comment albertCD hi first Yo @foggedftw2 how you doin? hai dammit Pog hey man! HeyGuys hey baby fogged5Head manco was gonna dodge until he realized you were in the game fogged5Head Pog GOOD MORNING What’s up fogged foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I hope you read this fog. I’m going tank tryn from your video <3 !yoda foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda good morning miss u :"O tfb5Head !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE what is tf's lp now?? Good morning/day fogged and chat. fleet footwork + stronger doran's shield is busted Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! fogged vs popeye Pog !king fogged. and tfblade competition is friendly or they really don't like each other foggedDerp mid? what happened? !ranks Fogged: Master 28 LP (77-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) 142 Check out my new merch! LUL LUL hi emmy +opgg !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king wassup oh emmy not here today? 22 wins and 4 losses more, but only 114 LP ahead?`the fuck did TFBlade do, lose lots early? is this a bong in the background? @foggedftw2 HELL YES SUH @foggedftw2! I always enjoy watcing the streams yo caht whats ur elo and in whichs erver? iam curious @audaxj yes why fiora so mad vs quinn? This is quality streams lets get this dub uptime @fogegdftw2 yo fogged hows it going today @SwatKats makes sense, seemed real weird I didn't see the game start why mid? :P is this a bong in the background? @foggedftw2 !uptime 7 minutes 17 seconds @audaxj tfblade didnt skip a division like fogged did lollllllllllllllllllll Poor pirate ez money i dont understand why he took a day off and let tf blade het ahead of him !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor wintrading gp lol @foggedftw2 milking the gankgplank... sounds wierd why fleet tho? ratirlLonely ratirlSad tfbHands pszPepe @laithhabash12 sustain ? @sassori95 yea wow i just notice if you hit barrel you got tower attack? only try @laithhabash12 Stick to target and sustain from Q dmg LUL your ranck ?? tfb5Head feed strats Fogged is win trading confirmed @junetap I think its the tiamat damage on GP Tryndamere balanced KEKW @junetrap the tiamat splash hit gp thats why he got turret aggro Gp wintrading !opggs oh okay ekko love trydnamere lol trynd supp? :P !uptime 9 minutes 35 seconds wtf gp back the second time???????? runes !ranks Fogged: Master 28 LP (77-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor tfbLul tfbLul aceracer234 subscribed at Tier 1. aceracer234's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king this gp is piss now lol @foggedftw2 i saw the ending of your vod last night you mentioned wrist issues what is your dpi? !king !opggs wintrade with GP barrels 5head you cant CHALLENGE @TFBlade tfbHands tfbLul tfbLul Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! tfbHands tfbLul tfbUp iking to much gold !king Finally. Someone entertaining on league streaming today free win gg gotta love GP match ups, free farm, free gold $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !uptime 11 minutes 39 seconds Is this the yax only challenge :) invinsible tryn foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Is it true you guys can play other champs in promos if trynd is banned not to mention fiora vs quinnn which rank is TF Blade? hey fogged good mornin hi fogged, hi everyone @jonaspetersen1234 just tfblade is doing that, fogged dodge !UPTIME 12 minutes 18 seconds We take those to start the day Check out my new merch! foggedSpin Sivir could just spell shield teemos blind elo_collect.exe @foggedftw2 is the wrist doing any better??? !king !elo I'm convinced you play league more than I work. and that's sayin something cause I stay working @foggedftw2 gl finishing out challenge vs TF KingOfTryndamere is Master 28 LP okay next time i see fiora i will pick quinn free gold barrel ekko mid again lol TF Blad is 150 lp wtf when is he going to destroy TF? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here we're early today Why the second wind and revitilize against GP Your right arm is ok @foggedftw2 ? foggedRightArm foggedRightArm i havent yet !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 28 LP i think tfblade is happy play now because he don t need to dodge the game to waste time who's ahead? him or tf? Pog !opggs can you explain what can gp do in thos matchup ifyou decide to just dive him? @foggedftw2 !ranks @foggedftw2 What do you think about Kassadin + Taric? Fogged: Master 28 LP (77-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) lol its easier for tf blade once he hits higher elo so thats why hes at 150lp LUL TF 13 non trynd games :_ ekko still playing? lol I love that the right arm emote is a left arm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm !bet @joao99: or he just has no life so hes played consant games over the weekend @maorshay12345 GP needs to get an advantage pre-6. If he doesn't, he is fucced; Trynd outscales him. he is at 150 bcs he doenst have to dodge any games bcs he has no balls and is crying all the time i played gp vs trynd with ignite and nimbus cloak and it just felt i cant do anything to stop him from wrecking me, d2 d1 elo btw, !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king tfB s[h] i{e}i _t mds bnnd me guess i'm subbing to fogged next time Check out my new merch! quin not even bother lol but we all know he would have no chance in the REAL trynd ONLY challenge 🔫 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔫 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) pugggz : 3110 🥈) oneweirdjoker : 2382 🥉) potatochickez : 1364 4) nikiproja : 645 5) fred_ward_ : 20 !bet sup boyz dooooooooou ff sivir LUL PogChamp omt mistiped fogged with a fila t disnt see and the s1et didnt go threw !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @maorshay12345 did u used fleet footwork? 15 min KEKW Level 9 ekko vs Level 12 Trynd who wins fiora malding KEKW this stupid game gg LUL @daylun2016 he has no life? please u gotta be kidding me hes a streamer for godsakes he makes more money then u will ever do buddy, its his job to play league moron lol Manc0 LUL teemo LUL Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups challenge has been rescheduled did he play mid this game ? 19 to 5 yeah definite slaughter honest streamer teemo XD BigBrother JACKED @mersoony y chibro grande crazy to see master is just as toxic as bronze !matchup thanks for the information :) Diamond IV (Gangplank, Ekko) Diamond II (Quinn) Diamond I (Soraka, Fiora, Nautilus, Warwick) Master (Sivir, Teemo, Tryndamere) !opggs Met manco at Twitchcon. He's a beefcake u took fleet against her? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 28 LP 3hit.. @foggedftw2 do u go Conqueror or Lethal Tempo in most matchups @tgo3333 shut u u snowfaljke Why is she level 7 KEKW Shouldve been like a game limit highest lp in 100 games for example Manc0 gachiBASS Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! MANCO BloodTrail BloodTrail hey man oh can you do more smurf videos mancoiMuscle mancoiMuscle mancoiMuscle !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 28 LP k k fiora beyond mad Hey whatsup FIORA MALADING ez gg lol the fiora flaming but losing some toxicity right there He is smurfing right now KEKW good luck today saw we are behind i love the high rlo @foggedftw2 damnn ur on early m8 Hello naut Pog manco !gold high elo streams/videos are much better imo. like really educational i love it Teemo !opggs give it to noone MUAHHAHA gg !commands @Singedproxyisop -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks !ranks Fogged: Master 28 LP (77-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog masters bread4Wutface !ranks foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 can you explain the different runes choice in certain situations? Fleet qonq leathel tempo @foggedftw2 man tf is winning good bye to fiora vs quinn? lets hope for the long stream yaay @foggedftw2 whats lp diff between you and tf now any clue ? !champs @rezz3x @foggedftw2 if we hypothically say tf wins,what happens Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: mods pls report people that say manco. is this a bong in the background? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 what is your opinion on quinn top? @ahmedkhered49 nothing @kroncriz what a surprise, the rank1 is winning KEKW !opgg !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king nani is this morning you speak of, its 5 pm :Thinking: hi I liked the new emotes @foggedftw2 title is wrong i dont like tf blade i think the guys a right melt Bout to leave work in an hour. Am in the west coast so pretty early approx 120 lp dif @fiffy Is the competition still going. Every time I check his stream it’s not trynd it sais 72-22 hello @ahmedkhered49 nothing. since TF is playing secondary champs, Fogged wont have to pay him any money Nothing happens if TFBlade wins fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head @foggedftw2 your title for stream says 72-22 says* !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @ent0ma that name is for overlord? kekw foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin nice new emotes cud rly use that xD @foggedftw2 there shouldve been a game limit to the challenge for example highest lp in 150 games. Hes just gonna win by playing more lol Morning foggedGift @Freezercrash thats a good trade so hardstuck haha @QuerFro who knows... @foggedftw2 when dont you build tiamat on trynd? @foggedftw2 i recently started watching you, great stream, love your positivity KEEP IT UP! @foggedftw2 do you coach other champions and roles? !guide Complete Tryndamere guide @Freezercrash however fogged would lose his best tryndamere titles in yt the new emotes foggedLewd Played a game of Gnar on aram. May have been kinda useless but I know how to megagnar so we won \o/ @alordec1 u often dont build if u go lethal HEY CHAT listen(not a troll all seriousness) beware when you smoke alot of reefer(weed). My bros in the hospital right now as a result with a condition called. cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. . Comes from over indulding for years. I'm only home kids someone gotta watch the kids. Please beware. which could be very sad lol ! !opggs foggedSpin fogged5Head yeah, how many game has ffblade played in total tcompared to fogged? TF blade is up by 95 lp @Bravebogdan10 well see in EUW foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda @foggedftw2 In most matchups do u go Conqueror or Lethal Tempo? Check out my new merch! @ahmedkhered49 yet if Fogged wins even tho this handycap TF has to pay him double the price.. TF has played a lot more Fog what do you think about Kassadin And Taric? @ahmedkhered49 not really, cause fogged only play trynd but tf has play other champs, the only tryn challenge is on may !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @Freezercrash oof wtf tf blade got like 20 more games @kuroka33 Thx for advice :) 123 vs 100 @ahmedkhered49 he cant lose the title when TF blade is not playing TRYND ONLY so @aceracer234 lethal of more used foggedSpin to win imagine hitting challenger after 2 weeks, I havent made it out of gold in 2 years lol tfblade is a maniac @kroncriz he got rank 1 in euw in a week man, wtf do you expect, be hardstuck diamond? @Tryndannosaurus thnx for listening Any hopes for Guinsoos or Sanguine Rageblade bug fixing? lol @jokereezy @jokereezy 3 years in plat, sad coaching on stream? fogged is playing like crazy and he has 20 more games Fogged do you play any Nintendo switch games or just games on PC I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Bravebogdan10 are you serious? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP ok ty @tryndmainnn i bet TFblade won do that challenge in may neither. He will just cry again @ahmedkhered49 maybe 10 days, but still, yeah @querfro I'd be happy with plat, I failed 4 play promos this season @Bravebogdan10 well y, but it was a period when most pros were in korea if i rememmber so it was abit easier TFBlade is RageBaby coaching on stream??? @foggedftw2 @Bravebogdan10 hes gonna get blind from staring too much lmao Who is winning atm Fogged? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Freezercrash Yep the guy is tragic !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP @speedcorepanda TF blade at the moment patarsaps subscribed at Tier 1. @speedcorepanda TF is patarsaps's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 if u want a nice mobile moba play Mobile legends: bang bang foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird s foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Hows Tryndamere feeling in season 10? still viable? would he be strong if the attack speed bug didnt exist? @jokereezy i honestly prefer gold, people dont have the "high elo" ego damn @foggedftw2 do u play PlayStation 🤔 im trying a shiny pokemon while im watching you :3 foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 do you play other games on stream? @foggedftw2 pick me up music please, not elevator. !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP @scarletcottoncandy what bug showing us how to replenish electrolytes using our own urine stream PogChamp @kroncriz ik, but still, a week for rank 1 is insane my dude, prob it will take him 2 weeks since he'll be playing only trynd and pros will be around Vainglory is a good moba on mobile tbh. If u hit challenger after TF but with less games played does it count as a win? @foggedftw2 love the content and masterclass trynd gameplay. heres a sub !ranks Fogged: Master 47 LP (78-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king elevator music lel @tchallaxxx if his attack speed crosses a certain threshold, his autos start skipping or missing, or dont do damage !king only thing that TF blade has above Fogged is his will to play.. He plays everyday for like 10 hours so. Fogged does not !king @querfro in euw they have ego no matter the elo, if yall silver it be "lmao you hardstuck silver you trash" and you check their opgg and they've been silver for 4 years Isnt fogged really close to his lp? He is getting high elo super quickly just bcs of amount of the games @scarletcottoncandy wow shitty even though he doesnt play as much g'morning eevrybody foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedW oh ok !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king kekw @tchallaxxx indeed, makes superb items like sanguine blade and guinsoos useless on him !playlist Just got the plat this season from silver.. thinking of picking up trynd... what is the difference between plat and gold players would you say? and you have a life outside of the stream Check out my new merch! Fogged has a life KEKW Ashkan doesn't KEKW @jokereezy hahaha thats funny, anyways you are probably better than me, i play on LAS you know... i didnt mean to like diss you fogged. I just said he is nolifer wow 3-4 hrs KEKW Tfblade does not TFBlade is scared of Trynd God @Bravebogdan10 i mean yeah he's still sick no douth a challanger....but the best in west ....dunno ...the Dawn one something 3 koreans got top spotsd in euw 2 while doing worlds 2 LMAO what does "will to play" even mean? qs takes too long UwVu plat players love to throw a lead @kangknee there is no diffrence bro trust me xd needs to give emmy and the pets some love too <3 TFBlade doesn't have a Girlfriend, guess he wins :) highly unlikely get real fed, then try sick plays and lose leas these songs are so good, do you have a playlist? tf blade is a virgin goblin KEKW tfblade has never had a girlfriend lol fap Kappa even though tf has 100 more games and games not on tryn you still will let him say he won the "challenge" haha? then teamfight and roam for the rest of the game hasn't had his 1st kiss yet he goes clubbing a few times, i see on his insta story @foggedftw2 so does the challenge continue??? there's a reason virgin is banned in his chat @fogged can u even catch up to TF if he doesn't go on a tilt streak? @kroncriz china's players too, even na players got chall if i recall, anyway, they were duo abusing the whole time to build up synergy, it doesn't really count virgin is banned? no way lol how much lp do you need for GM @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Thoughts on TF playin sht ton of other champs KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog spam the frog to help fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @tryndmainnn Wb plat and diamond? What’s your rank? !opggs @foggedftw2 how does Tryndamere feel in Season 10´? viable or falling off? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 ok I was wondering due to him cheating and all what about EUW trynd chalange? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Morning! @foggedftw2 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 if you lose the challenge no more "world #1trynd" youtube clickbait, so you gotta win OT: why did you drop tft? lost interest? trkCreep I don't see the word anywhere on mod tools twicegravity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! Idk why it took a day or two for twitch to realize I subbed but thanks for helping my bed ridden flu ass get by with your great content twicegravity's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Fogged how we doing on this fine day? Hello broadcaster, should hitting masters today be in your title if you are already in masters? FeelsGoodMan @jokereezy ?? TF Blade played other champs LOL this isn't for a title @Bravebogdan10 well i'm looking forward to euw thiink it will be more fun even this time, with most players arround from LEC but Fogged got this anyways. I can compare him and TF since im watching both. TF blade plays more for the stream. Fogged is pretty much focused all the time @foggedftw2 will you stream Christmas Day or are you busy? what's TFBlade summoner? @jokereezy that would be true if tf blade only played tryndamere Thanks @twicegravity !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foggedftw2 what champ are u playing if trynda is not available? @emmyleec it's a joooke, we all know Fogged is the trynd God EXCUSES KEKW @foggedftw2 honestly your tryn is so much better than his like he's a great player obvious rank1 player but compared to your tryn its almost crazy to watch @foggedftw2 you are by far the better tryn player @foggedftw2 are your go to ban still neeko? EZ @foggedftw2 I know I was on stream when he said that but yea I understand but also part of it was his own fault though hmm so basically what tf blade was saying '' wah wah wah wah me no play trynd'' xD @kroncriz yeah, it will fun to see how trynd will do against euw comps he played %20 more games !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @kangknee there's a diffrence or well ofc there always a diffrence u might meet a few more onetricks in plat than gold that actually know what they are doing, when u reach Diamond some ppl have an understanding of the game instead of just low skill players with high ego ^^ @foggedftw2 IF HE WINS DOES THAT MEAN HES BETTER TRYNDAMERE he says after he plays jax for 500 years !king which was a lie well TF blade doesnt do much to not get banned out so. @ahmedkhered49 no because he straight up said he couldn't do trynd only @ahmedkhered49 No it doesn't LOL Maury show @ahmedkhered49 No they are going to try again in EUW @ahmedkhered49 obviously @foggedftw2 how does Trynd feel season 10? it's pretty fair, nobody likes watching a que message for hours, can't even fault him for it since he took the L on the bet Ohh Then why are they playing oh he answerd it EUW cahll is a lot harder than NA *shrug* 💿 Clap our lie detector determined that was a lie albbertCD !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin forsenCD pepeJAM so why u stick with challenge still if he's cheating ? forcenCD Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @foggedftw2 so thats why you dont grind as much? @foggedftw2 well you’ll get much faster queues in EU anyway. Challenger queue times are around 3 mins average @deLhiz He has nothing to lose and he already plays Trynd !rank !challenge KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @EmmyLeeC he isnt reading my comment, do you know how he feels about trynd in s10? in my eyes he loses win/win for you @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 you'll do it, dude @foggedftw2 yea and also you hadnt played Kled for a long time so you bit out of "shape" for playing your 2ndary champ @ahmedkhered49 he doesn't grind asmuch because he has coaching and a girlfriend that he spends time with yeahh do it fogged @ScarletCottonCandy trynd is fine @foggedftw2 when do you build tiamat and when do you skip building it? thanks nobody bans trynd in euw $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @foggedftw2 how strong is tryndamere atm in this meta ? It would be really interesting if you tried this bet with another one-trick instead where you trade champs @foggedftw2 do you think riot should hide summoner names in lobby? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP @EmmyLeeC what girlfriend Kappa league of legends players dont have girlfriends Fogg You can make it 100-24 @emmyleec how do u know tf blade has nothing but lol in his life. @EmmyLeeC really? he has a girlfriend? and the fact that he asks his viewers to ban tryn EUW chall is a lot more competitive compared to NA @foggedftw2 so what was the bet between you and blade now? How long are you gonna be in EUW ? LUL .... @foggedftw2 so what was the bet between you and blade now??? @foggedftw2 do you still ban neeko? He'll prob get trynd banned way less now that he's playing others, wonder what his end LP will be if you subtract non trynd games/ what it would have been if he dodged @sporwal she is his girlfriend bruv @foggedftw2 but Ive heard people AFK a lot like way more than NA @eOtRiX I don't im saying he doesn't have a girlfriend that he lives with that he spends time with LOL @foggedftw2 song name? i dont see a downside to hiding summ names in lobby tbh ooo early fogged strim with lofi ;-; <3 @foggedftw2 so what was the bet between you and blade now????? @Stevo10000 partial sarcasm with an underlining of begging them to help him win play it in Turkey then!, that will be fun! @foggedftw2 what's a gf? What's the time for you right now? @jokereezy i know. that's the joke. !opggs idk if trynd is really broken atm or ppl just bad. i climbed from p4 to p1 in 4 days idk how @TrottiNet Good Fella >_> girlfriend man Check out my new merch! futrikaa subscribed with Twitch Prime. futrikaa's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! so you dont get target banned? to prevent target banning @sporwal you right, I should've known better @foggedftw2 so what was the bet between you and blade now?. to be rank 1 u need to be solo Kappa !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Riot already hide opponents summoner name Doesn't that make the Challenge harder because of EUW are better compared to NA? @foggedftw2 you cant get target banned if they dont know your summoner name @foggedftw2 so what was the bet between you and blade now? Did anything changed? how strong is tryndamere atm in this meta ? emmmm last time i checked there were 4 trynd chall !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP Just got a penta with vlad with stacked mejai, infernal soul, and elder dragon Kappa much skill @foggedftw2 @midnightxpmc yeah he just doesn't like to play tryn cause hes not good at tryn what's the best drake for trynd ? @masterdominator1 read the nightbot command man thank you Foggy !!! i learn so much from your games !!! Hignest LP @emmyleec still he might have other and maybe even more important things in his life. for me, aint cool sounding it like that @foggedftw2 new to your steam. Is there any matchup for tryn that you try to avoid at all costs? ah shit, here we go again !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW IM POSTING IT BUT THEY ARE BLIND foggedREE its forsenCD bet rn @foggedftw2 i just opened your stream, my bad !may why did u take a day off and let him get the lead I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here foggedSpin @eOtRiX the dude grinds 10-12 hr streams every day is all im saying when is pre season ending? @foggedftw2 Get ready to say that same speech over and over and over again for the next week or so...god speed. @foggedftw2 where do you intend to stay in EU? so its not ur team mates that target ban you?? lol i thought it was cos how the hell enemy team supposed to know who you are !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @MidnightxPMC what was the bet? @foggedftw2 PUT A COMMAND EXPLAING THE CHEAT @sassori95 bcs he has a coaching and girlfriend :D before it changed @theSnitcher ? YO FOGGED HE'S USING OTHER CHAMPS :( Fogg Won, So a new bet happen where he can use any champ if his champ is banned @foggedftw2 why isn’t he putting on a delay that’s about 2-3 minutes for a better chance of not getting a ban trynd each game @foggedftw2 anyway you can’t do any worse than tarzaned who was hardstuck gm on euw ANELE what about trynd mid ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW cant u just make a command? !challenge @ahmedkhered49 @thesnitcher !challenge why did u take a day off giving him the lead? @bahurani i think at the end of january @MidnightxPMC yeah! Hey @foggedftw2 what is the current state of your bet with TF blade? Kappa Blade BabyRage Fogged SwiftRage therefore if blade win fogged dont pay shit but if fogged win he get the subs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @Fiffy all mods can @foggedftw2 make a vod of it Rangerzx will have a competitor for the best Trynd on the server PogChamp !challenge @foggedftw2 Are you coaching on stream today? !challenge @foggedftw2 write it in !challenge is there any information about the bet in twitter? @bahurani the LOL client has a road to season 10 map at the bottom. The new season will most likely start in January. Exactly 78% win rate i mean if ur girlfriend accepted the bet between u and tf u guys should comit to it give it all ur time Kappa then refer to it insteead how strong is tryndamere atm in this meta ? @theSnitcher Trynd ONLY and highest LP at the end of the month wins. So if Trynd is banned or picked you dodge @QuerFro you wanna throw hands? there isnt a command @foggedftw2 maybe put "!challenge" in the description thingy? @MidnightxPMC ye i know i didnt mean hey fogged YOU should make the command :P !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW The !challenge is going to take up half of twitch chat... !challenge dang it @foggedftw2 is your go to ban still neeko? @foggedftw2 when to go conq over LT? how much you take for 1 coaching lesson? not even challenger but q times are too long. Even 8k dota games take a minute with fast q reroll @ahmedkhered49 there is the command, it just have delay... FREE COACHING POGGERS @foggedftw2 you really gonna go abuse euw with tryn lol !challenge good morning all Check out my new merch! @QuerFro i noticed xd foggedBird foggedBird foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird @foggedftw2 if you earn a coaching can you pass it to someone else similar to subs? @foggedftw2 hi there dood @foggedftw2 what was the challenge against tf i thought it was just to masters what happened with the challenge? !discord foggedGift foggedGift !uptime 36 minutes 9 seconds @MidnightxPMC happy to spent your time i already knew but why did it change and not end there and TFblade lose? Oh free coaching can you coatch me in making healthier food :P Waddup Right ARMy HeyGuys why is queue timer stuck at 420? so the challenge now is what ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @batman73137 read the !challenge Why not make that troll concede a bet is a bet. Your to nice danny Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! hey @foggedftw2 can you explain your foggedYoda emote? foggedLUL preseason OOF how strong is tryndamere atm in this meta ? @theSnitcher Fogged is a reasonable person. And with it changing he has a change to get 500 subs with nothing to lose on his end. @PacifistPlayer and the orgina one? no 25k? tryndamere is strong in this meta they gona swap senpai Pre season... monkaHmm !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW morgana top @foggedftw2 Ive muted your twin he is on the other screen vs Irelia. :D Have you tried every champ in the game? How'd you get to one tricking trndy @foggedftw2 still baning neeko? @alordec1 He bans whoever he feels like Have you tried every champ in the game? How'd you get to one tricking trynd @foggedftw2 why conqueror @batman73137 It has been revised. @foggedftw2 does dodging because of troll at champ select break the rules? @foggedftw2 i saw tf blade playing duo with ratirl no how come !TFBLADE !DELAY tfblad ?? @midnightxpmc i see, on his guide he despises her !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @gouzgounis was it on his challenge account? !king tf blade went to the bathroom i saw him !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor cait morg bully most lanes tbh !Challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @MidnightxPMC dude common we all know that TFblade will get higher if he can play his busted when sth is banned while fogged gets banned and has to dodge. @MidnightxPMC YES @foggedftw2 did y'all reschedule because TFblade was losing and he didnt want to lose? If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! The best cc is death i guess is akali support Have you tried every champ in the game? How'd you get to one tricking trndy why conqueror for this machup? why conq against camimle @foggedftw2 ? akali support still has to be better than all the damn signed supports I've been getting @shawnthepanda he was winning. @MidnightxPMC it was like 6 hours ago !opggs doesnt matter where akali is played bitch is always broken.. TBH I could think of worse supports... at least Akali has SOME CC !opggs Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king taking double adaptive force instead of attack speed is troll? as tryndamere !king akali has cc? since lethal tempo gives u huge attack speed @gouzgounis Can you link the game or find it on opgg so i can check it out no it doesnt why conqueror and not fleet? it matters @hitorix if she's played in my elo, shes not broken, she cant even counter trynd dont you just hate them unwanted crits that make u lose cs aha Literally how. I'm so confused. @foggedftw2 what monitor do u use? camille isnt much of a poke champ @Licozyy @Lmv92x what elo are u? @MidnightxPMC i can bet money on hat i told you gold what runes is fogged running this game ? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! KEKW XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD na gank btw l foggedW HAHAHAH KEKW wtf ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 he was late with following anyways !opggs ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 LUL LUL voice chat and this wouldnt have happened @foggedftw2 what monitor do u use? he had delay in following up LUL @Lmv92x obv gold players never know how to play akali BibleThump why conqueror? akali / cassio / teemo may be hard in high elo, but down here people just dont know how to abuse poke @Hi_im_baked AreUJealousBaby subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Lmv92x well she can chunk a bit, fleet is a good way to sustain too heh? AreUJealousBaby's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 why conqueror? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out my new merch! that wasnt a grand masters play KEKW what elo is this? @Lmv92x u @d wrong person lol hi fogged trkWave !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP nah, she goes for all ins mostly @Licozyy and tryn wants all ins too just burned 450 gold more instead of long sword that you can upgrade on tiamt kekw I think 1 more turret shot would have killed you. !matchup @foggedftw2 after she flashed he hesitated while u instantly went on her !ranks Fogged: Master 47 LP (78-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) oh @Hi_im_baked nvm bro meant @hitorix !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP CS Pog Lethal better against Camille see, a chunk Ouch that double buff I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !king yeah, but then its on cooldown she cant keep it up @Licozyy is funny how Rangerzx makes camilles otp in euw to look like dogshit conq is kinda bad in general Little surprised at conq here tbh, lethal seems ideal vs their comp. But I guess we'll see lethal stronger early mid and late imo Pog Pog Nice one Pog NICE! She didn't expect the 6. calculationz @foggedftw2 why conq ? Why do you only play this skin ?? it seems broken in drawn out teamfights @deffctiv3 fogged has been getting insane quadras just because of the extra ad boost !skin Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant wp wp foggedBaby @evilzoorin true Rangerzx is a beast tryndamere what a " nice " champ WeirdChamp Akali malding AKALI KEKW damn This guy is out of his mind Home issues at akali's house akali support is losing, who would have guessed ANELE Flame them akali monkaS preseason mental is boom. too many trolls preseason mental LUL toxicity in master mmr is strong @Jeff7842 yeah inted 10 games not a good supp EZ Clap tfs she doing KEKW Check out my new merch! YO STFU LUL camille malding KEKW morgana top :v @Jeff7842 can confirm she dumb thanks morg KEKW camille can't count ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy @kroncriz i respect the attempt camile lol !uptime 46 minutes 16 seconds camille inting foggedFOGGERS foggedW I guess their bot lane has no synergy either xD she'd rather roam top randomly than help the adc they all always surprised by the R cd of trynds Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups damn camille hurts akali LUL WW plz ww KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW who is winning the challenge thus far? tf ww ult Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! jail bot lane TF plays a lot more since he lacks adorable pets to snuggle and a hot girlfriend foggedRNG anivia cs PepeHands @samdamanzo @samdamanzo so TF is ahead double dorans?! KEKW TF blade has to play other champs because tryn requires 2 much skill HAAH! KEKW LEE KEKW LEE INT KEKW that red card what an idiot haahahah sindrome LEE SYNDROME KEKW haha KEKW ok then unlucky lee jump na masters LUL TRYNDAMERE OP , bad lee good champ LUL lee lee trkLOL KEKW my mind telling me no @foggedftw2 Is this Master? What the heck is going on? hachuDie thanks! lee triggered !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP !ranks NA KEKW Fogged: Master 47 LP (78-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) OF COURSE IS GOOD !opggs PogU why I would play it otherwise KEKW 2.5k gold Pog would I* we losin foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby AKALI 5Head what about those jax/iorelia/vkad games on Tf blade's accoubnt? shouldnt he autolose? fogged wasnt on the other team on any of those. did the rules change? how is tf in the lead akali Q 800 range Kappa foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !elo Clearly because akali's trolling KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP !challenge @bestasheacre If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW holy crap, tfblade palys a lot @foggedftw2 why conqueror? akalis brain is mush monkaW Craig Gasm! pogchampion! didnt they get first blood I am calling worth on the Akali support Keepo pretty sure akali thought they had camille support, so she went for the spellthiefs vs the melee matchup Kappa @foggedftw2 is the competition for first to challenger? or who gets to challenger with least games played @foggedftw2 in the build guide you change grasp for conquer?? trynda 1 v 9 ok as soon as you leave your whole team dies :( This is masters NA which is silver EUW Keepo do you think is it possible to climb with teemo only? i know is not related to trynda mains. keep it up fog! @foggedftw2 looks like my team @MidnightxPMC oh,wo ty. @b0nessssss I mean xBlotter and someone else are teemo mains. So yes @omnorimli Who is a higher rank/LP Team are a bunch of orangutans all akali always boosted, enemy akali always 1v9 its just life tbh lol every fight that doesnt involve you ends up in tragedy yeah its possible @b0nessssss but you could also play a real champ @b0nessssss there are high elo Teemo mains imagine going support akali and then being a toxic POS KEK @MidnightxPMC @b0nessssss ipav999 NA TP kekw Why didnt the turret switch targets? As a silver player eu, can confirm. This is my elo. HAHAAHAAHAHAAAHHAHA fogged can u try the chinese trynd build with ghost/ignite, conq/resolve, tiamat/shiv/inf/deathstance/ga? POG @lamescimitar321 so whoever plays more wins =| clean flash :O Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! that tp that was the best tp eggnivia thats some next level int holy shit !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king hollyy flashh Hashinshin TP KEKE Anivia trkLOL anivia inting for te carry the* team Pepega KEKW looks like a good tp for a wintrade Akali Pepega Akali getting outplayed by Cait lol Eggnivia, "Mistakes have been made." !king xayah testing SG Skin in ranked KEKW akali is the picture perfect image of what's wrong with solo q lmao !subscribe subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 @kappakivi can u be more specific on runes ? :D @N3ON_LEMON i mean akali players watch tfblade and he perma flames each game so its only normal. Time to update the wall of emotes fogged converted pretty good tho lol paid by tf Akali isnt troll, xayah just inting Pepega $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! id've bailed from that does anyone know what rank tf blade is? ANELE ANELE akali mental not very stable ???????? Wow, what a tf r! So good! TF ult KEKW tf almost as bad as tf blade what was the bet with blade? TF likes the anivia style @Gonthorian he doen't even play akali anymore lol, you're kinda stuck in 2015 KEKW Akali dies, immediately spam pings. !bet !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !bet WTF Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 KEKW emote? what do you think about full ap morgana support AceRocola subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! AceRocola's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! why ff akali mental of a 10 year you have aka;li supp, but on a positive note, at least your team has enough waveclear while you split, so its winnable @foggedftw2 @Bravebogdan10 he wasnt this toxic yet on old akali LUL !king why ff? this chimps Trolling sup Akali pinging the adc KEKW y'all too young to remember when tf gold card was AoE BabyRage Me Akali, me blame and feed BabyRage KEKW support akali is pretty troll lol this tf holy shit red card LUL NA master tier RED CARd KEKW red card KEKW red naipe :v re card KEKW red card KEKW why this TF only pick red card what was the bet with blade? rank at the end of season or what Wait so is the TFBlade challenge still going on? fog knew he gonna use red KEKW He pretty much red carded himself from the game I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @BUSTheid KEKW team is winning... why are they trying to surrender? with 3 votes !challenge @username_already_exists If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what is tf blades @foggedftw2 You've got conqueror, get tiamat or bork for the stacks "lt me farm" KEWK thanks man !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 10:23:27 am !uptime 54 minutes 6 seconds @BuddhatR spin spin spin lol payed to int will there be any punishment for blade since he picked other champs multiple times ? !opggs is this a diamond game? O_o camille LUL !editcom !subscribe Subscribe at foggedYoda fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBaby foggedCorgi foggedProf foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedFOGGERS foggedREE foggedDerp foggedWeeb foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME! GET IT NOW! ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED! @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!subscribe" has been edited successfully. Pepega Camile damn that dragon pit is open wider than ur mum Reached character limit of 500. WELP !rank camille jumped from africa to death KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP @setchmo_96 he doesn't get anything id he wins the bet @LyvinProof thanks !subscribe Subscribe at foggedYoda fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBaby foggedCorgi foggedProf foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedFOGGERS foggedREE foggedDerp foggedWeeb foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME! GET IT NOW! ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED! that delayed ult lmao yes @setchmo_96 the punishment is: he gets to lose the challenge Had to take out 3 emotes so they would fit is there a wind up on try's ult? @Metal_pup KEKW nop nope No its instant hi anivia blaming u KEKW @Bravebogdan10 why do the bet then what a bum lol thanks for the info why didnt he buy sanguin ? KEKW FeelsBadMan trynd going in with TF gold card, yeh sure !sanguin Check out my new merch! Why dont u buy life steal ? @foggedftw2 fogged what do u think about the new conquerer? LUL !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER he needs QSS vs TF for sure @setchmo_96 his mental went boom after 3 hours with no game KEKW after her tp to top she should be very quiet LUL teaam's mental KEKW @MidnightxPMC Thanks u boy also morgana bind/ult also camille stun akali saying to stop typing LUL game over qss seems a good buy @beboo1420 Waste of space. Sometimes he gets bork but its just better to build other stuff has conqueror @beboo1420 trynd does not need a lot of lifesteal This is gonna be a no tiamat conqueror game xD is sounding some type of wave in the backgorund or its me QSS stop r camille? what do u think about conquerer btw? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @blouse007 nope support items give you less and less gold now MingLee think not kev1nW kev1nW kev1nW kev1nW kev1nW kev1nW kev1nW ItsBoshyTime Fat fogged = MingLee BLUE KEKW nice f NEVER YELLOW CARD KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 47 LP TAHT STUN TIME Pog HOLY Pog wait wat LIVING BOIS foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby HE GOT OUT I counted, that root was 5 years you didnt die DAMN SON 3 sec root is so dumb Eternity cc POGGERS TRYND AGENT 007 Perma Snare The Chain CC wtf sophiaPog CandyCane OMG trkChamp stunned for years how TF color blind? Akali useful wtf anivia is dumb man is a survivor morgana DansGame imagine not picking LEGEND TENACITY ! which means extra Mercury Boots that rune is super OP foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby thought the challenge would end before he got out of that much cc lol first time seeing a morgana? @MidnightxPMC LUL only if you had a real supp almost deja vu Pog fogged @Lmv92x first time i was watching trynd ult vs morg Q Just win 4Heae !runepage 4Heae @foggedftw2 yeah lemme get uhhhhh qss please !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor winnable! gg TF KEKW @Bravebogdan10 he could have skiped a day on that account and just play on one of his other 200 what do u think about the new conquerer??? !king I like new emotes @y_almudhaf he uses it first time i saw trynd win the marathon @MidnightxPMC Yeah, this isn't too bad Just win 4Head @y_almudhaf for the love of God is Conqueror not Conquerer BibleThump bot lane 17 deaths out of 22 attack232 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! why no tiamat attack232's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! tf 25%wr akali35% wr XD stun doesn't cancel aa KEKW @midnightxpmc is it better than the old one is what i want to know How do you auto while stunned? @foggedftw2 Where u goin TF? monteAffe monteAffe @sassori95 depends on the matchup chill @evilzoorin has is just asking LUL team coming through somehow doing aa while stunned ? imagine losing to Akali support LUL THIS AKALI troll stream HAS THE AUDACITY BabyRage BabyRage trynd abuser Oh my god, and then plugs stream LMAO I swear fogged tryndamere is better than TF. tfbHmm the definition of 1v9 akali insane at inting LUL too much money for tiamat @sassori95 ITS BECAUSE HE GOT AN EARLY LEAD RUSHING ESSANCE IS BETTER @setchmo_96 he would be wasting about 100 lp then, idk, they are redoing the same bet in euw next year tho optimistic akali thinking ayones checking his tw channel with that attittude Heading off to work now gg gg CYA CHAT AKALI KEKW oki ty g !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 sometimes you seem to navigate easier through these master games than the diamond 2 games. Whats with this akali trkLOL g gg gg @foggedftw2 hey Danny, can you give advice on how to play trynd against pure tank matchups such as ornn malph etc? AKALI KEKW 👉 🚪 Akali 1v9 Kappa report akali stream lul honor akali Pog KEKW LI fogged can u try the chinese trynd build with ign and ghost? Does it tilt anyone else when the enemy team just says g instead of gg? report bot heya @foggedftw2 A KEKW LI @foggedftw2 is deaths dance viable instead of triforce for the cdr? @foggedftw2 what monitor do u use? akali build 79-22? why is essence reaver good on trynd when he has no mana? no report for akali? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @foggedftw2 Check vod !ER Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. replay why conqueror agains camille? 17 points wtf !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 check replay can you show match history? @Bravebogdan10 ik but a bet is a bet. he must have known that as soon as they hit high diamond that ppl would target ban tryn i feel like deaths dance would be hard to control with the tryn ult leaving you at 1hp !ranks Fogged: Master 64 LP (79-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) blade goes live in like 2 hrs yeah? @ER @trundlegod1 honestly with the new nimbus, dont see the need for ghost most of the time @kappakivi Why no wait in between queues ? @foggedftw2 how is foggedftw1 @MechanHiggs bamboozled @trundlegod1 AD and CDR fogged can u compare old conqueror to the new one? which one is better !ranks Fogged: Master 64 LP (79-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @foggedftw2 would cosmic insight be good for more stick potential? No sanguine blade anymore? Old before nerf was better !king have u and blade agreed to play the same any of games or is it just unlimited Woah blade has so much more games than you @foggedftw2 what makes u determine whether or not to get tiamat ? play the replay of worwik Check out my new merch! you wanted to replay the lvl 3 dive @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 is the tahm kench matchup updated after his rework? !ER Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. !opggs @foggedftw2 check the replay of gank he cheat LMAO 25 more games??? Why is he not playing on King of Trynd or has the name been changed? What Headset that @foggedftw2 uses? @foggedftw2 he played a good 20 more games than you this chat is literally just the same 5 questions on repeat now lol @Penguin1m bamboozled @MidnightxPMC he really fakes going in queue xD wtf You still go lt vs morde? I use fleet TF Blade game abuser @foggedftw2 deaths dance vs Triforce? you gud @foggedftw2 is the tahm kench matchup updated after his rework? dizzyHey @foggedftw2 you got this !opggs IT suxx If U Press add button and keep talking he did wait, as well you did I think 1 more turret shot would have killed you. !king ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower @MidnightxPMC I didn't even realize it was an overlay lol gonna put adblock on which tryndamere skin has nicest feet? most of TF games people are trolling and giving free kills and free games I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here do you play other champ with kind of the same confidence as trynd? blade has a lot of experience smurfing and grinding foggedYoda you had it off @CraCken1 WutFace @k5_zar No, thats why he is a one trick !IG @D1C3XD so does Fogged tho !accounts ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS what date does the challenge end? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda he said he pulled off because poeple dont usually follow through WW wallblocked? minion block? he turned because he didn't think you was going to follow threw he doesnt have a spin either haha Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups I think maybe he was happy with flash? ima say minion block @foggedftw2 he said that he didnt think that you would follow through ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS mangos? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda GET ADORABLE EMOTES YOU WILL foggedYoda foggedGift foggedCorgi foggedPepega I thinks he was about to leave ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer papaoQ that leg spread Waiting room for tfblade ResidentSleeper This is some highly educational shit right here Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! businessmen ? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness foggedThink emiruAYAYA emiruAYAYA camille lookin SLICK LUL Kreygasm kreygasm Kreygasm LUL KEKW lmao Kreygasm !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET LOL KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlWot ratirl\Wot Kreygasm LUL @foggedftw2 i dont think so. ww doesnt have flash. he will die to turret gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM @foggedftw2 what champions on the toplane need nerfs rn on your opinion? foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedPepega foggedPepega LOL humble fogged TriHard IceCold ⛏️ cmonBruh SantaHat Let me help you homie. that laugh ratirlWinter ratirlWinter ratirlWinter ratirlWinter ratirlWinter ratirlWinter obtuuse camilmasutra garen and morde KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper spread eagle with a girthy healthbar between her legs Keepo @Tabriel013 na he had an easy auto on camille if he just waited nerf velkoz top lane !opggs !IE Check out my new merch! ryze theres no such thing @m_alpha174 what's tf blade's name account for this challenge !matchup !opggs Summoner is not currently in-game agreed @foggedftw2 what champions need buffs? ryze shouldn't even be top BabyRage @epic_a69 spin spin spLn Mordekaiser it's ridiculous its actually absurd to play vs morde @epic_a69 spin spin spln @foggedftw2 How's Trynd in Current Meta? conq heimer is op. does Morse passive stack conq morde/ryze/ornn imo you beating tf? @foggedftw2 what do you think of everyone stacking dorans b? nice try Riot balance team trying to get advice from @foggedftw2 !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET conq nerfs or champ rebalancing? Go Fogged! PeepoCheer Go Fogged! PeepoCheer Go Fogged! PeepoCheer tfbHey in some matchups he has no countreplay wow tfblade even plays not only Trynd KEKW there is any top champion can kill trynda 1 vs 1 lvl 6 ? @foggedftw2 how to win against on-hit Neeko? Do you think morde is best in top or mid? @foggedftw2 are you in q? spin spin SLIN KEKW @Lmv92x play vs any top champ with velkoz and you will lose yesterday a velkoz main played against me top i got destroyed ayy its fogged TriHard 7 If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !opggs how do you play against morde Do you think conq should be nerfed, or some champs abusing it? man Mord is not so OP does tryn really need a life steal item ? I always struggle without a life steal item when playing trynd time for the annual ryze rework 4Head he needs to be deletet lets be real Heimer turrets gove 2 stacks from their spell, but no stacks from autos @mantifora4e play Nasus and stack what do you think of the dorans b stacking meta ? @foggedftw2 @m_alpha174 Have you played against him this patch? @foggedftw2 how to know who wins challenge? @foggedftw2 what champions in toplane need buffs in your opinion bro thats with every ranged matchup, you get bullied in lkane @m_alpha174 and no one picks vel top, that guy was drunk and got lucky play nasus next game?? conq cass is absolute nightmare but imo is more of a conq fault @foggedftw2 LIfe is too short to play vs Teemo just play Heimer into him and he is rekt 2:30 am Kappa Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! ty !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 10:37:06 am Kappa did @foggedftw2 drop out of masters? @foggedftw2 play some pogostuck in queue PogChamp !ranks Fogged: Master 64 LP (79-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Did any of you get Setts abilities in your email? 4:30 pm here Against mordekaiser is better to take conqueror or lethal? nasus next game? lofi is the shit man they are increasing diana's base mana to 420 nice 1337 blue essence do you think tf can hit rank 1 with trynd? this loopy piano tho @iyyam He can't [play nasus because then he'd be DE CAYin NotLikeThis wait tfblade is ahead? oh right hes cheating Is fogged favorite color is blue? !ranks Fogged: Master 64 LP (79-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) !matchup !ranks !ranks @foggedftw2 It says Hitting masters today but i saw you hit yesterday gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa foggedYoda @lamescimitar321 yes man, he is not so OP you can win vs Mord before the patch he has really weak i think he deserves to be good atleast @foggedftw2 what's the end of challenge? @foggedftw2 can you play this ? :) !sheet scammed by blade :( but tf plays jax irelia KEKW !help null help: LUL cmonBruh dropping out of masters? cmonBruh This chat I worry about you guys sometimes foggedYoda but we love youi !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king nice legs but tfblade has irelia, jax and ryze on his match history @TyrMjolnir lmfao trkP what will you do if trynd is banned fogged won't pay anything if he lose right? tfblade is ForsenCD TriHard IceCold SoSnowy Help me brothas thanks i worry about you to @TyrMjolnir <3 !king chat is Pepega today @m_alpha174 So you're telling me a champs that, out damages you,out heals you and has a massive shield isn't overpowered? it said grandmaster earlier @foggedftw2 Title says Masters today instead of grandmasters like it said earlier @TyrMjolnir how can i be pronunciate your name? foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin me spin me win Franker yes I think Kappa 💿 ? lets get this bread @lamescimitar321 many top laners have sheilds and can heal through their abilities, but you never ask to nerf them Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! fogged do u think the new diana will be a ruff matchup for tryn? @foggedftw2 can you update spreadsheets for new conqueror? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW forsenCD Lets goooo can you add gunshinshin? ForsenCD forsenCD Clap forsenCD forscenCD forsenCD forsenCD why are you in foggedftw3 and not King? forsenCD forsenCD ForsenCD gunChinshin forsenCD my man !op.ggs forsenCD Clap forsenCD Tf blade cheated forsenCD Have a good day Mr. fogged isn't ForsenCD banned on twitch? any cheaters forsenCD ? How's the games been today? @foggedftw2 gunChinshin POGGERS what r ank is tfblade atm? !opggs why can`'t i see this forsenCD emote? monkaMEGA @D1C3XD really lol.....look at the screen very closely Am I seeing right? there's a clown in the chat saying Mordekaiser isn't OP right now? this chat is like a broken record Where are you going to in May? give it a minute cheater blade KEKW Bro @foggedftw2 whatever you do dont play nasus today, you don't wanna be DE CAYin right now 4Head @d1c3xd Fake queue against sniping trkBoomer HYPERCLAP $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !opggs forsenCD !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP @foggedftw2 When you will update spreadsheet ? PedoBear hey fogged do you think that when we have to run fleet to survive the hard lane matchup it reduce the 1v9 potential compared to lethal or conqueror? !discord isn't the ForsenCD emote banned on twitch? Check title @foggedftw2 forsenCD @foggedftw2 Do you ever use Rageblade anymore??? forsenCD my man !title @foggedftw2 -> Current Stream Title: CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 79-22 forsenCD CLAP forsenCD forsenCD how will you counter tfblade's jax? forsenCD why is your queue time stuck at 4:20? not that i'm complaining :kappa: Check out my new merch! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king win early @iyyam and outrotate? MercyWing1 foggedHappy MercyWing2 forsenCD 😳 what did you do if trynd is unavailable in a promos? HYPERBRUH @foggedftw2 gl on ur games bro !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET cobaltLove SeemsGood WellaDON subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! WellaDON's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! <3 we loved you daddy fogged how many LP do u need for GM ? @foggedftw2 unfollowed :) Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 foggedHappy Totally deserved man FeelsGoodMan gaining followers ssjDaddy Pog people realizing ur more entertaining than tf blade im guessing ratirlLift ratirlLift ratirlLift ratirlLift ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex BabyRage BabyRage trynd abuser content @foggedftw2 we all love your content! I first saw you on youtube and had to come to the streams to get first hand knowledge tbh i wanted every trynd main to hang themselves but then i watched your stream for like 3 times and started to main trynd by myself KEKW almost 5 million twitch views too yo fogged any chance you can add Gunshinshin emote :) I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Oh wow someone gifted me sub? Thanks ppl foggedFOGGERS foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt who is winning the challenge rn ? Fogged how come you don’t play professionally? 150 KEKE stonks forsenJoy KEKW Im studying and watching you at the same time <3 why does it say 72-22 in the title? @m_alpha174 I just looked at the chamo pool to refresh my memory and currently no other champ has that amount of damage, shield, healing capabilities build in the kit do you think its always good to take towers? sometimes i keep them alive to deny xp and gold @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 how can u beat a nasus vs trynda matchup @foggedftw2 sry for asking but what are the rune atm on trynd? and the build order?? we'r supporting you for the challenge u gotta prove trynda is the real deal fogged u legend foggedYoda is grandmasters bigger than Masters he does @TyrMjolnir he gets paid for it... that makes it professional @foggedftw2 camille is good now? Squid1 Squid2 foggedYoda Squid13 you're stream is amazing man I'm here to find a 2nd champ to main next to yorick, splitpushing is my favourite style !king q Squid1 Squid2 foggedYoda Squid3 its 79? .. foggedFrog forsenCD fogged thoughts on the new diana mini rework? it says 79-22 for me @foggedftw2 Do you think you've aged out of esports? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG it is 79 !title @ghostviper121 -> Current Stream Title: CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING GRANDMASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 79-22 Squid1 Squid2 foggedPepega Squid4 forsenCD check forsenCD Clap is your que even moving man ?? whats good dog but i saw u play 1V1 vs prof akali u almost killed him with his main champ ur good with other champs Is electrocute good for tryndamere? How do you get challenger after grandmaster? 200lp? Whenever you say the title is fcked its always fine for me hey fooged nice content bro. A question how does an irelia win against a trynd ? And why u take conqueror instead o lethal tempo whe. u have kill pressure ? meanwhile im trying to get out of plat... @foggedftw2 name my band !guide Complete Tryndamere guide LCS senior league Pog forsenCD what do you think of blade picking other champs? DAYM bro this is some work you have done in the last week Unless you're like 50+ lol wait yeah the queue is stuck at 420 haha Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 FOGGED how to do i see ur playlist? forsenCD isnt working for me? meanwhile im trying to get INTO plat DansGame @RaidBossChad your reflexes become slower with age but there's plenty of champs you can play at a challenger level without superhigh reflexes fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedYoda foggedGift forsenCD KEKW forsenCD Clap I'm 22 and I already feel like my lol performance is deteriorating forsenCD !challenger @foggedftw2 Best support champ to counter tryn?? forsenCD que is stuck at 420? love your stream, I'll watch your stream o er any other streamer sobachka_dog subscribed at Tier 1. forsenCD Clap 5head foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin sobachka_dog's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedSpin @lamescimitar321 each champ has his own flaws and perks, if we look at the subject from your own perspective then all the champs are broken blade chat baits allllll the time forsenCD WELCOME TO THE CLUB FOGGED forsenCD foggedSpin fogged5Head Thanks for the HahaThink @sobachka_dog yesterday you were talking about something with rageblade bug but got distracted by a teamfight what is the bug you were going to mention? foggedFiesta foggedRIP forsenCD Clap foggedSpin 5Head foggedPepega foggedBaby fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedCorgi foggedSpin foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedFiesta foggedBird foggedGasm foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedWizard foggedRNG foggedW foggedWurf foggedHappy foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedFOGGERS foggedREE foggedDerp foggedWeeb foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedTrynda foggedEmmy foggedThink foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedUlt ForsenCD fogged5Head Thoughts on Trundle top? forsenCD Clap !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW 5Head fogged5Head 5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head 5Head fogged5Head I have BTTV but i cant see the forsen emote? fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedCorgi foggedCorgi been hardstuck gold4 0lp for like a month tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 fogged5Head forsenCD forsen1 forsen2 trollpick @jracka Kappa fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head !rank tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head forsenCD KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP fogged5Head haha nice fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedCorgi fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head I will spam any emote you want me to if I get a gift sub Pog tfbTrolling fogged5Head fogged5Head cant even tell what that is 5Head is bettter fogged5Head Thanks for the sub @sobachka_dog fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head Motorio46 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Motorio46's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! forsenCD fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfbS tfbS tfbS tfbS tfbS tfbS tfb5 tfb5 fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head @Lmv92x that place is hell on earth, just rush to diamond instead tfb5Head tfb5Head fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedYoda foggedGift foggedGasm foggedWizard foggedRIP yiskW forsenCD Clap foggedProf fogged5head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head 不 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !oppggs fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head @foggedftw2 ever had twitch beef drama? ill see what i can do @RaidBossChad forsenCD when will you have enough subs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedYoda SUB TO FOGGED U MUST foggedYoda BootyTime that place sucks @foggedftw2 - thanks for the absurd effort on Trynd education <3 read notes about Darius matchup - should i expect to concede a lot of CS/pressure early? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head How long will you be streaming for? I wanne watch you during dinner! my prime isnt available until january so I cant sub foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda as long as you're not as douchey as tfblade ima keep my view here >.> KEKW ù foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda forsenCD 7 fogged5Head anyone know how i can find foggeds music playlist ??? foggedYoda foggedYoda Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 foggedYoda may the crit be with you foggedYoda i hear a lotta stuff about the plat ego cryers, have no interest in putting up with asswhipes xD i hope they never rework trynd LIKE A SHIT, REMIX IT foggedYoda foggedYoda Yeah your wievers are generous foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda HahaTurtledove HahaHide Haha2020 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda This is the stream you are looking for *waves hand foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @foggedftw2 damn man you were at 1950 subs like a week ago! KEEP IT UP foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda GET ADORABLE EMOTES YOU WILL foggedYoda foggedGift foggedCorgi foggedPepega @foggedftw2 if TF asked you to do the same challenge but you can't play trynd will you accept it? can u link playlist man Best emote yamato8Business yamato8Business yamato8Business Rat emotes are so good it's crazy LUL rats emotes are always a+++ foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !king trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog foggedYoda fmjaycCool lol what if they rework tryndamere@chimenetwitch foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedYoda foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedYoda foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedYoda foggedSpin me spin foggedSpin me win foggedSpin YES! <3 <3 NAAA fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head Pog <3 ssjNUUU For league for sure Kappa Pepega TRUEEE HolidayTree HolidayTree HolidayTree HolidayTree HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidayLog HolidayLog HolidayLog foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby everyone says that lol foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Squid1 Squid2 foggedWizard Squid4 trkP yeah no toxicity here :D foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ay fk u buddy LUL TRUEEE ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy i hate this chatroom this chat room is pretty toxic !oppgs tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 chill stream <3 0 toxicity TRUEEEE @foggedftw2 8/10 Kappa Its easy to be a nice chat when its a nice streamer <3 Not when the plebs tell you how to play tynd this chat is lovely chshHeart no this is a nice chat room Tyler1 chat LUL We mirror your Chill level Well sometimes people are annoying but they usually get flushed out forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp i like spammy chat more its pretty average esfandCozy @foggedftw2 this chat isnt too bad I quite enjoy how much of a money pit Dom's Chat is it is foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin ssjHeart !matchup you're not a person that would be flamable easily Summoner is not currently in-game You’re very responsive to your chat which is the best part this chatroom is much better than hashinshins chat always follows the attitude of the streamer yes foggedHappy foggedCorgi <3 foggedHappy foggedCorgi <3 foggedHappy foggedCorgi <3 @foggedftw2 froggen's is pretty damn good SRO chat OMEGALUL This isn't a chat house, its a chat home. foggedGift moe is flamable foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG tfblade chat KEKW some chats are so toxic and full of spammers when u don't trashtalk About german Food i like it here :D this doesn't look like any of other league chats @foggedftw2 chats are a reflection of the streamer Sirchez chat room is the best A nice break from toxic ass league Lol I love how it’s paused on 420 que time !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king it's because of this nice music maybe thats why scarra banned me KEKW What about wingsofdeath scarra chatroom = full of backseat gamers KEKW Scarra ResidentSleeper I hate typing, cuz im a bit lazy, so i just watch and listen and sometimes read! tf blade's chat KEKW u r pe4sonnality gives reapect foggedW foggedW foggedYoda fogged5Head foggedGasm foggedSpin foggedHappy foggedEmmy foggedDog @Tusnek i got perm there just for repeating what fogged said about the matchup Wholesome This chat room doesn't have enough hydra's to keep me interested. I like the stream though. @foggedftw2 i like your stream, but the only thing that is bad for me is watching chat on screen when you play sirhcez is almost as good foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin @somebodied lol always one toxic rat, dont come back man @Tusnek backseat gaming EleGiggle squadCozy yeah sirchez very nice guy too As far as league chats go, it’s one of the best foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda i hate when chat is just emotes spammed i think the music is nice TF BLADE'S CHAT KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime How close is the bet right now? scarra's stream ResidentSleeper !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king toxicity attracts toxicity, when you're nice toxic people get bored and go to tyler1's chat Trick2g chat is the most relax and chill chat honestly its good to see a chat with 2k+ where I still have time to read @foggedftw2 that is rare with big streamers @foggedftw2 Is trynd mid playable? imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch yo guys why i cant see some emotes? like forsencd pr kekw? do u win the challenge with the least games to challenger or the fastest? !king !opggs you had it off when playing games the past couple days i think trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp agreed it takes away from the gameplay tyler1's chat KEKW @foggedftw2 what is the best Support champ to counter tryn?? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! What do you feel about tfblade playing other champs in this challenge? @morkinis2 might be BTTV pieComfy pieComfy @foggedftw2 i think he meant a non-delayed chat tfbHeart tfbHypers Same i hate watching chat on screen while watching too whenever i spin to the right or bottom right i always click my map. and then i forget to press space bar to go back to my trynd. why am i so trash? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda @foggedftw2 it's stuck on 4:20 or what ? chat is reflection of streamer TPFufun @foggedftw2 hey how do you feel about tryndamere in current meta? trkWave trkWave trkWave trkWave trkWave trkWave trkWave @foggedftw2 game in queue!! play some solitaire forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD !opggs worst chat room is who My favorite emotes foggedYoda foggedGift foggedPepega foggedWurf foggedW foggedREE foggedWeeb foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedTrynda @flstr99 it’s to hide client kingdom hearts PogChamp 2,5k subs "not a big streamer" @midnightxpmc who is bttv @foggedftw2 did u get any sleep after that elise cocoon that missed lee sin nah 2k plus you are a big streamer for me SirhcEz has a great chat too Keepo Keepo Keepo Kitboga and CohhCarnage have nice chats trkLoser imagine not having forsenCD enabled do you talk with @trick2g a lot? ( sirchez chat is all sleeping @morkinis2 Better Twitch TV. Its an addon the other day i was watching voyboy and there were like 6k in chat and the thing didn't move for like 2 minutes Do you have two screens? @m_alpha174 How? Most champs have a way to play against, hell I don't even think Yasuo is a bullshit champ except for that his W, you can fight a Zed, you can win against an Akali. Does that make them any less bullshit, no but it doesn't make them an overpowered non-tradable champs !opggs Check out my new merch! foggedWizard foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin KEKW is your queue stuck at 4.20 ?? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW MAP COVER 15 50 map cover delay !tfblade dellay map cover map cover 15s delay delay map cover BOTH SO YOU CAN WOOP TF map cover 15 15sec Chat rooms are like the streamer, moe: chat full of snakes, T1: chat full of dumb kids, trick: chat full of animals 15sec map DELAY Map cover 15sec delay delay 15 i remember one time sirchez hosted someone in my game and not a single person said anything KEKW 15 you aint that far tbh. usually chats with over 700 people, theres too much text noise 15 15 map cover i think a good support bard player counters trynda late game delay delay i never look at map anyway KappaHD delay map cover 15S DELAY 15s 15 delay DELAY DELAY DELAY PEPEGA Map Cover 15 sec MAP COVER DELAY song name? map cover is better Both PEPPEGA delay 4 sure map cover KEKW irons asking for map cover delay 15 second delay @foggedftw2 play slay the spire AND read chat, its a chill game anyway @foggedftw2 BOTH Delay Delay hi foggedftw2 fukc delay i never had one NO WAY Your viewers are generous, they are gifting sub. ive never had a tv in my bedroom map cover definitely 1hpur delay Dude, I watch poker - I'm used to 3 min delays. 15 sec is nothing YALL CRAZY cover At lower ranks, it it better to just splitpush constantly or group up and try to teamfight? me neither :) spin to win in the bedroom FeelsGoodMan “tv in our bedroom” @m_alpha174 yasuo is overpowered* what thread count are your sheets? delay delay LUL "watching movies" Kappa @foggedftw2 you should use the new tv to watch your streams "movies" ????? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here not worth you don't want a tv in there you lose what else you can do alone in there tv in bedroom is super unhealthy Delay WE NEED AN OPTION FOR BOTH BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DONT CARE i wanted to play with you on PBE !opggs and you dont wanna to play with me @foggedftw2 i want delay AND map cover I need u to win against jax somehow LUL no delay please please GIMME MONEY 15 seconds delay is fine mate Alternate ? :o Yo Fig, GL :) bet is finished ? ok COVER 😂 delay is better but jax is too versatile Do you watch any other streamers when youre offline? yeah delay is better so record game normally before stream in game overlay Cant you use the map from the replay? I rather the delay easily. tell me why you dont wanna play with me on PBE ? forsenCd delay is better even for streaming !!! yeah always delay, map cover is boring forsenCD pls map covered most people play with a delay tbh 1min delay delay sucks 15s is super ok monteNI ye 15s delay seems minimal. i think other streamers have higher yes, better not cover. 15s delay is not that much Delay is good @lamescimitar321 renekton wins vs mord, darius wins vs mord, trynd wins, fiora wins, teemo wins, jayce wins and more Fifteen seconds isn’t bad map cover sucks cuz we cant see whats happening in the game, but sometimes its necessary we are in the future 0.o whatever is good for you fogged i hate watching streams with map cover, because i like to pay attention on everything while they play to think for myself as well I preffer delay. Delay is alright. 15sec was too easy for ghosting both is good but delay is best it's not like hard games you can talk to us anyways Pepega @foggedftw2 Dilf hunter?????? @foggedftw2 Can't you remove the cover layer for your recording set-up only? map cover wins the strawpoll is tf blade cheating? @foggedftw2 do you have stats on people’s win percentage after your coaching? Or something like it? 4 min delay like poker players pls @foggedftw2 do like 30 seconds delay, 15 not enough vote monkaS In 15s they still know where is your jungler I opened the straw poll in chat now it wont close WutFace I honestly think that 15 sec delay is not enough to be protected, I'd say 30 sec or 60 sec nah u vote @Gonthorian nou Clap Omegalul twitchRaid pastaThat panicBasket o_O mcaT foggedWurf riPepperonis foggedYoda imGlitch mcaT o_O pastaThat foggedWizard panicBasket foggedWeeb foggedW foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedProf duDudu fogged5Head foggedFiesta yea, i also hate map covers OMEGALUL @foggedftw2 >_> @lamescimitar321 just play a good early game and you win ill always vote gimmie money every single time delay only plz ForsenCd Yeah delay works fairly well fogged5Head !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Is it possible to record another scene than the live scene? just go 10 min delay KEKW EVERY SINGLE TIME Kekw !king VAI CURINTHIA CARAIO KEKW AYAYA people love straw polls Delay, cuz than it feels like you are playing on ISS with astronauts! have you tried to play with 20%cdr on runes and skip essence rev, to do another crit item like stormrazor instead? LUL them polls are useless i can inf vote what i want on them way to go on the Subs man there's soooo many factors you cant judge at all as a viewer without seeing the map @foggedftw2 Stawpoll to choose a strawpoll @foggedftw2 can you explain what kekw means please VoteYea voting loops is how countries are run and it kinda works (ditto) KEKW rsnpumpdaddy33 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Check out my new merch! Hello Froggen ^^ :3 rsnpumpdaddy33's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! we were just talking about how good and spamless your chat was @foggedftw2 LUL BootyTime !score LUL say vai curinthia POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE feel like you just can't truly learn and understand the whats happening if theyre using map cover 10 min delay LUL LUL foggedYoda Morning all, how is everyone Been waiting to sub to you :D the people who don't care about map cover just aren't voting !king @foggedftw2 can you do ass or tits strawpoll? @foggedftw2 Did you watch the WW dive lvl 3 replay? 15 sec delay i think too short @foggedftw2 warding and jungle pathing is revealed just do 10 min KEKW trynd crazy plays = 35% Kappa you can delai chat too no ? spam for 5 minutes POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE just do a 24 hours delay fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP 15 sec too short pepeJAM POGSLIDE zepphyrex subscribed with Twitch Prime. hey @foggedftw2 what's the winning requirement for your challenge zepphyrex's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! POGGERS POGSLIDE POGGERS POGSLIDE POGGERS POGSLIDE POGSLIDE foggedFOGGERS HI! @foggedftw2 People enjoy a nonsense option man this que is taking forever 45s delay Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 10 min delay POGGERS xbLit 8 people voted to give fogged money. where it at? foggedREE SaltyCorn @foggedftw2 When would you start dorans shield or sword or long sword what match up determines that WhatAYolk VAI BRASIL @m_alpha174 So you're telling me I can only win against a Morde by screwing my own late game? Which he also wins. You can win against most champs with litteraly any champ so why shouldn't that be the case for Morde. Why should I feel fucked for trying to lane against him KEKW kekw !king do you bttv as an extension fo chrome? @foggedftw2 Seems like most like 15 second delay. And honestly 15 seconds isnt terrible long forsenCD my man Wait why is he allowed to play jax !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW just make it a higher lp challenge at this rate PepeHands is a scarecrow masturbating considered a straw pull? wow this queue why do you put the webcam on i dont understand has trynd been banned a lot? well thats awkward @foggedftw2 Yo! u won the bet? @foggedftw2 why is the competition still on even though TFBlade is using other champs? woooo ooooo @foggedftw2 foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda what was name of tf blade account? you will fogged no sweat PogChamp PogChamp @foggedftw2 do you think you could hit challenger playing jg only? against Akali what runes and start item? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Spin Spin Spin KEKW @foggedftw2 if it's highest lp then why did you let him play jax for promo PepoSabers SoSnowy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Chait485 read the !challenge thing he doesn't have to pay tf blade if he plays other champs vamos argentina frogen @Chait485 so that this guy has a chance to at winning LUL @foggedftw2 doesn't have to be jg trynd only. any champ how long is the average queue time? Dorans shield vs Poke and Dot, Dorans blade if you wanna all in with Ignite. Long sword if you wanna rush tiamat and dont need to kill early thoughts on tryndamere mid? Allow me to increase the stakes of your bet with tfblade: whoever wins gets my subscription lolol @foggedftw2 what do you play if you get mid? Trynd still? PartyPoro publicity stunt KEKW why do you use a photo of queue and not the real client @foggedftw2 ? foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda @polystsrs Stream snipers The rumor come out: does juice world is died? From weed?? Juice world is dead is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his die. At that time he became the massive social networking rumor. The public, especially his fans are shocked. Its is come that he died on overload from weed. This is scary because of especially so many kids do it now. @polystsrs to bamboozle people meatwallace Neace seems to make it work well enough Blade definitely getting more viewers because of challenge @foggedftw2 @polystsrs ghosts foggedYoda foggedYoda yeah, its awesome to see you with 2k+ viewers XD @foggedftw2 he couldnt play a game for 3 hours KEKW !opggs plus it give his chat a new reason to flame him, because he is cheating LUL Have you tried to play with 20%cdr on runes and skip essence rev, to do another crit item like stormrazor instead? @lamescimitar321 the laning phase is not hard against mord cause he can clear the wave fast (if you get intimated by him, you can ask for a gank), for the late game many champs have good late game as mord. cheers @Lmv92x Hes kinda inviting it by reacting so hard thought right? do u think tupac is alive? @foggedftw2 you're a great guy Lee smurf? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm can you explain when to get tempo, conq and fleet? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @x44y22 you cant die from weed unless its laced lol like 6-8k normally 8k pretty much the same YEAH STILL THE SAME Zoe <3 I like caitlyn's skin XD 6-8k sometimes less forsenCD Clap !build forsenCD ? CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET you're getting more viewers too :) 6-8k @foggedftw2 he was a 6-9k andy forsenCD Still same you have the same number of views Every time I turn on TF blade's stream he is crying about some injustice Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! i rather watch him play other champs tbh Is the new conqueror not good on Tryndamere or what? Dziękuję za emotkę HahaSweat @zepphyrex camthe6Dueces camthe6Dueces camthe6ThreeClap Put the hurt on em! he has 2.2k i doubt it but what if he beats you? your thing is being the best tynd, thats why ppl come to see you !uptime 1 hour 30 minutes 54 seconds !opggs who got the lead? CHEATER ANDY forsenCD @emmyleec your husband is looking extra handsome today :P @foggedftw2 have you encountered jared again in soloqueue now that he started streaming again? do u think tupac is alive? HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat During his stay in EUW his viewers were 15-20 but went down back in NA @foggedftw2 the real reason you let him play jax is becuase he needs the help right wait so trynd challenge is still up? ;o What was your viewercount before? @interface53 and in that case tf becomes the best sometimes-tryndamere player :) !king 💣 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💣 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) isentropicmike : 4735 🥈) soor_ice : 3198 🥉) lamescimitar321 : 3192 4) lmauricette : 2493 5) hobbit_omegalul : 2074 Tfblade got the lead by cheating and way more games KEKW @xasphyxia ofc $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @interface53 tfblade doesn't exclusively play trynd, so ppl who want to see trynd gameplay would stick around here late flash PepeHands @interface53 he is also not a cringy child Why u no cover map @foggedftw2 liiiiiive SMOrc NA MASTERS KEKW DIDNT FLASH LEONA E KEKW can you explain when to get tempo, conq and fleet? i guess she didnt hear you - next time shout louder Kappa @gunnar304 got voted for no cover @gunnar304 he's on delay oh ;o thanks thought they rescheduled it for may or something @MarinTV FB before Minions spawn monteSAD @foggedftw2 Loving the streams man keep it up, win or lose in this challenge you gained a viewer right here he also could have cleansed leona E Check out my new merch! NA players so bad KEKW at least zilean get 45g out of that KEKW @m_alpha174 Asking for a gank is just giving him a double kill, I don't see any champ winning in a 1v1 against him so he can just R your carry during teamfights and win the game for his team. At this point I feel like you're either a Morde main or don't play against a good Morde very often KEKW flash KEKW KEKW monteF monteF monteF No Fleet in this matchup? KEKW Dominance asserted WKEK lol rolling up KEKW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP foggedDerp To see a Fiora lose lane pleases me very much @minseo gotta show dominance, no need for weakass healing Kappa hes skillshot based, he can be outplayed @lamescimitar321 trynd does well against him (but still has to be careful in lane) ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlowerratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlowerratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower educational, this one going on youtube boys ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups LUL ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower r KEKW ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower !delay 5Head FeelsSnowyMan Delay OP Check out my new merch! @lamescimitar321 ofcourse i meant pre 6 cause no one ganks a mord lv 6 (only if his R is on CD), and no sir i dont have a main i play several champs. i find Garen match up harder than mord fogged5Head @foggedftw2 then Id say let him ghost, he's losing the game for it I finally found the stream! nerf delay pls 500 IQ paky play* met4Ghost met4Ghost met4Ghost Lol keep a lookout for more signs of ghosting to expose fiora What if... you mind gamed yourself and made yourself believe he was ghosting 4Head im fiora and im not ghosting Ok I believe u screen is always frozen in the app Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! They knew LUL fogged5Head foggedYoda oscillating ping is always a bad signal fiora 5Hea 5Head !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king feelsghostedmanb foggedDerp nice try ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower monkaW !playlist bestbuy lee fucked up !opggs that's game sense most likely @Gonthorian !king i play for the kill If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! @Marmoth i mean i hardly see junglers do this in fogged games guess i got no brain then Kappa why u max q @foggedftw2 I always get flamed by my team for buying tiamat +double cloak for not completing items is this a winning matchup for trynd or fiora? I love it when Im vs a garen top now. everyone always builds for Trinity first and I absolutely destroy them Kestic if they knew whats good they would praise you wurf fogged5Head !opggs 5Head i miss healing minions as soraka to deny cs the amount of times fogged has to explain hes 6 and can dive makes me sceptical of jungle game sense TriHard fogged5Head Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Showing your what? hashLwd tfb5Head yo wait, Q max? Pog 90% crit already lol Pog Pog double crit cloak foggedW hooglSmart Volturious subscribed with Twitch Prime. you can run but you cant hide LUL Volturious's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ScarletCottonCandy its always q max she used TP monteG monteG monteG no, she just TPd she doesnt have tp no? she just TPed She used RP she used it no tp no the greed no no no tp she doesnt TP* no tp she used it LUL she used tp she used earleir she tpd like 2 mins ago She has NO tp she TP ed on minion Its wasted she used earliers she tped in front of you tp 11;30 @ForgetFreeman imagine her thiinking wow this fkr rlly critting on every hit. this luck @foggedftw2 she TPed onto that minion earlier rmb? @Vex4ge really? used to be E max, but thanks for letting me know she used tp after the dive top she just tp HahaShrugLeft No !king !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET allergic to Teleport @foggedftw2 just type it then :) ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt @foggedftw2 FREE coaching from me, ping her TP! I got your back mate! :D Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Master? PogChamp !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP hello chad Are the builds updated? hello scary Terry !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @trufffledaddy69 not yet, he said he will do it at the end of the month hello Rick yes @trufffledaddy69 hello Morty They keep changing TP's CD every Season, at least it feels this way monteWtf KEKW KEKW leading with ult KEKW D: woah Check out my new merch! NOT hello my-ex do the tryndamere thing where u get 500 cs in 2 minutes 0 dmg KEKW !op.ggs missclick maybe ? I was like certain her jungler was there ? why would she do that ? so basically Tfblade gave up. 5Head 5Head 5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here fogged5Head 5Head 2Head !whytfbladecheatsandcancelsbet fooged5Head fogged5Head I see 5Head no tiamat ResidentSleeper !oppggs fogged5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head tfb5Head @foggedftw2 I really like how u explain reasoning behind ur in game decisions !opggs fogged5Head <- this new? 6Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head HahaThink tfb5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedYoda damn fogged5Head lacks brows 5Head Fi OMEGALUL ra ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 5Head > 4Head ratirlOK ratirlOK ratirlOK ratirlOK ratirlOK ratirlOK ratirlCozy LUL KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 LULW KEKW IDIOT KEKW LUL nunu KEKW LUL LUL KEKW LUL LUL KEKW D: D: what LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL D: KEKW oh you get fury from each minion/monster/champion hit? ;o with either auto or e the disrespect ignoring him AHAHAHAHAHa foggedLUL foggedLUL LULW foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink lel !opgg EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head lol that was funny ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 LUL DUMBASS KEKW Lolol dumbass KEKW nunu no mana monteOpa monteOpa monteOpa monteOpa KEKW lol plate and a kill !opgg tryndamere "dumbass- fogged 2k19" @foggedftw2 why do u take 2 cloaks instead of just rushing ER? !king !king why no max r? !opggs !r Level Ult Last - inb4 he dies without ult or sums Kappa @thatsgoodcoffee 50%crit is a much better buy than BF wintrading KEKW !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? nvm fiora braindeda 3Head he took 2 cloaks because when his q is fully stacked, he has 90% crit. pay attention 5Head fiora rotations fiora d2 xD @foggedftw2 why do u take 2 cloaks instead of just rushing ER? ? NA Special !champ why u max q first fiora boosted af 3Head !opggs 3Head Macro !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: LEAVE HER ALONE BibleThump BibleThump d2 fiora fiora players only know how to fight not how to play max q first for sustain in lane one trick trynd flaming players imagine Stop bully fiora BibleThump 3Head vs 5Head = 4Head @darkonredstar so true IS THIS NA MASTER?? Im a euw and i dont see such a bad macro Even in silver @darkonredstar she has proven she cant fight either Imagine Tryndamere wearing two cloaks @R0M4b gives more ad and heal R lvl up only gives cd and lvl 1 R doesn't have that high of a cd priority to max other skills for damage on E and a stronger slow on W SSTOPP IT BibleThump BibleThump I need the succ, give me the succ. Check out my new merch! 4Head @TFBLADE HI brother !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king now full fury he has 95% crit SHE ISNT BibleThump !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 64 LP @foggedftw2 how do youchange your build when behind? thx fiora is 100% a toplane main @foggedftw2 shes only been playing fiora and darius !king PogU KEKW LEE POG LEE Pog KEKW Pog PogU nunu R KEKW LULW clean lee ggLULW GOOD JOB LEE !!!!!! zoe tilted hard gg nbice lee kick\ EZ Clap ez gg ass yo that lee LULW ZOE ff 15 KEKW @foggedftw2 she is Fiora top MAIN!!! EZ Clap LMAO SOMEONE IS TILTED Kappa zoe LULW XD LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW KEKW GG hes malding lol LUL zoe tilted af Zed mad gg can you explain when to get tempo, conq and fleet? why u max first zoe KEKW true LULW LOLOLOLOLOLOLO lee sin lmao LEE !op.ggs LUL Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Lee after that play !ranks Fogged: Master 64 LP (79-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) toxic LULW Is he working on a s10 guide? how far ahead of blade are you? monteG monteG Z OmegaLUL E @foggedftw2 ggez lol challenger today? @foggedftw2 LUL liking zilean players DansGame Kappa Kappa Kappa that was a fast game Channel is growing bro :D keep up the good work TF is playing Zoe LUL !guide Complete Tryndamere guide fiora actually plays top. but darius/jax during regular season. mostly fiora during preseason !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 we saw the queue monkaS SPINSPINSPIN in queue monkaW !ranks Fogged: Master 83 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Preseason I see, normally Darius and Jax! !rank your in Queue with tf blade @foggedftw2 KingOfTryndamere is Master 83 LP !ranks Fogged: Master 83 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) NA special LULW ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER he was letting his little sister play NO WAY SHE IS A TOP MAIN B O O S T E D tfb PICK ZOE? DansGame what is the bet? fleet vs poke and dot @wowmats the other 2 depend, theyre both all in runes Boosted !king no way she is top main why are you so behind tf blade ?? what elo is this? KEKW @foggedftw2 diamond 2 fiora spammer this season shes hard stuck d2 doe KEKW ratirlPOGGER !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 83 LP "no way she is human, she must be ape" - Fogger !opggs @foggedftw2 any eta on s10 guide? !opggs have u met tf blade yet? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! more lp for this game even thou it was easier. She could be drunk do you still go grasp vs jax/ nasus? @foggedftw2 or is it conq now? riot is goin to be mad at u for making off their game and they dont get any of it !rank @foggedftw2 why are you so behind Tfblade all of a sudden he is doing a fiora only challenge vs a otp fiora D2 !elo :P the day off grinding trynd only got tf ahead huh? Pog ! Pog 24 hour perfect gameplay stream to GM Pog can you explain when to get tempo, conq and fleet? niceeeee !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @mersoony KEKW !opgg Pog FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Pog @foggedftw2 I'm back after a short vacation, why are people saying TF blade not playing trynd? Pog @foggedftw2 how does blade have so many more games on you? 0 Death Pog WE Pog fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head Pog Pog Pog KEKW rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER rarirlPOGGER HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta rarirlPOGGER LUL OMEGALUL fogged5Head fogged5Head KEKW monkaHmm perfect KDA every game PogChamp 3v3 KEKW LUL b 4 ?? KEKW KEKW how many lp tfblade?? ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER i think the fiora started practicing fiora on preseason Correct. !opggs rank 3v3 bronze KEKW ! S9er that new tv improved performance 5Head @foggedftw2 I slightly beat a Renekton thanks to your guide, next time I'm going for the crush KEKW fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head po 9-3 record though, looks like 3s just give lower rating when you start it. could be @ChimeneTwitch why because of s9? whats wrong with that season !opggs ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER Season 9 is the most competitive league yet Kappa @foggedftw2 why are you so behind tfblade all of a sudden do you get tiamat based on match up ? he has 36% winrate with fiora S) who plays ranked twisted tree line DansGame when you were so much ahead before ye he does @EthereaLz_ !uptime 1 hour 49 minutes 33 seconds D2 KEKW @chat why is TFblade playing non-trynd !ranks Fogged: Master 83 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) TREYWAY PULL UP ON YOUR BLOCK AND BLEED IT Maybe this fiora just got tilted @joujoujoujoujoujou123 Because Blade have 22 more games played how are the rules about playing other champs so far? !challenge @xfaistos If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW KEKW KEKW @houssamsa I can send you a video that explains is pretty well if you're interested they dropped the challenge !challenge @houssamsa it's because of the way ranked was at start of season 9, with rank based off main roll do eveone in chat said some got tilted ? lols @joujoujoujoujoujou123 cause Fogged got a day off and TF has more games cuz flaming team, or sth.. anyway imo fiora should plays with grasp against trynd, no chance in extended fights tf blade just played more Hi Y’all Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Whats the TF Trynd acc name? !opggs @Lizzard4000 foggedProf @Lizzard4000 SPIN SPIN SPIN Spin Spin Spin oddoneChair foggedW !ranks Fogged: Master 83 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) TF was malding with the bans so he set this !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW thanks! !challenge tf blade account is ling of jax if trun ban !opggs spin spin soon actually !opggs $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! holy sht u scared me i thought i was in a ts KEKW tf blade account is king of jax,irelia if trynd ban spln* Is it possible for you to do some of that me wizard me trynd me spin me win Cheer100 @foggedftw2 whats 9+10 @foggedftw2 why in-ears? any reason? also which one are those? foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta sup monkaW !anthem Tryndamere Anthem timer frozen ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ap is Dead Check out my new merch! !king !opggs PepoDance great song pepeJAM cdr ad trynd have way too low cd on R xD FeelsGoodMan Clap @Younoober jebaited by the fake client PogU ooooooo yeah foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM fog sing this song lol i never like earbuds because i dont think they are as good for game syou need suround sound in haahahahahahha LIT! the hybrid build is dead too? forsenCD foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard dopee hahahah who is stronger atm jax or tryndamere? Pooog SPAM WITH ME GUYS foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard headBang foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot POGSLIDE Tryndamere cuz of crits xD LUL foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot lassNut foggedGasm SoSnowy SourPls Trynd is stronger than jax no more shojin :D foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here PartyParrot finding match stopped at 420 pog foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega song name? still think youre going to win the challenge? Yo fogged how you doing man !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard wtf is this song @XnXXBoomerConsumerXnXX foggedLUL foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard every crit champ scale better than no crit champ, except mages and true dmg dealers what the hell lol tyd SONG MAX DansGame foggedLewd foggedFiesta foggedWizard foggedFiesta foggedWizard foggedWizard HeadBang foggedWizard HeadBang foggedWizard HeadBang foggedWizard HeadBang Me wizard, me trynd, me spin, me win !ranks Fogged: Master 83 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @xmellii99x Jax lost a big item like shojin. Tryndamere is in a better spot imo i see you picking kled reminds me of the Mortal Kombat theme, i luv it lassNut 👈 foggedGasm SoSnowy CandyCane pepeD damn this is actualy a well made meme song PartyParrot headBang PartyParrot headBang PartyParrot headBang foggedWizard foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedRightArm haHAA gachiHYPER enable pepeD casNo @foggedftw2 this is a video people haHAA !anthem nah jax still better just cause he can teamfight, frontline and main engage Tryndamere Anthem !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king AD KEKW foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin AD TRYN KEKW this is the best song ive ever heard LUL foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard AD KEKW AD KEKW !opgg click on that tryndamere anthem AP was lit !rank AD KEKW E TU KingOfTryndamere is Master 83 LP foggedWizard foggedTrynda foggedSpin foggedW foggedWizard foggedTrynda foggedSpin foggedW trash KEKW AD LULW me foggedWizard me foggedTrynda me foggedSpin me foggedW foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot foggedWizard PartyParrot PepePls foggedWizard foggedSpin foggedWizard foggedSpin pepeD this "challenge" turned into a meme? PEPED AD foggedLUL foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin me spin me win !tfblade foggedWizard foggedWizard we spin we trynd we win that sucks pepeD me foggedSpin me PorscheWIN Pepeg enable peepoLeave and peepoArrive 😡 RareParrot foggedSpin u plain kled this game? duDudu it rocks foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedWizard foggedWizard is that the Right ARMy Official Anthem? SeemsGood Pog thx foggedYoda foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt duDudu foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Check out my new merch! pepeJAM have u tried the hybrid build with new conq? Peped peepoLeave KEKW PepoDance You’re a wizard fogged krippGasm krippGasm krippGasm KEKW where cna i find the song? foggedSpin foggedWeeb foggedWeeb PokScizor In eune we only build AD Trynda HahaSweat HahaTurtledove KEKW TopHat fogged please tell me who is stronger atm for soloq jax or trynd pepeD !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedSpin foggedWizard foggedSpin foggedWizard PepoDancePepoDancePepoDance 4:20 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda KEKW SantaHat oof @foggedftw2 why dont you main riven or something. i loveeee your stuff but i hate tryndy so basically @foggedftw2 you get lethal when you want E reset vs kite champions, and conqueror vs imobile? why was that zoe mad at you man I just lost a game where I 2 shoot everyone, where I was full build while other top laner was like 3 items like cmon LUL no fasternfarther subscribed at Tier 1. fasternfarther's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! is there a youtube vid of the ap build before riot changed tryd? qtpTASTY ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness HahaSleep @PleeboMan nice !opggs KEKW !stats krippK bro pls @foggedftw2 Do you ever go conq? no bro just main something else 4Head what does the rescheduling to may mean? love when fog plays other champs riven mains allowed to talk here? DansGame What gives more mobility your trynd build or TF 45% cdr rush?? Cheer100 OH oh would fogged be this famous if he didn't play trynd @foggedftw2 do you get lethal when you want E reset vs kite champions, and conqueror vs imobile? Timer is paused for que @viever106 pls not fogged5Head !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 80 LP What was the conclusion of ur arguement with blade? @foggedftw2 pludderplad subscribed with Twitch Prime. pludderplad's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @fasternfarther It's a fake queue against stream sinpers @slyspawn92 bring me MCDONALDS !opggs need more ppl that can explain things like you but for every champ @foggedftw2 RIP spin laugh foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Pussyplank ResidentSleeper @PleeboMan school bro... b ring me some @foggedftw2 hmm frozen mallet for troll in build? @foggedftw2 who is the deadliest GP player youve played against? how many lp has he llost because of -30 lp dodge? so you no longer go grasp vs Jax and Nasus? Having more viewers than TF Blade PEPEGA no yfblade is playing jhin top @foggedftw2 damn fogged poppin off today Kapp any epic gamers EZ love me long tiiiime yeah @ullleh you What was the conclusion of ur arguement with blade? @foggedftw2 So what should we do against malphite?? @tfblade playing IRELIA NOT TRYNDA @foggedftw2 You lose an entire Rank if you dodge !ranks Fogged: Master 80 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) master plus queue times though @foggedftw2 who is the deadliest GP player youve played against? Game timer is paused !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. TFblade irelia KEKW is it ok that Tf plays irelia sometimes ? what's the best tryn combo? Wait why is TF Blade playing other champions? You get to iron if you dodge @Rawhiders69 you lose your house if you dodge, then your soul next dodge forsenCD still? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! tf cheating again Does anyone know when preseason is over Win for disqualification !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks @Rethen283 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @lyvinproof forsenCD tf noob @rawhiders69 u loose money when u dodge tf blade playin irelia LULW tf cheated again forsenCD my man tfblade @Cobbuto auto atk + auto atk+ auto atk. best trynd combo ever 4Head What amount of LP is needed for challenger? Where can i find it ? @foggedftw2 Why is TFBlade playing with other champs can you tell? @foggedftw2 what is coaching giveaway I want to sub for it @lamescimitar321 thank you, didnt know they changed terms the Morde game was awesome. “I’m a level behind him and need a kill to get back in the game” and proceeds to do it. Morde was Hauntzer with a 50 cs lead. tf already conceded, so hes not cheating. just playing by his new rules Tobias Fate solarbacca is Pepega damn fogged why are you playing on foggedftw3 and not kindoftryndamere Kappa ? tobais fate gp is good too tfblade cheating playing IRELIA vs nautilus So what should we do against malphite?? !matchup So what should we do against malphite??? Summoner is not currently in-game @foggedftw2 Tfblades chat is flaming him What was the conclusion of ur arguement with blade? @foggedftw2 tf blade BabyRage pepeJAM instantly calming music TF blade is playing irelia rn !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 80 LP Check out my new merch! @lmv92x sounds good, thx SeemsGood lol tf blade viewer always ban trynd best build with glacial augment cant swap runes ¡rank @foggedftw2 going 0/4 against aatrox what do I do pepeJAM TF playing irelia what's the rules on that? !rank so basically @foggedftw2 you get lethal when you want E reset vs kite champions, and conqueror vs imobile? !opggs !challenge @lyvinproof Yea TF got pretty fucked during queue so GoodGuy Fogged changed it If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW TF is already chaeting !challenge !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game PartyPoro HolidayCookie @foggedftw2 what do u think about tobais fate gp !challenge @ScubaSteve1855 tfblade conceded, he cant win, hes playing any champ to not lose report TF # !challenge hes not cheating. old challenge is dead If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here 0/4 against aatrox? get coaching from fogged did tf fail the challenge? My child memories are coming back with this song I appreciate how you are very matter of fact. dont mince words and keep it real tf blade cheating so much in that challenge, whats the point of having a tryndamere challenge when you dont even try to hide your queue to stop people from banning your champ Has the challenge improve your view count @foggedftw2 ? TF is cheating LULW Tfblade doing a snake play like Moe, ofc they're best friends fogged doesnt get target banned. he just sits in queue covered and when he's ingame he just says he's ingame. It's not like people watch tf blade to see the insane champ selects True LULW @avender1 he gave up on trynd only so there is a new challenge now tf blade for some reason thinks his word isw. hes a good player but I stopped watching him because of that tf plays irelia law What song is this bro tf blade malded the challenge !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Why TF is playing Irelia? @aeronvale you mute all cuz hell will rain down on yopu. get tiamat farm whatever you can. dont go into fights that look even, theyre not really even cuz youre behind !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king forsenCD @EvnKing use brain @foggedftw2 can i link idiots banning tryndamere !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 80 LP forsenCD !KING Well he was like 800 lp challenger on gp a couple of years back i remember Tfblade is doing nothing wrong forsenCD forsenCD Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups yes forsenCD TF Blade !permit ullleh @Gonthorian -> ullleh has been granted permission to post a link for 60 seconds. !challenge What was the conclusion of ur arguement with blade? @foggedftw2 Irelia destroys tanks in lane @foggedftw2 what would you do if you just saw your lane opponet was this freak of nature people running into chat without proper knowledge of whats going on and then talking smack about TFBlade Pepega how much does coaching cost? !opggs @bacononcake how? forsenCD Innocent @ullleh i would get him drunk !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET 420 tfblade just playin like a #2 NA has to, to keep up with foggy Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Good afternoon @foggedftw2 Its not like he only has one other champ to play if trynd banned, he just picks the one that suits him best. played like 5+ different champs Imagine tanks becoming viable picks again XD oh crap just dodged a game and only then remembered its a promo NotLikeThis where do i see his rank? @foggedftw2 thoughts about tobias fate as an entertainer? !king !opggs @12katarro heres a side by side thats his rank !ranks Fogged: Master 80 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) any tips vs kled who is the preferred pocket pick if Trynd gets banned? @foggedftw2 why is tfblade not playing tryn in the challenge? Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 do you play any instruments? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Welcome ashkan to the champions club forsenCD !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: rank ? !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to What is the worst to champ to vs other than the 1 u ban !opgg are you guys doing evey champion in league + trynd only? tfblade is playing Irelia! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 80 LP If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! That doesn't sound like a very fair challenge... !RANK atleast make him hide his queue so that people wont target ban him as often why do people keep banning tf's trynd when he is allowed to play something else now LUL @Dragul2 Trynd was banned literally costs so little and is so effective do they not target ban in EUW? @Nikamin so tf doesnt have to trynd? !opggs how long is masters que time? he does hide q @foggedftw2 what is the best support champion to counter tryn?? NA logic ban tf trynd, when he is better on otther champs KEKW @robjohnlechmere if he's banned no !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. @foggedftw2 who was ur 2nd go to pick before kled release? Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor whos winning @foggedftw2? tf asks viewers to ban trynd so he can play other shit. he cant step to fogged so he's skirting around him foggedYoda foggedYoda Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! 💀 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💀 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) isentropicmike : 4924 🥈) ashunt : 3241 🥉) lamescimitar321 : 3015 4) soor_ice : 2592 5) lmauricette : 2453 TF blade is playing Irelia in your challenge.... !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW TF blade winning without irelia KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king so cq now is budget ver of fervor Rammus LUL @foggedftw2 is your coaching only available for NA/EU or are other regions cool too? I've always wanted to get a coaching from you but I don't know if it's possible :P people banning tryndamere for him are just doing him a favor Wukong top was the shizzz !king !king better to be queded for along time then has ass quality games Rammus KEKW how do I improve my aggression in lane? I have no issues standing back and be safe but I can t really make any aggressive plays any discounts on coaching ? ✌ forsenCD !opggs @foggedftw2 why TF blade using irelia? I like this music !ranks Fogged: Master 80 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @foggedftw2 is the challenge between u and blade is only trynda??? anyway, gotta go in game kick this kennens butt real quick, see you guys Crank it up to 420.69 lata @foggedftw2 why do you find trynd more enjoyable to play than other champs? @shanielo !challenge did you already win since Tf blade has been playing other champs ? I think so. !challenge @offthezone If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Angelohdeath this type of music is called Lofi hiphop @foggedftw2 I'm from LAS (South America) so I didn't know if was available, thanks for answering my question! :) When you did the bet with TF did you agree for both of you to play different champ if trynd is banned?? Cheer100 skip this horrible song pls Its odd cause im a metal head, but this is some good shit why is tf blade using irelia?? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! the boostee KEKW !opggs 6/13 ok? decent =/= 10 losses in a row RIOT BAN HIM BOOStea ? 6/13 okay ? what oh nononono @foggedftw2 Why does tfblade got vlad irekia and jax games in the challenge? those a month ago RIOT PLS tho KEKW int KEKW GG GO NEXT DODGE! oh nonno no pepeLaugh whats teh recent games DODGE KEKW KEKW KEKW ohnononono PepeLaugh NotLikeThis BOOSTED 100% WTF .. THAT GAMES PLAY some trick videos? the boosted LUL Carry him just ask 4Head d O d G e KEKW hi dad Im boosted Silver player now... could be two friends sharing an account PepeLaugh ask him KEKW @foggedftw2 check tfblades stream he's playing reworked trynd Pog if flash is on F then its the booster Im so bad at League! Time to put on the carry pants wait, since when PepeLaugh is pepeLaugh ? foggedRIP not like this foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! pepeD do you wanna play a game? let's play boosted or busted Read my dono !opggs Can someone explain to me why people boost? makes no sense my spells are on A, S LUL READ MY DONO still not in game pepeHands isnt he a top lane main anyway ? why not dodge ? dont dodge :( !opgg trynd carries in master? this could be a 2ber FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king dude hes playing irelia Check out my new merch! !king pepeHands why is tfblade playing irelia? -10 monkaS good call tbh, avoid players like that like the plague foggedYoda !challenge @julianjimenez13 If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what is that trynd skin that tf blade is playing? 30 minute WTD bro jsut go ghost cleanse so someone else dodges works every time KEKW tf can play other Champs if trynd is banned guys ouch. -10 for a dodge is almost as bad as a loss right? people paying for boosts is so sad tf blade on irelia 🐍 aka mods be brave why would u get boosted in a game like this why are we playing on a different account???? @Ireelia ionian blade dancer tryn Pog tf cheating @Gonthorian hey why does fogged play on diff account? :) guys do you think fogged knows blade is pl.aying other champs too? like I know he was in a call with him but there can be no way fogged knows, keep typing it chat :) I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here 30 min timer !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP @viever106 he doesnt geranimo plays graves when hes trolling @foggedftw2 He said he was trolling his next game cause he didn't care He is tilted since yesterday @foggedftw2 its pretty bad. he mental booms easily pepeD tf trynda only to rank 1, only trynd but sometimes also irelia jax vlad geranimo reformed KEKW target banning... NA took example of TRash region @blauerklappstuhl1 LUL hey fogged !rank !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Pepega wHy r U uSInG a dIFfErENt aCc? !bet is trynda mid better than top ? !opgg what tip would you give for getting stream views up fogged for a new streamer !king wait, how come pepeD isn't enabled? SMOrc or did I spell it wrong where is the gameplay @foggedftw2 I’m worried about TFs lead !opggs PepePls can anyone answer as to why one would want to be boosted in a game like this? my FLASH is on D! if he types in chat the boosted account will maybe be banned :) graves adc? what is this s3? @foggedftw2 He saijd he was trolling his next game and that is the queue you were in. Just unlucky for you riot ban people for me Check out my new merch! D for Flash 4Head Hey @foggedftw2 What's your second best role? guys that s a new north korean build W max AP graves foggedFrog can't tell booser and boosted apart KEKW check the champ winrates and u can tell !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW im the booster :) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king there's no ranked games recently on that account? multiple boosters working on that acc !king Everyone with flash on F is boosted Kappa jesus TF blade has played over 20 more games so far @foggedftw2 if your on a alt account you can show client? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Could it be two people on the same account nice music btw foggedGift cursed account LuL @Ashunt 13 games on champions besides tryndamere tho !stats why is tf blade playing irelia???? are you sure the link in your tweet is the right one? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i use m4 and m5 for spells and can alternate. but i still dont chnange it tho @foggedftw2 Why tf blade playing irelia why is tf blade playing irelia rn? WHY PLAY ARAM DansGame waste time Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! the link is wrong @foggedftw2 could be just people sharing an acc !opgg Yeah flash on D plays ARAM. I dont think Bossters would do that i use ADWS instead of QWER does that make me special? xD !opg @foggedftw2 you linked wrong !oppggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @naiko_gaming Basically he was getting target banned and begged fogged to let him play other champions in diamond/tryndamere when trynd was banned !king lmao look tf blade is playing irelia rn... Hi @foggedftw2 ! how u doing? Danny whats the shrine behind you? play something else while waiting link isnt the graves idk no Look at the Ranked Solo "for challenge account type !king" Do something about tf blade being a cheater dawg oh, nevermind on twitter, i dont see graves Everyone look at the Ranked Solo me 4Head true link is correct kNyne_tv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! frog kNyne_tv's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! yeah yet is it he pick 1 games top @roadietv reported was jungler not adc I thought he played graves? oh this guy helped him boost? xD !opggs I am just here for Business ratirlBusiness noting then Business ratirlBusiness those games 21 days ago, no graves game Do something about tf blade being a cheater dawg. foggedFrog !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) your queues are so long looks normal tho OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog rip 14 LP xD foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP tf blade playing irelia :O play an aram TFBlade playing Irelia LUL foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby cheat foggedW @foggedftw2 Why is TF Blade palying Irelia? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog TFBlade playing irelia again @foggedftw2 @nokor17 he is allowed to Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! well Tryn is AD and he is a Carry, so techincally ADC how do u feel about tf cheating Since when? 7 min 10 min q time ResidentSleeper Man I'm doooooooone playing ADC !opggs TFBlade playing Irelia @Emmyleec tfblade doesnt dodge games anymore? why is tfblade playing irelia? @foggedftw2 Yo @foggedftw2 can you count tf blade as a loser? He cheatin dawg guys, tfblade is allowed to play other champs why @MarinTV Damn 18 kills 0 deaths last 3 games you're insane :D @marintv no he isnt adc's dont have to be marksmans it just helps why is tf blade still allowed to play other champs!? there are no more promos tho !!!!! :( or are u going to give him -20 Lp for every game without trnda !? won or lost !? ( seems fair at least :3 ) Check out my new merch! only if trynd banned !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 whats the shine behind you in the corner? whos winning shrine* He should fucking dodge just like fogged is doing @wsabrie type !challenge @foggedftw2 when does the challange vs tfblade ends? !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @foggedftw2 why is tf blade still allowed to play other champs!? there are no more promos tho !!!!! :( or are u going to give him -20 Lp for every game without trnda !? won or lost !? ( seems fair at least :3 ) embrace being stuck FeelsBadman KEKW foggedDerp Why are you letting tf blade cheat his way to a win drop your stream link lmao tf cheating . he has like 8 games other champs and fogged has 0 Hard stuck Challenger. FeelsBadMan 30 mins? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @RaderTader no need to invite them to chat !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what rank is this acc? imagine their surprise when they realize who are you @apyrexial yeah true what runes are you taking? @MidnightxPMC u right u right @Ashunt True Keepo @litfuse45 masters pogggg 75% WR, still hardstuck apparently foggedLUL @foggedftw2 morning bro, how's the games !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP Feels bad to be hardstuck, right @foggedftw2 PJSalt100 #HARDSTUCK just get good fogged KAPPA !opggs chat so weird Ayyyy you got a game! @ghanimplays99 ok ty Is it GM on the challenge account? oh wait fogged renamed? oof answers my question Whats the time for y’all? @foggedftw2 why is TFBlade playing other champs in master? In america @foggedftw2 is Conqueror on Kassadin any good? trynd adc? @Knightcm77 Because they agreed on that? @fakku123 so much op, trynd adc LUL HolidaySanta HolidaySanta Good luck If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW bro i hope you get fed it will be so cool to watch tf blade did trynd support @fakku123 if he builds slightly tanky its pretty broken So the challenge got changed But fleet is better against range champs, while conqueror is against melee champs @fakku123 @akronus5702 XD !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king wait tf blade played irelia while not in promos ? @foggedftw2 You dont have to buy ward !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 Hey Fogged, can you explain the rules for when other champions are allowed in your bet? !whyjax @VitamineC1603 hi @VitamineC1603 check out the challenge @VitamineC1603 yeah vitamine trynd adc incoming i’m tilted so i came here to relax How does someone get 30 min dodge timer ? @foggedftw2 when shouild we pick Conqueror over other keystones? i hear birds I thought he could play others champs but only if he was in promos !followage vainamoinen01 has been following foggedftw2 for 10 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours, 42 minutes, 30 seconds Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 why u on an other acc???? ForsenCD Already hitting GM ? damn God the Pepega chat today is real jungling is like parenting !vitamine they chenged cuz tf is a puss ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 163 LP (98-26) This chat is a bit redundant about "WHY IS TF CHEATING" ResidentSleeper !opggs TFBlade ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit no junglers are like fkin kids who never listen D: what is that HahaDoge HahaCat lucigan @Knuras You trying to be your jungler's dad might be the problem GP Inting LULW @WilliamHut he used other champs like irelia or jax, but fogged allowed him. They are just bullshiting !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Can someone explain me what is happening here kassa into qiyana pre 6 thats a monka fucking S @WilliamHut Why is tfblade cheating? KEKW @tigiyhan Fogged is playing a game called league of legends @tigiyhan hes playing league of legends as tryndamere !Opggs karasmHYPERS karasmHYPERS karasmUp played same match with nami just yesterday , didnt even feed vs ez :D @tigiyhan noone gave him top or mid so he was stuck bot and wasn't dodging U guys must think you're fuckin hilarious Yes we do Kappa this gp isnt doing too hot @murky_ocean it is not same accaunt @hashinshin_dont_ban_me heey i saw you in ll stylish chat why not on kingoftrynd acc @Fiffy hot shit lmfao dodge timer imagine if trynd w gave sight they are so bad, not using their range balanced LUL quinPog Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap What's the current elo? @HitGirl24 30 min dodge timer d4/d3 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW nami is good synergy with trynda that fucking angle lol wtf 30min? rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP how? isnt it like always 6min, except u lose more lp? @i8ursoup no its masters why not blade of the ruined king? HSWP wonder why lol 4/0 Qiqi oooof @foggedftw2 How come you went for bard in the alcove instead of going straight for Lucian, even though your team got the kill I'm just curious? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor tell him to ward in alcove for free tp !rune idk i never had 30min timer in masters !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game @ghanimplays99 Why dont you the game and come back after @HitGirl24 1 time=5 min, second time in a row= 30 min !king @HitGirl24 it increases if you dodge multiple times. He has to dodge any game he doesn't get trynda @foggedftw2 when and why do you take krugs from jglr? @i8ursoup jk :p $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Is his name "ass tingle"? KEKW I refuse to believe that lucian is diamond playing that scared Why aren’t Lucian and bard poking trynd with every other auto. This is nuts how passive they are playing loool PogChamp Well that was easy ez not bad for a hardstuck !opggs damn fog, i was away for 20 sec to get my drink Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 you should have got emmy to do some yuumi combo with you xD bruh you're late @foggedftw2 it's 12 right? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here You should make a habit of buying stuff while the tp is channelling !delay 10 min @PokeSmotRVA are you the one with the coaching? That jungler LULW Rip juice wrld foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @pokesmotrva and he will get to coaching after this game @nishiuwu Hes challenger lol @MidnightxPMC yeah Shyvana keeps talking LULW qiyana lost a lot off that @PokeSmotRVA He mentioned you werent in the discord so he had no easy way to talk to you lul !king ay its my favorite streamer Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups LOL good cc hit !discord Yeah I'm there, sent you details in PM SUPER TRYNDAM !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP Ayeee finally able to catch one of your streams @foggedftw2 !!! i started to main trynd becasue of your youtube :D Your vids helped me alot so what elo is this, because that doesn't look like a real lucian player lool gg LUL Didn't ult Pog the bet still going on? Lucian loves it 100% TriHard Check out my new merch! adc lul Is this the new meta ? why is he playing on this account? where is kingoftryndamereN @qzuar welcome to the stream foggedWeeb ?* cmonBruh botlane tryndamere pog @badassboots because he had to dodge thanks @EmmyLeeC <3 And had 30 min q !bet So as soon as lucian uses his E he's a free kill huh panic ult KEKw THE CRITS !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs oh ok are you allowed to duo que in this challenge if you wanted to? @EmmyLeeC your husband is looking extra handsome today! :P Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! my adcs never back when im oom they just die LUL Still a perfect game!! Kreygasm !brightness @Phat_B0ss pretty sure not fog did you know the answer how that elder excuted you in kled game yet? TRUE KEKW negative damage foggedW WHY NOT STORM RAZOR THIS GAME FOR THE SLOW PASSIVE? KEKW "when did I complain" LUL "nobody wards ever" Tbh, jungle is the most thankless role. Your laners lose and it Man if you can get Fogged to chide you in chat you must be fuckin up bud when OMEGALUL All Hash ever do is KEKW If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Not complainning btw KEKW @junetrap so apparently, illaoi can't execute someone off killing the spirit and getting them blow 80% hp Pog OOF PogU Kass LUL **Below Kreygasm Pog kass offf YEET Pog 5Head LOL preseason , baby , time to try everything lucian 112 gold WutFace GP LOSE 1VS1 EZ Clap Qiyana DansGame that was some 5Head E !king why new account? fogged5Head Tbh jungling is a thankless role - Your laners lose and it's automatically your fault, if they dont roam to help you and you lose scuttle etc. its your fault, the list is endless Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! holy fk toplane is donezo though LUL @BlueChoo I thank them when they actually do their job Does Essence Reaver give fury instead of mana? For Trynd* $$ You dumb. The gankplank is feeding and and jungler tried to help him. Then he talked shit to jungler when they both died I don't think so !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. no @Pipkin_d_bun @pipkin_d_bun no it's more for the CDR @Pipkin_d_bun nope @BlueChoo I know that feeling. But to be honest, that's why i always mute my team chat + pings and then i won 80% of my games. EZ and shyv complains again LUL Ohh gotcha ty ty RealFricked I think that's rare, most laners just attribute it to their own skills i feel this shyvana is such a booste animal LUL @Pipkin_d_bun No ER is just a stat stick the passive doesn't matter Glideshadow mute all is a junglers best friend haha ur funny KEKW *shyv ints at dragon 1v4* "wow no one at dragon" !name can't wait for them to complain about his ER JG DOING NO THING gp losing to an early game champ what a twist KEKW new acc ?? They have TFBlade syndrome ResidentSleeper NA JG Shes complaining about gankplank who trolled him. But you didnt even see that wap wap wap BONK shyv at krugz KEKW no wonder shyv is d4 with 800 games shyvana can solo dragon at lvl 4 lol with just a simple jungle smite item wouldn't know you have a shyyv if she didn't permatype Nami is nuts I hate it when the streamer complains, like shut up no one cares about the shyv just ignore her Get the wizzard hate so you can propagate the positive waves Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @BlueChoo If you had a main champ that you know how to play, what is your limits, you'll win probably every game. (And yes, i'm a main jungler since season4) trynd adc op @BlueChoo Maybe, idk. I always make sure to say thanks or gj if they even burn a flash. But if they just perma farm especially with an early game champion I flame close FeelsBadMan close no balls this GP KEKW HELLO YOUTUBE I mean GP is really trolling shyv but shyv is being a dog about it so w/e @foggedftw2 you should play trynd adc more often at lower elo xD Why you wont upgrade your r at 11 @foggedftw2 !opggs @Pacdrin you're literally complaining about complaining about complaining, how fucking ironic is that is there a club i can join if i sub? @RealFricked what do you consider the 'junglers job' ? !r Level Ult Last - !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? tfblade picking lrelia last game then vlad now l0l @ghanimplays99 you get less value from a point in R than in anything else RealFricked but what if all the lanes are pushed all the way T_T !clubs Clubs are available to Subscribers. Join discord (, Request club invite with IGN and Region. Check out my new merch! @ghanimplays99 the r gives nothing exept lncreasing the hp treshhold @ghanimplays99 Cause other spells are more important than the ult. why is tf blade playing vlad? @EdateScape To get their lanes ahead shyvana killed the support foggedFOGGERS why are ap shyv players always such degenerates !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW e Then you have to invade jungle etc. but that relies on your laners with prio to come help Why did he change his name? Is the junglers job to get their lanes ahead or is the junglers job to win the game? Also trynd support @foggedftw2 tryn with lulu or zilean is also nasty mid game @mycreepyromance didnt understand im arabian im not english man adc trynd hype ! More why are players such degenerates @foggedftw2 do with @EmmyLeeC 's Nami foggedFOGGERS foggedEmmy @DuifjeRoekoe This is another acc. He didn’t this is a different account. He had to dodge twice and had 30 minute dodge time foggedHappy wait till you play against something better than lucian that's because the lucian was so fcking bad they are bad LUL ah k thanks @foggedftw2 nami is a lot of sustain as well tho the bard was decent @foggedftw2 have you seen tfblades game against bard top? @TomasTheJoker cuz they're human but that lucian has no idea how to play the waves or bully Lucian bard never truly engaged tryn with poke much at all though. Neeko would be pretty good for trynda then i suppose? 4TOP ? why are players Nami is an excellent support for melee adc’s, for healing, attack increase, and movement speed. the problem is u wont always get the nami @foggedftw2 u might get like an autofill nautilus that suicides youd struggle a lot more vs like cait lmao LULW lol OMEGALUL nice kass Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW LUL i actually thought this was a gold game cause of the lucian if you didn't say it's D3 @foggedftw2 kass will buy tabi too cait best adc s10 tbh what elo are you rn he copy build from elite 500 KRASS going full tank ? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Nice colors in his build though Still perfect KDA Kreygasm Kreygasm FOR FUN PLAYER KEKW KEKW how did kassadin deal so much damage to nami Hey chat how come we're not on kingoftrynd? !opggs You would struggle a lot more vs a lucian that's actually playing like a diamond player dodge timer 5Head Kassawin build KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Duo abuser! Kassadin just likes the color blue @Archnomad dodge timer man ah ok ty !opggs !opgg !rank @Katsumi41 KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP ive played agaisnt this kass yesterday and he inted me with this build as well What if you don't have friends :( all supports should duo, so they dont have to deal with useless adcs did he name change his challenge account? !kinf @yuyi1979 BibleThump All supports should duo too, autofilled adc is awful !king kinda gross dmg wtf @yuyi1979 Add a random support that played well in soloq lucian is super ass atm auto fill support is the easiest to deal with, id rather have an autofill support than auto fill mid or jungle Truth @rrogerrr lol every autofill picks EZ and has no idea how to play him is the bet still on even if TFblad played jax/irelia? dmg autofill top is the best When does this challenge end? Yes @bentongfu lmao taking fleetfoot RUNES the benefits - Less Stressed in lane phase - You can look for trades like mad man cause of the effect of runes and your Q and you always u win trades - Rushing Stormrazor it helps alot -Still good for late game -In simple words best rune Rip perfect day BibleThump foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW All junglers should duo w/ top that kled was fed and had that sanguine blade thing since top lane is the worst lane, and im a top laner player can't duel that eed cuz kled is win condition 1 shot who was it that said the hard stuck thing on champ select? @foggedftw2 resolve secondary tree? Check out my new merch! @EdateScape absolutely yass When does the challenge end? end of dec !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 why is TFblad cheating Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @lucasbrownshelby Read the !challenge command, up. ! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW yuumi would be nuts !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 163 LP (98-26) foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS !king tfblade cheating again GG ! why is TFblade playing irelia WeirdChamp lmfao TRYNDOMERE PogChamp !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !king stormrazor and death dance with shiv would be insane with those runes @foggedftw2 do you think this would work well with Sona, i have a sona main friend Why was it rescheduled emm why fogged Will not give anything to tfblade? !king xD op.ggs ?????????????? lag LOL hi LUL wtf xD bergerOMEGALUL what was that? gg Pog ok 4Head wtf ! hhoooooo feel good man Wtf??????? lol !rank that happened to me too yesterday KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP league of bugs @cappo28 cus he cheating LUL LUL @foggedftw2 i think its safe to say we definitley want to see some more adc trynd in the future with emmy xD hello synapse servers boinked PogChomp When did Kled learn Instant Transmission Poggers foggedFOGGERS hard stuck adc Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! league LET GO Gg why is TFblade cheating !op.ggs phantom chocabo rider monkaS Ok good night chat EZ Clap ez utube clip adc trynda pls Qiyana ult pog Good night fogged fog did you figure out about that elder dragon excuted yourself from yesterday kled ? is this different account report shyvana please wait why is he on different account? 0/10/0 ADC Hi YouTube! a little dog qiyana played sonwellnaswe !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Sweet games. Lunch over back to work. AND THAT PROVES THAT FOGG IS BEST RTYND EVER HAHAAHHA ashe trynda bot the perfect 10 score not a single assist LUL lucian TriHard tilt changes a man foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin why is he on anather acc ? @masonf98 dodge timer from main. Next game should be on the challenge acc !king @foggedftw2 coaching @masonf98 that's a proxy. @gunmoney247 tf was playing Jax/Irelia @foggedftw2 Hard stuck! cmonBruh !opggs always say your opponents are insane at the game for the youtubes 5Head lucian name means a little dog 11/1/10 200+ farm and only S rank KEKW GJ RIOT 4Head ebay account for the lucian @masonf98 he got 30 min for dodging on other account TF Blade on Vlad LUL ads pls ! client rip why is tf blade still allowed to play other champs!? there are no more promos tho !!!!! :( or are u going to give him -20 Lp for every game without trnda !? won or lost !? ( seems fair at least :3 ) KEKW @otoole42 yeah isnt he supposed to be trynd only? that's the whole point League back at it Again KEKW Why are you not playing on the KingOfTrynd account? 10year old game and the client still sh*t LULW @foggedftw2 why is tf blade still allowed to play other champs!? there are no more promos tho !!!!! :( or are u going to give him -20 Lp for every game without trnda !? won or lost !? ( seems fair at least :3 ) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king dude THIS CLIENT IS DISGUSTING ppl are crying in "report a bug" with tons of bugs and no1 from rioters GIVES A SH1T @JoePabz Dodged and 30min q time. @gunmoney247 you asked how he was cheating, he broke the agreement #OLDCLIENTWASBETTER !challenge @sfax_iano If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !king enable gunChinshin plz Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Good evening Fogged ^^ !challenge crtl alt delete Banned monkaW Riot focusing on making 5 different games at once instead of fixing this damn client after 10 years Hello Chat VoHiYo Honestly TF Blade playing Vlad is not cheating, he is arguably worse at Vlad than at Trynd @sfax_iano Cause tfblade decided he couldn't do it so he can play other champs. if Tfblade wins, he gets no prize. If fogged wins he still gets the 500subs RITO foggedBaby foggedTilt @foggedftw2 can you enable gunshinshin emote on better TTV? chat is this streamer play trynd jg or not really Had a 1/21 bot lane and mid yesterday and didn't tilt... you would be proud if my mental fogged lol B) @sfax_iano pls read first, then write..... !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king monkaMEGA permently banned foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Log pbe then sign out and log into normal leage ip banned monkaS Yes we need gunshinshin !opgg Banned for being hardstuck @foggedftw2 Why was the challenge rescheduled Why was the challenge rescheduled Why was the challenge rescheduled @fluffgugu sometimes @energii0_0, is this fact or are you hoping its that way? It’s been happening a lot lately !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @Cheese_Of_Truth it is fact any tips vs kled or 50$ for that tip haha XD !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET can we make a petition to add gunchinchin ? Is this the TFBlade challenge account? @foggedftw2 it happens to me when i type in Cheat Engine in google search The more you play, the more there will be frustrated players because of Trynd... You're screwing up the meta! hi indie dev riot @energii0_0, Ok, at least he doesnt have to pay for 500 subs that way if he loses seems okay to me Wow you got it !youtube Wait are masters and grand masters not the same? God i’m so bronze KEKW that name tfblade shows his client the moment he starts queuing and the moment he is in choosing phase.. then he prays that somebody checks his stream and bans him trynd so he has an excuse to chose another champ D CANE what is going on? @Cheese_Of_Truth I think its May they are going to re-do the challenge in EUW Check out my new merch! foggedFOGGERS on stream coaching HYPERS foggedFOGGERS Plays Nasus monkaS unforgivable foggedBaby coach sesh foggedProf fogged5Head @muadit coaching @energii0_0, Oh, why is that? okay thx foggedProf Sounds like kat evolved @Cheese_Of_Truth They are going to some event at that time, more hype and TFblade says he will do it proper with only trnd THE DAWG BuddhaBar Clap oof foggedREE nasos plz TriHard pretty much yeah x) @gowry0 so tf lost the challenge right? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @energii0_0, Ah cool guess that works out for a nice Challenge. Thanks for letting me know Even when ur behind? it's just broken 4Head The ibg lol gets coached by fogged, wants to be coached for Nasus LUL ! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP @Ssjcosh he is a really good nasus TF is cheating again why not start mana i tried taking conq on nasus once but accidentally took pta playing irelia ! instead of doran !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET what's up @foggedftw2 TF lost bet... Check out my new merch! !op Ice born would be good if ur playing Old Nasus, but the updated Nasus 100% builds TriForce !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what a scrub 5Head IceCold kundy TriHard devky hloupy co je to za šaška? 5Head SantaHat neumis to English plz Kappa Is he coaching? WutFace 5Head IceCold KEKW this is a rough matchup Pepega KEKW KEKW LUL shit WHAT !junglew CANE TOO WEAK !jungle KEKW !jg HE LET THE KILL GO FOR STACK foggedFiesta foggedFiesta omg xD KEKW IceCold rip +12 foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP lol Darius should execute somehow but he won't get it into tower in time when fast shoving right? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !king !commands @Singedproxyisop -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks nasus has sustain Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 4Head IceCold JUST FREEZE the wave is big enough for permafreeze lvl 2 he can't freeze, lvl5 he can Check out my new merch! KEKW got the stack !opggs the DAWG that's so fucking harsh Xd 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 10647 🥈) isentropicmike : 5313 🥉) ashunt : 3856 4) nuvm__ : 2800 5) soor_ice : 2323 is this coaching? !opggs did you updated the spreadsheet for the conq runes/matchup or u didn't had the time to yet? @foggedftw2 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Do people really ask you to watch something they don’t watch themselves? Is he coaching right now? But that's Pog because that means he can improve is this how he coaches lol if he tells him theres nothing wrong he'll never improve, for games its best to be direct, the numbers show whats best Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @Sciyro yea isnt it dope? if he did everything right there would be no need for coaching right? LULW LOL lmfao stupid mistakes forsenCD KEKW He lived LUL LUL lole LMAOOOO unfortunate this guy sounds pretty chill I like him B) omg i never laughed so fucking hard in my life foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda LOOOOOOOL i mean he's blunt, idk if i agree with the approach 100% but definitely has the right input Open FeelsBadMan Yeah ngl I’d lock down the freeze put down a ward and zone nasus from exp Great advise just open the gates ! What elo is the guy being coached? take it easy on him he's a nice guy Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Sciyro thats what most low elo people need though, they need to be told flat out they are wrong @Sciyro if this is blunt, you should see LS LULW yeah that was a passive aggressive attack :( !king !king lethal tempo into teemo KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW stfu Why is tfblade playing irelia? lee ... xin ... asian jungler KEKW !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? Check out my new merch! I've been checking in on Tf blade, I've seen him play maybe 1 trynd game in the last 7 days Jinx? Do you even come to this channel? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 163 LP (98-26) live game PogChamp tfblade kind of shirked the challenge Sometimes I wonder if the people That come here and rat on tf blade even watch foggeds stream nice ! a live game <3 Pog Pog Pog wtf PogChamp Pog WTF Pog If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! that's crazy Clean PogChamp dayum son Pog Pog wtf Pog Pog better quality than fogged HI ALL foggedHappy foggedGasm KonCha Must have good net better than yours Poggers foggedFOGGERS Pog STREAMER SETUP Pog better quality than fogged this guy has some specs duuuuude whats this guys rank? Does he have Discord Nitro? It lets you share at 1080p 30fps or 720p 60FPS. @foggedftw2 DAMN gold 4 or something? lol clean bad joke KEKW quas smurf LOL tfblade is rarely playing tryndamere. just need ILLAIO conq or lethal which is better !opggs Quas PepeHands illaoi there it is lol riot said they didn't care about your game Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 163 LP (98-26) @foggedftw2 why did the challenge change? @zak_the_maniac dude, read the command people keep typing HALO PansexualPride foggedHappy PansexualPride PansexualPride !challenge He? CmonBruh If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW LUL How is fogged moving the mouse with both hands off the keyboard Kappa "dont stick to one champ" -- Trynd 1-trick lol playing alot of champs is good for learning about matchups You only pick one champ to climb with if you're having fun with the champion dont stick to one champ .... hehehe What gold is this is he coaching rn information is half of the game yes @sosario7 he wasn't banned in the game 40 mins ago. you're telling me he gets banned 75% more than in fogged games? yes yea lets go fogged ur the best What gold is this??????? he's not a trynd one trick below challenger. lol yes picks o.0 does he kinda sound like forestwithin? @foggedftw2 did ranger accept the challenge? @DashnakLoL Gold 3/4 Why are you not back on your challenge instea of playing this alt again @foggedftw2 spreadsheet? @sosario7 I've been watching fogged for years, trynd rarely gets banned. tf blade is botching this challenge. @foggedftw2 did you win the challenge? i only play 3 champs in ranked. xerath, zoe mid and trynda top xD !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. @Cyligod this is a coaching HI- lugalkien666 foggedHappy GenderFluidPride That’s why people flame in high elo for target banning, cuz if you’re a tryndamere streamer you’re stream is trying to watch tryndamere game play !opggs pepeLaugh chat doesn't know play support then @foggedftw2 why did the challenge change? sup man like I said, hes not a one trick adc to master Pog !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. @zak_the_maniac yes he was what are you talking about? Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @lulu12549 hey kled monkaS why was i banned fpr 2h 20min? WutFace 144p what happened? insane quality POGGERS kled RIP 240p poggers @zak_the_maniac go check the bans, the nasus banned trynd on the other team next pixel FeelsGoodMan Clap It happens randomly in Discord when will it end? f is this the baby Yoda emote stream? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! who is he in call with? now we back to source quality KEKW Is fogged coaching right now? teemo mid teemo top kled mid mate Inbox, the top is actually quinn KEKW !uptime 3 hours 11 minutes 9 seconds last stand? @sosario7 I just think it's awfully convenient than tfblade is playing tryndamere way less... u still didn't lose ? psych, teemo adc LOOK AT THESE GOLD FLEX PICKS PogChamp !!! $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Oh I missed so much stream already foggedEmmy is he coaching now? @zak_the_maniac have you read the !challenge command ive posted for you like 3 times? fogged doesnt owe tf anythign anymore, only person who has something to gain is fogged 40 :) is this a coaching? @zak_the_maniac so it really doesnt matter.... yes KEKW ? KEKW Pog Cloud9 Yes this is coaching KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @foggedftw2 if quality drops and doesnt resolve then you can change location on discord and it will fix it KEKW yesd we are KEKW YOU DONT TELL ME FOGGED! KEKW KEKW !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to foggedPepega KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL @foggedftw2 why is TFBlade always playing someone else on his “trynd only?” KEKW KEKW KEKW He needs bttv Keepo Acting like he KNOWS us @foggedftw2 Have him turn down/off shadows when he's in game and it will help make sure it runs smoother. Whaaaaaaaaaat @adamijntje I haven't either Fogged is KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW bless his innocent soul KEKW its 13 year necro'ed meme ...yikes Check out my new merch! What clip KEKW explain me KEKW what clip KEKW HE DOESNT KNOW PepeHands @sosario7 he's getting awfully lucky and not having to back his own bet trying to say he's the better trynd. foggedFTW is King tryna and tfblade realizes now haha KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh he doesn't know riot season 9 KEKW KEKW Ohhhhh HE LACKS CRUCIAL INFORMATION pepeLaugh why doesn't he select trynd as pick ? so no one can ban it from his team.. LUL @zak_the_maniac well yea... !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW has a life KEKW ragingmoron running fifty bajillion internet bandwidth hogs while running league. KEKW pepeLaugh he doesn't know kek almost 2020 btw whats the video? streams doesnt have bttv PepeLaugh normie PepeHands double you he literally just discovered the internet KEK what rank is the student? innocent soul foggedGasm @foggedftw2 ask if he knows pepehands Ikr Same. I think the internet is a flop life in 2019 KEKW goes outside KEKW “I’m not that big into the internet?” @TrillDaddyVan gold fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head and then pepeLaugh and then he took arcane comet on nasus KEKW @TrillDaddyVan gold 3 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 introduce him to gachi remixes next foggedW ok actual boomer KEKW kekw KEKW tryndamere shjits on mooooondoo why does mundo ban jax danggg, he has the one trynd skin i dont nothing wrong with that. relearning an abbreviated internet slang is 'kekw' fogged should run all of his accounts simultaneously and kill internet bandwidth in the entire state KEKW when do you do coaching?? @foggedftw2 !opggs Last Stand? coup de gra !items !bet !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE !yoda foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda aalacrity !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp !subscribe Subscribe at foggedYoda fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBaby foggedCorgi foggedProf foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedFOGGERS foggedREE foggedDerp foggedWeeb foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME! GET IT NOW! ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED! !commands @lukas_schneider -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks What a weird ass kid foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 You still go alac with Lethality? Even after we don't build Sanguine anymore? 2ho @qbman6776 who*( foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm coaching Pog psych trist top? KEKW !runes Check out my new merch! Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Tf's fans are sniping him so they can ban tryn for him nd he gets to play his strong champs to stream :D jk Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor kekw The kid getting coached Is he borderless? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW LUL @foggedftw2 how's the bet going?? gold elo my favorite not sponsored fogged won the bet !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king second wind + d shield is insane sustain + q ofc powerade sponsorship? hey fogged is conq d best rune for tryn??? @trynding how? is he coaching the guy who won the giveaway yesterday? ! Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 12:46:12 pm !challenge fleet, second wind and d shield amazing sustain If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW go d shield hey fogged is conq d best rune for tryn??? !stream @RightClickIsSkill TF cheated. foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby ANGERY its fine of its no sound Keeepo is this a coaching? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby u don't wanna make twitch chat angry Kappa Twitch chat likes the sound !king @trynding good new name for him @SwatKats yeah foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby whats that elo? gold 3 I sometimes feel like I'm tryndamere too !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 163 LP (98-26) @foggedftw2 is high mouse sensitivity good or should it be low lmao "raginmormon" missed 2 cs already KEKW phantom_6_ subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 8 months! oh wow, 8 months. its been a bit. guess next month is going to be a cringe joke about babies... phantom_6_'s Sub shared rewards to 15 others in Chat! KEKW KEKW he hid his mouse so you don't see him click leveling LUL Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @phantom_6_ @wooshwtf LUL HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine @WooshWTF LULW kayn flashed for ks LUL Pog pog HahaPoint foggedYoda even without kayn that was so free most problematic thing in lower elo, map awareness NA gank What ELO is this guy? haha "just make him get back in lane2 is this a silver player? I'm the karn haha free kill for me gold w KEKW wut @bookooti gold i think kekew that W Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! vlad foggedDerp !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP @Magic_Mushrooms69 cuz he got 2 crits in a row, that was pretty lucky lmao wrd what elo is this? what elo this guy? Gold 4 Is this NA Plat? silver/gold by the looks cuz it looks like it @Falky_44 XDXD @deffctiv3 Even without, he only needed 3 autos with his ignite. And Vlad has no dmg so when mundo died vlad couldn't even fight him Watching this guy play gives me an aneurism It looks like one of my solo q games wich server this guy is playing @Saino_Aru ok ty is it far that TFBlade also plays irelia and jax when tryn is banned???? Check out my new merch! fair* Press space man he looks like NA challenger !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king spacebar pls @Revielent yes because if he wins fogged doesn't have to give him subs !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @EmmyLeeC aaaah okay ty !king w foggedDerp I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here r? LOL ZXDXDX OOF LUL dafuq @foggedftw2 WTF is this camera man KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW foggedUlt LMFAO foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LUL kekw foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt ???? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedW foggedW foggedW , KEKW hm Is he teach someone now? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt ouchie KEK lup OMEGALUL foggedUlt OOFF gold Lmao KEKW lul KEKEW KEKW Lel!!! foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW WTF !ult bro... "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1140 times! LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LUL KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL oh dear xD OMEGALUL KEKW kekw omg foggedUlt KEKW LUL LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LUL kekw KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEEEEEEEEEK lmfao KEKW LUL ... KEKW lol HOLY FOOOOK xD LUL LUL LUL LUL !ult foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt daluHug lol lol ??? LUL foggedUlt xdddddddd AHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP happens to everybody foggedRIP ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat LUL LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt 💪💪💪 oof yet LULW LOLOL Triggered Kappa god thank he paid for this coaching big oof ? foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL ??????????? his camera is always behind of him 15 secs later : KEKW KEKW U are so bad xd foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt ayayayaya foggedUlt NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LUL LUL LUL not safe anymore hahahahahaha KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LULW Lmao Everyone misses ults once in a while. Even Fogged Kappa What a loser TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere Kappa KEKW Kappa Kappa haha fogged you liar let s go g2 Kappa Flowers foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedYoda foggedYoda we are supportive chat :) wltn47Ah wltn47Ah wltn47Ah it happens :) sure LUL Kappa lag WE CAN'T SAY SHIT IF YOU'RE TRYING TO IMPROVE LULW Kapp it happens :) Lies ahh it happens Kappa it happens KEKW it happens :) He’s nervous I guess he paid 50 dollars to learn how to press R LMAO lol fogged is so nice he knows you bs-ing happens Kappa FeelsBadMan it happens :) Trash can He's better than fogg @foggedftw2 hey fogged can you tell him about the camera positioning ? @yeahplaydrake u are a looser ... forget chat man, these plebs are the same elo as you meanwhile i cant even get 30cs by 7min foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt We supportive Kappa dw about it Kappa It happens hhh Space bar monkaW shove it baby it happens to me all the time \LMAO KEKW HE's A LEFTY GYM TEACHER FOGGED !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd HE DOESNT KNOW pepeLaugh JUST DO IT foggedCorgi WutFace reeee shove baby Kreygasm HAHAHAHAHA Yes Chef monkaW but turret is pretty GivePLZ SAVED ULT @yeahplaydrake just stfu Remind him of space bar pls stop bulling him Kappa 5Head saved "SAVED" saved caneNotilt Yes daddy He’d be better off screen lock "saved ult" shove me faster Kreygasm Do you never get bored, with trynd on top... you know you will win the lane xD foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard ok this isepic @marintv are u going to cry snowflake? LUL @yeahplaydrake I don't cry to losers like u foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt & I bet is this live? Off urself lul RAGEFTW2 lmao? What elo is this guys? monkaS fogged is a tough couch dude why is he doing excuses just admit your faults @yeahplaydrake weirdChamp Flameftw2 KEKW damn fogged you tilt when coaching lol Gold BF.. Buys shoes Kappa xD @yeahplaydrake I have girls for it but thx :) loving how much emotions danny puts into coaching <3 @yeahplaydrake calm down bro weirdChamp @slapyoazz gold loving this so far smart true 4Head boys friend sword better ty @brayshawlad that’s not tilt. Omg he cares for him to get better no, only for gap close such a good Coach <3 Check out my new merch! tryn the best solo queue top laner? SCREEN @Ultrapako every coach that takes himself seriously should be like this or they won't listen at you Paying women isn’t impressive Fogged tilts coaching harder than when playing I played ap trynd too long im in the habit of using spin for damage lmao pepeLaugh lul KEKW @ninjaappleFTW i fully agree lul Mundo?? KEKW LUL Fogged Playing fogged5Head Fogged Coaching foggedREE KEKW mundo gold elo KEKW what elo is this dude LUL Lol mundo best gank :v SPIN mundo just going where he pleases KEKW LUL 0 HP MUNDO GANK Kreygasm ist silber Gold gotta be the best elo You can feel how passionate fogged is whenever he sees someone play trynda LUL !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP fogged5Head This isn't silver. @CoachAkali Do you know what elo this is? It looks like my plat solo q games. it's bronze or iron foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin !opggs this is gold my friend Mundo is a paid actor LUL Mundo is a paid actor LUL Mundo is a paid actor LUL Mundo is a paid actor LUL LOL low elo is fun as hell LMFAOOOOO lul LOL KEKW LOOOOOOL KEKW FLASH LOL severeLUL severeLUL LOL VLAD TP KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL that tp LEL LULW xD hahahahahhaah :D KEKW yikes HOLY What elo is this man LUL LUL KEKW LUL hhhhhhhhhhh KEKW hey it happens hahahahahhhhaha KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOL KEKW BEST DIVE JAJAJJA WHAT? KEKW LUL :) foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd what elo is this vlad OMEGALUL those movements hurt my eyes BibleThump HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LUL LUL LUL lol this elo the vlad LMFAOO KEKW he did good :) LET S GO G2 KEKW E TU EEEEEEELOOO GOLD ELO KEKW S9 gold/silver is bronze/iron now this elo is iron BOOwooHoOOheheoodoOO TP LUL i love this kid NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis greed KEK im gold but my gold games are neevr like this what am i watching? CHAT WHAT ELO IS THIS ? No worries, we got Vlad's summs down !elo coaching is acutally insanely hard earned money monkaS KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP so bronze man XD TP fail to flash fail KEKW GOLD ELO BTW KEKW lol foggedUlt but with TP LMAOOO THAT TP foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt saving flash for next promo KEKW Content LOL this is g3 gotta be NA player KEKW wazaaaaaaaap PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp he felt sorry for the him CS on point this is stressful to watch this is not the same stardard as EUW low elo holy shit chat stop bullin gim atleast his cs is good Best "no comment" of all time KEKW This guy is hoping to get into bronze promos with this match. What elo is this? coaching? coaching yes @TheBloodyAlboz apparently gold 3 it's iron, very clearly, the mundo shows it lag? this vlad has to be autofilled I start with flash 5Head my pre30 normal games are why harder than this shit holy he HAS to be everyone show monkaS gold 3 has certainly gone a lot worse than back then was going to change the title but then i remembered people miss it anyway Saving Q, ult and flash for League of Legends 2 KEKW LUL LOL Poor Mundo lol LUL stfu chat most of your are gold at best leave munod alone BibleThump Pog autoing minions LUL :o PowerUpL LUL PowerUpL his e also was up Pog he had spin Pog he's learning and E 2 autos on turret xD but he played it ok at least LUL MaxLOL PTSD PowerUpL OSFrog PowerUpR HAHAHAHAAHHA those tower autos tho Its Ok he's learning Keepo PTSD bois he did it ! flashbacks LULW ptsd lol i really like this guy !opggs He played that better than I would have, at least mic off !opggs is this na? @foggedftw2 tell him about space bar too watch out for Vlad's TP LUL just play with cam locked :) wall has nice graphics !ophh @Reflex231 it is NA challenger blame league's center camera system that wants to show the outside of the map. @foggedftw2 should also know about target Champs only hits tower a lot on dives i have space bar as lock and unlock camera lol @Reflex231 I think that's quite obvious with these enemies KEKW :) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Ironically I'm in gold and still play with camera lock XD tiamat on 3 ew lol viking trynd skin, this player mean BUSINESS yes @foggedftw2 Please tell him about spacebar. I'm never letting fogged coach me Kappa I still play locked screen PepeD But Kayn might come through that wall what rank is this Deep af KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride monkaS KEKW mouse seems bugged KEKW !opggs NA mechanics :D KEKW OMEGALUL LUL triggered @Finalzerok he's g3, the enemy team has 3 unranked Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Fogged monkaS Calm down how to trigger fogged KEKW or he just is new to unlocked cam ... vlad has tp look out LUL Wtf is this? just to piss off fogged Kappa i cant hear anything He never played SC2 why does he keep yelling at the poor guy, its not like you learn in 10 minutes @Adukken people don't understand in elos like dat u need some good vibez.. walls help :| 0-20 Kappa worse than my teachers in school leegit annoying ahahhaha his camer is so slow FOGGED ANGRY! we dont hear sound though =[ is it bad if i keep my cam centered with space like 90% of the time ElmiilloR noob calvo i can hear it its just low for us Rift? we do hear sound wdym @eNerGii0_0 Yes we do Yes @Jombba yeah i can hear it its SOOO quiet on my side $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Aww you're ending the stream :( LUL Pog trynda is boosted lul LULW YAY LUL LULW "I CAN PogChamp" Pog clap He's not that heavy objective type of a guy Kappa KEKW foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf "Boosted" to iron? wait his cs is actually good Pog you know when i got coaching My comp was crap make sure to tilt other team and tell mundo hes griefing what fogged should have done is put his cursor where the this dudes cursor SHOULD have been. That would be fun to watch @foggedftw2 whats his rank? Check out my new merch! prob better than 90% of twitch chat btw @foggedftw2 what elo is he ? G4 goold Iron. guys be kind on him.. i would be shiting my pants infront of 2.8k people The rise of best Tryndamere World Pog he is NA challenger i can even get to gold cant* KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss oh god when i joined i thought fogged was playing and was shocked at the gameplay HahaDreidel !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 183 LP (99-26) i got gold 1 in 3 weeks so not better than me :) Kappa " I have to click. I have smol hands lol Kapp Kappa I need coaching "..or are you clicking" monkaS fogged as coacher makes me monkaS bad What is the default way to level up skills with hotkeys? Kappa Kappa I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here ctrl + q/w/e/r i am diamond 3 and still use my mouse LUL @MidnightxPMC There's literally no way your hands are that smol. XD @wyldfang Ctrl + Q W E R @MidnightxPMC bind ctrl to a mouse button to level up shit @wyldfang stfg but i use alt bro he knows items names @mr_mammalian Same here KeeflBadMan been plat sucks :c @wyldfang ctrl + key ty Damn im bronze and i’m a better player kekw @foggedftw2 you cant see it but he just keep his mouse on the minion hes farming while pressing E @wyldfang control If you click your level up fogged is gonna appear in your room at 3AM QUIERES CUENTAS DE LOL EN LAS Y BR? HABLAME POR SUSURRO sloopy !opggs Kappa @Death8lade Kappa 1 2 3 Alphas level up skills with their feet 0 0 0 times None LUL 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Top lane life 0 1? 0 0 0 forsenCD 0000000000 1 0 0 0 1 time Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups 00000 0 dont need more 2 times forsenCD 1 mid once true LUL yes he looked at drake and mid RUDE forsenCD MY MAN forsenCD Clap He didn't LUL why is he lying LUL 2 times? forsenCD @BenFoldsFourLoko that takes effort ??? alpha Pog 0 hahahahaha oof KEKW kkkkkkk hahaha LUL ???????????????? oopsie Pog Inting or flash and die He panicked Pog OMEGALUL hm kkk flash KEKW or just die lol ????? panick poop NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis The two time forsenCD LL0L he is hopeless poor guy saving flash for... nvm I JOINED THE CLUBB!!!!!! KEKW forsenCD 2 times sup bro FeelsBadMan lol There’s a lot of people here that say 0 times yo ????????? Kappa fogged flashed for the extra damage 5Head HAHAHAHAHA from a triple kill to a death i would have spin out what elo is this MY MAN 3 vs 1 fogged griefed him there by not talking sooner foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt -never sightstep -never attack move command iron could someone explain whats going on this stream? is he coaching someone who payed for coaching? i actually don't believe this is gold forsenCD 4 cent bois why does tfblade have so many games with other champs then trynd I mean today I learned what neeko does so theres that !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Check out my new merch! Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor coulda spun out of rakan knockup @foggedftw2 might have gotten the kill on mundo BOT @foggedftw2 tell him about the space bar Me Bot didnt flash for the kill, he saved it so he could spend it on nothing Type Me Bot Kappa FOGG IS LEGIT HARDCORE ON THE GUY where do you want to be? - monkaS !mebot ME TRYND foggedSMOrc ME SPLIT foggedSMOrc SEE TURRET foggedSMOrc MUST HIT Fogged shouting monkaS !specs looking at plants <3 CONTENT AYYY monkaMEGA "lol plants LUL Fogged monkaS Nature! MaxLOL he might be vegeteranian Kappa plants r cute we have a stream LOL Dad voice monkaS but plants are pretty :) !uptime 3 hours 36 minutes 32 seconds LOL monkaS im scared b Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! 🕹 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🕹 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 11014 🥈) jocnitro : 7746 🥉) soor_ice : 7535 4) nuvm__ : 6566 5) ashunt : 4000 !opggs monkaW So-sorry One minion spins "Provide some content for me!" Kappa Uff I mean most of the info you need is by the minimap DAD please im trying monkaS man we just want to see the plants LUL Daddy is angry monkaS fogged would make the most pleasant drill sergeant This Mundo OMEGALUL lvl 10 LULW KEKW LULW KEKW confident tristana LUL KEKW KEKW LUL lmao what information should you get from looking at team fights? LUL LOL dat Trist what elo are we coaching? "LEVEL DEAD" executioners when jums in to kill trynd 5Head what elo is this? CODY SUN KEKW @foggedftw2 do you utilize the f1-10 keys/want to explain it if you do? Pepega @El_Chrome ults and sums being used !r Level Ult Last - !r !r !opggs KEKW iron dono LUL LOOK AT THE COMMANDS DAMMIT NA LULW LuL LUL LUL monkaS o-ok Awkward silence level 2 ult does nothing If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! probly the least fun he ever had with a free win lol xd is this a live game or a recording? ?? *Mods* LUL LUL you don't up ult on trynd LUL OSFrog !r !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1141 times! @El_Chrome who used ult summoners etc. LUL Pepega leveling ult on trynd @flowktro live coaching live AUHAUHAHUUA live CHAT what elo is this? KEKW PAPI IS ANGRY KEKW @flowktro live game !r Level Ult Last - !ult you gain nothing from upgrading ult other than cdr g3 !r @WolfAchilles someone said silver upgrading ult only reduce cd @WolfAchilles g4 ah okay @16cem16 thanks man so leveling other abilities is better Lol. Adding points to trynd ult !matchup oh shit, can this dude see what we're typing? Summoner is not currently in-game KEKW Why is he Top? Kappa he ez climb to plat after 2 coaching games :| Objective top Kappa monkaS ANGRY you dont add points in zoes ult either... fyi Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! monkaS monkaSHAKE LUL @daylun2016 really? does it also only give cooldown !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW is fogged gonna play after he finish coaching this guy? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king fogged sounds so pissed lol monkaMEGA triggered You sound mald BabyRage Fogged monkaMEGA yea sounds ANGRY @MidnightxPMC yeah LULW LUL goddamn thats a high elo game play right there LUL LUL fogged is malding lol KEKW trist again LUL tris OMEGALUL To be fair, obviously his bot lane went bot, cause Iron, they don't know, so in that situation do you go three bot or do you split on the objective side of the map? @foggedftw2 OhMyDog Trist KEKW what elo is this " u learnin" KEKW LUL brainded trist What rank is this guy? EZ hes malding is fogged gonna play after he finish coaching this guy? Gold Trist int @daylun2016 kinda like taum ult in aram. When it gave attack speed it was kinda worth it. Or was it ap ratio. its been so long foggedThink @atlasninja98 g4 HER? SHE she KEKW her KEKW SHe??? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: rakan is a HE rakan is HE bro she? she KEKW SHE LUL SHE lmao with her KEKW she? D: S H OMEGALUL lol hahaha what rakan feelssheman HEER? All kinds of anxiety is kickin in Rakan is a grill confirmed !lp Challenger @JustCallmeZuwr Hes my Rank :( TRISTANA IN CHAT KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP why is try force good on tryn? Rakan is a SHE? Hasn't used a ward since minute 7 LULW rakan now identifies as she/her gender bender rakan what elo is this? rakan is a girl ok? Pepega did you just assume gender HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket xayah is the man !guide Rakan is trans Complete Tryndamere guide THIS IS CONTEST RIGHT HERE DUDES @atlasninja98 i know that feeling, i'm g4 too :( @MidnightxPMC ah i only play zoe, xerath and trynd. Never played tahm lol look at how pretty she is Pepega OMEGALUL lmao Rakan is male, yes? Or is that gender insensitive of me LULW LUL OMEGALUL LUL HotPokket squadW KEKW D: SquadW D: LUL LMAO cmonBruh @foggedftw2 Rip Bruam! Pog alpha Brand too? TRUE KEKW REKSAI IS FEMALE D: foggedLUL i0kiWut that's fucking hilarious Tresh = SHE KEKW thresh is the prettiest lady of them all D: Reksai is a SHE? LOL cuz rek'sai is a SHE reksai support POGGERS Braum is a she lol !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king feels bad BRUAM D: !ranks HotPokket @sidef3xz cause he can get a lot of trinity procs with e resets, and the stats are pretty good on him in general Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 183 LP (99-26) LUL all supps are HotPokket Sexist af Thresh she @foggedftw2 so thresh is a she? and naut? sexist teacher ! pyke is a she ? excuse you ??? HotPokket KEKW KEKW KEKW THIS IS CONTENT Taric , SHE Sexist ........................ thats sexist sir HotPokket IT'S SIR foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL Braum is a she Kreygasm Lmao this guys got jokes Triggered BabyRage gender issues this is a HYPE game play LUL LUL Braum she KappaPride PRChase Alistar says you can't milk those tho @foggedftw2 im triggered now. thanks. 20 secs in and this is going down. Kidding, whats up danny Rek'sai IS a SHE Shyvana is a he Pixels don't have geder so braum is a SHE dayum Braum = she LULW Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! think ezreal more of a she then rakan the dude as xayah giving him some slack Kappa pyke and thresh she? braum and blitz like it I love fogged LUL Respect all dogs are boys, all cats are girls so it I play trynda will he is a girl @foggedftw2 so yeah... is Pyke she? Expfunmix subscribed with Twitch Prime. LULW now this is content Expfunmix 's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Braum a she lulw that mr sir to you mofo Rakan autos LUL w Reksai clearly is a LGBTQ+ "supp r all girls, change my mind" -fogged 2019 pyke also a she KEKW @foggedftw2 do u drink energy drinks ? :) !king CS Pog @foggedftw2 Why would you want to be on the opposite side of the main objective? LUL that kayne Check out my new merch! SHE ALISTAR's milk Kreygasm Ashe LUL he is siting there giving him a masage LUL Don't sexualize pixels, they deserve respect @DaPreacherBoi when you're fed and it takes 2 ore more to kill you, you can draw pressure away from objective and ur team gets obj for free I would tell him to increase his screen movement speed a bit, seems really low @DaPreacherBoi because it makes the enemy team come to him so its a 4v4 at baron, or they6 ignore tryndamere and lose the game !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @DaPreacherBoi applying pressure to get ppl on u i think on the settings you know @DaPreacherBoi because if the enemy team 4 man responds to you in bot lane while your team is around baron they lose baron. If they don't respond to you, you take inhib and possibly end the game Fogged do you think Irelia is a bad champ? fogged, the gordon ramsey of league of legends Yoo can someone tell me why TF blade played irelia on his trynda only acc triforce really better than gnashers/ Is this live coaching? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here GNASHERS? fogged: "NEVER EVER use spin for damage" whoops caps fogged5Head 5Head Smart Tf blade cheating he play other champs KEKW !opggs @r3dd3n yes, ap trynd isnt good anymore also fogged: "your spin deals damage" KEKW PepoThink Hmm 5Head monkaHmm I see 5Head smart Ringmonion Consistency is key - never use spin for damage Kappa @Fkdenewpasswordsystem save it do stick to baron 5Head 5Head but why? is it cuz off knockback? look at kayn @indur Does that go for all objectives like inhibitors and such? and is that because the enemy team is going to keep focusing on that? he is just missint it this is iron gachiBASS Backseat gaming Kappa nerf the Q heals? @JustCallmeZuwr trist ??? Does Baron move away so you need your spin to close the gap? trist KEKW tristana? that tris tho ????? trist KEKW LUL axaxaxa Trist KEKW Tristana walked up KEKW trist KEKW KEKW lol KEKW eyyy @foggedftw2 i just won a flex game. sanguine blade is OP on trynd do it BigBrother LULW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king LUL trist KEKW what the actual fuck SpectrusMortali subscribed with Twitch Prime. ahahahahahahaha Holy moly KEKW SpectrusMortali's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! what elo? trist is a minion lol gg <3 watching this elo compared to fogged elo is actually quiyte amusing lol he needs to be way more aggresive with trynd tristana the yordle friend we all need and require LUL what trist are you on about @foggedftw2 ? this is not how I remember Gold NotLikeThis GG CoolStoryBob GG EZ EZ Clap EZ Clap GG draven autoing with no axes KEKW Thanks for the HahaCat @spectrusmortali Roasted dude KEKW Getting coached while playing seems OP it isn't gold..... KEKW or it's boosted KEKW KEKW infinitely LOL "good to hear" KEKW ISSOU KEKW it can't possibly be gold KEKW Riot Seson 9 lmao what KEKW @Dapreacherboi can't answer that one you'll have to ask others for Fogged KEKW KEKW +15 in gold KEK !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP there's 3 unranked on the enemy team Ey lets go !opggs w sucks lol !king wait that was gold elo Rakan is female thats what I learned please watch KEKW THERE IS NO WAY THAT WAS GOLD +15 Lp monkaS omg his mmr is so bad monkaS kekw watch KEKW Doesnt phase rush have slow tenacity? All supporters are female all supps are a she Rakan is a she good lesson PogChamp thats what i learned thats literally what gold elo is thaswhat i learned Chat opinions on Irelia? i get +15 in iron IV im in elo hell? Watch KEKW Video @trynding I agree that was terrible players. No way that was gold all supports are female! foggedYoda poor guy and don't forget: all supports are female vi is a man kekw play that KEKW video Is Irelia weak or strong rn? Check out my new merch! KEKW Maybe his MMR is so shit that he's againt much lower skill people? yes @azu_pro weak, needs old conq maybe LUL 1) all supports and their players are female All supports = all females. -Fogged(2019) when will fogged play? TF playing trynda lol KEKW nicee play that KEKW video also KNOW how fed you are L0L @trynding his mmr is gold 3/4 elo. from the looks of it. kayn is silver 2 KEKW Big Brain KEKW ? pog record LUL Play KEKW video shyvana is a he We can finally smash Braum chat and not be gay Kreygasm Next game pog niceeeeee yo is it just me or this dude kinda sounds like boxbox KEKW ok boss Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups KEKW i don't think so he won a lot of games recently You forgot KEKW @foggedftw2 man fogged is so proffessional PepeHands He sounds like a disappointed dad ! reksai is a she is this NA? @foggedftw2 is Blitzecrank a girl !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP IRON 1 LULW oh nonono pepeLaugh raging mormon KEKW he wants to punch i bet lmao !uptime hahahahahahahah 3 hours 46 minutes 50 seconds iron 1 pog !םפעע @RightClickIsSkill Most supp champs are Females, so yeah I would have said the same thing Kappa how many match for coaching? IRON 1 KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king KEKW IRON I nice rank pogers Iron chat KEKW he got 9.5 cs on that game Big brain fogged !rank IRON I KEKW IRON 1 KEKW Iron 1 That's Fog'g's viewers L0L !elo !king iron 1 troll prolly yes “You don’t have to, this is recorded” KEKW how long is the coaching session? @Saino_Aru fake mustache bruam new skin then foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL yes IRON 1 LUL yes lmao yeah they are i wast here from the begining. what hes doing? How many games does he watch when coaching? SPORTAL BALL BUCKS its Okey @foggedftw2 didn't know you followed NBA i wish i was iron 1 it's the best elo the bucks are good af Twicht chat should all friend this guy last year ?? Greek Freak bro 2 hours is coaching giannas is the best player right now fogged do you do all coaching on stream?? @foggedftw2 bucks are good they were 1 game away from finals last year They’re like 18-1 in their last 19 !opggs Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! what? They had the best record last year and only got better, lost to the champs Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @phantom_6_ Boston Bucks? Bucks KEKW IRON 1 HYPERS @RightClickIsSkill KEKW good one , again, I said "most" of the champs Kappa they are number 1 in the east rn Giannis will be mvp again lakers will take it for how much they were 1 game away from the finals last year Tampabay Bucs???? !opggs @soulkillller Kappa KEKW yooooo @Saino_Aru sorry daddy fogged say all 2 HOURS WTF how much did he pay you :D Giannis is insane now whut LUL Pog high elo was it free? @foggedftw2 why are u not playing on kingtryndamere GOLD 1 HAHAHAHAHAH this guy won a coaching giveaway ? pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh @joao99 coaching how is he iron ? pepeLaugh ? do you coach all elo's??? @foggedftw2 lacking critical information pepeLaugh PepeLaugh \lmao pepeLaugh LMAO new acc? @foggedftw2 he lacks critical information PepeLaugh gold 1? centers the screen on the side of the map? lol he doesnt know chat pepeLaugh @foggedftw2 why tf u played 20 games less than tfblade and u play on smurf? !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to !king @energii0_0 bet is more important tho pepeLaugh Free coaching KEKW Did they played against each other? HE LACKS CRUCIAL INFORMATION pepeLaugh iron is a magnificent place STONKS 5Head ez money thats what i give my driving instructor 100 dollars so 50 pound right? :p @joao99 I disagree, the bet is already scuffed so !opggs @Halmex That's gold... naaaa KEKW That Tris was Iron bro NA KEKW that vlad was terrible nah i dont i pay 35 LULW Vlad was unranked every ranks are same unltil D4 its not diffrent gold is crap everywhere soulkillller is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! How much for an BJ? @foggedftw2 soulkillller gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wilakes! soulkillller's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! strok2g pepeLaugh NA GOLD EU KEKW LUL NA GOLD KEKW gold euw pepe laugh euw gold is na dia @BlueDreamLegend you want to pay to blow him? @BubbleBlue202 ups sry play cho'gath @energii0_0 tf is just too good in high elo bro never a fair bet STROKE2G KEKW HahaLean Stroke2g low elo games are the same every region, the difference starts at d1 @foggedftw2 that was a new player on his first placements i think DCANE he lacks critical knowledge pepeLaugh Kekkkkkkkw I don't get why people ban ashe Kappa stroke2g @can4nsz ive played on both servers and gold euw is literally worse than gold NA, but dia eu is better than dia na that guy was in the last sub wars. he's trash pepeLaugh foggedBaby foggedSpin foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Guys is Cho'Gath weaker or stronger than s9 pay it forward folks na gold more like na bronze 50 LUL @joao99 you know tf is doing other champs right? so fogged has nothing but potential gains from the challenge yo mods why he still on this acc low elo is the same everywere KEKW !eqbot oof Poor guy gets called trash PepeHands @Chevallier_ nope at dia1 it starts that most regions are the same, since the challenger players are most likely to hit challenger in other regions as well trkVoli trkVoli trkVoli trkVoli trkVoli trkVoli !opggs @foggedftw2 What up dude! Thanks to you I won all my clash games yesterday Pog What secondary role do you guys pick? foggedBaby THE POWER... IS UNDENIABLE foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @foggedftw2 Why this avccount not kingof tryndamere low elo is till master @energii0_0 ye bro trynd gets banned fogged said it was ok he still has 90% trynd gems only so gp in gold elo pepeLaugh is this euw? any tips for trynd vs nasus fogged? i really wanna learn playing on unlock screen @TrendyTrenessh if he finishes higher elo then tf, then tf still gifts 500 subs @foggedftw2 In your opinion what are the best junglers with Trynd viking trynd = insta respect let's goo bro how u play matchup vs kled !opggs Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @joao99 the point is fogged doesn't have to pay up if he loses Angry doesn’t have an E is this euw @lake_ontario voli and sej same vlad LUL fogged i need helppp @EmptyAndy dodge guys im na but tbh eune gold is better than ur plat @aksin20122 he doing a coaching session @brayshawlad beat him up early listen to the dude talk does it sound like euw Its the same VLAD Kappa our* !oppg @lake_ontario you want something tanky with cc how to play against kleddddddddddd except dodging LOOOL beat him up monkaS @energii0_0 he doesent? Tf !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @kleyton_cl oh ty full ad DansGame wtf? is this euw? It’s not the same Vlad. It’s a Vlad player female alistar PogChamp leona jungle? alistar jungle ^_^ uhh i bet its the same vlad kappa alistar jg nice teamcomp they have @Sosario7 Ty but what champ would be a good example @joao99 Yeah since TF wanted to use other champs he said fogged doesn't have to pay is this euw @mr_mammalian guys I am european and tbh your gold is worse than Vietnam !opgg jg alistar yeah !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! xeforapidy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! the true viking jg alistar is Hype xeforapidy's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! is it IOKI? leona jung? Alistar baby girl PogChamp @lake_ontario voli and sej are both really good ! what's this guy's name on twitch? @foggedftw2 Tak for HahaShrugLeft @xeforapidy KEKW I see it Guys is Cho'Gath weaker or stronger than s9 @Sosario7 Gotcha tyvm !op.ggs Plug his twitch almost happens in obs yeah foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor KEKW @azu_pro both KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Check out my new merch! !opggs KEKW Watch it kekw DansGame LELW KEKW I hear it too LOL @BlueDreamLegend Can you elaborate KEKW that is a bad translate arriba españa!!!!!! Noooooo D: ali jung? kekw foggedYoda arriba!!! KEKW the name of the guy is risitas, pay your respects he pass away last year Wait so KEKW is Spanish? Risitas (little smiles) fogged do you think its possible to reach challenger with trynd mid? (little laughs) hmm we can't see his cursor Leona and alistar I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Did fogged tell this guy to go fleet @foggedftw2 we see your cursor dude For coaching, do we donate through your donate link and then send an email for available times? @foggedftw2 Who needs mouse cursors when the screen is centered on the left wall KEKW is from spanish program yes the alistar jung. is it viable? or just a troll pick ? maybe he got his rank? any drinkers? FeelsGoodMan 🥃 Vlad again, this is gonna be fun" inb4 gets rekt this clips are at least 10 years old Coaching : ok Buddy just beat him up! @Philippine_LuLu troll, but anything is viable below challenger @lol_swift yup nicee Canceled the crit PepeHands its the same vlad LUL LUL the cs oof He should think about csing too :o CS LUL 6cs did he dodge again? Is it the same Vlad chat? 6/12 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king oh hes coaching nvm its not the same i think !kinh nah it's not the same That CS tho !king Check out my new merch! Get the cs bro :O I saw no hands I was like wtf the other one had different skin same jungler from the last game LUL Clap Bronze players remarking about cs right now is he going conq or LT? move screen moon2A 4Head just use spacebar to center your camera Is he actively being coached or vod review? cs monkaW me when he has 19 cs at 4:30 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP camera PepeHands active pls move the mouse it's live coaching Phase rush should be 30 sec for Eanged champs -_- @foggedftw2 Your mouse is mid screen Pog pog pog crit adeca_22 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! adeca_22's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! :/ KEKW LUL LUL LUL Everytime vlad uses W he loses hp ;) LUL his screen Pog PogChamp wtf Pog Smurfing Pog NICE F Pog He gotta use his space bar nice noice alistar monkaS nice flash i hate this screen positioning so much Pog IceCold PogChamp WOW ! good Flash Pog Who is this guy Pog pay2win game Really nice flash is that faker ? Didn't expect that one Pog Smort @burNNNNz96 LMAO this Flash was insane... Run him down I am liking this coaching he imroved tho !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP free coaching session even tho I'll never play trynamere he improved* Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! nope KEKW atleast he is honest kek U told him take teir 2 boots same reason I take ghost (to get to lane faster) No ping flash. Kekw !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king what does more damage , spin or auto Tell him to lock his cam at this point KEKW !king wtf is he looking at lmfao Check out my new merch! ooof KEKW ahh good try KEKW PepeHands !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET KEKW FeelsBadMan Q with ult active LUL PepeHands KEKW LEARNING LULW the spin was short !opggs Palastrim subscribed with Twitch Prime. Palastrim's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! PRESS SPACE WTF Pool kekw DAD IM SORRY IM TRYING monkaS @foggedftw2 Tell him "Pretend that his screen when trading is a coop game and should have himself and Vlad in it whenever possible" (of course excluding looking elsewhere on the map. This clicked really well with my brother that had shit screen control too. Foggggeeeeeed>Tfblade LUL EEEEE fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head KEKW Dad don't use the belt monkaMEGA doesnt know about passive gold income KEKW Time I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here is a live game or a replay? u pacient fogged love u Kekw ZorenCrysis subscribed with Twitch Prime. ZorenCrysis's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !king how the hell would you dive a vlad with fogged best teacher than TF blade W jdbutterbaugh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! You're the best man jdbutterbaugh's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! mf ult :p is alistar going full ap monkaW MaN sorry monkaS how does he never move his camera when chasing someone Thanks for the HahaDreidel @zorencrysis tell him what spacebar does for camera @foggedftw2 tell this guy he need to use spacebar more to re center camera hey, props to this guy for being willing to play in front of all of doggy's viewers. I can't play without screen centered on character, what should I do? Prime subs DansGame Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @kingdon117 nice we think alike foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 for real please tell him about the space bar to much armor on vlad he doesnt use spacebar at all, big keybind crab scared me monkaS Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! camera monkaS I thought scuttle was ganking him lmfao warded on top of scuttle SIDESTEPPED BY SKETTLE KEKW dat camera Scuttle TTours is very bad That camera How can he play with this kind of camera positioning semi locked camera actually OP he might be better with that wow watching other peole play fogged make sme realize how much better im getting with trynda tbh Check out my new merch! can't dmg him KEKW waaat bkgfvobgvfvgfvf KEKW F KEKW KEKW PepeHands KEKW the camera tho... LUL KEKW kekek dayum LUL his tiamat nah he's nervous ? camera I can't play without screen centered on character, what should I do? I knew that was coming :( OPEN KEKW foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP rank? foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Vlad really tanky at this point, should probably just focus on farm no tiamat at all camera bug what's this elo, boys? he's definately nervous he cant even see vlads turret when hes trading chat laughing while half of em are lower elo than him KEKW Tabi Armguard BibleThump @jackwinoreilly all caps Tell that guy that i believ in him what rank s this Kekw @foggedftw2 Please tell him about our lord and saviour spacebar Hahahahahahaha fogged tell him to watch his team while in grey screen remind him is this guy stupid opr something? honestly most of their mistakes can be fixed with better camera Hat laughing low gold @magesonly clash cup Pog the tiamat GOLD 3 If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! thx screen lol if i see one more kekw @can4nsz ty or it is just that the na players are that bad watching walls there @hydraxis566 what elo is he KEKW he defo nervous still better than me LUL @azu_pro understand how spacebar works. use that like training wheels. slowly use it less and less should like trade him 50% hp down or force W& @sporwal attack move click on spacebar? G3 @VVKoel @can4nsz opgg banned in my country so xD !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game @foggedftw2 he doesn’t use tiamat what rank is he? just tuned in that is actually pretty decent @TopKekTakeAFrigginSeatM8 nah centre camera f1 > space @Reddigulous Ok I will try it for one game he really needs to fix his camera @Boosteon where u from lol !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @shnaise8 g3 Boosteon get a vpn gold 3 @Shnaise8 @TopKekTakeAFrigginSeatM8 oh wait i misunderstood yea Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @can4nsz Katar jk no Good Morning Fogg ☯️ Thanks for being a positive teacher! FeelsBadMan wtf did this guy queue into a vlad again? LULW I dunno if this is gonna go well i feel viking trynd do less dmg than sultan trynd yes the tiamat still not using LUL what's the command for comparing tf and fogged accounts? the number of times I have heard foggy patiently saw "spin through the whole wave" over the past months.... !ranks !opggs Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 203 LP (100-26) lol thanks sorry mister fogged monkaS man you have to give thought to so much stuff in this game its insane !opggs Why is he not building any Griveous Wound items ? I'm pretty sure I've played with that RaginMormon he have ignite Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !opggs @spaghetifier It becomes 2nd nature after practice though @burNNNNz96 true, didnt see that ty @foggedftw2 why is essence reaver good on trynd anyway? lucian KEKW LULW lmao This Lucian KEKW lucian ouch LOOOL LUL LUL LUL SillyChamp wassup @Marco_Tessier few reasons, one the vlad is bad, two the vlad built defensivly, 3rd he does enough dps to counteract the healing at this point, and lastly he has ignite. @kispera cdr Lucian nearly popped off KEKW !ER !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. WTF is this LUL LUL arm_dan_roid_man subscribed with Twitch Prime. this is Gold? short E arm_dan_roid_man's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @kispera Cdr plus crit @kispera crit cd and ad you suck... as seen on ttv LMAO $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP which elo is he coaching ?? this is fukilng bronze 5000 udl_chaosfiend subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! @foggedftw2 he doesn’t spin on way back to lane LUL udl_chaosfiend's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Gold 3 oh no, TFblade is ahead 120 LP and has only had to cheat in 15 games out of 126 @Falky_44 So if vlad went for belt instead of Zhonya it would've maybe been better to have a Exec ? @foggedftw2 he should be spinning to get back to lane !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET why is tfblade still playing jax and irelia in masters out of promos? is he bronze? oh someone else is playing and he is the coach ? Check out my new merch! @Marco_Tessier it also depends on if you are ahead or not. If ahead you do not need to build it. @foggedftw2 How much is a coachign session ? Change title I think he challenge is iver chat, can you not during a stun? @Falky_44 Oh, ty for that over* why always short E @Marco_Tessier you can also just wait for your ignite before fighing and not need to spend ant @murky_ocean you can ult at any point KEKW can you ult during stun??? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Yes @murky_ocean l yes holy, 200$ ? @foggedftw2 do you only coach trynd? @falky_44 I thought you couldn't damn I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @murky_ocean Yes you can ult during anything Yeah, will build new computer before coaching lmao @foggedftw2 what division is this guy @murky_ocean you can ult no matter what happens to you @murky_ocean yup everything but stasis $100 is a ton tbh ur coachin is good but a little bit annoyin if i was him Yup @murky_ocean Trynd can ult while CC'ed no matter what it is leana? @murky_ocean nothing can prevent you from using ult !king creds to fogged for not completely raging at this guy, holy moly LEONA TFT BUILD thanks everyone :) voli's cinderhulk took it xd !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king how is the coaching annoying? hes teaching him micro @murky_ocean the only time you cannot use ur ult as trynda is when you are in the enemy spawn area lol @nikamin brain lag? @axelbooy Why would he rage at a coach... the whole point is to learn can silence prevent trynd from ulting? challenger coaching low elo players for 2 hours should be 300 dollar tbh this guy is not bad .. raging on somebody is not funny This is silver elo or something right? U can't use R while in zhonya Do you coach offstream? I can't imagine trying to better yourself only to have a bunch of silver players in chat spamming laugh oh I see, challenge essentially canceled because TF can't keep to his own bet his screen while he was hitting leona lmfao omgggg there's many players wayyyy worse than him dude what are you on @axelbooy @ruuwwr gold 3-2 @mr_mammalian no u can use r in cc this is gold3 @초기 you pay for it smartass !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. this guy has 0 map awareness lmao Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Alright, so roughly the same. @Nozzomi_ Besides surpression right? @mr_mammalian you can use r during silence its insane how different these games are from even just my gold 1 games his screen AHHH @Riddlepop i know? @Blaylock nothing can stop you from trynd ulting except bard ult Hes being coached by a Challenger, who he most likely idolizes, and hes also on stream in front of 2.5k people. I'm pretty sure hes a bit nervous the way that this guy controls his camera is kinda tilting Check out my new merch! Why are people in chat flaming the guy getting coached...? WeirdChamp Fogged best teacher yeah this guy's map awareness monkaS... totally not like i do monkaS camera !rank @lasty__ this guy gets +15 on wins he might playing against silvers KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP what's a challenger mean? i dont look at map either @foggedftw2 $100 for coaching on Stream correct ? When are you planning on updating your excel sheet? @foggedftw2 @Greatlakespvp yeah it's hilarious that low elo people in the chat laugh at him, he isn't even that bad, better than most in here @blaylock because they think they are better Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups at this point my enemy team is flaming me for only having 1 completed item @Zongo16 Right lol Me fogged me smash @kristapps ah didnt notice, makes sense !king If I happen to win the coaching giveaway can I pay you additional 50$ to get the 2 hour session coaching? @foggedftw @foggedftw2 Was funny watching you try to carry Trick's team LUL why r u not playing? @foggedftw2 !opggs At this point, I would have ff15 and been in the next game feeding already bnanaHYPERS how much for english money though? not dollars @m_alpha174 he is coaching atm group with your team... immediately leaves team he's definitely learning a lot @Falky_44 i see Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Lucian not so boosted Is it normal to give R just one point? !r Level Ult Last - @MasterPumeluf yes @jaicrag what foggedSpin what elo is this practice press E g3 EZ winions @MasterPumeluf yes practice spinning bro I feel like he got carried twice Hey fogged, how are you going to handle TF Blade? Since he used some other champions besides Tryndamere, Do you have an agreement about this? like deduct x amount of LP? gg <3 KEKW KEKW winner winner chicken dinner KEKW S9 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @jayjadanga KEKW his cam speed waaay 2 slow @JayJaDanga They talked about it already !lp Challenger Ah, it changed I didn't know, thank you very much !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 203 LP (100-26) !r Level Ult Last - !challenge @jayjadanga If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW he is cool his camera work is so weird.. he stands on edge of screen while fighting. and never presses spacebar foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird By being chill. And good. ! !opggs networking 101 leech is what he's saying, greek style !q @theswolemage Not everyone plays the same as you LUL all about branding tbh - build a niche network xqcM Why do you never link your twitch? n e t w o r k have people post your channel in other chats Kappa Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! What is his stream? networking 101, poach other people's viewers KEKW xqcM Oof EKW You gotta stream snipe every time and spam your twitch channel 24/7 obviously Be entertaining, nobody wants to go ResidentSleeper the entire stream But fogged im too toxic, Get the stonks up man KEKW @blaylock nah man everyone does that lol @foggedftw2 what are your views on sanguine blade on tryndamere? Smort Host people, and they'll host you back buy coaching sessions from popular streamers LUL !san9 So steal their viewers? what rank was the dude who got coached? And you'll grow together like im watching some smaller streamers and all of them are soooo boring !sanguine dont forget to change your ig to your twitch channel Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER I scroll all the way down to the 5 viewer streams... to find mine below them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so smart Stealing viewers 😂😂😂 his kda is also very bad, I could do better with Jana top Check out my new merch! @QeRas what was the hotfix @theswolemage Not everyone does that, there's people in challenger who still play locked screen... everyone has their own playstyle they're comfortable with get gooder was sanguine nerfed !king Fogged the type of dude to steal your viewers and leave your girlfriend Kda doesn’t win games yeah I should pro look around more to slower attack speed and higher cost @deca901 @Deca901 yeah hotfixed @foggedftw2 let him shout out stream :) I'm diamond 3 and still play locked screen LUL !uptime 4 hours 22 minutes 21 seconds @foggedftw2 How to play against Poppy? !opggs hey fogged, i think im good enough to stream but im too toxic, what do i do I. am gay and I still play lock screen. I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @blaylock ya lock screen is better than playing on edge of screen my guy. its the same thing as spacebar lol Dont be toxic Easy @kadab0zz lethal+ghost, never use spin unless she use her W @ultraintstinks become more toxic ^ hehe @ultraintstinks some people like that !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 203 LP (100-26) oh shiz we losin how do you beat Renekton early? !ranks 24 less games, nearly as much LP @jackwinoreilly switch ur y bind with space bar, that will help you tremendously i m also playingocked screen @QeRasT Should I E into her before she uses it? ggwp lock screen @kadab0zz no @ultraintstinks some people like toxic... I mean Trick2g has lots of viewers right? He’s always typing trash into chat. Such a high class league player Fogged coaching is amazing !challenge @foggedftw2 i can be your next coaching If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 1:53:28 pm nice coaching <3 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king hey when will u update the challenger guide to trynda??????? WHAT A NICE DUD BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @tanvir471 switch y bind with space bar guy was super chill :) @kadab0zz unless you are really close to her so she won't reqct I can't play without screen centered on character, what should I do? M OMEGALUL DS He seems like a nice young man @foggedftw2 mine should be tomorrow, right? dont say he sucks is the tf blade challenge still something? Thanks for coaching, was good - lot to work on @foggedftw2 maybe jungle trynd ? 0 youtube on season 10 trynd jg you barely have time to queue with those queue times /s so much good info @foggedftw2 you do awesome coaching! <3 gay chat KEKW Is locked screen ok @foggedftw2 I mean I unlock it for when I need to Im here ready for vod review at 3 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Seeing others getting coached by fogged makes me wish i also got a 2h coaching session boxLUL someone know when will u update the challenger guide to trynda??????? damn its 8 pm here !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? TBH the stuff I took from it I haven't seen him go over with other people he's coached PLZ BEAT TF BLADE Which is hugely valuable, he doesn't just tell everyone the same basic stuff; well worth Gottem @SwatKats Gold elo in Na is like Low silver in Euw !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @foggedftw2 it's funny, i won a coaching and you also gave me a birthday coaching, so yeah i only want one, i sent you guys an email on friday Check out my new merch! Hardly anybody from twitch chat spammed friend requests at the guy. I’m disappointed @foggedftw2 what would you think of a marine drill sergeant tryndamere skin. since Tryndamere is always yelling and doing push ups it makes sense. thats why you pay for individual lessions. @swatkats happy birthday FeelsBirthdayMan pls can someone answer when will he update the guide i need it @SwatKats lemme get dat other one, I need more :D u are the best fogged when he coached me, we went over cs, and basics. You got my follow, your stream is so insightful, I'm glad I tuned in; I noticed your content from youtube, great stuff! @foggedftw2 Hi fogged, is it a good idea to otp Renekton top in Silver? @foggedftw2 do you think rengar is the best jungler to learn if u want to 1v9 in the jungle? @ibnussef they're really similar actually the first game he was playing an unranked player and the second he was playing a silver foggedHappy @SwatKats Claim one now and then aclaim another in a monht or two @ibnussef gold/silver is bronze/iron now PepePls do you like pantheon music ? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 How was your clash games man? ALSO @PokeSmotRVA thanks for allowing him to coach everyonei n twitch chat! @foggedftw2 opinion on s10 trynd jungle ? tryndamere as a metal singer -"why is boxerpete better than you?" LUL well. not anymore whos winning the bet atm??? @foggedftw2 thank you for Coaching everyone! @fluffgugu It sucks.. No xp in jungle. !ranks @coliriu Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 203 LP (100-26) @coliriu bet is off cause tf blade cheats icant play without indicator on..bcoz i can predict the ability range That would be sick @foggedftw2 do you think rengar is the best jungler to learn if u want to 1v9 in the jungle?. KEKW except he's not Demacian like the commando skins Rambo Trynd with sunglasses so he takes less damage from leona If fogged has time to do coachings I am sure he is confidently in the lead @QeRasT thanks man but this was mon ths ago, i just never cashed it in. foggedLUL @PokeSmotRVA sorry homie but i'm gonna combine them into one coaching so he has some breathing time afterward. @Falky_44 Nah i don't need to do that. I wish he'd get a visual update dude his model looks so old Hey fogged, how about soraka jg next game clash was released on time with 0 issues !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Acid_Membrane it cant be off lol they are still playing conq or tempo in jg? @scwubnwubuwu is that the start of the fantasy novel you're writing? @SwatKats it is the best means to improve long term, ya get the obvious things fixed via the first session and then the harder stuff next. @foggedftw2 it’s crazy how you and TFBlade have such different play styles on the same champion. Just looking at the extra number of deaths and kills seems to say how much riskier TFBlade plays. He won last one Hes speedrunning masters full metal jacket tryn o.0 @Acid_Membrane yes 27 more subs till giveaway foggedGift Tf blade is doing well @swatkats I knew it it was long time ago but still though I can wish u ur best! !opggs foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedW @foggedftw2 Time to pull up your Hockey Socks and get that LP! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king TFBlade can play any champ now? HahaBall HahaBall foggedYoda GET THOSE EMOTE U MUST foggedYoda TFblade is on 8th win streak yeet dont cry frogged :( @foggedftw2 fogged is winning, ye? 420 !opggs foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf its time For King of Trynd @foggedftw2 or what about a definitely not tryndamere skin where he is dressed as a wizard with the generic blue robe with star pattern and he has a hextech guneblade for a sword !ranks fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedGift we can just get him banned from league and u will win :D @foggedftw2 Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 203 LP (100-26) !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP in my opinion TF Blade will win 100% but I like Fogged's trynd more what do u think of hecarim top :)? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I lost 200k$ usd in the stock market 3 days back.. shit happens :( do you think you are gonna lose? @QueueQuiet tf blade is only "winning" because he played other champs than tryndamere !king @foggedftw2 damn blade is ahead by 130 lp Tfblade is winning? !king tfblade has 24 more games played. are you guys trying to play the same amount of games? @foggedftw2 fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedYoda foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBaby foggedGasm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedRNG foggedWizard foggedCorgi foggedProf foggedLewd foggedRightArm foggedW foggedWurf foggedHappy foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedFOGGERS foggedREE foggedDerp foggedWeeb foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedTrynda foggedEmmy foggedThink foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedUlt damn so many emotes I think I ran into TFBlade smurfing in silver a few days ago. He won lane but we won the game. XD @mirardt I tried one game with future's market and only long sword buy, obviously killed my enemy and got perfect 800g without even using this rune @Mirardt MY MAN Danny I will catch up to you! @foggedftw2 Why is tf also playingother champons? @hotlineking that hurts. Did you at least get your original investment back before letting it sit in there Can someone tell me why TF can play irelia on his spin spin spin @mirardt have to try it a bit more !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW pog @QeRasT check discord btw !whyjax @mirardt Flexing that sub. Kappa foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda His winrate on Trynd is 1% higher right now ThisIsFine foggedYoda @GreenV1rus How ya doing= :D 2.6k subs holy fuck 6Head !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. Doing alright man @foggedftw2 thoughts on tfblade's trynd build? @foggedftw2 foggedRightArm left arm but smaller @foggedftw2 How about something for Emmy? Like a working Hard emote do a Coaching emote @foggedftw2 A dizzy tryndamere face because he spins so much blade got more games played and still higher winrate on trynd MonkaS Tryndamere? i would never @madarasama95 :) TEEMO WITH TRYNDA HAT AND SWORD a Fogged Jebaited with your face 2.6k subs, 2.4k viewers Kappa Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! whats the command for the comparison between their trynd stats? @foggedftw2 youre next emote should be a tryndamere sword cutting off TFBlades head foggedHYPERS @foggedftw2 FogChamp xbSwag xbLit !opggs make a tilt proof emote foggedDrillSergeant since you are always coaching and drilling scrubs like me GiovannYi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Merry Christmas :flustered: GiovannYi's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @ chat why is TF playing other champs on the challenge account !? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @ehNap We have commands for that Uhm, nah, I can do voice I can do voice how much LP per win is he getting? im not gonna chicken out !challenge @Nozzomi_ You can do it dw I'll talk $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @Nozzomi_ ayy you can do it no worries nozzomi we all chill here <3 You'll do great voyHEART @Nozzomi_ Don't worry man. Just start out by saying hello to fogged and chat @nightbot rank? ^^^ actually thats not bad because either you didnt have to pay for debt or you got refill @QeRasT nozzomi <3 !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) no one will judge you I'll make sure! <3 @Nozzomi_ I might as well say it here @foggedftw2 Drill sergeant tryndamere W will play quotes from Full metal jacket @foggedftw2 do you have a rune guide for different matchups on Trynd? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: you got it man! i wanna do a coaching session but im afraid hes gonna shit on me @ehNap yeah, he was annoyed by the target bans and queue times to play trynd, so i think they made a new deal. Not sure how it is now, but earlier he said he would still gift fogged 500 subs if he won, and get "nothing" in return if he won ty @foggedftw2 do you think rengar is the best jungler to learn if u want to 1v9 in the jungle?.. Check out my new merch! @RaidBossChad Its constructive criticism @foggedftw2 FoggedCoach emote. Tryndamere with a whistle. !newbuild @RaidBossChad fogged is very passionate when he coaches but he's definitely aimed to be constructive criticism IS fogged a 420 user. WeedPOG whats happening Pick out a game and go watch it Ashunt subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! Two more days until I can renew with Prime... @MegaSpiceHero you spelled Kha'zix wrong Ashunt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! how about a snowman emote same @RaidBossChad 1v9 season 10 jg gl mate @foggedftw2 I'm transgender, MtF, but I haven't done hormone therapy, so I don't sound like it. rengar and kha @acid_membrane khasix !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor id recommend hec especially in low elo, easy champ and very versatile Do I take conqueror or lethal tempo on trynda? @foggedftw2 What is your opinion on locked camera? from bronze to plat yi is super good just play karthus KEKW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !followage from there lee rengar Ashunt has been following foggedftw2 for 3 years, 1 week, 1 day, 4 hours, 53 minutes, 41 seconds kha Can we get a Tryndamere with a foggedYoda in a backpack? Drill sargent fogged Pog which runes do you suggest for tryn jg atm.? @foggedftw2 Twitch chat make sure you spam the next guy with friend requests How do you 1v9 a game against Darius or Urgot? Do you look for roams etc? sultan trynd emote? with a really big hat like the one you wore !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP just say spacebar !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 favorite runes? !opggs Pog locked camera full zoom is best 25 games to catchup @foggedftw2 EZ life thoughts on tfblade's trynd build? @foggedftw2 !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @permabannedinhashchat23 don't forget to click your spell icons !stats foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Do you ever pick runes based on the whole team matchup or just the lane matchup? your guide doesn't cover tryn jg, which runes would you take in the jg? @foggedftw2 !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 Do you have a favourite keysyone? Predator for example TFBlade again is picking ryze cuz trynd is banned Keepo tf blade not dodging again and playing ryze What runes do you use against Garen now? TF BLADE IS PLAYING RYZE laning vs Garen now, got no idea as how to build as Trynda @foggedftw2 hardest lane for trynd @Acid_Membrane already doing that so i can map mastery emote to every key on my keyboard Kappa Do you only coach tryndamere Wasn't it postponed? Omg omg omg TFBlade is picking Ryze. Twitch chat blows up TF is playing ryze !skin Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant but if you did, which runes would you take? :) @foggedftw2 @drizner23 he coaches all roles all champs when do the Christmas skins come out? @foggedftw2 do you care that tf blade goes ryze/jax/irelia when u are doing a trynd only challenge????? blade pussied out KEKW tf blade drank water @Baardmatsko the garen might rush tabi's > wardens, in which case just split push and cause pressure in side lanes !sultan Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! music always so chill ratirlBilly when do you take ghost over tp? match ups where you dont get destroyed early? Karasmai! @KarasMai Hi! How is it that people can figure out what the original challenge is but have no clue when the entirety of the rules change? tf blade playing Ryze rn gragas yasuo bot graves jg skarner top gragASS gachiBASS @permabannedinhashchat23 wow Challenger players really are on another level skarner top hype @Nozzomi_ that's a solid idea thanks skarner top BLADE is playing ryze xd Merthos??? Pog wait the bet if off? @foggedftw2 !opggs could be a skarner top as well anyone that can tell me why he only plays with that skin? sjowSmileyface !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king graf yas bot, fizz mid, graves top i thnik maybe a skarner top @papacarv yes he is allowed to player secondary cuz he pussied out !skins Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant 3 junglers 2 mid laners on one team LULW pog MERTHOS POGGERS yas gragas bot @KarasMai when are you getting a new pillow man yasuo? He just needs to remember who is nicer getting back lp for him haha Literally half that team could go top grag yas botlane skarner top Graves top someone in all stars said the skarner top is viable Skarner top grag mid Yasuo top @Baardmatsko if ur up against most bruisers and they rush tabi's > wardens or tabis > bramble, just side lane most of the time unless ur way ahead graves top i bet If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! support gragas adc yas @foggedftw2 TFBlades is cheating. He’s playing ryze right now Yasuo graças - bot there's a one trick skarner top good luck with your challenge, we all got your back @foggedftw2 trkHeart !whyjax with ardent censer Gragas top will fart on you oop pog merthos @esa_akame thanks for the info. permashield Turkstyx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months! I'm thirty! Pog Who's dun? Turkstyx's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! why is tfblade playing ryze gragas supp no? that skarner skin needs a make up LUL is that the viktor player dun? blade playing ryze cos trynd banned cmonbruh @frosty_june trynd got banned dun is viktor otp heya guys o7 @foggedftw2 TF not playing Trynd anymore, is the chal´lenge done? Skarner is capt flowers auto filled again Never seen skarner top thought its a dodge if tryn is banned Pog Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @foggedftw2 is warring kingdom trynd good? Hi Boomer @Nozzomi_ cheers, gonna try now @Turkstyx officially a boomer KEKW I'm boomer now PepeHands 3 more years till i'm a boomer irl hello :) @KetsuekiTsukiLP monkaS AYY masters HYPERS @Mirardt how are you on this fine day? ^^ @Turkstyx Ok boomer Turkstyx boomer isnt an age, its the period you were born in boomer is a mindset hence zoomers @I_SICK_DUCKS oh thanks man. Totally didn't know that. Thanks for teaching me /s holy fuck Boomer is a way of life MERTH OMEGALUL S hey @foggedftw2 , pls tell me when and wht u take conquor lol} O_o !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? so that means I can go skarner top? POGGERS Nice POGSLIDE 4069? skarner main Pog gachiBASS 69 Kreygasm !opggs Nice wowzers !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king 15gold gg +15g easy money 4 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL , OMEGALUL 69 KappaPride Games izi gold foggedYoda 4069 games in s9??? skarner top wtf Wait merthos POG I did that wrong 4 OMEGALUL 69 KappaPride Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! POGSLIDE I kinda respect people putting so much effort onto lame champs lol !king 4069 games?? Somebodys on government welfare jhin is boomer how dare him to call skarner boring rooWut is that the no1 skarner in NA ? hey @foggedftw2 , pls tell me when and wht u take conquor? Check out my new merch! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !king I hate when that happens LULW Darius can only kill you if you overcommit? Don't agree !bet who's enemy jung? skarner post 6 makes for easy ganks !champions foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP that is a weird 2 champ combo lol I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Depends on who you want to improve on. Theres being Good at one champ and okay at another or good at 2 champs hey @foggedftw2 , pls tell me when and wht u take conquor..?! foggedWurf graves jungle @housssw4 !builds normally a ton of people will say drop GP unless you are D1-masters wow that skarner is dodging his spin damage why dorans? @housssw4 I take conq in tank matchups and darius. lifesteal? Blade has played 17 games without tryndamere OMEGALUL KEKW trynd only btw !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET if he's cheating is he losing how do you play against a nasus why she flash lmao I like GP alot though When do you go lethal can conq LULW graves isn't gonna one shot her Vs** I get frequent advice from the GP mains discord skarner tough !uptime 4 hours 45 minutes 24 seconds Check out my new merch! I think you got scammed of 500 subs KEKW 16 games played on other champs than trynd on trynd only challenge NotLikeThis nice exceptions i thought the challenge was moved? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW to next year? @Nozzomi_ switch to GP main instead of secondary if you want to improve on the champ more foggedWurf gp has a high skill ceiling Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups ahh I see it got changed yeah i think they're gonna do the challenge on EU !whytrynd !whynotrynd Doing a challenge for myself to prove that I can get high elo without my one trick. Will still play tryndamere on other accounts @CampinCarl7 GP is one of the hardest champs in the game micro wise in general laning and such, GP and illaoi are about the same, im mostly better at MU knowledge on illaoi !king !donate !challenge All donations are greatly appreciated and amounts over 5 dollars will trigger text to speech, all donations will be read If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @esa_akame agreed. it's literally an entire minigame with his fucking kit Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! no ult Pog he got no chills how can i see tf opgg !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) :| Oof, the three man gank i love getting 3 manned Fiora? LUL The only way they can kill ya is to three man you. SKARNER TOP IS SO OP skarner is smurfing Pog skarner meta Pog How tf blade is playing diff champs @foggedftw2 jeesh, TF blade is already 21 wins higher? :O @Sonatedaqui tf blade is "spin spin spLn" is sanguine blade good on trynda? I saw some people use it. !opggs @Ekke325 Same gachiGASM !challenge @ButtonzLive If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 would skarner lose if he had conqueror? @ammm05 it was, then it got hotfixed @ammm05 not really after nerfs I hate skarner top so much clapped @Nozzomi_ switch to maining GP if you want to improve you need to learn how to manipulate lane with GP and win difficult matchups such as ryze lucian plus teamfighting with him needs a ton of attention damn TF O.o KEKW @ammm05 Its create if your not agaisnt full tank and your ahead. foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP outskarnerd LUL the egendary skarner top Pog free sub foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS wtf im skraner main now He ulted you well before you ulted last time. preds monkaW Do you think top lane is in a good spot right now? great* he flashey this guy makes skarner top look fun grandmaster? :o skarner broke ff ssjNUUU ssjDed Why don’t timat shove in and jungle camp !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 70 LP wow. skarner beating fogged this is intense !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @scoobusdoobus he got three man dove under tower LOL What Elo is this Master @jerryman01 Masters iron 3 52 lp !king Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! no boots ? @Tomat0plane my rank PogChamp Kk thanks Hmm no tenacity seems questionable to me. who scales better? skarner or trynd? more like to get that fat 15 ff LUL !ranks Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) !king what does that crystal you grabbed do? @foggedftw2 im gonna be playing some saints row while I wait, i'll have twitch mobile up! $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @El_Chrome skarner passive what elo is tf blade ? Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) @El_Chrome it's for skarner, if skarner has control of it, he gains some stats, but u can put it in ur control oh okay thanks @esa_akame ohh i see thanks @Nozzomi_ skarner popping off LOL Oh you got that jungle :) skarner so fast WTF !opggs boots :( !skill rare match up this guy jesus christ Check out my new merch! @El_Chrome he gains like, MS, Attack Speed, Mana Regen oh lol ive never seen skarner top is that captain flowers? PogChamp Can you ult while skarner has a hold of you? Hmm... dat kidnap Surpressed yes Nidalee bad jg actualy That would suck if you couldn't I know Skarner shits on Yi how do u rank to challenger? people in grandmaster has like 900lp and is not in challe you can ult under any circumistance except stasis !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here wtf is that ms @foggedftw2 What happened? Why are u so behind tf? icic why did automod jail me monkaS Holy shit open LUL wtf lmao damn tough game This Skarner is God How cacn Scarner kite so easily? !build skarnar KEKW Dude he is Steamrolling u rn @foggedftw2 What happened? Why are u so behind tf? rakan 4 Kills.... Such a boring champ skarner is @PacifistPlayer he hard counters trynd with every spell Skarner POG LMFAO yikes @pacifistplayer fogged had no boots, skarner boots 2 and his w @SgpFubar he has 26 more games than fogged does consen2 "Not even gonna bother typing" * types* Of course tf blade is goign to be ahead what's the cmd for the match up spreadsheet? Dont think I've ever seen fogged with so little cs at 15 might be noob question but i've never seen that scorp champ which one is that? is this the skarner otp? did i miss some hard stomp? tfblade bad fogged good skarner my new main bro foggedSpin did he choose skarner top just to counter you or is it reallyl a thing? lol losing 2 skarner! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP skarner has been playing well but has also had pressure from jung and mid fiora went + ultraaa kekw !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @EmmyLeeC 26 more wins not just games, WINS This mid LUL please report her They buffed skarner? Fiora “not gonna even bother typing”. Yet bothers to type something unclear ty Fogged: Master 70 LP (80-22) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) is there any cc you can do against him? !KING HERALD GONNA EXPIRE im billion percent sure @EmmyLeeC Is fogged having any trouble? Not normal to play so little xD herald gone KEKW if you had lethal tempo @El_Chrome its skarner top otp @foggedftw2 herald expiring Check out my new merch! rip harald UR RIFT foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP get shutdown on skarner and graves, get back in game @zamanilol he's also playign other champs with 0 wait between queue and showing champ select so trynd is getting banned @Negash -> What? Did you think I was gone forever? [stop posting links] [warning] of course he's going to climb faster wth op @foggedftw2 mayb3 swap with fiora? she might be able to sidelane vs skarner fogged is dodging when they ban trynd #bringbackpromote he had 3 dodges this mornign @El_Chrome its legit check his op gg who the hell plays skarner top in 2019 !doc @EmmyLeeC ur argument is invalid, he has more games on tryndamere and he still has more WIN RATE @foggedftw2 i had to play against merthos in clash as a d4 player, feelsbadman that guy plays !opggs nidale jungle KEKW skarner !matchups @EmmyLeeC thats going to happen when ur a 1 trick and dont hide q, Ok fanboy :) @zamanilol Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: dude i forgot skarner exist Pog POG 100 100 POGSLIDE Pog he has like 4k skarner games doesnt he who plays skarner now Pog pog foggedFOGGERS @Aco287 foggedFOGGERS PogChamp !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @EmmyLeeC i am not even his fan, stating facts :l i never did like the bounty system !opgg foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Skarner is like jumpscare from horror movie 100 dollars and still calm and collective PogChamp !king foggedW foggedW foggedW rakan doesn't know pepeLaugh conqu build and runes? Yeah 14.3% of tfblades are without trynda xd @chosen18 number one skarner plays skarner. Prob the only one, hence being number one pay fiora money to make her stop inting, get back in game dragged into the darkness LUL monkaS new ban? Kappa !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: skarner 2 v 1 LUL pointless to keep playing this game would armour pen not be good here @foggedftw2 NotLikeThis redbuff slow ff? Graves great champ tbh ban nidalee instead... i've yet to see a nid on fogges team that has been useful The only person with kills is the supp. and jungle. damn... enemy jungler rotation was just too on point i've yet to see a nid that's been useful* fkin scorpion Graves can get more armor than skarner LUL why would tfblade play other champs when tryn is banned how is that rank 1 tryndamere competition then thats more like rank 1 with trynadamere + whatever else @CampinCarl7 aight, i'll give you that one god damn scorpion armor pene just for one champion is stupid @HeMayn banning out a champ on your team rather than a champ that causes you problems is some bronze as fuck shit dude. Actual Immeasurably jungle difference jungle diff. Imagine walking mid int feeding buff early, and then complaining while you failt to impact a single lane as nid @frosty_june It isn't scorpions is truly toxic against trynda :S !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW @frosty_june @frosty_june can't expect him to dodge every time he gets sniped ! buy rageblade I’ve seen faker playing nidalee, that seemed useful so much cc Lmao he can't do shit jesus what a cc nightmare mid fiora is a dodge lol can't move KEKW LUL @vvvish1705 i mean, fogged does @frosty_june because idiot stream snipe and ban trynda man with stick vs giant magic scoprion obv who win Yikes, ff he takes legit 0 dmg from you now mercs If this happen to blade pretty sure that all the chat gonna flame him but not his jg tbh tbh tfblade is solo q king over you pressed yes why essence reaver? damn is that the skarner main with 3 million mastery points? rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Does rageblade synergize with trynd rage Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Fiora is a counter to fizz just an unlucky one I guess ! @2nd_page_of_google_search sroPenguin ye idk why yall didnt switch top/mid @SwatKats I agree, but these useless nidalee's are getting out of hand. report that bitch? Actual Immeasurably jungle difference jungle diff. Imagine walking mid int feeding buff early, and then complaining while you failt to impact a single lane as nid fiora better against skaner with her w and trynd beats fizz when are you going to update the doc with the new conqueror ? @foggedftw2 dude i want to be a tiltproof man like you. what should i do :/ 80-23 @hossxxox foggedBird @foggedftw2 you are the only lol streamer I watch who doesn't use color blind mode. !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king ya not your fault my guy i was just stating in general you tried on to the next is top skarner the trynd counter? Unfortunate Jesus this guy has been doing 70 games of Skarner TOP :( I love it Twitch chat: somebody in the game has CC, go merc treads !king Actually insane how garbage that nid was 4070 GAMES Skarner Check out my new merch! @iTheLefty take the game way less seriously. can you afford to go tenacity rune against that much cc? when are you going to update the matchups with the new conqueror ? @foggedftw2 I think tenacity instead of alacrity would have helped a little there? @foggedftw2 @ithelefty fogged is a peyote user !why @foggedftw2 are you not hiding client and not doing that coaching? why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? nvm that client thing you hid it as i asked Omnistone tryn time? @foggedftw2 what's your thought of Nidalee as a jungler these days? hey That fiora literally just inted because you where in the game !opggs Skarner/Nasus now my go to Tryn counters. Looked brutal !opggs Graves just totally boddied that nid tbh hi fogged! !whynotadc @foggedftw2 are you able to coach an echo jungle player? do you think its okay that tfblade plays different champs so much ? @foggedftw2 how come TF is playing ryze ? why no taco 4 breakfast?? !why not adc why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? oooh update win loss I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW do you coach live? @foggedftw2 if you had lethal tempo u would win against skarner? @Loudfist @Zongo16 thats what i do exactly like shit happens but suddenly i forgot everything than i get angry Dunno what fiora could do tbh nid walked into her land and int fed a red early !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET what happens if u have to dodge every promo cause of snipers ? u have second pics ? !opgg !elo FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king KingOfTryndamere is Master 57 LP gonna update spreadsheet change skarner match up from easy to hard? why does fogged not have to pay t blade anything if he loses wait so tfblade get to play other champs if trynd is banned but not fogged ? !king fogged gets to masters in 2 weeks and it took me 5 months to get to masters KEKW He played fiora because its a counter to fizz @foggedftw2 who would you suggest to play when someone takes my trynd? like hwo counters him? @iTheLefty what helped for me years ago was just realizing that not all games are winnable, when it's real bad I just mute everyone and finish the game. what lp is tfblade? @sweetberrygirl because fogged isnt playing other champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups i though challenge was trynda only why hes playing ryze @foggedftw2 @imherrman lol. Might need to update that skarner matchup @Yakemae look at @hossxxox yes, it's dumb just got that unlucky nid inting his enemy a red twice !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW that was the master skarner one trick with 4 million mastery points @blender0807 u can't never compare streamers fogged has a built community blade working out with what he has being a really good mechanical player !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @hossxxox it's not like fogged can play any other champ than trynd as well anyway !challange he played fiora because he doesn't care about winning once his viktor is banned @EmmyLeeC but why wpuld you make abet if you cant winanything @foggedftw2 are you able to coach an echo jungle player? @foggedftw2 then why did you say in game chat "skarner counters trynd" do you stream your coaching? @cutie_eboy someone lie to u :| !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! PepePls @cutie_eboy yeah but then he have to dodge which is worse imo if somone know about the bet and ban trynd everytime !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 57 LP I’ve been having trouble with the akali and Darius matchup with Tryndamere. Any suggestions? @sweetberrygirl you realize that both channels got a HUGE influx of viewers from the challenge and generated WAY more than 2500, they both gained money regardless of outcome. @Zongo16 yea you are right this is what i do recently How boring do you find the ornn matchup? @foggedftw2 !king !king why has tfblade played other champs like 20 games?? @foggedftw2 @sweetberrygirl well originally when tf blade made the bet he said trynd only then he didnt take the precautions to keep from getting target banned and got tired of dodging and then asked for secondary champ in promos then asked for secondary champ all together. whats the best way to comeback if u hard lose lane? @foggedftw2 @hossxxox i completely agree that this is unfair to fogged if it's about climbing with trynd only Every matchup that tries to go tank against Tryn is boring imo. Maybe a feed tryndamere emote? Kinda like this buy for trynd Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 do u know whats up with boxerpete blade can play other champs if tryn is banned 420 blaze it lol @iTheLefty you can also disable team and allied chat as well and just rely on pings. It's actually pretty soothing and makes you type less @hossxxox but to be fair tfblade has a higher winrate in trynd right now with more games played @cutie_eboy also pretty sure fogged played the game for too long that i think he can be decent in other picks !opggs Hello @Zongo16 so what, has nothing to do with a bet, its just like a fake beef? build! Just asking cause I played into it twice last night in clash. Won both games, but man, he played so safe @EmmyLeeC makes sence then ur score is insane TFblade champ pool in this challenge bigger than most players @hossxxox fogged said himself that his other champs are just not as good as his trynd @sweetberrygirl there's no beef !ranks Fogged: Master 57 LP (80-23) | TFBlade: Master 224 LP (101-26) If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! foggedYoda WIN NEXT GAME HYPE foggedYoda !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW God chat is full on Pepega today !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @EmmyLeeC its tf blade if games won't go has he thinks beside tilt he will be malding then he cares too much about chat sometimes and affect him some1 was playing ryze game wooOOoOoo welcome Wooooo sup danny how was clash w/ trick yesterday? !King yo fog, how's it going hello IT'S LIT pog here we go good luck! need to catch up to tfblade now who is winning at the moment you ore tf? hi we doing good yo @foggedftw2 i had to sub prime yesterday while you weren;'t streaming, hey sup my dude HEYA FOGGED how tf you know my name =o my opponent picked tryndamere from me hope u win those promos let's gooooooo hey danny what should I pick to counter that hey why u read everyone's name except mine :/ vayne is good first Kappa hi @eatshietanddiev2 is trynd good against irelia? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] hi :D @teacrisis yes why conquerer? !challange howd you do in clash? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Suuup !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda lifesteal with conq Hello Fog :D Conqueror is better than lethal tempo? challenge still on? The challenge continues !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !matchup Diamond I (Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Tryndamere, Zed) Master (Nautilus, Nunu & Willump, Veigar, Senna, Lee Sin) Grandmaster (Irelia) weak ass gank LUL $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @foggedftw2 For the contest is it dodge if Trynd is banned or play whatever? helloooo tarzPOGGERS it's him !uptime 4 minutes 18 seconds I think TF's familiar but chooses to ignore it xD !opggs @ForgetFreeman play whatever Check out my new merch! @teacrisis repeting is the foundation of knowledge Kappa what did he saykl !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: I like how anal bead is the community accepted name for this item repeating* hello, i just realized someone gifted me sub foggedGasm chat why is he going conq? :) king vs nemesis king, nice XD its good foggedYoda foggedGift @foggedftw2 you have some catching up to do! !opggs conq is good rune !build !ranks CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 56 LP (91-24) @Flexpert_ the conq changes are paying off on trynda as well, e is ticking it also tfblade has 25 games more than fogged i think Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups thanks all at least you only have trynd games Kappöa Kappa i mean he has 115 games played too at least we're not snakes No pinkward? ! !op !ranks Is the wager based on # of games played to challenger or just whoever gets to challenger first? Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 56 LP (91-24) !opgg vs 90 games FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king MactsThundah subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 months pog. Go get these promos Danny! MactsThundah's Sub shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! Finally... Fogged is here, so I can stop watching that cheater. !king @Bland__ highest lp !opggs this was not worth for irelia !uptime 7 minutes 44 seconds Check out my new merch! @bland__ but they're some changes to the challenges just type !challenge !opgss fogged what do you think of trynd jg? !opggs Nunu with the steal... thats what i like to see how come tfblade can play other champs on that acc @kingslayer824 he said before its trash do you mainly use sultan for the animation or just the look of it? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Themightypicklepewb tfblade has admit he cant play trynd consistently so he gave up his right to win thr challenge, he can now play any champion and is scrambling to not lose tfbSNAKE !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !opgss did you meet TFblade in this series already? !rank hello foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Quick Maggs off points KEKW they played on the same team in a game !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] when the challange ends Tfblade just won a literally free game Every Tryndamere main uses Sultan foggedYoda ncssFingergun !king !opggs I personally find the auto animations to be super clean on the default skin, been using it a lot hey whats up fogged? Enemy opened at mon 12 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head !king !king Sup danny lets goooo! I will gift 25 subbs if you make master of this Promo @foggedftw2 whats tfblade's ThisIsFine Hi Fog foggedBird foggedBird !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] XDDDDDD his account name is spin spin spin I think irelia? xd? BabyRage @izmame You gifted me a sub the other day. Thanks FeelsGoodMan Spin Spin Spin Ah the real trynd player is on now :) drunk irelia !king spin spin spLn is the account name You fell behind cause no stream yest. irelia with new conq has been a bit scary for me, but usually smash her midgame !opggs command brings up both whos winning the challenge atm/ How were your clash games((assuming you were gone for clash)) do !opggs TFblade is up 50 LP currently, with 25 more games played tf played a jax game is that allowed? Tabis DansGame !opggs @foggedftw2 TFblade had a very INTeresting game !jax @foggedftw2 clash games today with el truco? !bet @Favore101 tf conceded he cant win and gave up the ability to take the prize, since he conceded he can play any champ na back LUL What rank fogged is in rn? can you beat YASSUO !king Hello d1 bless bless you @robjohnlechmere of so fogged won bless u Bless you @foggedftw2 Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! they give him the win it was open for him 25 more games, does TFblade do anything other than play league LUL !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin @foggedftw2 they opened at 10 the team gave up @foggedftw2 No where the enemy team just all focused top, then opened helo what can be good champs for onetrick on midlane? thanks:) im thinking about FIZZ/TF/ASOUL/LUX It was hilarious !opggs @Favore101 sort of. fogged hasnt won yet, but tf cant win any longer by new rules 11 min. win sure they gave tf a free win lmao @foggedftw2 Enemy leashed herald too @runer_2xc tbh they didnt give up it was 4-9 they open fast Wintrading @foggedftw2 do u think tfblade is the better player overall do always go this build? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) do you play crit ? @robjohnlechmere why cant tfblade win? will the spreadsheat be updated soon? @runer_2xc they love TF so let him win tf blade get 3 free win @foggedftw2 do you think putting some points in w vs fast champs is good ? sorry, haven't been keeping up. Why is tf blade allowed to play other champs? @foggedftw2 but if he conceeded and it was a 1v1, isn't it over? Check out my new merch! @minasparalia im sure he can but poor guy need to rebuild his stacks before losing again... or wait, he did beat tyler... next challange vs moe, who gets masterw own otps? :D of course they do Do you think if you fought moe 1v1 do you think you would win !challenge @arab11 tfblade came to fogged and said he cant pick trynd, so tfblade gave up his chance at the prize. If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Good afternoon Danny how was your coaching session? @arab11 can i ask you something bro ? he played like 20 games more than you @foggedftw2 i think people say wintrade way too much, i've seen people try to claim it in silver gold and plat LUL Well I just caught people wintrading today, like actually @danster_ both can play other champs in promos if trynd is banned naut KS KEKW right now some ppl might be to boost lp for tcs When will new season start LULW @foggedftw2 do you think putting some points in w vs fast champs is good ? @alijr93 sure Reported them to the support and they got handled. But's it's in EUW !opggs they're just getting better at pretending it's not a wintrade and acting like they're bad or "trolling," they're getting better at wintrading and people just dismiss it as something else when it's just wintrading @arab11 you from ? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here speed doesnt deal damage @alijr93 brazil do you coach on stream? I guess some are boosting mmr or something nasus pog ultimate late game carry ohhh so its a one sides bet now @Shrekenberg maybe if u play hecarim @foggedftw2 Never understood the whole idea of coaching @Caedesss not just in promo any longer, tfblade can pick anything if trynd in banned in any game you're a wintrader, you're a wintrader, everybody's a wintrader !king gg wp ! :D fogged is the better tryd dylanreddit: Do you think if you fought moe 1v1 do you think you would win thought this was my stream for a second @arab11 nice to meet you bro , its like i ready your name Arab I though you from some country in middl east pretty sure no one wintrades below masters Fogged love you bro! Love seeing you and trock3j play together @robjohnlechmere oh, so the challenge is pointless now :/ I've only watched this stream and the youtube videos since this week and already improved so much with Tryndamere it's insane, thanks! :) @arab11 I'm myself from Kuwait xD what elo is this? @alijr93 not quite the case, it d1-masters !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @WayOfTheTempest LUL what kind of challenge ? long time no see foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 do you think putting some points in w vs fast champs is good ? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !rules Dont insult any viewers or mods. If you have any questions then ask a mod or fogged. Keep the chat in English only, you will be given a warning if you dont and after that a timeout. Also feel free to ask anything league related things. @alijr93 not quite the case, it's just that I managed to get "Arab" name in league which is like ogish and I figured I should change my twitch name too i was for awhile but visiting gf atm @arab11 who do you love more Neymar or Pele xDDDD !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks @linceviet -> The bot commands for this channel are available at you literally took the entire enemy top jungle LUL @meropatio E is better for that streamed a bit last night tho is the bet first to chall? !rank @foggedftw2 For league... i mean you can gather all that information just by watching streams or proplays if you try some reverse logic on why do this that etc... KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @foggedftw2 lets goo!!! if you get masters of this promo I will gift 25 more subs!:D gg! Pepega @arab11 Yeh now i understand KEKW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) KEKW @alijr93 not really into soccer tbh I think Pele > because he a real one and neymer's in it for the fame NA ZED first time in the stream @foggedftw2 love your YouTube videos been wanting to catch you since finding you videos. @foggedftw2 new lethality is so bad that LDR is good if they have any armor at all, LDR second is standard what's the point of this challenge anymore if blade plays other champs in non-promos.. first is a lil spicy Stream tempest wayoftMunch1 normals or ranked to train macro ? !opggs lets go @arab11 Dude Brazill is all love football first time i see someone not like it because blade is still playing tryndamere for most of his games @cngx @foggedftw2 do you think putting some points in w vs fast champs is good ? @cngx not much, really. tfblade was a poor sport and basically ruined the challenge. !challenge Check out my new merch! If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @arab11 we say even they bad player in Brazill better than a good player in another country lol what was that cage KEKW @foggedftw2 Hey!! love your youtube vids sorry i dont watch stream got high school! hope you read this. If opponent even rushes one armor item LDR is Best Buy i havent seen a glacial veigar go positive in so long caesay subscribed with Twitch Prime. @alijr93 I wish hahaha, I don't think brazi; caesay's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! How does gifted subs work in my opinion, fogged is too polite to not call him on this @cngx the actual challenge will be rescheduled in May (for the moment) and probably in EUW ignite yikes lee sin flash zed ignite Lol veigar should have burst the heck out of trynd lee sin flash @trihard_from_oceania yup @foggedftw2 conq vs irelia better? @foggedftw2 what are the rules for the challenge? @alijr93 I wish hahaha, I don't think brazil's that good at soccer anymore. @arab11 anyway dude nice to meet you wish the best for you >3 what is the challenge !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW how does coach scheduling work? @foggedftw2 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Is there a way to prevent twitch chat from popping back to the bottom when i try to scroll up? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 the lord dominic's killed u :D reading hard kekw How do gifted subs work It's not very gold efficient, and items like Duskblade are much better since having Armor pen without raw AD isn't worth @foggedftw2 What is it like being a poppy butt head? roasted Do you run conq or tempo? strange, when i t yped that command i got a twitter post lol !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. tempo i think Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @meropatio many people ask that question E is better @cngx and Fogged gained visiblity from this anyway so he's not loosing anything by continuing this downgraded challenge hmm LUL TF blade chickened out This is some good Nunu @foggedftw2 Stolen 2 drakes eh fogged still wins out on the challenge either way he wins he gets 2500 he losses he gets akk this free exosure Looks like an auto fill veigar. he probably heard you talk shit about his buy so he wanted to kill you LUL @foggedftw2 i'm taking a goood ole league break for atleast a month but i don't mind watching u xd exposure* maybe he is expirementing in preseason? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Do you run tempo at all or just conq? @foggedftw2 prolly trying to match nunu ... as zed ... maybe... IDK Man onideum subscribed with Twitch Prime. onideum's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! can I pay my rent in exposure? think dusk > lord dom is always the play @JocNitro not an ideal fix but if you use frankerfacez and open the control panel, go to chat > behavior > pause chat scrolling Rauminstinct yea, and to be honest, we both know who the better Trynd is anyway :) jng trynd is better now yea? @foggedftw2 Hey bro how old are you? if anyone really thinks this competition is for the 2.5k prize money you're stupid or is that what titty streamers get banned for? KEKW LDR is not that worse compared to Duskblade it’s either overkill or you’re not gonna get close to killing !bet this is all for clout !bet @trinketda59 Yeah its solid. Im climbing with it tbh @jdbutterbaugh lethal is for better laning phase, conq for scaling wow same Rip Juice wrld lord doms is probably fine as 2nd item and up foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @cngx I agree on that when do u take conqueror? boomer XD how is the conquerors damage better than the huge amount of atack speed u get from lethal tempo??? @foggedftw2 ok thanks bro gl in life @Shrekenberg What the hell is frankerfaces? :D ok boomer 1st seems questionalbe since it doesnt provide cdr or other utility @trihard_from_oceania You need raw AD for armor pen to be effective, it's why AD's take lord doms after 3 items, and why most assassins that need pen go LDR 3rd item. whats your favorite guilty pleasure tv show? conq heals and adds ad what happened to rageblade on trynd? Ok zoomer you seem to favor tiamat first over essence reaver more this season what's the reason? !bet @Blueberrypiie ty R when do u pick lethal tempo, conq or fleet? is bet done now? wtf Veigar used R too free baron Ludastian subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Keep it up my dude from like...everyoneXDD Ludastian's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! veigar r too The brute squad showed up zed ?????? veigar r HahaDoge !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Always tiamat rush? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Apparently one Tryndamere was more important than baron lul !elo Zed ultimate lole @JocNitro addon available on most browsers, it's the thing people use to type emotes that arent on twitch and you can customize alot with it who's the best jungler in NA and why is it tarzaned? Bghbgh123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Bghbgh123's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! thats gone i believe thye removed that @brandoov3 hes a clown KEKW tarzaned KEKW removed gone zed best macro Pog! they removed that buff @foggedftw2 how do you chose when to go tiamat and when not? hey chat, who won the bet? shouldve ignited him he ignited you earlier @quote_if_triggered_lul :) has he faced tfblade in a match yet? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Its still going but has changed a couple times now\ @Buckram bet is till year end, but tfblade has backed out of being able to win @foggedftw2 can you get matched vs tfblade if he plays jax? AlexisLrs subscribed with Twitch Prime. AlexisLrs's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opggs @foggedftw2 how do you chose when to go tiamat and when not? Allright, thanks @Shrekenberg I'll check it out. foggedBird It's honestly so annoying Who is winning the bet atm? !tiamat Tiamat gives Trynd a stronger early game powerspike, typically better than Zeal rush !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !opggs Trynda Never Group? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Is it actually trynd only ? I've seen blade on Jax KEKW TF is ahead but has a whole day of games ahead of Fogged PowerUpL HahaSnowhal PowerUpR @JocNitro adding on to the emote part, you should also look into betterttv, an addon that purely allows other emotes @Kevink12345 most of the time you want to split @kappapuraido they get target banned @Kunzzi TF blaade by quite a bit @tronicto -> How embarrassing! [stop posting links] [warning] @Kunzzi So its like trynd only if open otherwise u pick whatever ? I won clash WOOOOOOOW wazaaaaaaap @kappapuraido tf disqualified himself and wont be paid even if he "wins" but he is no longer bound to trynd only !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out my new merch! AkiioSenpai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! AkiioSenpai's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Why is 'hi dad' banned? Runes plz Cloud soul so OP. did u get matched vs tf blade in this bet ? !uptime 25 minutes 8 seconds Hello everyone GGs @robjohnlechmere Wait actually ? !opggs Kreygasm hi dad 72-19 niceezuu ! because he played not only trynd I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !ranks You seem to favor tiamat first over essence reaver this season what's the reason? this song slaps Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) ME WIZARD SMOrc tf already master monkaMEGA monkaMEGA Pog \ song name? !tiamat Tiamat gives Trynd a stronger early game powerspike, typically better than Zeal rush !cheater unranked to master in under 100 games Kappa !opggs !song !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 why do i feel that you have the same skills in team and in enemy as i have (im silver)... cause you are as confident against them as me or the skillcap is not as high as i thought, only we have worse macro? @foggedftw2 I’m getting worried @kappapuraido yeah, about 4 days ago tfblade picked irelia on a trynd ban rather than dodge. fogged called him on it and tfblade explained he wont dodge on trynd bans, but that fogged doesnt have to pay if he loses the bet. so tf disqualified himself What is the song name? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] !music Fogged doesn't normally play music while gaming. If you really want music, consider playing it on your end or utilizing the music bot in the discord channel! what is the challenge? who hits challenger first? beat tf blade !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW man feggftw2, these are some good jams bro !challenge @robjohnlechmere KEKW why do they keep going on the whole point is dead Umm On top lane what RunesKeystone do you have? !doge ░░░░░░░▐█▀█▄░░░░░░░░░░▄█▀█▌ ░░░░░░░█▐▓░█▄░░░░░░░▄█▀▄▓▐█ ░░░░░░░█▐▓▓░████▄▄▄█▀▄▓▓▓▌█ ░░░░░▄█▌▀▄▓▓▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▓▓▓▓▓▌█ ░░░▄█▀▀▄▓█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▀░▓▌█ ░░█▀▄▓▓▓███▓▓▓███▓▓▓▄░░▄▓▐█▌ ░█▌▓▓▓▀▀▓▓▓▓███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▀▓▓▐█ ▐█▐██▐░▄▓▓▓▓▓▀▄░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌█▌ █▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ █▐█▓▀░░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓██████▓▓▓▓▐█▌ ▓▄▌▀░▀░▐▀█▄▓▓██████████▓▓▓▌█ @RichiemanHUN because you're silver and don't realize all that is going on in the game, jungle pathing, etc. !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @kappapuraido tfblade wants to play it out to weasel out of paying dogePls w HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge @foggedftw2 build vs poppy with taby and thormail rush? lmao DogePls @NightStarGhost hes litteraly talking about it right now... @ForgetFreeman seems legit :) HahaDoge !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine @robjohnlechmere KEKW AYAAA tfblade 116 games played, fogged 91 games layed :O foggedYoda IceCold !ranks @foggedftw2 build vs poppy with taby and thormail rush? lmaoo Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) what does 500 gifted subs cost? @Bghbgh123 $2500 $2500 @foggedftw2 do you update your trynd spreadsheet? @robjohnlechmere I mean if u cheat u lose and pay tbh even if he wins its not legit KEKW IceCold 2.5K Doolars @foggedftw2 have u got matched vs tf blade in this bet ? !opggs @foggedftw2 build vs poppy with taby and thormail rush??? Pepega IceCold Check out my new merch! but fogged is better than tf blade !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] wait so what is the criteria for win, first to challenger or whoever is closer to rank 1 by the end of the challenge? @foggedftw2 You gonna update the spreadsheet? @foggedftw2 build vs poppy with taby and thormail rush?? @foggedftw2 what's the song Hello fogged which champions can 1v1 tryndamere late game? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW and whats the situation for BRK? what rune would u take against fiora atm? @foggedftw2 Have you updated your EXCEL sheet for all the NEW champ Matchups? but it seems like meta wise tiamat is better in more situations, or at least the more common situations @Potatoes_Fries Based on... ? !why spreadsheet update coming after s10 settles why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? this song is so good makes sense I appreciate it good sir. Yeah it looks like your selection is varied, it just seems when I tune it in it seems you have tiamat a lot, just coincidence/chance of when I'm watching I suppose. @foggedftw2 so what happenned to the challenge? play i just watch his stream @tevoychuparelburroo tiamat and build to kill the squishies Hey dude @foggedftw2 Thank you for answering why is TF blade playing other champs than tryn? !uptime 29 minutes 42 seconds ! fogged is much better so tf is basically like 3 wins ahead of you in terms of lp? @tevoychuparelburroo you cant win against poppy so focus on kill others HeyGuys @foggedftw2 Ever hail of blades? i literally spam 5 msg , and that guy have a answer with just 1 msg lmao tf blade is malding so hard rn KEKW hes typing 10 words per second to his jg AYAYA how much are you getting 30lp per win? what's tfblade score ? what rune to run in jng trynd? I love everything you do man keep up the great work and I know you can when your challenge man You mean by the end of the year Kappa @foggedftw2 you a tits man or an ass man? AYAYA !opggs @abulhassan02 heres both opggs which champs can 1 v1 tryndamere late game? !opggs @foggedftw2 he has 116 games layed, you have 92 but he plays jax in promos too much imo !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW thanks man @foggedftw2 are u 100% sure ur gonna beat tfblade or do u think he has a chance to win @foggedftw2 he did play a bunch yesterday u had a 2 day break? !opggs @foggedftw2 hey dude what is the best strat to go trynda vs rene? lol tfblade changed the challenge and backed out because he was losing. #norespectfortfblade I thought he already lost because he kept playing JAX in non promo games.... ? @Potatoes_Fries Well, 79-80% winrate, so statwise, they are both really good... !opggs @foggedftw2 he played other Champs though tf blade is 1/5 atm !king @foggedftw2 a noob tryndamere here, when do i take conqueror and when Leathel tempo? :3 !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) !challenge @foggedftw2 Would you ever go hail of blades? @foggedftw2 you look like one of the PE teachers at my high school I take it TFBlade is alone and has no animals, since heøs playing like a machine. Hey Diamond hard stack @foggedftw2 👋 !opggs Orianna WoW tfblade spammes those matches Guystoic subscribed with Twitch Prime. Guystoic's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! asd !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Pederzen64 lethal for better laning phase, conq scaling, or lethal when you know you can all-in Orianna, and TF Blade have a inting Olaf JGL @foggedftw2 I think the craziest thing I've seen in lp terms is like 35 or so oriana ori Who is ahead right now? @foggedftw2 hes losing the 2v2 hard with his jg He is getting too much jungle presure @foggedftw2 hey what is your strat vs rene? i really cant win this lane Kayne onn stop ganking him Hello streamer! :3 tf on jax? shouldnt he be playing only trynd? !opggs @jwesomej3 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW TfBlade playing jax 24/7 hes just bad bad player anklePat pogges Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @foggedftw2 think he fucked up and now is just inting hes not running it down @foggedftw2 Olaf and TF Blade discusses how bad eachother are, and then olaf came and inted midlane @foggedftw2 hes tilted is the word i was looking for tf is fuming hey fogged EU fan here, what time is it now in ur place ? TFBlade was just full of excuses, so the deal changed. TFBlade now has nothing to gain, and fogged has nothing to lose. Why does tf take CDR boots? Why dont you do that? !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 4:30:46 pm I thought TF BLADE stood for TEARS FLOW BLADE queue timer stopped at 4:20 you call anyone an inter lol Check out my new merch! !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @foggedftw2 does tf blade have better macro? @charles3313 tf wants early cdr, fogged have transcendence for that I mean tf could pick anything he wants or just in case trynd is banned? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) does anyone has clip where t1 was hyped about tarzaned baron steal at twich rivals? what are the new rules now that tf blade always plays jax no fogged is a god @mainanalyst thats on purpose, its an overlaid image to prevent queue sniping R.I.P Juice WRLD LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO JULIAN "how does it feel to be angry, ive never been angry" - tf to fogged during conceding call after your challenge TF Blade and Hashinshin should do a challenge to see who can go the longest without flaming yerrrrrrr Juice WRLD PepeHands I just got so baked, and now I'm eating Wendy's, and watching @foggedftw2 , lmao. !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] !opggs foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog PogChamp PogChamp foggedFrog tfbEz time stopped Juice WHO @Nuvm__ ok thanks, thought it was too good for coincidence :P I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here yo if you ever get bored.. we should collab on a playing with bad junglers series @foggedftw2 are you confidant you're gonna catch up to him today ? !rank @cheesezerger lmao Jebaited @imnotabot9000 Show some respect I've never understood that mindset. Some games are shitty, flaming your team only makes it worse i just watch your video in youtube 1 v 9 that was a good game @intact69 its an overlay what about the 45%cdr trynd build? Honestly, I feel like in terms of gameknowledge and theorycrafting fogged is way ahead of tfblade. If fogged went all in on playing anything else than Trynd I feel he would be overall better. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 id be the bad jungler btw please, anyone if have, send me at private, ty TF blade would lose the NO FLAME contest on the first champion Select Jaritoh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! <3 Jaritoh's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @fugitivo that 5% cdr is not worth it over other runes @tylerwikkerson ahh why was he your friend @foggedftw2 u basically go conq against tanks? if yes, why? STRiceGuy subscribed with Twitch Prime. STRiceGuy's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 subtract the lp gained from tf blades non trnd games no problem broski Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups !rank @Jaritoh PogU Kappa KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] yo @foggedftw2 what is ur current rank on challenge act? Thanks for the HahaPoint @striceguy !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king he played jax on Masters thoug that doen't call the bet off? @foggedftw2 Spins never stop Hard stuck bronze @imnotabot9000 The man just died he deserves respect @broculus_ whats good bro. i gotta try to get my plugs in man lol !opggs hi all 10 year quwe? !challenge @theSnitcher If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW if you ever moved to fb or mixer I’d watch u there! !challenge @theSnitcher yes, tfblade conceded he cannot win. he is playing now to NOT LOSE only !king !challenge @theSnitcher Nimbus cloak too good @tylerwikkerson people die everyday nothing new calm down @foggedftw2 subtract the lped gain from non trnd games !tfblade @foggedftw2 Conq against tanks u taking? if so, why? so maybe i'm blinde but what elo/rank are you at the moment I seem to be failing in my efforts of using AP malphite feelsbad why i should buy tiamat inlane ? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !opggs song ? @light829 its not that simple dude, MMR changes too !opggs !tiamat @Chech0 Tiamat gives Trynd a stronger early game powerspike, typically better than Zeal rush WAIT You in queue?? @foggedftw2 s there a point to the spin laugh? and what is the timing/keybindings to do it? what's the song ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Is fogged hardstuck diamond? I think at this point tf is not even trying to avoid been target ban :/ !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin !matchup Diamond II (Leona) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Caitlyn) Master (Sylas, Zac, Olaf, Azir, Ornn) Grandmaster (Heimerdinger, Lee Sin) @wispre_ animation cancel spin/laugh is patched out eyyy welcome @Death8lade no God that gorgeous double chin, I love it. Feels good to be back FOg what about rushing Bilgewater cutlass in to BORK? As tryndamere as first item is troll? hello fogged against tanks though 1 minute Delay or 2? @Death8lade hardstuck 80% winrate, yup !opggs Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 Do you think there should be a hard reset for ranked s10? opinions on fleet and lethal tempo? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 why u go alot of conq lately ?! @foggedftw2 @dhlmgmt 1min good luck easy masters no doubt Heimerdinger Kreygasm k, ty Masters time @sweeelias fleet agaisnt range tops, lethal good for laning phase Why TFBlade play another champions? Deimerhinger how does grand masters promo works? @foggedftw2 Is TFBlade allowed to use your matchup guide? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET this heim is pretty bad saw him in some other streamers games !challenge @AgSalito If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !matchup Diamond II (Leona) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Caitlyn) Master (Sylas, Zac, Olaf, Azir, Ornn) Grandmaster (Heimerdinger, Lee Sin) !rank ran it down KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] when does he take conquerer vs lethal tempo? chat pls advice you kiddos b8ed me i know but that i said is that TFblade played jax in Masters not in promos @foggedftw2 is that ook wi th the bet? LUL !rank If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Ali going to roam all game LUL what would you do if tryn is banned in promos? @foggedftw2 conq is good vs tanks oh lord he's running it down yup terrible GM Heimer and Lee monkaS One more dub like i said oof hmmm good starting more like heimer doing the gatekeeping good start LMFAOOOOO stupid mfer txmaverick85 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! i really hate riot they change zac ult again txmaverick85's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Blueberrypiie Ty! @theSnitcher tfblade can play anything he wants, he disqualified himself and is playing to NOT LOSE only tyler1 LUL @neraoj lethal better laning phase, conq scaling or tanks, lethal is good when you know you can all-in and win !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] KEKW heim 71-19, damn that's the opposite of my winrate xD !opggs @thefactory69 why is it good agaisnt tanks and not lethal? !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 conq? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Read conq I honestly think conquerer is better for laning and Lethal for late @deffctiv3 conq heals and gives bonus a !conq @robjohnlechmere can i have a clip on that in dm please? @Junicavi there is no promo, it just refreshes top 1000 players = grandmaster bonus ad* fogged what happens if tyrndamere gets banned dodge Hi @foggedftw2 and Hi chat You dont rly need lethal late game You will have enough atk speed !king !challenge @theSnitcher its right here in rules If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Thats why conq is better for scaling @afieryfate the reason lethal is good for laning phase is bewcause you can all in and win grasp OP is there a way to mute browser to stream? so only i could hear it but my stream wont? i know it heals but lethal is just stronger overall thats orrn things ornn always does a lot of damage ornn is op typical orn ratirlBusiness ever since he came out @foggedftw2 Orn's a burst tank didn't you know? I was playing akali today and so I got ornn against me , that shits broken @theSnitcher if you read new rules it specifies TF can play anything if trynd is banned but that tf cannot win $2500 payout !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] monkaS did you test the gaming laptop off stream ? @foggedftw2 @deffctiv3 laning phase is always important for trynd to scale now if u get an assist exp lvl 1 u can get lvl 2 on the first wave on a solo lane not sure why he backed off there monkaMEGA because ornn lv1 is broke af @foggedftw2 I was playing akali today and so I got ornn against me , that shits broken is ornn really strong in season 10? lethal is very strong laning phase too !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. and hes building tabis *sigh* Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes ugggggggggggggh wtf monkaW glitch? oh ok @robjohnlechmere ty !conqueror monkaMEGA ""-3.!":##!_€:"#_€;:k ornnnn smaaashh Heeeeeloooo !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] !uptime 42 minutes 31 seconds It happens to me too,who knows the solve of this problem It's not about ping !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king so the new champion sett will be on pbe next week? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 74 LP (92-24) Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! came from tfblade to see a winner stream i won my first clash got a penta with trynd too !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 You should really use the TF strategy of malding... 80% winrate guaranteed 4Head what is command for both opggs @foggedftw2 whens the drunk stream? ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower !opggs @foggedftw2 when will you update ur spreadsheet Trynd guide thing? (the builds) it's such a huge help $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! nice handicap this game @foggedftw2 oh shit for real? @foggedftw2 when do you get conq ? whens caffeine high stream zak supp KEKW gg !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Big respect this bot lane is top quality Who is Winning the bet? @foggedftw2 caffeine high stream op jarito the olaf god @mister_right_ at end of month @thesleepyjo23 <3 Check out my new merch! fogged, why tf blade has 13 games on other champs but tryn ?? AlcOMEGALULhOMEGALUL l hes allowed to !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW they changed the bet @fugetsu_22 why ? !challenge Thank you @wispre_ !opggs isnt that tryn only challange "? wtf why r i hate ornn with all my heart who won the challenge actually? foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @foggedftw2 who is winning the bet? riot hates ornn too !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here tf blade got tilted from target banned @fugetsu_22 I don't drink either. Cool to see that you stay sober @foggedftw2 Do you guys know by any chance when is sett coming to PBE?? PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR no idea !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] rip 500 subs? foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP HELLO who is sett :thinking; whos winning challenge? somebody gifts me a phone skin? pls Id :mcnxxmcn pls don't ban me for spam KEKW foggedRNG tiamat on 1 is objectively correct that item is good against like 4 of your team GM Lee and Heimer btw @foggedftw2 @evilzoorin the new champ after aphelios !opggs @foggedftw2 he is now being carried by the olaf lol nice focus POGGERS foggedFOGGERS SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood wp POGGERS Pof !matchup Pog Diamond II (Leona) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Caitlyn) Master (Sylas, Zac, Olaf, Azir, Ornn) Grandmaster (Heimerdinger, Lee Sin) pogke ornn exit stage left foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda man too angry to die @RayonXX Blade is winning by a bit, but he has 25 extra games played Check out my new merch! and he doesnt play trynd !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. !opggs Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes ANGERY foggedBaby ANGERY foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedProf foggedCorgi foggedBaby foggedPepega foggedFiesta foggedBird foggedDerp foggedDog foggedSMOrc !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] @i8ursoup fogged need 6 wins in a row and he will be even with tf foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt U got this man 3999 Pog foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby i just realised they got alicopter ! !opggs @foggedftw2 When do you get Conq ???? weird he is not roaming top so desperate for a pyke skin Yup, BlessRNG BlessRNG foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups If its trynd or dodge challenge then why tf blade played some jax, irelia, ryze games? almost 3 plates !challenge @Borooowa If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @Borooowa @Borooowa promos Cuz he said it's not fair to dodge in series LUL Thanks guys good point for the promos thing tbh Dont Forget he is in promos every game now MontyTitan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Another win coming. foggedREE foggedREE MontyTitan's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! what rank is tfblade? !king !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) i mean we know tf knows how to use delay and hide his client but for some reason he doesnt want to do it !opggs finally i dont have to watch blade int anymore xd low masters for tf blade Hows the queue times click the link to know rank !opggs !race !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !tf 5Head they have an azir duo though which is really annoying to deal with what is the command for both opggs @foggedftw2 When do you get conq ??? !opggs !opggs !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes rushing BORK as trynd but as first item though in to match ups like renekton-nasus-ornn urgot as well is good idea or not? since they stack armor who is winning the bet rn ? @evilzoorin no Tfblade !matchup @alphaas95 TF Blade has higher lp Diamond II (Leona) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Caitlyn) Master (Sylas, Zac, Olaf, Azir, Ornn) Grandmaster (Heimerdinger, Lee Sin) !bet @foggedftw2 when do you take conq? for now, tf blade because he playing jax, irelia, vlad. How does the bet with tfblade work? !opggs @alphaas95 @foggedftw2 if you have tiamat and 1600 gold, do you get double cloak, bf, or t2 boots? fuck i want fogged to win @foggedftw2 is Tiamat really worth it? LEE KEKW Pog @evilzoorin botrk is good for duels or stick to the target but for armor is better just to go armor pen pog poggers foggedFOGGERS i think it was on cd for the bot play hey @foggedftw2 and chat Lee R is super low CD PowerUpL foggedFOGGERS PowerUpR Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! can you play trynda jungle do you think its good now? PowerUpL KappaDark PowerUpR that bf sword putting in work @CoachVelos he says its terrible mid and jg on enemy team are duo :/ !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 if you have tiamat and 1600 gold, do you get double cloak, bf, or t2 boots? KEKW Check out my new merch! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @slayder28 always t1 boots what is tfblades u using alicopter and body those fools @slayder28 t2* unless the target cant run 1 sec rip @foggedftw2 When do you complete er first over tiamat? pog SPIN SPIN SPIN Is that so hard to type !opgg ? @lildrewski94 spin spin spln so t1boots +bf? it's !opggs @slayder28 depends on matchup if they dont kite you get the double cloak !opggs @lildrewski94 SPIN SPIN SPIN @LucarioWasTaken always !king yes because team gold NA math @slayder28 something like a trundle u can probably get away with double cloak ! ranks is it good to build rageblade on tryndamere? why essencereaver whitout Mana? !wurf It has been wurf 524 times. foggedWurf !ranks I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) !er @mug3l @QuerFro ok ty ty Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. @CoachVelos Very rarely @mug3l 20% cooldown reduction !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !king thanks cait is mid am I watching froggen? @mug3l watch his cooldowns when he auto attacks !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes What runes !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !king olaf vs cait... man oh man that was bad promos ? dat damage , nais She musta forgot @zack_zacky yes D counterjg Ty !king !uptime 56 minutes 40 seconds Zac cant farm KEKW why not max R? @blueberrypiie is it going well so far ? i feel sad for olaf :D !R Level Ult Last - !r !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? as you wish samw @zack_zacky 2-1 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] is the challenge still happening? that it was gonna happen in EU next year !opggs @Blueberrypiie you always in time, damn cuz +1 point on R giv u -1 sec cd , which mean nothing 3Head 3Head How come you don't go guinsoo anymore? @foggedftw2 5Head @foggedftw2 is TFblade cheatin because he is using other champs too? take them to pound town now @blueberrypiie so masters after this one .. ok ty 5Head 5Head zac has nothing, you take everything, i would be so mad !challenge @cLappiundHanK If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @QuerFro i try lol !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes well zac isnt the jungler, olaf is tank meta comeback? Check out my new merch! tryndamere player 5Head PogU Who's winning the challenge so far ? Pog He plays it so insanely well wtf nice pog !ranks wow so good POGGERS Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] !stats are y smurf? 3Head !opggs worth How come you don't go guinsoo anymore? @foggedftw2 gg even if zac was jungler he still wouldn't want to take kills from trynd lol e bug I’m glad to see fogged getting the viewers he deserves cool dude and a beast of a player its bugged @EpicStatius !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] @EpicStatius too much attack speed and your E does no damage if you reset it too fast !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) foggedBird and the best emote on twitch foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird idk honestly that kid TFBlade is liitle clown if he wan to complete with @foggedftw2 in trynda.Same shit like som1 want to compete with Trick2g who is better udyr,or even with Moe on Yasuo like CMON how long has this bug been in the game ? They still haven't fixed that bug?? @Immacularity Oh interesting, thanks !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes @foggedftw2 whats the bug.continue explaining it pls :) finish the story is the flash auto bug still going on? foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird what is the bug LULW he didnt finish the sentence !uptime 1 hour 2 seconds !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: loooooooool so good wtf 3Head !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] lol lol KEKW then... ? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA KEKW 539] KEKW LEE KEKW KEKW less KEWK 537 537 498 420 539 400 KEKW CLIP IT you had 498 538 rrrrrrrrrrrr last i sawfrom minions 533 why i died wtf riot pls buff trynda R 3Head 420 You had 490+- 420 tf blade scammed you? KEKW she's the last char u want getting shut down gold... Loo dmg 399 498 i think was the last tick Look dmg CLIP IT send clip someone please 498 lmfao clip? gouzgounis subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 7 months! gouzgounis's Sub shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! 600 537 neverlucky You took minion damage !king you went down to 500 hp from minion autos it can't do more bro.... wtf Check the death recap for dmg dealt Kappa I think you were algorithmed. clip some1 foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt omg i died as trynda wtf riot pls buff 3Head foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt It did 999 nah 498 420 clip anyone???????? tis math monkaS You had 498 health @foggedftw2 ABOUT the Rageblade shit????? 488 hp 498 health @foggedftw2 31337waddler subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hey Fogged, super glad to see your channel grow :) what's the item you would build to stick on someone fast like a jhin? foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm 31337waddler's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Clip ? !opgg uikoy FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king you had 538 then you took damage and at the last tick were at 498 u had 534 then some red buff or minioms drops to 470 u had 498 taking dmg from ranged minions 5Head KEKW KEKW KEKW u had 548 health but azir scorch + other DoTs im not sure of got you down NA KEKW 537 before got hit by the minion, after that u had 498 If you lived you would have been super lucky too The further you go the more damage her ult deals right? @tfblade1fan ofc it can "bro" !king ΓΚΟΥΣΚΟΥΝΗΣ should have put points in ult Kapp 498 when you died OLAF Pog GG but that was really close anyway gouzgounis leei XAXAXA LUL @foggedftw2 you had 495 hp !opggs NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis that's too much dmg too, not balanced cati foggedFiesta foggedFiesta Tarzaned olaf gj on masters its red smite @nAzUgAl \no that's jinx mastee you had 495 when it hit you my foggedW foggedW foggedW foggedYoda Rageblade thing???? @foggedftw2 foggedYoda foggedFrog hey if this ornn goes upgradet sunfire,iceborn,ninja tabi,omen and bramble vest he legit cant be killed you are master gf Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa is he facing alicopter? @solocorso rageblade is bugged 495 @humming_birds yes !opggs @foggedftw2 You had 539 but you lost hp from minions and then you had 497 you had 498 @foggedftw2 foggedFrog why not level ult? was on alis stream and noticed thats funny wow im so good challenger trynda wtf riot nerf 3Head 497 fogg !R @commanderjorma Level Ult Last - !specs CHat we have 100 answers pls @foggedftw2 Why you dont building Sanguine Blade ? holy gachiBASS !spec !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! she had 40 dmg lead lmao did you let him play whatever he wants when tryndamere is banned whats going on with guinsoo? kk you didin't fisnish !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW It's 498 on last frame :) in the clip it said you had 516 hp u had to flash way sooner i think int KEKW cait carry monkaS @foggedftw2 You were down to 498 when Caut ult landed and it did 540 damn that's an int wow this reaction time R so good 3Head Cume on him from an angle KappaPride azir hurts @ummyeah nope lmao XD gg the crab save @JustCallmeZuwr If you spin too many times in a short period the second spin doesnt deal any damage foggedEmmy foggedEmmy Need lifesteal tbh !opggs the crab movespeed saved hum @ummyeah Look harder KEKW kills = macro :) u better thank sylas they trowed you around like a ping pong ball @Folleno what is ur problem lol $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @i8ursoup wow, thx" Top crab paid off after all LUL @AnchoR_TV check the clip S_Woody subscribed with Twitch Prime. S_Woody's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! NEW champ getting revealed tomorrow !opggs 537 health burned down to 498 for that one Cait ult !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !subscribe subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 qss? !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird That clip is weird. He takes 20x2 dmg right before the ult hits? What the hell? top diff xd xbLit Why no attack speed? !opggs !opgg need %40 cd qss @JocNitro minions @JocNitro ranged minions !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 how strong is trynda atm in that meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? How is TFBlade Master 61 LP? He was D2 when fogged was D1. @stumpyTheAngry with lethal tempo you get plenty of it !king 3Head I dont see any minion autos there @Fluffington3 @foggedftw2 What do You play if enemy team ban Trynda ?? @Dworius He has 25 extra games on fogged now just played against tahm kench. We won game and i beat him in cs but I couldnt do jack against him 1v1. is this an auto lose lane or what can i do? LULW LMAO KEKW KEKW nice int KEKW ... LMAO FeelsBadMan no jungler ff KEKW ST OMEGALUL LEN kekw KEKW omg so good skills dat smite Unlucku Jungler lost smite to Azir LUL azir monkaS !champ olaf had 1 job... LOL JG DIFF like we say in brazil "DEU RUIM" foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta int Pog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH that's rough how strong is trynda atm in that meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? ouch you really lost the game KEKW monkaS azir really 1v9ing the game azir smurfing u need mr boots you lost baron they didn't man u messed that up by forcing the call from him die as trynda lol why i cant 1 vs5 riot pls buff 3Head 3Head 3Head KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH KEKWH sad foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP i think u need mr boots good effort , gg this olaf just lost the game lmao why do u build tiamat ? Feels like gg BibleThump BibleThump beasti6Smile BibleThump beasti6Smile gg azir carrying gg surr @JustCallmeZuwr hue hue hue LUL gg That game gg !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] (72-19) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) Trollaf ... that azir is way too good dude holy shit @rankstealer It's for waveclear in that case i usually call my jungle trash !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 how strong is trynda atm in that meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? you should not have popped him over into the pit LELW JUICEWRLD DEAD olaf took 2 hit wtf KEKW @Immacularity he's a streamer actually kek Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @Mosbuttpirate LUL he ulted and ya @foggedftw2 What else do u play if enem team ban trynda ??? unlucky @deadxtube ? 1,09 and he is dead... xd kekw kekw kekw kekw kekw kekw kekw kekw nice gg i know, it's body @serbianweatherman !king @Immacularity he's like best azir NA or some shit FeelsBadMan i watch him once in awhile i think u needed mt boots What lol ya you should have LUL what are you even talking about. Your team was just bad thats why it didnt go well LUL OK did anyone see the New champ abilities yet? Team probably bursted baron down in a dumb way @iMrAbdu kled, ap malp 72 20 twitch plugs KEKW cait didn't even get to do damage and the fight was lost sad oh ok Tf Bald best Trynd (and several other champions when allowed) NA KEKW Not Aphelios the other new champ LAST ONE POGGERS @serbianweatherman not sure about best but he's good peaked chally s9 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @almightygod4 fogged already played that champ in one stream @foggedftw2 how strong is trynda atm in that meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? aare you winning? @Blueberrypiie Not Aphelios the other new champ @Immacularity point is he's really good at his champ taxixion is theft @foggedftw2 did you submit new emotes No excuse for your jng to be our smited when their jng is dead Check out my new merch! @Blueberrypiie Getting shown off tomorrow Idk KR rates trynda F-tier this patch o: chat did yall get the email with the random card from riot? You also are tiltproof VoHiYo normals or ranked to train macro ? 3 more subs @foggedftw2 bro you hit ornn into pit to cc the olaf that was 50 percent your fault there HahaSnowhal what flavour is the ultra violet? 2-2 the Hype foggedW foggedW foggedGasm @almightygod4 k then no lol do you own tryndamere statue @foggedftw2 HahaShrugLeft foggedFrog HahaShrugRight !rank !ranks KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑--] taxixion is theft @foggedftw2 how strong is trynda atm in thit meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? !opsggs GG fogg that was a rough game @Fluffington3 Yeah I did !opggs foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda did tsm wonnerd Why not help kill baron then kill the enemy team? Instead of trying to zone makes 0 sense Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beats to Crit and Spin to getting into masters is a challenge @foggedftw2 how's malphite matchup, how do you even kill him in lane @Alicopter "Hopefully i dont get gatekeeped by Alicopter" -Fogged pre game @foggedftw2 Did they remove trynd e animation with laugh? GG yo next to Sirhcez you have the strongest mental (tilt proof) hi guys HahaShrugLeft HahaDoge HahaShrugRight HahaShrugLeft foggedEmmy HahaShrugRight @zokichallengers yeah !king !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin @fistlowelo you cant, most of malps go full armor hi !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] i really struggle when im against quinn as tryndamere , can you give me tips please ? @foggedftw2 If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !rank Why did they remove it Ah ok :D HahaShrugLeft foggedW foggedRightArm @klarity246 just dont struggle 4Head @foggedftw2 how strong is trynda at the momment in this meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ? 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head why do you build taimat? i wish i knew too @klarity246 He has a youtube video on Trynd vs quinn check it out this is diamond guys What is the bet again? @foggedftw2 how do you face gnar at lane? taxixion is theft Just Hit Smite 4Head JESUS HAD TO WATCH 4 ADS BEFORE I COULD JOIN could you go king trynd skin this game? tia for drags @foggedftw2 olaf was stunned bc you knocked ornn to pit when he had no ult Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @QQelf KEKW !opggs !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. !build @klarity246 look for quinn destroy that tfblade man CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET spit on me daddy baron foggedGasm how strong is trynda atm in that meta ? and if the enemy team is full tank and hard cc do u only split ?+ you got it @foggedftw2 hello man, can u show your mastery in tryndamere ? not much to do against quinn @klarity246, farm as much as you can, wait for your lvl 6 and jungler yeah i think blasting orrn into pit was kinda bad @foggedftw2 hello fogged i really like you, and im thinking of picking up trynd (bronze 2) should i split only or should i group? !opggs do you lose mmr if you dont win promo @foggedftw2 @i8ursoup i'll make sure to check it out , thanks did he won last game? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @cacheaa that's why you supposed to use your prime to sub ;) better jg wins Lmao @foggedftw2 Why dont you get acc with name "Splitpush King" @klarity246 read that and rush botrk + t2 boots then PD !king I didnt think you could smite knocked up second Ornn was accidentally blasted into that pit that was gg. You forced the ult out of him and taht didd it 🕹 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🕹 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 9864 🥈) gerkels : 6398 🥉) jocnitro : 5076 4) nuvm__ : 4868 5) datashe42 : 2144 tbh if u had a real adc champ in ur team last match u would win that though !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET heimer kekw it was 50-50 anyway happens 😁 @klarity246 if quinn uses her E for harass or for CS and you have ghost or ignite+nimbus cloak you can all in her and kill her easily dude i just joined and got 5 ads dang it.... i think u should heve hed mr boots In what situation do you take what keystone on Trynd? do you only coach tops? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! I’m pretty sure Olaf had ult up when he died @stevenlol27 he coach every lane sanguine on trynd? opinions? ok ok, but taxixion is theft !sanguine He coaches all roles all champs Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER Hey man I’m poor as fuck but really enjoy the content, all I’m able to do is give my twitch prime lol @foggedftw2 fogged. If you earn the coaching session is it ok you pass that coaching session to someone else? i was watching tf blade game he was crying his jungler lost 5 waves of creeps Who is your favorite champ besides Trynd? !opggs Tf Play so mutch jax Games, what do you do of they ban tryndamere? @foggedftw2 Check out my new merch! If Coach me to play Fiddlesticks ADC ! @foggedftw2 Did you see GTA:The Movie trailer with Ryan Reynolds? Kappa 420 coach me i play ivern top i play ivern top coach me Kappa How are you doing against TF ? i made some pasta and dropped way too many chili flakes into the sauce so now its really delicious but also kinda hurts, real struggle @ferdkiysdaddy you got a lot to learn lol CruW SantaHat oh god ninja KEKW ninja @Tabriel013 They should actually make a GTA movie tho yikers haHAA I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] (72-20) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) @Tabriel013 If they can make Max Payne Movie they can do the same with GTA LUL haHAA tryndamere only challenge where have u been? Tfblade will win actually ! how much lp is that? 10% seems fair be more creative with your background its boring @foggdftw PedoBear TopHat SoSnowy tf blade more like What does Sultan skin crit animation mean? would really suck if they ban trynd next game!!! hope someone dodges for you then! @almightygod4 Well i guess they didnt want to pay rockstar for borrowing gta name lol am a main dr mundo lethality tonight promo for silver wish me good luck yeah people come here to see his background KEKW @foggedftw2 how does the IKON club thing work? @Bratone2014 you are welcome to give money for a change I like the mustached trynd that's like saying be more creative with your champion gameplay,, trynd is boring xD is tfblade cheating cause he is using other champs? @foggedftw2 id like to see, BIG BOOTY KEKW complying about background KEKW Go-Go dancers would be sweet KEKW SantaHat !duo foggedRightArm background needs to be boobs for maximum viewers fogged 200 IQ promotion with TFblade been enjoying the struggle he isn't even a follower KEKW different queue time why dont you like sanguine blade with trynd? non-follower KEKW I dont know but I am pissed that tf doesnt use your name in his title like you do @foggedftw2 I LOVE THE BACKGROUND ottoman trynd is the best !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Kekw did fogged won promos ? yes :) @Therealjongotti we already get those in the foreground though wtf tfblade's fiora just flashed and w in front of him?? a picture of you and emmy xd and our beloved dog KEKW TopHat yes pls :) HandsUp tryn in drag? tryndamere with boobs Pog Thicc Tryn welcome to the internet lol Sultan Trynds shoulder kinda looks like a butt tho is the tahm matchup updated? @foggedftw2 damn chat is cringe KEKW SantaHat maybe an animated trynd smacking a jax :) FeelsWeirdMan 👉 HandsUp Um kids these day’s pushed all game with sanguine teemo. destroyed 8 towers and 3 inhibs and the nexus. enemy team didn't respect the teemo split push Honestly i wish the corgis were there so i can see them all the time <3 Backgrounds fine Ladymere POGGERS how strong is trynd's left arm? what i am gathering here, @foggedftw2, is that chat is comprised mostly of 14 year olds now Chat pretending they like boobs more than they like Tryndamere LUL git good ChuckeroftheFickens subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! ChuckeroftheFickens's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Rank? background is awesome VapeNation TopHat !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedWeeb KEKW @immacularity Hmm I see ok. What does the crit hit give Trynda after or what do you mean by the orbwalking? runer_2xc not as strong as his left Pepega bratone cant talk he aint a follower KEKW sultan tryndamere best tryndamere KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] !opggs @feitan13 any tips for getting put of d4? 100% guy complaining about background uses anime avatars Thixx Tryn background Check out my new merch! tryndameres arm is as strong as quagmires after he discovered internet porn @foggedftw2 Stay strong, don't feed the trolls. He just wanted to be annoying @foggedftw2 when bet ends? @foggedftw2 demonblade trynd is the best...change my mind Best of luck for next promo game! @foggedftw2 Is the coach giveaway just for subs? @foggedftw2 what do you think of TF playing irelia and jax? Can he play different champs when Trynda is banned? VapeNation NGL you look like sultan tryn a bit @bratone2014 NUB @foggedftw2 We need your webcam to cover 90% of the screen. @Bratone2014 where you at bruh?! Lets all compromise, how about a picture of Tryndamere and Ashe where we can see Ashe's boobs !challenge @nightshade1337 If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW You were Plat 1 when blade was Plat 4, what happend :( @foggedftw2 I’ll send you a pic of me posing shirtless and that can be your new background Just put trick2g breaching THE gate you should make it trynd porn ANELE sultan trynda best o shit tfblade is ahead @foggedftw2 is that Longclaw ? nadedVIP @swatkats Im 25, and still like butts Why not chemtech? lul oof Christmas theme background looks good though chucker of the fickens 🤣🤣🤣 @phreaks_daddy fogged took a day off yesterday thoughts on a battle bunny tryn skin ? monka Poggers foggedFOGGERS WutFace perfect king trynd best trynd @foggedftw2 Thats so much better! LOL Kreygasm lol monkaW WutFace ... monkaS KEKW match finder broken? to much foggedW foggedW foggedW Oh god WutFace foggedW Lol king trynd EZ Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups D: LUL LUL LUL why is sultan the best? LUL haha can you please play a game at 100% too much. 90% would be perfect xddddddddddddddddd KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride LUL Pog! just have the minimap showing LUL maan i love your attitude xD <3 WutFace Literally every single trynd main agrees demonblade is one of the worst, and the majority say sultan is best. @Immacularity n O Ayyyyyy LULULULULULU Kreygasm foggedGasm I lost Kreygasm !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king TRICK2G OPENING THE GATES as background @foggedftw2 monkaW TopHat SoSnowy do you have a pet? @foggedftw2 Was sexiest stream ever @foggedftw2 What's this furniture in the background though? monkaS you need to show more ass and do squats for subs Maybe you could make a guide on how not to climb on Tryndamere. Step one: Play demonblade Trynd. how do you feel about trynd jungle in season 10? just be like most wemen streamers covering the entire stream with their webcam @foggedftw2 are u allowed to play other champs like tfblade? oh, mordekaiser, easy win top!! :D please do I NEED 2 FOR CLASH WHISPER ME IF YOU WANNA PLAY !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] (72-20) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) !opggs Santa Claus Trynda hitting with a Stick !king fruityWUT SantaHat foggedLewd foggedGasm Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Cover minimap with a ricardo gif @foggedftw2 I hit plat this season but kind of plateaued at plat 2, do you think at this level I need to work more on micro or macro type stuff? morde, should t it be a good matchup @Immacularity enjoy your ban, no telling others to kill themselves This looks like a free win if jungle doesn't int. Whats your favorite guilty pleasure tv show!! Last try for masters? Dman you in a game with bobby shmurder lol ye i think trynd shits on morde @foggedftw2 TF blade is praying everygame they ban trynd how do you feel about trynd jungle in season 10? oh shit im a sub now foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd YOU can do it !matchup fogged is gonna penetrate this morde Kreygasm Diamond I (Graves, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Tryndamere, Aurelion Sol) Master (Lux, Thresh, Rengar, Xayah, Soraka) i am your wurst nightmare !op gg mord so easy to counter, qss easy trynd dominates morde Who is winning the bet? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] @foggedftw2 So I’ve been having the classic issue of wanting to improve but not wanting to drop my rank. Have you got any suggestions on how to do it? !elo !rank how can i know elo guys? or op gg !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 HIIII! happy to be here live who is zazu !rank NotPinkWard just beat the shit out of him in his ult foggedW I’m cheering for ya ! !opgg !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] (72-20) | TFBlade: Master 61 LP (92-25) !king !king !opggs extra tryhard HYPERLUL !uptime ratirlPepe 1 hour 21 minutes 23 seconds foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird @swatkats like your cats final promo monkaS foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird I still cant believe you can tryhard and to commentary thats insane !uptime by zazo foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Was that a green ferret? POE :) 👌 give emmy a break dude ,she was streaming earlier :) autofilled rengar Blade is like way ahead monkaS is trynd jungle a viable pick season 10? yes :) foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird what thing? it means he's bad what thing PoE Pog He’s an inefficient rengar yes @TFBlade KEKW Pog KEKW why does fogged never take ghost on trynd? POG PogU 9 hp Pog LOL Insane player warabeast !rank ignite? Damn bro chill No you always do plant for extra stack ssGGGGGG KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] KEKW hitting blast cone for stack I think is what hes talking about .. foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS just bad not to do it, it costs nothing and improves clear foggedFOGGERS clean This mans confidence nice Pog the potion tick foggedFOGGERS TFblade playing jax when not in proms KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !rank Lose Hi fogg @TFBlade tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH how can this still happen in Master ? the pressure is real Close* Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king jesus dude, you're insane foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS @Jaqenhgh4r NA Thorntrap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey man keep up the great work Thorntrap's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! I was thinking the morde v trynd match up would be hard !king PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp foggedRightArm Mordekaiser +20$ paypal PogChamp TannerD101 its one of the easier ones @foggedftw2 Tfblade ghoster :D U had ignite TF RAT IS WAACHING STREAM RN crit gods Why u didnt e - > ignite ? instand of e flash @TFBlade LUL @foggedftw2 TF blade is ghossting you by guy ok great answer ! foggedFrog $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Who beats Orianna mid lane ? Ochrisbrown. !king tf blade army lol hi forsenCD @tfblade KEKW cs master Cs Pog !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET CS KEKW 100% cs Pog rip juice :( foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Check out my new merch! :D Hi TFBlade HeyGuys HeyGuys @tfblade dog !cannon blouse007 299 packets have been lost foggedREE foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog tfbC !followage 123BabyBrei has been following foggedftw2 for 2 years, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 minutes, 48 seconds no cs for morde KEKW that morde hasnt hit one E @majsta23 dude Tf is a really good player and a cool dude cmon :) what was thaty !followage kuzak1 has been following foggedftw2 for 3 years, 1 month, 1 week, 3 days, 16 hours, 18 minutes, 23 seconds tfbS I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @tfblade RAT why crit cloak not tiamat Why don’t you play king trynda with zee name? @graywinds2 KappaPride your team has no cc @foggedftw2 xd i rush tiamat everytime thats why im only diamond? Uc 😂 @DiabetesDan lol man @tevoychuparelburroo cringe He didnt go tiamat so he can freeze !op !stats @idekpas crit is pretty good into morde and you don't need to push the wave all day since he is very far ahead Annie draw first blood right after she turned 6 What elo is this? yes who's the better trynd player, u or tfbladE? ! bot lane popping off now @lordrud Master promos !matchup !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Diamond I (Graves, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Tryndamere, Aurelion Sol) Master (Lux, Thresh, Rengar, Xayah, Soraka) Why Fogge, Hi guys @fistlowelo thanks but i mean, that works for almost every champion lol this gon be a good game SeemsGood i want ask a question please @immortandank i'll let u guess ? why tfblade got 4 games with irelia ? Gram 4-0 lol its over EZ !opgg KEKW KEKW FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king you dont go tiamat in lethal tempo build they banned trynd wtf is morde doing EZ CLAP D OMEGALUL RANS RING 5-0* he can use other champs if trynd is banned Check out my new merch! !opggs !challenge @maadarauchiwa If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW fogged allowed it Youtube? PogChamp You can, but he didnt tiamat for wave freeze !opgg +20$ on paypal for morde PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp !whyirelia Nah...trynda is right now just a man with a purpose.... :D !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] You have a good team. <3 stahp hes dead already chat, i love tanky top laners, who should i main out of silver? poor morde why no tiamat? ornn @xxkasperxx play shen @xxkasperxx garen i can see the youtube title now RANK 1 TRYND DESTROYS MORD FOR MASTER PROMOS WIN botlane duo be feeling that brand recognition @xxkasperxx ornn Holis foggis @gwanjeol @ryvoin @LoLJotaC ty all <3 opggs !opggs wtf guys the trynd only bet has been rescheduled to may ??? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king this game is pretty safe won alraedy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW No Ornn is hard for a silver I think garen is easier game is over Morde tp bot I think is wrong even if they win by 1-2 kills !opgg Masteeeer EZ game ganaron ya, gg wp holla chat and fogged :) Morde inting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @xxkasperxx garen, conqueror, max E, triforce > pd > tank dont use tp out of lane when you re against tryn Hola tf blade already masters monkaW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king TriHard 7 !king that minion LUL Open top lol AHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA why i dont get those kind of games in my promo for diam BibleThump BibleThump monkaS LOL LUL Riot KEKW LOL R I OMEGALUL T 2k LOL small indie company NotLikeThis LOL the minions are scared of you !stats hahahahaah TRUE they have 1 job Minions DRUNK! LUL Why did Tryndamere cross the road? To kill the chicken. Urgot to be kidding me wingWink hhahahahaha foggedFiesta ncssFingergun small indie company can someone clip that mionons are trolling hard in this patch i hate minion block so fking much minions are badasses man LUL walk straight down lane mininos want no part of that lmao just fix your code 4Head That's like the golem going around the turret MINIONS KEKW foggedW i code minions TriHard @foggedftw2 minions are tired of their job chat what does he build the 2nd cloak into? foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink nicketan subscribed with Twitch Prime. yea this season for pathing is so retarded (you can even walk throu walls so..) Happens in jungle too. Camp minons just wander off into brush and shiz. I have minions stuck in turret xD nicketan's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! bm ult KEKW ff at 15 in all chat That minion was running in the opposite direction LOL sorry.. a 'small indie company' could do better than RIOT does.. ive had SO much minon block this season so far "can't be fixed" is what they always say !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes can they please revert aurelion sol !elo @graywinds2 silver is not diamond bruv @foggedftw2 minions are just scared of your trynd. KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] Is he in promos? drunk minions :D @christofferzar Inf edge when is it not worth buying tiamat !contest they will ff @foggedftw2 If I were a minion I would desert if against you ! i love how trynd crit sounds wtf did it happen to his minimpa ? Ez master 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 4647 🥈) soor_ice : 3863 🥉) jocnitro : 3027 4) sporwal : 2631 5) akiiosenpai : 1954 @nAzUgAl haha yes ofc im just retarded overlay @Lord_Ishka you have to sub to watch the minimap @VincentVanDerHooi yes promos for master 5th game 2win 2lose @foggedftw2 did you know itzhao back in the day? LUL thresh wtf +1 to toks question about tiamat \ random lvl 5 thresh LULW should be a 15 ff @Lord_Ishka it's so people can't ghost his jungler inting Thresh? why Essence Reaver is so good on trynd? Tabis Thresh was a pokemon litteraly !elo @majsta23 was kidding bud ,u really thoght someone will main mundo letha xd ? you were ded anyway !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] i have to sub to watch the minimap ? wtf is that shit ? XD CDR crit and AD crit ad cdr Well that's a gold reset on Morde! Because of basic stats Thresh was ghostingg LUL @Qazzaq203 crit and 20% Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !rank !king ok thanks I thought that somehow that passive with mana stacks with trynda @graywinds2 didint even notices that message and dont want toyjust saw like u want games like this in ur promo for diamond/silver Not very close game I wanna UwU you why ghost when its 2 14 lol Noo, mana passive gives nothing @foggedftw2 Do you just like the skin or does it give some sort of advantage? Check out my new merch! !king @foggedftw2 did you skip Tiamat this game because you got a big early lead? the diff between these two. TFblade losing his mind and Fogged just chilling at the same time xD LOL @majsta23 my promos are cursed dude :'( ,last time had a kayle supp terrible the dude @DaPreacherBoi since I do main Udyr I bought Spirit Guard and Dragon Oracle on every acc cause he is unplayabled without any skin xD First elder works for your enemys, then drunk minions whats next !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] why did tf blade use jax outside of promos? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @diabetesdan tiamat nor rly worth with lethal tempo better with fleet or conq @diabetesdan He froze the lane LOL mord couldnt even kill raka @maarouz fog literally loses nothing from this challenge, he can only gain that soraka tho LOL XD how did soraka live that ShadowMercer89 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ShadowMercer89's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! LUL doo doo morde KEKW !opggs open mid xd elo? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups na surrender LUL why essence reaver with trynd senpai ? BUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH xd , Hi @foggedftw2 , Emmy , Pets and Stream :) !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. foggedYoda sub hype foggedYoda emotes hype when na playes jokes about na LUL HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X☑X-] @tryndmainnn @candi52 ok thanks guys 71% win rate again Pog thats brain damage right there, to say open yet you're contradicting yourself masters here we come foggedYoda sub hype foggedYoda emotes hype conqueror or grasp vs JAX? We did it boys and girls! owww New emoooti GUYS WHEN GOONA RITO RELEASE US CHRISTMAS MAP ? nutLove HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine @foggedftw2 so when Blade gifts the 2500 subs do we get 50 coaching giveaways? gj fogged did fogged lose any promos so far? Seems like it Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !tiamat Tiamat gives Trynd a stronger early game powerspike, typically better than Zeal rush Ez masters i'll take it, but what a disappointing way to reach masters :/ @Le_lion_magique CDR Crit and AD are really good on trynd, CDR and Crit from ER makes it so that E is up constantly in fights foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda MASTER BABY i think he lost d4 promos once? GGGGGGGGG hashinshin was morde? @foggedftw2 EZ Clap !opggs absolute domination i dont think ive heard her talk this much about taking towers in a row before gg GG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda gg graz on masters GG gg gg gg GG GG ON Masters!!!!!!!!!! gz gg ez Qgg its 500 subs ^^ not 2500^^ gg GG gg Clap NICE! wooo GGEZ Gg GG!!!GG!!!GG!!!GG!!!GG!!!GG!!! GRATZ what is tfb at? gg HSWP gg gg EZ GG Clap Clap Clap Clap what rank is tfblade? !opgg GG MAN U SO GOOD GOOD LUCK FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFOGGERS are u above tf blade in lp? foggedFOGGERS foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda hardstuck diamond for years and this makes me happy why dis tf use jax ouside of promos? ez masterrrrr Pog Clap Masters Didn't somebody say they would donate 25 subs if you gott masters this promo? !opggs foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Clap masters ez NA masters LUL fogged we need to win faster tf is masters 81 lp foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS anticlimactic promo game :D BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM foggedWurf czekskPog Check out my new merch! TTours squachJacehands squachJacehands squachJacehands gz playtime till you reached master on this account? Master! woo Where is Cheater Blade at ? Was that game #93 total? master gets masters Masters PogChamp first time? GZGZGZGZ @foggedftw2 Change title :D !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what a time to click on the stream remnant144 subscribed with Twitch Prime. remnant144's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! good job man PlayTime Plz ? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda hi blade is still so much ahead @foggedftw2 are you bored of the challenge now you have nothing to lose financially? foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS lol @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage? so TF is 20 wins above fogged but only 74 lp ahead LUL why did tf blade use jax ouside of promos? nice You guys racing to challenger right? izmame is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 50 in the channel! !opggs izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to fredrikds! izmame's Gift shared rewards to 100 others in Chat! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to dc5_art! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Muzik30! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to InquisitorGrey! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThePumba112! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to bootedguy! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to AlessandroT96! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to jl922501! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to raguna_sodomia! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to RainionTv! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Praetiic! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to n1nes! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrozenSchlong! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to noxiancorrosivem8! not even 100 games to get masters, that is pretty nice izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brennanx! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Esperite! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to evanseven! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to jaymac22! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to loup_seul! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to FertileFishy! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Rmxzh! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jindness! !challenge izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to yphreths! PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp tfbR1 tfbR1 tfbR1 foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to Greywar_TSR! izmame gifted a Tier 1 sub to forrez9! @foggedftw2 why back to old build with essence rush and these runes? :O Nice @izmame Thanks for the gift sub! jesus christ POGGERS foggedFOGGERS Pog Thanks for the HahaBall @izmame foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda How can morde beqt they yn Thanks for the HahaPoint @izmame wow dodged EZ are all top laners bad? or are you just too good? POG why dont you take tp on trynda pog pog !subhype commercial pls? foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird woooot me tp yay !prime @foggedftw2 whats the playtime for you to get to masters on this account ? foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp AYAYA If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Thanks for the Haha2020 @izmame <3<3 arw !subscribe subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 unfadinggenie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! unfadinggenie's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Now it's time to know how much lp you will get in master !opggs TF also has like 10 more games doged EZ gifts TriHard EZ dodged HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 i_i @izmame TY! tfblade is not ahead he just played a lot more games !stats Thanks for the HahaHide @izmame foggedGasm @izmame foggedGasm HahaSleep tf blade has played way more games @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage?? How can morde beat tryn it seems op tryn POG EZ Dodged wow 365% ratio good job!! oof deadBobby deadBobby foggedFrog foggedFrog @izmame you rock! lol 25 gifted subs?!?! sheeesh @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage? Txh for gifted my man! @foggedftw2 i have 1 question xd, why are u using earbuds and not a proper headset? Lol Wow masters POGGERS fogged still gon win clout !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 81 LP (93-25) undefeated undisputed champion of the league yo fogged how the games today been man foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS so whats next anyone link tfblade hey bro why do you take ignite ohhh didnt got a free sub... :( nice KEKW tf sucker : o what about non streaming trynds It’s clearly not tf !opgg foggedYoda foggedYoda great games foggedYoda foggedYoda FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king HahaDreidel YAY commercials! Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! gg My tryndamere is best in Bronze Wp but im afraid TF cheat will outrun you at this point since you allowed him some flexibility xd :c @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage?? Didnt get a sub.. But got a emote thanks <3 <3 :D PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu FortOne FortOne now tfblade is kinda tilted who says you 2 are the 2 best? why cant there be another trynd player that's better than both of you @foggedftw2 well dosnt rly show whos the best trynd NA when tf blade play other champs aswell so no tiamat if you run it down ? Poh what rank is tfblade now he played 25 more games wtf !opggs @foggedftw2 whatever happens youre still the best trynd in my heart tf blade only 80 lp ahead in 25 more games TF is like 4 wins ahead you Yas @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage?. I just started this game any tips to improve like super beginner tips? foggedYoda Haha2020 HahaLean HahaHide HahaHide HahaShrugLeft HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove Why has tf blade played other champs on his account????Why has tf blade played other champs on his account????Why has tf blade played other champs on his account????Why has tf blade played other champs on his account????Why has tf blade played other champs on his account??? @realBloodwest higher elo wont be banning tryn, he is going to be playing tryn a lot now Imagine, all this, and some D4 korean tryndamere is the best in the world with some wacky build and sick mechanics LUL @foggedftw2 What is the challenge ? PogChamp What happens when you arent playing trynd? you mean the best trynd/jax/vlad/ryze and whatever else tf has been playing Kappa what was the waiting for? !BUILD CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET with 25 more games tf blade must be so arrogant to think he's better than you in your main LUL for the challenge? !challenge @Lassejon If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @realBloodwest Fogged is 81 lp behind with over 25 games to do it, what ar eyou talking about? HahaShrugLeft HahaHide HahaShrugRight xD PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @nighthawk4811 there might be but unless he doesn't show himself he won't be officially Compare stats with TF? @foggedftw2 long ass twitch ads @marjamies123 csing is the most important part of league, learn that first 4Head You the king no matter what tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE @Lassejon tfblade conceded challenge, he gets to play any champ now !challenge why does he use earbuds and not a headset??? Fogged is way ahead at TF at this point @DaPreacherBoi it has better animations HahaShrugLeft SeemsGood HahaShrugRight lol cheers HahaShrugLeft LUL HahaShrugRight Hey @Chat! How many hours of sleep do you personally get every night? I try to go for at least 7 @tryndmainnn any examples? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Why does he wait after queue again? Guy tf blade has also been able to use Jax and irelia so it already makes fogged the better tryndamere player @foggedftw2 could you link tfblade op pls? searching spin spin spin isnt working kalo12324 if I had to guess, it's more comfortable. @nighthawk4811 thx @robjohnlechmere whyd he concede? xd lol but idk !opggs My right arm is alot stronger than my left arm ;) "MY RIGHT ARM IS ALOT STRONGER THAN MY LEFT ARM. HAHAHAHA." @jps166 the last i is an L @f0ehawk00 ready for next patch? !racism 7-8 hour This is like a sub alert song oooo thanks "MY RIGHT ARM IS ALOT STRONGER THAN MY LEFT ARM. HAHAHAHA." @DaPreacherBoi what u mean with examples? i just more smooth overall !rank Chat how many hours of sleep do you guys get? I get 7 Hours @marjamies123 you know what i mean by csing right? KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP @jps166 try this SPIN SPIN SPlN @Grynt10 tfblade couldnt reliably get trynd picks. he was getting banned out by his own chat (tfblade uses no delay and no hidden client like you see here) merci pour le sub loup seul tryndamere swings his dick @whitevelcro that's the first content creator i see using ebuds, im just curious 7 ads??? @mrclutch231 depends. 3-6 on workdays , 10-12 on days off @foggedftw2 didnt we just pass a coaching giveaway milestone? thanks guys, got it now @DaPreacherBoi like if u EfAA #subhype! i have gifted 50 subs this month @foggedftw2 go for it sensei! even though im older than you. @kalo12324 I'm just trying to give you an answer since he was gone Hi FUGGED cheerwhal1 why did tf blade use jax outside of promos !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @robjohnlechmere i see, thanks for answer mate 6 ads? Really I have seen other streamers use earbuds tho @whitevelcro same favorite trynd skin? @foggedftw2 what is the exact challenge? @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage?? so he is up by 81lp wtih 25 more games Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Pog !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW yasN ViperNickC69 try google extension "alternate player for twitchtv" @ayakoo1 No its his fav skin Do you have to be subbed to get the coaching giveaway? How does that work? @foggedftw2 well dosnt show the best trynd na since tf played other champs through challenge, i know he get sniped alot and ppl will ban trynd but still PepoDance !king are u allowed to play other stuff if trynd banned? song Just waiting to get payed so i can do my first donation. foggedCorgi foggedCorgi what is happening when u become number 1 in challenger? or playlist? Easy catch up @izmame omg gifted sub? Thank you for the gift :) :) hello @nAzUgAl i think you replied to the wrong person my guy can that last one be a youtube video to show how to play against morde? tf got slapped by rengar top i saw that tf blade played jax, i thought you guys were doing trynd only? yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay @ayakoo1 Ops $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! link to the lofi stream? What is TF's summoner name for the challenge? @foggedftw2 are you playing clash today?? @nAzUgAl but be a real bro and answer my question too ok xD pay to win KEKW @foggedftw2 well dosnt show the best trynd na since tf played other champs through challenge, i know he get sniped alot and ppl will ban trynd but still song? how salty did tfblade have to get to make this bet anyway... always complains so much when fogged stomps him @gallygher17 TFBlade kept getting target banned and sniped so he’s allowed to play off role we plebbin TriHard !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 the fuck u calling me pleb for? lol !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 81 LP (93-25) do u give coaching on yasuo what's this song? !king i see @trihard3456 VoHiYo ty @JoseAcosta2 @foggedftw2 well dosnt show the best trynd na since tf played other champs through challenge, i know he get sniped alot and ppl will ban trynd but still. @ayakoo1 Which question this is !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW No problem @gallygher17 Nagi no sukara ost ya know i love tfblade but i feel he has turned this challenge in his favor SUBS NEED x5 times the luck :P @nAzUgAl what the exact challenge between him and tf is I just realized Check out my new merch! yo can someone tell me if fogged speak on tf blade picking jax instead of dodging his 1st game on stream today? TriHard @VoidKooler he teaches all champs and roles ur que timer is stuck on 4.20.... D: @foggedftw2 play something during queue time? OR watch some youtube? <3 <3 love you man !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW CONGRATS FOGGY !!! YOU THE BEST !!!! we do Its better if I donate Bits or just money? Dont have idea of that. foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink @foggedftw2 Does Sultan Tryndamere give some sort of advantage?- !guide Complete Tryndamere guide @foggedftw2 do you somoke weed? pepeLaugh cmonBruh playlist please @luckyhunter94 hes hiding client rn thats just a screenshot @dapreacherboi Its just his fav skin !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. every time some one says "no offense" get ready to get offended @foggedftw2 well dosnt show the best trynd na since tf played other champs through challenge, i know he get sniped alot and ppl will ban trynd but still.. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes @gava90 snowflake LUL !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP !elo @xhal3k TFBlade is allowed to play Jax and irelia because he is getting sniped a lot Complaining sounds like a pleb thing to say if u dont wanna be called pleb just sub KEKW WOOD DIVISION KEKW dude i watch everyone of your youtube cvids but i finally just followed on twitch !elo is your client bugged or is it stuck on 4.20 on purpose? @ayakoo1 !challenge !english English only chat || En este chat, solo se permite hablar en Inglés || Somente Inglês no chat || Chat sadece Ingilizce olabilir || Parlez Anglais s'il vous plaît chaterino || чат только на английском || このチャットルームに英語のみで話してください。|| اللغة الانجليزية هي المسموحة فقط || Τα αγγλικά είναι η μόνη επιτρεπόμενη γλώσσα στο Chat. Δεν επιτρέπεται καμία άλλη γλώσσα || Czat tylko w języku angielskim 5Head english only pls !opgg OH WHO GIFTED ME SUB? FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 When do you get conq ??? @gava90 sensitive snowflake ❄️ @foggedftw2 hello again how is the challenge going YOU THE BEST TRYN !!! @nAzUgAl wait so its a win-win for fogged lul @foggedftw2 Yeah u def need one WTF :D <3 u 're a god u made me main trynd @sendtrumpnudes coming from a gifted subber KEKW @foggedftw2 well dosnt show the best trynd na since tf played other champs through challenge, i know he get sniped alot and ppl will ban trynd but still...... can someone tell me his playlist? yo Fogged how do you keep your lips so plump and juicy react channel now 😂 now fart 😂 clip it and upload on youtube 😂 if you feel insulted, GTFO ! that calm one rank? You’re not meme enough like hashinshin email them !king @ayakoo1 Maybe, tf blade is good @Adoinc i dont mind being called a pleb tho KEKW Love ur commentary and ur stream/content overall, and ur lovely bird :) POGGERS imagine subbing LUL foggedFOGGERS bro ur client is bugged.. ur not in queue No lets watch key and peele HEYO Chat!!! that key and peele tho @foggedftw2 you get one at the end of this challenge look up your own highlights Kappa Pog whats u[ @nAzUgAl i meant fogged has nothing to lose wow Pog @luckyhunter94 Jebaited Pepega PepePls KEKW Bwipo 5Head KEKW items Watch the next game. its not over yet LOL pepeLaugh Clap LOL @EmmyLeeC or am i seeing things? lol KEKW Your queue is buggeddddd Ornn hard won against heimmer ITS NOT OVER out of content KEKW @sendtrumpnudes its ok im one too but dont tell anyone shh Only game 1 KEKW wi ntrading Kappa ITS A BO3 game 1 of 3 win trafing Kappa EU keep watching' foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp KEKW LUL hThere is 2 more rounds @foggedftw2 Orn, what a gaychamp :D bo3 its not over watch it.... its best out of 3 ornn op keep watching Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @izmame @foggedftw2 type BNT - Mariott and check this freak from poland he's crazy @Adoinc tell anyone what ;) he won btw FOGGED UR CLIENT IS BUGGED MY MAN he stomped rumble and heimer on ornn i think The all stars was more of a laugh fest tbh you dont need to base He won some games with Ornn in the tournament @foggedftw2 mind games so many bad plays @foggedftw2 best of 3. @lukassasf yeah we see XD So he can get items without basing guys pls help fogged see his bugged client lmao @luckyhunter94 Its a picture hiding on purpose what do u do when u become challener num 1 @EmmyLeeC did you saw the lucky viewer ? :P @nAzUgAl lmao Check out my new merch! minions DansGame @sendtrumpnudes boxPat boxPat can we put clip links in chat? 5Head Bwipo 5Head @Adoinc boxPat boxPat bwipo the godf she? bwipo is so garbage lmao0 Ornn OP obviously just give him HOPE throwing Keepo LUL @ NA comments It was all a bait Ornn is op !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET the shy and uzi who KEKW 💿 to ez for bwipo TWO TIME he played ornn on his first game and won 💿 2 time Can it be random champs? He won games with Ornn @foggedftw2 💿 the two time Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups FULLSCREEN PLZZZZ @foggedftw2 can u bring it up to theatre mode @foggedftw2 bnt - mariott crazy climb on a hotel without any security by absolute freak from poland jankos KEKW Uzi 5head KEKW Probably played PBE lol !opggs the previous playlist name? 4Head KEKW kekw HAHAHAHAH LULW trying chase kayne KEKW Uzi's indeed very good but if I recall correctly he's not good enough to 1v9 the entire game (not gonna spoiler the ending)... Faker always plays Garen in ALL stars he used shojin so not impressive win in 1v1 FULLSCREEN PLZZZZ DAD ???? Wtf? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP LUL two ppl trying to talk? BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap discount code ALPHA they're casting at the same time CAN SOMEONE GET A TRANSCRIPT 6'5 KEKW pepeLaugh 5.4 !opggs BigBrother KEKW LULW 6'5'' Pog draven tyler1 looks like an oompa loompa 6'5? LUL rather 5'6 LUL 6'5 LMAOOO !t1 LULW T1 and Fogged W H OMEGALUL gassing the hell out of tyler KEKW 5'5 OMEGALUL hahahah KEKW LOL E TU KEKW haHAA wait wut LUL Etu KEKW BigBrother EZ Clap T1 NOT UP AND DOWN ALL THE WAY tyler is cheating his arms are so short lmao KEKW LUL Shorter arms on tyler those aren't even pushups LULW kobe is actually doing a full pushup KEKW TYLER SHORT ARMS I LOVED THIS VID KEKW clowns will be clowns tyler not doing it right T1 isn't going all the way haHAA he has shorter arms, hes doing it fine EZ Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW Jajajaja tyler not going up all the way lol KEKW LULW tyler half pumps trash LUL tylers doing it perfect for his arm length KEKW Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @izmame 70 half pumps wtf @trihard3456 u cant even do 10 out of juice KEKW TEAM GAME LUL They're not half pumps LUL his arms are just super short half pushups, you idiots move from couch Uhh Ex Army here: T1 is not doing a proper Push up. @foggedftw2 if this was a military physical fitness test T1 would've got like 10 complete pushups LUL he is 5'5 so it's easy for him at all i never saw a more idiot person then that tyler1 man, those push ups tyler is doing are making me think all his mass is sythoil Nah his form was good, not as much ROM for a pushup at his height Tyler1 has more muscle mass to lift though hahahah TYLER1 THE KIING OF CRINGENESS dash's had the better form of the 3 , kobe was asking for a bursitis of the shoulder with that spread failed duo q strat lol OMEGALUL trkSmile KEKW Like you have to go ALL the way up and ALL the way down did not see last game... is he MASTERS? DOINB trkKiss trkKiss not those Trex pushups T1 was doing doinb kekw Tyler's form was fine you monkeys @Slobberpuss69 banned unlucky :P You can critisise t1 on many thing but not his athleticism cmon LUL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! TriHard trkBoomer xD kited Pog cmonBruh KAPPA we in q? LULW Kappa banned KappaPride !champs KEKW Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: do pushups in queue chat speaking about bad pushup form when they are struggling to stand up from their chair lmfao FOGGED HOW MANY PUSHUPS CAN YOU DO what is ur current rank ayaya TriHard @foggedftw2 what boots should you build gachiBASS xD gachiBASS HAHAHA wtf YIHAWN KEKW gachiBASS haHAA LULW WeirdChamp WutFace yawn :) what was that?` KEKW KappaPride yAWN Check out my new merch! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king MindManners KEKW so cringe when does challenge end? foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega !opggs !opggs weirdChamp foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedPepega POGGERS foggedFOGGERS POGGERS Poggers yasuo is balanced POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS haHAA Poggers Boomers weirdChamp yas things lool POGGERS POGGERS foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega WTF KEKW KEKW woof who'a winning the challenge till now ? monkey ring elder DoT burn\ PogChamp Wtf was that the true damage dot !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 81 LP (93-25) lmao tf burn i think I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here this clip is insane we may never know !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king panth q execute too aoe burn? ii think the spear plus burn elder dmg, not the execute I thought TF quit the challenge IT'S THE DOT trkGJ we atleast know you can one shot yourself on kled thanks to you Kappa conq diana zzzz !opgg Your moment with Kled and elder should be featured in this vid and if it isn't, you got robbed. :P Its better if I donate Bits or just money? Dont have idea of that. foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink ruined :( You have a clean 100% trynda record, TFBlade got like 10 games without tryndamere, how you feel about it? trkGasp @ak97291 fogged has been winning but tf has like 70LP on him atm with 20 more games iG irelia Kreygasm !opggs !rank trkKiss KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP tfb played a lot of games with other champions lol irelia free win FeelsGoodMan @foggedftw2 hey fogged how is the challenge going infernal soul killed baron @foggedftw2 Whos ur second pick if Trynd banned out? grufomgimbaskilled subscribed with Twitch Prime. grufomgimbaskilled's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! wait, you can oneshot yourself on Kled? KEKW runes? LOL cheater blade which match ups you run conq !opggs fogged spies hmm HahaBall HahaBall !ranked 12 games with other champs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP What? when does the challenge end? @foggedftw2 how is the challenge vs TFblade going so far brother? haha he went fiora vs him and bm'd and then their team just got rekt and he trolled TRUE KEKW he's right lmao KEKW lee sin true KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) Wintrading tf makes him the enemy @Get_Jiinxed jan 8 lee gonna ghost hide map ohhh destroy him then :) @foggedftw2 He was 0/5 and he started trollling and inting. imagine if he was gon ur team monkaS Crit he's lying, tfblade lost last game i just saw it @foggedftw2 !op.hh tfblade HAS a handicap, you already let him off "trynd only Flattery will get you nowhere pleb ! You're gonna get an insane amount of ganks I think she was the fiora !bet TF has enough free stuff with the not having to always play tryn the constant win trades... he doesn't need this lol kill 'em deader'n hell... tfblade played 10% of his games with other champs, so it's pretty much pointless now hide map she was the 0/6 fiora !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET LOL KEKW IRELIA @foggedftw2 He was 0/5 and he started trollling and inting. LOL nimbus op KEKW NICE her flash was so short LMFAO KEKW There you go bro Masters player LUL this matchup seems impossible as irelia a' NIMBUS Pog wait, this guy is confessing live on stream, couldnt he get banned? a' KEKW wintrading all the streamers U win promo ? NA Flash Check out my new merch! imagine you on 1v1 tourney unbanned tryn :) NA irelia even in masters it ends like that .... a' irelia trying to 1v1 u lvl 1 FailFish did mundo get buffed recently? You'd think in masters they would know not to walk up ! @EmmyLeeC hey emmy idk if this got answered earlier i had to dip out, but if one earns a coaching session can that person pass that right to someone else and if so do they have to be subscribed? Is he winning the challenge ? Why r u starting doran's blade now instead large sword? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP rip cs LUL foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP is lethal tempo not good anymore? why conq? !ranl also why is it called long sword if it looks so short? Pog !rank why dblade and not long sword? more sustain with blade over sword !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king The csing Kreygasm yea sword is too greedt greedy @kuroka33 I volunteer as tribute !king !king no why not tiamat? dantm3000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 4 month streak! tf blade tryna fk with the wrong wizard wreck that irelia bro dantm3000's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! why no tiamat are u win last game ? :D What is that sound Did you hear what happened to Singed's Twitter followers? They all died. think tiamat is just gonna get him camped probably cuz he wants to freeze the wave to freeze and he didnt even have enough gold what runes are you going? @thesinnermen9 thnx man, but i have someone specific in mind and I can't play so much anymore due to ping and keyboard issues. He just said why he doesnt want tiamat, he wants to freeze lane !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) @foggedftw2 what do you think of sanguine blade on trynd? he started DBlade or LS? HE WANTS TO FREEZE CANT DO THAT WITH TIAMAT @Maani86 old school joke LUL he takes Tiamat when he goes conq alot when d o you go conqueror? foggedYoda IceCold BEAT TF BLABY WE WILL foggedYoda IceCold do em manly and play tank sanguine sucks now @Avrael_ !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER Wave management 101 is cloak of agility really good now? has it been buffed? @thesinnermen9 ill w8 til the game's over to ask again. @foggedftw2 could she not of prevented that slow push is sultan best skin? @sendtrumpnudes what hotfix happened to this item? didn't read lol @livetune_ 20% -> 25% crit !skin Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant @venomrevenge yep !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) @sendtrumpnudes thanks i didnt know trynds passive made a sound Pog What do you do to a toxic Zyra? You repot her! !opggs they dropped the atk spd and made it 100 more gold if we have a foggedYoda we need a foggedpadawn emote for danny's trainees nerfed the atk spd ** !ranks ah Haha @kuroka33 i was half jk don't worry bout it, hopefully they nice and agree for your friend not even ult LULW wp @Cryaoticxd123 tryn is a sith lord nice foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS U better run.. to late irelia didnt even need r KEkW this is just bullying now !opggs top open !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !tfblade @foggedftw2 milkshake or mcflurry? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @thesinnermen9 ik and thnx. if so it could also set up future coachings for chat similar to gifting subs pink ward? @foggedftw2 maybe youre mouse is acting up first win in master :) Are there people who dosent play lol but enjoy just watching it? control eard? !king my man ! its sunday Nice taste fogged Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! <3 Who beats Orianna mid lane? Ochrisbrown TRUE thats my boy chic aint open Is any of this games going on YT? @foggedftw2 how is the challenge vs TFblade going so far brother? Resses Blizzard bro the icecream machine is always down at mcdonalds any way bruh, it's all about the Nutter Butter milkshakes from Wienerschnitzel !tfblade McFreeze or Frosty Wait so is the challenge still on? What's the reward for the winner? chocolate chip peppermint shake at chick-fill-a milk double chocolate protein shake is best shake @kuroka33 Yeah that'd be swell @Maani86 lol who's in the lead for this bet? Wendy's chocolate milkshake or mcflurry @foggedftw2 soo closeee the graves missed an auto NotLikeThis smh chic fil a is so anti-gay tho :( :( :( why is tfblade playing jax when trynd is banned even when hes not in promos what's your favorite sundae toppings? wtf is this graves doing graves wrong rune $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW mcfluirry @roric_knight wendys milkshake is the same as frosty fogged gets 500subs if he wins tf cheat gets to keep his money if he wins !challenge @minseo tf disqualified himself but wont concede why is he not playing around drake ? he inted super hard you can ask for the oreo crumbs and whipped cream in the frozen coffee and thats actually the best thing in the world @dantm3000 yeah ok bro LUL @dantm3000 why is that bad chat you're missing the point, no reason to risk that fight with irelia, shes already behind !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP he got drag @bisquit111 LMFAO nighbot Omg WOW damn that damage LULW holy monkaW bursted lol that hit holy irelia lost 45% hp in 1 aa monkaS Half health LUL LUL THE FOGGED VIEWER SURGE dat chunk PogChamp look at that lmfao do you think trynd should crit the tower? I mean, fiora crits now, I think they should change that lol obv not fogged hes turkish jerkey KEKW balanced monkaW that DMG was spin +crit !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP when do you go conqueror? Check out my new merch! whats been the conclusion about double crit cloak !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd yikes KEKW @TFBlade what will happen if you meet tf in a game who plays trynada? ks LUL @kurookamy that would be way too broken and champs have alrady been able to crit towers f report graves 9 min ER SeemsGood !king Ks with smoke LULW graves is a tilted flora tilter" so is conq better now @foggedftw2 u didnt need to flash there tho right? All u had to do was W? @foggedftw2 that wasn't a worth flash KEKW LOL LUL monkaW your finger is too fat MAIN FLORA KEKW CraftyCockneyGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! ????? CraftyCockneyGaming's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! monkaS '-' dope WHY MAN KEKW Flora main DansGame So it reads it off even if its below 5$ huh ???? monkaMEGA the fk? !opgg kekw FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here what KEKW ???? ?????????????????? KEKW !uptime realbamCONCERN WOW thanks i guess for the info 2 hours 5 minutes 50 seconds when do you go conqueror? nah u had E up @foggedftw2 420 crits Pog Ty Ευχαριστούμε για το HahaShrugRight @craftycockneygaming @AceRocola yes very informative wtf boop playing irelia in 2019 LUL >????????? bonk No, you were exactly in range when you flash poor irelia hi now the tax this graves man KEKW KEKW LUL aggro @MidnightxPMC very specific also why did he waste charge on the one plate tower? when do you go conqueror? tower Pepega not sure dropping herald there with the tower so low was worth it we Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Tower too smart well EZ game no lethal tempo no fun !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !runes @AmunKaidon two heralds spawns now so doesnt matter that much idk, this graves looks dumb as fk tbh irelia needs some buffs champs been put into the dirt way too hard can u update conq to build list ? !uptime 2 hours 7 minutes 15 seconds irelia does not need nerfs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king irelia needs some more nerfs yes i agree !king *irelia does not need buffs i mean Check out my new merch! bonk GG lol Noice. yea well this graves is higher rank than 99.99% of this chat easy to backseat game when comparing KDA and CSing I fogged is def a better tryn irelia gave up? @izmame thanks for the sub, just noticed <3 Poor Irelia playing irelia into trynd is one of the worst feelings in this game IONIA STILL STANDS ! *dies 1231231 times* Yea he made one mistake and chat has no mercy for graves lol irelia needs a new rework irelia, akali and yasuo can all get nerfed to hell 420 he makes it look so easy, damn fogged you are a beast man !! <3 420 Pog 420 @Gudapi +11 @foggedftw2 why no Tiamat my man? @Gudapi that shit is tru af but people always talk shit monkaW KEKW aggro 2 guys chill, irelia is broken when do you go conqueror? 600 iq turrets some matchups she wins so hard and others she loses so hard, never a good feeling hahhaah LUL mr fogged OSFrog TriHard small indie 420 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG sniper turret Racist towers, arab man with big sword Kappa @foggedftw2 Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! HahaLean Haha2020 Haha2020 Fizz that builds Zhonyas? A Goldfish. irelia KEKW 2k back? when do you go conqueror? you know who needs a nerf, is mordekaiser. that boi can play any role and has over 50% wr @Maani86 i hate you damn, your team sure doesnt like dragons ! 2k aint enough! only gotta buy full items @Maani86 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW payed So good to see the trade win Lee Sin losing this game Cheer1 when i played trynda i went with tiamat and statik and taken demolish and split push 24/7, was funny HAHA payedd can you show your runes ? on this game !build part of a bacon LOL CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET KEKW part of a bacon If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! part of the bacon LUL @RespectMyHorseBTW look them up You can check them on oppgg too damn that cs I can get a gallon of milk for $1 !ranks Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) !king fogged bringing home the bacon the 3k+ back inc Pog <3 you chat Whats the callengr? @MidnightxPMC KKona / clapped KEKW You “cook” bacon but you “bake” cookies uhhh KEKW LEE when do you go conqueror? LEE KEKW SIN jajajajaja lee KEKW English 🤔 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP !opggs KEKW Olaf not attending Special Olympics, he cant be disabled. OMEGALUL !rank !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin did that with 4k in inven ll 3.5k back OMEGALUL foggedTrynda foggedTrynda !matchup i mean... that lee got completly shit on.. but.. fogged still has 3.7k on his bank Summoner is not currently in-game @Maani86 good joke !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king That lee sin is tilted he int to tfblade he deserves to get wrecked 163 cs in 15 min Pog gg EZ Clap Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! im trynd vs quinn now.. fk help me @foggedftw2 haha gg ggez 3,6k lul GG easy peasy when do you go conqueror? lets go what rank are you now Gg EZ EZ @TFBlade what will happen if you meet tf in a game who plays trynada? well that was quick LULW gg LETS SEE THE LP !tf !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 0 LP yo danny chill it's masters EZ EZ Clap Rip lee D1 foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP gg !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET the longer i watche fogged i realise i 1 tricked the wrong champ FeelsBadMan !opggs 18 KEKW why conquerer in this game?] !king So no more lethal !opgg why did tf use jax outside of promos? FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king why does tf blade get to play other champs? just 18 LP LUL trynd = constantly hitting things !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge when do you go conqueror? !lethal @mrllama214 because cheating !ranks Why so little LP ggwp bro Fogged: Master 0 LP (73-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) how do u know turkish coffee? @wyittkelly tf disqualified himself and can no longer win, he is playing to avoid paying up WINNERS POV POGGERS !lethal tempo !opggs eyyyyyyy 10.7 cs per min guys i must admitt i started maining Trynd and mi parents kickedd the fuck out of me KEKW do you feel like the odds are against you with tf playing more games and more champs? @foggedftw2 Fogged too big now to thank people for their subs? this is all triumph and conq WHY DOES HIS ULT HAVE A 40 SECOND COOLDOWN Even when you miss Q its like 12 marlintg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! running strong! when do you go conqueror? marlintg's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! :D :) diana is NUTS WOW 25 games to make up a 50 LP gap... hmmmm :) Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! TriHard this vlad dude is strong !opggs clean saw some plays Ellite KEKW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET LOL LOOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL SINGED + ocean soul Ocean too bacon hype@! !runes !opggs Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Check out my new merch! (ditto) vlad irl monkaS play that singed clip again pls Why was the Diana's ult cooldown 40 seconds wtf ricardo TriHard sephiroth How did Mordekaiser survive Urgot ultimate???? @MidnightxPMC rework !ranks Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) Nemesis doing work me too gachiBASS a weapon has no emotions :| “ hi I’m coconut” is better than synapse tbh I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Voy so bad LULW JAJAJAJA no LAG LULW KEKW KEKW yea True Pog yes check out "bronziocre" YE KEKW !ranks popular streamers > good plays they would have had to be good in the first place Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 68 LP (93-26) ye, a lot of clips are rly boring RIP shit talking prof akali TF blade low quality clip LUL foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Yep it isnr even half good plays anymore Check out “hi I’m coconut” Coconut the best !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP taco Pog Synapse just looks up most popular clips for the day/week and stiches them together Just like the 'Fails' in Live Steam Fails nowadays LUL WOOOOOOO KEKW Lerts go TACO!!! !opggs I was away for five minutes and the game ends? I hope that's a good sign. :P :O :O :O :O wow, what a play ResidentSleeper kekw Z OMGALUL E Morde LUL KEKW nice flash what elo is that KEKW That hurts That flash KEKW BR OMEGALUL ZE LMFAO @Cryaoticxd123 broze? KEKW KEKW blitz they should have some of fogged's penta kills on here lol Disgusting champ 4Head KEKW Akali is simply sigusting that was clean Pog clean @livetune_ shut up :( akali btw did that guy just jump off the tower 4Head kev1n Pog akali ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Check out my new merch! Fat? DansGame fat camille DansGame LULW @foggedftw2 gj on master :) TRICK Pog TRUCO Pog KEKW kekw EL TRUCO Trucooooooo EL TRUCO EL TRUCO POG KEKW EL TRUCO Pog trkGasp KEKW Yeh KEKW el trucoooo EL TRUCO trkKiss trkKiss trkKiss trkKiss trkKiss THEY MUSTA FORGOT EL TRUCO POG LU CUCURACHAA Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp elllll truuuuuuuco 🐍 el trrrruccoooo pog check out "bronziocre" Pog WOW Pog uwu KEKW xD Pog LUL POGGERS Pog foggedFOGGERS Pog Coconut the best @foggedftw2 Pog KEKW LOL Pog Bruh WeirdChamp POG foggedFOGGERS Pog No. :) foggedFOGGERS PogChamp Pog Pog Clickbait PogChamp KEKW wtf holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! amazing|!!!!!!!!!!!! 34 mins o.0 PepePls @foggedftw2 Fogception @foggedftw2 thoughts on tricks chairty stream? already watched shameless channel plug HYPE lol! Pog i hate watching full game No shame plug lol We want to watch the best trynd in the world @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 hi I’m coconut cringe nice title KEKW Shameless WeirdChamp WOW Pog Clickbait twitch into clickbait youtube D: what happened in clash yesterday whos the nerd in that video I have only seen this once so far time to watch again foggedFOGGERS hahahah I'm playing Diablo 3 i don't have time for videos Keepo What a shameless bait. 10~15 min videos are great but not the full game this begins so well Are NA servers down or? SeemsGood Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Really awesome video! Must Watch! itll be going in the backgroun !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP !king I've watched it. I really liked it but I don't like Prof. Akali's clickbait titles nice ad Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! 10/10 plug @foggedftw2 as the great fan I am I've already seen the vid @foggedftw2 check out "bronziocre" 480p? and he plays adds LULW Never surrender... this is why I'm always held hostage. NotLikeThis best video ever This trynd so good Kreygasm man 3. time today a bit too menny times foggedftw2? Who's that? Already Watched xD @yaboisharf its the nature of youtube *shrug* cvele961 we're waiting for queue @foggedftw2 I watch your youtube to fall asleep. Good thing I can't skip ads while sleeping. I'm doing my part KEKW JUJIMUFU can we get a stream of fogged watching himself on a youtube video of fog watching a youtube video JUJI Pog jujimufu noooo ads show screen i watched that JUJIMUFU JUJIMUFU Pog The guy in the video looks awkwardly familar Jujimufu is in the middle I watch him sometimes i mean thats not even fair if the guy doesnt climb rocks Rhykker Pof @foggedftw2 watch some magic :)? wow 5 ads rip JUJI JUJIMUFU gachiBASS Hi @foggedftw2 Hes been everywhere juji, tome and Magnus make some great content together lol YOUTUBE ALCORYTHM. i get the same videos on my youtube no sure no nah NO gachiBASS no no yes yeah Yeah these guys are cool watch it gachi no yeah no No yes no gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM yeah do it Juji hell yeah ITS GOOD yes Pogu no you fingers hurt, a bodybuilder wont have finger strength lol ye its juji no 25 min? no @foggedftw2 thats called youtube recommended YES1A yes sure Juji is dope no no no yes little bit no no Lets watch some opm clips no yes No no no whatever u want league @foggedftw2 check this channel out nervous AF @foggedftw2 check league moments “Hi I’m coconut” 2019 and no subtitles 4Head XDDD yo @foggedftw2 what's up KEKW ResidentSleeper youtube some iron ranked highlights FakerBot Glitching you should watch some cartoons LULW KEKW he shining More Ads than blinks this stream FeelsOkayMan android freez WATCH THE NEXT VIDEO ITS BETTER that happens to me when i tried to speak multilanguage watch trucks trundle ult cooldown video ??? BrAiNfArT ????????????? antilhHerc antilhSylvester lets watch looney tunes :D LUL moesseopia Moe highlight LUL ? TriHard sry for bad englando TriHard 🐍 theres a reason it only have 29k views t1 Pog trucks trundle ult video @foggedftw2 jankos asked for a picture from faker and during the interview faker said that moment is not important LULW BigBrother HAHAHA SO ALPHA LULW LULW KEKW T1 KEKW trucks trundle ult video would be amazing 5.4 Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW wood division Pog Pog Pog Pog who won? POGGERS foggedFOGGERS !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP Guys I just realized if fogged loses the bet to TFBlade he can’t use rank 1 trynd in his YouTube titles anymore Kappa KEKW tricks trundle ult video is pretty dang funny by the end LUL watch the 7 hour record game nice game riot OMEGALUL hahahahaha your reaction @fogged You should watch a Trick video KEKW taste your own medicine LUL !elo !opggs @gloomypenguin Yeah he can. Cause TF didn't win with trynd small indie company Pog @foggedftw2 she sent emotes !ban POGGGGG $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon more trick2g videos turn off this allstar shit is it wrong to have Your stream, Tfblade's stream and Trick2G stream all up playing? lol watch some iron highlights watch wood division Pog Coconut @foggedftw2 There are only that many highlights... @foggedftw2 WATCH NEXT VIDEO Are there any good super old school highlight videos? I'm feeling nostalgic watch highlights from 2014-2016 watch a trick2g montage from season 5 Kappa @foggedftw2 do sth else the latest trick video thats pretty ture LULW Wow you don't say 4Head original content Kappa @foggedftw2 check this channel out Watch soccar highlights copy and paste !elo man go watch some league recap KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP just watch videogamedunkey lol vids for old times sake @foggedftw2 watch trick video pepeJAM so @foggedftw2 when is the tryndamere only challenge vs pokimane happening? I feel lime you need a real challenge when you should use conquerer? !music Fogged doesn't normally play music while gaming. If you really want music, consider playing it on your end or utilizing the music bot in the discord channel! yeah all this fizz khalifa, synapse and shit like that is getting boring watch that clip singed main korea @foggedftw2 have you watched kshaway new video? @foggedftw2 Hi im coconut just watch the wood division one !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET rip jam foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !opggs Check out my new merch! Mate can you tell me that song you did for 5 sec When you go conq vs lethal? What does fogged play if the enemy picks trynd or bans trynd? !t1 T1 and Fogged i know the song name but im not tellin @foggedftw2 did you and trick make new accounts for this challenge> tricks most recent video where he gets his trundle ult on Max cool down is grate watch trynd montage next time Pog that Aatrox skin looks badass @gloomypenguin dodge @foggedftw2 why does WW scale with AD but do Magic damage? @gloomypenguin kled why wait for kshaway video, when you can watch saltyteemo 24/7? @bish_dab tf, and yes !rank @dingoegret12 U should consider the rope then hiiii fgt what's new KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP some of you act like you dont havee shazam LULW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 with TF having about 20 more games than you atm, do you think that he'll just be playing more games than you in general? @foggedftw2 your last trynd montage is beast :) isnt aatrox like the witcher henry cavill bro you need to upload more. I love your youtube vids watch trynd montage that isn't yours why is sultan your fav @mephistoxpheles kinda ;p How much mastery IM SUB NOW foggedGift foggedDerp Why does TF play other Champs then tryn? @tj_lane2 animations are the cleanest @foggedftw2 tempo or conq most matchups? ya like ap trynd still deals physical :) @foggedftw2 yeah, but it makes but then you have to build magic pen instead of armor shred which is stupid @foggedftw2 whats the league korean montages thanks god ap tryndamere deals magic dmg so you can stack mr to counter ????? 5Head why? imagine making videos for money! Pepega 5Head WWs passive does on hit magic damage What about Hextech Gunblade on tryn ? Looks funny 5 head !mastery 700,000,000,000 whos winning the battle FOG or TF? !rank @foggedftw2 are clickbait titles worth it? KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP !guide Complete Tryndamere guide this stream is so Pog more work, less money: the american dream i havent seen you can also watch his VODs !uptime 2 hours 27 minutes 14 seconds @bl4ack0ut ty What if you add highlights every so often? how play trynd vs Darius? fogged ive got some feedback for your video titles, theyre just.. not clickbaity enough. you really need to have more hype in your titles. perhaps triy caps lock and 10+ exclamation marks. that should help i will look guide How much mastery @CLGMercenary an ability/auto attack will do a certain type of dmg, it will say which in its tooltip. that dmg is increased by ad or ap items. but it doesnt change what dmg it does @TheCakeIsStillaLie His youtube audience doesn't respond well to them ouch good trade !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Check out my new merch! yes !opggs why do you start longsword? Spin in or out of his q and try not to get pulled for trades @piratao so he has a faster curve probably dont wanna OPGG !opggs @DeathMetalDollon to rush into eitehr tiamat or essence reaver i assume cause of quick tiamat !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? Pog VoteYea !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor nice wpd both "why you no spin in e" PepeHands !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP @foggedftw2 what do you think about sanguine on trynd? am i watching a reply KEKW perfect hec LUL literalyl this gank happend 30secs ago !challange !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @codwasd1 sanguine no good !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !king some grade a ganks !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !e !opggs what LP is TF AT with his "SPIN SPIN SPIN" Trynd ? !ranks Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 86 LP (94-26) TY !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !ranks nice love it what was the hotfix on Sanguine Blade? veigars cage needs to be nerfed ty all !king why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? @foggedftw2 how do u feel about urgot matchup? spreadsheet says only medium but I always have a hard time against him will be sad for tf blade to go into the new year losing 2500$ @EvnKing he probably makes that much in less than a week atk spd nerf, 100 more gold @khalidezzz as if he couldnt afford 2.5k KEKW @EvnKing he averages ~13k viewers per stream its not much to him why tf has 20 more game than fogged ? still FeelsBadMan for his pride @VoidKooler Who is John Galt? you are so much better than tf blade @gladieaus cause he play more LUL LF Tier 1 Top laner in North America for clashed. HMU if interested! Who is winning the challenge rn?? diapers get expensive when you baby rage as much as tfblade with that many viewers he gets more than that in a day @gladieaus tf starts playing earlier lmao he is also a salty guy @datasleuth W H OMEGALUL why no tiamat why two cloack? !elo !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP tf isnt bad but def salty as fuk !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? @sendtrumpnudes ty @foggedftw2 are you even going to go tiamat if you get a double cloak buy before that? blade is playingjax KEKW @VoidKooler So u know our lord and saviour boxer pete Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! he has been doing pretty dam good !opggs @blouse007 for crit !challenge @blouse007 duh gotta go with scores its not skill if he play more of course he is going to have more lp Fogged goes zerkers and sorcery 2nd while tf blade goes lucidity 5Head stats do matter what runes against aatrox? @foggedftw2 is there a new rune build with conqueror? @Mr_Febreeze_007 foggedLewd !newbuild Check out my new merch! whos winning? 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 15345 🥈) jocnitro : 10062 🥉) soor_ice : 7060 4) datashe42 : 6462 5) nuvm__ : 5783 im winning :) !ranks Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 86 LP (94-26) me hecarim came all the way top and didn't even get assist LULW @foggedftw2 how's the match up tryn vs fiora? what's int means? @foggedftw2 in what matchupa do you go conqueror cannon and drake NotLikeThis how do you lose mobility by buying tiamat? cannon KEK did u guys start from iron 4 or from unranked wtf foggedBaby intentional feeding foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Intentionally feeding @JustCallmeZuwr helicopter WTF tf is playing irelia @foggedftw2 wait wtf That E? what is that spin bug lol bug helicopter Pog @JustCallmeZuwr intentionally giving kills wtf MEM helicopter KEKW wait wtf is that bug I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here when do you build tiamat? I love that E animation bug helicopter trynda LULW tryndocopter perma e pog ???? helicopterdamere !opgg KEKW FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king LUL !champs @x45voltmanx in the matchups with grasp, he just didnt update that yet Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @exoniusz @FiveDiabeticYordles thxx !king that spin bugis so dumb SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI happens to me every game !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW f can you still do the laugh e binding ?? @querfro ty bro No @unluckygod98 no, they fix it @unluckygod98 nop Oroumis subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Get that money! Oroumis's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 what item would you recommend over Rav Hydra if you don't get Tiamat? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups thanks guys smart !newmeta If you want to know what fogged is running, check out his current primary account by using !king. There is a quick cheatsheet graphic on !newbuild, but it's better to check out his first before asking questions about the build. It's preseason and things are always changing. foggedProf !newbuild !newbuild @Wilakes !newbuild @Wilakes he use to go for qss when he doesnt go for tiamat, but for this matchup we will se !king Pog bm flash Kap looked pretty clean tho Pog honestly he missed cannon he deserved the death !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW E flash = always worth Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! In what situations do you use lethal and conqueror on tryndamere? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs !king how did u just get 30% cdr from the item? !champs @sssniperf0x check that, he use conq now instead of grasp Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 what are some of the best and worst match ups for trynd? foggedDerp @TheFallenAngelLoL Transcendence like hashinshin? "good aatroxes" KEKW transcedence @TheFallenAngelLoL @sssniperf0x don't think conqueror is as useful for tryn anymore who is better on trynd fogged or tf? @TheFallenAngelLoL item gives 20% and transendence tnx What are other matchups like Aatrox where you'd go Lethal Tempo but not Tiamat? the good atroxes rush what?? didnt catch that @sssniperf0x He uses conq vs tank matchups last time I checked and LT otherwise Check out my new merch! rip lol foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP oof LUL KEKW KEKW LOLE KEKW LUL EKKW monkaW LUL Wow '-' ripp foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !rip !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1135 times! KEKW LUL !ult HahaTurtledove foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt RIP foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt that is a major RIP foggedUlt foggedUlt LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt X he bought that 1100g invincibility though !foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt shit happens foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt You lost the game right there !ult foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Omg now let's wait for a teammate to ping trynda ULT youre just restetting his gold value 5Head foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt 1k for horsey foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Hey chat and fogged, what are considered the hardest match ups for tryndamere nowadays? gold reset Pog I hate this matchup bi doesn't save him when fogged is this far ahead foggedUlt IceCold foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @Elliot3 KEKW Trynd players akways get cocky If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Don't forget LeBLanc is huge @foggedftw2 worst trynd match ups? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @deefer89 poppy @codwasd1 akali poppy volibear that synchronized drag ping Pog Lee sin is getting fed though Pepega RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! she probly had ult KEKW @foggedftw2 Oh :D ouch foggedGasm foggedGasm overkill lol NOW they can get derg raka really tried to ks that everytime fogged dies lee dies teemo is a pretty hard matchup too why do you always use in ears headphones? no he isnt !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon !opggs @uncleherc, does fogged take rageblade anymore? Pog @m0ph0_xd no, cause of the bug with the spin i just watched john wick and now i get the john wickdamere name you walk over. it guarenttes drag... why not just walk @foggedftw2 ok ty @foggedftw2 Now you can get 4 oceans which means 20% hp regen every 5 sek Kappa @m0ph0_xd not anymore cause to many spins dont aply damage *apply so what's the alternative to rageblade? Hey Fogged, you know that trick's doing a charity stream, maybe you can pass by and show some love? @tiberionie its not a fps, sound isnt critical so i guess u could use whatever xD PogChamp PogChamp Lethal tempo Or dominiks both junglers 3 lvls behind top thats so fukcing lame blade getting smashed while playing irelia FeelsGoodMan xDDD soraka Pepega soraka LULW @Missing420 i've just never seen any streamer use in ear, just wondering XD soraka KEKW is he masteer already ? Hey Fogged, you know that trick's doing a charity stream, maybe you can pass by and show some love? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! yes yeah @Rugusur ye 0/6 kat :) !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor nice <3 what do you think of sanguine blade? @tiberionie i sometimes prefer it aswell, its lightweight and doesnt leave a mark on ur head KEKW WOULD U NOT CONSIDER MORTAL REMINDER FOR THEIR WHOLE COMP? jesus $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Aatrox just get clapped foggedYoda a wild tryndamere appeared out of nowhere LULW Playing so good today PogChamp @hunterfabio2 has he raise a fair amount? yes @deathtrilogy231 40% cdr ? how ? runes ? sweet whos winning the challenge? @broxir yes Check out my new merch! ER, stinger and runes why tfblade is allowed to play other champs than trynda? what secondary runes to take w conq? TFB is currently slightly in the lead thx my man @bennloco rip top think about this soraka and sona impact in this game haha 2 dogs foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !whyjax !challenge @raging_bull_9 TFblade cheating KEKW If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i love how fruit gives him rage , i can just imagine him getting fuming while downing these fruits does he no longer do the laugh? these throws :/ !opggs @FunkyCal08 KEKW Whenever I watch TFB he's not even playing Trynda KEKW ohh tanks it got removed from the game @isomaric riot took the laugh spin out @isomaric fixed thanks* I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @FunkyCal08 haha oh no... @isomaric doesn't work anymore pepeLaugh sad :( !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king D GATEz mrmWUT !bet tbh tf blade has higher win rate on tryndamere even if he's cheating promos Is Senguine's blade great for splitting? !ranks Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 86 LP (94-26) They must have forgot whats the command for opggs? 1k shutdown Kreygasm o wait wrong stream 1k Pog !opggs lol tfblade 5 champ "only trynda" nice sonna got it !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !jax rageblade this game? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP sona outscales kat dont @me @foggedftw2 what sorcery runes are you using right now? sona op too though LUL !notrynd @manuel2 thx why is tfblade playng irelia? don't forget the ocean soul they'll get lethal is better then concurer? @ZemphyrAC Nmbus cloak transcendence Is Senguine's blade great for splitting? who is winning so far? @ZemphyrAC transcendence and nimbus cloak why no rabadons? tf blade playing irelia LUL @foggedftw2 No more bloodline?? we get lifesteal items? @foggedftw2 When do you get rageblade then? gunblade for the zap @is tfblade allowed to not play trynd if banned? i saw tfblade playing jax too lee sin carrying them Check out my new merch! @i8ursoup @Ekke325 ty kind friends peepoHappy !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king np tf blade cheating LULW widepeepoHappy @jacintafor yes Could someone send in fogged's google docs with the guide pls? ^^ oh, the enemy team can go for that dragon soul how long have you played league for @foggedftw2 ddue kat have 2 kp kappa can someone clarify, they doing bet still, but TF technically lost coz can't solo play Tryn? @foggedftw2 you don't like Sanguine Blade and Death Dance on trynd? as 6th i was meaning lol foggedPepega tf blade only plays other champs when trynd is banned when would you build sanguine? @foggedftw2 I think they're just gonna punch through your team and top lane if you don't group Blade playing Irelia!!!! Wtf he doesn't dodge I hope ppl spam soraka again so I have reason to sona PogChamp did fogged try smite yet? !king !champs @benezio7 that one? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: FUARK tbh what u need is a mercurial over anything else @foggedftw2 could u explain why u didnt rush mikaels this game? sona gonna carry I'm telling you Kappa they do damage your team has negative dps LOL Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups this lb is so bad KEKW dont lol they do no dmg to baron the adc has no dmg 0 dmg LUL team 0 dmg KEKW ur does negative damage lol heca Pog tf wtf is lb doing? Nice team LUL That Lee is doing work HECA Pog lee pog why tf blade playing irelia?? Hello, he can only play other champs in promos?? cait KEKW it was 3 v 4 wtf... lee giga smurf cait made it so heca had to ghost lol @QuerFro yep, thanks! its been updated , but i still have it i guess , but thanks again ^^ theres a le blanc in this game very unlucky game for our boy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW winnable Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! They bad bad af im the lee :) tfblade just cheats now it seems !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP خحلل! no im the lee :) At this point the challenge have no sense, tf not even trying to play Trynda no, I'm the lee opgg! :) @foggedftw2 Do you think sanguine blade is good atm? i don't see the best tryndamere in the world (you) building it. also you are amazing keep up the great content !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER !sanguine !sanguine !rank me red SMOrc me red SMOrc ME RED SMOrc SMOrc is it worth to build last whisper on only aatrox tho ? guinso its no more viable? my red TriHard nice winnable no dmg master bot btw KEKW this looking like gg ocean soul = gg They're tanky af @trihard3456 Ayy TriHard 7 TriHard 7 winnable Pog sona have more dmg tha Cait KEKW Lol the "Challenge" is mainly for views and such. they both dont really care who wins at this point because they already made 20 times that LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Foggedftw2G Pog !king Jg diff maybe buy GA ocean soul against fed lee monkaW 11v9 @foggedftw2 Is it that bad tho... they dont really have tank except for kidna tanky aatrox @erdenots at least someone gets it here LULW lmfao what that lee !ranks Fogged: Master 18 LP (74-20) | TFBlade: Master 86 LP (94-26) Hard split game? !opggs literally ghosting were you picked in twitch rivals lee is smart!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11v9? WutFace @AceRocola !1v9 "If you're the only one with a chance to carry the game you have to take everything, absolutely everything." they got baron and dragon soul KonCha @AceRocola thats a lot of people LUL almost every of my games were like that .. that's why I stopped playing 😂 Ocean Dragon Graphic Kreygasm hec no MR or armor and cait no damage @foggedftw2 sanguine blade last item or botrk? kek TehePelo 100v9 Pog @Tabriel013 doesn't matter if they don't have a tank when fogged's whole team gets one shot if you manage to win this, someone is gonna rage til death today !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 GA best for end 420 Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 1 vs 99 Keepo All you need is elder. yo tf should have been able to play champs other than his mains, jax ir ak...atleast make it fair. But not those... @midfekar27 i like the rain FeelsGoodMan ggs @foggedftw2 is blade allowed to play other champs than trynd now?? good team gg ggz useless team g g gg sona quest complete 27:03 LUL @foggedftw2 is blade allowed to play other champs than trynd now?? !king Gg !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 18 LP @Wispy_231 It look so much better Kreygasm !opggs Check out my new merch! just run it down side lane and breach sona is can*er !commands @bztyvzkz -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks sona + soraka support. what is this? season 2? KEKW sona mvp lee sin is smurfing gg lee is a god s OMEGALUL raka you need the kill sona lol did you see lee healing in GA lmaoooo xD KEKW this game wtf hahaha hard mode F ghg this sonna doingwork that healing is retarded gg wp gg awful team sona 25 stacks lol lol lost to sona shit team better adc wins they fed the lee team so weak ocean soul op op sona its so hard in alte game that cait like @foggedftw2 This Kat carried pretty hard You played it som well too dam gg I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 Support diffrence was giga ur team not good enough that game was soooo hard lol sona late game is basically another fed adc 0/9 kat btw :) @bustariceu told you KEK aatrox : gg KEKW Bot to heavy Sona did more than kata in the end 3/17 bot monkaMEGA sona carry TF should have been able to play champs other than his mains, jax ir ak...atleast make it fair. But not those... sona is so good against soraka if left alone though cait spy @the_tank_man_ sona have more dmg than your adc @foggedftw2 KEKW Cait got outdamaged by Sona :) :) :) :) FOCUS SONAAA Kata deserved that win :) and your bot flaming the jungler... @foggedftw2 why is blade allowed to play other champs than trynd? superior botlane always wins 3/17 hahaha how do ppl see two winning lanes and still eun it down @foggedftw2 Is Sanguine blade good on trynd? i dont see you building it garbage caitlyn LULW sona dmg more than heca and cait damn fogged is losing coz tf plays jax and irelia too lul im scared to schedule the vod review i won a few days ago, im like bottom bronze, just started playing last year 28 year old married new dad, RIP f0ehawk00 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months! f0ehawk00's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 Why aren't you building Sanguine Blade and Death Dance? @foggedftw2 worst trynd match ups? f !ban you got now realy pro player [lee sin] soraka low iq !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon i thought tfblade was only allowed to play other champs in promos, or is the challenge over? no wonder cait lost lane !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king trick2g highlights!!! @f0ehawk00, ty: HahaSweat LeeSin is ban worthy now imo why is tf blade playing irelia @tgo3333 dont worry am a 44 yo married guy with 3 kids !playlist Hey @foggedftw2 what's your second favourite trynd skin> !opgg @tgo3333 dont be scared; theres a lot to learn you did ur best fogged ull get them next game Ü !skins Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant CRACK THAT SONA SKULL TriHard IRL PROB HEHEXD123 @foggedftw2 are you going to try to end up with the same amount of games as TF? Why do u take anti healing item if u alreadyym have ignite ? @foggedftw2 yall should i go subway or taco johns? sup bro Can you send me your lo-fi playlist @AceRocola @floorx thank you uys @tgo3333 you can only go up from here my man, just find a time and do it asap, you wont regret it mate SUBWAY TriHard @lefrerepouloulou ignite has cd !king !opggs GET OUT !challenge TriHard If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Pog lol lol we found the problem right here @foggedftw2 videos bro <3 LOOL monkaW why did you let tf play his mains? anyone else but his mains ban him! its the same for me man nice game @foggedftw2 have you tried smite? i allways see your losses but never your wins @foggedftw2 should ranked do a hard reset for s10? @foggedftw2 Missing 1 w and 1 l from red text. @mactsthundah SUBWAY actually happened to me when i said that to hashinshin 1337 lp PogU my mans won last game LULW dumbass <3 @tgo3333 bro fogged and his chat are the chillest out of any league community. its about improving from where you're at not what people think about how you play anyway. a year from now you'll look back when you're gold and you wont even care regardless anyway :) probably tfblade paid him to make you lose foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi @foggedftw2 Hi fogged. So since u and TF are getting so close in terms of LP. What will you guys do if you meet him as teammate in a game>? TF Blade is playing much more than you WE GOING TO SUBWAY TRICK 2G one adc rushed executioners the other rushed berserkers LUL trick2g montage no? @foggedftw2 check out the new Kshaway video, its funny bobwu2002 what did you think was gonna happen? LUL @everyone yall are nice people ITS LITT trick2g Check out my new merch! TRICK too many adds man either you're taking those numbers or I'm a bad luck charm HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint jesus kim jong fogged monkaW love you fogged !tanks How 2 Tryndamere KEKW bruh he gon watch himself LULW Trick comp? foggedYoda foggedYoda !ranks Fogged: Master 3 LP (74-21) | TFBlade: Master 86 LP (94-26) @foggedftw2 Im an adc main since s4 and I've gotten to a point where Im quite bored with my lane, is it worth switching to another lane and try to pick it up? My goal os to reach diamond, Im currently p2 and I feel like Im not sure what to do to improve anymore as an adc KEKW Anwex idk but i didnt think i would get banned lol what’re the rules of the challenge if trynd is banned Tfblade has 100 lp on you now :/ they cant even connjugate present hahahha haha !rank LULW TRUE KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP @foggedftw2 can you answer please why tf blade played irelia and he is not even in promo? MONTAGE POG holy moly lol i liked the headgear lol that hat LUL U guys might end up in game together !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW koreans made a montage of you? thats mad respect Both que at the same time !rank that music kekw what happened to "only other champs in promo series" Use google translate What a rightclicking Pog !king !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP @foggedftw2 I saw some of your montage are with chinese titles same shirt Pog !challenge saw scene 2 live KEKW KEKW So u already won when you watch replay montage of yourself FeelsGoodMan / \ FeelsGoodMan antivlad build KEKW i guess the vampyr build @foggedftw2 tfblade is a doctorBANGS who cant stick to rynd @foggedftw2 we will troll tf and send him the sangoma that snake is cheating dont worry we believe in u lol ii remember watching that vid lul Boomer build KEKW LOOL LULW wheres the classic rock !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i dont watch this videos because the music always makes it unbearable @foggedftw2 Would the vampire build still work today in any matchup for Tryndamere? trynd is a better vampire than vlad Kappa I saw that auto cancel on Ezreal holy @jayparkfanboy yea he sucks your life and screams too ! hahahahaah !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king KEKEW yea foggedWizard @foggedftw2 can you explane pls why tf blade played irelia and he is not in promo? KEKW @foggedftw2 submit new emotes what is the link to this video? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW thank you:) song is pretty Pog ngl TriHard IceCube !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP @NNefertiti check nightbot foggedYoda IceCold do you have the updated guide? @foggedftw2 what is the link to this video? I can't tell if that's an L or uppercase i POGGERS IceCold foggedFOGGERS why not just test it SwatKats LUL CesarB3G4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Counting 6! Made to Plat thanks to your Trynd knowledge. You're the best! CesarB3G4's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! watching montage of himself on stream Kreygasm ThisIsFine IceCold ok ty !opggs wtf 2 fogged Pog XD you ever use S key @foggedftw2 foggedception there needs to be a reaction video to fogged watching this That guy has the same poster as you! these feels recent work scrub noob always tilted oh man i miss laugh spin Can you not spin laugh anymore ? no !spin are there any other abilities that can be used under any CC besides trynd ult, GP cleanse and rengar cleanse? Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin patched Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! I love how he holds his ult so well - amazing how often he gets a kill without using it and getting out with a sliver of health TWO FOGGED POGGERS that guy looks a lot like you Fogged reaction to clips of fogged monkaHmm We need to go deeper Wasn’t it like a mechanic no? WTF KR? you and zwag would be a god duo @foggedftw2 tf play trynd supp lmao xD someone clip this so fogged can react to it later hahahahahahaha ahahahahaahahahaha how do you not get bored $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @foggedftw2 yo fogged how much weight did you lose? So Korean players know him for his trydamere @foggedftw2 TF PLAYING TRYND SUPP RN KEKW you lookin' good ma man OBAMA MEDAL MEME KEKW Such a nice video ! WE NEED FOGGED REACTING TO VIDEOS OF FOGGED REACTING TO VIDEOS OF FOGGED im playing norms and im against a trnydamere and i totalyl shoulda picked poppy oops but I picked pantheon Someone clip this and make Fogged react t this Pog flash You should do a new lethality vid with all the new items!! So Korean players know him for his trydamereL do u know boxerpete? yes can someone make a montage of fogged reacting to fogged montages so he can react to that? KEKW yes lmaoo lmfao Check out my new merch! @camouflaj13 mah mannnn KEKW !rank w max support foggedFOGGERS KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP so is the bet back on or? @foggedftw2 can you submit new emotes !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET OLD FOGGED POGGERS NEW FOGGED POGGERS Check out my new merch! i think you got cuter KappaPride tf is actually winning bot lane lol he is winnng bot lane as trynd support yeet new meta 2v2 \ just open your twitch and react to that @foggedftw2 tf Blade is play trynd Sup lol kkk Clap I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !rank TRICK2G VIDEOS PLS KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP KEKW isn't that sad VS POKIMANE KEKW includes Pokimane in title monkaHmm Ayy !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: Can u go ingame already????????? VonWicked subscribed with Twitch Prime. VonWicked's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! those montage songs trkSleeper trkSleeper !opggs Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @vonwicked fogged young LUL !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW pokimane TriHard I watched that yesterday @foggedftw2 hello gz on master Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Kshaway on recommended, I like that who we banning now in season 10? do you know any adc mains that have streams and videos similar to yours? adc is my secondary and I'm looking to get better there as well. pokiW i'm safe FeelsGoodMan this was also when riven was hyper broken clapped 5Head pOg 5Head eeeeey !build ! CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS 5Head 5Head yas5 crush her TriHard Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! 5Head HahaDoge pokiW i'm safe FeelsGoodMan FUCK YES I AM HYPED FOR 5HEAD foggedCorgi foggedCorgi what does 5head mean Oh so the challenge changed? didn’t know Yess foggedRightArm pokiW !gg I'm GG-ed top - Hashinshin foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedREE foggedFOGGERS foggedDog foggedSMOrc foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedRNG foggedProf foggedCorgi foggedBaby foggedPepega foggedGift foggedYoda foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt 420 pog kaleb_1909 subscribed with Twitch Prime. kaleb_1909's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! trkBoomer pokiW monkaW :foggedspin QUICK 16 PEOPLE SUB RIGHT NOW give this man your twitch prime you lazy fucks foggedYoda pokiW nice pokiW i'm safe FeelsGoodMan . pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan never watch streams but watch quite a lot of ur youtube channel so I guess you my free one @foggedftw2 pokiW monkaW nsed$$$ I CAN'T AFFORD TO GIFT IT RIGHT NOW OR MY GIRLFRIEND WOULD EVISCERATE ME babyJesus foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp TRICK2G Pog pokiW FeelsGoodMan I'm safe pokiW man, this match was when Laugh + Spin was a thing If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! We all know why trynd right arm is stronger than his left arm Kappa this video is great I watched it Master 3 PogChamp Hey i created that command @diggawas18 KEKW @foggedftw2 Watch some Magic tricks man, KEKW trkBoomer trkBoomer trkBoomer Fuckin Horsey WutFace foggedGift foggedYoda KEKW Pepega KEKW HAHAHHAAHHAHA foggedTrynda foggedTilt foggedEmmy foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedThink foggedDerp foggedYoda foggedGift foggedREE foggedHappy foggedDog foggedSMOrc foggedWeeb foggedLUL foggedFOGGERS foggedUlt foggedWurf foggedW foggedWizard foggedCorgi foggedGasm foggedLewd foggedRNG foggedPepega foggedProf foggedRightArm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedBaby foggedTrynda @foggedftw2 Do a trick2g intro compilation!!!!! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king TriHard trick2g intros are insane alright TriHard Jump King Pog WutFace KEKW KEKW maid king Pog AAUGH HAHAHAHHAHAHA AYAYA hahahahahahahahahahhaa KEKW best wishes ahahahahahahahah Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! LMAOOOO KEKW that would've been gold man KEKW same ads TriHard Clap pound town gachiBASS foggedLUL cmonBruh people underrate how fun trundle is YYYYAAAAAAAAA D: foggedPepega !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog cheating trick out of 2.7k views on this vid, everyone go watch it yourselves !opggs challengers @Snarkster its the dance that makes him fun uhh the jax matchup Why conqueror? Check out my new merch! !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to spawn is mcbaze's duo partner most of the time lol !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP @BibleBanger56 facts !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor This is nice 🥶 !matchup Not gonna li Master (Soraka, Tryndamere, Qiyana) Grandmaster (Jhin, Jax, Rakan) Challenger (Lee Sin, Orianna, Sivir, Akali) damn only 3 master 🥶 IceCold hey fogged, do u always take conq over lethal now? @SylantTyrant free advertising for trick; its not a loss on trick's part. chill I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !king @smyglord, grasp now is conq, lethal still main How come TFBlade is allowed to play other champs like Irelia and jazz in this challenge? @foggedftw2 i thought you are supposed to go grasp into jax? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP trynd only got rescheduled you like jazz? !challenge @brayshawlad so now Jax is a bit less anoying without Shojin? If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge its also a joke, read the mood @floorx /s if Jax take conquerer Lets goooo MAHOMES❤️ @m0ph0_xd Thanks! Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! blade is master too ?? @brayshawlad dodging takes alot of time Why did you choose conqueror in this situation? @foggedftw2 Even if TFBlade wins he doesn't get the title of best trynda NA Imo Damn this Lee Sin has insane stats on lee no map cover? why did they decided to stop the challenge? @foggedftw2 minimap are you not gonna hide map? Check out my new merch! @jesoulevevosdaronnes to many target bans he doesn't need to hide fogged is actually good Kappa @foggedftw2 hey what secondary runes u have? foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedREE foggedFOGGERS foggedDog foggedSMOrc foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedRNG foggedProf foggedCorgi foggedBaby foggedPepega foggedGift foggedYoda foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Nice passive sound <3 love it foggedYoda jax wont have time to check map with trynda critting on his face !matchup Master (Soraka, Tryndamere, Qiyana) Grandmaster (Jhin, Jax, Rakan) Challenger (Lee Sin, Orianna, Sivir, Akali) !runes @polystsrs Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. @foggedftw2 u ever wish for a rework for trynda or u want him as he is??? <3 @jesoulevevosdaronnes too many target bans, they're re-doing it during season in EUW in a couple months, this is just a placeholder so people that were watching it can still have fun people are target banning in preseason?! Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups BRUH @throughthenever you underestimate the league community LUL ??? pog @chat, why is sultan the best skin? lee KEKW KEKq ????? lee Pepega are you sure this is GM? lee also fk up lee out of nowhere xD wut was Jax thinking ? LUL @justcallmezuwr cuz i have it also @JustCallmeZuwr cuz the animations are smooth and demon blade sucks because master fogged says it, so shall it be @JustCallmeZuwr Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @gusterugamer jax is d1 but the rest yeah lmao jg trolling as usual LULW barrier Jebaited @NanachiTheBest was thinking hes the king xD @foggedftw2 this jax is an adc main JG Diff is always the best go on him @gusterugamer actually 4 challs in the game too this is what they mean by JG diff LUL @Adoinc jax is gm 486lp, he is just autofilled !opggs @adomux456 thats not true lol how does this matchup go? @QuerFro o i was looking last season rip oops wrong tag !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1136 times! usually in foggeds favor when the jax is autofilled !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW why run? obviously it was the right thing to do akali Pog like he is king of jax? !opggs i'm ghosting the jax forget to cover your minimap? better early than foggedUlt whoever ends december higher? !delay !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs someone be a lamb and gift me a sub :) kevinwang1023 subscribed with Twitch Prime. kevinwang1023's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Tzarius13 no need to with delay what are your runes? @foggedftw2 tf playing trynd support and he's carrying that shit Pog @ksztn if i'm not wrong, is 25 secs delay !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @foggedftw2 seing your viewer count go higher as a long time watcher makes me happy keep it up dood Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! aka is challanger @justcallmezuwr danke well hello Kappa 123 @fugetsu_22 so is orianna LUL what a jax why he jumps with e $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! he just needs to walk rolf @ksztn bist du deutsch? @foggedftw2 is it better than grasp? Whoever has the golden Kappa earns a free sub Everyone do a golden Kappa check no assist LUL LOLL !grasp !conqueror greedy af outplayed O.o Kappa Kappa kappa win trading? Kappa this qiyana is trying to get on synapse instead of winning Kappa Check out my new merch! @ksztn bitte Kappa Kappa Kappa ? Kappa !followage tgo3333 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 5 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes, 16 seconds Kappa ? !conqueror @justcallmezuwr "danke" solo is german, "danke well" is typical dutch phrase :) whats the elo? lul lol ignite fo ms you have no fury from rune grasp > conq HahaSweat HahaSweat I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Golden Kappa was removed LUL !followage !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP xiaocher has been following foggedftw2 for 10 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 54 minutes, 57 seconds low rage didnt help on that all-in @ksztn wow didn't know XD Kappa clip thatv EleGiggle sorry if im behind, but did the rules change or something? was blade playing other champs? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge thanks !followage :) FiveDiabeticYordles has been following foggedftw2 for 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 49 minutes, 54 seconds So this current challenge is pointless until May in EUW? lol LUL SeemsGood sacrificial lamb wait quiyana had a shutdown?? @syzoth12 not really, if fogged won is free 500 gifted subs vamp actually got him the kill there dang Check out my new merch! some sacrifices have to be made for the greater good foggedW this proves that tfblade is better right? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. lmao tabis beta jax @QuerFro thats the condition because tf blade didnt pull the ONLY in trynd only challenge? Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor so whos winning so far fogged lanes even !ranks Fogged: Master 3 LP (74-21) | TFBlade: Master 104 LP (95-26) im waiting for those 500 from tf... hope im not so good at dodging still widepeeposad @syzoth12 yeah @fivediabeticyordles Hey who you callin diabetic cmonBruh @gabe990133 tabis vs 3 ad Pepega @QuerFro forsenCD pepeclap !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW who does he ban everygame does anyone knoww shit tf is winning !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon !bans KEKW higgins1010 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog nice higgins1010's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW LUL LUL pog KEKW ily fogged ? KEKW JaX KEKW KEK W tfblade has a few gammeess for ootheer champs on that accoountt KEK\/\/ TF is doing well for a cheater Can jax beat Trynd at this point? with tri-force yeah when u should play with tp on trynd ? Who is in lead(in the trynd chall)? daamn son 3k viewers !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opgg !king @IPerfecting yeah, if fogged mistakes jax can destroy trynd, even without triforce why cant Trynd E crit !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP what do you ban when you play trynda top? How long is pre season 2k gold wasted KEKW !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon @fivediabeticyordles watch who you call diabetic bruh cmonBruh I’ll stab you with insulin abusing autofilled player PepeHands !king @pugone until 8 of january if im not wrong Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @foggedftw2 People right now are crazy for Doran blades for ,,early domination" to get drakes and shit... wierd stuff if you ask me !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP Fogged haven't play on challenge acc for two days so TFblade could catch up @Tabriel013 even tarzaned thinks building 1 or 2 dorans blades on jungles is the meta rn !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Check out my new merch! LU LMAO !ult LUL "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1137 times! KEKW KEKW R KEKW !ult LUL :0 welp foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW :F ? KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt ooooooooooof NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW oof wait- nooooooooo PLEB foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW LUL LMFAO hahaha foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt kekw kekw foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedTilt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt TriHard foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedW foggedW foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP LUL @IPerfecting see what i mean? kkkkk PogChamp foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Booped ya oof rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP ikeepitINT ikeepitINT ikeepitINT ikeepitINT !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP when u are playing with tp as trynd ? :( foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedThink foggedEmmy foggedTrynda foggedLUL foggedTilt foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedREE foggedFOGGERS foggedDog foggedSMOrc foggedHappy foggedWurf foggedW foggedRightArm foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedRNG foggedProf foggedCorgi foggedBaby foggedPepega foggedGift foggedYoda PogChamp !king 450g oof ΛΟΛ foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Yoo @trihard3456 TriHard rainy day KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus @bery2496 almost never @kaleb_1909 KEKW @bery2496 never It's a terrible day for rain FeelsRainMan SMOrc I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here At least team isnt heavy this game how much ad conqueror gives at max level? i love the rain boxPeek he's jumping too early that's hilarious there's an emote for that shit - foggedult - Only picked up the champ in off season and i do that shit at least once a gamexD gives adpt not ad KEKSad @Adoinc Kidna stupid idea tbh.. lately i was in game where my Caitlyn was spaming doran blades and enemy Jhin was buying 4 cloak of agility... early he was losing and lost turret too with 2 drags but after he bought Stormrazor oh boi the roles reversed... our Cait was falling behind hard Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Guys what kekw means !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET now with how they've changed the crit builds I only play The Fast it means Kapp a (no space) @hgrdl foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 are you competing in clash today too? rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !build !king @Tabriel013 see the thing is the dorans buys are only for higher elos where midgame actually matters. its only wasted gold once the game gets to a certain point i agree. why fight him with all his stacks up LUL @hgrdl download bttv, the extention, KEKW and pog are emots @Adoinc Had discussion about doran vs agility claok on all chat and aparantly rushing cloaks is new meta in LCK Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !opggs here come the throws KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Adoinc That was D2/D1 game in euw... thats not really a low elo !king TF blade is a salty narcistic spoiled brat !builds Check out my new merch! soraka fucked Qiyana @garruk303 ok boomer Qiyanna ult?? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET she got e @i8ursoup soraka silence e'd o Xerath ult KEKW @garruk303 and you are a low life twitch chat backseat gamer KEKW @Tabriel013 o well then that game just lasted too long then. i think dorans buys CAN be good in some situations. auto !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king jax cant lose 1v1s right now dorans for early game brawling too many stats If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! @Tabriel013 i.e. autofilled laners buy them so they dont get shit on as hard why no upgrade ult :O !r Level Ult Last - !r @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP @SwatKats chill @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @foggedftw2 LEE JUST AFKED @SwatKats how do u know? Sorry i didn't mean to multi spam it jax split push while they end KEKW @SwatKats boxGhost boxGhost boxGhost KEKW Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! KEKW i meant to do it twice >.> @Adoinc We had total advantage early but once midgame hit with all outer turrets gone and baron on map Jhin started wrecking us. Caitlyn couldnt compare angry jax Jax is an ADC main :( jax is doing his jax thingy lol he said his team was going to FF. He wanted to 1v1 you @foggedftw2 where's zazu?? tf won the trynd supp game xD who do you ban in champ select fogged !ranks Fogged: Master 3 LP (74-21) | TFBlade: Master 104 LP (95-26) !opggs @foggedftw2 Tf blade just won a 35min trynd supp game KEKW stream title isnt up to date @Tabriel013 maybe its matchup specific then foggedThink TF actualy won as Trynd supp LUL !stats oh fogged is losing? !rank lol tf won KingOfTryndamere is Master 3 LP !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Letting your inferior team lose is the alpha move by jax !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedSpin fogged5Head up[date tut]le or you could gift pore mods !title @Eddiiee -> Current Stream Title: CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 71-19 overC overC overC tfblade team player btw yea damn sir_bubblegum_the_third subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Adoinc Like Jhin won duel with Stormrazor, Ninja tabis 3 agility cloaks and pickaxe vs Caitlyn with stormrazor 4 dorans and zerkers... kidna sad trynd support actually OP KEKW sir_bubblegum_the_third's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !title CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 75-21 @MidnightxPMC -> The stream title has been updated to: CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 75-21 sells support item to farm more cs tfb5Head !title CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 75-21 !FOGGEDSPIN fogged5Head foggedSpin my friend just called your girlfriend brain dead :( fogged5Head foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedCorgi foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedProf !opgg !op.ggs FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king tf blade support tryn pog @wapooo :) hey fogged what tips do you have for maintaining good mental? yours is the best ive seen, its hard to be that tiltproof foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedYoda fogged5Head tfblade won sup trynd !title @Eddiiee -> Current Stream Title: CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE! HITTING MASTERS TODAY! Win/Loss 75-21 guys what are the rules for the challenge?why can tfblade play other champ? foggedW !king @Tabriel013 i bet if cait built tabis she'd win KEKW foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedspin test my command worked PogChamp emilyPog they look nice foggedSpin Ok Fogged5head !rank fogged5Head IceCold KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP FoggedSpin foggedSpin Is the spin emote from that one glitch? what happened to lasst game? win or loss? I wanna know too, how do you keep your chill? win HahaBall blade carried game on supp trynd Pog down 80 LP but also have 25 less games, easy win fogged tfblade won as a "support" trundamere LOOL this emote fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpín fogged5Head foggedYoda foggedSpin check last game from blade quit league and just watch streams to maintain mental :) foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedYoda AYAYA AYAYA foggedSpin foggedSpin fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 4:20 fogged5Head fogged5Head can you show us you rmonitor/desk setup? thats sound advice, i gotta admit i mess up a lot are you master now? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Still the best emote IPerfecting fogged5Head the fact that you keep so cool makes it nice to watch !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP @foggedftw2 tips on support Tryn? Been looking for a new main. foggedSpin fogged5Head fogged5Head @foggedftw2 you have 96 played, TF has 121 played fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head Clap foggedSpin 12 away from giveaway \o/ when watching TF blade you only hear screaming 70% of the time guys what are the rules for the challenge?why can tfblade play other champ? fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head ? @foggedftw2 is fogged5Head a tier 2/3 only? fogged5Head can you show us you monitor/desk setup? wgar Yo fogg did tf lose for playing other champ? foggedYoda is also awesome @Jason498 the best tip: Dont do it kk Coming from someone who used to tilt to the max the best fix is stop blaming your team for you losing and accept you weren’t good enough to carry the game noooo fogged5Head what !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW fogged5Head $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! who makes these emotes? @SwatKats nah, T1 tf is around 140lp how come i can't see it doesnt work for me use it theyre so cute !bet fogged5Head doesnt work for me either fogged5Head so 7games behind !build fogged5Head CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET refresh Kappa fogged5Head Are you ahead of behind tfblade in elo? fogged5Head Golden fogged5Head check Yoda emote PogChamp oh maybe i have to refresh stream If the emotes don't work for you then refresh your page @foggedftw2 What do you think about Tobias Fate's GP? Is it masters+ level? fogged5Head foggedYoda fogged5Head haha the new emote is hilarious fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head tfb5Head 5Head foggedSpin foggedSpin foggedSpin 4Head just refresh @rime101 subscribe you must foggedYoda fogged5Head Clap what's the command for the build guys? also hey fogged!! foggedspin there we go Time for you and Blade to queue into each other foggedFrog i like this one Check out my new merch! ?can you show us you monitor/desk setup? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP emmyleSad emmyleSad fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head foggedSpin fogged5Head foggedSpin @xtravaganza its crazy hard, but its !build.. I know never would have guessed its working 5head SwatKats subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 3 months my ass, i've been subbed this whole time! SwatKats's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! favorite new emote !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king fogged5Head !king TRICK VIDEOS He didn't let you catch up? @foggedftw2 do u building tiamat on er build ? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Tryndamere highlights! Why is he on another account? can you show us you monitor/desk setup? foggedYoda Subscribe and the force will be with you foggedYoda Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @swatkats lmaoo im gonna spam fogged5Head whenever i disagree with build decisions KEKW @foggedftw2 ii saw some guys building tiamat first what do u think about it ? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda @Adoinc foggedHappy lets go fogged! I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here What was the story of that day you streamed for 20 hours was there a reason for that one? you got some energy drinks handy? haha foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Hey fogged wanted to say your LT on-hit Jax video way back from the summer (I think) has improved my wr on Jax in ranked. I know it's kind of trolly but I genuinely like it foggedYoda Sub you must foggedYoda !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !addcom !yoda foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda @SwatKats -> The command "!yoda" has been added successfully. foggedGasm !yoda foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda @Mirardt fogged5Head - this is how i picture you KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Hey Danny! Good evening How much lp for tf? caffeine will carry you PogU |king what kind of energy drink is your favorite? foggedYoda !king foggedPepega good music! @foggedftw2 you ever try Mio energy or Gfuel? caffeine will give you a big shutdown later tho not sure how to take that mirard1LUL @Tryndamure !opggs foggedYoda Subscribe, you must foggedYoda Right click, you will foggedYoda To split, is the way foggedYoda To spread, you will win foggedYoda @foggedftw2 Som,eone mentioned Tryndamere highlights? !opggs Check out my new merch! !ranks Fogged: Master 20 LP (75-21) | TFBlade: Master 123 LP (96-26) !song what do you do when you're not playing league? !challange @iDontFly not unless you keep drinking it all night XD @BladeTheKing we don't consume Aspartame @foggedftw2 do u feel eye strain ? @foggedftw2 who do you ban TriHard TriHard TriHard HolidayPresent HolidayTree HolidayPresent HolidaySanta !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !ban I've crushed all my mid matchups today, but when that happens - your bot just goes 0-20. I need to get better so I can carry the 0-20 bot lanes more often. @Mirardt no offence, you're a five head! let them eat cake !bans Fogged Bans Poppy, Darius, Kennen, Pantheon they make coffee flavored Mio that I put in my oatmeal and greek yogurt and it tastes amazing while only adding like 15 calories !vanish Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Hit up G-Fuel and they’ll probably cut you a promo code. Maybe you’ll make a few bucks. @foggedftw2 what energy drinks do you like again? why poppy? @barrel_comb0 its not about getting better its about sacrificing a few kills mid to roam down and help your bot !ban !king SeemsGood500 Danny, long time YouTube lurker. Love the content and the info for destroying with Tryn! Much love bro @TPangforLife Monster ultras CamTheBeardedViking's Cheer shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi !opggs @guilhermecenra poppy is a tough match up, could even say it counters trynd ! challenge @foggedftw2 hey Danny I saw your recent twitter post about being more frustrated while playing the challenge, is it because of the games you play in or is it more so the streaming aspect of it foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog @EmmyLeeC <3 <3 <3 fogged5Head !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !hard Tryndamere's hardest matchups are Tahm Kench, Akali, Jayce, Gnar, Kennen and Teemo @eddiiee wdym could it surely counters lol @razza_guy you can’t find good Greek yogurt outside Greece just saying !opgg @TissueAchooo i think the pressure from money would get to anyone and make them tilt easier !king ! Opgg Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !easy @Adoinc true FrankerZ ! jax Que timer broken??? !king FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ !followage foggedCorgi !jax charlycb3 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 week, 1 day, 18 hours, 13 minutes, 4 seconds @EmmyLeeC I love monster ultra. I also like reign a lot. I don't like red bull all that much cause it's pricey af foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi @unfunny_brown_guy you think? Keepo !followage xd @Isentropicmike nah its perfect foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog !followage @latahaterm8 Jebaited Monster Juice is probably my favorite energy drink monster > redbull :) someone flamed me earlier for rushing rageblade after 2 cloaks into a fed nasus, i then proceeded to stomp the nasus they couldnt kill lol !otherchamps Did we hit masters or lose promos? @TPangforLife Reign is made by monster F for juice wrld foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog k Monster is just pure sugar... like 84g of it. monsters are waay too sweet for me !followage i need a clash team sybercat has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 11 months, 1 week, 2 hours, 23 minutes, 58 seconds !counters Counters/hardest matchups are Tahm Kench-Gnar-Kennen-Teemo. See all the matchups and their difficulty: Blade vs Bard Top KEKW somebody invite me white monster has 0 sugars and is the best tasting imop @foggedftw2 why did tf play so many other champs??? trueee !counter @IndomitableDarius oh I know, but it's that I like their monster ultra's as well !followage Where can I look up TFblade comparison i drink reigns white monster cmonBruh fog u received bits while away @foggedftw2 tf blade is using Demon blade trynd eww YUUUP fogged gets it @foggedftw2 you got donation thats quick @foggedftw2 did that guy that asked you throw get demoted? hello first time checking you out any words of wisdom for people looking to climb *siiiiiipppp* I would be more worried about caffeine than suggar do you like fernet? i drink water PogChamp PepoDance boomer juice fernet its good Monster is one quick way for heart failures in your 50s ive never had an ultra @TPangforLife whats the difference? I usually only drink the OG monsters those monsters witohut sugar are ultra sweet, ive tried it once I stay away from all energy drinks... Coffee is what i usually drink and rarely He's allowed to play other champs but you have to dodge ? @sweeelias lol you're too nice @foggedftw2 even i am not that forgiving Unpopular opinion - Kled is freaking busted right now with conqueror !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW white monster is for boomers @IndomitableDarius not sure how to describe. There's less of a burning feeling because there's no sugar in it if i play my ass off and get better and get to masters/up, is it even worth the long queue times lol? TF Blaby @IndomitableDarius they have less of a vitamin taste camthe6Dueces camthe6Dueces camthe6Dueces Normally fizzy drinks without sugar tend to have some additive that makes you wonder whether sugar is better Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @foggedftw2 who do you play if tryn is banned? I'll be around more camthe6Axe camthe6ThreeClap no clash tonight with trick? @foggedftw2 !banned YES TRYND BANNED monkaS alternative sweeteners are of course less harmful than sugar, but still it just tastes too sweet for me in compare to redbull/tiger @Eddiiee Monster ultra uses erithrytol which doesn't impact your sugar levels and is fine, it isn't aspartame the ones monster uses are the safest alternative to sugar might have to try it at work tomorrow then Kreygasm ^^^ I love monster Check out my new merch! danny, you cant tell me im not losing games because of my team @EmmyLeeC oh yes that's true. I know aspartame is terrible for the brain (not sure how, only know that it is) @EmmyLeeC ah... either way i try to stay away from energy drinks. That shit is just not healthy imo so monsters healthier the redbull? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i do everything you tell me and i always have single celled organisms on my team that cost me games !king hey dude nice and quiet stream is it Watch some magic tricks on youtube @foggedftw2 its contwnt <3 @foggedftw2 is stormrazer any good on trynd LUL In a team game? lol? XD wuuuut where is the logic @emmyleec aspartame does not effect blood sugar either but it has the negative bias of potentially causing cancer so is considered ‘not clean keto’ spoiler: there is no elo hell I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Eddiiee just as healthy as other caffiene sources tbh foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda And work as a team :D Teammates suck they do foggedYoda foggedYoda antoqc08 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !yoda antoqc08's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda everything lower than high challenger is bad @CrazorLoL I know, I was just saying that we don't consume aspartame !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Adoinc coffee included? !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to Ah ok I have silver mechanics but I play support and got carried to d4 For fun players :D CAN Confirm @CrazorLoL also studies showing aspartame causing alzheiemers monkaS What if i like to play supports/tanks? AND BUY COACHING just go in and win SMOrc or Dextrose, maltitol, or maltodextrin etc @CrazorLoL True New wonder woman trailer. And Free Guy with Ryan Reynolds It's easy to have at least 80% win rate in silver You have to find a champ that can hard carry it's especially easy on trynd kill everyone? monkaMEGA What gamaes besides lol do you play ? Gold player is never gunna solo carry silver though, so might never see gold We have this monkfruit syrup that is decent danny likes it. its too sweet for me !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW When are we going to get some of that (Me wizard me trynd me spin me win)??? @foggedftw2 How do i get out of the silver hole if i like to play support/tanks? How can you help people not instantly forfeit lane or jungle? :) Straight up hate confrontation lmao.. @EmmyLeeC That's true. Btw, since i know you and fogged do intermittent fasting, do you guys have the stance that sugar free energy drinks break a fast? I know some people don't but I have the stance that the ones I like do @Eddiiee teas/coffee are maybe slightly healthier but not by a huge margin !guide Complete Tryndamere guide !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP @foggedftw2 it’s human nature to blame your team unfortunately rather than actually accepting you’re just bad its like they refuse to win and try everything to lose @TPangforLife yes we don't drink anything other than water tea or black coffee on a fast and if you are a support? dont play support KEKW Dont play supporting tanks then KEKW just to be clear, if you win you get the subs but if you lose you dont have to pay anything? play pyle pyke Energy drinks do nothing for me these days I’ve abused caffeine too much LUL so essentially just put the team on teh back and head to the endzone hello fogged i wanna ask u about ur age just curious u looks old and good player in the same time I had someone tell me today that support couldn't carry and that was why they were hardstuck When are we going to get some of that (Me wizard me trynd me spin me win)??? I´ve never seen fogged lose lane btw @foggedftw2 I one-tricked vel'koz support to D4, strictly on being carried by better teammates when is diana rework live? Support with a champ who can carry but I solo climbed to diamond playing support Morg, Lux, Malph !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor You think Fully tank poppy is viable at any level in the game currently if you practice it enough she is my favorite champ but people always like omg poppy is so bad blah blah blah @CrazorLoL i feeeel you PepeHands can u solo adc climb from silver? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP @Adoinc instant coffee, maybe... teas, green tea is as healthy as you can get, and brewed coffee is also not bad, consuming caffeine in moderation has shown to actually improve health. ArcadeWing subscribed with Twitch Prime. ArcadeWing's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Is it just me that the game/que is stuck at 4:20? when is diana rework live? @foggedftw2 do you do coaching for live games? @zundervain Yes he does @Adoinc but i try not to even drink coffee personally, only when times are tough lol climbing lower elo as support sounds exhausting Emmy @nickandros1644 yes Check out my new merch! @oLunacy 11/12 !opggs @imdagboi Eh, why wouldn't you be able to climb as adc? @nickandros1644 KEKW The is one player that will always beat fogg @Mirardt I went from silver to plat my first season playign support @foggedftw2 hello fogged i wanna ask u about ur age just curious u looks old and good player in the same time what are good champs for carrying besides kayn, yi and trynd for example? (talon is HORRIBLY hard) i think you just have to have the right mindset what runes should i pick against teeemo? @barrel_comb0 what is your supp is inting? CamTheBeardedViking is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! CamTheBeardedViking gifted a Tier 1 sub to ow_DAWN! CamTheBeardedViking's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 You look old KEKW !opggs if* wait TF is winning O.o? @EmmyLeeC i still think it's an rng role to climb with in low elo dumb q but what's meant by live coaching? Like he coaches as they're playing? how do 1v1s help in league? rofl bard that new age tryn counterXDDDD CamTheBeardedViking subscribed at Tier 1. 35 ooga CamTheBeardedViking's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Andylonn Fogged took a day off you look 18 bud just gift me sub I’ll gladly take it Kapp ur look like 35 i guess old = wise ?? old is above 12 @foggedftw2 thx man is that a sword behind you? not at all. thought ur 21 tbh hey man, theres nothing wrong with being 40...i'm getting pretty close to being 40 myself !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP Yoo fogged why does TF builds cd boots u look 25 dude KEKW on what elo are you playing right now? you looks like college student yeah where is my sub :D @EmmyLeeC Aaa thanks for info Most annoying champ to play against as Trynd in your opinion? 27 aint old @foggedftw2 just think when you was 16, surely "old" was like late 20s LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king ssjDaddy You look 25 yo fogged i won a giveaway 7 days ago but it doenst let me send an email to you when does the "old" begings? All roles and all champions can get out of silver/gold/plat and maybe even diamond. It's more about you and your decision making than it is about the champion. how are you, i watch your yt video everytime u upload !king @Eddiiee caffeine can have health benefits in small amounts regardless of delivery system. the health benefits from green tea/ brewed coffee are the antioxidants on top of the caffeine but people overhype the "superfood" benefits to antioxidants lol. green tea def one of the best things you can drink tho 27 is basically a Boomer Kappa begins* 40s not old lmao... 90 is old begin*? he builds stinger warhammer rush sometimes tf blade is losing to bard top right now that seems soo bad @foggedftw2 TFBLADE got carried by his tema in his last 5 wins I am 28 and I declare we are old farts @foggedftw2 OMEGALUL K boomer Not going to lie you look older than me and I'm 23 :( Whats the diffrecne between your privat coaching and your gameplays where u tell us what u do @foggedftw2 is that a sword behind you??? above the trynd picture? "older" but not "old" for sure @zundervain gotta see this KEKW Hi guys @barrel_comb0 i know but laning phase is is what it is tho @Eddiiee we need a foggedBoomer emote Hi fogged really urgently watch TF BLADE hes playing tryndamere so bad. go watch him LOL I meant I look older than you LUL why dont you build the new item to trynda? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Nice late stream! Good evening/day fogged and chat. @foggedftw2 how is new conq ? honestly you are old when you start thinking that you’re old. 27 is a young age @foggedftw2 how is new conq on try @Adoinc yeah, the issue with energy drinks is all the extra fucked up shit they put into it, that's why i wouldn't say they're not much different than other caffeine alternatives Second favorite champ to play if you are forced to play another one? Whats the diffrecne between your privat coaching and your gameplays where u tell us what u do @Eddiiee like bcaa's, right? fogged5Head tfblade down 0-2 against bard top at the moment How deranged is TF blade for running TP and CDR boots every game? @foggedftw2 I mean this is what a year ago? He looks younger here because no glasses also lighting LUL @foggedftw2 u usually go kled if they pick trynd? @foggedftw2 so is conq better than grasp vs jax? @foggedftw2 how is new conq on try What gives more mobility your build or TF with the 45 cdr rush? Pog @ScottyFly131 Kled i guess @foggedftw2 is that a sword behind you? above the trynd picture? !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. I always find it amusing how people hate on caffeine drinks then smoke / drink alcohol which is probably 99% more toxic than caffeine im trying my god damn heart out. And thent heres like, the long hair faze but hey, i eat all kinds of fucked up shit anyways so drinking energy drinks is w/e at this point for me. I'm already a lost cause LUL Jesus christ these queue timers !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 how is new conq on try X-D 4Head @foggedftw2 thoughts on stormrager? !conq @cereal_hs Yes 4 : 20 LOL !conquerer !conq true @CrazorLoL it's like getting a full on large mcdonald's meal with a coke zero LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !ranks Fogged: Master 20 LP (75-21) | TFBlade: Master 123 LP (96-26) Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! I know :) excessive energy drinks can cause kidney stones from calcium malabsorption !opgg Kappa100 Best advice I ever got on league from higher elo trying to climb out of silver, mute all and play DogePls !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king why do you even have ANY expectations at all butts? @2nd_page_of_google_search these are some silver players why you keep the 4.20 in the counter? @foggedftw2 last time i tried to shot call they all just flamed me, called me hardstuck and ran it down mid.... good luck trying to shot call in low elo EUW !king Second favorite champ to play when can’t play Trynd? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! without expectations its a lot easier @2nd_page_of_google_search @Mirardt im just not good enough 4:20 thats it It freezed on 4:20 lol also great on adc for kiting people that try to run at them and there is not a problem about it as long as your improving low elo is same evrywhere I use Fullmute all the time BloodTrail w Check out my new merch! I love how he smiles when he reads EUW... HE knows LUL !opggs if fogged can win all games in silver and gold, it means there is an optimal path to victory that any player could theoretically follow Bless you F How deranged is TF for running TP/CDR boots every game? @foggedftw2 but blaming your teammates (because you have unreasonable expectations) just sucks for you because it feels fucking bad @2nd_page_of_google_search rules from fogged are: dont listen to pings, dont build tank if falling behind, and dont play support in low elo @chubacanuclear its a picture its not his real queue 😁 do you still build rageblade on trynd? @Andylonn are you EUW... they're a special breed over here these low elo guys LUL @eddiiee I shot called in silver-plat to reach diamond on euw. If you hard win lane people will listen to you most of the time tbh I'm still a pooper player and don't know optimal path to victory !newbuild If u are in silver, important thing is test your limits on trynda @asemaphore the only issue with that thinking is optimal changes from game to game @Mirardt well im at the point where i need my team still. im not good enough to 1v9 every single game U still have clash today I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here wtf is that fake tryndamere on the enemy team It’s just up to you if u wanna do it j4 Zac engages from alcoves !rank @Eddiiee Used to be. Trust me EUNE is much worse. Those are real animals KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP ddint get trinket no ward fogged5Head foggedCorgi MASTER OP @Andylonn NotLikeThis @Adoinc true, what i notice from fogged is that he takes in so much info that i would never have thought of @capslord who KEKW yes ward OH thats cool it gave you it anyways foggedGasm What should you build now on trynd is it still essence reaver rageblade? !rank if you leave base without trinket it auto gives you yellow trinket lmao @deadr0tten actual nerd KEKW Hi foggy and chat what the why is there sometimes a gap at blue and now not? @asemaphore that's pretty much it. IT's second nature to him as well. well its not like i leave base without it so i never knew the dude in the corner, skin looks like a slightly less manly king tryndamere Does anyone have a clue where to see the clips they've made on twitch? the page has vanished from my view Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups !cmd musta been j4 how about accepting that you going to lose some of those games in advance then? @2nd_page_of_google_search i mean yeah im wrong in saying its 100% my teams fault, but Im just not at the point where i can 1v9 oh ok KEKW then get there @Parkiet thats from mountain drake influence, when the 2nd dragon gets killed a influence on the map happens, mountain drake changed the terrain of certain walls it enough if you win 51% of games ya know @MidnightxPMC nice bait.. you want me to post a link so nightbot purges me.. HA! jokes on you I'm fogged5Head @Eddiiee fogged is like, the jungler's avg heart rate is 105bpm and spikes every time the game clock is prime @asemaphore the good thing is that most of league becomes autopilot eventually. the better ive gotten the less ive had to pay attention to every little thing that im doing LOL TRU Yes cause it totally stop subs from posting links LOL Check out my new merch! !opggs @meavespt oh wow. Thanks. That's a funny change! @MidnightxPMC nice try again... I won't risk to find out coz I'm fogged5Head @2nd_page_of_google_search go in ranked and write a notepad with your games and write your mistakes you make that lead to you dying and then read them over while waiting to get into a new game @2nd_page_of_google_search you don’t have to 1v9, but if you’re good enough you should easily have a 51%+ winrate which is enough to climb GreenV1rus gifted a Tier 1 sub to MidnightxPMC! They have given 73 Gift Subs in the channel! foggedYoda cutest emote ever GreenV1rus's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Farm Kreygasm Free coaching right there LUL Thanks for the HahaHide @greenv1rus this camille looks so weird @GreenV1rus Thank you! theoddorange and strompest wtf KEKW these 2 are fossils coachme @MidnightxPMC ofc HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight @BangingHeads Ayy I love that TFblade has 11 games played on other champs lol am no longer pleb Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! foggedGift foggedGift tfbPepega @MidnightxPMC foggedYoda Trust a purple, you must not foggedYoda what the actual fuck ajchiiPepego but WTF 5 man gank? LUL that was 5 wtf @GreenV1rus HE IS FAKE, GREENVIRUS IS PUPRLE NOW :D heeyo greenV1rus 4 5 free plates wait what are the 5 of then doing there at min 3? KEKW NAARAM lads 5 top? Team gank 6 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW All 5 LUL Green and Purple are compliment colors. Didnt you know? When does he go conq? what is the best build on tryndamere right now? @foggedftw2 bot tower 4 min ? I know, and love that color combo @MidnightxPMC hahah midnight i think that my biggest problem is that i tilt real easy. if i could actually make my team mates invisible and never see what they are doing i probably would be fine, but i need a realistic solution 0 If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! @Parkiet for other dragons: fire removes some bushes and wall, ocean increases bush sizes and spawns honeyfruits in the jungles, wind gives a wind field in the jungle which increases ms when running through, which influence happens then changes all dragons to that type that spawn after until the bar on top of the scoreboard is full and one team gets the "dragonsoul" which is different depending on which dragon influence it is after the soul is gotten elder spawns cs Pog how is this fair? ofc tfblade will win if he's allowed other champs??? @foggedftw2 man blade is so whiny, how can people stand watching him... nonstop crying foggedRightArm CS Pog cool pasta foggedPepega i can turn off the announcer for stuff like team deaths right? KEKW guys what does tfblade gain with this challenge? @jps166 cause he's nutty good i guess :D tfblade is legit a foggedBaby LULW Freezing Pog @2nd_page_of_google_search so does tfblade KEKW ever see his stream? what cs stands for? KEKW KEKW foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @jps166 people in college who just want to vent and its relaxing. idunno game is buggy as hell this patch ngl creep score riot nerfed fogged creep score? ahhhh csing s I miss old blade, he was actually so composed. Now he can't go a minute without raging THE CANON @cloroformiao eh gains 500 sub gifts, but if fogged wins he gives nothing Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @ryvoin i dont understand your question you guys are probs right, just blows my mind @Eddiiee i think his chat is actually slowly getting to him tbh, you can only endure so much stupidity before you go nuts KEKW tfblade washed up mentally @Ajchii wait isn't it the opposite? what is the best builds and runes for tryndamere? @foggedftw2 that's the most passive Camille i've ever seen @ryvoin LUL chat give me a quote of any champion in league if i dont answer who it is in 5 seconds i donate u a sub @StivenSenegal Ok. !canon @StivenSenegal oh yea? captain teemo on duty" is concorer the new meta? @StivenSenegal ok here we go "Ha" @Maspian rammus for trynd "bring it on" @MiracleTwitch teemo LUL @MiracleTwitch shit, you win @Andylonn darius @MiracleTwitch LUL @StivenSenegal heres a tip, with a spear behind it nimbus op LUL @StivenSenegal "Shurima! Your emperor has returned!" @StivenSenegal Damn you are good @Trebbyh xin the bm and death @wadsteinjr azir wingsofdeaths also used to be composed and calm back in 2014, until his chat started being really toxic @Eddiiee it all went downhill from then on Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @StivenSenegal YOUR MOM " ? @StivenSenegal look behind you @MiracleTwitch olaf Old wingsofdeath was so Pog @Senpai_MuHi shaco kuzak1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! hehe xd kuzak1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! So i have a problem im plat 3 main kassadin im kinda good at the champion but the real problem is my team i have to carry them every time but i play on 159 ms to 150 ms most of the time so i cant carry cause of delay what should i work on cause i play on predictions and i cant react too high of ping i seek your advise He was nerdy, knowledgable and chill @StivenSenegal "Your reckoning will come either way." yes Kuzak PogChamp @wadsteinjr thats a quote? ah nice connect LUL @StivenSenegal yes sir all these ????? @wadsteinjr who @StivenSenegal Ok now this one "*schreech sound*" EZ Clap @StivenSenegal maokai @Andylonn your mom @StivenSenegal So young, so naïve Check out my new merch! there used to be a bug on camille with placing a ward that made her walk during E @foggedftw2 @wadsteinjr ah maybe i never played him though !lp Challenger @huevoideduro anivia @foggedftw2 did you know wave was going to push back to you ? @StivenSenegal foggedRIP @StivenSenegal gimme sub Kappa @StivenSenegal time to dig in those pockets and gift the man @StivenSenegal me neither, boring the freeeze is real vayneee !cirts @wadsteinjr i though u lost 1st time !crit do we know if new champ Sett will be on PBE this week? "Sometimes you just feel the crit" - Foggedftw2 2018 @StivenSenegal yeah im kidding LULW Tears in my eyes I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor im just unbeatable @StivenSenegal you said nothing about limited attempts... Don't go back on your word sir Cheater DansGame First last and every hit in between !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king hey chat, why did fogged stop using sanguine? just someone else do another maokai quote for a free sub lmao calcualted PogChamp Pog last tick the fadeaway !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER @DHhTaeDi EleGiggle do reksai quote is conq superior than lethal tempo build? kekw zac @foggedftw2 why no lethal on camille??? Alicopter PogU zuc sup? fair enough foggedYoda foggedProf IceCold Calculated @DHhTaeDi if i dont know it its probably maokai xD How do you decide between ignite and ghost? wait did zac ignite you? nice trade. 2 plates for 5 man gank near herald dbl cloak wow ye zac support Ghost is into matchups that kite hard double cloak meta? @adriannemes1 ghost when u run him down We think alike, summoner !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP i prefer ghost into camille Whos the strongest, jax or trynda? You’re the man, fogged! Thanks for all you do @StivenSenegal "I'm going, I'm going." ? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foggedftw2 do you like more the old or new conqueror? can u be more especific about the bad os SANGUINE??? @wadsteinjr amumu @StivenSenegal Its ziggs LULW "Everybody dies. Some just need a little help." TriHard @adriannemes1 ghost for scaling matchups ign for matchups you can kill early ROFL lol oh shit awwwwwwwwwwww the save clean pog monkaS @StivenSenegal Live each day as if it's your first @PelaoMaverick it just got nerfed my guy Pog THE JUKES your crazy wait ghost + nimbus cloak = fast af? PogChamp The elise save Pog close ezclap foggedLUL monkaS not even close elise pog Pog yeesh Malding af @StivenSenegal it was impressive you knew azir. i literally just know jax and trynd LULW Check out my new merch! @StivenSenegal "cut the last breath from them" EZY ok you guys are cheating @StivenSenegal The darker the night, the brighter the stars. @iorek_byrnisson zed I thought you said singwin is a broken item!! Cheer100 @StivenSenegal you taking too long... @X30N77 nah "weaker" abilities dont give that much ms boost not ven close foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS you said 5 seconds @StivenSenegal EZ @cloroformiao braum So, what's the challenge and who's winning? :v @boosted_lebonese it just got nerfed my guy PogChamp We think alike, summoner @cloroformiao the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice @senpai_muhi oh i see @Eddiiee im responding to 5 ppl at once !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW zomiSip Eddiieee out here wanting stiven to give some subs LULW @StivenSenegal still waiting ResidentSleeper How do you get 100 crit chance thanks @Eddiiee what was it i missed it Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @Dvntmke is that a metaphor? monkaS shojin PepeHands Shojin wasnt even that broken tbh @wadsteinjr trying to get your rightfully earned sub is this promos to master? @foggedftw2 got a sub finally @Eddiiee my man LULW @StivenSenegal live each day as if it's your first shojin was only broken if your name was Renekton @Eddiiee ivern @foggedftw2 how to cancel animation E? !opggs @Stoani420 hes already master !opggs pffft cheating @wadsteinjr check nidhogg's shojin lucian then 5 seconds he says... @Senpai_MuHi nice then pretends he didn't see it @StivenSenegal Distance means so little when family means so much. @Eddiiee id end up nibbling on my moms nips if that was the case @StivenSenegal "theres no cure for fools" duDudu if you know this you are a god dude literally 5 ppl message me do u ever go infinity ? @iorek_byrnisson yas @Dvntmke WutFace Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !build @StivenSenegal EZ CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @Andylonn ive seen it, doesnt really work normally tho @cloroformiao no idea xd @StivenSenegal make that 6 @StivenSenegal yeah me too xD @cloroformiao ???? but I know it's in the game @cloroformiao how would u know if i answered right then the quad W PogChamp that was an amazing w !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET lets go! big drake on trynd Alicopter PogU Magic because soraka, !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP @StivenSenegal I´ve seen your wife. You can do better .. No PogU DansGame @StivenSenegal oh well it's taliyah 420 crit 420 crits spike just found out 420 pog @cloroformiao yeah figured that already i mean if he roams obviously she is getting solo xp, too 420 CRITS !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor does camille beat cass? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @Mirardt ye but bot lane could imho freeze and pressure trist out of xp range, so not entirely mistaken kinda guaranteed ult stun if she Es towards u @StivenSenegal Exterminate. Exterminate. why no tiamat @cloroformiao blitz team fighting outside of objectives PepeLaugh Cass depends on the cass use of W @getrektleslie @StivenSenegal it is time for them to die !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? is there a very low hum when trynd has full fury? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king team never listens KEKW LMAO THEY ACTUALLY INSTANTLY AS HE WROTE THAT DID EXACTLY THAT XD @Eddiiee eShruh !king $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @Eddiiee who was it need top laner for clash PepeHands any volunteers @StivenSenegal foggedYoda gift sub, to wadsteinjr you must foggedYoda Urgot @Eddiiee im pretty sure thats no longer his quote areyou wining the bet @Eddiiee haha my man out here working hard LULW !opggs why would jarvin get redemption lol Check out my new merch! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @StivenSenegal Big targets are the best. Theres more to aim at !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor anyone looking to clash? plat+ ad and jungle LFT @equalrightsformen so he can redemption Camille when she gets dove under tower foggedThink @Senpai_MuHi you already asked that naroYay Clap me? nah maybe some1 else INFERNAL SOUL POG How come the terrain didn't spawn with the mountain drake? "Afraid of the dark?" TriHard @foggedftw2 they fucked the pathing this patch pathing feels like it breaks a little more every patch @trihard3456 TriHard 7 Riot overpaying their coders is what that was Kappa spaghetti pathing Dude now days you can legit walk throw walls the pathing is fucked up, just seen a vid about that naroWhat Fogged Angery SILENCE Pog pathing is fucking broken. can even walk through walls there is a bug i found it about where you can legit walk throw walls Great work so far on the challenge Fogged! KEKW :( gg wp camille OUTPLAYED greedy bitch KEKW **** Pog KEKW **** Camille Pog KEKW RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP that was weird PepeHands So close !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP OUTSMARTED Pog **** too greedy spin should have killed her first foggedTilt foggedTilt Yo fogged, how you doing man @CamTheBeardedViking agreed lol ye j4 was for sure tripple PepeHands Check out my new merch! it was greedy, but she did use her ult nicely da greed PepeHands foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby RNG PepeHands We need a scrooge mcduck emote @lngnerfme yea but thats only because riot is a indie company and league is a pretty new game KappaHD U r a beast but that was lucky for them but ye, trynda = RNG then :P !crit "Sometimes you just feel the crit" - Foggedftw2 2018 !uptime 4 hours 28 minutes 19 seconds Is ther ea reason why sometimes dragons spawn and impact the map (such as burnt bushes for infernal) and sometimes the dragons appear with no map changes? Anyone in chat know? @foggedftw2 we need a boxerpete vs. fogged LP challenge... bring him out of retirement! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @reelsofart this is pre ss10 !king this is one of those games chat KEKW team is useless They dont build rageblade no more? !opggs On Vayne? @Senpai_MuHi Wrong league is a 10 year old game once riot got owned by tencent it become shit @foggedftw2 As a zac main this guy makes me sad Hey does he know that tfblade uses other champs when trynd is banned KEKW KEKW inting KEKW LUL alicopter KEKW KEKW dued has haunting guise LUL @dummyjimmytim I know, but for example, the dragon pit looked the same as S9 on the last drake that fogged solo'd, but this drake changed the map. Pog Trynda mechanics EZY Clap @WOW121 no, he has no clue tryndamere, more spin to win than garen @WOW121 is trynd ever banned tho? Master teams already seem way better than diamond kekw yeah like i saw him play irelia like 2 times trynd has been a popular ban for a while now alicopter tilted KEKW Zac LULW with conquere is bloodline or alacrity better? and i was like is this for real @JocNitro wdym they on probuilds there are plenty rageblades on vayne yeah she was but she got grounded XD dam legit hard carrying masters he says it's not cheeting cheating* HeyGuys infernal soul is Pog !opggs @foggedftw2 how much longer you playing? @WOW121 you're legit the first person to come in here and say that. you should make sure you tell fogged asap Hi fogged i just tried 2 watch your newest youtube video but i couldnt there was so many sub pop ups over your champion all the time, would recommend that you change location on it. Dont get me wrong i like ur videos. @WOW121 relax they changed the rules KEKW LULW KEKW BETA No respect Pog @foggedftw2 He thinks he is ivern not J4 didnt alot of pros go tank j4 tho? cuck j4 Kappa @foggedftw2 PepeHands he's broken, they blamed jungle too many times simp j4 @Senpai_MuHi I was just asking. Thanks for looking it up foggedBird foggedBird Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Just End 4Head Well they have Akali and Trist for good dmg Xpeke back door @trebbyh oh okay then OMEGALUL gg? gg chat @everyone tbh, if i was the enemy and saw fogged in my masters+ game, i would throw because F tf blade knock knock mother fluflers GG XD\ gg Trynda is like Conan naroXD Clap KEKW gg ez foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm till the nexus GOOOO KEKW GG Meanwhile in base how come no tiamat this time? d gates LUL EZY Clap GATEz gg Just joined EZ GG lmao GG open up D Gatez what elo is that lmao !opggs STOP THE BACKS! LUL enemy team actually not caring ssjSpikeChamp :D LOL WHAT? Check out my new merch! how much longer you gonna be on fogged? GG They musta forgot GG to ivern J4 tfblade almost lost to bard top @sketchystructuresMFG I think because he went conq @HKOkryk chall /gm lmao !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king don't you think tiamat is a must if you're going conqueror? @foggedftw2 thanks @Dvntmke J4 ivern pepeLaugh yooo that tfblade game he somoehow won @zundervain Bard damage is busted though Conq Cass is broken !king what is this master elo, very ez tfblade trynd game WAS CRAZY @foggedftw2 tfblade plays other champs? do u know So i have a problem im plat 3 main kassadin im kinda good at the champion but the real problem is my team i have to carry them every time but i play on 159 ms to 150 ms most of the time so i cant carry cause of delay what should i work on cause i play on predictions and i cant react too high of ping i seek your advise fogged how do you keep your mmr low on smurf accounts despite rly high winrate I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here 💥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 17685 🥈) isentropicmike : 12146 🥉) sylanttyrant : 11616 4) jocnitro : 8539 5) brian8158571 : 6549 foggedProf foggedProf 3 hey is there an updated guid somewhere fogged how do you keep your mmr low on smurf accounts despite rly high winrate :) @haponto thats just diamond elo being a spazz KEKW how come blade has so many other champions on his opgg @haponto you dont 420??? I said that because of the 2 stacks it gives when to go conquerer vs lethal tempo like the one there was before sup fogged I've missed the last couple of streams, what made you and tf decide to finish the challenge instead delaying it until early next season @foggedftw2 how much tryn u have @foggedftw2 how come tfblade is allowed to play irelia or jax? more teaching :) foggedProf foggedProf !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 20 LP Which Challenge is he Doin? !king yeah tanky yes Yeah TF Blade is cheating at this point. Playing even without being bo3 or bo5 theres not gonna be snowdown this year? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Bard conq bard bard tank bard tanky conq bard CheeseZerger is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! !challange CheeseZerger's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! CheeseZerger gifted a Tier 1 sub to gucci_smuck! bard won against him top is this not the same account as KingOfTryndamere he's playing things that aren't tryndamere when he isn't banned or in promos !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 38 LP start getting that 2.5 grand xxd @lorensj81 no he didn't Gotta get to 2600 Are u gonna do new cheat sheet ?? It was crazy cause his team was basically thrash he almost lost to bard top. he carried hard at the end though he took 150k damage as trynd !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird bard !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king 5 more subs :) 85k , dont spew shit this guy ignoring chat xd !opggs @hyranicc you lie xD !king Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! 43 minutes long !king foggedSpin @lorensj81 not really he had double cs on bards 75 that TF game one of the best games and come backs ever I love how everyone calls fogged's guide cheat sheet KEKW Kiklion0199 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kiklion0199's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! how much tryn u have @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you think you will win the bet against tf? no @terullahan, are you retarded he dodged for 2hours because tryn was always banned some days ago he cant play only tryn being 0/2 doesn't mean u lost lane when u have 2x more cs hirvenpillu subscribed with Twitch Prime. hirvenpillu's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! #howmuchisthebet? tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbPepega why tf blade use other champs? its called delay @zamanilol You re not playing on challenge acc anymore ? @foggedftw2 Спасибо за HahaSweat, @hirvenpillu its incredeble how big your carry potential is thanks for ur streams i learned trynd only watching u Poki a better Trynd than TF Blade Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 are you making a 9.24 guide that one is a bit off somtimes What is macro and micro? @foggedftw2 damn this automessage :) is there a specific reason why tf blade goes the 45% cdr build with cdr boots? When does the challeng end ? whats it at Where is foggeds guide? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !king why is time frozen on 4:20 foggedPepega foggedYoda Sub you must foggedYoda @foggedftw2 Tf blade plays other champs when tryn is banned, isnt that cheating he is hiding q !guide Complete Tryndamere guide foggedYoda @foggedftw2 like jax or irel Isn't is just strictly bad TFblade going cooldown boots foggedYoda foggedYoda If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! hirvenpillu is finninsh and means puss_y of a moose Hey im plat i main kassadin but play top sometimes i rly enjoyed playing trynda with your tips and tricks but i have a delay issue playing on 150 to 159 ms can you help me improve predictions why not playing on KingOfTryn? !champs kltobias2 subscribed at Tier 1. Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: kltobias2's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! What is the bet? Jebaited @foggedftw2 ty valente10 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! what kinda music u like? valente10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zensarii! valente10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Snarkster! valente10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to funniestnamez! valente10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Meolans! valente10's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! valente10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to OG950! He is playing KingOfTrynd @smokeevil mee Pog @Ingerfme get a better connection or move house keyzspHYPE heyo foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda he refused to buy mercs late game vs heavy cc team tho 1 more pog !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 38 LP Pog how much tryn u have dudeee@foggedftw2 Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! COACHME Pog I NEED SUB yay LETS GO Pog HahaSweat pos foggedYoda PogU COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME scarraPEPEGA ty @valente10 <3 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda COACH'E COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME lol coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME c COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme coachmee COACHME COACHME !opgg COACHME FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Whatsthebet? COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME 3? Pog !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME DAD COACHME COACHME Coahme coachme COACHME choach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME coahcme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME .. why 3? Pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACH ME Coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coach me coachme COACHME couchme COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PLS COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME PLS !opggs COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 will the coach be on the twich? coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHM COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coached COACHME . coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME !COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME AYAYA COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme coachme foggedSpin IceCold Coachme coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME , COACHME COACHME COACHME . do a coachme emote COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME Coachme COACHME. COACHME pls COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME coachme POGGERS got akaadian foggedFOGGERS COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHIME COACHME . COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME foggedFrog Ride the spam! COACHME INB4 RIGGED COACHME @foggedftw2 do a coachme emote ez COACHME COACHME oh only 7 eligible users? COACHME COACHME COAHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME , COACHME COACHME YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME J nvm it updated now :D COACHME COACHME 2 COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME ., COACHME COACHME COACHMEME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME hoping pepeJAM COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME rofl coachme COACHME COACHME DONTCOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME coachme oof COACHME pepeJAM COACHME cOACHme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME post tfblade stream Pog COACH ME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME 4 Coachme COACHME COACHME coachme pepeJAM COACHME COCAINE coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME who won the bet COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED COACHME HahaBall COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHHIM COAchme CHACHME coachme coachme COACHME COACHME WE WANT 5TIMES LUCK COACHME pls COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME TriHard COACHME LUL !rank 3x luck? THAT'S RIGGED foggedTilt COACHME COACHME KingOfTryndamere is Master 38 LP COACHME COACHME monkaS COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME Rigged, but i like it FeelsOkayMan COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME gl everyone COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME pepeJAM COACHME angchato has won the giveaway. Coachme COACHME coachme COACHME FUck me 10 TIMES OR RIOT COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED rigged COACHME coachme COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COCAINE pepeJAM Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedW foggedW foggedW COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED COACHME COACHME RIGGED COACHME PopCorn COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME U SEEE ME ABUGASEM 2ND NAME enough chat! @angchato PogChamp COACHEme COACHME RIGGED IRGGED scarraGASM COachme Clap RIGGED Clap GZ CLAP CLAP RIGGED PunOko woooooow Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Clap RIGGED FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch SingsNote FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch SingsNote CHOACHME clap Pog !rigged RIGGED foggedREE RIGGED foggedPepega Clap foggedEmmy RIGGED COACHME gratzzzzz foggedYoda Ima say "Rigged" @foggedftw2 Make first sure he is still here? !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME SMOrc FBCatch rigged RIGGED RIGGED CONGRATS PAID WINNER LUL THAAAAANKSSS !coaching MEANWHILE SUBS ARE 3 times lUL !challange cingrats TableHere FlipThis MindManners MindManners MindManners !coachme ACTUALLY PAID ACTOR LULW @foggedftw2 Started playing trynd cause of you and im almost lvl 7 before 30k mastery points subs should get 10 times luck CONGRATS RIGGED foggedREE hey i was wandering what is your relationship with kevin is he posting all your videos or ? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! congrats CATCHME if u can cheating foggedBaby Doesnt even confrim the guy is not a bot :( !COACHME !challenge are coaching sessions streamed or recorded? If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @mrcwho, even then you would not win LUL You are playing it out with panth? Fuck the plebs KEKW should be 5x PepeHands what was the giveaway? @Stoani420 woah cmonBruh what should i do?? :o !opggs @Tryndamure im sorry BibleThump hes the master of clickbait Pog @angchato plebs are homies !coachme TriHard bruh TriHard FOGGEDFTW2, TAXASHION IS TEFT have u sever smoked weed @foggedftw2 Check out my new merch! no wonder they're so clickbaity what is ur rank and what is tf's? Do you only coach for tryndamere? scarraPEPEGA i have to send an email? what sponsers do you have? if you dont mind me asking yes hahahahahah @universia i was thinking that too that explains a lot actually LUL @angchato contact him @foggedftw2 sort it by time ^^^ just yours what 10k hours of foggedftw looks like yeah we need a new montage for u man @foggedftw2 sort it by upload time yup !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @angchato yes to set up time and date of coaching the best one ever OFC tfbHypers tfbHypers i think this guy is good, he could reach gold if he mains tryndamere Oh gosh that video I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here PepeHands PogChamp !opggs PepeHands ah the season 5 is there a foggedftw1? hahahah FeelsStrongMan squadW squadW squadW squadW XD OMEGALUL hi rooWut !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET ?? survivor that's tyler 1 survivor? LUL BRUH survivor I think autos into creeps KEKW did that jinx rocket just curve haHAA video yeah where is foggtedftw1? thats from the bachelor not survivor lol haHAA haHAA haHAA so cringe repeating a quote from rocky 3 movie on TV lmao those were the days and the aoe was magic damage are u behind or infront of tb rn? @raphtalia_senpai PBE !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Merry Critmas naroYay Clap Check out my new merch! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 35 LP old shen the most broken build was when full AP trynd was better than AD 4Head LOL Yes it was busted KEKW @foggedftw2 Old Minion Aggro PepeHands So if tryn gets banned from fogged he has to dodge? i love this vid =D Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups We need more videos with this guy @foggedftw2 5 5 new rift so not 4 5 it was s5 dec 2015 so season 5/6 Season 5 LUL 5 ignore all best command :D KEKW now i feel old remembering this it is the new rift Busted rageblade was s6 I think best video ever !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Trynd used to be so fun in the early seasons watch rangerz yeah S6 its new map so probs 5 The werewolf guy Pog !king !opggs man that / ignore all is the best command hahaha fullscreen the music KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh so hype 2017, old? lol @Toessqt Not as much as me, i was already old when i saw this clip LUL it's too late here night everyone ty fogged for your content love it man Pog styled on Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! KEKW ResidentSleeper full screen hello loss streak my old friend. its good to see you yet again THIS IS NOT TRYN MUSIK... we need murder music fullscrean please <3 Montage music haHAA @WOW121 Bye, c ya Fidget spinner build was lit @foggedftw2 make new Acc call it Right click andy KEKW the old good day when zoe still not a thing FeelsWeirdMan old fervor with fidget spinner PepeHands this is back when sup had face of the MT gosu-like streams Pog Fidget spinner build Kreygasm foggedGasm god i miss face of the MT so much how can I prove that I am ang chato in the email? music WeirdChamp panta without r KEKW Spin laugh :( music making the video bad bye @UnstoppableWog penta in 5 hits Old akali KEKW dat healing !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 35 LP anyone who puts this kind of music in montages is a certified weeb man and the spin laugh..its not the same anymore haha that mastery emote flex I agree !fidget yea season 3? Sason 5 ? 4-5 before transcendence the nostalgia i miss E laugh badly PepeHands i still tend to click C while spinning PepeHands Exhaust KEKW jarvan exhaust pog which season was it where at the start of the season cleaver was broken shit yea How about the baron buff herald lol nice smurf name btw seems like u abused BORK that time triforce not good back then? dude u cant do this much damage with this build now hahah season 2 and 3 were amazing preseason 6 was best i started in s6 and boxerpeat was still using cleaver cdr boots p sure rageblade was in 4 Remember when exhaust used to be completely broken you could literally 1v5 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 35 LP 5 Dive trynda lul this is season 7 because its in 2017 boxerpete build Kreygasm Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! season 6 with the masteries that healed you when you crit those flash E combos are so smooth. But fr. who the fuck dives a trynd at full HP. how dumb do you have to be that stattik the shiv lighting spicy Pog that static proq wtf THAT SHIV PROC wait s7 had the new runes tho @foggedftw2 It's not worth anymore ? uu flashy flash how did they nerf black cleaver the last time? shiv cleaver =freewin Why was BC good then? Check out my new merch! this is some high level right clicking right here i missed the old runes page The first Conq was crazy When pete hit chally 600 lp LULW can u still go for the same build? true when you put your own runes Montage, this story needs a montage to music they nerfed shiv to the ground now FeelsBadMan i was the inhibitor in this clip :) @foggedftw2 woudl this build still work with cleaver/shibv the laugh bug LUL XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD old zac q lol !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: I miss the E laugh cancel I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Canceled animation :( POG AP Tryn i cant still understand the cancel third animation anyone know if you can cast summoner spells while silenced? boom @foggedftw2 how can I prove that I am the real ang chato in the email? thats a rage quit right there if i were cassio !OPGG alt f4 FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @CactusjuiceXI you cant @foggedftw2 you gotta play a shiv game now Cool cool, thanks @QuerFro tfb5Head @00124 Pog yes its me :) oh no no no PepeLaugh 00124??? @00124 me :) it's a conspiracy !missing 00124 fogged5Head @00124 its me :) it's me :) that's me me :) TriHard !followage 00124 !followage 00124 im the fiora :) :) 00124 is not following foggedftw2 @00124 Its us :) its us yeah, he quit playing lol after this game itsa me Maario LUL hello is 00124 here ? @foggedftw2 I think you've got the numbers wrong might have earned a viewer off that game i miss the old fiora rofl Started watching after getting clapped it's me :) Tomat0plane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! we back Tomat0plane's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! It's everybody @00124 hi !followage agusimp 69420 KEKW is that evelynn? old eve BibleThump wtf XD what are the plays? he's just right clicking KEKW stevens KEKW damn old eve r the old hunters potion destroying stevens Pog i loved old evelynn what was the other champ you just killed what HahaPoint the best jax NA Old akali :( old akali FeelsAmazingMan Uncle She played that so bad KEKW !ranks Fogged: Master 35 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) what rank where u at back then @foggedftw2 ? back when akali had counterplay Check out my new merch! Flash = Guaranteed crit confirmed WTF MY GOD LOL fiddle? KEKW OUCH Foggy knows Tryndamere so well, prolly knows the size of his shits. monkaS jayce stole penta @foggedftw2 deleting champions code form the game are we in queue? `flash reset autoattack? @foggedftw2 go on alt and play a game DendiFace Do you have a current conq build for season 1`0? lol 29 min timer xd play on smurf Something I'd be really interested in seeing is a montage of your play containing one instance of you popping off with every single build you ran seriously. E.g. one instance of ER+Trinity+IE+Berserkers etc. from this season. sucks what do you build vs ornn? @foggedftw2 !opggs !uptime @foggedftw2 shiv on smurf 4 hours 58 minutes 37 seconds yeah swap account and play trundle :D what smurf? play a trundle game Pog good idea play the old build on smurf LUL Kappa ok just hide the lobby shiivana top just do a tfblade and play what u want lol But Danny. You smurf on every account. !ranks @foggedftw2 do old build lets watch videos Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Oh I was wondering why it was taking you so long to get a game why not do secondary champ @foggedftw2 ? Trundle <3 !runes use old shiv black cleaver build on smurf Pog Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Old build yeah ! So you are going to the challenger account i think tfblade gonna win easy this challenge ;( can u do ur fleet build? play some other champ @foggedftw2 since you are playing on a smurf can you play something crasy? trynd ban inc Kapp ive been running it non stop and i cant carry becuase team feeds to hard. yeah youtube video coming after this match KEKW but ill go like 11 2 2 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP im watching ur darius matchup youtube video with a 15 kill game No bloodline? Chinese tryndamere build pls @foggedftw2 whats that 5/10/7 ´ryze game in that match history @foggedftw2 what does KEKW means? @foggedftw2 try old build Pog @foggedftw2 do the old build i am new here time to feed FOG THIS SONG IS TOO BAD what old build? u ar eunranked on this acC? gotta go easy on them so stream has something to watch just to give them a chance AHHH THIS SONG WutFace CAN U STILL BUILD SHIV/Black cleaver? what elo is this account? So TFBlade is winning the bet currently? Please go shyv black cleaver like in the old dayz PepeJam shiv sucks SKIP THE SONG PLEASE time for an old build on a smurf account @Dvntmke Yeah fogged took a day off so he is behind in # of games The fuck is this song yes yes Yep no song pls yes Static shiv starting is horrible now SHIV BLACK CLEAVER Critdamere How come TFBlade can pick other champs but Fogged isn’t doing the same? @EmmyLeeC ahh ok ty close enough tbh YESSSSSSS !build go the hydra build OMEGALUL CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET What’s the command to compare with balde? who was the better trynd, you or boxerpete DOO IIITT YESS go bork !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Only yasu use static jajaja probably @Kadry Well duh, Fogged is a Trynda one trick AP tryn 😡 YES, GO STATIC Is that a new skin? wont do it, no balls you have conquerer !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP PLZ SHIV BLACK CLEAVER What lp is tfblade? MAYBE ITS STILL GOOD 0 balls which is more anoying to play against? darius or jax? @foggedftw2 What quints did you take on Trynd? @foggedftw2 is AP trynda not a thing anymore? XDDDDDDD new skin? srs @septentrix sorry but are u stupid or whaT? Fogged needs to call out Tyler1 to a boxing match like Logal Paul and KSI and get into the big boy tax bracket. lets dooo it Kappa yes !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW YES pls do it i beg you TK FOR TORNING OF THE SONG\ yes! gonna be lit LUL why do u always ban pantheon when u pick lethal and when u pick conqer? no do tiamat shiv ie build if anyone can make it work its fogged STATIC WITH GUINSOO PLS bork ? death dance 4Hea death dance 4Head Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! bork @quote_if_triggered_lul oh so Fogged is ok with TF playing other champs for the challenge? ap trynd AP Rageblade looks like we are building three crit items now tto !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW build old PD :( wait chemtech No dont build shiv BC. It sounds terrible nice shit HeyGuys IS AP TRYNDAMERE NOT A THING ANYMORE when are u picking lethal and when conqer ? did someone donate? on hit build darius dont even know what will happen in next 5 minutes build 2 cloaks first Ya chemtech is my fav tbh lol @mirardt My fav skin !ap build normally @foggedftw2 Is Tfblade aloud to pick other champs when tryndamere is banned $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! What Elo is this? shiv is not terrible its just not amazing @Mirardt no, 30mins q on king cos of dodgeds !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 9:01:17 pm Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor can't say that for me but i like it @Death8lade what are good things to keep in mind when start playing trynd??? 9pm? That song is still stuck in my head NotLikeThis !stats here 3am kekw Shiv is just satisfying to play with 4 am what has q time to do with king skin? @Tryndamure MonkaHmm I love when it chains the minions KEKW @dannyboyboladu Use R SeemsGood 2 cloaks first and then dmg item 4 am here too KEKW Check out my new merch! nice skin @foggedftw2 what elo is this? 9 am here. new day begin and im sitting here watching stream instead of working KEKW !bet 4 am here too i love fogged always playing his best @Mirardt KEKW nevermind !OPGG FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king But shiv doesnt crit anymore or? gold ish when are u picking lethal and when conqer ? ohh its a smurf where are u from guys? unranked we got banned out too many dodges? yeah exactly thats what you meant @Tryndamure ah I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here what happened? gold elo i don't particularly care for that tryn skin Just play Kled 4Head whats the current score in the challenge? anyone from lebanon? autod minion You did NOOO XDDDDDDDDDD auto minion that yes xd you cancel one auto LUL :( uh oh thats so unlucky did he aa minion stinky shit, you did minion auto KEKW seems to be mostly gold 2 plat 4 in the game Dariys Darius broken why did u get banned? rippp what elo is this? damn that was close Yes !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP what is this darius skin? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt feed for a chance Kappa kek dubyou Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups No, you cancelled a auto. ITS GOLD 4 ISH ELO GUYS STOP ASKING high noon skin You cancelled like 3 autos there lol Doran shield RIP what rank i s tf blade? wait @mods he got banned? high noon chroma ssjHilarious thats what i call tryndamere montage darius is busted regardless nah that's cause he was healing ITS BETTER TO SEE YOU PLAY FROM BEHIND FOR US TO LEARN U did auto'd a minion incoming montage !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP i didnt see cancel 1v9 PogU but aa minion once Check out my new merch! nice one LUL ???? naroYay Clap nice why is this dude staying wait ????????????? darius didn't back? daiurs haHAA Why did u get banned? greedy little guy the B Pepega B that guy is iron his B is broken so in s10 we should still play lethal tempo? buzz buzz UwU ssjSMACK WHATS THAT ELO ? wdym he just backed the fastest way possible Kappa AYAYA CLOACK nida smurf btw why this skin? the only skin that has different recall chemtech trynda oh, that's a rengar cosplay KEKW Is he playing on his bet account ? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! monkaS !elo this darius KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP WE LEARN MORE WHEN U PLAY FROM BEHIND BCZ WE DONT ALWAYS GET FIRST BLOOD LIKE U DO holy jesus just threw away 1.5k gold wtf GUYS ITS GOLD 4 ISH ELO STOP ASKING Triple Dorans now he just needs triple anal for the double triple KEKW wait so what elo is this @Undyin no one is asking so stop @Mirardt the sustain is nuts Tanky? Seems like a perfect time to build armor shredding items and magic dealing items! :P @everyone gold 2 !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: This Darius is gonna get fucked later cause he keeps spamming E on cd like that LUL Whats the command to show lane matchups? Pepega !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: do u know how to play ant other champions besides tryndameer? TY @khaosxyz any* Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! i tihnk the darius doesnt know LUL maybe he didnt realize you spent ur spin @AceRocola now i wonder how a triple anal can look like weirdChamp @Eragonzz he play kled very well ^^ @foggedftw2 Hey fogged im playing pokemon challenge with my friend and i cant seem to win without playing under my tower but then i cant win... any tips ? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP did he namechange? or other account? 3Head kekw darius played it decent Wave is pushing its fine 5Head Clap sort of 3 dorans blades 3 !opggs its a new account darius smurf watch out hes gonna come back with 5 KEKW 3 dorans KEK Waves good tho !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW why new acc? I remember once I saw Fogged play Riven, it wasnt Adrian lvl sure, but was still veeeery good @foggedftw2 hey bro :) @dhlmgmt thanks @Eragonzz He has played every role to diamond and played all champs in game. !opggs welcome HE GOT TARGET BANNED AND HAS A 30 MIN Q DODGE TIMER im pretty sure his flash is already up GOOD GOD PLS that darius has a dumb build, just wasting money Just watch theg ame Who TF? Does he know??!! thats not static shiv -> cdr boots-> black cleavre @EmmyLeeC foggedBaby Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! I'm going to tell my kids this was Gross Gore Kappa @EmmyLeeC monkaMEGA @EmmyLeeC lol impatient weebs, eh WeirdChamp make a command @emmyleec, TF has 30min dodge timer? Challenger trynda vs gold darius, still a hard matchup for fogged i wanna see some fogged adc one day lol Hes warding this skin is awesome !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king omg... that Thresh's name Check out my new merch! lol ???? oh KEKW soraka LUL wow passive stacks expired last second KEKW Hes oom chat xDD @foggedftw2 what do you usually want to do after killing someone leave him alone, he's already shopping KEKW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here he has auto attack on KEKW monkaGun @foggedftw2 what do u build if u r playing against a full tank with armor? !opggs what a disaster KEKW KEKW jax r KEKW ROFL go next KEKW NID GO NEXT LOL WTF go next :D nidalee KEKW What is this game nid KEKW Nida smurfing and saying go next KEKW LOL nidalee is delusional thresh???? !ranks Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) some1 whos wathcing the challange why does blade have other champs then trynd !elo !uptime KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP 5 hours 15 minutes 27 seconds is fogged playing on euw by any chance this is why you mute all in a team based game paper machet mentals !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Nids mental LUL @chArmiexd cheating 70 cs at min 10? as challenger well my CS then is super good as trynda main from euw hardstuck g1 Wait what. I'm surprised Blade could achieve 97-26 winrate playing almost only Trynd damn tf has so much more games You look like Bill Gates damn, that back animation is brutal this diffeent acct or he name change? TFblade up 120 in the "Tryndamere when possible, maybe" challenge, why smurfing/alt? jax build monkaHmm @foggedftw2 what do u build against full armor tanks? Weird question... how high is ur sens because he got banned 30 min dodge timer -_- did he change name of account? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP darius is gonna regret so hard that he spend 1.35k on dorans would cdr first be good on trynda? Thanks to the person who gifted me sub :D 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 9416 🥈) jocnitro : 7266 🥉) akiiosenpai : 3619 4) isentropicmike : 3189 5) venderionn : 2637 champion difference Wtf is this darius imagine losing to gold 1 darius why did he ghost KEKW Better darius can win @Mirardt nope hes insanely strong in lane i permaban darius for ths to be faster 4Head guys what are the rules for the challenge?why can tfblade play other champ? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP !challenge @finapattaar tf gave up If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challange almost like darius beats trynda early or something @evilzoorin Check out my new merch! !opggs so what? that trade was just a mistake @Tomat0plane we did the engage so fogged is getting 500 subs? getting free plates and lane prio is pretty worth he is gonna be really, really weak if he doesnt cheese kills with those dorans What a noob lol rank 1 my butt 3 doran blade really strong huh monkaHmm obviously he gets outsscaled like right now KEKW he's playing really good what elo is this? wtf his name ingame isnt kingoftryndamere? @ZiggaZow i know but think about it is challenger tryndamere main vs darius the plays and trades must be sooo different XD thats what i meant Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Masters just saying 5-6 doran blades is pretty meta right now !opggs @ZoscoTV gold 2 :P No this is gold !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP wait oh no no no passive LUL wut? monkaHmm darius is pretty good R lv 1 in lv 11 mate why not just back KEKW over spun why is he on a new account? !r Level Ult Last - champ diff too strong KEKW 7/1 Syndra KEKW we had perfect ER @phenomenallyaverage how is it gold when hes master? LOSING IN GOLD LULW KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king his triple dorans and tabi is so frustrating Fogged how do you feel about tfblade playing other champions on this challenge KEKW darius is strong vs trynda when u get no ganks Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @foggedftw2 your trynd just then was a cosplay of my trynd tfbLul !king KEKW Someone invite this Darius to proplay @evilzoorin if you play trynda you will know how hard his bad mus are especially early. a monkey could bully you out of lane if they just ignore minions lol This account is MyRageIsUndying @Cowboyeddy TF Blade has played like 30 more games then fogged Storm razor for slow?? Or naw KEKW Ghost @ZiggaZow im tryndamere main lol Nidalee smurfing monkaW @ZioDeltoide bro he doesnt level R in 11 so you know then not bad monkaHmm why is he playing on this account and not kingoftrydemere? lol "W OMEGALUL W" Can you explain Essence reaver please @phenomenallyaverage why does he have the status of the challenge tho wait wtf nid is lvl 12 monkaW !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. !er @rothensteen dodge timer why no tiamont? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king okay @rothensteen question has been answered before check vod why no tiamat !tiamat !whynotiamat Tiamat gives Trynd a stronger early game powerspike, typically better than Zeal rush Tiamat is a good item for short trades + waveclear early in the game. The !mirardt build skips tiamat to prioritze all ins with lethal tempo !king @Cowboyeddy are you sure it's not for gold? opgg says this account is s8 gold why reaver 1st item? why reaver 1st item Pepega Ryze KEKW foggedWurf foggedWurf wait his skins has no R sound? !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. i cant read btw Pepega why item first reaver? CD why reaver 1st item Pepega why reaver 1st !mirardt but it gives mana !er the Mana regen why first item reaver !matchup nah for the mana KEKW Summoner is not currently in-game why reaver 1st item???? Pepega s in chat rever why first item ok need more mana for ulty thats the lethal build friend @volderia is important mana regen on trynda you guys scale really well @phenomenallyaverage thats not what I said, I said why did he write CHALLENGE VS TF BLADE in the title when hes playing this account For the mana KEKW he goes reaver first for the cdr !horny why reaven is so cute? !matchup er but mana passsive Pepega You buy it to BM for the mana passive, nothing else. !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP cdr on his spin is really good what fogged plays right now @volderia guys why is reaver first item? Pepega whats best trynd build mostly? reaver triforce IE? for the mana Pepega there is no better first item can someone explain essence reaver without saying any stats plz? !op.ggs cdr, big damamge, crit it gives fury instead :) personally I build ER because it looks cool :) !ranks reaver 1st??? Pepega ITS FOR CDR ON HIS SPIN Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Is stormeazor good on tryndamere? trynds hidden passive is converting mana to AD :) reaver blue sword good nice AYAYA why don't you level R? why does the dust fall from the sky like that? i buy ER to make my team rage buy 6 tears and run it down mid Kappa Pref LT over Conq? lots of trolls in ur chat today fogged lol @Tryndamure lul @Cowboyeddy OH I can't read sorry LUL. Yeah I'm not sure. Maybe he doesn't want to change I guess !r Level Ult Last - @Tomat0plane ty that explains it Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! not going trinity 1st item PepeLaugh !r @ZioDeltoide i hate that essence reaver reminds me of that dumb draven skin but its a good item !r @ADVISRY in some matchups !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @Lippen27 its better to give a troll answer when someone cant think for themselves er passive works by mentally booming your opponents when they see you bm them What is that skin???? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: KEKW NotLikeThis KEKW @adoinc teemo vs trynda? KEKW KEKW fogged at 3.4k? wow Pog jax leaping around like a monkey $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! FeelsBadMan what my gold games feel like !whygofulltard im the oldest follower here jax's q should be a skill shot soraka ult kekw @foggedftw2 your e’s have been on point this game rageblade New trynd skin :O ryze KEKW hmm !followage @ADVISRY i think so actually. rush mercs into storm/ shiv with fleet sounds good Tryndamure has been following foggedftw2 for 2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 12 hours, 57 minutes, 42 seconds what hed i mist, how arent u fing than? wrong :P @BartyCrouch_JR !followage tresh solo kill the darius wtf is happening @adoinc thank you king @BartyCrouch_JR following for 1 year LUL wtf why does ez have grasp senna? KEKW Wtf Senna what is that senna doing LOL mute her pls NotLikeThis Check out my new merch! xbLit Senna??? Lmao KEKW LUL SENNA OMEGALUL >.> Senna ???????? KEKW Senna Int KEKW lmao tf senna jasdkj @Bamsi @PhenomenallyAverage i did refollow i think KEKW SENNA WTF PEPEGA always flash aggressively over the wall F pog naroXD Clap man this is not a good game KEKW oof KEKW this is tfblade type of int soraka 1 v 9 !followage surrender That Senna flash Muchens has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes, 26 seconds Senna Pepega Stormrazor for the slow yeah... i think TF blade is going to win Yall diving hard @BartyCrouch_JR oh I see WAIT THIS IS ACTUALLY FUCKING GOLD I CHECKED OMEGALUL fucking broken syndra, Pepega you need executioners soraka is carring 3v1's Fogged? executioner? damn that nid dmg can you show the runes plz? @foggedftw2 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Sn00zy__ did u think it was diamond LUL !accounts Stormrazor any good here?? ryze can barely hit spells LUL !opggs Stormrazor good on Trynd? Pepega do u think the darius is smurf for real? Fogged cosplaying silver chats gameplay tfbPALM @popcornchickenallday why slow enemies if you can burst them even harder Nidalee almost has 10 CS per minute monkaW people go watch last TF Blade game, insane! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET ik darius hes d2-d1 rn tf blade seems so bad how is he winning so much he keeps getting banned @Adoinc with fogged beeing 4/6, kind of @Cowboyeddy are u crazy lol, just watch his last game hes insane @Sn00zy__ fogged just limit testing :) tf blade seems so bad Pepega I can tell cause he doesnt play like my bronze teammates You're a lot more fun to watch than the non stop raging TF Blade. monkaW ,pmlaW w didnt hit is seriously bs monkaW KEKW Pog that Pog darflash that darius scared me pls watch last game and tell me he is bad, he 1v9 so hard syndra Pog WTF is going on monkaW wtf at that nid damage nidalee is playing fcking good angry darion darius flash... foggedFOGGERS wtf is this darius doing? Nid Pog Nid smurfin how is syndra so fking fast? Check out my new merch! Carried by Nida KekW LUL OMEGALUL wtf jax KEKW could have killkeed you LUL KEKW KEKW jax thought you had ult LUL POTATO JAX clean Jebaited KEKW Pog KEKW jebaited monkaS Jax lacks critical information DansGame DansGame DansGame soraka @emperorofwar no hes not diamond lol. hes 1k games gold 2 jax scratching his head congratulations you played yourself IE POGGERS SantaHat foggedFOGGERS @sidarthakiwi does he have them on youtube? i dont watch much but when i do hes inting and complaining about his team jax just naynayed himself not enough KEKW oh some of ur enemies are platinum damn i didnt even realize i got gifted thanks izmame!!!! Jax wondering how he got outplayed KEKW @foggedftw2 when are u taking conqueror?? already have R back up KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king hows fogged doing?! Beat that blade bruh! !winrates KingOfTryndamere is Master I 25 LP | 76W 21L 78% Winrate why is he playing on this acc and not challenge acc I LOVE THIS SKIN <333 ! conqueror is shit, dont take it. LT is also shit. Take Fleet like a real Chad queue dodge timer @Arden2x !opgg damn stream's still going !ranks Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) i just noticed no tiamat this game hasn't it been lie can we get a replay of that jax? i needed that laugh. where is the command for KEKW is this urf? "why is he playing on this acc and not challenge acc" like 9 hrs* the link 2 account? 4k gold just back lol @Wrtyh i think he takes conq into a lot of melee and tempo into squisy comps big shutdown, gj !opggs @ZayonixLoL worth watch vod pls ty <3 Looool big big buy carried by nidalee tbf :O Challenger trynd carried by Gold Nida KEKW Hell no nid what? Pog !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. pluffy_slick subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! TfBlade cheating pepega :( Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor The Nidalee is on a purchased account. pluffy_slick's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ??? KEKW this ryze is so bad LUL this ryze LUL ryze LUL ryyyyze KEKW KEKW @Adoinc Idiot its a simple fking question how was i supposed to know he had to dodge ryze drunk Ryze not hitting anything LUL LUL ryze inting? this ryze just cant hit shit lol yeah still dk why hes playing on this acc and not challenge ZiggaZow subscribed at Tier 1. ZiggaZow's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! he hit e :) Jax cant right click, Ryze cant hit spells !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Pepega Pepega Pepega SantaHat Pepega Pepega why you make mortal reminder but no last whisper Pepega Bork last item? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP We wanted to see some reacting forsenJoy this is low elo and he is negative? 0.o This chat thinks they’re better than the ryze player KEKW SantaHat Pepega Watch Gordon Ramsay Hells Kitchen Episodes KEKW @billclinton007 mortal reminder is last whisper Wait I thought Blade only could play non Trynd only on promos but he played Irelia 3 games aay even though he was already in masters? LUL @billclinton007 What? :D @billclinton007 think, because they have a soraka Pepega SantaHat Senna Malding LUL Pog Pog CLAPPED GG pog kill them all SwiftRage GG Fuck em up! tfbEz POG lethal tempo op dou clave INSANE looooooooooooool GG GG Clap gg ez scrubs boosted O_O wow naroThug Clap PogChamp Kreygasm gg gg pog !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET hard lane nice 1 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Clap gg EZ tfbEz they way overstayed there x @foggedftw2 Did you take bloodline that game? Looked liek something else? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Sick game and honestly that nid played pretty well too @foggedftw2 !opggs @foggedftw2 tf blsfr followers are target banning you to delay blade that jax was a legend. I love that guy @BlueDreamLegend nida dia smurf !elo there was no cancel KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP just minion aa giveaway now? dammnn fogged was at 1950 subs like a week ago Are you ahead or behind blade @foggedftw2 you got some adds for us? TriHard EagleFreak13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW EagleFreak13's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! why don't you play with a target champions only toggle Darius is pretty broken hey fogged Check out my new merch! why not bloodline? PokCroagunk LOL LUL LMAO tfbLul tfbWp hahahaha You can win darius level 1 as trynd ? LUL lmao KEKW big true haha KEKW KEKW word BIG TRUE gn @foggedftw2 and chat, gl on the challenge man! TRUE KEKW KEKW lol KEKW !elos LOL why LT over Conq? Can confirm. Am TF Blade follower, lower than masters tfbUp !ranks BIG IF TRUE Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) TF Followers have to go to bed cause high school is tomorrow ! elo "they banning my Tryn in bronze, bc of challenge" !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king UPDATE 77-21 710 free subs lol !king @foggedftw2 You are getting to the point where tf and u have the same LP. What if you meet him as teammate in your games? :D @foggedftw2 couild you explain when to choose which keystone on trynd People don’t like vsing trynd wuuut why not Kappa I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here lol I'm from Australia and I have uni holidays from December - March :D why alcarity @foggedftw2 so if darius has ignite you never win a lvl 1 fight? @BreathOfFreshAir already happend LUL !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 rageblade not good anymore? @sadokzaiene that was a smurf acc. not challenge when to make mortal reminder? cool jam dude @foggedftw2 are you mormon? @phenomenallyaverage when is the next break? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups i love playing trynd but can understand why people dislike playing vs him and with him @Stoani420 you can but is f***** hard, if you dodges his skills, you can win fivefingerdeathspin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Love ya bruh fivefingerdeathspin's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 no more bloodline???? sry if someone asked before hello fogg PartyPoro SANGUINE BLADE or YOUMUS on Trynd, which do ya prefer? @foggedftw2 are you african american is the spreadsheat updated @foggedftw2 ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @mormon_father420 if he was he would know it wasnt called that anymore ;) @foggedftw2 you know for how manny hours you'll stream? Darius needs nerfs? @BlueDreamLegend 26 June for about 1 month. End of years is about 3 months or a biut longer @foggedftw2 how often do you love yourself? do you have any trynda guide on yt? so with fleet? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! FOGGEDFTW2, TAXASHION IS TEFT !king ap still good? @hashinshin_dont_ban_me i don't think so, just take a ragend char so conq is better against jax? WE'RE WITH YOU the spreadsheat says something else INSOMNIA STREAM hey fogged have been watching u on YouTube for 2 years love ur content. what is TFBlades OP for the challenge? Sick @foggedftw2 since Trynda just have one big sword why not building only “sword type “ items you know like some SRO video clickbait LUL @phenomenallyaverage gotcha very cool. In the us we get may-aug off then dec 15ish to January 6th off !opggs ty !followage Check out my new merch! saying darius isnt op because you can pick ranged into him is silly NinjaStyle97 has been following foggedftw2 for 7 months, 3 days, 15 hours, 41 minutes LUL aah i see thankyou @foggedftw2 Fervor Or warlords bloodlust on trynd? !followage !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW jax is nothing without shojin when does the new season start jan something? !opggs skip music please Who is highest MMR of yoiu and TF Blade atm @foggedftw2 why did the Challenge change? are you and Blade moving closer in May so the ping in EUW will be lower? @billclinton007 he can still build cdr @billclinton007 jax is nothing because he has liek 3 game breaking bugs this patch he will be fine on patch day If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! fogged how do we beat darius in the current patch? his healing with conq is pretty strong, i dodge his Qs but he still wins trades some how what was the last queue time ? Squid1 fogged5Head Squid4 !op.ggs ! ugh i dont know the command !opggs !opggs @foggedftw2 is trynda jfgg worth ir?] thank you Grasp on Trynd vs Jax. Yeah, that. TF Blade was sent to a Jolly Merry Critmas HAHAHAHAHAH ban darius and u vs ryze top !king KEKW !match ban ryze ur vsing akali KEKW Morde is a problem though !matchup Diamond I (Thresh, Kai'Sa, Lux) Master (Rengar, Soraka, Gragas, Xayah, Tryndamere, Qiyana) Grandmaster (Mordekaiser) Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! how is morde aproblem for trynda Woah TF Blade really grinded Good luck Fogged ibelieb how u do maychup @foggedftw2 is trynda jg worth it? (sorry for the mistakes, new keyboard) yo who just hit rally boss for like 5 k lol @foggedftw2 I sent u an email minutes ago!! Didn't TF Blade cheat? He should be paying you already. @foggedftw2 why did the Challenge date change? are you and Blade moving closer in May so the ping in EUW will be lower? HELL YEA have you been in Q for an hour? @foggedftw2 thanks!!! im psure morde hard loses to trynda tf blade tryharding isn't he? @foggedftw2 that's Hauntzer on Morde isn't mord just overtuned with conq GIVE LINK FOR MATCHUP aatrox is my biggest pain atm how do you fare against Shen?? !Ryze @CapnPowerHaus u dont @foggedftw2 from watching tfblades streams, is there something he does on trynd which makes you cringe? j k even back when morde was op trynda used to smoke him. now with new conq you have to just dodge a q or 2 while all ining is rageblade good GET EM Teemo is my pain !matchup Diamond I (Thresh, Kai'Sa, Lux) Master (Rengar, Soraka, Gragas, Xayah, Tryndamere, Qiyana) Grandmaster (Mordekaiser) what is your ban !matchup !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET how to beat phase rush darius? @foggedftw2 thought on sanguine blade vs morde before you could just run at morde once you got like hafl fury !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP @acerocola its broken?! d do you have any strong feelings towards fairy god parents? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW duo with jungle > get early advantage > destroy him all game gg maybe something pOPpy how to beat phase rush darius? alt tab to strong !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP rengoon snowballin soraka playe KEKW !Matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: flame him so he'll learn !ranks Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Go nxt Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! i hope they update trynda range to 175 :d HE GOT A BIG ASS sword but cant hit as fast as darius axe Do you believe in the tooth fairy? @foggedftw2 as far as darius * My reaction time is trash so I got used to predicting why did they change the challenge? !avgrank Average rank of current game is Master !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Do any of the mods know why the challenge changed and the actual one starts in EUW in May? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. No doran shield Morde KEKW Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes i thought mord goes shield LUL !avgrank he needed xp gragas drunk LUL Average rank of current game is Master HeyGuys hi @foggedftw2 and chat what rank is tf blade?? Check out my new merch! the best build mord can do vs trynd is just go tank ssjPls and make trynd mald !ranks @Reflex231 I think he stole your spot Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) Xp So more will hit 4 quicker @PhenomenallyAverage thx rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP damn fogged5Head FeelsBadMan foggedRIP trkRip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP FeelsBadMan wtf do you do in this situation!? !opgg lane is ruined FeelsBadMan FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king no summoners and morde freezing I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here tiamat with no conq? Just kill him 5Head foggedWurf You can do it !!! What does !opgg link to twitter and not jsut to the account it self LUL thought trynd countered morde, is it actually skill matchup? !RUNES Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes i mean he lost a lot to random things mordekaiser is very broken atm btw @razza_guy he still wins with items mordekaiser is too op atm he just goes tabis and cant die insane healing from conq @razza_guy you do, but he roam mid , waste all summs and didnt got nothing etc are you not watching lol? trynd is better early but falls as mordekaiser get tanky with protobelt/liandy and tabis but top lane being a level behind is pretty bad in a mu where you need items nah @Tatubola I know that morde is having a moment, im just asking about in general and wondering if it was due to the roam It's 35 degrees here kill me D: guys any ideas what runes to go on jungle trynda ? i wonder if this morde's summoner is a reference to the way of kings books Check out my new merch! degrees is just a number @PhenomenallyAverage lol i have this like everyday LULW wait what????? @phenomenallyaverage where you livin !opggs tyler1BB Clap iwdW Clap that e saved his life RIP @alterreaz Melbourne Balanced Champion Pepega lsxyz5 Clap foggedYoda Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups I will sautee baby yoda cs FeelsBadMan i will roast him hey, new to top lane (support main, learning to fill) but when you freeze the wave how do you keep it from pushing as you last hit? When I have the wave on my side and im trying to freeze, last hiting the minions seems to ruin the freeze over time. why u not with the map covers? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! PepeHands does tryn out scale morde? always the fat guys fault Yeah dude, Mordekaiser is the best champion on toplane right now and no nerfs in the next patch LULW @ycjhsuu Rekt kid Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 TriHard Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 @Burningd0wn to freeze you need more minions on the enemy side than yours rush QSS wat LULW mords not op its just conq is giving too much ap LOL gg !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king kenji1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. kenji1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Wait trynd doesn't outscale ? it gives 50 ap for fuck sakes KEKW !king oh shit thats Hauntzer?? i just got in na game with trynd against morde KEKW @hashinshin_dont_ban_me pretty sure its all the ap bruiser items being cheaper than most other items int he game dont you get pissed of the announcer? i muted it long ago so much better now @foggedftw2 Clap ez clap Pog POG monkaS Pog well played GOTEM EZ Clap rooPog Pog how did you live Pog clean! the god POGGERS Pog foggedFOGGERS wp just clap him ez EZ Clap Pog Clap Pog that fucking reaction when you E with his E Every lane losing: can't wait for the epic comeback riot are soo clueless on the game it hurts This Mordekaiser LULW wait morde is actually hauntzer Pog foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd soraka <3 N ice! Pogggggg thanks Fogged be like yeah i just gotta kill him here tank kass is only happening because conq is giving over tuned AP He was a lvl down but he didn't buy KEKW the poison gg ggs ware is the map covers? @ssuhao he does it always quickly Actually back Pog Just clap Hauntzer. EZ @foggedftw2 wait you said mordekaiser outscales tryn ware are the map covers? Topside warded monkaS mord outscales everything Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @neonskylights ahh, i was going for even lane minions (3 ranged vs 3 ranged) TY! <3 If Mordekaiser get zhonias it will be over FeelsBadMan Qiyanna mobi rush is kinda troll with no dmg to make roaming worth 5head Check out my new merch! dustix79 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! dustix79's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Nozzomi_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hi fogged! We have our VOD review tomorrrow, and well, I tried to get some ranked to lose so I can learn more, and well... that didn't work where the fuk is gragas Nozzomi_'s Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! 5Head 5Head Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @nozzomi_ foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head !opggs Haha2020 HahaShrugRight dead @Bader47 LUL who won trynda vs darius game ? hold the gates foggedYoda foggedYoda @MOLOTOV99 trynda Kappa I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Kappa KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt :( bonk foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1138 times! KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt how does Morde E disengage? only played him twice? damn feelsbad is there any kind of a cast time on trynd R? KEKW !rank foggedUlt foggedUlt KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: whats the morde matchup like? btw i was aatrox from 2 games ago >:( you bullied me foggedUlt ssjBoulda KEKW Clap now grag comes i feel like i hit r a lot and die anyway !Matchups what R u talking about.. gragas 4 levels down MonkaW @Isentropicmike if you morde e backwards it disengages !opggs Do you think it is a good idea to always take towers? sometimes i leave theam after ñushing a wave bc i deny exp and gold @foggedftw2 if trynd r auto activates would that be too op? @hashinshin_dont_ban_me probably @neonskylights ty what about 4 times? @foggedftw2 how are you bug fan what do you think are. Turns worst matchups ow KEKW gg next one Morello KEKW this int xD toooooooo tanky what slowed you Looking good today king @foggedftw2 it's gg @foggedftw2 whos their bot laner? you got this late bro Kappa GG EZ Clap gg LUL He is building shitty items and still winning lulW gg EZ Clap !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 25 LP next win is guaranteed The lesson from this game, never help the jungler hahah ssjNut GG HAHA @foggedftw2 do u get executioner vs mord usually ? ikr @yenoi TF Blade would have carried that Kappa @jonnywalker93 mods? @neonskylights LUL @theonlyquincy Stixxay !opggs Yeah, time to ban mordekaiser no ? @foggedftw2 @Isentropicmike monkaW fogged managing to pull positivity from thin aire why warent u with the map covers on? @evangelion933 100% with jax KEKW air* he didnt lose because of morde darius is worse imo @foggedftw2 any ideas on what runes to go in trynda jungle ? Check out my new merch! people malding about map cover why he gets on 6? @foggedftw2 would it have helped at all to rush QSS? @Vyse_Hex he couldn't have with any other champ LUL @foggedftw2 what are tryndamere hardest matchups tfblade got this bet LULW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @solarus17 poppy, teemo, akali !ranks Fogged: Master 25 LP (76-21) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @foggedftw2 I’m struggling against Jax flora and riven @foggedftw2 cuz you can QSS his R @foggedftw2 what should I say in the email for the giveaway I just won QSS LULW how to beat phase rush darius? zeptepi1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. zeptepi1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! HIS R was not the problem tho !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foggedftw2 why he gets lvl 2 on 6 minions? cause the assist on lvl 1 kill? @angchato you already emailed tho @angchato Im just not answering them tonight i used to pick nasus into trynd because if trynd gets behind he cant do anything aaaa thanks since when tf blade is beating you? he has a lot of more games than you @ZiggaZow lol yeah it was. that's literally why he died !ranks just wanted to know Fogged: Master 12 LP (76-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) picking nasus agasint trynd PepeLaugh I am one of those who perma banned Tryndamere top. larissaGrumpy wanted to make sure Tfblade played 26 more games wtf LULW @foggedftw2 when do you take conq vs lt? @foggedftw2 cants wait for the coaching session hopefully discord works this time @angchato Emmy handles the emails so you have to ask her the questions how did TF get ahead of you @foggedftw2 Wasn't you 1 minion up from him? you were way ahead of him at on epoint nasus shits on trynd after like 10 mins if he doesnt int lmao Low key Darius should be put as hard on spread sheet @neonskylights Tryn cant touch Naus late game just build armour 4Head !opggs Nasus* @Kaigemercer TFBlade has 30 more games... you coach 4 hours every day? pog You coach what damn it i want yo to win Do you coach all players? do you charge? He also has a life outside of stream why don't you stream it? and he has no GF KEKW not to mention with the new rules, tf blade doesnt have to dodge or wait to not get the same lobby @ItsYaBoyLeyo every chmp every role @foggedftw2 u and blade should play the same amounts of games by the end of the months or is not actually fair !stats it is okay lol again 22days ! !coaching you could delay coaching for the challenge $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @basilduck nah he died because he was behind tf you mean. lol his ult was not the problem we'll see if he makes it to high challenger, unless he keeps playing Jax LUL @UnstoppableWog Thanks for the info @foggedftw2 youd coach even a jungle main? np !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to He has about 30 more games than you atm right oh ok, hope that you win Tf blade isn’t married KappaPride @theonlyquincy Yeah any role/champ !king gz got masters @davormiho yeah LUL ok i like that attitude :) ok thats cool actually !uptime 6 hours 1 minute 53 seconds !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 why your timer always on 4:20? its not fair atm, tfblade just played 26 more games LULW i think he will get top 10, his trynd mechanics dont matter, he is just a good macro player @ZiggaZow nah. he morde cannot kill if he had qss. he trapped him in ult and killed. tf you mean !mastery 700,000,000,000 !king LUL tfbladw cheatah @foggedftw2 No disrespect for me asking, but do you play professionally for a team? k sure @basilduck !age 27 he got one kill because he was ahead !nationality @ZiggaZow if you can pay 1300g to negate someone's ult, generally a good idea its simple @foggedftw2 why tho? its unfair if he play jax /irelia and you have to dodge i think you got conned on the bet Tf Blade is a special kind of beat, a cheatah LUL !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW beast* !challenge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! whats tfblades account called spin spin spin? @foggedftw2 I thought the rules were to dodge if tryn unavailable @unstoppablewog kekw i thought he is only allowed to pick sth different in promos Spin x3 @theonlyquincy SPIN SPIN SPlN !build spin spin spLn CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET what you can play else than trynda ? you're actually ok with him playing other champs? what's the point, he's going to get trynd banned more and more as he goes up, and play other champs more and more Spin spin spln ty ty the deal was altered pray he doesn't alter it anymore. i dont get it, if he wins you owe him nothing, but if you win he gives you 2500$ is it because he is allowed off champs ? clip trynda vs garen? He plays more games and doesn't have to dodge. That doesn't seem fair considering the money on the line $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! ^^ Only tf blade has money on line @Swayy i think thats the reason did you main a champ before trynd?? q time locked on 420 foggedWurf @foggedftw2 trundle top viable in your opinion? @davormiho the challenge has changed fogged doesn't have to pay tfb if he wins @foggedftw2 do u dogde when gettin autofilled support? Until he whines and demands the rules changed again you should probably mention that unlike him you wont loose money if you loose the challenge Check out my new merch! !challange @foggedftw2 you got akaadians smurf as your jg HJEY LISTEN @AceRocola true KEKW @pugggz Wasn't aware of that. Thanks BOBBY SCHMURDA OMEGALUL Lol did he freeze it at 420 on purpose !song you got annie bot so you win 100% @foggedftw2 !challange Malphite the Malded feel like malphite is really safe blind pick HAUNTED HAUNTZRRR scheduled loss @gunnar304 420 pog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @davormiho alg dude, tfb complained that his stream was too popular to be waiting inbetweener dodging games if trynd got banned ? !runs !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes wait akkadian plays rengar? interesting lol Tbh this whole challenge thing is so profitable that no matter who loses the amount of views subs and bits gained balance out the money lost KappaPride LUL Kappa KEKW LUL KappaPride Runes? Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous? KEKW lol monkaHmm KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups LUL @theonlyquincy He used to play Rengo before LCS I LIKE BOTH GENDERS YOU GUYS 7 foot man KappaPride he was a rengar one trick !rank That’s not his height KappaPride KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP THE CRITS has anyone here received coaching from fogged? I'm curious for feedback on the $50 vod review vs the $`100 two hour coaching. Would like to do in the future just trying to get an idea of what might work best for me Check out my new merch! @hashinshin_dont_ban_me dont worry hash bans ppl who tries to learn him how to escape his primary school mental lmao imagine playing malphite yike ap malphite is so fun any single men in chat? You don’t pick malphite because it’s fun you pick it to make enemy team mald malphites base kit is super boring but his ult is hilarious and fun that depends on your gender @Undyin i like his q a lot Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !matchup @quickblazer2 dm me [= Master (Rengar, Kai'Sa, Sylas, Blitzcrank, Lee Sin, Tryndamere) Grandmaster (Malphite, Soraka, Ezreal, Annie) @Undyin no this lee has concrete blocks for balls !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king tp monkaHmm If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !opggs @foggedftw2 why take fleet vs malph? @speedpunner lee is akaadian on his smurf. former pro for TSM rank 1 isn't even that hard, why not just get it? 4Head Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Rank 1 oceanic is the real deal every other region is dog shit compared wait akaadian,annie bot and fogged? that's a loaded team man o.o @destryir To outsustain his mama pool. KEKW What’s fury? any single men in chat? 18+ only yup @quickblazer2 @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low winrate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? @destryir *mana Hashinshin would have 2 kills by now, but you are still doing good :-) @Undyin monkaW dude that's creepy lol obv a lot of single men here watching league xD hashinshin would also have 5 deaths by now :) @ChangDaMan6969 Hashinshin would be afk by now yo thats jared mid @Kounosuke ivern has a high winrate just very low playrate @ChangDaMan6969 Deaths* !bet @Laycjor10 Thats what i meant haha !jax @rothensteen Hey! Im single by choice! my b then @foggedftw2 why do you still take ignite since you cant win all in? isnt TP slick here? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @undyin yup !tfblade Pog That's on me for not checking what i typed haha @Laycjor10 @tarym1 that was the answer just now Pog imagine picking malphite to counter tryn @BlueSavannah dm me no worries :) @quickblazer2 yuuuuup malph shoulda ulted combo first then flash poggedtfw bad kitty loooool lee is clean @tarym1 He does will the all ins, but only after outsustaining malphite's Mana pool. KEKW lee OOH AKAADIAN POGGERS @Kounosuke "I am the ivern. I Speak for the trees. Come do dragon. Or ill break your knees =^) " Check out my new merch! nice bait same inter gragas KEKW rengar LUL i love this lee Lmfaookik Lee with the plays @foggedftw2 who is biggest counter to trynd ? baby jesus baby jesus malphite virgins WeirdChamp cat got kickedout when did they ad the animation for the as slow with malph e Rammus @foggedftw2 when is the end date for the challenge so I know when to tune in to get a sub? Quinn KEKW @Laycjor10 thats so good I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Kounosuke XDXD @madarasama95 yup I understand thx. its just ignite here feels less usable than in other match ups even if still good. but I might be wrong. maybe its also the extra damage you need to actually kill the malph @markzical end of month I think !commands @Singedproxyisop -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks KEKW NICE TRADE malphite csing under tower KEKW malph csing KEKW why not map covers? Why do people keep choosing Malphite versus you? You always seem to crush them? @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low play/ban rate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? (Corrected cause Laycjor KEKW 'd me ) !yoda foggedYoda SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL foggedYoda DONATE TO STREAM YOU WILL foggedYoda Jared Kreygasm jared KEKW @foggedftw2 how do you beat a nasus? shet monkaS KEKW is it me or from malphite pov he just dies no counterplay ? how did you know rengar was there @firstshot once malp get full armor trynd does no dmg malphite woulda got the kill anyway Worth .. I dont think he needed to flash got a flash for it wait since when was i subbed :O whos higher ranked rn @destryir Kill him pre 6 like 10 times ratirlBusiness KEKW TF blade or him monkaGunmonkaSHAKE monkaGun monkaSHAKE JARED ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW do i eat mc donalds or cereals? since chat found ur cc details @OgSilverTail Kappa @Roeven_ both malphite is good against trynd once you get items, but he loses early cant decide 4Head who is winning ? ZexyBandito subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Roeven_ cereals rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP ZexyBandito's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Roeven_ mc D For rengar it’s fairly worth to flash since he not only gets kill but also passive stack @ArcticWolf_HD my brain lagged so i dont remember the command in order to see who is winning @destryir You play a champ that can remove him from lane by spam poking without using too much resource, e.g. akali/trynd/lucian etc !tfblade Check out my new merch! !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP malphite angry annie bot op !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs Jared PogChamp proxy trynd @foggedftw2 u will lose man tf is master 142point @BADASSBOOTS sroUp Has fogged lost lane yet in any game @foggedftw2 -2500 hhaha Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups yes @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low play/ban rate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? pepeClap @leanbean_268 He lost to a morde last game last game wasnt vs darius? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Anyone having trouble getting games on League? I'm getting a message for long que times cause of amount of games and stuff @foggedftw2 dive dive or no balls @foggedftw2 u have RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR adc against rengar i would've ffed as well 4Head ??? early surrender??? KEKW team is malding did fogged win or lose the last game vs Morde? @Sog_ares clash causing problems 15 min surrender lose !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP @ArekBauwin lose Remember when ER was 30 cdr :/ Jared Pog not a bad roam bro holy shgit this roam @foggedftw2 SO BAD 4k gold poggers game is in your hands trkChamp PogChamp that was big brain from fogged tbh. not using tiamat there 4k PogU !R 4,3k gold Level Ult Last - @foggedftw2 my Sona flamed my for building essence reaver ez carry Pog decent fogged and jared Pog stfu @Ceco_DiF 4k gold "pretty decent" KEKW soraka with targ (? @foggedftw2 Sup handsome man KappaPride @blinkingpigs Clash? Any time on when it will be normal? Really want to play :/ @quickblazer2 what do you mena who is jared? @ceco_dif mods? Where ban annie bot? Subway guy @Bulletsponges your sona is low elo Dude Trick is struggling without u FOGGEDFTW2, TAXASHION IS TEFT Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @Sog_ares well there are a ton of ppl playing and scrimming for that tournament. 5v5s !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP @ngee1212 y @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low play/ban rate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? pepeClap what does fog ban every game? ratirlTip Fuck papa fogged not the best day? what's tryndamere worst match up? ratirlBusiness jared is such a pepega Panth panth only? Yea @iEvilgen1us he used to badn pantheon but hes been banning darius or some other champs @Kounosuke it wouldnt work cuz he would not be able to carry with such champs heavy tea $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! KEKw heavy team !hard Tryndamere's hardest matchups are Tahm Kench, Akali, Jayce, Gnar, Kennen and Teemo any tank @iEvilgen1us mostly pantheon and darius tho ohhh thanks @Blueberrypiie ratirlCannon ratirlCannon @kazamakus thats how you get the lost champs buffed pepeClap side stepper side step genius @blinkingpigs Well dang that sucks. I'm just trying to play ARAMs right now for fun Does anyone know what kind of lights fogged uses to get his room that color Nice dodge Malphite has so much armor monkaS blue ones? KEKW @War5188 Check out my new merch! im not sure but do you really want your room to do that? @War5188 tfb5 tfb5Head tfb5 tfb5Head led tri bush that can change colors The lights look cool @Kounosuke i guess lost champions are just lost, riot doesnt care about low picked champs is rengar is this ranked or sub games mejais? @War5188 im guessing blue? unkillable rock monkaW lmao denguskhan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! hell yeah! denguskhan's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! is lethal temo viable for malph? my enemies lineup are so random honestly worth WINNABLE Lol Can rengar 1 shot you? lee weirdChamp I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here not anymore lee sin KEKW ezreal missing everyQ lol !ranks holy kaisa is clean Fogged: Master 12 LP (76-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) EZ MISS EVERY Q KEKW ok nvm that IS worth Where’s the team? almoat lost @kazamakus thats why the streamers gotta get them popular to improve qol for dead champs pepeClap almost outplayed that ez that lee was clean that 1 q was so close range :DDD Jared Pog cheer1 Cheer1 Jared Pog !opggs cracked out kaisa out stepping every ezreal Q Ezreal didn’t hit a single q !score @renzlipangs wdym random. you can see what the enemy picks in champ select Pog Lee Infernal soul sucks tbh only ocean and mount are good where's the challenge score atm? Kapp ^ maybe LDR next to have some pressure on malphite !uptime 6 hours 26 minutes 57 seconds !op @Kounosuke but u said it, dead champions, so unfortunately no one carse about them in general !stats 10 Cs Min eZ PogU HYPERS MALPHITE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING Solo baron pls Check out my new merch! @kazamakus why do you think im tryna get streamers to make dead champs popular PepeHands its so people care !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: that alone won you the fight so many crits Pog gg jared on a rampage thi ez wintrading? Here come malph ult jared shotcalling Pog jared almost 25 stacks PogU !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Osteee no it's called "preseason inting" !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1139 times! lw? Pog how do you face a malphite stacking armor with trynd? !king !king nice damage KEKW @quickblazer2 ah, my bad alpha jared foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda lol like even a vamp scepter would let you perma fight wtf when did kai'sa get there???? @Kounosuke i get ur point but iin reality riot wont do anything to dead champs pop heal KEKW Jared Pog Jared POGGERS KEKW ANNIE How long did his ult last? @teacrisis foggedYoda SUBS YOU MUST DONATE foggedYoda LUL jk !king yo what up first time catching the stream JARED Pog @gowry0 5s HYPERS SYLAS IN 2K19 KEKW damn Vierez Our boy Jared Pog @kazamakus then the solution is to just make them not dead Pepega ? calm down Jared BibleThump @kazamakus what champs do you consider dead? no armor pen ? Jared Pog 1tricks taking over this game Get some pene Jared TryHard Jared is giving so much shit to ez - but deserves it @Vierez sylas wa released in 2K19 KEKW idiot Jareds..... carrying??? jared carry WTF is annie doing How are people pogging Annie gameplay really guys? Kappa why is annie inting the drag JARED KEKW Jared up their butts like they 14 year olds coming to subway @dennylul its region specfic to na Jared KEKW @ayaya27 i meant like the match KEKW stolen again ULT KEKW ANNIE INTED FOGGED LOL ok akaadian needs to hit those smites :/ replay LUL LUL LUL LUL Annie pepeLaugh !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP ANNIE INTED FOGGED never smite @dennylul ah nvm KEKW @Kounosuke well the way to do that is by either reworking or buffing them wich is not happening to most of the champion pool in lol Kappa !rank WINTRADING tryndamere is a bad pick, specially on high elos.. what is ur winrate with him? 40%? !elo TFBLADE TOLD ANNIEBOT TO CHECK HIS BANK ACC Jared Poggers @francopjr 40% XDDDD i thought lee sin was best champ for smiting? lol why dragon when rengar is up @FraaM_ champions who no one plays because theyre so weak @francopjr 80% bro monkaW 80%? wtf... Jared beastin @kazamakus Trundle 0% pickrate Annie Bot is a monster. what is that little girl made of? rengar KEKW what's inf soul do again? Cho is the best smiter Pog never surrender LUL lee Pog Jared clean af its already over LUL winnable @akio POG so had to go and just came back how is the game? yea this is an easy win @kazamakus like ivern or kalista? i don't see other ones nice distancing from sylas. he would've 1v9'd there 90 dmg every 5 seconds dog shit soul anniebot running it down @AkiioSenpai gives like an electrocute proc kinda @AkiioSenpai it gives you an aoe attack every other attack they Bout to FF nkw can you deal with malphite? Worst soul @hashinshin_dont_ban_me because trundle is useless in this meta annie bot HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS infernal soul is trash tho so it's a mini electircute monkaS Internal went from best to worst inted by anniebot NO ARMOR PEN? @AkiioSenpai nvm maybe they changed it idk @foggedftw2 is lethal viable against malph? my enemies lineup is fkuped Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! cloud is worst soul armor pen is useless, he still can't beat malphite is sudden impact, ulitmate hunter good secondary? cloud is still worst no? you build to kill the rest of his team Cloud op Annie Carry Pog !win Still best drag, just not the soul Cloud op on trynd i love clo6ud no drake PepeHands @antonio_jr99 hes not going on malphite so he doesnt need pen cloud is best lol infernal soul is decent, grants a lot of waveclear !rank KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP Ocean soul is gross imo with mountain balanced @renzlipangs if he goes ap malp then yes nice pick good catch dude KEKW POGGERS foggedFOGGERS annie bot op <3 not too bad Most op would is 4 clouds ez toxic team Annie* @raphtalia_senpai Check out my new merch! 4 mountains are insane too @quickblazer2 lol i just forgot the capita`l mb lul mountain soul Imagine correcting someone's capitalization of a name in twitch chat KEKW @quickblazer2 cmon bro cloud is only situationally "op" it's not best soul @gowry0 jared still plays? Bot of Annie op i like the mountain drake but not the soul @foggedftw2 Who is the best counter of tryndamere ? Jared has been playign for awhile now i meant the actual champ you bonobos !opggs ocean/mountain>infernal>cloud i guess they need to kill rengar first then objectives What does he mean by CC? Mountain soul is nutty on squishy mages though @raphtalia_senpai I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here cc means crowd control like stunis stuns Ty what a weird build LUL @francopjr xD @le_ghoul what do u build against that? @francopjr pretty much core items tenacity ig or qss @francopjr must be new to league 200iq ez ult Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups no im not @blinkingpigs I think infernal>ocean>wind>mountain for souls and fo5r drakes Wind>Mountain>infernal>Ocean would be nuts if riot made it so when u get 4 drakes, the team choses one soul for the rest of the game dependning on champs end? D GATES DGATES @francopjr weird in low elo but this is core end game LUL GG GG THEY MUSTA FORGOT They musta' forgot Pog EZ Clap big brain EL TRUCO EZ MALPH KEKW oof close KEKW KEKW damn slowed attack speed fuk KEKW that malpg LOL that attackspeed wtf Malphite E LUL 3Head They musta forgot, ellll truco malp e did you just get.....body blocked? mal say fuck no bitch stay there KEKW malphite E is so nasty should have turned earlier need qss for malphite e Kappa Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! el tryndo xpeke failed. you will get them next time nah you coudn't end that nice ad potion couldve killed kaisa and take nexus rip ye KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW flash malph e that rengar really won every smite against akaadian so far YES U COULD U TROLLED THERE HARD kapp GGGGG wow lee R Pog you could flash behind nexus @w0lf_hs he tried but malp E is disgusting this annie is awesome EZ Clap KEKW enemy inting seems like fogged is always running sultan trynd, any reason why or does he just think it's trynd's best skin annie rooPog gj team INTING? gg rengar inting you could have ended if you turned to kaisa first because mal wouldnt be able to kill you They are SO BAD pog elder dragon will kill u again dont take it GG then e away from them hitting nex all time maybe annie MVP KJSAKJDJAJA @HeartfeltBarbarian he like that skin @CheeseZerger Anniebot is the best Annie player period <3 RIIIPP @foggedftw2 remember to use potion NOW LUL team GO FOR END Check out my new merch! KEKW sylas monkaW red pot you are tilting my TOC throws? forgot to use pot nah kaisa kites you tanks KEKW malphite has malding levels of armour FULL TANK MALPHITO Pog That Lee is slick crowd control ftw... this lee is clean rengar LUL RENGAR SO BAD KEKW The Rock ORA ORA ORA oh no u rly need armor pen oof gg if they get this rengar wasted smite @foggedftw2 Which is the worst matchup against tryn ? no smite, F honestly amazed by Lee this whole game, he's amazing Annie bot should've just TP'd bot annie bot KEKW Jared POGGERS gg If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Pog monkaSHAKE Jared POGGERS Pog Pog gg nope :DD LETS GOOO JARED "jared POGGERS infernal elder rengar = monkaS ANNIE KEKW JARED Pog POGGERS foggedFOGGERS LOL Atleast lee unkillable KEKW JARED Pog GG EZ Clap JAREDDDDDDDDD Jared gooooo! EZ MONEY OOF Annie is fuckin broken man wtf Jared no fucks given Jared the god lmao annie pog ANNNIEEEEEEEE EZY Clap nice...should be able to end right?!? Annie Carry wait Jared still stuck in Gold? Our Jared POGGERS GGGG TIBBERS FIGHT Pog EZ Clap ANNIE POG Cgmc223 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! GO GO GO Jared Pog Cgmc223's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @sSuHao he was never? pretty sure that @sSuHao ????? change name to thankyoujared nice work 👍💪 PogChamp @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low play/ban rate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? pepeClap WITHOUT DRAKES LUL gg easy JARED 3 MAN ULT honor jared foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog this is what im talking about... this annie is a way better than trynda on team fights Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @cgmc223 Annie love u Jared POGGERS !opggs Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! pretty sure that's u @dennylul !opggs !club GG Jared foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog such annie mechanics @raphtalia_senpai I've never heard of him but man he's legit annie bot :D nice AoE damage, crowd control, etc Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Annie carried @Vyse_Hex what? 2piradiantilt subscribed with Twitch Prime. @dennylul @Adoinc i heard last game smbody said this is Gold, I though he's playing alt account that ezreal got carried so hard 2piradiantilt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !bet good macro this game ! @sSuHao oh nah this is masters elo lol it's Master @sSuHao nah he switched back to the challenge acc which is gm/chall elo PixelBob foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Whos winning challenge? !rank @dennylul wait wrong tag lmao MYbad KEKW KingOfTryndamere is Master 12 LP That was one of those wins that feels so good. did that soraka die 22 times? !ranks Fogged: Master 12 LP (76-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @kaueourives tf !ranks would you have gone for lord dominik last item? @kaueourives tf blade ahead atm but they got a long time to climb why u do play sultan tryn mostly is it a hyper p2w skin PunOko !opggs Ur like 22 lp? I didn’t see I just got fucking 8 ads @Vyse_Hex ahh np KEKW @nellymage he likes that skin better are you serious !song @M5Leonidas @dennylul Oh no :o welp, I'm gonna head out since I gotta wake up early, but that game was crazy !ranks Fogged: Master 12 LP (76-22) | TFBlade: Master 142 LP (97-26) @foggedftw2 duo with jared/ have a good one fellas !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what would your last item have been had it gone that far? @foggedftw2 Do you think you'll do any more of these versus bets? Maybe with hyper low play/ban rate champs like ziggs and ivern to bring attention to them? pepeClap call Jared BibleThump You play sultan because it's the best skin with the best mustache. 142 @cheesezerger lord doms 111 4 games ahead of u What state u from fogged 8 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Master 31 LP foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd u dont get 30 per win? RichardSatchel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! RichardSatchel's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opggs how did tfblade get so far ahead? foggedWeeb foggedWeeb tf cheat LUL how many more games has tfblade played? @foggedftw2 hey, are the runes in your spreadsheet still accurate? i dont see a conq build @Zorangeman774 I'm still learning things about the game but why lord doms over black cleaver? @tyler1_is_a_beast playing other champs than trynd @tyler1_is_a_beast he played other champs !quaterback sometimes I don`t even play just to watch fogged PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR PowerUpR Wait, wth. TFB is ahead now? hopefully anniebot carries you to the promised land again !opggs Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! PogChamp @cheesezerger lord doms has more armor pen that he needs. monkaS you could if you duod with jared :D take it easy man! rest well! wrist pain KappaPride @foggedftw2 i left earlier when i asked so i don't know if it got answered but if you earned a coaching, can you pass it to someone else? similar to a subscribe? dying monkaS @foggedftw2 why did you allow Tfblade to play other champs instead of dogding? too much right clicking :( i hoep your wrist gets better !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to He is streaming yes he is Why did TFblades played irelia or vlad? he streamin right arm is not alot stronger PepeHands $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! aight peace out man k cya yo fogged, good rest gl !challenge @Dj_RightClick If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ggs man Annie Are You Ok fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head fogged5Head sup foggedWizard Yo bro Fogged says thanks for the carry close enough ahhh point click annie monkaHmm what's up pog I used trynd and annie to learn league i already follow you :) easy! à hi anniebot Fogged says thanks for the carry kill everytghing!à HEY TRYNDAMERE SPIN IS A SKILLSHOT I use to watch this guy all the time je taime plein King tryn e oh, does clash actually work on na server? Wooo \o/ yeet aw back to being a pleb alright, at least I can't int in twitch chat @foggedftw2 Kappa tric going the cockroach 3:45 am here in germany, i wish you good luck fogged hi chat HeyGuys HeyGuys no rezzy ResidentSleeper im playing tyrnd and i am trying to do your bet. I got up to bronze 2 and stuck so i have no chance haha la cucaracha hello,is this clash? Pog OPEN THE GATES is this clash? Double smite Ssup bro yes it is clash Pog @Exxorios ty holy shit cookie is master LUL double junglar U let him get master b4 U cookiemanman is a beast Check out my new merch! no tryn? gg @foggedftw2 Can you show twitch chat on screen? is there a clash team name? this rivens main is kled xd theyve musta forgot the kled beast man, on eu the saturday clash got cancelled due to technical issues again.... Is there any reason why 2 champions would take smite on your team? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here on eune we played clash normally @runer_2xc just trick things i guess trick flasdhed wtf xd just laggy vc for some reason what's up right clickers o/ shoot her ass @runer_2xc bruh thats the trick way KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW E L T R O C O nooo lorensj81 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! GG Fogged, keep being great! lorensj81's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Did fogged put map cover on for clash or is it just on from yesterday? havent played in years. whats clash? PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR Did he give up on the challenge? he put cover because trick also did that !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW them calculations, POG Kreygasm Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! why kled isnt gaining passive by last hitting? pog @antonio_jr99 I think he is taking a day break. he needs it pog wow you know them better than they know themselves Pog foggedProf IceCold A planned actually worked in league Pog Pog @AceRocola wait, what To lose? Why does cho have smite why u questionin el truco foggedYoda IceCold Check out my new merch! LACUCURACCCCCHHHHHAAAAA why no trynda? wtf was going on with that scuttle crab @DirtyDeedsBA banned tpLUL Its clash can gaurantee it got banned Prolly banned @five_hundred kindred passive with skin @foggedftw2 saw you on trick's stream and thought "wtf, i wanna watch fogged" nvm, there is no kindred oh that sucks! Fogged actually got me playing a lot of trynda lately LOL yea im playing class and they for sure ban my trynd LUL I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here oh i get it, ivern passive had me messed up for a second lol why kled? trynd banned banned tryna clash thanks If he isn't playing Trynd is because Trynd is banned. Just always assume that its ivern cleeeeean !uptime 10 minutes 43 seconds is fogged in tics? cmcHusk !opggs his kled is clean Pog @manasuaresrex yea @foggedftw2 how is the fight vs the second best trynd going? Who is on their team besides Trick? trick LUL LUL LUL LUL !opggs Cookie Who is mid? lmao I pooped myself Emmy Cookie and Sloth ROFL @AceRocola Thank you foggedYoda foggedYoda @AerialSnack Trick2g is mid Check out my new merch! No problem anyone know how the competition is going? Do you ever take conquorer over lethal tempo on trynd? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW TF got to masters and Fogged didnt play today !opggs Wait there's a baby yoda emote now? Pog foggedYoda oh it's been rescheduled:( foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda FOGGER ITS TIME TO CARRY is he still doing the bet w/ TF? @JayD_92 yes but not today trick so whiney lets go !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW Pog Emmy clutch !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king what was the reason they changed the challenge? tf cheated :) holy fuck man i really cant believe tf straight up played other champs NOT in promos Cause TF complained cause he wasnt really hidding queue and Trynd was getting banned so he was supposed to dodge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @syrinox_ TF being whiny as fuck bot lane PepeHands El truuuco it's always nice to hear double kill in bot lane and whe nyou look at the enemies they're full health KEKW Oh, right. TF cheated. KEKW trick is malding for charity He whines about it and doesnt make and effort to avoid it Cuz TF is a manchild Guess Fogged wins then. @AsianChickk95 well I don't know what was taking so long, before he's began being FFblade 1/10 bot oof $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @AsianChickk95 thx for answering wait what happened between the comp with tf and fogged? so what is clash? clash is like organized mini tournaments @HyperionRaptor tournament from Riot LCS on a smaller scale its a tournament based on ranks trick is mad oh ok Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 probably ghosting so they heard you calls Pog TRUCO PepeHands if loose we are out? EL TROLOLO i dont think so !uptime 20 minutes 15 seconds who is the bot lane? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here There is one loser's bracker. !bet Emmy and Sloth bottom flash???? NA Ashe 100000000000 dollars !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET quick int Why would Ashe flash there got paniched why not Kappa This isnt tryndamere! panicked Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups she flashed to delay fogged by 0.5 seconds which is going to be fundamental time where they get dragon 5Head looool trick LUL XD El truuuuuuuco PepeHands GG he isn't smarter than the enemy nami Toplane impact whos on other team? Check out my new merch! ashe is too big randoms dont surrender it will ego boost them tho even nami is strong only fogged doing well lol Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! @foggedftw2 tryn banned? ye If they see fogged, you bet they're gonna ban tryn lmao bummer !banned YES TRYND BANNED Trynd will probably always be banned. foggedYoda lmao @foggedftw2 hey how did the whole cheating issue ended up ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! I can't be at tricks and fogs stream at the same time, help foggedEmmy trkBad THISE COWARDS @nerophantom_37 you can on mobile @NeroPhantom_37 Open both and mute one phone is dead rn KEKW @2nd_page_of_google_search wait, how ult mid !! Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! if you open twitch on computer and twitch on mobile, you can watch two streams lmao so the challenge is a win win situation oh true with trynd it would be much easier !socials You can also use multitwitch dot com To watch both at once. faster split push also could easily kill ashe or ahri trick 2/7 KEKW what's cookie doing on ivern 1st time playing him LOL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! failed ambush :) dont let trick go mid Trick... LUL i mean, ivern itself is almost a troll pick la cucaracha useless KEKW "i was spamming emotes and i burned my flash on accident" LMAO Yeah Trick doesn't have the patience to play midlane. trick has the boomer mechanics trkLOL trkBronze Volunshade is continuing the Gift Sub they got from AkiioSenpai! lata .... !opggs nobody could do constant damage except keld which was CC'd all the time cookie LuL INTeresting team you got homie cmon just give us good gameplay, fogged has the right idea... is this a new meta for mid with smite? who was the adc and the support? jesus...xd Check out my new merch! trick in 2019 LUL how is Emmy was support trick mid Emmy was support and Sloth was adc where is the udyr the voli banned @AceRocola pekinW wait trick is mid LUL thought it was cho jungle what is event here haha all banned @Mirardt what is the meaning of LOU oh fuck i just tuned in never played clash Really we expected target bans for trick and fogged 2trick trick2g OOF unbench the kench and kled LUL this sheet is against OTPs sucks tbh ayyy now you're online :D clash is just whack tbh hey @foggedftw2 finally u come online to make my day better !uptime 29 minutes 12 seconds @soJLund lou cucuracha I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !uotime !uptime lou is my BB what happens if they ban both? sup why that dumb Ivern Life without Danny is tasteless tfbS tfbS tfbS what is the thing of clash Mundo Depoends on how long the other teams game is is there some price for the winner team or something @runer_2xc then he goes malph cases just dont let trick play cho he will feed his ass off again LUL Its like a tournament @foggedftw2 you doing any ranked after clash? free skins LUL why doesn't every top laner just play camille, she's literally the most busted bruiser hi pick rumble and carry Congratulations on Winning Against TF Blade @five_hundred because different bruisers have different play styles konban wa(good evening) guys. Hope it finds you well. @dhlmgmt it is not over yet i really want to see some ranked to regen after watching Blades Trynda they still so much ahead @foggedftw2 Kuzak is poppin off on Hecarim its going to be a 1 x 5 he used Jax in NON promo's KEKW Not every bruiser suits a certain play style if u get the mount so thinking it is over !challenge @dhlmgmt If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW if if was a spliff, we'd all be high just needed cho in the same bush for oneshot fogged i just want to say that i made a new account just for Trynd and i got Diamond after 48 wins with him, you are a beast. hes the better deadbush champ TF used it Jax in Non Promo's SeemsGood death !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @minecod01 and you are too Pog Fogged you doing a charity stream? Check out my new merch! watched him today in multiple matches bot lane was too behind @PokeSmotRVA trick is doing, join his stream and support! c'mon man, I been on there kosm 7amo beka Didn't know if fogged was doing one too getting flamed for being gold is my king Kappa Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups True. @qerast thanks man, plat 4 was my highest with Nasus and Sion, this is something else lol. Always fun beating up a Riven. LUL what u gnna play when they ban trynda? xD @foggedftw2 some games are just not in your control @minecod01 nice job! :P Why does fogged never recommend conqueror, but always takes it? O.o floorx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! floorx's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! depends on matchup fogged can also play Kled, Mundo, Jax and Darius Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Hy Everyone naroLove what about rumble dont think so I thought fogged's camille was pretty decent too but I could be misremembering @QeRasT yo squad1 squad2 PJSugar not like trynd/kled level but pretty good Other keystones may also be easier for lower skilled people to play, so it's easier to recommend them. fogged's main is obviously janna i dont think he is feeling comfortable with camille, can be wrong tho wait trick mid? squadW My Man gg I feel like conq is super easy to play, you don't even have to think about it what happened to the challenge? Janna top best top i like conqueror singed :) !challenge @carryorifeed If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW it's going on but he is clashing you need to think when playing conq with some champions i fought a singed last week who did the sirhcez build and it was so hard to deal with after he got gunblade if conqueror is getting a hotfix, is it even worth trying out this current conqueror? lmao Trick is just a clown. I don’t get why he waist time playing with that guy. Silly to me. 💥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 7452 🥈) jamie_j_ : 2739 🥉) datashe42 : 2012 4) venderionn : 1798 5) krumugendly : 950 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !english English only chat || En este chat, solo se permite hablar en Inglés || Somente Inglês no chat || Chat sadece Ingilizce olabilir || Parlez Anglais s'il vous plaît chaterino || чат только на английском || このチャットルームに英語のみで話してください。|| اللغة الانجليزية هي المسموحة فقط || Τα αγγλικά είναι η μόνη επιτρεπόμενη γλώσσα στο Chat. Δεν επιτρέπεται καμία άλλη γλώσσα || Czat tylko w języku angielskim wait what do you mean rescheduled to may It’s only getting nerfed did ranged champs right now no? For god i hope so. it should just be disabled on swain ! challenge WutFace fogged they banned my trynd both games, im soooo sad :( ye conq swain is such a meme -0- @ShadeySlapperston no more other picks from TFBlade Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! literally drain tanking 500hp a second through grievous wounds real trynd only challenge ! challenge was about time !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Blade is a meme ah i see so there's still a challenge going on but tfblade is allowed to off champ yes and if fogged lose, he dont have to give 500subs to tf $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! why was it changed? well it seems like this challenge sucks for tfblade gets nothing if he wins and is down 2.5k if he loses Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm welcome back fogged Cahnged cause TF wasnt trying to avoid bans and then whined about it Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm Cheater_Blade tfbHmm watzaaaaab man foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda TF Blaby BabyRage Check out my new merch! whats up fogged Clash = Ban trynda ? what did tf do yall, how he cheat ah i see so he cheated because he wasn't willing ot wait to queue to avoid target bans can someone explain what clash is? damn clash without kuzak BibleThump @WEEDISTRASHANDDUMBTOSMOKE pro play for ameteurs ryze nunu fiddle wombo combo ? xD Watzzzzaaaab fogged I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here fiz has clash already started? fizz Pog whats his acc on trynd challenge yes slayder !uptime 40 minutes 44 seconds Fizz Pog or corki @cornoxfan kingoftryndamere !king play camille mid whatcha eatin @foggedftw2 yo chat did I miss any clash games wut is up @slayder28 only one play talon or kassadin nocturne mid !! foggedCorgi @cornoxfan he's very slighly behind tfblade rn but only cause he hasn't played today imagin u could ply trynd ! Challenge aw rip did they at least win? L nope would be so easy games you made me hungry again man f fogged i played two matches with trynd as adc and pantheon support and actually dominated both games lmao whos the grill press F boys @cornoxfan emmy !emmy foggedHappy !bracket what does LOU stand for? full lethality without sanguin blade tho lol Check out my new merch! LOU Cucaracha !runesa Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes !runes i have no idea LOL Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. @foggedftw2 what do you eat? watcha eaiten fooged halo, i like women. how to git women like u remove sanguine blade D:< pull out ap chogath The Giant Bug Cho lol subtly flaming his teammates !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king did he played? still better than the lux we had midlane when we played clash together @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 do you get frustrated when your team doesn't you gonna go into voice with trick? preform LUL you play one yet? @foggedftw2 whats the record? yeah he played one it was a loss I am much better now People in the league community dont know what conflict resolution looks like yea its gonna be hard for them to play agins tier 1 perform everyone here should play Dota. it is the better MOBA experience by far you such positive guy wish u luck for bet EUW clash Pog Just tell them to play stuff that helps you then? Full supportive champs pogu its broken on eu @foggedftw2 that just sounded like the noise goofey does KEKW @foggedftw2 does your GF stream as well Sej as a jungle for example is broken with kled. HEY GUYS! Check out DOTA! It is a MOBA just like leaguer of legends, but much better! download today! @bigdude69urmom ?XD pekinW DansGame DOTA @foggedftw2 how do you contain your anger when facing a loss? whos on your team rooting for my favorite streamer, you got this next one buddy! @foggedftw2 WeirdChamp Dota doesn’t have t1 Emmy, Cookie Sloth and Trick eyooo @foggedftw2 what rank is your teammates in ranked? @SeufJday turn ur screen on KEKW I had to wait almost 30 min ooh el truckoooo fuck dota Truckooo foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS lacucarasha is he high ? that guy has crazy vocal fry Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! that guy is like 100% ezreal playe @foggedftw2 tell them to play lulu janna bot whats the final prize in this tournament Lmfao @xsooz88 i know i am Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 bet hes super cool plat Support go Leona please udyr is useless now Check out my new merch! !challenge well this is takin to long for me , 4:30 am here <.> ima go sleep. gl in your games If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW PowerUpL LUL isnt jhin one of the most busted ADC now ? @SeufJday not as much as me ratirlXD I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !opggs Xayah !time foggedftw2's Local Time: 10:32:13 pm !uptime 49 minutes 36 seconds this guy Kai'Sa also has magic damage and can go into AP. Roach Squad Kappa rito pls Small indian company. CALIFOXCO subscribed with Twitch Prime. CALIFOXCO's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Zehdre indian company huh? u can also look at their match history next to mastery Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups are they sill in queue ? click at history and ull see what they did ply last game What if Kled's banned 🤔 Pog naut and jhin rooted for ever Swain is my vote Check out my new merch! whose the whole squad? @foggedftw2 lane pyke weirdChamp their nicks man Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! hey fogged can u explain a bit about clash plz Watch out for yas this is gonna be super hard man i wish yo'all luck If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Hey fogged why are you a sexy beast? !opggs ohhh baby lets go Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! i think he just has bad sense for comedy he prolly doesnt mean harm LUL lul oh sheit they goin ham the trash talk KEKW this is good sht LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL true :D man trick is hilarious, but he is a rough teammate LUL xd foggedUlt foggedUlt , foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt omg my god trick please be quite !addcom !clash @QeRasT -> The command "!clash" has been added successfully. trick is shit tbf i just wanna see your trynd BibleThump was this guy even here for the fucking scout jesus man that trick just suck lol LUL XD better ban riven rather than pyke ohh they banned both keep talking shit about trick you lame ass kids no tryn Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! that trick would get a punch on his face.. gg udyr dog pick daren ? GULP GULP GULP why do they ban trynd omg just let the guy play what he want's grow some ballss cookie is so trash on elise xDDDDDDDDDDDDD morgana nautilus would make blist cry why does not Udyr has a dog form? sivir yuumi !! "An ally has ben slain" jax dogshit KEKW $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Leona please jax lose garen sohard i pick jax and enemy pick this new garen so boring to play yall need yuumi one of ur teammates is asleep at the wheel this sleepy dude i cant both are S tier atm dude needs a nap asap in soloQ dependant on MU op healings Check out my new merch! kled can t kill garen after he 6 so boring too that guys voice is even ResidentSleeper then dyrus KEKW ugh... yeah.. who is this girl voice Pog i find tricks voice and his overall attitude super obnoxious. I guess he is called sloth for a reason. !emmy foggedHappy dis scrimms? ^ This is clash Someone gifted me a sub! @wyittkelly of stfu I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Gonthorian Hey dude, i don't think that bigsheit guy meant anything bad, his humor is just a bit off lol !opggs he is usually a good dude, heya fogged foggedYoda IceCold who is emmy? i hear him mention her all the time heya chat @tribalol thats what I said @wyittkelly you sound like an iron moe monkaS @Gonthorian Is he perma banned? i'm calling trick getting blown up domination secondary on kled? @wyittkelly you soind like an iron damn I need sub :( @wyittkelly fogged's gf yeah and hes not making a case for himself I think we lost him hype! @foggedftw2 you got this! gl man! foggedGasm lets fuckingo fogged just don't feed cassio EASY GAMES coach fogged how did they target ban tryn? Check out my new merch! there's a scouting phase ^ @10xhslegendamateurplayer u have 6min before champ select to scout enemy team and see their names shotcaller fogged op! u see all the players most played champs and shit picks, etc big dik alpha fogged i heard from number one kled in server that jax counter kled so hard. The way to counter that jax is pick garen he is still afk get him lol Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups hell yeah fogged someone give that guy some stimulants lmao still afk KEKW udyr top ridiculous git 'im I LIKE THIS FOGGED fogged's in game confidence is unreal still trashh and justified udyr gonna be smashed.. (and out of game confidence) :) It's good to be confident. What's bad is being prideful. "Why'd it have to be snakes?" haHA Kled into cassio with conq is so good Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Zehdre very true !king unmute trick or we switching streams >:o tap tap tap rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP u have to love trick's mouse agreeeeed cs oh man, i'd be so tilted with the luck on thiscs wow that dive wurf that dmg was insane HYPERS cassio loses a ton of exp here trick got like a old school ball mouse XD ... trueeee ... Holy fuck. Lul that elise KEKW what... elo... fucked Just hit the free stun... Why is cookie picking Elise if he can't land a coccoon. LUL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! tilting.. this is painful foggedTilt foggedEmmy elise is master this coccons cookie inting? Just pick something with pont n click CC. ahahahahahahaahahahahahah i`m tilted , and I`m eating peanuts watching fogged that was a yikes best Elise of the neighborhood omfg stop fedding díamont player ahahahahahahaahahahahahahh that was painful to watch holy rip clash foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP gg LUL how much cookie get paid to int LUL foggedW he plays only voli hes the best elise of his house hahahahahaha he is wintrading Kappa wintrading in clash Kappa why we expect? Check out my new merch! First time I've seen Fogged flaming. LUL you got this man !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) he is a voli player, why would he play elise? voli banned Cassio with current conq, wait for the ignite HE DID THAT LETS GO took the kill HE TOOK THE KILL LUL land skill shots = win da cacooooon I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here KEKW he hits that one :D third time's the charm REEEEEEEE LANDED E POGGERS GJ Cookie cookie so cool :) hit the maxrange cocoon, not the point blank freebies nice cookie, nice job finally yeah i know voli is banned, but elise is hard compared to voli, you know? @flowktro investing in that shutdown Does cookie play Voli normally? cookie is a otp voli Ah. I can see why he can't land skillshots. @Zehdre Trynd player is talking huh Kappa wheres the Spreadsheet NICE !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @QeRasT at least his e is a skillshot Kappa ty I'm not a Trynd player. cmonBruh yikes did they ban trynd? "We can solo kai'sa" 🤔 I'm not flaming, just makes sense. LUL LEE SIN wp king of fedding @Zehdre eww DansGame sidesep DansGame Tunneling on the kai'sa @teacrisis yes PepeHands Check out my new merch! awh surrender rip crash foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP STILL THINKING ABOUT KAI'SA !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET lmao rmr when fogged said there comp is trash and theyre gonna roll them feelsbadman I'm thinkin bout thos kai'sas Pog Cookie Pog He's gettin' it oh he lands that cocoon C O O K I E Pog kled dive is crazy. nice cocoon foggedRIP GivePLZ foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP whos elise what is the best build for trynda atm? the cheatsheet isn't updated @rdxone Cookie heraldoooooo !clash ty He's still going with the ER/Tri build. From what I've seen. @zehdre ER/SAN/TRI? ff 15 No Snaguine. !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER gg lvl 7 jungler KEKW lee is so broken with conqueror man, i hate this champion u can do this dude Lee sin is fine compare with so many champ jg diference kekw so its essence / tri force who is the elise? trick is just bad.. I don't think it has to do with Lee being broken lees pretty good rank 1 kled smuring in na NA is weird man no one has champ pools jung diff Check his KingOfTryndamere account, probably gonna see the builds he's been going. @MidoIraQ just look at his opgg from the challenge and copy it nami ult KEKW spirit visage needs to be championship item @zehdre @qerast thanks KEKW wow remount !king gg this lee sin is playing so well !king Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge he's a fed lee and kai'sa If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Cassiopeia outheals his damage through ignite. BrokeBack even the farm too what tier is his clash? you are happu with smurfin...with same lvl players i saw is trynd being banned? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !king ye\ Trynd is being banned. what rank has emmy peaked? d3 i feel like cookie only play voli good.... Clash format isn`t optimal for fogged highest she peaked was d2 Check out my new merch! or maybe even d1 i see LUL 2 games, 2 stomp botline hey bot's doing better now than before @shaolintv ive seen him play ornn in d2+ euw with 120ish ping clash. format is fine hes champ pool is pretty big below challenger I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here nice this game is jung diff thanks mod. Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Agreed Jg diff who is the elise and vayne? !clash 1k lol LET'S GOOOOO ty @QeRasT therer we goo LETS GOOO PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR LETS GOOO PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR Check out my new merch! damn, fogged's KP spam it boys PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR LETS GOOO PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR not a sub FeelsBadMan PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR ' PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR SHADOW FROGS SHADOW FROGS LOL HahaHide pinkward PogChamp Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR froggged LUL when will elise land an e PowerUpL foggedDerp PowerUpR hey in her defense Lee flashed it If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! actually tried to dodge instead of just missing outright lots of flashes Kappa LULW ROFL KEKW XDDDDDDDDD pog LUL LMAO LOL wtf kekw WTF lol The ping pong KEKW SAVED kekw LUL LUL LUL mindgames hook kick lol Of course it'd be the Lee to fuck it up. Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! trick LULW hi I am kled welcome to my bouncy castle 🤡 !guide Complete Tryndamere guide !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes Pog condemn vayne??? JK Jax is broken damn close fuck jax man lol fogged 1v3 as two of his teammates just run in circles conq jax kekw who cares if they removed shojin he not broken just fed Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! still outscales literally everything Pog vayne waited for Jax his second E before attacking xD fuuuu jax oof Almost this had poping off he should go for jax 1st vayne shoulda died for the cause if need be jax isnt as tough to deal with now i guess eh i think jax played that fine He's still tanky as hell just by pressing R. Check out my new merch! i mean vyane* Is that Emmy? !opggs yeah he walked around until jax had another E TriHard his e made it a lot worse, since he takes reduced dmg from aoe when his e is up but he alrdy used it !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET ur adc monkaS I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here EL TRUCO TRUCO el truco Pog Sick 2 G EL TRUCO! truco is madness TRUCO! WTF trick Jax denied Kappa Its TIME damn trick carrying NA COMMS Lata bitch trick is bae that bot lane gone get pushed PogU trick plays maybe baronabronbaronabaro,aron EL TRUCO niceuuuuu yeee GG OMG Thats gg "I got a cocoon!" lets gooo NOICE Pog PogChamp PogChamp !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Pog lezgoooo LET'S GO COOKIE THATS THE DEER BABY, that was butt clench to the max trick saying like a god tbh gg boys what a comeback thats the game im looking to watch Kappa the DYR CLASSIC jax LUL kekw jax MENTALLY BROKEN LUL LUL Trick slapped him so hard his mental broke. giggity gay luil LULW LUL Sexy time LUL "hm?" HELLA GAY LuL KappaPride KEKW KappaPride gachiBASS HAHAHAHAHAHAH lets go fogged u got this he will take the L AND the D How are the games going? Lol SO GAY LUL !specs lol He did tell him. LUL LUL trick got supermanned lul what !setup always talking about coming on people Trick got commed on. KEKW report trick for feeding donezo manifesto they came on his back KEKW he came on tricks trampstamp came on his back Check out my new merch! I believe <3 sad day monkaW monkaW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Cheesers mfers wait trick tp monkaHmm !elo sloth lucky as fk hahaha KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !opgg how wtf hook wait thats 5Head Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups niceuuu Lee's tryna come on their backs again; CAREFUL. JAX MIGHT COME ON YOUR BACK LEE IS DOING DRAG Guys: Is that nami Emmy? ya he might be comin through a backdoor ya Yea; no decisiveness :/ LEE IS COMING ON YOUR BACK Kappa these coms LUL Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Nice!!! LOL TRICKO yee EL TRUCO jayzus Only Fogged and Trick are confident. !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET relaaaax trick EL TRUCO POG ... LuL I HIT relax trick no need to be so anal about it Kappa hshhshss you gotta hit man kekw id say its about two fitty fogged do u think ull play tryn after? KEKW trick LUL @TwistedVerse go say that in his chat boy batting average around .230 on the mendoza line @foggedftw2 more like .50 avg in young leagues :D @snlget ew Fogged said he'd see how he was feeling after Clash and maybe play soloq, maybe not. they're gonna 5man poor trick LUL u are still live haha nice. i just came from Party wish i'd known he was playing clash with trick, i love watching the chemistry between the two of them !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game what did he say? TriHard EL TRUCO LULW lol should hey execute it Kappa Executed zero team cohesion couldnt decide on a target.. EXECUTED it did sound like some cmonBruh TRICK CALLS KEKW uhhh Isnt fogged supposed to only play trynd ff 15 !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET E X E C U T E D executem... jesus that call Think Trick is thinking Elder is a little too powerful. errbody 1v1'ing kekw Executed KEKW dumb fight to pick trick2g like just listen to fogged jee trick 1 vs 3 KEKW EXECUTED you need to shot call Fog. El Truco Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! as the wise words of the bald eagle asmongold "BOOM EXECUTE BOOM EXECUTE" ahahah this trick.. :L LUL trick kinda sucks kekw who won the challange? gg he went split when they had to end Fogged @nomoreloses fucking BLUE BUFF ON VAYNE CMON Trick gets caught like 5 times in a row, blames Sloth. Keepo @adrianurbe lol okay are clip links allowed? lol $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! is challange was highest rank? and ty knights vow Pog GET MID when trick speaks, its like ur gettin qued by udyr cmonBruh @trick2g is anyone here in iron elo? vayne ?? @iFreka "They got" "you got elder those guys gotta be dumb" "they get" Check out my new merch! good chase LUL he has the n word pass tho so what's the problem yea its "they get" yo im looking to borrow an irons acc ah yea he said "they get" !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW yea my bad trick be coo TriHard 7 use knoghts vow I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @ProfDogPoop why would he have an n pass lmao gg use vow cause he's half black KEKW what happened with the challenge? Last I remembered, tf blade was being a cheap mf and unreasonable everyone gets a pass, you get a pass, and you get a pass !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ping pong ball KEKW Trick isn't washed up. Listening to his shotcalls is 4Head are his teammates bronze? Is* jesus gg LUL awww ggs trick made some bad late game calls no rezzy cmonBruh EXECUTED no counterplay, that team comp with elder is just unwinnable kaisa is so balaned FeelsBadMan gg wait so fogged has nothing to lose in the challenge now? Trick never has good calls LUL EXECUTED kekw what even is macro sad that nami cant lead she would lead better correct @juliemewmew Damn trick played ok, except for the pick bot trick's calls LUL my mental is just too weak that kinda threw the game Trick shot calls OMEGALUL is kled early or late game? what is clash? Check out my new merch! !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) !opggs FeelsBadMan damn i got pretty upset when tf blade was cackling when confronted about being dishonest RPI shuut happens i guess about the challenge RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP imo you guys lost the change to win when you just got baron and they had 3 down, jax tp'd at the brush near raptors and you guys backed PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR WE TRIED BOYS !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks @grevestin1 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at He didn't even throw coccoon at Lee. He did hit every other cacoon, including mid tho what about trick2g solo bot pushing ? when u had elder yep a full level behind cassio from that fail 3Head best of 1 tournament Yea he hit some good ones. instead lee got a lead and snowballed bot But that one tho. You needed Vayne to have more peel since he was your main carry Unlucky coinflip and get eliminated vayne going for blue buff, trick solo bot with elder.... Tomorrow again FeelsStrongMan play again tomorrow my friend well, sucks, but happens to the best sometimes What place did you guys end? !uptime 1 hour 44 minutes 13 seconds Big F, have a good one fogged !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes @foggedftw2 lets play some games awesome, thanks for the stream fogged What time zone do you live in fogged? 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 15202 🥈) soor_ice : 6895 🥉) jamie_j_ : 5009 4) nuvm__ : 4798 5) pugggz : 2572 before we go to bed ok bye fogged HeyGuys :o !uptime 1 hour 44 minutes 46 seconds k, bye, have a nice day Sick Teaceisis when’s your coaching bro What did emmy say? flame em harder next time KEKW oh pog undecided still :P i need to start playing league first We didn't hear. You gonna do it on stream? @teacrisis tobiasCHAMP tobiasCHAMP tobiasCHAMP put that 15 second delay on and gogogo? Yessssssas ARAM Legend of the poro! :L Sweet! yo nightwalkers !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes is the challenge off? whos the duo? !accounts can you afford to take a day off? ur insane man 16 hours a day monkaHmm Technically fogged has nothing to loose Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! wait what so if tfblade wins he gets nothing? correct exactly Fogged my i stop playing if i no longer enjoy the game? do you still enjoy playing? Night guys. Catch you next time. is TF taking a break too? why? @los7uk stop and play after a long break Check out my new merch! I dno what ur eating but it's making me hungry @los7uk might want to do some re evaluating of your life. Realacks subscribed with Twitch Prime. Realacks's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! did tf lost challenge since played not trynd? @Cobraliciiouz I think he's eating Pecans yes I would stop los7uk @drkman40 tfblade gets 500 subs not anymore TF got put against Hashinshin and had to get camped by his jungler to win lane. LUL Yes def stop playing if you don't enjoy the game anymore... the one clash game i won today was a 4v5 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here you are my idol greet me please If I made money playing a game I’d play it nmw !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW i took a year off in thre hope to stop playing forever !opggs what is this new mode saw people play with team i got sucked back :( !opggs @foggedftw2 so you don’t use lethal on tryn no more? how did the challenge with TF BLade go, mr Fogged? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups oh snap the challenge has been changed @foggedftw2 you blink for so long, how can you see in game Who do i ban if i play tryn this patch? @foggedftw2 so was blade cheating playing heroes other than trynd or nah (before u changed challenge) !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] tf blade become more less mad since fog allow secondary char after tryn get ban !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW i lost final game of clash FeelsBadMan !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Fogged blink if you are being held captive monkaS @foggedftw2 why doesn't TF Blade owe you anything if you win i saw it monkaW @ThatDamnScattergun its the other way around !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game yall how was the last game wait so the challenge is rescheduled to may? @thatdamnscattergun he doesn’t owe blade anything because blade is cheating Check out my new merch! how did blade cheat Idk if he presented a valid argument fogged im so glad the challenge has brought a lot of viewers to ur channel just play other games in between? @foggedftw2 how long will the actual challenge last for> @foggedftw2 what match ups to use conquer on tryn? what did he do ? ohh yeah mb other way around so na always target ban while eu not target ban? so you're flying to EUW? where u staying? or u playing with 100-200 ping? lol noone wants to ban tryn from him he played it today begging his viewers to have tryn banned if he gets targetbanned he just plays whatever it's been too long since I've had these emotes foggedYoda smoking a lot of weed not once banned lol meow meow meow If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! amsterdamn KEKW VerdunBeach subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! that challenge is easy money! oh that weed. I see. VerdunBeach's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! best rune for trynd? why do people in NA elo target ban in high elo lmao !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] what rank is this account Thy_Raymond subscribed with Twitch Prime. foggedYoda foggedYoda Thy_Raymond's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 what champs outscale trynd at 6 items? @foggedftw2 When you win the December challenge, would you be increasing the prize pool for the May challenge? KEKW do you prefer conq over grasp against jax or still testing it? Amsterdam shrooms best ever fmjaycNice @foggedftw2 have you seen tobias fates babyJesus emote? It's the best imo you're the only sub I would make! Netherlands is pretty comfy, even if you're not into the dudeweedlmao. what did tf do ? make sure you visit the museums if you are in amsterdam just dont fall into the red light trap especially if emmy is coming with you too Is cdr important with Tryndamere ? Who is trick? no thats why he builds it every game why is he not playing on KingOfTryndamere? His name means he can do 2 ppl on Top @foggedftw2 any advice for pushing with tryn from plat to diamon? @439102966 yees That’s Vietnamese !rune Who is trick playing* R u going together with Emmy for this Challenge? @thy_raymond same What do you think of Shen? !title TRYNDAMERE SOLO Q when you go eu gonna get some other tryn mains to join the challenge so winner gets 1500 subs? @foggedftw2 -> The stream title has been updated to: TRYNDAMERE SOLO Q no skin feels bad man Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Ah why you let tf blade hit masters before u ? u were d1 promos to masters when he was d2 yesterday @foggedftw2 what champs beat trynd at 6 items each other than fiora? did you won the clash? :O !bet :) of course not @Cobraliciiouz yeah I'm plat 4, maining tryn top @foggedftw2 is lethal tempo still the best on tryn or conq currently @foggedftw2 what champs beat trynd at 6 items each other than fiora? Jax here please go easy on me Not me :) !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Jkjkjk what rank is this acc? do u uuse attack move or not @foggedftw2 ? lol 47 ping "high" i had like 60 - 70 ping earlier normally 50 i think clash might be causing high server population try 90 @scholles masters promo its kinda sad he's fully commited to challenge while ur doing other stuff + he's cheating his way with the new rules :/ we playing LAN lads? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! he took a long trade because hes d4 What would you expect from him. bitterShrug jax is Vietnamese that's why, they love to just trade non-stop I knew Blade would drop the challenge in like a week. that jarvin flash lmao A L C OMEGALUL V E LMAO LOL rooPog OH DAMN LUL damn pog LUL holy OMFG Pog That little jump LUL this jax is malding LMAO j4 GGWP WTF pog $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! cmcHusk GG LULW MARUFS! Pog This was the best 2x2 i`'ve ever seen jax is seething foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 any advice for me and Cobra to push Diamond from Plat? PogChamp omfg Warwick played really well jax needs fuckign bug fixes man was funn how he knocked him up but wasnt sure foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedREE Gg his q is soo bugged this patch its fucked USE THE FORCE foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS and the wave pushing, can't ask for more That W was so goddamn clutch !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !opggs !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedSMOrc foggedSMOrc foggedSMOrc Check out my new merch! Wow you didn’t miss a single minion !bet YOU HAVE NO MANA is losing early-game as jungler more punishing in s10? Yes. Pog Kreygasm crit end this Jax's life. game is over for that guy whats up fogged sroUp sroUp rngmere solo q gods are pleased Those crits though. This Jax sucks wow very @iDontFly Mercy when do plates lose their resistance? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here they could save themselves 20 minutes and ff He suicided for that cannon 5 mins 5 min is the tf blade bet off or wah? poor jax theyll do it in euw in april !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 who is ahead in the race rn? what happened to the bet i thought the nami was emmy LUL ripcannon Nice to cathc you streaming live. Always have to watch the VODs as I live in Australia so conq vs lethal? which one better dive inc @sendtrumpnudes thats master elo and Emmy is challenger cmon mate KEKW naroXD I've been meaning to ask you... why no more Sanguine BLade? @foggedftw2 jax is in such a dog shit state right now with the bugs C A L C U L A T I O N so why is the bet delayed? Kai'Sa LUL yo you are still streaming o.O @scholles bad and expensive after nerf @scholles it got nerfed @foggedftw2 if jax didn't fall as far behind, would it still be good to rush taimat? Check out my new merch! kai sa is just mad about the freeze and wants to provoke !bet 12 cs jax KEKW Something satisfying about beating up jax ik ik boxNoo i saw the name for like a quick sec and misread @hoozooh what is the best way to handle a game where your team wont group while u split and u cant 1v3 did he do a name change or not playing KingofTryndamere? why u running conq over tempo? whats the difference is the challenge still ongoing? conq plays better into jax !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Conq is better vs Jax because the stacks last until after counter-strike as opposed to LT. cheers guys Did he win 2500$? lethal tempo will be useless against counterstrike Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups 4:45 UTC and fogged has >1.3k viewers lol !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 any AP malphite games? KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) how's our boy fogged doing tonight :D its :5:46 where i live KEKW Is the challenge done? Oh man @Stoani420 same KEKW Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Tfblade pulled ahead? poor jax LUL Poor guy. Or who won Poor jax man you ever run ghost? @foggedftw2 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW nimbus cloak is such a beautiful rune what happened with the bet? PepeHands jax just want to play game and have fun TFBlade has played A LOT damn Why did the auto cancel? @rengodza !challenge ay wtf why'd they reschedule xd @iFreka i think he runs ghost less now with nimbus cloak giving move spd It's also fun watching fogged be relentless, true competitive spirit !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW big dick alpha fogged ooh ok U single handedly raised my elo from iron to silver thanks @foggedftw2 lmao Yabadabbadonotplayranked thanks man what have happen with the challenge? why arent u playing on challenge account how tf can he play solo q after 0/2 in clash fogged took a day off on the challenge !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW He's taking a break today. 1v2 Pog every i other time i see tfblade's stream he ain't playing tryndamere. you got bamboozled LUL luil ??? LMAO KEKW naroXD Clap LUL LUL LUL ouch LOOOOOL LUL Jebaited KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW ? Jax and Fizz look so much alike there kekw bopped KEKW KEKW LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL bro wtf is thbis elo LUL LUL LUL U single handedly raised my elo from iron to silver thanks @foggedftw2 lmao Diamond KEKW na diamond KEKW Who wins the tryndamere challenge btw? D for Doomed KEKW yikes not the diamond players im getting xD Lost the final in Clash FeelsBadMan how goes the vs tf blade thign yo why was tfblade playing jax and irelia out of promos d4 players cant be called diamonds anyone know trynd crit autos are so satisfying damn reup that game pls Fogged is a legend Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !king Emmy messaged u in game @foggedftw2 lost second game of clash FeelsBadMan i went 3-0 in clash PogChamp but only t4 games. gg ez tho eu west iron ias better than this shit... litterally best tryn NA THO lol RareBoi what was the reason to change the challenge? Fogged kinda "won" due to Blade basically cheating, but officially the challenge was postponed. Why trind is so populae right now? Did he received a buff or something guys? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Check out my new merch! I went 2-1 in Clash tier 3 games... FML i though we'd win the final @zehdre why did he cheat? I've been out for a while @esparklez Conqueror "buff" and Cloak 25% crit dumb change WW was like: imma kill you.. nvm who win the bet should i go tempo or conquer @junicavi naw tf gave up cuz he kept getting banned and have to dodge who won the bet Now that's a griefing jax Fizz?? @Junicavi Fogged allowed him to pick other champs in diamond+ promos if he got snipe-banned. Then Blade started picking other champs even outside of promos and making no effort to not have Trynd banned. Emmy carrying I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here So he just said he’ll play other champs when trynd is banned but if he wins he gets bragging rights it fogged wins he gets money are you sure this is diamond Emmy wholesome support <3 me bot SMOrc @foggedftw2 wait why are u on a different account? Yeah, they changed the bet, who won the bet with tfblade? your tryn is too nastyyy @zehdre oh kinda sucks me bot SMOrc why use many word when less word do trick? smORC Cass bot no boots LUL you mid me bot SMOrc "me bot" I'll put that on my grave should i go tempo or conquer adc? LUL hahah KEKW LUL LUL cass cant have boots new name? KEKW Good thing the're only midly nerfing conqueror on ranged champs. Kappa Kappa LOL was that sarcsam @Daren11111 really??????? @Daren11111 i see you don't speak sarcasm was that flash necessary lmao dont fucc w/ fogged He blinked 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i see but was using flash to kill jax worth it+ ? nobody expects EFlash magic trick with em dissapear Why are you playing in this account? he was 0/5 I think it's not worth your flash Why not 2 cloaks? should i go tempo or conquer I would've thought you could just dive him on the next turret for free !emmy foggedHappy look how much material he got from that pressure, flash is worth that splitpush pressure is all about those kills The bubble right in the butt Check out my new merch! what happened with the challenge !king no sanguine ? @foggedftw2 why are u not buying sanguine !opggs !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER trynd at dragon !bet !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: When jax is almost 18 minutes into game and doesnt have the first component for tri force yet.. tragic warrior ww NotLikeThis lololol suck on trynd or the item suck itself? right clicked KEKW those tryndamere mechanics hey thats all adcs do too KEKW ME TRYND ME CLICK SMOrc its the fucking champ him selfd damn blade is masters? 🙈🙈🙈 Going conqueror this game? LUL ME OOGA YOU BOOGA elo? the tryn carry what was the hotfix? Sorry i dont play much LoL @foggedftw2 "3 assists from a 2v2" aggro J4 @thecamelmaster you had to be there wait who won the fogged challenge @GiorgosSiro after this game hopefully fogged is too how many accounts do you have? fogged or tf dude !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET still ongoing wait this game still going this is soloq the fogged vs tfblade elo fight still going on? what happened to trynd challenge with tf yee what happened with thtat? f ? LULL Wow, I’m subscribed wiat what What happened to the bet its still ongoing guys :DD does anyone know if fogged won or tfblade won? hmm KEKW nice qss monkaS !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW blade cheated what was that attack speed on ww !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] he doesnt have sanguine why dont max the ult with trynda? sanguine sucks ooh ture Fogged with full build Pog LOL !r Level Ult Last - !r we'll get to see fire dragon soul! damn near 2shot fizz why does fogged not spam q heals? pog fogged takes three, everyone else takes 1, seems right what place did fogged get? KEKW go get coffee KEKW fiddle KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP KEKW @camelcase144 more dmg low hp and guaranteed crit !rank coffe KEKW SoSnowy when can you solo baron as trynd? @shandril4r you saw the link and the reason ult is maxed last? woooo night stream KEKW damn u didn't blink once on that baron OP Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! SoSnowy lmfao foggedYoda whats tryns hardest match up? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Fogged is Master of Zen Focus @Cobraliciiouz maybe he blinked when you blinked @Cobraliciiouz real gamers dont blind Ultra Insblink POGGERS Wtf, i thought he was logging off you made him obsessively blink now gonna loose game PepeLaugh COGGERS Wanna say trynd baron solo is with lifesteal rune, triforce zerkers DD 20 minute baron solo korean build lethal tempo or grasp? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! AYAYA SoSnowy you are now blinking and breathing manually no u are !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes !challenger LOL emmy J4 - "content" Coggers !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW haven't seen the new Eldar dragon in action yet, would be nice if this is an extended game where I can see you take it dis jarvan LUL who won the !challlenge Wut? KEKW Check out my new merch! KEKW MVP WARD NERF KASSI DansGame that cass damage DansGame !watchtime Wait wait wait can you hover that ward buff for like five seconds so we can read it? What the hell is that !bet ^^^ cass is a dumb champ !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) Honor Ward favorite trynd skin? @foggedftw2 trynd is a dumb champ LOL That tp u can literally just right click you have a jhin on your team :O jesus u didnt use ult never saw him EZ I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here does tf blade have timeout from the challenge for today too? !opggs close game gg EMM MVP 💥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 14568 🥈) soor_ice : 10061 🥉) pugggz : 5614 4) jamie_j_ : 3181 5) null : 1648 why is blade ahead on the challenge? Honor ward @foggedftw2 people always ping guins rageblade with lethal build, any reason you think (platinum elo) Hey guys, why is he not playing on the KingOftrynd, I’ve not watched the stream dont touch Last 2 days KEKW of course emmy gets honor she outdamaged the jax wtf KEKW @hocuspucus blade big cheater @foggedftw2 Aren't you kinda boosting her? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups you just hit dia.on aight goodnight fellas He understood the game was over and was bored already Kappa @rokwow this is a smurf? yo, who won the bet? KEKW LUL BUGGED CLIENT LUL LUL LUL CLOSE GAME broken client KEKW streams over preseason btw cucked KEKW same thing happened to me earlier today LUL i always get that bug RIOT smol indie companie lol Danny broke League? client bug LUL KEKW X OUT OF CLIENT nice END THE PROCESS IS this the first time you've had this bug? 😂😂 I got this too client just gave up your caught in a time loop @foggedftw2 kekW sometimes when that happens if i end task in task manager it just auto reboots into champ select 10 years client btw League Client SeemsGood @rokwow if playing with your spouse is boosting. i guess? small indie company KEKW END PROCESS AND RELAUNCH CLIENT I get this bug all the time 2020 client you wont get a dodge timer just wait then restart client small indi company WutFace LUL shaco Clash bug jokes on you Kappa HI YOUTUBE the jokes on you "jokes on you" LMFAO wtf dude its a small indie company give them a break EXIT OUT OF CLIENT rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP been dominating today as tryndamere thanks fogged for the help SeemsGood xd @foggedftw2 sometimes when that happens if i end task in task manager it just auto reboots into champ select the jokes on you KEKW Check out my new merch! pepeJAM WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace @foggedftw2 end process and relaunch client rip The joke's on you KEKW WutFace WutFace YT lol banned RIP EARS ctrl shift esc > end league POG OH FIDDLE sticks Riot paid by tf blade KEKW u are in champs select GAME STARTED KEKW hi youtube GG RITO pepeJAM pepeJAM FeelsGoodMan Clap banned lul spaghetti code strikes again Click faster close client from task manager and you'll still be in champ select Keek the good work riot OMEGALUL literally heard shaco banter in that bugged bullshit that was WW messing with your client HahaPoint foggedDerp LUL ASJUDSAUHDHUASDHGUSADFYGASDGYUFSa rito please KEKW KEKW click harder hahaha wtf @cluckliddel why would the relationshop matter though, I just asked a simple question Poggers POGGERS foggedFOGGERS ?????????? GG RITO!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ??????????????? lol GG RITOO LOL ROFL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hi youtbe wtf LUL scuffed just like NA in worlds Lets Gooooo lmao We back bby RIOT LULW wtf ??? KEKW Pog lol WTF lol HI YOUTUBE LMAOOO hi youtube what did you do LOL? lmao Hello Synapse it's been happening a lot lately freaking rito client... SYNAPSE Pof LUL clip it clicking harder solved something! KEKW NIce client Wait you got back in? 1500 clicks was the solution 22 billion dollar companty asdfikhjbalsrfdgasdfg when in doubt, rage on your mouse S Y NA P S E <3 Give Riot a break, they can't afford to employ more than 2 people on their client @foggedftw2 restart client after game computer engineer fogged KEKW KEKW foggedW iHaoo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! always love watching your stream man, love your gameplay and appreciate that you're always trying to educate us! keep it up more people had same problem YOU FIXED IT!!! same jhin dodge anyway iHaoo's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! clip? Fogged mouse like :( :( Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! YOUR RIGHT ARM FIXED IT KEKW life lessons: want something fixed CLICK HARDER 2020 client so good still no account named "frogged" huh? LUL if that isn't a clip of the week KEKW xd !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) @EmmyLeeC This is not your main account? knees weak, code's spaghetti not doing the challenge thing? @rokwow No do not worry about the bugged client we will get new prestige skins soon mundo vs trund KEKW !uptime 2 hours 24 minutes why's everyone freaking out? what did I miss? (HI YOUTUBE, HI SYNAPSE ETC...) @rokwow this is a smurf I don't play with dannt on my main really appreciate ur streams man keep it ujp If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !ranks probably mord Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) why arent u playing bot tryn with emm @foggedftw2 do you think they should nerf conq for melee as well? trundle support WeirdChamp conq emmy what rank is ur main? Just remember "his right arm is stronger than his left arm" 101 is an actual coaching course foggedDerp foggedRightArm foggedTilt lol jungle trynd Pog @foggedftw2 did you say that I outdamaged the Jhin last game? is the bet with tfblade over? support trundle? do use attack move @foggedftw2 ? MID TRYND Kreygasm @EmmyLeeC u almost did @EmmyLeeC u outdamaged jax Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @foggedftw2 I left him when he was lvl 5 cause he was trash what happened to challenge? When using Lethal tempo build, people ping my Guinsoo, any reason (plat elo) @foggedftw2 so is just conq on tryn now except some poke matchups? poor jax KEKW can u link ur Matchup runes/build @foggedftw2 hi Pog ikeepitRAREOK taco <3 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ikeepitKOMRADEBOI 427 raiders from IKeepItTaco have joined! ohaaa ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI hewoooo ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitKOMRADEBOI Dicen que soy pobre y no conozco esa pobreza. Me la agarro con las dos manos y me sobra la cabeza. Did a charity stream and int'd on champion request for a few hours. Raised $1.3k~ ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI KomodoHype so stream went well foggedYoda !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] ikeepitKOMRADEBOI ikeepitPENGU !opggs ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI wait this is duo q not solo q >:c ikeepitKOMRADEBOI foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ikeepitPRIMEBOI 7 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda FoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ikeepitLOVERBOI wat foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI ikeepitLOVERBOI foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda no. HahaThink foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda LOL foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda no more challenge? thought you and TFB only changed the rules yesterday I wish :( BUT SUB YOU MUST >:) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYod foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda :) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda :) :) :) :) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodfoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYod ikeepitANGERYBOI ikeepitANGERYBOI ikeepitANGERYBOI foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda AYAYA foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO foggedYoda Prime you must foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda cute emote might have to sub just for the yoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda where did all the subs come from foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog no thx. foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda tfbSNAKE foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I suggested this one!!! Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! br yoda? Disney gonna get you GIFT ME YOU MUST foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda nani foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda Sub U must foggedYoda keycaleb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! need the yoda emote, as i love ur content ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI ikeepitPRIMEBOI keycaleb's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda that's the cutest shit I've ever seen foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedEmmy foggedYoda foggedYoda - Remember to Prime for the win foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must, cause this is the way foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO ikeepitOWO foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @thunderscourge cheers lol yoda Did you know you can subscribe FREE to your FAVORITE STREAMER, foggedftw2, with Twitch Prime? lvl 1 ignite sucks PepeHands ikeepitRAREOK ikeepitRAREOK ikeepitRAREOK foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG fleet footwork foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda gifters any? wyzdmREE wyzdmREE wyzdmREE ignite nerfs ;_; Did they buff DS? why are u not playing on the challenge account @foggedftw2 ignite lvl 1 mn !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs @foggedftw2 what elo are you currently playing on? we out here grinfing for you @numbaonepk Thanks :D Check out my new merch! u was lvl 1 sad Grinding* !matchup @Kerkyraiosoprwtos Summoner is not currently in-game hy are u not playing on the challenge account @foggedftw2 . foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda D: the new klepto master promos? foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedGift LUL !matchup chat? who won 2500@ bet !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] !challenge# !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW juicy farm mods plz halp Why would nunu waste his time !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) wp @septentrix it says'summoner is not playing' i bet if u auto there u crit again I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here chat did fogg won 2500$? This nunu LUL camp the streamer KEKW !bet why he farms 30 minutes i see. foggedYoda nunu SMOrc just gonna get camped i guess LUL Is Danny from texas? LUL KEKW GOOD ONE NUNU KEKW D: toxic ouch TOXIC KEKW D: D: T D: X I C toxic LUL karasmD TOXIC D: filled nunu KEKW 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 why is he not playing the challenge? pre rework nunu was super fun to play why the bm? !uptime D: 2 hours 31 minutes 6 seconds toxin spitting facts Wait, why is he playing another acc? KEKW Toxic KEKW that was uncalled for man toxic as hell foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL TOXIC foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp smurfs then flames in /all chat 4 times in a row ? Fogged has a right SMURFING KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king hes being camped, he can be toxic Fair enough !opggs toxic smurf 😡 weak mental i mean, 3 failed snowballs in 2 minutes You know what they say: 4th time is the charm RUNS is the challenge still happening The 4th try he died foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink Danny aint toxic you're full of sh!te KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW being honorable was SO 2018 legally obligated to flame you deserve it... destroying the enemy teams mental is fair game dude foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt fogged acting like a kid lol foggedREE foggedREE Thats not toxic... thats fair trade for a shit camp why is he not playing the challenge? not playing challenge account today? Pog foggedGasm foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedLewd !king foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird ANGERY Wait fruits give rage, lmao Sure tell urself u deserve that while smurfing lol foggeds taking a break @foggedftw2 is this low diamond :P ? What elo is this? Nunu is 4 more ganks away from afking Wait so the challenge has been postponed? @foggedftw2 lol that is the most calm he made me angry ever Being honest = Toxic Check out my new merch! because he doesn't want to play the god damn challenge account. Fogged gaf tf u think this is dude's in low elo flaming junglers for being bad when he's challenger. :/ let the man play the game the guy's filled, trying his best, and you're trash talking him. actually disgusting imho, but hey, it's the internet so it's ok no skin trynd best trynd im actually in champ select to play this matchup.. thanks fogged ;) is the bet still on? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @kocnessy yes honesty can still be toxic.. Wow he actually got drag @zapsniff Snowflake what elo is this? dia1? look at farms SKILL SHOT MORD Pepega That’s a thing now lethal tempo on trynd still works? BM LUL @foggedftw2 u're smurfing which is its own form of toxic and flaming an enemy in a low elo xD headBang missed cs looking at chat LULW I wish you could mute fkin champion bms Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups is trynd actually a counter to morde? @Bazukah187 seems like low D "u're" Triple dorans +overheal is like a free bf sword honesty can be toxic asf Who win challenge ? PogChamp KEKW KEKW LUL god like KEKW Pog Pog GOOD ONE NUNU KEKW wow wow Can you try that next game? Tripple dorans all chat EZ niiice hes azir LUL Pog that LUL legit nunus so mad LUL OMEGALUL Pog KEKW niice is funny hes so mad KEKW LUL the diss the mad man Pog lol BAITED rank 1 NA nunu LOLMG KEKW LUL MALDING LUL ; LUL OH NU NU NU PepeLaugh a little bit of toxicity is good tho KEKW malding LUL disco nunu Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! NUNU MALDING LUL Is challenge whit tf blade done ? NA nunu why did he release the ball MALDUNU !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] s'only a game, y u hef to be med? this is the only stream worth watching right now on twitch, everything else is fucking trash Rage quit? dude u bought two crrit cloth is the challenge over? type "umad?" Tf blade won yes Nunu needs his old e lol ^ @afrojavix2 95% crit chance @RockingRok wait what revert nunu yeah tf blade won Kappa can u show runes? and his old q !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 did you won the bet? His new e is soo fucking boring !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW OMEGALUL tf blade loses either way LUL Pog LUL LUL Challenge is til the end of the year which is ... 24 days away? Like.. srsly thats so retarded KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king This is the first time I ever see anyone dive a mordekaiser solo !king kapp he either doesnt get money or gives money away KEKW 5Head !king 5Head SantaHat you cannot tell me that im not losing games due to my team mates tryndamere won the challenge Do you use a champion only toggle? All the time In that situation I feel scared I'll auto tower HahaDoge 5Head SantaHat SantaHat Pepega do you always take triumph? or do you take last stand for some matchups? !bet ooh Master promos @foggedftw2 so no more lethal tempo and fleet tryn PepeHands HahaDoge Is the bet still going on? @foggedftw2 really unfortunate that nunu counterjungled mundos krugs there is that the account challenge? LUL he didnt know the turret did fogged name change? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! gold reset LUL @xnickjordanx you can pick both at once smurf acc for the gold reset 5Head i thought mundo was unkillable 30+ minutes. what happened? yes til they revive !opggs @foggedftw2 until the target respawns until rez yes until respwan yes until they revive untill that person respawns coming to a teammate's lane to "gold reset" 5Head until respawn wait i didnt know that... morde can keep it until mundo respawn !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king ThatGuyNamedJans subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Watching the climb is so much fun. Best month ever to be a Trynd Main $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! ThatGuyNamedJans's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET thought the stats dissapear after r holy No challenge promo games today? Malding damage the good ol' cuck build !king You gonna add conquere build guide to the spreadsheet? What is tryn tank like Pog whats this elo`? @foggedftw2 you just maxed e over ult??? did he won the bet with moe? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @Adoinc u get a percentage during r then all of it if the other champ dies until they revive how is the challenge still on didnt tfb cheated? F !r Level Ult Last - yes he won the bet with moe Kappa Check out my new merch! !r @silenciolive you skill ult last @silenciolive oh my god hes fed @foggedftw2 Do you use an attack champions only bind? FeelsBadMan This game is so over KEKW damn, counterjungling the red too. this nunu is too much I feel like Fogged is one of the wholesome League streamers I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here JHIN LULW @sendtrumpnudes if i ever come back to league that'll be useful to know ahah. hopefully s10 is better FeelsBadMan is that his bet account? is that the challenge account or not doing that atm ? @foggedftw2 what would you build as morde in this matchup? !bet Does tryndamere have hard counters? FeelsBadMan praying @foggedftw2 runes? hello !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes did fogged win the challenge? foggedEmmy challenge is still for 24 more days what about bork @foggedftw2 when are you playing on kingoftryndamere account? @fivefingerdeathspin D: isnt better rushing rageblade instead of stinger? Why not rageblade? It also gives pen and more dps. @thatluciansukseena tomorrow BabyRage trynd abuser back at it again @fivefingerdeathspin ah right its till end of season right? @fivefingerdeathspin nice Pog Emmy BibleThump @fivefingerdeathspin but he's playing a different avount right now? Q or E max first ? @foggedftw2 @CaptainElias the challenge was "til the end of the year" technically mvp emmy @foggedftw2 what would you build as morde in this matchup? Check out my new merch! @fivefingerdeathspin ok !bet @CaptainElias I assume he's just trying to keep viewers entertained with low elo matches LUL who won the bet ? what rank is emmy? @foggedftw2 what rank did u reach vs TFblade? @fivefingerdeathspin xD how did mord win that from 100hp lol halo My dumbass just bought pizza and then cheese sticks that are the exact same flavor as the pizza and the cheese sticks come with pizza sauce and I thought nothing of it until now adrian jedrzejczak? !opggs what iis the account tht danny is using to 1v1 tfblade with? 5Head redemption @sacredpreist still go standard build and try to r and one shot enemy adc is better imo Redemption Kreygasm slr jsn @hashinshin_dont_ban_me too much AS bugs out Es when you cast them too fast after each other. !opggs ale jan emmy emmyleNami emmyleNami literally SantaHat redemption @foggedftw2 hey man, do you have any tips on laning vs renek? @sacredpreist since jhin is so immobile Pepega SantaHat !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king welp this Pepega build is working bc low dia NA @foggedftw2 Click on Lucian to check HP plz. Curious how high it is !king !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] why no EDGE 5000IQ hmm @Adoinc but then the top lane matchup is even harder against trynd no? smartr wasnt better rushing rageblade? @foggedftw2 Dorans blade mundo KEKW 5Head Too much maths 3 cloth armor Pog 5Head i think he talks about mundo Isnt anti heal better against conqueror mordekaiser? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) what? @sacredpreist fogged took tower early so he could farm safely even without armor how does that bug work wtf what bug @foggedftw2 no no mordes build man @Adoinc im guessing youre delusional EU player but that dorans build is from KR is the bet over cause tf used other champs Is trynda JGL can make you climb ? im one game away from retiring from league lol tf used other champs but fogged allowed it why he is playing on this account ? it goes til the end of the year hmmm @fivefingerdeathspin So tf lose the challenge already? Low key trynd without bloodline feels soo bad d1 NA morde 1 tricks taught me wrong then vs fiora ignite or ghost ? doesnt he take your stats after he kills you? @imaugment naw he allowed it because he was being stream sniped and banned so who is winning the bet haven't been on for awhile so NA is wrong for building it but also wrong for not building it @Adoinc typical EU player !bet only on promotions i believe wtf ????????????? KEKW lmao Mord Q LUL Turret tower q foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt tower shot OMEGALUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt turret? still take tower shots? lol tower shot + isolated Q turret ok turret? q foggedUlt turret prob foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !opggs ???? LUL isolated Q damage 3 tower shots wtf turrent shot + mord Q combined q + turret shot tower plus q turret Q PEPEGA R turrent op op Mord Q does bonus isolated damage wow foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt I would have ulted there Kappa NICE R CHALLENGER TRYN BTW KEKW solo damage on mord Q deals a lot more 0 armor morde Q and turret shot !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1134 times! Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! mord ulti bringing turret in to his realm makes 0 sense !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king only one thing to do now, flame mundo did it just show u as still worth 650 gold you were just taking about him taking your dmg stats PanicVis @blinkingpigs im NA too lol theres like 3 morde 1 tricks that insist full dmg builds no matter what idk. thought armor morde was useless not a challenge unless you throw !king !king mundo manifested a longass game LUL fogged u fogger !opgg !king @blinkingpigs well former d1 cancer champ goes 0/4 and still manages to be useful what elo is this? still smurfing? Check out my new merch! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @foggedftw2 is Sanguine blade a pick for solo split push tryn? hmm time to split LUL BRAINDEAD TEAM KEKW !rank rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP because he play frontline jhin :D jhin saying" ffs tryndamere" Dog team sad broken champ no receiving any nerf any time soon your supp needs to hit bubbles LUL sanguine is nerfed and not worth anymore cant win morde so tanky after rework and still good late game ? @foggedftw2 4 meats KappaPride how to play against teemo? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here that's why I watch more than I play LUL morde reword was a mistake @fivefingerdeathspin ahh ok. been a week or two since i played blade of the ruined king? @foggedftw2 what do you do vs randuins 1st item cho ? I believe in you Mord has aoe % dmg and conq gives like 50 ap so he can go tank without issues !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king what Jeans playing Front to Back? To the guy said hes done with league ive played 1100 game in plat 4 this season so there is hope for you Hows it going Fogged, been a while since I caught one of your streams means* !king @Dontlagmebro96 Yeah sanguine attack speed active was nerfed by 20%, and costs 100 more even morde players strategy is to drag game to 30 mins so they can get items and carry the game lucian ????? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups does he do dmg tho Rip NUNU Pog foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP guys did he name change? smurf acc so gg bet? @foggedftw2 why doms instead of botrk? Bork does nothing vs armour morde built armor that jhin wtf bork vs hp Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! against 100 armour Bork is doing 4% current health it’s Fucking dogshit what to do if u cant split and ur team lose 5x5 coz cc ? @foggedftw2 mountain is best dragon s10 botrk good against high hp, dom better against high armor pounding people Pog it's not 30 minutes just wait for Mundo Kappa @foggedftw2 i mean,dont you need the lifesteal? he has hydra? jhin griefing hard LUL Botrk passive is affected by armor can I buy double cloak and last whisper if they stack a lot of armor? @foggedftw2 this jhin is legit retarded Check out my new merch! @Nikamin good thing morde has both! because of mage items he can get tons of HP :D @kerkyraiosoprwtos Byers gives lifesteal this jhin BabyRage Bork needs to do magic dmg on melee users jihn talked shit and walked into a snowball LUL jihn inting @foggedftw2 wouldnt bork be effective on this game ? red pot? @foggedftw2 why not pot !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. 27 min 6 items wtf Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes @le_jackal Why would it be effective? he has flash Lol nunu dmg !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET ah yes the league chat experience @darthinvadeher12 saving money for trinity Bork is a noob trap vs armour @imaugment vs nunu mk "mundo" WHERE MY FRONTLINE???? LUL flaming KEKW jhin nunu both delusional as hell tho im the ADC I deserve everything BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @le_jackal ??? Bork is for hp tanks If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Fogged why not the boxer Pete cleaver build here) RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP lol not tricky enough trundle ??? the damage ez jk well i mean i guess ur right SUPER TOP @blinkingpigs well having a lot of hp and armor is ok but having shit ton of damages for free with that is kinda bullshit yeah PogChamp the tryng god Actually destroying them with IE pop off Fogged just too op thats a quadra pentaaaa Like he said, all he needed was IE Pog straight pounding them was that 8 autos on drake ? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! u are massive he just destroyed that drag in like 4 seconds. fogged use aimbot lol @foggedftw2 IE was the absolute solution 1v9 @foggedftw2 your teaching actually helped me win lane vs vayne a little bit ago. took a jungle gank or two but i managed it mundo fanboying KEKW @foggedftw2 You're not forcing a long delay anymore right? Why disabled chat on screen? there's somethin about trynds autos that is just really satisfying to watch Masters trynd OTP LOL dude telling a story instead of playing are you mundos cousin? Does anyone know the maths for rageblade vs ldr? How much armour do you need for ldr to give more dps masters tryn otp KEKW What elo is this? @OceanRayne crit animation @ThatGuyNamedJans Why is that funny?? it seems like d3-d4 tommy lvl 18 full build w t f But I think at 200 armour rage is still more dps 309 Kappa @foggedftw2 hit him with the twitch link tommy TOMMY309 tommy309 KEKW im tommy tommy309 he is still doing his challenge with Tf blade ? hit him w/ the twitch 3 what happened to the bet @foggedftw2 You're not forcing a long delay anymore right? Why disabled chat on screen? 0 9 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ohh this is the kunda that was trying to tell blade how to play, cuz his cousin is trynd otp IM FARMING Pepega who's tommy, i don't get it Tommy309 LUL mundo singed player who likes to spam his name from y experience ~~ im tommy :) gg TOMMY gg ez GG 3 ez gg !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW 0 yo tommy WINNABLE 9 wp Tommy 309 OP AF I WAS HERE 3 carry holy jesus 0 @Nikamin tommy is dang but with an accented a is tommy309 famous somehow? im actually incapable of winning games 9 gg awesome 👍 trynd is so deadly if people know what they are doing on him @Tommy309 KEKW so that build was amazing but would the old boxer Pete cleaver build work there as well or not as well? Gg feminismo wait challenge ended? Give him your twitch big brain 5head hard carry trynd Tell him your twitch did u win the challenge? @foggedftw2 you won the challenge? you prob did right no ban? ok !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW tommy 3 0 9 is this na game? @Spaze332 doesnt that go for any champion tho lol hit him w/ the twitch link tfw emma has 33% wr !duo foggedRightArm Emma LEE sin ? isnt chellenge till end of dec? @foggedftw2 Is the challenge still on? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! BRB gonna make a new account “TommytheTrynGOAT is this na server? tommy309 @Daavee Yeah this account scuffed played with some friends on it @deathkabob not like tryndamere though Kreygasm Opgg he already had 40% CD i beleive, Black cleaver was too much of a waste compared to Trinity ah okay need some eye drops there fogged gotcha thanks man! Your advise goes a long way I really appreciate you and your content Why not on challange account @foggedftw2 ? @foggedftw2 what do you think of tfblade's lonian's boots 45% cdr build foggeds taking a break Are you azingy? Do you remeber that solo que god who only played amumu? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! emmi main rank? Trinity is 1050 gold of mana item @flleexxy he literally just answered that gg fogged i was ahri :D planning on playing some cho'gath or ap malph ? cleaver and trinity have the same cdr so that doesnt have any impact on the descision~~ Tommy 3 !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) 9 lool i was the dr mundo one of your veiwers added and tolded me @luxxbunny that makes the adc comment even better LOOOL @Daniblitz yes because we build tri for mana T OMEGALUL MMY @linsanitysaar ye i literally wrote that in the monent he answered :D adc mains xd Todamaxtv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! Todamaxtv's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Check out my new merch! what elo is the challenge account rn? @flleexxy u good can haha <3 @blueberrypiie yes because all of those 1050 gold in sheen is for mana !king !king i still don't get the tommy309 spam thing Why don’t you link your twitch after games? Play Kled anywa :P did you win clash yesterday @foggedftw2 do you think mordekaiser is op atm? GAREN top good for fundamentals ?@foggedftw2 @EmmyLeeC @gryffinnlol That was some high praise of your cousin, saying he was like fogged LUL whtas the most universal rune page for trynd streamSNIPED!!! I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here KLED TIME Pog !king @Nikamin tommy309 was the name of the mundos cousin or smth You rather play Nasus than Darius? @foggedftw2 KEKW kekw kekw kekw @Daniblitz what i mean is we use the unique so sniped so hard what a puss bro Play singed BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ??? tommy 3 0 9 @luxxbunny are you allowed to play non-tryn champs when hes banned now? The doc says its hard D: @foggedftw2 hows riven vs trynd ? no dodges? @foggedftw2 not on ur spreadsheet ? @Daniblitz + most of the time you dont even build sheen HahaShrugRight @foggedftw2 ur spreadsheet says easy than hard @sendtrumpnudes i think i'll categorize it as a not funny inside joke riven vs trynd skill matchup Kled sounds so annoying lol this evelynn better be good, your team's only AP damage !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @Nikamin yeah LUL !rank good luck on promos! @foggedftw2 @saihogorlo naw he's streamsniping LUL @blueberrypiie but that is still like 14 vision wards could help team instead, but i see ur point this assassin mid meta confuses me @foggedftw2 do you think Fiora is a good solo queue pick? !duo foggedRightArm @foggedftw2 is riven vs trynd trynd favored ? Kappa idk if i've seen you lose to a GP. you just booli him and wreck his barrels. i love kled's lines LUL Check out my new merch! what counters trynd? Wait why isn't he playing kingtryn !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Fogged kled is godlike Kled game ? !king @paryhaghi heavy cc, poppy, pantheon yo fogged, have you played against adrian riven ? Kled is almost as insane as I am I love his lines as well LUL @MetalSlugSV hes taking break and emmy convinced him to play ranked soloq* @Blueberrypiie thnx ghosting for real EZ Gotcha can you turn on colorblind mode for a better viewing experience for me @foggedftw2 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups hi hi why do you always break red plant early game ? on tryndamere red plant gives him rage Probably so enemy jungler cant use it on kled... ???? @Krobaxx are you cheating on tryndamere? soloq with two people? it's almost like there's a term for that Kappa @krobaxx on tryn he does it to build up some fury unfaitful hmm ??? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! lmao KEKW that level up PHEW LOL LUL Level Pog monkaS why was the challenge rescheduled? EZ Minion damage :P Sneaky sneaky lol nearly got winioned THAT LEVEL UP Almost get karma rekt Going for the FIVE DORANS PRO STRATS? :P 24 days is a lot of days for a challenge @bazukah187 cos tf is malding jesus LULW LOOOL !Challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW bro queque the greek kknona song OMEGALUL ezpz gg WTTTT @foggedftw2 Time to main kled, forget about tryn gg Pog PogU Kled is balanced LUL Is this silver? g LUL KLEGEND! what happened to the bet ? KEKW won the game GG gg LULLLLLLLL gg 😣😣😣 gg wow wow tight what elo is this? they're so bad holy LUL SUPER TOP POG hello red buff is he still doing the tryndamere only challenge with tfblade? reminds me of soulmario !opggs !bet open too? this must be a wood 4 elo game god i hate kleds remount so much Next game gp will ban kled lul 5Head yes he's just playing an alt account for entertainment @anthonypm111 Of course we saw that Kappa @VoidKooler everyone looks bad when you'er spectating LUL Kled OP ban trynd, gets clapped anyway LUL wait what happened to challenge LULW does he remount when you level up? or just the health increase? try to snipe and lose even harder GP is a bad champion overall @marth112524 ??? no some are actually really good like fogged gangplank has a hard time against anyone with good mobility lol @Nikamin what do you mean malding? @foggedftw2 what do you mean you waited to get mount? if you use W without the Peco Peco you get more of your passive? Pog reminds me of the "ban trynd numero uno" you picked ap malphite I really miss the parley GP from my days. :( stacking avarice blades and taking over game. wtf? clean triple barrel KEKW gp just randomly roam LUL KEKW guys is the bet still on? IRELIA LULW that fake out lol lmao yes 4v5 game KEKW Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! What is adding the true damage to his attacks? cs POG playing swain top feels bad as well because of numerous bad match ups =( @FraaM_ yeah @bazukah187 i was just memeing i don't really know why, sorry lmao okay hahaha Check out my new merch! Pog ez trynd ban btw atpRtsd thats it baby you r a god irelia Pepega sry to bother anyone for the question but what is with the trynd challenge vs tfblade? i'm gonna be a main kled now, looks fun highest rank by end of year !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !race I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Krobaxx early game power but falls late Bustin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! tyler1Hey Bustin's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @BlackFeal well it's more than a month long of a challenge so he's playing an alt account ot keep up entertainment basically was trynd banned this game? nutSquad nutSquad nutSquad nutSquad nutSquad nutSquad yah trynd and nami both @bustin the OG viewbotter PogChamp why the change to the challenge? @krobaxx He’s super rewarding if you are a really aggressive player kled's fun to watch at any rate no problem man fivefingerdeathspin tyvm :D all i needed to know and what is with trynd challenge has benn rescheduled to may? aye DzSnK she wants to gank her jg faster LUL @Nellow3 imagine actually thinking that still @BlackFeal Uhh I don't know about any rescheduling Oo That's a weird Trynd skin !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW got shutdown and got plate gold EZ !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @bangingheads LUL Hello copy player i mean fogged why is tryndamere riding a lizard ? @foggedftw2 im good says so at the end of challenge command so i have no clue what is going on :D UNROLL THE TADPOLE OSFrog UNCLOG THE FROG OSFrog UNLOAD THE TOAD OSFrog UNINHIBIT THE RIBBIT OSFrog UNSTICK THE LICK OSFrog UNIMPRISON THE AMPHIBIAN OSFrog UNMUTE THE NEWT OSFrog UNBENCH THE KENCH OSFrog PERMIT THE KERMIT OSFrog DEFOG THE POLLIWOG OSFrog @Binsuliman77 KEKW Tryndamore likes the lizard Kappa oh i should probably go to sleep it's for only trynd in EUW xD sry to bother reading would help Check out my new merch! Is the challenge over? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 what tryd skin is that? @chopstickpeanut not til the end of the year oh shit it is rescheduled lol oops oof Vox42 beasthunter he just tamed the wild lizard and is riding it's back for more efficient travel time when will the Christmas skins come out this yr? monkaS unlucky @cspice23 ikr i need them how did qiyana get there so fast @fivefingerdeathspin only trynd is rescheduled, the current challenge is still going on no bet tonight? foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggeds taking a break KEKW @Bazukah187 if she gets the element from the brush, she gets like 20% increased MS for like 2 secs IRELIA KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Nikamin is that because TFBlade used jax in a match? LUL @Bazukah187 quiyana used ms hacks and its on like a 5 sec cooldown hmmmmmmmmm delay on? GP LUL tankplank Pog @fivefingerdeathspin he used more than just jax TANK PLANK KEKW tankplank PogChamp he mad Tankplank is a thing! 0 damage KEKW tank plank @Nikamin I believe it No he was hitting the scuttle Ghosting @RangerB2 tankplank is a meme, and memes are things, so in that sense yes ur right !help null help: Did he change his name for the challenge? ! @frecklesshack -> Hey, chill out! [stop posting links] [warning] FeelsBadMan condemn PepeHands @dualcrowns2072 no its diff account @fivefingerdeathspin if it was only a one time thing it would've been okay but then it was vlad, then ryze, then irelia and then it wasn't a trynd only challenge anymore Did they cancel the challange? !king GP pusher like Pepega Hey, Riot says you can't say "fuck" on the Internet anymore. theeees is a disaster! Irelia = minion KEKW !rank hard knock life KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Kled looks fun. How do you even play him tho chat? @JlSHlN Postponed it !bet @devinkurant53 TRUE KEKW Pog irelia op @Nikamin I guess I missed a lot in 2 days LUL !rank always fight @Spaze332 Shit she made plays monkaS as soon as entering lane Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Just win lane 4Heaed @devinkurant53 spoke too soon LUL who wins between tryn and kled on a 1v1 ? the remount mechanic is really strong @JlSHlN no, hes just playing 4 fun tonight did we win the trynd only bet or is it still ongoing? @devinkurant53 even a minion can kill a play 4Head i'd imagine a kled if he plays it right still going player how does remount work? just damaging enemy champs while dismounted? iceborne GP FailFish diamond NA smh $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! gotta get 100 courage @raphtalia_senpai hitting enemies while dismounted, hitting turret, or last hitting a minion whoa he lived @foggedftw2 won all my clash games, trynd banned every game FEELSBADMAN foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy not winnable with that bad eve no @frecklesshack KEKW JG XP KEKW jg diff KEKW challenge was just changed from trynd only to foggedisgonnawinanyway Kappa @HomicidalThor thanks i think i may go try him out in some norms :D Check out my new merch! @frecklesshack -> I hope you learned your lesson. [stop posting links] fogged back and gettin' that bread? FeelsBadMan rip game foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP mods? kled can't hyper carry like trynd She got Runic Pog @foggedftw2 what’s going on with the bet?? No trynd? rip @raphtalia_senpai he's definitely something else. also, your ult when it hits someoen briefly stuns and gives you a small shield, just helpful fyi bot lane OMEGALUL She can int faster gp build pretty 5Head KEKW !bet @raphtalia_senpai or it least, it did last time i played it, may have changed, so keep an eye out :P @oscarmlke pepeLaugh mf is cringy I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here thresh is really getting out of place this game LULW Rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP LOLOL EVE THIS TEAM KEKW damn ggwp oof this game is pretty tough Negative team presence @HomicidalThor thanks for the heads up! :3 Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups ggwp is that secretlabs chair worth it? JG GAP KEKW EVE Pepega nice MF ult,din't win the fight, but was a good one missing crucial q's on kled too so idk man. KKona kled @raphtalia_senpai oo, also, your last auto when your W is up, does bonus damage, big damage, it hurts, a lot c: taking a break of the bet or what? your evelyn is a support main PepeHands Check out my new merch! Fogged's taking a break tonight and playing some games. Resuming challenger games tomorrow Fogged is playing Kled o.0? split push tryndamere style vayne is going to be a pain late game trynd was banned LULW this gp TANKPLANK KEKW gp getting doo doo'd on POGGERS GP thinks he can Q faster than kled can auto atpRtsd LULW 0 barrels hit fogged too good Still got him FeelsGoodMan if he hits literally 1 barrel he can probably ms out of that engage lol what's a barrel LULW balanced champ BloodTrail Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Pepega Heca @HomicidalThor is his w automatic? kinda looks like a passive instead of an active looks like a top gap game @WayStupider most certainly game over mobi rush eve smh play trynd man 0/15 bot lane too KEKW @raphtalia_senpai yes, its basically a passive kono dio da support mains KEKW if u were trynd u would carry that game ez @Sanchovies KEKW Streamsnipe banned @HomicidalThor that tank tp was so stupid it was like bm to frogged's team LULW No team EVE KEKW eve damage KEKW gp* If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! is tryn a champ to climb with? foggedYoda ye definitely not the best one you also missed a lot of key q's @foggedftw2 M OMEGALUL B I @WayStupider LULW If you rush mobi you can int faster Went 3-0 in clash and still cant open my prize thing gp with the well deserved win foggedYoda learn game evelyn must foggedYoda is sanchovies still hardstuck d1? tryndamere pog @Sanchovies How's the new job and being an adult? LUL HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE THESE PLAYERS ARE DIAMAND :O I SWEAR IT S LIKE NORMAL GAME IN EUW emma duo? wow :D eve early gank is shit I played pretty bad after vayne got the kill on us Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! hi fogged love ur tryndamere playz! can you turn on colorblind mode? foggedYoda the reward system is jacked up eve tried to gank and we just died Sanch Pog Will you update your guide? and then we were just constantly behind why do u like sultan tryndamere the best? @meodio Nope it's dead forever Kappa Sanchovies made it 3 days working full time PogChamp foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @BangingHeads HAHA I love the EU inflated egos you have to wait for your paid sub to run out to do prime? and I'll resub once my move is done I hope I can if not still got the prime @foggedftw2 wait, you mean he quit the job he just started? I haven't heard haha its a risk but glad it paid off for u bro ass or tits? @foggedftw2 pros and cons of a call center job? Yeah, were playing again tmorrow. It was hype were 4 silvers with a masters adc so were against diamonds mostly holy first time seeing fogged live and not just on UT yayyyyy YT you're a breath of fresh air in this community fogged. I wish I could sub. Your lack of toxicity is why I love watching you whenever you're streaming. !rank Hello foggedftw2 how can i help you KEKW KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] same LUL i do that now and i loveeee it LOL hello from México im considering getting a job as acar salesman soon, apearantly they can get around 500$ a week + commissions, and they like to hire younger guys with charasima (thats me EZ ) We all rise on twitch together ikeepitKOMRADEBOI @foggedftw2 I worked call center before my current job LUL, it lost its contract 1 year after I quit. That shit's not worth @foggedftw2 hola yo Ikeepittaco Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! What happened with the competition? @IKeepItTaco ikeepitKOMRADEBOI FUCK you're that super good jhin player man :) i've seen your clips @Sanchovies You'll catch up to us in no time bro !uptime 3 hours 27 minutes 26 seconds foggedYoda mobi rush ekko Pog ban eve KEKW FeelsGoodMan foggedftw2 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sanchovies! foggedftw2's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Pog hell yeah lets go foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda RIGGED D: foggedYoda Pog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedYoda can you give me a disney + subscription too @foggedftw2 LULW man i want a yoda any gifters? Kapp baby Yoda mandalore foggedYoda foggedCorgi foggedGasm foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Check out my new merch! best emote on twt foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda TriHard any gifters The best sales jobs pay out on only pure commission foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda where's my trynd Yoda? LUL @foggedftw2 why conqueror is better than grasp against Jax !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king what happened with the bans? Pro's of a call center job - its safe minus the silicon you inhale from computer boards, many don't involve dealing with the general public, benefits, no face to face interactions, its inside so weather isn't an issue, stable hours normally hex tech crafting broken client foggedYoda rravSip foggedYoda MMmh Disney I am, Purchase every other company i must pog fuck em up fogged @foggedftw2 fogged please, he has a family hey fogged, you looking good man. you lost some weight? havent been here in a while show runes again? u made jax by bramble vest first item last time... Jax sucks now right I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here No more grasp against jax? buy !opggs LUL Fogged condoning top lane bullying LUL adc jax vayne top foggedYoda @foggedftw2 why conqueror is better than grasp against Jax Why still use nimbus cloak? @foggedftw2 jaxlifematters BibleThump ty fogged <3 anyone know and pirating sites i can watch the mandelorian on? :) asking for a friend What is your winrate against TonyTop? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Which rank is this? you know he good when he want to beat jax as a trynd Actually so true oh no no no PepeLaugh Res OMEGALUL lve mean he is scared i miss watching your tank tryn games lol. foggedYoda LUL HahaThink Lol I haven't seen a jax fight against you yet XD more like int into you like food a truck KEKW emmyleNami emmyleNami emmyleNami Ellensar subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! thanks to fogged, we all make tryndamere look busted Ellensar's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Beta Jax KEKW lol @foggedftw2 isnt demolish good for getting early gold from plates? but what if, he has resolve for demolish Kappa oof Pog foggedYoda Time warp tonic is so good on Jax foggedYoda !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foggedftw2 why conqueror is better than grasp against Jax @foggedftw2 do you ever take inspiration over sorcery? tfblade seems to do it a lot @foggedftw2 what is your winrate against TonyTop would you say? whats about the challenge with tfblade? HSCheers HSCheers insecure player trynd banned all 3 of my clash games, still won foggedGasm !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @GHOSTEDonline lourGasm Are you not going grasp against Jax anymore? @foggedftw2 do u beat blades jax Do you think your Trynd climb would be better than Blade's jax climb? MORE LATE STREAMS BBY!!! NIGHT OWLS UNITE @foggedftw2 fav trynd skin> grasp is better then conq but only slightly and only during lane, conq scales way better and gives access to both triumph and nimbus cloak instead of just one 🐐 why does tfblade get an advantage in the challenge and why was it moved? when you start the grind again? !uptime 3 hours 31 minutes 56 seconds Fogged's taking a break tonight and playing some games. Resuming challenger games tomorrow and whomever asked the pros of a call center job the negatives are you don't move so if you don't workout on your own you gain a lot of weight, it can be stressful, some of them you deal with the general public, they are often open 24/7, can have air quality issues i heard u guys called off the bet for a bit !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 you should consider getting PepeLaugh in your channel. Personally its my favorite and its got some pretty funny use !matchup Summoner is not currently in-game why no lethal tempo? pepeLaugh No it works pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh he doesn't know oh wait pepeLaugh Challenge still on? @foggedftw2 what do you think about the conqueror nerf ? hes doesnt know PepeLaugh @WayStupider LULW pepeLaugh @Raktol Grasp better to trade Females KEKW foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS pepeLaugh oh no no no foggedPepega pepeLaugh Jebaited how do i see every matchup v tryn???? conq works better into jax maybe pepeLaugh Jebaited help pepeLaugh pepeLaugh He lacks the critical information pepeLaugh LULW LULW LULW Jebaited gottem pepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW !help null help: Kappa Jebaited Jebaited is draven good into tryn? CoolStoryBob baited LULW pepeClap Jebaited outplayed pepeLaugh pepeD @foggedftw2 my bad i got baited LULW HOI SYNAPSE foggedLewd Squid1 Squid2 thunde24Thunderball Squid2 Squid4 GOTTEM Jebaited pepeLaugh KEKW pepeLaugh @foggedftw2 what do you think about the conqueror nerf ..? Jebaited pepeLaugh jeBaited Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups how do i see every matchup v tryn???? pepeLaugh foggedYoda lost to a group of idiots PepeLaugh lvl 6 outplay i dont have PepeLaugh so i dont see it ~~ pepeLaugh 👉 information I didn't even mean to outplay him LULW i was looking at his bttv emotes and didn't see it Lethal tempo vs Conq... which is better to run atm? who is winning the bet so far? I was typing PepeLaugh ahri LUL singThink singThink singThink frankerz emotes* oh shit Ahri just dumpstered vayne LUL LULW LMAO !bet LMFAO jax flash OMEGALUL KEKW Bitch jax LUL What is the worst champ for trynd to fight in lane against? LOL lil bitch jax !challenge 5Head SantaHat If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @u469 Depends on who you're fighting, Tempo for long fights Beta KEKW u are the only streamer who bothers to give tips consistently. Wish i could sub. keep it up WHAT pepeLaugh POG lol LULW E Pog foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL Bully fogged BibleThump wtf? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS this guy is some fuckin doodoo at jax D: why is he not playing on kingoftryndamere? !uptime 3 hours 34 minutes 26 seconds the fact that he flashed that close to tower what account is this? no more challenge? @foggedftw2 toxic bully! poor jax he didnt know what hes up to foggedYoda hard freeze hiim Pog @manuel2 Fogged's taking a break tonight and playing some games. Resuming challenger games tomorrow jax typing to his jungler rn LULW Bicpenn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bench345ForReps! They have given 10 Gift Subs in the channel! Bicpenn's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! he suddenly got a massive pair of balls LUL EZ @Bicpenn Wow. Holy shit. thanks for ur generousity! Sooo are you feeling a Jax Sandwich or more of the Spaghetti and (lack of) Jax meatballs? @Fiarill5 thanks mate wants to outplay your flash Jebaited tryndamere seems so EZ when you know what you're doing Second Doran's, only two more to go Pog @foggedftw2 Ur audio is unsynced for me show runes please free subs Poggers Aram at 4 minutes? @Bicpenn Reload the page :) audio is fine just f5 ah NARAM already Pog LULW @Bicpenn i think its on your end better top wins again why didn't he just use e when you were trading on him what is this jax doing ? what a goon what DEAD AGAIN OMEGALUL foggedYoda foggedGift foggedPepega foggedPepega He inting now is this a new account Is..he inting? ??? KEKW wtf This jax is pepenga ok frogged how much did you pay him NA jax LUL ! he is literally running it down... wtf LULW ??? tilted show runes please no counter LUL huge tornado damage same key Is is possible to outlevitate a legitimate floating-cat? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king cannon... spin spin spin stop wintrading KEKW at least he got the cannon good csing by jax either he gave up or he doesnt belong in this rank what elo is this? :o copter VAYNE KEKW double dorans? why this guy is boosted LULW "u spam ping 4 times for ganks then int" KEKW @Bench345ForReps foggedYoda What rank is this is that talking about jax? autofill top rip running it down it is !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] all jax have been getting cucked LULW diamond jax player foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST !! foggedYoda foggedYoda Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! this is some 5Head plays Jax KEKW JUST KILL ME KEKW HAHAHAHJ jax LUL @foggedftw2 stop tilting him KonCha dont wait too long though bc he might get flash up new account? @Dutch_Maxed Solid stats and didn't have enough for components that matter like BF just kill me PepeHands pepeLaugh SAME LULW lul foggedYoda GHOSTING Jax given up PepeHands LULW LULW LULW monkaS foggedYoda is the bet with tfblade over? he's ghosting LOL PepeHands ... dont worry my friend LULW is that the boi @Sanchovies just kill them both LUL lee bot LULW Just kill me he says. Jax BibleThump @chat who else is streaming this match? @ChampionCHIMPThresh hallo lee said fuck u jax lee sin sad fk u jax you're getting dove now LULW $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! is the bet with tfblade over? You have to let me go Roy Froggen Btw 2 did you say lux? luxbunny LUL @courntheking Postponed !opggs luxbunny 13 cs pepeLaugh IS THE BET OVER?? The lannister karma sends her regards h NO!! @Lonq1 Postponed how do u prevent trynd from freezing the wave there and slow pushing for dive !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Bicpenn Again, thanks man! foggedYoda Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 isn't luxxbunny a misfortune one trick? why? lol @foggedftw2 Why do ppl get 2 crit cloacks early? FOGGED FOGGERS! Is conquerer just the best way to play tryn now? mans insane who is winning the bet @Fiarill5 why? why is it postponed what is tfblade acc name !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king lee sin gave up on jax and just started camping bot LULW yukes dukes its a massacre down there bot lane at it again FeelsBadMan !opgg Jax BibleThump u gonna let lee treat ur girl like that @fudgeebard Cause no one's playing in preseason, too easy to snipe @zurbinator SPINSPINSPLN it's grasp still the way to go in this matchup or conqueror is better? with spaces Is conquere the best keystone on ttryn now TF was getting sniped to hell LULW god bless hey :) I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !bet @zurbinator it was delayed due to not a lot of people playing pre-season NA, and TF not wanting to have a lot of dodges in his streams due to that Hi fogged u playing in tcs? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Jax BibleThump !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king every time jaxc... every time.. !opggs POGGERS foggedFOGGERS PogU I feel bad for him CLOSE Ah yes 5Head That was way too clean Clutch as fuck what about that vayne xd Pog !challenge PogU EKKO If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW POGGERS Ekko LEE??? KEKW ok that was kinda pog Pog Pog He got clapped PogChamp wowwwww next level w Pog He's smurfing hahah get ouplayed leesin PogU my lord ekko is broken Nuked POG SMURFING LMAO lee? butt cheeks clenched OUTPLAY Pog Pog 🙃 lee thought he was on some LEE INT KEKW LUL SeemsGood outplayed he prob used it on crab ekko on x games mode damn he's almost as good at ekko as eve don't question the ekko that was poggers Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog Press 1 if CLEAN EKKO Pog @foggedftw2 Bought jg item this time Pog he was just testing the waters then going in to finish the kill with the ulti EZ Clap wp ekko Lee outplayed himself by flashing into the W XD 1 no 1 Tell him never play eve again, keep on ekko 1 !uptime 3 hours 41 minutes 56 seconds to get ulti off of you so jax can try to lane pepeLaugh Hes equal opportunity fiddle PepeHands i just played a trynd game where i got 5 kills in 2 1/2 minutes foggedFOGGERS elise shd get boots first at least Junglers get this ridiculous mentality like they are responsible for inting food trucks falling behind KEKW Check out my new merch! Lee pepeLaugh the ekko is the eve from game? hes waiting for you to hit him under tower !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW LULW @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? is ekko is eve last game?? is the bet off chat? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST!! foggedYoda foggedYoda KEKW oh no no no pepeLaugh lol LUL @Kalkainen till may lol ummmmmmmmm KEKW KEKW I've never seen a neutered jax before ashe LUL KEKW this poor bastard just keeps using his e the wrong way @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? haHAA KEK KEKW @CoarselyGround you need to watch fogged more :) feelsbad to jump into your death...been there a time or two what mmr is this? @raisedbyjunkies @midlane_fashionista different players vayne KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW pepeLaugh wait til karma realizes you have ulti !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] what elo is this? @foggedftw2 what if enemy will follow trynds E POGGERS foggedFOGGERS ????????????????????????????????? monkaW foggedWizard !avgrank Summoner is not currently in-game shes mad @teacrisis hes on the rotation lol Wait this was probably asked a billion times but why was it postponed damn if you e there a bit sooner i think you dont have to use ulti FeelsBadMan @LoLRankBot Are you sure about that? @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? is conquerer better than lethal tempo? ! do you like tiamat into ie or the cdr build better? What do u think about this new statik? Ranks? it's D3/D2 mmr LULW WHAT !bet !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW :) Do you not do the spin and laugh flex anymore? Why not playing on bet account ? @foggedftw2 do you go conq against Garen? @silamon Patched out this isn't the challenge account hmm Scams WutFace nooo really !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Fiarill5 but y tho T.T they got rid of spin laugh? PepeHands !king !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? @foggedftw2 do you think conq should be nerfed for melee as well? Ur rite, I haven't heard spin laugh phoon Pog !opggs @silamon It cancelled the spin animation and scrubs were complaining about not being able to see what hit them :/ Karma shielded her I think !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] LULW Poor Jax PepeHands 112 KEKW KEKW @Fiarill5 but it gave exactly 0 advantage.... I hate it when fun things get patched out 1 Tapped jax gave up years ago 140 to 54... KEKW Squid1 Squid2 foggedGasm Squid4 trynd is not effective at the highest competitive level, thats why you dont see him in pro play, but hes alright in solo queue LUL holyyyyy foggedFOGGERS He wants the grey screen at this point Sa What happened with the challenge account? Jax is more a Minion than a Champ in this Match xD POGGERS foggedFOGGERS that jax is like "but I saw tfblade play it this way!" Let him win BibleThump DUDE YOU DID THE EUW DOUBLE DORANS BUILD POG YAMETEEEEE he has a family PepeHands LOOLLLLLL savage fog on at night ::) owned LUL @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? KEKW foggedLewd foggedGasm LUL LUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL LUL lolol that jax is tilted foggedYoda @silamon It kinda had some obscurity on if you used spin or not, but yeah like who cares LUL of the face of the planet Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !rank why not challenge account @foggedftw2 ? KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] OMEGALUL is that, mobi boots lee sin LUL jax utterly useless Pepega KEKW it was worth though, got a 1k shutdown !opgg foggedTrynda FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedTrynda Insecure Lee Sounds like a good skin idea haha fogged smurfing again? hey how'd the clash matches go? !uptime 3 hours 48 minutes u are 3 levels up !king LULW R Why no challenge account? wtf Check out my new merch! foggeds taking a break for the night He wanted to take a break from the challenge account KEKW Pog Pog did that ult hit you during your ult? @foggedftw2 is trynd effective in high elo and in competitive 5v5s? Holy @foggedftw2 HELLO.. YOU LOOK GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL TODAY KonCha KonCha <3 Robinblast subscribed with Twitch Prime. I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Robinblast's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @zurbinator Not it competitive LULW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Pog damn *in trynd sucks in competitive fogged prefers kled for clash n sh it MrDestructoid DESTROY ALL LIFE FORMS ON RIFT high elo ye, competitive nah @zurbinator if he was effective you would actually see it in competitive.. what is a clicking? Ranks ? lol crazy infeeenity edge its a tuber are you against low elos? foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS they have a family fogged @foggedftw2 would you nerf conq for melee as well? And 4 fire dragons on the way Pog @foggedftw2 He has Entered The Infinite. Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups please reconsider chat what is an "a click" foggedYoda D2 i think @WayStupider if you press a you get an indicator for you auto attack range a click is attack move Attack move key why conquerer? have mercy fogged oh i never knew that thanks @SleepyGuy What’s the essence riever for So is the bet over? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] Tryn has no mana rage splitting conq worked better into jax @gazmon48 @foggedftw2 can you show your runes? crit cdr @WayStupider If you press a then left click, you auto attack anything you walk into while you walk to where you clicked lol she hit jax @nubazhoi standard item... CDR, Crit, damage @WayStupider it also prioritizes attacking over moving jax got hit lul Rage Splitting KEKW Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! What about the mana effect it’s wasted emmyleNami emmyleNami emmyleNami deleted LIX @SleepyGuy @Fiarill5 thanks guys, im challenger now :) @nubazhoi Who cares LUL !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes gg ez jax KEKW !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. Thanks !er foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda PogChamp balanced champion KEKW FeelsGoodMan !uptime Ashe right there just lets him burn to death instead 3 hours 52 minutes 10 seconds foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda honestly this is not balanded Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 would you nerf conq for melee as well? aah yes playing vs autofilled toplaners free win !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @foggedftw2 if nexus is opened but you guys fail to end, can you sell everything and give us an ap build :) I like it, I'm getting carried by fogged and I'm okay with that :) (luxxbunny) go fogged goo who's giddy suit monkaW POGGERS foggedFOGGERS Pog !build Read that invis WutFace OMEGALUL KEKW whats a jax LUL 0100 get a deathcap 0% KP Pog invis doesnt work on this tryn! foggedFOGGERS Jax is a butt hurt Jungle main OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL / OMEGALUL he finally got the powerspike Can you tell me your tryndamere's runes plz If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Jax must be a Yasuo main jax got the 0/10 power spike 77 cs LUL the jax is the jax if you have gone trynda instead kled b00p !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET 0 1 OMEGALUL 0 : Can you tell me your tryndamere's runes plz/ prayer for jax !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] @foggedftw2 yo fogged. Can you explain what the jax could do to win or atleast go even this matchup. Its painful to watch jaxes get murdered F for jax 480 monkaW : Can you tell me your tryndamere's runes plz/: Can you tell me your tryndamere's runes plz/# Need Trinity Mana foggedWizard !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opgg F Y for jax 4Head theyre gonna wake up in a cold sweat from this Tryndamere is the challenge over? !oip @greekmetayt !champs Jax doesn't need to be reported, he needs a therapist after that PepeHands !op runes please :) Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! KEKW That's too hard man WTF PEPEGA !champs People are lazy af though Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !opgg @xevikangames -> Hey, chill out! [stop posting links] [warning] !opgg ikeepitPRIMEBOI oh ok ty what is WutFace BOT SPAM LUL !bet taco Pog !champs what runes do you use :) runes pls Pepega why not hightlight runes instead f stats TrinTryn! 4Head AND !runes @foggedftw2 spreadsheet op I am Bronze, I don't have the brain capacity to do all that Kappa nice guy PogChamp Thanks for PSA fogged! foggedW !champs MrDestructoid Clap but your spreadsheet doesn't mention conquerer anywhere does it? !champs SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood RalpherZ RalpherZ nice guy Pog !champs too hard Pog @foggedftw2 would you nerf conq for melee as well? @heydoodxd jax usually wins trynd matchups though Oig what a nice guy 4Head foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda lmao fl0mS Pog the spreadsheet still pretty good in s10? Used it Nonstop last season Twitch prime is FREE Taco Pog use it for YODA foggedYoda thanks KEKW Can you read your Rune Spreadsheet like a bed time story? @foggedftw2 foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST!! foggedYoda conqour in place of grasp builds already did i cant do that im disabled u monster Taco!! 😍👍 Lol but we want your attention and to get the answer specifically from you. here you go fog & em foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Notice me senpai You get prime on Jan 1st :P Your spreadsheet isnt updated for new conquerer tho but you are not my favourite streamer hawkgoalie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! if you say so hawkgoalie's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! fogged is a gud guy Jax doesnt win trynd matchups anymore after removal of shojin what runes do you take for teemo? Taco has made me into a Jhin one trick when I play adc 0/11 isn't upgrading the r for de cd worth? ks Kappa TriHard Never subbed never donated moms wifi free entertainment foggedYoda prime you use, emote u get foggedYoda foggedYoda @2nd_page_of_google_search !runes foggedPepega @2nd_page_of_google_search ikeepitpumpkin !r Level Ult Last - @Renkonkunken but is he your Favorite streamer? LULW nice ks legend sub timing. foggedFOGGERS foggedYoda STOP TRYNDA PLEASE BibleThump xGalliant subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! para tu ;P xGalliant's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @PiPanol no hi just started wtching foggedGift he is not my favourite streamer i have recently discovered him he will have to earn it Twitch Prime unsupported in my country. FeelsBadMan Good luck trynd abuser PepeHands !r any gifters? :) Level Ult Last - gunChinshin !uptime 3 hours 56 minutes 15 seconds foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi duskblade Pog Pog FeelsSnowMan IceCold WAIT TACO NO WAY 444444444444 Fair to call this a Tuber? Pog Are you playing Jhin Pog 123 + 321 444 KEKW thats unlucky monkaW sanguine Pog 123+321 @foggedftw2 taco is a happy man now gachiBASS not snow SoSnowy 123+321 222 dmg away FOUR POGGERS Pog @IKeepItTaco Pog foggedFOGGERS Jhin Kappa Pog Perfect Nuber ikeepitFOUR ikeepitFOUR ikeepitFOUR ikeepitFOUR ikeepitFOUR ikeepitFOUR Hi @foggedftw2 , Is AP Trynd not viable anymore or just weak? gachiBASS SoSnowy not snow !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king 👂 444444 4444 AD next foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS monkaW @Grizzlyberg5 AYY @GreenV1rus Sanguine FOUR FOUR FOUR Sublime thamerone subscribed with Twitch Prime. thamerone's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! FUCK @ikeepittaco lol gottem LUL haha Taco why ? !king got with his pants down :P I actually don't know cause there's too many builds he goes KEKW @IKeepItTaco he's asking the REAL questions here LMFAO KEKW pop quiz taco doesnt know, unfollowed :( BARON @foggedftw2 Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! AD Disappeared D: baron buff BARON !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedYoda foggedYoda check runes foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP how can you be a jhin player and not know how to get 444 damage smh @foggedftw2 You have to get 4 inferals now for the youtubes. redf buff BARON BUFF GIVES AD Blue rip Baron foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP PepeHands I must study more baron wore out !king Taco is a sham. 100 GOLD Pog 100g LULW jax worth 100 g lol Blue buff trancendence jax 10g more then a cannon @ikeepittaco why does your voice sounds weird? 10g more than a Cannon lmao study the way of the mask damn that root lasted a while OOF lool pepeLaugh baited buff toplane or gunChinshin F !king oof F @foggedftw2 You had Baron I think nice flash karma F foggedProf 0 12 @elnubo Why is the Sky blue? Why do we breath air? Why is the sun hot? ikeepitRARETHINK we didnt see anything HYPOGGERS NotLikeThis And that was what gave you the AD LUL $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! jax JUST finished his triforce !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? jesus christ best jax NA prolonge the game just for that ur spreadsheet says to go grasp vs jax but u went conq? 0 12 LULW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Another 4, four is the perfect number jax 27 minute powerspike PogChamp 0/12 the drea OMEGALUL / 12 / OMEGALUL Hashinshin? dream* jax is god you making one for 10? !!spreadsheet Odd_boxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! foggedYoda Odd_boxx's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! I see. Are you going to update your spreadsheet for this season? @foggedftw2 AP Trynda playable? @foggedftw2 can you make this jax go 0/20/0 and while you're at it you'll get the infernal soul which would be pretty Pog Check out my new merch! jax only 1 object OMEGALUL 12Deaths Powerspike KEKW how much is jax worth lol what why is fogged up so late? @foggedftw2 But Jax doesn't last 8 seconds. So would you go graps in any matchup now? DansGame DansGame HE LIVES LULW the heals the bait teamwork wtf GG a wild tryda appears and decided to one shot jax @pssiraj 100g KEKW stop trynda pleaseee :/ BibleThump ggwp There goes the 4 infernal dream best nami @foggedftw2 Jax dies faster than a cannon minion OK 9x jax OMEGALUL ekko sounds like lui kang 9x jax PogChamp 9x jax KEKW They're malding at Jax KEKW when he E's x9 jax gg @ikeepittaco i mean... do u youse some voice changing program to hide your identity or something? honor nami 9x jax KEKW Man is too angry to die @Fiarill5 LUL wow @foggedftw2 another close game EZ rp jax MARRY HER! I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 would you nerf conq for melee as well? why is not doing the bet thing have you got to challenger? who won the bet? if i was that jax i would ip ban myself @foggedftw2 have you ever tried using presence of mind and ultimate hunter plus maxing your ultimate? @elnubo No. It's just my voice. People have different voices. It's normal ikeepitRARETHINK ? 1k a minute thats pretty nice KEKW Thanks for the amazing content fogged :) what if jax actually got banned for inting from everyone reporting him? atleast jax did more damage than lux .. Kappa !race !bet that insta heal.. ring time! u didnt report jax? jax was actually easier than a super minion tho @z0ro0 Presence was changed :( they didn't have a jax on their team What is the hardest counter to trynd? @foggedftw2 So would you go graps in any matchup now? DansGame what about bet fogged? Roal101 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !bet What happened to the Bet with tfblade @foggedftw2 @IKeepItTaco ikeepitFOUR (I got gifted a sub :3 ) Roal101's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 yo fogged. Can you explain what the jax could do to win or atleast go even this matchup. Its painful to watch one of my mains get murdered not doing the bet anymore? @finalh0ur poppy @GreenV1rus I remember ikeepitKOMRADEBOI @ikeepittaco ok cool i want a riot person on my friends list f @entropicblade That way he'd have some time off to recover from the trauma LULW @entropicblade that was not a real inting just bad game can not get ban for that fogged is good @elnubo np !champs yeah, lee sin ganks are no fun at all Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: Thanks HahaPoint @roal101 @HeydoodXD Not get fucked early or run it down later KEKW is the bet with TFBlade over :O what happened with the TF Blade competition? what about bet? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what happened to the bet with tfblade !bet owo @foggedftw2 imagine that this lux dealt even less then the jax @funkyfroglol Postponed playing support ashe is fun Pepega Shittt what up fogged? Up late! @foggedftw2 Hello I think he's taking a short break from the bet and will continue tomorrow? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST !!! ikeepitRARETHINK 1v1 with jax? it was just 7 minions instead of 6 bet? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda I has been postponed foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda can you go tryn bot for fun lol Check out my new merch! why was the challenge with TF Blade rescheduled? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 are there any good singed players in challenger? @foggedftw2 Nice playlist @ikeepittaco when is your next stream? i stay up late too. glad to have company damn i just got off work :/ @ccnc666 in 14 hours from now I think fogged just vibing @Kybern TF kept getting sniped cause no one's playing in preseason !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king singed players in challenger monkaS what happened to the bet? isnt that a meme? ikeepitKOMRADEBOI @foggedftw2 ty 100 gifted subs if you play with the mouse only @RonDonJonVanDam_ sirchez I believe Pog im waiting @Logano19 -> Come on! [stop posting links] [warning] fogged, how can you be so calm about tfblade, dude is a scumbag what happened to the bet? no :) Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 yo fogged. Can you explain what the jax could do to win or atleast go even this matchup. Please NOTICE ME !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] yo is the bet still going? 🌮 is soo chill! @juliemewmew Gotta get that bag dude LUL @IKeepItTaco Just start stream now 4Head Taco streams on tuesdays?! rooVV !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @juliemewmew tfblade is still helping out fogged a lot by doing this challenge !challenge F macaiy1Muah vlad Dodge I wanna see you play vlad WHAT LUL HOW DARE BabyRage bullshit lol dogde Pog out game take kled? SHOTS FIRED LULW wait no, can you play gp if the match is ok? @foggedftw2 Jax gone now pepeLaugh Shade Do I sense a jab at another streamer? :P cho maybe ? BabyRage moment hes not playing jax KEKW play what you vs. meaning play jax now literally quotes TFblade LUL LUL chat read sarcasm PJSalt Detected u won the bet with tf blade? @foggedftw2 Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! CRIT JAX POGGERS !opggs did tf blade win ? Fogged plays with trick, gets more aggressive, and eats all the time now. lol ilove it, foggedW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW FeelsBadMan good try dono Kled Pog Monka tankplank strikes again Pog foggedYoda whyd the bet get rescheduled yep same guy, sniperino Ornn jg Pog @trinketda59 xD hahahaha veigar adc Pog i thought the rules were you have to dodge ban Tryndamere = out game i miss when gangplank could deny minions FeelsBadMan @funkyfroglol Did I not answer? Could've sworn you already asked :/ @sendtrumpnudes KEKW hi foggen, been following you for a while but kinda out of loop with the challenge vs TFblade. Do you automatically win the challenge since TFblade played non-tryn games or is it still going on till end of the month? @aka2029 hes not in the challenge acc about to get smacked w/ kled again @aka2029 !challenge foggen Pog @Lachymae correct err, i said foggen but meant fogged lol kled no hope @funkyfroglol TF kept getting sniped cause no one's playing during preseason, so they moved it @foggedftw2 one of the discord uses contacted me promoting an account selling site no its cuz tf played irelia user Frostbutt Irelia alright, thanks for clarfying guys thx Thiccblade irellia kindred's ult shuts down a lot of comps i like old frost butt irelia all good, just wanted to report it to you discord dev noobs foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Why dont you guys just play in discord? @foggedftw2 trynda banned? !BANNED YES TRYND BANNED @foggedftw2 kled with ignite ?? @kurasahakai I got it too lol Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Ah ok HeavyBladeX subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! @foggedftw2 can you deep fry courage? HeavyBladeX's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! its okay no mobi rush eve this game HE DOES IT FOR US !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ez game foggedYoda SUB foggedYoda YOU foggedYoda MUST ! opgg SeemsGood EZ Kindred stacks Pog uw? Are there mods online that we can tell the L9 smurfs message about? Because fogged and emmy are busy missed 2 ccs and still got the kill LUL Senna's name is "60 IQ Player" pretty amusing. foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @teacrisis only a sith deals in absolutes DansGame Check out my new merch! so is the bet just not what it was supposed to be anymore? skarl has footstep sound? never noticed today no challenge ? uw= uni of waterloo Ah sorry then foggedLewd foggedYoda IceCold @chainerman It's postponed is it the same guy? i just got here @rdxone ye, and your armor clanks on his other skin too i think maybe he's just otp same gp You know fogged had to do it to em Why the challenge moves? @tihstarr -> What were you thinking? [stop posting links] [warning] I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here go away >:( wait the challege has been rescheduled? Why would anybody play GP if ur just gonna build tank Didn't I just watch this? Is this a rebroadcast? nah no mobi rush eve this game @foggedftw2 what do you think about presence of mind and ultimate hunter for trynd? @Dr_Demokings Same guy, diff game !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king prerecorded Pog @smokingbarron Yep Hi, @foggedftw2 ! Who won the Tryndamere bet? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW presence of mind got changed no point @eraserr_ Postponed anyone here that's a mod on fog's discord? got something to report and I've gone through 2 mods so far to no avail foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf @sogeorgeous they know about the seller thing already Fogged my man ! LUL what this i be hearing??? TF BLADE PUSSYING OUT OF THE CHALLENGE??? yeah who won the trynd challenge ? cmonBruh ! ! ! we want answers How r we looking ranked wise ? @sogeorgeous Getting taken care of, other people have complained too :) Tf blade saying he going for rank 1 phat wave So this now a rank 1 race what is trymdmere build? q PepeHands LUL rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Check out my new merch! LUL !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET for q for you KEKW Self outplayed foggedWizard Hello everyone Wave PepeHands Best Tryndamere (and various other champs) NA race now ??? Did tf gave up? KEKW Hey Chat did Trynd get banned? no tp gp @LookItsJesuus No justpostponed yeah wait wasnt fogged winning?... @Raeas !banned 💥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 19849 🥈) soor_ice : 7344 🥉) icehawk555 : 3619 4) ghostedonline : 3359 5) icedragon2501 : 2840 oh thats the same GP is the challenger over? foggedYoda KEKW trading kills PepeHands salty teemo is the 2.5k bet over? PepeHands no KLED is so buggy holy crap, that's totally tiltworthy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW I was watching tf today man was tilted asf foggedYoda IceCold @foggedftw2 when dont you buy tiamat? @foggedftw2 Dude they must've buffed creep block this preseason, everyone's been having way more issues with it this patch than in the past year Reminds me off when you lost a cs because the game wouldn't let you attack it lol Howdy icb gp the madlad That’s wierd because I’ve been seeing a lot more creep block issues myself LULW is the challenge over? no d4 trash lmao does he even play this game competitevly !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW oh why was it rescheduled i love kindrid gameplay kindred* hard to play in preseasoj ah ty Like if you’re red team, and you engage blue down towards his tribush and the creeps end up following you, it can be a struggle to get around them all because they stacked around there. Sometimes it paths you into turret range Kindred took that to the face xD Kled pathing OP KEKW kled r is bugged D: hashinshin been complaining about it for years MURDER CAKE KEKW it definitely showed the right route but also Kindred died with ult up LUL @foggedftw2 working as intended Kappa What is the trynd vs kled matchup difficulty in general? did you play clash? if so how did you do? Kled seems like the buggiest champ foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt It probably calculated it the other route to be better since you were walking foggedYoda IceCold !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @gankfurter morde or azir are i reckon is the sound bad for anyone else? do you still think you are in a good position to win against TFB ? is this a different account than the bet ? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! yes @CabageJuice foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS good roam So dramatic, Vlad LUL so why dis the challenge get postponed? wait that’s illegal headBang irelia, hello !