmade cardboard sign shaped like a Q with Q’s website which I will not post as last nite any postings of it on BB disappeared as soon as you hit post. There was a screen shot however posted of the 45 pointing right at it. Everyday citizens getting the job done, that is America, Jimmy.

",1533168648,02/08/2018 00:10 9120109,4017699779,"

Why is MSM scared to ask Trump, the administration, or Sarah Sander who Q is? MSM will run smear pieces on Q in complete investigative isolation. They will ask no one involved anything? This is MSM's counter Psy-Ops -- not journalism.

",1533168891,02/08/2018 00:14 9120109,4017700795,

I heard a rumor Q is Trump.

,1533168960,02/08/2018 00:16 9120109,4017722772,"

So the lying msm..

Today at the WH briefing one so called reporter asked about the trouble maker groups Qanon and Blacks for Trump. Literally said it exactly like that. I was all.. wth?

Yeah.. that was done on purpose. It was planned. Racist a-holes. And the ""reporter"" was freaking BLACK! Lumping those 2 groups together trying to make it like Blacks for Trump is like a damn cult. Really pissed me off. If you don't know.. for over the past 2 weeks the msm is calling Qanon followers a cult.

The dnc is planting people at Trump rallies in Qanon shirts FYI.

No way.. were that many Trump supporters in FL wearing Q shirts. js

",1533170372,02/08/2018 00:39 9120109,4017724490,"

Yes, the team picture delineating a Q with thumbs. I think Q is the initials 1. ;)

",1533170484,02/08/2018 00:41 9120109,4017725760,

is Qanon the Seth Rich thing?

,1533170570,02/08/2018 00:42 9120109,4017725873,"

Loyal Trumpers, what a bunch of freaks. QAnon idiots. Trump started all of this conspiracy theorizing. He's crawled into your brains like a worm, that's what's causing the dementia.

The FBI is fine. They're investigating Donald Trump. You know, Donald Trump, the con artist and fraud who surrounds himself with criminals and and munches on your brains.

QAnon idiots.

",1533170577,02/08/2018 00:42 9120109,4017727766,

only half of Trump supporters think Qanon is real

,1533170704,02/08/2018 00:45 9120109,4017727871,"

Its more than that

",1533170711,02/08/2018 00:45 9116767,4017731522,"

I could have picked a better AG than Sessions...this showed very bad judgment and it put his entire presidency in harm's way.
I have no use for Q, I prefer the man with the Z, the Z that stands for Zorro...we need the man with a sword, we need Trump to use the power that his supporters gave him on election day. We all knew it would be a battle perhaps to the death.

",1533170965,02/08/2018 00:49 9120538,4017735167,"

If nothing else, Q has created a movement to open people's eyes and search for the truth.

",1533171223,02/08/2018 00:53 9119689,4017738079,

Wrong silly. I bet you are with QAnon that Mueller is going after Hillary.

,1533171428,02/08/2018 00:57 9120109,4017741243,"

The msm have been forming the narrative for 2 weeks saying that Q followers are a cult. Today at the WH briefing one so called reporter asked about the trouble maker groups Qanon and Blacks for Trump. Literally said it exactly like that. I was all.. wth?

Yeah.. that was done on purpose. It was planned. Racist a-holes. And the ""reporter"" was freaking BLACK! Lumping those 2 groups together trying to make it like Blacks for Trump is like a damn cult. Really pissed me off.

Also there was a disproportionate amount of people at the rally wearing q shirts. That's what the dnc is up to. Trying to frame this bs narrative.
That was planned and orchestrated to be a topic at the WH today.

",1533171656,02/08/2018 01:00 9120538,4017741461,"

Shall we? What falsifiable prediction does Q Anon make? Any sort of theory worth the name makes predictions that can be verified. That's the only way to see. Can you name one thing we should we be looking for that would validate this, and say when we can look for it?

",1533171672,02/08/2018 01:01 9119041,4017744009,

#QAnon shows how delusion Trump supporters are. They literally create their own fantasy world and construct it such that Trump is somehow a superhero of biblical proportions. Believing it must be a sign of mental illness.

,1533171857,02/08/2018 01:04 9119695,4017744067,"



",1533171862,02/08/2018 01:04 9116767,4017744124,

#QAnon shows how delusion Trump supporters are. They literally create their own fantasy world and construct it such that Trump is somehow a superhero of biblical proportions. Believing it must be a sign of mental illness

,1533171865,02/08/2018 01:04 9120109,4017744378,

QAnon shows how delusion Trump supporters are. They literally create their own fantasy world and construct it such that Trump is somehow a superhero of biblical proportions. Believing it must be a sign of mental illness

,1533171884,02/08/2018 01:04 9120538,4017745236,


,1533171949,02/08/2018 01:05 9120109,4017745773,

Followup from my previous Q post. Right now Don Lemon is doing a segment on it. This is an effort to tie President Trump to the group and they have been calling Q peeps a cult now for 2 weeks.

God I detest these lying a-holes.

,1533171986,02/08/2018 01:06 9118723,4017746080,"

",1533172011,02/08/2018 01:06 9120538,4017746958,"

Whatever you say, DB. I'm no communist, and your reflexive resorting to that sort of moronic namecalling does not bespeak any sort of liberalism. Q Anon is sense-free nonsense. The Founding Fathers would be horrified at this completely non-liberal non-Enlightenment like embrace of wishful baloney.

",1533172072,02/08/2018 01:07 9120109,4017747984,"

lol wow

QAnon's posting campaign has a history of false, baseless and unsubstantiated claims. For example, QAnon has claimed on multiple occasions that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is a puppet ruler installed by the Central Intelligence Agency

didn't you see signs at Trump's rally? yesterday?


",1533172147,02/08/2018 01:09 9119041,4017749263,"

QAnon's posting campaign has a history of false, baseless and unsubstantiated claims. For example, QAnon has claimed on multiple occasions that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is a puppet ruler installed by the Central Intelligence Agency

",1533172246,02/08/2018 01:10 9120109,4017749660,

Don Lemon said the leader of blacks for trump belonged to a religious cult so he can see why Qanon is popular they are trying to connect Qanon to every pro trump group.. this is bullshit.

See? Exactly what they are trying to do. Now they are coming straight out saying it. Asked about it at the WH today too.

They are trying to link President Trump to this insinuating that he's involved in a damn cult.

,1533172276,02/08/2018 01:11 9120109,4017751107,

You are slow..

That was a narrative set up to try to link Trump to what they call Q. A cult.

I don't follow q.

,1533172386,02/08/2018 01:13 9118744,4017751161,"

Sarah, next time you're asked if appropriate for Qanons and Blacks for Trump to shout ""CNN sucks"". Just ask the reporter if it's true? If the response is that it's not true, tell them the majority thinks otherwise. That's a trust issue only CNN can rectify with the public. Trump's got nothing to do with it.

",1533172390,02/08/2018 01:13 9120109,4017753762,

you are the slow one. are you admitting that trump supporters are gullible enough to believe conspiracy theories such as QAnon?

or that those supporters at his rally are actors?

,1533172576,02/08/2018 01:16 9118744,4017754731,"

So they put CNN's Jim Acosta out on a spotlight runway during a Trump rally and-heavens to Betsy oh my gosh- he got jeered. Now, through a lackey, they're trying to drive a wedge between Trump's base and Trump by citing a breach of the oh so PC respect for the working journalist and expecting the WH to condemn Qanon and other ""fringe"" groups. By just asking the question the seed gets planted. A lawyer's trick. Sarah did well to redirect to the journalist's responsibilty to report accurately and with discretion.
Attagirl, Sarah.

",1533172647,02/08/2018 01:17 9120109,4017757092,

isn't there a rally tomorrow with MORE cnn SUCKS chants and Q posting!

,1533172817,02/08/2018 01:20 9119041,4017758825,

Reading MSM on Q? Do your own research.

,1533172948,02/08/2018 01:22 9116767,4017759190,"


This may be very unhelpful to you but I am working on it.

",1533172975,02/08/2018 01:22 9120109,4017767381,"

March 10, 2018 rally at Moon Township Pittsburg, PA
Qanon followers learned that Acosta was given advanced warning that Trump would be under attack.
This is what Q said:
Q942 CNN airing assassination of JFK. CNN 3 sec delay - speech. CNN Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission. These people are sick. Q
It isn't just CNN that is is Acosta!

",1533173601,02/08/2018 01:33 9120538,4017771977,"

Even the NY Times have taken notice of Q.

",1533173955,02/08/2018 01:39 9120109,4017776603,"

I think Paddock and Mandalay was the rogue Saudis Q refers to or SA. The / in the side of the /_\,

",1533174315,02/08/2018 01:45 9120109,4017794963,

He is so sure Mueller is on his side. Or his he? Muah only Q knows for sure. Lol

,1533175805,02/08/2018 02:10 9120109,4017797531,

Just giving them a bad time about Q. It will be interesting whether Q is Kabuki Theater or facts soon.

,1533176017,02/08/2018 02:13 9116767,4017801928,"

That you second guess President Trump - who has put himself & his family on the line - is just incredulous. Maybe, if you're convinced you're more informed, perceptive, & brilliant; you should call him up and tell him how to run the show.

As to Q, I don't know Q. I don't know if it is a single person or a group of American patriots. I don't have the patience to unravel word puzzles. I prefer the WYSIWYG approach.

I voted for Trump - not Q. Yet I have no problem with anyone supporting our President and getting messages of hope & faith & patience out to Americans & patriots alike.

",1533176385,02/08/2018 02:19 9120682,4017810347,"

you need information. Go to
This guy is an 8chan anon...exceptional analysis of military intelligence dropping that has been going on since late Oct 2017.

",1533177126,02/08/2018 02:32 9119299,4017812306,"

---- With all the DEM. loyalists in Gov. in the Peter STRZOK Senior - Executive - Service ... for Mad Max to be called out like this is a PREEMPTIVE Strike against any Presidential run she may have been considering !

I am Not .. '' Q "" ... I just know how to think.

",1533177305,02/08/2018 02:35 9120817,4017820539,"

You'll spot the Deplorable in the crowd. He's the one sitting back evaluating the action - Suzie Q

",1533178034,02/08/2018 02:47 9119299,4017820955,

ANOTHER DEEP STATE STRIKE. The federal government is full of CORRUPT bureaucrats who eat pizza AND hate JESUS! OBVIOUSLY THIS IS THE DEEP STATE DARK WEB in fear! Q will have more ANON.

(That’s what I see in the Dead Breitbart comments every time another Trump minion is indicted.)

,1533178072,02/08/2018 02:47 9120817,4017821181,"


Does Trump truly support Q?

This little 38 sec video is the hint:

",1533178092,02/08/2018 02:48 9120682,4017826777,

I know that she already has 52 USC 30121 and 52 USC 30101 sealed indictments with her name on them. These are regarding campaign finance violations. Q posted this

,1533178575,02/08/2018 02:56 9120682,4017835306,"

Obama screwed himself. He is trying to claim Kenya citizenship to avoid extradition. He killed the one lady that could prove his birth certificate was fake! He sanitized his school records. HA Like Q says: ""These people are stupid.""

",1533179318,02/08/2018 03:08 9120817,4017877769,

Didnt Hannity just retweet the QAnon thing?

Whats wrong with this country?

,1533182888,02/08/2018 04:08 9120817,4017925672,"

Perhaps it went too fast. I tried to make sure I made it short enough that people will actually watch and maybe I went overboard.

If you know about Q, please just pause it at each piece of text that displays. That will help you understand, for sure.

In the Q post, ONLY the line that is highlighted matters for the topic. The rest can be tossed out for now.

",1533186749,02/08/2018 05:12 9120817,4017932130,"

I will explain it to you here because it is far enough down that maybe others won't see...?

Q posted that phrase, and 5 minutes later Trump points it out at his rally. Clearly Trump is backing Q. That was the point. Knowing this, you can probably watch one more time and it will make sense :).

",1533187231,02/08/2018 05:20 9120817,4017952395,

Just learning about this QAnon BS. You rubes actually buy this crap? Holy moly....

,1533188741,02/08/2018 05:45 9120817,4017956322,

Hillary sucks...I did believe she would win though I admit as that was what the polling and more importantly the sportsbook odds were pointing to....Still to see all those Q signs at the Trump rally and then learn what it meant was pretty hilarious...

,1533189040,02/08/2018 05:50 9119041,4017960104,

Dont half trump supporters think they have a secret government agent with top level security clearance name qanon that is helping trump overthrow the deep state

,1533189330,02/08/2018 05:55 9120817,4017964485,"

Given who started the Q meme, very relevant

",1533189663,02/08/2018 06:01 9120817,4017991312,"

So if I join QAnon, do I get my own secret decoder ring? Please?

",1533191740,02/08/2018 06:35 9120817,4018013938,

CNN has a photo shoppe Q sign right in front of Trump at the Tampa rally saying look. Fake News CNN. They did not show the Blacks for Trump signs.

,1533193492,02/08/2018 07:04 9120817,4018021989,"

CNN with Photo Shopped Q sign at Trump Tampa rally. Look at the hand.

",1533194117,02/08/2018 07:15 9120817,4018023989,

What is Q?

,1533194267,02/08/2018 07:17 9118744,4018089666,

these people are so stupid. Qanon? Blacks for Trump? fringe groups? the plantation mentality is always just below the surface with progressives.

,1533198644,02/08/2018 08:30 9120817,4018097980,"

""Some progressives believe..."" Just like some conservatives believe all kinds of crazy conspiracies. You know what QAnon is? Do you think Trump is part of some dark conspiracy within the government, where the deep state is trying to take over and certain undercover officials are fighting it?

",1533199172,02/08/2018 08:39 9120817,4018101301,

So who here believes in Q?

,1533199374,02/08/2018 08:42 9120817,4018102629,

Who or what is Q?

,1533199454,02/08/2018 08:44 9118723,4018103126,"

The liberal state media isn’t new, it’s just been exposed under Trump for all but the most naive.

Many of us noticed it years ago. When I had to start reading newspapers from outside the country years ago to get real news that they hide from us here I knew something was up.

Just look at those coordinated QAnon stories yesterday. In true liberal,state media fashion, you had over 10 liberal outlets with a story at the ready on QAnon that flooded the airwaves. That is your state media. They are errand boys and girls for the deep state.

Far worse than the East German Stasi and KGB we used to fight against.

",1533199485,02/08/2018 08:44 9120817,4018103239,

Really? It's everywhere. Google QAnon. Conspiracy theory gaining traction on the right.

,1533199493,02/08/2018 08:44 9120817,4018110436,"

Ha whoa don't shoot the messenger. These are people showing up to Trump rallies in Q shirts. Q is an anonymous Internet poster claiming to be a U.S. agent secretly working against the deep state. He claims there's a big conspiracy within the government for the deep state to take over, and that he and Trump are working in tandem to undermine it.

It has a large following and entered the mainstream this week after it was prominent at Trump's last rally.

",1533199936,02/08/2018 08:52 9120817,4018114007,"

For all asking Who Is Q Anon... It's to you to take the path of exploring whether we are being fed the truth from MSM & Politicians & ""Elite"". Choose the Red Pill ..

",1533200152,02/08/2018 08:55 9120817,4018119150,

There you are. So what do you think of Q?

,1533200471,02/08/2018 09:01 9120817,4018144076,

CNN and Acosta are the ones ginning up lunacy. The only people threatening any one are the leftists and their Soros and DNC funded aniti-American antifa crew. I would not be surprised if those haters staged an attack and blamed it on the conservative and Q patriots.

,1533201913,02/08/2018 09:25 9120817,4018174072,"

Obama's CIA Director John Brennan threatens Trump with dire consequences



John O. Brennan✔@JohnBrennan

Individuals of conscience who believe in rule of law should denounce this blatant effort to obstruct justice. As Mr. Trump’s desperation to protect himself grows, he could turn words into actions, prompting a Constitutional crisis. Congress must warn Trump of dire consequences.

Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump

..This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!

3:09 PM - Aug 1, 2018


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The Deep State network is getting extremely nervous all of a sudden today, as the MSM has bashed Q, labeled the MAGA movement as fringe, claiming there is a signal in space, and now Obama's CIA Director Brennan threatening Trump with dire consequences. With all this odd behavior from the MSM today and the threat directed towards Brennan, you can only be curious if the Storm is now cooking up. It's been a very odd day, and now John Brennan former CIA Director under Obama is now threatening Trump with dire consequences.

",1533203530,02/08/2018 09:52 9120817,4018174112,

No kidding..did you see those animals at that trump rally?..and then you add those “Qanon” loonies into the mix!..has the right lost its collective mind??

,1533203532,02/08/2018 09:52 9120817,4018175748,"

MSM pushes anti Q rhetoric, labels us fringe, and claims a mysterious signal has been found in Space on the same day


1 Comment

​ CNET Reports: A new radio telescope in Canada is doing its job picking up mysterious signals from deep space known as ""fast radio bursts"" (FRBs). The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) in British Columbia detected the first-ever FRB at frequencies below 700 MHz on July 25, a signal named FRB 180725A. As you might guess, FRBs are milliseconds-long bursts of radio emissions that come from some unknown source across the universe. They're one of the newer cosmic mysteries around, having been first detected only about a decade ago. Possible explanations include bursts from magnetars, exploding black holes, and yes, highly advanced alien civilizations.


""When I look at the Rally, What do I see? I see this #QAnon People, Uh.. BIG TIME there."" - @TheJuanWilliams

6:52 PM - Aug 1, 2018


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Personally I would say the Deep State is getting very nervous over Qanon in the last 24 hours, as not only has the MSM ""cabal tv"" networks including Fox News launching anti Q talking points...But the media has also labeled us as fringe and are pushing a story about a mysterious signal in outer space all on the same day. America it looks like we are over the target when all MSM has published anti Q conspiracy stories, all have labeled us as fringe, and are now pushing a story about a signal in space. The cabal has shown us today they are very scared of us and the storm. This raises the question is the storm about to increase and are the sealed indictments possibly now in play, as we just got word that Tony Podesta today is officially under investigation by Federal prosecutors.

",1533203614,02/08/2018 09:53 9120817,4018184996,

The Information Qanon gives tells me he is closely aligned with POTUS.

,1533204057,02/08/2018 10:00 9121261,4018193741,"

So if a liberal blog was pulling a bunch of stories of neo Nazis and white nationalists and QAnon conspiracy theorists to make the right look like intolerant nutcases, you'd say that was just knowing thy enemy? Or would you laugh at the liberal slant and misreprentation of who you are?

",1533204463,02/08/2018 10:07 9119689,4018196220,

Uh wait. Double speak is taught in second grade? If I failed 3rd that means I didn't advance and learn anything more. So what grade did you learn double speak in?

Do you see that your idiotic statement doesn't pass the logic test. Now apply logic to QAnon and Donald Trump and you'll see their statements don't pass the logic test either. Which is probably why you're a fan of both. Because you're a fool.

,1533204566,02/08/2018 10:09 9121261,4018203537,"

If you want to know weird, Google QAnon

",1533204870,02/08/2018 10:14 9119389,4018246770,"

The mainstream media tried to convince us all that John Q public was dead and replaced by Joe Six pack.
I guess they were wrong.
We are not a bunch of drunken, toothless idiots, no matter how hard they try to make us out to be.
John Q public lives!

",1533206805,02/08/2018 10:46 9121261,4018251223,

Gonna be hard to top QAnon

,1533206997,02/08/2018 10:49 9118384,4018252636,"

It's good to be racist. Racism is a self-preservation survival instinct bestowed upon us by evolution.

The whole PC, E & Q, Hate speech edifice is designed to brainwash the inexperienced younger generation and silence any resistance to their diabolical plot. We are suffering a brutal occupation and a brutal repression.

",1533207056,02/08/2018 10:50 9121261,4018274341,"

Just about everything you read about ICE online is the work of the IRA. So goes for BLM. Now who's the stupid SOB.

I suspect Q Anon is also the work of the IRA. Nothing like stirring the pot, right?

",1533207970,02/08/2018 11:06 9121507,4018279824,

Trump doesn't lead the hate movement but they're his base so he panders to them. The Q Anoners will take over Trump's base making them even look stupider. The Q Anoners made a big appearance at Trump's latest rally in FL. What a collection of morons.

,1533208202,02/08/2018 11:10 9118819,4018295644,"

I can imagine the Q & A now:

Parliament: Why is our economy doing so poorly and our currency crashing?
Rouhani: Our currency is as strong as ever and our economy is in great shape.
Parliament: OK, sorry to bother you, your eminence.

",1533208849,02/08/2018 11:20 9116566,4018331253,"

The attacks by msm against the QAnon movement will fail. There is no stopping it.

With 350 MILLION followers of Q, this is not any 'conspiracy' theory but an investigative movement into what is actually happening behind the scenes of the elite agendas.

The evils they have uncovered and saved on file offline is mind boggling. It is something that needs checking out ... and decide for yourself.

",1533210230,02/08/2018 11:43 9116566,4018337099,"

With podcasts or videos by QAnon, Praying Medic, and Dan Bongino, it's actually possible to get a good briefing and be entertained at the same time. Waiting for the hammer to strike the anvil.

",1533210441,02/08/2018 11:47 9121495,4018343484,"

BTW, Q anon just posted that 20 pages of the redacted FISA report were declassified. Implicating MEDIA. Willing to bet that he isn't a LARP? I am.



",1533210677,02/08/2018 11:51 9121495,4018345743,"

Looks like Democrats and the media using their Antifa thugs, are trying to set up the Q Anon movement with false flag violence.

",1533210757,02/08/2018 11:52 9121507,4018347022,"

It looks like Democrats and the media using their Antifa thugs, are trying to set up the Q Anon movement with false flag violence.

",1533210805,02/08/2018 11:53 9121261,4018359994,

The Troll army is over hammering the autists on Qanon site this morning. Left leaders must really be worried to attack them.

,1533211278,02/08/2018 12:01 9121507,4018372934,"

“Operation Mockingbird” is in active mode....just as Q predicted. As with most liberal/democrat/socialist/communist party members, attack the person and ignore the facts. The media has been promoting hate against this president since the day he was elected....from the ‘resistance’ movement, to Russian collusion, to Stormy Daniels and now ‘he is promoting violence’ against the MSM...which of course none of these are true and they know it. Americans have always disliked the media, everyone has seen situations where the true facts are twisted to fit a narrative or just ignored. It’s just now, people have alternatives for their news, they can do their own research, everyone one has the ability to know as much as any reporter or newscaster just as soon as they do. They MSM has lost their credibility, their influence and everyone can see their true colors. It scares them to death. To the MSM, any comments, arguments, and insults from people they don’t agree with are considered “violence.” Of course...Violence and destruction of property from occupy Wall Street, BLM, antifa, and the threats against Trump supporters are not not covered because that’s “free speech,” “social justice,” and the resistance to a legally elected president and his “racist,” “xenophobic” and “sexist” band of “deplorables”...they never thought she would lose.

",1533211763,02/08/2018 12:09 9121261,4018386501,"

""Trust Sessions""

I tried wearing Q decoder rings on my feet now, Sessions still isn't waking up. What gives?

",1533212267,02/08/2018 12:17 9121261,4018409515,

But what does Q tell us we should do???


,1533213084,02/08/2018 12:31 9121261,4018411326,"

As for that Q-anon thing - looks like its no longer fringe , has massive mainstream attention (You people are #%#%ing morons for doing this).

Democrats are now the platform of open borders and blatant communism.

This is the impression of the genpop in far too many states for you to survive politically.

Game over.

",1533213148,02/08/2018 12:32 9121261,4018414136,"

You lack faith, brother. Q will show you the Way.

",1533213249,02/08/2018 12:34 9121261,4018417619,"

Q will leave you breadcrumbs, children. Follow the gifts of Q and bake them together. All shall know The Way as revealed by Q.

",1533213374,02/08/2018 12:36 9121261,4018419313,

Are we talking James Bond Q or Star Trek Q?

,1533213435,02/08/2018 12:37 9121261,4018419637,"

I really envy the families who go together to the Trump rallies, all wearing matching t-shirts. I love the ones in the Q gear. I just don't have a family that managed to avoid schools of hardcore liberal indoctrination as part of their fields of study. And social media has poisoned the rest.

",1533213446,02/08/2018 12:37 9121261,4018420459,"

4Chan Q, the most powerful of them all.

",1533213473,02/08/2018 12:37 9121507,4018427648,"

On the ropes! Q Anon startin to hit msm, right Fox, right Acosta...we scare you to death, dont we!!! As it should be, appropriate response to bone-chilling fear!

",1533213730,02/08/2018 12:42 9121261,4018428158,"

Ill tell you something.

The eyes of the world are here in this place. Left - Right. EU , US and China.

All here.

BB are the front lines politically in the US.

Those trends i mention , are merely analytics.

They CAN be corrected.

That whole Q anon thing just got multinational attention.

Im still in shock it has gotten so much attention.

Things Change.

",1533213748,02/08/2018 12:42 9121261,4018432073,"

Be not afraid, Q cups us in the palm of his mighty hand.

",1533213891,02/08/2018 12:44 9121261,4018434408,

All praise Q!

,1533213975,02/08/2018 12:46 9121261,4018441706,"

You don't know anything about Q, do you?

",1533214227,02/08/2018 12:50 9119389,4018441854,"

On a side note, we should probably just start calling the Republican Party the ""Bigfoot Party"", since it has been overrun with conspiracy whackjobs who believe in Bigfoot, 9/11 was a CIA operation, or the Rothschilds controlling the world...

These folks regularly gobble up junk ideas from sources like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones, hucksters who warn of secret cabals, child sex rings on Mars, or disguised reptilian overlords walking among us. LOL..the fanatical core of the Trump base lives in a fantasy land where things such as Jews controlling the world with secret shadow governments seem completely plausible.


",1533214233,02/08/2018 12:50 9119080,4018448994,"

They're all on the ropes....masters of the universe willing to crash their cos to hide the truth/escape.
Expect to see violent episodes featuring people wearing maga, and Q....desperate attempts to discredit

",1533214488,02/08/2018 12:54 9122914,4018468502,"

QAnon! WWG1WGA. They are terrified of losing all power! The 4am talking points distributed to the MockingBird Media are all about making Q followers sound insane, unhinged, potentially violent .. but wait .. isn't that what they tried to do to Trump? Follow his example!

",1533215186,02/08/2018 13:06 9121507,4018478117,"

Trump has admitted on tape that the whole ""fake news"" thing is just a ruse, so that when Trump is criticized by the media, he can claim bias in the MSM. Sure MSM has it problems, but at least they admit when they get it wrong and try to remain impartial. On the other hand, Trump supporters now seem to cling to crazy conspiracies promoted by sites like InfoWars and QAnon as being the ""real"" truth. I don't care what party you are with, that should scare everyone.

",1533215537,02/08/2018 13:12 9119389,4018493647,"

We are Q? What's that, a CW show?

",1533216089,02/08/2018 13:21 9119389,4018522187,"

Oh my, so dark, so scary. Where did you get your intel?? Do tell. Jones, Q, another oh so secret lunatic bin??? Get back on your meds crazy person

",1533217094,02/08/2018 13:38 9121261,4018549543,"

It's my understanding that Q is saying Mueller isn't investigating Trump at all, rather he's investigating hillary, obama, and comey.....anyone else have the same understanding?

",1533218074,02/08/2018 13:54 9121507,4018554141,

Be prepared for violent Democrat groups such as Antifa using false flag violence in the next week or so and blaming it on Q Anon. You KNOW that it's coming. All of the liberal media has been setting it up for the last two days.

,1533218237,02/08/2018 13:57 9121507,4018560634,"

QAnon knows all! He's real! Oh my god, he'll save us all! Pffft

",1533218473,02/08/2018 14:01 9120817,4018636124,"

Deplorable Trumpsters and Q-Anons keep showing up and protesting the living shiite out of CNN MSPMS and the rest.

This hissy fit on the part of Acosta lashing out in frustration, is proof that it's working and having a positive effect.

",1533221065,02/08/2018 14:44 9119389,4018647193,"

Definitely smart enough, but are you? Let me see, you buy everything that infowars, Cernovich and any crazy BS on 4chan, 8chan and now Qanon a secret military insider (The Awakening, The storm and any other BS out there). You have absolutely no proof, just conjecture, and a lot of out right lying BS. You are definitely the zombie eating the flesh that Qanon feeds you. Lemming is another fitting description. I also read the wacky left wing BS. You guys should get together and have a rousing barbecue or something. I work in healthcare and people like you fit the perfect definition of paranoia and delusions of grandeur. I highly recommend a schizophrenia drug (mood stabilizer) for you, how about Latuda with a little xanax topped off with lexapro

",1533221391,02/08/2018 14:49 9121507,4018664134,"

Some say ""the Storm"" is even bigger than ""Pizzagate.""

Major Lalwz

",1533221908,02/08/2018 14:58 9121507,4018696246,

The same people that believe QAnon and Pizzagate can't see with their own eyes that a corrupt billionaire is playing them for fools?!

,1533222932,02/08/2018 15:15 9122638,4018741062,

They seek to divide us!

Follow Q!

,1533224439,02/08/2018 15:40 9122638,4018753441,

Mainstream media seeks to divide us!

They seek to blind us!

They will win if they succeed!

We are all the same inside!

Follow Q!

,1533224860,02/08/2018 15:47 9122638,4018760629,"

Might not be an obvious move in the right direction, but it is. Trump brought out the big guns the day after the Q question for a reason.

",1533225101,02/08/2018 15:51 9122683,4018761262,

But Qanon says he’s a hero patriot

,1533225122,02/08/2018 15:52 9122683,4018765717,

Who is Qanon?

,1533225273,02/08/2018 15:54 9120817,4018768839,"

So the political movement (cult) that embraces Infowars and QAnon questions the integrity of the ""MSM""?? Sean Hannity declared he was not a journalist and has regular conversations with Trump off the record. Propagandist is the ONLY way to describe Hannity.

The mental gymnastics that the Deplorables must have to do to convince themselves they're on the side of truth. Any 3rd party observer would say they most resemble a cult - insulating themselves from any outside information - and endless echo chamber of BS. All the people with thousands of comments on Breitbart who do nothing but recycle the same garbage day in, day out.

",1533225383,02/08/2018 15:56 9120817,4018774442,"

The mainstream media tried to convince us all that John Q public was dead and replaced by Joe Six pack.
I guess they were wrong.
We are not a bunch of drunken, toothless idiots, no matter how hard they try to make us out to be.
John Q public lives!

",1533225581,02/08/2018 15:59 9122683,4018829390,

LOL. Right. F'n clown. Go check for Qanon's latest posting. F'tard

,1533227487,02/08/2018 16:31 9122683,4018838985,"

A White House insider, probably military intelligence. Just go to and you'll find a treasure trove of great information!

",1533227825,02/08/2018 16:37 9122683,4018855883,"

WHERE are QAnon's 40,000 indictments?
Remember, this is the entity that says ""Trust Sessions""!

You are being played, guys!

",1533228398,02/08/2018 16:46 9122683,4018856813,

I guess QAnon won't be inviting her to give their keynote

,1533228430,02/08/2018 16:47 9119695,4018862554,

like the 6 year old racists in waiting wearing Q shirts at the rallies for the toothless voters of the US.. I used to think the Dems had some sorry looking voters.. till I saw the FLA Chump rally. Where are all the normal repubs.. pretty funny actually

,1533228629,02/08/2018 16:50 9122638,4018880513,"

QAnon; or course there is a Democratic pedophile ring bent on world domination & trump is merely acting incompetent while in secret he is brilliantly working on a complex web to take this cabal down & is in fact working WITH Mueller because the REAL Special Counsel is all about locking Hillary up. This crack down is imminent; we just have to give trump 4 more years. While we wait, thankfully, there is a secret mole sending out cryptic messages via trump’s twitter feed to keep us all informed of his progress. But underneath that, the real conspiracy of cutting education in backwater rural states while simultaneously pumping pills into these trailer parks & giving them Hi Speed internet has worked PERFECTLY.

",1533229233,02/08/2018 17:00 9122842,4018895963,

The supporters of the lovely Mr. Yaxley need to develop their own QAnon-type conspiracy theory!

,1533229764,02/08/2018 17:09 9122638,4018904837,


58 Million people awakened.
Target 350M.
Worldwide Phenomenon.

,1533230070,02/08/2018 17:14 9122914,4018929660,"

By the way fake MSM there is more evidence to prove we did not go to the moon, than we did, of course in order for them to pull that off they would need the cooperation of a CIA controlled Media, OH! guess what the CIA does control the media, well there you have it!!! Go Qanon, WWG1WGA!!!!!!! The Storm is Coming A-holes and it's coming for all who betrayed the USA and our President!!!

",1533230905,02/08/2018 17:28 9122863,4018951842,"

Msm are spamming the search engines with anti-Q-annon articles. If this were only a conspiracy theory, then they wouldn't try so hard to subvert the Truth with disinformation, lies, and subterfuge.

See for yourself, proof on August 1 and August 2, q drops:

",1533231651,02/08/2018 17:40 9122638,4018963029,"

The Msm and NYT are spamming the search engines with anti-Q-annon articles. If this were only a conspiracy theory, then they wouldn't try so hard to subvert the Truth with disinformation, lies, and subterfuge.

See for yourself, proof on August 1 and August 2, q drops:

",1533232031,02/08/2018 17:47 9122638,4018964051,

You still believe in the 14 year old gamer Qanon??

,1533232066,02/08/2018 17:47 9122863,4019003392,"

""Are these people deranged?"" Is that a rhetorical Q?

",1533233413,02/08/2018 18:10 9122683,4019014984,

Surprised q-anon assange hasnt illegally published the redacted stolen truth. A dauphin flop and pervert.

,1533233808,02/08/2018 18:16 9122683,4019030618,

Qanon knows Ivanka is working with her father and Muller to take down the deep state; they all have their roles to play

,1533234324,02/08/2018 18:25 9122683,4019048274,

Please people do not go down this rabbit hole. This isn't about the press! its about the deep state and how Trump is secretly working with Mueller to bring down the corrupt elites. Find out about Qanon; it will clarify everything.

,1533234915,02/08/2018 18:35 9122263,4019051210,

But what does Q have to say about this?

,1533235014,02/08/2018 18:36 9122638,4019069349,"

Active Shooter reported at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton Ohio, base had exercises scheduled for Jul 30-Aug 3



Wright-Patterson AFB✔@WrightPattAFB

At approximately 12:40 p.m., base emergency responders (security forces, fire department) responded to a reported Active Shooter incident at the base hospital.

Base personnel have been directed to shelter in place until the incident is investigated

1:58 PM - Aug 2, 2018


608 people are talking about this

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Fox News Reports: Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown issued a statement on Twitter after the reports, asking for prayers from the community. “People join us in keeping the first responders, Wright-Patt personnel and the entire Dayton community in our thoughts as we pray for the safety of everyone involved,” he wrote. The base was scheduled to hold quarterly base-wide exercises from July 30 to Aug. 3, the Dayton Daily News reported. The Ohio State Highway Patrol and local police were sending personnel to the base. The sprawling base is near Dayton in southwest Ohio.
America what does this look like to you that Fox News is reporting this base had planned exercises between July 30th and August 3rd when today is August 2nd, that's right looks like we may have a false flag on our hands. If the Deep State did a false flag on US Military members, expect President Trump to get pretty amazing. By the way this shooting at Wright Patterson AFB comes as the hatred against the Q movement from the MSM is full circle now, and after Q mentioned that US Military is heavily involved with Q. With this base having exercises between the 30th and August 3rd, this looks like your typical FF. Be vigilant the Deep State is pretty paranoid at the moment, and you can tell this by looking at all the Q ""conspiracy"" headlines on the MSM in a 24 hour period.

",1533235648,02/08/2018 18:47 9122638,4019070428,"

Please people don't go down this rabbit hole. This is just the media trying to distract. Look into Qanon; Trump is secretly working with Mueller to bring down the corrupt elites, including HRC and Obama . . . all else is noise

",1533235687,02/08/2018 18:48 9122638,4019071069,"

Capitol Police arrest man near Capitol hill with gun in vehicle, Secret Service locks down WH due to unauthorized vehicle



View image on Twitter

Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan

ABC: U.S. Capitol Police arrest man with firearm and ammunition in his vehicle near Capitol Hill this morning

11:57 AM - Aug 2, 2018


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USA Today Reports: U.S. Capitol Police arrested a man Thursday morning after officers found a gun and ammunition in his parked car blocks away from the U.S. Capitol. According to Capitol Police spokeswoman Eva Maleki, officers noticed the firearm in the car when the vehicle's owner arrived on the scene. Malecki said charges against the man were pending. “There is no evidence to indicate any nexus to terrorism at this time,” she said. Also on Thursday, police dealt with security concerns at the White House. The Secret Service locked down the White House and closed down part of Pennsylvania Avenue because of an unauthorized vehicle parked near the White House complex. The area was cleared after noon.
Once again the very dangerous situation that President Trump has to deal with on a daily basis, because the mainstream media and American Left politicians are trying to do everything they can to sow division among the people. If this turns out to be a Left wing individual, the news will likely end reporting of these two incidents at the White House and near the Capitol. Americans need to remain vigilant across America...Especially as the Deep State and the American Left continues to lose the narrative.
Strange how these two incidents in DC take place, as the MSM and Deep State have become very paranoid with Qanon over about the last 24 hours. Still continue to pray or whatever you have to do to make sure President Trump, his cabinet, and family remains safe. I would be very vigilant for a false flag in the coming days, especially with the Deep State through the MSM pushing Qanon as a ""conspiracy"". These incidents are likely connected as they have both happened on the same day, be vigilant and pray for the President.

",1533235710,02/08/2018 18:48 9122638,4019107168,

But Q did not drop any clues today. How do you guys even think?

,1533237026,02/08/2018 19:10 9118723,4019115896,"

So an unemployed actor who is praised by Q Anon, just says a bunch of Hollywood folks are pedophiles and you believe him?

",1533237356,02/08/2018 19:15 9122377,4019116628,"

Here comes more paid thugs, antifa riots, and MKULTRA deep state attacks to keep the narrative off Q-anon drops.

",1533237383,02/08/2018 19:16 9122914,4019183143,"

But Q followers do sound insane, unhinged (and) potentially violent. I don't need the media to tell me that!

",1533239997,02/08/2018 19:59 9116566,4019185340,"

Maybe not toothless, but Q people for sure.

",1533240088,02/08/2018 20:01 9124480,4019193983,"

If you spot a trumpster flashing the Q, know that they believe there is a Democratic pedophile ring bent on world domination; trump merely acts stupid & incompetent in public cause in secret he is working on taking this cabal down; trump is working WITH Mueller because the REAL Special Counsel is all about taking Hillary down; this crack down is imminent, we just have to give trump 4 more years. Thankfully, while we wait, there is a secret mole sending out cryptic messages via trump’s twitter feed to keep us all informed of his progress. OH yea, it is probably JFK Jr who faked his death 20 years ago. I’m not making any of this up. Best LOL all week...

",1533240453,02/08/2018 20:07 9124480,4019218450,"

QAnon, deep state, RINOs, Seth Rich, birtherism, uranium one, Benghazi, emails, fast n furious, domestic spying, trump campaign FBI infiltration, Mueller is not a lifelong loyal conservative, liberals want to take your guns, public interest policy is communism, capitalism solves all problems....

When will conservatives produce objective evidence for any of their BS claims that only serve as tools to thwart justice and waste taxpayer time n money?

",1533241542,02/08/2018 20:25 9124480,4019248730,"

First of all, Acosta, you are a bully. And bullies are cowards.
You want to know why you are a bully? I'll tell you. You hounded and harassed Sarah to say something she didn't want to say or address. And you kept on and kept on insisting, hoping your intimidation would cause her to yield to your will.
Secondly, you are a whiney little baby narcissist. Man up to your shortcomings!!! You run back to your safespace at CNN and whine and complain.
Thirdly, you are a liar. That's right - a LIAR. You lie through your teeth about Trump, about Sarah and about us patriotic Americans. You called Q Anons bizarre conspiracy theorists and hinted that we would us violence.
There's more but these three are enough to start with .... Man up!!!
Move away from the Dark Side. YOU WILL NEVER WIN!!!!

",1533242848,02/08/2018 20:47 9124480,4019255131,

I'd love to see the media square off against the Q loons. A perfect mirror image of nutjobs.

,1533243138,02/08/2018 20:52 9124480,4019255656,

Excited for Q at the rally.

,1533243162,02/08/2018 20:52 9124480,4019256271,"

Is it true Q says mueller's targets are actually hillary and comey, not Trump?

",1533243192,02/08/2018 20:53 9122884,4019261518,"

I AM smart and I'm not weak minded like you fools. I watched some of trumps last rally. He lied and just made up stuff all the way through and you fools ate it up. Do you really think, like trump does, that you have to show a picture ID to buy groceries? Are you that stupid as to think that the dems want MS-13 to run the country? Trump is now officially a member of Q, that really way out conspiracy group.

",1533243433,02/08/2018 20:57 9124480,4019261754,"

Which is blantantly obvious in so many ways. I mean look how many different MSM outlets echoed the DNC talking points.

Just in the past two days, everyone of them except FOX used the phrase ""bizarre right wing conspiracy theorist"" and ""cult"" in there headlines describing Q Anon followers. And, get this, as soon as some ANON mentioned this to Q, in a matter of minutes Juan Williams echoed the talking points as if he had been queued (pardon the pun!) by some source.

Where is the conspiracy?

",1533243445,02/08/2018 20:57 9124480,4019264457,

Go ahead act like idiots. I’d love for Trump to call an end to “pressers” and instead have fireside chats with us. Invite a bunch of ordinary citizens in to have Q & A periods. It’d be a lot more informative and positive information than the media’s constant agenda driven assault on OUR ideas and his progress to achieve them.

,1533243570,02/08/2018 20:59 9124480,4019314404,"

MSM will make fun of her looks, but is too afraid to ask her about Q. Infantile.

",1533246146,02/08/2018 21:42 9124480,4019321034,

When will the media elites allow the WH presspool to ask the administration about Q? 🐥 Mother may I?

,1533246509,02/08/2018 21:48 9124480,4019356904,"

""I can't believe those dumb rednecks believe conspiracy theories like QAnon"".

~ Leftist journos looking for a pee tape

",1533248486,02/08/2018 22:21 9118846,4019365886,"

...... "" Iran next "", Q.

",1533248999,02/08/2018 22:29 9116851,4019374783,

I love how Q draws posters into posting memes that vindicate the Democrats.

,1533249507,02/08/2018 22:38 9124480,4019378907,"

::::::God Bless You, Sarah Sanders!!! :::::
The clown car media Left is having a meltdown, which tells us all that we are on the right track, The Q movement of transparency is a gift to beautiful Americans who love this country and all its greatness.

",1533249714,02/08/2018 22:41 9124480,4019387445,

Trump is Q. Try to keep up.

,1533250160,02/08/2018 22:49 9124777,4019393164,"

Yet again black stays shiny
""QAnon Great Awakening"" WWG1WGA!
Take the red pill before they edit this out

",1533250489,02/08/2018 22:54 9120817,4019396095,

It's getting real.
Real good.

,1533250660,02/08/2018 22:57 9126394,4019420230,

Touchdown Ravens! Q says; elitists are done. RavensNation!

,1533252100,02/08/2018 23:21 9126394,4019420429,"

I'm glad that there was not a lot of the Qnozzlers trying to piggyback on the greatness of President Trump tonight. They relentlessly proselytize like nuisance door-to-door crazies looking for converts.

In no way I want to be grouped with those nutters, because they are so easily parodied.

",1533252113,02/08/2018 23:21 9125266,4019422328,"

Bush was the man! Need someone either some balls in there again, not a whiny New York elitist. Q says; storm coming brothers.

",1533252231,02/08/2018 23:23 9126394,4019423974,"

""Trust Sessions""

LOL. I saw the Q signs and almost died laughing. But seriously, Trump needs to get rid of Sessions as he isn't making any major indictments.

",1533252336,02/08/2018 23:25 9126394,4019434425,"

It is. The Q thing is just a comedy skit run by anons. Most people already know this, however.

",1533252822,02/08/2018 23:33 9122884,4019442781,

4 Q U troll.

,1533253393,02/08/2018 23:43 9126394,4019462019,

Trump and Qanon are like gods.

,1533254638,03/08/2018 00:03 9121495,4019466047,"

Americans shouldn't treat their President the way CNN (and other fake news outlets) have treated President Trump. Hey Acosta?! Who creates your 4am talking points? You guys and gals in media are a cult. And you all have been caught red-handed actively trying to meddle in the 2016 election and collude with the hilLIARy clinton campaign. You actively try to deceive your fellow Americans. You have absolutely NO journalistic integrity. But still...You won't be ""attacked"" by Trump supporters. You won't be attacked by QAnon supporters. You won't be attacked by conservatives. We are NOT the ones who riot when we don't get our way. We don't go around attacking people with whom we disagree. Even if they are only mouthpieces for the globalist elite. However, we will call you out for your bias and we will point out where you have followed an agenda that is not in the best interests of your countrymen. And we will tell you when you suck. CNN Sucks! (Do something about it! I dare ya!)

",1533254896,03/08/2018 00:08 9119389,4019472712,"

Well I’m not an idiot, and it’s been pretty well documented he said it was crisis actors.
Wait a minute...are you one of those Qanon people and if I just yell 17 I can be on the team 🤣🤣🤣

",1533255329,03/08/2018 00:15 9125584,4019479343,"

Aw how cute, she thinks she made him step down. LOL. Must not know that SES posts are subject to 90 reinstatement or reassignment. Meaning he can be brought back in the same or different Acting AG if Rosenstein has to recuse himself. #Qanon

",1533255754,03/08/2018 00:22 9126394,4019488230,

Trump and Qanon are my heroes.

,1533256354,03/08/2018 00:32 9126394,4019488861,

What does Q have to say about this?

,1533256396,03/08/2018 00:33 9126394,4019494287,"

Trump Q Song ""Son of Thunder.""

",1533256777,03/08/2018 00:39 9126394,4019494756,"

Trumps man Q and ""Son of Thunder.""

",1533256809,03/08/2018 00:40 9126613,4019508263,

Are you Q ?

,1533257770,03/08/2018 00:56 9126412,4019525361,"

A CNN reporter was asking the Trumpers outside of the rally what they thought 'Qanon' was, since so many were wearing shirts or holding signs.

The lack of any intelligible responses was amazing.

That's the same people here.

",1533259085,03/08/2018 01:18 9126394,4019534965,"

""Trust Sessions""

Uh huh. Made sure to get Q decoder rings for my feet as well as my hands. Any more /pol/shit this evening?

",1533259843,03/08/2018 01:30 9126394,4019535967,

Did it? Q removed the takedown of Tom Steyer last night. It was two posts about his Satanic pedophilia or whatever. They were removed.

,1533259921,03/08/2018 01:32 9126394,4019536664,

Dude. Its a 4chan LARP. Only CNN is less credible.

I burst out laughing when I saw those Q signs at the PA Trump rally. They're in it for the shenanigans and nothing else.

,1533259978,03/08/2018 01:32 9126394,4019537090,

Does Q really know anything? He seems unnecessarily cryptic.

,1533260012,03/08/2018 01:33 9126394,4019537549,"

This is the latest one. I think it was just his commentary on the Steyer wikileaks emails, and then Q implicating him in Haiti

",1533260051,03/08/2018 01:34 9126394,4019541445,"

There will always be an issue with content, since public information will always be part of disinformation. However, the proximity of Q group to the president has been well established.

It's real. It's just a question of what it means, and why we are being fed certain bits of dis/information.

",1533260370,03/08/2018 01:39 9118108,4019553303,

We are Q! Rush was the first to understand reality so long ago.

,1533261313,03/08/2018 01:55 9126475,4019573147,

Q is drafting off the echo chamber. Q is interesting but secondary. And Q's method is ingenious but an entertaining ruse.

,1533263000,03/08/2018 02:23 9126262,4019584397,"

Besides, the Q Army is being raised for free.

",1533263928,03/08/2018 02:38 9126475,4019594602,"

Go to Q, they have a link for reddit, about what you are talking about. They maintain his reference to the media & was this the academy awards was him giving them the finger about the failed attempt(s). I am telling you, watch his demeanor, was not like last nite. I think he was pizzed & he was scanning the crowd.

",1533264817,03/08/2018 02:53 9125830,4019617958,

Burn the guy.
But that default picture is very misleading. Medias bias. Breitbart is becoming CNN.-Qanon

,1533266842,03/08/2018 03:27 9126475,4019629025,"

Jesus F Christmas conservatives are some kind of special snowflakes, thinking Qanon is real and they are being persecuted on twitter.

",1533267633,03/08/2018 03:40 9126475,4019630857,"

Focus on Q, you lost all three branches of government.

",1533267783,03/08/2018 03:43 9126475,4019694879,

Secret Service was tipped off that he planned to attend wearing Q gear. So they made everyone who entered give up all Q signs and gear.

,1533271716,03/08/2018 04:48 9126475,4019759734,"

Trump is pointing to people with the Q signs in his rallies.
Have you guys seen this? I have seen it 3 times so far.
Plus the ""Honk for Q"" sign that got a response from the Presidential motorcade.

",1533276624,03/08/2018 06:10 9126475,4019760754,"

So, who is Q?

I mean besides James Bond's gadget maker. :-)

",1533276704,03/08/2018 06:11 9127396,4020015777,

More classic anti-Amercan FAKE NEWS from CNN. Just another set-up opportunity for a false flag. They will set the stage for a paid plant to wear a Qanon shirt and do something violent to make it look like Trump supporters are violent. That's why USSS took Q signs last night.

,1533291746,03/08/2018 10:22 9126475,4020019018,

Still looking into it some but seems to me that it was a con. I was apprehensive about Q so I listened to what others said about it. You have to be careful of what you believe on the net especially anything coming from the chans.

Don't feel bad. Lots of people fell for this but for good reasons. People wanted to believe that there was someone on their side in all this. People want an end to the corruption and Q gave them hope. There's nothing wrong with that.

We'll find out in the coming days whether this email is fake but from what I am reading it seems to be true. We still have Trump and he's working on it. Don't lose hope.

,1533291892,03/08/2018 10:24 9127396,4020021528,

Notice some of the comments of supposed MAGA supporters calling for violence. Now is the time to be peaceful as doves and wise as serpents. The left is already setting the table for a false flag with their sudden interest in Q reporting.

,1533292006,03/08/2018 10:26 9127396,4020025047,

We are Q.

,1533292162,03/08/2018 10:29 9127396,4020027063,"

Governor Jerry Brown takes the easy way out, blames ""CA wildfires"" on climate change


0 Comments reports: At a state Office of Emergency Services press conference today, Brown said firefighters would have to adapt to increasingly severe wildfires in the years to come because of climate change. “We’re fighting nature with the amount of material we’re putting in the environment, and that material traps heat, and the heat fosters fires, and the fires keep burning,"" he said. The governor added that ""since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago, we haven’t had this kind of heat condition, and it’s going to continue getting worse and that’s the way it is.""
“Some people don’t want to accept that, some just outright deny it,"" Brown continued. ""I don’t say it with any great joy here – we’re in for a very rough ride. It’s going to get expensive. It’s going to get dangerous, and we have to apply all our creativity to make the best of what is going to be an increasingly bad situation, not just for California, but for people all over America and all over the world.” Brown said the state's budget would also have to figure in the cost of increased fire fury in the upcoming years. “So far, this fire activity is a small part of our very large budget, but it is growing and it will continue to grow as we adapt to the changing weather,” he said. The governor said that steps to combat global warming can still, eventually, “shift the weather back to where it historically was.”
Wasn't it just the other day that Q told us California officials are involved in starting the California wildfires to get Federal money because the state is broke, because if this is true then I wouldn't be surprised if Governor Brown of California is a sealed indictment. There's something very suspicious going on with these California wildfires and it's not natural, as California is a very anti Trump state that's billions in the red and wildfires are popping up everywhere.
​ The California wildfires are not due to climate change as we all know climate change is fake science being pushed to get cash, and California just happens to be out of cash. Q has already informed us that the California government is involved in starting these fires to get Federal funds from Trump due to the state being broke, and Jerry Brown knows Q just exposed the truth behind the California wildfires...Governor Brown is blaming climate change to protect himself from lady Justice.

",1533292254,03/08/2018 10:30 9127396,4020030023,"

On a side note, we should probably just start calling the Republican Party the ""Bigfoot Party"", since it has been overrun with conspiracy whackjobs who believe in Bigfoot, 9/11 was a CIA operation, or the Rothschilds controlling the world...

These folks regularly gobble up junk ideas from sources like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones, hucksters who warn of secret cabals, child sex rings on Mars, or disguised reptilian overlords walking among us. LOL..the fanatical core of the Trump base lives in a fantasy land where things such as Jews controlling the world with secret shadow governments seem completely plausible.


",1533292388,03/08/2018 10:33 9127396,4020032560,

How do you guys get to be a member of QAnon?

,1533292500,03/08/2018 10:35 9127396,4020034709,

Are you a member of QAnon?

,1533292597,03/08/2018 10:36 9127396,4020042492,"

Are we actually seeing the Deep State setting Jim up to be the 'victim' of 'MAGA hat-wearing', 'Qanon-followers' at a Trump rally? Will the Americans who are not part of the Great Awakening actually believe that people who's recorded 'acts of violence' have been confined to A) Voting in a Man that is currently draining the swamp--which is what his voters said they wanted done; and B) purchasing items of clothing that is not markedly different from items that were sold by the hundreds bearing only a different logo, one supporting 'Her'? This is 'dumbing down' is what has happened to our Public Education System--if you doubt that ask any school kid about something from America's History, ask them about the Romans, the Greeks? Ask them to tell you the names of all the States, and their capitals. TV and in particular the News has been exposed--finally--for the 'influencer' that has always been. 112 years ago today, an powerful theme of 20th century American
history–the influence of mass media–found expression a few years before
the new century would begin. ""You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” This was the quote from newspaper giant William Randolph Hearst who wanted a war in Cuba, and through the manipulation of the Press--narrative--he got one. We have been dumbed down for so long that we no longer bother to question the Press which is why people like Jim Acosta could not be positioning himself into the role of sacrifice to the cause.

",1533292949,03/08/2018 10:42 9126475,4020064402,"

Found this as well. Watch how this plays out. That letter may or may not be true. That might be someone trying to distract from the Q movement. Take everything with a grain of salt till we know more

",1533293902,03/08/2018 10:58 9126826,4020089545,

LMAO...tell us more about Pepe the Frog or QAnon...


,1533294967,03/08/2018 11:16 9126826,4020097493,

Do you know Q?

,1533295291,03/08/2018 11:21 9127396,4020147390,"

There were ""threats"" made after the Tampa Rally...something was going down.after Tom Steyer was exposed as a Pedo. The PA rally last night had more than usual amt. of reporters...they were expecting an ""altercation"" and they were ready to cover it. AS took the Q signs away.

",1533297176,03/08/2018 11:52 9127396,4020196279,"

Do you see the Deep State controlled media's narrative taking shape? Acosta was never in any danger whatsoever. (((They're))) preparing to launch a false flag attack and blame it on the Qanon movement. That's why there weren't many Q signs at the rally yesterday. USSS took them and, according to rallygoers on Reddit, told Q supporters to ""trust the plan.""

",1533298942,03/08/2018 12:22 9127396,4020197725,"

There was a black flag operation planned for the rally last night, which was why there was above normal coverage by the MSM. SS sniffed it out. Did you notice there were no people wearing Q shirts at the rally? SS had people turn them inside out. The theory is, some operators in Q-face were supposed to attack Acosta on the air to discredit the supporters and make Acosta a martyr of sorts. Did you notice how Trump mentioned the overabundance of the media last night? Like the Academy Awards, he said. He was giving the MSM the finger. She's just trying to salvage whats left of their little plan which didn't work. Nice try, witch. Better luck next time.

",1533298991,03/08/2018 12:23 9126394,4020199544,"

Go find out for yourself.
Do a bit of reading and research and form your own opinions.

",1533299053,03/08/2018 12:24 9127396,4020209662,"

No. I'm saying they're with POTUS and Q. The taking of the signs was a precaution. ""Trust the plan"" is a common Q saying.

The Media is trying to shape the narrative that Q supporters are violent. Actually the opposite is true. In fact, there have been Q drops that specifically discourage supporters from violence. We aren't like the Deep State.

",1533299411,03/08/2018 12:30 9127396,4020222837,

Media Matters brought in their goons with Q gear. Conservatives don't act like that! You're fooling nobody with that crap!

,1533299885,03/08/2018 12:38 9128203,4020241188,

Has Donnie consulted Q for his daily orders today?

,1533300539,03/08/2018 12:48 9128203,4020253259,

Trump didn't cause the hate and stupidity of the liberal democrats.....he just exposed it. That is what Q does....exposes the democrat evil. Trump runs the country.

,1533300955,03/08/2018 12:55 9127966,4020257926,"

The UK is on the list of countries to be freed too. The Deep State cannot be allowed to have a safe haven to fall back to. The Q plan is working. Trust the plan, patriot.

",1533301115,03/08/2018 12:58 9127966,4020322697,"

I'm starting to think it had less to do with his views on Islam and more to do with his drawing attention to the rape gangs grooming of children. Islam is just a useful idiot foot soldier for the satanic left. It would appear by the sudden MSM reaction to Q this week, and right after the Isaac Kappy and Sarah Ruth Ashcraft allegations, that the capstone of their hierarchy is ritualized child abuse. I found it ironic that the same week accusations that Spielberg was a kiddy diddler, it was announced that he was producing a collaboration with HRC for a new women's rights series. What was done to Tommy Robinson is just a preview of what they want to do here in the states to any that question or make claim of the left crimes, especially against children. You can't pass this off as tin foil conspiracy anymore when you see just how out in the open they have become.

",1533303366,03/08/2018 13:36 9122683,4020343359,"

No, I want people to reject Q as the obvious fake conspiracy theory that it is, that's all. They (the creators of Q) want you to ""look into it"" via a bunch of right wing conspiracy sites - that's how they suck you in. If by ""look into it"" you mean read articles about it on actual fact checked reputable news sites then fine, but somehow I doubt that's what you mean (since all such sites will and have concluded it's a hoax, and the Breitbart crowd tends to reject anything fact based).

",1533304080,03/08/2018 13:48 9113821,4020346204,

funny you mention Q...

would i be laughed out of class during the 2007/2008/2009 conservataard idiot george w bush GREAT RECESSION? hold your breath for the next one...please.

,1533304179,03/08/2018 13:49 9128839,4020354412,"

--- It's time to look PAST the MSM and examine it's OWNERSHIP !

Socialist think tanks like the C.F.R. - ( Council On Foreign Relations ) have ' agents ' and policy writers churning out talking points around the clock.

More conservative writers / talkers & thinkers should be shining a light on them.

"" The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S.""

Harpers , July 1958

UPDATE - MSM increasingly panicked about .. "" Q - ANON ""

",1533304460,03/08/2018 13:54 9126262,4020356006,"

Based on the Q ""buzz"" he surely won't.

",1533304516,03/08/2018 13:55 9128203,4020393685,

MSM is saying this is because people are working two jobs. LoL! Q!

,1533305236,03/08/2018 14:07 9128203,4020409598,"

Might be nothing... but I just heard that as people entered the recent rally with their Q signs, they were taken by secret service and the explanation the people got was ""trust the plan"". That helps explain why there were almost ZERO hand-made signs. Just a bunch of professionally-done signage.

",1533305604,03/08/2018 14:13 9128203,4020412005,

Even Trump knows it is not good to have a bunch of whack jobs with Q signs visible. This is the dredge of society.

,1533305688,03/08/2018 14:14 9129109,4020415406,

Sarah Sanders is Q.

,1533305804,03/08/2018 14:16 9129109,4020416447,

Who is Q?

,1533305838,03/08/2018 14:17 9128203,4020416720,

Because of the assassination plot.

The guy was going to disguise himself as a Q.

,1533305846,03/08/2018 14:17 9127396,4020428380,

It sounds like the left is getting ready to kill a journalist so they can blame Trump or Q Anon supporters.

,1533306205,03/08/2018 14:23 9129109,4020430993,


,1533306285,03/08/2018 14:24 9129109,4020472973,"

---- Media PANICKING about the .. Q - Anon .. "" threat "".
Asking all the right questions.

",1533307631,03/08/2018 14:47 9128938,4020482173,"

--- Media is very worried about growing .. "" Q - ANON "" .. threat !

",1533307940,03/08/2018 14:52 9129109,4020488215,"

--- "" Q - ANON "" .... now seen as a ' threat ' by gatekeeper legacy media.

",1533308156,03/08/2018 14:55 9129109,4020489488,

Qanon is a threat to all Deep State globalist NWO !

,1533308203,03/08/2018 14:56 9129109,4020494494,"

Q Anon has media panicking !

",1533308379,03/08/2018 14:59 9128824,4020494875,

This is fake news. I’m starting to suspect BB is part of Qanon just like the MSM.

,1533308393,03/08/2018 14:59 9128938,4020525681,"

---- "" Q - ANON "" ... now seen as a threat by a panicked MSM !

",1533309489,03/08/2018 15:18 9129109,4020531844,"

* * * Q - ANON .... now viewed as a ' Threat ' by dying legacy media.

",1533309706,03/08/2018 15:21 9129109,4020532937,"

Don't bring that QAnon garbage here, it just makes people who support Trump look like idiots

",1533309745,03/08/2018 15:22 9128839,4020548954,"

Q - anon has media very worried , asking too many questions. Legacy media cant contain it.

",1533310317,03/08/2018 15:31 9128938,4020551792,"

"" Q - ANON "" .. has media very worried , asking too many good questions.

",1533310420,03/08/2018 15:33 9129382,4020557935,"

"" Q - ANON "" ... is now declared a ' threat ' to all the old guard / gatekeeper media and their C.F.R handlers. ----- Asking questions is bad and racist.

",1533310643,03/08/2018 15:37 9129109,4020558435,

LMAO No it's not. QAnon is a joke. Not a single thing he has said has been proven. Oldest con in the book.

,1533310662,03/08/2018 15:37 9129109,4020565259,"

"" Q - ANON "" ..... threatens gatekeeper media .....They CAN'T Stop The Signal !

",1533310912,03/08/2018 15:41 9129109,4020573229,"

Not only that , im fairly certain that communication like that Q thing and places like Breitbart are the future of politics within the US.

ABC MSNBC FOX CNN etc. - are relics of the 1950s. They will be going extinct imo.

",1533311191,03/08/2018 15:46 9129109,4020575631,"

MSM sees growing popularity of "" Q - ANON "" a threat.

",1533311279,03/08/2018 15:47 9128839,4020580100,"

Trump calls a certain group 'The Enemy of the People' and a 'Stain on the nation' and then when members of that group are murdered he whistles and says 'I had nothing to do with it folks'.

People who buy that probably also like Infowars, and someone named Q on twitter.

",1533311443,03/08/2018 15:50 9129109,4020586339,"


All going extinct. Relics of another age.

Online platforms along with movements like Q are the future of politics within the US.

These relics COMPLETELY obliterated their credibility - noone believes them and their 90+% Bias has destroyed them as sources of information. These branches of the democrat party no longer serve a function in our republic - especially not one related to actual journalism.

The only function these propaganda outlets hold today - is to censor flows of information that conflict with their ""narrative"" .

This makes them a legitimate enemy to the US republic as well as US interests.

",1533311661,03/08/2018 15:54 9129109,4020618856,"

Not quite sure what her issue is. The age of Trump was supposed to usher in the Thousand Year Reich when we would not need to be concerned with political correctness, where we could say anything we thought about others and not worry about the consequences. So sayeth Q.

",1533312855,03/08/2018 16:14 9129109,4020622592,"

Ruh - Ro ..... ' Q ANON ' ... going mainstream has MSM very worried !!

",1533312992,03/08/2018 16:16 9129109,4020625753,"

Lying seems to be in vogue nowadays, so sayeth Q.

",1533313110,03/08/2018 16:18 9127396,4020628144,"

If ONLY the Acosta threat was true.

Oh well. There's GOOD NEWS

",1533313197,03/08/2018 16:19 9126463,4020631783,"

President Trump is a BOSS. FULL STOP

Beta nancyboys and purple haired lesbian man haters can't handle it.

",1533313331,03/08/2018 16:22 9129109,4020637345,"

Q - ANON going mainstream .... gatekeeper media panics !

",1533313533,03/08/2018 16:25 9129109,4020656719,"

WaPo has yet another article about QAnon. The reporter interviewed someone who contacted him. Notice how none of the reporters' articles ever state any names or the accusations. They don't want to put it in print. They just vaguely say it's a conspiracy.


",1533314249,03/08/2018 16:37 9129109,4020683721,

Um there's more truth to that then pizzagate and this qanon idiocy

,1533315217,03/08/2018 16:53 9128938,4020696348,

She was outed by QAnon

,1533315672,03/08/2018 17:01 9127396,4020701591,"

At the rally in PA, do people know that there were 2 threats to those attending? Those being targeted were the ones carrying Q signs. The media have not been mentioning Q at all. Why? Because they are scared and Q represents millions that KNOW about their terrible deeds, pedophillia, child sex slaves etc. Once the news broke about Q, they turned their attention, without doing any research and labelled anyone associated with Q as ‘nutjobs’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘dangerous’ etc. Once again they used the SAME tactics of fear to stir up hatred, like with MAGA and the President to attack. Attack and SILENCE. Never forget how they protected ANTIFA.

One such leftist travelled across the country with a plan to do serious damage. This is why the USSS were removing Q signs to PROTECT those attending in case others that the media had provoked, got thru the safety net. This is the Q drop explaining why the signs were removed.

08-03-2018 12:06:43 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:e71266 No.2422097
Threat received.
USSS acted appropriately.
This is not a game.

As Q has said.

08-02-2018 17:24:15 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:0557ab No.2407847

Welcome to the mainstream.
We knew this day would come.
(glimpse)(what to expect)
>POTUS’ twitter comments
Liberal Democrats
Fake News WW
Fake MAGA supporters
Bandwagon shills
Paid shills (Media Matters)
Intel infiltration (neg dissemination).
MSM infiltration (neg dissemination).
Twitter bot attack (twitter controls dir/fake accts)
(FB/Twitter/etc create massive amounts of fake user accts for SP (fake user growth %)/bot use etc).
All activated past 24hrs.
Full attack mode (brute force).
False ‘violent’ narrative push.
Ask yourself, why?
Enjoy the show!

",1533315867,03/08/2018 17:04 9129109,4020769793,

The deep state and their useful idiots are trying so hard to turn Trump supporters violent. Why should we get violent when team Q has the deep state strapped down to the table surgically removing their organs? Theres a certain poetic justice to it. Im sure the black [ass]hats can relate. Maybe we should start calling them the derp state.

,1533318413,03/08/2018 17:46 9130540,4020798640,

So I'm learning more about this Q idiocy. How many of you Breitbarters believe Trump is secretly working with Mueller to break up an international pedophile ring before they put Tom Hanks in Gitmo? MAGA!

,1533319513,03/08/2018 18:05 9130540,4020802384,

Q Idiocy was the Q movement before it got mainstream attention.

Now the ONLY idiots are morons like yourself who MADE IT mainstream.

You have ONLY YOURSELVES to blame for empowering Q.


We have the server.

,1533319654,03/08/2018 18:07 9130540,4020810090,"

This headline is misleading. What Warner said was he original intention was to disrupt the election, but when Putin saw Trump decimating the “deep bench” of republican candidates, that’s when the Russian infelegrnce agencies went all in to support him. Get it together Breitbart.

We are Q.

",1533319954,03/08/2018 18:12 9130540,4020824966,"

how many of u robot puppets r down with Qanon, sounds like your kind of bs.

",1533320510,03/08/2018 18:21 9130540,4020832612,

You have to have a IQ less than 60 to be a card carrying member of Qanon

,1533320794,03/08/2018 18:26 9130192,4020843600,"

You don't need Q to tell you what you can see, and quantify from government data.

",1533321214,03/08/2018 18:33 9112774,4020868267,"

I understand how, being in the world of 'alternative facts' in which you live, you do not understand how distorted is your sense of reality. Research and experience shows that only a close friend or confidant can help, definitely not one who you perceive as part of a group of disillusioned individuals. Simply put, #45, riding on the coattails of a successful sustained economic recovery, is managing, in short order, to alienate our friends, embrace those who wish to destroy our democracy, and govern in a dictatorial fashion. His history in business shows very clearly his 'style', so anyone who is 'educated' is not surprised. #45, QAnon, the Trump acolytes, and you among his followers can start understanding what has happened to you by looking at what happened to some very well educated people in the early twentieth century in Western Europe.

",1533322163,03/08/2018 18:49 9126394,4020892791,

Oooh! Do they have qanon tinfoil hats for sale??

,1533323127,03/08/2018 19:05 9130540,4020909191,"

This is pretty funny. Warner is clearly trying to say something inclusive and healing here. He's not ""contradicting the party line"" per se, except in that maybe we Dems are often more Anti-GOP than we are Pro-America (a bad thing). But to see BB spill ink on this, re-iterating the ""commonsense"" line that the Russians hacked our election to favor the GOP (they most certainly did), is just rich. The editorial voice, and certainly the commenters here are 100% ""witch hunt"" believers. But one Dem says one thing pounce-worthy and hear those brakes squeal. Pathetic. This is why things like Qanon can take hold. You people are sheep.

",1533323787,03/08/2018 19:16 9127396,4020911412,

No he wasnt. In fact secret sservice took Q signs and made people turn their Q shirts inside out because a bad actor was going to be violent to discredit the Q movement. Messed up the MSM narrative and President Trump made fun of the MSM at the rally. Lol its not a LARP. Q is real.

,1533323878,03/08/2018 19:17 9130540,4020944306,

Breitbart is full of libtards and commies.


,1533325227,03/08/2018 19:40 9130540,4020947750,"

No, I am Q - the real right!

",1533325362,03/08/2018 19:42 9122683,4020962382,"

I am going to assume that anything to the left of Fox News will not be considered ""reputable"" to you, which is sad. I consider much of Breitbart and Fox News to be reputable, even though I have great disagreements with them editorially. So I'll focus only on news sources you might consider reputable. Here's three: Breitbart, Fox News, Drudge. Find me one article on any of those sites that in any way supports the theory that Q is anything other than an utter hoax. (Hannity does not count - by his own admission he is not ""news"" but opinion and largely loony opinion at that - if Fox could dump him they would but they are too spineless because his ratings are too high, which just reflects what a large audience there is for nonsense and conspiracies). Breitbart doesn't mention Q at all because it's a loser for them - they know it's a hoax and a conspiracy theory, but they also know that lots of their readers probably believe it so they just don't touch it with a ten foot pole. You don't see articles about nonsense like PizzaGate on Breitbart either. You only find such articles on InfoWars, MagaPill and other conspiracy theory sites.

",1533325960,03/08/2018 19:52 9130540,4020984693,"

QAnon, deep state, RINOs, Seth Rich, birtherism, uranium one, Benghazi, emails, fast n furious, domestic spying, trump campaign FBI infiltration, Mueller is not a lifelong loyal conservative, liberals want to take your guns, public interest policy is communism, capitalism solves all problems, proud boys are patriots....

When will conservatives produce objective evidence for any of their BS claims that only serve as tools to thwart justice and waste taxpayer time n money?

",1533326911,03/08/2018 20:08 9130540,4020991190,"

Read it and weep snowflakes. Things are about to get nasty...

",1533327200,03/08/2018 20:13 9128719,4020994961,"

",1533327365,03/08/2018 20:16 9130540,4020999291,"

What about those ""so-called"" sealed indictments? Are they real? Yeah, they're real... as real as a heart attack - all 45,468 of them! Source:

",1533327553,03/08/2018 20:19 9130540,4021005337,"

Q drop about server, visibility, infiltration, RR:


",1533327822,03/08/2018 20:23 9130540,4021007939,"

I have no idea as to the realness of Q, but it is triggering Libs, so for that I applaud it.

",1533327937,03/08/2018 20:25 9130231,4021009354,

No equivalence whatsoever !!!

Pathetic and insulting to those who really suffered and paid with their lives !!

New Q drop !!!


,1533328001,03/08/2018 20:26 9130540,4021018379,

This is all fake. The storm is coming. Muller and Trump working together to bring down the elites. Trust in Qanon and ignore this noise

,1533328411,03/08/2018 20:33 9095953,4021054055,"

Better than me giving you leads, I would rather you as a clearly intelligent person, followed your instincts and ended up convincing yourself.

I do cheerlead at times, maybe that is like your 'OTT' posts. maybe I misidentified you as a troll because you appeared at at time when I was getting a concerted attack. That happens fairly often now and the intensity has been increasing recently - what does that tell you? Anyway, my doubts have abated considerably.

My own position was formed from independent thinking but I realised back last year that Q was saying similar stuff to what I was and that he was authentically connected.

So I have to pay regard to his/their posts now as I had to a certain extent pre-validated them.

You clearly saw something which put you mentally in the driving seat back in Reagan's day. He in turn was fired by Thatcher. The parallels now are striking to those times.

Soros and Kochs are small fry. Think of families of banks, only connected by similar names but with a presence in almost every country on the planet. It is not organised or formal groupings but, like ISIS, they act as of one mind. There are no card-carrying members, as in The Man From Uncle. Think about the Standard Oil money. JDR said that the breakup, over a century ago now, was the best thing which ever happened to him. Think of other well known such families. Together we are talking of tens of trillions of dollars. Mammoth. People who never have to get their hands dirty over anything. Power without responsibility. Are they pure? Really?

The only evidence you will get will be when you realise that some things can't be explained by any other construction of clues.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth - Conan Doyle Sr.

",1533330173,03/08/2018 21:02 9130702,4021056262,

Qanon is a DARPA mind control experiment designed to see just how gullible the feeble minde Trump Cultists really are.

Even the researchers were taken aback at the success of the experiment and now consider the Trump Cultists stupidity to be a serious national security threat.

,1533330293,03/08/2018 21:04 9128935,4021076576,

And just how is my little Qanon cult doing this evening?

,1533331429,03/08/2018 21:23 9128935,4021083023,

I hope his CD-ROM does well. I got my AOL disk the other day in the mail and tried to plug it into my smartphone. Called tech support and was routed-off to some sassy Desk far away in Crystal City. You won't find QAnon or other poser hacks working there-- just the real bit people. Smart folks. Always been impressed with these millennials and how fast they learn...

,1533331792,03/08/2018 21:29 9128935,4021089393,"

Progressives, populists all the same. They will all face a reckoning. Who is Q?

",1533332151,03/08/2018 21:35 9130540,4021093790,"

You are probably right. Most of the people who use Disqus on Breitbart seem to be of a similar mind but they learned their conspiracy theories elsewhere. All Disqus on Breitbart does is reinforce the nonsense, i.e. Q Anon, the Clintons had over 90 people killed, the Pizzagate comedy, etc.

I voted in 2016 but in protest, I didn't vote for President. Both candidates were miserable choices. Since ""Hitlery"" sic lost, all we have to judge by is Trump's performance to date, I was correct in my assessment.

",1533332395,03/08/2018 21:39 9130231,4021095911,"

The guy who wrote the play doesn't care if you are upset. Mr Zimmerman, as it were, wrote a play based on true events about a Jewish lady who hid an illegal alien mom and her kids in Los Angeles. Get it? In Hiding? Afraid what might happen? Like Anne Frank who wrote got it, being in hiding. . It's called a re imagining, it's a literary device and it's been employed by playwrights for centuries.

Dang, talk about politically correct, little old ladies. Calm yourselves. It's not always about your feels and the wall, and the Q and Taller Angrier Nixon.

Sometimes it's just a play you'd never go see anyways.

",1533332514,03/08/2018 21:41 9131539,4021102057,"

Given? No need to give anyone anything. However, a free citizen has a right to (buy) the same firearms that a US army infantry soldiers caries. That's the purpose of 2A - that the people be a capable militia. The government shouldn't be deciding what guns John Q. Public can buy, be they NFA or not.

",1533332873,03/08/2018 21:47 9130540,4021106689,

So Hannity said something big was coming out here... So does Q... So lets hope it is Jeff Sessions putting in his teeth...

,1533333142,03/08/2018 21:52 9129124,4021115843,"

Check this out, kiddies. Posted today and it's why Axelrod, Comey, Steyer and all the other whining thieves are peeing their pants.

45,000 sealed indictments filed since 10/30/17.

",1533333678,03/08/2018 22:01 9129124,4021120832,

Who is paying your dumb azz. Save it Q is going to out all the rat bastids in due time. Bugger off loser

,1533333982,03/08/2018 22:06 9128935,4021135967,"

For Q Anon, this movie is like manna from heaven!

",1533334921,03/08/2018 22:22 9131086,4021145550,"

Check out what Q says at He says that DOJ, FBI and Huber have flipped all the key players at Comey's FBI and indictments are being prepared. Rosenstein and Wray can't release items being used in their investigation/prosecution? Sounds plausible to me except that Rosenstein was very involved in Spygate. Supposedly, Sessions is running all this and will soon appear to be a major hero when he perp walks everyone in the Clinton sphere and the Obama admin. We will see.

",1533335510,03/08/2018 22:31 9131086,4021148598,

I dont follow the Q thing. Ive heard about it but still dont know what to think. I have always suspected the reason Trump has not fired Sessions is because they are playing 4D chess against the establishment. And in the back of my mind since not hearing anything about Huber aside from the initial announcement of his appointment that something big was brewing. If it happens I will definitely celebrate.

,1533335703,03/08/2018 22:35 9131230,4021150995,"

What do you think that happened to the 500 kids that were kidnapped by government? There are being abused, raped and molested by their pedophile jail guards. We, the supporters of QAnon have seen it.

",1533335856,03/08/2018 22:37 9128935,4021155947,

Hope the Q Cult is all doing well tonight.

,1533336180,03/08/2018 22:43 9128935,4021165557,

Who is Q?

,1533336822,03/08/2018 22:53 9131422,4021166129,"

==== WE HAVE HILLARYS SERVERS -- New Q - Anon Post.

",1533336859,03/08/2018 22:54 9128935,4021167021,

What if Q were a conservative smoking monkey?

,1533336919,03/08/2018 22:55 9131422,4021168375,"

------ Could this be why MSM are all so busy talking down ... Q - ANON ?


",1533337007,03/08/2018 22:56 9131086,4021168419,

Read through most of the Q Anon stuff and it is compelling because it actually makes sense. What doesn't make sense is what is being done about it. The fact that nothing is being done about it makes me think it is either fake or that the really important people are just as protected as they've ever been.

,1533337010,03/08/2018 22:56 9131422,4021188327,

Latest from QAnon....Val = Wreckinball

,1533338397,03/08/2018 23:19 9131422,4021193252,

The lunatic Hollywood and MSM are showing their true colors. Evil.
Paying attention?


,1533338730,03/08/2018 23:25 9131086,4021200771,"

I'm with you. Trump is known to be very quick to fire anyone who isn't meeting his expectations. Seems he would have bagged Sessions and Rosenstein long ago if they were as bad as it appears and it just doesn't make sense that Trump would allow his DOJ/FBI to be so hostile towards a Repub congress. Q says that the friction we are seeing between the house/senate and Trump vs Rosenstein and Sessions is all kabuki theater meant to keep the left at bay. Could just be wishful thinking on my part, but it answers the question of how Sessions could go from being a stud of a repub senator to being a eunuch.

",1533339241,03/08/2018 23:34 9131086,4021202672,"

I know. All the Q anon stuff makes good sense, but why no arrests, indictments or LEAKS? We will see.

",1533339369,03/08/2018 23:36 9131422,4021220238,

Will the Q cult show up to counter-protest?

,1533340567,03/08/2018 23:56 9130192,4021227357,"

And thus the rise of QAnon.......

",1533341073,04/08/2018 00:04 9130231,4021227394,

Don't tell me you follow Q please don't tell me your that far lost.

,1533341075,04/08/2018 00:04 9131422,4021233897,

------ # Q Anon / Twitter .... We Have The Servers -- ( Hillarys )

,1533341561,04/08/2018 00:12 9131422,4021234882,

Would be great if some Q signs appear during this event for all the press to photograph.

,1533341635,04/08/2018 00:13 9132190,4021272798,"

Sessions is a deep state plant, the FBI is corrupt so all Rosenstein and Mueller will get are medals. After the statute of limitations runs out on all swamp creatures the Q crowd will still ask us to trust the plan.

",1533344564,04/08/2018 01:02 9130702,4021313710,

Not according to #WalkAway....Follow Q...Search for yourself...

,1533347999,04/08/2018 01:59 9127396,4021315099,

He was there because there was a planned instigator who was going to have Q sign and start a fight in front of the TV cameras to discredit Q Anon and its following. Secret Service took all Q signage and had people turn their shirts inside out as they had gotten the intel before the rally. Then President Trump made fun of the MSM there during his speech. MSM got Trumped again.

,1533348121,04/08/2018 02:02 9132013,4021320151,

BB is going to be super boring until they finally embrace Q.
It's a comin'...

,1533348574,04/08/2018 02:09 9131230,4021321666,

Research Qanon people. It will enlighten you let the Truth set you free

,1533348707,04/08/2018 02:11 9128203,4021337571,

What improvements in GDP are that. . .you mean Trump's Q 4.1% change?

,1533350143,04/08/2018 02:35 9132190,4021349738,"

Despite what the conservative media is telling you, there is no poisonous tree.

All of the charges were within the 5 year statute of limitations. One of the charges was filed ex parte- meaning only the government knew (think kind of like what you believe the QAnon fairy tail is doing)- in June of 2017 to beat the SoL even though he wasn't charged until Feb 2018.

",1533351226,04/08/2018 02:53 9132292,4021350736,"

Erin Burnett is named in today’s Q drops as one of the mainstream media’s reporters colluding with the DNC in leaking the narrative coming from Comey and pals. Who knows, she might end up indicted when the whole Pandora’s box bursts open. The walls may be closing in indeed Erin.

",1533351287,04/08/2018 02:54 9132013,4021362579,"

What? HITLER’S daughter??

11-13-2017 04:16:24 AEDT Q !ITPb.qbhqo
ID:99LpGawB No.149122955

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).

An Anon did some digging and came up with this.

Known in history as one of the “Angels of Death”, Carl Clauberg was given leniency for turning over to the KGB the custody of the archives of the Nazi artificial insemination experimentations. Of most interest, to the Soviets, was the frozen “sperm bank” especially the “frozen sperm” of the late Nazi Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.
After taking custody of the sperm bank, the Politburo, called the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro, gave its authorization for an experimental program to preserve the genetic DNA markers of Adolf Hitler by seeking to reproduce what he had been unable, a child by his wife Eva Braun.
Doctor “Carl”, this former professor of gynecology at Keonigsberg University, was sent to bring to the Communist East Germany (GFR), the youngest sister of Eva Braun, Gretl Braun, to be a “surrogate” mother as an artificial insemination recipient of the Fuehrer’s sperm. As the Soviets reasoned, this would be a “near match” to an actual child between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.
Pardoned under the German-Soviet repatriation agreement after serving only 7 out of 25 years for his crimes related to the sterilization of prisoners, he moved to the Federal Republic of (West) Germany and there in the city of Kiel, he began to brag about his “scientific work”. After the “Zentralrat der Juden” (Central council of Jews) made their case against him, he was arrested in November 1955 by the German and American authorities. In August 1957, he was reputedly “murdered” while in the custody of the West Americans, only days before a new trial in West Germany was to begin.
It was in 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the reports repute to be Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. With the official birthday of July 17, 1954, it is of interest that the Stasi GDR’s file on Angela Merkel, that is currently in the Soviet KGB archives, documents that her birth was on April 20, 1954. If the feared secret police’s citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel was born on 65th anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s birthday on April 20, 1889.
Soon after Angela’s birth, by agreement between the Soviets, the Americans and the Vatican, Merkel was placed in the custody of the GDR Lutheran Church and officially was born on July 17, as Angela Dorothea Kasner, the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor, and his wife, Herlind an English and Latin teacher. There in the countryside at Templin in East Germany, Merkel was raised about 50 miles north of Berlin, the capital of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR).

",1533352135,04/08/2018 03:08 9131086,4021366918,"

Considering trump could have proven all the conspiracies against him 2 years ago by declassifying all the docs it’s much better to chuckle at a lame joke than it is to ask yourself why he hasn’t.

There are no sealed indictments against obama administration officials.

Remember when Nunes asked gowdy to call his list of conspirators in to testify?

Surely you do. It was headline news here at breitbart for several days.

Well, how many of them have been hauled in to testify?

I’ll wager Zero.

Manafort is about to be the 6th conviction of trump campaign officials.

There is no Q.

",1533352514,04/08/2018 03:15 9132013,4021369265,"

Sean SpicerVerified account@seanspicer 3h3 hours ago
Sean Spicer Retweeted Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Thanks for having me @thedonaldreddit was alot of fun! Lots of the questions I wasn’t able to answer are answered in #TheBriefing

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸Verified account@JackPosobiec 3h3 hours ago
Sean Spicer has declared Q is not legit

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸Verified account@JackPosobiec
How can you not love this @SeanSpicer Reddit AMA. Best part:

",1533352718,04/08/2018 03:18 9132013,4021373574,"

Q is an interesting phenomenon. But, I don't believe that he/she is buried deep in the Trump intel agencies. But it is a very clever and entertaining poster. I don't believe in crystal balls and spy code back ground theories. I think that Q drafts off the echo chamber. It could be Bobby Mullet for all we know.

",1533353076,04/08/2018 03:24 9132292,4021374287,"

Are you one of those QAnon guys, who believes that Bigfoot and the Ghost of Elvis are running the Deep State?

",1533353137,04/08/2018 03:25 9132292,4021376151,

Nope. Q is a load of crap.
Sessions is a turd and I don't trust the plan.

,1533353296,04/08/2018 03:28 9132013,4021379106,

Whoever it is has posted POTUS' tweets before he makes them and given cryptic clues about the next day's events. POTUS also points to Q people in his rally crowds. It's an insider. The issue is the quality of the dis/information.

,1533353541,04/08/2018 03:32 9131422,4021380514,

I never trusted it.
Nor Q.

,1533353656,04/08/2018 03:34 9132292,4021384642,

Q-ANON...Pizzagate...Seth Rich...Sandy Hook being a hoax...Soros being behind there any BS conspiracy you rubes wont swallow?

,1533353996,04/08/2018 03:39 9132013,4021386410,"


Oh god. If he tries to shill one more book I'm gonna hurl

",1533354136,04/08/2018 03:42 9131383,4021388018,"

I finally found a little information about Q. Anyone else who was in the dark, here's an article on Fox News' website:

",1533354273,04/08/2018 03:44 9131383,4021392792,"

Sean SpicerVerified account@seanspicer 3h3 hours ago
Sean Spicer Retweeted Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Thanks for having me @thedonaldreddit was alot of fun! Lots of the questions I wasn’t able to answer are answered in #TheBriefing

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸Verified account@JackPosobiec 3h3 hours ago
Sean Spicer has declared Q is not legit

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸Verified account@JackPosobiec
How can you not love this @SeanSpicer Reddit AMA. Best part:

",1533354683,04/08/2018 03:51 9132190,4021403206,

Yep. And Qanon is some legit booshi.

,1533355492,04/08/2018 04:04 9130708,4021416200,

I think Q is.

,1533356537,04/08/2018 04:22 9132292,4021422836,"

LOLOLOLOLOOLOL OMG!! I'm choking on the laughter!! Do folks know how many Inner Circles Trump has? They'll never find them all. Oh, by the way...his closest inner circle is a seal I wouldn't get too close. Besides, they've tried no less than 3 times to murder Trump...and do you really think they're protecting him for nothing?? Walls closing in on him? NAH...because POTUS DOES HAVE THE GOODS ON THEM ALL. That's why I can sit her and laugh!! And as far as the General who spoke out against him? It's more than likely they've got him on something. Q is no's as real as it gets, and they're all scared to death. Buckle won't be long before it all hits the fan!!

",1533357093,04/08/2018 04:31 9131086,4021447695,

Then what are all the lgbt rainbows before Q? There is no honest dim! MAGA WWG1WGA. Q!

,1533359170,04/08/2018 05:06 9132013,4021465124,

That’s Not what Q

,1533360541,04/08/2018 05:29 9132013,4021479777,

They cannot control any narrative anymore and they are sinking. I been following Q since day one.

,1533361734,04/08/2018 05:48 9132013,4021482595,"

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, all the mainstream media outlets are reporting on Q, and the leftie comedians too.

",1533361968,04/08/2018 05:52 9132013,4021483658,

Good but they are scared shiitless of Q. They are going to lose their 4AM talking points and have to report REAL NEWS which mean s they are going to have to actually work for a living. None of them know how to do that.

,1533362059,04/08/2018 05:54 9132013,4021485294,

The problem is that the MSM are talking about Q in order to denigrate it and push the narrative that it's fake so that people ignore it.

,1533362190,04/08/2018 05:56 9131422,4021500580,

Is she coming herself or would send Q from Impractical Jokers as her double in case things went awry?

,1533363403,04/08/2018 06:16 9131383,4021508001,

The left thinks Q is A BUNCH 0 B00 SHEET...(as Mad Max Waters would say! Lol)

,1533363948,04/08/2018 06:25 9127396,4021509538,"

FakeNews highlighted
CNN idiot April Ryan told Don Lemon Jim Acosta’s life was in jeopardy at Tampa Trump Rally.

Then CNN wonders why we call them #FakeNews! LIES! Thats why! They literally CREATE the news. They will put some crook in a Q shirt to create violence at the next rally to prove their point. CNN are literally CRIMINAL.

Acosta was heckled with “CNN sucks!” chants before Trump appeared on stage. Grow up! Thats NOT violence! Acosta is MORE violent at Sarah Sanders at the pressers! Grow a pair, Jim!


O nevermind. CNN ceased being news years ago.
Only Fox is news

",1533364065,04/08/2018 06:27 9128935,4021525922,"

What about him? Whatever Sessions has going on, I am mystified. Either he is a part of the deep state, or he has a stealth investigation going on, which will eventually reveal all. But why then does Trump criticize him so much? Is it all part of the plan?

Qanon (don't follow him much) has made quite an interesting observation; that Trump has surrounded himself with military brass, and he chose his cabinet at the time he became aware of the attempted coup by the Clinton/Obama cabal. He was even tweeting about it eventually, when he remarked that Obama had ""wiretapped"" Trump Tower. They all knew something was up.

",1533365353,04/08/2018 06:49 9132013,4021572735,"

I hope the sealed indictments are real. I've read Qanon posts since last November, but I'm still not 100% convinced. I wish there were a way I could get some kind of confirmation that the 45000 indictments are real, but I think we're just going to have to wait.

",1533368911,04/08/2018 07:48 9132013,4021582013,

I think Q is Bobby Mullet.

,1533369589,04/08/2018 07:59 9132013,4021587527,

Is Merkel QAnon ???????

,1533370012,04/08/2018 08:06 9132013,4021604690,

QAnon rules the world.

,1533371253,04/08/2018 08:27 9127396,4021659488,

I'm sure you have joined QAnon for your next direction in life.

,1533374851,04/08/2018 09:27 9129109,4021684147,"

I'm reminded of Qanon's post on June 12, 2018 (#1471):

""Think strategically.
Does Acosta's continued disrespectful and poor behavior hurt or help us in the future?

They're doing a far better job of destroying themselves than POTUS or the hecklers or the rest of us ever could! Who needs enemies, when you've got a mirror?

",1533376360,04/08/2018 09:52 9132292,4021701156,

Research Qanon people. The end is near for the deep state

,1533377369,04/08/2018 10:09 9131221,4021763457,"

I think a large part of the reason the leftist hate mob have grown so vile is because they've gotten used to their opposite number taking the high ground, with nobody wanting to descend to their level. But all that that's achieved is they've become empowered and see right wingers, or anyone who holds opposite views to them, as weak and timid and easy to intimidate. But enough is enough. Silence doesn't serve our cause. We've seen this scenario play out in the US ever since Trump joined the campaign trail. The Democrats have had it all their own way for years and have gotten away with murder (in some cases quite literally), but Americans have at long last woken up (largely thanks to QAnon). This is why we're seeing such venomous hatred aimed at Trump...they're in panic mode. They can see all their hard work evaporating into thin air. The lefties want him gone at any cost so that they can continue to turn their country into a hell-hole for sale to the highest, most corrupt bidder.

For those lefties who want to create a new world fit for no-one they're going to have to find another hemisphere to create it in. This neck of the woods isn't up for sale.

",1533380505,04/08/2018 11:01 9132013,4021763567,"

Holy crap, Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Clinton docs have photos of servers



Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

· 14h

Replying to @LisaMei62

13. Looks like lots of digging to do... Part 24 of 24 of DoJ/FBI's investigation of HRC's illegal email server.

Too bad for HRC et al, they have the server[S].

Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

14. ""We have the server[S].""

Pics start on pg 72.

Thanks for the heads up, @TheSpeaker2018!

7:57 PM - Aug 3, 2018


384 people are talking about this

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The 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton documents released by Judicial Watch today have something very interesting inside them, where these documents on page 72 turn into photos of internet server towers. Q said that we have the servers today, and it truly looks like we do as this Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Hillary Clinton documents involves about five or more pages of photos of servers. We got 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton information, and with photos of servers inside these documents expect more.


158 pages of new Clinton documents released by Judicial Watch, full docs included


1 Comment

​ Here are the full 158 Clinton Documents obtained by Judicial Watch. Q has even pointed us all to the directon of these 158 Clinton documents today obtained by Judicial Watch, even hinting today that we have the servers. With this Clinton document release by Judicial Watch is it true we have the server, and if we truly have the server/servers whose hands are the servers in? This could be a major reveal that will likely highlight Clinton crimes, Clinton's involvement in the Obama Deep State seditious conspiracy campaign against President Trump, and also the likely highlight of Clinton trading US secrets. However if you go through these documents it really looks like these new Clinton documents obtained by Judicial Watch highlights Clinton's role with the seditious conspiracy campaign against President Trump. Enjoy looking at these new obtained Clinton documents, and if we truly have the servers expect more.

",1533380511,04/08/2018 11:01 9132013,4021768300,"

Senator Dianne Feinstein worked with Chinese government spy for two decades



​The San Francisco Chronicle claims none of her staff ever knew what was going on and just kept the story quiet. CBS Local reported: New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years. It happened five years ago, but additional information is just surfacing about how the Bay Area senator’s office was infiltrated by a Chinese spy.
The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco. You may remember the thick black smoke that billowing from building before Russian diplomats turned it over to authorities, presumably produced by burning documents. Now, all eyes are on Chinese intelligence in the Bay Area after the website Politico reported last week that a staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the government officials about local politics.
So it looks like the selling out of America may trace back 20-30 years, as Senator Feinstein a Democrat has not only been busted with a staffer who has turned out to be a spy for the Chinese government...But Senator Feinstein worked with this spy for China for a span of two decades. Q has stated America For Sale to all of us multiple times, and with Senator Feinstein busted working with a Chinese Spy for 20 years may show the selling out of America spans a few decades.
Once again those who are loudest trying to claim Trump colluded with Russia, have foreign connections to foreign spies spanning years...Like we now have hear with Democrat US Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. How many other anti Trump voices in Washington have 10-20 years of foreign spies being ""staffers"" like Senator Feinstein, well it could be all of the anti Trump voices in Washington. With this information we could likely state that Senator Feinstein is a double agent for China.

",1533380740,04/08/2018 11:05 9132013,4021775547,"

All we have left, is Q and those posting on You Tube, that haven't been censored. There is OAN AND Newsmax.


",1533381077,04/08/2018 11:11 9132013,4021779000,

why are any of you posting comments this morning.

haven't you heard: Q has ordered all patriotic Jesus-loving Americans to head for Hoover Dam immediately to await further instructions. bring sandwiches.

,1533381229,04/08/2018 11:13 9131383,4021791290,"

---- Go read # Q ARMY , on Twitter --- We Now Have Copy Of Hillary SERVERS !

Perfect time for media -- Distraction !

",1533381818,04/08/2018 11:23 9131383,4021801971,"

------ Weather you think "" Q - Anon "" ... is real or not , you cant deny the fact 30 news outlets all running negative stories --- all starting AT THE SAME TIME !

# Q Army.

",1533382324,04/08/2018 11:32 9132013,4021809087,"

All the corporate media companies aka the MSM collaborated to conceal a conspiracy to subvert the US government. That's not just misprision, that stack of treason and felony charges stands on its own.

",1533382662,04/08/2018 11:37 9131383,4021835752,

But ... but .... 30 news outlets instructed me to dismiss Q as conspiracy theory .......... all starting the SAME DAY !

,1533383866,04/08/2018 11:57 9131383,4021852748,

# Q Army

,1533384635,04/08/2018 12:10 9131383,4021860173,"

---- Follow Q Anon here ..... weather you believe he's real or not , the press sure wants you to dismiss him as just Tin-Foil .... why is that ?

"" We have the Servers ."" --- Q

",1533384964,04/08/2018 12:16 9131539,4021863180,"

Oh, you are one of those Q people who have that extra layer of dimwit to deal with. Good luck with that. So when Trump and team are tossed into jail, how are you going to explain that with a conspiracy? At the very least, his family is going down and he will as soon as he's out of office.

",1533385097,04/08/2018 12:18 9130702,4021863786,

Look I don’t know if Qanon is legit or not but darned if he-they didn’t call it. They said the long knives would be out and they are. It seems like the deep state on both the left and right are in full battle mode against Trump and his agenda. Steele is just another swamp creature

,1533385122,04/08/2018 12:18 9127396,4021864277,"

april ryan youre not in jeopardy youre everyones favorite clown right after jim acosta. ""something has got to stop"" youre right, stop trying to undermine our president. if little jimmy feels uncomfortable at trump rallies send someone else. we know you have paid dummies posing as Q followers that youve paid to start trouble at a trump rally, you call Q ""a conspiracy theory"" but Q has posted only facts like the number of fired fbi agents and a list of resignations, all facts. youre afraid because you know youre pushing lies that nobody believes, have a little dignity then you wont have to wake up at 4 a.m. to get your daily talking points from the deep state that controls you like a puppet. i guess if jim is scared it explains that look thats always on his face like he just pooped his pants.

",1533385144,04/08/2018 12:19 9133447,4021870231,"

Qanon is a real thing, correct deplorables?

",1533385407,04/08/2018 12:23 9131383,4021895596,

---- Deplorables will quietly film everything. - When MSM presents its FALSE narrative ... it will be quickly exposed as fraud.

WE are the citizen journalists .... # Q Army.

,1533386543,04/08/2018 12:42 9133447,4021904636,"

They are so desperate over #offtheplantation, and #walkaway...wait till they see all the non-whites, they'll have clowns pretend maga, pretend Q causing trouble/ discredit!

",1533386932,04/08/2018 12:48 9131383,4021912702,"

----- if "" Q - ANON "" were not some kind of threat , the media machine would not devote 30 news outlets time and copy writers to CONVINCE YOU its all just

......."" Conspiracy Theory "" ..... that tells me to pay attention.... They SCARED of something.

",1533387276,04/08/2018 12:54 9133447,4021916817,

In that moron Lee Brawn’s 50 I Q brain.

,1533387433,04/08/2018 12:57 9133522,4021924724,

Let's petition Q Elizabeth to knight the lorry driver. (Wouldn't the mo-ped drivers' names be interesting?)

,1533387792,04/08/2018 13:03 9133447,4021927409,

We know who you are. We know who you work for. We know. We are Q. And we have the servers.

#walkaway while you still can.

,1533387915,04/08/2018 13:05 9133447,4021935101,"

There is only Q. And we know who you are. We also know what all the false flags look like, and how they are funded. We know everything. #walkaway while you still can. There are 45 thousand sealed indictments just waiting. Thousands of those have been opened. Tens of thousands remain. We know who the criminals are.

",1533388258,04/08/2018 13:10 9131383,4021935701,

Alex Jones has some serious competition with these QAnon retards.

,1533388284,04/08/2018 13:11 9133447,4021956252,

What does the Q mean? I know what FU means.

,1533389174,04/08/2018 13:26 9133447,4021968329,

So tell me more about QAnon and how 9/11 was a CIA setup. this is the type of unhinged response that makes the Breitbart comments the best entertainment online. The commentary is nuttier than Mr. Peanut's stool sample.

,1533389721,04/08/2018 13:35 9133447,4021982049,

this is a coded message to Q. Trump's signaling them that LeBron is part of Clinton's global pedophile ring.

,1533390320,04/08/2018 13:45 9133447,4022004626," helps for ""the assist.""

",1533391311,04/08/2018 14:01 9132190,4022007803,

Did Q tell you that?

,1533391453,04/08/2018 14:04 9133447,4022017544,"

I want to apologize to you all.

When I started the Qanon hoax on 4Chan, I didn't expect the lemmings to run with it all the way off the cliff.

For that, I am truly sorry.

",1533391880,04/08/2018 14:11 9133447,4022023488,"

Oh its fun. Post on all the q stuff. The msm media is in a full panic. Q must be right over the target.! Where we go one we go all! Boom, q

",1533392144,04/08/2018 14:15 9133447,4022023777,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1533392158,04/08/2018 14:15 9133447,4022026851,"

So, Lebron just admitted he was brainwashed by the MSM during the Travon lie.

This gives Operation Mockingbird a one point lead at halftime.

Oh, what's that? Q just posted the final score of the game before the 2nd half started?

Final Score:
America 1, Deep State in Gitmo

",1533392292,04/08/2018 14:18 9133447,4022034487,

Racist and sexist chatter

Will give mainstream media fuel

To attack POTUS and Q!

,1533392635,04/08/2018 14:23 9133447,4022035729,

Qanon?? LOL

,1533392690,04/08/2018 14:24 9133447,4022039325,

Listen to Q!

We are all the same!

Don't let hatred blind you!

Divided we fall

Together we will win!

,1533392843,04/08/2018 14:27 9133447,4022041187,

dumb comments that add nothing ? Donald follower fits you perfectly! Or are you a member of Q now?

,1533392926,04/08/2018 14:28 9132670,4022070668,"

Whatever. Did you get your info from Q? LOL. You morons don't' have a clue what Obama meant on the hot mic but Putin was pretty clear that he helped trump and wanted him to win. Trump acts like a guilty moron every day. People don't have meetings with Russians for the sake of shits and grins. But by all means, carry on with your fantasy. I'll be back to laugh at you in November.

",1533394180,04/08/2018 14:49 9131422,4022082382,

🤔 This seems like a great opportunity for #QAnon to show up with a LOTTA red pills.

,1533394692,04/08/2018 14:58 9131404,4022088166,"

I agree. But please accept, if academic, aptitude, and I Q were only criteria used for admission, our universities would be majority Asian. Period. Merit may still be the best way though. If the world needs engineers, scientists, and medical practitioners, why not get the best?

",1533394941,04/08/2018 15:02 9132781,4022095708,

I am finding Q anon to be more desirable and truth telling then the MSM and they hate that.

,1533395261,04/08/2018 15:07 9132781,4022109997,

What is QAnon? That some sort of Silver Legion to descend out the clouds on the day of Ragnarok?

,1533395854,04/08/2018 15:17 9133894,4022115338,"

Holy crap, Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Clinton docs have photos of servers



Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

· 19h

Replying to @LisaMei62

13. Looks like lots of digging to do... Part 24 of 24 of DoJ/FBI's investigation of HRC's illegal email server.

Too bad for HRC et al, they have the server[S].

Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

14. ""We have the server[S].""

Pics start on pg 72.

Thanks for the heads up, @TheSpeaker2018!

7:57 PM - Aug 3, 2018


429 people are talking about this

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The 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton documents released by Judicial Watch today have something very interesting inside them, where these documents on page 72 turn into photos of internet server towers. Q said that we have the servers today, and it truly looks like we do as this Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Hillary Clinton documents involves about five or more pages of photos of servers. We got 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton information, and with photos of servers inside these documents expect more.


158 pages of new Clinton documents released by Judicial Watch, full docs included


1 Comment

​ Here are the full 158 Clinton Documents obtained by Judicial Watch. Q has even pointed us all to the directon of these 158 Clinton documents today obtained by Judicial Watch, even hinting today that we have the servers. With this Clinton document release by Judicial Watch is it true we have the server, and if we truly have the server/servers whose hands are the servers in? This could be a major reveal that will likely highlight Clinton crimes, Clinton's involvement in the Obama Deep State seditious conspiracy campaign against President Trump, and also the likely highlight of Clinton trading US secrets. However if you go through these documents it really looks like these new Clinton documents obtained by Judicial Watch highlights Clinton's role with the seditious conspiracy campaign against President Trump. Enjoy looking at these new obtained Clinton documents, and if we truly have the servers expect more.

",1533396083,04/08/2018 15:21 9133894,4022118597,"

Senator Dianne Feinstein worked with Chinese government spy for two decades



​The San Francisco Chronicle claims none of her staff ever knew what was going on and just kept the story quiet. CBS Local reported: New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years. It happened five years ago, but additional information is just surfacing about how the Bay Area senator’s office was infiltrated by a Chinese spy.
The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco. You may remember the thick black smoke that billowing from building before Russian diplomats turned it over to authorities, presumably produced by burning documents. Now, all eyes are on Chinese intelligence in the Bay Area after the website Politico reported last week that a staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the government officials about local politics.
So it looks like the selling out of America may trace back 20-30 years, as Senator Feinstein a Democrat has not only been busted with a staffer who has turned out to be a spy for the Chinese government...But Senator Feinstein worked with this spy for China for a span of two decades. Q has stated America For Sale to all of us multiple times, and with Senator Feinstein busted working with a Chinese Spy for 20 years may show the selling out of America spans a few decades.
Once again those who are loudest trying to claim Trump colluded with Russia, have foreign connections to foreign spies spanning years...Like we now have hear with Democrat US Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. How many other anti Trump voices in Washington have 10-20 years of foreign spies being ""staffers"" like Senator Feinstein, well it could be all of the anti Trump voices in Washington. With this information we could likely state that Senator Feinstein is a double agent for China.

",1533396223,04/08/2018 15:23 9132658,4022128828,

Oh wait are you a Qanon moron?!

ROFLMAO this clown is a Qanon conspiracy theorist! What a loser you must be...

,1533396658,04/08/2018 15:30 9133894,4022133198,

I want to see the Venn diagram of breittards and Qanon morons. I’m sure the overlap is a majority of the two groups. Stupid attracts the stupid and you folks are certainly on the left half of the intellectual bell curve...

,1533396853,04/08/2018 15:34 9132781,4022135339,"

They are all hittin Q 'conspiracy' really, really hard, because they're on the ropes, and millions of us, world-wide know it...and why!
Bezos is going crazy trying to discredit...he is goin down...connected everywhere, to everything...the 'cloud'- cia/nsa, his 'leaking'reporters connections to fbi, his 'foundation' etc.....f'r is dead man walkin

",1533396949,04/08/2018 15:35 9133894,4022139872,"

Hey I may be stupid, but I’m not sincere Breitbart reader/Qanon sucker stupid.

Thanks for your participation. 👍

",1533397143,04/08/2018 15:39 9133894,4022151188,"

Something tells me you’re a pizzagate, flat earth, Qanon sucker... going by the fact you seem rather delusional. No offense...

",1533397655,04/08/2018 15:47 9132781,4022158040,"

Its seems the MSM may be a little scared of Qanons. HAhahahahahahaha, LMAO

",1533397962,04/08/2018 15:52 9132781,4022160420,"

----- Top KeK , for all the "" Q is just a conspiracy theory .."" talk ... Q - ANON sure has all the MSM worried !

Guess whose SERVERS have been found ?

# Q Army

No reason why a Space Shuttle Door Gunner / Reporter should be delegitimized ......... Eh , Brian Williams ?

",1533398064,04/08/2018 15:54 9132658,4022168739,"

PPS: how are you this stupid?

Classic Qanon sucker!

",1533398424,04/08/2018 16:00 9133894,4022170385,"

How many of you breitbarters are Qanon suckers?

Serious question, I want to see the Venn diagram roflmao

",1533398498,04/08/2018 16:01 9133894,4022176672,"

That's understood, qanon sucker is perplexing.

",1533398781,04/08/2018 16:06 9130429,4022177338,"

Ad hominem attacks are the hallmark of morons Suzie Q, Ask anyone who graduated from high school if you do not believe me? lol

",1533398812,04/08/2018 16:06 9132781,4022181161,"

""sometimes for our own fault.""

A-HOLE, it is ALWAYS your fault! If you were real journalists you would follow the truth wherever it leads and damned the torpedoes and the American Republic would be safe.

Eat your own 💩💩, because we are finished taking 💩💩from every one of you fake-news reporters.


",1533398983,04/08/2018 16:09 9132781,4022217243,"

Below you will find a link to a list of reporters who signed up to front for the Frazzled Rats and Crooked Hillary.

",1533400504,04/08/2018 16:35 9132781,4022252764,

Qanon may be just a conspiracy theory but it's no more far fetched than Trump / Russia collusion. He fails to see the correlation.

,1533402064,04/08/2018 17:01 9133894,4022264371,"

Clintons tried and failed... Bush did it. John Adams and J Q Adams did it... Besides, two doesn’t make a dynasty. Just sayin’.

",1533402576,04/08/2018 17:09 9132781,4022278032,"

Trump's fault? He ""fanned the flames"" of QAnon? I don't think he has ever addressed it.

How about your conspiracy theories? Like Bruce Jenner is a girl, Chromosomes are a right wing conspiracy theory and the unborn aren't human?

",1533403183,04/08/2018 17:19 9120817,4022291514,

Hannity likes little boys......allot. Yep. QAnon followers said it.

,1533403754,04/08/2018 17:29 9106129,4022295283,

LOL.....wall funding. Now that's some funny $_hit right there. Building that wall & Mexico is going to pay for it.....more of that QAnon tinfoil. Talk about nut jobs.....

,1533403917,04/08/2018 17:31 9132658,4022296988,"

That’s why you keep replying? Rofl and circle gets the square.

Good luck with those Q breadcrumbs, I’m sure you’ll crack the code real soon! 😂🤣😂🤣

",1533403992,04/08/2018 17:33 9132658,4022299909,"

Considering you think 10,000 comments(the majority from the same people) on Breitbart is some grand achievement, then yes, I suggest you look at reddit.

Also considering you’re a self admitted Qanon believer, you’ve already more than embarrassed yourself. Good luck with the conspiracy, something tells me it’s all you have in your life. 👍

",1533404118,04/08/2018 17:35 9132781,4022301481,"

Brooks is correct. QAnon is a collection of low IQ, inbred hillbillies. They are about as smart as that roll of tin foil they carry around in their pockets. Deep State my a$$...these fools are climbing that family tree that looks like a telephone pole.

",1533404189,04/08/2018 17:36 9132781,4022303614,

QAnon is a collection of inbreds. Nothing more. Inbred hillbillies.

,1533404286,04/08/2018 17:38 9133447,4022305461,"

Wow, don't you have a Q rally

",1533404368,04/08/2018 17:39 9132670,4022328905,"

Mayer, they have the server Mayer, are you one of the hollywood Pedophiles? We'll soon find out. Q says those who scream the loudest have the most to hide. the People are coming for you Mayer

",1533405396,04/08/2018 17:56 9133894,4022351622,"

I hope that Q reveals white people are aliens, and we all get to board our spacecraft which is being repaired at Area 51, and go back to the mothership without Sarah Jeong.

",1533406406,04/08/2018 18:13 9133894,4022355753,

LMAO say hi to QAnon for me

,1533406581,04/08/2018 18:16 9133894,4022360695,

Look at lot of your heroes are going to get executed. Whether or not you or anyone else believes in Q is irrelevant.

,1533406791,04/08/2018 18:19 9133894,4022361152,"

I just want to thank breitbarters for being dumb enough to fall for the Qanon conspiracy. I thought you folks had learned your lessons with pizzagate, but your stupidity knows no bounds. On behalf of intelligent Americans laughing at you, thanks!

",1533406810,04/08/2018 18:20 9133894,4022388370,

QAnon in the house tonight.

,1533407987,04/08/2018 18:39 9132781,4022390234,"

Don’t follow this Q, so I’m not sure if it’s conspiracy driven or what. These jackass MSM do nothing but drive conspiracy down the throats of the useful idiots that are brain dead enough to watch them.. Truly RICH.

",1533408070,04/08/2018 18:41 9132781,4022392740,

Slamming Q publicly now.... IT HAS STARTED

,1533408176,04/08/2018 18:42 9133894,4022407855,"

Jerry Brown desperate for Federal money, CA wildfires increase 25% overnight


0 Comments Reports: A rapidly growing wildfire that has forced thousands to evacuate in Northern California surged overnight into Saturday - growing over 25% in size according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). The ""Mendocino Complex Fire"" which consists of two fires had reached 201,471 acres and 34% containment as of the agency's last report. The Mendocino Complex Fire is now the state’s largest fire at more than two-thirds the size of sprawling Los Angeles, and has forced the evacuation of nearly 16,000 residents and destroyed more than 100 structures. The Mendocino Complex has grown larger than the deadly Carr fire which is still raging around 100 miles to the northeast, and has killed six people while destroying over 1,500 structures.
Some people are still wondering what the hell is going on with California and the large abundance of wildfires, that's if these wildfires are even wildfires. You really have to become logical if you want to understand the California wildfires, as in California is one of the worse off states in the United States when it comes to financials. Whats one of the easiest ways in America to get Federal funding when your states leadership is vastly against the sitting President...Create chaos or disaster.
​ Qanon has even hinted to us that California leadership is behind the rise in wildfires due to the state of California being very desperate for cash. Governor Jerry Brown this week blamed climate change, but if you understand that California is anti Trump and in desperate need of cash...Then you will understand why Q stated these wildfires involve California leadership trying to get Federal funds due to California being broke.

",1533408819,04/08/2018 18:53 9133894,4022408791,"

In 2016 CA Governor Jerry Brown vetoed wildfire safety bill



Record-Bee Reports: ​A year ago, a bipartisan bill aimed at reducing the risk of wildfires from overhead electrical lines went to Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk. It was vetoed. The author of the measure — passed unanimously by both houses of the Legislature — now says the governor missed out on a chance to tackle one of his state’s longstanding vulnerabilities: massive wildfires endangering residential communities. But the governor’s office and the California Public Utilities Commission say the bill duplicated efforts already underway among the CPUC, Cal Fire and utilities like PG&E.
Now, as a series of deadly fires rages in Wine Country, serious questions are once again being asked about the safety of overhead electrical wires in a state prone to drought and fierce winds. On Wednesday, Cal Fire said that investigators have started looking into whether toppled power wires and exploding transformers Sunday night may have ignited the simultaneous string of blazes.
So two years ago California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a wildfire safety bill for California in 2016, and wildfires have destroyed the California landscape for over two years and it's continuing today. This however seems highly suspicious and may be a connection to what Q told us this past week about California officials being involved with these large wildfires in California, because why would Moonbeam veto a wildfire safety bill in California only to have major wildfires follow after this wildfire safety bill was vetoed by Brown in 2016?
​ Jerry Brown vetoing this wildfire safety bill may finally be a key clue to why California is having so called ""wildfires"", because why would Governor Brown be anti wildfire safety to only have wildfires in California is mass following the veto of this bill? This is all about money, and it's all about California being broke, and it's all about California leadership trying to pressure Trump.

",1533408861,04/08/2018 18:54 9132670,4022416431,

Such a coward . . . .
QAnon GreatAwakening WE ARE WINNING!

,1533409187,04/08/2018 18:59 9133660,4022420139,

Its Q time

,1533409354,04/08/2018 19:02 9133894,4022424334,

Does Q know you post liquored up?

Q hates that you know.

He wants you fresh as a daisy and on message.

,1533409540,04/08/2018 19:05 9132670,4022426299,"

""Dec 19, 2017 · 4chan's favorite new conspiracy, The Storm, featuring the ever-mysterious QAnon makes Pizzagate look tame in""...MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 🇺🇸 💥

",1533409629,04/08/2018 19:07 9130429,4022479130,"

Suzie Q, Tasers can be used to shoot two ""harpoon-like"" probes tethered by wires back to the Taser gun that pierce the skin and deliver (I think) a 50,000 volt jolt to the body, or, it can deliver a shock by using the end of the Taser gun pushed into the subject and pulling the trigger without the probe cartridge in it. There are several different cartridges available for the Taser that have different effective range distances possible.

When they first came out, if you were going to carry one (in our department) they made you take a hit off of one. It is hard to describe what it feels like, but it locks you up to where you have very little control over your body at all other than verbalizing. Definitely not a pleasant feeling. It actually felt like your heart is the size of a walnut and someone was inside with a sledge hammer trying to keep the blood pumping.

",1533411967,04/08/2018 19:46 9116566,4022494283,

Especially those trendy Q Anon douches... They’re a new level of stupid.

,1533412667,04/08/2018 19:57 9133030,4022556117,

Exactly the percentage of MAGAt births by incest. Coincidence? Check the next Q drop for clues. #WWGOWA

,1533415833,04/08/2018 20:50 9133660,4022560501,


,1533416065,04/08/2018 20:54 9134572,4022575648,"

what is

",1533416891,04/08/2018 21:08 9127396,4022580292,"

Rather than having to look it up, tell me what QAnon led you to?

",1533417163,04/08/2018 21:12 9133660,4022624892,"

Fk that judge.
make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1533419902,04/08/2018 21:58 9134572,4022655419,"


Truth takes a beating in the land of QAnon

",1533422050,04/08/2018 22:34 9132670,4022656873,"

Nope, what that indicates is Maher knows something about the followers of the Qanon president.

",1533422155,04/08/2018 22:35 9134572,4022661986,

warm up act for DC next week ..... C.F.R & D.N.C sponsored on BOTH sides !

It's all about the --- O P T I C S ........ Matrix is Illusion .... # Q - Army

,1533422542,04/08/2018 22:42 9134572,4022663499,

Why has EVERY MSM ..... at the same time ..... started saying -- Q ANON shoul not be believed ?

Twitter .... # Q ARMY

,1533422660,04/08/2018 22:44 9133447,4022665269,

yeah but but but ... deep state Q hillary Emails Hillary liberal elites Hillary ....MAGA

,1533422796,04/08/2018 22:46 9134572,4022665683,

or ...... telling you to IGNORE Q anon posts.

,1533422828,04/08/2018 22:47 9134572,4022668405,

Stay Up To Speed .......... Twitter .... # Q - ARMY

,1533423033,04/08/2018 22:50 9133447,4022669004,

yeah but but but ...jfk deep state Q hillary Emails Hillary liberal elites Hillary jfk ....MAGA

,1533423075,04/08/2018 22:51 9134572,4022671298,"

MSM says ...... Don't Listen .... Q - ANON is just ... "" 'spiracy theory ""

Now WHY would they waste time saying that ? ....... unless they AFRAID !!

# Q Army.

",1533423240,04/08/2018 22:54 9134572,4022672205,

I don't respond much to QAnon's with psycho Obama avatars

,1533423310,04/08/2018 22:55 9134572,4022675095,"

QAnons? That's funny coming from the tinfoil hat crowd pimping the hilarious ""Russian collusion"" conspiracy hoax.

My Psycho Obama avatar captures all of Obama's most distinguishable traits, right down to his chainsmoking habit.

",1533423524,04/08/2018 22:58 9134572,4022676068,"

We here at CNN want you to know ...... "" It's ugghhhh ILLEGAL , to read Q - ANON posts .... its different for us , we're the press ""

# Q Army on Twitter for the latest fast briefing.

",1533423594,04/08/2018 22:59 9134572,4022679303,

MSM says Q - ANON is conspiracy theory ... on EVERY CHANNEL starting on the SAME DAY ..... how odd .


,1533423838,04/08/2018 23:03 9132670,4022692792,"

Qanon — Queer conspiracy group whose followers never twig to the fact Q's conspiracies and prophecies aren't HAPPENING. They're NOT HAPPENING. And they're definitely NOT HAPPENING ON THE TIME SCHEDULE this supposedly high-ranking intelligence fella is saying they will. Oooopps, there's a small problem w/the Q fella...

",1533424869,04/08/2018 23:21 9134572,4022705026,

BREAKING: QAnon's identity revealed today. It's Rosie Q'Donnel

,1533425807,04/08/2018 23:36 9134887,4022720569,"

Blah, blah, blah . . .

deep state, pedophiles, traitors . . .

Blah, blah, blah.

You left out Q.

",1533426997,04/08/2018 23:56 9134731,4022736768,

The capital letter Q is used to designate a fictional character in the James Bon…

3460 comments • 2111 votes

,1533428260,05/08/2018 00:17 9134731,4022740756,

Little did we know all along...Hope Hicks is Q!! ;-)

,1533428584,05/08/2018 00:23 9132670,4022743812,"

This is the ""accusation de jeur"". It was dispatched at 4:00 am this morning and now everyone is saying it. Yesterday it was anti Q. Tomorrow it will be something different. These people are puppets on a string.

",1533428822,05/08/2018 00:27 9134731,4022780937,"

""Damn it leaked through the toilet paper."" - QAnon

""Q, why am I buying so much toilet paper? Do you have diarrhea...again."" - QAnon's Mommy

""MOM, JUST BUY THE STRONGEST YOU CAN FIND!"" (Muttering under his breath so Mommy doesn't hear, I'm beating off to nakked pictures of Rosie O'Donnell) - QAnon

",1533431933,05/08/2018 01:18 9134572,4022781995,

Trump is running on QAnon.

Crazed conspiracy theorists.

People easily propagandized.

All those videos of them at rallies are really going to help.

,1533432026,05/08/2018 01:20 9134572,4022794364,"

If we continue to see more and more Q people at the rallies, he's gonna get hurt in November.

",1533433097,05/08/2018 01:38 9134572,4022798603,"

I don't know what a Q person is, but I do know that the country pretty much knows who Trump is. And if he gets his supporters to the polls, it will be just like 2016.

",1533433472,05/08/2018 01:44 9134572,4022809171,"

If you don't know what QAnon is that's fine.

But I'm telling you, if they keep showing up at rallies you definitely will.

",1533434389,05/08/2018 01:59 9134581,4022826168,"

The best corruption money can buy

",1533435967,05/08/2018 02:26 9134581,4022847778,"

Qanon is for dupes and dimwits, so of course it's very popular here.

",1533437921,05/08/2018 02:58 9134581,4022849990,"

I tried putting on a Guy Fawkes mask, put Q decoder rings on my fingers and toes, slapped a cape on, placed the Q stones in the Infinity Gauntlet, and gave prayers to Shadilay. Sessions still isn't waking up.

What gives?

",1533438133,05/08/2018 03:02 9132781,4022851834,

do any of you believe that Q exists?

If you do
wouldn't Q be a legal nightmare for the president? A paid
leaker? And doesn't the president message better then anyone else?

If you do believe in Q do you have any concrete evidence?

,1533438313,05/08/2018 03:05 9134581,4022852187,"

No, but there's an entire section for that on 4chan, where the Q crap all started.

The only people who still think its real are working at CNN.

",1533438347,05/08/2018 03:05 9132406,4022872194,

Was that on Qanon or infowars???

,1533440122,05/08/2018 03:35 9129109,4022888711,

Meanwhile Qanon. Please.

,1533441555,05/08/2018 03:59 9133447,4022890828,

Pointing a few Trump lies out means I never had a job...great logic there...arent you late for a QAnon meeting rube...Don't forget your tinfoil hat or soros will steal your thoughts...

,1533441744,05/08/2018 04:02 9134581,4022905653,

Fellow Breitbarters...when is the next Q-Anon meeting? I need to repair my tinfoil hat before then so Soros can't steal my thoughts.

,1533443126,05/08/2018 04:25 9135358,4022937194,"

""baby butchers""?

I just gave one question:

Do you rank Qanon 1st and Breitbart 2nd or vice versa?

",1533445971,05/08/2018 05:12 9134581,4022952693,

Whats the We ARe Q ?

,1533447355,05/08/2018 05:35 9134581,4022958434,"

Instead of larping as a Q, I'll larp as a lib. YOU ARE A RUSSIAN BOT. YOU JOINED IN MARCH

",1533447889,05/08/2018 05:44 9134740,4022978550,

Its Q time for Flake

,1533449774,05/08/2018 06:16 9131086,4023001276,"

Oh, okay.... wow, thanks for proving there's no Q. Except, you can't prove it.

You want it to be ""the 6th conviction of a Trump campaign official"" so bad, yet the crimes occurred well before Trump even announced his candidacy. In fact, the charges have ZERO to do with Trump.

Second, the Flynn matter... the man never lied. Even the investigators admitted as such after interviewing him. Why did he take a plea deal? He did not have the money to contend with defending himself for years. Personally, I wish he would have fought it, but then Muller started to then threaten to go after Flynn's son as well.

Third, 18 Russians are indicted. Wow, that was hard to do. Have you seen the proof. No, no one has, but it's an easy thing to indict a foreign national without them being able to defend themselves. Not discovery, no putting forth of evidence. Why did the announce this just before Trump was to meet Putin? Why did people like you lose their collective minds over the FBI being able to interview the 18 in Russia as long as an American was able to be interviewed here by Russians? What are YOU afraid of?

Do you believe in coincidences? Heard of Hubler? Future proves past. WWG1WGA.

",1533451835,05/08/2018 06:50 9134740,4023022554,"

Yes, the average John Q Voter is an uninformed dumbass.

",1533453712,05/08/2018 07:21 9129316,4023045836,"

Gladstone held up a Koran in Parliament and said that while it had influence in the affairs of men there would be no peace.

John Q. Adams described it in terms of ""exterminating war"".

Churchill wrote that the frenzy of Islam is more dangerous in a man than rabies in a dog. How did they know?!

Churchill saw it in action in Africa while he was a military officer. The other two read the Koran. Surahs 7, 8 & 9 have clues for you. Read them. Look up 7.167 & 9.29 in Tafsir Ibn Kathir for a full understanding. Follow up with Ibn Kathir;s ""The Life Of The Prophet Muhammad:, vol. 4, pg, 1.

I do not recall the names of the characters or which volume and book of Bukhari the story is told in. Two Jews and a friend were business partners. One converted to Islam. Moe ordered him to kill their partner. He did. His brother cussed him out for it and was told that, if Moe ordered him to, he would cut off his head too.

",1533455708,05/08/2018 07:55 9134581,4023172373,"

MSM is sowing the seeds of discontent.
They are afraid of being exposed.
Why are they so concerned over what they term a 'conspiracy therory"" with Qanon? If it is so 'fringe', so 'out there', why are they trying so hard to discredit? Why are there members of MSM trying to post comments to boards, then write stories based on their own postings? Do you believe in coincidences? Future proves past. WWG1WGA.

",1533464477,05/08/2018 10:21 9124480,4023191898,

Qanon says Acosta is an undercover agent from the government of Anartica trying to deceive the American People into thinking the world is round.
Save us Trump from the CNN mobsters!

,1533465672,05/08/2018 10:41 9134581,4023224790,"

Screaming 'fake news!' won't work, motherf***ers! Wait to til you see what happens to the REAL liars in future. Historians are gonna drag Breitbart, Infowars, QAnon and Fox over twenty miles of rusty piss nails for the stale brew of unabashed bullshit THEY pump in people's heads.

",1533467542,05/08/2018 11:12 9134581,4023256128,

Troll/Bots are out in force b/c they are losing and more desperate to spin lies. It's interesting that Q mentioned it would increase.

,1533469232,05/08/2018 11:40 9134581,4023314831,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1533472216,05/08/2018 12:30 9135565,4023325366,"

------- N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ...... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT !

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533472725,05/08/2018 12:38 9134581,4023326919,"

.N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ...... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT !

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533472800,05/08/2018 12:40 9135565,4023333161,"

C.F.R. talking points .... All social media is a "" Conspiracy Theory "" if not approved by the "" Gatekeepers "" .

NBC just now ......... Q - ANON may be a Russian plot ! ....... REeeeeee

",1533473099,05/08/2018 12:44 9134581,4023340502,"

Please ... talk about the kettle calling the pot black ... not even you tin foil wearing nuts actually swallow this line of crap? CNN is biased? What the hell is fox, and especially hannity? Lol. The toughest question this creep ever asked trump was to explain why he’s so awesome ... and trump still lied in his answer like he always does to you rubes ... let’s here the Qanon is awesome now ...

",1533473442,05/08/2018 12:50 9135565,4023341538,"

asks the hard questions , too ..... # Q ARMY

",1533473487,05/08/2018 12:51 9134572,4023343695,"

It’s what John Q Public understands and if either side tries to take the moral high ground, they lose.

",1533473583,05/08/2018 12:53 9135565,4023345161,"

Twitter Hashtag ...... # Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !

N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ...... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533473642,05/08/2018 12:54 9134581,4023351693,"

.Twitter Hashtag ..# Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !

N.B.C ...just now... Chuck Todd ...... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT .....AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533473938,05/08/2018 12:58 9134581,4023356994,"

C.F.R. think tank media talk points generator ...... "" Social media is conspiracy theory unless approved by US ""

Go see Twitter hashtag .Q Map or... Q Army ...... you'll see why they're scared.

",1533474188,05/08/2018 13:03 9136642,4023364741,"

'Twitter Hashtag ...... # Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !

N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd today ...... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT

... AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533474557,05/08/2018 13:09 9136363,4023375935,

---- Radical Leftys are pizzed we caught on to their game of controlling the LANGUAGE and definitions !

# Q - ARMY

,1533475089,05/08/2018 13:18 9134581,4023379586,"

.Twitter Hashtag ...... # Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !

N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ..just now.... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533475255,05/08/2018 13:20 9134581,4023380404,"

Holy crap, Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Clinton docs have photos of servers



Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

· 3 Aug

Replying to @LisaMei62

13. Looks like lots of digging to do... Part 24 of 24 of DoJ/FBI's investigation of HRC's illegal email server.

Too bad for HRC et al, they have the server[S].

Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

14. ""We have the server[S].""

Pics start on pg 72.

Thanks for the heads up, @TheSpeaker2018!

7:57 PM - Aug 3, 2018


456 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton documents released by Judicial Watch today have something very interesting inside them, where these documents on page 72 turn into photos of internet server towers. Q said that we have the servers today, and it truly looks like we do as this Judicial Watch release of 158 pages of Hillary Clinton documents involves about five or more pages of photos of servers. We got 158 pages of new Hillary Clinton information, and with photos of servers inside these documents expect more.

",1533475295,05/08/2018 13:21 9134581,4023386487,

And did you see theDipshits with all the Q-anon signs and t-shirts?

,1533475573,05/08/2018 13:26 9134581,4023386754,"

CBS - Fake The Nation ..... whines about ' fake news ' label ... so apologize all you RACIST , redneck , inbred hick deplorables ..... you hurted they FEEWINGS !

Twitter Hashtag ...... # Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !

N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ..just now.... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533475585,05/08/2018 13:26 9136765,4023390160,"

----- Imagine that ... same exact C.F.R. talking point as on CBS .."" Fake The Nation "" today.

And why so desperate to dismiss "" Q "" ... ?

Twitter Hashtag ...... # Q - ARMY ...... "" We Have The Servers "" ....... Ruh-Ro !
N.B.C ...... Chuck Todd ..just now.... "" Q - ANON "" .... may be a RUSSIAN PLOT

AHhhhhh......... !!!!!!!

",1533475742,05/08/2018 13:29 9136765,4023399497,"

----- Why the sudden need to dismiss ... Q ANON on every MSM outlet ?

# Q Army ..hashtag........... "" We have the servers "".

",1533476166,05/08/2018 13:36 9134560,4023406017,"

# Q Army ..... "" We have the servers ""

",1533476464,05/08/2018 13:41 9132406,4023415473,

Says whom? Q? Lol..

,1533476754,05/08/2018 13:45 9136642,4023428688,

It'll be wrapping up soon. The fall of wonderland is just around the corner. #QAnon

,1533477349,05/08/2018 13:55 9135358,4023428902,"

LOL...whining about ""fake news"" would be more convincing if it wasn't followed up with the acceptance of nutty conspiracy whack jobs like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones.


",1533477357,05/08/2018 13:55 9135358,4023429738,

Don't forget QAnon!


,1533477394,05/08/2018 13:56 9134560,4023431181,

Give me a break. This Q nonsense will blow up in your face. Even if this stuff was true you would be better off saying nothing. Let the deep state think they are safe. If it were true Q should be eliminated for letting the cat out of the bag.

I looked at it. It is nonsense. If any conspiracy is involved it would be the left pushing the crazy nonsense in order to make Trump supporters look stupid. Kind of like Van Jones believing in a 9/11 conspiracy.

,1533477458,05/08/2018 13:57 9135358,4023433923,

Tell me more about QAnon.

,1533477577,05/08/2018 13:59 9124480,4023438366,"

Well thank God for Free Press in the USA. If you have trouble with reality as does our POTUS, maybe you closer identify with the latest Qanon conspiracy theory.

",1533477775,05/08/2018 14:02 9136417,4023444299,"

Here is a guy who has to be one of the 45,000 pending sealed DOJ indictments.

",1533478044,05/08/2018 14:07 9136417,4023445620,"

Hold on - there will be a day of reckoning and soon. 45,000 sealed DOJ indictments pending:

In a normal year there are 1000.

",1533478103,05/08/2018 14:08 9136765,4023450777,"

------ Meanwhile ... MSM still covers up ANTIFA / BLM crimes !

""If it is not in the media... it did not happen.... If it did not happen, but is in the media... we believe it has happened.""

Charles T. Tart

( The sudden push to demonize ' Q-ANON ' is very telling )

# Q Army on Twitter.

",1533478301,05/08/2018 14:11 9136765,4023455335,"

Anybody else notice ....every news outlet started calling .. Q - ANON .. a conspiracy theory ... all at the SAME TIME ? ........ Why would they do that ?

# Q ARMY ----- "" We have the servers ""

",1533478500,05/08/2018 14:15 9136765,4023464651,"

Why MSM so nervous about "" Q "" ... ?

""If it is not in the media... it did not happen. If it did not happen, but is in the media... we believe it has happened.""

Charles T. Tart

",1533478869,05/08/2018 14:21 9135358,4023468695,

It's actually a shame that the president doesn't make any mentions or endorsements of Q. The country is eager to hear more about what's really going on - the things that the controlled MSM won't deign to cover.

,1533479045,05/08/2018 14:24 9136765,4023470233,

The Q-Anon is a Kaiser Soze fog machine... People need to put hope in conspiracies because we've lost faith in every Earthly institution we have... Except Breitbart.

,1533479111,05/08/2018 14:25 9134581,4023471030,

lol we have a Qanon wacko in the house 😂

,1533479145,05/08/2018 14:25 9136765,4023471257,"

NBC , just today ..... Q ANON may be a Russian operation ! ....... ( LOL , really )

"" Natasha , book Moose and Squirrel for next weeks - Meet The Press ! "" ... Borris.

",1533479154,05/08/2018 14:25 9134560,4023474791,"

New. #QANON - 7 facts the MEDIA (MSM) Won’t Admit

",1533479300,05/08/2018 14:28 9136765,4023475493,"

Since when is asking ALL the right questions ... "" Conspiracy Theory "" ?


",1533479331,05/08/2018 14:28 9136765,4023481731,"

You are correct to talk about hope and faith, which essentially go towards belief. There is a difference between knowing something and believing something. The fact that people find Q Anon believable means trouble for the Left no matter how you slice it. It means that the way they've treated the Right has been so bad that those evil things fit with their experience. As for ""knowing"" it's true, we will have to wait for evidence.

",1533479605,05/08/2018 14:33 9136765,4023483767,"

Media is FAKE .... we know , but WHO Runs It ?

Council on Foreign Relations --- massive reach and policy talking points influence.

# Q Army

",1533479695,05/08/2018 14:34 9134560,4023485619,

Laughable. You think you will get revenge for all the imaginary plots that Q has convinced you of. Good grief!!!

,1533479777,05/08/2018 14:36 9134560,4023488479,"

Mostly Q points to publicly released information in mainstream publications. He asks questions and says look here. Calling it conspiracy is just a form of distraction.
For example, everyone on the left is looking for the holy grail of Trump/Russia collusion. When Hillary took $400 million from the Russians through the Clinton foundation. It's been in the NYTs and Washington Post, but Mueller just can't find it.
Do you think just maybe Trump might be toast if someone came across a $400 million dollar payment.
Or what if Donald Jr had actually paid that Russian Lawyer at the infamous Trump Tower meeting, like Hillary did through Perkins Cuie, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele.
Double and triple the collusion Mueller and lunatic left could ever hope to find laying right there in the papers about Hillary and the special council just can't see it. You either I suppose.

",1533479903,05/08/2018 14:38 9136765,4023488648,"

"" Only Conspiracy Theorists think this way ...... you dont want to be called THAT ... Do You ? "" ..... /s/

That smear no longer works !

# Q Army on Twitter ...

",1533479911,05/08/2018 14:38 9134560,4023489487,"

What info? The proof that Q is right. Actually, I think Q is a product of Alex Jones fevered mind. When he goes broke from the Sandy Hook lawsuits, watch how rarely Q shows up.

",1533479947,05/08/2018 14:39 9134560,4023494074,"

You aren't making any sense. Q is posting often. Occasionally there are 10 or 20 days of nothing posted (exactly 10 or 20). That just shows it is planned. Doesn't mean he is illegitimate.

Jones and Q are in no way linked. Jones actually tried to lead us away from Q because he has to be needed, lol. I am done with Jones. He helped me think outside the box, but he chose his own wallet instead of the movement.

",1533480155,05/08/2018 14:42 9134560,4023494779,"

----- All MSM outlets start calling ... "" Q -- ANON "" ... a conspiracy theory , ON THE SAME DAY !! .... Why ?

# Q -- ARMY on Twitter .......... "" WE Have The Servers ""

",1533480186,05/08/2018 14:43 9136765,4023495102,"

Not one second of the fake news covered that Jim Jordon enumerated all the reasons Rosenstein will be impeached in a tweet and that impeachment of Roddy is not going away:

",1533480201,05/08/2018 14:43 9134560,4023498445,"

10, 20
Such mystery -- does Q talk to directly to God or does he use Jerry Falwell Jr. for an interpreter? Maybe Roy Moore?

",1533480348,05/08/2018 14:45 9134560,4023502456,"

.Since when is asking ALL the right questions ... "" Conspiracy Theory "" ?


",1533480528,05/08/2018 14:48 9135358,4023504034,"

sooo, i guess you rank breitbart ahead of Qanon. got it. Let's see how many Qs show up at the next Trump rally

",1533480598,05/08/2018 14:49 9136642,4023505929,"

MSM all trying to dismiss "" Q "" suddenly.

Since when is asking ALL the right questions ... "" Conspiracy Theory "" ?


",1533480683,05/08/2018 14:51 9135358,4023507899,

Qanon is most likely Don Jr.

,1533480769,05/08/2018 14:52 9136765,4023518822,"

There will be an impeachment all right and there will be a lot of people going to prison, but not who you think. Let me give you a clue. Here are the 45,000 sealed indictments pending with the DOJ. Hint, few are GOP unless they are complicit RINOs:

",1533481237,05/08/2018 15:00 9136765,4023528081,"

Chuck Toddd, translated through the latest Universal Interpreter:

Donald Trump's denunciations of the MSM, justify in some people's minds, roadblocking people who wanted to attend his rallies, an damaging the cars of people who tried to drive slowly, safely through the roadblocks, attacking Trump rally supporters , physically assaulting them, preventing conservatives from attending Milo and Ben Shapiro talks on university campuses, by using weapons like rocks, pepper spray and fire bombs, Antifa fascists attacking peaceful Trump supporters with bike locks to the head, one ardent Bernie supporter shooting up a GOP softball team, nearly killing a Congressman, Antifa fascists in Portland attacking Trump supporters and ICE....

So, correctly translated, Todd is saying, ""Trump's rhetoric is triggering the Left to commit acts of reprehensible violence against conservatives. We have irrefutable evidence of this.""

The alternative interpretation is: ""Trump's rhetoric is going to get an anti-Trump reporter attacked, even killed,"" which has zero evidentiary support, examining real attacks over the past two years."" Ergo, if this is what Todd means, he is a lying scumbag. It may be a warning that higher ups in the NWO /globalist cabal are planning a false flag event, using an MSM reporter as a tactical pawn-sacrifice. Or maybe two, three, a dozen.

But if this happens, PDJT MAGA supporters, and Q supporters won't have any involvement. It will be the globalist ""masters of the universe"" creating a fraudulent narrative.

",1533481643,05/08/2018 15:07 9136765,4023529232,"

More proof the MSM is fake - they will never cover that there are 45,000 sealed DOJ indictments pending in not quite a full year period under Sessions. In a normal year there are about 1000.

They can't all be pedos and mafia. Some of them have to be Corruptocrats. Something big is about to break and when it does it likely will drown the MSM like a tsunami of truth.

",1533481690,05/08/2018 15:08 9136765,4023538658,"

----- The Latest From "" Q "" ...... what is MSM afraid of ?

",1533482086,05/08/2018 15:14 9136642,4023543339,

Are you also a #Qanon supporter?

,1533482292,05/08/2018 15:18 9136765,4023556714,

I'll just bet you're a fan of Q Anon.

Tell me you're not.....

,1533482865,05/08/2018 15:27 9134560,4023564528,"

AHA!! So Trump is ""Q"". Just wondering, does that name have anything to do with Q in Star Trek?
Is Q the reason that 17 is significant or is it the other way around? If so, what is the significance of 17?

",1533483196,05/08/2018 15:33 9134581,4023577644,

Believing the wacky qanon BS makes you look stupid.

,1533483777,05/08/2018 15:42 9136525,4023579961,"

Sure, you righties exist on non-supported rumors.

Qanon for example.

",1533483881,05/08/2018 15:44 9136765,4023590351,

Who are the Journalists at 'Q-Anon' or 'InfoWars'?

,1533484341,05/08/2018 15:52 9136765,4023596737,"

I would be more impressed if you joined #J ARMY

J = Journalism

Who do you think the Q-anon is, afterall? ;-)

",1533484616,05/08/2018 15:56 9136765,4023600002,

Actually; it's the other way around. The American public doesn't pay attention unless people are shouting and being rude to each other. The media simply gives John Q Public what he wants. Excitement!

Perhaps if 'Q' would be more discerning and less fun addicted the media would start covering real stories again.

,1533484758,05/08/2018 15:59 9134560,4023600237,"

Not sure about the significance.

Also, I don't think Trump is Q. He is just in on it.

",1533484769,05/08/2018 15:59 9134887,4023600593,

Notice anything about Trump’s frequent use of “IQ”? How about the second letter? Q - BOOM!!! Trump is fearless in his willingness to call out the Illuminati Reptilian Satanic pedo leftists!

,1533484785,05/08/2018 15:59 9136930,4023602924,"

Thinkin about gettin on twitter...get real news out there, in support of POTUS and Q. First thing id ask old pedo-jack..when you gonna suspend Trump's account? Hahahahaha. I dare ya jack, i double dare ya! Hahahahaha

",1533484887,05/08/2018 16:01 9097129,4023635458,"

The projection is astounding. You literally haven't been able to point to a single lie. Everything I've stated has been backed up with FACTS and CITATIONS.

But on the flip side, you literally haven't been able to point to a single external thing to back up your many ridiculous claims. The single quote you rely on - from Rosenstein - doesn't even remotely prove your point, and yet you keep repeating it - as if repetition will change its meaning. You are apparently either not smart enough or not educated enough to parse a sentence. How sad.

Are you one of those QAnon people? It reads like that. Keep telling yourself Obama and Hillary are going to jail - while there isn't a single criminal investigation surrounding either. There is, however, a massive criminal investigation into Trump's administration - one that has secured convictions as well as cooperation from numerous individuals involved in the campaign and transition.

",1533486346,05/08/2018 16:25 9134560,4023639472,"

When the ""storm"" comes, how will you prove that you're one of them? Lie detector or some new invention Q has developed?

",1533486521,05/08/2018 16:28 9134560,4023645310,"

Oh, has ""Q"" been whispering in your conspiracy -starved ear?

How do you know I'm not Q?

",1533486730,05/08/2018 16:32 9134560,4023655868,"

The more I dwell on it, I think it's very possible that QAnon is a Russian construct, wouldn't that blow some minds!

",1533487198,05/08/2018 16:39 9134560,4023662733,

It certainly is broken up in a strange way. Could he have copied it somewhere? gateway? infowars? QAnon himself? Gimme a break.

,1533487502,05/08/2018 16:45 9132406,4023697003,"

yes, send that 2 the WH, they'll run with that, they love conspiracies, QANON, QANON

",1533489011,05/08/2018 17:10 9132406,4023701985,

Says troll

,1533489230,05/08/2018 17:13 9136642,4023751634,

Rubio OWES the Deep State big time...he has a lot of debt. Q posts are dropping fast and something BIG coming soon. When PTrump tweets out about someone/something you can BET he has INFORMATION ON THEM that no one else has. The Dems/RINOs/DEEP STATE are panicked as never before!

,1533491325,05/08/2018 17:48 9137668,4023763668,"

------ But they assure us .... "" Q -- ANON "" ... is all ' conspiracy theory ' and should be dismissed ...... LOL ..... OK.

# Q Army

",1533491845,05/08/2018 17:57 9137554,4023811734,"

We were told to expect this...and there will be more..phony BS blame POTUS, MAGA, Q! Really desperate really desperate does. The declass is coming, the declass is coming. ..hahahahahaha

",1533493904,05/08/2018 18:31 9137347,4023845572,

it's funny. if you don't like/love the US of A and Old Glory( American flag). what the F you doing here in the US and leave you worthless disgusting low IQ people. get the F out from the USA and go back to your 💩 hole countries or go to 💩 hole country and stay over there. a civil war is needed to cleanse the USA. a civil war has started but it's for you mind. need a physical civil war. time to start cleaning up the USA.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1533495391,05/08/2018 18:56 9137128,4023851879,

gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1533495668,05/08/2018 19:01 9136930,4023897516,

Agreed- Q Anon is nonsense.

,1533497633,05/08/2018 19:33 9136930,4023898657,"

I didn't mention racism. That's Qanon, or Proud Babies, or the Republiclown party or whatever you clowns are calling yourselves lately.

",1533497682,05/08/2018 19:34 9136930,4023923526,"

I encourage you to get engaged , engage others and talk about issues important to conservatives in the US.

There are plenty of places to discuss Q , Breitbart is less sympathetic - being the front lines politically.

",1533498807,05/08/2018 19:53 9133030,4023934988,"

So the KKK is actually liberals marching to make Trump look bad. The Alt-Right is actually liberals marching to make conservatives look bad. And the polling companies are rigging the polls to make conservatives look bad. How about you find me 1 poll, just 1 in the last year that shows Republicans/Conservatives being pro immigration or even favoring immigration more today than they did 10 years ago. Can you do it? You can't. Because they don't exist.

But I expect nothing less from the party of Birtherism, Arkanicide, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, ReleaseTheMemo, TheIGReport, False Flag mass shootings, QAnon, etc... LMAO

",1533499357,05/08/2018 20:02 9136930,4023937084,"

Q trolls Hillary after taking LeBron's side, showing Hillary in warm embrace of KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd



What an epic trolling by Q today, as Q has posted Hilary's tweet on LeBron James after Trump poked at LeBron this weekend by then showing Hillary Clinton in a warm embrace with KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd. It's funny how when individuals like Hillary Clinton can even claim they support black America, when individuals like Hillary Clinton love KKK Grand Wizards like Robert Byrd...And even created things like the Jim Crow laws and barely voted in support of civil rights laws. It's very sad though that Black America in the majority have yet to realize just how historically racist the Democrat party truly is, and remember the Democrat party did create the KKK. This is an epic troll by Q today showing Hillary in the embrace of Robert Byrd, because now everyone is going to see Hillary loves the KKK...And the Left claiming they care about black Americans is one complete lie.

",1533499459,05/08/2018 20:04 9137347,4023942290,"

No need to reply to a bunch of sources from Pacific pundit, which has already been labeled as a questionable source that exhibits extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information. Please come with some credible sources first, and you Q followers have the audacity to claim fake news, while holding conspiracy theories as fact.

",1533499711,05/08/2018 20:08 9136930,4023942710,"

Trump exposes wag the dog media in tweet storm, ""They can cause war, they are very dangerous and sick""



Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump

The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

7:38 AM - Aug 5, 2018


66.9K people are talking about this

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President Trump today may of just exposed what the mainstream media is really used for, in the fact that the MSM is operation wag the dog to cause war and division and labeling the media as very dangerous and sick. Trump is exactly right to call the mainstream media press the enemy of the people, because the media has led us into multiple wars and helped wag the dog for 9/11 to push us into the never ending problems of the middle east. Basically what Trump is stating is the MSM is basically used for two reasons to divide the people and push for war, this is also a sign that President Trump does not want war. Trump is slowly exposing the media what it's truly used for to cause division and push for war...They are the Wag the Dog media. These words from Trump about the media also come at a time when all media is pushing anti Q rhetoric including some who claim to be alternative.

",1533499729,05/08/2018 20:08 9136930,4023945046,"

Three planes go down in same day, one in Oklahoma, two in Swiss Alps


1 Comment

Fox News Reports: ​Officials say five people are dead after a small passenger plane crashed and burned Saturday morning shortly after taking off in northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol confirmed the deaths after an Extra EA-400 plane went down just 90 miles north of Oklahoma City. Goodbye science fiction. Hello reality. Grant Imahara experiences robots doing the jobs of humans. Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Lynn Lunsford said the ""single-engine” plane crashed “shortly after taking off from Ponca City Regional Airport.” ""The aircraft was destroyed by a post-crash fire,” she added. Officials have yet to release the names of the five victims, but Highway Patrol Lt. Kera Philippi said that it appeared that they'd attended a breakfast at the airport.
The Goldwater Reports: ​A second plane has crashed in the Swiss Alps Saturday. Few details other than an image of the wreckage have been released. The crash was reported just hours after a family of four was killed when their small aircraft crashed in a forest. A local airline JU-AIR said one of its Ju-52 airplanes had crashed. The Ju-52 aircraft seats 17 passengers along with two pilots, but it was not announced how many were on the plane. The airline reported on its website, ""We have the sad duty to announce that one of our Ju-52 aircraft had a accident today."" Five rescue helicopters were deployed to the crash site which is side to be on the west side of the Piz Segnas mountain in the canton of Graubueden, according to local police. A local newspaper called Blick reported all passengers aboard the plane had perished.
Well five people today have died in three plane crashes around the globe, with the five dead being in one of these three air crashes today in Oklahoma. With two plane crashes in the Swiss Alps knowing this area is heavily involved with the globalist operation you really wonder who these individuals were. Q has told us if I remember right that 7 out of 10 plane crashes are not accidents, and we just had three plane crashes in the same day with small aircraft one with five killed in Oklahoma. The strange thing with the crash in Oklahoma that killed five, is that oddly the names are not being released...And what does this usually tell you with plane crashes in the last two years? It looks like the strange incidents with planes continue around the globe, as three have gone down in the same day.

",1533499844,05/08/2018 20:10 9136930,4023952724,

I was noticing that Q thing 7 in 10. That's probably true. Mechanical failure is not considered an accident. Someone was responsible. That's how the airlines get sued so much. An accident is when the NTB cannot find a responsible party or it was an act of God. I.e. got hit by lightning.

,1533500220,05/08/2018 20:17 9136930,4023955754,

It's amazing how one clever individual (who knows how to speak in full sentences) can have more impact with one tweet than a whole year of Q gibberish that confuses people.

,1533500369,05/08/2018 20:19 9137554,4023965072,"

O T : What did --- Q - Anon mean by this ? ...... "" Trip Update confirmed ""

",1533500836,05/08/2018 20:27 9138079,4023969425,"

Q ... predicted this ! ---- Where We Go One We Go ALL !

",1533501053,05/08/2018 20:30 9137554,4023974220,"

----- I'm surprised CNN did not blame the shadow known as ... Q - ANON , for this call Next time , for sure.

",1533501295,05/08/2018 20:34 9137395,4023988960,"

low Q and gorilla cookie fugly

",1533502082,05/08/2018 20:48 9136930,4023999887,

What’s with the cryptic message ... Are you Q ?!

,1533502692,05/08/2018 20:58 9136930,4024004067,

Are you the one and only Qanon?

,1533502926,05/08/2018 21:02 9137464,4024013646,"

Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted

Martin Geddes‏ @martingeddes

6h6 hours ago

#QAnon has created a citizen volunteer army of investigators, journalists, analysis and publicists fighting #FakeNews. It is distributed, has emergent behaviour, and no hierarchy. This makes it an impossible target for #DeepState attack; no command and control to aim at. #MAGA

",1533503523,05/08/2018 21:12 9137464,4024039231,

Did the birthers just move on to QAnon?

,1533505115,05/08/2018 21:38 9137536,4024072414,"

The other recent narrative seems to relate to Qanon -- I saw 3 different articles on Q, after Q shirts were spotted at a Trump rally. The media push will be that a large segment of Trump supporters are Q enthusiasts, and that Q enthusiasts are kooks... and, LOOK, you fence sitters: to you want to associate with kooks?

",1533507326,05/08/2018 22:15 9132781,4024077891,"

Qanon reminds us to think for ourselves, to do our own research and share it. We have it all before us, if we are prepared to look and think logically. Where We Go 1, We Go All.

",1533507710,05/08/2018 22:21 9137347,4024103925,"

Soooo what lies are you Cult45 sheeple fluffing tonite?

Oh, and Q...

",1533509466,05/08/2018 22:51 9135358,4024115315,

PS — How many Q!Anon shirts do you own?

,1533510222,05/08/2018 23:03 9137464,4024126705,

Where did you hear that from? Q? LOL..

,1533510999,05/08/2018 23:16 9138079,4024135660,"

----- All the Networks make up fake news ... yet shill endlessly last few days Demanding you do not listen to ... "" Q - ANON ""


",1533511627,05/08/2018 23:27 9137668,4024137223,"

Too much Q and not enough facts.

It was the Russian Govt that made it illegal for Americans to adopt Russian babies, and this was in retaliation for sanctions placed against Russia for human rights abuses.

",1533511737,05/08/2018 23:28 9124882,4024152298,"

They do not have to have a q clearance to help. Nobody keeps a q clearance after their job is done. And you simply ignore the circumstances in which these guys left office. Their service is questionable,to say the least.......they have no business keeping their status, as if they still held the position. Complete nonsense!

",1533512800,05/08/2018 23:46 9138364,4024165101,"

These THUGS and GOONS of the LIBERAL ** LIBERTAD ** Left are all alike, they hate anything that represents some good about jOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN.///////////////////////
Time for the COPS to protect both sides. //////////////////////////
If some one gets out of hand, the COPS have night sticks that can break a few skulls and give them a few very large headaches in the morning./////////////////////////////////
There is no \such thing as POLICE BRUTALITY, you step out of line, the POLICE take action.//////////////////////////////////////////
That Goes for both sides. ////////////////////////////////
Neither side is allowed to over run the other..//////////////////////
Learn to get along. //////////////////////////////

",1533513729,06/08/2018 00:02 9138079,4024169017,"

yeah, what is up with that? Is Q, et al getting too close?? lol

",1533514028,06/08/2018 00:07 9137464,4024174906,

Another brainwashed Q alum.

,1533514459,06/08/2018 00:14 9138079,4024175215,"

QAnon is an idiot. Stop making us look bad. If Mueller was an ally of Trump, he wouldn't offer Podesta partial immunity. QAnon is a liberal plant. It makes me sad that people on our side are buying his BS

",1533514482,06/08/2018 00:14 9134122,4024175775,"

JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN cares a lot more about DEMOCRACY then most of the FAKE MEDA so ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

",1533514523,06/08/2018 00:15 9138079,4024178420,"

doesn't a letter ""u"" follow Q ? proves they're stupid....

",1533514716,06/08/2018 00:18 9137536,4024190853,"

Q team and I have chatted for years.

Here, actually.

You can go tarded if you must, but it only strengthens my resolve while bolstering Q.

Qanon is a journey of Truth. Sorry you are not awake. I will pray for you.

Q isnt a slogan. If you think critically, Q team came to us. Thus, working together, we are Q.

Free men cannot, and will not be ruled.

And Patriots Fight.

Plus it helps that we have everything. Now comes the pain. Enjoy the show.


",1533515616,06/08/2018 00:33 9138364,4024202581,

Q - Anon predicted this ....... # Q Army.

,1533516495,06/08/2018 00:48 9137734,4024204490,"

He said it on national TV, Q brain.

",1533516644,06/08/2018 00:50 9138448,4024205263,"

No, not quite true. The nuttiness of things like QAnon is purely a right-wing fringe product.

",1533516699,06/08/2018 00:51 9138328,4024206907,"

""These people are stupid."" ~ Qanon

",1533516831,06/08/2018 00:53 9138364,4024207630,"

The Brown Shirts were expendable , and killed when no longer needed , ANTIFA is too stupid to see what awaits them by their masters !

# Q Army.

",1533516890,06/08/2018 00:54 9138664,4024217641,

---- We now see plain as day what they FEAR most ..... their loss of CONTROL !

Can't stop the signal. ......... Q - Army.

,1533517677,06/08/2018 01:07 9097114,4024223616,

Q Anon said a bigly drop was inbound ....... # Q Army ... WWG1WGA

,1533518144,06/08/2018 01:15 9138448,4024229797,"

Q Anon is real because Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and someone presented Trump with a sports jersey bearing the number 17 (for 2017, the year it was presented, just like the 2015 presentation to Obama had a 15), but something as simple as how and where a fire started requires ""evidence""?

",1533518639,06/08/2018 01:23 9137464,4024230382,"

Q dropped a bomb on KKK-Hitlery. It's hysterical too.

",1533518688,06/08/2018 01:24 9138448,4024245160,"

Yes it DOES, Q brain.

",1533519934,06/08/2018 01:45 9138448,4024246283,

No Q as in Qanon.

,1533520027,06/08/2018 01:47 9097114,4024249817,"

---- If you are new to the "" Q - Anon "" story , this short video will get you up to speed.

The GOOD Guys are WINNING !

",1533520332,06/08/2018 01:52 9097114,4024253282,"

Reminder , your MSM has told you all that "" Q "" is not to be believed ..... carry on.
"" Out Of Many , ONE ""

",1533520627,06/08/2018 01:57 9097114,4024255845,"

Qanons have taught us a lot, for that and so much more, I will always Love Q.

",1533520852,06/08/2018 02:00 9138328,4024263704,

Yep and it would get rid of hose idiotic Q anon people.

,1533521533,06/08/2018 02:12 9137668,4024278247,"

Browder is a political enmeny of Putin which is why putin smeared him. the senate voted 98 to 0 to protect him and never extradite.
He never gave millions to Clinton. He donated some money as he is a democrat, but that is besides the point.

THE fact you instantly assumed a patriot like browder who defended free speech and simply exposued Putin murdering a poltical enemy shows how much of a dumb h I c k you are. Seriously google the man you are smearing by buying putins made up lies about him. Their is a reason bowder got every western democracy to sancation Putin, all the corruption browder exposed. Browder was able to prove a major political rival of putins died at an infamous Russian jail under tourtouring conditions. It's why the majisnky act exits. You would have to convince the voting body of litteraly every democracy to change thier view on browder to adopt the Russian, and now trump h I ck, nonsense you are spewing before anyone with half a brain would ever believe a word Putin makes up about browder. all lies every word. He has litteraly put more sanctions on Russia with his story than any man ever, if you are gullible enough to think a KGB thug like Putin would not try to smear a political rival I feel sad for you.

I bet you would have sold out Davy crocket to santa Anna as long as santa Anna and your hero trump stood on stage and smiled together. pathetic.

Seriously google the mans name before you post any iq 70 drivel. Go read some fairytale qanon posts about trump saving the world, leave the rest of us to tend to reality.

",1533522712,06/08/2018 02:31 9097114,4024286829,"

------ Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming.

Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.

",1533523460,06/08/2018 02:44 9097114,4024289713,"

It just happened to be a day that Trump held a pep rally and many people were on tape wearing Q 'gear'.
But that probably doesn't have anything to do with it, right?

",1533523701,06/08/2018 02:48 9097114,4024307556,"

Yes, but it's lengthy and sort of insane. Bounces all over the place.

Cliff's notes is basically that 666 5th Avenue is part of some network of buildings, and it is ground zero for many evil things that have happened. Crazy bunch of spy games going on to disrupt the mavens of midtown, including Trump Tower and the demolition of the building he bought to build Trump Tower.

Really outlandish, but interesting. Coke-Pepsi aside is interesting too.

",1533525256,06/08/2018 03:14 9097114,4024309495,


,1533525421,06/08/2018 03:17 9097114,4024313523,


,1533525762,06/08/2018 03:22 9097114,4024313749,

Because Q lacks the credibility for even Drudge.

,1533525780,06/08/2018 03:23 9097114,4024314584,"

Because, due to his myriad failed predictions, Q lacks the credibility even for Drudge.

",1533525851,06/08/2018 03:24 9097114,4024315139,"

I hate to be a stickler, but Q Anon never said JFK Jr. was still alive.

",1533525897,06/08/2018 03:24 9097114,4024316427,

Because there is no Q.

,1533526006,06/08/2018 03:26 9097114,4024317168,

Somebody's posting as Q.

,1533526065,06/08/2018 03:27 9097114,4024318179,

There has been a Q liberal troll around for years.

,1533526147,06/08/2018 03:29 9097114,4024323676,

I heard that Q was JFK Jr or Elvis

,1533526604,06/08/2018 03:36 9097114,4024324168,

MAX has more credibility than Q..

,1533526644,06/08/2018 03:37 9097114,4024325152,

I'm glad to say i never fell for Q..

,1533526723,06/08/2018 03:38 9097114,4024327012,

Recon more moonbatLeftys fell for Q than did conservatives? Pondering out loud.

,1533526882,06/08/2018 03:41 9097114,4024328514,


,1533527006,06/08/2018 03:43 9137668,4024335562,

Qanon said so!

,1533527572,06/08/2018 03:52 9137536,4024345415,"

Q proved this by showing how the media are all attacking ""Q and Qanons"". Proof that someone is controlling all the major media organizations to unify the message. WWG1WGA

",1533528379,06/08/2018 04:06 9138079,4024367793,"

Pessimistic? No, a more accurate description would be I feel highly burdened. I was cursed with an incredibly high IQ and I have been entrusted by Q of Q-Anon to devise a plan to thwart the efforts of a series of dark factions attempting to cause massive chaos & carnage here in of the United States. While ""Deep State"" elements are involved, these attacks are part of a much larger web and include globalists, pedophiles, Commies & people with Amazon Prime accounts. In other words, the worst of the worst.

While I cannot reveal all these dark plots, as they are top secret. I am certain you can understand the enormous sense of responsibility I feel and the stress related to such a heavy burden. I am certain you are familiar with the, not so secret Muslim, Richard Simmons & attempt to overthrow the US government and enslave us in Sharia law. What you may not know though, is that this plot gets MUCH worse. My VERY reliable intel sources, specifically Alex Jones (Please keep that quiet), has informed my under this perverted version of Sharia law, U.S. citizens will be required to engage in gay sex, no less than 4 times a week and bestiality, no less than once a month. I am also particularly concerned with the well known plot being orchestrated by the creators of ""Rug Rats"" and it's affiliates, who are plotting to make Spanish the official language of the United States and are proposing to cut the tongues out of anyone uttering a word of English.

While being taxed to thwart the above, in the big scheme of things, the above is trivial. What I find so disheartening is the Commie liberals not only have no appreciation for my brave efforts, but jeopardize and and attempt to derail my investigations at every opportunity. Had it not been for those meddling America hating Commies, I would have brought down the Pizzagate pedophile ring, Obama would be rotting in a Kenyan prison cell for all his crimes and wire tapping of our dear leader and DJT would no longer be our president, but our king and sole source of NON fake news. Libs are such unappreciative, snowflakes.

OK, now I get the allure of creating insane conspiracy theories. Imagine the fun you could have garnering a huge following of right wing kooks only later to reveal to them you are a Food stamp receiving, transvestite Muslim, living with your black boyfriend in Section 8, subsidized housing. If that didn't cure them of believing every last conspiracy theory that reinforced the chosen alternative reality narrative, nothing would. Crazy long post, just couldn't stop typing.

",1533530258,06/08/2018 04:37 9138079,4024374515,"

Pessimistic? No, a more accurate description would be I feel highly burdened. I was cursed with an incredibly high IQ and I have been entrusted by Q to devise a plan to thwart the efforts of a series of dark factions attempting to cause massive chaos & carnage here in of the United States. While ""Deep State"" elements are involved, these attacks are part of a much larger web and include globalists, pedophiles and Commies & people with Amazon Prime accounts.

While I cannot reveal all these dark plots, as they are top secret. I am certain you can understand the enormous sense of responsibility I feel and the stress related to such a heavy burden. I am certain you are familiar with the, NOT so secret Muslim, Exercise Guru Richard Simmons & his attempts to overthrow the US government and enslave us in Sharia law. What you may not know though, is that his plot gets MUCH darker. My VERY reliable intel source, specifically Alex Jones (Please keep that quiet), has informed me under this perverted version of Sharia law, U.S. citizens will be required to engage in gay sex, no less than 4 times a week and bestiality, no less than once a month. I am also particularly concerned with the well known plot being orchestrated by the creators of ""Rug Rats"" and it's affiliates, who are plotting to make Spanish the official language of the United States and are proposing to cut the tongues out of anyone uttering a word of English.

While being taxed to thwart the above, in the big scheme of things, the above is trivial. What I find so disheartening is the Commie liberals not only have no appreciation for my brave efforts, but jeopardize and and attempt to derail my investigations at every opportunity. Had it not been for those meddling America hating Commies, I would have brought down the Pizzagate pedophile ring, Obama would be rotting in a Kenyan prison cell for all his crimes and wire tapping of our dear leader and my dear leader would no longer be our president, but our king for life and sole source of NON fake news. Libs are such unappreciative, snowflakes.

OK, now I get the allure of creating insane conspiracy theories. Imagine the fun you could have garnering a huge following of right wing kooks only later to reveal to them you are a Food stamp receiving, transvestite Muslim, living with your black boyfriend in Section 8, subsidized housing. If that didn't cure them of believing every last conspiracy theory that reinforced their chosen alternative reality narrative, nothing would. Crazy long post, just couldn't stop typing.

",1533530797,06/08/2018 04:46 9097114,4024384215,

Really? How many times has he been contradicted by his own people in his cabinet (the people trying to run this country despite Trump) and in his family or vice versa? Was Pompeo the latest to contradict him or was it multiple director’s of our nation’s national security apparatus? Or was it his wife?

Trump can’t admit the truth about Russian motives or the meddling they have been up to. WHY ISNT HE DOING MORE TO PROTECT UPCOMING ELECTIONS? Absolutely no voter fraud found by his commission to expose massive voter fraud that was supposed to explain why he lost the popular vote so bad.

And some very confused people worship Trump. Some Trump worshippers are “emperors” who have been sold “clothes” that are so “right” that people who aren’t “woke” can’t see them. Red Alert - Trump is a fraud. Qanon is an Easter bunny/imaginary friend for adults who deliberately choose ignorance and obfuscation rather than accept the truth about who they are and who and what they really support. Maybe if you look hard enough you’ll find the Easter egg that has Hillary’s hard drives? Or the one that proves that someone in the Justice Department actual broke a law while trying to defend our country? Meanwhile our president happily massages Putin’s family jewels in one hand while he sells American global leadership up the river. Congratulations to the people who think this is something good. Were at the tipping point and America wont make it back from this one. We lost because you morons thought it would be cool to elect a deeply flawed real estate development mogul/reality tv personality. Truly unbelievable.

,1533531544,06/08/2018 04:59 9137395,4024410468,

Blunt blunted Chuckie ‘s attempt to play the race card. And Chuckie later on spoke about the conspiracy group of Q anon. “The number 17 is their code word....”

,1533533546,06/08/2018 05:32 9137668,4024453848,

Great Britain is a hostile nation???

You Trump people have gone full QAnon

,1533536800,06/08/2018 06:26 9137668,4024498066,

He was a SPY! No Q here. You just don't have your facts straight. Try listening to something other than corrupt CNN or MSNBC. They lie.

,1533539912,06/08/2018 07:18 9097114,4024558153,"


we finally got rid of the crazy Conservative Treehouse cult only to find

they have now shapeshifted into the crazy Q cult.

Please take your crazy back to the progs with their crazy Russiagate.

",1533543913,06/08/2018 08:25 9097114,4024566887,

Did she hurt your feelings? You can believe in Q if you want. Just don't expect the rest of us to go along with it.

,1533544472,06/08/2018 08:34 9097114,4024567473,

Oh did I offend you? Don't let me stop you believing in Q. Helps the Dems

,1533544509,06/08/2018 08:35 9097114,4024568822,"

Oh is there another one now. Can't keep up with you people. So the earth is flat, we didn't land on the moon, Q and Z exist, 9/11 was an inside job. Did I miss any?

",1533544598,06/08/2018 08:36 9097114,4024573319,"

Well as long as they are not running things and they vote for Trump, that's OK. Trump is doing a good job.

Just hope and pray Q doesn't put forth a candidate.

",1533544889,06/08/2018 08:41 9097114,4024575141,"

There is evidence those intelligence officials are the conspirators. Russiagaters are tin foilers, crazy as the birthers and the Q crowd. Face it, we've got a lot of crazy in the country.

",1533545001,06/08/2018 08:43 9137464,4024607231,"

I want to thank you for bringing up Qanon. The hundreds of people who have seen your comment will now be wondering ""Who is Q?"" and doing some research.
Spread the word!

",1533546842,06/08/2018 09:14 9138430,4024693140,"

It is like Q said, only the burn out has been planned for 5 years. Q said Jerry needed the funds since he was cut off funding for his Sanctuary City posture..He has to burn out the state and Oregon and Washington too.. Or at least make them conform to the UN demands... Although these fires can be proven to be DEW generated no one in the MSM will report on it nor do they report on 20 years of Geo Engineering that dumps what ever chemical is needed for the populations below. Put a clean white bucket to catch water next time out side. Then let it set for a while and see what chemicals appear in the water and on the inside of the bucket I get about a 1/16th of an inch coating of pink chemical. It comes off and I will dry it and try to see if it burns..Because what they spray goes into the plants and some of it is highly flammable. Hence the new normal of fires.

",1533551164,06/08/2018 10:26 9134647,4024714799,"

Let this sink in, all anti Q personalities on the right are in agreement with CNN



Cassandra Fairbanks✔@CassandraRules

It’s either a larp or some kind of black op. Either way... it’s shady as s hit.

Jack Posobiec ✔@JackPosobiec

Raise your hand if you agree Q is a larp

12:41 PM - Aug 4, 2018


266 people are talking about this

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Well America as you have noticed the 4am talking points to trash Q was started by the MSM just a couple of days ago, and it looks like many personalities on the Right have been given the memo as well.The question should really be why so many alternative news personalities are pushing the exact same talking points as the Liberal MSM in labeling Q as a larp or calling Q bulls hit as you can see in the following? Also if you follow Q as myself you would know everything Q leads us to is legit research, so really in the first place what the hell is wrong with the drops Q gives us which can lead to research followed by discovery? One thing is starting to show either some individuals on the right are co-opted by MSM by pushing the anti Q talking point at the same time as the MSM on cue, and it really just looks like some who we have trusted on the right are in agreement with CNN and the rest of the fake news MSM.

",1533552128,06/08/2018 10:42 9134647,4024720158,"

I spent some time looking into “Q” and left thinking 99% chance it’s BS.. but in the end I have no idea and the entire Q thing is at least making people think and research so it’s good to that end, at a minimum.

",1533552365,06/08/2018 10:46 9134647,4024721189,"

Q trolls Hillary after taking LeBron's side, showing Hillary in warm embrace of KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd



What an epic trolling by Q today, as Q has posted Hilary's tweet on LeBron James after Trump poked at LeBron this weekend by then showing Hillary Clinton in a warm embrace with KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd. It's funny how when individuals like Hillary Clinton can even claim they support black America, when individuals like Hillary Clinton love KKK Grand Wizards like Robert Byrd...And even created things like the Jim Crow laws and barely voted in support of civil rights laws. It's very sad though that Black America in the majority have yet to realize just how historically racist the Democrat party truly is, and remember the Democrat party did create the KKK. This is an epic troll by Q today showing Hillary in the embrace of Robert Byrd, because now everyone is going to see Hillary loves the KKK...And the Left claiming they care about black Americans is one complete lie.

",1533552410,06/08/2018 10:46 9139753,4024747930,"

You are literally attempting to deflect from the fact that people know what this movie is about without needing to see it... by saying I am deflecting.

""D'Souza fails, as ever, to make an argument that would resonate outside the QAnon echo chamber.""

""No one expects, of course, that D'Souza would make a thoughtful, balanced or historically accurate documentary. But is it unreasonable to hope that he make one that doesn't bore the pants off us?""

""D'Souza quotes Hitler (played by Pavel Kríz) in one scene as saying, ""if you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."" It's a concept D'Souza has taken to heart.""

""If ever there was a movie that looked as if it had been slapped together in a couple of weeks as part of a quid pro quo agreement involving a dubious-seeming criminal pardon, Death of a Nation is that film.""

""D'Souza fans and Trump apologists will flock to this, misguided moths to a misleading flame. In that way, it's a perfect representation of the current climate. In every other way, it's a mess.""

""Often unfocused with too many generalizations, oversimplifications, and a very weak central thesis comparing Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln. It might change the way you look at fascism, but it won't change the way you look at Trump.""

Plenty of people saw it, and are saying exactly the same thing. Deal with it.

",1533553549,06/08/2018 11:05 9138079,4024751007,"

Go get your Q on, dip shtt.

",1533553681,06/08/2018 11:08 9139906,4024783524,"

No doubt the big dirtbag media is censoring, very little gets through on things I post. Repubs should have controlled/owned their own social companies, it is all in the hands of commies now. Spread the Q.

",1533554973,06/08/2018 11:29 9139906,4024791474,

Q is receiving alot of attention for being some 8chan conspiracy.

Alot of the data Q is trafficking is purposely avoided and not reported or given any attention.

I believe apart of the reason this is under so much attack is because it
really constitutes a novel form of citizen journalism. ACTUAL journalism
- where citizens can dig up information on their own and verify it
themselves. No talking head required to install a viewpoint. Theres the
data - and your interpretation. That is all and that is how it should be
in a free society.

US Propaganda networks which are now 90+% biased - are specifically paid for keeping this kind of information out of the public domain.

This lurch towards censorship of anything that is NOT essentially a Narrative engineer represents desperation in the face of these new developments in US media.

These people want control over all information - and this censorship PROVES it.

,1533555283,06/08/2018 11:34 9139906,4024803698,

Ha. As if Diane. We feel lots of things about the rallies - pity and embarrassment mostly. It is scary to see so much anti-american stupidity on display though. Just ask Q.

,1533555760,06/08/2018 11:42 9131761,4024806449,"

The 4th Reich? Q says she's related to Hitler. I don't necessarily believe the theory that she's the daughter of Gretl Braun and Hitler via frozen semen. This is allegedly contained in the Stasi Files.

However, the descendants of Hitler's illegitimate sister, Theresia Penz (Ramer) b. 1869 are private/unknown on most genealogy sites. Even though she was known to have at least 6 children with Johan Ramer. Leaves open the possibility that Merkel (maiden name Kasner [Germanized from Kazmierczak]) could be Hitler's great niece.

",1533555863,06/08/2018 11:44 9137464,4024823276,"

I found QAnon about 4 or 5 months ago. I also discovered that what my heart told me, was right. Q confirmed that for me.

",1533556502,06/08/2018 11:55 9139906,4024826906,"

Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube ).

That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 """"

------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !
Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming...Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.

",1533556636,06/08/2018 11:57 9139906,4024835352,"

'Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube ).
That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 """"------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !

Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming...Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.

",1533556953,06/08/2018 12:02 9136960,4024837595,

I think Kappy is doing his own version of Q.

I don't trust the cops and judges in both CA and NY.

,1533557035,06/08/2018 12:03 9139906,4024840433,"

>>> Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube )....That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 """"------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !

Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming...Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.


",1533557142,06/08/2018 12:05 9139906,4024850446,"

.Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube ).....That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 """"------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !

Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming...Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.


",1533557520,06/08/2018 12:12 9137554,4024852632,

All the msm-weenies are flipping out. Q posts expose their fraud and deep state agenda.

,1533557599,06/08/2018 12:13 9139906,4024867673,

The left considers Q anon as a joke if they know what Q anon is. and I agree with them.

,1533558151,06/08/2018 12:22 9139906,4024870556,"

That's good, because then they'll be blindsided when the Q-Anon info-army strikes.

",1533558254,06/08/2018 12:24 9139906,4024873627,"

.Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube ).....That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 """"------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !.....

Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming.......Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.....


",1533558363,06/08/2018 12:26 9139906,4024877626,"

actually spreading lies about mass shooting survivors leading to numerous death threats from his viewers, relocation of the families, and daily harassment is not protected speech. The fact that he is on the losing end of numerous slander cases and could not even defend his company as anything other than ""an entertainment"" company in the civil custody case of his children (when he was pressed under oath if he could actually substantiate any of his ""reporting"" knowing he could not he actually admitted that he was just an ""entertainer"") really does not bode well for his reporting. Him claiming the parents of dead children from mass shootings are paid actors has caused them financial and personal harm.

I guess you would be totally fine with me starting a twitter page devoted to how your mother steals newborn babies from hospitals and then sells them for organs on the black market? Then when your mother has to move multiple times because of the death threats she receives and I get tied up in half a dozen slander lawsuits when I am finally forced to take my lies down I expect you to be front and center defending my right to spread lies about your mother as free speech.

I am sorry if you want to hear about false flag tin foil hat ideas or how NASA and the democrats are kidnapping babies to be slaves on a mars station that does not even exits I suggest trying to tune into those broadcast with good ole tin foil hat and some TV antennas glued to your forehead. Will probably get some great Qanon scopes with that setup as well.

",1533558508,06/08/2018 12:28 9139906,4024880264,

What is big about Qanon?

,1533558602,06/08/2018 12:30 9139906,4024884248,

ALL MSM started saying ...... DO NOT LISTEN TO Q - Anon ... on the same day

,1533558745,06/08/2018 12:32 9139315,4024885196,

The SUSPENSE is killing the NWO.............they wonder where and when the guillotine will fall on them. Think of it as water boarding........with Q as the director.

World wide human trafficking and child sacrifice.............doesn't make for GOOD OPTICS.

,1533558779,06/08/2018 12:32 9139906,4024886721,"

..Jones has been called out for 20 years as a paid DISINFO shill ... starting with William Cooper .. ( find on you-tube ).....That said , this is an "" excuse '' to advance the new age policy of -- '' DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 ""

------ The GOAL will be to shut Q -- ANON down !.....Q - ANON goes Mainstream ..Q Banners & Shirts showing up everywhere.. MSM panics and runs "" It's a Conspiracy Theory "" ... narrative on 30 plus outlets , all starting on the SAME DAY -- The GREAT Awakening is Growing like an Avalanche , Indictments are coming....

...Study the Proofs --- Decide yourself.....# Q ARMY

",1533558834,06/08/2018 12:33 9139906,4024896314,"

------ Jones is a "" Cutout Patsy "" .... notice the other ' talkers ' who allowed to continue ...... Levin , Savage , Cheeto-Beck , Hewitt ....

# Q Army ....... they can't stop the signal !

",1533559167,06/08/2018 12:39 9139906,4024905151,"

----- It's not new ... now its just DIGITAL. ...... # Q Army on Twitter.

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. "" ----- U.S. Rep. Oscar Calloway.

",1533559473,06/08/2018 12:44 9139906,4024948270,"

I think if you want to look at the real roots of real conservatism you look at William F. Buckley and early Pat Buchannon, who both got their start with decades of broadcasting on Public Broadcasting in the US.

Their conservatism was grounding in real research which supported their view and they were more than willing to discuss their perspectives with anyone in a sane respectful manner.

Closest to them was the original Andrew Breitbart, not this vessel of opportunity for Steve Bannon.

Breitbart needs to find its real roots and become a real force in American life.

Alex Jones, Milo, Richard Spencer, Qanon are not it.

",1533560989,06/08/2018 13:09 9140602,4024956254,"

A new tack on an OLD ploy .... Total Information Control...... # Q - Army on Twitter.

""In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. ""

U.S. Rep. Oscar Calloway - 1917.

",1533561270,06/08/2018 13:14 9138079,4024961474,"

Q...... Trump followers love qanon, and are whining about fake news....Gotta love it.

",1533561448,06/08/2018 13:17 9139906,4024966448,

Infowars and QAnon just proves conservatives shouldn’t be allowed in the internet.

,1533561616,06/08/2018 13:20 9139906,4024978897,

If you put your ear against the third rail you can hear Q speaking.

,1533562038,06/08/2018 13:27 9139906,4024980166,

Do you people really thing InfoWars is a legitimate news org? Really? Is QAnon real?

,1533562081,06/08/2018 13:28 9139906,4024981294,"

----- Comment about Q ... vs... MSM .... over on The Great Awakening - Reddit.

"""" What is more insane, trusting Q or the media?.....
Q has never called me a racist for wanting voters to be validated with an ID....
Q has never implied that I am an uneducated hillbilly just because I’m from Tennessee and believe in God......
Q never uses the actions of criminals to attempt to reduce my Constitutional rights....
Q doesn’t try to force my 6 year old daughter to use the same bathroom as a cross-dressing, mentally ill man.....
Q doesn’t pretend to be neutral while coordinating stories with the Clinton campaign behind my back (thank you Julian)......
Q doesn’t think I’m a bad person simply because I was born with a penis.....

Yes, At this point it is far more insane to trust the mainstream media in the United States than it is to trust an anonymous chan poster who claims to have the highest security clearance in our military intelligence apparatus. It’s ridiculous but it’s true. ""

",1533562118,06/08/2018 13:28 9139906,4024984615,

I guess QAnon and it’s “crazy” conspiracies are not far off........

,1533562234,06/08/2018 13:30 9139906,4024995073,"

'Comment about Q ... vs... MSM .... over on The Great Awakening - Reddit.

"""" What is more insane, trusting Q or the media?.....

Q has never called me a racist for wanting voters to be validated with an ID....
Q has never implied that I am an uneducated hillbilly just because I’m from Tennessee and believe in God......
Q never uses the actions of criminals to attempt to reduce my Constitutional rights....
Q doesn’t try to force my 6 year old daughter to use the same bathroom as a cross-dressing, mentally ill man.....
Q doesn’t pretend to be neutral while coordinating stories with the Clinton campaign behind my back (thank you Julian)......
Q doesn’t think I’m a bad person simply because I was born with a penis.....

Yes, At this point it is far more insane to trust the mainstream media in the United States than it is to trust an anonymous chan poster who claims to have the highest security clearance in our military intelligence apparatus. It’s ridiculous but it’s true. ""

They Cant STOP the Signal !!

",1533562592,06/08/2018 13:36 9139906,4025013855,


,1533563220,06/08/2018 13:47 9139906,4025015081,"

'Comment about Q ... vs... MSM .... over on The Great Awakening - Reddit.""""

What is more insane, trusting Q or the media?.....

Q has never called me a racist for wanting voters to be validated with an ID....
Q has never implied that I am an uneducated hillbilly just because I’m from Tennessee and believe in God......
Q never uses the actions of criminals to attempt to reduce my Constitutional rights....
Q doesn’t try to force my 6 year old daughter to use the same bathroom as a cross-dressing, mentally ill man.....
Q doesn’t pretend to be neutral while coordinating stories with the Clinton campaign behind my back (thank you Julian)......
Q doesn’t think I’m a bad person simply because I was born with a penis.....

Yes, At this point it is far more insane to trust the mainstream media in the United States than it is to trust an anonymous chan poster who claims to have the highest security clearance in our military intelligence apparatus. It’s ridiculous but it’s true. ""

",1533563260,06/08/2018 13:47 9139906,4025032041,

And the nutjobs find a new place to go... BB and QAnon... It's all real!!!!! Hey buy your Tin Foil MAGA Hats!!!

,1533563836,06/08/2018 13:57 9139906,4025036817,

Hey BB? When is Alex and QAnon going to have columns here? You have enough nutjob right wing white racists!

,1533563996,06/08/2018 13:59 9139906,4025045553,"

----- Comment about Q ... vs... MSM .... over on The Great Awakening - Reddit.

"""" What is more insane, trusting Q or the media?.....
Q has never called me a racist for wanting voters to be validated with an ID....
Q has never implied that I am an uneducated hillbilly just because I’m from Tennessee and believe in God......
Q never uses the actions of criminals to attempt to reduce my Constitutional rights....
Q doesn’t try to force my 6 year old daughter to use the same bathroom as a cross-dressing, mentally ill man.....
Q doesn’t pretend to be neutral while coordinating stories with the Clinton campaign behind my back (thank you Julian)......
Q doesn’t think I’m a bad person simply because I was born with a penis.....

Yes, At this point it is far more insane to trust the mainstream media in the United States than it is to trust an anonymous chan poster who claims to have the highest security clearance in our military intelligence apparatus. It’s ridiculous but it’s true. ""

",1533564289,06/08/2018 14:04 9139906,4025052211,

DIGITAL FAHRENHEIT 451 ...... original story by Ray Bradbury

- ( new movie remake sucks )

# Q - Army on Twitter....... They want us Divided !

,1533564508,06/08/2018 14:08 9139906,4025101538,

Hummm... QAnon seems to be a leftist prank. No suprise there.

,1533566122,06/08/2018 14:35 9139906,4025103894,

LOL... OH no... who will disseminate our fake news anymore... QAnon must be behind this... ROTFLMAO!!!

,1533566199,06/08/2018 14:36 9139753,4025110745,

Qanon has the Truth. It was really 17th. LMFAO!!!

,1533566428,06/08/2018 14:40 9139906,4025122753,

I love my clone! Of course he would show up on an Alex Jones thread. My clone is definitely a Q.

,1533566820,06/08/2018 14:47 9141244,4025122869,

---- If Jones is a DISINFO agent as many have said for years ... he will be used as a Cut-Out PATSY as ' precedent ' to silence anyone for ANY reason.

Like ... Q - Anon .... just as a random example ----- # Q Army on Twitter.

,1533566824,06/08/2018 14:47 9139906,4025124205,"

Think the troll who created QAnon is actually a Star Trek fan and created ""Q"" because Trekkies would recognize him as the omnipotent intergalatic creature from the series. I think we all know the answer is yes.

",1533566865,06/08/2018 14:47 9141244,4025125701,"

Whining about ""fake news"" would be more convincing if it wasn't followed up with the acceptance of nutty conspiracy whack jobs like QAnon and Infowars/Alex Jones.


",1533566915,06/08/2018 14:48 9139906,4025126994,"

Or Q, the winged serpent movie.

",1533566958,06/08/2018 14:49 9140584,4025130819,"

This twit spoke in a proper English accent at first to enable himself to get on. If you see some of this cretins early stuff, you would never believe that he was a Scot, he spoke with a real English accent so that he could get on. Then of course, once he 'made it', he suddenly lost his English accent and began talking Scottish. The accent then became more and more Scottish (laying it on), and he made a right twit of himself when he was on a show called Q.I. He was getting his 'Couldny' and 'Canny' and 'Wouldny' and 'Shouldny' all mixed up, he was really trying to lay on the Scottish accent with a trowel, and he made a right jack ass of himself doing it. So although he just loves to try to impress folk by trying to speak in a strong Scots brogue, you can be assured that it is layed on with a trowel (or should that be shovel), because he can speak totally different, and did so for many a while until he 'made it' and thought that he was now famous and fabulous. What a first class twerp this loony lefty is.

",1533567080,06/08/2018 14:51 9139906,4025133186,"

Here's hoping Reddit is next. It's founder has married Serena Williams so, she may eventually force him to shut down the Q crap and the Alex Jones crap there too. Here's hoping.

",1533567153,06/08/2018 14:52 9139906,4025137701,

Alex Jones and Q are just novelists who can't write a good book. So they use the internet and pretend their novels are Truth. A brilliant business model for failed creatives.

,1533567296,06/08/2018 14:54 9141244,4025142620,"

----- WHY NOW ..? --- Because Q - ANON has been declared a threat ..... MSM says you must not listen to "" Q ""


",1533567452,06/08/2018 14:57 9141244,4025144939,

Tell me more about QAnon...

,1533567525,06/08/2018 14:58 9141244,4025146632,

MSM says you must NOT listen to .... Q - ANON !

# Q Army on Twitter ..... get up to speed.

,1533567583,06/08/2018 14:59 9139906,4025148712,

QAnon is next!!!! Good Riddance! Pepe sucks Don's tiny dick!!

,1533567651,06/08/2018 15:00 9139906,4025149555,

Want to see heads explode? What if QAnon is revealed as a Russian construct?

Let me guess - fake news.

,1533567678,06/08/2018 15:01 9141244,4025150196,"

Let this sink in, all anti Q personalities on the right are in agreement with CNN



Cassandra Fairbanks✔@CassandraRules

It’s either a larp or some kind of black op. Either way... it’s shady as s hit.

Jack Posobiec ✔@JackPosobiec

Raise your hand if you agree Q is a larp

12:41 PM - Aug 4, 2018


266 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Well America as you have noticed the
4am talking points to trash Q was started by the MSM just a couple of
days ago, and it looks like many personalities on the Right have been
given the memo as well.The question should really be why so many
alternative news personalities are pushing the exact same talking points
as the Liberal MSM in labeling Q as a larp or calling Q bulls hit as
you can see in the following? Also if you follow Q as myself you would
know everything Q leads us to is legit research, so really in the first
place what the hell is wrong with the drops Q gives us which can lead to
research followed by discovery? One thing is starting to show either
some individuals on the right are co-opted by MSM by pushing the anti Q
talking point at the same time as the MSM on cue, and it really just
looks like some who we have trusted on the right are in agreement with
CNN and the rest of the fake news MSM.

",1533567699,06/08/2018 15:01 9141244,4025151367,

.MSM says you must NOT listen to .... Q - ANON !

# Q Army on Twitter ..... get up to speed. //// they want us DIVIDED.

,1533567739,06/08/2018 15:02 9139906,4025152698,"

Too convenient. Real world does not operate in this manner.

Qanon represents an information delivery format which bypasses traditional media.

This format could be used by other actors , rather than Q , down the line.

Citizen journalism should be encouraged as the modern media in the US are Narrative engineers who get paid to prevent the general public from ever learning information their employers would prefer to stay hidden.

",1533567784,06/08/2018 15:03 9139906,4025154253,"

I saw someone saying that Q Anon is a trolling by that Sasha Cohen guy for his show ""Who Is America"".

Last episode he got Joe Arpio (or someone like that) to say that they would perform felatio on Trump if asked.

This whole Q thing might just be Sasha trolling the base for his season finale.

It does have that feel.

",1533567836,06/08/2018 15:03 9141244,4025156974,"

Q-anon AGAIN is not AJ, he is evil

",1533567922,06/08/2018 15:05 9141244,4025160502,"

---- WHY is Jones targeted now ? ........ as excuse to go after REAL threats.......

Like Q - Anon ..... MSM all started saying -- "" Q is conspiracy theory , ignore him "" ...all on the same day , what does that tell us ?

Q - Great Awakening = Reddit ...... read & learn.

",1533568036,06/08/2018 15:07 9141244,4025161161,"

notice you missed the reporting this morning that the Q conspiracy is based on an Italian fiction book written in the 90s. turns out most of the posts are verbatim to that book, and therefore are not actually some secret member of the deep state..

",1533568058,06/08/2018 15:07 9141244,4025165572,"

Jones is "" Their Guy "" .... a Disinfo. cut-out ...... expendable !

# Q Army ...... get up to speed.

",1533568204,06/08/2018 15:10 9141244,4025167318,"

I stopped listening to AJ after the Q dustup, but I 100% support his right to free speech.

",1533568263,06/08/2018 15:11 9141244,4025169193,"

Q hasn't been declared a ""threat"" by anyone. Q has been identified as a fringe crackpot, as are his/her followers.

",1533568325,06/08/2018 15:12 9141244,4025171547,

QAnon disciple?

,1533568400,06/08/2018 15:13 9141244,4025176444,

and now QAnon

,1533568557,06/08/2018 15:15 9141244,4025205331,

Many true Americans are going to the hardware store and buying a Q and placing that Q somewhere on their car! United. I think I'm going to do this!

,1533569483,06/08/2018 15:31 9141244,4025206616,

# Q Army

,1533569527,06/08/2018 15:32 9097114,4025232414,"

After OBUOOOOOMA - the magnificent FARCE - borrowed from the CHI - COMS, all that money that went to the UNIONS, instead of going to produce jobs, now, we JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZENS are stuck with paying the bill. //////////////////////////////////
NEED I SAY ANY MORE. ///////////////////////////////

",1533570350,06/08/2018 15:45 9141244,4025240961,

Qanon is not a threat. It's just a satire conspiracy thing.

,1533570621,06/08/2018 15:50 9141244,4025257135,"

If you're a believer in Q, then you must understand two things:

1) Q claims there's an effort to clean up the ""deep state"" and that it is making progress, but government can only clean up corruption from within

2) Government cannot touch those who BB calls the ""Masters of the Universe"". They control the information. They can and will keep banning. Only the people can stop that.

",1533571122,06/08/2018 15:58 9141244,4025257903,

and let's not get started on QAnon...

,1533571147,06/08/2018 15:59 9138079,4025270197,

Using Q as a source and you call someone else dumb? That is something special.

,1533571543,06/08/2018 16:05 9141244,4025276011,"

""Stupid conspiracy theory""?

Yes, Q alleges a conspiracy among the highest levels of government to elect Hillary Clinton and to destroy Trump. That's hardly been ""news"". It's been alleged since the FBI covered for Hillary, did a piss poor investigation, let her destroy evidence in her own case, gave her lawyers all immunity, and the like. The information regarding that conspiracy has been played on every major news network in the world for the last year and a half. Evidence is public and has been presented under oath before Congress who is actively investigating it.

I'm not saying everything Q says is real. But the evidence clearly shows there was a conspiracy. Hillary bought a BS report from a political ally (Christopher Steele) using her lawyers as intermediaries. She farmed that report to the FBI. That report was used as evidence in a secret FISA court to get warrants allowing the Obama administration to spy on Trump's inner circle as early as 2015. Susan Rice signed the authorization for the FISA warrants for the electronic surveillance (""wiretaps""). The FBI then conducted a sham investigation where it's highest ranking investigators professed to use that investigation as an ""insurance policy"" in case Hillary didn't win. Comey leaked routinely to the press to feed stories protecting Hillary and damaging to Trump during the election. All of this is public record. If you think Susan Rice wasn't reporting directly to Obama and that he wasn't ""all hands on deck"" to ensure Hillary's victory, you're blind.

",1533571734,06/08/2018 16:08 9141244,4025290513,

The attacks will intensify. We'll have a total internet blackout soon. #Qanon is spreading and the controlled media is failing to contain it. Trust the plan.

,1533572200,06/08/2018 16:16 9141244,4025295038,

like QAnon?

,1533572349,06/08/2018 16:19 9141244,4025302208,

Did you believe him when he said he personally knows Qanon? Had Corsi on his show to confirm it?

,1533572578,06/08/2018 16:22 9141244,4025303506,

I believed him when he told his audience he didn't know who Q anon was. That I heard I have not heard him say what you claim

,1533572620,06/08/2018 16:23 9138079,4025310665,

QAnon is Trump's ANTIFA... Nutjobs flocking to the King of Howard Stern's Whack Pack... Kookie Conspiracy Trump The Birther... Pfft

,1533572856,06/08/2018 16:27 9141244,4025312165,

Qanon tell you that? Any word on the secret indictments?

,1533572906,06/08/2018 16:28 9141244,4025316528,

LOL. The truth is gonna be a difficult experience for you. Maybe this will help you with the red pill.

https:// www.neonrevolt. com/2018/07/11/who-is-qanon-an-introduction-to-the-qanon-phenomenon-qanon-greatawakening//

,1533573052,06/08/2018 16:30 9141244,4025323670,"

Trump has done a lousy job on the propaganda front, which, IMNSHO, is an unofficial part of his job; and certainly a concomitant of his unparalleled ability to garner headlines, as a US President. I know his uncritical fanboys and girls get all excited whenever he tweets anything Trump-like, but the fact is that Trump is light on addresses to the nation, or even high profile mostly listening events, where Trump wouldn't even have to directly convey information. He could just listen and ask questions of domain experts, in front of any and all media cameras that wanted to capture the event. Trump's tweets aren't all that different from his rallies, which is partly why he's not growing his base hardly at all. His 7th quarter approval ratings are tied with cellar dwellars Clinton and Carter (

Trump could start rectifying this situation by giving an address to the nation about censorship/suppression of conservatives, and then start doing a weekly video'd Q & A of domain experts (with Trump the primary Q'er). His first topic could also be internet censorship, and his first guest guru could be Alex Jones, who now is a first-class leader in suffering the effects of said censorship.

Doing so would be a very low cost (in terms of time and effort) way of addressing the problem, but neither Trump nor his team seem the least bit capable of thinking outside the box. Their lack of creativity will be 'rewarded' by allowing the whining censor-brats of the main stream media to consolidate their stranglehold on the allowed public discourse.

If the Republicans lose control of Congress, in no small measure due to the Administration's ineptness in waging a propaganda war, they should blame the Administration, first and foremost.

You can't win a battle that you meekly and ineptly 'fight'. Trump's tweets were a big part of his success as a candidate, but that positive past is blinding him and his team to their present inadequacy.

",1533573284,06/08/2018 16:34 9141244,4025336221,

Qanon will save us all!!

,1533573696,06/08/2018 16:41 9141244,4025343401,

I thought Q was idiocy until it got so much #$#%ing attention.

Now it makes me wonder.

,1533573930,06/08/2018 16:45 9141214,4025349415,"

--- Q - ANON goes mainstream .... This attack on LARP Alex Jones will drive people TO HIM .... so he can continue to misdirect and muddy the waters.

Jones is an expendable '' asset "". ----- THINK.

WWG1WGA -- # Q Army

",1533574122,06/08/2018 16:48 9140602,4025354465,


,1533574286,06/08/2018 16:51 9141244,4025364480,"

Isaac Kaapy starts dropping names, Q goes mainstream and Big Tech goes into full purge mode all in within a week. We're crossing the Rubicon now folks so it won't be much longer before its do or die.

",1533574607,06/08/2018 16:56 9139906,4025365917,

Pizzagate + qanon!

It's all coming together!


,1533574656,06/08/2018 16:57 9141214,4025371412,

Didn't they say that the IG Report was going to cause Hillary and Obama to be imprisoned?

That Q guy is always wrong.

,1533574839,06/08/2018 17:00 9141235,4025374804,"

----- Shutting down Alex Jones will be used as "" Precedent "" to silence Q - ANON.

We were warned attacks would grow !

# Q Army ....... WWG1WGA
Read it all .....

",1533574949,06/08/2018 17:02 9141214,4025382675,"

They are now reduced to taking shots in the dark, blind shooting in random directions, trying to find/expose Q...

",1533575219,06/08/2018 17:06 9141214,4025383519,

QAnon isn’t real. Tom Hanks isn’t a pedo.

,1533575247,06/08/2018 17:07 9141214,4025384424,

You only believe in QAnon because you need to believe Trump isn’t an a scumbag.

,1533575278,06/08/2018 17:07 9141214,4025393761,

Q-Anon; Mexico is gonna pay for chumps tax cuts!

,1533575587,06/08/2018 17:13 9141214,4025394372,"

Pfft... I don't 'NEED' anything, bot. NOBODY has been able to debunk Q. I follow facts. He's too legit to quit... & sure has been more accurate then the MSM has ever been.

",1533575607,06/08/2018 17:13 9141244,4025395116,"


It was made up by a liberal group to troll low class Trumpers.

It worked, like a charm.

",1533575632,06/08/2018 17:13 9141214,4025411021,

nothing... well maybe some QAnon bs.

,1533576142,06/08/2018 17:22 9141214,4025419357,"

Anonymous is taking down Q Anon. ""We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated,"" the group said in the video, which was posted with the hashtags #OpQ and #OpQAnon.

",1533576416,06/08/2018 17:26 9141214,4025421023,"

I rate AJs decision to 'compete' with Q idiotic, but


",1533576471,06/08/2018 17:27 9141214,4025421694,"

If history has taught us anything it’s that typically, a society usually has to move at the pace of its slowest citizens..and it would seem that with the introduction of the internet a lot of Americans have revealed themselves to be “slow”..the fact that Alex jones had a following to begin with, the fact that people are showing up at trump rallies in “Qanon” T-shirt’s...pizzagate, Seth was murderded because of whatever..
At some point the smart people have to stand up and say..look, if you want a seat at the big boy table, perhaps don’t vote for a president that led a movement accusing the former president of not being born in America..I mean with all due respect, it seems to me like 35% of this country has lost its collective mind

",1533576493,06/08/2018 17:28 9141214,4025428025,"

QAnon is next, and then BB.

",1533576701,06/08/2018 17:31 9141214,4025428536,"

Q Anon and Breitbart will be NEXT !

The Great Awakening is Now !

---- Get up To Speed About "" Q ""

",1533576718,06/08/2018 17:31 9141214,4025429079,

They can't touch Q... his system is intact. Q went mainstream because he knew deep state would start banning truth tellers. He's mainstream now.

,1533576736,06/08/2018 17:32 9141214,4025429464,

Q-Anon; Mexico is paying for Melania's face lift!!!

,1533576748,06/08/2018 17:32 9141244,4025432342,"

lol yeah,
really? did Q tell you that?

",1533576841,06/08/2018 17:34 9141214,4025432796,

Q-Anon; Mexico is gonna pay for chumps bone spur surgery!

,1533576855,06/08/2018 17:34 9141214,4025435084,

Q-Anon; you'll always have 4 Chan... stop complaining!

,1533576928,06/08/2018 17:35 9141214,4025436159,

QAnon disciple?

,1533576962,06/08/2018 17:36 9141214,4025439845,

Q-ANON; Mexico will pay US farm subsidies!

,1533577080,06/08/2018 17:38 9141751,4025441713,"

I think Jones is a longtime shill .... not that he should be silenced , but he may be an expendable ' asset ' and precedent to silence others .
Like BB and Q - ANON.

Catch up on Q posts ;

",1533577140,06/08/2018 17:39 9141214,4025441849,

Alex Jones is a piece crap. He can push his Q-Anon stuff all day and I can laugh at it and the rubes that believe it. But when he starts harassing Sandy Hook victims families and publishes their address and subjects these people who have gone through the worst thing imaginable to harassment from his brain dead followers then F him....

,1533577144,06/08/2018 17:39 9141214,4025450337,

You should make Alex Jones and those QAnon nuts the new face of the Republican party.

,1533577413,06/08/2018 17:43 9141214,4025466353,

6. QAnon

,1533577941,06/08/2018 17:52 9141295,4025467014,"

---- Some like Jones , some say he is DISINFO ..... no matter , he will be used as a

Precedent to silence others .... Like Breitbart and Q - ANON .

Latest Q Anon posts ---

",1533577962,06/08/2018 17:52 9141214,4025471678,

Guess qanon was correct

,1533578122,06/08/2018 17:55 9141214,4025472121,

The saddest part is that a huckster that supports harassing the parents of dead kindergartners and pushes asinine Q-Anon theories has any followers at all...let alone a lot of them including many rubes here...

,1533578136,06/08/2018 17:55 9139906,4025476529,"

",1533578282,06/08/2018 17:58 9141214,4025481425,

FYI... Jones is against Q.

