Calibrated data of stable water isotope measurements in water vapour at 8 m a.s.l. on the port side of the ship, made in the austral summer of 2016/2017 around the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Data file(s): ACE_watervapour_isotopes_SWI8-ps_1h.csv, ACE_watervapour_isotopes_SWI8-ps_5min.csv File header d18O: delta-values of the heavy oxygen isotopologue 18O averaged over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] d18O_sd: standard deviation of d18O over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] d2H: delta-values of the heavy hydrogen isotopologue deuterium (2H) averaged over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] d2H_sd: standard deviation of d2H over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] dexc: d-excess, calculated from d180 and d2H (dexc = d2H - 8*d18O), averaged over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] dexc_sd: standard deviation of dexc over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [per mill] H2O: water vapour mixing ratio averaged over time intervals of one hour or five minutes [ppmv], uncalibrated H2O_sd: standard deviation of H2Oover time intervals of one hour or five minutes [ppmv ] time_ISO8601: Date and time at the end of each time interval of one hour or five minutes in the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00 [UTC] NaN NaN values denote missing values because of e.g., maintenance, instrument calibration, large cavity variations