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king good smite! irelia is team player :) $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !king !king !king D: r word !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Dam that toxic sennas ult feels soo bullshit @shoppingoce hey, she's getting farm for the total team gold :) Kindred so potent on the autos. It’s disgusting gunChinshin Check out my new merch! !opggs except kindreds magic irelia magic veigers magic and lux magic 4Head YO why did u guys reschedule the challenge????? @foggedftw2 POG trynd banned ? SUCCESS nice 18hp WHAT A PLAY POG LOL x2 POG rooPog Pog POG Pog monkaW Pog Pog NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY LUL 20 ho Pog Pog loooooool xd LUL LUL LUL KEKW monkaW Pog pogg lmaao ocean op monkaS Pog calculations not even close xd PogU oh nononono LUL monkaS NIACU monkaW Ocean really is OP LUL @hotlineking nobody playin preseason so tf gettin target ban POG Skarrrrrrrl Pog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here tryndamere visual update? @hotlineking they move it because of that simple !uptime 4 hours 20 minutes 33 seconds foggedFrog 420 Kappa heh 420 420 TriHard they move it 6 months later than today??? A L C OMEGALUL V E @doctor__dick Hello, fellow Dr. irelia solo killed vlad Pog Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @hotlineking Yeah, busy scehdules Gp R wait, is that SRO on the enemy team? that GP R though. so rude !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Yes fogged, i watched all of ur stream 7 hours last night.. morning here uk :) SRO is 63 IQ player I think @kljaja998 LUL Dude plays at like 8 AM EST kindred is top lane now :) THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL AND MOVING @foggedftw2 did you make it to masters? His name I mean u r jungle :) Check out my new merch! almost operafogged Kreygasm @TFxBoned he actually is tho payback for the lane theft foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP I really hate GP. they are deluded in that GP is a add champ to play that's what you get for grefing fogged's lane :P foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda uh worth for almost two towers? ! challenge foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW senna ult too You must not have watched SRO's older stuff with wave manipulation and macro Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! foggedYoda PRIME TWICH APPLY foggedYoda @Fiarill5 I'm in europe, so est doesnt mean much to me Game's turned him into a salty boi irelia pog poggedftw2 omg ireliA Jebaited why not tryn ?? banned? kindred kiiiindreeeed yes tf is master now :/ tryn banned @xBeaTz_2901 what do you think? !banned what rank is fogged YES TRYND BANNED If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !opggs wait there's a veigar in this game? @foggedftw2 when you update your guide can you give an overview on build paths? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) kindred salty u let him.die.last fight apc* I feel like people that come to a OTP stream and ask "Why not OTP???" are griefing Twitch. im getting self promotion dm from someone in the server who should i contact isnt that against the rules ? \ @foggedftw2 no master promos today? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW WutFace @SRishi1234 This has been heard about and is being addressed :) !cannon RangerB2 298 packets have been lost foggedREE !uptime 4 hours 25 minutes 46 seconds tf will be ahead he plays only tryndamere thank you @Fiarill5 just wasnt sure who to tell LMFAO KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW amazing blast cone play foggedYoda KEKW LOL she dead XD KEKW REVENGE FOR EMMY lmao oh my fogged HSHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA lux is malding x.x why's he not on his race to chally acc close OMG so close so close AWWW CLOSE taking a break tonight foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda No trynda EleGiggle EleGiggle Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! ! Whose worse this kindred or the eve? @TastyGelato Wanted to decompress with the gf and have some fun the eve def eve @gowry0 tf is ahead atm in the "sometimes tryndamere challenge" :) !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @gowry0 The eve...? KEKW !uptime 4 hours 27 minutes 50 seconds he's playing on a different account? @foggedftw2 what would happen if you build the trynda build on kled? yes who wins? foggedftw2 or tfblade? Check out my new merch! is he practice his kled? Kindred KEKW he had no mana is crit kled anygood ? @SRishi1234 Nah, no need for that much damage he does auto aot alot Need tank stats more it would be interesting to see him do his trynda build on kled :) wait thats not tryndamere , nice clickbait title I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !banned YES TRYND BANNED you got gp flash tho so its ok kindred? Pog gg Pog trips @4DeadLeeSins how is he supposed to play tryndamere if tryndamere is banned genius? lol kin LUL champ op OMEGALUL Pog wtf jsut standing in it like... nah you don't scare me kindred miss his r haha Vei R still up KEKW @foggedftw2 Pog @lippen27 dodge kindred r was down ikeepitANGERYBOI Kin R wasnt up !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 cloud soul gives movement speed not ult cdr foggedREE any1 got the multi op gg it comes up super fast now saving R for next game ask lux what her ult cd is lol he will r next game !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @jackalope93 But the dragons give ult CDR cfffcvv Vl @Fiarill5 tru, i just thought he was talking about the soul 23 mins and kindred not even 8 stacks KEKW yea it takes a bit for the bounties to update on the UI .. yeah it weird i kill someone with 700 boundary but he still got it veigar R'd gg Doesn't it not update until they're seen? good engage !dpi you are a monster HAHAHAHA Pog good flank Veigar pressed R Pog !sensitivity wait no more challenge>/ foggedRightArm HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT GP !sens why? Tank GP LUL PUT THE BARREL TO FAR Yep Kled is crazy no r yet YOU MOUNTED MORE THAN SKARL IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN why has the challenge been resheduled? !challenge The bounty doesn’t go away on the score board right after you kill them it goes away when they appear from the fog of war If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Lickittongue hes taking a break for the night Check out my new merch! does titanic active helps getting skarl back? teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to sendtrumpnudes! They have given 710 Gift Subs in the channel! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 The bounty doesn’t go away on the score board right after you kill them it goes away when they appear from the fog of war !opggs ayyy ty ty kk Is your mouse fast or slow speed? @foggedftw2 isnt the challenge this month? Gracias por el HahaTurtledove, @teacrisis. lul frozen mallet SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Anyone know how warmogs interacts with kled? Does it account for both hp bars as one? lUL is the challenge thid month? very much appreciated @teacrisis sugarc2Love why did the challenge get rescedule to may? Veigar still has ult up Arca si lees esto me gusta chupartela star607Wauwau star607Wauwau star607Wauwau jason3985 i think it only counts kled health :) XD Veigar saving ult for next fight in next game really saving it for the next game @shino_tensei tfblade couldnt get trynd games so he gave up foggedGift foggedGift Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! nice nice fogged SeriousSloth GG LOL lul BREACHIN LUL lol other team macro BrokeBack what happened to the bet? Tbh I’m surprised fogged doesn’t get target banned a lot they musta forgot LOL !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW veigar flash to stop back POGGERS @WellaDON Postponed D GATES hahahaha veigar wp this veigar really went for it LUL sanguine blade would've been gg they must have forgot @robjohnlechmere when did he give up? @funkdubious2 he hide queue and 1 min delay ? ult the kaisa maybe Free baron looking for a yasuo main to have fun in low elo eune PM me is this gold elo or something why viegar always kept his r Enemy team is so Pepega the veigar was holding off the backs to make sure you would get the nexus towers thought Veigar LUL nice flash really tho xd though* foggedFOGGERS foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS @funkdubious2 tf doesnt do that thats why he keep gettin target ban need more cdr so is the challenge put on hold for now? if so why @shino_tensei like 3 days ago? check his match history for 3 trynd losses in a row followed by a "fuck this im playing irelia" game, then he called fogged on stream and said hes getting trolled too hard and he gives up oh Pog Math Pog pog 5Head 🍷 Elementary 5Head 5Head 5Head ah yes NA MATH math foggedWizard @less_be_ian for the day yeah fogged will continue tomorow for his master promo fo them like straight up perfect math why are they limit testing when their limit is shit? o . o gunShinShin 4k HP with 300 AD btw Math rules is elder bigger now? Did TFBlade not run delay just so trynd always target banned? That guy will do anything scummy imo. He just seems that way IRELIA LOL ye foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf tp KEKW TP LUL irelia Pepega why tp there? a little bold lol tilted tp @robjohnlechmere damn i missed that but he was playing trynd today and told fogged to cath up Pepega irelia how many viewers did fogged average before the challenge? elder drag is so cool My god that Kindred damage KEKW irelia was buying time for kindred Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! elder execution harube1Gasm WHAT PogChamp you're pepega ELDER > BARON LMFAO you eldered yourself by demounting WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! Reverse elderLOL skarl eldered you What challange is over or what ? why he play Kled ? lol y what LUL CLIPPING no you elder one shot her outplayed bro foggedThink LUL LMAO @Jakadar taking a break today kekw lmfao you Elder'd yourself KEKW watch replay after game UNO REVERSE LEAGUE OF BETA she just reverse yugioh card you 20percent baby i think it was her passive CLIP that CLIP balloon i missed it what happened we need to see that send clip the good ole reverse uno card LUL passiv? replay baby KEKW kled is a ball of bugs i guess !elo uno reverse card XD KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] bug as fuck Damn Emily with the op save karthus ulti? i just rewatched, she executed you are you and tfblade still doing the challenge? lol kaisa be like "no u" Lmfao that was soo stupid clip its preseason it was animation of elder 1197 passive damage $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! so dummbb xd yourr where clip I think your Elder was being cast but she became Invisible so it was cancelled @foggedftw2 Was just her passive did the animation just get fucked aybe? !king anyone got the clip? Watch the vod after the game cdr heal just as drag was hitting? are you and tf blade still doing the challenge? im watching the clip and i cant tell what happened You were gonna elder HER, but was interrupted I think she e'd as elder procc and didnt get dmg Clip? can anybody post clip in chat Randuins w0t lmao thanks @foggedftw2 u eldered her but her invis cancelled it she wasnt low enough for it Here's clip, chat :) he didnt elder her I think the elder animation popped on yourself but you died to kaisa passive does anyone know if hes still doing the challenge with tf blade? the elder literally just popped above fogged for no reason !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out my new merch! rofl wtf she elder animation you wtf she eldered you she didnt elder you i watched it I'm pretty sure he got eldered there no it was your animation of elder drake @foggedftw2 you actually got eldered thats insane You died to Kaisa's last passive it Idk what happened there !challenge no she just auto attack to death like hash said op damage from kaisa no the elder animation was going off, but you died to kai'sa's passive, you can clearly see her proc it @foggedftw2 he didnt get eldered wait why is the challenge rescheduled/ oh i see you were gona elder her and it got canceled fogged Lux ? GG EZ no , u elder her but u died before is cast so ... you can see the elder line on his hp bar when he's ressing from guardian angel @foggedftw2 GG elder buff op then why would the dragon pop up? he didnt have her close enough to die from elder !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 something dealt 100 AD dmg and 600 AP dmg to you in 1 hit that was kaisa it was your animation bruh GG lol she wasnt low enough for elder It was youir own elder popping yeah, i think the dismounting animation must change your hitbox zero, so it played the elder animation in a weird way, then you died from else the clip makes literally no sense when u slow it down You can even see the little Red/white Line from Elder on yourself. can you give me Xin zhao top runes ???plz foggedRNG @masterbrojason no @masterbrojason xD? you even have an elder execution line on your hp bar @arartorias she wasnt low enough to get executed and the dragon still do the animation why not Ohh maybe it was your Elder being cast after you were "dead" and GA popped yes he mains zhin xhao @masterbrojason it was your elder popping even tho she wasnt low enough. i think its a bug because she went invis. you didnt get damaged by elder you eldered yourself during GA just kidding xd i think you eldered yourself through GA rewind try it in practice tool maybe foggedWizard @foggedftw2 look at ur hp bar u have the elder execute red line for some reason Kaksa went invisible no , u elder her but u died before is cast so ... @foggedftw2 also check the red execute marker on your hp bar leagu of season10 not yet fix KEKW i really want xin zhao top runes WTF KEKW you killed yourself look at the red bar on your health WTF KEKW WOOOW Mayb eits a kled bug killed tou both LUL it looks like the animation was beginning but she popped your GA before the animation/attack landed @foggedftw2 LULW betrayal PepeHands KEKW get outplayed KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW YES, THE EXECUTION BAR that bar showed up while you were reviving Submit bug report to Riot? After kindred ult u had elder pop mark... ??? foggedWizard KEKW KEKW @masterbrojason wrong person to ask bro KEKW GA BUG OMEGALUL I was here Kaisa passive popped and killed you im pretty sure, because elder damage is true damage so it would be white traitor wtf KEKW @foggedftw2 try it in practice tool I think it's a GA bug KEKW looooooooooool LMAOO well im glad its not my GAME LOL her passive was used on you I think that's amazing OMEGALUL RITO @foggedftw2 Watch replay? LUL I glad im not playing this game rn XD kled bug? that's fuucked OMEGALUL Such a nice guy, giving other team drake buff for free. small Hindi company her passive killed you KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL report to riot rn..... im pretty sure that was just kaisa execute Does that mean mundo can execute himself with cleavers and w? her passive killed u Check out my new merch! What the fuck, KYLE???? no What's going on? I still don't get it lol @draxonicar explain me how? @foggedftw2 try it in practice tool it looks like a GA bug atleast you got on a clip video or two now @foggedftw2 you got 1 shot by something that did around 700 dmg at the same time it was devided by 100 AD and 600 AP dmg you can see elder wings show up It didn't do the true damage, just the animation appeared yeah i think fogged is right wasnt her passive wasn;t laisa @diamondteethking tell me how? !lp Challenger same animation as the other day when kai was autoing trynd while ulted and kept procing the animation did you hit yourself with hydra? ESPORTS READY that little was from her dps kaisa does not have an execute lol ! maybe you walked infront of elder ? i dont think he died to kai'sa, it just looked like it because elder was delayed The Dragon wings showed up if it was kaisa you could see the debuff on him tick for the pop that's a clear bug. bottom right hand corner can report htose. little bar* @EmmyLeeC Doesnt elder execute do true damage? There wasnt any white damage text thats ur fault tho KEKW LUL LMAO true HAHAHAHAHA LUL monkaS LUL LOL LUL foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS KEKW @foggedftw2 try buying GA in practice tool and then dying to tower after u kill elder LUL LUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL unless buff is neutral hashAya hashAya hashAya KEKW @francom7 fifth shot is bonus damage based on missing health KEKW @foggedftw2 her passive got consumed, is this the interaction with ga? we even see elder popping off KEKW @foggedftw2 veigar had an execute bar on him for some reason too monkaW hashinshin kksksksks LUL they do? expert Hashinshin where hashinshin trkGive trkGive @foggedftw2 it was like 99% a bug related to GA where while you revive you elder yourself Super top gg foggers. gnite. riot young pillow in gameeeeee THE SUPER DEV, HASHINSHIIIIIN! the super top KEKW @draxonicar yeah I know, but its not an execute like elders or pykes ult if riot would listen to hashinshin mages would be gutted to death and aatrox would be insanely broken @foggedftw2 do i report my inters to hashinshin instead of rito supp KEKW aatrox would be top tier if riot listened to hash @dezarth kaisa passive dmges u in a burst, he died as elder popped above him, kaisa killed before elder animation finishes yeah, it was BEFORE the animation clip ? maybe elder lieks kaisa? elder didnt damage you, auto killed. i think elder was just a visual bug !ranks im surprised that hashinshin is one of the few who know who Dunkey is. Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Master 0 LP (88-24) replay thje game watch the clip instead of talking about it elder too slow idk, kaisa passive does a LOT of damage @foggedftw2 excuse me what are you talking about, l just joined ur stream. but the elder bar was on him @menutroll explain the elder tho @capslord hash doesn’t want aatrox to be broken. He actually recommends many things that keep aatrox toned down. But right now aatrox is shit nerfed already watched the clip @Potato_The_Super_Spud @SortaSloth Check replay and damage? You can see the dragon wings kill you @foggedftw2 @Whiteshark1998 @menutroll does it do 600 AP dmg in 1 hit tho? @SortaSloth pls someone link clip plz hasintint pepeLaugh for some reason both fogged and veigar had the execute bar @kuroka33 u must be delusional to think few ppl know dunkey check replay in game? hey fogged just got back from basketball training how your previous games go? @SRishi1234 no like download replay show it one More time You were way lower than Elder dragon threshhold when the Kaisa got 5 stack passive damage on you. THen you died. Then the Elder animation played thank you for the stream @foggedftw2 foggedYoda and thank you for the gifted sub @teacrisis @ If it was Elder Dragon killing him the damage text would be white, not blue/red thanks for stream! Chat who's asking after watching in slow motion thanks for the stream fun af Thanks fogged <3 foggedYoda foggedYoda 5th shot does like 110 level 1 no items...I can see it do 600 that late np @sendtrumpnudes it looked liek kaisa passive killed you aww I just woke up TableHere @foggedftw2 bye dad, take care elder executed the stream cemkaHype Clash tomorrow? if you watch it at 0.25 you can see kaisa auto procing her passive @chrusherofevil CAUSTIC WOUNDS: Kai'Sa's basic attacks, Void Seeker Void Seeker, and nearby allies' Stun icon immobilizing effects mark enemies with Plasma for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times. Kai'Sa's attacks or Void Seeker Void Seeker can then rupture enemies with 4 Plasma, consuming them to deal 15% (+ 2.5% per 100 AP) of the target's missing health magic damage, capped at 400 against monsters. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW kai'sa passive does like 25% missing hp boxPat @teacrisis Ur doing clash tomorrow? Good night Danny! Cya tmrw foggedBird later chat what's the score? kai'sa passive easily does 600 damage there lmao @ayaya27 for one pump your breaks random. it wasn't that serious to resort to negative comments and 2. most don't know who he is. though it shouldn't be that way or at least not talked about. have a good night! bb @menutroll thats honestly insane then, cause he got 700 dmg in with 1 auto at the end @foggedftw2 u take 601 dmg from elder dude @sendtrumpnudes boxPat love this emote There’s 1 more day @foggedftw2 Did you allow TF blade to play other champs if he gets them banned? Everyone qualifies for jg @kuroka33 delusional again :) bye @EmmyLeeC It* Night fogged Ayyy hows the bet looking?!?! @Adoinc same boxPat night fogged yo @ayaya27 ite bruh you arbitrarily call me delusional.. keep it movin troll. xd fogged LUL Soon FOGGEDDDD oh shit How you doing today man? just in time First Oh boy good ol trynd mid gameplay Hi :) hello Im tired of watching TF blade morning chat and danny :) !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET FOGGEDD! had the stream open all day and all of a sudden i hear voices !opggs HeyGuys finnaly pogu opened stream randomly KEKW HahaCat TFBlade is so toxic in his stream and your just like "whats good fellas" @teacrisis voices of dead people ? Check out my new merch! !opggs i am so tired about tf crying all games, i need someone to make my day better aaaaaaaæeeeeeee swapping so you're not verses akali. thats good right? @talkingturtlez fogged just doesn't lane vs teemo Morning! 2nd_page_of_google_search subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! if my original ButtsXD account didn't get banned, I would have been subbed for a whole year now. feels ultra bad man yeah fogged is always cheerful HELL YEAH SUH @foggedftw2 2nd_page_of_google_search's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Boosteon fogged usually doesnt have issues with teemo what is tfblades ratio right now? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison hI fog good morning fogged !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET what's up danny @talkingturtlez that's the second reason KEKW @2nd_page_of_google_search UR BUTTS !challenger win Check out my new merch! sup Tfblade has every right to be toxic he literally has the most negative twitch chat in all of twitch right nown wait, why doesn't the channel show up with the live channels for me"? wut oof !challenge sup fogged and chat fairly good evening from germany VoHiYo Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king oh, now it doe what happened to our sub badges? !rankeds @gowry0 Yeah and he just acts for twitch chat a lot of the time i think. Poor guy is stuck in this cycle. He needs a reformed shirt !king ratirlBusiness Let's smash Tfblade ratirlBusiness !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (72-17) I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here huh @TrillDaddyVan maybe its the monthly reset unlucky no crits can a brotha buy a crit !opggs I'm here on the Winner's POV !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP @midnightxpmc what does that mean? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (72-17) 69 lp !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king nice Oh i thought you went something else. nvm Masters today pog you !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin !spinspinspin grandmasters ;) !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison hey! !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !uptime 5 minutes 53 seconds !opggs I’m at the gym watching Fogged while I plank. It’s a good way to live Helloooo ^^ noice Classic bot lane dedication i like it praise the lord a streamer with actual gamesense and macro knowledge started streaming. How's the challenge going :) !uptime 6 minutes 37 seconds spicy zed !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison zed 5Head hope u win noo ah nice flash by zed though !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP fogged is too much of a limit tester to play safe PepeHands morning fog mal lan bu !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison what's fog's name ? !rank !opggs that's why he's so good tho Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! guys can u tell me the rules and why its no problem blade played 5 games on other champs? @foggedftw2 @chat missed the wave too !challenge !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison tfblade 5 off-trynd games? were those like ranked flex or? wait, why does zed have executioners? foggedDerp !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !opggs exe 1st buy? wat $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! ah thanks ohh cool ty !king oh no !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !uptime 9 minutes 37 seconds Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 remember grevious wounds when u Q Hey fogged you tried walking through walls yet? i mean the bug !king yay online! i had to watch salty negative tfblade -_- !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison tf blade inting thank god you're live, i cant stand watching TF ekko go away foggedBaby @tarnasiron123 LUL exactly what i said !opggs BabyRage Why sub to TF Blade when his emotes are free BabyRage @tarnasiron123 he's suprisingly entertaining tho with all of his Pepega stuff call TFBlade he's crying PepeHands I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here oh wow he actually went grievous !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison truuuuue BabyRage TFBlade is in serious pain now that he is in high diamond! HAHA game doesnt look too promising but if it makes it better tf is malding Is the twisted fate double energized bug fixed ? @foggedftw2 is fleet better than conc now? Like in most matchups? !challenge !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @lStarkx just against heavy poke champs @lStarkx He only play fleet because he is mid, tempo etter in all matchup !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @lStarkx Fleet is good against poke matchups @lStarkx You can take fleet against poke matchup !opggs !opggs @foggedftw2 I believe you are better tryndamere but Tfblade is getting short end of stick with all the bans lol !opggs frostpSip !doc winnable !opggs there has to be a build vs invis champs 1 hp kaisa Pog !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 hey, been waiting for you to start stremaing the whole day lol Check out my new merch! @GoldenBoyOe Rangerzx Best trynda world imo rngrSmile !matchups !build Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Is the difference between FF build and LT build if you want extended or short trades? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !rank @KyooGas have not watched him invis champs too op :) mr_mammalian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! need to make a build to 1v1 the invis champs @GoldenBoyOe you should watch but Tf blade played some non Trynda matches :/ mr_mammalian's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Hello @foggedftw2 Good luck ! ^^ hello @foggedftw2 :D !why jax why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? !followage tf is that voice tho samuelpeeps has been following foggedftw2 for 9 months, 2 weeks, 17 hours, 37 minutes, 28 seconds !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (72-17) you have very big sword i like it. !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP LuL !opggs Shiv OP PogChamp ap trynd for spin damage vs invis 5Head 5Head 5Head !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP Shiv stormrazor gachiBASS LULW POG how far is that dash OW SHIIT @foggedftw2 finally hit gold last night! damn that was a good play by the akali R I P PogChamp FF that was clean wtf hi chat that akali play though FF15 fun and interactive champion @foggedftw2 Is the difference between FF build and LT build if you want extended or short trades? rampage akali DansGame foggedFrog well shit lol Akali KEKW She went from blue under tower lol akali healthy champion :) !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge the real trynd is here perma ban akali @foggedftw2 what runes are you runnig? !opgg ORNN DAMAGE Pog FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Nice champ Wow she’s so broken !opggs FF15 akali too bif orn sucks dick @Ekke325 and good for the game too :) !op.ggs Ajaku is broken af on top lane GO ORN TF MALDING KEKW akali * @foggedftw2 TFblade just lost again ! akali is pretty big !challenge @jabber69wocky yes :) hello dad @foggedftw2 I DID IT TEAM tf blade malding LUL thank god you started streaming, i was in a shower of salt in tf blade stream @foggedftw2 @lilmadman1lol wait, ornn do damage?! I TOOK DOWN TFBLADE akali is sexy tfblade played like 5 games where he didnt pick trynd does that mean he auto lost lol akali is so damn annoying. Ornn useful champion the midlane treatment tf is an angry boy rn tf blade more like FF Blade !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP Akali Fair and Balanced Champ Says nobody ever KEKW FFBlade losing all his games today. @QuerFro u missed the joke WeirdChamp Is that the real FateFalls? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison What is better to perma ban on top lane fiora or akali ? what is score chat? Kappa !rank tf blade is malding !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i am done watching FFblade jokerd6Gold @lilmadman1lol i think you miss mine LUL assassins tho ! Blade is malding on a new level tfbTrolling Blade is malding on a new level tfbTrolling Blade is malding on a new level tfbTrolling KEKW @talkingturtlez when is he not? ;) !king !king You kill akali and win ... 3 crits and she is dead @QuerFro I think u've missed twice now :) !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison blade is BabyRage on a new level? well Pog FF BLADE MALDING KEKW Damn. Finally you are online. Now I can sub :D !challenge olaf again XD !opggs oh oh have you seen tfblades games? ffblade is no good ekko LUL :) !stats So fogged who would be considered the under dog in this challenge? Pretty sure ornn would have been better off just sitting mid stacking armor against zed to stonewall him instead of laning against akali !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) !challenge akali is broken hes thinking about playing tryndamere sub :) this game looks challenging nah ffblade is sexy Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! oh, soraka took it soraka got it off didn't read out mine 😭 btw prrrrrrrrrrrrrr @foggedftw2 tfblade is malding he played like 4 games in 5 hours and all of them sub 20 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP Ruffy_Senpai subscribed at Tier 1. I mean she wasn't trying to take it Ruffy_Senpai's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 please make tfbade stop playing other things he is at 5 games of other champs then trynd now Hey fogged read my sub please :) foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog zed's dead baby, zed's deqd tfblade is tilted ! !uptime zedds dead baby !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison 18 minutes 30 seconds zed's dead baby Yo Yo @Ekke325 SeemsGood nice zeds dead hahahaha ;) i like onions zed s dead baby zed s dead !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out my new merch! whats the best trynda build right now? is there rules you follow when u decie btween lethal tepo and fleetwork, conqu? @foggedftw2 !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) How do you play trynda now? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison 6 boots seirkiHouseR7 seirkiHouseR7 so u guyz just talk about tf blade here ? :) blade is broken Yey. Trynd Emotes foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET you did your job fogg IceCold Pog soraka needs to save her silence Pog IceCold why naut focus ? They insta run when see your ult lol @foggedftw2 ! I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Once they reach master there is no more promos so TF can't play other champions, just Trynda foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP they really chased that? smokiee007 subscribed with Twitch Prime. smokiee007's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! streamsniped BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @drlzz fleet against poke, conq I think agaisnt matchups that can kite out the lethal tempo activation well. !RANK KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king winnable Pog @KingCobraQQ no reason not to. he had no where to go tfb5Head gromp gave the position :P !challenge foggs boutta 1v9 Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !rank trkRip trkRip trkRip !opggs !rank whats the rules if trynd gets banned? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) @foggedftw2 i need an advice, just got a botlane who lost to a master yi and a lulu, 24 kills yi stomping them, can you say something that make me don't commit suicide? I love that your jg is behind but you're not flaming anyone :) !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @KingCobraQQ They flashed for him so they had to finish him :D im soo fresh you can ... :) this game is over oh... !oppggs Would map cover be useful at this elo now? !opggs 24 to 8 seems pretty hard yeah :( WHY DOES TFBLADE CHEAT? Cant win now i think trist fed aswell Nothing like a challenge for a challenger eh? @foggedftw2 tfbPUNCH IceCold @EmmyLeeC wait. he has a jngl? well I'll be damned @EmmyLeeC tfblade had like 5 games where he played something other than trynd, does that mean he auto lost the bet or did him and fogged work something out 24/8 gg? olaf behind is usually a loss. 0 comeback mechanics Ornn mid? How does that work? this game is so boring tristana is huge @KingCobraQQ they worked out he can play other champs in promos Twitch PrimeKingCobraQQ: @EmmyLeeC tfblade had like 5 games where he played something other than trynd, does that mean he auto lost the bet or did him and fogged work something out? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! oooo okay !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Wrigley's needs to change winterfresh to foggedfresh because fogged is so cool !challenge what's the deadline for the bet? !opggs if only he went for cinderhulk when he saw he was behind. couldve been a little beefier win condition being a baron steal is always reassuring Kappa "by the end of the year" KingCobraQQ TF Blade played secondary champion because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. Also when they are on the same team. To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash theres nothing to do i think this is a doomed game !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison soo wats the point of the challenge when tf blade just picks jax when trynd is picked lol !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Fedor smurf LUL Check out my new merch! @i_need_moneyyy stfu lol chase KEKW 💿 TFBlade So is fogged the only actually doing the bet? all i see on tf's streams is just jax/ryze !opggs @i_need_moneyyy good question. fogged even dodged a promo game !opggs Blade playing Jax LULW Squid1 IceCold Squid2 IceCold Squid3 IceCold Squid4 IceCold if u dodged every promo trynda wasnt available he would never climb !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP for fun players yeah they fucked up there BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage This game isnt winnable fogged PepeHands @Ekke325 yeah my point. fogged acutally following rules doesnt matter at all wtf is that healing while tfblade just picks whatever when enemy takes trynd lol. !uptime 23 minutes 40 seconds !challenge clap "nice" Kappa kasa got shutdown Pog If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP damn, this looks really bad what hapeneed this game? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison kjj tf blade is cheeks he knows he cant win fog is best akali top? they have added some clauses !opggs TFBLADE WANT TO CHANGE THE BET kaisa noooo close fight Losing 2 inhib at 22 minutesKEKW pepega !challenge yall in chat are brainlets lol dude i swear NA diamond and EUW silver absolutely no diff this is going well ! !opggs !opggs molten edge trynd Pog Why is zed 12/2 "We win late game guys" Kappa Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! He want to play other champs when trynd is banned even when he is not in prmos I hope tf blade doesnt send him message about picking second champ when trynda is banned hey fogged TFblade is asking u for cheat permission :) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Olaf afk anyway TF BLADE CHEATING LOLW does fogged play with full mute? TF gonna whine some more lol i want second champ to play waaaa i woulda lost this game like 23 minuites ago fleet against poke right? then why did you pick it against Akali or am I just dumb? mega good tfblade gonna tell u something olaf afk? nice dont let him cheat, he can play with delay just like you do olaf is afk @M4ri0Z cuz he got 12 kills and died twice. no need to thank me rn hes not even in promos tho and hes still playing jax this is actually a joke of a challenge feels bad for fogged tfb5Head tfb5Head Rank ? i think this game is already a lost @foggedftw2 whats your trynda favorit skin??? and why :( !king tf blade such a baby. crying about how can he climb when enemy ban trynd lol !opggs spoil alert @Atsomi lol why do you care bro @foggedftw2 TFBlade keeps getting Tryndamere bans either that or they pick trynd he waited 4 hours for 2 matches man feels bad man @Zylla_Music becuase i can? TFblade 💿 @Atsomi wait what? did fog actually allow this? wtf What rank are you curentlly playing ?? TFBLADE forsenCD TF Blade LUL tfblade KEKW TFBlade KEKW Kaisa wtf.. Cheat F Blade LUL @Atsomi ??????/ lol tfblade trying to game the system TF Blade KEKW u cheating aight fuck tf blade KEKW FF BLADE KEKW TF Mald !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP FF Blade BabyRage tfb5 TFBlade KEKW I have proposal lets just ignore the challenge KEKW Why does Kaisa stay there. relly.. F tfblade literally playing irelia lmao TFBLADE PLAYING IRELIA TF Blade desperation KEKW Let him play other champs but everytime he plays he has to put up $100 more into the final prize if he loses Lets do trynd only challenge but with other champs say no to that lame ass Fogged FF blade such garbage cucking blade Garen if tryn banned same champs @Atsomi if you legit care about a bet between two strangers about a childrens video game then i think you should find a real hobby and friends @Zylla_Music why do viewers care about a challenge between streamers? why be a viewer anyway? all good questions Kappa Lookin like an L nautilus auto on the trist ult !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison What rank are you curentlly playing ????? lol tf alr giving up @EmmyLeeC thoughts? TFBLADE IS CHEATING !challenge FF Bladder LUL rip A good try @foggedftw2 foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP TEEMO if tryn ban foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Cheating LUL man fuck tfblade am I right? @foggedftw2 you know what they say, “Lose the first game of the day, win the rest.” foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS TF BLADE LUL LUL LUL LUL what was the command to see trynd matchup guide? !opggs What rank are you curentlly playing ??!?! outplayed New proposal, all champs trynd only! whats the challenge then we sometimes play tryn? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: ratirlBusiness tfblade cryin ratirlBusiness free 500 subs ratirlBusiness imo fogged should already have won the challenge LOL !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison cheater completer weirdChamp This just shows that Fogged a real one, the true tryn, the tryn win thats been in and wont quit until it aint lit, the man the myth the spin. not even tilted.. pro @Atsomi you have to have some sympathy though, he went 2 hours of dodges and bans and stuff today before his first game. It's kinda bullshit, only because his audience is more cancer than this one !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) FF BLADE KEKW i guess thats 500 subs for fogged. ff = lose !ranks @foggedftw2 Don't accept that proposal no matter what, that's not fair trynd when i feel like it challenge KEKW ! opggs !opggs !opggs !challenge TF Blade cheating @Zylla_Music lmao what? he never indicated he cares about it more than needed you know. tf blade giving up even with mercy rules LMAO Trynd vs only when opened trynd... HI FRANDS ff blade no sorakka was 0 0 0 you should deduct the lp gain if he wins with a champ other than tryn tbh @Zylla_Music ur point is dogshit stupid why dont you stop watching and go get yourself a life i came here to watch fogged after school mb for being human and caring about something people talking about tfblade cheating just imagine playing 4 games in 5 hours Blade cheating again tfbF tfb5Head foggedPepega Hi fogg guys stop the drama ffs !challenge . blade is playing irelia @foggedftw2 next time do a bet with a man, not a malding child @foggedftw2 if u make a secondary champ like tf blade said it is kinda not a best tryndamere bet. !challenge they was all bad meanwhile tf blade playing irelia ! Yo, new proposal, just send me $2500 and no challenge, super good for streaming !opggs wait TF gave up? @foggedftw2 dont accept tfblades proposal !ranks TF blade always had trynd banned against him forsenCD Or chat just hella trolly today Just say no KEKW Yo, new proposal, just send me $2500 and no challenge, super good for streamin @Atsomi its ok man just chill out. it's all just a game @bestbla Fogged has waited 20 mintues in Q before just for a dodge. @Atsomi don't get baited by him. just ignore dude @bestbla he can hide or wait to requeue like fogged. playing irelia Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @bestbla imagine showing queue pop 5 times cause u dont know how to hide client with screen capture when streaming is your profession KEKW @bestbla that's the issue. if he just hides client in between games and waits a bit to queue up he won't be target banned !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. TRUE KEKW I think its reasonable, if he plays his better champs ppl will less likely ban trynd and you could even just subtract non trynd game lp he is doing it anyway true true w.e fair point tho @Snarkster @Atsomi he was in promos playing jax dude just fucking let him play another champ if trynda gets banned wtf both pick the same secondary, Admitting Tf better player @atsomi why u cryin @foggedftw2 make it a champ yall both havent played, like sion or something HeyGuys HeyGuys ahaha @jabber69wocky that's gonna be an omegayikes HE IS NOT IN PROMOS trying waitting inbetween Q's maybe blade? foggedWeeb @Ekke325 finaly someone with a brain bless you BENDING THE RULES TO GET A LEG UP. SHAME TF BLADE !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET just subrtact his lp gains hes already played like 6 games that aren't on tryndamere, he should auto lose the bet at this point lol @teacrisis thanks for sub @znuswumriken OMEGALUL This is for TOP TRYN not top champ pool. @foggedftw2 pick a random champ for his seconday champ !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP He played 3 matches in 5 hours. Blade isnt cheating, if he keeps dodging he would lose more lp and people keep targeting him foggedWeeb foggedThink @foggedftw2 say kled only out of promos as secondary hell int anyway @Gonthorian it's not that hard to understand lol TELL HIM FOGGED PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Why 70% crib with rage and essence. Shouldn’t it be 75%? @freckling d2 31lp !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !opggs @Ekke325 well rank1 cant make sense of it so If he chooses secondary they just ban that lol !What rank are u on this acc ? YEP NO MORE CONCESSIONS flame him @Zylla_Music "gay"? cmonBruh play tryn occasionally challenge LUL GET EM FOGGED PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp GET THAT MOTHERFUCKER YouDontSay HELL YEAH I mean he his fan base is much more bigger fogg ratirlBusiness 500 subs LETS GO ratirlBusiness ?XD he's a broken man mymy man fogged! dont let him fool u around. tell him the rules or 500 subs @Ekke325 consider yourself a rocket scientist now~! SeemsGood HE'S ACTUALLY CHEATING LMAO @foggedftw2 is inspiration second tree good ? that was the bet lmao TF BLade excuse maker KEKW What fogged says still applies to TF's retork he died typingh to you And he reads and gets killed lol honestly terrible bet. cause blade can't get into games... xD well then he just ff the bet? he just died cause typig lmao @Gonthorian thanks, I'm honored Kappa foggedFrog i would call this shit off, not even worth it for you at this point lol you've been pretty nice allowing others champs in promos guys someone on clash eune top dia+ ? I mean it's a TRYND ONLY challenge for a reason You are def way better to watch than him anyway. TF is legit just tilting to see play Dont let him control your bet Lol the whole point was a trynd chall !op TRYND ONLY BET WTF ye @Atsomi are you referring to the game right now dont get pushed he's playing irelia as this discussion unfolds btw @foggedftw2 he can do it that way if he pays the bet, this is just weaselling out Check out my new merch! This challenge sucks ResidentSleeper Couldn’t you just subtract 15 LP per non trynd win at the end of challenge? OR HE PAYS UP How can Play Trynd in high elo then LUL Maybe if TF took any effort to hide his queue he wouldnt have this problem hes just playing irelia anyway IKR gj so we win the bet? Lol you have 1k people watching and he has 8k🤷🏿♀️ ........ trueeeeeeee Less than a week and TF cracks lol KEKW But its true, he literally shows when he presses FIND MATCH and when it pops out the match is founded, then if someone dodges he doesnt restart Q and just keeps watching videos. He barelly has any delay TriHard streamer drama? LUL gimme gimme that's good fogged, telling him like it is Savage fogged. XD I blame riot He shows champ and doesn’t hide client so his fault !king XD Seems like he keeps moving the target. I get it that the content and exposure is more important to you than the actual challenge but he’s making his own rules at this point PAY UP good shit fogged he pussied out POGGERS Fogged going in foggedFOGGERS TF Blade *plays Directed by Robert Weide meme* TRYND ONLY or actually irelia 60% of the time DRAME Pog TeamFogged dont back down and let him get his way Its called a challenge for a reason LUL Tf blade is always like this. Like when he was in EU promising to gift subs to viewers and didnt a couple of times call him its wrong @freckling mmhm only ever got ranked 30?...first world problem. he says he cant reply he s weak because he s behind woah can't tfblade just play on an alt account after the dodges? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here malding? lmao wtf I think a lot of you don't understand that people will legit ban trynd every single game, regardless if TF or fogged are in their game when they get to master/challenger lay down the line buddy true true @kapatic16 pff only rank 30, what a shitter Kappa @foggedftw2 he wont reply he aready gave first blood what the hell is happening he just cant win lol the difference is that TF has like 5x the viewers and gets targeted way more QQ Blade KEKW ESSAY KEKW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) so its kinda shitty on boths ides TFBlade waited 3 hours for one game because he had to keep dodging, and he DOES hide his client KEKW KEKW he could easily hide his client though.. like you don't know fogged is in a game until the game starts.. fogged MALDING KEKW I mean both of them stream at the same time, they get targeted almost the same @Zylla_Music again, hide client, wait a bit to queue up, problem solved You are way out of his league, way out of his league he needs something to win lol he is ingame whats the problem ? he's playing irelia ? the difference is one of them hides que, put delay, etc. while the other just talks shit whiel showing everything with 0 delayt @Zylla_Music PAY UP TFBlade KEKW hadi fight FF BLADE IS CHEEKS HE KNOWS HE CANT WIN !opggs !ranks its a pretty simple concept honestly @Zylla_Music he doesn't, he just doesn't wait or hide queue like fogged does !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison yo chill fogged we got sssnake emotes, will we get cheater emotes too? LuL i mean he is getting perma banned what can he do about that i don't get it @Zylla_Music that doesnt matter?? ppl in their elo check their streams purposefully its not like they just dont see fogged cause he has less viewers @Zylla_Music he also showed queue pop multiple times and doesnt take mini breaks between queueing up in a region where even mid diamond is snipable LUL lol he is in game if he hid his client he would get trynda more, people do snipe tf a lot more.. its not about him not winning at all he isnt even reading rn Imagine take a word from a guy whos weraing a KEKW shirt lol why are people so childish @whyismynamenotavailable hes in the right I mean I think is hard for him cuz he is a lil bit more known in the community but rules are rules man @Gonthorian Its there a way to see if TF is in promos? Or did he pick irelia because he is tilted blade is being deuche tfbSNAKE you got snaked bruh what is the bet? blade is so bm LMAO @foggedftw2 he want to call after his game to discuss hes inting to singed yea word tfblade has more viewers and hes right hes a streamer first he cant be dodging games over and over again Tf blade: BabyRage Fogged: Poooound @foggedftw2 couldn’t you subtract 15 LP per non trynd win at the end of challenge? @MidnightxPMC he gave up and thinks fogged will accept new terms an irelia @midnightxpmc he’s tilted. @MidnightxPMC Not in promos, trynd is just banned every game Fogged you know ur just gonna get a ''ok'' from tf KEKW TF needs to just admit he cant hang looks like this is over boys, pack ur things he says he wants to discuss his reasoning in discord lol @foggedftw2 @MidnightxPMC he is not in promos what happened here ? does he not realize how scummy he is being> I mean all things considered the biggest fucking point is why would he, TF Blade, be the one to initiate the challenge, then not accept his own fukin rules man.. nice bet What if you just check the win loss rate with trynda in op gg? and with thtat you choose the winner? that way he can play whatever champs he want @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 TF already playing non Trynd in Non promo game :\ people have no idea what is going on and actually just saying rubbish about him !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @midnightxpmc I’m tracking every game and he’s just stopped. SPIN SPIN SPIN or SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE tfblade's chat is chirping him now LOL But its true, he literally shows when he presses FIND MATCH and when it pops out the match is founded, then if someone dodges he doesnt restart Q and just keeps watching videos. He barelly has any delay making up absolute garbage but you have no idea dont get pushed man. a bet is a bet what is the bet? @foggedftw2 sad that blade has no word LOL TF playing irelia in a non-promo game hey fogged Check out my new merch! what happend , did he lose the bet ? @foggedftw2 don't back down though TFBLADE KEKW !opgg he's broken TF Blade really wants that .25k !opggs KEKW she minus the lp gains he gets if he wins on other champs than tryn ez TF literally is hiding que and if you don't understand that 1.6k vs 8.9k viewers will have an impact on your experience then idk what to say. obviously there should be some discussion because it seems like hes not able to get trynd consistently enough !ranks *2.5k tf just garbage Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison what part of Tryndamere only did he not understand KEKW @foggedftw2 you know what they say, “Lose first game of the day, win the rest.” @foggedftw2 You have to be honest, this challenge gets rough when you both can't play because trynd is perma banned just means fogged is >>>>> TFBlade u cant just change a challenge twice lmao he's learned from Yassuo I mean it was Tryndamere only. The purpose of the challenge has totally been lost. ssssssnake plays irelia in tryn only challenge because hisnviewers are banning tryn hmmmmm blade in promos again? or conceded? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @controlshiftesc no he wants to cheat KEKW just minus the LP if he wins the game @foggedftw2 just go listen to his ranting and playing irelia... he choose this lol TF straight up cheating !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp @foggedftw2 he's just mad because he got game after 30 min Q and then get trolled KEKW WutFace @Zylla_Music no hes not wtf is that TTS? KEKW TheDjinn151 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !opggs hey @foggedftw2 when do you choose ignite and when ghost? TheDjinn151's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! hididng queue LETS CHANGE IT A THIRD TIME BabyRage !subscribe I mean, at this rate, fogged will win from pure target ban, not really a show of anything. TF has gotten one trynd game in 2 hours subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 !challenge Look this guys face he isnt hiding queue TRUE TF is so fucking dumb came to his stream for 2 seconds and hes BabyRaging why its fine to pick other picks on trynd nly @foggedftw2 just check the winrate % of trynd and total wins of trynd. that way he can play every champ but only trynd counts to the bet Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups properly he issnt When queue pops you see him accept show it Rivaneki subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hey dude, hope youre having a good day, goodluck with the challenge! Rivaneki's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! tfblade complaining about no players and getting banned, yet fogged is ranked higher than him right now and yet he has no problems getting trynd he isnt hiding client and he doesnt have delay Thanks for the HahaThink @rivaneki a bet is a bet though KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW comes into tryn only stream to say fuck tryn.. 5head he's losing rn too WAIT UR RIGHT LOL MY BAD finally exposing blade for the cheat he is Yeah ive seen it pop too. !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Tf is not the one baby raving :/ look this guy.... !ranks hes doing this on purpose becuase he knows he is gonna lose he is acutally so bad mannered. id be so mad at him if i were u fogged Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) TTRUE TRUE hey can i get a ban Actually that would be extremely unfair He doesnt understand how play one champ lol hey fogged @foggedftw2 What's the plan when you're both in masters and you play vs people who ban trynd regardless if you're in their game or not? he refuses to change accounts too !opggs another DRAMA coming soon stay tuned guys this is stupid And even if he hides his client TF BLADE MADE THE CHALLENGE TRYNDAMERE ONLY FOR 2.5K DOLLARS and now wants to change the rules. @foggedftw2 yeah ur legit right my b Ditch the Challenge @foggedftw2 you are 100% in the right, he is completely disrepecting the challenge. he isn't doing what he can. why bother challenging you to trynd only if hes going to do this his own chat is on your side fogged, they all calling him and cheater and btw he is getting destroyed as irelia rn yep fog right. blade ruined bet @zundervain yeah idk man it just doesnt make any sense at this point hahahaha so weak FF BLADE IS CHEEKS FF BLADE IS CHEEKS FF BLADE IS CHEEKS and the challenge was his fucking idea...if you gonna do that and put money on the line you should think through your decisions... he is malding and looking for excuses WAH waaah look him cry true @foggedftw2 hes losing as irelia anyway PepeLaugh What is this tts KEKW @Zylla_Music ???????????????????? It happens everytime, I watch him enough to see that happen multiple times Hi @foggedftw2 someone has to give you 2500 dollars <3 fogged is OTP trynda ALL YEAR and can play all day rarely dodging. this is just snaking His chat is eating him alive LUL wasnt HE the one who initiated this challenge @foggedftw2 @zundervain TFBlade is saying because people dislike him and know about him more that he gets target banned more often. @foggedftw2 just check the winrate % of trynd and total wins of trynd. that way he can play every champ but only trynd counts to the bet @foggedftw2 hes on a losing streak too so hes tilted yeah why wasnt the bet about WR% @foggedftw2 Tf has a bigger champion pool np @dr_mantis_toboggan_sd HEllo Everyone katerinoAYAYA / @foggedftw2 have you watched TFblade before? what made you think he would honor his words bro @xTrig_ Fogged did that before challenge so he could keep playing. its not really possible during this malding incoming @foggedftw2 if u lose dont pay him pls and thats a big IF Just tell him to ff chall @campleb2 what do u want me to explain :) Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! He's playing irelia KEKW It was easy to predict the higher you get the harder it is to get your champ, I dont know why he's surprised all of a sudden. !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison You got this Fogged, keep it up @foggedftw2 What's the plan when you're both in masters and you play vs people who ban trynd regardless if you're in their game or not? ANOTHER DRAMA !! coming soon stay tuned CHAT someone ban me pls to me TFBlade lost. @foggedftw2 You lost first game of the day. its gonna be bad day Kappa one game of irelia wont change anything in the bet, just MINUS the LP if he wins @foggedftw2 so the problem is that he's not playing trynd ? @AceRocola can u check whispers please AYAYA bottom line is a bet is a bet and hes clearly cheating, im a tf blade fan but he needs to pay up @foggedftw2 add kled as 2nd champ or another champ neither of u play IRELIA KEKW lol I get you told TF he could play random shit in promos but now hes jsut halfway up diamond 2 playing bullshit? @foggedftw2 Let him know man. You are in the right @MiracleTwitch that's no excuse. he's the one who challenged fogged !opggs why is he playing irelia if he isn't in promo? war anigu nin ree omaliland ah ayan hay He's in the wrong for all those reasons but I do get why he's frustrated at THIS point. Going 2 hours before being able to play is really aggravating. His community is just more toxic and wants to target ban more I guess CHEATER BLADE KEKW foggedFiesta TFBLADE -2500 ✅ MALDING ✅ TOXIC ✅ VIRGINO ✅ CHEATER ✅ If tf can pick other champs it's pretty unfair considering how much he's banned, but the other way is pretty equaly unfair because of how much he's banned lol JUST CHILLIN HETE WAITING FOR 500 SUBS !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP ff blade likes midget porn Just tell him to simply say your the best & your the number one tryndamere then he can play any champ he owes u money Cheater Blade KEKW yes !kin @foggedftw2 TF blade is just a child dude, constan tly crying and complainging, youre much more enjoyable to watch, the challnege is over dude. !King stand your ground @foggedftw2 make him pay up DISCORD HIM AFTER tfblade cheating LUL !opggs Twitch court says GUILTY what an idiot @foggedftw2 Would you accept him conceding without the sub payoff? 3 games in a row POGGERS Like we didn’t know this would happen forsenCD TF Blade lost the bet. Maybe he doesn't pay because the DQ'd but he def lost He lost 3 in a row TF Blade owes you money straight up he would ff the challenge Tf blade is cheating? WTF naroEh hes cheating @foggedftw2 add kled as 2nd champ or another champ neither of u play trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa Hes not even in promos KEKW Base the reward on % WR and total wins of TRYND, so if he plays other champs he just loses. @foggedftw2 Here comes drama Pog He must admit he can Ohhh shiet, Danny laying down the hammer. YO WHAT HAPPENED SOMEONE EXPLAIN PLEASE He lost the challenge IMO lol can you explain when it is better to use ignite and when ghosT? Blade cheat blade cheat kekew not win FF BLADE forsenCD maybe allow teemo and tryndamere? He either needs delay/hide queue or needs to pay you Virgin LUL he played vlad too KEKW isnt this auto loss the challange, if he plays other champs ? @foggedftw2 he forfitted by cheating ???? !music Fogged doesn't normally play music while gaming. If you really want music, consider playing it on your end or utilizing the music bot in the discord channel! !playlist !challenge bad boy blade, blade cheat Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 just call him on discord and talk @foggedftw2 it is the second time he has cheated games like this bad boy blade, blade cheat! He’s a cheater !opggs "mostly tryn challenge" SeemsGood !challenge !playlist Moe is no snake compared to blade lol @tanjamado blade's cheating by playing other champions besides trynd TF CHEATER But the bet is who is going the higher rank so it will be decided in challenger bracket not in diamond, if he getting perma banned trynda just let him get away of diamond @foggedftw2 he want to propose that you play trind only, but not when he gets ban headBang @khyou nah winrate isn't the same as LP TF BLADE GUILTY TriHard 7 The funniest thing is HE invited you to this challenge not the other way around yet hes the one bossing about the rules he made @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 he played 4 games in 5 hours he's so mad LUL if he refuses to delay stream or hide queue then he's just trolling This challenge was a shit show from the start... limiting to one champ for a whole month... i think he tilted hard and went to a different account Inb4 he tries to change it a 3rd, 4th and 5th time by bending logics LUL TF CHEATER MaxLOL BCWarrior @sporwal they are, when TF gets out of game !opggs !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) I especially enjoy the fact that it was blade's idea anyway Blade is a sname 2 LUL !OPGGS @foggedftw2 what if you subtract 20 lp or 25lp from his total at the end for every non-tryn game? So he technically loses more by not using tryn TF crying a little bit to much foggedLUL foggedLUL that take malp or kled only when try is banned lol tf just explained his new rules. he says in trynd banned he plays something else. promos or not @foggedftw2 My biggest issue, not that it matters, is he is claiming this will on only be a problem in Challenger. He can’t even get out of Diamond only playing Tryndamere. he actually lost the challenge, how can tf blade be so dumb LUL What a joke tbh. WHY do ppl still trust tfblade's word. Guys lets try not to flame TF too much. He still helepd Fogged out a lot and we should thank him for that Give them an inch, and they take a mile foggedBaby he should ask before imagine if TF Blade was the smaller streamer why he plays irelia??? He can't win diamond tryn games, why do you think he auto gets out of diamond He owes you 2500 :D not hiding queue and complaining about trynd bans KEKW sometimes tryn challenge SeemsGood TFBlade waited 3 hours for one game because he had to keep dodging, lost 2 games and got really tilted @foggedftw2 Maybe have him not count the LP gained when has to play other champs? set the challenge in eu next time TF says if trynd is banned he wont doge, promos or not @foggedftw2 what if you guys paypalled the enemy x amount of dollars for every queue they don't ban tryndamere? One random member of enemy team gets $5 each queue they let tryndamere through. @foggedftw2 i think u should take away Tfblades thing for promos TFSNAKE SSSSSSSSSSS hi @foggedftw2 tell TF to put some RESPEK on your name... You cant change the rules mid bet, its just wrong I AM ON TFBLADE'S SIDE he is losing so technically it is ok KEKW @MidnightxPMC no fuck blade, he helped nothing +2.5 k @foggedftw2 i think he has a point that if banning trynd doesn't force a dodge people will do it less. but i think you should make him do WAY more to delay/hide client etc. idk kinda annoying !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Actually, if you think about it, tf’s proposal might make people stop banning trynd, which would still make it a trynd only why he plays IRELIA???? tf playin irelia @foggedftw2 TF Blade made this bet.. don't let him change the rules drastically.. this is for actually cash now. Sort of ridiculous the handicaps he wants for himself when the guidelines were set by him. He wanted a Tryndamere challenge so that's what he gets.. there are actually too many children in the chat, if you dont know the facts just dont type rubbish @VoidKooler He helped fogged view count by a lot. @foggedftw2 YOUr a nice guy don't let him try to punk you because he's failing at his own bet AND CHEATED @Danny______ no it wouldnt this bet was good for your stream as a whole already, so what if TF can't finish. no way you pay out if he's breaking the rules. Thanks for the HahaPoint @rivaneki <3 <3 didnt hide his client KEK true HE COULDN'T EVEN GET TO DIAMOND WITH TRYND FOG>TF @foggedftw2 if you both hide client in queue then people banning trynd wont be able to tell who is who in lobby. you both face the same queuing challenges, this is a part of the bet. he should have known this would eventually happy Cheer100 pointless doing a Trynda only account if your playing other tops. he knew this could happen when he took the bet TFblade is like a republican, constantly moving the goalposts in his favor you smoked TFblade @foggedftw2 !challenge @foggedftw2 What's the plan when you're both in masters and you play vs people who ban trynd regardless if you're in their game or not? Playing irelia and still losing ratirlPOGGER Base the reward on % WR and total wins of TRYND, so if he plays other champs he just loses. @foggedftw2 Tf needs to delay a little or hide que. hes a stupid add bitch Don't let him get one over on yah Fogged. You stay straight and keep to doing what ya do, gl on this hide client and get a delay on and they wont snipe him as often HahaPoint HahaShrugMiddle TFDumb I am a lawyer and i can secondate that he lost the bet !delay Just take the $2.5K and play the rest of challenge open champ pool for fun @foggedftw2 Just take the $2.5K and play the rest of challenge open champ pool for fun @foggedftw2 @Zomg_aFirefighter thats literally political racism Just take the $2.5K and play the rest of challenge open champ pool for fun @foggedftw2 i dont think fogged ever gets a trynda ban in his games deal is deal DUDE HE IS SUCH A CRYBABY If he refuses to hide client and run a delay then hes trolling @foggedftw2 if you give somebody on enemy team 5 bucks each time tryn gets through, might work TF BLADE PLAY IRELIA TriHard cmonBruh TFBLADE's an idiot you shouldve done the bet with someone with integrity @foggedftw2 ur better than him anyways dont stress we love u hey yo. @foggedftw2 add kled as 2nd champ or another champ neither of u play !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Hey Hello HeyGuys youll still win fogged Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge @foggedftw2 Hey bro, do the same with Rangerzx if you can, it will good to see ! he lost the challange i would say @khyou how does that work though - you can't have it ranked on both most wins and winrate maybe you can go for some deal with % benefit that you can get 10% less elo true. a bet is a bet blade is garbage @foggedftw2 And this is why win rate after 100 rounds with Trynd would be a better challenge. @Mirardt HARD AGREE @Mirardt as a betting man yourself u must be pissed at this hahaha !opggs hows the challenge work now I mean he got sniped by a group called C9S !challenger @foggedftw2 Setting aside the steps he could take to avoid getting Tryn banned, it does make sense that Tryn will get banned less if people know they have to play his Jax/Irelia instead just call the police you're right @foggedftw2 you're %100 correct @foggedftw2 change the challenge maybe? instead of higher rank go for higher winrate? lp? TFBlade is hard to watch Love you fogged can't snipe if you have client hidden Step 1: Challenge trynda OTP for challenger race. Step2: dont hide client nor wait to reque. Step 3: lose trynda games. Step 4: Change rules ratirlBusiness @foggedftw2 if trynd gets banned and he wins, couldn’t you subtract 15 LP from his end result per non trynd win? lordredqro subscribed with Twitch Prime. lordredqro's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! if tf blade doesnt have more resources than his opponent or doesnt split push he loses the game !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison A bet is a bet I don't know whats so hard to understand @GodfatherDuelLinks that's the kind of cringe shit that isn't needed in these types of bets. don't make it dramatic @foggedftw2 And this is why win rate after 100 rounds with Trynd would be a better challenge instead of highest LP. he owes you 500 subs Cut the western shit : TF Blade @IWillDominate @IWillDominate here for the drama @nachoket I mean let's be honest he took the bet for maximum clout not for the actual bet @Zomg_aFirefighter anytime you say "republicans", "democrats", "liberals", "conservatives", you are attacking people for them believing something different than you. That's like saying "Jews X". literal racism @Gonthorian I think you'd be mad on either side of this. At the end of the day they're streamers though, and if they can't play the game... then what's the point? i would say you already won the 500 subs, cuz he didnt stick to the rules ! changing a bet when your losing is so bad no matter what he says, the terms were made at the start and can't be changed idk what it is about TFBlade that bothers me sniped when dont use delay is not sniped thats just dumb Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 I'd personnally enjoy if you played other champs. It's your call its a fucking bet it's a challenge!! it shouldn't be easy. gotta do what you gotta do he has more games than you KEKW @foggedftw2 tell him to have a bit delay and hide the client, that should be okay! @zylla_music wut abso-fucking-lutely @Gonthorian @Mirardt hi I agree with you bro He changed the bet without discussing @nevercoppednodrop the one with most total wins is the winner, and the % wr is the tiebreaker Both of you on at the same time in high diamond doing trynd. I would perma ban that shit if I was in that elo KEKW he has more games than you and plays other champs KEKW like when chase and scrub done the challenge with their champs only, they could keep up in challenger and chose second champs to play with KEKW WANKER KEKW KEKW dono language lmao KEKW WANKER KEKW WANKER KEKW SantaHatt @GreenV1rus :-) Oh man, the drama... @foggedftw2 And this is why win rate after 100 rounds with Trynd would be a better challenge instead of LP. If ppl know that trynd gets banned tf blade gets to play a different champ, ppl on his team will always ban trynd he is behind cuz he suckks at trynd wanker kekw @foggedftw2 tell him to have a bit delay and hide the client, that should be okay!. LMAOOOO Fogged only took the trynd only bet because he is a trynd one trick (for the most part). obviously blade has a better champion pool to climb with. this is why it was trynd ONLY WANKER KEKW LUL @foggedftw2 maybe he cuts the lp he gained from playing other champs when the challenge ends ? you still wondering about this? deal is deal izipizi @Mirardt :D Chill chat @deathman4477 is a wanker KEKW @ijaymo_ holy shit you’re dumb lol 1/7 blade EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle That kid is so annoying anyway 3/7 irelia wanker @foggedftw2 May i turn follower only mode on @foggedftw2 tell him to have a bit delay and hide the client, that should be okay!.. hopw do people even watch that moron, all he does is whine. How is that interaction is that kid challenged @foggedftw2 just tell him pick his top 3 most comfortable champs. cant tell those as secondary. peepoHands TF is Malding You can do this with math, let him play another champ after X amounts of dodges that would break even @Blaylock no delay, no breaks between queues. bad at hiding client, perma flaming and blaming, using bad logics while other CAN climb with trynd only in that elo LUL no ive seen enough. just manchild behaviour. tf playin iriela............... I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @MidnightxPMC also wondering Dude said TF interacts with his viewers hahahahaha. All he does is cry !opggs I' @MidnightxPMC yes please LUL whats the point of streaming if you have delay Thats a challenged viewer right there KEKW !opggs @ijaymo_ I could go in depth of how dumb your statement was but I’m not even going to bother lmao @foggedftw2 tell him to have a bit delay and hide the client, that should be okay! Base the reward on % WR and total wins of TRYND, so if he plays other champs he just loses. @foggedftw2 Pog 50 it's a trend !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP people defending tf should just stfu he's just losing and frustrated OMEGALUL can you talk to him? @foggedftw2 The thing is tfb is not making any effort to not get trynda banned and pick another champion on a ONLY TRYNDA bet @foggedftw2 Why doesn't he hide his client the whole time? 3 seconds isnt long. chat will live. @MidnightxPMC please do TF BLADE made the bet himself, he can't just ignore the rules that he established HEY TFBLADE CUCKS..DONATE TO DANNY TO TELL HIM HOW BAD HE IS KEKW Gimme da sauce just have him come in and pay up, TF has lost challenge @foggedftw2 he already has 7 more games and has played 6 games that aren’t Tryndamere. Not only that, definitely seems like he’s going to lose even when not playing the main champ. at this point u basically won the bet doesnt matter if fogged had 10 viewers, i would still watch him over blade. stop makign this into a personal competition 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍TF SNAKE @foggedftw2 at least u can set a specific champ pool so hee cant spawn champs that he known really well then He should forfiet to be honest, pay you and end of challenge if hes going to try bend the rules to suit him Blade cheated, hes playing irelia LUL I think the issue is it gives way to much power to the trolls if ban = dodge. If he isn't forced to dodge they are not as likely to ban Trynd. it's a forfeit on his part @foggedftw2 maybe he cuts the lp he gained from playing other champs when the challenge ends TF cheating and still losing KEKW Are people really defending TF?? @Gonthorian Again... What's the plan when they're both in master/challenger playing vs literally the same people most every game and trynd is banned regardless if either of them is in game !opggs If ppl know that trynd gets banned tf blade gets to play a different champ, ppl on his team will always ban trynd @Gonthorian That 100% will happen Honestly, he loses already. He should pay up. tfblade play irelia TriHard 7 he want to ff @foggedftw2 And this is why win rate after 100 rounds with Trynd would be a better challenge than highest LP. is the bet off? tf blade not playing tryd like when chase and scrub done the challenge with their champs only, they could keep up in challenger and chose second champs to play with Cheats and STILL 3/7 as Irelia KEKW @foggedftw2 Do the challenge with Rangerzx ! foggedFOGGERS rngrPog he's getting shit on as irelia KEKW make him pay a penalty when he plays a diff champ. buys you 20 subs for every game not with trynd Hes making the point that his higher view base is what YOU should make room for. You SHOULDN'T and dont... FF BLADE IS 3/7 IRELIA KEKW BongMasta95 they'll still ban it lol cant even win with irelia @nightmight1 TRU !king are yall gonna talk over voice or chat? @foggedftw2 Foggedftw2 vs TFBlade next boxing undercard? Kappa TF has to hide client, put a delay on his stream and NOT CRY @foggedftw2 restrict his top 3 comfortable champs should be 60 blade focuses too much on his stream, he wont put delay on how come hes playing other champs then tryn (tfblade) @blaylock well I guess it’s whoever’s higher LP then if they can’t play then stop u exposed the time true KEKW I dont see why everyones being so anal about the fact that now that theyre in an elo where its 100 times easier to get banned out it gives people too much power tf is just crying and trying to blame everyone but himself. he acts like tryn is an easy champ but cant grt out of diamond KEKW To just perma ban trynd !opggs @Blaylock then dont come with a challenge, or at least hit that supposed 'wall' before crying. fogged hasnt hit that wall yet so idk sounds like a very sore loser to me wth? LMAO Don't make bets with sheisters. never goes right ??? @iJaymo_ But he isn't even doing what it takes to keep from getting target banned that's kinda funny LULW 4Head idea ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Tryn: the cheating is UNDENIABLE at the end of the day, you cant change terms after the bet is made you already won! He's not sticking to the rules period! you guys need to get on my 5Head Why is he playing irelia KEKW he is just trying to get out of the bet without paying up KEKW LUL He already forfeits, he isnt playing trynd. KEKW KEKW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Cheer100 here's 100 bits for hitting 100lp next few games KEKW Base the reward on % WR and total wins of TRYND, so if he plays other champs he just loses. @foggedftw2 hes losing face for nothing i dont get it LUL shouldve never allowed him to play different champs in promos in the first place. but hindsight is 20/20 ! @EmmyLeeC can you turn follower only mode on so this kekw go away >_> !opggs losing games on trynd and blaming it on getting banned out ?!?!?!??!?!?! !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP !elo @GamingArtisan LUL I miss my friendly chat its the same if u did irelia only account , and u would play tryndamere haha @foggedftw2 Gift Fogged 500 fucking subs, take the L, move on.. He has cheated outside of promo's now twice he should just admit he lost Cheer100 ignore the Blade fan boys. He cant change the rules because hes tilted. should be a forfeit Yes BibleThump Blade is a cheater TFBlade making moe look like a saint LUL he accepted the challenge knowing both would have to stream. tfblade is just baby raging. yeah it does dude. make him pay man what are people complaining about? @MidnightxPMC true :( make him only play yumi support only fogged's not holding back monkaW An actual idiot !rank Do you think he will pay you? thank god Kreygasm follower chat @foggedftw2 fuck the rules he's proposing dude. you won this Check out my new merch! That's what I said, its called a challenge for a reason I understand. But tyd is being banged every game So is the challenge off afterTF is playing different champs or what? 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE ayee 4:20 highest WR bet would've been better Cheer1 Take my penny pls @foggedftw2 are you gonna give him a second chance? foggedHappy are you gona talk to him about it? @foggedftw2 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP yeah 100% forfeit. he owes u 500 what are the new rules? he already gave up We need some chill music in here. What is even going on right now? even his chat dont agree is there any terms in writing or was this all just verbal? u won man What have I missed about TFblade? take payout and spend christmas holiday CHEATING KEKW wait tfblade cheated? autl TF :snake It sucks 'cuz I see that Danny wants TFBlade to continue to have good stream content. So I see the struggle for compromise. why is tf blade allowed to pick irelia drama LULW well hes 3-7 as irelia lmao @DapCutscene blade wants to have secondary champs all the time which would give TF more of an advantage What did he do? Gift Fogged 500 subs, take the L - GGEZ if tfblade didn't realize this would be an issue for him, he deserves of the loss for small brain problems trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa I don't understand the argument. fogged has always played tyndamere in chally for years if he can do that without tilting his ass off and getting target banned every game the argument is legit void gg Froggedftw2 do a deal with him everytime but only if tryndamere is banned in master+ it cost him 20-50 $ each time THAT ULT Maybe calculate total LP gained by Tryn wins? LUL !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET THAT ULT :DDD KEKW ULT tf playing irelia without it being allowed hes 15 min in getting carried lol. he is 0.8 KDA right noe !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @kingofdeath483 thats his own problem. Needs to hide when he queues. switch accounts while dodge timer if he wants content @teacrisis LOL true CHAT I just tuned in what is going on @foggedftw2 dont let in to him he wanted a trynd only match and he has cheated now 2 times out of promo's just make him stick to rules or admit he lost automatically dq'd. foggedftw wins.. ciao ragazzi! !challenge I'm sure TFblade will have some kind of excuse, will you accept it @foggedftw2 Hello where is the cute bird at ? KEKW KEKW TFBLADE MALD he's so tilted @defaultname85 TF wants to change rules again in his favor @kiro_senpai24 Yeah he got tilted from target banning and losing 3 games in a row so he played irelia for no reason How about you both play a set amount of games in a certain elo and go for the most wins ? cheating and still losing KEKW @freelancer_g ciao mbare @foggedftw2 restrict his top 3 comfortable champs. cant pick those as secondary. @Gonthorian I agree, the challenge was an absolute shit show from the start... being big streamers and putting money on playing literally 1 champ for a month is going to invite a lot of people to try to impact these games What would you play if trynda is banned in a promo game? Sad to say. even in the days of leveling the accts to 30, i was expecting TF to try to change rules/work himself out of the bet. Honestly don't expect anything to come of this bet. But at least fogged gets some extra views seems he's not the guy to do challenge with, end of story he has more gmes than you, don't let him change the rules 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE BabyRage TF Blade @FakeLyfe Not even worth. It was suppose to be a tryndamere challenge Team carrying him too hard, looks like he'll still win despite inting He's playing Irelia tho fogged pls take the king try costume ok? Froggedftw2 do a deal with him everytime but only if tryndamere is banned in master+ it cost him 20-50 $ each time he pick an other champ At least this "challenge" proves @foggedftw2 is just better at trynd, and more sportsmanlike. +1 @foggedftw2 I have a friend name foggedftw4 on North America thats you right? singOk @defaultname85 Blade is bitching about how hard to play trynd in high elo KEKW well then fogged deserves the win and the subs @foggedftw2 make it 100 subs for a rule change we all know fogged is the better tryndamere. imo TFblade should be doing everything in his power to play tryndamere. big TRUE I think tf blade should take a penalty of however much lp he gains this game taken off at the end of the challenge dude plays 90% tryndamere Kappa -2500 SCAM KEKW yup !opggs just have him pay you. he's outside the rules If he hides client it'll prob improve things alot, same time though, if he got banned this much with all precautions, he just loses because of that Yooo true @Blaylock yeah I agree it has been weird cause: trynd 20% banrate masters+ even before the challenge He could just add 5 min stream delay.... sometimes tryn challenge What does the word "Only" mean? Its seems that I am not understanding @foggedftw2 Ok ok ok lets say Soraka is fine too if Trynd is banned without account remake, this challenge is void, TF has lost how come u dont have to wait such q times and u dont get banned, same shit for TF He broke the contract man @defaultname85 and want to add new champ to the list if dodged or banned It's the only thing that makes sense. if he wants to play other champs why cant he just log onto a different account to play them HAHAHA @foggedftw2 you're 100% right hes just being a bitch because hes losing Fogged danP TFblade was saying on his stream the other day that he could use another champ for the challenge if tryn was banned his mentality is that if he plays a majority with trynd it still counts. set him striaght @foggedftw2 are you foggedftw4? just add 5min delay @foggedftw2 they say its a new trynn skin :D I was away for sometime, is there already an agreement? ONLY TRYNDAMERE, ADD A DELAY STOP SHOWING CLIENT NEARLY 24/7 drama FeelsGoodMan TFBlade is a Snake 🐍 I understand his frustration completely (2 hours for one game was ridiculous) BUT the fact that he's not hiding client properly and waiting to queue, adding short delay etc. is what makes him in the wrong. I'd tell him that @foggedftw2 Explain with a 6'6" thunderous voice 500 subs inc. Pog tfbC Clap @foggedftw2 both streams were titled "tryndamere only" right? I dont see any other way to interpret it @CptTeempo AYAYA @foggedftw2 you're 100% right hes just being a bitch because hes losing s I challenge you to a Ivern only challenge but i'm going to play anything i want @foggedftw2 lol tf can only play other champs if hes lost 3 or more trynd games in a row, that way he will never climb XD lmao @foggedftw2 Who proposed this challenge in the first place? he's not mature enough to argue with though 500 subs danP he's playing so poorly lol he looks like a bird Tomat0plane AYAYA Clap just joined what is going on? @foggedftw2 @Gonthorian That ban rate is going to be much higher if they continue this to higher elos... just saying @Blaylock but he should at least give it 100% before changing rules. otherwise its just a loss in peoples eyes. tell him pay u 2500 now and double the bet in a different region that dont stream snipe u guys FOGGED WE ARE ALL WITH YOU <3 Froggedftw2 do a deal with him everytime but only if tryndamere is banned in master+ it cost him 20-50 $ each time he pick an other champ or mayby musst gift subs to the other @defectivesupport he had a 30mins timer for dodging. The next time he dodge he will be 1hr. That’s a waste of time. Tf is a bigger streamer so he gets targeted way more than fogged Take the challenge to LAN server. No one will ban you out there. TFBlade is saying he will play Irelia / Jax if Trynd is banned and not dodge @foggedftw2 KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king TF can't accept he's losing the bet badly katerinoAYAYA @foggedftw2 Maybe have him gift 10 subs for every time he chooses to play another champ? @foggedftw2 that irelia is a new trynn skin foggedBaby the guy has 10k viewers, when he's online trynd is just banned no matter what foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby !ayaya so i guess TF is supposed to have like 60% less trynd games than you and still win since he's getting sniped out show us tfbalde progress @midnightxpmc if hes getting target banned like 90% of the game,hes gonna lose more games, hes on something hes not comfortable with, and the challenge is based on highest lp. cohhFeels Just tell him to add delay and don't show client @foggedftw2 @EagleEye2 TfBlade did !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP @foggedftw2 you both should've signed a contract before the bet. that would eliminate bs like this. This voice call might just be annoying, I don't think he'll even want to listen to anyone's viewpoint but his own. Cuz he’s rich and this challenge is more a favour to you than him? true he is malding !king everyone trying to flex TFBLades 7k extra followers...sad TFblade has 0.8 KDA in diamond, getting carried Let's look at this another way for a second.. could you imagine being a normal person, then telling a brain surgeon who only does brain surgery that you're a better brain surgeon than them... then when you start to realize you're not you tell them that putting band aids over paper cuts is brain surgery. That's TF Blade @foggedftw2 i think we will have to initiate order 66 earlier then expected He wants to play Jax / Irelia if Trynd is banned KEKW I will say I do not think particularly highly of TF Blades approach to this challenge why do you let him play other champ than trynd? @foggedftw2 show blade stream on yours he always does its fine is it metaphor? pepeLaugh @foggedftw2 what if you queued into him....who gets to pick trynd ? -2500 scam !bet tfbC he just trash blaming fiddle @FakeLyfe He challenge fogged to tryndamere only though. HE started the challenge. Says he asked before taking irelia but didnt get an answer sounds like one of my kids... then will whine about it !opggs @Blaylock i said that one day 1 alrdy. but thats beside the point atm. you cant just change rules and also giving up before actually giving it 110% is just losing face. its sad. its not how men should act in a duel IDK why we are pretending he's being sniped and Target banned. Trynd has an 18% ban rate in NA Masters+ tfbC singed is so stupid, it makes both lane not play the game KEKW Hey fogged! how's your day going? :) s9 rank1 foggedPepega @Snarkster good point And I think he’s about ready to just call it @foggedftw2 just tell him it's trynd obly chanllenge you can make a 3 min delay if he didn"t want to and incest on that just cancel this challenge it's not worth it hashAya @Gonthorian Yeah, it's definitely bad on his part... But also imagine going 2-3hours without being able to play a game because literally 1 champ is picked/banned... that's absolutely ridiculous show TF blade game! !op gg singed is so stupid, it makes both players not play the game KEKW hashAya Clap @foggedftw2 can you put his stream up so we can see him feeding here? while we wait CHEATAR KEKW dudes stop going to his chat and spaming that he is a cheater, thats cringe bros !8ball AYAYA TopHat SoSnowy Time trkG trkG trkG danH @bestbla insist not incest lol @Blaylock Yeah. Wasn't thought through on his end you should talk to him after this game he is playing, let see what explanation he got SourPls you should play an aram on a seperate account while you wait why is blade playin irelia !music Fogged doesn't normally play music while gaming. If you really want music, consider playing it on your end or utilizing the music bot in the discord channel! @Gonthorian how u doin i mean just give hin a 2. champ that sucks right now as an alternative @foggedftw2 elevator's hotel music Lul !song @foggedftw2 why do you let him cheat? PepePls dude he straight breaking his own rules don't him yell his way out of owning up at this point and he called you the cheater what a dick @stevemoza it's his chat trying to joke with him, not fogged's chat. loool @MidnightxPMC Wasn't thought through on either of their sides... CHAT! Just relax and wait for 2500$ LOL !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) not doing the challenge then feeding as irelia @Blaylock fogged has had no issue with that though. bad argument cohhD @foggedftw2 song? playlist? @midnightxpmc u realized tfblade is a 10k streamer and fogged is 1k. that's 10x the view base. if he cant even pick tryna cause it is banned theres no challenge Fogged ahead danP fogged getting scammed by TFBlade KEKW !opggs @stevemoza most of them are his viewers/subs @foggedftw2 only trynd - if banned has to play maokai !challenge !opggs Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs looking at both streams at the same time foggedProf 🐍 Blade 🐍 Blade 🐍 Blade 🐍 Blade If he just says fk it and ends the challenge pays you and moves on you don’t gain as much if you just let people gloat that he’s using other champs !opggs nah he owes you money if he backs out 10 days later - jax only challenge Kappa danny how much do you squat? !opggs make sure he pays you @foggedftw2 what's the song? he need to make a new account! thats fair is think If he backs out. does he still give you the 500 subs? Froggedftw2 do a deal with him everytime but only if tryndamere is banned in master+ it cost him 20-50 $ each time he pick an other champ or mayby musst gift subs to the other or he lose at the end of season 20LP für every game with other champs how long ago did you decide to main trynd? @foggedftw2 dont budge on this, its his reputation on the line lawsuit monkaW foggedPepega free sub !opgg @FakeLyfe He could try hiding client better. Play with Delay. Yes he is a larger streamer but the point of the matter is TF challenge Fogged to Tryndamere only. And that is what is should have stayed. FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king “TRYND ONLY CHALLENGE” =5dayslater=> “TRYND ONLY IF NOT BANNED” =10dayslater=> “JAX ONLY CHALLENGE” KEKW if dodging when Trynd is banned was a condition then he should be disqualified already @foggedftw2 KEKW music name @foggedftw2 !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison HE is 🐍ing his way out of this bet he ulted nothing again LUL isnt it considered cheating if he plays all these other champs all the time? @foggedftw2 !opggs Cheer100 dude he straight breaking his own rules don't him yell his way out of owning up at this point and he called you the cheater what a jerk Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! I dont think he is going to pay medator is a good idea call dom Pog @foggedftw2 I can mediate :) get vooby mediator cheated then have start von iron ill do it :) ask chapanya Pog <~~~~ 3rd party @foggedftw2 I want to see the moment Blade gives 2500$ :D LETS SEE IT a mediator is a good idea if you can't come to an agreement @EmmyLeeC I'll help. o/ he's playing so tilted D DansGame M from* ILL DO IT...oh wait...nvm...XDDDD “TRYND ONLY CHALLENGE” =5dayslater=> “TRYND ONLY IF NOT BANNED” =10dayslater=> “JAX ONLY CHALLENGE” KEKW . @stevemoza but change the deal when you are losing is the supreme cringe LUL HAH! Imagine Trick2g as Mediator. good idea @foggedftw2 get a judge you suffer just as much as he does when trynd is banned, so why is he complaining this much? DOM you made a deal... he broke it... nothing more to talk about. he lost @rjp24 idk about that. as an adult you gotta learn to let shit go. this has been good for both streams already, don't let his faults ruin a good thing Yeah have @EmmyLeeC mediate tryndamere is not balanced 72 tf taking advantage of you. Trade off of more viewers for you vs getting hosed on the rules . @foggedftw2 if you are confident, make him pay 5k if he is allowed to play other champs lmao just put your foot down and get your 500 subs, cheating ass blade, he still a kid lol get rangerz to mediate Pog get qtpWHAT as the third party can u show us the parrot? He knows he has no chance, that's why he's doing this childish moves I am confused with what's so difficult to understand here for him.. my man fukin said TRYNDAMERE ONLY. LUL @EmmyLeeC you will be biased towards fogge.d. they need a neutral 3rd party dom would be good @demacianvalor Idk how often fogged gets trynd picked/banned from him, but I do know that any time TF gets anywhere near challenger, any champ he plays gets banned out... it's just a shit show of a challenge limiting this to one champ. that's on both of them "TRYND ONLY CHALLENGE" =5dayslater=> "TRYND ONLY IF NOT BANNED" =10dayslater=> "JAX ONLY CHALLENGE" KEKW . “TRYND ONLY CHALLENGE” =5dayslater=> “TRYND ONLY IF NOT BANNED” =10dayslater=> “JAX ONLY CHALLENGE” KEKW get nightblue qtpWHAT = 3rd party danP SNITCH KEKW in otther words - " i feel like tfblade is too retarded to understand" might need another person to tell him that " @foggedftw2 am i right? xD @FakeLyfe you also realize tf blade isn't even using delay or covering queue killervo5544 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hi fogged how is your day so far? How are the games going? Btw what rank are you? larger stream or not. there are reasonable measures TFblade could be taking to increase his chances of playing tryndamere, but he isn't using any of them killervo5544's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Get Hashinshin Thanks for the HahaLean @killervo5544 !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET ye Get Trick2g to mediate You could be really gracious and offer him the day off, neither play the accounts LAN foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta let dom mediate hi everyone Jax Irelia tryhard when Trynd is banned KEKW mightaswell play his own pool KEKW yeah a different region would be good $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! NUBRAC mediator Get LS to mediate LOL it won't change anything Pog TFBlade welcome to the champions clun forsenCD Trynd would still get banned out... you'd be stuck gold both of you LOL u in q? That does not change how would it be different in euw EUW Pog Actually yeah do EUW restart in euw Pog !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Cheer100 If he backs out then thats pretty low on his part. 2500 subs to him might not be alot but to others it is. Hopefully he will just man up and continue the bet and keep it interesting @midnightxpmc it is actually a strategy that benefits fogged cause tfblade is playing something hes not comfortable with. he will have a higher chance of losing. 66-17 danP adrian mediator or some other otp top player? @foggedftw2 “TRYND ONLY CHALLENGE” =5dayslater=> “TRYND ONLY IF NOT BANNED” =10dayslater=> “JAX ONLY CHALLENGE” KEKW LET RIOT MEDIATE THIS less stream snipers in a different region !opgg you fix the ban issues, it'll be something else.. if LS mediates it will only end up in war double or nothing on euw PogChamp !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP Fogged best Trynd rooPog @foggedftw2 or else, you could accept his proposals, but then make him be accountable for the LP gained while using other champs, and subtract that LP at the end. so if he gets 240 lp master, and 125lp of those were gained using other champs, they would be deducted in LAN you wouldnt have high ping but everyone here is dogshit TriHard100 You get a Sub! You get a Sub! Everybody get a Sub! @foggedftw2 Is your parrot a senegal parrot? @rjp24 That's far from true... @foggedftw2 can you show the chat with him again please? i missed it tbh preseason i dont think euw is any better than na trick2g mediating in the style of his subwars commentary @midnightxpmc of course this is all only if trynd is banned bet: fogged playing trynda, tf blade playing everything okok dom mediating = good euwest with a set champ you both can play if banned (champ neither of you play) !opggs @Mirardt TRUE LULW do EUW with 100+ping and play whatever you want @foggedftw2 thats fair HE DIED TO SINGED AGAIN LULW @foggedftw2 should've made preparations for this early on, TFblade doesn't strike me as a very mature person and is very much a sore loser Agree. Get Dom to mediate and he can't play trynd JUST MAKE HIM PAY 5000 IF HE LOSE AND LET HIM PLAY HIS CHAMPS This music sucks Check out my new merch! HE DIED TO SINGED KEKW TriHard 7 What happend? lose lp for all non trynd games sub for me Pog God he's just running it down KEKW @Blaylock so u think the mexicans and jajas in lan gonna snipe them like na? Do you have a video explaining items? or just the runes? why tfbleda not playing trydamere @foggedftw2 hes raging naroXD Clap 2500 is nothing to blade qtpWHAT @IWillDominate would you? This singed is flipping for Foggedftw2 PLay on LAN servers :p @OGSippyCup For some reason I heard Opera saying it LUL @Ascii89 not a bad idea actually where's my sub can TFblade use irelia? dont kow all rules @MiracleTwitch i know he ignored though @rjp24 Yes, he gets sniped in every region... @saino_aru LUL riskyb6BoyGood Wait sooo, 2500 subs to 1800 viewers means I get a sub right? Kappa cmonBruh lol @ankaindos Nope LUL If tf loooses he’s gonna be so tilted he’s just gonna say fk it @foggedftw2 100+ping EUW challenge with him playing what he wants besides Trynd and you play Trynd only? @Ascii89 chat is being spammed cant balme P cohhD @Offer1 2500$ = 500 subs FeelsBadMan I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here cohhFeels @Fiarill5 playing now... can you rank tryn skins plz @foggedftw2 "oblivious" That's a kind way to put it wow bored me to death it's the worst mmo people are just young and dumb lol is tfblade cheating or is him playing irelia fine? Youtube Normies LULW CAN CONFIRM I dothis need their parents to tell them what is going on @protiique boomer spotted MAKE HIM PAY 200 NOW FOR BACKING OUT Boshy Boshy @foggedftw2 did you finish up StarWars? @talkingturtlez I did know that, I'm just dumb :) @Offer1 all good yooooo whats up fogg @ankaindos He was in queue for 2 hours and got fed up, they're gonna have a chat about the rules after that game @foggedftw2 u should grow ur hair a bit show birb @foggedftw2 whats going on with tf blade? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison I find WoW very boring so I would leave if you're playing WoW, even in queue :( sorry to say :( Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups SeemsGood100 tell him to play maokai/mundo when trynd is banned? @foggedftw2 Just watch some funny youtube videos, we suggest cool videos ;) Well u could still play but not show on screen. At least so u arent bored while waiting 2 hour que danSgame how old are you fogged? do you get burned out? you wanna make children? @foggedftw2 you still have agirl? @foggedftw2 hope u win glgl @foggedftw2 or else, you could accept his proposals, but then make him be accountable for the LP gained while using other champs, and subtract that LP at the end. so if he gets 240 lp master, and 125lp of those were gained using other champs, they would be deducted @NeverhealTV not mundo mundoa ctually strong lmao FeelsBadMan Blade tilted off the earth today lol try #2 i know wow doesnt pay the bills but its a really fun game @Fiarill5 i see thx =) @foggedftw2 DO WHAT U GOTTA DO Do you get tired of playing league? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison took final #1 of 4 today. the grind is going danHmm KEKW maokai make him play nid top Fog u the Man U got me into league lol hello yeah youtube videos are good inbetween games I haven’t played in 10 days I feel so refreshed wouldnt work Maokai OPPP yuumi top if trynd banned LULW mundo is pretty hype though KEKW howtobasic man @foggedftw2 do a euw challenge with 100+ ping @foggedftw2 let him play yasuo something he isnt good at Make him give you the money for cheating :) Check out my new merch! ^!bet he has a new trnd skin...named irelia !bet how is the Vlad matchup? I main vlad and i always struggle against Trynd @foggedftw2 they would love to watch play mundo and die KEKW He can play anything besides jax irelia ryze when trynd banned lol just do the challange in blind mode 5Head Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater. !opggs tell him play ivern top @GreenV1rus thats a +1 from me he's already lost the challenge fuck that guy] when trynd is banned just both play aatrox, afk push all laning phase and, this is very importnat, if you die to a gank make sure you immediately tp on your minions trynd only or no challenge I think the best solution is you both go in to your promo games with a duo so you dont have to dodge and lose your promo games @foggedftw2. @foggedftw2 you're expereicned with almost all champions in game, is there any reason you decided to become trynd OTP? forfeit by losing as non-trynd out of promos that's it he loses if he doesnt stay with in the rules, where u dodge if u cant trynd, and u play when u trynd! clear as day bud @foggedftw2 maybe just play on another account adter dodging like u said earlier @teacrisis He lost the day he agreed to it LUL In my eyes he conceded by knowingly breaking the rules GreenV1rus gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arbucks! They have given 72 Gift Subs in the channel! still in queue GreenV1rus's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! just call him now. hes 1.0 KDA gettingcarried, team doesnt need him 4Head FF BLADE joining the champions club KEKW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) Why did Blade call fogged a cheater? @foggedftw2 he just said he's stalling out the game so he doesn't have to talk to you... @EmmyLeeC did fogged offer the challenge or was it fogged? Yo is Blade allowed to play champs other than Trynd or what ? i just played vs a quinn top, your tips in the spreadsheet helped me to take over the lane, ty a lot! @foggedftw2 tf** POGGERS Gifter GreenV1rus thank you foggedFOGGERS hes playing irelia now Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Auu non-promo game @Arbucks ;) @tomat0plane Tf challenged fogged @campleb2 that's a really bad recap. I'm on fogged's side if we're taking sides but that's just a dishonest history of what happened. TFBlade made an agreement with fogged and he broke it simple enough. Fogged must stand his ground wait is he cheating? in every world blade is in the wrong GreenV1rus rooGift Clap I think the best solution is you both go in to your promo games with a duo so you dont have to dodge and lose your promo games @foggedftw2.. @aalvo47 its one of the harder matchups GJ the bet says it all in the name. "tryndamere only challenge" Arbucks danH @ahmadmad111 Chat about the rules incoming @Snarkster how so call him now, you cant interrupt his gray screen simulator. hes at 12 deaths at 21 min The copy pasta in his chat "Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater." wheres my sub foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @Snarkster explain @foggedftw2 no doubt that TFblade is the better overall player because he can play a lot of different champs very well but you are definetly way better than him becuase blade is malding Arbucks iwdW Clap @nAzUgAl thx he didnt @foggedftw2 chill bro on trynd @CptTeempo tlexHYPERS They don't call Fogged N1 Trynd world for no reason Keepo Tf blade has big ego issue and we know it Can you explain some of the items while your not in que? Clip it or it didn’t happen Dude, just base the challenge on total wins, instead of LP. so whoever plays more trynd games wins and that makes him dont play other champs @foggedftw2 you cant do anything about others being jerk @Snarkster can u explain or not it's kinda the joke of a CHALLENGE. sometimes you can and sometimes you can't win !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP broken champ BLANCE why aren't you in queue He pretty much conceded the challenge, but this challenge was a shit show from the start... You both are legit never going to be able to play a game with these rules Eh, he has 39% CDR @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 He called you a cheated because you didn't allow him to cheat even more than what he was already doing. 39% CDR @foggedftw2 Discord !opgg If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! rank 5 Q tobias1 tobias2 @campleb2 can i type without you @ing me 3 times? jesus It's also lame because you have also dodged games Tryn is banned I think the best solution is you both go in to your promo games with a duo so you dont have to dodge and lose your promo games @foggedftw2 !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison tobias2 tobiasOK @foggedftw2 irelia Q=trynd E with% cdr Thank You !op !king @Snarkster type faster bro man i kinda knew this was gonna end up like that, blade is such a problematic individual sucks tobias3 tobias4 watching him miss ults is funny when trynd is banned just both play aatrox, afk push all laning phase and, this is very importnat, if you die to a gank make sure you immediately tp on your minions trkCharity tobiasCHAMP what Blade did was unpleasant, I ll sub up to you next two weeks, keep your thing dude, i respect it its only one game right now lol. You can chat after i am sure and clear things up @Blaylock I mean thats why fogged never tried ranking up after hitting challenger LUL I'm 100% on board of he conceded the challenge by knowingly picking tryn outside of promos. You were kind enough by allowing him other champs outside of promos Slap him to the fucking shadowrealm does TF just play a diff champ when trynd banned? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison lol wtf happened dude TFBlade is cheating PepeHands figure out how far you are willing to let him push you in this bet before you talk to him. Obviously the exposure to more viewers is good for you but the bet is pretty far off now. blades chat is so toxic PepeHands Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Wait he called you a cheater? @foggedftw2 I just joined the stream and heard that TF Blade is playing other champs despite the challenge?? TFBlade's right arm is just not strong enough I want to put cheat on the block list and watch chat burn xD Can you explain sanguin blade and why it’s not good for tryna? Bot spams are spamming TF TF dead again XD do a vod review of yourself while we wait @Arbucks wait arent u that unbalanced mod that did work PogChamp !opggs @foggedftw2 make him pay 100$ more to the bet if he loses for each time he played different champion, that will make you tryhard even more and it will make him think about picking other champions than trynd. !el @MidnightxPMC GOOD IDEA! @bacchoo got nerfed He had to dodge 3 times because trynd was banned. It almost makes it impossible for him to stream @Gonthorian What's the point of this challenge then? LUL We know they both can get to challenger @Gonthorian 👀 I think the best solution is you both go in to your promo games with a duo so you dont have to dodge and lose your promo games @foggedftw2 .. !elo ayy i made that one baby KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP lol blade is timing people out who say he cheats now @MidnightxPMC thats some evil shit LUL Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater. TF blades chat is going OFF right now @foggedftw2 you both should've signed a contract before the bet. that would eliminate bs like this. @seveer2326 tfblades chat whould be toxic blade cheating and still gonna lose paste it i cant see "connecting to chat" I just saw that too @foggedftw2 lets do it boys KEKW !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison mods are deleting it wtf !challenge blade banning chatters who say hes cheating now wait what's happening now?? this is some good pasta TFs chat foggedW Most of tf blade chat is flaming him cheating anyways, I can already see who is the winner here :) just got banhammer for the copypasta even his chat is saying this is cheating im just waiting for drama KEKW why arent u in que? @Stevo10000 just stepped in there and its nothing but copy pastas lol !challenge tf 🐍 tf 🐍 tf 🚮 Yeah so many bots cohhM Dude you should post the copypasta in his chat it would be hilarious @foggedftw2 they're bannking everyone doing it LULW deserved tbh KEKW oh well who wants to watch #2 trynd world tfblade @Arbucks foggedBaby time to do a mod challenge Kappa blade cheating and still gonna lose Hahah contracts in Twitch. they getting banned @Gonthorian I'd lose in my old age :^) MODS KEKW banning contract over a video game @campleb2 his frustration is from the length of how long he's going without dodges, that's it more than the "trynd is getting banned" thing. It's 100% his fault due to not hiding client and stuff but you still have to mention it because going 2 hours or so is really frustrating. Still his fault but not written well !opggs I think the best solution is you both go in to your promo games with a duo so you dont have to dodge and lose your promo games @foggedftw2 . Surprised its not Sub mode danS any chance you can coach me on malphite @foggedftw2 he totally deserves his chat going bonkers Best way to make him understand is to copy paste in his chat Kappa i mean that's just his chat every day TF needs to man up!!!! admit defeat and lack of mental They are men of honor @foggedftw2 TFBlade reminds me of the kid on bike meme. puts a stick in his tire and calls you a cheater he is totally in the wrong, both chats know it Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater Dude, just base the challenge on total wins, instead of LP. so whoever plays more trynd games wins and that makes him dont play other champs @foggedftw2 What did I miss? Did TFBlade bail out? at this point just take the money out of the bet otherwise it's just gonna get too ugly I just keep spamming 🐍 BLADE 🐍 BLADE KEKW Sometimes he hides Chat @Arbucks if it makes u feel any better i have boomer mechanics in halo reach. I feel old @foggedftw2 his chat going in on him for real lmao @Snarkster .. ok 13 deaths TFBlade in diamond LUL why doesn't blade just hide client "Punishment by flame" is a law of the internet LULW they timed me out for posting it pepeLaugh I got timed out from his chat for the copy-pasta :( maybe his team will just start inting him if he doesnt play trynd @HeMayn He might as well at this point someone in his chat said "fogged doesnt get inted everygame" l o l timed out for 2 minutes for posting the copy LULW @dingasboy_ he does but not properly. when Q pops it shows up. @foggedftw2 or else, if you ignore my previous suggestion. you could accept his proposal, but whenever he plays another champion, he gives up 50 gifted subs from the final tally if he loses, and they go to yours. so if he uses 3 champs, his award will be 350 subs, but yours would be 650 subs He perma bans people who “criticize” him , that’s how he focus LUL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET My man TFBlade forsenCD classy as alwaysd But TF is on Irelia danHmm Man TFBlade's chat is really going at it. Either this game goes 40 minutes or they FF here LUL just got timed out LMFAO I got timed out too KEKW "Why are they all dying 1v1?" after tf blade clearly tried to 1v5 lmao i cant believe my paragraph is being spammed now KEKW !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison yo @foggedftw2 are your coaching sessions only trynd? @khyou then he can pick tryndamere only when it suits the matchup.. problkem im glad his chat is giving him what he deserves @Ascii89 would ruin the point of the challenge hashinshin wouldnt tolerate this level of harass. He'd hae an empty chat because everyone would be banned restream his stream and comment the game @foggedftw2 are we waiting for tf to finish his game? well look how he plays, obviosly the chat is affecting him somehow chat stahp TFBlade is just a child who is being backed into a corner @foggedftw2 hes running it to avoid talking kekw Hello Danny :D Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater. stream snipe tfblade specifically when he doesnt pick trynd lol Can we change the whyjax command to just reply with "Bad player"? what were you saying about the items? !stats @campleb2 mom get the camera @foggedftw2 this needs to get onto /r/livestreamFail mods are having work trkPotato trkPotato trkPotato pls more item infos @foggedftw2 @MiracleTwitch then he will have less total wins on trynd and lose. 💿 hes cheating 💿 SO WHAT? @controlshiftesc No, we need to still respect streamers. hey fogged i saw a lot of streamers tilting on diamond, i think u guys need 3 days of resting. is godd for you and for the challeng @MidnightxPMC true but its not as bad as straight up accepting @foggedftw2 say you can both only teemo if trynd is banned and if not must dodge? Was joke obviously Check out my new merch! What do i need to do to be as good as you if they get ocean soul on singed, there is no way tfblad can win i am sad bet is kinda ruined think ive lost respecr for TF can you show us his stream? so we can see with you yes @foggedftw2 Discord Fog Can coach any champ any role both blotChamp HOLY SHIT THE PASTAS IN HIS CHAT HAHAHAHA both teemo Taimo is Trynd band @midnightxpmc wrong respect is earned it isn’t a right just because he’s a streamer Blade started to ban people who calls him as a cheater :D LOOOOOOL can u play like fa ipavO both Teemo blotChamp KEKW @GreenV1rus fogged jsut call him now. hes dead for the 16th time in 23 minutes @GreenV1rus KEKW hes not busy rap songs? Why doesnt he just delay like 40 secs. when trynd is banned just both play aatrox, afk push all laning phase and, this is very importnat, if you die to a gank make sure you immediately tp on your minions !opggs @seismicshard he coaches any champs thts cracy what an anial he is That chat is a shit show, I'ma stay in here KEKW Teemo is the least picked danP then whoever plays more just wins lol that would just be who can play more if you did it that way total wins instead of LP just benefits the person who plays more games HahaPoint HahaShrugMiddle Hey fogged ! Do you know Alderiate ? Challenge him to a boxing match; winner takes all kingchammas subscribed at Tier 1. kingchammas's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Careful with copyright re-streaming @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 he means total wins on tryndamere. tf is only like 19 right? it would make is actions make more sense tbh @dessmond107 that reminds me of someone 🤔 Shoutout to you Fogged - you are handling the drama like a champ - always with a cool head - this is why i only watch you Teemo if Trynd banned danH @littlegeorgecostanza I support this More class here then going down to a cheaters level andddd he dies again in the 1v3 XD I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @dessmond107 sounds familiar KEKW are we in queue? !song every time i check on TF hes playing anyhting other than trynd the fairest challenge would be based on win % with a minimum amount of games required. for example you both must play 150 games and higher win% wins Ehh I was sub 2450 Maybe just win % out of 100 games played. Higher win % wins the bet? @foggedftw2 All of these 12 year olds super butt hurt lol !king PepeJAM Cheer100 what ever happens, youve made alot more followers and great exposure. @foggedftw2 how about win percentage with trynd only as the winner of the bet then he is just wasting time playing other champs at this point, Blade just hsa to concede. Any rule change sounds like a terrible idea chaoticoz is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! chaoticoz's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! chaoticoz gifted a Tier 1 sub to VixQil! @foggedftw2 what is name of song i know what mmr does no idea what it stands for I think the bet is fine as is, he just knowingly cheated lol rooPog Everytime I switch to his stream he's dead this whole situation is just gonna get fogged harassed by tfblade fans its a lose lose situation Dodged again danH foggedftw2 has the high ground. no need to change the rules of battle where are getting these lofi from. I really hope TF loses hes gonna lose the game on his main anyways lmaoooo @zentempest match making ranking chat, the problem with win% is that he can just pick in favor matchups, it should be in total wins chaoticoz rooGift Clap BibleThump wheres the birb Pog ragestomper1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! ragestomper1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! jax only challenge incoming tfblade fans are with fogged @zentempest if I remember right it's "match making rating" or something similar @foggedftw2 I can understand him getting sick of playing trynd only, but he could've gone and played on a different account to wind down tf lost 3 or so already today lol 9 months danP is followercount public? Yeah I only learned of this stream due to the challenge. It is now my fav LoL stream You should give blade anything on this, He cheated without even asking and getting approved first. Thanks FOG first sub I ever made true u have so many new subs @foggedftw2 just compare trynda w/r after you both reach a defined LP in challenger (like 900 LP challenger) @Isentropicmike I think any reasonable person is @Arbucks thanks jax only challenge incoming! yeah your viewers count is the highest you got in your career, the challenge was BIG win for you shouldnt* foggedGift @foggedftw2 what is name of song He is just a kid. Dont expect anything from him lol what is this song? challenge song name? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison tf cheating makes you look better teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to TFBlade! They have given 699 Gift Subs in the channel! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! anddd he dies again Why do you blink so hard Tea LUL im a TFBlade fan but this cheating is retarded, the promos deal was alright but this is too much @teacrisis That's Harsh LUL @foggedftw2 grats on now knowing beyond all doubt youre the #1. not like we ever doubted you are your eyes okay @foggedftw2 they seem tired from the way you blink. rest up you win this challenge ez @foggedftw2 have you been playing league longer than blade? !opggs he's just constantly dying as his main in diamond teacrisis rooPog song? @BongMasta95 Dry eyes he's losing on irelia KEKW He can use the education teacrisis 699 gifts danP @teacrisis the legend foggedYoda the main problems with blade's actions are that he doesnt hide queue and have delay then complains about trynd bans and also didn't wait for fogged's approval before playing irelia Ah ok ty. @Fiarill5 danLUL foggedYoda foggedYoda @Krobaxx Youre shit talking someone when youre probably silver @foggedftw2 how you think he is playing rn? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison tfbC Clap foggedYoda is there any new build for the current meta? for trynd? or do we keep with the old one @foggedftw2 what do u think about tf blade picking other champs? !playlist foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda EMOTE ONLY CHAT? MAYBE u in q? howdoyoukillme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! KingOfTryndamere TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG @foggedftw2 what is name of song !opggs howdoyoukillme's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Thanks for the HahaDoge @teacrisis foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Can't Spam the Yoda emote anymore FeelsBadMan foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Foggedyoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda any gifters? NaM foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Is there a secret challenge like "dying 20 times in a diamond game" ? Kappa foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedPepega foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda hey @foggedftw2 i am from brasil u streming is my favorite, realy didatic and funny, keep the good work! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I don't have Fogged danSad foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !rank foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda YES SIR foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedPepega KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda how do I adjust my mental? I'm naturally inclined to blame my team for everything. how can I learn to focus 100% on my gameplay I no sub... :( foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG Gift me a sub so i can spam the yoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedPepega foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedyoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedPepega foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda forsen1 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda fogg foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda best emote ever kandyHandy kandyClown kandyCrazy foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda sub me foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG Kreygasm foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedPepega foggedYoda danSad foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG Thanks for the HahaPoint @ragestomper1 i CANT BibleThump BibleThump foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda to be fair we can just deduct whatever LP he gains that game, and things will be back normal foggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda :) shipHMM shipHMM shipHMM shipHMM foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda <~~~~~ need sub to spam! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda NOM foggedFrog ssjNUUU ssjDENIED foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYoda not subbed anymore PepeHands foggedyoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggeeddd foggedTrynda foggedTrynda sleppyUkulele sleppyUkulele sleppyUkulele sleppyUkulele foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda VoHiYo VoHiYo foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog LUL LUL wat a cool emote foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda k what happended?\ foggedYoda NO FUCK TF BLADE BURN HIM AT THE STAKE KEKW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda TFBLADE STILL MALDING? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda F foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda PepeHands no sub foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedLewd i missed that whole thing :/ I dropped a plate what is this song????? o foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !opggs foggedYoda squadW foggedYoda @foggedftw2 u in Q? tf trkRat No sub here either cohhM Song??? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedW TakeNRG HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer TakeNRG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoga Kappa foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBird @foggedftw2 typeracer with chat while we wait? POGGERS foggedYoda this is where it's at HahaPoint foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedHappy foggedLewd foggedCorgi foggedHappy foggedLewd foggedCorgi foggedHappy foggedLewd foggedCorgi foggedGasm foggedYoda foggedYoda plz song name? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda <------tfblade little baby b**** foggedGasm Check out my new merch! foggedYoda what happens if they get in the same game? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedLUL foggedYoda TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG FeelsBadMan foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Yoda danP wyzdmMilo wyzdmMilo wyzdmMilo wyzdmMilo wyzdmMilo foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda what was that song??? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYodafoggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I have another yoda danP foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Baby yoda cute af foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedYoda how about making it about tryn winrate? 🤔 2 NA arabs cheating OMEGALUL First Yasssssuo now forsenCD Blade this drama is stagged by fogged and blade to get content *joking* foggedYoda IceCold IceCold SoSnowy foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda gholanGnar gholanGnar gholanGnar foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda do or do not, thereis no trynd foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda <3 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda <3 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG GayPride foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedW its all about money ratirlBusiness foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda wait i just got on, what happened? heeeelp foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda PogChamp PogChamp foggedYoda PogChamp PogChamp foggedYoda PogChamp PogChamp foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft !opggs sanchGood1 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda As soon as blade gifts me that sub ill spam yoda all day long :) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda (ditto) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ssjFresh <- Yoda Baby Yoda danP foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG unrelated, anyone knows whats up with RTO? squadW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda anybody, pls wat happened? yee bby @HeMayn he streams on Facebook now foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS !build TwitchRPG CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups do you/streamer pay an artist for the emotes? or is it a twitch service? Come one guys i need to be able to spam this YODA only yoda can unite the nations @AManNeedsAName new emote foggedYoda foggedYoda Thanks blade for free sub underdog020 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GiroudCR7! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! underdog020's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! does it really? @EmmyLeeC thanks, did not know that foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @Isentropicmike We pay for them @AManNeedsAName challenge is basically over, TFBlade says he can play any champ now thanks babe @underdog020 why conq instead of lethal tempo? @foggedftw2 Cheer130 spam it now @giroudcr7 @emmyleec look great, ty for the info foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda hey guys what did i miss? Why is TF playing Irelia ? @robjohnlechmere lul what a loser Hot dayum your Talon sucked! @foggedftw2 I dont have murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison how do I know what emote i got gifted foggedYoda foggedGift foggedPepega foggedBaby foggedCorgi foggedProf foggedWizard foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedBird foggedFiesta foggedRNG foggedRightArm foggedW foggedWurf foggedHappy foggedSMOrc foggedDog foggedLUL foggedTilt foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedREE foggedFOGGERS foggedTrynda foggedEmmy foggedThink foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedUlt Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda FrankerZ FrankerZ murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft TF is godlike on irelia yoda cute gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby gonthoYo gonthoDa gonthoBaby foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog baby yoda Pog oops :o LUL @Gonthorian uh CorgiDerp FrankerZ DAMN I just saw his streaming title WHAT IS THIS !opggs game its over game is over tf's game is over foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda could you pull of a tank trynd game in high ello? Gonthorian danH i killed baby yoda D: @foggedftw2 how did your attack speed feel on that build? murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft Baby Yoda cohhD TIME FOR CONTENT Pog !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 31 LP (72-18) Don’t u think conq is easily countered if people know executioner item exists ? gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa berserker > cd boots? looks like he's winning now foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda can u clip what ur talking about and post to youtube? Gonthorian No killing baby yoda blotThump I hope TF waits 5 days to pay so I can get my sub refreshed XD blade finished game over HES DONE @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 game done Games over danP lets go @foggedftw2 Tf won Disney suing you in 3.. 2.. 1.. what happened? TFBlade is done hes OUT Call tfblade here we go HES DONE murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft game over LETS GO he won HE FINISHED tobias2 tobiasWAVE he done call him His game is done HE FINISHED HE FINISHED he is done with his game fogged HE is done cheating a win LUL His game is over foggedYoda fogged yado gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa TFBlade got carried? he was 0.8 KDA last i saw FINISHED Call TF @foggedftw2 i'm here to watch the non cheater :) face your sins TFSnake! hes done call him foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda LETS RUN THE DRAMA BABY foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda tobias1 tobias2 tobiasWAVE I remember this game TF crying, call him maybe? hes done call him fogged He finished foggedYoda murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft tobias2 tobiasWAVE whats better. cd boots or atack speed boots? He done tobiasCHAMP tobiasGOOD HahaHide SwagiAfghani tobiasCHAMP tobiasWAVE call FF blade he's crying BibleThump HE is done 🐍 get em out boys tobiasCHAMP How can tfblade claim it doesn't matter until high elo when he won't hit high elo playing trynd? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison you should talk to him his game is over call him tobiasCHAMP Clap 23 lp lol if u want i mean @CptTeempo yoo @nora2way YOO tobiasKISS tobiasWAVE Let’s hear this yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yoo tobiasKISS !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 54 LP (73-18) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king lmao ff blade @foggedftw2 do you think nimbus cloak can replace ghost completely? call blade @foggedftw2 he sounds like a snake oil salesman DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode chat what happened? !opggs GOOD DEAL GUYS blade cheating Fine him for 50subs now Kappa SwagiAfghani rooHappy @nevercoppednodrop I think most people would agree that they can both hit challenger... holy shit I just noticed TF blade. I wouldn't give that guy the lint in my pocket seeing him just not play the challenge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! yasSnake @CptTeempo @nora2way tobiasKISS tobiasWAVE im waiting for the drama tobiasLUL call him @HerMoonlight Blade just played irelia why did TF play Irelia when he was not even in promos? cohhD @sliponknot No but it sure makes ghost better LUL KEKW KEKW IRELIA IS BAD LATE GAME HE SAYS Tf blade: BibleThump SwagiAfghani cohhM hes talking to chat what happened? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @jeffrey8888 do we really need to explain, kinda obvious doesn't tf blade only play other champs when trynd is banned? Ignored KEKW in ite him on lol chat yasSnake Sssss MAKE HIM PAY UP HE BROKE THE RULES KEKW "It's a fair deal. I'm playing other champs if it's banned" @foggedftw2 Challenge is over TF blade Cheated Ur malding he's talking to chat instead of talking to you Hes talking a load of shit if trynd is banned. i play secondary champ. if not banned, i play trynd. it makes it fair He gets so quiet i think the stream lagged out @jeffrey8888 Buckle down boyo, you're getting your answer now LUL Tf literally has 0 honor. What a loser lol he's saying play whatever you want if banned because they are going to ban him every game !king bruh he aint responding thought i would throw up the true snake emote yasSnake "It's a fair deal. I'm playing other champs if it's banned" cohhD +- @foggedftw2 Challenge is over TF blade Cheated KEKW take @online4always Hard agree how is it fair he plays other champs lol.. thats not the challenge lmao buddy KEKW im cheating $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! He need to pay them 2500 now god I just hate his voice !ranks CHEATING BLADE KEKW CHEATING BLADE KEKW CHEATING BLADE KEKW CHEATING BLADE KEKW CHEATING BLADE KEKW !opgg ResidentSleeper FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 54 LP (73-18) cheatfblade !challenge DONT LET HIM CHEAT 💿 what do yall expect TF to do lmao. he's supposed to get screwed for being sniped out? stfu TF Snake , pay up LOL Literally what I said... nothing as satisfying as logging onto twitch and seeing fogged live POG trkBaby trkBaby trkBaby @tbakm he agreed to the bet... “If we both get into high elo” - FFBlade @tbakm Put on delay and hide client? KEKW F him lol I'm getting double chat Why dont you guys get to high elo first, instead of blade saying IF he gets to high elo foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ResidentSleeper Check out my new merch! you can change the challenge to just highest lp regardless of what rank ............. LUL put fear into them ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Pepega ? 15deaths irelia fear KEKW OMEGALUL howdy stream 200iq. if people know he'll play trynd, they'll let him so he can int fear? ResidentSleeper dumb reason the fear LIE KEKW @foggedftw2 Dont accept that wasnt the rules u started why can't he admit he lost lol foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega rofl the fear what a cop out this isnt how challenges work though, and he fails to climb now and fogged doesnt That shit makes no sense LOL LMAO WUT WUT he should have to eat a remake penalty if he does that tfblade is just retarded jabbyho subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! Lmfao !opggs jabbyho's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! there is fear alright.. fear of losing the bet xD TF Snake Makes sense !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 54 LP (73-18) just end the bet ??????? what tf blade trying to cheat like a bitch I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here HOW thats a completely different challenge hes proposing IS THAT PUT A DELAY THEN LMAO A FAIR DEAL WHAT A fair deal OMEGALUL Fuk TFBlade Naw what he’s saying makes sense LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF A FAIR DEAL He needs to get delay, thats just unfair without so many bad excuses from tfblade sigh he refuses to be wrong @GreenV1rus insane to call that a fair deal lmao 5 days in Hide client, 45 second delay "Im an idiot so its a fair deal" OMEGALUL It's not hard at all LULW Why the fuck tfblade is just laughin He's looking for excuses KEKW LMAO this guy platinum notices this fuckin dude ''MY JAX IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO MY TRYND'' - TF BLADE 2K19 TRUE LULW “but i have no delay and i’m mentally weak” KEKW "it won't matter" KEKW KEKW "it won't matter" lul KEKW Don't accept his bs terms, he's acting like a kid Guys calm down lmao then why start the challenge -_- please noooooooooo don;t let him Dont accept danny SAY THAT WHEN THEY ARE MASTERS AND GRANDMASTERS KEKW tfblade bruh, you won't even get there cross that bridge when you do Don’t let him walk over you man he is not even challenger yet tho he already lost the way he's acting he's just smiling and joking wow BrokeBack Yh don't let him walk over you he knows he lost he's got this snake like grin while fogged is laying it down THEN HE CHEATED holy shit I'm tilted Check out my new merch! !opggs I'm actually massively tilted from this. Froggedftw2 do a deal with him everytime but only if tryndamere is banned in master+ maybe you only can play garen. How about he keeps count of all NON-Trynd games, and the LP he gained from them, and subtracts the LP amount at the end of the challenge? LISTEN BUDDY FOGGED IS BETTER, CHANGE MY MMIND take this to LAN. No one there gives a shit about you gringos. what tf doing is just unfair honestly hes just losing face. he challenged, he lenient rules for himself and still backs of LUL lol BUY DOOD He didn't care about you when he picked other champs he even took the piss outa you sayin he has more/better champs OMEGALUL tf blade getting owned HE ALREADY CHEATED LUL YEAH BUT NO "wouldn't make a difference" Holy But if Trynd was banned. TF would do BETTER. shit stop arguing, he has no logic Is not fair dude you are wasting your time explaining to this monkey, use middle man @foggedftw2 blade don't wanna lose lolol Tell him if he pays for 500 subs he can do it OMEGALUL omg @foggedftw2 dont give in of this you have alreay given enough oh 200 games, it's 20 games. 20 wins in chall for him is like... 300LP D: LMAO thats your problem tF THIS IS LIKE SAYING I BET THE DOLPHINS WIN THE SUPER BOWL....super bowl comes, HEY DOLPHINS ARENT WINNING, CAN I PICK A TEAM AT THE 4TH QUARTER? WTF IS HE TALKING KEKW foggedDerp foggedDerp foggedDerp he can't accept that you are a better trynd u challenge u deal with it man up I this bet Davies you over all Malding so hard FIND UIR SPINE He shouldnt do the challenge then DO U SEE A MAN IN THE MIRROR TF lmao bs @foggedftw2 dont give in He’s so needy wtf foggedProf foggedProf Literally rat in his chat spamming they do get banned lmao he has his spine, take him to the mattresses if it's just 10% other games shouldnt be too hard to dodge or play one on another account my man lying through his teeth dont give in do not concede please RANGERZX ONE TRICK Why is tf being such a baby don't give in. he's being a baby Time for him to own up and grow up We got so much one trick in euw God, fogged is actually just so nice Whats happening?? give him an out, pay up now and move servers/change bet Seriously just got here what are they discussing? fogged is a smart debater. OMG FOGGED PLZ NO HE CHEATED ALREADY IM SO TILTED. Can't watch him let him off because hes nice. later guys. TF cheating playing other champs So the challenge is over? LMAO OH SHIT.. its been planned from the beginning.. fogged drafted into TL LCS team.. top lane tryn.. moving in with Tf.. bam illuminati !uptime 1 hour 16 minutes 52 seconds hard agree wait TF is backing out of the challenge now? business foggedDerp KEKW True KEKW KEKW he says he runs 0 delay for chat LMAO MALDING KEKW no I think fogged is letting him off @aggresivelypassive KEKW if he wants to win the challenge put delay Gottem "Never mald" catch the sarcasm guys @xAcidik :/ Imagine MALDING about MALDING never mald KEKW Hahahaha LOL! @foggedftw2 it dont matter he doesnt tallk to his chat lololol very generous fogged Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !opggs lmfao. i love fogged because his chat flames him back roflmao GO FOGGED GO get coached tfblade finally some grown up talks some sense in this kid MALDING LUL barbu9820 subscribed with Twitch Prime. barbu9820's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! papaoHohoho papaoHohoho ???? did he rlly say who who? LUL xD LUL im malding xD DO THE CHALLENGE ( FOGGED / TFBLADE / ALDERIATE / RANGERZX / i just tuned in.....Why is Fogged babying TFblade what happened lmaoo !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Check out my new merch! Kurtdenstore? @pr0jekt because fogged is business minded and not a snake @pr0jekt tf blade got tryn banned and started locking other champs @pr0jekt he tried to back out and change the challenge and says that its only fair adrian? EUW tryn only KEKW @pr0jekt TF got sick of getting banned LUL He still owes you 500 subs I can't believe he's letting him off ggez adrian riven is scary TRUE LOL Hanzi89 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hanzi89's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Why the fuck are you letting him out of the challenge? Trueeeeeeee I dont understand how TFBlade can even make excuses considering Fogged has done it 100% LUL 🔭 forsen1 any bajs Hahahahah yet cant run delay COACHED LOL f0rsenCD XDDD GET EM @GiroudCR7 Good for his stream to keep this going I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here TF is a child, let this be a lesson to him @pr0jekt he never gave it 100% and still backs out i dont get it. yeah his chat became LUL tfbLul cohh3 cohhLUL he's such a fucking child. bodied lmao COACHED TRUE Lmao This kid takes nothing serious @foggedftw2 teach that boy Fogged is just outplaying blade with arguments Hahahaha foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL . this is insane @foggedftw2 he can quit now for 100 subs give him an easy out fogged handling this rly well fogged is being so fucking nice lmao KEKW foggedLUL he is a kid man he's 17 lol You’re talking with a child bro LMAO This guy’s an idiot "Never been angry" Lmfao foggedREE foggedHulk never been angry lol he's never been angry lmo foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedTilt foggedFrog We Mad AF trkMald foggedREE lol Ok TF is a child, you are going to have to parent him He has problems Fogged Turning into T1 foggedPepega Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 he is mocking you. i watch his stream foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog i think fogged would be a great teacher Fogged is so chill Not angry @foggedftw2 we need a foggedHulk emote You’re arguing with a child Seriously LMAO THIS KID LUL Just call it off. He's a child until Monday with trynd only jesus TF wtf foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk ??????? see if it goes better for blade??? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @foggedftw2 But TF already played non trynd game out of promo : ( LETS DO EET nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt NOW Don’t do it foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedFrog I want it to keep going lmao DO IT NOW SO YOU WIN EU now. so fogged has EUW money shit do both DO IT NOW EUW PRIME content You couldn't wreck my server D: foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda mini hulk foggedYoda wreck our server PLS KEKW KR would be more hype than EUW This is going no where lol gonna lose to euw LUL Ew He is trying to stall D: DO. BOTH. he needs to pay a free to break this deal. fucking piker. He is smart telling you to pick now so you can finance EUW Yo ima try snipe TFBlade in EUW he's disgusting Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! RANGERZX ALDERIATE FOGGED TFBLADE yeah like al and Ranger arent gonna back wheel both of you hard :) LUL Ask him when he's planning on gifting subs because I needa reup ooOOOoo Por que no los dos? ONE OF HIS OPTIONS NEEDS TO BE GIVE FOGGED MONEY not february im in japan "tell me how it is have girlfriend, I never do that either" - TFBlade When are u proposing!?!?!? lmao ResidentSleeper 500 subs when? TF disqualified @PlatinumEra95 gimme money So far away im tilted by tfblade Just finish HHah Smash NA Come bajc may 2020 @MidnightxPMC no tf needs to put, now, euw, or give fogged subs now Hahahah #TF500FOGGED you should make the stakes higher tfblade just gonna lose fans i think its 20:35 now im tilted by tfblade twitch chat Check out my new merch! TF Blade got off scott free rip This is so bad for tf ending the challenge @EmmyLeeC What do you think of all this @manuu333 nah he wont hes just to big This guy is a joke FUCK SHEN!!!!!!!!!!!! its just sad then, what a kid. claw09twitch subscribed with Twitch Prime. just forget about the challenge, he's obviously not gonna respect rules claw09twitch's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! This is gonna be on leage of drama for sure Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @claw09twitch What a bad emote KEKW If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! leaked The same exact thing’s gonna happen in May on EUW lol @Fiarill5 Not if you put foggedRightArm next to it @foggedftw2 why even set up a new challenge I don’t think this kid is capable of following rules with KEKW in the middle man he levelled an account to get cheated that feels like shit Tell TF BLADE to donate 100 suubs to make up for it @foggedftw2 DUO rank up account sto 30 with bad ping? nah, at least in EU we have a spine and don't ban OTPs out practicing with irelia ? KEKW @Krobaxx you can't honestly expect him to wait 10 years for queue to pop, then have to dodge a tryn ban repeat infront of 10k viewers continuously he owes you subs HahaShrugLeft foggedREE foggedRightArm pay up bitch this child ????????????????????????? HE PROVES NOTHING TO TWITCH CHAT LUL Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! ??? wtf KEKW LOL gift 1000 subs best out of 3 1v1 I'm so lost lol what is this so 500 subs for fogged if he wins so 1000 subs? thanks EZ SUBS TFBLADE such a good guy OK pog double or nithing Just change the peramiters of the challenge what you saying now chat? Fogged play Jax top, TF Blade plays Trynd jungle LUL he lost. hes done. if he wasn't ready for it then fuck the challenge lol @KyleXreX thats a good deal I'm so tilted at this lol EZ 1k subs So what's going on chat? I just joined WOW NO seems fair FUCK THIS KID HANG UP Ight good deal tf is tilting me so hard lol foggedW foggedW NOICE lets gooodooooo Take that bro ??/??? seems a WAAAAAAY better deal for fogged Fogged got nothing to lose, do it good deal lol rekt @foggedftw2 what about, instead just have people keep a record like in the google doc and count only tryn games BURN :D Noice did he rage quit @foggedftw2 LETS GO RANK 1 @mirardt wtf you walking about. He just bailed on a deal because it was bad for him. WE CAN DO THIS! foggedYoda foggedYoda Rekt What the f k did TF just do lmao !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP LOL easy deal LULW he lost LOL LULW 100% ruined 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 YEA BUT HYPE FOR MAY foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda u have nothing on the line and u get 500 GIFTED #1 trynd in world already proven Fogged has nothing to lose and everything to win now lol KEKW LMAO Have fun being hard stuck in diamond 😂😂😂😂 lol what even change title "#1 trynd NA undisputed" nothing to lose lol\ Hahahaha Ikr foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda 500 free subs KEKW 500 more in may KEKW U JUST BAMBOOZLED HIM LOL @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 do you think tf vlade is cheating with playing other champs even better Fogged is the goat TF got no sac Play what ever now @foggedftw2 did he rage quit the challenge YOU STILL NEED TO PLAY !! @foggedftw2 Time for AP Malphite KEKW cohhD yasSnake Sssss tfbC I want to tell you I'm the best Tryndamere but let me play other champs because I let him get banned barbapapa196 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Good thing you put off your vacation for this.. so annoying. he doesn't have to keep embarrassing himself we got his word - HE BETTER PAY UP IF HE LOOSES FREEE Items core trynda? i am from argentina barbapapa196's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! what have i mist? perfect @naujokas3 did you just join? freedom how much money does tf blade make if he's just willing to throw $2500 away like that DONT GIVE HIM A CHANCE IM FREE Pog i cant speak anymore ... @foggedftw2 LOL CHECK HIS STREAM Pog easy money baby what happened i joine mid way Huge Pog, get farming that LP hey guys what did i miss? I CAN BREATH that was actually a really nice negotiation I feel like TF basically saved 2500$ man, I´ m on a 14 win trynda winstreak thanks to this stream. what makes you think this won't just happen again in EU? change title "#1 trynd NA TF can't hold a candle" freeee Plus/Plus situation TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR LEAD @EmmyLeeC i didnt even see you turn sub mode only on @foggedftw2 you can compete with me for rank 1 trynd EUW Kappa i didnt catch what happened :/ no it doesn't LUL Yeah its good not ruined,it sounds good trump would be proud HeyGuys @foggedftw2 TF is too rich man haha Hi Fogged Love YOu @PlatinumEra95 yh YEAH GOOD !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 why would you accept this offer ? We can still do this foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS I was afraid challange will end already, Let s good Free 5oo Subs foggedW foggedW WAIT SOMEONE GIFTED ME WHOEVER IT WAS ILY <3 Tf blade is just a cheating baby @foggedftw2 same will happen in may lets get those subs! @foggedftw2 I'm so sad you let him off lmao @foggedftw2 man tfblade is such a cheater what haappened? negotiation was stressing me out @foggedftw2 take his money now and then again in may diplomacyftw2 baby!!! can anyone filll me in on what happened? dude that was the smartes suggestion you came with there gg fogged won I actually saw the weight lift off your shoulders @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 It would be so hype if you could get Alderiate in the challenge too fogged diplomacy @foggedftw2 not really people afk there for no reason at all Fogged best guy <3 I feel bad for u man who won the challenge? I'LL ALWAYS BAN TRYNDAMER IN MAY he didn't rage he became broken @naujokas3 It's now free for all, but onlyTF will have to pay he shouldve paid @foggedftw2 TF shows that he doesn't care about money @foggedftw2 the same will happen in EUW just look at what happened to tarzaned when he was in eu I got kinna late, what happened? so if someone target bans tf blade trynd then they are actually helping him @foggedftw2 Will you fly out to EU for that? Art of The Deal EZClap Well now he’s got nothing to lose so i mean, its still preseason and tryharding in ranked...when literally nobody else is. kind of a toxic environment He cheated Ok what happened can we get a summary? can anyone explain what went down i got here like 10 min ago EZ he just lost 2k viewers lol ? W-A-A-A-A-Y LUL TRUE EZ !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison SURE HE WILL LUL he gonna pay people to ban trynd Whaaaaat foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Feels Bad not been subbed FeelsBadMan b ut its so sad how imamture tfblade is handling a conversation like this, so sad that i watched his pov, laughing like an idiot @foggedftw2 y dont you pick the champ he plays if tryn gets banned? He said, he played trynd better ratirlCozy what do u build to win against udyr when u are trynda??? RAT LUL Pulse35 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pulse35's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 how will you check that he picks trynd when it's open? ololollo W-AAAAA-Y why are people so salty about tfblade, how is he supposed to do the challenge if he gets target banned by stream snipers? god i hate tf so childish and cant even follow rules gwuakamoli subscribed with Twitch Prime. he didnt ragequit he just angrily left gwuakamoli's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! hes bming LUL I'M GONNA PERMA BAN TRYNDAMERE IN MAY i think this worked out pretty well for you and honestly blade is a fucking child lmao ratirlFlower ratirlFlower Pretty hype if you can Ranger, Al and Thomas in the challenge. you got like 700 viewrs in that conversation time !uptime 1 hour 27 minutes 34 seconds @foggedftw2 but EUW is hard !opggs tryn is gonna be banned still LUL @AP0LAS can you tell me what happened im so lost foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Wait what is happening can someone explain in dms ? What happened to challenge? Thanks for the HahaThink @pulse35 Why are u taking this kid seriously for a challenge !opggs Rat will target ban and int no questions asked lol lets see if fogged can get diamond in EUW KEKW you guys are missing a big point i guess. he just got another deal for exposure and free housing on TLs neck Kappa inflated ego too @50farm20min are you hyped for euw server and better environment to play in? Ya yeet What if trynda gets nerfed do ground @foggedftw2 ? Where in euw !uptime Blade just lost 3K8, viewers Thanks for the Emote @pulse35 ratirlFlower @neonskylights maybe... DONT GET STREAMSNIPED? DELAY? OVERLAY? DONT SHOW CLIENT? murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! EUW arent scumbags, no tryn bans here I swear on my empty bank account KEKW This just ruined the hype @Xtylier im just confused on what happened Just stay from eueast guys I dont want you ruin my games :P no problem bruh thats for Tf ruining the challenge @I_Risen_I yea same dude i only saw the last 5 mins of the call @foggedftw2 please do night streams at EUW foggedEmmy so na isnt even a challenge huh Welcome to my Server Keepo !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i ll streamsnipe you in euw Kreygasm FFBLADE KEKW @foggedftw2 cant wait to play with you, gonna que snipe @foggedftw2 tell riot to release the rework fiddle in may so tryn doesnt get banned EU POGGERS \me Ranger already said he won't compete. it's too much stress for him @neonskylights because Fogged has literally played nothing but Trynd with no issues and is higher LP but TF Blade refuses to delay and hide client so ofc he gets sniped tf lost 2k wievers in 30 mintues, rip the hype @Muggenz he is a tryn one trick.. TF has the advantage if they go to other champs which makes the challenge worthless @KyleXreX depends if they like you or not @foggedftw2 how is rageblade on trynd these days ???? Kinda lame for now dude four way comp hows the TryndamereSometimesChallenge going? @NeuralProdigy lmao do the challenge with rangerz literally teh fix is to hide your client and don't let people see the name of your smurf but if euw has more trynd mains wont it be harder to get trynd for u two every one ponies up 500 subs now he doesnt hide queue anymore host him after hes legit showing client again... rangerz streams? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! please INCLUDE RANK 1 HOBBI RANGERXZ is so good ALDERIATE Sometimes Trynd Only Challenge Kappa hey wait IS A BEAST !DEUS VULT DEUS VULT rangers says he's not gonna join coz he would get too intense monkaS blade is showing champ select on purpose LUL DEUS VULT More streamers = more subs for the winners and less money from the losers too !opggs WAIT GUYS, WHAT IF HE BAN TRYND HIMSELF is the challenge over or what? I did miss the explanation.. Sometimes Tryn Challenge Kappa KEKW SOMETIMES TRYND CHALLENGE I'm disappointed, Fogged shouldn't have given in the bet i dont know @NeuralProdigy maybe more ppl try to snipe blade than fogged, but i guess your brain is too big for you to ever be wrong !DEUS VULT HahaThink HahaThink LE FLEX GANG Pog what happend why did fogged shout at tfblade @dR0senHammer just to have an excuse to not play trynd LUL FIINDING MATCH 4:20 FINDING MATCH 4:20 so challenge is over right? Check out my new merch! @thedivagent he can still win 2500 before euw RIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Officially. yes. can someone tell me what happeneed to the challenge Non officially. No so when TFBlade will give 500 subs ? @everyone !king you can agree of taking out 18 lp of the total rank everytime you decided to play another different champ PepePls @neonskylights he can literally just hide his client so people onl ysee his in game Alright so we need a new command for the 5k plus people who will ask over the next 2 weeks !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison what a baby BabyRage who won challenge? @beratanilb if fogged gets higher rank !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP music PepePls @MidnightxPMC or we just ignore them. its like a good party, you shoulda been there @MidnightxPMC Very true is it the end of the year ? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Kappa !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison TFCheat made a TryndamereSometimesChallenge out of it but he wont claim the bounty @neonskylights so thats the EXCUSE to NOT HIDE CLIENT? ok. Have more people trying to snipe you? Better show client! @burNNNNz96 Yeah but like come on man why the fuck do you give in to that brat? stick to the original challenge and screw this "I do this for the steaming business and to not lose exposure:" shit. He knows he lost and he could just pay up fogged and be done with it @PlatinumEra95 mean mods KEKW @rmjoshua a classic low elo player response, maybe theres less ppl in high elo genius Chat how did the argument end? Tf quit challenge ? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !delcom whyjax @MidnightxPMC -> There was an error deleting the command. Error: command does not exist why did tf blade get to play other champs @siffame i gots a green sword. gotta use it somehow @mirroh3 ty :) twitch chat care more then Fogg @dayofmajesty495 if tfblade wins, he wont get 500 subs but if fogged wins he get 500 subs fogg only got a better deal from tfs complaining @Deals987 Ikr lmfao blade such a slimey bitch LULW fogg has such a good deal doing this challenge any way you look at it because of the exposure he gets @mirroh3 are you joking LULW we all thought moe was the snake !King @thedivagent dude then he wouldnt have anything else to do for the rest preseason Props to blade for stepping up and holding true to the sub part of the deal. pretty honorable to present that deal. he has a shot at 500 more subs and longer exposure time so its Fogged against Cheater now If you are not diamond elo don’t talk. You@don’t know how people in higher elo target ban. The challenge was flawed from the beginning Typical eu trash Kappa !opggs That is probably the best solution. We still get content, Fogged has nothing to lose but exposure and 500 subs to gain, and TF Blade can learn Tryn and maybe even prove he is better Tryn This is much better for fogged, very smart man. He's risk-free winning 500 subs. He already got exposure this time round. In May he'll get much more. This man should've gotten into big business. @foggedftw2 you should allow him to play other champs above master, but then deduct the total lp he would have gained playing other champs @neonskylights wtf are you even talking about? There are obviously less people in high elo. But then that means both he and fogged have the same disadvantage whats playlist? too many zoomers who care too much about the challenge KEKW !opggs the integrity of the challenge may be ruined by blade but Fogg still gets so so much from this !opggs he didn't get a better deal because he already won @adoinc I know your feeling bro :( Why you calling Blade a snake when fogged got a free deal when he cant lose money but can win 2,5k @foggedftw2 whats the point of doing the challenge anymore if its not even trynd only? also good for tf, he doesnt have to think of another content for the rest preseason which would be really hard cuz there is nothing to do @KyleXreX it's good content man, that doesn't make you a zoomer lol, they settled in a good way Check out my new merch! So tfblade snaked out of the challenge so lame TF worse than Moe? !king hes better @foggedftw2 what is the playlist? @Kveve cuz tf is trying to get out of gifting the subs. basically tf can climb normal @foggedftw2 Rangerz said so far he isn't that interested, but he also said May is a long ways away so he will see then It’s never been about the purity of the challenge to tf blade. That’s why it stings. TF Snake owes you subs Time for AP Malphite KEKW Fogged got cucked,TFBlade changed the rules during the game and he just swallowed,he Will do the same in EUW,unfollowed no balls Streamer Fogged !build You’re too good of a person man CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET nice negotiation skills fogged. you should become a freaking fbi hostage negotiator why u usualy blind too hard sometimes? something with ur eyes? wait the challenge is over ? @foggedftw2 u have to tell him to change rules for euw trip so its "tryndamere only" You guys could agree to play Kled if Trynd is banned sounds like soft porn tunes rofl so....he will gkve you subs? TF blade is like a cringe kid whos day is league stream only. blink* rlly lame i was watching this whole thing so closely lmao Mmm... the challenge is just a win win for fogged now @PlatinumEra95 are you stupid @PlatinumEra95 wtf are you talking about. TF literally said he would gift the subs if fogged wins're honorable and a man. He's a dishonored twat. jollyvette subscribed with Twitch Prime. @PlatinumEra95 thats true actualy, but he still plays trynd if he can jollyvette's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @atrance18 im talking about the salty spammers in tfblade chat for calling him out for cheating and talking crap well it sucks @foggedftw2 you got played just make him pay up he lost I am fuming AHH @PlatinumEra95 tf blade literally made it so he will gift 500 subs but will not allow fogged to gift if he loses @NolanPlaysGamez Fogged naturally benefits either way since he is the smaller stream so he gets more exposure from it, now he benefits even more since he has nothing to lose Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups idk what happened i just came I gotta take a break @vrtzk fogged has dry eye condition Ranger got no money wtf Lmao ratirlGift rorschach____ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! rorschach____'s Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! wait so you dont only have to play tryndamere anymore? rangerz said he would get too intese, so he's not gonna compete monkaS @foggedftw2 EUW woulda been hype rangerz is a beast !king eyes like stephen merchant It’s not about money lmfao which earphones do you use? @AP0LAS @foggedftw2 is the superior trynd player, that challenge should not have even started. Own your loss like a man and shut up about 500 subs. If you think I'm wrong look at TF's twitch chat and see how everyone is calling him a loser and a cheater. youre too nice @foggedftw2 had a work call did blade just admit you are a better trynd and he has to change rulez like a spoiled child to try and win @EmmyLeeC make him pay up i took a shower what happened @tfblade Forget about EUW. Just keep going and stop cheating. If you need to dodge, just go play a game on another account while you wait. That way you don't lose content. Or waste stream time? :) yall savage and not listening. TF JUST MADE IT TO WHERE HE CAN STILL NOT HIDE CLIENT, AND PLAY JAX IRELIA (HIS BETTER CHAMPS). if he gets higher lp now, he doesnt gift @foggedftw2 Will you be playing other champions then if Trynd get's banned out? waiting you here on eu west Fogged @foggedftw2 yellow glasses ? @foggedftw2 are u in q @Kveve implying he wouldn't win LUL kinda fair chalenge now...he will still play trynd like 90 % of games you may loose 500 subs now oh Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! that is oddly mature of him maybe he doesn't want to be pressured like that? @PlatinumEra95 FOGGED ALSO LOSES NOTHING SO TFBLADE IS THE ONLY ONE AT RISK REGARDLESS Wtf ranger is an idiot then. he would gain so many viewers @thedivagent that's just his twitch chat, they banter and tilt him all the time LUL @foggedftw2 like crazy dedicated to the challenge LUL says he doesn't need that i dunno hop over to your main, lets see some games now that youre at 2k viewers @321Kappa i mean fogged might miss out on the 500 he alrdy should get WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR? FIND A GAME ALREADY Wait TF actually said that? !challenger -.--- former TF fans here ready to watch a real trynd So many tf revisionists in chat lmfao Holy shit tfblade lost like 5k viewers? @atrance18 are they wrong though? wait what did they come up with !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Kappa ! what changed about the challenge @321Kappa thats not the point. this was a BET. now its like...hey im losing so i want this in my favor @Gonthorian YEA what happened in the end? !uptime 1 hour 35 minutes 37 seconds what acc is fogged playing on? @vrtzk he lol and your caps is stuck !opggs Since his name is Spin Spin Spln should only let him play trynd and garen haha Hey Fogg , seems your chat care then you doLIL @MidwayStar TF says he cant play just trynd so he will just pick whatever, challenge is a wash he is leaning towards accepting the challenge I miss old TF Blade on old Akali those were such hype 1v1s. u muted it during the call LUL @foggedftw2 so what are the rules now? i missed the drama @thedivagent No, but I mean I think they settled it pretty well. If TF Blade just kept choosing other champs without discussing it with Fogged then that would be def shady ayt @foggedftw2 are you planing on relesing ur long guide for s 10 !compare controlshiftesc subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Goat streamer. Will always watch ya, no matter what or any game bud. controlshiftesc's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Avision666 sorry, sometimes i want to scream, caps for this so @VoidKooler rematch later in EUW, this one is being called over cuz TFBlade cant cut it @foggedftw2 is rageblade total crap on trynd these days??? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Betting thousands of dollars means a lot more for a smaller streamer than for someone like TF Blade. He probably makes that much in a day. So I understand why smaller streamers wouldn't be interested. then idk !may @jabber69wocky tf does what he wants. fogg plays trynd. fogg wins, 500 subs. tf wins, nothing happens weird !king !createcom !May Due to how hard it is to play in high elo in NA right now, Fogged and TFBlade have agreed to reschedule the challenge to May 2020. !addcom !may Due to how hard it is to play in high elo in NA right now, Fogged and TFBlade have agreed to reschedule the challenge to May 2020. @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!may" has been added successfully. so the challenge changed?? so whats the punishment for TFBlade? he just jebaited everyone and thats it? @foggedftw2 play some low elo game for fun tomorrow? you need to relax Nyhz subscribed with Twitch Prime. Nyhz's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison hmm tf another non trynda game !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to I am just glad that you did not get destroyed by ppl since you are the smaller streamer even though you were in the right, sometimes crowd behaviour can get insane Got a link to the music? @PlatinumEra95 I think u @ wrong person Hey fogged it’s all that blue light behind you causing dry eyes is there delay? my sub didnt show :( foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 we need the hat back !opggs !OP.GG i did @jabber69wocky my bad !challenge !may Due to how hard it is to play in high elo in NA right now, Fogged and TFBlade have agreed to reschedule the challenge to May 2020. what elo is this acc? foggedEmmy @foggedftw2 Yeah im getting to it !challenge over fogg wins Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 are you planing on makeing guide for s 10 mods are sleeping. Make me a mod. I´ m the born mod KEKW @foggedftw2 needs a $1000 donation for the s10 champ guide @foggedftw2 what champs do you recommend to pick up DAMN KEKW KEKW OKAY Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! until may? KEKW @atrance18 i agree on that front but I dont think that its a good settlement for @foggedftw2 . Maybe it is for TF Blade but like I dont know It feels like TF Blade git away with it easy although it looks like fogged isn't as tilted as the rest of the chat like someone else pointed out accurately ratirlBusiness !challenge @Simple2008NL truth is he in the que or just chatting? RANGERZX ALDERIATE FOGGED TFBLADE !