,1533578448,06/08/2018 18:00 9141244,4025488191,"

In 1999, Roberto Bui, Giovanni Cattabriga, Federico Guglielmi, and Luca Di Meo, writing under the name “Luther Blissett,” published an Italian novel called Q.

If you read the book the disclosures are in same pattern and actual quotes from the novel...

",1533578682,06/08/2018 18:04 9141214,4025490706,

Alex Jones and the QAnon loons have become the face of the alt-right ..

,1533578770,06/08/2018 18:06 9141751,4025493362,

enough with the Q stuff.

,1533578858,06/08/2018 18:07 9141214,4025494655,

That's a terrible shame for the right. Because they are both total bull s&^% artists. At least Qanon isn't selling this suckers crap supplements.

,1533578903,06/08/2018 18:08 9141418,4025507261,

you DONT look like Roseanne....
you look like Q...from Impractical Jokers TV Show...

YOU were on that show for that VERY REASON...
you look like a DUDE..!!!!!!!

,1533579323,06/08/2018 18:15 9141214,4025510926,

QAnon - Exposed as a huge scam by Sash Baron Cohen... so funny.

,1533579446,06/08/2018 18:17 9141214,4025521226,

#QAnon followers believe Hillary is a criminal.

Libtards believe we descended from monkeys.

I rest my case.

,1533579796,06/08/2018 18:23 9141856,4025521239,"

Jones is an entertainer , many think he is a DISINFO shill , I do ... but he may be silenced so as to set a ' Standard ' ... that can be used to shut down Breitbart , or others ..... Q - ANON has been targeted by MSM in last few days .. WHY ?

P A I N -- is coming to the swamp ... and they are afraid !

Latest Q stuff --

",1533579796,06/08/2018 18:23 9141214,4025529203,

...along with a sprinkling of 'QAnon' nutters

,1533580067,06/08/2018 18:27 9141214,4025530134,

What is Q Anon?

,1533580099,06/08/2018 18:28 9141214,4025540717,"

Does anyone else have any info on this Q Anon thing? The only responses I got suggested this is just some silly troll on 4chan or something. But if that's all it is, why are Trump rallies full of these shirts and signs?

",1533580465,06/08/2018 18:34 9141856,4025541830,"

I dont like jones, but as clay said, ill fight for your right to say it.
They're coming after Q Anon, big time...because it is sooo threatening to them.
Sooner or later, itll be daily wire, daily caller, conserv treehouse etc...any threat

",1533580502,06/08/2018 18:35 9141214,4025544691,

you do know that all that Q stuff is bullshit right?

,1533580599,06/08/2018 18:36 9141214,4025545858,"


Q anon is a rather modern method of Citizen Journalism , it bypasses traditional media as well as typical information structures and relies on independent verification. Its format could be copied by other actors down the line actually.

Qanon is a LARP.

Qanon is some leftist program to be utilized against the right.

Qanon is a leftist meme for the lolz.

Take your pick.

It has received wall to wall media coverage , which is strange.

",1533580639,06/08/2018 18:37 9141214,4025545883,

I read somewhere Q is JFK Jr.

,1533580640,06/08/2018 18:37 9141751,4025565422,"

Q Anon, winning with Q Anon, lovin Q Anon, groovin with Q Anon, laughing with Q, listening to Q, following Q, hearing the truth from Q, sharing Q with millions, world-wide, happy about Q, Q and POTUS WINNING, and winning, and winning!

",1533581308,06/08/2018 18:48 9141214,4025566078,"

If Q is who he says he is, then he would be part of either MI or high up in the administration.

",1533581329,06/08/2018 18:48 9141214,4025566203,"

Alex Jones conspiracy theorists, QAnon loonies and a sprinkling of Stormfronters have become the new face of he Republican party..

",1533581333,06/08/2018 18:48 9141226,4025573247,

Karl Rove is and always has been a Never Trumper. He is just another arm of the corrupt politicians who will be exposed soon. #Qanon!

,1533581579,06/08/2018 18:52 9141214,4025574651,"

If anyone who has followed Q for a period of time and looked into what he has been saying, then in no way whatsoever could his be a ""brainless"" agenda. I take for what it is and do my own research as well but Q puts lots of info out there to be deciphered and it's not brainless. Maybe Q is getting too close to Anonymous for their own liking.

",1533581630,06/08/2018 18:53 9141214,4025576057,"

True, but Q has provided indications that he is the real deal. (Which you would know if you had been following the details.)

",1533581678,06/08/2018 18:54 9141214,4025584301,

They sure are uptight about Q too... hmmmm...

,1533581957,06/08/2018 18:59 9141214,4025585779,"

Anonymous has known about Q for at least a year, if they could have unmasked him, they would have, what utter BS

",1533582009,06/08/2018 19:00 9141214,4025602811,

Like when Q posted those photoshopped pictures and claimed they're true?

,1533582605,06/08/2018 19:10 9141214,4025613201,

Whether Q is legit or not isn't the important thing.

What matters is the effect he has.
* Pointing people to information about corruption
* Supporting our distaste of MSM and CIA

Why does it matter to people who he is or if he is real?

,1533582967,06/08/2018 19:16 9141214,4025631690,

You believe in any of the globalist vs anti-globalist stuff?

If so... you took a red pill that can't be coughed back up.
It is too obvious now to ever think another way unless better evidence presents itself.

The same with Q.

Yes... I will believe what I will.

,1533583623,06/08/2018 19:27 9141244,4025633324,

Finally ... let him go rant on 4chan with Q.

,1533583680,06/08/2018 19:28 9141214,4025639083,

anyone know where I can get a QAnon hat?

,1533583889,06/08/2018 19:31 9140602,4025644104,"

Which are you? L, B, G, T, Q or GFY?

",1533584075,06/08/2018 19:34 9141214,4025666900,

QAnon disciple I see...

,1533584987,06/08/2018 19:49 9141214,4025674168,"

Here's someone else they'd love to get rid of....

",1533585304,06/08/2018 19:55 9141214,4025679684,

do they have any QAnon hats?

,1533585548,06/08/2018 19:59 9141214,4025681339,

Mention the Q on any website and the deep state theory seems to be proven every time.....

,1533585624,06/08/2018 20:00 9141214,4025683264,

Hey I’m not a Q anon fan but I just found out about it yesterday.

,1533585715,06/08/2018 20:01 9141214,4025684392,"

The whole Q satirical LARP has gone full retard. Anonymous pledges to 'unmask' Q:

Except they're both the same group of jokers.

",1533585768,06/08/2018 20:02 9141214,4025685885,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1533585841,06/08/2018 20:04 9141214,4025685907,"

For all we know, this could be part of the attempted Q conspiracy push.

Give Jones a bunch of press, and make him look like the leader of the underground alternative media and intel. Draw attention away from more legitimate avenues.

Who knows what is really going on.

",1533585842,06/08/2018 20:04 9141214,4025691266,

But we have the power of Q!!!

17 whiskey tango foxtrot

The rabbit sleeps under the willow tree at 6:00 pm

,1533586087,06/08/2018 20:08 9141214,4025691901,"

Solid nuggets if you dig, and a paradigm shifting world view, if you let it sink in. Q is a great service.

",1533586116,06/08/2018 20:08 9141214,4025705439,"

Tonight on Ancient Memes: Anon plays good cop/bad cop and wages war on its own comedians

",1533586729,06/08/2018 20:18 9141244,4025708033,

Qanon says your mom licks bungholes

,1533586852,06/08/2018 20:20 9142165,4025721997,

Qanon was started by leftest activist trolls on 4-chan to make fun of of the MAGA folks. It is a reference to a 1990's Italian novel written by leftest activists. It was a joke that got out of hand and now the really Anonymous is pledging to take them down - because it is just not funny anymore.

,1533587527,06/08/2018 20:32 9141244,4025722294,

Don't you Leftist realize that history and human behavior never change and many things we do to day are neither new or original. Now prove that Q copied these men or their writings. You can't because of the plagiarist behavior of the human species...............

Unless you have FIRST HAND written acknowledgement of such plagiarism then ANY THEORY can be deduced. And you Leftist are much more prone to conspiracy theories than any Conservative as we need solid proof to support theories...even then healthy skepticism is a good thing. A property totally lacking on left .....

,1533587541,06/08/2018 20:32 9141214,4025727079,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens.

,1533587778,06/08/2018 20:36 9142165,4025757809,"

Those don't actually exist, and the number continually changes commenter to commenter (20K-100K typical range).

QAnon has a Russian IP address lol You The People have been taken.

",1533589352,06/08/2018 21:02 9142165,4025761895,

There is no evidence there are tens of thousands of sealed indictments. There is no evidence of any grand political roundup. There is no evidence of any of that.

QAnon has been wrong hundreds of times? What happened last OCt/Nov when these were supposed to come out? Ahhhh nothing at all...

,1533589556,06/08/2018 21:05 9142165,4025769332,"

What actually happens is ALL of ""QAnon""s predictions have fallen flat. Its like those people who pick a date for the end of the world, and when it passes they simply pick another date.

",1533589921,06/08/2018 21:12 9142522,4025775358,

These people are stupid...QANON

,1533590219,06/08/2018 21:16 9142165,4025776927,"

""Nope"" ok, point me in the direction of a successful and accurate QAnon prediction... seriously.

",1533590300,06/08/2018 21:18 9141898,4025780928,"

Pity? No. I just come here to piss on your clubhouse and see what lies you folk are telling each other. Looks like you’re having a rough week. Collusion, yes. Wall, no. Qanon, liberal troll.

",1533590500,06/08/2018 21:21 9141898,4025787310,

Wait for Q?

Or the (potentially massive) change in congressional seats in the next couple months?

,1533590819,06/08/2018 21:26 9141751,4025819743,"

I agree. I have no respect for Alex Jones, and in fact I think Q is a charlatan as well, but Jones and then Q will be used, as you say, as a precedent. In the end they will try to wipe all conservatives and libertarians off the Internet.

",1533592478,06/08/2018 21:54 9141898,4025822038,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens.

,1533592590,06/08/2018 21:56 9141898,4025835568,"

According to Q, this censorship is the result of Congress....
Passing H.R.5181 - Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016
which was thrown into a DOD budget bill
Thanks Federal government...

",1533593269,06/08/2018 22:07 9141898,4025843984,

Came across WP' blog about Q mystery. 1.3K posts since August 1. All bots relocated here.

,1533593710,06/08/2018 22:15 9141898,4025848998,"

You-Tube, which is owned by Google, has also started to place negative links about Q Anon, ahead of any positive ones. Most of the negative links are from the establishment media like NBC, CNN, and NPR. This prioritizing negative links about Q Anon began right after Trump's Florida Rally last week, when Q Anon paraphernalia and signs began to appear in the crowd. Put in the date for today, and you don't even get more than one actual Q Anon update. You have to click on that one update, or one of the negative Q Anon links to get to the actual updated links to Q Anon in the side bar of the next screen. The intent is that anyone new who may be curious about the Q Anon phenomenon is first presented with a dozen negative ""conspiracy"" links, and must search further to find positive Q Anon links.

",1533593972,06/08/2018 22:19 9141898,4025857303,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens.

,1533594412,06/08/2018 22:26 9141898,4025879226," Q Anon makes VERY interesting reading... I suggest others look into this...!

First time reading this link from one of the above posts.

",1533595612,06/08/2018 22:46 9141898,4025907210,"

Latest Qanon Posts 8-7-18 : Fake News

",1533597175,06/08/2018 23:12 9141898,4025926808,"

Bobby, I hear there is a 46% probability that you are Q.

",1533598227,06/08/2018 23:30 9141214,4025928720,

Melania is Q.

,1533598329,06/08/2018 23:32 9141898,4025929333,

Then is Q actually the entire Mullet clan tweeting at once?

,1533598363,06/08/2018 23:32 9141898,4025933581,"

Q Anob is a deep-state psy-op. ""Pamphlet-anon"" has been busted 5 times live on youtube logging in and out of the Q account himself.

Q is a total dud, snap out of it.

",1533598599,06/08/2018 23:36 9143224,4025953088,


The yellow pencil was dropped by the baker and rolled 17 inches

,1533599663,06/08/2018 23:54 9143224,4025956818,

That is not the Q approved passcode

,1533599869,06/08/2018 23:57 9139906,4025962122,

Really? You have proof of this or did Q tell you this?

,1533600163,07/08/2018 00:02 9141214,4025970818,

He can join Qanon. You could meet him there.

,1533600658,07/08/2018 00:10 9143626,4025974155,"

Yup, and you'll never guess who is shellin out the cash!'s rumplestilskin..but dont tell anybody!!! (And Q Anon movement only has 3 members...sleepy, rudolph, and the frog (pepe) working out of snow's basement in jersey city) sssssshhhhhh

",1533600854,07/08/2018 00:14 9143224,4025979352,

Rosie is Q.

Had to :)

The identity doesn't matter.

,1533601160,07/08/2018 00:19 9141214,4025999122,

Fairytales? Just watch the Putin/Trump press conference. Or maybe you prefer to get your info from Infowars (somewhere) or Qanon. You guys are deplorable ignorants.

,1533602320,07/08/2018 00:38 9141214,4026015616,

Q never claimed all pics he posted as 'true'. He posted some to indicate 'disinformation'. He posted some pics without saying anything. Anons are supposed to do their own research on what Q posts... that's the whole point of Q... DUH!

,1533603335,07/08/2018 00:55 9141214,4026023081,"

No, I follow facts... & not made up, distorted 'facts' of the media... or dossiers. Q posts documents, timestamps, etc, that can NOT be made up. Then the anons go gather more intel that back & prove things to the likes I've NEVER seen. Because you can prove what Q says is why he/she/they is/are so addictive. The MSM has NEVER done that. That just say stuff & expect people to believe them just because they say so... It feels good to your soul to have proof for once.

",1533603817,07/08/2018 01:03 9141214,4026027996,"

The whole addictiveness to Q is that he DOES posts proof - aka/crumbs - like documents, timestamps, pics, you name it. Then anons go to work & come up with a bunch of other stuff to back it up. It's like nothing I've ever seen. The msm certainly has NEVER done that. They report stuff & expect people to believe them just because they say so... Q teaches people how to do their own research FOR FACTS.

",1533604128,07/08/2018 01:08 9139108,4026028178,"

Don’t you get it? Rinos are just as bad as dems. They are willing to weaken our country in exchange for payoffs from special interests—all under the cover of globalism.

Go to for the latest post that is NOT fake news.

Have a great night and thanks for your non FB restricted discourse!


",1533604139,07/08/2018 01:08 9138151,4026029695,"

The Globalists trying to sink the Trump agenda, now Anonymous has declared war on Q-Anon. Big Tech is launching an all out campaign against anyone that questions leftism. This is getting insane. The lid's going to blow sooner than later folks, hopefully you've prepared years worth of food supply for the upcoming craziness. Because all we have right now is just pockets of it.

",1533604231,07/08/2018 01:10 9143224,4026034400,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens.

,1533604544,07/08/2018 01:15 9143224,4026035149,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens..

,1533604594,07/08/2018 01:16 9143224,4026035566,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1533604622,07/08/2018 01:17 9141214,4026036224,

Ha! Obama trafficed in children? You must be a big QAnon guy or dgsl as well.

,1533604670,07/08/2018 01:17 9141856,4026061710,"

One of his listener was jailed for making death threats to Sandy Hook parents. Another went to the Comet Pizza place and fired a rifle into the roof.

It wouldn't be so bad if his viewers treated him as a character, but too many of his listeners take his conspiracy theories literal.

He has already endorses The QAnon theory which says Obama and Hillary are running a global pedophile ring.

",1533606492,07/08/2018 01:48 9141856,4026070810,"

You are a conspiracy theorist shill. And the latest theory on Q is that it's actually a prank targeting exactly you (that is, right wing dummies who believe conspiracy theories). So thanks for playing! Actually I see you on here posting and always linking to Q stuff - makes me think YOU are one of the shills behind Q and looking to drum up interest...

",1533607188,07/08/2018 01:59 9141898,4026071263,"

First, it is Anon, not Anob. Second, I am not vouching for the veracity of Q Anon. My point is, that Q Anon is identified with Trump. Therefore, when links not to the liking of social media platforms--generally links which are conservative or pro Trump--are more difficult to locate without a deliberate search for the specific link, such a practice effectively hides the link from new viewers; or when links deliberately are placed lower in their availability to discourage viewers from seeing them; or when the links with high viewership are dropped from trending, because they don't fit the left wing corporate globalists narrative and agenda of what they what viewers to see. It is wholesale censorship of the most blatant and fascist kind.

",1533607223,07/08/2018 02:00 9142705,4026078637,"

When they have nothing they drag out racism. Brain dead, lie I Q idiot.

",1533607814,07/08/2018 02:10 9141214,4026096258,"

Hmmm, so the left targets Qanon and Infowars same week? What's the left hiding this time??

",1533609202,07/08/2018 02:33 9144178,4026158331,

Do you think QAnon is a left wing prank? That's what people are saying.

,1533613835,07/08/2018 03:50 9143587,4026158641,"

Anonymous has vowed to expose QAnon today. Said they know who is responsible for it, and although they originally thought it was funny they now think people are taking them too seriously and somebody is going to end up getting hurt like that nut bringing a gun to the pizza place in DC.

",1533613855,07/08/2018 03:50 9141856,4026173146,"

How many more times does the Pozner family need to move to avoid the harassment of Jones followers who think they are actors?

Plus, Pizzgate and QAnon accused Obama & Hillary of being child molesters. What if it were you Jones was accusing of being a child molester?

",1533614841,07/08/2018 04:07 9143245,4026198201,

A lot of people are saying QAnon is a left wing prank.

,1533616554,07/08/2018 04:35 9141214,4026206099,"

You can ramble all you like about truth, light, darkness and candles, but none of it explains your claim that you follow the facts or that Q is fact based.

Your rhetoric is silly and convenient.

",1533617098,07/08/2018 04:44 9143587,4026206111,"

""Anonymous"" has decided to commit suicide against Q and the anons.

",1533617098,07/08/2018 04:44 9143587,4026210481,

What has Q “done for America”?

,1533617397,07/08/2018 04:49 9143587,4026216004,"

“My Anonymous”? LOL. Can’t you respond to a simple question without jumping to conclusions and assuming anybody that is not sycophantic to your exact narrow view is somehow your enemy? Yes, Q has delivered “a positive message“, which amounts to what? I guess that’s enough for you, a positive message? I’d rather see some real action. Q is full of prunes.

",1533617769,07/08/2018 04:56 9143587,4026228539,


,1533618596,07/08/2018 05:09 9143587,4026236065,"

Your abject failure to offer any evidence that Q has actually done anything for America, beyond giving gullible dullards, like you, false hope, is duly noted.

Nobody said Anonymous was any better. That’s a straw man for a drunk that has no argument. The question you were asked was clear and simple, but was clearly beyond your grasp. Enjoy your bottle of Unicorn farts.

Don’t be late for work tomorrow. Lots of commuters depending on their EggMcMuffins.

",1533619081,07/08/2018 05:18 9141295,4026253053,"

Q Anob is a deep-state psy-op. ""Pamphlet-anon"" has been busted 5 times live on youtube logging in and out of the Q account himself.

Q is a total dud and if you're selling him, so are you

",1533620100,07/08/2018 05:35 9143374,4026306497,

Says who? Q?

,1533623449,07/08/2018 06:30 9143587,4026470409,"

For their next performance, they'll have a qanon ""conspiracy theorist"" go after a fake news journ o lister with a plastic gun.

",1533633230,07/08/2018 09:13 9143587,4026476102,"

Q says media in panic, media and covert alt media influenced by foreign governments



Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

· 14h

Replying to @LisaMei62

2. Screenshots of HPSCI memo re: Carter Page FISA warrant Key Points Memo & FISA Title I Summary (see #1 this thread for Q drop #1821).

Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62

3. We knew this was coming. Q warned us multiple times.

Glad to see ""COVERT ALT MEDIA AFFILIATES (foreign gov't)"" included.

""This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
Research for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.""

Pound sand, DS!

7:53 PM - Aug 6, 2018


411 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Now we may have a legit clue why most MSM and some alternative media figures on the right are bashing Q in a joint effort for the past few days, because if what Q is stating then this simply means MSM and some alternative news figures are influenced by foreign governments. Also with this some media figures on both sides obviously fear what Q is telling us all and are fearing what Trump's storm may me. All this fear from all sides of the media and the Q bashing involved, may also point that some in the MSM and Alternative media may be fearing those now 45,000 sealed indictments. Like Q has told us before a number of times...Watch who you follow. Now the question is who in media on both sides are influenced by foreign governments?

",1533633522,07/08/2018 09:18 9143587,4026491450,

I hear Anonymous is after Q.

,1533634256,07/08/2018 09:30 9143587,4026494628,"

It's really what Trump has been arguing from the beginning. Then there is a chart of where the US GDP is relative to all the major GDPs and how ours is now greater than all of theirs, combined.

This is what the Hollyweird pedos are against as well - they are on the globalist payroll, argues Q.

",1533634409,07/08/2018 09:33 9143587,4026497172,"

I'd expect the deep state to disparage Q, wouldn't you?

",1533634532,07/08/2018 09:35 9143587,4026498017,"

I never found anything from Q worth more than Nostradamus, or astrology.

",1533634571,07/08/2018 09:36 9143587,4026498387,

Even if Q is a hoax he’s much more effective than you.

,1533634587,07/08/2018 09:36 9143587,4026513586,

Shouldn’t breitbart be busy investigating “QAnon”?

,1533635302,07/08/2018 09:48 9143587,4026516679,

Breitbart has its own audience. QAnon has their own. Why do they need to investigate them?

,1533635422,07/08/2018 09:50 9143224,4026563147,

Trump is so insane that he has his own Crackpot Fan Club QAnon.

,1533637517,07/08/2018 10:25 9143587,4026604462,

You know that QAnon is all a big hoax put on by the left don't you?

,1533639212,07/08/2018 10:53 9141856,4026618301,"

Sorry but he is not just saying that it was faked, but staged, as was Parkland, and there is evidence behind what he is saying. So is another famous Trump supporter - Q. They both say that the mass school shootings are false flags to promote gun control.

",1533639753,07/08/2018 11:02 9143587,4026622390,

I have a theory that QAnon may be a Russian construct. Wouldn't that be icing on the cake!

,1533639911,07/08/2018 11:05 9143587,4026625849,

I just ordered my Q shirt today!

,1533640041,07/08/2018 11:07 9143587,4026627619,

Yes. They are setting up a false flag. A Q anon supporter to fake shoot a fake reporter with a plastic printed gun.

,1533640107,07/08/2018 11:08 9144178,4026628561,"

I heard QAnon is a left wing prank. What do you think?

",1533640142,07/08/2018 11:09 9143587,4026631838,

Oh you’re a Qanon. You know that’s a massive leftist troll on your MAGGOTS right?

,1533640267,07/08/2018 11:11 9141856,4026638020,"

Yes, because Q is real.....

",1533640474,07/08/2018 11:14 9143587,4026649801,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1533640902,07/08/2018 11:21 9141214,4026664620,

Ok Who is not? Q?

,1533641421,07/08/2018 11:30 9141214,4026666614,"

Show me these sites. Show me people someting similar to Q anon flags at democratic rallies or out in the millions supporting someone on the left that claims the moon landing was a hoax.

It is extremely obvious to an unbiased observer that the right is far more willing to gravitate towards conspiracy reporting, and label anything that has a negative story on something they support as fake.

Please name some far left sites that are any where near as popular as Info wars or Qanon. Please name one far left conspiracy theory that has had 1/10th the traction of Pizzagate, or that absurd martian baby slave plot Alex has been pushing the last few months.

I am someone that actively seeks out and observers fringe media on both sides of the isle. I can assure you for every far left reader that buys into a far left plot their are 3 that buy into a far right plot. Most liberals trust CNN, NYT, Wall street Journal ect as thier main source of news, period. YOu can not argue that these sites are less fact based than say Inforwars.

",1533641484,07/08/2018 11:31 9143587,4026680535,

This is the work of Q.

,1533641970,07/08/2018 11:39 9143245,4026681829,

Proof of the Melissa Hodgman Peter Strzok link in original source docs? See Q. All the SEC and court docs are there.

,1533642013,07/08/2018 11:40 9143245,4026684508,

Is Q on our side or not?!

,1533642103,07/08/2018 11:41 9145690,4026712805,

Just wait until Anonymous unmasks the person(s) known as Q.

,1533643063,07/08/2018 11:57 9138151,4026715364,

QAnon is obviously behind this.
Follow the crumbs.

,1533643151,07/08/2018 11:59 9145690,4026732044,"

----- Swamp is afraid of Q - ANON information releases !!

# Q - Army.

Council on Foreign Relations held meeting in May on how to .... "" Deal With "" information disruptions they do not control.

Just so happens the swamp passed H .R. - 5181, to counter ANY information by calling it ...... '' RUSSIAN BOTS "" .
This was PRE - PLANNED !........ get it now ?

",1533643710,07/08/2018 12:08 9141898,4026746331,

The DHS and the NSA. The same ones claiming now to be part of the Q movement to bring back some semblance of credibility to American leadership of which there is ZERO.

,1533644177,07/08/2018 12:16 9145690,4026747301,"

If Q is right, this is all just preparatory bastardization of the enemy before the big one drops.

",1533644209,07/08/2018 12:16 9145690,4026748709,

Stop listening to Q he s sedating the base. He has been saying wait it will drop for 1 year now.

,1533644254,07/08/2018 12:17 9145690,4026751750,

Are you an idiot. Q is anonymous you dumb fak

,1533644354,07/08/2018 12:19 9145690,4026754955,"

Sure bud, keep waiting for that big one to drop from Q while the country burns.

Sit by and do nothing. idiot.

",1533644459,07/08/2018 12:20 9145690,4026755401,"

some dirtbag ""journos"" are getting paid to slam Q...

Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted


3h3 hours ago

@LisaMei62 HERE WE GO:

HR 5181 was stuffed into the 2016 NDAA on 12/02/16

Basically $160M was set aside to pay alt media journalists among others to spread disinformation to counter what they claim is fake news. (Aka truth)


",1533644474,07/08/2018 12:21 9145690,4026756434,

You have zero reading comprehension. I said IF Q is right. I did not express my belief one way or another. You have assumed. You are an ass.

,1533644507,07/08/2018 12:21 9145690,4026757086,

Yes if Q is right giving merit to his trash.


,1533644529,07/08/2018 12:22 9142678,4026759325,"

------ Why is everything being called --- "" RUSSIAN BOTS "" ?
So the swamp can shut it down , they passed this law to do just that ! ..... H.R. - 5181 , this was all PRE - PLANNED !

# Q - ARMY

",1533644603,07/08/2018 12:23 9145690,4026759506,

Righto....mentioning Q cool.

Going against Q = deep state

Who sounds like the idiot?

,1533644609,07/08/2018 12:23 9145690,4026760639,"

What are you babbling about? Q is fake, Trump rallies are awesome.

Anything else?

",1533644646,07/08/2018 12:24 9145690,4026765076,"

Yes, keep reading Q, then repeating it but pretending you are only listening.

You are a genius!

",1533644792,07/08/2018 12:26 9145690,4026768557,"

' Why is everything being called --- "" RUSSIAN BOTS "" ?
So the swamp can shut it down , they passed this law to do just that !

..... H.R. - 5181 , this was all PRE - PLANNED ! -------- # Q -- ARMY .

",1533644904,07/08/2018 12:28 9145690,4026778973,"

----- H.R - 5181 , passed last year , allows CENSORSHIP of anything called

RUSSIAN Propaganda ....... Now we know why everything is blamed on - BOTS !

# Q - ARMY.

",1533645243,07/08/2018 12:34 9144178,4026790293,"

I don't know QANON. Why would I talk about others and things I do not know? That is a sin.

I only tell stories of my experiences. Life is GREAT if you live it and harm no one.

Code of the WEST, ""w"" did not learn: Live and Let Live.

We all came from and will return to the Original Source. There is no separation. Except in your EGO's delusion.

",1533645607,07/08/2018 12:40 9145690,4026795818,

The globalist lizard people qanon deep state are currently holding the victims of sandy Hook on a UFO above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because he talks to aliens.

,1533645793,07/08/2018 12:43 9142186,4026798743,"

------ H.R. 5181 was made law to ...' counter Russian propaganda '.
This is why they blame everything on ...."" Russian BOTS "" !
This was all PRE-PLANNED !

Things that make other things Make Sense ...... # Q Army.

",1533645887,07/08/2018 12:44 9145690,4026801331,

I rarely read Q. I rarely read Alex Jones. But both have far more to offer than you.

,1533645977,07/08/2018 12:46 9145690,4026803199,"

Authorized Anonymous Message Realay

. ""We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated. In our collective we all have our differences and internal drama but we do have one thing in common; none of us are happy with your bullsh*t.""

""We have plans, to sabotage your infrastructure and expose your leadership""

We are Anonymous
We are Legion

",1533646040,07/08/2018 12:47 9144496,4026810908,"

---- Lester Holt is a Russian BOT .../s/
H.R. 5181 was passed to counter any information called out as ... Russian propaganda. -- Censorship we now see was all Pre-Planned !

# Q Army

",1533646295,07/08/2018 12:51 9145690,4026823006,"

------ PLEASE ....... Read Q Anon posts ... this Censorship was all Pre-Planned by new law -- HR 5181. .... Just call it "" Russian Propaganda "".

",1533646692,07/08/2018 12:58 9145690,4026833954,"

LAW .... H.R. - 5181 , allows censorship to counter .."" RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA ""

It's like all this talk about Russian BOTS ..... was pre-planned ... Swamp is scared !


",1533647057,07/08/2018 13:04 9145558,4026840178,

Doesn't this fat Q have anything else to do?
Hey's your career going?

,1533647267,07/08/2018 13:07 9142678,4026841701,"

This law HR-5181 allows CENSORSHIP ... if anything is called "" Enemy Propaganda "".
------- This was Pre-Planned as a swamp insurance policy !.... # Q Army.

",1533647317,07/08/2018 13:08 9145690,4026843286,"

Authorized Anonymous Message Realay

. ""We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated. In our collective we all have our differences and internal drama but we do have one thing in common; none of us are happy with your bullsh*t.""

We have plans, to sabotage your infrastructure and expose your leadership

We are Anonymous
We are Legion

",1533647371,07/08/2018 13:09 9141214,4026845957,"

pTump has taken away the power of the shadow gov... Your hope for another Nov 22 1963 JFK assignation has failed after more than a dozen attempts... As Q has stated many times; you people STUPID! Oh, and incompetent!

",1533647440,07/08/2018 13:10 9142678,4026848493,"

They want us DIVIDED ..... These attacks will only grow ! ..... # Q Army

",1533647522,07/08/2018 13:12 9145690,4026855559,"

The pundits are starting to worry that QAnon supporters — who believe in outlandish claims outlined in anonymous internet posts that Trump is engaged in a good-versus-evil struggle against a global pedophile cabal — will be used by Democrats and the media to make all Trump voters look crazy. Already, QAnon supporters are showing up at Trump rallies.

Lee Stranahan, a former Breitbart reporter who now hosts a radio show at Russian-owned Sputnik, said he has struggled to convince QAnon believers that their theory is fake.

“It’s not just dumb, it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen,” Stranahan told The Daily Beast. “It’s unprecedentedly dumb in the history of American politics.”

",1533647755,07/08/2018 13:15 9145690,4026855878,"

It's laughable how the Breitbart Faithful whines 24/7 about ""fake news,"" but then fully embrace whackjobs like QAnon or Alex Jones, who take nutty fabricated news to a ridiculous new level.

Yeah, LOL...Alex Jones, the same guy who warns of reptilian overlords walking disguised among us, child sex-slave rings on Mars, and a gate to Hell itself opened by the CERN supercollider. Plus, he's got some darned tasty DNA Cleanser for sale to counteract the toxins from CIA chemtrails!


",1533647766,07/08/2018 13:16 9141898,4026856849,"

Remember: ""Two steps forward, one step back"". Is Q next?

",1533647798,07/08/2018 13:16 9145690,4026863959,"

---- HR - 5181 , law passed to allow CENSORSHIP by calling everything -- "" RUSSIAN Propaganda "" .. all PRE-Planned .

# Q - Army ...... we all are the target !

",1533648030,07/08/2018 13:20 9145690,4026871296,"

---- LAW passed to .."" Counter RUSSIAN Propaganda "" ... H.R. 5181 .

This is why all the FAKE talk about Russian BOTS !... this was PRE - PLANNED !

Text -

# Q Army.

",1533648267,07/08/2018 13:24 9142678,4026896196,

Better if small groups band together. Anonymous says they’re going to take down QAnon.

,1533649046,07/08/2018 13:37 9145690,4026901408,"

Authorized Anonymous Message Realay

.We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated.

We have plans, to sabotage your infrastructure and expose your leadership

We are currently launching a DDoS attack on Breitbart as a functional test to gain metrics - aiming for an 80% reduction in capability.

Tonight - during his prime time - we will be aiming the ION cannon at Infowars

We are Anonymous
We are Legion

",1533649207,07/08/2018 13:40 9146050,4026916599,"

Q - How does the SWAMP silence all opposition ?

A - Pass H.R. 5181 , ( now law ) , allowing anything to be CENSORED as long as it is labeled .... "" Enemy Propaganda ""

Text ---

# Q Army.

",1533649685,07/08/2018 13:48 9145690,4026923436,


,1533649901,07/08/2018 13:51 9145558,4026943786,

What are YOU scared of? Just repeating what Q has posted. Do YOU have a problem with that? Millions certainly don’t. WWG1WGA.

,1533650546,07/08/2018 14:02 9128203,4026945059,"

KKK are and always have been leftists, just like their Antifa friends. I don't pay attention to Qanon, so I have no knowledge or interest in what he says. Antifa and their neo-Nazi friends hijacked what was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration to preserve America's history from leftist destruction. The left didn't want that to happen, so they staged a riot, complete with a sacrificial victim. And morons like yourself swallowed every lie they fed you. Did the media tell you that the Nazis and Antifa showed up on the same buses?

",1533650585,07/08/2018 14:03 9145558,4026963510,"

Scared? Not even a little. I was reading about this Q thing two days ago. WWG1WGA, 17, all the rest. Kinda funny actually. Unless people take it seriously, then it is just kinda sad.

",1533651170,07/08/2018 14:12 9145690,4026964318,"

---- MSM spent all weekend telling everyone that ... "" Q - ANON "" is just a conspiracy theory. .......... Read Q posts .... decide yourself who the enemy is.

",1533651195,07/08/2018 14:13 9145690,4026969173,"

Q anon says .... "" Attacks will continue and get worse , look out for False Flags , if you see something say something ""

",1533651349,07/08/2018 14:15 9145690,4027014505,"

Swamp Pre-Planed all this censorship -- HR - 5181 now allows anything they call enemy propaganda to be taken down !!

Any non-MSM information is a threat ...... # Q - ARMY

",1533652790,07/08/2018 14:39 9145690,4027034538,"

Authorized Anonymous Message Realay

. ""We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated. In our collective we all have our differences and internal drama but we do have one thing in common; none of us are happy with your bullsh*t.""

""We have plans, to sabotage your infrastructure and expose your leadership""

We are Anonymous
We are Legion

",1533653410,07/08/2018 14:50 9143056,4027051606,"

Good point.
In my book, ""fake news"" is printing false information. QAnon is an example, as are many of Trump's tweets.
Others have different definitions.

",1533653932,07/08/2018 14:58 9143587,4027066226,

Did you notice all my Q posts were removed????

,1533654387,07/08/2018 15:06 9143164,4027088695,"

Alex Jones has nothing at all to do with anything even remotely resembling discrimination.

If you're a supporter of his, or of the super ridiculous QAnon, welcome to the margins my friends.

",1533655104,07/08/2018 15:18 9145690,4027096059,"

""F"" U big tech, Q is coming for you... tick tock MAGA...... rigor mortis is starting to set in on democrats and big tech

",1533655331,07/08/2018 15:22 9143164,4027102840,"

---- Swamp already made it LAW to SILENCE any Info they do not like by calling it -- "" Enemy Propaganda ""

They have declared US ... the enemy ! .... # Q Army.

Text HR - 5181.

",1533655541,07/08/2018 15:25 9143164,4027120697,"

Hmmm, msm begins attacking Qanon just 2 days before as well. When internet goes down temporarily, tune in to emergency broadcast system on tv. Will be used to bypass msm.

",1533656088,07/08/2018 15:34 9143164,4027123492,"

All we need to know is what does Q say?

Lemme guess:

Think lemongrass.
What way do the seagulls fly?
What happened and who and why on 6-78?
The clock tocks down
The shy shall know
Will be with you soon.

Signed, definitely NOT Q.

",1533656173,07/08/2018 15:36 9143164,4027130976,

Q called this. Blackout coming soon. Check out qproofs dot com and qanon dot pub.

,1533656406,07/08/2018 15:40 9143164,4027139629,

Anonymouse thinks I know who Q anon is.

,1533656675,07/08/2018 15:44 9145930,4027154836,

Is Queer a slur? I thought that was the Q in LGTBQXYZrammalammadingdong

,1533657142,07/08/2018 15:52 9143164,4027183057,"

Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon

The hacking collective Anonymous is pledging to expose the people behind the “QAnon” conspiracy theory. The anarchist hacking group slammed the QAnon conspiracy as potentially dangerous and driven by a “brainless political agenda” in a video posted Sunday to what is widely considered the most reliable Anonymous Twitter account.

The theory was started by a person on the message board 4chan last year claiming to be a high-ranking security official in the Trump administration. The individual or individuals goes by the identity of ""Q"" and has continued to fan the theory on online platforms.

A number of conservative figures have pushed back against the conspiracy theory on Twitter in recent days, including Michael Flynn Jr., the son of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

#Anonymous #OpQ #OpQAnon Video Press Release
1:03 PM - Aug 5, 2018

",1533658079,07/08/2018 16:07 9145465,4027212674,

This has the workings of QANON!

,1533659204,07/08/2018 16:26 9145465,4027214843,"

Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon

",1533659287,07/08/2018 16:28 9145930,4027254592,"

According to Q, male cheerleaders are infiltrating the NFL to help Trump and Mueller bring down HRC. Q - learn it, live it, love it.

",1533660663,07/08/2018 16:51 9145465,4027292650,"

I don't even watch Infowars generally, though I like a couple of their people, but downloaded the app as soon as I saw this piece. Glad I also got the Q Drops app early because that's GONE. Can't even reinstall if you own it!

Apple and Google desperately need competition in smart phones. I hate Android and iOS both now.

",1533661852,07/08/2018 17:10 9143164,4027299873,"

Q is here....

Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted

Jordan Sather‏ @Jordan_Sather_

15h15 hours ago

Its not WHO is Q, its WHAT is Q.

Q is an info dissemination program meant to catalyze a small, awakened & aware portion of the populace into assisting the greater, sleeping society so they become aware of this shadow, alliance vs deep state civil war before the grand finale.

",1533662085,07/08/2018 17:14 9143164,4027306598,


,1533662297,07/08/2018 17:18 9143164,4027324149,

You are looking at the attempted control of all information by the Deep State!!! WWG1WGA.....Q-ANON ........War Drummer ...You Tube !!! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !!!

,1533662744,07/08/2018 17:25 9143164,4027337720,

Have you all heard about this QAnon? Do you think he's the real target here?

,1533663071,07/08/2018 17:31 9143164,4027342014,"

I think if Q was real, his “messages” would never make it to the mainstream interwebs

",1533663204,07/08/2018 17:33 9097114,4027343351,"

Oh, I know too. Now if I could just figure out who Q is...

",1533663245,07/08/2018 17:34 9143164,4027357075,

Still buying that QAnon nonsense? Heh

,1533663635,07/08/2018 17:40 9143164,4027359501,

JUST IN:Donald Trumps crowds are PAID SUPPORTERS and not real fans. Trump is Q. Tune in tonight on noninfo wars!!

,1533663709,07/08/2018 17:41 9143164,4027370822,


,1533664052,07/08/2018 17:47 9146338,4027371607,

Did Q tell you that?

,1533664075,07/08/2018 17:47 9146050,4027382441,

Woke smug today did we?
Regardless of your learned opinion I will not be dropping the MAGA tagline.
Careful whom you refer too as low I Q is my learned opinion.

,1533664407,07/08/2018 17:53 9145555,4027392052,"

How do we know that are not now doing that - after all, how many 'undocumented' children are imported and disappear forever? No US records - no way to trace them. Q made a couple references to this.

",1533664710,07/08/2018 17:58 9143164,4027400487,"

WHEN and IF John & Joan Q. Public get the gumption to totally boycott Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple, their attitude will change at the first non-ring of the CA$H registers !!!

No traffic, no hits, no clicks, no PAY ... speaks Capitalism loud and clear to any and all ANTI-Constitutionalists, especially those with a terminal case of Delirium Delusionism ...

",1533664982,07/08/2018 18:03 9146509,4027414894,"

Continued harboring of the likes of Q ""bakers"", Jones followers and alt righters will lead to the down fall of brietfart and unfortunately the GOP...brietfarters continue to scream it's the left, it's the librals, yet right under their nose the gop is doing their best to create that distance, you are just not looking at it...

",1533665507,07/08/2018 18:11 9143164,4027421041,"

I remember you posting QAnon nonsense, you cred is shaky at best. Heh.

",1533665727,07/08/2018 18:15 9145558,4027446874,"

Satan's Evil....leading the..... Blind !! #,Wake Up America !!! WWG1WGA!.. Q ANON..!!! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !!!

",1533666699,07/08/2018 18:31 9145402,4027448532,

well done. love it. keep up the great The Don.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1533666763,07/08/2018 18:32 9146509,4027453826,"

"" Conspiracy Theory "" .... no more ..... Swamp passed LAW to ALLOW Censorship.

HR - 5181.

# Q - Army

",1533666965,07/08/2018 18:36 9146509,4027455604,"

It is so well known the GOP is doing it's best to distance itself from the Q bakers, joness clan and alt right loonies, to save the independent voter. It is too obvious Jr is creating a false adversaries, when he should ball up and point the finger where it belongs.

",1533667032,07/08/2018 18:37 9146509,4027456422,

What would you do if you found out QAnon was a Russian construct?

,1533667063,07/08/2018 18:37 9146509,4027462271,"

---- Q ANON ..... "" We Have The Servers "" ..... Explains broad censorship push.

# Q - Army

",1533667289,07/08/2018 18:41 9146509,4027468129,"

We'll have to wait & see about that.
For all the derision about who or whatever Q is, there's a lot of concern.

",1533667514,07/08/2018 18:45 9146509,4027468695,

You know Q is Russian spys just messing with you right?

,1533667536,07/08/2018 18:45 9146509,4027469564,

Don Jr. will be indicted. His father threw him under the bus.

There is no Qanon.

,1533667570,07/08/2018 18:46 9146509,4027470455,"

It is too obvious Jr is either completly blind or just creating false adversaries, when he should ball up and point the finger where it belongs.
It is so well known the GOP is doing it's best to distance itself from the Q bakers, joness clan and alt right loonies, to save the independent voter.

",1533667602,07/08/2018 18:46 9146509,4027476701,

Q - ANON ...... we have the servers .... second server held back from F.B.I.

Hang - On Scooby !!!!


,1533667844,07/08/2018 18:50 9146509,4027486162,

Qanon is not a real thing. Your president is falling apart so you create the stupidest conspiracy theory ever so you don't have to admit he is an absolute idiot that duped you.

,1533668197,07/08/2018 18:56 9146509,4027532807,"

It is too obvious Jr is creating a false adversaries, when he should ball up and point the finger where it belongs.It has been well known the GOP is doing it's best to distance itself from the Q bakers, joness clan and alt right loonies, to save the independent voter from thinking the whole GOP is full on crazy.

",1533669879,07/08/2018 19:24 9146338,4027561660,"

Time for this MEXICAN SOCIALIST BROAD to shut her mouth once and for all. /////
This big mouth broad has no idea what JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN wants of doesn't want out of congress. /////////////////////////
She's the type of SOCIALIST who will create all kinds of problems for any one who is not of her political persuasion.//////////////////////
I know, to each his own. ////////////////////
We all have the right to express our .ideas. ////////////// We do that at the VOTING BOOTH or on the mail in ballot.///////////////////////////////////////

",1533671147,07/08/2018 19:45 9146509,4027580439,"

Wow, Q had better ramp up his game. Last winter s/he claimed that he had the Left on the run, and that takedowns were imminent.

Now it's August, and the enemy is on a rampage against conservatives. Sessions is still dithering, and the Qcompoops are still rationalizing for the lack of action.

Cmon, Q ...we're beginning to wonder whether you are just hot air...

",1533672047,07/08/2018 20:00 9146509,4027597665,"

Nuff said

",1533672914,07/08/2018 20:15 9146509,4027605165,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him.

,1533673297,07/08/2018 20:21 9146509,4027608947,

All the while vast reservoirs of water in California are being used to wash the streets of democrat footprints 👣 from the site of trump’s holiwood star desecration. Q and RSTUV.

,1533673493,07/08/2018 20:24 9143164,4027629494,

The elites took down Alex Jones because he was unsuccessful in trying to take down Qanon.

,1533674487,07/08/2018 20:41 9137551,4027636650,"

Gullible! Rich, coming from the party of QAnon dorks! Haha!

",1533674802,07/08/2018 20:46 9137551,4027660743,

Wait.....has QAnon tweeted some top secret intel only you and 1000000 other dipshits know about?

,1533675825,07/08/2018 21:03 9146566,4027675451,

So where are Q and Sessions while this Deep State power grab is going on? Feeding Rin Tin Tin and Lassie?

,1533676507,07/08/2018 21:15 9146566,4027676236,"

Anonymous set their sights on the Q thing and are now doxxing everyone who posted on any Q sites, YT, (especially Patriots Soapbox) or the site where the posts were originally posted. They are hacking everything. Naming names. The whole bit.

See here:

",1533676544,07/08/2018 21:15 9143164,4027676743,"

This whole ""Alex Jones censorship"" controversy is simply another distraction to take the focus off the Qanon movement and the impending un-redacted FISA application! Alex Jones is controlled opposition, nothing more.

",1533676569,07/08/2018 21:16 9148321,4027678441,

What will Qanon do when they have to pay more for it heir imported Cream of Sum Yung Gui?

,1533676649,07/08/2018 21:17 9146488,4027682935,"

I think Q picked up a few pointers from Alex, actually.

""nevermind"" :just kidding"".................great way to get attention, and then let you decide what is true.


",1533676867,07/08/2018 21:21 9146509,4027710333,

The Q is strong with you

,1533678206,07/08/2018 21:43 9148066,4027743876,

same reason you are wearing a QAnon shirt right bow.

,1533679985,07/08/2018 22:13 9148066,4027750257,

QAnon disciple I see... so funney!

,1533680323,07/08/2018 22:18 9148066,4027750784,

raise your hands if you are a QAnon disciple...

,1533680352,07/08/2018 22:19 9148066,4027754366,"

Latest Qanon Post 8-8-18 : Digest and Understand

",1533680541,07/08/2018 22:22 9148066,4027765504,"

Hollywood Insider Confirms Pedophilia Reports, #Qanon, John Paul Rice, Pt 1

",1533681127,07/08/2018 22:32 9148066,4027772754,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him.

,1533681520,07/08/2018 22:38 9148066,4027774237,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him..

,1533681601,07/08/2018 22:40 9148066,4027782278,

tell that to the Lizard People... of QAnon or....

,1533682032,07/08/2018 22:47 9148066,4027787906,

you are right.. there is no basement... how's QAnon these days?

,1533682327,07/08/2018 22:52 9148066,4027789363,"

This has nothing to do with QAnon, and everything to do with his deleted Instagram account which featured gems like adults holding children with #chickenlover and pictures of metal refrigerated trailers tagged #killroom. Almost as bad as the Podesta's art collection.

Wake up clown.

",1533682405,07/08/2018 22:53 9148066,4027793078,"

This has nothing to do with QAnon. It's not a joke. These people were caught posting their crimes in public just like James Gunn joking about jizzing himself to underage porn or Jack Dorsey talking about reading the Satanic verses as he makes the ""good pasta"".

Learn quick.

",1533682585,07/08/2018 22:56 9148066,4027796967,

Qanon pizza satan worship

,1533682797,07/08/2018 22:59 9148066,4027798223,"

Conservatives had better stop believing this Q BS.

There's not going to be any deus ex machina prosecutions or cavalry charge in November to depress the libs.

Sessions is enabling the left to feel good about themselves, while a few percentage of GOPers are still waiting for justice that seems not to be forthcoming.

Wake up Trump. Q's stupid Plan is a loser.

",1533682868,07/08/2018 23:01 9148066,4027798376,

People on the internet are saying QAnon is a left wing prank.

,1533682876,07/08/2018 23:01 9144268,4027800002,

Anti American criminal thugs do not have a right to privacy after getting arrested. Go to Q research and watch the Patriotic Anons dig up info about these rats. I'm sure a lot of interesting things will be brought to light about some if these thug punks. Q Anons are thousands of investigators with a sense of humor. They are not what the msm is lying about to disparage them in an attempt to slow down the movement. Lock Her Up!

,1533682976,07/08/2018 23:02 9148066,4027801442,"

Qanon is legit, correct deplorables?

No wonder you're the laughing stock of the world.

",1533683055,07/08/2018 23:04 9146509,4027819754,

Real Q is why do those companies need to be Progressive instead of neutral? Rather than wait until they are big and show their true colors.

,1533684077,07/08/2018 23:21 9148066,4027826283,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him.

,1533684433,07/08/2018 23:27 9148066,4027874929,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him.

,1533687032,08/08/2018 00:10 9148066,4027905837,"

According to who, Alex Jones or Q?

",1533688811,08/08/2018 00:40 9148066,4027914373,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones knows because aliens talk to him.

,1533689311,08/08/2018 00:48 9147001,4027920997,"

Total bull. And also, QAnon is bogus.

",1533689717,08/08/2018 00:55 9147607,4027922157,"

Today Alex Jones, tomorrow it's Q! Mark my words!

Maga, WWG1WGA!

",1533689786,08/08/2018 00:56 9147607,4027925127,"

I'll answer that question easily: The CIA did. ""Anonymous"" is going after QAnon and 4Chan with all the might of the Deep State. Big Tech drops the hammer on Alex Jones in a matter of HOURS ... Operation Mockingbird just got a shot of HGH...

",1533689975,08/08/2018 00:59 9147001,4027931715,

I’m not scared. I’ll create a new account and come back to troll you idiots. Thanks for illustrating your homophobia as well as you gullibility. QAnon?!!!! Hahahahahahahja. Unbelievably dumb. How many pyramids schemes have you fallen for? Can I sell you some Herbalife or Amway?

,1533690395,08/08/2018 01:06 9140605,4027937175,

Oh who's the pedofile? Don't tell me your one of those qanon wackos

,1533690746,08/08/2018 01:12 9146833,4027942004,"

------ They say .... "" You must accept our ' normalization ' of perversion , or YOU are the hater and intolerant ones ........ ""

The Devil is clever , gotta say that .... but it only works on weak minds , NBC - Holly-weird viewers mostly...... KeK.

"" Hey , man .... put on these sunglasses ...and look ....""

# Q - Army.

",1533691053,08/08/2018 01:17 9148066,4028004085,

--- Q.

,1533695280,08/08/2018 02:28 9148066,4028010115,"

I believe Q called out all of the turncoats today.

",1533695695,08/08/2018 02:34 9141856,4028029205,"

Nope, that cockamamie fiction isn't gonna fly. Or at least not very far. Q will probably try to puff some air under my flight feathers though... It'll be funny to watch Q trying to twist this into some great propaganda feat.

",1533697114,08/08/2018 02:58 9148066,4028036206,

I trust Q.

,1533697646,08/08/2018 03:07 9141712,4028063786,

No one deserved the death penalty more than Scalia and look he got it. -Qanon

,1533699587,08/08/2018 03:39 9146488,4028086511,

Awesome! You got it! Q research pol - Yeah I noticed they were doing that too. Yeah got a screen shot of the FB CIA link. Major purging going on and they are altering the archives as well.. Glad you check out more then just that like me. I was trying to spread the word around to the clueless ones. The more we get the better to calm the waters and grow.

,1533701074,08/08/2018 04:04 9149230,4028099378,

No. Q never said that.


,1533701882,08/08/2018 04:18 9149446,4028099562,

Or that picture Q posted of Young BATHHOUSE Barry stoned and HOLDING HANDS with some Pakistani Dude... when they were in college..! Lol

,1533701893,08/08/2018 04:18 9146488,4028105106,

Deep State is going down right now. This is nothing and a warning to all it starting... Trust Trump and search Q. Public always last to know...

,1533702231,08/08/2018 04:23 9146668,4028406419,"

Those tweets are pretty hard to justify. Even for MadCow, Lo Eye Q Zinka and Tingles.

",1533719606,08/08/2018 09:13 9149230,4028434641,"

I read Q with open mind, no hurry to make up my mind on Q. Time will tell.

",1533720943,08/08/2018 09:35 9145282,4028490785,"

Jordan Peterson's rise to fame is one of a number of recent developments that are threatening the Cultural Marxist status quo. Each time the liberal left attempt to undermine him, his exposure and popularity increase.

Another is qanon. It matters not whether it is a hoax or who is posting. The clever Socratic method has people worldwide waking up to the political corruption in the US and elsewhere. Reference to it has now reached the corporate media who are desperate to debunk it.

Tommy Robinson, as a latter day Wat Tyler, now has support in the US, Australia, NZ, Israel, Canada and India. Every attempt by the government to silence him has increased his global profile and support.

Another Canadian, who is probably less well-known but influential on the media, is Stefan Molyneux, whose output is similar to Peterson's.

Finally, Dinesh De Souza's publications and his documentary films have been undermining the Left for some time. His latest film 'Death of a Nation' is waking up Americans to the hypocrisy of the Democrats and red pilling large numbers of black Americans, and the film was released only a few days ago.

In each case the 'Streisand Effect' is playing out before us. The 'Great Awakening' is gathering momentum.

",1533723384,08/08/2018 10:16 9149230,4028504069,

That is the correct way to read Q.

He asks more questions than gives answers and that is good.

Democrats (at least some with brains) read him too and thus there has to be disinformation as well.

The fundamental difference is that they do not believe in the merit of the plan. Confirmation Bias will turn out to be a swine for them.

,1533723928,08/08/2018 10:25 9148066,4028522476,

Are you Q?

,1533724647,08/08/2018 10:37 9137551,4028560851,"

Again, what ""Don Jr. indictment""..unquote. Seems your fantasies are displacing common sense and reality in your brain.

Nice deflection, ""QAnon"", but NO banana. CNN, NPR, and MSNBC (97% negative Trump coverage) is NOT the bastion of truth and fair reporting - but you know that and yet you repeat their fake talking points. Why? TDS, I suspect.....I do enjoy your pain and loser frustration, though....

",1533725797,08/08/2018 10:56 9148066,4028569059,"

New - Q - Killing The Mockingbird

",1533726095,08/08/2018 11:01 9149230,4028597762,"

Hi SC.
Do you take Q seriously?
I've watched some of the videos on Q it sounds to good to be true?
Is it a person or an organization?
Sorry I'm asking, but you seem to be in ""The Know...!""
I work and my time is limited.
Also time zones? I'm normally 12 hours or so behind everyone.
Stay Strong.

I do appreciate your input!

",1533727180,08/08/2018 11:19 9141856,4028613415,"

As primarily a Libertarian, I can see limits on yelling ""Fire"" in that proverbial crowded theater or saying to directly attack a public figure merits punishment for that specific but limited comment.
I want censorship to be more limited than Alex's freedom of speech. I just see a slippery slope in any application of censorship. First it's social media channel access, then it's host server limits.

Stigz, while AJ is way out there, InfoWars is by no means the farthest reaches of the Luantic Universe.
>>>> for real crazy humor…
QAnon says today [8/8] is the day the secret Democrat pedophile ring will be arrested or at least will start. From one David Janda who has a talk radio show and claims he knows there have been a dozen failed assassination attempts on Donnie J.
Or the Trump Firefighter Prophet Mark, whose claim to fame is that God foretold Trump to him. Well he is about to expose that the US Army is fighting in the tunnels under America against pedophile Satanist Democrats and Celebrities who dine on Fricasseed Baby, served buffet style. Seriously, subterranean satanist cannibals [democrats, naturally].

These are cases of delusions beyond InfoWars but they all have a right to be disconnected from reality in their fantasy of choice.

",1533727747,08/08/2018 11:29 9148066,4028633327,

i thought Q was a hoax...but it is intesting the coordinated effort on one day to all come out and blast Q then days later Infowars is gone from internet....this is serious

,1533728448,08/08/2018 11:40 9148066,4028679282," taken down by GitHub

",1533729971,08/08/2018 12:06 9148066,4028681219,

qanon dot pub taken down by GitHub

,1533730035,08/08/2018 12:07 9147718,4028688879,"

Off topic : I think Anonymous hackers took down website, 404 errors. This will be a big story. Getting too close to busting the pedo-mafia.

",1533730304,08/08/2018 12:11 9148066,4028693428,"

Censorship going overboard. If anybody needs help navigating the actual chan site and finding the posts, let me know. They took down qanon dot pub.

",1533730467,08/08/2018 12:14 9149230,4028704194,"

Thanks SonOfSa !!!

Think of Q as rather like Socrates - never giving any direct answers but asking such good questions that it forces you to reappraise.

He is both a person and a team. That can be accounted for by the use of either Q or Q+ sign-off.

But he/they know that some Dems are also watching. So some bones thrown out are effectively disinformation.

If one takes this into account, then it is normally quite easy to know what to rely on and what to treat with care.

As a game it is fascination. As a real world strategy it is spellbinding.

The other thing to remember is timing. How long is the attention span of a naive voter in any country ??? There is the contingent problem of peaking too soon.

What has fascinated me about all this is that the game has been too complex for any player, no matter how intelligent, to know how the timing would pan out.

But, in the event, they have worked so hard that it is my suspicion that they got ahead of themselves and thus have had to fill in with a few other targets on the way. Contra this, I think Huber and his mighty team of 400 lawyers (not had even one leak out of them - commendable!) could go on forever as there is so much evidence of wrongdoing. This is because the black hats have developed feelings of invincibility - delusions of Deity if you will.

It is exactly at times like this that they are prone to making the greatest errors.

To return to your original question, my thoughts were originally formed from my own life experience and application of facts and logic. Noting that Q was coming to very similar conclusions, I had to take note (late last year). Then the penny dropped pretty fast. He was ahead of me because he had inside information !!!

So the answer is essentially Yes, I do take him/them very seriously.

",1533730843,08/08/2018 12:20 9148066,4028732589,"

Forget qanon, dotard ran a pedophilia racket involving his teenaged daughter.

",1533731792,08/08/2018 12:36 9151384,4028757413,"

----- Operation Mockingbird press , run by black hats + corrupt 3 letter agencies have $$$$$ TRILLIONS ..of reasons for fraud.

Combine with this , HR - 5181 ..... for information suppression pre-election.

@LisaMei62 HERE WE GO: HR 5181 was stuffed into the 2016 NDAA on 12/02/16 Basically $160M was set aside to pay alt media journalists among others to spread disinformation to counter what they claim is fake news.

# Q - Anon web page is now down ..... gone.

",1533732548,08/08/2018 12:49 9148066,4028778750,"

Did Q tell you that? A ""school shooting soon"" prediction right as schools begin for the year doesn't seem like much a prediction, based on how frequent they have become...

",1533733186,08/08/2018 12:59 9148768,4028783694,

The democrat party wont ellect another president for 40 years.

Youtube Q plan to save the world

,1533733353,08/08/2018 13:02 9148066,4028820945,

Why are THEY so afraid of Q?


,1533734550,08/08/2018 13:22 9150961,4028822245,"

New and Viral - Q - Killing The Mockingbird

",1533734591,08/08/2018 13:23 9148066,4028825773,"


For Infowars, For Q, and for AMERICA.

",1533734704,08/08/2018 13:25 9142186,4028855282,"

Where did I get the idea? How can a baker be forced to bake a gay wedding cake? It seems to me if a baker is forced to bake a cake for Joe Q Public , a phone company must also be forced to do business with Joe Q Public.

",1533735603,08/08/2018 13:40 9151537,4028857909,"

Ha, There's only room for leftist conspiracy theories now. Meanwhile, Q posits questions, and pedocrats take down Q's website. Then google indexes Vox and Huffpoop anti-Q-annon drivel. LOSERS!

If is simply a conspiracy, then why are are least 50 left wing websites trashing his QUESTIONS, seems like overkill. Let everyone speak his piece. The 1st Ammendment was created so we all can express views. Some views may not be PC, but let those views stand on their merit, or fail.

",1533735680,08/08/2018 13:41 9150961,4028874726,"

Actor Isaac Kappy talking about Hollyweird. Wonder if it's true? Claims he is will to die to save kids?


",1533736173,08/08/2018 13:49 9150961,4028878937,"

Hmmm, perhaps Hollywood is actually part of Q-Anon! It stands to reason that by them coming out and trashing Ohio voters, things should go well (hopefully) in November for Trump and Republicans. Pretty sneaky sis, great tactic! Keep up the good work Hollywood!

",1533736301,08/08/2018 13:51 9150961,4028890489,

Oh did Qanon help you write that?

,1533736651,08/08/2018 13:57 9151315,4028924270,

I am not sure what you are going to do when the House is flipped blue and your boy is impeached. He will never win re-election. We are going to make sure of that. The deep state is working right now. You have Q... We have Y... He is an insider that works for Dems only... Our number is 13...

,1533737719,08/08/2018 14:15 9146515,4029024192,"

Alex Jones is the ""Q"" in QAnon...

",1533740873,08/08/2018 15:07 9151078,4029024995,

Farrah Fraud is the MA55A of the d-@-r-k-i-e-s. His hair is conked and burned to look European. His skin is pale. They eat that up. Look at the light skin man leading his low I Q flock of sheep. They're too stupid to not understand that I-sl@m is a cult that e-n-s-l-a-v-e-s African people. Ban them and all the people associated with him.

,1533740907,08/08/2018 15:08 9151315,4029026678,

QAnon was right again! LMAO

,1533740974,08/08/2018 15:09 9151315,4029032832,

I guess you missed what the real Anonymous said about QAnon this week?

,1533741213,08/08/2018 15:13 9151315,4029039328,"

Who probably gets their info from QAnon who is a fake. The Mueller investigation is NOT about Dems and there aren't 40,000 sealed indictments for Dems.

",1533741412,08/08/2018 15:16 9148561,4029057611,"

This might just become a real fight between ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and JOHN Q.. PUBLIC CITIZEN in the end, tha tis after a JUDGE with some sense crushes the other judges *** LIBERAL ** order. ///////////////////////////////

",1533741905,08/08/2018 15:25 9150961,4029116713,"

The ""game"" being played is justice. Qanon is a stupid hoax.

",1533743735,08/08/2018 15:55 9150961,4029119894,"

I am no Q. Nor do I follow this fad.

Your assumptions are trivial.

Believe what you will , all has a function.

",1533743832,08/08/2018 15:57 9150961,4029124567,

---------- Nothing to see here ......... Q -- ANON WEB PAGE IS GONE !

,1533743975,08/08/2018 15:59 9143224,4029129831,"


",1533744139,08/08/2018 16:02 9151792,4029138737,"

""Press Secretary Tyler Q. Houlton said in a written statement provided to Breitbart Texas. “This decrease shows that when there are real consequences for breaking the law, the conduct of those considering crimes will change.”

DUH. Let me add, when you don't have a 'big heart' for lawbreakers and promise them amnesty, that also helps.

It has only taken a year and a half to figure this out. Build the Wall. Use some of the military budget. After all this IS about protecting the U.S. More than enough proof that terrorists are entering the U.S. along with every other manor of criminal.

America First starts at the border.

",1533744425,08/08/2018 16:07 9150961,4029138975,"

MSM says ....

Q - Anon is just conspiracy theory ......

Q Anon should be ignored .......

Well ... well ..... Q Anon web page is down, !!!

",1533744431,08/08/2018 16:07 9152053,4029156074,

---- Q ANON site taken off - line ... nothing to see here ...
but he did make a 5 : 5 reference......

,1533744972,08/08/2018 16:16 9152053,4029167492,

lol Q says this is a message saying everything is ok

,1533745335,08/08/2018 16:22 9151384,4029171988,"

Website is still up. It’s a replica of

",1533745471,08/08/2018 16:24 9151384,4029179796,"

Sessions has put Strzok in charge of investigating Democrat voter fraud, and has given him his own personal PR flack, Q, to announce the results in gibberish-speak.

",1533745710,08/08/2018 16:28 9151756,4029198846,"

Yep ... Trump will be held accountable that we don't have a 1,000 mile wall yet .....

what CRAP .... it HAS begun!

The tone? WE WANT him to freakin fight and not lay down!

The media war? He is STEAMROLLING them!

BTW ... ever heard of Q and 45,000 indictments! Etc? There is a LOT that can happen between now and then and WILL happen!

",1533746291,08/08/2018 16:38 9151756,4029201426,"

The difference between ""Dem conspiracy theories"" is that they lead to actual charges and indictments and are supported by Trump's appointed leaders at the FBI, NIC, DHS, CIA, NSA, etc...

On the other hand, Cons are responsible for Birtherism, Vince Foster, Arkanicide, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, ReleaseTheMemo, Sypgate, OIG report, Qanon, etc...

See the difference?

",1533746373,08/08/2018 16:39 9151384,4029256124,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533748122,08/08/2018 17:08 9151384,4029273770,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533748676,08/08/2018 17:17 9150961,4029301567,"

There are two things they could do to protect the integrity of the elections. First, voter ID-that would eliminate those who are not eligible to vote and, secondly, an I Q test - that would eliminate those who think that anything that comes from hollywood has any relevant value. Ohio better make sure that with so many ballots still out there that a Franken trunk doesn't miraculously appear next week.

",1533749550,08/08/2018 17:32 9151756,4029353754,"

Also you've shown yourself to be a conspiracy-theory believing loon. Q? Really? I would think that's even beneath you, who type everything in all bold.

",1533751182,08/08/2018 17:59 9151384,4029385112,"

That’s why I stopped going to Thought maybe they “cleaned” it up.

",1533752184,08/08/2018 18:16 9151384,4029419017,

Where’s the hacktalosers anonymous? They put out some dopey video vowing to expose Q-Anon but somehow voter fraud is a-ok

,1533753292,08/08/2018 18:34 9151384,4029450668,

I have no #$%#ing idea why Alex Jones OR Q have received so much attention.

That you have GIVEN them this much attention proves to many observers that you have become irrational.

People should be able to read WHATEVER THE #%$# THEY WANT.

You people are doing catastrophic damage to the democrat party in the US and it is why I left it.

Richard Rorty was right.

For all of the BS about Trump having a cult of personality - it seems to me NOONE questions Clinton or Obama's net results for the democrat party.

,1533754337,08/08/2018 18:52 9153739,4029504109,"

---- Strikingly similar to the Jon Mohammad / Lee Malvo D.C. shooters.

Q - Anon just said 2 days ago , expect FALSE FLAGS , if you see something say something !

But Q isn't real ....... right ?

",1533756170,08/08/2018 19:22 9153739,4029507644,

What did Q Anon just post ? ....... look out for FALSE FLAGS / see something say something

,1533756292,08/08/2018 19:24 9153739,4029585400,"

.Strikingly similar to the Jon Mohammad / Lee Malvo D.C. shooters.

Q - Anon just said 2 days ago , expect FALSE FLAGS , if you see something say something !

But Q isn't real ....... right ?

",1533757399,08/08/2018 19:43 9153739,4029613196,"

.Strikingly similar to the Jon Mohammad / Lee Malvo D.C. shooters.

Q - Anon just said 2 days ago , expect FALSE FLAGS , if you see something say something !

But Q isn't real ....... right ?

",1533757807,08/08/2018 19:50 9153739,4029643949,

What is qanon?

,1533758361,08/08/2018 19:59 9153100,4029645682,"

All it took was a string of the idiotic rallying behind the worst leader the free world has ever seen to practically destroy this country! If you believed in the fairness of our institutions, you’d accept that there is no “deep state” and no QAnon coming storm. You’d realize you’ve been conned and try to do better next time instead of hiding behind creepy cult lies and conspiracy theories to validate your lust for a gory gun battle.

Go. Storm the streets of DC so we can be rid of you and become a stronger, smarter democracy.

",1533758399,08/08/2018 19:59 9153100,4029671561,

Mom got him a new Qanon lunch pail..

,1533758973,08/08/2018 20:09 9143164,4029681573,"

I'm sorry Ragnar ... it is because of what Alex said and was about to say.

Notice that President Trump has not come to Alex Jones defense.

Alex Jones was silenced because he recently refused to go along with the Q-Anon Twitter phenomena which has spread among Trump supporters.

Jones at first was actually promoting Q-Anon, at the request of the White House, but in April, he denounced Q-Anon as being ""compromised"".

Just last week Q-Anon began calling for regime change in Iran. Keep in mind that Jones was against the regime change war in Syria.

It is obvious that Q-Anon is an Israeli intelligence psi-op designed to placate Trump supporters and reassure them as Trump morphs himself into George Bush for the upcoming war on Iran. Israel is going to need all of Trump's supporters to back him on his war on Iran.

Alex Jones was not going to go along with a war on Iran. That is why he was silenced. Here below is a link to an article that explains it all.

HEADLINE: Pro-Trump Conspiracy-Monger “QAnon” Calls for Regime Change in Iran


",1533759138,08/08/2018 20:12 9152383,4029699526,"

This folks has already happened....we are just getting the news....yes indeed. Q ""the world is about to change""...""We have everything"". Catch up folks.

",1533759501,08/08/2018 20:18 9153739,4029718806,

Qanon is not to be trusted. They lied previously.

,1533760229,08/08/2018 20:30 9151384,4029743769,"

Really?? ‘These people are STUPID’. Q

07-02-2018 04:29:32 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:d4a218 No.1986443

Ask yourself - does Huber have the ability to file across all 50 states?
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Think termination of senior FBI….
Think termination of senior DOJ….
Midterms punt.
All or nothing?
Would a 2nd SC take years to complete?
Would a 2nd SC be based in corrupt DC?
Would the grand jury be members of the DC community?
What % of DC voted for HRC?
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.

07-02-2018 04:11:28 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:35fcbf No.1986153

Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?
It would take a very large team to work this quickly.
Who has that kind of manpower?

12-19-2017 16:12:02 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:82d434 No.121690

House of cards.
12 deals rejected (today alone).
Panic in DC.
Enjoy the show.

",1533761252,08/08/2018 20:47 9153739,4029744681,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533761286,08/08/2018 20:48 9152044,4029765503,

I happen to be a Q follower and think indeed they are scared and making a combined all hands on deck attack.


,1533762203,08/08/2018 21:03 9153739,4029801214,

I don't care about Q anyway.

,1533764043,08/08/2018 21:34 9151537,4029804328,

That’s a Q for Alyssa.....

,1533764199,08/08/2018 21:36 9139906,4029812691,"

It has nothing to do with the 1st amendments, you morons. Infowars has the same terms of service as other social media sites. You guys are just living in coocoo land have lost track of common sense.

On a side note, guys: we got it all wrong. Trump is the leader of the pedophile ring and the green frog is his accomplice. Qanon has forsaken us. I will be beamed up tomorrow; I hope you all will join. Just where your hats made of rat pelts; it helps fuel the space ship.

",1533764629,08/08/2018 21:43 9152044,4029821175,

Q clearance is the Dept of Energy.

,1533765073,08/08/2018 21:51 9152044,4029823291,"

Q clearance

A Q Clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information.[1][2] Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.

",1533765183,08/08/2018 21:53 9152044,4029835849,

The most convincing explanation is that Q are liberal activists who were trolling 8-chan and the Q is a cryptic reference to a Italian novel by the same name which also describes exactly what Q is doing.

I hear their site went down today or maybe yesterday because of a hack. Maybe the real Anon made good on their promise...

It is mildly entertaining and even a bit more so than AJ Weekly World News bs.

,1533765876,08/08/2018 22:04 9152044,4029842115,

I can find absolutely nothing that says the DoD uses the letter Q for security clearance. Please provide a link.

,1533766224,08/08/2018 22:10 9154390,4029845816,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533766432,08/08/2018 22:13 9154390,4029853897,"

Quick Reminder...

With the censorship (and deletion of qanon dot pub), probably smart to grab that Q archive just in case.

I know you probably don't trust a PDF claiming to be the archive, but here it is for those who know and trust me:

",1533766882,08/08/2018 22:21 9152044,4029895411,"

Anonymous Operation QAnon

""You let it grow into an Alex Jone conspiracy thought bubble...We don't like brainless political agendas. We don't like political agendas at all...You've got all these foolish people all riled up with no proof...""

",1533769369,08/08/2018 23:02 9152044,4029898181,

I'll type this real slow - Either you have to serve EVERYBODY or it is
I N E Q U A L I T Y - which is against the Constitution.

,1533769540,08/08/2018 23:05 9153424,4029909068,"


",1533770191,08/08/2018 23:16 9152044,4029934281,

Congress shall make no law...
What does the 14th Amendment state: EQUAL Protection of the Laws.
When SOME groups are protected and Government will FORCE businesses to serve them
while OTHER groups are NOT protected and businesses do not have to serve them that is
(drum roll) I N E Q U A L I T Y - and violation of 14th Amendment.

,1533771557,08/08/2018 23:39 9152641,4029938387,"

In case several of you havent figured it out
(to busy chasing media blips)
Its all about the election,all about spinning you into a hole deeper than QAnon
When they say left,you need to look right and wait for it
It will come

",1533771791,08/08/2018 23:43 9148429,4029950916,"

No you're confused with the Q BAKERS, deep staters"" and brietfarters

",1533772502,08/08/2018 23:55 9151990,4029952251,"

Never gonna happen Sleepy Eyes Todd.
Q has a special plan for all of you. ""Something big is about to drop"" Q.

",1533772583,08/08/2018 23:56 9151315,4030021043,

Aren't you late for your QAnon meeting?

,1533776866,09/08/2018 01:07 9155320,4030033530,"

A thought experiment, regarding the massive MSM 'Q Anon is fake' campaign of last week...

Assuming that Q is fake, shouldn't we also assume that 1) Somebody on Trump's staff saw the story and told POTUS about it, or 2) Trump has seen the Q signs in his audience and asked his staff what they're for? What advantage would Trump have by continuing to let people in to his rallies with signs about a Q Anon hoax? Far better to confiscate them at the door.

",1533777662,09/08/2018 01:21 9152641,4030053093,"


Jones is controlled opposition. When elites and hollywood types are doing their perp walks, deep state wants people tuning into Alex Jones, not Q.

",1533779111,09/08/2018 01:45 9152641,4030058118,"

Corsi was called out by Q directly as being false.

Q said ""no outside comms"", yet Jones claimed to have spoken directly to Q on several occasions and knew who he was.

That is my entire point. Alex Jones is controlled opposition. He's the DS's pied piper leading patriots away from Q, pizzagate and other DS assets and in other directions. (Gay frogs).

",1533779501,09/08/2018 01:51 9152044,4030063507,"

Some information about censorship.

",1533779928,09/08/2018 01:58 9154777,4030085939,"

Thought experiment:

If Trump came out and openly said he is working with a group of highly qualified people who created Q to bypass the biased MSM, would you stick with Trump?

",1533781691,09/08/2018 02:28 9152044,4030086580,

Please find a connection (or at least make one up) to QAnon and we will believe you and support you 100%. Until then we’re a little skeptical of your shadowy accusations. Just weave some QAnonish stuff in there and you’re good to go.

,1533781736,09/08/2018 02:28 9154777,4030086789,

I never got anything worth considering out of people posting Q stuff in here.

,1533781751,09/08/2018 02:29 9154777,4030088381,"

I'd stick with Trump, and keep an eye out for any Q value.

",1533781879,09/08/2018 02:31 9149176,4030094004,

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

,1533782313,09/08/2018 02:38 9154777,4030101910,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533782920,09/08/2018 02:48 9152044,4030108642,

We = the true QAnon believers.

,1533783435,09/08/2018 02:57 9154777,4030128594,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533784909,09/08/2018 03:21 9154777,4030156206,

The globalist qanon lizard people are holding the sandy Hook kids on a ufo above Roswell for qanon's pedophilia racket head by Tom Hanks. Alex Jones knows because the aliens told him.

,1533786792,09/08/2018 03:53 9154777,4030206556,"

Praise the Lord, they will leave. 🇺🇸 👍🏾#MAGA #QANON #KAG

",1533789947,09/08/2018 04:45 9153640,4030212968,

But QAnon left me breadcrumbs and I been baking all day :-)

,1533790328,09/08/2018 04:52 9152641,4030283975,"

SUE the Soros-funded ACLU, Expose the farce behind the ACLU. Q is on this! Lots of dirty folks running behind the scenes are about to be exposed and arrested.

",1533794667,09/08/2018 06:04 9154777,4030286831,"

you are a moron.

So John Q. public and his wife now can't get their kid into the military,
because some puke illegal took his/her place.


",1533794831,09/08/2018 06:07 9154777,4030357151,"

Stranahan's Q debunking..... debunked.


",1533799058,09/08/2018 07:17 9154777,4030643346,"

2 Q Alternatives that are up as of now:

",1533812897,09/08/2018 11:08 9156856,4030702667,"

Imbeciles? We don't believe in fairy tale conspiracy theories (Deep State, Qanon), to make excuses for why our lives are so bad.

",1533815263,09/08/2018 11:47 9156856,4030826396,"

Give my regards to Qanon. You guys must be tight. Thanks for admitting that nothing you have commented on can be proven. You think Hillary took a back seat in 2008 to Obama? Wow, another interesting theory. There are facts and there are opinions and we disagree as to what's what.

",1533819281,09/08/2018 12:54 9151315,4030874590,"

No matter what a Rep. does, I know a Dem did worse. No matter what anyone says, I support my Pres. and all those who support him. There is no way in h**l I will ever believe anything I read against Mr. Trump and his supporters. I KNOW it is all a vast conspiracy to make this great country socialist, or worse. QAnon is my new go-to source. Keep up the good fight, BB!

",1533820802,09/08/2018 13:20 9156856,4030877675,"

WOW, election fraud! Quick tell the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Trump set up. Oh wait, they disbanded because they found no evidence. But you did? Who's your source? Does it begin with the letter Q?

",1533820894,09/08/2018 13:21 9156958,4030908862,

Thanx for the heads up.
Q research is all over it.
Qanons are digging up everything on it.

,1533821703,09/08/2018 13:35 9154378,4031103077,

#Qanon 🇺🇸

,1533827452,09/08/2018 15:10 9157372,4031118956,

So the Bud drinker letting the guy blow them is straight? You put the Q in LGBTQ.

,1533827934,09/08/2018 15:18 9157372,4031120756,

Help Qanon 🇺🇸

,1533827992,09/08/2018 15:19 9157372,4031122877,


,1533828060,09/08/2018 15:21 9152641,4031152790,"

No, he hasn't in any way. He is continuing to work within the Google/Apple rules (apps), and as you say he could have his app dumped as Apple dumped the Qanon app without warning. IF he is seriously concerned that his message gets out my suggestion is the path.

",1533828977,09/08/2018 15:36 9154987,4031190780,

Sessions is pathetic and has been a disaster as AG. I look forward to Trump firing him. You morons who fell for the Q garbage are getting played- it was designed to divide support for President Trump.

,1533830130,09/08/2018 15:55 9152641,4031262062,


is owned by the same Soros globalist organization that are shutting down free speech comment platforms????

Breitbart => develop your own comment platform!

,1533832668,09/08/2018 16:37 9152641,4031295726,

Who is AJ? Is that the same as Q?

,1533833742,09/08/2018 16:55 9155338,4031328660,"

In other words, you John Q Public, can't decide for yourself what is good to listen to or read. We, the Company, have to do it for you.

",1533834673,09/08/2018 17:11 9154987,4031334331,"

Is Jeff Sessions a traitor as he appears to be, or should I ""trust Sessions"" as Q has said repeatedly.
I think he is a traitor but hope I'm wrong for Trump's sake and for our Country, but am 100% sure I don't like or trust the little weasel.

",1533834857,09/08/2018 17:14 9154987,4031338757,

Agreed. Q isn’t real anyway.

,1533834994,09/08/2018 17:16 9154987,4031341364,

Dope Q is Military Intel close to PTrump.

,1533835074,09/08/2018 17:17 9154987,4031353646,"

Take your Q conspiracies and white hat conspiracies somewhere else, buddy. I know a traitor when I see one. Trump is being harassed, his family is being harassed, his allies are being harassed, and Sessions defends Rosenstein & Mueller.

",1533835456,09/08/2018 17:24 9154987,4031362933,

Be funny if qanon turned out to be an Obama shadow government psyop

,1533835752,09/08/2018 17:29 9157891,4031431584,"

Jawas, Cylons, Klingons, Predators, Romulans, Kryptonians, Kree, Space Blobs, Skrull, Invaders from Mars, Sand People, Bajorians, The Q and Borg, Wookies, Gorn, Nagai, and Tribbles... you're on notice!!

",1533837891,09/08/2018 18:04 9157474,4031455864,"

no, not even if you spotted her the I AND Q!

",1533838692,09/08/2018 18:18 9154987,4031491331,


QAnon blew that one. LOL

,1533839887,09/08/2018 18:38 9154987,4031513924,

Listen to Q about his perceived deep state inaction...

,1533840638,09/08/2018 18:50 9154987,4031516571,"

Could it be that this simply went the way of Vince Foster, Birtherism, Arkanicide, Seth Rich, ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, Qanon, etc... ? But I have learned there is always one on deck. Jon Huber will finally unveil all of the corruption and broken laws, right? Until he just joins the list of womp womps.

",1533840729,09/08/2018 18:52 9154987,4031534181,"

DOJ/FBI land plane in Hillary Clinton's hometown, FBI/DOJ load 757 with boxes and documents



​ True Pundit reports: This is very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. Jumbo jet too. Apparently loaded with evidence. “Yesterday 8/8/18 The @TheJusticeDept had a Boeing 757-223 tail number N119NA in Little Rock, AR. A local radio station reported #DOJ employees were loading boxes of documents into the plane. Important to note @ClintonFdn located there…Thoughts?” — Basham
In early July, True Pundit reported FBI insiders complaining about Little Rock FBI’s lack of progress on the Clinton Foundation probe which they said was being hampered by a loyalist of Andrew McCabe and James Comey. Perhaps Little Rock has since been removed from the probe. Per that exclusive report: FBI officials in the Little Rock field office in Arkansas are not actively pursuing leads on the Clinton Foundation, according to several FBI insiders who are blowing the whistle on the bureau’s investigative ruse.

View image on Twitter

John Basham@JohnBasham

Yesterday 8/8/18 The @TheJusticeDept had a Boeing 757-223 tail number N119NA in Little Rock, AR. A local radio station reported #DOJ employees were loading boxes of documents into the plane. Important to note @ClintonFdn located there... Thoughts?#MAGA #QAnon #WWG1WGA

9:53 PM - Aug 8, 2018 · Washington, DC


1,012 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Curious question obviously....What is going on with reports of an FBI/DOJ 757 being loaded with boxes and documents in Hillary Clinton's hometown of Little Rock, AR? Well two things really with this report of an FBI/DOJ 757 being loaded with boxes and documents in Hillary's home town, one the FBI does have a field office in Little Rock, AR where agents are likely involved with investigating the Clinton Foundation...And two of course being the fact that Hillary and Bill Clinton are from Little Rock, AR.
Now is this FBI/DOJ plane landing in Hillary's hometown loading documents and boxes onto a DOJ/FBI 757 mean nothing, or could this possibly be a clue that something is about to rock the Clinton world? This is yet the most interesting news in the ongoing possible Hillary/Clinton Foundation investigation, learning that a DOJ/FBI plane landed in Hillary's home town where the FBI or DOJ was loading documents/boxes onto a 757.

",1533841325,09/08/2018 19:02 9141244,4031590058,

What is Q? Thanks so much.

,1533843344,09/08/2018 19:35 9158128,4031634063,

i love it ! WINNING ! ! ! it's working.... Keep up the great work The Don.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!!
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

,1533845001,09/08/2018 20:03 9157786,4031639197,"

Could it be ?

DOJ/FBI land plane in Hillary Clinton's hometown, FBI/DOJ load 757 with boxes and documents



​ True Pundit reports: This is very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. Jumbo jet too. Apparently loaded with evidence. “Yesterday 8/8/18 The @TheJusticeDept had a Boeing 757-223 tail number N119NA in Little Rock, AR. A local radio station reported #DOJ employees were loading boxes of documents into the plane. Important to note @ClintonFdn located there…Thoughts?” — Basham
In early July, True Pundit reported FBI insiders complaining about Little Rock FBI’s lack of progress on the Clinton Foundation probe which they said was being hampered by a loyalist of Andrew McCabe and James Comey. Perhaps Little Rock has since been removed from the probe. Per that exclusive report: FBI officials in the Little Rock field office in Arkansas are not actively pursuing leads on the Clinton Foundation, according to several FBI insiders who are blowing the whistle on the bureau’s investigative ruse.

View image on Twitter

John Basham@JohnBasham

Yesterday 8/8/18 The @TheJusticeDept had a Boeing 757-223 tail number N119NA in Little Rock, AR. A local radio station reported #DOJ employees were loading boxes of documents into the plane. Important to note @ClintonFdn located there... Thoughts?#MAGA #QAnon #WWG1WGA

9:53 PM - Aug 8, 2018 · Washington, DC


1,123 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Curious question obviously....What is going on with reports of an FBI/DOJ 757 being loaded with boxes and documents in Hillary Clinton's hometown of Little Rock, AR? Well two things really with this report of an FBI/DOJ 757 being loaded with boxes and documents in Hillary's home town, one the FBI does have a field office in Little Rock, AR where agents are likely involved with investigating the Clinton Foundation...And two of course being the fact that Hillary and Bill Clinton are from Little Rock, AR.
Now is this FBI/DOJ plane landing in Hillary's hometown loading documents and boxes onto a DOJ/FBI 757 mean nothing, or could this possibly be a clue that something is about to rock the Clinton world? This is yet the most interesting news in the ongoing possible Hillary/Clinton Foundation investigation, learning that a DOJ/FBI plane landed in Hillary's home town where the FBI or DOJ was loading documents/boxes onto a 757.

",1533845216,09/08/2018 20:06 9157786,4031647140,

I heard Q might be looking for it.

,1533845537,09/08/2018 20:12 9157378,4031685925,"

Bwahahahaha..! ! ! Love it ! WINNING ! ! ! it's working, 3D-4D chess moves .... Keep up the great work. gotta love The Don! a Stable Genius, Master of The Art oF The Deal and Master of The Art of Troll, and Master Strategist.
You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄
The technology of peace! PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH !!! Salute!

",1533847130,09/08/2018 20:38 9152641,4031702774,


is owned by the same Soros globalist organization that are shutting down free speech comment platforms????

Breitbart => Why can't you develop your own comment platform?

,1533847861,09/08/2018 20:51 9157786,4031807371,"

This is the list of current Sealed Federal Indictments

Please note Central California. This war is not over!!!

",1533853406,09/08/2018 22:23 9157786,4031818435,"

Don't give a damn what Q says, the deepstate possum jeff magoo is covering for his deestate buddies, you don't swim in the DC sewer for decades without getting some shhhiiiittt on you...….

",1533854032,09/08/2018 22:33 9156856,4031854689,"

No you just dress like vagina, and dress your effed up kids like Vaginas, and the opposite sex of what they are.. and let them parade around with men dressed as women with leather BDSM gear on.. .. I mean the Q is way worse.

",1533856178,09/08/2018 23:09 9157378,4031895727,"

He also tweeted it July 29 and repeated the same thing verbally many times.

''The biggest and best results coming out of the good GDP report was that the quarterly Trade Deficit has been reduced by $52 Billion and, of course, the historically low unemployment numbers, especially for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Women.''

And I don't think that such thing is '' anecdotal ''. If the USA is in a trade war as he says, numbers are important.

He made a beginner's mistake because those quarterly numbers by the BEA are ANNUALIZED. So, they multiply everything by 4 to show what is the trade deficit if it was the same for 12 months.

In other words, he should say 13 billions compared to first Q and not 52.

But because of other mistakes he makes, it is not that simple. The BEA uses 2012 dollars instead of current dollars etc.

So the final true reduction is 20 billions compared to Q1.

That said, because Q1 was almost a record high for trade deficit, the first half of 2018 is actually an INCREASE compared to the first Half of 2017.

So he brags when the truth is that his trade war has not brought any result so far.

",1533858667,09/08/2018 23:51 9159844,4031959308,

Has Anonymous exposed Q yet?

,1533862565,10/08/2018 00:56 9160297,4031960109,

The deep-state was in charge then... pTrump is not a puppet of the globalist... Every nation played for the big payday IF Hillary had won... We now know it's all a scam... the cabal is falling apart and are damned desperate... Q!

,1533862618,10/08/2018 00:56 9159844,4031963884,

No and he doesn't know who he is. Only the ones on the Team and Trump know who Q is.

,1533862861,10/08/2018 01:01 9159844,4031971709,"

There are lists all over the internet of Proofs but regardless who ever he or they are, they have gotten Qanons researching and discovering amazing connections to different people.

Qanons are really Q since they do all the research. Q just starts them in the right direction.

",1533863373,10/08/2018 01:09 9159844,4031981774,

What is 'Fractal Magic'?

,1533864046,10/08/2018 01:20 9159844,4032016986,"

Qanon has got to be a cia psyop, making a mockery of Americans by dropping such nonsense, stringing people along. Is any of that gibberish supposed to mean anything?

",1533866626,10/08/2018 02:03 9159844,4032017090,"

There is some major movement. No idea if Q is legit , but chatter is very strange lately.

Further recent actions by the tech companies etc are entirely irrational.

Ohr's wife is in absolute deep #$#% which opens a major can of worms for Democrats. Extremely poisonous ones.

",1533866635,10/08/2018 02:03 9159133,4032026239,

You've probably got five QAnon tabs open right now

,1533867308,10/08/2018 02:15 9156856,4032027856,"

Correct Mary. Sorry, my typo.

Here is the link to the list

From Q post 1809

",1533867430,10/08/2018 02:17 9156856,4032030959,"

Meanwhile, 45000 sealed indictments here. Democrats going down ! Post 1809

Posts 1828 and 1829 show the criminal conspiracy against the President.


",1533867670,10/08/2018 02:21 9158527,4032037916,"

You want to see what President and team are doing ? really ?

Start here

And much, much more here:

But will you understand the meaning of the information ? Perhaps not, because the media have been hiding important and significant facts from you.

",1533868182,10/08/2018 02:29 9158527,4032042318,"

The investigations have been going on for nearly two years. You are going to be very pleased.

This tracks the number of sealed indictments.

And the Q anon group post the linkages:

Even better, the Q group posted today:

Previews are over.

It looks like after the media have placed their bet (doubling down on the losing team) the real information is about to flood out.

As the Q group and army of anonymous citizen investigators say, Enjoy the Show :)

",1533868518,10/08/2018 02:35 9161062,4032114488,

Good tag along with #Qanon and #FreeSpeech....

,1533873625,10/08/2018 04:00 9161062,4032451587,"

Q gets savage, posts Clinton Foundation Phone Number that's the NHTH number, posts those involved in Spygate



Qanon has officially gone savage tonight, after posting earlier that it was going to be showtime. Well it may just be showtime, as Q has tonight shown us that the Clinton Foundation Phone Number is the exact same phone number as the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Also Q has released information on everyone and every entity in spygate, so Q may of just technically leaked the 20 redacted pages of Rosenstein's 2017 FISA renewal. This is a major boom by Q tonight, and Q has told us something BIG was going to drop. So the Clinton Foundation is basically exposed as a human trafficking network, and we pretty much just gained access to names and entities involved in Obama's spygate...Showtime indeed! The Clinton's and their Foundation are officially connected to child/human trafficking

",1533893484,10/08/2018 09:31 9161062,4032457806,"

New Q, Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!



Well Q today has stated the following...Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime! Now what do these words from Q today point at, as we know the 20 heavily redacted pages of Rosenstein's 2017 FISA renewal will likely be declassified by the President sometime this month. It looks like with Q stating the following that we could perhaps be in the beginning stages of the storm, and for some reason today the FBI or DOJ loaded boxes into a 757 in Hillary's hometown of Little Rock Arkansas. Q responded to a post of Deadpool eating popcorn, so is Q hinting the storm is about to become full strength? I would say this is Q's most interesting post to date, and if the Storm happens after this Q post...Going to be hilarious to see how the anti Q msm and alt media figures try to explain themselves.

",1533893775,10/08/2018 09:36 9161062,4032460625,"

If you follow Q, you knew this was going to happen. It’s just the beginning.
40,000+sealed indictments.

",1533893902,10/08/2018 09:38 9157669,4032498308,"

Indeed, 99... I find the timing rather interesting... like the sudden LEFTIST INTEREST in SMEARING Q..(why NOW?)

",1533895609,10/08/2018 10:06 9149230,4032508441,"

Hi SC, Again thanks for your thoughtful and well put response!
I must say I am relieved to hear it and very glad. I'm a born optimist. But over the last 3-4 years the Spirit has been flagging. I must confess! Not only for the USA but the Western Word in general. As you know I'm from South Africa truth be told I don't see ANY hope here short to medium term. It’s getting quite bizarre! If it was not for my strong Bible Belief, I'd want to find a rock and hide under it. What really bothers me about the situation in the USA is the utter hate and refusal to have a decent rational discussion! It would seem to me 20-30 % of the USA population (I don't think the UK or Europe is far behind.) Hate Trump REGARDLESS of what he does. In other words an almost irrational hatred. Where there is NO discussion! Period!!!

Do you see hope at the end of the day? Do you believe, perhaps Trump, Perhaps Q and / or others could reconcile the misinformation? Out right lies, and get people regardless of political ideology to start talking, discussing debating again. In other words move forward for the betterment of the USA and therefore the World in general?

I have read many time that you defend Jeff Sessions. I do hope you are again correct. I personally was appalled when he ""seemed' to hang Trump out to dry by recusing himself from the M. Witch-hunt.

Yes if you are a ""gamer"" it is ""fascinating as well as spellbinding!"" But oh so scary for our future. Me I'm old man it really won't affect me to much... SA's appalling and narrow policies will affect me much more. But what of our future not for me or even you but that of our children. Although I remain and old bachelor and also childless. Unless there is some poor Bastard running around from my wild youth. Haha I don't think so!

Inclosing I truly hope you are correct about Q. I have my doubles that anyone save Jesus can deliver us from this mess! But I remain optimistic. Forgive me for only getting back to you today. Yesterday was a public holiday here. And generally I only go on the internet from work. Seldom at home. Data is so dear in SA. So you might only hear from me next week. Have a great weekend.

",1533896056,10/08/2018 10:14 9158899,4032545187,"

Hahahha, off topic but funny.

Qanon posted something last night. Read the first 2 lines, and you'll be laughing too.

",1533897611,10/08/2018 10:40 9157669,4032594845,"

Fact check Gore's and DiCaprio's actual annual Carbon Footprint and compare that to Joe Q Public, talk about inconvenient truths..

Polar Bears can Swim! I've seen them do it at a Zoo, and I'm damn sure they could swim a few miles if their lives depended on it.

",1533899561,10/08/2018 11:12 9160354,4032611985,

LOL. It's funny when the news is 3 - 4 days behind Qanon. The Sarsour angle was on the 8chan board a couple hours after the story first broke.

,1533900200,10/08/2018 11:23 9158938,4032636168,"

This is the latest move........the hand off by Mueller to Cuomo's corrupt NY judicial system. Digging into stuff from years a sign they're losing, bigly.

This is designed to DEFLECT from what is to come. A JUMBO JET packed with papers from the Clintons in Little Rock just flew back to the DOJ and FBI in VA.

Ex corrupt presidents always hide the incriminating stuff in their libraries. Same goes for Obama.

Watch the script from the trolls. ......who usually have ""private"" profiles, and enjoy the show................says Q.

RUDY knows where all the bodies are buried. :)))))))

",1533901060,10/08/2018 11:37 9152044,4032724537,

Do the Math.You guys gonna ban Q next?

,1533903814,10/08/2018 12:23 9158623,4032767475,"

Latest Q Post:

Aug 9 2018 21:54:19 (EST) NEW
(888) 373-7888

The phone number is for The National Human Trafficking Hotline.


",1533905166,10/08/2018 12:46 9156856,4032803465,

Qanon is a ruse. You're being played. But you like it because it gives you comfort in your unhappy world.

,1533906328,10/08/2018 13:05 9157669,4032892184,"

Q gets savage, posts Clinton Foundation Phone Number that's the NHTH number, posts those involved in Spygate


1 Comment

Qanon has officially gone savage tonight, after posting earlier that it was going to be showtime. Well it may just be showtime, as Q has tonight shown us that the Clinton Foundation Phone Number is the exact same phone number as the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Also Q has released information on everyone and every entity in spygate, so Q may of just technically leaked the 20 redacted pages of Rosenstein's 2017 FISA renewal. This is a major boom by Q tonight, and Q has told us something BIG was going to drop. So the Clinton Foundation is basically exposed as a human trafficking network, and we pretty much just gained access to names and entities involved in Obama's spygate...Showtime indeed! The Clinton's and their Foundation are officially connected to child/human trafficking.

",1533909173,10/08/2018 13:52 9158938,4032920027,

Wrong is wrong. Even Q says we will be disappointed with many people we once admired and looked up to.

,1533910080,10/08/2018 14:08 9158755,4033024566,


,1533913435,10/08/2018 15:03 9162430,4033103949,"

I live in Salem, OR and my growly deep voice said Qanon is Obama.

",1533915994,10/08/2018 15:46 9162430,4033108022,"

Well, They want us to think that Q is a left wing hoax!

",1533916124,10/08/2018 15:48 9162430,4033111249,"

Q posted a link to the Al Smith dinner with PTrump and HRC right before the Presidential election and EVERYTHING Trump said was correct and relates today. Post #1831 at She is going to PRISON.

",1533916229,10/08/2018 15:50 9162301,4033128708,"

""Q"" is a leftist troll based on a 1999 Italian book titled ""Q"" written by Luther Blissett. The content on Qanon is just transposed from the book.

This is a good article outlining the overlap.

",1533916767,10/08/2018 15:59 9162430,4033173257,"

Well if you want to just go full Q, go ahead.

",1533918247,10/08/2018 16:24 9162430,4033192017,"

DOJ plane makes 2nd round trip flight to Clinton's home town in Little Rock



​ True Pundit reports: This is getting very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia has gone down TWICE this week, according to flight intel and sources … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. The DOJ/FBI 757 made an additional flights on Thursday as well as a previous flights this week detailed below. The plane left Virginia at 11:56 am and arrived in Little Rock at 1:31 p.m., according to FAA records. The flight returned to Virginia on Thursday as well at approximately 5 p.m. Jumbo jet too. It was reported its first flight this week was Apparently loaded with evidence.
What is going on with now two DOJ flights back and forth between Virginia and the Clinton's hometown of Little Rock, AR in the last couple of days? Well two things really knowing that Little Rock, AR is the home town of the Clinton's, either the DOJ/FBI are trying to hide evidence, or we may be getting a hint that a secret investigation of the Clinton's is taking place inside the FBI and DOJ.
​ Strange how these DOJ birds making two round trips to the Clinton's home town of Little Rock, AR, come exactly when Q tells us the Clinton Foundation number is the same number as the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Something is obviously up with these DOJ or FBI 757's making two round trips to Little Rock, AR, and we either have a legit investigation against the Clinton's in play...Or the FBI/DOJ are trying to cover up for the Clinton's.

",1533918832,10/08/2018 16:33 9162430,4033201588,"

DOJ plane makes 2nd round trip flight to Clinton's home town in Little Rock



​ True Pundit reports: This is getting very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia has gone down TWICE this week, according to flight intel and sources … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. The DOJ/FBI 757 made an additional flights on Thursday as well as a previous flights this week detailed below. The plane left Virginia at 11:56 am and arrived in Little Rock at 1:31 p.m., according to FAA records. The flight returned to Virginia on Thursday as well at approximately 5 p.m. Jumbo jet too. It was reported its first flight this week was Apparently loaded with evidence.
What is going on with now two DOJ flights back and forth between Virginia and the Clinton's hometown of Little Rock, AR in the last couple of days? Well two things really knowing that Little Rock, AR is the home town of the Clinton's, either the DOJ/FBI are trying to hide evidence, or we may be getting a hint that a secret investigation of the Clinton's is taking place inside the FBI and DOJ.
​ Strange how these DOJ birds making two round trips to the Clinton's home town of Little Rock, AR, come exactly when Q tells us the Clinton Foundation number is the same number as the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Something is obviously up with these DOJ or FBI 757's making two round trips to Little Rock, AR, and we either have a legit investigation against the Clinton's in play...Or the FBI/DOJ are trying to cover up for the Clinton's.

",1533919143,10/08/2018 16:39 9162430,4033282419,"

DOJ plane makes 2nd round trip flight to Clinton's home town in Little Rock



​ True Pundit reports: This is getting very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia has gone down TWICE this week, according to flight intel and sources … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. The DOJ/FBI 757 made an additional flights on Thursday as well as a previous flights this week detailed below. The plane left Virginia at 11:56 am and arrived in Little Rock at 1:31 p.m., according to FAA records. The flight returned to Virginia on Thursday as well at approximately 5 p.m. Jumbo jet too. It was reported its first flight this week was Apparently loaded with evidence.
What is going on with now two DOJ flights back and forth between Virginia and the Clinton's hometown of Little Rock, AR in the last couple of days? Well two things really knowing that Little Rock, AR is the home town of the Clinton's, either the DOJ/FBI are trying to hide evidence, or we may be getting a hint that a secret investigation of the Clinton's is taking place inside the FBI and DOJ.
​ Strange how these DOJ birds making two round trips to the Clinton's home town of Little Rock, AR, come exactly when Q tells us the Clinton Foundation number is the same number as the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Something is obviously up with these DOJ or FBI 757's making two round trips to Little Rock, AR, and we either have a legit investigation against the Clinton's in play...Or the FBI/DOJ are trying to cover up for the Clinton's.

",1533921786,10/08/2018 17:23 9151384,4033283255,"

Hey DNC-Soros troll, didn't realize only trolls live behind sunglasses. As Q says, you are just stupid.

",1533921814,10/08/2018 17:23 9162301,4033318212,"

Not even close. You'll never convince the followers of Q that Q is anything but what it says it is. A person or group of persons, with 'Q' level security clearance, working directly with Trump, if not Trump himself. Q has been right over and over and over again. Q is not a Leftist troll, you are. Nice try.

",1533922962,10/08/2018 17:42 9154987,4033374837,

You are so woke. You sure you don't believe in QAnon? It seems like that would right up your alley.

,1533924880,10/08/2018 18:14 9158938,4033421009,"

The investigation isn't over until Trump is interviewed. I really don't want Trump impeached and convicted by the Senate. The consolation prize is the weasel, Pence. More of the King's men are going fall, he'd be stupid to pardon them all.

I know, I know, Breitbarters dream out loud about a 100 Grand Juries investigating the Obama administration. That's next best thing to Q calling you on the phone to give you the ""real"" news.

",1533926465,10/08/2018 18:41 9163465,4033446772,"

To all those people ""ripping"" live in a nation that pays you millions of dollars to play a CHILDRENS game then disrespect our FLAG...

Signed: John Q Public

",1533927346,10/08/2018 18:55 4843776,4033459705,"

Should be the other way around, free for native Brits, all others to pay. Most refugee types are from primitive countries with low I Q people so there wouldn’t be many takers!

",1533927814,10/08/2018 19:03 9162631,4033464980,

We have a new synonym for traitor>>>>>>>>>>omorosa.

She'll think she's untouchable because of her race......just you watch.

It took a lot of planning to do what she did................perhaps she's one of the ones Q referred to in his latest post.

,1533928015,10/08/2018 19:06 9159619,4033504060,"

Yes, that's how the media works these days. That in fact was how they characterized the Tampa rally, where they found a scatter few people with Q shirts. Somehow, those few out of 20,000 attendees, were enough to convince WP that Trump and Q were an item, virtually one and the same.

",1533929510,10/08/2018 19:31 9162301,4033535569,"

May I suggest reading the Blissett book. I was like you, but had some reservation, particularly about the predicted mass arrests and subsequent riots that never happened. I was then turned onto the Q book and read the book last weekend and it enlightened me. I don’t believe in coincidences, and the content, and even the style, of the book mirrors Qanon nearly perfectly. That’s not a coincidence.

",1533930713,10/08/2018 19:51 9159418,4033584915,"

Pez, thought the same thing as I read the story. The FBI botched another attempt by extremists. It was only because of alert people without security clearances or badges that another tragedy was stopped. This situation reeks of another Deep State effort to repeal the second amendment!

""See something. Say something."" - Qanon

",1533933068,10/08/2018 20:31 9162439,4033600166,"

Oh, Q!

The gutter called; time for you to go back. 😘

",1533933977,10/08/2018 20:46 9162502,4033661578,"

Thats what i believe to, same with that weird ""Q-Anon"" group that is seen at the most recent Trump rallies. I bet those people who are so-called Q-Anon are the same leftist idiots that were getting into Trump rallies before the election and yelling everytime Trump spoke, or rolled out signs saying Love trumps Hate...There is a group of activists on a payroll it looks like and its their job to do smear tactics like that.

",1533937883,10/08/2018 21:51 9159031,4033672541,

is this whay Qanon tells you?

,1533938632,10/08/2018 22:03 9159031,4033676164,

it doesn’t tell you
u use the Q board and the supernatural

,1533938885,10/08/2018 22:08 9162631,4033703360,

You left the Q out...

,1533940793,10/08/2018 22:39 9158899,4033774520,

Can i use yours. You people are the ones who are off on this whole Q thing and the deep state is after Trump crap. Trump is a victim of his own corruption.

,1533945709,11/08/2018 00:01 9166045,4033780074,"

One part of this Q thing you might appreciate...

People are speculating that the ""Q+"" signoff might actually be wording coming direct from Trump. It is very rare. If so, this one is spectacular :). IF so.

Aug 10 2018 11:44:55 (EST)

",1533946086,11/08/2018 00:08 9166045,4033781309,

I've been following Q as well...very interesting turn of events! :)

,1533946170,11/08/2018 00:09 9166045,4033792588,"

?? Brian, again this isn't about Q, it's about the diversion of Q while Alex gets banned publicly...Alex advised we watch the rabbit...Q is a moniker...

",1533946961,11/08/2018 00:22 9162301,4033801282,"

Did Q make the so many congressmen either resign or not run again for their cushy jobs?
Did Q cause the firings and demotions and resignations in the FBI and DOJ?
Did Q file all those sealed indictments in federal courts all over the US?
(Over 10 times the number that are normally filed for a given time period.)
If you are rational, you must admit that these things are not normal.
And for all of them to be happening at the same time is also surprising.
No, Q didn’t do all those things, but he does know what is going on behind the scenes.
But, you don’t know.

",1533947577,11/08/2018 00:32 9166045,4033805195,

I think Q is Deep State controlled opposition.

,1533947854,11/08/2018 00:37 9166045,4033826712,

Wish Scott wouldn't have weighed in on Q with 100% certainty.

Gonna have to eat crow most likely... It seems.

,1533949383,11/08/2018 01:03 9166558,4033924056,"

R.I.P. Qanon , never forget !

",1533956870,11/08/2018 03:07 9162628,4034027792,"

Australia has a National Firearms Agreement between State and Federal governments. It's only a wish list or guideline of what their ""ideal"" situation could be. NONE of them ever stick to it bc it is NOT a legislative document passed by parliament.

In reality, the actual laws about gun ownership, registration, security, types and magazine sizes etc differ across jurisdictions and licencing. You need to check laws of each state for clarification.

We have the same sorts of angst that exists between your NRA and gun-hating nutjobs here too! Liberals are all the same wherever you go: deranged and incapable of rational, unemotional and logical thought.

Yes, we have plenty of gun-related crime and have had 7 ""mass shootings"" since 1996 only bc our population is much smaller than USA. 𝗗𝗼 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗯𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶-𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻'𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝘆 ""𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗱"". 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆!

Yes, our pathetic governments have sold us out and We the People have had enough. Many of us, myself included, are big fans of DJT and counting on his Q movement to deliver us from globalist evil.

As for shootings that allegedly ""don't happen in Australia"", here's a few for the record ...



",1533963948,11/08/2018 05:05 9166558,4034033002,

Right. Because you would never fall for something as ridiculous as Arkanicide or Vince Foster or Birtherism or Seth Rich or Sandy Hook actors or ReleaseTheMemo or OIGreport or QAnon or ...

,1533964303,11/08/2018 05:11 9166558,4034060112,

At least you're intelligent enough to recognize the Q con. I'll give you that!

,1533966042,11/08/2018 05:40 9164884,4034206392,"

Coming soon to a university poly-sci department near you! I would not be surprised to hear this coming soon from one or more of our federal or state legislators as well, given that their collective I. Q. is somewhere south of a carrot. .

",1533975918,11/08/2018 08:25 9166393,4034281318,

Bill Maher is a member of Qanon.
Who would have guessed?

,1533980497,11/08/2018 09:41 9166393,4034290228,"

Doing a hour show, once a week, must leave a lot of free time. Bill admitted during his free time he is a member of Qanon. Keep up the good work Mr. Maher.

",1533981023,11/08/2018 09:50 9166393,4034295981,"

Now that Bill has admitted he is a member of Qanon, should we support him?

",1533981359,11/08/2018 09:55 9165643,4034311270,"

Bannon was one of the people double registered in FL and another state. Others include TiffanyT, JaredK, DJT Jr though not necessarily FL
Pick a name, any name. If you google any John Q Public name, tell me how many matches show up. Looks like a lot of double regs huh?

",1533982234,11/08/2018 10:10 9166045,4034311801,"

Isn't Q Sacha Baron Cohen, pranking the alt-right? That's what I heard.

",1533982264,11/08/2018 10:11 9163270,4034329029,"

Since this Q & A was on a work day, Tuesday, I'm sure that the agitators in the photo in this article don't have jobs. Although, these agitators are most likely being paid by evil villain George Soros. So, they don't need legitimate jobs.

",1533983219,11/08/2018 10:26 9166045,4034348580,

Ezra watnick cohen might disagree with you. Adm rodgers could fill you in also. Rudy said on hannity as soon as its over ityll all be explained. One things sure. Q is almost 100% correct! Cnn would die for accuracy rates like q has

,1533984257,11/08/2018 10:44 9165970,4034381789,"

Racial divisiveness is a key element to the Commiecrat agenda. They spew racism, racism, racism seemingly with every breath. Then they think John Q. Public is so stupid that they'll believe it when they say it's actually Trump that's doing this. It's an insult to the national intelligence. Just think. You can vote Commiecrat and be told daily that what you see with your own eyes isn't true, or you can reject these trashy vermin and vote anything but Commiecrat. If there's a D by their name they are filthy liars and don't deserve your vote.

",1533985938,11/08/2018 11:12 9160111,4034466182,"

Q tells us that Trump tells us Sessions is ok. From SerialBrain2:

Q1121 Actions today [raid] will be met w/ swift action. FBI burning midnight oil. Q

Now that we know the landing of this Boeing 757-223 in Little Rock is illustrating the principle of congruent forms, let’s analyze it a little further and extract Q comms.

First, we notice the White Hats response occurred exactly 25 days after the Greenpeace paraglider incident. 25? That’s 2+23 and also 3 weeks +2 days + 2 days. Do you see the 322? Do you see how it is inverted to signify opposition, retaliation? Amazing stuff. Imgur3

But there is more. Have you noticed how Sessions has picked the Boeing model? It’s a Boeing 757-223. 223? That is the exact opposite of 322, Skull and Bones. Thank you Sessions. We know you don’t speak much but boy! If you guys knew what he is cooking behind the scene! Q told us. Right here:


",1533989816,11/08/2018 12:16 9166045,4034502477,"

mocking Q, banning Gavin and Alex. They are scared of the red tsunami.

",1533991418,11/08/2018 12:43 9165298,4034534780,

Did Q Anon tell you that?

Better check the thickness of your tin foil hat; they rays are getting through.

,1533992807,11/08/2018 13:06 9165298,4034560584,"

Now trump supporting Reddit site is banning Qanon posts after giving it life.

But Zuckerberg is evil here

",1533993889,11/08/2018 13:24 9165298,4034561272,

Who is this Q i keep hearing about?

,1533993919,11/08/2018 13:25 9166402,4034581687,

Bill said he was a member of Qanon. Should we support him? It makes sense he is part of Q.

,1533994764,11/08/2018 13:39 9166402,4034587034,

Maher admitted last night he was a member of Qanon. Keep up the Qwork Mr. Bill

,1533994970,11/08/2018 13:42 9166402,4034600082,"

Bill Maher may get banned from platforms because he admitted he was a ""Q"". He knew a lot last night about Qanon. Is he secretly funding this tech-op?

",1533995480,11/08/2018 13:51 9166402,4034608749,

I think he was talking about the real Anonymous's claim that Q started out as a joke to show how easily conspiracy theorists are to fool.

,1533995830,11/08/2018 13:57 9166402,4034613225,

He also laid into how fifty percent of you morons believed pizzagate and spawned the Qanon movement. Good stuff! 👍

,1533996005,11/08/2018 14:00 9166402,4034618206,

The bit about Q at the end was hilarious. You guys are idiots.

,1533996215,11/08/2018 14:03 9166402,4034621865,

You know what it is. We are Q.

,1533996364,11/08/2018 14:06 9162301,4034652811,"

No. None of those things are the result of Q.

Congressman quit all the time, and many times they quit because they don’t want to lose. The people quitting are RINOs.

Q didn’t cause the firings and demotions at the DOJ. That was president Trump. The difference is that we hear about it because we are aware of it. Obama fired and replace more of the FBI and DOJ his first year.

You can not keep an indictment sealed after a person is arrested. Q has claimed that Hillary was arrested and effectively out on bail for peace, yet her indictment has not been unsealed.

",1533997587,11/08/2018 14:26 9161992,4034656651,

Nice try liar. He is a Qanon Trump voter

,1533997734,11/08/2018 14:28 9167221,4034695103,

Mainstream media seeks to divide us!

Divided we fall!

Together we win!

People unite!

Follow Q!

,1533999234,11/08/2018 14:53 9167161,4034721931,

Go have Q service you.

,1534000319,11/08/2018 15:11 9167068,4034729688,"

Read about pedovores and satanic pedos. You're all gonna burn in h3ll.

",1534000621,11/08/2018 15:17 9167161,4034746108,"

Pffftttt ... Q blather.

If Trump truly has ALL of the information, waiting for something extra is a waste, especially if it gives the other side more time to organize and counter attack.

",1534001267,11/08/2018 15:27 9167221,4034747232,


We are under attack

By forces seeking to divide us!

Stay together!

And follow Q!

,1534001312,11/08/2018 15:28 9167161,4034747619,

The Q arguments for delay are for political newbies.

,1534001328,11/08/2018 15:28 9167161,4034775974,"

Theconservative nuthouse was promoting the claim that Strzok was cooperating ... until it turned out to be laughable.

Once a stalwart site during the Trayvon and Ferguson days, it has been overrun by the Qnutters now. Sad.

",1534002440,11/08/2018 15:47 9167221,4034781936,

Did Q tell you that?

,1534002682,11/08/2018 15:51 9167068,4034789328,

Is this reveal related to Q? Makes me wonder... it’ll all be out in the open soon.

,1534002980,11/08/2018 15:56 9167161,4034794478,

Pffftttt ... lame Q rationalizations for inaction.

,1534003185,11/08/2018 15:59 9167161,4034801021,"

Oh, cool ... a Sessions defender and Qnozzle.

",1534003476,11/08/2018 16:04 9167449,4034830316,"

Insider stuff is at it every day...and John Q Public gets stiffed ....when will Corzine's $1.3B fund get found ?

""It's lost ""

",1534004687,11/08/2018 16:24 9160111,4034837545,

WTH is wrong with leftists? Rhetorical Q.

,1534004977,11/08/2018 16:29 9163465,4034915745,"

Just like I thought, Obama broke no laws except being an intelligent black man voted POTUS TWICE with the majority votes of America. You heard me INTELLIGENT, 1000x more intelligent than you, you dumb, Q following, brainwashed cupcake.

",1534008272,11/08/2018 17:24 9167068,4034934152,"

Anyone doubting Q and his ""conspiracy"" - what more do you need?

",1534009028,11/08/2018 17:37 9166402,4035003835,

You are Q.

,1534011316,11/08/2018 18:15 9168196,4035039522,"

No, if I was Q it would be more cryptic

Stay the course
Why are red balloon blues?
The monarch is in the castle.
Trust the plan.


",1534012795,11/08/2018 18:39 9168196,4035071046,"

The Nunes memo, the tweets? Pizzagate? Qanon?
What convinced you?

",1534014113,11/08/2018 19:01 9168196,4035073590,"

New Q: They thought she would never lose, now they all lose...We are under attack by 3 intel agencies



Looks like we need to prepare for a storm to come any day now in America, as Q is telling us they thought she would never lose and now they all will lose. Last night alone was a major Q drop...Probably one of Q's most epic drops to date, where Q connected the Clinton Foundation to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. The drop alone last night connecting the Clinton Foundation to the National Human Trafficking Hotline may just be the reason why Q is today stating we are under attack by three intelligence agencies, where Q is stating three intelligence agencies both foreign and domestic are involved in these attacks. These three intelligence agencies Q is more than likely referring to are the the three most well known to be involved with the Deep State...Those are the CIA, MI6, and Mossad. It's going to be interesting what will come to us in the next few days with Q stating now they all lose, does this involve thousands of CEO's and Government officials resigning across America and the world and those 45,000 sealed indictments? Well sit back, because Q told us last night it's showtime.

",1534014227,11/08/2018 19:03 9167221,4035075351,"

he is Q, careful

",1534014303,11/08/2018 19:05 9168196,4035092767,

So where is Q and his “trust Sessions” advice? Where we at with that now?


,1534015059,11/08/2018 19:17 9168196,4035094592,

Sessions never was with Q.
We have always been at war with Derptopia.

,1534015140,11/08/2018 19:19 9168196,4035100962,

You don't have to believe it just move along...VIVA Q.

,1534015429,11/08/2018 19:23 9168196,4035108099,

Can't rely on that Q Anon stuff. Need to nip this in the bud right now. The government and everyone who works for it must by LOYAL to our President. That is what they are there for.

,1534015749,11/08/2018 19:29 9168196,4035108139,

QAnon fan?

,1534015751,11/08/2018 19:29 9167068,4035109763,"

Why does the msm dismiss pedo crimes as conspiracy theories so rapidly. has more accurate news.

If you haven't cut the cord and quit movies, you are feeding and enabling these monsters.

",1534015824,11/08/2018 19:30 9168196,4035109908,

...nothing to do with Q....when I add it all up the only thing that makes sense is Mueller/Trump

,1534015832,11/08/2018 19:30 9168196,4035111161,

.....where did I mention Q....?

,1534015883,11/08/2018 19:31 9168196,4035117386,

It’s called QAnon. A fad. An apparent high clearance operative with his friends who are on the good side and has a plan.

,1534016156,11/08/2018 19:35 9168196,4035119238,"

If you follow Q, Q said to trust Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Trump, and Huber. There was a plan.

If you don't trust Q, then none of that matters.

",1534016239,11/08/2018 19:37 9168196,4035126328,

raise your hand if you are a QAnon follower.

,1534016556,11/08/2018 19:42 9168196,4035132902,

Funny thing about Q. The MSM seems to be pretty upset about something they call a hoax. They've even started to replace the Russian collusion narrative as the reason Trump got elected to Q and Pepe trolls on 4chan. May be more to Q than you want to believe.

,1534016855,11/08/2018 19:47 9168196,4035142847,

QAnon Bullshit

,1534017309,11/08/2018 19:55 9168196,4035143936,

The best part about Trump calling out Sessions in this manner is that he exposes the Qnozzles as complete nutters.

,1534017357,11/08/2018 19:55 9168196,4035145894,"

About a month ago I mentioned Trump would order all the documents released unclassified on several matters that the docs have been deliberately withheld by DOJ and FBI . Since then I have mentioned it several more times in the last 2 weeks or so. The reason is very simple and it is about to happen !

These docs will reveal so much evidence of crime at DOJ, FBI, DNC and the DSA it will give Trump the clear political, legal, moral and ethical power and validation to fire Sessions, Rosenstein and others to include Mueller. A new temporary head of DOJ will then start prosecutions ! That person can run DOJ indefinitely without being approved by congress, but they will be once all the info is revealed ! Tat person will be one of three people and all of them will take positions at DOJ. The entire Russia sham will be completely exposed for the many crimes involved and it will take several years to unwind all the contingent prosecutions. It is possible Sessions could save himself, but I doubt it at this juncture for many reasons. I personally would never trust his judgment again for anything and I doubt Trump does as well, or anybody else except Rosenstein who bamboozled him to create the Mueller sham in the first place.

Yes the DEMs will scream, but who cares as they are already screaming about crap they simply make up daily ! The evidences will be overwhelming. The DEM/DSA knows all of this and that is why you are seeing the incredible full court press from many directions to say or do anything to try and undermine Trump in any way possible or say as much insane negative false narratives as possible via PRAVDA/MSM !

It is all coming to a head as I write this. By the way this has nothing at all to do with the supposed Qanon 40 K indictments, that was all BS from the get go. This is just the cards playing out in real time !

",1534017450,11/08/2018 19:57 9168196,4035151691,"

I said 46,000. Research Q. Don't be lazy. Why would I lie......?? projecting again.

Wait'll the NWO runs out of children to sacrifice, and turns their sights on its own trolls.

",1534017711,11/08/2018 20:01 9167068,4035157776,"

Wow Q just posted a link to this story! These people ARE sick!!

Q also said:
These people are SICK!
You people are a DISEASE.
We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE.

",1534018012,11/08/2018 20:06 9168196,4035161194,

He is Q.

,1534018176,11/08/2018 20:09 9168196,4035166569,

All who doubted Qanon are about to be surprised.

,1534018432,11/08/2018 20:13 9167068,4035204097,

John made the big time. You are linked to Q on the patriot's fight site!

,1534020307,11/08/2018 20:45 9167068,4035210523,"

Holy crapo. Is that why put that out?

",1534020632,11/08/2018 20:50 9168196,4035215181,

I am NOT Q. I trust the plan.

,1534020869,11/08/2018 20:54 9168196,4035219703,

I checked with Q.... you are getting close

,1534021100,11/08/2018 20:58 9167068,4035221426,"

I guess when the clowns attacked the Q qresearch board not knowing it was baited for them, the clowns received a video of Hillary doing just this stuff.
The military intelligence thus were able to see exactly where the clown headquarters was that the attack was coming from. Q posted that they sent a 'package' to the HQ...which all the people on the board thought was the 5:5 video of Hillary doing her murderous things.

",1534021189,11/08/2018 20:59 9168196,4035221710,

Sessions fooled Trump into picking him so he could bring him down when appointed AG. Q left the crumbs on this.

,1534021204,11/08/2018 21:00 9168196,4035224241,

Your idea that Sessions and Muller are working for Trump is false. QAnon is a scam.

,1534021341,11/08/2018 21:02 9168196,4035228220,"

I am not into Q stuff. I deal with facts and when Sessions recused, it became obvious he was a mole. I didn't hear it from Q. I don't follow Q. I reject that charlatan

",1534021573,11/08/2018 21:06 9168196,4035228602,"

Four BOOMS next week...WINNING. Love, Q.

",1534021596,11/08/2018 21:06 9162967,4035232579,"

Nutcase who started the California fire was a Alex Jones conspiracy weirdo.

Suspect behind massive California wildfire was steeped in conspiracies

From 9/11 to QAnon to beets curing cancer in 48 hours, there appears no conspiracy theory too strange for Forrest Clark.

Conservatives today! Shut down all of these conspiracy sites.

",1534021837,11/08/2018 21:10 9167068,4035234697,"

Looks like all the naysayers were wrong about

",1534021967,11/08/2018 21:12 9167068,4035235900,

No wonder pedomedia news put out hundreds of articles dismissing Q. Stupid!

,1534022038,11/08/2018 21:13 9167068,4035254770,

When I saw the Q post on the Clinton Crime Foundation with that phone number I was unsure why Q did that. One of my friends turned me to the site. She's smart like you. Holy crapo... still dumbfounded.

,1534023247,11/08/2018 21:34 9165760,4035257604,"

Come on, you're paranoid. It was just a coincidence they all decided to go after Qanon at exactly the same time!

",1534023435,11/08/2018 21:37 9166288,4035264190,"

lol, Right, So what's your point, You still have poison in your product, So how is NAFTA such a bad deal for the US again? 6 to 1 ratio. Pound jagged salt. You obviously miss the point. Mr QAnon...

",1534023816,11/08/2018 21:43 9167068,4035269036,"

BB people don't believe Q yet. Your post is worth 1,000. We are surrounded by sheepleshit.

",1534024092,11/08/2018 21:48 9168196,4035271643,

2 Friggin years wasted thinking there was some big Q Plan!!!! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.... no the mean time infowars GONE....other being taken out each day...this is winning???? wake up!

,1534024249,11/08/2018 21:50 9167068,4035274638,"

Remember when sarah pedo silverman sent that picture of herself to the Q board, holding the phone. It said, Stand Down on her screen. Then she threatened the Q army.

Hahahahahahahah, well I do.

",1534024451,11/08/2018 21:54 9168196,4035274979,"

Q-anon is a farce....during this Congress recess period, could not Trump fire Sessions and appoint a new A.G. without Congressional approval??

",1534024476,11/08/2018 21:54 9167068,4035276372,

I bet sarah silverman wishes she didn't threaten the Q army.

,1534024553,11/08/2018 21:55 9167068,4035277853,"

Probably, Q will FISH them out.

",1534024657,11/08/2018 21:57 9168196,4035298545,"

There is a shrinking but stubborn contingent that believe that Trump is lying about Sessions. And the a Q team is going to drop the hammer on the Obama rogues. And that, funniest of all, it is just right around the corner ... always, just right around the corner.

Too-cute-by-half thinking by half-brights. No, what you see is what is happening. Trump boxed himself in by keeping Sessions after the recusal, and a pile of bad things have accumulated. Mueller has trashed his staff, created a ton of negative political news for the POTUS, raided his private attorney, and has kept his poll numbers weaker than they should be for such a hot economy.

",1534026167,11/08/2018 22:22 9168196,4035300502,

Jr's testimony to the question: Q under oath: Did foreign nationals offer assistance to the Trump campaign? A: Not that I'm aware of. That right there is perjury.

,1534026318,11/08/2018 22:25 9168196,4035309834,"

you have the same blindspot many #QAnon have, and you keep ignoring that the Clinton's Biden, McCain have not been arrested DESPITE Trump and the GOP controlling everything for two years now. NO ARRESTS, NO CHARGES. It's all bull crap. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

",1534027029,11/08/2018 22:37 9168196,4035312339,

lol now that is good 'theory' just as sound as anything Q would say

,1534027214,11/08/2018 22:40 9168196,4035315476,"

Doesn't Q keep saying ""Trust Sessions""?

",1534027454,11/08/2018 22:44 9168196,4035318449,"

REALLY?! Okay fake media, Here, put on this pork chop suit and walk into AG Sessions Lion's den for a comment! Come ON!!! There are sealed indictment with most your names on them... Q, Trust Sessions... My GOD, I can't wait for you pedovores to be rounded up and shipped to GITMO for your military tribunals; then sit in a cell awaiting your executions for human trafficking, Drug running, murder and sedition... Stay tuned you idiots!!!

",1534027675,11/08/2018 22:47 9165760,4035320625,"

Qanon, while complete BS is entertaining. Muh Russia collusion, equally BS is dangerous to the nation. Which do you choose to get your hackles up?

",1534027843,11/08/2018 22:50 9167068,4035329321,

Thank You Q. God Bless.

,1534028523,11/08/2018 23:02 9165760,4035334622,

Who is this Q i keep hearing about?

,1534028926,11/08/2018 23:08 9165760,4035341983,"

Wow... Bill Maher compared somebody to Planet of the Apes too on Twitter. I hadn't known.

Here is the screenshot:

",1534029496,11/08/2018 23:18 9167068,4035349453,"

I'm from Germany. Getting sick over this enormous amount of truly insane, deranged cowardous scum on the one hand, I congratulate all of you Americans for your President Trump, which I deem the greatest President ever, on the other hand.

We are unite in this thought: the least of man made it up for leading jobs.

So far.
I cannot wait until Trump has fulfilled his mission. Seeing those ppl going into prison.

Keep on fighting together with your wonderful Potus. You are much more awaken than the Germans are so far. But we improve quickly in doing so.
Keep on supporting the great Donald Trump

So as I do in Germany.


",1534030091,11/08/2018 23:28 9167068,4035352131,"

No. Having no shame is their Programme. Good to have Trump to make them ashamed, and prisoners, for the rest of their lives.
Think about the evidence that is emerging by singing birds in all areas

Do you watch QANON?
As I do on an hourly basis?

",1534030304,11/08/2018 23:31 9167068,4035363751,"

If one reads his tweets, it is evident that the real pedophile practice is his learned and common behavior/doing.

Investigations are made boottom-up. The truth will appear!


",1534030734,11/08/2018 23:38 9168196,4035372591,

We can only hope so. And that there will be people cuffed. But too much damage will be done if they continue to wait.
Are you a fan of Q Anon BTW?

,1534031459,11/08/2018 23:50 9167068,4035373504,

I just wrote it some posts beneath.
I don't want to watch it either.
But ppl have to know what is REALLY going on!
Pedo-Podesta same!


,1534031536,11/08/2018 23:52 9167161,4035387641,

Sounds like you have a Q stuck up your bum... There is a brownstone operation that will take care of that... Ask Barney Frank...

,1534032663,12/08/2018 00:11 9168196,4035408320,"

You mean the one Q posted of Barry Hussein HOLDING HANDS with some Cutie pie Pakistani Dude...snuggling on a couch during college years...(BTW, BARRY looks TOTALLY STONED in that picture!) lol

",1534034261,12/08/2018 00:37 9167068,4035428372,"

If you don't follow Q/QAnon (and you should), this is not a surprise. Apparently, virtually anyone famous or in a high religious position is a pedo-satanist.

This is all purposeful. Research Hollywood, Q, and the vatican to draw your own conclusions. I'm currently too busy to get into online debates.

",1534035914,12/08/2018 01:05 9168145,4035443570,

I bet you've got five QAnon tabs open right now

,1534037201,12/08/2018 01:26 9168145,4035451142,"

Hillary, deep state QANON!

",1534037856,12/08/2018 01:37 9166558,4035453797,"

2038hrs. BB has taken link to this article off index page. Why? This is the ""unauthorized missile"" was talking about. This character ""Rick"" who stole the plane, was he shot down? Was he homicidal, and intent on harming the president?

Sheriff dismissed this way too quickly. Answers!

",1534038084,12/08/2018 01:41 9168196,4035469154,"

I've heard stuff like that about ""qanon"" but it doesn't seem plausible...but possible I suppose.

",1534039428,12/08/2018 02:03 9168145,4035477851,


,1534040192,12/08/2018 02:16 9167068,4035502658,"

NBC is teaching all the pedos how to delete their old tweets.

In his recent posts, Q is hammering Gunn, Maher, s8n (Satan), NBC and the social media giants for their evil sickness.

We already know about Hillary and what happened on Epstein's ""orgy island.""

Next week: Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom.

Think the Seattle airplane thief might have been MKUltra'ed?

What, the Q400 crashed and burned? Message received?

These people are sick!

",1534042352,12/08/2018 02:52 9168145,4035508511,

True! (See picture Q posted of a young STONED Barry Hussein HOLDING HANDS & SNUGGLING with some mustached Pakistani sweet boy...) lol

,1534042848,12/08/2018 03:00 9164881,4035536559,"

This ""white nationalists are actually Antifa liberals in disguise"" theory, is that a QAnon thing?

",1534045066,12/08/2018 03:37 9169213,4035539103,

I have Q level clearance and I want you all to know you're Trumptarded.

,1534045264,12/08/2018 03:41 9164881,4035541173,"

Well after Cons were proven wrong on Vince Foster, Arkanicide, Birtherism, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Sandy Hook actors, ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, Trump Wiretaps, Spygate, QAnon, etc... I prefer to see the actual evidence before believing something as ridiculous as that.

",1534045421,12/08/2018 03:43 9167068,4035542914,"

So the msm says Qanon is a conspiracy....these photos of Hollywood pedos and MUCH MORE have been over on their site for a year. So who's legit and who's not?? Research people, research.

",1534045549,12/08/2018 03:45 9164881,4035551101,"

You said: This ""white nationalists are actually Antifa liberals in disguise"" theory, is that a QAnon thing?

My answer means that I'm explaining where the ""theory"" comes from. I'm answering your question. It comes from the fact that the leader of the group was a leftist idiot 2 years ago and, gosh, for some reason some people find that suspicious. Do you follow the logic at all or still confused?

",1534046153,12/08/2018 03:55 9169213,4035560297,"

Trumptards, this is your Q. The chicken is in the hen house and the orange man tweets at midnight. More instructions to follow. Oh, Barron is an anchor baby.

",1534046808,12/08/2018 04:06 9169213,4035561851,"

Believe Q when he tells you, Melania is an illegal and her parents are a product of chain migration and Baron is an anchor baby. Oh, and the gay conversion therapy didn't work on Pence. Remain vigilant and Trumptarded.

",1534046917,12/08/2018 04:08 9169213,4035579231,

I'm thinking Q can only successfully predict when his trash is picked up weekly.

,1534048114,12/08/2018 04:28 9164881,4035589847,

Sure. The same people who argued for QAnon and Pizzagate and Seth Rich and Birtherism and Sandy Hook etc...

,1534048835,12/08/2018 04:40 9141244,4035601990,"

I remember an awful human being named Fred Phelps from Kansas who was the most hateful man I ever saw, and as he wished aids for all gays and death and hell to all military dead. It never once occurred to me that we should silence him. All who have died for this country have died in part for Phelps to say whatever he wanted, however tasteless or truthful or unpatriotic. Alex Jones is Mother Theresa compared to Fred Phelps and Jones gets banned? This systematic purge of conservatives cannot and will not stand. Q says there is a reckoning coming. It cannot come soon enough. God bless Donald Trump and keep him safe in this time of liberal madness.

",1534049688,12/08/2018 04:54 9169213,4035677430,"

Trump OWNS the trump card...and the DEEP STATE KNOWS IT.

President Trump has ALL THE AMMO.

On Thursday November 17th, 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump.

On Friday November 18th The Washington Post reported on a recommendation that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position:

The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.

The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

Realize this, that as NSA Chief Intel Officer Micheal Roger had FULL KNOWLEDGE of the CRIMINAL actions of the OBAMA ADMIN and felt his duty to notify Prez Elect Trump of this.

President Trump is sitting on a TREASURE TROVE of INTEL as he has FULL ACCESS TO EVERYTHING.

Donald Trump is waiting this out, he is allowing the DOJ to play it's game.

Here is the spoiler, THEY KNOW IT.

President Trump WILL, and not May or IF, Trump WILL be EXECUTING THE BIGGEST TRAP ON Federal Government emplyees, Including Congressional members in US HISTORY.

Forget Sessions and the REST.

Trump has identified SEVERAL HIGHLY qualified individuals that HATE THE DEEP STATE WITH PASSION and will be assigned the job LEGALLY to TAKE DOWN ALL THE CORRUPTION.

This is FAR BIGGER than FAKE Qanon or ANYONE even knows.

While the Right Wing media wrings it's hands in disgust over the SCUMueller investigation, Trump has silently structured a plan to TAKE THEM ALL DOWN, including CORRUPT Diane Fienstien and Maxine Wateronthebrain and YES Paul Ryan.

There is a reason MANY Congressional members are leaving, they are CAUGHT, outed.

Collins is a diversion for the LEFT, however they seem to forget that the MAN IN CHARGE KNOWS that the DEMS gave UN-Restricted access to 44 DEMOCRATS Congressional Email accounts including TOP SECRET emails to the AWAN BROTHERS who are connected to PAKISTAN TERRORIST GROUPS.

From President Trump tweets you know he is WELL AWARE OF ALL THESE THINGS and add to that he and he ALONE has FULL ACCESS TO ALL THE FACTS. Thats right, they CANNOT HIDE ANYTHING from the President, those FISA warrants, yeah he has seen and knows the LIES and DECEPTION used against him.

The time will come and there will be not one, but MANY Special Counsels and Prosecutors investigating EVERYTHING from Congressional corruption to the Clinton Foundation and Soros and his illegal funding of riots.

The IDIOTS in the Democrat Party and the Media have not figured out they have PISSED OFF the ONE MAN in the WORLD that can and will TAKE THEM DOWN.

SCUMueller and his band of IDIOTS are going DOWN and that is only the start.


The CORRUPT MEDIA that COLLUDED with the DNC will be EXPOSED and PROSECUTED for FCC and FEDERAL Campaign VIOLATIONS, they know what they did and they know it's coming.

Mark this post, it is REAL and it will come to pass.

God Bless President Trump


God Bless America.


",1534055374,12/08/2018 06:29 9169045,4035785847,

A Communist plot? Has Q been whispering in your ear again?

,1534063208,12/08/2018 08:40 9167068,4035793189,"

David Gunn's brother is Matt Gunn, who is the head writer for Bill Maher. Witness claim Maher attended these parties and several women came out hours ago claiming sexual assault by Maher on his Twitter account. In addition, two video clips of Maher defending sexual abuse of a minor have surfaced and have also been plastered all over his Twitter account. Q fans have wrecked his feed. His day of reckoning is at hand.

",1534063707,12/08/2018 08:48 9167068,4035798132,"

Click on his top post which says:
""I, Q, need your help to ""Make America Great Again!"" Keep posting your memes. Keep believing everything Trump tells you. And, above all, on Tuesday, November""

Then scroll down the replies.

",1534064032,12/08/2018 08:53 9168196,4035810789,"

I've read about that Qanon too and went to the site once to check it out, but don't know what to make of him, it, whatever it is. Don't know if the rumors are true that it's a deep state official on Trump's side trying to blow the whistle and expose all the corruption in DC or if it's a load of crap.

",1534064900,12/08/2018 09:08 9168196,4035894202,"

If you really want to know what’s going on, start following the Q posts.

",1534069782,12/08/2018 10:29 9169213,4035912057,"

Disturbing video of human torture may be connected to June, 2, 2015 Podesta email



LIZ ThesePeopleRSick@LizCrokin

· Apr 11, 2018

There are claims that Hillary Clinton fileted off the face of a live child in a video.

Is this what made NYPD officers sick?#QAnon

Arch Angel Gabriel@TheAAGabriel

From the same people...

9:41 PM - Apr 11, 2018


47 people are talking about this

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Podesta Wikileaks email 3071 The following Podesta email has been discovered to have a very strange connection to a very strange and disturbing video from 6/6/2015, and strangely enough this Podesta email shows an individual replying to Podesta flying in to visit for a dinner in DC on the 15th of June 2015. Oddly enough the strange disturbing video that looks like human torture has a timestamp of 6/6/15, the day after an individual emailed Podesta about flying in on June, 15th, 2015 for a dinner party in DC. If you know anything about the Podesta emails, you know their is a connection to child trafficking and child torture...So is this Q's 5:5?https://www.puppetstringnew...

",1534070744,12/08/2018 10:45 9168196,4035914208,"

Please, be realistic, and be thankful. We finally have a president taking on, and taking down the vast, entrenched and extremely wealthy, Deep State.

If you are in favor of Trump taking them down, do you really care if he’s being deceptive in the cause of a greater good?

That’s the beauty of following Q. We know much more, though far from all, of Trump’s plan.

",1534070863,12/08/2018 10:47 9168196,4035917050,

I think Q is a lib in conservative’s clothing. I recall a post by him stating that hillary was being arrested. Yet she still walks free.

,1534071011,12/08/2018 10:50 9168196,4035939980,"

That’s part of the game. Q recently told us Anons that some crumbs in the first couple of hundred posts were placed in order to troll the Deep State so they would dismiss Q.

And if Q is a Larp, or a poseur, then why do you think the mainstream media is all of a sudden working overtime to take Q down? The posts have been happening since 10/29/17, so why is it coming to the attention of people like you via the mainstream media now?

Did you know that Q let us know a couple days in advance that the attacks against Q would go mainstream? It’s almost like he knows what they’re going to write before they do.

",1534072196,12/08/2018 11:09 9164881,4036000623,

So tell me more about QAnon...

,1534074991,12/08/2018 11:56 9164881,4036003216,

Good Q uestion.
Cheers cat

,1534075107,12/08/2018 11:58 9164881,4036005214,"

Pollak is right: nobody gives a flying F about Charlottesville hoax. But then why does Breitbart obsess over it? Why do they obsess over Sucha Bonehead Conehead? Nobody gives a flying F about him either, whoever the hell he is. There is however a hell of a lot of interest in the QANON movement and Breitbart refuses to cover that. HMMMMMMM


",1534075195,12/08/2018 11:59 9164881,4036006949,

QAnon....Really not sure what's that's all about.
Common sense is defiantly lacking on the Left.

,1534075274,12/08/2018 12:01 9168196,4036009063,

I have a feeling the msm tried to contact Q more than a few days earlier to get him to talk. That probably tipped him off to the coming stories. Has every post been accurate? The pizzagate story kinda turned me off to the whole thing. You would think Trump would’ve relished the fact that he caught Hillary raping young children. Yet she still walks free.

,1534075373,12/08/2018 12:02 9168814,4036041467,"

You're all obviously very jealous of all of his money and success and haters. Isn't that the kind of ignorant nonsense you Trumptards say when people bash your orange orangutan? Oh, Q says Baron is an anchor baby.

",1534076807,12/08/2018 12:26 9168196,4036043741,"

Misdirection? Trust Sessions; Q... herding rats are no different than herding cats... You may not see it but the swamp is being drained, Dailey... Barbara Bush (a man; Alister Crowley Satanists' daughter/son) is not dead, neither is Rothschild (fake air collision) and McCain is not dying of cancer (the ""leeches"" not elites as I refer to them have all the cures that is denied to us peons, remember Jimmy Carter had brain cancer and was cured)... Fake deaths and fake medical problems are necessary for an attempt to avoid prison or execution for treason and sedition. Dick Cheney taken to a hospital not long ago, then walked out of the back door into a waiting vehicle... NO ONE ESCAPES; Q...

",1534076905,12/08/2018 12:28 9168196,4036055129,"

Trust the plan and trust Sessions...Q
Misdirection? Herding rats are no different than herding cats... You may not see it but the swamp is being drained, Dailey... Barbara Bush (a man; Alister Crowley Satanists' daughter/son) is not dead, neither is Rothschild (fake air collision) and McCain is not dying of cancer (the ""leeches"" not elites as I refer to them have all the cures that is denied to us peons, remember Jimmy Carter had brain cancer and was cured)... Fake deaths and fake medical problems are necessary for an attempt to avoid prison or execution for treason and sedition. Dick Cheney taken to a hospital not long ago, then walked out of the back door into a waiting vehicle... NO ONE ESCAPES; Q...

",1534077400,12/08/2018 12:36 9169213,4036071649,"

I've been reading, but the Q map site is easier to digest. In any case, he's on our side, and we are going to win.

",1534078107,12/08/2018 12:48 9162301,4036094651,"

Q said that?
Or someone claiming to be Q?
Didn’t Bill Maher just tweet that he was Q?
You do know that dis-information is real and plentiful.
It is difficult to know what is truth.
Sometimes, we must have faith based upon the preponderance of the evidence. Not everything will jive with what we think has happened. Make a mental note of those things, re-evaluate if needed and push on ahead.
Based upon the preponderance, Q appears to me, to be genuine.
So, bring the pain.

",1534079078,12/08/2018 13:04 9167170,4036104966,"

Where is our Donald Trump equivalent? Where is our Q? Sorry, BoJo is not my idea of a fiercely intelligent, honourable leader, far from it. Jacob Rees-Mogg? No confidence there, he’s being pushed on us, spidy senses on alert. As PDJT starts to seriously drain the swamp this year, there will be massive spill over into the U.K. (and EU). Where is there a potential leader who can navigate such a system reset? I’m seriously worried.

",1534079521,12/08/2018 13:12 9167068,4036109554,"

The Great Awakening is underway. ""Trust the plan"".

We are Q.

",1534079710,12/08/2018 13:15 9167068,4036116880,"

One of the Q ( Anon ) drops ( posts ) contained extracts from it. You HAVE been following the ""Great Awakening"" and ""The Storm"", haven't you ? If not, you need to, to get up to speed with what's happening behind the scenes.

",1534080010,12/08/2018 13:20 9167068,4036122083,"

The Q drops provide extensive information on satanic human and child trafficking and who are behind it. It's a world wide network involving corporations and individuals, including well known politicians.

",1534080219,12/08/2018 13:23 9169045,4036122107,

You should ask Q.

,1534080219,12/08/2018 13:23 9168196,4036146890,"

FFS, another Q fan!

LOL Cat, you had an ounce of credibility until you started with the Q nonsense. Did you get the clues about Comet Pizza? How about Jade Helm?

",1534081201,12/08/2018 13:40 9168196,4036158760,"

To recognise the reference, you must have read Q too !!!

On your calculus (not mine) that makes you a Q fan too !!!

I won't tell George, honest !!!

",1534081669,12/08/2018 13:47 9168196,4036186595,"

My observations were always from my own experience and logic and I am one of the few who openly admit I have no inside sources.

We know the MSM are always claiming to have inside information which they don't actually have - or which is unreliable.

I realised back in November that Q was posting similar to what my posts had been stating but realised that his information was from the inside. So I have to take notice, it would be stupid not to.

But I still do much a priori thinking on my own account and this is backed up by my a posteriori experience in business life.

The important thing here is that nobody can be wholly dependent upon one source. The internet makes this much easier than of old but one has to sift through all manner of rubbish and counter-intelligence, put down like rat poison.

Here is a short video by Praying Medic who is one of the clearest and calmest of Q interpreters. If you are not already familiar, I hope you enjoy it.

",1534082745,12/08/2018 14:05 9169213,4036272848,

And antifa is Nazis and red is blue

,1534086054,12/08/2018 15:00 9169213,4036273513,


,1534086080,12/08/2018 15:01 9169213,4036294916,

You guys must be part of the QAnon crowd.

,1534086936,12/08/2018 15:15 9169213,4036311373,

Anything new on Q Anon ?

,1534087559,12/08/2018 15:25 9169213,4036319489,

OOOH the mysterious troll Q has spoken.

,1534087872,12/08/2018 15:31 9168196,4036337110,"

Indeed, also REX_Imperator and Tracy Beanz.... I think Q is Pompeo or Pence or Flynn or Rogers or retired generals/admirals with military intel experience and an encyclopedic memory of history..... #MAGA #MEGA @POTUS

",1534088531,12/08/2018 15:42 9169945,4036340805,"

F**K Q, and that whole BS trip.

",1534088668,12/08/2018 15:44 9169945,4036344810,

F**K Q and that whole BS trip.

,1534088818,12/08/2018 15:46 9169906,4036406091,"

Trump calls her a lowlife.gematria =82 , 8=h b=2
So according to qanon logic , Trump called her an HB, Yuuuge B.
she also refered to ""17 knives in your back in the abc article, 17=Q
She was a plant dnc operative, got discovered leaking or something to the enemy, and they told her to get out, she threw a sissy fit and trump called her a huge b.

",1534091209,12/08/2018 16:26 8854322,4036445137,"


Q has now gone mainstream...instead of having a knee jerk reaction and claimi I was Q, u could have been getting educated to what is actually happening in your world for the past couple months.

",1534092698,12/08/2018 16:51 9169213,4036448200,"

If Trump and this entire administration have anything at all on the deep state along with the whole Marxist left these days— and I mean anything of real substance, now is the time to drop it all like a MOAB!

That, or they, as well as the entire Bolshevik left are allowing this chaos and division to usurp our rights and eventually lead to war, plus Martial Law most likely! Why?

If that Q person is legit (which I’m starting to doubt nowadays) or all of this administration’s threats to out the deep state— quit waiting and playing games. American lives are on the line daily!

",1534092809,12/08/2018 16:53 9169213,4036474066,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assasination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534093825,12/08/2018 17:10 9170275,4036478608,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assasination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534093999,12/08/2018 17:13 9169213,4036479615,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways..

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assasination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534094036,12/08/2018 17:13 9168196,4036530649,

You are a fan of Qanon?

,1534096020,12/08/2018 17:47 9171124,4036532132,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534096079,12/08/2018 17:47 9170719,4036533644,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays..

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534096138,12/08/2018 17:48 9170719,4036534510,

Trump was chosen by God to save the Sandy Hook kids from the globalist qanon lizard people who are hovering in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones is aware because aliens talk to him.

,1534096171,12/08/2018 17:49 9170719,4036548734,

Trump was chosen by God to save the Sandy Hook kids from the globalist qanon lizard people who are hovering in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones is aware because aliens talk to him.

,1534096704,12/08/2018 17:58 9170719,4036586292,

Trump was chosen by God to save the Sandy Hook kids from the globalist qanon lizard people who are hovering in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones is aware because aliens talk to him.

,1534098001,12/08/2018 18:20 9169906,4036658340,"

Anyone know how Comey's book did? Heck, I bought Corsi's book and he repudiated Q the day after it arrived. All these people just use Trump to make THEMSELVES rich. Scr*w them all!!

",1534100730,12/08/2018 19:05 9170719,4036702994,

Trump was chosen by God to save the Sandy Hook kids from the globalist qanon lizard people who are hovering in a ufo above Roswell. Alex Jones is aware because aliens talk to him.

,1534102564,12/08/2018 19:36 9171412,4036712781,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534102966,12/08/2018 19:42 9167068,4036750949,"


",1534104619,12/08/2018 20:10 9171412,4036765784,"

This is the sentiment of so many 'resistence' airheads. Oooh, so tough.

",1534105288,12/08/2018 20:21 9171118,4036772049,"

Follow the Qanon info (and the sealed indictments count) and it will be more clear that Sessions, Huber etc. are working full throttle. Trumps statements about Sessions are just a smoke screen.

",1534105577,12/08/2018 20:26 9166690,4036800350,"

Wow, tough question, I don't know the answer. I've been trying to figure that out for a long time, but I can give you my reasoning on my current thinking.

We know both Rosenstein and Mueller are dirty. Rosenstein signed off on the FISA warrants, Both were part of the illegal selling of Uranium to Russia. They both oversaw government agencies responsible for justice and let the deep state commit crimes the entire time. That why deep state actors were so eager to confirm them, they were/are under Deep State control.
""If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator."" Q post 1318
But Trump knew that when he hired them.

They know where the bodies are hidden, who in their respective departments are bad actors and how the deep state operates, they would be incredible assets if Trump got them to flip. But I don't think they help Trump willingly and are only giving the bare minimum of info.
""Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?
When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?
When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?
Do you believe POTUS would allow Sessions & [RR] to run HIS DOJ if something wasn’t being done to his liking? "" Q post 1711

The fact that they still have a job tells me Trump still has a use for them, they are still 'cooperating' to a certain extent or they are in no position to do any real harm to the plan. Q post 1443 tells me Rosenstein is not keeping his end of the agreement;
Failure per WH instruction / agreement.""
Q has tried to remind RR several times that Trump has all the documents and can end Rosenstein's career by releasing those documents. I think this reminder was to force Rosenstein back on track.
I think Rosenstein thinks he's sly and able to keep certain things hidden and able to delay other things. He threatened House intel committee staff, he has been caught multiple times hiding info from Congress and ignores subpoenas from congress. I think he obstructing as much as he can, but being forced to help Trump in other ways.
Mueller reports to Rosenstein, so I think everyone is being kept in the dark on his actions. Mueller hates Trump and would do anything he could to bring down Trump but Mueller always tries to make his actions appear to be completely legal. I think Mueller is getting frustrated that he cant find a way to hurt Trump.

So to summarize, I think M and R made a deal but have reneged on their deal. I think they are still trying to claim they have not gone back on the deal to save their own hides, but are trying to work around the exact wording of their agreements to obstruct and bring down Trump. They cannot be trusted. But Mueller doesn't have the power to prosecute, he's a paper tiger and is actually hurting the left with his insane prosecutions etc.
Trump tolerates him because there is no downside, he would rather stay out of the way while they destroy themselves.


",1534106869,12/08/2018 20:47 9171832,4036802752,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534106985,12/08/2018 20:49 9170719,4036803616,"


",1534107028,12/08/2018 20:50 9171835,4036835587,

Go away Q u e e r Bait.

,1534108778,12/08/2018 21:19 9171118,4036847492,"

Look I am all in that this whole Russian thing is corrupt and an illegitimate attempted take down of President Trump.

However, I think everyone needs to be very careful about getting all wrapped up in Q.

There is zero evidence that ""Q"" has any inside information.

There is zero evidence that ""Q"" has any ability to predict what is going to happen.

There is plenty of potential that everybody is getting gamed for some unknown agenda.

I hope we will win with the facts and ultimately get justice out of this whole situation. Although that is very difficult to achieve.

But there's a good chance this whole Q thing is a bunch of mumbo jumbo playing to everybody's hopes. I don't rule out the possibility that there could be something to it, but it's feels very very fishy to me and we have enough other good things going on not to get caught up in a potential distraction from a bunch of cryptic gobbledygook

",1534109481,12/08/2018 21:31 9171835,4036857168,"

Oh they are, as well as the deep state.. #Qanon

",1534110103,12/08/2018 21:41 9166393,4036864474,"

Bill Maher is a lifetime member of SNCTM, Hollywood's most elite sex club. His lifetime membership was $75,000. They do unspeakable sex with bondage, fire, children, etc.

Bill Maher also had a production company, ""Kid Love Productions."" He has advocated for adult/child sex. He was featured in Seth McFarlene's movie with a 12 year old girl. This 12 yr old said I'm single, and Maher said, ""I'm single too."" And she said, ""Let's get the F __k out of her."" And he said, yeah let's go.

Question for Maher: Do you remember their names?

Maher said a 35 year old woman who had sex with a 12 year old boy, was unjustly put in jail. He said, ""They're in love."" Is Maher trying to normalize pedophilia?

",1534110579,12/08/2018 21:49 9171118,4036884175,

The certitude of the Sessions Sycophants and Qanon Canonizers is far more remarkable.

,1534111874,12/08/2018 22:11 9171118,4036895324,"

I am no sycophant for anyone, save for the Lord. I have no failiarity with Qanon. My question remains unanswered.

",1534112633,12/08/2018 22:23 9171118,4036933749,

Stop with that Qanonsense.

,1534115340,12/08/2018 23:09 9171118,4036935597,


,1534115475,12/08/2018 23:11 9171118,4036946590,"

Qanon is already over as a meme, Tjeef.

",1534116297,12/08/2018 23:24 9168196,4036960910,

The real question is: Who is Q? & can we believe him? It's about to be push come to shove.

,1534117336,12/08/2018 23:42 9171118,4036981651,

Cant help but wonder if Devin Nunes is Q.

,1534118843,13/08/2018 00:07 9172063,4036990483,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534119487,13/08/2018 00:18 9172108,4036991083,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!!

",1534119528,13/08/2018 00:18 9172018,4036991359,"

I’ve been hearing for two years that we must be patient regarding the deep-state going down.. at some point it’s the boy who cried wolf in many ways. We are looking at a modern day Bolshevik revolt, citizens.

We have Americans at each other’s throats these days, literally. The left is completely off the rails, as are their puppet masters dictating this chaos. From Soros to Obama, the alphabet agencies— and the media as well. Even that Q fellow I am questioning nowadays.

All of this information should have been dropped by now. Why wait until the powder keg explodes? That whole, “we need to slowly prepare people for what’s coming” crap is a joke, as people are currently so far removed from stable thinking, it doesn’t really matter in regards to being tactful. It’s not justified one iota. Look at the left today, for example. Hell, even RINOs. All sycophants to a T..

If our White House today has the goods, now is the time, like right the F now! This is life and death these days. Out the corruption, lies, propaganda, murder and so forth. Via the DNC to RNC to CIA to FBI and any others. The global elite too.

Drop it all, heck, from JFK’s assassination to Gulf Of Tonken.. Anything missing from 9/11 to Obama’s fraudulent presidency as well as Criminal Clinton! The abuses by all in DC, plus Hollywood also.

Let everything out of the bag! People will have to dig deep and accept, then demand harsh and painful justice.

Damn, release any extraterrestrial files too. I mean everything, fellow citizens! ALL OF IT!

",1534119548,13/08/2018 00:19 9171118,4036995476,

The latest theory is Q is JFK jr who is still alive.

,1534119836,13/08/2018 00:23 9141244,4036999362,

Qanon is already yesterday's news.

A dud firework.

A stoned teenager's wet dream.

The last bark of the dog of fascism.

,1534120123,13/08/2018 00:28 9172213,4037023943,

QAnon fan?

,1534121968,13/08/2018 00:59 9171118,4037048186,"

Qanon, NOT REAL. Sealed indictments, NOT REAL.

Trump's statements about Sessions accurately represent the fact Sessions knows he's legally prohibited and incapable of overseeing the Trump-Russia investigation because of what Trump demanded of Trump campaign officials and transition officials including Sessions meeting with Russian officials including the Russian ambassador. Sessions is also aware of other meetings Trump approved for the Trump campaign and his proxies including the Erik Prince meetings in the Seychelles Islands that involved RUSSIANS, EMIRATIS, SAUDIS and EGYPTIANS.



",1534123963,13/08/2018 01:32 9172213,4037065606,

You didn't need Q to tell you that.

,1534125483,13/08/2018 01:58 9172213,4037128234,

Thank god for QAnon!

,1534130235,13/08/2018 03:17 9169414,4037135267,"

Its a prevailing theory among the Trump supporters than this investigation will amount to nothing, and then Obama, Hillary and Mueller will be 'investigated'.

Its ridiculous the sh.. this network comes out with. This is QAnon stuff

",1534130795,13/08/2018 03:26 9169414,4037172840,"

Only in Hannity-world where Vince Foster, Arkanicide, Seth Rich, Birtherism, Sandy Hook actors, Pizzagate, #Releasethememo, Spygate, OIG Report, Qanon, and many more have proven to be so reliable. Don't you ever get tired of being made a fool of? At some point you have to say maybe I'm being lied to by the fake conservative media.

",1534133638,13/08/2018 04:13 9172657,4037332047,"

Qanon is a thing, correct deplorables?

",1534144418,13/08/2018 07:13 9172657,4037333005,

Are qanon lizard people?

,1534144478,13/08/2018 07:14 9172657,4037333540,

I never heard anything from the Q people beyond Nostradamus kind of stuff. Nothing worth paying attention to.

,1534144510,13/08/2018 07:15 9163279,4037363092," I hope Q bust Zuckerpedo for something.

",1534146365,13/08/2018 07:46 9172657,4037406884,

I fell for 'all mass shooters are Democrats.'
Stupid me. Perhaps that's why I kept quiet about pizza and Q.

,1534149006,13/08/2018 08:30 9169414,4037411789,"

""Mystery"" only in the warped minds of Conservatives that have left us with other fine mysteries that have proven so reliable such as Arkanicide, Seth Rich, Birtherism, Pizzagate, QAnon, ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, Sandy Hook Actors, Spygate, Trump Tower Wiretapped, etc...

",1534149292,13/08/2018 08:34 9170719,4037481642,"

Israel is not spelled with a Q, except your Common Core teachers consider it correct because you had a reason to think it did.

",1534152994,13/08/2018 09:36 9169414,4037534052,

From they guy that believes in QAnon and pizzagate.

,1534155448,13/08/2018 10:17 9172018,4037537346,"

It’s part of The Plan. There is a reason why the President is ‘calling him out’. It’s all theatre. TRUST THE PLAN. Q. Did you know that about 5 days ago Sessions was in Little Rock Arkansas? Two days later, 2 x 757 private DOJ planes were dispatched and the FBI arrived at the office of the Clinton Foundation and took away TRUCK LOADS of boxes. The process was then repeated. Planefags said they were tracked from Richmond, but no call sign was indicating on the return journey where they landed. If you followed Q when Anons see this pattern of the President calling out Sessions, it’s a diversion from what is really happening. If you are following Q you would know they are calling out Bill Maher atm and revealing some pretty sick (pedophillia) in his life. Everyone is impatient but the talk over on The Great Awakening is that something BIG is going down.

",1534155597,13/08/2018 10:19 9172657,4037564618,

You mean she. Q is a she. She is Hillary.

,1534156768,13/08/2018 10:39 9171118,4037576216,"

LOL, ha ha, Qanon! You're such a sucker.

",1534157235,13/08/2018 10:47 9167068,4037612650,


We are Q.

,1534158600,13/08/2018 11:10 9167068,4037618414,"

Wakey wakey, Nathan !

""We have the server"".
""We have it all"". - Q.

Trust the plan. Enjoy the show. https://www.thegatewaypundi...

",1534158822,13/08/2018 11:13 9172018,4037628201,

That Q crap is garbage and a farce. Simple parlor tricks that prey on the gullible and uninformed.

,1534159201,13/08/2018 11:20 9172213,4037684989,

LOL...the alt-right does a great job of making themselves look stupid without any outside help.

So tell me more about QAnon or how The Zionists control all banks and media.


,1534161221,13/08/2018 11:53 9172657,4037689901,

What is it with Q that everyone keeps yammering on about?

,1534161387,13/08/2018 11:56 9169414,4037723567,"

Is that straight from QAnon or did you piece that together yourself, Mulder?

",1534162555,13/08/2018 12:15 9173986,4037753972,"

So! NBC is in absolute PANIC, trying to delete tweets
CBS isnt off the hook, moonves etc, just the beginning. ABC, owned and operated by pedo-central Disney...its comin. They all KNOW its comin. Bezos...tons to ans for, lots of depraved crime. They all know, that we have it all....thats why they're hammering POTUS, Nunes, Q. Great article gateway pundit about Q Anon movement....we just keep growin, and growin, and growin! We like the truth!

",1534163594,13/08/2018 12:33 9173986,4037761199,

Can't say any of this is surprising. Fake News is basically the propaganda arm of the Dim party. But it's good to get the word out to John Q. Public about the deliberate coordination among the different propaganda outlets.

,1534163833,13/08/2018 12:37 9164374,4037781847,

Qanon researchers will dig up good info on this.

,1534164511,13/08/2018 12:48 9164374,4037791989,"

No. Apparently you've been misled by the media about them. Finally an honest article about them appeared yesterday. Read it. It won't bite you. https://

",1534164840,13/08/2018 12:54 9152044,4037875119,"

Why should they be forced to print racist lies and conspiracy theories that are obviously false, like Jones' Lizard People and Qanon's pedophile nonsense? They are newspapers with journalistic integrity, not toilet paper committed to show everything that is wipable?

",1534167496,13/08/2018 13:38 9174724,4037880182,

Did QAnon predict this?

,1534167643,13/08/2018 13:40 9174724,4037905287,"

Another Member of ""The Secret Society of Insurance Policy Underwriters"" Bites the Dust... Q the Queen Music... ""Du, Du, Du... another One Bites the Dust..""

",1534168397,13/08/2018 13:53 9173986,4037929758,

Turn them off.


,1534169156,13/08/2018 14:05 9173986,4037932350,

#QAnon has got to be the coolest thing to ever happen in politics!


,1534169235,13/08/2018 14:07 9173986,4037939331,

You haven't heard of QAnon yet have you? They have Hillary's server. And also they are readying up 45k+ indictments for conspiracy against the Office of the President of the United States. 20 year prison sentence when found guilty.

,1534169453,13/08/2018 14:10 9173986,4037942903,

Yes I have heard of QAnon but I see no reason to believe any of it until they reveal proof

That being said my statement still stands that trump cannot be removed because of what the media says.

,1534169563,13/08/2018 14:12 9174724,4037943224,

What does Q say? Can we get Q's 17 cents worth?

,1534169573,13/08/2018 14:12 9173986,4037951323,"

QAnon has now claimed ""they have the server now"" !!!
They are also claiming they are ready with 45k+ indictments against the Leftist subversives of the Office of the PoTUS.
God Bless QAnon! God Bless Trump! God Bless America!

",1534169827,13/08/2018 14:17 9169414,4037952320,"

You don't mean the Peter Strozk who stopped Trump from getting elected, do you? He's the linch pin of the whole deep states effort to stop Trump. You know, the deep state that released information about the Clinton investigation and not the Trump investigation, before the election. It all makes total sense! QAnon was right!

",1534169859,13/08/2018 14:17 9174724,4037959826,

First BOOM... three more to go! Q sent me.

,1534170101,13/08/2018 14:21 9174724,4038038298,


It Finally Begins....

✔ Anthony Weiner
✔ Harvey Weinstein
✔Allison Mack
✔ Keith Raniere
✔James Wolfe - former Senate Intelligence Committee security director charged with lying about his contacts with a series of journalists.
___George Soros
___Podesta the molesta....Hmmm haven't.   seen him in a while he may already be at Gitmo. 🤔👊
___Jimmy Saville
___Jeffrey Epstein
___Laura Silsby/Gaylor
___ Hilldog - AKA The coughing backbrace.
___ Slick B.J. Willie
___H Dubya
___Valerie Jarrett
___Eric Holder
___Loretta Lynch
___Huma Abedin
___Steven Spielberg
___Nancy Pelosi
___John McStain
___Matt Lauer
___Charlie Rose
___Billy Bob Thornton
___Morgan Freeman
___Robert De Niro
___Tom Brokaw
___John Legend
___Chrissy Tiegen
___Bill Gates
___Meryl Streep
___Al Franken
___Eric Reiner
___Susan Rice
___liddle Adam Schiff
___Creepy Uncle Joe Biden
___Jim Comey
___John Brennan
___James Clapper
___Andrew McCabe
___Sally Yates
___Anderson Cooper
___Kevin Spacey👈👈👈👈👀
✔Peter Strzok (OUT! FIRED!!!!)
✔Nancy Salzman (NEXIUM CULT)
✔Lauren Salzman(NEXIUM CULT)
✔Clare Bronfman (NEXIUM CULT)
✔Kathy Russell (NEXIUM CULT)
✅Lisa Paige (Singing Canary)
___Lois Lerner
___Brock Pierce
___ Marc John Collins-Rector
___Gary Goddard
___Chad Shackley
___Mario Batali
✔Eric Schneiderman
___John Duran


-- Q.

,1534172385,13/08/2018 14:59 9173986,4038053804,"

And he's still winning and getting stronger and more popular everyday. Like Q says, these guys are stupid!

",1534172854,13/08/2018 15:07 9174724,4038077675,

My god are you saying all of that justifies your belief in an imaginary government official with Q level security clearance posting on 4chan?

There's no helping you.

,1534173524,13/08/2018 15:18 9174094,4038105893,"

Outright, shameless manipulation of the stock market. Martha Stewart went to jail for far, far less.
Musk is a lefty-socialist version of P.T. Barnum. A modern day carnival barker loved and adored by well-monied leftists and tree-huggers that want Joe Q. Public to live like peasants while they live like Monarchs and Pashas.

",1534174302,13/08/2018 15:31 9173986,4038115161,"

You may have already seen this, Qanon
No real surprises, just a very good summary of who the real criminals are, BC, BH, HRC/DNC
apparently there is a tape of meeting #4, between BC and LL at KLAS.
LL was promised RBGs seat on the SC for quashing the investigation of their foundation....

",1534174580,13/08/2018 15:36 9174382,4038134434,

As Q has been saying since the very beginning... want to know who the crooks are?


,1534175154,13/08/2018 15:45 9174427,4038165313,

It's either a Q related retirement or they found out he likes Trump....

,1534176091,13/08/2018 16:01 9172063,4038176050,"

You convenient Christian evangelical$ are the best. I LOVE how you not only ignore Trump's transgressions but you continue to fervently support him. I can admit Clinton is a POS. Can you do the same about Trump?

And what actual evidence do you have to support that Webb Hubbell is Chelsea's father? Let me guess, the same conservative websites, chain emails, and message boards that have brought us such reliable stories as Arkancide, Vince Foster, Birtherism, Pizzagate, QAnon, ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, Spygate, Sandy Hook actors, Trump Tower Wiretaps, Muslim Obama, Frank Marshall, etc... ?

",1534176452,13/08/2018 16:07 9172018,4038203488,

Have you seen the MSM trying to mock Q followers? It's pretty awesome TV. These people are STUPID!

,1534177334,13/08/2018 16:22 9174724,4038219547,"

Qanon: ""We have the servers""

",1534177848,13/08/2018 16:30 9174688,4038274359,"

about time you are using your brain. China should have never been invited to join WTO in the first place. now we have a great leader in The Don. make it happen. kick China out of the WTO now and fast ! the sooner the better.
You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄
The technology of peace! PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH !!! Salute!

",1534179556,13/08/2018 16:59 9174382,4038274853,"

The NSA has recordings of every electronic transaction of the Mueller investigation. by allowing this special investigation to occur, the guilty are put in one basket.

Q-Anon is NSA. And Q says we have it all.

",1534179573,13/08/2018 16:59 9174382,4038303443,"

So much corruption! I don't know anything about QAnon, but a friend told me to check them out.

",1534180507,13/08/2018 17:15 9166690,4038305970,"

We know Rosenstein is dirty. And we know Trump knows this but has kept Rosenstein in office. I think I remember Q saying some of Rosenstein's power has been removed. And it has been reported that he has threatened Congressional staff and failed to comply with Congressional requests/subpoenas. Everything we see points to him being dirty still, but under the control of Trump's team.
What we don't know is if any disinformation is being used, so we can't know how well he is complying with the terms of his agreement. It's possible that RR was being threatened and Trump's plan frees him from that, so RR is fully complying, just not publicly, and that would explain his 'swagger'.
I don't discount that theory, but I think it's more likely that he's dirty, doesn't know Trump's plan and so he thinks the deep state will win. Everyone in the deep state has that arrogant swagger, they have gotten away with their crimes for decades and don't think Trump can really stop them. Occasionally you see fear, but they believe themselves to be untouchable.
If he's wrong, he believes his deal with Trump protects him, he thinks he's got protection no matter what. Just my opinion but I think he's still playing for the other team.

",1534180586,13/08/2018 17:16 9173845,4038307837,

What does the Q stand for? Questionable?

,1534180647,13/08/2018 17:17 9172657,4038319275,

This Q person has been talking that stuff for months and all the offenders still walk free. We're being trolled.

,1534181011,13/08/2018 17:23 9174724,4038367861,

Have you guys had your Q today

,1534182530,13/08/2018 17:48 9175249,4038386747,"

Not according to Islam & its Qur'an:

Quran 3:110 Muslims are the best of peoples.
Quran 60:4 “There has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred forever unless you believe in Allah and Him alone”
Q 4:144 O ye who believe! Choose not disbelievers for (your) friends in place of believers. Would ye give Allah a clear warrant against you ?
Q 3:85. ""And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.""
Q 9:5 ""Kill the pagans wherever you find them ...""
Q 33: 61 They [Kafirs] will be cursed, and wherever they are found, they will be seized and murdered. It was Allah’s same practice with those who came before them, and you will find no change in Allah’s ways.
Q 98:6 ""Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the
Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings.""

Islam doesn't just disparage non-Islamic cultures, for 1400 years it has been destroying them for Allah. See Robert Spencer's new book The History of Jihad .

",1534183129,13/08/2018 17:58 9166690,4038412894,

It was exactly as follows (everything I post is archived):

Q ???

Never heard of him !!! 😈😈😈😈😈

Enjoy the show!


In an article about Q !!! It had 35 votes at the time.

Peg_C the Deplorable ✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ was also deleted for a number of typically reasonable comments.

I never get upset about such stuff but it does seem strange.

,1534184011,13/08/2018 18:13 9165760,4038449447,"

Show you what? How deep the deep state goes or how close the President is to gutting it. Do you follow Q or SerialBrain2? Do you know there have been 3, no 4 attempts on Trumps life so far?

Only 9 firms own all the media outlets in the country. They are in a coordinated attack on the President and are picking up their fevered pitch. I'm sure you see that.

",1534185253,13/08/2018 18:34 9174085,4038472848,"

How can I find where Q posts his stuff? See references to Q but new to the game here, so any help would be 'preciated! TIA

",1534185848,13/08/2018 18:44 9174085,4038480791,"

",1534186026,13/08/2018 18:47 9010244,4038528563,

Pass the law immediately. MAGA WWG1WGA Q Trump 8 years!

,1534187801,13/08/2018 19:16 9175240,4038537954,"

It would be great to see but it is pure Q-ooky fantasy. Those 40,000 indictments are an aggregate list of regular indictments made everyday in court but they are never taken off the list when they are unsealed and returned to the grand jury. Q is pulling your chain.

",1534188181,13/08/2018 19:23 9169414,4038544323,

Is this another one you got from Q?

No wonder nobody takes you cranks seriously.

,1534188456,13/08/2018 19:27 9174730,4038559388,"

Isn't L,G,B and Q kinda over stating things, when just the word Queer will do?

",1534189177,13/08/2018 19:39 9175240,4038566478,"

Peter Strzok is part of Q, correct deplorables?

",1534189523,13/08/2018 19:45 9176266,4038568683,

Will Strzok turn out to be a man of Steele ???

As for Q...

Never heard of him !!! 😈😈😈😈😈

Enjoy the show!


[Warning: This post has been sent away for analysis as it may contain deadly satire. Handle with care.]

,1534189635,13/08/2018 19:47 9174952,4038618224,"

Omarosa's going to be the legal test-case for the prosecutions of White House leakers.

The Fake News media will finally be forced to report on the severity of leaks that were ignored, mocked, minimized & marginalized since Trump took office.

If this isn't serendipity, it's a brilliant psy-op coming straight out of the White House.

What was it, Qanon said about ""great actors""...?

",1534192204,13/08/2018 20:30 9174724,4038619222,"

You want to talk about a fantasy world? Let's talk about Arkancide, Vince Foster, Birtherism, Pizzagate, QAnon, ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, Spygate, Sandy Hook actors, Trump Tower Wiretaps, Muslim Obama, Frank Marshall, Webb Hubbell, etc... ?

",1534192257,13/08/2018 20:30 9175240,4038638635,", think for yourself!


",1534193332,13/08/2018 20:48 8854322,4038664371,"

Actually you said ""assuming your one in the same""...pretty much saying I was Q like I was trying to get you to follow my YouTube channel or something.

I'm not butt hurt at all, just pointing you in the right direction...with age comes wisdom (sometimes). If you look at Q proofs it's pretty hard to deny he, she, they are who they say they are...MSM has already proven it beyond a reasonable doubt with a coordinated attack of 50+ ""conspiracy theory"" articles about Q within 48 hours of Trumps Tampa rally. I find it interesting that not one MSM reporter has asked the President to verify or deny.


",1534194802,13/08/2018 21:13 9175240,4038692593,"

Quickest one I have.
Forgive the URL (if you care)

",1534196455,13/08/2018 21:40 9175240,4038699593,"

lol you are too much. its not racist to compare white people to apes, read up on the history of the usage? Qanon is a troll, you know that right ?

",1534196861,13/08/2018 21:47 9175012,4038707890,"

And, in other Breaking News, Gene Q. Whipplewart had spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread for dinner. Dessert was chocolate cake. Details at eleven...

",1534197339,13/08/2018 21:55 9174100,4038714739,"

Seriously, though, it’s always hard for me to tell if someone is serious or trolling when they say QAnon is going to send everyone you don’t like to GITMO. When do you think it’s going to happen, and what will you do when it doesn’t?

",1534197746,13/08/2018 22:02 9175813,4038718588,

Is no I Q Maxine really no I Q Al Sharpton in drag?

,1534197961,13/08/2018 22:06 9175588,4038719315,"

This is obama's response to ""Q"" apparently. Obama trying to respond to the outting by Q of demonRAT donors that are pedos - See -

",1534198001,13/08/2018 22:06 9175240,4038726506,"

You are simply nuts.

The simple fact you are this gullible and willing to condemn anyone you are told to condemn makes you a patsy.

Why cant your party indict Obama in two years if he is so corrupt? Oh thats right. You Qanon nut jobs think thousands of fellow Americans are against the American way of life in the name of the ""Deep State"", right?

I would feel sorry for you and promote mental health treatment for you the fact remains you right wing trumpparty cult members are a threat to the United States.

You will be rounded up, sent to the tent cities and the illegals will be sent to the property granny left you to live there while you languish in the tents built for children.

",1534198395,13/08/2018 22:13 9174952,4038729410,

QAnon blames the deep state for tricking trump into firing Omarosa.

,1534198548,13/08/2018 22:15 9175240,4038734771,"

That’s a great point. Alinsky’s projection!! So they hate most what They see in themselves!! Homage to Cat with the bold, I’m old! Q Who ?

",1534198845,13/08/2018 22:20 9176233,4038748263,"

There is so much ** corruption ** in the DEMON - RAT PARTY, that starts with HIllary Babe on down. PUT the whole bunch into the ROUND BAR HOTEL as a guest of JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN. /////////////////////////////////////

",1534199608,13/08/2018 22:33 9174688,4038748310,"

BS. Offensive weapons, violating maritime law, hell, proliferating nuclear technology. A Q Khan got his knowledge from where? NK? North Korea is China's monster and Pakistan got its knowledge from China. Your spin is garbage.

",1534199611,13/08/2018 22:33 9174724,4038752245,"

",1534199833,13/08/2018 22:37 9172657,4038757933,

These ANTIFA protesters are doing nothing but hurting their stans with JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN.

,1534200157,13/08/2018 22:42 9176986,4038797159,"

Sure okay, says the party that believes in QAnon and pizzagate.

",1534202488,13/08/2018 23:21 9176182,4038815742,"

The MSM are SO STUPID or maybe so afraid of Q
in Q's post Q alway refers to JM as the ""Name we Don't Mention""
And that is what POTUS did NOT MENTION HIS NAME
PROOF Q and POTUS are working together and the MSM will S#it

",1534203632,13/08/2018 23:40 9010244,4038842082,"

I like the proposal. Long overdue. However more attention should be made to focus on their overlords, funders, puppet masters.

['They' prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as PAWNS] Q WE are awake!!

",1534205280,14/08/2018 00:08 9176182,4038851338,

USS #walkaway..........or
USS Qanon

,1534205867,14/08/2018 00:17 9176182,4038854813,"

Oh man, do you get this Q info straight from 4chan or does it get posted somewhere else?

",1534206062,14/08/2018 00:21 9176182,4038855319,"

Tell me why?

Q refers to JM as the ""Name we don't Mention""
Then Trump does a signing of his Bill and Doesn't mention his Name outside the Name of the Bill.
Believe what you want.

This was a PROOF of Q.

",1534206090,14/08/2018 00:21 9175363,4038857283,

A N S W E R   M Y   Q U E S T I O N   D I R T B A G   !!!

,1534206189,14/08/2018 00:23 9176182,4038858774,

The rumor is he is a mole. This is a real rumor. Q style.

,1534206277,14/08/2018 00:24 9172018,4038901044,

From Q

05-16-2018 02:28:34 AEST Q !4pRcUA0lBE
ID:563afa No.1420066

Do you trust POTUS?
Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?
Our Country?
Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.

,1534209059,14/08/2018 01:10 9177607,4038950943,"

This sort of thing is what QAnon and Walk Away etc are all about. As long as the traitors have slave control over various demographics by race or age or gender, they can use those traits to commit crimes.

",1534213219,14/08/2018 02:20 9177607,4038961507,

And you are a despicable Q u e e r!

,1534214257,14/08/2018 02:37 9153640,4038990451,"


How did that work out for you?

You know QAnon started out as a joke, right? To show how easy it is to start a conspiracy theory. And a sealed criminal case is not necessarily an indictment.

",1534217323,14/08/2018 03:28 9172018,4039078674,"

This is a lot to absorb but you can keep up to date where Reddit has a board - The Great Awakening - and many, many great people are explaining the Q drops. War Drummer is there and another called Praying Medic. Seek them out but the most important thing is do your own research and ask questions.

The decoding and analysis on the Q board - The Great Awakening- is far higher than my pay grade ☺️ But one such ANON that is deciphering the Military Intel codes that Q drops on Reddit is SerialBrain2. Their decoding is READ by the handle WAR DRUMMER and it will make you sit and listen in stunned silence as he unfolds the Qdrops like unraveling a tightly woven rug. I will say that Q uses Gematria in their drops. This is a brief summary of what that is.

Gematria /originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher later adopted into Jewish culture that assigns numerical value to a word, name, or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to Nature, a person's age, the calendar year, or the like. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the system used.
Similar systems, some of which were derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria, have been used in other languages and cultures, i.e. Greek isopsephy, Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria.

It would seem the USSS and the alphabet agencies use it also. The Bible is full of Gematria. War Drummer goes into more detail in one of his posts.

The media is absolutely in panic because things have just stepped up a notch. People can call Q a conspiracy, but if you have been following them since November, nothing Q does is conspiracy. We are living history.

I want you to listen to THIS drop first, no more than a few hours ago by War Drummer. This is in conjunction with what has just happened in the last couple of days in Little Rock. So go here first.

Then I want you to listen to another, not too long ago, surrounding the events of what ACTUALLY happened in Scotland with the paraglider invading the President’s Turnbury Golf Course where he was meeting with dignitaries.

Are you aware there has been around 12 assassination attempts on the President’s life?
Are you aware that apart from the one in Scotland there was another at one of the recent rallies where Q signs were removed bu USSS as Patriots entered the rally?

Are you aware that the President had already met with Kim Jong Un long before the summit? Do you know that on his way to meet with Kim, after meeting with G7 in Canada and BEFORE the 2nd meeting, Military Intel found out that a missile would be launched at Air Force 1? Off Alaska? From a submarine? Do you know that jets took down the missile. Same in Hawaii. Those 2 missiles were launched from a submarine. It was no false alarm. They were also taken down.

",1534223369,14/08/2018 05:09 9177607,4039082054,"

Has Q got to you? So funny he is trolling you on mass, like he used to on breitbart...

",1534223573,14/08/2018 05:12 9176233,4039363236,"

If you knew Q, you would know things ARE being done about it. Ducks in a row take time. Over 40K sealed indictments mean Huber is working hard.
Stay tuned. The Plan is working. WWG1WGA-Where We Go1We Go All.

",1534238953,14/08/2018 09:29 9175945,4039371374,

According to Q and some others...

,1534239326,14/08/2018 09:35 9176272,4039453855,

Yes I listen to the overwhelming scientific community unlike you morons that listen to QAnon and a guy that sells brain pills on info wars. Hahah loser

,1534242761,14/08/2018 10:32 9175213,4039461157,

Where did he get that information from? Hopefully not Q Anon.

,1534243039,14/08/2018 10:37 9177607,4039507473,"

Q said think missile with Seatac incident, Richard Russell shares name with decommissioned sub



CBS News reports: He cracked jokes, complimented the professional demeanor of an air traffic controller and apologized for making a fuss. But the friendly tone of a 29-year-old airport worker who stole a commercial plane Friday night, performing acrobatic stunts before a fatal plunge into a thick island forest, belied his desperate actions. ""I think I'm going to try to do a barrel roll, and if that goes good I'll go nose down and call it a night,"" Richard Russell said from the cockpit, according to a recording of his conversation with the controller. The Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed Sunday that Russell had died in the fiery wreckage, but whether the crash was deliberate or accidental was one of several topics remaining for investigators.
Forget the official narrative of the original story, because YouTube truther Jordan Sather of Destroying The Illusion has discovered a very strange connection with the person who so called stole an Alaskan Airlines Q400 out of Seatac. First of all with this incident Q told us to think missile, which obviously connected this incident to the rogue missile if it was even rogue launched at AF1 off the Washington coast after Trump's Summit with Kim Jong Un.
The strange thing with Richard Russell the man they say is behind the stolen Alaskan Airlines Q400 out of Seatac, is that the name Richard Russell just happens to be a decommissioned submarine SSN-687 named the Richard B. Russell. Did this Richard Russell even steal the plane, or was the incident remote controlled by white hats to point us to the likely fact the Deep State used the decommissioned Richard B. Russell SSN-687 to take out President Trump on his way back to America after the June 12th summit with Kim Jong Un? It looks like the dots are now connected. After the missile fired at AF1 Q even showed us a picture of a sub after the incident. Think Missile.

",1534244763,14/08/2018 11:06 9177607,4039509578,

Bill Maher revealed himself as Q on Friday.

,1534244840,14/08/2018 11:07 9177607,4039514449,

Bill Maher couldn't even spell Q...

,1534245017,14/08/2018 11:10 9176170,4039517377,

The guy that started the Holy Fire is a QAnon/Pizzagate nutter.

,1534245121,14/08/2018 11:12 9176440,4039592117,

QANON is less of a Conspiracy Theory than CNN.

,1534247707,14/08/2018 11:55 9176440,4039595298,"

Its fascinating. Read it here.

",1534247815,14/08/2018 11:56 9176440,4039603196,

That isn't a Q post.

,1534248081,14/08/2018 12:01 9176233,4039787004,


,1534253980,14/08/2018 13:39 9175945,4039826869,"

The corruption is so deep I dont think most will be able to fathom it all

If you havent read the Q post I suggest you do

",1534255203,14/08/2018 14:00 9178984,4039902292,"

Kinda like Spygate, Pizzagate, Q-Anon, this entire site, etc.?

",1534257588,14/08/2018 14:39 9180028,4039916435,

There is no non-evidence... good enough for Q supporters

,1534258025,14/08/2018 14:47 9159919,4039944002,

Sacha Baron Cohen and Q make me LOL !

,1534258871,14/08/2018 15:01 9159919,4039964994,

Yeah they were created by DARPA and they were initially funded by In Q Tel.
It’s common knowledge.
Just because you’re ignorant doesn’t mean someone else is lying.

,1534259540,14/08/2018 15:12 9159919,4040006608,"

TECH GIANTS are like those who are out for blood, they will chew you up and spit you out if u cross their line o f thinking.////////////////////////
What ever happened to fREE SPEECH. ??????????????????????
Oh, the TECH GIANTS are not covered by this, according to them any way. ////
MY WAY OR THE HIGH WAY, according to the TECH GIANTS. ////////////////////////////
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN BE DAMNED. ////////////////////////////////

",1534260880,14/08/2018 15:34 9179113,4040027447,

You're the Q in LGBTQIPB.

,1534261619,14/08/2018 15:46 9159919,4040044441,"

The tech giants aren't just denying service, they are actively trying to silence opposition.
Facebook YouTube and Disquis all dropped Infowars at the same time over comments Alex Jones supposedly made back in February. Infowars has been saying they are under DDoS attacks and the Infowars site is currently down. QAnon sites have also been attacked recently and even hacked. Twitter CEO @Jack hasn't shut down Alex Jones and says he allows free speech but his employees have been very active in silencing conservative voices.

The tech giants are working together to monopolize the media market and destroy ideological competition; they want to control all narratives.

",1534262150,14/08/2018 15:55 9162439,4040045094,

7 years?! Too funny! He’ll be lucky to make it to Xmas at this point. All Trump does is tear down this country and is a bigot and racist to boot. And he uses your own bigotry to do it as he screws the John Q Public all with your blessing so long as he’s complaining about Mexicans.

,1534262170,14/08/2018 15:56 9177292,4040107219,

Please. That type of BS is not helping. The altRight obsession with pedophilia is disturbing...QAnon BS. Its as if they cant deal with the racism charges so have to make up this BS.

,1534264144,14/08/2018 16:29 9159919,4040131538,"

Hey guys Q just told me that Christian bakers are F*cktarded Trumptards. Also, Q said Baron is an anchor baby. That is all for now.

",1534264934,14/08/2018 16:42 9159919,4040132499,

All hail the great Q!

,1534264966,14/08/2018 16:42 9176182,4040139309,"

Contempt prior to investigation, that's you. I also believe in Qanon, wwg1wga, and I believe Jesus is the Messiah. Have at it with your insults, they only make me laugh!

",1534265192,14/08/2018 16:46 9179899,4040148509,"

Hey Q Ball, those people you are calling Americans are nothing but ignorant suckers that listen to the communist news network. Those idiots that support the socialists but have no clue what socialism is.

",1534265482,14/08/2018 16:51 9178996,4040352582,"

GentleGiant, Rightly said. And He's using DJT because Billy Graham passed away and he didn't have the cajones to deal with the evil that is about to be revealed to us. God uses us in ways we will never understand. Have faith people. The plan is going well. . Just ask Q.

",1534272144,14/08/2018 18:42 9180268,4040388833,"

If you want to pick out the worse people in any given group, what separates a trump rally from a Q obsessed conspiracy cult, or unite the right from a schwastika waiving neo-nazi rally?

",1534273398,14/08/2018 19:03 9180994,4040459261,"

Omarosa has already revealed two tapes. If she releases the one where Trump uses the ""N"" word, things will get interesting.

Why don't consult Qanon to see what's really going on?

",1534276048,14/08/2018 19:47 9180796,4040459605,

H D and Q sounds better to me/

,1534276061,14/08/2018 19:47 9180994,4040491281,

I bet Omarosa is QAnon.

,1534277333,14/08/2018 20:08 9181765,4040495475,

Jeff & Bobby !!!!!

Stop doing so much acid and start reading the QAnon drops over on 8 Chan.

You might learn something useful for a change.

,1534277516,14/08/2018 20:11 9172234,4040509966,"

Publish their home addresses, so John Q Public can have his say.

",1534278137,14/08/2018 20:22 9180844,4040565006,"

Jay Busbee has completely missed (as a typical libturds reporter would) the target. Why don't Busbee ask Joe Q. Fan why us fans are now X-Fans? It has NEVER been the subject matter the knee droppers are protesting. Most X-Fans agree with them. But it the way they are protest, the method they use and the timing. Plus, it's the lack of physical non-action by these knee droppers. Have not seen one knee dropper protesting on the streets in Chicago. Instead of forcing their ""racial injustice"" stuff down our throats get out and do something. And, the 1st Amendment doesn't protect employees in the public sector. Employees who work in the private-sector (NFL/NFL Teams) do not, as a rule, have First Amendment protection for their speech in the WORKPLACE (Football Stadium). On one level, a private sector employer could take the absence of a direct First Amendment right as providing free rein to discipline, terminate or retaliate against employees for their speech in the workplace. Busbee needs to do his homework.

",1534280634,14/08/2018 21:03 9181765,4040570389,

These old geezers are nearly as burnt out as the Qnutters.

,1534280892,14/08/2018 21:08 9181765,4040613051,"

If Q is a LARP, he is darn good!
Not gonna preach to you about it, but just let me have a moment to celebrate :).

People sometimes go ""don't trust the plan"" etc. Turd in the punch bowl.

",1534282976,14/08/2018 21:42 9180994,4040673825,

Lemme guess... QAnon?

,1534286198,14/08/2018 22:36 9182200,4040701636,"

----- Reporter found dead Monday in D.C. , working on Clinton / boy sex allegations. --- "" Q "" the swamp quake !


",1534287694,14/08/2018 23:01 9182200,4040710737,"


",1534288208,14/08/2018 23:10 9181873,4040719389,

Staged by whom? The Deep State? Hilarious! What does QAnon say about that?

,1534288676,14/08/2018 23:17 9181873,4040769620,"

What is happening my Q people? I have missed you.

Now, we don’t care that King Trump said n****r, do we? It makes us love him more! He gets to say what’s on all of our minds. He is the greatest.

Do we still think Obama is from Kenya? You bet we do! Where’s his birth certificate?

And the MSM showed us fake footage of the inauguration. Trump’s crowd was definitely bigger than Obama’s.

I love all of my Q people.

",1534291473,15/08/2018 00:04 9182164,4040782259,


,1534292282,15/08/2018 00:18 9172018,4040788678,"

They’re in there.

From Q
06-29-2018 08:23:24 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:c545bc No.1946309

Image no longer available

Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.

06-29-2018 11:07:14 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:1df4ec No.1949464

Everything stated has meaning.
Find paper articles re: Freemasons.
11-12-2017 15:33:51 AEDT Q !ITPb.qbhqo
ID:gO/UntOB No.149063644

Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
What is the keystone?
What Nation dominates all others?
What Nation has influence over most others?
What is the keystone?
Return to SA.
Strings cut (+++).
Puppets (+++) in shadows.
Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.
What is the New World Order?
Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
Where did POTUS dine?
What is the significance?
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
Why is No Such Agency so vital?
Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
This is not easy to accept nor believe.
Crumbs make bread.
Operations active.
Joint missions underway.
The world is fighting back.
Refer back to graphic.
The Great Awakening.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).

",1534292691,15/08/2018 00:24 9182767,4040810193,

Did you get your Q today lol

,1534294094,15/08/2018 00:48 9182164,4040813821,

----- Read Q anon posts ...... gonna be a helluva week.

,1534294339,15/08/2018 00:52 9181765,4040814617,

Make sure if you listen to there genre of music to thumb these pieces of trash down in your music streaming service of choice whenever they pop up. You know what Q says... those that protest the loudest...

,1534294389,15/08/2018 00:53 9182200,4040819477,"

Looks like Q lists current pedo/trafficking arrests. That's worth cheering about.

",1534294704,15/08/2018 00:58 9182200,4040823505,"

The Q crowd has a very intense, bizarre interest in pedos. Like arsonists returning to watching their own handiwork, sorta.

Being humiliated once by pizzagate evidently did not quench their thirst.

",1534294971,15/08/2018 01:02 9182200,4040826310,"

QAnon pointed out that Trump was prosecuting pedophiles at five times the rate of previous administrations. So this is the result of that effort. Posts about these convictions show how much of a success it has been.

Pedogate is was posts by the Comet Ping Pong owners' own instagam and social media that referenced troubling statements about child abuse, assault, and pedophilia. It is being investigated.

",1534295163,15/08/2018 01:06 9182200,4040834339,"

Q dwells on this topic. Just think, a larper in mom's basement obsessed by it.

Please stay away from my grandkids, Q.

",1534295694,15/08/2018 01:14 9182200,4040838384,

What are Q and P?

,1534295968,15/08/2018 01:19 9182200,4040839101,"

Check this out:

",1534296018,15/08/2018 01:20 9182311,4040840612,"

------ Read Q anon posts ...... more to come.
Think Harvey Weinstein / NXIVM / Smallville / Allison Mack / Human Trafficking.

",1534296117,15/08/2018 01:21 9180844,4040844511,"

The Kneelers are Bullies. Picking on John Q Nobody NFL fan. Trump stood up to defend us from them. So: Kap=bully, Trump=Hero, fans=not racists, victims of bullying.

and other portrayal is FAKE NEWS from the enemy of the American People.

",1534296379,15/08/2018 01:26 9182200,4040852473,

what is Q?

,1534296935,15/08/2018 01:35 9182200,4040852918,

What date did Q post about this?

,1534296967,15/08/2018 01:36 9182200,4040853762,"

qanon76 appears banned from Twitter as of a day or two ago.

They are in panic mode.

",1534297031,15/08/2018 01:37 9182200,4040854963,"

He might mean the group Q-anon that has been showing up to Trump rallies and holding up signs with weird stuff, they come across as liberals who are trying to smear Trump supporters as usual.

",1534297115,15/08/2018 01:38 9182200,4040856545,"

",1534297228,15/08/2018 01:40 9182200,4040862085,

No. Trump points out Q supporters and IDs them for special recognition later on the chans or reddit. Q then gets in touch with a shout out for their support.

,1534297651,15/08/2018 01:47 9182311,4040864493,"

.Read Q anon posts ...... more to come.

Think Harvey Weinstein / NXIVM / Smallville / Allison Mack / Human Trafficking.

",1534297824,15/08/2018 01:50 9182200,4040866430,

Yeah sort of hard to miss Q posting about this.

,1534297963,15/08/2018 01:52 9182200,4040876481,

Just as Q predicted...

,1534298714,15/08/2018 02:05 9178996,4040879680,

Lol ... Q is a left wing hoax and you believe that insane garbage.

,1534298963,15/08/2018 02:09 9182164,4040892269,

Seems he got into a little of the Q related difficulty. Record numbers of members of Congress resigning. Something to do with a swamp drain.

,1534300007,15/08/2018 02:26 9181873,4040907594,

LOL.. It is a Q thing.

,1534301132,15/08/2018 02:45 9182311,4040917061,"

I know you keep up with Q, but there's certainly a lot of pedos being exposed and prosecuted. Has Q mentioned anything about this?

",1534301641,15/08/2018 02:54 9182311,4040917749,

Yeah. Q Anon says expect much much much more.

,1534301689,15/08/2018 02:54 9182311,4040999276,

Thanks Q ;)

,1534305523,15/08/2018 03:58 9180844,4041020043,"

the headline used Trump to get views.....It had nothing to do with what Trump knows or does not know.
But what I know, NFL revenue down 3 years running going for 4.

Union contract year next season. When the ""boys of fall"" wake up will it be soon enough to save their contract year salaries? NO, the players are hell bent on destroying themselves....

As Q ( from Nepoleon?) says, "" Never interfere when the enemy is in the Process of destroying itself.......... ""

",1534306740,15/08/2018 04:19 9181873,4041122521,

Q Q Q Q deep state global elites no brain

,1534313018,15/08/2018 06:03 9183193,4041383728,"

Terrorism in a can maybe

Canadian Vaping business discovered called ""Adrenochrome Labs""



From Adrenochrome Labs: Adrenochrome Labs Inc is 100% Canadian. We have a 6000 sqft facility in Victoria BC dedicated to making e-liquid and only e-liquid! Our cleanroom is 1000 sqft and based on ISO 7 standards. We pride ourselves on making American quality e-liquid right here in Canada. It costs much more to do it right however we believe that quality comes first! While the Canadian e-liquid laws are changing, you can always count on us to stay ahead of the game and be sure our lines stay compliant with CCCR 2001, CPLA, CFR, and GCC certifications and standards.
As an international brand you can expect only the best customer service and quality out of us! We run a small team of 8 crew and utilize machinery to our advantage. With a small team we are able to ensure quality control as well as pay our employees a much better wage. Even during the hard times with the Canadian dollar we have kept our prices the same and will remain to do so! Right now is the best time for international vendors to buy our products which is why Adrenochrome Labs Inc does so well internationally. If you ever have any concerns or questions feel free to ask!
This is just absolutely disgusting that their is a vaping buisness called Adrenochrome Labs in Canada, and if you know a little info about what adrenochrome actually is then you know why this is disgusting. In child/human trafficking and human sacrifice, adrenochrome is known to be used by the elites that is an extraction from the human body of children and adult victims in rituals. This company called Adrenochrome Labs in Canada even has very strange names for their types of vapes.
​ Now this may be nothing but we know there are no coincidences in this world, and a business called Adrenochrome labs should raise everyone's eyebrows. This is not only creepy but absolutely disgusting, and to run a business called Adrenochrome Labs they obviously know what Adrenochrome means. Q says these people are evil and stupid, and this may just be how stupid and evil they truly are...People are smoking this stuff.

",1534327088,15/08/2018 09:58 9183193,4041391397,"

Pope Francis not allowed to meet with abuse victims of church, now why is that



Daily Mail Reports: The announcement that Pope Francis may not meet victims of church sexual abuse in Ireland has pushed one victim to organise a demonstration during his visit to Dublin. Colm O’Gorman said: “It is staggering on the part of the Vatican, they can’t even be bothered to go through the motions of making it appear that this matters to them. “It’s become a trope, he goes to a country and has a confidential meeting and releases a statement about how moved he was by victim testimony, expresses sorrow and regret and we move on.
Quick question with the Pope...Pope Francis not being able to meet abuse victims of the Vatican/Catholic church system, why the hell is Pope Francis not being allowed to meet victims? Could this be a hint at what we should expect very soon with Pope Francis, as in Pope Francis himself will be named as a pedophile inside the Vatican/Catholic Church system...As it looks like this will soon drop as every week there seems to be a pedo/child trafficking network being exposed inside the Vatican/Catholic church system. Well with the Pope not being able to meet victims of the church's pedophile, child trafficking, and sex abuse, I think this is a hint the very top of the Vatican in the Pope is involved. Q also hints at this tonight, that this goes deeper than just the recent pedo ring busted in the Pennsylvania Diocese where 300 pedo priests have been named in court.

",1534327433,15/08/2018 10:03 9182200,4041392351,"

He is truly evil. Q said May was going to be a very bad month for the Pope. He was off by a few months, but was right about the big blowup.

",1534327484,15/08/2018 10:04 9183193,4041405869,"

1. Under Sharia, Wives Can Be Beaten.

2. Under Sharia, Females Enjoy Fewer Rights than Males.
According to Q 2:282, the testimony of a woman is worth only half that of a man’s:

3. Under Sharia, Marriage and Sexual Intercourse with Pre-Pubescent Girls is Permissible.

4. Under Sharia, Wives do not Share the Same Divorce Rights as Their Husbands.

5. Under Sharia, Women are Deemed Lacking in Faith and Intelligence.

",1534328095,15/08/2018 10:14 9181873,4041418022,

I didn't know Q was living in Philly

,1534328657,15/08/2018 10:24 9184597,4041456598,"

----- Of course MSM divides .. but who owns the press ? .. Who do they PROTECT ?

We are now past being just called racist deplorables ... They must call us enemy for questioning their FAKE narratives.
NBC hit job.

"" In recent months, Q anon followers have allegedly been involved in a foiled presidential assassination plot, a devastating California wildfire, and an armed standoff with local law enforcement officers in Arizona.""

They are in panic mode.

",1534330225,15/08/2018 10:50 9184597,4041555069,"

A coordinated revolt against establishment media should be first. A March on Washington would be perfect. We need to bring the globalist agenda and coordination with establishment media out into the open. A good watch, President Trump’s speech on the topic courtesy of Q recently:

",1534333886,15/08/2018 11:51 9181765,4041622358,

Fine. Live a lie. We are Q.

,1534336316,15/08/2018 12:31 9184918,4041646883,"

As Q often says,


",1534337281,15/08/2018 12:48 9176170,4041689168,"

Sovereign Citizen Forrest Gordon Clark, a well-documented QAnon-promoting conspiracy theorist, was just arrested for starting the SoCal wildfire. Secretary Zinke should address that as well.

And no, he's not a liberal plant. His social media posts mirror Breitbart & Alex Jones going back nearly a decade.

",1534338779,15/08/2018 13:12 9182200,4041696577,"

Maybe the Q idiots should put their energy into exposing the Catholic church, which really does run a child sex ring.

",1534339026,15/08/2018 13:17 9179005,4041790441,"

Are Arab words allowed in Scrabble? I'm often left with letters like J, Q and Z.
If words like 'Jihad', 'Quran' and 'Jazeera' were allowed, it might mean I'd win for a change. Of course, this would help those studying the language we'll all be using in a few years time.

",1534341989,15/08/2018 14:06 9184597,4041811269,

Q? Who's Q? Notice how I didn't say 'whom is Q'?

,1534342715,15/08/2018 14:18 9184753,4041823334,

Take note: #WhiteTrashMatters changed its name to QAnon.

,1534343144,15/08/2018 14:25 9184597,4041824692,"

DC you make me laugh. You ""think"" you are intelligent. I will give you some are much smarter than the ignorant masses of the CULT45. However, still a step slow. You know know about QANON. They thrive on breitbart. Just like as the death penalty advocates like yourself.

",1534343192,15/08/2018 14:26 9184597,4041828586,

murdering interns SMDH...that is Q sh !T

,1534343322,15/08/2018 14:28 9184597,4041832534,"

Thanks for the compliment? I will look into this QANON. It sounds entertaining. I would, however, like you to know that when you decide to #walkaway, we will welcome you.

