This text data file (.csv) contains macroscopic parameters measurements for all 151 fish that have been analyzed during this study. The information contained in this table is as follows: o num_fish: fish number for this study. Here we have 151 different female fish o fish_id: identification number of the fish. This id number is identical to the name given to the pictures of the full ovaries (Full_Ovaries_Data) o gon_pos: gonad position, with D being the dorsal gonad of the individual, and V being the ventral gonad. o date: the date the fish was caught (dd/mm/yyyy) o L_fish: total length of the fish (cm) o W_fish: total weight of the fish (g) o mat_estim: visually estimated maturity, after observation of the fish’s gonad with the naked eye, following the WKMATCH (ICES, 2012)scale: + 1 : Immature + 2 : Developing + 2A : Developing but functionally immature + 2B : Developing but functionally mature + 3 : Spawning + 3A : Actively spawning + 3B : Spawning capable + 4 : Regressing/Regenerating + 4A : Regressing + 4B : Regenerating + 5 : Omitted spawning + 6 : Abnormal o age: estimated age (in years) of the fish, after analysis of the fish’s otolith. The IFREMER laboratory executed this analysis in Boulogne-sur-Mer (FRANCE) o W_gon: gonad weight (g) o Kurtosis*: kurtosis parameter o Skewness*: skewness coefficient o gon_area*: gonad area (mm²) o L_gon*: gonad length (mm) o width_gon*: maximum gonad width (mm) o width_mid_L_gon*: width at mid-length of the gonad (mm) o mean_col_index*: the mean color value of the different hues found on the ovary o std_dev*: standard deviation of the mean_col_index o modal*: modal value or the most frequently occurring color value within the selected ovary *: values determined after image analysis of the Full_Ovaries_Data with the ImageJ software (v. 1.50J)