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Can you recommend me some top champs for top PLAT? @foggedftw2 Lol. “He needs to practice.” in queue Its ok he will whine and want a rule changes in may like the little kid he is noooo you already won thats y what's the population compared to NA? @hyperion6191 dont you see that he is in que? the timer Kappa @AceRocola FACTS @hyperion6191 hes in que YES Yes POGGERS Well, I missed my chance of getting a 3rd month Sub Badge FeelsBadMan Good eventing Fog Havent played in preseason what is the alcove thing for is it used for anything ;D= <3 You aren't doing the challenge anymore? new guide sounds good Yess I've been waiting for the guide The Written Guide has high key made me such a better player Check out my new merch! @thedivagent nah I think Fogged benefits a lot from a month of straight exposure from a bigger stream and a risk free potential of 500 subs Chat what did they agree to? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison <3 @foggedftw2 you're not doing the challenge anymore? fogged, i'm waiting you to update de sheet of build and runes and matchups for preseason but nothing till now.. so what? Pog <3 Can you recommend me some top champs for top Plat? @foggedftw2 @Saino_Aru Nope you always get it now when you resub! @vall0n_zek its now play games and see who has higher lp wait what are your coaching sessions like? are there any one youtube and do you do any role? @foggedftw2 Thank u <3 that sub count keeps going up; what you're doing is working fogged you are now my favorite streamer. oh wait you always have been Awesome, it’s so helpful! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 i wish there was someone like you for adc <3 @foggedftw2 are there that many changes that needs to be done in the guide? Thanks to fogged's written guide and videos, Im not an inter anymore Truly the best @EmmyLeeC challenge moved to may, TFBlade needs practice time so what is the new rules now? @foggedftw2 Ulleh is a really good tryndam-re too @vrtzk Really? You realize he does all of that for free? foggedWurf foggedWurf !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison ! phearbolg subscribed with Twitch Prime. phearbolg's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Fogged you're the best streamer I know.. no rage , informative and the only one i truly follow thank you for being you! !king @EmmyLeeC If Fogged gets nr he will still get the 500 subs btu fogged soesnt have to gift the 500 anymore !king @ceausescu_thecoolguy panth kled jax trynd are top teir imo Tfb finally admitted he is a trash cheater and gave fogged his money? Why can TF keep on cheating wtf @vrtzk stop being so fukcing ungrateful !challenge @atrance18 Maybe I don't know. Regardless the outcome, wp @foggedftw2 !spreadsheet With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. @Avision666 No, was talking about the sub that TFblade will gift :v TF Blade is still doing the challenge guys, he didn't want to wait because he is trying to learn Tryn anyways, but he just didn't want to wait in queue so he chose a solution that benefits Fogged to make up for him occasionally playing other champs @ceausescu_thecoolguy not counting ranged champs like gp and ryze I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Wait is the challenge still going between fogged and TFBlade or did he forfeit? @foggedftw2 how is the matchup vs illaoi if u are ahead or even @Fericaf freelow for trynd you in game search??? your screen is froze on our side !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @kurtzhall50 fake champ screen @Adoinc I play now Morde, but ty for the info, much respect! :D he is not trying to play tryndamere hes showing client on purpose oh wow win win @EmmyLeeC man, it's completely the opposite, i'm so fucking grateful, I was just asking, i'm sorry if it sound like something ungrateful Sanch Pog @foggedftw2 you two should just agree to play champs you are equally bad at if trynd is banned win win for you Pog shipCHA shipPAN shipYA @kurtzhall50 - it's on purpose. Look at the timer, it's 420. That's ironic :) MercyWing1 BibleThump MercyWing2 wait u think there might be a IF LUL @jay24cx he wanted a new main because Riot gutted all his champs KEKW @jay24cx, exactly.. >This is so dumb Fogged should play as kayle if tryndamere banned. Lul mid laner ? @foggedftw2 but that doesn't feel like a win Chapanya? foggedEmmy @foggedftw2 you are in trouble hey chat, did fogg talked to tf? @vrtzk did you call @EmmyLeeC a man just now KEKW Yes chappy is the foggeds mid @yenoi Yes i mean thats a really good deal for u good deal !opggs @yenoi ya He said secondary only if Tryn banned but I don't know if you actually officially agreed upon that !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP plus he gave you massive exposure right now its a win no matter what. fogged climbed higher and tf cried. @foggedftw2 you won in NA, NOW WE DO IT IN EUW @Atracent beast @ceausescu_thecoolguy mordes really good but very gankable. could easily get to diamond spam buying control wards and having good map awareness. wish u the best so its a trydamere mostly challenge now? or would you called it a tryndamere sometimes challenge? I wish WeirdKEKW was enabled here : ( when you 1v1 professor akali it was for money or just clickbait @foggedftw2 ? You tilted him so much for exposure !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE xD @foggedftw2 No isnt your gf mad at you @foggedftw2 people wont ban trynd now for him LUL shipHAPPY I would leave out the part where you don't owe him anything... kind of kill the hype of this; but this is a win win for you now Fogged means business with his Trynd ratirlBusiness it's a good deal for fogged, but it just sucks because the challenge has lost all interest... we already know that tf blade can climb higher playing other champs, this was about tryndamere will you come to Europe next year? @foggedftw2 do you like leashing on tyrnd since you get to build fury? Damn, this is so childdish... why make the beat in first place then if u gonna just behave like that Akali DansGame oh a fellow ratirlBusiness TF only stood for a week then for the initial challenge he proposed? LOL !challenge !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Its a good deal cause Fogged owes nothing and all of twitch knows he cant still to a challenge he asked for lol @foggedftw2 now that the challenge is alternated, would you be trying to practice kled? bet* I would not have agreed to that, it's basically TF Blade disrespecting the challenge and fogged @SupremeSovereign He's only playing other champs when trynd is banned TF Blade is such a unmanly and small dicked idiot wait what did he say about the challenge? I missed it Check out my new merch! @funkdubious2 well, tfblade kinda made a really bad deal on his part. Said he was gonna give fogged the 500 subs and didnt want anything in return other than honor for beating him What ended up happening with tf blades proposal I had to leave for a bit can anyone tell me how that trynda controversy started_ TF blade no balls !editcom !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!challenge" has been edited successfully. ^ !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. @yenoi TF Blade has a pretty big audience and it's really bad content for an entire month to constantly be dodging and waiting in 30 minute queues, so he reached an agreement that benefited both parties how viable do you think akali will be after the nerfs @foggedftw2 whats the rule with health pots foggedThink @Blaylock so? rank 1 jax player picks jax and wins 10 extra master games that wouldn't have won with trynda, oh, he got higher LP! what a surprise! @Blaylock I think fogged meant was he doesn't have to do the gifted subs. Fogged already thanked him multiple times for all of the exposure that he has given him. @MidnightxPMC shouldn't u also add that the real challlenge will be in may? what runes are you using !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. ? !may Due to how hard it is to play in high elo in NA right now, Fogged and TFBlade have agreed to reschedule the challenge to May 2020. !Opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Naw bro you promised to main trynd of course tfblade fucked the challenge up. what a baby !challenge And only trynd @SupremeSovereign dude he doesn't have 100% winrate on jax and 0% on tryn KEKW you can't just calculate it like that @foggedftw2 it honestly should go back to winrate on trynd, that way you guys can factor out the win rates for secondary champs @foggedftw2 why do you ban panth over akali still? its not like fogged idnt have to dodge promo games. and that even with doing way more effort not to get banned @Ekke325 its euw right? they should have both just reset on a new account once they hit gm itsbannertime is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! itsbannertime is paying forward the Gift they got from randomrichman to the community! itsbannertime's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! itsbannertime gifted a Tier 1 sub to Laconically! Guys does akali counters trynd? the bets off ? wtf @itsbannertime ayyy @foggedftw2 can you play urgot? DODGED Pog !editcom !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. !May for EUW Challenge @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!challenge" has been edited successfully. foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift @SkyWrath5 yes, thats why he is running fleet footwork why do you for the last sec to auto the minions under turret? @atrance18 you can't calculate anyway, that's the point, the challenge loses its meaning, it sucks that NA diamond players are such pussies really, like trynda is even ban worthy lmao !editcom !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!challenge" has been edited successfully. !King akali player wants to shit on others in early game so hard why not just subtract the LP he gets for wins on champs that arent trynd , just to keep challenge going :l yall adding so many random rules WeirdChamp !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !delcom !may @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!may" has been deleted successfully. hey fogged, really respect how you handled that situation. you're one of the most positive influences in league. i don't have much but take that sub! what happened lol !delcom !whyjax @MidnightxPMC -> The command "!whyjax" has been deleted successfully. does akali's Q really need to have a slow? Good news, Akali getting another Nerf KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA NICE DIVE KEKW Pog KEKW OKey then PogChamp KEKW bet still counting? LMAO PogChamp Poggers KEKW foggedFOGGERS @suckerforcrit cause blades other champs will influence his mmr, you cant just do lp gains lmao galaxy brain gank btw xd @Gonthorian wanted to do something nice after that whole interaction! flaming LULW LUL @SupremeSovereign yeah so they reach a solution that is mutually beneficial, nbd. It would only be an issue if TF Blade broke the challenge rules without consulting Fogged He caleld him Kid KEKW LUL this noc "kid" KEKW sanchovies KEKW Holy i did it \o/ Massive gank fail hahaha rngrFF WELL PLAYYEDDD! KEKW nocturne lmao KEKW !challenge sanchovies the biggest loser of twich rivals If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW kiddo no argument here KEK Sanch sanchProblem LMAO KEKW Sanch KEKW the bet still couting guys? KEKW Clap @atrance18 he uh, did. sanchovies lmfao ANCHOVIES KEKW NOC butthurt. NOCTURNE LUL i mean he is right it looked exactly like he doesnt know what to do LUL Sanchovies LUL @atrance18 I never said anything about that, I don't think either one is at fault really or has done anything wrong, just said that it sucks because the challenge lost its meaning !challene !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge COACHING SANCHOVIES KEKW LMFAO LMAO ornn duty !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge @MidnightxPMC well yes he did play Irelia for that one game, but he talked with him right after and made sure Fogged was happy with the new terms No clue what he's doing in Diamond I suppose. @foggedftw2 !king mallobag subscribed with Twitch Prime. mallobag's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! HahaThisisfine !challenge !challenge TFBlade is buying chat 10 coaching sessions darn If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 cant you guys just subtract the LP gained from champs who arent trynd? @atrance18 Playing before rule change is still breaking the rules. No other way to see it. I'm happy with how thnigs were worked out tbh. I didn't want bloodshed this zoe HP is conq or leathal better now LUL RIP @johnnyj518 wait for real? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @HiimdeathstepRIP ???????? @HiimdeathstepRIP not as exciting of a challenge !challange !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @SupremeSovereign yeah Idk I guess if TF Blade wins but has lower Tryn winrate then you can't really say he is better, but if he was higher LP and higher tryn winrate then you could say that he is better tryn for sure !king varus mid LULW i left for a bit, what did they decide to do @mods KEKW foggedTrynda foggedTrynda @campincarl7 coaching giveaway every 50 subs, if TF loses he gifts 500 subs, so 10 giveaways @MidnightxPMC all i want now is a clip of TF admitting Fogged is better then my xmas will be complete @EmmyLeeC teehee !opggs F trkLOL GGED KEKW !challenge @KingCobraQQ If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nightbot! They have given 700 Gift Subs in the channel! @MidnightxPMC yeah, I was calling him cheater nonstop in chat KEKW but I am glad to hear they worked it out FeelsGoodMan !challenge teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @foggedftw2 Is it possible to attack her when her energy is low or does it regenerate too fast? @johnnyj518 ah gotcha foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE F trkLOL G the D trkLOL G poor bot no emotes @KingCobraQQ tfblade can play any champ he wants to climb, fogged doesnt have to pay if he loses BibleThump 700 subgifts Pog @foggedftw2 Make chat bigger in-game foggedLUL Chapanya KEKW Nightbot Pog What? So we can all enjoy in HD PogChamp * 700 gifted subs Pog not a bad deal lmao Gifting subs to bots when there real ppl KEKW ratirlGift @teacrisis not even 701 KEKW @teacrisis PogU 700 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @atrance18 depends a lot on the games he doesn't get to play trynda, because he got wins in low elo and the games he is playing without trynda are higher elo, it's not that straight forward Nightbot not a sub What? Zoe is such an shit champ lol Check out my new merch! wait @teacrisis 700 andy teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Delighted! They have given 701 Gift Subs in the channel! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !king I see what you did there @Delighted @tecace12 EZ ty o what do you think about grasp vs akali ? @SupremeSovereign I'll tell you right now, people are going to be far less inclined to ban trynd now Zoe BabyRage tfb5Head thats a lot of gifted subs , jeez @teacrisis Not even 702 Kappa foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird im not a bot KEKW @SupremeSovereign well yeah, but you can also say TF Blade plays with no delay, has more people target ban him, could have just had better/worse RNG, etc. it's not like it would be definitive either way Cheer100 do you think laceration is the best zed na? a special teacrisis challenge: 1000 gift subs in this channel KEKW this guy is PogChamp TRICK ME ONCE @Avision666 <3 HahaDoge, @itsbannertime He lost his last 3 trynd games so like a spoiled child he went ahead and changed rules then asked for a rule change to make his chances better 701 gifted subs Pog @teacrisis KEKW teacrisis is trying to compete with Coke Gaming @teacrisis playing you real hard Pog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @teacrisis, the god of gifts. The Santa of Subs @SupremeSovereign So it's not like he's going to have an overwhelming number of games on other champs shiphtur a real one lol @Blaylock If the hate for TF is that high in-game. It would be awesome cause it would make fogged be able to play trynd more this akali LUL @MidnightxPMC ? Fuck nah Stylish is the face! Congrats, u managed to trick teacrisis KEKW @Blaylock that's possible You are so kind teacrisis @MidnightxPMC It's more that people just don't want to deal with it, idk what you mean by hate? Red mercy 😂😂 zaion sanchovies is hilarous XD imagine if bjerg quit being pro to be zed one trick !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP @MidnightxPMC has fogged played against tfblade at all? \ Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @atrance18 I mean you can never say 100% but now it's even less than that redmercy's zed POGGERS hey fogged, is phantom dancer still s thing on trynda? Umm gifting subs to the bot? They sem to have equalized the kills a little monkaHmm since when did fleet proc on turret @foggedftw2 who is the best rengar in your opinion? dendi is the best zed @Blaylock dislike* you were saying they would be less likely to ban Tryndamere now with TF palying off champs Redmercy KEKW redmercy @foggedftw2 ooof boss trade how do you decide on which keystone is the best in some matchups? @foggedftw2 so is the challenge off? @zelctron_ not in this challenge @teacrisis I guess the Kappa wasn't enough how about a KEKW with it !opggs foggedYoda foggedYoda Best rengar is 100% scrubnoob dendi zed DendiFace DendiFace rip chapanya KEKW foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Avision666! They have given 702 Gift Subs in the channel! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @hiimdeathsteprip Ik I wanna hear his opinion tho @foggedftw2 want to be my top laner for clash? i'm looking for a good top laner TehePelo HolidaySanta !pd there's a bad rengar? Kappa nice Check out my new merch! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW o @MidnightxPMC They only were target banning trynd because it was made clear he would only play trynd and dodge otherwise, I see how you could take that as dislike or hate, but it's just getting him out of their game !phantomdancer @Harle13 you play the game a lot, then you ready all the runes, then you use your brain. simple @MissJenn No.. He doesn't @teacrisis Can I be the 703th 4Head Ima say worth foggedWurf PepoSabers I got a sub? FeelsBadMan @teacrisis Thanks, Apreciate it! <3 Cheer100 i also wanted to ask if you know any good informative akali players that stream teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to Saino_Aru! They have given 703 Gift Subs in the channel! Fattratt subscribed with Twitch Prime. teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Fattratt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET holy 700 gifted subs damn Pog @teacrisis pretty sure you gifted me too ty man :) @Dwhite12310 thanks for the sub the other day :D Let's go full subs aww !opggs SeemsGood prof akali !DEUS VULT a sub DEUS VULT @teacrisis Ur a a Legend! <3 <3 @EmmyLeeC Boo.. do you want to be my top laner TehePelo HolidaySanta @teacrisis damn, you are on fire thanks for the gift whoever gifted me foggedGift That's a whole lotta subs Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! It's him Pog Wait im a sub Good luck in the bet fogged❤️ teacrisis scamming all these original names with a scuffed feather , i mean trynd blade SwiftRage DO KRUGS I missed the drama, what's happening with tfblade playing other champs? adrian sometimes plays akali meme me Assuming that was you @teacrisis Thanks man <3 wow So TF will play trynd only unless banned and if TF wins TF gets nothing but if Fogged wins then Fogged gets paid? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to supergamingpanda! They have given 704 Gift Subs in the channel! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Deesign subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2132 Deesign's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda inb4 those $100 never come @DEMonn16 yes lol he's not informative at all lol LUL teacrisis Tack för HahaShrugRight @deesign Uo lol Thanks for the HahaBall @teacrisis foggedYoda @foggedftw2 Informative about how to mald easily maybe KEKW Thank you Teacrisis!! he plays diana now i think many high elo top laners play akali what is it with all the sub giftings here @EmmyLeeC you're being outdone by @teacrisis 704 subscribes? wtf If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! @foggedftw2 adrian riven is learning akali over preseason POGSLIDE @Adoinc makes sense, 3 hours for a game is just unplayable foggedYoda pretty sure theres an akali otp chall euw foggedHappy foggedFrog just popped on to see how you are doing fogged, hows ur game @sporwal always, he is impossible to match <3 @foggedftw2 is nocturne as good jungler in high elo What a lovely Stream FeelGoodMan !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedYoda @foggedftw2 should we go PD against those champs who have highly burst like akali? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king ohh nooo @DEMonn16 thats why they're going to retry during the season in euw bc there will be more high elo games going on Stomp this annoying Zoe lul 3rd Month sub Sword PogChamp !king Wowow! !challenge Jesus tho, this stream blew up since the challenge Zoe dmg btw LUL @FakeLyfe TF will play trynd only unless banned and if TF wins TF gets nothing but if Fogged wins then Fogged gets paid. ; Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @Adoinc yeah that will be better Pepega Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp monkaS nice play Pog dude Danny is so goof @Adoinc i'm dia in EUW, i expect better from us here, i think i've nver seen a top player ban trynda, just tilted adcs or whatever xd greedy as fk but wow *so good what? this is the first game after that mid lane one? clean SO GOOF @2nd_page_of_google_search Goof KEKW That was so smart @Adoinc TF is good, FARM FeelsGoodMan Ezfoggedclap !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP challen 2.5k $ ? failed ? ahhh yes got my chiki tendis and watching fogged fuck up an akali feels good @Adoinc Fogged better XD !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Danny makes it look like tryndamere is a mechanical god §opggs !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !king !opggs !whyvlad hey @foggedftw2 in what matchups do you think we should pick conqueror over lethal tempo? @sergiobravo TF will play trynd only unless banned and if TF wins TF gets nothing but if Fogged wins then Fogged gets paid. why no nimbus cloak? akali KEKW LUL feelsgoofman litteraly no reason that akali was bluffing @sergiobravo ! Challenge i don't think she had any backup Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! waiting 800 gold kekw akali plays too much poker @CampinCarl7 LUL @Gainz_Is_Life sustain rune set does not use it. you go resolve to maximize your sustain Pepega bluffing Pepega hey @foggedftw2 in what matchups do you think we should pick conqueror over lethal tempo? your W was up at some point maybe there was someone else nearby who didnt want to commit LUL you wanna fight m8 @eisenmate !opgg Bot lane feeding Kreygasm bring it on ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER ratirlPOGGER !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !banhammer @eisenmate ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▄████▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ██████▄░░░░░░▄▄▄░░░░░░░░░░ ░███▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▄▀▀▀▄░░░█▀▀▄░▄▀▀▄░█▄░█░ ░░░▄▄████░░█▀▀▄░█▄▄█░█▀▄█░ ░░░░██████░█▄▄▀░█░░█░█░▀█░ ░░░░░▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Check out my new merch! This ZOE LUL Why is Zoe so mad? !king @Vejlen ye, but you already have sustain on the keystone, i dont get it :D Zoe LUL how is a zoe player complaining about damge 🤔 ZOE complaining about DAMAGE LUL !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 54 LP (73-18) Zoe ratirlWot Z BrokeBack E zoe love you fogged cya !bet now u are big So is the bet still on or naw? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Zoe shipWEIRD Zoe crying about Varus dmg how rich Z OMEGALUL E Z OMEGALUL E @foggedftw2 have they completely removed extra damage to turrets from drakes? hey @foggedftw2 in what matchups do you think we should pick conqueror over lethal tempo? !challenge I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @daylun2016 yea !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Rageblade this game? MUTE THIS ZOE ALREADY forsenY FOGGED GOIN IN THE MAD LAD PogChamp !opggs @Janus2xFace basicaly the ones when we used to get graspy absolute unit ok now i see why no nimbus cloak can't get herald feelsbadman It was invisible iwdPepega @Janus2xFace u can look at !matchup !runes wait does herald respawn now? Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes Indie company crucial abilities are invisible tfbPepega foggedYoda bubble sleep that was. @Gainz_Is_Life it's too little to outsustain. Outsustaining your enemy is your wincondition, cause most likely you'll outscale lane bullies. Second wind + this thing that boosts healing and shielding just saves most of your health @sojaboyp wasnt that only vs jax? I used to love zoe before they hard nerf her.. she seems useless now lol @CampinCarl7 preseason - he respawns once so you get to spawn him twice !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @campincarl7 yes if taken early enought theres 2 spawning foggedYoda !challenge foggedYoda yo wtf rito I think that twitch is feeling sad LUL tfbLul foggedW "oh god, he's super sayajin" imagine popping two of those at once @Vejlen i agree, but if you go dorans shield start anyway.. and enemy team dont has much burst but escapes captai324THC captai324THC !challenge dude baby Yoda is te best in the world @Janus2xFace i think he is using conqueror against jax, camille, fiora (thats the ones i see on stream) because he didnt make the updates about the s10 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 55 LP !king Holy shit so Fogged is freerolling 500 gifted subs now lol people really dont realize that blade does hid queue, but even if you hide queue you can still get stream sniped feels late nami just a little to early KEKW twitch damage so low Twitch weirdChamp !OPGG FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs u go greed foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP That was an int @foggedftw2 maybe yes you have twitch on your team? TF Blade says he wasn't feeling great about the challenge anymore with queue times getting higher was that pom akali How does TF blade think he can beat the top, most bad ass tryn player in the world? !king !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @Gainz_Is_Life It's just so you can survive laning and not fall behind Twitch inted pretty hard tickle twich He cant even get it nice twitch Jesus Shiphtur went in the drake gonna kill this rat KEKW twitch OMEGALUL LUL Hi @foggedftw2 , Emmy , Pets and Stream ! how is it going ? rip rat foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP RAT KEKW ratirlPepe AHhhhhh he has 0 lifesteal im sad indeed Check out my new merch! Jesus LUL NICE LEASH TWITCH KAPPA !challenge free leash LMFAO If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW LELW yikes twitch shooting mashmellows Leash KEKW !build rip thx for the leash CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET lol HE LEASHED DRAGIN Fogged looks dissapointed :| great leash good leash KEKw nice leash twitch OMEGALUL This TWitch rat is actually on the opposite team. 6 v 4 LOL Not mad just disapointed :| Hahaha what’s this twitch doing 0 lifesteal what he expect LULW That actually couldn't have gone any worse... the rat built no damage why did tfblade play other champs 4Head that teamcomp :( i would be malding at this point !matchup Diamond III (Rakan, Ezreal) Diamond II (Nami) Diamond I (Akali, Nocturne, Zoe, Tryndamere, Varus, Twitch) Master (Ekko) isnt TFBLADE Cheating when he has 5games played with other champs? this teamcomp is pretty shiy Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups nope shit which agreement did he come to with tf blade earlier? tbh @mrCoffin1 cos he was crying that trynda was getting banned in his promos !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @NoodleTheTree fogged doesnt have to pay if he loses, the counter to that is TFBlade can play any champ what patch is the file on command !.build !whyjax next IM SAD foggedW \ff they both agreed he can play other champs on promos this is gg !king this team is absolutely trash marex1vs9 monkasad like old new now 5 squishy champs against rakan + zoe @JarDuHat its not jsut promos now, TF may now play any champ any time For trynd does do you have to hit R or does it auto kick in when you hit 0 Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @robjohnlechmere thanks for the inside.. when did they decide this, cause its the first time i hear this monkaHmm this game is prob. over why is twitch 1% hp LUL u have to hit r @MoondyxR @MoondyxR you have to hit it LUL there is a possibility that you can miss it and die with ult up poor twitch !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 55 LP (66-17) | TFBlade: Diamond II 75 LP (74-18) I think late game ezreal is pretty hard for trynda to kill today. tfblade got banned out (not promos) and he said whatever i gotta play irelia feel like this game was better for ghost Nashors tooth Pepega tf aint even hiding que aynmore so they di a call about an hour ago and fogged says "play what you want then" and tf says "ok but you dont have to pay if i win" Thanks! @kasanelol and @specifical @MoondyxR You have to press it Fogged’s farm🤯 !opggs He does it on purpose to get target banned and play other champs poor rat if u have braum or naut instead nami, maybe winnable bet is over at this point, it was stupid at first, 1 month is too long should have been 1 week at most that akali q has such a short cd wtf this is tragic akalai fuk that champ @Honestmelon dude, stop already NAMI R LLOOLLL this ezreal is massive @Honestmelon chill dude twitch still no lifesteal wtf so its just fogged's trynda VS TFBlade trying his hardest now, and TF will pay if fogged comes out on top. well, he says. he's already welshed the bet once !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW leona support would make a difference This bot lane is pretty pepega twitch just dies to minions yo can we trade twitch for a caster minion 66-16 seems nice, what does tf blade have atm ? 🗡️ Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🗡️ Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 15170 🥈) jocnitro : 11377 🥉) soor_ice : 7657 4) isentropicmike : 7306 5) ssuhao : 5174 !opggs 73-18 theres a side by side of them sniper varus is onyl good if you are ahead Don't worry, he even question it after he left base LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @BlackTig3rr @foggedftw2 looking for more high elo players all prof akali does is pbe and click bait now days 74-18 @succ985 if the bet was 1 week tf would have put a 25min delay and hide champ select, do you really think he wouldn't be chall right now? lol why thee hell you got a varus mid? holy... yo the akali only has the Hextech cdr !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW man this twitch Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET seems ruff damn I'm back. I had to afk mid Blade call. What I miss? akali 70 cs down 1 less KP cant solo those were a really good plays back there dumb champ !opggs monkaS Ezreak when do we get the long awaited tf vs fogged top matchup :D !challenge @GreenV1rus If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW DAYUM 1 auto off why did they change it to may?? KEKW GG FeelsBadMan $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Ezreals so fed team is too fishy finally. Bless mods ewronLove @rish332 bc tf blade is a cheater KEKW what do u think about tank trynd? twitch no using r KEKW ekko is poppin off twitch is really bad :D Zoe is so annoying @Adoinc what did he do? play othe champ? PogChamp play !king TF Blade cheated? dude, this ekko played nice @rish332 yeah outside of promos as well.. that zoe got pwned Check out my new merch! Leave zoe alone PunOko @rish332 yeah. tfblade has given up on the tryndamere only rule. he is playing trynd when its not banned, but if its banned he plays others yo wtf that heal burt @Adoinc but tryn was banneD? that heal winnable? ch ch ch CHAPANYA damn feeders Cha Pan ya ! Fuck zoe nice one shiptur varus longass snare KEKW shapanya :) get what they deserve Great ult @rish332 yea they decided since preseason doesnt have enough games theyll do euw where theres more games going on = less chance of tryn bans. tf blade cheated since he was dodging for 3 hrs straight tbf I HATE RAKAN wp rakan, reset the baron @robjohnlechmere, LUL because he cant play at all anymore if he only plays trynd I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here this baron against zoe !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 would you say season 10 so far feels easier or harder than last season? is pretty bad i think tfblade only dodging that much cuz he doesnt know how to use OBS to hide client gg FeelsBadMan @robjohnlechmere but what can he do when tryn is banned? sanchoviesssssss !king gg PogChamp nice try ekko 0/9 twitch feels bad holy shit ekko farming LUL this ekko played it nice foggedWeeb @rish332 dodge? :) Ekko should have ran to the bush its a shame @rish332 rules said doge if trynd banned, but tfblade cant keep up with fogged liek that @robjohnlechmere or maybe people snipe him more than fogged big brain feels bad for u and him twitch items OMEGALUL So unlucky that dmg twitch KEKW the rest of the team wete doing really well foggedPepega foggedPepega sancho pog twitch dmg KEKW @Adoinc so playing other champ when tryn is banned is not a rule?? Twitch Nami are doing so poorly. @neonskylights he isnt trying to avoid snipers, he doesnt know how to use obs ADC in 2019 LUL Uolfer subscribed with Twitch Prime. Uolfer's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! monkaW !opggs !score KEKW @robjohnlechmere i mean if you were dodging for 3 hours you'd get pretty annoyed too critical error, no twitch dmg LUL Twitch Damage LUL Do u have more subs than TF already? critical error was that bot lane :D @KyleXreX KEKW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Adc twitch has no winning matchups hahahah twitch.exe corrupted your system @robjohnlechmere doyou know how many times tfblade gets snipped? xayah? Critical error huh... @rish332 only in promos but tf broke the rule so its all or nothing now, if fogged wins he gets 500 subs if blade wins he gets 0 @foggedftw2 see twitch damage show dmg graph for that last game @Adoinc not an issue if he learned how to hide que twitch only did 1,000 more damage than nami LUL Naww I wanted to see damage @rish332 I'm guessing more times than he wopuld if he learned how to use OBS Coaching of what? guys someone gifted me a sub not sure why he so lazy about hiding client... twitch needs his DOT to scale with ad or ap not level change my mind just wanted to say thankx LMFAO Lol @foggedftw2 u coach on stream? the giveaway i mean : ) i understand blade's pov tho o well @Sbooog Gratz man! @robjohnlechmere ??? do you really think he doesn't know? he did it for the first 2 days but it was pointless since he has no deday @realalyg only bad players ool 5k what he knows how to hide queue chat he did it before !opggs lol only 300 damage apart LUL till when is the match? it's litterally excuses damn, that's a drowned rat LUL lol HAAHHAHAA !challene !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 what's the new deal(tf said u guys had a new deal) Do u know what does Sultan means in arabic @robjohnlechmere this is preseason, when he goes on actual challenge during regular season, he gets over 17k viewers, you think he wont be snipped? @foggedftw2 so you're taking tf's money twice now? i think if you wear the wizard hat is an auto win Kappa !challenge @Adoinc was that what the back and forth was about earlier? I tuned in but had to step away. Only caught a little of what was being said If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 why dont you ban akali anymore? I remember you doing a video sayijng pantheon was easy for trynda since rework Check out my new merch! cracking open a cold one with the boys ads POGGERS @Alif1999 nightbot just said the new deal imagine getting ads twitch's account is 100% bought @foggedftw2 just recently started watching you, didnt expect an informative stream like that thank you and not being a sub What you drinking? you pleb @Disney_Reject !challenge hmmm @foggedftw2 who is your go to ban on this patch? if i read this correctly... tf is wining why the challenge was rescheduled to may foggedftw2 ? Hey i watch his ads ok Cracking open a cold one @CampinCarl7 but adblock ma dude its allmost 2k20 :) !king bogaJail TriHard bogaJail FREE I think I might play some deranking games :) @Junkiechan doesn't work on twitch usually. their ad tech is pretty stronk aye bro your queue timer is stuck at 4:20 maaaaaaan @foggedftw2 He is strugling again against illaoi KEKW @foggedftw2 hey danny! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ty Yooo fogged tell us how is your diet going?? Sticking with it I hope? Maybe tell us about your keto meal preps also since the challenge is over maybe you do 0 delay now? !opggs Shiphtur trying to target ban you D: HahaPoint foggedDerp look at twitch profile Haha2020 @junkiechan or you could just be decent and sub to danny rather than bragging about taking money from his pocket he will soon KEKW Oh you did lower your delay !opggs im confused :PP hmm can you two play on euw server whats your ping there? I'm shocked i honestly think I might just switch roles @foggedftw2 what time is it ? look like a 02:00 am to what @EmmyLeeC ? @EmmyLeeC mid is super fun if you play roaming champs, you get to be all over the place @SwatKats if i pay im decent is that what ur saying sir? You know TF Blade cheated? @emmyleec I hear jungle is fun. ;) midlane NAUTILUS IS A FUCKING BORING ASS CHAMPION TRUE pyke Pog ok what did i miss? janna is pretty good @EmmyLeeC thresh is fun, no? The challenge is over for now? Yumi is number 1 Nautilus WeirdChamp @ChubacaNuclear we know. challenge is delayed till May in hopes TFBlade can swing it at that time Fun supports? Brand KEKW I'm with emmy on this one idk i find it fun to be an unkillable nightmare. cho'gath top if you get ahead is fantastic No, i'm saying that bragging about using adblock, thereby taking money away from streamers makes you indecent. If you're gonna do that then don't be a total knob about it. zKAMEHAMEHAz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! FOGGED! FOGGED! FOGGED! FOGGED! FOGGED! @EmmyLeeC yoooo no way dude zKAMEHAMEHAz's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! just walk anywhere you want @floorx he's fun in lane, outside of lane its like no @foggedftw2 nautilus is not that boring lol What supports do you prefer playing? Just play Zyra supp and carry solo rooSmug challenge still goijng my nautilus BibleThump tfbHands 21:30 here what happends if trynda is banned ? consen2 woah why the hate on naut i think he is hella fun Pogtilus thats why I want to just change roles PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR Unless you're a God at Thresh do you meet illaoi often d4+ ? a fun and gud sp i think is pyke or ali what about the skinnier nautilus named Thresh @EmmyLeeC I play bard support.. got elderwood skin. Its fun because u can turn onjectives to your favour with ult @SwatKats i guess then its 'braggin' saying the obvious oh well :/ @EmmyLeeC play mid or bot @JarDuHat he's so boring after lane lulu broken range champ Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @EmmyLeeC maybe play midlane if u like mage supports? @EmmyLeeC try playing some engage supports. leona, alistar, thresh. you can explode teamfights open @emmyleec main trynd leona op @foggedftw2 how is living in the country like? I always wanted to do that :) PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR PowerUpL SSSsss PowerUpR how come only sultan skin? GUYS but there are a lot of stuff u can play as a support I PLAY ALL OF THOSE AND HAATE THEM !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW welp stuff that actually work play bard I don't want to play a champion that I don't enjoy playing Lux support pretty fun udl_chaosfiend subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Got my first Penta for this pre-season last game! Woot udl_chaosfiend's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! or the robo nautilus named bliztcrank play taric and give fogged another ult steal all your ADC's kills and just play the minigame @EmmyLeeC lux support? bard ult is the only coutner to rift herald turret damage :P When I first started I hated mele now all my champs are Mele lol Siving people is bad HahaPoint foggedDerp Ok lux isnt a sp don't play league @EmmyLeeC SeemsGood Diving* @EmmyLeeC maybe you should do a trynd challenge with @foggedftw2 !challenge @Junkiechan when you are talking down to others about it, sure is. I use adblock too, but i disable it on twitch because ad revenue matters to streamers Takk for HahaDreidel, @udl_chaosfiend @Krobaxx Only logical answer relaly veigar or velkoz support @EmmyLeeC change roles to get your fun back ! besides sro said heplay atleast 6 month every role so he got better at the game :) Check out my new merch! @jiajiechong don't tell me what I can't play as support LUL !opggs !challenge or try dota @EmmyLeeC If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @EmmyLeeC I think it's best to play a champ you enjoy. Agreed. :) i miss alistar jungle !uptime 2 hours 19 minutes 12 seconds taking a break helped me with league @sporwal I ain't cutting down trees don't judge my aftershock lux KEKW do you meet illaoi often when u play top at d4+ ? But hey if you see it differently @Junkiechan, that's fine. pyke is incredibly fun Trynd fizz Akali khazix eve yorick jhin foggedThink foggedThink @foggedftw2 is there a way to pay you money for coaching without using paypal? @EmmyLeeC i used to main support, but quit and went top lane after getting frustrated with random adcs. i enjoyed top a lot more !song @daylun2016 you can use credit/debit cards @KyleXreX fine if lux is sp ashe is a sp too Kappa !ranks @foggedftw2 play video, instead of static screen :) to totally fool snipers :D Fogged: Diamond I 42 LP (66-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 75 LP (74-18) XD I like the support role but I can't play it bc non-support players outside high elo don't understand what a supports job is I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here so I swapped to ADC ez anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove @EmmyLeeC from UK though 66-18? what do u think about azir? @foggedftw2 You're telling me I can get better at League with Mom's Credit Card?! @EmmyLeeC still possible? !opggs LegomanTnT subscribed at Tier 1. LegomanTnT's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 what's the main reason to go FF vs LT I thought that was just with Fortnite... I hope you get the win on TFblade. keep grinding bro. youve helped me out alot Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups no i see how u mean it its nice of you @daylun2016 Yeah !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP !rank @xAcidik my support is supposed to feed, int and get flamed on LUL !DEUS vult a sub too DEUS VULT how many more subs till give away? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda kekw in order to carry games , you have to play jungle mid or top. bot lane sucks because your rely on your lane partner ^^ can someone gift me a sub @foggedftw2 why did TF Blade play other champs on your only Trynd challenge? did you drop lp? since yesterday? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @sunnyforest75 i think it is a really fun champ, so as skilled, but never really gets to fit in the meta FeelsBadMan Where’s your bird? @Etschi007 if you're a good enough support and can spoonfeed your carry sometimes that's all you need need a new sub BibleThump BibleThump Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! @II_AvanT_II with me Lucian Top ResidentSleeper @Etschi007 last game enemy ezreal was blowing the whole game open because he got fed early that is a matchup that i need to see, idk how to play against rangeds @foggedftw2 can u give some tips Lucian top? This will be interesting. lucian procs it the fastest out if the adcs i see, making the challenge interesting. Wasnt TF Blade supposed to dodge if he didnt get trynd? You got this fogged PogU Check out my new merch! !whyjax @foggedftw2 have you seen conq nerf for ranged on pbe? Why no ignite? @foggedftw2 Neace is your karthus @foggedftw2 so in what matchups do u think is better go with letal tempo or conqueror? why liss mid !king poor karthus won't do true damage @CampinCarl7 twitch's account is 100% bought @foggedftw2 how bad of an idea is it to take cloth + rejuv bead + 1 pot? u rush tabis or just berserkers @Trevos0_ WutFace WutFace If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP !opggs this should be auto win, neace and fogged. @CampinCarl7 u can easily notice it looking at his profile !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW how good is graves jg? "king of dixk" nice @Trevos0_ idk why people do that they just derank as soon as they play Why we miss you already @emmyleec katerinoAYAYA nicest leash world Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @zicknemils very bad, that's a lot of different stats, but not enough of Pog Leash is emmy his GF? yes !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Emmy is his Senpai emmy is our queen no its his mom Kappa maybe for the all champs and skins kk, thx @foggtedftw2 I've been watching all of your videos and have been maining tryndamere @raizel77 his KEKW Emmy LUL 😔 PepeLaugh foggedEmmy foggedEmmy rooD FeelsBadMan Rejected foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy im lying through my fingers actually KEKW ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower whos emmy? foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy It's not a lie when I say I miss Emmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedGift foggedHappy she caught us haha KEKW Emmy nooo !squid Squid1 foggedEmmy Squid4 @raizel77 i dont know what i just typed im sory KEKW what happened, did chat make emmy mad @2nd_page_of_google_search gotcha, just wasnt sure if that was unreasonably greedy or not lol No foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy She wants to play That lie is a LIE! i think tf blade made her more mad than anything I have very few teeth KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW shes right WHO MADE EMMY MAD?! I'MA BAN THEM I miss seeing emmy fogged duo xD @Stoani420 KEKW y she not here foggedREE i just took a timout myself just cause of the BS lmao lucian top aaaaaaaaaaaargh why do people play adc top again i forgot lucian top players DansGame @greenv1rus she just wants to play league I think @teacrisis she said she couldn't take any more today what is tf blade doing wtf monkaHmm Why do people even play top if theyre gonna play champs like vayne and lucian Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @legomantnt lmfao that poke wait did we see gragas come in or is fogged just a god? why people pick random setups in top against trynda just to counter it lol emmy is the new prototype of OP Girlfriend ! already preordered her, if she goes mass production xd ah Guys can we get an @emmyleec so she can feel the love?? @Kippari_ because they are possessed by pure evil He's got TP for pressure. HAAHAHA sending love to chat anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove LUCIAN naroWhat Clap KEKW EZ Clap 6head Dudu, fogged is insanly good !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king rekt KEKW Clap pog Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! NICEEEEE! :/ wait what happened? @Gonthorian @anansi88 literally so easy to beat them 😂 just so boring to play against sheeet neace and fogged. thats the power duo karthus has 0 mana gtfo No mana karthus !opggs why did you spin so early on to gragas if he was just going to dash over the wall? MINION DAMAGE op this lucian is lowkey balding lost all hp trying to freeze KEKW minion damage lmao that was so worth dude just tanked a huge wave lucian? damn if karthus hit that Q cant believe you got him to commit like that lmao yeeeah balding LUL @Kippari_ exactly. i always get mad but it ends up fine in the end KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king tanking minion lol lol tp wasted no its not worth anymore KEKW Pog @foggedftw2 Did Lucian just take 90% minion damage? LUL TRUE KEKW @foggedftw2 rare build hihihi virgin KEKW virgin top lucian KEKW Will the cloth build into anything? Virgin Top Lucian LUL kek @2nd_page_of_google_search I'm guessing he tried to predict his E, that's why he flashed, he didnt need to flash if he got it right $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! luc oom KEKW liss in s10 KEKW chat i left to go eat, what happened with blade? the bet still on? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge i had to leave during the talks what was the conclusion cannon range????? !guide Complete Tryndamere guide @foggedftw2 wouldnt taking ignite and then buying youmuss for ghost be viable? CS Pog !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor didnt he saw how fogged eated that quinn alife ^^ range wont save you ^^ what about it @MetalSlugSV people say lissandra is good against zed but zed always wins anyway lol so at this paceand rate, do you expect any changes. like fogged is one rank up right? he got this in the baaag TF pussed out huh !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king cries_havoc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Happy Friday! cries_havoc's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Got every minion under the tower lol Check out my new merch! liss's kit counters zed but she's so bad right now it doesn't matter *TF Blade proceeds to permabad trynd* @Etschi007 wow that was some serious EU English @foggedftw2 Does BORK proc Conq? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP one crit god that lost tower shot was close no crits :( not so worth le gods are on some shit Botrk and phantom? @foggedftw2 minion block monkaW !king danny is the #1 cs god @MetalSlugSV !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here CHICKEN CUTLESS !opggs Pog bot smashing Yo that’s KING CRACKER winning botlane PogChamp hey fogged, what do you think of sanguine nerf? On karthus !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 42 LP (66-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 95 LP (75-18) !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER @foggedftw2 his flash timer is just a few seconds behind yours, fyi i think ignite procs conq too !sanguine u playing without music? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 neace is on karthus lol !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @Arrowhsx4 copyright I really enjoy watching these bet streams. Thanks for the content where is lucian KEKW @the_memecat i dont think so JUST IN TIME Pog monkaW monkaW POG Perfect timting that was so close LOL HOOOOLLLYYYYYY monkaW @lordcrager bets off monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW wtf this timiing close holy shit that was monkaS cow Pog there he goes bye lucian the timing monkaW close monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW Tempo PogU holy shit, ult came up that very second, beast POG WTF calculated !cannon Dragonist 295 packets have been lost foggedREE literally just "DON'T COME TO LANE" Balls of steel monkaS what a baller, starting the fight before you even had ult up LOL damn that was so tight that was not even close baby MonkaW monkaW no more luck WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW WTF monkaW HE DIDNT EVEN FLINCH clouse why is tfblade permanently target banned? HOLY TIMING fogged has balls of steel C A L C U L A T E clip D HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW HY YOUTUBE monkaW close one That was CLOSE! big pp Double Cloak POGGERS and that right there is why fogged is the ebst tryndamere foggedFOGGERS @coinflipteam he doesnt use delay Calculated lmao zed foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird not even sweet that was like a time window of 0,05 seconds KEKW quinn couldnt bursted him out of lane with valor . i doubt lucian can or? damn thats close xD ate an entire culling monkaS Holy huge wave damn luc gonna have flash adv for a while huge wave lost tho worth flash imo virgin zed @Stoani420 have you not been paying attention? Why are you "hi youtube"ing when there is no chat scroll lol Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 So they told me that to make sure the Kids behave at Xmas take some empty boxes and wrap them as if they are gifts then every time one of the kids misbehaves just throw them in the fire..... But what do i do with all the empty boxes now??? hows the challenge going I’m surprise zed didn’t get the wave armor saved you zed hungry for KILLS whos leading the challenge lucian is so angry. tanks one full culling, beats you done KEKW kill lucian again Pog this lucian has no boots vs a tryn how does he even expect to kite KEKW the range of that tower tho DansGame lucian dies in 15 seconds is the bet still on? yES Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @matthiasjoseph E lul! What skin do you think riot should make for tryindamere? @Anansi88 whos in the lead nice 15 seconds KEKW lol THAT FLASH KEKW MALDING KEKW LUC KEKW Pepega flash FLASH KEKW flash KEKW ok lol This lucian XD wow he wasted a lot LUL lucian KEKW oof LMAo yikes HE IS MAD LUL !skills @elpablothegod fogged still he's malding lmao way And he uses flash omegalul lucain wtf was this flash !skill "k" KEKW kill in 40s hahahahahah !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Tilted NA flasher he is tilted AF Kekw lucian why he flash LUL Nice Flash! lucian is tilted outta the earth HA flashing when you have R LUL Now TFblade can have someone else ban tryn on his own team and play other champs. forsenCD PICK A CHAMP ✨ forsenCD ANY CHAMP ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF IRELIA? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨ !opggs Malding Lucian LUL why is he leveling Q now? Tilt flash best copypasta in blades chat rn KEKW why they keep flashing xd @foggedftw2 whats the new rules with tfblade now ? How did everything pan out with Blade? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! Lucian is playing a different gam no ult flash gragas KEKW xd they are bad lmao these guys are all mad as fk do they not understand... @succ985 Sustain KEKW ????? hahahah !OPGGS Ohho! OMEGALUL wtfhahahaha KEK HAHAHAH JEJW gg LMAO TRIPLE FLASH ZED KEKW ???? they are FUMING KEKW KEKW LUL wtf is all this flashes for? zed doesnt learn KEKW LUL KEKW HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW LUL OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO LUL LMAO !opggs LUL 3 flashes 0 gain LUL LUL That zed IS SO MAD no flash r zed KEKW wtf FAKER WHAT WAS THAT KEKW why do they all want fogged so badly LOL they are MALDING wait wtf are they doing what an idiot lol WTF ARE THEY DOING KEKW LLOOOOOOLLLL virgin Zed LUL LUL they tilted ur bad zed KEKW he is playing irelia again dude comon! LUL WTF ARE THEY DOING toxic KEKW #1 zed right there LUL yay tilt taht fucker what happened saying lul instead of KEKW Wtf What is this game KEKW Hehe) HAAHAHAHAHAH cmon dont say that :/ KEKW !opggs ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ TRASH TALK FROM DANNY THIS IS RARE they thought tfblade cheating KEKW ll stylish LUL Nice zed KEKW :^) hey @foggedftw2 how are your games going? 3 flashes, 3 ults KEKW @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/AS. :^) FAKER WHAT WAS THAT KEKW FAKER WHAT WAS THAT KEKW true B mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TRUE @foggedftw2 blade on Ierlia again fogged LUL greasywatermelon played with tfblade a while ago true kekw not a real league gamer facts LUL Why botrk chat ? KEKW : ^) Mental Status destroyed! gj fogged ^^ LMAO LUCIAN :^) lucian in chat Fogged is like “Can’t touch me” tryyyy LOL FUCKING TROLL shit talk about gragas, he is talking shit about u in the pre 1 min game @raizel77 was that rethorical? or just tuned in? 3 ppl flashed on him and 2 of em died lol LULW and boots tfblade took a break from trynd for now? Did fogged and tf talk? Okay, I was off for a while. How did fogged and TFBlade's talk end out? TRUEE Link your stream yeah thats the ONLY reason he lost lane Kapp @foggedftw2 so spicy xD LUL ME RUN SMOrc lol oh hLMAO LUCIAN CULLING? KEKW THE SPEED HAHHAHAHAHAHA THEY"RE SO MAD would you be willing to do ajax only challenge with blade after the tryn challenge? KEKW why is everyone topXDDD naroWhat Clap yep ignite procs conq...i just tested in practice tool LUL wtfffff !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king they are trying so hard KEKW yeah, that pull def landed Fogged you really kicked the hornet's nest @Gonthorian i wasnt watching !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 42 LP (66-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 95 LP (75-18) @Gonthorian but ty for explanation 👍 how every stupid mf is coming top and your team still dont push or do something!!! !opggs @raizel77 aww man u missed good content Tf blade is playing irelia LULW Cloth armor coming in so clutch there FAKER WHAT WAS THAT KEKW bruh these guys are all paid by TF Blade KEKW !opggs Karthu sKEKW !king @Anansi88 they mald just like him KEKW Karthus KEKW chasing the trynd unsuccessfully and feeding the karthus... sounds like a good gameplan Karthus Pepega approach velocity would have been soooo good then LUL do drake he wasted smite wth Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! what is wrong with people that play adc top, they think they auto win lane !challange] but they have no smite? Karthus scaling so hard LUL feelsamazingman !challange TFBLADE BACK TO CHEATING MY MAN KEKW Adc afk? its !champion @Bix712 they changed the challenge he backed out KEKW Check out my new merch! !king !king @mhbbayat FAKER WHAT WAS THAT KEKW Blade never stopped cheating you have slain an enemy FeelsGoodMan an ally has been slain FeelsBadMan !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP Wait, so TF can play anything if Trynd is banned, but Fogged is sticking with Trynd, and Fogged won't owe TF anything if he loses.... This really doesn't feel like a challenge anymore. Should have stuck to the original rules. how does a lucian think he not going to get run down by trynd 1v1... TRYNDAMERE IF I FEEL LIKE IT KEKW @Gonthorian the lissandra passiva gain movespeed on the air dragon terrain? that is a pretty good interaction KEKW KEKW LOL LULW R KEKW haha foggedUlt wtf foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1129 times! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !r Level Ult Last - foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW KEKW R foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt got fisted tower PepeLaugh foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt turret shot i shint foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt is he still doing the challenge or is it canceled? OMEGALUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Willipe subscribed at Tier 1. Willipe's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt R passive? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW @foggedftw2 Maybe his R Passive KEKW TFBLADE CHEATING @Neathin @Bix712 I 100% agree xD he basically killed all the hype around the challenge foggedUlt your ego killed you ah shit the tower shot plos ignite i think NOOO No the tower shot is bugged F I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here 2 turret shots Now TFblade can have someone else ban tryn on his own team and play other champs. still doing the challenge or is it cancelled? !ult !ult that really surprised me actuallu foggedUlt @Neathin honestly.. its a way for TF to continue to make content and odds are Danny wins regardless.. so easy way for TF to just concede ah shit foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !opggs Hit u at the same tune hes just resetting bounty 5head Blitz KEKW Time* looked like blitz R passive hit aswell that gragas lmao bugged turretshot let leaona tank that , she like that tickling feeeling xd KEKW 1v1'ing the tower. :O But silence does not cancel tryndas r grag sure likes to waste flash :^) might as well end the challenge the challenge was stupid.... who tf thought 1 month would be agood idea should have been a week @Gonthorian It's not even a challenge anymore. There are no stakes for Fogged who is winning anyway and TF basically gave up lol. Bugged turretshot it happens to me !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW i think it was passive too Ohhh the thunder no bugged turretshot prob wdym Neathin ? why he dont max r? pepeClap vod review after the game!!! @foggedftw2 wait TF gave up? Is that why he's playing Irelia? @holdemmartillod4hardstuck !r !r Level Ult Last - @foggedftw2 is that neace on karthus? i think u take a tier 2 shoot and the ignite burst !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 42 LP (66-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 95 LP (75-18) heyo everybody, hope all are doing well. :) fogged gracefully let blade concede you got killed by 300 normal damage !uptime 2 hours 41 minutes 24 seconds @sadboard TF is playing other champs if Tryn is banned and if Fogged loses he doesn't have to pay up. Look at !challenge hey fogged have you heard any of trynds voive lines in the new card game? they should rework blitz ult so he can only activate it when he grabs, then he spins the champion around in circle knocking other champs up in the air they are so good Basically yeah, TF is gracefully conceding what kind of tristana jumps into melee range of a tryndamere @foggedftw2 you ran into one of the rare occasions where blitz ult passive turned out to be useful KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @foggedftw2 you got killed by 300 normal damage bugged turretshot ignite LULW show runes pls !runes @blouse007 Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @foggedftw2 is that neace on karthus? So, challenge over? tristana is a yordle ! thex dont know fear look at poppy xd tf blade cheats again lul ye tryforce would fit well on this build @King_Kage yeah that's Neace i thought it was tryndamere only, how come tf blade uses other champs HahaCat Check out my new merch! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what runes and buuild do u go against akali top/ no, just twitch chat being reddit investigators @foggedftw2 no visual on turret shot. happening a lot lately. U got hit by 4 turret shots @NicoleNicoleNii basically he quited OMEGALUL @foggedftw2 yeah didnt show i think ill DM you KappaPride hmm why the no dmg build? !rank yeah, turret shots KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP KEKW TFBLADE CHEATERING Stop overthinking it guys... @NicoleNicoleNii because tf blade is a cry baby and salty trynda keeps getting banned. basically ouch KEKW not a bug, just unlucky you got hit by turret shot from 2nd turret and inhib tower at same time @foggedftw2 what elo have we hit in the challenge chat? SMOrc balanced KEKW poor creature only thing I can think of @foggedftw2 is you didn't see it (bugged) or inhib turret hit you for ramped up damage like the inner turret would have (bugged) I'm not sure outplayed KEKW lol didn't even need to ult cull to the face lucian stop feed and runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn xd it was illuminati bug turret !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW games KEKW 2 turret shots from each turret D: Why that build? Yeh that turret damage ticks were super bugged. nah wasnt a bug, the t2 turret and inhib turret hit u at same time and made it look huge @foggedftw2 hath thou no honor Neathin so why is the challenge still up? !challenge w a t !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW RANGED TOP TALKING ABOUT HONOUR KEKW lol !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP !irelia @foggedftw2 Looks like you took 2 turret shots at once, One from inhib turret and one from Inner. Rip your luck Boop naroXD Clap foggedWurf @sadboard Hell if I know. I'm kind of disappointed that this is how it ends. cha ching! +150 monkaW D: lucian flash q wow KEKW @nicovuro because of the Lucian and Tristana, in order to chase them i suppose @foggedftw2 turret shot wasn't bugged; you got hit by the inner turret at the same time you got hit by the inhib turret. Neathin not even funny anymore BLACK MAGIC LUCIAN D: foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/AS. ooga booga LUL OOGA BOOGA cursed D: Lucian D: ooga booga monkaW foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm OOGA BOOGA (Lucian) : ooga booga @foggedftw2 why the budget build? he was taking shots from two turrets at once lucian using black magic Kappa !opggs D: @foggedftw2 umm question i thought it was supposed to be only tryndamere? Stop overthinking it guys.... Black Magic Lucian D: why is tfblade playing irelia? yup There was 4 turret shots total i like this build double penetration monkaW that Lucian is a rare ocasion of actually funny jokes with racial theme @foggedftw2 you got 1 tower shot from outer turret when you were in the range of inner turret @dpquig Ooga booga D: !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Yeah Yes. !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? !group Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere Tryn ? Y U NO GROUP? TableHere @foggedftw2 pink thats what im saying bro but hows the stream been today? all good? why is tf blade playing irelia KEKW lul zed malding Do you get more rage with tiamant? @foggedftw2 Ward in tribush. 764 what the hell !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1130 times! LUL @foggedftw2 u missed pink ward in the bush foggedUlt No Mana KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP foggedUlt That's a lotta damage foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt I still go IE into Shiv on trun, old school - but effective. foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt outta mana XD im so sad foggedUlt through pd as well Pog !ult didnt have enough mana for ult LUL XD XD XD " why no taco for breakfast? " Bot askin the real questions foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Oops yea you had pd shield foggedUlt !rip forest4NoJorts forest4NoJorts forest4NoJorts what's the thing for the ult emote? :( 3k viewers. fogged popping off !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt That zed is clean foggedUlt it pop lol thats why I prefer steraks but maybe it dont work on trynda @plsenterusername thanks free baron leona pog foggedUlt foggedUlt !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 42 LP !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW hey right clickers when u realise uor blitcrank is bad AF 130 crits. so low !uptime 2 hours 47 minutes 44 seconds !challenge I cant see dravens axes what is that skin KEKW 130 because hes tanking baron and dealing half damage KEKW lol draven range ez thats broken KEKW !race why they are so many jinx players now he pull the karthus inside his team Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 1v1 KEKW 1v1 Top alcove risteOMEGALION this lucian seems like every game today someone picked jinx LOSE-cian LUL Checked the Zed's stream... he looks like Frankenstein on meth 1v1 me SwiftRage 1v1 me on rust m8 did they cancel the challenge cuz tf is playing ireilia challenge cancelled quickscope only 11 him @foggedftw2 qtpie wants to 1v1 you @foggedftw2 ooh @datasleuth we don't talk trash about other streamers in this channel how bout 1v2 luc? CANN OMEGALUL N $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! CS KEKW CS LUL he is playing irelia but he isnt in promos ? he missed like 5 cs in a row LOL @datasleuth whats his streamer name? happens to me every game KEKW Inhib? Or u coulda autod him and not the minion !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Got me some raising cane's Pog @SwatKats Nice platform @SwatKats even streamers who challenge fogged and then back out a week in? Kappa !challenge Just healed lol !challenge Yes @robjohnlechmere. foggedFrog @kapatic16 just search Greasywatermelon no tiamat build is yikes LMFAO LUCIAN KEKW ADC LUL LUL LUL CIAN is rageblade not good anymore on trynd?????? lol Flat ban on maligning other streamers here. No exceptions. pew. pew. pew. pew. pew. Check out my new merch! he tilted AHAHAHAH oh.. they have a tristana?? @teacrisis thank you so much for the sub!! @robjohnlechmere Wait TFBlade really did cancel? LuL why? Winions LuL Checked the Zed stream, looks like a really great guy. Very attractive. much better. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW wtf, TFBlade called back the challenge found the zed, it's @datasleuth foggedW lol @swatkats but people are shit talking tfblade all the time here @sojaboyp Wait really? @datasleuth whats his name Banter is one thing @dianaiswaifu. Insulting streamers is another. @Vicith He sort of rescheduled the challenge, but will still uphold his end of sub donations if Fogged beats him. !challenge I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here what do we think about tfblade playing mad other champs? karthus deo @jenosX13 just search Greasywatermelon !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW where is this revised challenge? @datasleuth lets just say im glad being good at playing video games is not necessarily a sign of intelligence LEONAPog EZ @Death8lade yeah, he changed the rules so much that is not a trynd only challenge anymore well Fing played bwoi why is rageblade not good anymore on trynd?? @foggedftw2 !challenge !opggs gg EZ gg! this zed is cringe foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AS/CD. TF basically forfeit his right to win the challenge on the condition he can oplay anything he wants if his chat bans trynd !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW tf blade cheated again 3 more subs Wait i thought fogged would also have to gift 2500 subs to tfblade if he loses Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP LOL HE BACKED OUT @foggedftw2 you mean the FOURTH turret shot @foggedftw2 how come the challenge wsa moved why isnt neace streaming rn OH THAT WAS NEACE!?! i suspected !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king wait what_ the challenge is over? @foggedftw2 !opggs wasn't sure i think we call that a victory fogged lmao, tfb already tilted the challenge? @cheesusjesus42 yes, until TFblade said he cant manage to play trynd only, now fogged doesnt have to pay if he loses those disgusting ghosters that ban trynd all game are the problem lee tryn is your champ's nick name @foggedftw2 !elo already backed out did you allow tf to play irelia this last game? 1music !bet i think thats a fogger win Is that a beer? :D !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 59 LP (67-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [---] (76-18) !music @solocorso it is good. he just likes mortal reminder and LDR better Fogged doesn't normally play music while gaming. If you really want music, consider playing it on your end or utilizing the music bot in the discord channel! !whyjax @foggedftw2 so you won the bet? TF blade played like 7 times on different champions that are not tryndamere !song !music does anyone else think that neace looks like Willem Dafoe? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW music name please @foggedftw2 whats the song? permab2Slice permab2Slice permab2Slice permab2Slice permab2Slice !challenge Check out my new merch! @danloops_ twitch rivals @aikodms oh ok ty q.q !discord !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Ekke325 why isn't he streaming btw? 7 ads... !king foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. @Ekke325 and yes :) !opggs whyjax command is gone. tfblade can now play what he wants, when he wants, but he cannot win the challenge, only fogged can !op.ggs addblocker ftw @jabber69wocky no idea FalconAvengers subscribed with Twitch Prime. foggedLewd FalconAvengers's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! 6 ads dummy lol !stats stretching his right arm Ninjacookie9 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 40 in the channel! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to coinflipteam! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jazzercize_osu! Ninjacookie9's Gift shared rewards to 50 others in Chat! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sup_dawg_! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to He_Is_Man! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CountessOfTuscany! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brokenkeyboard! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TeroxAf! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MapOfNothing! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to diecake666! Ninjacookie9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Javvz! why adblock is a beast woo \o/ sick game well played. i would have cryed melee vs lucian . ty teacrisis for the gift Why is the bot saying 67-18 but onscreen its 67-17 -> i think fogged missed a loss Kappa wow !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird EZ DODGED POG Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @ninjacookie9 Pog dodged FeelsAmazingMan Dodged! @Ninjacookie9 THANK U PogU music name i beg u 🕹 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🕹 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 10896 🥈) jocnitro : 7935 🥉) soor_ice : 5921 4) ghostedonline : 5480 5) ahbahahaha : 4222 Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @ninjacookie9 <3 KEKW foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Well there it is beepboop have some subs foggedFOGGERS adamvsSUB adamvsHYPE foggedPepega foggedPepega @Ninjacookie9 THANKS m8 suppp !suphype league and chill is fogged good with other champs or is he just otp trynda? this song reminds me of some resident evil 1 music for some weird reason !title Tryndamere only challenge with TF Blade for $2500. Type !challenge Win/Loss 67-18 @MidnightxPMC -> The stream title has been updated to: Tryndamere only challenge with TF Blade for $2500. Type !challenge Win/Loss 67-18 !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp !opggs !song !subscribe subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird HahaDreidel @yogi90 he plays kled also @Ninjacookie9 you the real mvp foggedYoda foggedRightArm who can tell me why fogged like Sultan Trynd tge most? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Fogged nice with all champs, best with trynd tho i'm not often in fogged stream on This Challenge, but someone is always talking about tfb cheating and i have never seen him answrr, is he ignoring? foggedGift !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !build @yogi90 yeah his Kled is clean for example i love this community Fogged viewers. Just do the right thing and stay out of TF chat. You can't reason with them @yogi90 fogged plays a strong malphite but prefers trynd !uptime 2 hours 54 minutes 41 seconds what's the music playlist he's listening to? !opggs !build If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! tf blade just played another irelia game out of promos - why? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor I think TFBlade is obnoxious toxic player !challenge @nevercoppednodrop If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge TF gave up to challenge league and chill @Tryndannosaurus okey thx thx !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foxxez_ original terms were dodge if trynd banned, but tfblade is not keeping to that. for this reason, tfblade has forfeit the ability to win the 2500 payout COACHME @foxxez_ technically yes tf cheated and wanted rules revised mid cheat-game foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS me is sub wtf foggedTrynda foggedTrynda @solocorso he said the auto animation is cleanest? maybe easiest to distingiush crits and normal autos foggedGift @Tryndannosaurus you trolling or srs? ah fair i suppose !challange So the challenge isn’t tryn only anymore? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I think I ran into him smurfing in silver a few days ago, we narrowly beat that team but not without him as irelia with 25 kills himself !challenge He can't win anymore; from now on, he will be playing to not lose the bet only i see, ty @miniflid ok ty you @foxxez_ it depends, at the beginning, the challenge was tryndamere or dodge, then fogged gave a break on bo3/bo5, then if banned... thats just wrong Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! noobs cant handle neace fill This sounds like Lofi hip hop radio on youtube! @robjohnlechmere does tf blade HAVE to play trynd if unbanned? yes @nevercoppednodrop yes BIG UP NEACE heyy fogged, are you still using nimbus cloak after the change on it? @neace why dont u get involved in the challenge @nevercoppednodrop he says? but TF changes rules as needed. @gabemonssa Yes @gabemonssa nimbus still good guys whats the actual build @NEACE BIG UP @King_Prawn <3 anyone wanna play in a while trying to find people to play with kind of a lame competition now - i wish tf wasn't so egotistical about this, really obnoxious how he starts losing and just changes the rules @neace make a tankadin only challenge obviously fogged won't contest because he gets good viewership but still scummy @foggedftw2 of wow, almost 2500 subs, last time I saw you fell below then 2k mark, congrats on getting so many back. :) @ntrs21 this is fogged / blade idea !matchups @m0ph0_xd Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Jebaited 3-4 months @neace are you streaming? @foggedftw2 How come TFBlades last game is Irelia but he is 0/3 in promos now?? That cant have been a promos game!? Twitch dont care bruh Hello yes !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP @foggedftw2 PLEASE bro what was the last song before this one? LOL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I had 1200 subscribers at one point they ddidnt even notice I left dog. 10 more ads ease Kreygasm DOUBLE SUB MONEY POG !challenge @lorensj81 foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @foggedftw2 have you heard any of Trynds voice lines in the new card game? there sooo good COACHME Who wants to gift me a sub CoolStoryBob @NEACE what do you think about what TF blade pulled in the challenge he wanted Yeah mega stars @neace your split push guide got me into trynd, and that's how I found fogged. did you allow him to play irelia last game? oh shoot man someone gifted a sub to me !opgg @slobsters totally srs; TF will play whatever he wants but he cant win the 2,500. He will only play to not pay the 2500 to fogged FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I get paid sometimes from them Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! thanks, ı guess foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift COACHME !king !king facebook actually doesnt care if I stream of twitch I could if I wanted @neace big fan foggedBaby HOWEVER twitch CARES if I stream on Facebook oh, so TF Blade chickened out on the challenge! LOL Knew he was loosing foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. @Tryndannosaurus good to know How stupid is that !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW justseAha @foggedftw2 there was a 10 gifted subs while u left bruh Why does tfblade play a lot of different games with no tryndamere COACHME hello danny, i am also interested if you are still using nimbus after the update changes! u missed a lot of gifted subs while streaching !challenge foggedTrynda foggedTrynda @aemtox He is @foggedftw2 asked @neace what he thinks of the TF challenge @foggedftw2 we listening to lofi now and not boomer songs ? foggedREE Ninja? akaaKekw ImbalancedDK subscribed with Twitch Prime. ImbalancedDK's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET is the bet still going? Check out my new merch! tf blade played irelia last game @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. @NEACE hey man glad to see you moving Why is the bot saying 67-18 but onscreen its 67-17 -> i think fogged missed a loss Kappa COACHME ahhhh COACHME COACHME COACHME xD Yeah but I am on a contract with FB obviously, Im surprised they didn't give a shit COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHNEACE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME anyways, well played good luck to you in your games coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !challenge @witheee TFBlade can play irelia any time he wants, but he cannot win COACHME CHOACHME If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME @Ninjacookie9 thank you very much mate! foggedBird foggedWurf COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @NEACE BIG UP NEACE peace out bro nice to meet u COACHME need coaching @Death8lade in order with ignite? COACHME COACHME coachme @ninjacookie9 thanks buddy COACHME coach them senpai @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. haha COACHME X 10 COACHME LOL LUL Jebaited COACH. ME. @aemtox Yes it’s so op I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME KEKW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME KEKW COACHME LOL COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME finally a fogged sub :) CHOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME LUL COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME 50$ value COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COAHCME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COAHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHTFBlade to be a better Tryndamere COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME RIGGED COACHME COASCHME COACHME !king coachme COACHME COACHME+ COACHME COACHME COACHME Nightbot are you subbed or not What? COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME commonsoapdish subscribed with Twitch Prime. COACHNEACE <3 commonsoapdish's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME COACHME COACHME no me :) COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHTF To be a tryndamere player COACHME LUL COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED PRIOR TO WIN COACHME foggedW foggedW foggedW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACH ME COACH ME Thanks for the HahaDreidel @commonsoapdish Pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACH ME COACH ME COACH ME If I win I’d happily give my session to neace COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME narnia COACHME KEKW LUL LUL LUL 38 ping KEKW COACH ME LOL WHAT COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME I SAID IT 370 TURRET 2 SHOT holy shit tango_tf has won the giveaway. NARNIA GANG foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard coachme COACHME LOL HOW coachme @foggedftw2 It sensed your blade you got hit by 4 turret shots yeah @foggedftw2 COACHME wooooowwwwww COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP FUCKME RIGGED WOW foggedCorgi foggedCorgi rigged @tango_tf CONGRATS MAN COACHME RIGGED what is narnia 🤔 !followage DFSirius22 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 5 days, 4 hours, 49 seconds !rigged RIGGED foggedREE gayyyyyyyyyyyyy test COACHME RIGGGEEEDDDXX @MeazyMe banned @bkbkdayo Go watch the series @tango_tf gts with the coaching riot back at it CONGRATS RIGGED aaaaaaaaaay gifted LOL congratz !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME grats! Check out my new merch! W OMEGALUL W foggedCorgi foggedCorgi can you type the email here We all gotta rob @tango_tf now hell yeah do you play another round or do you couch now? The real prize in this challenge was the friend you made along the way. !coaching !coaching !coaching foggedftw2 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tango_tf! foggedftw2's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @midnightxpmc i will foggedSMOrc @foggedftw2 missing one loss on your red text. !coaching @bkbkdayo you joking or really don't know? $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to !coaching @tango_tf tragic scams SCAM!!!!! foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE Yo what’s up Fogged juega luegop pos bro :v gs non pleb won DAMN! technically now foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda uuh im a sub now :D @foggedftw2 COACHME ive sent him the email A SUB AND FREE COACHING @foggedftw2 Thanks for the gift sub! foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift love the emote foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda POGG Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups COACHME Pog yooo @foggedftw2 you spread such a big dick energy this month blaze it WHAT A LUCKYMAN damn with the comeup @tango_tf @foggedftw2 made it to gold using your tips and match up guide. Cant wait for the coaching I scheduled foggedYoda Thanks for the HahaDreidel @ninjacookie9 Frequent scams are happening here @foggedftw2 KEKW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 with the terms of the challenge being way different now, would you recon the outcome will be closer than it would have been in the original challenge aggreement? @foggedftw2 can you upload every match you played for this challenge to youtube and make a playlist. watching via vods sucks !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP who is in the lead? !whyjax @l333n Not worth for ad revenue. Will decrease viewcount % @foggedftw2 when tf blade gifts you 500 subs does that mean 10 coaching sessions? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !opggs SUCKME lol special person 2460 SUBS?! Weren't you at 1900 ish like 3 days ago foggedGasm foggedGasm !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP NIghtbot CHEATED !! RIGGED jk What? @slyspawn92 you missed 3 100 counts Fogged ain’t no scam. Sheesh! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Welll trynd wasn’t banned tf picked irellia @slyspawn92 He got 350 gifted subs last night cant belive I won it haha, thank you sir Why did he play irelia in a non promo game just got here.. how long do vods stay up? Pog mikeliveTotalRecall pog Fogged is the real spinnahroo lets gooo Pog Sick !stats tf 🐍 POGGG !king foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 i think tf blade isn't that special u can beat him easy cheater LETS GO BOYS I GOTCHU !guide Complete Tryndamere guide @foggedftw2 to many rigged followers 🤣🤣 getting the prizes, we subs are complaining! 🤣 did i winner !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW What do your coaching sessions consist of? @foggedftw2 foggedFOGGERS Guys, how does the bet work? Like, if Tryn gets banned do they have to dodge? !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: why is he allowed to play other champs, i thought only in masters promo tf blade yikes !OPGG FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Hahahahha !challenge !matchup !challenge !king Diamond II (Aatrox) Diamond I (Nunu & Willump, Tryndamere, Kai'Sa, Nautilus, Xayah, Blitzcrank) Master (Lissandra, Karma, Olaf) Thanks to whoever gifted me a sub Did he just ragequit the challenge or something? im confused now 5x DO IT RIGGED Sounds good :) (Blade) Up the luck for plebs hey we plebs watch all the ads we already get 3x. instant unfollow KEKW 4x happy medium DO IT Yes NAH that is bogus reeeeeeeeeee TOO RIGGED why longsword vs dorans blade? 5x if you gift me My english sucks, what's a giveaway ?? do it fair Naw just give me a sub 15 or no balls :D Do 5x bro RIGGED KEKW NOOOOO !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET roo4 Cheating RIGGEEEED 5X foggedYoda is the challenge still going!?!?!? OMEGARIGGED WOOT Not fair sub only !builds 5 times seems good !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP paid gambling KEKW It's fine hey plebs :) !guide Complete Tryndamere guide Fuckin do it who cares lol 1x luck per dollar @foggedftw2 Agree with it plebs WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE 25 or no balls 100% subs! 4 ads at a time, we deserve it Followers support your channel too DO 6x OR KEKW wait that emote is so good foggedYoda @SwatKats 5Head HHahah @swatkats make it fair As a former pleb, i support this we had this rando win on eyesterday and didnt even follow Make it 30x :) Its a giveaway, everyone should have a chance - subs should have higher but x5 its too much I dont give a shit KEKW is the challenge still going!?!?!?! Ive been saying x4 IM GETTING SHAFTED HERE foggedW @foggedftw2 Do x4 for plebs the luck should be proportionate to the amount of followers that out weigh the subs !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE how about a compromise, up it to 4 instead of 5 ;) Well Mango is the coach for Flyquest Academy.. foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME lower it to 2x @foggedftw2 is the challenge changed ? since tfblade can play all champs ? WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE @foggedftw2 this is 2019, all about that equality If I got gifted a sub 5 minutes ago, does that mean that I should call everyone else plebs? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !opggs !addcom !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE @SwatKats -> The command "!luck" has been added successfully. Don't know if that's hm though make it subs only :) !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE @i8ursoup TF lost 3 Trynd games and had to dodge so he decided to change the rules to play another champ... 1x luck per $ tier 3 KEKW 1x1x1x1x1 WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE Tfblade is playing another Jax game wtf !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK Beautiful. Spam with meaning. 1x1x1x1x1=5????? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP Hahah WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK Ok so eu gets more luck be they pay more… I’m in I added the !luck command for subs. Spam that shit !opggs that zero crit trade though :( $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! damn 3 aa no crit !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE @uncleherc i've created a beast !luck why not trade with him when he used full Q lvl 1? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE !!! I thought that aatrox was hashinshin for a second @swatkats you did ! You started a revolution who know the build and runes? @funkdubious2 Hashinshin is super top hoohoo , its like the lore aatrox vs trynda !runes @SwatKats BUT NOW PLEBS CAN DO IT Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: MVL Draw LOL 5Head Check out my new merch! hashinshin? ty 100 ad flat Kreygasm I'm inting anyways :) thats me :( @SwatKats the pleb that wins should sub to make it up to Fogged lol Aatrox is hashinshin? foggedFrog CS Pog TRUE KEKW how is the bet with TF going so far? @AceRocola That's really sad, but i'm not surprised to say the least that TFMald ragequit the challenge before even hitting masters true that yeah cs you mean cryshinshin? Kreygasm the cs tho !s vs gunshinshin ? hashashin running it down KEKW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here CHADSHINSHIN Pog TFBLADE IS CHEATING PLAYING JAX he just calls out that the jungler is there, walks up, then dies another 4 times :) KEKW Hashintint no he usually ints no matter what because his champion needs buffed and the rest need nerfed. @MidnightxPMC plebs can use the command, it just supports the sub cause gunChinshin !jax olaf is bot I am now remembering we're on 10m follower only mode. But its so peaceful in here. @theanimationez it’s gunchinshin He can’t track jg? Hashinshin has boomer patience TF BLADE IS CHEATER thats so true KEKW @Generalcoss and then "top lane sucks" :D @morbidrampager trynd was banned for current game dude. Don’t spread misinformation !cheater lol I played jungle so it’s easy to track junglers now for me tryndamere only but tfblade played jax, irelia and etc? :DDDDDD @b0methazine I LOVE TOBAIS MAN , MEMES SO MUCH LIKE TRICK @Keenano2 its been all stuck in the challenge command @morbidrampager he already conceded, stop the all caps drama @TheRighteousBoner and then: "Riot hates bruisers" so THAT's why he went 4/70 in 8 games !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP is Varus mid good? I think I'm going to make that my secondary !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET i didnt know he conceded !elo TF Bla-by i need more champs cant play just trynd !opggs What's TF blade's W/L atm? any1 know? @theanimationez He takes a century to upload tho !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs What about 24 hour follower mode like Dom's stream foggedRIP TF blade has a weak beard and a weak mental @GyrosPizzeria hearthstone did that. so stupid ANOTHER JAX GAME KEKW and your jungler is nunu, he could easily contest/steal a dragon @foggedftw2 foggedLewd wasted ignite LUL Kappa Pog N0vaUchihaEUW subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! N0vaUchihaEUW's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @b0methazine not recently tho Check out my new merch! foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd Isnt aatrox suppose to be an all in champ LUL !opggs Nice gg Pay dayyyy i guess it paid it's pver gg risteJustIce NUNU DOESNT DIE, WHAT IS HE MADE OUT OF AATROX IN 2019 KEKW lol who's winning? foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedFOGGERS gg wait wrong champ LOL !opggs chat is he still ahead? they should open. @2nd_page_of_google_search Varus mid is viable imo, just need to play him well. I personally favor essence reaver 1st item if going ad varus. SantaHat IceCold we getting paid WOO gg MercyWing1 MercyWing1 TwitchRPG MercyWing2 MercyWing2 wp pog ! ^^ Pog holly fuck u are so massive big A-A-TROX LUL NA be like EZ IceCold SantaHat Pog LOOK who is critting NOW GG WHAT IS THIS AUTO MOD LUL LUL EZ !bet 500 subs boys foggedFrog SPAM THIS CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog !challange NA mental Olaf lmao LOL true !challaenge foggedFrog SPAM THIS CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog thats actually every elo s t r a t s !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 59 LP TRUE LULW true lul LUL only in na mental boomed xD diamonds monkaS !opggs mind games these diamond players have no mental sounds like every elo ^^ Aatrox is tilted TF rank? thats why i type ? after a failed gank Kappa Time bomb mental. foggedFrog foggedFrog !luck WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE WE PAY 5 DOLLARS foggedTilt WE DEMAND 5X THE LUCK foggedREE so if you play with your jungler :) elo hell is turning fogged into a psychopath @foggedftw2 does rage impact tower damage?? @foggedftw2 the tilt bender TILT HARD LIKE A DIAMOND KEKW probably because the game gets less fun at higher elo jg will rage at top 100% Pretty sure that bomb starts ticking in high plat elo @ramthegreat1234 you dont get it lmao. ragequitting happens 10x more in dia on trynda , is conquer great ? @foggedftw2 im a silver surfer, but sometimes in normals i get queued into plat and diamond players... the only way to win is to make them rage.... (EUNE) !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Which division tf is? can someone clip that D1 ragequit timebomb rant? pls thx My brother is Dia 2 and I can confirm that they are tilting hard @uncultured1 no rage doesn’t crit tower damage riot needs to make ranked a $10 premium so more people would take it seriously Rage quit is more believable than NA open just push until someone comes So youre saying tfblade belongs in diamond? @foggedftw2 can you prove that lol kekw there is no way a player doesn't says "ff" before 6 minutes nowadays @foggedftw2 KEKW Hey Fogged can you die twice please :) Hahahahahaha @midnightxpmc ssssssss pls :) aatrox afk @MadamMimsMan EUNE is like NA KEKW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 59 LP (67-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [---] (76-18) i dont get IT, i never quit the game wtf is a silver smurf TILT HARD LIKE ADIAMOND kekw yes thank you for explaining that :) @foggedftw2 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Danny spitting fire rage on you craaaaazy diamonds Kappa !challenge @MidnightxPMC open doesn't really happen in NA because people don't collectively agree to give up @foggedftw2 why is TFBlade not playing only trynd? SeemsGood @foggedftw2 and like that you created a new instalock song ! @axlefire pink Floyd pog 9 minute 1st turret foggedLUL foggedW np u are welcome ^^ why are u playing trynda not jax? @MidnightxPMC people on the same team in NA don't fucking agree on anything @foggedftw2 how's this even a challenge tf isn't playing trynd anymore foggedGasm @TheRighteousBoner guess it is... havent played for ages, just come back a few month ago... have muted more players after i came back than before foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm Open Lol even bronze players don’t open that fast foggedWeeb foggedWeeb foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm let shelly dance 5 kills ahead and opening lol Why was the challenged rescheduled to EUW? their whole team quit lol wont there be lag? hers khazixGJ @foggedftw2 are you happy with the new arrangement? if someone on west on fresh account unranked to d1 khazixFlower !cannon2 Fogged is a cannon pacifist and prefers not to kill them Kappa herald? PowerUpL foggedGasm PowerUpR dancing herald Fun game. Rage quits have so much impact and yet nothing is ever done about it This has to be one of the fastest wins ever @MadamMimsMan the only difference between EUNE and NA is that you receive actual death threats on EUNE :D hallo nunu? there she is Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater. kaisa gachiBASS I like this kai'sa 10 min game PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR KEKW Dancing Herald Pog Shelly dance PogChamp easy kekw dance shelly pog foggedLewd New shortest game foggedTrynda SHELLY Pog @therighteousboner true LUL gg that nautilus LUL foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Shelly dance! :D Dancing Rift sounds like a song tbh KEKW RIFT PogChamp DogePls foggedLUL foggedLUL Shelly look at the moves! PepoDance hard game wow teach me how to win like that is aftershock still the go to rune for lissandra Trivia, if you dance next to shelly, she dances shelly so cute AYAYA wasn't it' i can already smell the 69 Kappa foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog the herald dances whats the point of the challenge if TF blade plays trynd only 50% of the time? @foggedftw2 Fogg so good games just win for him @foggedftw2 Why is TFBlade playing jax? ez win We take those !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW What is the challenge havent heard of it before? @foggedftw2 you should enable the gunChinshin emote LUL wont there be lag in EUW? @TheRighteousBoner havent gotten many of them, but sure have gotten wished cancer on me and my family .... @lorensj81 she dances regardless, if she's alive when you win Ez claps Cheer100 have you seen that James Bond movie Diamonds Are Hard Stuck Forever? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! she took yer c'non! copy pasta in tfs chat: Blade suggested a tryndamere 1v1, dodge if no trynd. Then fogged let blade play other champs if he was in promos so its not an instaloss. Blade then starts losing the bet and complains about how tryndamere is being banned. Keep in note fogged doesnt have problems with this because he FULLY hides client and plays with 15 second delay, unlike Blade. Blade then locks in a new champion before asking fogged and calls him the cheater. master promos soon Pog gunChinshin or we riot hey whats the point of the challenge if TF blade plays trynd only 50% of the time? @foggedftw2 yvonTru yvonGG yvonGG yvonEZ yvonHYPERS Mirardt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! do I get the build after your challenge? !uptime 3 hours 18 minutes 10 seconds Mirardt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !cheater so , any recent tutorials ? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king shortest game? KEKW I`m back lol lol why do you build essence reaver, tri force? is it for the cdr? Thanks for the HahaDreidel @mirardt foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog lmao !er Essence Reaver has 20% CDR, 70AD, and 25% crit. The passive is irrelevant. nice win, free LP players make league so dumb :( its not what it used to be @brainthewise yes Masters tonight pog? @foggedftw2 !king Idk this challenge is actually over. Only reason to keep going is the publicity foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 nono, Casino Royal is the movie about the botlane @foggedftw2 why not run ignite and buy ghostblade? Check out my new merch! Build LUL @hanmail tryndamere ist banned in 80% of his games. If he dodges every time he gets the 30min timer to get back into Queue POGSLIDE Its fucking great when jungler leashes its actually great whats the buikd?? clickbait > effective !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW what's the build lol !challenge @foggedftw2 have you seen the new trynd build that NEACE has been crazy about? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 76 LP (68-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [---] (76-18) @MadamMimsMan yeah cancer wishing is like the standard shit , then come the "your mom and sister" stuff and then the death threats. Otherwise the server is just like NA , population wise and skill wise imo did you do my nocturne game that I requested? why is everyone saying the challenge is over????? @hanmail which is obv. not healthy for his stream !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET like a while ago tf playing jax ads pls @foggedftw2 you should enable the gunChinshin emote LUL play nasus , i know everyone hates him , but its rare to see any streamer play him thats some chill beats maaaan SeriousSloth @foggedftw2 Why challenge is in EUW? !opggs Masters tonight pog? foggedftw2 wait, you're higher elo with 10 less wins? KEKW EZY @foggedftw2 You will redo challenge in EUW later? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Sad FeelsBadMan Tfblade playing jax LUL yo is the challenge over? youtube business is all about sensations :D @foggedftw2 @Sakredd_ he skipped bc tf blade tilted off the moon KEKW Guys the build is very simple. You go to lane without items, push 2 waves with the help of your jungler and then back for a perfect cloak buy! @Sakredd_ fogged had 100% wins till plat, TFBlade lost in gold Guys the build is very simple. You go to lane without items, push 2 waves with the help of your jungler and then back for a perfect cloak buy! whats the build about @foggedftw2 TF playing Jax again, legit cheating at this point imo Coca Cola 1337 Oh !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Yea YouTube algorithm is -10 IQ @foggedftw2 what's your background, can you tell us something about yourself? your majors? previous jobs? sports you do? !rabj also why is tfblade allowed to play irelia+jax? 68-18 Thoughts on blade cheating?? !rank are you telling me that I rage like a diamond, but I'm only as good as silver? should I just quit league? KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP Theres no more challenge for TF !opggs !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET pepeJAM Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Oh dear lord he noticed me time to gift certificate 100 subs tf blade another jax game in promos ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)i got 10 grams of weed all for mee!! PogChamp also , youtube changed their policy , did you read it ? Nvm i’m a broke college kid @Sakredd_ tfblades viewers are torlling him with trynd bans. so now TFblade cant win but he doesnt have to play trynd what's your thoughts of ap tryndamere Kappa yo @foggedftw2 , sent you sth on Discord would be awesome to hear your thoughts sounds about right with his viewerbase @robjohnlechmere thanks for the reply When do you go fleet vs lethal tempo vs conq ? Not having to play a single champ does kinda guarantee it !challenger !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW so you dont lose anything ? xd !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET TF losing so the rules had to be changed for him xD But he is not confident enough to only play Tryndamere!! Pog Fogged best Trynd NA Especially since he isn't hiding client while in champ select. I mean he already had to cheat to hit d1, he'll change the rules another 100 times lol Aren't you at a big disadvantage now cause he never has to dodge queue? Now you lose lp and time he doesn't but even if he beats you it's still not the same I play IE and Shiv every game on Tryn, He does have to play trynd if its not banned @foggedftw2 how did the bet even start? Is that cause he is getting target banned or what? @foggedftw2 maybe in the description of yt videos add a line with link to spreadsheet so people can find more serious builds? @foggedftw2 when does the challenge end? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! Best trynd world confirmed BrentimusMaximus subscribed with Twitch Prime. BrentimusMaximus's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !challenge ap items are cheaper !opggs @Warbandit13 yeah but the compensationm for the disadvantage is fogged literally cant lose !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. @warbandit13 but fogged doesn’t lose anything if he loses Last Game (Tryndamere): Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @Warbandit13 TF still dodges 2 times a day, and fogged rarely has trynda banned in his games wazaaaaaaaap yeah it's not worth it. he can easily beat you now since he'll never have to dodge !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 76 LP (68-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [---] (76-18) and he plays other champs even when tryndamere isn't banned @foggedftw2 what skin would you like Trynd to get ????? @foggedftw2 the challenge is still up? I mean I get it but it still kinda just feels like the challenge is pointless now @foggedftw2 why don't you tell him to hide his client like you do? @2nd_page_of_google_search just not true tf blade plays jax and irelia xd !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out my new merch! @coinflipteam he doesnt put a stream delay so he just get targeted banned on purpose @2nd_page_of_google_search if dodging is why someone would lose a challenge, then the challenge is shit lmao its bullshit how can i counter rumble when i play nasus tho ? any ideas !challenge hey fogged how're the games going today? tryndamere challenge, and jax, and irelia, and vlad !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Tf blade stay playing Jax lol if the problem is the tryndamere bans for tfblade why is the challenge reported to may? that won't solve the problem !opggs so basically he is doing the same thing as on eune main trynd and jax... @foggedftw2 what ski would you like trynd to get??? TF blade be like : TRYNDAMERE ONLY OkayChamp AND RYZE OkayChamp AND VLAD OkayChamp AND IRELIA OkayChamp AND JAX OkayChamp TheAnimationEz dont play nasus Been watching your youtube videos at work all the time to curb my boredom, you're a beast @TheAnimationEz Max E, to poke him some, and just stack @thephilz1 dodging in promos is a big deal. If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! TF Blade is a BabyRage HE WOT? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW wait, if he wins you dont owe him anything? Isn't that kinda BM xd TRYNDAMERE ONLY OkayChamp AND RYZE OkayChamp AND VLAD OkayChamp AND IRELIA OkayChamp AND JAX OkayChamp why cant he just put the client on a 2nd monitor @waytwut okay but you have to consider he is a streamer! If he has delay he cannot answer his viewers in time. The challenge is just something to bound ppl to the stream He’s in champ select Fogged my trynd game skyrocketed after your videos and livestreams much love and thx for the great content I feel it @foggedftw2 make a stream delay a requirement for the may bet what are the new rules to the bet?? !opggs @waytwut not more important than the streaming experience itself you should rename it to higher elo challenge not trynda only cus it isnt anymore so what ping will u have on EUW? iaraK IceCold Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! not you i meant blade @strawhat88pl He’s traveling to europe do the dvd bouncing thing @foggedftw2 @Sakredd_ And playing against the rules isnt BM? 💣 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💣 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 8321 🥈) jocnitro : 5490 🥉) l4s5i : 4684 4) soor_ice : 3125 5) ahbahahaha : 2915 Hey chat I got raiding in FF14 soon, so I'll be closing the stream down to conserve CPU :) @coinflipteam well you can try to please your viewers but when they start to target ban you you say fuck it !cheater have a 2 hour delay What's TFBlades Win/Loss? @Death8lade ah didnt know. thx for info diablo 3 during queue ? :O Best of luck to you, fogged @foggedftw2 you could do some random videos while you wait and have client on other monitor month in Europe for you in may then? @foggedftw2 Why don't you build sanguine anymore? and when do you build tiamat over zerkers first? What does full build look like? @strawhat88pl Np what skin would you want Trybd to get @foggedftw2 @Fiarill5 Liek Raiding is hard in ff14 KEKW @Nikamin if I had 10k vierwrs I wouldnt do that. But hard to say since im not in that position do you read any of the lore of lol ? tfblade could just put the client on a 2nd monitor while using a short delay need to update wins if he want out of a stream delay then hes just a cheat !opggs I still dont understand why tfblade is allowed to play other champs consistently, without him even being in promos. Shiphtur watches cooking videos and stuff like that so what skin did you guys get from twitch prime How often do you get your hair cut? What do you think of certain jng champs going top? (stuff like warwick, lee sin, rengar, shaco, etc) !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft @HailKingGheedorah bloodmoon evelyn forecast janna @HailKingGheedorah tf really just wanted to catch the smoke smh !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP do push-ups while in queue. become swole while beating tf blades ass HolidaySanta fourskin janna @HailKingGheedorah got highnoon (?) ashe myself learn to juggle while I'm queue !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW nice, staying at tl house? high elo queues ResidentSleeper cause ashe (trynda's wife) got a progressed story moths ago also a comic come to germany @foggedftw2 EU trip? Pog can you show your pc setup? @foggedftw2 maybe watch funny LoL vidieos? I dunno KEKW Where in europe exactly? 4 2 0 huehue Thumbnail already is league client @coinflipteam LUL he was doing 30 secs delay + no cam + no mic during 2 weeks. Surely he wouldn't mind a 10-15 delay. @foggedftw2 have u considered playing league in que? !elos what skin would you like Trynd to get @foggedftw2 @santivaq It changes @solocorso WHAT ????? !skins Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant LULW @Tryndannosaurus okay I actually gree LUL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! KEKW What LUL ...... KEKW SRSLY you shouldn't have to go to EUROPE to challenge TF blade. if you have to pay for flight and rooms, then that's more money out of pocket Come to Romania @foggedftw2 agree* @Tryndannosaurus ARE U FR LOL !king Pog My Country i live there xD ROMANIA do you like spain ? @Death8lade malding come to france My country POG EU servers are in amsterdam isnt the server in Germany? !RANK KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP no its in NL Netherlands to Germany is not alot different ping. Its like 23 vs 30 NA geography coming in hot @ascii89 That’s eune server belgium come turkey bro go to latvia with a TEAM? EUW server are NL, eune is germany LETS GO NETHERLANDS anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove im from germany! euw is in NL and eune is in GER Honestly @foggedftw2 unlike NA, you'll have good ping almost everywhere in Europe. The infrastructure over here is soooo much better. nl @foggedftw2 I know it hasn't been much of an interest or a priority, but I do recommend you chk out some lores it makes the game much more interesting. $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! i can see my house their LUL @foggedftw2 "Necrit" on youtube does very good videos of lores and upcoming updates. I recommend you check him out (especially if you don't want to read) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @plsenterusername I'm so sorry for you KEKW I'm 45 min outside of toronto and my ping is steady 24... is there a server near me? @foggedftw2 moe stayed at tl place, he had to pay tho but ye why tf doesnt play trynda? @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. Well i live in North germany kinda eastcoast. 1 0 i hope you play on the next twitch thing me Kappa ME ME ME me :) I am <--- guildty !! france me :) me :) / me :) JOOO ich brudi me 1 0 me :) 1 me me Germany here :) / not me DEUTCHLAND me :) PORTUGAL me me I live in netherlands KEKW meee me Not Germany but Sweden! im from germany too :x meh I am Iam from Germany DatSheffy me meeee me ich bin durchfall me me Me german me me me :) I'm from Poland :)) HEIL @foggedftw2 just curious what are the actual rules of the bet cause TFBlade keeps playing other champs didnt think that was allowed DatSheffy fogged beste me From the UK, ping is also round 20-30 Spain Pog me ME NETHERLANDS czech rep here me me :) netherlands die gvd kkrhren im from germany and i get 15-18 ping WOW SO MANY Austria Here Poland there :) wow so many Germans deine mutter hundefutter me spain me Kappa frogged is a joke, what an idipt !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king me it's more about providers in EU @kapatic16 Kappa Im from central Italy and I have 30 pings I mean Italy is 30ms too.... Me :) me Kappa it feels like ww2 again :) / <3 !elos ITALY! me too Kappa !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Check out my new merch! Pog blonde hair blue eyes, germans LOVE YOU xD I have 17ms here enough for you? @foggedftw2 not me POLSKA KU WA !followage SAY HELLO TO BRAZIL MEME IS THE BEST Keepo enJoyer_ has been following foggedftw2 for 4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 55 minutes, 9 seconds POLSKA KU *WA @fouchisan hol' on, hol' on !elios GREETINGS FROM GERMANY .9 @foggedftw2 Denmark when? VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea brazil here PORTUGAL fioraHot fioraHot fioraHot fioraHot fioraHot fioraHot @foggedftw2 Will u do a meet and greet in the Netherlands? and what about polish people ? @foggedftw2 just internet infrastructure in general is way better than in NA !opggs !elos 1 here from africa lol im from argentina dad @foggedftw2 this probably means something else in Germany tho :) / !opggs I'm a youtube watcher, is @foggedftw2 joining a pro team? @foggedftw2 when you coming to Australia haha fioraPOG fioraPOG fioraPOG I'm from El Salvador Pog @Death8lade africa KEKW portogalul is nightbot working? I was afraid of going to twitch con. I got scared of meeting you if the bootcamp / partnering up with a team won't go through i can help you out im from brazil ya tf blade is wining with ap jax PORTUGALUL netherlands internet > german internet NA internet is good but greedy af tbh you could probably go most places in EU, and get a decent provider and you'll be 20-30 ping Sweden has GREAT internet, for real!! Im watching your stream from Germany, yea :) TRUE KEKW Yes ofcourse they all have monopolies in their area @foggedftw2 google fiber @rjp24 ik lol so sad kekw german internet companies are pretty much terrible as well @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 would you want try d to get a new skin and if he does what would you like it to be??? PREACH I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 unless you sit in the woods in the middle of f'ing nowhere, you're gonna have great ping in EU :D well yeah, they like money NA companies are toxic but the actual internet is top notch I have 1000/1000 fiber for $20 a month same in italy !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king buy out google viber so they dont have to compete with them Here in Romania we have 10 ping You pay 30€ a month for a 100mb download and 50mb upload flatrate per month in germany :D !ranks come to germany and try to get internet thats working LUL Fogged: Diamond I 76 LP (68-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [---] (76-18) @foggedftw2 Let's make our own ISP. KEKW I concur i used ton install for Comcast. Foggeds not wrong they do scam and doubledip dirtboy2006 subscribed with Twitch Prime. dirtboy2006's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! NA internet is really bad Your loyalty to your isp means they'll raise prices on you NA isp's suck ass will you get to play with trick2g again ? cause the duo is soo much fun @foggedftw2 typically play Tryn but fell in love with sanguine nocturne, am wondering your thoughts on having Essence reaver on Noc for the mana/AD/CD. @GecKoNo I pay 25€ for 100mbits TF playing Jax, is the bet over? have you been building tiamat alot more lately? ??????????????????? even Mexico has better internet WHat.? @foggedftw2 is the challenge with tf blade still going??? @blacksaikou ahahhahhahahaha TRUEEEE HAHAHAAHAHA GOOD JOKE TRUTH my internet in Croatia is awesome NA FOOD Kapp no OOF ??????????? NA food? xDD Na food POGGERS true actually BRUH? EU food 10 times better whatchu talking bout man well yeah, if you're into fat and salt :D AHAHAHAHAH NICE ONE MATE trolling? Im NA btu europe food is WAY better HAHAHAHA nice joke KEKW NA FOOD LULW nono NA food way unhealthier than EU food KEKW NA food is just hamburger and pizza eww Mc Donalds? KEKW As an italian, I feel offended af well yeah, that's why we fat. EU mad NA FOOD IS JUST STOLEN FROM EUROPE AND OTHER CONTINENTS KEKW No @snaakelol1 Not at all LOL NA FOOD? OMEGALUL he joking whats NA food? U NEVER TRIED PORTUGUESE FOOD THEN not even close... Greek family an dthe food is unmatchable i don't even know what na food is LUL LOL NO?!!!! wait, food preference is totally subjective 420 lmaooo that's why so many got diabetes in NA Kappa EU>NA !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP eu food is healthier the food is great in Italy living in japan for a couple years and coming back to american food depresses me EU women >>>> NA women AMAZING JOKE flatrate 100mbit dl upload 10 mb 34 euro here Have you eaten in EU, food is way better than US in greece internet sucks men na food is fake food if fast food > real food, sure NA food is > EU food LOL eu food doesn't exists Does fast food = NA? travel around the mediterranean food @foggedftw2 NA food Wathc every amercian KEKW @foggedftw2 I had to choose between comcast and wave g in seattle, chose wave g and was never dissapointed, never had issues with them and constant gigabit up and down Yall complaining too much; i've to pay 20 bucks a month for 10 mbs. way better A LOT BETTER europe = germany KEKW Cant compare but like it na food is like taking everything that tastes good from around the world and puts it tougether it truely is, lol yikes Crypty90 subscribed with Twitch Prime. y'all never had southern bbq IT SURE IS BETTER IN ITALY! Delusional EU KEKW Crypty90's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! TRUE and you'll die truth, US food is way better SO unhealthy!!!!!!! KEKW Their food is way better! The asian food in NA is so good try ASIAN food KEKW I month in American instant cancer IT IS Eat burgers everyday hurdur burgers burgers burges KEKW EU has so many different kinds ok OpieOP AMEN then get fat ? american chocolate sucks Na food Kkoona kapsalon > all food anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove AMERICAN FOOD IA ALL FOREIGN FOOD LOL American Food is incredible i live in italy i dont have food problems LUL @foggedftw2 Wonder why most of the good chefs are trained in france LULW and i live in america america has no food^^ america just got junk yeah GMO only lol @foggedftw2 Check "Mettbrötchen" on google best food if i eat american food for 1 month ill fucking die dude KEKW spend 1 month im aerika u weigh 10 kg more EU FOOD>NA FOOD MY FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE WAS IN NA brazil food is the best. THE END there is a reason why we americans are fat gmo vs natural :) whats next american culture? food in kuwait > food in rest of the world NA FOOD OpieOP india fooed better eating amercia = being fat mcdonalds is garb If I eat 1 month food in america I would weigh 800lbs Name one American food @foggedftw2 german foods sucks youre right our food is waaaay better LUL how do you define food? So bullshit only fastffood Spanish and Italian food Kreygasm USA FULL OF GREASE DansGame !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW KEKW european food tastes like tofu @foggedftw2 spend 1 month in france, italy, spain, portugal, greece, turkey >>>>>>>>>>> US That is the HOTTEST take of 2019 LuL KEKW America = no culture TRUE @foggedftw2 tell me which food you like the most please I mean it always depends what you grow up liking or @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 sorry i like to stay heathy :P true I gotta say food in USA is better than in EU and I am from Europe. Doooooooooode i'm italian, you can't even compete on food KEKWH to be fair, most food in NA is just european food.... IT'S TRUE THOUGH KEKW when i eat food in america, im looking like a ball @foggedftw2 I love food in Germany France and Italy, but Great Britain food is god awful @foggedftw2 they haven't had my cooking LOL stuff burgers in face KEKW TRUE ITALIAN FOOD HELLOOOOO????????? @foggedftw2 i honestly can't think of any american food other than burgers, honest ryze top...god lord @foggedftw2 hey fogged i thought it was tryndamere only challenge why is TFB playing other champs? The main network junction from eu is in Germany lol we don't like McDonald's lmao @foggedftw2 you realize we have about+20 countries ? you moved here once na food is like taking everything that tastes good from around the world and puts it tougether NA DOESNT EVEN HAVE A CUISINE KEKW McDonalds>everything EUROPEAN FOOD TASTES LIKE TOFU we also ahve McDonald's in europe...... CALI KEKW america only has that much good food cuz its all foreign food tho 1 month in america and i'll be glad to have free healthcare to not die from here LUL the best food in america is cuisine from other countires !challlenge If I eat 1 month food in america I would weigh. 800lbs Eu has food actual food regulations LUL literally any other food > american america is only fast food foggedLUL american cheese is just plastic it's only the junk food in america in eu homemade food is really good Mexican Food > Everything else ITALIAN FOOD IS 100% BETTER THAN USA THIS FOGGED IS FULL OF ENERGY I LOVE IT every ethnic food in America is better in America than the original country so relax Check out my new merch! 1 month in america = diabetes and obesity enjoy glyphosates its about the same generalizing europe KEKW what even is american food , like 95% of your recipes come from europe rofl :P @foggedftw2 Peru has been proven to have the best food in the world tho !challenge I mean it always depends what you grow up liking or? @foggedftw2 We are fatter, we know food. NA food can’t be better then EU America is so much larger yeah NA food is just warped EU food I love the USA but EU food is still better than NA food <3 its pretty the same @EmmyLeeC not everyone is privileged enough to have your food. same pretty much @foggedftw2 you have an invite here in Italy, I'll host you at my place, I'll show you what food means I was in America for a while like a year in LA and I enjoy food more in Europe usa bigger than europe NA has the biggest fast food chains lmao @ italian food, most my friends that went to italy said the food was shit The colture of America is the size of svitzerland tho @foggedftw2 Yea our food reputation is literally based on the diet of the south @foggedftw2 not that big compared with Europe true I get 500/500 MBit/s for $25 per month here in Sweden! Latin America food>Universe true It depends Fogged, im from italy and the food is pretty good but I know there are some places in NA where you can eat awesome food as well, like Oregon, Washington, steaks on Texas and so on I WONDER WHY KEKW Unfollow for that statement Europe has more diversty food, America is one whole type LOL WHAT @foggedftw2 U GUYS EAT PINEAPPLE PIZZA, TO AN ITALIAN LIKE MYSELF ITS DISGUSTING JUST TO THINK ABOUT THAT but na kinda sucks @foggedftw2 we have double the population @foggedftw2 I', brazilian and I lived in the US for a while and I have to say: NA food is dogshit its eu its toxic I'll stick to my Poutine ty UA food = diabetes me not it's abut hte same area Just go in France like there is a reason that all the best cooker come from there TRUE america bad eu good Pepega NA best food, that's why were all fat american food came from european metropolis time ago NOT FALSE KEKW EU and US are basically same size Kinda depends on which EU food you've tried. Yeah UK and German food for instance is boring af, but italian, spanish, french, turkish, greek etc. No way America can compete with that. EU Malding because they have no Freedom haha no EU TEETH KEKW NA GEOGRAPHY @foggedftw2 Also Hotdogs and Pizza lolz @foggedftw2 EU is 500M people, US is 300M BS food triggered that ot weird real quick xD @foggedftw2 name me one classic american dish other than hamburger @foggedftw2 i imagine them with bacon because they failed to invade America XD yeah thats kinda true LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Nah man. Every american seems hateful to EU. Its tbe wasnt cheese burger is the only food in NA KEKW xD Yeah it's actually true EU > NA food We have BBQ @foggedftw2 NA bad at everything KEKW im actually trained chef and confectioner i know my food buddy^^ KEKW wait, ur saying you aren't eating cheese burgers every morning @foggedftw2 LUL :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LoL Kappa LUL @foggedftw2 The US is almost the same size as Europe in entirety. KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL true. full of fats lol KEKW Latinamerican Food > everything TRUE KEKW im american and i want a burger now hahahaha XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Fullerton California by itself has better food that most of Europe not every european KEKW TRUE hahahaha chesse with this Its the other wza KEKW llol KEKW Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups KEKW xd KEKW LOL im crying AHHAHAHAHA lol KEKW LOL D: LOL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LUL KEK LMFAO KEKW TRUE Europeans eat more regionally grown food than American folks so their diet is naturally better lol that rant KEKW ahahahahaha LOL KEKW !rank not treu but funny LOOOOL KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP FALSE KEKW 100% true HAHAHA CHILL KEKW NOT TRUE thats just not true lol KEKW lol omg bullshit "NA food is better" waaah why so mean IT STRUUUUUUU KEKW TRUUUUUUUUUE Actually true true lol @Mic102 swedens got worse pizza so we cant take em on that one MALDING SAVAGE Ever have italian food Brooo!?? SNAILS! KEEKW is this a comedian sess? :O FRENCH PEOPLE ARE CONFUSED LUL Its the other way around dude HE JOKING LMAO EU WHY UR TEETH YELLOW KEKW TRUE KEKW POGGERS DELUSIONAL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW foggedFOGGERS Do you know what stereotypes are? hell yea brother KKona He's getting pretty riled up about this Lol i dont have money for food LUL KEKW i love my cheese LUL TRUEEEE Not really, it's just you cannot control yourself TRIGGERED nice excuse kekw SALT AND SUGAR ARE OP PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL :D unfollowed :D you are delusional dude KEEEEEKW KEKW mcdonalds clearly 5 star restaurant LUL Italian here. Sorry my man, you're waaaaaaay off the mark LOL USA better than spain?? whezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you haven't tried balkan food mate @foggedftw2 get real 220lbs. Beat that thin man ;D @foggedftw2 @Tryndannosaurus mah man @foggedftw2 NA bad at league and food and everything KEKW lmao LUL kekw our europiean food is fckin delicious xdf @foggedftw2 Are you saying you don't appreciate our delicay the toast sandwich?? BRO U NEVER TRIED PORTUGUESE FOOOOOD OMEGALUL MURICA TRUE KEKW what the fuck are talkin RELAX KEKW @foggedftw2 food wise Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, France, Portugal all of them have waaaaaaaaaaaay better than US food my G True KEKW Any truers?!?! LUL LUL LUL EU BTW FOREVER explain asia where the best food is TELL EM DANNY!!!! SO SALTY KKona DAMN RIGHT good joke NA LOGIC LULW haha you jsut made my day NA logic, still love you <3 ALSO IOTS EXPENSIVE ASF ????? 500000 iq he right tho you never been to italy my man Inc shit storm man, that's a funny theory xD @foggedftw2 but US doesn't even have It's own cuisine, it's all from other places DELUDED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW Fogged going hard today kebab is good Focus on game dude dont talk about food you are thin as fuck You havent come to Portugal @foggedftw2 you will see what real food is like he has no idea lol Yeah Italian and french food is just disgusting amirite? 220lbs. Beat that thin man ;D @foggedftw2 OMEGALUL go to chicago and youll straight MAX THE FOOD MAN can you define american food? Bro you got drugs in your food, that's why you cannot stop NA LOGIC KEKW BS we just bulk up American self diologue @foggedftw2 is that how politics work over there aswell And this is the exact reason americans are fat as fuck in general :D KKona DAMN RIGHT What the fuck was that dude USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW lol stop i cant take it you're gonna make me laugh out loud at work while i'm trying to lurk your stream! @sliponknot Grass and dirt? Kappa have you ever been in europe dipshit? calma down, nerd our food is goooooooooood+ its ALSO EXPENSIVE @foggedftw2 congrats fogged you triggered chat with a food bait :). Eu got good food too man wth fogged DID SOMEONE CLIP THIS?????????????????? Africa food must suck then KEKW you have zero idea about european food if you think like that bro @foggedftw2 every American can only imagine Germans in lederhosen and Dirndl dude @foggedftw2 i hope you are just talking ironically now. and that you dont really believe what you are talking :DDD EU FOREVER DESTROYED KEKW ok tahts bs fogged, europeans dont throw away their food , like americans o.O Rather hate my food than being fat and dying USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED KEKW USA FOOD > FRENCH FOOD CONFIRMED brazillian food > British food is alright bruh U look angry today huh? xD Salt and Fat doesn't make food good 'murica TRUE French people eat snails OMEGALUL ur just being real delusional right now muricans KEKW NA food is actually dogshit compared to other countries, like that;s just it delusional lmfao, u have alot of fat in u dishes PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR TRUE TRUE KEKW HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH KEKW Eu food blows eu food is so good that it requires only one bite to fulfill our emptiness inside probably true German food is dogshit yeah D: KEKW D: Trueeere TTRRUUUUEEE KEKW D: True IT HAS KEKW BALKAN THE BEST FOOD @foggedftw2 hoe many time u spend inEurope? in Italy? in France? the cheeseburger is spilling from your mouth dude relax, dude I will say that German breakfast is fire. WTF D: GERMANY SUCKS THO @foggedftw2 D: german food sucks Our food is food, you only eat garbage in the US nidalee KEKW NA BEST REGION IN FOOD DONT xD you can go the local grocery store and get prime rib for $10 where in Europe you have to drive miles to get the same steak for 3 times the price. russian food is the best FUCKING TRUE KEKW FALSE Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ok, Germany food sucks Come to Italy NEMOJ PLJESKAVICU DA MI VREDJAS @Avision666 CmonBruh Ok TRUE dude your so wrong lol AFRICA WORST FOOD WITH THAT LOGIC KEKW bruv, British have worst food lol Greek food is good tho have you tried Greek food??? @foggedftw2 nah, its england xd WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA @FOGGEDFTW2 SCHNITZEL IS LIT !title @ylankluivertp -> Current Stream Title: Tryndamere only challenge with TF Blade for $2500. Type !challenge Win/Loss 67-18 Nah Nah Nah fam I think that England has worse food than germany @foggedftw2 Germans only eat Sausage KEKW Agree ;D true PowerUpL SwiftRage PowerUpR lolwut then you never talked to a german hahaha I AGREE TOO AND IM GERMAN but that beer is the tits b7ut german women are so Kreygasm Germany isn't europe though Sauerkraut is good :D BREXIT FOOD GOOD SCHNITZEL GERMANY IS AWFUL, THE REST OF EU TOP NOTCH IM GERMAN AND I AGREE KEKW NA pizza < Italy pizza UK has worse KEKW no german food is good i like my potatos WTF @foggedftw2 u forget italy ? UK food is even worse BRITISH FOOD > NA FOOD IM GERMAN AND ITS TRUE what about italian food? I agree on that but just come her ein italy and you'll change your mind @foggedftw2 true that, but they have a good beer TRUE KEKW ???? did you try Arabian food ? Our food in EU sucks I gotta admit thats not true at all yeah cause Germany means whole Europe @foggedftw2 we have the best potato dishes tho CAUSE THEY HAVE GREAT BEER foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog French food and Italian food????? PowerUpL BibleThump PowerUpR Yeah but germ,ans are the fittest well yeah german^^ but german isnt all of eu :D I don´t agree Schnitzel is it lol that’s all they got and i like my schnitzel germany worst food but best beers German beer is food too???? The food in Italy is the bomb dude Morgana is Team Fogged! :D Hey hey hey if you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad let's agree to disagree <3 comparing german food to the whole of EU? schnitzel pretty dope though PowerUpL PowerUpL BibleThump PowerUpR PowerUpR GERMAY HAS BEER AND CHEESE ONLY but we have pretty good beer comparing NA food with EU.. FailFish true, but many Young People here dont even like any german food Italian food is bomb tho everything beats german food. lets be real Europe is not only Germany @foggetyou need to come to croatia man and it will change your perspective about food for ever.... fuck german food lol. xD @foggedftw2 yeah german and uk food is horrible, but those twop are the worst examples of EU food you can bring up. Literally anything else is great. then u never had good german food @foggedftw2 you have germany with dogshit food but then you have france, spain, italy and greece to offset that Wait, beer doesn't count as food now? WutFace I mean there's no way American food is better than French food though @foggedftw2 kebab is good bruh GERMANY = WHOLE EUROPE LULW What are you talking about? LoL Modern Italian food was invented by Italian immigrants in America japan best food Americans dont even have a cuisine, the only thing u claim as ur own are burgers and thats not even american. @foggedftw2 How many chief do ya have in Murica ? in Germany, beer is their food Ok Irish Breakfast is the greatest though. Confirmed. Sure, pick the country with the worst food in Europe. Next bring up Britain and there you have it. Two of the worst. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 have you tried the food in italy? Germany has terrible drinking water. Of all countries germany is on rank 51 of best fresh water. NA food doesnt even come close to Balkan IF GERMAN BEER COUNTS AS FOOD, WE GOT GOOD FOOD @foggedftw2 idk a good bratwurst with mustard and saurkraut is pretty damn good Full irish with white and black puddings Italian food is the fucking best What does NA have? Fastfood only LOL @foggetyou need to come to croatia man and it will change your perspective about food for ever.... german food is poo lol. xD Is not about the country, is about the personal culture! xD problem in germany is that a lot of food contains bad quality meat @foggedftw2 i eat some old german stuff, but mostly i enjoy italian or asian @Azord8 cats and dogs? :D IF GERMAN BEER COUNTS AS FOOD, WE GOT GOOD FOOD @foggedftw2 if u wanna talk bout good european food dont talk bout south europe meals (spain/italy/greece) i honestly hate italian greek food is nice @foggedftw2 come to us and try some good old Golabki for christmas LUL living in Germany but Polish dishes @foggedftw2 all 44 countries? @foggedftw2 ever heard of italy? bruh they eatin snails in EU and they tryna say theyre food is good @foggedftw2 bruh, you are european lol visit czech republic if you like beer Sweden in May is <3 italy ???????????? PORTUGAL? @foggedftw2 if german beer counts for food then our food is rly good xD only 1 meal in the netherlands? you left right after or something? KEKW what about the london ends our ends 3Head how is french food bad KEKW yo what about prezels u know where they come from and schnitzel? dont forget to fight alistair overeem while you're there @foggedftw2 Then I have no idea to the places you went to cuz french and spanish food are bomb spanish food sucks aswell italian french turkish food carrying europe I just got back from a month in Italy only lists two countries LOL Not a fan of those saggy american burgers LUL Only italy has the best food in europe, rest is meh Italian steak is so good Talking about German and UK food as if that's the EU standard, is like saying Mac & Cheese is the best NA has to offer. dude you've been to the worst countries, come to poland, balcan whatever man thats where the good shit is @griefking thx dude, im italian French and Spanish food bad? You tripping yeah at the mcdonalds LULW French kitchen is objectively amazing Right, german beers are great American food is a cheap imitation of all other country's foods im the sion :) but our food is clean and not dna busted ! the goverment regulates food here^^ some of your food is not even allowed for animals^^ i think we are fine how can you say their food is bad?? Greece, Italy, France what? @foggedftw2 hes a sion player NA food is PLAIN HE ha d lvl 7 @foggedftw2 @EmmyLeeC u better dont talk about it Burgers are German, Pizza is Italian, what the fuck is NA food? Gravy? KEKW south german beer what elo is he now? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP Polish food OMEGALUL true TRUE NA has KFC, MC DONALDS AND BURGER KING HAHAHAHA Wow. offended @foggedftw2 your trolling now bruh it does! He legit missed all the cs polish food is legit the bost ?????????????????????????? polish food KEKW @Kusanagi_Pain then you went to bad places lol not true TRUE ? POLAND? Pog @Mic102 i mean italian food lol although ive only had it in america so maybe its better in italy? lol BRUH true polish food is rly awful ????? FRENCH, ITALIAN, TURKISH FOOD carrying EUROPE sht be carefull he gon steal your car Sucks? alright PIEROGIIII you just dont know SHIT what rank is tf blade polish deserts r ASS ??????????? polish food is the best jesus @esa_akame spanish cuisine sucks spanish food is op wtf asian food best food IT DOES BUT PIEROGIII american Steak is lit i guess polish food WutFace WutFace WutFace only if you live in Europe all food is plain Poland sucks as a whole Kappa to fogged familymembers watching, he didn't mean that! British food also has everything tbh everything with fat Sourkrout? isent it depends where you go everywhere on the world ? @foggedftw2 middle eastern food is way better than NA food though you could say thay of every country then Schnitzel is the best :b NA has the best chicken tendies I mean honestly Germany isnt a large country, but we have alot difference regions aka diff style of food too. So it depends on what you ate in the end america has gordon yummi what european is good? @foggedftw2 How dare you? Polish food is good! @foggedftw2 the UK is pretty much the same What a traitor all the malding EU in chat Pierogis tho @Kusanagi_Pain K italian for sure tbh Mexican food is the best xD of course it has, it stole it from everywhere else ye because na i s an immigrant county German bread Pog German Spätzle Pog German cake Pog German beer Pog I could go on, I like Poutine tho, but that is Canadian food. What is original American food chat? thats why they all come to the netherlands KEKW DÖNER KEBAB is german food abd it's awesome xD yeah but doesnt NA have american versions of everything Isn’t sourkrout polish? Have u ever tried Moroccan food though? cause na is a country full of wonder they have the best food from all over the world @foggedftw2 you should taste Greek food german beer and food tastes so good to me lol im unmoding myself for this british food is trash wdym chat LUL LUL LUL NA doesn't really have its own food so fcking dumb NA food is literally asian and european food but with more fat and sugar though? like its culture but diabetes Americans - eats a burger in macdonalds, btw european food all sucks @foggedftw2 shoveling any authentic mexican food calebK im not here to troll just curious how is he ahead of Tf blade when tf has more wins? yeah like 5 guys, in n outs lul Even EU McDonalds is garb I cannot disagree more LOL my mom does like the best dishes from poland i can imagine -but her brother sucks at it tbh Lets take an European food, deeofry it and boom, Americna food @alimybad morocco is africa not europe @Yalahar germany too @foggedftw2 what rank is tfblade? Na flash 😂😂😂 yeah NA does really have their authentic food anyway that's why they had all YOU CAN GO ON AN AMERICAN SUBMARINE AND GET BETTER FOOD THAN ANY COUNTRY IN EUROPE Döner Kebab acctualy very good a lot of german People like na flash Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @Ambubaia doner kebab is turkish food you Pepega @c9dimitriy d1 promos KEKW EU mcdonalds is 100% better than NA mcdoanlds we serve meat !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP @enjoyer_ peanut butter @foggedftw2 u like Chinese food? you should try brazilian food she healed you @foggedftw2 LUL america doesnt have authentic food nvm LUL the attack speed buff was on you How does he die to that? She came a bit late too, didn't she @pierre08_15 Ye duh......... £ PEANUTBUTTER ..yeah but doesnt NA have american versions of everything lol it has GOOD food not authentic america has Gordon Ramsey British food has everything man KUHBAB Good ol' american food KKona every nation has good and bad food, i know good german food ANELE ITALIAN FOOD IS 100% BETTER THEN USA eu getting a bit too salty @clonneey THANK YOU but, guys, what german Food you have in the states? KFC LOOL She wanted that kill, not for you to have it. :P @neonskylights it is was invented in germany by turkish immigrants WHAT everything in america is better KEKW wtf kebab is not European NA food Pog WHATTTT? It's fast food anyway asian food? KEKW Check out my new merch! THATS NOT AMERICAN FOOD KEKW have you tried döner @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 WTF U NEED TO EAT KEBABS IN GERMANY @foggedftw2 100% sure toy got E'd Your kebab have mayo in the, dude guys we cant argue with that guy LUL he is american after all @foggedftw2 kabobs are from the middle east Italian food is the best how abt water @foggedftw2 Kebabs and durums are fucking op man And Kebab isnt even European hahah this clown sayin that kebabs in murica are better than in germany nah kebab is better on middle east Kebabs are not even European lol @pierre08_15 I mean thats theonly thing they have Anything fried is American europe btw ANELE ........ URO PEEAN please dont stop roasting EU poggers Americans are Europeans anyway :) Ukraine food is great being Ukraine! @foggedftw2 Turkish kebab I sometime watch the show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" and it show some really good place for food in US @foggedftw2 try some tartiflette american food = european food eith bigger portions i swear Berlin got the best Kebab (Döner) 10000% PORTUGAL FOOD=FOOD PORN @foggedftw2 i definitly disagree that kebap in na is better then in europe @griefking ive never ate italian food in America but Everyone i know who did said its 10000 times worse than they used to in italy Is he really saying our BBQ isnt authentic? NA logic = shit AUTHENTIC =/ TASTY AMERICA NA has dat USDA PRIME BEEF tho kabab is arabic food its about FOOD KEBAB IS AFRICAN That sion is so fucked for cs now KEKW sweden food then ever try it? how good it tastes @esa_akame yeah but since it’s in North Africa a lot of its food is getting sold in Europe !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW double armor Sion, not going lethality LUL oh wait kebab is döner Pepega @Kusanagi_Pain Comonbrug German Kebab is the worst KEKW KEKW @foggedftw2 middleastern food is way better than NA food lets be real Food doesn't just have to taste good, it must also be healthy NA KEBAP IS FCKIN GARBAGE American food is of poor quality, sadly @foggedftw2 you should taste Greek food !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET eating is just a waste of time! AMERICA FUCK YEAH Americans being fat is not a matter of the food being good or bad Your food is bland tbh. your food is authentically bad KEKW KEKW KEKW JUST BECAUSE EU SETS UP SHOP IN AMERICA DOESNT MAKE IT AMERICAN FOOD KEKW Kebab is Anatolian @foggedftw2 fat gives flavor, surprise! ! usa = hamburgers, hamburgers, hamburgers, hamburgers and more hamburgers Fogged is roasting EU food because all they do is boil it LUL delicious favored plastic KEBAB AND DONOR ARE NOT THE SAME THING Eating trash KEKW Kebab isn’t even European LULW America definitely has authentic food, just gotta find the places for it. but america has horrible indian/pakistani food yeah but shit man, pure fat is delicious af, but you can't say it's good. @Avision666 german DÖNER are the best on the world? WTF Döner is an invention by Turkish immigrants in germany folks kabab arabic origin @foggedftw2 u should try africa food ANELE shiphtur stream Pog LOL HE IS LEGIT TRIGGERED LUL Croatia the best american food isnt american In America, calorie is the best spice GREEK FOOD kebab was invented in germany..i swear it's hella deliscious and kebab in other countries mostly does not ITALIA bet obviously Poland greece easy Portugal food is the best @foggedftw2 by authentic he means that Burgers are German, Pizza is Italian and so on.. Italy Italy 100 % I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @Mic102 i believe that lol im biased tho, im half asian and i feel like the food i eat at my parents house is very different to italian food England bruh bett italian says a german greece or italy FINLAND That sounds fun man Italian Italy @Kusanagi_Pain Certainly not Rofl it's like you are eating dirt KEKW you can have fermented shark in iceland Italy or Frence no dought and im German xD England KEKW ITALIA LOOKS =/= TASTE italyu BULGARIAN ITALY Italy dude italy is the best Are we Shiptur Stream now? @foggedftw2 Turkey maaan authentic german food asian street food is the best hands down definitely italy LUL TECHNICALLY Nachos are american in origin NaM 👌 🇮🇹 italy ITALIA yes Italy, Greece. Idiot it feels like Apple vs Android debate, if it happens you go to shitty place you get shitty food italy brazilian for sure !runes BALKAN Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Italy and it isn’t even close ITALY american food LULW spain or italy 100% Italian desserts are really good Sürströmning!!! gogogo American taste NotLikeThis NotLikeThis SCOTLAND Kappa American food is gross nothing more to say about food ITALY FRANCE ITALY IS FCKIN INSANE GOOD greece gyros or itilian food FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, then greek It's delicious if you like garbage food ^^'. If you're used to REAL food, it tastes like crap to you. Coming from a french ! i hear italy has low portions tho ITALY @foggedftw2 Italu, France, Greece trying way too hard to be entertaining mate you've never been this emotional about anything portions are bigger in America but the taste is the same. Americans are the Indians, so all the others have their cousins you're biased dude Kappa Kappa Kappa ITALI HAVE ONLY PIZZA U MORONS italy fogged @foggedftw2 you also cant deny that you will get diabetus from american food if had more than 2 times a week Im from Argentina but I bet for Italy Gordon Ramsey @Avision666 u are trolling or ate at a place that serves bad meat watch borak chef italy or southern france Greek food is fire @foggedftw2 There is no such thing as American food. What IS American food lol ??? Tell me i'm curious* @foggedftw2 Ukraine food BULGARIA no not italy italian food sucks italian for sure shipW shipW shipW shipW shipW bro have u been to Slovakia? :D nah, just stick to NA food and go to mcdonalds @valqka_gazi Pepega @foggedftw2 Dude i have an exam and i need to sleep. Please stop this quality content xD Pizza LUL Italy or France Totally TURKEY Come to Turkey @foggedftw2 @valqka_gazi youre brain damaged LMAO KEKW Thailand Float Market is better then NA food in total KEKW PIZZA turkish meal OMEGALUL FRANCE KEKW PIZZA KEKW trick2g knows food well too italian food is bad ITALIAN PIZZA water PIZZA shipW shipW shipW shipW shipW shipW shipW shipW LUL LUL LUL PIZZA every italian triggered af over that LMAO PIZZA WE DONT HAVE JUST PIZZA AND SPAGHETTI MORON Pizza, Lasagna pizzzzaa pizza Pizza! @Kusanagi_Pain isn't that every place in germany though? KEKW PIZZA SPAGHETTI, EVRYTHING WITH PASTA I hope she made lotsa spagghetti fish italian steak Pizza from naples no its not pizza tortilla @foggedftw2 TURKISH, ITALIAN and FRENCH food are CARRYING EUROPE !challenge Name ONE American food @foggedftw2 If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW i love Italian pizza dude Italy isn't spaghetti pizza mandolino cmon talking about food made me crave some good 'ol empanadas ???? This is racism seafood is good @foggedftw2 The best thing I had in Italy was the florentine steak everything else was meh pizza pasta FUCKING PIZZA LOL Italalian pizza is not that good guys, be real lmao Italian lasagna is nuuuuuts @foggedftw2 You are actually so ignorant regarding food it hurts to listen to italian pizza is terrible STEAK like making any kind of pasta is hard OMEGALUL Portuguese food very goods, very nices :D @foggedftw2 not the spaghetti you eat in usa!! That imported shit sucks hard. Pizza and nearly every pasta Pizza is an american food. Italy just did something we based it on. :P YEAH .AND FROGS LUL Mediterranean Food OP Portugal you eat a francesinha you will not want another dish, legit the best pizza = american it was invented by american itealian imigrants Pasta, Pizza, Mediterranean food in general what do u mean? pizza, lasagna Literally EVERY modern "Italian" food was invented in New York complains about generalizations and makes them himself @foggedftw2 The best thing I had in Italy was the florentine steak everything else was meh Its all the pasta that is nice in Italy not the Pizza.... I can give you an infinite list of what you can eat in Italy, but disinformed kids just know pizza and spaghetti for the meme man i never knew talking about food was like talking about politics Italy has many good dishes, not just pizza these players are so lost man how did you ult when you were stunned? what the fuck are you guys on? if she could have came earlier such a big wave pepeHands @Kendy_King you can ult when you are stunned lol Pastel de Belém is bomb @Kendy_King his ult can be used no matter what conqueror is good? PowerUpL foggedWizard PowerUpR Turkey has best food what should you take against jax now? @kendy_king Have u ever played tryn before?? ??? big food talk here !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET american food FailFish FailFish VoteNay @ghBalanced u right hahah XDD @Kendy_King only stasis can stop trynd ult.. I.E zhonyas and bard ult... and stop watch y disney world??????????????? pizza in italy is fantastic YES There's no debate tho, Europe has food of a far better quality than America DIsney world OMEGALUL @ghBalanced my thougts exactly :D hes getting real mad about that stuff :D Yes @foggedftw2 100% yes PIZZA SPAGGETI AND FROGS DISNEYW OMEGALUL RD Disney world?????? when I was in college I had my parent mail me food. Couldnt find a jar of peanut butter to save my life. CALIFORNIA GRILL POGGERS actually no STEAK AT DISNEYWORLD WTF AM I WATCHING YES is it better than mcdonalds? at disney world lol I mean your stakes are extra full of hormones so yeah KEKW wb @EmmyLeeC Disney World KEKW??? milanesa napolitana is goat disney quality trololol hearing italian food is invented in new york is just a fucking blasphemy Florentine Steak is the bomb CALI Pog Wagyu beef superior to all that shit @foggedftw2 pls dont say AMERICAN food, America is a CONTINET no ur COUNTRY usa #20 You compare food at Disney World Kappa @locofohuelemal I feel bad for this man actual ameritrash DISNEY KEKW try shawarma Yoink all the food BAAASED Exactly fogged Why would u eat in a holiday park like wtf In EU we have fruit u cant buy poppy there :D poppy pies :D It’s not better than the best steakhouses in the US Yo why you getting steak from Disney World???? here we go again KEKW Disney food is trash MEDITERRANEAN fod. Tomato, garlic, Olive oil. mama mia! EU LUL because the food sucks AMERICA HAS EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF EUROPE XDD So all your food is stolen @foggedftw2 foggedYoda Except no leaving groups NA is kinda everything from Europe. AKA Europe has the best food. I buy that :D USA USA USA!!!!! i like how us ppl call a continent their coutnry so is the bet canceled? US is EU 2 @kurasahakai Its true though, Little Italy is where it all came from try shawarma meat america calls itself the melting pot but you cant even order a melting pot at any american restaurant Kappa what is that Anyone I know who went to Italy said the food wasn’t as good as their expectations Budjet version of Eu LUL People from all countries and trash products ^^' !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP Worst school system, worst healthcare, worst goverment LULW stolen and then made better KKona COOK IMPORTS JUST LIKE NA LOL TEAMS KEKW @Elite426 cause they have restaurants with $100-200 steaks Disney Food = Fake Food NA has EU midlaners too @foggedftw2 what should i take against jax now the best thing ever is that every country admits its flaws expect america they are just delusional and love their own country more than is healthy .D Every americans are brit dude trust me Kappa @BestWarioUltimate type !challenge america has everything except affordable healthcare and education US best country @poeserboy it exceeded expectations in my case @foggedftw2 Turkey has the best food couisine Try a freaking milanese risotto and then we'll talk @foggedftw2 what about NATIVE American food.!?!. fish and chips 3Head but why would you compare food with disney world???? Kappa KEKW Of course you are bias you are bs because you look like you eat just fastfood @foggedftw2 JUST GOOGLE IT Clearly USA is one of the worst in the world @foggedftw2 just confirmed with sis n' law. she eats almost anything. Even she to put it nicely explained her "hostility" towards european food German food in particular. lol will never get that selfadmiration that american have^^ EU COOK IMPORTS JUST LIKE NA LOL TEAMS KEKW this is some next level r/shitamericanssay material soulmarioPOGGERS all fogged eat is mcdonalds KEKW ... Kappa !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW not ment ,mean @foggedftw2 europe has double the populace how can you say you know eu food when u only been to 4 countries Oh yeah, and all the africans that didn't want to stay in africa... oh wait EU PRIDE 3Head N y was fine KEKW KEKW KEKW EU Im German and I agree that german food is garbage best steak I ever ate was at NYC :v OMEGALUL US PRIDE talking OMEGALUL is there anyone here Arab? food for tourists is worst food TRUE KEKW well american food is good if you like burgers xD i think food tastes best where your home is so talking about the whole which food is best is pretty pointless KKona EU PRIDE 3Head TRUE KEKW but the fake food taste good..sooo... xD @Nydous That's just cause you're in Disney World lmao. Water bottles are 10 fucking dollars i have a cheeseburger right now true LUL imagine defending american food ^^ MURICA are u hypocrit fogged? EU BTFO BY AMERICAN FOOD NATIONALIST I think you need to have a different comparison besides Disney KEKW fcking BBQ @spankadelic_ Morton’s in NYC AMERIKA DOESNT HAVE FOOD TRUE 5Head my president isn't a tangerine tho @DetectivePEJones I hope you are trolling. We have hundreds of years of original cuisine, what has been invented in Little Italy? burgers LUL imagine not having dentist !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 jagerschnitzel, cordon bleu and bratwurst is the best food from EU i'm english and lived in california for 2 years - european food is better APART from fast food which is amazing in america sounds llike you just go to tourist traps Press F for all the Euro's getting rekts @foggedftw2 DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE INSULTING MY ITALIAN GRAMMA'S CAPPELLETTI I went to 12 different european countries in total. And yet the food is meh and good in every country. Got my own liking in the end ^^ Not really, we can say the same when you just say italians eat just pizza and spaghetti which is not true @foggedftw2 honestly at the end of the day people prefer the food they were brought up with so this conversation is pointless since it's not objective. @foggedftw2 I mean american gastronomy doesn't exist while other countries have famous gastronomies Donald Trump's Tacos are the best Kappa I mean not gonna lie, I've wanted to go to some famous place in 'Murica just to try out some food HE is talking like Family Guy We have McDonalds here, we know everything there is to know about American food herWeird herWeird herWeird american food is basic as shit @Elite426 thats true but they do have really good waygu @Capta1nMorgans YO thats my boy fastfood is not actually food @foggedftw2 I'm from neither, lived in US and have visited europe multiple times, they are about equal If youve never had a 5 guys burger with a vanilla bacon milkshake DONT TALK TO ME foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL the europeans definitely know how expensive US healthcare is KEKW You are just used to eat deep dish flobs of orange cheese @foggedftw2 i hope i am wrong. Schweinshaxen! So your point is that you have everithing but in better my bad my Eu pride is malding GOTEM @Eddiiee finally someone said it @aeronas TRUE PEter Grifin style LUL @umbracious ?! @BananasOP89 america Check out my new merch! KEKW @MacchiavelIi lol right KEKW ! KEKW @Elite426 its not in the parks, but at the high end resorts LUL Tangerines are delicious! lol OMEGALUL LUL TANGERINE Clap Turkey has the best food @foggedftw2 KKona Its so subjective. People can like whatever food they want to like. a FAT tabgerine nice try hahaha !rank lmao sion tp KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP He has many friends Kappa America doesnt have its own cuisine lul pogw @foggedftw2 least hes not a democrat!!! KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL Cheer100 food I'm America is only good in metropolitan areas, but in Europe you can go to any city and fight really good. Say what you want about trump but dudes a smart business man dont @ me KEKW It's the right time of the year for tangerines too ^^ Lmao @kurasahakai Every pasta dish involving tomatoes, every non eggplant parm, the modern form of canoli, want me to continue? KEKW Thanks for the HahaSweat @teacrisis They lost the food argument so they go all "ORANGE MAN BAD" !runes Like any of these children have ever had really good food @foggedftw2. No point in arguing with them. Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor KEKW @Nydous Ill give you that, but its still for atmosphere not quality at least he doesn't do blackface Kappa @foggedftw2 google best food countries DeepDish DansGame @foggedftw2 im from Denmark and im going to America twice a yaer. And i think that u should try some Danish food @Eddiiee idk about that, my buddy grew up with korean cuisine and prefers american for sure lol and im half vietnamese but prefered the food in japan are u a supporter of trump @foggedftw2 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW s fogged starving? Im chicagoan and I hate it i only travel to eat food because you're too busy tryna make this into a heated debate. pls just be the normal fogged !opgg US economy has actually never been better than it is right now orange cheese bad FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king fight really good KEKW @Nydous At least in general I would say, doesnt mean they dont serve good stuff solid opinion KEKW Food is cultural That message was wrong... some of the best stuff is in small town diners that's sayin the same thing wtf @foggedftw2 like what is a dip dish pizza even suposed to be, a pizza is a pizza there is no deep dish pizza and such shit I agree the wrong discussion. I think NA quality should be bad but no idea about the flavour. ??? KEKW hey sexy Cities are metropolitan areas wtf McDonald's is literally on every corner in America and its the BEST FOOD EVER Kappa @GriefKing what about the food your mum/dad cook? do you not like it when you go to their house? not true there are plenty of good local places go eat :) @theL0rax yes but the benefits are not being seen by the working or middle class - only the rich you cant get BBQ ribs in Europe. Can't really compared foods from one portion of the world to another. Take bread for example. In America it contains a ton of sugar compared to here in Europe. Sugar destroys taste buds. :( As someone from the UK... you can't even go to every city in the UK and find good food... I think everyone can agree that Asian food is the best. I go to america every month from mexico and all i can say is that i only like the breakfast from ihop That is not true, some of the best food in America are hole in the wall restaurants that do not even have a gps location @foggedftw2 @DetectivePEJones Sicilian Cannoli were born while CICERO was alive in 70BC maybe America has food that taste good but they are not healty Same we have McDonald's KEKW !opggs @Eddiiee not as much as food in japan lol Americans have a lot of different restaurant like McDonalds, KFC, Burgerking, Wendys, cick fil A Anything is good here in Canada You can find great food outside of metropolitan areas 😂😂 that guy doesn’t know what he is talking about @sporwal dogs would argue EZ clap Murica has some legit food ngl Most delicious world leader :) @kurasahakai EU reading comprehension LUL those arent restaurants thats fastfood @koomoodoo @thel0rax isn’t the us economy low key awful for most people and your debt is soaring? how about the us and euw giverment share some food so babys dont have to die because of hunger . i guees we swop topic better my aunt from us says that kfc tastes better here in EU than in US Wait how is it fair for TF Blade to play irelia and jax in trynda only matchup if it werent for NA Europe would be uber fucked without the potato. You EU mofos eat ALOT of potatoes @RaveTheory what even is China? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Food here in the UK pretty much sucks Turkey has the best food cousine @foggedftw2 murica food KEKW pog nidalee EU reading comprehension KEKW poor sion PepeHands monkaS YI*KESXZ ? Fish and chips are overrated ? what else do we have though america has great food, just like most places do. but i prefer my own food because that is the food i was brought up with. fogged was brought up with american food so he enjoys crap more maybe its t1 on sion hahhaha fogged considered getting that last minion before running @korkskalle25 so true lol !opggs ME CRUSH !opggs NA = Fat LOL that's the low elo mindset "my adc is bad so i'm gonna roam and 'help' other lanes" I grew up making potatoe chip sandwiches, because we were too poor, now I love a cruncy sandwich. This year I was able to afford putting lettuce on it! @EmmyLeeC LULW how do you decide if go with conq or another build? Can you say hyper scaling @korkskalle25 i think its just up to individuals, some people get sick of the food they grew up with cuz they had it all the time @gunnar50o1 Not really. all the time? KEKW Na doesnt have own cuisine fish WutFace !king !rank British food is the worst in Europe KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP NA is fat !op.ggs !challenge @foggedftw2 you should move to the UK KEKW If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW do you think asian people have better food than us americans I live in england and i eat fish and chips all the time NA equals fat @foggedftw2 america is famous for mac & cheese and cheese cake, that's not gastronomy Im fat af. fight me !opggs honestly only US food i really like is pie It's just how some people play. Why does the rest of the world import American restaurants then if ya'll think the food is trash? its shit ngl as a WI resident I agree Eat then meet DR: Nowzaradan fat is flavour unlucky look at this ekko, how fat he is !opggs Europe acts like they dont' have a bunch of fat loads over there. LOL so hypocritical @Foggedftw2 do you know from which country your ancestors came? @Pensionaren i've gone through every rank up to diamond they all did that bc we have too much good food KEKW canadian food is bless af @GriefKing if you can grow bored of your food your culture has too little food died because of the "NA equals fat" comment Feelsbadman that ekko is not bad EU PEOPLE THINKING NA IS ONE COUNTRY KEKW !jax !irelia !ryze !vlad @TFBlade Kappa Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! foggedWeeb foggedWeeb That is ironic Kappa xD oi hows the fish n chips brun caleb3Head TACTICAL INTING Pog @datasleuth No one said so, it's just NA has more @Foggedftw2 do you know from which country your ancestors came?? @umbracious Pie didn't originate in America though LUL @gunnar50o1 Sure and I was D2 S4-S8 and it's just a playstyle. 2Head fish n ships super skinny but they dont brush their teeth I perma roam. we have a fat culture KEKW me... LUL LUL XD @poeserboy unemployment is at an all-time low for all races and genders right now. US stock numbers are at all time highs also and putting immense pressure on China to bring back jobs. Trade war is looking America’s way rn. KEKW KEKW Maybe we just work out and take care about our health LUL :( just eat fast food and play games LOL lol the food is healthier pretty that is wrong LOL WHAT?? XD "food sucks in europe" hahahaha nice one Food sucks in Europe :o Do you get fat because you eat a lot or do you eat a lot because you get fat? @KappaTron_420 canada is a lie. its all just alaska KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Thats realy bullshit $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP the difference is probably in the sugar too, american sugar is corn based which is a lot harder for the body to shed. our food just has more calories per square centimeter our food sucks? LUL LUL LUL America is no longer the most obese country per capita that's because europe people can't leave the house else be charged with fat tax the food does suck in europe food suck so their ppl get skinny??? xshiinsuke did you know that on average british people have fewer cavities and less tooth decay than americans? euwest people really be eating beans for breakfast no man its abou they dont eat food with too much FAT "food sucks in europe" also copied europe for every single dish they have KEKW @foggedftw2 In Naples they're all fat, so the food must be insanely good right? ratirlBusiness Trading objectives for higher profit ratirlBusiness outstanding move ratirlBusiness hes mid difference is we do sports! velkoz is coming KEKW or maybe US food sucks and is unhealthy af and that's why theres more obesity? 🤔 velkoz is mid right Classic example of the enemy being so bad, you end up expecting too much of him o.O @foggedftw2 the issue is that in america more families have 2 working parents and they need to settle for easy prep or fast food meals vel is mid Vel koz fogged just dislikes healthy food man KEKW It's called self control and having nutritional food, but I guess yeah you can say what you want. Neither of us is gonna change idea just talking @Leffiekw stop arguing Pepega @Wangatanga yea but its mostly popular in the us im just poor and have no money for good food Food quality is an issue in USA, sugar in literally everything Tommy u always have Macaroni mate yeah america copied europes food and make it better so im skinny af Check out my new merch! true UNHEALTHY = TASTES GOOD thats just how it is ye is delicius so let's just get an heart attack at 40yo cuz we can't control ourselves not being a fat fuck=hating own food NA logic LUL the fact that you let tf blade get away with playing other champs makes you pretty fking weak you nibwit !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW anybody who says anything about food further is Pepega do u even spices lmao @RickoRex you dont wanna be Pepega morgana rift KEKW i've been to europe and the food is so bland not being a fat fuck=hating own food NA logic NA foods : unhealthy = cheap 600+ POGGERTS Pog @foggedftw2 what is your favorite food? enigmamorkaz ? 