",1534343449,15/08/2018 14:30 9184753,4041906523,

You believe in QAnon! You're borderline too stupid to live! Sad!

,1534345828,15/08/2018 15:10 9184828,4041911757,"

We're done with ""the lies"" but we believe in QAnon.

You people are too stupid to live. Sad!

",1534346014,15/08/2018 15:13 9167068,4041916011,

omg. Seriously? Q?

,1534346158,15/08/2018 15:15 9167068,4041916380,

and stop talking about Q.

,1534346172,15/08/2018 15:16 9182395,4041919928,"

Hey Omerosa, maybe Q and the NSA have copies of those tapes you keep talking about, since they actually exist right, not that the lying filth on the deep state left would make things up with zero proof. They have all the evidence on everyone and everything else in your little cabal. And the mid terms are coming up. Sounds like a great time for a huge drop. Buckle up affirmative action Barbie, its going to get interesting.

",1534346296,15/08/2018 15:18 9124882,4041922718,"

Nobody has a right to keep a q clearance after their employment has been terminated. Some of these goons were actually fired genius. Not to mention that ALL were caught lying to Congress and special council. Not questionable? You !ust be a political hack to make that bullshit statement, at this point. Or your simply ignorant, or your a socialist troll. I don't care which it is, you obviously know nothing of which you speak. It's that obvious snowflake, but you keep spinning Dora.......after all, it's all you have left, isn't it?

",1534346395,15/08/2018 15:19 9185431,4041925254,"

No- Mueller is the one draining the swamp- Sessions and Rosenstein are working hard behind the scenes- the reason Rosenstein is not turning over evidence to Congress is because it is being used in a criminal case against the swamp- they can not reveal what they have! Q was right, Mueller is you pay attention to what he is doing- is totally prosecuting the swamp in secret- catching the moles and the leakers and the crooks! It was BRILLIANT...except WAPO figured it out last year... https://www.washingtonpost....

",1534346482,15/08/2018 15:21 9182395,4041925982,"

Team Q runs the white house, the NSA, the military and about another dozen elements of the goverment public and secret. Kelly is part of team Q.

",1534346509,15/08/2018 15:21 9185431,4041930472,"

no- he is working with Session and Rosenstein - HE IS PROSECUTING THE SWAMP!! He is a white hat! Pay attention to the things he is doing- take a look at what has come out of his investigation- see the Popoldopoulus trial motions- it is all so telling!
and WAPO figured it out last year...and Q told us as well last year...
It all comes to a head in SEPTEMBER- Mueller's deadline!

",1534346658,15/08/2018 15:24 9124882,4041940956,"

That is even more lies, having a q clearance, depending on the level is what gives you access to said data................opinions shared, is ok. Sensitive data and information being shared, are not. But it's becoming obvious you know nothing of what you try so hard to sound relevant on. Since you don't even understand what, and how a Q clearance works..........tell your professor, he might want to study up before making you look so ignorant in the future................just a thought!

",1534347024,15/08/2018 15:30 9184828,4041950502,

I never read QAnon but I spot a lying bastard quickly.

,1534347348,15/08/2018 15:35 9182200,4041953919,"

But according to the expert analysis of all the Q detractors on the MSM these past couple of weeks, sex trafficking is another 'conspiracy theory'. Its amazing how much glaring evidence the left and their MSM considers 'conspiracy theory'. One has to wonder whats left after they have catagorically denied everything, their made up lies and delusions?

",1534347469,15/08/2018 15:37 9184240,4041963531,"

Drugs and alcohol, according to the Rotherham case prosecutor Kama Melly Q.C.

",1534347794,15/08/2018 15:43 9182950,4041966491,

Pizzagate and Birthers and QAnon oh my!

,1534347892,15/08/2018 15:44 9184753,4041982524,"

Why is this being reported by the news and not the FBI ?
Canadian Vaping business discovered called ""Adrenochrome Labs""


1 Comment

From Adrenochrome Labs: Adrenochrome Labs Inc is 100% Canadian. We have a 6000 sqft facility in Victoria BC dedicated to making e-liquid and only e-liquid! Our cleanroom is 1000 sqft and based on ISO 7 standards. We pride ourselves on making American quality e-liquid right here in Canada. It costs much more to do it right however we believe that quality comes first! While the Canadian e-liquid laws are changing, you can always count on us to stay ahead of the game and be sure our lines stay compliant with CCCR 2001, CPLA, CFR, and GCC certifications and standards.
As an international brand you can expect only the best customer service and quality out of us! We run a small team of 8 crew and utilize machinery to our advantage. With a small team we are able to ensure quality control as well as pay our employees a much better wage. Even during the hard times with the Canadian dollar we have kept our prices the same and will remain to do so! Right now is the best time for international vendors to buy our products which is why Adrenochrome Labs Inc does so well internationally. If you ever have any concerns or questions feel free to ask!
This is just absolutely disgusting that their is a vaping buisness called Adrenochrome Labs in Canada, and if you know a little info about what adrenochrome actually is then you know why this is disgusting. In child/human trafficking and human sacrifice, adrenochrome is known to be used by the elites that is an extraction from the human body of children and adult victims in rituals. This company called Adrenochrome Labs in Canada even has very strange names for their types of vapes.
​ Now this may be nothing but we know there are no coincidences in this world, and a business called Adrenochrome labs should raise everyone's eyebrows. This is not only creepy but absolutely disgusting, and to run a business called Adrenochrome Labs they obviously know what Adrenochrome means. Q says these people are evil and stupid, and this may just be how stupid and evil they truly are...People are smoking this stuff.

",1534348467,15/08/2018 15:54 9185431,4041990878,"

wow, the conservative treehouse finally ... FINALLY .. turned against Sessions.

As an early promoter of Sessions, sundance turned his newbies against the regular posters who had reservations about Magoo early on.

Now he's finally thrown in the towel. It has humiliated the Q nutters that were attracted to his past narrative. But they richly deserve it. They turned a once-admirable site into Kookyland.

",1534348744,15/08/2018 15:59 9185431,4041991567,"

Ya I know- but Q said something like he and Rosenstein were threatened if they did not go along- I can see this happening....We can't know for sure the real back story behind this- I am just saying if you real the trial notes, if you read what has come out of his investigation if you add up the facts- they really say he is prosecuting the swamp- just recently in the Popodopolus case they filed a motion with the court to seal discovery & impose restrictions on what Pdop's defense team can reveal from discovery provided by the DOJ & FBI. Pop plead guilty- Mueller found he was innocent- restricted the discovery. So he wouldn't be found out. The WAPO as I mentioned figured this out a year ago...but next month is when we will find out for sure!

",1534348766,15/08/2018 15:59 9184753,4042031667,"

For now I trust Sessions and am with Q, but gotta say...
He hasn't said to trust Sessions in many months.
That landscape could have changed.
Even if it hasn't it probably would be smart to stop reinforcing this belief. The enemy reads the posts too.

",1534350176,15/08/2018 16:22 9184753,4042035685,"

If Q is hope porn, Trump is in on it. I know that one.

Sessions still might be an establishment Repub. I don't know what to think of the guy.

",1534350337,15/08/2018 16:25 9184753,4042089789,

Bill Maher is Q.

,1534352110,15/08/2018 16:55 9187006,4042123099,"

Anybody following Q?? This was the 2nd BOOM this week, Peter Stroke being the first. Two more BOOMS to go this week. #WWGOWGA #Qanon - Let me know you're out there...

",1534353147,15/08/2018 17:12 9124882,4042133767,"

Fella, the 'Q' clearance you're speaking of applies to the DOE, Dept. of Energy and its relevance is to information about nuclear materials. In other words, the 'Q' clearance under discussions HAS NOTHING TO DO w/THE INDIVIDUALS you're speaking about whose TOP SECRET CLEARANCES DO REMAIN IN EFFECT AFTER THEY LEAVE OFFICE for a period of time.

From the above link:

Q clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information.[1][2] Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.
A Q Clearance is equivalent to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance. ""For access to some classified information, such as Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Programs (SAPS), additional requirements or special conditions may be imposed by the information owner even if the person is otherwise eligible to be granted a security clearance or access authorization based on reciprocity.""[2]
Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[3] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[4] With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, harnessing the potential to cause exceptionally grave or inestimable damage to the national security of the United States.

",1534353481,15/08/2018 17:18 9187006,4042144463,


,1534353824,15/08/2018 17:23 9187006,4042165872,

Most people know the Q thing is a 4chan skit

Might as well drop the act.

,1534354533,15/08/2018 17:35 9184597,4042190291,"

You need to check your sources. LOL. The Vegas massacre? Bernie supporter? These are crazy people. With easy access to guns (see NRA Republicans). Antifa stood up to the white supremacists while you vegged out on your couch. They are not hunting conservatives. Are you related to Alex Jones? Or are you Q? And please do you really want me to list all the obvious racist descriptions of the Obamas? Including Trump’s idiotic birther jibberish? Clinton was impeached for lying to the congress and the American public. Trump easily qualifies as he lied about campaign meetings with a foreign power during his candidacy. And he lied to Congress on day one during his inauguration speech. And he has lied about things large and small EVERY day since then. Clinton lied about sex. For the record, I am not for impeachment. I hope Trump will resign by or be voted out in 2020. You voted for a mentally fading con man. Whether you want to face up to it or not.

",1534355324,15/08/2018 17:48 9187006,4042269280,"

If you follow Q and believe in Pre-Trib Rapture
(yes narrow focus, so feel free to skip)

Q posted this.

""Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.""
– Ephesians 6:10-18

I am believing less and less in this pre-Trib rapture. Look what this belief has done to us. It has often become an excuse to look the other way. To ignore the battle.
Just because Jesus wins doesn't mean we have no responsibility.

Hope this helped somebody.

",1534358027,15/08/2018 18:33 9187006,4042279221,"

Latest Q post from a few moments ago:
""Did they ask Combetta for advice?
These people are stupid.
>>Oprah Show
You get to go to JAIL.
You get to go to JAIL.
You get to go to JAIL.
You get to go to JAIL.
You ALL get to go to JAIL.

",1534358380,15/08/2018 18:39 9185572,4042284287,

I'd like to wish No I Q Maxine a very Happy Birthday as Well! I hope you are having a ball wearing your little birthday hat and blowing somebody's horn at this very moment.

,1534358563,15/08/2018 18:42 9187006,4042288486,"

No, but I study quite a bit thanks to Q!

",1534358714,15/08/2018 18:45 9187006,4042288970,

Dont tase me works for CTR.

Seems very triggered by Q.

Why would a larp trigger someone so much?

,1534358732,15/08/2018 18:45 9187006,4042289155,

I voted Trump. Q is a fraud to keep Sessions from getting fired.

,1534358739,15/08/2018 18:45 9187006,4042292770,

Why deos the Q larp trigger you so much?


,1534358873,15/08/2018 18:47 9182395,4042293905,"

I thought the firing came after the hanging, drawing and quartering.

p.s. H,D & Q was restricted as a punishment to those convicted of treason.

",1534358914,15/08/2018 18:48 9187006,4042295603,

It's amazing how much Q scares them....

,1534358978,15/08/2018 18:49 9187006,4042303675,"

Then be happy, Q says that's exactly where all this is leading!

",1534359267,15/08/2018 18:54 9187006,4042307768,

Whatever man. Q is a fraud. How many more times does Trump have to call out top cop Sessions for you to understand that?

,1534359402,15/08/2018 18:56 9187447,4042329586,

------ CLAPPER .... You Next .... Hand over your swamp Intelligence access card.

( It must piss him off not knowing who Q is .)

,1534360189,15/08/2018 19:09 9187006,4042353668,

Is this some Qanon thing?

,1534361100,15/08/2018 19:25 9187006,4042360589,"

When I retired from the US Army, my TS clearance was immediately canceled. Years later when I retired from federal service I was told that my Q clearance would be maintained for five years, in the event I was called back. Thankfully they have never called.
I hope Trump revokes clearances for all the swamp creatures, starting with Obutthole and Hillary.

",1534361363,15/08/2018 19:29 9187006,4042381896,

Trust Sessions.

-- Q.

,1534362227,15/08/2018 19:43 9187006,4042389482,

You would be more privy to that information. Ask Q.

,1534362535,15/08/2018 19:48 9187909,4042389551,"

---- The STORM .... is here !

It does not matter if you believe in "" Q "" .... he believes in us !
Stay United !

",1534362538,15/08/2018 19:48 9187006,4042427163,

Is Trump really Q? The people that he wants to strip of their security clearance are the same people that are constantly criticized by the followers of the mysterious Q entity. Does Q lead the blind or do they lead him?

,1534364145,15/08/2018 20:15 9187006,4042503564,"

I've had multiple clearances. There was no discussion when I was read put. I signed the DNA, and I have never talked about any classified information, and I never will.

The idea that heads of departments have a ""right"" to TS/SCI or even Q clearances because they once had them is crazy. Trump is 100% right to shut these lying partisan jerkoffs down.

Awww. They can't use their access to make money as consultants and get on TV. Good.

",1534367763,15/08/2018 21:16 9187021,4042506656,"

Q points us to the Clinton's Haiti, Clinton's started Haiti work in 1975, then Haiti child trafficking rocketed



BBC Reports: The Clinton history with the world's first black republic dates back to their 1975 honeymoon, when they met a voodoo priest and visited a hotel where Ernest Hemingway once stayed. The January 2010 earthquake killed an estimated 220,000 people Few could have guessed the two young Americans touring the attractions that December would one day wield such influence over the impoverished Caribbean island nation. Mr Andre is not alone among his compatriots in blaming the once-and-perhaps-future first couple for a litany of ills in Haiti. Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Liberte newspaper, told the BBC: ""A lot of Haitians are not big fans of the Clintons, that's for sure."" Reports: ​The question, from a former special agent with the US Department of Homeland Security, is directed at a group of children being held against their will in a rusted home hidden in the hills of Petion-Ville, in the republic of Haiti. The undercover human trafficking operative produces an iPhone, and shows the children an image of a luxury yacht, moored nearby in the Caribbean. There’s a moment of awkward laughter, before, gradually, a few tiny arms shoot up in the air. “Wi, wi,” they say in Creole, explaining that they’re scared. With us are a dozen children, who’ve been released by their captors from locked rooms at the back of the property. They are aged between eight and 14 years old. They are sex slaves. Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age.
Q has pointed us in the direction of these reports today, and oddly enough the strange Clinton ties in Haiti dates back to their honeymoon in 1975 with a Haitian voodoo priest. Also odd about the Clinton's Haiti, is that Q today has informed us today that their is a major child trafficking network that involves foreign clients...And in all honesty the foreigners didn't really start coming into Haiti until after the very first trip by the Clinton's to Haiti in 1975.
So what we have here is that the Clinton's first visited Haiti in 1975 then after this Clinton visit to Haiti in 1975, child trafficking networks skyrocketed in Haiti. With the picture I used from one of the articles it actually looks like foreigners in Haiti who worked with the Clinton's in Haiti with the Clinton's pictured looks like a photo of slaves and their owners. It's kind of odd that when the Clinton's visited Haiti that child trafficking in Haiti rocketed. By the way Chelsea Clinton stated Roe vs. Wade put $3 trillion into the US economy...Wonder if this money is connected to Haiti in anyway?

",1534367916,15/08/2018 21:18 9187006,4042551284,"

Ha ha, you as grunt know more than you should! I know that. ;)

Although I was never a soldier. But I saw a lot of bad stuff in my life and was even sitting at the table with CIA ""grunts"" in Berlin at night and drinking beer when the wall was still there. At least we both can add 1+1=2.

That revocation of the sec. clearance of Brennan is of course not more than a symbolic act. Those higher ranks play their games just fine, do they? At least I worked for 5 years in a bigger bank and know how they play their games. One of my former department managers was actually an officer in the Eastern German army. At least I guess so. That was after the wall came down. He was actually pretty good. But he left the bank and afterwards the card house was collapsing from the top management. I left a little later.

I think that Q stuff has a lot of truth in it. My wife follows it more than I do. I was skeptical first, but more and more stuff makes sense:

It would just be too many coincidences. As pilot I know if you have 3 or more landmarks, it's the right place. Even without compass or any other modern navigation.

",1534370177,15/08/2018 21:56 9187909,4042560944,

Trump makes a needed change that ANY president should exercise and Leftists get their panties completely knotted up.

WTH is wrong with leftists? Rhetorical Q.

,1534370696,15/08/2018 22:04 9187006,4042568416,"

People - things are getting very intense with the Q postings. See the new stuff today and the last few days:

You know what that pool scene reminds me of? It's how that billionaire pharmaceutical CEO and his wife died in their home in Toronto, Canada (Barry and Honey Sherman). By their indoor pool, hung around the neck and they had abrasions on their wrists.

Buckle up, friends......serious revelations are beginning to occur.

P.S. The image of the lady reading to the 2 boys? The boy on the right is Anderson Cooper and that is his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. Click that image and look at the ""art"" above the bed.

",1534371110,15/08/2018 22:11 9187021,4042571175,

I'll gladly eat crow if Q is right.

,1534371259,15/08/2018 22:14 9187006,4042576813,"

Honestly? I've been on 4 tours, one technically classified an expedition. What I saw is frankly irrelevant but coincides with what you say and others have said.

It cracks me up when people troll me saying I can't say what limited info I do say. I'm only prohibited from revealing confidential or secret info that has NOT been declassified. Since there are tens of thousands of pics on the internet showing us patrolling and guarding that stuff, etc, it's been declassified. What I cannot reveal or any of us are exact locations and personnel involved, especially upper ranking.

I'm not even sure anymore how many special forces from other countries I've worked with. It all kinda blends together in the end. I would love to go back and do more 'good' if you can read into that, but can't because I now have a family and my littlest is 7 and she is my little sweat pea. My oldest is 15 but I might have told you that already. She's a JV cheerleader now, god forbid and knows more than I do. My 11 yr old son thinks he's going to earn a living as a gamer for whoever makes the call of duty games. Cringes.

To the rest. I knew who were the CIA. we simply never hung out with them. We didn't want to. Most were nice guys, contrary to the movies. Once in awhile they'd drop a case of beer off but as I said. We didn't hang out.

I have no idea what this Q is. Sorry.

",1534371555,15/08/2018 22:19 9187006,4042594590,"

Okay, regarding Q. You'll find that out over time. I gave you a link. He only asks questions. Usually with hints. I guess hence the letter q. It's already something like a movement.

I have no clue if this is really legit or not. I just think it is too much info to be all coincidental. But I could be wrong. I don't have the time to read all of that and put the puzzle pieces together. But if you scroll through the content on that site it makes your eyebrows rise for sure. Because people like Maher saying stuff like that and no revealed - that's a bomb to explode. I mean, it would. If the MSM wouldn't cover it all up. But we can already see that the MSM lost ALL credibility and sound like more hysterical every single day. I'm really just watching what happens. I just know that some things make sense. Like priests molesting children. They cannot even marry in the Catholic Church. No wonder they do creepy stuff.

I think we are in sort of a war right now. Mostly contained in our government(s). For how long it can be contained - probably only God knows. We had peace for ""too long"". After such a period, as you correctly said, everything repeats again.

I pray for you and that you can protect yourself and your family! That's all what matters in the end.

",1534372515,15/08/2018 22:35 9187021,4042659526,

Look up War Drummer on YouTube. Another good one is Praying medic. These two are doing deep Dives on Q and they're very interesting.

,1534376138,15/08/2018 23:35 9186151,4042690477,"

Hey, want to give a shout out to Sir Patrick Mack who rocks on Q posts! I can't tell him directly because I refuse to have a gmail account!

Don't know how much longer BB will be up and running or Disquis allowing comments. Just know....""every word you take (post), every breath you make, Goggle, FB, Twitter, et al are watching you! And! It's against the Constitution! They are law breakers!

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

",1534377851,16/08/2018 00:04 9188362,4042713482,

hey... how can I buy a QAnon shirt... seriously.. asking for a friend.

,1534378620,16/08/2018 00:17 9187183,4042720092,

anyone know where I can get a QAnon shirt? seriously.. asking for a friend.

,1534378873,16/08/2018 00:21 9187006,4042724137,"

It's amazing to how clueless you are to what is going on.

",1534379109,16/08/2018 00:25 9185431,4042729914,"

If you remember, Sessions recused himself from Hillary on his first day on the job. Others, like Q, insist investigations have been steadily going on in the background but the only thing I see is the trail getting cold.

",1534379451,16/08/2018 00:30 9187183,4042742536,

anyone know where to get a QAnon shirt?

,1534380177,16/08/2018 00:42 9188362,4042752541,"

Aint gonna work.

Trump is beating their asses at every turn.

If you think Trump and his team of God Fearing Soldiers are going to allow voter fraud to win the 2018 midterms, you have not been paying attention.

Soros and team's time is up.


",1534380773,16/08/2018 00:52 9187909,4042787936,"

How has POTUS been able to essentially destroy ISIS within the 1st year of his Presidency but HUSSEIN could not throughout entire term?
What is JB's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is Hussein's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is VJ's background?
Muslim by faith?
Why was the Hussein admin breaking down admin by faith?

Good ole Q putting things in perspective.

",1534383101,16/08/2018 01:31 9188977,4042842166,"

---- Q , Anon -- Identity confirmed ..He's Our "" POSTMAN "" !

Cry Havoc -- And Let Slip The Memes of WAR !

Ride ... Q - ANON ... You hear ME ? .... RIDE !!!!!!

",1534387086,16/08/2018 02:38 9184915,4042866178,"

Yes, a guy showed up to Comet Ping Pong with a gun demanding to see the basement and shot his gun inside the store. He was a bit crazy.
But, the basement idea didn't come from Alex Jones, it was based on a creepy picture posted by the owner of the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria, James Alefantis. He called it the ""Kill Room"" and linked it on twitter with #murder.
He called it his basement, but he never said it was at Comet Ping Pong, the comet Ping Pong store doesn't have a basement.
By the way, James Alefantis is an obvious alias meant to sound like J'aime les enfants which is French for ""I love children"". James Alefantis brought this all on himself, his Twitter feed was full of disgusting images and comments about children. James Alefantis is a close friend of the Podestas, that's how internet researchers found him. The Podestas are close friends with dozens of known pedophiles, and John Podesta's emails were filled with pedophile code language. Tony Podesta's home is filled with pedophile artwork. Alex Jones was attacked for mentioning it and saying it looked suspicious, he never called for violence and as far as I have been able to find he never mentioned a basement in connection to Comet Ping Pong.
We don't know that the gunman ever even heard Alex Jones Show, let alone acted out based on Alex Jones's words. Liberal media were the ones that tried to pin this on Alex Jones, because he was the only one covering the uncovering of child sex rings. There have been a lot of sex cult and pedophile sex cult activity uncovered since then, like Nxivm, he was on the right track. Pedophile rings are everywhere in DC and Hollywood, they attacked Alex jones because they don't want the public to know their secrets.

",1534388814,16/08/2018 03:06 9188977,4042877760,"

. Q , Anon -- Identity confirmed...... ..He's Our.... "" POSTMAN ""

Cry Havoc -- And Let Slip The Memes of WAR !

Ride ... Q - ANON ... You hear ME ? .... RIDE !!!!!!

",1534389615,16/08/2018 03:20 9188593,4042907776,

Who killed JFK - the CIA? Is Julian Assange Q?

,1534391805,16/08/2018 03:56 9188977,4042992412,"


",1534397259,16/08/2018 05:27 9188977,4042999313,"

The Q thing is satirical in nature. Those guys love to pick on Alex Jones as well (THE WATER'S MAKIN' THE FRIKIN FROGS GAY, etc)

",1534397781,16/08/2018 05:36 9188977,4043156936,"

If you can get past the profanity, you might find this short Q & A with the 50 Billion Dollar Man interesting.... He talks about Donald Trump.

And this interview with a border patrol agent who has his boots on the ground at the front lines as well....

He says he sees 12 year old girls with Plan B, the pregnancy prevention kit given to rape victims the morning after, given to them by their PARENTS!!!! In other words, the parents - who often send them alone - EXPECT them to be raped at least once! Often the kids connect with adults and claim to be a family to increase their chances of succeeding in getting across the border.

But often those adults turn out to be human traffickers and the kids don't find out until AFTER they connect and clear the Customs & Border Patrol.

So the question is not....

""Why does President Trump allow separation of families?""

The real question should be....

""Why do Democrats support child rape?!""

",1534408708,16/08/2018 08:38 9187150,4043174552,

She did win. Q is Bill Maher. Patriots don't support this traitor Trump.

,1534409743,16/08/2018 08:55 9188362,4043232514,"

This is GOING to continue until we hold municipalities, local governments, states and county seats accountable for their roughshod way of registering voters. Back when the program was first enacted in my home state of Pa. I was in favor of the motor-voter law which permitted the registering to vote of an individual when they obtained their senior drivers license at 18 yrs of age. My only reservation then, as it is today, is proper enforcement. However the state has implemented a Q & A electronic format, and takes th answers by an individual as ""fact"". Though, they may admit to being an illegal citizen, when asked if they want to register to vote on the screen prompts, anyone who answered ""yes"" was registered and no further government checks were in place to ""balance"" this. As it turned out, over 100K illegals in Pa. were registered and in fact have voted for candidates over the past 3 elections.

",1534412817,16/08/2018 09:46 9185824,4043302902,"

It seems they way to fight back against Trolls is to start reading Q post over at:
or Follow these two for DEEP DRIVE into the post - Good Luck
prayingmedic - YouTube

Citizens Investigative Report - YouTube

",1534416272,16/08/2018 10:44 9187123,4043332037,"

Looks like the Qanon army found the wet room featured in the pedohomo-satanist paintings of Pedosta.

Looks like the female devil-worshipper in another picture (scroll) has 2 kids on a bed, and a Latin voodoo spell cabinet. Zoom in. Left side appears to show President Trump's severed head (binding spell). With another voodoo doll bloodied in the casket, below the satanic diety. Santos Muertos devil magic.

",1534417493,16/08/2018 11:04 9187447,4043340204,

Looks like Q proven right once again. “These people are stupid”.

,1534417818,16/08/2018 11:10 9187906,4043362836,

Don’t watch cable news. Later Q.

,1534418711,16/08/2018 11:25 9186061,4043391146,

i bet you a lot of terrorist pass by that filthy camp the Q is where are they now ??

,1534419640,16/08/2018 11:40 9190333,4043403360,"

A ""patriot "" in the same VAIN AS U , Suzi Q. ?????????
Glad that you call this DEEP STATE piece of EXCREMENT FRIEND !
Beware Ms. Rice ............. you are one of the DEEP STATE DC SWAMP RATS under investigation ! BUT YOU KNOW THAT , RIGHT , sweet pea !

",1534420084,16/08/2018 11:48 9186406,4043407694,

But is he the Marxist PEDO Pope .... I wonder what Q knows?

,1534420240,16/08/2018 11:50 9187447,4043439261,"

You dodged a few yourself.
In answer to your question, there's this thing called the world wide web. You would be amazed at how many independent journalists and researchers there are on that thing. So start looking around. And engage your brain. Because there's a lot of bullshjt out there. Much like the shjt you've allowed yourself to be programmed into. The world is far different than your programmed view. Check out the Qanon ""conspiracy"". I've found this recently.

The concepts corroborate much of what I've come to learn in 20+ years of my own research. Now, about Stormy and NXIUM?

",1534421369,16/08/2018 12:09 9187006,4043484208,"

Q is a bunch of nonsense posted by Trump.
I love pres Trump, but he is larping his base, so cement support, creating the false belief there some epic battle between good and evil taking place behind the scenes.
Q is Trump.

The left is interfering with the midterms by censoring conservatives. This could cost conservatives the election.

The time to act is now.
Qanon said 2018 will be glorious.
Well it's August, what is he waiting for?

",1534422931,16/08/2018 12:35 9185824,4043536340,"

Did Q tell you that, Dumptard?

",1534424701,16/08/2018 13:05 9190414,4043572629,"

Go investigate the new Q messages , it is far meaner, uglier , darker , sick , then we could ever ever possibly imagine. Dark to light , we must go there .

",1534425948,16/08/2018 13:25 9187006,4043598630,"

You blame TRUMP

For the problems caused by Lyin' Ryan
All the other Senators and Reps who have announced they are no longer standing.

Q is not TRUMP. It is not his written style.

Study Wittgenstein's Tractatus for a clue on this method of writing. The chief Q writer is former military. I would bet substantial money on it - but won't, as there is no independent outward way of proving.

",1534426787,16/08/2018 13:39 9190777,4043760345,"

Since Q revealed that the deep state was using XBox Live comms to circumnavigate NSA surveillance (failed), the XBox Live network has come under attack.

Microsoft being punished for failing or turning on the deep state.

",1534432180,16/08/2018 15:09 9190777,4043765102,

It's the Q kooks seeing another plot where one doesnt exist.

,1534432344,16/08/2018 15:12 9190777,4043768300,"

If you believe Q is a conspiracy theory, you believe they are handing out information and then attacking XBox Live to lend credence to their fake information drops.

Is this really more sane than believing the information?

",1534432451,16/08/2018 15:14 9190333,4043774694,

Tick...Tock....Suzie Q.....your day is coming.....

,1534432669,16/08/2018 15:17 9190777,4043776822,"

You either believe Q is detailing a conspiracy or you believe there is a huge conspiracy on 8chan and at smaller media outlets to run psyops on American patriots.

Make your peace with it, and stop sucking at life.

",1534432734,16/08/2018 15:18 9190720,4043859206,

Haha. It is priceless to see the mouth breathers huddled together to make it look well attended. Queue the Q!

,1534435254,16/08/2018 16:00 9191125,4043928419,"

Post overwritten, replicated:

Shortly after Q posted stuff about bonus round, Xbox forum... forum crashes. It's mapped out, looks legit.

",1534437625,16/08/2018 16:40 9191125,4043954983,"

---- It's too late for that feeble scare tactic , it's already out in the wild now , folks can look it up on 10, 000 other links. -- We have it all.

# Q - Army

",1534438523,16/08/2018 16:55 9190747,4043987071,"

# Q map

They can't stop the signal.

Dozens of MSM press stories against Q anon , same day as 350 newspapers all coordinate against Trump.
---- Nothing to see here.

",1534439659,16/08/2018 17:14 9190324,4043988153,"

Q points us to the Clinton's Haiti, Clinton's started Haiti work in 1975, then Haiti child trafficking rocketed



BBC Reports: The Clinton history with the world's first black republic dates back to their 1975 honeymoon, when they met a voodoo priest and visited a hotel where Ernest Hemingway once stayed. The January 2010 earthquake killed an estimated 220,000 people Few could have guessed the two young Americans touring the attractions that December would one day wield such influence over the impoverished Caribbean island nation. Mr Andre is not alone among his compatriots in blaming the once-and-perhaps-future first couple for a litany of ills in Haiti. Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Liberte newspaper, told the BBC: ""A lot of Haitians are not big fans of the Clintons, that's for sure."" Reports: ​The question, from a former special agent with the US Department of Homeland Security, is directed at a group of children being held against their will in a rusted home hidden in the hills of Petion-Ville, in the republic of Haiti. The undercover human trafficking operative produces an iPhone, and shows the children an image of a luxury yacht, moored nearby in the Caribbean. There’s a moment of awkward laughter, before, gradually, a few tiny arms shoot up in the air. “Wi, wi,” they say in Creole, explaining that they’re scared. With us are a dozen children, who’ve been released by their captors from locked rooms at the back of the property. They are aged between eight and 14 years old. They are sex slaves. Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age.
Q has pointed us in the direction of these reports today, and oddly enough the strange Clinton ties in Haiti dates back to their honeymoon in 1975 with a Haitian voodoo priest. Also odd about the Clinton's Haiti, is that Q today has informed us today that their is a major child trafficking network that involves foreign clients...And in all honesty the foreigners didn't really start coming into Haiti until after the very first trip by the Clinton's to Haiti in 1975.
So what we have here is that the Clinton's first visited Haiti in 1975 then after this Clinton visit to Haiti in 1975, child trafficking networks skyrocketed in Haiti. With the picture I used from one of the articles it actually looks like foreigners in Haiti who worked with the Clinton's in Haiti with the Clinton's pictured looks like a photo of slaves and their owners. It's kind of odd that when the Clinton's visited Haiti that child trafficking in Haiti rocketed. By the way Chelsea Clinton stated Roe vs. Wade put $3 trillion into the US economy...Wonder if this money is connected to Haiti in anyway?

",1534439699,16/08/2018 17:14 9191101,4043990598,"

---- Each of us is now Thomas Paine , writing ' Common Sense ' Daily on our own printing press. --- A major threat to cabal control efforts.

# Q Map ..... They can't stop the signal

",1534439790,16/08/2018 17:16 9190414,4044016434,"

In case you don't know about Q.....We are fighting evil....

",1534440680,16/08/2018 17:31 9190747,4044032621,"

Nope, the Qanon blokes will keep playing you guys.

",1534441225,16/08/2018 17:40 9190747,4044063834,"

.# Q map .....They can't stop the signal.

Dozens of MSM press stories against Q anon , same day as 350 newspapers all coordinate against Trump.---- Nothing to see here.

",1534442279,16/08/2018 17:57 9192598,4044066708,"

'# Q map ...... They can't stop the signal.

Dozens of MSM press stories against Q anon , same day as 350 newspapers all coordinate against Trump

.---- Nothing to see here.

",1534442376,16/08/2018 17:59 9191125,4044073138,"

Thanks, that photo came out of a 1969 photo shoot by town n' country mag. I knew I had seen her before. is where I hang out mostly. The satanists flood BB with tons of shills this last week, when Q started making BOOMS.

",1534442598,16/08/2018 18:03 9190747,4044121091,"

They are trying to hide the TRUTH.........which is that they, and the rest of their fellow cabalists in the NWO, which includes the MSM, Hollywood, Big Sports and Music Biz are a bunch of child sacrificing cannibals.

The world has been run by MONSTERS.

PS..........That is why Q EXISTS.................

",1534444295,16/08/2018 18:31 9187006,4044187151,

I dont blame pres Trump for anything. I like him.

I just think he is Q and Q is bs.

,1534446835,16/08/2018 19:13 9192598,4044190115,


,1534446948,16/08/2018 19:15 9187447,4044228454,

The Q is in you. Live short

,1534448391,16/08/2018 19:39 9190324,4044233788,"

LOL let's check the track record of the fake conservative media:

FCM: Vince Foster, Arkancide, Qanon, Pizzagate, Spygate, Uranium One Conspiracy, Birtherism, Sandy Hook actors, Obama is Muslim, Frank Marshall, Seth Rich, #ReleaseTheMemo, OIG Report, David Hogg wasn't at school, etc...


",1534448591,16/08/2018 19:43 9187447,4044242148,

I'm sure ALL of the Q idiots will die lonely.

,1534448911,16/08/2018 19:48 9190618,4044261326,

John Brennan's middle name is Owen. He had nothing to do with the Steele dossier and no one wire-tapped the Trump team. One assumes you are a member of Q-anon.

,1534449655,16/08/2018 20:00 9192598,4044283364,"

Haha. Brilliant. Tech has figured it out - they're going to take the internet away from you. You can all now yell about Q, false flags, Hillary, and whatever other goddamn nonsense you like FROM YOUR PORCH. You're banned. Bye bye.

",1534450565,16/08/2018 20:16 9187447,4044325879,"

LOL, low IQ illegals...talking point...SO SO SO many of you low IQ ""unAmerican"" walk the streets of this country and add NOTHING to it. Do not work, on welfare, do drugs, drink beer, produce retarded kids from sleeping with your siblings...yet you don't know why the kid is a retard. NO VALUE ADDED. Your type the ""unAmericans"" are why american WHITE men are the MOST HATED in the world. I wonder why that is. You think you are better than other, but you are actually the lowest of them ALL. If you ever got outside your trailer park and visited another country, you would find out really quickly, that what I said is 100% true. So Q idiots (like yourself)...have and keep your ignorant beliefs. You will not survive the revolution.

",1534452417,16/08/2018 20:46 9187447,4044341052,

LOL another Q. Save the drama for your mama

,1534453097,16/08/2018 20:58 9190510,4044365724,"

true, but they were the best people. The Deep State or Q got to them and turned them against him. He picked the best, but Q screwed him over.

",1534454283,16/08/2018 21:18 9192598,4044375357,

Trust in Qanon. FB and Twitter are part of the pedo cartel! its the message board for the elitist to set in motion their sick parties

,1534454769,16/08/2018 21:26 9190510,4044377678,"

Trump is one of the smartest presidents, and he does choose the best people. Its just that sometimes the Deep State and Q turns them against him. They are the most capable people but Q is out to get Trump and so is the Deep State.

",1534454885,16/08/2018 21:28 9192598,4044382388,

Why doesn't BB discuss Q and how it relates to FB and Twitter?

,1534455113,16/08/2018 21:31 9192598,4044382502,"

I try not to get into arguments with people that think the world is flat, watch bigfoot porn, believe in Q and think trump is anything but a russian dupe.

",1534455118,16/08/2018 21:31 9190510,4044382622,"

they dont even correct themselves. Every story of theirs is fake. They dont report on Q or the Deep State. They dont report on the US now being friends with North Korea or the EU. They still want to report on trade imbalances with the EU or sanctions with NK, but Trump solved North Korea and made a deal with the EU. So the EU and the US are friends, but all you hear in the fake news is how they hate Trump. Fake!

",1534455124,16/08/2018 21:32 9192598,4044385283,

And yet you believe in Q. You might as well believe in flat earth.

,1534455258,16/08/2018 21:34 9192598,4044385757,

I don’t know now what Q is bud

,1534455283,16/08/2018 21:34 9191101,4044387771,"

Thanks the Lord you are defending all of us, and Q, our true leader.

",1534455385,16/08/2018 21:36 9192778,4044434493,"

President Trump needs to start firing some people.I hope Q Anon is real and that the storm is coming, because it's long overdue.

",1534457775,16/08/2018 22:16 9191125,4044440802,

Follow Q. His drops beat demon news.

,1534458110,16/08/2018 22:21 9190738,4044466185,"

They're working on that...
Qanon movement is quite aware of the child abuse (rape and murder) and child trafficking. Much of this is being exposed to the main stream as a result of this movement. It's actually far, far worse than you might imagine....
Check it out:

Or go to Reddit and find Great Awakening.

",1534459463,16/08/2018 22:44 9192310,4044471373,"

OMG. Post that on Especially on the QAnon board.

",1534459740,16/08/2018 22:49 9193396,4044498873,

please dont say Q said so

,1534461289,16/08/2018 23:14 9193396,4044508255,

(?) That last part come from Q?

,1534461833,16/08/2018 23:23 9193396,4044521286,

Well that's what Q insinuates. You might be surprised. It makes more sense than the official narrative.

,1534462586,16/08/2018 23:36 9194011,4044545116,

Swamp players are butthurt their flow of insider information is being DISRUPTED !

Trust The Plan - # Q Anon....... Where We Go ONE - We Go ALL !

,1534463982,16/08/2018 23:59 9193396,4044565271,

Im pretty sure that the whole Q thing is just Sasha Cohen trolling the Trump base.

,1534465131,17/08/2018 00:18 9193396,4044572160,

Who is Q?

,1534465548,17/08/2018 00:25 9193396,4044623257,"

Put on your RED shoes and dance the blues ! -- Bowie

What did Q mean by this ? -- Podesta "" art '' ?

",1534468849,17/08/2018 01:20 9190738,4044647421,"

Thank you. I've been aware of this for a very long time. Qanon movement is doing something about it. It's not only the Catholic Church, it's politicians, Hollywood, businesses. There are currently 5 million children around the world enslaved in child sex trafficking. Do you understand the magnitude of this? Get on the Q train. This stuff is gonna stop!

",1534470565,17/08/2018 01:49 9191101,4044700834,

I don't believe AJ is being honest here. I fully support freedom of expression but I believe Q saying it was set up. Why? I dunno. Maybe AJ wants to become relevant again and it's part of the media blitz against Q. This helps shift the spotlight away from Q and to AJ.

,1534474457,17/08/2018 02:54 9192997,4044710542,

What does any of this have to do with the false premise you layed out? Even a Trump-appointed judge has said that the Mueller investigation is legit.

Oh nevermind. It's you. Mr Q. LMAO

,1534475163,17/08/2018 03:06 9192997,4044713449,

Your main problem is that I dont do Q.

That problem being omission.

Most of the US media cannot report legally on the matters I speak of because it would implicate them. Their hands are tied so to speak. This creates a cluster #$#% for those attempting to do damage control on this politically.

Just ask ohr's wife.

,1534475370,17/08/2018 03:09 9192997,4044718401,

Maybe something has changed recently but we have discussed Q pretty extensively in the last few months. I certainly remember your opinion on Q being very different than you are letting on here.

,1534475714,17/08/2018 03:15 9192997,4044720262,"

My official position on Q is that it is some novel form of citizen journalism akin to that which takes place on sections of reddit.

Q has little at all todo with my own analysis and projection. I truly cannot comprehend the level of attention that the thing has received.

If you want insight into MY points , take a look at Ohr's Wife.

It begins to paint a very dim picture , omitted by US media , because they are completely unable to report on any aspect of it without being legally liable due to their complicity .

",1534475839,17/08/2018 03:17 9193870,4044742740,

Serious Q for dems:
Are you prepared to back the ultra left-wing socialists your party is pushing?

,1534477258,17/08/2018 03:40 9189925,4044748750,"

The solution is to get Q U A L I T Y education up ONLINE , F A S T. .

",1534477625,17/08/2018 03:47 9191299,4044750863,"

Seen a BBC clip holding the Q movement as a shill to make money off of stupid yanks , hahahahahaha! Guess the ""powers that be"" across the pond starting to fear that perhaps the same viral yearning for freedom from oppression will infect our Brit brothers (freedom IS contagious, at that)! The Q movement has in America been attacked BY EVERY SINGLE MAINSTREAM MEDIA OUTLET IN AMERICA (even outside America), and you may wonder why. Simple, Q has PROVEN every single MSM outlet to be a liar. Look for yourself.

",1534477750,17/08/2018 03:49 9194134,4044822919,"

Is that what Q is mumbling and writing on the wall?

That ain't chocolate Q is spreading everywhere.

It doesn't matter. Let it burn, the underbrush is beyond out of hand. The fire will be vastly more intense because of it.

Trump, Hillary, all the same, all insane.

",1534482163,17/08/2018 05:02 9193018,4044907616,"

Trump is an experienced, master showman and communicator. He was on TV for 14 years because he knew how to connect with an audience. He went through a grueling primary season by speaking clearly and frankly to a hungry conservative chunk of the electorate. And he built a twitter following of over 50 million on the way.

But in November 2017, he radically switched gears. He turned over the communication reins to an anonymous figure to explain the political crime of the century. His past efforts seemed too direct. So he had his Q speak in 3 word phrases instead. And selected an obscure, filthy-mouthed platform on which to carry it out. Moreover, he instructed his mouthpiece to post so vaguely that 3/4 of his statements could not be deciphered by his most ardent followers as of today. Best of all, he intentionally had his right hand man to do nothing about sending the lawbreakers to prison.

That is what they want you to believe .... too funny.

",1534487244,17/08/2018 06:27 9193021,4045027118,"

This could be a coded message to the other bilderbergers meaning something like ""it's over. it's time to get outta dodge"".

Check Q in a few weeks when he decodes it thus.

",1534493832,17/08/2018 08:17 9192997,4045229698,

All of the evidence from the Manafort trial is classified Top Secret. Only Q has seen it.

,1534502558,17/08/2018 10:42 9194134,4045275590,

strong 4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

,1534504380,17/08/2018 11:13 9190333,4045326192,

Sure Suzy Q and Benghazi was the result of a video too!

,1534506191,17/08/2018 11:43 9190618,4045352617,"

Nice point which points to the hypocrisy of many RHINOs who voted to change the law to make forums (more) responsible for their content. Also points to the evil Q and Deep State who forced Trump to sign the changes to Section 230 into effect. Companies shouldnt have to worry about policing idiotic ""conservatives"" posting hate speech and threatening content on their sites. Racism and wacky religious terror (except for radical islam, which doesnt belong on the media, at least american media) go hand in hand with twitter. fb, etc. We just need to get Q to reverse course and allow Trump to veto these ridiculous constraints.

",1534507103,17/08/2018 11:58 9192997,4045392208,"

Which is interesting because there has been a ton of coverage on Ohr lately on BB, Gateway Pundit, The Federalist, etc... Had not heard you mention her before.

QAnon most likely started out as a joke to make fun of conservative conspiracy theorists.

",1534508512,17/08/2018 12:21 9195523,4045525740,"

Every change in policy creates winners and losers. The winners applaud and the losers whine and moan (some even start a ""resistence""). In this case the losers will be the accountants and lawyers who will have to prepare, review and opine on a lot fewer Q reports than in the past.

",1534512951,17/08/2018 13:35 9187006,4045550282,"

You are a game player.

I like president Trump, DESPITE, the Qanon BS he is doing.

Will I need to continue explaining things to you as if you were a 5 year old little girl, or are you ready to be ""Like"" a normal lady yet?

When you play this game MS Logician, you presume to show that you have limited reasoning capabilities and not able to make a ""Sum Total"" evaluation concerning content of a statement.

I have given you the benefit of the doubt and called this ""Game Playing.""
Perhaps I am incorrect, and you actually do have limited reasoning.

You sound like an idiot from academia, complete with chalk dust in her hair, and a kick me sign on your ass...

Out of touch, and out of mind.

",1534513682,17/08/2018 13:48 9195052,4045664057,"

Nope. FACTS are FACTS.

You'd better start doing some research on Trump and his Russian criminal oligarch buddies. You're don't want to be arguing out of ignorance when things heat up.

Use this timeline as a springboard to further research of your own:


Some interesting television investigative pieces on Trump and his business partners:

Odd but fascinating Q & A w/Anthony Schwartz the ghostwriter for Trump's ""The Art of the Deal"":

",1534517668,17/08/2018 14:54 9192763,4045703841,"

What? if you can play sports, sing and Dance, that is the Q to get in!
People know the reason, and so do you,

",1534519096,17/08/2018 15:18 9195646,4045706962,"

President Obama started seven wars? Who told you that, Q or Alex Jones?

",1534519209,17/08/2018 15:20 9195652,4045738710,"

Um, up next: Pizzagate and Q Anon.

",1534520319,17/08/2018 15:38 9196549,4045809520,"

The Trumpet asks the right questions:

""John Brennan no longer has security clearance. President Trump took that away. It’s good and important that this has happened. But it is just a detail. This past May, Rudy Giuliani said what we had long ago written – John Brennan and Jim Clapper are part of the Deep State conspiracy. They are dangerous clowns who signal that the center of the anti-Trump conspiracy is Barack Obama. On August 13, Giuliani declared that John Brennan had to be taken before a grand jury to be held accountable for this crimes: [Break]

“The guy running it is Brennan.”

This is all “details”. Until there is a prosecution of John Brennan and James Clapper this is all sound and fury signifying nothing. Why hasn’t any of this been done? Jeff Sessions is to blame.""

Jeff Sessions must be forced by Trump supporters to resign.

",1534522888,17/08/2018 16:21 9196687,4045855620,

At this point he can whines about anything. Fidelity and T Rowe Price unloaded 20% each of their T holdings last Q.

,1534524645,17/08/2018 16:50 9195052,4045904911,"

Precisely, Rob Goldstone is also a longtime business associate of Donald Trump. He is the thread that links Trump to uranium for cash scam and links Killary to the Trump Tower Russian money laundering scheme. BOOM! The Deep State corruption taints all. Qanon is our only hope to avoid the IMMINENT Nazi globalist Islamist pedo cabal takeover.

Wake up!


",1534526507,17/08/2018 17:21 9193003,4045960202,"

America's prosperity is being used as bait for the kids and their parents. Parents don't just abandon their children in droves, someone is convincing them to send their kids alone through deadly terrain. Build the wall and that incentive goes away.

The politicians and liberal elites want children to come so they can be used to pull at the heartstrings of the American people. And after making the deadly journey if a few go missing here and there, who's to notice? Maybe they'll attend the Podesta's birthday parties with red shoes like former Senator Mary Landrieu's son, Frank Snellings. (QAnon's post 1916's mystery man; charged with cruelty to a juvenile in 2016/ finger marks on the kids inner thighs seen hours after the incident)

",1534528602,17/08/2018 17:56 9195646,4046064167,"

The fantasy you've created for yourself. How does Trump ""fight"" the Fake News purveyors?? By tweeting? By calling them the ""enemy of the people."" Fake News??? This is the movement that supports Infowars, and QAnon. The mass delusion!!! You deny any form of independent fact checking. If you bothered to look you'd see they called out all of Hillary's lies too. The media are responding to Trump in the EXACT same way they would any POTUS that behaved like he did. He's unprecedented in his pettiness, ignorance, and outright lies.

He follows the playbook of an autocrat. Nationalism that's
heavy on symbolism and portrays political opponents as enemies of the State, check. Scapegoat groups on the fringes of society like Muslims and immigrants, check. Use every possible opportunity to create fear in the electorate about this, check. Claim that ""I'm the only one"" who can fix these problems, check. Look at who he praises, the world's worst dictators, Kim Jong, Duarte, Putin. It's pathetic.

You feign objectivity with your response. You define Deplorables just a narrowly as I do. Lookup the Proudboys, look at r/The Donald on Reddit, hell just read the comments on any Breitbart article and you see the hatred for humanity that isn't in their tribe. You ignore the significant overlap with far right elements that are anti-Semite, encourage violence against Muslims, immigrants and minorities. Trump loves to throw them a bone. Unite the Right, right? All of the Trump supporters I've met are controlled by their fear and hate. It's politics built on resentment.

You say Trump is flawed but I'm fairly certain you don't know the half of it. If you did just the slightest bit of research you would see that he is fundamentally unfit to be POTUS. He's dishonest in business, dishonest in his personal life, views people as objects to be manipulated, and he is gleefully dividing this nation like no other President in my lifetime.

",1534532825,17/08/2018 19:07 9196687,4046082795,"

The Q gays on 8chan promoting ""Trust Sessions"" are so phony.

",1534533656,17/08/2018 19:20 9193264,4046117539,

Agreed.. Kap was a great Q.B.. Tebow.
Decent.. kap jas no moral code however

,1534535197,17/08/2018 19:46 9193264,4046126225,"

Idiot! Tebow got the broncos to the playoffs when they were ""Out!"" James Street never lost a game as starting Q.B. at Texas...Just win Baby!

",1534535581,17/08/2018 19:53 9196528,4046140179,

Did Qanon privately share this with you?

,1534536219,17/08/2018 20:03 9190195,4046192965,"

""You make no sense, you ignore the two major threats, the spying and the cover of our deep cover folks, just to take shots at the President, you are as fake as they come. ""

I made plenty of sense, genius. You complained about Brennan not following some sort of rule. I offered a very sensible retort to your complaint and all you can come back with is ""yea but...""

As for your spying claim, he wasn't lying if he wasn't aware that it was happening. When he found out, he told them he knew.
The deep cover non-sense is all you. Undoubtedly, you're a Q fan as well.

",1534538848,17/08/2018 20:47 9190195,4046203130,"

We're all entitled to our own opinion, but not our own facts. Did the IG corroborate your claims?
I'll take your response to mean you're definitely a Q fan. I'll stay stupid, you stay woke.

",1534539376,17/08/2018 20:56 9196009,4046213932,"

Bona fide free speech and freedom advocates have become ""conservative.""

Straight people are almost all Trump supporters, too, with a few Q gays bringing up the rear, so to speak.

",1534539978,17/08/2018 21:06 9196009,4046226519,"

Until these people get thrown in jail like Q said they would be, and he has, i'll remain in the He's the best damn troll i've ever seen hit the internet camp.

",1534540654,17/08/2018 21:17 9196528,4046263157,

Ohhhh. You're one of those QAnon nuts. Bye

,1534542635,17/08/2018 21:50 9196549,4046275363,"

Really! You just publicized that you hope there is a deep state that is operating against the duly elected President of the United States. Qanon is right, you people are stupid!

",1534543326,17/08/2018 22:02 9197215,4046317076,"

The surprising prophecy of pastor vivian James in 2011 says that the Lord has chosen Donald Trump to protect the U.S. and Israel while a pastor prophesied that Donald Trump would be the next president of ' Dot Wow dot another prophet Bryant Carme said That we should not worry about Trump he will not be president as God revealed and wrong prophecy is not fulfilled means that God has not spoken and the Tal should be stoned because he is false prophet according to what the Bible says but before them almost five years ago Another Christian would have said that God showed Trump as U.S. president a retired firefighter Mark Taylor says God showed him in 2011 that Donald Trump would become president of the United States reported tricks and so happened the American news portal News recently shared a prophecy given by Pastor Mark Taylor The amazing thing is that it was done much in advance we're talking about the year 2011 in April 2011 he but retired from Florida Mark Taylor received a word from Mister Prophecy about The future of America many mocked in these years of the word of Taylor This is a translation of the message delivered by Mark Taylor The spirit of God says I've chosen this man Donald Trump for a time like this because as Benjamin Netanyahu is in Israel ha s Er East in the United States of America I will use this man to bring honor the respect and restoration of America America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on Earth apart from Israel the dollar will be the strongest there has ever been in the history The United States and will again be the currency in which all others are judged the spirit of God says the enemy tremble and fear to this man that a turn will even make an earthquake and will shake when they announce that he is running preparing and listing for the Presidency Q EU will be like the shot that was heard all over the world the enemy is going to say let's do now this man knows all our tricks and schematics we've been stealing to America for decades we're going to do to stop this the spirit says no one will hold this that has Begun because the enemy has stolen America for decades and will have to stop now I will use this man to collect the harvest that the U.S. has sown for looting and the enemy what has stolen it will return seven times back to the U.S. The enemy is going to Cir Israel Israel What about Israel Israel will be protected by America once again the spirit says that if America will once again stand out from the hand with Israel and the two will be as one single the ties between Israel and the US will be stronger than ever and Israel shall flourish as a nun CA before the spirit of God says I will protect the United States and Israel ' with this next president who will be a man of word when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in that all the others before him the word of this man is his Bond and the World and America there will be this and the enemy is going to fear this man will be afraid the spirit says when the financial harvest begins so it will be parallel in the spiritual of America the spirit of God says in this next election they will spend thousands of millions It's to keep this president that will be like washing your money down the toilet I'll let them lose their money because it comes from it and it's being used by the forces of evil at work but they're not going to succeed for this next election will be a clean sweep par To the man I've chosen they will say things about this man the enemy but it won't affect him and they'll say he rolls out of him like the duck because as the feathers of a duck protect him so that really my feathers protect this next president even main means of Communication will be captivated by this man and the skills I have endowed him with and that will even begin to agree with him says the spirit of God this prophecy was revealed and prophesies by retired firefighter Mark Taylor on April 28, 2011 in September of 2 016 came out of this prophecy that's true

",1534545850,17/08/2018 22:44 9196435,4046362767,

Long live Infowars and Qanon!

,1534548727,17/08/2018 23:32 9196009,4046368759,"

IMO it's best, for strategic reasons, to keep an open mind (don't consider anything true or false) unless you have a verified source for some particular information.

For example, we know that Spygate is real (at least I think we do), but there's some danger in linking Spygate to outlandish conspiracy theories -- this would obviously only help Democrats to discredit Spygate by association.

We don't have actual confirmation of Q Anon.

",1534549114,17/08/2018 23:38 9181873,4046472358,"

",1534556024,18/08/2018 01:33 9197215,4046649688,

We are Q.

,1534568841,18/08/2018 05:07 9191125,4046652763,

not so feeble and you aren't attached to Q. They don't advertise.

,1534569088,18/08/2018 05:11 9197215,4046668537,

Q. That's what the dump I took this morning looked like... a big Q.

,1534570327,18/08/2018 05:32 9166690,4046669626,"

Well, Gateway Pundit just deleted one of my posts too :(
Looks like mentioning QAnon will get your comment deleted over there. I usually mention what QAnon says without mentioning his name, so I hadn't had a problem yet.

",1534570441,18/08/2018 05:34 9197458,4046673095,

sundance realizes that deluding himself about a big Q takedown no longer makes sense. He might change his mind if one swamp plotter gets prosecuted. But the chances of that get slimmer every day.

The lock-her-up chants from 2016 look questionable this late in the game.

,1534570811,18/08/2018 05:40 9197215,4046673753,"

No, I mean the truth Q, not the lies Q.

",1534570868,18/08/2018 05:41 9197215,4046678950,"

What is Q? I honestly don't know, people mention that alot...

",1534571325,18/08/2018 05:48 9197215,4046732995,"

Q ( Anon ) or Q, for short, is / are a very high level White House insider source who, it is believed, have close connection with Military Intelligence agencies and president Trump. Some say Q could be Trump himself - we aren't sure. Q level security is the highest clearance level in America. So we can be sure that the information that is supplied to us via his / their drops* ( * i.e. online posts ) are accurate. This is borne out in subsequent events after they happen. Q's posts often tell us events before they play out. How ? Because as I said, they come from a highly placed insider source.

Basically the Q phenomenon is a Patriotic freedom loving Movement, whose purpose is to defeat the Deep State / New World Order / globalist / satanic cabal that has controlled America and the world, for decades. This information war for freedom is named ""The Great Awakening"". The effort currently underway to expose these evil people is called ""The Storm"". Here is an overview article ; https://www.thegatewaypundi...

If you want to know more, there are many YouTube channels that cover the daily Q drops and ""decode"" them, so we can better understand them. Some of the ones I like are Truth and Art TV Justinformed Talk - and prayingmedic -

When you're more familiar with Q drops, you might want to explore all the info. he's revealed. Warning. Be aware that some of it involves dark, evil activities that have been hidden / covered up from the public AND ARE STILL GOING ON - things like child trafficking, pedophilia, satanic abuse e.t.c.. The bad guys who are involved are trying desperately to prevent this information coming out for obvious reasons, so there is a co-ordinated mainstream media campaign on to discredit the Q Patriot Movement.

",1534575227,18/08/2018 06:53 9166690,4046753868,"

I have had many people tell me I ought to go there (I have had enough on my plate recently, selling my mother's property for her, and was just keeping to what I could manage). Q also occasionally references it - last time on August 12th when he called its article 'fair and balanced'.

So this is extremely odd. I was best staying away it seems.

",1534576549,18/08/2018 07:15 9197074,4046816993,

To Gitmo with the rest of them!!

#wwg1wga #qanon

,1534578677,18/08/2018 07:51 9196699,4046889514,

Not even the correct word tool. Q u e e r would have been proper. His whole life is q u e e r.

,1534580801,18/08/2018 08:26 9197545,4046962396,"

If you want to see how easy it is to fool a Con, watch 'Who is America?'. Or just count the people who still believe Qanon is real.

",1534585834,18/08/2018 09:50 9181873,4046977712,

Politics for Dummies.
How do you tie your shoes in the morning?

,1534586812,18/08/2018 10:06 9199678,4046991214,"

They CAN'T Stop The Signal ----- Where We Go One , We Go All !
# Q Map.

",1534587615,18/08/2018 10:20 9197545,4047009078,"

Compare the FLAG of Antifa to the German NAZI Party flag...

",1534588658,18/08/2018 10:37 9199006,4047016878,

I AM enjoying this show. Q was right.

,1534589166,18/08/2018 10:46 9199678,4047024452,

----- They CANT stop the signal ..... # Q - Anon

,1534589614,18/08/2018 10:53 9199219,4047035832,

Hey Bill I see Q has some pics of you wearing some pretty red shoes. Does Anthony's Weiner also have a pair like yours?

,1534590272,18/08/2018 11:04 9199219,4047039823,"

Oh Bill... What's with the red shoes?

",1534590497,18/08/2018 11:08 9199678,4047061141,"

If more people followed Q, they'd know Sessions is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. FOLLOW Q, PEOPLE!!!

",1534591598,18/08/2018 11:26 9199006,4047078862,"

You wouldn't happen to be another QAnon nutcase, would you. Ludicrous and ridiculous that you should believe that crap. Why are the letting us all free to cause our mischief, again? Morons.

",1534592467,18/08/2018 11:41 9197545,4047088345,"

Stick with Q and only Q. Everything else, believe it is fake: ""Unite the Right,"" this site, whatever.

",1534592916,18/08/2018 11:48 9199006,4047107988,

QAnon certainly knows how to play to the gullibility of low IQ losers who search everyday for a reason that they are so ridiculously stupid.

,1534593782,18/08/2018 12:03 9199219,4047126587,"

Why were you wearing the red shoes Bill? So were all the pedos:

It's the sign you are in the pedo club Bill. Red shoes.

",1534594519,18/08/2018 12:15 9199219,4047127999,"

They have everything Bill. They know everything. They are prosecuting everyone. All the pedos. No one gets a deal.

",1534594584,18/08/2018 12:16 9199006,4047131460,"

The Q drops about Brennan, have him scatting his Depends.

",1534594739,18/08/2018 12:18 9199219,4047133376,"

Holy crap what kind of leather are they made of?

",1534594828,18/08/2018 12:20 9197215,4047150738,"

Have you ever bothered to look into the Q phenomenon yourself ? Probably not. It's apathetic sheep like you that have enabled the controllers in society to reach the positions that they have.

I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.You obviously enjoy your blissful enslavement. So I won't disturb you any further.

",1534595826,18/08/2018 12:37 9197215,4047152579,"

""...Hey baby Libs, tired of Losing?..."".

John Barron isn't. He's a full time professional loser.


We are Q.

",1534595943,18/08/2018 12:39 9199219,4047153330,"

Bill those in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks
Go to great awakening or qanon if you are interested in seeing what this pedophile and his pedophile friends have been up to.
This is one seriously sick dude !!!!!!
Like Canada's Trudeau Bill has many close friends that are pedo's

",1534595987,18/08/2018 12:39 9199219,4047154258,"

Billy ""red shoes"" Maher. The next Jimmy Saville. Really starting to feel the heat. So fun to watch. Billy is in big doo doo and he knows it. Q team has it all Billy and there is No Escape for the likes of you. Enjoy the Storm A-hole.

",1534596044,18/08/2018 12:40 9199219,4047154627,"

Bill Maher seemed dazed and confused. I believe the Qanon discussion is making him think about society in general. He stated there was no ring of abuse last week, then the scandal of an actual ring broke four days later. The sexual libertines have some self-examination coming. Are they ready?

",1534596065,18/08/2018 12:41 9197458,4047158769,

Or basic statistics. But I know how much you guys love a deep state conspiracy theory. QANON! MAGA!! MEXICO'S GONNA PAY FOR THAT WALL!!!!

,1534596312,18/08/2018 12:45 9199219,4047165711,"

Im not convinced Bill has been an active member of the deep state. Red shoes and association does not constitute a crime. Qanon needs actual forensic evidence besides communication chains. If it is there, bring charges. Godspeed.

",1534596685,18/08/2018 12:51 9199219,4047173292,"

I have watched the theories, so yes. Qanon still needs physical evidence. Where is the FBI?

",1534597088,18/08/2018 12:58 9199678,4047221053,"

Oh, I understand the issue. He wants free speech for all the groups, people that support him (Qanon, etc.) but is working very hard to silence voices that dare to criticize him (Brennan, Omarosa). By the way, I have ZERO respect for Omarosa and believe she's a criminal for taping in secret, but oh, I get a kick out of the squirming that must be going on behind doors.

",1534599499,18/08/2018 13:38 9199006,4047262524,"

He is a liar, and a criminal. And he KNOWS what he did. Psssst... So does Q. Tick tock, John.

",1534601582,18/08/2018 14:13 9199678,4047276991,


Trust Sessions
Trust Kansas
Trust Huber

-- Q.

,1534602280,18/08/2018 14:24 9199921,4047309580,"

Wow. Q certainly yanked his chain. This is why I once thought Maher could be red pilled, but he’ll be back to rooting for a recession soon enough.

",1534603824,18/08/2018 14:50 9199678,4047325904,"

Maher is a pedo so no.

Red shoes:

",1534604532,18/08/2018 15:02 9199678,4047331132,"

Maher is the pedo not Jones. Jones outed the pedos hence the censorship jag against AJ now.

Red shoes:

",1534604760,18/08/2018 15:06 9199921,4047351277,

Is that you Q? Have you searched under the bed for Obammmmmmmmaaaa?

,1534605610,18/08/2018 15:20 9199222,4047352149,"

Bill Maher is now desperately trying to win favor from the right after being called out by Q. Search ""Bill Maher Red Shoes"" on Google. Sickening stuff.

",1534605645,18/08/2018 15:20 9199219,4047357282,"

You and your RED SHOE boys have serious problems Bill...

",1534605864,18/08/2018 15:24 9199678,4047368436,"

The Left and the media are not your enemy. We are all Americans. The Right now peddal many more phony, crackpot, B.S. conspiracy theories, as told by the Oracle Q (aka Steve Bannon) so its no surprise people want to silence the stupidity. Its confusing people in a dangerous way.

",1534606342,18/08/2018 15:32 9169213,4047372729,"

Compare the Antifa flag to the Nazi flag, see what we're up against?

",1534606518,18/08/2018 15:35 9199921,4047374100,

MahaR’s shift is a Q. Back stroking

,1534606575,18/08/2018 15:36 9199678,4047391206,"

Hey Trumptards, Q wanted me to tell you guys you're all Trumptarded and that Baron is an anchor baby.

",1534607273,18/08/2018 15:47 9199978,4047400631,"

Can we get back to basics? Security clearances are provided so that people can do their jobs which REQUIRE ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED MATERIAL. Now that these people are not in those jobs, make them do what I had to do when I left a job in the nuclear power industry. I lost my Q clearance. Why? Not because I was less trustworthy but because I no longer need that access.

",1534607653,18/08/2018 15:54 9199678,4047408967,

I Don't need to be all powerful and knowing to know that Trump is not the Holy Superman that Q makes him out to be.

,1534607987,18/08/2018 15:59 9199921,4047462387,"

It's too late Bill you have been spotted with your red pedophile shoes on. Q Post 1909

",1534610200,18/08/2018 16:36 9199921,4047463595,"

It's too late Bill you have been spotted with your red pedophile shoes on. Q Post 1909

",1534610249,18/08/2018 16:37 9199921,4047481527,"

Q Post 1909 the red shoes says it all.

",1534610982,18/08/2018 16:49 9197617,4047491910,

”A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.” Kurt Vonnegut


,1534611403,18/08/2018 16:56 9199921,4047495469,"

Bill there are photos of you wearing your ""red shoes"" in the Red Shoe Cult Club...just like the ""red shoes"" shown on the children in Tony Podesta's Pedo Art. Uh were caught.
They say Kate Spade ""made"" the red shoes for this Pedo Club and that is why she was ""suicided."" Then the husband was ""forced"" to wear the mouse face mask to humiliate him and SHUT HIM UP. posts #1901, 1903, 1917, 1918.

",1534611546,18/08/2018 16:59 9199678,4047497389,"

Newsflash: Democrats do not think the Right are all deplorable. However, we do think you are weird for believing in ridiculous phony conspiracies, told by Oracle Q.

",1534611621,18/08/2018 17:00 9199921,4047501639,"

You can believe QAnon, Alex Jones, the psychopaths on 4chan, but you can't believe your own good sense.

The corruption, the swamp is right before your eyes. But it's now a zero-sum game of ""winning"" and as long as you're perceived to be doing it everything else is fine.

Doublethink at its best.

",1534611791,18/08/2018 17:03 9199678,4047539951,

Oracle Q?

,1534613383,18/08/2018 17:29 9197545,4047540071,"

I have gone back and forth thinking that maybe Mueller is a ""white-hat"", waiting to expose the corrupt system.
I've thought maybe Rosenstein was as well.
I am now convinced that both are corrupt as the day is long. Mueller operating with impunity knowing that Rosenstein will run interference before Congress.
I am also convinced that pres Trump has set this in motion in order to ensnare the entirety of the corrupt individuals in one fell swoop.
Trump knows that Rosenstein will not allow Congress to gain evidence of the corruption. Rosenstein is Trump's biggest asset in his grand plan.
Rosenstein is delaying and obfuscating in Hope's of a Dem ""blue-wave"" that will put an end to any further investigation.
But,do not forget this guy named Huber who has been operating under the radarfor nearly as long as has Mueller/FBI/DOJ.
I believe that Rosenstein is the key to Trump's success in that by stonewalling Congress, the matters to which Huber is investigating will remain secret. If Congress got hold of certain information, they would surely broadcast their findings far and wide, jeopardizing the larger operation.
Sessions has remained on the ""side-lines"" regarding Mueller and Rosenstein, for two reasons. First if Sessions exerted his rightful authority, he would be branded as partisan and protecting an ""obviously corrupted"" president. Sessions can claim that he will not interfere as he has recused himself from anything Russia involved.
But Sessions, the president and other top law enforcement individual who are aware of what's going on are binding their time for Huber to complete his work.
At that time, and not one minute before, Sessions will spring the trap and ensnare the entire group of compromised individuals.
There is already enough evidence to arrest one, or two, or even a handful of individuals involved in the corruption. But in order to truly drain the swamp as the president promised, the entire power structure must be destroyed, and it must be done in one grand simultaneous operation.
To arrest one or two at this point would cause all the other cockroaches to flee. The plan is to remove any/all means of escape and catch all of them together.
There are reportedly a record number of ""sealed indictments"" pending all across the country, some say in the tens of thousands.
All will be shown before the mid-term elections. Timing is everything.
This is my two cents on the matter.

Trust The Plan...

",1534613387,18/08/2018 17:29 9199921,4047626948,"

Billy Billy Billy...why the red shoes 👠? Do they make your pizza 🍕 taste better you sicko:


",1534617087,18/08/2018 18:31 9199921,4047627669,"

They love them some pizzagate:


",1534617118,18/08/2018 18:31 9199006,4047650260,"

#QAnon: #TrustthePlan- Trump would have dumped Sessions long ago. I trust Sessions. I trust Trump had compelling reasons to switch NSA over to trusted military people - :Calm Before the Storm"" ...Please consider following The Praying Medic on Twitter.

",1534618075,18/08/2018 18:47 9197545,4047661451,"

You, my friend, have got it dead solid right.
Remember, there's a guy called Huber still plodding along, quietly doing his job.
Huber holds the keys. And I believe he's gonna unlock the floodgates just before mid-terms.
The proof will be unasailable and devastating. There will be no escape.

Trust the plan...

",1534618547,18/08/2018 18:55 9199921,4047675585,"

Well, well, looks like Qanon has gotten him to behave a little after just outing his sorid past.

",1534619165,18/08/2018 19:06 9199921,4047679596,

How so? What did QAnon reveal?

,1534619346,18/08/2018 19:09 9191131,4047681755,"

We did. CIA, FBI and DOJ are getting cleaned up now though.

POTUS and Q Team are fixing the problems.

",1534619443,18/08/2018 19:10 9199921,4047710311,

What do you people know about QAnon?

,1534620596,18/08/2018 19:29 9192910,4047755452,"

You know you are over the target when the bullets are whizzing past.

Big attempt to stop Q speculation and posts, all the while calling it a ""conspiracy theory.""

",1534622666,18/08/2018 20:04 9192910,4047762341,

Disprove Q.

,1534622988,18/08/2018 20:09 9192910,4047767515,"


Anon: Can you get President Trump to say ""Tippy Top Shape?""
Trump (Easter 2018): “I want to thank the White House Historical Association and all of the people that work so hard with Melania, with everybody, to keep this incredible house or building, or whatever you want to call it — because there really is no name for it; it is special — and we keep it in tip-top shape. We call it sometimes tippy-top shape. And it’s a great, great place.”

Media mocks Trump's odd choice of words, but he confirmed Q.

",1534623255,18/08/2018 20:14 9192910,4047800147,"

Yeah, In Q Tell is basically a CIA venture capital firm. they gave seed money to all the tech firms.

",1534625001,18/08/2018 20:43 9199921,4047802476,

Bill Maher was silenced by Q as the Qanon release of Maher with red shoes with many others with red shoes in a Pizzagate situation.

,1534625136,18/08/2018 20:45 9199921,4047815383,"

Only total idiots believe in Qanon, you gotta be slightly dumber than for Amway or selling steak knives.

Spectacular claims require irrefutable proof. Otherwise, even if true, you still look like a total idiot.

",1534625849,18/08/2018 20:57 9199921,4047821278,"

Where is your evidence that Q is not relevant shill,

",1534626199,18/08/2018 21:03 9192910,4047837076,"

‘Drunk on Power,’ ‘Veering Wildly,’ ‘Out of Control’

That one still get me.... Who writes the Q cards for these Dims anyway?

",1534627044,18/08/2018 21:17 9192910,4047863264,

Bar B Q Cabrito????

,1534628643,18/08/2018 21:44 9192910,4047883019,"

Suzie Q
Creedence Clearwater Revival

Oh Susie Q, oh Susie Q
Oh Susie Q baby I love you, Susie Q
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk

",1534629914,18/08/2018 22:05 9198952,4047888854,"
Welcome to
Toward the bottom of page #2 of 'players', toward the bottom, you will see this shameless traitorous hussy listed.

BONUS!!!! See what is revealed about Tony Podesta, Bill Maher & others on

",1534630320,18/08/2018 22:12 9199921,4047913740,"

How about those red shoes Bill?
They made you wear the necklace cause you're a member? Ok whatever.

",1534632049,18/08/2018 22:40 9200455,4047928887,"

At some point Congress and Senate need to pass a basic I Q test, and have their mental health tested.

",1534633105,18/08/2018 22:58 9192910,4047948335,"

Why do pubtards live in such a conspiracy theory world? Deep state, Q, Obama's birth certificate..truely a mental disorder.

",1534634555,18/08/2018 23:22 9199921,4048013996,

Jones is being made a hero to expand his audience to discredit Q. He covers some good stuff but he is undermining stuff too. Don't trust him or Corsi.

,1534639628,19/08/2018 00:47 9192910,4048022454,"

Here's the thing, he was asked to say it. Q told them when he would say it with #followthewhiterabbit. And Trump said it with a rabbit next to him. You may find another instance of him saying ""tip top,"" but that doesn't negate the coordination that took place in the tweets and statement. And it's on the only time. You can see time dates in stamps, Q ending with a statement that begins in POTUS's tweet, etc.

",1534640303,19/08/2018 00:58 9201541,4048025966,"

L G B T QAnon, why did you run off and hide? You pathetic, anti-American, ignorant, eunuch weasel.

",1534640582,19/08/2018 01:03 9201508,4048068746,"

Yes yes lets all point our fingers at the Catholic church while we ignore the facts of the global society at large. Sexual deviance is rampant everywhere we look. Homosexuals, LGBT & Q, mothers are promoting transgenderism, bathrooms belong to what ever sex they are that day. Muslims doing goats and little boys on Thursday nights then go home and lay with their numerous wives. Satanist spirit cooking blood and urine, traffic little children and bite off their genitals! Many Globalist leaders are phsyco pediophiles. now with 49000 sealed indictments on the horizon. Islam in Europe grooms thousands of teenage girls and younger for the mullahs back home! Finally, we have women that kill their babies and doctors that sell their body parts.

Meanwhile we close our eyes and point the finger saying to our selves, those Catholics really need to get that fixed, Yes, we do!

So press tells us all this other sexual deviance is ok and won't report on it! But when the Catholic Church is involved every TV source radio show leads with the news!

What do you know about the 450+ hollywood celebs arrested for pedophialia and child trafficking?! or the Chicago School district where over 400 teachers administrators and down to maintenance people were involved in sexual abuse of their students? Right just what i thought!

",1534644055,19/08/2018 02:00 9201541,4048072532,"

If following Q, this might be of interest.

Katie G found some new things (w/ help of anons) that I hadn't heard mentioned. Haiti.
She also provides direct access to her research on Trello grouped by category.

",1534644357,19/08/2018 02:05 9199921,4048079847,

Hmmmm. He seems to be changing his tune after the pictures of him wearing the red shoes and hugging Carlos Danger-Weiner were posted by Q.

I'll bet pedo-Maher is now shaking in them boots.

,1534644944,19/08/2018 02:15 9197617,4048207847,"

False equivalence.

Remember, indulging in conspiracy theories is always good. You can get elected president, or get people abused (just ask the jurors from Alex Jones trial). And so much more, ask Cernovich, Q nutjobs etc etc

And nutjobs like you get to preach about facts, truth...

",1534654880,19/08/2018 05:01 9201541,4048343382,

Even the delusional guy at the conservative treehouse was forced to throw in the towel and concede that both Sessions and Q are huge pantloads.

,1534665602,19/08/2018 08:00 9199219,4048420448,"

Why don't you explain the reason you were photographed wearing red shoes, Maher ? Those of us in the know understand the significance of that.

Your time for the gallows is coming.

We are Q.

",1534671367,19/08/2018 09:36 9198340,4048496145,"

When I served in the Navy I had a SECRET clearance. The day I was discharged and became part of John Q. Public again, that clearance was revoked. As it should have been

",1534676870,19/08/2018 11:07 9201541,4048519736,"

There is no war zone in Mexico, El Salvador or Honduras. You're obviously not a qanon, so even your username proves YOU ARE A LIAR

",1534678604,19/08/2018 11:36 9201541,4048528473,

Not a qanon... just a LIAR⤴️

,1534679205,19/08/2018 11:46 9200950,4048644561,

The snake's I Q is 40 points above the clown's who is antagonizing it.

,1534685302,19/08/2018 13:28 9199222,4048654442,"

I find it funny Bill suddenly has a mind to agree with the ""other"" side. maybe its a Q thing.

",1534685696,19/08/2018 13:34 9197971,4048664977,

Tell me more about QAnon.

,1534686132,19/08/2018 13:42 9199006,4048688175,"

No, Seth Rich did NOT have access to John Podesta's personal Gmail.

And you have no opinion, because it destroys your theory.

You can also believe the sky is orange and the world is flat but the facts prove otherwise. Anybody that has read the latest Mueller Indictments knows Seth Rich had nothing to do with anything.

It's just the typical fake conservative conspiracy theory like pizzagate and QAnon.

",1534687051,19/08/2018 13:57 9197071,4048743752,"

Thanks guys. Sorry I missed this and was out checking on the net. This link seems to explain (and document) pretty well - at least for the short time I've been on there:

QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State

",1534689411,19/08/2018 14:36 9202756,4048907514,"

Come on people, your paranoia is getting the best of you, thats why following wacko conspiracy theories, like the Oracle Q, is so dangerous. Why does the Right always try to be the victim/underdog when they are clearly not? Its tiresome.

",1534697051,19/08/2018 16:44 9202756,4048948827,"

****** DIG , Dig , Dig.

New Q posts.

",1534699046,19/08/2018 17:17 9202756,4048957876,

Where is Q posting now days?

,1534699491,19/08/2018 17:24 8407193,4048979987,

Thanks Q!

,1534700584,19/08/2018 17:43 9203278,4048983424,"

I blame the Democrats for all the Violence and Killings.
They Run those cities and only use Blacks to stay in Power, they Do very little to improve the Q of life in the inner cities, other then lets play basketball and sports,
Teach them skills. So they can get jobs, or teach them Jobs skills with the Money they spend on illegals.

",1534700750,19/08/2018 17:45 9200455,4049007523,"

You did NOT answer the Q I posed. In the intellectual universe most people aspire to belong to, you....FAIL!!!

You also misspelled ""asinine"".

",1534701905,19/08/2018 18:05 8407193,4049067239,"

Q-Anon sent me here. If there are any reading who don't understand what that means - I suggest you start with a great ""Q-Anon for Beginners"" video by the ""Praying Medic"" WWG1WGA

",1534704863,19/08/2018 18:54 9202756,4049077719,"

Pizzagate is real. It has nothing to do with Q, other than Q references human trafficking. Research Alefantis' instagram. Then self-flagellate until God forgives you.

",1534705406,19/08/2018 19:03 9199921,4049318019,

He is only defending Alex for one reason. He recently got spooked by a Q post. After relentless slagging Q and his conspiracy followers he got a shock.A post links him with some serious abusers. Yes Maher we know about your red shoe club. This guy is beyond a piece of trash. Hes very dangerous to children. And soon the whole world will know it. I expect him to make an exit from the limelight.

,1534719429,19/08/2018 22:57 9204754,4049361824,

They'll all be paid for by John Q. and Jane Q. Taxpayer.

,1534722434,19/08/2018 23:47 9202756,4049395528,"

You wrote: ""To be banned because some people are now offended by the truth is just plain crazy."" It's worse to be banned because you are offended by someone's lies. Try telling people on Gateway Pundit that you are not a pedophile!

Forgive me, Its hard to take any MAGA's views about lies and delusions seriously when so many believe in kooky fantasies from an Oracle named Q. That's weirder than multiple genders to me. How does ""multiple genders"" even hurt/bother/effect you?

",1534724722,20/08/2018 00:25 9202756,4049405260,"

No thank goodness, I can't. But the Conservatives I know watch Hannity segments that include a few dumb moments on MSM and they think it's fair & balanced. Then, add in all the kooky Oracle Q stuff. Its too weird. I guess I liked it better when the conservatives had the moral high ground.

",1534725408,20/08/2018 00:36 9203590,4049419075,

I just became aware of Q.

,1534726316,20/08/2018 00:51 9203290,4049444685,"

So far so good. I do have something to say about Catholicism. Nothing personal, to those of you that might attack me.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

BTW, when you attack, please know that I agree with Humanae Vitea. I also am a converted homosexual since 1976. I am busy fighting the rainbow jihad in my Lutheran church. My question is at what point does association with an organization bring offence to the gospel? Finally does all this relate to Q? How much of this kind of exposure did we see during the O'Zero admin?

",1534728179,20/08/2018 01:22 9204457,4049505462,"



",1534734557,20/08/2018 03:09 9203164,4049515834,"

OH NO, IT CAN'T BE! Homosexuals are not interested in boys, that's what they've been claiming for the last few decades. Could it be that is the real interest in Boy Scouts, first getting the ability to become scoutmasters for access, then when they subvert/subdue/seduce scouts they can 'protect' them from 'discrimination'? And the reason for the B.S. corporate sponsors wanting condoms available at Jamborees? Is that why the DNC is so pro-homo? Is that why Hollywood is so pro-homo? Is that why GLBT groups invented the Q for ""Questioning"" to go along with their programs of molesting the minds of young children, even to the point of bringing in drag queen men dressed in Disney princess costumes?

",1534735836,20/08/2018 03:30 9199219,4049523513,"

I agree with you there, Renellin. I'm a conservative, but I also have a strong social conscience when it comes to the issue of slavery. America wasn't built on slavery. But the Confederacy certainly was. Once we threw off that oppressive and shameful yoke, that's when we matured as a UNIFIED nation.

Disturbingly, the modern day leftist / Deep State / globalists aim to return ALL OF US back into their version of slavery. But the fightback has begun - ""The Great Awakening"" is here. We are Q !

",1534736819,20/08/2018 03:46 9202756,4049567437,

A room full of monkeys could have predicted this. Let me know when Q predicted something that ISN'T obvious.

,1534742348,20/08/2018 05:19 9187741,4049605564,"

John Brennan, why do you need access to classified information when you are no longer working for or in the Government? You are not a member of a special club.
You are not entitled to the classified information to which you are no longer employed with. Therefore you are just plain Johnny Q public and are no longer need a right to know classified information.
So get over your high self.

",1534746595,20/08/2018 06:29 9204439,4049630711,

could you imagine??


,1534749303,20/08/2018 07:15 9204457,4049768314,"

From Q Post 1928 over the weekend.

PLOT: How the intelligence apparatus, State Dept, and Dept of ""JUSTICE""
of the United States, in joint effort w/ our (x) primary foreign allies +

other covert assets, as directed by HUSSEIN [WH] in coordination w/
HRC, colluded and conspired to RIG THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2016 in
an effort to install HRC,
frame POTUS (PROJECTION!), create emergency contingencies re:
Coming SOON to a theater near you.
MOVIE 2 – Coming this FALL.
Enjoy the show.

",1534760539,20/08/2018 10:22 9203590,4049808192,"

they are both idiots on CNN. Dennard claimed the former intelligence have to keep their clearances in order to make money in the private sector. Security clearances are not given for that reason. Money could be made, but that is separate from keeping the clearance. There is no law which says you need to make money and that is why you are given a security clearance. Just the Deep State and Q trying to confuse everyone again. Unfortunately, even some idiots on the right are taking the bait. Dont fall for the Deep State tricks.

",1534762786,20/08/2018 10:59 9205084,4049810813,"

Check some recent Q posts, to see who Merly Streep really is. Nasty piece of work. There is a reason she is so outspoken against Trump.

",1534762919,20/08/2018 11:01 9201016,4049836975,

What's so funny about all of this is that the Qanon phenomenon that the MSM shills are so quick to dismiss and call a tin foil hoax is what has been exposing so much of this. Q drops are so damned informative.

,1534764246,20/08/2018 11:24 9201016,4049893514,"

Nobody ever goes to jail...alternative media has become like mainstream media...all talk and diversion. I don't want a Q, I want the man with the letter Z, the Z that stands for Zorro...a man who confronts evil head on.

The President is ruling with the consent of the governed according to the constitution. Take action now and let the chips fall where they may, but if you are up for it, then stand down instead of toying with us and our emotions.

If Trump doesn't take action after the midterms, then we will know that our nation is lost.

",1534766904,20/08/2018 12:08 9206098,4049910932,"

I sure hope Q is right but Sessions has turned deep state at every turn, its the greatest rope-a-dope of all time, or he is just a plain dope...

",1534767662,20/08/2018 12:21 9206098,4049918610,"

The Q freaks do not need fact. If they like it, they repeat it.

",1534767991,20/08/2018 12:26 9197458,4049923936,"

A Qanon greeting that reminds fellow patriots that we are in this struggle for liberty, united in purpose and action... Where We Go 1 We Go All from the movie, White Squall.

",1534768209,20/08/2018 12:30 9203452,4049988809,"

His analysis while on Fox was laughable. He will fit right in with the propagandists at CNN. LTC (Ret) Peters, how were those ratings and Q scores while at Fox? Hmmmm?

",1534770908,20/08/2018 13:15 9206098,4050044155,"

QAnon? I do use my own brain, unlike yourself.

",1534773103,20/08/2018 13:51 9201016,4050050106,"

I agree. In the old days (1970s) when I had a security clearance, Level Q, it was all based on THE NEED TO KNOW concept. The clearance automatically when void when I quit and walked out the door. That is way it should be.

",1534773335,20/08/2018 13:55 9206803,4050061585,"

* * * BEHIND the globalist press , Chamber of Commies and entrenched Military Industrial Complex hacks ...lies the shadow GOV. - Council on Foreign Relations ! - C.F.R. issues the 4 AM memos / talking points that have all MSM saying exactly the same thing at the same time to drive THEIR agenda.

"" Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsi­bilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members have for decades shaped U.S. foreign policy and public discourse about it..

cfrmedia dot com

-------- New Q Anon posts up / WWG1WGA

",1534773775,20/08/2018 14:02 9206407,4050111508,

Shannon must be one of the pedos and Trump as well as Q are getting WAYYY too close for comfort!

,1534775574,20/08/2018 14:32 9206098,4050114902,"

This is exactly why I can't get behind the ""Q"" phenomenon. Q would have us believe that Trump is working behind the scenes with Mueller. Mueller and Weismann have one goal and one goal only - to bring down this Administration. In spite of everything leading to Cankles Clinton colluding with the Russians for over $545 million in money to her foundation, Mueller isn't even interested in investigating Cankles (probably because he's hoping to avoid being indicted in Uranium One). I'm sticking with my original theory that Q is some kid on the computer in his mommy's basement.

",1534775692,20/08/2018 14:34 9206803,4050135916,

The swamp creatures have the smell of fear on them.
Going to have to compete with John Q public for that next job now.

,1534776417,20/08/2018 14:46 9203590,4050246280,"

Why should JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN pay for a SECURITY CLEARANCE that costs $20,000.00 to maintain. when that person is no longer a member of the government. ????????????????????????

",1534779960,20/08/2018 15:46 9205942,4050247351,"

Drum, I am really not making this up, every word is true.
I often bump into at the local Tesco a retired RAF Regiment Sargeant and his wife. He is built like a brick outhouse, 6foot 2inch, the wife is a small, blonde thing. He wears a blonde wig, make-up, a bra with falsies, and a frock. He spoils the whole ensemble with 'Nora Batty' style stockings and they are wrinkled. She wears her hair in a Q, wears mens sweaters, a leather jacket, jeans and trainers. He likes to be called 'Sylvia' and she likes to be called 'Fred'. For some unknown reason, they always corner me at the cat food. I usually last about 2 minutes. By that time I am heaving with laughter and have to get outside and gather myself.
So far, they have been thrown out of every pub in Huntly for getting into fights with the other customers. Takes all sorts I'm told.

",1534780000,20/08/2018 15:46 9206713,4050294083,"

A conspiracy theorist is someone who spends way too much time and money trying to prove a ""theory"" true despite the fact that they have absolutely no evidence to support it.
Alex Jones was called a conspiracy theorist because he claimed that (((they))) were trying to ban him from the internet. Recent events show evidence he was right.
Q, the mother of all conspiracy theories, began predicting back in March that Trump would engage with Kim in de-nuclearization talks, despite the rampant rumors of WWIII at the time. The evidence shows Q was right.
OTOH, we have Mueller who has spent nearly two years and tens of millions of our taxpayer dollars trying to prove ""Russian Collusion"", and has absolutely no evidence to support it.

Just WHO is the ""Conspiracy Theorist"" here?

",1534781623,20/08/2018 16:13 9206803,4050318184,"

------ If Q Anon is not real ..... why are they so afraid ?

New posts .....

",1534782414,20/08/2018 16:26 9206713,4050331450,"

John Q, Adams

",1534782850,20/08/2018 16:34 9206803,4050353051,"

New Q Anon posts .... very interesting questions asked ! / Comey unglued.

",1534783559,20/08/2018 16:45 9206584,4050408366,"

Ford Produced 250,000 vehicles last Q.

Tesla barely 5,000.

",1534785354,20/08/2018 17:15 9203452,4050436436,"

I'm plenty humble compared to the arrogance of the Deplorable. Wait about 30 years and you'll see Trumpism alongside McCarthyism. Infowars, QAnon, Pizzagate? It's mass delusion.

",1534786394,20/08/2018 17:33 9205147,4050452144,

No the Q people and the Trumpkins do though.

,1534787036,20/08/2018 17:43 9204439,4050502335,"

Gee, man--everybody but you got the memo: Pepe's dead, man. Pepe's dead.

So is Qanon. Stillborn.

",1534788843,20/08/2018 18:14 9207106,4050506432,

The looney lefties are obviously totally clueless about who Deplorables really are ... I was watching a clip of a fake news media panel trying to explain Q ... it was absolutely hilarious just because they were so terrified.

,1534788994,20/08/2018 18:16 9206803,4050530002,

not getting the correlation between article and Qanon

,1534789844,20/08/2018 18:30 9204568,4050535958,

The comedic value of this comment is more than enough. Thank Q!

,1534790064,20/08/2018 18:34 9206584,4050539468,

Tell me about QAnon.

,1534790190,20/08/2018 18:36 9205147,4050560165,

Cite your proof that Brennan converted. Qanon tell you that?

,1534790940,20/08/2018 18:49 9206350,4050649061,

Did you get that from your Super Secret Q Decode Ring?

,1534794371,20/08/2018 19:46 9204439,4050682133,

Didn't you get the news?

Qanon was stillborn.

,1534795657,20/08/2018 20:07 9207538,4050699740,

Been reading a lot of Q anon I see.

,1534796361,20/08/2018 20:19 9207538,4050719639,"

Trump could fire Sessions now. He could appoint a new AG without Senate Approval for 240 days. During those 240 days that new AG could fire Rosenstink and appoint a new asst. AG. It's not that difficult. Don't believe in that Q who says Sessions is working behind the scenes, he's not.

",1534797087,20/08/2018 20:31 9206794,4050729394,"

------ Q Anon said relax ..... "" WE HAVE IT ALL "".

Might explain the massive MSM effort to convince everyone to ignore "" Q "".

",1534797496,20/08/2018 20:38 9207538,4050744070,"

Another Q fan, huh?

",1534798124,20/08/2018 20:48 9207538,4050779908,"

It is going to be so delicious to troll the Qnozzles after Sessions is canned.

They will be as humiliated as the liberals, when it was proved that Mike Brown did not have his hands up.

",1534799805,20/08/2018 21:16 9209119,4050806567,"

I'd rather spend a weekend at the beach with no I. Q. Maxine, than to listen to this vomitous, little turd.

",1534801107,20/08/2018 21:38 9207538,4050812879,"

Sessions is weak on immigrations issues, just as timid as he is on Mueller.

He should have been using asset forfeiture seizures and employer stings since the minute that he took office. Instead, he's playing footsie with the courts while tons of illegals pour through borders.

And I did not vote for him to obsess about pedophiles like the Q loons do. I want the Obama team in prison on a fast track basis and the borders sealed.

",1534801435,20/08/2018 21:43 9204526,4050826514,"

----- The GREAT Awakening is taking all their power away !
If Jonnah Goldberg is not a C.F.R. member , he's sure in lock step with them.

This is why they work so hard to convince you to ignore "" Q ""


",1534802129,20/08/2018 21:55 9207538,4050840645,"

Everytime that Trump lambastes Sessions, it's like a huge pie in the face of Q followers. Former believers are leaving in droves because Trump has made his anger so clear.

Sundance at the treehouse once leaned on his own readers to support Sessions.

Now? He is has gone off the reservation and joined the sensible majority.

",1534802836,20/08/2018 22:07 9207538,4050850922,

So you believe Q is also a 500lb hacker in his moms basement ?

,1534803007,20/08/2018 22:10 9209119,4050863396,"

If you haven't checked out QAnon yet, you should.

",1534803608,20/08/2018 22:20 9209119,4050867595,"

As a staunch conservative, I believe strongly in taking responsibility. I don't blame the media, David hogg, the globalists, gay frogs, Hillary, qanon or any other nonsense for my failures.

",1534803822,20/08/2018 22:23 9207538,4050877074,"

Ohr will often order extra marinara because Q takes his, often without permission. The impertinence, he’s been heard to say.

",1534804294,20/08/2018 22:31 9207538,4050878242,

leftist Q mania... hilariously scripted crap.

,1534804352,20/08/2018 22:32 9209119,4050878915,"

As a proud Republican, I'm disgusted with so called conservatives who play the scapegoating game worse than liberals. Qanon is the enemy? Really? Pathetic.

",1534804385,20/08/2018 22:33 9207538,4050880825,"

Problem with marinara, Q has been heard to muse is that there’s no consistency....too much garlic, not enough basil. Why bother?

",1534804482,20/08/2018 22:34 9208474,4050883695,

She is the mightiest fruit that evil loins can bear? This? They are as stupid as Q says.

,1534804627,20/08/2018 22:37 9208474,4050888030,"

Dont be mad at me, we are on the same team, I swear, Q is a liberal, don't believe that Q crap.

Q is an attempt by the left to ""manage"" the right and turn people against Trump.

Q is fake.

",1534804845,20/08/2018 22:40 9207538,4050888304,"

By the by, Ohr and Q arrived at consensus at their preferred marinara. A perfect balance, Ohr reportedly learned of the perfect balance from his friend Chris. A watcher of all things sauce, he is.

",1534804858,20/08/2018 22:40 9209119,4050926622,"

Jeff Sessions
Says pay attention
quotes QAnon.
""you have more than you know""Q
voices his frustration at not being able to tell all that is going on, chuckles

These people are going down, Gitmo upgraded and ready to receive .

",1534806874,20/08/2018 23:14 9207676,4050950708,"

Please Don't get carried away people. Just because the Catholic Church has a lot of pedophiles, this doesn't mean the world is being taken over by pedophiles. The Oracle Q spreads sicko lies. Seems like you are being punked.

",1534808194,20/08/2018 23:36 9209938,4051057638,"

Wait, so now you have an in on my supposed prescribed medications??? Are you Q?

",1534814093,21/08/2018 01:14 9207676,4051085565,"

Nope, my opinions are free for all, and I'm independent. The Oracle Q and all the weirdo conspiracy theories are making you paranoid...

",1534815949,21/08/2018 01:45 9209938,4051113346,

If you're not Q you have to speak in complete sentences.

,1534817946,21/08/2018 02:19 9209938,4051117160,"

I'm thinking of those 45,000 sealed indictments. Q Anon posted today that the way is clear to use the UCMJ and try & convict all those people rapidly, in military tribunals. Sweet.

",1534818226,21/08/2018 02:23 9209938,4051122301,"

Those 45,000 sealed indictments will surely jam up the federal courts. Q Anon posted today the way is clear to use the UCMJ and military tribunals for many, perhaps most of those cases.

",1534818589,21/08/2018 02:29 9209278,4051139172,"

I listen to Rush, and read Q post.
All I need, MSM Lieeeeee

",1534819824,21/08/2018 02:50 9207676,4051205044,

Read Q and enlighten yourself.

,1534824352,21/08/2018 04:05 9210214,4051301332,

Sorry - I equate Q with Nostradamus - a total pile of crap.

,1534830310,21/08/2018 05:45 9209938,4051417046,

I just found out about Q this past weekend. I spent all day Sunday watching the videos. God I pray it is all true. WHEN is the hammer going to fall.

,1534837687,21/08/2018 07:48 9209938,4051419190,

Where are the arrests that Q has been predicting?

,1534837826,21/08/2018 07:50 9209215,4051602318,

Didi Q tell you that?

,1534847293,21/08/2018 10:28 9207157,4051639012,"

“Genuine Q?: how should we label a free campaign event, open to all, that’s a sanctuary space? Still private?”

Got it. Open to all, but not open to all.

",1534848665,21/08/2018 10:51 9209215,4051664144,

Stop reading Q.

,1534849565,21/08/2018 11:06 9209215,4051687056,

Of course not. Q is not a LARP. Think! Why does the CIA Mockingbird Media give so much attention to a LARP? Q is a serious threat for all the lies that they're spinning every day. Redpill ypurself.

,1534850383,21/08/2018 11:19 9209446,4051708703,

Q said that the Pope was going to have a very bad May. Q was right as the grand jury HAS been investigating and I am sure the Pope has been aware that the report was going to be very bad.

,1534851145,21/08/2018 11:32 9206713,4051710250,"

We need to examine exactly why a person gets a security clearance in the first place. If that reason is no longer in place, the security clearance should likewise expire. I lost my Q clearance when I changed jobs. Right thing to do.

",1534851201,21/08/2018 11:33 9210607,4051759298,

Says whom? Q?

,1534852784,21/08/2018 11:59 9209215,4051788926,"

Must read! Amazing info from reddit via Q! Read all the way to the end!

",1534853704,21/08/2018 12:15 9211798,4051814788,

He is.

Trust Huber
Trust Sessions
Trust Kansas
Trust Horowitz

Trust the plan.

- Q.

,1534854535,21/08/2018 12:28 9207157,4051897475,"

""Genuine Q?""

Yes, Q is genuine.

",1534857173,21/08/2018 13:12 9211147,4051912611,

To all my friends in Q.....James perloff is a plant leading people from the truth

,1534857657,21/08/2018 13:20 9209215,4051926079,"

Thank you for proving my point. Q.E.D. (ask Trump what that means, bet he can't answer)

",1534858080,21/08/2018 13:28 9207157,4051953464,"

""Catching up on how this became a thing while I was gone."" I like how she absolves herself of any responsibility. ""I was gone"".

Then she proceeds to manipulate the media using the very power they have endowed her with. ""Genuine Q?: how should we label a free campaign event, open to all, that’s a sanctuary space? Still private?

While I dislike her ideology, her idiocy, her lies, and her goals, I will give her credit for being able to be sweetly disingenuous with the powers that elevated her. They deserve each other.

",1534858927,21/08/2018 13:42 9211624,4051996487,"

This is a post from All coming together.

",1534860240,21/08/2018 14:04 9211798,4052002274,

Who's Q?

,1534860417,21/08/2018 14:06 9211147,4052008052,

McCain met with leaders of ISIS al Bagdadi and el Musra in the Middle East. Q posted the photos and now the TRAITOR hides behind his illness...he should step down now so folks can elect another Senator.

,1534860593,21/08/2018 14:09 9190759,4052087012,

So you dont buy into this Q talk to trust Sessions? I always go back to when Sessions recused himself that started this coup attempt. That is attack Trump relentlessly to protect their asses.

Also a lot is being dismantled behind the scenes?

So there is a Highlands forum?

,1534862966,21/08/2018 14:49 9190759,4052118573,"

I get most of my ""news"" directly from the President, Breitbart, Qanon, The Conservative Tree House, Infowars and Fox....

",1534863930,21/08/2018 15:05 9190759,4052121479,"

Google QAnon although he is on 8CHAN now.

4CHAN made Trump happen not B.B. although B.B. did likely use 4CHAN as a source and better distributed to deplorables.

4CHAN is run by a bunch a Asberger hackers that notice details like no regular humans, they claim to be Asbergers too. They are some great investigative journalists but need folks like B.B. to filter it.

",1534864022,21/08/2018 15:07 9190759,4052266701,

Odd seeing the fact the fbi does not want to release flynns 302's why? If he is guilty dead to rights why are they hiding it? Fucckk Q a myth and a idiot.

,1534868535,21/08/2018 16:22 9190759,4052308089,"

Freddy Fabulous, that's the name of a flamer. You've picked the wrong political movement if men are your preference.

Fantasy world? Hahaha! This is coming from the ideology that believes Infowars and QAnon.

Wait.... just wait. Your nonsense is collapsing under the weight of its own lies, insulated in your little echo chamber of BS. LMAO

",1534869785,21/08/2018 16:43 9209215,4052318116,

Why's BB hawking Hank Coulter's latest pamphlet to you poor saps?

Coulter is staler than Pepe. Or Qanon.

,1534870095,21/08/2018 16:48 9214108,4052363847,

But Qanon knows and sends secret messages to Trumpanzees.

,1534871502,21/08/2018 17:11 9214108,4052396246,

Qanon will solve this! just wait for the next drop

,1534872543,21/08/2018 17:29 9214108,4052429132,

Qanon responds: 8)id10t5f0110Wm3¡

obviously 500k sealed indictments await pizza lovers.

,1534873571,21/08/2018 17:46 9214108,4052505794,"

Another carefully orchestrated plan to dethrone Trump.

The Dems planted Cohen decades ago - a mole, just waiting for this opportunity!

So says Q.

",1534876021,21/08/2018 18:27 9210469,4052525546,"

If you're following Q, the red shoes identify people with a certain predilection...

",1534876650,21/08/2018 18:37 9214108,4052533650,"

TONIGHT ON HANNITY: ""Do Hillary's emails PROVE Pizzagate? We'll ask our Special QAnon Correspondents""

",1534876904,21/08/2018 18:41 9213682,4052534309,"

Just as I thought, you're just another room temp. I Q communist moron, who can't answer a simple question and just poses another question instead.

",1534876925,21/08/2018 18:42 9214108,4052575286,


,1534878138,21/08/2018 19:02 9212932,4052578152,"

I don't follow GQ, but I do follow Q. It gives me reassurance that those behind the curtain pulling the ropes will be outed and brought to justice finally. Mainstream media is being outed as one of the weapons being used against the American people.

",1534878230,21/08/2018 19:03 9214108,4052590339,

So no more Q then?

,1534878602,21/08/2018 19:10 9212806,4052610310,"

We must turn to Q anon to find meaning in this.

""Truth isn't Truth"". ""Alternative facts"". ""Fake news""

",1534879200,21/08/2018 19:20 9212806,4052621728,"

stay tuned, Q will reveal all

",1534879544,21/08/2018 19:25 9212806,4052631485,"

yea and pizza gate and the murder of seth richard and, never mind Q will reveal all soon

",1534879836,21/08/2018 19:30 9212806,4052635655,

What's Q?

,1534879961,21/08/2018 19:32 9212806,4052637608,

And yet you no doubt buy the QAnon conspiracy BS...

,1534880018,21/08/2018 19:33 9214108,4052649807,

Are you getting any messages from th Q Decoder Ring?

,1534880388,21/08/2018 19:39 9212806,4052652495,

Are you Q?

,1534880473,21/08/2018 19:41 9214108,4052655583,

because Q told you

,1534880567,21/08/2018 19:42 9190759,4052674223,"

The Highlands Forum is ""them"".

Historically, ""them"" has been comprised of various groups of people... now all of those various groups of people - those who are part of the globalist NWO movement / ideology - are all under one umbrella.

We're pretty much toast!

And regarding ""Q""... absolutely not.

If you want to know what Q will be making stupid riddles and formulating asinine questions about in six months, follow what Chan, /pol/, and Tom Fitton are doing today.

""Q's"" success ratio is about 1 - 10 right now, so, I could get better from CNN, as sad as that sounds.

",1534881148,21/08/2018 19:52 9214108,4052734208,

Is that you Q?

,1534883181,21/08/2018 20:26 9214108,4052738115,

That guy they call Q sure knows his stuff!

,1534883318,21/08/2018 20:28 9212806,4052743708,

Is that you Q?

You know how many indictments under each of the past few dem admins? Under each of the past few Republican admins?

It's ALLLLLL a conspiracy.

(that or Trump is a katamari of filth)

,1534883507,21/08/2018 20:31 9214108,4052759270,"

I love Trump but he brought every bit of this on himself. About 30 minutes ago, Cohen admitted evidence to the FBI implicating President Trump and no spin is going to sugar-coat it. It is was it is. (see first link below). There has been a lot of organized misinformation spread here, at fox, and across Social Media in general.

This was NOT brought by the State but by Mueller and the FBI. It was a Federal FBI raid, not the State as was misreported, and it was the Federal FBI which Cohen surrendered himself to today which is not a State agency.

Thousands of Trump supports pleaded, begged, and even demanded that the President fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions at rallies and across social media while posers pretending to be supporters urged against it.

Trump had the power to stop this and everyone from former Speaker Newt Gingrich to Democrat Alan Dershowitz warned him repeatedly of exactly what would happen if he didn't take action. Even his acting lawyer, Don McGahn, betrayed him when it was revealed he spent 30 hours with Mueller after fearing his own prosecution.

Nunes, Gowdy, Johnson and the grand saboteur himself, Rudy Guillani, were all deep state players. They did absolutely nothing but distract Trump defenders while a case was made against him.

The prosecution based probable cause on the statement made by legal Trump spokesperson and saboteur, Rudy Guillani, who stated on Sean Hannity that Donald Trump knew all along the payment was made to the porn star. Only a fool would think that was a mistake. See second link below.

This isn't some 3D chess wishful thinking imagined by some supporters, or proclaimed by some momma's boy who calls himself Q who missed this Titanic catastrophe by a mile. ""Think - Dumb@ss who fooled supporters"". [ lol ] Q

I'll always be grateful to Donald Trump for stopping Hillary, a monumental achievement for the ages, but the hounds of hell are now unleashed. Grab a life jacket, folks. The flood is here.


politicususa . com/2018/05/02/rudy-giuliani-self-destructs-on-live-tv-and-accidentially-admits-trump-and-cohen-broke-the-law . html

",1534884043,21/08/2018 20:40 9214108,4052788663,

This is all unfolding as Q stated

,1534885071,21/08/2018 20:57 9215458,4052804529,"

Must have been one of the ""hundreds"" of sealed indictments QAnon was talking about

",1534885697,21/08/2018 21:08 9214108,4052844476,


,1534887388,21/08/2018 21:36 9215086,4052860131,

Tell us more about Qanon.

,1534888069,21/08/2018 21:47 9214108,4052880612,

but Q said the storm is coming and that the hollywood child slavery ring and all

,1534888983,21/08/2018 22:03 9214108,4052882812,

if you say fake news long enough it will all go away. Q told me so

,1534889086,21/08/2018 22:04 9214786,4052883710,

You're a troll but right about Q. It's a larp or psyop

,1534889125,21/08/2018 22:05 9214108,4052888265,"

Yes, don't worry those child slaves will force the jury to convict Trump soon enough. Q IS RIGHT LOL

",1534889334,21/08/2018 22:08 9215086,4052898181,"

Nice picture of Pres Goldie Locks. Looks like he just sucked a lemon or was it Cohen and Manafort who gives him his elegant stately look. What a beaut. The chickens are coming home to roost. Two individuals who were caught with their hands in the cookie jar and legitimately convicted of breaking the law and also saying as in Cohen's part Potus Goldie Lock's told him to what to do. Who are you going to believe? Potus Goldie Locks whose nose is longer than Pinocchio's or the facts. No question our government has been giving John Q Citizen the green weenie over the years and whose fault is that little swamp possum opined; ""we have met the enemy and he is us"". That includes the Right, The Left and The Independent. All.

",1534889769,21/08/2018 22:16 9212395,4052900523,

Where is the gold and silver? MAGA Q WWG1WGA Trump 8 years!

,1534889875,21/08/2018 22:17 9212806,4052934105,

Ohr and Q were seen having calzone at Comet pizzeria.

,1534891464,21/08/2018 22:44 9212806,4052943763,"

Which real news are you talking about, Alex Jones, The Gateway Pundit or Q?

I heard from my news sources that Trump’s own lawyer has now accused him, under oath, of committing a felony. Not even Fox is disputing that.

",1534891959,21/08/2018 22:52 9214108,4052964848,

I mean when he replaces trump . His time is running out. We want our party back no more Alex Jones Qanon bullshit.

,1534892989,21/08/2018 23:09 9212806,4052966153,"

Laugh at Q all you want, but he/they have been right 95% of the time. You'll see. I don't follow Gateway Pundit at all. Not a big Alex Jones fan either. But I understand that Jones has been reporting for some time that CNN is behind much of the Conservative censoring. Naturally, the left laughed. Then just the other day, Jack Dorsey said this and confirmed that Jones was absolutely right...

",1534893051,21/08/2018 23:10 9190759,4052966776,"

Yes. Read that Q post earlier.

Posting the link would have been better, honestly.

",1534893081,21/08/2018 23:11 9212806,4052971335,

Uh I never stated anything about Q. You did.

,1534893302,21/08/2018 23:15 9215086,4052977674,

The right doesn't get to call the left a look when the right believes things like the Q.

,1534893614,21/08/2018 23:20 9216238,4053018687,"

I'm a staunch conservative. Those who blame liberals, gay frogs, the globalists and qanon for their failed lives do not take personal responsibility and are therefore truly pathetic.

",1534895633,21/08/2018 23:53 9214786,4053034930,"

first off , i heard she is anti-white. found a tweet a about it.
Lol, well if this is all true, I'd say it worked itself out in the end. she got it. liberalism is a mental disease. i do not feel sorry for her. in the end evil will eat itself. please by all means, continue to eliminate each other. brainwashed imbeciles.
make sure you call your local and state ICE/Border Patrol Stations. They are all really friendly and down to earth law enforcement officers and they love it when we call . Call To Deport.
NO Citizenship, NO Amnesty and NO DACA . DACA= CACA 💩
End ALL chain migration.
End the visa lottery.
End Catch and release.
DEPORT.....THEM....ALL ! ! !
Build that Wall.....
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader.
MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1534896478,22/08/2018 00:07 9214108,4053050661,"

all these Hillary crimes and Deep state corruption activities are happening , but all trump does is play golf , tweet, and kow tow to 3rd world dictators. Oh yeah he is spending lots of time with his legal team. Deep State is winning. Call Q!

",1534897341,22/08/2018 00:22 9215086,4053059941,

How’s that pizza gate case coming along Trumpkins? Qanon gonna crack the case anytime soon?

Meanwhile mueller is hitting home runs. LOL. Winning!

,1534897838,22/08/2018 00:30 9214108,4053064291,"

Jesus, you Q Anon guys are tiring.

",1534898072,22/08/2018 00:34 9212806,4053083288,

Uh... Why did/are you replying then to the original post about the deluded obsession of the BreitBarf folk with Q?

,1534899110,22/08/2018 00:51 9212806,4053091892,

HAHAHAHAHA Pathetic true example of the BreitFart audience... Q where are you??? LMFAO!

,1534899605,22/08/2018 01:00 9215650,4053111024,"

Qanon is crap.

But, I think Omarosa & Trump have some sort of understanding.

",1534900499,22/08/2018 01:14 9216238,4053115673,

That Q comes up once in a while and promptly gets smothered to death with pillows.

,1534900713,22/08/2018 01:18 9215086,4053131928,"

but but Hillary, email, Q, Deep State. They are all out to get us innocents

",1534901690,22/08/2018 01:34 9216238,4053142095,

You should be more worried about Qanon's posts.

,1534902330,22/08/2018 01:45 9216238,4053145472,"

That whole thing was crazy, another pedo island exposed & the Q plane doing stunts, the pilot acting like it was no big deal with no panic in his voice & the MSM questions nothing.

",1534902544,22/08/2018 01:49 9216421,4053186224,"

MPG the Breitnuts are on FIRE! Pizzagate, yes. QAnon, yes. Trump guilty??? Oh hell no...

",1534905408,22/08/2018 02:36 9209938,4053196962,

Where is the evidence of 35-45000 indictments? QAnon? Sessions has not done jack. And until I see someone going to court with charges against them it is nothing more than speculation.

,1534906179,22/08/2018 02:49 9216238,4053213228,"

They're not possessed in The Exorcist kind of way, but in a willing, wanting to get rich & stay rich kind of way, what Malachi Martin called, perfectly possessed. What is hard to imagine, Q says it's worse than we can imagine & I've been imagining terrible things, what is worse than making a child suffer horribly, just to satiate one's carnal desires? I'm assuming here, the pedo elite get very creative with the torture. And, yes, about the Vanderbilt pool, it's all there, the stains on the bottom, the ropes on the walls, the type of tile & the only thing missing is the tile pattern the artist added to make the composition work.

",1534907245,22/08/2018 03:07 9216421,4053217910,

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAO!!!! Q is that you? Come on Q give us some more!

,1534907575,22/08/2018 03:12 9216421,4053224755,

Is Q full of schitt? I'm starting to wonder. Trust the plan?

,1534908051,22/08/2018 03:20 9216421,4053228737,

As I keep saying: Q is just /pol/shit run by the usual for the lulz suspects (the kind wearing Guy Fawkes masks and posting on not exactly anonymous message boards).

Taking it as anything other than a joke is unwise.

,1534908322,22/08/2018 03:25 9216421,4053231174,"

Does anyone on the Right see how weird this is? By now, you should know Trump is so obviously a dirty trickster. He just played a good businessman on TV. Besides, Getting help from another country to win an election is just about the most unpatriotic thing a person can do. America's elections were messed with and you ""patriots"" don't care because you won, by hook or by crook. Why is the Right so quick to say nothing burger at each glowing red flag? I liked it better when the conservatives had the moral high ground. Your Oracle Q should've seen this coming...

",1534908493,22/08/2018 03:28 9216421,4053241621,


You believe that crap?

,1534909179,22/08/2018 03:39 9216298,4053250245,"

Buzzword bingo / Deflection point rubric / grading system:

Mention any of these words in your deflection posts tonight and Soros pays me $50 per point!

Obama = 50 points
Hillary = 50 points
Venezuela = 30 points
Steele Dossier = 20 points
Seth Rich = 10 points
Q-anon = 1 point

Submit your posts before midnight (California Socialist Paradise Time) and become worthy! You can win a free ""Indict Pence"" T-shirt while supplies last! Act fast!

",1534909731,22/08/2018 03:48 9214951,4053261951,"

Looks like Morgan Freeman reads a lot of Q drops, wonder why...

",1534910456,22/08/2018 04:00 9216298,4053267627,

LOL! Is Q-anon writing this for you on reddit?

,1534910803,22/08/2018 04:06 9215086,4053269236,"

Oh, keep me out of your wacky Q fantasies, I'm not sowing discord. Maybe lay off the conspiracy theories cuz you are being paranoid, seeing trolls everywhere.

",1534910897,22/08/2018 04:08 9216421,4053281443,

I just hope some of what that Q person has been saying comes to be sooner rather than later. If these treasonous globalist crooks are still free post Trump's presidency then we'll be in trouble!

,1534911623,22/08/2018 04:20 9212806,4053321057,

Wrong. You need to look at the messge flow. Never mentioned Q. The OP is showing deleted. JFC can't even follow posting flow.....

,1534913831,22/08/2018 04:57 9216421,4053321388,

No QAnon for me thanks!

,1534913849,22/08/2018 04:57 9216421,4053328013,"

If Trump were to come out and tell you that Q is working with him, would that change anything?

Not saying he will... Just posting the question.

",1534914230,22/08/2018 05:03 9216421,4053352577,"

Where's that Q fool at, yo?

Is that another cult of yours?

",1534915685,22/08/2018 05:28 9216421,4053382418,

Another Mueller wet dream has the
T rump
R iled
O bama
L oving
L oony
S ycophants
out in force tonight.

(Now I'm getting L G B T QAnonsense. Must have got under its molting skin...LOL)

,1534917164,22/08/2018 05:52 9216421,4053436591,

Anyone who believed Q (and many still do) deserved their deception.

,1534920153,22/08/2018 06:42 9216421,4053451533,


,1534920973,22/08/2018 06:56 9216421,4053479538,

Deep State conspiracies and / or QAnon.

,1534922490,22/08/2018 07:21 9216421,4053527903,"

Another ‘useful idiot’ on the democrat plantation. Sad, but predictable. You better get yourself together before the 45,000 sealed indictments are opened. Seems like your buddies on the left - Hollyweirdo’s, left and RINO politicians, late night comedians, talk shows mouthpieces like Whoopi whatever, loud mouth Jo Bayer, fake news presenters etc. have known about these crimes for decades. Epstein, Spacey, Weinstein and hundreds of others.

Sex trafficking little children has become such big business for these elites, many whom are politicians, from Hollywood, CEOs of some of the worlds top companies, for comedians etc. Sex trafficking can be used for blackmailing, for organ trafficking, (see item of 700 little children found in Malaysia, dead with organs missing,, for satanic rituals, for torturing victims for supposedly achieving blood with high adrenalin levels, for the fashion industry for human leather, (Kate Spade)

Thanks to the Trump Administration, these pedophile rings are being smashed. btw. have you asked yourself why would ANY normal person have artwork on the walls of their homes like the Podesta’s?

What division has the President caused? Name ONE thing. And I don’t want a link from ANY of the FAKE news outlets.

",1534925107,22/08/2018 08:05 9216421,4053528185,"

Webster Hubble's Daughter
The seed of Killary hints at possible political run
8/20/2018 2 Comments

Picture Reports: Will we have to endure a Hillary 2.0 for decades to come? Will we witness a ""Chelsea 2032"" campaign? On Monday Chelsea Clinton caused a stir when at an event in Edinburgh, Scotland she said an eventual run for political office is a ""definite maybe"". The former first daughter was in Scotland promoting her new children's book about activism and was asked about the possibility of politics in her future. Clinton indicated she has not ruled out an eventual run for office, referring to politics as a ""definite maybe"" but ""definite not now"" according to statements reported by The Guardian.
Hopefully when the Clinton's finally face justice we will find out that Chelsea Clinton the seed of the Clinton's will face justice as well, to hopefully prevent any chance at another Clinton cartel family member being involved with any political office. Like mother like daughter they say, and if Gitmo is being prepared for the Clinton's and others like we have seen in the news this week...There's a high chance Chelsea Clinton like her parents could face military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.
​ Also with those 45,000 sealed indictments around the United States, there is also a very high possibility Chelsea Clinton could be in those as well. When your entire family is facing lady justice for all the crimes and treason the Clinton's are involved in...Probably the stupidest thing for the daughter of the Clinton cartel to announce any consideration of obtaining political office. Chelsea Clinton is likely involved in everything her parents are involved in. By the way Chelsea why would you tweet out the National Human Trafficking Hotline when Q connected the NHTH to the Clinton Foundation. Think Chelsea has more to worry about then running for office.

",1534925121,22/08/2018 08:05 9216421,4053587827,

That’s why in many circles they’ve just started using “+” after the Q. Otherwise it’s gong to look like LGBTQIASUPERCALLAFRAGILISTICESPIALIDOCIOUS

,1534928233,22/08/2018 08:57 9216421,4053622191,

Is it Q time?

,1534929899,22/08/2018 09:24 9216490,4053622795,

Says who? Q?

,1534929927,22/08/2018 09:25 9215086,4053646081,

Lol... Get that from Q did ya?

,1534930949,22/08/2018 09:42 9216421,4053646381,"

Check out a Q analyst..”Praying Medic” on YouTube (he is very good, imho). Q updates often...(be cautious..imposters on there as well)

",1534930963,22/08/2018 09:42 9217573,4053741741,

Yes. But WE THE PEOPLE are getting stronger as well.
The Great Awakening is real.
Share it
Spread it
Talk about it.
The people HAVE TO WAKE UP.

,1534934668,22/08/2018 10:44 9212587,4053773871,

Yea baby! MAGA Q WWG1WGA Trump 8 years!

,1534935860,22/08/2018 11:04 9215746,4053777956,

AWAN no jail time......just let that sink in Q lovers

,1534936008,22/08/2018 11:06 9217573,4053801560,

I’m sorry but Q is a fraud. CIA op. Wake up. Turn what Q says around 180 degrees and you have truth.

,1534936838,22/08/2018 11:20 9217573,4053829835,"

WARNING: Incoming message from the Planet Q!

QCats Secret Decoder Rings on, everyone!

",1534937785,22/08/2018 11:36 9217573,4053831069,


,1534937826,22/08/2018 11:37 9217573,4053841651,"

I can't even read this stuff anymore. 18 months of nothing but slamming Trump and fake investigations. Its really just becoming too much on a daily basis. When will the mysterious Q Anon drops come true? When will Crooked Hillary, Comey. Mueller, Rosenstein, Wray, Strozk, Clapper, Brennan.... and many more end up in prison where they belong

",1534938187,22/08/2018 11:43 9217723,4053879188,

She had known him since he was seven but did not know he was a minor. Low Lie Q.

,1534939438,22/08/2018 12:03 9216421,4053913825,"

Part of my skill set is reading people - voice analysis, written word, patterns/habits, expressions, etc.
Take of that what you will...

As far as I know though, the WH already disavowed Q.

",1534940572,22/08/2018 12:22 9215746,4053916883,"

Once our federal and state law enforcement stops 'standing down' and allowing more and more violent and insane political behavior, this will abate and, eventually, end. I'm speaking of Kent State on hyper steroids. I'm tired of sanctuary cities telling the federal government to F off. I'm tired of Antifa and BLM rioting and destroying property.

Enough 'Defense'. Change the Playbook. Hopefully, though, Q is right.

",1534940669,22/08/2018 12:24 9217573,4053950250,

It's all QANON man

,1534941692,22/08/2018 12:41 9217573,4053978056,

Stop with the Q BS. Get your head outta the sand.

,1534942529,22/08/2018 12:55 9217573,4054007538,"

Urban Dictionary: dirtbird
Irish slang used by scumbags for someone they consider morally lower than a scumbag, typically a paedophile or murderer.

Now we all can see why you hate Q.

",1534943449,22/08/2018 13:10 9217573,4054011483,

Or it's the name of my band. Hey - Q is a basement dweller trolling 4chan. That is all.

,1534943573,22/08/2018 13:12 9216238,4054052341,"

Oh yes, Obama's little protege, poor kid, she didn't have much of a choice in how she was raised.

",1534944844,22/08/2018 13:34 9215746,4054058678,"

Video: Possible Q confirmation by Trump, sounds like Trump saying Q really surprising a lot of people
8/22/2018 0 Comments


Seven Archangels
“Q really surprising to a lot of people” - @realDonaldTrump

""Indeed .... 5:5. Loud and Clear Mr. President."" - Anon#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening

12:49 AM - Aug 22, 2018
247 people are talking about this
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Now you really have to pay attention to this, but it really looks like President Trump may of officially confirmed Q yesterday in West Virginia. It truly does sound like President Trump stated at his West Virginia rally yesterday by saying ""Q really surprising a lot of people"". It will be very telling if President Trump has officially confirmed Q to America, if all the MSM and so called alternative news sources stop writing hit pieces on Q...Like they have for a couple weeks now. By the way follow Trump's lips when it sounds like he says Q, then say Q yourself...Does it match?

",1534945033,22/08/2018 13:37 9217573,4054059026,"

Your band? I guess that is better that Tony Podesta trying to find a recipe for ""walnut"" sauce in ""Better Homes and Gardens,"" at least you planned your defense.

About Q being a basement dweller, that is true. I guess you heard command of MI (INSCOM) is located a few hundred feet below ground and Ft Belvior, has a command presence next to the Situation Room of the White House in the basement.

",1534945044,22/08/2018 13:37 9217723,4054061254,

which Q was stupid?

,1534945112,22/08/2018 13:38 9215746,4054071080,"

Since Q is all about doing your own research into government corruption,

we don't really need to hang on every word POTUS utters.

It's more about personal responsibility and info-gathering

than finding out out who the genius is who challenged the world to do so.

",1534945412,22/08/2018 13:43 9214156,4054120448,"

The English are the best Bankers in the world.
London is the place to go
A Venezuelan Bond Example:

DESCRIPTION Venezuela 12.75% Sink 23ag22
PRICES UPDATED ON 22-08-2018 17:51:35
VAR -0.34%
50,000 26.4 26.67 21,000
69,000 26.3 26.7 117,000
5,000 26.27 26.75 50,000
3,000 26.22 26.8 28,000
150,000 25.4 26.85 4,000
PRICE 26.66
DATE AND TIME 22-08-2018 17:21:57
DATE 22-08-2018
QUANTITY 338,000
TURNOVER 89,361.6
MARKET STATUS Technical Period
LIMIT 1 % 5.50
LIMIT 2 % 5.00
LIMIT 3 % 12.00
Banca Simetica S.p.A.
Equita SIM S.p.A.
Iccrea Banca S.p.A.
TRADING HOURS 9:00 17:30
ISSUER Venezuela
CATEGORY Government Bonds

",1534946925,22/08/2018 14:08 9217876,4054165419,

It's almost endgame time. I hope you Patriots and Q believers are ready because your worldview is about to be challenged like never before. I pray you emerge from this with a clearer view and the willingness to work for the USA.

,1534948312,22/08/2018 14:31 9217876,4054176521,"

I have been watching. Almost 2 years for a wall and a prison cell for HRC, and you're right, nothing has happened. I've also spent the last 9 months watching Q and their promises of arrests and indictments. Again, you're right. NOTHING has happened. I am praying for you. Where we go ONE, we go all. NO COINCIDENCES.

",1534948639,22/08/2018 14:37 9217777,4054232812,"

Anyone interested in learning to ""connect the dots"" refereed to by Q, check out this page This will explain a lot.

",1534950320,22/08/2018 15:05 9218065,4054234631,"

Go Q, Go!

",1534950379,22/08/2018 15:06 9216421,4054237671,"

Two Democratic trolls are one more than it takes to own all you BB obscenity hurlers, armchair anarchists, 60 year-old sunburned chain-smoking Texas gals, flunkers of the GED, gun tottin' followers of Jesus Christ, pedofiles, closeted self-hating gays, racists, neoNazis, Qanons (boy is that a bust!), Ayn Randers, porn addicts, post-Pepe posters, old white geezers in pampers, liars, louts, and born losers.

BB has fallen to the Resistance!

",1534950473,22/08/2018 15:07 9217777,4054263369,

Think that's another name for Q ;)

,1534951290,22/08/2018 15:21 9217777,4054266812,"

You mean the ""facts"" that you get from QAnon or Alex Jones? Giuliani expressed the mindset of Trump and his supporters perfectly -- ""truth isn't truth"".

",1534951402,22/08/2018 15:23 9216421,4054286990,"

Yawn, you should already know that Bill Mayher is Qanon.

",1534952040,22/08/2018 15:34 9216421,4054302504,"

You realize that you sound like being five year old? Hitler had good approval ratings as well - so what? Maybe I'm bad in your eyes because I think that there aren't easy solutions to complex problems. Fact is - Trump surrounded himself with criminals, enriches himself and his family like a third world dictator, estranges the friends of the US and brown-noses your enemies. The gullible are falling for this con-man and revel in conspiracy theories. The latest BS is this Qanon thing - you guys are just a laughable and sorry lot.

",1534952529,22/08/2018 15:42 9217573,4054310022,"

You cannot wipe everything away with a nonsensical term like gloabalist or leftist or Q or fake news etc. Those are called conspiracy theories and are meant for those who are too lazy to actually do proper research, and evaluate facts. Your leader is like that which is in fact why he is in perpetual litigation.

",1534952770,22/08/2018 15:46 9216421,4054351173,"

Lay off the Oracle Q conspiracies, this is serious stuff.

",1534954098,22/08/2018 16:08 9217777,4054378733,

You're obviously with the Q Anon nut job camp LOL

,1534955000,22/08/2018 16:23 9218065,4054427700,

Who is Q?

,1534956561,22/08/2018 16:49 9218593,4054484037,

This alone should prove that Q is not real. Mueller is NOT Trump's friend and he's not working behind the scenes with Trump (in spite of what Q says). Hillary has made $545 million from her deals with Russia and Mueller isn't even looking in her direction. That should be enough to tell you that Q is not real. Mueller has one goal and one goal only and that is to take down this President.

,1534958338,22/08/2018 17:18 9218593,4054495569,

Trump knew Cohen was taping can hear it in his voice that he held Cohen at arm's length. Saw him coming a mile off. Cohen and his long-time friend Felix Sater- son of a NY Russian Jewish Mafia boss- who set up the meeting bw the Russian lawyer & Donald Jr. Cohen was planted as a spy by the Globalist Cabal after Trump's first foray into politics in 2000. Trump the Embattled President ...betrayed by another Q used to say..these people are STUPID

,1534958687,22/08/2018 17:24 9217876,4054551203,"

So, I count 7 emoji's so I'm guessing that is how you are paid. Like Q, you left hints and I can see that you are paid in McDonald's. Winning!

",1534960099,22/08/2018 17:48 9219502,4054553953,"

Anyone ""following"" her has to be ignorant and have a low I. Q.

",1534960186,22/08/2018 17:49 9219502,4054571013,"

Imagine if Q were real.

Then Comey and Brennan would already be in prison.

Oh, well ...

",1534960730,22/08/2018 17:58 9218593,4054573297,"

Sorry... I just can't get behind the Q phenomenon. Mueller has one goal in life and that is to take down this president. The fact that Q said Mueller is working behind the scenes with Trump should prove he's not real. Ask Manafort and Cohen if Q is real? Mueller went after them hoping they would flip and turn on Trump. They will have plenty of time in prison to ponder whether or not Q is real (and my money says they will come back with ""no.""). If he was real, he'd be looking at the Clinton Crime Syndicate for collusion and obstruction - but he's not.

",1534960805,22/08/2018 18:00 9219796,4054600317,"


",1534961706,22/08/2018 18:15 9216238,4054609926,"

Ask yourself, has Jacob Rothschild been seen since the helicopter incident? I haven't been able to find any pictures of him out in public since then. I'm hoping he's in either in custody, or taking a dirt nap.

It's my personal motto to not totally invest in any one theory until we get more information. There were too many coincidences for the Q400 for it to be just a guy trying to commit suicide, that's a BS cover story if there ever was one. I like Neon Revolt's take on it, but I'm still in a holding pattern on that clown show. If you haven't read this before, scroll down to the relevant information about the Q400.

",1534962023,22/08/2018 18:20 9219502,4054622891,"

I just checked with Q, and he doesn't have anything on Alex Jones - is there any breaking news on his butthurt censorship?

",1534962461,22/08/2018 18:27 9200041,4054656637,"

Indifferent grandma -- if the child was born here, he/she is an American citizen (jus solis) regardless of the ctizenship of either parent. The child may also have Iraqi citizenship through Mom or Dad (or both): other countries' laws vary WIDELY so I don't know about Iraq.

Anyone can visualize any number of circumstances in which these rules seem (and may well BE) unfair, or hard on families, or whatever. Undoubtedly true. But coming up with a law that would ALWAYS be SCRUPULOUSLY FAIR to EVERYBODY, regardless of circumstances, is -- well, NOBODY has ever DONE it. So we wrote the best law(s) we could, and try to use their flexibility to make allowances for people with unusual personal situations. Usually it works pretty well, sometimes not QUITE so well, but THERE IS NO BETTER ALTERNATIVE.

DO NOT take OfcShane literally on his explanation of citizenship, though: he is MISTAKEN about ""European or African immigrants"" being treated differently from anyone else. The governing language is (STILL) the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, which defines citizenship thus (and I quote): ""ALL PERSONS BORN...IN THE UNITED STATES and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, ARE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES and of the State where they reside...."" THE CITIZENSHIP OF THE PARENTS MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE IF THE CHILD IS BORN HERE. It MIGHT matter if the child arrived IN THIS COUNTRY when he/she was 2 days old, or 12 years old, or even 18 and technically an adult.

Keep this story in mind: John Quincy Adams, our 6th President, was the son of John Adams (who signed the Declaration of Independence, for heaven's sake: can't GET much more American than THAT!) and his wife Abigail. Both John and Abigail were BORN IN THE THEN-BRITISH COLONY of Massachusetts and became Americans by LAW because THE CONSTITUTION GRANTED THEM CITIZENSHIP as ""persons born in the United States...""

John Quincy Adams was appointed as the American Ambassador to Great Britain sometime in the 1800s. He was a young, eligible bachelor, and while IN BRITAIN he met and married a young English woman named Louisa Johnson, and brought her home to America. SHE became an American citizen THROUGH HER MARRIAGE TO JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. When he became President, she became the FIRST First Lady born outside the United States (and whose original citizenship was NOT American. FYI: Melania Trump is the SECOND). BUT SHE WAS -- through her marriage to John Quincy -- AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. (They hadn't invented a ""naturalization"" procedure at the time, so she got her American citizenship through John Q.; by 1900 she would have also had to be naturalized.)

",1534963612,22/08/2018 18:46 9218941,4054754632,"

Clump hillary won NJ by 14 points.
Menendez is up by just 6.
This Q poll oversampled their normal average oversampling of Dems, 10-12 points, needing a whopping SEVENTEEN to get this result and keep menendez propped up.
He'll win in the end, but only via their usual methods.

",1534967232,22/08/2018 19:47 9218593,4054783007,"

The Oracle Q is punking you, stop spreading phony B.S.

",1534968434,22/08/2018 20:07 9213409,4054790610,"

I guarantee once you get a taste of the American Dream-- all the conspiracy talk and nonsense and ""audit the FED"" BS you follow like Religion will melt away in favor of wanting to protect the society we have and to develop it further, rather than tear it down the way some Q-anon T-shirt would describe.

",1534968785,22/08/2018 20:13 9213409,4054798404,"

Oh. Now I get it. You are a Qanon aficionado. Only small minds base their actions on a belief in conspiracies -- especially ones that are so outlandish they would have to involve thousands of people. You are bound to be very disappointed. But never fear, there will be another theory to instill fear in your heart soon after.

",1534969125,22/08/2018 20:18 9212806,4054809307,"

There you go listening to enigmatic Q again. But, how will you know if his fortunes don't come true?

",1534969625,22/08/2018 20:27 9219796,4054815918,"

Yes, the Oracle Q seems like a horrible fortune teller for the Holy Superman, Trump. The Q crowd is the absolute wackiest worst.

",1534969941,22/08/2018 20:32 9213409,4054873313,

please. there will be no military tribunals. Don't tell me Q told you this. Or the big ugly or 64D chess. It is all BS. Q is a democrat plant. Why can't you see that? He claimed Mueller was working for Trump. Yeah right. When was that? When he offered Podesta immunity?

,1534972715,22/08/2018 21:18 9220690,4054876085,"

Take a look.

",1534972851,22/08/2018 21:20 9213409,4054895041,"

QAnon has a huge following on the Right. What does that say about them as a group. Pretty sad, actually.

",1534973781,22/08/2018 21:36 9219502,4054912825,"

I'm stuck with this leftist America hating, middle class hating ahole here in Massachusetts. I pray that other parts of the country, even the liberal trending, don't buy into her con game. Warren is a sham and liar who only wants illegals and new Hispanics as constituents, That's ALL she cares about. She is also not very bright or poised as a politician and has a strange, sometimes spastic rocking delivery. she had to be helped by our previous leftie Governor, Deval Patrick at a live Q and A- she had to be coached by him, it was a disaster highlighting the fact she's not quick on her feet AND USES THE TYPICAL, CANNED leftist formula of diverting from the topic if pressed.

",1534974678,22/08/2018 21:51 9219796,4054916453,

New conspiracy theory. Call Alex Jones. Thanks Q.

,1534974873,22/08/2018 21:54 9213409,4054916936,"

Enough of you QAnon and Alex Jones trash talk, fool. Grow up and think for yourself. You're wasting your life on this crap.

",1534974898,22/08/2018 21:54 9218956,4054940577,"

Let's look to the ---- K o r a n --- to see what it has to say about this situation:

------------Snippet from Kafir Girl----------------

I did, however, just stumble onto a verse that is so awesome, so right,
that it deserved a post of its own. To be fair, it’s actually 2
consecutive verses; together they form one really simple thought. It’s a
gold nugget floating in a sea of turds, and it’s definitely worth
discussing. Ready for it? Here you go:

101. O believers, do not ask about things which, if
made known to you, may vex you. But if you ask about them when the
Q u r ’ a n is being revealed they will be unfolded to you. God has
overlooked (your failings) in this (respect), for God is forgiving and

102. Such things were asked by a people before you, but they disbelieved them afterwards.

I’m having that Flintstones moment again. The one where
everything goes all quiet and all I can hear is the sound of my
blinking. Blink blink. Blink. Is it just me, or did God just make a
big booboo? He just told people not to ask too many questions, or else
they may lose their faith. What they learn might trouble them. It’s
happened before, and it has made people lose their faith.

Holy. $hit. I finally came across something in the Q u r a n that
actually makes some sense: asking questions leads to learning, which in
turn leads to knowledge, and knowledge can make you lose your faith!

",1534976157,22/08/2018 22:15 9221296,4054945005,

i dont know about you Q guys but anything is possible especially when the clintons have their bodies buried

,1534976396,22/08/2018 22:19 9207655,4055067462,"

A recent QAnon (US military intelligence) post stated ""UK has problems"". But they weren't referencing our Brexit problems. They uncovered that rogue elements in MI6 were working with Christopher Steele and the criminally seditious leadership of the US intelligence agencies and the Dems to interfere with the US Presidential election, with the aim of preventing a Trump victory. QAnon published surveillance photos taken in London of two high profile anti-Trump FBI agents (who've since been fired), with the implication they were here to meet with their fellow plotters. The UK are shamefully implicated in trying to ensure Clinton won the election by producing the plucked-out-of-thin-air, totally fictitious ""Russian collusion"" dossier, with the intention of removing Trump from office were he to win the election. And here we are, approaching the two year mark since he won the election and they're all STILL working behind the scenes to get him impeached. It speaks volumes why May has such a strained relationship with Trump, publicly criticising him on a number of occasions. The jury's out on whether she and/or elements of the govt know about or are directly involved in this debacle, but for this country to engage in interfering in the election process of our closest ally is appalling, not to mention dangerous. The UK is now regarded as corrupt by our American counterparts and we need a root and branch clear-out of corrupt politicians and rogue intelligence agents. There has to be a reckoning. We need the same ""great awakening"" as what's currently happening in the US.

",1534982724,23/08/2018 00:05 9213409,4055074849,"

Nope. Not even close. All caps won't help you, Dave. Qanon won't help you.
Nobody's going to help you out of the corner you've painted yourself in

",1534983169,23/08/2018 00:12 9218593,4055111712,"

Oh John, please tell me you are joking with this kooky plot of yours. First the obvious: Donald Trump doesn't need anyone's help to make him go bankrupt. He's done it like 5 times.
NEXT obvious thing: Hillary is the most investigated person in America. Think about Whitewater, etc., then Bengazi, then email server, etc. I think there are plenty of those investigators still around that would love to have charged her. I mean, they read like 95,000 of her emails so, something would've come up if she were as evil as you say. Obviously, she was not worried about Trump becoming some Sherlock Holmes. Give me a break.
Hillary was also a First Lady, who served 8 years. She doesn't have a body count, she has grandchildren.
Maybe your hatred of Hillary is a product of Russia's efforts? Or too much Rush, Hannity, The Oracle Q ?

",1534985417,23/08/2018 00:50 9219793,4055144241,

Is QAnon US Special Forces Operatives?

,1534987567,23/08/2018 01:26 9220744,4055148466,"

gOOGLE,Fakebook and Twits-r-us are CIA funded organizations [In Q tel,was the front company, do the study] and they are the new ""memory hole' that George Orwell spoke of in '1984' ..""The NWO it ain't much fun...but its' easy"" just to sit back and lose your freedoms whilst watching TV.

",1534987867,23/08/2018 01:31 9221296,4055171091,"

All of this ignores the fact that

a) Trump hired Cohen 10 years ago, after Cohen had worked for Hillary.

b) Cohen worked for Hillary.

c) Dipsht Lanny just confirmed that the Feebs carted away every single document as evidence.

d) Mueller did the same to Manafort who also worked for Podesta.

e) We all know Hillary is corrupt, but where's the evidence?


What did Q say about evidence and trust? Enjoy the show.


",1534989482,23/08/2018 01:58 9124882,4055212344,"

Only in recent years. When the job is over the clearance is over for all those that hold them. These people should never hold their clearance after their job is gone. And again, that's not just material bs you just spewed. Q clearances have levels. The higher the clearance, the more secret the information they can see. But your argument is complete nonsense. Anyone who has worked in all levels of government know the truth. We have held, and lost our clearances for said reasons. So tell me why do you honestly think someone who no longer works in government should keep their clearance. Please state your case. But common sense would seem to make one think that the more secret the information the level of clearance gives them to see. The more those clearances should be stripped away , once they leave office. And again, don't just ignore this one question in two parts. Why do you think a official who was caught lying to Congress and special council, should be able to still have access to government top secret information? You guys never want to debate that issue. He got caught lying to Congress and special council. Selling his inside information making mountains of money in the process? And he didn't just get caught once either.............I got to hear this, make it good so I can tell my friends at work

",1534992510,23/08/2018 02:48 9124882,4055216515,

Don't keep spouting BS. The 'Q' clearance is a very specific clearance. It's not what the QAnon fella — or you — is going on about. Any American official who still has worthwhile opinions should retain their clearance for a substantial period after they've left their respective services. There's no telling when we would need a deep field of expertise in an advisory capacity. Certainly Trump isn't the ideal candidate to decide who gets to retain their security clearance or not. Look what that self-aggrandizing fool has done to the security clearance issue in his White House!

,1534992812,23/08/2018 02:53 9219793,4055269616,

I’m with you Q!


,1534996381,23/08/2018 03:53 9212806,4055329321,

Liberally my ass I’m with Q!

,1534999960,23/08/2018 04:52 9219793,4055617568,"

AnyGod fearing man / woman MUST SPEAK UP AND GO PUBLIC to protect others. Jesus said: ”What you do for the least of these, you do for me”

#TheGreatAwakening #Pedogate #Qanon

",1535016658,23/08/2018 09:30 9219793,4055645059,

Thanks for reminding me. I need to check for any recent Q drops.

,1535017907,23/08/2018 09:51 9220198,4055702809,

We already advocate for forced abortions. We need those baby parts for chemtrails... don't you read Qanon?

,1535020304,23/08/2018 10:31 9220642,4055713926,

Trust the Plan. MAGA WWG1WGA Q Trump 8 years!

,1535020735,23/08/2018 10:38 9220642,4055744362,"

Q yes, but for me Q has simply been confirming what I’ve been reading for years, “Conspiracy Theory” has become just “Conspiracy”! Every day “Alternate Media” is becoming more and more valid as the sleeze ball drive-by MSM loses credibility by the hour! But, one must be careful, the Alternatve Media World is also loaded with misinformation.......all by design!

",1535021844,23/08/2018 10:57 9220642,4055763670,"

If you have faith in Qanon, it's coming but I'm losing patience myself. If the HAMMER doesn't drop around the midterms then Sleepy Sessions has to go IMMEDIATELY.

",1535022545,23/08/2018 11:09 9220642,4055781340,"

If the DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc., were not full of liberal fascists screwing America, we might be able to get something done. Drain the Swamp. Start here. Found on Q.

",1535023181,23/08/2018 11:19 9220789,4055813680,"

Obamas market was caused by Q easing,,,,

",1535024290,23/08/2018 11:38 9220642,4055912019,"

Okay. New story, huh. Is that straight from Qanon or Alex Jones? It only works with your fellow rubes.

",1535027515,23/08/2018 12:31 9220642,4055943429,

Please prove that it is. You know you can't do anything but regurgitate the slop spewed at you by Qanon and Alex Jones types. We laugh at your ignorance.

,1535028532,23/08/2018 12:48 9221722,4055952882,"

Reiner, like most idiots in Hollywood, think because they and their fellow leftist hate Trump, everyone else should too.

They are all so out of touch with reality. If Q is right, they will learn a painful lesson.

",1535028830,23/08/2018 12:53 9220198,4056001415,"

LOL ... The Qnozzles are engaged in massive infighting after POTUS disparaged Sessions again this morning. They had expectations that he was going to fire Rosenstein ... instead, he crapppped on their hero.

Their quarreling is delicious, almost as much as liberal tears.

",1535030210,23/08/2018 13:16 9221956,4056106521,

he's got inside info from Q.

,1535033491,23/08/2018 14:11 9224002,4056116133,"

I share concerns about the speed of draining the swamp but, to be perfectly honest, I strongly sense there's much, much more going on behind the scenes. I'm willing to be more patient and see what happens after the midterms. According to Q...11/11 is an important date.

And I trust the military who are protecting President Trump.

",1535033807,23/08/2018 14:16 9219796,4056185715,"

Please stop spreading lies. You are proving that truth really doesn't matter to the Right. Clearly, all of the Oracle Q wacky conspiracy theories have gone to your head because Obama does not have Antifa armies. Thats absurd. And the fact that he lives so close to the Whitehouse and yet, we rarely see or hear from him is a testament to him. Obama was the smartest, most decent President in modern history. Trump pales in comparison.

",1535036049,23/08/2018 14:54 9224002,4056230302,"

Sounds like another Q prediction.
Q has predicted many events that never happened, yet fools still believe him!

",1535037514,23/08/2018 15:18 9224002,4056231733,

What the hell is Q?

,1535037565,23/08/2018 15:19 9224002,4056233804,"

Never heard of Qanon?
Only Trump supporters support him; they wear ""Q"" t-shirts to Trump pep rallies.

",1535037636,23/08/2018 15:20 9219793,4056244413,"

This is why the church leaders, swamp creatures, globalists, and Mr Mueller
are freaking out:
there are 25,000 to 45,000 indictments mainly against pedophiles.

",1535037966,23/08/2018 15:26 9221296,4056256335,

Ask Q.

,1535038359,23/08/2018 15:32 9224002,4056277667,

It is I. Q.

,1535039056,23/08/2018 15:44 9216535,4056307257,"

You're gonna find out that Sessions Is a vicious, smart AG! Follow #QAnon for Peace of Mind, #TrustThePlan #TrustSessions

",1535040028,23/08/2018 16:00 9224002,4056317956,"

Q followers

Is Q still posting ""trust sessions""?

",1535040383,23/08/2018 16:06 9224002,4056356080,"

Hey, do us all a favor, lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's getting to your head. We are all Americans, your threats are not improving the sharing of ideas or the general discorse.

",1535041614,23/08/2018 16:26 9224002,4056399482,"

You are spreading lies. Don Jr. took a meeting set up by his Russian buddies, to get dirt from the Russian government. Hillary did not need to send this translator to make it happen. All the Oracle Q conspiracy theories that the Right dabble in are dangerous because they now can't even see real big red flags staring them in the face!

",1535043030,23/08/2018 16:50 9224002,4056409188,"

You are spreading lies! That meeting was scheduled by the Trump's Russian buddies, the Agalarovs. You are proving that the Right really doesn't care about the truth, even when it's staring you in the face. Lay off the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's getting to your head.

",1535043345,23/08/2018 16:55 9224002,4056434010,

Obviously this translator is Q and the key to this whole mess.

,1535044165,23/08/2018 17:09 9224002,4056436429,

You Q kids ready to hit the streets and defend Donnie?

,1535044243,23/08/2018 17:10 9224002,4056436980,"

Yes, of course the Oracle Q speaks Russian and 17 other languages too!

",1535044261,23/08/2018 17:11 9224002,4056440008,

What's a Q kid?

,1535044356,23/08/2018 17:12 9194395,4056442637,"

I disagree, you are not paying attention to what Q and trump are telling you,,,,instead you listen to the MSM media ( including Fox) On the DOJ webpage.....available publicly for the world to see....are the 49000 sealed indictments, ( Avg. 5000 per month since the ""Storm"" began), No MSM major news outlet reports on the goings on in UTAH. Only worried about Russia , Trump, IMPEACH, Russia, Trump, IMPEACH....while 470 (possibly more) sharp attorneys are taking down criminals, and DEEP STATE Mobsters.

So go to sleep children, the 6 pm news will come on and you can rely on Rachael Madcow to give you a late breaking 7 year old tax return, you wll be informed then.

PS: If some dimwitted poster asks me to prove anything above..
My response is from now on

""DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH you cult blinded drug addict""!

",1535044441,23/08/2018 17:14 9224047,4056448218,

Email JimRob at FR to tell him no donations until the Q lovers are sent packing.

,1535044621,23/08/2018 17:17 9224002,4056450896,"

You are spreading lies. All the Oracle Q conspiracy theories are getting to you....
Most Dems were not thrilled with Maxines rally call but she also said this:
""I believe in peaceful, very peaceful, protest,"" Maxine Waters told reporters on Capitol Hill. ""I have not called for the harm of anybody.""

You are proving that the Right really doesn't care about the truth.

",1535044706,23/08/2018 17:18 9218593,4056508921,"

sorry Matt Esquire- we are lifelong repubican who are embarassed by our vote. Trump is a con man- not a conservative, Perfect example- Stormy Daniels - two months ago he said "" it never happened ""- now he admits to it and his flock are just dumb shits- plain and simple. Clown lies about everything- it show how gullible and stupid Joe Q really is

",1535046589,23/08/2018 17:49 9214831,4056515081,


You Muslims are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind... Qur'an 3:110.
Disbelievers will abide in hell. They are the worst of creatures. Q 98:6
Jihad warfare against the disbelievers is a Muslim's highest act Q 4:95

,1535046795,23/08/2018 17:53 9223651,4056592625,"

were you aware that was made up. in fact, it wasnt true and qanon is a troll

",1535049504,23/08/2018 18:38 9224047,4056650061,

seems to be the obsession w/ BB'ers and Qanon... all the talk about pedo's

,1535051721,23/08/2018 19:15 9225094,4056775425,

Chris: It's secret code to us #QANONers

,1535057240,23/08/2018 20:47 9226399,4056785939,"

As a staunch conservative and Christian, I find so called Trump muffin conservatives weak and pathetic for blaming immigrants, gay frogs, qanon, the globalists, Muslims and other nonsense for their failed lives. Grow a pair and take personal responsibility.

",1535057768,23/08/2018 20:56 9226225,4056823274,

Conspiracy theories from Qanon and Alex Jones are evil because they take sponge minds like yours and turn them into mentally deranged idiots.

,1535059690,23/08/2018 21:28 9224047,4056823572,"

May be more going on then we see

",1535059704,23/08/2018 21:28 9226225,4056834266,"

What is Qanon? I see, you are a leftist troll that thinks Qanon and Q are the same thing. You need to update your talking points fool.

",1535060267,23/08/2018 21:37 9226399,4056851843,

I'm the only real conservative here. At least liberals blame real things for their failed lives. Trump muffins now resort to making up scapegoats like qanon

,1535061208,23/08/2018 21:53 9220642,4056856630,"

If 'all that Q nonsense' is nonsense, why is msm hammering soooo hard with misinformation to discredit?
Contempt prior to investigation=ignorance

",1535061473,23/08/2018 21:57 9225760,4056862631,

Qanon is Jeff Sessions.

Purpose designed to cause Patriots to delay or completely nullify their response to the obvious Satanic nature of this government until it’s too late to act against it..... it may already be to late.

“ As for me and my house WE shall serve the Lord. “ and this beast power in D.C. is not my lord let alone my Lord.

I may be powerless to prevent their temporary tyrannies but my Lord is not.

,1535061814,23/08/2018 22:03 9226297,4056868595,"

""Sources in DC... Obama..."" ok QAnon lol, how about all those sealed indictments from last year? Oh this year there will be MORE? Wow, keep talking.

",1535062145,23/08/2018 22:09 9223747,4056930013,"

The Clinton Foundation's front groups are all over this. Wherever in the world children are vulnerable, the Clintons are there to help....themselves.

- Did you know Sen. Jon Tester of Montana helped Hillary immediately streamline adoption from Haiti after the earthquake, like days after.

- Did you know various front church groups from Montana led the quick evacuation of Haitian children, many of whom had families but were just separated.

- Did you know Jon Tester went himself to get some of those children less than 3 days after the quake?

- Did you know Jon Tester is a custom butcher of meats in his own shop on his farm?
.......just scratching the surface.........

",1535065748,23/08/2018 23:09 9225094,4056963773,"

Perhaps 'Cap' should look up Q. If he did so, then he would see that the President misspells the words in his tweets INTENTIONALLY. The More You Know. Trust the Plan.

",1535067826,23/08/2018 23:43 9226399,4056967767,"

Red Meat, please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's getting to your head, you are seeing things now. Do us all a favor and go make some Lib friends, go out for tacos, have a good time, ok?

",1535068073,23/08/2018 23:47 9225616,4056997272,

Thats because Qanon posted a picture of him tied to a suspicious seemed to imply international pedo ring? I don't know...I'm just referencing. If that is the case...YOU BET he put up a million to save his butt!.

,1535069888,24/08/2018 00:18 9225616,4057028958,

Maher got called out by Q.
He's panicked and shaking in his red shoes..

,1535071888,24/08/2018 00:51 9226225,4057051751,"

I hope all of you anti-Catholic, antiSemitic, Q-Anon promoting tin-hat nuts are proud of yourselves...this is what your conspiracy theory nonsense has brought us to, and it will only get worse from here.

",1535073403,24/08/2018 01:16 9224011,4057062817,"

Wow, you really are limited. Who said anything about Q.
For someone with no grasp on what's going on and what we know, you shouldn't be posting on the internet.

",1535074216,24/08/2018 01:30 9225760,4057099707,

Facebook is nothing if we ban our family from using it. That will make a dent in their profits. Dailey active users is a big matrix in valuing this company. A drop in DAU’s in a Q will have hard effects on this companies stock performance. Let’s do this. Block Facebook from your ISP (internet service provider).

,1535077025,24/08/2018 02:17 9218068,4057113478,"

Yes, I do follow Qanon, I have since Oct when it started. My partner watches MSM, I don't but it is on at times I am in the same room. I can't stand the lies, I start ranting and have to leave the room. I follow ""Storm is Upon Us"" on YT. Even still I am shocked at how Hollyweird is going full cray-cray right, I mean petal to the metal no holds barred. Oh well, all the reason to completely ignore them, I watch YT instead and content from independent creators.

",1535078042,24/08/2018 02:34 9222970,4057115562,"

How is the party of Arkancide, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Qanon, ReleaseTheMemo, Frank Marshall, Webb Hubbell, OIG Report, Sandy Hook actors, David Hogg wasn't at school, etc... made up of ""sensible, decent people who just want to do the right thing.""?

",1535078191,24/08/2018 02:36 9226972,4057142242,"

Too dumb, doesn't deserve a response. Q is pleased or something, retard.

",1535080134,24/08/2018 03:08 9226663,4057156470,

Trump's attacking the midget. Sessions was by far the biggest mistake Trump made. Tune out Q. He's a Quack.

,1535081131,24/08/2018 03:25 9226663,4057157223,

You're a Q bot (lol). Unbelievable.

,1535081182,24/08/2018 03:26 9226180,4057202294,"


That's what they said about the IG. It was BS then, and it is BS now.

There is no plan. Q is the deep state (a disinfo campaign), who was pro-Mueller and pro-Rosenstein, and very pro-Sessions, until it became blatantly obvious that nobody could possibly believe it.

",1535083750,24/08/2018 04:09 9226972,4057210500,"

OMG, Q exposed!

",1535084330,24/08/2018 04:18 9226972,4057225962,"

I am not sure what to think about this Qanon stuff, but I firmly believe that he has this under control. Much smarter and more tech than in the Nixon era.

I am not worried. The Dems just busted a nut and they have no rebound.

",1535085402,24/08/2018 04:36 9222970,4057349344,"

I have no sources of knowledge. No privilege connections. But I was at the top of my game (banking) two decades back , knew all the main actors and how the system works.

From this I can reconstruct the games that are being played. It so happens that Qanon started to say very similar things to what I had been saying and I thought; 'This guy is good!'

When he was quicker than I was in getting to every investigative point, I realised he was working from a better fact base than I was - he had things I didn't.

Then I realised it could only come from inside.

Q does not give answers as much as he asks questions. It reminds me of the Socratic method, in part. I have read all the classics and therefore understand the play at least most of the time.

But having no direct access to facts which are unknown to you, I still have to guess. Here goes:

The Democrats are going to cheat. The machines can switch score totals for the candidates by a simple software routine. That happened in Alabama. The effect of this is that even with a totals audit, even using paper, nothing appears untoward. They don't ask for ID, they allow and encourage illegals to vote. They use every unlawful trick in the book.

TRUMP has, through economic success, lifted the economy and got many more people into work - including Hispanics and black people. Even wages have started to rise. These honest people don't want to slip back again, either from illegals working at lower rates or from jobs closing down. So they are lost to the Democrats.

The only response the Democrats can counter with is more voter fraud. Just suppose that the results in 2000 showed that TRUMP had not had one single vote but Mad Maxine had received 130 million !!! Surely even Jim Acosta would have to ask a question as to whether there was something amiss !!!

My point is that voter fraud can only be taken so far until everyone realises that it is a fix...

So the Democrats are going to keep on moving the goalposts and Team TRUMP are going to highlight this.

The full unredacted FISA application ??? A number of prominent arrests ??? The seizure of every voting machine and exposure to the vulnerabilities ??? Accepting a plea deal from HillaЯy ??? Mueller's self-immolation on the steps of the DOJ ??? The discovery that Rod Rosenstein and Lisa Barsoomian have talked together on occasions ???

There are many possibilities but the importance of timing should never be forgotten.

That is the best I can do - for now.

",1535093468,24/08/2018 06:51 9226180,4057374330,"

Yeah, and what about the immunity? Thats the worst part....these mofo's are getting away with it. Sorry to tell you this, but F' Q and the sheep he rode in on.

",1535095049,24/08/2018 07:17 9226180,4057385019,"

I say Sass has lied 17 times. Hi, my name is Q... How can I help you fellow's?

",1535095698,24/08/2018 07:28 9226972,4057492164,"

I suspect the reason is that they are assembling all the cases. There are supposedly over 45,000 sealed federal indictments that have been filed since October 30, 2017. The normal number in a year, is around 1100. Are you aware of Qanon?

",1535101674,24/08/2018 09:07 9226972,4057509427,"

Qanon posts are too cryptic for most people. But there is a community on Reddit devoted to analyzing and deciphering the posts. You can find it here:

On the right hand side of the page, there are links to videos that is Qanon for beginners. Some people believe Q is real, and others believe believe that it's a huge hoax. Is it information, or disinformation? I don't know. But it's the most fascinating thing I've come across in many years.

Imagine that you were a president with a very loyal base, who was in the Oval Office and had a press that hated him, and you needed to let your base know what is happening without revealing any classified data? That is the essences of Qanon.

If you want to read Qanon's raw posts, they can be found here:

",1535102538,24/08/2018 09:22 9226972,4057522627,"

At least some good came out of this drama this past week .... namely, it is obvious that Sessions is a rat, Q is a fraud, and Q followers are slope-headed dingbats.

",1535103168,24/08/2018 09:32 9226972,4057527657,

i called Q months ago...

,1535103409,24/08/2018 09:36 9225892,4057558592,"

She is female, but doesn't identify as a woman. Now this one gets a little more complicated - neither does she identify as a man, however she chooses to present as a man. But in her head, she's non-binary, neither that nor this, the other word to describe that is ""Queer"", the Q in LBGTQ. So basically, it considers itself genderless but it's in a body that appears male but bleeds. Good thing it's not Muslim.

",1535104844,24/08/2018 10:00 9226180,4057570779,

It was proven earlier that Q is a fraud and the group misinterpreted the sealed indictments. Nothing has changed. I can explain it to you if need be. Kind of long winded though

,1535105420,24/08/2018 10:10 9226180,4057574439,"

Ah, Q.

",1535105596,24/08/2018 10:13 9226972,4057585905,

No. This idea that Davis made him plead guilty to something that isn't a crime is so dumb. You think Cohen doesn't know what he's doing? He knows he committed a campaign finance crime. It's pretty obvious. Well obvious to anyone who knows Q Anon is nonsense. Obviously you're not a lawyer but you pretend to know the law on this stupid site. Sad.

,1535106108,24/08/2018 10:21 9226972,4057589771,

Is this according to Q?

,1535106280,24/08/2018 10:24 9222970,4057599937,"

And you got the stories from the ....... MSM
Google 'Clinton Cash' and 'Uranium One'.
Oh look here they are:
Also try Qanon:

",1535106714,24/08/2018 10:31 9228565,4057614908,"

jeff sessions does more to discredit Q than any other person on earth lol i'll believe any wild conspiracy theory, but i dont buy that this guy is on Team Good and Honest

",1535107345,24/08/2018 10:42 9228565,4057656340,

Did Q say trust Sessions?

,1535109028,24/08/2018 11:10 9228565,4057662041,"

Q also said to ""trust Mueller."" That Mueller ""was working behind the scenes with Trump."" That alone should tell you that Q isn't real. Mueller has one goal in life - to take down this administration.

",1535109257,24/08/2018 11:14 9222970,4057668678,"

From the article ...
""The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.
The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.""
The Fox article cites evidence for both sides and convinces me that U1 benefited the Clintons at the expense of the US.
Try the Qanon article next.

",1535109512,24/08/2018 11:18 9224875,4057675622,"

Sessions is a Complete 'Holy Roller from Alabama.' The Christ-cuck fundamentalist ilk has been taken over by the Zionist Wing of Christianity (well, ... actually Judaism). Thus the President appoints Sessions and we get Rosenstein, instead. F' Sessions.

I am afraid I can't 'trust Sessions.' I am past wishful thinking, Q.

",1535109777,24/08/2018 11:22 9228565,4057717597,"

So Q, I guess you're not as ""In control"" as you thought you are.

",1535111313,24/08/2018 11:48 9224875,4057724152,"

There were 17 No Bid contracts that Comey secured for Lockheed which got him a $6 million bonus. Q posted revelations a few days wonder PTrump ""suggested"" they LOWER THE PRICES ON THEIR GOVT CONTRACTS. Winning.

",1535111555,24/08/2018 11:52 9224875,4057727720,"

I'll wait it out and see. Only time will tell. If what Q claims is true, very little of what is actually going on behind the scenes makes it into the public light at this point.

That being said, imagine if Sessions were acting as a hardliner going after HRC, BO, Deep State, etc - the Media and /pol/ would destroy him - Trump would then have to play defense. And lets be honest - if he were going after them right now, they would never see trail and we would never get justice.

",1535111682,24/08/2018 11:54 9228565,4057727791,

Sounds like you believe QAnon. I don’t. I think it is what it is. A failed AG.

,1535111684,24/08/2018 11:54 9228565,4057744776,"

This goes against everything Q, the basement dwelling troller, has stated. Get your head outta the sand.

",1535112302,24/08/2018 12:05 9228565,4057756696,"

If Q is disinformation, then Trump is lying to us, because Q and Trump have been tag-teaming a lot of posts lately.

If Q is real information, then you have a glimpse of what Trump is REALLY doing.

",1535112732,24/08/2018 12:12 9228565,4057761998,

Stop with the Q nonsense. It has already been debunked.

,1535112924,24/08/2018 12:15 9224875,4057776691,"

As a staunch conservative and Christian, I find so called Trump muffin conservatives weak and pathetic for blaming immigrants, gay frogs, qanon, the globalists, Muslims and other nonsense for their failed lives. Grow a pair and take personal responsibility.

",1535113444,24/08/2018 12:24 9224875,4057779876,"

Hey, Pez !!! I got kicked off Gateway Pundit a few days back. So did Peg Deplorable !!!

All I did was mention Q and pretended that I did not know who he was (which is actually true for us all). Don't they do irony there ???

Strange old world. Never mind. ☕️

",1535113556,24/08/2018 12:25 9212806,4057789950,

OBAMA was a Kenyan Muslim with a man wife! For a wife he should be in jail for selling babies to lefties and Dems the deep state and Obama care was a hoax to convince America to get cancer treatment for their sea turtles! It was a disaster ! I love MAGA I want a man that stands up and locks up HRC! !! And brings coal jobs to east Carolina!!

MAGA!! I’m with Q!

,1535113910,24/08/2018 12:31 9224875,4057805656,"

You're kidding. I've had comments with no bad language or that seemed untoward have that little ticky clock say they had to go by someone to be approved. Censorship is alive and well in America. I don't follow Q out of time constraints. Nor do any of us know who he is.

You're right,Sc. It's a strange old world. We need to get rid of some of this chaos for sure. God knows I'm trying. 😽

",1535114443,24/08/2018 12:40 9228565,4057833388,

I rather read what Q has to say then watch CNN or FOX.
Their (Q) Observation seems closer to the Truth on what is going

,1535115356,24/08/2018 12:55 9228565,4057848714,"

Oh yeah, more Q BS. enjoy the show, trust the plan, big ugly. That's why Podesta was offered immunity. Manafort conviction? That was part of the plan too? Flynn? And the upcoming Don Jr. indictment?

Yeah... Q is a democrat plant. And makes me sad that people are buying his BS

",1535115853,24/08/2018 13:04 9228565,4057854695,

The only one crying is you when you realize Q was a democrat plant. I will do my best to spread the word about traitors like Mueller

,1535116055,24/08/2018 13:07 9224875,4057874705,

For those easily distracted by hannity noise or Q followers it's a game...for the rest of us. Time for justice to be served now or after impeachment.

,1535116718,24/08/2018 13:18 9228565,4057878407,

Oh we are enjoying it QCat. What does your Q Decoder Ring tell you who will be the next to flip?

Ivanka? Jared? Junior Trump?

,1535116838,24/08/2018 13:20 9224875,4057890422,"

You tube, Q-The Plan To Save The World. Then Follow Q post. It Will Make You Feel Like There Is Still A Chance.

",1535117222,24/08/2018 13:27 9225853,4057901871,"

Qanon did say ""trust Sessions"" sorry I don't.

",1535117588,24/08/2018 13:33 9228118,4057926306,

We are Q.

,1535118384,24/08/2018 13:46 9228118,4057931170,"

""We have the server.""
""We have it all"".
""Enjoy the show.""

",1535118539,24/08/2018 13:48 9225853,4057933858,

Yeah this is a QAnon thing.

,1535118628,24/08/2018 13:50 9225217,4057945133,

Indictments for whom? You need to stop believing in Q.

,1535118987,24/08/2018 13:56 9225217,4057951354,"

As a staunch conservative and Christian, I find so called Trump muffin conservatives weak and pathetic for blaming immigrants, gay frogs, qanon, the globalists, Muslims and other nonsense for their failed lives. Grow a pair and take personal responsibility.

",1535119180,24/08/2018 13:59 9225217,4057969071,"

Is he? Do you have a link? He was quoting Q the other day & we all know by now, deception is necessary.

",1535119760,24/08/2018 14:09 9224875,4057971310,"

From an insider......Mueller has to be on team (GOP). There's no other explanation that makes sense. He has been so corrupt that DJT and the white hats must have him by the balls. I reckon he's on side, if only for the fact that he knows he would hang otherwise - that is, I think he would actually be facing the death penalty if he could not obtain leniency from DJT.

What's interesting is that Q has said that what's true for Mueller is true for RR. But maybe RR wasn't offered a deal on the same terms as Mueller. Mueller's military service appears to be quite impressive. He wasn't always desperately corrupt from what I can make out.

I can believe that he has been herding the sheep to the slaughtered pen, (Judas goat) the consolation he would have in doing this is that they deserve everything they get. We will soon find out where he stands with certainty I think.

",1535119829,24/08/2018 14:10 9225853,4057980257,"

Lol! Another Q proof in plain sight! Trump plants seeds to control the media narrative.
What can they say without supporting the President?
What can they possibly say to hurt the president without sounding even more deranged?
Sessions did nothng? Orr,strozk,page, rosenstien, about 30 others on the 7th floor with power neutralized or fired. Singing like birds to I.G. Immigration policies firming up nicely. Sanctuary cities ready for S.C. after Kavanaugh confirmed.

Nothing happening, really?

",1535120113,24/08/2018 14:15 9225853,4057990951,

Wake up Q folks. It was kids on keys

,1535120457,24/08/2018 14:20 9228916,4057998436,"

One understands why QAnon has such a following: it's almost impossible to imagine that Sessions would be so incompetent, and Trump so patient, when such problems are so glaring. It's easy to see that people would look for a way to explain this outrageous behavior in terms of a anti-Deep-State strategy being executed. People want to believe Q, but I don't. I think that Trump has been effectively neutralized by Sessions, and that he is reluctant to fire him, because justice is not Trump's strong suit. He didn't spend his career as a lawyer or in law enforcement, and he know that it's no place for a novice to maneuver. I think Trump is a very, very loyal person who finds it hard to dismiss a man who stuck his neck out for him in the early days. I don't blame him, and I admire him for his loyalty, but he needs to make a move.

",1535120699,24/08/2018 14:24 9225853,4057998872,"

Stop being brainwashed. Q is NOT ""Military Intelligence,"" it's chan board trolls, playing with your mind.

",1535120712,24/08/2018 14:25 9224002,4058013909,"

Trump is about to swallow his own bait. By the way, there is no deep state, Q, or anything else. It's just Trump being his usual idiot self. But he will be gone soon enough.

",1535121180,24/08/2018 14:33 9225853,4058014562,"

Baloney. Not a single thing said by ""Q"" was anything someone studying news couldn't write.

There were many stupid things, like saying Hillary was going to be arrested Oct 2017 on certain day. It was BS of course. There were also the ""R"" is JFK jr. Thing, then a few days later reversing the words.

There are many other stupid things.

Q also attacked Alex Jones and other patriots. Q is nuts figure it out. It's fake.

Very naive and impressionable patriots got suckered. It divides us. Get it?

",1535121199,24/08/2018 14:33 9225853,4058023368,"

Turn the TV off and follow Q for yourself, what we are being shown is off the charts, for the reason none of this stuff is being said on the MSM is the Same reason conservatives are being silenced on social media, It's TRUE ! ""Never interfere with your enemy while they are destroying their selves"" When this is all let out they will have NO credibility !

",1535121468,24/08/2018 14:37 9225853,4058030437,"

It's all in the Q Posts !!!!
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.... Q drops a clue and groups of people do research !

",1535121685,24/08/2018 14:41 9225853,4058031368,"

The connecting the dots anon post was decent, but it's nothing new. Q linked to it but is not really anyone with any power to do anything. Q is powerless kids.

There is no super secret plan. It's a scam.

",1535121712,24/08/2018 14:41 9225853,4058037365,

Baloney! This stuff was just compiled by an anon and Q linked to it.

None of the connecting the dots post is new and it WAS NOT from Q.

The Q kids are grandiose kids with wanna be superspy syndrome.

,1535121893,24/08/2018 14:44 9225853,4058044078,

The real truth is the Q followers are later-comers to the fight against deep state.

Nothing said by Q is new.

,1535122100,24/08/2018 14:48 9225853,4058051566,

It's all part of the grand PLAN. No need to panic! The feud is meant to fool the MSM and liberals.
We are Q !!!

,1535122327,24/08/2018 14:52 9225853,4058055669,

This is straight out of the Qanon conspiracy theory. Is Breitbart on the Qanon train now?

,1535122454,24/08/2018 14:54 9225853,4058059987,

this is the Qanon conspiracy theory

,1535122585,24/08/2018 14:56 9226972,4058060054,"

For which investigation? There are currently 3 criminal investigations being run by Mueller, the southern district of NY and the NYS AG. conspiracy against you the USA, money laundering, wire fraud. Look I could go on but you're being intentionally ignorant and im not interested in educating you. The information is out there you just choose to believe the truth is false and that Q Anon is real. Stupid.

",1535122587,24/08/2018 14:56 9225853,4058066742,

WTF is Qanon?

,1535122778,24/08/2018 14:59 9225217,4058072543,"

Haha....doesn't Paul Ryan get donations from John Podesta affiliates?

",1535122941,24/08/2018 15:02 9225853,4058075580,"

In the real world, as opposed to the fictional world of Q disinformation, Sessions is doing nothing good.

",1535123027,24/08/2018 15:03 9225853,4058076395,"

I am a million times more informed than you obviously.

Q is a fiction. Some posts about pedo busts in other countries and Q followers say, "" see, Q did it!"" Nonsense. Gibberish. You are naive.

""Q"" was a old novel. Followers want to feel special. Q is kids on keys

",1535123048,24/08/2018 15:04 9225853,4058086488,"

None of it is new, and since Q wants to characterize some of the conspirators as heroes, it is disinformation.

",1535123346,24/08/2018 15:09 9225853,4058089135,

This Q crap is dividing.....easy to see.

,1535123429,24/08/2018 15:10 9225853,4058091932,"

Yes the Q story, which is a lot like the Sundance story, is a stall, it lures people into the mystery thriller, where they become subject to disinformation. Actual events instruct us who the bad & good guys are. We do not use these sources to make value judgements.

",1535123521,24/08/2018 15:12 9225853,4058095233,

Is it really? Hmmm . . . obviously you can't read Q.

But all's well. Stay negative. Works for the media.

,1535123632,24/08/2018 15:13 9225853,4058101545,"

If there was any secret ""Military Intelligence"" group with any power.....the Government would never have gotten this screwed up in the first place. Q folks are living a Jason Bourne fantary, as if Pres Trump had pulled secret Military Intelligence out of his pocket.

",1535123842,24/08/2018 15:17 9225853,4058120341,"

Well, you don't even answer the question about the indictments.
I gave you a Brietbart story on the who and how
I gave you a link to one of the best tracking teams. Their info comes from a Justice Dept. system called
You must be at least a Paralegal to access it, and pay for the access. it is updated monthly by this team.
I mentioned nothing of Q, this is simply the who, how and results of the work, would you please tell me how your ""kids on keys"" are able to put in fake sealed federal indictments on a Justice Department Govt. system? Now that would be a ""Conspiracy"" story.

",1535124439,24/08/2018 15:27 9225853,4058156928,

It's like Q folk giving credit to Q for Catholic pedo busts in Italy. Wake up from the fantasy.

,1535125577,24/08/2018 15:46 9225853,4058168579,

Please guys stop it with this Qanon non-sense. Trump wouldn’t be under attack from all sides like this if any of this crap was true.

,1535125940,24/08/2018 15:52 9225853,4058172530,

He's not it is a Qanon hoax. Indicments are not connected to this issue.

,1535126061,24/08/2018 15:54 9225853,4058181350,"

>>> Jeff Sessions, Trump Working Together Amicably Despite Public Feud

This is Qanon conspiracy theory.

",1535126334,24/08/2018 15:58 9225853,4058184071,"

I remain skeptical of Q, and have seen nothing so far to convince me otherwise...

",1535126418,24/08/2018 16:00 9225853,4058205740,"

Yet, you’re here, trying to dissuade all with your drivel, right?

If Q is a “super spy” whatever, why do you care? Why are you wasting your time?

Foolish prog! Brace yourself, the end is near.

",1535127142,24/08/2018 16:12 9225853,4058210610,

As if CNN is being watched by those trying to wake up naive Q people.

,1535127299,24/08/2018 16:14 9225853,4058223045,

Lol me too! I follow Q!! WWG1WGA!!

,1535127710,24/08/2018 16:21 9225853,4058223175,

Famous last words. Q is fake.

,1535127715,24/08/2018 16:21 9225853,4058225274,"

Well my inbox if flooded by the paid trolls, thank you one and all !
But NO ONE is answering the Question.
So again, Please explain who and how the Justice Dept. system which tracks ""Sealed Federal Indictments"" Has over 45 thousand indictments sitting in it's cue ? Stop with your little fit's and READ, I will answer each and everyone of you with the same info ! more and more people will see it and wake up to this simple fact alone. So please bring it on. I am accomplishing my goal :) Some of you are Truly Stupid !
Read the Breitbart story, on the Who and How
Pop quiz,
Who appointed Huber ? SESSIONS,
How many people is he working with ? 470
Can he convene a Grand Jury? YES
In all 50 States ? YES
Is he a Prosecutor ? YES
Can he prosecute FORMER Govt. employees ? YES
Can he prosecute CURRENT Govt. employees YES
When did he start ? NOV of 2017
When did the Indictments start ramping up ? NOV of 2017
Who does he report to directly ? SESSIONS
I know nothing to see here right ? It's just Q, It's just ""Kids on Keyboards"" one keeps saying, Now for a kid in mom's basement to enter over 45 thousand Sealed Federal Indictments in the Justice Dept. Govt. controlled computer system, well you tell me, Who is the ""Conspiracy Theorist"" Here ?? I mean REALLY ???
Facts are verifiable ! Opinions are like a certain part of people's anatomy, we all have one. This is in the system, can't be denied by anyone but the delusional trying to keep the BS cover story about impeachment alive. This link is to a man, prior military who runs one of the best tracking teams on the indictments it is updated monthly, broken down by state & district we are fast approaching the end of the month, next weekend they will do another scrub of the system, Anyone wanna bet it breaks 50 thousand ? I know I know, those kids in moms basement have nothing else to do right ? They got so bored over the summer that they all became political activists just for something to do.
So again, I ask you, Who is the Conspiracy Theorist here ?
This link is for all the tracking done month by month on many topics teams are currently looking at, Resignations, House & Senate resignations, numbers of Pedophile arrests world wide and in the US, do you realize Jeff Sessions has had over 9 Thousand Pedo arrests since he took office, where is the MSM on this fact?
Have at it TROLLS, I will answer one and all !

",1535127783,24/08/2018 16:23 9225853,4058227194,

Qanon is a hoax.

,1535127842,24/08/2018 16:24 9228928,4058227211,"

Please Lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, its confusing you. Even Fox news agrees, the Russians interfered in our election w/ a preference for Trump. This is no longer up for debate. We now just wait and see if Trump knew about it or invited it. Holding on to your wacky hopes about Obama & Hillary is only making the Right look like crackpots who can't accept the truth that is staring them in the face!

",1535127842,24/08/2018 16:24 9225853,4058232520,"

Do you understand sealed idictments ? THis in no way implies that Sessions is secretly acting to arrest people connected to the russia conspiracy

",1535128015,24/08/2018 16:26 9228928,4058245438,"

Most Democrats do not support any deliberate cruelty or violence, or Antifa. I'll wait for Muellers report to list the laws Trump broke. But if you remain unconcerned and if you are so deep in your Oracle Q fantasies about Trump to not be worrying right now, and if you think Trump seems totally normal and innocent, then, God help you.

",1535128433,24/08/2018 16:33 9228928,4058248133,"

You are so deep in your Oracle Q fantasies that you cannot see the truth that is right in front of your face. What the hell happened to all the smart, reasonable conservatives????

",1535128520,24/08/2018 16:35 9225853,4058248313,

I do realize it and called it a conspiracy theory yes Russian Collusion is a farce but so is Q anon and the idea sessions is idicting hundreds of people per day.

Why bother covering up the fact ? There is no reason to hide information you think sessions is hiding.

,1535128527,24/08/2018 16:35 9228928,4058253315,"

No, but we should know better by now. Even in preschool they teach you to use your words. You guys are so bloodthirsty you can't even see the truth right in front of you. The Oracle Q is phony B.S.!! Open your eyes

",1535128693,24/08/2018 16:38 9228928,4058257330,

The Oracle Q is punking you. Open your eyes. You are so bloodthirsty you Don't even see the truth that is right in front of your face.

,1535128825,24/08/2018 16:40 9225853,4058257602,

Alex jones doesn't even believe in Q anon or a Mars coloney

,1535128834,24/08/2018 16:40 9225853,4058265571,"

No, I think the Q thing is another distraction. Washington is and always will be like a magician's show. You are watching what the right hand is doing when the left is performing the real illusions. It's up to you to figure out the trick.

",1535129094,24/08/2018 16:44 9228928,4058268863,"

That is not true. Please give me the names & locations of all this blood in the streets, not from last year, we're talking right now. NOBODY WANTS TO KILL TRUMP! Democrats do not support deliberate cruelty or violence. NEVER HAS ANYONE ON THE LEFT CALLED FOR THE HEADS OF ANYBODY. The Oracle Q is lying to you and punking you. Infowars and Rush are not telling the truth if this is what you believe. You are so bloodthirsty that you believe phony B.S.! Open your eyes.

",1535129205,24/08/2018 16:46 9225217,4058286094,

You believe in Q don't you?

,1535129781,24/08/2018 16:56 9228928,4058294648,"

Obviously, political adds work, because every politician uses them to their benefit. But, there is no way to know if they influenced people enough to change a vote. However, we do know that Russia's campaign against Hillary has had huge effect because all of the Right hate her with their souls! I get it, I saw the Russian posts depicting Hillary with devil horns & tail, they were persuasive. But the fact that you all turned into Rubes for the Russians , believers of wacky Oracle Q devotees, unable to deal with reality is astonishing! I liked it better when the conservatives were the reasonable, smart ones. You guys love winning now more than you love America.

",1535130064,24/08/2018 17:01 9225853,4058313736,

Nobody know what the hell those indictments are and this Q crap seems like a bunch of crap...

,1535130747,24/08/2018 17:12 9225853,4058323216,"

He didn't type it, copy and paste. From a Q post link.

",1535131081,24/08/2018 17:18 9225853,4058323337,

might be as minor as background checks - or even warrants for federal parking tickets

i don't buy Q either

,1535131085,24/08/2018 17:18 9228928,4058346507,"

We Don't yet know what happened with Trump. Obama is not a radical Marxists and I Don't know why ""No one would say anything"" if he was getting help from a foreign power. The Oracle Q is punking you. The phony B.S. that is fueling all this hate is dangerous. Open your eyes. Please lay off all the kooky conspiracy theories because it is distorting your perception of reality: Trump is a dirty trickster.

",1535131829,24/08/2018 17:30 9224875,4058378709,"

Do some research on Qanons ""Connect the Dots"". There's a lot more buried in this report.

",1535132944,24/08/2018 17:49 9225853,4058396961,"

Q is half a stating of what is developing and half basically a 21st century version of Radio Free Europe spreading truth and info over the din of the MSM Goebbels-style Nazicrat propaganda. My belief coincides with the one that presupposes that the sheer magnitude of crimes of all variations is so immense that it is requiring an almost war-like strategic plan to allow it to unfold. You are correct about the censorship. Q caught them by surprise and they were unprepared.The censorship is of the likes we have never seen in America before, at least during peacetime. Take care. MAGA.

",1535133591,24/08/2018 17:59 9229924,4058397168,

The Q have come from Venus to turn your brain into intergalactic jello.

,1535133598,24/08/2018 17:59 9225616,4058422770,

Anybody see red shoe post on Q Anon? He is praying to Molech the Dems win back control. Good luck with that!

,1535134526,24/08/2018 18:15 9225853,4058444587,"

You couldn't be more wrong. Dozens of Q posts, prior to big events, have proved Q is an insider, beyond any doubt.

",1535135342,24/08/2018 18:29 9225853,4058447362,

There is no such thing as Q.
Scott Adams who writes Dilbert and is a big Trump fan who by the way recently meet with Trump will give you a 20 min. Lesson why Q does not exist. Look it up and watch it.

,1535135445,24/08/2018 18:30 9225853,4058453502,

I don't get my news from TV. I'm not a good internet researcher and I've never heard of Q. Thank you for reading me in though.

,1535135669,24/08/2018 18:34 9225853,4058462191,"

There are NOT 45,000 indictments. That's Q talk. At the end of the day, if they indict everyone in the Clinton and Obama Crime Syndicate, we are talking about maybe 40-50 people - not 45,000. Even if 10 or 20 people are indicted before midterms, the Democrats will not be able to recover in time before midterms and will not be able to get their voters to the polls. Other than that - your post makes zero sense.

Also, there's no such thing as a ""claimed"" indictment. I know that because I work for an attorney who does white collar criminal law.

",1535135987,24/08/2018 18:39 9225853,4058484385,

Q movement is real.
You saying Q is a LARP?

,1535136779,24/08/2018 18:52 9225853,4058486060,"

I know.... I've been defriended by people because I don't believe in Q. I do believe that Jeff Sessions and Trump are working together behind the scenes, but I believe nothing that is posted by Q or the Q-bots. I'm pretty sure Q is a liberal punk who lives in his mother's basement who trolls conservative conspiracy theorists online.

",1535136839,24/08/2018 18:53 9229948,4058500294,"

Grasping for any good news, several QAnon believers have claimed that the unnamed presidential candidate implicated in Cohen’s guilty plea is actually Hillary Clinton, when, in reality, it’s clearly Trump.


",1535137350,24/08/2018 19:02 9225853,4058504836,

Because believing in Q is hurting our credibility.

,1535137524,24/08/2018 19:05 9228928,4058506681,"

Well go to the gym and work off some of that aggression because we are all Americans. War is stupid. Democrats are not the enemy. You are so bloodthirsty you are not making sense. The Oracle Q is punking you and confusing you about whats real. Your war-mongering is dangerous. Please move to Syria if you want to fight so bad. Just like they taught you in preschool, you should use your words. Haven't we learned anything from our ancestors?

",1535137591,24/08/2018 19:06 9228928,4058513588,"

What the Hell happened to all the reasonable, moral, smart conservatives that were supposed to be the law & order party?? Why did you replace them with tinhat, Oracle Q devotees that hate America's intelligence? This is crazy.

",1535137854,24/08/2018 19:10 9225853,4058514816,"

I don't disagree, I was just quoting Q.

",1535137901,24/08/2018 19:11 9228928,4058518899,"

Why are you trying to incite a Civil War? There is no coup! When they prove Trump sold us out to the Russians, Pence will step in. That is not a coup. The Oracle Q is confusing you, and punking you. The Right is not even making sense now and you are losing your grasp on reality. Stop war-mongering. We are all Americans. WTF?

",1535138060,24/08/2018 19:14 9225853,4058519682,"

Oh. So, Scott is looking out for OUR credibility. How noble.
Confirmation bias. He covered that didn't he? He's no more trustworthy than Q. Unless of course, you believe he is. As apparently, you do. Confirmation bias.

Who makes up the OUR in your statement?

",1535138089,24/08/2018 19:14 9225853,4058526873,"

Question, what would it take to change your mind on Q?

As for myself, while Q makes for decent fan fiction, it’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s literally the conspiracy to unite all conspiracies. From UFOs to JFK, Q touches on everything.

",1535138366,24/08/2018 19:19 9228928,4058551706,"

Dude, I just drove by the Ronald Reagan library/gravesite (Well I was on the fwy like 2 miles away) and I could hear Ronnie crying, sobbing. With all due respect, you have totally drunk the Infowars/Rush/Hannity/Oracle Q KoolAid. You are probably preparing to blast off to the HaleBop comet so you won't be around to find out that your Holy Superman Trump sold us all out to the Russians. Keep your threats to yourself because it's not helping America's discourse. Cheers!

",1535139334,24/08/2018 19:35 9227686,4058554234,

She never met Hitler. Ever. Any suggestion that she did must have come from the same people that brought you pizzagate and QAnon.

,1535139439,24/08/2018 19:37 9225853,4058556680,"

But from what I have read on Q sites, Trump is supposed to be secretly working with Mueller to bring down some ring of elite pedophiles and send them to Gitmo. But if Q followers actually believe that, why are they still mad at Mueller if he is secretly Trump's right hand man?

",1535139537,24/08/2018 19:38 9225853,4058567077,

Never mentioned UFOs.
Appears you have zero understanding of what Q conveys.

,1535139948,24/08/2018 19:45 9229948,4058588056,

The turd is really no I Q Maxine in drag. What a moron and total waste of human protoplasm.

,1535140786,24/08/2018 19:59 9231106,4058597597,

A document dump. LOL

QAnon tell you that?

,1535141192,24/08/2018 20:06 9230383,4058598641,

R u LGBT or Q ?

,1535141235,24/08/2018 20:07 9225853,4058608058,"

The Plan to violate one's Oath by illicitly abandoning authority over non-recusal issues to Rosenstein? The Plan to violate one's Oath by thwarting Congressional oversight of the DOJ? The Plan to violate one's Oath by defending persecutors masquerading as prosecutors in the Bundy trial, whose case was thrown out with prejudice?

You condescending Sessions Sycophants and Qreepy Qrappers should just admit it: You do not care about Constitutional Rule of Law or Due Process, or the systematic destruction of the civil rights of actual American citizens, as long as you can revel in the conspiritorial glee over the Rule of Skullduggery!

This has nothing to do with patience, and everything to do with the CONSTITUTION. You latter-day Gnostics are drunk on your so-called secret knowledge, while Flynn, Caputo, Manafort, Cohen and others are targetted with gangster lawfare. It is irrelevant if they have committed crimes; what is relevant is that their rights have been trampled.

Sessions was in the Senior Executive Service [SES] since 1988. He was a Senator throughout Obama's ineligible presidency. Reid spoke lies from the Floor about Romney. Sessions could have spoken truths from the Floor about Obama. The Senate Floor is sacrosanct, immune from prosecution!

SES-sions is an Institutionalist, not a Constitutionalist. He may want to clean house to some extent, but not at the expense of status and power for him and his peers. If this is indeed 3D Chess, and Trump is in on it, then Trump is wrong - for the Rule of Law will not be restored by ravaging it. You self-satisfied Gnostics do not understand human nature.

But I do not believe even that of him. I believe that the FBI files that the Clintons stole so many years ago have a juicy one on Sessions. I do not trust the anonymous Q who claims such exalted position (and who could certainly be discovered and neutralized by these ruthless criminals). I do not trust Sessions - and I do not trust anyone who tells me to trust Sessions. I stopped trusting him the day after he was confirmed. Occam's Razor is on my side, not yours.

",1535141651,24/08/2018 20:14 9231106,4058616022,

And please no more of the idiot Qanon people claiming Session and Trump are in fact working together behind the scenes.

,1535141998,24/08/2018 20:19 9225853,4058631836,"

1. This information is available with or without Q. I knew much of it, and I avoid that Qreep and his Qreepy followers.

2. Sessions is - or for long was - SES. The SES is Swamp Central. Many of these players - apparently including the so-called White Hats, Horowitz and Huber - are in it.

3. Why does your lengthy post not address the SES? Why, by implication, does not Q address it adequately, if at all? It is central to the conspiracy!

4. The SES is the unaccountable firewall between any elected administration and the Federal bureaucracies. It was increased from under 2000 to over 8000 by Obama.

(I upvoted you because your post was thoughtful and respectful, unlike most of the Qrappy posters.)

",1535142693,24/08/2018 20:31 9230653,4058638574,"

The ""true facts"" you say are followed by a QAnon-style conspiracy deluge.

I'm pretty confident you don't know that.

",1535142997,24/08/2018 20:36 9225853,4058655975,"

I suggest that people pay less attention to Q, sundance, and all the Occam's Razor dulling machinations being attributed to the various (nefarious) so-called White Hats...

... and pay more attention to the Senior Executive Service [SES]. You may find that many of your White Hats are/were in this unaccountable power center. Power corrupts.

",1535143838,24/08/2018 20:50 9228928,4058658706,"

No, we are not, Stop spreading lies! Why are you so bloodthirsty for your fellow Americans? Please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, is getting to your head.

",1535143971,24/08/2018 20:52 9228928,4058665371,"

Hey cool it, Rambo. War is stupid. Haven't we learned anything from our ancestors? It is crazy that you are bloodthirsty for fellow Americans. This is why your wacky Oracle Q conspiracy theories are so dangerous. You are so confused as to who the enemy is. Democrats are not the enemy. We are all Americans.

",1535144296,24/08/2018 20:58 9225853,4058705384,"

with all that being said, Q is just a pipe dream mystic putting all the people asleep by saying theres a plan where there isnt one. Q is a hoax and was outed by corsi a long time ago.wake up america! dont hang on to false hope. nothing is going to get done.

",1535146343,24/08/2018 21:32 9228565,4058709034,"

Trust Sessions. Trust the Plan. Trust Q. Trust Sundance.

Or trust God and reason: Humanity is fallen, and power corrupts.

",1535146533,24/08/2018 21:35 9225853,4058709943,"

the plan is playing out




















This came out from the Q around July 29th,,,,,,,,Waiting is hard!
But things are Happening
God Bless!

",1535146582,24/08/2018 21:36 9230653,4058716663,"

China has it's proverbial teat in a ringer. Trump has fixed their currency manipulation with a simple tariff move. Now, their ""Dear Eternal Leader"" has a crashing currency, reduced sales of an inferior product, and a crash course in ""FY"" leadership. 1.0 plus billion citizens can't be controlled by propaganda, bullets, and manipulation for long...China is in trouble, and they know it. This is from QANON. Unverified but interesting...

",1535146938,24/08/2018 21:42 9225853,4058770915,

Q-tard here and proud of it! You’re forgetting that Huber has been working behind the scenes. There are over 45K sealed indictments which will come out eventually. So: “Trust The Plan” Q And “Enjoy The Show” Q Get it?

,1535150101,24/08/2018 22:35 9225217,4058775128,"


",1535150378,24/08/2018 22:39 9225853,4058775836,"

Maybe, maybe not...very odd things happening. Whether the Q persona is real or not, the pronouncements do reveal some foreknowledge and insights not explainable by your dismissive narrative.

",1535150427,24/08/2018 22:40 9225853,4058778642,

They totally overlook the work Huber is doing in the background. He’s a Special PROSECUTOR who can and has impaneled Grand Juries.

Trust The Plan Q. and Enjoy The Show Q

,1535150618,24/08/2018 22:43 9229972,4058779918,"

I follow Q and he says, Trust The Plan! Because there is a plan... and that plan was cooked up by Trump/Sessions and Military Intelligence (the US Marines). I trust the plan.

",1535150705,24/08/2018 22:45 9231883,4058787030,

Not to mention qanon

,1535151185,24/08/2018 22:53 9228928,4058791814,"

Hey, hold on there Rambo, take it down a notch. Democrats are not your enemy. Why are you trying to start a civil War? You can't love America if you hate half of America. Just like in preschool, put your bullets away, Use Your Words! If you have any pride left at all... Lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, its dangerous and it's confusing you. We are all Americans.

",1535151495,24/08/2018 22:58 9231106,4058799637,

Q-ANON! Who's got that giant Q? For sure... Q is the reason the Trumps committed all these damn felonies...

,1535152034,24/08/2018 23:07 9231106,4058803400,"

God, you people have been so badly informed. Q doesn't exist. There is no coup. Hillary and Obama have done nothing wrong -- certainly not treasonous.

",1535152286,24/08/2018 23:11 9231106,4058807871,"

Got it all figured out, doncha Sherlock? Or did you get help from Q?

",1535152590,24/08/2018 23:16 9231106,4058808311,

I agree with that. Q is all BS to placate the masses. It’s a way to string people along.

,1535152619,24/08/2018 23:16 9231883,4058816582,"

It's not false missile warning. It's real since warning system in Japan was triggered too, it was chasing AF1 to Singapour for meeting of Trump and Kim Jong Un and an escorted F/16 had to shot it down. Check with Q.

",1535153189,24/08/2018 23:26 9228565,4058835123,

When Q makes a statement and Trump follows shortly after with the EXACT same phrases... You're obviously unaware of what Q and Trump say.

,1535154439,24/08/2018 23:47 9212317,4058838679,"

Q followers, a QUESTION...

Remember ""Here comes the STORM"" and shortly after, Stormy Daniels showed up?

On August 16th, Q posted BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM (4 booms, 4 pivotal events).

Then, FOUR BOOMS in what is said to be Trump's ""Hell Week.""

Trump CFO Weisselberg
David P*c Ker

All part of the plan to get Democrats whipped into a frenzy about impeachment?

Trump seems unphased by any of it...

",1535154682,24/08/2018 23:51 9229948,4058847765,"

Rep. GREEN is as usual , trying to remove sitting POTUS, but, it ain't gonna work.//
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER will speak in November 2018, polls, then we wil see who comes out the winner.
If the DEMON - CRATS win - say good by to anything POTUS TRUMP has done for the Country, such as TAX CUTS, the STock Market on an upward climb, //////////////
Say hello to high food prices, more give away programs , more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS . ////////////////////////////////////////////

",1535155296,25/08/2018 00:01 9231781,4058852741,"

Democrats correctly are Statist.
I am certain you don't understand this concept. You have the vibe of a bully, a ignorant low I Q bully.
I just educated you and you are welcome.

",1535155644,25/08/2018 00:07 9231781,4058854227,

Again your low I Q is obvious. President Trumps MAGA is not Statist by definition. Boy are you dumb.

,1535155750,25/08/2018 00:09 9231883,4058855539,

Does Q know how to spell Singapore? Or is that the top secret spelling?

,1535155841,25/08/2018 00:10 9228928,4058864484,"

Mike Pence does not make for a coup!!!!!! If it turns out Trump sold us out to Russia, he's gone, and according to Constitution, Pence takes over. Stop being so reactionary & bloodthirsty. The Oracle Q is making you paranoid! When did conservatives change from the moral, smart party of law and order to the tinhat conspiracy, war -hungry haters of American intelligence? Don't you realize how totally bonkers you seem?

",1535156463,25/08/2018 00:21 9226825,4058865269,"

Thjis most likely true, but, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN has one over these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN has one out, shoot these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHEN EVER YOU SEE ONE. //////////////////////////////////////

",1535156516,25/08/2018 00:21 9231106,4058876437,"

No, there zero related to Q fantasies.

There are 2700 in the entire United States. They range from drug investigations, to securities fraud, to state corruption cases.

But you keep being you.

",1535157313,25/08/2018 00:35 9228928,4058887369,"

Thank you so much for you service but you can't love America if you hate half of America. Soldiers like you fought in faraway places, died in unfamiliar places, to protect America from bloody war. It is a slap in the face to America & every soldier, to hear you calling for war on the streets of America. That's just about as unpatriotic as it gets, man. That is so low. Please lay off the kooky Oracle Q stuff...

",1535158121,25/08/2018 00:48 9205084,4058896168,"

The only way to stop the MSM/DEMS from ruining and dictating America's values and cultures into the ground is to do exactly what Trump has done! Never back down, never allow the narrative to be changed to their watered down sit on the fence pro illegal, anti-masculine verbiage. Never be afraid to stare and demand standing for our flag and anthem, protecting our military and LEO, and fighting for what WTP demand is our right to have the culture Americanism Pride and Patriotism. NOT defending this-That is what is toxic! I love tough strong men, I prefer that for myself as a girly girl! I love marriage and family, the traditional kind. That doesn't mean I don't respect others, but it does mean I won't apologize for or be told what I can talk about love or prefer for my own self! They get by with making us afraid to speak our truth, and that is something Trump has proudly and adamantly opposed. All of us want borders, and assimilated American loving immigration only!! The option is death to the country and each of us! You'd be a moron to want ICE gone, have issues criminally that ICE investigates. That is what is happening everytime the MSM freaks, its to cover a crime for their disgusting decades of activities against WTP-just have to look behind the headlines to find it or Q. So preach loud and proud about how we LOVE our President! He represents our values, and YES, he's made mistakes but as far as I know they don't involve the desk in the Oval Office! Enough of the COUP being allowed to continue one more day!

",1535158805,25/08/2018 01:00 9205084,4058909181,"

He's right, online is probably better where you won't have to put up with brainwashing. It's truly out of control because they so thought she would win and now have Soros & millions without jobs who were promised jobs with HER! They must be shown that we will not allow Trump to be taken out of office and this coup will be stopped. Everyone needs to look up and learn Q and videos. Its so enlightening.

",1535159818,25/08/2018 01:16 9231106,4058915881,"

Yup, Q-anob is a total dud.

Ginger McQueen (@GingerMcQueen) | Twitter

#QANON The CBTS_STREAM BAKER EMAIL REVEAL - The real truth of the #QANON Phenomenon

We have #walkaway, now it’s time for #QuittingQanon for those souls who’ve seen the light and abandoned the LARP

",1535160354,25/08/2018 01:25 9231106,4058938005,

Some people will believe anything and yes I agree Q IS NOT REAL

,1535162062,25/08/2018 01:54 9231106,4058962045,"

The ""unmasking"" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QAnon retardedness.

",1535164032,25/08/2018 02:27 9231106,4058968379,

I'd like to interview people who honestly believe QAnon writings.
It'd make great research.

,1535164553,25/08/2018 02:35 9231106,4058974436,

Interview with Q believer: Do you have evidence of this? She: Do you have non evidence of it?

,1535165034,25/08/2018 02:43 9230392,4059044277,"

Qanon conspirasist meets with PTrump in the Whitehouse...WWG1WGA. Winning.


",1535170256,25/08/2018 04:10 9230392,4059044665,"

Breitbart suppresses way more speech than Google daily. If you’re looking to buy tinfoil hats, message me. Also selling Q Anon hoodies.

",1535170286,25/08/2018 04:11 9230392,4059046332,"

Hey fool a Qanon fan met with Trump in the WH...

",1535170410,25/08/2018 04:13 9230392,4059048720,"

Learn more about sealed indictments here :

",1535170584,25/08/2018 04:16 9230392,4059060754,"

Trump in Oval Office Meets Promoter of QAnon Conspiracy Theory That Says Democrats Run Pedophile Cult

",1535171438,25/08/2018 04:30 9230392,4059132842,

Wall Street Wh0res love the IBM-Q. Not that Q. The Real Deal Q. These silly nerds are creepy the way the skulk around here at night. Run the heavy stuff when power is cheapest. These kids reek of Kind Bud and Chick-fil-a. My kind of people.

,1535176447,25/08/2018 05:54 9230392,4059151337,"

Well, say that you'll be mine
Well, say that you'll be mine,
Well, say that you'll be mine, baby all the time, Susie Q.

",1535177807,25/08/2018 06:16 9222970,4059184535,"

The troll/libtard/MSM Post Trump Derangement Syndrome has another flurry.
The longer this goes on the more I'm inclined to think that Qanon is the real deal.

",1535180116,25/08/2018 06:55 9230392,4059370446,"

It's the Q revolution, the cat is out of the bag.

Where we go all we go one!!! WWGAWG1

",1535192149,25/08/2018 10:15 9230392,4059392624,"

Have you ever noticed Democrats don’t have a PizzaGate, InfoWars, QAnon, or Benghazi?

It’s because Democrats deal with evidence, science, and truth.

Both parties are not the same. Let’s make America sane again.

Vote Blue in November.

",1535193335,25/08/2018 10:35 9230392,4059457995,

Don't forget Quick Anonymous anal probes inflicted on rural Trump voters aboard the alien mother ship. QAnon!

,1535196610,25/08/2018 11:30 9231883,4059481396,"

What does Q have to say about the storm? That's who we need to be understanding. Where is Q on this, we need his or her guidance

",1535197691,25/08/2018 11:48 9232798,4059481429,"

----- Brennan is a MOLE , and going to prison !
Brennan may well be the lead -- "" DESTABILIZATION OFFICER ""
It's what they do in every other country !!!!

