# Production date: 2020/April/17 # Fixed condition: Pha 90-95 deg, Lat 30-35S, year 2016 # Data description: Mean albedo distribution as a function of LST # Details on the data: Lee et al. JGR:planets #-------------------------------------- # LST [hr], albedo [unitless], standard deviation, number of observations #-------------------------------------- 7.25000 0.365858 0.0147412 31 7.75000 0.406297 0.0171731 31 8.25000 0.431713 0.0204373 31 8.75000 0.442535 0.0244548 31 9.25000 0.441132 0.0264115 31 9.75000 0.427623 0.0269275 26 10.2500 0.408079 0.0342291 14 10.7500 0.383033 0.0408770 6 11.2500 0.360660 0.0359049 5 11.7500 NaN NaN 0 12.2500 0.347600 NaN 1 12.7500 0.369425 0.00815573 4 13.2500 0.385300 0.0418150 5 13.7500 0.413200 0.0387422 5 14.2500 0.428007 0.0642337 14 14.7500 0.430729 0.0736649 14 15.2500 0.427171 0.0798411 14 15.7500 0.413121 0.0827775 14 16.2500 0.391821 0.0811928 14 16.7500 0.363157 0.0758692 14