600+ POGGERS that morg Q fogged never said anything about healthy he just said taste better LUL LUL KEKW I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here unhealthy = cheap Pepega Got a gift sub 2 days ago and didnt realize until now KEKW LULW LUL @Posetry really depends on the country lol EU is a whole ass continent NA ppl are fat bc of too many junk food Feel like a douche lmao fogged bad math LULW Is there any benefit in climbing at pre season? !king fattening doesn't mean unhealthy She wanted to give it She was waiting with gromp she was actually giving Pog @sshorab better mmr @sshorab MMR upgrade? ITS BETTER IN EU What @sshorab YEAH YOUR MMR GOES UP SO WHEN THE SEASON STARTS YOU GET LOADS OF LP FOR WINNING eu mcdonalds better NA MCDONALDS IS TRASH Doesn't tastes for me if you get cancer tbh we just do go to MC mcd isn't food in my eyes its alot better in eu lmao @foggedftw2 ever been to a chippy in the UK???? !challenge mc donalds in germany has become the worst If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 the issue is that in america more families have 2 working parents and they need to settle for easy prep or fast food meals Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Healthy argument irrelevant, if you want to eat healthy in NA you can. Convo is about taste anyways yeah it sucks because it's mc Donald you mean eu mcdonalds is better? McDonalds in germany tastes like shit for some reason. !challenge in EU its way better gotta admit i cant speak for EU but in canada mcdonalds is way better than US fat food just taste better !mebot ME TRYND foggedSMOrc ME SPLIT foggedSMOrc SEE TURRET foggedSMOrc MUST HIT !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king comparing food by comparing McDonalds LUL that's not food tho @foggedftw2 come to italy Mac is trash all over tho Na food is not real food tbh using mcdonalds as comparison KEKW lol imagine going to europe and eating mcd McDonalds is same everywhere mate mc donals is same shit everywhere what, mickey is way better in EU me bot SMOrc You Europeans just eat MCDonalds instead of EU food your president sucks Kappa @foggedftw2 rageblade this game? ME BOT foggedBaby I go to McDonalds for the toilet outside NA not the mcdonalds :( BibleThump !king @foggedftw2 I had the best Cheese Curds in Malaga Spain at a McDonalds yeah mcdonalds in eu is way better than this NA "food" paste meat so mcdonalds is NA staple food asia is different though, food in japan and singapore is amazing its cleaner imagine talking about food and reffering to MC Donalds! implyind Mac donalds was ever good LUL if you are visiting a country, why would you ever go to a mcdonalds? @foggedftw2 the issue is that in america more families have 2 working parents and they need to settle for easy prep or fast food meals WE SLAVS EAT HOMEMADE BURGERS @foggedftw2 which is the best soul? mcdonalds is not food, is shit food..... ^ pitstop eu is the biggest circlejerk ever holy shit LOL for me McDonald's in NA is better then EU true japanese food best food Maybe Europeans not going to McDonalds is a good thing cause that shit is overpriced and garbage Let's not include Canada in the USA VS EU fight, canada is obviously decades ahead of both xD xDDDDDDDDDD\ KEKW wut KEKW hahahaha LOL EU has a ton of food regulation standards that stops them from filling the food with crap that American food has KEKW KEKW LOL @foggedftw2 come to eat italian food mcdonalds is shit in any country KEKW @foggedftw2 imagine talking about food and reffering to MC Donalds! Fast food main chains I prefer American, but the restaurants is probably in Italy when I went there 5/6 years ago @waytwut Because if you've been away from america its a staple food from america NA Argument Check out my new merch! yo why did they change Challenge rules, is it because blade gets trynd less often?? easy win LUL americans president actually sucks tbh KEKW wait but germany has merkel twitch chat politicians OMEGALUL Quebec poutine is the best food you can get ever @foggedftw2 i dont know whaats better but i know mcdo sucks @driftlordazir76 We Argentinians too I don't get where this rivality EU NA come from, I dont give a f... about this bs, I was born in italy and the food here is delicious im fron canada , and canada food sucks lol well u make point as EU ppl being skinny bcoz their food is bad, so.... aiwejkfh Who is the president of Europe? KEKW @foggedftw2 imagine talking about good food and reffering to MC Donalds! @MacchiavelIi Pepega @foggedftw2 how can you say that european food sucks when europeans' food differs from contry to country??? Defending NA food with Mcdonalds... Bad argument, but is comparing NA to EU food by the standards of German food really a better one? :D no President is worse than China's just like godwins law for trump SUCE MOI @MacchiavelIi LUL MacchiavelIi putin @MacchiavelIi hitler Angela merkel Kappa @MacchiavelIi @MacchiavelIi putin eventually @waytwut cuz its always good no matter what, u cant get diarahea from it China has best president KEKW putin is the president of EU Kappa POG KEKW DEUTSCHLAND why is tfblade playing jax and irelia?? cheating? @gusterugamer Not only that, it differs from street corner to the next :D MACRO When an EU goes to another country they eat Mcdonalds 100% TRUMP 2020 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 LETS KEEP AMERICA GREAT Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! @MacchiavelIi hitler Pepega cait OMEGALUL Canada food is great. We are a pool of diversity and you can get good food from all over the world why does caitlyn goes into melee range, what we slavs eat homemade burgers @quote_if_triggered_lul that too but let's not go that deep true LULW @foggedftw2 how can you say that european food sucks when europeans' food differs from contry to country??? only time ive ever got food sickness was travelling in europe On a more serious note, hasn't it been revealed that on several farms they use huge levels of antibiotics latin american food is the best lol Approximately 148.2 Million obese Europeans (741M * 0.20(avg obesity rate). 124M obese in Americas According to World Health Org euw > na wow there are omniscent people here that they know what other people do in other countries, please teach me So there ar emore fat Europoeans :) @hotpotato325 yeah if they're a teenager maybe.. no way an adult with actual tastebuds would do that @foggedftw2 are you and TFblade limited to the number of hours you can play each day? When it comes to food, I'd say the only thing Americans do better is BBQ and fast food. Same I got food sickness when travelling to Europe KEKW If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! American BBQ is best BBQ. Coming from a european. However, americans are used to having a lot of sugar in their food. That's why they don't like european food as much. That would be my guess. PogU ? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW 3 ultis out so when the USA elects a new president their food will be better than EU food? monkaHmm makes sense LUL @foggedftw2 Have you ever eaten Pierogi? Pog !challenge LUL OpieOP Eating Ben&Jerry Ice cream OpieOP While watching fogged stream OpieOP Dont mind me Im just living the American Dream OpieOP @foggedftw2 imagine talking about good food and reffering to MC Donalds! @Posetry cause foods in restaurants is terrible, they only care about profit and they serve shit to anyone saying anything about which food is the best : remember pizza exists @foggedftw2 you don't understand how ignorant this sounds, when someone tells that ONE country has the best food? How do ppl copy paste on lolchat? sion flash Sion gold reset POGGERS how does TF Blade have the better winrate ? Everyone will prefer food from their own country and disregard everything else, just stu chat Pepega vel ulti to foggedW Sion flash @foggedftw2 velkoz ult @foggedftw2 how can you say that european food sucks when europeans' food differs from contry to country??? what do you guys even consider american food @foggedftw2 try to be more open-minded with other cultures, you have viewers from everywhere WHY TF BLAD E CHEATING and playing irelia and jax?!? 3 ultis and 2 flashes @lucian_stole_mybike he lost more games in low elo @jentore theres been a health trend in more forward states like cali and NY to raise animals without antibiotics but yeah most states suck rn REKT @foggedftw2 what food do you really like? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king to be fair, mcdonalds is actually good. you talk trash all you want, we all like mcd's late night @koomoodoo imagine thinking that was the whole point to begin with shade dam @HeMayn what country have u been to where u go to a random restaurant besides Mcdonalds? and sometimes he plays jax and ryze Pepega @foggedftw2 why you not spliting bot? @datasleuth And EU has 200M more people. Both regions have fat people but NA population has more on average. Poor data @foggedftw2 d1 68W 18L tfblade 77W 18L d2 promo Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @RickoRex bro why ru that butthurt lol !bet @gusterugamer he’s been to many places in eu.. !king @xXxHOLLIDAY !challenge !king SeemsGood @foggedftw2 you will win this challenge <3 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP @mate6868 And Vlad !challenge ! challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @mate6868 they agreed he can play it in promos i dont eat mcdonald if i have any other option @foggedftw2 how come people dont just refer to the quadrants as directions? like north quadrant or south or east or west @Denims_Wrath666 no we dont lol. their food tastes and is shit, period. other than their icecream :) @Denims_Wrath666 its 'good' for the price and speed u get teh food but thats about it @hotpotato325 literally every countryu I've been to.. why on earth would I eat garbage, when I can have actual food? @Wangatanga Was not poor data, it's a question of proportions. @foggedftw2 tf blade played other champs, does he lose the challenge? !uptime 3 hours 56 minutes 18 seconds @PoeserBoy just because he went in 3 countries doesn't mean is all the same FUUUU D: oh that looked ugly monkaW LUL LULW ! KEKW KEKW close monkaW malding KEKW monkaS KEKW LUL KEKW cwit? KEKW KEKW ONE MORE CRIT OhMyDog OhMyDog feelsbadman Tryndamere Jaxemere Ireliamere Ryzemere ONLY Challenge :) LOL @foggedftw2 malding FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP so close mad BibleThump KEKW CHILL FOGGED ratirlPriest RNG Champ Kappa LM FOGGEDFTW i wouldve crit there lol I JUST FUKIN HATE IT WHEN THEY aLL HAVE FL:ASHES meanwhile team inting KEKW KARMA FOR EU FOOD LUL LUL foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE ONE MORE CRIT KEKW rng champ KEKW mad coz bad food? Kappa gachiBASS @foggedftw2 you're so cute lol gotta catchem all RNG'd foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Level UP ult xD TILT WHY DO THEy aLL HaVE FLASHES THO HYPERLUL foggedTilt foggedTilt SCRIPTED RAGE @HeMayn name 1 country. Take a random restaurant. average worse than MCDs @foggedftw2 u could have autoed 1 minion to get spin before american malding first time I see fogged tilted One thing that really struck me during my time in US is that the quality so much lower. HE PRESSES R BabyRage BabyRage this challenge has you so worked up U angry because NA FOOD SUCKS XD YOU'RE ANGRY BECAUSE OF THE AMERICAN FOOD MAN foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby imagine 90% rit and didnt crit pls calm down foggedRNG foggedRNG tf blade? foggedREE no crit ): ! monkaSHAKE @foggedftw2 you didn't crit cuz AMERICAN FOOD Kappa overreacted for yt tilted slam the desk and fart calebJOY GG RITO RNG'd foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby I feel you man ! foggedBaby foggedBaby @enJoyer_ kekW You look happy when ur angry xd !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW is this what they mean when they say mald @RonDonJonVanDam_ imagine getting offended by such a comment foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP is this tf blade stream TRYND ULTING IRL monkaMEGA @dianaiswaifu because they used them more than 5 minutes ago !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king no crit cuz american president Pepega @nobrain7 LUL @foggedftw2 where i can see your runes that you are using rn? !rank foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt That is karma for bashing Europeans you killed two members and the other for ppl couldn't kill the rest foggedBaby WHERE MY CRIT cant believe you gave into tfblades demands LULW !builds Wait, Where's the Angery emote? fogged ulted irl @Adukken He's the chosen one ratirlPriest four* !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby you are awesome @GriefKing I think it was approximately 23% mald. in 95% of chance he didnt get a crit lmao uj 65% kp Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 105g>Twitch @koomoodoo yeah that would be something wouldnt it :) @Melvinv1 he had 50 @hotpotato325 Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, Portugal etc. MacDonalds is garbage nomatter what country it lies in. chat how long is this challenge going for? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP damn that morg is weird foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog @prestoking end of the month foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda What elo is this? True Mcdonalds is garbage even in NA ! Let's argue about something that matters like why the healthcare system is broken in US LUL Did they change the rules so that TF could not play Tryn? new emoye too!!! ty glide! LOL TWITCH xd POGZ Twitch OMEGALUL I bet most of you guys don't even cook. yyeah EU macdonalds is scuffed as fuck Check out my new merch! mikkyYikes spin spin spin D: KEKW wtf speed LOL! KEKWH KEKW D: HOW SALTY gg ekko so fast O.o KEKW LOL pog PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot WTF IS THAT DMG ratirlPriest AND HE DIED LUL is everyone shorter than u in europe? considering youre 6'7'' PogChamp PogChamp KILL THE STREAMER KEKW GLOBAL TAUNT LUL That's was a big brain move LULW !challenge foggedBaby foggedBaby If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby scripted af wtf fogged @RonDonJonVanDam_ but you know that europe is not a country right? Pepega KILL THE STREAMER! !elo Playing ranked solo que right now is the most toxic ebola ass fire fking cancer imaginable. KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP BACK WITH THE TACTICAL DEATHS PowerUpL foggedTilt PowerUpR foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 Turkish food is da best fogged ulting IRL lol Iam from germany, i still love you fogged Classic french cooking having nutritional value OMEGALUL KEKW i liked chinese mcdonald more than canada mcdonald U ARE RANK 1 on na with trynda @foggedftw2 Käptn Iglo is from Germany and Fischstäbchen are delicious. Thus EU > NA Food ! agreed I hear Japan's McDonalds are lit next we'll see fogged dragging that sword around I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here nah EU amcdonalds is just trash McDonald’s Hawaii sells rice Try a slav homemade burger man...absolute perfection but you like your cultures food I don't discriminate. I like all food. ok agreed i like to try asian food McDonald’s Canada sells poutine Croque Monsieur literally fried grilled cheese and ham McDonald does get their menu based on the coutry tho weakest dragon soul of them all you think trynd is the best split pusher? british mcdonalds sucks but its all we got I'm used to eat garbage food because I'm poor but I don't like it wait your spin is gonna be on like a 1 sec cd lmao Wait, CDR on R Pog we are decided @driftlordazir76 smiirnof between the buns? !why @HeMayn go on Yelp. Look at random Italy restaurant. Get random dish. No chance its better than MCDs why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? Spanish food is delicious though! what does wind soul do? You're gonna build some lifesteal ? as a german french mc donalds was straight up shit in a bun LULW @koomoodoo you mean to tell me europe aint a state brother? KKona !opggs !king thats probably true, you go to Sri Lanka and McDonald there must be SPICY AF 1v5 intcoming I heard in NA only children goes to Mcdonalds, but in my country ppl go there talking business and study like as in a cafe I have been to Sweden and their Mcdonals is like a steakhouse, it's packed full of good food (and I personally HATE Mcdonalds) but this one was awesome Playing ranked right now is like playing fkin normal blind games every game at least 1 or 2 pplafk while the other 2 run it down lane hitting no every ff I think McDonalds is trash everywhere, no matter what, just my opinion !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @NanachiTheBest what country would that be? @MyMomIsAGilf Invading france's food industry ratirlPriest Who the hell smited mcdonald is trash just like coca cola and similars !king !uptime I like mcdonalds even if it s trash /shrug 4 hours 1 minute 10 seconds nice ah base Wtf, EU still salty bout food commentary? KEKW its a fucking nightmare playing twitch vs trynd lol @foggedftw2 How do you have less wins and only 1 less loss than tfblade and you are d1 and he's d2? damn that nid is stronk EASY Nidalee Pog Turkish food coach BBoomer @OnePowerZ better mmr @MyMomIsAGilf Taiwan @darkzzito heres for hoping the food shit goes over after game @OnePowerZ blade lose 2 games in gold elo @OnePowerZ TF fucked up his MMR early and didn't skip any divisions EZ RonDonJonVanDam_ YOu better believe so. You now know more than 95% americans. ^^ lost* Times Tryndamere Hasn't Been Played Fogged 0 TFBlade 7 damn nice challenge Pepega @OnePowerZ MMR fogged won early elo so hes higher than tf blade @OnePowerZ He didn't lose as much early on so he ranked up faster early wp This win must feel good !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP GG afk n base you gonna get reported :/ I see, thanks. !opggs are you still tall in europe? @foggedftw2 what are the runes that you are using in this game? they are not in the guides GEE GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda MASTERS SOON Pog @migalhao look at his opgg foggedTrynda foggedTrynda !rank @foggedftw2 Why is tfblade allowed to use other champs? foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS KEKW Pog !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW wtf, did he stop using tryndamere? considering you're a giant !client !ranks I was feature on the EU client Fogged: Diamond I 76 LP (68-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑--] (77-18) only +16 ? @foggedftw2 foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS I was morg thanks for carry!~~~~~~~~~~ @apikkuz you mean me? 6"8 1 more game 1 more win samething PogU @koomoodoo Thats mean 😡 also have a blessed day my friend Check out my new merch! @korkskalle25 hopefully @Nydous i know that is conqueror and sorcery but i want detailed 69 WINS POGS LETS GO WOOOOOOOO Quiz for all americans: name a number between 1 and 10 i was the tryndamere foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS fogged 6'7'' !challenge @sleepyycloud cuz he can't get outa diamond with out other champs ;) @foggedftw2 games and time till you reached master ? @koomoodoo 17 Went Trick2G on the desk ssjRAGE let the rage flow @koomoodoo KEKW ? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 76 LP is the challenge post poned til eu trip or still happening? !elo @foggedftw2 can you move the Win/Loss a little bit? We couldn't see your dmg. @koomoodoo 5 POG clip rage? KEKW KEKW KEKW @migalhao click on the arrow to open up the players the choose the builds tab to see all the runes in depth if thats what you mean? Btw, I used to eat Pizza (which is the best food in the world no argue) everyday when i was a pizza driver and managed to lose weight HahaPresent HahaPresent HahaPresent HahaPresent everyone on tfblades stream is gifted KEKW KEKW wait, why is he gifting himself subs lol how come tf blade is playing non trynd games? !king Lol @foggedftw2 but I used my Twitch prime to Sub Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups :o ezpz hes selfgifting always cheating the dude Your my 7th favorite streamer :) no but thanks please gift me a sub im european (that means im poor) and i have no prime uwu @foggedftw2 OPGG says 69-18 Thats your IQ idiots see the food video Put this game where we fight about food on youtube pls <3 MasterTraxx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! see it worked forsenPrime 7 already used mine MasterTraxx's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW xDDDDDDDDDDDDD I used my twitch prime on your fav streamer like you said but it didn't work @NumbNumbJuice I think he was getting trolled in promos and kept having to dodge them. !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !opggs !opgg BibleThump FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ThisIsFine !challenge NICE gift me and I'll drfend your food in chat Pog 69 Pog !king i got gifted by someone, I didnt thank them tho, so thank u whoever gifted me the sub! Wheres Zazoo? ayyy 69 aaayyy @foggedftw2 so the challange has been cancelled because tf blade cheated picking other champion than trynd RonDonJonVanDam_ thx man, God blesss you too @foggedftw2 IF I TRY TWITCH PRIME, WILL IT WORKS? !opggs Food video? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @kazamakus Check you notifications, it should say who gave it to you! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 u like Japanese food like Ramen or Katsudon? she is 18 and doing 69 Pog ratirlMe @Tekurm That means nothing. If you are a "healthy" individual and as long as you are in a caloric deficit doesn't matter what you eat you will lose weight. @foggedftw2 how did tfblade win more games but is down 100 lp? @killervo5544 challange stitll on but if trynd gets banned he can play others champ cause tf blade is a chimp dont win more, good number !opggs @foggedftw2 what's the command for email? and how long do i have to claim a coaching session? !king @skilsh0t winning easy games @foggedftw2 You REMIND ME HASHINSHIN with that twitch prime sell out @OnePowerZ I can assure you I was not lower mmr games Honestly though, american BBQ is hella good. I'm from Sweden btw. Rank 1 NA tryn! @skilsh0t fogg MMR is higher then tfblade Fogged how to deal with akali as trynd in laning fase? @foggedftw2 how much are you getting per sub and per twitch prime without the ones twitch keeps @skilsh0t TFblade lost some games early on, so fogged ranked up more quickly early and gained momentum why u have more elo if blade has better w/l @TotalMadness_ yeah i checked it, I can't thank them tho, I think there was a way to thank them or something @korkskalle25 thanks for the info bro :) @foggedftw2 wait TF Blade used other champs :O whats happening now LS LUL @OnePowerZ I'ts not that simple, it's not just calories 3k viewer hype foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS adamvsRIP wHAT KIND OF BIRDS YOU GOT THERE , yes :) ! Are we playing conqueror all the time nowadays ? @foggedftw2 how do you know when to start dorans blade shield or long sword? Sry xcaps @kazamakus You have to be in chat and click on it i think !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW love the stream bro ninja didn't use to sellout hashinshin is dogshit !opggs It's completely voluntary to sub @foggedftw2 what are the runes with conqueror that you are using? how much are you getting per sub and per twitch prime without the ones twitch keeps PowerUpL trkGasp W E L I V E trkGasp PowerUpR MMMFF HARD @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 You know that unhealthy and american are Synomyms in german Lower Quality == Lower Elo @Tekurm I mean if your levels of testosterone are normal and you don't have any diseases that can influence your weight Hey fogged do you think you can get rank 1 one day !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Yeah @foggedftw2 how dare you and all other streamers do such things as making streaming your line of work? how dare you I say! !king @kazamakus I got one on RATIRL's stream, and it showed me a button in chat to auto @ the person who gifted ratirlFlower wtf tf blade played 8 games with no trynda I just got 7 adds for refreshing and I didn't skip. hope you happy fogged. cause you making money @foggedftw2 I would use my prime sub but I dont get it with the student trial :( Hashinshin is decent. His mental is trash though. !bet dont forget to use your twitch prime free subscription if you havent already :) not false @foggedftw2 how do you win laning fase vs akali as tryndamere? Got em BloodTrail DO IT Pog @foggedftw2 Danny how do i know if i start dorans blade or shield i think @foggedftw2 could get rank 1 if he put the time in it Cheer100 I believe DO I BUILD SHIV 1ST ITEM TRYND? is you more taller than Europeans at eu fog? @foggedftw2 DEW IT. !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king you beat the 1600 lp sant ? @TotalMadness_ i was gifted yesterday but didnt notice till now so i think i can't thank them @OnePowerZ that is true, my relationship just broke up that time so I imagine my testosterone was higher than it normally is @shinyhero02 its hard unless Akali is bad, its mostly a farm matchup at best you'd go crazy before that @foggedftw2 @shinyhero02 if you can get fury built up level 1-2 allin her or, get shit on @BlackmanspAce No essence reaver Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Oof TFBLade is tilting... !playlist maybe it's the next challenge, getting rank 1 ;) @foggedftw2 called someone an "autistic F" @Theantig good when to split and when to teamfight TF BLADE KEKW @Theantig what else is new :P Aren't you going to do the same as tfblade and pick other champs? TF BLADE MALDING KEKW @Theantig Banned again ratirlPriest the "tryn only" jax player? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @KappaTron_420 Hi $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! win lane win game Hopefully you will get it one day man play singed and run to win if a wukong main can reach rank 7, tou can also do it do that as ur next challenge @foggedftw2 to reach rank 1 american rymes with idiot did you know that eu > na This is not even a bet anymore with TF Blade playing other champs so frequently. How do you expect to play in the pros, be on a comp team if you only play tryndamere? @koomoodoo weirdChamp We believe in you fogged :) You can do it ! @foggedftw2 as a european: go to the us and try In 'n' Out Burger and Cinnabon's. thank me later what champ does trynda suffer against the most? Check out my new merch! @Terullahan Only for promos I don't get why tyler and tf blade have so many viewers, they're so toxic @trottinet poppy @BlackmanspAce If your laner cannot kite you, rush Essence reaver. If they can, build BoRK or Stormrazor (first is usually better) with fleet keystone. Shiv is okay second item for more burst damage. If you're in doubt ER+IE is always pretty good foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink birb 4fun region :( foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird PepeHands LOL IN THAT ORDER birds arent real Fogged is THE MAN youll gain viewers and subs if u reach a very high rank @foggedftw2 DOGS AZIR POG? self>dog>bird>gf PepeHands MY BOY ALL GROWNED UP eating healthy is first^^ ! ranks you got youtube income? you get any? hmm, the dogs and bird first..... !ranks !opggs gf last in the list LUL Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑--] (77-18) foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird @foggedftw2 wouldn't you get even more viewers if you reach rank 1? That's why tfblade became so famous I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !king @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs? or you can be just entertaining foggedCorgi foggedBird foggedHappy u dont need to get rank 1, thats not uor differencial @ikki_Sama LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL DOGS-BIRDS-HOUSE-GF IN THAT ORDER rank 300 not chall Random western European who goes to Eastern Europe will eat Mcdonalds. NA fast food better than EU regular food. @foggedftw2 are you a machine? HOW CAN YOU BE THIS GOOD uor differencial is that u do what no other streamer do, u teach us how to play the game unboxing stream Pog Pog ayyyyyyyy what is that PogChamp Pog Pog Pog Pog lets do it hell no Pog YEAH!!! drop it its not yet christmas no :) no yeah 7 foot giant PogU YES unboxing!! @foggedftw2 FULL SCREEN UNBOXING pog ITS NOT CHRISTMAS THO D: PogChamp HYPEEEEE yeaaaaaaaaaaaa Pog rank 1 = your girlfriend is gone ^^ not worth i guess are you better or just less ragey? no dont wanna see STOP Q AND UNBOXING OPEN it's not christmas wtf do it NOT CHRISTMAS YET! unboxing stream!! ZOOM IN FOR ADDRESS OPEN IT its 18 days left for xmas!!! VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea NO PogChamp JUST USE THE SWORD ON THE WALL Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm drop the pc I'm inside the box @foggedftw2 USE THE TRYNDA SWORD Pog yes press the enhance button! dont wanna see dont wanna see OPEN IT ON BOXING DAY !opggs HELL YEAH DO IT PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove anuviLove if u open it now ure in the naughty list foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS fullscreen lootchest hope its better than riot chests !rank 8 inch dildo Pog KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP pussyass scissors , tear it up with ur HANDS @foggedftw2 put webcam full screen no you're not allowed to have scissors he got Hextec chest XD its a bomb! foggedGift foggedGift @TunaRoll KappaPride someone's in the naughty list USE THE TRYNDA SWORD alllahu snackbar @cagefreewar LUL Pog NA is only good for movies, tv shows and entertainment. Food and everything else EU wins what is it? webcame fullscreen its a saddle for sazu to ride on harry !rank Imagine a giant dildo inside make cam bigger use sword what ar eu doing May I speak honestly? If you want more views act like a clown (T1) or an asshole (NB3) and you get more views because kids will coem to flame at your chat, you are a good and helpful person, kids don't like that and congratulations for the xmas present giant dildo BlessRNG use your right arm. silver box opening skills LUL Make cam full screen trynd costume maybe foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Pog whats the box @chronic902 christmas gift didnt level spin yet SPIN TO OPEN IT @foggedftw2 Jebaited Pog bubble wrap i just got back plastic PogU owns sword and doesn't use it LUL trynd sword? Guys is Fog a boomer? Plastic Pog WTF laptop? !opggs It's a box! 2080 ti graphic card another box! its a PACKAGE POGCHAMP SCAM @UnstoppableWog From? xbox? ps 4 POG its Another Box big box small box .... bamboozled THE BOX INSIDE A BOX WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW SHOES giagantic black dildo SCAMMED a box ITS A BOX Pog more plastic PogChamp VHS player youtube play button laptop WHATS IN THE BOOOXXXX custom dildo idk @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs? laptop 500 subs ITS FRAGILE :O !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW looks like box my new house? ANOTHER BOX INSIDE THE OTHER BOX cocaine PogChamp it is a box LAPTOP4 Desktop A box rooPog is it EU food? @foggedftw2 a box i win EDIBLE CARDBOARD MY FAVORITE VIVE ANOTHER BOX That's a Nintendo Switch right there a box Another box Pog A box i guess Another Box laptop a box inside of another box, and then inside of another box, and then we SMASH the box! VR headset LAPTOP @chronic902 àEmmy, his gf OPEN IT PLS!! can you do full screen !ranks 2080ti Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑--] (77-18) laptop allah akbar laptop for sure cutlery and plates drugs a cardboard box Dragon dildo bicicle cocain CAREFUL WITH THAT monkaW PS4 PRO I seriously hope that box contain another box a box duuuuuuuuuuuuude league skin codes SNES RUSSIAN DOLL EXCEPT ITS BOXES keyboard? @foggedftw2 me inside the box yt sub button Tryndamere Sword car? Fleshlight LAAAAAAPTOOOOOOP boxception NotLikeThis Dragon dildo! Cutlery and PLates @foggedftw2 !build T H I C C C CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET Full screen cam? another one Pepega THICC boiii Check out my new merch! A FAT HEADBUTT *cuts finger off* foggedThink @UnstoppableWog ohh ok, thanks for the ingo :) @m0ph0_xd imagine thinking a tiny european country has better food than a country with hundreds of different cultures with food from everywhere another box its ME in a box @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs? is that a new monitor !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW GPU yup it is laptop for sure WHO HOLDS SCISSORS LIKE THAT pokemon movie vhs tapes switch is it EU food? @foggedftw2 PogChamp its a weding ring Yeezys POG Gaming laptop dont open Pog i was right ANOTHER BOX Pog hell yeah first guess Laptop Pog Where did he get the box? yeee YOOOOOOOOOO Pog wow nice ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE wow OMG Pog its a bait Pog what this is? foggedTHINK I WAS RIGHT GIVE ME A SUB THICC damn i was right LAPT OMEGALUL P HOLY SHIIT Pog a box Pog ps4 OO boi that's nice. ULTIMATE Pog POGGERS Pog foggedFOGGERS Pog is there actually a laptop in there tho POG im jealous or just a coupon pog ULTIMATE GAMER MOVE POGEY How did he get it? PogChamp SPECS PLS noway! Pog Pog Pog pog Play Ready Pepega Wait why not Desktop laptop LUL i got one of those EU FOOD 4SURET FU CK LAPTOPS boyssssss PERFORMANCE Pog not dildo DansGame ULTIMATE Do a unboxing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! enjoy foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS why would you need a laptop? laptop LUL PLAY READY LAPTOP UNBOXING not another box?? FeelsBadMan GAMERS RISE UP 😎 GAMERS RISE UP 😎 GAMERS RISE UP 😎 GAMERS RISE UP 😎 GAMERS RISE UP 😎 congrats man :) for the EUW trip @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs? Laptop KEKW @foggedftw2 congrats G A M E R laptop Pog Yaaaay your joy makes me happy lol GIVE US THE SPECS !rank Trip??? you cant play on it untilchristmas KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP say thank you to emmy Awesome, congrats! Called it if you not got sponsored hide the brand xd oh a gaming laptop, close enough xD Laptop is shit for gaming Gamer EZ dogdogGERS Processor i7-8750H 2.20GHz @foggedftw2 hey fogged i thought it was tryndamere only challenge why is TFB playing other champs? Show specs foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET full cam this shit man Can it run crysis? Kappa need more dont play on it until christmas dude you are actually a loser for making tf still pay you if you win and you aren't paying him if he wins, sad with 0 integrity @foggedftw2 ready to grind when in disney world and on weddings KEKW anyone that thinks a laptop is bad for gaming has never used a gaming laptop lol @Vorment not really for league gaming !whyjax @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs?? Specs!! !guide Complete Tryndamere guide tfw when no dildo in box FeelsBadMan THANK YOU EMMY!!! how many desktop computers do u have tho? Kappa what are the specs? might reach rank 1 with that laptop now Pop it open play soloq in EU and do food reviews in between games Pog @foggedftw2 Go and give her a kiss pal! Give it a try how are you ranked higher than tfblade when he has a better win rate? @Ryanw64 0 integrity? Tf Blade literally can't stick ot challenge gtfo @gunnar50o1 and on top of that league of legends doesnt need much to run at high settings @ryanw64 tf isnt respecting challenge rules to begin with LUL nice SPECS PLS waiting on my 3950x Open box show us i love cyberpoewer theyre so good !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. that's awesome, class Christmas prezzie cyber power for nubz Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor On weddings? @foggedftw2 damn you lucky dog, let's trade GF's wtf @Dj_octobit It's an older meme, but it checks out Kappa show us foooged @foggedftw2 specs nice lmao @EmmyLeeC hey can we get some specs? Pog SHOW US THE SPECS MF LUL @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Do you plan to have childs? yes gz to your present ! enjoy life ^^ Processor i7-8750H 2.20GHz is the spec honymoon rank 1 lol yesss !matchups Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: lmaotf givted 100 sups gaming life away ahh the feels rtx2070 on a 2.2 cpu? 69 KEKW KEKW why is blade still going other champs when the rules say if trynd banned dodge KEKW NO ITS NOT CHRISTMAS POP IT FULL CAM LOL you gifting us too? @foggedftw2 Multiple Weddings XD inb4 actually just a coupon wtf look up the specs on the interwebs !king I’m sure Emmy would like that LARGE CAM open it FULL SCREEN fulllcammm i7 8750h with a 2070max Q right? Full cam size dude!!!!!!!!!! @foggedftw2 Full Cam what gpu is it edible Pog YES! I'M SET FOR CHRISTMAS. Full cam fogg !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. tf blade is playing with 0 delay so he can talk to his chat, he also has a wayyyy bigger audience than fogged so he gets inted and sniped almsot every game Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor 1060 GTX I7 2.220 !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) full cam oo man so good got the 2080ti Intel CPU Poggers FULL CAM pls Full Cam full cam yooo foggedYoda 2070? ENLARGE CAMERA FULL CAM Full cam TTours @foggedftw2 Specs? TTours Full CAM mate listen to chat @foggedftw2 FULL SCREEN full cam KEKW noob streamer /s THANK YOU FoggedFoggers foggedFOGGERS Pog give the dog the edible cardboard 😡 Pog Pog Pepega PIG PSU foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Po Pog Pog Pog oof, i need one of those Cheer100 Cords!!!! foggedBaby CORDS foggedBaby CORDS foggedBaby CORDS foggedBaby CORDS foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp CORDS MO POWA BABY Pog Pog The best Part trkBoomer Pog foggedLewd FULL CAM WITH CHAT foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda WHERE'S CHAT? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW CORDS next year just get him cords still hasnt said thank you and gave her a kiss more than good tell her!!!! trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp it smol COOORDS Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! Is it his birthday? what is it Pog PEEL IT OFF LUL ASMR peel it!!!! PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot JUICY oh PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Sexy Laptp Kreygasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm do utube thumbnail face ! challenge yes sir gachiBASS LOL Kreygasm it looks like its missing a back cover LUL like a gilettee Clap !spec foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS PEEL THE PLASTIC WRAP Kreygasm Kreygasm DO IT 😡 BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge TELL HER THANK YOU AND GIVE HER A KISS JESUS Peel it off Kreygasm specs bro, either that laptop isnt too big , or u are fkn huge XD @foggedftw2 you'll need some serious cooling for that monster dude TAKE IT OFF 😡 EUGH IT'S SO DIRTY which brand? foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm benissimo dude peel the plastic pls thats what i play on FeelsBadMan Overkill for league but ok LUL wait till later in the night the keyboard wont be clean lol what LOOL @EmmyLeeC best gf NA XD Check out my new merch! Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap LOL jesus christ lmao lol KEKW freezer KEKW LUL !Challenge LUL If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Same LUL ME TOOOOO HAHAHAHAHA KEKW LOL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL @AManNeedsAName the spec sheet says 15.6inch what brand is it? lol i have definately put laptop in freezer before KEKW @foggedftw2 Don't forget to THANK Emmy or you know what happens or better what doesn't happen... Kappa LUL lmao me too reminds me of when qtpie put icecubes under his laptop LMAOO this sounds just like me LUL LUL KISS HER IDIOT SAY THANK YOU Sounds like me right now Overheat laptop its such a blast to the past started from the bottom now we HERE @polishaq prob compaq Been there, done that xD high five fellow boomers trkHeart trkHeart trkHeart TELL HER THANK YOU AND GIVE HER A KISS GODDAMN IT @foggedftw2 SPECS pls you need nitro to cool your pc KISS HER IDIOT SAY THANK YOU Santiago94510 subscribed with Twitch Prime. what modle? kiss her man Santiago94510's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! *model @foggedftw2 tf blade again not trindamire, cheater !rank ahhahaha KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP nah OG is Dota on XP bb GO KISS HER MAN THAT I WANT TY LUL Guys can you please not spam the chat. My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spamed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then dont spam the chat. Gotta give her a kiss on stream laptop Kappa 👉 CPU KEKW go fogged 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here Thanks for the HahaDoge @santiago94510 foggedGasm krippGasm foggedGasm krippGasm !smoochy @foggedftw2 what are the specs? met4Heart SAY U LOVE HER my first league laptop wd strght up crash at teamfights lmao !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW go Kiss her man go and hug her man dont just yell :D @EmmyLeeC go kiss him ratirlKiss @bloodlordpor0 Ohhh yeah Guys can you please not spam the chat. My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spamed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then dont spam the chat. GO GIVE HER SOME TONGUE I had to do what you did with a 3k alienware laptop cause it would over heat the charging port and then slaughter the performance on battery !smoochy dude when you put hot laptop in fridge it wil burn from condensation like in 5 sec, tou dumb layer Guys can you please not spam the chat. My mom bought me this new laptop and it gets really hot when the chat is being spamed. Now my leg is starting to hurt because it is getting so hot. Please, if you don't want me to get burned, then dont spam the chat. !challenge TF Blade is Jax again (in promo though) this chat Ayy good evening all :D lo foggedYoda @Nydous blow out the fan. they collect dust like craz ANOTHER JAX GAME !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @chronic902 ratirlPriest Wtf ratirlPriest take a break and go spend some time with her WHO NEEDS 2T !opggs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups Mome memory than mu PC LULW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP @Sag1tarius Key is to put it in a sealed bag first ?????? @TotalMadness_ Kappa its been a while. fogged it's been 10 minutes godamn he que times are long how much does that cost? 2TB SSD POG !challenge Notebook KEKW FOR GAMING KEKW hmm i would be suspecious the wife give your more toys to play . is there an evil plan behind it maybe , emmy goes for world domination ,care xd Pog 8GB RAM kinda okay tho foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm 8gb ram only? wut EZY DEE DEE ARE? WHAT monkaHmm mmm yes @TGDFerenos well 2T is 300 already What do you pick when trynd is banned or picked ? i've hit diamond season3 on 25 fps laptop, no excuses Nasa laptop for yall @foggedftw2 you have to thank her propperly WTF So 1500 at least dang bro, nice meh wow not bad TFBLADE GETS HAPPY WHEN THEY BAN TRYND WHAT KINDA CHALLENGE IS THIS? nice laptop better than my pc nice @Frogbarrel how do you say it @foggedftw2 shouldnt it be a bet where both of you playn tryn only? 15 inch gachiBASS 8 gb ram bugging me tho. But that's a good laptop pretty good for a laptop eat her but @midnightxpmc, 1600 @foggedftw2 be sure to reset the windows 10 when you start it up. every cyberpower i've gotten has had a messed up windows 10 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP @YasuoShiny you pick dodge, no slacking on this channel League will run on a potato so 8 gb ram is enough You don't need more than 8 GB to play league. It's plenty. laptop cam? @Mavuros ratirlPriest @foggedftw2 where did your name come from? is it after the dota player? foggedPepega @mike15 does seem low if they put 2T in there maybe upgrade the RAM later @foggedftw2 2TB SSD? that's the cost of my whole laptop NotLikeThis TD BLADE CHEATING best think about that laptop is the 2TB SSD @foggedftw2 Can it stream though? CHEATER tfblade is playing jax in promos is that allowed? you'd better go kiss her or i will @foggedftw2 TF BLADE TOO GAY An NVME, pretty good no Probably it's 16 @foggedftw2 TFblade cheating and playing jax just download more @foggedftw2 yes you can yeah u can you can easily @MidnightxPMC right but didn't mean to flame it's a nice a gift and you can add ram you can probably add more ram @foggedftw2 TFBlade playing jax wtf u sure can usually u can @foggedftw2 yes you can LAPTOP SPECS PLS you can u can 8gb of ram is plenty for gaming. unless you are multitasking/editing it's fine RonDonJonVanDam_: just download more just opend up twitch, why is tfblade playing jjax? Yes yes you can add ram. u just need to open it Just download more RAM easy. It's quite easy to add ram to laptops @foggedftw2 @bloodlordpor0 -> No! Come on! No! [stop posting links] [warning] Yes sometimes just depends on laptop Ezzzz Warranty @foggedftw2 most gaming laptops are easy to upgrade it's ez af you can download more 4Head Yeah you need to open it up tho yes @finis_moody i was just asking outside his bet what he played when trynd is not available, i do not play trynd whatsoever, i like the champ but i mainly play mid TF BLADE PLAYING JAX @foggedftw2 yes but laptop ram is expensive asf Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 yes you can upgrade the RAM unless its made by Dell LUL Depends on the model of the laptop. Most you can nowadays. But changing out graphics cards is another story. A lot of those are soldered on. @foggedftw2 will it blend? @foggedftw2 u can download some ram downloadmore ram . com Kappa WE CAN'T SEE need way more then 8GB of RAM to stream tho @foggedftw2 even if u can't ADD new ram, u can replace it with 16GB for sure TFBlade got that new Tryndamere skin !smooch @foggedftw2 Depends if the RAM is modular (Like how you got it on your PC) or not pepehands TF blade ego so big he wants to win for bragging, not money KEKW Cardboard wooho xD !smoochy O good mere smoochy Kissing time so why 2TB what you will download very much porn Kappa LUL All that to play Trynd Keepo IceCold tf blade plays jax !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) download ram legit TF BLADE PLAYING JAX AGAIN..... is the bet still going on or is it done? it's not lol @EmmyLeeC ratirlKiss @EmmyLeeC Midnight logic TFBLADE PLAYING JAX? @foggedftw2 whats the laptop again ? @EmmyLeeC best GF NA THANK YOU EMMY!!! tf plyibg jax Tf playing jax im vs shyv top !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW just read the damn thing chat What is the rules? Blade cheating again Kappa @foggedftw2 wtf happened to only tryndamere??? !oppgs chat whats the name of the laptop ? Check out my new merch! !challenge you can't carry as fleet trynd true have to be greedy @foggedftw2 if the ram is weld on your laptop, then it's hard to upgrade it !opggs !challenge tf not following rules rooREE @YasuoShiny Fogged mainly plays Kled or Malphite besides Trynd. (but he said that he played every champion in game) Why reschedule to May? @TheGoldBae Betty blade plays jax heh XD KEKW lol KEKW @foggedftw2 you don’t really need more but if you do replace ram if you get higher then 4 gb (the size of the sticks that are in there now) you will only get 4 gbs from each stick KEKW whaaat In that case, he lost KEKW KEKW @foggedftw2 you get the subs then What happened to the shiv build against tanks? oh shit Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! wut? KEKW That is somewhat fair Pog if you win you get 1K subs then I see blade pussied out KEKW Pog urs0fat subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Keep good vibes! Tf Blade got 1v1d lvl 1 KEKW urs0fat's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog Tbh thats fair You almost in promos PogChamp blade sucks KEKW Where in EU? KEKW why th so he lost basically LOL Okok TF BLADE SUCKS ok super fair why tho thats fair Delusional kid KEKW why doesnt he just do tryndamere only now tho KEKW ? !op.ggs now someone clip that and make a command :P why LMAO HE LOST THEN @foggedftw2 MAKE A COMMAND FOR THAT STATEMENT Ty for explaining @foggedftw2 waitng to play with you in may then dude you got this man! TF blade lmao @foggedftw2 is malphite a good match up ? Invite neace cuz he thinks his trynd is on your level TFblade is soooo rich, give out 100 more gifted subs a day ah shit should be more subs :) he wants more practice @foggedftw2 so he thinks he can beat you later LUL what a coward, lmao @gowry0 monkaW robertCash robertCash robertCash that's gonna be harder @foggedftw2 so its win win situation for you XD you have nothing to lsoe XD He losing on Jax... D: did you call me fat? @foggedftw2 he lost the second he started If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp you got this fogged @foggedftw2 so if tfblade picks other champs if trynd banned its good but you don't pick other champs even if trynd is banned and just follow the challenge like it's supposed to be? It's not like he lost, he just can't fully win @emmyleec he thinks 😂 technically he lost lol TFBlade doesnt have the tenacity to play Trynd like you do what did you end up working out with TF Blade why cant he only do tryn tho @foggedftw2 Cheer500 I've checked on amazon quickly, it's 110 canadian dollar for laptop ram 16gb ddr4 3000mhz. So maybe like 80 something usd for ya you are doing fine so why is it hard for him mike15's Cheer shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! Gotta have that Undying Rage XD Trying to play this preseason in general to be fair He didnt lost the battle yet, he lost the war tho @foggedftw2 10k viewers and no delay, wonder why tryn got banned so much imagine making a deal and then back out because you can't handle it !opggs @OjamaMeansFamily right and showing when he accepts queues and champ selectds I mean it’s not in his best interests to delay @foggedftw2 That is the definition of a forfeit LOL He wants to win If you can, i am pretty sure the RANK 1 can, right? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! PogChamp @CyprienCole Because Trynd takes a whole different level of macro to pull off than Jax and Irelia @EmmyLeeC could you please tell me which laptop was it ? :) If you win you should get 750 subs :) you a nice boy :) LMAO wait, did he just look up the price of the gift? like why the fuck is that even important buddy? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) nice boi u nice boy you are nice boy LUL "nice boy" doe !oppgs Nice boy KEKW ROFL nice boy Nice boy GayPride nicest boi YOU ARE NICE BOY you are nice boy SMOrc :) @TheGoldBae Yeah one second !opggs this donation voice sounds like some villian from pokemon or something no he looked up potential RAM upgrade for his laptop Nice boy haha @foggedftw2 whwy do u always push in the first few waves? @TheGoldBae Tracer 3 15r ITs not macedonia idiot is SKOPJA MACEDONIA IS GREECE kekw Nice boy XD nice boy LUL Nice boy lol tfblade already 8 games with other champ than trynd. C O O L Nice boi Fogged KEKW gud boi XD nice boi LD looking up a price on a gift is just rude and a dick move are you ok with TF Blade playing other champs ? !addcom !laptop what did malphite just crit ?? @EmmyLeeC -> There was an error adding the command. Error: Path `message` is required. umm, tf blade been cheating tho? @SouthernCharisma then he clearly admits he's not the best if he can't do even that @HeMayn He didnt he looked up what more ram would cost to put in the laptop cause fogged wanted to know @EmmyLeeC ty @UnstoppableWog ty :) ITS NOT MACEDONIA IS SKOPJA ! MACEDONIA ARE GREEK! cass flash !addcom !laptop @EmmyLeeC -> The command "!laptop" has been added successfully. WHO IS A NICE BOI??? hes playing other champs outside of promos @EmmyLeeC thank u Emmy oh okay, mb then @HeMayn he looked up ram but aight @teacrisis Because he asked earlier how much it cost so i went ahead and check @YasuoShiny W first auto crits so TF Blade allow to play Jax on his PROMOS ? !laptop Golden Mecha Malphite looks pretty good @EmmyLeeC where will you stay when you go to Europe? so has TFBlade gifted the subs yet? When will he? salam aleikum @foggedftw2 8 gb ram is a bit low tho should spec 16 gb or 32 wich i agree is overkill. I thought the bet was to prove that TF blade was better at tryn lol so he lost basically @emmyleec is there a way you could add a command explaining why the challenge got changed? @HeMayn That laptop would be way more than 110 canadian lmao @panchos8812 im not sure ty @EmmyLeeC @xerominerva I thought there was one @deLhiz TF pussied out @EmmyLeeC the box for the laptop said Tracer III 15R that link is a 15Z !opggs looks like malph is unkallable in lane @esa_akame oh thanks i m like way lost in patches didnt play since january lol @gunnar50o1 O TFBlade played that matchup by proxying non-stop There was one for the updated rules, but I didn’t know about the one explaining why it was updated. ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper !challenge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Did you buy him the laptop em !challenge @xerominerva ^^^ late to party elise PogU Pog Yeah like it shows the new rules, but I didn’t know why it got changed basically. PogU this elise trolling PogChamp !editcom !laptop @EmmyLeeC -> The command "!laptop" has been edited successfully. weirdChamp @EmmyLeeC I think Fogged read quickly the specs , because i see 16gb of ram on the cyberpower pc link Can you still guarantee next AA to be a crit by canceling ur crit AA on minion??? ooh conquer. why no lethal? @nAzUgAl I did. :) Worked real hard for it foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS ITS NOT MACEDONIA IS SKOPJA ! MACEDONIA ARE GREEK! Oh TFBlade begged @xerominerva Kappa When to buy tiamat? Lolol Who is the biggest fogged fan here without sub ^^ 73 health...... LUL How is chat today? $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! Wow very kind of u MonkaS foggedHappy foggedGift @emmyleec Wow thats a big early christmas present, he deserves it and he deserves you foggedBird !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @EmmyLeeC well, you are more than welcome to come to Austria. Lots to see and many historical places to visit. @tryndmainnn someone whos trying to gift hehe What a nice lady is ghost flash on trynd a good decission to run enemy down or is ignite better ? @foggedftw2 ocean was nerfed !challenge sooo we are good How is the situation with the challenge since TF blade has been playing many other champs and ive barely seen him play tryndamere these days ? @ojamameansfamily U be looking for me Finally a chat free of "KEKW" FeelsGoodMan not me Any gifters :) @EmmyLeeC Can you give my girlfriend some tips KEKW is conquerer worth even after nerf? KEKW heya guys o7 @mike15 its only christmas once a year fam :P Can you still guarantee next AA to be a crit by canceling ur crit AA on minion??? Any1 ?? @nAzUgAl he means a lot to me and does a lot for me and supports me on my ventures he deserves everything E TU KEKW @Death8lade wat !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out my new merch! ++What + that attack speed slow is so aids tfblade on jax, is he DQ or something? ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 why does tfblade get to play other champs that are not trynd? @ojamameansfamily Oh shit wrong mention i meant @tryndmainnn ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 he's going to R u @tryndmainnn I really enjoy watching Danny, but I'm probably not his biggest fan haha @foggedftw2 why tiamat? @Jewbacca465 he's doing secondary champs elise ??? cmon elise, hit cocoon it's easy @Death8lade lol okay !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW emmy best gf :o she yoinked your plate cmonBruh @emmyleec Ye well if you think about it, its reallt tf blade who is going to pay for it after dan wins this challenge right? Poooound !bestmod Emmy @QeRasT such high expectations I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @ojamameansfamily KEKW LOL lol Some ratirlFlower ratirlFlower @nAzUgAl I paid outta my pocket already D: why TF is playing jax i dont get it :D Kappa donation baiting LUL get her a damn RING better be a wedding rings @foggedftw2 just pick them from your garden 5Head will do CoolStoryBob dragon dildo Pog LUL ur giving her the d @Stoani420 our garden is dead @foggedftw2 This change bet to euw, how are you sure they wont be target banning him? Flowers is boring @foggedftw2 whwy do u always push in the first few waves? You can do better @QeRasT Why would you expect the jungler to land the only ability needed for a successful gank? I hate Christmas im crying how your girl is good pearson... only 30 dollars if you buy more than one a single flower is cheaper @EmmyLeeC oh thats sad naroSad @foggedftw2 yo, something special? get her DEEZ NUTZ HAHA r 💍💍💍 @ojamameansfamily yeah mb lul Alright gyus the man needs 20 more for the flowers. lot's keep it up xD @HyperionAPM lots more players at master elo in eu so harder to snipe and less fans of tfblade in eu im crying how your girl is good pearson... !challeng @thebloodyalboz Pog an Albanian hue TRUUUUU !rank @EmmyLeeC is it very dry where you live? KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP why not berserker instead of cloak? BibleThump Deth D: !challenge @HyperionAPM thats up to tf bro, he doesnt have delay or cover no wonder he's being targeted If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Check out my new merch! !challenge BibleThump boxHi BibleThump dont copy coment :) wut @Stoani420 its cold and dry atm yes :) :) that attackspeed slow hurts what rank is fog now ? and what is tf? the love is in the rift and out <3 Emmy is the best emmyleNami @YoungScootah Shqiiippee! Thas AS debuff holy ratirlPriest !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP when do u get tiamat vs not? when do you go conqueror over lethal tempo? @foggedftw2 Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups weeding KEKW Weeding ring Kappa CiGrip ring Kappa @foggedftw2 You're a keeper! nice dodge @foggedftw2 KEKW I think i'm more of a beater tbh foggedKappa @OloninhoHS when u can all in 100-0 some1 u don't need tiamat, otherwise it's useful VapeNation 👍 !opggs Conq over fleet vs malph now? Or is he just testing out? Ocean drake op !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW why is there no more chat on screen? @raizel77 LULW If she can play nami like that it is a keeper LUL weeding ring so more flowers from the garden, duh. yall dont have green thumbs Kappa @QeRasT he took it of when he had big delay beaner? If you get married you increase your chance of getting divorced by about 50%. If you stay unmarried, you have 100% chance of not getting divorced. Logic says no marry. @emmyleec ah alright, thank you @JakobVarden It's first time I see him getting Conq into Malphite @Tryndamure thanks @TotalMadness_ KEKW Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @foggedftw2 youre breathtaking! @EmmyLeeC youre breathtaking! T=Youre ALL breathtaking!! LMAO naroYay Clap WOW PogChamp PogChamp No R that was WTF> TOXIC @datasleuth that is sound logic D: what KEKW didn't even ult KEKW !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW BibleThump @datasleuth Truth the toppapotomus going ham @finis_moody Ah thanks He literally have to do nothing LULW foggedYoda Malphite being malphite I'm the topapotamus, my plays are anomalous Rock solid KEKW he probably doesnt understand tryndamere lmao !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW What win lanes against trynd that isnt a tank ? @robjohnlechmere is that a mf'ing flight of the concords reference beta malphite tabis bamis cloth armor :/// @foggedftw2 why haven't i seen you go against teemo yet monkaW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Judgh yes lol I am sad that no one caught my Harry Potter joke my man foggedEmmy !opggs Malphite is as dumb as a rock, Tf playing Jax again @Immacularity it's weaker than frozen heart rush haven't watched it LUL Cannon Pog !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW never watched harry potter @EmmyLeeC i didnt see one i would understood what was it Wait so if TFBlade wins he owes you nothing?? LUL, why would he intentionally throw the bet by playing irelia and jax @foggedftw2 doest ap work anymore vs malph? TFBLADE is doing JAX only challenge why u buying so late boots ? @foggedftw2 !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP beater / keeper joke? D: @judgh never to late @YasuoShiny Fogged said I was a keeper and I said I think i'm more of a beater Poor malphite boxHug @EmmyLeeC Oh LUL alright I dont think Tf blade has played Tryn one time today and he is on spin spin spin can someone explain if fogged win diamond 1 promos tf going to mald so hard yikes KEKW when going in is the only way to go out KEKW aww what a nice Lee !challenge !opggs baited teammate lol If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW That was a lucky Senna ult timing monkaW TF Blade is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned @bombasticxx don't build attack speed against malphite/nasus Elise ratirlYikes ratirlYikes why u buying so late boots ? @foggedftw2 too much crowd there @EmmyLeeC tho ive seen and read harry potter in french thats why i didnt catch it AHH @YasuoShiny !ranks I back elise in this one tho Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) you did? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !ranks so the deal is off with TF? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 why haven't i seen you go against teemo yet monkaW @foggedftw2 Hey Fogged, I asked a few times in Blade's twitch channel and never received an answer. Why was the event rescheduled? Thanks! ty Are you in promos? when did you switch to conqueror? !challange !op.ggs if he win this one he will @CyFiver because tf blade dpesn't know how to play just trynd while on stream be in promos so it's winwin for fogged tf is no longer bound to trynd pick, but no longer eligible to win challenge @Razok87 I just got diamond off og pog trynd players that stole my champion. !opggs does he always play with conqueror now? fogged won it and thats it Check out my new merch! he gets banned and instant queues up after each game and shows queue and champ select you mean youre going for R1 danny? PRAY FOR ALBANIA ! BibleThump whyy but why do u get to play trynda so much and he has so many bans @foggedftw2 Any easy tips on what runes to take on certain types of matchups? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @robjohnlechmere thx How come you prioritise W over ultimate? @foggedftw2 Thanks for explaining it to me. I just checked and saw copy/paste text walls with no real information. !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1131 times! @alexgotyou combat stats better than r cd so that means at least for now you ahve proven you are 100% best trynd? @foggedftw2 i guess you're the best tryndamere then since you need not to use other champs @alexmilleriscool R on tryn doesnt matter what happened in albania?? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW the changes of the challange are nice xD !r Level Ult Last - 4Head good answer Shit got serious @Atracent just take runes based on matchups 4Head 4Head I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !opggs wait looked like it youre coming to EUW fogged? @foggedftw2 But does he have to play trynd if he is not banned yo man, you're insane and defo one of the best streams on twitch !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW would it be too boring tank gameplay btw so TF blade forfeited the bet? playing irelia and jax !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Wait F rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP turret sniped malph is kinda busted turrets are dicking you today !king HOW? Close still really good Pog that turret range tho F boosted* ah that turret range ratirlWot this guy keeps ulting melee worth what the actual fck shheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh @MysticNebula Thats what I mean, poke match ups fleet, tank lethal, dueler conq? must've been last pixel on turret range still a good deal, publicity, chance for 2.5K and not having to pay TF boots no matter @YasuoShiny Tanks do not win lanes against Tryndamere, you just both farm evenly. Poppy, Cassio, Gragas, Lucian and Riven are most obnoxious Trynd matchups why did that last turret shot fired Turret's smurfing LULW Remember guys boots doesn't matter vs malphite :D reset money, worth !wurf It has been wurf 522 times. foggedWurf Why don’t i get malphites like this? none like u D: !chalenge !challenge @bass_iv True lol If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW builds dont matter, only bot lane matters @Isaea fk ur adverts rat !opggs @finis_moody Cassio isnt really a usual toplaner, poppy is a tank and lucian same as cassio, so riven uh, hard to pull of as a pocket pick !king FK YOU CHAT @finis_moody what about teemo, quinn, tahm EmmyLeeC gifted a Tier 1 sub to YasuoShiny! They have given 276 Gift Subs in the channel! EmmyLeeC's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! this just proves that you ae better tryn Lee KEKW OKAY Why did the challenge change for this month? @EmmyLeeC Omg thanks you so much ! Pog Jebaited Jebaited pog nice bait !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) what the heck Pog team finally shows up Pog foggedGift foggedGift !challenge Pog If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW ez bait lul I guess you could say he's as dumb as a rock LUL XD what did you say I main malphite boxDab @DRAG0NZOMBIE7 cuz tfblade couldnt handle the pressure MOE KEK" moe KEKW what happened with TFBlade? KEKW M OMEGALUL E trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa moe is too strong why is it rescheduled? Just got home from work HELL YEAH TF players. !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW GrammarKing GrammarKing GrammarKing GrammarKing trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa Check out my new merch! tf blade cheating @foggedftw2 why haven't i seen you go against teemo yet monkaW @DRAG0NZOMBIE7 jk, cuz tfblade was being perma target banned Did you and tfblade come to an agreement? @foggedftw2 !cheater PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR Really love ur stream and positive attitude! KonCha !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP 50 y EmmyLeeC gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kiwiaap! They have given 277 Gift Subs in the channel! EmmyLeeC's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! man the chat is the same question every 30 seconds LUL foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda ^ just got off work love that your close to masters promos! @willow219 help out by letting them know the command is there any gifters? TearGlove PartyPoro @EmmyLeeC Awesome thanks! !king after people are using command too... omg dat yoda they join and ask straight away so no point @kenseii991 WHERE oh that baby yoda emote is cute DID YOU GET THAT Baby yoda ssjFresh emmy is his wife? ! ITS ADORABLE AManNeedsAName subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hope you're all well ^.^ AManNeedsAName's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR KappaPridelover subscribed at Tier 1. KappaPridelover's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP Just set up the bot to repost the !challenge text every couple minutes or something KappaPridelover is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! 0.65 as worth KappaPridelover gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoshF! KappaPridelover's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! KappaPridelover gifted a Tier 1 sub to tbektas0! KappaPridelover gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jhayce14! KappaPridelover gifted a Tier 1 sub to imkalleN! damn he is tanky KappaPridelover gifted a Tier 1 sub to rjp24! kappa PartyPoro @tyrbergs teemo and quinn are mostly just very annoying as long as you pick Fleet and build appropriately, they cannot kill you really and you outscale them eventually. Tahm kench was CANCER until nerf, now I think he also goes to annoying category he is strong Pog foggedGift balanced as fk dodged Pog build tank cant kill @YungCastle whereee did you get that Thank you @KappaPridelover <3 How much LP is he winning/losing every win/loss rn? Wow this malphite is really dump 0 attack speed against mal p Tanky GIFTERS Pog aiming for master today ? PartyPoro SantaHat Thanks for the HahaBall @kappapridelover Nice emote its so cute pog !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king KappaPride PartyPoro hey guys KappaPride !opggs PartyPoro GAH PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro tfbPride @MidnightxPMC its global tfbPride tfbPride tfbPride PartyPoro foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta boxHi nvm lol Poro is cuter than baby yoda change my mind sp00ked em !bet @MidnightxPMC It's a global twitch emote :) he just used it !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond II 100 LP [☑X-] (77-19) Syndra KEKW lol that syndra flash wth oh didn't see it !opggs Why we don't have damage on malph GROSS GORE PogChamp !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @tigiyhan because hes building full armor PartyPoro SoCold TF PogChamp mortal reminder better for meele foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda Pog PartyPoro IceCold Team throwing KEKW worth 100% Malph TP Noice LOL that steal! kaisa question marking you isnt cleaver good too on this case? Pog 5head trynd plays cloud on trynda Pog PartyPoro IceCold SoSnowy !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW its decent !opgg that keystone is trash Alpha AF walks up kills jungler and takes the dragon like a man FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king trolling is rng, is trolling lol If there's anyone Omnistone is decent on it's probably TF Omnistone is ALWAYS 100% troll !king Still not the best tho. dude all these malphs rly this rune is actually troll that rune is usless It is okay on TF Tryndamir hueta i ti loh gachiBASS SoSnowy life steal would be good not optimal but its okay for sure neace says Omni is broken is that rune even playable? black cleaver why no sanguijn blade? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !bet maybe blade of the ruined?? Black Cleaver? Trynda hueta inti toshe Armor pen + life steal only thing i could think off cleaver? a black cleaver, @foggedftw2 @Blueberrypiie how can he beat malph then? Blade of the RUined King>? maybee Black Cleaver also? !rank wits end also works well KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP rage for mag dmg? Just get TF to kill him gachiBASS SoSnowy SoSnowy !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET just build wit's end for magic resist and dmg. lol go ap xd !sanguine just dont focus him Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER @foggedftw2 then go with 400 gold gauntl......... deleted items lol :/ Sanguine blade! Delaying IE even further would be really inefficient wits end? !sanguine Get wits end Ap TF beats that kinda armor :D @tigiyhan you cant he only wins time for his teamates that have ap dmg @misto212 LUL LUL that attack speed $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL tanks True rock wtf 0 attack speed aslkgmşfdl holy rock holy shit dont fight with the rock u only waste time !cheater wtf @misto212 trynd zver, osobenno etot you do -dmg lol malphitehard to play that AS slow rock solid The aspd slow Stop trying to fight him lol TANKS KEKW Tanks KEKW no atk speed @foggedftw2 for me you need attack speed maybe need a bork or smthn foggedbaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby TANK META KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW you need infinity edge and blade of thee ruined king he got his ult worth maybe black cleaver? @Mantticore hes baiting malp R maybe you need black cleaver and bork? Foggedbaby Cass and Malphite monkaW lets take true damage from conq btw LOL wits end and phantom dancer with lifesteal from hydra 3k viewers POG FoggedBaby Is black cleaver better? black cleaver, ruined king, infinity edge malph ult cd is like 1 min foggedBaby wits end or bortk Check out my new merch! Blitz LULW chat pls like fogged knows what to do spirit visage, and then he does zero damage to you. Kappa Hey look, hes not cheating like tfblade Tank META KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP @TGDFerenos bork wouldnt do anything cus bork dmg is ad and he has a lot of armour Big brain Blitz **** !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW WIts end XDD wits end wits end to counter his dmg Get rid of tiamat drop tiamt wits end is terrible Get of tiamat wits end BOTRK IS DUMB But the MR spirit visage blade? bork cleaver reminds me of pete :( zhonyas BOTRK IS BEST OPTION RUSH IT Rageblade coutner his dmg why try to beat him 1v1 rageblade bork black cleaver port go AP kekw sengu blade ? GO AP TRYND Pog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here IE SPIRIT VISAGE IE AND BLACK CLEVER Full ap trynd Pog Wits end and Nashors tooth 5head BORK MR blade of ruined kind bork is not dumb i think need cleaver/bork Brock probably Wits end is trashhhh why does everyone want to build it on trynd LOL wits end would work static or rage? @foggedftw2 honestly wits. botrk isn't really that good against armor rege blade chat telling best trynd what to build xDD Bork !opggs Get wits end, for MR and life steal dude RageBlade has Atkspeed and armorpen AP rage blade bork wits end would make you beat malph 1v1 i think wow... what did i miss yesterday. I left wed, and you only had 6 losses... NO BORK USELESS, GETS REDUCED BY ARMOR sell items go AP TRYND @Mirardt cause splitting is basically the whole point of the champ lol cleaver? bork rage blade We are offering him options Nashors Tooth + Wits End + DEATHCAP bork not that good, black cleaver better vs him, buy mortal reminder.. not lord dominics is the challenge with tf blade still going? Dont suggest him Wits ffs how would that scale off his crits? FailFish @foggedftw2 Build BORK + Wits End = Maphite dead in 5seconds but that aside its useless Lifesteal spirit bisage or bork rageblade doesn't stack with last whisper guys lol Sanguine blade rageblade has no armor pen lol PowerUpL foggedWizard PowerUpR BC and sanguine and ie rageblade or maybe cleaver with titanics @foggedftw2 get rid of tiamat so you can get Botrk, BC and IE? make tf match malph and you syndra @foggedftw2 thats the counter Botrk without armor pen does absolutely nothing You guys know that AP TRYND does NOT DEAL MAGIC DMG @Nydous we can rotate way fater ANKLE Pog top impact KEKW yes it does zoraxx06 yeah sell tiamat thats a not a champ thats a mountain then they changed it @sivicx xDD AP trynd doesnt deal magic dmg Wits End @foggedftw2 guess wit's end isn't a possibility against full armor? you need MR lifesteal and pen, and can beat him they changed it like 2 years ago yeah Gives MR and deals Magic damage rage blade has armor pen and magix pen Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups as long as you dodge tha as slow you're fine? Just buy Wits End and Bork vs Malphite are they not doing the bet anymore? How come TFblade is playing other champs? malp ajdfsşogjmfd Full armor pen? Clack cleaver rage blade lord doms !opggs KEKW wat lmaoooooo 30000IQ MALP KEKW MALPH it has had armor pen and magic pen for a while now tho HOLY @elchoto88 xDDDD big !challenge Kaisa dmg :o If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Anklespankin YO I've actually never caught you online, hope you're well <3 RageBlade should be it, atk speed and armor pen that mal Botrk is not good against armour only hp tanks free cloud Its either Black Cleaver or Wits 0iq Mal KEKW that's a thicc boi malph is so thicc, but he so dump KEKW @tfblade cheater KEKW @fogged; sell the tiamat. wits end, phantom dancer, and botrk the payback KEKW @tfblade cheater KEKW KEKW rageblade doesnt stack with last whisper cause she's over there -> @tfblade cheater KEKW unique passive so ihe shouldnt get rageblade you dumb fucks chat stop being pepega fogged knows what to do @tfblade scum @TFBlade cheater 4WeirdW Check out my new merch! he got tp What ??? @tfblade cheater KEKW KEKW @Blueberrypiie He asked us chat backseat gaming LUL malph got tp and ult now we can discuss what he should build or not thats why there is a chat sick leash what? cheatfblade is here? dat elise smite drag :( that wsa the most agravated I've seen you @foggedftw2 @Aethernity Can you stop spamming !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king toxic tryndamere player LUL tfblade 😂 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP @weeamood no :) @foggedftw2 Ur amazing! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW :) !challenge @dawargod_ are you sure he asked chat or hes just thinking outloud? just zero dmg to malphite tf💩💩 Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! you buy BOTRK now cuz of the atk spd !elo @foggedftw2 she didnt have smite up @anklespankin You in TCS ?? !opggs @Aethernity You just did though :) she didn't have smite up @Blueberrypiie He said what should "We" build 5Head fogged sounding like tfblade @lorensj81 to every tank give 0 dmg.. cause tanks.. are tanks xD who is ahead you or tf? (rooting for you anyways) malph is no flash havent tuned into the stream for awhile, is it basically conq most matchups and fleet situational? @dawargod_ so yeah thinking out loud thats even worse wasting smite when objectie is coming up !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW MALPHITE KEKW 558 armor KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 92 LP @dawargod_ yikes weirdchamp !challenge thats a fuckin mountain holy ?xD u need bork If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! 1 man malphite ulti LUL KSing blitz WutFace 398 armor lol tf splitting as well gg ez forget? Life of Tryndamere LUL @skotthv What? fogged please calm down mal has sp item kekw they fanboys ur better than that “This malphite is just a bad player” he wanna beat fogged! :D Trynd hate-boner too strong KEKW @foggedftw2 foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 92 LP (69-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) imagine if he got randuin's and frozen heart. lol Kill the Streamer tfbSNAKE ME MALPH ME KILL AD TRONDOMORE CHAMP they so stoopid @foggedftw2 i am a gold player but now i do realize why other ppl call diamonds are bad too @foggedftw2 Fogged big brain for making that play gg gg Igru ne ti vuigral Ti huj I Just saw the video "tryndamere destroys chapanya" and you didnt even kill him once nice clickbait MASTER PROMO !opgg king of trynd FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king gg's they lost just to kill you KEKW Na blude xD Nice ult Malph KEKW what is the challenge with TF? Suka ebanaya Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! calm down !opggs !king Komanda norm @foggedftw2 Best build around is to win na 😂😂😂 fix trhe title !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW EL TRUCO el truco MASTER PROMOS POG U KEKW THEY MUSTA FORGOT Fogged did I win a free coaching session MASTER PROMO Pog you should all off the bet you actually won @foggedftw2 yo @foggedftw2 so how is conqeror vs malphite? better than fleet? call* day musta forgot Why is TFblade allowed to play other champions Can I please have a coaching session wit's end doesn't seem like it would be bad. gives mr and magic damage on hit for malphite. PROMO POG malph did same dmg with full armor lol Look how much damage Malphite did too all of malph's dmg was caused by you he bought spectres cowl after he died @foggedftw2 you need to fix the title btw !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. He sold i think Nahuj idi chmo Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes he sold his sunfire and half randuins !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to he had sunfire Malphite being really nice, even though you called him stupid a bunch of times @foggedftw2 :) Tvoi pers gavno @foggedftw2 are they not doing the bet anymore? How come TFblade is playing other champs? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Bot still league of tanks !uptime 4 hours 57 minutes 2 seconds itsme_tony is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel! @foggedftw2 BC vs LDR ? When to buy which ? itsme_tony's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! itsme_tony gifted a Tier 1 sub to K4rus! itsme_tony gifted a Tier 1 sub to Uncle_Henk! itsme_tony gifted a Tier 1 sub to TCdennis! itsme_tony gifted a Tier 1 sub to wyittkelly! damages same with malphite itsme_tony gifted a Tier 1 sub to sladewilson1996! Gonna test up that new computer ? Malphite damage is REALLY BROKEN! ARE YOU GONNA WIN PROMS? Pog ye 69 Kreygasm NICE !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king gimme gimme how can you play this game in its current state for so long? i mean, enemy just target counters you while your team keeps failing... @itsme_tony <3 thank you foggedGift Dodged ez 70-18 Thanks for the HahaThink @itsme_tony :) hello !king Pog gifters Wow hey man hows it going @foggedftw2 POGGERS HahaCat danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect TearGlove @foggedftw2 why did you reschedule the challenge? beacause malphite scale of armor 4 heads in chat Ez dodge TFblade played 90% of the gamestryndamere noooooooo the 69 Any gifters? PartyPoro poggers foggedFOGGERS gg fooged @foggedftw2 hey i'm also a tryndamere main with a 80% win rate, do you have any tips? so TF is allowed to pkay other champs only when tryn is banned???? @foggedftw2 !challenge @foggedftw2 why dont you play other champs like blade? If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 Have you seen videos of 3 mountain drag Malph still with passive shield up having 1,6k armor? Hilarious FREE COACHING SESSION PLS 22? woo glad to see you rsub count is back up! 22 EmmyLeeC is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 280 in the channel! ? !conquerer EmmyLeeC's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! EmmyLeeC gifted a Tier 1 sub to bosniak344! EmmyLeeC gifted a Tier 1 sub to louveronn! EmmyLeeC gifted a Tier 1 sub to indigoeagle! 22 lol Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 22 dodged Pog !challenge 19 PowerUpL foggedGasm PowerUpR 17? good to hear the compromise about the bet. GJ! mature solution. 19 Emmy is on fire today Pog my sub runs out in a day feelsbad 5Head math any gifters? ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlowe ad fuck !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET 3:99:1 feels green KDA man Ez dodge 22 i got free syb poggers @foggedftw2 why is TFN XD k gift me sub !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW 80% xd TFBlade playing other champs !title Tryndamere only challenge with TF Blade for $2500. Type !challenge Win/Loss 70-18 @MidnightxPMC -> The stream title has been updated to: Tryndamere only challenge with TF Blade for $2500. Type !challenge Win/Loss 70-18 ANY GIFTERS? i could use a gift heyo emmys a beast as always mods isn't better change the stream name so the viewers don't get confused with the "Tryndamere Only"? !twitchprime Yes! Did you know that you can subscribe to Foggedftw2 with twitch prime? All you need to do is link your amazon prime account to your twitch account to get a free subscription. Use your twitch prime on Foggedftw2 today! foggedFOGGERS Sub Train foggedFOGGERS !challenge @unholytoast foggedFOGGERS any gifters???? lol you fucking beggar foggedGift foggedYoda when to go conquerer? any gifters? ;D ANY GIFTERS? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness :( BEGGING FOR SUBS WeirdChamp ! opggs Gift me plss BibleThump @foggedftw2 do you ever use other skins? :) Check out my new merch! ayee fogged how you doin? good luck on the 2500 bet dude foggedYoda SUB FOR THIS EMOTE foggedYoda any gifters? edfaraMonka SantaHat gift me Kappa GIFTERS CHAT IN THE ANY ?? !challenge im a pleb over here , just saying :P If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Going to vegas in 2 days i gotta keep my money for some spins cause you leech krimsin360 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! krimsin360 is paying forward the Gift they got from dwhite12310 to the community! krimsin360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tigiyhan! krimsin360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to m0ph0_xd! krimsin360's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! krimsin360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dimitritis! krimsin360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lofexik_! krimsin360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Albizzare! Cant believe how many subs you get by giving away coaching every 50 subs. Its incredible foggedYoda foggedYoda Any gifters to beat TF's sub count? FOR A GOOD CAUSE LEECH AND BEG @foggedftw2 how could tfblade cheating and you ok with it monkaW Pog @krimsin360 can i have a sub pls :? foggedLewd free sub foggedLewd ez DODGE dodged do you prefer donations or subscriptions? Pog Pog Pog unlucky foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge 3k viewers PogU @foggedftw2 how come tfblade cheating and you ok with it monkaW Start queue????? Pog whats a good bruiser that wins against or goes even with tryn !opggs Pog LUL neverlucky dude BabyRage tips for playing against illaoi? @foggedftw2 Pog HYPE when u see this man get to masters in like 5 days when u have struggled to silver 1 after 4 months foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Thanks for the HahaSweat @krimsin360 @mate6868, o i see, tyty PogChamp ANELE @EmmyLeeC xD so cute! Who ever can guess the First letter of my real name will get a gift sub promos to what elo? I have 10 ads to watch and I am only watching cuz its fogged haha DODGE I MUST @foggedftw2 you a better business man than trynd player KEKW foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy how do you stay so calm in tilting games? HahaDoge foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG Pog @foggedftw2 we saw you queue up monkaS foggedYoda BABY YODA foggedYoda foggedYoda BABY YODA foggedYoda l @Pwnerfox TFblade conceded his right to win, but can now pick other champs Kappa Kappa foggedYodaSUB YOU MUST foggedYoda @zorrotsu A !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW when to go conquerer? @EmmyLeeC That's sooo good! I want that! LUL I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here In 1 day I can sub pog! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 your helped me get so much better at this game, thanks so much man foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda BEST EMOTE EVER foggedYoda music is ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling Baby yoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda !challenge PowerUpL foggedYoda PowerUpR foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda itsmitchyp subscribed with Twitch Prime. foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Sub you Must foggedYoda foggedRNG itsmitchyp's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !king foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Pass, I will. I would be so appreciative if someone gifted me :) beg and leech beg and leech foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda wassap man :) hope you having fun tonight foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda sub y must foggedYoda !song !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird DODGE I MUST! foggedYoda !subhype uwu foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Merci pour HahaLean @itsmitchyp foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I didn't see final build for last game. Did he have Lord Dom's and Guinsoo's? foggedCorgi foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB foggedYoda YOU foggedYoda MUST foggedYoda FOGGED foggedYoda TO foggedYoda YOU foggedYoda NOW foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Why sub when fogged emotes are free 😡👈 DODGE I MUST foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda His Left arm PepeHands foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda what # are we at now foggedYoda @foggedftw2 this channel is now under inspection from disney.... await regal action any day.... :D !subcount @foggedftw2 do you hate blade now :( foggedYoda foggedYoda Sub you Must foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda BCWarrior ratirlBusiness Not ratirlBusiness Cheating ratirlBusiness Just ratirlBusiness Doing ratirlBusiness Business ratirlBusiness me critting my enemies when I'm 8 foggedYoda me critting my enemies when im 30 foggedTrynda foggedYoda hunterq894 subscribed with Twitch Prime. WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge me critting my enemies when I'm 8 foggedYoda me critting my enemies when im 30 foggedTrynda ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoga ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoga ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoga ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoga ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoga hunterq894's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! GO SLEEP ITS TIME FOR YOU TO SLEEP DODGE I MUST ! DODGE I MUST ! pinkward thinking about a baby yoda too @foggedftw2 so happy to see you booming i've been here since you had a constant 600 views. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!! me critting my enemies when I'm 8 foggedYoda me critting my enemies when im 30 foggedTrynda THERE'S NO CRIT tips for playing against illaoi? @foggedftw2 when did you get the yoda emote? have i been gone that long? lol how much days before challenge is finished guys?? how does someone get gifted? uwu koffi_tpg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! When will we see the comeback of the magician hat? koffi_tpg's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !uptime FFBLADE CHEATING KEKW 5 hours 58 seconds u take conqueror or lethal tempo against irelia? fuyck me critting my enemies when I'm 8 foggedYoda me critting my enemies when im 30 foggedTrynda did you lose your last game against malphite @foggedftw2 foggedYoda foggedYoda Sub you Must foggedYoda foggedYoda coosimo42 subscribed with Twitch Prime. coosimo42's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoda ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoda ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoda ANY PRIMERS? foggedYoda !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda odTrail foggedYoda Get rank 1 you must foggedYoda @LazyTurtle007 No foggedYoda forsenCD 4Head squad1 ANY PRIMERS? squad2 !opggs Thanks for the HahaLean @coosimo42 this challenge is fun do u have other 1tricks @foggedftw2 !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [-----] (70-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) blade deserves no love tho @foggedftw2 how do you feel about tfblade now @gizellium keep beggin for a sub bet still going or someone win? foggedYoda wizard hatttt HahaDoge SoSnowy Is that a Tonberry? foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda subbed i did foggedYoda GO SLEEP LITTLE BABY ITS TIME YOU ARE TOO YOUNG SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda this is even better now for @foggedftw2 he can only win now @ chat soulmarioCharge isn't baby yoda 50 yo? foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard @foggedftw2 you the right arm champ keep it up @foggedftw2 what about other skins on trynd? :( Swimfree subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! gachiBASS SoSnowy Swimfree's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda Who lead ? !cheater @foggedftw2 where this music come from? foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda i need the ap trynd song subs for foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard Did you have Lord Dom's and Rageblade last game Danny? @foggedftw2 Look at these Cute Emotes! foggedYoda foggedGift foggedCorgi foggedBird foggedWeeb foggedDog foggedDog why blade is a cheater? i miss ap trynd Ambubaia subscribed at Tier 1. @foggedftw2 How many left? SoulmarioPoggers Ambubaia's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda im a god :D foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER, YOU MUST! foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda ME WIZARD ME TRYND, ME SPIN ME WIN <3 !opggs @fooged what rank do i need to be to do coachings? @astaartes you watch too much mandalorian xD soulmarioCharge soulmarioCharge soulmarioCharge soulmarioCharge soulmarioCharge soulmarioCharge foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER, YOU MUST! foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER, YOU MUST! foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda LazyTurtle007 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !build LazyTurtle007's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda @foggedftw2 why did you change the challenge? foggedDerp foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda @harrysmith12654 any foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda Everyone sub to this guy. Hes gonna win the $2500 olympen subscribed with Twitch Prime. gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS What did Tfblade do? olympen's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !build foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST! foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda 4 more Pog foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER, YOU MUST! foggedYoda Yeet foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda any gifters? teacrisis is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 709 in the channel! teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to board4ever! teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to SylvesterQQ! teacrisis's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to aleffiech! teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to osrsjohnn! foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda teacrisis gifted a Tier 1 sub to elperrolanudo! gift me GIFT ME GIFT ME foggedYodaBEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda deplorable81 subscribed with Twitch Prime. dou deplorable81's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Tf blade 9 games other champs ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper nice challenge ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Pog Pog WOOO WE DID IT Pog WE DID IT adamvsSUB adamvsHYPE subhype yayyyy forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST!foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG theere we go POG PepoDance Pog !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird Pog και poooooiig pog Pog WE DID IT foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS dodged easily foggedFOGGERS EZ DODGEEE foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda POG forsen1 Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @teacrisis foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda we did it @harrysmith12654 I’ve seen Diamonds do it Thanks for the HahaDoge @lazyturtle007 Pog Check out my new merch! Still no sub for me :(( HahaDoge SoSnowy ratirlOpen !opggs I’m sad foggedYoda 4 more subs you need foggedYoda foggedYoda @teacrisis I also got my sub from you yesterday thanks buddy <3 COACHME RoyaICheater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Better get that 3x chance RoyaICheater's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda win the masters promos we must foggedYoda forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING forsenPrime KEEP EM COMING OHH MANN LETS GO hireath subscribed with Twitch Prime. yw @mate6868 COACHME !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET hireath's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes COACHME Pog What do I do? COACHME gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy COACHME COACHME foggedYoda MECOACH YOU SHALL foggedYoda COACHME COACHME foggedYoda win the coaching you must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @zorrotsu lmfao foggedYoda win the coaching you must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda win the coaching you must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHMW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME gibe way COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda win the coaching you must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda win the coaching you must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME trivela2k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! COACME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !COACHME COACHME trivela2k's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COAS COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME 5 COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COOOOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME DADD COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 do we type it in once or multiple coachme COACH ME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME 4Head COACHME CAOCHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME - COACHME COACHME COACHME. foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME DAD COACHME COACHMEDADDY COACHME xD COACHME COACHME foggedYoda COACHME YOU SHALL foggedYoda COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHme gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda i see my name pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHMEC coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups COACH ME dodgeIMUST foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda WINNTHECOACHINGYOUMUST foggedYoda COACHME <3 COACHME COACHME @dawargod_ Once is enough COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHMEE coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda Coachme COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME coachme CAOCHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL OH MY COACHME COACHME foggedW COACHME coachme foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHMe foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COAMXHMEME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !opggs COACHME COACHMe COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACH ME @foggedftw2 Do we need to type it in more than once COACHME COACHME MOES A SNAKE, TF IS A CHEATER, WHAT COMES NEXT COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME tf blade to win coaching session COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda get foggedCheater emote we must foggedYoda COACHME COACHME pog COACHME COACHME foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME awwww, blade just ended stream foggedYoda Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Fogged has emotes that are VASTLY SUPERIOR to TF's COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS COACHME COACH EMMY COACHME COACHME POG COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME :o Rayzail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! great work dude good to see you moving up COACHME Rayzail's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedCD COACHME YESSS forsenCD COACHME Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME ankleHi ankleHi ankleHi COACHME jax with trynd hat for tfblade COACHME COACHME TFBLADE IS CHEATING tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 are you in the champion's club COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @EmmyLeeC Can we get a definitely not irelia emote of irelia dressed as trynd? COACHME COACHME Why is ap trynd song not on spotify? Kappa COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME tf blade coaching session COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME bladeCD COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 my sub button doesn’t show me the twitch prime sub??? COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME tfbHypers tfbHypers tfbHypers COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME good guy fogged COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 you literally didnt play once other champ, for me you are a winner COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 I'm not answering emails today btw COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME GIMME THIS SHEEEET foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme so if they email today just let them know COACHME COACHME @Knightcm77 àMaybe your acc isnt linked? COACH ME COACHME JERKOFFME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Talllanvor has won the giveaway. COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME does the coaching session ends with a happy ending? KEKW !opgg COACHME FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Coachme damn it COACHME ROLL ITTT COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @Talllanvor foggedYoda WON YOU DID foggedYoda COACHME !king COACHME COACHME RIGGED COACHME COACHME RIGGED COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED RIGGED COACHME damn COACHME Pog RIGGED @foggedftw2 hi :) @Talllanvor foggedYoda WON YOU DID foggedYoda rigged RIGGED @Talllanvor foggedYoda WON YOU DID foggedYoda COACHME can someone tell me how TFBlade cheated? Pog cg @Talllanvor congratz man @Talllanvor Pog RIGGED COACHME COACHME RIGGED !opggs COACHME EZ DODGE RIGGED COACHME @Talllanvor RIGGED! lucky me i guess haha RIGGED IT IS !coachme COACHME he's afk KEKW !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @Talllanvor congratz man 💥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 13635 🥈) jocnitro : 9819 🥉) l4s5i : 8852 4) soor_ice : 5867 5) hampmedle : 5126 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW RIGGED rigged KEKW SCAMMED foggedYoda WON YOU DID foggedYoda @foggedftw2 can you stream on laptop tomorrow? !COACHME !challenge foggedFiesta C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S foggedFiesta foggedYoda DODGE I DID foggedYoda rigged thanks everyone ! @Talllanvor And if you don't want it you could always give it to me foggedYoda foggedRIGGED !coaching gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS q COACHME foggedYoda foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt we need a foggedRIGGED emote !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] @foggedftw2 What is a coaching session with you like? PowerUpL PowerUpR @foggedftw2 what is that with the Cheating stuff? what did i miss ? :( @mate6868 exactly wait so what do i do now lol PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 if you lose this challenge theres no more "#1 tryndamere world" clickbait, so you better win foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda BRB foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Coachme foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda POG the truth Kappa Non-Subs right now foggedREE foggedREE foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS 5 foggedYoda foggedYoda the subcount Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG @foggedftw2 I need coaching pls !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy foggedYoda Rigged that contest was foggedYoda !playlist foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 could you change music? I'm getting sleepy from it xd foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 Is it exclusively Tryndamere DRILLS POG STUNDENT S POG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Why is Yoda so cute ok teacher KEKW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Nibba cheese SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss Kappa @foggedftw2 is it only tryn coaching? foggedYoda BUY COACHING YOU MUST foggedYoda how do you beat garen tho @foggedftw2 what is that with the Cheating stuff? what did i miss ? :( @foggedftw2 that's cool as fuck, thanks man gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy @foggedftw2 do you only coach toplane? Or can you coach jungle too Is it better to send a video of you doing good or you doing bad if you’re getting video coaching? make that money sir 400 X 100 OOOOOOOOOOOO $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! foggedYoda YOU CAN BUY COACHING!! foggedYoda @foggedftw2 how do you beat garen tho? gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy gachiBASS I went from p1-d2 after ONE VOD review. foggedYoda @foggedftw2 So apparently you're too strong for my adblock !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY TO HAVE A COACHING SESSION WITH YOU !challenge or POV KEKW @EmmyLeeC If i ever win a coaching I just want to trade it back in so fogged can get some sleep. He is the real MVP foggedYoda @foggedftw2 dont u think riot should change tryndamere from 5 seconds at all ranks to shorter duration at rank 1 like 4 seconds and longer level 16 to 6 seconds !challenge @emmyleec No way @foggedftw2 WHERE DO WE PAY FOR A COACHING SESSION !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @potatochips extended trades @finapattaar Yeah @jcast_10 !donate @foggedftw2 even teemo PepeLaugh Kappa thanks for coaching, diamond 2 and now plat 2 thoughts on trynd jungle? Check out my new merch! I just got CC for 8 sec... @emmyleec How? What champs. youve played the legendary yummi top? When are you going to play? @foggedftw2 fogged what a wonderful streak man keep it up the world best trynd going to win this what is a vod review? @finapattaar I play support, I was making a lot of pmistakes Have you played Evelyn? Hey mods, I won a coaching on stream last night i just sent an email i wanna comfirm i got the right email @foggedftw2 what is that with the Cheating stuff? what did i miss ? :( I was Master and after coaching finally got Gold2 @foggedftw2 what do you know about bard? @foggedftw2 do you have like results to show? people who you've coached who have shown results? !donate All donations are greatly appreciated and amounts over 5 dollars will trigger text to speech, all donations will be read SMOrc im hoping to buy a coaching session for christmas :P Is it better to send a video if you doing good or bad for a vod review? @emmyleec Hm I see I see @tgo3333 We got your email im just not answering them today HI! @foggedftw2 how are ya ? spining? @foggedftw2 yo good shit like two months ago you were down 1k subs !bet hey so i just won and send you a mail and you answer me at some point :D? @foggedftw2 dont u think riot should change tryndamere ult from 5 seconds at all ranks to shorter duration at rank 1 like 4 seconds and longer level 16 to 6 seconds Maybe with my upgraded internet I could start streaming. I've mused over it. I think i might trigger chat though cause im so bad I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @foggedftw2 if u think one guy u really think he can 1v9 if his team braindead ! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat @Talllanvor I'll answer emails tomorrow @EmmyLeeC awesome, i litterally just sent it 60 seconds ago, its no problem at all i wanna play for awhile before embarassing myself @MidnightxPMC best kind of stream @foggedftw2 i Want to get coaching sesh with trynd but im on EUW? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opgs @teacrisis With my first 100$ i would buy a coaching xD @Fuxinaa hell naw !opggs foggedGift @foggedftw2 if you lose the challenge theres no more "#1 trynda world"youtube clickbait, so you gotta win did you change up your music taste? @EmmyLeeC thanks you !!! :) @MidnightxPMC :) You guys are the best!!!!!!!! @foggedftw2 @EmmyLeeC I dont remember you playing these chill ass songs @supaphil0 non copyright music @foggedftw2 when u coach one guy u think he is gonna 1v9 the game with 4 people braindead KEKW !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to @foggedftw2 what is that with the Cheating stuff? what did i miss ? :( Fogged are you going to hit masters today? !opggs i love how you work as a couple !playlist @EmmyLeeC Putting in some hardwork! @foggedftw2 why did you guys change the challenge? foggedYoda Win promos we must foggedYoda Are you telling us your have a relationship with your secretary outside of the work place? foggedDerp No Africa? Choleer subscribed at Tier 1. Choleer's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! s3xyMonkaS s3xyMonkaS s3xyMonkaS !rank I can make some music for you KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] Please! Don't Change This Great Music! hi fogged, how are you? bet going good? @foggedftw2 Can you coach on EUW? !opggs @foggedftw2 dude but isnt 100$ too cheap? like dont u make more by streaming? Where is blade at? fogged how are you ranked higher than tf blade when he has a better win/loss ratio Why does it take so long to find a game? LOL Becaus eTFBlade wanteed 2 cheat !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 Play ncs music on youtube Please better than this that makes us sleep !challenge !challenge Pog @teacrisis You're so amazing <3 Kekw @foggedftw2 how come tfblade cheating and you ok with it monkaW Gotta stay 1 division above TFBlade Pog !challenge !challenge !challenge !ranks Cause he was struggling. lmao Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [-----] (70-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) midnight? it's 3am here !challenge Check out my new merch! @foggedftw2 what are the new rules of the challenge? @seed999 losses at good or bad times e.g. during promos @foggedftw2 show spreadsheet so they understand how much you do for community @midnightxpmc damn I see yoy @Pwnerfox because he went from 600 avg views to 2.5k whats the challenge now? whats different? Coaching is his SIDE HUSTLE! LUL @foggedftw2 So there gonna be another challenge in next year? @foggedftw2 u really think if u coach one guy u think he is gonna 1v9 the game with 4 people braindead KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] ! how stupid is this... not being able copyrighted music? how else is it going to be advertised wtf @foggedftw2 PLay ncs youtube music on their channel non copy right sounds Affordable KEKW I wish maybe some ppl @foggedftw2 show spreadsheet so they understand how much you do for community what about 5 guys? LUL thats nothing lol who is winning? XD 100$ dont go to mcdank that is not affordable lol This guy went to college :i @aksin20122 Recently one of their songs got another youtuber striked because the sample wasn't copyright free @foggedftw2 Do u only coach tryna mains? meal plans are more expensive than ramen and mcdonalds I am college student can't even afford $50 hahah fogged making college students go homeless PepeHands are Qing up?? !opgg I would take coaching but can't afford FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 can you tell us a story about a coaching session? @RedNexsus1 all music has copyright, only that different kinds of cr. this "free" music is under CC probabplu. search google doing coaching brings more viewers also in a sense, making him more popular! @quote_if_in_queue_lul @foki_tv No any role, any champ any region !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !bet College students gets money White studying in Scandinavia so no problem :) poggftw2 thats really awesome of you man As a college student, $100 is disposable income for literally months Is attualized? you can pkay PENTAKILL stuff, that's free metal music man !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW trynding is continuing the Gift Sub they got from christopherwolf2002! foggedYoda @foggedftw2 are you on tcs? @BlueKickIfy hey you too? i'm in sweden right now @foggedftw2 ur a good guy, wish u the best in life dude^^ @trynding thanks man! <3 @foggedftw2 are yo gonna add conqueror to the spreadsheet? @elchoto88 i know but its still stupid in my opinion !rank bronze to gold in one season boys I go to a free college so I can't relate LUL KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] !king foggedYoda USE SPREADSHEET YOU CAN foggedYoda Link? !champ !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 u really think if u coach one guy u think he is gonna 1v9 the game with 4 people braindead KEKW :O !champs !champs @foggedftw2 wait so I can donate 50 and we will discord for a training session?? !champs !champs !champs Honestly a ton of respect for your business model, your niceness makes you a joy to watch !champs !champs !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !champs @foggedftw2 Does coaching have to be paid all at once? foggedYoda USE SPREADSHEET YOU CAN foggedYoda !champs WOW $100 is expensive but you're essentially teaching top level specialty stuff. You should be charging that much. !champs @EmmyLeeC TY pog! whats ur plan for keeping it up to date? @foggedftw2 DAT MECHANICS LUL Did you go to accounting school based on that spreadsheet @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 when the teemo guide KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king INTeresting means they’re inting? @foggedftw2 How much of that is gonna change with conq though? Even though what's on there now is still great and viable. @emmyleec Thank you How do we purchase a signed spreadsheet? lol jk looks like some exponential work was put into that though. foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS !king foggedFOGGERS thats amazing fogged! ty league frozen? @sj3ternity831 about 30+ hrs about the whole $100 not being affordable thing, if someone thinks its worth it then it is affordable for them if someone can't afford it they probably don't think its worth it @foggedftw2 is the sheet updated to 9.23 runes Okay thats some next level dedication to ur viewers @emmyleec did he/you/whoever made the spreadsheet go to accounting school or something lol? the spreadsheet is legit @foggedftw2 can you tell us a story from a coaching session what is to command for seeing the difference between tfblade and fogged atgain? @RedNexsus1 i agree, but it is what it is. The maket is based on the copyright bullshit. Some of us preffer that everyone can hear and reproduce your work !stats says to go fleet vs malphite, but you usually go conq now? @foggedftw2 So if i donate 50 we will discord and you will coach me? tyty! !champs @jcast_10 Yes Its outdated @Wabbyy_ !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Yea @Laxsuss thats how it works... -.- I feel like the spreadsheet command should be changed to ! freelo bc that's basically what it is xD Who is winning for now? @foggedftw2 you need to add senna to the list LUL kaisa isnt it Pantheon top? how do i gift my prime? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW how do you handle teemo tho KEKW @foggedftw2 banning him after that loss lol What did you ban below D2 @foggedftw2 If FBI get that dokument oh damn if it's cheaper it would open up the chance at there being too many people wanting to be coached @foggedftw2 In ur guide sheet, ur conq runes are mission! Will u put them in there soon? :D is there a link for the comparison between king acc and spin spin spin? how is the new challenge? @bluekickify cmonBruh OsirisWolf subscribed with Twitch Prime. OsirisWolf's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! senna top lane oof Apelios HahaShrugLeft HahaHide me being the teemo otp i gotta reverse engineer it to stop getting shit on by trynds @foggedftw2 HOw come TFBLADE diudnt play Tryn for a bunch of games @Laxsuss you just rightclick it to the death, teemo its a very soft target for trynd. Eventually you will kill him. Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! they spend 100s of dollars on Skins yet they can't afford a really intresting quide one of the best trynd otp in the world that can actually help them to improve LUL fuck yeh its the boi man senna is the squishiest champ next to yuumi gonna sub only cuz fogged is the reason I main trynd and got to gold elchoto88 aight we Q maxing then KEKW @Laxsuss pre 6 it's your best chance to get ahead tho KEKW kaisa top? wtf @abdarrahman321 I mean its still different to spend it all at once vs over months but yeah good point what does 50 dollars get me in training are you testing conqueror in every matchup now? what is this game This is league of legends wtf @Laxsuss you just walk ahead of him, until the blinds go, and right click him foggedYoda USE SPREADSHEET YOU CAN foggedYoda High End Gameplay adc in seasno 10 KEKW Syndra is bot wth Check out my new merch! draven mid syndra bot LUL pretty getting skins like legendary and such is round $30 for a skin KEKW what is going on next level strat uganda meta TriHard 500 iq strat KEKW RIVERPANTH These guys must watch TF Blade or something I think this pantheon just making your life better Wtf is going on @raeas you here man what is happening tfbPALM nubrac 2.0 River panth !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king pantheon gave up NA stuff tfbPALM oh, its NA he trolling zac ofc !king Well fuck, is it really Kaisa top? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !matchup Diamond II (Syndra) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Nautilus, Pantheon, Morgana) Master (Draven, Lee Sin, Fizz, Zac, Kai'Sa) panth is good against trynd what happend to him ? fleet and doran shield would help alot here NA Fiesta @foggedftw2 the zac player was a hots pro player and a astreamer !challemge Jebaited !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW season one? @foggedftw2 Dont worry, Panth is a Spirit Breaker player Pepega how do i give prime sub? foggedFiesta why not lanewap with draven? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups PogU Naut stun Pog how can one get unbanned for something they didnt mean to do @foggedftw2 Panth level 1 still lol foggedW @foggedftw2 What runes are you using? he just XD walked in top and a kill lmfao someone in tf blades chat gifted me a sub lol. talk about a waste of money LMAO guys best trynda build rn? its f*cking doinb why is syndra adc and draven mid? @2nd_page_of_google_search probably tf blade I GOT A SUUB he gifts 10 random ones all the time season 10 'bout to be better than S9 no D: What huh yes TCurt subscribed with Twitch Prime. TCurt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! just like in bronze, but they do it with intention behind :D !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! holy dude Tryndamare vs Aphelios CHAT? Danke für HahaShrugRight @tcurt. !elo Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @tcurt KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] @emmyleec so how many of his subs are legit lol? @EmmyLeeC I think Tfblade is going to win now :/ can tf play off champs any time tryn is banned or is it still only when hes in promos? @krimsin360 thank you kind stranger!!! why panth is permaban Trynda vs Aphelios? i walked into the kitchen what happened what's the advantage of triforce, essence reaver? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king everyone trolling this game!! what is going on this match XD @2nd_page_of_google_search it was on yt, like ~400 of 3400 are not gifted @SingeDeKorea trynd would win that, aphelios cant run This is the most ARAM game I've seen today @brainthewise 40cdr ms 12 kills at 5 mins @darkstar344 i mean if he does he does. he's not using trynd only so it literally doesn't matter LOL jesus How come TFBlade has a decent amount of games on other champions besides Tryndamere? Kaisa has 2 kills :-/ i think their entire team is roaming Trynda vs Trynda chat? KappaClaus HahaTurtledov Check out my new merch! 3 TPS? dude u need to carry my guy @foggedftw2 tf blade played jax, irelia, ryze and vlad.... trye true I mean, Pantheon doesn't need to be higher than level 3 KEKW HahaTurtledove @emmyleec if I change my twitch name to CLINT_eastwood would you be offended? look at the spelling really carefully !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king do you ever take tp with trynd? autofill? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW season one strat !king 3 kills Kaisa weroxN7 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Fiesta games is always good if you're throwing the party weroxN7's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! draven ANELE kaisa scale way hard too If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! why did he recall? he could have gotten another plate a control ward wouldve been nice with all the roams or not worth the gold ? @foggedftw2 I mean free farm is free farm lmao free gold wtf are they doing ? LUL Typical interseason Draven plug KEKW @foggedftw2 I love the trolling part in your guide LUL okay kaisa level 5? Kai'Sa KEKW ! !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: tryndaHeyGuys tryndaHeyGuys tryndaHeyGuys !rank Am i the only one who wishes for Sultan Tryndamere Chromas? KingOfTryndamere is Unranked imagine being kaisa and coming back to lane thinking you are allowed to play league of legends today @foggedftw2 do we discord during coaching for 50 dollars? !elo !elo Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedBaby @jcast_10 Yes foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king i think going for pushing is the best idea if they keep roaming like that @foggedftw2 what elo? Fizz scary RPGOops !king have you seen the chinese challenger trynd build? wingLewd wingGASM wingLewd wingGASM o please update ur matchup thing @dirtybird92 in promos for master @foggedftw2 is sanguine always good or only situational? Run randuins —> sunfire —> abyssal mask Well jg does have like no xp in it !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER this is NA for ya I feel they gonna win this !sanguine —> QSS what is kaisa doing ? NA Pog !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks @Singedproxyisop -> The bot commands for this channel are available at @teacrisis dude i trolled :) Only in NA doesnt get more for fun than this Pog tower under 10 nice what am I watching KEKW POG gameplay LMAO just afk auto top and watch ur team int seems like it lmao easiest first blood tower eveer @foggedftw2 zac is very tilted they are leaving you alone when people from foreign countries refer to foggeds build, do they refer to it as the NA Challenger trynd build? i that fizz getting real big what is trynds full build HahaCat !ranks Fogged: is Unranked | TFBlade: is Unranked NA man, NA @insaatcikolon !build that but no rageblade @KappaPridelover Thanks for the gift sub! unrank?? @LoLRankBot !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET how many gifted subs has teacrisis given out in their entire lifetime across all twitch channels? I think it means rank as in challenger !rank KingOfTryndamere is Unranked i only spend time in fogged/emmy streams !setup ^ D1 100 LP Blade D1 0 LP @blueberrypiie i always 1v5 my team cant win their lames so rageblade kinda good for 1v5 open top KEKW Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @teacrisis Dude i don't even. Like i havent played ranked in 4 years almost. Fogged is going to tilt off the face of the planet. Thank you man i really appreciate it AP bots are the norm now? i dont think they are looking to win tbh they aren't even taking plates bot :D @MidnightxPMC Any EU lads staying up late get herald again !opggs Panth level 6 KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Unranked dear corgi, what do i even And if players like this can hit masters we all can too chat @insaatcikolon Depends a lot on team comp. "default one" is Zerkers, ER, IE, Triforce, Hydra, pen item @viewbot_04 me probably get duo herald trust draven to keep the game afloat while you backdoor life oi Sheellllyyyy noooo !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !matchup Diamond II (Syndra) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Nautilus, Pantheon, Morgana) Master (Draven, Lee Sin, Fizz, Zac, Kai'Sa) @teacrisis like- i use to main viegar, malz, and vel'koz. I am bad lee sin pop off $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !specs @foggedftw2 is tryn good for climing for a first timer? sounds like its going to be a fun time hehe Kaisa level 6 (!!!!) vs your level 10 @i8ursoup pretty sure blade is D1 0 LP i will improve. and defeat all my foes foggedWeeb !eki @emmyleec whats his gpu Kaisa lvl6 bizzleSoraka !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] how do i see the excel sheet? foggedRightArm midnight u dont even play halo with us how will you improve BibleThump !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs !guide Complete Tryndamere guide thanks @Vyse_Hex Yes, thats what i wrote :) @Gonthorian no xbox live and i have no need toreboy games i have on xbox for steam Check out my new merch! lmao fogged team impressions are hilarious kapp why did the tryn chall get rescheduled? Kapp Blade actually thinks he’s better than this guy !computer Team player and trynd player doesnt go togethe r if u get mcc for xbox one its free on pc too @MidnightxPMC Essence reaver first back lol does anyone know what a 50 dollar coaching session gets why dont we spin laugh anymore? !e !king KEKW @afshinima TF gave up, he's playing Jax now LUL !spin Riot has removed the spin cancel animation foggedRIP BM Spin KEKW nice team player Pog you levelled e LUL @Vyse_Hex thats cool too bad 40% of his last 10 games arent trynd :) foggedYoda @nosession it's intentional !ult @nosession "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1132 times! I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here save the nauti boy !R Level Ult Last - HAHAHA LUL KEKW kaisa KEKW oof this kaisa... this Naut is good @nosession you dont level ult as trynd !opggs lmao...that Kaisa lol\ LOL ADC KEKW LUL LETS GO FOGGED MMR is probably somewhere through the stratosphere sorry i read that part wrong KEKW my bad @i8ursoup wow this game looks too free free win Pog NA master you need to say Kappa naut pog Straight up trolling does anyone know what a 50 dollar coaching session gets me tells a lot about NA soloq :D Nautilus is clean This is the top of NA? KEKW Oh its fixed Thank you! @Vyse_Hex no worries i figured :) NA in a nutshell NA masters i guess Pre season Good supp player When I’m in promos I get the enemy teams You’re welcome @raeas thank emmy as well its fun to watch doe iron players are 5Head what happends when tfblade doesnt play trynd in his games rank! Honestly worse than iron lol is ST1CKER stixxay? just saw the D1 100 LP blade KEKW @i8ursoup !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW time to steal red just take red from Kaisa now! :D !opggs ! !op.ggs Thank you Emmy can't @ u dont know what ur name is @Gonthorian I do have that- well my mother does anyway. Check out my new merch! syndra freefarming its emmyleec !uptime 5 hours 33 minutes no rift tho @foggedftw2 is tryn good for climing for a first timer? 3 TPS and no objectives lol Draven KEKW Fogged livin' that baller shot caller life lol muslim pilot is my favorite KEKW its true though foggedThink is he in promos? !uptime 5 hours 33 minutes 38 seconds !challenge DEUS VULT If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW tryndamare vs jax? yes wait, we;ve seen muslim pilot before on stream infernal soul will be so op foggedYoda USE SPREADSHEET YOU CAN foggedYoda Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups pretty sure the draven subreddit memes about being basically ISIS or something Merc scim though draven 4Head !cannon tgo3333 296 packets have been lost foggedREE @foggedftw2 is sanguine blade available on tryn or situational? OH SHIT ITS MUSLIM PILOT LOL !challenge !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER !sanguine @RexNexus mr fogged OSFrog @Raeas NP! not sure what happened probably just got jumbled together !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [-----] wtf is muslim pilot?? !opggs !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king PHEW that crit Morg? GG KEKW GG Ez Gg Is fogged streaming in a higher quality than normal today? The stream looks unusually crisp/sharp compared to normal. EZ NA KEKW gg!!1 easyyy morg got deleted holy FishMoley EZ Clap the fuck was that damn, this is worse than my silver games! fogged what do u think of vi? conqueror is really broken i hope you win, you deserve this foggedFOGGERS LULW that was funny foggedFOGGERS Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! GG EZ Clap You make it look so easy ez pz fogged just extra sharp today :) anyone know what rank TF is rn @foggedftw2 do u pay off these people @foggedftw2 is tryn good for climing for a first timer? Against who you like to take conq? but how are you getting trynd each game they told me its impossible EleGiggle foggedYoda win all the promos we will foggedYoda @foggedftw2 I smell the $$$ that's the high elo right there NA so ez that was really low quality game LUL where tf blade homies EZ Clap !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [-----] (70-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: any primers? why are you letting tf blade play champions other than trynd ? but how are you getting trynd each game they told me its impossible EleGiggle so basically, you know how when ur in ur promos league likes to pit you against thebest of the best, well this is their POV and ur on the shit team any gifters? @foggedftw2 DO WE DISCORD FOR THE 50 DOLLAR COACHING JDuck1337 subscribed with Twitch Prime. foggedYoda i think they need to take out the healing from conquerer, and just bring back it to be like frvor of battle JDuck1337's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge @Matungus depends , what rank are you foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !king @foggedftw2 is sanguine blade good or situational or hell no? foggedYoda EmmyLeeC damn throwing shade foggedYoda PRIME foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !opggs @jcast_10 I've answered you 3 times v0oidW foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda Easy games master promos are foggedYoda I was gifted a sub out of nowhere :o Thanks @dwhite12310 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 do u like the Mandalorian series ? :D foggedYoda Sub We Must foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Gifted foggedGift foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda sorry. i dont sub or donate . @foggedftw2 Hey fogged fingers crossed for ya!!! foggedYoda foggedGift foggedYoda foggedGift First time in your stream after watching a heap of your youtube vids orbWave pls update you guide soon fogged =) but how are you getting trynd each game they told me its impossible EleGiggle foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda HahaLean HahaDoge LUL foggedYoda Sub You Must foggedYoda DO WE DISCORD FOR THE 50 DOLLAR COACHING Lol @foggedftw2 did you know that tf blade playing other champs KEKW genius schuvie subscribed with Twitch Prime. enjoy it schuvie's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! time to wait him out snipe him and ban trynd LUL Wow this is really smart foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedYoda why dont u take cdr rune then u dont need to take trinty? @jcast_10 IVE ANSWERED YOU SO MANY TIMES PLEASE LISTEN TO ME Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @schuvie @foggedftw2 DO WE DISCORD FOR THE 50 DOLLAR COACHING Yoda said i must sub GG delaying next search ^^ In Sub we can Fogged stop being a liar. a rank 1 player told me thats not possible. !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] @foggedftw2 sanguine blade legit? @jcast_10 YES YOU DISCORD @foggedftw2 Why is the challenge rescheduled im still stuck on the conspiricy that tfblade is trying his best to get trynd banned do i get a sub SUB OR SUFFER THE RATH OF BABY YODA foggedGift foggedGift bruh by not having delay HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @foggedftw2 what do you think of Vi? How good/bad is she? Can u play her top? LETS SEE HOW MANY SUBS WE CAN GET WHILE FOGGED'S GONE D: !sanguine D: foggedYoda Sub, you must foggedYoda Kappa lmao asd Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER Kappa @Gonthorian stop lying. im gonna send baby yoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedHappy joke's on him, I already spent my prime TheFlipcyde is continuing the Gift Sub they got from Frazzlol! aight shit imma gead out then don't wanna ruin the sub vibe FeelsBadMan Lol high expectations XD 3.5k viewers here lmao sub me boiss why dont u take cdr rune then u dont need to take trinty? ANY GIFTERS? ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Im broke pepehands do sub only mode @DCannne kappa well I GUESS foggedYoda SUB YOU MUSTfoggedYoda People TFblade dont play other champs he just play on other acc after he has to dodge :( foggedLewd thats 1 @foggedftw2 GIFT ME lmao gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa @xqlusivelast gerard quiet in the presence of lord baby yoda foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda neever lucky man But i dont have money to sub TF Blade is a joke Gift you must! We must spread the word of foggedYoda !! subberinoo who watches that trash TFBlade is certainly purposely getting tryn banned with 0 delay @thebosslevel just like he expects every to be a sub I expect to have a twitch Carrier 🤣 @Neferlance Oh yeah? LOL check out his LUL v0oidW v0oidW v0oidW v0oidW SUB YOU MUST @DCannne everyone in the chat is a sub then Kappa that star trek emote is cool foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda Beat the cheater we must foggedYoda foggedYoda Sub You Must foggedYoda foggedYoda is challenge changed or not? @holygunz I do Kappa forsenHobo any gifters forsenHappy where is he SMOrc @emmyleec Why is the challenge rescheduled @Gonthorian ik ga nu ook trynd spelen XD. was top geplaatst foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW LULW a cheater never loses !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] (71-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) foggedLewd foggedYoda foggedGasm !challenge tf blade we trust Fogged 71-18, TFBlade 70-18 (Trynd stats only) insane how close it really is. Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! they amount of blue essence matches its owner xD Played against this jax who started q KEKW i got first blood KEKW Kappa Emmy is fogg your husband ? foggedYoda Defeat TFBlade, we must foggedYoda SMOrc SUB YOU MUST GIFT ME SMOrc !challenge Youthstarcraft subscribed with Twitch Prime. Youthstarcraft's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opggs foggedLewd THAT'S 2 foggedYoda exposed, is fake trynd main foggedYoda yikes he's so fast me @FunkyJazzMan its the 1/3 rule kinda every time ratirlPepe foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda j I can't sub D: foggedYoda listen to emmy we do not foggedYoda foggedYoda listen to emmy we do not foggedYoda !challenge Queues frozen If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedYoda listen to emmy we do not foggedYoda Yeah fogged how about you play full ap cho again, that was hilarious as fuck @foggedftw2 why dont u take cdr rune then u dont need to take trinity? Check out my new merch! XDDDDDDd !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king girlfriend? more like wifu foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedW foggedW foggedW foggedW yeah DOOD listen 50IQ LUL foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda 🤣🤣🤣🤣 foggedYoda LISTEN foggedYoda TO foggedYoda EMMY foggedYoda listen to emmy we do not foggedYoda tfbBuddy in fogged we trust @EmmyLeeC Thanks for un timeing me out bot did it cuz i skipped an ad or something must of i barely type this chat trolling foggedLewd foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda aemtox subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! aemtox's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! No subs ; ) foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedFrog SPAM THIS FROG TO HELP OUT FOGGED foggedFrog foggedYoda rippo no baby yoda feelsbadman !champs foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: foggedFrog is the challenge still active? HahaReindeer HahaReindeer HahaReindeer HahaReindeer @sj3ternity831 thanks <3 foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt My favorite subs are Meatball for the record LUL foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog Do i get a Mic boom emote? Keepo foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda trueeee foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog HahaDoge foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog HahaLean any gifters ? ratirlBusiness ratirlGift foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda YODA EMOTE?!?! foggedFrog Pog @UnstoppableWog Oh Thanks VoHiYo foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda @foggedftw2 why dont u take cdr rune then u dont need to take trinity? foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedPepega foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda northernlite1 is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pacoso90! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AquietYasuo! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mitchthefrighteningfridge! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zomg_aFirefighter! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to morfinpanton! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wernae! northernlite1's Gift shared rewards to 100 others in Chat! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to M0NTANA4kT! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MindCrusherXx! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CavemanConquer! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarudeSandstrum! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Megabite87! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RnB__! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ajchii! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tmpoac! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HordeWargasm! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Future_Faded! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Disney_Reject! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to esbon205! northernlite1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sfdsgdrrewas! foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 did u know tf blade cheating? foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfb5 foggedFrog foggedWurf foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 your queue is frozen again bro could u react to mk11 fatal blows?? Woah Hey fogged whass up? holy PagChomp HOLY SHIT damn me POG foggedFrog FOG FROG POG foggedFrog Pog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Pog foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedUlt Pog foggedYoda foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedYoda Thanks for the HahaDreidel @northernlite1 POG DODGED Pog foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL HOLY WTF foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedGift @northernlite1 <3 foggedGift foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Thanks for the HahaDoge @northernlite1 oh wow never me feelsbaman PogChamp pog 20 sub @northernlite1 radiantSmile POGGERS foggedFOGGERS gift KEKW FeelsBadMan foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda fog woah me hift me Danke für HahaShrugRight @northernlite1. foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedftw2 this going crazy o hype! Me no sub sad:((( @Tipable yes pepega foggedYoda !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @northernlite1 foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedFOGGERS HahaThink Dodge skills on point tfbUnlucky tfbUnlucky tfbUnlucky pog DODGE AGANE? THIS IS RIGGED KEKW 1 Pog shit is popping off! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda feelsbadman :) dogded lol PogU foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedFrog best Yoda emote ever KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SeemsGood Takk for HahaDreidel, @northernlite1 why not me sub check Pog CrashOmega1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. f c Pog CrashOmega1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift road to challenger less then 100 games played ??? !gift I dodged at least 6-8 times pepeHands foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift tarzPog fogg gift !opggs foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedYoda Beast you are foggedYoda @northernlite1 foggedYoda thnx for the sub foggedYoda @northernlite1 danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect danucdRespect PepeHanss foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift pog !gift Pog wht can i do to get lucky pog FoggedGift rip mr foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP must be a ninja, always dodge PepeHands foggedGift ez dodge DODGED DODGE EZ foggedGift !subhype POG foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedFiesta foggedFiesta 1 MORE SUB foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedgift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift gift D: F i never get the gifted subs xD sub me Worth foggedYoda foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedFiesta foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift ... ratirlMangoS yo yo foggedGift Pog Wow !followage coachme Hey @foggedftw2 you should not use earplugs, they are very bad for your ear. Use headphones instead. (the more healty its to use speakers ofc) LUL foggedFrog FOG FROG POG foggedFrog >d skullcyber354565 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 5 months, 1 week, 16 hours, 59 minutes, 53 seconds ME ME ME GIFT ME Mathiasped subscribed with Twitch Prime. foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift Mathiasped's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Et180034 subscribed with Twitch Prime. hype SUB YOU MUST COACHME !foggedgift no sry i dont need them i need your right arm KEKW Et180034's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB Go get em! foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift we can do it !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird I want this coaching session so bad :) ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda sub you gift Keepo we need 1 moar COACHME :C wow COACHME ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness COACHME COACHMEJ !subhype Sub u foggedHappy COACHME Kapp ty for the gift SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood VoHiYo COACHME foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda best streamer COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy foggedHappy ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME Well the thing is TF Blade is playing Jax, so no posting fogged ult in his chat COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR COACHMEe COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !COACHME COACHME How are today's games been? COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME a COACHME PLS COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda foggedFOGGERS COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedFOGGERS COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME HAHA foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COAHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CHOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME HunturdxD subscribed with Twitch Prime. COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME HunturdxD's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME HAHA COACHME COACHME foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACH-HIM COACHME COACHME COACHME Sub u tfbHmm tfbHmm tfbHmm COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME HAHA COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHYOU COACHME COACHMECOACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme foggedYoda Win this coaching you can foggedYoda CHOACHME PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACH TF BLAD Coachme ? COACHME Via chi ne COACHME COACHME COACHME HAHA COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME CHOACHMECHOA hehe hells no im not getting blamed for players going blind COACHYOU COACHYOU coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME COACHME COAHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda COACHME DONTCOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME CUDDLEMETOO COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHYOU COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME COA COACHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME if I win that's gonna be the best trynd coach I can ever get COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH YOU KAPPA COACHME COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @northernlite1 Thanks a lot for the sub gift! foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda twithcprime COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird COACHME COACHMECOACHME DONT CAOCH ME COACHME COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHE COACHME 1V1ME<3 Sellout is so extreme LUL COACHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda COACHME COACHME foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME FeelsWeirdMan COACH coachme COACHME COACHME COACHER COACHMECOACHME C:\Users\User\Desktop\DARK-SOULS-III_nosTEAM-repack.r00 COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CONCHETUMARE COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH COACHME COACHME foggedYoda Sub You Must foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, COACHME COACHME !prime COACHME foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp COACHME foggedGift COEACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME ADOPTME COACH BUDDY COACHME COACHME Check out my new merch! COACHEME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME !twitchprime COACHME Yes! Did you know that you can subscribe to Foggedftw2 with twitch prime? All you need to do is link your amazon prime account to your twitch account to get a free subscription. Use your twitch prime on Foggedftw2 today! foggedFOGGERS COACHME COACHME have you heard of twitch prime? COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Gracias por el HahaLean, @northernlite1. COACHME COACHME MY RIGHT ARM IS A LOT STRONGER THAN MY LEFT ARM COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, you will foggedYoda foggedYoda COACHME, COACHME COACH COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 looking cute today COACHME COACHME COACHME !subscribe COACHME COACHME subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH COACHMECOACHME this sellout xdddd coachme COACHME COACHME lets go asdsadad !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME elevator music Pog COACHME foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !CHALLENGE If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME foggedYoda CUDDLE ME YOU MUST foggedYoda @foggedftw2 COACHM COACHEM COACHME COACHME 71-18??? COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME IM STRESSING COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COATCHME COACHME ADOPTME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHM COACHMECOACHME COACHME 3.4k views you rocking tonight ratirlChilling ratirlChilling COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME SMELLME COACHME COACHME 71-18 COACHME COACH COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @EmmyLeeC does he have a cuddle giveaway too? Kappa COACHME foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHM PogU COACHME COACHME coachme foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACH COACHME COACHME @mate6868 it is exclusive for me foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME please COACHMECOACHME COACHME XDDDDDDDDDd CUDDLE SESSION COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHM Lol too cute COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME @foggedftw2 me too? COACHME COACHME COACHM COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 1v1 me tryn ill show you whats up COACHME COACHME foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YOU WILL foggedYoda COACHME foggedYoda YO COACHME COACHME COACHME cute CUDDLEME How much COACHME COACHME cuddle session? CUDDLE SESSION IN THE EDIBLE CARDBOARD foggedLewd COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME COACHME cuddle with emmy you must foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda CUDDLEME CUDDLEME COACHME COACHMEC COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedEmmy COACHME COACHME. COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME 71-18 COACHME rigged COACHME COACHME foggedPepega COACHME COACHME Lucky naked cuddling RIGGED COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME CUDDLEME FOR A CHANCE TO CUDDLE Fuck yeah all night COACHME MEEE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CUDDLEME rooCry COACHME Cuddle session SoBayed weirdChamp COACHME COACHME COACHME GRRR COACHMECOACHME COACHME foggedYoda CUDDLEME foggedYoda coachme COACHME COACHME !followage COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 is emmy coaching you on cuddling Show emmy foggedEmmy COATCHME CUDDLEME SUBME $1000 FOR CUDDLEME SESSION twicegravity has been following foggedftw2 for 2 years, 4 months, 6 days, 9 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME one time is enough guys FailFish COACHME COACHME !challenge COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !emmy foggedHappy COACH ME CUDDLE TECHNIQUES COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PLZ foggedRightArm foggedRightArm COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMME PLS COACHME !twitter If I don’t win, giveaway is racist against diabetics COACHME COACHME COACHME @voctrhgo foggedYoda SPAM THEY MUST foggedYoda COACHME COACHME COACHME EEE COACHME COACHME COACHME FOGGEDFTW2 COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME T teacrisis has won the giveaway. COACHME COACHME COACHME ASD COACHME i fell bad for entering COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME uh oh XD COACHME my weirdChamp is a lot stronger than your weirdChamp yall really need the help Pog Teacrisis !ranks COACHME XIACGME COACHME COACHME Pls COACHME Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] (71-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) wait COACHME COACHME OR CUDDLEME @teacrisis CONGRATS!!!! RIGGED COACHME COACHME !challenge COACHME If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !RIGGED RIGGED foggedREE COACHME C COACHME @teacrisis COACHME Anti Spam monkaW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME RIGGED DansGame COACHME COACHME Gg coach me typed 5k times only 2.5k viewers only 300 people typed RIGGED IF THIS ISNT RIGGED NOTHING IS !build RIGGED CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET RIGGED COACHME COACHME B Karma @teacrisis foggedGift LMAO COACHME foggedThink this is rigged RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED COACHME RIGGED WHAT COACHME COACHME RIGGEDD RIGGED RIGGED rigged foggedRIGGED !challenge wait he's not a sub? WHAT THE CRAP SCAMMED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED COACHME RIGGED rigged HAHAH COACHME RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED COACHME RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt rIGGED foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby GG he needs it GG @teacrisis said I can have his coaching!!!!! @foggedftw2 SO DAMN RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED GG GG @teacrisis gts with the coaching SCRIPTED foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS MAFIA MAFIA FAKE RIGGED !uptime SO RIGGED RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt 5 hours 45 minutes 28 seconds foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedRIGGED foggedRIGGED foggedRIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED @teacrisis You aren't subbed? How many have you gifted? Tf blade s gonna pay @Northernlite1 Thank you! My First Gift! coach me RIGGED lol foggedPepega RIGGED foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED foggedYoda IT IS foggedYoda RIGGED RIGGED lol FAKE POLL WAIT WHO WON cause theres an ad playing for me lol !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. wow Pog LUL Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor RIGGEDD RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedREE RIGGED foggedTilt foggedThink is he not even supped? 700 gifted subs WHAT ? RIGGED 3,5k on subs LUL @teacrisis you re a beast PAYBACK PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Gift to win Rigged!!!!! teacrisis is made of money Well deserved lol everyone rigged haha COACHME since may 2019 xD COACHME Its because he's VIP yikes POG RIGGED RIGGED sfhKEK foggedFOGGERS i'm a newbie foggedFOGGERS KILLME @teacrisis Poggers well deserved papaoHolmes most gifted subs and subbed KEKW foggedRIGGED Scammed Chat :/ KILLME :C Gg sub with 709 gifted sub 10000000000% deserved it Can you upload coaching? RIGGED Does he get 700x3 Luck? Give that man a CUDDLEME session while you are at it @foggedftw2 That’s not karma it is math.. and not subbed foggedRNG foggedRNG @teacrisis ABSOLUTE LEGEND. He is rich !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to LETS GO @teacrisis MY MAN $3,500 POGGERS @Chech0 n o u We saw the whole stuff chat how rigged WeirdChamp still no sub :( @teacrisis Gratz, u deserve it Emmy handed me the link and i dont know what to do foggedTilt @teacrisis what a Legend ! @teacrisis favorite tea?! take apicture from him! oh shit thats $3500? he paid over 3.5k for a free coaching sesh.... WORTH foggedYoda foggedFrog foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedFrog ??????? !followage Sanguine blade is viabable on trynda? TheGreatShroomo has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 4 months, 11 hours, 22 minutes, 19 seconds 72'18 cuddle session giveaway when? LEGEND !!! I HOPE I WATCH YOUR CHACHING MAN, GJ ! @teacrisis ay, can you gift that coach as well Kappa GZ He must love this stream that much O.O <3 @sj3ternity831 matcha Teacrisis is the only reason I can play games in comfort <3 @foggedftw2 you missed donation @teacrisis bro give me this coach and i will suck your toes KEKW bro could u react to mk11 fatal blows?? !sanguine @migalhao eu vou ao ginásio Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedProf 71-18 :D @EmmyLeeC 4:20 yeah @migalhao no @teacrisis go 710 gifted for me xd new emote POGGERS TF BLADE LAST 10 GAMES... Tryndamere 33% (2W 4L) 2 KDA foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 THE QUEUE IS FROZEN!! !song @foggedftw2 i mean, you have to do this coaching live! Keepo foggedCD Pog @foggedftw2 When you take conqueror? can you explain !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to 46 more subs letss goo @foggedftw2 Why is the challenge rescheduled !prime foggedREE SUBSCRIBE foggedFOGGERS WITH foggedTilt PRIME foggedDerp TF blade is only playing 50% of games on trynd lmao @AirborneAce àits an overlay ;) @foggedftw2 tf blade playing irelia and jax is that legal ? i feel like foggedCD would rarely be applicable on this channel :/ @AirborneAce its hidden for sniping Ok cheers @TrangoTower Truth might as well be a best toplaner challenge 420 blazeit lol HAHAHAHA foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER WE MUST foggedYoda COACHME @Peacover and ryze btw tf not playing trynd oh no My bad OMG QUEUE IS FROZEN Pepega KEKW !emmy foggedHappy I fell for that yesterday !rank its always 4:20, smart screen KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] Jebaited :O !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 do u smoke weed ? 4:20 Stay Blazed moon2CD ? @foggedftw2 u really think the one guy u gonna coach him he is gonna 1v9 the game with 4 braindead people ? Keepo what about foggedRIGGED? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 Hello hahahahahahahahahah idk how fogged never get to play other champ, weird Yep, me neither. No idea. None. Nope. Not a clue. ye who that could be Kappa But frozen right @foggedftw2 are trying to tell us something? 💿 Spam it on blades channel after you win the bet lmao !ranks !opggs Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] (71-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) and vlad btw Kappa foggedCorgi TF blade got invaded bsing you in PMs earlier today I luaghed so hard i peed a lil @D3rkNess he had a guy go from bronze 3 to plat in one season after coaching. So yes. everyday someone falls for the queue frozen thing Imagine trying to out Tryndamere the Trynd God? Blade is clearly a man with iron nuts or his ambitions are much bigger than his resolve lol 420 CoolStoryBob 🔫 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔫 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 8521 🥈) hampmedle : 5509 🥉) jocnitro : 5203 4) l4s5i : 5048 5) soor_ice : 2892 why win is divided by loss but 18 is substracted from 70 foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink Where could i spam feels good to be a sub no ads xd Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedftw2 gifted a Tier 1 sub to baratolo__! foggedftw2's Gift shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedYoda DON'T TRY. DO. OR DO NOT. foggedYoda @teacrisis dude gift me sub for 710 xd Pog OH SHEEET gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa cooldown, rush it you will uwu @foggedftw2 Change the wins on the screens they are 71 POGGERS foggedFOGGERS @northernlite1 thanks a lot for the sub gift! foggedGift Sub to the Best Trynd on Earth!!!!! legend OWO @foggedftw2 do u watch the Mandalorian ? :D me dumb me no get hint l !opggs HahaThisisfine Subliminal messages are telling me to sub I think? PogChamp foggedSMOrc nice @EmmyLeeC yeah but cmon every game can be lost with 4 braindead people i dont need it actually i ga :) but i love fog what if im broke university student :( Thanks for the HahaSleep @teacrisis @baratolo__ make sure to pay ti forward !king BibleThump so nice foggedYoda say mannnn-uh you will foggedYoda @Gonthorian @foggedftw2 oh btw, what did you think of taking conq vs Malphite instead of fleet? Did ya like it? I missed most of that game sadly. @foggedftw2 its 71/18 why does this music sound like someones shaking a pill bottle THANK YOU MR STREAMER yo @foggedftw2 how are the games going spellyman101 subscribed at Tier 1. holyguHOLYGUNZMansome holyguHOLYGUNZMansome do you ever do live game coaching? spellyman101's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @AceRocola monkaS lol fogged just gift everyone a sub so you can have your new emote 4Head @foggedftw2 what is the usuql q time? Clap F A HUNTER Clap foggedYoda so kind you are foggedYoda foggedYoda SUB - YOU MUST @foggedftw2 Change the wins they are 71 instead of 70 so many legends here Pog how long is the queue? Amazon Prime is reduced for college students and can link to Twitch for Prime!!!!!! !ranks Clap Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] (71-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) CLAP Clap Clap nice waw claps Clap Clap Pog Gift Sub for him! Clap Clap CLAP CLAP Clap Clap Pog foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS clap Clap fa hunter <3 *clap* you're awesome POGGERS CLAP clap clap Clap Clap Clap Pog foggedFOGGERS foggedUlt foggedUlt Clap foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Clap Clap Clap Clap clap clap <3 <3 <3 <3 clap clap Clap ez clap Clap Clap Clap FA HUNTER!!!!!! You da Man Someone give me sub pls clap Clap clap Clap that's actualy pretty cool of him Pog Clap CLAP clap clap clap clap Clap Clap Clap wingGASM wingLewd wingGASM wingLewd wingGASM wingLewd Clap Clap clap clap Clap Clap foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi Clap nicest boy Clap FA HUNTER RESPECT Clap clap clap clap dayum Clap POGGERS FAHUNTER SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedRNG foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedWeeb blap foggedFOGGERS Clap Clap !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king F clap !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW sub him np man !follow !king it's me :) @EmmyLeeC tf blade played jax and irelia is that legal ? but we need his twitch handle foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby *slow clap* Claps he took a bullet for you!!! tfbUp Check out my new merch! Damn, that is Soooo nice of him! klappa @Peacover Yes why tfblade played irelia ? clap VIP HIM But probly not cute as foggedYoda of course my screen freezes after i donate @revzics Its you? Pog good man foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda let's sing something do 1 v 1s :D @EmmyLeeC how? !opggs watch daily dose of internet @foggedftw2 Laptop @Peacover 4Head 4Head @foggedftw2 oh btw, what did you think of taking conq vs Malphite instead of fleet? Did ya like it? I missed most of that game sadly. Do you ever do coaching for playing a live game? foggedYoda Sub You Must foggedYoda Marbles on steam since you allowed tfblade to play jax in promos arent you allowed as well? Watch TFBlade VOD and analyze mistakes !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 do a 1 v 1 with a good sub! TF blade every promos with other champs yikes blade ask them to dodge for him and they troll him KEKW play wow One Punch Man draw fights ? KEKW isnt FA hunter an OCE nunu player? anime :) I usually touch myself Tryndamere for gripex pepeJAM DANGER NOODLE trkKiss trkKiss trkKiss @foggedftw2 If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! chat likes to talk to streamer @kelleghan POG azzap is insane You just need to be yourself man whats that song in the background? @foggedftw2 links the vel koz stream ratirl? LUL KEKW trick has a stack of broken keyboards??? @aicy1 just business ratirlBusiness Some CocaIN and you get to that level KappaHD azzap streamed like a hour ago worlds worst mid laner KEKW playing against bots, this ryze ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness LUL @kelleghan kekw any businessmen? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness HeyGuys have you seen trick's keyboards? KEKW karasmCry -20 LULW he just logged off @foggedftw2 Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! PRRRRR 3Head ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Archlion99 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Archlion99's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @foggedftw2 its 1am at azzaps country now Hello Thanks for the HahaSleep @archlion99 whats up yeah Thanks for the HahaSweat @archlion99 Tobias Pog LOL foggedYoda !ranl !opggs KEKW foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda TRUE KEKW KEKW REKT OOF KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] He shuts down HASH so often @foggedftw2 I LOVE TOBITO LMAO LUL Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! AATROX DEALS NO DAMAGE LUL oh no no no KEKW Triple Anal Bead!!!! why no fullscreen? Taco is awesome Taco HYPERS MIKYX? Taco honestly my 2nd favorite streamer :ike ikeepitLOVERBOI @foggedftw2 what do you actually think of aatrox and his 3hp5 at level 1 Check out my new merch! @Tabriel013 what are you talking about hes op! i think they should get rid of his ultimate entirely! MiniK !king kekw why no taco yes KEKW 0.3 @foggedftw2 Did u see Sion Top with smite? Being fed af doesn’t count as an outplay imo 5k hp at min 25 Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @hireath aatrox has second lowest hp5 in the game early game darius has a lot too I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here tryn has the highesthealth at lvl 1 yasuo mispolay ryze KEKW yeah.... Yeah the fed clips aren't as cool fed ryze outplays ResidentSleeper @bl4ack0ut darius has highest early regen lol HE QEQEQEQ POGGERS foggedUlt foggedUlt pepeLaugh foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt 10.5 or so LAN Pepega Ryze -10 dmg next patch its ok how did that get on synapse KEKW take back the like rooPog I see this in every other silver game weirdChamp filler clip FeelsBadMan KEKW thats why we need to duo in iron TriHard POGGERS foggedFOGGERS haha smurfing in lan KEKW !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] @chrusherofevil well he's tied at level 1. Vi is higher level 2 why would he have 109 ping on lan smuring in lan Xddd that mf ult was fast ratirlWot wasnt it? @bl4ack0ut ik, aatrox lvl 10 health regen is darius at lvl 10 LUL 1* Hello chat and fogged so troll flash Yep flahsed into it lel wasn't that terrible flash the point of the clip? Sirchez Pog !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] @foggedftw2 Do you know why sichez and trick don't duo no more? i meeean pyke missed 2 autos TF CHANGING CARDS HAHA Dekar Pog Check out my new merch! He goes Grasp then builds crit yeah he do both builds scrubnoob > dekar, just sayin !uptime 6 hours 3 minutes 24 seconds Watch Scrubnoob for high elo dull dmg rengar plays. He's THE god of rengar. @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 What do you think of the upcoming Diana rework sword of the occult dekar FeelsBadMan dekar > Scrubnoob !tfblade ? @foggedftw2 Keep it up. they duo'ed the other day tho @foggedftw2 Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups they do now and then, sirchez plays late night when trick gets off usually Yeah sirhcez is my night shift stream It’s sir H C easy +12 !challange this part of the vid is cringe !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW You gonna play in TCS challanger rengar euw - RengarJones. Plays only oneshot build LULW LUL dekar is on right now Scrub Noob is so toxic, i unfollowed him put him he still is way better than dekar LUL KEKW yeah his microphone is on his keyboard oh ok Dekar is such a prick @foggedftw2 do you think Scrubnoob is better than Dekar or do they just play a diff style of rengar scrub is very toxic when something doesnt go right but hes still a rengar god KEKW who is scrub noob? lmao thinking words = toxic Yeah he's super toxic. Even though most of the time Scrub is right, he's trying to project his 1,000lp challenger mentality onto players that are masters at best or low challenger. You know? @foggedftw2 scrubnoobs the best rengar in world Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! is he in Q dekar is like a balloon filled with pride what did i just join in on? !uptime 6 hours 5 minutes 52 seconds hi im coconut is more fun scrub is 100% better than dekar true What’s tf blades rank now? @foggedftw2 watch randomville toast toast toast toast lol Pianta has some pretty funny league content too Toast no they got toast toast disguised coach Kappa toast me jokerd6Gold OMEGALUL Toast is it that hard to learn a couple more champs to play on a decent level? toast was the coach indeed Yes YES IT DOUES does* sorry YES I like Dekar better, waaay better @foggedftw2 LOL since earlier when TF threw his legos he has played just as many non trynd games as trynd games.... TRU I still think you should have made him pay up yeah but dekars rengar isnt as fun imho this grasp top hourglass crap goddamn facts scrub is very toxic in chat but he talks so chill LUL I thnk Dekar is better mechanically, but Scrub is an actual prodigy at enemy jungle tracking/destroying the enemy jungler Yeah Scrub is super toxic. Even though most of the time Scrub is right, he's trying to project his 1,000lp challenger mentality onto players that are masters at best or low challenger. You know? Dekar hardstuck Scrubnoob making challenger like it’s nothing holy J4 !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks @Adil9541 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Well i rather watch you than Boxerpete cause ur better Kappa does that gosu ai have anything to do with the actual gosu? SMOrc Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! BROXAH SMOrc Holy @SimLeo2401 1000lp baby lol Lmao NA mentality where mean words hurt feelings KEKW baratolo__ no eu Pog EU > NA HE;S IN TL 9k or something he had 6k last I saw Broxah is NA now Kappa 7k LUL hes pretty popular Broxah is a BEAST he bulls 8k if i0m not wring 5-6k lasyt time i check @foggedftw2 t1 is not that goodd but he got the most viewers though LOL Broxah is NA broxah is NA now BilbeThump 6'5" btw :) LUL this sjoks is fire broxah gets a lot wait what Kappa latex SJOKZ KEKW SNAKE fit for ? KEKW LUL broxah has like 10K what do u mean ??? LUL LUL LUL video is kinda quiet small boy 6'5 he joined TL just joined this stream from suggestions, it was ether this or Hashinshin, im sorry you're in the same suggestion as him lmao. now he is T1 like 2feet tall NA now monkaS He had like 9k today $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! he's european, but now plays for Liquid @foggedftw2 he's in TL broxah is EU, going to play in NA TL broxah wow he is NOW in NA eyah he was Fnatic but he joined TL xDD lololol LUL LO0L @foggedftw2 broxah was EU fnatic now team luqiud @foggedftw2 can you please play some ads right now for us? Bjergsen is EU playing in NA too right ? he joined teamiquid !king hash Pepega KEKW @foggedftw2 broxah joined Team Liquid LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hashinshin rubs me wrong hash is fun to watch POGGERS @Stoneoracle Welcome to the stream foggedWeeb Hashinshit lmao k hes a meme nah he sucks as a person tho hash has 3k rn lol Don't know how, he ints and complains all the time on his stream a KEKW You've gotten a lot bigger too lately @foggedftw2 broxah is the new team liquid jungler GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ His streams are not as entertaining though - although he is good Check out my new merch! Sure Kapp slow down there KEKW why do u builder stinger on trynd? Wangatanga and thats fun to watch NA in worlds PepeLaugh broxah carries NA Hash more like trash hashashin huge at banning too xD Not as long as Doublelift is still the adc KEKW hashinshin seems to not care at all about his viewers @BrUtaLsAmUrAi To each their own. Definitely prefer people like fogged DeathMark787 cdr and ats You too loud my man trkChamp if you like someone whinging..yes.. EAT THAT SHIT hahahaha @DeathMark787 cdt and then tri Wangatanga so do i hence im here and not at hashs :) hot so u go tiamat stinger essence inf? @foggedftw2 please play some ads for us? foggedBird I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here WHAT conqueror man DeathMark787 tiamat er stinger triforce Man anytime I have Danjirm on my team he ints but then I see pop offs all the tiem DaniJRM is a beast !uptime 6 hours 11 minutes 3 seconds BRO I GOT A AD FUN OMEGALUL F LEGENDS I NEED TO RESUB PRRRRRRRRRRRR Hashinshin is huge Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 NOOOOOOO 13 kills tho oof ad break destiny just garbage ITS 6 ADS This ad timing DansGame DansGame DansGame foggedYoda Resub you must foggedYoda @SmiGuy8 tfbHmm forsenCD bro the ad?? HD_Mitch does KEKW he's support Kappa probably a normal KEKW it's broke i can do it on the 14th also that was 100% low elo 17/4 KEKW WutFace WutFace POKI DansGame hellow @foggedftw2 so what's the bet looking like now that TF is playing other champs? pokimane sucks pls no more clips of her poki WeirdChamp trkHa xDDDDDD ints and blames jinx lul awful support is awful MMMM Did the bet change, and why? Anyone explain me? :-) rick BibleThump Why did this make it? OK FeelsStrongMan rick fox trkHeart i wish rick was my dad BibleThump People complain about adds, but they should be all about SUPPORTING the streamer lol Rick Fox is a silver fox emmyleNami Check out my new merch! Trick ate Baron for 1333 HP. Just wanted to see what a 9 stack 5k Cho did to monsters. @foggedftw2 BibleThump rick fox made it out of iron Pog he kinda fucked over the people on echofox tho 2 more ads Rick Fox BibleThump Who is he? and i will be FREEEEEE TFT WeirdChamp TFT KEKW "im going to burn this company to the ground" Did the bet change, and why? Anyone explain me? :-) Can someone explain who Rick Fox is? TFT KEKW Who is rick fox? @thebosslevel they brought in on themselves The dude from a Madea movie rick didnt fuck over anyone KEKW thebosslevel have you even read what happend there KEKW TFT WeirdChamp he used to be an NBA player is he in Q he's not playing? chat what is google @AlzioSalvatore he's in queue hes a 3 time champion nba player He had a dodge kekw t1 5'6 KEKW @EmmyLee I see, thanks Emmy X-D rick fox is ex-NBA player and ex-owner Echo Fox xDd XDDDDDD turn the video up D: LOOOOOOL im 5 7 dont laugh at t1 KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king sjokz pants Kreygasm rekt lol haHAA sjowGoblin TriHard kekw !t1 T1 and Fogged @foggedftw2 Thanks for your Youtube Videos helped me out of in bad times of my depression I can't get a game either, wtf @BrUtaLsAmUrAi Yeah her pants are foggedGasm so Rick Fox is a NBA player who owns a esports team? !opggs Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 im freeee T1 so cringe lol 4Head Did the bet with TFBLADE change?? EmmyLeeC tbh sjokz is #goals imho wouldnt you agree? @justjordan922 my teacher told me everything is cringe haHAA you need a game to play in queue KASS weirdChamp @BrUtaLsAmUrAi yeah KEKW EmmyLeeC but us mere mortals can only watch from afar FeelsBadMan PLAY ADS SMOrc PLAY ADS SMOrc PLAY ADS SMOrc LUL LUL LUL The point of the clip was the casters talking like Ivern FUN OMEGALUL F LEGENDS @emmyleec Did bet with TF change? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IF THEY BAN TYNDAMERE IN PROMOS ? @DKZhanix Yes !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW just hit diamond Pog @jinxer33 he's dodging !challenge 3Head WIN TRADE kekw fuck tyler Alpha @MiniFlid Pog congrats musclehead INTING classic T1 nove BigBrother alpha KEKW small brain tyler !t1 T1 and Fogged BigBrother Clap alpha move for tyler he is just alpha af dude, he had to come near this bush T1 LUL ALPHA MOVE @emmyleec Can i ask why the Challenge has been rescheduled? dasda running it down BigBrother T1 alpha af. That’s straight biting @foggedftw2 i think he wanted to bait Hiya Just your friendly neighborhood Rally expert stopping by to see how things are going:) choke Inting* why do you blink all the time :o @DKZhanix because tf blade doesn't wnat to put on delay or hide queue so he kept getting banned out and having to dodge Team NA tobiasDROOL yo fogged if tyler is 6 5 are you like 7 Kappa whats a neighborhood rally? Let him blink @foggedftw2 e @foggedftw2 i !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW f hey i also blink all the time !guid PLUG kekw @foggedftw2 Ive TriHard TriHard s !guide Complete Tryndamere guide i love how Caps is always smiling she makes those pants look sooo good. like always tryhard fks caps humble pog CLAPS omg my blanket wa spressing my enter in my numpad I just relieved i was gifted a sub! TOAST COACH kekw just lost my 15 win streak with trynda in a 12/3 kda game.. Was there a solution with TF? Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! 4 champ that banned were for t1 KEKW @emmyleec That sounds like a bad excuse.. should honestly just “forfeit” round 1.. Mikyx coach Pog siffame you bad then KEKW Kapp Why would Toast ever be a League coach... KEKW BANNING 1 TRICKS TO STOP NA FROM TRYHARDING 5Head tryhard 4Head BibleThump Tryhards thats why they banned literally all 4 of Tyler's champions Cause we're not a trash region LUL EU Salty because they Blew at worlds HAHA why does everyone in League put "hard" in front of everything !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET no other community does that true Check out my new merch! EUW are tryhards @brutalsamurai true KEKW already uninstalled KEKW u might have a hard time in EU :D NOT FALSE LULW because EU didnt wanna stomp them on their main champs itll look even worse allstars seems 4 fun this year siffame better that way KEKW stopping you from ruining others games KEKW blade KEKW yes yes ye the 1v1 clips were really fun though yes KEKW yeah ye KEKW yes BLADE kekw yes Ay yuh yep yeah thats called an outro Kappa cringe af wow long queue @BrUtaLsAmUrAi not Neighborhood Rally, neighborhood Rally expert. I'm here if you have any questions about the Rally extension below the stream. cringe Hello ^^ fogged tries harder! mark wiens Love how tryhard is an insult -_- lets watch a video of another league queue they still won Kapp You play gordon ramsay clips POGGERS I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here trick videos Pog :P watch your most popular vids Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king 420 commentate them for us EUW server in general is more tryhardish, I've played both NA and EUW ranked, EUW more toxic too. isn't having a hard time the point? KEKW watch some league recap NA has a much more troll sense of humor !Opggs look for bronziocre wood division !promos !uptime 6 hours 20 minutes 3 seconds it's stuck? watch best tryndamere plays EU's all business do you play for the moment? or only watch ? @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 i wanna see you crush it mate , im just saying that EU is well EU :D @Treesby How dare you try to be good at something @foggedftw2 Can we watch janna video plsss eu too good Kappa !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] Wood divisions compilation !! @foggedftw2 watch some dr imple popper and ill sub why so much videos? whats your playlist? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW pimple* @HaloTracks I know right? Never take pride in your hobbies @foggedftw2 opgg says you have 71 wins you have 70 written on screen Euw is really hard trick videos watch saltyteemo stream @foggedftw2 DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET Fogged lives to challenge people Keepo thats why he's doing it Keepo knowing the weakness of your enemy is bad? weirdChamp @EmmyLeeC Janna DansGame QUEUECEPTION watch iron 4 clips !rank !uptime 6 hours 20 minutes 40 seconds Timer is frozen? Give us some ads to watch Kappa @foggedftw2 why are you rolling your eyes when u blink? DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 i heard ppl ban 1tricks in eu high elo but not sure was awile back !challenge College humor bad man can’t stop thinking of sex If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW hell yeah we out here Pog It’s hilarious LUL 2.7K dislike wtf why so many dislikes? Eyyyy Old FOgged Setup! lmfao old loading screen Kreygasm i think i've seen this.. or u played more of janna later? LAN players disliked KEKW Wait He just trashed a clip of lan and then plays a lan clip @foggedftw2 your queue time is stucked on 4:20 you look fucking awesome now PLAY TRynf those dislikes tho oh nvm yupp I saw this one when it came out LUL the botlane split was gold true , u have glasses :x what year is this from? You look so young in this video. Amazing what 10 years can do All those down votes LUL ohhhhh YOUNG DANNY you looked like froggen almost @foggedftw2 False. U looked better You looked so nice these days u looked T H I C C b4 Huh. Danny, you actually look younger now than you did then! good lighting helps alot You looked like a zombie You look like you lost a lot of weight @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 and you say you can't see how much weight you lost @foggedftw2 You do KappaPride @Einfach_Angele overlay dont talk bad about fogged D: OLD AKALI BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump do you even lift? Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! foggedYoda U looked sexy now and then janna vs trynd KEKW COACHME @iSet_The_Tone around 60~lbs or so @foggedftw2 Glasses looks so good on you you can play any wood division by kshaway Old Akali PepeHands wait u used to be so pretty back there... what went wrong? jk love you <3 Working out has treated you well! they are awesome is that pts dislikes beacause it's not fortnite You have 2 mystic bonus tho KEKW pta *** @gerola haHAA Why so many dislikes???? TBH like the blond hair more than brown Yea but thats a lot of dislikes yooooo, FOGGED LOOKS LIKE THE FATHER FROM ATYPICAL Your glasses look real good on you yoo are that dude Someone tell him his queue is stick at 4:20 LOL oh NOOO NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW LULW Lol he looks nothing like the father from atypical KEKW lol LUL XDD XD SHAMELESS TWITCH PLUGGING KEKW KEKW Stuck* KEKW foggedBaby KEKYou XD foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby XDDDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW oh no hahaahahaah LULW LUL cringe thats so good dude the regret Lol LUL OwO LUL <3 cringe LUL LUL @Einfach_Angele is an overley to bait pepegas Check out my new merch! KEKW KEKW Thats where u plug it right? KEKW No shame LUL when do you use conqueror on trynd You look just as ugly AGAINST TRYNDFA HEHEHEHE !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Good old days Kappa KEKW @Einfach_Angele overlay* THEGOLDENRIGBY I FORGOT ABOUT HIM ??????????? ratirlYikes Fogged´s Community is still Bronze Kappa delete that video LUL Dude, you should only be plugging strem in Bronze. Larger player pool. Grow that brand, son lmao I followed cuz of that plug, I was the tryn Kappa this is quality Fogged ur amazing @applechugger I think if u thing there are going to be ALOT of long trades 2018 " old me" big screen please Im enjoying this immensly !builds foggedThink and just think in a couple years youll be cringing about current you lol @foggedftw2 that plug is responsible for you having 2k viewers now Kappa !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET is lan supposed to be bad or something? do it again Kapp Compelling Gameplay you have seriously increased your energy, intensity, and precision in your speech @vergil20gaming yes If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! yo you're beating his ass chill lol @vergil20gaming Yes similar to eune size ahahah @vergil20gaming only slightly worse than NA :D See, That is why you look better @foggedftw2. Your success and health shines through now that you've taken big leaps in Twitch! You look Happy now. what are u doing with ur eyes Bullying LUL Lel LMAO KEKW this is boring Old conq FeelsBadMan Bronze cs @teacrisis thank you for the gift :D @morgandenstore he has chronic dry eyes so what your saying is i would hit challenger in lan easily Kappa !followage thebosslevel has been following foggedftw2 for 6 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, 26 seconds predict bronze 5 cringe tryhard @zidane_123 RANGED TOP ABUSER SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc RANGED TOP ABUSER !mirardt he's not a onetrick he plays janna too Kappa !followage Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! That moment when your self-coaching "EN EL AIRE" Skarner KEKW Fog coaching fog foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Welp, Rank 1 LAN is just Master in NA is this new tryndamere skin? This is the content I signed up for @Tryndannosaurus idk think its even that !mirardt @Tryndannosaurus D1 maybe f jeeez wtf :) yikes you could've get some montage on that video to make it more condensed and interesting @foggedftw2 nah probably d3 sick, I wanna see the rest lol @aggresivelypassive winfull tryndamere Your also probably a lot better player @EmmyLeeC I can confirm, he is a streamer. Yi otp stop the queue wait 3 min queue again @JustCallmeZuwr seems legit @Tryndannosaurus Who danijrm? where is lan servrr oh my god)) you was so young server* is he rank 1 lan !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @xiaocher viatnam i think did u played this game from NA? UGHH I JUST hit honor level 5, like 3 weeks late lol @EmmyLeeC yep @EmmyLeeC and @foggedftw2 hello you two lovely people! LOL Is the challenge still on guys ? @foggedftw2 could you ( or chat) sum up what was the conclusion of your discussion with tf? challenge rules etc !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Tryndannosaurus He literally inted every single game I ever played with him before and begged me to get fogged to duo damn u changed so good in that half year holy nice clickbait title weirdChamp double the content Pog !king I seem to be everywhere, fogged chat, emmy chat, tricks chat, all over the place! Woot! foggedTrynda foggedTrynda tf realized that's he's not gonna win so he's gonna play others champs now KEKW IM GONNA SNIPE YOU IN EUW Pog that* @foggedftw2 ONLY tryn even in masters promos for TF blade? @foggedftw2 why are you doing the challenge in EUW? caps is forbidden 😡 LUL Pog are u telling me TF blade can play whatever he wants now when trynd is banned and not just in promos ? rofl wtf ius thes Pog Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW That good old Purple damage indicator FeelsBadMan and Red too FeelsBadMan !challenge Implying he won't cheat again in EUW Schmidz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! @Nydous TFBlade can play any champo he wants, but he forfeit his right to win Schmidz's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! nerf janna PogU @EmmyLeeC KEKW, and he was saying he don't like to duo with people the other day don't you still do that LUL !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird you should do it again KEKW @robjohnlechmere in may is he in q? is any of those people still here in chat I remember watching this ;) @foggedftw2 but why in EUW? look, this trynd plays tp+flash, just like blade KEKW Pog Good times @404_dead_link yes maybe make the secondary champion really troll !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 you'll win, for sure.. darthcrybaby subscribed with Twitch Prime. $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! darthcrybaby's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Tryndannosaurus I got D1 close to masters when I was d5 in lan before they took out d5 i doubt its masters equivalent to na like janna so it forces him to dodge more you will play with a high ping maybe now that masters is now like d3 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW What if trend gets picked or banned? Dodge? are you going to play a secondary character? !king @foggedftw2 so quoting TFBLADE with not back up, but he said you said " Other champions were okay" foggedYoda SUB YOU MUST foggedYoda Why is TF Blade cheating playing other champions like Ryze and Vlad? @foggedftw2 foggedYoda LUL kewk D KAYN LUL foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda How does this game not have a streamer mode yet weirdChamp foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda !challenge @iSet_The_Tone If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Kek @iSet_The_Tone hes allowed to play them !challenge @Huch52 just read my man Maybe it REALLY tried to balance the teams for you. Id like to think that, makes me happier to think that people at Riot actually realize there needs to be balance at important moments :D Yoda emote I must spam foggedYoda foggedYoda Check out my new merch! KeK @foggedftw2 Cant wait to see the EUW foggedYoda Wait we have a yoda emote now foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 you both travel to EU or will play on high ping? @foggedftw2 won't it be laggy in EUW? abusing that tryn LUL !CHALLENGE If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Tryndamure both travel !challenge what does LAN stand for foggedThink it's a bit cooler too because he can practice his tryn Pog SirRevy1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. weird how you're managing SirRevy1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @teacrisis latin america north ahh damn, can you copy-paste last message pls i closed tab by mistake @EmmyLeeC @EmmyLeeC together? 4Head Daaamn sick emote foggedYoda foggedYoda !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor PogChamp Inb4 he starts banning trynd and playing whatever he wants I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here For the EUW one will it also be trynd? ooo that tryn is malding LUL foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt 1week for me is very long term EUW challenge with RANGERZX ? Sup fogged Am I the only one Missing the Thumbs Up Emote in client? @Tryndannosaurus I got D1 almost masters promos in LAN when I was D5 in Na so I doubt that it is equivalent to masters in NA even with the ranking change @EmmyLeeC But look at his twitch tittles. Last one was "(ESP - ENG) !YIGUIDE !vid --- LAN Challenger RANK 1 - NA GRANDMASTER - LAS CHALLENGER " thanks @EmmyLeeC !uptime 6 hours 31 minutes 17 seconds Is it harder to play on EUW than NA? this kayn is popping off dude dont u cringe hearing ur ownvoice fogged? He wasn't that good when i watched his stream tho @EmmyLeeC Chat from Vid made me confused NotLikeThis 2 canceled trynd autos haha sad KEKW he played multiple games earlier wirhout a tryn ban playing jax and irelia this tryn malding LUL !opggs tfb5Head It's a bit sad tho foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP janna and lulu makes me wanna flash in so bad foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP if tryn span on you, you died fbm foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 what rank is that trynd now he knows ur stream foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 been doing Tryndamere mid, kinda fun and succcessful in my silver games, which btw i credit you for helping me get out of bronze for first time since season 3 foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda I would laugh, but i lostagainst a lulu the other day, this is PTSD material foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 You llok better without glasses !rip @EmmyLeeC Yeah, the skill gap is huge between NA & LAN, but i thought he could be a good meassure. foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Diff mic ya u got a better mic quality wait why there is 3k dislikes your inflections are different now. How Do You Deal With That Though As Trynd?? u sound same to me LUL You sound different but mannerisms are identical @foggedftw2 You look better without glasses thats when i first started watchng you I watch his youtube videos in bed with him @Chrif_rachid don't agree @foggedftw2 no you were using the yeti thing Is he in queue? Check out my new merch! OOOOF yes @Nikihak Yes he is heyyy he improved :O he climbed to S3 what a beast silver 3 PogChamp He improve KEKW He quit playing top after that PepeHands @EmmyLeeC Thank you! <3 HE IMPROVED Kaisa player WutFace Silver Kappa Not Bad Kappa ey he got out of bronze HE SAW THE LIGHT retired top labe YOU BULLIED HIM OUT OF THE TOP LANE KEKW hi foggedftw2! thanks for all the tips and content you up on YT! much love from the Philippines! christ this chat is so much better when its normal viewers As youre watching the video, you are laughing about the same things right before you comment about them in the video @EmmyLeeC Hi Emmy, EUW Challenge vs RANGERZ ? LUL lane* I want to be adc main next season I think and just be happy with plat adc main, quit tryn LUL LUL he probably quit after that janna game i wonder why he gave up on trynd FeelsBadMan update profile, last time 3 months ago I was gold V = 1x playing LEague LUL @foggedftw2 u helped him to give up on trynd @foggedftw2 Update he might be gold PepeHands they grow so fast BibleThump Update profile murdaEarright murdaYota murdaEarleft Clap !opgg when he lost to a Janna be retired Top lane FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king That Janna roasting changed his mind KEKW Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups that boy will be gold one day. Do us proud. TearGlove wtf continue video 😡 gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa LUL @foggedftw2 play any wood division f PepeHands More like bullying LUL @foggedftw2 i watched ur videohow to carry from toplane few weeks ago and its been helping a lot thanks !! 4:20 ironic music Wood division is actually pog You gonna move to Europe for challenge? foggedYoda I swear you’re never in a game @EmmyLeeC isnt w/r 71/18 @foggedftw2 now you are helping TF Blade to give up on trynd KEKW Casual Fogged: "Hey man, it's not for everybody" - 2019 idk @foggedftw2 look for "bronziocre" or "misterios do bronze 5" in youtube, youll love it @foggedftw2 plz any tips against urgot , seems like impossible to beat as attyndamere with the new conq change. @foggedftw2 I built spirit visage ravenous and iterally couldnt die LMAO Or Tobias Fate videos for the memes KEKW @Tryndamure I think he gave up himself so did you in the bet? !rank foggedYoda through, iit must go. KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] win Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! foggedYoda win the game we must foggedYoda foggedYoda darius malphite teemo watch some iron 4 clips! good luck buddy major struggles @gonthorian You just won twitch chat If I play other champs than Trynd, I feel like loss and don't know what to do later on. Playing Trynd makes me confident enough to win most games Akali Cassio HAHA poppy monkaS Humilliate the cheater we have to foggedYoda foggedYoda a dub, it is foggedYoda XD foggedYoda ez game it is foggedYoda right Omg @foggedftw2 look for "bronziocre" or "misterios do bronze 5" in youtube, youll love it Did someone said trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa Uooof their camp is so disgusting nightmare game Damn split 4 ever watch you'll get the game poppy lol My worst nightmare vs janna? Kappa ur job is to kill senna now lowest damage game incoming KEKW NotLikeThis gonthoYo gonthoBaby gonthoDa @enliightenment yes Play nightmare tryn it suits game @foggedftw2 FULL TANK TRYND @foggedftw2 @JustCallmeZuwr canal brasileiro SPLIT PUSH XD DO IT poppy jungle strugens law Poppy Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm @foggedftw2 if your eyes hurts you, remove blue light from screen Sanguine blade game Pog foggedYoda full tank we build foggedYoda @foggedftw2 inbuilt option in windows @mandioocanaotemtamanho yep, its wonderfull kkk akali DansGame cass top pretty sure @gonthorian Those are awesome lol Isn't Akali the worst match up as trynd @foggedftw2 YOU GOT IN gl WOOOOOOOOO GG ! rank wdym full tank trynd KEKW @ismajd if i rememver he has dry eyes zero damage tryndamere? karthus will one-shot akali with Ult prob That acc has all the skins? How if it’s a fresh one trynd can't proc aftershock KEKW cassio is a tank buster He must've forgot to dodge Look at that comp LUL Like not even ghost won't be enough to run down or away from monkaS right chat @viewbot_04 haha good one man u got a karthus at least Kadeem is god of b5 omg i need to sub for foggedYoda @Blueberrypiie because of screen of something else? Hi @foggedftw2 when do you take conqueror? @ismajd yes he has chronic dry eyes and medicine doesnt help he has night light and blue filter in his glasses yeah if he is good then you just have to afk farm Go Full Ap and annoy them LUL , maybe get some oceon drakes gl taric becomes huge in bot foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf Go wits end x5 and merc treads LUL @EmmyLeeC I have the same, I'm still not seeking medication, maybe I should if cassio buys boots you re done at the lane :D 5head What if it become a youtube video? Kappa foggedREE @foggedftw2 I remember one time when u went full MR vs a Cass x) and she was so useless LUL but what if you do a VoHiYo VoHiYo your team comp is pretty good too yeah prob hide map the next few games monkaHmm @JustCallmeZuwr this channel is very famous here in Brazil, all streamers / youtubers know it !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] good luck @foggedftw2 Ohhh we ghosting still ghosting monkaHmm late game you win so hard forest4Ghost they gohsting LUL the chesse KEKW ya yu tell em Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @poppy weirdChamp hahhahahahahahhaha D: GLHF fogged! hehehe foggedFOGGERS he said a bad word foggedFOGGERS they must've forgot might need more delay too... fkn bitch :D O_o Kreygasm ohohoho Ghosting bastards XD its so rare that u curse :D scissor me timbers !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW who wouldn't Kappa !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @Pock3tsand LUL foggedFrog who's scissoring fogged ;) Gatete subscribed with Twitch Prime. Gatete's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !king I hate the sound of her q quto @foggedftw2 if there a way to record your stream using map cover without it showing on recordings so you can still use it in YT similar to how layers work in photoshop? Wait fleet of footwork what the heck Check out my new merch! neverlucky ! if he used another program at the same time @5HINIGAM1 nah, das fine !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king she's not using her passive on you at all why does akalis attacks make a rusty jungle gym noise Ghosters :) 🖕🏽 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !opggs God Akali is such a dumb champion I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here agreed can you add a command for tf blades opgg too so we can see his progress as well? @foggedftw2 I'd rather be an Akali than a Cass, that champ is yak -_- !opggs @iSet_The_Tone fight* @EmmyLeeC Oh yeah, just had to play vs her @iSet_The_Tone It exists !opggs Smart ty @EmmyLeeC @iSet_The_Tone click that link, its a side by side miss old akali nah, akali is way more absurd than cass pink and she was done oh nice they juat nerfed akali :( OMEGALUL just ??? akali ???????????? LOL LOL wait Nice flash Akali what KEKW LUL OMEGALUL Akali KEKW KEKW xDDDDDDDD flash akali KEWK xD im actually cringing right now NA Flash na weirdChamp is it master NA? Pls kill her now lol Akali/poppy Laugh at her on stream to tilt her pls @foggedftw2 50 damage flash lul 5 head !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW Would be fuken mint !matchup Diamond I (Akali, Tryndamere) Master (Pyke, Poppy, Senna, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Varus, Yasuo) Grandmaster (Taric) This is why she's the only diamond 1 on their team :) I knew it @Tryndannosaurus ! akali free q's all laning phase ResidentSleeper from now on akali is fucked @Tryndannosaurus you're following me! GM taric pog lol small and poppy on the same enemy team !opggs @Huch52 Hol' on, hol' on there. What you mean??? why fogged doesnt have to pay if he loses? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] Least she not roaming on you, and deleting your team, like mine do.....hate akali @Brauyin because tfblade is using other champs now @Tryndannosaurus tricks chat, i swear i saw you in tfblades as well earlier Check out my new merch! such boring laning phase f akali players !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king when the last time trynda got his skin? @Huch52 Hahaha i'm a lurker here and there rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm !king !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Tryndannosaurus we lurk in the same realms then sir! anyone know why TFblade played otehr champion? does e hitbox as big as aa range? @Huch52 We real ones trkCreep isnt that cheating? @EmmyLeeC But it was agreed that tfblade can play other champs in promos. What happened? D: Hehe LUL @DaPlebble Becuz he RageBaby !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @DaPlebble fogged let him for promos !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET she griefed tbh vegito pog such a good b @Brauyin he decided to play other champs when tryn is banned now lol who is winning the challenge so farM @DaPlebble because he doesn't know how to hide queue properly or put on delay to avoid getting target banned meow He definitely knows, he just doesnt want to !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @foggedftw2 not high impact because they are a kiting comp? HAHA KEKW So basically because he is a cheater/flamer/rager !king he knows how @Tryndannosaurus kinda wish i was able to sub to trick i love his emotes, mostly im a view lurk'n @EmmyLeeC I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose to get target banned and abuse his champs. what's the promos score so far? looks like bait like he used to do it back then when old akali was his main @enliightenment they have double ground and a super bully U gave up the last 2 cannons riot reworks are all trash @i8ursoup which makes it a waste of time to do the challenged in the first place its almost disrespectful after challenging fogged to his champ in the first place @foggedftw2 in which matchups do you pick Fleet Footwork? @Menelann 1-0 !opggs I mean he lost 2 games in gold as rank 1 player says enough to me thx @Huch52 People gift a lot there too; just let your stream open and you will get one trkGJ Yea i agree @EmmyLeeC I was pretty disapointed !build @Greywar_TSR CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @foggedftw2 everytime i go against an akali with tryndamere i just farm and push when she roams, but they usually secure kills. he blames team for every loss @leejunghyun3 mordekaiser and warwick and nunu beg to differ @90thbattalion Oh okay thank you hi chat oh thanks @Blueberrypiie @NutterTV all new reworks are overtuned !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW this akali is reckless is akali matchup hard? Because he's so cautious Hello @My_name_is_Yi @My_name_is_Yi yes Yes @My_name_is_Yi she is very slippery and hard to stick to Imagine not Calling TF Blade, TF BabyRage i just love how she didnt back and she can trade and be even with you DansGame DansGame Kreygasm Kreygasm seems to me you over thinking, just kill her foggedYoda beat the cheater we must foggedYoda !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] man u saw poppy mid why not go in when she was close to u towe no flash @foggedftw2 dive PepoDance dive PepoDance dive PepoDance How’s the poppy match up for you ?? @foggedftw2 Did the bet get reschedled? @ny_sewer_rat xDDDDD @leejunghyun3 its called power creep, theyre not overtuned, theyre reworked so theyre useful. Overtune dis Zoe on release, Senna, Qiyana. All reworks are not overtuned, all new champs are overtuned !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW !challenge @EmmyLeeC I love these Yoda quotes LUL @Larfeps very hard she have a plate @ny_sewer_rat her shroud and flash will be up nearing the end of his ult if he dives that why is the challenge rescheduled to may? @Larfeps poppy is the hardest matchup vs tryndmere Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! @Anas_Elwani1 do you play against really high elo akali, they usually leave, or delete you as tryndamere gj from yas after getting camped Rofl they randomly change the challenge !bet !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET BF sword after 2nd back i like it junglers forcing team to play around there afk style WeirdChamp tfw you hide jungle map and jungler calls out his pathing in chat Kappa @schoey17 TfBlade demanded it almost @Anas_Elwani1 look at the damage he takes now from her Q $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! ThisIsFine @thomaskarpov TF Blade gave up already; he will be playing but in case he ends with a higher rank he will not win anything. Fogged on the other hand, he can get the 500 subs in case he wins why did tfblade demand it? LUL he knew he wasn't gonna win? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW gunblade sustain is so dumb.. The Top Laners are Masters of the game .... for real ! no jokes Please >40cs when hes 20cs NA MATHS She bought whole Gunblade after first back god, the sound effects on that akali skin are so obnoxious dafaq this item is so cheap Cloud Rift sounds spooky @thomaskarpov They will be making another challenge in May (in europe) hopefully this time, TF Blade doesn't give up no she didn't she had vamp first back u can use executioner Check out my new merch! pog LUL hopefuly Why did TF Blade give up hey @EmmyLeeC ye now you reminded me foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf damage o: @EmmyLeeC Just wondering what does Fog usually ban? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @Tryndannosaurus did tfblade actually give up? why? Gunblade damaage on akali isdisgustig why did the bet get rescheduled? HOW man, poppy's base stats are ridiculous I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here cause he refuses to put on delay or hide queue and kept getting banned out @deLightB LUL WORTH Worth foggedWurf !wurf GOOD CHAMP AKALI It has been wurf 523 times. foggedWurf wow lol this clown fiesta woef foggedWurf bad play foggedWurf That was so beautiful! PowerUpL foggedFOGGERS PowerUpR foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf voyTHINKING but turned it around red buff back to Karthus LUL moon2D foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf Poppy is foggedYoda foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf AKALI is a cheap peace pf polygons @EmmyLeeC I see thanks Worth foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf Like omg beautiful to watch @cptFlamer He cried of being target banned all the time and he couldn't play the game normally. But tbh, he was playing without delay and he was showing his client all the time foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird holy shit I am asub foggedWurf poppy deals some damage LUL foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf foggedWurf its diamond 1 right? report yasuo his last fight positioning was Questionable I got a shut down foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET lets go !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] this taric is building like a noob @foggedftw2 Idk if that was played as efficiently as possible i dont like it when you cover your map :( @foggedftw2 you didnt need to flash or ult but the akali dies so worth So tfblade really has no chance on Fogged @foggedftw2 is 3k viewers a fairly normal number nowadays? k @cptFlamer Look at fogged; he has dodged also and he is higher rank !matchup Diamond I (Akali, Tryndamere) Master (Pyke, Poppy, Senna, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Varus, Yasuo) Grandmaster (Taric) !s10 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @NightShroud007 worth a report LUL @Youthstarcraft for the challenge yeah, before the challnege was like 1.5~ Will you be able to beat her in a side lane soon or no? foggedWurf LUL lol @Thr33Wishes you never beat akali thta knows akali with tryndamere At least the challenge gave fogged more exposure !opggs Niceu @EmmyLeeC , thanks! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @MrParkiii in High level matches ... i think its worth .... he could have dpne better Np! foggedHappy ! CHALLENGE @Thr33Wishes you basically juts have to out rate her is there a delay on the stream right now? Let's hope it continues :D yasuo ult? no !elosmurf !cannon blouse007 297 packets have been lost foggedREE xd ghosting hahhaah @zundervain 15 secs Ghosting Check out my new merch! cancels darius ult too yes , cuz he dashes in his ult ^^ 100% 👻 !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] ghosting GHOSTING GHOSTING ghosting ghoostttt ghosting :D ghosterino LOL forest4Ghost LUL WHO KNOWSSSS GHOSTING Kappa snipe GHOSTS!!! SPOOKY forest4Ghost they ghosting hes 5Head looking for karthus? !cannon2 Fogged is a cannon pacifist and prefers not to kill them Kappa WHOA KOREAN KNOWLEDGE Luck KEKW pepeLaugh He was looking for Krugs?? foggedYoda foggedYoda sniping he's 5Head Because hes not low elo...? foggedYoda the force Who knows, maybe just ghosting HEY AKALI ghosters don't even try and hide their ghosting. they have no honor not everyone is a ghoster lol My Dingus sense is wiggling, i suspect a BOO is coming @Tryndannosaurus yup, conditions were even ;p so did he give 500 subs? he a punk ass snipe bitch ghosting since cass poppy invade KEKW watch him type out I am not snipnig lol darius ult is considered a dash lol so it can't go off in poppy w @Elliot3 ah yes the krug camp in the bush What’s up Casper!!! lolll he is sniping the delayed stream pure coincidence cs :( just all in her wtf Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! !delay !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king akali wins I bet he was lookin for karthus This akali is like hardstuck on wanting ot beat you @tevoychuparelburroo are you unaware of akalis abilities? ghosters suck when u r fogged @tevoychuparelburroo he cant her W !king monkaS she was under turret disgusting champ cohhM !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] @foggedftw2 how do you play/win this lane? whats the game plan @tevoychuparelburroo doesn't matter Akali is dumb @CptTeempo AYAYA / He can't do anything with all her spells up @cptFlamer Nope, the actual conditions are the next. If TF Blade wins he gets nothing (he will be playing his champ pool), if fogged wins (playing trynd only) he will get paid the $2,500 when will riot actually nerf akali like for real @tevoychuparelburroo okay and she has 3 gapclosers and flash to get away when all he has to do is farm to win phew! got teh caddie! yay nothing like cleaning the entire house and coming back to stream to end a day off :) Master Yi is nice against Akali If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! akali is so unfair to play against. she completely controls the lane fire certainlyT into the sun. that guy's the rasputin of riot KEKW Pog LUL foggedWurf Pog tp KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Tryndannosaurus can TF play other champs if trynda is open? PogChamp @tevoychuparelburroo Akali can dive tryndamere under turret win trades and get out with barelly any damage anytime, as far i can tell Garen about the only champ makes akali suffer when diving under turret HE GOT A CANNON Pog A competent Yasuo in NA this is unheard of PogChamp always worth 😂😂😂😂😂 foggedWurf ² akali Pepega @Greywar_TSR he's not supposed to nice tp KEKW Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! all enemy team are Ghosting LUL i h mlf Hav't seen much of your streams but seen you alot on YouTube. Picked up trynda myself after not playing in a while. Damn hes strong now. Makes sense, thanks @EmmyLeeC cant w8 for senna nerfs @Greywar_TSR Not sure about that; but you know, he a cheater. He will find a way. tf pays enemy to ban tf so he can play jax !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @tevoychuparelburroo face check her bush and then go all in, simple tactic xD HOW ;/ wow ehhh her aa bloodline heal the soul healed Senna healed her bullshit healing the succ was too strong damn wtf or smth senna 2 op I bet 1hp nah foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda her auto was enough she healed with fleet senna got nerf he passive was on ground to pick up and it saved her. it wasnt an auto lul Senna needs a nerf, she healed and pop a pot looked like Fleet heal fleet footwork auto healed her !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Time to play like Master Yi !builds @3JeT pbe? And win at 250 cs !king ur eyes seems tired, take a little break, bro !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @jjump23 u get the same thing after u auto a champ, u auto once more for the souls + healing Wait i saw Pot ticking around blid blind @foggedftw2 Do you feel Kassadin needs a nerf or is he in a good spot? @Blueberrypiie surrenderat20 and pbe also yasuo karthus and taric are all very good late game !ranks WOW this guy doesnt level ult man i wish i was good at league Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑----] (71-18) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !r Level Ult Last - @krazilec_ why level ult it literlaly does nothing for you. play for drakes leveling up R only give's you less coldoown right? @Tryndannosaurus thats a twist ;p at least he didn't try to wriggle out. Now i'm cheering for fog even more ;p read that nightbot chat The Karthus is mad @My_name_is_Yi yeah but combat stats from w e better !opggs KKona Clap Farmville Pog and a better burst of fury @My_name_is_Yi @krazilec_ he is in master promo's. Think he is a little better than you :) Doesnt akali outscale trynd? Check out my new merch! No @Hammer1O thats all i wanted to know, clearly understand W/E is more efficient ult cooldown is already lower than most, so theres no point upleveling it lol I'm ready to report this karthus lol Yikes monkaW report this taric blatantly griefing This taric is no thaving a fun game just how good is the Taric this bot lane is a yikes poppy is scary points in R should give 1 extra second of invuln like kayle ult Varus is really strong THAT VARUS ULT that taric pick... @madara_117 that would nutty POPPY GOT HER DASH STOPPED foggedFOGGERS 100 ignites on you LUL !opggs I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here varus not resetting weirdChamp you turned into a NASUS main fogged as farming simulator LEL :p @madara_117 unkillable for 8 seconds holy crap, that'd be insane youd out last almost all CC, and kill them !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS Taric ult? nice nice foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE nice karthus - "you cannot escape" this is so good to watch what cloud soul does botlae playing so bad lmao runs away and dies LUL Hmm, dragons versus kills. Curious to see how this turns out foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift yeah, its called an ultimate ability, it shoudl feel strong right? @Huch52 Wait, is the challenge going on now or not? yes it's like lucian's Q such a clean solo queue game what is the CD for karathus ult now?! its weird that extra levels in it dont make it better wtf, how that Poppy go thru the wall, you can dodge senna Q, just like Lucian Q @madara_117 dont play tryndamere much do you, or against a good one often? Senna doesnt scale lol karth R already almost up again They do drop off, soon. only cass and senna scale Glitch or something? yes but death timers are so high this game is over imp @ny_sewer_rat going to be under a minute with 2 clouds and cdr probably thonk Senna and Cassio are pretty big taric can negate senna lategame damage going double lethality into taric sux @Huch52 every other champ has an R that gets better with more points in it, what are you talking about dude lol !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes What counters Tryndamere? @foggedftw2 Kayle ult is the same way !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @wat c Why is this taric not at all tanky @WatchingYouGames full AD poppy LUL @WatchingYouGames garen unless he keeps building crap like redempion @WatchingYouGames range abuser champs, like teemo, kennen, akali sorry @wat @WatchingYouGames good enemy bottom @madara_117 Tryndamere really has one the most powerful ults in the game, if used properly LUL Faker lost 1vs1 !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @WatchingYouGames no garen doesnt counter try poppy @WatchingYouGames darius/gragas is just fine Check out my new merch! @Huch52 Pepega edge of night sounds Pog jeez 70 wins intense bruh just realized how much anti-dashing/autoattack maneuvers they got. today i played 2 games against teemo and poppy with trynda it was annoying dud impossible to win @EmmyLeeC the update was Pog edge of night lethality got nerf tho does 0 dmg !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET bad, they have spam caster comp, real cheap to take that shield away @103 he wants the shield @1034051 its for the shield it gives not the damage Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @foggedftw2 you would be vsing the anti-tryndamere comp when I come back on. what does cloud soul do? How many games tf won? rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP Suprise Senna what happened with the challenge between tf blade and fogged? this poppy is a beast karthus trolling just wasted ult before he died :/ fiesta LUL Last I remember is TF blade being a cheater !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW loose yo yo yo, what does cloud soul do, chat???? poppy ad op Ouch Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! riot needs to relax with stealth lol YASUO KEKW what do you think about grasp vs akali? @LANKBOY making area of boosted movement speed around buffs camps quite teh boosted botlane tbh !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Fleet Footwork > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Second Wind > Revitalize | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > MagicRes @lankboy old nimbus cloak wait @foggedftw2 i mean this looking like youre gnna need your team to engage properly to win it foggedFiesta @cptFlamer lol u know less than me isnt cloud soul super good on trynd vs this comp 3 trynd counters that is literally horrible stop getting split up fogged now doesn't owe tf blade anything if he loses? team needs stay together and play for objective cassiopeia poppy akali LUL was that always the case or? taric is very USELESS DIS GAME !king Oh they have a taric i didn't notice Oof 3 waves crashed top @LANKBOY old imbus cloak @juliemewmew TFBlade conceded today he cannot win, but he is playing to not lose lol all taric has to do is build armor and counter engage poppy or flash stun the cassio whats the win condition cause, I'm worried monkaS foggedWurf VARUS Pog that WAIT though epic xd nice r from varus lol popped nice, nj varus @Saino_Aru elder The pray has been answered LUL @Saino_Aru let akrthus scale Varus MVP @robjohnlechmere was the original agreement that fogged would give 500 subs if he loses and vice versa? How many games tfblade won ? did tf blade make this adjustment because he knows he cheated? i used to play truly immortal trynda, with lulu, taric, kayle and zilean supporting him, that was fun !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1133 times! @robjohnlechmere ty for explaining foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt stunned facing away good game foggedUlt @Nydous @90thbattalion both good options I believe foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt What counters this dang anxiety larissaDerp foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt cassio bugs I guess I've seen that in many videos foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt literally frozen while turned away qss seems good here foggedUlt Hash had that happen just yesterday !king Wait cass is a tryndamer ecounter man learning newt hings everyday foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt PJSalt Karthus YIKES something with the character model lag not elder Pog OH PogU YASUO ok yasuo rooPog POG Pog poggg THAT WAS SO SICK TO HIT THE TARIC STUN Yas Carry Pog oooohhhh yas Pog OMG Pog this yasuo clean foggedFOGGERS yas Pog pog Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! THAT PLAY THOUGH damn THAT TARIC HEALING THO Yas clean poggers what KEKW wow pogchamp! sigh LUL oh god BRO keeping akali in lane, even, let yasuo have a chance KEKW niooooooooooo foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm stolen sigh wasnt Pog enough NotLikeThis bruh wooow NOOOOOO LOL foggedThink WHATTTTTTTTTTT KEKW thats so op @foggedftw2 here is the cass ulti clip, unfortunate timing lmfao elder KEKW OMG owch ... rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW Fun buff KEKW GG Elder is mega busted wow Wut what was that o_O gg ELDER DRAG is gaurenteed Doomed KEKW does elder last through death now? WTF IS THAT FIESTA ELDER IS TO MUCH U really weren’t facing her And now the Game is over xD laser of doom foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Well the good news is, they didn't get the elder buff on anyone! cassieopeia needs to be removed from the game. how did he miss that LUL ? enjoy ELDER FİESTA Elder is like free win I love eldero n garen foggedYoda BEAT THE CHEATER YOU MUST foggedYoda Should have hopped over and attacked Poppy Karthus losing smite war rofl BALANCED ELDER ... welp, no dragon for anybody $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! foggedFiesta foggedUlt foggedFiesta foggedUlt foggedFiesta foggedUlt foggedFiesta foggedUlt @foggedftw2 You should just kill poppy no they dont ardent censor taric.. my god hes griefing Must admit, intense game riot really did a good job with elder - not senna? its hilariously fun, you just ult and tghey die none pretty sure i think senna can karthus one shot the team with r with elder? they had 4 dead when cass killed tfblade seems to be childlish man with ego bigger than skill, but i don't know a guy Pyke maybe elder dragon is so stupid @gowry0 1st clip? Eldar FIESTA senna? yeah its op Elder buff should be removed, somebody clipped that yasou play?? the whole team does elder dmg ? or only one who does the last hit to elder does elder dmg ? Thanks for the HahaLean @archlion99 Check out my new merch! @cptFlamer He's got worse than he used to be Is there any chance he gets maw or some MR OKAY GG ????? If you get elder you legit win so easy tf blade is a manchild its supposed to be OP. Its meant to end games. same thing for dragon souls Wow that clip was bad lolll @cptflamer well, TF is really good player with questionable personality tf blade is very skilled with a shit personality 1v5 time bois, this is it foggedThink foggedThink foggedThink gggg I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here did fogged pass d1 yet? unlucky Perma cc @cptFlamer nah hes really skilled and his "ego" is just an act for his stream. It's to entertain his viewers. stalled it out though !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king dam this team comp is insane qss pls nah that was ghost anyone have the clip of the yasuo play ghost? Boo came and went botlane diff U should have got storm @Bamsi It's not to entertain at all, he's been banned twice because of his Ego, 100% it's not an act cass dmg LUL nobody to proc yas ult... conqueror cassieopeia outscales karthus by so much, not even funny !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET pp? why not build PD? Did anyone get a clip of the yasuo moves a couple minutes ago what's the lp? @foggedftw2 is lethal tempo bad now? @Bamsi he copied Moe's sarcastic ego @tovskiitov yes his ego is why he got banned for saying idiot with an accent, your so full of shit lol so is Trynd an assassin Qss? @siegfreddd no everyone is playing well @kungfun yes a skirmisker why is tf playing other champs? @Nydous Imagine thinking that's all he said then calling someone out on it LULW @foggedftw2 u allowed tfblade to play other champs or did he lost bet already? !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW conqueror is op now @tovskiitov i mean it was but okay your just a salty child hating on someone for their success nice baron 4Head ff cass is cancer CASS lul @jintan2453 They more or less decided to wait til non post-season to do the proper bet, tf will still pay up if he wins but fogged doesn't have to, they are going to do it on EU-W in a few months instead ggwp :/ miasma balanced KEKW Check out my new merch! yikes yasuo miss q on a standing still cass LUL great NA call 4Head lp? cass broken gg rip promo foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP gg rip gg Gg WAIT WTF I GOT A SUB GIFTED HERE Pog <3 gg Yasuo missed nado on rooted cassio any decent cass player with conqueror literally automatically wins every game gg gg The elder steal decided the game @foggedftw2 im off to the gym, best of luck with the rest of the night !challenge If Fogged ends the Month with higher LP, then TFBlade will gift him 500 subs. If TFBlade (who is allowed to play off champs if Trynd is banned) wins then Fogged won't owe him anything. The Trynd only challenge has been rescheduled to May in EUW @foggedftw2 why no lw? senna is op too cass and ryze are the SSS+ tier champs rn poppy #1 Trynd counter GROUNDED PREVENTED FROM DASHING just ban cass poppy and akali 5Head cc is so much fun whats your opinion on grasp vs akali? @foggedftw2 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king karathus only talking, and played like shit Varus frontlining is alwaysa good recipte Didnt see the person that gifted me a sub :( 💣 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💣 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 17816 🥈) jocnitro : 10076 🥉) soor_ice : 7777 4) brian8158571 : 6039 5) nuvm__ : 4610 Cass with conquerer is brutal ^^ !king worst karthus world new conqueror makes spammable skills oop but how tanky was poppy at the end? only from stoneplate? wtf op !ranks Poppy's a tanky champ Fogged: Diamond I 100 LP [☑X---] (71-19) | TFBlade: Diamond I 0 LP (78-19) thank goomy conq for ranged is getting nerfed karthus threw that elder lmfao , ur team couldnt win without it thank god conqueror is goign to be nerfed for ranged what runes you running on trynd? foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt foggedTilt you did your best man <3 Should have played Yasuo Yi* @SilentJungler77 yeah, he lost the game there in my opinion i thought you were banning akali? it wasnt your champ,... the teamfgiht could be won if the varus and tar5ic wasnt so bad if karthus hit the smite on that elder u guys had a chance i think Some Games are like this. Thank you, next @tovskiitov talking shit in pms then blocking weirdChamp cheers But the dmg will remain the same smote 8% heal for ranged, instead of 15% smote it smote KEKW smote it KEKW karthus should have went olaf riot games : lets make the bruiser keystone op on mages ! thats not a "Miss the smite" he directly didnt use it, the elder was at 600 app when poppy smited lmfao akali is the shittiest champ i had seen in m life I want to see clip of yasuo play laughing at proper grammar KEKW Just look at varus positioning in that last baron fight... surprised senna wasn't banned at drag Duration will be 8sec > 6sec, healing from 15%> 8%, this nerf will be in next patch I think Conq for ranged getting nerfed, Akali getting nerfed more, Senna getting hard nerfed... I mean that comp was worse than a tryn ban ulted by who? is all stars fun this year? @Nydous hes not hating on tf blade because of his succes. keep in mind he got banned for other stuff too. hes literally the guy who said all turkish players are dogs. then cried like a lil beech when TR players punished him. and he got himself banned being toxic their. Karthus is fine, yas just neeed to hit ult on cassio or pyke why conq range though. it's only mages that abuse it. Conq is not too op twitch or Draven, it just makes them playable taric was also very USELESS !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king olaf very good against cc champions there hunting the jedi O.O @Nydous about tf blade just like you were Yeah trynd and yasuo counters are pretty similair PepeHands watch some all stars Good thing it's that you only waited 20min for that game !uptime 7 hours 17 minutes 34 seconds cya next time Cya tomorrow Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! foggedEmmy foggedEmmy gn cya fogged, have a good night !king Thanks for the stream ^^ <3 <3 <3 BibleThump bye @Nydous he got banned on TR server for the way he talked shet every game with his massive ego Cya Have a good one ^^ Have a good one :+1: what time tomorrow ? Goodnight fogged foggedBird Good night fogged, thanks for streaming foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog is that a pokedex? see ya KEKW @Nydous ban is a ban foggedYoda sub you must foggedYoda sleep right don't let the TF blade bugs bite tamagotchi smartphone ? @2nd_page_of_google_search KEKW @Nydous if you are gonna play word gamesd at least win it LMAO !opggs Check out my new merch! FOGGED RAIDING @Nydous u do realise he has multiple twitch bans !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET HE'S BACK <3 He does look so young. amazing what a haircut cando yesssss heyy just in time WB FOGGED BACK \O/ Damn Rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRightArm foggedRightArm !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out my new merch! Man all the Malphites POG lets go fogged lets go! !king oh my gawssshhh is this guy not just like wow attractive AMIRIGHT??\ woot woot waaaait are eu liiiiiiiiiiiiiiive? Welcome back @foggedftw2 ! @midnightxpmc His laugh is so pure it’s wholesome and im a scrubscriber what is this magic? hi brother welcome back Did we restart stream? thank goid ?????????? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison oi gl in the games Yay, the real Trynd is back!! where is...the lamb sauce? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! yo Good luck in the stream today brother! @foggedftw2 <3 !opggs foggedLUL Uff thank god, I didnt have anybody else to watch Welcome back !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET hello again peoples !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Team Fogged foggedWeeb @foggedftw2 i want you to crit the sword into their buttholes no homo ofc tfcheater KEKW !opggs If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! hey fogged how are you doing today !uptime 2 minutes 48 seconds into this comp do you third item Lord Dom's? Ah you're streaming. Good stuff. did he lose promos yesterday guys? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @sorrysmurf Yes !king !uptime 3 minutes 49 seconds !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP NICE spicy irelia LUL POG god like' OH SNAP PogChamp PogChamp and thats why we watch this channel. malphite tp monkaS Is there a posability that i can post a link fogged to review a "play "? lol wtf going on BREAKIN ANKLES what is tf blade's account to compar were in the race he is elise Pog just base LUL no assist, lame HELL YEAH THAT’s more like it no gj elise wow !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison gj elise "gj ryze" - didnt even get KP :D LUL elise !challenge is this the yasukeh gameplay? @foggedftw2 TF versed a malphite and just went to proxy all game and never fight him. Do wins from other champs count for winrate in this? Or is strictly tryn? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge win welcome back @MactsThundah its just highest lp Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! ohhhhh Welcome back @foggedftw2 irelia counters trynd? ok ty Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge !opggs @aquilareg trynd shits on her FEED THE SPIDER @ any mod, can i post a youtube link when fogged can review it's a play from a game i want to see his reaction !why why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? that was kinda scary tho LUL lmao nunu roling in @foggedftw2 hope you enjoyed your dindin, now its time to winwin goodday! !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP !king !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !from Born and Raised in Texas, live in Knoxville, TN !challenge !rank gj elise SMOrc who's winning right now? Honestly this is probably ideal for your team; everyone on the enemy team keeps on trying to screw you over and in the process, the rest of your team is getting ahead. Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? !opggs what gonna happen when fogged and tf get to same MMR and play vs eachother? @foggedftw2 how are you not getting autofilled? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opgg !opgg @foggedftw2 are u tired of trynd yet? what's gonna happen when fogged and tf get to same MMR and play WITH eachother though? Check out my new merch! @Danzirb Noo one plays top KEKW because he queues toplane @Danzirb dead role with no players KEKW so who is winning right now??? Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? !challenge nice @Cryaoticxd123 KEKW 7 Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !king !king !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP wb !challenge !challenge Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here HeyGuys who is winning chat??????? Fogged is foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird Hey, fogged what do you think about how TFBlade uses Trynd like build/runes? them rotations Pog they swapping wow tfblade is pretty far behind could be a swap idk get a camp !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge ! who's leading the race and by how much guys? to equalize lvl @nobody_noes what rank is he DOMINATING she is so fed nice gj elise !opggs Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? !matchup Diamond II (Irelia) Diamond I (Tryndamere, Elise, Kai'Sa, Nunu & Willump) Master (Janna, Ryze, Xayah, Malphite, Tahm Kench) wait he back YEET Tfblade can learn trynd a lot better in the next 26 days right now he’s playing like he doesn’t really care !challenge !challenge Maybe closer to the deadline he’ll actually try hard Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 keep this up. You are crushing it. @foggedftw2 does sanguine blade work on tryndamere? !opggs @RedSeal14 true just saw him play @foggedftw2 good luck man. rooting for you Why so many malphite it seems more easily to fogged when it comes to a malphite matchup irelia can't find kills anywhere PepeHands Damn JANNA POG !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge So Kaisa almost won a 2v4 there right? !opggs Check out my new merch! @RangerB2 yea Is Conqurerer better than Lethal Tempo now? Emmy I always forget to ask when you are here what’s the most stacks you’ve had on senna in a game !opggs In SR game? !opggs what is the challenge between him and tfblade? PogChamp Yes mam wait why conqueror? The Bosh! @RedSeal14 around 130ish !sub subscribe at Janna super carry pog\ Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups wait what about these TF blade games where he didn't use Tryn JANNA IS KILLING PEOPLE !subgoal !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !subs Yeah that sounds about right they finally fixed the aram bug Why did you start with doran's blade instead of the longsword potion combo? 25-30 min kill game* !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP @foggedftw2 Janna is the most broken champ in game I rarely get her in game but have 100% wr still @foggedftw2 why are you using conqurerer? Is fogged qing mid? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! !opggs !opgg !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. YAY FOGGED IS ON!!! Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !king k WHAT A FREE KILL got them off dragon. foggedWurf !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Baby we back what elo is this? couldn't you have just run away after tahm kill? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP Can you let me know when it's good to get fleer / lethal tempo on trynd? !worth Daniel-san say "I'mma say worth" 7 !elo KEKW humble LUL LUL nunu !opggs !challenge i call worth too Kappa @Schwichel !champs will tell you every matchup !wurf It has been wurf 520 times. foggedWurf hello u didnt ping xayah F !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @lozay391 Janna timed it isnt your attack speed too low? @foggedftw2 nah she had the old one imma say 2079 @EmmyLeeC Thank you! 17 10 !akali o Disgusting champion, permaban it foggedREE no she doesnt !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Malphite LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL its the right one I love the mods of this channel they are so polite worm and cozy BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Janna posted flash timer in chat u right I wish more than anything they’d revert malzahar TF Blade also playing trynda full is there a bet or sth ?? They could nerf his numbers but give me old malz back !bet !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @ursabanabivursa ofc not else it would stay in the title !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP !challenge 1challenge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! foggedGasm foggedGasm !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison did TF blade cheat i see Irelia and Jax on his profile? Or did i miss something i just tuned in foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !challenge 15mins gg Gg stonks moment of truth !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP Almost to masters Pog Check out my new merch! ah ok thanks for that update !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king +3.5 still 64-16 yeah 20 masters todayv pog If only every SoloQ game was like that !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison gg @foggedftw2 how u deal vs tristana or senha in lane? (mid) Kinda crazy only giving you 17 while u have such a high MMR ngoctan1195 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 34 LP (64-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) 22 !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 34 LP i gained 13 for that one lmfao ggs dude oof, ad 1 of 6 The winner POV guys !opggs I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here @amunski -> You're welcome. [stop posting links] [warning] Ad 1 of 2 for me 0/6 malphite doe he lost too many in a row and it messed up his mmr update stream title aswell @foggedftw2 80.2% win percentage @foggedftw2 ofc it's instant win you have Janna in team how is it only +17 when your wr is so high Can the MMR recover without a massive win streak? Ah I didnt see u lost a bunch, I thought u had like GM mmr !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king what is the challenge how do you NOT have high mmr it's 80% wr !kING !king where is TF at? When does this end? what is coaching givaway? @foggedftw2 !coaching but if you don't have high mmr, you're gonna get worse opponents now right?, so you'll get your mmr back easier $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to Once you fuck it up it's really hard to bring it back @eUkanloZ Drago! Drago! Dragooo! PowerUpL nb3Saiyan PowerUpR krisLove krisLove rvngCarry rvngCarry did you change your name or? coachme Kapp !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge omfg, why can i not link links here ? DansGame your account wasn't KingOfTryndamere? end challenge when? @foggedftw2 Nice first game KKool !opgg TFBlade FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !opggs Fogged what do you think about how TFBlade uses Trynd? Like his build and runes l @foggedftw2 I believe im currently watchong the winner's pov right? I wanna sub! 1nterrupt_ try the google addon "alternate player for twitch tv" @ProSkillPT Jebaited @amunski you cant link on any stream wtf lol DISNEY WORLD!!!!! !king @amunski donate it to him Kappa !challenge !king KEKW having u in the back of my rankeds gives me luck !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: yes baby !opgg !guide Complete Tryndamere guide !opggs !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !king Diamond 1 pog if were being honest, this spreadsheet is so good for info whether you play tryn or not...but play tryn because you can be cool @foggedftw2 has grasp really gone away !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Vs garen, Conq? I follow your Tryndamere guides since season 3 <3 @foggedftw2 menofwin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Disney World! Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: not senna though Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !opggs @foggedftw2 Blade has played another game on both jax and ireila! rly nice job <3 that spead sheet rocks, won me a game ez vs jayce yesterday! :) fogged is the best That sheet is great to check matchups during loadscreen. Check out my new merch! !champs can someone donate me sub pls !champs !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: !champs make my day holyguHOLYGUNZMansome We heading to disney with thouse 2,500 Honestly rito needs to nerf Fogged, too broken.... lets go fogged !champs The goat on mobile this spreadsheet is Pog, but on pc I can't access imgs of runes or anything wtf Will Aphelios be added as well? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs What about aphelios top LUL really nice you made it free, good on you @foggedftw2 !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: @foggedftw2 thanks for making my day, always enjoy the streams Wow @foggedftw2 why no ghost vs ryze ? What is the challenge exactly? !king @leavesomethingbehind I want a pay wall but he refuses foggedEmmy and you still dodges promos :D @foggedftw2 your name is not KingOfTryndamere? it shows level 38 and you are level 81 just get 800lp and he cant follow KEKW !king Are you a king? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Hey Fogged, what do you think about how TFBlade runes and builds Tryndamere? @ProSkillPT Do you see name on that account?? do u ever go grasp nowdays 👀 Someone got batied ! !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: foggedProf foggedProf Jebaited yes but I can't find it Im scared for you 2 when u get higher elo, there are so few players at this elo that people will likely ban Trynd every game @foggedftw2 @foggedftw2 caught you on SRO's stream this morning. you both hang out? @foggedftw2 would u also play ur promos with other champs if tryn is banned? @foggedftw2 Yeah i guess the real thing starts when you head to grandmaster/challenger lp !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 do u expect to hit master tonight? KEKW !king SO JEBATITED !opggs Lets laugh at him chat lmfao LUL jebait KEKW Jebaited ah KEKW xD lol KEKW LUL Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KEKW KEKW !challenge Jebaited LUL @foggedftw2 Would you say conq vs garen ion preseason? @foggedftw2 whos the best top laner rn besides Tryn KEKW LUL jebaited Hahahaah KEKW KEKW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KEKW Jebaited BAITED KEKW BAITED foggedUlt foggedUlt lmfao foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Jebaited KEKW KEKW KEKW hahaah Who the fuck was dumb enough..l.l ...... @foggedftw2 when did you get the icon for the ftw3 account?? oh Pog !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Guys fogged got to over 700 lp challenger almost 100% games are trynd how will he ever get a trynd game in high elo oh noooo what happened to rto? i wont snipe yoooooooooo9o poor fellow, maybe he is new in these streaming stuff @mrclutch231 uncalled for whats the bet challenger or highest LP until set time? @foggedftw2 who is winning so far between you and TFBlade? KEKWait @foggedftw2 Blade says that he gets the advantage when you both hit chally Hehe sorry !challange unranked to gold 4 KEKW i did a gp unranked to something @foggedftw2 seen that crazy game you played with mcbaze on sylas earlier, was a good win stopped when i hit bronze 2 !challenege !king @foggedftw2 do u expect to hit master tonight? @5HINIGAM1 DOUBTFUL with how he isn't waiting for queues or antyhing already ho fogged, cheers from Argentina 🇦🇷 perfect timer @tebz stole the words out of my mouth 😂 !opggs unranked to iron 4 Pog ?? Send him to the Banhamas foggedDerp when will you do rank 1 tryndamere in euw ? inting his mmr in preseason to iron4 just to get a 100-0 in s10 KEKW Whats the challenge goal @emmyleec are you foggeds gf? !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP antaresthemonk, welcome! @kennyomegalol hopefully next year @Dom17m I am foggedBird SoSnowy foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird @2Pinks my kinda challenegeXD !king foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy no corner pls @whitevelcro Hi! Nice to see you around I sowwie !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Fogged do you go conqueror against jax right now? @emmyleec howd you meet? @foggedftw2 hey Fogged, what do you think about how TFBlade uses and builds Tryndamere? Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Hi! :) !song Im in a game rn with someone who wants top but is qued support .... help me @foggedftw2 do you think u can get to challenger if u played just jax ? @Dom17m through mutual friends !emmy foggedHappy Id like to see fogged in euw, maybe even go against RANGERZX @foggedftw2 did you main trynd because you look like him irl? who? Im against an Ivern top. Your Spreadsheet doesnt help me at all there Kappa my support picked a top player and went top with me... what a troll Is he really a good player? @foggedftw2 a real punishment is "stupid stance"(where the participant must stand in a squat-like position while holding heavy books. increasing in weight if they drop them). !chMps !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: How do you get your queue time to stay at 4:20? Hacker! KappaClaus Ranger got like 1000 lp on 2 accs tho so KEKW @emmyleec cool =) you live together? @Dom17m Yeah !champs @foggedftw2 what mouse pad cleaner do you use? @foggedftw2 Hows the ryze matchup? @ethanthesaint rangerzx is much better than fogged though not fan of rangerzx just talking the truth @foggedftw2 do u expect to hit master tonight? New to your stream, love the content ❤️ @foggedftw2 TriHard search Rage Man on euw @Hotflo I use a wet rag LOL @gowry0 yeah he does the Midlane skillcapped videos @Hotflo to clean his mousepad The Curse Of Oak Island trkGasp Pog Pog Mouse pad cleaner? what lol Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! are you still number one world ranking for tryndamere? @foggedftw2 why challenge blade tho, he isnt even competition Imagine if League of Legends had a Global Server !king we would get thousands of french viewers flaming you LUL @foggedftw2 sounds like a donation goal lol @foggedftw2 ; what happened to Wingsofdeathx. never see him stream anymore? @emmyleec awesome I've followed fogged for awhile not sure how long @neonskylights TfBlade challenged him dwhite12310 is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 250 in the channel! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 10yeargift! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mathias18_! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sweeelias! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 500 others in Chat! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LeToutPetitChaton! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FiveDiabeticYordles! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 183cm90kg20cm! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 초기! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DomaehPlays! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sengoku95! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Schalimah! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheGiftedGod! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2Pinks! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dnunn11! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to goldquartz! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to slapyoazz! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to XygeoskTR! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yanisy4! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to koppitsch! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rugusur! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pantelis_Stani! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nightstalker96! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gabreu250! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to watermelandrah! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bookooti! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaueourives! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TypicalWukongPlayer! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to astroferrari! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to soor_ice! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SeirKING! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MezarinBekcisi! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to justkf! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Presents90! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to danloops_! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stoverhs! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kurtzhall50! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pwrhungry! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Faithfull7! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to humboldxxx! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tehdewder! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Adoinc! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexlangenberg! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to snlget! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to matthew17836! HOLY SHIT dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WHYISEVERYNAMETAKENGOD! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to professorpenny! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ordinarystory! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Diakseen! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tetro112! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alimybad! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NinjaStyle97! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ecrb3! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NumbNumbJuice! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ReekieStream! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dominativez! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to savcio1997! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ursu0000! OMFG dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Akuseru212! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trihard3456! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bezzzos29! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ObitooUchihaa! Holy sub hype!!!! HOLY SHIT wwwwwhhhhat? WTF Pog @dwhite12310 OMG yoo ? pog WAT wow Pog 100 OMG PogChamp Holy !subhype POGGGG sheesh foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird Pog oh wow OMG Pog Pog LUL wtf :O monkaW Pog WTF Pog Pog HOlY 100 SUBS WTF OMFG! wtfff Thanks for the HahaCat @dwhite12310 damn HAHAAHA Thanks for the HahaDreidel @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 pog WAT pog Pog POg wowowow LOL @dwhite12310 Thanks for the gift sub! <3 WTF ayy Thanks for the HahaLean @dwhite12310 Pog Ευχαριστούμε για το HahaBall @dwhite12310 DODGED DELAY KEKW Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 Haha2020 için @dwhite12310 adlı kullanıcıya teşekkürler @dwhite12310 Tack för prenumerationsgåvan! Thanks for the HahaCat @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaDreidel @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaPoint @dwhite12310 lol UNLUCKY PepeHands Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 I DODGED Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 Pog @dwhite12310 dang you rock! TIME FOR GIVEAWAYS what a legend Danke für Haha2020 @dwhite12310. @dwhite12310, damn bruh thx HahaSleep için @dwhite12310 adlı kullanıcıya teşekkürler WOOOW Pog get ready for FOG to go nuts thanks HahaCat, @dwhite12310. U ABSOLUTE PONKER Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @dwhite12310 pog PogU WHOAAAAAA @evilzoorin I mean Ill be honest as well and say yeah, he makes flash trybdamer work in every mathup like Thanks for the HahaDreidel @dwhite12310 WTF whoa COACHME yamato8Smug yamato8Burger yamato8Turtle AYYY OH SHITE The legend what PepeHands Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 EZ DODGE Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 WHAT THE ACTUAK lol DODGED THEM ALL EZ Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 asdf Thanks for the HahaSweat @dwhite12310 Pog GOT NOTHING wow o man! Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 lol EZ DODGE Pog Grazie per HahaShrugRight @dwhite12310 POGCHAMP !fog whaaaaaaaat pog God @dwhite12310 You're actually insane! Thank you so much PepeHands :O and there it is EZ Clap DODGED ALPHA boi in chat pog $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! BootyTime !opggs KappaPride @freelancer_g english only, sorry !!! POGSLIDE HahaShrugRight <—— wtf is that THANKS BROOOOOOO Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 lol Happy x-mass @dwhite12310 lol delay Dodged EZ foggedBaby foggedBaby HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby haha EZ DODGE Pogpog cant catch me with those gifts! LUL BOI WOW AND I DODGED IT HAHA DODGED EZ PogChamp Thanks for HahaCat @dwhite12310 me !!!!!! PogChamp !opggs me Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm FING POGGERS wow thoughts on sanguine blade? @foggedftw2 Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 Pog This is insane GG Pog HahaShrugLeft @freelancer_g oh nvm that's the default response thing @dwhite12310 so awesome of you, that's sweet pog Pog foggedRightArm woo @dwhite12310 TY <3 Pog HahaDoge HahaShrugRight !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison yo i POG ty man pog BeAsT pog @dwhite12310 thank you trkBoom can't catch me with those gifts :D wow fRAZZLOL GIFTED ME A SUB LAST MONTH SO TY PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp HE GETS TO VIP NOW q foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedTrynda yooo foggedFOGGERS Still a pleb :) EZ DODGE Pepega @EmmyLeeC we going to get a 2 hr coaching with all this love? yo i've never been gifted a sub :( NEVER lucky . poggg nice sa Fogged EU challenge POG PogChamp LETS GOOO lets go holly shit! i'm happy!! grazie fratello!!! foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedFrog DOUBLE COACHING? Pog foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby pog I wanna sub as well :( :( :( MERRY Christmas @foggedftw2 HahaShrugRight @foggedftw2 Now you need to do giveaways Still a pleb :( foggedFOGGERS HaHaDreidel foggedFOGGERS KEKW Imagine not getting gifted 😏 KEKW GOOD STUFF not happening @foggedftw2 blades subs are 90 percent gifted by him KEKW @dwhite12310 thanx man !subcount you are my king! haha @dwhite12310 Thanks os much man <3 LUL TFBlade's sub count inflated, HE GIFTED ALMOST ALL THOSE SUBS cursor fucked up YES PLEASE PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PogChamp PogChmp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp HahaShrugRight HahaBall Crowncupking Crowncupking Crowncupking Crowncupking Crowncupking Crowncupking Check out my new merch! Damn forgot about @platinumera95 34 gifted subs rip MOUSE bugged! fog sempai EU in general would be hype !subs Why TFBlade is so popular ? :O i like it! @foggedftw2 you telling me you want to challenge ranger and alderiate but not me cmonBruh HahaSleep @foggedftw2 BLADE HAS 3K SUBS AND HE GIFTED 2.9K OF THEM KEKW @foggedftw2 the cursor is fucked @neonskylights KEKW Hello @foggedftw2 foggedFrog foggedFrog !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison spear dmg holy Nidalee's name tho LUL Tf blade is obnoxious I got hit with it on the previous 100 subgift !ranks foggedFiesta Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) wait werent you gueueing on an account named "foggedftw3"? how many subs you got @foggedftw2 !opggs Jebaited !opggs @foggedftw2 Why is TF Blade playing other champs @Kreivi2265 People like seeing mental boom i guess Jebaited MOUSE BUG @foggedftw2 Euw would be hype as F, heck probs even more than blade if u can make it vs Rangerzx @ullleh you still doing gunblade nashoors every game? Kappa Wish someone could give me something for christmas :( another one alone is not soo good krisCry krisCry krisCry STOP INVADING @Averdian that is a Jebaited screen cover wut elo we at now bois? Jebaited @foggedftw2 fix cursor plz !challenge cursor bugged Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison mouse buggg he dia 1 I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @thordonramsay D1 !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET will he update the docs soon? @redseal14 no OneHand mouse? KEKW !king !matchup !spreadsheet Diamond II (Talon, Swain) Diamond I (Senna, Shen, Nidalee, Tryndamere, Ashe, Irelia, Qiyana, Fiddlesticks) With pre-season 10 just starting, Fogged is still working through every matchup to understand changes and differences to the existing information. The spreadsheet will be updated in time once each matchup is better understood, your patience is appreciated. @Dworius ty cursor buuggg 💀 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 💀 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 14889 🥈) soor_ice : 7467 🥉) jocnitro : 5193 4) ahbahahaha : 4187 5) ssuhao : 4137 Mouse cursor bug. @EmmyLeeC Jebaited @foggedftw2 yeah should've tf blade dodge if he doesn't get trynd or does it not count if he wins a game with a champ thats not trynd You have a better chat tho @foggedftw2 pls play king tryn costume because you re king foooged Time warp tonic opop @dwhite12310 thanx man Irelia starting E??? doesnt she start Q normally? @EmmyLeeC can Fog grow a beard? if so, that would really TILT tfblade with his peach fuzz he constantly shows up close to the camera !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison probably from invade @lorensj81 Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups @menofwin I hate the scruffies but damn these sub gifters are insane <3 !opggs @dankkermits it's so he doesnt have to dodge in promos. fogged approved I think he could grow a really good goatee for sure @menofwin !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @johnnyj518 thanks! :) Fogged just needs the Sultan mustache and he's good :P !opggs @dwhite12310 Thanks for the gift sub! cant see the stream thru all the gifted subs lmao !king @EmmyLeeC Tell fogged to cosplay some Trynd skins when he is less pressure so new viewers can see that side of fogged also Thanks for the HahaPoint @dwhite12310 1ranks im a sub now plebs That was unexpected xd !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) @Tryndannosaurus For sure <3 HahaDoge HahaShrugRight Check out my new merch! @dankkermits yea he was getting target banned hard lol !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison hello waiting for nightmare trynd cosplay when he puts a bag on his head who is leading the bet? PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight @foggedftw2 why has blade played jax irelia and ryze? isn't the challenger tryndamere only? @RedSeal14 dunno why that made me laugh so hard viking tryndamere or spademonium tryndamere? @foggedftw2 Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! challenge* !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. Cause emmys right arm is a lot stronger than her left arm Kappa @tryndannosaurus !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Its my birthday dude @RedSeal14 why is that RedCoat !opggs !build happy birthday! @YumYumis CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET feels batman Happy Birthday! @YumYumis when is Quiyana getting gutted? !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor they inted anyway shoulde pushed the wave foggedDerp :( !rally Play Rally. Collect streamer cards, battle bosses, climb the leaderboards, and earn rewards. Grant access to the extension below and start playing. Use commands 💥!rally daily & !rally weekly💥to see the top damage dealers. If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! Thank you :) @dwhite12310 Thankyou for the sub bro wait, fogged mismanaged the wave or the jugbler fked it up? Pog Pog Nice community LUL NICE !rank Pog KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP Pog NICE Pog xd rng crit Pog FOGGED KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POG How did they get Riot accounts for this unless she ints lol foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog happy birthday @yumyumis what was that e from her? LUL got fogged up THE WINNER'S POV GUYS pog @Nikamin he went to help out jg and mid and lost a bit !challenge rekt Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor @AmunKaidon they didnt foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog POGG PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight Yea your team is struggling Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @dwhite12310 !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP @emmyleec oh i see, thanks all those subs? Kappa foggedWizard !rally daily !challenge Why this bet? Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! nids name 💀 Daily Damage Leaderboard: 🥇) gowry0 : 50441 🥈) soor_ice : 49320 🥉) jocnitro : 30995 4) vatoscorsos : 28152 5) redseal14 : 21063 6) morkinis2 : 19166 7) venderionn : 19160 8) l4s5i : 18629 9) ahbahahaha : 15813 10) poi123456789012 : 12762 💀 HahaHide i don't play trynd but i like watching fogged for some reason lol @foggedftw2 grinded this.account to 30 on stream HahaCat @PatteOnRs TF Blade wanted it @foggedftw2 Now that You don't have bloodline, what do you buy as lifesteal? LULW @RanzekZ Me either the sound of his fury and autos are relaxing Irelia tried so hard Intrelia Mid will be heavy yeah as a I said unless she ints !opggs2 @EmmyLeeC did he say tryndamere was free elo again :thinking: KEKW DETH !opggs @PatteOnRs Yes LOL !rally daily the sound of tryndamere screaming is relaxin @emmyleec 🗡️ Daily Damage Leaderboard: 🥇) gowry0 : 50441 🥈) soor_ice : 49320 🥉) jocnitro : 30995 4) vatoscorsos : 28152 5) redseal14 : 21063 6) morkinis2 : 19166 7) venderionn : 19160 8) l4s5i : 18629 9) ahbahahaha : 15813 10) poi123456789012 : 12762 updated few mins ago 🗡️ Plate @foggedftw2 :( @Nikamin the sound of him critting the enemies foggedGasm did i miss another sub gifting @EmmyLeeC @EmmyLeeC i like the fact he is 1 man army most of the game i try to be like him hehehe i am yi main though foggedLewd i was in the shower noooooooooooooooooooooo i couldn't see the kills i hate my boss he keep coming into my office when things get interesting Can anybody link foggeds current char cant find him is conqueror better than lethal/fleet? I knew there was something behind it when i saw him playing trynd. I remembered a game vs fogged where he whined like a baby and a whole video was about his complaining !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP Another no boots kinda game? @foggedftw2 trash team !rally weekly !opggs what do you usually go vs teemo @MidnightxPMC 100 Gifted subs by Dwhite @MidnightxPMC Yes @dwhite12310 gifted 100 stream support is unreal! !rank !rank 🤖 Weekly Damage Leaderboard: 🥇) jocnitro : 342240 🥈) gowry0 : 294682 🥉) soor_ice : 267993 4) brian8158571 : 134069 5) ghostedonline : 105643 6) ashunt : 104215 7) l4s5i : 94517 8) isentropicmike : 93983 9) uncleherc : 84995 10) redseal14 : 70659 🤖 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king again? wait that was tcrisi before woweee Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !challenge thx Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs !t1 T1 and Fogged why has tf blade got games on other champions didnt u see fiddle? fogged with the morale boost FeelsGoodMan did he not get that first plate since he didn't hit the tower? !whyjax @RiciDaChrist TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !whyjax !opggs !opggs !opgg Fogged has a Wifey that supports him and plays with him #Goals FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Check out my new merch! what is mid doing? !king @foggedftw2 why so early ignite @MidnightxPMC He gifted 100 the other day as well so many subs Gotta beat TFblade sub count It seems like TFBlade played other champs than trynd? ;) which rank is he currently? why flash? Ok they are running it down !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here prolly for sight @gava90 I missed it !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @SnowCMK Thank you <3 I try to be as supportive as I can be @Higgs019 Spin wouldve tanked tower shot after his ult was out !قشىنس dont forget boots fogged Queria jogar igual esse cara <3 @Stevo10000 sight? under enemy turret with 3v1? :D !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) like I said I didn't see it @gava90 !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king thanks! Sub alerts still going off big pog foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi foggedCorgi “I don’t need mobility against Irelia I just need damage” @chirchri <3 !king That wasnt a rigby roo. That was a Harry roof is he against TinyFella Blade? I assume so since its irelia. !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP Knegsat subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison pog !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Huge Crits foggedLewd yo fog what do u think about a new item for trynda? foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard !King !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP !opggs What do u think about a new items for trynda is good? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET gifted subs and i'm not one of them? weirdChamp VapeNation Saguine !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison KEKW !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER @foggedftw2 can you move the sub notification down... its annoying seeing in every second at the center the screen pinkward lol @PinkWardlol weirdChamp yo yo fogged what do u think about a new items for trynda is worth ? Check out my new merch! @PinkWardlol never lucky !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP what do u think about a new items for trynda is worth ? why tiamat? !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @PinkWardlol I feel your pain FeelsBadMan stop asking how much lp do u get per win? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) @bkayleful yo yo read chat. hes a little busy Ok bkay, you can chill with the repeated question @bkayleful Spamming wont help what item? How good is sanguine blade on trynda? @PinkWardlol KEKW !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER BroadusBoom subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !sanguine it suxxxxx !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird @purpL7 rly bad oh look at me im irelia i yellso much bla bla dead what you think about jungle tryndamere did the mod icon changed or what ?? PunOko PunOko PunOko !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups LUL chirchri !opggs @pinkwardlol if i could gift you a sub i totaly would i can't even sub myself though, you rock! somone gifted me a sub woooooooooooo @LipaCurriton he says it sucks who is ahead right now? !opggs storm_loco subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !opggs So senna q applies all on hits so say senna hits a 5 man q everyone gets to those on hits applied right? !opggs !challenge !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird What makes ER good on Trynd :Thinking: PinkWardlol gifted a Tier 1 sub to imtheq! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 42 LP (70-15) !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison dam pink @PatteOnRs everything Bot hard feeding FeelsGoodMan !king @i8ursoup thanks,i think like that too :D @pinkwardlol you rock, you're the best, thanks so much @i8ursoup Very vaguq !subhype @PinkWardlol Dodged like ppl dodge your Shaco Kappa Vague* Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! @foggedftw2 Why does TFBlade have games on Irelia, Jax and Vlad on his Trynd only acc? Does it mean he forfeits the bet or? !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @pinkwardlol you guide others to a treasure you can't possess !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !opggs !king @PatteOnRs just read the item and it should be pretty apparently, Pretty much the best cost / stats @Cinrai !whyjax PinkWard nice af for that Why does tf blade have irelia/jax games on his acc?? @foggedftw2 how do you think you can lane vs Urgot??? !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !CHALLENGE !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king huge wave top, juicy !king ward !challenge in bush Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison PINK IN BUSH @lolQuixote !jax alcove pink ward control ward in cove bush @i8ursoup i havent played league of months, i wouldn't know the best cost/stat - But i just didn't think it would be that good, as i always thought the idea behind ER was better mana sustain :) didnt tfblade play 1 jax game when trynd got banned? 🤔 u missed a pink ward 3rd bush had pink !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP irelia mad thicc @kaceytronismoe !whyjax !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king GHOSTEDonline gifted a Tier 1 sub to PinkWardlol! They have given 20 Gift Subs in the channel! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight pog !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. I despise shaco players foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL @pinkwardlol !king hey @PinkWardlol @Nathanator_Playz thanks SeemsGood pw Pog POGGERS foggedFOGGERS Irelia auto range WTF Killing your wife wtf good thing shaco players don't care what other's think Kappa GHOSTEDonline Hoooooyge shutdowns why she have 200 attack range weirdChamp 3k !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @kaceytronismoe np Thats a thiccccccc shut down bounty to the now 1/5 irelia LUL WIFE BEATER LULW LUL !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP !opggs WIFE ABUSER KEKW !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @pinkwardlol but I love you wife abuser foggedLUL Swain asked for mercy !challenge pwdMeh <3 Get nashoors for @ullleh fogged Kappa Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! inting talon lmao Tryndamere never shows mercy LUL !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor teammates So useless the challenge says if tryn is banned or picked away from fogged or tf, then they will dodge. but tf played like 6 non trynd games already hahaha swain talon is straight up inting !Whyjax @Vinnick__ TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison Pepega dreke hhahaha swain !opggs Yo The Vikings season premier last night was POPPIN foggedWeeb why doesn't he hide his map? it's obvious he's getting ghosted $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! @vinnick__ Yep, he is honorless scum. Banished to land of wind and ghosts. HI TRYN tfblade is paying ppl to snipe him and ban trynd to try to make up some money in the bet @3DayRespawn_tv he's got a decent delay on !rank Atleast it’s not ocean swain LUL KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP @foggedftw2 pls hide your map.dont want you to get ghosted in high elo !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison the new voice actors are so annoying @stomegalol is he aware that he can only trynd? !opggs what did nid even do hmm conq is better than lethal tempo ? Check out my new merch! fiddle fucks trynd so hard they played that p well irelia and fiddle @Vinnick__ fogged gave him permission @Demajster mind your business pls @talkingturtlez ahh thnx !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king aye im subbed senna adc is just not viable :/ !king Senna Pepega sick of these scrubs picking it @vinnick__ Fogged let him play other champs in Diamond and Master promos. But fogged has dodged on promos himself to maintain the integrity of the challenge. Honor for fogged. senna nerfs monkaSHAKE hope they dont get infarnal soul! @Vinnick__ getting targeted and banned out in promos is no fun so fogged showed leniency its the characters fault BabyRage @Immacularity stats show that Senna adc have a better winrate than support so... its only good if you get a lead early what happened to tank meta fogged? do you see a lot of tanks ? I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here what does infernal soul do? !opgg\ !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king @PlebHunter27 gives huge amount of burst dmg chat what if he doesnt get trynd like 5 times in a day? does he dodge all 5 times? when trynda in game says something have you ever look on your stream notifications? @SambaDioulde the stats lie though, the stats for senna ADC are inflated with people taking CS and getting fed as support @SambaDioulde what elo tho !opggs @talkingturtlez i see. yea with tf's status, i bet he gets taret banned way more often @plebhunter27 aoe adaptive damage on autos every 4 seconds just give them infernal soul so you can get elder dragon 5Head @PlebHunter27 pretty sure its a small aoe burst every third attack or spell but not sure !skins Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant thanks btw GHOSTEDonline Infernal soul is my least favorite tbh @Immacularity not that sure tbh... Check Riot August tweet thx chat :) !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @talkingturtlez every 3 seconds Why did u run magic resist boots instead of tabi or attack speed? Just curious @thebosslevel idk tbh @pinkwardlol foggedDerp @PinkWardlol asuuh dude. you lookin good today Pepega pepeClap @biiince oh, that is much stronger then originally thought then lmao !pepega CC CJlishly fiddle fear, qiyana snare/stun. irelia stun chat what if he doesnt get trynd like 5 times in a day? does he dodge all 5 times? What you play if you get vs TF ? @SambaDioulde when you look up winrate, go by master+ PepoDance !opggs @CJlishly fiddle aids + qiyana aids + swain aids + ashe aids @PinkWardlol the legend @pinkwardlol np man my pleasure PepoDance IceCold @pinkwardlol I see thanks @Hoaw pretty sure it depends on if in promos or not @hoaw TinyFella Blade doesn't dodge but Fogged does. foggedProf yasN Merc trades = dps increase. less time cc'd = more time to do damage :) Check out my new merch! PINK WARD TRYND MAIN? POg @PinkWardlol big brain boot strats @stomegalol how is that fair? Pog @PinkWardlol you are my hero !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison fiddle KEKW KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt fiddle KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt LOL FIDDLE wow !r Level Ult Last - !ult "That was a lot of damage." Fogged - 2018 foggedRIP Fogged has missed ult 1128 times! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt that was fast foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt trkBad trkBad trkBad KEKW yowzah foggedUlt foggedUlt KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW foggedUlt foggedDerp foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @hoaw It isn't. Danny is badass and doesn't need a handicap. foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !challenge Both fiddle and tryn f LULW NA trynd foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt KEKW foggedUlt KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt oof foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt PowerUpL foggedUlt HahaShrugRight its okay. you give them infernal soul so that you can get elder drake. trynd such a hard champ Pog Fuck that hurts !ult wait what I loved his reaction, its like me everytime i miss ult !ult !opggs foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt this boosted fking talon lol R Key is Broken KEKW That was your win condition But i hit my head KEKW Fuckkkk cmon dude...u r supose to be no 1..wth man... Qiyana LULW woah Senna Pog he malding KEKW KEKW KEKW team Pog ALL PLANNED Pog wtf?? Nani that q foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS thats was crazy imagine you ulting there I wonder what @emmyleec will have to say about that play. all 5 dead !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison different type of skillshots KEKW nid LMFAO @knight3b sometimes its hard to press r spear monkaS Nidalee was very greedy wtfff nid LUL Shit happens, even the bests :D Pog dat spear nid is missing all of her spear shots rip foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP He was saving his ult for this fight guys, chill Kappa i cant believe he is playing with pink ward. Pink ward is a beast. saving ult for the extended teamfight 5Head why does tfblade have irelia, jax, ryze and vald played on his tryndamere account? Lmfao I got gifted a sub on my mobile account while I literally didn’t have the twitch app open. Sick. @foggedftw2 ez Pog !opggs didnt ult to bait 5Head Pog There you go! POGCHAMP foggedWurf 5head imma say wurf Pog WINNABLE Pog WINNABLE Pog WINNABLE Pog WINNABLE Pog WINNABLE 5Head who's your daddy! pog foggedRightArm SeemsGood SeemsGood pog !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. @foggedftw2 Stop domesticly abusing Ashe! LMFAO KEKW LUL BALANCED KEKW JK LOL All planned PogChamp PogChamp @pinkwardlol, LUL wut Came back with ult KEKW :D TIMING did they get drake i didnt seee it oh okay ty yes they got delete that champion from the game lol they got drake i didnt even see qiyana i just saw "Shut Down" lmao Both TF and Fogged on win streaks today nice thx pog !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king :d wow, so good matchups vs irelia @midnightxpmc But only one on Trynd only. so tanky GGWP late QSS that fucking team disater gg NA trynd perma stun right there bro gg swain was a bad target foggedRIP foggedRIP ever consider taking cleanse? Kappa foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP cheeeesh gg talon killed fiddle, wurf @PinkWardlol rip foggedEmmy emmyleHuh two guys just solo dying to Qyana KEKW @PinkWardlol tell that to TF man foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP useless teammates ssjViviThump !opgss i hate suicidaire player like nidale !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison whats ur rank unfortunately cleanse doesn't help with the 4v6 Talon traded the baron for some chickens. If you took them you would have been able to recall @foggedftw2 :( :( !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to useless talon Weren't you 5-0 and she 0-5 lol irel has 1 core item LULW 3/13 TALON "behind since beginning" !opggs useless talon taking farm and then getting deleted LUL @milltanks all other lanes !wurf It has been wurf 521 times. foggedWurf foggedWurf hard lost Talon NotLikeThis lmfao that block\ WINNABLE @foggedftw2 i think we need bring guinsoo back !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison the legend is back Spam frogs for fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog dont worry the 3/14 talon will carry from those chickens !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor I hate every new champ from riot !wurf What happened to the sanguine blade build? test !challenge when ur champion starts breakdancing over the caster line while cannon dies !sanguine !sanguine Sanguine blade is bad after hotfix, it's better to rush ER minion block seems worse this season. twice yesterday I just got stuck Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison who is winning the bet thus far? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !challenge m 1.1k crit gachiBASS !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king How does Talon go 3/15 damn !opggs !opggs got a gifted sub Pog my son who plays a lot of talon in gold was just watching for a few minutes, and he laughed his ass off when he saw this talon trying to make plays foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog IceCold foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !opgg !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP @2Pinks spam frogs with us then pog foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedDog foggedThink foggedDog foggedWurf foggedDog foggedW foggedFiesta foggedLewd foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt 3 tabis and a zhonya... no armor... KEKW !rank !king foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !opggs foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SOUL play coming soon Check out my new merch! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !rank !elo 69 gold lmao @TheEnigmaEngine The pathing the champions take sometimes is fucced up also. I have died twice on a dive because champion didn't decide where to walk around tower !king fogged is the real winner hydra upgrade over qss upgrade ? !elo foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedWeeb !opggs foggedFrog !rank !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !op.Gg ¨!elo foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog if you dont win this, nothings going to happen !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Pog imagine letting you son watch a toxic tryndamere main Kappa wtf foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !king foggedCarry foggedFrog foggedCarry wait that was nutty pog nid she lived???? !opggs !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP pog he's not gonna win lol She lives?! NID POG !challenge TALON IS IN THIS! !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison QSS PepeHands so close YOU HAVE A QSS YOU KNOW... talon useless I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !rank foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Hey guys what`s up? Talon worth about a minion foggedCarry foggedFrog foggedCarry why are u focusing swain every fight !challenge Win?Loss !opgg we need guinsoo FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedREE foggedREE Blade technically lost the bet already right? this talon is so bad !challenge wow 0 help from talon oh QSS foggers LMFAO XD xD LULW u qss was up is it just me or is this talon super useless qss is to trick the enemy team into thinking fogged will use it KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW !challenge Win/Loss LOL LUL Haha2020 KEKW KEKW TALON KEKW hahahaha HAHAHAHAHA LMAO KEKW L0L KEKW KEKW !bet lolo LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Talon just got a kill, he's worth gold again LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL this talon holy shit KEKW LUL Talon LUL KEKW Sawthat comming ahahah wintraded KEKW KEKW foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega LOOOL 4/16 KEKW lel talon needs to build tank foggedLUL talon is just an ibred he was* !king LUL why is talon not moving foggedTilt DAT TALON !king LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL gwounds will be sweet here !rank !opgg KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP !challenge Win oh-oh Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison QI AYAYA NA na dia LULW LOOOL TFBlade spy KEKW This Talon is having a rough one KEKW 4/16 !opggs !rank !rank twitch chat smrter BootyTime 4-16.. tfblade must have sent the elo assassins after fogged !challenge If talon even contributed 1 auto you would have survived. !ranks 4 16 Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 64 LP (71-15) legitimately wintrading LUL @AlexDTs swain doesnt has scape :D He took a quick nap WINNABLE gaurentee tf blade has like 1000 lp by the end of the challenge lol lmo rank ? why talon is not splitting can't let Twisted Fate Blade win the bet, you know kekw !challenge elo ? how are u doing for dont tilt ? Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups talon LUL talon is bad opgg ? Talon is unreal !king Kugnae subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. !challange Current Runes: Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor !opgg he has to be a TF Fan FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird talon is a TFblade spy sent to throw fogged's game this team 2v5 at a time wouldn't be surprised if blade hits rank1 I feel like Senna’s such an awful ADC !challenge is the $2500 for first to challenger or for highest win rate? how th fk 71 win make blade diamond 2 vs 65 win !opggs LULW shit on her 26 days left better throw in “spy’s” LUL gotcha @swift_magz whoever has more lp so tf will win without a doubt irank i just noticed ur as is very low use your QSS bro :D sit Join my discord to be a part of our community! I will also post frequent updates and possibly have sub games off stream! IRELIA KEKW balanced puuuuuush backdoor time bby !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @thugg_12 ahh yeah qiana on baron LETS GOOOOOOOO END IT Pog !rank @xStarfolloweR kill ashe? !challenge KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP !challange Talon what are you doing no no no !challenge !challenge EL GATAZ oh no !whyirelia fuck ashe SLOWED TO DEATH !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king that slow nothing happens !whyirelia absolute kite machine !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !king she 2 shots she LUL they should ve went baron this qiy ana literally just took 70% of shen's health in 2 Q's and he's building full fucking armor aaaand talon died to qiyana again !challenge qiyanna's damages holy shiet screw qiy ana !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET broken champion 4Head shen ult i'll be so mad at that talon rn Check out my new merch! !matchup Diamond II (Talon, Swain) Diamond I (Senna, Shen, Nidalee, Tryndamere, Ashe, Irelia, Qiyana, Fiddlesticks) fidde is soloing baron @foggedftw2 how ur not tilting witht that inter talon on ur team ? 535 AD !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !why ryze !whyjax !whyvlad !whyirelia KEKW why no ignte? show runes? what clear path? why jungle over top? why not adc ? what supprot is best in funnel? why conquerero over guardian? does tryndamere scale with health? why no taco for breakfast? why is boxerpete better than you? why no gunblade? why Janna top? Why you no spin in E? Why ER? Why 1 point in R? Why no max W first? Why no update spreadsheet after 1 day of s10? 535 ad LUL d2 talon btw So this talon. The LAST game he played 6 hours ago was against fogged and he went 5/10 wtf are they even doing instead of give baron pressure jeeez Pog Pog Pog Pog yess PogU you're a fucking beast dude fogged hero LUL pog fogged Pog POGGERS WTF 1v9 foggedFOGGERS WHAT MORE CAN THIS MAN DO? leego OMG QSS QSS QSS leggo Pog GG PogChamp PogChamp Pog FKN POG DUDE GET INHIB THEY MUSTVE FORGOT LUL Pog Pog Pog Pog pooooooooooog POGSLIDE POG GGG lmao GG Pog JESUS go end bot!!! HOLY FUCK gg DOING IT I LOVE YOU FOGGE GOD Pog GG WP! POG foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedFOGGERS nice game steal foggedFOGGERS WOW GG foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm wait i missed it USE YOUR QSS BRO they all had selective memory NOO they just let him finish baron LULW FOGGE VS WOROLD LETS GOOOO !opggs !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison they musta forgot POG If you would like to support my stream you can donate. Every donation really helps me live my dream! foggedFrogfoggedFrogfoggedFrogfoggedFrog @PinkWardlol Sick play brother. you are a beast LETS GOOOOOOOo you think ? EZ SantaHat Clap YASSSSSSS QUEEN Pog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog vv ONE V NINE thats game POG UR A MONSTER foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm 1 V 9 GOD Pog LET'S GO BOYS! GG FOGGEDFTW2 OPEN THE GATES you earned it FOGGE VS WORLD Holy cheese. talon doing anything to help this dogshit team LUL foggedW GG fiddle KEKW GG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GG 1v9 gg NO MERCYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! GG !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison GG gg foggedCarry Clap EZ foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog GG GG Pog gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg foggedCarry ggwp GG EZ wp YAS wp dude wp GG WOOOT foggedLewd gg lets go foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SPAM THE FOGGED FROG TO HELP FOGGED foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog ggwp Insane! Pog foggedCarry foggedFrog foggedCarry Pog GG gg TPFufun gg Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm that's a YEEEET NO MERCYYY!!!! GGGGGGGGGGG pog YEEEEEES EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap 1v9 HOLY SHIT GG foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog infernal soul is dogshit though !challenge saving ult for the extended teamfights 5Head POG gg bro You're too good Pog POG gs LETS GOOOO GG too sick for NA super MEGA pog HYPERS HYPERS foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS LETS GOOO GG infernal soul doesn't matter when you cant die pepeLaugh infernal soul is dogshit though @foggedftw2 EZ Clap foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog tfbUp Thats a video KEKW KEKW CLEAN let's go trynd god ALL HAIL THE KING FTW FUCKING FTW DUDE gg EZ gg @foggedftw2 looked dicy when you missed the ult on that one drag fight but GGs !ranks well played Fogged: Diamond I 51 LP (65-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 64 LP (71-15) PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp god Pog wp !challenge NO MERCY!!!! foggedCarry foggedWurf foggedCarry 1v9 bro PowerUpR Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! tbf nidalee popped off !king CLEANNNNNNNNNNNN foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog THISNGUY IS JUST UNBEATABLE FROGGED POG EZ Clap NICE MEN gg foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby 2v8 u r a beast foggedCarry !king foggedFrog worked !challenge !clap that was a 1v10 zwagPog HahaBall HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega foggedPepega Nani FOGGED UR A GOD BEAST MODE POGGERS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4/17 4/17 TALON KEKW @foggedftw2 got any akali tips? lol foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp you r crazy man you r crayz!!! ! 69lp nice foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog w8 im a sub @foggedftw2 how u dont tilt with inters like that talon on ur team? yes he was @EmmyLeeC the right arm emote is a left arm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm foggedRightArm Actual cheese. foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedWurf PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight where is tf blade at now? !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET KEKW really skilled champ tryn is LUL elite5Gachi elite5Wine we drink to fogged 69lp boxLewd FeelsSnowyMan IceCold 69 lp POGGERS Thanks for the HahaDreidel @dwhite12310 hey fogged , what do you think about blade cheating with other champs 2 honors btw LUL FIDDLE KEKW you were so focused lol 4/17 why would you report someone that is bad? LUL @foggedftw2 how do you feel about tf blade cheating? fiddle malding LUL !challenge cant wait for you to win bro! emmyleNami 69 LP pls wriye no mercy to swain Holy moly givng up on the game is intentional feeding isnt it? lol !opggs PogU nice wr pls 69 LP foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 Take a lil brake man, that was so intense Lose 50 Times now Kappa 69 LP Kreygasm 4-16.. tfblade must have sent the elo assassins after fogged @foggedftw2 how come tfblade played other champs when tryn was banned? TF whining call Fogged a cheater lol show dmg FIDDLE MALDING KEKW FROGGEN, U R A BEAST 69 lap positive gaming Pog 69 Kreygasm HE IS PLAYING FID THO KEKW KEKW skilled champ tryn is, and Fiddle requires more skill? KEKW only 2 honors wtf NICE foggedFrog SPAM THE CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog foggedGasm foggedLewd @foggedftw2 how u dont tilt with inters like that talon on ur team? yes he was Shen was helpful too fiddle complaining about trynd LUL toxic reports LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king HE WIZARD HE TRYND HE SPINS HE WINS Your shen was ok tho OSFrog @xStarfolloweR Exactly, thats why he didnt pick that option. He just reported him for negative attitude the ashe had pretty yeet kiting though what champion should tf balde stick with jax or irelia ? @foggedftw2 Talon traded a few chickens for baron when he didn;t let you take that gold @foggedftw2 KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SPAM THE CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog 17 death talon holy @foggedftw2 You aiming for masters today? foggedThink TTours @PinkWardlol do you think there is any potential for ad shaco in a solo lane TTours TTours TTours LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW 2 more wins to master promos, GG WP summoner foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SPAM THE CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog really skilled champ says a fiddle player LUL pszDISCONUNU why you choose conqueror vs that comp/matchup? TTours @Adukken THAT IS AMAZING !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !king isn't fiddle just need to press Q, E and R? hello all!! Hiya @foggedftw2 i like how your chanel is growing up!! You deserve it !! Gj! =) @LtPaddy HE WAS BEING TARGET BANNED IN PROMOS !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor is ap build dead since ratio got nerfed? foggedFrog SPAM THE CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog TTours TTours this video for youtube! !king Kandyland nb3Gasm Fiddle, the champ whos literally press Q win says trynd is low skill KEKW ttOURS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS !oppg foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog YEET @foggedftw2 how u dont tilt with inters like that talon on ur team? yes he was foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog TTours foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SPAM THE CROAK foggedFrog SO FOGGED AINT BROKE foggedFrog How come TFBlade has played more than just Trynd? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedWeeb foggedWeeb foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !opggs foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog THE RIGHT AM EMOTE IS A LEFT ARM CMON Tryndamere should be deleted from the game someone plug account comparison command pls foggedBaby !rank foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 51 LP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedProf Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog ME TRYND ME FROG AINT BROKE JUST FOGG OSFrog PogChamp OSFrog OSFrog PogChamp OSFrog PogChamp OSFrog @foggedftw2 WTF is that voice foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard Wintrade confirmed KEKW TF keeps calling him a cheater, the ego on this guy foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 you fogged them up real good GG SWAIN foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Gogogo @foggedftw2 masters today will there be any other game ? why did tf blade played other champs than trynda foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog TFBlade is Malding so hard @foggedftw2 how u dont tilt with inters like that talon on ur team? yes he was @foggedftw2 giveaways !ranks SWAIN KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 61 LP (71-15) foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedCarry foggedCarry foggedCarry foggedCarry LOST LP AND 5$ KEKW D1 in 92 games Poggers foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Hitting master today? hey Fogged can i not get the ads if i upgrade the tier of my subscription? someone know if it is worth to main qiyanna? TF calling fogged a cheater LUL foggedFrog Clap @PineTreeResin KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog 3 giveaways no, @foggedftw2? @SoVa4TheWin_ !jax @paolimdasvodka1 masters in 100 games BLAZE IT giveaway !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: 82 games who is winning @denguskhan hell yeah whats the bet? 92?? foggedPepega @paolimdasvodka1 FOGGE VS WORLD DManOne subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Kalica20 Depends on yoru rank. If you are low elo don't Coachme reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! why did tf blade play other champs??? hi mr mundo main @foggedftw2 fogged D one 69 Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @dmanone Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @dmanone COACHME @kalica20 it is, the same way you can sell your body to earn money @kalica20 shes strong if played Well, if U cant play her properly she dogshit kinda 🔥 Boss defeated! Check the extension below to see your rewards. 🔥 Top Damage on last boss: 🥇) gowry0 : 7536 🥈) ghostedonline : 6904 🥉) ahbahahaha : 4105 4) soor_ice : 3568 5) jocnitro : 3516 can someone EXPLAIN wtf KEKW means... it sounds so retarded when people spamming it !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. is giveaway just for subs? Me why Tf Blade played other champs like jax ???? @Marmoth miss click rengaGeniuss !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison COACHME SantaHat IceCold :D @daylun2016 COACHME @Biggysnipes 1 on 1 coaching COACHME COACHME tf Twitch unfollowed me COACHME @daylun2016 COACHME COACHME COACHME !opggs COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME @fedixxx1920 !whyjax COACHME COACHME im new, i really like how u play TryndA :) which runes do u use? thumbs up from Italy :) COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachmee COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachmeee COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME lucsho41 subscribed with Twitch Prime. coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMR COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachmeeee COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme coachme COACHME DADDY COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COCHEME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME :) COACHME COACHME don't COACHME coachmeee COACHME $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME no chance fuck trynd COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME KEYWOARD COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Thanks for the HahaPoint @lucsho41 COCHEMEE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PLS COACHME !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME COCHEME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachmen’s COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMEE COCHEMEE COACHME Coachie Kapp COACHME coach me LOVEME COACHME coachme COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PLS COACHME !opggs COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEMEE COACHME COACHME COACHME holy fk thats a lot COACHME COACHMEEE COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME LUSHO COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME HahaPoint HahaPoint COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEME wow COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coach me COACHME COACHME Coach meCoach meCoach me COACHME COACHME HahaBall COACH ME COACHME COACHEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SAAAAY THAT YOU COUCHME COACHME COACHME COACHMEe COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEME COACHME COACHME COACHME !help !Subsribe null help: COACHME COACHME SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHEMEE COACHME Coachthem foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !DISCORD FOOLME FOOLME COACHME COACHEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COACHME cohhHmm COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME LUL SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog sellout COACHME !challenge COACHME Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison COACHME COACHME COACHME SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 make it 4x I feel like I'm getting screwed here foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL foggedLUL COACHME COACHME foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt COACHME foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt COACHME COACHME LUL COACHMEE LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL COACHEME LULW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME Coachme foggedUlt COACHME SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog Bigbrain time Poggers Coachme COACHME foggedUlt COACHMEE dwhite12310 is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to foggedftw2's community! They've gifted a total of 300 in the channel! COACHME COACHME COACHME Pog ACTUALLY 5Head foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt COACHME COACHME True KEKW foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to smetzillah! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to B3R3N1C3! COACHME dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Behrkor! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 250 others in Chat! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to krist0fferr! COACHME dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Khay66! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ayush00990! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Haggardd! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kilianaire! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to krimsin360! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chaamboo! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to naoufal_beats! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to apostolidisvasilis! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to threvax! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroZenRL! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mig_hall! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Windslashman! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dacp! foggedULT dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to smokwzbroiplytowej! dwhite12310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ibbeobama! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt COACHME :) foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog coachme pog kik wow COACHME Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @dwhite12310 Pog COACHME Pog @dwhite12310 Thanks for the gift sub! COACHME Pog oh bnoooi Pog coach me POGGERS POG Pog Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @dwhite12310 foggedFOGGERS wow HOLY POG dodged.. wtf Thanks for the HahaSleep @dwhite12310 COACHEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @dwhite12310 FAAAAAAAAA :D COACHME Thanks for the HahaThink @dwhite12310 foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift foggedGift Thanks for the Haha2020 @dwhite12310 coachme Pog COACHME gifts again foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt COACHME pog POG k COACHEME COACHME HOLY POG @dwhite12310 Never luck COACHME lol Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @dwhite12310 EZ DODGED Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 Pog COACHME Pog Pog @dwhite12310 HOLY SHIT YOU'RE ACTUALLY A MONSTER pog again foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS xd pog foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 Id like to sub to you, but i am too poor ;c Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @dwhite12310 COACHME coachme COACHEMEEEE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME foggedUlt foggedUlt tfbWTF tfbWTF tfbWTF tfbWTF Pog dwhite poppin off COACHMEEE foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME COACHME Thank you! Pog wow COACHME COACHME Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 foggedFrog foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS best dodger NA FING AGAIN THIS MAN IS A LEGEND Merci pour HahaSweat @dwhite12310 PogU oof dodged Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @dwhite12310 Thanks for the HahaHide @dwhite12310 COACHEMEE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME IF YOU SUB YOU SUB AND JOIN DISCORD YOU CAN GET INTO YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND SUB GAMES WITH FOGGED HIMSELF @foggedftw2 ~POG foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @dwhite12310 animal COACHEMEEE COACHME DODGED EZ Kappa COACHME Thanks for the HahaLean @dwhite12310 COACHME k COACHME Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 COACHME hi COACHME Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 COACHME COACHME Exchanging money for subscriptions is against the rules LUL ez Clap COACHME coachme Coachme DODGED KEKW DPOG wow HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge damn amk Coachme !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison pogu COACHME COACHME - CHAOCHEMEEE COACHME give me a sub COACHME COACHME WTF POG that a ton of cash homeslice COACHME COACHME foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME wtf COACHME foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedRIP oh boy COACHME COACHME thx man HahaLean @dwhite12310. pog COACHME NICE COACHME 3 Pog coachme L0L Coach me DWHITE YOU ARE A BEAST COACHME lol COACHME nice person Thanks for the HahaDoge @dwhite12310 COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEMEEE COACHME ads COACHME COACHEME COACHME COACHME foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME ResidentSleeper COACHME @dwhite12310 foggedGift foggedBird foggedFOGGERS COACHME COACHME PLEASE COACHME COACHME COACHME roll first coachme COACHME GIVE to me pls , i cant sub im poor :( COACHME COACHEMEEEE COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachmeCOACHME dodge @dwhite12310 thanks so much you rock! you gonna be top gifter of the month you keep that up COACKME atleast thank the guy who did it LUL pogchampppppppppppppppppppppppppp COACHEME COACHME PLS COACHME foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHME $$$$$$$$$$$$ COACHME COACHME . COACHME wow COACHME COACHME !opggs BRO UR GUNNA BE A FULL TIME COACH AT THIS RATE Pog Yikes COACHME COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @dwhite12310 Way to go man @dwhite12310 TY TU nice COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme HolidayOrnament COACHME Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 coachme Kappa COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !challenge coachme HahaPoint HahaTurtledove i have 2 emotes for free lol COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Hahaball COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !SUBHYPE NEVER LUCK foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird COACHME COACHME COACHME FOGGED COACHME COACHME l COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Pog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PogChamp PLZ COACHME foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME hahaBall COACHME DAD D-POGGERS-WHITE COACHME COACHME COACHME ok COACHME COACHME COACHME @dwhite12310 are you rich AND a nice person, how is that possible? !rank COACHME COACHME coachme foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME COACHME KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME WOW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME COACHME my favorite right clicker Pog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PMSTwin COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME damn gg @dwhite12310 COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME HahaBall COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME - COACHME But we TriHard COACHME COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME IMPREGNANT ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Thank you @dwhite12310 COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACH ME !challenge COACHME COACHME Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !COACHING $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !DISCORD COACHME COACHME. COACHME COACHME imtheq has won the giveaway. COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @foggedftw2 I'm from euw so how can that happen??? COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME - COACHMECOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !rank COACHME COACHME @dwhite12310, tHANK YOU! KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP PLZ COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME 100% worth coaching EVERY TIME COACHME COACHME - COACHME FOGGED ffCOACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME CONGRATS !opggs COACHME COACHME COACHME !discord @dwhite12310 have me concerned you are kid that is using parents account. if not, cool bro COACHME COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME NEED U 2 COACHME COACHME COACHME @mouheb18 he does his coachings through discord no matter the region COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME PLEASE COACHME !discord Coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME dwhite is out here maxing out his discover card coachme COACME - RIGGED COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME damn COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !RIGGED !build RIGGED foggedREE CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET I won! way thanks so much fogged rocks COACHME COACHME ysbutun has won the giveaway. COACHME Clap COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME - COACHME foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME !followage COACHME COACHME COACHME paolimdasvodka1 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 6 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 32 minutes, 15 seconds COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Pog !coaching COACHME $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME COACH COACHME !followage COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME @dwhite12310 thanks dwhite AAA RIGGED COACHME - COACHME COOOACHME @foggedftw2 Does it matter what lane you play in? Does it have to be top? COACHME pooooog COACHME COACHME coachme !followage !coaching COACHME coochie COACHME COACHME !rigged COACHME RIGGED foggedREE COACHME COACHME COACHME Rigged COAHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHEME LUL KEKW Yikes !rally Play Rally. Collect streamer cards, battle bosses, climb the leaderboards, and earn rewards. Grant access to the extension below and start playing. Use commands 💥!rally daily & !rally weekly💥to see the top damage dealers. COACHMR COACH ME !coaching COACHME COACHME coachme Rigged KEKW COACHME COACHME LUL COACHME KEKW woah COACHME COACHME e AHAHAHAA KEKW COACHME COACHME XD lol COACHME SKIP LUL COACHME LOL COACHME doesnt count RIGGED REROLL lul COACHME COACHME !coaching lame COACHME COACHME Yikes KEKW COACHME Congrats LUL LUL LUL LUL !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison PrideHi XD COACHME COACHME :O epic fail KEKW COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME LOL COACHME COACHME COACHME ha L0LL LUL COACHME !followage COACHME MrDestructoid COACHME @ysbutun what the hell ma COACHME COACHMECOACHME OH SHIT 1 COACHME OMEGELUL lindorynn has been following foggedftw2 for 10 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes, 4 seconds COACHME OMEGALUL KEKW foggedRNG KEKW COACHME nah already lost COACHME LOL COACHEMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COACHME lol COACHME !opgg im following lol coachme FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king COACHME COACHME COACHME He shouldn't win it anyways COACHME sKIP HIM COACHME COACHME COACHME KEKW COACHME COACHME - REROLL LOL LOLOL Shame hes not even here COACHME COACHME COACHME lmao SKIIIIIIIP COACHME !challenge cmonBruh COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME ShameShame !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME COACHME COACHME !opgg COACHME COACHME COACHME SHameShame DUDE SKIP HIM riggggereeeeddddddd COACHME COACHME COACH ME Shame COACHME COACHME COACHME don't enter you losers COACHME COACHME LUL reroll COACHME COACHME KEKW COACH,E COACHME COACHME COACHME KEKW unfollow after that KEKW COACHME coachme KEKW COACHME COACHME COACHME snap COACH ME not following cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Check out my new merch! hes not here COACHME !followage COACHME COACHME XD COACHME LOST COACHME COACHME PLZ COACHME he left chat @foggedftw2 LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL COACHME MOVE ON!!!! COACHME COACHME COACHMEEEEEEEEE Follow COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMEE COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme COACHME COACHME COACHME hes not here reroll turn following on boxREE boxREE boxREE SKIP. RIGGEEEEEDDDDDDD COACHME COACHEME KEKW COACHME COACHME COACHME SKIP COACHME COACHME He shouldn't win it anyways. COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME - karasmRed karasmRed karasmRed nope COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME TRYND LORD COACHME COACH ME COACHME DUDE LEFT THE CHAT LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @foggedftw2 probably lurking COACHME COACHME COACHME KEKW COACHME bot Kappa LUL LUL COACHME REROLL COACHME He left KEKW !followage COACHME forfeit give me a break COACHME hes gone boxGun boxGun boxGun COACHME COACHME COACHME Kekw RIIIP COACHME COACHME LUL TheEnigmaEngine has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 7 months, 1 week, 2 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes, 47 seconds COACHME reroll fuck em its a bot lol SKIP COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Coachme COACHME they were both afk COACHME SKIIP COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME skip COACHME HE ISNT HERE LOL COACHME hes not in chat COACHME skip COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME SKIP SKIIP SKIP KEKW its a robot SKIP SKIP SKIP COACHME SKIP SKIP SKIP skip COACHME SKIP SKIP SKIP COACHME COACHME he left KEKW skip SKI{ SKIP skip SKIP SKIP 5 skip SKIP SKIP skip skip COACHME. SKIP ski Skip !skip COACHME SKIP SKIP SKIP skip SKIP SKIPPP SKIP skip COACHME SKIP SKIPP skip skip SKIP SKIP slapyoazz has won the giveaway. SKIP !skip skip Skip SKIP SKI0 COACHME COACHME skip skip skip SKIP Kappa !opgg SKIP FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king COACHME COACHME Raffle SKIP COACHME skio skip COACHME SKIP SKIp COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME skip COACHME COACH ME COACHME COACHME skip COACHME SKIP skip COACHME COACHME COACHME SKIP SKIP COACHME COACHME COACH ME keep COACHEME COACHME COACHME skip his ass LUL SKIP COACHME Isn't even here lol SKIP Skip COACHME COACH ME SKIP COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHMECOACHME Skip COACHME Skip @slapyoazz grats SKIP COACHME COACHME COACHME coach me COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME SKIP COACHME skip COACHME SKIP l COACHME COACHME FOGGED skip COACHME COACHME COACHME COACHME Skip HES NOT IN THE CHAT KEEP THE GUY COACHME COACHME he doesnt trust gay boys like you Skip COACHME COACHME j COACH ME COACHME ski[ Skip COACHME COACHME COACHME Skip COACHME COACHME COACHME skiperino Skip COACHME He left @foggedftw2 skip SKIP skip COASHME someone clip and send him a DM KEKW he's gone ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper SKIP COACHME COACHME skip !king coach me coachme bery2496 subscribed with Twitch Prime. COACHME COACHME COACHME SKIPERINO COACHME SKIP COACHME RIGGED COACHME reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! COACHME LUL COACHME POG hes not in the chat anymore What a ldiot coachmecoachme Rigggggeeeedddddd OMG THATS ME coachme tgo3333 has won the giveaway. j !rigged RIGGED foggedREE LUL LUL LUL Skip COACHME COACHME COACHME LOL COACHME COACHME COACHME skip COACHME !guide COACHME Complete Tryndamere guide COACHMEM skip em skip COACHME foggedFrog COACHME COACHME COACHME coachme Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups COACHME COACH ME He asked to be skipped Kappa @slapyoazz foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Post this frog for our Fogged foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedProf My dear fellow, I have to inform you that I am a right-handed person therefor having a more muscular right arm than the left one. foggedProf skip COACHME SKIP COACHM COACHMEE skip skip COACHME ty :) skip boxNoo boxNoo boxNoo !coaching he's gone COACHME COACHME $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME rigged :D lets goo! COACHME Coachme Thanks for the Haha2020 @bery2496 COACHME COACHME POG a tfblade minion!!!!! COACHME COACHME skip COACHME Lol COACHME Coachme Obrigado pelo HahaThink @bery2496 skip COACHME COACHMEE COACHME COACHME SKIP coachme COACHME COACHING! COACHME !coaching COACHME COACHME @slapyoazz wow COACHME COACHME skip KEKW He said skip Kappa RIGGED SKIP Kappa Skip COACHME LOL POG COACHME COACHME s boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd gratz dood please not me COACHME COACHME !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to COACHME boxREE boxREE boxREE @slapyoazz poggggg RIGGED LUL COACHME COACHME COACHME Congratz RIGGEDDDD boxBob boxBob boxBob COACHME 3333333333333 COACHME COACHME RIGGED RIGGED COACHME RIGGED !coaching NomNom NomNom NomNom !rigged RIGGED foggedREE COACHME. COACHME NOT HERE karasmRed karasmRed karasmRed I WON! @foggedftw2 How come TFBlade has played 5 games as non-tryndamere champs? ;) pog COACHME HahaThink !build coachme CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET COACHME Congrats give away winners! Rigged NOT IN CHAT COACHME COACHME COACHME rigged LUL RIGGED smiteGood smiteGood smiteGood NOT IN CHAT LOL foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE COACH ME !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: rigged XD RIGGED !Whyjax Rigged TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. thx @foggedftw2 !followage Harmen69 has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 7 months, 5 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes, 21 seconds !coach !whyjax ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper xAthos_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. RIGGED reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @bery2496 TYYYYYY !followage WAIT Twitter: I coach for League of Legends. $50 for a review of one of your replays. $100 for a private 2 hour session off stream to take you to the next level.Youtube: to me on twitch! I need to set up one of my 50 coaching sessions... !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET I'm a winner too btw PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR hi, in !opggs 2500/1 chance of winning im guessing xD gg i thought you were on KingofTryndamere coachme Rigged DansGame DansGame !opggs !rank !whytryndamere Kappa KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP he is !king HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink !bet gift meh No gifted sub and no giveaway me BIG sad :((( lmao Guess i'll be in iron for another season :( !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to Im here for the last time Minerviper subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 34 !elo wow i cant believe i won Pog huh @foggedftw2 How come TFBlade has played 5 games as non-tryndamere champs? @foggedftw2 you can set it up so it only announces the total that was gifted in a single alert !followage yes PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight limitbreaker_k has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 6 months, 1 week, 4 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes, 13 seconds foggedHappy !king foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS foggedFOGGERS @foggedftw2 can u check since when i am a follower pls? ! challenge foggedFiesta foggedFiesta Cealygosa subscribed with Twitch Prime. another coaching session reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 399 more to pass teacrisis COACHME actualy is 793,33333/1 CHANCHE TO WIN lets go !CHALLENGE !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !followage !followage @JarDuHat why tryndamere? lol !challenge if you play senna support RUSH UMBRAL GLAIVE IT IS AN OP ITEM FOR VISION !subhype foggedBird foggedWurf foggedWeeb foggedTrynda THANKS FOR THE SUB! foggedTrynda foggedWeeb foggedWurf foggedBird @fillakia Click your own name i nchat !challenge !coaching $50 for a VOD review or $100 for a 2 hour session either on stream or off stream *** For 2 hour coaching be sure to have ranked games played on current patch. (at least 3). To set up a coaching session, send the donation in using donate link and send an email to !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET LUL u w0t !followage foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP d !whyjax !rank nice TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP denguskhan has been following foggedftw2 for 10 months, 3 weeks, 1 day, 16 hours, 48 minutes, 6 seconds congrats on winning xx ok Cat D: o fds foggedUlt foggedUlt l foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !followage Hella gifted subs hi im new, in love with your trynda :) which runes do u use? thumbs up from Italy !Bluid a jk @freelancer_g name !followage @dwhite12310 Pog lol !rank rigged! How much more to cross TF? lirikPOOP ; I need !opggs that 250 2416 subs! Congrats fogged. This challenge has really blown up. wait wtf @foggedftw2 How often do you update the spreadsheet? i got a sub dwhite gifted me a sub ty dude @JarDuHat go to sleep kid foggedWeeb foggedWeeb foggedWeeb @dwhite12310 PogChamp And I'll get it soon !build as opposed to whyjax CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET test @foggedftw2 poor Emmy got bounced off top 3 foggedW damn !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 61 LP (71-15) COACHME !discord Ryvule subscribed with Twitch Prime. @greenv1rus feel free to use me :) U do that reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hai !runes Check spreadsheet. NOTE: In s10, you take Conq instead of Grasp. All else is the same. Last Game (Tryndamere): Conqueror > Triumph > Legend: Alacrity > Last Stand | Transcendence > Nimbus Cloak | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor lol i wasnt even in the chat and i got sub @GreenV1rus PogChamp !followage foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog tfbMine tfbMine tfbMine tfbMine Edebalici10 has been following foggedftw2 for 7 months, 1 week, 7 hours, 33 minutes, 47 seconds quinna1Dab who plays rally guys? @freelancer_g sure thing loser PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight hi @fillakia since April 4th 2018 :) !opggs ! challenge FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump t !uptime 1 hour 15 minutes 4 seconds !runes !following !king !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !followage Death8lade has been following foggedftw2 for 2 months, 2 days, 6 minutes, 23 seconds @JarDuHat u know your a little girl OHIO STATE CHAIR EW fv BIG SAD !followage !freeCoachForPoorPeople !followage what are the benefits of subbing? !challenge !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !challenge Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! no adverts @JarDuHat little idiot girl pahahahah @freelancer_g think you at me first with your lack of understanding @Todamaxtv THE ohio state LMAO KEKW !op.ggs !rank !build KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET !opggs hi !opggs !opggs @freelancer_g stop looking for little girls you creaper !challange !followage !opggss ilventu has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 7 months, 1 week, 3 days, 21 minutes, 37 seconds Hello, whos winning? !opggs Imagine having a 1 million bit badge !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedR @JarDuHat does not matter man you r little girl foggedUlt did rally get reset? SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog YOU GET LUCK !followage sub check foggedULT foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Check out my new merch! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog I'm OTP Heimer.. Am I welcomed here? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog unlucky Is ghost better than ignite to teamfight ? @foggedftw2 foggedFrog foggedFrog LUCK FOR !following foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 Thoughts on Last Stand vs Coup De Grace? COACHING foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !followage foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog xAthos_ has been following foggedftw2 for 1 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 SPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrogSPAM THIS foggedFrog WHEN YOU SUB TO FOGGED foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedFrog WTF tf blade cheated, he played other champs SUPPORT THE STREAM!!!! @foggedftw2 SUB GAMES Subscribe to not have ads KEKW foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !opggs foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedW @freelancer_g grrrr im so mad at your lame insult !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @foggedftw2 got to be from Ohio with that chair lol foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog the luck is real too, i've never won when i wasn't a sub :) @foggedftw2 How are u 1 whole rank ahead of blade? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedKappa foggedKappa !opgg wazaaaaaaaap FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king whats the deal with this challenge? !opgg foggedCorgi don t forget to change w/l in title !rank @naruto42 !whyjac foggedCarry foggedCarry foggedCarry foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog ay !followage foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog GiannhsGRE has been following foggedftw2 for 1 year, 4 months, 1 week, 6 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, 54 seconds !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. Why do your q's take long af lololol !challenge Whos winning? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedUlt foggedRIP !whyjac foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !king foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Elise vs ekko? foggedBaby foggedCorgi foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @madcowskillz His roomate played for Ohio State and he thought it fit @foggedftw2 Still shooting hoops? foggedRightArm foggedRightArm @danj1114 he waits a bit between to prevent snipe i believe how long is queue up to now foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !challenger foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP HahaLean foggedRightArm !challenge @foggedftw2 is elise just a better ekko? Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison what the fck r u doing morkins bitch @foggedftw2 how long have you been streaming foggedBaby Bghbgh123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Only 9 months, Destroy Tfblade! foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight !ranks !ranks @foggedftw2 im from uk how much is coaching session in british pounds !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP !opggs i'm new here, so what happens if tryndamere is banned? Invoke operation troll? sroDab !king !challenge @daylun2016 money converters can be googled... how to i beat ryze ? @foggedftw2 @i8ursoup ahh okay thanks man SPAM THIS FROG 🐸 TO HELP FOGGED 🐸 (pleb version) ! elo freelancer shut up is ur q busted? ! challenge !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @parco Fogged dodges is elise just a better version of ekko? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog SPAM THIS FROG 🐸 TO HELP FOGGED 🐸 (pleb version) :( SPORT THE foggedFrog IF YOU'RE WITH FOGGED !opggs @freelancer_g just stop typing dude Both TF and Fogged have won all their games todday @i8ursoup no shit! that's gotta happen a lot then Is it just me or is the foggedrightarm emote actually a left arm? foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog did that one guy from yesterday ever give you that C Note for skipping to D2? !Challenge foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !guide Complete Tryndamere guide @MidnightxPMC what so £40 or £39.98 foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king Sport the 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 if you are with fogged 🐸🐸🐸🐸 !king !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET @kapatic16 No he didn't you are very fast speak i dont understand foog FailFish FailFish !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog whats promos ? best tryndamere skin? @foggedftw2 hey it's frogged foggedFrog foggedPepega Are you allowed to dodge troll teams @EmmyLeeC this can not stand. I will rectify this immediately. when do u pick conq or ft? in which situation foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog dodging is a 5 minute ban right? hands down doesn't increase if you do it a lot? foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby !rank foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @PinkWardlol LUL !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !opgg foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog !challengew !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 Check out my new merch! !challange foggedEmmy Hi Fogged, long time YT follower, new sub. TY for the games and Tryn tricks. @daylun2016 I think 38ish. Ask Emmy there might be something else that happens with paypal when money converts !guide !opggs Complete Tryndamere guide foggedFrog foggedRightArm foggedLUL foggedDerp !challenge !challenge foggedThink !ranks !champs Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups: Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 61 LP (71-15) foggedTrynda foggedTrynda OSFrog foggedFrog Spam FROGS TO HELP OUT FOGGED OSFrog foggedFrog rockcircle is continuing the Gift Sub they got from SwatKats! !opggs @foggedftw2 do you still get -10 LP if you dodge multiple times in a short period like last season? @foggedftw2 how to pronounce name stop it morkins bitch !opggs foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog wow TF's played a lot of games not on trynd !watchtime pepeClap @i8ursoup no just 3 foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy foggedEmmy !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king wow fogged is a grinder WHAT IF U REACH RANK 1 BEFORE NEW YEAR? 😂😂😂😂 U CAN BE THE RANK 1 GLOBAL BEATER CANT U? foggedTrynda sucks that trynd is getting banned that much !opgg !rank !build CHECK OUT THE BUILD/RUNES IN THE SPREADSHEET KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP foggedFOGGERS !opggs foggedFOGGERS hi @EmmyLeeC Ah, thanks :) that will be nice for my ranked games foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog HahaCat foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby !opggs !subscribe subscribe at foggedProf foggedWizard foggedSMOrc foggedTilt foggedLUL foggedDog foggedRightArm foggedRNG foggedFiesta foggedW foggedFOGGERS foggedFrog foggedEmmy foggedREE foggedWurf foggedBird foggedGasm foggedHappy foggedWeeb foggedDerp foggedThink foggedRIP YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ?! IT'S ONLY $4.99 OR FREE WITH TWITCH PRIME!! GET IT NOW! AND ALSO YOU'RE SUPPORTING FOGGED ! <3 SPAM 🐸 THIS 🐸 FROG 🐸 TO 🐸 HELP 🐸 FOGGED 🐸 love this channel !rank how wtf hahahaha 400 subs, how? xD !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king wait tf blade has played other champs ?!?!? How much do you think tfblade paid the elo assassins last game? They weren’t very effective. foggedWurf foggedWizard !king @foggedftw2 have you ever played FFXI? !opggs foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog What is that bet? Can someone explain me? Yeah dodging is a successful climbing mechanic ResidentSleeper foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird !opgg @sueka88 he's allowed to in promos ! foggedRNG foggedGift foggedPepega very chill music im in low diamond on my unranked-challenger grind and holy crap its awful !challenge @alexcat6 Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 hey so are you going to amsterdam for twitch con next year or not ? 5Head LOL foggedWeeb KEKW !king @Mimid17 we plan on it What is the voice ew I know how i would feel foggedPepega Tf blade playing Lee now It is when you get trolled in queues @RedSeal14 foggedCorgi so did fogged win? TF Blade is playing other champs !opggs @foggedftw2 TFblade dodgin 2 games ina row cuz trynd is banned xD !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP foggedUlt POG foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt @falconshot33 Thanks Robot voice guy sounds like a sex offender foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP GAREN?! wrong spin champ foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby @booraadly !whyjax @evanseven ahaa, thanks !ranks !opggs Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 61 LP (71-15) does show the banned champs anywhere? @foggedftw2 I have an issue of either playing very well, absolutely even, or very badly in top lane. Any advice for coming back after losing a lvl 1-3 all in? @foggedftw2 are you getting to masters tonight? if i donate a dollar every day for 100 days can u coach me Did you ever actually play that Sanguine Blade Garen game @foggedftw2 ? ah... such a peaceful music foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird @Schalimah It does when he's in a live game @thecooch21 might be better to wait 100 days and do it all at oonce foggedProf !whyjax TF Blade played Other Champs because Fogged allowed it after he was getting sniped and target banned. Only allowed for Diamond and Master promos. ssjRollin ssjDeep ssjRollin ssjDeep @Schalimah yes on the right side what about conq against jax? !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 61 LP (71-15) wait tfblade has better WR foggedW PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight Raise coaching prices @foggedftw2 this phone cover is everything <3 420 foggedPepega foggedPepega Just for this month thats no fun @MidnightxPMC foggedThink and i have no self control to save @MidnightxPMC !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison any tips on playing kassadin? foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt what is the challlenge fog !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP @foggedftw2 I have an issue of either playing very well, absolutely even, or very badly in top lane. Any advice for coming back after losing a lvl 1-3 all in? KEKW @2nd_page_of_google_search Yes stick to nocturne Kappa @foggedftw2 same problem for me. its stuick at 0 seconds KEKW lol league system KEKW RIOT IS DED indie company man KEKW not their fault KEKW tfblade payed riot billion dollar client Who's going to dodge this happened 3 days ago RIOT GAMES KEKW @foggedftw2 Happened to me ion draft phase xD Enemy team had 0 bans hhhhh !opggs happened to me earlier too wtf This is a reacurring bug, client will prob fix itself in 30 mins eu ranked was also down erlier bc off dcs league is dying oh my! RI OMEGALUL T ForGodsSake subscribed at Tier 1. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yeah riot is going boom @MidnightxPMC 100$ for 2 hours isn't enough ? lol CLASH BROKE CLIENT AGAIN KEKW Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @forgodssake just imagine if riot broke there game forever :o haha Thanks for the HahaThink @teacrisis NICE RIOT LITERALLY had the same problem euw 6 hours ago i mean am in game rn so Thanks for the HahaLean @j_nxs wont let me do runes either tfblade had to dodge 2 times again now stops lol :D Riot Games: We are doing a roll back Hey that's Dun RIOT LUL Who’s winning? I just queued up and I have a timer that's work Im really struggling to know when i need to go teamfight or split, any advice? @foggedftw2 Check out me working out my right arm in my latest instagram post! easy win broooo just got in a match only fish for dinner what ur currentrank @foggedftw2 ????????? @Swimfree check prices from other streamers. Plus this month he is super busy and should make sure he isnt swamped +2500 ^^ PowerUpL foggedHappy HahaShrugRight they are investigating the game i just played... i did well for once, so they are resetting servers to figure out what happened... Promos? How is this still happening? RITO PLS wht lp are you at now TFBlade is quitting as well oVER THE LAST MONTH RIOT IS FALLING APARTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT fav trynd skin? 2420 SUBS !skins Skins rank of how i like em, Sultan > Highlander > King > Chemtech > irrelevant !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison relog 420!!!!!!!!! @foggedftw2 How many mastery points do you have on tryndamere? !elo KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP PowerUpL foggedFrog PowerUpR why is every message duplicating for me? RELOG KEKW he is getting off foggedRIP hes getting off foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP nah tf blade stopped playing just now foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt ssjHilarious foggedTrynda foggedTrynda !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 51 LP (71-15) foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird foggedBird !uptime CLASH BREAKING CLIENT AND SERVERS AGAIN KEKW 10 YEARS RUNNING BTW KEKW 1 hour 26 minutes 37 seconds foggedBaby foggedBaby ANGERY foggedBaby !opgh Is this the client protesting addition of aphelios? foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog foggedDog He is going off foggedBird foggedRIP whats up ma guy $50 for a vod review, $100 for a 2 hour coaching session. Check out my discord by typing !discord in chat to look at testimonials from people who have had my coaching before! league iis working for me. myt game just started TFblade just got offline What’s better than 420 subs? CiGrip 2 420 subs CiGrip CiGrip !king update you system32.exe Is this the client protesting against aphelios being added? @foggedftw2 1 to 10 how good is tryndamere now with new conq? YT rewind 2019 KEKW fogg, taxation is theft what is the goal for the challenge ? runes? @ShadowForm420 pretty good, but i think fogged most matchups still goes lethal tempo indie company weirdChamp Rip does this mean stream ends early? foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !rank KingOfTryndamere is Diamond I 69 LP my game jsut froze at champ select Check out my new merch! !ranks Fogged: Diamond I 69 LP (66-16) | TFBlade: Diamond II 51 LP (71-15) ah thanks ty exit client !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison has TF demoted? foggedftw, taxation is theft who's winning can u just quit client? @foggedftw2 who u think gonna win ? NotLikeThis come on riot is that a loss? BRING BACK LOSS FORGIVEN omg mid lane viktor main DUN its free game :( !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to do challenges ASAP for my quarterback club so we can get our free skins! If you arent in the club already you can join here !rank KingOfTryndamere is Unranked did blade just lose? why his lp decreased but his W-L not changed? current rank? Rip riot ruining my learning time :l foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP try restarting client? loss prevented still exksts6 @foggedftw2 your queue froze at 4:20 for days and now this? Kappa off early baby! hype @foggedftw2 Ya TFBlade hopped off - think the client is gone if there wore no tax riot would have more mony to fix client great nooooo free 2500 incoming today nooo don't go PepeHands rank? !king !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison !ranks Fogged: is Unranked | TFBlade: is Unranked !opggs @foggedftw2 have you seen red mercies new league pokemon challenge bruh wtf i think @foggedftw2 gonna tfbYOINK tfblade and win the bet Kappa kinda the same happened to me today on the euw servers then they disabled ranked and I only got 9lp FeelsBadMan lol danny already played more games than i did in all season 9 !challenge Foggedftw2 will be competing against TF Blade for playing Tryndamere only to the highest LP they can get by the end of the year. Loser gifts the winner's chat 500 subs. We will dodge if Tryndamere is banned or picked from us. !opggs for accounts comparison @foggedftw2 thanks for the stream fogged enjoy the rest of your day! this happened to me close it no? I fell on my ass bone and now I feel like I broke my spine !challenge and it gave me a dodge timer if the game freezes like this it means the api calls didnt go through. cant get or lose lp !opggs ssjViviThump foooooooggedftw, taxation is theft olaf top monkaS try restarting client foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP !opggs @foggedftw2 did you try turning it off and on again? we chilling this will be fucked if they give you a wait timer khezuD foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP *Jeopardy Music* foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP LY foggedRIP foggedRIP WAIT riot CYA man Check out my new merch! LOVE U HeyGuys O NO just sit in chat and talk to us for 2 hours foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP <3 foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP What happened @foggedftw2 thx for stream cya foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog we luv u bb foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP zwagUlt zwagUlt zwagUlt zwagUlt zwagUlt zwagUlt foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 Host RICK FOX !opggs !OPGGS foggedTrynda foggedTrynda foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 Are you comming back any soon? Bye Danny thank you dad foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @foggedftw2 host rick fox byeee why always Sultan Tryndamere? foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @emmyleec yes!!!!! foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt !opgg FOR CHALLENGE ACCOUNT TYPE !king I demoted back to silver 4 foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt foggedUlt Rick Fox pls hes doing a charity stream BibleThump Click the link for a guide to all Tryndamere matchups foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP wuuut LUL LOOOOL PowerUpL trkGasp WE L I V E trkGasp PowerUpR LOL :( RIP host foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP wait foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog i just got here tho