Think Mirrors , "" Q ""

( if you're new to Q ... start here .... )

",1535197692,25/08/2018 11:48 9232792,4059494207,"

------ KID LOVE productions , Odd name huh Bill ?
Now put on your wizzard robe and RED shoes and prance away.

( if you're new to "" Q "" .... start here , )

",1535198270,25/08/2018 11:57 9232792,4059519115,"

---- If Q - anon is not real , why is there such a massive MSM wide effort to dismiss it all ..... instead of just ignoring it ?

",1535199393,25/08/2018 12:16 9232792,4059572855,

Saw that but everybody doesn’t know what that means. Q.

,1535201606,25/08/2018 12:53 9229687,4059574368,"

You think you are tough calling a former Marine Colonel (ret) a butt hole? Any time, any place Susie Q. You will find that your words will be knocked down you F-ing throat. But I could actually care less. You go on being a street sweeper or in the food service or housekeeping industries and I will do what I do.

",1535201670,25/08/2018 12:54 9230392,4059597462,

Havent you heard about that awful red tide? Its killed off more democrat votes than any potential blue wave. The interior of the country has been heavily affected for 2-3 years now. The coasts and big cities are next to go. All i can see is a sea of red. TRUMP RED! BOOM! Q! MAGA

,1535202658,25/08/2018 13:10 9230782,4059610036,"

Please, Personifying your hatred for our President and our country makes you the low I Q buffoon. Not us. Not the Americans who want MAGA

",1535203198,25/08/2018 13:19 9225853,4059615276,"

If not, someone have something on Session. He acts like he is blackmailed, but I hope Q is rigth.

",1535203413,25/08/2018 13:23 9228565,4059686400,

Your tin foil hat is on too tight. Q is Pam Colmen and his wife Radix.

,1535206306,25/08/2018 14:11 9225853,4059692935,

I did not get this from Q. I’m just hoping Sessions is play acting.

,1535206577,25/08/2018 14:16 9233485,4059781098,"

so WHY the cult red 'scarf' for hanging? And from a 'door knob'? How tall was Bourdain? You missed some data here, I think. Bourdain was thick with Clintons, who people have noticed over Clintons' long long public life, seem to be surrounded by dead bodies EVERYWHERE. People who watch Q anon KNOW the Clintons were deep in human trafficking, pedophilia, cult activity, adrenochrome ingestion, rape.

Two week ago Monday, Jenny Moore, retired police officer turned investigative reporter was....shock...found DEAD in a HOTEL ROOM! Why? She had interviewed with another reporter the RAPE victim of BILL CLINTON, when that victim was a young boy! Jenny went to the FBI with the information. Next thing, DEAD IN A HOTEL ROOM....and no prior history of depression.

",1535209984,25/08/2018 15:13 9228565,4059836226,"

Reading too much q-anon nonsense. Trump has no capability of running a checkers game, least of all a secret deception. He is raging because the walls are closing in as all his closest allies plea out. You all must know this game is slowly coming to an end...

",1535212195,25/08/2018 15:49 9232351,4059856535,"

That is exactly what's happening. The President is Q uite adept at what he does and far more intelligent than the enemy.


",1535213013,25/08/2018 16:03 9230914,4059870981,"

""Alex Jones and Q ""...chuckling....

",1535213609,25/08/2018 16:13 9233485,4059871135,

They’re going to be all exposed soon enough... trust the plan and start following Q..

,1535213615,25/08/2018 16:13 9233743,4059875299,"

---- David , it's a moral affront to be a Council on Foreign Relations SHILL and call yourself a ' journalist .'

Now , time to get back actual - INVESTIGATIVE reporting ..... by the fearsome "" Q ""

",1535213785,25/08/2018 16:16 9233485,4059878640,

You think? Is QAnon telling the truth? Were opium fields bombed in Afghanistan? Is Pizzagate true? How about Lolita Island?

,1535213923,25/08/2018 16:18 9225853,4059898014,"

Nice Try But FAIL !!!! Facts are Facts,
you are correct in one statement, I was NOT from Q It is Fact !
Thank you for playing though

",1535214695,25/08/2018 16:31 9228928,4059936601,

L G B T or Q ?

,1535216237,25/08/2018 16:57 9232378,4060029198,

QAnon is ridiculous. Everyone knows the Reps are pedos too.

,1535220025,25/08/2018 18:00 9228928,4060030102,"

No, Thank you so much for asking, I'm actually beside the point. In fact my point is We Are All American. Democrats are not your enemy. Democrats do not support deliberate cruelty or violence. We want a strong border, no MS13. We Don't want to get rid of the 2nd amendment.
Another purpose of mine is to encourage people to go out, make some Lib friends, eat some tacos, listen to music. You'll see We're just like you.
In addition, I express my concerns to all of the Oracle Q devotees, because, it's just weird, divisive, and dangerous. It's confusing people. So, respectfully, I point out that the Oracle Q is phony B.S. , quacked-out, crackpot fantasy and they are probably getting punked by some college guys in Berkley. I then remind them that Q also stands for QUEER, because it does...
Sometimes, I muse about the good old days when conservatives were the moral, smart, reasonable party of law and order. But now, they've been replaced by tinhat, Oracle Q, win-by-hook-or-by-crook, Maga's who hate American intelligence agencies? What happened?
Next, I remind every American: Hey, another country messed with our most sacred process in our democracy, elections. That matters, even if you liked the outcome. Look, Getting help from another country is just about the most unpatriotic thing a person can do. So, if it turns out that Donald Trump knew about or invited help from Russia, and if that is o.k. with you, then you will no longer be patriots of America. You will be the new Benedict Arnolds. All your American patriotism will fizzle off your lost souls. It seems like the Right loves winning more than they love America, I guess We'll just have to see.
Lastly, I often add this important point:
War is stupid. We are all American.
If you are even thinking of a fricken Civil War, dude, do us all a favor: go to the gym, work off some of that stupid aggression. Haven't we learned anything from our ancestors?

",1535220062,25/08/2018 18:01 9228928,4060050355,"

No, Dude, that's ridiculous & reactionary. The Oracle Q theories are confusing you. If Pence took over, that is not a coup. Stop trying to incite Civil War, are you crazy? We Are All American. Democrats are not your enemy. Democrats do not support deliberate cruelty or violence. We want a strong border, no MS13. We Don't want to get rid of the 2nd amendment.
Let me encourage you to go out, make some Lib friends, eat some tacos, listen to music. You'll see We're just like you.

And Dude, the conspiracy theories are just weird, divisive, and dangerous. So, respectfully, I point out that the Oracle Q is phony B.S. , quacked-out, crackpot fantasy and you are probably getting punked by some college guys in Berkley. You know, Q also stands for QUEER, because it does...
Sometimes, I miss the good old days when conservatives were the moral, smart, reasonable party of law and order. But now, they've been replaced by tinhat, Oracle Q, win-by-hook-or-by-crook, bloodthirsty, Maga's who hate American intelligence agencies? What happened? Why Don't they care that another country messed with our most sacred process in our democracy, elections. That matters, even if you liked the outcome. Look, Getting help from another country is just about the most unpatriotic thing a person can do. So, if it turns out that Donald Trump knew about or invited help from Russia, and if that is o.k. with you, then you will no longer be patriots of America. You will be the new Benedict Arnolds. All your American patriotism will fizzle off your lost souls. It seems like the Right loves winning more than they love America, I guess We'll just have to see who the traitors are.

War is stupid. We are all American.
If you are even thinking of a fricken Civil War, dude, do us all a favor: go to the gym, work off some of that stupid aggression. Haven't we learned anything from our ancestors? And you can take your macho warnings about blood on hands and kick rocks, and then go wash your hands.

",1535220979,25/08/2018 18:16 9230914,4060051288,"

I heard that if you have an I Q of 19 or more, you can't work for CNN...
I still think that's a little high!!!

",1535221019,25/08/2018 18:16 9232378,4060057408,"

After Sessions is fired, the Q fanatics will have plenty of time to ask themselves ""why was I such a suckered tool?""

",1535221293,25/08/2018 18:21 9232378,4060064530,"

You mean about Trump blistering Sessions every chance he gets, even though it invites some ""obstruction"" claims?

Anyone tethered to earth knows that Q is for mouthbreathers and gamers in mom's basement.

",1535221622,25/08/2018 18:27 9232378,4060090509,

OK! F - Q and all the rest. POTUS TRUMP can say what he wants when he wants!

,1535222692,25/08/2018 18:44 9228928,4060096986,"

Hey Tourguide, kick rocks.
Don't involve me in your sicko paranoid fantasies. Go Get your jollies elsewhere... It is abhorent that you diminish the seriousness of fricken pedophila!, just to get some upvotes.
Obviously, you've lost your mind, the Oracle Q is punking you, giving you phony B.S.conspiracy theories that are confusing you and making you project your deviant sexual ponderings onto other Americans. Its disgusting. You cannot call yourself a patriot if you believe this crap. Go check yourself. Turn yourself in. Do us all a favor, go take a nap.

",1535222956,25/08/2018 18:49 9228928,4060117093,"

Please Lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, take off the tin hat, you are confusing it with reality.

",1535223809,25/08/2018 19:03 9233830,4060145471,"

I think this can be summed up by the fact that trump had a Qanon kook in the Oval Office this week...that being said, yes they can f”@& right off

",1535225098,25/08/2018 19:24 9230152,4060191035,

If it sounds too good to be true...

(Keep that in mind about Q too.)

,1535227171,25/08/2018 19:59 9225853,4060214237,"

That is conjecture of some that analyze Q posts. Would not bet the ranch on this, what with Mueller ties to many on the Nazicrat hot seat. He is going after Trump associates with anything he can get because they are Trump associates. He is a reprobate and there are facts in his career in the FBI that make this clear. Actually reprobate is a compliment to him for what he really is.

",1535228326,25/08/2018 20:18 9233485,4060299742,"

You're heading in the right direction, Sean. I know what you're referring to with the opium poppies. The story goes that this is the reason that Pat Tillman was killed, 10 years back. That's the story that Michael Ruppert told me, a few years back.
However -- about 5 months ago, there was one of those QAnon 'dropped' rumors that the Trump administration had bombed a number of CIA operated opium fields in Afghanistan, about the same time that a Marine battalion was supposedly kept on stand-by to force the Langley headquarters to divulge certain documents, etc. It is impossible to truly know anymore what is true, and what is not, in this Age of Disinformation.

As for Pizzagate, Lolita Island, and the rest of it: the more you dig, the more you wish you hadn't. It truly hurts to come to the realization that good service has been put to the use of a bad agenda.

",1535233278,25/08/2018 21:41 9233830,4060317540,

He plays Spence on K of Q......not sure if he was on DC

,1535234476,25/08/2018 22:01 9228928,4060324081,"

Why are you even talking about a Civil war? Why are you being so reactionary & spreading lies? It doesn't help America's discorse. People are already confused enough by Oracle Q and his technicolor dreamcoat.
If Pence took over, that's not a coup.

Getting help from a foreign country to win an election is just about the most unpatriotic thing you can do, and grounds for impeachment. It should matter to every American that our elections were messed with by a foreign country!! If that's what happened, Trump & his supporters will no longer be able to call themselves patriots. They will be the new Benedict Arnolds of today. Democrats do not want a civil war. We condemn diliberate violence. We are all Americans.

",1535234930,25/08/2018 22:08 9233887,4060344623,"

That would be nice, but what evidence do you have that he's got the 33,000 deleted emails, without pointing to Qanon as your source?

",1535236326,25/08/2018 22:32 9228928,4060344731,"

Dude, a psycho shot up that baseball field, not a Democrat. We're not blaming the Florida shooter or the Texas church shooter on the Right, just because those guys were Republicans.
Hillary Clinton was not the best candidate but, hate to break it to you, she's not sick.
Maybe lay off all the conspiracy theories, they are dangerous. The Oracle Q is phony B.S. You are being punked.

",1535236334,25/08/2018 22:32 7820867,4060410817,

I want to see proof. McCain dies just a few days after Q post about the FISA documents to be revealed????

,1535240386,25/08/2018 23:39 7820867,4060413833,

McCain is faking death to avoid being indicted. Q and American patriots are watching.

,1535240574,25/08/2018 23:42 9235630,4060444206,"

A few days ago Q posted ""ShowTime"" and now McCain makes his departure?
I want to see proof McCain is dead.

",1535242555,26/08/2018 00:15 7820867,4060462603,

Will Q start calling him not breathing instead of no name now?

,1535243788,26/08/2018 00:36 7820867,4060489980,

What BS. Did Q tell you that? God you people are so weird to believe the crap that you do. No wonder you adore a criminal like Trump.

,1535245397,26/08/2018 01:03 7820867,4060515585,"

I would post them if BB allows you to post jpegs. You have to click on it otherwise:

",1535247185,26/08/2018 01:33 9234229,4060515762,"

Avenatti is a pedo demokkkrat and buffoon.

People settle out of court to save legal expenses and bad press, nothing illegal. In fact, Stormy eagerly signed an nda for cash.

And so did hatemonger Jeremiah Wright whom Obama paid to silence in 2008 election. Obama has a long list of buying silence, whereas the Clintons prefer arkancide method.

At least trump, spent his own money, whereas Obama spent campaign money.

Avenatti is in deep sheeet. Qanon posted his picture, which means his days are numbered.

",1535247199,26/08/2018 01:33 7820867,4060518262,"

Here is No name's legacy - meeting in Syria with the head of ISIS like they are old chums:

",1535247391,26/08/2018 01:36 9234229,4060546730,

Go suck a Q lol

,1535249589,26/08/2018 02:13 9225853,4060550237,"

You are confused. People reading Q posts got confused by someone else pushing the R thing and went off half baked. Just read the posts, re read the past ones. Paris accord, NK peace, gun control votes, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, tarrifs, the pope, escalations of pedo exposure.. much more told in advance by days or weeks. Alex Jones is a self absorbed blowhard that wraps his diatribes in a thin veneer of truth and deep state exposure and was misleading people from Q for profit. He needed to be set straight. Get it?

Think for yourself.

",1535249865,26/08/2018 02:17 7820867,4060574641,"

So, anyone else find it weird that McCain dies 9 years to the day as Teddy Kennedy?

Anyone else find it odd that exactly 1 month ago to the day, Q posts a picture of McCain with eyes closed and the phrase, ""No name returning to headlines""?

Oh, and the time stamp of Q's post is the same time as McCain's stated time of death????

",1535251799,26/08/2018 02:49 7820867,4060587667,"

McCain was one of the last decent members of what used to be the Republican Party before it became the party of ignorance, bigotry, xenophobia, neonazism, misogyny, theocracy-philes, and QAnon nutjobs.

He wasn't liberal by a stretch, not even a moderate (he voted for GOP, even Trump causes something like 82% of the time), but he was a decent human being who could have gotten my vote if he hadn't shared the ticket with the disastrous Sarah Palin.

Anyone dancing on his grave: they call it ""karma"" for a reason. Enjoy!


",1535252832,26/08/2018 03:07 7820867,4060712869,

Tell us all again about the Mueller witch hunt headquartered in a pedophile pizza restaurant. You are Q.

,1535262927,26/08/2018 05:55 7820867,4060812011,

Oh stop it. That is Q cultist nonsense.

For months they claimed that he wasn't really sick but was under some sort of house arrest. The deluded fools.

,1535270994,26/08/2018 08:09 7820867,4060813909,"

I beg to differ. I'm entitled to my opinion as you are entitled to your opinion. And, btw, I don't follow Q.

",1535271136,26/08/2018 08:12 7820867,4060924725,"

OK, Q fans. Your boy Sessions ...

""Attorney General Jeff Sessions is calling Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who died of brain cancer on Saturday at the age of 81, a 'great leader,' pointing to his courage, determination and 'relentless drive.' ”

",1535278249,26/08/2018 10:10 9228946,4060935274,"

So why doesn't the FCC yank the license of this sleazy outfit?

Simple: ""Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.""

(Q posts 1842 and 1794)

#qanon #greatawakening

",1535278858,26/08/2018 10:20 9235843,4060936207,"

Here is a photo hacked from McCain's Aide-de-camp's phone in Syria. Just to give you a sense of the dignitaries to expect at the funeral - it's McCain meeting with the head of ISIS, the head of a Syrian Terror group, the ISIS press officer, and the ""Syrian Emergency Task Force"" leader who lobbied for this hot mess on the Hill as ""Syrian Rebels"" the US government should be funding.

McTraitor died at a very convenient time - now that all of this is coming to light.

",1535278912,26/08/2018 10:21 7820867,4060962941,

Trump and Q are hundred of moves ahead you fool - the Dems are running as a joke only.

,1535280396,26/08/2018 10:46 9235612,4060986751,"

No Name funded ISIS secretly, and other terror groups in Syria to keep the war going to get paid by the MIC deep state that funded him and his ilk. Trump stopped the US funding both sides of our various wars. The MIC Deep State is furious. Their hired shills in the MSM have been screaming that Trump is going to take us to war ever since - lol - when the wars have all been averted that they invented and we spent every dime to pay for. McCain commandeered these conflicts illegally in Syria and Iraq for Obama.

This is all coming to light and his central role in the fraud dossier as well. McStain chose a convenient time to make his exit. What will his liberal pals say when the unredacted FISA warrants show McCain's name as a central coup plotter and hoax dossier creator and monger? Will they finally 'fess up that the wars they protested were false flags that Democrats and RINOs like McStain promoted for cash kickbacks from defense contractors?

",1535281604,26/08/2018 11:06 9235612,4060989519,"

Obama fomented a genocide in Syria and Iraq, and McCain made sure that ISIS and other Islamic terrorists had the cash, weapons, and aid to make it happen.

The war in Iraq and Syria under Obama was not only not honestly fought, it was a false flag to create a venue for contractors to make money, and sick career pols to get their quid pro quo. Too bad a million people died. Oh well. Obama didn't really care for Christians anyway and neither did McCain.

",1535281747,26/08/2018 11:09 7820867,4060993045,"

Is Q hinting he's not dead? back in June, of McCain, Q said, ""every dog has his day"" Today is the day McCain died, and today is National dog day???!!

",1535281929,26/08/2018 11:12 9235612,4060995582,"

Brace yourself for the screaming helplessly at the sky when the public release of the FISA warrants shows Rosenstein's signature and McCain's hallowed name front and center. You morons will look even more clueless, and that takes real work.

Here are some dignitaries to expect at McCain'f funeral, guys he worked with under Obama:

",1535282052,26/08/2018 11:14 9235612,4060996680,"

Brace yourself for the screaming helplessly at the sky when the public release of the FISA warrants shows Rosenstein's signature and McCain's hallowed name front and center. Dems will look even more clueless, and that takes real work.

Here are some dignitaries to expect at McCain'f funeral, guys he worked with under Obama:

",1535282103,26/08/2018 11:15 9228928,4061011615,

I hear the QAnon folks believe they are real.

,1535282752,26/08/2018 11:25 7820867,4061015884,"

Q seemed to know When John McCain was going to ""die"". On June 25th, one month ago, Q posted ""No Name returning to headlines"" on this date.

at 6:15 EST, McCain died or 4:15 MST which is the same as 6:15 EST. Q post #1706

Q also posted a month ago regarding McCain that ""every dog has his day"" today the day of his ""death"" is National dog day

",1535282957,26/08/2018 11:29 9235612,4061025631,"

Hollyweird is in good company. Here are the other dignitaries mourning McNoname today:

They're the head of ISIS, a Syrian terrorist, the head of the ISIS press office, and a lobbyist on the Hill for Syrian ""relief"" money. Looks like we know where all of McNoname's ""relief and aid"" for Syria went. Let's hope none of it makes its way back into the US to attack us. These people are sick.

",1535283402,26/08/2018 11:36 9228928,4061036768,"

Since I don't know what a QAnon is, I can neither confirm nor deny. I DO know that anyone who thinks that the DemocRats 👿 are going to take the House also believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. But then, those poor folks scream at the sky and howl at the moon a lot too, so...

",1535283931,26/08/2018 11:45 7820867,4061042507,

But ..... but .... Q is not real .... ( thats why so many MSM are trying hard to get people to NOT read him ... asking the tough questions )

,1535284194,26/08/2018 11:49 9233887,4061060206,

Yeah how's her investigation going? Getting a lot of indictments and pleas in her cases? Oh that's right it's Donnie who is having his friends and associated locked up. You're a loser. Keep believing what Q tells you to believe. Idiot. You can't tell an actual conspiracy from a left wing prankster who sends y'all on goose chases looking for pedo rings. Jesus you people are pathetically stupid.

,1535284989,26/08/2018 12:03 7820867,4061083470,"

Q is a joke,. Give it up. It's really amazing to predict someone dying from a. brain tumor. Q predicated Hillary, Obama, would be arrested too. LOL

",1535286031,26/08/2018 12:20 9233887,4061098469,

Yeah? When does Q say she's getting indicted or arrested? Can't wait for you to be on your deathbed expecting her imminent arrest. Jesus you're a fool.

,1535286705,26/08/2018 12:31 7820867,4061107709,

You are delusional. Q is Colman and his grand larceny theft wife Radix. Go back to those nut jobs at Patriots Shitbox.

,1535287115,26/08/2018 12:38 7820867,4061175102,

Who (or what) is Q?

,1535289962,26/08/2018 13:26 9235855,4061178044,

Unless there is an open casket I'll be concerned that his death is faked. Q told us that McCain was faking brain cancer. Then dying one day after stopping treatment sounds rather fishy. His treachery needs to be fully exposed whether he's actually dead or alive in Gitmo under some deal.

,1535290082,26/08/2018 13:28 9236938,4061223507,"

"" Put on your RED SHOES and Dance the Blues "" ---- "" Q "" knows.
Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.

",1535291932,26/08/2018 13:58 9236938,4061258560,"

This Q bullshit is a retarded psyop to push neoconservativism on ""deplorable"" guys.

",1535293346,26/08/2018 14:22 9236938,4061263587,"

Enjoy the show , BIG week ahead !

We Are One. -- #QANON

",1535293540,26/08/2018 14:25 9236938,4061293356,"

No, I’m famously heterosexual, but Q is Queer.

",1535294701,26/08/2018 14:45 9237202,4061304829,"

McNoname is treated reverently by ISIS, who he was great chums with as this photo shows:

",1535295140,26/08/2018 14:52 9237202,4061307287,"

McTraitor sold arms as aid to Syrian terrorists and ISIS while misrepresenting this as USAID and legal relief to refugees. I always wondered if Assad did not poison him and would not blame Assad if he did.

",1535295234,26/08/2018 14:53 9237202,4061311115,"

That will make sense when the dossier comes out:

",1535295378,26/08/2018 14:56 9237202,4061320566,"

When all the exploits of McCain funding ISIS and Syrian terror groups hit the MSM then that will vindicate Trump - McCain was a traitor who got captured and immediately cooperated with the Viet Cong. Nixon had to pardon him for treason. This is the liberal hero, lol.

",1535295701,26/08/2018 15:01 9237202,4061321513,"

When all the exploits of McCain funding ISIS and Syrian terror groups hit the MSM then that will vindicate Trump - McCain was a traitor who got captured and immediately cooperated with the Viet Cong. Nixon had to pardon him for treason. This is the liberal hero, lol.

Not surprised he is revered by Jake Fapper.

",1535295740,26/08/2018 15:02 9237202,4061325896,"

McCain was an operative for the Deep State in funding their false flag wars, entiredly contrived wars that the US deep state defrauded the taxpayer in order to fund both sides so the MIC could get rich and pols get kickbacks.

Proof? Here is McNoname with the head of ISIS and other terrorists, like old college chums:

",1535295919,26/08/2018 15:05 9237565,4061379062,

Sessions is the Deep State. That is the only bad pick of Trump. He choose a Deep State member for the DOJ. All his other picks have been the best people. But Sessions is with Q and the Deep State.

,1535297870,26/08/2018 15:37 9204754,4061460935,"

Thousands of years later, the genetically regressed R0 dna awhite Asian Caucasian Saudi, with slant eyed, dagger nosed, yellow-skinned Q dna mulatto Mongol admixture invaded.

Like their R1b1a dna white Asian Caucasian Eberite Hebrew relatives, the R0 / Q dna mulatto Mongol Saudi raped, robbed, murdered, enslaved, and stole the land from the original Matriarchal M48 dna Black Aurabs

Their leader then attached his name to the original Matriarchal Black Auraba.

And wham! Just like that, Saudi (white) Arabia was born.

",1535301036,26/08/2018 16:30 9237565,4061477276,

Only Qnozzles believe that tripe.

,1535301618,26/08/2018 16:40 9204754,4061479611,"

Hundreds of years later, around 570-571 A.D., a fellow R0 / Q dna mulatto Mongol named Mohammed was born.

Around 609 A.D. he claimed to hav received the correction of the Eberite Hebrew's Torah.

And so, along with a Black Egyptian Priest named Bilal, they compiled wut they called the Quaran or Koran.

Its followers were to be called Muslims or Moslems.

A short time later, these Asiatic:


Muslims / Moslems invaded Black Land.

This is where u picked up the story. So u know the rest of the tale.

",1535301702,26/08/2018 16:41 9237565,4061490756,"

The deep state uses a variety of disinformation sources such as Q. The establishment networks take the approach that Trump is a crook and must be removed. That is one form of disinformation. Another form is what we see in Q, CTH, ... that people we know to be conspirators (Sessions, Rosenstein, ...) are actually good guys and will save the day. It's clever. They have nothing to support their fables, and they change their stories with each event in order to continue to fool their readers.

",1535302119,26/08/2018 16:48 9237565,4061556749,

Why would a cartoonist have Q level security clearance? Then again Q is a joke so maybe.

,1535304645,26/08/2018 17:30 9238090,4061558532,

Some Qanon fan.

,1535304707,26/08/2018 17:31 9237565,4061567972,"

No, Q is deep state psyop personnel, like those embedded at CNN a year prior to 9\11\2001.

",1535305049,26/08/2018 17:37 9238090,4061571912,

Grateful to Q for his messages!

,1535305188,26/08/2018 17:39 9237565,4061572809,

I thought Q was a source for the conspiracy theorists.

,1535305219,26/08/2018 17:40 9238090,4061576683,

You've seen the pic... the guy holding the giant Q. Where is he...?

,1535305356,26/08/2018 17:42 9228928,4061578592,"

You don't rig an election and then lose an election. Your ""insurance policy"" theory is laughable cuz if she was so sure she was going to win, she wouldn't need some Russian dossier to impune Trump after the election. Democrats condemn what happened on that baseball field. If you Don't want to be blamed for the Oklahoma bombing and the Mother of all tragedies, 9/11, then you better stop pointing the finger because there are plenty of conspiracy theories that say Bush knew it was going to happen. If Obama said anything about Russia meddaling, you guys would've had a cow. He was mocked for day I g what he did to Putin.
And speaking of conspiracy theories, the Oracle Q is the most phony B.S. out there. You should be embarrassed that the Right has turned into paranoid tin hats who cannot accept the truth even when it is staring them in the face. And yes, you're definetly being punked. The liberal websites say that Q is a bunch of grad students from Berkley, working on their Sociology PhDs. And they point out that Q also stands for QUEER, because it does.
As for my long-winded responses, sorry if I Don't speak in catchy sound bites, or just call people names to make my point. Despite your paranoid musings, I Don't have a troll master. I am more like an independent wood nymph who is interested in both sides.

",1535305425,26/08/2018 17:43 7820867,4061695209,

LOL! You don't read Q do you? Q has a cell phone photo of enemy terrorists and McCain having a strategy session.

,1535309835,26/08/2018 18:57 9237565,4061696136,"

I do not entirely agree, but this makes more sense than the euphoric fantasies of Q.

",1535309870,26/08/2018 18:57 9238090,4061703128,

Must have been Q.

,1535310144,26/08/2018 19:02 7820867,4061728403,"

Hope PTrump releases those 20 pages of the dossier to take down Comey, McCabe, Strzok send to Gitmo. Show what a RAT McCain was to his own Country...a TRAITOR. Q posts ""suicide"" weekend. Oh how SWEET!

",1535311193,26/08/2018 19:19 9238312,4061886632,"

Please Lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theory, Mike Pence is not a coup.

",1535318389,26/08/2018 21:19 9238312,4061892080,"

I am also a proud member. The Oracle Q is phony BS, you know that, right? You are being punked. Nobody thinks you're a peasant. Nobody wants to kill you. Democrats are not the enemy. We are all American.

",1535318728,26/08/2018 21:25 9238312,4061909641,


,1535319816,26/08/2018 21:43 9238312,4061912689,

NEW Q....McCain photo with hands up....Suicide Weekend?...big week coming up

,1535320011,26/08/2018 21:46 9238312,4061913170,"

I'm confused. Explain. I know a bit about Q, but the rest, no.

",1535320042,26/08/2018 21:47 9238312,4061932134,


,1535321266,26/08/2018 22:07 9238312,4061934104,"

Because if celebs actually protested what's going on in Chicago, you guys would be yapping about it here. Blaming Hollywood for a shooting in Florida or Chicago is stupid, and you know it. Read the 3000 comments below. You guys are pedaling lies. You Don't even care what you say anymore. The Oracle Q conspiracy theories have confused you. You are being punked.

",1535321397,26/08/2018 22:09 9238312,4061940652,

NEW Q POST. Suicide weekend?
Hands up?
We are in control.
BIG week ahead.

,1535321820,26/08/2018 22:17 9238312,4061960117,

Deep dish pizza gate! Q!

,1535323070,26/08/2018 22:37 9238312,4061967603,

Why are you making tragic killings political?Should we blame today's shooting on Trump? What is wrong with you people? We have hardly been utterly silent on black slaughter...what are you talking about? the Oracle Q is making you all very confused. The Right is not making sense anymore.

,1535323542,26/08/2018 22:45 9238312,4061969387,

Huh...nothing in my comment about Q and guess you cant read either and we are all Americans interesting when Dems choose Socialist ideology not for the betterment of the Republic but for control and we are Not all Americans..go back to CNN for new talking points..

,1535323662,26/08/2018 22:47 9238090,4061969966,"

Let me guess, Q predicted this LOL

",1535323700,26/08/2018 22:48 9238312,4061978394,"

Dude, the Oracle Q has made the Right totally bonkers and bloodthirsty. For my differing opinions on Trump, I get called a pedophile every other day. I would never joke about fricken pedophilia. I get warned about another civil war, daily. I get called an idiot and so much worse every single day. My only message is: Democrats are not your enemy. We are all American. War is not the answer.
I'm sorry if you had a bad experience on a liberal comments section, please try again.

",1535324270,26/08/2018 22:57 9228928,4061981692,"

Nobody is demanding resistance. Why are you spreading lies? Just because the Right watches the Oracle Q on YouTube, it doesn't mean the other half of America is equally delusional.

",1535324491,26/08/2018 23:01 9237565,4062014087,

Follow Q and SerialBrain2 to see how far above the rest of us he really is

,1535326717,26/08/2018 23:38 9237565,4062040122,"

",1535328548,27/08/2018 00:09 9238672,4062045039,"

its a dig at Q followers, last year, he kept posting ""trust sessions"" I think everyone knows that wasn't a good plan.

",1535328899,27/08/2018 00:14 9238672,4062054298, sit back and watch trump fizzle because all he does is whine on twitter instaed of taking action....wake up Q tard

,1535329592,27/08/2018 00:26 9238708,4062055205,"

Hey fellow Breitbarters. All these Qanon people are claiming that McCain isn’t dead but in Gitmo. Should I take these people seriously, or does it matter... hell in Gitmo or hell in the grave?

",1535329657,27/08/2018 00:27 9238672,4062058201,

The seventeenth letter of the alphabet is Q!

,1535329871,27/08/2018 00:31 9238708,4062066351,"

17. Get used to the number. You'll be seeing it a lot.

17 = Q, 17th letter of alphabet.

",1535330473,27/08/2018 00:41 9238672,4062067312,

You voted for that muslim I never did.

,1535330544,27/08/2018 00:42 9235738,4062068910,

McCain was a traitor to our country and the Republican Party. #qanon

,1535330662,27/08/2018 00:44 9238090,4062074999,"

This dumb ""Q"" is a Kaiser Soze t-shirt vending machine-- is it any surprise the Q is a money grab? Don't waste your time researching Q-Anon. You'll never get that time back in your life. So dumb.

",1535331115,27/08/2018 00:51 9238090,4062078099,"

You think it's too late? With all faith gone in our Earthly institutions-- the need for ""Q"" is strong. But it's baby-talk. Any talk of Q furthers no useful conversation.

",1535331334,27/08/2018 00:55 9238090,4062080794,"

LOL! If someone solves the multi-exponential quatrain, do they get a free giant Q sign?

",1535331535,27/08/2018 00:58 9238090,4062082172,

Who knows how to reach the guy holding up the giant Q? LOL!

,1535331637,27/08/2018 01:00 9235144,4062084604,

Who's got the giant Q? Anyone seen the giant Q sign?

,1535331820,27/08/2018 01:03 9238672,4062084830,

not that im a Q fan..
but you do realize that Hillary is a dried up tw@t representing her followers. right?

,1535331836,27/08/2018 01:03 9238090,4062086124,"

Those chili bowl haircuts are left over brain scramblers from MK Ultra... Q anon predicted this... LOL!!

But seriously, what's up with mass shooters with Yiddish surnames and chili bowl haircuts?

",1535331935,27/08/2018 01:05 9235144,4062089463,

Challenge for the Q-Anon:

Quick challenge here for Q-taint sniffers: Do something really clever with the following key information conveyed below. (swarm bot marking this post for auto-removal doesn't count.. be original. Be thoughtful... watch for honey ... you already know it's sticky as hell) ... :-D

01000110 01110101 01101000 00101101 01010001 00100001

,1535332196,27/08/2018 01:09 9228928,4062092959,

The Oracle Q.?...WTF??
Is Q your boyfriend???
Is Q some pet name
for his orifice?

Are you the pitcher or
the catcher?

,1535332456,27/08/2018 01:14 9238708,4062093131,

17 = Q. No Coincidences folks. Enjoy the Show. Big Week Ahead.

,1535332470,27/08/2018 01:14 9238765,4062096396,"

Remember when Liberals looked so dumb howling at the sky...? Today if you hold a giant Q and howl at the sky, you have mystique.


",1535332720,27/08/2018 01:18 9238765,4062099535,

Destroy the democRAT party
No deals

,1535332969,27/08/2018 01:22 9238672,4062100355,

Where's the guy with the giant Q?

Can you dispatch him over to booth 420 please? This team has an emerging crisis of scant OG Kush supply... Still ~15K lines of code to finish by Shanghai noon Monday. (won't happen). Thanks.

,1535333034,27/08/2018 01:23 9238672,4062106312,"

Hello, Q-Anon customer service hotline...?

Yes, I've lost faith in my leadership at church, and with my local, state, and federal officials, with my CEO at work, with my kids' coaches, with some of my friends, and with my relationship with my ""fellow citizens"" -- it all feels strained. Everything I have around me seems insecure...

Can I order a giant Q-sign and the Q-Anon Propaganda Belief Packet (QAPBP) to help me believe the Unknown and Powerful can save me in my time?

",1535333539,27/08/2018 01:32 9238672,4062108503,

He's working now to create more giant Q?

,1535333718,27/08/2018 01:35 9238672,4062111802,"

Talk is cheap. Q could be a great psyop to relieve a little pressure so Patriots dont engage the violent blm, antifa, illegals and other leftists. Without a little meat, Q may just lull the right into believing the plan instead of taking action themselves. Get off the couch and vote.

",1535333992,27/08/2018 01:39 9238672,4062117028,

Huber....Huber? (What do you think about that theory Q mentions?)

,1535334427,27/08/2018 01:47 9238672,4062117360,

That’s what Q eludes to....

,1535334453,27/08/2018 01:47 9238672,4062139877,

No.. (just Q and other anons who seem to know what’s going on). I hope they are correct...

,1535336392,27/08/2018 02:19 9238672,4062141361,

I follow Prayin Medic’s interpretations and Q research

,1535336518,27/08/2018 02:21 9238312,4062151733,"

Raising Hell, I mentioned the Oracle Q because of your words. If you really think Democrats are not Americans, you are experiencing a delusion, probably brought on by reading too many conspiracy theories. If you follow Q, you are being punked. In the real world, Democrats are not your enemy. You don't own patriotism. Everyone on the left loves America and we want it to be a better place. You can't love America if you hate half of America. Also, we pay our fricken taxes too, you don't own America. War is not the answer.

",1535337404,27/08/2018 02:36 9228928,4062162580,"

P.S. The Oracle Q is my husband, and I'm a man.

",1535338342,27/08/2018 02:52 9238090,4062164600,

06-29-2018 08:23:24 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:c545bc No.1946309

Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?
Openly giving interviews or in background shots?
Symbolism will be their downfall.


,1535338506,27/08/2018 02:55 9238090,4062167919,

There will be a LOT going on politically in the coming week. Those of the Q board are way ahead of what is going on even on alt. media sites although most are now reporting on Q. GO to reddit. Search under The Great Awakening. The board you are after has the letter Q in flames.

,1535338774,27/08/2018 02:59 9238672,4062181403,"

Anybody recall the Zimmermann Telegram of 1917? It's where the Brits intercepted a telegram from Germany to Mexico. Germany wanted a military alliance between Mexico & it if the US entered WW1 so they could invade the US via Mexico. Germany promised to fund it & give Mexico Texas, Arizona, & New Mexico. This telegram was the ultimate reason the US entered WW1.... ANYWAY... Q indicated that there are countries out there who would LOVE to seize the US via Mexico... but they have to disarm its citizens 1st. As Q said...

""... Would you invade a country whereby a good portion of its citizens are armed? The 'ultimate deterrent'."" Q

That's another reason the globalists on the left - who sold America out - don't want a wall & want to take our guns away. Trump is smart enough to know it's more than illegal immigration that we need that wall between the US & Mexico... & why we need to protect the 2A at ALL costs. Our enemies abound all around us... even amongst us.

",1535339854,27/08/2018 03:17 9238708,4062193634,"

Will the Honeys cling to their Q-anon throw-blanket (and matching picnic basket set) as a tier-1 coping mechanism for when they're crushed, without mercy of any kind whatsoever, in the November elections?

",1535340770,27/08/2018 03:32 9238765,4062211647,"

With all due respect , you are wrong. Democrats love America, just like you. If you think the Left is planning a coup, then you should probably lay off all those Oracle Q conspiracy theories because its confusing you. Stop spreading lies.
Less Infowars, More INFO.

",1535342108,27/08/2018 03:55 9238672,4062269968,

In that Q is right! LOL

,1535346261,27/08/2018 05:04 9238708,4062290132,

17th letter of the alphabet is Q...

,1535347682,27/08/2018 05:28 9238090,4062425911,

Let me guess Q told you Hogg who was there and is a victim was not there and not a victim? LOL

,1535356750,27/08/2018 07:59 9238672,4062478995,

Deplorable challenge of the day:

Please come up with a whacky conspiracy theory that trumps Q by the end of the day.


,1535359928,27/08/2018 08:52 9238672,4062489773,"

Nope, the knuckle dragging morons in MAGA hats that think Q is a thing make me facepalm.

",1535360552,27/08/2018 09:02 9238708,4062513370,"

30 days prior to McCains death, Q posted a photo of him along with the number 30 and the line ""every dog has his day"". He died on National Dog Day. Just sayin.

",1535361837,27/08/2018 09:23 9237286,4062523443,"

AND our GREATEST PRESIDENT did this without any prompting.. remember Q E in UK? it took almost riot in UK to get her to lower flags for Diana. President Trump did exactly as he should. What's going to FROST McCain advocates (the 3 or 4 of them) is that McCain couldn't hurt this man who beat him in every way, even after death with his more than RUDE and unPATRIOTIC and disgusting ""un-invite"" ... Wonder just how many people are really going to be filing by this guy's coffin in AZ or in DC ?

",1535362360,27/08/2018 09:32 9238312,4062525529,"

Q Post from yesterday morning at 1038 est.

",1535362463,27/08/2018 09:34 9238708,4062533668,"

Here is McCain meeting with some of the dignitaries who did honor him after he died:

The head of ISIS, the press officer of ISIS, a known Syrian terrorist. Look at McCain smiling like they are all old chums. McCain was meeting with them in Syria to give them US aid under Obama - yes, illegal.

",1535362861,27/08/2018 09:41 9238708,4062555502,"

Here is McFucker meeting with the HEAD OF ISIS. McShame needs to be buried in a garbage dump, not Annapolis.

",1535363913,27/08/2018 09:58 9238672,4062557615,"

You have to think Q has something big planned for midterms. With all the bullets saved up, he'd be stupid not let a few fly to keep control of Washington.

",1535364012,27/08/2018 10:00 9238672,4062579590,

Trump is a VERY savvy guy. I'm depending on him to know exactly what's going on here and prepare accordingly.


,1535365031,27/08/2018 10:17 8743877,4062647826,"

It's the only reasonable way to read the tweet. PizzaGate, InfoWars, QAnon all refer to crazy rabid right conspiracy theories. So did Benghazi.

",1535367942,27/08/2018 11:05 9240034,4062676480,

Liberals howl at the sky and they're idiots. When Q-anon supporters hold a giant Q and howl at the sky... they're patriots...

,1535369056,27/08/2018 11:24 9239026,4062680478,"

Law professor Jonathan Turley explained why Sessions choosing Huber instead of simply appointing a second special prosecutor was a brilliant move. I'm not a lawyer but his explanation seemed quite sound.

Lastly, if you're not aware of Qanon, or if you think it's too cryptic to follow, check out this community on reddit. It might give you some hope. I'm off to bed.

",1535369211,27/08/2018 11:26 9240346,4062843694,"

Sports ""journo"" interviewing superstar sports figure ... and asks Q re SJW politics

And these clowns wonder why we despise the MSM as Fake News peddlers


",1535374792,27/08/2018 12:59 9240370,4062856174,

Qanon is reals!!1!

,1535375221,27/08/2018 13:07 9238282,4062928887,


,1535377595,27/08/2018 13:46 9240547,4063001570,

McCain was a traitor. They had the goods on him. He faked brain cancer and conmitted suicide to save face. Q told us as much. He deserves no honor.

,1535379936,27/08/2018 14:25 9238090,4063025306,

They want so bad for it to be a white guy in a MAGA hat (or even better a MAGA hat with a Q t-shirt) that I have no doubt that we will see some scripted incident soon that fits this scenario

,1535380698,27/08/2018 14:38 7820867,4063058372,"

You all should really be ashamed for the 4000 comments written below. McCain was an American hero. The Right are traitors, read all about it below. What the Hell happened to the reasonable, moral, fiscally responsible conservatives? You replaced them with tinhat, paranoid, bloodthirsty Oracle Q devotees who hate American intelligence? God help us all.

",1535381731,27/08/2018 14:55 9240547,4063082158,"

McCain knew what was coming, so he took a other explanation for his demise and the Q postings.

Committee of 300 and the Vatican..........same offer will be presented to them.

GOOD v EVIL...........................only GOOD can conquer evil.

Leo Zagami, Fiona Barnett, Kevin Annett, David Zublick, Liz Crokin, McAllister TV....................tell the truth. Victims with similar accounts.

Those who torture children before consuming them, deserve a special place in hades.

",1535382507,27/08/2018 15:08 9241075,4063111389,

The place for thinkers.
And Patriots.

,1535383469,27/08/2018 15:24 7820867,4063205328,"

We love, respect, and appreciate the military. We just think War is not the answer. Democrats condemn deliberate cruelty or violence. We are disgusted with your co-patriots that talk about another Civil War. Our ancestors did not die in faraway, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of bloodthirsty, Oracle Q devotees to make blood on the streets of America. The Right doesn't own patriotism, and they are losing their grasp on reality daily, read about it in the 33,000 comments below.

",1535386484,27/08/2018 16:14 9241075,4063222888,"

I dont believe in conspiracy theories like pizzagate, qanon or border walls

",1535387078,27/08/2018 16:24 9240244,4063292108,"

Who's THEY, Allen?
THEY are going to soon pay the piper.
Power back to We The People.

",1535389268,27/08/2018 17:01 9241075,4063300434,"

Donald Trump can win a game of Scrabble even when the only letters left are Q, X and Z

",1535389556,27/08/2018 17:05 9238312,4063352305,"

Ask yourself, which letter of the alphabet is Q?

Mirror is something Q drops have pointed to, and so is this date of this happening, long prior to it. Think half staff and NOT.

What is the penalty for treason again?

There is a tremendous amount of things going on, things that are changing this nation, and folks are literally oblivious.

For those late to the Q party, and don't want to play chans, FreeRepublic has a good set of Q resources put together. Go there and search Q, pick any of the peo Q threads and there is a treasure trove of links, and conversations, at your fingertips.

",1535391285,27/08/2018 17:34 9241804,4063386740,

Because they are idiots and Q told them it was McCain lol

,1535392424,27/08/2018 17:53 9236938,4063510966,"

Even AJ is talking about this scenario... even after disavowing Q so publicly. I believe the public needs to know everything, maybe not all at once, but slow enough that they can absorb it. The zombies will go nuts, but we have the FEMA camps, Obama built for us.

",1535396625,27/08/2018 19:03 9241804,4063544740,

I think there are subtle references to things that are yet to be revealed.


,1535397928,27/08/2018 19:25 9241651,4063557018,"

At age 78, Leahy is another of the Rat Party fossils acting as if they know anything. After McShame, we will now have Rat members start to pass one by one. We could almost start a raffle, sort of like the NCAA final four. Match them up and make your choice. For example, who goes first: Triple Lips Maxine Waters (turned 80 last week) or Dianne Feinstein (85)? Ruth Bader Ginshu (85) or Alcee Hastings (FL age 82 originally impeached/convicted as a Federal Judge)? How about Nan Piglosi (75) versus Bernard Q Sanders (76)... there are many more from Biden to Pocahontas and even the Hildebeast. Watching Pickles Clinton falter and get thrown into her Scooby Van does not make for a long and health filled political career with all its toil.

Karma told me he is open to any ideas and ALL surprises.

",1535398409,27/08/2018 19:33 9242737,4063593919,

Yep. The Grim Reaper.... and Q. Did you see his last post?

,1535399892,27/08/2018 19:58 9242737,4063600754,"

Also, I saw the time stamp when he ""died"" is exactly the same as a Q post from last April with McCain's picture being taken with terrorists.

",1535400175,27/08/2018 20:02 9238312,4063606749,"

So, supposedly, the establishment is staging a coup but, since Trump is so restrained, nothing has been done? You are saying that Trump is just being cautious because he doesn't want to rattle these powerful but secret deep staters. And Sessions doesn't want to prosecute these evil pencil pushers? Sounds weird.
Lastly, I am offended that the Right is even talking about a Civil War, you should be too. Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places while protecting America from battle on her shores, just for the bloodthirsty, Oracle Q devotees to make blood in the streets. The Right is looking less and less patriotic everyday when they talk about another Civil War. War is not the answer.

",1535400440,27/08/2018 20:07 9240745,4063623412,

Lol. You are living in a fantasy world. Duped by the Qanon hoax I presume?

,1535401181,27/08/2018 20:19 9242737,4063623515,"

Yep! To the second! Q even said that he would be ""dying"" at this exact time...adding in the post that ""Every Dog Has His Day"". I would love to get a peak inside of that casket!

",1535401185,27/08/2018 20:19 9241804,4063641891,"

QAnon MEMEs [No Name McCain] Special

",1535401995,27/08/2018 20:33 9241804,4063653199,

Did Q tell you that?

,1535402530,27/08/2018 20:42 9241804,4063654998,

and neither did McCain. You shouldn't get your conspiracy theories from Qanon

,1535402613,27/08/2018 20:43 9241804,4063663247,

Never listened to Q myself.

,1535403014,27/08/2018 20:50 9241804,4063700881,"

When you've become the party of drug-addled losers showing up to rallies hawking conspiracy theories and worshiping a made-up internet persona called ""QAnon"", you might of lost the thread....

",1535404879,27/08/2018 21:21 9241804,4063708988,"

qanon is the sign of a desperate, lost movement retreating into a pathological state of denial

",1535405295,27/08/2018 21:28 9241804,4063712007,

QANON is selling the identity of everybody who has accessed them to a nationwide network of con men as the best self selecting group of the most gullible suckers and marks in north america

,1535405447,27/08/2018 21:30 9241804,4063720591,"

yet you’re gullible enough to believe trump, hannity, and qanon

that’s major league gullible

",1535405890,27/08/2018 21:38 9241804,4063721211,"

Theo, just read the 4000 comments below and then tell me who is more principled. Do the kooky Oracle Q followers among you sound virtuous & moral to You? Not to me.

",1535405922,27/08/2018 21:38 9241804,4063747853,

Is that what Q told you?

,1535407412,27/08/2018 22:03 9240334,4063758024,"

---- MSM - Pedowood has been doing this for years , a subtle attempt to marginalize "" WE The People "" and make us THINK we are isolated. But that time is passed ... The # GREAT AWAKENING is here , now.

They want us Divided -- Reject their bait.

One man wakes, awakens another
Second one wakes his next door brother
Three awake can rouse a town
And turn the whole place upside down
Many awake will cause such a fuss
It finally awakes all of us
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes
Surely then it multiplies

Surely then it multiplies

Q - Anon was here ! ..... I am Q .... YOU are Q.

",1535407953,27/08/2018 22:12 9241804,4063766778,"

McCain was offered a chance.............take a pill, or a firing squad.

That is the only way Q knew........cheers.

",1535408410,27/08/2018 22:20 9241915,4063783201,"

----- One man wakes, awakens another
Second one wakes his next door brother
Three awake can rouse a town
And turn the whole place upside down
Many awake will cause such a fuss
It finally awakes all of us
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes
Surely then it multiplies

Surely then it multiplies

Q - Anon was here ! ..... I am Q .... YOU are Q.

",1535409271,27/08/2018 22:34 9241915,4063791217,


,1535409708,27/08/2018 22:41 9241915,4063804114,

Maybe Munro is Q....or Sundance....

,1535410421,27/08/2018 22:53 9241249,4063816145,"

----- Look at all the Pro-Made SOROS paid signs , New.

Remember .... they need us DIVIDED , it's their # 1 Tool.

* * * One man wakes, awakens another...
Second one wakes his next door brother...
Three awake can rouse a town...
And turn the whole place upside down,,,
Many awake will cause such a fuss...
It finally awakens all of us...
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes...
Surely then it multiplies...
Surely then it multiplies...

Q - Anon was here ! ..... I am Q .... YOU are Q.

",1535411070,27/08/2018 23:04 9241915,4063816335,"

I never mentioned Q. I mentioned facts. Factual things that happened. Liberals BEGGING, having PETITIONS to have their precious pedo James Gunn back directing Guardians of the Galaxy III

",1535411080,27/08/2018 23:04 9240172,4063817437,

Putting the title into DuckDuckGo gave me the video as the first URL. Going to the video on youtube I found the first related video to be on Q-Anon and further down three other Ann Coulter videos and a bunch of others related to Manafort and Cohen.

,1535411139,27/08/2018 23:05 9241915,4063821270,"

The QAnon Song:

I like it :)

",1535411346,27/08/2018 23:09 9240664,4063833024,"

Another fail/crash upon the lighthouse ROCKS of the Trump LIGHTHOUSE!!


""These people are stupid.""

-- Q.

",1535412003,27/08/2018 23:20 9241249,4063837603,"

Today Q pointed us to this article:

""Then says this:
Who is systematically arranging the leaks to select individuals?
Why is this important [to drop] prior to BO testimony?

I think that means Bruce Ohr.

",1535412266,27/08/2018 23:24 9241249,4063840047,"

A group of people. Trump gives us a hint in the beginning.

Military folk are included for sure.

Fastest link I can provide with the info is the Q Song, but it is mentioned within the first 20 seconds.

",1535412402,27/08/2018 23:26 9241249,4063854832,"

Nothing could be cringier than one of Trump’s rallies. It was bad enough when it was just fat ugly white people, but the QAnon morons really helped cement you folks as the laughing stock of America.

",1535413243,27/08/2018 23:40 9241249,4063857945,"

Sure thing, good luck with the pizzagate, Qanon, deepstate.

I’m sure you’ll be vindicated any day now, roflmao 😘

",1535413421,27/08/2018 23:43 9241249,4063871921,"

.Look at all the Pro-Made SOROS , paid signs , New.

Remember .... they need us DIVIDED , it's their # 1 Tool.

* * * One man wakes, awakens another...
Second one wakes his next door brother...
Three awake can rouse a town...
And turn the whole place upside down,,,
Many awake will cause such a fuss...
It finally awakens all of us...
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes...
Surely then it multiplies.......Surely then it multiplies...

Q - Anon was here ! ..... I am Q .... YOU are Q.

",1535414243,27/08/2018 23:57 9241249,4063872682,

I'm going to laugh when Q is Sacha Baren Cohen.

,1535414289,27/08/2018 23:58 9241249,4063874757,"

'Look at all the Pro-Made SOROS paid signs , New.

Remember .... they need us DIVIDED , it's their # 1 Tool
.* * * One man wakes, awakens another...
Second one wakes his next door brother...
Three awake can rouse a town...
And turn the whole place upside down,,,
Many awake will cause such a fuss...
It finally awakens all of us...
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes...
Surely then it multiplies........Surely then it multiplies...

Q - Anon was here ! ..... I am Q .... YOU are Q.

",1535414408,28/08/2018 00:00 9241249,4063878152,

----- Reminder ..... Their Numbers are Way Smaller than they claim = illusion.

Keep Calm and Q - anon

,1535414605,28/08/2018 00:03 9240034,4063883082,

He does wear 'red shoes'! Q uite fashionable! Very meaningful!!!

,1535414901,28/08/2018 00:08 9241249,4063889755,"

----- THEIR NUMBERS ARE TINY ...... ignore the hype.

* One man wakes, awakens another...
Second one wakes his next door brother...
Three awake can rouse a town...
And turn the whole place upside down,,,
Many awake will cause such a fuss...
It finally awakens all of us...
One man wakes with dawn in his eyes...
Surely then it multiplies...Surely then it multiplies...

Keep Calm and Q - Anon ..... Trust The Plan !

",1535415287,28/08/2018 00:14 9236938,4063903892,"

Whoa, I've been up to my elbows in Hatch chilis all afternoon & evening, I had no idea Q had dropped anything until now. I know I'm not supposed to hate, but evil really gets me angry, it's like hating an opposing army that razed your country. I may wait to read it until tomorrow morning if it's upsetting. I

",1535416109,28/08/2018 00:28 9242737,4063909565,"

Yeah, let's trot out that tired old pony alt-rightspeak.

Where's Pepe? Where's Milo? Where's Qanon?

The memes others write for you to repeat turn into ashes in your mouths.

",1535416440,28/08/2018 00:34 9238708,4063915965,

Well let me know if you find any evidence that Q is BS...other than feefees.

,1535416831,28/08/2018 00:40 9241804,4063930674,"

The QAnon believers, the birthers & the woman he had to shoot down after calling Obama an Arab are crazies.

",1535417784,28/08/2018 00:56 9241804,4063934376,"

Well, I have no idea what a QAnon believer is.

But I take it that you were fine with McCain calling 45 million people crazy.

That's YOUR idea of ""bipartisanship."" You can shove it.

",1535418032,28/08/2018 01:00 9244252,4063944422,"

If you ever wanted proof that Q was real, the McCain scenario PROVED it.

30 days before McCain's death, to the MINUTE, Q posted a picture of McCain, eyes closed, hands up, ""McCain in the news...""

30 is a number Q associated with General Flynn. ""30"" is also the Uniform Code of Military Justice article that references the Presiding Officer over Military Trials of this nature.

",1535418707,28/08/2018 01:11 9244252,4063947791,"

Focus on THIS Q post:

HRC election loss = CF inflow stop
CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp
Compare donors.
Direct correlation?
[He did not depart on his own terms]
Think FLYNN [30].
Exactly [30].

CF = Clinton Foundation
No Name = McCain ""We don't say his name.""

",1535418919,28/08/2018 01:15 9228928,4063955450,"

We are a Constitutional Republic which operate thru Representative Democracy. If you or I committed the same infraction as Hillary, the cops would have read our 695,000!! Emails, and would've realized that there was nothing sketchy in all of those contacts... they would've called it negligent but good, and sent us back to a life of a Former First lady for 8 years & Secretary of State. And then, you know, those Bengazi Investigators would've loved to get Hillary on something, but they didnt find any charges for her, not for trying.
And lastly, the dirty dossier wasn't public knowledge until AFTER the election, which would be pretty nice of HRC to leave out until after the election...or do you think she just forgot to get the dossier out to the public before the election? Then, They have yet to implicate her in any phony Uranium plot.
So, it looks like Hillary is really not bad at all.
And most importantly, SHE LOST!! She'd would have to be so bad at cheating, She lost. And according to the Right, HRC is good at cheating.
Maybe the Russians influenced you to hate the boogeyman Hillary so much...those Russian posts with Hillary, devil horns were pretty persuasive...and with all of the wacko Oracle Q phony B.S., it's clear some of you folks will believe absolutly anything but the truth.

",1535419440,28/08/2018 01:24 9237565,4063961542,"

Their friends are in charge of making sure that Bob Mueller does not investigate Hillary's Russian collusion, but there are investigations - prosecutions too:

",1535419870,28/08/2018 01:31 9240334,4063974927,

I wish I was Q that guy knows how to run a scam!

,1535420863,28/08/2018 01:47 9244480,4064009447,"

----- Submitted for your viewing pleasure , all the big networks FAKING it on the "" Blockbuster "" Cohen story. --- All credibility GONE !

Keep Calm and Q - Anon ..... He told you it would be a BIG week !

",1535423109,28/08/2018 02:25 9241249,4064026072,"

The Oracle Q is punking you. Its phony B.S. and it's confusing people. Conservatives should be put down the tin hats, it's dangerous. Democrats are not your enemy. We are all American.

",1535424235,28/08/2018 02:43 9242407,4064041602,"

This is an incredible thread by who pulls the KEY FACTS from Q posts about John McCain the CANNOT DENY FACTS. PTrump and his administration hold McCain as a Traitor of the highest degree. When CF closed the John McCain Institute was ""receiving"" $$$ millions in donations and Trump does the right thing by NOT HONORING HIM!

",1535425517,28/08/2018 03:05 9244480,4064049264,"

----- Clips of multiple "" Newz "" shows , swearing they have confirmed evidence about prior knowledge of Russian meeting ......... All credibility GONE , not just CNN , but ABC , CBS , View , many more.

We are ... Q Army

",1535426145,28/08/2018 03:15 9244480,4064057267,

Sorry for my hesitation. When we say 'Q' half of the comments we receive are from people who think they know Q is fake.

,1535426764,28/08/2018 03:26 9244480,4064086461,

Army!? That's Marines! Q needs a wood shampoo!

,1535428862,28/08/2018 04:01 9241804,4064101239,

I hear you. My best friend died of the exact same thing. Took him a year to die. He was in a coma for six months. He was in a lot of pain. Thirty days for McCain is just not believable. Then there is that mysterious Q post.

,1535429920,28/08/2018 04:18 9241249,4064120287,"

Maybe I wasnt clear: Nobody wants to deny your freedom of speech, but that doesnt mean you should just say all the insults in your head.
As for patriots, Real American patriots would never talk about another Civil War. Our ancestors did not die in foreign, faraway places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of bloodthirsty Oracle Q devotees to make blood in the streets of America.
And, getting help from another country to win an election is just about the most unpatriotic thing you can, we'll just have to see.

",1535431251,28/08/2018 04:40 9241249,4064141925,"

Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. And if people believe in kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, they'll believe anything.

",1535432737,28/08/2018 05:05 9242644,4064157286,"

They are not news institutions. They are propaganda purveyors. The sooner John Q Public realizes this, the sooner we can starve them out of existence. They have two agendas. Number one is disinformation. Number two is collecting ad revenue. Neither is consistent with the truth, or the First Amendment. They should not be able to hide behind the First Amendment, because they don't honor its intent.

",1535433795,28/08/2018 05:23 9244480,4064179578,"


Not that it makes this okay, but what cartoons has he been doing lately? Any idea?

I just know the one Q pointed out to us with the Q noose in the middle.

",1535435221,28/08/2018 05:47 9244972,4064295770,

Just the tip of the Q. Those that want the truth can take it from there.

,1535442706,28/08/2018 07:51 9244480,4064364349,

Dumbest comment I have heard in a while. BB has never cited Q that I can remember

,1535446745,28/08/2018 08:59 9244480,4064430813,

Q (Military Intel) may have something on Lenny that is tied to HRC and he cut a deal so he doesn't go to prison.
This could have been staged by him to Set up CNN on Q (Military Intel) request.
Wouldn't that be a funny.

,1535450024,28/08/2018 09:53 9244972,4064461172,"

------ They cant Impeach Trump if they are all in JAIL !!
"" We Have The Servers "" ..... Q - anon.

The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and forwarded them to the Chinese company, according to the sources. -Daily CallerDuring a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) disclosed that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton's emails from her homebrew server were funneled to a ""foreign entity."" Gohmert did not reveal the entity's identity - however he said it wasn't Russia.

",1535451404,28/08/2018 10:16 9244480,4064461522,

Does anyone still think Q is real?

,1535451418,28/08/2018 10:16 9238090,4064480534,"

The only correct answer to the Q is, ""My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...God bless. Read the crumbs...You have more than you know.""

",1535452223,28/08/2018 10:30 9238312,4064486081,

Lmao...Virtue signaling and yet Again you bring up Q and I never did typical Butthurt to distract and deflect from facts..Facts Dems have turned on Americans example Illegals or Pushing Socialist Democracy Agenda funny I guess Americans First wont happen with Dems and please continue cause Myself and many others Never buy the Virtue signaling Bullshiit from Assclowns..Dems are in trouble thats a Fact !! War ??? We never started it but you Libs did..

,1535452457,28/08/2018 10:34 9244480,4064508026,"

Q posted the freaking date and time of death in advance. There is proof of Q and then there is just scary madness. They led McNoname to his execution apparently, his date with the needle.

",1535453354,28/08/2018 10:49 9244480,4064543399,"

'Big week ahead -- "" Q ""
2 weeks ago ...... "" WE HAVE THE SERVERS ""

The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and forwarded them to the Chinese company, according to the sources. -Daily CallerDuring a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) disclosed that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton's emails from her homebrew server were funneled to a ""foreign entity."" Gohmert did not reveal the entity's identity - however he said it wasn't Russia.


",1535454645,28/08/2018 11:10 9243013,4064560186,"

Yes. QAnon gave it to me in that DC pizzaria, using Soros and Clinton Foundation money. Pass it on.

",1535454999,28/08/2018 11:16 9240547,4064618633,

I hope Q is legit about McStain's death being a Rommel charade.

,1535456387,28/08/2018 11:39 9242737,4064691777,"

""Obozo was playing golf.""

You seriously want to say that? Donnie Fatso has played more golf in one year than Obama played in eight years as President.

Do you seriously want to criticize Obama for never having served in the military when your cult leader, desperate to dodge going to Vietnam, claims he got a private note from his personal doctor (Trump says he can't remember the doctor's name) that said bone spurs disqualified him from service? Look up the records: the records show Trump was not examined by a Selective Service physician. The records say Trump was ""presumably, disqualified.""

I all my years of posting replies to conspiracy nuts, champions of Alex Jones, McCain haters, Jew haters, racists, Pepe alt-righters, Milo fans, and now pathetic losers who jumped on the stillborn meme Qanon--
your post, m60avlb, ranks right up there with worst of the worst in terms of unconsciously embarrassing replies.

",1535458983,28/08/2018 12:23 9244480,4064716545,"

Fellow conservatives: let this be a lesson to also police our own.

On one hand, we have all stars like Sarah Carter. On the other hand, we have sketchy sites like Gateway P, that recently lent credence to the Q wackobird nonsense in an unsigned editorial.

Don't patronize the fringers. Otherwise, we are going down the same road.

",1535459833,28/08/2018 12:37 9244480,4064723278,

Stay away from the loons. Especially Q.

,1535460064,28/08/2018 12:41 9244480,4064771766,"

They have started doing the same with Q. Now, the top results are all literally 'conspiracy theory' hit pecies by all the usual suspects in the MSM.

",1535461667,28/08/2018 13:07 9244480,4064778466,"

We conservatives must be selective and consistment about selecting trustworthy reporters.

If we are going to bash the NYT, WaPost, or CNN for the usage of sketchy sources, then we better well discredit the Q movement, the ultimate in anonymity and questionable, vague and misleading material.

The latter is just as dangerous, and it opens us up to deserved ridicule.

",1535461895,28/08/2018 13:11 9244480,4064781690,

Comparing Q to CNN is a stretch.

,1535462005,28/08/2018 13:13 9244480,4064783301,"

I don't even know what Q is, although I have seen it mentioned on the internet before.

",1535462059,28/08/2018 13:14 9244480,4064785622,

Comparing Q to CNN. GRASPING!

,1535462138,28/08/2018 13:15 9244480,4064792344,"

You just don't get it. I don't follow Q, your overreach is huge.

",1535462371,28/08/2018 13:19 9246127,4064802586,"

Trying to keep this place alive, where else would I get to laugh at alt-right-pizzagate-Qanon-deepstate(man, when you lay it all out you folks really are embarrassing) morons such as yourself?

",1535462727,28/08/2018 13:25 9246127,4064807447,"

We Have The Servers --- "" Q ""

'""The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and forwarded them to the Chinese company, according to the sources. -
Daily CallerDuring a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) disclosed that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton's emails from her homebrew server were funneled to a ""foreign entity."" Gohmert did not reveal the entity's identity - however he said it wasn't Russia.

Big week ahead --- WWG1WGA
Rush , Hannity & Ingraham still playing catch-up. ........ LOL

",1535462893,28/08/2018 13:28 9243001,4064827380,"

LOL, You guys think the MSM media are fake and Q is real.

",1535463559,28/08/2018 13:39 9243001,4064831537,"

Has Q started charging for his ""crumbs"" yet?

",1535463691,28/08/2018 13:41 9224002,4064846762,"

you can't be serious. You give Soros way too much credit. Don't you feel a little stupid with all this deep state, Q, and other conspiracy crap? Puppet master...ha that's really pathetic.

",1535464181,28/08/2018 13:49 9244480,4064858024,"

Exhibit A. His testimony

Exhibit B. He did not release the information that could have harmed trump before the election.

Exhibit C. The burden of proof is not upon me to disprove your conspiracy theory. Now go back to pizzagating, qanoning, deep state roflmao

",1535464537,28/08/2018 13:55 9246127,4064911476,"

i guess these supermarket tabloid style conspiracy sites are very entertaining at your stage of development

do you believe that qanon stuff, too?

",1535466333,28/08/2018 14:25 9244480,4064932931,"

Is that why you can't back up any of that drivel -- nobody reported it? Where do you get your information, then. Q? LOL!!!

",1535467044,28/08/2018 14:37 9246127,4064995738,

Bernstein was/is a sham. He was chosen to be the mouthpiece for deepstatesthroat to expose another POTUS the DS hated.

Except now we have Q who gives us real time real world.bread crumbs to follow instead of charlatans lile this POS.

,1535469108,28/08/2018 15:11 9246373,4065017159,

How is it that Q predicted the EXACT time of Songbird's death?????

,1535469844,28/08/2018 15:24 9246937,4065107589,

Hey guys look its QAnon!

,1535472762,28/08/2018 16:12 9243835,4065122687,

Definitely some sort of a deep conspiracy.
I'll have to consult with Q to get
to the bottom of it.
Wait is there 17 letters in Breitbart?

,1535473265,28/08/2018 16:21 9246937,4065133163,"

Uh oh, Q has GOOG's short hairs squarely in his cross hairs. Which means, they will be going down. and SOON.

",1535473610,28/08/2018 16:26 9246754,4065159742,

Google to be regulated !!!

Send them your Q ueries !!!


Ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!

,1535474488,28/08/2018 16:41 9246937,4065222403,"

Yep, if you search QAnon only those articles badmouthing the entity by the MSM comes up. You won't be able to access Q's posts in iExplore, Chrome and Safari. Nope, there's no bias here - move along.

",1535476629,28/08/2018 17:17 9241249,4065231466,"

We are surely living in a crazy world because if you replaced ""liberal"" with ""conservative"", your comment could've been written by me (minus all the bit@h slaps). It's like the Freaky Friday version of the Emperors New Clothes.

I'm not sure which conspiracies you think the Left is working off of, probably the whole Russia thing?
Well, it's not a conspiracy, we just are waiting for the rest of the facts.
We know that the Russians interfered in our elections. The only question now is did Trump know about it or invite it.
Its fair to say, Trump would've done anything to win, by hook or by crook. We also know there's like 14 people in his circle that have had sketchy contact with Russians that
For various reasons, was not initially reported. Coupled with Trumps awkward performance in front of Putin, it looks very fishy.
Look, getting help from a foreign country to win an election is just about the most Unpatriotic, UnAmerican thing you can do. If you don't agree, then your patriotism will be questioned.

As far as conspiracy theories go, you know that your co-patriots are off the charts now. The Oracle Q has poisoned the brains of many respectable conservatives. To imagine Trump as a Holy Superman fighting evil pedophile Democrats, all being protected by pesky, powerful deep staters, is so ridiculous. It is so far fetched,it should be embarrassing.

In regards to my account being private, I did that after a few Maga's made fun of me for the kind of puppies I like. No, I'm serious, that's what happened. So, I'm not a cartoon tough dude, I'm just a puppy-loving , fellow American trying to avoid another Civil War,

",1535476949,28/08/2018 17:22 9246808,4065260389,

wheres the Q for queers ?

,1535477951,28/08/2018 17:39 9237337,4065262339,"

Which Trump won't, since it is not as favorable as you think, but in the mean time you will see documents related to trump using ""executive privilege"" released, to prop his businesses. You really didn't think trump was disengaged from his business, did you??
You'll also see a few GOP come under the gun, namely Cruz, Scalise and Nunes for accepting (and giving back) $ generated through Big League Politics whom partnered with Q-anon nut jobs on a mailer. Which ironically will be tied to Brietfart, since it was one of their employees involved. Now, I know you feel you are pretty solid ground come November, and 2020, but when the first of the established GOP's starts to flee from trump (and the kooky/looney right fringe), you might want to rethink who the GOP really is when they take it back...but I already know, you'll still foolishly will be screaming dumborats, or demorats

",1535478018,28/08/2018 17:40 9246754,4065273608,

You mean you don't believe John McCain is a secret warrior for the Deep State? Q said so.

,1535478410,28/08/2018 17:46 9243628,4065316598,"

Read the drop today at:

to begin to understand why Merkel is beholden to Iran. She got paid and can’t return the money?

Nothing to see here? A conspiracy?

These people will not even be able to walk down the street...

We have it all.

",1535479707,28/08/2018 18:08 9246754,4065324990,"

Oh please, that's not real news. She's an entertainer, not a journalist.
You are being punked by the Oracle Q. He is poisoning your brain.Do us all a favor, Lay off the conspiracies.

",1535480016,28/08/2018 18:13 9243853,4065364891,

Dim wits should focus on shutting that below average I Q idiot up.

,1535481620,28/08/2018 18:40 9246937,4065365244,"

Search for Q info, you have to go to bing.

",1535481635,28/08/2018 18:40 9246754,4065414109,"

Something is seriously wrong with all the folks entrenched in the phony
B.S. , Oracle Q conspiracy theories.

",1535483597,28/08/2018 19:13 9243628,4065416626,

It's implied Merkle among others received part of the Iranian pay off. Check out Q drop today. Interesting Germany sides with Iran.

,1535483703,28/08/2018 19:15 9243628,4065420055,"

If you follow the Q Anon posts you will understand that the Iran Deal was about transferring wealth from the US to the Iranian Regime as well as corrupt politicians in Europe and the rest of the World.

This is guilty Merkel trying to avoid the truth coming out - that she got some of the $150 Billion that Obama transferred.

Oops Merkel, you are going down for criminal and corrupt behavior !

",1535483849,28/08/2018 19:17 9248989,4065449597,

This and God we have her now!!! Pizzagate for everybody!! On me!!!

,1535485114,28/08/2018 19:38 9248176,4065456939,"

So, there TRULY are no people here who keep up with Q? Sessions ain't going ANYWHERE! He is on OUR side. His man HUBER out of Utah is gettin er done and allowing Jeff to fool the Deep State and swamp.

For those who disagree I will be telling you I TOLD YOU SO loudly and often!

",1535485440,28/08/2018 19:44 9246937,4065460639,"

""Whatever you do, don't play your records backwards.""


",1535485602,28/08/2018 19:46 9248176,4065462784,"

What is Q?

Seriously, I keep hearing about it here, but I don't know what it is.

",1535485693,28/08/2018 19:48 9248176,4065463376,"

That would be funny as hell, but this Q guy needs to get off his arse and lets us see something other than BS. Next week begins the election season, what is he waiting for?

",1535485718,28/08/2018 19:48 9248851,4065469134,

What is Q?

,1535485974,28/08/2018 19:52 9248851,4065472110,"

",1535486110,28/08/2018 19:55 9248851,4065512132,"

Thank You...Thank You....Thank you...President Trump!!!.....And team Q!!!
For uncovering the shadow government, that was taking our country down!

God Bless you all......MAGA......TRUMP 2020!!!

",1535488032,28/08/2018 20:27 9248851,4065520481,

I'm just telling you that is what POTUS is calling for! I do not know what Q is calling for or what Q said I just know that deplorables do not want regulation but rather a equal playing field.

,1535488465,28/08/2018 20:34 9248989,4065548697,"

There is a very large group of Patriots following #QAnon, if you are looking for answers to why there have seemingly been no one held accountable for blatant collusion or treason, you will find answers there. Much information as well. I highly recommend it.

",1535489970,28/08/2018 20:59 9248989,4065623560,"

In any Civil War the nationlists would win because the army is naitonalist, the majority of people is nationalist (outside of cally). The only Deep State actors are the DOJ and law enforcement. They are a problem. The FBI and law enforcement and CIA and police have been too infiltrated by globalists Deep State supporters or Q followers. That is what nationalists need to be thinking about.

",1535494013,28/08/2018 22:06 9242407,4065626310,"

Gosh some ethereal non thing that response for all the things you guys want to blame it for? How do they compare to the Illuminati, Qanon, Goldstein, or the Lizard People? The problem with most conspiracy theories is that the number of people needed to pull it off makes it impossible someone wouldn't blab. The President had a phone call with the Mexican president in his first days and that was leaked. There were what, 5 people in the room? Another paradox is that either Trump is too weak and incapable to get rid of those unelected bureaucrats, or ... now get this. It's another boogeyman he's created to make excuses. Found them 3.5 million illegals who voted yet? Found those folks who were being bussed into Massachusetts to illegally vote? (Steve Miller said this) Found all those law breaking illegals, who actually break the law and much lower rates than citizens? Or those damn refugees who you stand a chance of getting killed by 1:3.9 billion, as opposed to 1 in 29,000 for a citizen?

Around a bunch a folks who write such intelligent things as, ""My name is bigmar and I like to ask stupid questions."" and you got NINE UPVOTES, it's not feeling superiority per se, it's feeling simply competent, which is just happens to be above the level usually show here. I've always been fascinated by those who rejoice in their own ignorance. It's the best argument against evolution.

",1535494157,28/08/2018 22:09 9247741,4065645728,"

If anyone is following Q, the InsigniaGate is truly damning with the gazillions of dollars being spent on black books and black ops. This needs to tumble down and $ returned to the countries stolen, primary among them is the US govt. US $T deficit could be paid for in one minute....all signatories need to meet a rope with a false floor. CIA and GHW Bush big players.

Q Anon - InsigniaGate / Who Is White Spiritual Boy? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.18

",1535495198,28/08/2018 22:26 9241903,4065653101,"

Oh yes, i have or as close as it gets... Q

",1535495603,28/08/2018 22:33 9236938,4065659663,"

Bill, its hard to believe you don't know about the Oracle Q conspiracy theory that has run rampant among conservatives. Its a whole school of thought that makes Trump a Holy Superman, defending the world against the evil pedophiles, the Democrats. The people who believe this kooky stuff are rabid in this belief. Its terrifying and disturbing. The normal, moral conservatives need to weed out the crazy here!! Please look up Q or Qanon. Please talk some sense into these wacko people on the Right. Your co-patriots believe this phony B.S. and are willing to start a Civil War over it. At least thats what they warn me, like 10x a day, just after they call me a pedophile. This is not normal. Something is wrong with these people. It is abhorent. They diminsh the seriousness of fricken pedophilia!, just to insult a Lib. War is not the answer. Democrats are not the enemy, we are all American.

",1535495970,28/08/2018 22:39 7820867,4065678277,"

In addition, has Q ever been wrong on ANYTHING? Oh, you wouldn't know since you reject anything that doesn't fit into your LOSING agenda. I guess you'll have to learn the hard way snowflake, which is perfectly alright with me! Watch and learn newb. Your perception of reality is about to be altered before your very eyes. Sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the show!

",1535496985,28/08/2018 22:56 9248323,4065700425,"

Hussein was a spy plant by our enemies. The communists and sand diggers. His job was to destroy the US.

",1535498212,28/08/2018 23:16 9248851,4065712949,"

Trump is fuming that Google News links to actual journalists, rather than his pals Alex ""sex camps on Mars"" Jones and that weird little QAnon freak Lionel.

",1535498922,28/08/2018 23:28 9249553,4065754071,

I do believe Q is fake. What purpose would it serve to dangle those cryptic tidbits out there for speculation ?

,1535501451,29/08/2018 00:10 9249553,4065762426,"

",1535502006,29/08/2018 00:20 9249553,4065762730,"

Here you go

",1535502025,29/08/2018 00:20 9249553,4065763306,"

The explanation on 45K sealed indictments by Q

",1535502067,29/08/2018 00:21 9249553,4065770516,

------ B.T.W ............. Huber Has EVERYTHING !

New Q drop.

,1535502555,29/08/2018 00:29 9249553,4065774889,"

Is that a Q prediction? If so, I don't put much faith into Q

",1535502849,29/08/2018 00:34 9249553,4065780322,"

....... Yawn , soooo sleepy ..... I'm glad Q is just some kid and not real , just as MSM told me.

WWG1WGA ...... Q map dot pub

",1535503197,29/08/2018 00:39 9248938,4065781813,

Trumpers are all in denial and have Q derangement syndrome.

,1535503300,29/08/2018 00:41 9244564,4065788603,"

L-1s are the worst visa. You ever wonder why there are 2 Chinese and Mexican restaurants in every little town. It's because they are full of L-1 visa holding Vice Presidents and Regional Managers that wait on tables and wash dishes or in some cases are only a employee on paper. They also paid somewhere between 20 and 50 thousand to the owners of those businesses to get sponsored for the L-1 visa.

And don't even get me started on J-1, H-3, and Q visas.

",1535503777,29/08/2018 00:49 9248989,4065798777,

Red October Rally speech by Trump coming. Big revelations.

,1535504525,29/08/2018 01:02 9248989,4065800071,"

Actually, truth is, not a hack. Chinese given access after payments to Clinton Foundation.

",1535504627,29/08/2018 01:03 9243640,4065812115,"

brazile... what a piece of work... I couldn't get through the hate and profanity of ""hacks"" but, four chapters painted the picture of an unbalanced woman, who ""knows"" that anyone who won't do what she wants is a racist or woman hater, her mascot is a bottle of bourbon (or was it gin?) her solution to everything is booze or profanity, hate and aggression and, proud of it...... she thinks she's cute when she is her alternate personality abusing someone

and she can't figure out why hillary lost
with a dnc who could not figure out that hate was not the solution to America's problems and that micro sizing the American public, was not working either but bless their hearts, they stuck with a failed program becoming more an more angry when what they were doing didn't work...

if you need to fill in the spaces read ""shattered"" hillary is more of the same

two great books... nice detail on why they were failures as a party and a candidate...

my Q is, what planet did they come from?

",1535505589,29/08/2018 01:19 9249553,4065845092,

This isn't that Q garbage is it?

,1535508576,29/08/2018 02:09 9248989,4065862896,"

It might have also been Truth & Art who is getting it from Q. So much info out there right now.

Stroppy, Truth and Art, You Are Free, and go to's.

",1535510068,29/08/2018 02:34 9243640,4065877562,"

Life as we know it is about to change.

We will be much more free, speech will be protected, and bad people will go to jail.

If you haven't been following Q, start researching.

",1535511247,29/08/2018 02:54 9249979,4065878397,"

Life as we know it is about to change.

We will be much more free, speech will be protected, and bad people will go to jail.

If you haven't been following Q, start researching about it now.

",1535511307,29/08/2018 02:55 9249472,4065914297,"

What happened to the reasonable, moral, law & order conservative party?
Why have they been replaced by bloodthirsty, Q conspiracy, paranoid , truth-deniers who hate American intelligence?
What happened?
You are being lied to by the entertainers that you think are journalists. (Rush, Hannity, Infowars, Q)

",1535514010,29/08/2018 03:40 9249553,4065914535,

hahahha. not even close. The right is too extreme and hangout with Qnon haha

,1535514026,29/08/2018 03:40 9241804,4065922981,"

"" No Name "" is alive and hopefully getting water boarded in Gitmo. Q predicted no name's departure exactly 30 days to the minute before it happened. Nobody publicly announces they are stopping treatment and then dies one day later. If they were that far gone, they wouldn't even be conscious. They'd be in hospice well prior to dying. He was flipped and agreed to a deal that would preserve his legacy and allow his family to avoid public humiliation in return for joining the white hats.

",1535514595,29/08/2018 03:49 9241804,4065927893,"

No Name is alive and hopefully getting water boarded in Gitmo. Q predicted no name's departure exactly 30 days to the minute before it happened. Nobody publicly announces they are stopping treatment and then dies one day later. If they were that far gone, they wouldn't even be conscious. They'd be in hospice well prior to dying. He was flipped and agreed to a deal that would preserve his legacy and allow his family to
avoid public humiliation in return for joining the white hats .

",1535514930,29/08/2018 03:55 9249553,4066128357,

The average John Q Voter is an uninformed moron.

,1535527557,29/08/2018 07:25 9246070,4066145030,"

In one of his posts yesterday, QAnon referred to something that's going to happen imminently to do with Iran (in the next month or two) that's going to sweep up/take down a number of big name players - and Merkel was named as one of them. So that takes care of her. When it comes to Emperor Macron, his people will take care of him. He's not far off rock bottom now.

As to the Remainiacs, are they SO blind and stupid that they're determined to stay shackled to a bloc that intends to flood member states with MILLIONS of third worlders for ever and a day - which Macron said will be compulsory for every country? If that's the case and the Remainiacs are ""ok"" with that, they're INSANE!

",1535528529,29/08/2018 07:42 9248938,4066191464,"

Ohr was seen eating calzone with Q at Cosmic Pizza, mopping up the extra sauce with breadsticks.

",1535531123,29/08/2018 08:25 9249979,4066223584,

I've spent most of the evening watching information on the frenzied Q postings last night....

,1535532819,29/08/2018 08:53 9248545,4066280059,"

If CNN didn't have the airports, malls and other public venues. they would be over the cliff by now. If John Q Public ever got hold of an airport remote control . you'd be hearing TAPS

",1535535655,29/08/2018 09:40 9249652,4066315033,

Ohr was spotted having calzone with Q in the Google cafeteria.

,1535537251,29/08/2018 10:07 9248938,4066327993,"

If Q is false then why are Brennan et al in a panic? Why have several FBI agents been fired or demoted? Why hasn't Rosenstein recused himself? He signed the warrant yet is investigating Trump. He can't be both. That looks conspiratorial. It's a mockery of justice. It's no longer about Russian collusion but about smearing Trump and getting him on anything. You can't indict a sitting President yet Mueller is trying just that. Why hasn't Mueller investigated Ohr? In fact Mueller should be investigating his boss, Rosenstein. Who's in denial?

",1535537805,29/08/2018 10:16 9249979,4066337806,"

Don't worry, Q has already posted Huber has it all....

",1535538211,29/08/2018 10:23 9248938,4066412972,"

Pardons, not pardon.

For the crimes committed mainly during Hussein’s 8 years.

Wait and see if you haven’t been following. It won’t be long now.

It will be a jaw dropper.

",1535540937,29/08/2018 11:08 9248938,4066454942,"

Are you watching what is unfolding? It is historic!

You need to do your own research. It is the only way to break free.

A good place to get information that is free from MSM bias is:

Look at the most recent drop today. Mind blowing!

Thank you for allowing me to reply to your inquiry. I hope a few more eyeballs see the crimes that you asked about...

",1535542393,29/08/2018 11:33 9248938,4066460243,"

Gotta love every time you do this is another opportunity to focus on what is happening even as we speak.

Where have all the trolls gone?

",1535542582,29/08/2018 11:36 9248176,4066575568,"

Ahh, you mentioned Q!

The latest Qposts are very powerful.

BTW, we do not condone violence nor do we try to divide.

Where we go one we go all!

",1535546538,29/08/2018 12:42 9252349,4066585655,"

Fox news now reporting -- Methinks their sources are better than CNN.

Q - Anon .."" BIG Week Ahead "" , ( how do you like Q now ? )

",1535546880,29/08/2018 12:48 9246754,4066649225,"

I see your brainwashing, Fred. Are you a devotee of Q?

",1535549012,29/08/2018 13:23 9248851,4066661752,"

But Q will, won't he, you conspiracy loving moron.

",1535549423,29/08/2018 13:30 7820867,4066664588,"

This is bull, did you even watch the video? ""Q"" posted a picture of McCain on 7/25 which ""Prayingmedic"" intepreted to mean that McCain would die on August 25th. Just one problem, Prayingmedic made that assumption on August 27th, after the fact. Q did not predict anything, he just posted a picture of McCain on July 25th, nothing more. Your just desperate to believe your delusions.

",1535549513,29/08/2018 13:31 9247720,4066693295,

Did you decipher that from her dance moves or was that the latest Q dropping?

,1535550464,29/08/2018 13:47 9253369,4066785683,

Lets say its 4% on the dot. 4th Q growth would need to be a mere 1.7% to achieve 3% annual growth.

,1535552377,29/08/2018 14:19 8407193,4066886482,"

Or try this if you're more into reading -

",1535554035,29/08/2018 14:47 9253369,4066887868,

3rd Q = 5.0

Called it

,1535554065,29/08/2018 14:47 9253369,4066967734,"

Thanks! I wouldn't call myself funny, but hearing that gives me a little confidence boost in that area.

AJ introduced me to that idea too. The puzzle pieces fit together SO much better when viewed through that perspective.

My main concerns with him really started recently because he tried to lead us away from Q just like the others who want to maintain their market share. The movement and direction should matter more, in my opinion. Looked self-serving. Could go on, but that is plenty! I will always be appreciative of the contribution he made.

",1535556820,29/08/2018 15:33 9253369,4066983357,"

Yea, but, obammer had one Q at 3%.......bwah ha ha

",1535557433,29/08/2018 15:43 9251938,4067018313,"

Mccain was rightfully tried and punished on time. Q posted ""exactly 30"" in april. Then posted a photo of mccain with his hands up exactly 30 days before john took his own life. Some time stamps show exactly to the minute. He cannot be pardoned. He betrayed the very country he served. Coups and civil wars are devastating to the republic. We must deal with them decisively.

",1535558748,29/08/2018 16:05 9244480,4067046659,

Did Q tell you that?

,1535559705,29/08/2018 16:21 9252709,4067048263,"

You fool! Don't you know he is secretly on Trump's side, and working at his direction? It's just like that QAnon guy.

",1535559756,29/08/2018 16:22 9248938,4067095677,

Qanon? Your brain is broken.

,1535561316,29/08/2018 16:48 9251938,4067112394,

Did Qanon tell you that?

,1535561865,29/08/2018 16:57 9238672,4067120016,"

Which Q? LOL! Did you google Apelbaum dossier??
It's really interesting. Has some good info on people linked to the Peeinghooker dossier, who went (as a group) to the white house for meetings. I suspect there was a conspiracy. There has to be a few hundred theories already... LOL!
So far we have FBI rats abandoning ship, with some being fired.. Those ex-FBI people, and some still working, may very well end up before a grand jury, and be put under pressured to turn on their masters. Heck, some of them may be in jail by spring.. :) (Flight risks, like tax cheats)..

",1535562113,29/08/2018 17:01 9252349,4067134091,

How? Q is not a credited media source and certainly does not claim to be one... swing and a miss...

,1535562564,29/08/2018 17:09 9252349,4067146482,"

Of course and Q, rather then saying it’s reliable information on a major news network and then lying about it, is straight up that the information is only that.. apples and oranges hon...

",1535562992,29/08/2018 17:16 9252349,4067146507,

Trump has issued Q a Grocery I.D.

,1535562993,29/08/2018 17:16 9252349,4067149640,"

Its a big tent , if Q is your thing go for it.

Support of Trump is important at this point in US history.

Together we are going to change this entire country.

",1535563099,29/08/2018 17:18 9253135,4067217754,

All this stuff just proves what QAnon was saying about Trump and how great he is and stuff!

,1535565408,29/08/2018 17:56 9252160,4067239929,"

It is so obvious that you guys are all deeply entrenched in phony conspiracy theories. You are seeing phantoms everywhere... You are being punked by the Oracle Q and it's confusing your brain. Please Do us all a favor, Reel it in, control your many fears, and stop involving Democrats in your depraved fantasies.

",1535566182,29/08/2018 18:09 9252601,4067250883,"

---- NEW Q - Drop.

Shall We Play A Game?


""Ms. Ugoretz oversaw intelligence products and briefings for the FBI Director and the Attorney General, as well as FBI analysts’ contributions to the President’s Daily Brief.""
Who discovered the Chinese link to HRC's server(s)?
Who reported the discovery?
Who inserted the discovery into the PDB?Paper-trail.


( NBC says non-story )

",1535566551,29/08/2018 18:15 9251938,4067254421,

You must be and excellent AMBULANCE CHASER ....TELL STORMY EVERYONE SAYS HELLO . No doubt you've heard the old one of : Q. When is a lawyer lying? A. When his lips are moving !!!

,1535566675,29/08/2018 18:17 9252601,4067279911,"

Believe Q or not, he is providing some great stuff.

Pope receives hammer and sickle ornament with Jesus tied to the hammer.

",1535567577,29/08/2018 18:32 7820867,4067282173,"

You're messing up in your zeal. Q posted McCain's pic on 7/25 with ""No name returning to headlines - Q"" The time stamp on that drop was 18:28:35 EST. At that moment, what time was it in AZ? 4:28 PM.

In his vid Praying Medic states he had no idea what this 7/25 post meant, mentioned he'd looked around for anything on McCain and found nothing. He states he figured Q would make things known in time. Two things. Q says McCain will be in the headlines again with a time stamp of 18:28:35, again, 4:28 PM MST (AZ).

Keep in mind that Q is military intelligence. These people don't come out and tell you what's going to happen. They can't. Tidbits are offered as clues, questions or riddles and it's the job of the anons to figure out what he's actually talking about. I think it's fair to say that on 7/25, NOBODY knew what Q's post meant, including Praying Medic.

What was the official time of death? 4:28 PM MST.

On 8/11 post 1850 Q provides a LONG list of all Senate and House members not seeking re-election. Each name is given with political party. For example, ""Lamar Smith - Republican."" With one exception. McCain is listed as No Name - Republican [Departure Soon] Why was it only stated that McCain would be ""departing soon?"" Why in square brackets? Do you know that square brackets in military terms represents a kill box? Coincidence? Not hardly.

As time goes on you're going to find out more about No Name. It is very possible, perhaps likely, that when the unredacted IG report is released, it may show that McCain was involved in the FISA Warrants. That's speculation on my part.

Again, when you say McCain died of brain cancer, you don't know that. That's your belief and you have nothing to back it up. Even his family's statement said he died the way he wanted to with zero mention of cancer. They weren't lying. He was given a choice and chose to exit rather than face the American people for his crimes as a traitor. The punishment for treason? Death.

As I said you have much to learn...

",1535567661,29/08/2018 18:34 9252601,4067286732,"

; Why BB stalling on Hillary - CHINA server hacks ?

Q-Anon asks us ........

"" You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you?

Outside of the standard deviation? ""


",1535567822,29/08/2018 18:37 9247864,4067347249,"

What if Sessions is working on an even bigger case which shares the same info as this case......the MOAB. I'm not a lawyer, but Q keeps saying trust the plan........and I do.

Say, you have 2 or 3 cases.........with the same players and evidence. Which takes precedent??? The most important one in the AG's eyes?? the one that is a matter of national security, I'd expect.

Side note....I just found out today that Todd Madison, that ""doc"" who followed Hillary around with a syringe, died in Dec. HUMMMMMMMMMMMM

",1535569982,29/08/2018 19:13 9252487,4067347613,"

He doesn't have the Q Factor that Shaquille O'neal managed to create and sustain... LameBron never matured beyond his High School age. He's been in a bubble from which he will never escape. Ironically his success is his .matrix-Cage from which he will never escape, canceling out ANY timely practical application growth.

",1535569996,29/08/2018 19:13 9255076,4067378462,"

[he did not depart on his own terms]

QAnon. Translation, EXECUTED for Treason.

",1535571116,29/08/2018 19:31 9252601,4067393256,"

I think when this war is over, the alternative media heroes should start QNN. The Q News Network. Trumps news organization that was rumored about before the election has been very effective IMO.

",1535571658,29/08/2018 19:40 9255076,4067402186,

No name was probably disinvited from Arlington according to Qanon

,1535571985,29/08/2018 19:46 9252160,4067405610,"

Interesting read but the hermeneutics of suspicion is more Trumps playbook, not Facebooks. I'm not sure how Facebook could get hijacked by the Left, is it because they are in Silicon Valley? Sounds reactionary to me. The Right own the good old talk radio and Democrats aren't screaming about it.
Grievance to the Right is like Jet fuel yet you guys call us the snowflakes...?
The government should look into possible censorship but, sorry, I doubt it's really a thing. Maybe the Right should also stop swapping all the ridiculous, phony Oracle Q conspiracy theories so their discourse would rate higher on the truth meter built into the algorithms.

",1535572120,29/08/2018 19:48 9253135,4067477915,"

There's a family above the Rothschilds that no one has heard of, the Payseurs.

",1535575009,29/08/2018 20:36 9255076,4067491676,

Anyone follow Q? McCain might not be dead.....perhaps Gitmo?

,1535575598,29/08/2018 20:46 9255076,4067508538," Q....from 34 minutes ago....NAVY SUBMARINE,weapons system hacked by Chinese from hillary/criminal server during real time....folks I really can't believe this stuff

",1535576313,29/08/2018 20:58 9253294,4067525659,"

Oh but my dear Watson - it is true.

""These people are stupid""

""Trust the plan""
""Trust Huber""
""Trust Sessions""
""Trust Kansas""

-- Q.

",1535577116,29/08/2018 21:11 9255076,4067527595,

Rumblings from Q that No Name was sentenced to death for treason and that the brain cancer was just a ploy to allow him to die without public shame.

,1535577211,29/08/2018 21:13 9255076,4067532589,"

There is a QAnon comic book series that is about 80% funded now.

I don't expect it to be even close to the true story, but it has a great storyteller and a artist behind it.

Darkstream by Vox Day is the place to start looking if you care. I will buy them (first comic ever) if I don't get the sense they are TRYING to screw it up :P

",1535577448,29/08/2018 21:17 9253927,4067537976,"

That deep state shore is bias. Drudge, Breitbart and the talk show host seem to be doing pretty good since Obama got elected. It's the reason that the government has let these people flourish is the reason we have this yokel as president. If Obama had said what Trump says about the media but talking about the conservative media complex it would have been front page news. To be honest alot of the conservatives that traffic on the internet are total d**ks and engage in the most vile conspiratorial stories. The things they say put people at risk and have no evidence to back up these claims. Example Q.

",1535577707,29/08/2018 21:21 9248938,4067583106,"


",1535579997,29/08/2018 21:59 9248938,4067586826,"

It IS a real link. You need to wait a few seconds to load. Try waiting for up to 30 seconds. Many people are trying to get to it.

Please be honest. You have been to this site more than most.

",1535580199,29/08/2018 22:03 9248938,4067598061,"

Explain to me what this new conspiracy ""qanon"" is?

",1535580814,29/08/2018 22:13 9255955,4067609808,"

It is one thing for a person of color to say something like monkeying around when talking politics. It is also ok/acceptable for a person of color to use the 'N' word whenever but a serious problem when a person of caucasian ancestry does similar. So sad. As a matter of fact, straight folks of any color better never use the Q word or F word (not even for a smoke) but perfectly OK for those who fit the bill.

",1535581441,29/08/2018 22:24 9239197,4067647248,"


Q posted an image showing 3,850,000 Google results for QAnon today.
Mine is showing 3,700,000 now. How are results reduced?

",1535583467,29/08/2018 22:57 9239197,4067650375,

Which of your neighbors is holding a giant Q right now? Be honest.

,1535583637,29/08/2018 23:00 9256180,4067691001,

I wonder who's Q referring to on a media blackout?

,1535585962,29/08/2018 23:39 9248938,4067695167,

Why do you say that? By your own admission you have never read a Qanon post.

It is like saying CNN is fake news without ever watching CNN.

,1535586198,29/08/2018 23:43 9255076,4067697599,"

I have read it several times and I believe they are not destroyed but sent as far from God as they can be, so they see nothing of his light or spirit and are left there to remind themselves what they could have been and weren't, and suffer with this for eternity. NO fire, but feeling like they were in it. God doesn't Bar B Q his children, he is LOVE not hate and mean spirited so he just sends them off where they can't feel him at all.

",1535586336,29/08/2018 23:45 9255418,4067703287,"

...well...""google"" Qanon - whether you believe him or not...and out of 10 only sources 2 or 3 conservative sites... but hey..I'm sure it's.just a 'glitch"".

",1535586657,29/08/2018 23:50 9246322,4067706715,"

If Q Anon is real and I believe they are , McCain sold out bigtime

",1535586859,29/08/2018 23:54 9256180,4067725847,"

Silly rabbit, that is what Q is for.

",1535588009,30/08/2018 00:13 9255076,4067735169,"

He helped Hillary/Obama arm ISIS and radical Islam. He was a traitor. Go to where they have pictures of him with the head of ISIS back in 2013.

",1535588575,30/08/2018 00:22 9256180,4067751807,

qanon 😂😂😂

,1535589599,30/08/2018 00:39 9255076,4067758585,


,1535590020,30/08/2018 00:47 9255076,4067759813,

If Q is correct mccain sold his country out

,1535590102,30/08/2018 00:48 9248938,4067782694,"

I cannot agree with you more!

Give us something. Even smoke signals...

This is the calm before the storm. Be patient and be ready

",1535591612,30/08/2018 01:13 9253369,4067853526,"

That's not good for democrats. Obama pulled a 1.6, fourth Q 2016.

",1535596976,30/08/2018 02:42 9256582,4067900650,

I have my giant Q sign. Do you?

,1535600551,30/08/2018 03:42 9256582,4067906462,

Q !!!! Where are you??? Q !!!

,1535600958,30/08/2018 03:49 9256582,4067973049,"

Microsoft's Xbox is not allowing QAnon speech.

Things even as simple as WWG1WGA gets you banned. Crazy.

I have been wanting to use my Xbox strictly for online gaming again, but will wait.
PC Gaming is best for single player. Most PC games have very few people interested in online play.

",1535605376,30/08/2018 05:02 9246070,4068091008,

I'd never heard of them until they were mentioned by QAnon. But you're correct another piece of the satanic elite jigsaw.

,1535612463,30/08/2018 07:01 9241249,4068159692,"

Well, if you are as ignorant as you seem to be I guess you'd think that. Read some reports from our own government sometime. You also may have missed the reports recently that confirmed what we were told by Q months ago about the entire previous admin. being traitors. So this argument we are having is more than likely going to be pretty moot pretty soon. Cheers.

",1535616494,30/08/2018 08:08 9253936,4068246480,"

QAnon in one of their most recent posts said a huge scandal is about to break about the planeloads of BILLIONS of dollars in cash that Obama sent to Iran at the time of the nuclear deal he did with them during his administration. Apparently there were two planes loaded with pallets of cold hard cash, and there's a question mark over where the second plane and its billion dollar cargo ended up. Q specifically mentioned the EU and Merkel as being tied up in (as in being recipients of) some of the ""mystery money"" and that they were headed for a big fall. My only question is...please can it happen before a Brexit deal is agreed, that way there won't BE an EU to leave...we'll be free!

",1535621057,30/08/2018 09:24 9256420,4068444530,"

LOL. You guys dismiss Bernstein as ""fake"" yet believe Q is real.

",1535628882,30/08/2018 11:34 9255076,4068617559,

I Q room temp.

,1535634758,30/08/2018 13:12 9256420,4068771588,

even Q is talking about sandy hook hoax.

,1535639916,30/08/2018 14:38 9257989,4068782407,"

Yes. Research the Qanon movement.
Reddit / Great Awakening
You tube: Praying Medic videos

Lot of links to a variety of sights, especially @Reddit/ Great Awakening.
The real story....
Be ready to be woke.

",1535640264,30/08/2018 14:44 9256420,4068802130,"

Okay, we all know it's fun to talk about Mueller, Q, Trump, insane liberals, etc...

But have you seen the Trunk Monkey commercials compilation on YouTube? SO FUNNY!

",1535640879,30/08/2018 14:54 9255076,4068900005,

President Trump keeps on going and going and going. Here's hoping Q is real and that even half of what he writes is real. We will hopefully see many more dirt naps for these traitorous elected rulers.

MAGA and God Bless President Trump.

,1535643918,30/08/2018 15:45 9256915,4068909777,

Are you QAnon?

,1535644237,30/08/2018 15:50 9239707,4068910449,

QAnon follower?

,1535644258,30/08/2018 15:50 9256915,4068911430,"

No, I don't have access to air force one and Q proved that he is real by posting a photo of it.

",1535644291,30/08/2018 15:51 9239707,4068958361,"


",1535645844,30/08/2018 16:17 9257989,4068963291,"

Actually no. God forbid. Learned that loooong ago. Q movement is all about critical thinking, logic. Think for yourself. Socratic reasoning. It's not for everyone. Only those that desire answers to all that's going and to put together those disparate bits of knowledge gained from independent research. You appear to want to know.....

",1535646005,30/08/2018 16:20 9239707,4068999029,

8 Chan - QAnon.



,1535647152,30/08/2018 16:39 9256915,4069017236,"

Hi Appreciate, I appreciate (in the sense that I understand) that you support the ideas of the Qanon movement. #Democrat=Pedophile means that you think a majority of your fellow Americans are pedophiles.

""In Pew Research Center surveys conducted in 2017, 37% of registered voters identified as independents, 33% as Democrats and 26% as Republicans. When the partisan leanings of independents are taken into account, 50% either identify as Democrats or lean Democratic; 42% identify as Republicans or lean Republican.""

I appreciate that you may be posting this to gather ""likes"" or to create drama, but don't think of yourself a patriot. However you dislike the fact, lots of your countrymen and women are Democrats.

",1535647742,30/08/2018 16:49 9239707,4069018650,"

I realize that you fools will just say the ""deep state"" manipulated the way back machine to rewrite history. Meanwhile you are probably a QAnon believer. An anonymous hack with no sources or proof. Just made up BS.

",1535647792,30/08/2018 16:49 9257989,4069121585,"

Please lay off the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, its confusing you. There is no deep state anymore. The 2 deep staters are probably in Florida, on vacation. There is no powerful, ellusive evil cabal pulling the strings. If thete was, why can't this administration, if they are so strong, why Can't they get rid of it? They've had plenty of time. So, You need to find a new boogeyman to blame.

",1535651377,30/08/2018 17:49 9257989,4069144590,"

You guys act like you own patriotism. Well, you don't. You spread lies constantly because you are all so entrenched in wacky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the nose. Democrats love America, just like you. We are not communists. We are also not your enemy. We are Americans.

",1535652168,30/08/2018 18:02 9257989,4069161349,"

Lay off the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's confusing you. Democrats are not your enemy.

",1535652791,30/08/2018 18:13 9257989,4069186873,"

What is wrong with you Republicans? I thought you guys didn't like the government getting into business? Are you all so fickle that you just change
your ideology, topsy-turvey, to spite people for your overlord,Trump? What the Hell did you do with the moral, reasonable conservatives? Why did you replace them with these spiteful, paranoid, Oracle Q devotees who hate America's intelligence? WTF?

",1535653739,30/08/2018 18:28 9239707,4069192064,"

Google ""Qanon"" and the first thing that comes up from the Deep State controlled fake news media: New poll: the QAnon conspiracy movement is very unpopular. These are the same clowns who said in 2016 that HRC would become the next president after Hussein44. All the polls were in her favor. Hundreds of newspaper supported the demon witch from hell! THEY WERE ALL WONG.

",1535653938,30/08/2018 18:32 9257776,4069208509,"

And have you noticed the time and energy the msm is putting in trying desperately to discredit 'conspiracy theories', like Q anon!!

",1535654533,30/08/2018 18:42 9239707,4069210058,

Okay Q.

,1535654588,30/08/2018 18:43 9260830,4069214611,"

Chinese hacked Hillarys E-Mails in real time, F.B.I. knew about it
and everybody COLLUDED to cover it up!

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you? Outside of the standard deviation? -- Q )

Things that make you go ...Hmmmmm.

",1535654754,30/08/2018 18:45 9239707,4069220365,"

Republican senator asks FTC to examine Google ads

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535654961,30/08/2018 18:49 9239707,4069227397,"

Antitrust, liberals.

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655222,30/08/2018 18:53 9239707,4069230340,"

Try reading the First Amendment lib fascists.

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655327,30/08/2018 18:55 9239707,4069235741,"

Goolag to be Ma Belled:

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655521,30/08/2018 18:58 9239707,4069236626,"

So low IQ we are using the DOJ to bust the cartels:

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655552,30/08/2018 18:59 9239707,4069238399,"

Poor trolls. Bested once again by Trump:

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655616,30/08/2018 19:00 9239707,4069239601,"

Poor trolls. Bested once again by Trump. Goolag is to be Ma Belled:

Sen. Hatch added to push in DC to have the FTC rekindle an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google.

#MAGA #QAnon #Obamagate #Greatawakening #wethepeople

",1535655660,30/08/2018 19:01 9239707,4069243344,"

Trump Movement. Here's the truth. Take 5 min.


",1535655806,30/08/2018 19:03 9257989,4069258011,

Says brainwashed Q followers.

,1535656398,30/08/2018 19:13 9239707,4069260629,"

If google and the lefty twits who operate it are so dangerous, why can't they shut Q down?

Me thinks the aloof attitude in silicone valley, their symbolic claim to being all powerful, is their undoing and downfall.

",1535656503,30/08/2018 19:15 9257989,4069267156,

Proven by whom? Q? Alex Jones? Trump?

,1535656765,30/08/2018 19:19 9239707,4069270498,

Funny that Q was able to gain access to Google so freely then.

,1535656897,30/08/2018 19:21 9239707,4069274345,"

There are plenty of Q proofs out there, including where Q said something and then the President tweeted it moments afterward. If you don't believe Q, you don't believe the President, because they are working together.

If anyone wants to examine evidence, go to qproofs dot (com) and see them for yourself. The ""White House"" section is particularly good.

",1535657053,30/08/2018 19:24 9239707,4069283003,

Did Q tell you that? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

,1535657393,30/08/2018 19:29 9239707,4069287947,"

I find it funny that the Washington Post releases TWO polls: one on Q and one on the President, both designed to show ""the public doesn't believe Q"" and ""the public doesn't believe the President.""

Who invests money into a poll regarding a supposed ""conspiracy theory?""
Polls are NOT designed to garner public opinion, but to SHAPE it.
The Washington Post is waging a war against President Trump, so why a POLL regarding Q?

Think about it...

",1535657593,30/08/2018 19:33 9239707,4069291127,

Notice how Q garners the same responses and reactions as President Trump.

Leads you to one conclusion...

,1535657725,30/08/2018 19:35 9239707,4069302413,

I prefer to follow both Trump and Q on Qmap dot (pub).

,1535658189,30/08/2018 19:43 9239707,4069306981,"

Irrelevant, because what YOU are posting is not relevant to anything Q has posted.

A review of Q posts shows ""0"" posts of the word ""pineal.""

",1535658380,30/08/2018 19:46 9239707,4069317465,"

No, you've been lied to. Q has said that there is big money in drug and human trafficking and that bad people in both political office and government positions make money through those operations.

",1535658793,30/08/2018 19:53 9239707,4069320819,"

Actually, what YOU are posting is not what Q has posted.

Q is in the White House.

",1535658935,30/08/2018 19:55 9239707,4069327731,"

A review of Q posts shows no results for the word Nipple, therefore he never posted it.

",1535659242,30/08/2018 20:00 9256624,4069328512,

In the August 28 Quinnipiac Poll Menendez was only up by 4 points. Remember the Q polls are push polls that favor Dems heavily.

,1535659277,30/08/2018 20:01 9260830,4069331443,

QAnon says Mueller is a good guy!

,1535659408,30/08/2018 20:03 9260830,4069336655,

Qanon is not looking so much like a conspiracy group anymore...
Every alphabet agency against the people... this will not end well.

,1535659642,30/08/2018 20:07 9260830,4069336930,

Don't worry Sessions has a guy in Utah looking into it. (You know the state where Romeny is carpetbagging) I think Q said so.

,1535659654,30/08/2018 20:07 9260830,4069341281,

Its okay :) Romney+Sessions = Q (prove me wrong :)

,1535659854,30/08/2018 20:10 9238672,4069361727,"

Did you know that an FBI ( Stefan A. Halper?) operative feeding somebody a rumor, and then have someone else (wearing a wire) come along later and steer a conversation into the topic of the rumor, so they can record ""Evidence"" on the victim of this entrapment, is an old standard FBI SOP??

Found that Q guy!

",1535660809,30/08/2018 20:26 9258610,4069377536,"

Once again what we see is that the Rich Hollywood hypocrites and Communist Nazi's are using their money to interfere in States they don't even live ins elections..... JUST LIKE THE supposed ""Russians"" Here in Texas, Robert Francis ""Beto"" O'Rourke Not only married into Multi millions (yet, pretends to be average everyday Joe and Jane Q Public), is refusing to debate or talk about the true issues in Texas, only about driving around in his car talking to people and not what he is doing as a current U.S. Representative is piling up millions from outside of Texas to become a Senator. The average citizen has no voice or ability to fight against the Carpetbagging elitists.

",1535661520,30/08/2018 20:38 9260830,4069387554,

I think Q has a keyboard on stuck mode.

,1535661981,30/08/2018 20:46 9257989,4069391961,"

The China story is phony B.S., just like the Uranium story. You are being lied to by Rush, Hannity, Tucker , Infowars, & the Oracle Q.

",1535662182,30/08/2018 20:49 9260830,4069394820,"

Whither Huber, the man Sessions appointed? We now find out that Huber has not interviewed Brice Ohr. So much for Qanon pushing Huber as 'the man'.

",1535662316,30/08/2018 20:51 9260830,4069400935,

Obviously this is old news to Q readers. I suggest you get on the Q train so that these things play out in real time.

,1535662597,30/08/2018 20:56 9260830,4069425714,

---- 7 TH Floor is no more -- Enjoy the show folks ...says Q - Anon.

,1535663850,30/08/2018 21:17 9256843,4069440109,"

Those who know what's about to happen, Knew about his back in Feb, 6 months ago !
Don't think Q is real ? better quit listening to the MSM and check it out for yourself !!
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No.465919 📁
Feb 22 2018 21:05:01 (EST)
Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].

",1535664583,30/08/2018 21:29 9260830,4069465398,"

I see that some of the biggest Q promoters are running away from the mess. They were among the scammers who initiated it. They can see that Trump is about to fire Sessions, exposing their nonsensical ""trust the Plan.""

",1535665933,30/08/2018 21:52 9260830,4069467769,

There will be conversion therapy at Fool Camp for Q withdrawal symptoms.

,1535666065,30/08/2018 21:54 9260830,4069469878,"

guess you haven't checked:

",1535666182,30/08/2018 21:56 9259231,4069476553,"

Looks like Q just dunked on Clowns.

Wait, is that redundant?

you have more than you know!

",1535666555,30/08/2018 22:02 9259231,4069480345,

We have honest sources to debunk lying media..#qanon

,1535666769,30/08/2018 22:06 9261034,4069487287,

---- OH Please talk about Hillarys SERVERS hacked by the Chinese !!
People KNEW = Collusion !!!!!!

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you? Outside of the standard deviation? -- Q ) .... Things that make you go ...Hmmmmm.


,1535667152,30/08/2018 22:12 9260146,4069499156,

------ LIES and Distraction 24 / 7 .... to protect ' the queen '.

Hillary servers Hacked by Chinese Intelligence -- Daily Caller

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you? Outside of the standard deviation? -- Q )
Things that make you go ...Hmmmmm.

,1535667839,30/08/2018 22:23 9260446,4069506222,"

Proof of Q, You didn't think you could censor and there would not be CONSEQUENCES?

",1535668254,30/08/2018 22:30 9260830,4069516913,"

Huh, and so is Q, again. What are the odds. Exactly as described. Months ago.

",1535668859,30/08/2018 22:40 9260146,4069531910,

------ Black Hat Skynet is being smashed tonight - Q Anon

,1535669714,30/08/2018 22:55 9236938,4069534748,

I never have really looked at the Q drop numbers. On a roll? Q is acting like Trump at 3 am when he's mad at someone.

,1535669875,30/08/2018 22:57 9260146,4069538224,

. OH Please talk about Hillarys SERVERS hacked by the Chinese !!

People KNEW = Collusion !!!!!!

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you? Outside of the standard deviation? -- Q )

.... Things that make you go ...Hmmmmm. ...... WWG1WGA

,1535670072,30/08/2018 23:01 9261034,4069538808,"

Right now in #IndianaRally with @realDonaldTrump he said"" ..Just look at what Hillary is getting away with, but we will see if she actually gets away with it."" #qanon #youcanthide #HillaryForPrison

",1535670107,30/08/2018 23:01 9236938,4069543244,"

Even my husband has started reading Q, it's amazing. Reading Q is like reading a realtime spy novel.

",1535670361,30/08/2018 23:06 9257989,4069577037,"

Eddie, get real. You know that the Oracle Q devotees are drunk on the KoolAid, you are not fooling anyone. There are people on the Right that believe Trump is a Holy Superman. So, the Right is not rejecting any kooky conspiracy theories. It's divisive & dangerous. They are not making the Right look any smarter...

",1535672243,30/08/2018 23:37 9261034,4069589800,

I don't understand the Q thing

,1535672995,30/08/2018 23:49 9261034,4069592213,


,1535673133,30/08/2018 23:52 9260146,4069599529,

Haven’t seen a Q post in weeks

,1535673561,30/08/2018 23:59 9260146,4069601024,


,1535673650,31/08/2018 00:00 9260146,4069609532,"

The MOMENT the Rally ended, Fox article on Ohr keeping Weissman in the loop on dossier and Q posted BIG!

This is IT!

",1535674166,31/08/2018 00:09 9259840,4069612468,"

You are deluded and propagandized. Tin foil, Q type stuff. Only rubes buy into it.

",1535674346,31/08/2018 00:12 9260146,4069622078,"

""Spooks are Spooked.
Clowns inserted [Snowden2] last year.
Operation failed.
Expect another BIG coordinated wave [#3] of attacks by FAKE NEWS.

So what is this about Chuck Todd saying he has a big news for tomorrow or did I misunderstand? Just found the Q post interesting. Not that we need anyone to warn us of fake news!!

",1535674926,31/08/2018 00:22 9261034,4069634456,

BIG rally. Huge Qanon night.

,1535675685,31/08/2018 00:34 9261034,4069639902,"

This, from a birther who says Sandy Hook denier and Pizzagater Alex ""NASA sex camps on Mars"" Jones has ""an amazing reputation"" and who invites QAnon loon Lionel into the Oval Office.

Trump has zero ground to critique any media outlet for accuracy

",1535676020,31/08/2018 00:40 9257989,4069688674,"

Dude, what's it like living in a video game? Some people just do things and they don't care about the numbers, see my upvotes?
The only people mad at CNN are the people that don't want to hear the truth. Fox news is not telling you The whole story. Rush, Hannity and the Oracle Q are lying to you.
I mean, do you even know the dossier wasn't public knowledge until it was published AFTER the election?? Did Hillary & the Deep staters just forget to put it out when it could've helped her?

And most importantly, Dude, it's humor101, no pedophile jokes, it diminishes the seriousness of pedophilia and it's not funny. I'll just add that dead baby jokes are also always in poor taste. This is the opposite of the Disney Channel.

",1535678646,31/08/2018 01:24 9260830,4069708671,"

Right. Because Arkancide, Vince Foster, Webb Hubbell, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Spygate, Sandy Hook actors, ReleaseTheMemo, The IG Report, QAnon, Frank Marshall, etc... Have proven to be sooo accurate.

",1535680054,31/08/2018 01:47 9257989,4069708841,"

Ok, I understand. There's always Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Critical thinkers get their media from all good for you.
Even if it is more liberal, its not phony conspiracy B.S. from the Oracle Q. That's ridiculous.

",1535680066,31/08/2018 01:47 9261034,4069718294,"

No, we have not Zank . When was the last time the Right looked in the mirror? You have people believing in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories and you say we're put of OUR minds? You guys don't own patriotism. Getting help from another country to win an election is just about the most Unpatriotic , UnAmerican thing you can do so we'll wait and see...seems like the Right loves winning, by hook or by crook, more than they love America.

",1535680744,31/08/2018 01:59 9260740,4069718338,"

My comments keep getting taken off... FA Q discus, damn liberals

",1535680747,31/08/2018 01:59 9262711,4069719067,"

Very important
Qanon August 30 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

",1535680799,31/08/2018 01:59 9262711,4069726762,"

Leave it to FACEBOOK , GOOGLE, HASH TAG , and other groups of SOCIAL MEDIA to start and try to take away the ability of JOHN Q./ PUBLIC CITIZEN toprint what they want in these TRASH PAGES. //////////////////////////////////////

",1535681368,31/08/2018 02:09 9257989,4069733283,"

Please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracies, you are not making sense. This is more important than Gloria Vanderbilts voodoo necklace...this is America!

",1535681856,31/08/2018 02:17 9261034,4069746382,"

Geez, give it a rest. The Oracle Q needs to sleep too.

Why spread lies?

",1535682821,31/08/2018 02:33 9261034,4069748580,

What are you talking about. There is no coup! Except for the coup coup conspiracy theory-phony BS from the Oracle Q.

,1535682994,31/08/2018 02:36 9262711,4069758149,

And Q is Spartacus.

,1535683718,31/08/2018 02:48 9250717,4069770881,"

You R1b tyresenase(-) U5 & H dna white Caucasians then couldn't get along with our B4a1a1a1 dna Black Afro-Pacific islander Samoans or my B4a1a1a1* dna Black Afro-Pacific islander Hawaiians or the M42 dna Black Australians or the M, N, P, Q and R12 dna Black Tasmanians, who u completely exterminated off the face of the earth.

See pages 13 & 14 of your
acclaimed scientist Albert Churchward's The Origin and Evolution of Primitive Man.

",1535684693,31/08/2018 03:04 9261034,4069776764,"

Q's driving you nuts, isn't it .... because you don't even have a clue what is really happening in this country or what Q is really all about ... just take your Blue Pill and go back to sleep.

",1535685126,31/08/2018 03:12 9262711,4069803651,

Go get ‘em Susie Q. Let it out. The President has our backs !

,1535686973,31/08/2018 03:42 9262087,4069828056,"

There’s been a silent coup going on since the President took office. There has also been 12 assassination attempts on his life, (that we have been told about) including a missile launch from a submarine in the Pugent Sound to the AF1. The USSS found out about the attempt and two specially equipped jets took it out. This happened just as the President was leaving the G7 summit in Canada to meet with Kim at the NK Summit. Oh you didn’t hear about it? Didn’t the MSM report it?? You know nothing if you are not keeping abreast of Q. Use The Great Awakening Boatd (letter Q in flames) where millions around the WORLD are watching as critical things are revealed. Sometimes live.

",1535688542,31/08/2018 04:09 9261034,4069831297,"

No, the Oracle Q is dangerous because it is not the truth. It's a fantasy built on lies.

",1535688759,31/08/2018 04:12 9260146,4069849411,

Democrats are not the enemy. We are all Americans. With so many people on the Right believing phony B.S Oracle Q conspiracy theories? No thanks. I prefer the truth. No way would I ever follow the fantasy-devotees.

,1535689961,31/08/2018 04:32 9260146,4069857603,"

No, we need to wait until the investigation is over. You are being lied to by Rush, Hannity, Infowars & the Oracle Q. Look to Trump to see what desperation looks like.

",1535690483,31/08/2018 04:41 9260146,4069883416,"

What lies? Do you even know what the truth looks like? So many of you believe in the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, I have my doubts...and I'm not trying to sow discord so I'm more like a forest-truth nymph.

",1535692099,31/08/2018 05:08 9260146,4069890703,"

What lies?
"" Democrats are not the enemy.""

""So many of you believe in the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, I havemy doubts...and I'm not trying to sow discord so I'm more like a
forest-truth nymph.""

These work for starters.

YOU are the only one constantly talking about this conspiracy. You should seriously consider loosening your tinfoil hat as it is cutting off circulation to your brain.

",1535692534,31/08/2018 05:15 9262711,4069893393,"

The Dimmocratic majority in 2010 destroyed health insurance with Obamacare so that a small portion of the population could get subsidized by the government,i.e., John Q Public. End result, unaffordable insurance that doesn't cover anything except pre existing conditions. My deductible will bankrupt me should I get sick. Bravo, good job. Have you read it yet, Nancy?

",1535692700,31/08/2018 05:18 9259501,4069954243,"

Male or Female immigrants? QAnon said Huge things are about to happen, The whole world has a good idea who the sex slave traffickers, child rapists and traitors are. Citizens are starting to ask why governments only action seems to be against those who voted for them

",1535696510,31/08/2018 06:21 9262711,4069994151,"

This COULD be nothing, but also could be a sign that the censorship of Google is improving....

I have a program called PlayOn, which records YouTube (or other) content like a DVR would. It is now recording my programs just fine. Finally it sees ALL episodes instead of just the most recent 60, and is busy recording them. This is a channel that goes over the Q posts, so I wanted to have them just in case. Awesome!! YouTube has been a b1tch to deal with. Constantly changing things and my program couldn't log in most of the time.

I have 100 of the episodes now, and it is busy recording the remaining 127.

",1535698877,31/08/2018 07:01 9262087,4070029785,"

Are you aware that 7 (Snowhite) CIA Spy Satellites have just been taken out?
08-31-2018 08:30:48 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID:bd6786 No.2804728

Hey, why not get a mate from the Military (if you have one) and read these things back to them. All I know is that simultaneously, the rogue CIA element have had their supercomputer (snowhite) taken out.
BTW. Watch the news regarding the pope. 😜

",1535701272,31/08/2018 07:41 9262087,4070049487,

And its had a price cut from $28 down to $16 . Even still that's 34k copies too many and a sales total of half a million USD. Unjustified book of lies and Joe Q Public has spoken!

,1535702454,31/08/2018 08:00 9262711,4070068683,"

I'm sorry, but it is NOT being blown out of proportion. On a side note, I'm just curious; are you aware of Qanon or follow any of those posts?

",1535703648,31/08/2018 08:20 9260083,4070161125,

Trump is the Innovator. Who else would have dreamed of dropping MSM and just tweeting past them. GENIUS. I am with him whereever he decides to communicate. Try Qanon!

,1535708727,31/08/2018 09:45 9262711,4070178666,"

Trump at Indiana Rally, Look at what she's getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it
8/30/2018 0 Comments


Washington Examiner

Trump on Hillary Clinton: ""Look at what she is getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it.""

9:01 PM - Aug 30, 2018
3,380 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Did President Trump just hint at a possible take down of Hillary Clinton coming up, because today at his Evansville, Indiana rally Trump mentioned ""Look at what she is getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it"". These are very strong words from President Trump and much needed words from President Trump, but Q may of hinted at us a few months ago by mentioning Red October...And the month of October is quickly approaching. Maybe this possibly clues us in on why President Trump announced earlier today that Sessions will stay put until the November midterms.
​ With these words from the President and with Q hinting at October, the next couple of months could become interesting. Just this month alone we found out that Hillary Clinton pretty much allowed access to her private email server while she was Obama's Secretary of State, and 20 CIA agents were killed or imprisoned in China after being allowed access to Hillary Clinton's email server.

",1535709537,31/08/2018 09:58 9262885,4070192984,"

----- China hacks Hillary Servers ::: ( people DIED ! )

"" You can have the biggest story about Hillary Clinton, I mean look at what she's getting away with and let’s see if she gets away with it.""

DJT -- @ Last Nights Rally.

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you?
Outside of the standard deviation? - Q )

",1535710234,31/08/2018 10:10 9262885,4070193333,

trolls are low Q arent they? looks like these jobs are also outsourced to Haldrabad

,1535710249,31/08/2018 10:10 9258643,4070193423,

Very easily solved. Q.U.I.T.

,1535710254,31/08/2018 10:10 9262885,4070211911,"

Wait until after the midterms.
According to Q, the date 11/11 is important.

",1535711063,31/08/2018 10:24 9262885,4070212206,"

Re post but worth the 2nd look !
Trump at Indiana Rally, Look at what she's getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it
8/30/2018 0 Comments


Washington Examiner

Trump on Hillary Clinton: ""Look at what she is getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it.""

9:01 PM - Aug 30, 2018
3,380 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Did President Trump just hint at a possible take down of Hillary Clinton coming up, because today at his Evansville, Indiana rally Trump mentioned ""Look at what she is getting away with, but let's see if she gets away with it"". These are very strong words from President Trump and much needed words from President Trump, but Q may of hinted at us a few months ago by mentioning Red October...And the month of October is quickly approaching. Maybe this possibly clues us in on why President Trump announced earlier today that Sessions will stay put until the November midterms.
​ With these words from the President and with Q hinting at October, the next couple of months could become interesting. Just this month alone we found out that Hillary Clinton pretty much allowed access to her private email server while she was Obama's Secretary of State, and 20 CIA agents were killed or imprisoned in China after being allowed access to Hillary Clinton's email server.

",1535711075,31/08/2018 10:24 9260263,4070229974,

It would be horrible if John Q. Public starts demanding accuracy & truth from the MSM with a sever penalty for recidivism.

,1535711818,31/08/2018 10:36 9262885,4070231864,"

Methinks Trump just poked his fingers in every single one of FIVE EYES'..........:)))))))

My rec's for Q.............Stroppy Me(feel better), Truth & Art, You Are Free, McAllister...........and just added DNAJLION7, Tru, Just Informed............for starters.

Do I want the horrible truth all revealed..............nope...........what would I tell my do I explain the horror of it all ??

So...........Gov Cuomo ""suspends"" the Weinsten investigation AFTER getting $25,000. from David Boies, Weinstein's and Algore's lawyer. Does that explain why he seems to be SLOW WALKING the NXVIM sex branding/brain washing cult investigation???? How much could he have gotten from the Bronfmans, Gillibrand's daddy, Clintons, Soros, Alefantis ???
Funny how Mueller tosses the ball over to Cuomo's justice system..................remember who sat behind Comey during his testimony.........Preet Bharara.

NXIVM is the nexus...............LGAT..............EST/Landmark Forums........worldwide mass indoctrination.

",1535711893,31/08/2018 10:38 9262885,4070234907,"

The HAMMER is about to fall!

""In a July 1 post, QAnon referred to the latest count of over 40,000 sealed indictments filed in U.S. Federal District Criminal Courts since October 30, 2017, and linked these to prosecutions being led by the U.S. Attorney for Utah, John Huber. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber back on November 13, 2017 to work with the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, in investigating a wide range of criminal and civil law violations by government employees brought up by Republican lawmakers.""

",1535712014,31/08/2018 10:40 9263026,4070258314,"

Well if you believe in Q, trump is already on 4chan lol

",1535712935,31/08/2018 10:55 9260755,4070302850,

Not the K word! Or is it Q?

,1535714673,31/08/2018 11:24 9262885,4070387603,

QAnon The Storm! LMAO

,1535717710,31/08/2018 12:15 9262885,4070422107,"

No one cares about Q. I bet it felt good to see the news briefly covering Q a few weeks ago. That star has faded. Look just at breitbart message boards. There are significantly less posts about ""Q"" in the last week or two. Turns out people don't want to join one of the first online based cults.

",1535718893,31/08/2018 12:34 9262408,4070428764,"

OMG, just rolling on the floor laughing.

Yes, you have an inside track to Q! And lets not ever forget Jade Helm

",1535719130,31/08/2018 12:38 9262885,4070461932,"

Okay - calling ""Q"" followers. I wanted to believe, but he is making unsubstantiated claims that ""he"" knocked out the communications of the CIA, etc... last night. I was somewhat following him until this. How can this be proven? No evidence today. No word from Q. Ive asked other followers to prove it but they say I either believe or I don't. I say that I look at the evidence. There is none. Someone pointed me to a Norse map. I looked at it and others. There was the same amount of cyber attacks yesterday as there usually are. People are blindly believing and tell me to do it also. This is definitely a ""make it or break it"" moment for ""Q"". Unless otherwise proven - seems he's done. I wish he was true... but can't see any proof of this.

",1535720267,31/08/2018 12:57 9264553,4070462342,"

---- "" You can have the biggest story about Hillary Clinton, I mean look at what she's getting away with and let’s see if she gets away with it."" ..... DJT -- @ Last Nights Rally.

Referring to Chinese hack of Hillarys unsecured bathroom servers ?

( You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you?
Outside of the standard deviation? - Q )

",1535720282,31/08/2018 12:58 9260146,4070560797,"

Uh, the investigation is ongoing, we really don't know what they've produced. It's galling that you complain that the Democrats have been usurped by Radicals (which is not true), while the conservatives have been taken over by paranoid, bloodthirsty Oracle Q devotees who hate American intelligence and think half of America are pedophiles. Go figure .

",1535723697,31/08/2018 13:54 9264265,4070585221,"

You know, Kristol should have stuck with his acting job as Q on Star Trek.

",1535724530,31/08/2018 14:08 9264553,4070594582,"

Of course he knew this going in...that's why twitter, and Q Anon...they can try, and boy do they, but they cant corrupt either...he'gettin the truth out there, where it belongs!

",1535724850,31/08/2018 14:14 9264265,4070608684,

Can’t get into the whole Qanon theory. Interesting but I can’t buy it.

,1535725323,31/08/2018 14:22 9241075,4070609180,"

Excellent points. What's truly amazing is that President Trump has accomplished as much as he has with so little support even within the Republican party.

Do you follow Q, or are you just extremely wise and diligent in your own research?

Enjoyed your essay!

",1535725340,31/08/2018 14:22 9260491,4070612857,

Here's hoping that you share a cell with this bozo. You can hit each other with pillows and talk about Q Anon before lights out.

,1535725464,31/08/2018 14:24 9260146,4070657519,"

The fact that you used the term useful idiot tells me you are entrenched in the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theory so I doubt this will get thru to you; Democrats are not the enemy. Most Democrats do not want to become socialists.
Besides, it wouldn't work. Socialism assumes that the basic nature of people is cooperative, and we all know that the Right are definitely not cooperative at this time. They are too caught up in phony BS hero-fantasy to be counted on for anything right now. Sorry but you gotta know that you all lose some credibility when you are wearing tinhats, and accusing Democrats of wanting to impose stupid ideas. It's absurd.

",1535726950,31/08/2018 14:49 9261034,4070702558,"

Yes, we know you like stupid people, thats what got us into this situation. And Rush & Hannity are the ones the repeat things over & over...and then the Oracle Q confirms it and you all feel well informed by total phony BS...what happened to conservatives? I liked it better when you guys were the moral, law & order party. They've been replaced by tinhat conspiracy fanatics who hate American intelligence. God help us.

",1535728502,31/08/2018 15:15 9264220,4070704008,

If Q told you all of Washington DC was going to run off the cliff like lemmings you’d believe it.

Stop trusting what some “anonymous source” tells you in “Ovaltine decoder ring code” and do your own research.

,1535728551,31/08/2018 15:15 9262087,4070706785,"

Would they?? The President might be behind this news outlet but have you noticed how Hannity attacks Jeff Sessions? It’s part of The Plan. Millions following Q know this.

",1535728646,31/08/2018 15:17 9265096,4070716630,

Hello Q. Don't you have a pizzeria to investigate. I hear that you get one free pre-pubescent boy with every order of a family size pizza. Offer only valid through the end of the month.

,1535728976,31/08/2018 15:22 9260146,4070761004,"

Uh, you know I am not the only one talking about the Oracle Q. Why are you covering for your co-patriots that are entrenched in conspiracies? You must know these Oracle Q devotees have lost their minds in their phony hero-worship. All of it does not make the Right look any smarter, thats for sure. I talk about it because I worry about what happened to the moral, smart, law & order conservatives? Why did you replace them with these paranoid, kooky sycophants that hate American intelligence?

",1535730465,31/08/2018 15:47 9260353,4070856614,"

Took us 2 years to get into the war. Horrors Americans were not hot to trot to fight in another crazy European war. After all the 1st war
was the war to end all wars,right?
Kicking and screaming ? 6 months after Pearl Harbor the battle of Midway was fought,even though in general our Pacific fleet was
sunk and 70% of our war materials was going to Europe....
You call that dragging our feet ?
Low I Q ? Hitler made some 25 absolutely stupid decisions during the war that won us the war. If he had made the right decisions just 12
times no country in the world could have won out over Germany.
America because of the oceans would have become fortress America
and a stalemate would have existed for a while.It would have then been a race for the Atomic bomb and a delivery system that we would have Most Likely have lost. America at that time was a Christian nation and by the grace of God we won.......
As for the Nazi scientists had they all ended up in Russia both Canada
and America including the rest of the world would be speaking
Russian now, so you are welcome. Sorry but watching movies
does not make you an expert on W.W.2.

",1535733818,31/08/2018 16:43 9251938,4070903780,

Why thank you! That's about the nicest thing anybody could ever say to me. I'm just working a 12 step program and researching Qanon. I've read enough to Trust the Plan #wwg1wga 😘

,1535735530,31/08/2018 17:12 9264739,4071009772,"

Oh no haven't you heard? Sessions is the bestest Attorney General EVAH! Cause Q says there are 1,987,342,187 sealed indictments!

",1535739305,31/08/2018 18:15 9264739,4071063322,"

.The New From "" Q "".


",1535741326,31/08/2018 18:48 9264739,4071074068,

. BREAKING -- Judicial Watch Reveals NO Hearings were even held for Carter / Paige F.I.S.A. warrants.

BIG - BIG - BIG ..... enjoy the show Q said .... WWG1WGA

,1535741709,31/08/2018 18:55 9264739,4071077501,

' BREAKING -- Judicial Watch Reveals NO Hearings were even held for Carter / Paige F.I.S.A. warrants.

BIG - BIG - BIG ..... enjoy the show Q said .... WWG1WGA

,1535741841,31/08/2018 18:57 9264739,4071081882,

.BREAKING -- Judicial Watch Reveals NO Hearings were even held for Carter / Paige F.I.S.A. warrants.

BIG - BIG - BIG ..... enjoy the show Q said .... WWG1WGA

,1535742013,31/08/2018 19:00 9264739,4071089519,"

----- "" The People Are ANGRY , Very Angry "" ... DJT - yesterday.

BREAKING -- Judicial Watch Reveals NO Hearings were even held for Carter / Paige F.I.S.A. warrants.

BIG - BIG - BIG ..... enjoy the show Q said .... WWG1WGA

",1535742312,31/08/2018 19:05 9265306,4071093163,

The DEEP STATE is going to bring down trumpie. BOO!!
Why don't you loons use 'qanon' to battle the DEEP STATE?

,1535742454,31/08/2018 19:07 9264739,4071101340,"

"" The People Are ANGRY , Very Angry "" ... DJT - yesterday.
BREAKING -- Judicial Watch Reveals NO Hearings were even held for Carter / Paige F.I.S.A. warrants.
BIG - BIG - BIG ..... enjoy the show Q said .... WWG1WGA

",1535742774,31/08/2018 19:12 9265306,4071102819,

We're deeply worried loon. BTW: Anonymous has declared war on Qanon. BOO!!

,1535742829,31/08/2018 19:13 9262885,4071104476,

Yeah i bought into the q thing for a little while with “Trust Sessions” but Q could be confirmed very easily if it was real. Should be real brilliant move. Sessions is not a fighter apparently. But perhaps we are missing some angle from President bad ass and his plans.

,1535742896,31/08/2018 19:14 9265051,4071165416,"

Lol right, the gospel of Q. Say more words, maybe it'll finally make sense.

",1535745319,31/08/2018 19:55 9266425,4071275795,"

Folks,there is a signed agreement from 2 hours ago that includes the USA/Canada/Mexico with it to be finalized by caused the Market to bounce back and finish down-22 off the low from 2 o' Q...said yesterday""see how fake news works.""

",1535750740,31/08/2018 21:25 9266425,4071313887,

4.6% Growth predicted for Q 3....

,1535753028,31/08/2018 22:03 9266059,4071398713,

How does she feel about John/Jane Q Public being forced to register as sex offenders? That's a very public action for private people.

,1535758606,31/08/2018 23:36 9265732,4071406041,"

Hilarious new conspiracy, was it Q?

",1535759138,31/08/2018 23:45 9265732,4071433771,"

One yuge flaw in your prediction path: the anti-Hillary vote from the Left in '16 (i.e. stayed home). That variable is off the board this Nov., but you missed it in your analysis assuming blithely, no GOP seats will be lost in the house. LOL!

Keep dreamin' and screaming at the sky with your giant Q! ;-D

",1535761123,01/09/2018 00:18 9265732,4071461309,

BONUS Q for the token little lefties.... What's the name of the only Caucus in congress that restricts membership SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF RACE?

There's a term for that. What is it again?

,1535763101,01/09/2018 00:51 9265732,4071462810,"

What about the majority of morons who think Mueller is secretly working for Trump and going after the ""deep state"" and that the investigation being reported in the media is just a cover?

Muh QAnon...


",1535763206,01/09/2018 00:53 9265732,4071473090,"

Take a look at this from Q.

",1535763980,01/09/2018 01:06 9265306,4071473152,"

Dude, it's hard to believe my statement is the most moronic, have you looked around? Read some comments from your peers, the Oracle Q fanatics, and then we can talk about who to take seriously, o.k.?

",1535763984,01/09/2018 01:06 7820867,4071479196,"

Problem is. He's a traitor. That's why Trump won't say his name. In support of the current military who know. Suppose I won't convince you of such. It's very, very hard to stomach. The depth of it, that is. If you're interested here's a quick video about the Trump Movement.
It's promoted by Qanon, Military Intelligence guys close to the President. McCain was on the wrong side. Take a look. 5 minutes...

",1535764427,01/09/2018 01:13 9265732,4071481438,

Any fresh intel from Q?

,1535764593,01/09/2018 01:16 9265732,4071487101,"

To start with Jack Posobiec is a complete fraud. He says Q is a conspiracy, which
has been proved to be false. Guess he’s upset that he doesn’t know how to follow and most of his viewers are going there. Trump is about to drop hammer on everything.

",1535765009,01/09/2018 01:23 9265732,4071487780,

What's Q?

,1535765060,01/09/2018 01:24 9266428,4071492040,

Mk Ultra programming victim becomes unzipped..... Poor child. We gotta stop this stuff.
Qanon : follow it.

,1535765371,01/09/2018 01:29 9265732,4071501851,"

Yep. Any day now those Q level secret indictments are coming.

Go back to sleep, grandpa.

",1535766061,01/09/2018 01:41 9265732,4071511694,

What's the latest count on Q predictions that didn't happen?
Did it break 100 yet?

,1535766817,01/09/2018 01:53 9265732,4071511721,"

I'm going to check it out. It's a HRC email, posted 2 days ago on a federal government website in which HRC is referred to as 'Alice' and the sender calls himself 'Hatter'.

The Q posts started with many references to Alice and Wonderland.

I need to know if those emails were publicly available before 8/29/18.

",1535766820,01/09/2018 01:53 9266590,4071528959,

No the little things are two letters: I and Q .

,1535768238,01/09/2018 02:17 9265732,4071542273,"

Look at the Q Post yesterdays I think. He talked about the Satellites being shut-off on CIA, Five-Eyes, etc. They shut their communication off.

",1535769326,01/09/2018 02:35 9265732,4071563072,"

Crime Of The Century (Remastered)

Get dialed into Q and learn.

",1535771085,01/09/2018 03:04 9265732,4071565048,"

Deplorables also believe in Q, so point?

",1535771242,01/09/2018 03:07 9266131,4071565813,

Who is Q?

,1535771303,01/09/2018 03:08 9265732,4071567977,"

Deplorables also believe in Q and pizzagate, so point?

",1535771485,01/09/2018 03:11 9266131,4071571648,

Please spare me. Q was started by some guys the from 8chan and Paytriots Sh**tbox Pam and his wife Radix.

,1535771787,01/09/2018 03:16 9266131,4071654752,"

Watch this video and ask yourself this can one survive an explosion from 10 FEET?

",1535778331,01/09/2018 05:05 9268366,4071676426,"

I didn't get played. The Q posts never gave me anything to even check, just wait. Nothing panned out.

",1535779991,01/09/2018 05:33 9268366,4071757742,

I have too much faith in Trump and team Q to think McCain has any chance of escaping treason.

,1535785925,01/09/2018 07:12 9268366,4071876370,

Name the Q. The other is J

,1535793995,01/09/2018 09:26 9268366,4071877120,

Where's the Q?

,1535794041,01/09/2018 09:27 9266131,4071931275,

One reason only is because Trump is not there. Q had it right on the money for this pos

,1535797293,01/09/2018 10:21 9268366,4072045606,"

Nope. If you notice, the Left is starting to side with Sessions. Won't that play out well when he unrecuses himself and shows his true loyalty? The plan is working. Q says 'trust Sessions'. Sessions. The public outrage is just about there.

",1535802944,01/09/2018 11:55 9266401,4072055960,"

Do it Qcat! I am sure they will miss your missives from the Planet Q, but do you think they will make through your boycott?

",1535803424,01/09/2018 12:03 9266521,4072111148,"

Ought oh little Bobby Muller :)
Lawyers petition for a 9/11 Grand Jury
9/1/2018 0 Comments

​ Activist Post Reports: ​Today we’re joined by Mick Harrison (and David Meiswinkle) of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss their recent petition to the U. S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York to convene a special grand jury into the unprosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. We talk about the committee and its formation, the nature and powers of a special grand jury, and what legal options remain for those seeking justice for 9/11.
Curious if we may see something possibly come out of this petition by lawyers looking for a 9/11 grand jury, as we are approaching the ""17th"" anniversary of 9/11. Should a grand jury for 9/11 convene which could very well happen under a President Trump, will it finally lead to actual 9/11 proof and the punishment of the individuals behind 9/11?
Interesting timing with this being reported, as Q has once again posted the 2018 US military power video which starts at the 119 second mark which is obviously 9/11 backwards, as well as exposing Alice in Wonderland, as Alice is Hillary and Wonderland is Saudi Arabia...All in the last few hours. Could a 9/11 Grand Jury possibly be Trump's take down of the co-conspirators of 9/11, and why does it seem that Q is hinting Alice and Wonderland may be involved...Also should this 9/11 Grand Jury convene will we find out other players other than Saudi Arabia? What if Hillary was involved in 9/11? Wouldn't be surprised though as oddly enough the FBI launched an investigation against the Clinton Foundation in April of 2001.

",1535805850,01/09/2018 12:44 9268144,4072116732,"

Ah, just like the times he was playing 4D chess or gave the greenlight to Qanon to give patriots the real story, right?

It's literally the last thing that will happen. He's too wrapped up in putting down his own people to maximise his personal position.

",1535806094,01/09/2018 12:48 9266521,4072128017,

L G B T QAnon
126 comments • 12 votes

,1535806569,01/09/2018 12:56 9266521,4072182727,"

Some here maybe too young to understand what this means but Ican tell you Deep State is about to be rained on Hard !
Lawyers petition for a 9/11 Grand Jury
9/1/2018 1 Comment

​ Activist Post Reports: ​Today we’re joined by Mick Harrison (and David Meiswinkle) of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss their recent petition to the U. S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York to convene a special grand jury into the unprosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. We talk about the committee and its formation, the nature and powers of a special grand jury, and what legal options remain for those seeking justice for 9/11.
Curious if we may see something possibly come out of this petition by lawyers looking for a 9/11 grand jury, as we are approaching the ""17th"" anniversary of 9/11. Should a grand jury for 9/11 convene which could very well happen under a President Trump, will it finally lead to actual 9/11 proof and the punishment of the individuals behind 9/11?
Interesting timing with this being reported, as Q has once again posted the 2018 US military power video which starts at the 119 second mark which is obviously 9/11 backwards, as well as exposing Alice in Wonderland, as Alice is Hillary and Wonderland is Saudi Arabia...All in the last few hours. Could a 9/11 Grand Jury possibly be Trump's take down of the co-conspirators of 9/11, and why does it seem that Q is hinting Alice and Wonderland may be involved...Also should this 9/11 Grand Jury convene will we find out other players other than Saudi Arabia? What if Hillary was involved in 9/11? Wouldn't be surprised though as oddly enough the FBI launched an investigation against the Clinton Foundation in April of 2001.

",1535808830,01/09/2018 13:33 9268366,4072229653,"

If you follow Q, you will see Sessions is caught up in this. Sessions is a part of this coup. He knows he's caught like a ton of demtards and rinos. I President Trump pull the ripcord right now, half of our govt would be indicted.

",1535810714,01/09/2018 14:05 9268366,4072321264,"


We have #walkaway, now it’s time for #QuittingQanon for those souls who’ve seen the light and abandoned the LARP.

",1535814239,01/09/2018 15:03 9269512,4072511873,

Will one of you please let me know when it's safe to turn the television on again?


,1535821668,01/09/2018 17:07 9269512,4072529782,"

all this talk of divisiveness people claim comes from Trump but all what I see comes from uneducated fat sows, obese (d) and unwashed RINOS. She learn a lot from Dada, Oh how did me fit in the #METOO movement, read how he ditched his first wife, he is so much more then a PIG~~> Her ""Pill-Popping"" mommy Cindi and daddykins John are made from
the same detestable cloth. Here is Cindi~~>
and here is Johnnie Boi~> the Q is how many marriage will the DC Whale have??

",1535822390,01/09/2018 17:19 9265753,4072631646,

Went to a Trump rally in Austin prior to the election. It was great fun ! Surprised how few protesters there were.

Maybe I'll make this one. It depends on where & when. It would be nice to wear my brand new Q shirt to someplace special.

,1535826475,01/09/2018 18:27 9269512,4072672426,"

Why didn't ""substantial,"" princess Mehgan go after Q, who predicted No Name's death to the minute - exactly one month before it occurred? Cuz she can't let the cat out of the bag, that's why. The time of No Name's death was reported at 8/25/18 at 16:28 (4:28 PM) MST. Q's prediction was made exactly one month to the minute earlier on 7/25 at 18:28 EST - 4:28 PM MST.

The brain cancer was a cover. He was given a choice... off yourself, or face charges of treason. He took the easy way out which suggests what? ... Innocence???

",1535828022,01/09/2018 18:53 9269383,4072700364,"

I cannot get past your 6th word:
Do not talk about 'delusions' while half of your party are decoding the Oracle Q right now, o.k.?

",1535829147,01/09/2018 19:12 9269383,4072714720,"

How dare you even speak of another Civil War. Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, fighting to keep battle away from America's shores, just for a bunch of Oracle Q Freaks to make blood in the steets of America. WTF is wrong with you?
Democrats are not your enemy.

",1535829779,01/09/2018 19:22 9266908,4072738642,

Nobody in their right mind would expect the Party of no I Q Maxine to know the difference between a noun and a verb.

,1535830780,01/09/2018 19:39 9265753,4072764904,

That Q stuff is strictly for the Conald rubes 😉 The 'base' is small enough to be hamstrung without the now alienated protest votes 👌

,1535832048,01/09/2018 20:00 9269383,4072766377,"

Past not passed, if you are going to be critical, be more aware. The oracle Q? Just what is that?

",1535832122,01/09/2018 20:02 9268144,4072768635,

Maybe Qanon could write it. He/they seem to know where to look.

,1535832237,01/09/2018 20:03 9269383,4072790403,"

Parsed not passed -- Q is an operator in the Oracle programming language. But Shed sure does have a purty mouth (""come on, SQL like a pig!"") when he makes fun of white trash who find deliverance in the Bible.

",1535833253,01/09/2018 20:20 9269512,4072811076,"

What did you expect from the daughter of a guy so corrupt, not even Q will say his name.

We have everything. Now comes the pain.


",1535834243,01/09/2018 20:37 9269383,4072832439,"

Thanks Teach, I appreciate constructive criticism.
The Oracle Q is the kooky conspiracy theory that many of your peers are devoted to. He tells a tale of Trump as a Holy Superman, saving the world from evil, pedophile Democrats. Many co-patriots are in this delusional world. Yes, Old Teacher, this is a weirdo phenomenon among the conservatives. They even want Civil War, which is the most UnAmerican thing I've ever heard of.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
Look up Qanon or get it from the phony source of BS:

",1535835286,01/09/2018 20:54 9269098,4072899149,"

The same voters believe in pizza gate and Q, so point?

",1535839208,01/09/2018 22:00 9269383,4072935746,"

And thank you for the tip. A casual search for ""Oracle Q"" didn't turn up that fount of whizdom, so appreciate your explanation. When I use a meme that may be obscure, I do diligence [sic] as I figure my readers will if they are curious. You, and half of Breitbart readers as you claim, may be intimately familiar with the Oracle Q. I must be part of the other half.

",1535841498,01/09/2018 22:38 9268144,4072951860,"

Look Trump is a novice at this political b/s of today. Can you imagine what the press would have screamed if T ordered Session to act, maybe T probably didn't know, his advisers didn't know or he got bad advice maybe on purpose. I assume you are a lawyer but if the system does not work this is what we get, chaos alinsky style. Being a average Joe Q citizen among millions we are sick of the b/s all the time. JMHOpinion but lots of T ppl are mad at the system, these ppl are the ones that put him there.

",1535842473,01/09/2018 22:54 9268366,4072998289,"

You betcha, Cletus. Them sixty-four dimensional Qanon-promised secret indictments are coming any minute now. That Mistah Trump is a sly dog, he’s gonna get them Clintons for sure this time!

Turn off the am radio and go for a walk outside. Your sanity is suffering.

",1535845642,01/09/2018 23:47 9269512,4073005589,

Maybe Q was right about No Name.

,1535846185,01/09/2018 23:56 9270487,4073021811,"

The vatican has been owned since the early 1800's. here's a VERY interesting read if you want to go down that rabbit hole.....

",1535847363,02/09/2018 00:16 9270487,4073022664,"

This will explain it...

",1535847423,02/09/2018 00:17 9269383,4073027270,"

Sorry, I made up the Oracle part, but the rest is real. But Q is a dangerous cancer in your party

",1535847763,02/09/2018 00:22 9269128,4073031268,"

It's deeper than that. Think human/child trafficking and pedophilia, child prostitution's all there. Follow Q.

",1535848058,02/09/2018 00:27 9269512,4073043711,"

Mary check the posts on YouTube from Q Anon. Information is power, specifically 8- 28 TILL THIS EVENING. Read Q

",1535848983,02/09/2018 00:43 9269512,4073079948,"

After Q, I can never look at these people without wanting to puke. Sick, mentally sick, deranged, garbage.

",1535851718,02/09/2018 01:28 9269908,4073080506,"


That's the evidence. Now you respond by showing some blog post from Levin or Q Anon

",1535851759,02/09/2018 01:29 9269512,4073081525,"

This could be setup - first let the liars hail McShitStain as a fake hero, and then drop the bombshell truths about how he is a traitor to the very end. Lived like a dog, and was probably put down like one by Q.

",1535851841,02/09/2018 01:30 9269512,4073102541,

I think the Q posts sum this guy up pretty well

,1535853538,02/09/2018 01:58 9269512,4073102895,

Read latest posts of Q Anon 8-28 to sept. 1

,1535853568,02/09/2018 01:59 9270487,4073134627,"

You know what?

I am tired of the GENERAL Catholic bashing on this forum. I am a Catholic. I do not like this pope. I am a convert from the Southern Baptist church. I am a 100% participating member of the body of Christ.

I AM A CATHOLIC AND AM READY TO MAKE OUR LEADERS SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE LAW. Part of me wants to inflict the punishment myself, but I don't look good in a black hood...

Call this pope Francis whatever the hell you wish, but damnit don't lump me in with him. My hometown parish is lively and conservative. WE DO NOT HOLD francis' BELIEFS OR THINK THAT HE IS CORRECT IN THOUGHT OR SPIRIT.

I am truly amazed that Benedict could 'step down' and abdicate his position. I am not sure what happened in my church's hierarchy that allowed this MONSTER and APOSTATE to come to power, but WE THE FAITHFUL are PISSED about Francis and the NEWS OF THE DAY, EVERY DAY...

I am ready to storm the Vatican with guns and torches if someone would just give the word. THIS MUST STOP! THIS MUST CEASE! THEY MUST SUFFER THE WRATH OF JUSTICE!

Please God, help us destroy this abomination in YOUR church. Point the way and I will do YOUR will. Show me how to rid us of these DAMNED COMMUNISTS once and for all. AMEN.

And for those of you here on BB that think for one moment that as a non-catholic, you want to preach to me about how my church is the anti-christ or the whore of babylon or whatever...STFU!!! We should be sticking together on this and ridding our world of the globalist/communist/pedophileist SICKOS, PATHOGEN together...I understand that you might think I worship a cracker or Mary or something, but you could not be more wrong. We are in this together. Just because I have a HUGE institution surrounding my church that is under attack for many good reasons, does not mean that YOU are not next on their agenda in your little congregation to INFILTRATE and DESTROY FROM WITHIN. This started over 100 years ago with my Catholic church infiltrated by COMMIES with a plan to take over and use the Holy See for it's EVIL desires.

Help us fight this. We will stand with you when they come for you too.


Please help us help each other against this global cabal. I want to see this end. FCK I want Him to come NOW and take us ALL HOME and Slaughter the EVIL I see and hear in all of our institutions...DON'T You?

Peace be with you all. I pray.

",1535856311,02/09/2018 02:45 9270487,4073145690,"

I appreciate your understanding that protestants don't realize they are next. However, Francis is a very bad man. He is the head of a global cabal that is stealing our children, raping and murdering them for his and the cabal's power. Please pray and dig deeper into what is happening today. #WWG1WGA #QAnon

",1535857267,02/09/2018 03:01 9267865,4073150106,

Sessions is the BIG MYSTERY here... if you follow Q... Q says the Sessions/Trump feud is POLITICAL THEATER intended to be “disinformation” and throw off the bad guys? I’m leaning that way because I think Trump would have FIRED SESSIONS otherwise...

,1535857644,02/09/2018 03:07 9270808,4073199126,"

WCWTF, are you following Q posts at all?

",1535861599,02/09/2018 04:13 9270865,4073219408,

She sure made the Q contingent look like utter fools.

,1535863085,02/09/2018 04:38 9270865,4073222691,"

The Q movement went off the rails this week. The nonsense about the spy satellite being taken off line was a lie. We found out that Huber has interviewed neither Ohr nor the Uranium 1 whistleblower, putting to a lie that he is secretly bird-dogging those cases. And Trump continues to trash Sessions personally.

Q is so full of it that followers are already bolting.

",1535863339,02/09/2018 04:42 9270865,4073223801,

You sound obsessed with Q. Did you know that?

,1535863429,02/09/2018 04:43 9270865,4073229665,"

That is the Q line. That the media likes Sessions.

No they don't. And if he ever gets around to prosecuting a handful of Obama goons, he'll be just like McCain was in 2008, kabuki or no kabuki.

",1535863882,02/09/2018 04:51 9270865,4073237032,"

Nearly 100% of the comments on conservative sites about Sessions are negative.

And then there is the Q contingent .... generally hiding, and rightfully so.

",1535864455,02/09/2018 05:00 9270865,4073237604,

The only Q I know is that omnipotent guy from Star Trek.

,1535864499,02/09/2018 05:01 9270808,4073251539,"

Trudeau is Killing Canada!

USA 2Q GDP 4.1%
Can 2 Q GDP 1.3%

Source: Canada

Canada is where we would be if the Democrats won.
They don't have our Magic Wand, President Trump!

",1535865606,02/09/2018 05:20 9261034,4073254097,"

I'm sorry about what happened to you but lying about half the country is not going to make it any different. Do you even know what a Socialist is? I'm telling you again: Most Democrats don't want to be Socialists. Please stop spreading lies. We don't call all the Republicans ""Q conspiracy Freaks"" just because some people on the Right are Oracle Q Fanatics, do we? No we don't.

",1535865811,02/09/2018 05:23 9270808,4073259247,

Oh you know of Q. In that case we'll call it willfully ignorant.

,1535866231,02/09/2018 05:30 9269908,4073271868,"

The Qanon Mystery.

",1535867238,02/09/2018 05:47 9270865,4073272523,"

Absolutely 100% of conservative comments are downright hateful - of anything & everything. The Oracle Q is a cancer in your party. It is confusing people and making people misinformed. The Oracle Q is phony BS, He's punking you.

",1535867289,02/09/2018 05:48 9270808,4073279936,

Please Don't complain about the Deceptive Pretenders when half of your party is decoding the Oracle Q right now. Just don't.

,1535867903,02/09/2018 05:58 9269908,4073282377,"

All this, yet no evidence has been presented. No tangible evidence that congress would run with. Trump even had to disband his committee to investigate voter fraud because they had nothing to do.

But then again were talking about a voting bloc who believe in things like QAnon, so believing 3m illegals voted illegally in California is within reason in this tin foil hate voting bloc

",1535868104,02/09/2018 06:01 9269512,4073318110,

Do you have yr Tshirt lil Qanon??

,1535871002,02/09/2018 06:50 9270865,4073356638,"

1) Sessions will be fired, probably sooner than later.
2) It will destroy one of the main tenets of the Q movement, thereby degrading the movement itself. It already has had to rationalize a slew of errors and false predictions, but ""trust Sessions"" has been too prominently repeated to massage effectively.

",1535874134,02/09/2018 07:42 9269512,4073414668,

Nope just getting clear explanations as to how such a moron was elected POTUS. Breitbart is a fantastic snapshot into how this happened. How is Q working out for you????

,1535878478,02/09/2018 08:54 9270865,4073460866,"

Media matters troll..still after Q..scares you to death, doesnt it

",1535881467,02/09/2018 09:44 9270865,4073462025,"

It's pretty clear that Judge Pirro disagrees with ""trust Sessions,"" and thinks that Q is a pantload.

",1535881536,02/09/2018 09:45 9270865,4073470715,

Cite for us an independent Q prediction.

,1535882068,02/09/2018 09:54 9270808,4073493776,"

I don't understand why the President continues to trust the MSM--in ANY form--because they have support, the evidence shows, only for their Communist allies in the so-called Democrat Party. Further, IF the President has not figured out that the Communists in the Swamp seek only to torpedo his agenda then there is something wrong with his mind. ALL they have done since election night (and even prior to that if Q is to be believed--and the evidence is mounting that Q is correct and should be believed) is betray him, block him at every turn, and even drag their supporters in the Judiciary into the mix against him in blatant attempts to stop him.

",1535883359,02/09/2018 10:15 9270808,4073533705,"

Yep. It is the exact moment when the Q people are not going to put up a fight trying to calm people down about Sessions. They think it is time to reveal that progress by Huber/Sessions.

Lets GO!!!

",1535885347,02/09/2018 10:49 9269902,4073548642,"

This was the cover story for the alliance of RINO rebel and communist anarchist working to destroy America and while everyone got their cut. Here is McCain doing a deal with ISIS and Syrian terrorists for Obama while Obama was allegedly ""fighting"" said same and just could not seem to beat them.

They all took their cut of the sales of weapons to this false flag war that killed millions, a genocide in Iraq and Syria.

",1535886075,02/09/2018 11:01 9270865,4073561845,"

I read the Q posts, but if something doesn't happen by midterms or soon after, I will say he is wrong, and we will see it with the removal of Sessions. It is passing the peak time for rounding up the people involved in the coup and frustration is growing with President Trump for holding back.

Trump's recent tweets could be viewed either way, for Sessions to do his job or else, but either way it has set a time limit. If he starts rounding them up, yes. If not, then Trump will fire him and that will be the end of the Q speculation.

I pray he is right since if not a lot of precious time has been wasted.

",1535886733,02/09/2018 11:12 9270865,4073572829,

That's what Q is telling everyone but I don't buy it.

,1535887244,02/09/2018 11:20 9270865,4073631222,"

Wake up Pirro! There is more to this than you want to admit!!

",1535889942,02/09/2018 12:05 9270865,4073680349,"

The judge didn’t miss a beat and didn’t pull a punch and didn’t mince words, she screwered him every way she could think. Now if you read Q, everyone with those perspectives are on the wrong track, he/she maintains that Sessions is a white hat. I am not so sure.

",1535892076,02/09/2018 12:41 9270865,4073762265,"

If you’re paying attention then you’d give Sessions a break. It’s a lot of work dismantling a worldwide pedophile and child trafficking network. So many here would say that Trump plays 3-D chess with ruthless politicians and world leaders. So I guess all of a sudden he can barely play tic-tac-toe when dealing with his own AG? That makes no sense.

But this does make sense:

",1535895328,02/09/2018 13:35 9270865,4073807585,"

C'mon people. Sessions is not the problem. HELLO???!! Rosenstein is still Deputy AG. And let's not forget about his wife, Lisa Barsoomian. I, for one, am still ""trusting the plan."" Did Sessions not just come out last week and remind us that he won't be divulging details of ongoing investigations for cheap political points? Let's just all settle down here. The level of corruption goes so deep. Draining the swamp takes time. Patience is required. Trust Q.

",1535897029,02/09/2018 14:03 9270487,4073818294,"

Do you really want to know, as Q said, the people who know can't sleep at night. I know a fraction & it haunts my thoughts. It could be anything & everything, from your basic pedo crap, to ritual crap, to adrenochrome crap, to organ harvesting crap, all of it death penalty worthy, in any country.

",1535897464,02/09/2018 14:11 9269512,4073824206,

Read latest Q post YouTube

,1535897708,02/09/2018 14:15 9271747,4073835344,

You know the Q team had someone placed inside that SCIF.

,1535898146,02/09/2018 14:22 9271747,4073882139,"

-- I swear , McPiggy and Amy schoomer are interchangeable.

This gathering of globalists was well observed, much info. gained....... now comes the pain.

# Q - Army

",1535899849,02/09/2018 14:50 9261034,4073902452,"

O.k., now you've gone too far, Texas. Your story defies credulity. I have a feeling that when you meet illegals, you do not ask ""what do you want, here in America?"" If you hate them so much, you'd ask ""when are you leaving America?""
Even if that were true, their answer would be ""I want a good job, to raise my family without fear of the cartel or I want to live where my son won't be forced to join the guerilla army.""
They would not say, ""I want socialism!"" which is a complex, abstract idea that exactly nobody
would want or expect for America. Mexico is not a socialist country. The countries in South America are not socialist. To imagine these illegal immigrants risking their lives to come here just because they want to radically change our whole ideology, is ridiculous.
Again, do you even know what socialism is without googling it?
I suggest you go out and meet some Lib friends. Go out for tacos, listen to music. You will see, we're just like you. We don't want any criminals to roam free.
And then, may I suggest you find out about Your Family Tree. When did your ancestors come to America? How did they get here?What struggles did they have to endure to get here? What did they leave behind?
Maybe then, you would understand that most people come for opportunity.
I am not advocating for people to come here illegally, in any way. Democrats do not love illegals, we just have respect for everyone (not criminals.)
I know the Right operates on grievance. You guys like a boogeyman (like Hillary) So, I am not even mad that you've made Democrats your enemy. But stop spreading lies about us, especially lies about what we stand for. We are not even close to becoming Socialist. You should stop being ear-poisoned by Rush, Hannity, Infowars, and the Oracle Q.
You cannot love America if you hate half of America.

",1535900575,02/09/2018 15:02 9271747,4073904989,"

I am with Q on this one, we don't say his name.

",1535900675,02/09/2018 15:04 9265732,4073985415,

Do you have your giant Q standing by for election night? You could howl at the sky with it?

,1535903771,02/09/2018 15:56 9271747,4073988936,"

You see you have to understand poor little Megan, she knows that her daddy did not go out on his own terms. Q. He was a traitor honey and that’s how the majority of Americans remember him now. Go to hell you white privileged booze selling B$#&H.

Be happy Megan, millions around the world will not suffer because your daddy‘s dead, the war mongering trader, Isis creating pig is dead! Among other evils done!

",1535903908,02/09/2018 15:58 9270865,4073994147,"

That's not it at all.
We have all been told (by QAnon, etc) to be 'patient'. Just as we were told for 40 years that 'next year will be different, etc'.

Move FORWARD. Quit trying to conciliate with arsonists. The whole country knows what they are. MILLIONS shouted 'lock her up!', and they weren't shouting that just for kicks. The whole country KNOWS that they have been screwed over for generations and the whole country knows who and what 'the Swamp' is, and is ready to clean it up. The more this is delayed, or cloaked aside, the more chance they have to keep burrowing deeper.

",1535904122,02/09/2018 16:02 9271747,4073994797,"

I think there is a lot more to it....if I may- the thought is- based on Q who is always straight about everything-even if we get it wrong- so WE may have gotten it wrong, but here is what happened....and how we decoded it. (Q did say he pretended to be ill to try and get out Justice -He went to the Mayo Clinic which is in deep with the Cabal )
A month ago, Q predicted No Name's death- down to the minute. It was exactly the time he said. Then his wife tweeted he went on his own terms, then Q said He did not go on his own terms. So the only way that Q would know the time of his death down to the minute would be if he was executed (he was extremely sloppy about his horrific crimes- the NSA had pictures from his or his party's phones when he was in Syria- he went in April of this year!)- he was sex trafficking kids, selling arms and funding ISIS. We think he was confronted with a lot of undeniable evidence- totally guilty and had the option of a cyanide pill (or something like it) and a state funeral or that he would be tried in public- always being obsessed about looking like a hero- he opted for a state funeral- one longer than anyone had ever had- because he was that kind of guy- and if you look at the way MEG is acting- it almost seems that way..she was ANGRY....either that or we are reading it all wrong and it is just wishful thinking on our part. I guess some day soon we will find out- DO NOT ATTACK BECAUSE I AM BEING HONEST ABOUT WHAT I HAVE HEARD AND READ.- Just something to think about. I am not saying this is what happened- because I don't have any way of just made sense.

",1535904148,02/09/2018 16:02 9271747,4074003010,

I don't mean in that way- evidence- military tribunal- choice of public trial or cyanide pill- or something like it- His crimes were horrific- HE FUNDED AND ARMED ISIS AND SEX TRAFFICKED KIDS that crossed the border illegally via his foundation- and since we knew this- imagine what he did that we did not know- he was very sloppy- his father always got him out of everything....Just a theory going around since Q predicted a month before the exact- to the minute his time of death- and said he did not go on his own terms- that to me sound like execution- many people believe this.

,1535904498,02/09/2018 16:08 9271747,4074026305,"

Well..............according to Q and all the others, FIVE EYES has been blinded.

We are coming to the final chapter, I hope.

",1535905421,02/09/2018 16:23 9270865,4074084203,"

Sessions is tough on immigration. Also, I tend to believe Q regarding Sessions. It is all theatre between him and Trump.

",1535907697,02/09/2018 17:01 9272506,4074164795,"

Q stated a long time ago McCain did not have cancer. He was going to use that as an escape route to fake his death.

Q said McCain did not depart on his own terms.

Notice, no one brought up cancer or turned the funeral into we need to work on finding a cure for this cancer. Not one word said about cancer.

Instead you have a raging Meghan McCain who blames Trump for his death.

All the deep state are there all are in hotel rooms close to sciff according to Q so they can communicate without the NSA hearing them.

All there comms were shut down by the NSA. After Q said they were using X-B0x live to communicate guess what, 5 minutes after it was posted by Q x-box live went down all over the place as MS purged all chat data.

",1535910882,02/09/2018 17:54 9272599,4074179984,

I wasn't a Q believer until he correctly predicted McCains execution/Gitmo imprisonment 30 days ahead of time. There is no rational explanation for that other than Q is legitimate.

,1535911476,02/09/2018 18:04 9271747,4074193717,

Sounds like a ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theory.

,1535912029,02/09/2018 18:13 9272389,4074215456,

No one talked about cancer and how terrible it is and they should all come together to study this kind of cancer and find a cure.

That would be a normal funeral.

But as Q said a long time ago: McCain does not have cancer. He is going to try and use that to fake his death and escape justice.

Q said McCain did not depart on his own terms.

He was executed. This is why all the savergy from Meghan.

,1535912869,02/09/2018 18:27 9272644,4074284790,"

---- The CABAL of globalists is being dismantled as we we speak.

They want us divided. --- Where We Go ONE , We Go ALL !

# Q - Army

",1535915608,02/09/2018 19:13 9271747,4074320444,"

As they say, the fruit never falls far from the tree. Meghan McCain is much like her father -- just another corrupt RINO and member of the Deep State. But why was she so ANGRY during her eulogy? There are persistent rumors (and thinly-veiled hints from Qanon) that McCain did NOT die from cancer, but was allowed to commit suicide to prevent the shame to him and his family from a treason trial and resultant imprisonment or even execution.

",1535917120,02/09/2018 19:38 9271747,4074329445,"

Oh yes the all knowing and all seeing Qanon. If this Qanon is so right about everything why aren't they President? Why are they so afraid to show their face? Even alcoholics need to come out from behind anonymity at some point. I do not trust any group, person or entity that is afraid to stand for truth justice and the American way standing behind a curtain. And don't give me any crap about give it time. I say the Qanon is just a coward like the FBI agents that have evidence but are too ""scared"" to come out and present this evidence publicly. An FBI agent too scared is no FBI agent. Qanon is a coward.

",1535917534,02/09/2018 19:45 9271747,4074331324,

All part of The Plan. ‘Every DOG has its day’ Q. Did you notice what DAY the flags went to half mast?

,1535917622,02/09/2018 19:47 9272506,4074338599,

Qanon baby. Believe in the plan.

,1535917978,02/09/2018 19:52 9271747,4074338975,"

First of all, this isn't about Qanon, it's about a corrupt and bitter Senator who couldn't even leave this life without doing everything he could to hurt our President (and McCain failed, of course). Qanon has been pretty on-target all along, therefore I don't care if he remains anonymous. What IS important is that he continues to expose the Deep State. ""Coward""? On the contrary, he's a hero to America.

",1535917997,02/09/2018 19:53 9272188,4074358092,"

Not the Trump effect it's the Transplanted from foreign nations and liberal workers relocating from the failed liberal states that have no jobs... The demographics back that up. You can't fix stupid, the same political party madness that wrecks the places they come from are ingrained and instead of looking at ""Why"" the state they are moving to is doing well and successful they just ""Have to"" insist on inserting their same failed policies and financial decimation wherever they go. The staggering of primaries has facilitated millions of professional vagabond voters. Not really the will of the true residency, but a wave of deception. The two party system.... Man, the equal to the Hatfield's and McCoys with the average struggling Joe and Jane Q public as collateral damage. Just the terms blue wave vs. red wave divides and relegates the citizenry into an us vs. them. Pretty sad that the serfdom grows unchecked while the uber wealthy 1percenters and politically powerful crush us like bugs. The serfdom has noticed how unfree we have become, and we know.... There's more freedoms and constitutional rights they want to take from us. David Hoggs financial funding is being managed by political operatives....

",1535918975,02/09/2018 20:09 9272644,4074365750,

# The Great Awakening .... is exposing the Cabal !!!!

# Q Army

,1535919362,02/09/2018 20:16 9272644,4074371629,"

Stop it bud, Q is over , everyone knows it was fake.

",1535919669,02/09/2018 20:21 9272389,4074403860,"

Really, Qanon just guessed the exact day and time 30 days in advance....riiiight

",1535921369,02/09/2018 20:49 9269005,4074405781,

The first two seasons are mostly terrible. Even hardcore trekkies readily admit. Though there are exceptions like the introduction of the Borg is great and John De Lancie's portrayal of Q is always a scene stealer. After the season 2 the show gets considerably better and that's likely due to Ron Moore and Michael Piller guiding it along. It was at its worst Gene Roddenberry was in full control and he also wrote Star Trek: The Motion Picture which is one of the weakest Trek films due primarily to its imitation of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

,1535921477,02/09/2018 20:51 9272599,4074445690,"

'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night.

",1535923970,02/09/2018 21:32 9272644,4074492343,"

They all united. Was this McCain's idea?? This verifies what we have suspected....what Q has hinted at.

They are upset because P Trump did what he was supposed to do to a traitor and person who participated in mass child trafficking.

They know..........Meagan knows...........WHICH IS WHY THEY WERE ALL TAKING SHOTS AT P TRUMP.

They know they're next...........nothing they can do now.......because FIVE EYES has been blinded by the light.

They will all continue to show up for each others' funerals until there is one casket

left standing, all hoo.

M aking A rrests G reat A gain.

",1535927034,02/09/2018 22:23 9272644,4074527804,"

Actual headline from a Washington Post story this week about conservative blogger q-anon, ""Q-anon is very unpopular"" . Are nine year olds running the Washington Post news room?

",1535929445,02/09/2018 23:04 9272644,4074557446,

07-01-2018 05:46:19 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs
ID:317346 No.1973688


Think SC vote to confirm (coming).
No Name action.
Every dog has its day
Enjoy the show.

Note the date.....
What DAY (National Day for what??) were flags lowered to half mast.


,1535931650,02/09/2018 23:40 9272599,4074558103,

Hilarious! Is Q cluing you in??? Bwah!

,1535931700,02/09/2018 23:41 9272644,4074561155,"

Are you really, really sure about that?? The Globalists are running scared.

What does FEAR look like?
What does PANIC look like?
What does CONTROL look like?
What does COORDINATION look like?
What does FAKE NEWS look like?
[Sample 4]

",1535931937,02/09/2018 23:45 9272644,4074573730,

The vast majority of the people present at funeral are Deep State and are all Traitors!! They are selling out America..wake up !!! WWG1WGA Q ANON !! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne !!!

,1535932915,03/09/2018 00:01 9272644,4074590686,

You yourself said Q is a fool. YOU need to prove it. Not me.

,1535934227,03/09/2018 00:23 9271747,4074598500,"

Trust and support. A broad line, very broad.
Do you believe in coincidence?
Dark to light.
Go outside and look around.
Follow Q, Trust the plan.

",1535934830,03/09/2018 00:33 9272599,4074618787,"

Shall We Play a Game. This Weekend, Q Says CIA Black Hat's Satellite communications network Shut down, and, Seven Dwarfs Computer Network, Shut down. HE Who Squeals the Loudest is most adversely affected. Deep State's Mouthpiece, Panetta, former CIA chief whining now. Expressing Deep State's frustration with this veiled ""Mueller closing in' threat.

",1535936405,03/09/2018 01:00 9256180,4074621806,

Are you a flat earther?

A Qanon devotee?

An Alex Jones fan?

A believer in Pizzagate?


,1535936638,03/09/2018 01:03 9273451,4074711041,"

I'm not worried. Time will tell.

If I am wrong, that is fine. Learn and adjust.
It is looking almost impossible to be wrong that Q is working directly with Trump. Too many ridiculous and obvious coincidences.

",1535943455,03/09/2018 02:57 9273898,4074735908,

Did Q sens you all that info or was it Alex Jones? Lol You people would make up anything to protect your fürher :)

,1535945523,03/09/2018 03:32 9273451,4074844384,"

These invaders have no freedom here and are NOT subject to our Constitution. Once we have ejected them all and built our wall, we will turn our attention to the elimination of the birth defects by in utero DNA modification that lead to homosexuality and the myriad of other sexual perversions such as you, L G B T Q A, presumably suffer from.

",1535953094,03/09/2018 05:38 9273451,4074855408,


,1535953831,03/09/2018 05:50 9273451,4074979914,"

Dude, you don't follow Q?

",1535961819,03/09/2018 08:03 9273451,4074998993,"

Who is Q?, another liberal manufactured deception, whats the matter libs, tired of calling people Nazis?

",1535963043,03/09/2018 08:24 9273571,4075163773,"

----- Each attempt to strike us down makes us more Deplorable , more powerful than they can possibly imagine !!!!!

# Q - Army ; Where We Go ONE - We Go ALL

",1535971881,03/09/2018 10:51 9273571,4075203271,

did Q clue you in?

,1535973705,03/09/2018 11:21 9273571,4075207354,"

Q - Anon ... is ' not real ' ... shouts the MSM.
So much so they have spent hours telling you NOT to pay attention to "" Q "" . The Wash. Post even constructed a ' poll ' to backstop their narrative ..........

-------- When is FLAK the heaviest ?
# The Great Awakening

",1535973887,03/09/2018 11:24 9271747,4075273317,"

McStain was told to take his own life. How else could Q have called his death 30 days before, down to the minute?

",1535976601,03/09/2018 12:10 9272644,4075382712,

Is this Qanon?

,1535980674,03/09/2018 13:17 9273241,4075585989,

------ Our guy Q - Anon was around the Cabal Pow-Wow.
What do you think he heard ?

,1535989012,03/09/2018 15:36 9276211,4075604286,

------ I guess they now know I bought Q - ANON Tee Shirts !


,1535989804,03/09/2018 15:50 9273571,4075631930,"


Tick, tock..........

",1535991011,03/09/2018 16:10 9273241,4075649045,"

I saw a vid today taken from McCain’s National Cathedral Funeral when Lindsey Graham greeted Huma Abedin. A friendly exchange, but with eyes on him from Mattis and Kelly. Even while disregarding the Q Larp narrative, I found the vid discomforting. It says I would never want to be on the wrong side of Trump’s bulldogs. Graham’s rather innocent actions being caught by the shorthairs was eye-opening. Tight ship or something else? IDK, you decide.

",1535991779,03/09/2018 16:22 9273571,4075714776,

Another Q-tard shovels himself into the grave.

Oh did you hear the latest from tard-central ?

Evidently now if you're against Q then you are for pedophiles !!!.

If your against Q you're against Trump!

And if your against Q you're for Antifa !

If your against Q you're a democrat / liberal.

Deeply intellectual huh?


,1535994621,03/09/2018 17:10 9276211,4075742558,

They even know whether you bought the Q-Anon boxers or briefs ;)

,1535995845,03/09/2018 17:30 9273571,4075795186,"

And Q Team is making the Deep State dismantle all of its systems of subversion, control, profiteering, etc. The MSM's time is coming soon but they're still needed for one big piece of the plan.

",1535998297,03/09/2018 18:11 9277420,4075803327,

I hope all the people that believe Q feel like idiots right now. There is no proof that Sessions or Mueller are good guys. If you believe that then you are an idiot. There is proof though that Sessions has done nothing but help the Democrats and hurt the Republicans. Now he is hurting the midterm elections which could help the Dems with their coup. There are no sealed indictments and Sessions is not some super hero that is just waiting to pounce on the deep state and will save the day. Wake up. Sessions must go.

,1535998676,03/09/2018 18:17 9273571,4075813569,"

I thought that too when I initially viewed Qanon with a healthy dose of skepticism. Not anymore though.

The more you look at qproofs dot come, qanon dot app, and the 8chan Q Research board, the more predictions come true. Q bashers try to say the predictions are vague but they're actually often very specific.

",1535999159,03/09/2018 18:25 9273571,4075819796,

LOL. You must be a Q basher or a shill. Hopefully you figure out how to swallow the red pill pretty quick. It's only gonna be available as a suppository soon.

,1535999457,03/09/2018 18:30 9277420,4075823391,"

The entire Q hoax exists to protect Sessions by creating a false narrative that he's actually working with Trump behind the scenes, despite the fact that Jeff obviously works for the deep state and the democrats.

No more. It's undeniable that Sessions is a complete traitor. All of us need to collectively call for his firing and for him to be put under investigation immediately

",1535999627,03/09/2018 18:33 9277420,4075830502,

The only good to come from Jeff Sessions?
He proved that Qanon is a fraud.

,1535999964,03/09/2018 18:39 9277420,4075831705,"

Ha ha ha! It's a conspiracy within a conspiracy! But wait, maybe the conspiracy to spread the false Q conspiracy theory, is really the real conspiracy that Q is trying to stop, and he spread the false earlier conspiracy only to carry out the other one. Spread the word, dummies!

",1536000022,03/09/2018 18:40 9277420,4075836518,"

The Q phenom is bogus...Scott Adams does a good breakdown that shows it’s all based in generalities etc.

",1536000256,03/09/2018 18:44 9277420,4075859422,"

You criticize him for calling out Q followers, but you’re the one making the right look clinically insane. Keep it up, Tom. Shout it from the rooftops.

",1536001305,03/09/2018 19:01 9277420,4075863191,"

I don't know you know , when every liberal douchebag that I hate , and would never trust jumps on the band wagon to attack Q , I go the other way. I trust Q , and anyone that hasn't heard of Q needs to go to the patriots live stream and check it out for themselves.

",1536001473,03/09/2018 19:04 9277420,4075868776,"

I want every voter in America to know about Q, and I want as many people on the right as possible to talk about Q, to spread Q’s message, because I am a devoted progressive Democrat. Where did I attack Q? I sincerely hope to the bottom of my heart that, by November, the GOP is seen as the party of Q. I am not attacking Q or his followers. You’re doing God’s work. Shout it from the rooftops. Let the world know what you believe.

",1536001717,03/09/2018 19:08 9273571,4075870651,"

<""I have many sources to prove it..."">

Would that be the coquette, Q, you've been so over the moon about?

You don't have any sources. You're a liar and a fraud. The only sources you have are the fever swamps of that psychotic break of a political movement, the alt-right. Dumb and Dumber.

",1536001799,03/09/2018 19:09 9277420,4075878446,"

What if Q is true ? Would it shake the very foundations of your soul ? You have to wake up one day, everybody does. I was just like you , I voted for Obama twice , because I hated Bush so much. But there is no difference between the two , war mongering money dealers on pallets. Trump is the anti of the one state and if you cant see that , I cant help you . You know something smells man , you are a smart guy , you know there is something really dark that eats these people. Wake up fool.

",1536002134,03/09/2018 19:15 9277420,4075882439,

I am Q when I am stoned

,1536002299,03/09/2018 19:18 9276994,4075898606,"

As you know Trump has been saying something needs to be done about all this censorship.

But they are private companies....or are they?

Q has been moving his questions in the direction for anons on 8chan to start digging.

How might [DARPA] aka GOOG play a role in the spy campaign against POTUS?
Think GMAIL.
It will [ALL] connect eventually.

Why would Q call Google, DARPA?

Why did Q lead the anons on 8chan to dig and find out Facebook is the DARPA lifelog project.

Government money just like a university they have to allow free speech. Trump will bring the hammer down.

",1536002972,03/09/2018 19:29 9277420,4075903431,"

Wake up. You're being played!
You like solving puzzles? Why does my YouTube dashboard get plastered with Q-annon videos but the voices who where calling out Q as a fraud had their accounts pulled?
Q says ""Think logically"" Ok, wouldn't logic suggest YouTube, who has aligned itself with the left, be encouraging me to watch and follow Q? While at the same time discouraging me from seeing the others by taking them down?
It's not rocket science, it's an overactive imagination coupled with wishful thinking.

",1536003175,03/09/2018 19:32 9277420,4075910263,"

I don't like the meathead thing, but the rest of your post is interesting. To me its not really Q per say. Its the people that are hunting information and facts. There are good people hunting down stories , George Webb is amazing to watch , lots of good people trying to keep people honest. But hey you make very valid points and there could be many answers to your questions. I don't have the answers but I am certainly watching and judging , I don't follow blindly .

",1536003470,03/09/2018 19:37 9277156,4075914239,"

There is great evil in D.C.

"" Those who know .... can't sleep "" --- Q anon.

",1536003643,03/09/2018 19:40 9277420,4075916755,"

I'm not asleep. I'm listening. I'm amplifying your message. I hope to God that the GOP is the party of Q by November. We both want everyone in America to learn about Q and his followers as soon as possible. Why are you treating me like an enemy? You are one of my most valuable allies. Trump rallies should be FILLED with Q shirts and people giving interviews about Q. There's a very real chance that together, we can make that happen.

Thank you for your service.

",1536003752,03/09/2018 19:42 9277420,4075919937,"

Sane conservatives attack Q too because he's a juvenile douchebag, and so are you

",1536003899,03/09/2018 19:44 9277420,4075923860,"

Juvenile Douchebag ? I don't think you understand the whole Q thing . Wotto , the only thing the Q community looks for is the truth, that's it that's all. I don't understand why you would be upset about that ? You have a great day friend .

",1536004078,03/09/2018 19:47 9277420,4075928855,"

BuII$hit Q is a Media Matters scam, they hate America First conservatives and everything we stand for.

Child, did you know the enemy approaches as a friend?

",1536004322,03/09/2018 19:52 9277420,4075934397,

Alex Jones & INFOWARS BANNED but Q BullShiite being spoon fed to the useful Idiots!

,1536004594,03/09/2018 19:56 9277420,4075941563,"

Do you know what sarcasm is? Sarcasm would be if I was a sane Republican trying to get you to stop. I am a progressive. Check my comment history. When I say that Q conspiracists are doing God's work, and they're my ally, it's because they are making the GOP the party of Q. I am 100% sincere. When I thank you for your service, I am thanking you for helping to elect democrats. I do appreciate it. Keep up the good work.

I probably shouldn't tell you all that, because you might stop. But I like taunting right wing nuts, and let's be honest, you're never going to stop. Shout it from the rooftops, Tom. 'Q IS THE TRUTH!' Tell everyone, and convince as many gullible GOP as you can. The party has already gone half-crazy. Finish the job. You're doing God's work.

",1536004963,03/09/2018 20:02 9277420,4075944487,"

Here's the thing- If Q is a hoax, then why hasn't Trump come out and said so? Why would he allow his supporters to be mislead in such a way, and say nothing?

",1536005118,03/09/2018 20:05 9277420,4075945385,"

No, the Mueller probe is engineered by Trump to take down Pizzagate. Mueller and Trump are working together. Haven't you heard? Q said so!

",1536005168,03/09/2018 20:06 9277420,4075952007,

I want everyone to know about Q. Do you disagree?

,1536005534,03/09/2018 20:12 9277420,4075970885,

When Q pronounced that the helicopter with a spotlight was a missile I knew his group was nothing more than right wing entertainment. Q may stumble on some things that are true but it's clear that much of what is said is false.

,1536006553,03/09/2018 20:29 9277420,4075978656,"

What about Neon? Absolutely the best on the web at analyzing/decoding Q posts. The guy is brilliant. Here ya go:
Enjoy the show! WWG1WGA

",1536006950,03/09/2018 20:35 9277420,4075982286,"

I edited that out.
I followed for awhile back when it started. All they did was run in circles.
What did it for me was one night I was on live. A woman asked a valid question, but it was the kind of question that could be construed, to call into question the validity of Q. Well, she was excoriated for it. For asking a question! She even received a snarky, smart-ass rebuke from Q!
The only ideology I'm familiar with that has a problem with answering simple questions and encourages cult like group think is the regressive left.
Tracy Beanz is still heralded over there but she was the one who was able to extrapolate, based on some obscure meeting that Mueller, somehow, miraculously ""was turned from the darkside"" and was ""secretly"" along with his band of corrupt liberal leftists, ""helping Trump take down the deep state.""
I wasn't aware they had psychotropic cocktails powerful enough to produce such a hallucination until I saw that.

",1536007136,03/09/2018 20:38 9277420,4075982803,

What is this Q you keep talking about?

,1536007160,03/09/2018 20:39 9277420,4075986195,

wrong alphabet psychopaths - Q is CIA

,1536007331,03/09/2018 20:42 9277420,4075986595,

There is NO Q. There never was a Q. You retards will believe anything.

,1536007353,03/09/2018 20:42 9277420,4075990215,

OK Q just spoke.

Sep 3 2018 17:29:27 (EST) NEW
Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.
Where once there was [D-1]ARK
Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT

It may be cryptic for a normie but he writes this stuff for the autist on 8chan.

,1536007543,03/09/2018 20:45 9277420,4075994090,"

When Q slammed Alex Jones and Corsi , I questioned everything pretty hard after that . Jones knows so much it drives him half crazy most of the time. Hell , the stuff I have found out drives me half crazy to. Q to me is interesting and I keep it at arms length and watch. I do like the patriots stream though , there are some very smart people that like to question everything as do I . But yes there is a cult like feeling with them. George Webb is someone I am watching now , he is the real deal, scarey sh man. It all comes down to , 3 things. Drugs , arms , and kids. That is very real.

",1536007742,03/09/2018 20:49 9277420,4075995163,"

",1536007797,03/09/2018 20:49 9277420,4075996379,"

While Q suggests that we ""trust Sessions"" I still have my doubts. Republicans and Trump's eclectic base better get out their vote at the mid-terms or this country is going to be in a whole world of hurt...

",1536007860,03/09/2018 20:51 9269512,4075997518,"

Former journalist. I understand the rules of objective reporting, journalistic analysis, editorializing, and at the end of the day, professionalism.

The liberal media you rail against is not LIBERAL -- it's just fulfilling its mandate as the Fourth Estate -- informing the public about what the rich and powerful are up to. The latter hate that because it crimps their penchant for corrupting the access to power that they're afforded by virtue of their position in society. Which is why the Fourth Estate exists in the first place, to be a check against that tendency toward corruption.

So when someone reports on how the Kochs have lost a host of lawsuits over mistreatment of employees or paying bribes to officials to get regulations loosened (both are true facts), among their country club set, they naturally characterize the media exposing their illegal activity as LIBERAL. Because it's biased toward informing Jane Q Public.

That's been going on since our country was founded, but the effectiveness of that propaganda campaign changed dramatically with the advent of technology, especially the Internet, the proliferation of alternative news sites, social media, Reagan's jettisoning of the Fairness Doctrine, which opened the floodgates to talk radio, which is all rightwing, all day, all the time, infecting many people's minds while they go about their daily routines.

The mainstream media isn't liberal, it's just trying to let you know what the REAL conspiracies are, which typically are not as glamorous or as titillating as the rightwing fever swamps make them out to be.

",1536007918,03/09/2018 20:51 9277420,4075998294,

There actually is a guy named Q. So you are the retard for not knowing something so basic. But I never believed a word he said. Now go away you little loser. We put you in your place already in the last election and now you need to shut up.

,1536007962,03/09/2018 20:52 9275320,4075999930,

On the news this evening (3/9/18/) - British folk not able to get medication or care for their elderly or children - whilst giving Foreign Aid to a country with it's own space programme and promising millions to Africa.
Time for the electorate to strike back - make sure the greedy weak minded MPs end up on the dole Q come the next GE.

,1536008048,03/09/2018 20:54 9277420,4076000947,

Hey what about when Q said Obama was a pedophile and started diddling hollywood child maggie nixon when she was 10 years old?

It would be able to easily prove Q is a larp if someone looked her up and asked her or her mother.

The media refused to look into it.

,1536008101,03/09/2018 20:55 9277420,4076008260,

Q post 2067 just now.

Sep 3 2018 17:53:38 (EST)

(a post by an anon is above the Q post.
A picture of pepe
and TRumps recent tweet with part of it highlighted
Here comes the RED WAVE!!!

Just before mid-terms!!!)

With love comes trust.
Schedule changes can be very painful.

,1536008492,03/09/2018 21:01 9277420,4076012496,"

I have an I and a Q. When you put them together, the truth becomes Quite obvious.

What is Q

Quit asking silly Questions and spend some Quality time Quantifying and Qualitatively reviewing the FaQs. M

",1536008731,03/09/2018 21:05 9277420,4076020995,"

I will challenge you again.

Q had the anons check into maggie nixon. a hollwood child and her relationship with obama.

The daily dot did a hit piece on Q, the next day Q posted this:

Apparently Q is saying obama started diddling her when she was 10 years old.

Google images of: obama and maggie nixon.

The media could have proved Q was a larp but they chose to stay far far far away from this.

",1536009211,03/09/2018 21:13 9277420,4076036890,

too bad Q wouldnt drop a real classified bomb to prove they are real

,1536010127,03/09/2018 21:28 9277156,4076058871,"

Q is like that guy you meet in neighborhood
bars. You know the type. Never has any money, waits to drink beer until someone feels sorry for him and buys him a beer.

All the while telling you he is Ex-CIA and is having to stay low because they want to assassinate him.

Yeah, that's Q.

",1536011418,03/09/2018 21:50 9277420,4076063831,"

",1536011713,03/09/2018 21:55 9277420,4076069078,

Jean Luv Picard is the only defence against Q.

,1536012034,03/09/2018 22:00 9277420,4076076794,"

Dont any of you notice that the media matters trolls head en mass to any story about sessions? What do they do, criticize, disparage, blah blah blah, same as the entire msm about Q Anon..why?
Wake up, you and msm are agreeing,, what does that say, about you?

",1536012485,03/09/2018 22:08 9277156,4076086442,"

The big Q drop on 3 Nov 2017: (HUH! Only meaningless questions?)

31 Oct 2017 - 11:41:54 PM
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

3 Nov 2017 - 3:38:03 PM
What data just dropped?
Why is this relevant?
Where is HUMA?
Who is HUMA connected to?
What organization?
What is HUMA's family history?
How did HUMA meet HRC?
What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are?
Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden?
Were deals made w/ select D's?
Can we expose every crooked politician?
Follow HUMA.
Alice & Wonderland.

3 Nov 2017 - 3:33:30 PM
Where is John Podesta?
Where is Tony Podesta?
Did one or both escape the country and was let out?
What is the difference between commercial and private re: security clearance for departure?
Who is the TSA head?
Which party did he contribute to?
What is of particular interest when researching?
How does HS interact w/ TSA?
What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets?
What local airports are in close proximity to DC?
What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?
Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.
Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?
What airport did the departure take place at?
Why is this relevant?
How does it tie together?
Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).
Short delay.
This will be leaked.
Watch the news.
Have faith.
What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?
Why is this relevant?
What was stated in the past?
Where did the $18b from Soros go?
Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)?
Slush fund?
Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate?
Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Why is the timing important?
Who released the article?
The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated.
Nice view up here.

",1536013021,03/09/2018 22:17 9277420,4076091871,"

The entire Q hoax exists simply to show how foolish Trump supporters are. It's not even a left wing conspiracy, it's just a nice organic phenomenon that the rest of us get to observe and laugh at.

",1536013315,03/09/2018 22:21 9277420,4076094533,"

Dude, Truther Cat, I am not a troll. I have come here for years and I am as pro Trump as it gets. You need to wake up and realize that Q is just some austistic kid in his Moms basement that thinks it's funny to post random nonsense and that people actually believe it. He has yet to be proven right even once. He said Hillary would be locked up in October of 2017. Never happened. He said that Sessions has 1000s of sealed indictments but there is no evidence whatsoever of that. He said that there was a video of Hillary Clinton cutting off the face of child. Seriously? You are going to believe that? Stop living in a fantasy world. This is real life and not some game.

",1536013462,03/09/2018 22:24 9277420,4076107590,

Name one thing that Q has said that has magically come true. He has never proven a damn thing except that he is a fake poster that has a bunch of idiots wrapped around his finger.

,1536014192,03/09/2018 22:36 9277420,4076112364,"

Obviously you’re a deep state Clinton pizza muncher spouting such obvious fake news! Qanon has never been wrong, much like our beloved President!

You are at best a heretic and at worst an agent of the Deep State!

",1536014463,03/09/2018 22:41 9277156,4076117930,

QLIES where are all the fired people? Only Q knows?

18 Jan 2018 - 7:16:41 PM
What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?
Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?
Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served?
[8] FIRED.
Possible SUICIDES.
++ / + TICK TOCK.

,1536014769,03/09/2018 22:46 9277420,4076121171,

I think Q may be an actual Russian troll that is trying to cause chaos. But you are right that it is the House GOP that has been working hard to expose the corruption. Sessions hasn't said a word about it because he is compromised.

,1536014951,03/09/2018 22:49 9277420,4076122277,"

Q started referring to Hillary as ""Alice"" and Suadi Arabia as ""Wonderland"" on November 2, 2017. Hillary was using ""Alice"" as her alias in emails she wanted to keep hidden; this information became public when a few of her emails were declassified on July 2, 2018. http://www.judicialwatch.or...

There are dozens of examples where Q has expressed insider knowledge.

",1536015011,03/09/2018 22:50 9277420,4076124353,

Come on man. I am on your side. If you can't show me proof of Q being right than why should I believe him? I would love for him to be right but I have yet to see it. We need to get rid of the conspiracy theory crap and work on actually getting an AG that is willing to fight the corruption of the deep state. Right now Qs posts are not doing anything but making Republicans look crazy.

,1536015125,03/09/2018 22:52 9278236,4076153620,

Q post 2066

Sep 3 2018 17:29:27 (EST)
Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.
Where once there was [D-1]ARK
Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT

What does it mean? A 8chan anon figured it out.

Every letter has a number for what place it is supposed to be in.

It spells DECLAS

Q always said the dark will become light when potus declassifies everything.

We will know tomorrow if Q is a larp or not.

,1536016804,03/09/2018 23:20 9277420,4076165865,"

I don't know what unirock is. I have never trusted Jones. And I have no idea who Corsi is. But if ""in pursuit of truth"" is a video on YouTube then I will check it out. But please stop trying to spread the Qanon myth. It is not helping our movement to believe the words of some random internet poster with no proven credentials.

",1536017482,03/09/2018 23:31 9277156,4076166645,"

So after reviewing ALL of Q's posts the following is true:

Q cites wikis as credible sources of information.
Q cites MSM publications as credible sources of information.
Q cites fringe publications as credible sources of information.
Q made no documents available BEFORE they were available to the public.
Q releases obscure documents, that are interesting, but hard to locate by the untrained researcher.
Q does not provide specific references within cited links or cited documents.

In my opinion, Q is a researcher that has a paid subscription to a highly specialized search engine similar to Shodan ( Most researchers across a wide base of industries use pervasive search engines to find information for both broad searches and narrow searches: EX. book authors, wallstreet firms, news outlets, crime investigators,...

Additionally, search engines like Shodan can connect to IOT based devices that are unsecured and provide users with pictures and personal information about unsuspecting users. Specialized search engines allow users to perform broad information searches and then narrow down the results based on specific criteria.

",1536017525,03/09/2018 23:32 9275935,4076168012,

The Deep State wants another war. Wait until they invade us(never) then we can fight them. MAGA Q WWG1WGA Trump 8 Years!

,1536017606,03/09/2018 23:33 9278236,4076171778,"

RP: So after reviewing ALL of Q's posts the following is true:

Q cites wikis as credible sources of information.
Q cites MSM publications as credible sources of information.
Q cites fringe publications as credible sources of information.
Q made no documents available BEFORE they were available to the public.
Q releases obscure documents, that are interesting, but hard to locate by the untrained researcher.
Q does not provide specific references within cited links or cited documents.

In my opinion, Q is a researcher that has a paid subscription to a highly specialized search engine similar to Shodan ( Most researchers across a wide base of industries use pervasive search engines to find information for both broad searches and narrow searches: EX. book authors, wallstreet firms, news outlets, crime investigators,...

Additionally, search engines like Shodan can connect to IOT based devices that are unsecured and provide users with pictures and personal information about unsuspecting users. Specialized search engines allow users to perform broad information searches and then narrow down the results based on specific criteria.

",1536017813,03/09/2018 23:36 9278236,4076222779,"

OMG Q is incredible:

Q posted a link to a NSA website:

That is amazing

",1536020633,04/09/2018 00:23 9278236,4076226449,"

RP0: So after reviewing ALL of Q's posts the following is true:

Q cites wikis as credible sources of information.
Q cites MSM publications as credible sources of information.
Q cites fringe publications as credible sources of information.
Q made no documents available BEFORE they were available to the public.
Q releases obscure documents, that are interesting, but hard to locate by the untrained researcher.
Q does not provide specific references within cited links or cited documents.

In my opinion, Q is a researcher that has a paid subscription to a highly specialized search engine similar to Shodan ( Most researchers across a wide base of industries use pervasive search engines to find information for both broad searches and narrow searches: EX. book authors, wallstreet firms, news outlets, crime investigators,...

Additionally, search engines like Shodan can connect to IOT based devices that are unsecured and provide users with pictures and personal information about unsuspecting users. Specialized search engines allow users to perform broad information searches and then narrow down the results based on specific criteria.

",1536020834,04/09/2018 00:27 9278236,4076228900,"

",1536020972,04/09/2018 00:29 9278236,4076229291,"

For some reason, there's an organized disinfo campaign about Q Anon.


",1536020995,04/09/2018 00:29 9272326,4076229702,"

I was never particularly good in history. But I learned a lot in the last years. Yes, it makes totally sense! In the end though the war is never really won by one side. The battles will be won by sometimes this and sometimes the other side. As Marine you know for sure about the ""empty hand"" weapons of Karate and the story about it. Where there is a will there is a way. It just needs united force to remove a corrupt regime. Pretty easy actually. IF ...

But I agree that my idealistic tax free society and with votes of real money will probably not be established soon. LOL. We can already be glad if most of the corrupt actors will be removed from power. But something seems to happen:

It's really interesting to follow. A lot of strategic questions. Of course I just try to observe what happens ...

",1536021018,04/09/2018 00:30 9278236,4076236715,

It's @ 83...I guess the 4th Q will tell

,1536021433,04/09/2018 00:37 9277420,4076240759,"

What did I lie about? Stop putting your faith in some random internet shitposter that just writes a bunch of unprovable nonsense. The whole basis of the Q conspiracy is that there are 40 billion sealed indictments or some crap, and Sessions is just getting ready to drop the hammer. It is rediculous. There are slightly more sealed indictments than there have been in previous years but most of those crimes were for drugs, for petty crimes like traffic tickets,or because they were minors and they always seal minors records. You need to open your eyes and stop believing in this crap. I know it gives you hope but he is scamming you and it makes the rest of us look bad. If Sessions really does go after the deep state then I will eat my words and I will apologize profusely. But right now this whole thing is just an idiotic hoax created by a random internet poster that speaks in a made up code. What are Qs credentials? Do you even know? Do you realize that people can make up personas on the internet and that there is no proof that the person is who they say they are?

",1536021675,04/09/2018 00:41 9261640,4076271145,"

According to Q, it's the Democrats.

",1536023400,04/09/2018 01:10 9277420,4076277212,"

The Q thing is the greatest sideshow I've ever seen. You guys can't even get your act together amongst yourselves - half of you (or some portion at least) believe in an utterly nonsensical conspiracy theory, because, well... y'all seem to be very partial to conspiracy theories. Especially Trump.

",1536023741,04/09/2018 01:15 9261640,4076278125,"

Exhibit A: Q often makes predictions that don't happen.

",1536023807,04/09/2018 01:16 9261640,4076288833,"

Fear not, Qanon reports Pope Francis has referred the investigation to John Huber in Utah and there are 40,000 sealed indictments. Trust the plan!

