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Published April 17, 2020 | Version v0.1.0
Dataset Open

Data Supplement: U.S. state-level projections of the spatial distribution of population consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.

  • 1. University of Denver


These data are to supplement the following in-press publication:  

Zoraghein, H., and O'Neill B. (2020). U.S. state-level projections of the spatial distribution of population consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Sustainability.

The data herein were generated using the `population_gravity` model which can be found here:


  • contains a directory for each U.S. state for inputs and outputs
  • inputs contain the following:
    • <state-name>_<urban or rural>_<yr>_1km.tif:  Urban and Rural population GeoTIF rasters at a 1km resolution
      • value per grid cell: number of humans (float)
      • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
      • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38
    • <state-name>_mask_short_term.tif:  Mask GeoTIF rasters at a 1km resolution that contain values from 0.0 to 1.0 for each 1 km grid cell to help calculate suitability depending on topographic and land use and land cover characteristics
      • value per grid cell: values from 0.0 to 1.0 (float) that are generated from topographic and land use and land cover characteristics to inform suitability as outlined in the companion publication
      • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
      • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38
    • <state-name>_<ssp>_popproj.csv:  Population projection CSV files for urban, rural, and total population (number of humans; float) for SSPs 2, 3, and 5 for years 2010-2100
    • <state-name>_coordinates.csv:  CSV file containing the coordinates for each 1 km grid cell within the target state. File includes a header with the fields XCoord, YCoord, FID.,Where data types and field descriptions are as follows: (XCoord, float, X coordinate in meters),(YCoord, float, Y coordinate in meters),(FID, int, Unique feature id)
    • <state-name>_within_indices.txt:  text file containing a file structured as a Python list (e.g. [0, 1]) that contains the index of each grid cell when flattened from a 2D array to a 1D array for the target state.
    • <state-name>_<ssp>_params.csv:  CSV file containing the calibration parameters (alpha_rural, beta_rural, alpha_urban, beta_urban; float) for the `population_gravity` model for each year from 2010-2100 in 10-year time-steps as described in the companion publication
  • outputs contain the following:
    • jones_oneill directory; these are the comparison datasets used to build Figures 7 and 8 in the companion publication
      • contains three directories:  SSP2, SSP3, and SSP5 that each contain a GeoTIF representing total population (number of humans; float) at 1km resolution for years 2050 and 2100.
        • <state-name>_1km_<ssp>_total_<year>_jones_oneill.tif:
          • value per grid cell: number of humans (float)
          • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
          • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38
    • model directory; these are the model outputs from `population_gravity` for SSP2, SSP3, and SSP5 that each contain a GeoTIF representing urban, rural, and total population (number of humans; float) at 1km resolution for years 2020-2100 in 10-year time-steps.
      • <state-name>_1km_<ssp>_<urban, rural, or total>_<year>_jones_oneill.tif:
        • value per grid cell: number of humans (float)
        • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
        • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38

  • Results of the `population_gravity` model mosaicked to the National scale at a 1km resolution and the comparison Jones and O'Neill research.  These are used to generate Figure 6 of the companion paper
    • National_1km_<ssp>_<urban, rural, or total>_<year>_jones_oneill.tif:
      • value per grid cell: number of humans (float)
      • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
      • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38
    • National_1km_<ssp>_<urban, rural, or total>_<year>.tif:
      • value per grid cell: number of humans (float)
      • crs: EPSG:102003 - USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic - Projected
      • nodata value:  -3.40282e+38



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