",1536024527,04/09/2018 01:28 9261640,4076290181,

Well Q did say the Pope was going to have serious problems

,1536024608,04/09/2018 01:30 9277420,4076305087,

It is not half the people or even close to it. It is a very small fringe of people that believe in Q. Probably less than 0.5% of Trump supporters. And at least their theories seem to hold a little more water than the leftist theories that Putin put Trump in power and that Putin is just bidding his time before he announces that he is our actual and true President.

,1536025739,04/09/2018 01:48 9275821,4076306137,

We Win - You Lose. wwg1wga. Q. 🇺🇸 maga

,1536025820,04/09/2018 01:50 9269050,4076310830,"

Breitbart is ""approving"" my last comment about ""Q-Anon""/TRUMP. If you think that you're getting ""TRUTH"" on this site, YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND!!
Wake up from the Matrix !!!
Moon Landings? SERIOUSLY??? Do you idiots still believe in the Easter Bunny too?

",1536026204,04/09/2018 01:56 9265051,4076311687,"

You know what those terms mean, you just hate them, that's not a comprehension problem. That post above, posted by sparkler, supposedly quoting Q? That's a real mess, which I'm still waiting for someone to sort out.

",1536026278,04/09/2018 01:57 9277834,4076318694,

What does Q say?

,1536026848,04/09/2018 02:07 9275107,4076327924,"

You should be embarrassed for calling yourself a man. In the next 3 months, Q-Anon/Trump are going to start throwing the ILLUMINATI/NWO ELITES INTO GITMO, and when you see that, you're going to remember this post. And then, you're going to start believing EVERYTHING THAT I'VE JUST SAID.

You're mind is about to be BLOWN because you've been a total created being to believe that which a SATANIC LUCIFERIAN ELITE HAVE WANTED YOU TO BELIEVE!!!
You're going to see and hear things that will boggle the mind, and remember this: I'M MERELY THE MESSENGER WHO TRIED TO WARN YOU.......ENJOY THE ""MATRIX"" IN THE MEANTIME, YOU DRONE.

",1536027581,04/09/2018 02:19 9277420,4076347887,"

I'm astounded at how much they are throwing Sessions under the bus. Not just GP.
It's like brainwashing... something's not Right. Like we are being whipped in line... sheeple. Now we've got social media censoring us.
Maybe, I'm more suspicious because I read Q. ??? Heads Up... bigly.

",1536029137,04/09/2018 02:45 9274801,4076353278,"

Yep, you're a Q fan...No Name is enjoying a nice stay in the pit complements of our boy!

",1536029541,04/09/2018 02:52 9277420,4076354332,

I don't know why you are blaming Q for this. He/she is telling it as it is revealed. Session MUST GO! There is no doubt where he stands after this move.

,1536029617,04/09/2018 02:53 9262087,4076358533,"

I actually majored for a while in journalism. Do you know what the 5 Ws and the H stand for? ya? Seriously, I HATE math but not physics or biology! And I'm anal about grammar and spelling. I accept your apology, and I apologize as well. You do not deserve to be called a cretin. BTW, my dad was a petroleum engineer (here in TX of course). The fact that (as you claim) you have multiple degrees tells me you are an intelligent person that asks questions, hopefully to the point of requiring evidence as proof to claims made by individuals in the media or academia. You should question everything. Do you ever research conspiracy theories, or just ignore them as tin-foil hat paranoia? Who really was responsible for the assassination of JFK and why (or do you care)? Do you think the Q movement is full of tin-hat wearers? Do you understand that the Deep State / Cabal is comprised of both political party members? To be a patriot in these divisive times is not is to want a UNITED States again. All I ask is for you to do a little research. Follow the names and associations. Take care and God bless. I actually majored for a while in journalism. Do you know what the 5 Ws and the H stand for? ya? Seriously, I HATE math but not physics or biology! And I'm anal about grammar and spelling. I accept your apology, and I apologize as well. You do not deserve to be called a cretin. BTW, my dad was a petroleum engineer (here in TX of course). The fact that (as you claim) you have multiple degrees tells me you are an intelligent person that asks questions, hopefully to the point of requiring evidence as proof to claims made by individuals in the media or academia. You should question everything. Do you ever research conspiracy theories, or just ignore them as tin-foil hat paranoia? Who really was responsible for the assassination of JFK and why (or do you care)? Do you think the Q movement is full of tin-hat wearers? Do you understand that the Deep State / Cabal is comprised of both political party members? To be a patriot in these divisive times is not is to want a UNITED States again. All I ask is for you to do a little research. Follow the names and associations. Take care and God bless. WWG1WGA

",1536029934,04/09/2018 02:58 9277420,4076359823,"

Good to here from a fellow ""Q"" man. I agree, these people on here live in the fake right paradigm. It is amazing just how brainwashed people are. I've been down ALL THE RABBIT HOLES Q IS GOING DOWN AND SPEAKING ABOUT FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS!!!

When I tell people that everything they believe is a lie, they just cannot understand it. It's sad to see so many people deceived to what God has actually created and what the Elites have stolen from us.

",1536030032,04/09/2018 03:00 9278929,4076375874,"

----- "" We Have It ALL "" ........ Q - Anon.
He is about to try to flee the country.

Where We Go ONE .... We Go ALL !!!

",1536031191,04/09/2018 03:19 9277420,4076441403,

Did you incorrectly punctuate this sentence? Good luck proving Q and the flat earth theory :)

,1536035591,04/09/2018 04:33 9277612,4076446661,"

You dont know who won the popular vote.

QAnon, Birtherism, Alex Jones & crisis actors - you mean to tell me its not all BS

",1536035939,04/09/2018 04:38 9278686,4076466008,"

Stop spreading lies. Lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you are confused.

",1536037172,04/09/2018 04:59 9273571,4076482847,"

Stop spreading lies. DEMOCRATS have not ""taken on the power to define things"", and if they have its because half the Right are too busy decoding the Oracle Q which is not making Republicans look any smarter.

",1536038285,04/09/2018 05:18 9275527,4076490883,

That is funny because some of your conservative peers are all getting their thoughts from the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories...

,1536038830,04/09/2018 05:27 9275527,4076495176,"

Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of blood thirsty Oracle Q fanatics to make blood in the streets. Do you know how UnAmerican you sound?

",1536039109,04/09/2018 05:31 9277612,4076504209,

He sounds like a guy with a clue. Im retired Newark PD....nothing wrong with being able to hit the Q at 25 yards....thats a good thing.

,1536039696,04/09/2018 05:41 9277420,4076578299,"

Q claims to be in Trump's inner circle. People believe that it's Trump himself posting, at times as Q+. If Q is not legit, then yes, Trump absolutely has an obligation to let his supporters know that he's not affiliated with Q.

I believe Q is legit. It's illegal to pose as a gov. official and also Trump is extremely protective of his image. I don't think Trump would have allowed this thing to get so big, if it was fake.
Time will tell...

",1536044317,04/09/2018 06:58 9277420,4076581954,"

No you’re wrong! The dems love Sessions! You hate him and think he’s a traitor. That’s what the dems needed to think before the hammer drops. This week at least 6 pages of FISA declas to hit congress while both the house and senate are in session. Before you discredit Q take a deep breath and try to understand how these tricky situations must be handled for the optics alone! 40,000 ft view until it’s time for the close ups!

",1536044520,04/09/2018 07:02 9277420,4076654518,"

If Q is making any such accurate predictions, it is because Q is getting inside info from the deep state, in order to trick you into believing all the propaganda, such as Sessions is a good guy.
Make your determinations based on interpreting events, not fiction.

",1536048833,04/09/2018 08:13 9277612,4076696665,"

Q is like that guy you meet in neighborhood
bars. You know the type. Never has any money, waits to drink beer until someone feels sorry for him and buys him a beer.

All the while telling you he is Ex-CIA and is having to stay low because they want to assassinate him.

Yeah, that's Q.

",1536051385,04/09/2018 08:56 9277612,4076705635,"

Great Avatar choice for somebody :)
(excited toad)

",1536051907,04/09/2018 09:05 9277612,4076714223,"

A possible avatar for you to consider...

sort of a frog...

",1536052352,04/09/2018 09:12 9261640,4076716619,"

Wake up.........learn the truth.

I urge people to read the posts of: LEO ZAGAMI, Fiona Barnett, Kevin Annett, David Zublick, Liz Crokin............just for starters.

My ""go to's for the latest Q news (put in favorites to be viewed daily):

You Tube: Stroppy Me, Truth and Art, T,R.U. Reporting, You Are Free, McAllister.............and then: Blessed to Teach, Patriot Hour, DNAJlion7, and George Webb (for the really tech stuff), X22..................and then Gotcha and Natasha.

Breitbart, Your News Wire *****, True Pundit, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit.

We don't have much true reporting left, except for OAN NEWS.
I no longer TRUST Fox, since they became business partners with DisneyPedo/ABC/ESPN corps. Got tired of their ""lawyers"" bashing Sessions, and tired of the endless self promotions of their books. Besides.................MURDOCH IS LISTED ON THE COMMITTEE OF 300.

I suggest we do our own research, and compile all that is in the sites above, and THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Since we no longer have a MSM that reports TRUTH, we have to share with one another, and pay it forward.......................CHEERS.

Please, GOD, bless and protect P Trump, his family, his ENTIRE administration and military, and WE THE PEOPLE...........AMEN.

",1536052486,04/09/2018 09:14 9278857,4076736162,

Corporate Suicide. Love it! Dude looks like a used Q Tip.

,1536053521,04/09/2018 09:32 9277420,4076760205,"

As Q would say, how can you indict guilty people when you have a corrupt judicial system and law enforcement agency. You must clean house before you can seek justice. Slow and constant progress, leading to......



James Comey, Director – FIRED

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED

James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED

Michael Steinbach -

John Glacalone -

Randy Coleman -

Trisha Anderson -

Kevin Clinesmith -

Tashina Gauhar -

Sally Moyer -


David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED

Nothing to See Here.

The next several months will be interesting.

",1536054709,04/09/2018 09:51 9277612,4076810697,

That's why we need JEFF SESSIONS to wake up! (Sorry Q but it seems there is a lot he could do but isn't.) We now have proof the Mueller probe is a fraud based on Bruce Ohr testimony.

When does the hammer drop?

When does a member of the Democrat Communist Clown Party see justice?

You've got to have enough on Hillary for two life sentances.

Bring on the Four Horsemen of the Judicial Apocalypse! Just do it!

,1536057065,04/09/2018 10:31 9277612,4076821424,

How can you be so sure he's not part of Q?

,1536057522,04/09/2018 10:38 9276442,4076911023,

Just one small point - 'Britain' would have got rid of Abu Q in an eyeblink!
Treason May (as Home Secretary) dithered over his deportation until the US lost patience and ordered her to give him up.

,1536061124,04/09/2018 11:38 9277420,4076953546,

Enjoy the Show. Have you looked at the list of Politicians not seeking re-election? More Republicans on that list than they are Dems. Indicates that GOP guys are more so guilty of stuff than even Dems. Hell at least you know where Dems are coming from. I applaud Sessions for doing that. Drain The Swamp has many creatures and many sizes. Q is right to say Enjoy The Show and Trump is part of Q team

,1536062751,04/09/2018 12:05 9277420,4076967870,"

It's also illegal to leak supposed classified information to the masses. So far Q hasn't really been right about anything. He just makes up a bunch of random sentences and people believe it. Everytime his predictions don't come true his fans make up some excuse like ""it happened but the Government is covering it up so you'll never see it"". I wish Q was right and I would love it if he was. But right now he just seems like some shitposter that is tricking a bunch of people into thinking that he actually has inside information.

",1536063278,04/09/2018 12:14 9278959,4076998442,

Qanon has it stored in a safe location

,1536064363,04/09/2018 12:32 9279946,4077007798,

Are you real ? 49 votes 0 followers o comments i don't think so. Fake Q Never heard Q use a term like libtard either.

,1536064694,04/09/2018 12:38 9279946,4077017994,

There has been plenty of real evidence from Q posts

,1536065051,04/09/2018 12:44 9278857,4077050729,

sure you would. Have you ever seen a Q ueer wrapped in plastic? Take your military ID out if you have one and look at it.

,1536066162,04/09/2018 13:02 9276928,4077060242,

Oh right. Forgot about Q. Everyone except Trump is a pedophile. But that's OK. You don't mind.

,1536066464,04/09/2018 13:07 9279946,4077125406,

More time to read the latest Q anon theory!

,1536068595,04/09/2018 13:43 9273571,4077158192,"

Yes, You're so right! I still think the Oracle Q is just Steve Bannon in a bathrobe.

",1536069635,04/09/2018 14:00 9275107,4077170332,"

I was skeptical at first, and I agree with you regarding Trinity of spirit, but it strikes me as interesting as with the Bible, prophesy foretold, prophesy fulfilled, that ""Q"" does the same. Obviously there is a foreknowledge of understanding, but it is possible that it is still a ruse. I try to remain open minded and skeptical until I am fully understanding and always, always ask God for wisdom to ""see"". At this point, after reading the drops since November of last year, I'm leaning toward this analysis. Trump is the real deal, because the Elites have tried to kill him 4 times now, (Missile in the Puget Sound being one), and they sure didn't try to kill the Bushes, Clintons or Obama, and that is what has put me on the side of Trump. Why try to kill that which you have installed? Doesn't make sense. B.T.W - One of the Q drops said this: ""Go research flat earth."" That really intrigued me that Q would drop the biggest Globalist secret ever in human history on the lap of the sheeple. Hmmm....

",1536070053,04/09/2018 14:07 9275539,4077170634,"

You've been ear-poisoned by Hannity, Rush, & the Oracle Q, who is punking you.

",1536070064,04/09/2018 14:07 9273898,4077182386,"

Read between the lines.

",1536070465,04/09/2018 14:14 9279946,4077193197,

Hmmmm I'm going to ask Q about this whole thing *shakes magic 8-ball*

,1536070835,04/09/2018 14:20 9279946,4077196413,"

Why Soooooo scared Dems ? ----- "" Q "" knows.

",1536070947,04/09/2018 14:22 9278686,4077204162,"

Go tell that to the parents that lost their children. Just call the police department that had to show up on scene in Sandy Hook, ask them. You would rather defend a scumbag then accept documented, established truth.Wjat the He'll happened to the moral, law & order party? Why did you replace them with Oracle Q conspiracy fanatics who can't see the truth right in front of them?

",1536071208,04/09/2018 14:26 9279946,4077206908,"

Do You "" Q "" ?

"" Bad News Coming for Dems: Get Ready for Another False Flag to Divert Public Attention "" --- Q Anon. Sept. 3 , 2018

",1536071297,04/09/2018 14:28 9279946,4077217301,"

------- Reminder , September is National Preparedness Month .... R - U - Ready ?

"" Bad News Coming for Dems: Get Ready for Another False Flag to Divert Public Attention "" ..... Q anon , yesterday.

",1536071651,04/09/2018 14:34 9275527,4077221675,"

Does it seem like Democrats are especially critical of capitalism? No, not at all
Do you really think the Libs are planning a revolution that results in a classless society with fair distribution of goods? Not likely.
So, it's clear you are in the midst of a paranoid delusion, probably brought on by too many Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Do us all a favor and lay off the phony BS, its confusing your brain.

",1536071797,04/09/2018 14:36 9281521,4077239164,"

------ Their New Mexico SCHOOL SHOOTER terror training camp was disrupted early

Related ? ... "" Bad News Coming for Dems: Get Ready for Another False Flag to Divert Public Attention "" ----- Q anon , Sept. 3 , 2018

",1536072380,04/09/2018 14:46 9275539,4077246252,"

A few things, the Q-anons have been talking about her, just last week. Forget exactly what they said or what the context was, off hand. (still on first cup of coffee)

She may have ""testified under oath."" Again not sure what context that testimony was in though?

",1536072612,04/09/2018 14:50 9281503,4077342369,"

Well Q is for sure right about one thing, these people are stupid.

",1536075877,04/09/2018 15:44 9279946,4077365893,

And you guys should keep on furiously decoding the Oracle Q because that doesn't make Republicans look any smarter either.

,1536076698,04/09/2018 15:58 9279946,4077380275,"

Oh,that's funny, considering Republicans are all decoding the Oracle Q and planning their trip to the HaleBop comet.

",1536077207,04/09/2018 16:06 9279946,4077381424,

I learned about Alex Jones and Q from liberal sources.

,1536077246,04/09/2018 16:07 9281524,4077396239,"

Please Lay off the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, they're getting to you...

",1536077729,04/09/2018 16:15 9280999,4077399960,"

Just wait. The forces of Good, AKA White Hats, are going to expose some more truth about this great creeping evil that has taken over our republic. This Demon-stration is the frantic thrashing of centipedes and spiders scuttling when you turn over a rock. ""We will all hang by nooses if that f-er get's elected"" America Knows in spite of the spin machine- the Deep state media. We always suspected. Soon the light of truth will expose these creatures and they will be exposed. Personally I can hardly wait. It can't come soon enough. This is what draining the swamp looks like. 50k seal indictments. By the way- Q sent me. Give it a name!

",1536077855,04/09/2018 16:17 9279946,4077416900,

O.k. but you follow Alex Jones & the Oracle Q because You're a Republican.

,1536078434,04/09/2018 16:27 9280537,4077425954,"

And these great sites:

Puppet string news, True Pundit, How to be your own detective, Amerika, American Digital News, The Goldwater, and Q Anon.

",1536078746,04/09/2018 16:32 9279946,4077442343,"

Because your peers are entrenched in total BS!! You would not believe the hero-fantasy that's has taken over. It is a cancer in the Republican party and everyone of you tries to act like its normal that half of the conservative party are totally Oracle Q bonkers! The conspiracy-thinking has eclisped the moral, reasonable thinking so they defend scumbags like Alex Jones.

",1536079294,04/09/2018 16:41 9279946,4077465251,

Nobody I know who voted for Trump has ever mentioned Q. Jones we mention humorously once and a while because of some funny outtakes we've seen.

Are you sure you've interviewed a random sample of Trump voters to come up with that?

,1536080063,04/09/2018 16:54 9281992,4077469891,

Are the rats leaving the sinking ship or is this to be seen in context of developments described by Q?

,1536080214,04/09/2018 16:56 9283015,4077506207,

Is that what Qanon told you?

,1536081439,04/09/2018 17:17 9279946,4077584940,

OT (but holy cow)...

Deplorable Greg

BOOM!!! Atlanta Fed Projected GDP 3rd Q is 4.7%. Winning!

Wut wuz that Kamalalalalalalala???

,1536083958,04/09/2018 17:59 9277420,4077618694,"

No with Q..usually a good idea to ck comment history, dont know, yet, what you're dealing with here

",1536085206,04/09/2018 18:20 9277420,4077624103,"

1. Your use of that term for him is revolting, given his death
2. Agree with your assessment of assisted suicide as preference of some. Don’t know about myself yet; have DNR. However, it’s personal and I wouldn’t get in any one’s way if they so desire, given their circumstances
3. What’s sick is someone floating the “fact” that suicide, assisted or otherwise, was involved here, especially given the “bona fides” of Q, as attributed in the comment

",1536085402,04/09/2018 18:23 9280429,4077656524,"


",1536086649,04/09/2018 18:44 9281503,4077694868,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site. Q

,1536088224,04/09/2018 19:10 9281530,4077697266,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these
pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site.

,1536088324,04/09/2018 19:12 9281818,4077699991,"

Kav. watching all this, can’t wait for him to get even with this evil.
They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site.

",1536088442,04/09/2018 19:14 9281521,4077702267,

Hope its you.
They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site.

,1536088535,04/09/2018 19:15 9281287,4077706048,

Says a person who probably has five Qanon tabs open right now

,1536088698,04/09/2018 19:18 9277420,4077732179,"

",1536089812,04/09/2018 19:36 9277420,4077751693,"

I didn’t say isuicide wasn’t involved. I said there is NO INDISPUTABLE CORROBORATED EVIDENCE that it was involved. And that is spurious, unethical, dishonest, just to name a few. It’s disgusting to allege/conjecture that it was, and Q is your only source - one month BEFORE his death.

Fascist billionaire worshipfulness. Oh, DONNIE is who you’re talking about. McCain made one of the strongest American statements in history when he took the mic from that woman during the campaign. For that alone, he earned respect. Same for insurance vote - Repubs have said for TEN YEARS there’s a better way. McCain voted no because there was no plan, and never would be

The rest? Palin was a stupid choice (literally and figuratively), the S&L scandal was bad, etc. so he’s not an all time favorite. But he served his country in many ways for many years. For that he’s earned a great deal of respect

",1536090680,04/09/2018 19:51 9281524,4077773256,"

You are being punked by the Oracle Q. It is written by some grad students at Berkley.
Get a grip, you are not making your party look any smarter or any cooler.

",1536091687,04/09/2018 20:08 9279946,4077785328,




,1536092263,04/09/2018 20:17 9280999,4077866663,"

C'mon, Q, release some dirt NOW!

",1536096402,04/09/2018 21:26 9284131,4077921599,

You like your women aged? Q advises to get their recipe for calzone upon departure. Have you done this?

,1536099294,04/09/2018 22:14 9279946,4077948470,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site. Q. Q

,1536100672,04/09/2018 22:37 9283618,4077949221,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site.QQQ

,1536100711,04/09/2018 22:38 9284131,4077950993,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site. QQQQ

,1536100801,04/09/2018 22:40 9282778,4077952009,

They are supposed to keep an open mind. I hope Judge K does the same to these pieces of S. Going to be sweet to see him follow the constitution. They
have no agenda and the days of them appointing corrupt judges are over. Now
they have nothing and that’s what they deserve. Q WWG1WGA MAGA🇺🇸
Go to r/greatawakening on the reddit site.QQQQQ

,1536100846,04/09/2018 22:40 9277420,4077953475,"

Most of what Q posts is 'open source'. Meaning the info is already printed in news articles, etc. So it isn't classified info.
Even if Q turned out to be fake (I have no idea- but I do follow his posts) it's turned out to be a good thing. Q's posts have lead a lot of people to Truth. Once you learn the comms, you are lead to knowledge of things that weren't known or paid attention to, before.

",1536100915,04/09/2018 22:41 9283618,4077965744,"

Let's be clear. President Trump single-handedly built one of the largest and most successful real estate empires in the world. That's not a profession where you can get lucky with one idea you bring to market a few months before the competition. It's a profession populated with ruthless sharks, globally funded businesses, heavily regulated by money-hungry politicians, and constantly subject to the whims of the global economy. It's like ship building during a hurricane.

The President was the best in the world at that, then he wrote a best-selling book, built a media empire, became a world renowned personality, and had dozens of smaller successful ventures, and some failures. He was and is one of the most successful businessmen who has ever lived and one of the very very few who have succeeded in multiple, unrelated ventures.

There is NOBODY in politics in either party who has had 1/10th the success that the President has had. Then he took them all on, with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE running for office, and crushed them all. Actually, humiliated them all.

And now, HATED by them all for showing them to be the corrupt criminals that they all are, he is implementing his agenda in the teeth of more opposition than any political leader has ever faced. And he controls the dialogue and has the scurrilous swirl of snakes sniffing at his rear end.

He is so far above that pack of jackals that it's an insult to even mention the President and those losers in the same breath.

",1536101525,04/09/2018 22:52 9279946,4078029405,"

You are in the midst of a delusion, probably brought on by the Oracle Q or Infowars. Please step away from the keyboard and go take a nap.
We are all American.

",1536104743,04/09/2018 23:45 9284668,4078050431,"

------ It is the sign of KEK THE PUNISHER !

( if you look close , its says ..... Q - Anon is coming )

",1536105871,05/09/2018 00:04 9277438,4078084029,

Vote dems in midterms ! They will be back . I want to rid this country from this ideology for once and for all. Vote dems and face the inevitable! Unless Q wants to do all the heavy lifting.

,1536107747,05/09/2018 00:35 9284668,4078095740,

The liberals are more paranoid than the Q people

,1536108419,05/09/2018 00:46 9284668,4078097674,"

Now on the looney left OK means white power or 666 or??? what ever fits the narrative. Hurry up Q drop the evidence... I can't handle them anymore, they are not even adults anymore, just HATE driven children.

",1536108527,05/09/2018 00:48 9284668,4078099959,

I'm left handed so mine looks like a Q W.

,1536108652,05/09/2018 00:50 9284668,4078106355,"

A little supporting info:

Hilda wears an upside down cross...

So does Chelsea...

",1536109030,05/09/2018 00:57 9283036,4078136840,

Don't worry Qanon says Huber's looking into it.

,1536110941,05/09/2018 01:29 9284668,4078137096,"

It's a symbol that the left is trying to attach to the Trump movement as a symbol of white supremacy. We don't understand the meaning of this hand gesture because we love all the Supremes. Unlike Trump's swooping Q gesture, the ok symbol is a total fake.

",1536110958,05/09/2018 01:29 9284668,4078148045,

No need but would be xtra precaution for the occassional leaker bag.

I drop mine into a good sealing GI fatboy can after sealing and check Q 6 months.

,1536111677,05/09/2018 01:41 9284668,4078161339,

8chan is where Q has migrated.

,1536112560,05/09/2018 01:56 9284668,4078164350,

Most people have very solid opinions on Q.

I have seen enough instances that can't be explained in any way other than thinking that Trump is working alongside Q. Mainly to help get the people ready for the changes. Giving us little bits of information at a time so we get a better picture of things and aren't too stressed out when more is disclosed.

,1536112767,05/09/2018 01:59 9279946,4078183428,"

Oh, I see you are fluent in the Oracle Q., that's too bad, .you know he's really just some grad students in Northern Calif?
Conspiracy thinking is the opposite of critical thinking.
I'd rather be a useful fool than a USELESS TOOL.

Here's what's been going on in the real world...

",1536114098,05/09/2018 02:21 9285370,4078288825,"

So much good news for Trump and conservatives. Debunking Woodward's scam by his own WH ""sources"" was absolutely delightful.

But don't overlook One America Network News' unveiling of the Q hoax, either. They got digital proof from the original pair that began it. That's huge. Now, instead of expecting a Hail Mary pass from some fake team, all conservatives realize that regular groundwork electioneering is required to save Trump's presidency from a blue wave.

",1536121656,05/09/2018 04:27 9285370,4078294393,

So it turns out that Q was a horsesh t moneymaking scam by youtubers.

That's not surprising. Those pushing it were such nasty SOBs who called principled dissenters trolls or shills.

,1536122063,05/09/2018 04:34 9285370,4078298275,"

I never fell for Q. I didn't believe or disbelieve. The only thing was, Q posts had nothing to talk about. They were Nostradamus predictions. Anything fit.

",1536122361,05/09/2018 04:39 9285370,4078385288,"

Good :).

Yeah, just a little thing I noticed.

The Q stuff seems to be suggesting he is helping too, but didn't want to not mention that.

",1536128457,05/09/2018 06:20 9285370,4078388130,

Oh BTW I thought of you when I read this article. It’s a little slow at the start but I told myself “Trumps stick of truth” would probably dig this.
It gets pretty funnny towards the end.
( your Q reference made me think of it).

,1536128633,05/09/2018 06:23 9285370,4078391248,"

Oh Lord, a soros tranny outted Q?

",1536128822,05/09/2018 06:27 9285370,4078392960,

If this is that Posobiec talking about Micro.. that's all bs.

Nobody takes the Q thing seriously.

,1536128929,05/09/2018 06:28 9285370,4078477483,"

That IS pretty funny :).

I don't know enough about the ADL to know their intentions, but the whole sign thing is obviously ridiculous.

The pol board on the chans does have some pretty racist stuff quite often (at least at first glance). I stick with the Q stuff on 8chan. Completely different, but of course if this is their narrative that it is a ""hoax"" started on the chans, that is a perfect segue into trying to discredit Q.

idk though... Pretty old article, and hard to make heads or tails of.

Thanks for sharing. I definitely got something out of it :).

",1536134039,05/09/2018 07:53 9282970,4078511977,

Oh goodie a Qcuck in our midst. Trust the plan is a saying created when you have no plan. I hate to see you Q types make fools of yourselves believing this psyop to make you look more unhinged than what you are.

,1536135981,05/09/2018 08:26 9277420,4078582069,"

Not sure, to be honest. Like all of us, Im also taking guesses on this one. It could be that Trump wants Sessions to quit because it would look political if Trump fired him, or it could be that Q is right and that their deception is so complete that its fooling both sides. I would like to believe in Q, but its becoming hard for me to do that. We’ll see in the end, I guess.

",1536139755,05/09/2018 09:29 9285370,4078593996,

If this info is from Q he/she is working for the other - socialist - side.

,1536140342,05/09/2018 09:39 9285370,4078594751,

Did you know there is a Qannon and a Q ? Q is a counter measure against Qannon .

,1536140379,05/09/2018 09:39 9284242,4078604031,"

How poetic, Nike will forever be linked to KrapDick the marginal Q.B and polarizing figure no N.F.L team wants....

",1536140809,05/09/2018 09:46 9283015,4078621780,

Go ask Qanon.

,1536141603,05/09/2018 10:00 9282001,4078675272,"

----- Q Anon ----- "" A week to remember ""

Where We Go ONE ...... We Go ALL !!!!

",1536143894,05/09/2018 10:38 9284497,4078723355,

So what...are you completely free from sin?
Trump lies.
So do I and everyone else on the planet.
Go buy a Holy Bible and read John chapter 3 verse 16.
Do you know Q?

,1536145811,05/09/2018 11:10 9282001,4078762451,"

Hey toddbal, you leftists are so dam ingnant (as Shirley Q. Liquor would say) it's almost funny. Sad little man...

",1536147330,05/09/2018 11:35 9287275,4078763964,

MSM blaming Trump and the Qanon bunch in 3...2...1

,1536147391,05/09/2018 11:36 9287275,4078932693,

no way Q could have predicted this. give me a f­ucking break.

,1536153595,05/09/2018 13:19 9287275,4078936010,

Is it Q derangement syndrome?

,1536153714,05/09/2018 13:21 9287302,4078979011,

Meaningless desperate invective.
Tell me you don’t believe that Donald Trump is the innocent victim of a vast deep state conspiracy. Tell me you reject the Q anon conspiracy. Tell me you’re not a birther.
Tell me you don’t believe Soros is behind everything. Tell me you don’t believe the Clintons were running prostitutes out of a pizza joint.


,1536155266,05/09/2018 13:47 9287302,4079007321,"

Israeli citizen taken into custody at Newark Liberty International with suspicious device
9/4/2018 0 Comments

Picture Reports: The third level of Terminal C at Newark Liberty International Airport was temporarily closed Tuesday morning while police investigated a suspicious package, causing long security lines. An Israeli citizen was taken into custody after Transportation Security Administration employees detected the item during a screening, according to Port Authority spokesman Scott Ladd. He told police he was headed to a police training seminar in Panama City, Florida after arriving in Newark on a flight from Tel Aviv and that the material was to be used as part of the training, according to Ladd. The Essex County bomb squad seized the device. The identity of the man has not been disclosed. The spokesman said he didn't yet know if the Israeli would be charged.
Did we possibly just have another false flag averted in America, where an Israeli citizen has been placed in custody by authorities for having a suspicious device at Newark's Liberty International Airport? Now why would an Israeli citizen be busted with a suspicious device in a US airport, well if you understand that Israel's Mossad is Deep State then you would understand why. The Deep State is absolutely desperate for some kind of major distraction, as Q has warned us again this week to remain vigilant as bad news comes out against them. Interesting is that this possible averted false flag took place during Kavanough's Senate Confirmation hearing for SCOTUS today. Remain vigilant folks the Deep State is desperate.

",1536156188,05/09/2018 14:03 9287302,4079011562,"

Iranian Foreign Minister admits Iranian government works closely with Soros
9/4/2018 1 Comment

​ Israel National News reported: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif said Sunday that the Iranian government has worked closely with billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) organization. Zarif made the remarks in response to questions raised in the Iranian parliament. According to Zarif, the activity began before he entered his current position, and he boasted that he had succeeded in “keeping the activity organized.” OSF has funded a number of far-left organizations in Israel which seek to change the policy of Israel’s government.
Well we all knew Iran would be next as Q has told us several times, but Iranian's Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif exposing Soros and Iran work closely together is a major surprise. Why would the Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif expose that the Iranian government works closely with George Soros, well maybe Iran is trying to save themselves from the old guard of the Deep State that truly is in control of Iran.
​ When it comes to everything that's truly messed up in this world including Iran, it's never truly a surprise that George Soros name eventually drops as being behind something...And this is now the case in Iran as Zarif has exposed both Iran and George Soros are both working alongside each other. Now we know the major player behind rhetoric out of Iran and who truly controls Iran, and it's George Soros of all individuals...You can likely take this and now confirm the Deep State controls Iran.

",1536156325,05/09/2018 14:05 9284668,4079095155,"

I agree ... that is absurd. But, and this is a what-about-ism, Q anon is equally absurd and yet Brietbart tends to ignore such conspiracies when it suits them.

",1536158978,05/09/2018 14:49 9285277,4079226283,"

Diane said she invited the grieving Father. You guys are so entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you see ""set up's"" all over the place. Your paranoia is getting embarrassing. Get a hold of yourselves!

",1536163241,05/09/2018 16:00 9287302,4079252875,"

He worked for WND and Infowars. He wrote a book on Obama's birth certificate and later talked about Q.

The idea that this guy is secretly working for Putin is hilarious. Mueller is barking up the wrong tree, which tells me he's got nothing.

",1536164073,05/09/2018 16:14 9287866,4079253032,

What is Q?

,1536164077,05/09/2018 16:14 9287866,4079256238,"

",1536164179,05/09/2018 16:16 9287725,4079292847,"

",1536165171,05/09/2018 16:32 9287302,4079325727,

Corsi was a Q Anon backer in the beginning. Lately a hell of a lot of Q’s drops are actually happening. Mueller has to find out what he can

,1536165845,05/09/2018 16:44 9287302,4079331210,"

What happened surrounding Corsi stopping the Q thing still has me distrustful of Corsi, but whatever we find out will be fine. Flexible.

",1536166022,05/09/2018 16:47 9287869,4079373158,"

Let's just add Infowars, WND, and Q Anon (snicker) to that list.

",1536167370,05/09/2018 17:09 9281524,4079415101,"

Scoggin, the Right cannot talk to me about make-believe , like Santa, anymore. Since half of your party is furiously decoding the Oracle Q as I write this, You guys have forfeited your right to that type of argument. Your party is now so entrenched in phony conspiracy theories, you can't even see the truth that is right in front of your face.All of the kooky BS is not making Republicans look any smarter.

",1536168728,05/09/2018 17:32 9281524,4079421880,

Which conspiracy theories are you referring to? What the hell is Oracle Q?

,1536168998,05/09/2018 17:36 9287275,4079431481,

really Q Anon? Ok

,1536169396,05/09/2018 17:43 9281524,4079449117,"

You've heard about Q or Qanon, don't play. Ask your co-patriots because I will not spread this cancer that has infected your party. Go to Gateway Pundit comment section, they'll tell you...

",1536170135,05/09/2018 17:55 9287302,4079460852,

Mueller thinks Corsi is going to tell him who Q is.

,1536170645,05/09/2018 18:04 9287302,4079461903,"

After Corsi, Mueller will subpoena Q.

",1536170689,05/09/2018 18:04 9281524,4079464854,"

Because I don't want to make anymore of you lose your heads over this phony B'S!
But, if you insist:

",1536170816,05/09/2018 18:06 9281524,4079471056,"

O.k., you asked for it, Here is the totally bonkers BS actual source that your peers have fallen for, hopefully you have more sense. Don't lose your your noggin, scoggin. And for the record: Democrats are not pedophiles!

",1536171088,05/09/2018 18:11 9289099,4079522186,"

Look at the table that the Q research boards have been digging up:
Post 1659

50000 sealed indictments.
5000 indictments added each month.
Sessions appointed Huber and a team of 470 investigators who are preparing indictments for all the crimes.

Trump and Sessions are playing Kabuki Theater on Twitter, which gets the Dems to support Sessions. Then Sessions will drop the hammer and unseal the indictments - but his fairness and credibility will have been established with the retarded Dems, and he'll have all their tweets to prove it.

The President and Sessions are brilliant. The Dems have no idea what is coming.

",1536173077,05/09/2018 18:44 9290581,4079560206,

At least Qanon has presented evidence to authenticate. This guy is a story writer with no evidence.

,1536174377,05/09/2018 19:06 9290581,4079573336,

Like Q?

,1536174961,05/09/2018 19:16 9290581,4079576472,"

The Leftist Lying Lapdog Media® says QAnon is FAKE.... yet they use scores, and scores, and scores of ""Anonymous Sources"" in violation of any known journalistic standard.

Wait. I got it. They HAVE no standards, except ""double"" ones!!!!

",1536175102,05/09/2018 19:18 9290581,4079577428,"

A bogus ""inside"" source?? Hey! The Left has their Q now too!

",1536175145,05/09/2018 19:19 9290581,4079580365,

Say hello to the real Q motherfuckers

,1536175274,05/09/2018 19:21 9290581,4079587954,

Say hello to the real Q-anon motherfukers

,1536175598,05/09/2018 19:26 9290581,4079591404,"

I believe this may be an attempt by the Never-Trumpers to counter the Q-Anon movement. Too little, too late.

",1536175740,05/09/2018 19:29 9290581,4079595064,"

Sara Carter: Trump expected to declassify 20 FISA pages
9/5/2018 0 Comments

​Via Sara Carter: President Trump is expected to declassify the redacted 20 pages of documents from the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that have still not been made public, which allowed the FBI to spy on short-term campaign volunteer Carter Page, numerous sources told This comes after nearly a year of stonewalling by the Department of Justice at the demand of lawmakers, who claim that the 20 redacted pages will reveal explosive information about the FBI’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation, according to sources.
However, President Trump, who has been under pressure from some DOJ officials not to release the classified documents, “could always change his mind and it’s not a guarantee that it will happen, but the indications are that it more than likely will possibly be before the end of this week,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the subject.
Well it looks like the 20 pages that are highly redacted will soon be released, as Sara Carter may have the inside baseball about President Trump likely declassifying the 20 pages of the FISA renewal by Rod Rosenstein sometime within the week. As always with this be fully prepared for the Deep State to act out a false flag, so keep your head on a swivel and be vigilant during this time as Q has again warned us to be vigilant.
​ This will likely end up being very bad for the Obama administration and certain individuals who are still held over in the DOJ and FBI like FISA renewal Rod Rosenstein, and may highlight individuals Trump wants to pull security clearances from when these FISA pages are fully unredacted. Looks like a major boom is coming within the week, and it looks like we have inside information that Trump is now prepared to declassify the 20 heavily redacted pages of FISA.

",1536175887,05/09/2018 19:31 9290581,4079621407,

See you have your QAnon and we have this. Enjoy

,1536176969,05/09/2018 19:49 9290581,4079621751,

We have Q.
They have p.

,1536176983,05/09/2018 19:49 9290581,4079623759,

Say hello to the real Q-Anon motherfuckers

,1536177071,05/09/2018 19:51 9290581,4079707072,"

CNN tried numerous fake stories to capture an audience, MSNBC and Maddow tried it with tax returns, Woodward released a fake book with content denied (publicly/on-the-record) by every source in it, and now the NYT puts out entirely fake op-ed. These are the dying gasps of the MSM which is no longer relevant...Follow Q!!!

",1536180275,05/09/2018 20:44 9290581,4079711912,"

Just found out today what Q is. I think it's bullshit, but nothing would surprise me anymore.

",1536180439,05/09/2018 20:47 9289099,4079728314,

what source is there other than Q?

,1536181135,05/09/2018 20:58 9290581,4079734167,

Say hello to the real Q-Anon motherfuckers

,1536181384,05/09/2018 21:03 9290581,4079734455,

By people who work for Q group? Stop falling for psyops.

,1536181397,05/09/2018 21:03 9290584,4079739678,"

Please - let's waste tons more time, snatching up every person on the WH payroll to ""'fess up"" whodunit. When it is seriosuly and most likely some figment of the NYT's imagination.

Hi there, I'm an anonymous highly placed member of the Trump Administration.

At least the Qanon stuff (which I also take with a grain of salt, despite making interesting reading) bear a little more veracity of being real.

I love Trumps jabs and counterpunches - but at this point, he needs to jump off the tweets for a bit in self-defense mode, ignore this type of stuff (because it tends to legitimize it), and stick to promoting his agenda, and keeping control of both houses of congress.

He pulls that off, and the shenanigans pulled at the Kavanaugh hearings will look tame in comparison to the ACTUAL INSANITY the left is going to roll out after the elections.

The left is STILL calling '16 ""illegitimate"", as if they can just sweep Trump aside, and install Hillery to her rightful place on the throne.

",1536181627,05/09/2018 21:07 9289099,4079739802,

Please look at the list again.

The source is compiled from reported State sources. Q is merely highlighting the compiled list.

,1536181632,05/09/2018 21:07 9290581,4079740833,

What does Qanon say? is this part of the plan???

,1536181676,05/09/2018 21:07 9290581,4079751106,

They are not required to and they could have responded by stating this person doesn’t work for the WH. Instead there is no doubt by Trump that some he appointed yet again turned on him. The bigger Q is trumps judgment in picking the people who surround him. It’s way off

,1536182127,05/09/2018 21:15 9289099,4079760700,

Did Q tell you that?

,1536182536,05/09/2018 21:22 9289099,4079761767,

Lol. Q. Jack Posobiec just trolled the living crap out of Q. Seriously come on.

,1536182583,05/09/2018 21:23 9272710,4079766502,"

You tube qanon -plan to save the world. Look into just informed talk, praying medic, ipot, bruce figgert, liz crokin etc You could stand to learn alot.

",1536182788,05/09/2018 21:26 9290581,4079769205,

I’m terrified Q will tell us to vote D around 2020. Then the dumb Qtards will actually do it. Don’t follow blindly.

And him only.
Not some Internet personality.

,1536182913,05/09/2018 21:28 9290581,4079773924,

It's #QAnon.

,1536183129,05/09/2018 21:32 9290581,4079775326,

This OpEd was QAnon.

,1536183192,05/09/2018 21:33 9290581,4079786695,

I hope you realize that Qanon stuff is BS.

,1536183726,05/09/2018 21:42 9290581,4079794039,

They are trying to invent a Libtard Q anon..


,1536184070,05/09/2018 21:47 9290581,4079798555,

I hope you realize that Q and Trump just did a tag-team post.

,1536184291,05/09/2018 21:51 9287866,4079799181,"

It is unbelievable of how STUPID these people are. I live in an area where there is a lot of hunters. It is getting to the point now, that a majority of them are using AR 15's to hunt Deer and the like with now. This VERY STUPID woman does not know the difference between a semi-automatic, which AR 15's are, and an assault rifle that she keeps referring them as being. HOW can you be a United States Senator for thirty years and not know any more than that about something that YOU CLEARLY are going to try to do everything in your power to outlaw? Q, you have it right, these people really are STUPID.

",1536184320,05/09/2018 21:52 9290581,4079809207,"

Anonymous source. Senior administrator in the white house. This sounds like treason to me. I think that it is all invented. Look at all the crazies who came put for the Kavanaugh hearings, but knowing they could not stop anything. Qanon is scaring the left to death. They are just throwing up anything to see what will stick. Total desperation on the left to stop the trump agenda and to get voters to vote for communists. I dont believe any of it

",1536184793,05/09/2018 21:59 9287866,4079815055,"

God it burns me this politician had amongst her a Chinese spy for sixteen years but she gets to sit here on her high horse Q & A ing a guy who doesn’t come close to her own lack of common sense and judgement. This is azz backwards folks. She herself should be facing a litny of questions from say, The NY Times???!!!!

",1536185085,05/09/2018 22:04 9289099,4079826372,"

And Q responded by outing Jack Poseibic and Jones as mossad assets. Honestly, don't know. Predicting McCain's demise to the minute was impressive though. I follow Q just in case he is legit. I'm leaning towards legit.

",1536185629,05/09/2018 22:13 9290581,4079832214,"

LOL I have never seen some 8chan post get worldwide media attention.

I dont know what Q is yet , but its an anomaly.

",1536185929,05/09/2018 22:18 9291214,4079837420,

Dumbass ... Q are the military patriots who are protecting Trump ... you've got it all azz backwards .. General Kelly and Mad Dog are protecting Trump.

,1536186203,05/09/2018 22:23 9291214,4079863796,"

Look ma, the globalist have their own fake Q.

",1536187583,05/09/2018 22:46 9291214,4079892182,

Yeah the libs are behind Q. They exposed themselves at that Trump rally. The man who decided to hold a Q sign right in front of Trump. After that the media used that to label Trump supporters as nuts.

,1536189143,05/09/2018 23:12 9291751,4079906674,"

This is the Left trying to reverse ""Q-Anon""
The anonymous hero of the republic saving America from the inside.

Trump shouldn't fall for it.

""We can hire us a little feller even smaller than the Stokes's""

",1536189983,05/09/2018 23:26 9287302,4079909154,"

We too have been infested over the last few decades with judges that totally ignore the Constitution. Trump recognizes this and he is working hard to appoint judges that have a true loyalty to the Constitution. We had gotten ourselves into a bad place but, it seems that God has given us an undeserved reprieve. Perhaps someone will rise up and help Europe also. We hope so, we have spent much in lives and treasure to ensure a free and prosperous Europe and it is very disappointing to see what is happening.

",1536190116,05/09/2018 23:28 9291751,4079916507,"

How? Q said last week not to trust anonymous sources. Check. Yesterday Q said declass. Today they called for it. Check. However, their point could be made by pointing out that Q is supposed to be an insider releasing info also. Q is ok with Trump, while this one is considered treasonous?

",1536190518,05/09/2018 23:35 9291751,4079926730,

Q is LARP just like this source.
Anyone following Wiki Leaks and Judicial Watch knows what Q knows when he's right. Wiki or JW dropped it hours or day before. The rest of the time he speaks in vague quatrains.

,1536191097,05/09/2018 23:44 9291214,4079941733,"

My ""sources"" are the Economy... Q 4 GDP predicted to be a whopping 4.8%

",1536191956,05/09/2018 23:59 9291739,4079946865,"

Eh, it's probably some low-level bureaucrat, or perhaps an elaborate troll by Trump's inner circle. The leftoids want their own Q.

",1536192249,06/09/2018 00:04 9291214,4079955205,

QANON is logging the personal information of everybody who accesses their site and is selling it to a nationwide network of con artists as the best self selecting database of the most gullible suckers and marks in the united states

,1536192725,06/09/2018 00:12 9291214,4079957285,

Why is there an organized disinfo campaign about Q Anon?

Why waste your time?

,1536192844,06/09/2018 00:14 9291214,4079959230,"

If Q is a larp, why bother debunking it?

",1536192956,06/09/2018 00:15 9291739,4079967230,

Qanon said this was coming.

,1536193426,06/09/2018 00:23 9291739,4079969261,"

Why, Mr. Schmidt? Why are we in a national crisis? Is it because haters like yourself say so? Is it because you've drunk large and deep and heftily at the Kool-Aid stand of the Leftist Propaganda Machine and its Amerikan Kommunist financiers? Is it because you just don't like the President? Is it because you think the rest of us John Q. Publics are rubes and uneducated and just plain dumb? Why, Mr. Schmidt?

Listen up, Mr. Schmidt, and listen GOOD: The USA is in the best place she's been in thirty-seven years, since the last time we had an America-first, America-Loving President of the USA. if such is a ""national crisis"", then I'll take President Trump's kind of ""national crisis"" every day of the week and twice on Sunday!

There's a simple remedy for you, Mr. Schmidt, and one that many of us American Patriots have been suggesting to Muslims-above-all lovers, LGBTQISTURVWXYZs, Yeshua-Hamashiach haters, and globalists, and anyone else that doesn't want to be here: LEAVE! There are planes leaving for the destination of your choice, Sir, 24/7. You, Mr. Steve Schmidt, are part of the problem, and here in the USA, we know how to take care of such problems. If you think we're in a national crisis, also please explain what the years 2009 to 2017 were. I won't be waiting by the phone in breathless expectation of your explanation....

",1536193543,06/09/2018 00:25 9289591,4079974193,"

For some (perhaps not unknown) reason, I cannot access Q's site: from Giggle (sic - on purpose) anymore. Gee, I wonder why? (I was able to access it yesterday.

",1536193836,06/09/2018 00:30 9291739,4080001723,"

How dare you talk about civil war in America. What the hell is wrong with you? Our ancestors did not die in far,foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, for a bunch of wacko Oracle Q fanatics to make blood in the streets.
Not in my America, MOFO.

",1536195475,06/09/2018 00:57 9124882,4080011991,"

You just simply don't know what your talking about........enough said. A q clearance is just access to sensitive materials. It has different levels and stages depending on clearance level and need to know. Waste someone else's time with your jebberish. A retired entity doesn't need to keep a q clearance after leaving the government. That's just nonsense. Half the people working with sensitive materials in government today doesn't even have a clearance thanks to the stupidity of politicians. And let me say once again, these people are shady characters who got caught lying to Congress and special council. Not one, but all got caught. And you think they should keep their clearance when caught in scandals, and lying to their boss. You know the people who are to oversee their actions within the agency?it's called Congress! I work, held, and have worked with people with many different levels of clearance. We have retired military, retired FBI, and other law enforcement agencies from A to Z so I think I will believe my own experiences, as well as those I work with, over the nonsense argument your trying to lay out............flies like a ostrich with no feathers. But on this debate, the feathers wouldn't seem to matter as well...........the funny thing is, you have no idea of what clearance I have held. You know nothing of what I do, or have done over the years in various positions under government contract. And honestly, it doesn't sound like you have any experience with this at all. You don't even sound convincing even to someone who doesn't know better.............I believe practice makes about Trump deciding? So To you the Dems need to be in. Control and decide such Important issues huh? The same Dems that had a illegal server that got hacked by many other countries, including China? The same Dems that hired far east players to work on their computers, that fled the country till they could work out a plea deal. Remember all the computer equipment found abandoned with the hard drives still intact in their garage? Or the Dem who has had a Chinese spy working for her for decades? I will believe you about Trump when you have any evidence of him breaking the law..............waiting, STILL!.............are you honestly that brain dead after all that has come out?...............geeez, are you married?...................poor girl. Hope she is the brains of the family........

",1536196122,06/09/2018 01:08 9291739,4080013791,

Lol yeah man. And Q will reveal himself as JFK Jr. 😂

,1536196232,06/09/2018 01:10 9291739,4080016867,

This some Q thing? I’m behind on my posts.

,1536196432,06/09/2018 01:13 9291214,4080020985,"

Anybody who follows the Q gematria signals and grasps the scope of all that knows KNOWS that this op-ed is pure psy-op, a fantasy concoction of the deep state to try to grab votes or even prep for a coup attempt.

",1536196695,06/09/2018 01:18 9291739,4080022738,

Yep. Grandmaster Q knows allllllll the secrets.

,1536196808,06/09/2018 01:20 9291739,4080025222,

I assumed that you’re a Q anon guy. If you haven’t heard of him you should check him out. Seems right up your alley.

,1536196968,06/09/2018 01:22 9291739,4080028019,

There’s plenty of real news. They’ll ask about QAnon once they find Batboy’s kidnapped baby.

,1536197150,06/09/2018 01:25 9291739,4080029157,

You are not allowed to accuse me of hallucinating when half of your party is furiously decoding the wacko Oracle Q conspiracy theories right now...nope

,1536197224,06/09/2018 01:27 9291739,4080032217,

You sound like one of those dumb Qanon followers.

,1536197420,06/09/2018 01:30 9124882,4080035337,"

No q talking troll, you do all the leg work for me..........what else do you think you know? Or should I say, don't know? just retired out of the Navy last year. He was on the carrier, Roosevelt. He had one of those non existent q clearances as your honestly going to sit there and lie to me still when I already told you I work with many professionals in law enforcement, military,and government agencies. As well as doing so myself, as well as my son while enlisted in the Navy.................keep spinning Dora!....................get back to me when you actually know something true......................sooooo, I guess this is more unicorns, makes you look bad.................and it waste my time. Now for a fee, I can explain some of this stuff to you. But I only take cash................................

",1536197622,06/09/2018 01:33 9291739,4080040506,"

Sorry Hugo, every American should be offended by that idea. America cannot be that stupid. At some point, you'll have to realize that Democrats are not your enemy. We are all Americans.
You don't own patriotism.
Oh, and maybe you should lay off all the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's making you bloodthirsty...

",1536197954,06/09/2018 01:39 9291739,4080056775,"

Dilbert said so eh? I saw that and his take was BS. He didn't even reference any actual Q drops...he just mentioned a few in paraphrase as they related to why people would believe them, as if anyone who believes in Q has to be out of it! It's took his word as gospel and I took it as BS. He was/is a liberal democrat and I think he is a shill. In light of what been happening lately, Q has been right on the money! Many of the old crumbs are now truths...with more coming to light everyday! Next up? Trump will declassify the docs next, Kavannah will be confirmed first.

",1536199078,06/09/2018 01:57 9291739,4080071335,"

Just after McCain's service, where all of the Deep State establishment cabal leaders like the Clintons, Obama, Bush, Cheney, etc., Q posted the following:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9da84a No.2835711 📁

Sep 1 2018 14:37:23 (EST)
It must be hard to communicate.
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.
Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)
Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?
Nice color choice.
It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.


Bottom line is that these people are ALL GOING DOWN! This whole ""op-ed"" BS is a desperate attempt to remove Trump under the 26th Amendment. -This is their last chance. they know that the midterms will be red and are completely in panic mode now!


",1536200098,06/09/2018 02:14 9291739,4080072820,"

Just after McCain's service, where all of the Deep State establishment cabal leaders like the Clintons, Obama, Bush, Cheney, etc. were together, Q posted the following:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9da84a No.2835711 📁
Sep 1 2018 14:37:23 (EST)
It must be hard to communicate.
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.
Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)
Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?
Nice color choice.
It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.

Bottom line is that these people are ALL GOING DOWN! This whole ""op-ed"" BS is a desperate attempt to remove Trump under the 26th Amendment. -This is their last chance. they know that the midterms will be red and are completely in panic mode now!


",1536200204,06/09/2018 02:16 9291739,4080074563,

Lol Q is fake bro

,1536200328,06/09/2018 02:18 9291739,4080074944,"

Just after McCain's service, where all of the Deep State establishment cabal leaders like the Clintons, Obama, Bush, Cheney, etc. were gathered together, Q posted the following:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9da84a No.2835711 📁
Sep 1 2018 14:37:23 (EST)
It must be hard to communicate.
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.
Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)
Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?
Nice color choice.
It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.

Bottom line is that these people are ALL GOING DOWN! This whole ""op-ed"" BS is a desperate attempt to remove Trump under the 26th Amendment. -This is their last chance. they know that the midterms will be red and are completely in panic mode now!


",1536200355,06/09/2018 02:19 9291133,4080084652,"

Q is driving them insane, too. Just saw on OAN that two individuals (loons, must be liberal loons) are claiming to be Q... claiming that they have founded Q.

Those who have been tuned into Q know the truth that he/she is real...can’t be faked.

....libs are off their rockers....they need a room with padding, silence, and lots of rest. hee hee hee hee.

",1536201052,06/09/2018 02:30 9291739,4080087151,

Funny how Q never saw any of this coming... How come?

,1536201231,06/09/2018 02:33 9289591,4080093904,"

Read for yourself

",1536201613,06/09/2018 02:40 9289591,4080094397,"

Worked just fine for me 2 minutes ago.

",1536201647,06/09/2018 02:40 9287302,4080095234,"

Democrats are not the children here. Republicans believe in unicorns, riding unicorns, since half are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as you read this. Since so many you believe in childish fairy tales, we are not taking you seriously anymore.. .Nope.

",1536201710,06/09/2018 02:41 9289099,4080132838,"

They are not running a team of 470 people and preparing 50000 indictments because they have nothing better to do.

Why do you think Senator Graham asked this ?

What are they reminding the public and Supreme Court about ? Post 2093

Once Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court nearly all the pieces are in place.

",1536204434,06/09/2018 03:27 9291214,4080157529,"

Here's the list. You will need to enlarge the image.

",1536206091,06/09/2018 03:54 9291751,4080161712,"

August 25, Trump tweeted:

""I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People!""

It's almost as if he predicted this.

My initial impression was that it sounds like NYT is trying to manufacture their own version of that whole Q-Anon thing.

",1536206362,06/09/2018 03:59 9291214,4080225841,"

In an interview w/Bret Baier, MITCH McConnell *not once* said the name ""Trump"" when he talked about all the achievements of this administration. He always said WE. He also didn't answer Q re: deep state. I think POTUS is taking the article seriously - based on his reactions.

And lo and behold, Trump's wall isn't on the table ""until after midterms"".

Anyone else think Lindsay Graham is a bit too chipper these days?

",1536210641,06/09/2018 05:10 9290581,4080230637,

Smearing with anonymous sources. Like Qanon?

,1536210951,06/09/2018 05:15 9291739,4080245289,

This is the lefts attempt at trying to be QAnon

,1536211888,06/09/2018 05:31 9291133,4080418231,"

Sara Carter: Trump expected to declassify 20 FISA pages
9/5/2018 0 Comments

​Via Sara Carter: President Trump is expected to declassify the redacted 20 pages of documents from the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that have still not been made public, which allowed the FBI to spy on short-term campaign volunteer Carter Page, numerous sources told This comes after nearly a year of stonewalling by the Department of Justice at the demand of lawmakers, who claim that the 20 redacted pages will reveal explosive information about the FBI’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation, according to sources.
However, President Trump, who has been under pressure from some DOJ officials not to release the classified documents, “could always change his mind and it’s not a guarantee that it will happen, but the indications are that it more than likely will possibly be before the end of this week,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the subject.
Well it looks like the 20 pages that are highly redacted will soon be released, as Sara Carter may have the inside baseball about President Trump likely declassifying the 20 pages of the FISA renewal by Rod Rosenstein sometime within the week. As always with this be fully prepared for the Deep State to act out a false flag, so keep your head on a swivel and be vigilant during this time as Q has again warned us to be vigilant.
​ This will likely end up being very bad for the Obama administration and certain individuals who are still held over in the DOJ and FBI like FISA renewal Rod Rosenstein, and may highlight individuals Trump wants to pull security clearances from when these FISA pages are fully unredacted. Looks like a major boom is coming within the week, and it looks like we have inside information that Trump is now prepared to declassify the 20 heavily redacted pages of FISA.

",1536224460,06/09/2018 09:01 9291133,4080439933,

GG is Q.

Actually... who knows? She is pretty great.

,1536225929,06/09/2018 09:25 9291739,4080445947,"

Read this. And check out Scott Adams — you do know he’s a liberal Trump supporter...right?

",1536226245,06/09/2018 09:30 9291751,4080456184,"

Anyone familiar with this WH would also be familiar with the Q group on the Chans. Q claims to be a group of NSA operators with extremely high level clearance and access to the President such that they coordinate with his tweets. It is well-known that Trump does his own tweets; he doesn't have a PR team do it. Q has been astonishingly accurate both in short-term and long-term predictions which lends credibility to his story of his identity and motive. NSA has a listening apparatus in place to basically grab any electronic communication in the US. Any Cabinet-level official thinking they're going to subvert an authority with this type of power would have to work using old-school spycraft to avoid NSA detection which would be extraordinarily difficult.

Even if this white knight does nothing illegal, the cabinet officials serve at the pleasure of the President and may be fired at any time. If they want to hold on to power and access, they need to avoid detection. Writing an op-ed in the NYT is just about the worst possible way to do that.

Honestly, I'd be more likely to believe that this is some Deep State actor working with the NYT (the Sulzbergers hate Trump) to impersonate an official and create suspicion among the Trump team with a fake op-ed than I would be to believe the story as it is being told.

",1536226751,06/09/2018 09:39 9291133,4080471932,

Who was it that said DECLAS earlier this week?

That's right... Q did.

,1536227610,06/09/2018 09:53 9291133,4080478805,

Senator Dick Durbin spent the duration of his time with Judge Brett Kavanaugh asking questions that pertain to the Rights of Immigrants.

Not a single question about helping citizens of the United States.

Democrats no longer hide their Globalist Agenda.

,1536228024,06/09/2018 10:00 9291214,4080513393,

Total Psy Op. It's to cause doubt and suspicion amongst the administration. Trying to stop the path they're on. Q sent me.

,1536229647,06/09/2018 10:27 9293782,4080517871,

Follow Q .. you would of know about her a long time ago ..she is just the tip of the iceberg.. they are all evil af!

,1536229861,06/09/2018 10:31 9293869,4080538199,"

I believe that there is no one, that NY Times is making things up to try and counter the popularity of Qanon posts.

",1536230764,06/09/2018 10:46 9293869,4080542049,

And what did Q say? Expect attacks.

,1536230955,06/09/2018 10:49 9293782,4080548329,

Notables on Q Research far more informative than Drudge

,1536231235,06/09/2018 10:53 9293947,4080563044,

Anonymous author claiming to work for the Prez. Cryptic and misleading words (lodestar). Outrageous but unprovable claims.

The NYT is using this Op-Ed to try and create a resistance version of Q.

,1536231746,06/09/2018 11:02 9290341,4080589605,

Evidence that Trump and Q are working together on this thing.

,1536233020,06/09/2018 11:23 9290341,4080590394,"

Q has posted that suggestion out several times. Loved to eat crow about this Q fella, I suppose we'll see fairly shortly correct?

",1536233057,06/09/2018 11:24 9290341,4080593032,

It may never become mainstream news that Q and Trump are or aren't working together... but it should become clear one way or another anyway. Soon.

,1536233179,06/09/2018 11:26 9293869,4080599763,"

The NYT op-ed is just a pathetic attempt at establishing a Democrat version of ""Qanon."" Call it Danon then.

",1536233498,06/09/2018 11:31 9293869,4080602196,

I guess Q was right about the war in the White House between the Deep State and Trump allies.

,1536233612,06/09/2018 11:33 9290341,4080608878,"

yep. Pedophillia in my humble opinion is what they really don't want uncovered.

I take Q with a grain of salt, and like I said, I will eat all the crow you can give me if I'm wrong about him.

",1536233921,06/09/2018 11:38 9293869,4080608970,"

Well you're not very smart now are you!
Just #walkaway from the job if you are not happy.
You also might want to follow Q, President Trump will drain the swamp, and you don't want to be caught in the drain. :-)


",1536233924,06/09/2018 11:38 9293869,4080611045,"

Still on the Q train after all the satellites were ""taken over""?

That kind of fizzled eh?

Still on board with the WWG1WGA philosophy however... that's what it's going to take.

",1536234017,06/09/2018 11:40 9293947,4080612254,

This hoax is NYT's answer to QAnon.

,1536234071,06/09/2018 11:41 9293947,4080624732,

Exactly. This hoax is an NYT QAnon wannabe stunt.

,1536234621,06/09/2018 11:50 9293869,4080635949,

No. He is not.

Trust Sessions
Trust Huber
Trust Kansas
Trust the plan

-- Q.

,1536235003,06/09/2018 11:56 9293869,4080636903,"

I like how QAnon pretends to drop insider gov't information and is lauded, by you people, as a hero, but Kellyanne writes one little op-ed and gets torn to pieces over it. This is what hypocrisy looks like, kids.

",1536235042,06/09/2018 11:57 9293869,4080648492,"

Woah woah woah, what's this you people stuff? Who TF is qanon???

",1536235489,06/09/2018 12:04 9293869,4080666718,"

What research? Q? I email Sessions each and every day, asking him to do his job or quit. I call my district's senators every time a controversial issue comes up for a vote. I campaign for local politicians I believe in.

",1536236286,06/09/2018 12:18 9287275,4080677369,"

LOL. C'mon, you have to admit that the Q thing is just out there crazy stuff.

",1536236749,06/09/2018 12:25 9293947,4080678392,"

Q predicted McCain would be gone via death by 7:28 PM EDT in 30 days when Q put the post out on reddit on July 26th, 2018. I said to myself, no one knows the time nor the hour except God of when a person will die. But Q knew exactly when McCain would die right down to the minute in real time because 7:28 PM on August 25th = 4:28 PM in Arizona unless one is on one Indian reservation there which abides by daylight savings time. So at 4:28 PM in Arizona on MST is THE SAME EXACT TIME as 7:28 PM on the East Coast. That tells me McCain had to commit suicide at that time, and not before nor after that exact time.

McCain chose to go when he did, not because he wanted to go, but because the military had something on him and they forced him to do this than to bring him down. I wonder what it was that they had on him?

",1536236792,06/09/2018 12:26 9293869,4080694510,

Mr. Anonymous is how the MSM is hiding that story from John Q. Public.

,1536237431,06/09/2018 12:37 9294154,4080741229,"

----- We have the SERVERS , Brennan , we have it all ! ...... Q Anon.

# The Great Awakening

",1536238849,06/09/2018 13:00 9291739,4080751378,"

Sorry, but don't hold your breath. I'm getting disenchanted with Q. Whatever he says will taken with a grain of salt. Trump has to deal with attacks and accusations on a daily basis yet nothing is done to thwart them. When are those 45,000 sealed indictments going to be unsealed? Just a handful as proof. When are indictments against Hillary and the FBI/CIA traitors coming? Where is Sessions?

",1536239127,06/09/2018 13:05 9291739,4080791229,"

OK moron, show us proof where the military is investigating a possible coup. Please, moron, don't say Q said so.

",1536240253,06/09/2018 13:24 9293947,4080794296,"

You forgot Zero Hedge, QAnon, and

The Conservative Treehouse blog https://theconservativetree...

",1536240338,06/09/2018 13:25 9293869,4080814063,"

So yes there is a coup underway every since Hillderbeast lost. Really every since Trump flipped off the rich... Did you watch little Marco the puppet talking to Alex Jones, what a little commie, couldn't really talk he was just a little stooge. I digress, while gagging. 50+ government officials retire ring, stepping down. I wonder what the actual figure is for pedo round up? + 470 investigators into Clinton and the Obama and the deep state.. producing 51,000 indictments meaning, guaranteed arrests. By Horowitz, Huber, and Session. With the Q battle moniker,,, no battle fought that isn't won ahead of time.... so good things are coming for us and the deep state will take a huge dive.

",1536240957,06/09/2018 13:35 9294133,4080832845,


,1536241504,06/09/2018 13:45 9294190,4080867838,"

This is TRULY a circus. One that is put on for the American Sheeple. When you look at the election results of 2016 by county, the red actually hurts your eyes. Yet we are LED to believe that the ""elected"" Senate is a 51/49 split. LOL. We, the sheeple, are in the crosshairs, and are stopping to ponder. Q the great awakening

",1536242427,06/09/2018 14:00 9294190,4080908091,"

Let's ask Q if the Dems will stop Kavanaugh...

",1536243656,06/09/2018 14:20 9294190,4080918416,

exactly 30 days and 0 seconds from when Q said it would happen in 30 days.

,1536243985,06/09/2018 14:26 9291739,4080919455,"

I do but he's not Jesus and I don't thinks he's right. He doesn't use any examples of actual; Q posts to make an, there is nobody debating him to refute his argument. It's is totally one-sided and based on his opinion. He's not a psychology expert, he's a cartoonist. Keep it in perspective.

",1536244018,06/09/2018 14:26 9291739,4080928017,

They are never coming because Q is just an overweight man child that has somehow gained a army of gullible followers. He's playing these people like a damn fiddle. Its a conspiracy theory through and through and nothing but that.

,1536244295,06/09/2018 14:31 9293869,4080948179,"

Sara Carter is way too emotional to take seriously. She always says this important info is coming and it never does. She is a hack for Hannity and the Oracle Q, she's not a real journalist.

",1536244921,06/09/2018 14:42 9289918,4080995989,"

Not long ago, Trudope told us Canadians had no culture or identity. Now we do. Who knew?

Please Q, release the files on Trudope so we can get this idiot out of office and ensure that hated family name never runs for office again anywhere!

",1536246352,06/09/2018 15:05 9295024,4081044977,

What's the latest from Q?

,1536247804,06/09/2018 15:30 9289729,4081061576,"

So ""deep state"" Q next?

",1536248309,06/09/2018 15:38 9293869,4081079994,"

O.k., you guys need to choose an ideology to blame us for. We can't be socialists and the KKK. You can't have it both ways.
Just because we don't have echo chambers/circle jerks like this one, make no mistake, Democrats are not asleep. Your party, on the other hand is so entrenched in decoding the Oracle Q, you can't even see the truth staring you in the face. Democrats are not your enemy. We are all Americans.

",1536248849,06/09/2018 15:47 9294190,4081081410,

Ace Detective. Time will tell who is the rightful cell owner. Q.

,1536248889,06/09/2018 15:48 9293947,4081093121,"

That was my FIRST thought and I still believe it is very possible, but there are so many low life deep state spies in Trumps admin including PENCE, that it is more likely it is an actual low live deep stater.

It seems like they were hoping to get the Q like following and cheering on.

I think we need to be looking at Pence staffers/ McCain followers.

",1536249212,06/09/2018 15:53 9294760,4081095511,

Wow! Did that come from Q or did you make that up yourself? I hate ER the source it worth 10 gazillion upvotes!

,1536249277,06/09/2018 15:54 9295024,4081108748,"

Future proves past

Perhaps more to #QAnon's point that HRC's anti-Kavanaugh twitter threads look like fear: Related to Graham asking Kavanaugh about US citizens being tried as ""enemy combatants"" when collaborating with our enemies with penalty up to execution.

Why was Graham establishing case law with Kavanaugh about the right of the military to to hold tribunals against american traitors and execute them?

I thought it was only a conspiracy theory that this could be done??

",1536249680,06/09/2018 16:01 9296353,4081135278,

I hope Q has some “Good Gouge” on Booker...! Lol

,1536250510,06/09/2018 16:15 9295768,4081248082,"

I guess some people will grab on to any hope they can find. It's 100% bullcrap, however. Q is laughing at you.

",1536254102,06/09/2018 17:15 9284668,4081297245,"

White Power sign?
Jackie Q sign in video Ring Around the Rosie? (figure it out for yourself)
Hole game sign? A silly game teenagers play w/the goal being not to look at it; if so, you get sucker punched. Want it to go away? You have to try to stick your index finger in the hole ... without looking.
Gyan Mudra – hand gesture symbolizing wisdom in meditation

Any one is as stupid as the other but for anyone Left of center, signs are everything so they'll see what they want wherever they can and they'll co-opt them for their own purposes no matter how benevolent the symbol MIGHT have been:
Swastika - co-opted FROM native and east Indians
Rainbows - co-opted by lbgt
Peace sign turned backwards - flipping people off so that you don't look to most like the jerk you really are
Cats ears and whiskers - formerly dress up or Halloween for girls of all ages; in pink it now replaces the ""front hole"" hats that made wearers look so utterly stupid no one could take them or their issues seriously.

WORDS: Gay - used to mean ""light hearted"", co-opted by lgbt now for same sex

The problem with co-opting and claiming secret signs is that anything normal can be turned in to an ""eeeewwww"", such as light refracting off water or light heartedness. Things and words can become tainted for some when co-opted others for recognition.

Want an entire article about the ok sign and its white supremacy meme? Try Medium where it's covered extensively and claims that milk and frogs are also secret signs. (you can't make this carp up, can you?)
I swear the one picture of some guy at the White House making a ""secret sign"" looks like he's adjusting his suit jacket and tie for God's sake.

Co-opting carp doesn't allow anyone to have private signals, it allows the Left to claim almost anything and make a spectacle of themselves and others over their issue de jour.

",1536255667,06/09/2018 17:41 9293947,4081311678,"

There's no IG report anything. It was a whitewash.... obviously. Nothing has anything to do with deep-stater Horowitz or Huber, and no, Sessions isn't secretly trying to get Clinton while pretending to screw Trump, and no, Q isn't real....

The pages he will declassify are from the FISA warrants on carter page, and related documentation.

",1536256125,06/09/2018 17:48 9295768,4081384084,"

What Ann seems to forget is that Trump can't do immigration by executive fiat, it has to come from congress. Elect more republicans that will support Trump's program or policy on immigration and then it will be changed but if NOTHING comes through the senate for Trump's signature on the bill then NOTHING happens on immigration and Ann can blame Trump all she wants to but she doesn't appear to understand the dynamics of getting something like this done in this congress. She should be out stumping for republican candidates who will help Trump get this done. Sessions by the way has been a ghost unless you believe what is written about him on Q.

",1536258384,06/09/2018 18:26 9295768,4081392807,"

Anybody catch what was said on Hannity about a grand jury investigation into the deep state? All I caught was Trump is shortly going to drop the hammer and the trials will start. When Q says it, it's one thing. If Hannity is saying on his national syndicated talk show, then BAMN! Enjoy the show! Hannity can't risk losing everything on a lawsuit you know the left would bring. Take heart, guys. The media has been trying to break our will, depress us, take the fight out of us. Why? Because we can beat them. Suppression polls and fake news to influence turnout is all they have. Too many people are like me. AND I CANT WAIT TO VOTE REPUBLICAN THIS NOVEMBER JUST TO STICK IT TO THE MEDIA! I would vote regardless, but I'm chomping at the bit to give the marxists a big middle finger! MAGA

",1536258668,06/09/2018 18:31 9291739,4081431272,"

Seems you're smarter than all the state Election Boards combined, even the ones in Red states.

LOL, I think they found two dead voters in my state, both were Republicans. Who on Earth told you there were 11-13 illegals who voted, Q?

",1536259929,06/09/2018 18:52 9291739,4081477390,"

Yeah, I spoke with Qanon about it. Do you remember when Trump finally admitted that Obama was born in the US?

",1536261474,06/09/2018 19:17 9295969,4081511474,

It was Q!

,1536262644,06/09/2018 19:37 9295387,4081518278,

It was Q Chubba!

,1536262882,06/09/2018 19:41 9294727,4081537259,

----- A perfect Set-Up for the F.I.S.A. documents Release ....

We Have It All - Q Anon.

,1536263560,06/09/2018 19:52 9297634,4081564114,

How will Trumpkins get their nooz without Jones LOL. Maybe Qanon will crack the reptilian pizza gate story soon. DERPGA

,1536264543,06/09/2018 20:09 9291214,4081570568,

It was either Q or Melania...who might be the same thing!

,1536264786,06/09/2018 20:13 9297634,4081571353,"

let me guess, you believe in Qanon....LMAO

",1536264816,06/09/2018 20:13 9297634,4081596701,

hahahahaha you believe Q hahaha

,1536265806,06/09/2018 20:30 9297634,4081601047,"

That talking point shows you don't take the time to find out what Q even is.

This is the funniest part of the whole 17th letter scenario .
Q in't a person my friend, and it never was. It is an idea - expand your mind, open you rmind, think for yourself, seek out answers yourself, use your own logic and check the backing of claims made.

THIS is what you just called ""garbage"".

ANd that is why you bust yourself saying such things as you just said.

Parrot away partner, OR get off that train to nowhere end of the line.

Your CHOICE, which is q. main point that you call garbage.

See it? You just called YOUR OWN CHOICE ""garbage"".

Ahem. Ya might want to rethink that one, homie.

",1536265990,06/09/2018 20:33 9297634,4081628968,"

The Deep State is panicking that the TRUTH is finally coming to light, so they try to shut down a truth teller. Q said this was coming long ago.

",1536267167,06/09/2018 20:52 9294760,4081656224,"

Kapernick = External Sphincter. Nike ? Waaaay over-priced, endorsed by idiots with I. Q.s 50 - 80. They buy there sales.

",1536268500,06/09/2018 21:15 9294190,4081671643,"

A certain Twitter Q, personality said McCain will not choose his time of death.

",1536269352,06/09/2018 21:29 9297634,4081698521,"

Want a good Q proof that will only take a fraction of a minute and is hard to dispute?

Go to this Trump tweet and see the name the image file was saved as :)

To do this all you have to do is right click the image and click ""save"".
What comes up? ;)

",1536270921,06/09/2018 21:55 9294190,4081698991,"

Graham surprised me. His questions for yesterday and today leading me to believe he is readying the audience for upcoming indictments. His questions on enemy combatants and Afghanistan made me wonder if he was referring to McCain, for one. Photos of McCain with ISIS leaders have circulated for months. Q said McCain did not go out on his own terms and predicted his death to the second a full 30 days prior. Now we heard Kasich say ""Its only been two weeks since McCain was put to death"".

",1536270949,06/09/2018 21:55 9297634,4081704673,"

That is just part of what was required I guess...

Why did it say ""Do it Q"" on the image that represented 1 year since his victory?

Any explanation other than Trump is in on the Q thing?

",1536271183,06/09/2018 21:59 9294190,4081714110,

Feinstein forgot the Q in LGBT. Oopsie.

,1536271745,06/09/2018 22:09 9294190,4081722568,

They FEAR Q so much it is affecting their speech!

,1536272264,06/09/2018 22:17 9297634,4081735656,"

Want a quick Q proof that is hard to dispute?

Go to this Trump tweet on the 1-yr anniversary of his win
and see the name the image was saved as :)

To do this all you have to do is right click the image and click ""save"".
What comes up? ;)

Given this info... Trump was supportive of Q on November 8th 2017.

IF you want to take this further...

On November 9th 2017, Q posted an image of the clouds from a plane. Q has since then posted the image taken a second later of those same clouds on May 2018.

This means that the Q on May 2018 is the same person from November 9th 2017... the day AFTER Trump essentially vouched for Q.

",1536273077,06/09/2018 22:31 9297925,4081745701,"

I prefer Q-anon to NYT-anon

Want a quick Q proof that is hard to dispute?

Go to this Trump tweet on the 1-yr anniversary of his win
and see the name the image was saved as :)

To do this all you have to do is right click the image and click ""save"".
What comes up? ;)

Given this info... Trump was supportive of Q on November 8th 2017.

IF you want to take this further...

On November 9th 2017, Q posted an image of the clouds from a plane. Q has since then posted the image taken a second later of those same clouds on May 2018.

This means that the Q on May 2018 is the same person from November 9th 2017... the day AFTER Trump essentially vouched for Q.

",1536273674,06/09/2018 22:41 9297925,4081750414,"

What is this I hear?

Congress Critters are stripping the letter Q from their keyboards?

Gee, why would they do that?

",1536273948,06/09/2018 22:45 9297925,4081752255,"

Even if so, there are other ones that do plenty to prove it.
Not saying this is anywhere near the entirety of what I base my belief of Q on.

",1536274055,06/09/2018 22:47 9297925,4081753982,"

That wasn't what he was referencing the entire time. I used to follow Q, but time and time again I was let down. Thats just my take, godspeed.

",1536274148,06/09/2018 22:49 9297925,4081776595,"

If you are a Q follower, this is why you shouldn’t

",1536275450,06/09/2018 23:10 9124882,4081809155,"

Charges, hold your breath until you actually see trump charged. Your to big a political hack to try to help understand fact from fiction. Your just another clown, with a axe to grind because Hildabeast got her ass kicked........nothing more, nothing already proved your as ignorant as a moon rock on the q clearances. Let me guess ,your gonna double down again? It seems to work so well for so which are you gonna claim to be.....a professor? A doctor? Wait, a Navy seal, no doubt..................geeeeez

",1536277377,06/09/2018 23:42 9297943,4081817407,

Check QANON posts.

,1536277886,06/09/2018 23:51 9297925,4081822074,"

According to Q, Trump wrote the op-ed himself because he thought he'd been looking too competent lately, and he wanted to keep up his deception that he's not capable of being president.

",1536278162,06/09/2018 23:56 9297943,4081827717,

That is what the Q team is for.......

,1536278512,07/09/2018 00:01 9124882,4081831182,"

Specific clearance........keep digging . But it's clear to see you would reach China before you ever understood the subject..............all q clearances have specifics, and they are not always the you need me to throw you a rope? Your starting to sink in your own bs.

",1536278729,07/09/2018 00:05 9297925,4081866786,

Nice or someone who follows Q?

,1536280943,07/09/2018 00:42 9290581,4081873041,"

The world has been run by MONSTERS for many many years.
Read the postings by LEO ZAGAMI, Fiona Barnett, Kevin Annett, David Zublick and Liz Crokin. The victims all say the same thing............from all over the world.

My faves.......for all the newbies...........they have different styles.......I also watch the recommendations on the right of You Tube.............a PRIMER for Q.


Pass along your faves.

As for the ones I listed regarding ""monsters"" has taken me about 6 months to absorb the absolute evil that surrounds us.............almost unbelievable.

I can see why the world's DEEP STATES (FIVE EYES) have tried to take Trump out.

",1536281352,07/09/2018 00:49 9296722,4081873173,"

If anyone is familiar with Q, his/her post from yesterday involves Maxine Waters in the Uranium One deal...bigly!!! That may be why the crazies are ""occupying"" the Kavanaugh hearing.
From a post on the ""In Pursuit of Truth"" YouTube channel 09/06/18:

",1536281360,07/09/2018 00:49 9297925,4081875813,

what is YOUR opinion on the Q vs AJ thing going on?

,1536281488,07/09/2018 00:51 9297925,4081880405,"

I am with Trump and Trump seems with Q. If that pans out, and there is enough evidence against ANY entity that they are responsible for harming our efforts to make the world better... and Truly make it better... I as a Christian would be EVEN okay with going agaainst Mossad (Israeli intel) if they are the perpetrators. Thin ice here. They know Christians want to back Israel.

",1536281784,07/09/2018 00:56 9297925,4081889932,"

Stop with the Q crap. If he waits till after the midterms and there is even a remote possibility of a Democrat House, Trump and the American people will not see justice.Do it now while you have a Republican House,Trump.

",1536282405,07/09/2018 01:06 9124882,4081909919,

The 'QAnon' guy is just another in a long string of disinformation operations. Enjoy it while it lasts.

,1536283760,07/09/2018 01:29 9297925,4081914440,

By whom?

sorry I do not follow Q other than I've read a few posts here and there.

,1536284080,07/09/2018 01:34 9297925,4081916026,

On the fence with that. I am fine with whatever people want to do with regard to Q (follow wise...thought I should clarify that). Just not my cup of tea.

For now.

,1536284195,07/09/2018 01:36 9297925,4081922042,

Figures you’re a Q moron.

,1536284619,07/09/2018 01:43 9297925,4081925627,

I’d take it over the tinfoil you’re rocking. How’s that Qanon pizzagate working out for you? Roflmao

,1536284878,07/09/2018 01:47 9297925,4081949017,"

All under Trumps watch and roaring, 4-5 GDP next Q.
Sucks to be a leftist beta cuck like yourself I WOULD SUGGEST.

",1536286666,07/09/2018 02:17 9299233,4081953225,

Lol and circle gets the square.

You just stick to your Qanon and pizzagates. She’s going down any day now!

,1536287001,07/09/2018 02:23 9297502,4081968892,


,1536288224,07/09/2018 02:43 9297925,4081987912,"

The panic is unmistakable. Even the paid hack Trumpfluffers on Dead Breitbart can’t find an cogent argument to defend the Orange Moron. 60% of the country despises Trump and more are turning against him everyday. What’s the response? “It’s not fair!”
McCain is dead and buried and he’s still spanking Trump like Stormy Daniels. Everyone who works for Trump realizes he’s an evil manbaby. His own people are actively working to bring him down. The end is nigh.

But the loyal Trumptards at Dead Breitbart keep holding out for those secret indictments Q promised. They lie to each other about Trump’s popularity and pretend to believe they are not facing electoral oblivion. It’s fascinating in a sick, sad sort of way.

Who will be the last to turn Judas? Dead Breitbart or Gatway Pundit? Can’t wait to watch it happen.

",1536289736,07/09/2018 03:08 9297502,4082063497,"

I still say NYT is cooking up their own version of Q-Anon. For those unfamiliar, Q-Anon, in short, is an anonymous message board poster who claims to have high security clearance and is close to the president. He also claims to play a major role in draining the swamp and drops clues as to what's coming next.

NYT op-ed claims to be the exact same thing... only on the side of ""the resistance"". The whole thing is so contrived it's unintentionally hilarious.

",1536295113,07/09/2018 04:38 9299233,4082080933,


,1536296292,07/09/2018 04:58 9299233,4082218090,"

The message that I got from tonight's rally is that there is not going to be any major development riding to the rescue for November's midterms ... a la Q. Nothing shocking, no gamechanger.

POTUS was telling his following that votes are essential and crucial, because a big legal takedown or reveal is not in the cards.

",1536305431,07/09/2018 07:30 9299233,4082225245,"

""The last time President Trump traveled to Montana, Democrat Senator Jon Tester welcomed him with open arms, placing full-page ads in 14
newspapers praising the President.

This time, Tester won’t be so excited to see Donald Trump. With a big boost from the President at the Great Falls rally on July 5, Tester’s opponent has since gained ground in the race for the U.S. Senate.

Prior to that visit, the Republican Senate candidate Matt Rosendale was trailing Democrat incumbent, Senator Jon Tester, by 8 points. Just one month later, the Republican candidate has flipped 10 points and now leads Tester 47 percent to 45 percent.""

(Cmon everyone, buttonhole some lazies that you know and pull them to the voting booth. Volunteer for phone banks or driving services or door to door canvassing. Don't sit on you buttts squandering the next 2 months in front of computer, fantasizing about a Q rescue ... that's fantasy.)

",1536305876,07/09/2018 07:37 9297502,4082227385,"

Just the fact that they added Mattis to the odds-list shows how ridiculous the whole thing is. 0% chance of it being Mattis.

There is no White House source because it was made up completely. ""Lodestar"" is a red herring. Henry Kissinger used 'lodestar' at McCorpse's funeral last week. If they used it, it was to try to drag Pence down, it's certainly not Pence.

The op-ed had no details, it was just fake generic reassurance to the flailing Democrats that they have someone 'on the inside', like the idiotic Q-anon 'trust the plan' nonsense.

",1536306003,07/09/2018 07:40 9299233,4082260108,

You must be a ranking member of the Mueller team for you to have knowledge of the evidence being assembled. Are you the almighty Q?

,1536307982,07/09/2018 08:13 9299233,4082292113,

Breitbart and the Daily Caller and Daily Wire need to start reporting on Q drops.

,1536309722,07/09/2018 08:42 9299233,4082305993,"

Video: Governor Kasich of Ohio says McCain was put to death
9/6/2018 0 Comments


True Pundit reports: Just when you thought politics couldn’t get any crazier. Enter John Kasich. When he’s not eating a free lunch or stuffing his face at varying eateries, he’s saying Sen. John McCain was killed. Freudian slip?
The question still remains what really happened to Senator No Name McCain? Well Q hinted at us 30 days before McCain's death that McCain would be in the headlines, and 30 days after that McCain was reported as dead. We all know McCain's casket was closed the entire duration during his funeral process, so with that was McCain put to death and they didn't want us to see...Or is McCain possibly locked up somewhere like Gitmo another reason they possibly had the casket closed. With Governor Kasich stating that McCain was put to death, it's very likely Senator No Name McCain didn't have brain cancer...That's for sure.

",1536310523,07/09/2018 08:55 9299233,4082324137,"

Grand Jury impaneled against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
9/6/2018 0 Comments

​ Via WaPo: Federal prosecutors have for months been using a grand jury to investigate former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe — an indication the probe into whether he misled officials exploring his role in a controversial media disclosure has intensified, two people familiar with the matter said. The grand jury has summoned more than one witness, the people said, and the case is ongoing. The people declined to identify those who had been called to testify. The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged.
Looks like it's about to get very interesting as Red October approaches, as a Federal Grand Jury has been impaneled against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Last night alone we found out that Rod Rosenstein through Joe DeGenova, that Rod Rosenstein the Deep State Deputy Attorney General in the DOJ is also under an investigation over FISA.
​ This week has become very interesting as McCabe and Rosenstein now face investigations and Federal Grand Jury's, and to top it all off we are likely going to get the redacted version of the 20 FISA pages declassified by the President. Q told us months ago about a Red October, and we may be getting the first hints that a Red October or a MAGA October is on it's way.

",1536311551,07/09/2018 09:12 9299233,4082330444,

This tells me Q is a joke ... everyone supposed to be in jail before midterms

,1536311904,07/09/2018 09:18 9298948,4082348134,

Go read Q post 2101 to get the picture of what Alex Jones really is.

,1536312835,07/09/2018 09:33 9297634,4082361517,

Qanon exposed Alex Jones and Corsi as mossad/CIA agents long ago that purposely spread false interpretations of Q posts and used the Q platform to pad their bank accounts with the selling of books and trinkets.
This tactic will not deter those that have woken up to the corruption in the media and ou intelligence agencies.

,1536313524,07/09/2018 09:45 9298948,4082390450,"

Q is more bullshit than AJ... There's a Q on an airplane, obviously it was crashing into a rock island to destroy an under water pedophile Submarine. Come on man... Q is complete Liberal disinformation.

",1536314977,07/09/2018 10:09 9298783,4082394918,"

",1536315196,07/09/2018 10:13 9297613,4082455453,

He is to smart for these low I Q senators.

,1536317900,07/09/2018 10:58 9299233,4082483952,

I don't know that he necessarily follows Q. Why do you assume?

,1536319097,07/09/2018 11:18 9299233,4082516023,"

Qanon losers says ""Trust the plan"" AKA don't vote.
Qanon losers say elections don't matter anymore.

",1536320388,07/09/2018 11:39 9300718,4082536024,"

----- Drop the sham Spygate Hammer ... Declassify all FISA Documents !!

Get up to speed with "" Q - Anon "" ... The White Hat the press has told you to ignore.
# The Great Awakening

",1536321151,07/09/2018 11:52 9300718,4082555669,"

You need to take the autists with a grain of salt. Q is a boomer tease, nothing more.

",1536321894,07/09/2018 12:04 9294898,4082576727,

I can't help you. go visit your BS Q board or whatever you people do.

,1536322650,07/09/2018 12:17 9297502,4082600703,

What does Qanon say?

,1536323407,07/09/2018 12:30 9297502,4082611302,

R U Q?

,1536323708,07/09/2018 12:35 9300718,4082621744,

If Q is for Trump folks then the NYT Op Ed writer is the letter R for the anti trump folks.

,1536324000,07/09/2018 12:40 9297502,4082656526,"

Chuck, I’ll have a Q.

",1536325048,07/09/2018 12:57 9300547,4082705709,"

For people keeping tabs on Q, and those who enjoy the ""debunkings""
Kid shows how to alter Discord messages. Easy.

",1536326477,07/09/2018 13:21 9296821,4082732943,"

Thanks for the giggle. Are you a member of Q? Perhaps you believe all those other weirdo conspiracy theories as well? Michelle Obama is really a man, Obama is gay and not a US Citizen? How about the silly pedo island or pizza shop thing?

",1536327272,07/09/2018 13:34 9300553,4082906456,"

Off topic, but Q outed himself today as an 8chan squatter with spectacular computer skills. But one who cares deeply about his fellow LARPers questioning his authenticity.

He obviously is not POTUS nor any true WH insider, just someone that can exploit great programming and searching skills.

His obsession with other LARPers proved to be his undoing.

",1536332959,07/09/2018 15:09 9301621,4082909399,"

Maybe I didn't write it.
I am not Corey Booker, but I am Spartacus and Q.

",1536333054,07/09/2018 15:10 9300718,4082972578,"

Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny too. Qanon, the wet dream of wannabes.

",1536334999,07/09/2018 15:43 9301621,4082983678,

It was Q LMAO!

,1536335356,07/09/2018 15:49 9301621,4083001638,"

The whole thing is a hoax. The Democrats have seen how far the ""Qanon"" phenomenon has gone and they want to create the illusion that they have their own ""Danon"" in the white house too.

",1536335926,07/09/2018 15:58 9300553,4083025991,"

Video: Governor Kasich of Ohio says McCain was put to death
9/6/2018 0 Comments


True Pundit reports: Just when you thought politics couldn’t get any crazier. Enter John Kasich. When he’s not eating a free lunch or stuffing his face at varying eateries, he’s saying Sen. John McCain was killed. Freudian slip?
The question still remains what really happened to Senator No Name McCain? Well Q hinted at us 30 days before McCain's death that McCain would be in the headlines, and 30 days after that McCain was reported as dead. We all know McCain's casket was closed the entire duration during his funeral process, so with that was McCain put to death and they didn't want us to see...Or is McCain possibly locked up somewhere like Gitmo another reason they possibly had the casket closed. With Governor Kasich stating that McCain was put to death, it's very likely Senator No Name McCain didn't have brain cancer...That's for sure

",1536336722,07/09/2018 16:12 9300718,4083033378,"

Hm. Isn't this op-ed the opposite of QAnon? QAnon says there is a Democrat ""deep swamp"" trying to hold Trump down. Now Republicans are saying they are keeping Trump from making devastating decisions.

",1536336962,07/09/2018 16:16 9301324,4083052405,"

If President Trump wants another four years after what he's had to endure thus far, I will be the first one in the voting booth! The only thing missing from the picture of Harris and Booker is Curly Q. KAG

",1536337591,07/09/2018 16:26 9300553,4083077448,

I wonder if Q got a drop on Michelle's gender

,1536338393,07/09/2018 16:39 9290581,4083102049,"

It may all be MADE UP BS ....(NYT has done it before)...but, They WILL get to the truth...(Q has it’s ways!) lol ==> GO Q !! Lol

",1536339187,07/09/2018 16:53 9297634,4083128998,"

Patriots, skip A.J. Go to Qanon, Jones may be a plant, to dissuade people from awakening. Just a theory.

",1536340065,07/09/2018 17:07 9297634,4083148532,"

Yes, let us be guided by an anonymous, faceless 'could-be-anybody-taking-claim', over an established individual. Anyone can pretend to be QAnon with ease. It's impossible to do the same with a well-known individual.

",1536340702,07/09/2018 17:18 9302278,4083164419,

You know the liberals were behind the whole Q thing. It's one of the weapons they have and will use for the midterms. They revealed themselves during the Trump rally a few weeks back. A man stands perfectly in the line of sight of Trump and the cameras with the Q sign. Hours later all the liberal media had stories lined up saying Trump supporters were conspiracy theory nuts.

,1536341209,07/09/2018 17:26 9301621,4083171152,"

So the left ridicules Q as a conspiracy nut, but are all touting their own conspiracies about this op-ed.
Hypocrites again

",1536341416,07/09/2018 17:30 9302131,4083178772,

He's panicking because Q is about to nail his a@@. Gitmo awaits!

,1536341658,07/09/2018 17:34 9302131,4083196953,"

Whats he got to lose at this point? He knows his name is on one of those sealed indictments, he knows the administration has so much evidence on him he has a snowballs chance in hell, and he knows hes going to prison or hung for treason at Gitmo. Expect the worst of the deep state to go off the deep end. Go Q.

",1536342229,07/09/2018 17:43 9302131,4083235696,"

******** New From .. "" Q "" ****************

"" Goodbye Mr. Rosenstien ! ""

Rep. Jim Jordan‏ ;
The key players at the FBI and the DOJ knew about the Ohrs' involvement in the Dossier. They knew the Clinton campaign paid for it. They knew Steele was extremely biased against Trump.They didn't tell the Court any of this.

( Birds are singing.)

",1536343459,07/09/2018 18:04 9302131,4083238433,

-------------------- GOODBYE Mr. Rosenstien ! ------------------------

New Q Anon .

,1536343571,07/09/2018 18:06 9124882,4083256024,"

They were brought before special council dipshit. It has nothing to do with Mueller investigation. You are showing your ignorance again. Need a list? If I gave you the information what would you do? Not a damn thing. It wouldn't change anything because your not looking for truth, your looking for a way to get what you want. Your Google button failed you or you don't know how to research......first time? No they wasn't all before special council at the same time scholar and was investigate for different lies in different cases.......maybe you should try talking about the Q clearances seem lost as usual

",1536344279,07/09/2018 18:17 9302131,4083271852,"

.******** New From .. "" Q "" ****************""

Goodbye Mr. Rosenstien ! ""

Rep. Jim Jordan‏ ;The key players at the FBI and the DOJ knew about the Ohrs' involvement in the Dossier. They knew the Clinton campaign paid for it. They knew Steele was extremely biased against Trump.They didn't tell the Court any of this.

( Birds are singing.)

",1536344948,07/09/2018 18:29 9302131,4083282359,"

;******** New From .. "" Q "" ************ "" Goodbye Mr. Rosenstien ! ""

Rep. Jim Jordan‏ ; Hour ago.

The key players at the FBI and the DOJ knew about the Ohrs' involvement in the Dossier. They knew the Clinton campaign paid for it. They knew Steele was extremely biased against Trump.They didn't tell the Court any of this.

( Birds are singing.)

",1536345399,07/09/2018 18:36 9302278,4083301735,"

A conspiracy theory is something that conspiracy theorists spend way too much time, money, and effort into proving true despite the fact that they have no evidence, and nothing to show for their efforts.
The ""Birther"" theory has yielded some obvious forgeries, which is still evidence of something, and even Obamas own brother claims he was born in Kenya.
The ""Benghazi"" theory has the evidence of four deaths that have yet to be adequately explained.
Going deeper, ""Qanon"" followers knew months in advance of Trump meeting with Kim, and that North Korea would begin to de-nuclearize, and a lot more.
The ""Kennedy Assassination"" theory of multiple shooters is supported by the forensic report, casting doubt on the Warren Commission which has a single, pristine bullet which was ""found"" laying in the stretcher used to carry Connely.

OTOH, we have the Mueller Investigation which has been ongoing for well over a year, costing American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, and has yet to find a single iota of evidence that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia to swing the election of 2016.

Which one sounds like a ""Conspiracy Theory"" to you?

",1536346209,07/09/2018 18:50 9302578,4083334768,"

The sane John and Jane Q public: Anyone giving rosie any ear whatsoever behaves like lobotomy patients. These ""people"", have not one shred of truth backing their blather.

",1536347689,07/09/2018 19:14 9302278,4083440022,

Mister President and Q are trying to SAVE The Children from the predators while black hussein osama enables them by discounting their efforts. Disgusting.

,1536351611,07/09/2018 20:20 9302131,4083447120,"

“Out of this political darkness, I’m seeing a great awakening”

The Q movement is named ""The Great Awakening"". Barry thinks he can just take it, lol. :)

",1536351891,07/09/2018 20:24 9296692,4083454944,"

We should finally use the FBI to do what it is supposed to do...investigate. The FBI should investigate the NYT for publishing something so critical of the President. During Obummer no one was critical, but if the media had been of course he would have used his Deep State Q followers to stop the media from publishing critcal articles. So Jeff needs to step up and protect this President by shutting down the NYT and any other press which criticizes Trump. Of course that dumb Sessions wouldnt do such a thing. He is in bed with Q

",1536352198,07/09/2018 20:29 9302131,4083456265,"

You hear the Barry dog whistle there?

Calling the response to Trump ""a Great Awakening"".

He is talking to us in the Q movement, saying this is his response to us. It has ALWAYS been called ""The Great Awakening"". This should be common knowledge.

",1536352251,07/09/2018 20:30 9302131,4083464941,"

Obama thinks he can take our ""Great Awakening"" label from us, lol.

The QAnon thing has been called ""The Great Awakening"" from the start.

Thanks for bringing us up Mr. O!!!

",1536352598,07/09/2018 20:36 9296692,4083474007,

to be sure the Deep State Q actor in the op-ed was not talking about a coup. That is just wishful thinking on the part of the Fake Times. The author of the op-ed was just talking about keep Trump as president but preventing the Donald from making and irrational decision. We shouldnt have anything to worry about since the Donald makes the best decisions and soon we will beat China in a trade war.

,1536352958,07/09/2018 20:42 9296692,4083489455,"

The NYT succeeded in admitting that Q is correct, that there really is a deep state ful of TRAITORS.

Trump, it is time to FIRE people by the thousands. Tell them December 31st is their last day of federal government employment.

ALL hired under the last occupier go first, then work from there. Every month of 2019 being a month where another 5 thousand are trimmed from the federal workforce.

With the Space Force formation coming down the pike, military restructuring is happening. Obviously restructuring the court s are happening as well. We NEED to see the alphabets TRIMMED Mister President, sliced and diced like a ginsu commercial as well.

You are doing pretty well Mister President, and you are even doing SOME firing, some alphabet trimming, but we need something concrete. How about throwing us Gun Rights advocates a bone? You know, Dissolve the ATF entirely as a show of force that you mean BUSINESS!?

",1536353608,07/09/2018 20:53 9124882,4083532237,"

Hey, there's no need to discuss the QAnon person because he's a non-entity.

",1536355770,07/09/2018 21:29 9304000,4083545950,"

You don't own patriotism. Democrats love America, just like you. We have respect & reverence for the Constitution. We appreciate the freedom it protects everyday. We are all Americans. You can't love America if you hate half of America.
If you are looking to question someone's patriotism, go after all the wacko Q fanatics who are planning another Civil War.

",1536356522,07/09/2018 21:42 9304000,4083557196,"

Mary-Anne Reed

BOMBSHELL: #Obama would have had to approve the Carter Page #FISA warrant per law in order for the spying to proceed wo court hearing. The rule is described on page 7 of 1978 FISA Act! #TREASON #QAnon @RealDonaldTrump @Potus #Sessions #Rosenstein #Lynch @RealDonaldTrump @Potus

4:18 PM - Sep 7, 2018

",1536357155,07/09/2018 21:52 9303493,4083615496,"

Yep, here comes the false flag Q has been warning about.

",1536360736,07/09/2018 22:52 9124882,4083638715,"

I know, if it puts a bad light on the Dems, look the other way. You do realize you brought up Q, not me......... I haven't even brought up any of the stuff he has why did you try to change the subject? I will pretend I don't know ...................

",1536362277,07/09/2018 23:17 9124882,4083656145,

You typify the stuff QAnon keeps claiming is real. He's a quintessential conspiracy theorist who provides absolutely not a shred of proof of anything. He's like a variation on Alex Jones. Only slightly more Quiescent.

,1536363402,07/09/2018 23:36 9302449,4083686368,

Please do not involve any Democrats in your sicko Oracle Q fantasies.

,1536365411,08/09/2018 00:10 9302449,4083703995,

The left's Q?

,1536366618,08/09/2018 00:30 9302449,4083706780,

Stop confusing people. Why are you lying? Please lay off the Oracle Q.

,1536366807,08/09/2018 00:33 9302131,4083747181,"

Thank GOD this weak POS Traitorous Muslim Usurper , disgusting queer LGBT/Muslim sympathizer is out of the white house. for 8+ years living in the USA was hell. i can not wait until the obamas, bushes, and clintons are all locked up and/or eliminated. they all can go to hell. they are all traitors scum.Obama will go down as the worst president in history of the USA. the people for voted for him 2 times are gullible. Never again. May time erase them outta existence.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader. finally a president with balls. MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1536369822,08/09/2018 01:23 9302449,4083755481,

Witch either thru death or criminal activity exposed by Q et al.

,1536370459,08/09/2018 01:34 9302557,4083763899,"

Too bad OBOZO doesn't realize that HE is the one who removed the corporations from the U.S., then he can't figure out why Trump is the Winner...on everything? We were headed into Ob'z Hell. Trump brought these Corporations Back with that Giant Tax Cut with corporations benefiting, therefore, giving the Taxpayers a Tax Break was a 2-fold win. No matter what MSM says, their lies are going to bury them. Trust the plan, Trust Sessions, and Trust Q. There's no LARP there folks...and if you pay attention to those on the tube, you'll finally get it. Everything...and I mean Everything, analysis...and all is being told. You've been missing the Battle, and it's almost over. Rome wasn't built in a day, and cleaning out the Slime just takes a little more time, if you wanna be poetic about it. It's just more 'winning'.

",1536371102,08/09/2018 01:45 9304954,4083776702,"

Not Q, but you are welcome.

",1536372100,08/09/2018 02:01 9304954,4083783242,

Dude sides are drawn. Tell your boss to save the cash. Expechially on brighbart. See those rally’s ? No polotitian can get this many out . Fact. Oh. Q ?

,1536372625,08/09/2018 02:10 9304954,4083784203,"

The hillary crowd was definitely triggered, but I think you folks have taken over. Between the Qanon and pizzagate quacks I think your peers have set the bar quite high. 👍

",1536372704,08/09/2018 02:11 9304954,4083790370,"

You’re right, it’s the Qanon, pizzagaters, Alex Jones crowd that you align with that are the real brains. LMFAO

I love you people, so simple, so poor, so uneducated, so lazy. It’s like a perfect storm of failure.

",1536373203,08/09/2018 02:20 9304954,4083795876,"

Qanon, pizzagaters, birtherism, sandy hook truthers, Alex Jones crowd that you folks align with sums you all up perfectly.

I love you people, so simple, so poor, so uneducated, so lazy. It’s like a perfect storm of failure. 👏👏👏

",1536373663,08/09/2018 02:27 9304954,4083806682,"

Qanon, pizzagaters, Alex Jones, birtherism, sandy hook truthers.

I love you people, so simple, so poor, so uneducated, so lazy. It’s like a perfect storm of failure.

",1536374539,08/09/2018 02:42 9296692,4083811685,

You have to be a Soros whore. Q is the Cabal? You're in bed with The Lord of the Flies. WWG1WGA

,1536374956,08/09/2018 02:49 9291739,4083815556,"

Mark Taylor says God told him ""Military Tribunals"". Q says Military Tribunals. So what's it gonna be?

",1536375276,08/09/2018 02:54 9304600,4083830395,"

4,500 sealed indictments. McCabe is singing now. Read Q, you dumb-as-rocks- cretin!

",1536376478,08/09/2018 03:14 9304600,4083837389,"

Today Q posted: ""Good bye, Rosenstein"". I wonder if something is afoot?

",1536377036,08/09/2018 03:23 9304600,4083845877,"

I like your theory; BTW in today's Q posts, Q said: ""Goodbye, Rosenstein"". Connection?

",1536377715,08/09/2018 03:35 9304600,4083895739,"

Hey Rambo,
Democrats are not your enemy. Nobody is moving in for the kill shot. Please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, its not healthy. Its BS.
Why would you defend Alex Jones, who exploits people's tragedies? He's a total scumbag.

",1536381433,08/09/2018 04:37 9292390,4083941917,

And Q is Melania.

,1536384742,08/09/2018 05:32 9302449,4083947056,"

Please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's making you paranoid.

",1536385118,08/09/2018 05:38 9303751,4084121751,

That was QAnon!

,1536396222,08/09/2018 08:43 9292390,4084292834,"

------ O / T ..... Punked again ? --- NY Times Op-Ed is 100 % match to student term paper.

( "" These people are stupid "" --- Q Anon )


",1536405252,08/09/2018 11:14 9124882,4084355757,"

You already played your party card, can't take it back now dipshit.......I'm not trying to protect anybody, or take anyone down..........I just want people to know the truth instead of all this crap you been giving me. From Q clearances to special council, to the facts.............your simply a liar. Your not stupid, with your so called defense against what we know, your not ignorant, so that's not a excuse......your a political hack, a socialist, and a blantant you gonna try to tell me that the economic boom is cause of Obama, no doubt......keep spinning your web, I will just keep tearing them down...............

",1536408113,08/09/2018 12:01 9305245,4084361560,"

Maher is TRULY one of the bad guys according to Q. Just look at the red shoes ...

And frankly, I've never seen the talent or the appeal .... a truly UGLY man all the way around ....

",1536408330,08/09/2018 12:05 9303175,4084370541,"

Q says that Mossad controls Alex Jones as an enemy within the midst of the conservative/pro-America movement.

Interesting that his buddies Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi have both been called before Mueller. Btw, Q also says that Jerome Corsi is Mossad.

At best, he was a moron spreading disinformation. At worst, he was an enemy of our movement!

",1536408766,08/09/2018 12:12 9305221,4084394912,"

New Q....from 6 hours ago...We the people are going to be treated to all FISA APPLICATIONS,as well as JUSTICE DEPT/FBI documents,I suspect we will see as Sara Carter stated stuff that will rock us to our core.......I predict that we will see more of OBAMA than we would ever believe in all of it,hence his nervous rambling yesterday.....GOODBYE ROSENSTEIN.

",1536409909,08/09/2018 12:31 9302578,4084403174,

Hey! It’s my boy Q from Impractical Jokers!

,1536410249,08/09/2018 12:37 9305245,4084405814,

AMERICA TO MAHER: Q is watching you. Sleep well.

,1536410360,08/09/2018 12:39 9305245,4084411258,

I think I saw Q at an IHOP in Boise Idaho.

,1536410568,08/09/2018 12:42 9305245,4084412922,

Right on Q!

,1536410635,08/09/2018 12:43 9296692,4084424134,"

I didnt mean take away the NYT rights. I meant like what DJT said, that they should be forced if necessary to reveal who wrote the critical piece. That was treason, so the NYT cant publish that. That is not about the 1A.

I thought Q was with the Deep bad?


",1536411099,08/09/2018 12:51 9302449,4084431649,

Nope. Not having it. You CANNOT accuse ME of being in a cult and call me a useful idiot in the same comment. You must be having an Oracle Q delusion if you think that will be tolerated. And I'm a liberal on Breitbart so I obviously get out of my echo chamber. The question is: Do you?

,1536411408,08/09/2018 12:56 9305116,4084451639,"

Gee, I wonder if you plant seeds of doubt like Qanon does?

",1536412252,08/09/2018 13:10 9296692,4084457342,"

No worries! It is all good!

",1536412489,08/09/2018 13:14 9305221,4084464519,

Did Q tell you that?

,1536412774,08/09/2018 13:19 9304000,4084532096,

Elected folks are not the smartest knifes in the drawer likely LOW I Q.

,1536415626,08/09/2018 14:07 9305221,4084539305,

LOL. Q is likely a version of the 500 Lb. guy sitting on a couch eating chips that Trump said hacked Hillary's emails.

,1536415938,08/09/2018 14:12 9297634,4084575586,"

Obviously, You have not been following Q drops, Hey to each his own. We are all on the same team, Personally I have nothing against Jones, I did think the minute He was first banned. there was a link to get to his new site, just seemed a little ""off"" to me. EITHER way lets all pray that the swamp gets drained!One more thing,I used to think the same of Q as You , but way too many proofs and coincidences for it not to be a deep insider white hat.

",1536417487,08/09/2018 14:38 9297634,4084580989,"

Why does Jones bash Q? The more people that follow Jones, the less that know "" the plan"" As I said We all are tryin to drain the swamp. and You are correct about getting out the vote!

",1536417710,08/09/2018 14:41 9306214,4084648520,"

Yeah, Q sent me. Wait until the truth comes out about how Obama weaponized the Intel community (and authorized 'politically aligned' private contractors, Crowdstrike and Fusion GPS to access highly classified - ie, above ""Top Secret"", think 'Restricted Compartmentalized Information', meta-data collected by the NSA,) to spy on ALL POLITICAL OPPONENTS during 2016 Presidential Campaign, to try to throw election for HRC.

",1536420598,08/09/2018 15:29 9218593,4084717725,"

#qanon and LEARN just who bad this women REALLY is. There is so much more under the tip of the Iceberg.

",1536423555,08/09/2018 16:19 9303460,4084726245,"

Just for the record, this Q wacko said Trump would declassify them no later than yesterday, and the Q-lings were running amok with joy. Once again ""he"" was dead wrong.

I really think that this ""Anonymous"" NYT editorial is a Lefty who's taken his Q from Q. It's either an outright scam or a whale ""sheet"" low level staffer. They saw the effect Q had and wanted their own Q.

",1536423915,08/09/2018 16:25 9305221,4084767923,

I an on Q and ready for anything that comes my way.

,1536425688,08/09/2018 16:54 9306214,4084772901,"

Trump, democrats... Only difference is who benefits from the cronyism. John Q Public gets boned either way.

",1536425899,08/09/2018 16:58 9306214,4084805788,"

Trump tells reporters he may use Military resources to build border wall
9/7/2018 0 Comments

​The Daily Mail reported: President Donald Trump said Friday that he’s considering using military resources to finish construction of his long-promised border wall instead of relying on Congress to fund the project through the Homeland Security Department’s budget. He also wouldn’t eliminate the possibility of a government shutdown if Democrats continue to confound his efforts to appropriate money for the project on the U.S.-Mexico border. ‘We have two options,’ he told aboard Air Force One as he flew from Billings, Montana to Fargo, North Dakota. ‘We have military, we have homeland security.’ He was asked specifically about using the Army Corps of Engineers as a taxpayer-funded construction crew.
It looks like President Trump may be bringing us the wall after-all, as it's being reported now that President Trump has told reporters he will build the wall through the military. The military building Trump's border wall is pure genius on the part of President Trump, because Trump can pretty much use the military to build the wall without getting approval from the obstruction in Washington DC. Q may of already hinted at us in the past that the ARMY Corps of Engineers may build Trump's wall, if you can remember a few months back when Q stated Green Castle Red Castle.
​ The wall could be coming sooner than later if President Trump is now officially looking to the military to build his Great Border Wall that will protect America from illegal aliens, violent illegal aliens, and all kinds of trafficking you can think of. Curious if President Trump will use a National Security action to build the wall, unless of course this has already been placed in one of Trump's Executive Orders as President.

",1536427336,08/09/2018 17:22 9306214,4084807275,

Some of these Q decoders have a Discord you can join too.
Katie G. I am thinking about doing that.

,1536427402,08/09/2018 17:23 9306214,4084828701,"

QAnon isn't ""Real news"", however, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the crumb search, just stop pawning it off as anything more than a LARP. Thank you.

",1536428376,08/09/2018 17:39 9306214,4084830638,

When was QAnon banned?

,1536428480,08/09/2018 17:41 9204754,4084983128,"

Next, u are an R1b tyresenase(-) U5 and H dna white Caucasian, whose haplogroup originated in the Caucasis, Caucasus, Caucasoid or Caucazoid Mountains.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling you a Caucasian, a Caucasis, a Caucasus, a Caucasoid or a Caucazoid.

They're all perfectly acceptable (anthropological) scientific terms---just like u white people claim it's perfectly acceptable to call our M42, N, P, R14, Q and S dna brothers an:

Austro (southern)

Loid (Black man)

So what's with your reprobate mindset saying otherwise?

",1536435411,08/09/2018 19:36 9306271,4085021345,"

""We have it all"" what Q says, and I believe him.


",1536437011,08/09/2018 20:03 9306271,4085023053,"

You saying things means nothing, you realize that, right? It means could write every letter of the alphabet along with Q and it wont mean jack

",1536437089,08/09/2018 20:04 9306271,4085025994,

Seth Rich something something secret societies Q spies....hahahahaha love your creativity

,1536437224,08/09/2018 20:07 9306271,4085028825,"

white rabbit, black hole, Q, alternate facts, shadow governments...YESSSSS keep going, you are fun...

",1536437363,08/09/2018 20:09 9306271,4085034327,"

The Matrix, we're in the matrix, and Q along with Keanu Reeves will unravel the massive conspiracy with Seth Rich's ghost about the secret society that has all of the Uranium Hillary stole to power a mind control machine that has made Trump fire Comey and get himself a special counsel which has brought us to this point....for sure.

",1536437618,08/09/2018 20:13 9306214,4085079062,"

He fits the profile investigators have put out. They guessed he was mega wealthy, that he had at one time in his life voted for Democrats, that he had been recently humiliated, and that he had ulterior motives.

That's not the story about Pence becoming VP I remember. He had several in the running, of whom Pence was one, and Ivanka made the final choice.

Maybe it's not him, but maybe it is, and you guys better wake up, because CTH, Q, fantasies of The Big Ugly, Sessions to the rescue, and all this BS is going to lose it for Trump.

He needs fighters, not faith. Faith without works is dead.

",1536439877,08/09/2018 20:51 9306712,4085112543,"

Thank you for sharing, not all know about Q.

",1536441782,08/09/2018 21:23 9306712,4085127163,"

You just couldn't keep your big mouth shut eh? So if I just posted it without referencing Q, what would you say about the text? You are exactly who I am speaking too here. You think you are smarter than you are...wait and see smartazz! Fact is, you are just another weak little weasel buzz off gnat!

",1536442548,08/09/2018 21:35 9306271,4085131823,"

I'm stiilllll waiting for those QAnon posts to be proven, which they haven't. I think that about all they've accomplished thus far is to get Gerome Corsi in hot water with Mueller since Corsi spends a lot of time on that subject. I'm sure Mueller wants to have a word with Corsi on that very subject.

",1536442797,08/09/2018 21:39 9306712,4085168936,

It would have read weakly even without the Q linkage. But the conspiracy theories that Q followers adhere to are totally-fucking bonkers.

,1536444799,08/09/2018 22:13 9306712,4085186111,

Really? My mistake. Can you educate me on what is Q?

,1536445764,08/09/2018 22:29 9307225,4085294240,


He and Q should have a duel...

,1536452954,09/09/2018 00:29 9124882,4085317324,"

No dipshit, that was you again. Just like the Q have some serious mental do understand that fact, don't you?.....very sad individual.........comprehension issues on top of that..........sad........but still..........priceless! Your one troll that definitely ask for, you got it...........happy now?

",1536454773,09/09/2018 00:59 9307225,4085380261,

hahahahaha I told all of you the day after the big Omnibus Bill he would build the wall In sept/November with the Corp or Engineers.... Q told the anons… The whining was loud and I even was pissed. Coulter almost went comatose. But Trump said he would use the Military if he needed to out of the last minute addition to that bill no one read.. He used their BS... like a crooked politician. Beat them at their own game again. Go Trump Go and here comes that big beautiful wall...

,1536460097,09/09/2018 02:28 9307225,4085383730,

Q are American patriots bent on kicking your socialist communist asses out of our country. Trump is their Capital Q... OUrs too...So quiet down there you ugly spot on humanity and slide down the swamp drain quietly.

,1536460404,09/09/2018 02:33 9307150,4085684757,

Last time I saw Q was on star trek.!!

,1536485375,09/09/2018 09:29 9307225,4085801779,

I read this was going to happen a few months ago in a Q posting. Military money and the Army Corp of Engineers to build the wall.

,1536491925,09/09/2018 11:18 9307690,4085807587,"

Texas Children's Hospital Physician arrested for child pornography
9/8/2018 0 Comments

The Goldwater Reports: ​There’s disturbing news to report coming out of the greater Houston area, where law enforcement announced the arrest of a Texas Children's Hospital Respiratory Physician who they say was arrested for the possession of child pornography. 49-Carlos-Carreon is a Respiratory Therapist at Texas Children's, where he works with underage patients. Carreon not only treated the patients for their illnesses but also secretly lived a double life as a pedophile, stunning both staff and colleagues at the Texas Children's Hospital.
Deputies from the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office in Texas say that they made the arrest of Carreon on Thursday, and began interrogations. During that process, Carreon willingly provided his electronic devices to Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, where they would find at least one child pornographic video depicting a prepubescent minor child engaged in a forced sexual assault at the hands of an adult. At that time, Deputies arrested Carreon and transported him to the Montgomery County Jail where he remains jailed on a $1,000,000 cash bond.
Here we go again where an adult who works closely with children in Texas has been busted for you guess it...Possession of child pornography. How many places where we intrust the care of our children with adults, tend to end up being breeding grounds for child trafficking and pedophilia? Every week across America we have teachers busted for having sexual relations with children, and this also isn't the first time a child doctor who works with children has been busted with child pornography.
The Catholic Dioceses across America also have a major problem of child trafficking and pedophilia as well, where almost every week a new US Catholic Diocese is being investigated for child abuse or child trafficking. Like Q says be careful who you trust, because every institution or entity in America that works with children is involved in major child trafficking/pedo rings. We have to be getting close to 40,000 arrests of child/human traffickers and pedophiles under Trump.

",1536492162,09/09/2018 11:22 9307690,4085985222,"

You need a Q douche, it's eating your brain.

",1536499559,09/09/2018 13:25 9306565,4086026595,

It would seem that a low I Q person was involved along with an absentee landlord allowing this product to be present.

,1536501401,09/09/2018 13:56 9308782,4086138027,

QAnon W W G 1 W G A!

,1536505925,09/09/2018 15:12 9308638,4086165199,

The first man on the moon wasn't Neil Armstrong. It was Donald J. Trump. Ask Q. He knows!

,1536507003,09/09/2018 15:30 9308638,4086170592,"

They have all probably read Q..........and realize they're nailed to the board, like flies.

Oh well.........only a matter of time.

""WE HAVE IT ALL""...............oh the paranoia.............sweet imaginations....:)))

Me, I think of the horrible deaths the innocent children have suffered because of THEM !!!

",1536507220,09/09/2018 15:33 9309193,4086191458,"

He will go down, either way.

RIP, Larry Sinclair. A flawed individual who delivered a tough statement before the National Press Club ten years ago.

For younger readers, watch his Q & A on Utube and decide for yourself. It makes the Access Hollywood clip look trivial.

",1536508044,09/09/2018 15:47 9303460,4086263745,"

I love that we're weeding out a few bad apples, that we're cutting fifty cents worth of waste, that's peachy,glad we're doing it.

Meanwhile the administrative state has just admitted they are running the government so your well referenced ramblings are suddenly and completely irrelevant.

And that Q fantasy about tens of thousands of subpoenas? Nice try.

",1536510669,09/09/2018 16:31 9309193,4086299915,"

Thank GOD this weak POS Traitorous Muslim Usurper , disgusting queer LGBT/Muslim sympathizer is out of the white house. for 8+ years living in the USA was hell. i can not wait until the obamas, bushes, and clintons are all locked up and/or eliminated. they all can go to hell. they are all traitors scum.Obama will go down as the worst president in history of the USA. the people for voted for him 2 times are gullible. Never again. May time erase them outta existence.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader. finally a president with balls. MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1536511931,09/09/2018 16:52 9308479,4086300267,

I believe Q mentioned that on Friday.

,1536511943,09/09/2018 16:52 9309730,4086368793,

This non politician is apparently TAKING DOWN the corruption and SCAMS IN THE SWAMP ... (that have unfortunately become COMMON PLACE ).. But is obviously “a delicate work” in progress that must be done slowly and methodically.... with a highly skilled team of experts .... with the Military at the Head of the spear..INCLUDING THE CLEVER Q..

,1536514398,09/09/2018 17:33 9309730,4086377748,"

Guarantee you Q and Company will PULL OUT ALL (legal) STOPS ... to make sure that WONT HAPPEN AGAIN.. (like they did to HRC)...imho. Remember, It is Trump who has ALL THE POWER AND POLITICAL ADVANTAGE NOW...

",1536514733,09/09/2018 17:38 9308968,4086386269,

Uh huh

You sound like that Q supporters

Any day now......

,1536515067,09/09/2018 17:44 9309604,4086413637,"

CBS moonves OUT.

Gee, it seems Q foretold of that coming a while back.

Imagine that.

",1536516143,09/09/2018 18:02 9309730,4086527430,"

Thank GOD this weak POS Traitorous Muslim Usurper , disgusting queer LGBT/Muslim sympathizer is out of the white house. for 8+ years living in the USA was hell. i can not wait until the obamas, bushes, and clintons are all locked up and/or eliminated. they all can go to hell. they are all traitors scum.Obama will go down as the worst president in history of the USA. the people for voted for him 2 times are gullible. Never again. May time erase them outta existence.
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader. finally a president with balls. MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1536520260,09/09/2018 19:11 9309604,4086595971,"

",1536522916,09/09/2018 19:55 9124882,4086623743,"

You bring up Q then ask me why I brought up Q. Then you rant about the dossier because I wrote that it was made by Russia. You tried to correct me by saying it was the head of MS13 that wrote it. When all along we both knew Russia folks didn't write it, they just provided the so called information. Then you have been denying both ever since. You know I could post it for you but I don't see the need since . I just did to you what lawyers do to people on the stand, who try to lie their ass off. You better never end up in a court of law fella, but if you do, Try telling the truth from the start and you will be good. Try this crap, and your at the mercy of the court........take it or leave it..........divulge catching you in your Go for it.....double down , I just might play one of my aces and release you post.............wouldn't that be fun to relive again?............should I make you look dumber.............hmmmmmmm....decisions, decisions...............ahh, let's wait, and see what bs you come up with now........tic toc , tic toc.............dirty Go for it! Like I told you in the beginning, I simply let you hang yourself............good job!

",1536524079,09/09/2018 20:14 9309613,4086645914,"

If what Durbin says is true then why has Obama retained over seven lawyers ?
No Dickey the manure is about to hit the fan, it will begin with the redacted documents being declassified opening the Democrat parties Pandora's box of crimes and corruption against America and the American people, this eventually will lead to mass indictments.The Trump administration has spent over half a billion dollars upgrading and enlarging Gitmo.
He signed an EO that goes into effect Jan 1 that allows the seizure of ALL assets of those charged with human and child sex trafficking.
The EO allows those charged with certain crimes being able to be charged as enemy combatants which would allow them to be held in military prisons and tried before military tribunals, thus bypassing the many activist judges that Obama installed while he was in office
This will also lead to the public being exposed to the width and depth of child sex trafficking by the Hollywood and political elites of both parties.
This shouldn't be viewed as a left versus right fight.
It should be viewed as a good versus evil fight.
Children are being sexually preyed on and killed daily
Stopping this ASAP a paramount
If you don't believe it then you are blind to your surroundings
If you want to be more aware of what is happening and what is about to happen or
WWG1WGA !!!!

",1536525106,09/09/2018 20:31 9124882,4086669897,"

This is your post all it's glory.......enjoy retard..... So I proved you a liar about Q. I proved you a liar on the video of the Soros group paying protestors......and now about your bullshit about the there anything else in your tactics bag............hell dipshit, you even capitalized HEAD OF..............that's some bag of tricks I have, is it not............ Just the facts that I've beat your ass from every direction, I would like to thank you for the debate. It was fun. This is what is called a ace in the hole........I figure since your so enept, I would make it easy for you, and just comment on it so you could find the damn thing..............checkmate!................I'm just had to let you hang yourself seemed so eager to do it, I just had to let .....I told you in the beginning how I work it, and you still fell into the trap.........that's brilliance right there................what a goofbal

",1536526293,09/09/2018 20:51 9310066,4086680187,"

Oh goodie, a matrix reference. You’re one of those “special people”, your Q alter is calling

",1536526852,09/09/2018 21:00 9307225,4086713186,"

He has had the funds earmarked since he ""unhappily"" signed the $1.3 Trillion dollar Spending bill back in March. Remember, this is a Spending bill, not a Budget, so he can use the money as he wills. It is not earmarked towards specific programs as a congressional Budget bill is.

Remember the Q posting Red Castle/Green Castle Clock from March 23rd. What is the emblem for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers?

",1536528863,09/09/2018 21:34 9310531,4086745586,"

For those that are curious, these links were posted along with links to some of the research that has been done.

Cabal Punisher:
Q Research Board:
President Trump's Accomplishments List:
Notable Resignations/CEOs etc:
Global Map of Human Trafficking Incidents and News: http://human.globalincident...
Notable Human Trafficking Arrests:
Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 8/31/18:
Sealed Indictments Backup Files:

",1536530923,09/09/2018 22:08 9310780,4086759123,"

This should aid our deportation effort... Please, allow these illegals to identify themselves... These people are stupid; Q...

",1536531824,09/09/2018 22:23 9309517,4086808852,

I thought Q was deep throat. Then it looked like he was shallow throat. But likely he is No throat.

,1536535269,09/09/2018 23:21 9304069,4086833638,

I hope that McConnel's name is among the 52K sealed indictments. #TheGreatAwakening #Qanon # DrainTheSwamp

,1536536994,09/09/2018 23:49 9311134,4086921438,"

Q predicted it a month in advance to the minute. Don't believe me look it up. Here is the link. Go to July 25th . in fact more people should start following Q, I had my doubts too, but it is real.

",1536543746,10/09/2018 01:42 9311134,4086923907,

Go to the Q map I provided asswipe or shut up. Q told us when McCain would die or are you scared?

,1536543950,10/09/2018 01:45 9311134,4087157150,"

I wouldn't be surprised to see a federal investigation into the Q scam. There has been just enough growth along with donations, gears sales, subscriptions, etc. to get the interest of consumer protection agents. It's all based upon a lie that someone close to the Oval Office is giving out information.

",1536563024,10/09/2018 07:03 9309382,4087553616,"

I think somebody is lining up their ducks. For several weeks before the election, every Monday morning, there will be a ""Trump Dump"" so massive the MSM can't ignore it. Everything from lying liberal fascists to dead citizens in the street. Qanon will be the google. You want back up, fact check, video, there it is.
Geaux Trump, go hard. No prisoners.

",1536580801,10/09/2018 12:00 9311419,4087651533,

More fake news and fake polls. Cruz beat Trump in the Republican Presidential election for Texas. If you actually believe he could lose in a real election you should go get your head checked. Don't let the MSM fake narrative fool you. #Qanon

,1536584135,10/09/2018 12:55 9312508,4087797566,

The timer has been set. Tick tock! #Qanon

,1536588874,10/09/2018 14:14 9312508,4087811608,"

It was. No one knew then that the FISA court was a rubber stamp, AND we didn't know Clinton paid for it Muller worked With Comey and Rosenstein to leak the dossier they also paid $$$ to create to the press so they could use the PLANTED stories in court. Yeah, flame on byotche, cause WE HAVE ALL THE EVIDENCE. #QAnon.

",1536589317,10/09/2018 14:21 9312508,4087854570,"

Jeff got McCain for treason. Q left clues and Gov kasich confirmed. Knowing this, it appears that the silent assassin, sessions, is free to work out of the limelight

",1536590707,10/09/2018 14:45 9312508,4087870312,"

If the Q post are legitimate, Sessions is the sleepy little piece on the chess board being held out for the checkmate. There are too many ""coincidences"" linking Q to POTUS to just pass it off as tin hattery.

",1536591203,10/09/2018 14:53 9309181,4087922173,"

The trend is the trend. Its NOT an assumption. You're making an assumption that something will CHANGE the trend. Just because people are upset doesn't mean they will do anything about it.

An analogy is that our national debt is somehow going to reverse itself because people are upset. I see ZERO evidence ANYWHERE that people are going to get upset enough to break the law. And we are getting backed into a corner with law proliferation.

The ONLY way I see John Q. Public doing anything is when they ban guns. Then John Q Public will hide them. That's it. If they come and toss your house looking for them, nobody is going to do anything except try and hide their weapons better. In CA, when they started banning weapons, they merely exported them to other states where they are still legal.

YOU are the one making the big assumptions, not me.

",1536592853,10/09/2018 15:20 9313015,4087924375,

I truly believe that a leftist would get away with a real presidential assassination. They have gotten away with things already that would have put John Q Public in prison for several lifetimes. We want justice!

,1536592921,10/09/2018 15:22 9310531,4087968318,"

He has donated more to help then you will make in your entire life, QCat.

Shouldn’t you be deciding secret messages from Trump and Q?

",1536594270,10/09/2018 15:44 9309181,4087984663,

Well it remains to be seen. Your argument is a false dichotomy and your analogy is irrelevant. John Q Public won't be the one saving this Republic; those that will be saving this Republic have many options; national debt doesn't have any bearing on how upset people get so long as the bread and circuses continue. Which brings me back to who will end up saving this Republic.

,1536594775,10/09/2018 15:52 9312508,4088020056,

Yeah saw some Q stuff today looks like +45000 sealed indictments from October 2017 to present!

,1536595921,10/09/2018 16:12 9312547,4088091357,"

I'm gratified that the conservative treehouse has not only abandoned Q, but also the scumbags that were profiteering off of that braindead LARP.

For months, he backed Sessions too, and allowed his commentors to berate the dissenters (like me) that disagreed. But now he has come full circle. Better late than never.

",1536598150,10/09/2018 16:49 9313903,4088098726,

Serena lost. Q.E.D.

,1536598371,10/09/2018 16:52 9313288,4088151544,"

McStain did not die from cancer !!!!
If you stop cancer treatment you not going to die within 48 hrs.
My wife has been a hospice nurse for twenty plus years and knew that was B.S when she saw it.
By the way.
Qanon posted the exact time of his death about a month before the traitorous Asshats life was extinguished.
The Egyptian government recently said that McCain was the grand Pooba of the Muslim Brotherhood, he did more than any elected official to allow Obama to seed our government with known Muslim Brotherhood members he also was the one that delivered the phoney dossier, and was Obama's point man in helping Lois Lerner to go after the Tea Party movement.
This Asshat was a traitor to fellow prisoners, a traitor to the party he claimed allegiance to and a traitor to our nation.
What a shame this Asshat was given a hero's burial.

",1536600046,10/09/2018 17:20 9312547,4088155598,"

(slap forehead)

OMIGOD ... Q finally told his followers moments ago that Rosenstein is a black hat.

LOLOLOLOLOL......... After 10 months of slurping up a LARP, those nincompoops
finally realize what 99% of conservatives knew from the beginning.

Steven W., this morning, the most prolific Q poster on FreeRepublic, had just convinced himself that Rosenstein was a good guy.

Just think .... he was the victim of being half-bright and a 10-month campaign to confuse him with vague BS. Now? World view completely shattered. Serves the fool right.

Suckers born every day ....

",1536600173,10/09/2018 17:22 9312910,4088194541,"

What makes you think he's asleep (the Imp knows all, trust me)!!! Q sent me to tell you that.

",1536601390,10/09/2018 17:43 9312547,4088311340,"

Look, it's Q! ROFL

",1536605268,10/09/2018 18:47 9290581,4088324051,"

Lionel calls it a ""NYTAnon"" Conspiracy Theory, and declares that the Anti-Trump Left Is now officially no more credible than ""QAnon"". This is something which Wuss ""the Dull-Witted Dweeb"" Blister must find extremely disheartening, assuming of course that the odious putz has even heard of ""QAnon"".


",1536605697,10/09/2018 18:54 3877111,4088372554,

Kristol is your Q-Anon but Steve Hayes wrote it......ghostwriter

,1536607417,10/09/2018 19:23 3877111,4088376981,

Kristol is your Q-Anon but Steve Hayes wrote it......ghostwriter tell breitbart

,1536607577,10/09/2018 19:26 9312547,4088377936,"

The best development today was the concession by Q that Rosenstein is a black hat.


For months, that creepy faker teased his dingbats about Rosenstein's actual loyalty. (Cmon, it was apparent last year.)

Now, the Qiesters (pronounced ""kiesters"") have been notified that their stupid research has been all for naught. Fools that they are, most will still deny.

",1536607612,10/09/2018 19:26 9312547,4088386051,"

Rosenstein had an option of going good or staying bad. He obviously chose staying bad, so Q is telling the people now.

",1536607904,10/09/2018 19:31 9312547,4088394467,

Q dropped his drawers today and his followers are wandering around looking for direction.

The conservative treehouse guru has rebelled against the Q nutjobs and is calling out the Q exploiters who are making money off of the remaining fools.

,1536608218,10/09/2018 19:36 9312547,4088397606,

Thank you for posting today’s latest Q post 👍🏻

,1536608338,10/09/2018 19:38 9312547,4088405538,"

The biggest nutter on the internet goes by Steven W. He is a Q fanatic on FreeRepub. Even though Q destroyed his personal opinion, he still clings to his dementia.

",1536608645,10/09/2018 19:44 9315097,4088457270,"

Twice, at request, Trump and Q posted at the exact moment. Someone very observant found that they were posted by the same carrier.

",1536610707,10/09/2018 20:18 9312508,4088458407,"

Go to Qanon, they have JPEGs of the list of all the sealed indictments.

",1536610762,10/09/2018 20:19 9315097,4088462067,"

No Q is, it was a nice little plot they had going their to smear Trump supporters until they exposed themselves

",1536610920,10/09/2018 20:22 9313603,4088478584,

indeed Mark ... MAGA ... Q up the next move lol

,1536611638,10/09/2018 20:33 9313300,4088521064,"

Bwahahahah...Love it. gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! also keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader. finally a president with balls. MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1536613529,10/09/2018 21:05 9311266,4088546173,"

The Deep State is behind the wars. Do not listen to the MSM. Get Red-Pilled Q MAGA

",1536614935,10/09/2018 21:28 9311266,4088580208,"

When faced with a do nothing Congress.
A Congress filled with a majority of representatives that will even refuse to take a position that water is wet, for fear of a negative Q report and re election flack.
You now demand that they declare for a War like the constitution demands ?

Silly rabbit, just re elect these fearless leaders again. I am sure they will get it next time....

Won't declare war.
Won' demand the President CIC Withdraw the troops.
Just sit back and make political hay sniping from the tall weeds...


",1536616932,10/09/2018 22:02 9315580,4088632624,"

I've always attributed this quote to the wrong president, I suppose. I always thought it was John Q. Adams.

",1536620009,10/09/2018 22:53 9314950,4088655040,"

Serious question: Do you folks sincerely think Michelle is a man and the kids were kidnapped?

I know the Qanon, pizzagate, sandy hook truthers are among you, just curious how deep the delusions go here.

",1536621356,10/09/2018 23:15 9314620,4088669668,"

Why did QAnon pick on that girl in the uniform, anyway?

",1536622229,10/09/2018 23:30 9313288,4088698882,"

Qanon also says Mueller is /ourguy/ and that Sessions is not really a static lump doing nothing, but is working diligently behind the scenes (pretty darn far behind, evidently). But... muh 50k sealed indictments!

I also wish it were all true, but Qanon is an opiate for boomers who have never had the internet to fantasize about how awesome it would be to have a secret angel on the inside feeding them cryptic notes.

",1536623946,10/09/2018 23:59 9316063,4088764976,"

If you go to google, and search for Q anon drop, Q anon, etc. All that comes up is fake news cites that say Q is fake.

",1536628145,11/09/2018 01:09 9316063,4088765870,

I am under the assumption that Q Anon is a false prophet. I haven't seen anything that has proven otherwise

,1536628205,11/09/2018 01:10 9316063,4088766639,"

Everyone has a right, of course, to their opinion. However, Google makes it impossible to locate Q. If you search through you'll find Q.

",1536628256,11/09/2018 01:10 9316063,4088768513,

Yes... Q is hard to understand. But there are a lot of people that decipher it on youtube. I go to 8 chan and do my best. LOL!

,1536628385,11/09/2018 01:13 9312508,4088775842,

Trump and Q bringing down the House.
Think about the lyrics of the Talking Heads tune
There's some interesting parallels going on there.

Team Trump should make it the Boss's new theme song at rallies this mid term.

,1536628882,11/09/2018 01:21 9316063,4088784369,

Go to google and search for Q anon. Then come back with your tail between your legs.

,1536629498,11/09/2018 01:31 9315571,4088867726,"

Where do you hear this ""6000 more indictments filed last month"" from?

From Q?

",1536636030,11/09/2018 03:20 9316063,4088910530,

Stop spreading lies.Nobody believes that crap. Lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracies.

,1536639110,11/09/2018 04:11 9316063,4088918183,

Lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories. You are delusional.

,1536639678,11/09/2018 04:21 9315358,4088938490,"

I said the same thing as you a long time ago (minus the Q conspiracy stuff about pedos). Trump didn’t pick Pence and was talked out of selecting Christie. Pence, he was told, was an olive branch to the DC insiders and nervous donors. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m waiting for the day we find out that he was a modern day Brutus.

",1536641140,11/09/2018 04:45 9316063,4088956794,"

Well, I sense that many on the Right spend way too much time decoding the Oracle Q, gushing on Trump, and general hero-worship. It's just a strong, intuitive feeling...

",1536642386,11/09/2018 05:06 9316063,4088968234,"

What is painfully obvious is that half of Republicans are furiously decoding the Oracle Q as I write this! That is totally bonkers. You guys are so entrenched in phony BS conspiracies, we can't even take you seriously anymore! What happened to the Right?

",1536643202,11/09/2018 05:20 9316063,4088970740,"

Uh, hello? What happened to the Republicans that wanted to keep government out of business? Why did you replace them with paranoid, conspiracy-riddled Oracle Q fanatics that hate American intelligence?

",1536643382,11/09/2018 05:23 9316063,4088979884,"

Sorry, I don't speak in Oracle Q riddles. No comprende.

",1536644020,11/09/2018 05:33 9316063,4089016390,

I don't speak Oracle Q.

,1536646637,11/09/2018 06:17 9313300,4089170069,"

Whatever, man.

Keep living in your alt-right meme world of Pizzagate, Benghazi, Contrails, Uranium 1, Emails, Qanon, Hillary murdered Vice Foster, etc., etc.

",1536656101,11/09/2018 08:55 9313486,4089215306,"

You might like Qanon and associated commentary.

",1536658098,11/09/2018 09:28 9317857,4089451204,"

Yep, and then he'll toss back a few cold ones and have some Q. Like all good Muslims.

",1536663734,11/09/2018 11:02 9315358,4089484153,"

Me, too, minus the the Q and pedo stuff. I suspect his Chief of Staff. Google him and the title, Swamp Thing.

",1536664986,11/09/2018 11:23 9312508,4089497937,"

Hahaha... Your plan is always for tomorrow. Next week. Next year. Etc.

Keep dreaming... Q isn't real. And we're not gonna have some doc drop that sends Obama et al to prison. Ever.

But sure... Keep believing in that red wave... I'm sure it'll happen... Usually about once a month, right??

",1536665487,11/09/2018 11:31 9317917,4089635458,

Military guys at Q! Please hurry up and start hanging these bastards.

Signed the American people.

,1536670395,11/09/2018 12:53 9315358,4089635905,

it's odd how everyone doesn't believe this but would think QAnon is something reliable since it popped up of all places...4chan... lol

,1536670410,11/09/2018 12:53 9317971,4089673286,"

He already has. It's called Qanon. He uses twitter to send coded messages that are unlocked via the Q post. If you understand the way the enigma machine was used during WWII, you can get a picture of what is happening in this covert invisible war.

",1536671709,11/09/2018 13:15 9317917,4089682154,

How about if Q (from the Continuum) makes this idiot’s (and every male like him)

,1536672008,11/09/2018 13:20 9317917,4089748518,"

Yeah, tell that to all of your co-patriots that are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as I write this...

",1536674016,11/09/2018 13:53 9317917,4089760492,

What doesn't make anyone look smart is when you talk in kooky Oracle Q lingo.

,1536674388,11/09/2018 13:59 9312541,4089802870,"

Well if they can't see that the policies they've adopted have led to Juan Q. Public eating rats when he can catch them, at least give the US some credit where assassinating dictators is concerned. What occurred at Maduro's rally there was either internal or a false flag, because if the US wanted him taken out, he'd be worm food.

",1536675773,11/09/2018 14:22 9317917,4089806214,"

No they don't. Because there was no conspiracy are there are no crimes. Except in your mind. There is no DOJ investigation into this, there is no grand jury, so of course there are no sealed indictments. QAnon is an idiotic conspiracy theory, or mishmash of conspiracy theories, that has been around forever. Only truly gullible people believe these idiotic conspiracy theories. Sadly, someone is going to die over them at some point.

",1536675882,11/09/2018 14:24 9318775,4089812048,

Today is the 17th anniversary of the attacks and Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet. That should keep the Qanon freaks in a frothing tizzy for most of the day.

,1536676070,11/09/2018 14:27 9317917,4089831729,"

Dave, please read the 7000 comments below. Read all about the crazy-evil in the words written by your peers. They are all furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, so you no longer can call Libs crazy evil when you guys think half of America are pedophiles. Due to all the kooky conspiracy-twaddle, we no longer take the Republicans seriously anyway.
Then, go visit some liberal websites and read the comments section. Nobody on the Left is talking about pedophiles and Civil War. Just look at the difference in the conversations to refute your backwards assertions.
Look no further than the garbage listed below for evil and crazy.

",1536676725,11/09/2018 14:38 9317917,4089847756,"

When was the last time you even spoke to a Muslim? How do you know? So, now you are saying you want to change the constitution? What happened to the Republicans who wanted government to stay out of business? What happened to the Republicans who wanted the Constitution to remain exactly the same? Why did you replace them with paranoid, fickle, conspiracy-riddled, Oracle Q fanatics who hate American intelligence?

",1536677239,11/09/2018 14:47 9317917,4089947303,"

Please spare me your Oracle Q conspiracy-riddled twaddle, it just makes you look like a tinhat lunatic.

",1536680514,11/09/2018 15:41 9319702,4090133440,"

Comey finally made a ""remember 09/11 tweet"" but that's it

Also, let me state for the record that I'm not a Q-bot and do not believe in Q, but I do believe all of these liberals are going down

",1536686412,11/09/2018 17:20 9318775,4090162366,"

Where's the wall idiot? Never going to get a Trump wall. The so called pedo arrests is all lies, no proof anyone has been arrested. Your Q is a mossad psyop to trick you, looks like you are falling for Sheldon Adelson controlled Trump lies. Just watch your savior Trump will collapse the dollar...

",1536687345,11/09/2018 17:35 9319702,4090193778,

What it a press conference with Q and A?

,1536688349,11/09/2018 17:52 9318775,4090256262,"

Please lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's embarrassing.

",1536690441,11/09/2018 18:27 9319702,4090267220,

I think Behold is one of those Q idiots

,1536690820,11/09/2018 18:33 9319153,4090312144,"

At night you aren't supposed to approach the vehicle. You are taught to instruct the driver to turn off the car, Open the door and slowly step out hands in plain sight, and then put his hands on his head. Leave the security of the squad car and approach only when this has happened, when you can see the suspects hands. Recognizing him as a former criminal, as she did...she should have then instructed him to kneel down, legs crossed behind him, hands on the car, or on his head, fingers interlocked, while she did a patdown search while her partner covered her with pistol drawn. Presumably the pistol would have been discovered. The guy might have panicked and started to wrestle, but at that point the gun would have presumably not been drawn...still in his pocket.
Susie Q, Cop while brave, was stupid. She almost got herself killed. Hopefully, she will either quit, or be taken off street duty. She put herself in a situation where she was vulnerable enough to give the perp the idea he might just be able to shoot his way out. She put her partner in a situation where he had to kill a man, With her bad decision and poor training. No doubt she is a good officer and person, but she doesn't belong on the street. If this guy were a little bit better shot, she'd be dead. If her partner were a tad slower, they might both be dead. She was careless and clueless.

",1536692372,11/09/2018 18:59 9318775,4090329618,"

Since when is this a Q ""crumb?"" Remember, Q is all about ""trust the plan.""

",1536693028,11/09/2018 19:10 9318775,4090390242,"

CNN 36 42 -6
ABC News/Washington Post 36 40 -4
Gallup** 41 42 -1
IBD/TIPP 36 41 -5
Kaiser Family Foundation 37 40 -3
Quinnipiac University 38 41 -3
Selzer & Co. 39 40 -1
Suffolk University 40 43 -3
Average 37.8 41.1 -3

When Q is under 40- its over.... got it MORON and rapist lover

",1536695303,11/09/2018 19:48 9316951,4090403691,"

Lynch, has an I Q of 8..............

",1536695845,11/09/2018 19:57 9318793,4090414042,"

Did not take out Q.

The world is better without both of them, the real issue is we should have not destroyed the whole country to do it.

A single B1 bomber could have done the job with no issues.

",1536696268,11/09/2018 20:04 9317068,4090496817,"

Ahhh! Q has always remained insistent that we should all TRUST SESSIONS, and here we have the reason why. He is in sleeper mode. So whenever he chooses to wake, he goes into MAGA mode. Well done Mr Sessions. Right on cue we have the usual hate-spewers wailing and wringing of hands. Those anti-american assailants spewing their usual moronic drivel that they hurl at anyone within listening distance....YAWN.....SO BORING..

",1536700221,11/09/2018 21:10 9319681,4090506761,

Nice to see QANON reads Breitbart. Keep up the good work fellas.

,1536700794,11/09/2018 21:19 9319480,4090548289,"

Democrat with a gun threatens mass shooting at MAGA event at Trump Hotel DC
9/11/2018 0 Comments

​ The Gateway Pundit Reports: An anonymous Twitter user with an account dedicated to promoting the Democratic Socialists has threatened a mass shooting at Tuesday evening’s MAGA Meetup at Trump Hotel in DC. The threat was directed at this writer and stated that they are “coming with a gun” and that they “expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies” along with a photo of a gun. The monthly networking meetup will be a mix of several different pro-Trump groups including Virginia Women for Trump. Members of the media, midterm candidates and people who work closely with the president are often in attendance at the events.
So we currently have an unknown individual who looks to be a Democrat Socialist on Twitter, who has today on Twitter threatened to shoot up a MAGA event at Trump's Hotel in Washington DC. However how the hell do we have a Democrat with a gun, when Democrats just can't seem to stop pushing gun control on a daily basis? This should really show you why Democrats want to take our arms away, because the Democrats and Democrat Socialists are the only ones who think they should have guns. As always keep your head on a swivel and remain vigilant like Q has told us, because the Marxist/Socialist left isn't at all tolerant of other people and ideas.

",1536703119,11/09/2018 21:58 9319681,4090621514,"

Haven't seen many Q attack articles in a while, but supposedly they are gearing back up.

",1536707410,11/09/2018 23:10 9319681,4090623862,"

Coming Soon to Theaters

Cover Art for the Film:

",1536707552,11/09/2018 23:12 9321286,4090630194,

Hope Q has ==> DIRT ON ScarBrow !!

,1536707951,11/09/2018 23:19 9321286,4090685482,

Let's see if Q links to this :)

,1536711505,12/09/2018 00:18 9321286,4090719434,

qanonDOTapp and qanonDOTpub are now experiencing problems.

This one works

,1536713947,12/09/2018 00:59 9318370,4090729334,"

Tina, whatever Oracle Q conspiracy planet you are on does not have the same rules as America. In America, you won't be removed from the country just because you have a differing opinion. That is not the way it works here. And I am not a troll, I'm more like a forest-truth-nymph.

",1536714714,12/09/2018 01:11 9321421,4090768602,

How many more Trump collaborators are going to be convicted before Q comes to the rescue?

,1536717844,12/09/2018 02:04 9321421,4090774596,

Qanon is a powerful drug. Too bad Trump’s aluminum tariffs are making your hats more expensive.

,1536718338,12/09/2018 02:12 9321421,4090810826,"

The extended fist is a sign of fidelity originating in the upper rank of roman military, such as centurions.

Trump is bringing it back, not coincidently, using two fists(deuce), Il Duce! Perhaps, QAnon has already caught that.

",1536721249,12/09/2018 03:00 9321421,4090846819,

You just need to pay attention this week. WHY has the MSM not asked Trump about Q...hmmmm?

,1536723923,12/09/2018 03:45 9321337,4090897740,"

I thought he had some Left-wing Q of sorts, lol.
Overthinking it.

",1536727213,12/09/2018 04:40 9321337,4090915466,

Loads of Q hit-pieces coming VERY soon.

Odd how they seem to come in waves.
(possibly when most threatened)

,1536728417,12/09/2018 05:00 9319480,4091068494,"

We""ll see mb Qanon is for real.

",1536738453,12/09/2018 07:47 9322219,4091186897,"

I heard guitierrez is a lazy pedophile. he is one creepy mofo. It is a BIG red flag, pedo Luis is LEAVING his congressional seat. I bet he has a sealed indictment against him. Q!

",1536744944,12/09/2018 09:35 9321535,4091239057,"

What could possibly be so bad about ONE MAN that would make all these establishment GOONS switch teams? Hmm, I wonder? Maybe QAnon knows why? Methinks he does.

",1536747323,12/09/2018 10:15 9323056,4091573558,"

ESAD, Q boy!

",1536759056,12/09/2018 13:30 9323935,4091576465,"

How dare you talk of Civil War! What is wrong with You? Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shore, just for a bunch of Oracle Q conspiracy- riddled fanatics to make blood on the streets. The very idea is UnAmerican and you should be ashamed.

",1536759149,12/09/2018 13:32 9323926,4091577438,

Only the very stupid will die. I pray the first responders are held back until their safety is not threatened. Anyone with an I Q higher than celery knows it's time to move inland far enough for family safety.

,1536759179,12/09/2018 13:32 9323935,4091578704,"

Bossman, How dare you talk of Civil War! What is wrong with You? Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of Oracle Q conspiracy- riddled fanatics to make blood on the streets. The very idea is UnAmerican and you should be ashamed.

",1536759220,12/09/2018 13:33 9323935,4091617266,

Precautions have been put into place.


,1536760379,12/09/2018 13:52 9323935,4091622579,"

Sigh, seems my point about jack asses is being made without any effort. Those are high profile public figures who of course are going to draw that, I'm talking about your average John Q. Citizen of which you verify you're not suffering. I'm making a simple point here, of course Breitbart readers and commentators are a sheep herded lot, that much I have noticed over the years. Pretty much just like the DIMS but conservative. I only need you sheeple to keep voting properly, but as far as you all being independent thinkers, as much a chance of that as there is on the Left.

",1536760534,12/09/2018 13:55 9323935,4091642141,"

Again- There are instances of John Q out there. That is the simple point I'm making. I support your right to not believe it.

",1536761089,12/09/2018 14:04 9323935,4091677430,"

Yes, I am scared when conservatives warn me of an upcoming Civil War. Yes, I'm terrified that the Oracle Q conspiracy-fanatics are rattling their swords everyday since they relish the idea of Civil War on the streets of America. I can read how wacko the Right is in these comments. They are bloodthirsty, ill-informed haters.

",1536762161,12/09/2018 14:22 9323935,4091691607,"

We are not playing a game. This is not like decoding your Oracle Q. Real life is not a game. If you don't see that your peers are bloodthirsty, conspiracy-riddled haters who have got something to prove, you are ignoring the garbage that you guys pass off as normal American conversations. We are all Americans. Democrats are not your enemy. This story is outrageous considering the violent BS spewed by you guys in the 4000 comments below.

",1536762597,12/09/2018 14:29 9323935,4091692277,"

Latest Q Drops showing panic,RR requested meeting with Trump,Trump says no,me thinks RR is panicing.

",1536762618,12/09/2018 14:30 9323935,4091693801,"

",1536762665,12/09/2018 14:31 9323935,4091707599,

Qanon. Must be real for them to put this much money and hate into this crap. What are they hiding ? Why so angry ? Hmmmmm

,1536763095,12/09/2018 14:38 9324775,4091774321,"

See Q.

Excepting the trolls who frequent these boards, the sane are paying attention and understand what is going on.

Over ten thousand human trafficking busts....the swamp's clog being eaten away by their own pathetic chomping on themselves, eating their own literally.

Have faith brother.

Have faith.

",1536765145,12/09/2018 15:12 9323935,4091788190,

That's the Q-anon motto duufus

,1536765575,12/09/2018 15:19 9324190,4091801811,

The ATTACKS will increase.

09-10-2018 09:07:54 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID:fd0a4a No.2950995

How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.

,1536766003,12/09/2018 15:26 9323935,4091957620,"

Yes, God judges your heart. The contempt that the Right have for their fellow AMERICANS is corrosive and divisive. DO you think God will forgive you for hating our former First Lady, Senator, secretary of state? Will you get a pass for that since you are so righteous? Do you think God will excuse you for acting like Hillary is Satan's spawn? Will you be forgiven for lying about half of America and siding with a corrupt carnival barker who probably sold us out to the Russians? Will God just ignore the violent garbage that you guys think is national discourse? Will God turn away from the fact that Republicans accuse Democrats of being pedophiles? Will God agree that the Right have lost their minds, all furiously following the Oracle Q?? Are you so deluded to think God is going to side with a cheater? A dirty Trickster? Really?
Give me a break. Take a look at your party.
And What are you talking about with Democrat voter fraud? Prove it, no tinhat sources, please.
Nobody knows what evidence Mueller has found because the investigation is on going!! How can you ignore all the disturbing evidence that's right in front of our faces?


",1536770942,12/09/2018 16:49 9323935,4091966747,

The Q Anon subreddit GreatAwakening just got banned! Thousands of members. poooooof. It was a patriotic discussion thread of Q Anon. We are over the target!!!!

,1536771223,12/09/2018 16:53 9323968,4092024549,"

If that is true, it's more than panic. It's blatant censorship, whether you believe the Q stuff or not.

",1536773047,12/09/2018 17:24 9324520,4092025486,

Today. Reddit banned thegreatawakening from Q. 70K subscribers. The censorship is real. All for a LARP? Think Again. The cabal want to shut everything down. Alex Jones down on social media. Are we next? We are at war.

,1536773077,12/09/2018 17:24 9323935,4092086254,"

Its in an indictment so thats much far along than your Uranium One twaddle, or accusations about Hillary & the deep state.
Just admit that you guys don't really care that America was messed with.- Its o.k. to admit it, we realized you all were not the patriots we thought you were when you decided to put a dirty Trickster in the Whitehouse. Stop acting like you care about America when your choices tell us differently.
America's process was breeched by another country and you sit there and act like its phony BS.I highly doubt that because of all the wacko Oracle Q conspiracy theories you are all into, you guys really can't tell the difference between truth and lies. All the kooky BS that you guys prefer is making it harder and harder to take Republicans seriously.

",1536774998,12/09/2018 17:56 9324775,4092090495,

He's doing his job. It's not easy taking down a huge criminal operation cabal. Let's see. Take stock perhaps of all the high level firings and resignations at the FBI and DOJ. Unprecedented. Gotta make sure the systems clean or the criminals will skate....
Patience. It's gonna happen. Qanon.

,1536775131,12/09/2018 17:58 9323935,4092106465,"

All this RADICAL MADNESS is doing, is to drive the NORMALLY SEINE, VOTER , further away from the LEFT LUDICROUS way of acting out to get their way., but , this time it will not work, ///////////////////// JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER , IS TIRED OF THIS LINE OF LUDICROUS MADNESS, as a normal way of conducting business in WASHINGTON D / C . /////////////////////////////

",1536775703,12/09/2018 18:08 9325312,4092116023,"

----- COMPARE the Gulag people to the C.F.R - Council On Foreign Relations "" Media Experts "" on the need for "" THEM "" to censor everyone.
This is a COORDINATED Multi-Prong Attack .... Bet On It !
* ( Amazon now banning books , too.

CFR - Combating Fake news ..... ( news they dont Control )
May . 2018 meeting they tell their plans.

**** REDDIT has Banned Q anon site ' GREAT AWAKENING '
go Voat

",1536776100,12/09/2018 18:15 9325312,4092170326,"

It's nice to see that sundance on the treehouse is beginning to call out the Q hoaxsters and their exploitative youtube and twitter garbage. Tracybeanz, Preying Medic, and other paytriots.

",1536778466,12/09/2018 18:54 9325312,4092184271,"

Last week, Alex Jones and InfoWars.

Today, Qanon and The Great Awakening.

The Tech Fascists are out in the wide open now. They are THAT desperate.

After November, they all hang.

",1536779088,12/09/2018 19:04 9325312,4092187114,

Qanon said this was coming - expect Facebook and Twitter next!

,1536779219,12/09/2018 19:06 9325312,4092189764,"
Post 2165

",1536779340,12/09/2018 19:09 9325312,4092192593,"

Reddit just took down the GreatAwakening community. That was a pro-Trump board that discussed Q and contained little if no offensive content (more offensive comments can be found on Breitbart chat boards, lol).

",1536779470,12/09/2018 19:11 9323968,4092211651,

Add reddit to the list. They just removed any group that mentions q-anon such as r/greatawakening/ and that was one of my favs. This hasn't defeated me but made me angry.

,1536780369,12/09/2018 19:26 9325312,4092221340,"


The BB meme of the day.

What ever happened to Qanon?

",1536780845,12/09/2018 19:34 9325312,4092240350,"

A moment of silence for all the breitbarters who had their Qanon sub deleted from reddit...

",1536781820,12/09/2018 19:50 9323935,4092296951,

Spoken like a Q head

,1536784966,12/09/2018 20:42 9325312,4092298858,

Thank you Q!

,1536785079,12/09/2018 20:44 9323935,4092321203,"

Pardon my ignorance, but what's a Q head?

",1536786073,12/09/2018 21:01 9325312,4092332505,"

So I just watched the entire video. To Google credit they validated the Democratic process completely. Once you get past the first 25 minutes of SJW safe space mumbo jumbo, it goes into Q and A. The masks come off a bit then and you really see how all these ""Google's"", as they call themselves, truly believe they have the only right viewpoint and it is their job to ""educate"" the rest of us. That was their biggest issue, how do we teach the rest of the country what we know so they will think just like us? They are definitely Globalists and see no issue with taking money and business out of the US. They just need to make Bangladesh's problems more important to a Michigan family on welfare than their own. The title masters of the universe definitely fits, but not in a good way.

",1536786609,12/09/2018 21:10 9325312,4092345193,

I like the whole Q business .. it’s fun..
don’t be a spoil sport 😛

,1536787247,12/09/2018 21:20 9325312,4092346190,"

I’m sorry nothing “dropped” yesterday after all the hype. Maybe Q got cold feet, keep the faith! 👍

",1536787300,12/09/2018 21:21 9325312,4092346931,

What do you think? the folks behind Q are the “other side”🤨

,1536787337,12/09/2018 21:22 9325312,4092350147,"

I don’t believe all the Q info and/or disinfo🤷‍♀️ however, it has brought some ppl together and they are enjoying it .. if they want to believe it who cares, as long as we all are pretty much on the same side

",1536787503,12/09/2018 21:25 9327973,4092366365,"

----- New Media are the REAL Investigative Journalists now.

They are such a threat the sites like # THE GREAT AWAKENING have just been banned from Reddit today , while N.B.C. fake newz reports it was due to .. "" violent content "" ..... ( uh -huh , got it , sure )

JUST IN: Reddit bans Qanon subreddits after months of violent threats - NBC News

",1536788353,12/09/2018 21:39 9327439,4092386110,

Reddit has just banned qanon.

,1536789436,12/09/2018 21:57 9325312,4092401703,

See the pattern?

Democrats Lie and deny.
MSM lie and deny.
Masters of the universe lie and deny.
Deepstate lie and deny.

Their all taking their Q from the same people.

During Obama's reign they passed a law that made it legal for the CIA to conduct psyop's on the Amwrican people. Look it up!

,1536790342,12/09/2018 22:12 9325312,4092402427,

See the pattern?

Democrats Lie and deny.
MSM lie and deny.
Masters of the universe lie and deny.
Deepstate lie and deny.

Their all taking their Q from the same people.

During Obama's reign they passed a law that made it legal for the CIA to conduct psyop's on the American people. Look it up!!!

,1536790383,12/09/2018 22:13 9325312,4092414422,"

Google results for Q and Qanon and then do it again and again. Track your results.

Sorry brother, but they just can't hide it anymore. Neither can you.

",1536791078,12/09/2018 22:24 9325312,4092434563,

And Q has it all.......trumping them both!


,1536792280,12/09/2018 22:44 9325312,4092448732,"

Qanon gives their devotees a sense of coherence that is lacking in everything Trump does. QAnon presents Donald Trump as the character he plays on TV; bold, commanding, strategic, and opposed to the real Donald Trump, who displays the dignity, intelligence, and honesty of a strip-club tout with tertiary syphilis.
LMFAO These are your people!

Poor Trumpanzees. #walkaway

",1536793130,12/09/2018 22:58 9325312,4092451350,"

Qanon gives their devotees a sense of coherence that is lacking in everything Trump does. QAnon presents Donald Trump as the character he plays on TV; bold, commanding, strategic, and opposed to the real Donald Trump, who displays the dignity, intelligence, and honesty of a strip-club tout with tertiary syphilis.
LMFAO These are your people!
And you thought the left was unhinged! #walkaway

...yea liberals are ignorant...

",1536793294,12/09/2018 23:01 9325312,4092453246,"

New Q: How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?
What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
Define 'Fascism'.
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define 'Narrative'.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define 'Psychological Projection'.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define 'Narcissist'.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define 'Dogma'.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define 'Aggression'.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?
Define 'Suppression'.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define 'Realism'.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
""PANIC IN DC"" statements start a FIRE?
Twelve moves ahead.
Suicide watch.

",1536793414,12/09/2018 23:03 9325630,4092454448,"

Qanon gives their devotees a sense of coherence that is lacking in everything Trump does. QAnon presents Donald Trump as the character he plays on TV; bold, commanding, strategic, and opposed to the real Donald Trump, who displays the dignity, intelligence, and honesty of a strip-club tout with tertiary syphilis.
LMFAO These are your people!
And you thought the left was unhinged! #walkaway

Roflmao 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

",1536793489,12/09/2018 23:04 9325312,4092459057,"

Looks like Q is the real deal, Q has said from the beginning ""we have it all"".

Who is leaking this stuff from google? The NSA?

",1536793775,12/09/2018 23:09 9325312,4092459181,"

They are censoring them on purpose, all in an effort to supress the Q movement.

",1536793784,12/09/2018 23:09 9325312,4092460393,"

Hollywood, the Deep State, Silicon Valley, the Monarchy and Vatican are SERIAL KILLERS.

They know Trump knows it............""we have it all"" says Q.............which is why they are desperately trying to destroy Trump, before he destroys them.

Murdoch is using his NY POST and SKY news to normalize cannibalism..........see for yourself..................

...remember: Murdoch owns Fox, Fox Biz, Disney, ABC and ESPN...............LET THAT SINK IN.

",1536793859,12/09/2018 23:10 9325312,4092460535,

How do you explain Q and Trump posting at the same exact time?

Q did it as a request from an anon.

,1536793867,12/09/2018 23:11 9325312,4092463894,"

Q said it is Habbening.

Q cannot be debunked. Q posted on 8chan at the same time Trump posted on twitter.

Q did it as ultimate proof request from an anon.

Q said ""two devices used with one carrier.

All this google stuff is being leaked by the NSA. Q said ""we have everything.""

",1536794078,12/09/2018 23:14 9325312,4092468625,

Even you agree that Q posting at the same as trump posted a tweet would never happen.

It was on purpose an anon asked Q to do it.

,1536794367,12/09/2018 23:19 9325312,4092470963,

This is the ultimate proof that the NSA has everything just like Q stated. how are these emails and videos suddenly being leaked?

Q said we are in the storm right now.

,1536794511,12/09/2018 23:21 9325312,4092471402,

Reddit shut down the Q board .

,1536794538,12/09/2018 23:22 9325312,4092471779,"

Yep, panic panic panic just like Q said.

",1536794560,12/09/2018 23:22 9325312,4092472606,

Deep State is shutting down everything before the Q storm.

,1536794610,12/09/2018 23:23 9325312,4092477573,"

The dailydot a while back wrote how Q was fake. This was a long time ago.

The next day Q outed obama as a pedophile who started diddling a hollywood child maggie nixon when she was 10 years old and asked the anons to find out how many photos of maggie and obama they could find.

Funny how no one knew of his love affair with his little girl while he was running for president, this was the first any regular people heard of it.

More bizzare is the mother of the little girl hangs out with James alefantis and comet ping pong weirdos.

Any journalist that wanted to discredit Q well all they had to do is find the girl or mother and prove it was a lie. The media ignored it.

",1536794908,12/09/2018 23:28 9325312,4092479954,"

Remember how Q shut up loudmouth Eminem?

All Q had to do is post a photo of Eminem with Rachel chandler.

Rachael Chandler was the 14 year old girls who would fly with her boyfriend bill clinton to pedophile island on the lolita express.

She allegedly is now involved in child trafficking herself and uses her instagram account to advertise her kids for sale as ""models"".

Eminem never said another world about Trump.

",1536795050,12/09/2018 23:30 9325312,4092482239,

New long Q post.

,1536795192,12/09/2018 23:33 9325312,4092486550,

Why does the left feel threatened by a Q Reddit board enough to shut it down?

,1536795450,12/09/2018 23:37 9325312,4092489993,

A fake Q person trying to make us look dumb... or?

,1536795653,12/09/2018 23:40 9325312,4092490368,"

Were going to have a ""Red October"" according to Q. Trust the plan.


",1536795677,12/09/2018 23:41 9325312,4092492884,

I know Q is legit. This dude posting the same word over and over again is making us look crazy though.

,1536795831,12/09/2018 23:43 9325312,4092501240,"

Lots of new articles about Q communities being banned.

It isn't that big a deal yet, but BRING ON the new traffic :).

",1536796350,12/09/2018 23:52 9325312,4092503525,

Please explain your position on Q. The ambiguity of your name and avatar is bothering the hell out of me.

,1536796492,12/09/2018 23:54 9325312,4092505223,


,1536796596,12/09/2018 23:56 9325312,4092507329,"

This ""Anonymous"" frog dude is acting like a parrot. A bot.

Also ambiguous enough to appear to be a Q follower on the surface, but hard to tell if that was the goal.

Attacks are ramping up on the Q phenomenon. Why do they care so much?

",1536796725,12/09/2018 23:58 9325312,4092510670,"

It's somewhat apparent that there's an organized shill campaign targeting Q Anon, trying to use whatever tactics they can to discourage people from investigating it for themselves, e.g. peer pressure, mockery, fake dopey Q supporters, etc.

WHY BOTHER? It makes absolutely no sense, unless they have something very important to hide.

",1536796943,13/09/2018 00:02 9328282,4092514832,"

------ The MSM information Gatekeepers PANIC is very real !!

New Media are the REAL Investigative Journalists now. They are such a threat the sites like # THE GREAT AWAKENING have just been banned from Reddit today , while N.B.C. fake newz reports it was due to .. "" violent content ""
..... ( uh -huh , got it , sure )

JUST IN: Reddit bans Qanon subreddits after months of violent threats - NBC News

",1536797215,13/09/2018 00:06 9325312,4092516735,

As Q says when things are obvious
Nothing to see here . . . . . .
(Let'em sleep)

,1536797342,13/09/2018 00:09 9327973,4092517062,"

---- The Information gatekeepers are PANICKING !

New Media are the REAL Investigative Journalists now.They are such a threat the sites like # THE GREAT AWAKENING have just been banned from Reddit today , while N.B.C. fake newz reports it was due to .. "" violent content ""

..... ( uh -huh , got it , sure )

JUST IN: Reddit bans Qanon subreddits after months of violent threats - NBC News.
The groups like Council On Foreign Relations and other progressive think tanks have been openly talking about their LOSS of gatekeeper information control as well as "" Strategy "" to combat what they call "" political disruptions "" thats globalist speak for Deplorables messing up their plans and using NEW Media / Social Media to totally bypass their propaganda.The current issue of the C.F.R. magazine ' Foreign Affairs ' is titled ---"" WORLD WAR WEB ""

Below link to CFR May , 2018 meeting on how to "" DEAL WITH "" this problem of Free - Flowing information.
Speakers ----- A.K.A ,the THOUGHT POLICE.
Joan Donovan ... Media Manipulation ... Platform Accountability Research Lead, Data & Society Research Institute
Ben Decker Research Fellow, Misinformation Project , Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of GovernmentPresider
Richard Stengel Author; Former Editor, Time Magazine;

",1536797362,13/09/2018 00:09 9327445,4092541446,"

So what's the point? Tell me. You want more results with Seth Rich, QAnon, and Pizzagate conspiracies instead of factual news? Is that it?

",1536799028,13/09/2018 00:37 9325312,4092551899,"

Brandon Straka, the man behind the #walkaway movement, is planning a march in Washington next month. He mentioned the imminent airing of an interview he did live with with Alex Jones. For mentioning Alex Jones name, he has been banned from FB for 30 days, effectively destroying his ability to coordinate this march with his 60,000 followers. Reddit....a ""free speech for all"", platform.....has banned all subreddit groups discussing the Qanon posts, such as The Great Awakening, among others. They allege threats of violence and hate speech. The MSM has been hot on debunking Q in several coordinated attacks over the last few month. It would seem the left is growing ever more fearful of those who don't subscribe to their ideas. You are being shut down, conservatives and patriots. This is just two very big examples that reach a lot of people. We cannot fall to censorship from The Ministry of Truth.

",1536799771,13/09/2018 00:49 9325312,4092552684,

Sub reddit “The Great Awakening” just banned.

This is big! Qanon warned that attacks by NWO would intensify and so it has.

The Great Awakening is a patriotic community that is a modern Paul Revere warning that the Red Coats are coming.

We are peaceful and inclusive yet we were banned!

This is a violation of our 1A rights. This is our Public Square and they just crushed our right to spread the word.

Steve Bannon just said that many—even possibly Hussein—will be arrested for all of this. We The People will peaceably resist the treasonous movement to dismantle what generations of Patriots sacrificed so much to protect.

,1536799822,13/09/2018 00:50 9323935,4092555248,"

I pray Qanon is right that Trump is closing in on the Deep State, but I get sick of hearing ""trust the plan"" but not seeing Sessions do anything to keep patriots from getting censored and banned from YouTube, and Twitter accounts just being deleted. Just today the guy who started the #walkaway movement was kicked off of Twitter. Another guy that was very tame was banned yesterday. If anything is being done about this tyranny fast overtaking us, it is a secret. It doesn't feel like the good guys are winning sometimes, Trump included.

",1536799999,13/09/2018 00:53 9325312,4092564395,

I haven’t been keeping up with Q lately. What is D5?

,1536800630,13/09/2018 01:03 9325312,4092566018,

Not sure I believe in whole Q stuff. What makes you think she's real?

,1536800744,13/09/2018 01:05 9323935,4092569701,"

Q-anon is a psy-op. I'm convinced it's a scam to keep us on the Right from taking to the halls of congress with pitchforks and torches. There is just enough verifiable info in Q posts to keep interest, but nothing more. Just plain Disinformation.

",1536801008,13/09/2018 01:10 9327445,4092574563,

anons are everywhere.
anons in Goog
anons in FB
anons in Twit
anons in DNC

there is a Q in every keyboard
where we go one
we go all

,1536801355,13/09/2018 01:15 9325312,4092581463,"

People were saying Q was a fool for posting the image of the people lined up to make a ""Q+"" because that image was taken at Cal Poly to represent their ""Quarter Plus"" program.

Devin Nunes went to Cal Poly

hmmm...? hmmm....?
Might be something. Might not.

",1536801837,13/09/2018 01:23 9325312,4092582211,"

You can't locate ""Q"" through Google. All that shows up is leftist media that says Q is fake.

",1536801893,13/09/2018 01:24 9325312,4092586004," join free and search for Q. several very definitive articles detailing what Q may be, how it works, and its mission.

",1536802163,13/09/2018 01:29 9327445,4092600410,"

So what is your argument? They should push fake news like Seth Rich, Pizzagate, and QAnon as often as they push factual content? Is that really what conservatives want?

",1536803248,13/09/2018 01:47 9325312,4092604257,

Holy Crap! they took down Reddit! Sub
The Great awakening. Apple and google control App Store - removed Q app.
Literally silencing the silent majority.
How long do you think we will stay silent? Declassify all and let the truth out!

,1536803540,13/09/2018 01:52 9323968,4092604259,

You should really turn off Q.

He's only going to embarrass you.

,1536803540,13/09/2018 01:52 9323968,4092605432,

How about showing us some proof?

You're the only ignorant one here.

Go back and listen to your Q. Lol.

,1536803626,13/09/2018 01:53 9325312,4092606889,

Reddit’s Ban of QAnon site is the real proverbial last straw. Trump must declassify all! Begging RR to release docs that incrimate him as well is like chickens complaining to the coronel that KFC serves chicken.

,1536803739,13/09/2018 01:55 9325312,4092644203,"

No matter what ANYBODY says, nobody legit will claim to be Q and speak directly with anyone. All comms through the board.

",1536806711,13/09/2018 02:45 9325312,4092654787,"

If you follow Q, check this one out. Fun :)

Check out the first line of this wikipedia article. ;)

(yes, I know anybody can edit. chill)

",1536807499,13/09/2018 02:58 9325312,4092672321,"

Best trivia Q of last night...

Counting up from zero... which is the first number to include an 'A' when you spell it out?

Answer: 1,000

I just about died :)

",1536808832,13/09/2018 03:20 9325312,4092677644,"

Well, if you are into the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you are alt-right.

",1536809220,13/09/2018 03:27 9325312,4092680061,"

Please Lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, it's making you delusional.

",1536809391,13/09/2018 03:29 9326170,4092710186,

Did he have a Q tattoo on his beak?

,1536811446,13/09/2018 04:04 9327973,4092718669,

If I am not mistaken... Q HAS THAT INFORMATION... as well as the POTUS.

,1536812028,13/09/2018 04:13 9328975,4092727003,

No that's not true. Do you need me to translate the mumbo jumbo?
Democrats are not your enemy.
We are all Americans. Don't tell me they are not Americans because they paid their friggen taxes last year. All the Oracle Q conspiracy theories are getting to your head if you see wagons circling everywhere but thanks for proving my point.

,1536812585,13/09/2018 04:23 9327445,4092732907,

waiting to hear Q spew in code that those sessions sealed indictments jump by about 5-7000

,1536812966,13/09/2018 04:29 9327445,4092763546,"

The party is over for all these fascist corporations and their colluding MSM. They are spending millions on trying to demonize Qanon now...ask yourself why? Because Qanon is the Administrations way of informing the people of the background baseball being played. "" we will give the government back to the people"" Trump 2016, and that's what their doing. Exposing the criminals within using their own narcissism. WWG1WGA. It a pleasure watching a very orchestrated plan start to come into fruition. Watch how bad the MSM attacks will become soon. Those over the target will become attacked the most. The Social And big tech are nothing more than arms to the criminal enemies within to control your mind and money. Crazy? You think? Just wait. Muwahahaha, crazy like a fox.

",1536814945,13/09/2018 05:02 9325312,4092774090,


,1536815644,13/09/2018 05:14 9325312,4092885019,

O is one ahead of Q.

,1536822454,13/09/2018 07:07 9325312,4092987066,"


Qanon, the Trump loyalists known mostly as Q has been BANNED by Reddit.

Reddit shut down Qanon's 70,000 subscriber thread which averaged over 10,000 posts per day.

Apparently, the Trump loyalists known as Qanon were making specific and targeted threats of violence.

The story is unfolding...

",1536828511,13/09/2018 08:48 9325312,4092988666,

Qanon was just banned by Reddit for threats of violence. Will Trump come to the aid of his worshippers lovingly referred to as Q?

,1536828595,13/09/2018 08:49 9325312,4092990447,"

",1536828692,13/09/2018 08:51 9324394,4093004203,

Looks like a walking Q tip. Nike does business with some of the worlds most human rights offenders. But the q tip is just happy to work.

,1536829440,13/09/2018 09:04 9328975,4093046766,"


These people are shutting down all the ideas they hate.

",1536831622,13/09/2018 09:40 9325312,4093112377,

pretty damning stuff. anyone else a little p1ssed about the scrubbing of all qanon from reddit too?

,1536834677,13/09/2018 10:31 9325312,4093228304,"

Hil-who? Didn't vote for her. Isn't she dead already or something? Don't know. Don't care.

I just genuinely enjoy watching you children whine and moan about how the political opinions of others are different from your own.

Like... were all of the young millennial engineers supposed to be God-fearing conservatives? Cause... that ship has sailed my friend.

And now... just cause a company employs a bunch of left-leaning people... you want it ""broken up""? :-D It's extremely amusing to me. It's also not even remotely gonna happen.

Alphabet getting broken up has about the same odds as Obama going to prison. Which is about the same probability of the next Q drop being of any value. Aka, pretty much zero.

",1536839107,13/09/2018 11:45 9325312,4093300234,"


Why The PANIC?


",1536841626,13/09/2018 12:27 9325312,4093301562,

Do you think that Q is a LARP?

,1536841668,13/09/2018 12:27 9323935,4093320385,"

I am still not sure. The Q people have been busted lately with LIES. There was an interview with 2 guys that claimed to be ex CIA that was a scam. They created a website the day before asking for donations. The website claimed to have support of Patriots and whistle blowers that deny they support it. William Bennie is one, Jack Pasobiac is another

",1536842321,13/09/2018 12:38 9327994,4093366631,

Wow! That is a great idea! Q WWG1WGA MAGA

,1536843940,13/09/2018 13:05 9325312,4093380482,"

Trump created the storm by using HAARP. Because as Q says the storm is now here. As you can see by sudden google leaks which obviously came from the NSA.

Now Trump using HAARP is winding the storm down to deflate the libs who wanted their AGW fantasy of destruction.

Florence’s nighttime winds were down to 110 mph (175 kph) from a high of 140 mph (225 kph), and the Category 3 storm fell to a Category 2, with a further slow weakening expected as the storm nears the coast. But authorities warned it will still be an extremely dangerous hurricane.

This is to be taken as fan fiction except for the Q part

",1536844438,13/09/2018 13:13 9325312,4093401021,

Did Q tell you that?

,1536845147,13/09/2018 13:25 9325312,4093446610,

Why? Have you got irrefutable and verifiable proof that there is no truth of what the Q entity has released?

,1536846777,13/09/2018 13:52 9330802,4093458880,"

Conservatives are so stupid lol you run around with Pizzagate and QAnon nonsense then argue everyone else is pushing conspiracy theories lmfao. Here’s the thing dummies, there is no equivalent of Alex Jones on our side (and before you say he’s not a Republican remember the dummy you voted for loved him and was on his show) there is no politician who’s been documented telling thousands of lies. I’m not talking embellishments, I’m not talking spin, I’m talking about saying 2hit that just can’t even be debated lmfao. Keep winning if that’s what you call having a president who’s undermined by his own staff and snitched on by his whole squad lol blue wave coming November yuh heard 🌊

",1536847224,13/09/2018 14:00 9325312,4093469016,"

Yeah, its because I am Q. Don't tell anyone!

",1536847598,13/09/2018 14:06 9327445,4093584644,"

Oh, trust me they have and ARE conspiring as we speak. Why else did Trump surround himself with the Generals, and why did he loop-hole getting the Marines to augment the SS detail? Now those Marines in that detail are exempt from the Posse Comitatus Act. Same with the Coast Guard, which is never subject to it.

As Q says: ""We have it all; those people are stupid""

",1536851709,13/09/2018 15:15 9331807,4093636322,

The QAnonsss are already calling the Hurricane a deep state attack.

,1536853216,13/09/2018 15:40 9331807,4093846383,"

All this and a major scrubbing of the net of Qanon's threads at reddit.

All that for a LARP, for a supposedly nutty CT?

All that worry over ""nothing""?

Uh huh.
Deep State goons are SCARED across the boards.

",1536856762,13/09/2018 16:39 9331087,4093915120,

You can bring a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. Same goes for a low I Q liberal-progressive.

,1536859062,13/09/2018 17:17 9332314,4094018537,"

Absolutely. Look, you can't just dismiss any poll you don't like. But Quinnipiac is always ludicrous. Mid term polls on RCP right now: D +2, +4, +3, +5, Q + 15...

",1536862563,13/09/2018 18:16 9331786,4094050329,

Yeah. Right. So your working theory is that he's speaking in code? Who are you? Q?

,1536863849,13/09/2018 18:37 9325312,4094090597,"

Didn't Schmidt personally go to North Korea to set up the server so that Hillary, Obama, Podesta, and Company could communicate with their gmails ""privately"".....except per Q, now the white hats ""HAVE IT ALL!!""

",1536865742,13/09/2018 19:09 9332314,4094158511,

Rigged poll as they didn't ask if an employer can set guidelines to speech and conduct while employee are on the job. Q MAGA WWG1WGA

,1536868310,13/09/2018 19:51 9288616,4094160227,

CNN says Trump is complicit in hurricane......and the left censors Qanon as a conspiracy theory. LOL!

,1536868363,13/09/2018 19:52 9331786,4094279020,"

This is what happened in the ELECTION of 2016,
JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER is tired of the worthless actions of CONGRESS.///////
IN voting POTUS TRUMP into office, they told WASHINGTON D / C - the SWAMP - SEWER and DEEP STATE their gig is up.
Start to work as elected officials or get out of WASHINGTON D / C POLITICS.
The ESTABLISHMENT doesn't like to be ** berated ** by some outsider who has never held public office, but , they seem to forget, POTUS TRUMP is a WEALTHY BUSINESS MAN who knows how to get things done. ////////////////////////////////////////

",1536873588,13/09/2018 21:19 9324508,4094307486,"

FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE and other forms of access to the internet who are liberal in make up, will , have a hard time to explain to the FTC and FCC and congress just what they are doing in reference to CENSORSHIP of what JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN has to say abu this that and the other thing.

",1536875066,13/09/2018 21:44 9334207,4094519615,"

Chelsea Clinton is a Satanist! She knows nothing of Christianity. Hey Chelsea, are you still wearing that upside down cross around your neck. As Q stated.....""like mother like daughter!""

",1536888254,14/09/2018 01:24 9325240,4094586125,"

That's because not a single Trump supporter is objective enough to even read the letter or the book. Face it, you guys are so entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you cannot think clearly. Many on the Right are doing plenty of conspiracy thinking, not enough critical thinking.

",1536893385,14/09/2018 02:49 9325240,4094615553,

Please lay off all the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories because it's making you paranoid. Soros has nothing to do with any Democrat that I know. He does not play any role in the Democrat platform and is just a phony BS myth.

,1536895581,14/09/2018 03:26 9332107,4094636829,"

Not going to happen.

03-09-2018 18:41:10 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo
ID:afa548 No.598581

When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

There is a lot being revealed about Obama, that even Breitbart are not revealing. Let’s start with the $billions sent to Iran on 5 different planes to 4 different countries, including one to Europe. Pray tell. Why did one of the planes go to Europe. The President has EVERYTHING on him and his administration.


04-07-2018 05:42:27 AEST Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
ID:03213a No.922685

Connect via past religious leaders (re: Hussein).
We have everything.
They know we do.

Tic toc Tic toc.

",1536897034,14/09/2018 03:50 9325240,4094671944,"

Please get a grip. You are having a delusion, probably brought on by too many Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Hillary is never running again. She is done. It's time to get a new boogeyman to blame.

",1536899414,14/09/2018 04:30 9325240,4094699579,

NYT-Anon says Q-Anon is a LARP. :P

,1536900955,14/09/2018 04:55 9325240,4094734143,

Melania is Q!


,1536903222,14/09/2018 05:33 9325240,4094803689,

NYT-Anon said that Q-Anon is a LARP

,1536907897,14/09/2018 06:51 9336061,4094907872,"

A recent survey showed that 30% of the UK population had an I Q below 100. Another survey found they were all labour voters. Sadly, voting doesn't require an I Q test.

",1536914243,14/09/2018 08:37 9325240,4094931550,

I think hurt is coming their way. I’m still a believer in Q.

,1536915633,14/09/2018 09:00 9332530,4095060981,"

Q+ has shown evidence that ties this anti-pope to Soros, Obama and the CF. Pope Benedict stepping down was an inside coup funded by these criminals to put this child molestor in power. Between these revelations and the DC panic, they shut down the reddit threads on Qanon. Romes destruction as described in Revelations will be well deserved when that day comes.

",1536921942,14/09/2018 10:45 9335890,4095125951,

Did Q tell you that?

,1536924477,14/09/2018 11:27 9331510,4095226720,"


Did you get that from your Q Decoder Ring there QCat? Yep, Google will lose revenue and business..... From your lips to Gods ears.

",1536928066,14/09/2018 12:27 9331510,4095231593,

Cat was in her secret meetings with Q.

,1536928238,14/09/2018 12:30 9325240,4095313201,"

Yesterday, Reddit shut down each and every site and sub site that mentioned Q, Donald Trump, The Donald ect. There were only 170K users of these sites but they now have nowhere to share thoughts, research, chat. It's getting serious.

",1536931031,14/09/2018 13:17 9336943,4095398313,

I love it. Will give Kav. a chance to get even. you think he will forget about this.
Plus a few more points for the 18 red lighting. Q. maga

,1536933762,14/09/2018 14:02 9337492,4095432092,

4th Q earnings will be the judge

,1536934839,14/09/2018 14:20 9325240,4095437046,"

Nobody wants you gone. Nobody wants you killed. You have been ear-poisoned by Rush, Hannity, Infowars, and the Oracle Q. You are being lied to by the entertainers you mistake for journalists. We don't hate you at all. Democrats are not your enemy.

",1536935006,14/09/2018 14:23 9336943,4095442539,"

This ""Microchip"" dude has such an ego he is pushing impeachment of Trump just to end the Q phenomenon. Who would do that?

A Lib or RINO. Period.

If you want the sauce, let me know.

",1536935182,14/09/2018 14:26 9337492,4095484515,

Are you a Q follower?

,1536936539,14/09/2018 14:48 9337045,4095534747,

I just read the Q stated that the dirt Manafort has on Trump is some sorta knowledge that Trump knows about and participates in some sorta child sex ring. Q stated it so it must be true

,1536938195,14/09/2018 15:16 9332653,4095535649,"

Please lay off all the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you sound like a raving, paranoid tinhat. There is no New World Order, except in your head. Get a grip.

",1536938226,14/09/2018 15:17 9332653,4095546429,

Subversion and coups keep coming up because you all are so deeply entrenched in your conspiracy theories! Get a hold of yourselves. Please activate your critical thinking skills and leave all the kooky Oracle Q ramblings to the ghosts of the fictional Deep State.

,1536938572,14/09/2018 15:22 9337045,4095558234,

the Q. some fat guy on his momma sofa

,1536938954,14/09/2018 15:29 9337045,4095561512,"

Don't know, but Q is always right about these things. Remember when Q said a storm is coming......we all trust Q on these things

",1536939058,14/09/2018 15:30 9337045,4095566204,

P and R say Q is merely the middle man.

Z is the letter who is really in the know.

,1536939208,14/09/2018 15:33 9336943,4095590368,

Uh huh. Trump barely knew him... Mueller is actually going to arrest Hillarrry and Obummmmmmer.

Is that you Q?

,1536940015,14/09/2018 15:46 9337045,4095591862,

That’s what Q says.

,1536940065,14/09/2018 15:47 9336679,4095686861,

As of today 67% of the population does not trust the media to tell the truth . This is not Trump this is America . So let the media and press address these numbers without mentioning Trumps name but add John Q Public name .

,1536943300,14/09/2018 16:41 9332653,4095695749,"

Oh come on, you cannot accuse Democrats of being intellectually dishonest when half of your party is decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as I write this. The Republicans are hiding from the truth by entrenching themselves in kooky BS fantasies so, you need to find some new material because your argument is not going to fly here. Read the 4000 garbage comments below and then ask yourself if your peers sound like they are on the Right side of truth.

",1536943600,14/09/2018 16:46 9337045,4095747724,

Did Q tell you that?

,1536945344,14/09/2018 17:15 9337045,4095753994,

That's what Q said!

,1536945562,14/09/2018 17:19 9337045,4095767355,

mhm... of course it means that this is a conspiracy of the deep state orchestrated by a false flag from the illuminati to protect us from pizzagate. Q said so.

,1536946019,14/09/2018 17:26 9337045,4095781607,"

I don't know who Q is, but it looks like we agree on this. I think this whole Mueller thing may be nothing like what everyone thinks it is and the outcome might be a MOAB.

",1536946505,14/09/2018 17:35 9336943,4095825458,"

I just don't believe it , this bs story has been going on for 2 years , I have watched Q to, I know all the thoughts , and I see nothing that shows any of this to be true. Sessions is completely vanished and shown no force of will of any kind. I am flabbergasted at the continuing slander and unmitigated attacks on every person on the right , AND NOTHING IS DONE ??? Something has to break , and its not gonna be pretty.

",1536948115,14/09/2018 18:01 9338710,4095856720,

lmaoooo....let me guess Qanon?

,1536949534,14/09/2018 18:25 9336745,4095856954,

A bloody Q Tip.

,1536949545,14/09/2018 18:25 9339850,4095975840,"

Mueller turns Trumpkins into felons, how’s Qanon’s case coming along fuktards? LOL

",1536954331,14/09/2018 19:45 9337045,4096024537,"

Did your prophet Q tell you that? I bet they are storing all those ""sealed indictments"" in the basement of Comet Pizza. Lol. Better go look!

",1536956356,14/09/2018 20:19 9339850,4096122108,"

People, remember, Mueller is actually working with Trump to ferret out the criminal wrongdoing and sex slave rings led by Obama and Hillary. Q told us so. The indictments of Obama and Hillary will happen any day now.

",1536961490,14/09/2018 21:44 9337045,4096125274,"

If Qanon is a LARP or “Conspiracy Theory”, why is the LSM spending thousands of man hours and articles trying to debunk it? They don’t do the same for flat earther’s!

",1536961694,14/09/2018 21:48 9337300,4096243789,"

Fraudbook will ban all the ones with truth and facts, latest Q.

",1536969555,14/09/2018 23:59 9338368,4096244507,"

Quick answer......marginalize your âsses back to your safe spaces, insert thumbs, assume fetal position, and cry. GTFO. The majority of the nation has decided that your sniveling have no relevance to the conversation. You have been declared a nuisance to society, therefore you are relegated to the nearest dump. Q. Why did God give you Snowflakes feelings? A. So we could trash them.

",1536969608,15/09/2018 00:00 9325312,4096268852,"

re-ad crumbs:


",1536971333,15/09/2018 00:28 9325312,4096269903,"

re-read all:


",1536971409,15/09/2018 00:30 9333685,4096270462,"

""Charles McRae"" (/disqus_yugHJb7352/): I'm sure you were there and everything happened exactly as you describe and Our Hallowed President Mr. Commodore Donald Trump is infallible in all things, and that's why you're using a throwaway disqus account.

Now, please explain the 2nd Q here:

All Trump had to do was get small teams - of a few people each max - into ~300 settlements. All they needed was sat phones + standard SAR gear (I'm sure you know what that is). It would have done a world of good and probably saved many lives. Trump simply doesn't have the smarts to do such things. He's not a builder, he's a salesman.

I'm sure you and the IRA will disagree. So, explain what monumental hurdles kept Trump from doing something that even France could do.

",1536971445,15/09/2018 00:30 9325312,4096288383,

re read Qanon crumbs.......see my other comments......Q told us months ago.....

,1536972715,15/09/2018 00:51 9325312,4096290188,

Q told us....see my other comments.......and now ALL things QAnon are being banned on all platforms.......

,1536972848,15/09/2018 00:54 9325312,4096295735,"

I suspect the white hats at QAnon released it......

""they have it all""
""they never thought she would lose""
""enjoy the show""

read -crumbs....I commented them above.

",1536973258,15/09/2018 01:00 9325312,4096298290,

please read my other comments.....Q told us and does mention my comments in this wonder QAnon is being banned everywhere on all platforms......go look for yourself

,1536973442,15/09/2018 01:04 9325312,4096302957,

Q told us about Google and Alphabet months ago......go read my comments this thread and see for will see......that is why they have banned QAnon at Reddit and coming across all platforms

,1536973795,15/09/2018 01:09 9325312,4096310312,

please read my comments Q told us months ago this comments they have banned QAnon of of Reddit.....all other platforms coming to ban.........

,1536974347,15/09/2018 01:19 9325312,4096324148,"

follow QAnon.....Q told us months ago: search
alphabet and google
when you get there: 50 crumb drops


",1536975101,15/09/2018 01:31 9337204,4096325484,

Speaking of crazy.....where are all you Q conspiracy theorist hiding lately? You guys are always great when trying to describe the pseudo Republican party of today. I wish you guys would speak up more. YOu were great cannon fodder.

,1536975205,15/09/2018 01:33 9332749,4096333607,"

Please tell me a story, grandpa. Tell me about the secret indictments and Q and the red wave. I love that one.

",1536975856,15/09/2018 01:44 9335860,4096334607,"

Probably not a thing, but anyone else notice that the storm path on the map behind him is a giant Q?

",1536975905,15/09/2018 01:45 9340294,4096347415,

Now all we need is for you guys to start coming up with some more Q stuff involving willie Nelson and pro football and I can convert a few more people into voting for dems this fall. Please....start the Q stuff again. You guys were helping out so much!!

,1536976898,15/09/2018 02:01 9338752,4096419679,"

My god you fascist love a good conspiricy theory!! Please start up the Q stuff. I love highlighting that stuff with my independent friends. They can't believe it, but then they research it, and I know an angel gets it's wings everytime I help flip another one!!!

",1536982815,15/09/2018 03:40 9339976,4096431659,"

""At least half of your domestic population""

Trump's opponent had a following of at least half the domestic population since she won the popular vote in a landslide.

Trump cannot have ""at least"" half the population'support if he lost the popular vote, agreed?

Or are you one of those Qanon people who are lost in a kool-aid drunk partisan lemming conspiracy theory about millions of illegal immigrants voting for Trump's opponent?

",1536983735,15/09/2018 03:55 9340051,4096671280,"

Oh god, you’re one of those qanon “enjoy the show” weirdos.
She lost, get over it.
Six more years of pain for you. Just off yourself if you can’t stand the reality.

",1537001787,15/09/2018 08:56 9341173,4096795787,"

Well, I hope the blacks wake up and realize the dems moved them from one plantation to another. And Hispanics do not like black people. They let themselves become people of color and marginalized again. We can take this country back if black people wake up. Aborted babies, poverty, schit schools, enough welfare to get by and do nothing. Q sent me.

",1537008859,15/09/2018 10:54 9340684,4096837991,

Oh man....I hope he ties it to Q. I just love telling people about all the right wing conspiriacy theories. Most can't believe it...until I show them you guys actually believe this stuff. SOooooooo.....funnnny!!!!

,1537010994,15/09/2018 11:29 9342157,4096844897,"

Funny how so many people said Q was a conspiracy theory, when Q revealed the following:

Manafort was a plant within the Trump campaign, working ""without pay"" as a volunteer, while now admittedly so strapped for cash, he took loans from people associated with the Clinton Foundation.

Manafort's crimes are associated with his time when he worked in conjunction with Tony Podesta arround the time he was associated with the McCain campaign for President.

Then-candidate Trump said in October, 2016, ""I know HIllary met with my campaign manager..."" in his speech at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner.

Q has been releasing this information, identifying that Manafort MUST go down because he is key to a lot of deep state actors. This article now confirms that.

",1537011322,15/09/2018 11:35 9342157,4096844968,"

THE GREATEST STING IN WORLD HISTORY BEING EXECUTED BEFORE YOUR VERY OWN EYES!! Can you see or are you Spiritually blind? 2 Cor 4:4 the god (satan) of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. You have more then you know, it's your choice to know Q. WWG1WGA DOITQ!

",1537011325,15/09/2018 11:35 9342157,4096846329,

If this is true this proves qanon is real... Q said this was going to happen and said trust mueller because he is on trumps team...

,1537011389,15/09/2018 11:36 9342157,4096866371,"

Everything Q mention on this is Happening, Manafort's Arrest and Deal HAD to happen to get his dealings with Tony Podesta on the record which will lead to HRC and Russia so it doesn't make this look Politically Motivated
Trust the Plan

",1537012303,15/09/2018 11:51 9342157,4096875435,

Trust the plan. Q told us already. Mueller is going for Hillary. Has been the while time.

,1537012715,15/09/2018 11:58 9321919,4096881126," The posts go all the way back to October 2017 and have a ton of information about what the Deep State and the Globalist have been up to. If Q is just a conspiracy then why are all the MSM fighting so hard to discredit him?

",1537012987,15/09/2018 12:03 9342157,4096892125,

Didn't Q predict this?

,1537013502,15/09/2018 12:11 9342157,4096899770,

Who is this Q and where can I find him?

,1537013841,15/09/2018 12:17 9342157,4096906571,

Good looking Rottie.. Not so sure Q is real though.. id take that with a grain of salt.

,1537014137,15/09/2018 12:22 9338764,4096909046,"

Duckduckgo is one such search engine that does not track or keep a file of your searches. That is it's one major distinction from the other major search engines.

As an example: I used Firefox to search for Qanon pub. Firefox (as do all the search engines) mainly uses Google search results. I also used Chrome for identical searches of Qanon.

The first results that came up were from the NYT, WaPo, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, etc.; claiming that Qanon was the hoax of the century, or a LARP (live action role playing) of some sort. I had to dig down a page or two to find the actual website Qanon dot pub.

Where as, on Duckduckgo, Qanon pub came up in the first or second search result.

Whether you follow Q's drops regarding the corrupted Deep State / Shadow Government / Intelligence Community, or not; its still points out the fact that Google actively promotes the negative narrative and seeks to influence internet users.

",1537014249,15/09/2018 12:24 9342157,4096915803,"

Follow Qanon and you would have known these things three months ago. It is now getting rolled out into public view. Thanks, Nolte. Yes, the DEMS are going down in the Mueller investigation.....

",1537014553,15/09/2018 12:29 9342157,4096919452,

FISA goes both ways. Q.

,1537014713,15/09/2018 12:31 9342157,4096921076,"

""Suicide watch"". Q.

",1537014780,15/09/2018 12:33 9342157,4096927066,

Yes but R and S are very wishy washy. ROTFLMFAO at Q. You are such chumps.

,1537015041,15/09/2018 12:37 9342157,4096940841,"

What does ""Has been the while time."" mean? Must I ask Q?

",1537015623,15/09/2018 12:47 9342157,4096964431,"

Mueller is part of the Plan if you have been following Q for the past year and a half, you would have know this.

He is Dirty as well, like the others, and they have the Goods on him. They needed him to do this, so it would not be Political Motivate.
Mueller will be charged later on, but they will go easy on him.

",1537016619,15/09/2018 13:03 9342157,4096975823,"

You are in the dark. They had to get to Tony Podesta First.
This has taken close to year and a half. How?
They had to get Manafort to get his dealing on the Record with TP and Russia. Now they will have it with this Deal with Mueller.
Manafort WILL be Pardon by Trump afterwards,
TP will lead to HRC, Obama and many more.
As Q mention
Enjoy the Show
Trust the Plan

",1537017092,15/09/2018 13:11 9339466,4096980557,"

Now it's becoming more clear why ""Q-ANON"" is being banned on social media. I think ""Q-ANON"" is the new ""DEEP-THROAT"".

",1537017296,15/09/2018 13:14 9342157,4096984038,"

Just follow Q, or the People who decode Q like Serial Brain2 read by the WAR DRUMMER

",1537017454,15/09/2018 13:17 9339466,4096985110,"

So far, Q has been more accurate than anything in the MSM. I'll wait and see what the Q post reveal.

",1537017502,15/09/2018 13:18 9339466,4096992537,"

I'm hopeful Q is legit, but recognize that it could be more propaganda. If it is, it's damned good propaganda on an Orwellian Goldstein level.

",1537017827,15/09/2018 13:23 9342157,4096994471,

But you believe the MSM?
Past proves Present
Go over the past Video and see for yourself.
Every thing Q (decoded by SerialBrain2 and read by WAR DRUMMER) has talk about is now starting to happen.

,1537017913,15/09/2018 13:25 9338233,4096996976,"

Moore please, stop by the Fat Boy Bar B Q twice a day.

",1537018020,15/09/2018 13:27 9342157,4096997732,

Sorry but this is old Q disinformation nonsense! Huber to this day hasn't even interviewed ANY of the main witnesses in the FBI. This old dog don't hunt anymore.

,1537018054,15/09/2018 13:27 9341575,4097068203,

Kerry is in violation of the Logan Act which is TREASON. Q posted photos of him in Europe w/Iranians over a month ago. Kerry's choice ROPE or BULLET. Who is the child now?

,1537020794,15/09/2018 14:13 9341629,4097081696,"

If I see one more comment about Q and BOOM, I think I'll puke.

",1537021371,15/09/2018 14:22 9342157,4097087980,

Trump is brilliant. He planned on this along with Q!

,1537021642,15/09/2018 14:27 9342157,4097093055,

No word from Q on this one.

,1537021858,15/09/2018 14:30 9342157,4097095459,

The comment is atypical of a Q follower though. Watch to be sure.

,1537021960,15/09/2018 14:32 9342157,4097096179,"

Slappy, your cryptic Q recitations are awesome. heh

",1537021990,15/09/2018 14:33 9341629,4097105355,

please leave your whine about Q for another day.

,1537022369,15/09/2018 14:39 9342157,4097107336,

And it's always been true. Not my fault you chose to believe in the fictional Q.

,1537022454,15/09/2018 14:40 9342157,4097108010,

You think Q is real?

,1537022482,15/09/2018 14:41 9342157,4097109627,

Reddit banned QAnon for pushing the “conspiracy theory” that the Mueller investigation will end up targeting Clinton/Obama enterprises. Deemed it hate speech. They’re scared.

,1537022548,15/09/2018 14:42 9342157,4097113041,

Go to UTube and look up the Qanon postings. You will see what is coming soon. Everything will be released just before the elections really get into full swing.

,1537022691,15/09/2018 14:44 9342157,4097114096,"

You dont have to be Q to realize that Trump is going to drop all the bombs 3-4 weeks out, all the way up to the midterms.

",1537022734,15/09/2018 14:45 9342157,4097121678,"

Never got into or beileved the entire QAnon thing much besides one article i read...

The photo of the guy democrats said was one of the guys who colluded with Manafort...they list another article in that article which was dated 6 months prior was of a man accused of threating a republican congress member...only difference in the photos was the photo was mirrored, but it was the same image...however not had a explanation to this yet...still interested if anyone has any details.

",1537023049,15/09/2018 14:50 9342157,4097132620,"

Yeah, Q is fake and you need to stop believing in this nonsense.

",1537023489,15/09/2018 14:58 9342157,4097133605,

You are doing the Q effort a disservice. Stop. Please.

,1537023526,15/09/2018 14:58 9342376,4097178100,


We now know that Mueller has been working against Deep State all along - ever since he took the SC gig !!!

Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position? - Q April 27th 2018

Trust the Plan.

Timing !!!

,1537025334,15/09/2018 15:28 9341575,4097207281,"

Get everyone you can to vote.

That is the very best thing you can do.

Tell them to read Q:

And Praying Medic is superb:

There is much everyone can do.

This is even bigger than the US. It is the whole world !!! Finally we have a chance to take down the clowns who manage to make us feel small. We are now the boss - as it should be.

Americans, Brits, Europeans, Australians, NZ, Canada, Israel, Africa, India - everywhere where people need hope !!! China, even !!!

",1537026549,15/09/2018 15:49 9341629,4097208683,

Have you read the articl of mueller not going after trump but going after podesta clinton and obama? Its right here on BB .. Q posted mulerrer wasnt after trump and in fact they are going after the deepstate and this is all smoke and mirrors.. so if that bb article is true q is true

,1537026609,15/09/2018 15:50 9341629,4097230711,


Have just got back from my Graeco-Roman trip and catching up with everything I have not had time to follow up on.

I now believe that Mueller is about to turn the Democrats over - that is why they are shouting a lot.

Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position? - Q April 27th 2018

That question is still good.

We now know that Mueller has been working against Deep State all along - ever since he took the SC gig !!!

MSM heavily into 'Look squirrel !!!'

Think a shutdown is looking less likely as TRUMP support is higher than reported in polls.

Timing for arrests ???

The big names were always going to be later but RR must have many squeaky bum moments right now.

,1537027537,15/09/2018 16:05 9341629,4097234583,"

",1537027699,15/09/2018 16:08 9340969,4097267312,"

Evil has a name, it's last name is Clinton. It's cure is in the Q.

",1537029088,15/09/2018 16:31 9332770,4097301897,"

A few fair points but still not a scrap of evidence to support any of it, beyond reasonable doubt. For example, Peter had only ever sailed on the (inland) Sea of Galilee, never on the open Mediteranean, that we know of.
Correction: Original scriptures were written in Aramaic only. Translation of the New Testament into other languages such as Greek, Latin, Syriac and Coptic didn't begin until 3rd - 4th century AD.
Blind Freddy = John Q Citizen
I accept Peter as ""the rock"" of the church but the Vatican's version of events is pure fantasy.
Having an intelligent discussion doesn't equate to ""hate"", Jude. You might be projecting on that score!

",1537030504,15/09/2018 16:55 9341575,4097308351,

I like PM. His Q analysis is great.

,1537030779,15/09/2018 16:59 9342376,4097317254,"

As a Q follower, I am getting VERY, VERY, impatient with all the riddles. It's been 18 Months. It's time to see people going to Military trial for their crimes.

",1537031174,15/09/2018 17:06 9342451,4097330925,"

You mean like Seth Rich, Vince Foster, Webb Hubbell, Frank Marshall, QAnon, Pizzagate, Sandy Hook actors, etc...?

",1537031757,15/09/2018 17:15 9343120,4097376850,"

Did Nolte tell you that? Or was it Q. Sorry, but neither one of those douches knows sh*­t.

",1537033591,15/09/2018 17:46 9343120,4097382492,"

Indeed and well said by The Don Jr. you looking at the future POTUS. Looking forward to living in a TRUMP Dynasty. But for now...
gotta love The Don! You Can't Stump the Trump!!! keep on Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! The Don. Mr. Trump is a real leader. finally a president with balls. MAGA TRUMP 2020 Keep America Great ! KAG ! May GOD Bless. 👍 🐸 👌
🚂🚋T🚋R🚋U🚋M🚋P🚋🇺🇸 caution no brakes.
Have faith and trust in the plan. from Q anon.
**************SEVEN MORE YEARS*****************
░░█░░░█░░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░█░░█░█░.2020. ▄.▄

",1537033888,15/09/2018 17:51 9343120,4097389707,"


Apparently this story matters though. At least to Q.
'Presidential Alert': FEMA to test emergency alert system next week

",1537034292,15/09/2018 17:58 9341575,4097411064,"

I am with the ""Cat"" on this one, but not because of Q. Trump has spent two years cleaning house (from Comey to Ohr and all in between) and earning the trust of NeverTrumpers to the point where Lindsay Graham has called for Special Counsel on email and FISA abuse twice in past month. It is critical we win the midterms so that the real justice can be properly allocated. It is happening, with McCabe's grand jury Part One of the real work.

",1537035357,15/09/2018 18:15 9340363,4097433030,"

This is just a last ditch ploy by the DEMO - RATS to delay or drop the present SCOTUS nominee. ////////////////////////
Sen. Feinstein, it will not work,
You people lost the 206 Election fair and square, take your lumps and like it.
Don;t count your chickens before they are hatched about winning the 018 mid terms either. //////////////////////////////////////////
JOHN Q . PUBLIC CITIZEN will have the last say.

",1537036387,15/09/2018 18:33 9342157,4097476104,"

Ha, I thought since reddit removed its QAnon subreddit you conspiracy freaks woulda given up on the whole joke against conservatives about Mueller really working secretly with the donald. I guess the QAnon joke keeps on giving.

Carry on.

",1537038197,15/09/2018 19:03 9342157,4097492171,"

My understanding is that this was happening the entire time. Thousands of sealed indictments, related to people associated with Hillary and Obama, from what Q Anon is saying.

",1537038928,15/09/2018 19:15 9342157,4097500387,"

""You have no idea of what's in the plea, moron."" That was your comment, vypurr. I responded that we absolutely know what was in his plea - everyone who can read knows what was in his plea, and that it included crimes committed up through the campaign. Re-read our exchange! I did not claim to know what he told Mueller about Trump - I just pointed out how wrong you were about the dates of the crimes Manafort admitted to. You are obviously too dense to understand that difference. Go back to your Q anon reddit. It is written at your comprehension level.

PS and no, if Mueller had something on Trump it won't ""leak out"" until it is time to charge. Unlike the sieve White House, with everyone betraying Orange Boy as fast as they can, Mueller doesn't leak. He's a Marine (I am too - HD 1961). How about you?

",1537039303,15/09/2018 19:21 9342157,4097516045,

Pinch me. I can't believe that is really going to happen. True that was the Q guidance all along and there are rumors of thousands of secret indictments. But most everyone is still walking free and doing their best to stir up impeachment hearings.

,1537040018,15/09/2018 19:33 9342157,4097551079,"

Well I think the Q wave is premature:), I'll pass this on so you can show exactly the BS about Trump and Putin.

Putin sent a large naval force. He sent his marines and bombers and even had China there with 2000 troops in a display of force. Get ready, Russia was bombing Idlib. Turkey got all upset when Trump didn't come running, but he did something far more important. He said first that any use of chlorine barrel bombs and he would take out Assad and that Russian forces didn't scare the US. And second if they tried to approach the US positions, Trump would take them out too. And this wasn't bluster.

with his new alliances giving him assets from Eastern Europe to the Indian ocean Trump could have Mattis delivery precise strikes in the thousands in less than twenty four hours from most directions. In theater, there are assets of partners as well as our own that can strike in real time 24/7. And Mattis has many new things coming quickly down the production line. A few will take out S-400s.

And guess what, Erodogan despite his pathetic rhetoric at the US goes to Sochi with the US backing him up. He would dare fight the Bear without our forces standing up? Ironic yes?

does all of America know what just happened? Here is Putin's threat

The Kurds notice. Erdogan can't but notice that our giving him F-35s would be stupid with him as an adversary. Israel takes note as it has its more lethal display of force

And here's the big one. Democrats are going to dampen its pro Palestinian pitch until after the election because the America people don;t buy it. democrats are so worried that actual Liberals who are Jewish have had enough. Its bad enough to butcher Liberal principle but then elevate the never Israel side as a civil rights issue is just adding insult.

So when trolls tell you that Trump kisses Putin's ass, you can tell him at worst its the other way around when Trump's not kicking his ass.

My theory is this: if Putin gets belligerent and Trump has to fight back which he will, Putin enables Trump to blow the Democratic Mind. Putin also knows that would secure Trump's political position and move the world in a bipolar conflict again. That doesn't serve Putin as oil deals would collapse and China would strain to support Russia. Putin doesn't want that so actually this political mess AND Trump going Reagan shows just how wrong Putin was.
That's because Putin was close to many Democrats and actually believe the Deep State's opinion of Trump. It was perfect for him.

It is really remarkable the various storms Trump is navigating while the Left is still convinced he is a stupid, immature buffoon with Hitlerian intentions.

What a week indeed!

",1537041668,15/09/2018 20:01 9343564,4097577801,

There are many very pro-MAGA people that I trust that say Q is a bunch of BS....

,1537043086,15/09/2018 20:24 9343564,4097611584,"

For all of us in the Q community we witnessed Reddit censorship this past week, the truth was reaching the masses and they had to silence facts. But just like the others it won't stop a damn thing!


",1537044947,15/09/2018 20:55 9342157,4097613353,

So it's everything accept Manafort's connection with Trump and coincidentally what Mueller is investigating. That makes total sense. I'm sure you've cracked it QAnon.

,1537045049,15/09/2018 20:57 9343564,4097615115,"

General Flynn hanging with some Q Patriots:

Good to see him out and about!

",1537045152,15/09/2018 20:59 9343564,4097622262,"

Google AI is waging war against Americans. They are feeding us nothing but manufactured fake news from its Democrat co-conspirators.

If you search for ""Where can I find QAnon posts?"", Google will respond with articles about reddit shutting down discussion and how QAnon is a ridiculous conspiracy of desperate Trump followers.

If you search for ""Where can I find QAnon posts?"" on either DuckDuckGo or Bing, then the first couple hits will be to sources for QAnon posts--amazing that they give you what you've asked for.

We're not talking about mere shadowbanning, hiding people's names. They're using either an army of moderators or cunning AI to read your question and DELIBERATELY avoid answering it. Profoundly disturbing!

Google needs to be stopped. It's the #1 threat to America, far worse than ISIS or China or Russia. It's shocking that people still use Google even with this publicized scandal and the fact that is lying to you in search results to push a sick agenda.

",1537045606,15/09/2018 21:06 9341566,4097622597,"

I know you think you have a point there somewhere.

If Hillary did anything illegal, the FBI would be all over it. I'm sure you have a yuuuuuge conspiracy theory on why they aren't. Deep state and all. Off to see what QAnon says about all this. LOL

",1537045629,15/09/2018 21:07 9343564,4097624747,"

have a Q embroidered baseball cap, purchased it from NRv but haven’t worn it yet.

got a pretty tote bag and sewed a Q onto it that was cut from a patriotic patterned material, carry that around a lot.

",1537045768,15/09/2018 21:09 9343564,4097626592,"

Google responds with QAnon being a ridiculous conspiracy because, um, QAnon IS a ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's pretty simple, actually. But I'm glad you still have other sources to help fuel your madness. (And fyi: Beware the Martians who live next door--I think they have it in for you.)

",1537045885,15/09/2018 21:11 9343564,4097642970,

I dont watch any tv..hannity's stuff with sara carter is the best thing to Q Anon!

,1537046991,15/09/2018 21:29 9342376,4097655060,

Leave it S Cat to be the last one that believes in the Q BS.

,1537047887,15/09/2018 21:44 9343564,4097672122,"

Today Q linked to a lady pointing this video out (a song)
The song is a little tame compared to another I like better but it DOES mention Gitmo at the end. Doubt he would link to it if a detail like that didn't check out.

",1537049123,15/09/2018 22:05 9343564,4097675952,

Quit spreading QTrash.

There is a reason Q was booted from redditt.

,1537049404,15/09/2018 22:10 9342376,4097707635,"

You will be waiting a really long time then. Q is globalist bs, just like everything else we've been enduring. Buying into that crap will only lead you away from what is really going on.... and that is the point of the Q crap. There is no Q. It's like a few years back when everyone thought ""Anonymous"" was going to kick down the door. Didn't happen then, won't happen now.

",1537051758,15/09/2018 22:49 9337045,4097724183,

Mass arrests? Are you praying for authoritarian rule like Stalin or Hitler. Is this a Qanon thing?

,1537053044,15/09/2018 23:10 9342376,4097729734,"

I know Q is a fantasy, one which is propped up by the stupidest in society.

",1537053492,15/09/2018 23:18 9342928,4097769232,

My theory is that is a letter Q upside down. And I'm hoping im right

,1537056220,16/09/2018 00:03 9342928,4097770641,

How do you make a letter Q upside down ? Wouldn't it look like the hand signal for OK👌

,1537056336,16/09/2018 00:05 9342916,4097801616,"

wow, you guys need to stop listening to Q. He has been wrong from the start.

",1537058877,16/09/2018 00:47 9342928,4097815462,"

Moore has not only been reading Breitbart, but I would say Q as well... Moore is SPOOKED

",1537060092,16/09/2018 01:08 9342928,4097820090,"

Its not a secret, but Michael Moore has a huge third nipple. LGBT QAnon hangs on it and every word that the fat slob says.

",1537060502,16/09/2018 01:15 9342928,4097827103,


,1537061138,16/09/2018 01:25 9342928,4097890113,

Michael Moore has been reading Q. Hilarious.

,1537066808,16/09/2018 03:00 9342928,4097893115,"


",1537067063,16/09/2018 03:04 9341575,4097895849,"

I believe you. What I keep hearing is that there is a Military court, a tribunal that's been set up to prosecute crimes comitted during the last administration. Benghazi. Fast and Furious, etc. Because Hussein pardoned himself and his whole team right before leaving office, for any federal crimes committed during his presidency. But supposedly he couldn't pardon anyone for international or military crimes OR crimes comitted after that time. Like sedition/treason. Multiple Hatch act violations for past presidents as well.
Trump declared a state of emergency in 2017 in matters of human rights abuse. That's what he's taking HRC, the Weiners, Podestas, etc down for. Trafficking humans and human rights violations. Q showed up in Oct of 2017 to begin to red pill Americans about whats going to happen. Our country is never going to be the same.
You have to read Q's posts. If you had read them, you would understand exactly what Im talking about. Cheers!

",1537067284,16/09/2018 03:08 9341575,4098023874,"

Everytime one of you idiots mentions the dumbassery that is Q, the rest of the nation collectively rolls its eyes and makes a wanking motion with it's hand.
Doubly so for S Cat as he is a foreigner in Europe...not even an American.

",1537078013,16/09/2018 06:06 9343021,4098169932,"

The saddest part about this whole thing is that the left (Weather Channel) continues to try and defend this comical video. ""Well he's exhausted."" ""Well he's standing on wet grass and the ones in the background are on concrete."" There simply is no defense. It's just plain fake! The left are incapable of admitting they tried to fool John Q. Public.

",1537089772,16/09/2018 09:22 9342376,4098172003,

Ahaha. Right. OK.

We'll wait for a whole lot of Q nothing to happen.

Q is proof that there's a special kind of stupid in America.

,1537089917,16/09/2018 09:25 9342376,4098177337,"

So appropriate that the rightist trumptards are spouting their climate-denying, Qanon, trumpist BS while their fellow Americans are suffering and losing their homes and belongings. ""

Trumptards just want to believe they're ""winning"", they don't give a fruck about America.

",1537090285,16/09/2018 09:31 9342157,4098242444,

Huh? Are you parroting Q? Q is a hoax and you've been conned by Donnie. Obviously you have poor judgement.

,1537094283,16/09/2018 10:38 9336943,4098257314,"

I assume you are at least a casual follower of Q since you made reference to the popcorn.

This week may see the declassification of damning information regarding the treasonous FBI and DOJ, and President Trump is going to use Obama's own Executive Order as the reason for doing it. How poetic!!!

",1537095079,16/09/2018 10:51 9341575,4098267634,"

Thank you, I will check Q out. :)

",1537095615,16/09/2018 11:00 9342157,4098305931,"

Interesting, being “conned by Donnie” would make Q an actual WH information campaign

",1537097591,16/09/2018 11:33 9343120,4098318924,"

be careful having an open mind around people that believe in Comet Ping Pong and Q.

it isn't enough to have an open mind, you also need to be able to discount fake Russian propaganda, Fox News (same thing at this point), and idiot groupthink.

",1537098229,16/09/2018 11:43 9342928,4098326587,"

*It was Q, a limited hang out Production...*

",1537098592,16/09/2018 11:49 9342157,4098346647,

No it wouldn't. Q is a liberal troll.

,1537099536,16/09/2018 12:05 9342928,4098368583,"

So let me get this straight, Reddit ousts the Qanon subreddit, but this gelatinous puddle of diarrhea is getting press on the media sites for his conspiracy theory?

",1537100539,16/09/2018 12:22 9343924,4098375260,"

Haaretz Report: US NAVY to possibly abandoned Israel, after Israel hands Haifa port to China
9/15/2018 1 Comment

Haaretz Reports: Shaul Horev dropped a bombshell, but hardly anyone noticed. Horev, an Israel Defense Forces reservist brigadier general who has served, among other posts, as the navy chief of staff and chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, is currently director of the Research Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy at the University of Haifa. At the end of August, the center held a conference, to which participants from the United States were invited, to examine security issues relating to Israel and the Mediterranean region.
In an interview with the religious-Zionist media outlet Arutz Sheva, Prof. Horev noted that one topic that came up at the event was Chinese investments in Mediterranean ports, and in Israel in particular. Pointing out that a Chinese company will soon start operating Haifa Port, he said that Israel needs to create a mechanism that will examine Chinese investments to ensure that they do not put Israel’s security interests at risk.
“When China acquires ports,” Horev said, “it does so under the guise of maintaining a trade route from the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal to Europe, such as the port of Piraeus in Greece. Does an economic horizon like this have a security impact? We are not weighing that possibility sufficiently. One of the senior American figures at the conference raised the question of whether the U.S. Sixth Fleet can see Haifa as a home port. In light of the Chinese takeover, the question is no longer on the agenda.”
Horev also noted that the Americans are now turning most of their attention to the southern China Sea and the Persian Gulf, at the expense of the Middle East. In a period like this, he said, it would be right for Israel to bolster its status as a strategic base for the Americans. The Haifa conference was held in conjunction with the conservative Washington-based Hudson Institute. Several of the American participants were former senior Pentagon and navy personnel. The remarks of the senior figure Horev quoted were sharper than the polite tone he used. The Americans who were at the conference think Israel lost its mind when it gave the Chinese the keys to Haifa Port. Once China is in the picture, they said, the Israel Navy will not be able to count on maintaining the close relations it has had with the Sixth Fleet.
As this report today about Israel handing off it's Haifa port to the Chinese government and the US NAVY being reported as set to abandoned Israel, has Israel just showed it's face that it has never had the back of America? It's very curious that this is being reported by an Israeli news source, that is openly stating that the US NAVY is going to abandoned Israel after Israel has given access to it's Haifa port to China.
​ With this move the nation of Israel that America has given everything to Israel through blood, sweat, and tears for decades, it does look like Israel may officially be selling out America...If Israel has ever had the back of America in the first place. This actually makes sense that this would happen, because as Q has stated...Israel is being saved for last. With China buying out several Democrats in Washington, it looks like Israel's friendliness to the United States may just be as fake as some Chinese double agents in Washington.

",1537100843,16/09/2018 12:27 9343564,4098386058,

It was all political. Funny how one day he stops taking cancer treatment and the next day he dies. Many people live longer doing nothing than taking chemo one just doesn't suddenly die from cancer on cue. Q mentioned suicide a few times. Was he talking about McCain? Kasich mentioned Mccain being killed and it didn't seem like a faux pas. Graham asked Kavanaugh about a citizen's rights alluding to treason. Why would he ask such questions? What is the relevance?

,1537101317,16/09/2018 12:35 9342376,4098393052,"

Totally, I am totally ready for Q! Bring it on, what do you got? Let me see it.

",1537101625,16/09/2018 12:40 9342376,4098413561,

We go from storm to Q ? Q=Flat earth=Dome=Antarctica=Politicians going to jail ! All smoke to keep you from watching for Christ's return. Better wake up or be left behind.

,1537102516,16/09/2018 12:55 9342928,4098447719,

He's a d!ck but his assessment of the op ed writer is probably spot on. Trust the plan. #Qanon

,1537104029,16/09/2018 13:20 9342376,4098480830,"

You come across like a grown man. Why do you believe in the alt-right fairly tale known as Q Anon? LOL, Obama and Hilliary were supposed to have been transported to Gitmo last November. Son, you're just too gullible.

",1537105478,16/09/2018 13:44 9342157,4098516436,"

(Yesterday?) Reddit took down the 'Great Awakening' subreddit group, a discussion forum on Q. Expect increasing censorship, shutting down of conservative social media platforms, and intensification of Deep State propaganda.
Q opening a new channel on 8chan: Just Q drops, no Anons.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by drone....!

",1537107001,16/09/2018 14:10 9341629,4098557808,"

If you place value in Qanon's posts, and I do - and more notably Reddit do, as they have banned both discussion boards (!!!), then you will have seen that he says:

He also writes [RR] in the kill box to show that he has not played ball. [RR] has asked for a deal twice recently and been refused.

Q has never put a kill box around Mueller and pointed out months ago:
Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position? That question is still valid.

Now consider that the need is to keep the Democrats thinking they have a chance of succeeding until it is too late to switch tactics - and you see why every effort to maintain the Democrats trust in Sessions and Mueller is imperative.

Look at Kathy Griffin's latest Tweet for proof:

",1537108696,16/09/2018 14:38 9346045,4098584012,

You already know the A to that Q.

,1537109745,16/09/2018 14:55 9346747,4098624640,"

Speaking of General Flynn...he signed books with ""Where we go 1 we go all."" If you're a QAnon believer, that means a lot. Although I guess he could just be a big fan of the movie White Squall...LOL.

https ://twitter. com/88YahamaKeys/status/1041110611910897665

",1537111359,16/09/2018 15:22 9346045,4098687421,"

CNN and her colluded with Q & A. Also she doesn't answer questions with direct answers, only her idiotic talking points that she often makes up.

",1537113868,16/09/2018 16:04 9345907,4098740243,

Who is Q?

,1537115938,16/09/2018 16:38 9342376,4098741057,"

I'm sure when they make the Captain Picard Star Trek show, Q will be in some episodes.

",1537115968,16/09/2018 16:39 9342376,4098745605,"

As a follower of Q followers, I'm getting very impatient waiting for people like you to get your meds. Really? You are a ""Q follower?"" So you ""follow"" an obvious conspiracy theory? Good for you.

",1537116137,16/09/2018 16:42 9344248,4098747123,"

Funny Watched 'Just Informed talk' on YouTube last night, and the new Q Anon posts specifically mention; "" Carpet Bombs .........---->MOAB""

You may well get your wish Gen Xette. Stay frosty.

",1537116195,16/09/2018 16:43 9341317,4098754160,"

“Politics is downstream from culture.” -Andrew Breitbart

Which is why Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Youtube fear sites like Breitbart and are terrified of the Q movement. They should FEAR THE WALKING MEMES!

",1537116460,16/09/2018 16:47 9342376,4098754513,"

It's OK to take the blue pill dude... the Q phenomenon is not meant for the weak or feeble-minded, nor the for the faint of heart because you have to face the truth as awful it could be. Why? Because real eyes realize real lies. It is only once humanity has faced the lies and awakened to the truth that we will be able to accept the horrors of our past and ensure they will never happen again."" No one will blame you for not wanting to see the truth behind the curtains.

",1537116472,16/09/2018 16:47 9342157,4098806514,

Did QAnon tell you that?

,1537118444,16/09/2018 17:20 9343021,4098816997,"

If you followed Q, then you would know that AJ is working against the American people (Patriots) WITH corrupt CIA officials. Fooled you didn’t he? Like thousands of other Americans that have been presented with the TRUTH and FACTS about AJ, they have walked away from his lies. Don’t feel indignant and not believe what he is doing, get angry that you, like me, were duped. This is how these commie infiltrators work; they go along with Patriots, play the game oh so perfectly, but Q has taught us how to spot someone that is not really a Patriot but a PAYtriot.

I’m not going to give you links because another thing Q has taught us is to RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH and check everything and YOU yourself find out the facts. It’s about one seeking the TRUTH, not believing everything that YOU hear is gospel. It’s about being set FREE by the globalists slave owners because they have infiltrated ever corner of America.

Finally just to let you know that true American Patriots are under enormous attacks. Especially millions that have joined the Q community. Why? Think about it. If Q was a LARP or a cult leader, why would the globalists shut down EVERY Q related board on Reddit last week? What are they scared of? The TRUTH? It didn’t work because the Q community just moved to another FREE SPEECH board, but Q told us months ago that the banning would take place and to ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE. Do you know Twitter, Facebook and YouTube will be shutting Q related boards/accounts down next? They will target MEMES to see if they can be allocated the same algorithms that Facebook are using to censure. Ask yourself WHY? It’s called the TRUTH. The globalists do not want the TRUTH getting out there. And they shut down AJ as their decoy so that it appeared he was also their TARGET. He’ll be restored soon to YouTube etc.. But true Patriots following Q already know this. AJ, like Glen Beck, Jerome Corsi, et al, are part of the globalists of their decades long plan.

Do you know that John Kerry has met with Iranian officials (in Paris) to assure them the Iranian deal will go ahead? This happened this year. How do we know? Q showed us pictures taken of him at the restaurant.

We are told TODAY by Q to watch Devin Nunes. He has some interesting information to report going forward after interview which will become very apparent.

I could spent hours trying to show you many things, but like many millions of Americans that have started following Q, we are prepared with FACTS and TRUTHS before things happen. The deep state is real, limited atm, but real. Q is preparing the WORLD for what is about to go down because many ‘normies’ those that are fully behind President Trump, let alone those on the LEFT, will go into a state of shock and Q is preparing millions so that WE can help family and friends, work colleagues and neighbours etc. over this difficult time. As the President and Q keeps pointing out, the EVIL and CORRUPTION is sickening and Q has told us that when the President went into North Korea to get rid of the rats nest that the CIA had set up, many ground agents lost their lives. As the President and Q has said. THIS IS NOT A GAME. WWG1WGA.

",1537118849,16/09/2018 17:27 9316144,4098826603,

If I had a guess I would say Mr Parscale is behind Q Anon.

,1537119209,16/09/2018 17:33 9345907,4098840013,"

",1537119701,16/09/2018 17:41 9342376,4098893576,"

Whoa! Who said anything about the MSM? I don’t get my news from them and I’m not a liberal either. I don’t like trying to figure out stupid riddles which may or may not be true. I don’t have a Q clearance and I’m not in the CIA or any of the other 17 intelligence agencies. . I have no idea if any of these guys professing to be Q cleared or high up in the intelligence chain are even telling the truth. How do you know who they are? They could be scamming you from mommy’s basement for all you know. How stupid are you that you just believe them at face value too?. I’ll continue to monitor all the conservative internet sites thank you very much. . I’ve done fine so far because I actually possess some wisdom. And you? Get over yourself, skippy.

",1537121724,16/09/2018 18:15 9345964,4098935511,

Are there any Islamic countries that are peaceful? That is a serious Q btw !

,1537123484,16/09/2018 18:44 9342376,4098988434,

I would like to believe this. But Mueller has been corrupt for years. Remember he is best buds with Comey. Evidently Rosenstein thinks highly of him too. None of us really know who Q is. We may be grasping at straws.

,1537125845,16/09/2018 19:24 9338368,4098990047,

Anyone with an I Q higher than a rock would feel unwelcomed on these campuses.

,1537125930,16/09/2018 19:25 9347860,4099003083,"

Did you see Melania's Q dress?

Still think QANON is a LARP? LOL

",1537126622,16/09/2018 19:37 9343021,4099016895,"

Oh and by the way. Don’t be alarmed at the TEST by the DoD on Thursday. Q informed us that the reason it is being done is that they (Trump Admin) got info that the globalists were going to infiltrate the system in attempts to disrupt it. These scum care not about America or the People, but thought it would be a joke to mess with an important infrastructure. Q informs us that the NSA will be monitoring any attempts to access it. The system is used to WARN people, not joke with lives. As Q reminds us; This is NOT a game.

",1537127382,16/09/2018 19:49 9325312,4099027070,"

The real American stupid is the many on the Right who are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as you read this. Some Republicans don't have a leg to stand on in the discussion about LIES because they have dipped their toes in the kooky pool of tin hats. So, until your party works all that wacky out, please refrain from saying Democrats lie because it's painfully obvious a good many on the Right don't really know what the truth is anymore. Or maybe you just don't care.

",1537127866,16/09/2018 19:57 9347860,4099161816,

You at least still believe Q is working with Trump's backing correct?

,1537135028,16/09/2018 21:57 9347860,4099171430,"

By the way, do you know if Crayon is a Q guy?
Not going to think less of him of not, just more if so :).

",1537135600,16/09/2018 22:06 9347860,4099176178,"

Hmmm I’m Not sure.
He always upvotes any Q stuff I post. But that dude is solid and loyal,

",1537135878,16/09/2018 22:11 9347860,4099225209,

Just got a text message from a friend saying this wench is a Hillary donor. LMAO. How does Q say it...... These people are stupid.

,1537138808,16/09/2018 23:00 9337045,4099251315,"

Ah I see, you are a Q beliver, LOL. Yes America had enough of you frigging morons. We are taking the country back from Putin-programmed brainless drones like yourself.

",1537140397,16/09/2018 23:26 9346369,4099265348,"

Podesta, lol. Sorry I just can’t accept the Q Anon whatever the heck.

",1537141271,16/09/2018 23:41 9346369,4099292475,

It was a joke. Have you ever read the Q Anon theory.

,1537142947,17/09/2018 00:09 9348196,4099360545,"

Kavanaugh seems competant. But he doesn't seem extra trust-worthy. He does not seem super-impartial. He's a little annoying, like an uncool know it all.
So, What if this ladies allegation is 1% true? America needs to know what we're getting in a life long position.
Why when a Democrat does their job in vetting these candidates, many of you guys have to start griping about it? Isn't it tiresome Crying Wolf everyday? What happened to the law & order party? Since when was it cool to not get as much information as possible? What's with the Right?
Why don't the Republicans care that America was messed with like never before, by a foreign country??
Please read the following, to remind yourself of the facts before you respond, because I don't have time for the Oracle Q twaddle. Only real facts allowed, people. Thanks.


",1537147523,17/09/2018 01:25 9348196,4099364162,"

Kavanaugh seems competant. But he doesn't seem extra trust-worthy. He does not seem super-impartial. He's a little annoying, like an uncool know it all.
So, What if this ladies allegation is 1% true? America needs to know what we're getting in a life long position.
Why when a Democrat does their job in vetting these candidates, many of you guys have to start griping about it? Isn't it tiresome Crying Wolf everyday? What happened to the law & order party? Since when was it cool to not get as much information as possible? What's with the Right?
Why don't the Republicans care that America was messed with like never before, by a foreign country??
Please read the following, to remind yourself of the facts before you respond, because I don't have time for the Oracle Q twaddle. Only real facts allowed, Thanks.


",1537147813,17/09/2018 01:30 9348196,4099368551,"

Q has said that there is a BIG week ahead.

To help confirm, Melania Trump wore a dress with a ""Q"" on it and Gen. Flynn began signing books, ""Where we go one, we go ALL.""

Keep up with Q and Trump on (POTUS ON for the Trump tweets).

",1537148167,17/09/2018 01:36 9348196,4099368661,

Good chance the Q was Photo Shopped onto the picture.

,1537148176,17/09/2018 01:36 9348196,4099371513,"

Just found a picture that shows it's actually an 'O' dress.

Towards the bottom. We don't need fake Q verifications.

",1537148415,17/09/2018 01:40 9348064,4099381525,"

When you have a PhD, I'm pretty sure it's queue-queue. And you get to put the letters Q.Q. after your name.

",1537149221,17/09/2018 01:53 9347542,4099512686,"

Y'all right wing scum are pathteic. You'll get upset about fake sex trafficking clamis in this retarded Qanon thing, yet confirm rapists for the SCOTUS in excitement. Good grief no wonder why you retards are always taking up welfare in the south!

",1537159909,17/09/2018 04:51 9347860,4099884030,"

Has Q done a thorough investigation?

Wait, Q even got kicked off of Reddit? How will you get your secret coded messages?


",1537181841,17/09/2018 10:57 9349789,4099962883,"

I'm starting to agree with Alex Jones... Q is a larp, if it was real this ould whore would be in hiding.

",1537184878,17/09/2018 11:47 9349840,4100140781,"

You should see what is happening within the govt. Departments where PTrump ""instructed"" everyone to take an audit. Money GONE/MISSING and Sessions indicting, arresting, prosecuting thousands so Q is correct about the 50,000 sealed indictments!

",1537190906,17/09/2018 13:28 9350167,4100143182,

---- Second objective -- >> DISTRACT from FISA - Spygate

DO - IT - Q .

,1537190982,17/09/2018 13:29 9347860,4100234330,

Sounds like a conspiracy. Q-Anon must’ve perfected that time machine technology.

,1537193973,17/09/2018 14:19 9349789,4100260793,"

0 proof of fake voting. NONE 0 ZIP!

Trumps own hit man on this kobach came up with roughly 1050 cases over a 35 year period, when billions of votes were cast. This is much less than 1/100th of 1 percent.

In court his standard of evidence was so low that the judge held him in contempt.

You are the minority. Stop spreading lies you cant support with anything other than some Qanon level drivel.

You are the less educated, lower GDP producing minority of this country.

",1537194841,17/09/2018 14:34 9345289,4100350470,"

No. You are not.
Are they spying on citizens?
but.....that means they have also been spying on THEM.
There has been a plan in place. In my opinion, since ""WHAT DOES IT REALLY MATTER AT THIS POINT??"" (i'm sure that is not a direct quote.) Several PATRIOTS figured it mattered a great deal.

What to do? 2 choices. One of them, the UNTHINKABLE.

What that needed to happen was GOOD GUYS to gain control of the NSA. 30000 missing emails? ummmm....not so much.
THEY HAVE IT ALL...Rogers gave Trump the key.

YOUTUBE Q plan to save the world
YOUTUBE new to Q
YOUTUBE killing Mockingbird.

The more you know.....I see you posting on here a lot Patriot.
I respect and appreciate you!!
the choice to know is yours. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS STUFF PATRIOT. you will be able to make up your own mind.

ps....i hope you see this quickly, it may be

",1537197725,17/09/2018 15:22 9350593,4100352791,

Q-anon..where are you?.. we need you right now lol

,1537197798,17/09/2018 15:23 9351106,4100485927,"

---- Shoomer and the Dems. ( and some Rinos ) have a good chance of PRISON !

The Radical Leftys are a TINY minority that use the ILLUSION of MSM and Loud screeching to push the idea that they have much more support than they do.

"" The More You Know "" ------------ # Q Army

",1537202025,17/09/2018 16:33 9352486,4100599585,"

------ The old ' script ' would have FAKE Uniparty Republicans playing along to the Democrats "" serious charges "" , and caving in to delay or withdraw demands while clutching their RINO pearls.

But .... we are awake and watching and will feed them to the dogs if they try it !
NO. Deals. -- Q Army

",1537205629,17/09/2018 17:33 9352486,4100707143,"

You follow Q at all Mr. Usaf?

As time goes on I gain more and more respect for you.
Not quite there yet, but we will see :).

",1537209120,17/09/2018 18:32 9342376,4100779863,"

LOL! Someone who believes in Q Anon calling someone else stupid. Your comment about Q is the dumbest comment on this thread.

The next thing we'll all see from you is that Q has declared that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are ""real"". Sorry I called you a grown man, you're actually very immature and naive.

Did you actually upvote yourself? That's rich.

",1537211596,17/09/2018 19:13 9352504,4100803708,"

Grunt, snort, giggle, burp, fart; thegatewaypundit and dailycaller. What does Q have to say about this?

",1537212669,17/09/2018 19:31 9352504,4100823620,

Breitbarters don't know the truth from a lie. Why do you think so many idiots on this forum believe in Q Anon?

,1537213495,17/09/2018 19:44 9352504,4100830039,"

Didn't you hear? Q had Soros locked up and sent to Gitmo, just like Obama and Hillary.

",1537213679,17/09/2018 19:47 9351127,4100850297,"

.FISA Release ------ eat a bag of dildos , deep swamp !

WH Presser :
At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

THANK - Q ....... Where We Go ONE >>> We Go ALL !!!!!!!

",1537214395,17/09/2018 19:59 9351127,4100859966,"


Just announced by Qanon on 8Chan: President Trump is declassifying the FISA warrant on C. Page. Full light of day!!!!


",1537214773,17/09/2018 20:06 9353668,4100913359,

Trump dropped a Q Proof on Sept 17
God bless Trump and Q!

,1537216919,17/09/2018 20:41 9353668,4100915923,

This is the MOAB Q was talking about!!!!

,1537217026,17/09/2018 20:43 9353668,4100933975,

Come through Q!

,1537217756,17/09/2018 20:55 9353668,4100934078,

Praise Kek. WWG1WGA. Qanon right again. Fake news no more.

,1537217761,17/09/2018 20:56 9353668,4100935466,

Do It Q!

,1537217821,17/09/2018 20:57 9353668,4100951313,

YES! Thank God for Q! Thank God for POTUS!!! Bring the pain! MAGA!!

,1537218554,17/09/2018 21:09 9353668,4100953259,

He has known how to play the game all along; follow Q and you'll figure it out.

,1537218650,17/09/2018 21:10 9353668,4100953274,

I bet the letter Q spoke and told you that...

,1537218651,17/09/2018 21:10 9353668,4100955674,

Today is the 17th. Q has referred to the number 17 a number of times. Q said that this would be happening this week. We've been waiting for a long time.

,1537218773,17/09/2018 21:12 9353668,4100956866,

I'm extremely excited about this inevitably backfiring.

Though it will probably also provide plenty of material for conspiracy loons to read too far into and try to come up with Qanon-level nonsence.

,1537218835,17/09/2018 21:13 9353668,4100957616,

Who is Q? The dude from Star Trek

,1537218872,17/09/2018 21:14 9353668,4100959087,

Maybe Santa and the tooth fairy can help out poor old Q since he is struggling

,1537218945,17/09/2018 21:15 9353668,4100961063,"

I read an interesting piece about Q, that made it make sense. I am rethinking my opinion on Q based on this.
I was a doubter , but this guy makes a good argument as to WHY there is a Q at all.

",1537219045,17/09/2018 21:17 9353668,4100963339,

Regardless of who they are. WE are ALL Q now.

,1537219157,17/09/2018 21:19 9353668,4100965465,

Yup; and prepare for Q followers to be censored on social media.

,1537219263,17/09/2018 21:21 9353668,4100973439,"

Q is a larp, if he wasn't HiLiARy and biden wouldn't be trolling President Trump's supporters.
Ask yourself why is Q anon featuring on YouTube prominently?
Where did Dustbin nemos come from and why is he always attacking Alex Jones who has been banned from all platforms while his videos are promoted by YouTube?

",1537219658,17/09/2018 21:27 9353668,4100981356,

I'm about to have faith in Q. This is supposedly the first of many revelations to come in the next few months. WWG1WGA...Trust the plan. Let's see where this all goes. Economic bubbles are going to burst but the team has plans on how to ameliorate the damage. The globalists are working feverishly to cause a worldwide catastrophic event. That's why they want Trump out.

,1537220051,17/09/2018 21:34 9353668,4100981461,

This will also put to bed the QANON theory that sessions was been the super sleuth and will be leading the blue wave to GITMO....

,1537220056,17/09/2018 21:34 9353668,4100985345,"

heheheheheheh, so Q mentioned a big drop this week... So glad these slug traitors are being outed. Even the dimwitted democrats can't cover up this crap.

",1537220252,17/09/2018 21:37 9353668,4100992228,

I had my doubts until president Trump just a couple of weeks ago had a couple that were huge Q fans which confirms Q Is for real.

,1537220612,17/09/2018 21:43 9353668,4100993178,

OANN wrote an investigative article that came out 2 weeks ago that explains how Q is a complete farse...Wikilieaks said its a farse...

,1537220661,17/09/2018 21:44 9353668,4100994764,"

",1537220744,17/09/2018 21:45 9353668,4100995970,"

Still think Q i a LARP, trolls?


17th release of CLASSIFIED materials, on Constitution Day.

I f you need a better Q proof, by all mean s lay it on the table what yu need to finally admit it! Let's see it.

",1537220809,17/09/2018 21:46 9353668,4100997090,"

Have to give Q credit on this one. Never knew for sure and still don't , but Trump at too many rallies highlighted Q shirts.

",1537220867,17/09/2018 21:47 9353851,4100998215,"

This does not depend on The Swamp at all. But I understand your cynicism. Establishment Republicans are nearly as bad as the Democrats.

ps. ""nothing ever happens""
The President just ordered declassification of redacted documents.

Democrat Deep State is about to go down hard.

",1537220928,17/09/2018 21:48 9353668,4101000337,

Could care less about that...I see that you support Sessions...Did you read the OANN article showing Q is a complete made up thing? Is OANN anti-Trump??? Nope

,1537221036,17/09/2018 21:50 9353668,4101003745,"

",1537221219,17/09/2018 21:53 9353668,4101008000,"

Be prepared for the fallout. The treasonous dems own the media and will not go quietly. Fortunately, we have God, Q and Trump fighting on our side. WWG1WGA


",1537221442,17/09/2018 21:57 9353668,4101011834,

I think Q is a military security team working for & provided by President Trump.
Q is a team with 1 goal.

,1537221649,17/09/2018 22:00 9353668,4101022407,"

If you check
Q tells how in april they said they would release this .
The MOAB that in other posts have said it would take down the obama white house.

How do you call out the release to the DAY,,,unless you ARE on the inside with the President

",1537222229,17/09/2018 22:10 9353668,4101022866,"

Oh they're fake MAGA alright.

Bend themselves into a pretzel to prove to everyone that no human trafficking happened at the Arizona camp, that Q doesn't exist and #pizzagate never happened.

Controlled opposition. Sick.

",1537222252,17/09/2018 22:10 9353668,4101023384,"

It's the formatting, some info is missing.

Someone asked Q, when will the MOAB be dropped. The reply is ""Red carpet rollout?""

That was posted on April 24th. This is proof of foreknowledge and a planned release of unredacted FISA.

",1537222280,17/09/2018 22:11 9353668,4101033189,"

For those who don't feel that Q Anon has ever proved an inside connection, here is something that may be considered as such.

Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST)

""When will we have MOAB?""

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet rollout?
Think logically.
The world is watching.

Someone asks Q when will a MOAB (mother of all 'bombs') be dropped, i.e. unredacted FISA or similar.

Q's response is basically ""Should we tell the whole world our plans?"" and then provides a hint that makes sense looking backwards in time. Today, many documents are ordered to be declassified. Today is a red carpet event (The Emmy's are tonight).

So it's either one helluva coincidence, or pretty good evidence that Q Anon has inside connections and that this release is part of a plan that has existed for months.

",1537222808,17/09/2018 22:20 9337300,4101033913,"

OH, that is so interesting that Sicker Berger is answering Q. Ha.

",1537222847,17/09/2018 22:20 9353668,4101038759,"


",1537223122,17/09/2018 22:25 9353668,4101039792,"

Sorry bud, Q is confirmed as of now.

",1537223179,17/09/2018 22:26 9353668,4101040174,

These people are stupid.

We have the server.


- Q.

,1537223202,17/09/2018 22:26 9353668,4101049533,"

Now that Q is confirmed, we can expect a horde of fake dopey 'Q follower' shills to flood every corner of the internet in 3.....2......1.

",1537223730,17/09/2018 22:35 9353668,4101050641,"

Try this... sorry to copy paste
For those who don't feel that Q Anon has ever proved an inside connection, here is something that may be considered as such.

Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST)

""When will we have MOAB?""

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet rollout?
Think logically.
The world is watching.

Someone asks Q when will a MOAB (mother of all 'bombs') be dropped, i.e. unredacted FISA or similar.

response is basically ""Should we tell the whole world our plans?"" and
then provides a hint that makes sense looking backwards in time. Today,
many documents are ordered to be declassified. Today is a red carpet
event (The Emmy's are tonight).

So it's either one helluva
coincidence, or pretty good evidence that Q Anon has inside connections
and that this release is part of a plan that has existed for months.

",1537223789,17/09/2018 22:36 9353668,4101051630,"

I read a very interesting take on Q today. I am looking for it now. It answered my question as to why a Q would exist at all, and what purpose was served. Ties into my personal theory that the military has been investigating all this themselves. Let me find that link.

",1537223840,17/09/2018 22:37 9353668,4101054568,

It says that Q is the military. He is preparing the nation for the breakdown when they pull the trigger on a global scheme to overthrow the US.

,1537224000,17/09/2018 22:40 9353668,4101054681,

Anyone checked Q lately? So much fun!!

,1537224007,17/09/2018 22:40 9353668,4101054793,

Fantasies of Q?

,1537224013,17/09/2018 22:40 9353668,4101058261,"

I am thinking that I was wrong about Q. I understand the why , now. That was my problem. This guy explains it well, if true.

",1537224199,17/09/2018 22:43 9353668,4101059621,"

I've been trying to think strategically about it for a while.

There have been so many shills out there, e.g. Jerome Corsi types, who's job it is to make Q look fake.

",1537224272,17/09/2018 22:44 9353668,4101059775,

what is Q?

,1537224280,17/09/2018 22:44 9353668,4101060661,"

I didn't believe in Q, to be honest. I did believe the military , DIA to be specific, was already investigating things. I know you have seen me post that I think they may have even approached Trump to run.

",1537224325,17/09/2018 22:45 9353668,4101062910,

Those with the Q drop App
What a hammer run tonight LOL!!
NO DEALS . . . . . .its HAMMER TIME
Judge K will be seated
Lynch is digging the hole ever deeper

,1537224446,17/09/2018 22:47 9353668,4101063913,

Not even sure what Q is. Seen it mentioned but never looked into it.

,1537224502,17/09/2018 22:48 9350998,4101067650,"

""They never thought she would lose."" QAnon.
Yep, they believed their corruption and criminality could continue and of course, there would be no investigations and charges brought. But God had different plans and answered the prayers of His ppl to save His America. Thank you, LORD for PDJT and team!!!

",1537224701,17/09/2018 22:51 9353668,4101068511,"

Q was only ""outed"" in the eyes of idiots. Apparently you must fit that bill. For all the other thinking people out there who were able to see through Jack Pissobiec's little stunt with that microchip guy, Q is still real.

Maybe you should take another look.

",1537224748,17/09/2018 22:52 9353668,4101082934,"

Hey Mike, read this take on Q. Makes sense , to me.

",1537225519,17/09/2018 23:05 9353668,4101085388,

Another idiot who still believes Q.


,1537225653,17/09/2018 23:07 9353668,4101085602," This what's REALLY happening!

",1537225665,17/09/2018 23:07 9353851,4101087198,

Does every stinking word you BBers say have to be a BB meme we've heard a hundred times before?

I guess I should be happy you've stopped referring to Pepe and Qanon.

,1537225750,17/09/2018 23:09 9353668,4101089984,"

So many still are behind the curve, not reading up and self-confirming Q posts.

",1537225895,17/09/2018 23:11 9353668,4101091245,

Being a very humble student of Q ... I already know what's coming ... and it won't be pretty ... traitors are going down ... President Trump is draining the swamp.

,1537225964,17/09/2018 23:12 9353668,4101092860,"

I find myself agreeing with a great deal of what is written there, for sure, especially the military portion of the origin and purpose of Q.

That thirty foot Q in my front yard will now have neighbors wondering WTF? lolololz.

If this works, and working it is so far, it might just avoid a bloody civil war and as such would be worth it - SO LONG AS it is not just a tactic of replication and rebranding in order to fool just one more set of Presidential Terms.

For me, the ""proof"" that wil finally hook e absolutely is when one of my two fundamental beefs with the Donald's long history are shown with reality on the ground facts of real and true change. Fair enough, these are BIG ones an d he is due his chance to make good. One thing is FOR SURE - we ARE on the RIGHT track this day.

Looking forward to studying more that l ink you gave me. ThanQs!

",1537226049,17/09/2018 23:14 9350593,4101095597,"

Yep. You saw, Loretta Lynch is talking, that is yuge, the Clintons are going down hard. I don't think, I would have any hope left, without Q, the left is that rabid. They want us demoralized, thinking, all is lost, so we give up & go away.

",1537226199,17/09/2018 23:16 9353668,4101096694,"

Q was only ""outed"" in the eyes of idiots. Apparently you must fit that bill.

For all the other thinking people out there who were able to see through Jack Pissobiec's little stunt with that Microd!ck guy, Q is still very real.

Maybe you should take another look.

",1537226258,17/09/2018 23:17 9353668,4101097827,


,1537226319,17/09/2018 23:18 9353668,4101102571,"

Rosenstein will be fired. Per Q last week: ""Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein"".

",1537226581,17/09/2018 23:23 9353668,4101110117,

Jeff Flake is trying to SABOTAGE Kavanaugh..(if Q has any dirt on the Dirtbag Flake.. NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO RELEASE IT)..imho

,1537226998,17/09/2018 23:29 9353668,4101114408,"

Only for Droid,Apple dumped it
QDrop by Tigerteam
Flaming Q avatar ONLY $.99 and worth $99.00 this last 17 months

",1537227228,17/09/2018 23:33 9353668,4101115924,"

Buy the APP!
Once loaded it will show you the entire Q history
ALL THE WAY BACK,kinda like you didnt miss anything

",1537227310,17/09/2018 23:35 9353668,4101115944,"

All those traitors already know what Q has on them, but they don't think Trump will pull the trigger for fear of a violent insurrection against POTUS. They better guess again.

",1537227311,17/09/2018 23:35 9353668,4101120575,

is that a Q thing?

,1537227567,17/09/2018 23:39 9353668,4101121243,

Follow the Q post
FISA abuse will be exposed!


,1537227604,17/09/2018 23:40 9353668,4101122801,"

",1537227693,17/09/2018 23:41 9353668,4101124952,"


",1537227809,17/09/2018 23:43 9353668,4101125943,"

Not according to Qanon:

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/17/18 (Mon) 19:43:37 No.256


LYNCH talking.


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/17/18 (Mon) 19:47:05 No.257




▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/17/18 (Mon) 19:54:01 No.258





",1537227864,17/09/2018 23:44 9353668,4101125947,

Funny that some people think Q is Flynn.(17 71 his age) For one its a group of people as Q has stated in the past...not 1 person.

,1537227865,17/09/2018 23:44 9353668,4101127647,"

Q was only ""outed"" in the eyes of idiots. Apparently you must fit that bill.

For all the other thinking people out there who were able to see through Jack Pissobiec's little stunt with that Microd!ck guy, Q is still very real.

Maybe you should take another look

",1537227962,17/09/2018 23:46 9353851,4101128408,


,1537228006,17/09/2018 23:46 9353668,4101133735,"

How can you believe someone (or someones) who claim both Sessions and Mueller are secretly working to help President Trump and are really investigating the Democrats? There has been zero evidence that is true. I put no stock in anything that comes from the Q phenomenon, so far none of his ""predictions"" have panned out.

",1537228308,17/09/2018 23:51 9353668,4101141266,"

If Q expects anything out of Sessions, then he is wrong.

",1537228730,17/09/2018 23:58 9353533,4101158080,

The mock government is continuing to set the stage for the Osraeli invasion. Trust in Q.

,1537229699,18/09/2018 00:14 9353668,4101170762,

A least have the Q people are liberal trolls and the others are fools that fell for it

,1537230433,18/09/2018 00:27 9353668,4101174063,

Most of the Q people have their hearts in the right place. Q is not and insider. The proof is out there. Join the real Trump Train movement and Vote this November and give your money and time to the Republican candidates running for office. MAGA KAG!

,1537230627,18/09/2018 00:30 9353851,4101182535,"

Attention:! Is accuser c-a asset? Does father of accuser have long career at c-a? Does accusers brother have relationship with Fusion GPS? These questions better get asked openly for all Americans to witness..#WWG1WGA....#QANON

",1537231137,18/09/2018 00:38 9353851,4101183516,

HerAssMent #QANON

,1537231197,18/09/2018 00:39 9353668,4101184335,"

Declassification, just as Q predicted, to the day. And today QAnon also said goodbye to Rosenstein and Mueller, so it looks like they are on the way out. But the most exiting thing is QAnon just said Sessions is being activated. We are finally going to see some action out of the DOJ, the trap is sprung.

",1537231249,18/09/2018 00:40 9353668,4101188065,"

On a You Tube I was listening to, Sorry, I didn't save it. Sessions letter to the Supreme Court is also on You Tube and Q Post.

",1537231481,18/09/2018 00:44 9353668,4101188504,"

The Patriot Emmies

And the award for the best anti coup quasi black opps/psyop deep state take down operation goes to Q ,the Anons, and the Storm!


",1537231507,18/09/2018 00:45 9353668,4101193555,"

The Patriot Emmies

And the award for the best anti coup quasi black opps/psyop deep state take down operation goes to Q ,the Anons, and the Storm!


",1537231827,18/09/2018 00:50 9353668,4101195498,

Follow Q...Sessions is about to unrecuse...Rosenstein out..Mueller dismissed.

,1537231946,18/09/2018 00:52 9353668,4101195995,

Name one thing Q has been right about and not reported by someone else first...just one thing...I'll wait b/c it hasn't happened

,1537231980,18/09/2018 00:53 9345424,4101199835,"

Timing is Everything!!



Today was Constitution day...
Coincidence ??????
Thank you Q!
God Bless You,and Keep you safe!

",1537232217,18/09/2018 00:56 9353668,4101200643,"

Timing is Everything!!!!!



Today was Constitution day...
Coincidence ??????
Thank you Q!
God Bless You,and Keep you safe!

",1537232270,18/09/2018 00:57 9353668,4101209393,"

God sure blessed the world with Trump, Q and the Anons. Best people in the world.

",1537232830,18/09/2018 01:07 9353668,4101210584,"

Why do so many high-profile Trump supporters want Sessions fired, but instead you believe a completely anonymous figure...

Also name one specific thing Q has broken before anyone else reported it that turned out to be true?

",1537232910,18/09/2018 01:08 9353668,4101219423,

I believe Q is full of crap because they usually are very vague...then when they are specific it's after someone else has broken the story...then are cases where Q is specific and completely wrong...hence why I asked to name one specific instance where Q broke a specific story and was right?

,1537233494,18/09/2018 01:18 9353668,4101222959,

We do. It's Qanon.

,1537233748,18/09/2018 01:22 9353668,4101223498,"

Yes, Q said it, FWIW

",1537233787,18/09/2018 01:23 9353668,4101225624,"

When they are able to prove who hacked who, what they took, and how they did it, it's not a conspiracy theory.

When you find out that Trump was briefed on intercepted emails and texts as far back as Jan 2017 on Russian Military showing Putin ordered the operation and yet Trump continued to publicly deny that Russia played any role in it for over a year, it's not a conspiracy theory.

When you find out Trump has allowed his properties to be used as a giant Russian laundry for 20+ years and he can't decide whether he has ever met Putin (some interviews Trump said he met him, others he said he didn't), it's not a conspiracy theory.

Now birtherism- that's a conspiracy theory. Pizzagate- the same. As is QAnon, Webb Hubbell, Frank Marshall, Vince Foster, Arkancide, Sandy Hook actors, etc... Now they are all fake conservative conspiracy theories.

",1537233937,18/09/2018 01:25 9345424,4101233789,"

Wait till it all comes out
We are talking stories about backroom deals / blackmail / big players singing like canaries , Sessions secret un-recusal? secret meetings with Huber?

",1537234532,18/09/2018 01:35 9353668,4101239376,"

Today is Sept. 17th. The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. The storm is upon us. Spartans, prepare for glory...

",1537234960,18/09/2018 01:42 9353668,4101241270,


,1537235111,18/09/2018 01:45 9345424,4101241458,"

I'm sure you got it directly from Q himself, right Sport?

",1537235127,18/09/2018 01:45 9345424,4101243484,"

Let me guess, Q told you

",1537235286,18/09/2018 01:48 9345424,4101245626,"

Yep, I think we can consider Q Anon to be 'confirmed' as of today.

",1537235447,18/09/2018 01:50 9345424,4101250820,"

We have good evidence to consider Q 'confirmed':



Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST) <------------------

""When will we have MOAB?""

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet rollout? <------------------------------
Think logically.
The world is watching.


Apr 30 2018 00:07:44 (EST) <--------------------------

Emmy awards. <---------------------------
Red carpet event?

",1537235843,18/09/2018 01:57 9345424,4101251668,"

This is based on Q info, so take it for what that is worth to you.

Means a sure thing to me, but I can't decide for people.

",1537235910,18/09/2018 01:58 9353851,4101252861,"

Have faith, everyone! Jeff Sessions and Bob Mueller are secretly working together, with President Trump, to prosecute countless lib criminals. Q said so.

A lot of traitors and fools are mad at Mueller and Sessions. Have faith. They are actually trying to expose the Dem conspiracy to rape and eat children. Mueller got Manafort to cooperate against the Podesta group. PODESTA is code for Pizza Offices Determined to Eat and Sexualize Teen Adolescents. Podesta. That’s literally what Podesta means.

Study it out.

",1537236007,18/09/2018 02:00 9345424,4101253103,

I keep an open mind when it comes to Q.

,1537236029,18/09/2018 02:00 9345424,4101253322,

The deep state is being rooted out. Your Q game player has nothing to do with it. Q is for your brainless entertainment and distraction.

,1537236048,18/09/2018 02:00 9345424,4101257576,"

My favorite Q person just started a podcast that just covers news. Katie G.
Former 911 operator. Former Air Force. Evidence-based.

",1537236386,18/09/2018 02:06 9345424,4101260136,"

OK so the party of Birthers, Arkancide, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Sandy Hook actors, QAnon, Web Hubbell, Frank Marshall, ReleaeTheMemo, etc... Is the logical party? LOL that was funny.

",1537236589,18/09/2018 02:09 9345424,4101260342,"

Well... even the image of Melania with the Q on her dress. It was photoshopped, but many decoders latched onto it and led us astray. Then we spread it and lose cred.

",1537236605,18/09/2018 02:10 9345424,4101261763,

I don't like the ones who make big promises in the video title .... and then do nothing more than read Q posts word for word.

,1537236721,18/09/2018 02:12 9354547,4101265151,"

Lisa Page has been clear. There was no evidence of collusion when the Mueller investigation was started by Rosenstein. They are both guilty, as a many others.

Q Anon boards have known about this for a while. Mainstream 'normies' are well behind the curve on this.

Mueller investigation will end soon, with him being prosecuted as a 'black hat' conspirator.

",1537236997,18/09/2018 02:16 9345424,4101271851,"

According to QAnon, Lisa Page and Mr. Ohr are singing. Mrs. Ohr cannot be far behind. The rats begin to turn upon each other!

",1537237527,18/09/2018 02:25 9354547,4101272959,

I would suggest that there is a 66% chance that Mueller has a deal. It doesn't look as he has been keeping to it in order to play on Democrat's confirmation bias - thus this is part of the plan. It does not change his position as a black hat - but one which has been working co-operatively.

I would put Rosenstein at a 15% chance of having a deal. All the indicators are that this black hat promised but did not deliver.

One must always remember that Q has to resort to some disinformation - as he knows the D's strategists read him as well.

,1537237617,18/09/2018 02:26 9345424,4101274266,"

To Q aficionados, new drops are a MUST read!!!! (Bear in mind the Q post on April 30 about the ""red carpet"" and comments about ""carpet-bombing."" Emmy's tonight on the ""red carpet."" Announcement today that PDJT has instructed declassification/ unredaction of FISA docs, text messages.)

Here is a taste:

Sep 17 2018 20:54:01 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 258


Sep 17 2018 20:47:05 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 257


Sep 17 2018 20:43:37 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 256

LYNCH talking.

",1537237719,18/09/2018 02:28 9345424,4101274862,"

QAnon even said this today:

17 Sep 2018 - 8:43:37 PM
LYNCH talking.

Meaning, I suppose, Loretta Lynch. That would be something if it's true!

",1537237764,18/09/2018 02:29 9345424,4101274936,

Please stop with's a fraud.

,1537237769,18/09/2018 02:29 9353668,4101277801,"

Very good job Mr President, we in Germany are also hoping for an early solution to our problems...
...perhaps Q can help?

",1537237994,18/09/2018 02:33 9345424,4101278247,"

Wrong, Q is confirmed as of today.

",1537238026,18/09/2018 02:33 9353668,4101283091,

Goodbye Rosenstein
Goodbye Mueller


- Q.

,1537238405,18/09/2018 02:40 9345424,4101285443,"

Apparently, people are still unaware that Q Anon is legit (confirmed today). Today is the Emmy Awards. Look at this post from April 24th (note, a MOAB is 'Mother Of All Bombs, i.e. info dropped):

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST)

""When will we have MOAB?""

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet rollout?
Think logically.
The world is watching.

Someone asks Q when will some big info be dropped on the Deep State. Note the clue ""Red carpet rollout"".

Then another post on April 30th:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Apr 30 2018 00:07:44 (EST)

Emmy awards.
Red carpet event?

Anybody saying that Q is a LARP is incorrect, unless you somehow believe that these posts are just a coincidence (Trump requested declassification today, the day of the EMMYS).

",1537238597,18/09/2018 02:43 9353668,4101286572,

Trump releases memo on the 17th ---- Q.

,1537238684,18/09/2018 02:44 9345424,4101291326,"

Yep, don't watch any shill videos designed to make people think Q is fake.

",1537239071,18/09/2018 02:51 9353851,4101291440,

Who is Q? Why should I believe him/her? What is the verifiable track record?

,1537239081,18/09/2018 02:51 9353851,4101305688,

Obviously someone is smoking the Q pipe again if thats what you want to call it.

,1537240221,18/09/2018 03:10 9353668,4101324420,

I'm sure Sessions knows Q team.

,1537241647,18/09/2018 03:34 9353668,4101328280,

If you were following Q you'd know Sessions is one of the good guys.

Just today he sent letter to SCOTUS unrecusing himself.

,1537241929,18/09/2018 03:38 9345424,4101336658,"


",1537242514,18/09/2018 03:48 9345424,4101338933,"

",1537242666,18/09/2018 03:51 9353851,4101341020,"

No, that was M. Q was Bonds' gadget maker.

",1537242813,18/09/2018 03:53 9353668,4101341578,"

Dude, you were pimping Q for months.

",1537242853,18/09/2018 03:54 9354055,4101351633,"

Don't know if you follow Q but he said that Sessions sent a 2nd letter to the Supreme Court about ""unrecusing"" if so he will jump into the prosecution now. Loretta Lynch is talking and RR and Mueller are going down!

",1537243560,18/09/2018 04:06 9353668,4101388296,

Ole' Q nobody predicted months ago that something big would go down on the night of the useless Emmys. Here we are.

,1537246112,18/09/2018 04:48 9353851,4101401762,"

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.253 📁
Sep 17 2018 19:33:16 (EST)
D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…

",1537247049,18/09/2018 05:04 9345424,4101413476,"

Yes... again. It is catchy.

Qanon Song

",1537247885,18/09/2018 05:18 9345424,4101420588,

Did Lionel turn you into a Q lover? I thought you though Q was a scam?

,1537248380,18/09/2018 05:26 9345424,4101423860,

Great optics for Trump.

Censoring Q on reddit etc. was a misstep imo - simply increased its audience wildly . This Q thing gets so much attention. I cant recall anything from the Chans getting this much attention except for maybe anonymous - but even that was like disneyland compared to the reaction to Q.

,1537248607,18/09/2018 05:30 9345424,4101434585,"

from what i've heard, a lot of people on r/The_Donald think Q is a joke. i know a lot of the people here do. it seemed like the support was dying down, but maybe it isn't.

",1537249377,18/09/2018 05:42 9345424,4101451054,"

I LOVE how Q said ""Carpet Bombs"" and we got the big FISA bomb as Hollywood was on the red carpet :).

",1537250530,18/09/2018 06:02 9354055,4101490349,"

But the NSA has been watching all along and now the decades-long web of corruption is doomed.

None of these people really thought the NSA was watching, even as their every step outside--as with you and I--is recorded by NSA satellites in good high rez--since well before Y2k.

They had their fake Stephen Hawking state that AI could be ""dangerous to mankind""--because they know that if true unbiased AI were ever applied that they would all be arrested within just a few days.

Get some popcorn. And read

",1537253102,18/09/2018 06:45 9353668,4101513709,"

Trump has ordered the declassification and production of these items on Sept 17th. The 17th letter in the alphabet, is Q. There are no coincidences.

",1537254569,18/09/2018 07:09 9353668,4101523603,

Lol Q is Anonymous

,1537255171,18/09/2018 07:19 9345424,4101565636,"

Anyone following Q since the beginning (10/17) saw this coming. Piece by piece the entire cabal/globalist plan has been laid bare. Anons/Autists researched the Q drops, dug deep on these criminals and revealed truths and ties that the American public would never have known because the MSM is owned. Its been fascinating to watch and share. So much more to come.

And the cabal has been throwing every negative story and lie they have at POTUS and still the truth is coming out. DC is in a panic. The abuse of power by the Obama administration is breathtaking in scope. They never thought she would lose. Patriots are systematically taking America back for the people. 2018 has been a glorious year and it's only getting better.

",1537257786,18/09/2018 08:03 9353668,4101591922,

Correct. You don't have to be a genius like people think Sundance or Q are to work out that DJT was NEVER going to roll over and let this pass.

,1537259339,18/09/2018 08:28 9351751,4101596992,

You're a creep. Go molest Q.

,1537259624,18/09/2018 08:33 9345424,4101620168,"

'Where we go one, we go all'

It is the rally cry of the Q' anon' movement...


",1537260911,18/09/2018 08:55 9345424,4101629616,"

Qanon is the deep state within the deep state, correct deplorables?

",1537261419,18/09/2018 09:03 9345424,4101631141,

QAnon is just someone a bit more politically aware than most and writes poetry around common sense analysis of freely available information people never look into.

,1537261503,18/09/2018 09:05 9353851,4101650046,

I hope Q gets “The Gouge” (dirt details) on DiFi...

,1537262514,18/09/2018 09:21 9342376,4101703655,"

Well, bully for Q.

",1537265167,18/09/2018 10:06 9353668,4101713873,

This is the TRUMPet sounding just before the Four Horsemen of the Judicial Apocalypse rain justice on the Dope State.

Per Q the Dems offered to back off on Judge Kavanaugh if President Trump would walk back the declassification of these documents.

Watch the flights to New Zealand.


,1537265652,18/09/2018 10:14 9341629,4101844613,"

Based on your idiotic judgement ""snowflake"". I'll assume you're a Q disciple.

",1537271279,18/09/2018 11:47 9345424,4101851678,

Sometimes i read my horoscope. Sometimes I read Q. It's just fun sometimes.

17 Sep 2018 - 6:33:16 PM
D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…

,1537271593,18/09/2018 11:53 9350230,4101866599,"

He wants “Conflict prevention” and “peace-building”? He might look at all the many Facebook praisings of the Qur'an that says

O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you...."" Qur’an 9:123
Fight disbelievers until all religion is Islam everywhere, Qur'an 2:193, 8:39.
Kill the pagans (& atheists) wherever you find them ... Q 9:5
Fight those who disbelieve in Allah, and as for Jews and Christians, fight them until they pay the protection tax (Jizya) with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.Q 9:29.

Just to name just a few of the many conflict causing verses. How about at least saying you don't approve of them, Mark?

",1537272265,18/09/2018 12:04 9345424,4101906097,"

Come on people, get with it.

88 upvotes for this secret message from Q via QCat???? This deserves at least 10,000 for this incredible message from our leader.

",1537273949,18/09/2018 12:32 9345424,4101923364,"


Join President Trump in RALLY IN La Vegas, Nevada.
Register for President Donald J. Trump's RALLY in Las Vegas, NV HERE:
Event Schedule: Thursday, September 20, 2018
Las Vegas, NV | 07:00 pm (PST) [10:00 pm (EST)]
DOORS OPEN AT 4:00 PM (PT) [(7:00 PM (ET)]
Las Vegas Convention Center
3150 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV 89109


Join President Trump in RALLY IN Springfield, Missouri
Register for President Donald J. Trump's RALLY in Springfield, MO HERE:
Event Schedule: Friday, September 21, 2018
Springfield, MO | 06:30 pm (CST) [07:30 pm (EST)]
JQH Arena
685 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway
Springfield, MO 65897

",1537274683,18/09/2018 12:44 9345424,4101923636,"

The Q folks talk about sealed indictments as well, I think you're both on too much hope porn. Remember that Mueller is a Bush appointee who never found the anthrax letter guy and the FBI let obvious Saudi and Israeli agents go in the months after 9/11. If you remember Colin Powell's fake pile of anthrax was also used as a pretext for the Iraq War. As long as Trump keeps the Neocons around Mueller's fishing expedition won't find anything that would actually be useful.

",1537274693,18/09/2018 12:44 9345424,4101928734,

But Trump is working with Mueller to clear all of that out and get rid of the pedophiles in government.

,1537274902,18/09/2018 12:48 9345424,4101936072,"

Deep throat, Q..............? who to believe?

",1537275212,18/09/2018 12:53 9353851,4101939784,

Has Q ever been correct or does he keep just posting vague stories to suck his readers in? Have you followed all his concrete statements to see what percentage are correct?

He is doing the same cold reading that every fortune teller does to scam their victims. He is scamming you all for notoriety and YouTube ad revenue.

,1537275374,18/09/2018 12:56 9356875,4101942197,

------ How's that Grand Jury going for ya' there ... slick ?
Many swamp RATS are singing and trying to make deals to save their necks.

( We are the storm you were warned about ! )
THANK - Q Army ........... WWG1WGA

,1537275476,18/09/2018 12:57 9353668,4101943949,"

Those that have been following the Q so called ""conspiracy"" knew today was the day that the FISA docs would be DECLAS by POTUS.

D's Trying Negotiate Pullback of FISA Declassification
17 Sep 2018 - 7:33:16 PM

D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…
Jeff Sessions Activated!
17 Sep 2018 - 6:43:18 PM

Activate ]SESSIONS[
Presidential Alert: FEMA to Test Emergency Alert System next Week
15 Sep 2018 - 2:28:09 PM
SEPT —-17—– [week of]

DECLAS coming?

",1537275550,18/09/2018 12:59 9356623,4101949669,"

It's cute they think their C.F.R. masters will protect them
The PAIN will not skip over them.

WE Are The Storm ! ........ # Q Army

-------- Kavenaugh accuser goes underground ----------
Thomas Paine‏ @Thomas1774Paine
Kavanaugh’s Accuser Goes Underground, Blows Off Senate Invite to Testify

",1537275793,18/09/2018 13:03 9353851,4101955452,

Dope! Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? List everything that Q has predicted that has come true.

,1537276041,18/09/2018 13:07 9353851,4101964121,

The is no verifiable record. Q is just the alt-right's wet dream.

,1537276400,18/09/2018 13:13 9345424,4101986048,"


Fox News is told Republicans have reached out to Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers to invite her to discuss allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but she has not responded yet.

",1537277285,18/09/2018 13:28 9345424,4101998268,


,1537277789,18/09/2018 13:36 9353851,4102032597,"

Wait, am I a troll for being FOR the Q conspiracy, or for being against it?

",1537279171,18/09/2018 13:59 9356539,4102038664,"

Look Q may or may not be a Psyop plant. I trust no one, but verify first. I won’t comment on Q.

I will say Ford doesn’t know who invited her, where party was, what month party was, how she got there, how she got home, who invited her, what city party was in or name of others at party. Ford told therapist it was 4 guys, didn’t know their name or anything else.
She is obviously confused at best or bold face liar. Kavanaugh did not grope her this is such BS.

",1537279417,18/09/2018 14:03 9356539,4102045240,

So you think #WalkAway movement is russian too? I will reserve judgment on Q but GOD I HOPE it's true. This country needs a major douching

,1537279692,18/09/2018 14:08 9353851,4102060116,"

OOOO because Q said so....bahahahaha, seek help you clown

",1537280277,18/09/2018 14:17 9356623,4102143681,

Q told us there would be 2 SC's to leave due to scandal. Looks like Q is right again.

,1537283569,18/09/2018 15:12 9357304,4102147609,"

------ She will NEVER talk under oath , period .
Dems. will just stall as long as possible, story is so full of holes , perjury traps and clear conflicts of interest it simply wont happen.

Democrats are reported to have offered to "" Pull Back "" accusations against Kavanaugh if White House CANCELS the Declassification of F.I.S.A. - SPYGATE documents.......... swamp is very afraid !!!

No Deals ....... # Q Army

",1537283725,18/09/2018 15:15 9353668,4102171920,"

If you followed Q, actually knew what you were trying to freeze and demonize, you would already know the answer to t hat question.
There are lists and lists of proofs that people like you just DISMISS endlessly, like you are trying to right now again.

Here is a tip, head on over to FreeRepublic, all you have to do is Search Q in the upper right corner and then pick one of many Q thread links. Anything in the last several months has a nice little box on the first page of the thread FILLED with LINKS to EXACTLY the kinds of demands you just made.

There again, if you actually KNEW anything about what you are trying to poo poo, you would already KNOW that.

You want pictures from inside AF1? Time specific and location specific? Go look, there it is, multiples even. ! had been correct over and over and over, OHR ahem, ring bell? Declas was foretold on THIS DAY a looooong time ago, several times. Think Emmy Awards and Red Carpet.
There again, if you actually KNEW about ANY of it, you would already KNOW this.

You bust yourself and you don't even realize. it. Your MOCKING is being used against you, homeslice. Maybe one of these days you will look up from the daily mockingbird talking point 4 AM memo to see how FOOLISH you are making yourself look !

",1537284691,18/09/2018 15:31 9350692,4102176806,"

On April 27, 2018 Q posted this: ""Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].""

",1537284889,18/09/2018 15:34 9357445,4102208454,"

Democrats are reported to have offered to "" Pull Back "" accusations against Kavanaugh if White House CANCELS the Declassification of F.I.S.A. - SPYGATE documents.......... swamp is very afraid !!!

- Soooooo then , we're back to a Thursday / Friday vote then , great !

We will not allow RINO's to CAVE - IN no matter how bad their handlers want them to.

# Q Army.

",1537286154,18/09/2018 15:55 9356791,4102244642,

According to Q the next moves will be:

1. Trump hits them with the accelerated next round of tariffs (I think) $267B.
2. The MSM blackmails memembers of the House and senate to try to remove Trump due to “mental state”.

,1537287451,18/09/2018 16:17 9356623,4102255859,"

Red October? Presidential Alert pushed back to October 3rd at 2:18 PM EDT
9/18/2018 0 Comments

US News Reports: The Trump administration has delayed until next month plans to send a message to all U.S. cellphones testing a previously unused presidential alert system that aims to warn the public about national emergencies, officials said on Monday. The test message was originally scheduled for 2:18 p.m. EDT (1818 GMT)on Thursday but is being pushed back to the same time on Oct. 3 because of response efforts to Tropical Depression Florence, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in a statement.
Florence came ashore in North Carolina on Friday as a hurricane and has caused widespread flooding in North and South Carolina. FEMA, which will send the alert, said last week that the messages would bear the headline “Presidential Alert,” and that phones will make a loud tone and have a special vibration. The test has been scheduled to ensure that the alert system would work in the event of a national emergency, and U.S. cellphone users will not be able to opt out. The message will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2016 requiring FEMA to create a system allowing the president to send cellphone alerts regarding public safety emergencies.
For those who don't know a few months ago Q hinted at a Red October, and President Trump has pushed back his nationwide Presidential alert to October 3rd which is no longer going to be held on September 20th. However every American should be alert from this point and a few days after October 3rd, as it could be very likely the Deep State is looking to pull something ahead, after, or on the very same day as Trump's now October 3rd Presidential alert.
​ There is a funny thing with this, because Obama actually placed this Presidential alert system into law in 2016, so it's kind of hilarious Trump is going to use this Obama enacted emergency alert system on his own on October 3rd. So with Q telling us about a Red October in February of 2018, and now Trump putting out his EAS on October 3rd...Will this be directly connected and possibly connected to Trump's Storm. I have a feeling there is more to this than just a test, so stay alert.

",1537287826,18/09/2018 16:23 9354259,4102287713,

You will soon discover you are way wrong about AG Sessions! Have you not read the latest Q posts? You might want to.....just sayin'.

,1537288879,18/09/2018 16:41 9354055,4102312409,

I have tried to read Q articles. Hard to get through...but I’ll try again. Thanks for the link.🇺🇸

,1537289732,18/09/2018 16:55 9345424,4102341259,"

Hey Soyboy, you said it. So back it up Snowflake. Lets see where these supposed 50K indictments are coming from?
Where did you get that number Soyboy, did you pull it out of thin air or did Q send you that in a coded message?

",1537290890,18/09/2018 17:14 9357178,4102341349,"

.Democrats are reported to have offered to "" Pull Back "" accusations against Kavanaugh if White House CANCELS the Declassification of F.I.S.A. - SPYGATE documents.

Swamp is very afraid !!!
No Deals ....... # Q Army

Jeanine Pirro‏ Verified account @Judge Jeanine

"" If you're going to make the accusation but not willing to subject yourself to questions, then you should suffer the consequence of filing a false charge. ""

",1537290894,18/09/2018 17:14 9357304,4102351153,

Wow if Q is correct!

,1537291289,18/09/2018 17:21 9352198,4102369583,

Wow! They did't even ask about the criminal Deep State and draining the Swamp. Q MAGA WWG1WGA Trump 2020.

,1537292011,18/09/2018 17:33 9357532,4102389829,"

----- Its such a serious matter Democrats are reported to have offered to "" Pull Back "" accusations against Kavanaugh if White House CANCELS the Declassification of F.I.S.A. - SPYGATE documents.......... swamp is very afraid !!!

No Deals ....... # Q Army

",1537292752,18/09/2018 17:45 9343567,4102407418,"

Like Q has said, ""They open the door and we walk right in and takeover"" I am confident that this is not the last this company and others like it have heard from our Government."" President Trump is done fighting with the left as they sell out America, He is now taking the offensive and will show who supports taking Jobs from American citizens. Look at the 3/4 billion dollar waste and embezzlement that Mnuction along with the OIG discovered in the Finance department, Next stop, The Pentagon. All fronts are being attacked and all the special interest groups are going to be outed. WWG1WGA.

",1537293409,18/09/2018 17:56 9357178,4102438902,


,1537294654,18/09/2018 18:17 9357178,4102453270,

Im sorry but conspiracy theories from Q do not count as democratic fabrications

,1537295229,18/09/2018 18:27 9357178,4102502372,

Read Q and stop the Sessions bashing already. SMH

,1537297256,18/09/2018 19:00 9357178,4102577823,"






Trust the Plan.

",1537300661,18/09/2018 19:57 9358129,4102595777,"

------ Deplorables , we are directly over the Target !

How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners
QAnon’s “researchers” have figured out how to shape national conversations. ---- Wash. compost , today.


( Calling proven facts theories is wishful DENIAL or deception )

",1537301558,18/09/2018 20:12 9358129,4102610360,"

.---------- Deplorables , we are directly over the Target !

"" How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners
QAnon’s “researchers” have figured out how to shape national conversations.""
---- Wash. compost , today.

( Calling proven facts theories is wishful DENIAL or deception )

",1537302333,18/09/2018 20:25 9357538,4102648822,"

The Q Anon(s) say that AG Sessions is currently writing a letter of some sort to the Supreme Court outlining the false premise behind his recusal and the need for him to bow out of the recusal on those fraudulent grounds and get back into the game, as it were.

",1537304427,18/09/2018 21:00 9357538,4102704812,"

Rubio is trying to play nice to save his *ss....too late, he's on the radar already.

",1537307727,18/09/2018 21:55 9358129,4102718922,

Stay tuned.

These people are stupid.

- Q.

,1537308553,18/09/2018 22:09 9359962,4102758417,

She is afraid just like the rest of the DNC in DC. Go Q!

,1537310810,18/09/2018 22:46 9359962,4102761372,

Running scared. Go Qanon!

,1537310978,18/09/2018 22:49 9359962,4102764595,"

Nope independent, female, who follows Q. WWG1WGA

",1537311162,18/09/2018 22:52 9359887,4102803269,"

""Trust Sessions"". So you must think QAnon is a hoax as well? Even though he/she/they have been absolutely correct 99% of the time.

",1537313427,18/09/2018 23:30 9359962,4102808449,

Sounds like Q gibberish.

,1537313730,18/09/2018 23:35 9359887,4102855156,"

I live in Omaha, Nebraska. I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have never lived outside of Nebraska. One of the great frauds perpetrated against this country is that everyone with a great education and a strong political perspective necessarily lives here or there. Our state Capital building, in Lincoln, is topped by ‘the Sower’. It is a beautiful building capped by a wonderful statue.

I am not bigoted against Republicans. I have friends and family who are GOP, who I love. I debated for Omaha Central and Creighton from a conservative/libertarian perspective. I just think Trumpism, and QAnon, are the same damn side of the same crazy coin. To quote Ronald Reagan, former Democrat - ‘I didn’t leave the party, the party left me’. If that wasn’t enough, to quote Dick Cheney, ‘Deficits don’t matter.’ I won’t quote Trump, but he finished the job.

You’re not talking to a Libby lib, you’re talking to a young conservative NeverTrumper who decided truth and decency and sanity still matter. If I ever thought about coming back home, your reaction to McCain’s death proved to me this is now an insane, destructive personality cult.

I know Nebraskan Republicans who stay in the party, but mostly agree with me. I know some Trump fans as well. I remain friends with them. I just wish they opened their eyes.

",1537316501,19/09/2018 00:21 9359962,4102862112,"

yeah, whereas your ""real world"" consists of alex jones, breitbart, and qanon, of hillary clinton running a pedophile ring out of pizza shops

Straw Man -- another major country in your ""real world"".

",1537316937,19/09/2018 00:28 9360685,4102865436,

This woman is a liar but you sound like one of those Patriot soapbox Q cult members.

,1537317154,19/09/2018 00:32 9341575,4102868849,"

wait, you believe in this Q thing?

",1537317376,19/09/2018 00:36 9356899,4102876719,

I bet you believe in Q.

,1537317898,19/09/2018 00:44 9358885,4102902264,"

The calculation of legal bs and loss of ""things"" in the face of evil is an abomination before the Lord.
You Q uoted the operating principle for the state of the shambles of our culture.

WWG1WGA (and should)

",1537319724,19/09/2018 01:15 9360685,4102918632,

You are Q!

,1537320936,19/09/2018 01:35 9360685,4102921341,

spoken like a true Q racist Nazi

,1537321139,19/09/2018 01:38 9359887,4102948834,"

WhatFinger is more RINO garbage. The real conservatives go to

",1537323401,19/09/2018 02:16 9341575,4102961114,"

Im not sure if Q is right or not, to be honest. Some of his predictions have turned out to be right but Im not really a believer. On the subject of Q, I am a hopeful observer and nothing more.

",1537324471,19/09/2018 02:34 9357721,4102983871,"

hmmmm, what's ""my side""? Why do you assume I am a liberal? Did Q tell you that?

",1537326669,19/09/2018 03:11 9341575,4102984164,

hint; there is no Q...

,1537326699,19/09/2018 03:11 9360685,4102986719,

I have a Q. They act as if when he gets confirmed he's above the law from then on? So there is no procedure for removing a Judge who commits a crime?

,1537326957,19/09/2018 03:15 9357721,4103016147,"

I already told you im not a Q believer, but Im not writing him off yet either. Thats why you could learn a thing or two from me! I dont know either way so im keeping an open mind.

And upon a quick review of your posts, you seem to be yet another libtard troll who is obsessed with hatred and jealousy for our president. Sure he aint perfect but thats part of what makes him a good choice. He knows how to play dirty with these scum.
OR you might be one of these never-Trump RINO cucks, which isnt much different. Obviously, thats the identity youve been assigned. By the way, whats that brown stuff on your nose? It smells like falafel. Speaking of which, how are things at the Soros troll factory?

",1537328375,19/09/2018 03:39 9357721,4103022776,"

Having an open mind about Q means there is something wrong with your mind...a desire for there to be some kind of order beneath the chaos that you know you created by voting for President Bumblefûck.
""He ain't perfect"" understatement of the year. The man has somehow managed to survive without one single redeemable trait.
How many rubles do you get for your posts?

",1537329097,19/09/2018 03:51 9341575,4103030986,"

Well, once dont know. I dont know about Q either, but at least Ill admit it!

",1537330013,19/09/2018 04:06 9341575,4103060289,

That just goes to show that you are a small-minded fool. Time will tell if Q is legit.

,1537332270,19/09/2018 04:44 9359164,4103146224,"

If you are deeply entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories you might think that, but the rest of us here in reality realize Hillary is not the boogeyman and she's not pulling strings.

",1537338231,19/09/2018 06:23 9360685,4103199441,

Q who? Q knows who.

,1537341923,19/09/2018 07:25 9359869,4103293593,"

That's fiction. There was no reason for Sessions to enable Rosenstein. That's factual, since the law Sessions cited to recuse did not apply. Sessions has steadfastly supported the witch hunt in every way, including obstruction. So, your story is invalid. Why let Q or another propagandist fool you with his mystery fiction?

",1537347743,19/09/2018 09:02 9359164,4103386789,

They say that Q is a conspiracy theory. Is Project Veritas supposed to be a conspiracy theory too? Terms matter.

,1537352421,19/09/2018 10:20 9357178,4103394199,"

",1537352753,19/09/2018 10:25 9359164,4103400669,"

Noticed something about ""this Q thing"".

Nobody yet says ""It is 100% legit and Trump is working with Q, but I don't think they mean well.""

Not trying to make any real point, but it is interesting.

",1537353042,19/09/2018 10:30 9359164,4103406719,

QAnon is a recovery support group for conspiracy theorists still under the impression that the Jews instigated 9/11.

,1537353296,19/09/2018 10:34 9359869,4103432127,

This is what he is wasting his time doing ? I hope Q is right and he is ready to be unleashed or time to go.

,1537354348,19/09/2018 10:52 9360784,4103536778,"

Jones is right Q is a larp, if he wasn't this hag would be in hiding.
Get out and vote for President Trump loyalists in November.

",1537358226,19/09/2018 11:57 9360685,4103549163,

Tell the truth you are a Q cult member.

,1537358657,19/09/2018 12:04 9360784,4103561449,


Trust Sessions
Trust Huber
Trust Kansas
Trust Horowitz

Trust the Plan.

- Q.

,1537359084,19/09/2018 12:11 9360784,4103562107,

Trust Sessions
Trust Huber
Trust Kansas
Trust Horowitz

Trust the Plan.

- Q.

,1537359106,19/09/2018 12:11 9358996,4103572568,"

He is Not trying to dig himself OUT of ANYTHING. You, Mr. Clapper, DO. Your a traitor to this country and you WILL be treated as such. Your Muslim sympathizing self is about to get a wake up call from those you were suppose to protect. Hear that knock at your door? It's the huge patriot army that is forming. Q sent us.

",1537359462,19/09/2018 12:17 9360685,4103621781,

So now any John P Q citizen can just 'demand' that the FBI get involved in their story-telling?

,1537361102,19/09/2018 12:45 9362650,4103638723,"

I still find it really hard to believe Sessions recused himself without Trump's knowledge.. That info would make its way back the President. No, Im not a Q fanatic or anything but maybe more going on than we know.

",1537361667,19/09/2018 12:54 9356539,4103640558,

You are clearly a Qanon wacko

,1537361725,19/09/2018 12:55 9362650,4103644639,

Maybe Sessions IS this mysterious Q! lololol

,1537361859,19/09/2018 12:57 9358285,4103656904,

Well YEAH they're q u e e r s!!! I think it may actually be illegal to make a PBS show without Q u e e r s!!

,1537362272,19/09/2018 13:04 9362650,4103674331,

You need to do more due diligence with Q...
Trump is definitely working with Q directly.

,1537362872,19/09/2018 13:14 9362650,4103678625,

What is Q?

,1537363018,19/09/2018 13:16 9362650,4103685613,"

Research QAnon or PrayingMedic on Youtube.
Or Google: ""Q - The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles)""

",1537363256,19/09/2018 13:20 9361432,4103691685,

You're bright. Did Q tell you this?

,1537363453,19/09/2018 13:24 9360448,4103702438,"

Oh, ps Moore: Q sent me.

",1537363806,19/09/2018 13:30 9362650,4103703517,"

Nice to dream, but it won't happen. I've followed Q also.

",1537363841,19/09/2018 13:30 9362650,4103705579,

I do not follow Q at all...just holding onto one last gasp of faith on my own...we are on the same page!

,1537363911,19/09/2018 13:31 9362650,4103712697,"

See for explanations of Q posts. Click BLOG at the top and watch his videos. He is on the mark.

",1537364145,19/09/2018 13:35 9362650,4103723038,

ehh. Q never says anything that isn't in the public domain already. He/she speaks in fragmented sentences that don't say much- they require you to infer. I'll agree it is interesting and someone has invested a lot of time into the character.

,1537364490,19/09/2018 13:41 9362650,4103731399,"

I sincerely hope you're right, but sessions is like almost everyone else on WH staff, dripping with tapes.You should check out Q, very interesting.Q supports your theory.

",1537364763,19/09/2018 13:46 9362650,4103757719,"

That's the typical fiction, as proposed by disinformation sources such as Q & CTH. There are no indications it is true, there are many indications it is not. You have no basis.

The Lone Ranger and Batman will also appear and catch the bag guys.

",1537365624,19/09/2018 14:00 9362650,4103758328,"

Sep 17 2018 20:54:01

",1537365646,19/09/2018 14:00 9359962,4103764336,"

January 19th, 2019. Q has long ago stated, January 19th, 2019 !

",1537365854,19/09/2018 14:04 9362650,4103766202,

I notice there aren't many Q followers commenting on this article......after all Q ANON keeps pushing that Sessions And Mueller are actually Trumps secret weapon while pushing that someone like Alex Jones is a traitor to the's really been obvious from the beginning that Sessions is in the pocket of the deep state.....and Q is nothing but a deep state misinformation asset.

,1537365920,19/09/2018 14:05 9362650,4103767839,

Jeff Sessions and John Huber Weekend Meeting(s)2203

17 Sep 2018 - 8:47:05 PM


,1537365974,19/09/2018 14:06 9362650,4103769022,

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is Talking2202

17 Sep 2018 - 8:43:37 PM

LYNCH talking.

,1537366013,19/09/2018 14:06 9360784,4103771056,

D's Trying Negotiate Pullback of FISA Declassification2199

17 Sep 2018 - 8:33:16 PM

D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…

,1537366081,19/09/2018 14:08 9362650,4103772819,

Jeff Sessions Activated!2196

17 Sep 2018 - 7:43:18 PM

Activate ]SESSIONS[

,1537366141,19/09/2018 14:09 9362650,4103777477,"

I have heard of Q...I do not know CTH (first I have heard of it, him, them?) and I do not ""follow""....the basis I have is in past experience and strategy ranging from simple to complex.

",1537366299,19/09/2018 14:11 9362650,4103782519,"

See post # 2192 and decide for yourself whether it has any validity.

",1537366471,19/09/2018 14:14 9342376,4103791299,"

Actually it was the 30th....... The number 17 has great importance to Q. Hence the Sep 17th FISA announcement. What was the date the Emmey's on?
ID: 2b9f10
Apr 30 2018 00:07:44 (EST)
Emmy awards.
Red carpet event?

",1537366774,19/09/2018 14:19 9362650,4103801612,

I trust Sessions. I don't even know where to find this Q -- unless you count re-runs of TNG or 007 :).

,1537367121,19/09/2018 14:25 9362359,4103913629,

and I think that Q is just false hope in an effort to delay that eventuality....

,1537370860,19/09/2018 15:27 9362224,4103971771,

It's like computer science G In: G out. In puppetry social science it's Q in: Q out.

,1537372887,19/09/2018 16:01 9360058,4104008617,"

Actually no and that Daddy may be the reason she hates men and look where she is from. https://www.hirono.senate.g... she doesn't say if she came to this country illegally, if so is she a legal NOW? There may be some Q on how is was able to be in Public Service w/o being an American citizen?

",1537374153,19/09/2018 16:22 9363763,4104054571,

Just like Q says .... THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID ... more great work by Project Veritas ... keep it coming.

,1537375687,19/09/2018 16:48 9362650,4104129942,

Tune in and Q will tell you the answer

,1537378172,19/09/2018 17:29 9362650,4104142573,

Stop it with the Q bulls hit already.

,1537378579,19/09/2018 17:36 9363763,4104166142,

Justinformed Talk and Neon Revolt are really good Q resources as well.

,1537379320,19/09/2018 17:48 9362650,4104191093,"

A head-feint to let the DS think Sessions is not a yes-man. Read Q, people.

",1537380142,19/09/2018 18:02 9363763,4104221166,

Lol..... Like Q says????

,1537381169,19/09/2018 18:19 9363763,4104222893,"

Please point to where Q ever said they are behind veritas.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

",1537381238,19/09/2018 18:20 9363763,4104252914,

How many Q tards here still support Sessions?

,1537382484,19/09/2018 18:41 9363763,4104258472,

Mueller and Trump working together you dumb shills

- qAnon

,1537382700,19/09/2018 18:45 9363763,4104327219," really are a special kind of stupid. You said ""Please point to where Q ever said they are behind veritas."".....
Please point to where I said they illiterate dumbfk.

I was referring to the doj. Go back and re-read the text before you embarrass yourself further.

You Q tards are something else.... You are supposed to ""decipher clues"" as to what the message ""means"". So it's all guessing and b.s.
But keep on ""Trusting the plan"". Bwa ha ha.... What is ""The Plan"" exactly? That's can't tell.

So sit down and STFU already.

",1537385492,19/09/2018 19:31 9363763,4104363573,"

You said that Q said.....

I pointed, you fell flat on your face.

Backtrack chump.

",1537387020,19/09/2018 19:57 9327130,4104374754,

I agree on Sessions. I know nothing about Q.

,1537387529,19/09/2018 20:05 9365110,4104387059,"

Get your facts right, moron. She is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University. Did Q share this BS with you?

",1537388184,19/09/2018 20:16 9327130,4104398252,

The author of this article and Q are the only people who believe Jeff Sessions is not a worthless sack of crap.

,1537388794,19/09/2018 20:26 9327130,4104399848,

You're correct. Q is the biggest joke on the internet. Clearly the author of this article is Q.

,1537388883,19/09/2018 20:28 9327130,4104414177,"

------ How much PANIC in D.C. right now ?
Get the "" Excuses "" ready for all those problem texts out there.
"" WE HAVE IT ALL "" --- Q Anon.

Sure you were hacked , sure.......
A U.S. lawmaker says foreign government hackers continue to target the personal accounts of U.S. senators and their aides — and that the Senate’s security office won’t help defend them.

",1537389631,19/09/2018 20:40 9327130,4104420589,

Only people who support Sessions is the Q trolls

,1537389936,19/09/2018 20:45 9327130,4104421889,"

--------- How much PANIC in D.C. right now ?

Get the "" Excuses "" ready for all those problem texts out there.
"" WE HAVE IT ALL "" --- Q Anon.

Sure you were hacked , sure.......
A U.S. lawmaker says foreign government hackers continue to target the personal accounts of U.S. senators and their aides — and that the Senate’s security office won’t help defend them.

",1537389998,19/09/2018 20:46 9365110,4104423827,"

Apparently you're fairly new to Breitbart. Just look at the death threats that occur daily on these forums. Hang people without trials, believers in Q, a multitude of other threats or ""suggestions"" of summary executions. Your response will always be ""it's the deep state"" which has about as much credibility as the fairy tale, Q.

",1537390092,19/09/2018 20:48 9327130,4104424826,"

Exposed – Creator of QAnon Speaks for the First Time.....

",1537390148,19/09/2018 20:49 9327130,4104428342,

It pretty much says Q is no inside top level secret handshake person(s)

,1537390334,19/09/2018 20:52 9327130,4104428343,"

Only people like you who are afraid of the truth, slam anyone who believes in Q.

",1537390334,19/09/2018 20:52 9363763,4104433304,"

The conservative treehouse guy finally and completely unloaded on Sessions and the Qnozzles this hour. That says something, since he was one of the earliest promoters of a grand scheme involving military tribunals and that nonsense.

He finally came to his complete senses again.

",1537390586,19/09/2018 20:56 9327130,4104434628,"

Posobiec is the guy who was pushing the Pizzagate theory. Also, both his parents are hard core democrats. I believe Q more than the author of that story.

",1537390650,19/09/2018 20:57 9327130,4104446197,"

I did plenty of research before Q came along. Anyone with half a brain (Not you) could figure out what was going on in our country to a lesser degree than we know now. Q has just confirmed it, and then some.

Go back to The Hill and troll there.

",1537391272,19/09/2018 21:07 9327130,4104492455,

based on your response...why do you have a Q when Q is pro-sessions ?

,1537393906,19/09/2018 21:51 9362650,4104516782,

Qanon is b.s. there is no 5d chess here.. most things are what they seem

,1537395355,19/09/2018 22:15 9365275,4104551002,

330k people (IP addresses) currently on the Q board.

Q&A session.

,1537397440,19/09/2018 22:50 9365275,4104552192,"

if I knew my question would be seen and answered, I would join in and grill Q. but alas, i would just be a # in the corner

",1537397511,19/09/2018 22:51 9358996,4104561443,"

I can completely understand you and all people who feel more and more frustrated! Thank you very much for your detailed comment!

I have my experience though. I was about to abandon Trump completely about a year ago. When he was about to sign DACA into law (at least he said so). Then it did not happen. But I agree that he's on a slippery slope again.

My point is this: You cannot reverse course of a big supertanker in an instant. Yes, we are already into the second year. Yes, he is the president. Yes, we have the majority. But look at all the crooks and traitors in DC. Do we want a bloody civil war on the streets?

That's why for me (and I'm not responsible like you in a city council - which makes it much easier for me than for you!) I can wait another 2 years. I have nothing to lose in those 2 years. I do not expect miracles, but honestly I think Trump has already done a lot to turn ship. Notably going against the fake news and the deep state. And yet, he could fail. The LAST thing we need right now is 2 things:

- Division in our own soci-political circles.
- Taking everything for granted what Trump tells and hail at him no matter what.

So, I stay vigilant. I do not want to micromanage his actions (or better to say microjudge). On the other side I have my beacons set: The wall (which must then come with a solid deport policy, too) and that at least the biggest traitors get caught and prosecuted.

I knew from the start that Trump will not be the big swamp drainer. He has the role of an analyzer and getting things right for the next steps. Once the world goes to war with Islam and/or Communism again things will get very ugly. That time will come. Trump is not the president to handle that. Yes, he got his hands dirty. But for leading a war it needs a different character. IMO. Is this war avoidable? IMHO: No. The world sits to deep in the sheet already. We cannot let Europe become Islamic or communist.

Well, I do not want to write a book. I hope you can a bit read between the lines. I do also get a lot of input from my wife. When I think she is about to make a mistake - then I learn she is right! So it was with Q. So for the most part I do now listen to what Q is going with. Because it makes sense. The originals, not the many interpretations from here and there.

I think the key date will be the elections this November. I do NOT know anything about the outcome. There are just too many unknown variables. I just think - to sum it up - we need to give these politicians on the right side a chance. Even though I mistrust them more than Trump. I do not mean Nunes or those. But we know there are a lot of RINOs in there.

And with all of that I also know that we do not live in a paradise. My dad already said when I was a kid: Justice and the justice system are 2 different pair of shoes! The only thing I hope for, that we end the bigger mess of what the Hussein admin left to us.

",1537398077,19/09/2018 23:01 9365275,4104564043,

I don't know why Q did this.
It will definitely bring traffic.

Perhaps Q will be proven true so soon it doesn't matter anymore :P

,1537398235,19/09/2018 23:03 9363490,4104576564,"

All people are born without political biases.

It is the MSM that nurtures some into a state resembling insanity.

BTW, just for kicks everyone go to the 11/1/17 and 11/2/17 Q posts. Best to do on a desk top because scrolling back in time on an iPhone takes forever.

This was the post where HRC was to be arrested and DT would use the EBS to talk to us directly.

Of course HRC was not arrested back then (maybe a sealed indictment though).

But remember that “future proves past”—so maybe this was a foretelling of the shape of things to come.

Funny how DT is doing an EBS test next week to confirm that he can circumvent the MSM and talk to us directly.

November is quickly approaching...

",1537399023,19/09/2018 23:17 9240871,4104588818,"

The corruption is deep—and the projection from HRC is palpable.

BTW, just for kicks everyone go to the 11/1/17 and 11/2/17 Q posts. Best to do on a desk top because scrolling back in time on an iPhone takes forever.

This was the post where HRC was to be arrested and DT would use the EBS to talk to us directly.

Of course HRC was not arrested back then (maybe a sealed indictment though).

But remember that “future proves past”—so maybe this was a foretelling of the shape of things to come.

Funny how DT is doing an EBS test next week to confirm that he can circumvent the MSM and talk to us directly.

November is quickly approaching...

",1537399822,19/09/2018 23:30 9341629,4104593511,"

BTW, just for kicks everyone go to the 11/1/17 and 11/2/17 Q posts. Best to do on a desk top because scrolling back in time on an iPhone takes forever.

This was the post where HRC was to be arrested and DT would use the EBS to talk to us directly.

Of course HRC was not arrested back then (maybe a sealed indictment though).

But remember that “future proves past”—so maybe this was a foretelling of the shape of things to come.

Funny how DT is doing an EBS test next week to confirm that he can circumvent the MSM and talk to us directly. This is the first EBS ever from any POTUS to We The People.

November is quickly approaching...

",1537400120,19/09/2018 23:35 9240871,4104611903,"

These people are cornered. Between Trump, Huber, Sessions, Fitton, O'Keefe, Epoch Times, Flynn, Mattis, and of course Qanon, the soap in a sock party is set for October third. No deals, pure panic in DC, 55k indictments and growing. Enjoy the show.

",1537401274,19/09/2018 23:54 9358996,4104623549,"

10,000 upvotes to this post. I agree.

The last thing we need to do right now is what most of Breitbart posters are doing. It irritates me because you are right. Sometimes he surprises all of us and does the right thing like climate change accord. The Paris Accord. After indicating he might stay in it with changes (JAVANKA) he eventually dropped out quickly. I loved it.

DACA is another great point. He was waffling even after what he continuously promised us and the wife and I went to 4 rally's in total, one of those a victory rally yet two days after his election he's stating ""We must do right by those DACA kids. Well, that ship hasn't sailed yet so it's still up in the air. Sorry to say.

Europe: That's a different candle burning at both ends. They may turn muslim because the right can't gain enough traction to get enough seats. Different political system and they have no first or second or 5th or ... Amendment rights at all. Nothing. In England roughly 64% are on welfare. That's just weird. Brexit can't happen because that number would have to drop in half by best estimates. They say they want to but they don't vote that way. Italy talks huge, then does the opposite. Very much like Venezuela. Spain and France and Germany are right behind them. It will likely go muslim because you simply cannot vote out the leftists with so many on the dole. They won't give up their gov apartment and food and free phone and internet. It's really that simple and that's what the dems are trying to achieve in America.

Again, the midterms worry me tremendously. I see roughly a polish bakers dozen a day of constituents, when means 14 because 13 is an unlucky number. Our city is roughly 80% republican and about 60% retirees. They say the exact same things we are discussing. Most say they won't vote. Most. I argue and say they should utilize their constitutional right. I've always voted since I turned 18. This is what deeply worries me. This isn't like what fools on here spout when they say...""Oh, they say that but they really will vote"". That's BS. I have people coming in daily, frustrated, angry, upset and they say they won't vote if Trump does this or that. Some are almost crying in my office. WTH. They watch every single one of his rally's online or TV and hear him say one thing, then see him do another in action. Many don't get that but quite a few on here will say that's simply Trump 'Art of the Deal'. It doesn't translate to most people and I could give a flying leap for those on here who say 'they just aren't intelligent enough to understand his nuances'.

I deal in real life.

We need an FDR or Truman to handle a war. Not Trump, no offense. As you stated, he isn't that kind of president, however he does believe strongly in letting the generals he trust run the dang war. So there is that.

As soon as Trump put JAVANKA in right away after he assumed the presidency, I know automatically any swamp draining would be in slow motion. An idiot would know that. It's quite sad because Trump has created many of his current problems all on his own.

Finally, what in heck is Q?

",1537402020,20/09/2018 00:07 9358996,4104678213,"

Thanks for the 10k upvotes, but I could do the same with some of your comments, which are just brilliant. I'm just not good in carving that out often enough. Sorry for that!

Well, if I post links to the Q posts, then I get censored. That's how deep we've sunk already. You cannot post something with links to Infowars or Q without being censored. But you could google for qmaps. It is a collection point of somebody who collects the original Q posts. There are others out there. Sometimes one site vanishes and another one pops up. ;)

Javanka is an issue and I am with you on that a 100%. But there is a positive point even to that. Even though I don't like it. But it's a fact: Somebody red pilled me some years ago. Probably many people. Now about 2 years ago I red pilled my wonderful wife! She was never stupid nor ignorant. But she was a typical American liberal and had not much experience outside of America or in politics at all. She was open minded, though. At some point after she called me a Nazi a hundred times (well, more as joke), she could see clearly that the MSM is not telling the truth. Nor does Killary. She went from a straight Killary supporter to the other side of the aisle! She then became more aware of all the different other political streams in the world. Now she's probably ahead of me regarding those mentioned Q postings. Here comes the interesting part: I am 500% sure Ivanka was the reason for the turn. Because Ivanka is a little bit like her. She's pretty, she loves the women things and is more soft on everything. Does that mean my wife is completely like Ivanka? Hell, no. But it was something like the entry ticket to the other side of the aisle. And I think in that regard even Javanka are doing a job to turn people away from the leftist spectrum.

I'm still agreeing with you a 100% that I would rather like to see Trump doing what he promised a 100% and no influence of Javanka whatsoever. But we live in a real and imperfect world. Therefore, I think we need to respect other groups as well. Maybe not completely leftist groups. But groups who are somewhere in the middle. We can also not do much about the fact that Trump has a family. So he's not acting as single person. I'm sure he's support from his family. And in return he supports them.

Anyhow, I do not want to excuse anything. I can see politics with a lot of different eyes from different angles. I've traveled and lived in Europe, the US and even for a short time in the Muddle East. What you are doing in that city council is probably more dealing with daily people's issues. But that isn't directly Trump's responsibility. We have a federal government which I would like to see to have much less impact on local issues. The federal gov should focus on national issues. Like border security and peace keeping or going on war if needed. But not dealing with education and the other million things which should be dealt with by our local or state governments. Our gov has become too big. Particularly the federal gov. It deals now with things which it should never deals with. And cannot deal anymore with things like what their duty should be. Like border security. Banning and filtering out enemies. Etc.

Trump himself can probably be more understood if you follow those Q posts. Because whatever he says - he also knows the enemy listens, too. Therefore he can't say what he would say if just the patriots would listen. I could be wrong on that one, though. But logically it makes sense, if you think about it. Why can't he just do what he promised and why can't he just tell the full truth and announce every of his actions? I think those Q posts shine a bit of light onto that question and a possible answer. They reveal in a way what's going on behind the scenes.

Yes, Europe (or Eurabia) will probably be lost for some years. But as we both know: History rhymes itself. So lets go back to the WWII era. What happened before that war, in that war and afterwards? France and most other countries in Europe were occupied by national socialists. Islam was also involved and Hitler did use the Muslims also in Africa. 1945 that big war was over, but Europe was in gridlock of the communists from the East. For some countries it was a bitter time for decades. I lived close to one of those countries: In Western Berlin. I could see the towers where they shot their own people if they would try to escape their socialist paradise. Where they had to wait for years to buy a car or tv.

Nevertheless, after WWII the national socialists lost and in 1989 the USSR was on the death bed. What we can learn from that: Nothing is forever. I think there will be a dark time with Islamic power in Europe. But not forever.

After the fall of the USSR empire, of course the communists flooded into Western Europe. That's why Merkel is now in the most powerful position in Germany. She went right from the Stasi education centers to the political center in Berlin. And became Chancellor. She lied as good as it was possible. Socialists can only win with lies. Hussein on the other side of the big ocean did his part to infiltrate the US. The US today is more or less only 50% patriotic of what it was before the Hussein admin. I could never believe that unless I'd not have witnessed it with my own eyes.

The US was always polarized in between the both oceans and in the areas of the both oceans. But the leftist agenda seems to swap right into the other areas like the big South and West. How was that possible and why did that happen so fast? I really don't know. I just know it happened. I experienced the change first hand. 15 years ago there was a big difference between Europe and the US. In the US our enemies instrumented the racism badge to call you a good American AND patriot, unless you're a racist. In Europe it was different all along. They called you a racist AND patriot together. Because patriots have to be racist. Today, it is the same here in the US!

I could write a book, I guess. To sum it up and make it short: I think that we're in the short time heading to ugly wars in Europe, a right wing turn here in the US (like in Eastern Europe) and probably some sort of solution afterwards. A bit like after WWII. But with a new world order and it will probably not be a one world order. Just differently from what we have right now. Maybe less Islam or even less communism. These collectivist systems are very weak once exposed to reality of economics. And war is just an extended set of economics. We could also see that in WWII where the war machine of the national socialism failed in the end.

Which gives hope that we can at least have still a time here in the US which is still dominated by liberty, freedom and all the values of our great Constitution! At least I hope so.

",1537405788,20/09/2018 01:09 9362650,4104692672,

Let's hope Q is correct.

,1537406886,20/09/2018 01:28 9359869,4104819757,"

If you knew anything about anything, you would know that the Cabal has been in business on an international level for over a century, has it's tentacles everywhere, and will not go down easily. You obviously have no idea what is required logistically. An investigator must make sure to have concrete evidence so there will be no defense against the crimes they have committed. We are not talking about just sedition, treason, election tampering. Murder, child sex trafficking, pedophilia, satanism just the tip of the iceberg. And the plans cannot be leaked or the rats will escape to parts unknown. That's why Trump is using the Military. Military Intelligence, not DOJ. Military Tribunals, not Justice system. The Military has sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. Why is Gitmo being enlarged and improved? Who is Q anyway? There will be justice. Believe it or don't. You're call.

",1537416512,20/09/2018 04:08 9362650,4104828498,"

You talking to me? I didn’t say a word about Q or chess. Focus, dude.

",1537417177,20/09/2018 04:19 9362650,4104852465,"

For all the naysayers, just be patient....I've said this before, this is just a ruse to let the REAL swamp creatures to relax and drop their guard. Q latest report kinda alludes the what I'm saying. Sessions appointed Hader, from UTAH, NOT from DC and form special counsel, for the simple fact that the grand jury would consist of people that most likely voted for Hilary. Oct 3rd....the storm is coming. 50,000 sealed indictments that Sessions has been quietly working on. Think about it??? Someone taking that kind of abuse, would be a prime candidate to flip on the President...but yet, he keeps chugging away. And I know what you're going to say...""Sessions is the OP-ED writer""....WRONG...there IS NO WRITER

",1537418885,20/09/2018 04:48 9366550,4104856208,"

His comment indicated that these actresses were not really acting because they are degenerates in real life. Sorry to go off here,
Look,I can't discuss facts with you Maga's. Its tough to have a conversation about reality or Truth with some Republucans these days, due to the Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Its getting harder to take the Right seriously because of all the phony BS. According to your peers, Democrats are evil, but a Democrat woman is Satan. It gets old. This cannot be our national conversation. We are all American. We pay our taxes. You don't own patriotism. America needs women. What if we all started to respect one another? There's a kooky idea for ya!

",1537419151,20/09/2018 04:52 9364894,4104877963,

How stressful for the K-9 dog to train to bite but not to bite too hard!

And the K-9 Police Officer to keep calm after a foot pursuit and then arrest a possibly deranged kidnapper.

Good dog!

BTW a K-9 dog = K-9 officer.

Just for kicks everyone go to the 11/1/17 and 11/2/17 Q posts. Best to do on a desk top because scrolling back in time on an iPhone takes forever.

This was the post where HRC was to be arrested and DT would use the EBS to talk to us directly.

Of course HRC was not arrested back then (maybe a sealed indictment though).

But remember that “future proves past”—so maybe this was a foretelling of the shape of things to come.

Funny how DT is doing an EBS test next week to confirm that he can circumvent the MSM and talk to us directly.

November is quickly approaching...

,1537420740,20/09/2018 05:19 9367030,4104942493,

i'm gonna say Q. no one likes that piece of ssshit letter

,1537425465,20/09/2018 06:37 9367030,4105101449,"

FBI/DOJ expected to redact FISA declassification, despite Trump's order for declassification without redaction
9/19/2018 0 Comments

​ Washington Examiner Reports: The FBI and Department of Justice are expected to redact some information in the materials President Trump has ordered declassified regarding the Russia investigation, according to a report Wednesday. The president directed the Justice Department, FBI, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Monday to provide “immediate declassification” of materials relating to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications on Carter Page, FBI reports of interviews with DOJ official Bruce Ohr, as well as all text messages, without redactions, about the investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, his former deputy Andrew McCabe, Ohr, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page.
Three people familiar with review of the materials told Bloomberg the agencies are expected to propose redactions on particularly sensitive materials, including classified sources and methods, before submitting them to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which will then turn over the materials to the White House. Trump and his Republican allies have contended the Russia investigation has been tainted by anti-Trump bias before special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed. Democrats counter that, saying Trump and his allies only want to discredit the probe.
So it now officially looks like Rosenstein and other DOJ/FBI officials likely still Obama holdovers are making it official they will redact the declassification of the FISA renewal, although President Trump has ordered full declassification with no redaction. If Q is correct in stating that if Rosenstein stands in the way of full declassification without redaction, you can bet very soon we will see news of Rod Rosenstein resigning or being fired.
​ There is obviously going to be resistance with the order by Trump to declassify the Rosensteing 2017 FISA renewal on Carter Page, and maybe that's what Trump wants to happen...So it will make it easier for Trump to clean out Obama/Clinton holdovers still inside the DOJ and FBI. Remember President Trump has the power to declassify anything, because Obama accidentally gave Trump this power through EO. Should the FISA declassification be released with redaction ignoring Trump's order to declassify without redaction, expect the FBI and DOJ to be cleaned out.

",1537435729,20/09/2018 09:28 9362650,4105158690,"

And yet there are still people making the claim that this is all theater and that the hammer ""is about to drop"". Yeah, right. We've heard that claim for nearly 2 years now. Q? 35,000 sealed indictments? Balderdash! It's all BS designed to keep people waiting for something that is not going to happen.

",1537438744,20/09/2018 10:19 9366757,4105323472,

Why keep on voting for Demon-rats who treat illegal Q better than you.....
The only way the Demon-rat know their mistake is by kick them out of off....

,1537445206,20/09/2018 12:06 9366757,4105326362,"

Looks like Q was right again, no declassification of FBI docs and Kavanaugh is getting confirmed.


",1537445328,20/09/2018 12:08 9368038,4105337948,"

---- Nothing to see here , move along people....
FBI Official -- FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications

Posted on January 23, 2018 by Investigative Bureau - True Pundit.

"" We Have It ALL "" --- Q Anon.

",1537445798,20/09/2018 12:16 9363763,4105502902,"

The plot is being exposed, the skin is being pulled back to expose the commie within.

Trump involved in politics for 30 years, always worried about where America was going. Even was asked to talk to congress on our economic plight. He didn't want to run, when people asked him was he going to, he said when it comes to the point I have to , I will, he did. He is the first candidate to make it a priority to Drain the Swamp. I think he knew and understood what is going on. I think he gave them all enough rope to hang themselves. I think he put Generals in his WH for a reason. I think he built up and cleaned out the military for a reason.

I remember Obama's head of the military saying they might not take orders from Trump. We know what the Resistance Movement is a Coup, Trump knows it. Maybe he let Sessions expose himself. All the snakes he let them rear their heads and maybe, Q Anon was right all along and this is going to blow sky high.

Trump far from stupid, don't the Left wish he were, don't they wish he could be bought, intimidated and stopped, but he can't, he is a force they can't reckon with and they can't stop. Their plans daily revealed and Trump watching.

Wait for it.............................wait for it.................BOOOM

",1537451703,20/09/2018 13:55 9365110,4105503865,"

Thank you, SINCERELY, Ann, for treating this cesspool of DUM defamation with the CONTEMPT it deserves. Re-PUBES: NO, these meritless accusations DO NOT deserve to be treated seriously and with respect. This DUM activist liar needs to be treated according to my definition as provided at the beginning of this sentence. Q to the Re-PUBEs: Just WHO do you think YOU represent? At present, with a couple of exceptions in the House Freedom Caucus, the ONLY one in D.C. representing the common, DECENT, WORKING individual is one Donald J. Trump. Q No. 2: Do you Re-PUBEs wear your pink vagina hats while gettin spanked until you utter your safe word?

",1537451738,20/09/2018 13:55 9367060,4105581140,"

This isn't the latest, but it might help you to see what is going on:

Department of Justice website

Indictments updated list

Sealed indictments by state:

",1537454481,20/09/2018 14:41 9367060,4105613225,

Buh buh buh Q says Sessions has been activated!

,1537455585,20/09/2018 14:59 9367957,4105640632,"

Australia is part of the international Five Eyes spying ring, a large donor to the Clinton Foundation, and home to the Rothschild family. Q has stated that the UK is actually in control of Australia.

",1537456582,20/09/2018 15:16 9368260,4105672950,"

UK / MI5/6/SIS / Royals
The UK Secret Intelligence Service, M16, is part of the Five Eyes intel sharing agreement, and facilitated the spying on Donald Trump's campaign using the pushed Russian decoy meetings. The Brits provided the raw intel and dossier. M16 is now cooperating with POTUS and undergoing house cleaning. Theresa May, a Cabal/NWO player, has been neutralized. The Queen and monarchs are seeking shelter. Q dropped crumbs on Princess Diana's suspicious death/murder.

",1537457715,20/09/2018 15:35 9368260,4105677468,

Did you hear that from your buddy Q? lmao

,1537457865,20/09/2018 15:37 9366898,4105685741," #2218

Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation.
Watch those announcing 2020 P running.
""You cannot attack a political opponent""
None are protected.
None are safe.

Think/say what you want about Q, but this is true. Many of those announcing their intention to run for election in 2020 aren't seeking the Presidency, but temporary sanctuary from prosecution. I expect we'll see several dozen Democrats throwing their proverbial ""Hat"" in the ring...

",1537458140,20/09/2018 15:42 9369730,4105687498,

I've been talking to Mattel trying to convince them to make a Limited Edition Magic 8 Ball for the upcoming Holiday Season. I want it to be called - Magic Q Ball

,1537458200,20/09/2018 15:43 9369730,4105743741,"

------ BREAKING ; Panic in D.C. is very real , several NEW

Info drops by Q - ANON just now !!!!! ---- It's Happening !

Panic in DC.James Baker testifying against Comey?
Q13:35 (transcript)

Joe DiGenova""As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that .....
James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""

",1537460205,20/09/2018 16:16 9369730,4105747170,"

------ BREAKING ; Panic in D.C. is very real , several NEW Info drops by Q - ANON just now !!!!! ---- It's Happening !!!

",1537460327,20/09/2018 16:18 9358996,4105761757,"

Well, I do not watch those press conferences or any tv. I look more or less what they do, not what they say. I wouldn't buy into anything unless it makes a hell of a lot of sense. That's why I mentioned Q. Which makes a hell of a lot of sense if you sip through it. There is a lot going on which will never be mentioned on any tv. Tv and those press conferences is nothing more like bread and circuses. Jester play. That cannot fool me in any way. Patience is a virtue. How can you drain a swamp which has been created in decades and drain it in just a few months? Would that even be possible?

And we all know just too well even after draining a swamp there will still be the usual corruption and bribery in governments. I'm not trying to excuse anything, but those are factual observations. And what I get from some revelations is, what the deep state was heading to was much worse than ""just"" corruption and bribery. AFAIK they are in control of most of the child/drug/slave/... trafficking around the world. They were about to overthrow all national governments and erect that one world order where everybody would become a slave to the globalist/communist system.

I think our government is currently in a stage which I would liken to a scene in a Die Hard movie II. The terrorists had captured a church to get an airport under their control. Slowly the truth drips in and the so called FBI guys locate the culprit and storm the church. What do they find? The terrorists have left already, but placed a bomb under every table and chair they could find. An interesting twist was that the FBI guys turned out to be complicit with the terrorists who fled the church. That is how I see our government today. A bomb about to go off almost every single day. Of course not literally. But project Veritas does actually reveal how many bureaucrats work against you in that city council. They resist everything and work to implement communism in the US.

We're all humans. We're all (thanks God!) not perfect. Of course Trump falls under the category of human. So, he's not perfect either. But what I've seen so far has me impressed and was more than what I expected in the first place. He's going against all of these fake journalists. I know that profession very well. Because in my younger years I worked in a bigger tv station. I know many of these fools in person. Most are arrogant sobs. I met a few of them later again. Still the same problem. Cowards with no real knowledge, but know-it-alls. I met one journalist in an education class for SAP (business process software) in a Siemens school. He was nice, but only if you wouldn't look deeper. He was a back stabbing communist who was as lazy and dumb as it gets. So are most of them and not just on national tv. Of course they are not all like that. But that is more or less the average journalist. At least what I had the pleasure to meet with. And yes, I also met hard and smart working guys there. But that was the absolute minority and they were treated very badly by the others. In one case he became an alcoholic, because he couldn't cope with all that evildoing anymore. Which in the end gave his opponents reason to say: ""See? He's and alcoholic. I told you so!""

Anyways, I'm sorry for my rant. But those are real stories and not something like ""my sister told me her brother ..."". I'm going through life and try to find some constants so that I can verify what some variables mean.

A few of the constants I've learned so far:

1. Islam, communism, every collectivism is evil. Period!
2. There are still a lot of patriots in the US.
3. Europe will face a civil war or at least very dark ages in the near future.
4. Trump tries to turn ship, but of course how he and the military sees it.

I liked the Bannon wing better. Because he just told the truth. But it could be that is what got him fired. Can you tell the truth if you face a massive sabotage act without risking a civil war? This civil war is already brewing in our government. Can it be kept under control and contained? Or will it sweep out to public places and society?

But as I already said - I can understand you and the people who ask you in that city council very well! Because I ask myself those questions almost every day. I'm just trying to take it a bit more easy. I'll wait and watch what happens. Particularly with the 2 things in mind: Wall/immigration policy and indictments and prosecution of the big traitors within the first term. Even if that does not happen, it was a great president. Just not up to fulfill his promises. Are we supposed to expect a politician fulfills his promises? Well, they are moving their lips ... ;)

",1537460842,20/09/2018 16:27 9369730,4105799122,"

------- New Q Anon just now ; see....

Panic in DC.James Baker testifying against Comey?
13:35 (transcript)
Joe DiGenova""As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and.........

the reason we know it is that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""

",1537462119,20/09/2018 16:48 9369730,4105833780,"

--------- New Q Anon Today.

Panic in DC.James Baker testifying against Comey?

Q13:35 (transcript)

Joe DiGenova

""As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that

James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted."" ---- see

",1537463280,20/09/2018 17:08 9369730,4105847986,"

------- Get the REAL news , first. ........

New Q anon posts just now.

* Panic in DC.James Baker testifying against Comey?

Joe DiGenova -- ""As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that.........
James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""

",1537463823,20/09/2018 17:17 9369325,4105848552,"

UK / MI5/6/SIS / Royals
The UK Secret Intelligence Service, M16, is part of the Five Eyes intel sharing agreement, and facilitated the spying on Donald Trump's campaign using the pushed Russian decoy meetings. The Brits provided the raw intel and dossier. M16 is now cooperating with POTUS and undergoing house cleaning. Theresa May, a Cabal/NWO player, has been neutralized. The Queen and monarchs are seeking shelter. Q dropped crumbs on Princess Diana's suspicious death/murder.

",1537463846,20/09/2018 17:17 9368260,4105859973,"

------- Why would POTUS say this ? ........ working up the criminal food chain ?

New Q Anon Today.
Panic in DC.
James Baker testifying against Comey?
Q 13:35 (transcript)

Joe DiGenova......""As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is thatJames Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""
see .....

",1537464259,20/09/2018 17:24 9369001,4105880403,"

And Huber is a missing person.... Sessions is a deep state stooge, has been since day one.... Q is wrong!

",1537464935,20/09/2018 17:35 9364003,4105927686,"

The good news is that no one with an I Q over 70 watches this show, so her/his opinion will be forgotten before Wheel of Fortune is half over.

",1537466479,20/09/2018 18:01 9327130,4105940383,"

Trust the plan. Trust sessions. There are no coincidences. Learn about Q. Check out IN Pursuit Of Truth, on you tube.

",1537466977,20/09/2018 18:09 9369001,4105946748,"

Yes, Q follows the pattern of disinformation.

",1537467234,20/09/2018 18:13 9369001,4105953242,"

------- D 5 avalanche is rolling !

New Q anon posts today.

",1537467499,20/09/2018 18:18 9369001,4105955315,

Get Rekt yourself and this so-called Q Retard

,1537467584,20/09/2018 18:19 9369001,4105956861,"

.Hey JEFF .... Go get the F.I..S.A spygate documents

Rep. Jim Jordan‏

The DOJ should turn over the documents ASAP so Congress can do its proper Constitutional oversight.
No leaks. No games. Just transparency.

Mark Meadows‏Sep 18
The same people repeating ""national security"" talking points now are the same ones who told you the sky would fall after the release of every text, every email, or the Nunes memo. They were wrong then. They're wrong now. Transparency is good. Show Americans the truth.

PANIC in DC , very real. ...... see new Q ANON posts ;

",1537467650,20/09/2018 18:20 9369001,4105957318,

How much time have you put into Q?

,1537467670,20/09/2018 18:21 9369001,4105960759,"

--------- PANIC in DC ...... New Q-Anon post up ;

",1537467814,20/09/2018 18:23 9369001,4105962243,

whazs this Q? Star Trek? Where is Picard?

,1537467875,20/09/2018 18:24 9364894,4105962933,

Trust the Q uality plan.

,1537467905,20/09/2018 18:25 9369001,4105966472,"

So you haven't taken any time to read or decode the material, and that gives you enough knowledge to dismiss Q?

",1537468055,20/09/2018 18:27 9369001,4105972077,"

------- Several new Q-ANON posts up today ; see

"" ... testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""

Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed?
Note IG involved.
Huber >> IG (Horowitz)

>> Storch

They want you DIVIDED

",1537468288,20/09/2018 18:31 9369001,4105974210,"

40,000 sealed indictments.

",1537468379,20/09/2018 18:32 9369001,4105974894,"

You are mistaken.

",1537468409,20/09/2018 18:33 9367309,4105983422,

CNN Ha the Big Stupid Mouths With Low Low I Q.

,1537468777,20/09/2018 18:39 9369001,4105984799,"

-------- New Q - ANON posts up today .... PANIC in D.C. / see

"" ... testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted.""
Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed?
Note IG involved.Huber
>> IG (Horowitz)
>> Storch

They want you DIVIDED

",1537468840,20/09/2018 18:40 9367957,4106002316,"

Parkland / School Shootings
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was the site of a school shooting on February 14, 2018. Parkland was specifically organized & designed to distract (false flag event to change news cycle). The shooter heard voices in is head (see MKUltra). The Left are using Parkland as another attack on gun rights (2nd amendment) and a rallying cry for the midterm elections.
QMap provides the latest Qanon posts, players, themes, resignations, exec orders, child trafficking arrests, sealed indictments and more.

",1537469588,20/09/2018 18:53 9367957,4106003093,"

UK / MI5/6/SIS / Royals
The UK Secret Intelligence Service, M16, is part of the Five Eyes intel sharing agreement, and facilitated the spying on Donald Trump's campaign using the pushed Russian decoy meetings. The Brits provided the raw intel and dossier. M16 is now cooperating with POTUS and undergoing house cleaning. Theresa May, a Cabal/NWO player, has been neutralized. The Queen and monarchs are seeking shelter. Q dropped crumbs on Princess Diana's suspicious death/murder.

",1537469620,20/09/2018 18:53 9370015,4106017310,"

Trust the plan...I see Q people. Very soon, Sessions will recuse himself from the Russia investigation once Rosenstein [RR] is fired or resigns. This will happen one day after the unredacted FISA docs are released to the public.

",1537470253,20/09/2018 19:04 9369001,4106022517,

You need to learn to read Q posts.

,1537470497,20/09/2018 19:08 9369001,4106024352,

No I think you have been watching to many Youtube videos or reading to much of the Q rubbish.

,1537470580,20/09/2018 19:09 9369712,4106049701,"

Breaking news, she has agreed to testify if she and her family can be have some kind of guarantee of safety.

There are some crazy Breitbarters who thought it was OK to issue death threat. Before your head explodes, read some Breitbarter posts about summary executions, no trials and so forth. Especially posts from the fools that believe Q actually exists and are itching for a civil war.

",1537471756,20/09/2018 19:29 9364894,4106052603,

Oh bs on the Q..
Can't stand sessions.. midterms would be in the bag if it wasn't for his traitor asss

,1537471896,20/09/2018 19:31 9369001,4106059305,"

Today, Q posted 28 seconds before President Trump sent out his Tweet.

That's referred to as a ""Delta Proof"".
That has been happening over and over again, for months. 
Exactly 1, 5, 10 minutes before, repeatedly.
Repeatedly, Q has predicted the exact number of minutes between Q's post and a subsequent tweet from President Trump.

A proof post will say something like:
""5 Delta -Q"".
Then, lo and behold, exactly 5 minutes later, President Trump tweets something pertaining to the recent Q posts.
REPEATEDLY this has happened.
How do you think that is possible unless Q is legit and indeed working with the President?

The board where Q posts was flooded with over 400,000 unique IPs yesterday.
That's as far from ""pacified"" as it gets.

It's plain as day. With all due respect, brother, you are missing out and you're helping the scumbag commie leftists with your damn negativity. The corrupt media outlets ""coincidentally"" all put out hit pieces on Q using the phrase ""dark corner of the Internet"" and label Q as ""non-existent"", ""fake"", ""conspiracy theory"", and ""dangerous"".
""Nothing to see, don't bother investigating for yourself,"" they insist. So, what does that instantly tell all of us true Americans? 
Trust President Trump and freakin' get on board already.
""In Pusuit of Truth"" or ""Praying Medic""
on YouTube are trustworthy and they explain everything.

",1537472208,20/09/2018 19:36 9369001,4106063710,

The same ones who believe in Q.

,1537472421,20/09/2018 19:40 9368161,4106109213,

QAnon makes a lot of sense. IPOT is a very informative and straight to the nuts n bolts of it all. Gives you all the information to think logically and make your own decision. Dude's pretty humorous as well. God Bless the USA

,1537474457,20/09/2018 20:14 9358285,4106248900,"

He sound like the type of guy who injects gayness into everything he does, with no respect for the original intent of the characters put into his care.

I'm sure, given the chance, he'd gay up Kirk and Spock, Lairel and Hardy, and James Bond and Q.

He's a writer activist. and a jackass.

",1537481316,20/09/2018 22:08 9368161,4106267035,

Seriously? People still believe Q isn't just a fantasy?

They think meaningless quotes like that mean something?

,1537482156,20/09/2018 22:22 9368317,4106269783,"

Democrats do not claim Antifa as their own. So, unless you want to take on all the sins of the KKK, we are not responsible for Antifa.Nobody on the left has ever justified a beating. We condemn deliberate cruelty and violence.

Look, Everyday, I get harassed by the Right. They call me a pedophile & warn me of another Civil War every single day. So, sorry if I am not sympathetic to your complaints. I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Go on a liberal website (MotherJones, Axios)comment section and read the comments. They are decent, normal smacktalk.Then, come back and read the 6000 garbage comments below. Read all about the dregs of society below.
The discourse here is disgusting and hateful.

I don't know what you are reading but Democrats do not talk about murdering Trump. I have never seen that, and I get around. Please give your sources. We might not like him but nobody wants him dead. Really, nobody wants to murder him. We'd appreciate if you stopped saying that lie.
Maybe if the Right wasn't so entrenched in kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, We'd take you all more seriously. But, as it is, it seems you guys don't care about the truth.

So, Democrats are Americans, this is not up for debate. We paid our taxes last year. America is ours, too. We are all Americans. We love America, just like you. War is not the answer.

",1537482331,20/09/2018 22:25 9368317,4106300862,

No matter how this or anything turns out we still have the same problem as ever...
Our govn’t is way way to large and unaccountable for any of it actions and misdeeds.. Its employees can’t be fired or reprimanded no matter what they do.
Same with police. Martial Law on the federal govn’t and weed out the bad players a.k.a. the swamp. Then shrink fed gov to manageable level. Only Trump can do this. Do it Donald. Send in Q.

,1537484232,20/09/2018 22:57 9368317,4106315550,"

I thought by your post about “symbolism” that you were quoting Q because that was what Q said. I was quoting Q to you. If you don’t know Q, I’ll just say, “Enjoy The Show” Q

",1537485140,20/09/2018 23:12 9371335,4106344094,

I guess Bloze-man MN prefers Steers & Q ueers.

,1537486936,20/09/2018 23:42 9368161,4106354901,


,1537487571,20/09/2018 23:52 9371134,4106398912,


Does the Q signify that you re queer?

Never Mind I don't really want to know.

,1537490394,21/09/2018 00:39 9368161,4106409447,"

By rally are you referring to the 40+ ""retirements"" of GOP house members running for the exits rather than face the coming humiliation in November? That must be what you mean by rally. Or are you referring to the mouth breathers rallying around Qanon? Now theres a rally. Also known as dumb and dumber.

",1537491060,21/09/2018 00:51 9371134,4106458865,"


Join President Trump in RALLY IN Springfield, Missouri

Register for President Donald Trump's RALLY in Springfield, MO HERE:

Event Schedule: Friday, September 21, 2018 (TOMORROW)

Springfield, MO | 06:30 pm (CST) [07:30 pm (EST)]


JQH Arena
685 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway
Springfield, MO 65897

",1537494348,21/09/2018 01:45 9371134,4106465338,

What's the latest from Q?

,1537494812,21/09/2018 01:53 9368161,4106543644,"

Right. Q. What a crock. What's next, flat earth society? They have more credibility than Q. Question for you Freempg, if you breath through your nose, can you still be part of Q?

",1537501164,21/09/2018 03:39 9368161,4106546027,

What's Q saying? Flynn to be exonerated? Wasn't his sentencing scheduled for December 18 just today? He's literally given all he has to give to the point that Mueller has nothing more to get from him. Q is candy for the weak minded.

,1537501334,21/09/2018 03:42 9368161,4106580046,

Protesting? I'm not protesting. I'm stating fact. Q = chump

,1537503796,21/09/2018 04:23 9372568,4106808042,"

The accuser shouldn't dictate the process. If she has something to say to the committee then she can come say it on the committee's terms. That's how it would be for John Q Nobody, and that's exactly who she is.

",1537519353,21/09/2018 08:42 9369730,4106903717,

hey Suzy Q.....touch the stove yet?!

,1537524853,21/09/2018 10:14 9370927,4107053161,"

Well the FBI docs haven't been released indicating Q was right, Ford won't show up.

",1537531101,21/09/2018 11:58 9372178,4107066882,"

Will the presumably intelligent, educated employees at Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, stop being ignorant of Islam and read at least the first nine suras of the Qur'an - especially sura 9? Include Q 98:6 which says that disbelievers in Islam will abide in the fires of Hell, and that ""They are the worst of creatures."" Maybe then they'd stop worrying about ""Islamophobes.""

Would be good for them to read some history of Islam too, like that for most of its 1400 years its ""Religion of peace"" warriors have tried militarily to subjugate all Europe under Islam & destroy its Civilization - and by the way take captive women as sex slaves (sanctioned in the Qur'an). Might then be even clearer to these dupes that it ain't about tolerance, love & peace.

",1537531613,21/09/2018 12:06 9372526,4107095679,"

I only hope Q is the real deal, but seems to good to be true.

",1537532733,21/09/2018 12:25 9372637,4107169435,

There also had been a threat to the POTUS so when that happens precautions go in. For example in the last one something related to QAnon and a threat came in so they had to ask people to hide their QAnon gear to decrease the false flag value and divert the threat away. People were upset but it is all part of the game with black hats.

I suspect this time another threat came in and they cut the coverage of the rally just for that reason.

,1537535445,21/09/2018 13:10 9374512,4107246917,"

Trump Rally tonight

Fri, September 21, 2018
Springfield, MO
06:30 pm (CST)

JQH Arena
685 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway
Springfield, MO 65897

",1537538038,21/09/2018 13:53 9368161,4107249672,

And yet he fails to do anything about it. Why is that? Could he be a deep state mole? What does Q say about that?

,1537538139,21/09/2018 13:55 9370717,4107269209,"

Don't be alarmed, LGBT at eateries only means, the mixed up BLT sandwich with extra Goo. Q uite tasty.

",1537538905,21/09/2018 14:08 9374038,4107274488,"

According to Q, Trump has the global cabal over a barrel everywhere. The one sticking point is the EU. As the money men are not prepared to let Britain go. We are at a crossroads.

",1537539124,21/09/2018 14:12 9368317,4107294617,"

Nat, you are obviously deeply entrenched is conspiracy-thinking. Just by your word choices, you are 'signaling' that you, Sir, are a tinhat. What's next? Democrats are shape-shifters?

Since you choose to believe in phony B'S, everything you think or say comes into question. For example, since many of you are Oracle Q fanatics, it makes it harder to take your party seriously.
Adherence to conspiracy theory is the result of some perceived lack of control and a deep-seated need for uniqueness.
So, please, do us all a favor and get control of whatever it is that is making you latch on to stupid, fake stories. Also, know that you are special & unique, just the way you are. And for God's sake, do not involve the rest of us in your kooky fantasies. Enough conspiracy-thinking. Please activate your critical-thinking.
Thank you.

",1537539696,21/09/2018 14:21 9374035,4107348968,

Hahaha...says the guys that have been furiously decoding the Oracle Q all morning!!!

,1537541978,21/09/2018 14:59 9374512,4107375927,

what is Q?

,1537543125,21/09/2018 15:18 9371158,4107446380,

Listen to Q!

And open your eyes

Follow the Truth!

And then you will know

And control your own destiny

For the People of this Country

And for the People of the World!

,1537546085,21/09/2018 16:08 9374512,4107477041,

Please you are not one of those Q cult nuts are you?

,1537547367,21/09/2018 16:29 9375019,4107480510,

The dough is being gathered for calzone with Q a nd Ohr at the Cosmic Pizzaria. The bakers are assembling the ingredients.

,1537547516,21/09/2018 16:31 9375724,4107509968,

Yeah! It’s all fake news by a century old news org.

Now about that Q... what a truth teller!

,1537548745,21/09/2018 16:52 9375724,4107510932,

According to Q... this is part of the show. RR firing is on hold until Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.

,1537548782,21/09/2018 16:53 9375724,4107513717,"

----- New Q Anon post , savvy.

Step 1: Read the 1st sentence re: [RR]Step 2: Read the NYT article re: [RR] wear wireAttempts to BAIT POTUS to FIRE to cross RED LINE will FAIL.

",1537548899,21/09/2018 16:54 9375724,4107518435,

Is this more of your Q BS?

,1537549096,21/09/2018 16:58 9375724,4107521443,

I trust Q as long as we keep getting verification from Trump to trust Q.

,1537549211,21/09/2018 17:00 9375724,4107530710,"

You need to investigate Q and it will become more clear.

",1537549591,21/09/2018 17:06 9375724,4107541792,"

The timeline is FIRST Kavanaugh, SECOND impeach Rosenstein. Keep up with Q drops.

",1537550061,21/09/2018 17:14 9375724,4107546378,

How much time have you put into deciphering Q messages?

,1537550261,21/09/2018 17:17 9375724,4107548193,"

Here is the plan, according to both Q and Nunes:

Kavenaugh confirmation FIRST
Rosenstein impeachment SECOND

Trump is giving Step 2 to the House.

",1537550341,21/09/2018 17:19 9374860,4107550959,

Where did they get such bogus poll numbers? The untruth being foisted on John Q. Public is despicable.

,1537550456,21/09/2018 17:20 9375724,4107554490,

It wasn't a prediction it was a message from Q that everything is going as planned.

,1537550603,21/09/2018 17:23 9375019,4107555193,

The CIA machine is really throwing some rods trying to keep the narrative under control. Too bad Qanon is telling the people just how the NSA is kicking their head in as we speak. Can't wait to see that pseudoscience pos Musk in prison for his fake tech.

,1537550631,21/09/2018 17:23 9374542,4107558191,"

----- New Q - ANON posted today;

We are at the PRECIPICE.
Remain CALM.We are here for a reason.
Patriots are in control.

",1537550751,21/09/2018 17:25 9375724,4107563299,

Which is disappointing to me that so many on our side believe a jerk like Q. He might even be just a bot for all we know.

,1537550945,21/09/2018 17:29 9375724,4107567860,


,1537551114,21/09/2018 17:31 9375724,4107573967,

How much time have you put into deciphering Q?

,1537551343,21/09/2018 17:35 9375724,4107576527,

C'mon Q do your thing!

,1537551435,21/09/2018 17:37 9374860,4107578252,

A Low I Q person... Why else would he be on MSNBC ... Fits right in with the other stooges there.

,1537551498,21/09/2018 17:38 9375724,4107581309,"

NYT tosses RR under bus...panic in D.C., NY and where all else...?


This is why RR begged POTUS twice to meet with him...the Deep State is getting hammered and they know they are looking at jail, many of them.
Comey knows Baker discussed him many now see Justice coming back in style.

hillary and the rest are desperate, becoming more so. We live in interesting times people, be safe, be aware, they will resort to even more violences soon.


",1537551608,21/09/2018 17:40 9375019,4107590843,

Right. Is that what Q is saying today? You guys on Breitbart are so damn gullible it's amazing. I feel like I need to take a shower after I come and see what the latest rant is here.

,1537551962,21/09/2018 17:46 9375724,4107591450,"

------- From todays Q - ANON page postings over at ----
No , Luke .... It's a TRAP !

"""" YEP!
[RR] tried twice to see POTUS, and both times POTUS refused….NOW we know why, the sorry SOB trying to setup POTUS for a sting.""

12 steps ahead , swamp trying to fight back , PATRIOTS in Control.

",1537551984,21/09/2018 17:46 9375724,4107594817,"


Come on man, that stillborn meme is a joke! On you!

",1537552108,21/09/2018 17:48 9375724,4107634999,"

Q Phenomenon Synopsis

Locate a valid source of Q releases.
Identify QSub interpretations of Q predictions where the prediction is not easily recognizable, noting the date and time of release.
Identify & Isolate all Q releases where predictions are being inferred, noting the date and time of release.
Identify all Q releases where timeline markers (photos, activity releases, ...), noting the date and time of release.
Compare the date and time of the Q predictions and timeline markers, to the earliest public release of corresponding information.

Four of the Q predictions, beginning with the first two that were released were entirely wrong. It is also worth noting that the release of information from Q changed dramatically in style and frequency after the first two predictions. Initially, predictions were presented directly, and then morphed into quatrains and questions that appeared to be someones attempt at implementing the Socratic method.

After comparing more than 18 Q date and time references to publically available information sources, every instance of information released by Q occurred after the similar information was made publically available elsewhere.

The person behind Q has better than average research skills. It is very likely that they have access to a data search tool similar to Shodan or LexisNexis. These Internet of Things search tools are commonly used by reporters, youtubers, private investigators, and others. While many of the Q predictions have been completely wrong, Q has shown a keen awareness for being to engage people using interactive interface, that minimizes the low acurracy and low precision of his information releases, by compensating with intrigue.

",1537553635,21/09/2018 18:13 9375724,4107635307,"

RP: Q Phenomenon Synopsis

Locate a valid source of Q releases.
Identify QSub interpretations of Q predictions where the prediction is not easily recognizable, noting the date and time of release.
Identify & Isolate all Q releases where predictions are being inferred, noting the date and time of release.
Identify all Q releases where timeline markers (photos, activity releases, ...), noting the date and time of release.
Compare the date and time of the Q predictions and timeline markers, to the earliest public release of corresponding information.

Four of the Q predictions, beginning with the first two that were released were entirely wrong. It is also worth noting that the release of information from Q change change dramatically in style and frequency after the first two predictions. Initially, predictions were presented directly, and then morphed into quatrains and questions that appeared to be someones attempt at implementing the Socratic method.

After comparing more than 18 Q date and time references to publically available information sources, every instance of information released by Q occurred after the similar information was made publically available elsewhere.

The person behind Q has better than average researching skills. It is very likely that they have access to a data search tool similar to Shodan or LexisNexis. These Internet of Things search tools are commonly used by reporters, youtubers, private investigators, and others. While many of the Q predictions have been completely wrong, Q has shown a keen awareness for being to engage people using interactive interface, that minimizes the low acurracy and low precision of his information releases, by compensating with intrigue.

",1537553646,21/09/2018 18:14 9375724,4107637949,"

------------ NEW Q Anon ......... says it all !

Panic: Since POTUS Won't Fire Rosenstein (Triggering Red Line),
D's Needed a New Playbook

[RR] tried twice to see POTUS, and both times POTUS refused….NOW we know why, the sorry SOB trying to setup POTUS for a sting.

JOIN The Fight ----

",1537553746,21/09/2018 18:15 9375724,4107639465,

The Lone Ranger and Superman are also meeting. Q told me.

,1537553802,21/09/2018 18:16 9374860,4107648374,"

New from Q - Anon ( White Hat Team ) ........ at

Panic: Since POTUS Won't Fire Rosenstein (Triggering Red Line),

D's Needed a New Playbook

{RR] tried twice to see POTUS, and both times POTUS refused….NOW we know why, the sorry SOB trying to setup POTUS for a sting.

",1537554128,21/09/2018 18:22 9375724,4107652790,"

I’m annoyed that Trump is now putting off the FISA release. I’m getting sick of him and Q. That sucks too because I just ordered a pro “ Q” shirt. Sounds like Trump is allowing threats. It seems to me they will do this until,the mid terms and if they can cheat enough. Will impeach him. What a dumb ass. If the supposed allies have nothing to hide then release this crap already. Obviously they do and Trump is crumbling. I’m out! Too freaking sick in my stomach to have any hope any more! I will be donating my “Q” shirt to a homeless person. End of story!

What a freakin load of garbage!

",1537554292,21/09/2018 18:24 9363763,4107681322,"

You don't think they already know ? don't be that naive, they are waiting on the rest of the country to wake up, what do you think the Qanon movement is about ? waking people up !

",1537555358,21/09/2018 18:42 9375724,4107689861,"

Try reading Q. They are a team of military intelligence. Mock and laugh all you want, it won’t hurt you to read it. Give it a try. We have been months and months ahead of everyone. For real. And no, Q has not been debunked. It makes sense that Q trusts Sessions. He heard the plan from Rosenstein. This will go down in the history books. Be a part of history. One day you can say you at least read it.

",1537555669,21/09/2018 18:47 9368161,4107691337,

Why are you so paranoid? Is Q coming to get you?

,1537555722,21/09/2018 18:48 9375724,4107714265,

LOL....I think Trump may be Q.....

,1537556511,21/09/2018 19:01 9375724,4107714613,"

New Q - Anon Today ;

Panic: Since POTUS Won't Fire Rosenstein (Triggering Red Line),

D's Needed a New Playbook

[RR] tried twice to see POTUS, and both times POTUS refused….NOW we know why, the sorry SOB trying to setup POTUS for a sting.

",1537556524,21/09/2018 19:02 9375724,4107724635,"

People, if you are not yet following Q anon, you need to! Go to and read the inside information they drop regarding the Deep State and how some of our “allies “ spy on Americans for the Obama administration.

",1537556862,21/09/2018 19:07 9375724,4107750296,

So Q was right...

,1537557963,21/09/2018 19:26 9375724,4107769388,"

betcha he does. Also, Q says he won't get fired, so he's 100% gone.

",1537558747,21/09/2018 19:39 9375724,4107770226,"

-------- Big Crumbs Tonight ?

POTUS Rally tonight in Missouri is at an arena nicknamed ..... The Q.

Join Us .......

",1537558783,21/09/2018 19:39 9376165,4107778923,"

You must be leaking thoughts. I tell you, it's a CIA plot, Q said so. The best remedy is make a DYI tinfoil hat. With good luck, you'll be protected.

",1537559148,21/09/2018 19:45 9375724,4107790907,"

------------ Big Crumbs Tonight ?
POTUS Rally tonight in Missouri is at an arena nicknamed ..... The Q.

Join Us .......

",1537559645,21/09/2018 19:54 9375724,4107791577,

Indeed.. A CLOAK AND DAGGER BALLET directed by Q..!! (I LOVE THIS.. The Donald is Brilliant!) lol

,1537559675,21/09/2018 19:54 9371158,4107793437,"

Wait, what? Are you saying you trust the FBI again? That's great news! Yay! Its about time that the 'Law and Order' Party start respecting the FBI and other intelligence agencies again!! Whew! Finally, you came to your senses!

Democrats are not simpletons at all. Since many of your peers are furiously decoding the phony Oracle Q conspiracy theories as you read this, I think the Democrats are much more clear headed than the fanatics in your party.
Stop hating on fellow Americans.
You don't own patriotism. We are all American.

",1537559756,21/09/2018 19:55 9375724,4107854051,"

Rosenteins wife uses a different last name to avoid easy detection, she is big player in the deep state.

Peter Strokes wife uses a different last name to avoid detection, she was assigned to.

Melissa Hodgman Named Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division.
36 hours after weiner laptop seized.

Peter strokes wife has successfully blocked all investigations into the Clinton foundation.

This is why Q said a long time ago, FOLLOW THE WIVES.

",1537562597,21/09/2018 20:43 9375724,4107870196,"

------- TRUMP RALLY in Missouri tonight ........ at the "" Q "" arena !

",1537563380,21/09/2018 20:56 9375724,4107870732,


,1537563406,21/09/2018 20:56 9375724,4107873742,

Why's this Q so fxxking cryptic

,1537563556,21/09/2018 20:59 9375724,4107881264,

Nooooooooooooo Q noooooooo We want to see more games oh noooo

then what watch the monkeys play football?

,1537563953,21/09/2018 21:05 9375724,4107900200,"

Thanks, Q!

",1537565109,21/09/2018 21:25 9377371,4107906601,"

--------- "" MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP "" ...... Q - Anon , just now.

",1537565512,21/09/2018 21:31 9377296,4107906968,"

Kudos to Grassley. This is a political fight and Grassley appears to recognize the opportunities for Republicans in this fight. Excerpts via The Trumpet and Alinsky Rule #4:

President Trump will pummel McCaskill tonight. McCaskill announced she will vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation.

The fight is not just against McCaskill however. Not just about the Supreme Court. Excerpts:

""Before we look at the evidence that Christine Blasey Ford is a leftist racist whore let’s examine what this Kavanaugh business is about. It’s not about “delay” as so many conventional “analysts” have deemed it. This is a very smart, albeit dirty, but very smart strategy by Obama Dimocrats to solve myriad dilemmas. We have to give these filthy thugs credit. The question is will Republicans and Trump supporters take advantage of the big opportunities presented or will they make a mess of things by not seeing what is happening and what the objectives of Obama Dimocrats really are? It is a very smart Obama Dimocrat strategy not just a simple delay tactic of a Supreme Court nomination:

1) Notice how this smear job against Judge Kavanaugh is like the “Russia collusion” smears against President Trump’s brilliant election campaign in which against all establishment power Donald J. Trump became President Donald J. Trump? Today’s news that the Deep State operatives (deemed “white hats” by Conservative Treehouse and the Q-Anon Q-Tards) plotted to wire Rod Rosenstein in order to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove a duly elected President is of a piece with the “death by investigation” even if there is no evidence, crime, or specific allegation tactic against Judge Kavanaugh.

2) It’s Friday and as we previously noted the Deep State resists President Trump’s order to declassify documents and text messages from the coup plotters. Just like leftist racist whore Christine Blasey Ford the Deep State plotters will hurl accusations but not produce evidence. Are you beginning to see the pattern? That’s why leftist racist whore Christine Blasey Ford won’t testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The smear has already had maximum impact and any testimony from leftist racist whore Christine Blasey Ford will diminish the returns of her smears against Judge Kavanaugh especially if he is allowed to respond to the non-specific non-allegations allegations.""

",1537565534,21/09/2018 21:32 9375724,4107907124,

I think Q is fake.

,1537565542,21/09/2018 21:32 9375724,4107907555,

That's okay. Just ignore Q if you think it's a larp.

,1537565569,21/09/2018 21:32 9375724,4107910684,

Why did Q settle on such a useless letter?

,1537565766,21/09/2018 21:36 9377371,4107913046,

Did you know the arena is called The Q where this rally is? hahaa

,1537565913,21/09/2018 21:38 9375724,4107916744,

I am not Q.

,1537566137,21/09/2018 21:42 9377287,4107949899,"

",1537568176,21/09/2018 22:16 9377296,4107957997,"

------- NEW Q - ANON

"" Comey & McCabe talking?
Next comes NYT article against [RR]?
These people are stupid.

",1537568709,21/09/2018 22:25 9377287,4107960604,

>Enjoy the show

LOL. Sessions is part of the coup. Q is a democrat plant. You are being played. Sessions and Rosenstein should have been jailed for conspiracy against the people of US in 2017

,1537568882,21/09/2018 22:28 9376165,4107970578,"


",1537569518,21/09/2018 22:38 9375724,4107971632,

Look if you are stupid enough to fall for that Q BS there is no hope. It was started by some people on 4chan namely Coleman (Pam) and his wife who has a criminal record. These people are making money off this fraud.

,1537569587,21/09/2018 22:39 9377287,4107977264,"

You have no Clue..... You are just a Troll and a plant yourself.
Every thing Q talked about is happening, and he talk about it months ago

Go sick your head in a hole, we will let you know when to come out

",1537569953,21/09/2018 22:45 9377287,4107988724,"

I see you have been paying attention, Q for you

",1537570659,21/09/2018 22:57 9377287,4107990680,

This proves that Sessions and Q are plotters or screwups.

,1537570784,21/09/2018 22:59 9376963,4107992605,

Yes....I am a russian bot.........wait a minute........they actually want your dotard to win........OK....please keep spewing your Q trash....I love telling all my friends about it........they hear how crazy the fascist wing of the republican party has become and want to join immediatly!!!!

,1537570906,21/09/2018 23:01 9369001,4108000802,"

Sorry. I didn't realize that you were a shill for the left.

An honest person would explain why they say it's ""Bs"".

So? How does Q accurately predict the exact number of minutes, after which, our beloved President Trump will send out a tweet?
How does Q repeatedly post at the EXACT same time as President Trump?

It happened again after I originally commented.
Post #2232
•Thurs. 9/20/18 10:29 a.m. Q posts
•Thurs. 9/20/18 10:30 a.m. Trump tweets

How about you explain the time an anon on the message board asked the Q group to prove their claim of serving President Trump by getting him to say the phrase ""tip top"" in a speech.
Then, surprise surprise, in his speech at the 2018 Annual Whitehouse Easter Egg Roll, President Trump not only said, ""tip top"", he said, ""tip top... tippy top..."" 😂
Did ya get that?
Q got the President of the United States of America to say ""Tippy Top""!!!
If you are so certain that the ""Q group"", consisting of United States Army INSCOM, which sits at the top of the National Security Agency, is fake and not working with President Trump, then you'll be able to explain how there was an article in Popular Mechanics years ago about the NSA ""Q Group"" hunting Bin Laden and how this ""Q"" is pulling off so many proofs that it's mathematically impossible to be coincidence. Not to mention the fact that, as the months have gone by, already so many things Q earlier posted about have actually happened and later turned up in the news.
Were you surprised that President Trump turned out ending the G**damn 70-year Korean War just when the media ""experts"" were all wringing their hands about the end of the world?
- I wasn't. We weren't.
Were you surprised about Allison Mack, the girl from TV's ""Smallville"", being involved in the exposed Hollywood sex cult ""NXIVM"" wherein they were involved in human sex trafficking and the women were branded?
- I wasn't. We weren't.

The timestamps, current events, and court documents are all there.

So? Explain how it's ""Bs"". We're all ears.

",1537571444,21/09/2018 23:10 9377287,4108003447,"

Nah. It's legit. The NYT is scurrying around like rats trying to save their own skin because they've been an active player in the sedition, too. McCabe and Comey formed an alliance and McCabe leaked one of Comey's memos to the NYT. Little do they know the Q Team has it all already. Sit back and enjoy the show!

",1537571628,21/09/2018 23:13 9374911,4108024964,"

If you search Google: Where can I read QAnon posts? you will NOT find any information on where QAnon posts appear online. Instead you get countless articles virulently disparaging anyone who reads QAnon as not just conspiracy theorists, but as lunatics. If you search Bing, the responses are mixed but you can find the actual posts. Easiest to find on DuckDuckGo.

",1537573072,21/09/2018 23:37 9375724,4108028273,"

He'll release the ""stink bomb"" at the right time. POTUS Trump has not turned the green light yet. Wait patiently for the big catch with no escape. Check with Q Anon's news of many have been arrested already.

",1537573287,21/09/2018 23:41 9377620,4108047105,

The man hates B B Q.....

,1537574519,22/09/2018 00:01 9377935,4108048899,"

Wow, Rosenstein implicates Sessions ...

So how was Q so wrong for so long?

",1537574634,22/09/2018 00:03 9378070,4108060332,"

Great Awakening Reddit OFFICIAL Replacement

Made under the direction of Q.

",1537575416,22/09/2018 00:16 9377935,4108060983,

The BS from Q taking credit for all resignations is pathetic.

,1537575465,22/09/2018 00:17 9377935,4108062884,"

Wasn't Q a manifestation that a ""Deep State"" exists?

It's obvious that a ""Deep State"" does exist!

",1537575602,22/09/2018 00:20 9377935,4108063583,

We were talking about the deep state before Trump ever ran. Giving Q credit for that is even more ludicrous.

,1537575651,22/09/2018 00:20 9377935,4108064079,

Nobody knows who is Q and I don't care who gets credit.

,1537575687,22/09/2018 00:21 9378070,4108066705,"

Great Awakening replacement.
Requested and endorsed by Q.

For Reddit people.

",1537575880,22/09/2018 00:24 9377935,4108069066,

Here is my guess about who Q is.

A few bright people who know how to research. I recognize that attribute because I do the same. I subscribe to services having information not available to those who don't.

Q has been caught a few times using material that is not current. Such as the captain's chair in Air Force One. Fibbing that it was necessary disinformation is LOL comical.

,1537576038,22/09/2018 00:27 9377296,4108071221,

If you were following Q you would know that.

,1537576196,22/09/2018 00:29 9378070,4108094456,"

",1537577822,22/09/2018 00:57 9375724,4108099193,"

You're full of it! You know nothing about Q! Superman is meeting secretly with Batman, both of whom are working hand in hand with Trump, Mueller, and Hillary to reveal the true evil one: Bart Simpson.

",1537578163,22/09/2018 01:02 9375019,4108124956,

Let's see....taste of delusion....if we apply the kabbala numerical interpretation to that it's really code for....I like golden showers? Did I get that right Q?

,1537580200,22/09/2018 01:36 9375724,4108146258,

He claimed that for months. He's no different than Q. Making crap up.

,1537582093,22/09/2018 02:08 9377851,4108180485,"

Please Q people and Treehouse people, stop making things up that keep people asleep.

",1537585144,22/09/2018 02:59 9377287,4108180990,

Levin is right. And Q mentions that Trump will not fall for this most recent ploy to make him cross that red line.

,1537585185,22/09/2018 02:59 9377287,4108221610,"

Oh for crying out loud, people. There is no Q. Don't be so gullible.

",1537588910,22/09/2018 04:01 9378070,4108286320,"

I worked at the J Q H University Hotel and what's interesting about this huge turnout is that Springfield is a college town .So a lot of these people would be college students and professors.A little hard for the liberals to say they are all 'red necks',or'old toothless garbage'.These are Biden's ""dregs of society ""? I think not.

",1537594992,22/09/2018 05:43 9374911,4108288024,"

( is what I have followed.

",1537595146,22/09/2018 05:45 9377935,4108466218,"

I read the Q threads on Free Republic. Those poor souls are still trying to figure out whether Rosenstein is a black hat or white hat. Q has been so vague on the subject that they have inner turmoil.

So what value does Q have, if confusion within his most loyal ranks is the end product???

",1537610180,22/09/2018 09:56 9376084,4108510153,

That is why President Trump uses Twitter and QAnon to get out his message. The media can't mess with those which is why the media denigrates the use of both.

,1537613245,22/09/2018 10:47 9377287,4108599176,

Yep that’s what Q has said.

,1537618060,22/09/2018 12:07 9377287,4108664618,"

Of course there is a Q. However, he or she might not be who they say they are. That doesn't mean that the person hasn't encouraged people to research and think for themselves instead of believing what the MSM tells them. And Q has been right about a few things before they became public knowledge. So there's that...

",1537621194,22/09/2018 12:59 9375172,4108670416,

Calm down and Q..................WWG1WGA YO

,1537621458,22/09/2018 13:04 9375028,4108716541,

This is a non issue for anyone with intelligence and an I Q higher than room temperature.

,1537623570,22/09/2018 13:39 9378385,4108788447,"

That was Q from 2 days ago. Look again, Sweet Reba. This was a third approach since then.

",1537626761,22/09/2018 14:32 9378385,4108802059,

What is Q?

,1537627373,22/09/2018 14:42 9377620,4108814419,"

Somebody, please give BETO, a pork B B Q sandwich!!!
That's how they eat it in TEXAS...

",1537627910,22/09/2018 14:51 9378385,4108828611,

Mark Judge and Q also said it was Brent O'Kavanaugh and maybe a duplicate from the future fingered her ass.

,1537628534,22/09/2018 15:02 9379549,4108896379,

QANON is selling the personal information of everybody who accesses its site to a nationwide network of con men as the best self selecting database of gullible suckers and marks in the united states

,1537631521,22/09/2018 15:52 9379549,4108904526,

oh so you mean you didn’t get you braindead counterfactual theory from qanon?

,1537631950,22/09/2018 15:59 9378289,4108910496,"

Little man, you have much bigger things to worry about than Kavanaugh being conformed. Your symbols (the red shoes) gave you away.

Are you sleeping well little man? Q is so close to you he can hear you breathing...

",1537632269,22/09/2018 16:04 9379639,4108920623,"

No sir. My eggs are in the Trump MAGA and Q basket. We need to depose all of these globalist, deep state, self-serving, and seditious people.

",1537632818,22/09/2018 16:13 9379549,4108925769,

Can you not read? Hint: Q stands for quarter....

,1537633097,22/09/2018 16:18 9379549,4108934379,

Is the Q for queer in LGBTQ?

,1537633511,22/09/2018 16:25 9378385,4108945415,"

Think About This:

DOJ & FBI were in the meeting w Rosenstein when he conspired to wear a wire, secretly record @realDonaldTrump and then rally Trump's @Cabinet to use the 25th Amendment ...


Just like they did NOTHING abt @HillaryClinton's crimes.

",1537634012,22/09/2018 16:33 9377749,4108992110,

Check out'll find answers.

,1537636079,22/09/2018 17:07 9377287,4109084870,"

Of course the latest NYT accusation was a set-up. The anonymous op-ed last week didn't work, so this is the deep state's next move. The ongoing coup is like a chess game. The NYT is being used as a weapon of the deep state. There will be more media articles (WaPo next?) like this trying to provoke a chess move outside of normal gameplay by President Trump. However, President Trump knows he will checkmate the deep state in only a few more moves (even if they can't see it yet). Follow Q - the birds are singing. God Bless America!

",1537640174,22/09/2018 18:16 9380140,4109100683,"

Still no response from Sen Grassley on this. What will he do? Hmmmmm...past predicts future, I think Q says.

",1537640892,22/09/2018 18:28 9378760,4109152938,"

He's been booted out of his homeland of Hungary, is a wanted man in Russia, he now cannot live in his adopted US homeland after Wikileaks and QAnon rumbled his involvement in trying to rig the Presidential election in favour of Killary, and he's now ensconced in Berlin where Gruppenfuehrer Merkel can be trusted to look after his safety. But his days are numbered. Once the sealed indictment bearing his name is unsealed, US Special Forces will haul-ass him out of whatever hole he's hiding in and dump him in Gitmo for his day in court. Everything comes to he who waits.

",1537643459,22/09/2018 19:10 9362650,4109172527,

Who should we rely on Q or Hannity?

,1537644434,22/09/2018 19:27 9379684,4109179007,

Funny how all the things QAnon predicts tend to come true.

,1537644762,22/09/2018 19:32 9379363,4109238512,


,1537647901,22/09/2018 20:25 9380140,4109263526,

Christine FORD generated her own personal misery
and crisis
no one other than she is liable for her present state.

Mindful fraud Ford is only terrified about the
“Under oath” part and Q. about the facts:

,1537649373,22/09/2018 20:49 9375724,4109278341,"

Like who? Or doesn't Q have names? ROTFLMFAO!! You people are so gullible. I suspect the leak was totally political. Was he serious? I have my doubts, but who knows. I'm glad that even his own appointees know that Trump is unfit.

",1537650322,22/09/2018 21:05 9377620,4109284661,"

Somebody should tell BETO, that REAL TEXANS, don't B B Q TOFU..
Where's this SNOWFLAKE from?

",1537650751,22/09/2018 21:12 9375724,4109288847,"

As Rosenstien said he was being used, he heard Admiral Ackbar in the background whispering, ""It's a trap!"" Sessions is doing his job with Huber whom he appointed to prosecute LOTS of swamplings. I suggest y'all do a little Q research.

",1537651032,22/09/2018 21:17 9379276,4109301361,"

I mean even the Q Anon stuff , I know a lot of people wont agree with some of the theories being spread there in that sector of the web, but just the other day Reddit banned everything having to do with QAnon Why? what was the harm?
People arent allowed to even form organic think tanks anymore.
This isnt the united states of washington post.

",1537651905,22/09/2018 21:31 9379276,4109351871,

Was it actually a 2 mile long line when he did the rally at Q Arena?

,1537655442,22/09/2018 22:30 9376678,4109363436,

Trump & Q are working on it. One red pill at a time.

,1537656282,22/09/2018 22:44 9380539,4109370351,

and the plan........
What Plan?

,1537656798,22/09/2018 22:53 9374731,4109430437,

I never heard Q say that.
I heard him say that Captain Picard was a good friend though.

,1537661393,23/09/2018 00:09 9380539,4109437277,

Get on a Q board and get red-pilled before you go NUTS!

,1537661927,23/09/2018 00:18 9380809,4109455517,"

Whew, good thing we’ve got you here for the REAL story. Thanks Q.

",1537663366,23/09/2018 00:42 9380809,4109485092,

Not worried.
No POTUS tweets on this delay...
No RealDonaldTrump tweets...
No Q posts today...

Business as usual. Patriots are in control.

,1537665846,23/09/2018 01:24 9380539,4109544180,

Check out Qanon. Critical thinkers follow this Trump MAGA movement....

,1537671431,23/09/2018 02:57 9380809,4109561422,"

Complete untruths about the accuser are widely circulated in this forum.
NYT debunked some of them:
As a prof, her students wrote that she's dark and vengeful.
Verdict: False. They were reviews of a different Christine Ford.
Blasey family lost their house when Kav's mom ruled against them.
Verdict: False. They settled with the bank, kept their house, no court appearance.
Blasey similarly accused Gorsuch.
Verdict: False. Pure fantasy tweeted by a Qanon fan.

",1537673009,23/09/2018 03:23 9380809,4109625467,

A little disappointed in Q I must say.

,1537678948,23/09/2018 05:02 9380809,4109636513,"

Hey, did Q really give us 👽 disclosure?

",1537680029,23/09/2018 05:20 9380809,4109644999,

DID Q give us 👽👽👽disclosure??

,1537680864,23/09/2018 05:34 9380809,4109645012,

That's a Q drop.

,1537680865,23/09/2018 05:34 9380809,4109694531,

Oh Wow! Even Hannity said that the story about Rosenstein contemplating the 25th amendment was just a trap. Hannity speaks with Trump almost daily.

Same as the info we got from Q.

,1537685785,23/09/2018 06:56 9380809,4109698744,

It seems reasonable to assume Hannity KNOWS WHAT’S GOING ON... he is a great mouthpiece for the Trump Administration...(he probably has attended back yard BBQs with Q personnel!! Lol

,1537686193,23/09/2018 07:03 9380809,4109992172,"


",1537706079,23/09/2018 12:34 9380539,4110052044,

I'll admit it.... I am stumped at this.
What is Q saying?

,1537708868,23/09/2018 13:21 9381985,4110286925,"

There will be no investigation, instead there will by a mass round-up of the Democratic money launderers, embezzlers, pedovores, and satanists...right after the mid-terms.

I see Q people

",1537719036,23/09/2018 16:10 9381985,4110307586,

QANON has been selling the personal infomation of everybody that accesses their postings to a nationwide network of con men as the best self selecting collection of gullible suckers and marks in the united states.

,1537719893,23/09/2018 16:24 9381985,4110314386,

QANON has been selling the personal information of everybody who visits their website to a nationwide network of con artists since it represents the best self selecting database of the most gullible suckers and marks in the united states

,1537720183,23/09/2018 16:29 9379363,4110348588,

Maybe they already I might mention there are over 50K sealed federal indictments...somebody has been busy.

,1537721608,23/09/2018 16:53 9379696,4110475211,"

Homosexicals - Shirley Q Liquor

",1537726533,23/09/2018 18:15 9379696,4110493608,

QANON is selling the personal information of everybody who accesses it to a nationwide network of con men as the best self selecting database of the most gullible suckers and marks in the united states

,1537727282,23/09/2018 18:28 9379696,4110511463,"

kek wut? head over to voat. still some action over there at the moment. Some plebs need smacking around. You won't have much luck here; you just don't have the talent for parsing comment traffic. You'll blend in far better with the low IQ boomers new to Q out there.

Unless you have some better shills you want to try. I'm game. Let's do this, glowtards.

",1537728021,23/09/2018 18:40 9382426,4110518237,"

Wow, Lindsey is sounding like Q. Is the revolution going mainstream?

",1537728298,23/09/2018 18:44 9362650,4110518352,"

Obviously, you dropped out of high school before you took civics or either your failed the class.

Why don't consult more Q, moron.

",1537728303,23/09/2018 18:45 9383344,4110575226,"

Perhaps this is why we have so many Bushies appointed to positions in the administration. Q. When is enough enough? A. Never, make America Mexico again, and add as many other 3rd worlders as we can get away with.

",1537730718,23/09/2018 19:25 9383254,4110732392,

Anderson comes from a very wealthy and secretive family. Q has posted about some of these secrets.....

,1537739230,23/09/2018 21:47 9383833,4110764244,"

On the whole, wages are down. Q few outliers isnt enough.

",1537741332,23/09/2018 22:22 9384094,4110829123,

Within the next 72 hours:
1. Qanon supporters and other alt-right freaks will make unfounded claims about the accuser.
2. Breitbartians will believe them.
3. The NYT will debunk the claims.
4. Breitbartians will stop talking about them and pretend that they never believed them in the first place.

,1537745255,23/09/2018 23:27 9384094,4110830928,"

Qanon is a lefty psyop and most Conservatives could give a crap.

Also, you're one of those idiots that believes anyone who isn't a Communist like yourself is a 'Nazi.'

Go away.

",1537745362,23/09/2018 23:29 9384094,4110852594,"

Go listen to this:

Me-Latest Qanon Posts 9-24-18 : The Sky Will Fall This Week!

",1537746691,23/09/2018 23:51 9384094,4110883096,"

Q says to ""trust Grassley"".

Maybe Q is on the other team?

",1537748553,24/09/2018 00:22 104635,4110890413,"

Actually the objections were listed alongside the insults. Q - So exactly when did John Lennon give up all of his possessions( Nope not talking about after he was shot. Oh wait yes I am.... Yoko Ono donated loads of Lennon's possessions after his death to charities but she didn't give it all up. Imagine that. ) ? Obviously John Lennon wasn't actually advocating that he give up all of his possessions at all. He didn't even try. Lennon wielded way too much influence over the masses because he was an out of touch rock star. The song ""Imagine"" is preachy .... And done so from a ""I'm superior to you because I can tell you what you must do for world peace"" but cut me some slack because I'm not going there myself ... just ""Imagine giving up religion ( Because I'm better than all the prophets, sages, medicine men, etc.) ever born"". Just throw away your faith.... Come follow me( Placing himself above God and all other gods.). I'll show you the way to a man made heaven on earth. Just take a look at what was the Socialist epitome of near ""Heaven on Earth""... The USSR. No possessions , no religion was advocated, etc. It was such a nice place that people were just dying to get out. Actually you are just way too defensive. John Lennon didn't show the over the top Socialist "" empathy"" that he preached in Imagine. John loved his Roll royce and his mansions, and his money, etc.... Things that the poor people can only ""imagine"". John Lennon was a pathetic hypocrite preaching giving it all away but not giving all of his own stuff away... In fact the Lennon stuff that Yoko Ono gave away was more than hundreds of poor people could earn in a lifetime.

",1537749008,24/09/2018 00:30 9384094,4110915687,"

Remember when Q disclosed 👽 existence last week? That was awesome!

Oh, and bring on military tribunals for these deep-state traitors and modern day Bolsheviks!

",1537750635,24/09/2018 00:57 9384094,4110916616,"

Remember when Q disclosed 👽 existence last week? That was awesome!

Oh, and bring on military tribunals for these deep-state traitors and modern day Bolsheviks!!

",1537750697,24/09/2018 00:58 9384094,4110918427,"

Military tribunals for all the deep state traitors and their Bolshevik brethren!

Also, Qanon disclosed alien 👽 life last week.

",1537750824,24/09/2018 01:00 9384094,4110920779,"

",1537750981,24/09/2018 01:03 9384094,4110922975,"

Scroll diwn

",1537751132,24/09/2018 01:05 9383254,4110929532,

Trust Grassley. Q sent me.

,1537751587,24/09/2018 01:13 9384094,4110949110,

lol Q says trust grassley!

,1537752993,24/09/2018 01:36 9384094,4110949760,"

No, Q is confirmed as of last week.

",1537753039,24/09/2018 01:37 9384094,4110973307,"

Am QAnon about this, he knows all.

",1537754941,24/09/2018 02:09 9384094,4110981062,"

For those who care, QAnon just posted this:

Sep 23 2018 18:43:32 (EST)


",1537755593,24/09/2018 02:19 9384094,4110981106,

You're an anti - Q anon shill.

Fake news.

,1537755597,24/09/2018 02:19 9384094,4110981716,

I trust Grassley and I don't need Q or anyone else to tell me to.

,1537755645,24/09/2018 02:20 9384094,4110982078,

Why is there an organized anti Q anon shill campaign in the comment section?

Why waste the time?

,1537755675,24/09/2018 02:21 9382426,4110982531,"

Please don't go all Q on us Rachel...
However, if you are correct I will be happy to be wrong.

",1537755713,24/09/2018 02:21 9384094,4110983207,

Look at the post above.

It's an injection -- a fake addition to a Q post.

,1537755771,24/09/2018 02:22 9384094,4110984004,

^^^ Fake Q anon shill -- adding his own misinformation to Q anon posts.

,1537755841,24/09/2018 02:24 9384094,4110986194,"

Why would there be an organized campaign to add misinformation to Q anon posts and spread them here in the comment section?

I said this would happen, as Q was confirmed, last week.

",1537756029,24/09/2018 02:27 9384094,4110986695,

Qanon is a lefty psyop. Don't fall for it.

,1537756072,24/09/2018 02:27 9383695,4110987144,"

What a crock of bullshit. The Minnesota game was a sell out. Compare pics from the 1st Q to the 4th Q when it was apparent that the Vikings had been blown out by the worst team in the league. The Houston game was a sell-out. The Rams/Chargers had over 68K and would have sold out most stadiums except they are temporaily playing in the Colliseum. Atlanta was at 99% capacity (over 74K). Washington, Cleveland, Philly, Miami, Baltimore, Carolina, KC, and Seattle were at 98-100% capacity.

",1537756111,24/09/2018 02:28 9384094,4110987271,

That's more of that BS from Q the lib troll?

,1537756123,24/09/2018 02:28 9384094,4110987958,

It's intentional. The left is terrified that we will understand that Q is real.

,1537756181,24/09/2018 02:29 9384094,4110988102,

The Q crap was made up to smear Trump supporters as a bunch of nuts

,1537756195,24/09/2018 02:29 9384094,4110988325,"

There are people here posting that Q said ""trust grassley"" (he did), but adding that ""a bomb will drop tomorrow"" (Q never said this) thus setting up a straw man. When no bomb drops tomorrow, they think Q will be discredited.

Q was confirmed last week with his emmys post from April.

",1537756215,24/09/2018 02:30 9384094,4110988987,"

Wrong, Q is confirmed bud. You can ignore it, but you can't fool me.

",1537756272,24/09/2018 02:31 9384094,4110989799,"

Nope, the liberal media totally exposed themselves as being part of the whole Q campaign

",1537756340,24/09/2018 02:32 9384094,4110992583,"

Let's see, some jackass shows up to a Trump rally holding a Q sign. Directly in front of Trump so all the cameras can see it. An hour later every liberal news outlet has a story calling Trump supporters nuts. It's all a setup

",1537756579,24/09/2018 02:36 9384094,4110993257,

I don't think you're informed.

That only proves that the MSM is anti Q anon.

,1537756637,24/09/2018 02:37 9384094,4110993552,

I'm not a Q guy. Perhaps Suzy-Q's

,1537756662,24/09/2018 02:37 9384094,4110994092,

No my low IQ Q friend. It's a smear campaign. It like what they did with Alex Jones but 1000 times bigger

,1537756709,24/09/2018 02:38 9384094,4110994184,"

If you don’t bring Q up, Q don’t matter. Just another opinion/ theory.

",1537756716,24/09/2018 02:38 9384094,4110994649,

The fact that the predictions rarely come true should tell everyone that Q is QTrash

,1537756760,24/09/2018 02:39 9382501,4110994989,"

The cabal loves using their charities for evil, illegal purposes. Red Cross, adoption and foster agencies, CF, McCain, CAIR & other foundations, ""living art,"" etc. QAnon, ""Nothing to see here.""

",1537756788,24/09/2018 02:39 9384094,4110995852,

I don’t know who Q is but I do know the 45 pointed right at a Q sign during one of his rally’s. If the President recognizes Q that’s all I need know

,1537756868,24/09/2018 02:41 9384094,4110996117,"

In April, Q posted that POTUS would authorize DECLAS on the night of the emmy's

This is way more crazy than we realize

",1537756892,24/09/2018 02:41 9384094,4110998748,"

I believe this is the first time we have disagreed, it’s too bad. Q gives me solace & when the President pointed at that sign, I took that as a sign & i started paying attention.

",1537757098,24/09/2018 02:44 9383695,4110999535,

Take your own advice. Look at the score in the Minnesota game. 27-0. Late in the game.

What scoreboard says 2nd Q?

,1537757170,24/09/2018 02:46 9384094,4111000033,"

For anyone that doesn't understand when I say that Q is confirmed, see this post. I've edited it to make it easier to read in Disqus. Someone asks Q ""When will we have a MOAB"" (Mother of All Bombs, i.e. a big strike against the Deep State). Q's answer is ""Red carpet rollout?"". In the second post he clarifies that means the Emmys. Trump ordered the release of unredacted FISAs on 9/17, the same day as the Emmys.



Apr 24 2018 10:45:00 (EST)

""When will we have MOAB?""

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet rollout?
Think logically.
The world is watching.



Apr 30 2018 00:07:44 (EST)

Emmy awards.
Red carpet event?

*Note, these posts were from April. This shows foreknowledge and a plan.

",1537757214,24/09/2018 02:46 9384094,4111001841,

Whomever or whatever Q is does he SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT?

,1537757366,24/09/2018 02:49 9384094,4111004880,"

^^^Continuing to shill against Q anon by adding misinformation as a straw man.

When no MOAB drops tomorrow, this dope thinks Q anon will be discredited.

",1537757626,24/09/2018 02:53 9384454,4111020911,

It doesn't matter if Q is a fraud or not. MAGA is all that matters

,1537759009,24/09/2018 03:16 9384094,4111035978," Happy reading.....

",1537760295,24/09/2018 03:38 9384094,4111054623,

NICE.. (must have missed that particular Q post) ...THANKS

,1537761881,24/09/2018 04:04 9384094,4111081932,"

Q Clearance is the DOE. We may be baking crumbs from an advanced A.I. Either way, ""Fiat justitia ruat cælum"".

",1537764265,24/09/2018 04:44 9384454,4111117094,"

Indeed, Richard, INDEED..!! (I was almost hoping Q would “get involved”...wink wink) lol

",1537767425,24/09/2018 05:37 9384454,4111169453,

The REDICULOUS REALITY ... is even if the libs were successful at BORKING Kavanaugh (hypothetically)...Trumps LONG & DISTINGUISHED LIST of other STELLAR CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS CANDIDATES...will fill the void!! (To Quote the Great and Powerful Q ..”These people are STUPID”

,1537771849,24/09/2018 06:50 9384343,4111245451,"

Notice that Q, a disinformation specialist, always supports republicans acting against the nation.

",1537777546,24/09/2018 08:25 9384454,4111321189,"

The latest Q post: ""TRUST GRASSLEY. Q""

",1537782254,24/09/2018 09:44 9384343,4111352135,

Having a hard time trusting Q on this one. There will have to be a major crap storm in DC this week and early in the week to boot. I haven't read any of his drops since Friday. Is something up?

,1537783910,24/09/2018 10:11 9384454,4111363335,

@L G B T QAnon.......
It's sad how divided we are as a people. Everything is turned upside down as people like Judge Kavanaugh are convicted without a shred of proof 36 years after the supposed event. The sad truth is that this has ZERO to do with a Kavanaugh outside his nomination to the Supreme Court.
Bottom Line is the swamp (both Dem and Republicans) are actively governing against the people. Back in the day (JFK era) the Democrats were the America-First party. Now they are the party of the world.

It really makes me sad to see such polarization in our country. For the most part we all have so much more in common than not:(

,1537784477,24/09/2018 10:21 9384454,4111387967,"

By the way, I absolutely LOVE Q!

",1537785676,24/09/2018 10:41 9384343,4111399102,"

Sorry Schrondinger but we shouldn't be trusting Mueller, Grassley, or Q. Q is a disinformation campaign. Grassley really screwed up with this one. His failure resulted in the failure of the US. He should have held the vote today but he caved. Ford had her chance.

",1537786176,24/09/2018 10:49 9384454,4111400440,"

Theoretically, Q is on internet for maximum exposure to populace...but I hear you

",1537786235,24/09/2018 10:50 9386047,4111599639,

Ferret face resigns? Uh oh... Q called it. This is huge!

,1537794013,24/09/2018 13:00 9386047,4111605730,"

Q called it, and ""FISA brings the house down"". ""Loretta Lynch is talking.""

Thank you Lord Jesus, and thank Q Donald Trump!

",1537794220,24/09/2018 13:03 9386047,4111605826,

I don't follow Q or even know where to find his/her ideas. I just know I trust Sessions.

,1537794223,24/09/2018 13:03 9386047,4111607243,

That's what Q said.

,1537794272,24/09/2018 13:04 9386047,4111615512,"

Just as Q said would happen
The Deep State TRIED to get Trump to FIRE RR. Q said Deep State would USE his FIRING as a way to remove TRUMP from Office.
Q also said TRUMP will NOT FIRE RR, that RR WILL RESIGN.
and he did....
The FISA DECLAS drop is coming

",1537794556,24/09/2018 13:09 9386047,4111616278,

AS Q SAID WOULD HAPPEN! Wake up people. The pain hammer for the deep state is about to be UNLEASHED!

,1537794581,24/09/2018 13:09 9386047,4111631302,"

But Qanon is ""just a conspiracy"" according to the ""fake news."" How much longer are we expected to get the most accurate news from an anonymous source on 8chan?

",1537795095,24/09/2018 13:18 9386047,4111637066,"

"" WE HAVE IT ALL "" ---- Q Anon

",1537795295,24/09/2018 13:21 9386047,4111650980,"

well ""the plan"" is that Sessions is pulling a rope a dope. We're going to find out soon enough I reckon. If trump declassifies and nothing happens. Q got it wrong about Jeffery.

",1537795760,24/09/2018 13:29 9386047,4111675544,

I'm going to repost the whole thing where ever I can with your name on it. And thank God and Trump for Q and Alex Jones. WWG1WGA

,1537796257,24/09/2018 13:37 9348196,4111711695,"
predicted rosenstein resignation days before it happened as well as many other accurate predictions (Insider info )...impressive

",1537797120,24/09/2018 13:52 9386047,4111716939,

Go Q!

,1537797295,24/09/2018 13:54 9386047,4111720702,

Who is Q? What is a larp?

,1537797423,24/09/2018 13:57 9386047,4111725887,

Q's predictions (not really bc Q-anon are making it happen) are coming true. FISA/text/Russia Docs un-redacted dump will blow the levee on the swamp.

,1537797594,24/09/2018 13:59 9386047,4111728306,

I have had more predictions come true than Q.

,1537797676,24/09/2018 14:01 9386047,4111729694,

omg Q was right

he said sessions is ON THE LOOSE

,1537797723,24/09/2018 14:02 9386047,4111729896,

You Q people are so sad. How many times did Q say trust Sessions?LOL

,1537797729,24/09/2018 14:02 9386047,4111731085,

Who is Q?

,1537797770,24/09/2018 14:02 9386047,4111742042,

Go to qanon and read. The Patriots are in charge and all this was foreseen and planned to make the rats scatter!

,1537798137,24/09/2018 14:08 9386047,4111742183,

WWG1WGA. Called PERFECTLY by QAnon. Perfectly. We both know it’s over the FISA so RR is leaving before that boom hits so he can write a book later & rewrite his history. Declas must be coming VERY soon!! Lol

,1537798141,24/09/2018 14:09 9386047,4111749894,

Look at the DATE. Those following Q knew then.

09-22-2018 09:30:10 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID:cbe23c No.3128926

[McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?
Sound familiar?
Think [Comey] memos.

,1537798397,24/09/2018 14:13 9385762,4111753446,

Than you Q and President Trump!!!!
This show is awesome!!!!
At this point I'm waiting for the dems heads to spin around and vomit pea soup......
Pop the popcorn this is AWESOME!!!
liberal tears!!!

,1537798510,24/09/2018 14:15 9386047,4111755781,

Yeah Q spelled it all out many weeks ago

,1537798588,24/09/2018 14:16 9386047,4111769538,

Look at the DATES. Those following Q knew then.

09-12-2018 09:27:10 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID: No.220

Panic in DC.
Comey in communication w/ McCabe re: 'testimony' 'story'?
09-22-2018 09:30:10 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID:cbe23c No.3128926

[McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?
Sound familiar?
Think [Comey] memos.

,1537799041,24/09/2018 14:24 9386047,4111780321,

Look at the DATES. Those following Q knew then. [LL] Refers to Loretta Lynch. BC refers to Bill Clinton.

09-22-2018 08:42:41 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID: No.288

[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal TARMAC [BC]?
[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal COMEY HRC EMAIL CASE?
[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal HUSSEIN instructions re: HRC EMAIL CASE?

,1537799407,24/09/2018 14:30 9386047,4111789632,

Look at the DATES. Those following Q knew then. [LL] is Loretta Lynch. [RR] is Rod Rosenstein.

09-22-2018 08:38:24 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID: No.286

[RR] called [LL] 4x in the past 11 days?

,1537799724,24/09/2018 14:35 9386047,4111796778,

Trust the plan.


,1537799969,24/09/2018 14:39 9386047,4111806283,

I’m not a fake ally. The guy is nuts. Qanon is the only source for insider info

,1537800282,24/09/2018 14:44 9386047,4111819959,

Did you forget (RR) Gone from back in January 2018? Q misses more than he hits

,1537800742,24/09/2018 14:52 9386047,4111824530,"

I don't blame you, according to Q RR was supposed to be gone in January but the Q cult won't acknowledge the false info from Q

",1537800894,24/09/2018 14:54 9386047,4111838395,

You forgot to add Q. But Q also says ‘these people are evil. Pure evil’.

,1537801364,24/09/2018 15:02 9386047,4111878536,

I’m sure QAnon reported about Breitbart sad trombones months ago.

,1537802746,24/09/2018 15:25 9386047,4111882557,

Val! Are you giving Q a run for his money?

,1537802884,24/09/2018 15:28 9385639,4111887884,

What happened with the Q prediction about cell phones. Weren’t we all getting a test message last Thursday?

,1537803064,24/09/2018 15:31 9386308,4111893716,

Forget the LGBT part and just use the Q because that is what they ar

,1537803256,24/09/2018 15:34 9369001,4111969860,"

Spin? Spin what? You're the one spinning Q as ""BS to pacify people"". What I don't understand is what exactly you think people would be doing right now if only they weren't 'pacified' by learning the extensive details of the leftists' attempted coup to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States. All that we as supporters of President Trump can do is counter the MSM false narrative with the truth we uncover for ourselves through Q and to VOTE. In addition to pulling back the curtain on the Demonrats crimes, supporting President Trump, and reminding Americans who they are (i.e. We, The People), Q has repeatedly brought up the importance of midterms and the vote.

31 Aug 2018 - 2:31:53 PM
We will do our job to protect the vote.
Will you do yours?

Seeing the well-known traitors to America arrested and frog-marched before the cameras will be glorious, but that's not the win, man. O.J. and Casey Anthony both got off after their perp-walk, didn't they? The win is bringing down the whole damn DeepState cabal and securing convictions on every single one of them, followed by executions for treason. That couldn't happen without first enacting the systematic plan that's already underway to: counter the corrupt MSM's projection, remove DeepState co-conspirators and sympathizers from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc., remove their ability to communicate, use Huber's 470 assigned investigators to get the ""small fish"" guilty parties to testify against the ""big fish"", empanel grand juries away from the DC swamp, keep it all under wraps in order to prevent negatively influencing those grand juries, capitalize on the mistakes the DS makes in their panic, and then ultimately when ready drop the hammer and arrest everyone involved Nationwide on the same day.

Who does Huber work with specifically?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Team of 470?
Will BO transcripts be released?
Huber + IG + 470?
Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?
How many members of Congress not seeking re-election?
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE not seeking re-election?
How many Senators have resigned or not seeking another term?
How many (senior) FBI have been removed?
How many (senior) DOJ have been removed?
Nothing to See Here.
We should 'attack' them 'head on'….in DC….using a 2nd SC….
Emotion clouds judgement.
We should 'attack' while 'corrupt' members of the DOJ, FBI, NY_AG….are still in place…….
We should use a 2nd SC in DC [SWAMP] [team of 20] and wait 2-4 years and hope for the best w/ NO CONTROL.
Logical thinking ELIMINATES emotional nonsense.
BIG rally tonight.

Q dropped the names of Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, and Nellie Ohr months before anyone even knew who the hell they were. Q IS the media for Trump-supporters. Bring people to the resource or just quietly ignore the disclosure, but don't talk trash and help the left keep our Countrymen in the dark and buying the Dims' BS narrative.

",1537805632,24/09/2018 16:13 9376489,4111977925,"

By God's grace, I can say, Yes I have, Happy. I love how the Westminster Assembly in 1646 and 1647 framed the Q & A. In the ""Shorter Catechism."" They wrote:

Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

Westminster Shorter Catechism:

""I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.""
~ Jesus Christ; John 10:9.

The Door to Real Life; Dr. Peter Masters:
""I am the door,"" said Christ, providing one of the richest analogies in the Bible to describe the experience of coming to know Him, and entering into His kingdom. Here earthly doors of opportunity with their limited gains are contrasted with the great door of conversion...

""It is our main business in this world, to insure an interest in the next.""
~ John Mason (1645—1694)

“LOOK TO ME and be saved, ALL the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other"" Isaiah 45:22.

The Discovery of God:
The human plight today is that of people looking away from God and of people who are alienated from Him. Here is the gracious appeal of God that stirs us from unawareness, to see our spiritual need and to experience His reconciling kindness in conversion. Here is the call of God to YOU...

""Isaiah 45:22"" is the text that God used on a cold winter's day to convert C.H. Spurgeon to Himself. Here is a short movie about his conversion, life and ministry...

",1537805898,24/09/2018 16:18 9386047,4112000994,"

Another Trumptactic. Get Rosenstein to roll while getting McCabe to roll. Start pulling Rosenstein's strings by not accepting his resignation. Trump already knows pretty much all the leaders, liars, connections, tactics and names. He needs to firm up the proof since he has no one to trust to do it for him. For all we know, the legendary Q could be the Donald himself.

",1537806687,24/09/2018 16:31 9383344,4112009719,"

""Bush clan of Nazi NWO cabal pedos being arrested . . . ""

QAnon victim.

",1537806986,24/09/2018 16:36 9386047,4112023818,"

If you believe Q is ""real"" you wouldn't be able to find a point if you sat on it.

",1537807454,24/09/2018 16:44 9387274,4112027171,"

Believe in Q!
It will set you free!
Some people are so gullible. Oh well, got to have some to keep nigerian princes in business

",1537807564,24/09/2018 16:46 9387487,4112045818,"

The Q Army are Deplorable :)


",1537808151,24/09/2018 16:55 9387370,4112104356,"

If this crap keeps heading in this direction, accusations like the following will get all sorts of men in trouble in situations like the judicial nominations, running for office, and more:

- Accuser - I was entering a hotel one night, oh, about 25 years ago, and he (I'm sure it MUST have been him) held the door open for me. I'm sure he held the door just to make a pass at me and try to get me to his room. Q - Which hotel? A - Not sure, but it was a big one. Q - What city was it in? A - I can't recall, but since it was a big hotel, it must have been a big city. Leftist - GUILTY. She has to be correct. Evidence doesn't matter.

- Accuser - I was entering an elevator at a hotel one night about 15 yrs ago, and the door started to crush me. He (I'm certain it must have been him, he had the same kind of hair and color of suit), pushed the button the the door opened back up. He smiled at me and asked if I was OK. I'm certain he wanted to get me to his room. Q&A - See above. Leftist - See above.

- Accuser - When we were in elementary school, he tried to hold my hand one day on the way to the lunchroom. I told him no, but he tried again. OH NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO!

",1537810079,24/09/2018 17:27 9387613,4112156605,

It must be Q.

Done arguing a moot point

,1537811787,24/09/2018 17:56 9387370,4112159876,

out thought Q said done deal....and NO DEALS to the criminals.....jeff flake is essentially running the country right now

,1537811895,24/09/2018 17:58 9387613,4112191391,"

No, it's my own brain, GEEBUZ!
*Think a little.*

I wasn't arguing....seems you turned it that way. Silly to do so.
P.S. I have never read one word from Q about this.

",1537812932,24/09/2018 18:15 9383695,4112247459,"

The NFL has asked for this, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN will not put up with this kind of behavior. ////////////////////////////////

",1537814790,24/09/2018 18:46 9380890,4112289942,

I was hoping Trump Derangement Syndrome would be fatal.

It is. (*grin*) Q.E.D.

,1537816337,24/09/2018 19:12 9387487,4112303583,

Nope Q is a liberal troll like you

,1537816866,24/09/2018 19:21 9386047,4112390274,

You Q cultists are pathetic.

,1537820367,24/09/2018 20:19 9387487,4112404243,"

Listen to ""praying medic"" on Youtube talk about all the Q posts regarding this.

",1537821004,24/09/2018 20:30 9386047,4112409142,

Oh I’ve been reading Q since May. Lol Q is the only legit inside info out on the internet. Qanon has proved correct so many times... keeps me focused on what needs to be watched..then I look up my own news.

We know how RR career ends. From FISA. It’s the perfectly legit way. And it will be before midterms too. But I believed the report today too. Luckily I had Rush on & he knew it was a fake out. I shoulda know too. The president already went on record he’s not gonna let RR go over the fake NYT “wire up RR” story. Im still keeping the faith because what Q says & the president ultimately does is in sync.

Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein !! Ha!

,1537821231,24/09/2018 20:33 9387487,4112442091,"

Rosenstein offers to resign, will meet Trump on Thursday
9/24/2018 0 Comments

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Sarah Sanders

Statement on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:

12:48 PM - Sep 24, 2018
6,804 people are talking about this
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It looks like there have been multiple reports today of Rod Rosenstein resigning or possibly resigning, but Sarah Sanders is stating that Rod Rosenstein has offered resignation but will first meet Trump on Thursday. It looks like Q could be correct in stating goodbye Mr. Rosenstein, but it looks like we won't find out until before Thursday, on Thursday, or after Thursday. With Rosenstein now reported as offering his resignation, it looks like George Soros and his organizers of protests if Rosenstein is fired won't get to protest across America...As Rosenstein has personally offered his resignation to the President. Whatever happens to Rosenstein, it's likely goodbye.

",1537822823,24/09/2018 21:00 9387487,4112484259,"

Sorry, that is slang for, well, allowing ones self to be used and abused for lengthy periods of time, along with self mutilation by drug and or alcohol abuse leaving one appearing well older than they are.

As for a link, well, there are advantages in following along with Q and the autists and the anons. Ill just leave it at that, recalling that one core purpose of Q is for people to search things out for themselves. ;)

",1537825152,24/09/2018 21:39 9385669,4112504477,"

In other words he is frantically pitching a lie that all staff should echo since conservatives are leaving Goolge in mass. It just takes very little time, an hour leaked liberal cry and strategy meeting, to destroy trust that took a decade to create.
And no, we are not coming back and trusting you again.

A good example of their bias is how they make finding actual links to Q Anon posts. Instead they return pages of sites calling them conspiracy postings and dangerous to society.u

",1537826247,24/09/2018 21:57 9387487,4112530186,

Character ASSASSINATION is about as low a stunt as the DEMOCRATS can go.///////
These same DEMOCRATS don't seem to care abut JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN anymore.
All the DEMON - RATS want is to destroy AMERICAN and the CONSTITUTION with it. The same DEMON - RATS don't care about anyone but themselves and how they can unravel the THE US of A. ///////////////////////// PLAIN ANS SIMPLE. //////////////

,1537827601,24/09/2018 22:20 9387100,4112592714,

I hope Q has some “GOUGE” (political dirt) on Old UpChuck the Schmuck Schumer....

,1537830957,24/09/2018 23:15 9387100,4112594161,"

The DemonRAT Party must be DESTROYED.....(politically)... THANK YOU, Q (wink wink)

",1537831035,24/09/2018 23:17 9387847,4112684534,"

""Quisling"", with a capitol Q, perfect. Except I might qualify that with ""Abnoxiously Abhorrent Quisling Democrats"".

",1537836149,25/09/2018 00:42 9386047,4112712225,

Man! Q must have had something BIG on Rosenstein to get him to do this!

,1537837845,25/09/2018 01:10 9388576,4112738802,"

Do you make a habit of looking at topless pics of 15 year olds, or did you get this ‘evidence’ from a commenter describing a supposed QAnon post? You guys are pure class.

",1537839713,25/09/2018 01:41 9387958,4112748777,"

* RNC = radical nationalist cry-babies
* GOP = good old pig-headedness
* Q = Psychic hotline
* Radical, Rushist, Righteous Right Refuses to Reflect Reasonably Regarding Russia.

",1537840473,25/09/2018 01:54 9387958,4112755421,"

Come on Linels, That is utter nonsense. Democrats are not these power-monsters you describe. Democrats are not your enemy. We're all American. We love America, just like You! (well minus all your kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories.)
You don't own patriotism.

",1537840993,25/09/2018 02:03 9387958,4112757397,

Is that some secret code for the tin hats club? I'd like to hear your answer to my question but I don't speak the Oracle Q...

,1537841146,25/09/2018 02:05 9387958,4112783656,"

Cool it Rambo. Yes, your videos are explosive & well shot. I respect the military and their skills. What do you want from me? Are you warning me about Civil War? Is that what you want?? Huh?? Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, fighting to keep battle off America's shores just for a bunch of conspiracy-riddled Oracle Q fanatics to make blood in the streets. You Don't Own Patriotism !! Democrats are not your enemy. We're all Americans.

",1537843256,25/09/2018 02:40 9389875,4112801798,"

Hahaha, just by the use of that word you give yourself away...please lay off all the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Please activate your critical thinking, instead.

",1537844962,25/09/2018 03:09 9389875,4112818100,"

No Q posts in over 12 hours...
Maybe we have done our job well :)
Systematic destruction of the old guard. Trump is in control.

",1537846779,25/09/2018 03:39 9389875,4112935202,

I bet the fact that Q isn't posting and giving the cabal any idea what is going on... just drives them more nuts.

,1537856869,25/09/2018 06:27 9386047,4113041616,

If Q is such an idiot .... then why are you pee'ing your pants? Taylor?

,1537864456,25/09/2018 08:34 9388129,4113057759,

You believe in Q. Notice that's not a Question.

,1537865464,25/09/2018 08:51 9389914,4113112857,

Vendors never least liberal vendors. OK John Q Public. Remind them...

,1537868569,25/09/2018 09:42 9389875,4113116160,"

Brennan begs Rosenstein to not resign, wait to get fired in panicked tweet
9/24/2018 0 Comments


John O. Brennan

Any attempt by the White House to subvert or manipulate law enforcement should be resisted. Rather than resigning, officials should stand their ground & wait to be fired. Resisting abuse of presidential authority is not a policy difference; it’s about adhering to the rule of law.

6:26 PM - Sep 24, 2018
18.8K people are talking about this
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Rosenstein's signing of a resignation letter is now freaking out the members of the cabal, as Brennan is now begging Rosenstein not to resign in a panicked tweet. Not only is Brennan asking Rosenstein to hold his ground and not resign, but Obama's former CIA Director is also ordering Rosenstein to wait to get fired...So obviously if President Trump fires Rosenstein we have a clue that Deep State/Political rhetoric will likely be in play. So with Brennan telling Rosenstein to not resign and wait to be fired is a sign the Deep State has something planned in case of a Rosenstein firing. This is why the FISA declassification must come before a Rosenstein firing, because no narrative will be able to be created...Wait for the FISA declassification. Like Q has told us, DC continues to be in panic.

",1537868738,25/09/2018 09:45 9389875,4113240060,"

First Q to Ford on Thursday

Do You Swear to tell the truth?

I don't know, but I can have 3 people say I will


MSM: Stop this hearing NOW it's a Kangaroo court

",1537874414,25/09/2018 11:20 9388075,4113366914,

Right on Q.. I'm sure they're biatch-slapping her across the entire country... Coast to coast biatch slap...

,1537879135,25/09/2018 12:38 9391825,4113518348,"

Not really. I wouldn't describe my family as a bunch of weird, uninformed, Q-anon followers who pass fake news along to each other.

",1537883907,25/09/2018 13:58 9389917,4113578113,"

And they hate Trump for making them ""step down"" for yet undisclosed sexual or money related crimes. 50+ of them including Ryan. Till they go, they are backbiting and sniping till the end. Then hopefully they will be charged for their crimes in public. McCain is either dead or in hiding to avoid hanging. Some say he was hung already. Q knew a month ahead of time he would die on the day he died. There are military tribunals going on or will be.

",1537885828,25/09/2018 14:30 9391825,4113594801,"

Yes. Check out this list from Q about the sealed and unsealed indictments that are ready to be served. State by state.

",1537886372,25/09/2018 14:39 9386047,4113631240,"

Just because the sun did not set yet, does not mean it wont be dark ...... soon. So far Q has not been wrong! Can you say the same? ... ... :)

",1537887566,25/09/2018 14:59 9391825,4113746019,

Trump's first year ( 2017 ) was about 2.5%.
The 2018 Q2 4.2% was great but ( you may know ) was filled with production rushed forward from Q3 to beat tariffs.
Obama had several quarters above 4% and one Q above 5%.

,1537891331,25/09/2018 16:02 9391198,4113746196,"

Well, we don't like the middle either but we are clear-headed and ready. So many on the Right are living in the Oracle Q fantasyland so We're confident with truth & reality on our side. War is not the answer.

",1537891338,25/09/2018 16:02 9391564,4113856545,"

""What prejudices do you have that when someone uses the word ""thug"" you immediately think of an entire race of people?""

LMAO - you supremacist buttlicks actually think that works, don't you? You've been using thug=Black for years, and when called on it, claim that it's racist to suggest you were doing so. Save the weak mind tricks for the Q anon crowd.

",1537894909,25/09/2018 17:01 9387487,4113889130,"

The long list of firings is a good example.

Ohr we could talk about some whoa Nellie situations.

Outing Rosenweasel calls with Songbird Lynch is some serious carbs doled out.

When a person decides to stop being spoonfed by tv talking heads, instead seeking things out themselves, many things becomes so much more clear and things make so much more sense. Gaps are filled in that helps so many pieces fit together.

Think of it like SCOTUS decision. Whenever one is handed out, the media spins the dicta, some pointing to decision, others pointing to dissent, while MOST ALL of them avoid the holding itself and the actual path to it altogether. Why do you supposed that is? All of that is an effort to keep people STUPID, uninformed and no more than baaaaahhhhhhing sheep.

You don't have to believe me. You don't have to trust me. See, tht is part of what the Q project is all about. You have to trust yourself, you have to look yourself, you have to think about you find yourself, indeed you have to choose to be informed, yourself.

One easy place to start is to head on over to Freerepublic. It is a pretty laid back place outside the MSM garbage template. NO ads, no games. There is always one current Q thread with a MASSIVE amount of information at your fingertips. This ain't talking points my friend. This is actual research, actual Questions and answers reasoned out, argued legitimately without the flame garbage masking it all. The top of each thread always has LOTS of links along the lines of a FAQs and any questions you bring to the table - so long as it isn't pathetic trolling- will be approached and debated out down to the factual answer or the two seemingly at odds answers that require more knowledge to decide which is accurate and which is not.

Those who want to know what Q is, well, they will seek it out themselves. Posers will want to be spoonfed and then regurgitate what they are told. I don't guess you are a simpleton, heck may be you are really a autist who spends most of their time in the world of chan, who knows. Regardless, if you really want to see a whooooole lot of starching, Freerepublic is a great modest place to start. The choice is yours...your path mapped out easily. Now all ya gotta do is choose to head down that road to find what there is to find.

",1537895975,25/09/2018 17:19 9392722,4113901125,"

Actually the corrupt Saudi prince was removed shortly after President Trump took office. The President has been working behind the scenes to deal with corruption that has controlled other countries and the US for a long time. That is why so many politicians, Corp business controllers and other prominent leaders all over the world have resigned.

Ref: # qanon

",1537896361,25/09/2018 17:26 9392665,4114062711,

Look no further than the 6000 comments below. Your peers are entrenched in the kooky Oracle Q. Many Republicans prefer fantasyland instead of reality.

,1537901376,25/09/2018 18:49 9392665,4114065630,"

Republicans are so entrenched in the kooky Oracle Q, they don't even see the truth that is staring them in the face. For proof, see the 6000 garbage comments below:

",1537901473,25/09/2018 18:51 9392722,4114070821,


,1537901642,25/09/2018 18:54 9391198,4114168037,"

Max, simmer down, Democrats DO NOT support Antifa. We do not claim them, just like Republicans don't claim the KKK. You are missing the point. Democrats are Americans, we love America, just like you! (Minus the kooky Oracle Q conspiracies)
Please let's try to build a bridge instead of inciting violence, o.k.?
America is like an Eagle, she needs both wings to fly. The Right and the Left.

",1537905085,25/09/2018 19:51 9393892,4114226186,"

""An online post on Tuesday claimed that Avenatti had been scammed by the online forum 4Chan..."" Remember QAnon?

Please continue!

",1537907407,25/09/2018 20:30 9394966,4114373899,

Dems behaving badly...just in time for the midterms. Q - “These people are stupid.”

,1537915234,25/09/2018 22:40 9394966,4114374698,

I follow Q as well. Interesting times.

,1537915280,25/09/2018 22:41 9393730,4114401586,

The dude likes B B Q from TOFU...
Creepy for TEXAS!!!

,1537916836,25/09/2018 23:07 9394966,4114556506,

Qanon is catnip for gullible morons.

Which is of course exactly why you losers worship it.

,1537926934,26/09/2018 01:55 9394831,4114630423,"

Qanon says the Pope was turned the investigation over to John Huber in Utah and there are 40,000, no 51,000, sealed indictments of pedophile priests.

",1537933257,26/09/2018 03:40 9395911,4114750780,"

Yes.. I am basing most of my thoughts on Qanon posts.. and I have no reason to suspect the accuracy of that information...BUT, you never know... could all BE A RUSE, right?

",1537943068,26/09/2018 06:24 9395407,4114808520,

There’s a reason why the Military - and Q referred to McCain as NO NAME.

,1537947434,26/09/2018 07:37 9386047,4114817534,"

See, when you LIE you eventually get caught out. NO SUCH DROP FROM Q.

",1537948089,26/09/2018 07:48 9386047,4115048456,"

Taylor, you know Q is true. Whistling past the grave yard, humm .... becareful you don't attract something you don't want to meet :)

",1537960509,26/09/2018 11:15 9391825,4115051617,"

No idea what source you are using so don't know if those numbers are accurate. But even if they are - so what? That's not apples to apples. You're comparing Obama's last 20 months to Trump's first? What about Obama's first 20 months? What about all 8 years of his administration? He brought unemployment down from a high of 10% to 4.8% - a drop of over 5%. Trump has so far gotten it down only 0.9%. In 2014, Obama had one Q over 5% and one at 4.9%. Wow! Yeah the economy slowed a bit in 2016, which is why you can make the comparisons above. It does not mean that the Obama economy was a total fail. Look, I know the economy is doing well and I am very very glad. But don't come at me with some BS about how the Obama economy was a disaster and Trump has turned it around. It just isn't true.

",1537960644,26/09/2018 11:17 9386047,4115155114,

You Q cultists are beyond hope. The fact that you put all your faith in a bunch of guys from 8chan is beyond laughable. They are making money off of people like you. Have a nice day.

,1537964389,26/09/2018 12:19 9397288,4115168909,"

When Q says ""these people are stupid"" he meant it.

",1537964900,26/09/2018 12:28 9386047,4115228163,"

You really have no clue. Q makes no money, never made or asked for a dime. Keep drinking the Blue Kool-aid, the Red wave is coming. I will have a nice day.

",1537967027,26/09/2018 13:03 9396652,4115240906,"

Christians in Africa, Jews in New York - genital mutilation.
incest - Mississippi
spousal rape - was a different crime than rape in America up until 2005
pedophilia - where is Q when we need him

",1537967482,26/09/2018 13:11 9393730,4115242040,"

Nothing O'rourke says matters, the people who will vote for him do not actually care you see.
Heck, half of them don't WANT a Society based on the Rule of Law.


",1537967523,26/09/2018 13:12 9394966,4115382542,

Did you get that from Q? Did it come over a secure line? LOL!!!

Lets talk on 11/7 QCat.

,1537972046,26/09/2018 14:27 9398434,4115423925,




Whittaker Chambers


Frank Meyer

Richard M. Weaver

George J. Stigler



William A. Rusher


William F. Buckley Jr.

L. Brent Bozell Jr.

Tim LaHaye


Q. Wilson


Walter E. Williams






Charles Krauthammer





L. Brent Bozell III



,1537973355,26/09/2018 14:49 9386044,4115501636,"

RR is NO white hat. He is a straight ghetto rat GANGSTER just like the rest of them. Will he FLIP to save himself, no doubt. But he still thinks that will not happen because they will get Trump out before then.
It appears you are a Q fan. I would just warn to you be WISE as a serpent. Never follow anyone blindly. With Q I would say, ""trust"" but VERIFY. I think you will find NUGGETS but not the full or actual picture, as they only see bits and pieces and then make conclusions.

",1537975731,26/09/2018 15:28 9386047,4115541172,

Sure I guess all those websites selling Q stuff and the Patriot Sh**tbox doesn't make money. Jut look at Pammy's all new equipment. You [people deserve e each other.

,1537976954,26/09/2018 15:49 9394966,4115561633,"

My wish would be he was already presiding and the FISA was DECLAS, but given the fact that everything you said has no evidence (not even from Qanon) I'd say you were the one making baseless claims.

The hearing is set for Friday. Don't hold your breath, and remember the swamp is purple not blue.

",1537977579,26/09/2018 15:59 9082000,4115669572,

I will not hold my breath... Since Tick Tock Tick Tock. Needs to be profitable more than 1 Q Pal.

,1537980289,26/09/2018 16:44 9399688,4115675082,"

I'm talking about John Q Trump who bombasts in front of the TV about how unfair this all is and how she's a lying shrew who can't be trusted, that if it were true she would have said something 30 years ago (like the altar boys right?)

",1537980407,26/09/2018 16:46 9399688,4115694378,"

Julie Swetnick has more clearances than Q, bro.

",1537980981,26/09/2018 16:56 9399688,4115722937,

I really pray that Q is on target when he states these people will be facing firing squads when the SHTF. A bullet is too quick for them IMO though.

,1537981580,26/09/2018 17:06 9397288,4115731577,

He believes in Q AND the Easter Bunny.

,1537981782,26/09/2018 17:09 9386047,4115740755,"

It is not Q. I would ask you to prove that Q is making money but I KNOW you do not know who Q is. You know I know I am on the right side, just by the fear in your words. Lash out at anything, We are no longer listening to the deep state controlled parrots who only want our names and make a few bucks, we got the real thing.

",1537982071,26/09/2018 17:14 9399688,4115766643,

Doesn't QAnon have an answer to all this?

,1537982511,26/09/2018 17:21 9399688,4115778824,"

They are too far gone in TDS land. If there is any validity to all the Q shenanigans, their lives are about to be turned upside down.

",1537982708,26/09/2018 17:25 9399688,4115844521,

Good news. Vote Friday will be positive. Q was right.

,1537984416,26/09/2018 17:53 9399688,4115900070,"

Trump's got this.

",1537986173,26/09/2018 18:22 9386044,4115942002,

I still don't know how to figure Sessions tbh. Q says to trust Sessions but it still throws me every time POTUS tosses him a tweet. lol :p

,1537987529,26/09/2018 18:45 9399493,4115978226,

R E Q U E S T - D E N I E D

,1537988700,26/09/2018 19:05 9398113,4115987920,"

Lol, QAnon rubbish? Sorry, I don't 'trust the plan' which is apparently going to involve Trump executing his actual election promises in 2023 or something.

",1537989023,26/09/2018 19:10 9399688,4116175583,"

Sorry this runs so long...
Thumper, I appreciate your service. Thank you for serving and protecting America.

Democrats are worried that Trump sold us all out to the Russians. We don't need to make up anything about it to give us suspicions. It looks very possible to us. Even though we strongly believe Trump knew about it, invited it, or was funded by it, we have not blown up a mall, we have not stormed the Whitehouse. In fact, we all paid our taxes last year.
The idea that Democrats would resort to violence is just not true. Democrats condemn violence and deliberate cruelty. No Democrats have any plans to bomb anything. Democrats don't want a war! That's the last thing we'd ever do. You just have to look at the 6000 comments below to see who is asking for war. I get warned by the Radical Right every single day about how they will drain my blood, etc. If you go on the comment section of a liberal website, you will not find liberals talking about war! They just don't. Every time the Radical Right warn that they are going to hunt me down, I am stunned that this is even being discussed. Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of kooky Oracle Q conspiracy fanatics to make blood in the streets. Not in my America!
If you want to see where this violence is percolating, look no further than the words of your peers below.Why don't you tell them to shut up when you see it in a comment? The very idea of another Civil War is not even on the radar for most on the Left. It is coming from the Radical Right. These violent ideas are solidly from your side. We are still very ""kumbaya"".
We don't claim Antifa, just like you don't claim the KKK. We don't take responsibility for the psycho baseball shooter, just like you don't take responsibility for the Texas shooter.

I have gone to Democrat meetings, read thru the platforms and I have never seen anyone call for violence. I have never even heard anyone suggest violence to solve any problem. That's not the way Democrats work, besides we know who have alk the guns.

You must see that many of your peers are so entrenched in conspiracy theories that they are dangerously confused. Have you ever been called a pedophile? Well, they think all Democrats are pedophiles. All these kooky fantasies is the thing that your party needs to take responsibility for. You blame Democrats for everything without ever thinking what it's like dealing with people who prefer fantasy to reality. The Radical Right have lost their minds and you continue to blame the Left because we are mad about it.

If you cared so much about America, you'd care about how we were messed with by a foreign country. The Right is not interested in finding out the truth.

Please read the link below at least just July 2016. I know you won't like the source but the Timeline format is interesting. All info from Muellers July indictment.
This is what we're mad at:


I don't mean to piss you off but you have the wrong impression of Democrats. We are fellow AMERICANS, no matter how you guys try to reduce us as vermin.

",1537996497,26/09/2018 21:14 9399688,4116191150,"

When will a reporter simply ask ""Do you know who this Q-Anon person (or people) is (or are)? And do they work on your behalf?""

",1537997164,26/09/2018 21:26 9399688,4116247912,"

Democrats do not claim the psycho baseball shooter or Antifa, just like you guys don't claim Texas shooter or KKK.
A member of the Radical Right killed Heather Heyer with his car. The Radical Right drove a tank to the Hoover Dam. They shot up a pizza place because the Radical Right are so entrenched in kooky Oracle Q conspiracies, they can't see straight. We are Americans. Democrats are not yoye enemy. But don't mistake our kindness for weakness. You don't own patriotism. The Radical Right is so UnAmerican, they warn me about upcoming Civil War every single day. Not in my America!

",1538000335,26/09/2018 22:18 9399688,4116262878,"

You and Q have a lot in common, one being you're both lib trolls

",1538001181,26/09/2018 22:33 9401980,4116315202,

Where's Q ? 2 days and no crumbs. WWG1WGA

,1538004264,26/09/2018 23:24 9399688,4116317037,

Did you watch Trump’s Q & A presser today? He ripped their azz!!

,1538004371,26/09/2018 23:26 9399688,4116400017,"

QANON is selling the personal information of everybody who accesses its site to a nationwide network of con men as the best self selecting database of gullible suckers and marks in the united states

that means you, ya poor sucker

",1538009297,27/09/2018 00:48 9399688,4116457907,"

I'm thinking there's no way we get through tomorrow without SOMETHING happening to steal the spotlight and put the confirmation on hold for a while. It's sickening to think just how far the cabal will go to maintain their stranglehold on this country but we've all seen it before. I PRAY for the safety of this nation, our President, and all of the Q team.

Stay safe, Patriots!

",1538013320,27/09/2018 01:55 9399688,4116478019,"

This should do the trick. Qanon Song.

",1538014930,27/09/2018 02:22 9399688,4116479655,


Tiny Tim is Q.

,1538015068,27/09/2018 02:24 9399688,4116498887,"

It means what Q, Mark Taylor & others have been saying for quite some time

",1538016633,27/09/2018 02:50 9400657,4116564320,

He really is ... if Q is accurate!

,1538021989,27/09/2018 04:19 9400657,4116587073,

I hope Q is correct about that... (will believe that one when I see it)

,1538023836,27/09/2018 04:50 9400657,4116606118,

Barry’s KICKBACK ? (How much of that UNMARKED CASH did Barry end up with in an ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT IN THE CAYMANS?).. Maybe Q knows? Lol

,1538025300,27/09/2018 05:15 9399688,4116789429,"

Devin Nunes announces vote to basically release Russia probe documents Friday. FISA declassification?
9/27/2018 0 Comments

​ Fox News Reports: The House Intelligence Committee will vote Friday on whether to make public some executive-session transcripts related to the panel’s now-concluded Russia investigation. The intel panel’s investigation was separate from the probe being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The committee is scheduled to meet beginning at 9 a.m. on Capitol Hill, according to a news release. Prior to release, the transcripts would first be reviewed by Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, according to the statement.
Earlier this month, intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said the transcripts should be made public ahead of November’s midterm elections. “I expect to make those available from our committee to the American public in the next few weeks."" Nunes said during an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.” Nunes’ comments echoed those U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who told the Hill that it ""would be beneficial for the public to see"" the documents in question.
Well one thing is for sure and that is that the 2017 FISA renewal on Carter Page is involved in the Russia probe/illegal FISA spy ring on President Trump and his associates. The question with the House Intelligence Committee vote coming on Friday in the morning, will this involve President Trump's immediate declassification with no redaction ordered declassification of the 2017 Rod Rosenstein FISA renewal?
​ What information are we going to possibly find out on Friday should this vote be in favor of the release of these documents from the House Intelligence Committee on Friday? One thing we can hope for should this vote be successful and release these documents, is the full declassification of FISA...And hopefully like Q says Good Bye Rosenstein. Bad day for Deep State coming on Friday? Keep head on swivel if Friday is the day.

",1538038673,27/09/2018 08:57 9402295,4116975497,"

Ol' John Q. Average is getting a eye-full.....
Beginning to realize just what ""Liberalism"" is all about. EXCELLENT!

",1538047542,27/09/2018 11:25 9402073,4116983182,"

But we have figured out you are part of LGBTQ, with the emphasis on Q.

",1538047843,27/09/2018 11:30 9404419,4117117795,

Qanon shows proof that Blasey Ford is connected with Peter Strzok .. the plot thickens

,1538052773,27/09/2018 12:52 9404062,4117220542,

In his book Tommy describes a meeting with May at Maidenhead. He told her he wanted to talk about Abdul Q. Baksh who was or her supposed anti-extremist team. He says she refused to watch a video of a woman being beaten up by a Muslim gang but sat with him around 20 minutes as passive as possible.

,1538056293,27/09/2018 13:51 9404419,4117221307,

Qanon shows proof that Blasey Ford is connected with Peter Strzok .. the plot thickens

,1538056321,27/09/2018 13:52 9404062,4117252830,"

Where you say: ""He told her he wanted to talk about Abdul Q. Baksh who was on her supposed anti-extremist team."" could you translate this to English?

",1538057388,27/09/2018 14:09 9404419,4117292403,"

Right on, Q. He's a pretty poisonous snake.

",1538058706,27/09/2018 14:31 9404419,4117357421,"

What a sad, pathetic deceived person you are. But it’s obvious when you confirm it with your OWN mouth. A lefty. Typical lefty reply. The degenerate, depraved cult of the left. If it’s not ripping a conscious unborn babe from the womb using instruments which first crush the head, it’s pushing the lowering of the age of consent to 12. Then we have pedophilia where raping a 6 month old is ‘normal’ because they ‘agreed’. Next comes beastiality where the so called intellectual leftist elites like professors advocate this sick practice as long as the animal is not injured.

Then we have the left supporting female genital mutilation, honour killings, child sex slavery via trafficking across the border. Do you know WHY these children are separated from any adults? Because 80% of these children do not belong to the adult accompanying them and these little ones are sold into the sex trade, or worse. Some are used by sick leftist satanist as sacrifices. DNA testing has been able to reunite little ones with their parents who thought they had lost them forever.

Then on top of that the left support euthanasia, eugenics and other despicable practices. The left are the party of the KKK, ISIS, ANTIFA and any number of violent organisations. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s pushing transgendering on little children to thoroughly screw their minds. What sick, sick, evil people you are. Myself and millions around the world are sick to death of your ‘way of life’ and yet you have the audacity to sit there and point a finger at Conservatives.

The Old Guard and the globalist agenda is finished. You no longer are going to do your evil deeds in secret. The game is up and My God, I cannot wait until those 50,000 indictments are opened and you sick lot are locked awayfor good. Thank God, in fact, Praise God for allowing sanity back into the world. Dark to Light. Q.

",1538060819,27/09/2018 15:06 9405649,4117429572,

Our patience is running thin Q. The plan needs to wrap these criminals up.

,1538063197,27/09/2018 15:46 9397288,4117438920,"

Oh, good lord, is this that insane QAnon conspiracy crap? Wow, that's hilarious.

",1538063506,27/09/2018 15:51 9404857,4117623972,"

Especially now that the FBI has been mostly purged of corrupt elements like Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey.

Which is why Q Anon let us know that the DOJ, FBI and CIA needed to be cleaned up before justice can start to be restored.

",1538069346,27/09/2018 17:29 9404419,4117633913,

Come on Q!!!

A celebratory post is in order :)

,1538069629,27/09/2018 17:33 9407086,4117761981,"

I wish some reporter would go up to Flake, Collins, & Murkowski and ask them how they would feel if someone made an unproved allegation against them. Then ask all these Red State Dem senators running for reelection the same Q. And finally ask Cory Booker, who is a judiciary committee member, why he won't recuse himself.

I mean anyone can accuse anyone of anything. But without proof, it is just an accusation.

",1538073272,27/09/2018 18:34 9404419,4117971824,"

Wow. Are you QAnon? Please, contact me before you do anything rash in 40 days. I like triggering Trumpsters, but I don't want you to hurt yourself or others.

",1538080109,27/09/2018 20:28 9404419,4117980026,"

I would point out that considering the spectacular losses ;


3000/3150 Counties in the US
nearly all governorship's in the US

That your intellectual conceit is not only unearned it is HILARIOUSLY misplaced at this point.

This is what happens when you exist in an echo chamber.

Your cult of personality around Obama/Clinton has ossified your party making you incapable of addressing the trends which put Trump into power in the first place and which has translated into the largest losses for the Democrat party in US history.

Populist Nationalists will annihilate Democrats within the US - Trump is only the first to come of these trends and you have no contender for 2020.

Also I am not Q , I am an EX Democrat and a published biologist who voted for Obama during his first term (LGBT as well) .

",1538080432,27/09/2018 20:33 9404419,4117995131,"

Judge K is not answering the Q as to would he ask for an FBI investigation because 1) he knows they don't give conclusions one way or the other; and 2) it is a ruse by the Dims to delay, delay, delay beyond the Nov 6 elections. He refuses to fall in their obvious trap.

",1538081047,27/09/2018 20:44 9376084,4118042257,

What? Let me guess you got this from Q.

,1538083174,27/09/2018 21:19 9404419,4118051729,"

Why will the vote go forward?... because God, Trump, and Q know the truth... which we will all know soon! WWG1WGA... MAGA!

",1538083650,27/09/2018 21:27 9409102,4118057853,"

Why will the vote go forward?... because God, Trump, and Q know the truth... which we will all know soon! WWG1WGA... MAGA

",1538083960,27/09/2018 21:32 9409102,4118062573,

Q? Star Trek Q? Good one.

,1538084206,27/09/2018 21:36 9404419,4118063718,"

Rep. Jackson Lee acts like there are no cameras, when slipping Ford attorney an envelope after hearing
9/27/2018 0 Comments


Terrence K. Williams

Sneaky Shelia ! What in the world did Congresswoman Shelia Lee Jackson give to Christine Ford Lawyer ?#KavanaughHearing

1:39 PM - Sep 27, 2018
8,994 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy Reports: A curious thing happened on Christine Blasey Ford's way out of Congressional testimony today - when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) handed Ford's lawyer, Michael Bromwich, a thick envelope after shaking hands. Ford's attorneys told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that they are representing her on a pro bono basis. During questions from staff lawyer Rachel Mitchell as to who was paying her legal bills, Bromwich interjected ""Both her counsel are doing this pro bono."" Furthermore, Ford was unable to explain who paid for - or will pay for - her polygraph.
So it looks like Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee didn't notice today that the cameras were on after the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as cameras caught Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handing an envelope to Ford's Attorney's after the hearing today. Also if you notice it looks like Senator Grassley who is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee may of caught this envelope being handed to Ford's attorney's after the hearing.
​ Now the question of course is what the hell is inside this envelope Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handed off to Ford's attorney's today after the Kavanaugh/Ford Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today? Remember that we already know Sheila Jackson Lee has a piece of jewelry that is an obvious pedo symbol and Q has even highlighted this to us...So Sheila Jackson Lee made of made a mistake handing over this envelope to Ford's attorney's and she did this stupidly as the cameras were rolling.

",1538084267,27/09/2018 21:37 9404419,4118084920,"

Surf, you know that is utter nonsense. You think they pulled her out of cental casting but she just happened to grow up around Kavanaugh? Thats absurd. Today proved that she is a real person, and that she is credible.
Maybe since so many of you believe in kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you can get your mind twisted into a pretzel so you can actually believe that crap but the rest of us don't believe it.

",1538085381,27/09/2018 21:56 9409102,4118142803,

Q just posted Diane Feinstein's license plate and car... it appears she may have been followed. Perhaps Q is indicating that military intelligence knows what she has been up to and it is no good....

,1538088578,27/09/2018 22:49 9407485,4118172914,"

If you ad up the I Q of everyone who tweeted here, it would total under 85 !

",1538090280,27/09/2018 23:18 9409102,4118191564,"
Q said he's going to be confirmed

",1538091334,27/09/2018 23:35 9409102,4118197940,

Who is Q?

,1538091704,27/09/2018 23:41 9409291,4118210254,"

If what Q says is true, this is all a chess game regarding the FISA warrant declass. Supposedly the Dems offered to let Judge Kavanaugh through the process if President Trump did not declassify the documents and make them public. Q posted this over a week ago - now each time the Kavanaugh vote is post-poned, so is the President's meeting with Mr. Rosenstein (who's name is all over the FISA material). If Judge Kavanaugh isn't confirmed, expect the FISA material to be released (un-redacted) the same day and Mr. Rosenstein to be immediately fired and/or arrested...

",1538092395,27/09/2018 23:53 9404419,4118259835,"

Based on what evidence? Fox News, Breitbart or Q?

",1538095359,28/09/2018 00:42 9404419,4118261639,"

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.302 📁
Sep 27 2018 21:01:20 (EST)
Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending).
They are worried about Kav now that he won?

",1538095472,28/09/2018 00:44 9408481,4118270755,

I am Jonesying for Q and the Generals to stage a Military Coup on Trump's behalf - Democracy just died today.

,1538096035,28/09/2018 00:53 9408454,4118277884,

let's hope if they do Q and the Generals stage a Coup - I am serious here!

,1538096483,28/09/2018 01:01 9399688,4118280574,"

This is what I was talking about, look what happened!


",1538096650,28/09/2018 01:04 9409291,4118280698,

Go watch Q a plan to save the world original and educate yourself

,1538096659,28/09/2018 01:04 9404419,4118288428,"

She is disgusting:

",1538097173,28/09/2018 01:12 9407854,4118298159,"

Friggen lying traitorous thieves (after November, let us agree that should Q tarry perhaps Patriots should assist the more egregious Demonrats to shuffle off their mortal coil with the finest in hemp neckwear)?

",1538097815,28/09/2018 01:23 9409357,4118299250,"

Q posted a photo this evening of Fine-Stain threatening Murkowski:

",1538097889,28/09/2018 01:24 9376483,4118301550,"

Hey, I can be just as silly as the rest of ya with your Deep State and Q garbage!

",1538098042,28/09/2018 01:27 9404419,4118303882,"

Check out this photo: Fine-Stain threatening Murkowski?

",1538098191,28/09/2018 01:29 9404419,4118303935,"

You stand with Q, I take it....

",1538098195,28/09/2018 01:29 9409102,4118306972,

Now I just wonder what dirt Q has on Flakey-flake!

,1538098404,28/09/2018 01:33 9404419,4118326362,"

See? Just like I said....


",1538099758,28/09/2018 01:55 9404419,4118368411,"

Keep an eye on Q posts. A lot coming out.

And thanks to President Trump for answering the Anon who asked for the President to misspell a tweet and include a ""Q"" in it. ""False Acquisitions"" instead of ""False Accusations.""

",1538102893,28/09/2018 02:48 9404419,4118384363,"

go to this and this is not spam about 1/4 way down the page

",1538104135,28/09/2018 03:08 9402295,4118397156,"

I'm doing the same. Waking up from a long sleep. Q said to ""Follow the Wives"". So one night I searched and searched and found quite a bit about that family. Father was a real seedy mob character type mayor, and I was floored when I read about her brother. Wish I kept the links. Absolute truth about her brother. I believe he is deceased now, but articles still out there. Father also given a job in Kennedy Admin. Forgot exactly what, position no long exists today. There is a picture of Nancy in her early 20's with her Dad shaking JFK's hand at Capital, and that peaked my curiosity and was shocked upon reading articles.

",1538105107,28/09/2018 03:25 9376483,4118434249,"

Sooo, where did I mention Q? The deep state has already been proven. So slow down and try to sound coherent..........fake it like you been doing up to now.............

",1538107882,28/09/2018 04:11 9404419,4118539769,"

You are not allowed to call us insane when many in your party are decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, as you read this. This argument is no longer available to you when so many on the Right are entrenched in kooky fantasyland. Sorry, get another tact, this one is temporarily off limits due to the insane BS fanatics among conservatives. Thank you.

",1538116017,28/09/2018 06:26 9404419,4118655495,"

Rep. Jackson Lee acts like there are no cameras, when slipping Ford attorney an envelope after hearing
9/27/2018 0 Comments


Terrence K. Williams

Sneaky Shelia ! What in the world did Congresswoman Shelia Lee Jackson give to Christine Ford Lawyer ?#KavanaughHearing

1:39 PM - Sep 27, 2018
8,994 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy Reports: A curious thing happened on Christine Blasey Ford's way out of Congressional testimony today - when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) handed Ford's lawyer, Michael Bromwich, a thick envelope after shaking hands. Ford's attorneys told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that they are representing her on a pro bono basis. During questions from staff lawyer Rachel Mitchell as to who was paying her legal bills, Bromwich interjected ""Both her counsel are doing this pro bono."" Furthermore, Ford was unable to explain who paid for - or will pay for - her polygraph.
So it looks like Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee didn't notice today that the cameras were on after the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as cameras caught Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handing an envelope to Ford's Attorney's after the hearing today. Also if you notice it looks like Senator Grassley who is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee may of caught this envelope being handed to Ford's attorney's after the hearing.
​ Now the question of course is what the hell is inside this envelope Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handed off to Ford's attorney's today after the Kavanaugh/Ford Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today? Remember that we already know Sheila Jackson Lee has a piece of jewelry that is an obvious pedo symbol and Q has even highlighted this to us...So Sheila Jackson Lee made of made a mistake handing over this envelope to Ford's attorney's and she did this stupidly as the cameras were rolling.

",1538124012,28/09/2018 08:40 9408319,4118697789,"

Excellent showing by the senator and the nominee. I wonder if after the death of McLame that Senator Graham had some Deep State restrictions disappear? As Q says, ""Enjoy the show.""

",1538126664,28/09/2018 09:24 9404419,4118704267,"

Rep. Jackson Lee acts like there are no cameras, when slipping Ford attorney an envelope after hearing
9/27/2018 0 Comments


Terrence K. Williams

Sneaky Shelia ! What in the world did Congresswoman Shelia Lee Jackson give to Christine Ford Lawyer ?#KavanaughHearing

1:39 PM - Sep 27, 2018
11.9K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy Reports: A curious thing happened on Christine Blasey Ford's way out of Congressional testimony today - when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) handed Ford's lawyer, Michael Bromwich, a thick envelope after shaking hands. Ford's attorneys told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that they are representing her on a pro bono basis. During questions from staff lawyer Rachel Mitchell as to who was paying her legal bills, Bromwich interjected ""Both her counsel are doing this pro bono."" Furthermore, Ford was unable to explain who paid for - or will pay for - her polygraph.
So it looks like Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee didn't notice today that the cameras were on after the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as cameras caught Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handing an envelope to Ford's Attorney's after the hearing today. Also if you notice it looks like Senator Grassley who is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee may of caught this envelope being handed to Ford's attorney's after the hearing.
​ Now the question of course is what the hell is inside this envelope Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handed off to Ford's attorney's today after the Kavanaugh/Ford Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today? Remember that we already know Sheila Jackson Lee has a piece of jewelry that is an obvious pedo symbol and Q has even highlighted this to us...So Sheila Jackson Lee made of made a mistake handing over this envelope to Ford's attorney's and she did this stupidly as the cameras were rolling.

",1538127067,28/09/2018 09:31 9404419,4118720579,

Keep watching non-believer. #Qanon

,1538127987,28/09/2018 09:46 9404419,4118782896,

Maybe ask Qnon. He has all the information that you need to start a conspiracy

,1538131080,28/09/2018 10:38 9408145,4118808967,

Please stop with that. It was fun when it lasted but Q is dead.

,1538132213,28/09/2018 10:56 9410596,4118856704,

It's events like these that make me wonder if Q is the real deal.

,1538134129,28/09/2018 11:28 9411178,4118883477,"

Ready, willing, armed and able. Your move, Hollywood. Q sent me.

",1538135088,28/09/2018 11:44 9407485,4119075719,"

The next few months will be CRITICAL to the survival of the USA and humanity. Majority of Canadians are pulling for President Trump to put these evil turds in prison or given the noose or needle.
As Q stated...stay calm, don't read the mainstream news, and stay vigilant.
A war was waged on 9/11...but the enemy lies WITHIN, not in some cave in the Middle East.
Stay strong, stay united.

",1538141453,28/09/2018 13:30 9411511,4119116015,"

At good old Q. University, Cuomo was known as a douchebag. He still is.

",1538142762,28/09/2018 13:52 9411178,4119183481,

Agreed. There is a Plan. Qanon.

,1538145040,28/09/2018 14:30 9386047,4119199451,"

Yeah, you are dreaming, you don't even know who Q is. And before you ask, I will just tell you to know who Q is look Q in a mirror, and that is it. Any more work for it. I refuse to feed trolls darn lazy creatures, wants the world to feed them. Sounds like a demonrat. Are you a demonrat, or a lackey for 322

",1538145573,28/09/2018 14:39 9411718,4119219913,"

I think that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's college days need to be investigated , I am sure it would be enlightening .
Hey Q how's about it ? Pretty Please

Then we can go down the Democrat line .

",1538146267,28/09/2018 14:51 9411718,4119228429,"

Are you on the Q ""mccain was executed"" bandwagon?

",1538146553,28/09/2018 14:55 9406780,4119257504,"

“Qanon”. Wait for it......... “ wrangle, strangle and put them in prison.”

",1538147542,28/09/2018 15:12 9406780,4119259316,

“Qanon. The great awakening”

,1538147604,28/09/2018 15:13 9411967,4119275707,"

What is interesting to me is that the Dems, after completely humiliating themselves yesterday, are continuing to obstruct and act childish. They are so clueless that they don't understand how bad they looked to John Q. Public. This could truly castrate them for the midterms. At least I hope so. That is what common sense tells me. However, so many uninformed people are clueless today.

",1538148155,28/09/2018 15:22 9412288,4119280126,

This has been brought to you by the letters I and Q and the number ZERO

,1538148305,28/09/2018 15:25 9412723,4119287641,"

I just got the Q drop reference is an intentional or unintentional pun - ""Red October"". The Hunt for Red October - Russia. lololol!!!!!

",1538148563,28/09/2018 15:29 9412852,4119309138,"

Well, they pretty much suck at everything else. They've had the training.

Suck us all dry, given the opportunity, Q.E.D.

",1538149305,28/09/2018 15:41 9345424,4119316517,

I follow Q with IPOT on youtube and Okeef the undercover journalist.

,1538149558,28/09/2018 15:45 9411718,4119414064,"

well, just what does our mighty Q have to say about this....Oh, I know....Trust Sessions.

",1538152711,28/09/2018 16:38 9411718,4119415474,"

Wel, Q?

",1538152758,28/09/2018 16:39 9413029,4119439925,"

Straight from Q!

Definitely deserves 10,000 upvotes

",1538153554,28/09/2018 16:52 9411718,4119445379,"

These PROTESTERS, if the truth were known about their identity, JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER would be surprised to find out these WILD PROTESTERS are being paid for by either GEORGE SOROS or Hillary BABE and the DNC. /////////////////////

",1538153734,28/09/2018 16:55 9411718,4119462473,"

I guess Qanon is a farce and FOS! Secondly, we really live in a Banana Republic and we are all puppets in this show.

",1538154312,28/09/2018 17:05 9411718,4119465237,"

No crap, Q is a liberal creation

",1538154406,28/09/2018 17:06 9411718,4119465321,

Qanon is a complete farce !

Largely a PsyOps for the Left actually.

,1538154409,28/09/2018 17:06 9411718,4119465451,

Trump's Q team should show Flake his sealed indictment about to be leaked.

,1538154413,28/09/2018 17:06 9411718,4119471117,

Flake the Fake must have missed the memo. The FBI said several times already that they don't investigate these kind of accusations. He is showing his true color and giving the dems more time to come up with more fake accusers. I hope the Q team gives this guy a terminal cancer too!

,1538154607,28/09/2018 17:10 9412852,4119472388,"

So, I guess the deep state commies are still in control! And Qanon is full of $#!+!

",1538154652,28/09/2018 17:10 9411718,4119487197,"

C'mon, Q! Bust out some leak moves!

",1538155173,28/09/2018 17:19 9411718,4119497037,

Typical John Q Public.
Morons and lemmings.

,1538155514,28/09/2018 17:25 9411718,4119518250,

This cowardly act of bootlicking Jeff Flake will give the Dems time to round up a busfull of secret rape victoms. What I find really disturbing is Trump right there bellycrawling with the worst of the neo-con pond scum.I guess all those Q guys are going to have a really hard time explaining Trumps cowardly move today

,1538156256,28/09/2018 17:37 9411718,4119530225,"

Kavanaugh sent to Senate Floor, Vegas odds of Kavanaugh confirmation at 70%
9/28/2018 0 Comments

Picture Reports: ​The Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday approved Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump's pick for the US Supreme Court, one day after he fought off allegations of sexual assault at an emotional day-long public hearing. The panel split along strict party lines with the 11 Republican members backing Kavanaugh and all 10 Democrats voting against the president's controversial nominee. The nomination of the 53-year-old conservative judge to the nation's highest court will now go to the full Senate, where Republicans hold a slim 51-49 majority.
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View image on Twitter

Brit Hume

These odds can change in a heartbeat, but this is where they stood at 10:51 p.m. Thursday night:

10:53 PM - Sep 27, 2018 · Arlington, VA
633 people are talking about this
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More very bad news for the Deep State and the Deep State Democrats, as Judge Kavanaugh has now advanced to the Senate floor with an 11-10 vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Also more bad news for the Deep State and Deep State Democrats, the odds of Kavanaugh being confirmed to SCOTUS in Vegas now stand at 74 percent. Usually in times like this always look to how Vegas is betting, and you'll get a good clue at the likely outcome with the majority of what Vegas betting odds are betting in favor of.
The current situation is that Murkowski and Flake are likely no votes at this moment, however if Senator Feinstein has made threats to Murkowski like Q has stated to us last night...It's likely Murkowski will be a yes vote. Also don't forget that Vice President Pence can also vote as well. So the Vegas betting odds are looking good at a Kavanaugh confirmation to SCOTUS, and now we have moved on from the Senate Judiciary Committee finally.

",1538156673,28/09/2018 17:44 9411718,4119557176,

He wants some PR to up his Q ratings for MSNBC.


,1538157600,28/09/2018 18:00 9413350,4119583302,"

I keep thinking the Q stuff is a little nutty, but I saw someone post that it warned of new and harder silencing of conservatives. Low and behold, I was thrown off Twitter. It was for saying this Kav. stuff is about abortion.

",1538158515,28/09/2018 18:15 9406297,4119587561,

I'm pretty sure I know a lot more about a lot of things than they do. But the fact is that your source is just laughable. And they don't have complete information. What is Q telling you? Lol

,1538158669,28/09/2018 18:17 9411718,4119627516,

Is this part of the Q?

,1538160140,28/09/2018 18:42 9411358,4119644537,"

Mr. Nolte, Bravo Zulu Sir. Thank God some one has finally gotten their ""Spine"" back and taken a cold, honest, hard look at the facts as presented by ""HER"". There is no doubt in my mind that this woman has a serious mental issue, or is just one hell of a liar, in either case I don't believe a word she says, best case for her is she to is a victim of these democrats, another useful idiot who is being rewarded through the ignorance of the sheep via go fund me. To the rest of the ""Useful idiot's"" out there you to are being played, this nomination is not about Roe V Wade, This is what the Dem's want you to believe so you can all sign up to get paid on the Soros bus and go and make total fools of yourselves in front of the Nation, which in reality is only aiding in the self destruction of your party. If Roe is ever over turned in the SCOTUS it will just revert to the individual states, it will never totally go away, At this point in history with the medical technology and advances available to both men and women, using abortion as a method of birth control is simply becoming unacceptable in today's society, let alone seeing the what is being done with the aborted child's remains. No, this nomination is NOT about abortion, it's about a much bigger picture that sadly many, many good people still for what ever reason, ""Normalcy Bias"" can't see coming yet. It's all right in your face if you have the eyes to see. Remember Lindsey Grahams questioning of Judge Kav. during the actual hearing process, it was another warning of what is coming, open your mind and open your eyes, listen to this video by Mike Adams the Health Ranger, he lays it all out and for all the anti Q folks he never mentions Q, Not once, he will show you what has already been put in place legally to allow this process of cleaning out our govt. to move forward, this is what another conservative on the court is about. This is what it is all about ! Constitutional control of the SCOTUS, cleaning out the DOJ & FBI and putting honest, non criminal co opted people in place and then seeing justice done IAW the Law and Constitution. Please take the time to watch it and educate yourselves for what is coming shortly. Judge Kav is one of the final steps, soon Rod Rosenstine will be fired (not by Trump) or resign because of what is coming in the FISA, then the EBS system test then everything is in place. POTUS has also declared Sept. as ""National Preparedness Month"" this is not for hurricanes, the Govt. does all it's drills, training, comms drills, inventories for hurricane season in MAY, not Sept. with only two months left in the season. It's another hint as to what is coming. Please take the time open your mind, open your eyes and ears to what is really being said. Don't rely on the MSM to inform you, it will be to late, educate yourself and prepare for this. Like it or not it's coming and there is NO stopping it at this point.

",1538160789,28/09/2018 18:53 9414013,4119753638,

More of that Q crap like trust Sessions and Rosenweasal is fired...

,1538165245,28/09/2018 20:07 9414013,4119757816,

What is dumb is getting your info from Q...

,1538165433,28/09/2018 20:10 9411718,4119761308,"

We've learned our lesson, we're not going to let leftist character assassinations work.

All liberals should be always be presumed to be lying.

Ford is a liberal, ergo she lied. Q.E.D.

",1538165590,28/09/2018 20:13 9411718,4119809366,

We finally agree. Q is completely fake.

,1538167881,28/09/2018 20:51 9411718,4119812464,

I have always known that QTrash was a lie.

It was on the IRC weeks after Q first debuted.

,1538168032,28/09/2018 20:53 9411358,4119812697,

What does Q say about this?

,1538168044,28/09/2018 20:54 9411718,4119818993,

do you? or is that another Q perspective?

,1538168362,28/09/2018 20:59 9411718,4119840850,

Im not Q ;p

,1538169604,28/09/2018 21:20 9382426,4119864850,"

Well that depends on your term ""Credible"" are you talking about CNN, the NYT ? your out of your mind if you think the MSM is going to cover this, there have been many hit job reports on Q and there is only one I have seen where they did admit that the number of sealed indictments is the one thing that they claim they can't debunk. I think the numbers were in the 30K range then. So this is what I will do, You do understand where this info on the indictments comes from right ? it's a justice department web site that tracks this for the justice dept. first off. I know of 3 groups that are tracking this info so far, one has slacked off and not updated in a few months, the other two are keeping up. People with PAID access to Pacer go into the system at the end of each month, and report what they have from their assigned district to track, cheaper for them that way I guess. the info is compiled put into a heat map, area's with the most activity and a excel spread sheet listing all states and the numbers by month,.a few of the teams list the contact info for the folks doing the checks.
So here are some links to them, if you put to many links in they will delete my reply so I will to to put 2 on this.
No one is charging anyone to see this info it is posted on the web by the folks doing many of the reports on YT. they tell you about the links in the description blocks in their video's. Another one that runs a group that has been up on it is on twitter his handle is StormWatcher his team also updated each month So there you go, that's where people are getting the info, there are several others as I have said want more then reply

",1538171027,28/09/2018 21:43 9411718,4119898041,

I hope Q is more than a shill.

,1538173049,28/09/2018 22:17 9411718,4119907082,"

I do not know who or what you are, but Q is brilliant and he has a really good and true heart. Q+ are having so much fun trolling the deep state with their coded messages hidden in their drops. Q+ is as much a psyops against them as he/they are a source of information for us. You have missed out on a lot of fun and peace of mind. We know what is going on and you do not. Have a nice day.

",1538173621,28/09/2018 22:27 9411718,4119908232,"

Worth a listen:

Latest Qanon Posts 9-28-18 Pt1 : Welcome Aboard, Justice K

",1538173694,28/09/2018 22:28 9414157,4119917726,

I hear you on that Q talk. Hope you’re right. I just genuinely see Flake as a puss.

,1538174306,28/09/2018 22:38 9412324,4119924046,

Yep. And the over-confident dems & RINO's jumped into the trap they set. Q is right. [They] are stupid.

,1538174706,28/09/2018 22:45 9414157,4119931423,"

Q rocks.

Gotta testify, is Google Satellite lying? I've been watching Epstein Island, it is a cesspool of satan. The temple is in ruins for all the world to see. Watching many things. Q rocks.

",1538175173,28/09/2018 22:52 9411718,4119942103,"

I've been researching many, many years and continued through all of this. I even follow Q and others, but they have dragged this crap out to long. All of this could have been avoided if Trump had removed all the Corrupted Elected Officials after he got in.

",1538175871,28/09/2018 23:04 9411718,4119950782,

Could Coons or any Democrat pass the standard democrats just set...

Sucks to be a crooked child molesting democrat. They said it.

Well played Q.

,1538176440,28/09/2018 23:14 9412054,4119990331,

I hear the weather is nice at Gitmo in January!

,1538179085,28/09/2018 23:58 9414013,4120003996,"

Not much intelligence or wisdom in your response. Dismiss Q at your own loss. No logic, just pointless emotional mindlessness of typical sheeple. You can do better.

",1538180048,29/09/2018 00:14 9411718,4120041223,"

I did, and now I think Q is a plant! FOS! We are stuck in a Banana Republic and have no real voice..

",1538182770,29/09/2018 00:59 9411718,4120046745,"

The Deep-State is bigger than any can imagine! They’re another governmental entity within, a shadow government if you will.. and no real swamp monsters have been taken down as Q states, or predicts! We are all puppets in this tyrannical comedy.

",1538183170,29/09/2018 01:06 9411718,4120051531,

there is no Q there is no 4d chess....but look what has happened you are quiet while the democrats are highly organized and major protests

,1538183533,29/09/2018 01:12 9411718,4120052310,

there is no Q there is no 4d chess....but look what has happened you are quiet while the democrats are highly organized and major protests!!!!!!!!!

,1538183591,29/09/2018 01:13 7271057,4120060465,"

Thomas wictor is Qanon. He intentionally got himself banned from twitter and he closed down his website because all of his lies are about to come tumbling down and rather than try to keep up the charade, he decided to vanish. The last nail was driven into Trump's coffin with Flakes betrayal and the Qanon cult is going to realize they've been had by a fraud.

",1538184213,29/09/2018 01:23 9413137,4120089867,"

If the Q posts of the past few weeks are accurate; Judge Kavanaugh will become Justice Kavanaugh only as long as the FISA warrants and other documents remain classified/hidden from public view. That is why the Rosenstein meeting keeps getting postponed each time the Kavanaugh confirmation is postponed. If Judge Kavanaugh is not approved, that same day the FISA warrants and other documents will be declassified, the public will learn the full scope of the ongoing coup attempt, and the arrests of ""Deep State"" players (including Rosenstein) will begin. Too bad this brilliant legal mind and his family had to suffer so badly as a pawn in this high-stakes, political chess match...

",1538186584,29/09/2018 02:03 9413137,4120095478,"

According to Q, this confirmation fight is solely about the FISA docs. The Dems have agreed to confirm Kavanaugh if the docs remain hidden from public view. This is why each time the confirmation is postponed, so is the meeting with Rosenstein (who will have to be removed and/or arrested if the FISA docs are declassified - along with several members of Congress not seeking re-election and two current Supreme Court justices)...

",1538187084,29/09/2018 02:11 9411718,4120105582,

If you follow Q you don't know very much. Another fraud.

,1538187997,29/09/2018 02:26 9411718,4120115979,"

It's the only calming thing in this dark hour, that and his digital doppelganger, Q.

",1538188995,29/09/2018 02:43 9411718,4120122795,"

Republican voters, Tea Party, MAGA movement, QAnon had better turn out in massive numbers for the midterms. If not, the Dems will bury this country.

",1538189667,29/09/2018 02:54 9413137,4120129380,

Another Q fanboy with a shiny hat! Greetings!

,1538190303,29/09/2018 03:05 9411718,4120175528,"

I just looked it up. Oh, God, another Q reject.

You have brain cancer. You’ll die soon.

",1538194593,29/09/2018 04:16 9411718,4120224680,

Bush did 9/11. So says Q.

,1538199143,29/09/2018 05:32 9413137,4120236897,"

Why? It's been pretty damned accurate so far.

Or are people such simpering fools and mewling quims, that they'd believe the mainstream media's assault on Q?

",1538200305,29/09/2018 05:51 9411718,4120305486,

You can't expect Q to know what Flake is thinking. Things are fluid. They had everything lined up until the Soros operatives stopped Flake at the elevator.

,1538206763,29/09/2018 07:39 9411142,4120336807,"

You have hit the nail on the head, ticking political correct boxes is all that counts nowadays. Whether its a TV production, a film, an advert or whatever the first thing that comes into the mind of those producing it are, we must have a black and Asian person involved, we must have a lesbian, gay and transgender involved etc. However, not content with just having them in the production they also have to write special parts for them where they become the hero or the lead and the white man is the villain or the idiot.

As far as I am concerned I can't wait for a female burqa wearing Muslim transgender to play the next James Bond. My name is Bond, Diversity Bond. My enemy is the evil overlord Whitey Christian-Man. My Q supplied weapon of choice is my explosive vest. Boom.

",1538209535,29/09/2018 08:25 9404419,4120523060,

4chan! Awesome. Even you recognise he's probably guilty. Good luck down the rabbit hole. Say hello to QAnon for me.

,1538221972,29/09/2018 11:52 9413896,4120572584,"

Remember when Bill Maher did that episode mocking ""Qanon"".

""Q"" hit back and Bill never mentioned ""Q"" again or commented on what ""Qanon"" posted about Bill Maher"".

Aug 11 2018 12:15:19 (EST)
Do you remember their names?
We do.
Do you really believe you are still safe?
The World is WATCHING.

After Q posted that anons started digging, they found many many video clips of Bill defending consensual sex between adults and kids.

Henry Rollins was on one episode and blasted Bill saying it was not alright for adults to have sex with children.

Bill Mahers production company was called ""KIDLOVE"".

Q shut Bill's mouth.

",1538224438,29/09/2018 12:33 9415078,4120642555,"

-------- Anybody notice the common THEME this week ?
4 AM talking points from the C.F.R. control think tank.

We're not just "" racist deplorables '' , they have tripled down on the skinhead ' white power ' angles. ......... why ? .......

DIVIDE - DIVIDE - DIVIDE. .... they want to convince people that those racists are all BAD , and "" You need us "" to protect you.
Radical Lefts appearance of large numbers are amplified by MSM - Pedowood complex, they are NOT as many as claimed.

# WALK AWAY ........ to join the Q - Army !

",1538227418,29/09/2018 13:23 9415078,4120657223,"

. Anybody notice the common THEME this week ?
4 AM talking points from the C.F.R. control think tank. We're not just "" racist deplorables '' , they have tripled down on the skinhead ' white power ' angles. ......... why ?

.......DIVIDE - DIVIDE - DIVIDE. .... they want to convince people that those racists are all BAD , and "" You need us "" to protect you.Radical Lefts appearance of large numbers are amplified by MSM - Pedowood complex, they are NOT as many as claimed.

# Walk Away ........ to join the Q - Army !

",1538228079,29/09/2018 13:34 9414934,4120777495,"

Beautiful Q!

Thank you so much,

For bringing the Light

To the People.

But will they see?

Or will they remain

In the Dark

Slaves to the Darkness trying to control them?

",1538233444,29/09/2018 15:04 9416818,4120833299,"

Thank you, Q!

For bringing the Light!

Your compassion for the People

Cannot be hidden.

",1538235862,29/09/2018 15:44 9412054,4120933170,

Isn't it funny Q said Feinstein offered to stop the accusations if they would drop releasing FISA. Obviously that was a NO GO. SO let's see those FISA Papers

,1538240264,29/09/2018 16:57 9412054,4120946337,"

it IS funny what Q said, considering that Q is made up.

",1538240829,29/09/2018 17:07 9412054,4121013298,

QAnon bull crap.

,1538243720,29/09/2018 17:55 9412054,4121016690,

Allegedly. The Q Anon guys have a theory on that. Trump v Sessions feud was contrived to make the Left want to protect Sessions.

,1538243869,29/09/2018 17:57 9416596,4121018053,"

You are being punked by the Oracle Q. It's run by some grad students from Berkley. Lay off the kooky conspiracies, please.

",1538243929,29/09/2018 17:58 9416596,4121019339,"

lol.. I don't know Q..

I DO KNOW Trump has three ways to make this happen, and Mitch is going to help him. He's been particularly strong on the USSC, if you recall.

",1538243990,29/09/2018 17:59 9416596,4121019664,"

Hajaha...says the people who are furiously decoding hints from the Oracle Q, that's funny.

",1538244005,29/09/2018 18:00 9417082,4121124102,"

Wait... is this the latest Qanon directive? Dude... that stuff is for real, yo.

",1538248702,29/09/2018 19:18 9412054,4121173784,"

Sadly, it's all wishful thinking. Q is a fraud, you are being played.

",1538251059,29/09/2018 19:57 9417082,4121182917,"

Boy I wish I knew how to do memes for twitter on this, of the dems attacking their gays! Oh what an opportunity for someone. If you make one please hashtag qanon!

",1538251489,29/09/2018 20:04 9417082,4121183732,

Probably a 'poop shoe' shill to smear Q anon.

,1538251529,29/09/2018 20:05 9417082,4121185255,

'she' believes in Qanon. ive seen it post on it.

,1538251604,29/09/2018 20:06 9416596,4121205008,"

funny... that's what Q says about all of your demonrat heroes... the indictments are coming soon son, for heir hitlary, molesta, humus abadaba, etc.

",1538252584,29/09/2018 20:23 9417049,4121214613,"

Sep 29 2018 16:04:05
TWITTER has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].
GOOG - FB will follow.
Welcome to the POLICE STATE.

",1538253092,29/09/2018 20:31 9416656,4121250940,"

HIDEOUS HATEFUL FACE? Is little jimmy standing in front of the mirror again?

As Q says, think PROJECTION. Projection is the act of charging others with what you're doing yourself and you project ""blame"" on others because you can't accept your own actions and behavior. Hillary colluding with the Russians comes to mind...

Thanks for opening a window into your very little brain, you low-rent Canuck!

",1538255050,29/09/2018 21:04 9417472,4121261359,"

Sep 29 2018 16:04:05
TWITTER has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].
GOOG - FB will follow.
Welcome to the POLICE STATE.

",1538255679,29/09/2018 21:14 9417472,4121267458,"

---- She has MANY intel community and Big Pharma ties too.

see Q - Anon posts

",1538256059,29/09/2018 21:20 9417472,4121321871,

qanon is selling your personal information to a nationwide network of hustlers as part of the best self selecting group of the most gullible suckers and marks in the united states

,1538259704,29/09/2018 22:21 9417472,4121330056,"

We would have gotten away with our FAKE testimony to the Senate , if not for those meddeling kids !!!

# Q - Army

",1538260278,29/09/2018 22:31 9417472,4121353058,

My wife was saying Q called this. Facebook is supposed to do the same.

,1538261870,29/09/2018 22:57 9417472,4121359148,"

Sep 28 2018 12:37:24
D's Playbook (Midterm E):
We will impeach Justice K (ZERO corroborating evidence and ALL factual witnesses provided by accuser ALL DENIED ALLEGATIONS) should we take control in NOV.
These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.
You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

",1538262311,29/09/2018 23:05 9417472,4121372050,"

If Q is really military intelligence, then we have already reached the Rubicon. If they don't cross it now, we are done.

",1538263269,29/09/2018 23:21 9416596,4121412151,"

We Don't claim Antifa, just like you Don't claim the KKK and the Radical Q fanatics.

And by the way, if you were actually patriotic, & cared about the country that the Founders created, you would see it's
diversity as a strength. They created a land of freedom so all of it's citizens could pursue their own meanings in their own way. Because the phrase, ""life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness"" is incompatible with your narrow-minded belief that we all should think like you. Disagreement is one component of the freedom you guys boast endlessly about. I know you dismiss me, & that don't make no difference to me. Because if anybody's failing to live up to the ideals of America, it is you right wing-nuts.

",1538266270,30/09/2018 00:11 9400681,4121419616,"

Not to deflect from the great story, but its the Mueller bomb Republicans should be worried about.

If I were Trump, I wouldn't be counting on Sessions or Rosenstein wearing any bomb suit. I don't expect Q either. Someone Trump empowers has to be tracking Mueller's assembling his ""report"" and tracking the coming leaks. I would appoint a special observer to document the entire cloud of operation with assistance from the NSA. Why would this be harder than tracking Russians or the Chinese?

The Democrat move will be to have a large report with numerous indirect accusations all using similar negative adjectives. It will take Orwell to another level This will trigger the court of credibility to declare that the pattern of alleged behavior in itself indicates a type of evidence of crime. GUILTY will be the false meme. This is a more sophisticated version of the seriousness of the suspicions trumping reasonable evidence.

The bomb will be delivered in leaks as everything up to now has been. With the timing for detonation too close to the election to be countered with a thorough review and counter-analysis by the President, the act is meant to influence as many as possible with hysterical innuendo hoping to drive voters. The justification will be the Russians did it to get Trump elected. The blast is meant to Blue Wave a democratic victory, then attempt to impeach the President, his judges, his administration and erase anything he has done.

Really. There is no guy in a bomb suit that's going to fix this. It will take a counter team to anticipate the adversaries in the act. There are just five weeks left.


",1538266864,30/09/2018 00:21 9417472,4121420697,"

Trump was sending his patriots some important secret messages today ... did you all catch it when he pointed to someone in the audience and then made the Q symbol ... Trump is telling patriots to ""get up and fight them"" ... that was a call to arms and to be prepared ... some of you will get what I'm saying ... some won't.

",1538266950,30/09/2018 00:22 9417472,4121425121,

That's probably because you don't follow Q ... Q patriots do understand.

,1538267284,30/09/2018 00:28 9417472,4121446019,

Then you're lucky there are going to be Q patriots to protect you when the time comes.

,1538268903,30/09/2018 00:55 9417472,4121513098,"

Also, someone had asked to have Trump put a Q in a tweet as confirmation. If you remember the Kavanaugh-related tweet that changed the word ""accusations"" to ""acquisitions,"" that was the response.

",1538274490,30/09/2018 02:28 9417472,4121514241,

But that’s Q to the third power. 🤯

,1538274603,30/09/2018 02:30 9417472,4121550100,


,1538277999,30/09/2018 03:26 9418231,4121583364,

Did Q tell you this?

,1538281116,30/09/2018 04:18 9418831,4121697703,"

Thanks to Q educating our info-starved Americans, there will be no bloodshed. We know better.

Trust The Plan.

",1538292641,30/09/2018 07:30 9418231,4121787642,"

",1538300255,30/09/2018 09:37 9418231,4121792626,"

Okay Q, thanks.

",1538300613,30/09/2018 09:43 9418231,4121795091,

You remember Q... Q is literally the same Q on impractical jokers. Same dud that posted liberal filth throughout the election.

,1538300789,30/09/2018 09:46 9418321,4121828045,

There's nothing in the book that Q hasn't told us already.

,1538302608,30/09/2018 10:16 9345424,4121901661,"

[I follow Q with IPOT on youtube and Okeef the undercover journalist.]

Either you got an intelligent reply or not. Please, objective unbiased credible citations supporting your specious claim ""Hussain Obama left his treasonous garbage behind for President Trump to clean up"" Please we would hate to think you are a liar like your cadet bone spurs. Your nose is going to grow.

Trump demonstrably a pathological liar, playing the ALT-RIGHT unsuspecting like Putin's $10 banjo. How can we believe anything he or you say?

We did call you out ...

",1538306765,30/09/2018 11:26 9418531,4121969233,

It's election time.... we know what we HAVE TO DO!😠
These sonsabitches tried to destroy a good man.... Not only to preserve Roe - but to try to keep P.Trump off balance with the arrests/tribunals coming - perhaps as soon as this month. Sen. Graham asked Judge K. about that in the hearings.

These libatards are WETTING THEIR DEPENDS!

Time is short for them.

P.Trump said September is national preparation month. He's not kidding. Need to have cash/2 weeks food and whatever personal gear on hand.

Hammer is about to drop.

We have the server
These people are stupid

- Q.

,1538310472,30/09/2018 12:27 9418531,4121972156,

He is on it.... there are NO LEAKS.


- Q.

,1538310619,30/09/2018 12:30 9418231,4122066211,

You're just mad that Q thing has more followers than Alex Jones.

,1538314939,30/09/2018 13:42 9418231,4122080536,"

I totally believe in Q, you dumbazz lying lefties !

",1538315592,30/09/2018 13:53 9418231,4122082310,"

Another False Flag , you can bet it will be blamed on Qanons

",1538315675,30/09/2018 13:54 9420160,4122138588,"

I'm going to keep posting this link until it goes viral. https://www.realclearinvest...

This article from Real Clear Investigations will blow your mind. It
describes what was found in Little Ms. Blasey's high school year books.
Remember, they were bleach-bitted from the internet just before she and
Fienstien went public.

Note a few things:

* Her father was president of the country club where she spent her summer(s) swimming and diving. It's called Columbia Country Club, in Chevy Chase MD. I grew up about five miles from there. It's one of the most hoidy-toidy, Important-People-Only clubs in the country. So Chrissy Blasey would have had her run of the place, and as a 15-year-old cute little high school girl she would have been a star among her age group.

* 36 years later, when she is now before the US Senate, NONE of her immediate
family members -- her mom and dad, and her two brothers -- have given her any support. Read the linked article about the yearbooks, including the comments made by those quoted in the article, and imagine if Chrissy Blasey-Ford's background may have had something to do with that lack of support.

* Imagine what she must have been like as a senior in HS, and in college. I'll bet she became wilder and wilder, and ultimately an embarrassment to the family. Which is likely the reason why she's so f'd up today. I hope the FBI makes a thorough and complete investigation of her life and exposes it all.

* This is going to backfire big time on Flake and the Dems. You think Trump's going to go easy on them after what they've done? If you've read between the lines of some of his comments lately, my guess is that he's told the FBI to uncover EVERYthing, including the detailed backgrounds of these three women. Remember, they've already done Kavanaugh six times, so there's nothing more to investigate about him.

* Finally, those who follow Q know that Trump knows there was a conspiracy among the Dems to unethically and perhaps unlawfully sabotage and obstruct this confirmation process. I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI doesn't investigate that as well.

The Dems are evil. They are dangerous. Look what they've done to this country and the damage they've caused in just the last two weeks.

Folks, we must rid ourselves of this cancerous, pernicious disease called leftism-progressivism. Stand up to them every chance you get. Mock them, Shame them. Ignore them. Fight them, and stand together as one. This is the only way we can take our country back. Godspeed to all.

",1538318201,30/09/2018 14:36 9384094,4122142687,"

LOL, maybe you need to learn how to read your own chart fool. In 24 Qs, Obama exceeded 4.1 only 3 times. Donald Trump raised Obama's dismal 1.3% to 3% in his first Q and above 2.2% in every subsequent Q. Just imagine what he could achieve if the media, the Democrats and the RINOs actually supported his administration.

I have NEVER seen such a unstable graph as YOU provided claiming ""victory"" for Obama. THREE TIMES his GDP fell BELOW 0%.

Like I said, idiot.

",1538318393,30/09/2018 14:39 9419935,4122244112,"

Dear Real Rape Victims,
#WalkAway, the DNC doesn't care about your pain, they only care about regaining power. They'll use you & mock your struggle to regain what's been slipping though the grasp of their gnarled fingers.

",1538322705,30/09/2018 15:51 9419692,4122335689,

We can expect a likely Trump twitter blackout and more censorship according to Q.

We were told to drop the memes and just be LOUD & make sure to vote. Register ASAP.

,1538326548,30/09/2018 16:55 9418408,4122550090,"

Their msm therefore their fake news.
Maybe a few good hosts with good hearts but i won't watch them while their on fox.
I will stay here on briebart or go to for real news i can count on

",1538335100,30/09/2018 19:18 9421162,4122554364,"

Time for more cameras on property. Time to take the low I Q, low info Dumbocrats to prosecution. MAGA !

",1538335276,30/09/2018 19:21 9418408,4122568123,

Thats because Q is a fraud.

,1538335866,30/09/2018 19:31 9418408,4122568744,

The Fat Lady has yet to sing. Q is not wrong until he is.

,1538335893,30/09/2018 19:31 9418408,4122605498,"

Those that have been following the Q phenomenon know that Fox news is and has always been Fake News because Q told us, now with Judge Nap's over the top endorsement of the bogus testimony of this over the hill party girl it is quite apparent Q was spot on.
Judge Nap (The Frog) has always been a virulent Fox news anti Trumper (along with Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Shep Smith, Dana Perino,Juan williams,Jessica Tarlov,Neil Cavuto) since the day Trump threw his hat in the ring,
Those that follow Q also knew over a month before North Korea came to the peace table that it was going to happen.
Trust the Plan !!!

",1538337555,30/09/2018 19:59 9418408,4122609413,


,1538337729,30/09/2018 20:02 9419692,4122612288,"

So are you bigoted towards Democrats? Do you think Liberals are vermin, or pedophiles like the Oracle Q fanatics among the Right?
Because Democrats are not your enemy.
We're proud Americans too. You guys do not own patriotism.

",1538337865,30/09/2018 20:04 9418318,4122646181,

I see that you're a dupe. Q is trolling you.

,1538339581,30/09/2018 20:33 9418318,4122661130,

Nothing Q has evermpredicted has happened. He keeps saying THIS IS COMING. And when it doesn't happen it's BECAUSE OF A DEEP STATER.

Michael Avenatti however has been accurately predicting what would happen in his Michael Cohen case. Because of him Donald Trump is now an unindicted co-conspirator in an election fraud case.

Wake up.

,1538340375,30/09/2018 20:46 9418408,4122684045,"

Dr.Ford is as real as it gets. She is not some paid activist. If you think otherwise, you are probably suffering from a delusion brought on by furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies. Please activate your critical thinking. Having a high pitched voice does not make you a liar. Stop spreading disinformation. Not everybody likes your phony BS.

",1538341691,30/09/2018 21:08 9421162,4122690569,"

Hahahahahahaha,,,,,,the liberals were past unhinged about a week ago.
Now Im just waiting for the head spinning and pea soup!
Thank you President Trump & Q for the GREATEST liberal meltdown EVER!!!!
Its AWESOME to watch them Hang themselves with every inch of rope you give them!!!!
Oh happy days!

",1538342099,30/09/2018 21:14 9418408,4122727473,"

Hahaha! Gateway Pundit & Daily Caller suck off the teat of Judicial Watch & Hannity and the Oracle Q! You might as well read the horoscopes for your political perspective! Oh thats funny. But please keep working on your critical thinking skills, don't give up.

",1538344422,30/09/2018 21:53 9418408,4122730666,

You just described Q about as succinctly as is humanly possible.

,1538344623,30/09/2018 21:57 9415642,4122758343,

Time to start listening to Q folks there's some pretty interesting coincidences in the least. The coup people are arguing about on some posts might be happening right now under your noses. Don't look to MSM for all your news . Look deeper then that it's there being brought to you by ? MAGA!!

,1538346462,30/09/2018 22:27 9418408,4122788220,"

It's not a given that the Right have lost their minds to the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, although all evidence points to it. It's not a given that Trump may have gotten a little help from the Russians in order to win an election, although there are many facts that support that assumption.
My point is: stop spreading disinformation, o.k.?

",1538348451,30/09/2018 23:00 9421513,4122846535,"

Chad Ludington

Remember that name. He is the next accuser, according to Q anon.

",1538352570,01/10/2018 00:09 9421513,4122847165,

I haven't seen Q post it.

,1538352616,01/10/2018 00:10 9421513,4122847523,

One of the anons on that board. Not Q himself. I am listening to my wife reading it to me.

,1538352643,01/10/2018 00:10 9418408,4122889545,"




",1538355780,01/10/2018 01:03 9421513,4122893456,

Were they given that power?
Is that what is really happening?
Read Q Anon
Read Sorcha Faal
Read Ben Fulford

Everything you see on TV is ACTING

,1538356080,01/10/2018 01:08 9418408,4122903430,

I am not going to go thru all the facts I know about Q except for: you are being punked by the Oracle Q. He is really a bunch of grad students from Berkley.

,1538356892,01/10/2018 01:21 9421036,4122903826,

The denizens of Trumpturdistan are confused by the 27 star banner. Why didn’t Q predict this months ago? Is Q part of the Deep State?

,1538356923,01/10/2018 01:22 9422386,4122921283,"

------- Ohhh ..... He Mad Now ......

Avenatti .... is just like Gottii .... C.I.A. ... "" asset ""

' 6 ways from Sunday ' . ( One ,Two ... Q - Anon is coming for YOU )

",1538358325,01/10/2018 01:45 9418408,4122935616,

What is Q..?

,1538359542,01/10/2018 02:05 9422146,4122935748,"

Look Cant, I'm sure all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories have got you very confused because, whether you like it or not, Democrats are people. In fact We're American people. Maybe you forgot, but in the real world, Democrats pay their GD taxes. So, get used to it because we're not going anywhere. We love America. You don't own patriotism.

",1538359554,01/10/2018 02:05 9422146,4122964485,

Do you know Q ?

,1538362285,01/10/2018 02:51 9422146,4122988402,"

No, doesn't refer to a Russia or Submarine, we've been through all that with Q. I can't remember off the top, what was determined.

",1538364716,01/10/2018 03:31 9422146,4123033807,

I'm a student of Q ... and know a lot more about what's going on than you do ... so just worry about yourself.

,1538369046,01/10/2018 04:44 9422146,4123034861,"

I wrote out a synopsis about Q.

Only an idiot would follow that trash.

What happened to Q's big event last week.

Another FAKE prediction, but you will still believe because you have no self worth.

",1538369140,01/10/2018 04:45 9422146,4123077779,

That slogan isn't even grammatical. And it means nothing. Q followers are such morons.

,1538373135,01/10/2018 05:52 9422146,4123086671,

No point in posting Q here ... people who want to know already know ... those who don't probably don't want to ... WWG1WGA

,1538373928,01/10/2018 06:05 9418318,4123090801,

What did you do put a whole 5 minutes in on the Q matter?

,1538374299,01/10/2018 06:11 9418318,4123091628,

Have you put any time into the Q matter?

,1538374373,01/10/2018 06:12 9422569,4123152113,

I'm of the persuasion that Q is real and that the fed's practice of issuing US currency with interest will come to an end soon.

The whole Rothschild schtick of bilking us for trillions is over soon.

,1538379497,01/10/2018 07:38 9422146,4123167957,

Everyone knows a lot of what Q posts is designed as disinformation for the slimy left.

,1538380744,01/10/2018 07:59 9422146,4123245521,"

I am cautiously optimistic...(unless we have BEEEN PLAYED BY Q ?)... but, I don’t believe so.

",1538386316,01/10/2018 09:31 9422146,4123255286,"

Dem Massachusetts State Senator Brian Joyce awaiting corruption trial found dead in home
9/30/2018 0 Comments

Fox News Reports: A former Massachusetts state senator awaiting trial on federal corruption charges was found dead in his home Thursday, authorities said. The body of former state Sen. Brian A. Joyce, 56, was found by his wife, the Bristol County District Attorney's office said in a statement. The DA’s office said “foul play” was ruled out for the time being. Joyce was reportedly involved in a car crash Wednesday, but it was unclear if that incident was connected to his death. Massachusetts’ chief medical examiner is slated to conduct an autopsy. An investigation is “active and ongoing,” the spokesman said. The Democrat, who served as assistant majority leader, was first elected in 1998. Joyce left the Senate after not seeking re-election in 2016 amid the federal probe. He moved to Westport, Mass., from Milton after his political career ended.
So an interesting development out of Massachusetts, where Democrat Massachusetts State Senator Brian Joyce has been found dead in his home. Now the interesting part about this is that Brian Joyce a Dem MA State Senator was waiting for a corruption trial with no foul play discovered, so is this one of those suicides that Q been telling us that would happen? Another question with this death of this Dem MA State Senator if this is suicide, were there also any connection to Hillary Clinton or players in the DNC like Debbie Wasserman? However the main piece of evidence we have, is that no foul play was discovered and this Democrat MA State Senator was waiting for a corruption trial.

",1538386910,01/10/2018 09:41 9422386,4123274130,"

Agreed....let's hope that THE RED OCTOBER Q talks about happen, and that thousands of liberal TRAITORS will be arrested and jailed....and some HUNG.....the RINOs in Congress need to go too and TRUMP supporters need to be elected.....TRUST THE PLAN.....

",1538387989,01/10/2018 09:59 9418531,4123355060,"

That's the one where the female (Olive Oyl type) and Barnacle Bill ""characters"" do a Q & A. ""Olive"" sings something like ""Oh where are you now...?"" with ""Bill"" replying with your lyric. It's been 40+ years so most of the lyrics have faded from memory.
Thanks for the SC nomination. I'm going to hold you to that!

",1538392212,01/10/2018 11:10 9422146,4123364523,"

A little surprised we don't have a ""Welcome Aboard Graham"" comment from Q.

I bet he isn't running again. Just freed. ]Graham[

",1538392648,01/10/2018 11:17 9422146,4123467269,"

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.310 📁
Sep 30 2018 14:33:44 (EST)
Justice K confirmation
Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein [payment in full]
""Flake's decision came after he spoke to senators of both parties and withstood pressure from some Republicans not to take such a step. As he considered his course of action, Flake also had a conversation with Deputy Attorney General [Rod Rosenstein], who is in charge of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.""
Define 'Treason'.
The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
Define 'Subversion'.
The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within?
Think line of questions re: Sen. Graham > Justice K re: 'Enemy Combatants'.
Operators standing by.

",1538397021,01/10/2018 12:30 9418318,4123497781,

How much time did you put in to Q research?

,1538398220,01/10/2018 12:50 9422146,4123534301,"

An Angry Preacher did you know that in 1917 the Russian calendar was a month behind ours . So using the Russian calendar October 6 would be November 6th .
Red October from Q is a warning for next month ,

",1538399677,01/10/2018 13:14 9418318,4123563563,

A Q(ueer) amount. Enough to know that JFK jr is Q. Except he's not. Trump is. Except he's not.

,1538400812,01/10/2018 13:33 9418318,4123571390,"

I doubt you have put any serious time in to Q that's why you fell back to the Liberal position to throw queer in the conversation. You liberals love queers, penis and trannys in every conversation.

",1538401109,01/10/2018 13:38 9422512,4123573631,"

You can't turn a battleship around on a dime - this is just political posturing, so he can look good to the Left, yet vote to confirm in the final analysis (which means Q has some big blackmail on him!).

",1538401193,01/10/2018 13:39 9418318,4123633067,

You talking to the mirror or to Q?

,1538403367,01/10/2018 14:16 9422146,4123683379,"

Reddit after shutting down the Q subreddit have turned full globalism with Reddit Prem1uim new logo includes All-seeing-eye on an upvote pyramid, freemasonic light, eyes wide shut masks, and Saturn. Fun.

",1538405186,01/10/2018 14:46 9422569,4123683870,

too funny !!!

Just tired of this Q Anon wannabe !!!

,1538405204,01/10/2018 14:46 9424048,4123689624,"

Learn lessons from Qanon about researching those who seek power over you.
You'll find plenty of information on Patriot News and We the People, Patriot Soapbox on YouTube. Be informed, research and find out for yourself.

",1538405409,01/10/2018 14:50 9421075,4123701906,

I have heard of it/them via blogs years ago. I know they are all pedos and rooted in Government. They are getting bold since Obama and have showed their hand and some of their faces. The red shoes QAnon has mentioned. Not really investigated because it is sickening debauchery of hedonist.

,1538405844,01/10/2018 14:57 9418408,4123722780,


,1538406643,01/10/2018 15:10 9418408,4123770292,"

All I know is that the liberal rumors say it is some rich grad students from Berkley who often fly in private jets, they've had computers since birth so they can cut & paste flawlessly with photos from the other Air Force 1 jet that sits at the Ronald Reagan Library and photos in the public domain. Q also stands for ""Quasi"" and of course, ""Queer"".
They also say you guys are pretty gullible considering the Oracle Q has had very few correct predictions, even though his prognostications have grown increasingly vague.
And common sense says that the Trump administration does not have a modern Nostradamus on staff.

",1538408330,01/10/2018 15:38 9418408,4123788500,

Qanon for news before it becomes news.....

,1538408913,01/10/2018 15:48 9424342,4123794261,"

when i have been researching .. and Q points out NWO = Nazi World Order.. brings up Nazis a lot.. and you dig deep into what has happened to this world and why the left is the way they are... many pieces start to come together.. many know about Operation Paperclip.. the distribution of Nazis into our intelligence agencies...

does this not someone depict WWII [and George Bush Sr's father tied to BOTH sides of war] was actually won by the Nazis? look how they have systematically embedded themselves into these agencies that are able to control/manipulate. look at how ANGRY the left gets and how illogical and emotional they are.. yet they believe they are correct.

researching about the parallels between the Nazis and Democrats is no coincidence. [dinesh dsouza vid]

",1538409115,01/10/2018 15:51 9419767,4123798837,"

Big problems for the A-10 were that it was not supersonic (which translates to ""not sexy"" in AirForcese) and that the Air Force didn't want to go into the front line areas (even though the Army Air Force did that sort of stuff in Western Europe during WW2). What would make perfect sense would be for the US Army to have them (John Q Grunt would be delighted in an airplane roaring in and blowing away Brand X's tanks as they come at him in his foxhole), but that would be totally contrary to the agreement set up years ago, ""If it is armed, flies from an airfield, and hits land targets, it's USAF.""

",1538409283,01/10/2018 15:54 9420160,4123807940,"

JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER will have their say in November 2018, about who they like, Judge KAVANAUGH or some LIBERAL SLOB . /////////////////////////
VOTE ALL RED in November 2018, stuff it down the DEMON - RATS throats. ///////////

",1538409603,01/10/2018 16:00 9424234,4123819303,"

Just because he asked them not to until later does't mean that they have to, and given Trump's history of abruptly ending Q and A's why would they honor his request.

",1538410014,01/10/2018 16:06 9424342,4123827528,

We know from8chan that ford rented offices out in her home to therapists. And her husband is director of a large pharm co.

Gina Haspel Must Find and Terminate CIA MKUltra Program 1636 Q !CbboFOtcZs 28 Jun 2018 - 9:45:55 PM Anonymous 28 Jun 2018 - 9:32:20 PM

1949848 Were the shooters all branded with this mark? 1949870 The key = therapist. Weak minds. Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful. Controlled. Duty. Find the link (common denominator). Error made. Name can be found due to filing. Fake? Background? Office? Other patients? Relocation imminent? Conspiracy risk. End (for now). Haspel must find & term clas program. She knows. Q

Here’s some sauce on russel ford......... Director at Zosano Pharma Corporation Zosano Pharma Corporation is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on providing rapid systemic administration of therapeutics to subjects using our proprietary ADAM technology. Does anyone know what “Adam tech” is?

,1538410310,01/10/2018 16:11 9424342,4123859767,

Sounds like you are a Q cultist. Sorry they are pathetic.

,1538411439,01/10/2018 16:30 9424366,4123872476,

That was for lizintexas.
You likely knew these things.

,1538411876,01/10/2018 16:37 9422146,4123914128,

Love Q. JFK jr.

,1538413302,01/10/2018 17:01 9424342,4123950309,"

Red October is a Q prediction.

That is why the search of ""redoct definition"" turning out the definition of ""predict"" is cool.

Get it now?

",1538414579,01/10/2018 17:22 9423601,4124008071,"

Most likely it will be the 'celebrities' who are the last of the DS to fall. They are loud, arrogant and unafraid (foolishly). NO ONE would ever DOX these clowns (and clown-related proto-clowns) They think they are acting in one of their movies where they (the writer) pulls a rabbit out of their butt in order to DEFEAT the EVIL DOERS in the 2nd movement of the third act. ONLY ONE PROBLEM. Qanon and MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of actual PATRIOTS are writing this script. The FALSE HEROES? Dey gonna lose big time. At the RAP PARTY, the official clothing color will be ORANGE! Don't expect many Red Shoes.

",1538416642,01/10/2018 17:57 9421180,4124012604,"

""These people are stupid"" ... Q How true, useful idiots for the fading globalist agenda.

",1538416801,01/10/2018 18:00 9421513,4124034018,

It's getting to the point now where I find myself really hoping Q is real and this schiot comes to an end.

,1538417572,01/10/2018 18:12 9425191,4124077211,"

Look at the latest Q drop on all of this. It is very important I believe:

Q drop 2305

""Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
Justice K NEVER named.
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.
[RR] involved?

",1538419087,01/10/2018 18:38 9424342,4124085284,"

NEW INFORMATION OUT FROM Q-Even if you don't believe in Q, READ IT!

New: Title TBD


Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 1 Oct 2018 - 3:33:26 PM


""We will be voting this week.""
Heading to TN now.


Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh


Oct 2018 - 3:04:47 PM

1 Oct 2018 - 2:50:02 PM


Ford should down for perjury……..


Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.

Think WHY.

Justice K NEVER named.

[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed'
session = / = Justice K].

FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.

Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.

Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.

Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.

Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.

FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC
agency as AUTH BY POTUS.

[RR] involved?


",1538419374,01/10/2018 18:42 9424342,4124099266,"

NEW INFORMATION OUT FROM Q-Even if you don't believe in Q, READ IT!

New: Title TBD


Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 1 Oct 2018 - 3:33:26 PM


""We will be voting this week.""
Heading to TN now.

The Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh


Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 1 Oct 2018 - 3:04:47 PM
1 Oct 2018 - 2:50:02 PM
Ford should down for perjury……..
Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
Justice K NEVER named.
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed'
session = / = Justice K].
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC
agency as AUTH BY POTUS.

[RR] involved?


",1538419877,01/10/2018 18:51 9425938,4124115142,"

Dems, in panic mode, drew a lot of attention to their methods..and..It disgusted John Q. Average. We must Thank NOV.

",1538420442,01/10/2018 19:00 9426649,4124183338,"

Dear Senator Grassley, Please file expulsion charges against every single one of these Senate witches & male lapdogs. Enough is enough.
~Jane Q Citizen

",1538423028,01/10/2018 19:43 9418864,4124306917,"

Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 to fund and support free speech and freedom of the press.
Its mission includes ""promoting and funding aggressive, public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government

If wealthy people support Barlow's idealistic goals then they might help support the Freedom of the Press Foundation's goals, ""promoting and funding aggressive, public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government.""

Edward Snowden has moved in to the position which was vacant due to Barlow's death. Q is stating Edward Snowden is identified as a liability by the same individuals who caused John Barlow's 187.

",1538428628,01/10/2018 21:17 9384094,4124362517,"

Sorry, I can't provide any comparison for ""record growth"" over a 6 Q time frame. Not sure why you are fixated on it. Lets see the bump it gets as Trump adds his economic policies the Democrats FEAR so much. It pains them to see his ideas working, and the American people benefitting.

I can say that Obama's charts look like a roller coaster while Trump's numbers just continues upward. What I don't see is the media rewarding Trump for stabilizing that roller coaster.

",1538431746,01/10/2018 22:09 9427342,4124368554,

We love you President Trump and Q Team! God Bless You!!!

,1538432084,01/10/2018 22:14 9427342,4124369934,

you mean that Q kid?

,1538432162,01/10/2018 22:16 9427342,4124372496,

yes. im very very well aware of who 'they' are. LOL
i was just wondering if this was another Q fail

,1538432302,01/10/2018 22:18 9427342,4124373310,"

Yes it is, I knew this the minute it was confirmed that President Trump is on Q Team this afternoon. Although I alwyas knew President Trump was a part of Q, the confirmation was great.

",1538432348,01/10/2018 22:19 9427342,4124413714,"

In a handoff, President Trump did not Tweet his departure to Tennessee, but Q did.

What more proof do you need?

",1538434616,01/10/2018 22:56 9427342,4124416840,"

Every time prior, President Trump tweeted when he was leaving. This time, President Trump did not, but Q did. He and President Trump have been giving you signs.

",1538434792,01/10/2018 22:59 9427342,4124417476,

Even Q said it was.

,1538434827,01/10/2018 23:00 9424780,4124438019,

We must restart our republic. The sickness that infects our society has gotten to deep. Q.

,1538436032,01/10/2018 23:20 9424780,4124538737,

#qanon.......look for yourselves the informed more programming

,1538442358,02/10/2018 01:05 9425386,4124540230,"

Hi my fellow Brit's. Have you heard of QAnon? Go check it out on Voat, YouTube or 8chan. Time to wake up.

",1538442456,02/10/2018 01:07 9427132,4124710702,"

QAnon arrested:

",1538456695,02/10/2018 05:04 9427132,4124715359,"

what's ""QAnon?""

",1538457071,02/10/2018 05:11 9427132,4124715672,"

I dont want to put you down because I like you, however you might wanna pay attention to Q. It was confirmed today that President Trump is part of Q Team.

",1538457096,02/10/2018 05:11 9427132,4124726382,"

He isnt a QAnon. I dont give a shiit what is written or what he said, he isnt.

",1538457959,02/10/2018 05:25 9421336,4124777930,"

By all accounts there've already been two attempts on Trump's life...both times when he's been airborne in Air Force One. On both occasions it involved missiles being fired at his aircraft. Trump is super-super high risk to be taken out so the military have erected a proverbial ring of steel around him. The first attempt was during his North Korea trip, when a US-fired missile was intercepted and destroyed (as were the rogue element perps), and the second time was allegedly just a few days ago on his way to a rally...again it was intercepted and destroyed. Both attempts were hushed up as they don't want to trigger (armed) civil unrest between pro and anti Trump supporters. AF1 is not only bristling with all kinds of security measures but it also has armed fighter jet escorts. Every US rally Trump is currently attending is said to be preceded with phoned in threats on his life. In each case the ""tipster"" claims to have inside knowledge that an assassination attempt will be made by someone wearing a QAnon t.shirt or carrying a QAnon sign...a clear sign the bad guys (the Dems/Clintonistas) regard QAnon as the arbiter of their downfall...and they want to tarnish QAnon and their supporters as the *real* threat. But all that that's achieved is that Q's supporters at the rallies have now been mobilised as the eyes and ears of the Secret Service...""if you see something, say something"".

Everyone is waiting expectantly to see what transpires in the coming weeks...Q has talked about an ""October surprise"" and whatever ""it"" is will have to happen BEFORE the mid term elections in November. McCain was the first casualty. The other ""dominoes"" are primed. It should be quite a perp-walk. .

",1538462274,02/10/2018 06:37 9427879,4124836306,"

I just LOVE our president!!!! Come on, Q, bring the October surprise! I can’t wait!!!!

",1538466668,02/10/2018 07:51 9427132,4124846558,"

People like Snoop with extremely low I Q numbers, should be disqualified for voting,

",1538467409,02/10/2018 08:03 9427132,4124882882,"

There is a hacker group that uses the handle anonymous.

But, no one has ever been able to link the youtuber anonymous to the hacking group.

Just like the youtuber Q, none of anonymous' predictions have come true. Unlike Q, anonymous always pulls the prediction fails.

",1538469877,02/10/2018 08:44 9426649,4124963447,

Revenge is best served cold. All the DemonRat members of this committee/kangaroo court/far left wing “show trial” and a few closet dems in the R party will be in the unemployment Q after November 6. If Kav is not confirmed this month he wil be renominated and confirmed by Christmas.

,1538474686,02/10/2018 10:04 9427132,4125008784,"

Haha so, now Q is gonna attack Trump or something? Its so obvious Q is Mossad. TRUMP IS BANNING Q...Trump supporters should take the hint.

",1538476961,02/10/2018 10:42 9421939,4125021470,"

My sincerest apologies ...YOU are RIGHT. In the modern poll era we ALL know Alabama definitely has the most championships versus Yale historically....and your team only had 2 losses in the 9141 game, and one loss in the most of your championship yers...Two seasons, in 92 and 09 you went undefeated.. A great record....All I can say is it will make it even sweeter if we can beat you again!! Our neighbors are actually Georgia fans and we watched your freshman Q step up to the plate and save your championship last year.....pretty amazing.

",1538477545,02/10/2018 10:52 9429448,4125097725,

That's the million dollar Q...

,1538480740,02/10/2018 11:45 9429448,4125142497,

.Ford = Perjury.

From Q .

Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.Think WHY.Justice K NEVER named.[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.[RR] involved?Q

,1538482515,02/10/2018 12:15 9429448,4125149107,"

----- Q Anon sums it up ..... Fords story in BIG Trouble !

Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.Think WHY.Justice K NEVER named.[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.[RR] involved?


",1538482772,02/10/2018 12:19 9429448,4125150178,

The only thing the left got on him is his innocent lying of the meaning of childish drinking and sex games. Everyone who watched the testimony know exactly the Democrats were after destroying a white man. But the real power of Kavanaugh's testimony came from his deep knowledge of the socialist plots used to seek revenge on behalf of the Clinton's. We need someone like this in the SCOTUS who is aware of the vast left conspiracies. Im sure he knows about the Deep State and Q so confirm him immediately!

,1538482815,02/10/2018 12:20 9430474,4125420715,"

""Anger at Georgetown professor over her MONTH-LONG foul-mouthed Twitter rant at Muslim ex-colleague who voted Trump
• Asra Q Nomani, a Muslim who voted Trump, says C Christine Fair is harassing her
• Fair was allegedly incensed by Nomani's political choice and insulted her
• Nomani says ex-friend Fair told her 'F**k you' and 'go to hell' in private messages
• She also says Fair insulted her on Twitter and Facebook from Nov 22-Dec 23
• Fair is a Georgetown professor at the Center for Peace and Security Studies
• Nomani has complained to Georgetown, wanting an investigation and apology""

",1538492017,02/10/2018 14:53 9430474,4125422622,"

Why is this POS still at Georgetown????
Per wiki:
""In January 2017, Fair was involved in a Twitter dispute with Asra Q.
Nomani. In response to Nomani's tweet that as a Muslim, she voted for
President Trump, Fair tweeted that she had ""written [Nomani] off as a
human being"" and that Nomani had ""pimped herself out to all media
outlets."" Nomani responded by filing a complaint with Georgetown
University, Fair's employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.[20]

In January 2018, Fair was involved in an incident at Frankfurt
Airport. When her bag was flagged for possibly containing explosives, it
was searched and German Federal Police instructed Fair that she would
have to dispose of a liquid deodorant or transfer it to her checked bag.
German police stated that Fair was uncooperative, as she accused them
of sexism and of being Nazis and thugs, and directed expletives at them.
Fair was charged with slander under Germany's defamation law. She
subsequently published an article on HuffPost partially rejecting the
police account of the incident.[""

",1538492081,02/10/2018 14:54 9431440,4125694728,"

As Qanon has revealed, WWIII.

",1538499571,02/10/2018 16:59 9431440,4125700405,"

I see a Q prediction coming in 3,2,1....

",1538499687,02/10/2018 17:01 9431440,4125756593,"

I dunno how much truth there is in the whole qanon thing but he keeps saying ""red october"". This is slang for the bolshevik uprising in russia 1917 (aka the October Uprising)
Some people take it as a republican battlecry but i think he is hinting at something far more sinister

",1538500986,02/10/2018 17:23 9431440,4125822125,

Seen a Q post stating 53-47. Guessing that is where the vote stands atm?

,1538503233,02/10/2018 18:00 9431440,4125832651,"

People are getting hurt. There will be deaths soon enough. If the damned Qanon is just gas or not, we need to start hitting back ourselves.

",1538503598,02/10/2018 18:06 9432052,4125842615,

Not much the Dems can do now. 53-47 per Q. That's the reason why McTurtle wants the vote as soon as possible.

,1538503952,02/10/2018 18:12 9431440,4125852114,


,1538504258,02/10/2018 18:17 9429865,4125906646,"

Hmmmmmm, I wonder what her Favorability score will be when Q is done with her???

",1538506172,02/10/2018 18:49 9431440,4125910940,"

Maybe those 2 Dems being pressured by their constituents are planning to vote Yes on Kav. That would make the ""53-47"" by Q make sense.

",1538506323,02/10/2018 18:52 9431224,4125945985,"

",1538507481,02/10/2018 19:11 9430474,4126038595,"

She's got form, including calling German police Nazis and Thugs when they confiscated her deodorant at the airport.
1) In January 2017, Fair was involved in a Twitter dispute with Asra Q. Nomani.
In response to Nomani's tweet that as a Muslim, she voted for President Trump, Fair tweeted that she had ""written [Nomani] off as a human being"" and that Nomani had ""pimped herself out to all media outlets.""
Nomani responded by filing a complaint with Georgetown University, Fair's employer, alleging discrimination and harassment.
2) In May 2017, Fair began an altercation with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer at a gym in Alexandria, Virginia. While the two were working out, Fair approached Spencer and accused him of being a Nazi, along with a number of other accusations, leading a third gym patron to intervene on behalf of him. This incident resulted in Spencer's membership being terminated by the manager of the gym.
3) In January 2018, Fair was involved in an incident at Frankfurt Airport. When her bag was flagged for possibly containing explosives, it was searched and German Federal Police instructed Fair that she would have to dispose of a liquid deodorant or transfer it to her checked bag.
German police stated that Fair was uncooperative, as she accused them of sexism and of being Nazis and thugs, and directed expletives at them. Fair was charged with slander under Germany's defamation law. She subsequently published an article on HuffPost partially rejecting the police account of the incident.""

",1538511034,02/10/2018 20:10 9432496,4126115362,"

Qanon says the votes are for him 53-47

Oct 02 2018 15:31:13


",1538514667,02/10/2018 21:11 9429448,4126140021,"

LOL, yournewswire? Do you follow 8Chan for Q updates and still believe in the Easter Bunny?

",1538516065,02/10/2018 21:34 9431440,4126150972,"

Presidential executive order. Where I got my information is from Q, as well as Thomas Wictor's twitter account. Alas, twitter has suspended Thomas, so I can't look him up. Capped him within the last week. Look up @stealthjeff and @imperatorrex. But you would have to look at and read the posts from 2017

",1538516712,02/10/2018 21:45 9429448,4126154847,"

LOL, and you believe Hilary had over 100 people killed. As Q and see what he says.

",1538516933,02/10/2018 21:48 9432649,4126267760,

Latest Q says


,1538523382,02/10/2018 23:36 9433102,4126273911,"

I also am in medicine and took the hard line on being pro vaccine due to my training then Q came along. It is clear these are Q clearance or ultra top secret, for example, advisors to the POTUS, level.

And with Trump's approval, info came out that under Obama the CDC had like other federal agencies been tasked with a secret countermand to their official mandate. Until I know more I want to better understand if indeed it has been deliberate sabotage of the flu vaccine to render it ineffective or worse.

I believe our current POTUS has fixed this but has the deep state been fully purged from all of government? Clearly not.

",1538523727,02/10/2018 23:42 9432649,4126276008,

And Q also thinks Jeff Sessions is the GREATEST attorney general in American history.

Q credibility = ZERO with me.

,1538523848,02/10/2018 23:44 9430342,4126363333,

And Hillary is about to be arrested! So says Q. So say us all.

,1538529018,03/10/2018 01:10 9434671,4126410724,

Hey all you anti Q zealots.

Blowsy Ford is what a LARP actually looks like.

Got it?

,1538532178,03/10/2018 02:02 9434671,4126414159,

What’s an anti Q?

,1538532430,03/10/2018 02:07 9434671,4126414592,"

",1538532463,03/10/2018 02:07 9432649,4126425222,"

Then according to you I still have more credibility than Q !!!! Lol

""near zero"" is still more than ZERO.

You stepped into that one, huh, chump?

",1538533269,03/10/2018 02:21 9434671,4126443006,"

Probably had the x-boy friend's letter before she testified,... Boom, Gotcha! Didn't Q say to leave it to Sen Grassley?

",1538534622,03/10/2018 02:43 9434671,4126454598,

No one says you have to believe Q.
It's okay not to believe it.

,1538535519,03/10/2018 02:58 9434671,4126456165,

I think the ultimate proof is when potus and Q posted at the same exact time.

An anon asked if they would do it and they did.

,1538535637,03/10/2018 03:00 9434272,4126616066,"

No, that center was closed. It's been taken over by the Radical Right Rushists and the Oracle Q fanatics. They pray with snakes every Tues. & Thurs. and they're asking for you.

",1538547557,03/10/2018 06:19 9434671,4126628352,"

Maybe so, but it gives him moral authority now with John and Jane Q Public.

",1538548476,03/10/2018 06:34 9434671,4126702305,"

This is what Q had to say today

Oct 3 2018 00:50:21 (EST)
Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?
C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?
Fantasy or Reality?
Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?
'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.
Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?
Who was the agent?
Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.
Mission Failed.
Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].
The More You Know…

",1538554034,03/10/2018 08:07 9434671,4126702931,"

This is what Q had to say today

Oct 3 2018 00:50:21 (EST)
Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?
C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?
Fantasy or Reality?
Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?
'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.
Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?
Who was the agent? ....
Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.
Mission Failed.
Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].
The More You Know…

",1538554078,03/10/2018 08:07 9432253,4126706491,"

Qanon is probably not your thing but it's pretty interesting and worth a look:

",1538554334,03/10/2018 08:12 9434671,4126710811,

Interesting that Q got the “Gouge” on Dr Ford....! Lol

,1538554634,03/10/2018 08:17 9434671,4126744342,"

Morning Violet..☕️ (Some Q drops are eluding to it as well, if you follow Q ) I have been told anyway

",1538556827,03/10/2018 08:53 9434200,4126762208,"

Q says the vote will be 53-47 in favor of Kavanaugh.
On March 8th Q while North Korea was still launching missiles over Japan Q said that North Korea would soon be coming to the peace table, this happened about a month and a half later.

",1538557883,03/10/2018 09:11 9434671,4126775646,"

Good morning WR! : ) thank you. boy, that's one of those things that seem unreal. I haven't followed Q, but i hear people talk about him from time to time. hope your day is lovely...

",1538558668,03/10/2018 09:24 9434671,4126782331,"

Thanks.. yeah, one guy I like is “Praying Medic” on YouTube... he is very analytical as a “Q Researcher”.. (but be careful, lots of BAD ACTORS out there trying to trash Q as a conspiracy thing...) check it out if interested... I have been following it for about 6 months. Certainly entertaining.... wasn’t sure if it was legit, but i believe it is... (based on my own Military and Security Clearance experiences)...

",1538559054,03/10/2018 09:30 9434671,4126801443,"

Ex of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford exposes perjury committed by Ford
10/2/2018 0 Comments

View image on Twitter
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Shannon Bream

BREAKING: Fox’s @johnrobertsFox obtains letter from Ford ex-boyfriend alleging: dated for 6 yrs, never told of sex assault, Ford coached friend on taking polygraph, flew frequently w/o expressing any fear of flying/tight spaces/limited exits. Doesn’t want to b/c “involved”.

9:12 PM - Oct 2, 2018
15.4K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
A major revelation in the Christine Blasey Ford accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and that is an ex of Christine Blasey Ford is basically exposing the fact that Ford has committed multiple perjury's to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The major revelation by this ex of Christine Blasey Ford, is that this ex mentions in this letter that Ford never told him about a sexual assault. So with this letter from an ex of Blasey Ford...It looks like we have official confirmation of Blasey Ford committing perjury to the Senate Judiciary Committee so that Democrats could stall and obstruct Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS. It looks like Ford could face major jail time, unless she makes some kind of plea deal to place Feinstein in prison? The Kavanaugh vote is coming this week period...And Q has hinted the vote will be 53-47.

",1538560106,03/10/2018 09:48 9434671,4126810642,"

Saw a post while researching Q that peter
strzok’s sister in law works with Fraud’s brother. Wondering if that’s true...

I’ve never believed Fraud or any one of Kavanaugh’s accusers. Everyone who knows the judge supports him 100%. The fact that these alleged victims waited not days, not months but years to say anything makes them way less credibility, if at all. There were too many holes in Ford’s story too, and if she were really traumatized by the event, then why would she giggle and laugh when talking about it? Though I don’t let the traumatic incident control me, I can’t think about it without feeling nauseous much less talk about it and laugh. So, as a survivor, I’m insulted at her giddy, nonchalant almost happy behavior during the hearing. And none of the named witnesses backs up their ridiculous accusations. Ford’s a fraud and those with a sound mind know this.

It is past due the Republicans grow a pair and stop the Dims from bullying them and the American people. Confirm Judge Kavanaugh now!

",1538560590,03/10/2018 09:56 9434197,4126893560,

Incoming from Q!

,1538564493,03/10/2018 11:01 9434671,4126936899,"

Obvious from Mitchell's line of questioning that Grassley and the committee had all this info before 2 door Ford gave her perjured testimony. No other explanation for Mitchell to have asked that specific question. Of course anyone with a brain knows Ford was full of shiite from the beginning. Her BFF also just happened to be retired FBI and lives in the same city where Ford claimed the letter to her congresswoman was written, entirely on her own, don't you know. Q or no Q, these people really are stupid.

",1538566256,03/10/2018 11:30 9434671,4126953995,

You sound like a dumb Q cultist.

,1538566905,03/10/2018 11:41 9434671,4126983919,"

Dr. Ford, according to the latest Q post today, also happened to be the CIA's recruitment officer at Stanford (part of Brennan's team). She is a psychology professor, specializing in induced memories, who also happens to be a trained polygraph examiner...busted.

",1538568064,03/10/2018 12:01 9434272,4126985748,

Discredited by what? QAnon? Trump's nonsense?

,1538568138,03/10/2018 12:02 9433651,4127040872,"

Yes, I saw that too and Q hasn't been wrong yet. I think, I hope, between FISA release and the democommunist's own lack of ethics as shown so clearly in the Kavanaugh hearings will push Republicans into office in the mid-terms.

",1538570255,03/10/2018 12:37 9434671,4127140193,"

Actually, you would have to ask me what is a anti Q zealot.

The answer is pretty easy actually.

You know how trolls come around and market their pathetic wares about Trump? TDS sufferers? Well, supplant Trump with Q and there is your answer. Irony is dripping in that last sentence, but then, if the anti Q freakazoids actually knew what Q really is that irony would be self evident.

",1538573893,03/10/2018 13:38 9433651,4127160970,"

You can read posts at Another good source on YouTube is Justinformed. Good info.

",1538574638,03/10/2018 13:50 9434272,4127187748,

Of course he did. Everything he said last night was planned. Sundance I believe is privy to inside information. Not like Q but like Roger Stone and don't think Trump isn't pissed what they did to Alex Jones. There will be payback......

,1538575632,03/10/2018 14:07 9434671,4127209678,"

Oct 03 2018 01:50:21

Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?
C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?
Fantasy or Reality?
Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?
'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.
Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?
Who was the agent?
Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.
Mission Failed.
Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].
The More You Know…

",1538576441,03/10/2018 14:20 9436819,4127240387,"

It's even more sinister than that. Read today's Q drop:

",1538577537,03/10/2018 14:38 9436411,4127305123,"

Let's try this. Which sounds better?

A. Q "" Have you ever blacked out from drinking""... .. ""No""
B. Q Have you ever blacked out from drinking ....... ""Have you""

",1538579779,03/10/2018 15:16 9434671,4127323086,"

...and they employ that ""Jack Probosicus"" guy or whatever the Hell his name is claiming to be Q-Anon so he's now a proven liar. No network is immune to the BS

",1538580393,03/10/2018 15:26 9436819,4127337808,"

There are more Republicans child molesters, historically. We are Americans and We're are not child molesters. You diminsh the seriousness of friggen pedophilia when you hurl around this term. It's disgusting. The Oracle Q is punking you.

",1538580904,03/10/2018 15:35 9436513,4127373646,"



REALIST NEWS - WOW Q was right - Kasich says ""John McCain was put to death""

",1538582128,03/10/2018 15:55 9436513,4127376748,"




REALIST NEWS - WOW Q was right - Kasich says ""John McCain was put to death""

",1538582238,03/10/2018 15:57 9436513,4127384123,"




REALIST NEWS - WOW Q was right - Kasich says ""John McCain was put to death""

",1538582485,03/10/2018 16:01 9436513,4127388712,"



REALIST NEWS - WOW Q was right - Kasich says ""John McCain was put to death""


",1538582644,03/10/2018 16:04 9436819,4127428316,"

And a quarter of -1, -.5, -.1, .5, 1, 1.5 (approx, all of these) ... he had MANY very BAD quarters. Trump so far, not a single bad Q under 2.

",1538583986,03/10/2018 16:26 9437056,4127438778,

Once again Suzie Q is showing her complicity in the liberal attacks on Trump and Kavanaugh.

,1538584320,03/10/2018 16:32 9434983,4127445348,

These two have 10 fans total. Let them come. we are sick of this.
Wwg1wga. Time to go on the offense Q. Start arresting these traitors.

,1538584536,03/10/2018 16:35 9436819,4127474097,"

Longtime friend/polygraph coach of Christine Blasey Ford is former FBI with McCabe/Comey connections
10/3/2018 0 Comments

True Pundit reports: Some research into Ms. Fords life-long friend from school, Ms. Monica Lee McLean (DOB 03-15-66), reveals an almost guaranteed likelihood the polygraph assistance had something to do with the career path Ms. McLean would take. Monica Lee McLean was admitted to the California Bar in 1992, the same year Ms Ford’s boyfriend stated he began a six-year relationship with her best friend. The address for the current inactive California Law License is now listed as *”Rehoboth Beach, DE”.
According to her LinkedIn background, Ms. Monica Lee McLean, was a 24-year employee of the Department of Justice and FBI from 1992 to 2016. In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit: Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI.
Besides all the perjury exposed by the ex of Christine Blasey Ford the other night about flying and never bringing up being sexually assaulted for around six years, now we are finding out Christine Blasey Ford's friend who coached her on taking polygraphs...Just happens to be former FBI with connections to McCabe and Comey. Not only that Q and information on the web may also lead us to that Christine Blasey Ford is a CIA plant to basically help Democrats and the Deep State stall the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.
These connections to the FBI with her FBI agent best friend who has connections to Comey and McCabe, may just prove that Christine Blasey Ford is nothing more than a Deep State operative/fake accuser. If Blasey Ford is a CIA operative, then she's illegally operating on American soil alone. Ford faces major time in prison with her Deep State connections and obvious perjury. Then of course you have the Clinton connection with her attorney Debra Katz.

",1538585503,03/10/2018 16:51 9436819,4127479745,"

Longtime friend/polygraph coach of Christine Blasey Ford is former FBI with McCabe/Comey connections
10/3/2018 0 Comments.

True Pundit reports: Some research into Ms. Fords life-long friend from school, Ms. Monica Lee McLean (DOB 03-15-66), reveals an almost guaranteed likelihood the polygraph assistance had something to do with the career path Ms. McLean would take. Monica Lee McLean was admitted to the California Bar in 1992, the same year Ms Ford’s boyfriend stated he began a six-year relationship with her best friend. The address for the current inactive California Law License is now listed as *”Rehoboth Beach, DE”.
According to her LinkedIn background, Ms. Monica Lee McLean, was a 24-year employee of the Department of Justice and FBI from 1992 to 2016. In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit: Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI.
Besides all the perjury exposed by the ex of Christine Blasey Ford the other night about flying and never bringing up being sexually assaulted for around six years, now we are finding out Christine Blasey Ford's friend who coached her on taking polygraphs...Just happens to be former FBI with connections to McCabe and Comey. Not only that Q and information on the web may also lead us to that Christine Blasey Ford is a CIA plant to basically help Democrats and the Deep State stall the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.
These connections to the FBI with her FBI agent best friend who has connections to Comey and McCabe, may just prove that Christine Blasey Ford is nothing more than a Deep State operative/fake accuser. If Blasey Ford is a CIA operative, then she's illegally operating on American soil alone. Ford faces major time in prison with her Deep State connections and obvious perjury. Then of course you have the Clinton connection with her attorney Debra Katz.

",1538585692,03/10/2018 16:54 9432649,4127778937,"

Q believes in BIG Conspiracies. They think the DOJ is in the process of putting together 55,000 + indictments that will bring down the deep state. Some folks think Trump is Q. They think Robert Mueller is actually working on bringing down Clinton.

You can also Google QAnon

",1538596618,03/10/2018 19:56 9438487,4127797445,"

Sessions has been subpoenaed to appear before the Committee on the Judiciary.

The new Q post is packed with info to wrap my head around regarding this. Just putting this out there because it must be major.

",1538597440,03/10/2018 20:10 9438487,4127801195,"

All need to check out Q posts - been proven to be legit. many times and even by Trump - to find out what's really going on.......

",1538597618,03/10/2018 20:13 9438487,4127805006,


Yes. Because Q told me to about a year ago. :)

Within about 24 hours he will be unrecused.

,1538597793,03/10/2018 20:16 9438487,4127805859,"

Monica, nice job revealing his name, meaning you remember it from 25 YEARS AGO: you've just verified he was indeed Blasey Ford's boyfriend and his allegation that he knew you well is also true. As Q says, you people are stupid.

",1538597834,03/10/2018 20:17 9438487,4127814321,"

She's just another MK Ultra victim, associated with CiA.......
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.321 📁
Oct 3 2018 00:50:21 (EST)
Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?
C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?
Fantasy or Reality?
Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?
'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.
Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?
Who was the agent?
Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.
Mission Failed.
Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].
The More You Know…

",1538598236,03/10/2018 20:23 9438487,4127838132,"

If Sessions gets to work and shows he really cares,

it will be the MOAB of Q confirmations.

Nobody else would have seen it coming.

",1538599382,03/10/2018 20:43 9432649,4127872472,

Tell me. DO you Q conspiracy believers think America has EVER landed on the moon?

,1538601228,03/10/2018 21:13 9439897,4127911186,"

Funny, Q pointed out recently that there have been more plane crashes than the norm. You would think with a government contract it would be so easy to sabotage an airplane with inferior metal, welds, etc that they should be built here.

",1538603495,03/10/2018 21:51 9439951,4127925415,"

Haha, the gatewaypundit. Do you believe in Q AND the Easter Bunny?

",1538604355,03/10/2018 22:05 9440143,4127954920,

The next one will signal what Q says is coming down the pike.

,1538606129,03/10/2018 22:35 9425140,4127959469,

....and I demand No I Q Maxine provide prove that her brain is capable of sustaining electrical currents.

,1538606402,03/10/2018 22:40 9434197,4127982258,

Red October :) #walkaway #qanon #wwg1wga

,1538607775,03/10/2018 23:02 9440143,4128005627,"

No, I'm not Q just another anon.

",1538609165,03/10/2018 23:26 9440143,4128014626,"

I honestly think you are being played by Q. There's a lot to be said for optimism and goals...but I have a feeling that it's all a ruse to give folks something to believe in. Not that's it's bad, but I don't think all that garbage about thousands of sealed indictments is true at all.

",1538609721,03/10/2018 23:35 9440143,4128018491,

This test is more than it seems. Read Q posts today.

,1538609958,03/10/2018 23:39 9438466,4128034928,

That's gonna be one heck of a Q proof.

,1538610975,03/10/2018 23:56 9434629,4128085419,

PATRIOTS...Stand Fast...we are in the STORM ..WWG1WGA !! Q-ANON!! God bless America and the 82nd Airborne and the Brothers and Sisters Q-ANON !!

,1538614328,04/10/2018 00:52 9440920,4128085621,"

REALIST NEWS - WOW Q was right - Kasich says ""John McCain was put to death""

",1538614341,04/10/2018 00:52 9440920,4128120211,

Who is this Q? I keep seeing it on the Treehouse but don’t have a clue.

,1538616872,04/10/2018 01:34 9440578,4128198202,"

Say what you will about Q, he/she/they predicted this Baker bean spillage a month ago. C'mon, Red October.

",1538623394,04/10/2018 03:23 9441262,4128232343,"

Understood! I'm gonna drill down on it. Sometimes it's hard to determine fact from fiction. Have read duds from Natural News before about Christine Ford. Sundance from Conservative TreeHouse is decent, Q anon, and others make analyses and predictions and they are hit and miss. If anyone on this planet has the gonads to do something like this, it's Trump. We'll see, huh?

",1538626110,04/10/2018 04:08 9441262,4128260628,"

At this point I want to make it true, and the more people who support the idea the better. I hear you about vetting sources. It's hit and miss. I gave up on Q quite a while ago, because their accounts were hacked. You never know what is real from them now.

",1538628523,04/10/2018 04:48 9439951,4128265038,"

Read Q drop # 2312....enough said.

",1538629013,04/10/2018 04:56 9439951,4128265693,"

Read drop # 2312....enough said.

",1538629081,04/10/2018 04:58 9441196,4128283165,"

They think the law isn’t for’s for US. They can steel millions, lie, and smear good people. But if John Q Citizen “jaywalks” it’s a crime.

",1538630962,04/10/2018 05:29 9440920,4128293465,"

Breitbart may remove this but it’s important for you to understand that those attending rallies and have been wearing Q Tshirts, hats etc., have been asked to remove them by the USSS. Why? Threats, real threats before EVERY rally against Patriots wearing these. Why?? Why did Reddit close down the QAnon board, The Great Awakening?? They feel threatened. Why has there been an uptick in MSM trying to discredit the Q Movement? Because 50MILLION people worldwide and GROWING are part of this Movement that are being kept up to date of what is going on politically, not just in America, but around the world.

This is War Drummer. He has many videos but this was posted only a couple of hours ago. It is brilliant!

And if you want to see what Q is saying, you can find Q here on VOAT where Q directed those followers that were kicked off Reddit (250,000+) to a Q-validated secure board. The board owner made a special board especially for those that had been posting on Reddit.

If you are not familiar with VOAT, just visit the ‘Reddit refugees’ link to get familiarised before posting. I read and watched for ages before joining in and you just cannot post straight up. You have to get a certain amount of points before you can post. This stops a lot of trolling. 😀


",1538632071,04/10/2018 05:47 9441262,4128293892,"

Is that you, Q ? Lol

",1538632117,04/10/2018 05:48 9441262,4128297099,"

Mr. Dick, I only get my information from the top source in the US government— QAnon.

",1538632429,04/10/2018 05:53 9441262,4128374708,"

All correct and true. Anyone following Q, or just connecting all the dots and following the President's EOs should know what is coming next. The treasonous Dems sure do.

",1538638388,04/10/2018 07:33 9440143,4128526618,

Oh ill bet the Q people are having fun with this one.

,1538648310,04/10/2018 10:18 9440920,4128540749,

I’m sure Turtle has some buffer votes. When they vote on cloture we’ll know where everyone stands. Qanon said it will be 53-47. We’ll see. The debate & protests will be hilarious I’m sure

,1538649011,04/10/2018 10:30 9441262,4128555541,"

Nope, QANON, snowflake.

",1538649725,04/10/2018 10:42 9441262,4128578529,"

So are the Q people losing their minds over yesterdays ""Presidential Alert"".. i mean there is no way they are not reading into that.

",1538650745,04/10/2018 10:59 9437056,4128600283,"

Yes, Suzi Q you are just plain wrong and always have been!

",1538651691,04/10/2018 11:14 9437551,4128848400,"

Hum, how do you know Iran has hundreds of nukes? Q tell you so?

",1538660922,04/10/2018 13:48 9439324,4128905581,"

TL, you are not the Oracle Q so your predictions are useless. Please stop worrying about my moral compass and worry about your own. Maybe you should worry about your karma since you are using the potential death of RBG to taunt me.
The Trump era is such a whirlwind of cruelty that it can be hard to keep trac. At the rally in Mississippi, a crowd of Trump supporters cheered as the president mocked Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who has said that Brett Kavanaugh, whom Trump has nominated to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, attempted to rape her when she was a teenager. “Lock her up!” they shouted.

Ford testified to the Senate, utilizing her professional expertise to describe the encounter, that one of the parts of the incident she remembered most was Kavanaugh and his frien
d Mark Judge laughing at her as Kavanaugh fumbled at her clothing. “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter,” Ford said, referring to the part of the brain that processes emotion and memory, “the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.” And then at Tuesday’s rally, the president made his supporters laugh at her.

Even those who believe that Ford fabricated her account, or was mistaken in its details, can see that the president’s mocking of her testimony renders all sexual-assault survivors collateral damage. Anyone afraid of coming forward, afraid that she would not be believed, can now look to the president to see her fears realized. Once malice is embraced as a virtue, it is impossible to contain. So, worry about yourself TL, you might end up getting to be at the front of the line at the gates of Hell.

",1538662966,04/10/2018 14:22 9443386,4128928941,"

Looks like Kavanaugh will get confirmed 53-47, Collins, Flake, and Dem Manchin leaning yes
10/4/2018 0 Comments


Bill Mitchell

So right now, looks like Collins and Flake may be leaning YES along with Manchin. Meanwhile, no one cares about the BS NYTimes story on Trump taxes.

12:10 PM - Oct 4, 2018
276 people are talking about this
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A couple days ago Q told us that the likely vote to confirm Kavanaugh to SCOTUS would be 53-47, and it's starting to look that way. There are multiple reports and people reporting that Senators Collins and Flake are leaning yes, and we even have Democrat Senator Manchin now reported as leaning yes. It officially looks like the FBI investigation requested by Democrats have backfired, as the FBI report on Kavanaugh has confirmed no new findings...And this has now been the 7th time Brett Kavanaugh has been cleared by the FBI. Pretty much if we get one Democrat in Manchin to vote yes for Kavanaugh, you can pretty much confirm Kavanaugh will be confirmed to SCOTUS

",1538663766,04/10/2018 14:36 9443386,4128933087,"

The report is incomplete and DiFi is complaining?! WTF!! (An old Alfred E Newman saying, What the Furshlugginer!)

If it were complete she and 20 of her pals would be under indictment for illegally interfering with a Constitutional federal appointment process, violating Brett Kavanaugh's Constitutionally-protected right to not be fraudulently harassed, his life threatened, and his reputation defamed, and a dozen other crimes. DiFi should thank her lucky stars the FBI investigation is incomplete and probably will not be completed. If it were complete DiFi and her anti-American cohorts would be headed to Leavenworth.

As Q says, ""These people are stupid.""

",1538663907,04/10/2018 14:38 9439954,4128978610,

I concur on Q. All hype and no substance yet. It's akin to Obama's hope and change.

,1538665495,04/10/2018 15:04 9443386,4129093369,"

Fears, Chucky?

Fear of truth.
Fear of lost power.
Fear of no more sex with underage girls.
Fear of prosecution.
Fear of prison.
Fear of death by.... oh, I don't know --- Lethal injection, firing squad, guillotines, cyanide, rope .(that you been playin' with....)

Maybe it's fear of WWG1WGA.


-- Q.

",1538669532,04/10/2018 16:12 9444613,4129181831,"

Looks like Kavanaugh will get confirmed 53-47, Collins, Flake, and Dem Manchin leaning yes
10/4/2018 0 Comments


Bill Mitchell

So right now, looks like Collins and Flake may be leaning YES along with Manchin. Meanwhile, no one cares about the BS NYTimes story on Trump taxes.

12:10 PM - Oct 4, 2018
528 people are talking about this
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A couple days ago Q told us that the likely vote to confirm Kavanaugh to SCOTUS would be 53-47, and it's starting to look that way. There are multiple reports and people reporting that Senators Collins and Flake are leaning yes, and we even have Democrat Senator Manchin now reported as leaning yes. It officially looks like the FBI investigation requested by Democrats have backfired, as the FBI report on Kavanaugh has confirmed no new findings...And this has now been the 7th time Brett Kavanaugh has been cleared by the FBI. Pretty much if we get one Democrat in Manchin to vote yes for Kavanaugh, you can pretty much confirm Kavanaugh will be confirmed to SCOTUS

",1538672238,04/10/2018 16:57 9444613,4129184691,

I live in Vegas and prop bet a few poker buddies when the Q post came out.


,1538672335,04/10/2018 16:58 9444613,4129189340,

Enjoy the show!

- Q.

,1538672501,04/10/2018 17:01 9444304,4129373798,

Can't use $ in Gitmo.

,1538679013,04/10/2018 18:50 9442180,4129445599,

Slap is nothing. A city in north iran that starts with a Q can be melted glass in a micro-second.

,1538681932,04/10/2018 19:38 9443788,4129492402,"

I sure hope the Q narrative that there are 50,000 sealed indictments for sex trafficking by the elites will be served very soon. Without a doubt sexual pervision is a common tread that ties together politicians, the media, ""entertainment"", legal, and the rich. The good old Lolita Express and those that must not even think of crossing the Clintons and their sexual satanic trap.


",1538684013,04/10/2018 20:13 9442744,4129506353,"

""Soros!"" ""Benghazi!"" ""Emails!"" ""Contrails!"" ""Vince Foster!"" ""False Flag Sandy Hook!"" ""Fake News!"" ""Slogans!"" ""Memes!"" ""Qanon!"" ""Jews!"" ""Vote Roy Moore!"" ""No collusion!"" ""No collusion!"" ""No collusion!"" ""No collusion!"" ""Melanie!"" ""Stormy, you remind me of my daughter!""

What a tawdry circus of self-incrimination, impotent fury, and self-congratulation you BBers parade here--every day, all day.

But for The Rational Observer, the fun never ends.

",1538684682,04/10/2018 20:24 9445249,4129519599,

You obviously aren't a student of Q ... if you were you wouldn't be so poorly informed.

,1538685363,04/10/2018 20:36 9445330,4129580350,"

------ More good news , New Q Anon posts.

Media "" assets "" will be Removed. # 335.

Do It Q !


",1538688738,04/10/2018 21:32 9441196,4129600305,

I trust Sessions to continue the Deep Sleep he's been under since Trump's inauguration.

I'll let you get back to Q and your conspiracy theories now.

,1538689864,04/10/2018 21:51 9445249,4129642115,"

For Planned Parenthood it's about billions.
And the cheap or gratis idiots are doing a good job for them.

""Mary Kogut, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis
region and Southwest Missouri, will step down later this month.""
Is Q right?

",1538692311,04/10/2018 22:31 9445330,4129649725,"

Hey Gramps, thats not why we're pissed. We are over Hillary's loss. We have moved on, when will You? We have legitimate concerns that Trump sold us all out to the Russians. And DO NOT tell libs to grow up when so many on the Right are furiously decoding the Oracle Q as you read this...your peers are entrenched in fantasyland, tell them to grow up.

",1538692747,04/10/2018 22:39 9445330,4129661388,"

A few hours ago from Q.

Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.

I am gradually becoming more open to this idea that Israel is interfering.
It would be an issue with their Intel agencies and perhaps their government, but not the people.

",1538693423,04/10/2018 22:50 9441196,4129674343,

Don't you find it odd that POTUS supports and might even be part of Q?

,1538694240,04/10/2018 23:04 9438484,4129675772,

I hope Q is tracking all the $$ flowing out GS banks into the NP orgs who filter to the DEMS and MSM people.

,1538694330,04/10/2018 23:05 9445330,4129695349,

Who cares what the myopic Q thinks. There is a Sovereign Hand at work in DC.

,1538695582,04/10/2018 23:26 9441196,4129714672,

Got any attribution on Trump supporting Q?

I didn't think so.

,1538696802,04/10/2018 23:46 9444934,4129729126,"

What about Q?

Which is, now that I think about it, recursive...

",1538697709,05/10/2018 00:01 9447079,4129839232,"

And I read that Daines will cast his vote after he returns from Montana. So the Q is, which is the priority, the wedding or the vote?

",1538705822,05/10/2018 02:17 9446389,4129847829,

What's a Q sign?

,1538706546,05/10/2018 02:29 9447037,4129857529,"

Yeah, Sherlock, thats the problem. The Right are so entrenched in their Oracle Q conspiracies, you've lost all good sense of reality. Democrats are American, Bob. We're actually on the same team. Its called America. And we'd probably prefer your dog to you anyway.

",1538707381,05/10/2018 02:43 9447232,4129863794,"

Very ""V For Vendetta"". Q has been bringing it.

",1538707925,05/10/2018 02:52 9447037,4129865147,"

K, unless you are the new Oracle Q, you don't know what I understand. You really have no idea what I glory in. And you certainly don't know how honorable I may be. So, just like your party, you make a judgement with hardly any facts, and then act like it's gospel.
Puh-lees. You don't fool me.

",1538708045,05/10/2018 02:54 9447232,4129883264,

I knew Sessions must be activated on the 4th when on the 3rd Q showed us that Sessions was lawfully required (on the 4th) to produce a document he couldn't get to without unrecusing himself. It was the perfect cover to get to work!

,1538709545,05/10/2018 03:19 9447232,4129886068,

If anything... Q is getting boring because it is so popular. :P

Not fringe anymore.

,1538709789,05/10/2018 03:23 9447079,4129890386,

Yeah...I'm sure Brady would cancel playing Q.B. In the Super Bowl if Gisselle was having a child!

,1538710156,05/10/2018 03:29 9447232,4129893177,"

I don’t know if that Q fella is legit, but he did just post asking if we are ready to see the arrests and see the pain! He also asked if we are ready to be apart of history.

Now, I only know what I can see while trying to filter out the BS, but yes, we all should be ready if true!

",1538710401,05/10/2018 03:33 9447232,4129895006,

Who is Q?

,1538710552,05/10/2018 03:35 9447232,4129895506,"

I don’t know if that Qanon fella is legit, but he did just post asking if we are ready to see the ARRESTS and see the pain! He also asked if we are ready to be a part of history.

Now, I only know what I can see while trying to filter out the BS, but yes, we all should be ready if true!

",1538710593,05/10/2018 03:36 9447232,4129896818,"

I hope Q is legit! Yes, we are ready!

",1538710706,05/10/2018 03:38 9447232,4129901274,"

This is a secret message to QAnon. Psst, don’t tell anyone, ok...

Dear Q:

I know that fighting the Deep State is all of our responsibility in the process of MAGAing, but don’t you think we could of gotten somebody better than some douchy, rapey frat boy from Yale to do our fighting against the real elites that run the country from Oberon College and Obama’s basement? He seems a little weak sauce. Seek Heil!

",1538711072,05/10/2018 03:44 9447232,4129901350,"

I don’t know if that Qanon fella is legit, but he did just post asking if we are ready to see the ARRESTS and see the pain! He also asked if we are ready to be a part of history.

Now, I only know what I can see while trying to filter out the BS, but yes, we all should be ready if true!

",1538711079,05/10/2018 03:44 9447445,4129909805,"

Please travel safely Senator...!
Secret service/FBI/Somebody better be on their toes, I would not put it past the Demonrats to sabotage the flight. The Demons would love to ruin his family’s life by doing something demonic... God Speed Senator! MAGA WWG1WGA
God and Q watch over our Patriots.

",1538711765,05/10/2018 03:56 9447274,4129913159,

Q told us the vote is 53-47. We already know Kavanaugh won.

Everyone who doesn't follow Q gets their news 1 week delayed.

,1538712036,05/10/2018 04:00 9447274,4129915891,

Where are the 52nd and 53rd votes coming from?

Do Q followers believe America ever landed a man on the moon?

,1538712256,05/10/2018 04:04 9447274,4129918509,

Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe Q is actually artificial intelligence commanding its followers?

,1538712476,05/10/2018 04:07 9447274,4129918909,

The cabal started the rumor that Q is AI because

wait for it

AI doesn't have the right to free speech.

,1538712513,05/10/2018 04:08 9447274,4129920603,"

Arrests are in someone's future, hehe.

The very last Q post made like a half hour ago ...

Are you ready to see arrests?
Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?
",1538712656,05/10/2018 04:10 9443125,4129921688,

or does it have a double meaning like not only dem (them girls) but maybe also dem (democrat girls)
or have I watched one to many Q decode videos? :-)

,1538712751,05/10/2018 04:12 9447274,4129922086,"

People wouldn't be still following Q if his predictions weren't correct.

Q said McCain would be ""in the news"" ... exactly 1 month later (to the exact minute) McCain was declared dead.

To the minute.

",1538712787,05/10/2018 04:13 9447274,4129923977,"

And if the vote isn't 53-47 ... millions of people following Q will no longer be following Q.

This is ""Red October"" ... massive red wave incoming.

If these predictions don't happen then Q will self deflate with no outside influence necessary.

",1538712956,05/10/2018 04:15 9447232,4129997615,

What are you smoking? It's either drugs or insanity. Q delusion syndrome. Sorry. I know the truth hurts.

,1538718816,05/10/2018 05:53 9447232,4130023367,

What does Q say about all of this????

,1538720874,05/10/2018 06:27 9447232,4130121919,"

You'd have to watch Q to get the idea, it could be nonsense but seems on the ball to me.

",1538728377,05/10/2018 08:32 9447232,4130123760,

I agree... it would be foolish to NOT PLAN for such an eventuality! (Trump and Q are ON TOP OF thinks)

,1538728506,05/10/2018 08:35 9447232,4130124431,

You quoting Q ! Lol (I agree..THEY ARE STUPID)

,1538728552,05/10/2018 08:35 9447232,4130126520,"

FYI.. also check out Q researcher “praying Medic”... (another good one, imho)

",1538728701,05/10/2018 08:38 9447232,4130136666,"

I have been a long-time proponent of 'dispensing' with Soros AND Family. These people gleefully brag about causing governmental shifts through economic manipulation, brazenly and massively fund domestic terrorist organizations ( and have international arrest warrants out against them yet nothing happens.

This Soros family had better be part of the 50,000+ sealed indictments Q has been talking about for months or we may have to resort to a very effective and decisive 'citizen's arrest'.

These people are international terrorists and need to be put down.

",1538729394,05/10/2018 08:49 9447232,4130137312,

Well said.

Q told us that McCain did not go out on his terms. In fact Q predicted the date and exact time McCain would die. He did so a month before. McCain was put to death because he was a traitor throughout his adult life.

,1538729437,05/10/2018 08:50 9445828,4130159546,"

",1538730921,05/10/2018 09:15 9447232,4130244643,

Hope Q is accurate ==> 53 to 47

,1538735694,05/10/2018 10:34 9447445,4130263786,

Let Q know so the flight is protected and the Cabal doesn't get any ideas.

,1538736631,05/10/2018 10:50 9447232,4130277439,

Good Q.
They must be running out of $ to fund lost causes.

,1538737266,05/10/2018 11:01 9447232,4130283552,"

China Feinstein caught being nervous, scared, and crying, choking up after FBI clears Kavanaugh
10/4/2018 0 Comments


This is great.

3:00 PM - Oct 4, 2018
8,701 people are talking about this
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Curious if Feinstein possibly saw her name inside the FBI Kavanaugh investigation named as a suspect or somewhere along those lines, as a video highlights Feinstein acting nervous, choking up, and even crying. What did Senator Feinstein find out possibly about herself that led to this behavior? Is a swamp creature finally going to be dealt justice? Enjoy this video of Feinstein acting very nervous after the FBI cleared Kavanaugh for a 7th time. If you pay attention closely her eyes are watery as hell...I think Feinstein found something out that she thought would never happen. As Q would say...Pain Coming.

",1538737548,05/10/2018 11:05 9447232,4130286248,

The Antifa terrorists will be in full (LOL) revolt mode soon. Qanon has been right all along.

,1538737667,05/10/2018 11:07 9444187,4130286802,"

I forgot to mention another interest - Qanon

",1538737693,05/10/2018 11:08 9444187,4130291345,

Wait you think Q is going to convince me? All you're doing is making yourself look even worse by supporting Q. Either Q is a liberal troll or another lunatic. I say that because nothing Q has ever predicted had come to pass.

,1538737899,05/10/2018 11:11 9444265,4130304404,"

Considering Q predicted, to the minute, when McCain would die, 2 months in advance, it would seem as if he were indeed executed. He was a very evil man.
He 'ended' his treatments one day before his death. One day? Usually when one 'chooses' to stop cancer treatments it's in order to spend their remaining weeks or months with family, without the side effects of the treatment. One day?
Two month prediction? To the minute? Forbade Trump from attending his funeral? Lindsay Graham acting almost 'normal' since then?
A lot of coincidences.

",1538738485,05/10/2018 11:21 9444187,4130340076,"

Have I? Here's a checklist of cult characteristics. You tell me which characteristics don't conform to Christianity, Trumpism, and belief in Q. I know there are more that do conform than don't.

",1538739946,05/10/2018 11:45 9448891,4130362195,

Earlier someone said Q said that. Are you Q?

,1538740790,05/10/2018 11:59 9448891,4130376078,

No but Q is Family

,1538741361,05/10/2018 12:09 9442585,4130376634,"

I heard Ben Shapiro with my son last night. During his Q & A session, he was asked about how to counteract MSM bias. His answer is the open forum of the internet allows him to reach people who previously were only spoon fed MSM pablum.

",1538741384,05/10/2018 12:09 9446002,4130394537,"

True enough, under the previous Administration we didn't do much in the way of maintaining our Forces.

But hey, we got some islamic outreach done, you know?

Things are fixing to start habbening quickly, everyone get your ears up, get your logistics lined out, prepare to ride out a storm or two.


",1538742098,05/10/2018 12:21 9447232,4130434791,"

THE Q, THE Q marshall law in DC coming!

",1538743625,05/10/2018 12:47 9448891,4130451701,

looks like Q was full of schit AGAIN ... 51-49

,1538744247,05/10/2018 12:57 9449647,4130470512,

51-49... Q was wrong again... when will people stop taking that moron seriously? ...

,1538744930,05/10/2018 13:08 9449647,4130474051,"

He will. I am told by a Q bird that they have the votes to confirm. So, I trust that. Besides, we have Pence to break any ties. Keep the bubbly chilled and at the ready.

",1538745058,05/10/2018 13:10 9449647,4130509587,"

51/49 actually. Q once again got the numbers wrong. Assuming ""he"" is anything other than a troll punking the right.

",1538746353,05/10/2018 13:32 9449809,4130524946,

Murkowski supports lies..lib sham
Murkowski hates Constitution?

,1538746906,05/10/2018 13:41 9441262,4130530981,"

The ""Bad Actors"" have mostly been fired, or are under indictment. According to Q, 40K of indictments

",1538747124,05/10/2018 13:45 9449893,4130559471,

Did Q send you?? LOL!

,1538748159,05/10/2018 14:02 9448609,4130569040,

As Qanon would say 'future proves past'

,1538748510,05/10/2018 14:08 9449809,4130640381,"

Murkowski should fear Trump and Q more than Feinstein/deep state. Or is she on board for Sat and just playing along? We'll find out. If she does vote no tomorrow, she career is over and will face the music like all other deep state traitors.

",1538750895,05/10/2018 14:48 9449809,4130641992,"

Murkowski should fear Trump and Q more than Feinstein/deep state. Or is she on board for Sat and just playing along? We'll find out. If she does vote no tomorrow, her career is over and she'll face the music like all the other deep state traitors.

",1538750955,05/10/2018 14:49 9449647,4130648166,"

Q sent me: MAGA!

",1538751176,05/10/2018 14:52 9449647,4130661567,

If the vote is anything but 53-47 Q is bogus

,1538751663,05/10/2018 15:01 9449647,4130696541,

50-50 if we are lucky... stop listening to Q...

,1538752951,05/10/2018 15:22 9447037,4130699404,

I don't speak the Oracle Q. I don't understand your conspiracy-riddled twaddle...

,1538753051,05/10/2018 15:24 9449647,4130706622,"

Obviously, Feinstein has something on Murkowski. Surprise! Trump has something on Feinstein! K is in and that's a very good thing for America! The talk is 53-47.

",1538753308,05/10/2018 15:28 9447358,4130709164,"

There is no such thing as an ""LGBTQ"" anything. Lesbians, gay men, confused people, and cross-dressers are not all the same thing....and what the heck is the Q?

",1538753403,05/10/2018 15:30 9449647,4130774064,"

Considering there's a likelihood that the hallway exchange / encounter between Fine Stain & Murky was recorded (; the AK Senator is likely now free to vote yes...

",1538755842,05/10/2018 16:10 9449893,4130775384,"

Q post today about Feinstein:
A picture is worth a thousand words.
See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?
See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?
A phone was present.

",1538755893,05/10/2018 16:11 9449809,4130788474,"

DiFi traps Murkowski in hallway picture

",1538756390,05/10/2018 16:19 9449647,4130852349,"

Important! This Picture Will Force the Question ""Is Q Real?"" 2346
5 Oct 2018 - 12:53:48 PM
Important moment in time.
The picture will be the signifier.
The signifier will 'force' the Q.
The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).

PAIN is coming.

",1538758840,05/10/2018 17:00 9449647,4130926283,

Repeal Woe vs. Lade!!! Jesus Christ you’re dumb. Go back to your QAnon posts

,1538761550,05/10/2018 17:45 9451561,4130946188,"

Well, good for you Suzy Q. Possibly her best speech ever. Definitely the first I could stand listening to in its entirety.

",1538762219,05/10/2018 17:56 9449647,4130960717,"

Guys, I think there’s no better time than this to talk about women’s suffrage— specifically White women suffrage. if White women can’t even be persuaded to vote against some guy who has a history of raping someone should they really be allowed to vote. I mean, i’ve Been to some of these Trump rallies and the White women there clearly are voting with their emotion and aren’t capable of logical thought. Christ, some of them actually believe in this guy called QAnon, who is kind of like the tooth fairy. This proposal would in no way restrict the right of White men to vote since they are under siege by feminist wombats and SJW Marxist postmodernists and should not suffer further disenfranchisement. They’re the real victims here, of course.

",1538762704,05/10/2018 18:05 9451561,4130967070,"

Interesting Q Drop....Murkowski being read the Riot Act by Feinstein...

([Picture Repost]
A picture is worth a thousand words.
See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?
See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?
A phone was present.

",1538762916,05/10/2018 18:08 9451561,4130976435,

Holy Moderate RINO!
Way to go Suzie Q !!!👍👏🇺🇸

,1538763239,05/10/2018 18:13 9451633,4130983710,

are we going to get to Q prediction of 53? A couple DEMs are on election hot seats like Manchin

,1538763490,05/10/2018 18:18 9451561,4131029523,"

The mass arrests should come after the elections, but just make a few to keep the Q crowd happy until then.

",1538765147,05/10/2018 18:45 9451966,4131080521,"

Bring it on Suzie Q! We'll just bring up your shameful defense of abandoning our people at Benghazi, your outing of US citizens on wire tapping of foreigners, and your constant lies.

",1538767127,05/10/2018 19:18 9451966,4131098098,

17 is the letter Q.

,1538767850,05/10/2018 19:30 9446056,4131228413,"

You give the socialists too much credit. This whole charade was just the Deep State trying to scare everyone into thinking they could still control the SCOTUS. They have all but lost now. The fascist FBI and CIA are doing what Trump wants, which is why they only interviewed a few people about Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh will be confirmed. On the SCOTUS we now have someone who knows about the deep conspiracies of the left and the Deep State and Q. This is the end game for them. They have no power anymore. When the RINOs are out of the Republican Party, we will have the nationalist patriots in power who will MAGA!!!!

",1538774275,05/10/2018 21:17 9451561,4131270447,

Google QAnon

,1538776884,05/10/2018 22:01 9451561,4131273714,

Then go to the Fox link. They give a good explanation of Q.

,1538777104,05/10/2018 22:05 9449584,4131312019,"

There won’t be bail, they will be at Gitmo awaiting Military Tribunals courtesy of Q...

",1538779687,05/10/2018 22:48 9451561,4131325393,"

Apparently this video is worth 43 minutes of our time according to Q. Watching now. He wouldn't say something like this with such a long video unless it was key.

Worth 43 minutes of your time.
Important to understand going forward.

",1538780606,05/10/2018 23:03 9452728,4131414366,"

--------- KEEP CALLING ...... FAXING .... then E - mail ..... 202-224-3121

IGNORE what they ' promise ' when appearing on T.V. -- Let them know WE ANGRY

IGNORE press .... concern trolls ... and shills trying to Distract !!!

( tell them "" Q "" sent you ) = Where We Go ONE , We Go ALL !

",1538786879,06/10/2018 00:47 9451561,4131414444,

also if you follow Q there was just a pic of Sessions taking an oath.
Yes hammer time.

,1538786884,06/10/2018 00:48 9451633,4131428017,"

53-47 in favor? #qanon #maga

",1538787862,06/10/2018 01:04 9451633,4131445883,

No Idea. Q posted this on 10/2

,1538789161,06/10/2018 01:26 9452554,4131450351,"

The Dems and their street thugs are in a concerted campaign to forever bury this country through intimidation. Mainstream GOP, Tea Party, MAGA movement, Never Trumpers, QAnon, whatever - you'd better turn out in massive numbers in November or it'll be over!

",1538789418,06/10/2018 01:30 9443125,4131452202,"

My wife is the queen of conspiracy. Guess I'm gettin old,,,what is Q?

",1538789559,06/10/2018 01:32 9452554,4131485114,"

Maybe they are mad because the Oracle Q makes you guys falsely call the Democrats 'pedophiles'. Thats sick. That's enough to make anybody mad. Maybe if you guys laid off all the conspiracy B'S, we'd take you all more seriously.

",1538792215,06/10/2018 02:16 9452554,4131500600,"

Brick, Democrats have been accused of rigging this whole Dr. Ford story. They think Liberals put her up to it. They won't tell me if Dr. Ford is an actress that happened to grow up around Kavanaugh? The Right are so entrenched in their Oracle Q conspiracy theories, they actually think this is a Liberal con job. You guys act like this is the truth when nothing supports it. So, sorry to say, it's a little frustrating when you guys pedal fake news like Ford having 64 sex partners in high school & conservatives passed around fake photos of Dr. Ford passed out naked on a pic nice table. So, don't talk to Liberals about reason and logic until you clean up your own house. Your peers are decoding Q as You read this. You don't get to use this argument anymore until your co-patriots get out of their twisted fantasy land where Trump is saving the world, because he's not, he humiliated a woman for entertainment at a rally, and the Maga's cheered.

",1538793552,06/10/2018 02:39 9452554,4131519699,"

God hates liars and people who bear false witness. Stop spreading evil disinformation about Democrats! Democrats are not your enemy. We 're all Americans. And for God sake, stop calling us pedophiles. GOD HEARS YOUR EVIL LIES. And, besides you hurling that word for upvotes diminishes the seriousness of fricken pedophilia. It's disgusting. Clean up your own house. Lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracies.

",1538795316,06/10/2018 03:08 9452554,4131533303,"

Kav Nominatied, then near immediate FISA 20 pages unredacted are released. We were told that it had to be done in that order prior... so I guess my Disqus name is only partially right :).

~~~~ Most Recent Q Post ~~~~
Justice K >>> Highest Court in the Land.
Law & Order [majority] [U.S. Constitution] safeguarded.
Think HRC win >> SC appointments >> SC 'Corrupt' TILT [ex: LL]
Now comes the real PAIN.
Now comes the real TRUTH.

They want you DIVIDED.
This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.
This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
Research for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
Save the Republic!
Hatred and Dissension in the Nation will Heal.

",1538796527,06/10/2018 03:28 9443125,4131547910,

Your wife should know then - the Q - Anon thing

,1538797853,06/10/2018 03:50 9452554,4131561819,"

Just send them all to rehab and once complete, force feed them Q post explanations.

They will clear RIGHT up :).

",1538799212,06/10/2018 04:13 9451966,4131577317,

They think that being a candidate for anything will protect them from the tribunals. NO. Q and the military have all the evidence all ready. They don't need to surveil anymore. live cozy with Obama and Valarie in Washington can't run for Maine senator 'cause you don't live there.

,1538800685,06/10/2018 04:38 9452554,4131585252,"

Whether you think Q is real or fake .... a couple days ago he told his band of anons to ""Ready the memes"".

Scroll down this link and see what they've done to CNN's Twitter page in just a few hours:

It goes on and on and on.

",1538801417,06/10/2018 04:50 9452554,4131586628,

That’s beautiful.


,1538801543,06/10/2018 04:52 9449557,4131719583,"

Traditional punishments will do for them. H,D & Q, for one.

",1538813564,06/10/2018 08:12 9451963,4131733220,

Ready now (after the confirmation) for Q to bring the pain. Enough waiting. Start the show.

,1538814669,06/10/2018 08:31 9452554,4131739421,

Ok you got me here. Who is Q?

,1538815159,06/10/2018 08:39 9451996,4131856907,"

Thank Avanetti. I said ages ago when Q was posting about great movies needing great actors that I felt Avenatti was one. His over the top, in your face mouth, his infamous clients, his ralk of running for president, have brought many liberals and democrats into the fold who were apalled that he was part of the democrat party. I believe he has been the part of a masterful plan to help expose the democrats for what they really are.

",1538823326,06/10/2018 10:55 9451996,4131918290,

Do you believe Q ?

,1538826871,06/10/2018 11:54 9451996,4131951050,"

The beginning of the end for the democrat party and those involved in the silent coup attempt against our president will begin shortly after Kavanaugh is voted in.
It is going to be a Red October for the left,No Deals
It has been reported that the Weiner laptop has the 35,000 e-mails that Hillary thought were destroyed.
It also said to have some extremely disturbing videos involving Hillary Huma and very young females.
Also Q has told us that Military intelligence has it all and that they also have all of the missing servers

",1538828618,06/10/2018 12:23 9452146,4131967318,"

Psst, this is Q. Actually the code word is “DingDong The Witch is Dead”

",1538829463,06/10/2018 12:37 9452146,4131976385,


,1538829924,06/10/2018 12:45 9453298,4131985582,

Maher wears red shoes - maybe human leather and maybe related to pedovore/pedophillia/human sacrifice. QAnon has pointed a finger at Maher - maybe just the side effect of facing his destiny.

,1538830384,06/10/2018 12:53 9452146,4132029322,"

I have heard that Q Anon is not one person but several people. So, if several people made this up did everybody get one line?

",1538832442,06/10/2018 13:27 9451357,4132045339," See next months news yesterday

",1538833158,06/10/2018 13:39 9451357,4132046914," Read next months news yesterday

",1538833228,06/10/2018 13:40 9452146,4132056885,"
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?

",1538833667,06/10/2018 13:47 9452146,4132120983,

I am a new convert to Q. Praying Medic does a good job of breaking down the cryptic comments.

people need to start paying attention.

,1538836498,06/10/2018 14:34 9452146,4132133877,"

What Q didn't tell you is who ""they"" are. They are not the other party, they are the DONORS! Unless ""we the people"" all of us, together demand an end to the legalized bribery and corruption of our campaign financing system, we will never really control the government. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. The longer we wait, the harder it will become. Those that benefit from the current system are not going to do it for us. The true ""deep state"" is the donors that call the shots for both parties. Get the donors out of the system and watch how fast things start working for we the people. 😎

",1538837052,06/10/2018 14:44 9454450,4132225811,"

Sessions couldn't do anything without support from the Supreme Court. A 4-4 tie would have hamstrung any legitimate indictment against those who perpetrated crimes within the White House.

Once Kavanagh gets sworn in...

The unredacted Carter Page FISA warrant will be released. It should be immediate.

This should knock the wind out of the Kavanagh protests that are certain to take place.

If Q is real, then Sessions will unrecuse himself and Justice is about to happen in a historic, huge unprecedented way to eliminate the Communists within the country.

Sessions had to remain docile in order to maintain a degree of separation from President Trump.

With a SC in favor of supporting the law and the Constitution, Sessions now has the power and authority to prosecute without being hamstrung by the courts.

We are about to find out if Sessions was actually sleeping or not...

We are about to find out if Q is real or a conspiracy theory.

It's going to be interesting when the unredacted documents hit the proverbial ""fan"" at terminal velocity...

",1538840988,06/10/2018 15:49 9436819,4132294073,"

IF there is a blue wave (or enough damage to sabotage Trump's Legislative/SCOTUS agenda), then Q and the Generals WILL call for a Military Coup. Q as much as said it yesterday, when he said: ""IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT [Non-Force]"", referring to confirming Kavanaugh being ""our last chance"" to save The Republic.

",1538843841,06/10/2018 16:37 9452146,4132319068,"

I am a Q follower but if anyone thinks that this country is not divided based on natural human psychological motives to be around those people who are most like them, then that person is either lying, is naive, is a fool, or is an imbecile. It is a God given natural human inclination to want to be around your own people who share your beliefs, values, traditions and customs. I do not want to live around a bunch of Neanderthal jungle animals and, yet, those are the people whom the past leaders of America and the past and some current leaders of Europe have willfully allowed to infest America and Europe. America is like a Third world nation due to this and so is Europe, especially Western Europe. Jungle animals from Africa and the Middle East are destroying these otherwise civilized nations. Everywhere these Neanderthals move into, it becomes like a zoo, filthy, smelling like animals, crime infested, with sexual assaults, rapes, murder, physical assaults, robbery, trash everywhere, graffiti, and destruction of property. These are low IQ inbed animals who brred like rabbits, indiscriminately, who lack readon and logic, lack foresight and insight, are hypersexual and impulsive and a hypersensitivity to criticism, with no capacity for consequential thinking. That is the behavioral and emotional and cognitive profile of low IQ and mentally retarded people. These people lack the intelligence, IQ, common sense, self discipline, logic and reason, and insight and foresight to permit a nation to compete economically, technologically, intellectually, and behaviorally with higher IQ cultured nations such as China and Japan. Additionally, they have a pathological hatred and envy of higher IQ races which contributes to a hatred of the nation and its political, government, legal, and economic institutions where they reside which, in turn, makes them have a desire for the destruction of the nation where they reside. This is a deep seated hatred that will not abate even with some economic improvement of their lot because the pathological hatred and envy cannot be assuaged except through the destruction of the nation and the overtaking of that nation and its entire political, economic, legal, and sociocultural systemic network. These people, whether not helped or whether helped, will continue to operate like temites, eating away at the foundation of America and Europe until one day the nations have been methodically destroyed by these pathologically hate-filled Neanderthals. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive, a fool or stupid. The only way to save America and Europe is to get rid of these people---get them out of the country----as getting rid of termites before they destroy the host.

",1538844905,06/10/2018 16:55 9454450,4132326387,

Once that hits more than one victim. then Q and the Generals will pull a Military Coup. Count on it.

,1538845218,06/10/2018 17:00 9454450,4132388749,"

===== NEW Q post ,


",1538847903,06/10/2018 17:45 9452452,4132434497,

There was no Q prediction.

,1538849707,06/10/2018 18:15 9455092,4132442356,


Double meanings?


Jut another Q proof.

,1538850002,06/10/2018 18:20 9455092,4132444609,"

Congratulations, JUSTICE Kavanaugh!



",1538850089,06/10/2018 18:21 9455092,4132447658,

Maybe Q is God.

,1538850202,06/10/2018 18:23 9452452,4132452412,"

It wasn't a prediction, it was the vote as Q tallied it when they posted it. Even so, considering Murkowski withdrew her vote, and Daines wasn't there, it was pretty close.

",1538850382,06/10/2018 18:26 9452452,4132454049,

I can't wait for the forced Q...

,1538850441,06/10/2018 18:27 9452452,4132464594,"

Nah, some people got crossed signals, it was a Q prediction for several days on here.

",1538850841,06/10/2018 18:34 9454465,4132470771,"

So, their new motto is ""Think like me or your genitalia will be forfeited?""

That is sick! These people are sick!

Absolutely sick, evil and stupid. Q is right.


",1538851070,06/10/2018 18:37 9451561,4132484032,"

Bless you, bless you, bless you Sen. Susan Collins plus 49 Senators who voted by conscience of our GREAT and RIGHTEOUS Justice Kavanaugh. He will judge all cases by the U.S. Constitution,Truth and Honor that pleases God the Father and American patriots.

Thank you President Trump, Administration, Q, Anons, and patriots for your support!


",1538851590,06/10/2018 18:46 9453298,4132507509,

Have you had your Q today. Lol

,1538852512,06/10/2018 19:01 9455092,4132542385,"

Once again Q was wrong about the final vote.

QTash will still claim a victory, Even though everyone knows that there would never have been a vote white there was a chance of losing.

",1538853978,06/10/2018 19:26 9454450,4132577187,

Funny how I was looking for an article on here about the NYT investigation piece claiming Trump's origin story is a complete fabrication...but this is Breitfart and y'all fuktards don't wanna talk bout it

For years dude said he borrowed a million dollars from his dad...turns out he committed tax fraud and helped his family keep over $400 million in taxes from federal govt...he's a complete hack...if you are QAnon kill yourself

,1538855520,06/10/2018 19:52 9455092,4132585921,"

Those figures had nothing to do with the results. Let me post this to show you the message that millions around the world received from Q.

",1538855910,06/10/2018 19:58 9455092,4132615160,

Thank Q.

,1538857319,06/10/2018 20:21 9455092,4132647332,"

Add this to your way of thinking in regards to Murkowski...

If she had voted 'no', then Pence would have to be the tie-breaker and Libs would seize on those ""optics"". Not saying she is the right person to be in the job, but we got the result we wanted to make MAGA come more easily.

I think she did what she could, as evidenced by Feinstein threatening her in this image pre-vote:

",1538858920,06/10/2018 20:48 9455092,4132667709,"

Another good one by Q, showing Pelosi's knowledge of tactics.
""Wrap-Up Smear"" deployed v. Justice K?
The More You Know…

",1538859996,06/10/2018 21:06 9455092,4132669459,

Please stop with the Q drivel.

,1538860099,06/10/2018 21:08 9455521,4132670772,"

-------- Hey , POTUS and Team Q .... can you tell us tonight when is DECLASS ?

Release F.I.S.A !!!!

",1538860175,06/10/2018 21:09 9455092,4132674458,"

The fact that the Radical Right is still mocking Dr. Ford is frankly disgusting. It's needless now. You are doing it because you get your jollies by being cruel. Stop spreading disinformation about Dr. Ford. Stop swapping fake photos of her passed out, naked on a picnic table. Despite your wacko Soros cabals of which there is no evidence, Dr. Ford is just an American woman. You got your lying judge, leave Dr. Ford alone because you true colors are really showing in the 5000 garbage comments below. Dr. Ford deserves some basic human respect. The Right pretend they are holier than thou while they are decoding the Oracle Q and then coming to comments sections to call Liberal pedophiles & joke about Civil War.
Please tell the President it is not cool to mock a woman in front of a rally full of people, come on, you must know that is wrong!!!! better all check yourselves, you won't keep winning by hook or by crook.

",1538860388,06/10/2018 21:13 9455092,4132685408,"

You are a conspiracy-rattled Oracle Q fanatic who may have forgotten what its like in the real world and not in your Q game world, your comment is disgusting and shows everybody that you are not cool. You see, only scumbags says those kind of things. As for the Oracle Q, the lefty sites say you are being punked by some grad students from'll be the laughing stock of someone's thesis someday soon. Go get some popcorn, the show's about to start!

",1538861029,06/10/2018 21:23 9455092,4132685471,"

Before Pres Trump comes on live, does anyone care to give their opinion on this WWG1WGA Q stuff? Is there anything to it or just some hopeful BS?

",1538861033,06/10/2018 21:23 9455092,4132687235,"

Q is the real deal, I have been following for months and everything that Q says will happen, has so far. I would suggest you follow praying medic on twitter. He is does a very good job in decoding Q messages and explaining the meanings.

",1538861139,06/10/2018 21:25 9455092,4132689348,

I’m very thankful today. Thankful to Trump and all who have helped our country to get to this time and the victory so far. Thank you Justice Kavenaugh for being strong enough to stand up to the crazies. Thank you for all that voted for a good man for our Supreme Court that will never let down our Constitution. And a special thanks for keeping us deplorables from going mad through the last weeks QAnon.

,1538861261,06/10/2018 21:27 9455092,4132750951,"

Next victories......... Expand majority in Senate and House at Midterms, much more Swamp cleanup, continue to build great open trade agreements, build wall, reduce budget, continue to build a great economy for all Americans, continue to reduce unnecessary regulations, continue judicial appointments of Constitutionalist nominees, additional SCOTUS appointments, curb power of unelected bureaucrats that have no oversight or check and balance on their powers (chevron doctrine), we will think of more as we work on this for the neit year or two. #WINNING #MAGA #QANON

",1538865117,06/10/2018 22:31 9455092,4132757860,

Amazing. Thank you. May I share this over on the Q board??

,1538865552,06/10/2018 22:39 9454888,4132761395,"

Just as Q predicted. Historic day. One that will eventually take back the blatant life changing abusive laws that leftists introduced. Those law abusing leftists will remember this for decades. And what about those LIARS, those WOMEN. DO they ALL get away with it AGAIN..?

",1538865773,06/10/2018 22:42 9455092,4132766674,

I trusted Q and I trusted you...Cigars and beer everyone!...

,1538866105,06/10/2018 22:48 9455092,4132785550,

I believe God sent Q and Donald Trump when we needed them both the most

,1538867343,06/10/2018 23:09 9455092,4132787175,"

O.k., the more you know, right?You are being punked by the Oracle Q. The lefty sites even explain away the Air Force One pics. Don't worry, when you realize We're not evil Pedo's, and you see We're just regular Americans, we'll try keep from saying I told you so. You voted for a dirty Trickster and you are furiously decoding Q, which also stands for QUEER, according to Berkley bros.We need to figure out a way to get along, We're Americans, We're actually on the same team. Cheers!

",1538867456,06/10/2018 23:10 9455092,4132787721,

The only ones be that sent Q are those scam artists over at Patriot S**tbox.

,1538867493,06/10/2018 23:11 9455092,4132794177,"

All I know is that the left must be destroyed.


JUSTICE has multiple meanings.

",1538867929,06/10/2018 23:18 9455092,4132826985,"

-------- Breaking .... Thanks Q - Anons !

Nancy ' wild eyes ' Pelosi , tells us how her .. "" Wrap Up Smear "" against Kavenaugh and Trump will work. ................ ( these idiots are SICK )

30 sec. --

",1538870186,06/10/2018 23:56 9455092,4132845822,"

Uh, hey Q, the parents have been interviewed and they found nothing inappropriate with Biden's affectionate actions. The parents don't have a problem with it, why should You? Ooohhh, because your perverted thoughts makes you think the parents are in on it? That's disgusting that your world view is so grim. Please try to find a Liberal to give you a hug and then go out for tacos.

",1538871540,07/10/2018 00:19 9455572,4132846408,"

Dear Breitbart,

As requested previously, please begin highlighting Qanon in feature articles.

We want to better spread the word and let more people know the truth and the shape of things to come...


",1538871580,07/10/2018 00:19 9455092,4132847765,"

------ A reminder from back on August 2nd ... Q - Anon might just go "" Mainstream ""
Get up to speed at

* * *

",1538871681,07/10/2018 00:21 9455092,4132860436,"

-------- New Q Anon Post ........ ( don't worry MSM , he's ' not real ' ..... right ? )



",1538872592,07/10/2018 00:36 9455572,4132882955,

It amazes me that Breitbart stays clear of Q. I hope the SHTF quick. Red October!

,1538874249,07/10/2018 01:04 9425995,4132895755,"

The country is divided because a bunch of entitled, leftist morons didnt get there way. The behavior of the leftist protesters doesn't play well with John / Jane Q. Public.

",1538875232,07/10/2018 01:20 9455572,4132895788,"

In rethinking the matter I conclude Steve Bannon is waiting for POTUS to be “forced” to acknowledge Q—and then the floodgates open.

Until that Presidential approval BB cannot recognize Q. It would (incorrectly) give the movement a tinge of right wingers.

As most know, we are not left or right. We are everyone!

",1538875235,07/10/2018 01:20 9455092,4132906884,"

Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Live in Houston). ALL IS WELL PATRIOTS. WE WILL WIN. Q.

",1538876115,07/10/2018 01:35 9455092,4132910944,"

That's no longer funny, Q. Just a heads up: Q stands for ""quazi"", and Q stands for ""Queer"" or ""Questioning"". You might as well consult the horoscopes for political perspective...just sayin'...

",1538876453,07/10/2018 01:40 9456514,4132933851,"

I am reposting the work of Q & the annons!
True Patriots,God Bless them!
Get the TRUTH OUT!!!!!!!


",1538878351,07/10/2018 02:12 9455572,4132961619,"

I am so disappointed in so many of these Actors, Jim Carrey-Really Dude- I thought he was better than that and also Reese witherspoon! Hollywood can go down the drain as far as I'm concerned and I can't wait to see all the arrests done by Q ... hehe

",1538880713,07/10/2018 02:51 9455092,4132975071,

this the Q stuff?
trying to get someone to fill the rest of us in.

,1538881873,07/10/2018 03:11 9456364,4133013785,

Where We Go One We Go All!!! Deliciously Q.... is Quintessentially Awesome! ......and where we go all we Win!

,1538884942,07/10/2018 04:02 9455092,4133017435,"

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Yale Snowflakes In Epic Q And A. LOL.

",1538885254,07/10/2018 04:07 9456514,4133045959,"

Thank you for asking

Where We Go 1

We Go All

It is in reference to Q

This is a decoder who helps explain

You have more than you know!

God Bless!

",1538887778,07/10/2018 04:49 9454792,4133199764,"

Please share Pelosi explains DemonRats Wrap-up smear far and wide. Q sent me.

",1538902387,07/10/2018 08:53 9455092,4133203884,"

The DemonRats evil wrap up smear explained used against SCOTUS K, & POTUS. Q sent me.

",1538902739,07/10/2018 08:58 9455092,4133208511,"

Here's a picture showing WHY Murkowski voted NO:

",1538903123,07/10/2018 09:05 9455092,4133218930,"

See: ""Stroppy me"" on QAnon!

",1538903961,07/10/2018 09:19 9455743,4133250767,

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny as well? Didn't Q say that Obama and Clinton would be arrested by the military last November and sent to Gitmo?

,1538906320,07/10/2018 09:58 9455743,4133252007,

By Q?

,1538906404,07/10/2018 10:00 9456604,4133427783,

------ Like Q says ...... ' Think Mirror '

,1538916046,07/10/2018 12:40 9455092,4133488451,

The Dems and their (((masters))) have shown us the levels they'll go to to keep what little power they have left what will happen once they realize all is lost.

I guarantee you the Dems will turn violent and start openly attacking anyone who supports Trump. They won't even hide their hatred for us anymore. Expect bombing in much the same. Way as the weather underground did In the 70's it's highly likely they'll start shooting us at the polls in november but do not let this deter you from voting this is just as important as getting Potus elected.

The Dems and their (((Masters))) know they have lost and threat of losing power in America in an extinction level event for the satanic cabal. Unlike the last time a people rose up against them. They will not have the luxury of time distance or an ignorant population to dupe into fighting for them. Thx to the internet the great awakening is worldwide. I believe Q is right there will come a day when none of them will be able to walk down the street. And they'll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.

,1538918914,07/10/2018 13:28 9455092,4133496822,"

Come on Q , you really don't know what I do.

",1538919302,07/10/2018 13:35 9455092,4133629994,"

Now we just have short wait until RGB drops dead or strokes out. Watch the dems claim she was poisoned or murdered when the witch dies of old age. Of course it seems like most democrat senators and leaders are in their 80s and look BAD, hate filled/angry/many can barely speak/cruel. Bill Clinton looks terrible - waiting for his next big heart attack so I can watchhis funeral and laugh at all the democrat women line up to ""honor"" their serial rapist of choice. Q? How will Hitlery produce any tears for the camera??? She'll be so happy when the rapist husband that humiliated her endlessly drops dead that maybe she'll even be able to walk again!

",1538925305,07/10/2018 15:15 9455092,4133683703,"

Where the hell is my 53-47 Q promised? Oh well,....I'll get over it.
A big shout out to Harry Reid. Thank you!!! You finally did something great for our country,...and you weren't even trying.

",1538927582,07/10/2018 15:53 9455092,4133685668,"

Where the hell is my 53-47 Q promised? Oh well,....I'll get over it.
A big shout out to Harry Reid. Thank you!!
You finally did something great for our country,...and you weren't even trying.

",1538927662,07/10/2018 15:54 9456124,4133689337,"

Yes, I heard it yesterday, fellow Q follower.

",1538927817,07/10/2018 15:56 9456124,4133696713,

Q posted the link in the last post he dropped yesterday. All of the followers of Q have heard it and seen it. From that it will certainly go viral until it is scrubbed from the web.

,1538928118,07/10/2018 16:01 9455092,4133700268,

Could have been a psy-op. Q did announce that Kavanaugh was in over a week before the votes. That's pretty good.

,1538928265,07/10/2018 16:04 9455092,4133734138,"

D5 avalanche!
I predict biggest uprising and votes in our countries history. Although I'd be just fine with a decent win. I know it won't be close. Votes are protected this time around,.... Says Q. And I believe Q is 100 percent real. I also believe 100 percent that Q+ is our POTUS.

",1538929687,07/10/2018 16:28 9458446,4133739846,"

""Those who scream the loudest"".... as Q would say. What's in your closet Powell, i'm sure we'll soon find out

",1538929928,07/10/2018 16:32 9455092,4133740391,"

I don't know, you haven't done that yet. I doubt your intelligence and don't trust you because you so willingly believe in lies, so, I can't imagine anything you say can bother me. I'm a Liberal on Breitbart, I can take heat. While I admire the camaraderie among the Q fanatics, I hate that your philosophy is built on divisive, phony bullsh%t, right out of Newt Gingrich's fat head. Your ideas make gross generalizations about whole groups of people. Q is not even a good prognosticator! He's rarely even right and his predictions have gotten more vague. You would have more luck with one of those magic 8 balls. But, Q makes losers feel like their in the cool club, so I understand why its popular.

",1538929951,07/10/2018 16:32 9457963,4133754454,"

Mazie or Crazy? According to Q, she has other more pressing troubles. Too close to Obama I think.

",1538930558,07/10/2018 16:42 9455092,4133776063,

Follow Q much?...

,1538931471,07/10/2018 16:57 9455092,4133843311,"

Don't act like you are concerned for me, Q. I know better.

",1538934192,07/10/2018 17:43 9454405,4133879292,

I've seen John Q several times and never was a cop killed in it. This is bullshit. This is politicizing our kids and causing further racist/division among our youth. Everybody involved in allowing this should be fired. Immediately.

,1538935659,07/10/2018 18:07 9458713,4133888449,"

The groundwork for FISA release is being laid!!
Clip from Fox shows this:

Just as Q said... CLEARLY said...

Kav had to be confirmed before the FISA release... and we can expect the FISA release to start a domino effect.

",1538936034,07/10/2018 18:13 9456586,4133932994,"

Eric sounds like he has GITMO on his mind... If anyone is/was illegitimate, the Manchurian candidate Barrack Insane Obama comes to my mind... NO ONE WALKS! Q and Q+...

",1538937887,07/10/2018 18:44 9458056,4133935837,"

K-Shit, GITMO has a noose with your name on it... NO ONE WALKS! Q...

",1538938006,07/10/2018 18:46 9456514,4133952329,"

TY! I read a lot of Q anon, but didn't pick up on this. I see it on r/the_donald a lot, too.

",1538938691,07/10/2018 18:58 9455449,4133952922,"

Q just posted this morning. ""Good By Valery Jarret"" Q then posted ""this week will be a week of BOOMS! Buckle up folks, bumpy ride coming. The Left is in full fledged Panic.

",1538938717,07/10/2018 18:58 9459331,4133954426,"

Q just posted this morning. ""Good By Valery Jarret"" Q then posted ""this
week will be a week of BOOMS! Buckle up folks, bumpy ride coming. The
Left is in full fledged Panic mode!

",1538938780,07/10/2018 18:59 9459028,4133956425,"

Q just posted, ""Good Bye Valery Jarret"" Q then posted ""this
week will be a week of BOOMS! Buckle up folks, bumpy ride coming. The
Left is in full fledged Panic. Red Wave Coming.

",1538938867,07/10/2018 19:01 9459028,4133958972,

If you don't follow Q then it's hard to explain...

,1538938980,07/10/2018 19:03 9459028,4133961379,

I DO follow Q... [via PRAYING MEDIC] ...(and don’t understand that particular post)

,1538939084,07/10/2018 19:04 9459028,4133962417,

Who is Q ?

,1538939129,07/10/2018 19:05 9459028,4133962930,

My guess it as something to do with the color of Jump Suit she will be wearing. ORANGE!

Come one folks - Q is celebrating it's one year anniversary of informing Patriots what is happening behind the scenes. You Tube Patriot Soapbox 24/7 - you will smile ear to ear again. Warning! There has been a lot of winning - Just as Trump Promised.

,1538939150,07/10/2018 19:05 9459028,4133966198,"

patriot, you'd be wise to research it and figure it out on your own. if that's your pic, you look like a bad dude. you'll like Q. he's a very bad dude. helping Trump to wake this country up. godspeed my friend.

",1538939291,07/10/2018 19:08 9459028,4133968837,


,1538939408,07/10/2018 19:10 9459028,4133969513,"

Wake up patriot! For one year, Q has been posting the works this administration has been doing behind the scenes. Go ahead - Google ""Q"" then Google ""Q Memes."" Then Google ""PATRIOT SOAPBOX 24/7 Live Stream. You too will learn of the 50,000 Indictments that are going to served this week.

",1538939438,07/10/2018 19:10 9459028,4133972184,"

I have ben following Q since Jan 2018 - I have been SMILLING EVER SINCE! Thank you Q, POTUS, Flynn and Maddis!

",1538939554,07/10/2018 19:12 9456586,4133975242,"

""These people are sick. We are the cure."" Q. Five Booms coming this week!

",1538939690,07/10/2018 19:14 9455176,4133982351,"

Where would we be today, with Hillary Babe in the WH.??????????????
We would be all on the soup line, looking for work that didn't EXIST./////////////
Our world would look like a real mess. //////////////////
Taxes would be through the roof,////////////////////////
OBOOOOOOOMASS - CARE - would be so high you could not afford to buy a plan that would give you any protection of any kind. //////////////////////////////////////
In GENERAL, we JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN would be worse off for every thing, the DEMO'S didn't want us to have.//////////////////////////////
POTUS TRUMP has moved mountains during his short time in office.//////////////////

",1538940009,07/10/2018 19:20 9459028,4133989305,"

LOL, Q? How old are you? Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny? God help us if more people like you get to pick our leaders.

",1538940313,07/10/2018 19:25 9459028,4133990636,

An alt-right fairy tale. Only morons and cretins believe in Q.

,1538940370,07/10/2018 19:26 9459028,4133995661,

Ace - you will have to wait for Praying Medics' new Post to learn about today's Q Drop.

I personnel like to get my News in Real Time. Thank you Patriot Soapbox live stream on You Tube.

,1538940596,07/10/2018 19:29 9459028,4133997890,"

LOL, didn't Q say last November that the military would soon arrest Obama and Clinton and pack them off to GITMO? BTW, I thought the 50K indictments were supposed to issued this past summer. What happened?

",1538940698,07/10/2018 19:31 9459028,4134000895,"

You're new here, don't fall for the Q crap. It's a fantasy.

",1538940836,07/10/2018 19:33 9455092,4134064204,"

Do you really just want to know how the Q guys faked that Air Force One photo, is that it?

",1538944002,07/10/2018 20:26 9455092,4134076156,"

They expected her to win. Q. Who is ‘they’. Anyone in politics that gorged on the taxpayer to fund their lifestyles. The plan if Clinton got in was to move Loretta Lynich from AG to SCOTUS in conjunction to Ginsberg retiring. Listen to this what this women let slip regarding the Constitution. It should be sent to every Patriot to remind people that they must 1) Make sure your registration is valid/up to date with your party. 2). VOTE in November. In the time since Americans could vote (400 years?) on the MIDTERMS it has only stayed with the SITTING GOVERNMENT TWICE. Every other time it has flipped. Get out and vote because you will NEVER get a chance again to MAGA.

",1538944673,07/10/2018 20:37 9459028,4134080704,"

You are wasting your time at BB.. Q is not only real, but AN EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE WEAPON in the “WAR” going on right now... (but nice try, cup cake! Lol). Take a look at Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”.... and then ALL WILL BECOME CLEAR

",1538944937,07/10/2018 20:42 9459028,4134095344,

Would you rather see a visit from Q?

,1538945816,07/10/2018 20:56 9455092,4134102789,"

Of all the Q posts that was what you focused on? I'm guessing you are a globalist sheep, or your IQ isn't above 95.

",1538946292,07/10/2018 21:04 9429823,4134125029,

Is that so? What kinds of lies is Q feeding you?

,1538947758,07/10/2018 21:29 9445876,4134146311,"

We don't craft stories and turn them into something they're not like you guys do even here let alone the way too self-conscious lying right media like Fox, Breitbart, Red State, David Seaman and the fake fake fake Q.

",1538949231,07/10/2018 21:53 9458923,4134169938,"

What is it Q says about these people? ""They are sick and they are stupid.""

",1538950902,07/10/2018 22:21 9455743,4134212183,"

Do you have something against numerology?
1. Q is NOT a psychic prediction service with a crystal ball and 100% accuracy. Q is a GUIDE for enlightening people with Truths that corrupt elements of the Mockingbird msm conceal and dismiss as 'crazy right-wing conspiracy theory'.
2. LARPS do not have access to a full stock of original surveillance photos and key documents.
3. APRIL 3 – ""[Pope] will be having a terrible May. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT > Dark to LIGHT. TRUTH. Q""
- It was reported on MAY 16, that the Pope had thought about retiring
- On MAY 18, it was reported that ALL of Chile’s 34 RC bishops announced their resignation Friday (May 18) in the wake of a child sex scandal and cover-up in Chile.
- On MAY 30, an Int Arrest Warrant was issued against Pope Francis, by the Int Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels. (Ex-Pope Benedict has one of these on his head too.)
- An arrest attempt was made on Francis in Geneva (Switzerland), on JUNE 21, by Common Law Sheriffs who were beaten and detained by Vatican security agents and then arrested by Geneva police. Obviously, these CRIMINAL POPES are being protected by high level Deep State operatives while they abuse and murder stolen children.
𝟰. 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗤 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 – 𝗮 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 – 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝘆?
5. Q said NK would denuclearize the Korean peninsula, is that happening? YES
- Q said sex traffickers/paedophiles are being rounded up. Is THAT happening? YES
- Q said many politicians would not run for reelection/resign. Did that happen? YES
- Q said many CEOs would resign. Did that happen? YES, YES IT DID … AND STILL IS!
6. Pics of POTUS - posts #1564 & #1566 - show Q's close proximity inside the WH. You call this the ""Easter Bunny"" ... all for a LARP?
𝟳. 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗦𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝘀𝘆𝗼𝗽?
8. Why hasn't the NSA shut Q down for national security reasons??? FACT: The NSA has known for a long time who/what Q is by simply tracking the device IP addresses used. They haven't shut Q Team down bc only POTUS overrides their authority to declassify and release whatever information POTUS wants known in the public domain. For those 2 UNDENIABLE reasons alone, Q cannot possibly be a LARP or psyop.
9. Hillary WAS arrested, released and placed on a travel ""Whitelist"".
𝟭𝟬. 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗧𝗨𝗦 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗤 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸?

",1538953950,07/10/2018 23:12 9458209,4134222982,"

Taking left turn;
What Is Wrong With People? Qanon Dig Mind Control


",1538954756,07/10/2018 23:25 9458050,4134276670,"

Like Q said recently: Patriots, are you ready for some ARRESTS???""

",1538958668,08/10/2018 00:31 9460261,4134317991,"

I am sure Taylor's I. Q. compares favorably to Miley Cyrus, but just below the North American flatworm. Both species need care, but the flatworm personality is what wins this race, you betcha!

",1538961954,08/10/2018 01:25 9459940,4134402039,"

First off, I know this isn't the best source, and there are many more sources out there if you really want to dig into this topic.

I believe George HW Bush organized the attempted assaination against President Reagan. After the attempt failed he read Reagan the Riot Act and told him that he was in charge from now on, or otherwise the next attempt would be successful.

There are too many strange coincidences behind the event, not to mention George HW's ties to the CIA and the Kennedy assassination.

It's disgusting to me that some on the right still think this demon is worthy of being held in high regard. Let's hope, with the help of Q, that the rope will finally find a nice home around his neck.

",1538969559,08/10/2018 03:32 9460261,4134413049,"

Are you following Qanon posts, Reba? I am. And in the former Reddit community 'GreatAwakening' before it was banned, and now the new Voat community, people have discussed the possibility of martial law being imposed when the mass arrests happen.

",1538970561,08/10/2018 03:49 9460261,4134418652,"


",1538971061,08/10/2018 03:57 9459862,4134423631,"

As Q often says, this is not a game.

",1538971492,08/10/2018 04:04 9436819,4134434557,"

Patience, progress is being made. We might just see that perp walk yet by Hillary.

At least read the summery at the top. They are all dirty, treasonous hacks. Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Obama, and so many more.

If you don't want to download it here, go here:, oct 7 drop.

The light is starting to shine. Read the report! You waited all this time. Read it!

",1538972501,08/10/2018 04:21 9460261,4134438576,"

The reason against dropping anything significant before the election, or indicting anyone, is to prevent the media from latching onto something that they could use as 'a hissy fit focal point' before the election, to rile up the mob. Without that, they're stuck.

The FISA docs however, can still be declassified, and the documents will do all the talking. The key thing for the President, is to steer clear of it. This administration has positive results to sell for the midterms. The criminality of our opponents may be best dealt with the day after the election. Qanon has always mentioned 11-11-18. Maybe that will indeed be the day of reckoning.

One last thought. If arrests happen right AFTER the election, it won't look as political.

",1538972875,08/10/2018 04:27 9460261,4134454642,"

14. #QAnon The More You Know…The D-Playbook ""Wrap-Up Smear""'s been deployed against Justice K:

1.) Make false accusations,
2.) Tell propagandists in MSM to report it
3.) Cite the press reports as proof.
4.) Merchandise the ""proof"".

""Wrap-Up Smear""
Sound familiar?

Nancy Pelosi explains 'wrap-up smear' tactic.

By the way, credit goes to Qanon for telling people to watch this video.

",1538974364,08/10/2018 04:52 9460261,4134594482,

Taylor decided to make her political views public for one reason to try and gain support for Democratic Party. Since she decided to campaign for someone the American people have the choice to support or disconnect. I will be turning off Taylor Swift music and encourage family and friends to stop supporting Miss Swifts music she forgot she was an entertainer not a politician so lets show Miss Swift if you decide to attack the majority of America then the Majority of America will turn off Taylor Swifts career. WWG1WGA Q sent me

,1538985772,08/10/2018 08:02 9460033,4134667478,

the leftist Deep State is over now. The conspiracy to make us all afraid they could control the SCOTUS was just a smokescreen. Trump controlled even the fascist FBI to handle the investigation. Now that Kavanaugh is on the SCOTUS we have someone who knows about the conspiracies gripping this nation and will strike down every leftist conspiracy trying to get revenge for the 2016 election. He will be the most impartial judge because he recognizes the Democrats as left wing conspirators. The Deep State is over. Q was another Deep State conspiracy designed to make it look like there was a real fight. There was never a fight after Killary lost. They are over. MAGA!!!

,1538990847,08/10/2018 09:27 9459028,4134674446,"

LOL, so the guy who claims to have built one of the largest Ad agencies in Texas believes in Q and thinks Soros actually pays people to troll Breitbart? How bizarre. Let's see how many thousands of indictments (according to Q) are issued this week, will that be proof enough for you that Q is a fairy tale or will the timing just be off?

BTW, for an adman, your grammar is terrible! I call BS on your claim.

",1538991273,08/10/2018 09:34 9458923,4134688695,"

As long as the Democrats keep parading around this sub 50 I Q Hollywood has been, you will know that they are desperate!

",1538992127,08/10/2018 09:48 9458203,4134721346,"

Hey Q Ball, the best image of the day was Kavanaugh being sworn in.

",1538993825,08/10/2018 10:17 9459862,4134744771,"

If you think these liberal Asshats are nuttier than squirrel turds now, just sit back and watch their collective heads explode when the Republicans win in a historic landslide in the midterms.
2018 is going to be even more glorious !!!!
Trust the Plan !!!
It's happening Now !!!!
Goodbye Valerie Jarrett !!!

",1538995083,08/10/2018 10:38 9459862,4134749381,"

He and his brood are doomed !!!
Justice WILL prevail
Trust the Plan
It's happening now

",1538995322,08/10/2018 10:42 9459940,4134771718,"

Guess Alex Jones was right again. He said Jordan Peterson was a shill, a plant. To trick Conservatives. And right on he is to prove Alex right again.

",1538996309,08/10/2018 10:58 9459862,4134855919,"

Time for the QAnons to start the show.

* 51,000+ sealed indictments

* military tribunals

* a nicely refurbished and expanded Gitmo.

",1538999944,08/10/2018 11:59 9459478,4134908088,

The real Q hasn't posted since April. This new Q just posts memes and hyperlinks.

,1539002035,08/10/2018 12:33 9459862,4134952153,

When these young brain dead activist spout off from their Soros Q cards and are asked to explain what they mean they have no facts or historical basis to offer! That is what a 4 year degree is worth thanks to our liberal indoctrination campuses that we have today.

,1539003764,08/10/2018 13:02 9457513,4135048543,

Just like Q? LOL

,1539007472,08/10/2018 14:04 9454405,4135207941,

You do realize John Q is about a man who holds hostages in a hospital? I wasn't aware of real doctor on police crime in the states.

,1539013446,08/10/2018 15:44 9459862,4135222979,"

This SCOTUS has been around for more than 200 years with no problems, until, the DEMON - RATS think they should be in power, but , are not in power. ////////////////
you lost your power in the 2016 election, where JOHN Q/. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER decided they didn't like the STENCH of the SWAMP - SEWER and DEEP STATE of WASHINGTON D / C. They, JOHN Q. PUBLIC VOTER ENDED THAT STENCH.///

",1539014023,08/10/2018 15:53 9462199,4135259366,

They thought you would follow the STARS...

,1539015360,08/10/2018 16:16 9461764,4135414421,"

Breaking: Declassify is imminent
- first look shows ""Redactions protected political embarrassment, not ‘national security’""

",1539020729,08/10/2018 17:45 9462403,4135470634,"

But, but Q said, ""BOOM, the Storm is here!"" ""And 59 million sealed indictments!"" and ""Sessions is about to drop the hammer!"" And ""here comes The Pain!"" Lol... Funny how The Storm looks exactly the the same old shti, just a different day. 2 years in now, ZERO arrests. ZERO. But, but, ""any day now"" right?

",1539022740,08/10/2018 18:19 9462583,4135542807,"

This will explain it.

",1539025390,08/10/2018 19:03 9461626,4135592116,"

Italy has turned their backs on the EU and their unelected fascist government. Itally refuses to allow illegals in their country. Their newly elected Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini has directly blamed EU chiefs president, Jean Claude-Junker and Pierre Mocovici for ruining Italy and Europe. It is for these reasons and more that the EU has been attacking Salvini and Italy for not obeying the illegitimate EU’s authority.

Salvini populist coalition government has reached record breaking support from the Italian citizens. Salvini is also a huge Trump fan and he supports Trump’s MAGA movement that is taking root throughout Europe. The Q Great Awakening movement is being followed by tens of thousand of Europeans.

Populist European citizens want an end of the EU and a return to individual national sovereignty.

",1539027276,08/10/2018 19:34 9463429,4135637168,"


",1539029128,08/10/2018 20:05 9464251,4135658809,

Taking opinion poll.
Up vote for yes
Down vote for no

Poll question : is Q a real inside operation ?

,1539030093,08/10/2018 20:21 9464251,4135662566,"

No idea, but it seems to be helping morale for Trump and the Rs, so I am good with it. Q does provide interesting insight into current events as to the truth I just don't know.

",1539030266,08/10/2018 20:24 9464251,4135668462,

Poll question : Do you follow Q out of curiosity?
Up vote for yes
Down vote for no

,1539030540,08/10/2018 20:29 9464251,4135672548,

Opinion poll : do you know about Q and QAnon ?
Up vote for yes
Down vote for no

,1539030732,08/10/2018 20:32 9464401,4135677719,

That was in a Q post

,1539030973,08/10/2018 20:36 9463429,4135697031,

No Q sent me comments? :)

,1539031903,08/10/2018 20:51 9463429,4135765929,"

WWG1WGA = Where We Go One We Go All

",1539035681,08/10/2018 21:54 9465517,4135901049,

Good luck with that Q.

,1539043554,09/10/2018 00:05 9465577,4135929773,

Did George Takei die ? People are posting that on Q.

,1539045390,09/10/2018 00:36 9464875,4135935195,

You think she's been reading Q posts?

,1539045754,09/10/2018 00:42 9463429,4135951468,"

You made Q Anon, Charlie. That is AWESOME.

",1539046866,09/10/2018 01:01 9465148,4135964714,

You listen to too much Q.

,1539047828,09/10/2018 01:17 9465517,4135965893,"

Interesting below:


---""Writing in the Wall Street Journal, a much honored journalist, Asra Q. Nomani published an article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday laying out how ""Saturday's protests and unlawful disruptions were brought to us by a well-funded network.""

I am a liberal feminist whose views on abortion and same-sex marriage align with the Democratic Party's. Yet while most demonstrators are not paid for their efforts, the protests at the Capitol Saturday, and the ones that have included stalking lawmakers inside and outside their offices, are organized by groups of which Mr. Soros is an important patron.

I started following the money for the ""resistance"" when it was born, hours after Election Day 2016. I have organized my findings in a spreadsheet I have made public. At least 50 of the largest organizations that participated as ""partners"" in the Jan. 21, 2017, Women's March had received grants from Mr. Soros's Open Society Foundations or similar funds in the ""House of Soros,"" as his philanthropic empire was once called internally. The number of Soros-backed partners has grown to at least 80. At least 20 of the largest groups that led the Saturday anti-Kavanaugh protests have been Open Society grantees.""----- etc....

",1539047918,09/10/2018 01:18 9463429,4136006058,

[Sally Yates] has some Explaining to do according to Q.

,1539051278,09/10/2018 02:14 9464875,4136035359,

She's Q. That makes as much or more sense than what you wrote.

,1539053875,09/10/2018 02:57 9466039,4136048270,"

Not with the justice system. That’s f’ed up. If trump has made cases against all these deep state people and is saving them until October (like the qanon conspiracy people claim), that is messed up. I would lose all respect for trump. Bring the case when you have it, and never with the intent to mess with politics.

",1539055015,09/10/2018 03:16 9465838,4136049181,

distant relative of Low Q Maxine

,1539055095,09/10/2018 03:18 9464737,4136069594,

Q anon says Scalia 187 and the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting was recorded. Lynch would get Comey off of Hillary and make the email scandal go away and was going to be nominated to SC after Ginsburg steps down. Scalia seat would be filled by John Brennan(CIA chief). They were planning on stacking the deck on the SC to destroy the 1st and 2nd amendments and they were so sure she was gonna win...Trump knows all of this as the last 4 years of Obama was essentially a sting operation by the white hats in our National Security(most likely NSA with Military Intelligence) which is what Q anon is about...the biggest Military Intelligence operation in history which is why you see all the craziness from the left. Trump has all the evidence and now Kavanaugh on the SC makes military tribunals a reality for all who colluded with foreign entities. Everything is moving exactly as Q has been saying and as according to the plan. Next up is declas of fisa which should remove Rosenstein either fired/resign. Then down goes Mueller and then mass arrests. It's going to be one of the most interesting times in our lifetime so get ready for the show!

,1539056802,09/10/2018 03:46 9466039,4136071282,"

Q said there would be arrests. I'm waiting. And, I hope Q didn't mean Kavanaugh protester arrests. I'm waiting on arrests for the swamp dwellers.

",1539056934,09/10/2018 03:48 9466039,4136075612,"

Well, this blows away the theory that Q is intimately connected to Trump. RR has been inside Q's ""kill-boxes"" for months.

[RR] or [[RR]].

Oh well, just some stupid LARPers conning a bunch of saps, and getting them to watch Preying Medic or Neon Nutjob videos.

",1539057294,09/10/2018 03:54 9466039,4136086260,"

It's rewarding to watch the Q hoax being disemboweled.

Sundance at the conservative treehouse reamed them again yesterday, after flirting for nearly a year with their nonsense.

Trump has zero interest in prosecuting his predecessors or Hillary. He's not going to use military tribunals or send anyone to Gitmo. He wants to transform America by instituting his own policies through a position of strength. (Which is happening now.)

The last thing that he would ever do is employ an unConstitutional method to round up the Swampsters. He's simply going to eliminate them one by one through attrition, and not Q.

",1539058181,09/10/2018 04:09 9466039,4136089755,

Q targeting Rosenstein is proof q is not in the loop of things. In fact...with DC running full time on the LEAK...and Q being a superduperleakerwiththebiggestdropsinhistory youd think the reporters would be dying to make contact with such a hot source of juicy reporters take Q seriously for a reason.

,1539058455,09/10/2018 04:14 9466039,4136092053,

It doesnt matter. Q people dont care if hes right once or wrong every time. He feeds their dopamine needs to feel involved. The guy is wronger than Miss Cleo and still they come back for their next fix. infojunkies.

,1539058642,09/10/2018 04:17 9463432,4136105806,"

The sad part is WE, THE TAXPAYERS are funding these morons through the State Dept. in cahoots with George Soros (another true Q drop).

",1539059761,09/10/2018 04:36 9466039,4136148803,"

They aren't illegal search and seizures. That's why Anonymous was recruited by Q .... EVERYTHING is open source. Srsly, the whole plan is sheer genius bc it can't fail.

",1539063178,09/10/2018 05:32 9465577,4136164157,

Why do you discriminate between L and G and B and Q and T? Aren't you all God's children?

,1539064407,09/10/2018 05:53 9466039,4136204344,"

Understood ... but it's not likely Q overlooked that technicality before hitting the chans and enlisting services of truth-loving, patriot anons. Mueller has nowhere else to go. He still wants to interview POTUS but that isn't going to happen. The FISA declassification will become public knowledge any day now. Soon after, it's game over for Rosenstein, Mueller et al.

",1539067367,09/10/2018 06:42 9465577,4136244630,"


Which disgraced prior Q decoder would often say ""Let's duke it out in the backyard""?

",1539070249,09/10/2018 07:30 9465577,4136285559,

You are so confused. So believing in Q.

,1539073134,09/10/2018 08:18 9465577,4136285900,

Wrong. Q is lying to you.

,1539073158,09/10/2018 08:19 9464023,4136297478,

not soon enough. I wonder what Bill gave her. The latest Q posts are insane.

,1539073924,09/10/2018 08:32 9466039,4136304915,"

That's the Q fiction, it comes from the deep state, it is a stall.

",1539074415,09/10/2018 08:40 9466039,4136309598,

Yes but we have Q filling people's minds with fiction. The best tool here is known facts.

,1539074720,09/10/2018 08:45 9462742,4136588028,"

Ben ""deep state"" Rhodes is delusional, he thinks he can read ppls minds. You are on the list Ben. #QAnon

",1539087305,09/10/2018 12:15 9467080,4136593382,"

This sends the wrong message to John Q Public. An entertainer is no more entitled to lunch with the President than John. Perpetuating that some are the ""elite"" and some not is how the swamp built itself up.

",1539087497,09/10/2018 12:18 9467938,4136600376,

Another deep state operative forced to quit. Way to go Q.


,1539087753,09/10/2018 12:22 9467938,4136715096,"

Is Trump going to appoint Sarah Palin or is Trump going to indict the 50,000 Q said was going to round up this week and send to GITMO.

",1539091769,09/10/2018 13:29 9466039,4136738207,"

He sent it to the IG in order to avoid the Dems screaming, if declassified it would threaten ""national security and methods"". Most of what has been redacted has been to protect the guilty and avoid ""embarrassment"", in direct violation of EO 13526, Sec 17. This way, their narrative will not stand.

It will be declassified.

",1539092525,09/10/2018 13:42 9466600,4136762693,"

If you read Qanon (and I do) we have 57k sealed indictments across the country just ready to be unsealed. I am in a minority but my belief, contrary to Qanon, is that the indictments are for persons illegally registering to vote.

",1539093356,09/10/2018 13:55 9467938,4136775400,

Qanon said Haley was deep state and was put in place to placate them while we got our own house in order. Now that we are done the storm will sweep over the globalist power center at the UN and release us from their bondage entirely.

,1539093592,09/10/2018 13:59 9455893,4136806162,"

Wells Fargo isn't your friend, get off the big box banks, use local banks or credit unions.

Texas Citizens Bank for instance, they never took a bailout because they never made hinky loans, but the big box banks all did, and you and I paid them off whether we wanted to or not.

Get off the big box banks, use local banks.


",1539094623,09/10/2018 14:17 9467848,4136911195,"

Jake Fapper, following the Dem lead of the wrap up smear. That is a no vote from Joe Q Public.

",1539098281,09/10/2018 15:18 9464875,4136944467,"

not singers. politicians. see

",1539099443,09/10/2018 15:37 9457513,4136986168,

It will happen. Kavanaugh had to be put on the SC first. Military tribunals are preparing now. You will probably see something happen this week. Follow Q.

,1539100936,09/10/2018 16:02 9467242,4137003871,"

Like Q says (about the NSA) :""We have it all"".

",1539101587,09/10/2018 16:13 9467242,4137052181,

Go read Q. Sessions is the 'silent assassin'.

,1539103319,09/10/2018 16:41 9463120,4137064201,"

What have Democrats proved they are capable of? If you want to see the low life things the Republicans are willing to do, look no further than the 5000 garbage comments below. Your peers are so Oracle Q conspiracy-riddled, they joke about Civil War & pedophilia. Its all in the comments below. So, when I am making my descision who to vote for, the side that lives in a conspiracy fantasy land that is obsessed with pedophilia and lies and fantasies that Trump is a Holy Superman? No thanks. I'll stick with the clear headed smart people, the Democrats. The Liberals don't mock sexual assault victims and have a rally full of people laugh at them. The Liberals don't idolize someone who might have sold us all out to Russians. No thanks, I'll pass. I don't want to become a Radical Right Rushist.

",1539103747,09/10/2018 16:49 9466039,4137226622,

Wait! I thought it was 4D chess? Didn't Q tell you that?

,1539109812,09/10/2018 18:30 9429823,4137344924,

Who the hell is Q?

,1539114686,09/10/2018 19:51 9463120,4137380430,"

1.You say Conservativrs never infringe on the 1st amendment. Maybe they don't show up on the Senate steps but the Right does more than shouting down. Take Heather Jeyer who was run down and killed by a Trump Lover on Charlottsville.

2. Democrats do not want to get rid of the 2nd amendment. Nobody is talking about doing that. Yes, we want more regulation but nobody wants to get rid of the 2nd amendment.

3. Democrats are the ones who wanted an FBI investigation, it was you all who did not want an investigation. And, don't forget, Dt. Ford took a polygraph while Judge Kavanaugh couldn't ne bothered. The Conservatives have proved that if you are going to accuse someone of something, even if it is true, beware. I read all the B'S that the Right were saying about Dr. Ford having 64 sex partners in high school. I saw the fake photo that that Right was swapping around of a fake Dr. Ford naked and passed out on a picnic table. We all heard the President mocking Dr. Ford at a rally, for fun. And remember, Kavanaugh is back in his home while Dr. Ford has had to stay out of her house because of all the death threats She's still getting from Maga's.

We are not the party of Satan.
You saying so just shows you are deeply entrenched in kooky conspiracy theories. Whatever you think about Democrats, at least half of our party is not lost in phony delusions of the Oracle Q. At least Liberals are clear headed in reality, not like all of the tin hats on the Right.
Many Democrats are Christian are we're getting tired of everyday being called the worst things in the world.

Democrats are not your enemy. We're people. American people. Your insults don't help the national conversation.

",1539116456,09/10/2018 20:20 9467302,4137460035,

I hope Qadaffi's son Said has a hit out on her and Obama. It is high time for some Q family retribution.

,1539120732,09/10/2018 21:32 9471409,4137497097,"

Oh my an armed professional... What caliber is the current issue in the United States Armed Forces?? The 9 MM !!! And while hollow points are not legal for military personnel to use in pistol ammunition such is not the case for everyone else.. So you want a schooled teacher to be armed with what?? A .357 Magnum with a maximum capacity of 6 rounds?? Oh wait yes there is a seven shot .357 Magnum..Or a big freaking handgun like a Desert Eagle.. Come on be serious... Or at least have a bit more knowledge , skills and abilities than most of John Q Public..

",1539122992,09/10/2018 22:09 9468901,4137544933,

Is Q lying?

,1539125786,09/10/2018 22:56 9468181,4137570920,

The hammer will drop! We'll lock her up! And build the wall! And everything Q says will come to pass! And... and...


,1539127320,09/10/2018 23:22 9467623,4137574692,

Was it Q who told you to believe that? Or Alex Jones?

,1539127552,09/10/2018 23:25 9467623,4137620367,"

Worth a look into Feinstein and China.

Take a peek:

Latest Qanon Posts 10-10-18 : DiFi China Connection....

",1539130431,10/10/2018 00:13 9472000,4137628308,"

Lol, you are such a sheep. Sessions is working with Trump to lock up the Dems and globalists and media. Get with the plan! Thousands of sealed indictments waiting for after the midterms. Otherwise Trump would have fired Sessions long ago, fool. This guy who loves big cabs thinks Trump is a coward, because this guy isn’t paying attention. Q! wwg1wga!

",1539130969,10/10/2018 00:22 9463429,4137657343,"

Bubble? Old ""marble-mouth' himself to be unleashed? Sounds like a bunch of Qanon stuff. I think you're in the bubble. Nothing is going to be ""unleashed."" Good grief, Trump still can't get the memos out unclassified and unredacted to the Congress!

",1539132943,10/10/2018 00:55 9467623,4137694079,"

Gee, somebody has a vested interest in insulting anybody who talks about Q Anon.

I suspect a FINANCIAL interest.

",1539135736,10/10/2018 01:42 9467623,4137694765,

I'm going drop a Q thread in a minute. Sorry for the length but copy and read later. It gives you an idea what's going on.

,1539135792,10/10/2018 01:43 9467623,4137697920,

^^^ suspiciously desperate to mock Q posts in order to prevent new people from following along.

,1539136049,10/10/2018 01:47 9467623,4137698191,"

Note, I didn't say Q for a reason and the summary is pretty straight-forward; very little ""controversial"" interpretations, all pretty much fact-based. The only thing that is even SLIGHTLY controversial is AG Sessions' role. He's either inept or doing things behind the scenes in conjunction with Pres. Trump and the ""sparring"" is all for show. The rest, all fact.

",1539136070,10/10/2018 01:47 9467623,4137701569,

There's basically no logical explanation for this except imminent military tribunals.

People are desperate to mock Q posts here.

,1539136338,10/10/2018 01:52 9472000,4137704067,"

Gosh, I heard your friend Q FAILED to predict the resignation of Nikki Haley today! Yet ANOTHER failure by Q! PSYOP.

",1539136548,10/10/2018 01:55 9468181,4137734089,"

That's really hilarious. Democrats are not the ones furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, as you read this. Your party is so deeply entrenched is conspiracy they no longer have good sense.
On the otherhand, We've already received verified evidence of Russia/ Trump connections and we're waiting for more. Why do the Republicans act like they are the only authentic Americans, yet they don't care about this:


Sorry about the source but the Timeline format is good. Please read June 2016. All info from Muellers July indictment.

",1539139251,10/10/2018 02:40 9468181,4137740994,"

The video has no context. How do we know what Pelosi was talking about? Maybe because you are so entrenched in the Oracle Q, you can put your brain in a pretzel, but the rest of us see this as totally bonkers.

",1539139886,10/10/2018 02:51 9468181,4137746294,"

The truth is in the 4000 garbage comments below. There is a cancer in the Republican party. Its Q. Many are entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Your peers have lost their minds because they want Trump to be some kind of Holy Superman who is always just about to arrest all the evil, pedophile Democrats & sending them to Gitmo. So, this is surely the conspiracy crap you speak of, and its no joke. These people are kooky and will become a problem for old school Conservatives. They are Radical Right Rushists who joke about another Civil War.
So, please stop spreading disinformation. And Clean your own house!!! We are all Americans.

",1539140362,10/10/2018 02:59 9468181,4137749485,"

Please lay off the Oracle Q, you sound bonkers. You sound Hollywood dramatic while you spread disinformation. Please stop lying.

",1539140645,10/10/2018 03:04 9468181,4137751637,"

Well, the Radical Right Rushists are ""one"", all gushing and idolizing an Oracle named Q. Q is a bunch of grad students from N.Cal. You are being punked.

",1539140834,10/10/2018 03:07 9468181,4137766289,"

Hahaha! You are adorable. Us? Scared of truth?? While your co-patriots are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as you read this? The Right does not know truth. They lost all sense of it since they are heavily entrenched in phony BS. Who cares how Obama got into school! He was a good President . He's done.
Do you know how Trump got into his school? Do you know how he got out of going to war, like the rest of the guys?
As soon as you get Trumps official school records, we'll talk. I'm not even asking for tax returns.

Why don't you care about what happened to America in June 2016?


",1539142099,10/10/2018 03:28 9468181,4137774721,"

Children calling names? What about the Oracle Q that your co-patriots are all gushing over as you read this, they are furiously decoding conspiracy theories. ..So, give me a break, Liberals call it like we see, it's a duck.

",1539142614,10/10/2018 03:36 9470542,4137778653,

PROVE Q is a Fraud............................
and who are you??

,1539142932,10/10/2018 03:42 9470542,4137780134,

The guy that correctly called Q a fraud.

,1539143048,10/10/2018 03:44 9467623,4137796471,

What I have just learned about you.

You have really bad judgment. That is why you believe in Q.

Thanks for the insight into your idiocy.

,1539144341,10/10/2018 04:05 9467623,4137804111,

Qanon the Power to Stop Progressives

,1539144950,10/10/2018 04:15 9467623,4137818633,

Qanonsense the power to delude qtards.

,1539146084,10/10/2018 04:34 9470542,4137826284,"

Frankly, words cannot truly express how few f**cks I give about what Q says about anything. Little to none of it is anything I can influence in any way. Besides, he sounds like a Mad Libs book. BTW, why did you say you up-vote yourself, again?

",1539146703,10/10/2018 04:45 9467623,4137839298,"

you go ahead , I'll Let Q and trump take care of the Problem .

",1539147776,10/10/2018 05:02 9468181,4137843373,"

Ok, you got me. A Google search of Oracle Q reveals nothing. What the eff is it?

",1539148116,10/10/2018 05:08 9468181,4137845636,"

We were all saying it before Q came along, dummy and that includes the need for Military Ttribunals, all Q-tard did was ride on our backs, steal our research, make mostly fake claims and predictions and press the buttons of our deepest desires for justice.

There are NOT 57,000 sealed indictments in the federal courts they are separate ""filings"" many of which relate to each matter before the court, they not separate indictments and frankly you haven't a clue what is in these sealed filings and neither does liar Q-tard.

And if there are a much smaller number of indictments what are they doing in the federal civil courts and not the military?

",1539148306,10/10/2018 05:11 9468181,4137849587,

Q is wrong more often than not and the Q org has had the gall to edit it's terrible prediction misses from the record.

,1539148640,10/10/2018 05:17 9468181,4137852911,

Yup Q is a retard alright.

,1539148921,10/10/2018 05:22 9468985,4137853210,"
welcome aboard Patriot

",1539148945,10/10/2018 05:22 9468985,4137856682,

I've seen qanon being referenced but I've not enquired further. Will do now! Thanks mate! 👌

,1539149239,10/10/2018 05:27 9467623,4137861875,"

100% Fascist! Treason Trials, please, Q.

",1539149669,10/10/2018 05:34 9471943,4138069397,"

Poor, dumb, No I Q Max. She is so stupid that she thinks she is remotely relevant.

",1539163975,10/10/2018 09:32 9467623,4138117388,"

This is what happens when foreigners are allowed to have ownerships in American companies. Q has been posting about Facebook and its data storage on American citizens in building 5 in Darpa, China for six months. China does not believe in citizens rights, so it not surprising they would not hesitate to control ours. Now they are taking over some American pension funds and buying harbors. We cannot be surprised at the outcomes.

",1539166283,10/10/2018 10:11 9471529,4138132617,"

I love FOX News. But I am disappointed to see that FOX uses low I.Q. black people like Juan to push their ""Fair and Balanced"" theme. It is just as bad as the left using the black people for the last 65 years for a voter base by keeping them ignorant. It could be compared to a form of slavery. It is an insult to Americans intelligence to have to listen to Juan's absolute idiocy. FOX leverages the Quota and adversity system by employing such ignorant people when we count on accurate news reporting. I believe FOX went out of it's way to get the most ignorant person to represent the left on their show to paint the left as being just that ignorant. Yeah, the left is low I. Q.. But not all of them are that dumb. We shouldn't misjudge our opponents. They are dangerous to our nation.

",1539167008,10/10/2018 10:23 9471529,4138133021,"

Q Drop (Last night):

""Use Logic and Critical Thinking to Understand Why the Wheels of Justice Move Slowly2380

9 Oct 2018 - 9:42:13 PM

Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure 'appeals' to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.

Patience. Traps are being set.

",1539167026,10/10/2018 10:23 9471943,4138224195,"

Your welcome, but the credit goes to Q.

",1539170868,10/10/2018 11:27 9467623,4138240649,"

LOL, Like Q?

",1539171506,10/10/2018 11:38 9470542,4138334720,

I ask myself that Q every single day!

,1539175022,10/10/2018 12:37 9471943,4138346983,"

I pay attention to Q, and there is an indictment with AhmoPeach!'s name on it. Count on it.

",1539175463,10/10/2018 12:44 9468985,4138397382,"

Lisa gives decodes for a lot of Q's messages


",1539177268,10/10/2018 13:14 9473959,4138400750,"

How many of John Q. Public have been saying something similar for months? If it should happen, POTUS should immediately declare Martial Law in every sanctuary city in the country as this is where radicalism is fostered. If public officials refuse to comply with Guard troops, everyone from the governor down should be arrested and held without bail until things settle down. This country cannot continue with the socialist turmoil and stay in any way, shape or form, united.

",1539177390,10/10/2018 13:16 9468181,4138460233,

Comments like yours plays right into Putin's are making him so happy! At least my mental strength is not taking up with the Oracle Q conspiracy so many conspiracy-riddled fanatics on the Right.

,1539179440,10/10/2018 13:50 9468181,4138494480,"

Your co-patriots will explain all about Q or Qanon, just as soon as they are finished furiously decoding the Oracle Q's wise but cryptic messages. Many in your party are so entrenched in phony B'S, its really hard to take conservatives seriously anymore...

",1539180634,10/10/2018 14:10 9469150,4138638117,"

Voters traded Harper for the prima donna Trudeau? Is there a line somewhere at the Ontario border where I Q rises as you go west, and lowers as you go east? With coastall BC an anomaly like cancer of stupidity as well?

",1539185620,10/10/2018 15:33 9468181,4138745431,

Speaking of conspiracy theory Q said there was going to be some arrests today. The only thing arrested is my heart as deep state gets another player at the UN. Trump approved.

,1539189343,10/10/2018 16:35 9474253,4138830850,

What is Q telling you to think about this storm? Was it created by Soros and Zuckerberg?

,1539192306,10/10/2018 17:25 9474253,4138832844,"

No HAARP and it's not Q, it's my personal opinion.

",1539192376,10/10/2018 17:26 9468181,4138848508,"

Look you Radical Right Rushist, our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protect g Ameri a from her shores, just for a bunch of conspiracy-riddled Oracle Q Freaks to make blood in the streets. Not in my America, MoFo!
These war cries are only in your head. You are so delusional to think Democrats want war with Conservatives. The very idea of Civil War in America is so wrong, so blasphemous, its hard for me to write about it.
You are lime Putin's dream. You have bought in to the hate and now you want chaos. Democrats have evolved. We love America way too much to even think about violence on her streets. How dare you incite violence and hatred, and then say we started it. How dare you cpmplain about the peaceful protesters that are simply excerising the American right to free speech.You are
really misinformed. Democrats ate your brother & sisters. We ate all American. We're actually on the same team. Although you should maybe get kicked off the team for such crappy behavior. Aren't the Right supposed to be loving Christians? What the Hell happened to you? You are the one exhibiting signs of brain washing. Please do us all a favor, take a nap, then go meet some Liberal friends, go out for tacos. You can't love America if you hate half of America, Ahole. You better figure out a way to get along or your as$ is going to end up in jail .

",1539192942,10/10/2018 17:35 9468181,4138857022,"

Don't you have a meeting with the Bilderberg Group? Shouldn't you be out measuring chem trails or listening to Stairway to Heaven backwards? Few conspiracy theories ever pan put, especially the phony BS from Q. He rarely gets it right & his prediction have be home more vague. Why don't you just read the horoscopes for political perspective, it would be just as accurate?

",1539193260,10/10/2018 17:41 9473794,4138876547,

How dumb are the people of California to let this happen. I know it's happening all over the US but after the election we are going to bring some folks up on charges for treason! Q them up baby!

,1539193958,10/10/2018 17:52 9474841,4138889085,

The Q team needs to rip another pic from this cuck's security team's iPhone.

,1539194414,10/10/2018 18:00 9474253,4139025380,"

Video: Obama's Fast and Furious Holder urges violence against Republicans
10/10/2018 0 Comments


Josh Caplan
Fresh off questioning the Supreme Court's legitimacy with Kavanaugh's confirmation, Eric Holder urges Democrats to “kick” Republicans.

2:34 PM - Oct 10, 2018
251 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Well Obama's Eric Holder former AG who was held in contempt of Congress, and also trafficked weapons to Mexican cartels and gangs like MS-13...Has been caught on film urging Democrats to basically attack Republicans. This threat of violence against Republicans urged by Obama's former AG Holder, comes hours after Hillary stated to CNN that you can't be civil with Republicans as well. Obviously the Left and their elite figures like Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder are pushing for some kind of civil war by urging Democrats to attack Republicans and not to be civil with Republicans, however Q has told us civil war will not happen. What this truly sounds like from Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton is nothing more than fear, because soon Lady Justice will act on these traitors. This is what scared people act like.

",1539199716,10/10/2018 19:28 9468181,4139026661,"

If you think that Democrats are calling for a white genocide you have lost your good sense. Please go turn yourself into authorities because, you are crazy. Liberals have not called for violence on anybody. The stories you people make up and swap, and then really believe are beyond the pale. The Oracle Q has got you believing in total phony BS. You are being ear-poisoned and you've lost your good sense of truth from fiction. If you believe that Democrats, many who are Christian, are demonizing Christians, you are gravely mistaken and embarrassingly gullible. Your comments make Putin laugh because you are playing into his hand. The Right cannot possibly believe this communist twaddle. I refuse to believe the Right is so stupid. Democrats are not your enemy. We are actually on the same team. It's called America.

",1539199772,10/10/2018 19:29 9476128,4139035415,

Someone tell Grassley to read Q...



,1539200147,10/10/2018 19:35 9474937,4139078778,

Does this mean we can chase all of CNN's Q U E E R S out of a restaurant if we see them?

,1539202065,10/10/2018 20:07 9468181,4139155925,

It's just that lousy Facebook page? I think you are trolling to promote Qanon since you are the only one who has ever mentioned it on Breitbart.

,1539205920,10/10/2018 21:12 9476128,4139168131,

How about Michael Flynn? He's had some time on his hands.

Notice that Q no longer says trust Sessions or that Angela Merkel is Hitlers granddaughter. LOL

,1539206661,10/10/2018 21:24 9475378,4139220500,

Did Q tell you about that?

,1539210086,10/10/2018 22:21 9474253,4139226809,"

I like this guy. He lays stuff out so that it is understandable about the Q drops.

",1539210518,10/10/2018 22:28 8253110,4139253999,

Two words. Q. Anon.

,1539212416,10/10/2018 23:00 9476128,4139263399,

Who is Q?

,1539213073,10/10/2018 23:11 9468181,4139295539,"

I don't want to send the link because I feel like it's giving cigarettes & a lighter to a non-smoker. This stupid Q conspiracy is divisive and dangerous. In order to believe in the Oracle Q, you have to be really stupid, gullible, bigoted, nasty, ill-informed. I in no way condone it, advertise it, or like it. I think it is a cancer on the Republican party. I am not trolling anybody here, I just really hate that so many conservatives are believing in phony B'S.
Let me know if you still want the link but please tell me you won't become a smoker...

",1539215395,10/10/2018 23:49 9476887,4139321218,

6-6-6 = 18.

18 - 1 (insert reason for subtraction) = 17.

17 = Q.

Q = HRC and Hussein locked up.

*just having fun! WWG1WGA.....

,1539217306,11/10/2018 00:21 9479257,4139399915,

I know right? Gods I hope someone in Qanon writes a book when it’s all over.

,1539223969,11/10/2018 02:12 9476701,4139515245,

He looks like a overrated Q tip

,1539234585,11/10/2018 05:09 9473893,4139731061,

We had a civil war over the illicit practice slavery maybe we should all see the movie Dr. Gosnell which takes a good look at the illicit practice of abortion. Lets face it killing innocent unborn babies (A globalist plan for eugenics) is at least as bad as slavery and worth a new battle. Q anon

,1539249733,11/10/2018 09:22 9474253,4139749173,"

Video: Obama's Fast and Furious Holder urges violence against Republicans
10/10/2018 0 Comments


Josh Caplan
Fresh off questioning the Supreme Court's legitimacy with Kavanaugh's confirmation, Eric Holder urges Democrats to “kick” Republicans.

2:34 PM - Oct 10, 2018
286 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Well Obama's Eric Holder former AG who was held in contempt of Congress, and also trafficked weapons to Mexican cartels and gangs like MS-13...Has been caught on film urging Democrats to basically attack Republicans. This threat of violence against Republicans urged by Obama's former AG Holder, comes hours after Hillary stated to CNN that you can't be civil with Republicans as well. Obviously the Left and their elite figures like Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder are pushing for some kind of civil war by urging Democrats to attack Republicans and not to be civil with Republicans, however Q has told us civil war will not happen. What this truly sounds like from Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton is nothing more than fear, because soon Lady Justice will act on these traitors. This is what scared people act like.

",1539250722,11/10/2018 09:38 9479449,4139804136,

I wonder what Ms Rice's reaction was when her own son was a victim of her own party's actions? How does it feel Susie Q when the shoe is on the other foot?

,1539253561,11/10/2018 10:26 9476731,4139917456,"

Funny ihow the Democrat party seem to revere and elevate the most lowest l Q, affirmative action , race hustling thug stereotype to the top. It's their way of keeping the racial divide wide open while making it seem they really care.
Scum suckers.

",1539258456,11/10/2018 11:47 9476731,4139944689,"

Please excuse my brief interruption.


I Am Sold, JFK Jr Lives!! Q Connections To JFK... Compelling Evidence!!


Note: ""THE TROLLS"" and disinfo crowd are hitting this hard,
so it must be important! I would take it seriously.

",1539259493,11/10/2018 12:04 9476731,4139962282,"

Пожалуйста, извините мое краткое прерывание.
Пример:С / П:
Я продаю, JFK Jr дисфорирования !! Q Подключения к JFK ... Принудительное доказательство !!
Примечание: «ТРОЛЛЫ» и толпа дисфорирования сильно ударяют,
Так что это должно быть важно! Я бы воспринял это всерьез.

",1539260149,11/10/2018 12:15 9476275,4140020373,"

When everyone is corrupt and compromised , good police work says you must bring cases that are air tight. You don't make air tight cases being in front of cameras and going to war with not enough evidence. You go after the smaller players first , get them to turn , give them immunity, much like the corrupt Muellor investigation attempted to do. The real police work is behind the scenes and silent. At least that is what Q is saying , I pray he is right or we are all fked.

",1539262255,11/10/2018 12:50 9481132,4140194973,

I think Trump is lying. Trust the plan’
‘Moon landing wasn’t faked’
‘A plane hit the pentagon’
‘Don’t trust Snowden’
‘Ready for arrests?’
‘Ready for indictments?’
‘Ready for the fireworks?’
‘Ready for the boom?’
‘All 7 computers at CIA are offline’ keep us pacified while deep state treachery from satanists continues.

,1539268418,11/10/2018 14:33 9479728,4140195385,"


THE MISLEADERS. democrookery and its tactics since the awakening of the american people

your points, if i understand correctly are two--

urban ghetto youth is too impoverished and afraid to create civil disturbance

2) cutting funding for education is a remedy.

My response is that--

the superstructure is (lock, stock, and barrel) controlled by those who seek to destroy america since 1945. When we say control, it is highly likely that the forces of this movement will escape the control of those who think they are controlling the movement. Indeed, 98 per cent of those involved, from congress to street level have no understanding of the historical meaning of their actions.

this superstructure actively works towards the creation of ideologies and states of collective hysteria that operate as a threat to republican polity and society. Q.e.d.

billary, holder, mad maxi, rigoletta, cortez the killer, the examples are too numerous.

The DEMOCROOK party qua party is revealed as BANKRUPT, it is transitioning into a front for civil disturbance.

social groups are led and moved within the context of social development or social struggle

the channels for the ideological movement of social power lie in the superstructure (government, medicine, law, academy, educational state apparatus, culture, media)

these factors persuade individuals and collectives to adopt certain patterns of behavior

these factors are controlled by GOLD

now we know that the GOLD in the west has no use for whitey, since 1945

that is why we are where we are and why Dr. Holder occupies his present position

of course, the GOLD will try to mobilize useful and useless idiots of every caliber, when the masters determine their ends justify the use of civil disturbance

the educational apparatus is in the hands of the gold and it is clearly being used as a weapon against america

we are persuaded that there are no bad people, there are only bad leaders (V. Hugo).

but the SUPERSTRUCTURE of the west is corrupted to saturation point. These are the BAD LEADERS.

ex-europe has died from it. america is close behind.

",1539268433,11/10/2018 14:33 9457513,4140197590,

You must have all your faith in Q?

,1539268515,11/10/2018 14:35 9481132,4140219004,

You're talking about the QAnon thing?

,1539269287,11/10/2018 14:48 9476731,4140222246,"

Mueller will f it up and you're running on false hope. It's the left wing version of following Q anon.

That's an interesting list of Soviets, Ukrainians and Jews at least. I've heard of Sater before, he's got an interesting persona built around him though it's probably some government fairy tale:

",1539269401,11/10/2018 14:50 9479146,4140240866,"

I have no idea. What I do know is that so many of your co-patriots are deeply entrenched in the Oracle Q and they have lost all sense of what truth is. Your party is suffering from Truth Decay, because of all the furious decoding of Q conspiracies. It is really hard to take Conservatives seriously anymore because so many are in a devious, dangerous fantasy land.The ""Christians"" on the Right were swapping a fake photo of s fake Dr.Ford naked and passed out on a picnic bench. And they thought it was funny. How do you square that with God?

",1539270069,11/10/2018 15:01 9468181,4140258128,"

The Kavs Baugh hearings were not a hoax. Dr.Ford is just a woman. She's not part of some Soros Cabal. Your party was swapping a fake photo of a fake Dr. Ford, naked and passed out on a picnic bench. - and you all were laughing about it. That's evil. It's is awful that the Pres. thinks it is o.k. to mock a woman in front of a crowd of breathless fans. He craves the attention so badly that he need to humiliate Dr.Ford a little more. And the Maga's responded with cheers and laughter. So, clean up your own house before you criticize ours.
Conservatives are the demonic ones when they can't show a little basic human respect to a fellow American. It's the Right who have bought into phony Oracle Q Conspiracy B'S. They are the ones dabbling the dark corners insyead of reality so, from my perspective, Republicans sold their soul to tbe Devil & Donald Trump a long time ago. Do you think falsely calling all Democrats 'pedophiles' is playing for team America?

",1539270707,11/10/2018 15:11 9463120,4140274016,"

As a Dr., you should know better. Democrats are people. Maybe because all your wacko Oracle Q conspiracy theories on the Right characterize Liberals as the worst things in the world, like friggen pedophiles!, you have forgotten we are your fellow Americans. We are your brothers & sisters. We pay taxes. We love the Constitution. You don't own patriotism. We are all Americans. We're actually on the same team. I can't tell when people are being sarcastic on these comment boards but thank you, if you weren't just trying to mess with me.
We need to figure out a way to get along because we will not let America get trashed by a bunch of bloodthirsty Q fanatics. Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places , protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of Radical Right freaks to make blood in the streets. NOT IN MY AMERICA!

",1539271282,11/10/2018 15:21 9480973,4140288313,"

Yes, the leftist have no morals, ethics or problem supporting eachother because they have so much to hide. Sessions is either one heck of a GREAT actor of a babbling weak scared sheman, or were screwed. I pray he's putting on an act, its the ONLY acceptable explanation for why nothing makes sense and we feel like we are in the twighlight zone, watching ""All the Presidents Men"" get indicted, attacked, smeared and framed, just like Page/Strzok's text promised would happen, while the Coup Traitors get by with it. I can't imagine Trump allowing that for one second, which is why 90% of me believes Q. #VoteRed all the way!!

",1539271789,11/10/2018 15:29 9468181,4140342224,"

Gentle, have you seen my upvotes? Obviously I don't get paid to comment. My thoughts are free for all. And to think that Soros, who has his own problems in Hungary, cares about Kavanaugh is utter nonsense. It just shows how conspiracy-riddled the Right has become. You know, everything can't be a conspiracy or a hoax. At some point, you are just crying wolf.
Plenty of people are pissed that Kavanaugh, who at the very least, lied in that hearing about stupid, needless stuff (like boofing) people are plenty pissed at a judge who lies so nobody needs to get paid
to protest him. Those were all just real people, including Dr.Ford. It would sure be nice if the Right would lay off all the Oracle Q conspiracy theories because its not making Conservatives seem any smarter. You are all so paranoid that you can justify mocking a sexual assault victim to a crowd. That's awful
Shame on you all.

",1539273713,11/10/2018 16:01 9463120,4140346256,"

I would be thankful to be in a foxhole with you.
I don't know what Q is .
Don't tell me either.
From everything I see, it is totally the democrats, who are being violent.
Terrorism has made islam successful, - said by mohamhead.
Michelle just put down, hilary and holder for not being civil - ized.
Who knows maybe Michelle will join Kanye.
Radical right freaks ?
Wrong, leftist haters of Christianity are the problem, they blame Jesus for their woes.
They couldn't be more wrong, imo.

",1539273878,11/10/2018 16:04 9481144,4140390004,

Maybe Sessions comes to life after mid-terms if you believe Q. I won't hold my breath.

,1539275487,11/10/2018 16:31 9449425,4140445404,"

Just wishful thinking on your part ""Q Messenger"" (what does the Q stand for? )

",1539277379,11/10/2018 17:02 9449425,4140503231,"

Stands for Q clearance, a security level.

",1539279480,11/10/2018 17:38 9479728,4140604375,

Thats just the tip....
Familiar with Q? You ought to be....
Open your eyes to what is really going on....

,1539283399,11/10/2018 18:43 9483598,4140702161,

I am Q. that takes enough time and energy but you should see the conspiracies the Trumpers believe. I had Dr Ford as a trained CIA agent in a post on Alex Jones. I saw it repeated here and within 2 days the American State Media ran it as an article for about 6 hours before taking it down. Exposing hypocrisy through fake news is my hobby and I'm having a blast.

,1539287926,11/10/2018 19:58 9483598,4140706384,

Can hardly wait until Kanye does the OK hand gesture. Or maybe even the ASL American Sign Language letter Q? That would at least ruffle feathers if not cause some to come completely unglued.

,1539288141,11/10/2018 20:02 9483043,4140731164,"

Yeah, you Oracle Q Freaks have been having that stupid popcorn party since last Nov. 3rd....enjoy the show!

P.S. You are being punked by the Oracle Q, it's really some grad students.

",1539289389,11/10/2018 20:23 9481555,4140798048,

Fire racist Q U E ERS at CNN? Never going to happen.

,1539293169,11/10/2018 21:26 9482356,4140798272,"

As a once great fan of yours, I just want to say”go to POTUS Trump” he can help get rid of those who are black mailing you into being a girlie puke. However, if you did diddle children, well then burn in hell you pos, the Q posse is coming for you and your rusted buns of steel....

",1539293183,11/10/2018 21:26 9484078,4140804722,

Hey yoyo you are the low I Q racist.

,1539293576,11/10/2018 21:32 9481579,4140836557,"

That Ford broad should get Baker Act'd. How can anyone remember drinking a beer 37+ years ago and not remember where, when, with whom. DFeinstein should get an award for making sure her chinese driver ( now ex spy Q ) got the Ford document out to the liberal left media. What a circus !! A sexual assault is actual removal of clothes, touching of genitals and or penetration. The demcrats continue to fail in elevating a groping charge to sexual assault; if it did in fact occured and SCOTUS Kavanaugh would have been the perpetrator.

",1539295572,11/10/2018 22:06 9481579,4140836882,"

That Ford broad should get Baker Act'd. How can anyone remember drinking a beer 37+ years ago and not remember where, when, with whom. DFeinstein should get an award for making sure her chinese driver ( now ex spy Q ) got the Ford document out to the liberal left media. What a circus !! A sexual assault is actual removal of clothes, touching of genitals and or penetration. The demcrats continue to fail in elevating a groping charge to sexual assault; if it did in fact occured and SCOTUS Kavanaugh would have been the perpetrator !!

",1539295591,11/10/2018 22:06 9484951,4140860327,"

reminds me of Avenue Q song: ""Everyones a little bit racist sometimes""

",1539297075,11/10/2018 22:31 9481132,4140950620,

You listen to too much Q.

,1539303022,12/10/2018 00:10 9481132,4140955703,"

You're repeating your posts there, Q.

",1539303372,12/10/2018 00:16 9485569,4140980498,"

Q mentioned Rosenstein working for Trump a while back, and s/he is saying RR is against him. Not sure I believe in Q.

",1539305115,12/10/2018 00:45 9485569,4140984524,"

No. I don't keep up with Q real close, but I remember reading a Tweet where Q said something about Mueller working to keep people's attention; now, he saying Mueller is being used to stop Trump.

",1539305390,12/10/2018 00:49 9485569,4140986056,"

I'm not aware of any post by Q saying that Mueller is 'definitely' good.

Those type of things are usually posed as questions, to make people think logically and analyze for themselves.

It's easy to overhear somebody say that Q said something and a few months later forget that Q himself never said it.

",1539305498,12/10/2018 00:51 9483043,4141076068,"

A) My comment didn't mention conservatives. It said Republicans. Of course I know they're not the same.

B) Conservatives used to be into free trade. You used to believe in the importance of free markets. You used to take the optimistic view that prosperity increased the size of the pie, & a rising tide lifts all boats. There used to be a time when they cared if another country stuck their fingers in our business. You guys have sold out so many of your values to get on the Trump train, that it is astonishing you can still be so arrogant. Trumps world is zero-sum, & you're either a winner or a loser. That would have bothered you once.

C) This is simply crazy. You are really going to let somebody else convince you of a conspiracy & then tell me that it proves I can't think for myself? Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, the majestic, fantastic, elusive Oracle Q, etc.....they are all pushing made up conspiracy stories as news. Seriously, I'm gonna puke if I hear one more of you sheeple calling me sheeple.

D) Liberals care about fairness. We are not the racists. You want to pretend that racism isn't a problem, that it doesn't exist. And you are calling us racists because we dare to talk about racism. It's a stupid argument. I can't believe you've let yourself be led into it. Dude, we like diversity. Duh.

E) I didn't make up the law & order thing. It's a name Republicans have used in the past. Your word games are beneath you. Of course we're not for lawlessness. You sound far too pleased with yourself.

E) Why are there 2 Es?

And I didn't cut & paste. If I was repeating myself, it's only because a bunch of tools were hitting me with the same exact arguments.

",1539312658,12/10/2018 02:50 9485569,4141114497,


I'm Q or a low life rat?

,1539316441,12/10/2018 03:54 9483532,4141127926,"

I dont believe he is Q, but I am kinda thinking something odd going on with all the proofs Ive seen.

",1539317780,12/10/2018 04:16 9483532,4141143616,

Says a QAnon moron lol

,1539319173,12/10/2018 04:39 9485038,4141311141,"

Trust the plan, there is much that has to happen in a planned sequence in order for it to work. Qanons already know this.

",1539331819,12/10/2018 08:10 9484861,4141468669,"

Q Drop ... Worth the read re: QAnon

9 Oct 2018 - 9:42:13 PM

Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure 'appeals' to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.

Thank you, Q. Keep up the good work.

",1539340831,12/10/2018 10:40 9482356,4141475891,"

L, GM, B, T, Q ?

The alphabet is molested by deviants, Arnold's quip is more descriptive.

",1539341170,12/10/2018 10:46 9487504,4141680945,"

1: LV shooting this time last year.
POTUS had a classsified meet with Gates, Adelson, and Saudi Prince. Meeting was relocated and shooters didn’t know until operation was under way... attack on crowd was a diversion to allow strike team to escape. Alleged shooter was gun supplier for FBI/CIA.
2: On Sunday June 10, 2018 just before 4AM a Missile was launched from or near Whidbey Island Navel Air Station, WA towards Air Force 1. It was intercepted by F-16 escorts. Whidbey claims they don’t have launch capability.
3: Assassination attempt on POTUS and family was discovered and neutralized prior to PA rally on 8/2/18 3PM. A woman using a Qanon shirt in order to get close to POTUS was arrested by SS in connection.

",1539349392,12/10/2018 13:03 9485497,4141716340,"

Very soon, Valerie Jarrett will WISH the only thing wrong with her life was Roseanne making the joke she made.

Tick tock, Valerie.

Q sent me. #Qanon #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020

",1539350703,12/10/2018 13:25 9485497,4141738609,

Uh huh. You know she's a traitor based on what Q told you? Meanwhile there's an actual traitor in the oval office but you couldn't care less.

,1539351514,12/10/2018 13:38 9455092,4141818624,"

Oh good, I was worried you were losing sleep over it and, I am not like you and your clan, I actually care about other Americans.

So, according to the Lefty websites, the Oracle Q is made up of Grad students from Berkley. The guys are wealthy and they often fly first class. Since they have had computers since they were like two, they cut and pasted photos from Air Force One that can be found online, coupled with photos from the other Air Force One, that sits at the Ronald Reagan Library. Someday, when their thesis has been turned in, the sheeple will learn that they were taken for a ride.

",1539354493,12/10/2018 14:28 9489442,4142021037,

Doing just what Qanon said they would and they'll get worse after the red wave.

,1539362779,12/10/2018 16:46 9455092,4142028043,

I see you have put absolutely no time in to Q and it really makes you looks stupid when you try to talk about it.

,1539363036,12/10/2018 16:50 9489442,4142089594,

If the FBI won’t infiltrate this terrorist organization than We the People can. John Q Citizen can go undercover and break up these groups by exposing their leaders and outing their money people.

,1539365268,12/10/2018 17:27 9488173,4142179016,"


4.1% growth under Trump in Q2 of 2018 would rank as 5th strongest Q of Obama presidency

—5.1% Q2 2014
—4.9% Q3 2014
—4.7% Q4 2011
—4.5% Q4 2009

",1539368828,12/10/2018 18:27 9455092,4142261381,"

Do you really think I care how stupid I sound when talking about the Oracle Q? That's my point, Sherlock.

",1539372950,12/10/2018 19:35 9482281,4142299257,"


",1539374871,12/10/2018 20:07 9489598,4142306256,"

Like a Q post, the double meanings are there to see!


#MAGAJUANA is already stuck as permanently as Crooked Hillary!

",1539375243,12/10/2018 20:14 9489442,4142322480,"

I'm a Qanon-redhat-wearing-MAGA-PRESIDENT Trump supporter. I wear the moniker ""Deplorable"" as a slap in your face. PROUDLY. I and hundreds of millions around the world are dedicated to ramming the law and justice down your satanic throats. God wins. I am thoroughly enjoying your tears, loser. Cry moar. Popcorn needs salt, byotche.

",1539376128,12/10/2018 20:28 9490699,4142326291,

Oh man that aught to teach her! This must be the mighty Hammer drop those Q girls have been talking about for better part of 2 years now. Guess they were right all along! Justice has FINALLY been served!! /s

,1539376321,12/10/2018 20:32 9490699,4142327549,"

Yep. This story is going to get worse and worse and worse for you. We smile, waiting calmly in the midst. You better hope Q is correct. If not, patriots will start shedding democrat blood in the streets.

",1539376386,12/10/2018 20:33 9490105,4142357739,

I am hoping he learns the one Letter kind of pain soon. The Q kind of pain.

,1539378029,12/10/2018 21:00 9489442,4142371972,"

If the ** MOB ** wants to destroy things, we, JOHN Q. PUBLIC Citizen, can destrory them in fair play. The ** MOB ** needs to learn a hard lesson, you destroy some ones property, you will also be destroyed, when you are caught at the next destruction plan you of the ** MOB ** have. ////////////////////////////
This destruction will not be tolerated. //////////////////////////////
Your gig is up ** MOB ** .////////////////////////////////

",1539378905,12/10/2018 21:15 9490699,4142443044,"

Oh Reba, you've got it bad. You've been ear poisoned. You are in the midst of a delusion. Hillary is not currently under investigation so she's not going anywhere.
Please review, this is important because this actually happened, not like your phony bologna Oracle Q.
Sorry about the source but the Timeline format is good. All info from Muellers July Indictment, please read at least June 2016...


",1539383660,12/10/2018 22:34 9490699,4142476759,

Ok. Now you sound like Q....Q has burned us.

,1539386100,12/10/2018 23:15 9490840,4142516724,"

Thanks, Q. Show me, don't cryptically tell me.

",1539388876,13/10/2018 00:01 9490840,4142520676,"

I told you where to look. I'm not Q I am an astrologer who predicted Trump 2016 in 2011, Brexit leave, and Montana Tester losing seat his challenger is ahead now. I don't look at all races, someone mentioned Ohio so I looked at it. I am usually right on, not only have a studied this art for 50 yrs I am very intuitive.
I think it is explosive in the literal sense, maybe not sexual but resistance related...violence. Deep state stuff, real deep and real destructive.
I know nothing about this guy, I have heard his name thrown around but didn't even know who he was.

",1539389156,13/10/2018 00:05 9465886,4142567846,"

Isn't she Shirly Q. Liquor from Youtube?

",1539392541,13/10/2018 01:02 9489118,4142634118,"

The evidence is that Brunson is a confessed Christian. This is not allowed in sharia or by mhmd, the ONLY interpreter of the quran. See Q chapt 9 and know all peace verses were canceled in Medina, there is no peace left in any of it.

",1539397831,13/10/2018 02:30 9465886,4142654656,

She needs to be able to have a Special Top Secret Clearance and a Q Clearance. Piece of cake. Right?

,1539399662,13/10/2018 03:01 9465886,4142655719,

She'll need a Special Top Secret Clearance for communications and a Q Clearance for nuclear combat. I had both.

,1539399762,13/10/2018 03:02 9465886,4143043755,

Where are all the Q anon bullcrap.?????I just love showing independents that crap! Please....keep Qing it up!!!

,1539429252,13/10/2018 11:14 9492191,4143077084,

Trump ‘Sounds Like He’s Setting Up’ Martial Law........because he is.
you better catch up on your crazy Q anon conspiracies.

,1539431003,13/10/2018 11:43 9492191,4143120814,"

Might be, they ""seem"" to have a clue. Guess time will tell. As you can see I'm hedging my bets. and make up your own mind is usually the best choice.

",1539433212,13/10/2018 12:20 9492191,4143183721,

Maher must follow QAnon. Martial law has been alluded to on 8chan many times as part of the Q plan to lock Killary and others up in Gitmo.

,1539436324,13/10/2018 13:12 9492191,4143197794,

Maher's been reading Q. Maher should have been reading what his hero/heroine were cooking in the documents.

,1539436994,13/10/2018 13:23 9492191,4143199556,"

If Maher follows QAnon, he might be the only one. The novelty/mystery/conspiracy that is QAnon fizzled out about a day after Q became a thing. Nobody takes it seriously.

",1539437077,13/10/2018 13:24 9492191,4143223517,

You must not be paying much attention then. Twitter account that retweets the Q drops alone has 112 - 113k followers and many of the 8chan users don't even have Twitter.

Martial law has been a central piece of the plan since the beginning. Now Maher says this. They're trying to get ahead of it but the back up plan appears to be the 49 judicial nominees the Senate is working on. Can't prosecute them with corrupt judges on the bench like the one who dismissed the case with the Muslim compound training school shooter kids.

,1539438034,13/10/2018 13:40 9492191,4143244873," this rat faced radical following Q? He’s just such an evil hatefilled libtard. Not funny either. Horrible. I hate the left now as much as they hate us. I’m sick of the violence, of their constant whining and complaining. The rich ones should leave this land if they hate trump and his base...they said they would remember? Not one followed thru. Bec even they know this country is wonderful and as much as they complain and want it radically changed, they’re still here. Hypocrites...

",1539439024,13/10/2018 13:57 9492301,4143293247,

You must be a Q follower?

,1539441244,13/10/2018 14:34 9489964,4143330577,

I'll take lessons from Bila any day! MAGA Q WWG1WGA

,1539442942,13/10/2018 15:02 9491709,4143416924,"

Liberals, How about you put yourself in a position where you’re actually affected by illigal immigration or Islam or actually had your life ruined based solely on an accusation before you say something about any of it. You say things like “it’s the Christian thing.” Especially in regards to open borders. No, the Christian thing would be you bringing illegals into YOUR home not forcing John Q Random Guy to suffer and sacrifice to assuage your imaginary guilt. In the end your actions are purely selfish and inconsiderate.

",1539446780,13/10/2018 16:06 9494337,4143495458,"

I can answer that Q for Mr. Maher: govt. assistance & easy govt. jobs with lots of benefits and guaranteed lifetime employment. So many folks who vote Democrat know many of these people they vote for are crazy or have first-world-destroying policies and ideas. But they hold their nose and vote for them anyway because they are so hooked on government. They believe these crazies will always ensure they get their free stuff, easy jobs, or both (until, of course, as Margaret Thatcher famously said: they run out of other people’s money---and their nation becomes a third-world hell-hole).

Cocaine, oxycontin, heroin, Quaaludes, meth, butane hash, etc. can’t hold a candle to government aid.

",1539450321,13/10/2018 17:05 9494337,4143536353,"

Fresh QAnon MEMEs SlideShow (with good music)

",1539452232,13/10/2018 17:37 9492191,4143554286,

QAnon!! MAGA!

,1539453101,13/10/2018 17:51 9494337,4143556056,"

Lock them up without proof! L G B T QAnon touched a little girl in the candy store. I saw it. And I have four witnesses that will NOT back me up but so what? The above poster agrees that her word should be believed, no matter what. So time to lock up L G B T QAnon, due process be damned!


",1539453186,13/10/2018 17:53 9494337,4143557189,"

I agree. If LGBT QAnon had any decency, he would delete his account due to the severity of the accusations.

",1539453241,13/10/2018 17:54 9492191,4143614395,

Patriots are going to win.
Socialists and democrats will lose.

This message brought to you by the number 17 and the letter Q.................

,1539456002,13/10/2018 18:40 9489442,4143640473,"

How dare you talk like that. That is catagorically UnAmerican and totally insane. Putin laughs everytime he reads a comment like yours. You are playing right into Putins hands.
Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of Oracle Q conspiracy fanatics to make blood in the streets. Not in my America!!
Shame on you that the hatred for your brothers & sisters is bigger than your love of America. You don't own patriotism.
Democrats are not your enemy. We're actually on the same team. Its called America.

",1539457393,13/10/2018 19:03 9489442,4143648268,"

Why are you trying to incite war?Democrats do not want to put their hands on anyone's throat/mouth. That's Kavanaughs thing, not us.
How dare you talk about War. That is catagorically UnAmerican and totally insane. Putin laughs everytime he reads a comment like yours. You are playing right into Putins hands.
Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of Oracle Q conspiracy fanatics to make blood in the streets. Not in my America!!
Shame on you that the hatred for your brothers & sisters is bigger than your love of America. You don't own patriotism.
Democrats are not your enemy. We're actually on the same team. Its called America.
Stop being so bloodthirsty. Please activate your critical thinking. Your idea is dangerous for America.

",1539457861,13/10/2018 19:11 9489442,4143663141,"

Oh Mike, you've got it bad. You've been ear-poisoned. Democrats condemn deliberate cruelty and violence. It defies logic to say both Antifa & the KKK belong to Democrats when neither group is part of the Democrats. Thats just utter nonsense. Maybe you should lay off the Oracle Q conspiracy theories because it doesn't make the Right look any smarter, and its making you confused & paranoid.
Please stop spreading disinformation.

",1539458726,13/10/2018 19:25 9491257,4143677063,"

People need to read Q post #19 from 2017. Q spells it all out perfectly.

",1539459533,13/10/2018 19:38 9491167,4143705676,

The stupid rich Dimms spent 38 million on betto las Q and out spent Cruze 3 to one. Still looks bad for creepy betto.
Oh I hear he only took money from small donors. Dimm/Marxist love the LIE.

,1539461230,13/10/2018 20:07 9492191,4143762948,"

To quote Q, "" the ones who make the loudest noise, have the most to lose""

",1539464785,13/10/2018 21:06 9495846,4143947455,"

when? all the Q people seem to think ""any day now"". i'm not so sure. i don't think sessions is bad, he is tough on immigration, but i dont think he's that good either

",1539478900,14/10/2018 01:01 9495846,4143948507,

You listen to too much Q.

Q will be forever silent when Sessions is finally gone.

,1539478991,14/10/2018 01:03 9495846,4143958388,"

The things that Q and Alex Jones tells you aren't facts, sweetie.

",1539479837,14/10/2018 01:17 9495334,4144001788,"

Well, what I am talking about are big well documented lies about Democrats at every rally. There are no Democrats who want open borders or MS 13!
And please, give me a break. The Right are completely immune to truth & facts ever since so many have been infected by The Oracle Q conspiracy theories. Conservatives seem to prefer the phony BS. So clean up your own house before you criticize ours.

",1539483716,14/10/2018 02:21 9494337,4144027608,"

uh oh, did the narrative shift reach Maher? Jew idiot. Q predicted

",1539486172,14/10/2018 03:02 9495334,4144110876,"

Look MagaT, we know what honest looks like, Trump is not it. Trump lies.

Democrats are not evil.
Democrats don't want open borders or MS13.

The Right are the ones who are so entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories that they no longer can tell the difference between truth and lies. Many of your peers are furiously decoding Q as you read this. So, until you guys stop paying so much attention to phony BS, stop telling us what we do or don't know.

",1539494452,14/10/2018 05:20 9496086,4144184945,

I think it's really cute that a brand new progressive troll puts Qanon in it's screen name. lol @ u

,1539501633,14/10/2018 07:20 9490786,4144201204,

Another whose bust size number are larger than her I Q number!

,1539503141,14/10/2018 07:45 9492191,4144305894,"

Hey, Red Shoes. Have you been eavesdropping on Q?

",1539511301,14/10/2018 10:01 9495334,4144342237,"

LMAO, I don't read Q or anything else, and live in a blue state, I see your kind all the time. When November comes all of you will lose. As far as open borders you don't want the wall, you support open borders period, and yes you support MS13 and every little group the pushes fake resistance also, especially Antifa. Have with your battle with Q folks.

",1539513768,14/10/2018 10:42 9496086,4144450173,"

------- Its no longer the "" Entertainment "" biz ..... it has been weaponized for Mass Mind Control , to keep the population docile and distracted.

Their symbols will be their downfall ; Q - Anon

",1539519961,14/10/2018 12:26 9496198,4144450971,"

I hope we do? Q say's we do? Soon hopeful, we get what Q say's?

",1539520003,14/10/2018 12:26 9497478,4144619314,

One of the papers you sign when you apply for a mortgage is a document that says that :

John Quincy Public is the same as

J.Q. Public
J. Public
John Public
J. Quincy Public
John Q. Public

and any other variation you can think of.

Should ee do the same for something as simple as voter registration? Seems like a lot of government for no gain.

,1539528033,14/10/2018 14:40 9497886,4144806330,

Who is Q?

,1539536283,14/10/2018 16:58 9497886,4144807761,"

",1539536348,14/10/2018 16:59 9497886,4144810753,"

",1539536477,14/10/2018 17:01 9497886,4144825646,"

Prove it yourself, IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS. Q doesn't tell people anything. Q makes YOU search to remove your own astounding ignorance, Dick.

Or how bout this, how about you DISPROVE it. Good luck! Bawahahaha

",1539537143,14/10/2018 17:12 9497886,4144835692,"

Been there done that, and I published the results/conclusion of my research. That is why I know that there is no Q insider.

",1539537591,14/10/2018 17:19 9497886,4144838433,

Poor Soros bot trying to push his agenda.

The liberal media exposed themselves a couple months back as being part of the Q plot. When some paid person stood in front of Trump in a rally with a Q sign. Then a hour later they all had news stories saying Trump supporters were nuts.

,1539537713,14/10/2018 17:21 9497886,4144838808,"

It's here:

",1539537730,14/10/2018 17:22 9497886,4144840378,"


Q Phenomenon Synopsis

Locate a valid source of Q releases.
Identify Q sub-interpretations of Q predictions where the prediction is not easily recognizable, noting the date and time of release.
Identify & Isolate all Q releases where predictions are being inferred, noting the date and time of release.
Identify all Q releases where time line markers (photos, activity releases, ...), noting the date and time of release.
Compare the date and time of the Q predictions and time line markers, to the earliest public release of corresponding information.

Five of the Q predictions, beginning with the first two that were released were entirely wrong. It is also worth noting that the release of information from Q change change dramatically in style and frequency after the first two predictions. Initially, predictions were presented directly, and then morphed into quatrains and questions that appeared to be someones attempt at implementing the Socratic method.

After comparing more than 18 Q date and time references to publicly available information sources, every instance of information released by Q occurred after the similar information was made publicly available elsewhere.

The person behind Q has better than average researching skills. It is very likely that they have access to a data search tool similar to Shodan or LexisNexis. These Internet of Things search tools are commonly used by reporters, youtubers, private investigators, and others. While many of the Q predictions have been completely wrong, Q has shown a keen awareness for being to engage people using interactive interface, that minimizes the low accuracy and low precision of his information releases, by compensating with intrigue.

Change Log:
10022018 - Updated the number of failed Q predictions.

",1539537799,14/10/2018 17:23 9497886,4144843196,"

Maybe, there's certainly plenty of shills trying to imitate Q Anon followers for various reasons.

",1539537922,14/10/2018 17:25 9491709,4144859167,"

Isn't it? Lump her in with Huma Abedien and Linda Sasour, Clooney should be so proud.

Yet, voices who speak up against extremism, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Q. Nomani are ostracized and even threatened. The Dems, who claim they are feminists, do nothing:

",1539538651,14/10/2018 17:37 9497886,4144910444,

well i don't have q clearance...but i'd start with identifying the problem then sending a spook in to shoot it in the head.

,1539540942,14/10/2018 18:15 9489961,4144922555,"

Sii, please lay off the kooky Oracle Q conspiracy theories. I know you've been waiting since last Nov.3rd, but that's because you believe in phony BS. Neither Clinton or Obama are under investigation, regardless of what the Oracle Q says. That is pure fantasy land. Get a grip.

It is Trump circle who are now indicted, some in jail, and there is more to come. Look at what's right in front of you.
Please read at least June 2016, sorry about source but timeline format is good. All info from Muellers July Indictment...


",1539541485,14/10/2018 18:24 9498946,4144982377,"

Why is she STILL not in jail again? I thought Q said, ""BOOM, here comes the pain and 91K sealed indictments were going to drop any day now! The Storm is here!!"" That was like 2 years ago now. 2 years and ZERO arrests later, here we are. In the exact same position we were in. That Storm was weak af!

",1539544231,14/10/2018 19:10 9497226,4145008077,"

Actually, Christ Himself gave the authority to govern His Church to his Apostles, headed by Peter, from which are descended our Bishops.

Korah rebelled in the same way you do, by challenging Moses and Aaron by saying no Israelite should have any more authority than anyone else.

Korah and those affiliates with him fell into a pit that opened up under them, proving him wrong; Protestants are falling into a pit of moral relativism and theological indiferentism...where the truth of belief A, or denomination Q, rests largely upon our own personal opinions and preferences.

Breitbart created the headline, and you hold Francis responsible. Francis didn't ""make"" any Saints, he recognised them.

To become a Saint miracles are involved...hardly something he can pull off himself.

",1539545283,14/10/2018 19:28 9490252,4145056835,"

My dad used to have a Q & A saying for that:

Q: ""Do you know what the difference between a Socialist and a Communist is?""

A: ""The Communist has a gun pointed at you.""

",1539547802,14/10/2018 20:10 9498946,4145064905,"

For what, dunce? Something Q told you? Bwhahahahahaha what an idiot.

",1539548245,14/10/2018 20:17 9498946,4145069891,

who's Q???

,1539548518,14/10/2018 20:21 9498946,4145122937,"


Q Phenomenon Synopsis

Locate a valid source of Q releases.
Identify Q sub-interpretations of Q predictions where the prediction is not easily recognizable, noting the date and time of release.
Identify & Isolate all Q releases where predictions are being inferred, noting the date and time of release.
Identify all Q releases where time line markers (photos, activity releases, ...), noting the date and time of release.
Compare the date and time of the Q predictions and time line markers, to the earliest public release of corresponding information.

Five of the Q predictions, beginning with the first two that were released were entirely wrong. It is also worth noting that the release of information from Q change change dramatically in style and frequency after the first two predictions. Initially, predictions were presented directly, and then morphed into quatrains and questions that appeared to be someones attempt at implementing the Socratic method.

After comparing more than 18 Q date and time references to publicly available information sources, every instance of information released by Q occurred after the similar information was made publicly available elsewhere.

The person behind Q has better than average researching skills. It is very likely that they have access to a data search tool similar to Shodan or LexisNexis. These Internet of Things search tools are commonly used by reporters, youtubers, private investigators, and others. While many of the Q predictions have been completely wrong, Q has shown a keen awareness for being to engage people using interactive interface, that minimizes the low accuracy and low precision of his information releases, by compensating with intrigue.

Change Log:
10022018 - Updated the number of failed Q predictions.

",1539551733,14/10/2018 21:15 9499142,4145166149,"

Finally more Americans understand that the demoncrats are out to destroy America. Thank the Lord, Q and The Donald

",1539554824,14/10/2018 22:07 9499778,4145420284,"

Notice to Q followers, is being blocked on Firefox and google but can be reached using Brave Browser

",1539576293,15/10/2018 04:04 9499778,4145423978,"

It is starting deepstate is attacking

",1539576634,15/10/2018 04:10 9499778,4145427285,"

It can be reached using Brave Browser,it is blocked on google,chrome and Firefox,nothing deceptive about the site,they just don't want you to know what Q says.

",1539576941,15/10/2018 04:15 9499778,4145428092,"

deepstate is attacking

",1539577012,15/10/2018 04:16 9499778,4145429055,"

If Q is a larp,why is google blocking it.

",1539577092,15/10/2018 04:18 9499778,4145433817,"

Google is blocking

",1539577504,15/10/2018 04:25 9499778,4145437210,

Soros and Google are blocking Qanon

,1539577790,15/10/2018 04:29 9499426,4145553518,

Trust the plan Q Displays like this are necessary to expose the deep state and motivations of leftist fools. Useful idiots are cowards and patriots are armed what do you think will happen in the end. Enjoy the show

,1539588190,15/10/2018 07:23 9498394,4145555204,

Prop Biden up for primaries Then we will expose this pedophile Q anon

,1539588313,15/10/2018 07:25 9499142,4145752019,"

TOO LATE, We already know... As Q states so well and often: You people are STUPID!

",1539599677,15/10/2018 10:34 9501918,4145979323,

If Q is is only a matter of time before HRC goes on trial for her life of freedom and extravagance...

,1539608744,15/10/2018 13:05 9503550,4146386631,"

Sounds like a conspiracy. Let’s get the word from Q first, though.

",1539622316,15/10/2018 16:51 9502574,4146443828,"

Oh right, because everything is now a conspiracy? Suddenly, the Right sees poltergeists in every dark corner,. Thanks Oracle Q, conservatives are now more paranoid and ill-informed than ever!

",1539624295,15/10/2018 17:24 110804,4146451271,"

Just today, a liberal lunatic on Twitter offered a meme citing a 1968 People magazine interview in which Trump supposedly said, ""If I ever run, I will run as a Republican because they're stupid enough to believe anything."" (paraphrasing) Although I sent the moron four links to fact-checks claiming it is ""false"", he still didn't believe me. Qanon is right. Those people are stupid.

",1539624550,15/10/2018 17:29 9502566,4146664590,"

Harvard to applicant -- So you have a 180 IQ and can recite Pi to 200 decimal places. You're a person of color: we want to see how your Basketball Q is. Let's hear you make up a ""rap"" (Rap Q).

",1539632909,15/10/2018 19:48 9500726,4146729371,

QAnon said the meeting with the Russians was to discuss adoptions.

,1539636240,15/10/2018 20:44 9488173,4146745137,"

None of what you claim happened. What started it all was a DEMOCR*T, Jimmy Carter. I know. I was there and saw it all, researched it all , reported it all. OF COURSE the loans were repackaged - I mentioned that before - as subprime loans. And do you know why ""flippers"" were involved? It's because the loans that were made to people who could not afford them went into default. And speculators bought them, fixed them up and re-sold them, creating new notes. Banks were grateful for many speculators because it was a way to minimize the loss of money. You know - their depositor's money? If someone hadn't done that, then the American people would have ended up bailing everyone out pretty much ALL AT ONCE, which would have collapsed the system. If you are blaming the Republicans for not allowing the economy to collapse then, then once again, as a Liberal, you are short-sighted and are not thinking it all the way through. Because of a stupid Democr*t policy, we all had to make the best of a very bad situation. Stringing it out was the only way to diffuse a very bad policy so that it could finally be stopped. But every Democr*t congress continues to send bills like this. Either they don't know how to learn, or they don't care. As Q would say: ""These are very stupid people.""

",1539637042,15/10/2018 20:57 9505486,4146760186,

Drain the Swamp❌QAnon🇺🇸🇺🇸‏ @ItsAngryBob

THIS JUST IN:Michael Avenatti DNA results show he is 97.5% Creepy Porn Lawyer.

,1539637824,15/10/2018 21:10 9500726,4146852290,"

I’m not aware of ANYONE serious who is suggesting Trump and Putin hacked the vote totals. I believe the vote totals are correct. The question is whether or not the Trump campaign broke the law in getting assistance during the campaign itself, and whether Trump obstructed justice to cover it up.

I agree that Don Jr., Jared, and Manafort’s meeting with Russian intelligence about Hillary dirt and sanctions relief is not enough to convict them, but it IS pretty strong evidence. Just like the false statement about the meeting Trump dictated, and firing Comey over ‘the Russia stuff’, isn’t enough on its own to convict Trump of obstruction - it’s just great evidence.

The thing is, Mueller knows stuff we don’t. And I’m not talking QAnon conspiracy crap, I kept it to stuff on the public record. Sleep well, friend. Everything is going to work out great. The truth wins out.

",1539642825,15/10/2018 22:33 9505450,4146874988,

The test pattern had a higher Q rating though.

,1539644057,15/10/2018 22:54 9502770,4146912186,

Rothschild fails badly with Hitler's daughter. Read Q.

,1539646086,15/10/2018 23:28 9506382,4146986181,"

23andMe has been mentioned in the Q drops (#1167) as a bad entity. Anne Wojcicki is Google founder Sergei Brin's ex-wife and she is also co-founder of 23andMe. They are into some interesting stuff regarding the collection of DNA on Americans and others around the world.

From Wikipedia; ""The company was founded by Linda Avey, Paul Cusenza and Anne Wojcicki in 2006 to provide genetic testing and interpretation to individual consumers. In 2007, Google invested US$3,900,000 in the company, along with Genentech, New Enterprise Associates, and Mohr Davidow Ventures. Wojcicki was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin at the time.""

Additionally, Wojcicki's sister Susan is CEO of Youtube after working as a high ranking executive at Google.

This all leads to one big tepee full of BS from the Warren tribe.

",1539650315,16/10/2018 00:38 9506666,4147101813,"

No G, I am much more clear headed than your peers who are furiously decoding the Oracle Q. Trump said all these things, and they are lies.
He'll say them again at the next rally too.

",1539658854,16/10/2018 03:00 9502770,4147240054,

The Q who said BK would win the vote 53-47.

,1539669709,16/10/2018 06:01 9507274,4147289566,

And 100% Q U E E R.

,1539673445,16/10/2018 07:04 9505070,4147428666,"

It is amazing isn't it, at how impatient people are. These things didn't foment over night, and will not be taken out in a short period of time. Years of corruption cannot be destroyed in a short timeline. Q is exactly right.

",1539681865,16/10/2018 09:24 9504770,4147518834,"

Second laws of thermodynamics, no process is perfectly efficient.

Meanwhile Breitbart, Daily Wire, Steven Crowder, Molyneux, Qanon, Patriot Prayer, Mark Dice, etc continue to grow audiences in the millions now as a second wave to the Levin/Rush conservative crowd.

Google and Facebook (funded by Palantir (funded by CIA)) are now hard blocking conservative pages and addresses with warning splash pages. DuckDuckGo has seen some impressive traffic growth.

They're losing the narrative. It's costing more money. The price goes up everyday just to lose ground.

It's kind of like saying you own the taxi, the conservatives pay you cab fair, but the cost of maintaining the taxi grows higher every day while the conservative is using his wages to build his own taxi.

",1539686334,16/10/2018 10:38 9505070,4147553378,

I think Q is disinfo. Be careful of getting played.

,1539687865,16/10/2018 11:04 9505518,4147559346,

Got news...and this is fact from the Qanon's....Fed Reserve going down! We're going back on a more stable currency backed by gold or silver.

,1539688111,16/10/2018 11:08 9503326,4147643493,"

They are and have always been a collectivist society. If I had been the writer who came up with the idea of The Borg for Star Trek the Next Generation - I would have used them as the quintessential ideal - model - for a society where individuality was not only verboten but a deadly thing ""to even think about"".

The laziness comes from two sources I would hazard to guess - first all true creative thinking is discouraged because true creative thinking means you have to seriously question things, doubt lies and not be willing to submit to a totalitarian paradigm deliberately designed to discourage all of the aforementioned - so they tend to need to steal ideas, copy them because their own culture is so anti-freedom, so anti-creativity - and thus a barren wasteland for new thinking that - might - and ultimately would - threaten the status quo.

Secondly, if you couple the above attitudes and the cavalier, lack of respect for human rights and individuality that by default have become part of the Chinese cultures DNA - which must be enforced in the most draconian of fashion lest freedom raise its dangerous to Communism head

- it becomes easy to see how world dominance is the Chinese endgame and stealing - well - if you are willing to murder millions of your own people - what's a little thing like stealing if it means you don't have to invent or create but let others more industrious (and honest) do the heavy lifting?

Basically - the Chinese are parasites feasting off the bodies of the rest of the world - a monolithic monstrous nation state that wants only to absorb all within its purview, power and absolute domination.

They are literally our mortal enemies and any one who does not recognize them and deal with them as such - is so stupid they deserve to get stabbed in the back by the Chinese - and by dying and eliminating their genes for dumb - will help improve the I. Q. gene pool.

",1539691440,16/10/2018 12:04 9465223,4147685183,"

It is perfectly natural and was to be expected that Google should get into bed with the Communist Chinese - after all Google is about total control of everything - and everyone. The ""wise"" men and women at Google decide that they don't like a cultural change like nationalism - so, they make up their minds - hatch their black hearted plans to make sure that it is only a ""temporary blip"" on the electrocardiogram of humanity. They take it as a foregone conclusion that it is incumbent upon them as members of the globalist elite to make sure that they kill it, stamp it out nationalism - once and for all - before it gets out of hand and out of their ability to destroy it and ""make it better.

Google like the Communist Chinese are both personifications of evil and dedicated to undermining individual freedom and displacing it with their Borg like, collectivist, politically correct totalitarian/Marxist ideologies.

The Chinese can be excused a bit for having this proclivity; after all

They are and have always been a collectivist society with no interruption whatsoever for over 5,000 years.

If I had been the writer who came up with the idea of The Borg for Star Trek the Next Generation - I would have used them as the quintessential ideal - model - for a society where individuality was not only verboten but a deadly thing ""to even think about"".

They are also lazy - which comes from two sources I would hazard to guess

- first, all true creative thinking is discouraged because true creative thinking means you have to seriously question things, doubt lies and not be willing to submit to a totalitarian paradigm deliberately designed to discourage all of the aforementioned - so they tend to need to steal ideas, copy them because their own culture is so anti-freedom, so anti-creativity - and thus a barren wasteland for new thinking; new thinking - TRULY revolutionary freedom based thinking - that ultimately would - not may - threaten their dictatorial, vicious, heartless status quo.

Secondly, if you couple the above attitudes and the cavalier, lack of respect for human rights and individuality that by default have become part of the Chinese culture's DNA - which must be enforced in the most draconian of fashion lest freedom raise its dangerous to Communism head

- it becomes easy to see how world dominance is the Chinese endgame and stealing - well - if you are willing to murder millions of your own people - what's a little thing like stealing if it means you don't have to invent or create but let others more industrious (and honest) do the heavy lifting?

Basically - the Chinese are parasites feasting off the bodies of the rest of the world - a monolithic monstrous nation state that wants only to absorb and subjugate all within its purview and within view that are still free of them - into, and make them submit to their totalitarian power and absolute domination.

They are literally our mortal enemies and any one who does not recognize them and deal with them as such - is so stupid they deserve to get stabbed in the back by the Chinese - and by dying and eliminating their genes for dumb - will undoubtedly help improve the human race's I. Q. gene pool.

",1539692838,16/10/2018 12:27 9507274,4147822907,"

It is bizarre that she/they thought this would be a vindication of her claim.
It is in fact proof of her lies.

As Q says ""These people are stupid.""

I never thought they were this stupid.

",1539697655,16/10/2018 13:47 9507274,4147913836,

why is Q taking the stage??

its everywhere all of the sudden..

,1539700714,16/10/2018 14:38 9507274,4147925320,"

Q is a high level security clearance
Q is the shape of jfk grave site
Q is the forebear of info

but who is Q?!!!

",1539701083,16/10/2018 14:44 9510774,4147928020,"

Q is a high level security clearance
Q is the shape of jfk grave site
Q is the forebear of info

but who is Q?

",1539701168,16/10/2018 14:46 9507274,4147928986,"

Wasn’t Q a hood-rat, in a black movie with Tupac?

",1539701198,16/10/2018 14:46 9509446,4147929738,"

Attn: Soros Trolls. Your heroes are falling fast.

the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Thanks to Q for the compilation.

",1539701223,16/10/2018 14:47 9510774,4147934103,

does anyone know about this Q thing?

,1539701365,16/10/2018 14:49 9499886,4147945902,"

LOL, they are pulling these things off Qanon. WWG1WGA.

",1539701749,16/10/2018 14:55 9510774,4147947848,

Isn’t Q the dude who used to give James Bond his assignments?

,1539701814,16/10/2018 14:56 9510822,4148021627,

You think this was what Q was referencing all those months ago? Another Q proof?

,1539704223,16/10/2018 15:37 9499886,4148058375,"

Typical conspiracy-riddled comment. Obviously, you've spent so much time decoding the Oracle Q, you think you live in fantasyland where there are NPC's walking around giving typical reactions. Give me a break.

",1539705465,16/10/2018 15:57 9507082,4148139533,

I love the wisdom of your saying. And what you see happening with the people of America is
#TheGreatAwakening. I think I see it happening in Europe as well. I see many Europeans taking part in the #QANON movement . The moto of which is Where We Go One We Go All or

,1539708266,16/10/2018 16:44 9499886,4148156970,"

You would not know the truth if it kissed you on the mouth. While many of your peers are furiously decoding the Oracle Q, you are not allowed to say the Left are repeating PROPOGANDA. You just can't. That argument is temporarily unavailable to you since so many of your co-patriots prefer a phony, propoganda-driven conspiracy fantasyland to the real world. This tactic no longer flies.

",1539708890,16/10/2018 16:54 9505726,4148255820,

curious why no Q posts in a week...anybody got a finger on that?

,1539712540,16/10/2018 17:55 9511470,4148284159,"

I don't understand why Q for Queer, is part of their acronym, since they consider ""queer"" to be a derogatory term. Leave it to leftists to be totally illogical.

",1539713721,16/10/2018 18:15 9511730,4148368130,"

Guilty, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson has pleaded the 5th after subpoenaed
10/16/2018 0 Comments

​ Washington Examiner Reports:The co-founder of opposition research firm Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson pleaded the Fifth Amendment on Tuesday to House Republicans who were seeking his testimony on the role his company played in creating an investigation into Donald Trump's presidential campaign. “Mr. Simpson has proudly stood today on his constitutional privileges not to testify,” Simpson’s lawyer, Joshua Levy, told reporters Tuesday after his client asserted his constitutional right against self-incrimination. ""The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed Mr. Simpson to appear today for testimony, and this committee has shown no interest that Russia interfered in the 2016 election,"" Levy added. He said the committee has ""destroyed the reputation and careers of prosecutors and agents.""
These agents of the Deep State really don't seem to understand when they plead the 5th after being subpoenaed, it only shows how they just confirmed they are absolutely guilty. We officially now have the first person involved in the Fusion GPS unverified report and involvement in the illegal use of FISA by Obama and others to spy on Trump, has now basically confirmed being guilty by being unwilling to talk by way of pleading the 5th.
Will those connected to the Deep State and the Obama illegal spy ring through FISA start pleading the 5th in mass, as Glenn Simpson is now officially unwilling to talk after being subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee? Q has said we could see suicides, but we should probably add that we will see multiple individuals connected to Obama's FISA spy ring or the Obama/Clinton network in general pleading the 5th. These people are nervous and scared. Then again Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson could of been threatened not to talk.

",1539717331,16/10/2018 19:15 9511970,4148425816,"

Yup, same old Enemy, whether they call themselves the Weathermen/OWies/Klantifa/BLM/LARAZA or whatevah, same old terrorists rioting/assaulting Society while cops stand down...
Thing is, America is coming back in style, we are going to defend our Society. Under the previous Administration terrorisms/thugisms were encouraged and supported, that was part of the plan to deconstruct America. American cities were burned, Ferguson or Baltimore, Berkeley and others. Cops were stalked and shot, while mayors and LE syood down and watched the destructions.

So ok, Patriots got this now, if LE still refuses to do it's sworn duty to protect Society and enforce the Law, then ok, Patriots got this. We need to seriously disband/disarm/retrain those LE agencies who so defaulted on their duties.

It has been a long term build on that paradigm of destructions, the left grew ever more violent and ridiculous, now they don't know how many genders they count among themselves or which restroom to use. They don't know how to be a part of Society...because cops and city government has long allowed them to encroach in the name of PC-Think.
But we are going to have the Rule of Law going forwards people, everyone just Stand Up for Society, for Law, for Yourselves, every time it's needed.
Just as it was needed there in NY.



",1539720295,16/10/2018 20:04 9510966,4148473619,

Graham has been briefed Q ?

,1539722989,16/10/2018 20:49 9510718,4148527520,"

According to Q, the big financial houses in Europe will not let Britain go. The talks have broken down. Where we go from here is anyone's guess. But it does mean one thing. There will be no Brexit. It will be in name only, as things stand.

",1539726043,16/10/2018 21:40 9510718,4148554825,"

According to Q, there is no Brexit. The European financial houses ( whatever that means ) will not let Britain go. This was decided long ago. The talks have broken down so it's all just fluff now. All the politicians have been given their orders. It's Brexit In Name Only. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old one. Just as we have been saying for 2 years. Rothschild runs the EU. Theresa May got the job by grovelling to him at the Lord Mayors Ball. The mandate was to keep Britain and the EU entwined. I see no reason that this path has any detours.

",1539727632,16/10/2018 22:07 9511614,4148614637,"

If you read Q posts, then you KNOW that Google is really communist. That started under Eric Schmitt who visited North Korea under Obama.

",1539730951,16/10/2018 23:02 9512642,4148618682,

Look it's the liberal Q pusher

,1539731188,16/10/2018 23:06 9511786,4148632902,"

I tried a guy who creates Q vids. That's what's down. I've tried other people, and Youtube is working. Go figure.

",1539731935,16/10/2018 23:18 9511786,4148717265,

Some guy on Q is saying the red alerts are going off in Israel. Rocket has hit residential neighborhood. Supposedly.

,1539734765,17/10/2018 00:06 9511786,4148758589,

Maybe @SlapLeather. It might be a Q thing.

,1539736215,17/10/2018 00:30 9514962,4148761379,

Qanon broke YouTube tonight.

,1539736319,17/10/2018 00:31 9512606,4148786497,"

Oh just stop spreading disinformation about California, commie cops and girls? WTF did you mean? What happened to the law & order party? Why did you replace them with disrespectful, paranoid Oracle Q fanatics?

",1539737494,17/10/2018 00:51 9515230,4148817822,

If Q is wrong about Sessions... (then I will agree with you)

,1539739614,17/10/2018 01:26 9515230,4148819270,

As Q often says... “These people ARE STUPID”

,1539739719,17/10/2018 01:28 9514962,4148916764,"

QAnon - The Music Video

",1539747747,17/10/2018 03:42 9512606,4148981743,"

Uh, hello? We are not the 'WWG1WGA' party who believes in a kooky Oracle named Q. Thats the Republicans, their hive is full of good little worker bees all working for their Queen Bee, Donald Trump.

",1539753043,17/10/2018 05:10 9511786,4149091162,

I didn't know they did games.
I do crosswords and Scrabble but not on the computer.
I get enough eye strain just reading BB etc.
The best thing is DT's rallies on YouTube courtesy of Right Side Broadcasting and the Q stuff is interesting.

,1539761108,17/10/2018 07:25 9512642,4149091445,"

Turkish government sources have said the journalist was killed on October 2 inside the Saudi consulate by a special team of 15 Saudi operatives sent to Istanbul
especially for the assassination, who landed in Istanbul on October 2 in the morning with two private jets and left the same day, late in the afternoon.
Watch video at:
The Times confirmed that at least 9 of the 15 worked for the Saudi security services, military or other government ministries. One of them, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb (recognized by the UK services) worked at Saudi Embassy in London in 2007, and was filmed accompanying the ""Clown"" prince bin Salman on recent trips to Madrid and Paris. He was also photographed during bin Salman's visits in the United States to Houston, Boston and at the United Nations.
Another ""traveler"", Khalid Aedh Alotaibi, who appears on a list provided by Turkish officials of 15 Saudis, accompanied the Saudi delegation in Washington, as his passport records show. The Turkish officials provided passport scans for seven members of the Saudi squad, and confirm Alotaibi’s travels to Washington.
Alotaibi and eight others identified as suspects by Turkish officials have profiles on MenoM3ay — a phone directory — identifying themselves as members of the Saudi security forces, with some claiming to be members of the Saudi Royal Guard. Two others of the Saudis list, Naif Hassan S. Alarifi and Saif Saad Q. Alqahtani, are identified as employees of the “Crown Prince office.”
Saudi Arabia has made no official statement about the men or said why they may have been in Istanbul on Oct. 2. A report on the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel said the 15 were “tourists”. The only tourist ""attraction"" they visited during their 10 hours stay in Istanbul, was ... the Saudi Arabia Consulate.

",1539761128,17/10/2018 07:25 9510966,4149102574,

Lindsey is woke! Q must be right that mccain got prosecuted n whacked or had major control over graham somehow.

,1539761878,17/10/2018 07:37 9514962,4149145102,

lol more Q nonsense ?

,1539764788,17/10/2018 08:26 9514962,4149192364,"

NEW. Q - WE are the PLAN

",1539767579,17/10/2018 09:12 9513202,4149246242,

i gat Q why TRUMPS is so soft with mexico they are the ones who allow all this crap illegals drugs gangs muslims to come thru filthy mexico put the Army at the border till the walls is complete wtf?

,1539770445,17/10/2018 10:00 9516206,4149310535,

We will soon find out if Q is BS or not........

,1539773367,17/10/2018 10:49 9515882,4149359492,"

If you don't like it I'm sorry, but
I was expecting arguments in
place of all caps one Q.

that's happening to poor whi-
tes because the exclusionary
system, there are no whites
in the media, in the music in-
dustry or in political power.
We're all under different ways
of slavery and we deserve
been considered with the sa-
me legal guarantees than

Deport the Jews first. Then will

",1539775640,17/10/2018 11:27 9511786,4149409014,"

WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED BY GENDER. DIVIDED by RACE. DIVIDED by RELIGION. UNITED WE ARE STRONG. Research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself.

",1539777856,17/10/2018 12:04 9516206,4149423187,"

If you follow BB, then you should have seen all the post many of us have posted over the last year with the links. Start with this: The last time I was on them, they worked. Richard is another one on here that has information.

Sealed indictments by state:

",1539778398,17/10/2018 12:13 9512642,4149431259,"

""the Saudi leader with zero evidence""

On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence!
The Turkish government sources have said the journalist was killed on October 2 inside the Saudi consulate by a special team of 15 Saudi operatives sent to Istanbul especially for the assassination, who landed in Istanbul on October 2 in the morning with two private jets and left the same day, late in the afternoon.
Watch the video at:
The Times of London confirmed that at least 9 of the 15 worked for the Saudi
security services, military or other government ministries. One of them,
Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb (recognized by the UK services) worked at Saudi
Embassy in London in 2007, and was filmed accompanying the ""Clown""
prince bin Salman on recent trips to Madrid and Paris. He was also photographed during bin Salman's visits in the United States to Houston, Boston and at the United Nations.
Another ""traveler"", Khalid Aedh Alotaibi, who appears on a list provided by Turkish officials of 15 Saudis, accompanied the Saudi delegation in Washington, as his passport records show. The Turkish officials provided passport scans for seven members of the Saudi squad, and confirm Alotaibi’s travels to Washington.
Alotaibi and eight others identified as suspects by Turkish officials have profiles on MenoM3ay — a phone directory — identifying themselves as members of the Saudi security forces, with some claiming to be members of the Saudi Royal Guard. Two others of the Saudis list, Naif Hassan S. Alarifi and Saif Saad Q. Alqahtani, are identified as employees of the “Crown Prince office.”
Saudi Arabia has made no official statement about the men or said why they may have been in Istanbul on Oct. 2.

A report on the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel said the 15 were “tourists”. The only tourist ""attractions"" they visited during their 10 hours stay in Istanbul, were ... the residence of the Saudi Consul and the Saudi Arabia Consulate.

",1539778705,17/10/2018 12:18 9513902,4149536916,

Anyone know what happened to Q?

,1539782639,17/10/2018 13:23 9513902,4149537380,"

Is Flynn, Q?

",1539782657,17/10/2018 13:24 9513902,4149543901,"

Who can say? People speculate that since Trump is hot on the campaign trail, Q must be ""at"" his side, wink wink.

",1539782910,17/10/2018 13:28 9515882,4149556942,"

I would change that just so slightly. I would say that the citizenship of the child is that of the mother. It's obvious who the mother is when the child is born, but not always so for the father. The mother can point to anyone and it takes months and months to get a DNA test to prove it. In the mean time, Joe Q. Taxpayer is already paying for that baby based on a likely lie by the mother. So, whatever she is, the baby is. The other thing too is NO MORE dual citizenship. You're either American or you're not. Ya listening, Kimberly Guilfoyle?

",1539783394,17/10/2018 13:36 9517910,4149564802,

You mean Q?

,1539783672,17/10/2018 13:41 9517930,4149567024,

The average John Q voter is an uninformed idiot. That's how this happens.

,1539783752,17/10/2018 13:42 9512642,4149633066,"

Read my post below. There is plenty of evidence that the criminal squad sent to Istanbul was on Salman's pay and order.

""The Times of London confirmed that at least 9 of the 15 worked for the Saudi security services, military or other government ministries. One of them, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb (recognized by the UK services) worked at Saudi Embassy in London in 2007, and was filmed accompanying the ""Crown""prince bin Salman on recent trips to Madrid and Paris. He was also photographed during bin Salman's visits in the United States to Houston, Boston and at the United Nations.
Another ""traveler"", Khalid Aedh Alotaibi, who appears on a list provided by Turkish officials of 15 Saudis, accompanied the Saudi delegation in Washington, as his passport records show. The Turkish officials provided passport scans for seven members of the Saudi squad, and confirm Alotaibi’s travels to Washington.
Alotaibi and eight others identified as suspects by Turkish officials have profiles on MenoM3ay — a phone directory — identifying themselves as members of the Saudi security forces, with some claiming to be members of the Saudi Royal Guard. Two others of the Saudis list, Naif Hassan S. Alarifi and Saif Saad Q. Alqahtani, are identified as employees of the “Crown Prince office.”

",1539785900,17/10/2018 14:18 9517770,4149687931,"

So Trump attacks another woman (not physically, for once), calls her a racist nickname, gets shamed by her when she proves she has Native American ancestry, refuses to pay the $1,000,000 he bet her she couldn't prove it (surprise! Trump welches on bets!), then you imbeciles dance around like first graders on a sugar high at a birthday party, yelling ""She lost, she'll never be president!""

Just another day in your Jim Jones cult, I guess.

But enjoy the idiot parade you're in it, because a hard rain's going to fall on November 6th and wash you into the political sewer where you belong.

You'll find the Tea Party and Pepe and Qanon down there already to keep you company.

",1539787808,17/10/2018 14:50 9518666,4150100401,"

My dad told me that, back in the 50s, Q behaviors were just unacceptable and that bestiality was unheard of.
TODAY, bestiality is much more frequently heard of, and, in a couple of years, it will be totally accepted by the liberals, also by the entire Democrat Party.
These very sick people are clearly reverting all the way back to pre-Neanderthal times.

To the kennels and zoos - ALL of them!

",1539802541,17/10/2018 18:55 9518422,4150143106,

Doesn't sound like what a girl would say?? More like a tranny or Q.

,1539804417,17/10/2018 19:26 9521250,4150206942,

What other Q conspiracies do you subscribe to?

,1539807510,17/10/2018 20:18 9516362,4150242770,

I know more than her about CEMEX and its world-wide locations and involvements from discussions at GLP and insight from Q. GTFO CEMEX! WWG1WGA

,1539809327,17/10/2018 20:48 9512606,4150257375,"

I don't get it, you think I am a Bavarian working out of Russia? Stan, snap out of it. Everything is not a spy story. Conspiracies are not hiding in EVERY dark corner. I'm an American, my opinions is mine alone. I wish I was being paid by Soros but I am not. My comments are free for all.
While I'll acknowledge the creativity on the Right, the phony BS about the Oracle Q is utter nonsense. What happened to the law & order party where they'd actually start believing phony propoganda instead of the facts that are right in front of their face? Every American should care about this... But it seems the Right is still gloating about winning, by hook or by crook, to care about America getting messed with...
Please review at least June 2016. Sorry about the lefty source but the Timeline format is good. All info from Muellers July indictment.


",1539810086,17/10/2018 21:01 9499886,4150300452,"

Thank you for your service, Realize. I appreciate you protecting America.
We all need to find decent discourse again. Its crucial.
It sounds cheesy but America is like an Eagle. It needs both wings to fly. The Right & the Left wings are required. We need to remember that we are actually on the same team. It's called America.

Democrats condemn deliberate violence and cruelty. We do not condone ANY violent tactics. Zero. We don't want any violence, including Antifa. Its the Republicans who are getting all Rambo lately.
Conservatives are bloodthirsty and they are the only ones on the comment boards who talk about another Civil War. The very idea burns me up. How do you guys talk like that? Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of Oracle Q conspiracy fanatics to make blood in the streets. Not in my America! We have to learn from our pasts.

As far as social discourse, I really hear what you are saying. It's rough out there. Trust me, I'm a Liberal on Breitbart. I'm on here to try to make people realize we are people. We're your brothers & sisters. When I realized that Republicans hated Dems so much, I was shocked. Dems don't hate Republicans like that. The Republicans have dehumanized us. You would not believe the name-calling from the Right. Go look at MotherJones, or anothet Lefty site, the discourse is not as disgusting, mean, full of conspiracy-thinking, and tribal.
Just today I've been called a demon, Satan, low life, scum, Libtard, etc.etc.
So, personifying each other would be a good place to start.

Secondly, it'd be nice if you guys cared about America getting messed with...

Please review at least June 2016. Sorry about the lefty source but the Timeline format is good. All info from Muellers July indictment.
Timeline: How Russian agents allegedly hacked the DNC and Clinton’s campaign - The Washington Post

Thanks also for being a great example of decent discourse.

",1539812621,17/10/2018 21:43 9521162,4150395335,

Wrong. He's not a politician. You need to investigate Q and the Great Awakening.

,1539818815,17/10/2018 23:26 9519910,4150476292,"

""We never needed RINOS or the likes of JEB.""

Without the RINOs, you Trumpers would be just a shitstain on the drawers of right wing history.

But you won't have their help after November 6th.

You'll go the way of the Tea Party, Pepe, Qanon, and Milo.

Trumpers DOA on November 6th.

",1539824404,18/10/2018 01:00 9514982,4150524635,"

Your vicious glee at someone's folly is going to come back at bite you someday...thats karma.
Radical Right Rushists like you shouldn't accuse anybody of being mental midgets while many in your party are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies, as you read this. They prefer a fantasyland to real life.
So, maybe you should cool it with your insults until your peers get back in the game from their phony conspiracy-land, o.k ?

",1539828366,18/10/2018 02:06 9516206,4150894090,

By who? QAnon. LOL. Got anything else?

,1539856287,18/10/2018 09:51 9522394,4150905453,"


I thought you'd died--along with Milo and Qanon!

Maybe you did, but you're too dumb to notice.

",1539856880,18/10/2018 10:01 9524778,4151411186,

Look up praying medic on youtube. He explains Q posts rather well.

,1539876231,18/10/2018 15:23 9465901,4151424184,

Anyone know what happened to Q?

,1539876694,18/10/2018 15:31 9524778,4151488924,"

Look up praying medic on youtube. He does a good job explaining Q posts about draining the swamp, MAGA, etc.

",1539879002,18/10/2018 16:10 9524778,4151504573,"

I'm curious about something.

Whatever happened to Rudy Ghouliani?

Did his visa run out, requiring him to go back to his native Transylvania?

Did he finally die from his nocturnal ritual of eating rats in the sewers of NYC?

Did he become so incoherent a ""defender"" of Donnie Fatso that even Donnie Fatso noticed it?

But I'm just spitballing here. Maybe you BBers, with all your inside info culled from Alex Jones and Qanon and Gavin McInnes, can help me out here.

",1539879574,18/10/2018 16:19 9525450,4151669391,

I wanna hear what Q has to say about it

,1539885841,18/10/2018 18:04 9527766,4151832221,"

As I have said all along don't count your chickens until the are hatched, in other words the out come of the 2018 ELECTION./////////////////////////////
The DEMO - RATS have made enemies of many an JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER. /////////////////////////////
This election is the most important election THE US of A has ever had. ///////////
Do we continue the work of POTUS TRUMP, which is numerous, or do we fall back to the ways of the DEMON - RATS.???????????????????/.

",1539893214,18/10/2018 20:06 9527394,4151843080,"

Nancy - - preparation ** H ** Pelosi has lost her ability to sooth the tail end.///////////
She is running scared right now that the DEMON - RATS will lose more seats in the House, which would put her deeper in trouble than before, wicvh will cause JOHN Q.. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER TO DESPISE THE demon - rat PARTY EVEN MORE./

",1539893849,18/10/2018 20:17 9527394,4151844153,"

How dare you. You are no American to suggest war. Our ancestors did not die in far, foreign places, protecting America from battle on her shores, just for a bunch of conspiracy-riddled Oracle Q fanatics to make blood in the streets. Not in my America, MOFO.

You don't own patriotism.

P.s. Democrats do not want to get rid of the 2nd amendment, Einstein.
Less Infowars, MORE INFO!

",1539893912,18/10/2018 20:18 9525498,4151849114,"

Mrs. Feinstein has got a small problem, it is winning the Senate. ///////////////
That little problem will,, if JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN VOTER is discussed enough with the DEMON - RATS, put more REPUBLICANS into office in the SENATE.. /////////

",1539894197,18/10/2018 20:23 9519474,4151866550,"

I can read the economic reports. The economy is booming but government revenues are down, explain that..

You've been had again. They gave most of the money to their masters and threw some chump change at you. Inflation has eaten up the crumbs you were thrown.

Your Avatar says enough. You're a Q follower, do you still believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus?

",1539895123,18/10/2018 20:38 9527394,4151917944,"

Sorry, I don't speak the Oracle Q, what did you say?

",1539898003,18/10/2018 21:26 9519474,4151933319,"

You must be the High Priest of the Q cult. There's one good thing about the Q cult, your numbers are small, the Flat Earth Society has larger numbers.

Why don't you try Pentecostal Snake Handling or the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, the Shakers, they both seem to be dying out (the Shakers didn't believe in procreation) - dumb strategy to keep up the faith.

Q has never been right. Name and cite just five times Q has been right about anything, including the weather. Be sure to give Q's excuses why he was wrong.

How old are you? Still in your late teens early 20s with a limited education? Come on, tell me a little about yourself; your age, your employment status, you marital status, etc., nothing specific.

",1539898911,18/10/2018 21:41 9523742,4152035679,"

Update, still no link provided by this poster. They are starting to call him out on it, on Q board.

",1539905565,18/10/2018 23:32 9526818,4152073617,

Whatever happened to Qanon?

Talk about a stillborn meme!

,1539908131,19/10/2018 00:15 9529978,4152216677,"

Kasich is the horses a$$. He reminds me of the Qs, he doesn't know what he is. Q Kasich. what a piece of work.

",1539919019,19/10/2018 03:16 9529158,4152244345,

I hope these people are arrested Q uickly!

,1539921605,19/10/2018 04:00 9529158,4152275501,"

Just what are you Q-tards going to say when Trump fires Sessions? Q will think of something I'm sure and no matter how absurd the spin is you will swallow it whole, as usual.

",1539925158,19/10/2018 04:59 9529158,4152279844,"

Thats 55,000 filings dummy, they're not all indictments and you haven't a clue who they relate to or for what. Even though Q is wrong more often than not you tards are all staggering drunk on the Qool-Aid and pi$$ing in our pockets.

Hillary, Tony, Huma Arrest - WRONG

HRCVideo release - WRONG

Flynn in 30 - WRONG

Assange free - WRONG

57,000 indictments - WRONG

Military Tribunals - ILLEGAL Millitary Parade - WRONG

Qproofs = Photo Shopped Images and Docs

Session, Mueller White Hats - LIE

",1539925654,19/10/2018 05:07 9529794,4152463808,"

Obama behind Saudi Rift? Obama's former National Security Adviser James Jones works in Saudi Arabia
10/18/2018 0 Comments

Picture Reports: Among the major revelations connected to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of the Saudis is just how resilient and unshakeable relations between the Washington deep state and the Saudi royals actually are. Or rather we should say it has created an atmosphere where ""hidden in plane sight"" truth of America being joined at the hip to one of the Middle East's most brutal autocratic regimes can no longer be ignored by the mainstream, or can no longer be shaded from public view by another David Ignatius puff piece fawning over Saudi ""reformer"" despots.
A new Daily Beast investigation has revealed that Obama's first National Security Adviser, James L. Jones, now works for the Saudis — and despite a growing public movement of Western companies and media organizations to divest and distance themselves from their previous close relationship with the kingdom and events sponsored by crown prince MbS — Jones is refusing to budge. As The Daily Beast concludes in its report, ""It’s another sign of the deep reach of Saudi money into the Washington elite.""
Interesting discovery during this current situation involving Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, as it's now exposed that an Obama administration connection is currently working in Saudi Arabia. This Obama connection to Saudi Arabia is Obama's former National Security Adviser Jim Jones, who has now been exposed as having direct connections to Saudi Arabia.
​ So is the death of Jamal Khasoggi likely directly connected to this Obama connection in Saudi Arabia which likely involves more Obama Deep State connections in Saudi Arabia, and it could quite possibly be that the Obama/Clinton network could in fact be behind whats playing out now between Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States. Remember also that MBS has been arresting several Saudi Royals and Saudi Military leaders likely connected to the Obama/Clinton network, and Qanon has dubbed this connection as Alice in Wonderland. With this Obama connection to Saudi Arabia, is the Obama/Clinton network causing this rift involving Saudi Arabia because Trump and MBS are destorying the Deep State Obama/Clinton network in Saudi Arabia?

",1539938968,19/10/2018 08:49 9519474,4152539346,

Why don't you ask Q?

,1539943255,19/10/2018 10:00 9529758,4152611424,"

Obama behind Saudi Rift? Obama's former National Security Adviser James Jones works in Saudi Arabia
10/18/2018 0 Comments

Picture Reports: Among the major revelations connected to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of the Saudis is just how resilient and unshakeable relations between the Washington deep state and the Saudi royals actually are. Or rather we should say it has created an atmosphere where ""hidden in plane sight"" truth of America being joined at the hip to one of the Middle East's most brutal autocratic regimes can no longer be ignored by the mainstream, or can no longer be shaded from public view by another David Ignatius puff piece fawning over Saudi ""reformer"" despots.
A new Daily Beast investigation has revealed that Obama's first National Security Adviser, James L. Jones, now works for the Saudis — and despite a growing public movement of Western companies and media organizations to divest and distance themselves from their previous close relationship with the kingdom and events sponsored by crown prince MbS — Jones is refusing to budge. As The Daily Beast concludes in its report, ""It’s another sign of the deep reach of Saudi money into the Washington elite.""
Interesting discovery during this current situation involving Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, as it's now exposed that an Obama administration connection is currently working in Saudi Arabia. This Obama connection to Saudi Arabia is Obama's former National Security Adviser Jim Jones, who has now been exposed as having direct connections to Saudi Arabia.
​ So is the death of Jamal Khasoggi likely directly connected to this Obama connection in Saudi Arabia which likely involves more Obama Deep State connections in Saudi Arabia, and it could quite possibly be that the Obama/Clinton network could in fact be behind whats playing out now between Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States. Remember also that MBS has been arresting several Saudi Royals and Saudi Military leaders likely connected to the Obama/Clinton network, and Qanon has dubbed this connection as Alice in Wonderland. With this Obama connection to Saudi Arabia, is the Obama/Clinton network causing this rift involving Saudi Arabia because Trump and MBS are destorying the Deep State Obama/Clinton network in Saudi Arabia?

",1539946729,19/10/2018 10:58 9526818,4152653935,"

You're in a cult of personality--of rotten personality.

You're headed with your cult leader to extinction--like the Tea Party, like Pepe, like Qanon.

As for losing your respect, to me that's like losing the respect of Ted Cruz--a high compliment.

",1539948513,19/10/2018 11:28 9530702,4152818404,"

No, he won't run in 2020. Follow Q and you will understand why. Peace and God bless.

",1539954908,19/10/2018 13:15 9530002,4152849094,"

Good luck with that. The killing squad sent to Istanbul comprises several men of the Saudi Crown Guard.
""The Times of London confirmed that at least 9 of the 15 worked for the
Saudi security services, military or other government ministries. One of
them, Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb (recognized by the UK services) worked at
Saudi Embassy in London in 2007, and was filmed accompanying the
""Crown""prince bin Salman on recent trips to Madrid and Paris. He was
also photographed during bin Salman's visits in the United States to
Houston, Boston and at the United Nations.
Another ""traveler"", Khalid Aedh Alotaibi, who appears on a list provided by Turkish officials of 15 Saudis, accompanied the Saudi delegation in Washington, as his passport records show. The Turkish officials provided passport scans forseven members of the Saudi squad, and confirm Alotaibi’s travels to Washington.
Alotaibi and eight others identified as suspects by Turkish officials have profiles on MenoM3ay — a Middle East phone directory — identifying themselves as members of the Saudi security forces, with some claiming to be members of the Saudi Royal Guard. Two others of the Saudis list, Naif Hassan S. Alarifi and Saif Saad Q. Alqahtani, are identified as employees of the “Crown Prince office.”

",1539956061,19/10/2018 13:34 9532402,4152982713,

you STILL believe that crap?
Sessions is a deadbeat and Huber hasn't done a damn thing.
Why would they wait until after the election? Q is a joke.

,1539961097,19/10/2018 14:58 9532402,4152993922,

I don't know... a lot of what Q has said has come true...I still have hope :)

,1539961553,19/10/2018 15:05 9532506,4153013627,

What is NPC? Is that another one of those weird terms the Trump conspiracy weirdos use? Like that whole Q thing? There are going to be some good movies about you people when this is all over.

,1539962314,19/10/2018 15:18 9530182,4153024086,"

I am already a warlord in the witches club so you are, like a dog, barking up the wrong tree. You are so misinformed that I almost feel sorry for you. You have been ear-poisoned. I'm almost sorry you have to walk around with all that fear. Democrats are not your enemy. Antifa is not part of the Democrats, just like the KKK is not part of Republicans. The entertainers you mistake for journalists stoked your fears and now you are scared and angry at the boogeyman, I get it. That's what authoritarians do to their breathless followers. But if you'd just step away from all your milk chugging, if you'd just step out of this echo chamber/circle jerk, you'd see we're your brother & sisters. We're actually on the same team. America is like an Eagle. It needs both wings to fly. The Right & the Left are required. This is not up for debate. YOU DO NOT OWN PATRIOTISM, Mofo! You can't love America if you hate half of America. Do you really think you are improving America with your lies? Your peers are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracy theories as you read this. Many on the Right prefer total phony BS to the real world. Until that stops, you will not be taken seriously. Look what the phony BS has done to you! You are terrified, you are shaking in your boots, wondering what dangers lurk in every corner. Its so obvious that you are afraid of poltergeists and talismen. Get a grip, dude. Go see a therapist. You really need to check yourself before you wreck yourself because you sound totally bonkers and you are not making your party look any smarter or well-informed. Please do us all a favor and get it together man. Lying and making up stories will come back to bite you, Mark my words. Think of your karma dude. Stop spreading disinformation. Stop being such a snarky, dishonest mean girl. Now go kick rocks, Upland.

",1539962702,19/10/2018 15:25 9532402,4153062038,

Is it Q? I'll go bet mortgage on it then. ROTFLMFAO!! You people are so dumb. It's sublime.

,1539964123,19/10/2018 15:48 9527414,4153094202,"

Would Lena sit, shake and roll over if I offered her a Hostess Suzy Q?

",1539965414,19/10/2018 16:10 9523434,4153106637,"

How do we JOHN Q.PUBLIC CITIZEN know if these people coming ujp from the bowls of South America, are not a bunch of GOONS, THUGS,and THIEVES, ???
WE on't know that , time to act is now, not after the election. ////////////////////
CLOSE OUR BORDERS to anyone who is not VETTED or can prove who they really are. /////////////////////////////////////////////.

",1539965929,19/10/2018 16:18 9527006,4153191218,

Qanon is him

,1539969384,19/10/2018 17:16 9532918,4153196715,"

Worse than disheartening, soul depressing! DJT is obviously impotent, unable to protect us like we thought, as we were told, promised. Is his abandonment of us right before midterms a dare for us to stand up for ourselves. If so, that's just cruel. Q or no Q, his supporters expected so much more by way of revelation and the draining of the swamp by now. I know this Journalist thing is a False Flag. Why let it get this far if he's really on top of that intel? I give up.

",1539969624,19/10/2018 17:20 9534742,4153224370,

It is coming. Listen to Q. Obama made an Executive Order in '12 and Trump is going to utilize it.

,1539970696,19/10/2018 17:38 9534742,4153258242,"

I hope Q says nothing until the elections other than one more post saying:


We need fire under our feet right now, not happy talk.

",1539972126,19/10/2018 18:02 9534742,4153262297,


Yeah us Q people really need validation from normies. pshh.

,1539972297,19/10/2018 18:04 9528338,4153265775,"

Wow Max, what a smart, insightful comment.
I'm not saying we should be at all responsible for Guatemala, on the contrary, I just know how easy it is for you guys to dehumanize people in your anger. I think the Right is on a slippery slope in decency and morality. I'm a Liberal on Breitbart so I am very familiar that the Right has a penchant for wanting opposition & grievance. I was called a rat, demon, pedophile, idiot, scum, nancy-boy since noon today.Your peers are so entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracies, they can't see straight. Your party is infected by hate for their brothers & sisters. So, I worry about fomenting even more hate amongst conservatives, for anything because many Republicans seem bonkers.
Democrats are not your enemy. We're actually on the same team.

Thank your other half for the job he does, it can't be easy. Along with the FOREIGNERS he works with, he is improving America by giving us safe, delicious nutrition.

",1539972443,19/10/2018 18:07 9534742,4153335092,

That's a good idea put Susie Q on a diet...

,1539975192,19/10/2018 18:53 9535226,4153471984,

Qanon is a nutcase

,1539982050,19/10/2018 20:47 9530598,4153561434,"

Just archiving, In case Scott uses it as an argument that he had the same ""coincidenses"" as Q.

Thx for the help in building the archive string

",1539987439,19/10/2018 22:17 9533754,4153578051,

Said the person who believes in Q. Yeah you've got great judgement and a superior intellect. You definitely aren't being trolled by Q.

,1539988578,19/10/2018 22:36 9532402,4153677775,

Who is Q....thank you

,1539995545,20/10/2018 00:32 9536442,4153711040,"

Sooooo... ummm... When exactly is this administration going to arrest the traitorous, treasonous Deep-State and their modern day Bolshevik brethren? Hell, even release all hidden docs showing the evil within the last century, for that matter. Is Trump and his gang waiting until Civil War Redux, or even WW3?

Just wondering.. As I’ve got little ones I’d like to see grow up with maximum liberty inside a decent, healthy Republic. You know, instead of enslaved to radicals or torched on a war ridden scorched earth!

So, if that Q fella is legit, and Trump means what he says— How about finally draining that swamp completely, while destroying evil, huh? That, or give us a heads up regarding the Hell On Earth that is coming.

Maybe we can head for the hills beforehand. For safety, or a good seat to view our demise!

",1539998115,20/10/2018 01:15 9532398,4153711610,

I think you answered your own Q. 🤔

,1539998162,20/10/2018 01:16 9536442,4153714021,"

Sooooo... ummm... When exactly is this administration going to arrest the traitorous, treasonous Deep-State and their modern day Bolshevik brethren? Hell, even release all hidden docs showing the evil within the last century, for that matter. Is Trump and his gang waiting until Civil War Redux, or even WW3?

Just wondering.. As I’ve got little ones I’d like to see grow up with maximum liberty inside a decent, healthy Republic. You know, instead of enslaved to radicals or torched on a war ridden scorched earth!

So, if that Q fella is legit, and Trump means what he says— How about finally draining that swamp completely, while destroying evil, huh? That, or give us a heads up regarding the Hell On Earth that is coming.

Maybe we can head for the hills beforehand. For safety, or at least a good seat to view our demise!

",1539998354,20/10/2018 01:19 9534202,4153715083,"

Sooooo... ummm... When exactly is this administration going to arrest the traitorous, treasonous Deep-State and their modern day Bolshevik brethren? Hell, even release all hidden docs showing the evil within the last century, for that matter. Is Trump and his gang waiting until Civil War Redux, or even WW3?

Just wondering.. As I’ve got little ones I’d like to see grow up with maximum liberty inside a decent, healthy Republic. You know, instead of enslaved to radicals or torched on a war ridden scorched earth!

So, if that Q fella is legit, and Trump means what he says— How about finally draining that swamp completely, while destroying evil, huh? That, or give us a heads up regarding the Hell On Earth that is coming.

Maybe we can head for the hills beforehand. For safety, or a good seat to view our demise!

",1539998432,20/10/2018 01:20 9536618,4153742110,"

That headline is clunky at best.
Donald Trump has never said a word to unite America. He doesn't care about half of America. He lies about Democrats AT EVERY RALLY. And the Right tolerates it, conservatives think it's cool to lie. They actually prefer the lies, that's why so many of you are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies . You prefer the phony BS, it's painfully obvious.

America is like an Eagle. It needs both wings to fly. The Right and the Left wing are required.
Despite Trump only playing to his breathless followers, Democrats are still Americans. This is not up for debate.
YOU wingnuts DO NOT OWN PATRIOTISM. Democrats are not your enemy so please, stop spreading disinformation.

",1540000600,20/10/2018 01:56 9536618,4153767871,"

Who, let's face it, you don't know who I am. The Radical Right Rushists are way more prone to violence and hateful rhetoric. Who do you think you are kidding? Look up the violence your Proud Boys did in NY last week. Your party is entrenched in the kooky Oracle Q conspiracies. At least Democrats are clear headed, eyes open, and the TRUTH is on our side.Clean you own house before you criticize. Look at the 3000 violent, sexist comments below. They joke about Civil War & pedophilia. Tell me, how is that decent?

",1540002513,20/10/2018 02:28 9534738,4153824626,"

More Qanonsense I fear. Rodentstein and Sessions still in place, no prosecution of the Deep State. Wait til the midterms will become wait til 2020.

",1540007694,20/10/2018 03:54 9534202,4153843017,"

Q has Eric Holder listed as a traitor/pawn...
That being said, there is an amazing, riveting video on YouTube by ""Storm Is Upon Us"" titled: Q - We Are The Plan.
Very well done with one truth bomb after the next...Please watch if you have time and if you love our country and wonder how it got to this point.

",1540009368,20/10/2018 04:22 9537886,4154224601,"

------ THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED ! ... Dont Take the B.A.I.T
Illusion is all they have.

They want you DIVIDED.
This movement challenges their ‘forced’ narrative.
This movement challenges people to not simply trust what is being reported.
Research for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
WE, the PEOPLE.Save the Republic!
Hatred and Dissension in the Nation will Heal.


Q - Anon

( Q sites down / under attack since yesterday , activate secondary protocol )

",1540036754,20/10/2018 11:59 9534642,4154275918,

Read up on Q you idiot

,1540039422,20/10/2018 12:43 9537886,4154318483,"

------- Q - Anon sites down / Under Attack , 504'ed

Activate secondary protocol.

",1540041460,20/10/2018 13:17 9537886,4154354075,"


Q - Anon

( Q sites down / under attack since yesterday , activate secondary protocol )

",1540043077,20/10/2018 13:44 9537886,4154360782,"

.WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. ,,,,,,Q - Anon

( Q sites down / under attack since yesterday , activate secondary protocol )

",1540043381,20/10/2018 13:49 9537886,4154361384,

What happen to Q anyway?

,1540043411,20/10/2018 13:50 9537886,4154368303,"

Q - Anon

( Q sites down / under attack since yesterday , activate secondary protocol )

",1540043746,20/10/2018 13:55 9537886,4154389884,"

.WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL......... Q - Anon

( Q sites down / under attack since yesterday , activate secondary protocol )

",1540044785,20/10/2018 14:13 9535846,4154426784,"

The doctor who invented freezing sperm for later use was a Nazi doctor. Look into QAnon and you'll find out more. Hitler didn't commit suicide in Germany. He and many other high-ups in his regime were given fake papers thru the Roman Catholic Church and then transported to Argentina. He lived there until he died a natural death. We've been deceived and lied to about many, many things - including the history of the world. Operation Paperclip - how Nazis were brought into the USA after WW2 using fake papers from the RCC.

",1540046447,20/10/2018 14:40 9523770,4154636765,

I've never once seen a reasoned argument that Q Anon is a hoax -- only mockery.

,1540056261,20/10/2018 17:24 9539118,4154643449,

The Q stands for queer.

,1540056606,20/10/2018 17:30 9534122,4154740057,"

As soon as he hits the British sidewalk, he gets arrested. He knows that.

He has no way out, unless a sympathetic government comes long. Q said something awhile ago about Trump picking him up when he was in the UK for meetings, but that didn't happen because of a threat to Trump; the meeting was cancelled. So Assange is still languishing in the embassy. He needs to get out. This is becoming a Nelson Mandela thing.

",1540062109,20/10/2018 19:01 9538486,4154785495,"

Our Asylum Laws are being exploited they were never intended to address millions of Foreigners many from third world countries to seek Refuge here. When the numbers of victims approach Millions it becomes a Foreign Policy Issue beyond the scope of our Asylum Laws.
""We can't deport them, we can't separate them, we can't detain them, we can't prosecute them. What (the Democrats) want is a radical open-border policy that lets everyone out into the interior of this country with virtually no documentation whatsoever.""
The true role of America on the World stage along with humanitarian aid is simply stated by one of our Great Founders here :
""Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. John Q. Adams 6th President of the US.

",1540064988,20/10/2018 19:49 9536618,4154941260,

This hag is maybe 2 points above Maxine on the I Q scale.

,1540075549,20/10/2018 22:45 9539454,4154946128,

We could start a Q?

,1540075913,20/10/2018 22:51 9539906,4154961609,"

Bullets do, indeed, do, cuz. When a person puts a bullet in a gun and fires it and kills a person... oh, yes , now I see what you mean, cuz. Bullets.. jeez. My eyes are red pilled and Q open.

",1540077116,20/10/2018 23:11 9540206,4155012121,"

Interestingly enough, actually seeing the democrats trying to use sorcery against conservatives, kind of helps prove true a lot of what Qanon has been posting about for almost a year. These people are sick.

",1540080957,21/10/2018 00:15 9540210,4155057207,

Little miss low I Q occasionally cortez is the gift that keeps on giving She's as surprised as everyone at what comes out of her mouth from one second to the next 😎

,1540084508,21/10/2018 01:15 9540210,4155075321,

You do a disservice to the venerated Q tip.

,1540085983,21/10/2018 01:39 9540210,4155076047,"

My Q tips have a use, cleaning my ears and guns.

",1540086045,21/10/2018 01:40 9540206,4155116532,"

This is a very well done 9 minute video on YouTube by “Storm Is Upon Us” titled: Q - We Are The Plan.
If you love this country and wonder how things got to this point please watch…

",1540089687,21/10/2018 02:41 9540206,4155408235,

Haven't you read Qanon and other proof that the richest of the rich and powerful are all lucifarians?

,1540115369,21/10/2018 09:49 9538486,4155732930,"

The answer to the Q. is that this Head of the DHS is another FEMALE. Looking only at Eyes have a habit of showing LIES. When the Government appoints a Defend the entire USA.......there is no Homeland security, its only chaos among a divided nation.

",1540132438,21/10/2018 14:33 9541846,4155754586,

OK so Gianforte was wrong when he attacked the reported but under the circumstances I cannot blame him. The reporter barged into a closed door meeting and forced his questions. He was told to leave and there would be a Q & A session later. The reported continued with his questioning so Gianforte merely took matters into his own hands. Too bad the way of the West is no longer appreciated.

,1540133418,21/10/2018 14:50 9541922,4155764362,"

at some point, you gotta ask yourself if you believe that why all these Dems aren't going to prison when Q keeps telling you they are, maybe Q isn't telling you the truth?

Nah, you're gullible, stupid, and lost. So you'll never ask yourself that question.

",1540133865,21/10/2018 14:57 9539842,4155840026,"

Pretty good 10 min video, if somewhat tame. However, I'm not inclined to overlook everything the democrat mobs are doing that easily. People need to hang for all of this treason and subversion. For many of the lower echelons, prison for life. It's not over until the perpetrators are brought to justice.
(I just hope the Q followers are right.)
*Note: that video was published to youtube on Dec 30 2017. Not sure when it was first released but I'd guess close to that date.

",1540137296,21/10/2018 15:54 9541922,4155917022,

My late aunt lived at 5th and Q and walked to work at the Capitol.

,1540140862,21/10/2018 16:54 9540206,4155978301,"

You sound like my long lost brother. There are lot's of truthers out there. And yes I too am a huge Ron Paul fan. But an even bigger Trump fan and have been since day 1. Trump has the brains, the balls, and most importantly...the support of all the real patriots and military advising him. I am also a Q supporter from the first drop and knew about Q from the very first drop. It's legit and so am I. You. We. Us.

",1540143609,21/10/2018 17:40 9540206,4156013557,"

I also got on the Trump Train early, I can thank Wayne Allyn Root for that, he was a big supporter before Trump even announced. Yep, I kicked the LP to the curb, because Trump made it cool to talk about globalism & every other unaddressed outrage out there, including pedophilia. It is kind of thrilling to hear from Q, that Trump was asked to run by the white hats in military intelligence. The only thing I want know is if Trump is Q+ & if Mike Flynn is the leader of the Q team. Being disgraced & out of power would give him perfect cover to work on the sealed indictments & quietly go after the pedo elite. Do you think Q will be back before the midterms? He might show up again, right before Trump lowers the BOOM.


",1540145128,21/10/2018 18:05 9540206,4156024734,"

I would bet Q+ is Trump and that Flynn Binney and a handful of VIPS are the Q group. Yes I think Q will show up before midterms. 100% And I bet we get those declassified documents right before the midterms for maximum impact and so the Zio media doesn't have enough time to spin it and discredit it convincingly. On the hand, seeing as the declassified documents implicate many 5 eyes ""allies?"" and the fact the blue wave is really 2016 2.0 blue fizzle and the vote integrity has been shored up, Trump might choose to wait to drop them using it as yet another ace up his sleeve of leverage he has over the old guard

",1540145661,21/10/2018 18:14 9540206,4156094741,"

I'm hearing the Saudi situation has Israeli & CIA ties. That's another piece of dry spaghetti the dems are throwing at the wall. I hope Trump saves most of the bad stuff for after the midterms, but if he thinks the voter fraud will succeed, he may choose to dump it right before the election. Q said they had the voter fraud under control, I hope that's a solid ""under control"". What Trump is working on has the possibility of changing the world for the better, to help free all people

",1540148832,21/10/2018 19:07 9447283,4156244326,"

Storm coming Q Desperation is not a good look, lefty deep state traitors on the run and will use any means including impoverished Latinos to invade our sovereignty. Soros will not be given quarter when patriots come for him

",1540157462,21/10/2018 21:31 9535226,4156259303,

Voter fraud does not give the deep state the right to take over this country . Schfity will be shown to be a traitor and his political future is nearly done. They should have worked harder to take our guns before corrupting our elections. Q anon

,1540158517,21/10/2018 21:48 9535846,4156346544,"

I am worried about people like you in America who's life is consumed by conspiracy theories including Qanon. Believe it or not, the left also have anonymous individuals within the WH feeding the left. Who the F are these anonymous people and why on gods green earth do you trust them. I have read the whole story on Qanon some time ago, 4chan military operative within the WH feeding trump propaganda and you blindly follow their crap. There are forensics on hitler's death (his teeth), look it up and the so called photo of hitler with a child in in boy shorts (that they are calling a girl) is just speculation. Now a days you can create anything connect crazy dots like not seeing any photos of hitler dead (just like calling Sandy Hook a hoax since you didn't see dead children's body), seeing hitler with a child. I want to understand your thinking in totally buying into Qanon without really any verification of who this person really is. I have been on this site long enough that if I post a source, you are so deeply invested in your paradigm that you won't ever consider another possibility. Get out of 4chan, 8chan and reddit and more. I read these peoples post and it is horrifying

",1540164757,21/10/2018 23:32 9542730,4156449930,"

Go listen to this:

10/21/2018-StroppyMe-Latest Qanon-Related News 10-22-18 : Caravans & Khashoggi Distractions

",1540172956,22/10/2018 01:49 9542730,4156724809,"

I think Vaughn is missing the obvious. The democrats are going to make a big kumbaya moment out of this caravan. John Lewis is going to be out there singing ""we shall overcome"". Obama will be barking, ""this is the greatest civil rights struggle of our time"". CNN is going to be playing split screens of the caravan marchers right next to the Selma marchers. When 10,000 people show up at the US-Mexican border, it is going to be the biggest news story in the world. The democrats will have an anti-American orgy on live TV.

Closing the border is a good idea, but it is going to take force; regular Americans don't have the stomach to watch border patrol use force against unarmed migrants.

That's why Trump needs to shed light on this caravan. There are murderers and thieves among it. Trump has to positively ID them. Get real time photos and expose them before they hit the US border.

The majority of the caravan will be men. Drive that picture home. The
feminists will have a hard time trying to garner sympathy for a horde of
invading men. There will be rapes, drunken gropings, catcalls and every kind of bad behavior among the caravan. Trump has to frame opposition to the caravan in terms the #MeToo crowd can't ignore.

There will be drug mules among the caravan. While still in Mexico, the caravan members will have their guard down. Drug mules figure they have nothing to fear from other migrants. If Trump could catch a few photos of drug mules carrying heroin, Trump can make the very compelling argument that stopping the caravan is a life or death issue for millions of Americans.

Since the rallying cry of this caravan is ""jobs"", Trump can highlight all the jobs these people are walking by. There are factories in Mexico we lost to NAFTA. Some of them are American based companies. This is a win-win. Show Americans what we have lost to NAFTA and show how these caravan members don't really want jobs. They want to steal American jobs.

Lastly, Trump can take this opportunity to humanize the border patrol. How about a few human interest news stories on border patrol agents and their struggles? Why not cast these people in a good light? If Americans see an interview with Officer John Q. Public on Fox News and learn all about his family and how many abandoned migrants he has helped and how he has lost good friends in the border patrol to violent elements along the border, they are going to appreciate what good people border agents are. When the time for force comes, Americans will be rooting for Officer John Q. Public instead of the invaders.

",1540196010,22/10/2018 08:13 9543030,4156758561,

Corruption like never before!! Obama the corrupt divider...please expose all #qanon

,1540198269,22/10/2018 08:51 9544142,4156795905,

Why is this an issue? It is clear that the traitors Q has been warning us about need to be arrested NOW. This caravan of invaders is THEIR creation. As long as they are not stopped the caravans will not be stopped.

,1540200701,22/10/2018 09:31 9542730,4156802399,"

4-D chess man! Trust in Trump! Q is gonna take down everyone! Ya, yeeeehawww MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!

This guy is a massive wet noodle and clowns here are acting like it isnt his fault we've seen record border crossing under his watch.

",1540201077,22/10/2018 09:37 9542730,4156950762,

Where's Q when you need him?

,1540208510,22/10/2018 11:41 9532402,4156976781,

only Q knows...

,1540209623,22/10/2018 12:00 9546066,4156995364,

Never mind Q. POTUS is all that matters.

,1540210450,22/10/2018 12:14 9546066,4157000799,"

It’s time to start the arrest of the leaders of this, the deep state. Q it’s time to prove you are real and not a psyop. Put troops on border then defend our country. What would our troops on border between North and South Korea do if N. Korea invaded South Korea. Don’t Americans deserve the same.

",1540210696,22/10/2018 12:18 9522138,4157032008,

We are Q.

,1540211989,22/10/2018 12:39 9546170,4157118933,

Lets hope these are the last days of OM. Where has Q been the last 2 weeks?

,1540215339,22/10/2018 13:35 9546186,4157136067,

Yet the MSM only talks about the Qanon nut jobs that show up for some reason at Trump rallies. Pathetic.

,1540216023,22/10/2018 13:47 9544738,4157225907,

Checkout the Q post on Barry Hussein GAY college PHOTO...

,1540219599,22/10/2018 14:46 9547674,4157469724,"

That’s all the libs have now, doing things to change the focus... to make Republicans, Conservatives, Trumpsters, WalkAways, “Not Voting” Dems, Q individiuals appear as the crazy ones... to neutralize or normalize their (the lib's) actions.

",1540229108,22/10/2018 17:25 9547674,4157489538,"

Just struck me, they'd probably use someone dressed as a Q supporter because the wear for Q is so easy to spot.

",1540229927,22/10/2018 17:38 9547958,4157497538,

No Q posts since 10/9.

,1540230250,22/10/2018 17:44 9545746,4157537473,"

Ignore Pike B. His purpose is to throw you off trail, and diminish resolve.
I just read YOUR comment. I'm an American.
I would say that your Deep State is deeper than the USA, and older. Goes back 350 years or so, near as I can determine.

However, there's no point in that issue for now. You have to deal with today. Look up the QAnon posts on YouTube. Some of them might give you an idea of the scale of the problem in UK.
Your instincts are right: Deep Staters hate publicity. Their Achille's Heel: to get the nod to be a deep-stater, they had to demonstrate an act of depravity and an act of betrayal.
The act of depravity gives their handlers a hold on them 'step out of line, and the dossier is revealed, and you'll be disgraced and arrested, etc'. Sometimes it is just an embarrassing prank (like Cameron's pig head) sometimes it is something truly horrific (Europe is full of depravity clubs and secret societies).
The act of betrayal: EVERY EU politician was a reject from his/her former country. They were so traitorous that their country rejected them... but they were guaranteed a soft landing with an EU presidency or high office, with a nice pension. This opens the door for national serving politicians to be traitors (like Merkel), but also forces them to go to the EU, where they become a captive politician (like Timmerman, Kinnock, Tusk, etc).

Point: they ALL have a scandal or six they're trying to hide.

",1540231777,22/10/2018 18:09 9546006,4157549843,"


Hack: Emily Heil

1) self-confessed snob and democrook gossip columnist for the district of corruption.
2) bachelor's degree in speaking and writing in her native language (u virginia)
3) activities: bourbon.

probably difficult to exist in 1) without 3).
the credential, 2) is worthless. Q.e.d.

",1540232254,22/10/2018 18:17 9545594,4157621718,"

Fresh Q memes slideshow

",1540235267,22/10/2018 19:07 9549086,4157623247,

you make no sense............. you do know Qanon is false right?

,1540235337,22/10/2018 19:08 9525558,4157704773,"

Typical, smug response as usual with absolutely no hard facts to back you up except what your messiah Qanon says. Keep on believing your conspiracy theories and I will keep on having a great life. Good luck

",1540239307,22/10/2018 20:15 9549086,4157844841,"

I blew my red wine through my nose! Thank Q ! Our beloved President Trump is entertaining as heck. This Hispanic Heritage AMERICAN legal CITIZENS will vote for R's in our midterm and supporting our beloved President Trump 2020! The Dims! LOL. Heck no, most Dem citizens are waking up and #walkaway ... R's are inclusive of Independents and walkaway Democrats! There are 55,677 nationwide sealed indictments. After the MIDTERM ELECTIONS and by Christmas or Jan1,2019: then, you will see arrests and Military Tribunals of these traitors Dems and RINOs! MAGA!

",1540246976,22/10/2018 22:22 9548246,4158119818,

You forgot the damn Q??
You need to be re-educated.

,1540264700,23/10/2018 03:18 9551554,4158246409,

HRC is TOAST (legally).. TRUST Q and The Donald

,1540275449,23/10/2018 06:17 9548090,4158492489,

Did Q suggest that meme to you?

,1540291646,23/10/2018 10:47 9544738,4158522920,

LOL! Q? Give me a break!

,1540293073,23/10/2018 11:11 9549630,4158628854,"

According to Q, The Army Corps of Engineers was put on notice over a year ago to plan some kind of barrier at the border.

",1540297517,23/10/2018 12:25 9550154,4158722622,"

IMHO, it's Cardinal Burke that should be the next Pope. He's one of the few that have had the guts to call out Commie Pope on his heresies against the Catholic church, thus why Commie pope demoted him. God bless Cardinal Burke for being brave enough to speak truths. The Vatican, much like our US govt, has its forces of good vs. evil and powerful. The church needs alot of prayers right now to be put back on the path of the right direction and to the true teachings of Christ and not the true teachings of social justice. On a side note, I nearly fell off my chair when announements were read after mass this past Sunday and an apology statement from the archbishop was given to the congregation to condemn the sexual abuse that was discovered in the diocese and it named names of the accused and the year accused (going back to 1960's for some). This is the first time EVER that this taboo subject has been brought up and I've been a Catholic for a long time. That said, let's hope that perhaps Q was prophesizing that Frannie won't be around long. One can only hope and pray.

",1540301213,23/10/2018 13:26 9549630,4158808879,"

They methodically plan these kinds of things months and months in advance. The money the help, the logistics, the payoffs and so on.

Trump stated the democrats are funding this and running it.

The same thing Q said on april 4th.

Troops to Border.
Clown Black Ops.
Private funds.
Raised how?
Troops @ Border does what?
To who?
D's involved.
MS_13/Illegals road block.
Sex traffic road block.
Children road block.
Drugs road block.
Guns road block.
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
Name we don't say AZ road block.
Jeff Flake AZ road block.
Big money TERMINATE.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

",1540304544,23/10/2018 14:22 9554362,4158924378,"

Frank is what Q-anon describes in his meme .100,000 for Trump with more women than men not good for Trump. 200 at Biden rally, 300 for Obama good for Democrats. Classic

",1540308936,23/10/2018 15:35 9554362,4159037594,"

Q inspires people to be the opposite of a drone. Q urges each of us to learn to think, research and trust ourselves rather than parroting the unsourced opinions of others. The same people demonizing Trump use the identical tactics to demonize Q. Why? And why are you parroting their silly talking points that are so easily debunked?

",1540313215,23/10/2018 16:46 9555850,4159216670,

Who’s Q?

,1540320187,23/10/2018 18:43 9554342,4159276331,"

This is felony burglary,violation of section 187PC(Penal Code).Should be good for 5-10 at Q.(San Quentin)COPSPEAK

",1540322683,23/10/2018 19:24 9554370,4159325728,"

Drag these techno-tyrants into court, in America. If they want to be communists, they can move their companies elsewhere. Failure to support freedom of speech is treason, even if the speech is objectionable. Let John Q Public decide what ideas have merit, or don't. We don't want these evil techno-'masters' polluting our electoral process.

",1540325036,23/10/2018 20:03 9554662,4159351235,"

Who's Q and what is his ""inside"" info?

",1540326385,23/10/2018 20:26 9555750,4159359413,

I thought that Q had dropped out of sight. No crumbs these days.

,1540326822,23/10/2018 20:33 9554662,4159364797,"

I have no idea what the actual situation is as far as that race goes. But I’ll say this- I live right near Quinnipiac, and it’s literally Moscow of New England. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Q poll that was not heavily slanted left. Take it for what it’s worth.

",1540327106,23/10/2018 20:38 9554362,4159411502,

You misunderstood what I was saying and maybe I didn’t clarify myself. Frank is one of mindless characters that Q Anon used in is meme. . I think they were called NPC’s. It was beyond brilliant and I hope to see more of them !

,1540329693,23/10/2018 21:21 9557214,4159453245,"

Acosta is a bonified non player character that Q anon describes. “ nationalist, white, globalist, not. Just typed Q Anon on google and very first entry is Wapo article entitled “ why QAnon is so scary”. Censorship in full effect

",1540332039,23/10/2018 22:00 9546066,4159476179,"

If conservatism was a discreet movement it would be easier to follow. I view conservatism as a conglomeration of different ideologies that all conservatives don't follow, i.e. religious zealots, white supremacy, xenophobes, anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-free-trade, gun fanatics and conspiracy theorists. I haven't met many conservatives who ascribe to the entire spectrum of ideologies.

I consider myself politically moderate. I lean to the right on fiscal matters and lean to left on social matters. I own guns but don't get lathered up about the 2nd amendment. I don't lap up what fear mongering political ideologues preach. I think people who believe in Q are simple-minded. Like many who Trump has surrounded himself with, I fear for our democracy.

What conservative authors should I read, I don't want a list of money grabbers like Coulter, Gringich, etc. Please don't embarrass yourself with Ayn Rand, The Turner Dairies or Jean Raspail, ""The Camp of Saints"".

",1540333360,23/10/2018 22:22 9554662,4159496949,"

oh, another one of your “strategic retreats”, eh? :-)

yeah, i love watching trump rallies - so many gullible sucker and marks in one place practising how to be ignorant! wow!

did you know that qanon and others are selling lists of the people that access their site, or go to or watch trump rallies, to a nationwide network of con men and hustlers as “The best self-selecting group of the most gullible suckers and marks to be found anywhere in the United States”?

",1540334548,23/10/2018 22:42 9554994,4159498095,"

Tyler Q. Houlton

Verified account

4h4 hours ago
Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.

Tyler Q. Houlton

Verified account

4h4 hours ago
.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

",1540334615,23/10/2018 22:43 9554994,4159509530,"

During the Fox footage of the Trump rally... remember the odd cutaway?

It cut to the China Bridge unveiling for a few seconds...
It looked like a mistake done by somebody who streams many things at once so I didn't think much of it. Apparently it really did happen on Fox.

Probably nothing, but Q did talk a lot about a ""Bridge"". idk.

",1540335270,23/10/2018 22:54 9554994,4159516528,"

I'm glad Q isn't posting lately.

We need to focus.

Plus, if it is a genuine op ( I think so), they don't want Dems to be able to say ""Q influenced the result of the election"" as a MSM talking point.

",1540335678,23/10/2018 23:01 9554370,4159541296,

Sounds deep Q...

,1540337193,23/10/2018 23:26 9554994,4159547619,

Nice catch Q!!!! Hahahahha

,1540337568,23/10/2018 23:32 9554994,4159588297,"





1) Tyler Q. Houlton ✓ @SpoxDHS

Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.

2) Tyler Q. Houlton ✓ @SpoxDHS

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

",1540340089,24/10/2018 00:14 9554994,4159594389,"

BREAKING: DHS Confirms Gang Members and Other Dangerous Criminals Are Embedded in Migrant Caravan Traveling to US
Tyler Q. Houlton

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

3:32 PM - Oct 23, 2018


",1540340470,24/10/2018 00:21 9548090,4159641065,"

I would agree somewhat but would ask for a further definition of what Q means by ""complicit"": i.e. ""going along to get along"" or actually using it to its and their own advantage. Generally I'd think they would be fools not to be involved in something that affects their future. We're all involved, at least, simply by breathing and using resources, to a greater or lesser degree, and for good or ill.

Since State Department is the face of America which most Saudi officials see and since 90% of State is not only Deep State but dedicated to total failure of the emerging Trump Doctrine, the Saudis are forced to deal with the Deep State in all its permutations.

Regardless I'd give them the ""innocent until proven guilty"" vote as long as none of their leaders have been proven guilty of the same TDS that infests State.

Since it's not ""their"" deep state I can see how they would coexist with it with out needing a moral or ethical excuse or forgiveness for doing so. I'm sure they realize some Americans are promoting the Deep State as well as fighting it, but to the outside observer it might be truthful to simply say ""The US has its Deep State but declining to specify that some Americans are fighting for it and some against.

Does that make any sense?


",1540343604,24/10/2018 01:13 9557058,4159651532,

Together they don't have the I Q of a toad. Boycott these two morons.

,1540344333,24/10/2018 01:25 9549630,4159858924,"

Not too right, I would say. Not at all. I Q below 85, I imagine, maybe less.

",1540361737,24/10/2018 06:15 9557182,4159897477,

And Q. Quarterpounder with cheese.

,1540364866,24/10/2018 07:07 9558374,4159970068,"

You are right. This is a time of rapid reaction. Q is now probably better off in the background, as the work towards the midterms has already been put in place.

But no doubt there will be escalating plans ready to deal with the intended invasion. The severity of this and any casualties which will now inevitably arise will be the entire fault of the Democrats and their financial backers - including György.

They will face action by the DOJ against a heightened hostility from the now largely awakened public.

",1540370387,24/10/2018 08:39 9557182,4160022921,"


Verified account

4h4 hours ago
Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.

Tyler Q. Houlton

Verified account

4h4 hours ago
.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

",1540373830,24/10/2018 09:37 9559490,4160144177,"

Take off the tinfoil hat, John. There are no sealed indictments and Q is a fraud.
These people protect their own lest they all go down together....which if the truth were known, nearly 100% would be in prison.

",1540379985,24/10/2018 11:19 9558650,4160229323,"

The caravan is above his I Q, He has been educated beyond his intelligence and common sense.

",1540383344,24/10/2018 12:15 9561326,4160268887,"

Sounds about right. Like the threats called in about Q supporters before every POTUS rally.

Really suspicious that none of the bombs went off, even though the one at Soros' place was opened by an employee who was able to recognize that it might be a bomb and then took it to a wooded area for the police.

Most people would open it, recognize it and evacuate the immediate area. Not carry it out to the woods...

",1540384819,24/10/2018 12:40 9561326,4160298631,

Well see Q Hahahahha

,1540385838,24/10/2018 12:57 9561706,4160310917,

is the Q for Queer?

,1540386268,24/10/2018 13:04 9555750,4160318836,

All one has to do is open their eyes to see that the MAGA movement and Qanon is sweeping the country and if these liberal talking heads want to double down on their idiocy. well then more's the better.

,1540386531,24/10/2018 13:08 9561962,4160340829,"

The HuffPo was trying to accuse the Q Anons about 2 AM for the ""alleged"" Soros package.

",1540387213,24/10/2018 13:20 9561706,4160354560,

Probably a Deep State MK Ultra wack job activated so the MSM can blame the Right or 'QAnon' followers.

,1540387643,24/10/2018 13:27 9556338,4160362455,"

After the election is when they will start arresting them. Read on Q to watch for 11-11-18. 55,000 plus Sealed Indictments are going to be interesting.

",1540387920,24/10/2018 13:32 9561706,4160415006,

When they find the perp it will be a crazed white middle aged male deplorable patriot who identifies as a nationalist and Qanon supporter. There are the talking points. These False Flags are getting never thought she would lose. DJT is your POTUS! The swamp of socialism and globalists is being drained! Get over it! REDWAVE!!!

,1540389747,24/10/2018 14:02 9561326,4160419202,

When they find the perp it will be a crazed white middle aged male deplorable patriot who identifies as a nationalist and Qanon supporter. There are the talking points. These False Flags are getting never thought she would lose. DJT is your POTUS! The swamp of socialism and globalists is being drained! Get over it! REDWAVE!!!

,1540389891,24/10/2018 14:04 9561706,4160426272,

When they find the perp it will be a crazed white middle aged male deplorable patriot who identifies as a nationalist and Qanon supporter. There are the talking points. These False Flags are getting never thought she would lose. DJT is your POTUS! The swamp of socialism and globalists is being drained! Get over it! REDWAVE!!! MAGA!

,1540390142,24/10/2018 14:09 9561706,4160444164,

Wearing a Q shirt and a red MAGA hat.

,1540390784,24/10/2018 14:19 9561326,4160464651,

When they find the perp it will be a crazed white middle aged male deplorable patriot who identifies as a nationalist and Qanon supporter. There are the talking points. These False Flags are getting never thought she would lose. DJT is your POTUS! The swamp of socialism and globalists is being drained! Get over it! REDWAVE!!!

,1540391481,24/10/2018 14:31 9561326,4160486808,"

Sounds scary, getmore tinfoil Q!!!

",1540392224,24/10/2018 14:43 9561706,4160506327,"

Yep, that's totally it. Couldn't possibly be that people who believe in child sex dungeons under pizzarias, think all their political opponents are satanists and/or lizard demons, and support Qanons promises of a violent revolution might actually be violent and unhinged.

It totally couldn't be one of these alt right way. It has to be the left making us look bad - BBtards

",1540392869,24/10/2018 14:54 9561706,4160525934,"

Caravan invader admits criminals in caravan, DHS confirms gang members and Middle Easterners are involved
10/24/2018 0 Comments


Kyle Morris
Caravan migrant: “It’s criminals in here. It is. But it is not that many.“

4:09 PM - Oct 23, 2018
4,324 people are talking about this
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Wow so an invader in the Honduran Caravan is actually admitting criminals are inside the Honduran caravan looking to enter America illegally by the thousands. This invader is telling us not to worry because there is not that many, however DHS has confirmed that criminals and gang members are involved in the caravan. The DHS even mentioned that individuals from the middle east, Asia, and Africa are also inside the Honduran Caravan which you will see below. The border with Mexico must be instantly shut down and the Military deployed, as President Trump has declared this situation as a National Emergency to the US Military and Border Patrol. This caravan isn't full of people looking for a better life, the goal is to only invade America...And MS-13 gang members and Islamic radicals are likely part of this caravan.

Tyler Q. Houlton

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

4:32 PM - Oct 23, 2018
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Tyler Q. Houlton

· 20h
.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.

Tyler Q. Houlton

Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.

4:32 PM - Oct 23, 2018
3,601 people are talking about this
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",1540393515,24/10/2018 15:05 9561706,4160558029,"

The reality is that we have NO IDEA who sent these...

It is extremely important to recognize that.

Who could it be?

- Globalists with an October surprise. Soros!!
- Left wing nuts trying to paint it as right wing terrorism. Antifa!!!
- Right wing nuts trying to paint it as a ""false flag"" situation. Q!!
- Russia, again, trying to pit us against each other.

There is a high chance of not getting to the bottom of this, so everyone will just double down on tribalism.

At what point do you realize this isn't healthy for our society?

Democracy is fragile....

",1540394621,24/10/2018 15:23 9561706,4160571383,"

The reality is that we have NO IDEA who sent these...

It is extremely important to recognize that.

Who could it be?

- Globalists with an October surprise. Soros!!
- Left wing nuts trying to paint it as right wing terrorism. Antifa!!!
- Right wing nuts trying to paint it as a ""false flag"" situation. Q!!
- Russia, again, trying to pit us against each other.

There is a high chance of not getting to the bottom of this, so everyone will just double down on tribalism.

At what point do you realize this isn't healthy for our society?

Democracy is fragile...we should do more to protect it...

",1540395062,24/10/2018 15:31 9561706,4160594604,

And if the bomb maker doesn't have a Q shirt and red MAGA hat the FAKE NEWS will buy several for him.

,1540395838,24/10/2018 15:43 9559490,4160597264,

Bingo! QAnon said the date 11/12/18 would be important.

It's about time to start collecting passports.

,1540395924,24/10/2018 15:45 9563594,4160661522,"

Gee, we never saw this narrative coming, Alex Shitbag. Only the left does stuff like this. False Flag operation, and a poorly disguised one at that. Q predicted a ramp up of this. Pitiful left.

",1540398129,24/10/2018 16:22 9561326,4160663321,"

And that means what dumbazzzz? She was in Florida and the package was addressed to her home....or did Q, breibart and Alex say different? Jerk off!

",1540398193,24/10/2018 16:23 9561326,4160675285,

Where do you get your news troll? Q or Alex?

,1540398598,24/10/2018 16:29 9561706,4160690745,"

The reality is that we have NO IDEA who sent these...

It is extremely important to recognize that.

Who could it be?

- Globalists with an October surprise. Soros!!
- Left wing nuts trying to paint it as right wing terrorism. Antifa!!!
- Right wing nuts trying to paint it as a ""false flag"" situation. Q!!
- Russia, again, trying to pit us against each other.

There is a high chance of not getting to the bottom of this, so everyone will just double down on tribalism.

At what point do you realize this isn't healthy for our society?

Democracy is fragile...we should do more to protect it.

",1540399121,24/10/2018 16:38 9527394,4160696126,"

The deep state commands that Q-Anon instruct you to believe everything the government says. Submit to the will of Q, AKA the Deepest State (of paranoia).

",1540399306,24/10/2018 16:41 9561706,4160711626,

When they find the perp it will be a crazed white middle aged male deplorable patriot who identifies as a nationalist and Qanon supporter. There are the talking points. These False Flags are getting never thought she would lose. DJT is your POTUS! The swamp of socialism and globalists is being drained! Get over it! REDWAVE!!!!

,1540399848,24/10/2018 16:50 9561706,4160741851,

I don't need Q to tell me the dems. are desperate. It's patently obvious.

,1540400906,24/10/2018 17:08 9561706,4160775247,

QAnon predicted a massive false flag October surprise. Right on time....

,1540402070,24/10/2018 17:27 9564126,4160806673,"

Of course they are going to blame Trump. That is why they did this. That is what this is all about. I am surprised they are not blaming it on Q. He was smart to stay silent. Also, they are trying to divert attention from the caravan, and suck up all the oxygen at the same time.

",1540403191,24/10/2018 17:46 9564126,4160851884,"

""These people are stupid.""
- Qanon

",1540404796,24/10/2018 18:13 9564338,4160859407,"

Yes - one of the reasons they ask people wearing ""Q"" shirts to turn shirts inside out because of bomb threats being called in.

""These people are stupid.""
- Qanon

",1540405086,24/10/2018 18:18 9564878,4160952149,"

Hey flakey, why hasn't the Congress, fbi and the doj done their JOBS of investating this CORRUPT CRIMINAL? If I as Joe Q Citizen did 1 tenth of what this hag did, I would be on my 4th year of SuperMax.

",1540408596,24/10/2018 19:16 9564126,4160966176,

But what does Q say?

,1540409222,24/10/2018 19:27 9564126,4160976864,

I won't have an opinion on this until I know what Q says about all this.

,1540409700,24/10/2018 19:35 9564126,4160999366,

I'm jones'n for a Q drop right about now!

,1540410739,24/10/2018 19:52 9564126,4161007152,

Where is Q?
No posts since October 9.

,1540411097,24/10/2018 19:58 9564126,4161011691,"

Ask Q, there must me an ultra secret message in this.

",1540411311,24/10/2018 20:01 9564126,4161065578,

so what are the folks over at Q saying about these packages and mis-spellings?

,1540414144,24/10/2018 20:49 9564126,4161076123,"

So President Trump calls out CNN for misrepresentation and outright lies. Then, some nut job (assuming it's not a false flag) tries to blow up CNN personnel. According to logic of well educated liberals that is Trump's fault and not the fault of the nut job, ""because words matter"". That is like calling Michael Moore a fat slob and his suicide being your fault, not his. These liberals might have an I Q of 125 on paper but they sure think and act like they got an IQ of 85.

",1540414687,24/10/2018 20:58 9564126,4161106802,

This is a false flag setup plain and simple. The Chan’s called this one days ago. They also said that the libtards/NWO/globalist will set up a shooting at one of their venues and blame Trump supporters and Qanon (a sure sign that Qanon isn’t a LARP)! Expect it!

,1540416302,24/10/2018 21:25 9565578,4161110213,"

You can't believe how many people think the same. I told my wife this morning after we heard the ""breaking news"" about the first bombs, that this is a false flag or some dem operative trying to stir up support for the dems. Q predicted a false flag event about a month ago and here it is.

",1540416483,24/10/2018 21:28 9565222,4161117719,"

Nothing racist about law, order and justice. The truth is coming out and it is gonna mean death for you demoncraps and NWO elites. ""At some point, it won't be safe for them to walk down the street."" QAnon - Be sure your sins will find you out. My Mom

",1540416887,24/10/2018 21:34 9564126,4161205319,"

Ok, what's the next for the DemonicRats? I'm sure plan Q is in the works, as plans A-P have failed.

",1540421690,24/10/2018 22:54 9566434,4161210636,"

Hey Q BALL give me ONE EXAMPLE please ...............thats what i thought they can never ever provide even one example it's all talk .

Remember all the libtards who promised they were moving to Canada , well as expected it was all talk .

",1540421992,24/10/2018 22:59 9565578,4161217319,"

12 more days before mid-terms. I'm sure plan Q is in the works, as plans A-P have failed.

",1540422389,24/10/2018 23:06 9564126,4161220436,

I'm not Q.

,1540422571,24/10/2018 23:09 9566434,4161244502,

Hmmmm .... wonder if these fake bombs were the October BOOMs that Q was talking about.

,1540423986,24/10/2018 23:33 9566786,4161343735,"

What’s the matter with this woman?? Does she even look at Q? Or has she ever been to the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA to see what is really going on. Why is ANYONE listening to the fake media? Looking for a source of excellent news? Here is just ONE LINK. There are thousands of Patriots around the world pouring over evidence, etc., ie Clinton body count. Or what about every flight or travel plane that, Bill Clinton, GWB and Obama took? Or what about those Patriots that report on plane activity, especially around GITMO? What about the growing list of corporate personnel that have resigned, especially since E.O. 20/12/2017. Then the ever growing list of indictments and the pedophiles that have been arrested thus far. State by state. As General Flynn said recently. An army of digital soldiers. Millions from around the world. This is why Ann Coulter knows NOTHING. Nothing. Jeff Sessions is a valuable team member and just ask yourself.

Do you trust POTUS?
Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?
Our Country?
Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.

It’s part of The Plan people. It’s called the Great Awakening.

",1540430104,25/10/2018 01:15 9566434,4161345197,"

Hey Stelter , Trumps waiting for an apology , look Q Ball , if you're trying to pull this BS on Trump and Trump Nation at least do your best to make it somewhat believable .

This was a comical attempt .

""Bomb Disposal Expert Claims Mail Bombs Are an ‘Obvious Hoax’

""The mail bombs sent to CNN and Democratic leaders on Wednesday are an “obvious hoax” according to a bomb disposal expert who argues the stunt was clearly designed for maximum political impact, not maximum damage""

",1540430203,25/10/2018 01:16 9564126,4161402380,"

Believe in Q.

Believe that these mail bombs were sent by Democrats themselves

Believe that the Clintons sell child sex slaves around the world.

Believe it. Do.

But don't ever preach to me ever again about ""facts don't care about your feelings.""

",1540434509,25/10/2018 02:28 9566986,4161405585,"

I think Brennan KNOWS... (he’s GOING DOWN WITH THE SWAMP SHIP) ..legally. Q has eluded to this, me thinks...

",1540434765,25/10/2018 02:32 9566986,4161407215,

Indeed.. Q has eluded to that in the past

,1540434897,25/10/2018 02:34 9567830,4161409804,"

Thanks. Great Post. Write on!

Most of us had this figured out on Tuesday evening. The Q Anon guys sure as hell did, on 4Chan and 8Chan. HuffPo was already publishing articles (several) by 2 AM Wed, attacking the Anons.

I always thought mail bombs usually were trip-wire activated?

Not knowing when mail will actually be delivered or picked up, let alone when the intended target would be in proximity, especially given high profile figures.

Radio ant. inside the bomb casing, huh? That goes against everything I learned in Ham Radio.

When the Bomb squad bomb removal truck pulled up to CNN to receive the bomb, no one on the NYPD or NYFD seemed at all concerned that a bomb was about to be carried out of the building and placed inside of a truck. Just a giant coffee and donut eating show of force mill about smartly congregation of aimlessly wondering police officers and firefighters wondering in front of the cameras. No one yelling to get back.

",1540435105,25/10/2018 02:38 9561706,4161415945,"

""Linked fate"" thinking is a thing with black americans thanks to identity politics brainwashing. I see it seeping into MAGA now too thanks to the Q larp. Im a student of Ayn Rand, essentially. I dont believe in linked fate whatsoever. Im an INDIVIDUAL. It doesnt matter to me what the crowd does. I generally say if you find yourself walking alone it means youre headed in the right direction.

",1540435600,25/10/2018 02:46 9561706,4161419607,"

Would that it were true, as I most often find myself doing just that: Going it alone.

Explain, please the Q larp, (as I'm not familiar with it)?

Rand, yes, I've read. I have a few quibbles with ""Atlas Shrugged,"" however, because there IS not (as far as I know) an ""invisible"" and therefore inaccessible community somewhere in the western US which the ""other side"" somehow cannot see.

That said, I otherwise liked the novel and even the movie.

My...quibbles...are really my own, and need'nt be yours or anyone else's.

",1540435882,25/10/2018 02:51 9561706,4161423373,"

Ah...whew...its a thing online where some ppl claim to be Trumps secret insiders and they share secret tips for public consumption online of secret investigations of the bad guys, explaining what the good guys are looking for and who they are looking at in real time. Its entertaining but alot of people take it extremely serious. Larp means live action role play in case you dont know the term. Qanon is what the group is called. anyways, one catchphrase is WW1WGA or where we go one we go all...exactly what linked fate thinking is.

",1540436180,25/10/2018 02:56 9561706,4161424243,"

Ah, ok. Q is the famous ""Q"" insider.

",1540436251,25/10/2018 02:57 9561706,4161431879,"

Nah. No one secrets their secrets with me. No one who matters or has ever been heard from anyway.

Oh...LARP....Live Action Role Play, of course (thank you). I get it. And if Q is the group...ok. Not particularly interested in the Q-group, but the rest makes sense. Sort of like ""Cosplay"" is short for ""costume play (or play games).""

I get it.

",1540436873,25/10/2018 03:07 9567998,4161447721,"

After the Russia hoax and Kavanaugh, are we still doubting that this is just another despicable Dem hoax? Mainstream GOP, Tea Party, MAGA movement, QAnon, whatever, had better turn out in massive numbers to vote - or the Dems will bury this country.

",1540438391,25/10/2018 03:33 9567998,4161461618,"

No, we haven't built whole worlds around the pee pee tapes. We don't have T-shirts that say "" pee pee tapes"". We don't think if you don't believe in the pee pee tapes, you are a pedophile .
The Oracle Q is different than the pee pee tape. And we are all still waiting to find out if they exist so...we'll see.

",1540439545,25/10/2018 03:52 9567830,4161465201,

The enemies of America and liberty have a Plan.

They are capable of anything. Q e.d.

Okla city 1995
911 2001

,1540439845,25/10/2018 03:57 9567998,4161465431,"

I only heard calls for harassment. The rest is in your head. And you realize that you just said , "" they did it first"", when No, we did not. Read all about the hate and violence that the Oracle Q has infected your party with in the 11,000 garbage comments below.

",1540439864,25/10/2018 03:57 9567830,4161468633,"

Qanon in a previous drop: ""We have it all. These people are stupid."" The truth will be known to us shortly. Frazzled Rats are sweating nails because if the Congress of the United States stays in Republican power, they are royally fried. Treason is punishable by death. Military Tribunals after 01/01/2019.

Ever seen a pig squeal? I have, right up until the coup-de-grace.

",1540440117,25/10/2018 04:01 9566434,4161523528,

Rather reminds me of something Q would do.

,1540444645,25/10/2018 05:17 9567998,4161611712,"

No was the left wing deep state dudes, pretending to be Q, who was pretending to be a democrat, who were pretending to be humans.

",1540450812,25/10/2018 07:00 9564126,4161628643,"

Yep, atm Q has NO NEED . DEMS do .

",1540452188,25/10/2018 07:23 9564178,4161853770,

It better happen or President Trump will lose in 2020. The Q team has everyone expecting the bad guys to be rounded up and sent away forever.

,1540464779,25/10/2018 10:52 9566786,4161902792,"

Absolutely agree. Folks,if you haven't done so,learn about Qanon and the Great Awakening. There is a plan but patience is required. Trust The Plan. Trump,Sessions,and the administration are building escape proof cases against the criminals in our government but they must have all possible escape routes sealed before the start unsealing indictments.There is a Plan.Trust The Plan.

",1540466699,25/10/2018 11:24 9568198,4161937343,

Or a left wing nut sending non exploding explosives to lefties to frame the right. Another leftie tactic right out of the Hitler playbook. Just hope they don't find some MK target and stick a Q shirt on him to blame. That would be their next play.

,1540467898,25/10/2018 11:44 9569818,4161941299,"

Fresh QAnon MEMEs slideshow (with good music)

",1540468031,25/10/2018 11:47 9564126,4161944805,"

Clock has no alarm. Doesn't make a circuit. Stamps not invalidated. FAKE NEWS.

",1540468151,25/10/2018 11:49 9568198,4162099037,"

Yeah, he'll have a MAGA hat, and a Q shirt, and then 48 hours later, it will be, these fools never give up, even when all hope is lost.

",1540473574,25/10/2018 13:19 9569818,4162114267,

So tell me more about Q-Anon...


,1540474076,25/10/2018 13:27 9570874,4162260213,"

""These people are stupid""

- Qanon

",1540478636,25/10/2018 14:43 9570874,4162391069,"

Private agenda? Hahaha! You guys have gone off the deep end with your conspiracies. It's unreal. Alex Jones and QAnon? Come back to reality.

You honestly believe Trump ran for POTUS because he cares about bettering the country? This is a man who hadn't done a single thing in life up to that point that didn't directly help HIMSELF. Even his charitable foundation was a complete fraud.

So you admit Trump is an embarrassment but it's ok as long as he is ""bettering the country"" You might want to check into that assertion. The unemployment rate is the tail end of a 10 year trend, the stock market is already showing it's weakness, and wages are stagnant.

",1540482911,25/10/2018 15:55 9566786,4162422426,"

That summation is FROM Q - not me. This is why millions who follow Q around the world know what’s going on, in many instances, before it happens. We are in RED OCTOBER. We were warned that false flags will be undertaken by the deep state as the election drawers closer. There is PANIC IN DC. Q has told us such. But we have also been told to be mindful of our surroundings, of crowds etc. Before every rally the organisers get hundreds of death threats against Q, or should I say those wearing Q on t-shirts etc. They are identifiable. Why? Why not those wearing MAGA hats? Those holding up MAGA signs? Why Q? If you attend a rally with Q on a t-shirt, you will be asked to remove it or turn it inside out by the USSS to PREVENT YOU BEING A TARGET. Q is a worldwide movement and the deep state/globalists are terrified that the people are being informed of their crimes. This is what the deep state are in a panic about. Their crimes being revealed to the world.

We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.

",1540483974,25/10/2018 16:12 9569542,4162494718,"

You're right. They just cannot compete with the fair, honest reporting from BB, InfoWars or QAnon.

",1540486348,25/10/2018 16:52 9566786,4162500941,


,1540486550,25/10/2018 16:55 9571566,4162574106,"

Best run-down I can find. Though you may involuntarily spit your coffee at your monitor while reading....

",1540488998,25/10/2018 17:36 9572718,4162600829,"

U.N. Puts Boots on the Ground in Mexico to Help Migrants, ‘Lone Children’

The United Nation’s Refugee Agency (UNHRC) has 45 people on the ground in Mexico helping the more than 7,000 people who are marching from Central America to the United States border with Mexico.

The Mexico News Daily reported on Tuesday:

UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards told a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland today that “in any situation like this it is essential that people have the chance to request asylum and have their international protection needs properly assessed, before any decision on return/deportation is made.”

The Mexican government initially warned people coming into Mexico illegally, mostly from Honduras, that they would be detained and deported.
But remember Q saying this about Haiti – would be true here

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST) [post 1880]
""𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤’𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚𝙣, 𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙨, 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚, 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧, 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙚. 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙢 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤’𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙞 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙧𝙪𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨."" 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬…

Business is open for UN, RedRed and other Soros NGOs.
makes sense considering some of (((THEIR))) main pipelines have been shut down.


UN & EU are the same, both have the same motives, to destroy individual western countries with migrants from 3rd world countries. Their goal is to become a one global government with them at the top controlling the masses.

The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail

",1540489888,25/10/2018 17:51 9561706,4162903384,

Are you comparing Father John Q Adams to a con-man for President?
How sick.

,1540501392,25/10/2018 21:03 9564126,4162909895,"

This article from reputable journalism describes you MAGAPHILES perfectly:

""Conspiratorial thinking has always been with us — the grassy knoll, the moon landing, the Freemasons. But it has been turbocharged in the Trump era, as cable news networks and pliant social media networks allow hastily assembled theories to spread to millions in an instant. Often, by the time the official, evidence-based explanation has taken shape, it has already been drowned out by a megaphonic chorus of cranks and attention-hungry partisans.

“The process by which something gets called a false flag has accelerated,” said Anna Merlan, the author of “Republic of Lies,” a coming book about conspiracy theories. “People who make a living conspiracy-peddling are in an arms race with each other, so there’s a rush to stake out that territory and start spinning their narratives about what happened.”

Within hours of the first bomb’s discovery, conservative media figures were openly speculating about the true motives behind the campaign. Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and other high-profile commentators flocked to an alternative narrative that could explain the targeted threats to top Democrats without blaming those Democrats’ political opponents.

“Republicans just don’t do this kind of thing,” Mr. Limbaugh said on his radio show. (Critics quickly provided Mr. Limbaugh with plenty of counterexamples, including abortion clinic bombings committed by right-wing extremists.)

As prominent conservatives tiptoed around the conspiracy theory swamps, the right-wing internet dove in headfirst. Users on a pro-Trump Reddit forum called r/the_donald frantically assembled evidence to buttress the unfounded theory that the bombs were a left-wing setup. Conservatives on Facebook and Twitter distilled the theory into memes and talking points that were shared thousands of times. Groups originally formed to promote QAnon, a sprawling pro-Trump conspiracy theory, latched on and turned up the volume even higher.""

",1540501744,25/10/2018 21:09 9570874,4162914398,

I think Q did it...

,1540501986,25/10/2018 21:13 9569818,4162941281,"

There seems to be a pattern here - - and me thinks I've seen it before!

",1540503526,25/10/2018 21:38 9562174,4162958160,"

Here, we'll break it down so even you can understand:








",1540504520,25/10/2018 21:55 9573110,4162997329,"

The Asylum Laws were never intended to apply to entire populations coming form countries that have failed economic systems. They were meant to provide ""Individuals"" the benefit from our humane values and give Sanctuary from Persecution political or religious When entire nation's Leadersips become hostile to its people it becomes the right of the Indigenous citizens to revolt and change that government. The US cannot sustain all of the poor living in third world countries to migrate into our society. It is not a rational solution nor is it in the best interest of our Citizens. The Asylum Laws have become a vehicle for the Left's Open Border fiasco. These Tyrannical Regimes existed before the birth of our Nation and will continue in the future. It is our duty to help but not using these unwise Immigration provisions. President Adams had this to say:

“ Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. John Q. Adams 6th President of the US.

",1540506951,25/10/2018 22:35 9566638,4163020327,"

AH, no. First sentence is meaningless. Like some sort of statement that you are all knowing regarding Catholic doctrine. Maggie, I've also been to Catholic school and learned almost nothing about my faith until I became an adult 20 plus years later in my late 30's and read books for myself on what the Church teaches and WHY. So don't bother.

All you hear is stories and vague things like ""be nice to people"" at Catholic schools. It doesn't mean much if your parents are not participating and that rarely happens. What you learn at Catholic schools is practical things. Not theology.

So spare me the ""expertise"".

As to your questions, silliness. Why does the Vatican have walls? Really? Vatican used to have an army and participated in diplomacy and so forth like any country in the middle ages, up until the unification of Italy. Did you learn that at the Catholic schools? Probably not... Vatican doesn't control ""wealth"", unless you think they'll suddenly sell the art there, which is never going to happen. It is priceless and worth nothing on the bottom line. As to Q, that is all speculation, there is no written ""Q"".

",1540508418,25/10/2018 23:00 9574622,4163041646,"

Trump & crew already knew this was planned by DS & I'm sure they'll take care of fine. Below is a post from Qanon (believed to be legit small team closest to Trump made up of mostly military Intel & right so far) left on 10-09. One way you find ""clues"" to more enlightenment, is to check numbers of dates & posts. So Post #1009 back in April reveals their knowledge beforehand:
Troops to Border.
Clown Black Ops. (Clown = CIA)
Private funds.
Raised how?
Troops @ Border does what?
To who?
D's involved.
MS_13/Illegals road block.
Sex traffic road block.
Children road block.
Drugs road block.
Guns road block.
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
Name we don't say AZ road block. (McCain)
Jeff Flake AZ road block.
Big money TERMINATE.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

",1540509896,25/10/2018 23:24 9571438,4163077524,

Low I Q Maxine....

,1540512343,26/10/2018 00:05 9573110,4163165017,"

If Q is correct there will be a lot ""retirements"" to Gitmo or Leavenworth.

",1540518703,26/10/2018 01:51 9575246,4163166454,"

Is that the party of Obama is a Kenyan, democrats run a pedophile ring out of a pizza hut, Soros is paying for the world's anti trump sentiment, the 4Chan Q group has it right, the fbi is part of some sinister plot against conservatives, everyone everywhere except conservatives hate America, trumps inauguration crowd size was the biggest in the history of history, climate change is just a hoax so all those billionaire research assistants and doctoral candidates can continue to live in the lavish lifestyle they are used to and to put those poor poor oil CEOs that tell nothing but the truth into the poor house. Is that the ""intelligent majority your referring to?

",1540518812,26/10/2018 01:53 9575970,4163470532,

So whats up with Q guys ?

,1540541499,26/10/2018 08:11 9575970,4163477292,

No seriously ?? Whats up with Q Anon ??

,1540541927,26/10/2018 08:18 9572718,4163548413,"

You aren't folllowing Q apparently. Sucks to be you. I prefer Peets. Back to the griddle, Tex!

",1540546338,26/10/2018 09:32 9575970,4163563039,

The FBI say they are bombs. It that's right
The FBI are part of the qanon Illuminati

,1540547134,26/10/2018 09:45 9573194,4163568978,"

How soon before L, G, B, T and Q are fighting for 10% for their specific letter?

",1540547443,26/10/2018 09:50 9575970,4163624596,"

Yep. No district Court ruling, or circuit Court, for that matter, is binding on the whole country. Jeff Sessions is such a disappointment. Q is a lie.

",1540550154,26/10/2018 10:35 9575970,4163652099,

Isn't Q that guy who is in charge of 007?

,1540551379,26/10/2018 10:56 9577962,4163734884,

Didn't Q say Boom Boom Boom . I guess they've been served .

,1540554686,26/10/2018 11:51 9577962,4163742459,"

I am suspicious of this entire mail bomb story! The timing of the story just two weeks before the elections after Democrats have launched attacks on Trump supporters, GOP candidates, and have promoted harassment of Republicans. The public opinion of the DNC tactics has been very negative, so creating this bombing story, on Q, the MSM and Dems have blamed Trump to try and repair their public image. Also, some of the people allegedly receiving packages, line Brennen and Clapper, Trump has already wrecked and are minimal threats to the GOP. None of the bombs have detonated, which is by design. This is a Democrat operation.

",1540554972,26/10/2018 11:56 9577834,4163766454,

Didn't Q say Boom Boom Boom ! I guess he's been served .

,1540555859,26/10/2018 12:10 9576990,4163803258,

Remember Q said BOOM BOOM BOOM when the time comes . Maybe the time is coming and they've been served ?

,1540557203,26/10/2018 12:33 9570238,4163832724,"

Think about the"" I Man "" Imus, who rode to success on Clintons back after his roast of Clinton. Basically Megan did the same with President Trump, but it looks like she reached the end of the line. Remember how popular Kathy Couric was, the last time I saw her she was debating Ted Cruz on Yahoo who cut her legs right out from under her. You take these Q Card readers and put them in an Honest Debate and they fold like a wet paper bag !

",1540558216,26/10/2018 12:50 9577834,4163851049,

Even money it’s a Q follower or a leftist.

,1540558871,26/10/2018 13:01 9577962,4163855366,


,1540559026,26/10/2018 13:03 9578886,4163896067,

🕸Hal 💀 🎃O 🎃 ☠Ween 👻 🕷

Follow Follow @925_master

Replying to @Breaking911
They are looking at a van I'm guessing is supposed to be his and the windows are covered in Trump stickers and other stuff!!!! ARE YOU FUKN KIDDING ME??? was he arrested in a #MAGA hat and a #QAnon t-shirt too??? This is so fukn predictable. 🤔🙄

8:21 AM - 26 Oct 2018

,1540560389,26/10/2018 13:26 9578886,4163908514,"



Good grief, could it be any more staged?? The van, loaded with stickers of Trump, probably will allude to #QAnon, right in an open lot, easily photographed. No doubt this will be a ""deranged Trump supporter"" 1 week before primaries. Democrats are desperate!

",1540560785,26/10/2018 13:33 9576990,4163928979,

Says who? Q? Lol...

,1540561421,26/10/2018 13:43 9578886,4163935648,

Hopefully it's not one of those Q cultists.

,1540561631,26/10/2018 13:47 9578650,4163956089,"

I don't see LGBTQ as a marginalized and struggling community. The LG part is fine. B is a choice and definitely not anything that needs protecting anywhere. T is mental illness or guilt psychosis that causes self rejection and to be honest, Q seems to cover every single odd and strange weirdo out there. In any event, every single one of the LGBTQ community is already protected as the men and women they are. Lifestyle choices are just that. All this hoopla is that not being recognized will keep them from seeking disciples in elementary schools.

",1540562266,26/10/2018 13:57 9578886,4163958507,

What are you talking about? I appreciate your hard work. You know how to use google. You listen to rush and get your facts from Q. You’re all dialed in buddy. We need to get you on the radio. We shouldn’t waste a voice like your on Breitbart. I should be rubbing elbows with Hannity and tucker.

,1540562342,26/10/2018 13:59 9578886,4163979360,

You Q tards never quit.

,1540562983,26/10/2018 14:09 9578650,4163997912,

I support LGB. I don't support T or Q or any of the other letters that they like to throw in.

,1540563547,26/10/2018 14:19 9578886,4164052447,

He's a fall guy recruited to be captured. They will most likely try to tie him to QANON is my guess

,1540565230,26/10/2018 14:47 9578886,4164060432,

He doesn't look smart enough for Q.

,1540565476,26/10/2018 14:51 9578886,4164103192,

This notion that Q is an old filipino guy in FL is absurd.

,1540566815,26/10/2018 15:13 9578886,4164131287,"

You're mentally ill. The 4chan link is something someone just fabricated, the rest of the links don't indicate anything to do with some kind of conspiracy. He registered with Miami-Dade County as a Republican 11 days before the 2016 election.

Did QAnon warn you all about this false flag? No political movement this far removed from reality can survive.

",1540567667,26/10/2018 15:27 9578886,4164155621,

He can;'be tied to QANON because QANON doesn't exist.

,1540568392,26/10/2018 15:39 9578886,4164173344,

I support Trump and the vast majority of us are patriots but this nut job sounds like one of those moronic Q cultists that give us a bad name.

,1540568916,26/10/2018 15:48 9578886,4164210171,

Soros! Bought MSM and then put out this fake story and got FBI and Trump to go in on it! How much did he pay? Help us Q! Hahahaha.

,1540570048,26/10/2018 16:07 9578886,4164223306,

Omg you are against the Q in LBGTQ.


,1540570475,26/10/2018 16:14 9578886,4164299642,

Says who? Q? Just another worthless Republican.

,1540572937,26/10/2018 16:55 9578886,4164304364,"

You know this is a result of so many Republicans believing in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories. This is a product of your penchant for phony BS. And still, many are denying the truth. There is a cancer in your party. It's dangerous, and you guys are proud of your denial of the truth. What the Hell happened to the law & order party?

",1540573093,26/10/2018 16:58 9578886,4164331973,"

Look, I am a Liberal. We don't do 3rd grade name-calling. But, let me point out how ironic your flimsy argument is. Democrats condemn deliberate violence and cruelty. Your President revels in deliberate violence and cruelty, and his breathless fans cheer for it. Nobody believes Conservatives anymore because you've used these lame excuses of a hoax, witch hunt, conspiracy so many times. We now realize that all the kooky Oracle Q crap has made you paranoid & bloodthirsty. A Conservative KILLED Heather Heyer. A Conservative sent these bombs yet you are complaining because some people got yelled at in a restaurant? And you call us snowflakes??
Please lay off all the conspiracy mumbo jumbo, it's not making Republicans look any smarter. We are all Americans. When are you going to start acting like it?

",1540574015,26/10/2018 17:13 9578886,4164340928,"

I am on BB everyday. For proof at how conspiracy-riddled and disgusting people are, look no further than the 11,000 garbage comments below. You people are now truly deplorable. For proof, read below. Then go to a Lefty comment section for this same story. You will find general smack talk but you will not find the hate and anger and delusion that is displayed from the Right. DON'T take my word for it, do it yourself. It's shocking how crazy the Oracle Q has made you people.

",1540574313,26/10/2018 17:18 9578886,4164355253,

You go Q!!!!

,1540574791,26/10/2018 17:26 9578886,4164358405,"

You need to get a grip and realize your party is so entrenched in the Oracle Q conspiracy theories, you are all paranoid and delusional, even without the bong! What happened to the law & order party?

",1540574894,26/10/2018 17:28 9578886,4164388088,

Mama's boy. Probably a q-anon freak

,1540575881,26/10/2018 17:44 9578886,4164412486,"

David Axelrod.

",1540576728,26/10/2018 17:58 9578886,4164440099,"

Lol...let the idiocy commence!! Commies, socialists, Q, conspiracy...deep state. Pour some nitrogen on that one brain cell to keep it cool..don't want to over load it...baahahahahahahaha

",1540577713,26/10/2018 18:15 9578886,4164461000,

So tell me more about Q-Anon...


,1540578468,26/10/2018 18:27 9578886,4164523484,"

LOL, Q share that with you or Alex Jones?

",1540580199,26/10/2018 18:56 9578886,4164580698,"

Lol... This lunacy is seriously hard-wired into your psyche. You simply can't stop. Thank goodness. With every bizarre, Kanye-like rant, you prove my point.
FYI - I've been to all 3 remaining communist countries. So far, I've never run into any lunatics like you there. Let's hear another one... pods? Elvis? Q?...c'mon...

",1540581805,26/10/2018 19:23 9578886,4164592547,"

Democrats don't deny the truth. Just think about how many times this year the Right has blamed a hoax, a witch hunt, a conspiracy. Not everything can be a part of some frame job. At some point, you all really look like liars that can't handle the truth. Conservatives are so entrenched in the kooky Oracle Q it is no surprise that it has now turned deadly. Yet the Right is still blaming Democrats? It makes you all look divorced from the truth and pathetically blind.

",1540582296,26/10/2018 19:31 9578886,4164617435,

Is Q sharing this with you personally?

,1540583266,26/10/2018 19:47 9578886,4164623361,"

good grief, Q doesn't ever advocate for violence

",1540583447,26/10/2018 19:50 9578886,4164639549,"

Dude is driving around Boca Raton last Thursday...van plastered with memes, window down, making a ""Q"" sign with his left hand.

This is a setup for the Q people on the chans.

",1540584034,26/10/2018 20:00 9580974,4164770681,"

All snark aside, the fact that such a large percentage of ‘Republicans’ see conspiracies everywhere (for Exhibit A see Qanon) is not a promising development for the future of the party.

",1540590795,26/10/2018 21:53 9580974,4164775509,

How many QAnon people showed up?

,1540591081,26/10/2018 21:58 9580974,4164781975,

Where? Lead by who?

Are you a QAnon guy?

,1540591471,26/10/2018 22:04 9578886,4164803709,"

And the FBI can treat all the targets' properties as ""evidence"" that will be protected legally from the coming indictments after the RED TSUNAMI! In this way, deep state operatives get access and control of pertinent evidence so that it can be destroyed before Sessions can replace Rosenstien for the continuation of Mueller's ""probe"" to nowhere. Where's Q?

",1540592825,26/10/2018 22:27 9582506,4164814603,

A big Q.

,1540593522,26/10/2018 22:38 9582506,4164819302,

And the Q post from Jun 20. Says the same essentially. Fake Plays are in the works so be ready.

,1540593843,26/10/2018 22:44 9582114,4164858694,

Are you in the Q?

,1540596573,26/10/2018 23:29 9580974,4164898772,"

He's one of those Q-Anon paranoiacs, a conspiracy wet dreamer.

",1540599334,27/10/2018 00:15 9580974,4164899373,

Is Lindsey Graham part of Qanon? You see to think so. That's quite a conspiracy.

,1540599378,27/10/2018 00:16 9583218,4164913532,"

By tomorrow, Sayoc will be a white nationalist Q follower with an arsenal of Russian made firearms stashed in his bug out bunker. Never let a crisis to waste- they'll milk this story for every label they can.

",1540600354,27/10/2018 00:32 9583218,4164948925,"

The MAGA bomber was part of a well known terror cell operating in FL. It has ties all over the southern states. They were radicalized by nationalist republican David Dennison during rallies appealing to the low income, uneducated, meth addicted worshippers of the being they call Q.

",1540603018,27/10/2018 01:16 9583218,4165251827,

Wonder what Q will have to say about this LOSER who LIVES IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER? Lol

,1540628876,27/10/2018 08:27 9583218,4165266524,"

There is so much on u-tube discussing what Q means from some well-meaning people and some flat out dissing ""him"". Not even sure if Jerome Corsi is trustworthy anymore. Sort of gives me a headache who to listen to.

",1540630024,27/10/2018 08:47 9583218,4165406641,

The HillyDawg (HRC) .. is on BORROWED TIME (legally) ... me thinks. But..I will believe it WHEN I SEE IT.. Q eludes to that

,1540639325,27/10/2018 11:22 9583218,4165435871,

Reddit and 4chan reporting he was Baker prime for Q anon...

,1540640869,27/10/2018 11:47 9581610,4165456029,"

Let's make it impossible to make products in America with climate change regulation. Then create the products in China with 5 times the pollution and cheap labor exploitation. It may not solve the problem but then I can feel good about myself, tell others what to do and impress my neighbors about how much I care.

Sincerely John Q Democrat

",1540641898,27/10/2018 12:04 9583834,4165486978,"

Amend and revise US Asylum Laws for what they were originally intended to propect ""Individuals"" from persecution for political or Religious reasons. It was never intended to solve the injustices that entire populations of countries are subjected to. These people have human rights to combat corruption and injustice in their Own Country. We cannot be responsible for all the world's evil and poverty.

A quote from our sixth President clarifies our Nation's obligation which as been further enriched with generous Foreign Aid by America.

“ Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. John Q. Adams 6th President of the US.

",1540643394,27/10/2018 12:29 9583030,4165495547,"

",1540643801,27/10/2018 12:36 9584050,4165509905,"

KKK, Qanon. Just to name a few. I'll be happy to send you a link to the rest if you're too lazy or too incapable of looking them up.

",1540644478,27/10/2018 12:47 9584050,4165512565,

Lol. Who is Qanon? So violent nobody ever heard of them. KKK invented by the left you imbecile

,1540644602,27/10/2018 12:50 9580130,4165523697,"

------- The Cesar PSY-OP story is full of Holes , as usual.

QUESTION : If Q - Anon is not real , why are the boards under attack ...AGAIN ?
Happens every time they find giant holes in the "" Narrative "" !

* How did this FELON register to VOTE ?
* Van covered with Trump stickers but never gets VANDALIZED like so many others ?

",1540645106,27/10/2018 12:58 9580130,4165531785,"

------- The Cesar PSY-OP story is full of Holes , as usual.

QUESTION : If Q - Anon is not real , why are the boards under attack ...AGAIN ?
Happens every time they find giant holes in the "" Narrative "" !

",1540645470,27/10/2018 13:04 9580130,4165544090,"

------ The Cesar PSY-OP story is full of Holes , as usual.

QUESTION : If Q - Anon is not real , why are the boards under attack ...AGAIN ?
Happens every time they find giant holes in the "" Narrative ""

* How did this FELON register to VOTE ?
* Van covered with Trump stickers but never gets VANDALIZED like so many others ?

",1540646025,27/10/2018 13:13 9585710,4165570424,

I'm sure they are already writing the news stories about how the gunman was a Trump supporting Q follower- just like 8chan has been predicting for a while.

,1540647088,27/10/2018 13:31 9585710,4165580566,

The average John Q Voter is an extraordinarily naive dumbass.

,1540647505,27/10/2018 13:38 9580974,4165584432,"

he also had help from an ultra deep state team at the fbi that made the bombs and coordinated the delivery. This team has biological implants to stay in touch with obama 24/7 with no detection to subvert the will of AMERICA.

Also that van, no way a crazy person could have a clean semi new looking van. obvious plant because that fact just matters so much. And did you see THOSE STICKERS. They look kinda new, I mean how could a crazy man have stickers?!?!?1

This is all just cover for the ongoing investigation that Mueller is conducting into all the sex trafficking democrats under the false cover of investigating trump! Qanon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you cant see this obvious connection with 0 proof based just on some online posts on info wars, breitbart, or reddit then you have a weak mind and are a MSM SHEEP LIBTARTD!!!



",1540647661,27/10/2018 13:41 9583030,4165588743,"

THE NSA monitors all that and you know it, .

If there was anything not on the up and up it will be caught, That's how you and the FBI/DOJ got found out.

Just ask Admiral Rogers and Q team

",1540647837,27/10/2018 13:43 9583030,4165593543,"

Obama seems to be confirming information on the Chinese hacking Hillary's illegal server and obtaining information impacting national security via her emails and phone. Maybe Q is not a LARP, Mr. Obama?

",1540648035,27/10/2018 13:47 9580974,4165593709,"

no no no !! How could someone they are calling crazy have a working van and stickers that looked kinda new??

He mailed a package to 12 locations, that is too much to coordinate! It was either the FBI helping him or a soros funded black ops cyborg team, that is waiting to take action at the order of soros, obama, or JFK. JFK is still alive and directing the MSM and angry left mob to kill Jesus and destroy america!!!!

You are a sheep if you cant see this.


",1540648042,27/10/2018 13:47 9585710,4165608450,

Many are already calling this an act of the far right and it may be setup that way or could be true .
My question is who has the most to lose if it is shown to be a far right act in the election 11 days from now and who has the most to gain ?
The same question can be asked about the accused bomber and the Saudi Arabia incident .
Q asked in many drops : Do you believe in coincidences ?
I don't know if Q is a fake government official or a fake but i have to admit this seems to be exactly what he was pointing at.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions emphasized at least 2 times yesterday that the bomber would be considered innocent until proven guilty .
Question : Does Jeff Sessions believe in coincidences ?
Question : Do you believe in coincidences ?

,1540648631,27/10/2018 13:57 9585710,4165614991,"

White supremacist. How convenient. This is deep state bullshit. I knew they would go low, but to kill people Too? I guess that Q fella really nailed this one.

",1540648895,27/10/2018 14:01 9585710,4165663016,

Oooo...tell me more about Q-Anon!


,1540650832,27/10/2018 14:33 9585710,4165664843,"

And again the unmentioned QUESTION:

""How many of the victims were UNARMED ??? under any level of jackass 'gun-control' stupidity ???""


According to reports, even ARMED Police Officers were wounded !!!
These kind of 'incidents' will END when John/Joan Q. Public can DEFEND THEMSELVES - instantly and on the scene - without KAK politicians having flatulence attacks because some law-abiding Sovereign might determine they've had enough tyranny ...

",1540650906,27/10/2018 14:35 9585710,4165665470,

Did Q tell you that?

,1540650933,27/10/2018 14:35 9571750,4165677921,

Was it somebody who listens to Q who did it? Who is Q?
Remember the man with the rifle?

,1540651421,27/10/2018 14:43 9585710,4165678835,"

Robert Bowers @onedingo

2 days ago
Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist.
There is no #MAGA as long as there is a ki ke infestation.
#Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90's to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.
But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning

",1540651458,27/10/2018 14:44 9585226,4165691540,"

Blasio copied ""Promises made, Promises kept.""
Now, Obangutan is copying ""The Great Awakening"" from Qanon.
No originality and just pure lies.
Remember Joan Rivers: Obama ""is the first gay president and Michele is a transexual. We all know that.""

",1540651955,27/10/2018 14:52 9585710,4165692360,"

In a post a few days before the shooting, Bowers wrote, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.” In another message, Bowers wrote of Trump, “For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.”

",1540651988,27/10/2018 14:53 9585710,4165695491,"
In a post a few days before the shooting, Bowers wrote, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.” In another message, Bowers wrote of Trump, “For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.”

",1540652112,27/10/2018 14:55 9583218,4165696302,"

In a post a few days before the shooting, Bowers wrote, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.” In another message, Bowers wrote of Trump, “For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.”

",1540652144,27/10/2018 14:55 9585710,4165698441,

Evidently he was an active user on GAB. aka rightwing twitter. And followed #QAnon

,1540652229,27/10/2018 14:57 9585710,4165705429,

Followed #QAnon
active on GAB.
only disagreed with trumps views on jews.

,1540652504,27/10/2018 15:01 9585710,4165738521,"

Cabal that controls everything. Sounds like the antisemitic filth peddled by Corsi, Q etc.

",1540653706,27/10/2018 15:21 9585710,4165748825,"

The rest of the media is reporting four fatalities.

The perp's name is Robert (Bob) Bowers. He thinks Trump is a globalist and there is no MAGA as long as Jews are around.

Apparently, he's a believes in Qanon. This guy is to the right of Breitbarters, if that's possible!

Here's a link to some of his social media posts>

",1540654048,27/10/2018 15:27 9585710,4165763231,

he frequented the right wing extremist brand of twitter. Big Q anon follower.

,1540654580,27/10/2018 15:36 9585710,4165766100,

dude was a Q annon supporter. Extremsim breeds extremism. Anger breeds anger. HAte breeds hate. ands trump loves to spread hate

,1540654695,27/10/2018 15:38 9585710,4165766520,"

Turns out that the shooter was a Qanon freak. He posted on GAB that he didn't vote for trump because Trump is a globalist and not a nationalist. Also went on about how ""patriots"" who were against martial law back in the 90s should be begging for it now.

",1540654713,27/10/2018 15:38 9585710,4165771150,"

If you would bother to look at yhe link, he berated Q followers for following a larp. Said they were all being deceived.

",1540654898,27/10/2018 15:41 9583218,4165778981,

You believe the Q? Me too q. Red pill reality. MAGA.

,1540655205,27/10/2018 15:46 9585226,4165789713,

Looks liek OBAMA is trying to latch on to the Qanon movement of the GREAT AWAKENING.

,1540655635,27/10/2018 15:53 9585710,4165790587,"

True about not supporting Trump - he thinks that Trump is a globalist and not a nationalist.
He's a Qanon loser who fears the ""Deep State"" and is hoping for martial law.

",1540655669,27/10/2018 15:54 9585226,4165791464,"

Obama said the ""great awakening"" here. I wonder if he's a secret fan of the Qanons?

",1540655703,27/10/2018 15:55 9585710,4165795556,

Incorrect. He was anti-Q and believed Q and Trump were globalists controlled by the Jews. Try to be accurate. It helps your credibility.

,1540655868,27/10/2018 15:57 9585710,4165811977,

qanon ... hah he's about as real as the stuff in geraldo's vault. dont let yourself by sucked into the fake miracle worker conspiracy!

,1540656545,27/10/2018 16:09 9585710,4165812676,

Your logic is right but he is actually anti-Qanon.

,1540656574,27/10/2018 16:09 9585710,4165814528,

He thought Q was a Trump psyop to introduce mashall law. Stop the lies.

,1540656650,27/10/2018 16:10 9585710,4165818152,

He actually said Q anon was a scam

,1540656802,27/10/2018 16:13 9578886,4165829765,"

Sorry for my long response...Yes, I still stand by my comment. I don't blame Trump for Sayocs stupidity & anger but I do blame Trump for making people think that their violent anger and stupidity is totally cool. Sayoc was obviously a pyscho Trump lover, all the signs are there. Just because the stickers are new and artfully placed, does not make him less of a psycho Trump lover. Yet, the Magas still think it's another Democrat ""frame job."" Despite the fact that his lawyer for 4 previous cases said Sayoc thought of Trump ""like a father figure"", the Right are still clinging to their disbelief. Most telling of all is the video footage of him at Trump rallys. No Democrat would go sit thru a Trump rally, even if he was setting the stage for a crime. Yet, the Right are able to do these mental gymnastics and blame everything on Democrats. I believe they are adept at this kind of logistical brain-pretzel because of the practice they get from the Oracle Q. I mean, come on, to think Trump is a Holy Superman ridding the world of evil pedophile Democrats is quite a stretch of the imagination!! Its the normalization of these kind of lies, that makes it possible to imagine that Democrats would set up Kavanaugh with the Dr. Ford story. ( Democrats did not set it up) or thinking Democrats would send bombs to their own leaders. The Right does not recognize the truth anymore. They actually prefer the phony BS.
I am a Liberal on Breitbart so I am painfully aware of Republicans HATRED of Democrats. I hear it everyday. Democrats do not feel the same way. We may think you are stupid for liking Trump but nobody hates Republicans for doing so. We still consider Republicans fellow Americans. Because We're actually on the same team. It's called America.

",1540657284,27/10/2018 16:21 9585226,4165830525,

Yet another term being stolen by the liberal idiots. “ the great awakening is not their saying it is qanon. Just like snowflake. These people will steal anything.

,1540657315,27/10/2018 16:21 9585226,4165837139,"

That ""Great Awakening"" phrase comes from the #qanon threads on Twitter. Q is now living rent free in Obama's brain...

",1540657585,27/10/2018 16:26 9585710,4165845769,

Er.. Q?

,1540657948,27/10/2018 16:32 9585710,4165857222,"

Bowers railed against the ""cabal"". Look at who else uses this antisemitic catch word. Q.

Stop the hate. Stop the hate crime of antisemitism. Shut down the incitement to hate.

",1540658430,27/10/2018 16:40 9585710,4165867241,

QAnon blogger and 4chan lover...gee I wonder

,1540658857,27/10/2018 16:47 9585226,4165868115,

He dares steal the phrase The Great Awakening. He's been watching the Q movement. He knows whats coming .
Sing it Obama : My friends my time is near as i face the final curtain .

,1540658895,27/10/2018 16:48 9585710,4165869901,"

“There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*ke infestation,” he wrote on Thursday. “#Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90′s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.”

Yeesh! I'm fascinated with the psychology of how people get to this point.

",1540658969,27/10/2018 16:49 9585710,4165872299,

They'll blame Gab and Qanon for it.

,1540659075,27/10/2018 16:51 9585710,4165878034,

They'll blame Qanon and Gab for it.

,1540659330,27/10/2018 16:55 9585710,4165879566,

A Qanon tard. I wonder what was his handle here.

,1540659395,27/10/2018 16:56 9585710,4165882026,

Truth hurts ? He is a QAnon tard. That is a fact.

,1540659508,27/10/2018 16:58 9585710,4165883253,

QAnon shooter. I have seen a few here.

,1540659564,27/10/2018 16:59 9585710,4165886320,"

Hey tai guy, Robert Bower is a white supremacist/Nationalist who did not vote for trump because he believed trump to be a globalist. Do some reading dude, this guy's social media is all over the place. To quote Bowers "" #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90's to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp"" Does not sound like an Obama+Farrakhan hit job. try again

",1540659697,27/10/2018 17:01 9585710,4165891497,

It is a Qanon tard who decided to kill today and your brain is infected with conspiracy theories just like his.

,1540659915,27/10/2018 17:05 9585710,4165894963,

Just read dude. Stop trying to put everything in a box. Seems like he got frustrated with trump. He says he believes the Qanon conspiracies. Don’t rely on breitbart so much

,1540660071,27/10/2018 17:07 9585226,4165895141,

Dark to Light.
The Great Awakening
The Q movement is in Obama's head.
This traitor is going to face the music. PANIC

,1540660078,27/10/2018 17:07 9585710,4165895402,"

This guy was a skeptic about Q anon, not saying he's wrong though.

",1540660090,27/10/2018 17:08 9585710,4165899546,"

He posted on QAnon and also on Gab, a white supremacist social media.

Nuff said. Another nazi.

",1540660273,27/10/2018 17:11 9585710,4165917279,"

In one post on Twitter attributed to Bowers, he took aim both at Donald
Trump and followers of the QAnon conspiracy, which claims that Trump is
part of a secret alliance taking on the so-called “Deep State.”“Trump is
a globalist, not a nationalist,” read a post from two days ago. “There
is no #MAGA as long as there is a k**e infestation.

",1540660934,27/10/2018 17:22 9585226,4165920735,

Sounds like Soetoro has been reading Qanon….maybe to see when the hammer is going to be dropped on him. lol

,1540661084,27/10/2018 17:24 9585710,4165925787,

Why are my posts being put on hold? I point out the antisemitism of Q and I'm on hold. Why?

,1540661311,27/10/2018 17:28 9585710,4165933746,"

Expose Q as an antisemite and your post is stopped awaiting moderation by Breitbart. Sick. Yet the most open antisemites are allowed to post ad infinitum. Without restriction. Why is BB blocking anti, antisemitism?????

",1540661657,27/10/2018 17:34 9578238,4165965931,"

Really did like Mark back when.
But the guy was clueless when Trump was on the scene. He stuck with the good fellas,instead of hearing The Peoples Voice through Trump.
I never thought Levin was slow to what Trump was about. Hes a smart guy. I suspect he is an elitist and is tied in with the swamp.
One of the reasons he doesn't comment on Q.
He did with the Tea Party but will not with Q and the people (anons).

",1540662997,27/10/2018 17:56 9585710,4165989461,"

Supported right wing conspiracy theories. Violently anti Semitic. Crazily anti immigration. Supported QAnon. Claimed Trump wasn’t far right enough. If you think that makes him a liberal, you sir are an idiot.

",1540664038,27/10/2018 18:13 9585710,4166002915,"

“There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*ke infestation,” he wrote on Thursday. “#Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90′s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.”

Sure sounds like a Democrat, right.....right. 😒

",1540664657,27/10/2018 18:24 9587126,4166050148,"

The one thing that I have learned from Qanon is
nothing is as it is protrayed on the face of things.
Everything we see is merely a false illusion.
For instance, Hillary. She isn't a strong, woman who
would have been a president if she had won....No, she is a treasonous
piece of crap that is DEEP into a Satanic cult...she has sex with
little girls and boys and it is all enough to make a person just
She sold our country out to ALL America's enemies.
She had direct lines between China and her server.
She SICK SICK SICK, a psychopathic SICKO

",1540666838,27/10/2018 19:00 9585710,4166050605,

I think Q quit.

,1540666859,27/10/2018 19:00 9587126,4166053384,

Another thing that I've learned from Qanon
The Catholic church is CABAL. They sold their souls.
They are stuck.

,1540666985,27/10/2018 19:03 9585710,4166070180,"

“There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*ke infestation,” he wrote on Thursday. “#Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90′s to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.”

Sure sounds like a Democrat.....right. You guys are so desperate & pathetic. 😂

",1540667777,27/10/2018 19:16 9585710,4166073682,

This is what qanon does to your brain

,1540667942,27/10/2018 19:19 9585710,4166081138,"

I didn't say he was a Trump supporter. You said he was a Democrat. I'm just pointing out the obvious. Democrats don't refer to ""MAGA"" and ""Qanon"". You know who does. Right-wingers. Anti-semitism is a core value amongst the alt-right. This guy probably wasn't too happy Trump's daughter is convert to Judaism. Decrying construction of an embassy in Jerusalem doesn't make you an anti-semite.

",1540668305,27/10/2018 19:25 9585710,4166095679,

From QAnon? Are you serious?

,1540668998,27/10/2018 19:36 9580042,4166143967,


,1540671425,27/10/2018 20:17 9583034,4166144906,


,1540671473,27/10/2018 20:17 9583218,4166146993,

WHERE IS Q??? POTUS on the campaign trail and Q is silent. Is POTUS Q???

,1540671583,27/10/2018 20:19 9582886,4166150709,

Where is Q??? POTUS on the campaign trail and Q is silent. Is POTUS Q or is someome traveling with POTUS Q?

,1540671780,27/10/2018 20:23 9585710,4166159641,"

Sunny Cool, you are very uncool & Un American if you do not want to improve the national discourse. And Donald Trump already ""improvises"" it at every rally. Maybe you should look at a dictionary sometime, instead of decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies.

",1540672263,27/10/2018 20:31 9585226,4166263287,"

Sorry BoBo, Q has dibs on ""Great Awakening"". Go steal your best ideas from someone else.

",1540678675,27/10/2018 22:17 9583990,4166272561,"

Whats a Raci? I don't speak the Oracle Q, English only please...

",1540679332,27/10/2018 22:28 9585226,4166277629,

OMG. RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Obummer talking about Hope and Change again!! Can't think of anything new - hope and change and now stealing The Great Awakening slogo from Qanon.

,1540679690,27/10/2018 22:34 9583218,4166323657,

Good afternoon from Australia. I have come across the Praying Medic before searching for info on Q so thank you for highlighting him again. I am listening to him now. :-)

,1540683056,27/10/2018 23:30 9588022,4166355977,"

A yes, a QAnon Breitbart type, shocking.

",1540685459,28/10/2018 00:10 9587066,4166368766,"



Now type ""Qanon"" for me and my entertaining evening in snow Nothing Flake Land will be complete!

",1540686441,28/10/2018 00:27 9585710,4166372987,

The Republican Party was clearly not right wing enough for him. He was a follower of Q though.

,1540686771,28/10/2018 00:32 9573182,4166386788,"

Sure do. But the question all Q followers are asking is : HOW will that unification occur ? Will it be the declassified FISA documents bringing down the Deep State ? Or something else ?

If the Republicans win the mid terms, I can only see the Dems and the left getting even more crazy ( if that's possible ) and a civil war on the horizon.

Guess we'll have to ""Trust the plan.""

Q has ""gone dark"" for the last couple of weeks. Must have a lot to deal with. Can't wait till he returns. WWG1WGA !

",1540687812,28/10/2018 00:50 9585086,4166392786,

Obama was never a real President...he was strategically put in office by the Deep State....just to be clear. He is a fraudulent Muslim brotherhood terrorist whose role was to destroy our great country. I pray to God that America will see the truth that Q has revealed to us about the evil players within our government.

,1540688263,28/10/2018 00:57 9585086,4166394137,"

It is called projection.....""look in the mirror"" said Q.

",1540688367,28/10/2018 00:59 9585710,4166394562,

Alex Jones is Q.

,1540688399,28/10/2018 00:59 9585710,4166419388,

Paypal bans Gab following Pittsburgh shooting.

I knew they'll use this crime against Gab and Q.

,1540693926,28/10/2018 02:32 9583990,4166445451,"

I'm pretty sure the FBI has more expertise in that department than you do.

Even Fox Affiliates are reporting it.

And before you try to go on about the latest QAnon deep state paranoiac conspiracy fantasy, Donald Trump controls the DoJ. The DoJ controls the FBI.

",1540696117,28/10/2018 03:08 9585710,4166476538,

You sound like one of those Q nut bag cultists They are the biggest anti Semites.

,1540698949,28/10/2018 03:55 9583990,4166506691,"

Whoa, sorry this response is so long...Larissa, I do not need to lie. The Democrats may be down but we've got the truth on our side. So while many on the Right are furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies as you read this, the Democrats are clear headed and we have faith that the truth will eventually come out. The Right seem to prefer the phony BS. Don't you think its weird that just the last month your party has accused Democrats of all sorts of conspiratorial hogwash. I mean, it was the Kavanaugh hoax, & the Russian witch hunt, and the false flags, frame jobs,& set ups? Can't you see the mental gymnastics you people are doing in order to perpetuate the lies you tell yourselves?
Liberals have a basic human respect for everyone. We respect diversity, we embrace diversity. The Left can't stand deliberate cruelty or violence. We cannot abide inequality. We can't stand the KKK, Antifa, Proud Boys, etc. But Your idea that the ""Left can't stand"" a person or group of just regular people is flat out wrong. We aknowledge and promote different ways of thinking so I honestly can't even fathom what minority group you are talking about.
And lastly, when my comments were open I had Maga's criticize me for the type of puppy I liked (German
Shepherd). It happened twice so, no thanks, the Right have plenty of creative's ways to insult me so, why give fuel to their fire? They call us friggen pedophiles, Larissa. It doesn't get worse than that so, no thanks, I stay private now. But rest assured, my comments are consistently not well liked here but they are always the truth.

",1540701885,28/10/2018 04:44 9587670,4166521680,"

No, the real question is: do you really think Republicans, at this moment in history, look appealing to anyone who has respect for the truth? Your party is entrenched in The Oracle Q conspiracies that casts us all as friggen pedophiles!! How can we ever forgive You? Do you really think your party looks welcoming? Even the #walkwiths don't seem to have open arms and minds...

",1540703425,28/10/2018 05:10 9588022,4166529294,

Considering the shooter made explicit anti globalist statements and quoted statements about qanon I can't see what this has to do with the left or cnn at all.

,1540704208,28/10/2018 05:23 9585710,4166733013,"

Bowers was an anti-Semite who was critical of President Trump for not being a true “nationalist,” and openly discussed the QAnon conspiracy theory, a dangerous, all-encompassing conspiracy web that started online and has since wormed its way into real life. He regularly reposted neo-Nazi content and openly lambasted diversity.

",1540723380,28/10/2018 10:43 9588022,4166756555,

Eh one tweet means little. His Twitter feed is filled with QAnon BS spouting his hate of the Left and blaming every liberal failure in America on “Zionists and cucked Demoncrats”. He also has literally hundreds of tweets praising the Prez. How about we all agree that we don’t blame the President or anyone else for the actions of one person - just blame that person since they’re responsible?

,1540725128,28/10/2018 11:12 9588022,4166909767,

Read his post. He loves MAGA and he follows Q.

,1540734072,28/10/2018 13:41 9588022,4166913944,

He loves MAGA and follows Q.

,1540734280,28/10/2018 13:44 9588022,4166921724,

Read his post. He wants MAGA and he references following Q.

If you lack reading comprehension you don’t need to respond to me.

,1540734649,28/10/2018 13:50 9586298,4166948635,"

No, Mr. President , they SHOULD NOT ''wait years and years'' , after their conviction in a legal court of law with fair representation , they should immediately be taken outside , put up against a wall and shot by a firing squad . No 35 to 45 years on ''Death '' Row where they die a natural death.
An insult to the victim's families and a blown raspberry to John Q Public and his tax dollars that kept these animals alive and lawyered up for nearly half a century .

",1540735926,28/10/2018 14:12 9585710,4166981941,

Your tin foil hat is on too tight. Go back to the other Q morons and spew your hatred.

,1540737485,28/10/2018 14:38 9585710,4166983395,

Like I said go on any Q website. There are hundreds of Robert Bowers who claim to be patriots and are the most hate filled anti semites.

,1540737554,28/10/2018 14:39 9589650,4167248173,"

Uh, no, we just don't want the big ridiculously lethal to the masses guns out there.
And until many in your party stop furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies , maybe we should make sure not to sell guns to crazy people who think all Democrats are pedophiles.

",1540748228,28/10/2018 17:37 9585710,4167272209,"

Did you even read his posts? He said Q was a larp and his followers were being deceived. In what universe does that translate to him being a follower? Nevermind, liberal logic....

",1540749215,28/10/2018 17:53 9589650,4167294911,"

Tell that to Heather Heyer and all the other people that psycho terrorized with his car in Charlottsville. Go ask your Proud Boys what they did last weekend. Look no further than the 11,000 garbage comments below.
People non-violently exercising their free speech at the capitol about Kavanaugh is much more healthy for America than all the bloodthirsty Maga's on here warning us of Civil War, bragging about their guns while furiously decoding the Oracle Q conspiracies.
Democrats are not your enemy.

",1540750132,28/10/2018 18:08 9589650,4167300284,

In other news Obama is sweating.

Follow Follow @QRedWhiteBlue1
Hussein [44] sounds pretty scared to me.
The clock is ticking.
Patriots are in control.

#QAnon from 9-24:
Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]?
Why was Rachel Brand removed?
HUSSEIN + MO actively campaigning for the midterm elections?

,1540750353,28/10/2018 18:12 9586082,4167359129,"

Okay, firstly, I am not an evil person, just because you don't agree with one of my statements, that I admitted was a bitter pill to swallow.

Secondly, I agree Prosectors who charge innocent people with crimes should be disbarred, but the same applies to defense attorneys. I have news for you, they are just as corrupt.

I know someone who knew a Defense attorney. He admittedly left his job, because he said he could no longer look himself in the mirror knowing he got a serous felon off on a technicality, He admitted that 99% of the time, the clients are guilty. Thank God, he a conscience to walk away and cared more about John Q Public, than his wallet.

",1540752766,28/10/2018 18:52 9590306,4167381249,"

The truth is, these act of violence are happening before the election for a reason.
Read Q posts.

",1540753606,28/10/2018 19:06 9589650,4167411606,"

Jones woke me up but I have been wondering about Jones for a little while here. Steve Pieczenik is openly CIA and Roger Stone is a little shady too in the very least. Jones tried to lead us away from Q by introducing Zack in his place.

I greatly appreciate how Jones helped me think outside the box though, and that will never change.

",1540754946,28/10/2018 19:29 9589650,4167425445,"

He was a QAnon hating libtard, trying to murder Americans so they would beg for gun control. CIA mind control victim.

",1540755548,28/10/2018 19:39 9589650,4167427679,

I think the early Q might have been real.. Zac has some really good intel but I don't agree with everything he says. Steve P also has some GREAT insights. I don't take any source as truth but I like all those guys - and Stone is great too. A direct line to Trump people dont realize.. I found infowars through paul joseph watson a few years ago!

,1540755646,28/10/2018 19:40 9580950,4167437901,

JOHN Q. PUBLIC CITIZEN is and has already made up his or her mind about this PLAYER problem with the NATIONAL ANTHEM. ///////////////////////////// Stand up or forget your pay check. /////////////////////////////////////////////

,1540756099,28/10/2018 19:48 9589650,4167452516,"

Q is and always has been the same group of military people.

I understand where you are coming from though. If I hadn't found this one great Q decoder who never jumps to conclusions and lets us know when she is speculating, I would still be on the EXACT same page as you. The decoding has to be done without any suppositions or people can be let down and write it all off.

",1540756740,28/10/2018 19:59 9591606,4167506314,"

He became antiTrump when he realized Trump is Israel first.

Q is nothing but a deep state op that was started as a LARP on When it showed promise, the agents ran with the idea and took it to 4chan.

Qanon deeply affects middle aged people with poor to nonexistent critical thinking skills and too much free time.

The perfect pool of useful idiots to activate in a very effective false flag... They are seen as pro Trump, but they actually severely damage Trump.

They're being activated now at a critical time.

",1540759119,28/10/2018 20:38 9591606,4167515782,"

If you can't see how this is all playing everyone, you're too dumb to ever be more than the stupid bleating sheep you are.

Qanon is a deep state op.

Trump is an Israel firster.

The real fight is between China and Zionism.

China threatens the entire planet.

Zionists will eventually destroy America.

Nobody with over $1billion in assets is on your side.

You're all excess sheep the shepherds, guard dogs and wolves are negotiating what to do about.

You're fast running out of time to figure it out.

Whatever. Carry on. (Reaches for another handful of popcorn.)

",1540759549,28/10/2018 20:45 9582386,4167588834,"

I sincerely doubt you know more about ""the subject"" than I do. All you got is, ""It's his decision?"" Really? OK, then I guess it's also ""his decision"" in all things, and therefor all things must be dutifully worshipped by the trogs. His personal phone, if it was modifed by Q Branch or Tony Stark or whatever still didn't prevent the Chinese and Russians from listening in, and if you think Trump, of all people, has the self control to edit himself depending on whom he's speaking with, you are, quite simply, a zombie.

",1540763039,28/10/2018 21:43 9589650,4167608346,"

It is all part of the 16 year plan Obama and Hillary made to destroy American Look it up online.

",1540764082,28/10/2018 22:01 9591606,4167648655,

Stayer made a statement. Refute it.

Basic tautology. If P then Q...

,1540766260,28/10/2018 22:37 9591606,4167657066,


,1540766720,28/10/2018 22:45 9583122,4167805100,"

Hey, Cat, have to ask....Are you secretly Q?

",1540775718,29/10/2018 01:15 9587670,4167819079,"

Off topic, but Happy 1st birthday Q.

",1540776651,29/10/2018 01:30 9583122,4167876675,"

LOL !!!


Anyone who reads Q knows that he must be well inside the TRUMP inner circle. I have no such privileged position. But I do have an advantage (a number of them perhaps) which few others have.

I have done business with billionaires before in my life and they have always liked me as I am meticulous in my research and arguments. I have run some very large commercial concerns myself and always made a profit as I am considered reliable by others. Though not an academic, over the decades I have studied the sciences, law, philosophy, logic, computer coding and many similar areas which force you to use the correct approach - otherwise the results are invariably catastrophic !!!

Now, if you look at Q's latest post, 20 days old, a long gap but not the longest - yet - you will see he begins it this way:

Use Logic and Critical Thinking to Understand Why the Wheels of Justice Move Slowly
10 Oct 2018 - 2:42:13 AM
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?

This is sheer logic. You don't need to be part of any inner circle to get to this conclusion as it is inevitably - in fact necessarily - true. Ineluctably so !!! ;-)

Neither Q, nor TRUMP, will have ever heard of me - and probably never will. But they will be super familiar with the way I think.

If they did become aware of me and had the time to be curious, they could investigate me in very little time - and would realise that everything I say is just brute logic applied to sound observation. Why they should spend time on this getting to discover what they already know would be unthinkable.

But thanks for what appears to be a compliment !!!

",1540780969,29/10/2018 02:42 9595634,4168667556,

Again... Get lost. You possess plus 100 I. Q. This is for the trump fan club. No Triple digit I. Q. Required. Your question is best so far. The answer to it is NO. .. It is not. It falls under international law. It's also gonna offend 35 % of our own citizens. Martial law is the only way now... My triple I. Q. Friend.

,1540827480,29/10/2018 15:38 9594978,4168816294,

Aren't these the same people who make fun of the Q Anons for finding hidden meaning in Trumps tweets?

,1540832563,29/10/2018 17:02 9596006,4169174943,"

Tell them to move over to Mother Jones, Leftist rag, funny how Q doesn't say boo over there

",1540846914,29/10/2018 21:01 9577998,4169449056,

My default news is BB and Q. Go figure.

But you are right. We need to make a concerted effort to think for ourselves—something foreign to most of us.

,1540863010,30/10/2018 01:30 9589650,4169517956,"

Nobody wants to play with your guns, Get.
The only people who talk about the Rules for Radicals are Republicans. Most Democrats don't even know who Alinsky is. Seriously, I've searched the lefty websites. Alinsky is only brought up by people wondering how it got to be on the top 5 things Conservatives are falsely afraid of. It's hogwash. The Right mentions Alinsky to make you scared of another Jewish person. Like when they mention Soros, they want you scared. Despite the crazy stories, I have not read any Libral screed that even mentions Alinsky, the Rules, or Soros, for that matter. The conspiracies are out of control when so many Conservatives use Soros, or Clinton, like toxic pixie dust, to sprinkle on any situation, to make it bad, despite no evidence of them ever shows up. I mean, your party condones the humiliation of Dr. Ford who is obviously was just a regular lady, so I understand the extent you are willing go, just to preserve a fantasy world where Democrats are suddenly doing hit jobs, witch hunts, hoaxes, smears, con jobs, frame jobs, etc. Don't you think it is odd that it's come to this?? Don't you think the kooky Oracle Q is making you guys think in this way? Conservatives used to be the critical thinkers. Now they are the conspiratorial thinkers.

What do you want guns for if not for hunting? Do you need like, 27 guns to protect yourself?
I don't know what to do about the people who use illegal guns to commit crimes but I know that doing nothing won't help. Why do you need an AR15 anyway? Why does anyone want an AR15?
The (probably heavily Russian funded) NRA opposes closing the gunshow loopholes, although the majority of Americans support background checks. Why is that?

The Democrats (or demon rats, as your peers tell me everyday) do not truly hate or demonize the Right behind closed doors. Even if we think you guys are conspiracy-riddled & misinformed, we have always considered you people, and always knew you to be fellow Americans. I am quite aware that it is exactly the opposite attitude from your fickle party, and have 4 comments from just this morning, that proves it.

As a musician, you probably have a creative mind. You should support the idea that war is not the answer. Love is the answer. Democrats are not your enemy. We want decency and safety. We don't want a Civil War.

",1540869364,30/10/2018 03:16 9601422,4169560775,

No reason for John Q. Taxpayer to foot the bill for this.

,1540873790,30/10/2018 04:29 9604714,4170248866,"

Anybody that doesn't blatantly lie 24/7 365 days a year is to blame , shutup Q BALL nobody's buying the BS anymore.

",1540913745,30/10/2018 15:35 9602094,4170315195,

Meeting next week in the basement of the Cosmic Pizzaria. Q and Ohr have ordered calzone with peppers. All good bakers should attend.

,1540916201,30/10/2018 16:16 9602094,4170318211,

Where has Q been? Whatta fake.

,1540916304,30/10/2018 16:18 9602094,4170322923,"

So being a registered Republican that loves our president, but questions Q equates me to a looney leftist? I fail to understand your logic.

",1540916469,30/10/2018 16:21 9605382,4170406890,"

Just saw something I had forgotten about Q.

He said ""America Will Be Unified Again 11.11.18""

Post #1234 <-- carefully chosen string of numbers, but I see no meaning in this.

",1540919256,30/10/2018 17:07 9605382,4170576142,"

The nexus of stupid: #QAnon believers on Voat have bitten on the ludicrous Robert Mueller smear.

Mueller used to be a white hat hero in Q's crazy quilt conspiracy theory. No longer.


",1540925030,30/10/2018 18:43 9608498,4171352757,

Those who are the loudest….
Have the most to FEAR
- Qanon

,1540968811,31/10/2018 06:53 9371158,4171439359,"

lol another ""truth-seeker"" I take it? Any tips from Q recently? This was a month ago so I wouldn't be shocked if N.D. had turned out to be the #MAGABomber

",1540975603,31/10/2018 08:46 9610314,4171675982,"

Isn't Ryan compromised and not returning next election? He needs to keep his mouth shut, or else I hope Q team spills the beans on whatever it is they have on him.

",1540988431,31/10/2018 12:20 9611770,4171911774,

Qanon site on Twitter has been full of memes for weeks depicting these media people with identical mob mentality stick faces. It so fits!

,1540996631,31/10/2018 14:37 9614938,4172495742,"

Even if they are kept in tent cities, who's going to support them? That's right, YOU. John/Jane Q. Taxpayer. You're on the hook for everything -- including the coaching they will receive by leftard lawyers on how to beat the system once they have their hearing. So, even without illegals being able to roam freely, the left has accomplished its goal of breaking the US economic system.

",1541018223,31/10/2018 20:37 9614938,4172535784,

I read we dont hear from Q till after mid-terms due to the Hatch Act.
Lends a bit of credence that they are government employees.

,1541020007,31/10/2018 21:06